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Shri Yogeshwara Puja: Having An Enlightened Brain
United States
New Jersey
Shri Yogeshwara Puja. New Jersey (USA), 2 October 1994. Today we are going to worship Shri Krishna as Yogeshwara. As it is, you know that Vishnu's first incarnation as a human being was Vamana avatar. And then went till He came as Shri Ram. So, the past of Shri Krishna was Shri Ram. And when Shri Rama came on this earth, He went into lots of austerities, to go to jungle, His wife was lost, whom He had to find out. And to establish the benevolent king on this earth, He was made the king of Ayodhya. But all His life it was a struggle and austerities which He followed. As a result, the people who followed Shri Ram became extremely austere. They used to sleep on the grass because Shri Ram had to sleep on the grass for so many years. They used to wear wooden slippers. They would just wear very little clothes or one dhoti, just like Shri Rama wore when His wife was out. All these austerities they did to show how a householder should be. He never enjoyed any other life as a man, but just lived like an ascetic when His wife was lost. All these things were to establish also a very ideal personality for a man to be attached to His wife. He was a person with Ekapatnivrata, means: one wife. Though She knew She was Mahalakshmi, She was a Goddess, but still He was forced to do things because He wanted to show how a benevolent king should be. In the second incarnation of His, when He came as Shri Krishna, then He had to neutralize all these austerities He has put on people. - Ha. So, Shri Krishna came on this earth. In His childhood He had to also face lots of problems which He surpassed, and He went and killed His uncle, as you know very well, who was a rakshasa. After doing all this, then He went to Dwarika, which He built - now they have found out where is Dwarika - and He became the king of Dwarika. To understand Shri Krishna in Sahaja Yoga is much more subtler than the stories that they tell. [aside] ... move it - better. ? The stories are there, but behind these stories, as being Sahaja Yogis, you have to see the subtle things about His incarnation. So, the first one was, He was Leeladhara, means the One who said this is all a play. That means you have to become a witness. So, He said that your mind should become just a witness. At Virata stage He becomes Akbar. And at that stage He is the mind, the brain of the great primordial Being. So, first He thinks that we have to become witness, witness of the drama, and we should not get lost into the Maya. If you are a witness you can see the Maya, how it works. So the first, first subtle nature of Shri Krishna was to create a Leela to neutralize all the austerities created by the incarnation of Shri Rama. But the second great quality that He had is also to put the Maya on people. So, if He is the brain, our brain should become a sakshi, should become a witness, witness the play. You should not take anything as something extremely serious. When you look at things as sakshi swarupa, as something that you are watching a drama, you may for the time being feel that you are Napoleon, you are the one who is acting. But after some time the play is over, you know it's a play. So, to reach that state, you have to become thoughtlessly aware. Because we think from our brain, and this brain goes on thinking, thinking, creating a Maya, and playing into Maya. Now, here it is when you are a realized soul, you should see through the Maya. Everything that I am doing or you are doing, should be understood very well if you are really the reflection of Shri Krishna's brain. So, in your brain, there should be no worry, there should be no stress, there should be no problem, because you are just watching everything in thoughtless awareness. So, when you are thoughtless awareness, means when your brain is just in the state of witness, you understand everything that is Divine. I'll give you an example, just now it happened. I got into the car and they didn't know where to go, and we went onto wrong road, then I told him " Go this way ". So he was wondering " How Mother knows?" I said " Vibrations! " Through vibrations I could feel we are ther - they are all there, sitting there, - and we came round. Unless and untill you are thoughtlessly aware, you cannot grow, that is first thing. And secondly, unless and until you are thoughtlessly aware, you do not know the absolute Truth. Through your brain only you will know. You don't have to put your hands, you don't have to ask questions. But it's like a computer that works, it just gives you an answer. In that state you are completely one with the Divine, and it just gives you an answer, and you do that and you are amazed how it has worked out. Everything, every moment is computerized with Shri Krishna. But at the same time He tests you, He plays His Leela on you. That one must know, because He's a diplomat. How He has played Leela on you is very interesting to see, His style of Leela. Like He's told Arjuna that " I will not fight ". Arjuna said: " All right, what will you do? " " I'll be your charioteer, I'll drive your chariot. " Now it would look funny to anybody: " What is this, such a great man who calls me as His guru, He says that He is the one who, I mean, He says that I am the best of His disciples, everything, and here He just offers His services like a charioteer. " In this, He is just trying a trick on Arjuna. As if He knows the future that's going to happen. So, the whole Gita was created because He was just a charioteer, because Arjuna said " I cannot fight my own people, I cannot fight my own grandparents, and I cannot fight my relations. " Now, if you say that Gita is for peace, it is not. It is not for peace. But He says that: " They are already dead, whom are you killing? These dead people, if you are killing them what will happen? But if you now run away from the battlefield, people will call you a coward, and what will you get? But if you fight for the religion, then you will get your resurrection - moksha." It's a big trick in all these things. Same was said by Mohammed Sahib, and same by Christians later, same about the Hindus - that they all feel they are fighting for Dharma. In Arjuna's case, it was a clear-cut case that somebody was a rakshasa and horrible people, they were adharmis, so He was fighting them, it's all right. But what about other people when they say that " We are going to die for religion "? I met a Bosnia muslim who had just somewhere escaped and I asked Him " Why, why do you want to fight? Why do you want to fight for land when you believe in the formless God? " He said: " It's written in the Koran that if you fight for religion then you will get your moksha. " Exactly the same Shri Krishna has said. But where is the mistake? The mistake is: what is the Dharma? Are you dharmic? Are you in - standing in Dharma? Then this fight was in those days, were with weapons. So, why did Shri Krishna not take a weapon in His hand? This is the second. Firstly, nobody has Dharma, they're all adharmis - they may call themselves hindus, muslims, christians - all are adharmis, they don't follow the religion. And secondly, they are killing each other only, one adharmi killing other adharmi, or maybe in between themselves they are fighting: everybody is thinking " I am right and whatever I am doing is the right. " So, the first condition is put that for Dharma you have to fight. So first, one should find out: are we fighting for Dharma? But He was even subtler, He didn't take any weapons in His hands, nothing. He was just holding the reins of the chariot. Because Shri Krishna is the mind, is the Virat, is the great Mind, He doesn't need any weapons or such. But what He did at that time, He used His mind for a very very profound knowledge, to explain to Arjuna. Imagine, in the warfield, He didn't make Him sit down " All right, you are my Shishya, you sit here, I am your guru, I'll tell you. " - nothing. In the battlefield you see, when everybody was there to fight and they were about to start the war, He starts telling very patiently to Arjuna, at that time. Now, what is He doing there? He's not using any weapons, nothing. He is being counselling, counselling to Arjuna, telling him. Now, see His subtle brain. He introduces in the first chapter only that " You have to go higher then what you are. " And then He gives him the definition of a person who is an enlightened person which is a Sthitha Pragnya. I mean, normally, a businessman will start from one dollar, then hundred dollars, you see, the other way round. But He told him first thing that " You have to become a Sthitha Pragnya, otherwise it's no use. " Unless and until you become Sthitha Pragnya you cannot have Dharma, this is the point. To understand Shri Krishna, you have to really have a very subtle brain, otherwise you cannot understand. So, He tells that " You should give up this kind of a morose that has developed in you, Kaivalya I will call it. And what you have to do, now take up the weapon in your hand and fight. " So, then, He asked him about other things, " What about that: You are here telling me that you should become Nishkriya, that means "no work". Your karmas become akarmas. Now, talking like this, and why do you want me to kill these people - that is akarma? " Now, how you see, slowly removes from one point that you should fight for Dharma. Now, it's a very subtle thing: are you in Dharma or not, first of all find out? You are not, so what Dharma you fight, first? Then, the second thing is karma. Again, see, He is a brainy fellow, the brains of God, extremely tricky. The second trick He plays on Him saying that " You are working, all right? But if you are a Sthitha Pragnya, then you leave all the work at the lotus feet of God " or Him.[Hindi phrase, UNCLEAR] "Give up all Dharmas and follow Me. " Now what is his Dharma? That problem is that people don't understand Him. It's all concentrated on Shri Krishna, and His own manifestation. [aside] He says that " Do your karmas. But you put them at the lotus feet of the Lord! " - It's not possible unless and until you are Sthitha Pragnya, unless and until you are enlightened. Now, when you are enlightened, when you have got your realization, when you raise your Kundalini or anybody's Kundalini, you don't say " Mother, I am giving realization ". You don't say that, never. What you say: " It is happening ", in third person you talk. " It's not coming, it's not working or it's just moving on the side. This chakra is catching, that chakra is catching. " You never say " I am doing anything ", the 'I' is lost. When that 'I' is lost, than only you will put everything at the lotus feet of God. So, first, it should be done in Dharma. Supposing, somebody murders somebody and say " Oh, I have done it now, so it is my karmas and I put it at the lotus feet of Shri Krishna. " Now, people can, I mean, people have special brains also to interprete Shri Krishna and Gita. But what He said for Dharma you should do it. So, first of all, you should be a Sthitha Pragnya, means an enlightened person, and whatever you do automatically goes at the lotus feet of God, automatically, spontaneously, Sahaj. Now, the third thing He did: What about bhakti? People said " What? We are doing bhakti to God, this, that, then what is the reward for this? " There again He plays tricks. On one word He has made everybody dance, you know? He says " You do bhakti, but it should be Ananya, " - this is the word, Ananya, - when there is not the other, means when you have become One with Me, means you are a Sthitha Pragnya, means you are a realized soul. Just imagine, on this word if people pay attention, they will give up all this nonsense of bhakti and will first get their connection when they become Ananya and then do the bhakti. Because Shri Krishna knew human beings very well. I think, He knew them better than Christ - definitely - because Christ was straightforward. He said: " Take out your right eye, throw it away. Take out your left eye, throw it away. Cut your hand, throw it away." Same with Mohammed Sahib. Who will do that? So, Shri Krishna was very clever, He said: straightforward they will not understand, so give them in such a way that they will go on doing and doing, we are doing so much bhakti, so many people come into it. Even this Ram, Hari Ramas, they are developing now throat cancers. So, they are saying " Mother, why these throat cancer to us, we are saying the name of Sri Krishna?" " Because you are not connected. " Now supposing, I will even want to meet the president of this country. I'll have to go through such a protocol. I may not even meet. But this One is the God of Gods. He is the President of all the presidents. If you have to take His name, if you go and take name of Lincoln, of Clinton, and go on saying " Clinton, Clinton Clinton ", they'll all arrest Me. So, if you go on saying " Rama, Rama, Rama, Allah, Allah, Allah, Akbar, Akbar, Akbar ", you'll be arrested. You have no connection. So, that Virata Shakti which we call, which is of course in Koran described as Akbar, this power also plays tricks. As a Mother, I have to warn you that nothing will work out unless (and) until you are a realized soul. Nothing will work out. Now, for realization, He has said: " You have to become ". But He didn't say at that time how you will become, what will work it out. Because you see, sort of, if you go to college, all the knowledge is not given in first year. Something is given, then something in second year, then in third year. Now in the seventh year, now Sahaja Yoga has come to tell you everything, totally. He is Totality, but He doesn't give total knowledge. The whole knowledge of Gita is nothing but trick that He has played with human beings who were stupid, and would never have understood Him if He'd told them about Sahaja Yoga. Even today I meet many like that, of course, but so many He could not have got at that time. So, they didn't talk about Kundalini this much, so far, and that's all. Same with other people. The kind of disciples they had, the kind of people they had, they could not tell them everything about their ascent, because they were not ready, they were not of that level, their brains were not that developed. Now in this Kali Yuga, when I am starting this work, I find their brains are overdeveloped, over. And so much so that overdeveloped brains become stupid and that's really. Overuse of anything makes you stupid, and they become absolutely stupid. Now, how can you tell them such a subtle knowledge who are stupid people? What is the way? If I talk like Shri Krishna it would have been just a waste of My energy and your energy. Half of you would have gone off to sleep. So I said, first of all, let Me connect them to Divinity. If I could connect them to Divinity - little bit even, little bit - then they will understand. Because that will enlighten their brain a little bit, and they will know that there's something more than what we know. And that's how it is going to work out. So the subtle system of trickery of Shri Krishna has helped a lot, no doubt, that people are realizing that there is something missing in it. Even of Islam - Islam means surrender - but surrender to whom? To mullahs - or to whom? The problem started when [Hijak, a name - UNCLEAR] he started like that. There are mullahs and there are this. So, the surrender part became surrender to these stupid mullahs. I've seen most of them are absolutely stupid. And they take a cane in their hands in the other, you see they beat, even women they beat. You are supposed to do Pujas five times and if you don't do them, Pujas five times, they call it silla [UNCLEAR], then they beat women. Every shop must be closed five times. I tell you, they are such hypocritical people naturally, because if you are asked to do five times meditation, say, you will never do it, but you will just do it out of fear. Out of fear if you do something, what's the use? Now, whatever Muhammed Sahib has said or Christ has said, it is only for angels, I can tell you, not for normal people. And where are the angels? Very few there are: those are born-realized people who have come on this earth are angels. And they are told not to do something they will not do. Most of them know what is right and wrong. Where are those angels, very few? And those who are angels are treated just like, you can call it, like packed people or lunatic people, - nobody believes them. One here and one there and one in some other place. So this, what they preached was for the angels. Only the angels could understand. But Shri Krishna thought that these other people who are there, who are not angels, why not trick them? Many people come and tell me: " We take the name of Krishna every day like this, and we haven't received anything. " But first He said, " You have to be Sthitha Pragnya. " Sthitha Pragnya: 'Sthitha' means established, 'Pragnya' means enlightened, - you should be enlightened personality, absolutely established. First thing, first thing you see, in a second chapter. First thing is it. After that He says all these things, and that's why many people have misunderstood Gita. But His idea was: in one life they'll misunderstand, second life they'll misunderstand, third life they will start thinking " After all, what is this?" First, He has said "You become a Sthitha Pragnya", we have not become a Sthitha Pragnya. So, what's wrong with us? " So, some introspection will start. That was His idea, idea I should say. But I have seen people who can give lectures on Gita hours together, but their brains are closed completely. Now, to say that He didn't say anything about Kundalini is there. That's why Gyaneshwara in the twelvth century took permission from his brother who was his guru that " Allow me, at least, to say about Kundalini. " And that is how it was exposed a little bit. Of course, before that also, we have had people like Adi Shankaracharya, the sixth century, and before that also Markandeya. But they talked about the Kundalini, that's all, praised the Kundalini. But that She passes through six centers, how will It raise and all that. And not about the future, that this will happen one day. So many have written, of course. But I would say that precisely the one who has written complete description of Sahaja Yogis even is by Gyaneshwara in the poetry called Pasaydan in which he exactly said what will happen, how many people will get realization and he said that " You the people, who are the forests of the trees, boon-giving trees, Kalpakaruna, boon-giving trees, you rise and give it to others. " Then he says that " You are the oceans who are giving ambrosia talks." He has described you in such a beautiful manner that you should read the translation of Pasaydan and then you will know what you are, how you have been praised by him. And he said that you will loose other relationship and the only relationships will be these. They will be your real relations. To say all these things, to have such a vision, he must be a great incarnation himself. So, this is how in Gyaneshwari, which is a commentary of Gita, he has put in the sixth chapter, now is a commentary on Gita, but in the sixth chapter he said how you can get your realization. About Kundalini, how it will work out. So, gradually it was all unfolded. And gradually people also developed their spiritual state to understand. Supposing, I had started Sahaja Yoga even hundred years back, I would not have even one single disciple, one single Sahaja Yogi. The reason was, the people were all right, they were on value system, all right. Their life was very much satisfying, they were very peaceful. They were just interested in some horses or something like that. But now, you find people are so much disturbed, so much in trouble, so much in chaos this in Kali Yuga, it's the height of Kali Yuga now. So much of immorality, so much of dissatisfaction in life that they have to now think where to go. Like a shock the future is waiting for them and now what should they achieve. So, the whole this Bhranti, illusion of life starts staring at them, and then they start thinking " What is this, what am I doing, what have I done, why is it so? Why everything in a chaos, why is it happening? " Then the seeking starts and with their seeking now, you know what has happened, that you all have got your realization. Without the seeking it would not have been even possible for Me to talk to you at all about Sahaja Yoga. It is because you are seekers I can talk to you. And it has worked out, I am very happy that it has worked out in America. Another quality, is a great quality of Shri Krishna, is that He is Gauchara [HINDI ?], means His element is firmament, what we call Akash, and He penetrates into everything. He penetrates into everything. He penetrates into the - what do you call that - anu, renu, paramanu, three things - atoms. Into little atoms it goes and it shakes them. Now, if you ask any scientist, he'll tell you that there is an asymetric, symetric vibrations even in atoms. Now, how can this energy be existing there? Because He can penetrate into anything and because of this, He's so penetrating, that He encompasses everything: into matter, into animals, into human beings, into realized souls He penetrates. In the matter it is just a vibrations, in the animals it is just a guiding force, it's tremendous guiding force. Like birds from Siberia flying down to Australia: who gives them the sense of direction? We never think about it. There are so many things animals are doing. They have such a sense of understanding. Like a tiger in the, say, in the forest: all the animals know that there is a tiger in the forest, they are all quiet, respecting their king. He kills, say one cow or could be some animal, they just respect him. The thing what he has killed is left for one day, nobody touches it. See the protocol: now when he comes back next day, he eats to his own satisfaction, then the tigress, then the children, they eat. Once they have finished with it, then one by one, in the order of protocol, all the animals eat that animal, the last of all are crows which are perhaps vegetarians, I should say. But the protocol is maintained. If a lion is sitting, you can make it out there won't be even a little sound anywhere. So, it guides the animals and animals keep their character. They are not like human beings. For example, a snake is a snake and a tiger is a tiger. But human beings can be snake, tiger, leopard - anything together. They might be dogs, they might be small little worms, they could be anything. Combinations of so many things, because they have passed through these Yonis, as they call them, these species. So, all these kinds of combinations, permutations, combinations inside of the past is existing. And if somebody can take you to your subconscious, I have seen this, people start barking like a dog, and sometimes they behave like tigers, this can happen. All this is within us, the past, with all these complicated personalities. Some are like owls, always very serious, you know, hawk-like, some are like chirping birds. But there are so many combinations they have in them, that it is very difficult, you know, to make them little straightforward. They are so much entangled. First to remove all the entanglement. And then to raise the Kundalini. The best part of the organization is, which is made, that consciousness is vertically placed. Subconscious and Supraconscious sort. Supraconscious righthandside of yours and the Subconscious lefthandside of yours. And in the central the path is left on. This is the Sushumna path. It is the Mahalakshmi's path. It is the path, which leads you to the state of Virat, to the state of your brain. So now, the combination of three things work out. The brain is the Virat, heart is Shiva, and the liver is Brahmadeva. All these three powers are there. But at that time, when you are realized, then your brain surrenders to Shiva, to the principle of Shiva, that is the Spirit. Brain is surrendered, surrendered not by force or anything, but to absorb the power of the Spirit, the brain gets surrendered completely to the Spirit, so that the Spirit enlightens the brain. It is the enlightenment of the brain that gives you all this subtle understanding. It is to make your brain understand, there are so many blissful happenings, people are blessed: once, twice, thrice - then they are surprised, the brain starts thinking. " How did I get this blessing, how did it happen to me, how could I get my transformation? " So slowly-slowly they start trusting their heart, means they start trusting their Spirit, they start trusting their devotion. And this is how the bhakti is absolutely done without any desire, without any asking, without any obligation, just in oneness. Because the brain joins hands with the heart, we can say. Now, also the Brahmadeva becomes surrendered. As a result, what happens: that your liver is surrendered to your brain. When this happens - when your liver is surrendered to your brain - whatever you do is all enlightened work. Whatever you do: whether you sing, whether you're a government servant, whether anything - whatever you do with your brain, anything through the Swadishthana or through the Brahmadeva, it is an enlightened work. As it is the brain which is enlightened, which is connected with this All Pervading Power, whatever you are doing, whatever your ideas are, being absolutely enlightened means that you achieve them. Enlightened brain, whatever it thinks, it is thinking as well as achieving - both together. It's a thing to be understood that an enlightened person has the power to achieve anything. But at the same time his desires would be Divine. Like the other day we had very few people say in Saritos, so all the Sahaja Yogis were extremely unhappy as if somebody has died in their family and worse than that. Why? Because this was their own work, which they could not understand why this enlightened mind of theirs could not produce the result, achieve the results. And they felt extremely unhappy. This shows what identification there is for the spiritual work, or Divine work and their own lives. ( SIDE B ) To them this is the most important. And everybody is not like that, of course. For some people, something else is more important. They may use Sahaja Yoga for their own well-being or anything. But those who just think of Sahaja Yoga - that's again the brain which is enlightened. They achieve it. But it should not have any selfish motive behind it. It should not have any hatred behind it or anything, or for some sort of a publicity or some. But if it is just the thinking about the Sahaja Yoga work, it will be achieved, it will be achieved. One should never feel frustrated. That's what is said, that God is with you, He is your shepherd. And this is what happens when you become a surrendered lamb under the guide of this shepherd. Then as a result of this brain becoming enlightened, you start having faith in yourself. Nirvikalpa, you become doubtlessly aware. As soon as you become, I mean the brain becomes doubtless. It's the brain that thinks, it's the brain that doubts, it's the brain that creates all conditionings, the brain that creates ego - one instrument doing all this nonsense. Hatred it will create, it will justify nonsense, it will criticize others, it will hate others, it will make fun of others. That is not the quality of Shri Krishna, because He is the collective. That's why He never said: " You are a sinner " or anything like that. He didn't criticize anyone. After all, I have to criticize, He did not. Now, if there was Kamsa, all right, kill him, finished. There are Sanda, kill him. Any rakshasa, Narakasura, kill him, finished, no argument., nothing. " I have no time for this nonsense. Finish him. " Straightforward. What is the use of criticizing anyone, just kill them. That was as straightforward. But by killing them, they again come back in this Kali Yuga. So the best thing is to detach people from him, from these rakshasas where they are lost. That's the best way. Now, one way could be that I put it in your brains that this is a rakshas. But they won't believe Me, they won't. So, what happens when you go to them, you get all the kinks in your head. You start getting pins and needles on your fingertips. This is all the activity of brain that it acts on your nerves, and you can feel it. You start shaking. The other day somebody came and sat before Me for news just doing like this. " What is this - Stop it! " " So I can't, I can't, I can't ", he was going on. I wasn't doing anything to him, it's the brain. In My presence, the brain acts. Because as I told you, He penetrates into anything, if I put my glance at somebody. The other day, there was a boy, very naughty, beats people, he bites them, these things like that, very crazy. As soon as he saw Me ran away. He attacks every person but he ran away. Then you have seen people who are possessed, what happens to them? Just like this, they come to Me, they shake, they - sometimes I only worry that they should not faint in My presence in the programme, otherwise it's a headache. So, who acts in them, who acts on these people who are possessed, who makes all these gestures - is the brain. In the brain they have got these problems and Shri Krishna makes them shake. It's the tremors that they feel, the pins and needles that they feel, the heat that they feel - all this is central nervous system, run by brain. So, after enlightenment, what happens that the brain is at peace, absolutely at peace with itself. It doesn't react as it used to react. Like I've seen people here so speedy, so nervous, so upset all the time, so jittery, irritable. I was reading the life of Mao and I was surprised: his physician, personal physician has said even. Absolutely like a tyrant and he used to keep up the faces very well. But according to this doctor, he was a cruelest man he had known. This is Mao, who obviously looked to be a very great reformer, he did so much for that country, this thing. But no, he was a hypocrite. How will you know somebody is a hypocrite or not - with your brain? Only if you are enlightened. So, if Shri Krishna penetrates into your brain, then you become an enlightened person, Sthitha Pragnya, and you become knowledgeable, you know everything, whatever is necessary. You may not know who is number one Wimbledon, maybe. You may not know who is the actress, what is her life, you may not. You may not know who is the president of such and such place, maybe. But you will know whatever is necessary for you to know. Otherwise people waste their energies. I know of somebody who knew the telephone numbers and the car numbers of two thousand people. What is the need? Something like that, all these stupid things is a waste of mental energy. But a Sthitha Pragnya does not, he is concentrated onto his own knowledge, onto the Divine understanding. He works really like a computer, and such an efficient computer. Today I just started talking about Kabira. Immediately they said " Mother, vibrations! " Taking the name of Kabira you get vibrations. But to a normal person nothing, Kabira is nothing, another romantic fellow. If they don't want to understand something, they can say anything. But only the people who are enlightened, their nervous system is so charged that they can feel what is wrong, what is right, they can feel the Divinity, they can make out who are incarnations and who were not. You don't know what has happened to your nervous system: a new dimension has come. Absolutely a new dimension in your nervous system has come, which is manifesting, and this is also the blessings of Shri Krishna. Because He is collectiveness within us, in the form of collectivity He works. Unless and until this America is put right, Shri Krishna is not going to leave my throat, I tell you. So, as America, I say, is the place of Shri Krishna's auspiciousness. So, one has to understand what is Shri Krishna's auspiciousness is. They said He had 16.000 wives, these were His powers, 16.000 powers He has. And to work out His incarnation He wanted them. So, they came on this earth as princesses and was married by a horrible king who married them and kept them in the jail. So, He fought that king and got them out of them and He married them. It's the best part of it: He married them. Because, you see, with a man, whatever may be his age, if he has 16.000 women around him, people will never understand that he is Yogeshwara. Men have this problem. Not the women so much. Because women become mothers, you see, I'm a Mother, nobody can challenge my character. Because I am a Mother. But the fatherhood can be challenged. So He married them. Then the essence of the five elements He married, as five wives. But His real sense of morality is seen in the case of Draupadi. You know the story of Mahabharata, when She was brought in the court of Duryodhana (who) asked Dushasana to take out Her saris. At that time Tulsidas's written what happened. She was holding Her saree by Her teeth. She called " Krishna ", She could only say " Kri ", 'shna' means full stop, goes wrong. She is holding on with only 'Kri', and wouldn't say 'shna'. But as soon as She said " Krishna ", the saree fell down. Then He describes: "Dwarika yashoda jayo yashoda bhayo bari shankha chakra gada padma garuda laisi dhary." [Unsure. In Shri Krishna Gitavali of Tulsidas ]What did He do? When She just said "Krishna", there was a big sound in Dwarika, He was in Dwarika. Immediately, with "shanka, chakra, gada, padma" - these are His four weapons - He came on the Garuda. The way it is said is tremendous, I mean, I feel really, it fulfils your heart with such understanding of Shri Krishna. For his own sister, He came all the way to save Her chastity. To Him the chastity of His sister was of the greatest importance. He could have said: " No, no, no, I am a king, I have to look after this, I have to do that, I have to " - nothing. If Her chastity is in danger, He came flying on the Garuda and supplied that. And this fellow got tired pulling out Her saris. I think, he must have borrowed saris from Me because I have too many saris.One after the other, one after the other, he made a pile of saris and he got tired. He could not make Her nude. The chastity of Draupadi was of such a height. And how Shri Krishna tried to save it is remarkable.So, this Yogeshwara Shri Krishna is also a Dhanvantari, means the doctor of doctors. He is the One who cures. You see, because it's all the brain - and the vibrations which flow on the nervous system. So, He cures people through His brain. Now, how? Say now, supposing somebody is having a problem, say on his heart. So as soon as he puts hands to My photograph, so immediately he gets problem on his left finger here. The brain is working. So in your brain, My vibrations go of Shri Krishna and they start sending these messages. Because I am also Shri Krishna. So this computer acts and immediately you know what's wrong with that person is, he is a heart patient. You don't have to do any diagnosis, you don't have to do anything. Immediately you know. And who does this, it's the principle of Shri Krishna in the brain of the Virat. See this, also working for some people, I think. Now you are convinced about it, you know that it works, it acts like this, it happens like that, and how it communicates through you. So, this computer of Mine communicates. Now, in a computer if you go, you can just press the button, of course they are all man-made, but whatever it is you then get the result. Here it is not like that. It is the brain automatically gives the result, immediately, through the other person. And also the same brain tells you what is to be done to such and such person, how to work it out. The same brain is emitting vibrations, and those vibrations are flowing through this brain, and they are the ones who tell you what's wrong with this person. So, all this work of penetration is done by Shri Krishna, no doubt. He takes these vibrations, puts into another brain, and then that brain, that central nervous system starts working and then you get the result. But instantaneously, it's not so much time it takes, another way I have described it, it just works immediately. As soon as they put their hands before Me, immediately! So how important it is for us to look after our brain, for Sahaja Yogis. I don't know in this America how far this brain is safe. Because if you open any television, wah wah wah, you look outside on the street, look out for the - some advertisements and you hear this music - it breaks your brain completely. Whole atmosphere is anti-Shri Krishna. No purity of understanding, no sense of morality. The way they make pictures, things, horrible violence, horrible, I should say, immoral scenes, all sorts of things - all created here in the land of Shri Krishna. The One who through His waves can completely purify, because He's Yogeshwara, because He is detached, absolutely detached, He cannot get attached to anything. Only the brain makes you attached. Now see, supposing this carpet is here. This is a saree, is here. I look at the saree, and what a nice is this one now. Now, if it is mine, I'm worried it should not get spoiled and where it will be kept, what will happen to it. Goes on worrying about things. Here is any more road you walk, there are shops, shops, shops, shops, shops, shops, shops. - Attention goes there, and in that attention this brain gets involved completely. It gets involved, it wants this, and wants that, and wants that, and wants that -for what? So, the detachment from the matter is only possible if you know generosity. But many people are in Sahaja Yoga, but they are not. What is generosity now? Generosity is now if you like My saree, you'll have it. That's the real generosity. Whatever I am buying is for you, supposing. So you have it. If you have a generous detached temperament, then you can never get involved with matter. And whatever you are involved, it is love. Say, I went to Russia, and there was nice fish eggs they call as caviar. There's one doctor who likes it very much in London. I said: " Please, let Me have some ". They said: " Why do you want to take this one? " " I want to ". They thought of the doctor who needed it there who likes it very much and I felt very happy about that. And the doctor also was very happy: " Mother, you remember even such small thing like this? " So, the matter has a sense of giving very great joy to another person. If you do it with love, again, I say: " Do it with love ", not with attachment, but with love which is detached. He's the One who is detached. So, what is the love that is detached, I've told many a times: Like the sap in the tree rises, goes to every part of the tree and is not attached to any part. And if it gets attached, then the tree will die, and that fruit, whatever it is, will die also. So, what is it a detached love is? Detached love is the most beautiful thing. Firstly, by detached love you know what to give to whom, what will make people happy, what will make them joyous, what do they like. - In love only you know these things, - what do they like, what is their colour, style, what they want. Little, little things. As I told you yesterday the story of Shri Rama, whatever is done with love, even a little thing that you know you would like, I would like to purchase, may look stupid. But I know you like it, so I'll buy that. In the same way, you also do that. All the time you think " Mother, what will She like?" So, you look for little things here and there. But this detachment has to be full and complete. Then only you really get people attached to you, otherwise you cannot. If you are not detached, you cannot get that complete love for another person. Because if you are doing something, say, for money, or if you are doing something for lust, or for greed, or for some sort of a position, it has no meaning. People know " Oh, I know why he is doing it, because I am such and such ". In Sahaja Yoga also many people come either to make money, either to get cured, all kinds of things. But if you are detached, then only Sahaja Yoga will spread. As long as there are attachments, you should know that you are not yet a Sahaja Yogi. I am not saying " You take out your eye or cut your hands " I didn't say that, to that extent.What I'm saying: you should introspect and see: " How much am I attached to this or to that, and why am I so much attached, what does it matter? " Always, as a result of attachment you'll always find disappointments. I've seen parents who have doted on their child, loved their child, this, that. Children mostly go astray. But if you have a detached love for your child, you do nice things for the child. At the same time, you know when to say 'no', when it is not good. " This I don't like, don't do it ", you must say that. But detachment is even wider than that.Like some people are very fond of food. So, to say that you be detached from food is very difficult for them. Specially, at a certain age, I think, they are very fond of good food and all that. Gandhiji has talked about Aswad: you should not have any taste. But as you grow in Sahaja Yoga, you'll find automatically it will happen. All your fascination about food will drop out. That is another sign that you are absolutely detached about food. Now, today I had My lunch, I don't know whether it is dinner or lunch, 'cause I had it at about five o'clock, so I don't know wich part of the day it is. And if I don't eat, it also makes no difference to Me, it doesn't make Me weak or in any way unhappy. But thinking about food is just spoiling your brain. Many people just think about food. We went to their house: " Oh, they had made such nice things. "We went to this house " They've made such nice things. " What's the use? You already have eaten, finished, now, done. Now, why are you thinking about that? Or: " I went to somebody's house, they had given me a horrible food. " Why to think of food, I still don't understand. Whatever has happened has happened. By thinking you cannot get back what you have been eating, or what you are going to eat. It's there, whatever is there you have to eat, you see, what can you do? For example, today, they asked Me: " Mother, will you have hot dog? " In Hindi language it means real hot dog - means: garam kupte - they call that. I said " All right, I'll have it ". They said " All the Americans eat. " " All right, I am an american, give Me ". But when you know something will not do good for your teeth or something, you should not eat. For example, the beef is very bad for the teeth, very bad. That's why you people loose your teeth very fast. Many people ask Me in the interview " Are your denture your own? " I said: " Of course, Mine ". They can't believe it's Mine. Because I know what not to eat for the teeth's sake. But one should not be attached to an idea, that's even subtler attachments. That has really killed this world with so many problems of fanaticism, racialism, I don't know what. Now, here, see the contradictions people have: they go to the sea to get darker, and they have racialism. Why do you go to the sea? If you go to become darker, then why do you hate the people who are dark? Such a contradiction because the brain is not in balance. And for that you have racialism, you become racist. If not that, you have another conditioning that there are different casts and according to the cast, you should go, in India. How can there be any cast when everybody has the Spirit in their heart. They won't eat from another lower cast, they are higher cast, this, that. This brain is the one which creates all kinds of conditionings, and all those great Saints who have lived on this earth, wether they were in India or abroad or anywhere, all of them have stood against this nonsense of discrimination. That comes from brain, you know, ask them " Why do you think like that, you are higher than others? " Like the germans think they are the highest race. Now, who will believe that bull story, I don't know? It is absolutely nonsensical story: germans, the ones who have killed children in the gas chamber and enjoyed that, they must be the lowest race ever going! But they think they are the highest race! How can they be? Tomorrow, Rwanda people will say: " We are the highest race, because we can kill each other nicely in the open. " So, to think yourself to be higher than others, to think that you're more beautiful than others, others are ugly - all this is the brain which takes you to ego, and the ego is the one who befools you completely all the time. That's the job of Shri Krishna. The story you must have heard about Narada who never wanted to see, who thought he was a great man because he was never attracted to a woman, and he was challenging even Shiva. Then Shri Krishna played a trick on him, He always plays tricks. He sent two Gandharvas to tease him. They went down and they asked Narada. They said " You are such a beautiful man, such a handsome person, there is a marriage going on of a lady [Rupoghadi, UNCLEAR] she is very beautiful, she is a princess and why don't you go there, she'll definitely marry you. " And they pampered his ego, you see, such a lot, he started floating in the air. And he said " All right, I am going to go there, I am so handsome. " Ego. He went there, and this princess came out with a garland. She looked at him and she giggled first and then she laughed aloud and then she went away. He couldn't understand, looked at these two persons, they said " It's all right, now, it doesn't matter, maybe somebody is better looking, then you. " So, Narada was very angry, he went to the lake. When he looked into the lake, his face was like a monkey. He's become a monkey because this ego makes you a monkey. And you start thinking: ah, you are great, you are very beautiful, you are this thing, that thing... But you are not. Because if you are, you won't think. Whatever you are, you don't think about it. You don't think: " I am a human being ", do you say that? Or do you say " I have no tails ", do you boast of that? Whatever you are not, then you boast: " I am very beautiful, I am very good looking, others are ugly, this thing ". Then Shri Krishna plays a part through the Maya, and He gives a big lesson to that person. It happens. So, never think that you are something great, or you have achieved this in life and achieved that in life, and that you are something a big Johnny. Nothing, it's nothing but the ego that has moved on here and giving you these ideas, from the ego. And if you go even further with it, then Hitler may enter into your ego and you might behave like him.Or if you are conditioned, impossible to tell you anything. Like this Hari Rama fellow I told you " Why do you wear dhoti in this cold weather? " He said " My guru has told me to wear dhoti ". " So what sort of a guru is it, that he makes you feel cold. I mean, I am a Mother, I don't like all this nonsense. " He said " No, but my guru has said ". What a conditioning! And conditioning for something which is absolutely absurd and ridiculous. Now see, Americans are most vulnerable to such a thing. You start any nonsense, immediately the Americans are the first to jump on it, immediately. Drugs you start, you start some sort of a, I can say, fancy dress. It will start in Paris but will be sold in America. Immediately. There are on the look-out of something new. It might be a monkey trick, but they will do it. I don't know why Americans who are the residents of Shri Krishna's land have no discretion at all, what to accept, what not to accept. They are the worst, they are worse than children even, there is no maturity of any kind: " What's wrong? " So, the discretion which is the center we have here of Hamsa which is ruled by Vishuddhi, is completely sometimes blocked. Like one lady who came to America told Me very boastfully: " Have you been to the pubs in England? " I said " No. Why? " " Oh, my God, what pubs you have here! You know, I went to the best " I said " Which one? " "It's known as Hermit's pub " " What is so special? " Very high class lady, very high class - she says: " You see, one man died, for one month nobody lifted the body, the whole thing was filled with the stink. So the stink is preserved and even the cowwebs are preserved as they are there. Such a great thing was this: in, when I went, and really I felt so spiritual there? " Then she started boasting " You see, we are free people. I allow my children to drink. I give them drinks. " I said: " Really? " " Yeah, I can give them any alcohol, anyone. I do not say 'not this, not that' - no, they can have ". The children who were hardly twelve and forteen years of age. I said " All right, if you have been doing that, what can I say? You are a great lady, I would not do to my children or to my grandchildren, but you are great, namaskar ". After three, four months, we heard that there was a birthday party of the younger boy and she had given all these alcohols to them for the friends. God knows what happened - they had candles and this and that - the whole house got burnt and all the children, her sons and these two sleeping upstairs, all got burnt and died. Boasting about nonsense, like: " I have had five hundred men with me ". Another will say: " I have so many women. " I mean, you are stupid fools because you are organizing nice way to go to hell, and you are all going to go to hell, this is what it is to be told to them. If you go on like this, what will happen to you? Accumulating everything that will destroy them, doing everything that will destroy. " Oh that's good!" I said " Why? " " You know, if you take that, then in two minutes you go off. " I said: " To where? To hell, or where? ". Anything that is destructive, I don't know why the Americans should accept it, when they have Shri Krisna as their Lord. It is to be understood by Sahaja Yogis also, that you have to really transform you have to serve to such an extent that what it is, whatever is destructive should be given up. First of all, I find some men and ladies with such long faces, you know. How can you be? You are living in the country of Leeladhara. He is the One who made everybody dance, and He is the One who sprayed Ras, Ra is energy, Dha is with - Ra-Dha. Ra is energy, the One who sustains energy. The One who did the mental energy enlightened and to sustain it, how can you people take to adharma, to immorality, and to destruction, I just can't understand. I don't know what are His plans are, very well, but He has to really save people of America from all kinds of nonsense they do morning till evening. There's nobody who is sensible in the politics, nobody who has a good character at a very high positions, what sort of things! You cannot get one man whom you can say he is all right and he will do good to your nation. Criticizing others, they are very good. Like we had this plague, this thing not much - this little bit came out, they have published it all over these media, they've stopped all our ships, stopped all our aeroplanes, made such a fuss, put us into so much trouble - what about your AIDS, which you are giving Prasad everywhere. It's very surprising that with your brain enlightened by Shri Krishna, how could people accept even mentally - person like Freud. How could you accept Freud? I just can't understand. And now you are all ruined. So, now we are worried. They don't what to do. Now they are breaking families, and all the logical conclusions they reach is just the opposite of Shri Krishna. Like this Simpson killed his wife. All right, he killed, finished, this Simpson business. Now they are coming out big theories, see now: why psychologically he killed, because he was married to her. When you marry only you kill your wife or your husband. - So, you should not marry: what a conclusion! Tomorrow they'll say that people are killing each other, so allow them to have weapons in their hand. Now, they want to allow them to have some drugs also. Allow them to have homosexuality, allow them to have all this. Because, I think, these people in charge of affairs do not want anybody to live, think that " Let them fight among themselves, do what they like, we should have our own seats. " The way they are not worried about the immorality and all the destructive forces that are acting on American children, american youth and american people, not bothered about them. So, tonight we are praising Shri Krishna who is Yogeshwara. He eats but He does not eat. He sleeps but He does not sleep. He has wives but He has no wife. Like this is the Yogeshwara, and that is what you are Yogis, and He is your Ishwara, so, you have to try to be like Him. Let your brain be enlightened by His blessings. And you'll become that great personality that encompasses everything, that sees everything, that gives you discretion, that makes you understand what's wrong. And you feel enthousiastic about changing this America with all your efforts, with all the mind. That's the most important thing you have to do. As it is, He is a Kubera, He is the Lord of Wealth and He has given you such a lot of wealth all around, you see, just very near New York, you should have such a beautiful places. In every way, you are blessed: you have money, you have everything, you have brains. Everything is there. What is lacking is wisdom, with everything, with you. Supposing, you have a car. You're having a car, you have got keys, you have got engine, you have brake, everything, but you don't know how to drive, so what will happen? This is what it is. So, as Sahaja Yogis from America, you have a very, very, very special responsibility, very special responsibility. Today we'll be saying His hundred and eight names which are well-done, have come from Poona all the way. So that we'll have it first and then a little Puja of the Devi. May God bless you!
Shri Yogeshwara Puja. New Jersey (USA), 2 October 1994. Today we are going to worship Shri Krishna as Yogeshwara. As it is, you know that Vishnu's first incarnation as a human being was Vamana avatar. And then went till He came as Shri Ram. So, the past of Shri Krishna was Shri Ram. And when Shri Rama came on this earth, He went into lots of austerities, to go to jungle, His wife was lost, whom He had to find out. And to establish the benevolent king on this earth, He was made the king of Ayodhya. But all His life it was a struggle and austerities which He followed. As a result, the people who followed Shri Ram became extremely austere. They used to sleep on the grass because Shri Ram had to sleep on the grass for so many years. They used to wear wooden slippers. They would just wear very little clothes or one dhoti, just like Shri Rama wore when His wife was out. All these austerities they did to show how a householder should be. He never enjoyed any other life as a man, but just lived like an ascetic when His wife was lost. All these things were to establish also a very ideal personality for a man to be attached to His wife. He was a person with Ekapatnivrata, means: one wife. Though She knew She was Mahalakshmi, She was a Goddess, but still He was forced to do things because He wanted to show how a benevolent king should be. In the second incarnation of His, when He came as Shri Krishna, then He had to neutralize all these austerities He has put on people. - Ha. So, Shri Krishna came on this earth. In His childhood He had to also face lots of problems which He surpassed, and He went and killed His uncle, as you know very well, who was a rakshasa. After doing all this, then He went to Dwarika, which He built - now they have found out where is Dwarika - and He became the king of Dwarika. To understand Shri Krishna in Sahaja Yoga is much more subtler than the stories that they tell. [aside] ... move it - better. ? The stories are there, but behind these stories, as being Sahaja Yogis, you have to see the subtle things about His incarnation. So, the first one was, He was Leeladhara, means the One who said this is all a play. That means you have to become a witness. So, He said that your mind should become just a witness. At Virata stage He becomes Akbar. And at that stage He is the mind, the brain of the great primordial Being. So, first He thinks that we have to become witness, witness of the drama, and we should not get lost into the Maya. If you are a witness you can see the Maya, how it works. So the first, first subtle nature of Shri Krishna was to create a Leela to neutralize all the austerities created by the incarnation of Shri Rama. But the second great quality that He had is also to put the Maya on people. So, if He is the brain, our brain should become a sakshi, should become a witness, witness the play. You should not take anything as something extremely serious. When you look at things as sakshi swarupa, as something that you are watching a drama, you may for the time being feel that you are Napoleon, you are the one who is acting. But after some time the play is over, you know it's a play. So, to reach that state, you have to become thoughtlessly aware. Because we think from our brain, and this brain goes on thinking, thinking, creating a Maya, and playing into Maya. Now, here it is when you are a realized soul, you should see through the Maya. Everything that I am doing or you are doing, should be understood very well if you are really the reflection of Shri Krishna's brain. So, in your brain, there should be no worry, there should be no stress, there should be no problem, because you are just watching everything in thoughtless awareness. So, when you are thoughtless awareness, means when your brain is just in the state of witness, you understand everything that is Divine. I'll give you an example, just now it happened. I got into the car and they didn't know where to go, and we went onto wrong road, then I told him " Go this way ". So he was wondering " How Mother knows?" I said " Vibrations! " Through vibrations I could feel we are ther - they are all there, sitting there, - and we came round. Unless and untill you are thoughtlessly aware, you cannot grow, that is first thing. And secondly, unless and until you are thoughtlessly aware, you do not know the absolute Truth. Through your brain only you will know. You don't have to put your hands, you don't have to ask questions. But it's like a computer that works, it just gives you an answer. In that state you are completely one with the Divine, and it just gives you an answer, and you do that and you are amazed how it has worked out. Everything, every moment is computerized with Shri Krishna. But at the same time He tests you, He plays His Leela on you. That one must know, because He's a diplomat. How He has played Leela on you is very interesting to see, His style of Leela. Like He's told Arjuna that " I will not fight ". Arjuna said: " All right, what will you do? " " I'll be your charioteer, I'll drive your chariot. " Now it would look funny to anybody: " What is this, such a great man who calls me as His guru, He says that He is the one who, I mean, He says that I am the best of His disciples, everything, and here He just offers His services like a charioteer. " In this, He is just trying a trick on Arjuna. As if He knows the future that's going to happen. So, the whole Gita was created because He was just a charioteer, because Arjuna said " I cannot fight my own people, I cannot fight my own grandparents, and I cannot fight my relations. " Now, if you say that Gita is for peace, it is not. It is not for peace. But He says that: " They are already dead, whom are you killing? These dead people, if you are killing them what will happen? But if you now run away from the battlefield, people will call you a coward, and what will you get? But if you fight for the religion, then you will get your resurrection - moksha." It's a big trick in all these things. Same was said by Mohammed Sahib, and same by Christians later, same about the Hindus - that they all feel they are fighting for Dharma. In Arjuna's case, it was a clear-cut case that somebody was a rakshasa and horrible people, they were adharmis, so He was fighting them, it's all right. But what about other people when they say that " We are going to die for religion "? I met a Bosnia muslim who had just somewhere escaped and I asked Him " Why, why do you want to fight? Why do you want to fight for land when you believe in the formless God? " He said: " It's written in the Koran that if you fight for religion then you will get your moksha. " Exactly the same Shri Krishna has said. But where is the mistake? The mistake is: what is the Dharma? Are you dharmic? Are you in - standing in Dharma? Then this fight was in those days, were with weapons. So, why did Shri Krishna not take a weapon in His hand? This is the second. Firstly, nobody has Dharma, they're all adharmis - they may call themselves hindus, muslims, christians - all are adharmis, they don't follow the religion. And secondly, they are killing each other only, one adharmi killing other adharmi, or maybe in between themselves they are fighting: everybody is thinking " I am right and whatever I am doing is the right. " So, the first condition is put that for Dharma you have to fight. So first, one should find out: are we fighting for Dharma? But He was even subtler, He didn't take any weapons in His hands, nothing. He was just holding the reins of the chariot. Because Shri Krishna is the mind, is the Virat, is the great Mind, He doesn't need any weapons or such. But what He did at that time, He used His mind for a very very profound knowledge, to explain to Arjuna. Imagine, in the warfield, He didn't make Him sit down " All right, you are my Shishya, you sit here, I am your guru, I'll tell you. " - nothing. In the battlefield you see, when everybody was there to fight and they were about to start the war, He starts telling very patiently to Arjuna, at that time. Now, what is He doing there? He's not using any weapons, nothing. He is being counselling, counselling to Arjuna, telling him. Now, see His subtle brain. He introduces in the first chapter only that " You have to go higher then what you are. " And then He gives him the definition of a person who is an enlightened person which is a Sthitha Pragnya. I mean, normally, a businessman will start from one dollar, then hundred dollars, you see, the other way round. But He told him first thing that " You have to become a Sthitha Pragnya, otherwise it's no use. " Unless and until you become Sthitha Pragnya you cannot have Dharma, this is the point. To understand Shri Krishna, you have to really have a very subtle brain, otherwise you cannot understand. So, He tells that " You should give up this kind of a morose that has developed in you, Kaivalya I will call it. And what you have to do, now take up the weapon in your hand and fight. " So, then, He asked him about other things, " What about that: You are here telling me that you should become Nishkriya, that means "no work". Your karmas become akarmas. Now, talking like this, and why do you want me to kill these people - that is akarma? " Now, how you see, slowly removes from one point that you should fight for Dharma. Now, it's a very subtle thing: are you in Dharma or not, first of all find out? You are not, so what Dharma you fight, first? Then, the second thing is karma. Again, see, He is a brainy fellow, the brains of God, extremely tricky. The second trick He plays on Him saying that " You are working, all right? But if you are a Sthitha Pragnya, then you leave all the work at the lotus feet of God " or Him.[Hindi phrase, UNCLEAR] "Give up all Dharmas and follow Me. " Now what is his Dharma? That problem is that people don't understand Him. It's all concentrated on Shri Krishna, and His own manifestation. [aside] He says that " Do your karmas. But you put them at the lotus feet of the Lord! " - It's not possible unless and until you are Sthitha Pragnya, unless and until you are enlightened. Now, when you are enlightened, when you have got your realization, when you raise your Kundalini or anybody's Kundalini, you don't say " Mother, I am giving realization ". You don't say that, never. What you say: " It is happening ", in third person you talk. " It's not coming, it's not working or it's just moving on the side. This chakra is catching, that chakra is catching. " You never say " I am doing anything ", the 'I' is lost. When that 'I' is lost, than only you will put everything at the lotus feet of God. So, first, it should be done in Dharma. Supposing, somebody murders somebody and say " Oh, I have done it now, so it is my karmas and I put it at the lotus feet of Shri Krishna. " Now, people can, I mean, people have special brains also to interprete Shri Krishna and Gita. But what He said for Dharma you should do it. So, first of all, you should be a Sthitha Pragnya, means an enlightened person, and whatever you do automatically goes at the lotus feet of God, automatically, spontaneously, Sahaj. Now, the third thing He did: What about bhakti? People said " What? We are doing bhakti to God, this, that, then what is the reward for this? " There again He plays tricks. On one word He has made everybody dance, you know? He says " You do bhakti, but it should be Ananya, " - this is the word, Ananya, - when there is not the other, means when you have become One with Me, means you are a Sthitha Pragnya, means you are a realized soul. Just imagine, on this word if people pay attention, they will give up all this nonsense of bhakti and will first get their connection when they become Ananya and then do the bhakti. Because Shri Krishna knew human beings very well. I think, He knew them better than Christ - definitely - because Christ was straightforward. He said: " Take out your right eye, throw it away. Take out your left eye, throw it away. Cut your hand, throw it away." Same with Mohammed Sahib. Who will do that? So, Shri Krishna was very clever, He said: straightforward they will not understand, so give them in such a way that they will go on doing and doing, we are doing so much bhakti, so many people come into it. Even this Ram, Hari Ramas, they are developing now throat cancers. So, they are saying " Mother, why these throat cancer to us, we are saying the name of Sri Krishna?" " Because you are not connected. " Now supposing, I will even want to meet the president of this country. I'll have to go through such a protocol. I may not even meet. But this One is the God of Gods. He is the President of all the presidents. If you have to take His name, if you go and take name of Lincoln, of Clinton, and go on saying " Clinton, Clinton Clinton ", they'll all arrest Me. So, if you go on saying " Rama, Rama, Rama, Allah, Allah, Allah, Akbar, Akbar, Akbar ", you'll be arrested. You have no connection. So, that Virata Shakti which we call, which is of course in Koran described as Akbar, this power also plays tricks. As a Mother, I have to warn you that nothing will work out unless (and) until you are a realized soul. Nothing will work out. Now, for realization, He has said: " You have to become ". But He didn't say at that time how you will become, what will work it out. Because you see, sort of, if you go to college, all the knowledge is not given in first year. Something is given, then something in second year, then in third year. Now in the seventh year, now Sahaja Yoga has come to tell you everything, totally. He is Totality, but He doesn't give total knowledge. The whole knowledge of Gita is nothing but trick that He has played with human beings who were stupid, and would never have understood Him if He'd told them about Sahaja Yoga. Even today I meet many like that, of course, but so many He could not have got at that time. So, they didn't talk about Kundalini this much, so far, and that's all. Same with other people. The kind of disciples they had, the kind of people they had, they could not tell them everything about their ascent, because they were not ready, they were not of that level, their brains were not that developed. Now in this Kali Yuga, when I am starting this work, I find their brains are overdeveloped, over. And so much so that overdeveloped brains become stupid and that's really. Overuse of anything makes you stupid, and they become absolutely stupid. Now, how can you tell them such a subtle knowledge who are stupid people? What is the way? If I talk like Shri Krishna it would have been just a waste of My energy and your energy. Half of you would have gone off to sleep. So I said, first of all, let Me connect them to Divinity. If I could connect them to Divinity - little bit even, little bit - then they will understand. Because that will enlighten their brain a little bit, and they will know that there's something more than what we know. And that's how it is going to work out. So the subtle system of trickery of Shri Krishna has helped a lot, no doubt, that people are realizing that there is something missing in it. Even of Islam - Islam means surrender - but surrender to whom? To mullahs - or to whom? The problem started when [Hijak, a name - UNCLEAR] he started like that. There are mullahs and there are this. So, the surrender part became surrender to these stupid mullahs. I've seen most of them are absolutely stupid. And they take a cane in their hands in the other, you see they beat, even women they beat. You are supposed to do Pujas five times and if you don't do them, Pujas five times, they call it silla [UNCLEAR], then they beat women. Every shop must be closed five times. I tell you, they are such hypocritical people naturally, because if you are asked to do five times meditation, say, you will never do it, but you will just do it out of fear. Out of fear if you do something, what's the use? Now, whatever Muhammed Sahib has said or Christ has said, it is only for angels, I can tell you, not for normal people. And where are the angels? Very few there are: those are born-realized people who have come on this earth are angels. And they are told not to do something they will not do. Most of them know what is right and wrong. Where are those angels, very few? And those who are angels are treated just like, you can call it, like packed people or lunatic people, - nobody believes them. One here and one there and one in some other place. So this, what they preached was for the angels. Only the angels could understand. But Shri Krishna thought that these other people who are there, who are not angels, why not trick them? Many people come and tell me: " We take the name of Krishna every day like this, and we haven't received anything. " But first He said, " You have to be Sthitha Pragnya. " Sthitha Pragnya: 'Sthitha' means established, 'Pragnya' means enlightened, - you should be enlightened personality, absolutely established. First thing, first thing you see, in a second chapter. First thing is it. After that He says all these things, and that's why many people have misunderstood Gita. But His idea was: in one life they'll misunderstand, second life they'll misunderstand, third life they will start thinking " After all, what is this?" First, He has said "You become a Sthitha Pragnya", we have not become a Sthitha Pragnya. So, what's wrong with us? " So, some introspection will start. That was His idea, idea I should say. But I have seen people who can give lectures on Gita hours together, but their brains are closed completely. Now, to say that He didn't say anything about Kundalini is there. That's why Gyaneshwara in the twelvth century took permission from his brother who was his guru that " Allow me, at least, to say about Kundalini. " And that is how it was exposed a little bit. Of course, before that also, we have had people like Adi Shankaracharya, the sixth century, and before that also Markandeya. But they talked about the Kundalini, that's all, praised the Kundalini. But that She passes through six centers, how will It raise and all that. And not about the future, that this will happen one day. So many have written, of course. But I would say that precisely the one who has written complete description of Sahaja Yogis even is by Gyaneshwara in the poetry called Pasaydan in which he exactly said what will happen, how many people will get realization and he said that " You the people, who are the forests of the trees, boon-giving trees, Kalpakaruna, boon-giving trees, you rise and give it to others. " Then he says that " You are the oceans who are giving ambrosia talks." He has described you in such a beautiful manner that you should read the translation of Pasaydan and then you will know what you are, how you have been praised by him. And he said that you will loose other relationship and the only relationships will be these. They will be your real relations. To say all these things, to have such a vision, he must be a great incarnation himself. So, this is how in Gyaneshwari, which is a commentary of Gita, he has put in the sixth chapter, now is a commentary on Gita, but in the sixth chapter he said how you can get your realization. About Kundalini, how it will work out. So, gradually it was all unfolded. And gradually people also developed their spiritual state to understand. Supposing, I had started Sahaja Yoga even hundred years back, I would not have even one single disciple, one single Sahaja Yogi. The reason was, the people were all right, they were on value system, all right. Their life was very much satisfying, they were very peaceful. They were just interested in some horses or something like that. But now, you find people are so much disturbed, so much in trouble, so much in chaos this in Kali Yuga, it's the height of Kali Yuga now. So much of immorality, so much of dissatisfaction in life that they have to now think where to go. Like a shock the future is waiting for them and now what should they achieve. So, the whole this Bhranti, illusion of life starts staring at them, and then they start thinking " What is this, what am I doing, what have I done, why is it so? Why everything in a chaos, why is it happening? " Then the seeking starts and with their seeking now, you know what has happened, that you all have got your realization. Without the seeking it would not have been even possible for Me to talk to you at all about Sahaja Yoga. It is because you are seekers I can talk to you. And it has worked out, I am very happy that it has worked out in America. Another quality, is a great quality of Shri Krishna, is that He is Gauchara [HINDI ?], means His element is firmament, what we call Akash, and He penetrates into everything. He penetrates into everything. He penetrates into the - what do you call that - anu, renu, paramanu, three things - atoms. Into little atoms it goes and it shakes them. Now, if you ask any scientist, he'll tell you that there is an asymetric, symetric vibrations even in atoms. Now, how can this energy be existing there? Because He can penetrate into anything and because of this, He's so penetrating, that He encompasses everything: into matter, into animals, into human beings, into realized souls He penetrates. In the matter it is just a vibrations, in the animals it is just a guiding force, it's tremendous guiding force. Like birds from Siberia flying down to Australia: who gives them the sense of direction? We never think about it. There are so many things animals are doing. They have such a sense of understanding. Like a tiger in the, say, in the forest: all the animals know that there is a tiger in the forest, they are all quiet, respecting their king. He kills, say one cow or could be some animal, they just respect him. The thing what he has killed is left for one day, nobody touches it. See the protocol: now when he comes back next day, he eats to his own satisfaction, then the tigress, then the children, they eat. Once they have finished with it, then one by one, in the order of protocol, all the animals eat that animal, the last of all are crows which are perhaps vegetarians, I should say. But the protocol is maintained. If a lion is sitting, you can make it out there won't be even a little sound anywhere. So, it guides the animals and animals keep their character. They are not like human beings. For example, a snake is a snake and a tiger is a tiger. But human beings can be snake, tiger, leopard - anything together. They might be dogs, they might be small little worms, they could be anything. Combinations of so many things, because they have passed through these Yonis, as they call them, these species. So, all these kinds of combinations, permutations, combinations inside of the past is existing. And if somebody can take you to your subconscious, I have seen this, people start barking like a dog, and sometimes they behave like tigers, this can happen. All this is within us, the past, with all these complicated personalities. Some are like owls, always very serious, you know, hawk-like, some are like chirping birds. But there are so many combinations they have in them, that it is very difficult, you know, to make them little straightforward. They are so much entangled. First to remove all the entanglement. And then to raise the Kundalini. The best part of the organization is, which is made, that consciousness is vertically placed. Subconscious and Supraconscious sort. Supraconscious righthandside of yours and the Subconscious lefthandside of yours. And in the central the path is left on. This is the Sushumna path. It is the Mahalakshmi's path. It is the path, which leads you to the state of Virat, to the state of your brain. So now, the combination of three things work out. The brain is the Virat, heart is Shiva, and the liver is Brahmadeva. All these three powers are there. But at that time, when you are realized, then your brain surrenders to Shiva, to the principle of Shiva, that is the Spirit. Brain is surrendered, surrendered not by force or anything, but to absorb the power of the Spirit, the brain gets surrendered completely to the Spirit, so that the Spirit enlightens the brain. It is the enlightenment of the brain that gives you all this subtle understanding. It is to make your brain understand, there are so many blissful happenings, people are blessed: once, twice, thrice - then they are surprised, the brain starts thinking. " How did I get this blessing, how did it happen to me, how could I get my transformation? " So slowly-slowly they start trusting their heart, means they start trusting their Spirit, they start trusting their devotion. And this is how the bhakti is absolutely done without any desire, without any asking, without any obligation, just in oneness. Because the brain joins hands with the heart, we can say. Now, also the Brahmadeva becomes surrendered. As a result, what happens: that your liver is surrendered to your brain. When this happens - when your liver is surrendered to your brain - whatever you do is all enlightened work. Whatever you do: whether you sing, whether you're a government servant, whether anything - whatever you do with your brain, anything through the Swadishthana or through the Brahmadeva, it is an enlightened work. As it is the brain which is enlightened, which is connected with this All Pervading Power, whatever you are doing, whatever your ideas are, being absolutely enlightened means that you achieve them. Enlightened brain, whatever it thinks, it is thinking as well as achieving - both together. It's a thing to be understood that an enlightened person has the power to achieve anything. But at the same time his desires would be Divine. Like the other day we had very few people say in Saritos, so all the Sahaja Yogis were extremely unhappy as if somebody has died in their family and worse than that. Why? Because this was their own work, which they could not understand why this enlightened mind of theirs could not produce the result, achieve the results. And they felt extremely unhappy. This shows what identification there is for the spiritual work, or Divine work and their own lives. ( SIDE B ) To them this is the most important. And everybody is not like that, of course. For some people, something else is more important. They may use Sahaja Yoga for their own well-being or anything. But those who just think of Sahaja Yoga - that's again the brain which is enlightened. They achieve it. But it should not have any selfish motive behind it. It should not have any hatred behind it or anything, or for some sort of a publicity or some. But if it is just the thinking about the Sahaja Yoga work, it will be achieved, it will be achieved. One should never feel frustrated. That's what is said, that God is with you, He is your shepherd. And this is what happens when you become a surrendered lamb under the guide of this shepherd. Then as a result of this brain becoming enlightened, you start having faith in yourself. Nirvikalpa, you become doubtlessly aware. As soon as you become, I mean the brain becomes doubtless. It's the brain that thinks, it's the brain that doubts, it's the brain that creates all conditionings, the brain that creates ego - one instrument doing all this nonsense. Hatred it will create, it will justify nonsense, it will criticize others, it will hate others, it will make fun of others. That is not the quality of Shri Krishna, because He is the collective. That's why He never said: " You are a sinner " or anything like that. He didn't criticize anyone. After all, I have to criticize, He did not. Now, if there was Kamsa, all right, kill him, finished. There are Sanda, kill him. Any rakshasa, Narakasura, kill him, finished, no argument., nothing. " I have no time for this nonsense. Finish him. " Straightforward. What is the use of criticizing anyone, just kill them. That was as straightforward. But by killing them, they again come back in this Kali Yuga. So the best thing is to detach people from him, from these rakshasas where they are lost. That's the best way. Now, one way could be that I put it in your brains that this is a rakshas. But they won't believe Me, they won't. So, what happens when you go to them, you get all the kinks in your head. You start getting pins and needles on your fingertips. This is all the activity of brain that it acts on your nerves, and you can feel it. You start shaking. The other day somebody came and sat before Me for news just doing like this. " What is this - Stop it! " " So I can't, I can't, I can't ", he was going on. I wasn't doing anything to him, it's the brain. In My presence, the brain acts. Because as I told you, He penetrates into anything, if I put my glance at somebody. The other day, there was a boy, very naughty, beats people, he bites them, these things like that, very crazy. As soon as he saw Me ran away. He attacks every person but he ran away. Then you have seen people who are possessed, what happens to them? Just like this, they come to Me, they shake, they - sometimes I only worry that they should not faint in My presence in the programme, otherwise it's a headache. So, who acts in them, who acts on these people who are possessed, who makes all these gestures - is the brain. In the brain they have got these problems and Shri Krishna makes them shake. It's the tremors that they feel, the pins and needles that they feel, the heat that they feel - all this is central nervous system, run by brain. So, after enlightenment, what happens that the brain is at peace, absolutely at peace with itself. It doesn't react as it used to react. Like I've seen people here so speedy, so nervous, so upset all the time, so jittery, irritable. I was reading the life of Mao and I was surprised: his physician, personal physician has said even. Absolutely like a tyrant and he used to keep up the faces very well. But according to this doctor, he was a cruelest man he had known. This is Mao, who obviously looked to be a very great reformer, he did so much for that country, this thing. But no, he was a hypocrite. How will you know somebody is a hypocrite or not - with your brain? Only if you are enlightened. So, if Shri Krishna penetrates into your brain, then you become an enlightened person, Sthitha Pragnya, and you become knowledgeable, you know everything, whatever is necessary. You may not know who is number one Wimbledon, maybe. You may not know who is the actress, what is her life, you may not. You may not know who is the president of such and such place, maybe. But you will know whatever is necessary for you to know. Otherwise people waste their energies. I know of somebody who knew the telephone numbers and the car numbers of two thousand people. What is the need? Something like that, all these stupid things is a waste of mental energy. But a Sthitha Pragnya does not, he is concentrated onto his own knowledge, onto the Divine understanding. He works really like a computer, and such an efficient computer. Today I just started talking about Kabira. Immediately they said " Mother, vibrations! " Taking the name of Kabira you get vibrations. But to a normal person nothing, Kabira is nothing, another romantic fellow. If they don't want to understand something, they can say anything. But only the people who are enlightened, their nervous system is so charged that they can feel what is wrong, what is right, they can feel the Divinity, they can make out who are incarnations and who were not. You don't know what has happened to your nervous system: a new dimension has come. Absolutely a new dimension in your nervous system has come, which is manifesting, and this is also the blessings of Shri Krishna. Because He is collectiveness within us, in the form of collectivity He works. Unless and until this America is put right, Shri Krishna is not going to leave my throat, I tell you. So, as America, I say, is the place of Shri Krishna's auspiciousness. So, one has to understand what is Shri Krishna's auspiciousness is. They said He had 16.000 wives, these were His powers, 16.000 powers He has. And to work out His incarnation He wanted them. So, they came on this earth as princesses and was married by a horrible king who married them and kept them in the jail. So, He fought that king and got them out of them and He married them. It's the best part of it: He married them. Because, you see, with a man, whatever may be his age, if he has 16.000 women around him, people will never understand that he is Yogeshwara. Men have this problem. Not the women so much. Because women become mothers, you see, I'm a Mother, nobody can challenge my character. Because I am a Mother. But the fatherhood can be challenged. So He married them. Then the essence of the five elements He married, as five wives. But His real sense of morality is seen in the case of Draupadi. You know the story of Mahabharata, when She was brought in the court of Duryodhana (who) asked Dushasana to take out Her saris. At that time Tulsidas's written what happened. She was holding Her saree by Her teeth. She called " Krishna ", She could only say " Kri ", 'shna' means full stop, goes wrong. She is holding on with only 'Kri', and wouldn't say 'shna'. But as soon as She said " Krishna ", the saree fell down. Then He describes: "Dwarika yashoda jayo yashoda bhayo bari shankha chakra gada padma garuda laisi dhary." [Unsure. In Shri Krishna Gitavali of Tulsidas ]What did He do? When She just said "Krishna", there was a big sound in Dwarika, He was in Dwarika. Immediately, with "shanka, chakra, gada, padma" - these are His four weapons - He came on the Garuda. The way it is said is tremendous, I mean, I feel really, it fulfils your heart with such understanding of Shri Krishna. For his own sister, He came all the way to save Her chastity. To Him the chastity of His sister was of the greatest importance. He could have said: " No, no, no, I am a king, I have to look after this, I have to do that, I have to " - nothing. If Her chastity is in danger, He came flying on the Garuda and supplied that. And this fellow got tired pulling out Her saris. I think, he must have borrowed saris from Me because I have too many saris.One after the other, one after the other, he made a pile of saris and he got tired. He could not make Her nude. The chastity of Draupadi was of such a height. And how Shri Krishna tried to save it is remarkable.So, this Yogeshwara Shri Krishna is also a Dhanvantari, means the doctor of doctors. He is the One who cures. You see, because it's all the brain - and the vibrations which flow on the nervous system. So, He cures people through His brain. Now, how? Say now, supposing somebody is having a problem, say on his heart. So as soon as he puts hands to My photograph, so immediately he gets problem on his left finger here. The brain is working. So in your brain, My vibrations go of Shri Krishna and they start sending these messages. Because I am also Shri Krishna. So this computer acts and immediately you know what's wrong with that person is, he is a heart patient. You don't have to do any diagnosis, you don't have to do anything. Immediately you know. And who does this, it's the principle of Shri Krishna in the brain of the Virat. See this, also working for some people, I think. Now you are convinced about it, you know that it works, it acts like this, it happens like that, and how it communicates through you. So, this computer of Mine communicates. Now, in a computer if you go, you can just press the button, of course they are all man-made, but whatever it is you then get the result. Here it is not like that. It is the brain automatically gives the result, immediately, through the other person. And also the same brain tells you what is to be done to such and such person, how to work it out. The same brain is emitting vibrations, and those vibrations are flowing through this brain, and they are the ones who tell you what's wrong with this person. So, all this work of penetration is done by Shri Krishna, no doubt. He takes these vibrations, puts into another brain, and then that brain, that central nervous system starts working and then you get the result. But instantaneously, it's not so much time it takes, another way I have described it, it just works immediately. As soon as they put their hands before Me, immediately! So how important it is for us to look after our brain, for Sahaja Yogis. I don't know in this America how far this brain is safe. Because if you open any television, wah wah wah, you look outside on the street, look out for the - some advertisements and you hear this music - it breaks your brain completely. Whole atmosphere is anti-Shri Krishna. No purity of understanding, no sense of morality. The way they make pictures, things, horrible violence, horrible, I should say, immoral scenes, all sorts of things - all created here in the land of Shri Krishna. The One who through His waves can completely purify, because He's Yogeshwara, because He is detached, absolutely detached, He cannot get attached to anything. Only the brain makes you attached. Now see, supposing this carpet is here. This is a saree, is here. I look at the saree, and what a nice is this one now. Now, if it is mine, I'm worried it should not get spoiled and where it will be kept, what will happen to it. Goes on worrying about things. Here is any more road you walk, there are shops, shops, shops, shops, shops, shops, shops. - Attention goes there, and in that attention this brain gets involved completely. It gets involved, it wants this, and wants that, and wants that, and wants that -for what? So, the detachment from the matter is only possible if you know generosity. But many people are in Sahaja Yoga, but they are not. What is generosity now? Generosity is now if you like My saree, you'll have it. That's the real generosity. Whatever I am buying is for you, supposing. So you have it. If you have a generous detached temperament, then you can never get involved with matter. And whatever you are involved, it is love. Say, I went to Russia, and there was nice fish eggs they call as caviar. There's one doctor who likes it very much in London. I said: " Please, let Me have some ". They said: " Why do you want to take this one? " " I want to ". They thought of the doctor who needed it there who likes it very much and I felt very happy about that. And the doctor also was very happy: " Mother, you remember even such small thing like this? " So, the matter has a sense of giving very great joy to another person. If you do it with love, again, I say: " Do it with love ", not with attachment, but with love which is detached. He's the One who is detached. So, what is the love that is detached, I've told many a times: Like the sap in the tree rises, goes to every part of the tree and is not attached to any part. And if it gets attached, then the tree will die, and that fruit, whatever it is, will die also. So, what is it a detached love is? Detached love is the most beautiful thing. Firstly, by detached love you know what to give to whom, what will make people happy, what will make them joyous, what do they like. - In love only you know these things, - what do they like, what is their colour, style, what they want. Little, little things. As I told you yesterday the story of Shri Rama, whatever is done with love, even a little thing that you know you would like, I would like to purchase, may look stupid. But I know you like it, so I'll buy that. In the same way, you also do that. All the time you think " Mother, what will She like?" So, you look for little things here and there. But this detachment has to be full and complete. Then only you really get people attached to you, otherwise you cannot. If you are not detached, you cannot get that complete love for another person. Because if you are doing something, say, for money, or if you are doing something for lust, or for greed, or for some sort of a position, it has no meaning. People know " Oh, I know why he is doing it, because I am such and such ". In Sahaja Yoga also many people come either to make money, either to get cured, all kinds of things. But if you are detached, then only Sahaja Yoga will spread. As long as there are attachments, you should know that you are not yet a Sahaja Yogi. I am not saying " You take out your eye or cut your hands " I didn't say that, to that extent.What I'm saying: you should introspect and see: " How much am I attached to this or to that, and why am I so much attached, what does it matter? " Always, as a result of attachment you'll always find disappointments. I've seen parents who have doted on their child, loved their child, this, that. Children mostly go astray. But if you have a detached love for your child, you do nice things for the child. At the same time, you know when to say 'no', when it is not good. " This I don't like, don't do it ", you must say that. But detachment is even wider than that.Like some people are very fond of food. So, to say that you be detached from food is very difficult for them. Specially, at a certain age, I think, they are very fond of good food and all that. Gandhiji has talked about Aswad: you should not have any taste. But as you grow in Sahaja Yoga, you'll find automatically it will happen. All your fascination about food will drop out. That is another sign that you are absolutely detached about food. Now, today I had My lunch, I don't know whether it is dinner or lunch, 'cause I had it at about five o'clock, so I don't know wich part of the day it is. And if I don't eat, it also makes no difference to Me, it doesn't make Me weak or in any way unhappy. But thinking about food is just spoiling your brain. Many people just think about food. We went to their house: " Oh, they had made such nice things. "We went to this house " They've made such nice things. " What's the use? You already have eaten, finished, now, done. Now, why are you thinking about that? Or: " I went to somebody's house, they had given me a horrible food. " Why to think of food, I still don't understand. Whatever has happened has happened. By thinking you cannot get back what you have been eating, or what you are going to eat. It's there, whatever is there you have to eat, you see, what can you do? For example, today, they asked Me: " Mother, will you have hot dog? " In Hindi language it means real hot dog - means: garam kupte - they call that. I said " All right, I'll have it ". They said " All the Americans eat. " " All right, I am an american, give Me ". But when you know something will not do good for your teeth or something, you should not eat. For example, the beef is very bad for the teeth, very bad. That's why you people loose your teeth very fast. Many people ask Me in the interview " Are your denture your own? " I said: " Of course, Mine ". They can't believe it's Mine. Because I know what not to eat for the teeth's sake. But one should not be attached to an idea, that's even subtler attachments. That has really killed this world with so many problems of fanaticism, racialism, I don't know what. Now, here, see the contradictions people have: they go to the sea to get darker, and they have racialism. Why do you go to the sea? If you go to become darker, then why do you hate the people who are dark? Such a contradiction because the brain is not in balance. And for that you have racialism, you become racist. If not that, you have another conditioning that there are different casts and according to the cast, you should go, in India. How can there be any cast when everybody has the Spirit in their heart. They won't eat from another lower cast, they are higher cast, this, that. This brain is the one which creates all kinds of conditionings, and all those great Saints who have lived on this earth, wether they were in India or abroad or anywhere, all of them have stood against this nonsense of discrimination. That comes from brain, you know, ask them " Why do you think like that, you are higher than others? " Like the germans think they are the highest race. Now, who will believe that bull story, I don't know? It is absolutely nonsensical story: germans, the ones who have killed children in the gas chamber and enjoyed that, they must be the lowest race ever going! But they think they are the highest race! How can they be? Tomorrow, Rwanda people will say: " We are the highest race, because we can kill each other nicely in the open. " So, to think yourself to be higher than others, to think that you're more beautiful than others, others are ugly - all this is the brain which takes you to ego, and the ego is the one who befools you completely all the time. That's the job of Shri Krishna. The story you must have heard about Narada who never wanted to see, who thought he was a great man because he was never attracted to a woman, and he was challenging even Shiva. Then Shri Krishna played a trick on him, He always plays tricks. He sent two Gandharvas to tease him. They went down and they asked Narada. They said " You are such a beautiful man, such a handsome person, there is a marriage going on of a lady [Rupoghadi, UNCLEAR] she is very beautiful, she is a princess and why don't you go there, she'll definitely marry you. " And they pampered his ego, you see, such a lot, he started floating in the air. And he said " All right, I am going to go there, I am so handsome. " Ego. He went there, and this princess came out with a garland. She looked at him and she giggled first and then she laughed aloud and then she went away. He couldn't understand, looked at these two persons, they said " It's all right, now, it doesn't matter, maybe somebody is better looking, then you. " So, Narada was very angry, he went to the lake. When he looked into the lake, his face was like a monkey. He's become a monkey because this ego makes you a monkey. And you start thinking: ah, you are great, you are very beautiful, you are this thing, that thing... But you are not. Because if you are, you won't think. Whatever you are, you don't think about it. You don't think: " I am a human being ", do you say that? Or do you say " I have no tails ", do you boast of that? Whatever you are not, then you boast: " I am very beautiful, I am very good looking, others are ugly, this thing ". Then Shri Krishna plays a part through the Maya, and He gives a big lesson to that person. It happens. So, never think that you are something great, or you have achieved this in life and achieved that in life, and that you are something a big Johnny. Nothing, it's nothing but the ego that has moved on here and giving you these ideas, from the ego. And if you go even further with it, then Hitler may enter into your ego and you might behave like him.Or if you are conditioned, impossible to tell you anything. Like this Hari Rama fellow I told you " Why do you wear dhoti in this cold weather? " He said " My guru has told me to wear dhoti ". " So what sort of a guru is it, that he makes you feel cold. I mean, I am a Mother, I don't like all this nonsense. " He said " No, but my guru has said ". What a conditioning! And conditioning for something which is absolutely absurd and ridiculous. Now see, Americans are most vulnerable to such a thing. You start any nonsense, immediately the Americans are the first to jump on it, immediately. Drugs you start, you start some sort of a, I can say, fancy dress. It will start in Paris but will be sold in America. Immediately. There are on the look-out of something new. It might be a monkey trick, but they will do it. I don't know why Americans who are the residents of Shri Krishna's land have no discretion at all, what to accept, what not to accept. They are the worst, they are worse than children even, there is no maturity of any kind: " What's wrong? " So, the discretion which is the center we have here of Hamsa which is ruled by Vishuddhi, is completely sometimes blocked. Like one lady who came to America told Me very boastfully: " Have you been to the pubs in England? " I said " No. Why? " " Oh, my God, what pubs you have here! You know, I went to the best " I said " Which one? " "It's known as Hermit's pub " " What is so special? " Very high class lady, very high class - she says: " You see, one man died, for one month nobody lifted the body, the whole thing was filled with the stink. So the stink is preserved and even the cowwebs are preserved as they are there. Such a great thing was this: in, when I went, and really I felt so spiritual there? " Then she started boasting " You see, we are free people. I allow my children to drink. I give them drinks. " I said: " Really? " " Yeah, I can give them any alcohol, anyone. I do not say 'not this, not that' - no, they can have ". The children who were hardly twelve and forteen years of age. I said " All right, if you have been doing that, what can I say? You are a great lady, I would not do to my children or to my grandchildren, but you are great, namaskar ". After three, four months, we heard that there was a birthday party of the younger boy and she had given all these alcohols to them for the friends. God knows what happened - they had candles and this and that - the whole house got burnt and all the children, her sons and these two sleeping upstairs, all got burnt and died. Boasting about nonsense, like: " I have had five hundred men with me ". Another will say: " I have so many women. " I mean, you are stupid fools because you are organizing nice way to go to hell, and you are all going to go to hell, this is what it is to be told to them. If you go on like this, what will happen to you? Accumulating everything that will destroy them, doing everything that will destroy. " Oh that's good!" I said " Why? " " You know, if you take that, then in two minutes you go off. " I said: " To where? To hell, or where? ". Anything that is destructive, I don't know why the Americans should accept it, when they have Shri Krisna as their Lord. It is to be understood by Sahaja Yogis also, that you have to really transform you have to serve to such an extent that what it is, whatever is destructive should be given up. First of all, I find some men and ladies with such long faces, you know. How can you be? You are living in the country of Leeladhara. He is the One who made everybody dance, and He is the One who sprayed Ras, Ra is energy, Dha is with - Ra-Dha. Ra is energy, the One who sustains energy. The One who did the mental energy enlightened and to sustain it, how can you people take to adharma, to immorality, and to destruction, I just can't understand. I don't know what are His plans are, very well, but He has to really save people of America from all kinds of nonsense they do morning till evening. There's nobody who is sensible in the politics, nobody who has a good character at a very high positions, what sort of things! You cannot get one man whom you can say he is all right and he will do good to your nation. Criticizing others, they are very good. Like we had this plague, this thing not much - this little bit came out, they have published it all over these media, they've stopped all our ships, stopped all our aeroplanes, made such a fuss, put us into so much trouble - what about your AIDS, which you are giving Prasad everywhere. It's very surprising that with your brain enlightened by Shri Krishna, how could people accept even mentally - person like Freud. How could you accept Freud? I just can't understand. And now you are all ruined. So, now we are worried. They don't what to do. Now they are breaking families, and all the logical conclusions they reach is just the opposite of Shri Krishna. Like this Simpson killed his wife. All right, he killed, finished, this Simpson business. Now they are coming out big theories, see now: why psychologically he killed, because he was married to her. When you marry only you kill your wife or your husband. - So, you should not marry: what a conclusion! Tomorrow they'll say that people are killing each other, so allow them to have weapons in their hand. Now, they want to allow them to have some drugs also. Allow them to have homosexuality, allow them to have all this. Because, I think, these people in charge of affairs do not want anybody to live, think that " Let them fight among themselves, do what they like, we should have our own seats. " The way they are not worried about the immorality and all the destructive forces that are acting on American children, american youth and american people, not bothered about them. So, tonight we are praising Shri Krishna who is Yogeshwara. He eats but He does not eat. He sleeps but He does not sleep. He has wives but He has no wife. Like this is the Yogeshwara, and that is what you are Yogis, and He is your Ishwara, so, you have to try to be like Him. Let your brain be enlightened by His blessings. And you'll become that great personality that encompasses everything, that sees everything, that gives you discretion, that makes you understand what's wrong. And you feel enthousiastic about changing this America with all your efforts, with all the mind. That's the most important thing you have to do. As it is, He is a Kubera, He is the Lord of Wealth and He has given you such a lot of wealth all around, you see, just very near New York, you should have such a beautiful places. In every way, you are blessed: you have money, you have everything, you have brains. Everything is there. What is lacking is wisdom, with everything, with you. Supposing, you have a car. You're having a car, you have got keys, you have got engine, you have brake, everything, but you don't know how to drive, so what will happen? This is what it is. So, as Sahaja Yogis from America, you have a very, very, very special responsibility, very special responsibility. Today we'll be saying His hundred and eight names which are well-done, have come from Poona all the way. So that we'll have it first and then a little Puja of the Devi. May God bless you!
An enlightened personality
United States
New York City
Public Program
1994-10-03 Indian Public Program, New York ‘’I bow to all the seekers of truth.’’ The other day I told you, that truth is what it is, it has been, it is and it will be. We cannot change the truth, we cannot challenge it and unfortunately at this human awareness we cannot know it. Something more has to happen to us in our evolutionary process to know the truth. That’s why all the scriptures have said that you are to be born again. And in Sanskrit an enlightened soul is called as “ Dviijaha”and a bird is also called as Dviijaha, means twice-born. But when the bird comes as an egg, it grows, matures and then it becomes a bird. Now this bird has no resemblance with the egg which it was. In the same way one has to know that when you are born again then there is no resemblance between you and yourself which was in the past. You get completely transformed into a very different personality. Which is an enlightened personality. You have been already told about the subtle system we have within ourselves. This subtle system has been created throughout our evolutionary process. And now the last breakthrough has to take place. And this last breakthrough has to work out in these modern times, as we call it in Indian language ‘Kaliyuga’.and this is the worst ‘Kaliyuga’, I mean the ‘Ghor Kaliyuga’.At this time the people will get into illusions and they will be frustrated, and then they will seek the truth is already predicted by many people. But we have to know first of all what is the truth? You don’t have to believe whatever I am going to say. But you should keep your mind open like scientist and treat it as a hypothesis. If it works then you must accept as honest people because this is for your well-being, for the benevolence of your family of your city, of your country and of the whole world. Because all the problems that we have are created by ourselves, by human beings. All these problems human being’s problems come from their centres. And if these centres are in trouble you have physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems. So we have to do something about knowing, what are these centres and what is their function in our body. These are the subtle energy centres about which you have been already told. So the first truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intellect, these conditionings, or your ego. Because you say my ego, my conditionings, my emotions so who is the owner of this “My”? So what are you? I say that you are the pure spirit, you have to reach that state where you become the spirit. It is a question of becoming, not giving you a big lecture or sermon but it is the question of becoming. And this becoming can come in only possible if you desire it. It cannot be forced on you. So these days there are so many seekers of truth, they have been seeking the truth also without knowing what they were seeking? In that mistake or you can say in that misunderstanding they were misguided by many horrible people. Some also came from India. Am ashamed about it, but you also are responsible in a way to know that how can you get your higher spiritual status, your self-realization by doing all kinds of nonsensical things. The nonsensical things we have been doing are, there’s somebody who came and said that you can all levitate yourself up to 3 feet and can go above it. So people pay thousands of pounds to do that. Something absurd, why should you levitate, I mean levitation do you become spiritual? This idea of levitation has come from ‘Tantrikaas’……. They have talked about it and it’s very surprising, I saw a man, who came to me who was possessed and he was just raising his body jumping up…. if they tell you how we can teach you how to move the pendulum of another person to control his mind immediately you jump at such nonsensical thing, why do you want to move a pendulum? People have paid so much money in this America, when I hear about it I am really amazed. Another fellow came here, and has made so much money, when he came back to India one doctor visited him and he gave him a real gold watch. It’s very surprising. He said it’s all American prasaad, American blessings. So they all came to America, I don’t know under what impression, to make large amount of money. Another lady was selling her shawls in Australia. These are spiritual shawls as if God has woven them. And Australians bought them at such a high price. The shawl itself costs you about at the most 100 to 200 rupees in India and she sold it for 100 to 200 pounds. Such nonsensical things if people tell you and you believe in it then at least you should have gone and seen what sort of a lifestyle they have ? how do they live, how do they behave with other people, what is their moral standard? No, still you didn’t bother to find out. You just jumped at them as if they are already descending from heavens. But you will be amazed to know that some of them came directly out of the jail, and they could not settle in India so they have come to America. They wore those dresses and befooled you. Actually why they came here because they knew there are seekers, there is a market of seekers and so it was all marketing… A seeking of truth was very strong in this country, even much more then in India. Indians take everything for granted. They are not the ones who will think what we have been doing, have been something sensible or not. Their forefathers did it, their great grandparents did it and they are doing the same thing. They don’t want to take to something, they don’t want to listen to something where we say that you have to transform yourself; but it came only in America this idea that we have to transform ourselves. So nicely a market was created… The truth is that you are the pure spirit and there is an all-pervading power of Divine Love, which does all the living work. For example, these flowers you see are a miracle, very beautiful they are no doubt but they are living and it’s a miracle. But we take them for granted. If you ask the doctor who runs your heart, he’ll say it’s the autonomous nervous system but if you ask who is this auto he will have no answer. So the second truth is that there is a power of Divine love which is all-pervading. All the scriptures have talked about it; for example, in our Sanskrit language it is called as “Param Chaitanya”…. Patanjali has given him another name “Ritambhara PrAgnya”…but in the Bible it is the cool breeze of the “Holy Ghost”…in the ‘Kuran it is “Ruuh” also among the Jews it’s the ‘All-Pervading Power Of God’. But nobody bothered to find out what is this? We really sometimes take to science and we find it is a moral it cannot answer many questions especially the question ‘Why are we on this earth’? So we take to another kind of explanation that is the religion and when we get to the religion, first we find them all fighting with each other and if you go deep down into it you will find out they are not sprit oriented at all. They are money-oriented or power-oriented. None of them talk of the ascent that is awaiting you at this important time. This ascent is the easiest thing that can happen today and this is the special time because we are in a mood of a great deep seeking of truth. It could not happen otherwise before. It could not happen at the time of ‘Shri Rama’, ‘Shri Krishna’, or even at the time of ‘Lord Jesus Christ’ or even at the time as ‘Hazrat Mohammed’. It was not possible. People were not ready, they were not seeking, they were not willing to take to anything that one was something so important. And also I feel that people like Moses or Christ or Mohammed sahab all of them were very pure spiritual people. They never understood what impurities human beings have…never. They didn’t know what sort of human beings they are facing; so their laws were for angles not for human beings. Like Christ has said in his fifth chapter, Mathews, that if your one eye does anything wrong then you take it out and throw it away, if your hand does anything wrong then you cut it off…or if somebody slaps you on this side turn the other face, other side of your cheek, can you imagine? I am yet to come across any Christian who has lost even one eye… Now the question of Islam is another extremely difficult thing, nobody follows, it’s just forsake, for example, first of all I think Mohammed Sahab must have thought that Christ was so strict with men so let us have some rules and regulations about women. So any women who becomes immoral was to be buried in the ground halfway and to be beaten up with shoes or with stones; think of American women what will happen to them, if they follow Islam…It’s terrible…but on top of that he accepted ‘Shariyat’ which is the laws, we can say, given by Moses to Jews in Jerimiah in our Bible, you can say that. Now these are even worse than anything else, if you steal anything then your hands should be cut permanently. I mean this one was the worst type of laws given by Moses when he found that the people who were supposed to be seeking the truth have become so decadent. This kind of I should say a understanding about human being was absolutely not the truth. See human beings are not angels, they are human beings and to err is human. If human beings don’t make mistakes is God going to make mistakes?.... So on the whole what we find that all these religions based on books also have brought in a very big question before us that can human beings follow these religions? Then came our Hindu religion where is the laws are tremendous which Hindus are not at all aware of. It is the love, that should be used throughout and except for God Almighty nobody has business to kill anyone. Then it was all also I must say ‘Shri Krishna’ was a diplomat very clever. He thought the human beings are not alright, he understood perhaps so he tried to say things in a very diplomatic way. He said that whatever work you do karma you put it at the lotus feet of God. Is not possible…is not possible unless and until you are a realized soul, it is not possible. For bhakti he said do “ Annaya Bhakti”. When there is not the other then you do the bhakti means you are a realize soul when you are connected with God. Unless and until you are connected how can you do any devotion to God? How can you pray to him? This ordinary thing like telephone if telephone is not connected, whom are you telephoning? So they blamed God, see this God is so bad, we are praying to him, we are doing this, fasting, this that and still he doesn’t listen to us. Nobody has asked you to fast. There is no need to stand on your head either, there is no need for you to go to the Himalayas. It is all within yourself is said by all people like Gurunanaka, Kabira, Gyaneshwara all these great saints have said that it is within you, you seek it here, where are you going to the Jungles? But nobody listened to them even in India and now in Maharashtra, I have seen people walking miles together to go to a temple…and they don’t eat anything and they don’t wear proper dresses just some sort of a Gunny bag. For months together they walk and ultimately what they get is a Brahmin goes and hits their heads so they get off their heads and they say this is unmani, this is the one promise by God now what to say? So in every religion there has been all kinds of perverted nonsensical rituals and that’s how people have lost faith in God and also in religion. But this is wrong, this is most unscientific, unless and until you have found out if there is God or not how can you lose your faith in God? It’s a very unscientific attitude I think, that people say that I don’t believe in God, because first you find out there is God or not…I say there is, you say there is not; so better find out. If you find if there is no God alright but you have done nothing of the kind and just off hand you cannot say such a big thing that there is no God. Now the time has come to prove the existence of God. The time has come to make everything very tangible, very sensible; because once you become a self-realized enlightened personality you start feeling this all-pervading power on your fingertips. On your fingertips, in kuran, Mohhamad Sahab has clearly written, at the time of ‘Kyama’, at the time of resurrection your hands will speak and they will give a shahadat meaning, witness against you and this is exactly what happens in Sahaja yoga that once you get your realization you start feeling this all-pervading power around. Then all these centres which are responsible of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being, they all get enlightened, integrated and nourished.So all the problems which are physical, mental, emotional and spiritual disappear. Very simple. I have seen people getting rid of their diseases just in our programmes, very surprising. Even you don’t touch them, don’t say anything to them they get it. It’s not because of me or because of anything else but it’s your own power of Kundalini, which is your own. You have this power in your Sacrum bone that means it was a sacred bone accepted by Greeks and this kundalini when she rises she does the job. It is your own power which manifests and which works it out, is all placed their very nicely and she is your individual mother, she is your individual mother, she knows everything about you. It’s like a tape-record you know she has recorded everything what are we been up to. She knows also your aspirations, knows your past, she knows everything about you. When she rises she gives you the second birth because she is anxious to give you your second birth. Now there are some books which are so funny that they say kundalini rising can give you some sort of a problem. It does not, never …I have been working with the Kundalini Awakening for the last 25 years, I have not seen anybody getting any trouble at all. When you were born your mother took all the trouble upon herself, in the same way the Kundalini takes all the trouble upon herself and give you your self-realization. She is I told you, is your individual mother and she knows everything about you. So why should you judge yourself? Why should you feel guilty? Why should you try to put yourself down? Because she knows you and she will and she judges you and she is the one who is going to give you self-realization. So why should you try to judge yourself and find faults with you for nothing at all…or the other side of it is like this that all our life we are in such a stress, we are we cannot forgive people. The life in New York especially is such a hectic such a pressuring life that people would say that Mother how can you get your self-realization here, you can but then what happens to you, the whole thing becomes like a drama. If you are passing through the traffic you are watching and enjoying yourself, you are not bothered If you are going on the plane you think you are just sitting on your sofa set and nicely enjoying yourself. Can see me, I am 72 years of age and I travel practically every day and I travel and have a programme again travel and have a programme now tomorrow I am again travelling to Milano, but I don’t feel anything. Because we think too much, I have seen many of your actors and actresses in a say films and things, as soon as they will sit down on the chair they’ll say…Haa…God knows what has happened to them? Why are they so tired? because they think and think and think. This thinking makes them very tired so what we do normally is to we are always thinking about the past or the future. We cannot be in the present, cannot be. So our mind is jumping on the cusp of past and future on the thoughts all the time., but when this kundalini rises, she elongates those thoughts and you become, again I say become ‘Thoughtlessly aware’. You are aware but thoughtless that is the present, Present is the reality…. not the past or the future. So you become one with reality. Thoughtlessly aware is the first state which we call in Sanskrit as ‘Nirvichar Samadhi’…Second state you achieve is called as ‘Doubtlessly aware’ meaning ‘Nirvikalpa Samadhi’ where there is no thought, doubt in your mind, no doubt. You know there is a power that you are connected with it, that this power is flowing through you and then whatever you do is done by this power. This power is so full of blessings that if I tell you something you won’t believe the way it has shown its effects different ways apart from, I don’t know if they have shown you my photographs which are really remarkable but apart from that how they have protected and how they have guided, how they have helped, how they have made human beings dynamic is really unbelievable. For example, we’ll say this Miss Universe,this, she is a Sahajayogini and she came to me and she said “Mother, can I go for a beauty contest? I said, why not, she said but, I said what’s the matter? She said, I don’t want to wear funny dresses, I said, no you wear the swimming dresses naa, just think that you are going for a swim, then you won’t feel it so bad. But she is a Sahajyogini, so she said first I am going for India beauty contest, I said you will be selected and you will become Miss Universe. She could not believe it and she became because I wouldn’t call her a very great beauty as such from Indian point of view but she became because they asked her questions and they saw her poise and her behaviour and everything and they were amazed at the whole thing and that’s how she’s got this great award and she couldn’t believe it. So this is nothing, there are many artists who have become great artists and musicians from India and abroad also we have so many talents coming up and there are so many aa.. painters and sculptures who have come up. It helps in every way because when kundalini enlightens your brain, you become a peaceful personality, absolutely a peaceful personality and also you become so dynamic. You understand your thought is enlightened and you understand much more then you could ever understand about any subject because you become subtle and subtler and subtler and that’s how you understand about everything in such a manner that normally people don’t see that. Then your attention, what Christ has said that take out your eye. Now what Mohammad Sahib has said, that supposing you have looked at a woman, alright, till then it’s not a sin then you turn your head, alright, but if you again look at her then you have committed a sin. Just think of it. Here I find in New York everybody’s eyes going like this, like this, like this…really….I don’t know what they are looking at? But they see nothing, because they go on like this you see like some dolls you know you must have seen, if the screw becomes loose the eyes go on like that….so, by this happening you become so innocent, now I must tell you that your innocence is never lost, never lost, it is there all the time, it is eternal but there are some clouds on it as soon as you get your realization, your innocence is re-established. This Sri Ganesha, the one she danced, Shri Ganesha is the symbol of that innocence. Your attention becomes devoid of lust and greed, but not only that your attention becomes enlightened. In that enlightened attention what happens you see what is destructive for you, what is constructive for you. For example, now I am a very say obstinate person, it’s all darkness here and I have a snake in my hand and somebody tells me I have a snake in my hand, I will not give up because I am obstinate you know. Till that snakes bites me I will be holding on to it, but as soon as there is some light I ‘ll throw it away. In the same way when attention is enlightened immediately you know, my goodness what have I been doing this, it’s all wrong so you take a U turn, absolutely a U turn and your life becomes so moral, so virtuous, so righteous that you start suspecting yourself what’s the matter with me? I was not like this I just can’t do the things…firstly you must have tried not to do something, tried I shouldn’t do this, I shouldn’t do that, but there was no courage but now that courage has come, that strength has come and you are doing exactly whatever is benevolent for you…I don’t have to tell you don’t do this, don’t do, in the modern times you tell somebody half of them will walk out so what happens you yourself become your own guide, yourself become your own master and yourself you know what has to be done for your ascent. Then this enlightened attention is so powerful that wherever you project it, it acts anywhere you project it; it acts. Any place about anyone it acts. And it definitely improves and cures that person on which or that community or that area on which you have put your attention. Such an enlightened attention comes and that is your own, is within you in a potential state just starts manifesting after your realization. Now you can feel your centres on your hand. Fingertips that’s the self-knowledge. You know about yourself what’s wrong, where. It’s the Parasympathetic nervous system you can say, if your doctors will understand that you know where is the problem and also you can feel the centres of others, because now what has happened that you become ‘Collectively conscious’ in Sanskrit it is ‘Samuhik Chetana’..Samuhik Chetana; that means you can feel the centres of others. Now if know how to correct your centres, you can correct your centres and you can correct the centres of others. Is very simple, it is extremely easy to know, what to do, how to do it and it works out. It’s very - very simple, it’s too simple that people can’t believe it. Of course I must tell you that we have seen people getting cured of cancer of all kinds of diseases even Aids with Sahaja yoga. Even Aids, but there’s a little Psychological problem of the Aids people that they think they are Martyrs you see. They don’t want to get cured they think they are Martyrs of a very big sort of a principle for which they have fought, so it’s difficult to handle them; but there are people who have been cured, but the problem I have told you that they think they are great Martyrs, it’s impossible to talk to them. So all kinds of diseases can be cured through your own Kundalini, except for those which are like dead things like, supposing they have put a steel in your hand, then it’s impossible to remove it or else there’s a cataract in your eye it’s impossible, somethings like that, but otherwise you get automatically cured. One thing that your diagnosis is the easiest thing, a child can diagnose it immediately he will tell you, what’s wrong with what chakra. So you can find out from people what’s wrong with them, only by just putting hands towards themselves. [English translation from Hindi] All Indians got up and left immediately…most of the Indians do not have concern for anything...son, very few are remained. I am watching since long Indians get up and leave from here. Such a situation in London, you listen, they will sit in front, because I am An Indian and they have right on Me. And they leave in between. So I have informed, if Indians come, let them sit backside, then they said You all are racist. Say whatever but sit backside. Really Indians’ minds are spoilt after they come out. Money is filled in their minds or something else has happened to them. Same Indians, if you see, there are 16000 Sahaja yogis in Delhi. They are in thousands all over in Ghaziabad. But here Indians condition is like this, tomorrow if their children start taking drugs, then they will come to me….yes their heads are are saying right, But you should know the adverse effect of money also…with this all disease also will come…but some people, who are truthful, see how they are settled, they know, what better is going to happen then this! We Indians don’t think, what we will do with this money…tell me..they were singing Marathi song, I don’t see any single Maharashtrian here because Saints were born at their places hence they think God is in their pocket. Is there a Maharashtrian. [Shri Mataji speaks in English] You are from where ?...achha,surprising….ye toh Gujrat manje Gujrat aahe…all right; I am sorry I had to say something in Hindi Language. All right, so now this attention which becomes enlightened can help yourself off course but wherever it is projected it will help that person, that locality, that community everything…So you can cure people, you can raise their Kundalini. So many things you can do which you have never done before. In this small lecture, I don’t know how much I can tell you because I tell you I must have given at least three-four thousand lectures only in English language and I know other languages also and I don’t know how much I can tell you about this great thing. But this is all mental, this is all mental you have to go beyond mind and to go beyond mind. This Kundalini has to rise and give you realization which is a happening which has to take place and it is very easy to get this realization. It is Sahaja, means spontaneous, ‘Sa’ means with and ‘Jah’ is born with you, is the right to get this union. That’s what it is., above all I must tell you, you jump in the ocean of joy. You have seen these people right from Russia, India, Romania, America from all over are here and singing Sanskrit songs you know. English could not say one sentence though they lived there for 300 years in our country. I mean they spoke, we didn’t know what language they were speaking and now look at these people, even Indians are amazed the way they can sing these songs. This is all the blessing of Sahaja yoga and this joy that I am talking about is a singular thing, happiness and unhappiness are the two sides of one coin, if your ego is punctured you feel unhappy, if it is pampered you feel happy. It’s an artificial thing but Joy is something where you become a witness of the whole thing, the whole thing becomes a drama and you start enjoying. Now we have in India sometimes seminars, in Russia seminars of thousands of people, now Sahaja yoga is working in 60 nations, I think 65, but I have never seen them quarrelling or fighting never, off course they pull each other’s leg sometimes and enjoy some jokes, that’s all right, that one has to because there’s fun. For them there is no need to have holidays there is no need to spend in money in cinemas and all these entertainments and all these stupid things that are going around. They only enjoy each other’s company of pure love. There’s no lust, there’s no greed, there is no expectation. This is the new race and the new age. Just by branding something as new age it doesn’t become. It has to show its validity, how it’s a new age, what new things have happened, how these people have become something different. And this is the time when you have to enter into the ‘Kingdom of God’ to enjoy his blessings. All these stupid ideas of austerities and fasting are not necessary. There is no need to fast because he is God Almighty who is our Father, who loves us very much. Which father would like his son, I don’t know about America, but normally, which Father would like his son to suffer to meet him. Not possible; So this is the Father of all the fathers. With all that Fatherhood why should we torture our lives, It’s all right you can fast if you want to do it for your health sake or something but don’t blame your ‘Father The God’. Now as it is we have all these things just built in within us, like a seed if you put it in the Mother earth sprouts, the ‘Kundalini rises’ but the ‘Kundalini’ is the power of pure desire, all our desires are impure, for example you want to have a house, you want to have then carpets, you want to have furniture, you want to have a car, then we want to have a big car. They told me that people borrow money here to buy a big car, but I said why? because they want to show that the car should be big, I said why? One gentleman told me why, his secretary’s car is four times bigger than mine, but why? They said, because they want to show but to whom? Nobody sees, nobody knows, who is the owner of the car? It’s a Myth. Another thing, I was told in this country everybody is indebted. I mean then how are you rich. I don’t understand…Indebted person cannot be rich isn’t. But what they do is spend their money on holidays. For holidays, it’s a crisis in their life if they cannot go for a holidays. They’ll borrow money bur go for a holiday, for what? To make their skins dark, it’s another madness. Here they are racist they don’t like black people then why do they want to make their skin dark…What a contradiction? I can’t understand!! They waste money like this unnecessarily, I tell you in this America about 25 years back nobody used to go on holidays. I am an old woman and I know. This is some entrepreneurs have started a craze that you must go for a holiday. So any craze they start, they start doing it. Why not have your own ideas about things, Why not? For example, they have parties of dogs, I was told can’t understand. They are particular organisations which fix the funeral for you, I can’t understand!! All kinds of stupid things they are wasting money; anything stupid comes out your ‘Halloween’ is another very great stupid nonsense. It is celebrating the birth of all the dead bodies, I think who have become Ghosts, it’s a ghostly thing, I wanted to buy a house, I went with my daughter and they had put a Halloween lady there, she said, don’t buy this; this is inauspicious. There is a devil in the front door. So to do anything nonsensical they are willing. What’s wrong?? What’s the wrong, anything even aids people, you tell them this is wrong, What’s wrong?? Who are you?? All right go ahead with all this Tomfoolery…but I am sure now some people must have matured and have become wiser, very important is to mature and to become wise and to get your self-realization. So many problems you have in this country of which you are not at all aware, I mean in India 18 people died in a place, they stopped all our ships, they stopped all our aeroplanes, everything, what is it, here with Aids how many people are dying, not only where ever the go they are spreading Aids everywhere, do you know that? They have given Aids to everyone. In Calcutta they have given Aids to thousands…So whatever little is told by the Media is accepted and people just go mad about it. Now let us think, why? why? you have to be in, in the Lunatic asylum. There is something more that you have to achieve, so that you save this country. You won’t believe, I have been coming to this country for the last 25 years, Russia I went only 4 years, Russians are not conditioned people, they are like clean sleets, there’s a joke, we had one programme in Tolyatti once and one American sahajayogi was there and a Tolyatti sahaji was there, He asked him how many sahaja yogis you have in America? this is three years back, so he said we have 56, oh My God, you have 56 thousand and we have only 21 thousand, because to come to Sahaja yoga you cannot pay. You cannot purchase me, you cannot purchase your self-realization, so you forget that you have money. Then you have to become something, it’s not just a brand. Like the other day I saw ‘Hare Rama’ people walking with their dhotis. I asked them why do you wear dhotis in this cold, it’s so cold, you will get very cold winds. I am a mother you know. They said my Guru has initiated that I should wear dhoti, I said what sort of a Guru is this one? that he has initiated that you wear dhoti in this terrible cold…Oh yes! because then I will get my ‘Nirvana’. I said in India at least 80 percent people wear dhoti, because it’s so hot, they are all going to get ‘Nirvana’ before you. All such things are there which they accept which are nonsensical so I feel that now all those people who are here should understand the responsibility as Americans, whatever it is, this is one of the richest country, it is such a blessed country. God has given you so much here…now the time has come to realize that it is on its way to destruction and the destruction is coming from within not from without. So awaken now! and try to save this country through Sahaja yoga. It’s not difficult at all. You’ll have all your powers, you will know everything about it, don’t have to pay for anything. You’ll realize your identity that you are a channel of God’s love, and first time you will be using this Divine Love. If you use this Divine Love, you will be surprised that how foolishly we have been using the power of hatred. So this is my last lecture in America this time and I have seen very sensible, nice people sitting before me. So I request you all to take your self-realization seriously which you’ll get tonight here. Understand your value, understand what you are, what you have to do now for your country, what is so important for your children, for your progeny for your family life, haan this Simson fellow, he killed his wife, so now they are giving articles all over the world because you see, Americans think they can write about everything that one should not marry because when you marry only you kill your wife, or your husband. If you don’t marry there won’t be any killing, imagine! Such an article is appearing, now what I am saying, that is very important, my concern is very much there, and some Sahaj yogis told me “Mother, you come and stay here, then it will work out better”. I wish, I could do that, but you are all there, you are wise people. It is your responsibility to see that you save this country, otherwise you will be held responsible, that you did not do anything for it. It’s no use talking politics, this, that nonsense, nothing. Now you are in the kingdom of God, so what you have to do is to get more people into it, you don’t have to pay anything for it. But little time has to be given. I assure you, your health will be all right, off course your wealth will be all right also and apart from that, you ‘ll be absolutely peaceful personality. We talk of peace, peace, peace. I have seen people getting peace awards, they are so horribly hot-tempered, that you can’t touch them without a barge poll. So, that kind of a peace I am not talking, but a real peace, which comes from within and this real peace that comes from within emits peace for others. So this kind of a peace we can establish very easily if you all people take it seriously about it…Many people told me, “Mother you don’t take money, so Americans won’t take you seriously.” I mean, this is too much, I said. What can you pay? What can you pay me? It is invaluable, can you pay for love? You cannot, so even to say such a thing you know, shows that people have not understood the value of spirituality. Or what did we pay to Christ? We sold him…. So, we will have now ten minutes programme, only ten minutes and you will get your realization, only ten minutes. For that I have to tell you one thing, I cannot force Sahaja yoga on you, if you do not want to have, I cannot force it. Off course, it is not for idiots also. You cannot give realization to idiots and lunatics. You cannot give realization to people who are extremely arrogant. It doesn’t work out, but all those who want it will have it. It’s your desire, your freedom to choose it and to get it and that’s how you all are going to get it. It’s not going to be difficult at all. So if anyone wants to go out, I’ll give one minute, you can go out, but when we are doing this self-realization, please don’t get up and walk.
1994-10-03 Indian Public Program, New York ‘’I bow to all the seekers of truth.’’ The other day I told you, that truth is what it is, it has been, it is and it will be. We cannot change the truth, we cannot challenge it and unfortunately at this human awareness we cannot know it. Something more has to happen to us in our evolutionary process to know the truth. That’s why all the scriptures have said that you are to be born again. And in Sanskrit an enlightened soul is called as “ Dviijaha”and a bird is also called as Dviijaha, means twice-born. But when the bird comes as an egg, it grows, matures and then it becomes a bird. Now this bird has no resemblance with the egg which it was. In the same way one has to know that when you are born again then there is no resemblance between you and yourself which was in the past. You get completely transformed into a very different personality. Which is an enlightened personality. You have been already told about the subtle system we have within ourselves. This subtle system has been created throughout our evolutionary process. And now the last breakthrough has to take place. And this last breakthrough has to work out in these modern times, as we call it in Indian language ‘Kaliyuga’.and this is the worst ‘Kaliyuga’, I mean the ‘Ghor Kaliyuga’.At this time the people will get into illusions and they will be frustrated, and then they will seek the truth is already predicted by many people. But we have to know first of all what is the truth? You don’t have to believe whatever I am going to say. But you should keep your mind open like scientist and treat it as a hypothesis. If it works then you must accept as honest people because this is for your well-being, for the benevolence of your family of your city, of your country and of the whole world. Because all the problems that we have are created by ourselves, by human beings. All these problems human being’s problems come from their centres. And if these centres are in trouble you have physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems. So we have to do something about knowing, what are these centres and what is their function in our body. These are the subtle energy centres about which you have been already told. So the first truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intellect, these conditionings, or your ego. Because you say my ego, my conditionings, my emotions so who is the owner of this “My”? So what are you? I say that you are the pure spirit, you have to reach that state where you become the spirit. It is a question of becoming, not giving you a big lecture or sermon but it is the question of becoming. And this becoming can come in only possible if you desire it. It cannot be forced on you. So these days there are so many seekers of truth, they have been seeking the truth also without knowing what they were seeking? In that mistake or you can say in that misunderstanding they were misguided by many horrible people. Some also came from India. Am ashamed about it, but you also are responsible in a way to know that how can you get your higher spiritual status, your self-realization by doing all kinds of nonsensical things. The nonsensical things we have been doing are, there’s somebody who came and said that you can all levitate yourself up to 3 feet and can go above it. So people pay thousands of pounds to do that. Something absurd, why should you levitate, I mean levitation do you become spiritual? This idea of levitation has come from ‘Tantrikaas’……. They have talked about it and it’s very surprising, I saw a man, who came to me who was possessed and he was just raising his body jumping up…. if they tell you how we can teach you how to move the pendulum of another person to control his mind immediately you jump at such nonsensical thing, why do you want to move a pendulum? People have paid so much money in this America, when I hear about it I am really amazed. Another fellow came here, and has made so much money, when he came back to India one doctor visited him and he gave him a real gold watch. It’s very surprising. He said it’s all American prasaad, American blessings. So they all came to America, I don’t know under what impression, to make large amount of money. Another lady was selling her shawls in Australia. These are spiritual shawls as if God has woven them. And Australians bought them at such a high price. The shawl itself costs you about at the most 100 to 200 rupees in India and she sold it for 100 to 200 pounds. Such nonsensical things if people tell you and you believe in it then at least you should have gone and seen what sort of a lifestyle they have ? how do they live, how do they behave with other people, what is their moral standard? No, still you didn’t bother to find out. You just jumped at them as if they are already descending from heavens. But you will be amazed to know that some of them came directly out of the jail, and they could not settle in India so they have come to America. They wore those dresses and befooled you. Actually why they came here because they knew there are seekers, there is a market of seekers and so it was all marketing… A seeking of truth was very strong in this country, even much more then in India. Indians take everything for granted. They are not the ones who will think what we have been doing, have been something sensible or not. Their forefathers did it, their great grandparents did it and they are doing the same thing. They don’t want to take to something, they don’t want to listen to something where we say that you have to transform yourself; but it came only in America this idea that we have to transform ourselves. So nicely a market was created… The truth is that you are the pure spirit and there is an all-pervading power of Divine Love, which does all the living work. For example, these flowers you see are a miracle, very beautiful they are no doubt but they are living and it’s a miracle. But we take them for granted. If you ask the doctor who runs your heart, he’ll say it’s the autonomous nervous system but if you ask who is this auto he will have no answer. So the second truth is that there is a power of Divine love which is all-pervading. All the scriptures have talked about it; for example, in our Sanskrit language it is called as “Param Chaitanya”…. Patanjali has given him another name “Ritambhara PrAgnya”…but in the Bible it is the cool breeze of the “Holy Ghost”…in the ‘Kuran it is “Ruuh” also among the Jews it’s the ‘All-Pervading Power Of God’. But nobody bothered to find out what is this? We really sometimes take to science and we find it is a moral it cannot answer many questions especially the question ‘Why are we on this earth’? So we take to another kind of explanation that is the religion and when we get to the religion, first we find them all fighting with each other and if you go deep down into it you will find out they are not sprit oriented at all. They are money-oriented or power-oriented. None of them talk of the ascent that is awaiting you at this important time. This ascent is the easiest thing that can happen today and this is the special time because we are in a mood of a great deep seeking of truth. It could not happen otherwise before. It could not happen at the time of ‘Shri Rama’, ‘Shri Krishna’, or even at the time of ‘Lord Jesus Christ’ or even at the time as ‘Hazrat Mohammed’. It was not possible. People were not ready, they were not seeking, they were not willing to take to anything that one was something so important. And also I feel that people like Moses or Christ or Mohammed sahab all of them were very pure spiritual people. They never understood what impurities human beings have…never. They didn’t know what sort of human beings they are facing; so their laws were for angles not for human beings. Like Christ has said in his fifth chapter, Mathews, that if your one eye does anything wrong then you take it out and throw it away, if your hand does anything wrong then you cut it off…or if somebody slaps you on this side turn the other face, other side of your cheek, can you imagine? I am yet to come across any Christian who has lost even one eye… Now the question of Islam is another extremely difficult thing, nobody follows, it’s just forsake, for example, first of all I think Mohammed Sahab must have thought that Christ was so strict with men so let us have some rules and regulations about women. So any women who becomes immoral was to be buried in the ground halfway and to be beaten up with shoes or with stones; think of American women what will happen to them, if they follow Islam…It’s terrible…but on top of that he accepted ‘Shariyat’ which is the laws, we can say, given by Moses to Jews in Jerimiah in our Bible, you can say that. Now these are even worse than anything else, if you steal anything then your hands should be cut permanently. I mean this one was the worst type of laws given by Moses when he found that the people who were supposed to be seeking the truth have become so decadent. This kind of I should say a understanding about human being was absolutely not the truth. See human beings are not angels, they are human beings and to err is human. If human beings don’t make mistakes is God going to make mistakes?.... So on the whole what we find that all these religions based on books also have brought in a very big question before us that can human beings follow these religions? Then came our Hindu religion where is the laws are tremendous which Hindus are not at all aware of. It is the love, that should be used throughout and except for God Almighty nobody has business to kill anyone. Then it was all also I must say ‘Shri Krishna’ was a diplomat very clever. He thought the human beings are not alright, he understood perhaps so he tried to say things in a very diplomatic way. He said that whatever work you do karma you put it at the lotus feet of God. Is not possible…is not possible unless and until you are a realized soul, it is not possible. For bhakti he said do “ Annaya Bhakti”. When there is not the other then you do the bhakti means you are a realize soul when you are connected with God. Unless and until you are connected how can you do any devotion to God? How can you pray to him? This ordinary thing like telephone if telephone is not connected, whom are you telephoning? So they blamed God, see this God is so bad, we are praying to him, we are doing this, fasting, this that and still he doesn’t listen to us. Nobody has asked you to fast. There is no need to stand on your head either, there is no need for you to go to the Himalayas. It is all within yourself is said by all people like Gurunanaka, Kabira, Gyaneshwara all these great saints have said that it is within you, you seek it here, where are you going to the Jungles? But nobody listened to them even in India and now in Maharashtra, I have seen people walking miles together to go to a temple…and they don’t eat anything and they don’t wear proper dresses just some sort of a Gunny bag. For months together they walk and ultimately what they get is a Brahmin goes and hits their heads so they get off their heads and they say this is unmani, this is the one promise by God now what to say? So in every religion there has been all kinds of perverted nonsensical rituals and that’s how people have lost faith in God and also in religion. But this is wrong, this is most unscientific, unless and until you have found out if there is God or not how can you lose your faith in God? It’s a very unscientific attitude I think, that people say that I don’t believe in God, because first you find out there is God or not…I say there is, you say there is not; so better find out. If you find if there is no God alright but you have done nothing of the kind and just off hand you cannot say such a big thing that there is no God. Now the time has come to prove the existence of God. The time has come to make everything very tangible, very sensible; because once you become a self-realized enlightened personality you start feeling this all-pervading power on your fingertips. On your fingertips, in kuran, Mohhamad Sahab has clearly written, at the time of ‘Kyama’, at the time of resurrection your hands will speak and they will give a shahadat meaning, witness against you and this is exactly what happens in Sahaja yoga that once you get your realization you start feeling this all-pervading power around. Then all these centres which are responsible of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being, they all get enlightened, integrated and nourished.So all the problems which are physical, mental, emotional and spiritual disappear. Very simple. I have seen people getting rid of their diseases just in our programmes, very surprising. Even you don’t touch them, don’t say anything to them they get it. It’s not because of me or because of anything else but it’s your own power of Kundalini, which is your own. You have this power in your Sacrum bone that means it was a sacred bone accepted by Greeks and this kundalini when she rises she does the job. It is your own power which manifests and which works it out, is all placed their very nicely and she is your individual mother, she is your individual mother, she knows everything about you. It’s like a tape-record you know she has recorded everything what are we been up to. She knows also your aspirations, knows your past, she knows everything about you. When she rises she gives you the second birth because she is anxious to give you your second birth. Now there are some books which are so funny that they say kundalini rising can give you some sort of a problem. It does not, never …I have been working with the Kundalini Awakening for the last 25 years, I have not seen anybody getting any trouble at all. When you were born your mother took all the trouble upon herself, in the same way the Kundalini takes all the trouble upon herself and give you your self-realization. She is I told you, is your individual mother and she knows everything about you. So why should you judge yourself? Why should you feel guilty? Why should you try to put yourself down? Because she knows you and she will and she judges you and she is the one who is going to give you self-realization. So why should you try to judge yourself and find faults with you for nothing at all…or the other side of it is like this that all our life we are in such a stress, we are we cannot forgive people. The life in New York especially is such a hectic such a pressuring life that people would say that Mother how can you get your self-realization here, you can but then what happens to you, the whole thing becomes like a drama. If you are passing through the traffic you are watching and enjoying yourself, you are not bothered If you are going on the plane you think you are just sitting on your sofa set and nicely enjoying yourself. Can see me, I am 72 years of age and I travel practically every day and I travel and have a programme again travel and have a programme now tomorrow I am again travelling to Milano, but I don’t feel anything. Because we think too much, I have seen many of your actors and actresses in a say films and things, as soon as they will sit down on the chair they’ll say…Haa…God knows what has happened to them? Why are they so tired? because they think and think and think. This thinking makes them very tired so what we do normally is to we are always thinking about the past or the future. We cannot be in the present, cannot be. So our mind is jumping on the cusp of past and future on the thoughts all the time., but when this kundalini rises, she elongates those thoughts and you become, again I say become ‘Thoughtlessly aware’. You are aware but thoughtless that is the present, Present is the reality…. not the past or the future. So you become one with reality. Thoughtlessly aware is the first state which we call in Sanskrit as ‘Nirvichar Samadhi’…Second state you achieve is called as ‘Doubtlessly aware’ meaning ‘Nirvikalpa Samadhi’ where there is no thought, doubt in your mind, no doubt. You know there is a power that you are connected with it, that this power is flowing through you and then whatever you do is done by this power. This power is so full of blessings that if I tell you something you won’t believe the way it has shown its effects different ways apart from, I don’t know if they have shown you my photographs which are really remarkable but apart from that how they have protected and how they have guided, how they have helped, how they have made human beings dynamic is really unbelievable. For example, we’ll say this Miss Universe,this, she is a Sahajayogini and she came to me and she said “Mother, can I go for a beauty contest? I said, why not, she said but, I said what’s the matter? She said, I don’t want to wear funny dresses, I said, no you wear the swimming dresses naa, just think that you are going for a swim, then you won’t feel it so bad. But she is a Sahajyogini, so she said first I am going for India beauty contest, I said you will be selected and you will become Miss Universe. She could not believe it and she became because I wouldn’t call her a very great beauty as such from Indian point of view but she became because they asked her questions and they saw her poise and her behaviour and everything and they were amazed at the whole thing and that’s how she’s got this great award and she couldn’t believe it. So this is nothing, there are many artists who have become great artists and musicians from India and abroad also we have so many talents coming up and there are so many aa.. painters and sculptures who have come up. It helps in every way because when kundalini enlightens your brain, you become a peaceful personality, absolutely a peaceful personality and also you become so dynamic. You understand your thought is enlightened and you understand much more then you could ever understand about any subject because you become subtle and subtler and subtler and that’s how you understand about everything in such a manner that normally people don’t see that. Then your attention, what Christ has said that take out your eye. Now what Mohammad Sahib has said, that supposing you have looked at a woman, alright, till then it’s not a sin then you turn your head, alright, but if you again look at her then you have committed a sin. Just think of it. Here I find in New York everybody’s eyes going like this, like this, like this…really….I don’t know what they are looking at? But they see nothing, because they go on like this you see like some dolls you know you must have seen, if the screw becomes loose the eyes go on like that….so, by this happening you become so innocent, now I must tell you that your innocence is never lost, never lost, it is there all the time, it is eternal but there are some clouds on it as soon as you get your realization, your innocence is re-established. This Sri Ganesha, the one she danced, Shri Ganesha is the symbol of that innocence. Your attention becomes devoid of lust and greed, but not only that your attention becomes enlightened. In that enlightened attention what happens you see what is destructive for you, what is constructive for you. For example, now I am a very say obstinate person, it’s all darkness here and I have a snake in my hand and somebody tells me I have a snake in my hand, I will not give up because I am obstinate you know. Till that snakes bites me I will be holding on to it, but as soon as there is some light I ‘ll throw it away. In the same way when attention is enlightened immediately you know, my goodness what have I been doing this, it’s all wrong so you take a U turn, absolutely a U turn and your life becomes so moral, so virtuous, so righteous that you start suspecting yourself what’s the matter with me? I was not like this I just can’t do the things…firstly you must have tried not to do something, tried I shouldn’t do this, I shouldn’t do that, but there was no courage but now that courage has come, that strength has come and you are doing exactly whatever is benevolent for you…I don’t have to tell you don’t do this, don’t do, in the modern times you tell somebody half of them will walk out so what happens you yourself become your own guide, yourself become your own master and yourself you know what has to be done for your ascent. Then this enlightened attention is so powerful that wherever you project it, it acts anywhere you project it; it acts. Any place about anyone it acts. And it definitely improves and cures that person on which or that community or that area on which you have put your attention. Such an enlightened attention comes and that is your own, is within you in a potential state just starts manifesting after your realization. Now you can feel your centres on your hand. Fingertips that’s the self-knowledge. You know about yourself what’s wrong, where. It’s the Parasympathetic nervous system you can say, if your doctors will understand that you know where is the problem and also you can feel the centres of others, because now what has happened that you become ‘Collectively conscious’ in Sanskrit it is ‘Samuhik Chetana’..Samuhik Chetana; that means you can feel the centres of others. Now if know how to correct your centres, you can correct your centres and you can correct the centres of others. Is very simple, it is extremely easy to know, what to do, how to do it and it works out. It’s very - very simple, it’s too simple that people can’t believe it. Of course I must tell you that we have seen people getting cured of cancer of all kinds of diseases even Aids with Sahaja yoga. Even Aids, but there’s a little Psychological problem of the Aids people that they think they are Martyrs you see. They don’t want to get cured they think they are Martyrs of a very big sort of a principle for which they have fought, so it’s difficult to handle them; but there are people who have been cured, but the problem I have told you that they think they are great Martyrs, it’s impossible to talk to them. So all kinds of diseases can be cured through your own Kundalini, except for those which are like dead things like, supposing they have put a steel in your hand, then it’s impossible to remove it or else there’s a cataract in your eye it’s impossible, somethings like that, but otherwise you get automatically cured. One thing that your diagnosis is the easiest thing, a child can diagnose it immediately he will tell you, what’s wrong with what chakra. So you can find out from people what’s wrong with them, only by just putting hands towards themselves. [English translation from Hindi] All Indians got up and left immediately…most of the Indians do not have concern for anything...son, very few are remained. I am watching since long Indians get up and leave from here. Such a situation in London, you listen, they will sit in front, because I am An Indian and they have right on Me. And they leave in between. So I have informed, if Indians come, let them sit backside, then they said You all are racist. Say whatever but sit backside. Really Indians’ minds are spoilt after they come out. Money is filled in their minds or something else has happened to them. Same Indians, if you see, there are 16000 Sahaja yogis in Delhi. They are in thousands all over in Ghaziabad. But here Indians condition is like this, tomorrow if their children start taking drugs, then they will come to me….yes their heads are are saying right, But you should know the adverse effect of money also…with this all disease also will come…but some people, who are truthful, see how they are settled, they know, what better is going to happen then this! We Indians don’t think, what we will do with this money…tell me..they were singing Marathi song, I don’t see any single Maharashtrian here because Saints were born at their places hence they think God is in their pocket. Is there a Maharashtrian. [Shri Mataji speaks in English] You are from where ?...achha,surprising….ye toh Gujrat manje Gujrat aahe…all right; I am sorry I had to say something in Hindi Language. All right, so now this attention which becomes enlightened can help yourself off course but wherever it is projected it will help that person, that locality, that community everything…So you can cure people, you can raise their Kundalini. So many things you can do which you have never done before. In this small lecture, I don’t know how much I can tell you because I tell you I must have given at least three-four thousand lectures only in English language and I know other languages also and I don’t know how much I can tell you about this great thing. But this is all mental, this is all mental you have to go beyond mind and to go beyond mind. This Kundalini has to rise and give you realization which is a happening which has to take place and it is very easy to get this realization. It is Sahaja, means spontaneous, ‘Sa’ means with and ‘Jah’ is born with you, is the right to get this union. That’s what it is., above all I must tell you, you jump in the ocean of joy. You have seen these people right from Russia, India, Romania, America from all over are here and singing Sanskrit songs you know. English could not say one sentence though they lived there for 300 years in our country. I mean they spoke, we didn’t know what language they were speaking and now look at these people, even Indians are amazed the way they can sing these songs. This is all the blessing of Sahaja yoga and this joy that I am talking about is a singular thing, happiness and unhappiness are the two sides of one coin, if your ego is punctured you feel unhappy, if it is pampered you feel happy. It’s an artificial thing but Joy is something where you become a witness of the whole thing, the whole thing becomes a drama and you start enjoying. Now we have in India sometimes seminars, in Russia seminars of thousands of people, now Sahaja yoga is working in 60 nations, I think 65, but I have never seen them quarrelling or fighting never, off course they pull each other’s leg sometimes and enjoy some jokes, that’s all right, that one has to because there’s fun. For them there is no need to have holidays there is no need to spend in money in cinemas and all these entertainments and all these stupid things that are going around. They only enjoy each other’s company of pure love. There’s no lust, there’s no greed, there is no expectation. This is the new race and the new age. Just by branding something as new age it doesn’t become. It has to show its validity, how it’s a new age, what new things have happened, how these people have become something different. And this is the time when you have to enter into the ‘Kingdom of God’ to enjoy his blessings. All these stupid ideas of austerities and fasting are not necessary. There is no need to fast because he is God Almighty who is our Father, who loves us very much. Which father would like his son, I don’t know about America, but normally, which Father would like his son to suffer to meet him. Not possible; So this is the Father of all the fathers. With all that Fatherhood why should we torture our lives, It’s all right you can fast if you want to do it for your health sake or something but don’t blame your ‘Father The God’. Now as it is we have all these things just built in within us, like a seed if you put it in the Mother earth sprouts, the ‘Kundalini rises’ but the ‘Kundalini’ is the power of pure desire, all our desires are impure, for example you want to have a house, you want to have then carpets, you want to have furniture, you want to have a car, then we want to have a big car. They told me that people borrow money here to buy a big car, but I said why? because they want to show that the car should be big, I said why? One gentleman told me why, his secretary’s car is four times bigger than mine, but why? They said, because they want to show but to whom? Nobody sees, nobody knows, who is the owner of the car? It’s a Myth. Another thing, I was told in this country everybody is indebted. I mean then how are you rich. I don’t understand…Indebted person cannot be rich isn’t. But what they do is spend their money on holidays. For holidays, it’s a crisis in their life if they cannot go for a holidays. They’ll borrow money bur go for a holiday, for what? To make their skins dark, it’s another madness. Here they are racist they don’t like black people then why do they want to make their skin dark…What a contradiction? I can’t understand!! They waste money like this unnecessarily, I tell you in this America about 25 years back nobody used to go on holidays. I am an old woman and I know. This is some entrepreneurs have started a craze that you must go for a holiday. So any craze they start, they start doing it. Why not have your own ideas about things, Why not? For example, they have parties of dogs, I was told can’t understand. They are particular organisations which fix the funeral for you, I can’t understand!! All kinds of stupid things they are wasting money; anything stupid comes out your ‘Halloween’ is another very great stupid nonsense. It is celebrating the birth of all the dead bodies, I think who have become Ghosts, it’s a ghostly thing, I wanted to buy a house, I went with my daughter and they had put a Halloween lady there, she said, don’t buy this; this is inauspicious. There is a devil in the front door. So to do anything nonsensical they are willing. What’s wrong?? What’s the wrong, anything even aids people, you tell them this is wrong, What’s wrong?? Who are you?? All right go ahead with all this Tomfoolery…but I am sure now some people must have matured and have become wiser, very important is to mature and to become wise and to get your self-realization. So many problems you have in this country of which you are not at all aware, I mean in India 18 people died in a place, they stopped all our ships, they stopped all our aeroplanes, everything, what is it, here with Aids how many people are dying, not only where ever the go they are spreading Aids everywhere, do you know that? They have given Aids to everyone. In Calcutta they have given Aids to thousands…So whatever little is told by the Media is accepted and people just go mad about it. Now let us think, why? why? you have to be in, in the Lunatic asylum. There is something more that you have to achieve, so that you save this country. You won’t believe, I have been coming to this country for the last 25 years, Russia I went only 4 years, Russians are not conditioned people, they are like clean sleets, there’s a joke, we had one programme in Tolyatti once and one American sahajayogi was there and a Tolyatti sahaji was there, He asked him how many sahaja yogis you have in America? this is three years back, so he said we have 56, oh My God, you have 56 thousand and we have only 21 thousand, because to come to Sahaja yoga you cannot pay. You cannot purchase me, you cannot purchase your self-realization, so you forget that you have money. Then you have to become something, it’s not just a brand. Like the other day I saw ‘Hare Rama’ people walking with their dhotis. I asked them why do you wear dhotis in this cold, it’s so cold, you will get very cold winds. I am a mother you know. They said my Guru has initiated that I should wear dhoti, I said what sort of a Guru is this one? that he has initiated that you wear dhoti in this terrible cold…Oh yes! because then I will get my ‘Nirvana’. I said in India at least 80 percent people wear dhoti, because it’s so hot, they are all going to get ‘Nirvana’ before you. All such things are there which they accept which are nonsensical so I feel that now all those people who are here should understand the responsibility as Americans, whatever it is, this is one of the richest country, it is such a blessed country. God has given you so much here…now the time has come to realize that it is on its way to destruction and the destruction is coming from within not from without. So awaken now! and try to save this country through Sahaja yoga. It’s not difficult at all. You’ll have all your powers, you will know everything about it, don’t have to pay for anything. You’ll realize your identity that you are a channel of God’s love, and first time you will be using this Divine Love. If you use this Divine Love, you will be surprised that how foolishly we have been using the power of hatred. So this is my last lecture in America this time and I have seen very sensible, nice people sitting before me. So I request you all to take your self-realization seriously which you’ll get tonight here. Understand your value, understand what you are, what you have to do now for your country, what is so important for your children, for your progeny for your family life, haan this Simson fellow, he killed his wife, so now they are giving articles all over the world because you see, Americans think they can write about everything that one should not marry because when you marry only you kill your wife, or your husband. If you don’t marry there won’t be any killing, imagine! Such an article is appearing, now what I am saying, that is very important, my concern is very much there, and some Sahaj yogis told me “Mother, you come and stay here, then it will work out better”. I wish, I could do that, but you are all there, you are wise people. It is your responsibility to see that you save this country, otherwise you will be held responsible, that you did not do anything for it. It’s no use talking politics, this, that nonsense, nothing. Now you are in the kingdom of God, so what you have to do is to get more people into it, you don’t have to pay anything for it. But little time has to be given. I assure you, your health will be all right, off course your wealth will be all right also and apart from that, you ‘ll be absolutely peaceful personality. We talk of peace, peace, peace. I have seen people getting peace awards, they are so horribly hot-tempered, that you can’t touch them without a barge poll. So, that kind of a peace I am not talking, but a real peace, which comes from within and this real peace that comes from within emits peace for others. So this kind of a peace we can establish very easily if you all people take it seriously about it…Many people told me, “Mother you don’t take money, so Americans won’t take you seriously.” I mean, this is too much, I said. What can you pay? What can you pay me? It is invaluable, can you pay for love? You cannot, so even to say such a thing you know, shows that people have not understood the value of spirituality. Or what did we pay to Christ? We sold him…. So, we will have now ten minutes programme, only ten minutes and you will get your realization, only ten minutes. For that I have to tell you one thing, I cannot force Sahaja yoga on you, if you do not want to have, I cannot force it. Off course, it is not for idiots also. You cannot give realization to idiots and lunatics. You cannot give realization to people who are extremely arrogant. It doesn’t work out, but all those who want it will have it. It’s your desire, your freedom to choose it and to get it and that’s how you all are going to get it. It’s not going to be difficult at all. So if anyone wants to go out, I’ll give one minute, you can go out, but when we are doing this self-realization, please don’t get up and walk.
Friday Evening Program at Navaratri Puja
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Navaratri Puja, Friday evening program, presented by Switzerland, Cabella Ligure (Italy) October 7th, 1994 But this drama is such an identification of these people I feel as they call in Sanskrit language "Sahaj avastha" [unsure], the oneness. That, at the time when Shankaracharya was here, there was some intellectual, his name was Sharma and he started arguing with Shankaracharya. He said: "You are not married, you have no life as a married man, you are not belonging to the samsara, and what are you talking? It's not so practical what you say." So, he argued and argued with him, you see, as I have to argue with many people sometimes. [Shri Mataji is laughting] And then he gave it up. So he said: "Forget everything. Just praise the Mother." So he wrote this. "Saundarya Lahari" was written because he said: "Everything is useless to talk, talk, talk, talk, talk and discuss. Better sing the praise of the Mother. That's how this "Saundarya Lahari" has come. He was so fed up of the intellectuals, the people who read [Shri Mataji is laughting]. This is what they have felt such a manifestation of the whole whim of mind this way. I can't imagine how could people from Switzerland can do such a thing. But they have! May God bless you all right. May God bless you. [Applause]
Navaratri Puja, Friday evening program, presented by Switzerland, Cabella Ligure (Italy) October 7th, 1994 But this drama is such an identification of these people I feel as they call in Sanskrit language "Sahaj avastha" [unsure], the oneness. That, at the time when Shankaracharya was here, there was some intellectual, his name was Sharma and he started arguing with Shankaracharya. He said: "You are not married, you have no life as a married man, you are not belonging to the samsara, and what are you talking? It's not so practical what you say." So, he argued and argued with him, you see, as I have to argue with many people sometimes. [Shri Mataji is laughting] And then he gave it up. So he said: "Forget everything. Just praise the Mother." So he wrote this. "Saundarya Lahari" was written because he said: "Everything is useless to talk, talk, talk, talk, talk and discuss. Better sing the praise of the Mother. That's how this "Saundarya Lahari" has come. He was so fed up of the intellectuals, the people who read [Shri Mataji is laughting]. This is what they have felt such a manifestation of the whole whim of mind this way. I can't imagine how could people from Switzerland can do such a thing. But they have! May God bless you all right. May God bless you. [Applause]
Concert of Nishat Khan, Eve of Navaratri Puja
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
1994-10-08 Concert of Nishat Khan, Eve Of Navaratri Puja, Cabella, Italy Shri Mataji: His name you all you know, Nishat Khan, but somehow or other he has such a fascination for playing here, there is something very, I feel miraculous and kind of a holy alliance that I cannot explain. And he is not only a very good player and all that - artist - but very humble man, very humble. And I must say I feel shy sometimes the way he is humble to Me. You see this artist is a very great example also because many people are against each other in the artistic world very much. And some people said that he is a Muslim so why should he play anything, they are not allowed in the Koran. I said I don’t believe that. Mohammad Sahib could never have said such a thing. It is all nonsense, how could he have said such a nonsensical things, He was a very sensible personality. So all kinds of arguments people give. It shows the smallness of their mind, and also in a way they are insulting Mohammad Sahib. I feel that this kind of a taboo and nonsense has to go away. I have told many a times how difficult it is to follow the Christianity. Because Christ has said that if you commit sin it’s your one eye, take it out. Take out another eye if you make mistakes, then cut your hand if you do any wrong thing. So to Me, I have not seen any Christian without two eyes and two hands! It’s very difficult to follow Christ, because Christ told, ‘You do it’! But Mohammad Sahib, said no, no, let others should do it. Mohammad Sahib said that it should be done by others…If you do anything wrong, if you have a bad eye, even to look at a woman twice, is a ‘Gunah ‘(sin) according to him, so take out your eyes and cut your hands if you are a thief, or he says that, I mean a very interesting thing he has said about also women because he thought that Christ was only talking about men. He was so restricted on men, why not about women also. But both these people never knew what human beings are really. I think they were too great, too pure and I think all these punishments are for saints or Sahaja Yogis and not for normal people. Normal people will be without their eyes in no time, isn’t it if a man looks at a woman or a woman looks at a man. So it’s a very, very difficult religion, both of them. And the Jews are no less. All these three people I mean, three religions are not easy to follow for a normal person. They have to be first saints and Sahaja yogis so that it becomes easy for them to follow. That’s why I will tell them that first you become Sahaja yogis then become Muslims. Otherwise, you can’t follow them, the punishments are too much. Even Guru Nanaka had punishments for people, like we had our minister who had to clean the shoes of all the people who were coming to the Puja, so I didn’t understand. He said, ‘No, it is written that if you do such and such thing, you better clean the shoes of all the people (or ‘Sadhakas’) who are coming there.’ But in Sahaja Yoga, we have no such punishments. It’s love, it’s forgiveness. First you become a saint, then we will do the punishment part. First you have to become the saint. So there is no punishment, it’s only Love. As you have seen that. Because when I see…I went to America, I said, ‘Baba! All these Americans will have to lose their eyes and hands, because...and the women will have to be put in the... [above the ground?] and will be hit because the way they have no morality sense at all. And these people talked of morality, morality, morality… And there is no sense of morality. So Sahaja Yoga is a very right thing to do because with that you become a saint, and after becoming a saint, you automatically become Dharmic - automatically become a good Muslim, a good Hindu and a good Jew, good Christian and a good Sikh... everything. Because you just become. You can’t help it. You become ‘Dharmic’. So you have to take first of all to your realisation, and then talk of religion. Before that I don’t think anybody can follow such religions where you have to take out your eyes and have to take out your hands. So also when they say there is no music, should be no music… I mean God can’t live without music, one has to understand. God has to live with music and this kind of absurd ideas...there are many people or other austerities. The other day I met some other people, in say Chicago. So one fellow was there, he was a ‘Hare Rama Hare Krishna’. And it was very cold like this, you see, and he was wearing a ‘dhoti’. So I said, “Why are you wearing a dhoti?” I felt real pity for him you know, the way he was wearing dhoti. He said, “My guru has initiated and he has told me I should wear the dhoti”. I said, “Your guru has no kindness for you. You are in Chicago, you are not in India.” See in India, people wear dhoti all right. So he said, “No, Guru said if you wear ‘dhoti’, you will get ‘Nirvana.” I said, “Then 80% Indians will get Nirvana also. Use your logic. Only by wearing ‘dhoti’ if you are going to get nirvana then it is the easiest way to do.” I mean, he wouldn’t like it... He got into temper with Me. I said, “Krishna has said one thing, not to get to temper because temper is the worst according to Him.” And he was quite surprised. He said, “Have you read ‘Gita’?” I said, “Perhaps I have...But you better now wear something to cover yourself and this dhoti won’t do. Because I am a mother and I can’t see My children like this in a dhoti shivering here, sitting down.” They couldn’t even listen to My lecture they were so cold. I mean, I just don’t know wearing dhoti, I never heard that you will go to heaven. Who has said this? Such stupid ideas they have. So we have no austerities. Austerities are against Sahaj. ‘Sahajiya’ is the one where you live in a Sahaj way, you get your realisation. Like Guru Nanaka has said, ‘sahaja samadhi lago’. It should be Sahaj. You see all of them have said the same thing. Even Mohammed Sahib had said the same thing. The problem is this that, this kind of restrictions if you put on a person who is just a normal person who’s not a saint, it’s going to be terrible. I mean, how many people will exist with this kind of things that go on? So to understand them, first you must get your realisation; that is very important. Must get your realisation, so you will understand what Mohammad Sahib is. You will understand what Christ is. You understand what Krishna is. Before that... you see, you can just go on criticizing, you see this kind of punishment is there… Punishment of wearing a dhoti also… I think it’s a punishment. Why should you wear a dhoti in a cold like Chicago where people are freezing, you are wearing dhoti. So this kind of a nonsensical ideas are not in Sahaja Yoga. You dress up the way you like. You wear proper dresses. You will be looked after. Now as it is, you see, our artist is feeling rather cold, so I was thinking bring them one heater there so they will feel better. [Some Hindi] There’s one heater there, this one. 9:12 ‘Sahaj bhajai’, sahaj - spontaneous [more Hindi] [Shri Mataji showing artist’s sitar to Sahaja yogis] You know, can you see a Rakhi tied to the sitar? That’s how they respect the instrument that they have. This is Mother’s court. Be comfortable first. [Mother speaks to artists in Hindi] He told me that he will be playing Shankara for the first time, as it’s a very beautiful raga. Today is Navaratri. Had forgotten? [Shri Mataji asks the artist and laughs] For the Navaratri, he said he will play ‘Shankara’ and I remembered it! And ‘Durga’ too. Nishat Khan: I had said that Shankara is a raag, which Shri Mataji knows, that Shankara is a raag which normally is played in the second half of the performance in ‘drut’ – ‘Sa Ga Pa Ni...[continues in Hindi] Sa Ni Dha Pa Ga Re Sa... Shri Mataji: He’s saying that this is a raga always played in the second half, and is a raga of only actually five notes and while going upward - as we call ‘Aroha’ – there’s only four. And ‘Avroha’ is five. So it’s a very limited, it’s a very limited raag, in the sense. There are many others also, like Durga, I would say also ‘Gunakali’. All these ragas are also like that. But you will be surprised to know that the Japanese play ‘Gunakali’, and when we play before them they are amazed that how can you extend it to that limit… [In Hindi - So you play relax-fully …. ‘Shankara’] And he also says that Alap means the slow movement - what we call ‘vilambeat. It is difficult in that and still, he will manage I know… [Mother smiles. Artists continue to tune their instruments] What is the name of the person on tabla? Nishat Khan: Sukhvinder Singh. Shri Mataji: Sukhvinder Singh - means the one who gives you joy and happiness. So, I have never heard him before I must say. I have never …I have heard his name but I never heard him… And we are all very fortunate that he is here and we are all going to enjoy him very much. Thank you! [Performance starts15:51] [Shri Mataji comments on their performance…] 1:36:18 - Most of you must be remembering when we were in Austria once, we saw the Grace coming down, just like very spun out rain. We all saw it, and that is what it is – the Grace, the shower of Grace pouring on us. Thank you very much, thank you. 1:47:57 - You see every university is called as a family - is a Gharana as you call it. Now he comes from a Gharana which is very well known. His father was a great…He is still there, he’s a very great sitarist and his uncle - I have heard him also a very good sitarist... I mean, they are really great people, the whole family. And the... what we call is a Gayaki style is, means based on a, we can say the...more a song… On the song it is based, you see sort of a thing. So it is a very appealing song, but if it is without ’gayaki’ then you feel it’s very dry. So this whole Khan family has dedicated to the sense… See the beauty that he has of the song. But song, you cannot sing like this, you see. In the song you cannot sing like this the way you can play it on sitar. [Performance starts again] 2:12:30 We are very thankful to Nishat Khan sahib, I should call him Ustad because now he has reached the stage... [audience applauds] and Sukvinder Singh sahib have been...[more applause]very kind to give this recital from their heart. It’s a very deep, subtle, experience we all have enjoyed because of their hard work. Now I think you people are understanding Indian Classical Music more than Me and so I need not explain to you. But only one or two points which are important, always to note is the offbeat when he was playing. To understand offbeat playing, he was playing offbeat, going slow sometimes…..suddenly fast, suddenly... It’s a very mathematical thing. They must be mathematicians you see, both of them, otherwise not possible because it’s what you call…as a ‘Bandish’, means it is in the Maraydas. Now suddenly he would go fast, in the same ‘avartan' - means, when the tabla is in same 16 beats, suddenly in the 4 beats he’ll go fast, then he’ll slow then he’ll fast. It’s something very remarkable… With that, the tabla is also moving… Now it is a great mathematics, which works it out, because he has to come to the first note in any way. And in this coming to the first note, he should know how to multiply, and how to divide, you see… It’s very intricate work and some of you are professors of mathematics, here are sitting, you can also see how it has worked out. So it is also creativity no doubt. It’s a natural creativity, but also a lot of homework. They work very hard - it’s called as ‘Riyaz’… Without that you cannot achieve this every day to day, perfection the way they have. And the mathematics part of it is so genuine and so innate but they have studied it. It’s not that just that it’s coming to them, just they are sitting here and singing, it’s not like that. Of course, they have creativity and they are showing every time a new pattern and all that, but is all built-in before. And they have worked very hard with their Gurus, and you see, they have done so much of ‘riyaz’, means ‘the practice’. This is the science, a very subtle science, of mathematics and of music and the sweetness… otherwise you cannot do it. If it’s mathematics then it becomes very dry! But if it is without mathematics, also it could be irrelevant. Now you are all enjoying it so well and next time you have offbeat music, try to see how they manage the mathematical calculation. It’s more than calculus, I can tell you this much. And sometimes I get lost Myself. So this is something... it’s a very intricate science of Indian classical music which of course you can see in your classical music, also and I enjoy that very much, and all of them were great composers. But here there is no composer, no composer. It is... they compose all the see the rapport between us and them. And they compose all the time though they know, I mean like an aeroplane is fixed you see, so they are fixed first of all nicely by the guru and then they fly. And then they can fly anywhere because their aeroplanes are fixed, you see. So all the melodies are fixed. The systems are fixed. But they can go to whatever height they want. I mean, this is something a very Divine music, because it’s not possible in any other music …You have to have always something written down before you, you have to see what are the notings are and you have to play accordingly, it’s already been everything composed. No. But they had their such deep training from their Gharanas and from their gurus. This dedication to gurus has brought this. There are something, you see I always feel that Indian musicians are something ‘Gandharvas’ because this music nobody can sing, nobody can play. It is impossible. Try! I mean he must be also having some disciples and so… It’s difficult but at least you people are enjoying it, is a very great thing. In next life, you might become great musicians possibly, but just now I think you know. I also… I am nowhere compared to them. I can only listen, appreciate, understand, enjoy and that’s what we have to do. And we must thank you very much for bringing this great music to us in this farfetched place called Cabella. And every time he plays in a different manner, in a different creative mood he creates. I don’t know what to say more because all these ragas you know very well, and the way he has rendered it is remarkable actually. All the permutations and combinations, I never saw him repeating even once the same line, never… This is the biggest thing and the same with, I must say with Mr Sukhvinder Singh. He too never repeated the ‘mukhdas’. Every time he played different, it’s very remarkable you see, very remarkable. Well, you see I told you that My family was very... They had addiction of music, all of them. Morning till evening in My family, nothing but music, music…And I knew 4 o’clock in the morning they used to get up to practice, and this is how they achieved lot of things but these are something, rare birds I should say in the realm of music. I really congratulate you very much. And all My blessings, all My blessings for you to get to the deeper and subtler side. We need it very much because this builds up our ‘Maryadas’. This builds up our ‘Dharma’. It builds up our ascent. So such musicians are to be really respected and appreciated. I know My father, he would not eat his food if he has to go to the music program. He would never sit before the musicians have sat down. He had such respect for this art, and he said, “You don’t know one day will come when the whole world will understand that India has such a divine Music.” And now you can see how you all are enjoying. It’s My dream being fulfilled you know. I feel that this music should spread everywhere. Also, you have classical music too, but nobody wants to hear it. Nobody wants to listen here. [UNCLEAR] is also very great. We had great musicians here… [speaks in Hindi, about Vivaldi in Italy?] They were really such great musicians; I mean you just get lost with them. Next time when you will come we will give you the present…It’s really remarkable. So we all enjoyed it very much and there’s no amount of praise can really express our feelings and the joy we have. So again I thank you very much. Again, again, a hundred times.
1994-10-08 Concert of Nishat Khan, Eve Of Navaratri Puja, Cabella, Italy Shri Mataji: His name you all you know, Nishat Khan, but somehow or other he has such a fascination for playing here, there is something very, I feel miraculous and kind of a holy alliance that I cannot explain. And he is not only a very good player and all that - artist - but very humble man, very humble. And I must say I feel shy sometimes the way he is humble to Me. You see this artist is a very great example also because many people are against each other in the artistic world very much. And some people said that he is a Muslim so why should he play anything, they are not allowed in the Koran. I said I don’t believe that. Mohammad Sahib could never have said such a thing. It is all nonsense, how could he have said such a nonsensical things, He was a very sensible personality. So all kinds of arguments people give. It shows the smallness of their mind, and also in a way they are insulting Mohammad Sahib. I feel that this kind of a taboo and nonsense has to go away. I have told many a times how difficult it is to follow the Christianity. Because Christ has said that if you commit sin it’s your one eye, take it out. Take out another eye if you make mistakes, then cut your hand if you do any wrong thing. So to Me, I have not seen any Christian without two eyes and two hands! It’s very difficult to follow Christ, because Christ told, ‘You do it’! But Mohammad Sahib, said no, no, let others should do it. Mohammad Sahib said that it should be done by others…If you do anything wrong, if you have a bad eye, even to look at a woman twice, is a ‘Gunah ‘(sin) according to him, so take out your eyes and cut your hands if you are a thief, or he says that, I mean a very interesting thing he has said about also women because he thought that Christ was only talking about men. He was so restricted on men, why not about women also. But both these people never knew what human beings are really. I think they were too great, too pure and I think all these punishments are for saints or Sahaja Yogis and not for normal people. Normal people will be without their eyes in no time, isn’t it if a man looks at a woman or a woman looks at a man. So it’s a very, very difficult religion, both of them. And the Jews are no less. All these three people I mean, three religions are not easy to follow for a normal person. They have to be first saints and Sahaja yogis so that it becomes easy for them to follow. That’s why I will tell them that first you become Sahaja yogis then become Muslims. Otherwise, you can’t follow them, the punishments are too much. Even Guru Nanaka had punishments for people, like we had our minister who had to clean the shoes of all the people who were coming to the Puja, so I didn’t understand. He said, ‘No, it is written that if you do such and such thing, you better clean the shoes of all the people (or ‘Sadhakas’) who are coming there.’ But in Sahaja Yoga, we have no such punishments. It’s love, it’s forgiveness. First you become a saint, then we will do the punishment part. First you have to become the saint. So there is no punishment, it’s only Love. As you have seen that. Because when I see…I went to America, I said, ‘Baba! All these Americans will have to lose their eyes and hands, because...and the women will have to be put in the... [above the ground?] and will be hit because the way they have no morality sense at all. And these people talked of morality, morality, morality… And there is no sense of morality. So Sahaja Yoga is a very right thing to do because with that you become a saint, and after becoming a saint, you automatically become Dharmic - automatically become a good Muslim, a good Hindu and a good Jew, good Christian and a good Sikh... everything. Because you just become. You can’t help it. You become ‘Dharmic’. So you have to take first of all to your realisation, and then talk of religion. Before that I don’t think anybody can follow such religions where you have to take out your eyes and have to take out your hands. So also when they say there is no music, should be no music… I mean God can’t live without music, one has to understand. God has to live with music and this kind of absurd ideas...there are many people or other austerities. The other day I met some other people, in say Chicago. So one fellow was there, he was a ‘Hare Rama Hare Krishna’. And it was very cold like this, you see, and he was wearing a ‘dhoti’. So I said, “Why are you wearing a dhoti?” I felt real pity for him you know, the way he was wearing dhoti. He said, “My guru has initiated and he has told me I should wear the dhoti”. I said, “Your guru has no kindness for you. You are in Chicago, you are not in India.” See in India, people wear dhoti all right. So he said, “No, Guru said if you wear ‘dhoti’, you will get ‘Nirvana.” I said, “Then 80% Indians will get Nirvana also. Use your logic. Only by wearing ‘dhoti’ if you are going to get nirvana then it is the easiest way to do.” I mean, he wouldn’t like it... He got into temper with Me. I said, “Krishna has said one thing, not to get to temper because temper is the worst according to Him.” And he was quite surprised. He said, “Have you read ‘Gita’?” I said, “Perhaps I have...But you better now wear something to cover yourself and this dhoti won’t do. Because I am a mother and I can’t see My children like this in a dhoti shivering here, sitting down.” They couldn’t even listen to My lecture they were so cold. I mean, I just don’t know wearing dhoti, I never heard that you will go to heaven. Who has said this? Such stupid ideas they have. So we have no austerities. Austerities are against Sahaj. ‘Sahajiya’ is the one where you live in a Sahaj way, you get your realisation. Like Guru Nanaka has said, ‘sahaja samadhi lago’. It should be Sahaj. You see all of them have said the same thing. Even Mohammed Sahib had said the same thing. The problem is this that, this kind of restrictions if you put on a person who is just a normal person who’s not a saint, it’s going to be terrible. I mean, how many people will exist with this kind of things that go on? So to understand them, first you must get your realisation; that is very important. Must get your realisation, so you will understand what Mohammad Sahib is. You will understand what Christ is. You understand what Krishna is. Before that... you see, you can just go on criticizing, you see this kind of punishment is there… Punishment of wearing a dhoti also… I think it’s a punishment. Why should you wear a dhoti in a cold like Chicago where people are freezing, you are wearing dhoti. So this kind of a nonsensical ideas are not in Sahaja Yoga. You dress up the way you like. You wear proper dresses. You will be looked after. Now as it is, you see, our artist is feeling rather cold, so I was thinking bring them one heater there so they will feel better. [Some Hindi] There’s one heater there, this one. 9:12 ‘Sahaj bhajai’, sahaj - spontaneous [more Hindi] [Shri Mataji showing artist’s sitar to Sahaja yogis] You know, can you see a Rakhi tied to the sitar? That’s how they respect the instrument that they have. This is Mother’s court. Be comfortable first. [Mother speaks to artists in Hindi] He told me that he will be playing Shankara for the first time, as it’s a very beautiful raga. Today is Navaratri. Had forgotten? [Shri Mataji asks the artist and laughs] For the Navaratri, he said he will play ‘Shankara’ and I remembered it! And ‘Durga’ too. Nishat Khan: I had said that Shankara is a raag, which Shri Mataji knows, that Shankara is a raag which normally is played in the second half of the performance in ‘drut’ – ‘Sa Ga Pa Ni...[continues in Hindi] Sa Ni Dha Pa Ga Re Sa... Shri Mataji: He’s saying that this is a raga always played in the second half, and is a raga of only actually five notes and while going upward - as we call ‘Aroha’ – there’s only four. And ‘Avroha’ is five. So it’s a very limited, it’s a very limited raag, in the sense. There are many others also, like Durga, I would say also ‘Gunakali’. All these ragas are also like that. But you will be surprised to know that the Japanese play ‘Gunakali’, and when we play before them they are amazed that how can you extend it to that limit… [In Hindi - So you play relax-fully …. ‘Shankara’] And he also says that Alap means the slow movement - what we call ‘vilambeat. It is difficult in that and still, he will manage I know… [Mother smiles. Artists continue to tune their instruments] What is the name of the person on tabla? Nishat Khan: Sukhvinder Singh. Shri Mataji: Sukhvinder Singh - means the one who gives you joy and happiness. So, I have never heard him before I must say. I have never …I have heard his name but I never heard him… And we are all very fortunate that he is here and we are all going to enjoy him very much. Thank you! [Performance starts15:51] [Shri Mataji comments on their performance…] 1:36:18 - Most of you must be remembering when we were in Austria once, we saw the Grace coming down, just like very spun out rain. We all saw it, and that is what it is – the Grace, the shower of Grace pouring on us. Thank you very much, thank you. 1:47:57 - You see every university is called as a family - is a Gharana as you call it. Now he comes from a Gharana which is very well known. His father was a great…He is still there, he’s a very great sitarist and his uncle - I have heard him also a very good sitarist... I mean, they are really great people, the whole family. And the... what we call is a Gayaki style is, means based on a, we can say the...more a song… On the song it is based, you see sort of a thing. So it is a very appealing song, but if it is without ’gayaki’ then you feel it’s very dry. So this whole Khan family has dedicated to the sense… See the beauty that he has of the song. But song, you cannot sing like this, you see. In the song you cannot sing like this the way you can play it on sitar. [Performance starts again] 2:12:30 We are very thankful to Nishat Khan sahib, I should call him Ustad because now he has reached the stage... [audience applauds] and Sukvinder Singh sahib have been...[more applause]very kind to give this recital from their heart. It’s a very deep, subtle, experience we all have enjoyed because of their hard work. Now I think you people are understanding Indian Classical Music more than Me and so I need not explain to you. But only one or two points which are important, always to note is the offbeat when he was playing. To understand offbeat playing, he was playing offbeat, going slow sometimes…..suddenly fast, suddenly... It’s a very mathematical thing. They must be mathematicians you see, both of them, otherwise not possible because it’s what you call…as a ‘Bandish’, means it is in the Maraydas. Now suddenly he would go fast, in the same ‘avartan' - means, when the tabla is in same 16 beats, suddenly in the 4 beats he’ll go fast, then he’ll slow then he’ll fast. It’s something very remarkable… With that, the tabla is also moving… Now it is a great mathematics, which works it out, because he has to come to the first note in any way. And in this coming to the first note, he should know how to multiply, and how to divide, you see… It’s very intricate work and some of you are professors of mathematics, here are sitting, you can also see how it has worked out. So it is also creativity no doubt. It’s a natural creativity, but also a lot of homework. They work very hard - it’s called as ‘Riyaz’… Without that you cannot achieve this every day to day, perfection the way they have. And the mathematics part of it is so genuine and so innate but they have studied it. It’s not that just that it’s coming to them, just they are sitting here and singing, it’s not like that. Of course, they have creativity and they are showing every time a new pattern and all that, but is all built-in before. And they have worked very hard with their Gurus, and you see, they have done so much of ‘riyaz’, means ‘the practice’. This is the science, a very subtle science, of mathematics and of music and the sweetness… otherwise you cannot do it. If it’s mathematics then it becomes very dry! But if it is without mathematics, also it could be irrelevant. Now you are all enjoying it so well and next time you have offbeat music, try to see how they manage the mathematical calculation. It’s more than calculus, I can tell you this much. And sometimes I get lost Myself. So this is something... it’s a very intricate science of Indian classical music which of course you can see in your classical music, also and I enjoy that very much, and all of them were great composers. But here there is no composer, no composer. It is... they compose all the see the rapport between us and them. And they compose all the time though they know, I mean like an aeroplane is fixed you see, so they are fixed first of all nicely by the guru and then they fly. And then they can fly anywhere because their aeroplanes are fixed, you see. So all the melodies are fixed. The systems are fixed. But they can go to whatever height they want. I mean, this is something a very Divine music, because it’s not possible in any other music …You have to have always something written down before you, you have to see what are the notings are and you have to play accordingly, it’s already been everything composed. No. But they had their such deep training from their Gharanas and from their gurus. This dedication to gurus has brought this. There are something, you see I always feel that Indian musicians are something ‘Gandharvas’ because this music nobody can sing, nobody can play. It is impossible. Try! I mean he must be also having some disciples and so… It’s difficult but at least you people are enjoying it, is a very great thing. In next life, you might become great musicians possibly, but just now I think you know. I also… I am nowhere compared to them. I can only listen, appreciate, understand, enjoy and that’s what we have to do. And we must thank you very much for bringing this great music to us in this farfetched place called Cabella. And every time he plays in a different manner, in a different creative mood he creates. I don’t know what to say more because all these ragas you know very well, and the way he has rendered it is remarkable actually. All the permutations and combinations, I never saw him repeating even once the same line, never… This is the biggest thing and the same with, I must say with Mr Sukhvinder Singh. He too never repeated the ‘mukhdas’. Every time he played different, it’s very remarkable you see, very remarkable. Well, you see I told you that My family was very... They had addiction of music, all of them. Morning till evening in My family, nothing but music, music…And I knew 4 o’clock in the morning they used to get up to practice, and this is how they achieved lot of things but these are something, rare birds I should say in the realm of music. I really congratulate you very much. And all My blessings, all My blessings for you to get to the deeper and subtler side. We need it very much because this builds up our ‘Maryadas’. This builds up our ‘Dharma’. It builds up our ascent. So such musicians are to be really respected and appreciated. I know My father, he would not eat his food if he has to go to the music program. He would never sit before the musicians have sat down. He had such respect for this art, and he said, “You don’t know one day will come when the whole world will understand that India has such a divine Music.” And now you can see how you all are enjoying. It’s My dream being fulfilled you know. I feel that this music should spread everywhere. Also, you have classical music too, but nobody wants to hear it. Nobody wants to listen here. [UNCLEAR] is also very great. We had great musicians here… [speaks in Hindi, about Vivaldi in Italy?] They were really such great musicians; I mean you just get lost with them. Next time when you will come we will give you the present…It’s really remarkable. So we all enjoyed it very much and there’s no amount of praise can really express our feelings and the joy we have. So again I thank you very much. Again, again, a hundred times.
5th Day of Navaratri
Cabella Ligure
Navaratri Puja, Cabella Ligure, (Italy), 9 October 1994. Today we are going to do puja for Navaratri. Yesterday you saw, beautiful description of Navaratri and how the Mother Goddess has created all kinds of powers within you. It's not that only She has the powers, but you all have the powers, and you can all work it out, you can all find out whether these powers are there or not. With us, the realisation is very important, but there the Kundalini has given you this realisation. Of course Kundalini is a part or, we can say, reflection of Adi Shakti, and also the Jagadamba is also part of Adi Shakti. She's placed in the centre of two hearts, which is a very important point. Now all these powers are placed in that chakra. So you imagine how many of these powers must be there, and Her powers are expressed through the centre heart in all the Ganas you have around your body. Now these Ganas are the ones who do give you the protection, give you the sleep, give you the energy, give you the blessings. All of them are at work all the time, and these bodies are extremely dedicated and connected all the time to the Mother Amba, we can call Jagadamba. Now She is the Mother of the Universe, so you can imagine, how busy She has to be to look after the whole Universe! When this centre becomes weak, that means Her connection with the Ganas is reduced; Ganas also are weak and all the powers that could be exercised cannot be done because of this weakness. It's a very subtle centre because it is Mother's centre. It is impossible to understand the love of Mother, it's absolutely impossible. When the girls get married and they become mothers, then they start understanding how much their mother must have done for them to come up. In the same way, when sahaja yogis become good sahaja yogis, like Ganas, they realize how much the Ganas had to have patience, had to have love and intelligence to fight the negativity. So all the forces of the Jagadamba act towards hitting the negativity of all kinds. That is Her first and foremost nature, is to destroy all the negativity that is in this world and is against Sahaj, against you. Her destruction takes place in so many ways. First of all we have to know that if you sin against the Goddess then all kinds of physical problems start, like psychosomatic diseases, all kinds: we can say cancer, AIDS, all of them. But some of the diseases have got also mixed up with the Ganapati. Now Ganapati is the Lord of all the Ganas, so the Mother has Ganapati and She controls all these Ganas through Her son Ganapati. It is so connected. So the sin against the Mother, when we do, means when we become immoral. Immoral means - when we start indulging into things which are not permitted by dharma. By dharma, whatever is permitted is the legal. Now you people understand Sahaj dharma innately, from within, I didn't have to tell you. Now you know this is wrong, is wrong, this is right, this is right. So any such things when you try to do, because She's a Mother, She takes time to punish you. No doubt. But if you commit a sin against the Father, like boastfulness, talking big, being cruel, harsh and all that, immediately the punishment comes in, but from Her, She being the ocean of compassion, the punishment is more delayed and a full chance is given to the person to improve himself and guide himself. But when the punishment starts, then you get into diseases which are of a very serious nature. So, it comes from one thing what we call as fear. When somebody frightens you or aggresses you or becomes like a mosquito, as they say - somebody who is oppressed by aggressive people or is threatened, intimidated, then a person starts losing faith in the powers of Mother. As a result, such a person- [A child is talking loudly and disturbing] The child is talking too much. Can you take away the child from there? Where is he? Outside? Ask them to control the children. You must control. This is negative child who is talking. Who is the child? Whose child it is? Who is that? Please look after your child - is not normal. Normally, children who are all right become very quiet during My speech. [Child is still talking] Now take him- take her out, ask her to take her out. So, this Centre Heart is to be looked after. Out of fear, if somebody's thrown onto the left side, away from the Mother, because She's the one who gives us confidence, who gives us courage and bravery, but if you are frightened, or if you are under fear, also you can be thrown to the left side and you can get into all kinds of diseases which are very serious, incurable as they call them. Another thing is, if you are driven by your senses into indulgences without any dharma, then also this central path throws away, you can say, you to the left side because you are not worthy of being at the lotus feet of the Mother. Now this centre is the one which, when we are afraid, the sternum bone starts moving like a remote control and informs all the Ganas that the attack is coming. But when you deliberately go to the left side and get into indulgences, then they’re not bothered, they said, “All right, go ahead, do what you like, you can behave the way you want to behave.” All these different types of movements towards the left takes you away from your Mother. I'll tell you a story about somebody in America. He's a very old sahaja yogi, Indian. He came out of his shop where he was working, and got into his car. There was one man sitting with a dagger and he hit him with the dagger on the centre heart, and this fellow started bleeding. He said, “I don't know what happened to me Mother, I got such strength, I caught hold of him and I started fighting with him and I took the dagger from him. He had the handle and the dagger came into my hand, and the fellow ran away. But still, I was not worried about my bleeding. What I did, I called my colleague, who was coming out of the car. I ran after him and he took me in his car for half an hour searching that fellow.” They didn't go to the police. And then they went to the police, the police were surprised, the whole shirt was full of blood. They said nobody would believe, even the police was shocked. “For half an hour we were searching this fellow, why didn't you come to the police?” He said, “It would have taken half an hour for you to come, so we thought better do it ourselves.” See the courage! Then, of course, he was taken to the hospital and he was alright. They stitched him up but he's alright. That is the sign of a person who can never get any one of these horrible diseases, because there is no fear in his mind, of any kind. And he's an Indian. He said, “I've never even slapped my own children, I've never fought with anyone, I'm not a wrestler by any chance, nothing of the kind, but it happened.” He says, “I don't know from where I got this Shakti, and how I did it, I just don't know.” There are many stories like this, I can tell you, about sahaja yogis, and about so many saints; how they were never afraid of attacking someone when somebody attacks them, or of protecting themselves from all kinds of horrible things with their courage. This is something one cannot believe sometimes, but it is happening every day, I get letters from people, how they have been courageous. If you believe in the Goddess, then know that She’s extremely powerful, She's very intelligent and if She has to protect you She'll protect you out and out, in such a way that you will not know how you have been protected. But this faith has to be developed. Faith has to be developed by experience also; how you have been protected always, how you have been helped always, how you came out of so many crises. But despite that, if you get upset, worried, if some clouds appear in the sky of your life, then if you get upset, that means you are still weak. So first thing, if you are really worshipping the Goddess then you should have no worry at all, of any kind, and you should have no fear at all. Go ahead! Fearlessly! Whatever you are doing, do it fearlessly. But at the same time I have to tell you the other side, that one should not go about like a zombie. It doesn't mean that. Saying all kinds of nonsensical things of the right side. But if you have to do something, do it with clear cut ideas and also without any fear. So, all Her powers will start manifesting in you. A man who is fearless has nothing to worry about his sleep, his well-being, nothing. He’s fearless. Again, I say ‘fearless’ doesn't mean that you go on hitting everybody, saying all kinds of things, no! It means that, [if] you are fearless, anybody who attacks you, you can always protect yourself. I mean this story I told you, because this was not a protection which was from within, like Goddess protecting them, but actually he protected himself. So? the power had started working through him. You should allow your mind, your body, to project these powers. Otherwise we say here pujas, everything, alright, and the power is there, but your mind, which tells you “No, no, no, this is not so.” There are so many stories, so many miracles people have described about this, so first of all you should not have any fear about anything. If you have done nothing wrong, if you are on the right path, you will be always protected. Now remember this: you will be always protected. Remember this and believe in this, that "I am always protected." This is something very difficult, because perhaps our mind gives ideas. “Oh God, what will happen, now what is going to happen, this thing, that.” So, first and foremost thing, as I said, is - to be fearless - to make the Goddess express Herself. Supposing now, take it like this, now all the Ganas are following you. Now if the leader of an army is a frightened personality, what will others do? Thus you become dependent upon yourself. This faith also must be developed. I have seen people who are sick, so they must come and see Me, because they do not depend upon themselves. They can cure themselves. There’s no need for them to come and see Me, and there are many cases where people have cured themselves, cured others, just with prayer. But the faith, when it is not mature, then they think I should treat them, I should touch them, I should do this, I should do that. Now I’ve stopped it! I used to do once upon a time. Reason is now you depend upon yourself. Not only that you can help yourself, but you are going to help others. But if you do not have faith in yourself that you can cure, you can look after yourself, you can protect yourself, so the whole thing becomes like a, all the time the Mother has to do the job. Now you, first of all, you have to feed the little baby. Alright you can let him eat, look after him, do everything, but when he grows up, then he doesn't want his mother to feed you. In the same way, the sahaja yogis, now: how many years I have been working here? You have to grow up, dignified, and you should mature so that you can yourself do things properly. This maturity is there because your Mother has blessed you. All Her powers She has given you, every. But one power of patience is difficult. You have to be patient like your Mother. You might think it's very difficult but try to be. Must have patience, first of all, with yourself. I have known many people who think they are spiritually nothing and they have not achieved anything - this is absolutely a sort of escapicism, that you want to escape your personality. Just see, if you introspect you'll find out that you have developed into a real spiritual giant now! Nobody can touch you, you can do everything, you can look after yourself, you can support others. Whatever are the powers of all these that they were singing yesterday, all these powers are manifesting in you, but still you leave it to chance, and I should say, you leave it to others, not to yourself. Now this is one point, that no one, so far, has done this kind of a job, is to connect all the disciples to the Divine Power. Because it is the Divine Power of Love, you must know how to love others, that's very important! But again, when it comes to love, they will love their child, love their wife. I mean it's very common in Sahaja Yoga. They're too attached to their children. Before this they were known to be absolutely selfish, had no attachment for children, or wife or anything, but now it is like a glue! Children are glued to them, wife is glued to them, and the family [is] very important. This is another temptation from which you have to get out. I am not saying that you have to give up your family or child, but again I say - the detachment. The detachment is your power. Watch everything with detachment. Now don't think that, “Oh, I came only a few days back in Sahaja Yoga.” No. Don't think, “Somebody is higher than me, I'm no good.” No. You just introspect yourself and see for yourself how many powers you have already got. And the more you'll know, the more you'll become humble. It's very surprising. You will become humble! No fear of any kind. You can have fear if you have some, say, lot of money with you. If you are very well educated you might have fear of jealousies. If you have other wealth like ornaments and things, you'll be afraid of big thieves coming round. If you are a politician, you might be afraid that somebody might take away your seat when you are away. But when it comes really to Sahaja Yoga, it's the other way round. Who can steal your Self-realisation? Tell Me. Who can steal your powers? Who can steal your vibrations? Think of it! And who can steal your love? Because it is coming from the Spirit, which is eternal and the flow is all the time there. Only when you go away from your Spirit, then only, you feel all these things which one feels in the darkness. Then another power of Mother is that She gives you the state in which you are a sakshi, you are a witness, watching everything. You have tremendous patience, tremendous patience. Whatever has happened, is alL right, let it be. This will be alright, that will be alright, this and that. So, you get rid of horrible thing called anger and this gives you such a peaceful witness state that you start becoming younger and younger. I will tell you some Sahaja Yogis, whom I gave Realisation, say last year. This year I met them, I could not recognize! They have suddenly become ten years younger. It's very surprising, and I was, Myself, had to confess that I, really, I can't recognize you are the same people, or are you the son of that fellow? So then, what happens to you is that you become a peaceful personality. Why? Because your Mother is there always. This faith, She's always there, She always with us, always protecting us, but now we are grown up so She has given us all the powers. All the properties She has given us. So what? What is there to be afraid of? But this faith has to be not just a blind faith but an enlightened faith. And this, the difference is, in blind faith you have faith but no powers, in enlightened faith you have faith and all the powers. When that happens to you, you start growing very much fast. First in your dharma. And you are not afraid of your virtues. You tell people, you talk about Sahaja Yoga, everywhere and it works, it clicks. Once you don't have any fear, the whole picture will be clear to you because you become a visionary, what we call in Sanskrit 'drashtas'. Like, see how C.S. Lewis could see our position, how could William Blake predict our future, how could Gyaneshwara wrote about pasaigar, which is description of all the Sahaja Yogis? But all the time He’s saying, “Now you get up and work and do this because you are that, and you have got it.” He is trying to assure people all the time. How could Rabindranath Tagore see our going to Ganapatipule? How could it happen? It happens only when people are in enlightened faith. In enlightened faith your Mother gives you another very great power, is of discretion. Of discretion. Somebody came to Me, “Mother, you see this gentleman is very good, this, that, and you know, nobody has looked after him this, that, he's very well educated, very moneyed person, this, that.” I said, “All right, show Me the photograph.” I saw the photograph, I said, “No, it's better keep him out, absolutely, keep him out.” He was amazed! How She’s saying “Keep him out, absolutely”? I saw the photograph and from the photograph only, how could Mother say that? I could feel the vibrations! Immediately I said, “Is wrong.” One gentleman came here and told Me that some Nigerians have written letter to him that you put £35,000 in the bank, or something like that, and we'll put our money, quite a lot, in millions, and then you can have one third of that. He came and told me the story. I said, “Really? Keep out of it.” So, he said, “Why?” “It's a scam!” When he went back to America they found it was a scam. He said, “Mother, how did you know?” I said, “You can feel the vibrations, so hot! So it is a scam.” You have got vibrations, you can feel your vibrations. Now if you don't want to use this new awareness, what's the use of coming to Sahaja Yoga? He was very upset when I told him “forget it.” He thought, “Why Mother is saying so?” I said, "Now what do you need money for, you need money? All right, we have, don't, don't take these things.” When I told him it's a scam, he got a shock, and when he went back he found out it was a scam. So, at the airport only he was on My feet, prostrated, I said, "What happened?” “Mother, You are the limit, what You said is there." But I said “It was the vibrations which told me that he is a cheat, so if he says so, that he's going to give you so much money, it's not correct,” because his vibrations were so very bad. In this way you can gradually experience. With the experience, try to put the experience in your heart, and have faith in that experience. What were you? What have you become now? How many experiences of Sahaja Yoga you had. Of the Mother's attention on you? Now if you have that enlightened faith, enlightened faith in you, you become powerful. You are powerless because your faith is like this. But if you become really a evolved, matured, realised soul, then all your powers will work. There's a fisherman in India who is, I mean he's a graduate, though he's a fisherman. So one day he was going on a boat to another island to do Sahaja Yoga, and when he came out of his hut he found huge, big clouds, black ones, hovering, and the Vishnumaya playing. Just he stood on the shore and told Vishnumaya, “Please tell these clouds to behave themselves! I am going for the work of Mother, and dare not trouble me on the way!” Just stopped! The people who were with him told Me that this Harishchandra was talking like that. They got into the boat, they did the programme, came home. When he went into his boat, rain started. So, you control all five elements by your enlightened faith, for which you don't even have to say anything, the powers are so great that they act. See now, today when the puja was to be done, suddenly it became pleasant. I didn't ask, just it became pleasant. Much better than yesterday. Could have been very cold. But this should become, again, a faith which is reality. If you remember last time we had a horrible rain and the whole thing was jumping up and people had to pull all these pillars down. As soon as they started saying My 'jai,' it stopped. Now this experience should make you... there was no need for you to pull these pillars, but you had to just sing My 'jai,' that's all. Instead of that you were busy with pulling, all of you, that thing. I was just looking at you, I didn't know how to say anything, I said “Let them try!” So, these ordeals also come to make you mature. These ordeals, if they are not there...these ordeals if they do not come, then you will not supersede them, and if you’ll not supersede them, you will not know what is your faith. A person who is standing on the shore will say, “I don't know how to swim,” but supposing you made him jump into the water, and he swims, then he knows that he can swim. Because you do not know what you have become, you do not know that you can swim.You do not know that you can also save others. You are still busy with small, small, little, little things here and there. But if you just know what type you have become, then you are going to completely change. Your smallness, which looks like a little particle, will cover the whole sky. But this power, that is within you, will not give you ego. One thing, the test is - it makes you humble. This is one of the things, that it makes you humble and extremely loving and compassionate. You’ll not hurt other people with these powers, that's the sign it is Mother's love, the power of Mother's love. A person who has a Mother, very loving and nice-is a psychological fact - becomes a very nice person. It’s a psychological fact. So now if you realise what you are now, what you have become. Navaratri Puja is, that's why, is a very, very powerful puja in a way, because it manifests, opens out, the channels of your power. That's why it’s very, very important, and since morning, I’ve been just flowing with vibrations, tremendous! It was like a waterfall of vibrations. And the whole time I'm seeing light, light, light, I was thinking, “Now I don't know what am I going to speak also!” That's why I closed my eyes because all the time there will be something else I will be seeing and not you people so better, I thought I'll close my eyes. But now you are the light. You are the light. Light is not afraid of darkness, is it? Because it can remove the darkness. That's what you are, but you don't know what you are, and you live with very small, very small ideas about yourself. I'm not saying that you should become like gurus that go around talking big with two horns in their head, no! What is your decoration is your humility, is your kindness, is your sweetness, and the way you handle people. You'll be amazed, I also tell people when I find there is something wrong with them. I also do it, no doubt, but in a way that the person understands it is for the benevolence of that person. So, the whole personality, the whole temperament, everything changes. The whole face changes, the whole movement changes, the style of talking changes. Automatically as if, you know, the machinery has changed within. So you develop the qualities of a real Mahayogi. This Mahayogi condition is achieved by many people also before, but they had to go through very circuitous life. They had to give up everything, not to show, but really from the heart they had to detach. They had to get out of it, go to some far-fetched places, and live on ordinary food. All kinds of, even Buddha suffered so much. Christ suffered so much. They were incarnations but still they had to suffer. Rama suffered so much, Sri Krishna suffered so much, imagine! But you people didn't have to suffer. On the contrary you all came out of the suffering - enjoyment, music, everything. But, to enjoy Sahaja Yoga in Nirananda, absolutely without anything else but joy, then one has to know that he should give up all the myths with which he's living. All kinds of myths there are. Some people have myths where, “We are poor.” Some have myths, “We're very rich.” Some have this thing that, “We are very unhappy” Some have that, “We are very happy.” All kinds of myths these are. These are all myths. What is the thing is the complete emptiness. Complete emptiness. That is joy. This emptiness is filled with joy. Complete emptiness. Then you don't expect anything from anyone and this emptiness from within is actually, gives chance to compassion and love to enter into you. Supposing there's something in a pot already, what can you pour into it? What can you give it to it? So, if you are completely empty within, nothing of this nonsense of the past and the future, the aspirations, the ambitions, all those things, and falsehood. If you just become empty, it is filled in with nothing but joy, and joy of such an eternal nature. You never ask for it, you do not look forward to it. It is there all the time, and this is what I wish today you people can feel it. As you know, the Devi's things are so very deep and subtle. How She took a form of a Mother, and how She looked after Her bhaktas with love, how She fought demons and also negativity. But now the demons have entered into your hearts. These false gurus have entered into your brains. Through these horrible books so many things are coming, all the time attacking you. Even if you kill those demons, still they'll be lingering in your heads. They should be actually killed when they, once they are reflected into your mind, have gone away. Then only it's possible to eliminate them, otherwise they'll go away but leave their bhoots into your heads. So, these negativities which come from wrong type of following you have had, from wrong books that you have been reading. Also in Sahaja Yoga when you come, you can be misled by some people, it's possible. In that case also, forgive that person. That person may improve, but you may continue with the same ideas and funny things, and [those ideas] may suddenly come up. So, the quality is of compassion and love, fearlessness and courage, and the complete emptiness. In this emptiness then you are not worried about what we have to achieve, how many people you have to gather, how many must come to Sahaja Yoga - you’re not bothered about that. Automatically it will work out, but you will not desire for it, and you’ll not hanker, “Oh, my God, see there's not many people, what to do? This...that.” It's good for us in a way, because where is the place in heaven for so many stupid people? So we should not run after people who are negative and useless, but we must definitely take over the people who are genuinely good. One thing more I would like to tell you, that automatically such people are dropped out in Sahaja Yoga. In one shot they will go away. They don't stay because they don't deserve to be there. They don't deserve to have the Mother's powers. So, this happens in a very beautiful, subtle manner, and I see, I go late always, to any programme, so those who are useless just disappear, and some of them disappear half way through because nothing goes into their head, you know. They don't understand anything. So they go away. So now the ones which are left are the real seekers of truth and they get all of them Realisation. In Sanskrit they call it ‘shayen’ means ‘selection’. This is a natural selection that takes place, and how people go away, and how they come back to Sahaja Yoga, it's very interesting. This is a common happening in Sahaja Yoga you know. You should not get upset. Now if you get too many people, say from Russia, and not so much from Switzerland, maybe you might think that way, but now it's not that bad. Then, we should not worry because we are no more Russians or Swiss. We are super-human beings, we are sahaja yogis. Whether they are Russians, or whether they are Indians, or from some African land, it's alright. As long as they're sahaja yogis, you should be happy. If the Swiss are coming to Sahaja Yoga, we should be happy. So this attachment in a way is good to begin with, that you want to bring more Swiss, because you want to have company - now you can't live with one person in a jungle with all the others, non-sahaja yogis, you see, difficult. So you want to have company, so you want to have more and more and more. But doesn't matter. As many as there are, sufficient and we shouldn't worry about those things, the number. But when we want to share our love, then we do feel the dearth, not because we are Swiss, but because we cannot share. That time a new personality rises, and this new personality is the one which works. I mean we are not giving you any money, there are no awards for you, there's no way there's much encouragement. Like we have your, sort of a picture hanging here, nothing of the kind. Can you imagine, in any organisation anybody would work like this, the way you work? Nobody would. They give you awards, they give you bonuses, also they give you promotions. They do all kinds of things, you see, to keep you going, but we don't do anything in Sahaja Yoga. So, what makes you work so hard in Sahaja Yoga, what makes you spread Sahaja Yoga? Only thing is that you want to share. You can't help it. It's like a drunkard, you see. If he has a bottle he must have at least one person to share with him, because he thinks that it would be sinful. “As it is I'm doing sin, why not share with somebody else? So it would be half-half divided.” (laughter) But in Sahaja Yoga you share it, you want to spread it. Is because you are collective. You have become collective, that's why. You want more to come in, more to join, to enjoy. You become a very noble person, you see. Like, of course drunkards do that, but supposing somebody has a lottery or some, he gets a very big business, he won't like to share. But you think that, why not? If I am so much enjoying, why not others? “Why not people have the same bliss as I have?” So, because you become extremely noble, so noble, you work so hard, so very hard to achieve it. I mean no words can describe My joy when I see you people working it so spontaneously. Yesterday I saw the film, the whole drama, and I was really very much amazed and touched that this Marathi music has come to Cabella. Can you imagine any Italian thinking of it? Even hundred years to come, he would not think. But how it has come so spontaneously and is working out? Because there is a sense of collectivity. The New Age people talk of is here, no doubt, this is the New Age, and new consciousness is also there. But what is the new now, is the new collectivity, and that collectivity acts that you want to spread it, it acts. Like your hunger, it is another kind of hunger, that you want to create more sahaja yogis, you want to have more brothers and sisters, and you want to help them so that they could come to the pujas and all that and become good sahaja yogis. Now this kind of an ambition or a joy, or whatever you may call it, is, the whole plan shows that in your heart the collectivity is prospering, and that's why you cannot enjoy Sahaja Yoga alone, sitting in the Himalayas. No! You want to have other people. This is now the sign of how the Mother's love has taken roots in your hearts, and how you are all going to spread Sahaja Yoga. Of course, I am told that somebody in Australia, [is] making money. Australia has been always a problem. They are making money out of this, so I just don't know what to say. Because, this is, I can't understand! How can they think of making money or doing all kinds of things, and doing all kinds of asahaj things. Some sort of a headache comes up, doesn't matter. Leave it to Me, I'll manage it, whatever it is. But you just become great lights of your Mother. That's what I have to request you tonight. You have all the power flowing in you. You have the light, which has enlightened it, but, you must expand. Expand it more and more and more and you'll be surprised what Tukarama has said that, “I am like a small little particle of dust, and also I am the whole sky.” This is what is your personality. May God bless you all. [During puja] It's getting all warm now, you can remove your shawls. First take out My socks if you don't mind. (looking at puja thali) My goodness. That's not good! What did you do with it. It's all black. Shine it. No it should not have done. You see there's a very simple way, putting some tamarind and washing it off. Should we ask [who washed it]? Chintze ka apla kade chintze? Do not use polish for this! In the kitchen they must have done it, if it was in the kitchen. You can see the black coming off. Polish? You see there's no need, with a little bit of tamarind you can do it. Just learn it, it's very simple. Or with lemon, immediately washes it off. It's kept in the kitchen ah, the ladies must have done it! Just bring it. Now should we ask for the children say 5 to 10 years the children, ask to announce. (looking at children come to do puja) These are all ganas you know, all ganas! You tell them in the kitchen not to clean with this thing. Don't touch this brass polish at all. They have silver polish and brass polish but there's no need, no need at all. This tamarind will do and what else is the lemon, but you should just wash it fast, that's all. Now how many are going to sahaj school? No one?
Navaratri Puja, Cabella Ligure, (Italy), 9 October 1994. Today we are going to do puja for Navaratri. Yesterday you saw, beautiful description of Navaratri and how the Mother Goddess has created all kinds of powers within you. It's not that only She has the powers, but you all have the powers, and you can all work it out, you can all find out whether these powers are there or not. With us, the realisation is very important, but there the Kundalini has given you this realisation. Of course Kundalini is a part or, we can say, reflection of Adi Shakti, and also the Jagadamba is also part of Adi Shakti. She's placed in the centre of two hearts, which is a very important point. Now all these powers are placed in that chakra. So you imagine how many of these powers must be there, and Her powers are expressed through the centre heart in all the Ganas you have around your body. Now these Ganas are the ones who do give you the protection, give you the sleep, give you the energy, give you the blessings. All of them are at work all the time, and these bodies are extremely dedicated and connected all the time to the Mother Amba, we can call Jagadamba. Now She is the Mother of the Universe, so you can imagine, how busy She has to be to look after the whole Universe! When this centre becomes weak, that means Her connection with the Ganas is reduced; Ganas also are weak and all the powers that could be exercised cannot be done because of this weakness. It's a very subtle centre because it is Mother's centre. It is impossible to understand the love of Mother, it's absolutely impossible. When the girls get married and they become mothers, then they start understanding how much their mother must have done for them to come up. In the same way, when sahaja yogis become good sahaja yogis, like Ganas, they realize how much the Ganas had to have patience, had to have love and intelligence to fight the negativity. So all the forces of the Jagadamba act towards hitting the negativity of all kinds. That is Her first and foremost nature, is to destroy all the negativity that is in this world and is against Sahaj, against you. Her destruction takes place in so many ways. First of all we have to know that if you sin against the Goddess then all kinds of physical problems start, like psychosomatic diseases, all kinds: we can say cancer, AIDS, all of them. But some of the diseases have got also mixed up with the Ganapati. Now Ganapati is the Lord of all the Ganas, so the Mother has Ganapati and She controls all these Ganas through Her son Ganapati. It is so connected. So the sin against the Mother, when we do, means when we become immoral. Immoral means - when we start indulging into things which are not permitted by dharma. By dharma, whatever is permitted is the legal. Now you people understand Sahaj dharma innately, from within, I didn't have to tell you. Now you know this is wrong, is wrong, this is right, this is right. So any such things when you try to do, because She's a Mother, She takes time to punish you. No doubt. But if you commit a sin against the Father, like boastfulness, talking big, being cruel, harsh and all that, immediately the punishment comes in, but from Her, She being the ocean of compassion, the punishment is more delayed and a full chance is given to the person to improve himself and guide himself. But when the punishment starts, then you get into diseases which are of a very serious nature. So, it comes from one thing what we call as fear. When somebody frightens you or aggresses you or becomes like a mosquito, as they say - somebody who is oppressed by aggressive people or is threatened, intimidated, then a person starts losing faith in the powers of Mother. As a result, such a person- [A child is talking loudly and disturbing] The child is talking too much. Can you take away the child from there? Where is he? Outside? Ask them to control the children. You must control. This is negative child who is talking. Who is the child? Whose child it is? Who is that? Please look after your child - is not normal. Normally, children who are all right become very quiet during My speech. [Child is still talking] Now take him- take her out, ask her to take her out. So, this Centre Heart is to be looked after. Out of fear, if somebody's thrown onto the left side, away from the Mother, because She's the one who gives us confidence, who gives us courage and bravery, but if you are frightened, or if you are under fear, also you can be thrown to the left side and you can get into all kinds of diseases which are very serious, incurable as they call them. Another thing is, if you are driven by your senses into indulgences without any dharma, then also this central path throws away, you can say, you to the left side because you are not worthy of being at the lotus feet of the Mother. Now this centre is the one which, when we are afraid, the sternum bone starts moving like a remote control and informs all the Ganas that the attack is coming. But when you deliberately go to the left side and get into indulgences, then they’re not bothered, they said, “All right, go ahead, do what you like, you can behave the way you want to behave.” All these different types of movements towards the left takes you away from your Mother. I'll tell you a story about somebody in America. He's a very old sahaja yogi, Indian. He came out of his shop where he was working, and got into his car. There was one man sitting with a dagger and he hit him with the dagger on the centre heart, and this fellow started bleeding. He said, “I don't know what happened to me Mother, I got such strength, I caught hold of him and I started fighting with him and I took the dagger from him. He had the handle and the dagger came into my hand, and the fellow ran away. But still, I was not worried about my bleeding. What I did, I called my colleague, who was coming out of the car. I ran after him and he took me in his car for half an hour searching that fellow.” They didn't go to the police. And then they went to the police, the police were surprised, the whole shirt was full of blood. They said nobody would believe, even the police was shocked. “For half an hour we were searching this fellow, why didn't you come to the police?” He said, “It would have taken half an hour for you to come, so we thought better do it ourselves.” See the courage! Then, of course, he was taken to the hospital and he was alright. They stitched him up but he's alright. That is the sign of a person who can never get any one of these horrible diseases, because there is no fear in his mind, of any kind. And he's an Indian. He said, “I've never even slapped my own children, I've never fought with anyone, I'm not a wrestler by any chance, nothing of the kind, but it happened.” He says, “I don't know from where I got this Shakti, and how I did it, I just don't know.” There are many stories like this, I can tell you, about sahaja yogis, and about so many saints; how they were never afraid of attacking someone when somebody attacks them, or of protecting themselves from all kinds of horrible things with their courage. This is something one cannot believe sometimes, but it is happening every day, I get letters from people, how they have been courageous. If you believe in the Goddess, then know that She’s extremely powerful, She's very intelligent and if She has to protect you She'll protect you out and out, in such a way that you will not know how you have been protected. But this faith has to be developed. Faith has to be developed by experience also; how you have been protected always, how you have been helped always, how you came out of so many crises. But despite that, if you get upset, worried, if some clouds appear in the sky of your life, then if you get upset, that means you are still weak. So first thing, if you are really worshipping the Goddess then you should have no worry at all, of any kind, and you should have no fear at all. Go ahead! Fearlessly! Whatever you are doing, do it fearlessly. But at the same time I have to tell you the other side, that one should not go about like a zombie. It doesn't mean that. Saying all kinds of nonsensical things of the right side. But if you have to do something, do it with clear cut ideas and also without any fear. So, all Her powers will start manifesting in you. A man who is fearless has nothing to worry about his sleep, his well-being, nothing. He’s fearless. Again, I say ‘fearless’ doesn't mean that you go on hitting everybody, saying all kinds of things, no! It means that, [if] you are fearless, anybody who attacks you, you can always protect yourself. I mean this story I told you, because this was not a protection which was from within, like Goddess protecting them, but actually he protected himself. So? the power had started working through him. You should allow your mind, your body, to project these powers. Otherwise we say here pujas, everything, alright, and the power is there, but your mind, which tells you “No, no, no, this is not so.” There are so many stories, so many miracles people have described about this, so first of all you should not have any fear about anything. If you have done nothing wrong, if you are on the right path, you will be always protected. Now remember this: you will be always protected. Remember this and believe in this, that "I am always protected." This is something very difficult, because perhaps our mind gives ideas. “Oh God, what will happen, now what is going to happen, this thing, that.” So, first and foremost thing, as I said, is - to be fearless - to make the Goddess express Herself. Supposing now, take it like this, now all the Ganas are following you. Now if the leader of an army is a frightened personality, what will others do? Thus you become dependent upon yourself. This faith also must be developed. I have seen people who are sick, so they must come and see Me, because they do not depend upon themselves. They can cure themselves. There’s no need for them to come and see Me, and there are many cases where people have cured themselves, cured others, just with prayer. But the faith, when it is not mature, then they think I should treat them, I should touch them, I should do this, I should do that. Now I’ve stopped it! I used to do once upon a time. Reason is now you depend upon yourself. Not only that you can help yourself, but you are going to help others. But if you do not have faith in yourself that you can cure, you can look after yourself, you can protect yourself, so the whole thing becomes like a, all the time the Mother has to do the job. Now you, first of all, you have to feed the little baby. Alright you can let him eat, look after him, do everything, but when he grows up, then he doesn't want his mother to feed you. In the same way, the sahaja yogis, now: how many years I have been working here? You have to grow up, dignified, and you should mature so that you can yourself do things properly. This maturity is there because your Mother has blessed you. All Her powers She has given you, every. But one power of patience is difficult. You have to be patient like your Mother. You might think it's very difficult but try to be. Must have patience, first of all, with yourself. I have known many people who think they are spiritually nothing and they have not achieved anything - this is absolutely a sort of escapicism, that you want to escape your personality. Just see, if you introspect you'll find out that you have developed into a real spiritual giant now! Nobody can touch you, you can do everything, you can look after yourself, you can support others. Whatever are the powers of all these that they were singing yesterday, all these powers are manifesting in you, but still you leave it to chance, and I should say, you leave it to others, not to yourself. Now this is one point, that no one, so far, has done this kind of a job, is to connect all the disciples to the Divine Power. Because it is the Divine Power of Love, you must know how to love others, that's very important! But again, when it comes to love, they will love their child, love their wife. I mean it's very common in Sahaja Yoga. They're too attached to their children. Before this they were known to be absolutely selfish, had no attachment for children, or wife or anything, but now it is like a glue! Children are glued to them, wife is glued to them, and the family [is] very important. This is another temptation from which you have to get out. I am not saying that you have to give up your family or child, but again I say - the detachment. The detachment is your power. Watch everything with detachment. Now don't think that, “Oh, I came only a few days back in Sahaja Yoga.” No. Don't think, “Somebody is higher than me, I'm no good.” No. You just introspect yourself and see for yourself how many powers you have already got. And the more you'll know, the more you'll become humble. It's very surprising. You will become humble! No fear of any kind. You can have fear if you have some, say, lot of money with you. If you are very well educated you might have fear of jealousies. If you have other wealth like ornaments and things, you'll be afraid of big thieves coming round. If you are a politician, you might be afraid that somebody might take away your seat when you are away. But when it comes really to Sahaja Yoga, it's the other way round. Who can steal your Self-realisation? Tell Me. Who can steal your powers? Who can steal your vibrations? Think of it! And who can steal your love? Because it is coming from the Spirit, which is eternal and the flow is all the time there. Only when you go away from your Spirit, then only, you feel all these things which one feels in the darkness. Then another power of Mother is that She gives you the state in which you are a sakshi, you are a witness, watching everything. You have tremendous patience, tremendous patience. Whatever has happened, is alL right, let it be. This will be alright, that will be alright, this and that. So, you get rid of horrible thing called anger and this gives you such a peaceful witness state that you start becoming younger and younger. I will tell you some Sahaja Yogis, whom I gave Realisation, say last year. This year I met them, I could not recognize! They have suddenly become ten years younger. It's very surprising, and I was, Myself, had to confess that I, really, I can't recognize you are the same people, or are you the son of that fellow? So then, what happens to you is that you become a peaceful personality. Why? Because your Mother is there always. This faith, She's always there, She always with us, always protecting us, but now we are grown up so She has given us all the powers. All the properties She has given us. So what? What is there to be afraid of? But this faith has to be not just a blind faith but an enlightened faith. And this, the difference is, in blind faith you have faith but no powers, in enlightened faith you have faith and all the powers. When that happens to you, you start growing very much fast. First in your dharma. And you are not afraid of your virtues. You tell people, you talk about Sahaja Yoga, everywhere and it works, it clicks. Once you don't have any fear, the whole picture will be clear to you because you become a visionary, what we call in Sanskrit 'drashtas'. Like, see how C.S. Lewis could see our position, how could William Blake predict our future, how could Gyaneshwara wrote about pasaigar, which is description of all the Sahaja Yogis? But all the time He’s saying, “Now you get up and work and do this because you are that, and you have got it.” He is trying to assure people all the time. How could Rabindranath Tagore see our going to Ganapatipule? How could it happen? It happens only when people are in enlightened faith. In enlightened faith your Mother gives you another very great power, is of discretion. Of discretion. Somebody came to Me, “Mother, you see this gentleman is very good, this, that, and you know, nobody has looked after him this, that, he's very well educated, very moneyed person, this, that.” I said, “All right, show Me the photograph.” I saw the photograph, I said, “No, it's better keep him out, absolutely, keep him out.” He was amazed! How She’s saying “Keep him out, absolutely”? I saw the photograph and from the photograph only, how could Mother say that? I could feel the vibrations! Immediately I said, “Is wrong.” One gentleman came here and told Me that some Nigerians have written letter to him that you put £35,000 in the bank, or something like that, and we'll put our money, quite a lot, in millions, and then you can have one third of that. He came and told me the story. I said, “Really? Keep out of it.” So, he said, “Why?” “It's a scam!” When he went back to America they found it was a scam. He said, “Mother, how did you know?” I said, “You can feel the vibrations, so hot! So it is a scam.” You have got vibrations, you can feel your vibrations. Now if you don't want to use this new awareness, what's the use of coming to Sahaja Yoga? He was very upset when I told him “forget it.” He thought, “Why Mother is saying so?” I said, "Now what do you need money for, you need money? All right, we have, don't, don't take these things.” When I told him it's a scam, he got a shock, and when he went back he found out it was a scam. So, at the airport only he was on My feet, prostrated, I said, "What happened?” “Mother, You are the limit, what You said is there." But I said “It was the vibrations which told me that he is a cheat, so if he says so, that he's going to give you so much money, it's not correct,” because his vibrations were so very bad. In this way you can gradually experience. With the experience, try to put the experience in your heart, and have faith in that experience. What were you? What have you become now? How many experiences of Sahaja Yoga you had. Of the Mother's attention on you? Now if you have that enlightened faith, enlightened faith in you, you become powerful. You are powerless because your faith is like this. But if you become really a evolved, matured, realised soul, then all your powers will work. There's a fisherman in India who is, I mean he's a graduate, though he's a fisherman. So one day he was going on a boat to another island to do Sahaja Yoga, and when he came out of his hut he found huge, big clouds, black ones, hovering, and the Vishnumaya playing. Just he stood on the shore and told Vishnumaya, “Please tell these clouds to behave themselves! I am going for the work of Mother, and dare not trouble me on the way!” Just stopped! The people who were with him told Me that this Harishchandra was talking like that. They got into the boat, they did the programme, came home. When he went into his boat, rain started. So, you control all five elements by your enlightened faith, for which you don't even have to say anything, the powers are so great that they act. See now, today when the puja was to be done, suddenly it became pleasant. I didn't ask, just it became pleasant. Much better than yesterday. Could have been very cold. But this should become, again, a faith which is reality. If you remember last time we had a horrible rain and the whole thing was jumping up and people had to pull all these pillars down. As soon as they started saying My 'jai,' it stopped. Now this experience should make you... there was no need for you to pull these pillars, but you had to just sing My 'jai,' that's all. Instead of that you were busy with pulling, all of you, that thing. I was just looking at you, I didn't know how to say anything, I said “Let them try!” So, these ordeals also come to make you mature. These ordeals, if they are not there...these ordeals if they do not come, then you will not supersede them, and if you’ll not supersede them, you will not know what is your faith. A person who is standing on the shore will say, “I don't know how to swim,” but supposing you made him jump into the water, and he swims, then he knows that he can swim. Because you do not know what you have become, you do not know that you can swim.You do not know that you can also save others. You are still busy with small, small, little, little things here and there. But if you just know what type you have become, then you are going to completely change. Your smallness, which looks like a little particle, will cover the whole sky. But this power, that is within you, will not give you ego. One thing, the test is - it makes you humble. This is one of the things, that it makes you humble and extremely loving and compassionate. You’ll not hurt other people with these powers, that's the sign it is Mother's love, the power of Mother's love. A person who has a Mother, very loving and nice-is a psychological fact - becomes a very nice person. It’s a psychological fact. So now if you realise what you are now, what you have become. Navaratri Puja is, that's why, is a very, very powerful puja in a way, because it manifests, opens out, the channels of your power. That's why it’s very, very important, and since morning, I’ve been just flowing with vibrations, tremendous! It was like a waterfall of vibrations. And the whole time I'm seeing light, light, light, I was thinking, “Now I don't know what am I going to speak also!” That's why I closed my eyes because all the time there will be something else I will be seeing and not you people so better, I thought I'll close my eyes. But now you are the light. You are the light. Light is not afraid of darkness, is it? Because it can remove the darkness. That's what you are, but you don't know what you are, and you live with very small, very small ideas about yourself. I'm not saying that you should become like gurus that go around talking big with two horns in their head, no! What is your decoration is your humility, is your kindness, is your sweetness, and the way you handle people. You'll be amazed, I also tell people when I find there is something wrong with them. I also do it, no doubt, but in a way that the person understands it is for the benevolence of that person. So, the whole personality, the whole temperament, everything changes. The whole face changes, the whole movement changes, the style of talking changes. Automatically as if, you know, the machinery has changed within. So you develop the qualities of a real Mahayogi. This Mahayogi condition is achieved by many people also before, but they had to go through very circuitous life. They had to give up everything, not to show, but really from the heart they had to detach. They had to get out of it, go to some far-fetched places, and live on ordinary food. All kinds of, even Buddha suffered so much. Christ suffered so much. They were incarnations but still they had to suffer. Rama suffered so much, Sri Krishna suffered so much, imagine! But you people didn't have to suffer. On the contrary you all came out of the suffering - enjoyment, music, everything. But, to enjoy Sahaja Yoga in Nirananda, absolutely without anything else but joy, then one has to know that he should give up all the myths with which he's living. All kinds of myths there are. Some people have myths where, “We are poor.” Some have myths, “We're very rich.” Some have this thing that, “We are very unhappy” Some have that, “We are very happy.” All kinds of myths these are. These are all myths. What is the thing is the complete emptiness. Complete emptiness. That is joy. This emptiness is filled with joy. Complete emptiness. Then you don't expect anything from anyone and this emptiness from within is actually, gives chance to compassion and love to enter into you. Supposing there's something in a pot already, what can you pour into it? What can you give it to it? So, if you are completely empty within, nothing of this nonsense of the past and the future, the aspirations, the ambitions, all those things, and falsehood. If you just become empty, it is filled in with nothing but joy, and joy of such an eternal nature. You never ask for it, you do not look forward to it. It is there all the time, and this is what I wish today you people can feel it. As you know, the Devi's things are so very deep and subtle. How She took a form of a Mother, and how She looked after Her bhaktas with love, how She fought demons and also negativity. But now the demons have entered into your hearts. These false gurus have entered into your brains. Through these horrible books so many things are coming, all the time attacking you. Even if you kill those demons, still they'll be lingering in your heads. They should be actually killed when they, once they are reflected into your mind, have gone away. Then only it's possible to eliminate them, otherwise they'll go away but leave their bhoots into your heads. So, these negativities which come from wrong type of following you have had, from wrong books that you have been reading. Also in Sahaja Yoga when you come, you can be misled by some people, it's possible. In that case also, forgive that person. That person may improve, but you may continue with the same ideas and funny things, and [those ideas] may suddenly come up. So, the quality is of compassion and love, fearlessness and courage, and the complete emptiness. In this emptiness then you are not worried about what we have to achieve, how many people you have to gather, how many must come to Sahaja Yoga - you’re not bothered about that. Automatically it will work out, but you will not desire for it, and you’ll not hanker, “Oh, my God, see there's not many people, what to do? This...that.” It's good for us in a way, because where is the place in heaven for so many stupid people? So we should not run after people who are negative and useless, but we must definitely take over the people who are genuinely good. One thing more I would like to tell you, that automatically such people are dropped out in Sahaja Yoga. In one shot they will go away. They don't stay because they don't deserve to be there. They don't deserve to have the Mother's powers. So, this happens in a very beautiful, subtle manner, and I see, I go late always, to any programme, so those who are useless just disappear, and some of them disappear half way through because nothing goes into their head, you know. They don't understand anything. So they go away. So now the ones which are left are the real seekers of truth and they get all of them Realisation. In Sanskrit they call it ‘shayen’ means ‘selection’. This is a natural selection that takes place, and how people go away, and how they come back to Sahaja Yoga, it's very interesting. This is a common happening in Sahaja Yoga you know. You should not get upset. Now if you get too many people, say from Russia, and not so much from Switzerland, maybe you might think that way, but now it's not that bad. Then, we should not worry because we are no more Russians or Swiss. We are super-human beings, we are sahaja yogis. Whether they are Russians, or whether they are Indians, or from some African land, it's alright. As long as they're sahaja yogis, you should be happy. If the Swiss are coming to Sahaja Yoga, we should be happy. So this attachment in a way is good to begin with, that you want to bring more Swiss, because you want to have company - now you can't live with one person in a jungle with all the others, non-sahaja yogis, you see, difficult. So you want to have company, so you want to have more and more and more. But doesn't matter. As many as there are, sufficient and we shouldn't worry about those things, the number. But when we want to share our love, then we do feel the dearth, not because we are Swiss, but because we cannot share. That time a new personality rises, and this new personality is the one which works. I mean we are not giving you any money, there are no awards for you, there's no way there's much encouragement. Like we have your, sort of a picture hanging here, nothing of the kind. Can you imagine, in any organisation anybody would work like this, the way you work? Nobody would. They give you awards, they give you bonuses, also they give you promotions. They do all kinds of things, you see, to keep you going, but we don't do anything in Sahaja Yoga. So, what makes you work so hard in Sahaja Yoga, what makes you spread Sahaja Yoga? Only thing is that you want to share. You can't help it. It's like a drunkard, you see. If he has a bottle he must have at least one person to share with him, because he thinks that it would be sinful. “As it is I'm doing sin, why not share with somebody else? So it would be half-half divided.” (laughter) But in Sahaja Yoga you share it, you want to spread it. Is because you are collective. You have become collective, that's why. You want more to come in, more to join, to enjoy. You become a very noble person, you see. Like, of course drunkards do that, but supposing somebody has a lottery or some, he gets a very big business, he won't like to share. But you think that, why not? If I am so much enjoying, why not others? “Why not people have the same bliss as I have?” So, because you become extremely noble, so noble, you work so hard, so very hard to achieve it. I mean no words can describe My joy when I see you people working it so spontaneously. Yesterday I saw the film, the whole drama, and I was really very much amazed and touched that this Marathi music has come to Cabella. Can you imagine any Italian thinking of it? Even hundred years to come, he would not think. But how it has come so spontaneously and is working out? Because there is a sense of collectivity. The New Age people talk of is here, no doubt, this is the New Age, and new consciousness is also there. But what is the new now, is the new collectivity, and that collectivity acts that you want to spread it, it acts. Like your hunger, it is another kind of hunger, that you want to create more sahaja yogis, you want to have more brothers and sisters, and you want to help them so that they could come to the pujas and all that and become good sahaja yogis. Now this kind of an ambition or a joy, or whatever you may call it, is, the whole plan shows that in your heart the collectivity is prospering, and that's why you cannot enjoy Sahaja Yoga alone, sitting in the Himalayas. No! You want to have other people. This is now the sign of how the Mother's love has taken roots in your hearts, and how you are all going to spread Sahaja Yoga. Of course, I am told that somebody in Australia, [is] making money. Australia has been always a problem. They are making money out of this, so I just don't know what to say. Because, this is, I can't understand! How can they think of making money or doing all kinds of things, and doing all kinds of asahaj things. Some sort of a headache comes up, doesn't matter. Leave it to Me, I'll manage it, whatever it is. But you just become great lights of your Mother. That's what I have to request you tonight. You have all the power flowing in you. You have the light, which has enlightened it, but, you must expand. Expand it more and more and more and you'll be surprised what Tukarama has said that, “I am like a small little particle of dust, and also I am the whole sky.” This is what is your personality. May God bless you all. [During puja] It's getting all warm now, you can remove your shawls. First take out My socks if you don't mind. (looking at puja thali) My goodness. That's not good! What did you do with it. It's all black. Shine it. No it should not have done. You see there's a very simple way, putting some tamarind and washing it off. Should we ask [who washed it]? Chintze ka apla kade chintze? Do not use polish for this! In the kitchen they must have done it, if it was in the kitchen. You can see the black coming off. Polish? You see there's no need, with a little bit of tamarind you can do it. Just learn it, it's very simple. Or with lemon, immediately washes it off. It's kept in the kitchen ah, the ladies must have done it! Just bring it. Now should we ask for the children say 5 to 10 years the children, ask to announce. (looking at children come to do puja) These are all ganas you know, all ganas! You tell them in the kitchen not to clean with this thing. Don't touch this brass polish at all. They have silver polish and brass polish but there's no need, no need at all. This tamarind will do and what else is the lemon, but you should just wash it fast, that's all. Now how many are going to sahaj school? No one?
Evening Program and Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Evening Program
Music Program and Talk to Sahaja Yogis ‘It was really very heartening to meet you all here. I know we are growing slowly in Spain but there are deep roots that take time. I can see my love and your love growing so strong. I've got to find out why in Spain it's difficult to make people understand that spirituality is very important. Somehow you Sahaja Yogis should show in your life that to you, life is fun because I think the Spanish are very fun-loving people. But fun which is just a temporary pleasure is not lasting. So through your lives you can show them that fun is everlasting if it is the source of Spirit.’‘You all have to go all out, as they have done in Italy and many other places. You know Italy was so much under the impression of the Catholic Church and the Christian Democratic party, and also they had a combination with the mafia. Despite that, now everything has become different. The Sahaja Yogis started going into the districts, into the smaller places, and started talking about Sahaja Yoga, telling them that they are in darkness and they have to take to light. They worked together, emphatically together, and told people emphatically that we have to be all of us to be awakened. They started giving also concerts, like you are giving, in different smaller villages. So they would use only Italian language because if you sing in Hindi or Marathi they won't understand. So the best is to use Spanish songs, meet people, talk to them, tell them about Sahaja Yoga and that the time has come for us to be resurrected.’‘I heard that there was a tremendous influence of the French culture on Spain. Naturally the morality part was sort of feared. If you talked about morality, people didn't like it. On one side they say that Christianity has adopted France as the eldest daughter; on the other side, they are just anti-Christ. You must have read Bible, and Christ has said in the fifth chapter of Matthew that if your one eye does a sin, take it out, and if your one hand does anything wrong, cut it out. I haven't seen any Christian anywhere doing that. They call themselves Christian, but they are not; it's a very difficult religion to follow. If you religiously follow the religion, you will be without both the hands and without the eyes. Also Christ has said that if they slap you on one face (cheek), then you turn another face. I mean, you know about Christian nations. I need not tell you what they did in America, the Spanish especially. All the names are Spanish, so many speak Spanish, but they are so aggressive and so arrogant, I don't know how they call themselves Christians.’‘The way they like bullfighting shows they are nowhere near Christianity. And then came Mohammed who thought the whole strictness is for men, so better do something for women also. So they (the incarnations) were actually such pure people they didn't know they were dealing with human beings. They thought they were dealing with Sahaja Yogis. But in Sahaja Yoga there's only love, and also forgiveness. Nobody's punished; only they're asked to leave Sahaja Yoga. Nobody wants to lose the love of Mother so they get punished automatically. And again and again they ask, `Should we come back to Sahaja Yoga?' The main thing is we are not power-oriented and we use the power of divine love.’‘We are not people who are hypocritical. What we say and what we do is the same. That's how you can enjoy reality because you like it. Whether it's a small number or a big number, what is needed is our depth in our heart, and the sincerity to ourselves. When I hear your songs, I can see how deep you are and how you understand Sahaja Yoga. Believe Me, one day these roots will sprout into big trees in Spain. I bless this country, again and again, and all Sahaja Yogis from My heart. Thank you very much.’
Music Program and Talk to Sahaja Yogis ‘It was really very heartening to meet you all here. I know we are growing slowly in Spain but there are deep roots that take time. I can see my love and your love growing so strong. I've got to find out why in Spain it's difficult to make people understand that spirituality is very important. Somehow you Sahaja Yogis should show in your life that to you, life is fun because I think the Spanish are very fun-loving people. But fun which is just a temporary pleasure is not lasting. So through your lives you can show them that fun is everlasting if it is the source of Spirit.’‘You all have to go all out, as they have done in Italy and many other places. You know Italy was so much under the impression of the Catholic Church and the Christian Democratic party, and also they had a combination with the mafia. Despite that, now everything has become different. The Sahaja Yogis started going into the districts, into the smaller places, and started talking about Sahaja Yoga, telling them that they are in darkness and they have to take to light. They worked together, emphatically together, and told people emphatically that we have to be all of us to be awakened. They started giving also concerts, like you are giving, in different smaller villages. So they would use only Italian language because if you sing in Hindi or Marathi they won't understand. So the best is to use Spanish songs, meet people, talk to them, tell them about Sahaja Yoga and that the time has come for us to be resurrected.’‘I heard that there was a tremendous influence of the French culture on Spain. Naturally the morality part was sort of feared. If you talked about morality, people didn't like it. On one side they say that Christianity has adopted France as the eldest daughter; on the other side, they are just anti-Christ. You must have read Bible, and Christ has said in the fifth chapter of Matthew that if your one eye does a sin, take it out, and if your one hand does anything wrong, cut it out. I haven't seen any Christian anywhere doing that. They call themselves Christian, but they are not; it's a very difficult religion to follow. If you religiously follow the religion, you will be without both the hands and without the eyes. Also Christ has said that if they slap you on one face (cheek), then you turn another face. I mean, you know about Christian nations. I need not tell you what they did in America, the Spanish especially. All the names are Spanish, so many speak Spanish, but they are so aggressive and so arrogant, I don't know how they call themselves Christians.’‘The way they like bullfighting shows they are nowhere near Christianity. And then came Mohammed who thought the whole strictness is for men, so better do something for women also. So they (the incarnations) were actually such pure people they didn't know they were dealing with human beings. They thought they were dealing with Sahaja Yogis. But in Sahaja Yoga there's only love, and also forgiveness. Nobody's punished; only they're asked to leave Sahaja Yoga. Nobody wants to lose the love of Mother so they get punished automatically. And again and again they ask, `Should we come back to Sahaja Yoga?' The main thing is we are not power-oriented and we use the power of divine love.’‘We are not people who are hypocritical. What we say and what we do is the same. That's how you can enjoy reality because you like it. Whether it's a small number or a big number, what is needed is our depth in our heart, and the sincerity to ourselves. When I hear your songs, I can see how deep you are and how you understand Sahaja Yoga. Believe Me, one day these roots will sprout into big trees in Spain. I bless this country, again and again, and all Sahaja Yogis from My heart. Thank you very much.’
Public Program – incomplete
Public Program
Respect your Realization and grow into it
Rio de Janeiro
Public Program
1994-10-15 Public Program, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it; we cannot transform it. Also, unfortunately, with this human awareness we cannot know it. [to Yogini who is translating] Can they hear, all of them? Ask them can they hear, all of them. Yogini: He is saying that with the fan it is not helping, Shri Mataji. All right, then put it off. [To a yogi in Hindi] If you move the fan further away, it will be all right. Better. It makes too much sound; fan was making too much sound. So now we have to know that our awareness is not sufficient enough to know the absolute Truth. Actually, we don’t know the absolute Truth. That’s why there is a problem. Somebody says this is good. Somebody says that is good. There is a quarrel, fight, arguments, and ultimately wars. That means we have to evolve more. Whatever I am going to tell you today, you should not accept it blindfolded, but accept it as a hypothesis. And if it is proved, then you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your family, your country, and for the benevolence of the whole world. At the very outset, I would like to tell you that the truth is you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, intellect, conditionings, or your ego. But you are the pure Spirit. There is another truth is, you see all these beautiful flowers and we take them for granted. Actually, it’s a miracle. If you ask a doctor who runs your heart, so he will say, ‘It is the autonomous nervous system.’ But who is this auto? Also, if you take to science you will find they cannot answer all the questions because it has its own limitations. For example, science cannot tell you why are you on this earth, what is your identity. So we take to religions. But in the modern times, religions have become money oriented or power oriented. Also, it was great incarnations who came – like Christ, Mohammed Saab, Moses. They were very great, pure incarnations and they did not know what sort of people they were facing. The way they were tortured and crucified. They preached to people who cannot follow their principles. For example, Christ has said in the fifth chapter – Mathews – that if your one eye commits a sin, you take out the eye. If your one hand does some sinful thing, you cut out the hand. If somebody slaps you on this face, turn the other face. I haven’t seen any Christian without eye and without hands. It’s an impossible thing and very difficult. It was easy for Christ to say that because He was so great. Actually, you have to become a saint to follow His principles. Ordinary people cannot follow Him. Then I think Mohammed Saab thought that He was so strict with the men, so He made lots of laws for the women also. And so strict that any woman who looked at any man with any lust, she should be buried halfway and should be stoned. Imagine what would have happened to American women. So the principle of morality was really too much for normal human beings. Also, the Sharia which was brought in by Mohammed Saab was given by Moses for the Jews. In the Bible in the Old Testament, in the Jeremiah, it is described clearly. But Jews thought it was too much, so they didn’t bother. But Muslims think they can do it; I am sure they can’t. So, they believe they are Muslims, but they are not. Christians believe they are Christians, but they are not. First you have to become a saint. You have to become an enlightened personality so that automatically you become righteous, automatically. In Sahaja Yoga, we don’t have any punishments. We have to accept human beings as they are. There are no confessions, and no physical or mental punishments. At the most, we can ask them to get out of Sahaja Yoga. As this Power lies in the sacrum bone, it’s your own. She is your Mother, your individual Mother. She knows all about you and She is very anxious to give you your second birth. It is in the real sense of the word [that] you have to have your second birth. It is not just a make-believe that you are twice born. It becomes like any other brand like you are a Christian or a Hindu or a Muslim or a twice born. But anybody can commit any sin. So one has to become innately righteous, innately moral. It’s only possible when you become the Spirit. When this Kundalini rises, She passes through six centers which are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. Thus, our physical being improves, or sometimes absolutely in perfect condition. In India there are four doctors from Delhi university who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga. Many incurable diseases can be cured with Sahaja Yoga. For diagnosis or for treatment, you don’t have to go to hospitals because you know self-knowledge. You get self-knowledge because you start feeling on your fingertips your own centers. You start feeling this all-pervading Power on your fingertips. So, this is the second truth that you have to know that there is an all-pervading Power of divine Love. In the Koran, Mohammed Saab has clearly said that when you will get your resurrection, your hands, your fingers will know about you and they will tell you about you. This is the time of your resurrection. I call it a blossom time, but in the Bible it is described as the last judgement. You have to choose; you are free to choose. If you want to go to hell, you can go. If you want to go to heaven, you can go. From the day you get your realization, you start the transformation within yourself. In the light of the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. You give up everything that is destructive. You give up everything that is not for your progress. All bad habits drop out automatically. And these bad habits just remove all the diseases, all the destructiveness from your body. It’s like this: if I am holding a snake, and there is darkness and I can’t see, and I am obstinate, I am not going to believe if you tell me it’s a snake. And unless and until the snake bites, I won’t give it up. But if there is little light, even little light, immediately I will throw away the snake on my own. That is why enlightenment is the most important thing. If you want to save the world, it is important that we should take to our enlightenment and give enlightenment to others. As a result of this, your attention becomes absolutely innocent, devoid of lust and greed. Innocence is an eternal thing, but we have covered it with some clouds. It is never destroyed, and it comes back as soon as you get your enlightenment. So your attention becomes not only innocent but very powerful and active. Wherever you put attention, it acts. Such a person emits joy and peace. Then you know the absolute Truth. That means everybody knows the same truth. Supposing if you have ten children who are realized souls and tie their eyes, and ask them what is wrong with this person, they will all lift the same fingers. So in our awareness, a new dimension is created called as vibratory awareness. Many people don’t believe in God. But if you want to know, you just put your hands and ask, ‘Is there God?’ And immediately you start getting tremendous cool breeze in your hands. And if you, say, want to find out was Christ the son of God, you just find out. And it is true because you get the cool breeze. But if there is falsehood, if there is a false master, you can immediately make it out because you get heat, sometimes pins and needles. Everybody knows the same. Then the greatest thing that happens to you [is] that you become collectively conscious. Because you can feel the vibrations of another person, and you can feel the chakras, the centers of another person also. Then who is the other? Like a microcosm becomes the macrocosm. Like a drop becomes the ocean. And such love, pure love and compassion flows in them. Then you understand the value of another person also, and also your own value. But you become humble. You can give realization to others. You can cure others. That is how one enlightened light can enlighten other lights. It’s a natural process. Just like a seed. If you put it in the Mother Earth, it sprouts by itself. Because in the seed it is built in to sprout and it is in the Mother Earth – the power is there to sprout. This is how everything is built in within you. It is spontaneous, means Sahaj. Means it is born with you, this right to have this union, yoga, with this divine Power. When we think, we think about the past or the future. We cannot be in the present which is the reality. Because the past is finished [and] the future doesn’t exist. But when this Kundalini rises, She elongates these thoughts and establishes the silence in between them. That time you become absolutely thoughtlessly aware. You are aware but you are thoughtless. You want to think, you can think. You don’t want to think, you need not think. But inspirations start coming. This state is the state of peace within yourself. You become a witness of the whole drama, and you become extremely peaceful within yourself. There is no stress, there is no strain. You become so free of all these things. Actually, you become your own master. Last of all, the greatest thing that happens to you [is] that you jump into the ocean of joy. When you are happy or unhappy, these are two sides of a coin. When your ego is pampered, you are happy; when it is punctured, you are unhappy. But joy is singular. And it’s a state in which you transcend all these limitations of your conditionings. For example, we have huge gatherings in India of people who have become saints and it is surprising [that] I have never seen them quarreling, fighting, nothing of the kind. It’s a state in which you realize your importance, your glory and the glory of others. It’s all your own. It’s all within you. This power, what we call Kundalini, is in the sacrum bone – that means the Greeks knew it was a sacred bone. Now this power of yours is the power of pure desire. All other desires are not pure. Today we ask for a house, we get it. Then we try to get a car, then we want to have a helicopter, then an aeroplane… I mean there is no end to it. It is not satiable. In general, they say, wants are not satiable. Economics says so. So whether you are aware or not aware, this power of pure desire in within you. And once you get connected with this all-pervading Power, all your problems get solved. Even economic [and] political. Because most of the world problems come from human beings. And all the human problems come from these chakras, from these centers. If these centers are somehow or other corrected, the whole world can be a beautiful place to live in. By talking about peace or having organizations of peace, you cannot have peace. I have known people who have got awards in peace and [are] absolutely very hot tempered, very. They never even smile. And if you have to approach them, it is better to go through a barge pole. I don’t know how they get peace awards. You have to have peace within. In this short lecture I don’t think I can tell you everything about it. But like in this beautiful hall you have so many lights… Only you have to switch on, that’s all. But if I go on telling you about the history of this electricity, how it came here, it is so boring. So why not get it – [your] enlightenment? It is so easy. You can’t pay for it, you must understand this. God doesn’t understand money. He doesn’t understand banking – that’s our headache. I don’t know how people can sell God in the market. It’s all right [that] you can pay for this hall, all right. But not for your Realization. It will hardly take 15 minutes for you to get your Realization. You are feeling warm, but after that you will feel very cool. But as I said, I cannot force on you. If you don’t want, I cannot do it. So those who do not want to have, have to go out. It is not mental; it is beyond the mind. So even My lecture is just an introduction, but it is not the happening. Happening is the actualization, I would say the actualization of your baptism. It’s the experience, it is not just talking. And you all can have this experience, not at all difficult. You don’t have to think about it, just it will work automatically. There is no problem of any kind that you will face. I feel Brazil can do very well in Sahaja Yoga because people are faithful and simple-hearted. As in Russia – I found they have no conditioning of any kind. At least 65 to 70 % people are very sensitive to spirituality. The rest are stupid I must say. They are taking to American culture of Coca-Cola and all that. They want Marlboro cigarettes. In Russia, in one place called Togliatti, we have got about 21000 Sahaj Yogis. And also the government is very good there, I mean the universities. They have thrown away all other false gurus from there, everyone. Surprisingly, they awarded Me the award of the St. Petersburg university, which was the oldest university, as the honorary academician which were only ten so far. I am the tenth. And one of them is Einstein. I was quite surprised, you know. I said, “Why do you include Me with Einstein? He was such a great scientist.” So they said that, ‘Mother, what Einstein has done is only on the matter. You are working on human beings.’ So they have given Me such a high award. I said, “I am not doing anything. Actually, they have their own powers, and they are getting awakened to it. What am I doing about it? I don’t know.” But they are very sensitive people. There were 2000 scientists in that conference. They don’t have much conditionings. I think they are people who are like clean slate. And it has worked really wonders there. So, I would request those who do not want to have their Self Realization should leave the hall because it is not proper to disturb in-between. But after Realization, one should not sort of get dissolved into that and do not grow. Because it is… In the beginning you will feel really on top of the world. But you have to grow. You have to grow in the collective. You cannot grow in your houses or your homes, or in your rooms. But you don’t have to give up anything. You don’t have to go to Himalayas and stand on your heads or go to Gobi Desert to get nirvana. Here, on your seats, you will get your Realization. Don’t have to give up your family, don’t have to give up anything. You don’t have to change your dress or anything. In Chicago I met a gentleman, the head of the ‘Hare Rama’. He was wearing a dhoti, what we wear in India, a dhoti. Specially that day it was very cold in Chicago. I said, “Why do you wear a dhoti in this cold? It’s terribly cold. As a mother, I feel concerned.” He said, “My guru has initiated me like this.” I said, “Do you think that by wearing this dhoti you will get your nirvana?” 80% people in India wear dhotis and go on saying, “Hare Rama, hare Krishna.” Are they all going to get nirvana? I mean if they all go to heaven, where will you be? It is the internal change that is needed, not outward. I think you all are intelligent people, and you will understand what I am saying. We don’t have any organization. We don’t have any priesthood. We have no hierarchies. Nothing of the kind. Everybody is equally the same. I have no secretary. I travel every day, practically. Tomorrow I am going to Sao Paulo and then I am going to other places. Everyday practically I am travelling. But I don’t think I am travelling. I don’t think. I will be 72 years of age [but] I don’t feel tired. I am the same because I feel tremendous love for all of you. That compels Me to travel. And that love itself is so nourishing and so joy giving. Same thing you all can have. You all can have the same powers. These are your potential things which you must get. Now, this mother Kundalini, She knows everything about you. Like a tape recorder, She has taped everything. She knows you. She knows what mistakes you have committed, She knows what are your aspirations, She knows you. So please don’t judge yourself. She knows and She is anxious to give you your second birth. So just understand that you should not feel at all in any way diffident. You must have complete respect for yourself. That means you should not feel guilty at all. This is the first condition that please don’t feel guilty about anything that has happened in the past. Past is finished, we are in the present. So this is a very important condition because if you feel guilty, the center on the left-hand side is in jeopardy. So you may get Spondylitis, you may get Angina, you may get Tuberculosis or, could be, lethargic organs. So what is the use of feeling guilty and troubling yourself like this? The second condition is that you have to forgive everyone even without thinking about them. As this center is caught up, the Kundalini cannot rise above this center. Whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. It is a myth. Because if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. Specially at this moment. The center on the optic chiasma is like this, absolutely constricted. And if you don’t forgive, it won’t open out. And at this moment, you will miss the great opportunity of Self Realization because Kundalini won’t be able to pass through that center. Also, don’t think about people whom you have to forgive because it is a very painful, I think, sometimes. You get a headache. In general, you have to forgive. The third condition is very simple. You have to take out your shoes. In England, first time I said “please take out your shoes,” so half the people walked off. You have been already told about the subtle centers and the channels that we have within ourselves. So now we have two powers – left and right. The left one is the power of desire, the right one is the power of action. Is a mundane desire, everyday desire. Now, so those who are sitting on the chair (not those who are sitting on the ground – they are all right) have to put both their feet apart from each other. And put the left hand on your left lap, that’s all. And we have to nourish our centers with our right hand. Only for tonight we have to do, is not to be repeated. Now we will show you what is to be done – is to put the left hand like this [towards Shri Mataji], which symbolizes that you desire to have your Self Realization. All right. So please put the left hand like this. Now the right hand you have to put it first on your heart because in the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So, we work only on the left-hand side. Put your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the center of your mastery created by great prophets and seers. Now you take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the center, surprisingly, is of pure divine Knowledge. Now you take your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen again. Then take it on your heart. And then in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. This center is not all right. Please don’t feel guilty. Now, take your right hand on top of your forehead across like this and bend your head slowly. Now take back your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask for forgiveness from the divine Power. Now the last center is important. Stretch your palm as far as possible. Now put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers as far as possible. Now please put down your head. Here you have to move your scalp slowly seven times clockwise. Please push back your fingers otherwise there will be no pressure. And bend your heads please. Please move it seven times. That’s all we have to do. Now we will start by closing our eyes. Please don’t open your eyes until and unless I tell you. Please put your feet apart from each other and let hand on your left lap. And put your right hand on your heart. You can take out your spectacles and close your eyes. Please don’t open till I tell you. Here resides the Spirit. So you have to ask a fundamental question about yourself three times to Me. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji, whatever you feel like. So please say it three times in your heart, ask the question, ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’ I have told you already that if you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it with your fingers. Here you ask Me another question in your heart, very fundamental, about yourself. Please ask, ‘Mother, am I my own master?’ I’ve already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force on you your Self Realization. In the same way, I cannot force pure divine Knowledge on you. So please take down your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here you have to say again… I mean you have to ask six times because the center has got six petals. So ask six times, ‘Mother, please give me pure divine Knowledge.’ This is the knowledge about the science of divine Laws, which you get spontaneously, automatically on your nerves. As soon as you ask the question for divine Knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising upward. So you have to nourish the upper centers with your full self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard. Here you have to say ten times with full confidence, ‘Mother, I am my own master.’ I’ve already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, these conditionings, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on top of your heart and here you have to say again with full self-confidence. Say it will full confidence, ‘Mother, I am the pure Spirit.’ That you are, have faith in it and say it, ‘Mother, I am the pure Spirit.’ This all-pervading Power of divine Love is the ocean of knowledge and bliss. It is the ocean of energy of compassion and love. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved by the power of this ocean of compassion and forgiveness. You must have faith in yourself. So, forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Now, with full confidence you have to say sixteen times, ‘Mother, I am not guilty at all.’ Have confidence. I have already told you that whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. Specially at this moment if you don’t forgive, the center of Agnya won’t open and your Kundalini will not be able to penetrate. So now raise your hand to your forehead across and put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to say again with self-confidence – but not how many times – from your heart, ‘Mother, I forgive everyone in general.’ Now without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading divine Power. So now please raise your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to say (again from your heart, not how many times) just for your justification, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, ‘O divine Power, if I have done any mistakes, please forgive them.’ Now the last center as I said is very important. You have to stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now stretch back your fingers as far as possible and please put down your head as far as possible. With a pressure you have to move your scalp seven times clockwise slowly. Here again I cannot force Self Realization on you. So you have to ask for it saying seven times while moving your hand, ‘Mother, please give me my Self Realization.’ [Shri Mataji blows the pranava into the mike.] Now please take down your hand. Slowly open your eyes. Put both the hands towards Me like this and watch Me without thinking. Now put the right hand towards Me like this and put down your head, and with the left hand try to see if there is a cool or hot breeze-like vibrations coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Now, please put the left hand… Also, bend your head, it is important. Now again see with the right hand. Not on top of your head, away from your fontanelle bone. If there is a cool or a hot breeze-like vibrations coming. Sometimes they are cool, sometimes they are hot. They could be close or away. But if you have not forgiven yourself or others, you get the hot breeze. So now again please try to forgive everyone, yourself also. Now please put again your right hand towards Me and see with the left hand. You have to move your hand because sometimes it is far, sometimes it is closer. It is coming out of your fontanelle bone area, so please have faith in yourself. Please bend your head, otherwise… Now please put both your hands towards the sky like this, push back your head. Now, here you can ask one of these three questions three times, one of them. The first one is, ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’ Ask three times. Second one is, ‘Mother, is this the all-pervading Power of divine Love, Ruh?’ The third one is, ‘Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?’ Ask any one of these three times. This is the first time you are feeling the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. Now please bring down your hands. All those who have felt cool breeze on the fingertips, or may be hot, same on the palms or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. What do you say to that [on seeing most seekers raise their hands]? I bow to you all. Most of you have become saints now, so I bow to you. Please put down your hands. All those who have felt the cool breeze, this all-pervading Power of divine Love, have to grow into it. Some of you may not have felt. Maybe something physically, mentally wrong with you, maybe spiritually. Or maybe you are thinking too much. Or maybe you did not forgive yourself and others. Whatever it is, everything can be corrected. Respect your Realization and grow into it. Most surprising thing is that when I come, so many of you come here and get your Realization. But I am a foreigner, I am an Indian and you trust Me so much. But we have here very beautiful Sahaja Yogis. They will not take any money and you can grow. They’ll tell you all about it, complete knowledge. So when I go away, you should not just give up, you have to grow. Otherwise, it would be like the parable of Christ that some seeds fell on the barren land and some on the marshy land which just sprouted and were finished. It’s a very great responsibility that you are born in this special time. Then you have got your Realization. And it’s only you, the enlightened ones, who can save the world. Make the world beautiful for your children. So please understand your own worth and value. Now, please know your identity that you have entered into the kingdom of God. Life would be full of blessings. But please grow and give it to others. Have faith in yourself. My message is, now enjoy yourself and enjoy others. May God bless you all. [The audience claps.] Thank you very much. Thank you. [Announcements in Portuguese by a Sahaja Yogi follow.]
1994-10-15 Public Program, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it; we cannot transform it. Also, unfortunately, with this human awareness we cannot know it. [to Yogini who is translating] Can they hear, all of them? Ask them can they hear, all of them. Yogini: He is saying that with the fan it is not helping, Shri Mataji. All right, then put it off. [To a yogi in Hindi] If you move the fan further away, it will be all right. Better. It makes too much sound; fan was making too much sound. So now we have to know that our awareness is not sufficient enough to know the absolute Truth. Actually, we don’t know the absolute Truth. That’s why there is a problem. Somebody says this is good. Somebody says that is good. There is a quarrel, fight, arguments, and ultimately wars. That means we have to evolve more. Whatever I am going to tell you today, you should not accept it blindfolded, but accept it as a hypothesis. And if it is proved, then you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your family, your country, and for the benevolence of the whole world. At the very outset, I would like to tell you that the truth is you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, intellect, conditionings, or your ego. But you are the pure Spirit. There is another truth is, you see all these beautiful flowers and we take them for granted. Actually, it’s a miracle. If you ask a doctor who runs your heart, so he will say, ‘It is the autonomous nervous system.’ But who is this auto? Also, if you take to science you will find they cannot answer all the questions because it has its own limitations. For example, science cannot tell you why are you on this earth, what is your identity. So we take to religions. But in the modern times, religions have become money oriented or power oriented. Also, it was great incarnations who came – like Christ, Mohammed Saab, Moses. They were very great, pure incarnations and they did not know what sort of people they were facing. The way they were tortured and crucified. They preached to people who cannot follow their principles. For example, Christ has said in the fifth chapter – Mathews – that if your one eye commits a sin, you take out the eye. If your one hand does some sinful thing, you cut out the hand. If somebody slaps you on this face, turn the other face. I haven’t seen any Christian without eye and without hands. It’s an impossible thing and very difficult. It was easy for Christ to say that because He was so great. Actually, you have to become a saint to follow His principles. Ordinary people cannot follow Him. Then I think Mohammed Saab thought that He was so strict with the men, so He made lots of laws for the women also. And so strict that any woman who looked at any man with any lust, she should be buried halfway and should be stoned. Imagine what would have happened to American women. So the principle of morality was really too much for normal human beings. Also, the Sharia which was brought in by Mohammed Saab was given by Moses for the Jews. In the Bible in the Old Testament, in the Jeremiah, it is described clearly. But Jews thought it was too much, so they didn’t bother. But Muslims think they can do it; I am sure they can’t. So, they believe they are Muslims, but they are not. Christians believe they are Christians, but they are not. First you have to become a saint. You have to become an enlightened personality so that automatically you become righteous, automatically. In Sahaja Yoga, we don’t have any punishments. We have to accept human beings as they are. There are no confessions, and no physical or mental punishments. At the most, we can ask them to get out of Sahaja Yoga. As this Power lies in the sacrum bone, it’s your own. She is your Mother, your individual Mother. She knows all about you and She is very anxious to give you your second birth. It is in the real sense of the word [that] you have to have your second birth. It is not just a make-believe that you are twice born. It becomes like any other brand like you are a Christian or a Hindu or a Muslim or a twice born. But anybody can commit any sin. So one has to become innately righteous, innately moral. It’s only possible when you become the Spirit. When this Kundalini rises, She passes through six centers which are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. Thus, our physical being improves, or sometimes absolutely in perfect condition. In India there are four doctors from Delhi university who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga. Many incurable diseases can be cured with Sahaja Yoga. For diagnosis or for treatment, you don’t have to go to hospitals because you know self-knowledge. You get self-knowledge because you start feeling on your fingertips your own centers. You start feeling this all-pervading Power on your fingertips. So, this is the second truth that you have to know that there is an all-pervading Power of divine Love. In the Koran, Mohammed Saab has clearly said that when you will get your resurrection, your hands, your fingers will know about you and they will tell you about you. This is the time of your resurrection. I call it a blossom time, but in the Bible it is described as the last judgement. You have to choose; you are free to choose. If you want to go to hell, you can go. If you want to go to heaven, you can go. From the day you get your realization, you start the transformation within yourself. In the light of the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. You give up everything that is destructive. You give up everything that is not for your progress. All bad habits drop out automatically. And these bad habits just remove all the diseases, all the destructiveness from your body. It’s like this: if I am holding a snake, and there is darkness and I can’t see, and I am obstinate, I am not going to believe if you tell me it’s a snake. And unless and until the snake bites, I won’t give it up. But if there is little light, even little light, immediately I will throw away the snake on my own. That is why enlightenment is the most important thing. If you want to save the world, it is important that we should take to our enlightenment and give enlightenment to others. As a result of this, your attention becomes absolutely innocent, devoid of lust and greed. Innocence is an eternal thing, but we have covered it with some clouds. It is never destroyed, and it comes back as soon as you get your enlightenment. So your attention becomes not only innocent but very powerful and active. Wherever you put attention, it acts. Such a person emits joy and peace. Then you know the absolute Truth. That means everybody knows the same truth. Supposing if you have ten children who are realized souls and tie their eyes, and ask them what is wrong with this person, they will all lift the same fingers. So in our awareness, a new dimension is created called as vibratory awareness. Many people don’t believe in God. But if you want to know, you just put your hands and ask, ‘Is there God?’ And immediately you start getting tremendous cool breeze in your hands. And if you, say, want to find out was Christ the son of God, you just find out. And it is true because you get the cool breeze. But if there is falsehood, if there is a false master, you can immediately make it out because you get heat, sometimes pins and needles. Everybody knows the same. Then the greatest thing that happens to you [is] that you become collectively conscious. Because you can feel the vibrations of another person, and you can feel the chakras, the centers of another person also. Then who is the other? Like a microcosm becomes the macrocosm. Like a drop becomes the ocean. And such love, pure love and compassion flows in them. Then you understand the value of another person also, and also your own value. But you become humble. You can give realization to others. You can cure others. That is how one enlightened light can enlighten other lights. It’s a natural process. Just like a seed. If you put it in the Mother Earth, it sprouts by itself. Because in the seed it is built in to sprout and it is in the Mother Earth – the power is there to sprout. This is how everything is built in within you. It is spontaneous, means Sahaj. Means it is born with you, this right to have this union, yoga, with this divine Power. When we think, we think about the past or the future. We cannot be in the present which is the reality. Because the past is finished [and] the future doesn’t exist. But when this Kundalini rises, She elongates these thoughts and establishes the silence in between them. That time you become absolutely thoughtlessly aware. You are aware but you are thoughtless. You want to think, you can think. You don’t want to think, you need not think. But inspirations start coming. This state is the state of peace within yourself. You become a witness of the whole drama, and you become extremely peaceful within yourself. There is no stress, there is no strain. You become so free of all these things. Actually, you become your own master. Last of all, the greatest thing that happens to you [is] that you jump into the ocean of joy. When you are happy or unhappy, these are two sides of a coin. When your ego is pampered, you are happy; when it is punctured, you are unhappy. But joy is singular. And it’s a state in which you transcend all these limitations of your conditionings. For example, we have huge gatherings in India of people who have become saints and it is surprising [that] I have never seen them quarreling, fighting, nothing of the kind. It’s a state in which you realize your importance, your glory and the glory of others. It’s all your own. It’s all within you. This power, what we call Kundalini, is in the sacrum bone – that means the Greeks knew it was a sacred bone. Now this power of yours is the power of pure desire. All other desires are not pure. Today we ask for a house, we get it. Then we try to get a car, then we want to have a helicopter, then an aeroplane… I mean there is no end to it. It is not satiable. In general, they say, wants are not satiable. Economics says so. So whether you are aware or not aware, this power of pure desire in within you. And once you get connected with this all-pervading Power, all your problems get solved. Even economic [and] political. Because most of the world problems come from human beings. And all the human problems come from these chakras, from these centers. If these centers are somehow or other corrected, the whole world can be a beautiful place to live in. By talking about peace or having organizations of peace, you cannot have peace. I have known people who have got awards in peace and [are] absolutely very hot tempered, very. They never even smile. And if you have to approach them, it is better to go through a barge pole. I don’t know how they get peace awards. You have to have peace within. In this short lecture I don’t think I can tell you everything about it. But like in this beautiful hall you have so many lights… Only you have to switch on, that’s all. But if I go on telling you about the history of this electricity, how it came here, it is so boring. So why not get it – [your] enlightenment? It is so easy. You can’t pay for it, you must understand this. God doesn’t understand money. He doesn’t understand banking – that’s our headache. I don’t know how people can sell God in the market. It’s all right [that] you can pay for this hall, all right. But not for your Realization. It will hardly take 15 minutes for you to get your Realization. You are feeling warm, but after that you will feel very cool. But as I said, I cannot force on you. If you don’t want, I cannot do it. So those who do not want to have, have to go out. It is not mental; it is beyond the mind. So even My lecture is just an introduction, but it is not the happening. Happening is the actualization, I would say the actualization of your baptism. It’s the experience, it is not just talking. And you all can have this experience, not at all difficult. You don’t have to think about it, just it will work automatically. There is no problem of any kind that you will face. I feel Brazil can do very well in Sahaja Yoga because people are faithful and simple-hearted. As in Russia – I found they have no conditioning of any kind. At least 65 to 70 % people are very sensitive to spirituality. The rest are stupid I must say. They are taking to American culture of Coca-Cola and all that. They want Marlboro cigarettes. In Russia, in one place called Togliatti, we have got about 21000 Sahaj Yogis. And also the government is very good there, I mean the universities. They have thrown away all other false gurus from there, everyone. Surprisingly, they awarded Me the award of the St. Petersburg university, which was the oldest university, as the honorary academician which were only ten so far. I am the tenth. And one of them is Einstein. I was quite surprised, you know. I said, “Why do you include Me with Einstein? He was such a great scientist.” So they said that, ‘Mother, what Einstein has done is only on the matter. You are working on human beings.’ So they have given Me such a high award. I said, “I am not doing anything. Actually, they have their own powers, and they are getting awakened to it. What am I doing about it? I don’t know.” But they are very sensitive people. There were 2000 scientists in that conference. They don’t have much conditionings. I think they are people who are like clean slate. And it has worked really wonders there. So, I would request those who do not want to have their Self Realization should leave the hall because it is not proper to disturb in-between. But after Realization, one should not sort of get dissolved into that and do not grow. Because it is… In the beginning you will feel really on top of the world. But you have to grow. You have to grow in the collective. You cannot grow in your houses or your homes, or in your rooms. But you don’t have to give up anything. You don’t have to go to Himalayas and stand on your heads or go to Gobi Desert to get nirvana. Here, on your seats, you will get your Realization. Don’t have to give up your family, don’t have to give up anything. You don’t have to change your dress or anything. In Chicago I met a gentleman, the head of the ‘Hare Rama’. He was wearing a dhoti, what we wear in India, a dhoti. Specially that day it was very cold in Chicago. I said, “Why do you wear a dhoti in this cold? It’s terribly cold. As a mother, I feel concerned.” He said, “My guru has initiated me like this.” I said, “Do you think that by wearing this dhoti you will get your nirvana?” 80% people in India wear dhotis and go on saying, “Hare Rama, hare Krishna.” Are they all going to get nirvana? I mean if they all go to heaven, where will you be? It is the internal change that is needed, not outward. I think you all are intelligent people, and you will understand what I am saying. We don’t have any organization. We don’t have any priesthood. We have no hierarchies. Nothing of the kind. Everybody is equally the same. I have no secretary. I travel every day, practically. Tomorrow I am going to Sao Paulo and then I am going to other places. Everyday practically I am travelling. But I don’t think I am travelling. I don’t think. I will be 72 years of age [but] I don’t feel tired. I am the same because I feel tremendous love for all of you. That compels Me to travel. And that love itself is so nourishing and so joy giving. Same thing you all can have. You all can have the same powers. These are your potential things which you must get. Now, this mother Kundalini, She knows everything about you. Like a tape recorder, She has taped everything. She knows you. She knows what mistakes you have committed, She knows what are your aspirations, She knows you. So please don’t judge yourself. She knows and She is anxious to give you your second birth. So just understand that you should not feel at all in any way diffident. You must have complete respect for yourself. That means you should not feel guilty at all. This is the first condition that please don’t feel guilty about anything that has happened in the past. Past is finished, we are in the present. So this is a very important condition because if you feel guilty, the center on the left-hand side is in jeopardy. So you may get Spondylitis, you may get Angina, you may get Tuberculosis or, could be, lethargic organs. So what is the use of feeling guilty and troubling yourself like this? The second condition is that you have to forgive everyone even without thinking about them. As this center is caught up, the Kundalini cannot rise above this center. Whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. It is a myth. Because if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. Specially at this moment. The center on the optic chiasma is like this, absolutely constricted. And if you don’t forgive, it won’t open out. And at this moment, you will miss the great opportunity of Self Realization because Kundalini won’t be able to pass through that center. Also, don’t think about people whom you have to forgive because it is a very painful, I think, sometimes. You get a headache. In general, you have to forgive. The third condition is very simple. You have to take out your shoes. In England, first time I said “please take out your shoes,” so half the people walked off. You have been already told about the subtle centers and the channels that we have within ourselves. So now we have two powers – left and right. The left one is the power of desire, the right one is the power of action. Is a mundane desire, everyday desire. Now, so those who are sitting on the chair (not those who are sitting on the ground – they are all right) have to put both their feet apart from each other. And put the left hand on your left lap, that’s all. And we have to nourish our centers with our right hand. Only for tonight we have to do, is not to be repeated. Now we will show you what is to be done – is to put the left hand like this [towards Shri Mataji], which symbolizes that you desire to have your Self Realization. All right. So please put the left hand like this. Now the right hand you have to put it first on your heart because in the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So, we work only on the left-hand side. Put your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the center of your mastery created by great prophets and seers. Now you take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the center, surprisingly, is of pure divine Knowledge. Now you take your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen again. Then take it on your heart. And then in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. This center is not all right. Please don’t feel guilty. Now, take your right hand on top of your forehead across like this and bend your head slowly. Now take back your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask for forgiveness from the divine Power. Now the last center is important. Stretch your palm as far as possible. Now put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers as far as possible. Now please put down your head. Here you have to move your scalp slowly seven times clockwise. Please push back your fingers otherwise there will be no pressure. And bend your heads please. Please move it seven times. That’s all we have to do. Now we will start by closing our eyes. Please don’t open your eyes until and unless I tell you. Please put your feet apart from each other and let hand on your left lap. And put your right hand on your heart. You can take out your spectacles and close your eyes. Please don’t open till I tell you. Here resides the Spirit. So you have to ask a fundamental question about yourself three times to Me. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji, whatever you feel like. So please say it three times in your heart, ask the question, ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’ I have told you already that if you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it with your fingers. Here you ask Me another question in your heart, very fundamental, about yourself. Please ask, ‘Mother, am I my own master?’ I’ve already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force on you your Self Realization. In the same way, I cannot force pure divine Knowledge on you. So please take down your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here you have to say again… I mean you have to ask six times because the center has got six petals. So ask six times, ‘Mother, please give me pure divine Knowledge.’ This is the knowledge about the science of divine Laws, which you get spontaneously, automatically on your nerves. As soon as you ask the question for divine Knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising upward. So you have to nourish the upper centers with your full self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard. Here you have to say ten times with full confidence, ‘Mother, I am my own master.’ I’ve already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, these conditionings, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on top of your heart and here you have to say again with full self-confidence. Say it will full confidence, ‘Mother, I am the pure Spirit.’ That you are, have faith in it and say it, ‘Mother, I am the pure Spirit.’ This all-pervading Power of divine Love is the ocean of knowledge and bliss. It is the ocean of energy of compassion and love. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved by the power of this ocean of compassion and forgiveness. You must have faith in yourself. So, forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Now, with full confidence you have to say sixteen times, ‘Mother, I am not guilty at all.’ Have confidence. I have already told you that whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. Specially at this moment if you don’t forgive, the center of Agnya won’t open and your Kundalini will not be able to penetrate. So now raise your hand to your forehead across and put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to say again with self-confidence – but not how many times – from your heart, ‘Mother, I forgive everyone in general.’ Now without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading divine Power. So now please raise your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to say (again from your heart, not how many times) just for your justification, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, ‘O divine Power, if I have done any mistakes, please forgive them.’ Now the last center as I said is very important. You have to stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now stretch back your fingers as far as possible and please put down your head as far as possible. With a pressure you have to move your scalp seven times clockwise slowly. Here again I cannot force Self Realization on you. So you have to ask for it saying seven times while moving your hand, ‘Mother, please give me my Self Realization.’ [Shri Mataji blows the pranava into the mike.] Now please take down your hand. Slowly open your eyes. Put both the hands towards Me like this and watch Me without thinking. Now put the right hand towards Me like this and put down your head, and with the left hand try to see if there is a cool or hot breeze-like vibrations coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Now, please put the left hand… Also, bend your head, it is important. Now again see with the right hand. Not on top of your head, away from your fontanelle bone. If there is a cool or a hot breeze-like vibrations coming. Sometimes they are cool, sometimes they are hot. They could be close or away. But if you have not forgiven yourself or others, you get the hot breeze. So now again please try to forgive everyone, yourself also. Now please put again your right hand towards Me and see with the left hand. You have to move your hand because sometimes it is far, sometimes it is closer. It is coming out of your fontanelle bone area, so please have faith in yourself. Please bend your head, otherwise… Now please put both your hands towards the sky like this, push back your head. Now, here you can ask one of these three questions three times, one of them. The first one is, ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’ Ask three times. Second one is, ‘Mother, is this the all-pervading Power of divine Love, Ruh?’ The third one is, ‘Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?’ Ask any one of these three times. This is the first time you are feeling the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. Now please bring down your hands. All those who have felt cool breeze on the fingertips, or may be hot, same on the palms or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. What do you say to that [on seeing most seekers raise their hands]? I bow to you all. Most of you have become saints now, so I bow to you. Please put down your hands. All those who have felt the cool breeze, this all-pervading Power of divine Love, have to grow into it. Some of you may not have felt. Maybe something physically, mentally wrong with you, maybe spiritually. Or maybe you are thinking too much. Or maybe you did not forgive yourself and others. Whatever it is, everything can be corrected. Respect your Realization and grow into it. Most surprising thing is that when I come, so many of you come here and get your Realization. But I am a foreigner, I am an Indian and you trust Me so much. But we have here very beautiful Sahaja Yogis. They will not take any money and you can grow. They’ll tell you all about it, complete knowledge. So when I go away, you should not just give up, you have to grow. Otherwise, it would be like the parable of Christ that some seeds fell on the barren land and some on the marshy land which just sprouted and were finished. It’s a very great responsibility that you are born in this special time. Then you have got your Realization. And it’s only you, the enlightened ones, who can save the world. Make the world beautiful for your children. So please understand your own worth and value. Now, please know your identity that you have entered into the kingdom of God. Life would be full of blessings. But please grow and give it to others. Have faith in yourself. My message is, now enjoy yourself and enjoy others. May God bless you all. [The audience claps.] Thank you very much. Thank you. [Announcements in Portuguese by a Sahaja Yogi follow.]
Pure attention becomes very powerful
São Paulo
Public Program
1994-10-16 Public Program, Sao Paulo, Brazil I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to say that truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot challenge it, and unfortunately, with this human awareness you cannot know it. In our evolutionary process, we have become human beings but still we don’t know the absolute truth. Something more has to happen to us that we all know the absolute truth. Because we don’t know the absolute truth that’s why we have arguments. We have problems, we quarrel and fight, and ultimately we have wars. In all the scriptures, it is written that you are to be born again. Whatever I am going to tell you, you should not take it for granted. This blind faith has brought lots of problems to us. But, you should keep your mind open as scientist and if you find what I am saying has been proved then as honest people you have to accept it. Because it is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your family, for the benevolence of your country, and for the benevolence of the whole World. Unfortunately, most of the problems come from human beings in this World. And almost all the problems of human beings come from these centres being in jeopardy. These subtle centres are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. You have been already told about this power kundalini, which resides in the sacrum bone. That means the Greek knew it’s a scared bone. This power is the power of pure desire within you. All other desires are not pure because we want to have, say for example, today we want to have a house, then tomorrow we want to have a car, then we want to have a helicopter, it goes on like this from one to another. According to economics, wants are not satiable in general. But, whether you are aware or not, the pure desire to become one with the divine is within you. In modern times, as predicted, many people who are seeking the truth have been born. I call it as a blossom time but they have called it by many other names. In the Quran, it is called as Ruh. No, I am sorry Qiyama, is Qiyama. Is called as Qiyama. And in the Bible, as the Last Judgement. So, it is left to your freedom, whether you want to go to Heaven or you want to go to Hell. If we look at the science, we should know that it has its own limitations. And while seeking the truth, we will not know because it is so limited. Firstly, it is amoral and secondly, it cannot answer many questions. It cannot say why are we on this Earth. It cannot say what is our identity. So, people are changing their dresses, changing their hairstyles, all kinds of things they do thinking that is their identity. But, the identity is within you. That is, you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, these conditionings, this ego. But, you are the pure spirit. When we say my intellect, my body, who is the owner of this ‘my’? The second truth is that there is a all-pervading divine power of love, which does all the living work. We have never felt this divine power before. It is also called by different names. Some call it the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost, and some call it as the all-pervading divine power of love. And some call it as Paramchaitanya. So, the second important thing at this time is that you have to become the spirit. And you have to feel this all-pervading power on your central nervous system. If this does not happen, you will be restless. You’ll have all the problems and you will never feel satisfied in life. People have been seeking everywhere in these special times. They have been taking frantically so many things but they have not been able to understand what they are seeking. Firstly, we must know that it is a living process of evolution. You cannot pay for it. This is your own power and is your own potential glory has to be manifested. When this power rises within you it passes through six centres. It nourishes your six centres by which you get your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual problem solved. In India, in the Delhi University, there are four doctors now who have got their M.D. with Sahaja Yoga curing. It cures many diseases and is by your own power. Is very easy to know what diseases you have. Or, to know if you have mental problems because on your fingertips you can feel your centres. These centres are, he has shown as it is, even a child can make it out. Now, if you know how to cure these centres, you get alright. You can also feel the centres of others. Thus, you can cure others also because you develop a new dimension in your awareness, which is called as collective consciousness. Second thing that happens to you, that you become absolutely thoughtlessly aware. If I say you that pay attention to yourself, you cannot pay. If I say that you stand in your presence, you cannot - present. We only thing about the future or about the past. The past is finished and future doesn’t exist. So, to be in the present, something more has to happen because present is the reality. So, when this kundalini rises, she elongates our thoughts and we become thoughtlessly aware. We are fully aware but there is not thought. If you want to think, you can think but actually you get divine inspirations. When you are thoughtlessly aware, you are absolutely peaceful within yourself. You watch the whole World like a drama and you are a witness. All your worries disappear. All your problems disappear. You get out of them. As if the divine power takes over. Like this instrument [the mic] has no meaning unless and until it is connected to the mains. In the same way, our life has no meaning unless and until we are connected to this all-pervading power. Your attention also becomes very innocent, devoid of any lust or greed. When we take to religions, we should understand that today the religions have reached another state of perversion. They are money-orientated or power-orientated, and are fighting among themselves. One may call yourself as Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anything, anybody can commit any sin. Also, people like Christ and Mohammed Sahib, all such great people were really so pure and did not know what sort of people they are facing. Whatever they have commanded is for the saints, for the enlightened ones but not for normal human beings. Normal beings cannot, normal human beings, cannot follow them. Like Christ has said in the 5th chapter of Matthews, that if your one eye commits a sin, you take it out. Or, if your hand does any sinful thing, you cut your hand. If somebody slaps on one cheek, turn the other cheek. I haven’t seen any Christian without eyes and without hands, so far. That means Christians are not Christians, they are not following Christ at all. Even Mohammed Sahib was worse. He thought all the rules and regulations are only for men, so do something more for women. So, he said any woman who has bad intentions about any man should be buried in the Mother Earth half-way and should be put to death with stones. Now, please tell me in America, how many would live, American women? So, this kind of serious, very strict rules were made for ordinary human beings. Because they did not know what human beings are like, that’s why they crucified him. They had no sensitivity of spirituality. So first, one has to become an enlightened soul, a saint, then only one can follow Christ or Mohammed Sahib. A normal human being is full of weaknesses and it’s too much to follow these great great people. In Sahaja Yoga, we have no punishments. There’s only divine love. Because we understand as human beings as they are. But with the kundalini awakening, you become exactly what Christ has asked you to be. That is, your attention becomes absolutely innocent - devoid of lust and greed. And this pure attention becomes very powerful. With this attention, which is so pure, the person emits peace and joy. And creates a very holy atmosphere. It’s not talking but it’s a happening. It is no sermon but actualisation of the baptism. One has to know that you cannot pay for this living process. God does not understand money. You can pay for this hall but you cannot pay for your self-realisation. Or, for your enlightenment. If you just apply this test, to people, you will know who are false and who are real. In this short lecture, I may not be able to tell you all about Sahaja Yoga. Saha means ‘with’ and ja mean ‘born’. Born with you is the right to have this Yoga, means the union with the divine power. This is your right; this is your birth right to have it. Last time, when I was driving, I went over Sao Paulo. And I felt there are many seekers here because there were holy vibrations. And I asked them, please organize some program in Sao Paulo. Because there are so many real seekers here. And I am happy that you all have come for your self-realisation. Above all, you jump into the ocean of joy. Happiness and unhappiness are the two coins of one coin…should say two sides of one coin. When your ego is pampered you feel happy and when it is punctured you feel unhappy. But joy is singular, where you witness the whole World and you see everything as a beautiful creation of God. And your attention is so powerful that you can solve so many problems of the World. You reach another state, which we call as doubtless awareness, where you get all the powers to raise the kundalini of others - give them their self-knowledge. You can cure others; you can create peace on this Earth. Because you become innately righteous. I don’t have to tell you; don’t do this, don’t do that. It’s like this, if I have a snake in my hand and I am very adamant; if you tell me there is a snake, I won’t believe, I’ll say it’s a rope. Because, because there is darkness, I can’t see. [repeats for translator] And I am adamant, I don’t want to believe till the snake bites me, I don’t believe. But as soon as there is some light, I myself throwaway the snake. All that is destructive in me, I give up. Nobody has to tell me. Such a state of righteousness, you have within yourself, which is manifested. And then you come to know that all the religions were born as beautiful flowers on the same tree of spirituality. We pluck the flowers and we are fighting with the dead flowers. Thus, you transcend all these limitations of racialism, of communalism, of all kinds of nonsense that we have been adhering to. All this is your own. Tonight, you all can get your enlightenment. You all can feel the all-pervading power of divine love. Only thing you have to have the pure desire and full confidence in yourself. Of course, I cannot force it on you. I respect your freedom as human beings. If you don’t want to have, you can leave the hall. It will hardly take 10-15 minutes. I know the people here are seekers, earnest seekers. And is your right to have your ascent. Firstly, this kundalini is your own mother, is your individual mother. She knows all about you. She knows what mistakes you have committed and also she knows your aspirations. And she is very anxious to give you your second birth. So, you don’t have to worry about yourself, please don’t judge yourself. Let her judge. So, you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. So, the first and the foremost thing we should have is self-confidence. And should not feel guilty about anything. This guilt is a horrible thing. This creates a problem on the left-hand side here on the left centre [showing left vishuddhi] and can give you lots of troubles. It gives you spondylitis, angina, it gives you lethargic organs, diseases like tuberculosis. So, why to have guilt? Whatever was wrong in the past is over now, finished. We are talking about the present. Please don’t feel guilty. Because if this centre is in problem, the kundalini won’t pass through. As I love you, you have to love yourself. Then another condition is that, you should not, you should forgive everyone. Some people think it is difficult. But logically, whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you torture yourself and play into wrong hands. But at this moment, it is very important to forgive. Because the centre at the optic chiasma is constricted like this, like a cross. And if you don’t forgive, it won’t open like this [shows square-shaped opening with fingers]. And at this important moment, kundalini can pass through. As it is, you have tortured yourself with this myth of not forgiving. And at this moment, you should not miss this great important thing of your life - is enlightenment. Also, you need not think about people whom you have to forgive because it’s a headache. In general, you have to forgive everyone. The third condition is that you have to take out your shoes. I know it is very simple but in London, first time when I had a program, I asked them they have to take their shoes, they walked out of the hall, half of them. So, Sahaja Yoga is not meant for stupid people. Is not meant for idiots, I should say. Also, it is not meant for arrogant people. You have to ask for your self-realisation, otherwise I cannot force it on you. But firstly, you should be humble. With so little advertisement and everything, so many of you have come, it’s very encouraging for all of us. You will get your sprouting, I would say, like a seed sprouts. Because it is all built-in within you. But it is a collective happening. You cannot be working it out in your homes and houses, you have to come to the collective to grow. What surprises me that when I go to any country, there are thousands who come. I don’t know how they have so much trust in me, I am a foreigner for you. But later on, they don’t trust their own people who are here to help you. They can help you to grow. Because after this, who is the other? [repeats for translator] You become collectively conscious. The microcosm becomes macrocosm. A drop becomes the ocean. Such love, such friendship, such pure relationship develops that our society improves tremendously. There’s a lot to be said but I think first let us have our enlightenment. There are so many lights here, you have to just switch on and they come out because it is already built in. If I have to tell, you all the history of electricity and how it was brought here, you will be bored stiff. So, is better to put the lights on first. Now, it’s very simple as I told you. I am happy you all have taken out your shoes without any grudges. [audience laughs] You should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. As I have told you, you don’t have to do anything, it’s spontaneous. Only for tonight, you’ll have to nourish your centres with your self-confidence which I’ll tell you how to do it. [self-realisation starts]
1994-10-16 Public Program, Sao Paulo, Brazil I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to say that truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot challenge it, and unfortunately, with this human awareness you cannot know it. In our evolutionary process, we have become human beings but still we don’t know the absolute truth. Something more has to happen to us that we all know the absolute truth. Because we don’t know the absolute truth that’s why we have arguments. We have problems, we quarrel and fight, and ultimately we have wars. In all the scriptures, it is written that you are to be born again. Whatever I am going to tell you, you should not take it for granted. This blind faith has brought lots of problems to us. But, you should keep your mind open as scientist and if you find what I am saying has been proved then as honest people you have to accept it. Because it is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your family, for the benevolence of your country, and for the benevolence of the whole World. Unfortunately, most of the problems come from human beings in this World. And almost all the problems of human beings come from these centres being in jeopardy. These subtle centres are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. You have been already told about this power kundalini, which resides in the sacrum bone. That means the Greek knew it’s a scared bone. This power is the power of pure desire within you. All other desires are not pure because we want to have, say for example, today we want to have a house, then tomorrow we want to have a car, then we want to have a helicopter, it goes on like this from one to another. According to economics, wants are not satiable in general. But, whether you are aware or not, the pure desire to become one with the divine is within you. In modern times, as predicted, many people who are seeking the truth have been born. I call it as a blossom time but they have called it by many other names. In the Quran, it is called as Ruh. No, I am sorry Qiyama, is Qiyama. Is called as Qiyama. And in the Bible, as the Last Judgement. So, it is left to your freedom, whether you want to go to Heaven or you want to go to Hell. If we look at the science, we should know that it has its own limitations. And while seeking the truth, we will not know because it is so limited. Firstly, it is amoral and secondly, it cannot answer many questions. It cannot say why are we on this Earth. It cannot say what is our identity. So, people are changing their dresses, changing their hairstyles, all kinds of things they do thinking that is their identity. But, the identity is within you. That is, you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, these conditionings, this ego. But, you are the pure spirit. When we say my intellect, my body, who is the owner of this ‘my’? The second truth is that there is a all-pervading divine power of love, which does all the living work. We have never felt this divine power before. It is also called by different names. Some call it the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost, and some call it as the all-pervading divine power of love. And some call it as Paramchaitanya. So, the second important thing at this time is that you have to become the spirit. And you have to feel this all-pervading power on your central nervous system. If this does not happen, you will be restless. You’ll have all the problems and you will never feel satisfied in life. People have been seeking everywhere in these special times. They have been taking frantically so many things but they have not been able to understand what they are seeking. Firstly, we must know that it is a living process of evolution. You cannot pay for it. This is your own power and is your own potential glory has to be manifested. When this power rises within you it passes through six centres. It nourishes your six centres by which you get your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual problem solved. In India, in the Delhi University, there are four doctors now who have got their M.D. with Sahaja Yoga curing. It cures many diseases and is by your own power. Is very easy to know what diseases you have. Or, to know if you have mental problems because on your fingertips you can feel your centres. These centres are, he has shown as it is, even a child can make it out. Now, if you know how to cure these centres, you get alright. You can also feel the centres of others. Thus, you can cure others also because you develop a new dimension in your awareness, which is called as collective consciousness. Second thing that happens to you, that you become absolutely thoughtlessly aware. If I say you that pay attention to yourself, you cannot pay. If I say that you stand in your presence, you cannot - present. We only thing about the future or about the past. The past is finished and future doesn’t exist. So, to be in the present, something more has to happen because present is the reality. So, when this kundalini rises, she elongates our thoughts and we become thoughtlessly aware. We are fully aware but there is not thought. If you want to think, you can think but actually you get divine inspirations. When you are thoughtlessly aware, you are absolutely peaceful within yourself. You watch the whole World like a drama and you are a witness. All your worries disappear. All your problems disappear. You get out of them. As if the divine power takes over. Like this instrument [the mic] has no meaning unless and until it is connected to the mains. In the same way, our life has no meaning unless and until we are connected to this all-pervading power. Your attention also becomes very innocent, devoid of any lust or greed. When we take to religions, we should understand that today the religions have reached another state of perversion. They are money-orientated or power-orientated, and are fighting among themselves. One may call yourself as Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anything, anybody can commit any sin. Also, people like Christ and Mohammed Sahib, all such great people were really so pure and did not know what sort of people they are facing. Whatever they have commanded is for the saints, for the enlightened ones but not for normal human beings. Normal beings cannot, normal human beings, cannot follow them. Like Christ has said in the 5th chapter of Matthews, that if your one eye commits a sin, you take it out. Or, if your hand does any sinful thing, you cut your hand. If somebody slaps on one cheek, turn the other cheek. I haven’t seen any Christian without eyes and without hands, so far. That means Christians are not Christians, they are not following Christ at all. Even Mohammed Sahib was worse. He thought all the rules and regulations are only for men, so do something more for women. So, he said any woman who has bad intentions about any man should be buried in the Mother Earth half-way and should be put to death with stones. Now, please tell me in America, how many would live, American women? So, this kind of serious, very strict rules were made for ordinary human beings. Because they did not know what human beings are like, that’s why they crucified him. They had no sensitivity of spirituality. So first, one has to become an enlightened soul, a saint, then only one can follow Christ or Mohammed Sahib. A normal human being is full of weaknesses and it’s too much to follow these great great people. In Sahaja Yoga, we have no punishments. There’s only divine love. Because we understand as human beings as they are. But with the kundalini awakening, you become exactly what Christ has asked you to be. That is, your attention becomes absolutely innocent - devoid of lust and greed. And this pure attention becomes very powerful. With this attention, which is so pure, the person emits peace and joy. And creates a very holy atmosphere. It’s not talking but it’s a happening. It is no sermon but actualisation of the baptism. One has to know that you cannot pay for this living process. God does not understand money. You can pay for this hall but you cannot pay for your self-realisation. Or, for your enlightenment. If you just apply this test, to people, you will know who are false and who are real. In this short lecture, I may not be able to tell you all about Sahaja Yoga. Saha means ‘with’ and ja mean ‘born’. Born with you is the right to have this Yoga, means the union with the divine power. This is your right; this is your birth right to have it. Last time, when I was driving, I went over Sao Paulo. And I felt there are many seekers here because there were holy vibrations. And I asked them, please organize some program in Sao Paulo. Because there are so many real seekers here. And I am happy that you all have come for your self-realisation. Above all, you jump into the ocean of joy. Happiness and unhappiness are the two coins of one coin…should say two sides of one coin. When your ego is pampered you feel happy and when it is punctured you feel unhappy. But joy is singular, where you witness the whole World and you see everything as a beautiful creation of God. And your attention is so powerful that you can solve so many problems of the World. You reach another state, which we call as doubtless awareness, where you get all the powers to raise the kundalini of others - give them their self-knowledge. You can cure others; you can create peace on this Earth. Because you become innately righteous. I don’t have to tell you; don’t do this, don’t do that. It’s like this, if I have a snake in my hand and I am very adamant; if you tell me there is a snake, I won’t believe, I’ll say it’s a rope. Because, because there is darkness, I can’t see. [repeats for translator] And I am adamant, I don’t want to believe till the snake bites me, I don’t believe. But as soon as there is some light, I myself throwaway the snake. All that is destructive in me, I give up. Nobody has to tell me. Such a state of righteousness, you have within yourself, which is manifested. And then you come to know that all the religions were born as beautiful flowers on the same tree of spirituality. We pluck the flowers and we are fighting with the dead flowers. Thus, you transcend all these limitations of racialism, of communalism, of all kinds of nonsense that we have been adhering to. All this is your own. Tonight, you all can get your enlightenment. You all can feel the all-pervading power of divine love. Only thing you have to have the pure desire and full confidence in yourself. Of course, I cannot force it on you. I respect your freedom as human beings. If you don’t want to have, you can leave the hall. It will hardly take 10-15 minutes. I know the people here are seekers, earnest seekers. And is your right to have your ascent. Firstly, this kundalini is your own mother, is your individual mother. She knows all about you. She knows what mistakes you have committed and also she knows your aspirations. And she is very anxious to give you your second birth. So, you don’t have to worry about yourself, please don’t judge yourself. Let her judge. So, you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. So, the first and the foremost thing we should have is self-confidence. And should not feel guilty about anything. This guilt is a horrible thing. This creates a problem on the left-hand side here on the left centre [showing left vishuddhi] and can give you lots of troubles. It gives you spondylitis, angina, it gives you lethargic organs, diseases like tuberculosis. So, why to have guilt? Whatever was wrong in the past is over now, finished. We are talking about the present. Please don’t feel guilty. Because if this centre is in problem, the kundalini won’t pass through. As I love you, you have to love yourself. Then another condition is that, you should not, you should forgive everyone. Some people think it is difficult. But logically, whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you torture yourself and play into wrong hands. But at this moment, it is very important to forgive. Because the centre at the optic chiasma is constricted like this, like a cross. And if you don’t forgive, it won’t open like this [shows square-shaped opening with fingers]. And at this important moment, kundalini can pass through. As it is, you have tortured yourself with this myth of not forgiving. And at this moment, you should not miss this great important thing of your life - is enlightenment. Also, you need not think about people whom you have to forgive because it’s a headache. In general, you have to forgive everyone. The third condition is that you have to take out your shoes. I know it is very simple but in London, first time when I had a program, I asked them they have to take their shoes, they walked out of the hall, half of them. So, Sahaja Yoga is not meant for stupid people. Is not meant for idiots, I should say. Also, it is not meant for arrogant people. You have to ask for your self-realisation, otherwise I cannot force it on you. But firstly, you should be humble. With so little advertisement and everything, so many of you have come, it’s very encouraging for all of us. You will get your sprouting, I would say, like a seed sprouts. Because it is all built-in within you. But it is a collective happening. You cannot be working it out in your homes and houses, you have to come to the collective to grow. What surprises me that when I go to any country, there are thousands who come. I don’t know how they have so much trust in me, I am a foreigner for you. But later on, they don’t trust their own people who are here to help you. They can help you to grow. Because after this, who is the other? [repeats for translator] You become collectively conscious. The microcosm becomes macrocosm. A drop becomes the ocean. Such love, such friendship, such pure relationship develops that our society improves tremendously. There’s a lot to be said but I think first let us have our enlightenment. There are so many lights here, you have to just switch on and they come out because it is already built in. If I have to tell, you all the history of electricity and how it was brought here, you will be bored stiff. So, is better to put the lights on first. Now, it’s very simple as I told you. I am happy you all have taken out your shoes without any grudges. [audience laughs] You should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. As I have told you, you don’t have to do anything, it’s spontaneous. Only for tonight, you’ll have to nourish your centres with your self-confidence which I’ll tell you how to do it. [self-realisation starts]
There are so many powers of love
Public Program
Public Program, 1994-10-18 I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to tell you that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot describe it. Unfortunately, at this human awareness, we cannot feel it. Absolute truth has to be felt on you central nervous system. Now, whatever I am going to tell you tonight, you have to take it not for granted at all. We have had inner problems of blind faith. But if you treat it as a hypothesis and if it is proved, then you have to accept it as honest people. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, these conditioning and ego. But you are the pure Spirit. Here now you see beautiful flowers and we take it for granted. Actually it is a miracle. Many livings things, we take it for granted. Who runs your heart? If you ask the doctor, he will say: "It is autonomous nervous system." But who is this "auto"? So the second truth is that there's a All-Pervading Subtle Power of Divine Love that does all the living work. We cannot feel this Power on our fingers, but it exists. Today for the first time you all are going to feel it. It is called in the Bible as the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. In the Koran, it is called as Ruh. And in the Indian scriptures, it is called as Paramchaitanya. Patanjali has called it as Ritambhara PrAgnya. So in all the books, this Chaitanya has been described by different names. So "saha" means "with, "ja" means "born", is the right to have this yoga, this union. You all have this right to have this union with the Divine Power. Specially at this time, it was to happen. It's already been predicted. They called as Last Judgment, in the Koran they called it as Kyiama. And the great astrologer, the pioneer of Astrology, Gehrig has written that at this time, thousands will get their enlightenment. I call it a blossom time, where there are so many seekers of truth who have a right to get their enlightenment. So it is through the evolutionary process, the last breakthrough. This Power that connects you to the All-Pervading Power is called as Kundalini. "Kundal" is different circles. That's why it is called as Kundalini. It rests in the triangular bone which is called as sacrum, that means that Greeks knew that is a sacred bone. When this Power rises, it passes through six centres. All the problems of the world are mostly from human beings. And most of the problems of human beings come from these subtle centres within us. Thus when this Kundalini rises and passes through six centres and enlightens the fontanel bone area, passes through it, then it enlightens all the centres. It integrates it and also it corrects it. These centres are for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. Thus all our problems on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being are solved. In Delhi, there are two doctors who have got their MD for curing incurable diseases in Sahara Yoga. All over the world, we have doctors who are curing people of incurable diseases. The second thing that happens to you that your attention becomes innocent. Innocence is eternal, it's never lost. Of course there are some clouds on it. But with the awakening of the Kundalini, your innocence is established. And your attention becomes innocent devoided of lust and greed. Such an innocence, innocent attention is very powerful. And wherever it goes, it emits peace and joy. The another thing that happens to you automatically is that you can feel these centres on your fingertips. Is not going to people at all, is not, they can't hear Me. Is alright? This attention is innocent, but also is active. You can cure your centres by your pure attention. Also you can feel the centres of others on your fingertips. In the Koran, it is written very clearly that at the time of Kyiama, that is the resurrection, your hands will speak and they will give witness against you. So your attention, whenever you put it, is so pure that it acts on others also. But who is the other? Because you become, you become again collectively conscious, that you can feel the attention of others very clearly on your fingertips, the centres of others on your fingertips. Thus you have self-knowledge on you central nervous system. For example, we go to religion to find out a solution. For example, people like Christ and Mohammed Saab, very highly evolved Incarnations came on this Earth. We could not understand Them and They could not understand human beings. They did not know what sort of people they are facing. For example, Christ has said in the fifth chapter, Mathews, if your one eye commits a sin, take it down. And if your hand commits a sin, cut it out. If someone slaps you on one cheek, you turn another cheek. I Myself was born in a Christian family and I never see any man doing that without two eyes and without two hands. Christ was talking to saints. That's why He talked, that He was talking to angels. And Mohammed Saab was even worse, because He thought Christ has been very strict on men, why not on women? So He also said horrible things that have to be done to women. That if a woman looks another man with lust, she must be buried half in the Mother Earth and should be stoned till she is dead. Imagine what would have happened to American women, I can't understand. Where they could have been? On top of that, Shariat, which was given by Moses to the Jews, who were very decadent, greed took it over, because Jews defied it. So we can see that these restrictions are for people who are enlightened. And not for ordinary human beings. So first ordinary human beings have to become enlightened. They have to enter into the Kingdon of God. There only they can be punished like this. But in Sahaja Yoga, we have no punishments. Forgiveness is the only remedy, up to a point. And even after that if people continue to do wrong, then they are requested to get out of Sahaja Yoga. But once you get enlightenment, you become righteous, nobody has to tell you: "Don't do this, don't do that." In the light of the Spirit, you become your guide, your own master. Whatever is destructive, you give up and take to constructive for you life. This is like this, supposing I am an obstinate person and I have a snake in My hand and there's darkness. And you tell Me that there's a snake, but I will not give up because I am obstinate till the snake bites Me. But if there's a little light, immediately I will Myself give up. Nobody has to tell Me. You yourself become virtuous and righteous. So your health becomes first class, your mind becomes first class, because of that, your financial problems are also solved. We actually live in a relative world. Either we are thinking about the past or about the future. We are jumping on the cusp of this thoughts. But past is finished and future doesn't exist. We have to be in the present. And that is very difficult. When Kundalini rises She elongates those thoughts and our attention stands in the middle. And we become thoughtlessly aware. Means you are fully aware, but there's no thought from the future and the past. That is the time you grow spiritually and we get inspirations from the Divine. So we are in the present, which is the reality. And we know the reality, we become absolutely confident. Now the another thing that is very remarkable is that you know the absolute truth. That too on your fingertips. ,Many people don't believe that there is God. Many people don't believe that Christ was the Son of God. But after enlightened, you just put your hands like this and ask the question: "Is there God?". And you feel a tremendous cool breeze flowing. Supposing there is a man false who comes and meets you, you just put your hands towards that person and you immediately will know what sort of a person he is. By recording the sensations on your central nervous system which is indicated on your fingertips, you can know everything. Such a person is blessed by the Divine Power. To such an extent that once they get Realization, they write letters to Me what miracles have happened to them. I've told somebody: "You better compile", and within one month, he telephoned to Me that: "They have come up over my head, I don't know what to select." When you become thoughtlessly aware, you become absolutely peaceful within yourself. I have seen people have got awards of peace, but what I know that they have no peace within themselves. And if you have to meet them, better take a barge pole. They are so hot-tempered. So egoistical and arrogant. How can you have peace if you have no peace within yourself? With Sahaja Yoga, it has been created a new race of extremely peaceful, loving, dynamic people. Sahaja Yoga is working in 65 nations. Of course in India is not difficult, but Russia has been a wonderful place for Sahaja Yoga. Russians are extremely sensitive to spirituality. At least 65 to 70%. The rest are materialistic, they want Malboro cigarette and all kinds of things. But they are all very well educated and this people has such a sense of spirituality. For example, Saint Petersburg University, which is one of the oldest universities, gave Me an award of Honorary Academician. And the tenth person to get it so far. And one of them is Einstein. And I was surprised, I asked them: "How do you put Me in the same line as Einstein?" So they said: "What Einstein has done is on the matter," but You can work on human beings." In that conference there were two thousand great scientists. And they gave the subject of Medicine and Self-knowledge. But there were many others who spoke on morality and health. Morality has become a prime subject for these people. I was surprised scientist talking of morality. Because science is unmoral. And that is what they said that there is a gap with the science. I must tell you that I've been there only four times and in one place only, one place called Tolyatti, we have 21.000 Sahaja Yogis. There is a joke that they went once and one of the Toliatti Sahaja Yogi asked an American one: "How many Sahaja Yogis you have in America?" He said: "There are fifty-six." So a Toliatti Sahaja Yogi said: "Oh my God, "you have 56.000, we have 21.000 only in Toliatti." Because Americans lack maturity. They lack wisdom. They live like Hollywood actors and actresses, in the imaginary world. Like a one lady married eight times and ninth time she was going with a very young man for her honeymoon. And there were four, five thousand people just to see her going for her honeymoon. Not only that, but there were ten helicopters from where there were parachute down taking photographs They fell on people and some on trees. I must say India may be a poor country, but you won't get even one person to see such idiotic things. So Sahaja Yoga is not meant for idiots and for superficial people. It is of course not meant for arrogant. But it is meant for people who are true seekers of truth. In this seeking, people do go to wrong things. They have gone to false gurus, doesn't matter. You should know that we cannot pay for your enlightenment. God doesn't know money. He doesn't understand banking, that is our headache. So, if somebody ask money for your enlightenment, you better understand that he is a cheat. Also enlightenment doesn't mean some sort of a dressing up or shaving your hair. A great poet Kabira has said: "If by shaving your hair, if you are going to get your Nirvana, then the sheep who it is shaved every year will go there first." This time in Chicago, you will be surprised, I saw a Hare Rama fellow, the leader who came with a dot, that you wear, very light cloth. It was really very cold and as a Mother, I felt concern what is he after all. Then I asked him: "Why you are wearing a dot? It is so very cold, you will get troubles." So he said that "My guru has initiated and I am supposed to wear only dot, whether it is cold or not." And he said, "That is how it is I am going to get my Nirvana." I said, "In India, 80% people wear dots, if they are going to get Nirvana, then where you will be?" There is another really shocking thing. In Cabella, one fellow came and he told Me, that "I have become a very poor man, because all my money I have given to Dalai Lama." So in the name of God, how many types of people there are who are cheating, I have to tell you all these things because I am your Mother. I am not afraid of them. I am only afraid that you people are great seekers and you should not be lost. Guru Nanak has said, "The one who is a real master is the one who makes you meet the Divine." Christ also said that "You are to be born again." In Sanskrit, we have the word called "dwija" for a bird and also for an enlighten soul. That means a person who is born again like the bird. The bird is first an egg and then it becomes a bird, it has a second birth. In the same way, we have to have our second birth, where you get complete transformation. As it is, several people have that, "we are born again, we are Christians, Hindus, Muslims", these are nothing but brands. You maybe are a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anything, but you can commit any mistake and can commit any sin. In Sahaja Yoga, you become, becoming is the point. And when the Kundalini pierces through your fontanel bone area, is the actualization of your baptism, actualization. It is the experience of feeling the Divine. Is not a lecture or it is not a sermon. But the greatest thing that happens to you that you jump in the ocean of joy. Happiness and unhappiness are two sides of a coin. But joy is singular. Where you become the source of peace and you witness the whole world as a drama. But you yourself become the light of peace and joy. Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 nations now. And I am amazed that I've never seen anybody quarreling, fighting or even arguing. They all enjoy each others company. Such pure love, friendship that you really feel a new age has started. Very pure relationships of husband and wife, sisters, brothers, I've never heard somebody running away with somebody's wife or somebody's husband in Sahaja Yoga. I really know there are so many great souls who want to be born on this Earth. And if they are born to non Sahaja Yogi, they will never understand their children. Moreover they are anxious to be born to Sahaja Yogis. In this lecture, I cannot tell you everything about Sahaja Yoga, I'm sorry. Only in English language, I must have addressed five thousand lectures so far. But it is like this, we have so many beautiful lights here. And we have to just put on one switch and all the lights come in. Because it is built in. In the same way, it is built in within you. This is your own power. This is your own glory. All your protection powers will manifest. So many artists, musicians have become world famous today. You will be happy to know this time, Miss Universe was a Sahaja Yogini. She is going to see Me and she said, "I don't want to wear funny dresses." I said, "No, you can wear, if you can wear swimming dresses, is alright, doesn't matter, you go ahead." She is a very simple, intelligent girl. I wouldn't say she is a beauty or anything according to Hollywood standards. But her innocence and her pose or her intelligence has achieved this wisdom for her that she is today Miss Universe. So is a very remarkable thing that we don't know what qualities we have, what potential we have, how dynamic people we are. It is like a candle which is not get enlightened but a enlightened candle can enlighten the one which is not enlightened. This is like is a seed, if it is embedded in the Mother Earth, it sprouts spontaneously, sahaja. Because the seed as well the Mother Earth has the built in quality to sprout. So believe Me, all of you have got this. And it will work out. Please have no doubts about yourself. Another thing is that this Power that is in the triangular bone is the Power of Pure Desire. All desires are not pure. You want to have house today, then you want to have a car, then want to have a helicopter, I don't know, goes on like that. There is no end. According to economics: wants are not satiable in general. Because they are not pure wants, pure desires. So you should have full confidence and also should have desire to be one with the Divine Power. I cannot force on you, you have to ask for it. Because I respect your freedom. This Power is your individual Mother. She knows everything about you. Like a tape recorder, She knows what are your desires, what are your aspirations. And She is very anxious to give you your second birth. And as when you were born, your mother took all the troubles, this Mother of yours takes all the trouble and you get your Self-Realization. It will hardly take fifteen minutes. But those who don't want to have it should leave the hall. Because they cannot get it also. On the contrary, they will disturb you. If you have faith in yourself, I'm sure it will work out. You have to respect yourself, Because you are a human being at epitome of evolution. Now as I told you that this Kundalini, your Mother, knows everything about you. Please do not judge yourself. She knows, She judges you. So first condition is that you should not feel guilty at all. Whatever has happened in the past has happened. Why carry the guilty on your left side, this centre? As a result of this mythical behaviour, you get spondylitis, or you get angina, or you get lethargic organs. You might even get diseases like tuberculosis. So why to carry this myth of guilt? You have to really forgive yourself. And should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Even in My lecture, if you think that I have said something that makes you feel guilty, forget it. The second condition is even simpler if you understand it. You have to forgive everyone even without thinking about them, because it is a headache to think about it. Now, logically whether you forgive or don't forgive, what do you do? You don't do anything. But when you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. All your life, you tortured yourself. But at this moment is important to get this centre and the centre in the optic chiasma opened out. If you feel guilty, this centre won't open and the Kundalini won't pass through. But the worst is the centre on the optic chiasma which is constricted like this. And it won't open unless and until you forgive everyone without thinking about them. As it is you are playing into wrong hands and by not forgiving you will miss the most important thing that is your enlightenment. Third condition is very simpler that I request you to get out your shoes I'm sorry I have to say that because in England, first time I said: "Please take out your shoes", half of them left the hall. This help us to be in contact with the Mother Earth, which help us a lot. Now, you don't say any prays, any mantras, nothing. Please don't try to concentrate. Kundalini Itself will take your attention upward. Alright. Those who are sitting on the ground are alright. But those who are sitting on the chair have to keep both their feet apart from each other. Please all of you do it, otherwise you can go. Because the left and right are two powers. The left one is the power of desire And the right one is the power of action. First we tell you how to nourish your centre with your self-confidence. These exercises have to be done only for tonight, afterwards you don't have to do anything. Now, so please put your left hand towards Me like this on your lap very comfortably sitting. Why he is not doing himself there? What is the matter with you? If you don't want to do, you can go out. What is the matter? Alright. Now please understand that you have to be comfortable in your chair, but not slouch, not put one foot on top of other, but comfortably sitting. You don't have to go to Himalayas and stand on your head. You don't have to give up anything. I have told you it is not outside, but inside something has to happen. So please put your left hand on your lap, which is symbolizing that you have a desire to have your Self-Realization. Now put your right hand on your heart. We use our right hand for nourishing our centres on the left hand side. In the heart resides the Spirit. Please put left hand towards Me, try to understand, left hand towards Me and right hand on your heart, please. Now, we put our hand on the heart, where resides the Spirit. Now we take our right hand to the upper portion of abdomen on the left hand side. I've told you that if you become the Spirit, you become your master. So this is the centre of your mastery, which is created by prophets and seers. Now, we take our right hand to the lower portion of abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre, surprisingly, is of pure divine knowledge. Now we take it up again in the upper portion of your abdomen. Then we take it on our heart. Then in the corner of the neck and shoulder and turn our head to right. I've already told you about this centre. And quite that is in today with you, please don't feel guilty at all. I tell you, you have done nothing wrong. After all you are human beings and only human beings can commit mistakes, you are not gods. In Sahaja Yoga, there's no confession and there's no guilty. Is only love, compassion and forgiveness. Now, raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head. Here you have to forgive everyone without thinking about them. Now without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the All-Pervading Divine Power. So take back your right hand on the back side of your head. This is the centre for asking forgiveness. Now the last centre, you have to stretch your palm fully. And put the centre of your palm on top of fontanel bone area, which is a soft bone (…) your scalp. Now please, put down your head. And move your scalp seven times slowly. That is all you have to do. Now you have to close your eyes. Before that, see that you put your both the feet apart from each other and your left hand on your lap. Now, please close your eyes and don't open them till I tell you. Take down your hands now. And now put your right hand on your heart. Close your eyes. Now, here your have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself. You can call Me Mother or you can call Me Shri Mataji. So please say three times, ask a question: "Mother, am I the Spirit?" I have told already to you that if you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So please take your right hand upper portion of you abdomen on the left hand side. And here, you have to ask another fundamental question about yourself three times. Please ask Me in your heart three times: "Mother, am I my own master?" Now, I have already told you that I respect your freedom. And I cannot force on you the Pure Divine Knowledge. You have to ask for it. So please put down your hand in the left hand side of your abdomen, in the lower region. Here you ask again six times because this centre has got six petals. Here you have to ask: "Mother, please give me Pure Divine Knowledge." Now, as soon as you ask for Pure Divine Knowledge, your Kundalini starts moving upward. So we have to nourish upper centres with your self-confidence. Please now put your right hand the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say ten times with your full self-confidence: "Mother, I am my own master." At very outset, I told you that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, your ego or your conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. So now please raise your hand on your heart and say again with full self-confidence twelve times: "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." This All-Pervading Divine Power is the ocean of knowledge of bliss. Ocean of bliss. It is the ocean of compassion and love. But above all, It is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes your might have committed can be easily dissolved in the power of this ocean of forgiveness. So please, forgive yourself. And put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and push your neck to your right. Here you have to say, again, with full self-confidence sixteen times: "Mother, I am not guilty at all." I have already told you that you have to forgive everyone. Logically, whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. So it is very important to forgive everyone without thinking about them. Leave them to the Divine Power to deal. Then you all raise your hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head. Here you have to say from your heart not how many times: "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." At this moment, if you don't forgive, then this centre which is so constricted won't open and the Kundalini cannot pass through it. Now without feeling guilty, without pointing your mistakes, for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the All-Pervading Divine Power. So please take your right hand back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to say, again, from your heart, not how many times: "Oh, Divine Power, please forgive me if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly. Now the last centre, which is very important. You have to stretch your hand fully, the palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area, it was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please put down your head. Please stretch your fingers outward. Here again I cannot force enlightenment on you, you have to ask for it. So now move your scalp seven times slowly clockwise, saying seven times: "Mother, please give me my Self-Realization." Now please take down your hands. And open your eyes slowly. Put both the hands towards Me like this. And watch Me without thinking. Now please put your right hand towards Me like this. And put down your head. See with the left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations coming from your fontanel bone area Please bend your head. And don't put your hand on top of the head, but away from it, near it. Now please turn, put the left hand towards Me like this. Again bend your head and see with the right hand, if there is a hot or a cool breeze like vibrations coming out of your fontanel bone area. Some people get it further. But if it is hot, then you have not forgiven yourself or your have not forgiven others, so please do that now. Now again, lastly, put your right hand towards Me and try to feel if there is any cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now do not doubt you, is coming from your own head. Bend your heads, bend your heads. Now, raise your both the hands towards the sky like this and push back your head. Here you have to ask a question three times anyone of these three questions. Please ask, first question: "Mother, this is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" Second question: "Mother, is this the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love, the Ruh? Or "Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?" Ask anyone of these three questions, anyone three times. Now take down your hands. All those who have felt cool breeze on their fingertips or on their palm or out of their fontanel bone area, even maybe hot, please raise both your hands. Brazil! I bow to you all the saints of Brazil. May God bless you all. May God bless you. Specially Brasilia. May God bless you. Please, one thing I have to tell you clearly, that whatever has happened to you is a collective happening. You can only grow collectively, not in your homes, but you have to come to the collective. You don't have to pay for anything. As you know that we don't take any money, we don't have elaborate places, we are humble. So please make it a point to respect your Self-Realization. You don't have to pay, but you have to respect your Self-Realization and give little time to it. If you have any problems, they can be solved in the collective. Also they will tell you all about how to meditate, hardly for ten minutes every day. Gradually you will come to know everything and within one month time, you can become a master of Sahaja Yoga. You will have powers to raise the Kundalini of others. You will have powers to cure others. There are so many powers of love and compassion and dynamism, that you will get the answer which science cannot give you, why are you on this Earth? Firstly you enter into the Kingdom of God and secondly to be the channel of this All-Pervading Power. This is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your family, for the benevolence of your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. Thus we can create a very peaceful world. And this is the Truth you have been seeking. May God bless you all. Thank you very much.
Public Program, 1994-10-18 I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to tell you that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot describe it. Unfortunately, at this human awareness, we cannot feel it. Absolute truth has to be felt on you central nervous system. Now, whatever I am going to tell you tonight, you have to take it not for granted at all. We have had inner problems of blind faith. But if you treat it as a hypothesis and if it is proved, then you have to accept it as honest people. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, these conditioning and ego. But you are the pure Spirit. Here now you see beautiful flowers and we take it for granted. Actually it is a miracle. Many livings things, we take it for granted. Who runs your heart? If you ask the doctor, he will say: "It is autonomous nervous system." But who is this "auto"? So the second truth is that there's a All-Pervading Subtle Power of Divine Love that does all the living work. We cannot feel this Power on our fingers, but it exists. Today for the first time you all are going to feel it. It is called in the Bible as the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. In the Koran, it is called as Ruh. And in the Indian scriptures, it is called as Paramchaitanya. Patanjali has called it as Ritambhara PrAgnya. So in all the books, this Chaitanya has been described by different names. So "saha" means "with, "ja" means "born", is the right to have this yoga, this union. You all have this right to have this union with the Divine Power. Specially at this time, it was to happen. It's already been predicted. They called as Last Judgment, in the Koran they called it as Kyiama. And the great astrologer, the pioneer of Astrology, Gehrig has written that at this time, thousands will get their enlightenment. I call it a blossom time, where there are so many seekers of truth who have a right to get their enlightenment. So it is through the evolutionary process, the last breakthrough. This Power that connects you to the All-Pervading Power is called as Kundalini. "Kundal" is different circles. That's why it is called as Kundalini. It rests in the triangular bone which is called as sacrum, that means that Greeks knew that is a sacred bone. When this Power rises, it passes through six centres. All the problems of the world are mostly from human beings. And most of the problems of human beings come from these subtle centres within us. Thus when this Kundalini rises and passes through six centres and enlightens the fontanel bone area, passes through it, then it enlightens all the centres. It integrates it and also it corrects it. These centres are for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. Thus all our problems on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being are solved. In Delhi, there are two doctors who have got their MD for curing incurable diseases in Sahara Yoga. All over the world, we have doctors who are curing people of incurable diseases. The second thing that happens to you that your attention becomes innocent. Innocence is eternal, it's never lost. Of course there are some clouds on it. But with the awakening of the Kundalini, your innocence is established. And your attention becomes innocent devoided of lust and greed. Such an innocence, innocent attention is very powerful. And wherever it goes, it emits peace and joy. The another thing that happens to you automatically is that you can feel these centres on your fingertips. Is not going to people at all, is not, they can't hear Me. Is alright? This attention is innocent, but also is active. You can cure your centres by your pure attention. Also you can feel the centres of others on your fingertips. In the Koran, it is written very clearly that at the time of Kyiama, that is the resurrection, your hands will speak and they will give witness against you. So your attention, whenever you put it, is so pure that it acts on others also. But who is the other? Because you become, you become again collectively conscious, that you can feel the attention of others very clearly on your fingertips, the centres of others on your fingertips. Thus you have self-knowledge on you central nervous system. For example, we go to religion to find out a solution. For example, people like Christ and Mohammed Saab, very highly evolved Incarnations came on this Earth. We could not understand Them and They could not understand human beings. They did not know what sort of people they are facing. For example, Christ has said in the fifth chapter, Mathews, if your one eye commits a sin, take it down. And if your hand commits a sin, cut it out. If someone slaps you on one cheek, you turn another cheek. I Myself was born in a Christian family and I never see any man doing that without two eyes and without two hands. Christ was talking to saints. That's why He talked, that He was talking to angels. And Mohammed Saab was even worse, because He thought Christ has been very strict on men, why not on women? So He also said horrible things that have to be done to women. That if a woman looks another man with lust, she must be buried half in the Mother Earth and should be stoned till she is dead. Imagine what would have happened to American women, I can't understand. Where they could have been? On top of that, Shariat, which was given by Moses to the Jews, who were very decadent, greed took it over, because Jews defied it. So we can see that these restrictions are for people who are enlightened. And not for ordinary human beings. So first ordinary human beings have to become enlightened. They have to enter into the Kingdon of God. There only they can be punished like this. But in Sahaja Yoga, we have no punishments. Forgiveness is the only remedy, up to a point. And even after that if people continue to do wrong, then they are requested to get out of Sahaja Yoga. But once you get enlightenment, you become righteous, nobody has to tell you: "Don't do this, don't do that." In the light of the Spirit, you become your guide, your own master. Whatever is destructive, you give up and take to constructive for you life. This is like this, supposing I am an obstinate person and I have a snake in My hand and there's darkness. And you tell Me that there's a snake, but I will not give up because I am obstinate till the snake bites Me. But if there's a little light, immediately I will Myself give up. Nobody has to tell Me. You yourself become virtuous and righteous. So your health becomes first class, your mind becomes first class, because of that, your financial problems are also solved. We actually live in a relative world. Either we are thinking about the past or about the future. We are jumping on the cusp of this thoughts. But past is finished and future doesn't exist. We have to be in the present. And that is very difficult. When Kundalini rises She elongates those thoughts and our attention stands in the middle. And we become thoughtlessly aware. Means you are fully aware, but there's no thought from the future and the past. That is the time you grow spiritually and we get inspirations from the Divine. So we are in the present, which is the reality. And we know the reality, we become absolutely confident. Now the another thing that is very remarkable is that you know the absolute truth. That too on your fingertips. ,Many people don't believe that there is God. Many people don't believe that Christ was the Son of God. But after enlightened, you just put your hands like this and ask the question: "Is there God?". And you feel a tremendous cool breeze flowing. Supposing there is a man false who comes and meets you, you just put your hands towards that person and you immediately will know what sort of a person he is. By recording the sensations on your central nervous system which is indicated on your fingertips, you can know everything. Such a person is blessed by the Divine Power. To such an extent that once they get Realization, they write letters to Me what miracles have happened to them. I've told somebody: "You better compile", and within one month, he telephoned to Me that: "They have come up over my head, I don't know what to select." When you become thoughtlessly aware, you become absolutely peaceful within yourself. I have seen people have got awards of peace, but what I know that they have no peace within themselves. And if you have to meet them, better take a barge pole. They are so hot-tempered. So egoistical and arrogant. How can you have peace if you have no peace within yourself? With Sahaja Yoga, it has been created a new race of extremely peaceful, loving, dynamic people. Sahaja Yoga is working in 65 nations. Of course in India is not difficult, but Russia has been a wonderful place for Sahaja Yoga. Russians are extremely sensitive to spirituality. At least 65 to 70%. The rest are materialistic, they want Malboro cigarette and all kinds of things. But they are all very well educated and this people has such a sense of spirituality. For example, Saint Petersburg University, which is one of the oldest universities, gave Me an award of Honorary Academician. And the tenth person to get it so far. And one of them is Einstein. And I was surprised, I asked them: "How do you put Me in the same line as Einstein?" So they said: "What Einstein has done is on the matter," but You can work on human beings." In that conference there were two thousand great scientists. And they gave the subject of Medicine and Self-knowledge. But there were many others who spoke on morality and health. Morality has become a prime subject for these people. I was surprised scientist talking of morality. Because science is unmoral. And that is what they said that there is a gap with the science. I must tell you that I've been there only four times and in one place only, one place called Tolyatti, we have 21.000 Sahaja Yogis. There is a joke that they went once and one of the Toliatti Sahaja Yogi asked an American one: "How many Sahaja Yogis you have in America?" He said: "There are fifty-six." So a Toliatti Sahaja Yogi said: "Oh my God, "you have 56.000, we have 21.000 only in Toliatti." Because Americans lack maturity. They lack wisdom. They live like Hollywood actors and actresses, in the imaginary world. Like a one lady married eight times and ninth time she was going with a very young man for her honeymoon. And there were four, five thousand people just to see her going for her honeymoon. Not only that, but there were ten helicopters from where there were parachute down taking photographs They fell on people and some on trees. I must say India may be a poor country, but you won't get even one person to see such idiotic things. So Sahaja Yoga is not meant for idiots and for superficial people. It is of course not meant for arrogant. But it is meant for people who are true seekers of truth. In this seeking, people do go to wrong things. They have gone to false gurus, doesn't matter. You should know that we cannot pay for your enlightenment. God doesn't know money. He doesn't understand banking, that is our headache. So, if somebody ask money for your enlightenment, you better understand that he is a cheat. Also enlightenment doesn't mean some sort of a dressing up or shaving your hair. A great poet Kabira has said: "If by shaving your hair, if you are going to get your Nirvana, then the sheep who it is shaved every year will go there first." This time in Chicago, you will be surprised, I saw a Hare Rama fellow, the leader who came with a dot, that you wear, very light cloth. It was really very cold and as a Mother, I felt concern what is he after all. Then I asked him: "Why you are wearing a dot? It is so very cold, you will get troubles." So he said that "My guru has initiated and I am supposed to wear only dot, whether it is cold or not." And he said, "That is how it is I am going to get my Nirvana." I said, "In India, 80% people wear dots, if they are going to get Nirvana, then where you will be?" There is another really shocking thing. In Cabella, one fellow came and he told Me, that "I have become a very poor man, because all my money I have given to Dalai Lama." So in the name of God, how many types of people there are who are cheating, I have to tell you all these things because I am your Mother. I am not afraid of them. I am only afraid that you people are great seekers and you should not be lost. Guru Nanak has said, "The one who is a real master is the one who makes you meet the Divine." Christ also said that "You are to be born again." In Sanskrit, we have the word called "dwija" for a bird and also for an enlighten soul. That means a person who is born again like the bird. The bird is first an egg and then it becomes a bird, it has a second birth. In the same way, we have to have our second birth, where you get complete transformation. As it is, several people have that, "we are born again, we are Christians, Hindus, Muslims", these are nothing but brands. You maybe are a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anything, but you can commit any mistake and can commit any sin. In Sahaja Yoga, you become, becoming is the point. And when the Kundalini pierces through your fontanel bone area, is the actualization of your baptism, actualization. It is the experience of feeling the Divine. Is not a lecture or it is not a sermon. But the greatest thing that happens to you that you jump in the ocean of joy. Happiness and unhappiness are two sides of a coin. But joy is singular. Where you become the source of peace and you witness the whole world as a drama. But you yourself become the light of peace and joy. Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 nations now. And I am amazed that I've never seen anybody quarreling, fighting or even arguing. They all enjoy each others company. Such pure love, friendship that you really feel a new age has started. Very pure relationships of husband and wife, sisters, brothers, I've never heard somebody running away with somebody's wife or somebody's husband in Sahaja Yoga. I really know there are so many great souls who want to be born on this Earth. And if they are born to non Sahaja Yogi, they will never understand their children. Moreover they are anxious to be born to Sahaja Yogis. In this lecture, I cannot tell you everything about Sahaja Yoga, I'm sorry. Only in English language, I must have addressed five thousand lectures so far. But it is like this, we have so many beautiful lights here. And we have to just put on one switch and all the lights come in. Because it is built in. In the same way, it is built in within you. This is your own power. This is your own glory. All your protection powers will manifest. So many artists, musicians have become world famous today. You will be happy to know this time, Miss Universe was a Sahaja Yogini. She is going to see Me and she said, "I don't want to wear funny dresses." I said, "No, you can wear, if you can wear swimming dresses, is alright, doesn't matter, you go ahead." She is a very simple, intelligent girl. I wouldn't say she is a beauty or anything according to Hollywood standards. But her innocence and her pose or her intelligence has achieved this wisdom for her that she is today Miss Universe. So is a very remarkable thing that we don't know what qualities we have, what potential we have, how dynamic people we are. It is like a candle which is not get enlightened but a enlightened candle can enlighten the one which is not enlightened. This is like is a seed, if it is embedded in the Mother Earth, it sprouts spontaneously, sahaja. Because the seed as well the Mother Earth has the built in quality to sprout. So believe Me, all of you have got this. And it will work out. Please have no doubts about yourself. Another thing is that this Power that is in the triangular bone is the Power of Pure Desire. All desires are not pure. You want to have house today, then you want to have a car, then want to have a helicopter, I don't know, goes on like that. There is no end. According to economics: wants are not satiable in general. Because they are not pure wants, pure desires. So you should have full confidence and also should have desire to be one with the Divine Power. I cannot force on you, you have to ask for it. Because I respect your freedom. This Power is your individual Mother. She knows everything about you. Like a tape recorder, She knows what are your desires, what are your aspirations. And She is very anxious to give you your second birth. And as when you were born, your mother took all the troubles, this Mother of yours takes all the trouble and you get your Self-Realization. It will hardly take fifteen minutes. But those who don't want to have it should leave the hall. Because they cannot get it also. On the contrary, they will disturb you. If you have faith in yourself, I'm sure it will work out. You have to respect yourself, Because you are a human being at epitome of evolution. Now as I told you that this Kundalini, your Mother, knows everything about you. Please do not judge yourself. She knows, She judges you. So first condition is that you should not feel guilty at all. Whatever has happened in the past has happened. Why carry the guilty on your left side, this centre? As a result of this mythical behaviour, you get spondylitis, or you get angina, or you get lethargic organs. You might even get diseases like tuberculosis. So why to carry this myth of guilt? You have to really forgive yourself. And should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Even in My lecture, if you think that I have said something that makes you feel guilty, forget it. The second condition is even simpler if you understand it. You have to forgive everyone even without thinking about them, because it is a headache to think about it. Now, logically whether you forgive or don't forgive, what do you do? You don't do anything. But when you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. All your life, you tortured yourself. But at this moment is important to get this centre and the centre in the optic chiasma opened out. If you feel guilty, this centre won't open and the Kundalini won't pass through. But the worst is the centre on the optic chiasma which is constricted like this. And it won't open unless and until you forgive everyone without thinking about them. As it is you are playing into wrong hands and by not forgiving you will miss the most important thing that is your enlightenment. Third condition is very simpler that I request you to get out your shoes I'm sorry I have to say that because in England, first time I said: "Please take out your shoes", half of them left the hall. This help us to be in contact with the Mother Earth, which help us a lot. Now, you don't say any prays, any mantras, nothing. Please don't try to concentrate. Kundalini Itself will take your attention upward. Alright. Those who are sitting on the ground are alright. But those who are sitting on the chair have to keep both their feet apart from each other. Please all of you do it, otherwise you can go. Because the left and right are two powers. The left one is the power of desire And the right one is the power of action. First we tell you how to nourish your centre with your self-confidence. These exercises have to be done only for tonight, afterwards you don't have to do anything. Now, so please put your left hand towards Me like this on your lap very comfortably sitting. Why he is not doing himself there? What is the matter with you? If you don't want to do, you can go out. What is the matter? Alright. Now please understand that you have to be comfortable in your chair, but not slouch, not put one foot on top of other, but comfortably sitting. You don't have to go to Himalayas and stand on your head. You don't have to give up anything. I have told you it is not outside, but inside something has to happen. So please put your left hand on your lap, which is symbolizing that you have a desire to have your Self-Realization. Now put your right hand on your heart. We use our right hand for nourishing our centres on the left hand side. In the heart resides the Spirit. Please put left hand towards Me, try to understand, left hand towards Me and right hand on your heart, please. Now, we put our hand on the heart, where resides the Spirit. Now we take our right hand to the upper portion of abdomen on the left hand side. I've told you that if you become the Spirit, you become your master. So this is the centre of your mastery, which is created by prophets and seers. Now, we take our right hand to the lower portion of abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre, surprisingly, is of pure divine knowledge. Now we take it up again in the upper portion of your abdomen. Then we take it on our heart. Then in the corner of the neck and shoulder and turn our head to right. I've already told you about this centre. And quite that is in today with you, please don't feel guilty at all. I tell you, you have done nothing wrong. After all you are human beings and only human beings can commit mistakes, you are not gods. In Sahaja Yoga, there's no confession and there's no guilty. Is only love, compassion and forgiveness. Now, raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head. Here you have to forgive everyone without thinking about them. Now without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the All-Pervading Divine Power. So take back your right hand on the back side of your head. This is the centre for asking forgiveness. Now the last centre, you have to stretch your palm fully. And put the centre of your palm on top of fontanel bone area, which is a soft bone (…) your scalp. Now please, put down your head. And move your scalp seven times slowly. That is all you have to do. Now you have to close your eyes. Before that, see that you put your both the feet apart from each other and your left hand on your lap. Now, please close your eyes and don't open them till I tell you. Take down your hands now. And now put your right hand on your heart. Close your eyes. Now, here your have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself. You can call Me Mother or you can call Me Shri Mataji. So please say three times, ask a question: "Mother, am I the Spirit?" I have told already to you that if you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So please take your right hand upper portion of you abdomen on the left hand side. And here, you have to ask another fundamental question about yourself three times. Please ask Me in your heart three times: "Mother, am I my own master?" Now, I have already told you that I respect your freedom. And I cannot force on you the Pure Divine Knowledge. You have to ask for it. So please put down your hand in the left hand side of your abdomen, in the lower region. Here you ask again six times because this centre has got six petals. Here you have to ask: "Mother, please give me Pure Divine Knowledge." Now, as soon as you ask for Pure Divine Knowledge, your Kundalini starts moving upward. So we have to nourish upper centres with your self-confidence. Please now put your right hand the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say ten times with your full self-confidence: "Mother, I am my own master." At very outset, I told you that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, your ego or your conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. So now please raise your hand on your heart and say again with full self-confidence twelve times: "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." This All-Pervading Divine Power is the ocean of knowledge of bliss. Ocean of bliss. It is the ocean of compassion and love. But above all, It is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes your might have committed can be easily dissolved in the power of this ocean of forgiveness. So please, forgive yourself. And put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and push your neck to your right. Here you have to say, again, with full self-confidence sixteen times: "Mother, I am not guilty at all." I have already told you that you have to forgive everyone. Logically, whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. So it is very important to forgive everyone without thinking about them. Leave them to the Divine Power to deal. Then you all raise your hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head. Here you have to say from your heart not how many times: "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." At this moment, if you don't forgive, then this centre which is so constricted won't open and the Kundalini cannot pass through it. Now without feeling guilty, without pointing your mistakes, for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the All-Pervading Divine Power. So please take your right hand back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to say, again, from your heart, not how many times: "Oh, Divine Power, please forgive me if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly. Now the last centre, which is very important. You have to stretch your hand fully, the palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area, it was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please put down your head. Please stretch your fingers outward. Here again I cannot force enlightenment on you, you have to ask for it. So now move your scalp seven times slowly clockwise, saying seven times: "Mother, please give me my Self-Realization." Now please take down your hands. And open your eyes slowly. Put both the hands towards Me like this. And watch Me without thinking. Now please put your right hand towards Me like this. And put down your head. See with the left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations coming from your fontanel bone area Please bend your head. And don't put your hand on top of the head, but away from it, near it. Now please turn, put the left hand towards Me like this. Again bend your head and see with the right hand, if there is a hot or a cool breeze like vibrations coming out of your fontanel bone area. Some people get it further. But if it is hot, then you have not forgiven yourself or your have not forgiven others, so please do that now. Now again, lastly, put your right hand towards Me and try to feel if there is any cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now do not doubt you, is coming from your own head. Bend your heads, bend your heads. Now, raise your both the hands towards the sky like this and push back your head. Here you have to ask a question three times anyone of these three questions. Please ask, first question: "Mother, this is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" Second question: "Mother, is this the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love, the Ruh? Or "Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?" Ask anyone of these three questions, anyone three times. Now take down your hands. All those who have felt cool breeze on their fingertips or on their palm or out of their fontanel bone area, even maybe hot, please raise both your hands. Brazil! I bow to you all the saints of Brazil. May God bless you all. May God bless you. Specially Brasilia. May God bless you. Please, one thing I have to tell you clearly, that whatever has happened to you is a collective happening. You can only grow collectively, not in your homes, but you have to come to the collective. You don't have to pay for anything. As you know that we don't take any money, we don't have elaborate places, we are humble. So please make it a point to respect your Self-Realization. You don't have to pay, but you have to respect your Self-Realization and give little time to it. If you have any problems, they can be solved in the collective. Also they will tell you all about how to meditate, hardly for ten minutes every day. Gradually you will come to know everything and within one month time, you can become a master of Sahaja Yoga. You will have powers to raise the Kundalini of others. You will have powers to cure others. There are so many powers of love and compassion and dynamism, that you will get the answer which science cannot give you, why are you on this Earth? Firstly you enter into the Kingdom of God and secondly to be the channel of this All-Pervading Power. This is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your family, for the benevolence of your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. Thus we can create a very peaceful world. And this is the Truth you have been seeking. May God bless you all. Thank you very much.
Give up everything that is destructive
Buenos Aires
Public Program
Public Program, Buenos Aires, 1994-1020 I bow to all the seekers of the truth. At the very outset, we have to know that the truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot describe it, but unfortunately, at this human awareness, we cannot know it. Something more has to happen to our awareness. I have to tell you that truth is to be known through the real experience of it, that to all your central nervous system. So whatever I am telling you, you need not take it for granted. We have had enough problem ?? blind faith. But please keep your mind open like a scientist and treat this as a hypothesis. If it proves then you have to accept it as honestly. So the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, the emotions, this intellect, your conditioning and your ego. But a ??. ?? If you ask who runs heart? The doctors will say its autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? They can't answer this question. Science cannot answer many questions. It cannot say why are we??. It cannot say why we ?? Moreover, science is amoral. And so one can go any limit using it for destruction of humans. So we think of religions. But we don’t know that Christ or Mohammad Sahib or any one of them, are very evolved souls. And they did not know what sort of ?? And ultimately they were killed or crucified by the ignorant people. Actually, they thought people are very enlightened, seeking, desiring for something for higher ??. .. slaps on one face, turn the other side. I haven’t seen any Christian without ?? so far. I was also born in a Christian family and I saw such a difference of level between Christ and who were following him. And Mohammad sahib ?? it further. He thought that Christ has said everything for men, he should say something for women. So, it was that any woman ?? lust, that ?? man should we put half-baked put the mother earth and should be killed with stones. I was thinking about American women, what would have happened to them! This was too much of a sense of morality. Moreover Mohammad sahib thought of sharia, which was actually given by Moses to the Jews, which Jews gave it up. Because Jews are very money oriented. So Jews in their wisdom gave it up. But Mohammad sahib ??. I was once travelling from Riyadh to London and I went off to sleep. When I opened my eyes. All different people were sitting there in the plane. So, I asked the air hostess, I said “ did we ?? some other airport before London”? No she said this is a direct flight. I said who are these people. Ladies were so smart and they had only six inches of skirts and makeup. And men were half naked. And they said this always happens. They are the same people when they are going to London, they do it. And they were all drinking. And women were smoking and drinking. And they were supposed to be following Mohammad Sahab. I don’t blame them because it is too much to follow Mohammad Sahib or Christ. Human beings are ??. And they should not be ??, they cannot. So that we have to have full understanding of why people are ??. If you see with compassion you will understand that this ruling/?? Were for enlightened people, for saints, for angels. It was not for ordinary, normal people. Now by the awakening of this Kundalini?? You can feel this all-pervading power. Sahaja, saha means with, ja is born. Born with you is the right. You have with you this yoga, this union with the all-pervading divine power. This is your birthright. And is very easy and spontaneous. It is the last breakthrough of your evolution. It is a living process so it is spontaneous. Like in the mother earth we put a seed and it sprouts by itself. Because it is built-in in the mother earth the capacity to germinate and built-in in the seed to be germinated. In the same way it is built in you all. All this within you. Now this kundalini resides in the triangular bone called sacrum bone. That means the Greeks knew it was a sacred bone since long. And is Sahaja to get ?? and is going on in many places since thousands of years. Especially in India we had ?? who used to give realisation. But only one person would give realisation to another. What I have done if it is something, that I tried to find out a method by which thousands can get realisation. One person, even if it discovers anything, is useless if it is not available to everyone. This is what is available to you tonight. When the kundalini rises she passes through six centres and pierces through your fontanelle bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Thus you get the actualisation of baptism. Actualisation! You can feel the cool breeze of the holy ghost coming out of your head. Kundalini is the reflection of the holy ghost. Surprisingly they say there is father god and the son god and never about the mother. But the holy ghost is the primordial mother. In India we call her the Adishakti. In many religions, she is described. But in the bible, this Paul didn't like a woman. So he never wanted to mention about women. Still the ?? is the image of a mother which was created by normal people. And Christ mother is better described I Quarn / koran than in this bible. Thus we have to know that the way women have been kept out of the bible. The situation of women is very bad in the west. And so the women all the time be apologetic and please the men, do all sort of nonsense ?? as if they have ?? . But the primordial one is the holy ghost. And she is reflected as kundalini within you. In every person she exists as the individual mother and anxious to give you your rebirth. And when she rises she enlightens your centres. Most of the world’s problem come from human being and all the problems of human being comes from their centres and they are in jeopardy. But when this Kundalini, your own mother passes through these centres, she cures them and enlightens them. Thus your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems get solved completely. So in India, we have now four doctors who have got their MD in curing incurable diseases. In Russia also 200 doctors sometimes ?? Sahaja yoga. Because Russians don’t have money just now and this the thing for which you don’t have to pay at all. Actually, for your self-realisation how can you pay. It is invaluable. Moreover its a living process. How do you pay to mother earth for creating giving us flowers. In the same way, when it happens, it happens spontaneously. And no harm is done to you. Like when you were born, your mother took all the trouble on herself. The kundalini takes all the problems upon her. Secondly, it makes our attention absolutely innocent. You become completely void of lust and greed. There ?? Christ has said, Thou shall not have adulterous eyes. In the west, it is very hard to find somebody without adulterous eyes. But automatically it becomes. You become innocent. We must know innocence is ?? , it cannot be destroyed. And when little clouds that are covering are removed by kundalini, your attention becomes absolutely innocent like children. Thus you become extremely dynamic and extremely compassionate. Somehow people appreciate innocent. The Indian, who got Miss Universe is a Sahaja yogini. She came to me and she asked me, mother, can I go for this beauty contest. But I am too shy to wear funny dresses. I said you need not, you need not wear it. In any case you wear swimming suit, if they ask you, can wear a swimming suit. She was a I would ?? scholar, a big beauty compared to the Bollywood actresses. But she was very innocent and the same time extremely intelligent and wise. She has ?? and balance and little ??. So one can become very very dynamic and so many of your potential capacity starts ??. We have many great musicians in India who were nothing till they came to sahaja yoga and today they are world famous. In Australia, we have many beautiful painters who have got a big name. There are so many qualities potential within you. Also we have very few capacities of our brain used. I have seen people who brought their children, because they were not good at schools, getting to first class ??. Because within you is the glory with all this potential. But we don’t know ourslves. That's why we have no identity. People just go on like mad, whatever ?? entrepreneur ??. 20 years back no body used to go for holidays anywhere. All the money they earn is wasted on holidays and who becomes rich are those entrepreneurs. And everybody who goes for holidays come as a broke. This holiday business is really waste. In India, people go from south to north, north to south. Surprisingly you cant go out in the air on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Whatever these people come out with, we will go mad. Every year they change dresses and we pile up with clothes in our house. I ?? in Italy and I was surprised that all these great people called as designers are in trouble. Say in a country like India, thank God we are poor also, we never accept such a thing. Such an inferiority complex. Here in London, a street called ?? , here they charge 10 times more for a scooter. And now they have to stich here (on shoulder) ?? all the time. People are brainless. They can easily be fooled by these people. But after realisation, you get discrimination, Divine discrimination. You develop your dignity and you know what you are. You don’t take to these nonsensical things. The best part is you give up everything that is destructive. I have seen young people giving up drugs overnight. How it happens is that, supposing I am a ?? person and I have a snake in my hand. I am in darkness, I can’t see and if you tell me there’s a snake, I will not give up till it bites me. But with a little light, I’ll throw away myself. With this enlightenment, you get so powerful that you throw away everything that is destructive in life. Every year we have 100 marriages ?? and all these marriages are absolutely successful except for very very few ??. And we get beautiful children, mostly born realised. A Jung society has been formed now of very wonderful people. This is really the new age where people have a relationship of pure compassion and pure love. We have not seen anybody running away with somebody’s wife or running away with somebody’s husband. Such beautiful relationships emerge out of such beautiful people. Now this innocent affection extremely addictive. Wherever you put this enlightened attention it enlightened. It becomes the fault of peace and joy. Such a person emits peace and joy. We are all the time thinking of peace and joy. And our mind is jumping on the cusp of future and past. The past is finished and the future doesn't exist. But we cannot be in the presence. And be in the present is the reality. So when this kundalini rises she elongates thoughts and its ?? in between them. So you become thoughtlessly aware. You are fully aware but your are thoughtless. That is the present where you grow spiritually and divine inspiration comes into you. You know the absolute truth after realisation. Even if you have 10 children who are realised souls and you ask them to feel the vibrations of a person, they will all raise the same finger. If you want to find out if somebody is false person or a truthful, only thing you have to put hands towards the person and ask. And you will be amazed that on your fingertips you can feel the ?? bits of a needle or maybe you might feel cool breeze. That means you can feel the absolute truth on your fingertips.. In the quran/koran its written very clearly at the time of resurrection, that is qiyamah, your hands will speak. And they will give witness against you means they will tell you what's wrong with you. They will tell you what chakras are in trouble. They can also tell you about anybody whether dead or live. Then you start speaking the language of chakras as centres. Now if you can cure these centres, you can get cured and you can get others also cured. Thus you become collectively conscious because you can feel others. Who is the other. The microcosm becomes the macrocosm. And you can become a drop in the ocean. When you become thoughtlessly aware you become absolutely peaceful. And you never get tired. I am now 72 years of age and I am travelling every day that way. But I am quiet alright. Because I don’t think I am travelling. But in that state, you become absolutely peaceful. You see the whole world, witness the whole world without getting disturbed. You get out of your problems. Supposing you are in the water, stormy water, you are afraid of the waves. Happiness and unhappiness are two sides of a coin. If your ego is punctured you feel unhappy, if your ego is pampered you feel happy. So then you become a realised personality. You enjoy everything. And understand the stupidity of the people. You understand the negativity of the people. In Sahaja yoga, we have no hostility, no punishments, no confessions. But if somebody goes out of order, does wrong thing, we just ask them to get out of sahaja yoga. You may be Christian, Hindu, Muslim anything, still one can commit any sin. But with enlightenment you become sinless. There are so many things that happen that I cannot tell you there is a shortage. But as you have here so many lights, you have to just switch on and the light comes. Because it is built in. But if I have to tell you all the history of this electricity, how this made ?? too much. So the best thing is to get the enlightenment first. It will take hardly 15 minutes at the most. But if you do not have a pure desire get it, I would request you to leave the hall. Because I respect your freedom. I cannot force it on you. Now this Kundalini is your mother and she has been your mother. She knows everything about you. She has tape-recorded everything, your mistakes and your aspirations. So you do not have to judge yourselves. She will judge you. Leave it to her. So the first condition is that you should not feel guilty at all, because whatever has happened has happened. Why should we carry all our life. On the contrary, if you feel guilty you catch on the left-hand side of this centre which is very dangerous. Because you will develop a horrible thing like spondylitis or may be angina. You might develop a lethargy organ or maybe tuberculosis or cervical cancer. So why to have this guilt to torture yourself? Its a fashion also to feel guilty I think. It is a myth. Another myth we have that we cannot forgive. Logically you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But when you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands and you torture yourself. At this moment you must know the centre of optic chasma is like this, absolutely constricted. If you don’t forgive you ?? and the kundalini wouldn't pass through ??. As it is you have tortured yourselves very much and if you do not forgive at this important moment you lose the chance of self-realisation. You to just say that you forgive. Even not to think whom you are forgiving. That is also a headache. so you have to forgive in general. This is the second condition. And the third one is ?? to take out your shoes. Why I say because when I asked in London first time, to take out their shoes; half of them walked out. Now you have been told about two channels whe have within ourselves. One on the left and one on the right. Now, the left one is the one for our power of mundane desire. But kundalini is the desire which is pure. Because every data, we desire say for a house and for a car, then for a helicopter... I don’t know ?? . and we are never satisfied. Economics says that wants are not satiable in general. So this is a desire which is pure because it gives you complete satisfaction. You cannot be aware of this pure desire but it exists. And the desire is to be one with this all-pervading power. As the left side represents the mundane desire, you please put your left hand towards me on your lap and put your feet apart from each other. Because these are two separate desires. I mean two separate channels. Now those who are sitting on the ground are alright. They need not bother. First, you see how you are going to direct your centres with right hand. First, put your right hand on top of your heart. In the heart resides the spirit. If you become the spirit, the light of the spirit; you become your own guide, your own master. We are working only on the left side. Please put your right hand down in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side; which is the centre for your mastery created by great prophets and saints. Please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the centre for surprisingly pure divine knowledge. Now raise your right hand in top of your abdomen on the upper part of the left-hand side. Now on your heart. Now in the corner of the neck and shoulder and turn your face towards right. Please take your right hand on forehead across and put down your head. This is the centre for asking forgiveness. For Forgiving everyone. Now please take your right hand in the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistake, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from all the pervading divine power. Now stretch your hands fully, your palms fully. This is the ?? the last centre. Now put down your head as far as possible. Now put your right hand on, right palm on top, the centre of the right palm on top of the fontanelle bone area. Now, please put down your head. And here you have to move the scalp, put a pressure, 7 times clockwise. so please push back your fingers. Thus we will have good pressure and move clockwise 7 times, put down your head please put down your head. That’s all we have to do. Now please put your feet apart from each other. The left hand on the left lap. You can take out your spectacles. Please close your eyes. Please don’t open them till I tell you. Now put the right hand on your heart. Here now you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself. You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji. So please ask the question 3 times in your heart, "Mother, am I the spirit"?. I have already told you, if you become the spirit, you become your own guide your own master. So please take your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and please ask me another question, fundamental about yourself from your heart “Mother Am I my own Master?”. Ask this question three times.“ We have to have our full self-confidence that we will become enlightened people ??. Moreover, I cannot force on you pure divine knowledge. I respect your freedom. You have to ask six times the question or you have to say six times because this centre has got six petals. So now raise your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen which is the centre of you pure divine knowledge ask this six times. Here ask Six times "Mother please give me pure divine knowledge”. As soon as you ask for pure divine knowledge, here kundalini starts rising upward. But we have to upper centres with our self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side, and here please say ten times “Mother I am my own master”. Say it with full confidence. At the very outset I have told you that your are not this body, this mind. [bad video ]. Now put your left hand towards me and put down your head again and see for yourself with the right hand, if there is a cool or hot breeze like vibration are coming out from your head. Please put down your head. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven yourself or even not forgiven others. Please do it now. Last time again, once again please put your right hand towards me and with the left hand you see if there is a cool or hot breeze like vibration are coming out from your head. some people get close to the head and some away. You can move your hand and see for yourself. And bow down towards yourself. ??. Now it please raise both your hands towards the sky like this and push back your head. Here you have to ask any one of these three questions. The first question is “Mother is this the cool breeze of the holy ghost. Ask three times. or Mother is this the all-pervading power of divine love; or "is this the paramachaitanya”? Ask any one of these three questions three times. Now please take down your hands. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze ?? on fingertips or on the palm or on the fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hand. I bow to you to you all saints. May God bless you. Please put down your hands. The whole of Buenos Aires has got it. God bless you. First time you have felt this cool breeze. Now please take down your hands. One thing only I have to tell you that this is a collective happening. It is important to understand that it is not individual. Just now like a seed, it has sprouted, and kundalini has come up. But now you have to grow. For that we have very good sahaja yogis here, ?? and good. You must respect this self-realisation. You don't have to pay anything, whatsoever. But, you have to give sometime ??. So please come to the collective. They will give you all the knowledge for your subtle being. And at the most within one month you can become master. You will feel very happy now. But it should not be the ?? . You all can become great trees of divinity. Have faith in yourself and your self-realisation. You will be amazed that you have power to raise the kundalini of others. You will have powers to know about everybody's chakra and also you will have powers to cure yourself and others. There are so many powers and so many blessings that You will be amazed yourself. Please know that now you have entered into the kingdom of God. And you all will know what miracle has happened. It will be a complete transformation within yourself. In this world we need a new society a new people who are the source of ??. It is your responsibility You should not fail.
Public Program, Buenos Aires, 1994-1020 I bow to all the seekers of the truth. At the very outset, we have to know that the truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot describe it, but unfortunately, at this human awareness, we cannot know it. Something more has to happen to our awareness. I have to tell you that truth is to be known through the real experience of it, that to all your central nervous system. So whatever I am telling you, you need not take it for granted. We have had enough problem ?? blind faith. But please keep your mind open like a scientist and treat this as a hypothesis. If it proves then you have to accept it as honestly. So the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, the emotions, this intellect, your conditioning and your ego. But a ??. ?? If you ask who runs heart? The doctors will say its autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? They can't answer this question. Science cannot answer many questions. It cannot say why are we??. It cannot say why we ?? Moreover, science is amoral. And so one can go any limit using it for destruction of humans. So we think of religions. But we don’t know that Christ or Mohammad Sahib or any one of them, are very evolved souls. And they did not know what sort of ?? And ultimately they were killed or crucified by the ignorant people. Actually, they thought people are very enlightened, seeking, desiring for something for higher ??. .. slaps on one face, turn the other side. I haven’t seen any Christian without ?? so far. I was also born in a Christian family and I saw such a difference of level between Christ and who were following him. And Mohammad sahib ?? it further. He thought that Christ has said everything for men, he should say something for women. So, it was that any woman ?? lust, that ?? man should we put half-baked put the mother earth and should be killed with stones. I was thinking about American women, what would have happened to them! This was too much of a sense of morality. Moreover Mohammad sahib thought of sharia, which was actually given by Moses to the Jews, which Jews gave it up. Because Jews are very money oriented. So Jews in their wisdom gave it up. But Mohammad sahib ??. I was once travelling from Riyadh to London and I went off to sleep. When I opened my eyes. All different people were sitting there in the plane. So, I asked the air hostess, I said “ did we ?? some other airport before London”? No she said this is a direct flight. I said who are these people. Ladies were so smart and they had only six inches of skirts and makeup. And men were half naked. And they said this always happens. They are the same people when they are going to London, they do it. And they were all drinking. And women were smoking and drinking. And they were supposed to be following Mohammad Sahab. I don’t blame them because it is too much to follow Mohammad Sahib or Christ. Human beings are ??. And they should not be ??, they cannot. So that we have to have full understanding of why people are ??. If you see with compassion you will understand that this ruling/?? Were for enlightened people, for saints, for angels. It was not for ordinary, normal people. Now by the awakening of this Kundalini?? You can feel this all-pervading power. Sahaja, saha means with, ja is born. Born with you is the right. You have with you this yoga, this union with the all-pervading divine power. This is your birthright. And is very easy and spontaneous. It is the last breakthrough of your evolution. It is a living process so it is spontaneous. Like in the mother earth we put a seed and it sprouts by itself. Because it is built-in in the mother earth the capacity to germinate and built-in in the seed to be germinated. In the same way it is built in you all. All this within you. Now this kundalini resides in the triangular bone called sacrum bone. That means the Greeks knew it was a sacred bone since long. And is Sahaja to get ?? and is going on in many places since thousands of years. Especially in India we had ?? who used to give realisation. But only one person would give realisation to another. What I have done if it is something, that I tried to find out a method by which thousands can get realisation. One person, even if it discovers anything, is useless if it is not available to everyone. This is what is available to you tonight. When the kundalini rises she passes through six centres and pierces through your fontanelle bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Thus you get the actualisation of baptism. Actualisation! You can feel the cool breeze of the holy ghost coming out of your head. Kundalini is the reflection of the holy ghost. Surprisingly they say there is father god and the son god and never about the mother. But the holy ghost is the primordial mother. In India we call her the Adishakti. In many religions, she is described. But in the bible, this Paul didn't like a woman. So he never wanted to mention about women. Still the ?? is the image of a mother which was created by normal people. And Christ mother is better described I Quarn / koran than in this bible. Thus we have to know that the way women have been kept out of the bible. The situation of women is very bad in the west. And so the women all the time be apologetic and please the men, do all sort of nonsense ?? as if they have ?? . But the primordial one is the holy ghost. And she is reflected as kundalini within you. In every person she exists as the individual mother and anxious to give you your rebirth. And when she rises she enlightens your centres. Most of the world’s problem come from human being and all the problems of human being comes from their centres and they are in jeopardy. But when this Kundalini, your own mother passes through these centres, she cures them and enlightens them. Thus your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems get solved completely. So in India, we have now four doctors who have got their MD in curing incurable diseases. In Russia also 200 doctors sometimes ?? Sahaja yoga. Because Russians don’t have money just now and this the thing for which you don’t have to pay at all. Actually, for your self-realisation how can you pay. It is invaluable. Moreover its a living process. How do you pay to mother earth for creating giving us flowers. In the same way, when it happens, it happens spontaneously. And no harm is done to you. Like when you were born, your mother took all the trouble on herself. The kundalini takes all the problems upon her. Secondly, it makes our attention absolutely innocent. You become completely void of lust and greed. There ?? Christ has said, Thou shall not have adulterous eyes. In the west, it is very hard to find somebody without adulterous eyes. But automatically it becomes. You become innocent. We must know innocence is ?? , it cannot be destroyed. And when little clouds that are covering are removed by kundalini, your attention becomes absolutely innocent like children. Thus you become extremely dynamic and extremely compassionate. Somehow people appreciate innocent. The Indian, who got Miss Universe is a Sahaja yogini. She came to me and she asked me, mother, can I go for this beauty contest. But I am too shy to wear funny dresses. I said you need not, you need not wear it. In any case you wear swimming suit, if they ask you, can wear a swimming suit. She was a I would ?? scholar, a big beauty compared to the Bollywood actresses. But she was very innocent and the same time extremely intelligent and wise. She has ?? and balance and little ??. So one can become very very dynamic and so many of your potential capacity starts ??. We have many great musicians in India who were nothing till they came to sahaja yoga and today they are world famous. In Australia, we have many beautiful painters who have got a big name. There are so many qualities potential within you. Also we have very few capacities of our brain used. I have seen people who brought their children, because they were not good at schools, getting to first class ??. Because within you is the glory with all this potential. But we don’t know ourslves. That's why we have no identity. People just go on like mad, whatever ?? entrepreneur ??. 20 years back no body used to go for holidays anywhere. All the money they earn is wasted on holidays and who becomes rich are those entrepreneurs. And everybody who goes for holidays come as a broke. This holiday business is really waste. In India, people go from south to north, north to south. Surprisingly you cant go out in the air on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Whatever these people come out with, we will go mad. Every year they change dresses and we pile up with clothes in our house. I ?? in Italy and I was surprised that all these great people called as designers are in trouble. Say in a country like India, thank God we are poor also, we never accept such a thing. Such an inferiority complex. Here in London, a street called ?? , here they charge 10 times more for a scooter. And now they have to stich here (on shoulder) ?? all the time. People are brainless. They can easily be fooled by these people. But after realisation, you get discrimination, Divine discrimination. You develop your dignity and you know what you are. You don’t take to these nonsensical things. The best part is you give up everything that is destructive. I have seen young people giving up drugs overnight. How it happens is that, supposing I am a ?? person and I have a snake in my hand. I am in darkness, I can’t see and if you tell me there’s a snake, I will not give up till it bites me. But with a little light, I’ll throw away myself. With this enlightenment, you get so powerful that you throw away everything that is destructive in life. Every year we have 100 marriages ?? and all these marriages are absolutely successful except for very very few ??. And we get beautiful children, mostly born realised. A Jung society has been formed now of very wonderful people. This is really the new age where people have a relationship of pure compassion and pure love. We have not seen anybody running away with somebody’s wife or running away with somebody’s husband. Such beautiful relationships emerge out of such beautiful people. Now this innocent affection extremely addictive. Wherever you put this enlightened attention it enlightened. It becomes the fault of peace and joy. Such a person emits peace and joy. We are all the time thinking of peace and joy. And our mind is jumping on the cusp of future and past. The past is finished and the future doesn't exist. But we cannot be in the presence. And be in the present is the reality. So when this kundalini rises she elongates thoughts and its ?? in between them. So you become thoughtlessly aware. You are fully aware but your are thoughtless. That is the present where you grow spiritually and divine inspiration comes into you. You know the absolute truth after realisation. Even if you have 10 children who are realised souls and you ask them to feel the vibrations of a person, they will all raise the same finger. If you want to find out if somebody is false person or a truthful, only thing you have to put hands towards the person and ask. And you will be amazed that on your fingertips you can feel the ?? bits of a needle or maybe you might feel cool breeze. That means you can feel the absolute truth on your fingertips.. In the quran/koran its written very clearly at the time of resurrection, that is qiyamah, your hands will speak. And they will give witness against you means they will tell you what's wrong with you. They will tell you what chakras are in trouble. They can also tell you about anybody whether dead or live. Then you start speaking the language of chakras as centres. Now if you can cure these centres, you can get cured and you can get others also cured. Thus you become collectively conscious because you can feel others. Who is the other. The microcosm becomes the macrocosm. And you can become a drop in the ocean. When you become thoughtlessly aware you become absolutely peaceful. And you never get tired. I am now 72 years of age and I am travelling every day that way. But I am quiet alright. Because I don’t think I am travelling. But in that state, you become absolutely peaceful. You see the whole world, witness the whole world without getting disturbed. You get out of your problems. Supposing you are in the water, stormy water, you are afraid of the waves. Happiness and unhappiness are two sides of a coin. If your ego is punctured you feel unhappy, if your ego is pampered you feel happy. So then you become a realised personality. You enjoy everything. And understand the stupidity of the people. You understand the negativity of the people. In Sahaja yoga, we have no hostility, no punishments, no confessions. But if somebody goes out of order, does wrong thing, we just ask them to get out of sahaja yoga. You may be Christian, Hindu, Muslim anything, still one can commit any sin. But with enlightenment you become sinless. There are so many things that happen that I cannot tell you there is a shortage. But as you have here so many lights, you have to just switch on and the light comes. Because it is built in. But if I have to tell you all the history of this electricity, how this made ?? too much. So the best thing is to get the enlightenment first. It will take hardly 15 minutes at the most. But if you do not have a pure desire get it, I would request you to leave the hall. Because I respect your freedom. I cannot force it on you. Now this Kundalini is your mother and she has been your mother. She knows everything about you. She has tape-recorded everything, your mistakes and your aspirations. So you do not have to judge yourselves. She will judge you. Leave it to her. So the first condition is that you should not feel guilty at all, because whatever has happened has happened. Why should we carry all our life. On the contrary, if you feel guilty you catch on the left-hand side of this centre which is very dangerous. Because you will develop a horrible thing like spondylitis or may be angina. You might develop a lethargy organ or maybe tuberculosis or cervical cancer. So why to have this guilt to torture yourself? Its a fashion also to feel guilty I think. It is a myth. Another myth we have that we cannot forgive. Logically you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But when you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands and you torture yourself. At this moment you must know the centre of optic chasma is like this, absolutely constricted. If you don’t forgive you ?? and the kundalini wouldn't pass through ??. As it is you have tortured yourselves very much and if you do not forgive at this important moment you lose the chance of self-realisation. You to just say that you forgive. Even not to think whom you are forgiving. That is also a headache. so you have to forgive in general. This is the second condition. And the third one is ?? to take out your shoes. Why I say because when I asked in London first time, to take out their shoes; half of them walked out. Now you have been told about two channels whe have within ourselves. One on the left and one on the right. Now, the left one is the one for our power of mundane desire. But kundalini is the desire which is pure. Because every data, we desire say for a house and for a car, then for a helicopter... I don’t know ?? . and we are never satisfied. Economics says that wants are not satiable in general. So this is a desire which is pure because it gives you complete satisfaction. You cannot be aware of this pure desire but it exists. And the desire is to be one with this all-pervading power. As the left side represents the mundane desire, you please put your left hand towards me on your lap and put your feet apart from each other. Because these are two separate desires. I mean two separate channels. Now those who are sitting on the ground are alright. They need not bother. First, you see how you are going to direct your centres with right hand. First, put your right hand on top of your heart. In the heart resides the spirit. If you become the spirit, the light of the spirit; you become your own guide, your own master. We are working only on the left side. Please put your right hand down in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side; which is the centre for your mastery created by great prophets and saints. Please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the centre for surprisingly pure divine knowledge. Now raise your right hand in top of your abdomen on the upper part of the left-hand side. Now on your heart. Now in the corner of the neck and shoulder and turn your face towards right. Please take your right hand on forehead across and put down your head. This is the centre for asking forgiveness. For Forgiving everyone. Now please take your right hand in the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistake, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from all the pervading divine power. Now stretch your hands fully, your palms fully. This is the ?? the last centre. Now put down your head as far as possible. Now put your right hand on, right palm on top, the centre of the right palm on top of the fontanelle bone area. Now, please put down your head. And here you have to move the scalp, put a pressure, 7 times clockwise. so please push back your fingers. Thus we will have good pressure and move clockwise 7 times, put down your head please put down your head. That’s all we have to do. Now please put your feet apart from each other. The left hand on the left lap. You can take out your spectacles. Please close your eyes. Please don’t open them till I tell you. Now put the right hand on your heart. Here now you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself. You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji. So please ask the question 3 times in your heart, "Mother, am I the spirit"?. I have already told you, if you become the spirit, you become your own guide your own master. So please take your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and please ask me another question, fundamental about yourself from your heart “Mother Am I my own Master?”. Ask this question three times.“ We have to have our full self-confidence that we will become enlightened people ??. Moreover, I cannot force on you pure divine knowledge. I respect your freedom. You have to ask six times the question or you have to say six times because this centre has got six petals. So now raise your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen which is the centre of you pure divine knowledge ask this six times. Here ask Six times "Mother please give me pure divine knowledge”. As soon as you ask for pure divine knowledge, here kundalini starts rising upward. But we have to upper centres with our self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side, and here please say ten times “Mother I am my own master”. Say it with full confidence. At the very outset I have told you that your are not this body, this mind. [bad video ]. Now put your left hand towards me and put down your head again and see for yourself with the right hand, if there is a cool or hot breeze like vibration are coming out from your head. Please put down your head. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven yourself or even not forgiven others. Please do it now. Last time again, once again please put your right hand towards me and with the left hand you see if there is a cool or hot breeze like vibration are coming out from your head. some people get close to the head and some away. You can move your hand and see for yourself. And bow down towards yourself. ??. Now it please raise both your hands towards the sky like this and push back your head. Here you have to ask any one of these three questions. The first question is “Mother is this the cool breeze of the holy ghost. Ask three times. or Mother is this the all-pervading power of divine love; or "is this the paramachaitanya”? Ask any one of these three questions three times. Now please take down your hands. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze ?? on fingertips or on the palm or on the fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hand. I bow to you to you all saints. May God bless you. Please put down your hands. The whole of Buenos Aires has got it. God bless you. First time you have felt this cool breeze. Now please take down your hands. One thing only I have to tell you that this is a collective happening. It is important to understand that it is not individual. Just now like a seed, it has sprouted, and kundalini has come up. But now you have to grow. For that we have very good sahaja yogis here, ?? and good. You must respect this self-realisation. You don't have to pay anything, whatsoever. But, you have to give sometime ??. So please come to the collective. They will give you all the knowledge for your subtle being. And at the most within one month you can become master. You will feel very happy now. But it should not be the ?? . You all can become great trees of divinity. Have faith in yourself and your self-realisation. You will be amazed that you have power to raise the kundalini of others. You will have powers to know about everybody's chakra and also you will have powers to cure yourself and others. There are so many powers and so many blessings that You will be amazed yourself. Please know that now you have entered into the kingdom of God. And you all will know what miracle has happened. It will be a complete transformation within yourself. In this world we need a new society a new people who are the source of ??. It is your responsibility You should not fail.
Meeting with Sahaja Yogis (poor audio)
General Rodríguez
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Shri Mataji’s answer to award
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Professor Voronov's talk and Shri Mataji's acceptance of the award, Turkey, 1994 [Audio 1994-1105 Talk After Diwali Puja Istanbul Source NITL] [No sound. Abu Bakr?] killed two more Khalifas and became Khalifa himself. And the last Khalifa before him was killed and his liver was eaten by his mother (her name was Hind bint 'Utbah), mother of this Abu Bakr (Shri Mataji means Mu'awiyah- first Khalifa of Umayyad Caliphate). What a horrible fellow he was! And just to become the Khalifa, he did this. By that time, nobody had written Bible of this Koran (Koran, as a word means to gather, to bring together, pages brought together). Because it was not written down anywhere. It was remembered by heart because Muhammad Sahib did not know how to read and write. So, this fellow went round all the people who were the sons of the people who had learnt or who had remembered by heart, who had carried this for forty years. After forty years, Koran was edited by this horrible fellow Abu Bakr and he did according to the way he was. He was something like our great mister Paul. But he hated women, he hated women and that is why he did a lot of nonsense in that – actually, how much of original Koran is there? One doesn’t know.But he made it like this, that Koran is the last word and whatever is in the Koran is all right. But just see, despite everything, how the truth has come! Whatever we see, even today, is there. But the most important thing that Muhammad Sahib himself, never separated himself from other religions. He described about Moses, Abraham, he described about Christ and then he described about himself. He never separated them. He did (not) say, there are three religions, or he is the best, nothing of that kind. Only the point where these Muslims have taken a wrong view is that he put a seal. He said, "I am the seal of the Masters of the Prophets". Here he said, "I am not Divine". Then he said, "I am the seal". Now, two points in them: seal means not necessarily that he has sealed it, but it means also a style, the same style as Abraham, Moses, Christ, he is the same style. But he said, "I am not Divine". Because if you say that you are Divine, everybody gets after you. May have said, may not have said because maybe, the great mister Abu Bakr must have done. But if he has said that he was the seal, he was the last word, then why did he talk of the twelfth (imam) Al-Mahdî (first one was Ali and second one was Hasan) who is going to come and give you resurrection. Now, what about that? Now you ask a question, "Mother, are you the twelfth Al-Mahdî?" That’s the test. See the vibrations! So, I’m the one who has to give resurrection and the one who has come. These, all these little things, if somebody can read it carefully, one would understand that he never said that, "I am the last one" firstly. He never said that Bible is the last word or Koran is the last word. He continued, you see, he showed one after another, all of them recontinue in that line of Divinity which he clearly said.And the one who has edited, it’s a well-known fact that he is Abu Bakr. And my father told me all these things and then I verify from others, it’s a fact. But who dare say anything? Because they are violent people and if you say anything they’ll just come and kill you. That too, I would say, among Muslims, there are two types. One, who are educated, enlightened people, who have read other books, they would always like to take the brighter side of the whole thing and would like to consider something else. But those who are uneducated have to be fundamentalist because they don’t understand, they are absolutely ignorant. But now we are in Turkey where a great, another great soul came, Kemal Pacha Atatürk. He is the one who shattered all this. He could see clearly. He changed so many things, he brought about so many laws, and he brought women and men on the same level. Still, there are people who are trying to go back and change the laws and all that. What is happening is this country is suffering because they are giving up what Atatürk told. Now for us it is to reestablish that great vision of Atatürk in this country. Not only that, but to help them in every way first. You see, they are so simple, so innocent, that they are attacked by three, four forces I find here. Firstly, Islam is a very moral religion, over moral, I told you today. So, the women were sticking onto men, men were sticking onto women. But I’m told that now many prostitutes are coming from other countries, especially Russia, very surprising. They come here and they are spoiling the family that’s one thig. Another is Kurdish people, they are still of the same level as the- we can say these tribal, just like tribal. I met them so I know. They are absolutely tribal, they don’t understand anything, quarrelsome, fighting cocks. Thirdly, at the time of Muhammad, life was so miserable and so oppressive that he had to fight. But that doesn’t mean that Muslims must also fight everywhere, wherever they go, they must fight, they must spread Islam. Now the point is: what has Islam given them? Where are they? What it has given them? They are very immoral, extremely cruel, why? Koran never said so. Koran never said of conversion, never said that you convert people. This is a Christian madness. And from Christian, it has come to Koran. Even Christ never said that you should be converted. He said, "You have to be born again". And Muhammad also never said, "Convert people". But in India, you ‘ll be surprised, the way they were so cruel in India, you have no idea. It cannot be described the cruelty there. So, one feels pity for them. They are following God, following religion. You are taking the peace, you are taking to the joy, you are going in the way of complete destruction! One way they are, say, they are against the Westerners because they are immoral. So, immoral people also are getting destroyed. And so-called moral also are getting destroyed. They are fighting among themselves. All the time, they are fighting among themselves. Wherever you find a Muslim, the father will fight with the son, the son will fight with his brother.In our country, when Aurangzeb was ruling, horrible he was but his sons, they killed each other! Four of them. They did all kinds of things. There was one fellow who was a Realized soul, he was also killed. So, the killing to them is a religious thing, a ritual. I would say that after seeing what they have done in India, no one can believe that Koran can do any good to them. They are the poorest people in India, poorest. When I see them, I really feel like crying. Because one man has produced say, twenty children, twenty-four children, one man. And they are left on the street because "Talaq, talaq, talaq" finished. This, never Muhammad Sahib has said. If you understand Divinity, you understand him.Can I do such a thing? Will I permit such a thing? Will I allow such a thing? Then you judge him by Me. So, no use criticizing Muhammad Sahib because he was divine, he was divinity, no doubt about it, but the people who followed them are really mad. Like the Christians who followed Christ are mad too. If you are to judge Christ, judge Him from Me. Will My Mother do that? Will She do this? She will never do it.So, if you start judging them by my standard, you will understand that none of them were wrong, none of them were against Divine laws. They were all together. They came to change the world to help me in such a big way. Without them, I would not have been as successful as I am. Because they have definitely created chakras within you, in a very subtle way. And their chakras, we worked out. So, don’t judge Muslims, Christians, Hindus, or Sikhs, the way they follow their religion, but the way the people who created them lived. So, for you, an example is here. I can’t do many things which are described about this. Impossible. He had to marry all right, five wives or four wives, all right. Because that was the time when there were very few women, very few, and many, many men died very, I would say, very few men, and very few men who could marry. So, the women didn’t know what to do. He married even, he said, "You marry even a young girl doesn’t matter, but marry them. He was for marriages. He wanted that there should be marriages and that women should not become prostitutes. Now, what the Muslims grudge is that the Christians are immoral.They are nowhere less, I can tell you, they are nowhere less. I’ve seen them. I was travelling from Riyadh to London and I went off to sleep. When I got up, I was surprised to see that they were all different people. I couldn’t understand these dandies fandies [unsure], from where they have appeared? They were all wearing these things on their heads, you see, what I call as the Italian table cloth. And suddenly, they became very great you see, dandies. Bodh eyes, this, that, smoking and drinking, and women also drinking. So, I thought, "It must have been some other place. It might be Paris we might have touched. So, the air hostess said, "No, no they are the same people". I said, "They were the same? " "Yes, absolutely the same. We never touch any other port". This kind of hypocrisy cannot be any religion. In Sahaja Yoga, one thing, you cannot be hypocritical. If you are there you'll be corrected, corrected, corrected till you are all right. You cannot carry on with your chakras. All kinds of defects they have and they start emitting bad vibrations and spoil the Vishwa Nirmala Dharma, means the innate pure religion we have to have. If you follow a religion, you have to be a perfect member of that. You cannot be a hypocrite, that’s the point. In Sahaja Yoga, anybody who thinks that he can be till I live, I will know who they are. Till you live, you will know who they are. So, it’s a new race we are starting. It's a race of Realized souls, who know what is right and wrong and who'll go out of the way to keep the right path all right. So, the responsibility is much more. As you said, you have light, you are enlightened, now keep the lights on. You must know that you have a very big responsibility, a very big responsibility to keep this path of true, pure religion enlightened for others also. If you say something, and do something, then we are not religious at all. That’s hypocrisy.So please try to understand, so many Sahaja Yogis we had to ask them to go away because you know they had funny problems: Agnya, sometimes this, sometimes that. They had to go away. But still, there is forgiveness in Sahaja Yoga, there’s redemption in Sahaja Yoga, there are love and compassion and it works. The only difference is that there is no punishment, no physical punishment, no mental punishment. We just say, "All right, you cannot fit here, so go away". Instead of having any punishment. If there is any difference between other religions and this religion is this: that there is no punishment for whatever you may do to Me or to anyone. Though maybe Christ might punish, that I don’t know. Deities might punish, that’s different. But as far as I am concerned, I am not going to punish. I’ll say, "All right. Thank you very much, you can go away". And that becomes the greatest punishment now for people. So, you have to keep your health all right, wealth all right, your temperament all right. Everything should be pleasant and joyous. That’s all. Automatically it can be. How we enjoy today thoroughly and how the beautiful singing, dancing, everything is so nice, so beautiful. There was nothing that was ugly or funny. Even the modern dancing and modern music were so beautiful, you know. It was so beautiful. That, normally I got a headache from that but nothing, my headache has gone, it’s so good. So, if it is done with that purity, that understanding, the creativity takes every form in a beautiful way. Like many flowers, every flower is a beauty. So, I would request you all to remember that you cannot be hypocritical. Hypocrisy is not going to help. Don’t support any hypocrite, in no way. That’s all. You don’t have to punish, not have to say any word, nothing. It is not my job to punish them. There are so many who can punish them, so why worry? I really feel very happy today that we have entered into that area, where I was longing to enter and that is it. And I must also say, Guillemette has done so much research work and we should give her a hand for this.[Applause] Whosoever has written this, I don’t know who has written the whole thing [the scenario of the play].Antonio: It is Guillemette, Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: Guillemette has written. I could see that as I know her. She positively feels, she has married a Muslim, she positively feels that Muslims can be brought to Sahaja Yoga and can be redeemed. They should be, they are human beings, after all. I feel the same way. And this is how we are now going to enter into a new era and you’ll be happy to know that Tunisia government has invited Me, government.[Applause] Also, in Brazil, you’ll be happy to know that when I went to Brazil, at the airport of Brasilia, the mayor himself brought the key of Brazil, and gave it to Me and requesting me “Mother, we give this key to you, please look after Brazilian”.[Applause]Of course, Russia has done so much honor to Me. I was really feeling very shy about it. But, they are very sensitive and very wise people. How they could see that, this is the greatest saving for the whole world. And the way they have taken up! I tell you one day, they’ll be regarded as the greatest scientists, because they have seen the point, you see, so easily, while in other countries, I cannot expect these people to really understand what is Sahaja Yoga is. So, now it’s for you to manifest it and to think about it with a very great understanding. You’ll be surprised that we came to Turkey because of Carla. She’s another dynamic lady. Such devotion she had. She said, "Mother you come to Turkey? " I could never have come to Turkey. I mean, it’s an unknown place to Me in every way. But I always read the life of Kamal Pasha and I’ve such tremendous respect for him.As soon as she said, "Mother can you come to Turkey? " I said, "I will ". Then she’s the one who started all this. And the way she identified herself completely with it. Now she has gone to Malaysia and everybody is very happy with her. We have many great Sahaja Yoginis who have done such great pioneer work also. But I must say that Gregoire is the one who started it. Wherever he was posted, he felt lonely so he wanted to have Sahaja Yogis and he got them. [Laughter]So, we have many people who are pioneer and also now they are going to South Africa to other African countries and I am surprised at the way they are daring at things, working it out. Like Dulio went to Brazil and Horacio went to Argentina. And Gregoire sister, Marie-Laure, she went to this very difficult place, Bogota, and she worked it out for that country. So, like that, we have many who are doing it and I cannot name all of them today but really, they stand out for their ability to create. Like Philippe has gone to East Germany which I suggested to him, he immediately agree. He is working it out there. And also, we have, somebody in Hong Kong who has started, doing very good work. Everywhere I was surprised that these people went there and worked it out. They did not get contaminated or they didn’t try to assert themselves. And that is how Sahaja Yoga has spread.But the person who started with Gregoire is Rajesh who is here, who’s a very shy person himself. I don’t know how he told the address, my address to Gregoire, and Gregoire came to Me. So, everything has worked out so beautifully like a small little stream flows and then becomes a big river and meets the ocean of the world. In this way, it has happened. On this day of Diwali, you should really feel very happy and joyous that we have been blessed so much. That so many of us know the truth, and so many of us are enlightened. We are a strong, strong collectivity.Thank you very much. After two minutes, professor Voronov is here and he wants to give Me some special award from St Petersburg University. So, I will request you all to be sitted, it will take hardly ten minues for the whole thing. So, before that, I must say the weddings went off very well despite the fact it’s Turkey and it’s very different from India where you can get everything very easily. And you all are looking very happy. Keep this joy all the time and be kind and gentle with each other. As I’ve said you have to soothe others. You have to take up the problems of each other and don’t discuss your past, don’t talk about your past. That’s one thing very wrong, that makes life unnecessarily miserable. Past is over and, now, the reality starts. Enjoy each other’s company, try to find good points of another person. If you want to find bad points that’s not going to give you any joy, it’s not going to help you. But if you start finding the good points of another person, that not only that you will be very happy, but also you’ll imbibe those good points. Always try to see each other’s good points, never criticize each other for small things, for petty things. We are Sahaja Yogis. We are saints, we are angels, we cannot be like ordinary stupid people who fight and create problems in their life. We are here to make each other happy and to make everyone happy; all the Sahaja Yogis to be happy. The whole society of Sahaja Yoga should be of a very different type. And there are so many children who are Realized souls, who are great saints, seers, who want to be born and they’ll be only born to Sahaja Yogis who are Sahaj by temperament and who are peaceful, who try to seek peace everywhere, and who are very large hearted. All such people will have very great children. May God bless you all. Gregoire: Shri Mataji Rajesh has asked me to say a few words. Shri Mataji, You could have saved the world and You could have met your purpose, staying in India only. We don’t understand and never will how much care, tenderness and compassion and hardships you have gone through to save us in al those countries.This place, here, is a very historical city. It was called Constantinople, then Byzantium, now Istanbul, but I think it should be called Nirmalpur (city of Nirmal) because you have opened such a dimension of joy and such a powerful Diwali. Shri Mataji, they would like to thank you very much.And now we pray that your holy feet will touch Africa and that they will be victorious there. Jai Shri Mataji [Simultaneous translation of professor Voronov's talk from a Russian Sahaja Yogi] [Audio 6]Simultaneous translation of professor Voronov from a Russian Sahaja Yogi.It is a great event which happens on this planet. The scientists of Russia and especially of St Petersburg pay attention to this event which happens in the society. What happened? Recently, less than two months ago, a conference has been held in St Petersburg entitled, "Medicine, Self-cognition and morality". With regard to this question, there was a sort of an agreement of two directions and the agreement was of love and friendship. Actually, the direction of religion and science. Morality and knowledge, these are two things which make the whole world think award. [unsure] There are wars now on the planet and civil wars, the blood of human beings is shed. And during this period, our holy Mother raised quite different questions of love and peace. [Video starts here]Our scientist, by my initiative, unanimously elected our holy Mother, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, an honorary member of our Academy.[Applause] [Audio 7]Last time, in Moscow, we hand it over to our holy Mother a diploma made by Sahaja Yogis, loving Sahaja Yogis. Now, this is a diploma of the Government of Russia.[Applause] I would like to say a few words about what is actually this Academy, and who is a member of it. There are members, among the members we have painters, scientists, musicians of different directions. But we have also honorary members of our Academy, but they are very few in number. One is Antonio Juan Samaranch who is the president of the Olympic Committee of the world. Two or three Ministers who, in their own countries, liquidated the illiteracy in the population of their country. All of them are men. Shri Mataji is the only lady on the world who has been elected an honorary member of this Academy.[Applause]I have to say a lot. I know that here we have the best representatives of the nations of the world. But there are some exceptions. We have to put our love first to our self-perfection, self-cognition, to put our, first, the love to our countries. We need to do everything so that the victorious ideals of our holy Mother should not have any hindrance at all. And for that, we should self-perfect ourselves. Yes, we do have something negative besides the positive things. For example, me and also our Sahaja Yogis from Turkey, they can see how the pieces of bread are spread on the floor. It’s very bad, I consider it very bad.My daughter by name Svetlana, she is also Sahaja Yogi, she said, "I've been living for a long time among the Muslims and I know their attitude towards bread. If a piece of bread has been falling on earth, then they pick it up, they kiss it and put it somewhere for the birds to pick it up". We also have to feel respect to the laborious people who are producing this bread, to peasants. I address to all the Sahaja Yogis who are working in the press media, who are journalists: we need to disseminate the ideas of our holy Mother everywhere, on press, television and magazines.If we do so and behave properly, we can be a real example, we can make real examples for the nations of the whole world. But maybe, today, they started to call Sahaja Yogis who were not perhaps quite satisfied with it. Still, we have to make it better. Taking into account an energetic activity of Shri Mataji, it gives us an idea to propose to elect Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, a laureate of the Noble Price winner for peace. [Audio 8]For that purpose, we have to work hard in our own countries for Shri Mataji’s ideas to be really realized, understood beyond the level of consciousness. To reach that level for the Noble Price, we need to make an example, we need to make the society, the publicity, press, to realize the ideas of Shri Mataji, how beneficial they are for the whole humanity. In Petroski Academy of Arts and Science, we have many outstanding people and perhaps we shall publish a special article for that in Nirmala Yoga magazine. But, with all my heart and in the name of all members of the Academy of Arts and Science, I would like to make a sort of present to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. This is a reproduction of Dona Latte, it’s a – [aside] sorry, sorry, no, no, Mona Lisa is different. It’s Dona Latte, Madonna, from Leonardo Da Vinci, which you can find in State Hermitage by Leonardo. (Madonna del Latte) It’s different. Not Jocund, it’s different. And the last. We have really to watch our own behaviour, not to do any negative things. For our compatriots in all our countries would say that, "Sahaja Yogi is really the best representative of humanity in all the countries". That is our purpose. [Applause] [Shri Mataji’s answer to this award.][Audio 9] Shri Mataji: I don’t know but, how to say as to the Russian scholars and scientists. Scientists are amoral people because science is amoral. But I was surprised that in Leningrad [St Petersburg], thanks to professor, we had about two thousand scientists – I don’t know, ten thousand probably – who honoured Me so much. And I told about one centre only there, that is Swadishthan. How Swadishthan they are ruing your life. And they were listening to Me, absolutely, with the right attention.[You translate?] All right.Very surprisingly, I’ve never seen such scientists, because they cannot see something beyond science and Sahaja Yoga is meta science, it is beyond science. And when I told them so many diseases are caused by one centre, they were really amazed at it. But they were open, open-minded people and a scientist means an open-minded person.I was amazed also, the way they gave Me awards. The first award when they gave Me, I said, "What is this? I’m the tenth member of such an old university where very, very great scientists have got this award. So, how can you give Me such a honour?" So, professor Voronov told Me that, "Mother these scientists have only worked with matter. But you have worked with human beings and transformed them". I was surprised the way he saw the point. It’s not easy to see this point that transformation of human beings is most important today. If I have achieved it, it’s nothing great, I think, because I knew how to do it. So, it’s nothing great.But I really feel very proud of you that you have achieved it. I have not achieved anything. I was born like this. But you have achieved it. So many nations here sitting, enjoying the same beautiful feeling of your Spirit. And they are from different nations, different places, different religions, and genuinely they are feeling the joy of their Spirit. And this is something, was my dream and vision. But I never thought of Noble Price or anything like that. [Laughter]Because my husband has got all kind of prizes and he always, says, "All due to my wife".But what I really treasure is this, that in a great country like Russia where science has reached its heights, that they should accept Me as a great scientist and academician, is something really very remarkable, though I don’t know if I deserve it or not. But that’s what they feel about it.Professor Voronov: There’s no doubt about it.[Applause]Moreover, all the false gurus are banned in Russia. But I was surprised also that they did not ban us. Apart from that, the patriarch, who is like a pope of Leningrad of the white order, he himself invited me to be there. So, we are entering into the realm of religion also. It’s something – not only science, but also religion which is, which has to open eyes and see what have they missed, all the promises that the Prophets gave, that the incarnations gave are to be fulfilled. If they can just see this point, it will be so great. I was surprised also that patriarch himself invites Me to this conference. So, two great things, I feel, that not only in science but also in religion, Sahaja Yoga is entering and will remove the darkness of ignorance. Another thing I must tell you that when I went to Brasilia which is the capital of Brazil, the Mayor of Brasilia came to receive Me and he gave Me the keys of Brasilia saying, "Mother, please look after Brazil". I was really amazed. So, on the political side also, if we start entering into, our problems should be solved. We should have no problems, we should have no quarrels, no fights, nothing. But let us live with happiness and joy. I’m sure with this [award], I can see that vision coming through. This vision of mine of seeing the whole world in peace and joy enjoying themselves. All of you, as he said, have to help Me, have to come up as real great Sahaja Yogis. I don’t know Sir, how to thank you very much because I have no words. But he has been meeting Me for three, four years and I was surprised, he is such a learned man, such an educated person, and how he could see the subtle side of life! And that they discussed about morality! All the time, all the subject was that of morality. There was a gentleman who was a surgeon who is –Shri Mataji, aside: How old is he? Eighty years.Sahaja Yogi: Ninety-three.Shri Mataji: Very old, but he is still doing operations. He is still doing operations and he is the one who wrote against alcohol. And I was really surprised.Professor Voronov: Academician Fyodor Uglov.Shri Mataji: What’s that?Sahaja Yogi: The name of the man.Shri Mataji: All right. He wrote a book against alcohol in a country where Vodka is so common. But just imagine! And these people listen to their elders. They are not like Western people who do not car for their elders. They listen to their elders who are very wise. One day, I’m sure, Russia will be one of the most important religious country. It will have such a big name one day because they have taken to truth and not to some nonsensical things. And I am sure this will prove to the whole world that truth is what we should ask for. We should not get in anyway dominated by untruth because untruth will never bring joy or peace.Actually, I am overwhelmed by what he has said and I’m happy he has made you so happy also by saying these beautiful things about Me.But I must tell you, I’m a very humble housewife. That’s all I am. But if you think I’m more than that, I’m not going to challenge it.Now we have to thank the Turkish people, the French people, for organizing this beautiful program and these weddings, despite all the problems. And also, to every way, work so hard because there were only forty Sahaja Yogis in Turkey and they have done such a dedicated work. And so capable they are! I’m amazed to see this kind of industrious, I should say, or very hard-working people, very hard working. And all the problems are solved here, they say, "Mother, you have solved all of the problems." Now I would say the marriages have been done very gracefully. Now, don’t spoil your marriages and create problems for Me. That’s all I want to know that you’ll have very nice children, and that you create a society and help the society of great peacemakers.Thank you very much.Thank you [to the professor]
Professor Voronov's talk and Shri Mataji's acceptance of the award, Turkey, 1994 [Audio 1994-1105 Talk After Diwali Puja Istanbul Source NITL] [No sound. Abu Bakr?] killed two more Khalifas and became Khalifa himself. And the last Khalifa before him was killed and his liver was eaten by his mother (her name was Hind bint 'Utbah), mother of this Abu Bakr (Shri Mataji means Mu'awiyah- first Khalifa of Umayyad Caliphate). What a horrible fellow he was! And just to become the Khalifa, he did this. By that time, nobody had written Bible of this Koran (Koran, as a word means to gather, to bring together, pages brought together). Because it was not written down anywhere. It was remembered by heart because Muhammad Sahib did not know how to read and write. So, this fellow went round all the people who were the sons of the people who had learnt or who had remembered by heart, who had carried this for forty years. After forty years, Koran was edited by this horrible fellow Abu Bakr and he did according to the way he was. He was something like our great mister Paul. But he hated women, he hated women and that is why he did a lot of nonsense in that – actually, how much of original Koran is there? One doesn’t know.But he made it like this, that Koran is the last word and whatever is in the Koran is all right. But just see, despite everything, how the truth has come! Whatever we see, even today, is there. But the most important thing that Muhammad Sahib himself, never separated himself from other religions. He described about Moses, Abraham, he described about Christ and then he described about himself. He never separated them. He did (not) say, there are three religions, or he is the best, nothing of that kind. Only the point where these Muslims have taken a wrong view is that he put a seal. He said, "I am the seal of the Masters of the Prophets". Here he said, "I am not Divine". Then he said, "I am the seal". Now, two points in them: seal means not necessarily that he has sealed it, but it means also a style, the same style as Abraham, Moses, Christ, he is the same style. But he said, "I am not Divine". Because if you say that you are Divine, everybody gets after you. May have said, may not have said because maybe, the great mister Abu Bakr must have done. But if he has said that he was the seal, he was the last word, then why did he talk of the twelfth (imam) Al-Mahdî (first one was Ali and second one was Hasan) who is going to come and give you resurrection. Now, what about that? Now you ask a question, "Mother, are you the twelfth Al-Mahdî?" That’s the test. See the vibrations! So, I’m the one who has to give resurrection and the one who has come. These, all these little things, if somebody can read it carefully, one would understand that he never said that, "I am the last one" firstly. He never said that Bible is the last word or Koran is the last word. He continued, you see, he showed one after another, all of them recontinue in that line of Divinity which he clearly said.And the one who has edited, it’s a well-known fact that he is Abu Bakr. And my father told me all these things and then I verify from others, it’s a fact. But who dare say anything? Because they are violent people and if you say anything they’ll just come and kill you. That too, I would say, among Muslims, there are two types. One, who are educated, enlightened people, who have read other books, they would always like to take the brighter side of the whole thing and would like to consider something else. But those who are uneducated have to be fundamentalist because they don’t understand, they are absolutely ignorant. But now we are in Turkey where a great, another great soul came, Kemal Pacha Atatürk. He is the one who shattered all this. He could see clearly. He changed so many things, he brought about so many laws, and he brought women and men on the same level. Still, there are people who are trying to go back and change the laws and all that. What is happening is this country is suffering because they are giving up what Atatürk told. Now for us it is to reestablish that great vision of Atatürk in this country. Not only that, but to help them in every way first. You see, they are so simple, so innocent, that they are attacked by three, four forces I find here. Firstly, Islam is a very moral religion, over moral, I told you today. So, the women were sticking onto men, men were sticking onto women. But I’m told that now many prostitutes are coming from other countries, especially Russia, very surprising. They come here and they are spoiling the family that’s one thig. Another is Kurdish people, they are still of the same level as the- we can say these tribal, just like tribal. I met them so I know. They are absolutely tribal, they don’t understand anything, quarrelsome, fighting cocks. Thirdly, at the time of Muhammad, life was so miserable and so oppressive that he had to fight. But that doesn’t mean that Muslims must also fight everywhere, wherever they go, they must fight, they must spread Islam. Now the point is: what has Islam given them? Where are they? What it has given them? They are very immoral, extremely cruel, why? Koran never said so. Koran never said of conversion, never said that you convert people. This is a Christian madness. And from Christian, it has come to Koran. Even Christ never said that you should be converted. He said, "You have to be born again". And Muhammad also never said, "Convert people". But in India, you ‘ll be surprised, the way they were so cruel in India, you have no idea. It cannot be described the cruelty there. So, one feels pity for them. They are following God, following religion. You are taking the peace, you are taking to the joy, you are going in the way of complete destruction! One way they are, say, they are against the Westerners because they are immoral. So, immoral people also are getting destroyed. And so-called moral also are getting destroyed. They are fighting among themselves. All the time, they are fighting among themselves. Wherever you find a Muslim, the father will fight with the son, the son will fight with his brother.In our country, when Aurangzeb was ruling, horrible he was but his sons, they killed each other! Four of them. They did all kinds of things. There was one fellow who was a Realized soul, he was also killed. So, the killing to them is a religious thing, a ritual. I would say that after seeing what they have done in India, no one can believe that Koran can do any good to them. They are the poorest people in India, poorest. When I see them, I really feel like crying. Because one man has produced say, twenty children, twenty-four children, one man. And they are left on the street because "Talaq, talaq, talaq" finished. This, never Muhammad Sahib has said. If you understand Divinity, you understand him.Can I do such a thing? Will I permit such a thing? Will I allow such a thing? Then you judge him by Me. So, no use criticizing Muhammad Sahib because he was divine, he was divinity, no doubt about it, but the people who followed them are really mad. Like the Christians who followed Christ are mad too. If you are to judge Christ, judge Him from Me. Will My Mother do that? Will She do this? She will never do it.So, if you start judging them by my standard, you will understand that none of them were wrong, none of them were against Divine laws. They were all together. They came to change the world to help me in such a big way. Without them, I would not have been as successful as I am. Because they have definitely created chakras within you, in a very subtle way. And their chakras, we worked out. So, don’t judge Muslims, Christians, Hindus, or Sikhs, the way they follow their religion, but the way the people who created them lived. So, for you, an example is here. I can’t do many things which are described about this. Impossible. He had to marry all right, five wives or four wives, all right. Because that was the time when there were very few women, very few, and many, many men died very, I would say, very few men, and very few men who could marry. So, the women didn’t know what to do. He married even, he said, "You marry even a young girl doesn’t matter, but marry them. He was for marriages. He wanted that there should be marriages and that women should not become prostitutes. Now, what the Muslims grudge is that the Christians are immoral.They are nowhere less, I can tell you, they are nowhere less. I’ve seen them. I was travelling from Riyadh to London and I went off to sleep. When I got up, I was surprised to see that they were all different people. I couldn’t understand these dandies fandies [unsure], from where they have appeared? They were all wearing these things on their heads, you see, what I call as the Italian table cloth. And suddenly, they became very great you see, dandies. Bodh eyes, this, that, smoking and drinking, and women also drinking. So, I thought, "It must have been some other place. It might be Paris we might have touched. So, the air hostess said, "No, no they are the same people". I said, "They were the same? " "Yes, absolutely the same. We never touch any other port". This kind of hypocrisy cannot be any religion. In Sahaja Yoga, one thing, you cannot be hypocritical. If you are there you'll be corrected, corrected, corrected till you are all right. You cannot carry on with your chakras. All kinds of defects they have and they start emitting bad vibrations and spoil the Vishwa Nirmala Dharma, means the innate pure religion we have to have. If you follow a religion, you have to be a perfect member of that. You cannot be a hypocrite, that’s the point. In Sahaja Yoga, anybody who thinks that he can be till I live, I will know who they are. Till you live, you will know who they are. So, it’s a new race we are starting. It's a race of Realized souls, who know what is right and wrong and who'll go out of the way to keep the right path all right. So, the responsibility is much more. As you said, you have light, you are enlightened, now keep the lights on. You must know that you have a very big responsibility, a very big responsibility to keep this path of true, pure religion enlightened for others also. If you say something, and do something, then we are not religious at all. That’s hypocrisy.So please try to understand, so many Sahaja Yogis we had to ask them to go away because you know they had funny problems: Agnya, sometimes this, sometimes that. They had to go away. But still, there is forgiveness in Sahaja Yoga, there’s redemption in Sahaja Yoga, there are love and compassion and it works. The only difference is that there is no punishment, no physical punishment, no mental punishment. We just say, "All right, you cannot fit here, so go away". Instead of having any punishment. If there is any difference between other religions and this religion is this: that there is no punishment for whatever you may do to Me or to anyone. Though maybe Christ might punish, that I don’t know. Deities might punish, that’s different. But as far as I am concerned, I am not going to punish. I’ll say, "All right. Thank you very much, you can go away". And that becomes the greatest punishment now for people. So, you have to keep your health all right, wealth all right, your temperament all right. Everything should be pleasant and joyous. That’s all. Automatically it can be. How we enjoy today thoroughly and how the beautiful singing, dancing, everything is so nice, so beautiful. There was nothing that was ugly or funny. Even the modern dancing and modern music were so beautiful, you know. It was so beautiful. That, normally I got a headache from that but nothing, my headache has gone, it’s so good. So, if it is done with that purity, that understanding, the creativity takes every form in a beautiful way. Like many flowers, every flower is a beauty. So, I would request you all to remember that you cannot be hypocritical. Hypocrisy is not going to help. Don’t support any hypocrite, in no way. That’s all. You don’t have to punish, not have to say any word, nothing. It is not my job to punish them. There are so many who can punish them, so why worry? I really feel very happy today that we have entered into that area, where I was longing to enter and that is it. And I must also say, Guillemette has done so much research work and we should give her a hand for this.[Applause] Whosoever has written this, I don’t know who has written the whole thing [the scenario of the play].Antonio: It is Guillemette, Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: Guillemette has written. I could see that as I know her. She positively feels, she has married a Muslim, she positively feels that Muslims can be brought to Sahaja Yoga and can be redeemed. They should be, they are human beings, after all. I feel the same way. And this is how we are now going to enter into a new era and you’ll be happy to know that Tunisia government has invited Me, government.[Applause] Also, in Brazil, you’ll be happy to know that when I went to Brazil, at the airport of Brasilia, the mayor himself brought the key of Brazil, and gave it to Me and requesting me “Mother, we give this key to you, please look after Brazilian”.[Applause]Of course, Russia has done so much honor to Me. I was really feeling very shy about it. But, they are very sensitive and very wise people. How they could see that, this is the greatest saving for the whole world. And the way they have taken up! I tell you one day, they’ll be regarded as the greatest scientists, because they have seen the point, you see, so easily, while in other countries, I cannot expect these people to really understand what is Sahaja Yoga is. So, now it’s for you to manifest it and to think about it with a very great understanding. You’ll be surprised that we came to Turkey because of Carla. She’s another dynamic lady. Such devotion she had. She said, "Mother you come to Turkey? " I could never have come to Turkey. I mean, it’s an unknown place to Me in every way. But I always read the life of Kamal Pasha and I’ve such tremendous respect for him.As soon as she said, "Mother can you come to Turkey? " I said, "I will ". Then she’s the one who started all this. And the way she identified herself completely with it. Now she has gone to Malaysia and everybody is very happy with her. We have many great Sahaja Yoginis who have done such great pioneer work also. But I must say that Gregoire is the one who started it. Wherever he was posted, he felt lonely so he wanted to have Sahaja Yogis and he got them. [Laughter]So, we have many people who are pioneer and also now they are going to South Africa to other African countries and I am surprised at the way they are daring at things, working it out. Like Dulio went to Brazil and Horacio went to Argentina. And Gregoire sister, Marie-Laure, she went to this very difficult place, Bogota, and she worked it out for that country. So, like that, we have many who are doing it and I cannot name all of them today but really, they stand out for their ability to create. Like Philippe has gone to East Germany which I suggested to him, he immediately agree. He is working it out there. And also, we have, somebody in Hong Kong who has started, doing very good work. Everywhere I was surprised that these people went there and worked it out. They did not get contaminated or they didn’t try to assert themselves. And that is how Sahaja Yoga has spread.But the person who started with Gregoire is Rajesh who is here, who’s a very shy person himself. I don’t know how he told the address, my address to Gregoire, and Gregoire came to Me. So, everything has worked out so beautifully like a small little stream flows and then becomes a big river and meets the ocean of the world. In this way, it has happened. On this day of Diwali, you should really feel very happy and joyous that we have been blessed so much. That so many of us know the truth, and so many of us are enlightened. We are a strong, strong collectivity.Thank you very much. After two minutes, professor Voronov is here and he wants to give Me some special award from St Petersburg University. So, I will request you all to be sitted, it will take hardly ten minues for the whole thing. So, before that, I must say the weddings went off very well despite the fact it’s Turkey and it’s very different from India where you can get everything very easily. And you all are looking very happy. Keep this joy all the time and be kind and gentle with each other. As I’ve said you have to soothe others. You have to take up the problems of each other and don’t discuss your past, don’t talk about your past. That’s one thing very wrong, that makes life unnecessarily miserable. Past is over and, now, the reality starts. Enjoy each other’s company, try to find good points of another person. If you want to find bad points that’s not going to give you any joy, it’s not going to help you. But if you start finding the good points of another person, that not only that you will be very happy, but also you’ll imbibe those good points. Always try to see each other’s good points, never criticize each other for small things, for petty things. We are Sahaja Yogis. We are saints, we are angels, we cannot be like ordinary stupid people who fight and create problems in their life. We are here to make each other happy and to make everyone happy; all the Sahaja Yogis to be happy. The whole society of Sahaja Yoga should be of a very different type. And there are so many children who are Realized souls, who are great saints, seers, who want to be born and they’ll be only born to Sahaja Yogis who are Sahaj by temperament and who are peaceful, who try to seek peace everywhere, and who are very large hearted. All such people will have very great children. May God bless you all. Gregoire: Shri Mataji Rajesh has asked me to say a few words. Shri Mataji, You could have saved the world and You could have met your purpose, staying in India only. We don’t understand and never will how much care, tenderness and compassion and hardships you have gone through to save us in al those countries.This place, here, is a very historical city. It was called Constantinople, then Byzantium, now Istanbul, but I think it should be called Nirmalpur (city of Nirmal) because you have opened such a dimension of joy and such a powerful Diwali. Shri Mataji, they would like to thank you very much.And now we pray that your holy feet will touch Africa and that they will be victorious there. Jai Shri Mataji [Simultaneous translation of professor Voronov's talk from a Russian Sahaja Yogi] [Audio 6]Simultaneous translation of professor Voronov from a Russian Sahaja Yogi.It is a great event which happens on this planet. The scientists of Russia and especially of St Petersburg pay attention to this event which happens in the society. What happened? Recently, less than two months ago, a conference has been held in St Petersburg entitled, "Medicine, Self-cognition and morality". With regard to this question, there was a sort of an agreement of two directions and the agreement was of love and friendship. Actually, the direction of religion and science. Morality and knowledge, these are two things which make the whole world think award. [unsure] There are wars now on the planet and civil wars, the blood of human beings is shed. And during this period, our holy Mother raised quite different questions of love and peace. [Video starts here]Our scientist, by my initiative, unanimously elected our holy Mother, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, an honorary member of our Academy.[Applause] [Audio 7]Last time, in Moscow, we hand it over to our holy Mother a diploma made by Sahaja Yogis, loving Sahaja Yogis. Now, this is a diploma of the Government of Russia.[Applause] I would like to say a few words about what is actually this Academy, and who is a member of it. There are members, among the members we have painters, scientists, musicians of different directions. But we have also honorary members of our Academy, but they are very few in number. One is Antonio Juan Samaranch who is the president of the Olympic Committee of the world. Two or three Ministers who, in their own countries, liquidated the illiteracy in the population of their country. All of them are men. Shri Mataji is the only lady on the world who has been elected an honorary member of this Academy.[Applause]I have to say a lot. I know that here we have the best representatives of the nations of the world. But there are some exceptions. We have to put our love first to our self-perfection, self-cognition, to put our, first, the love to our countries. We need to do everything so that the victorious ideals of our holy Mother should not have any hindrance at all. And for that, we should self-perfect ourselves. Yes, we do have something negative besides the positive things. For example, me and also our Sahaja Yogis from Turkey, they can see how the pieces of bread are spread on the floor. It’s very bad, I consider it very bad.My daughter by name Svetlana, she is also Sahaja Yogi, she said, "I've been living for a long time among the Muslims and I know their attitude towards bread. If a piece of bread has been falling on earth, then they pick it up, they kiss it and put it somewhere for the birds to pick it up". We also have to feel respect to the laborious people who are producing this bread, to peasants. I address to all the Sahaja Yogis who are working in the press media, who are journalists: we need to disseminate the ideas of our holy Mother everywhere, on press, television and magazines.If we do so and behave properly, we can be a real example, we can make real examples for the nations of the whole world. But maybe, today, they started to call Sahaja Yogis who were not perhaps quite satisfied with it. Still, we have to make it better. Taking into account an energetic activity of Shri Mataji, it gives us an idea to propose to elect Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, a laureate of the Noble Price winner for peace. [Audio 8]For that purpose, we have to work hard in our own countries for Shri Mataji’s ideas to be really realized, understood beyond the level of consciousness. To reach that level for the Noble Price, we need to make an example, we need to make the society, the publicity, press, to realize the ideas of Shri Mataji, how beneficial they are for the whole humanity. In Petroski Academy of Arts and Science, we have many outstanding people and perhaps we shall publish a special article for that in Nirmala Yoga magazine. But, with all my heart and in the name of all members of the Academy of Arts and Science, I would like to make a sort of present to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. This is a reproduction of Dona Latte, it’s a – [aside] sorry, sorry, no, no, Mona Lisa is different. It’s Dona Latte, Madonna, from Leonardo Da Vinci, which you can find in State Hermitage by Leonardo. (Madonna del Latte) It’s different. Not Jocund, it’s different. And the last. We have really to watch our own behaviour, not to do any negative things. For our compatriots in all our countries would say that, "Sahaja Yogi is really the best representative of humanity in all the countries". That is our purpose. [Applause] [Shri Mataji’s answer to this award.][Audio 9] Shri Mataji: I don’t know but, how to say as to the Russian scholars and scientists. Scientists are amoral people because science is amoral. But I was surprised that in Leningrad [St Petersburg], thanks to professor, we had about two thousand scientists – I don’t know, ten thousand probably – who honoured Me so much. And I told about one centre only there, that is Swadishthan. How Swadishthan they are ruing your life. And they were listening to Me, absolutely, with the right attention.[You translate?] All right.Very surprisingly, I’ve never seen such scientists, because they cannot see something beyond science and Sahaja Yoga is meta science, it is beyond science. And when I told them so many diseases are caused by one centre, they were really amazed at it. But they were open, open-minded people and a scientist means an open-minded person.I was amazed also, the way they gave Me awards. The first award when they gave Me, I said, "What is this? I’m the tenth member of such an old university where very, very great scientists have got this award. So, how can you give Me such a honour?" So, professor Voronov told Me that, "Mother these scientists have only worked with matter. But you have worked with human beings and transformed them". I was surprised the way he saw the point. It’s not easy to see this point that transformation of human beings is most important today. If I have achieved it, it’s nothing great, I think, because I knew how to do it. So, it’s nothing great.But I really feel very proud of you that you have achieved it. I have not achieved anything. I was born like this. But you have achieved it. So many nations here sitting, enjoying the same beautiful feeling of your Spirit. And they are from different nations, different places, different religions, and genuinely they are feeling the joy of their Spirit. And this is something, was my dream and vision. But I never thought of Noble Price or anything like that. [Laughter]Because my husband has got all kind of prizes and he always, says, "All due to my wife".But what I really treasure is this, that in a great country like Russia where science has reached its heights, that they should accept Me as a great scientist and academician, is something really very remarkable, though I don’t know if I deserve it or not. But that’s what they feel about it.Professor Voronov: There’s no doubt about it.[Applause]Moreover, all the false gurus are banned in Russia. But I was surprised also that they did not ban us. Apart from that, the patriarch, who is like a pope of Leningrad of the white order, he himself invited me to be there. So, we are entering into the realm of religion also. It’s something – not only science, but also religion which is, which has to open eyes and see what have they missed, all the promises that the Prophets gave, that the incarnations gave are to be fulfilled. If they can just see this point, it will be so great. I was surprised also that patriarch himself invites Me to this conference. So, two great things, I feel, that not only in science but also in religion, Sahaja Yoga is entering and will remove the darkness of ignorance. Another thing I must tell you that when I went to Brasilia which is the capital of Brazil, the Mayor of Brasilia came to receive Me and he gave Me the keys of Brasilia saying, "Mother, please look after Brazil". I was really amazed. So, on the political side also, if we start entering into, our problems should be solved. We should have no problems, we should have no quarrels, no fights, nothing. But let us live with happiness and joy. I’m sure with this [award], I can see that vision coming through. This vision of mine of seeing the whole world in peace and joy enjoying themselves. All of you, as he said, have to help Me, have to come up as real great Sahaja Yogis. I don’t know Sir, how to thank you very much because I have no words. But he has been meeting Me for three, four years and I was surprised, he is such a learned man, such an educated person, and how he could see the subtle side of life! And that they discussed about morality! All the time, all the subject was that of morality. There was a gentleman who was a surgeon who is –Shri Mataji, aside: How old is he? Eighty years.Sahaja Yogi: Ninety-three.Shri Mataji: Very old, but he is still doing operations. He is still doing operations and he is the one who wrote against alcohol. And I was really surprised.Professor Voronov: Academician Fyodor Uglov.Shri Mataji: What’s that?Sahaja Yogi: The name of the man.Shri Mataji: All right. He wrote a book against alcohol in a country where Vodka is so common. But just imagine! And these people listen to their elders. They are not like Western people who do not car for their elders. They listen to their elders who are very wise. One day, I’m sure, Russia will be one of the most important religious country. It will have such a big name one day because they have taken to truth and not to some nonsensical things. And I am sure this will prove to the whole world that truth is what we should ask for. We should not get in anyway dominated by untruth because untruth will never bring joy or peace.Actually, I am overwhelmed by what he has said and I’m happy he has made you so happy also by saying these beautiful things about Me.But I must tell you, I’m a very humble housewife. That’s all I am. But if you think I’m more than that, I’m not going to challenge it.Now we have to thank the Turkish people, the French people, for organizing this beautiful program and these weddings, despite all the problems. And also, to every way, work so hard because there were only forty Sahaja Yogis in Turkey and they have done such a dedicated work. And so capable they are! I’m amazed to see this kind of industrious, I should say, or very hard-working people, very hard working. And all the problems are solved here, they say, "Mother, you have solved all of the problems." Now I would say the marriages have been done very gracefully. Now, don’t spoil your marriages and create problems for Me. That’s all I want to know that you’ll have very nice children, and that you create a society and help the society of great peacemakers.Thank you very much.Thank you [to the professor]
Diwali Puja: Lights of Pure Compassion
Diwali Puja Talk. Istanbul (Turkey) - November 5, 1994. [This talk was translated to Russian and Romanian as Shri Mataji spoke.] Today we are going to celebrate the Diwali, which means the rows of lights or, you can say, group of lights. We need somebody to translate into Turkish also. It’s all right. This Diwali has been a festival of very ancient times in India. I already told in My previous lectures what are these five days are. After killing Narakasura. Diwali was celebrated when it was the darkest night of the year. So now, it is very symbolic of these modern times because the worst time, as far as morality is concerned has been in these modern times. We call it the Ghor [???] Kali Yuga — Ghor Kali Yug, the worst modern times. That means a complete darkness and, as you see around, you’ll find out that there is complete darkness as far as morality is concerned, but that’s why there are all kinds of crises. Because of that, also, there are many who are seeking the light, the truth. In the dark age of ignorance, people have no knowledge as to what they should do, why or they are on this Earth. As you know very well, that thousands and thousands of real seekers who are born at this time, that is why this job was given to Me is to create Diwali in this dark ages of ignorance. It’s not an easy job because, on one side, we have all the dark forces acting against the truth. Also, on the other side, we have to fight the false people who are taking advantage of your seeking. Firstly, people don’t know what to seek, so all these false people have been money-oriented and they tried to work out marketing of their falsehood and they have the expertise to do it. Somebody asked Me about that, television lady, what about the cults who are killing people and doing all sorts of things that they did in Switzerland. So I said it’s true, they are crooks, they are horrible, they are criminals who call themselves as spiritual, but the mistake lies with the people who follow them. So a person who is absolutely immoral, absolutely dishonest, who launders money to Swiss banks, cannot be a guru. He used to buy these drugs and sell them. He used to buy weapons and sell them. He was worse than his disciples, much worse. They have used a kind of a suggestion from the books of so-called Guru Gita or something where it is said you should surrender everything to your guru. That means it was to suggest that a disciple should be willing to surrender everything to the guru. So, it was for the disciple, but for the guru, he should not grab anything, he shouldn't ask for anything, he should not be greedy. All these things are already written down. But nobody reads what is required of a guru and only they see that you have to surrender everything to the guru. Why I’m telling you all this, because how the darkness is so deep and so dangerous. Moreover, the other day I read an article which said that in Milan there is a very, very organisation, a global organisation of Satanism. Many politicians and many people in the government, very highly placed ministers, prime ministers are involved in it. Many people who are bank managers or bank owners and also the people who call themselves social workers and also those who have got peace award and this award, that award. So this is what is the worst times of Kali Yuga, modern times. Now, the second day of Diwali, last day, is where a brother and sisters celebrate together for relationship which is so pure and protective. That is to show that, after putting the lights, morality must be the first priority for the society. I need not tell you today immoral side of modern times. It’s horrible. Immorality is the greatest darkness of modern times where people do not know how they relate to each other for which, as I told you before, Christ has suggested that you take out the eyes of a man who looks at a woman twice because He found, at that time, people were horrid. Who can follow Christ in these modern times? Both the eyes, both the hands will be cut off. On the whole, if you see, I haven’t seen any Christian like that, so far. Mohammed-sahib was even more strict. He thought nothing has been done for the women, so he passed through some regulations about women also. So he said that any woman who looks at a man with bad eyes should be [???] halfway and should be killed by stoning. I don’t know what would have happened to the American ladies if they follow this. So when I came to this Earth I discovered that these two are very difficult, specially in Kali Yuga. These laws are actually meant for not normal human beings, but for angels. So modern man is even worse than a normal human being because they want something destructive all the time, like the Spanish ask the bull to hit them. Now the description of modern times is there to show you in what times we are living and I realised it’s not an easy thing to talk to them about anything that is good without giving them realisation. Unless and until you give them realisation, nothing can penetrate into their minds on just mental level. And also giving only lectures and sermons, the whole thing will be at a mental level only. And also the religions which are so-called are really very harmful for the spiritual growth of human beings. I felt that enlightenment is the only way one can save this world. In this darkness of ignorance, the darkest night of the whole history of this world, we needed light and lights, many lights. (the translator ask Shri Mataji about the meaning of Agni)Agni, yes, Agni means fire in Sanskrit language. All right. So the world divided into so many countries, so many races, so many languages and also their own thinking — think of a global religion was only possible when people got their realisation. So, I had to tell you, human beings, what are their problems. So, in a light, in India, we have the pot or the container which is made of clay, then the oil, and then the wick. Now, this body, this mind, you can call all that is visible and is within, is all the pot and the oil is the compassion, the love and the wick is the Kundalini, the pure desire, and the spark is the spirit. So, first of all, the container has to be all right. It should be all right. It should be able to contain the oil properly and should not allow it to ooze out. Now there are two holes that cause problem. One is your ego. Another is your conditionings. So, if a Sahaja Yogi thinks of his conditionings, that “I am a Christian or, you can say, that I come from this race, I’m this community,” so all these limitations with which we build ourselves are so flimsy that they break out because there is no reality in them. There's no substance so they fizzle out. They all act like possessions and a person becomes absolutely blind. After coming to Sahaja Yoga, I’ve seen Christians will adhere to Christ, Muslims will adhere to Mohammed-sahib or to Ali and others will adhere to the conditionings from which they have come, but they don’t adhere to Me, so they cannot see the integration of all these personalities in one person. One has to know, on this point, that you have got the light. You are enlightened. You are not an egg. You have become a bird. So you have to give up all that is falsehood. If you are fully enlightened you will give up automatically, you don’t have to be told. When the light is enlightened, it automatically feel responsible that it has to give light. Nobody has to tell that “You please give light” because it is light. Because it is eternal light, nothing can kill it. I will say a Sanskrit Shloka, [Hindi spoken ???] — means it cannot be killed by [???], not air can blow it away, nothing can destroy it. Even if you want to suck it, you cannot. It’s such a powerful light you have got within yourself. You can verify whether it is eternal or not. You should introspect and see for yourself. You’ve got such a unique light within you. Not in the history of this world of spirituality so many have got realisation, such light within them.. So how could these stupid, flimsy, useless conditionings dominate you now when you are the carrier of eternal light? But if you don’t respect this eternal light, then the conditionings will put it out. This is the only problem, that you have the freedom. You want to have the eternal light, you’ll have it, otherwise this light can be damaged completely. So, the another hole is that of ego. One side, conditioning can be resolved by the sense of responsibility. The same sense of responsibility, when asserted through ego, could be very dangerous. This light can become fire and it can burn the house of Sahaja Yoga. A normal life, we know that light is for giving us light, not for burning houses, but when you get to ego in Sahaja Yoga, you can think that you are responsible for Sahaja Yoga, but this responsibility should not give you an idea that you are in charge of Sahaj Yoga. So, gradually then, you become so right-sided and people are surprised that how this man who was normal has become like a bull in the china shop. So you are not in charge of Sahaj Yoga. It’s like government servants. They are suppose to be servants, but they are the bosses. They become bosses. So, the whole understanding should be of complete wisdom in Sahaj Yoga. The second part is the oil, which is compassion, which is natural, innate and joy-giving. This oil has to be pure. The compassion has to be pure. I have seen many Sahaja Yogis try to trouble the leaders. They oppose the leader and try to hinder the work of Sahaja Yoga. Now, these are suppose to be Sahaja Yogis and they don’t understand if their compassion is pure they will appreciate their leader because the leader is doing such a compassionate work. Of course, pure compassion, one must understand, has nothing to do with greed, with temptations, nothing to do. One has to feel such nearness with the leader and appreciativeness of the work that he or she is putting in. So Compassion cannot be impure. There cannot be lust in it. More over this compassion should be express in such a descent manner that nobody should doubt your compassion. Thank God, this one good thing has happened, people don’t kiss you. First time when I went to western countries, I was just bombarded with kisses. I didn’t know what to say — I mean horrible. There may not be anything wrong in the mind, but it’s so indecent and stupid. Long time back I was told that it was written on Indian airports, “Please don’t kiss the custom officers.” In modern times a man can kiss a woman, but he can’t kiss a man. I mean, it’s absurd. Even if they make a goal in the match of football, now they don’t hug, poor things, they just touch with hands, each other.... So, and now I’ve seen many who make a goal and they’re excited, so they run out of the field. They don’t know what to do.... So, for Sahaja Yogis, you should know men can kiss men and can hug them — there’s nothing wrong — and same with the ladies. Otherwise, in excitement, they might run out of the field of Sahaja Yoga. Men need not touch women, women not touch men. It’s all right. What is this nonsense? You can’t express your love? Say for India we have a rule that a lady can touch the younger man and a man can touch a much older women, who could be a mother, sister-in-law, anyone, which I think is a good rule because it has worked out. So, for compassion, it has to have decency as fragrance in the oil. So how do we express our compassion? We have Rakhi sisters, Rakhi brothers, but I know of a lady who became friendly with rich boys as Rakhi brothers. Or the other way round also, that many boys became Rakhi brothers of rich women. So one has to understand that it is not for money that you should become Rakhi brothers and sisters and to exploit, but for compassion. You have to express your Rakhi relationship just for the protection of each other. The compassion is so joy-giving that you should have not such conditions of money or any other stupid conditions which will kill your joy. But another thing also is that you express your love you use some things as presents that gives you joy. That doesn’t mean, by any chance, that you just give it to your Rakhi sister and not even to your wife, some present. So, the sap, as I always say, of compassion has to rise in the plant, giving love to different parts, indifferent ways, whatever is required and that then evaporates or go back to roots ???. Attachment is the killer of pure love and compassion. So always try to find out, introspect. Are you attached to your children, to your wife or to your Rakhi sister or to anything? Attached? Then there’s a danger that you may get into a kind of a stagnation. You’ll be amazed, when you are absolutely detached and nourishing the different relationships that you have in a proper way, your joy is perfect. Ambition is another killer of joy. So, if you have to be ambitious, you have to be only ambitious only about Sahaja Yoga, so that you humble down. One promise in Sahaja Yoga is that your life will be full of joy. There is no need to take out your eyes, cut your hands, no punishments. If you have too many holes, need not come to Sahaj Yoga. You have to become real holy person, not full of holes. I must say that you are all “your holinesses.” I am not because I’ve not become. You have become. Supposing, somebody has to call you as a man, will they say, “Oh, man, such and such”? No, because you are a man. Whatever you achieve is attached to you, whatever you have achieved. [commenting on translators:] Russian seems to be long transgression and sometimes very small and sometimes Romanian sometimes very short, sometimes very long. All right, so now the another thing that is promised is bliss. What is bliss is the experience of joy. It can come from anything. Maybe you find you were in an accident and you were suddenly saved, protected. You are amazed and everybody feels the bliss. You also feel the bliss. [commenting on translation:] To be very frank, I cannot translate. I know languages, but from one language to another, I cannot translate. There’s something wrong with Me. [Yogi: “But you understand very well, Shri Mataji, what we say.”] That is very easy. See the thoughts, first is an abstract form. [The Russian yogi gives a very long translation.]That’s an abstract form, that’s all I said. [laughs] [The Romanian yogi gives also the translation. [laughs] “This is the reverse, Shri Mataji.”] All right, but thank you very much. So, it is — you see, at that point anybody can know what is the thought is because later on it becomes a language, takes words. All right, so if you can jump at that abstract, then you know that, but you have to put attention quite a lot. [To translator:] So, you have to say “attention to that abstract point [???].” All right, so now, to solve this problem, I would request you all, to learn, at least, English language. I’m not saying Sanskrit, but English. Now, it is the Kundalini, which is a pure desire, is already existing, you don’t have to do anything. Maybe the cotton is not clean. It has some problems because it has passed through dirty hands, but it can be cleaned. The cotton of the wick may not be clean, but it can be cleaned. Cotton wool, I mean. Kabira has said something very beautiful about it. He says that when the intestine of a goat are inside the stomach, they say, “May, may, may,” means “I, I, I.” But when they are pulled out and made into strings and put on an instrument for cleaning the cotton wool — put on the instrument that cleans the cotton wool. You know, in India we call it “[Doona, Doonit???].” And when it is being strung, it says, “Tuh, tuh, tuh,” means “You, you are, you are, you are.” [Shri Mataji and the translators discuss these words.] All right, whatever it is. So, it means that when your Kundalini not working out well because there are problems in your chakras, what you have to say, “You are, you are.” You say that. “You are Sakshat this. You are Sakshat that.” Sakshat means “in reality.” In reality. You don’t say, “You are Her Holiness something.” You say, “You are Ganesha. You are this.” That is how you cleanse all the dirt or all the problems of your chakras. By this, you also correct your conditionings and your ego. Then you do not take the credit for anything. You do not feel you are doing something and the whole personality changes into a complete instrument like the flute in the hands of Shri Krishna. Then you see your work, everything as the work of the Divine. That is how you become enlightened. That is how you become the light of joy, of peace. [???] said about what you are. That is how, see, is whatever is described about, you become that. If there is a light you don’t have to say that it is a light, it is. It is not a stamp that you have to use. So, today we are celebrating a Diwali of the lights of Sahaja Yoga. I don’t know what to say, in what state of bliss I am. All the ripples you have created of joy are overwhelming for it. No words can describe. I cannot compose poetry. Keep this light burning beautifully through meditation and you can become very strong because of light. May God bless you, Happy Diwali to all of you. I must say Diwali Puja is a very short one and my lecture have been three times said so you can imagine the time is been more spend than normal. Lastly there are many invited in India free. Most of them may not also pay, those who cannot pay for travel should let us know. .. No no, we have invited many people to India. They should give their names and those who are free for Ganapatipule but who have paid for the travelling and those who have not paid for travelling should also give their names. Also some of the [???] who cannot paid are invited. May God bless you.
Diwali Puja Talk. Istanbul (Turkey) - November 5, 1994. [This talk was translated to Russian and Romanian as Shri Mataji spoke.] Today we are going to celebrate the Diwali, which means the rows of lights or, you can say, group of lights. We need somebody to translate into Turkish also. It’s all right. This Diwali has been a festival of very ancient times in India. I already told in My previous lectures what are these five days are. After killing Narakasura. Diwali was celebrated when it was the darkest night of the year. So now, it is very symbolic of these modern times because the worst time, as far as morality is concerned has been in these modern times. We call it the Ghor [???] Kali Yuga — Ghor Kali Yug, the worst modern times. That means a complete darkness and, as you see around, you’ll find out that there is complete darkness as far as morality is concerned, but that’s why there are all kinds of crises. Because of that, also, there are many who are seeking the light, the truth. In the dark age of ignorance, people have no knowledge as to what they should do, why or they are on this Earth. As you know very well, that thousands and thousands of real seekers who are born at this time, that is why this job was given to Me is to create Diwali in this dark ages of ignorance. It’s not an easy job because, on one side, we have all the dark forces acting against the truth. Also, on the other side, we have to fight the false people who are taking advantage of your seeking. Firstly, people don’t know what to seek, so all these false people have been money-oriented and they tried to work out marketing of their falsehood and they have the expertise to do it. Somebody asked Me about that, television lady, what about the cults who are killing people and doing all sorts of things that they did in Switzerland. So I said it’s true, they are crooks, they are horrible, they are criminals who call themselves as spiritual, but the mistake lies with the people who follow them. So a person who is absolutely immoral, absolutely dishonest, who launders money to Swiss banks, cannot be a guru. He used to buy these drugs and sell them. He used to buy weapons and sell them. He was worse than his disciples, much worse. They have used a kind of a suggestion from the books of so-called Guru Gita or something where it is said you should surrender everything to your guru. That means it was to suggest that a disciple should be willing to surrender everything to the guru. So, it was for the disciple, but for the guru, he should not grab anything, he shouldn't ask for anything, he should not be greedy. All these things are already written down. But nobody reads what is required of a guru and only they see that you have to surrender everything to the guru. Why I’m telling you all this, because how the darkness is so deep and so dangerous. Moreover, the other day I read an article which said that in Milan there is a very, very organisation, a global organisation of Satanism. Many politicians and many people in the government, very highly placed ministers, prime ministers are involved in it. Many people who are bank managers or bank owners and also the people who call themselves social workers and also those who have got peace award and this award, that award. So this is what is the worst times of Kali Yuga, modern times. Now, the second day of Diwali, last day, is where a brother and sisters celebrate together for relationship which is so pure and protective. That is to show that, after putting the lights, morality must be the first priority for the society. I need not tell you today immoral side of modern times. It’s horrible. Immorality is the greatest darkness of modern times where people do not know how they relate to each other for which, as I told you before, Christ has suggested that you take out the eyes of a man who looks at a woman twice because He found, at that time, people were horrid. Who can follow Christ in these modern times? Both the eyes, both the hands will be cut off. On the whole, if you see, I haven’t seen any Christian like that, so far. Mohammed-sahib was even more strict. He thought nothing has been done for the women, so he passed through some regulations about women also. So he said that any woman who looks at a man with bad eyes should be [???] halfway and should be killed by stoning. I don’t know what would have happened to the American ladies if they follow this. So when I came to this Earth I discovered that these two are very difficult, specially in Kali Yuga. These laws are actually meant for not normal human beings, but for angels. So modern man is even worse than a normal human being because they want something destructive all the time, like the Spanish ask the bull to hit them. Now the description of modern times is there to show you in what times we are living and I realised it’s not an easy thing to talk to them about anything that is good without giving them realisation. Unless and until you give them realisation, nothing can penetrate into their minds on just mental level. And also giving only lectures and sermons, the whole thing will be at a mental level only. And also the religions which are so-called are really very harmful for the spiritual growth of human beings. I felt that enlightenment is the only way one can save this world. In this darkness of ignorance, the darkest night of the whole history of this world, we needed light and lights, many lights. (the translator ask Shri Mataji about the meaning of Agni)Agni, yes, Agni means fire in Sanskrit language. All right. So the world divided into so many countries, so many races, so many languages and also their own thinking — think of a global religion was only possible when people got their realisation. So, I had to tell you, human beings, what are their problems. So, in a light, in India, we have the pot or the container which is made of clay, then the oil, and then the wick. Now, this body, this mind, you can call all that is visible and is within, is all the pot and the oil is the compassion, the love and the wick is the Kundalini, the pure desire, and the spark is the spirit. So, first of all, the container has to be all right. It should be all right. It should be able to contain the oil properly and should not allow it to ooze out. Now there are two holes that cause problem. One is your ego. Another is your conditionings. So, if a Sahaja Yogi thinks of his conditionings, that “I am a Christian or, you can say, that I come from this race, I’m this community,” so all these limitations with which we build ourselves are so flimsy that they break out because there is no reality in them. There's no substance so they fizzle out. They all act like possessions and a person becomes absolutely blind. After coming to Sahaja Yoga, I’ve seen Christians will adhere to Christ, Muslims will adhere to Mohammed-sahib or to Ali and others will adhere to the conditionings from which they have come, but they don’t adhere to Me, so they cannot see the integration of all these personalities in one person. One has to know, on this point, that you have got the light. You are enlightened. You are not an egg. You have become a bird. So you have to give up all that is falsehood. If you are fully enlightened you will give up automatically, you don’t have to be told. When the light is enlightened, it automatically feel responsible that it has to give light. Nobody has to tell that “You please give light” because it is light. Because it is eternal light, nothing can kill it. I will say a Sanskrit Shloka, [Hindi spoken ???] — means it cannot be killed by [???], not air can blow it away, nothing can destroy it. Even if you want to suck it, you cannot. It’s such a powerful light you have got within yourself. You can verify whether it is eternal or not. You should introspect and see for yourself. You’ve got such a unique light within you. Not in the history of this world of spirituality so many have got realisation, such light within them.. So how could these stupid, flimsy, useless conditionings dominate you now when you are the carrier of eternal light? But if you don’t respect this eternal light, then the conditionings will put it out. This is the only problem, that you have the freedom. You want to have the eternal light, you’ll have it, otherwise this light can be damaged completely. So, the another hole is that of ego. One side, conditioning can be resolved by the sense of responsibility. The same sense of responsibility, when asserted through ego, could be very dangerous. This light can become fire and it can burn the house of Sahaja Yoga. A normal life, we know that light is for giving us light, not for burning houses, but when you get to ego in Sahaja Yoga, you can think that you are responsible for Sahaja Yoga, but this responsibility should not give you an idea that you are in charge of Sahaj Yoga. So, gradually then, you become so right-sided and people are surprised that how this man who was normal has become like a bull in the china shop. So you are not in charge of Sahaj Yoga. It’s like government servants. They are suppose to be servants, but they are the bosses. They become bosses. So, the whole understanding should be of complete wisdom in Sahaj Yoga. The second part is the oil, which is compassion, which is natural, innate and joy-giving. This oil has to be pure. The compassion has to be pure. I have seen many Sahaja Yogis try to trouble the leaders. They oppose the leader and try to hinder the work of Sahaja Yoga. Now, these are suppose to be Sahaja Yogis and they don’t understand if their compassion is pure they will appreciate their leader because the leader is doing such a compassionate work. Of course, pure compassion, one must understand, has nothing to do with greed, with temptations, nothing to do. One has to feel such nearness with the leader and appreciativeness of the work that he or she is putting in. So Compassion cannot be impure. There cannot be lust in it. More over this compassion should be express in such a descent manner that nobody should doubt your compassion. Thank God, this one good thing has happened, people don’t kiss you. First time when I went to western countries, I was just bombarded with kisses. I didn’t know what to say — I mean horrible. There may not be anything wrong in the mind, but it’s so indecent and stupid. Long time back I was told that it was written on Indian airports, “Please don’t kiss the custom officers.” In modern times a man can kiss a woman, but he can’t kiss a man. I mean, it’s absurd. Even if they make a goal in the match of football, now they don’t hug, poor things, they just touch with hands, each other.... So, and now I’ve seen many who make a goal and they’re excited, so they run out of the field. They don’t know what to do.... So, for Sahaja Yogis, you should know men can kiss men and can hug them — there’s nothing wrong — and same with the ladies. Otherwise, in excitement, they might run out of the field of Sahaja Yoga. Men need not touch women, women not touch men. It’s all right. What is this nonsense? You can’t express your love? Say for India we have a rule that a lady can touch the younger man and a man can touch a much older women, who could be a mother, sister-in-law, anyone, which I think is a good rule because it has worked out. So, for compassion, it has to have decency as fragrance in the oil. So how do we express our compassion? We have Rakhi sisters, Rakhi brothers, but I know of a lady who became friendly with rich boys as Rakhi brothers. Or the other way round also, that many boys became Rakhi brothers of rich women. So one has to understand that it is not for money that you should become Rakhi brothers and sisters and to exploit, but for compassion. You have to express your Rakhi relationship just for the protection of each other. The compassion is so joy-giving that you should have not such conditions of money or any other stupid conditions which will kill your joy. But another thing also is that you express your love you use some things as presents that gives you joy. That doesn’t mean, by any chance, that you just give it to your Rakhi sister and not even to your wife, some present. So, the sap, as I always say, of compassion has to rise in the plant, giving love to different parts, indifferent ways, whatever is required and that then evaporates or go back to roots ???. Attachment is the killer of pure love and compassion. So always try to find out, introspect. Are you attached to your children, to your wife or to your Rakhi sister or to anything? Attached? Then there’s a danger that you may get into a kind of a stagnation. You’ll be amazed, when you are absolutely detached and nourishing the different relationships that you have in a proper way, your joy is perfect. Ambition is another killer of joy. So, if you have to be ambitious, you have to be only ambitious only about Sahaja Yoga, so that you humble down. One promise in Sahaja Yoga is that your life will be full of joy. There is no need to take out your eyes, cut your hands, no punishments. If you have too many holes, need not come to Sahaj Yoga. You have to become real holy person, not full of holes. I must say that you are all “your holinesses.” I am not because I’ve not become. You have become. Supposing, somebody has to call you as a man, will they say, “Oh, man, such and such”? No, because you are a man. Whatever you achieve is attached to you, whatever you have achieved. [commenting on translators:] Russian seems to be long transgression and sometimes very small and sometimes Romanian sometimes very short, sometimes very long. All right, so now the another thing that is promised is bliss. What is bliss is the experience of joy. It can come from anything. Maybe you find you were in an accident and you were suddenly saved, protected. You are amazed and everybody feels the bliss. You also feel the bliss. [commenting on translation:] To be very frank, I cannot translate. I know languages, but from one language to another, I cannot translate. There’s something wrong with Me. [Yogi: “But you understand very well, Shri Mataji, what we say.”] That is very easy. See the thoughts, first is an abstract form. [The Russian yogi gives a very long translation.]That’s an abstract form, that’s all I said. [laughs] [The Romanian yogi gives also the translation. [laughs] “This is the reverse, Shri Mataji.”] All right, but thank you very much. So, it is — you see, at that point anybody can know what is the thought is because later on it becomes a language, takes words. All right, so if you can jump at that abstract, then you know that, but you have to put attention quite a lot. [To translator:] So, you have to say “attention to that abstract point [???].” All right, so now, to solve this problem, I would request you all, to learn, at least, English language. I’m not saying Sanskrit, but English. Now, it is the Kundalini, which is a pure desire, is already existing, you don’t have to do anything. Maybe the cotton is not clean. It has some problems because it has passed through dirty hands, but it can be cleaned. The cotton of the wick may not be clean, but it can be cleaned. Cotton wool, I mean. Kabira has said something very beautiful about it. He says that when the intestine of a goat are inside the stomach, they say, “May, may, may,” means “I, I, I.” But when they are pulled out and made into strings and put on an instrument for cleaning the cotton wool — put on the instrument that cleans the cotton wool. You know, in India we call it “[Doona, Doonit???].” And when it is being strung, it says, “Tuh, tuh, tuh,” means “You, you are, you are, you are.” [Shri Mataji and the translators discuss these words.] All right, whatever it is. So, it means that when your Kundalini not working out well because there are problems in your chakras, what you have to say, “You are, you are.” You say that. “You are Sakshat this. You are Sakshat that.” Sakshat means “in reality.” In reality. You don’t say, “You are Her Holiness something.” You say, “You are Ganesha. You are this.” That is how you cleanse all the dirt or all the problems of your chakras. By this, you also correct your conditionings and your ego. Then you do not take the credit for anything. You do not feel you are doing something and the whole personality changes into a complete instrument like the flute in the hands of Shri Krishna. Then you see your work, everything as the work of the Divine. That is how you become enlightened. That is how you become the light of joy, of peace. [???] said about what you are. That is how, see, is whatever is described about, you become that. If there is a light you don’t have to say that it is a light, it is. It is not a stamp that you have to use. So, today we are celebrating a Diwali of the lights of Sahaja Yoga. I don’t know what to say, in what state of bliss I am. All the ripples you have created of joy are overwhelming for it. No words can describe. I cannot compose poetry. Keep this light burning beautifully through meditation and you can become very strong because of light. May God bless you, Happy Diwali to all of you. I must say Diwali Puja is a very short one and my lecture have been three times said so you can imagine the time is been more spend than normal. Lastly there are many invited in India free. Most of them may not also pay, those who cannot pay for travel should let us know. .. No no, we have invited many people to India. They should give their names and those who are free for Ganapatipule but who have paid for the travelling and those who have not paid for travelling should also give their names. Also some of the [???] who cannot paid are invited. May God bless you.
Marriages (poor audio)
Marriages and Talk after Russian Award. Istanbul, Turkey. 6 November 1994. [Main audio] Today, people have come here to attend the weddings of their brothers and sisters [unsure].It’s important to understand that marriage is a very important thing in Sahaja Yoga because the principle established in [inaudible] and our society is [inaudible] so it’s very good to have it. That’s why [inaudible] and that you should make good marriages. But sometimes, people are very cunning [unsure] and they don’t understand what the marriage is. They try to find fault with the partner. And within two, three months they are going out of the marriage. In the sense that they want to have their second chance, third chance, fourth chance, [unsure].Then I think that my attention has been used for nothing [inaudible]. If they don’t like their first choice, they should have their own. Why to bother us? They should not [inaudible]. Very surprising those things that have been going on. One of them is, they are all right for two, three months and suddenly Gods knows what [inaudible] that they get divorced on a small issue.They don’t understand how important is for them to have a good marriage. They can’t go after three, four months. I don’t know what happens to them. And they even harm the women [inaudible] and still they don’t understand how sinful it was. In their own land country, they are doing like that. They’ll be punished, not only punished but they’ll have to bear a lot. But they take advantage of Sahaja Yoga, marry someone and then try to be funny [unsure]. Such people, really, I can’t understand.In the beginning only, when we are selecting the people, [inaudible] I could say from the photograph which girl, which boy will say "no". But I say, "You try". Exactly the same girl and boy have said "no". Thanks God they have said [unsure]. But once they have said "no" they should not candidate anymore. They can see themselves. We are not going to have five, six [inaudible] It’s a serious thing. If you haven’t got that [inaudible] you should not [inaudible] for anything. Then, after marriage you find faults, [inaudible] here and there. Otherwise, you’re just like other people. You go on divorcing [inaudible] especially for Western Sahaja Yogis I must say [inaudible] they illtreat their wives very much and they treat them just as slaves. It seems to say that so many Western girls [inaudible] and I asked them, "Why are you single?" [unsure]. Some of them say, "We are not married, we don’t want to marry because [inaudible]." Secondly, some of them have said, "We are married, but our husband treats us as [inaudible]."It’s such a large case21:09[Inaudible] 21:14In Islamic countries, the men can say, "Talaq (divorce, release someone), talaq, talaq" and the marriage is over. And they marry, so-called, [inaudible] Because of these marriages, so many women have really suffered [unsure] and then they have big problems. They don’t know what to do with their children how to do it.[inaudible]How dangerous it is, that men [inaudible] I’m surprised there are many people, even in the Western countries and Eastern bloc who treat their wives very much as slaves. When I heard their stories, I was ashamed. I used to think that Western countries were sensitive [inaudible] How could they illtreat their wives who are part and parcel of their life? You cannot be unkind to your wife, let her do all the work and dominate, because you are the [inaudible] people. The woman who is working in the house, looks after, is doing a much more important and difficult job [unsure]. For men, it’s not difficult. But for women, it’s very difficult to run the house, look after the children, look after the husband, to manage the whole society. And you must know that the countries where women are not respected, God do not reside. And in those countries[inaudible; 23:30]
Marriages and Talk after Russian Award. Istanbul, Turkey. 6 November 1994. [Main audio] Today, people have come here to attend the weddings of their brothers and sisters [unsure].It’s important to understand that marriage is a very important thing in Sahaja Yoga because the principle established in [inaudible] and our society is [inaudible] so it’s very good to have it. That’s why [inaudible] and that you should make good marriages. But sometimes, people are very cunning [unsure] and they don’t understand what the marriage is. They try to find fault with the partner. And within two, three months they are going out of the marriage. In the sense that they want to have their second chance, third chance, fourth chance, [unsure].Then I think that my attention has been used for nothing [inaudible]. If they don’t like their first choice, they should have their own. Why to bother us? They should not [inaudible]. Very surprising those things that have been going on. One of them is, they are all right for two, three months and suddenly Gods knows what [inaudible] that they get divorced on a small issue.They don’t understand how important is for them to have a good marriage. They can’t go after three, four months. I don’t know what happens to them. And they even harm the women [inaudible] and still they don’t understand how sinful it was. In their own land country, they are doing like that. They’ll be punished, not only punished but they’ll have to bear a lot. But they take advantage of Sahaja Yoga, marry someone and then try to be funny [unsure]. Such people, really, I can’t understand.In the beginning only, when we are selecting the people, [inaudible] I could say from the photograph which girl, which boy will say "no". But I say, "You try". Exactly the same girl and boy have said "no". Thanks God they have said [unsure]. But once they have said "no" they should not candidate anymore. They can see themselves. We are not going to have five, six [inaudible] It’s a serious thing. If you haven’t got that [inaudible] you should not [inaudible] for anything. Then, after marriage you find faults, [inaudible] here and there. Otherwise, you’re just like other people. You go on divorcing [inaudible] especially for Western Sahaja Yogis I must say [inaudible] they illtreat their wives very much and they treat them just as slaves. It seems to say that so many Western girls [inaudible] and I asked them, "Why are you single?" [unsure]. Some of them say, "We are not married, we don’t want to marry because [inaudible]." Secondly, some of them have said, "We are married, but our husband treats us as [inaudible]."It’s such a large case21:09[Inaudible] 21:14In Islamic countries, the men can say, "Talaq (divorce, release someone), talaq, talaq" and the marriage is over. And they marry, so-called, [inaudible] Because of these marriages, so many women have really suffered [unsure] and then they have big problems. They don’t know what to do with their children how to do it.[inaudible]How dangerous it is, that men [inaudible] I’m surprised there are many people, even in the Western countries and Eastern bloc who treat their wives very much as slaves. When I heard their stories, I was ashamed. I used to think that Western countries were sensitive [inaudible] How could they illtreat their wives who are part and parcel of their life? You cannot be unkind to your wife, let her do all the work and dominate, because you are the [inaudible] people. The woman who is working in the house, looks after, is doing a much more important and difficult job [unsure]. For men, it’s not difficult. But for women, it’s very difficult to run the house, look after the children, look after the husband, to manage the whole society. And you must know that the countries where women are not respected, God do not reside. And in those countries[inaudible; 23:30]
Arrival and Talk
Welcome Talk Shri Mataji: This is the first time I have come to Tunisia. I am so much enamoured by this kind of invitation and I am thankful to your government, thanking you all for inviting me and message from all of you for our benevolence. Tomorrow, of course, I will talk about it. I am so very thankful to you all to have come. And I hope tomorrow you will listen to me with an open mind. Thank you very much.
Welcome Talk Shri Mataji: This is the first time I have come to Tunisia. I am so much enamoured by this kind of invitation and I am thankful to your government, thanking you all for inviting me and message from all of you for our benevolence. Tomorrow, of course, I will talk about it. I am so very thankful to you all to have come. And I hope tomorrow you will listen to me with an open mind. Thank you very much.
We can not know the truth through reading
Public Program
Public Program Day 1, Tunis (Tunisia), 11 November 1994. [42:39. This is a TV interview just before entering on the stage at the public program. It will be transmitted on the national news.] Interviewer (Lady): Shri Mataji, did you find a nice welcoming audience in Tunisia?Shri Mataji: Yes, very much so, thank you very much, very kind of you.Interviewer (Lady): Which are your impressions, your feelings coming here?Shri Mataji: I mean, it’s one of the many places I have visited like this. I like the architectureVery much and the climate is very good. And the ladies here are really very powerful I should say, very good ladies.Interviewer: Sukran, thank you.[Cut in the video] [Short introduction of Shri Mataji in Arabic by the Tunisian interviewer.]Interviewer (Lady): Shri Mataji, which are the benefits one can get from Sahaja Yoga and what is special about this technique?Shri Mataji: First of all, one has to know that it is the breakthrough into a new awareness and the last breakthrough of our evolution. Interviewer (Lady): Which is the audience and the reaction, the welcoming you found in Tunisia?Shri Mataji: [Smiling, Shri Mataji puts Her hand on the mike] I’ve told all this.[The lady interviewer explains that Shri Mataji has not yet finished to answer] The benefits are, first of all, that the fundamental energy centres within us are called are charkas, and they are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being.So when this power, which is a Kundalini in the triangular bone called as sacrum- that shows the Greeks knew it was a sacred bone- which is awaken and passes through six centres, as a result, these centres are integrated and are nourished and enlightened. So your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems are solved. As a result also your financial, political and income problems are also solved, because you become a transformed personality. And when this transformed personality starts behaving in a manner that is so congenial to spirituality, people are amazed! Now our problem is that we don’t know the absolute truth. By this you know the absolute truth and you become empowered that you can give Realization to others. You can solve their problems. So it is something that, like one enlightened light can enlighten many. This is Resurrection as described in the Koran.[Interviewer asks in Arabic and in French what are Shri Mataji’s feeling about Tunisia]Interviewer (Lady): Shri Mataji, what is your feeling coming to Tunisia?Shri Mataji: I think it’s a very spiritual place. Then I heard that there was a great saint who died here. That is, I could feel it that his blessings are here on this country.And there is such a balance, I’ve seen, the women are treated so well in this Islamic country, it’s very remarkable. And a thing of hope for all the women of the world in Islamic countries who are really suffering very much.Interviewer: Thank you very much, “merci”.50:15 [Talk starts at 59:09 on video] I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We can not change it, we can not transform it and we can not know it through reading. Reading is just a mental activity. You have to go beyond the mind to realize the truth and hence you have heard already that there is a subtle system within us, built-in for that task. This is very important because we do not know the absolute truth. Some people believe that this is the truth, some believe that is the truth, and there is a war going on with all these ideas which are absolutely mental. Now it's not possible to go beyond the mind, because whenever you try that, you go into wrong direction. To get to it, this process of Kundalini awakening has to take place. For example, this instrument is here, and it has to be connected to the mains; otherwise it has no meaning. So we have to know the absolute truth, and absolute truth is that in which everyone believes because he has the awareness. All the religions have talked about your second birth. In Koran, Qiyamma is the resurrection already described. Resurrection has to take place that you become a navi, you become a 'waliy'. Before that, it's very difficult to follow Islam, or Christianity, or any one of these religions because Hazrat Mohammed Saheb, or Christ, or Moses, they were all very highly evolved incarnations. For example, Christ said that, "If your eyes are doing something sinful, you take out your eyes". To look at a woman twice is a guneah.' So you take out your eyes, according to Christ. And, "If your right hand is doing something wrong, cut it out". They thought all human beings were angels and these laws they made for angels. I haven't seen any Christian who has lost any one of his eyes or hands anywhere. Then Mohammed Sahib came in; He thought that only the men are being, Christ had been strict with only men. He was another pure incarnation of Divinity and he didn't know that what sort of human beings He is dealing with. So then He passed, He, He had made some laws for the women also, which were quite difficult. For He said that if a woman looks at another man, who, to whom she is not married, can be buried in the Mother Earth; can be stoned. If this rule is applied to American women, I don't know, there may not be sufficient place to bury them (all?). What about the French ladies? Most of them are now in Arab countries, enjoying a nice time, without getting buried. So, one must understand that we have to become, first of all, angels, so that we can follow these great people. Also, Shariat that Islam are saying is important, was given by Moses to Jews, not to Muslims. If you read one of the (INAUDIBLE) you'll have five (INAUDIBLE): he's written this that this was given by Moses, Moses, to Jews, not to Muslims, because Moses found such a decadent society when He brought these ten - can you do it afterwards? Just, if you sit down it will be better (Mohter speaks to one photograph-taker from the audience) - because Moses found such a decadent society that He passed these laws that you should cut the hand of a person who steals, such strict rules and then the Muslim adopted it. Whether they are Muslims or Christians or Hindus or even Jews, they are all normal human beings. So, with these normal human beings you can't have these strict rules. They are not yet capable of following them. By this, people become absolutely hypocritical. What can they do? I don't blame them. I'm a Mother, so I understand. First thing is to make them angels, to make them navis. Then, they will not do these things at all. Automatically, they will be very religious people. You don't have to stand them anything. So this is the purpose of Sahaja Yoga: that you all have to become first angels. I'll tell you an example. I was coming from Riyadh to London and I went off to sleep. When I got up, I found absolutely different people on the plane. All the ladies who were travelling were dressed up in a very orthodox way, also the men and then I opened my eyes, and I saw extremely fashionable ladies, with all thing exposed, and the men, like dandies, smoking, drinking... I said, 'What's this?' So I asked the air hostess, 'Did we touch some other airport?' She said, 'They are the same. What makes you think..?' 'I mean, I can't recognize them,' I said, 'I'm really sorry. How are they changed like this?' So she told me, 'They always do like that.' Just imagine: from Riyadh, where people are cutting hands and are punishing women to such a great extent, how could they do this in the plane, without any fear of God? I was amazed and I was thinking, 'What's the matter with them?' Then I realized they are normal human beings. They are (confronting?) temptations of life and their personality is such that they take to these things very easily. I mean, in the West, especially I have seen that men or women have no personality. Anybody can befool them. If there is one gentleman called Armani, he makes a particular dress, everybody wants to buy that. And in England there's a shop called Saville Row's, I mean, there's many shops. So expensive they are. Now they put the Saville Row stamp here. Thousands, thousands and thousands of pounds they spend to buy that suit. Indians, I must say, they may be poor but they won't do such stupid things. They'll say, 'Get lost; we have nothing to do with this.' Can you believe, in India, there is no shop where you can buy anything that is imported? (Yogini translator: Sorry Shri Mataji, I didn't hear.) Can you believe that in India, there is no shop where you can something imported. They are very patriotic. They export but they never will buy anything imported in a shop in India. You see, perhaps maybe three hundred years we have lived under domination of the British and we developed such a ridicule for them because, not because they were dominating us, but because of their culture. Horrible. Like one grandmother ran away with the fiancé of her granddaughter. Such horrible things happened, in our times, when we were young. That's why we have no fundamentalism, because they can not say, 'We follow Westerners.' We are so much grounded in our own culture, that nobody can say that we are following others. I'm sorry to say that I was surprised now how the Americans and also German, French, are exploiting the poor countries. Say in South America: all these countries are so poor. Russia and all Eastern Block: still not come up and all the junk of America which doesn't sell there, because of recession, and Germany and also France, is selling all that. In Russia one dollar is equal to three hundred roubles and they are spending all their savings on these junks that are selling there. So what we have to do is when you get your Self enlightened by your Spirit, you see all this nonsense. You don't have to worry about anything, but you have to become the Spirit. Then you become so powerful, you don't want to be following all this nonsense. You have your own personality. I think this is the greatest thing that has happened to Western people; who, by getting Sahaja Yoga, have got back their personalities because we develop respect for ourself, respect for your country, respect for your country's culture, which was ancient, and with that respect you become such a powerful personality, that you don't take to all this nonsense. So first is to find out your identity. As I said, if this is not connected to the mains, what is the identity of this instrument? But once you are connected with that, then nobody can befool you like this and make money out of you. You have in your hands, this cool vibrations which is Ruh. In the Koran is called as Ruh, in the bible as the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost, and also in Sanscrit it is called as the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love: Chitanya. Once it start flowing through you, you can know on your fingertips the absolute Truth. You can know what is wrong with you, on your centres, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual; you can find out on your fingertips, and when you want to know about anybody else also you can find out. If that person is dead also you can find out. If you know how to correct these centres, by Sahaja Yoga technique, you can cure yourself. So you go into the centre in a balanced way. One way we can say that Western world is one extreme and the fundamentalists are another extreme. You have to come in the centre and to come in the centre is very easy. Once you come in centre, you give up all bad habits, just like this. You'll be surprised: in a country like England, people gave up drugs overnight. Just how? There's a very good simile I will say. Now supposing is all darkness and you have a snake in your hand and you are obstinate, I am obstinate, supposing I am holding the snake, and you will tell Me that, 'See, Mother, there's a snake in Your hand; it will bite You,' but I hold it because I'm obstinate and conditioned but as soon as there is little light, I'll throw away the snake. That's how it works. So first we have to have the light of the Spirit within us, shining, that makes our attention so powerful and enlightened. Whatever is described in all these books, like Christ has said: 'Though shalt not have adulterous eyes.' Imagine it: the French believe in it, the English believe in it, Americans believe without doubt. I haven't seen anybody before realization didn't have adulterous eyes, but after realization they become so innocent, so innocent. You have to know that your innocence can not be destroyed. It exists eternally. You might have got some clouds because of some misdeeds, but it can not be destroyed, and after realization it just expresses itself, manifests. Such a person becomes extremely harmless, compassionate and innocent. All the fears drop out because you become one with the Divine which looks after you. This is the real actualisation of your resurrection. It's not just talks, sermon, nothing, and the energy of this Divine starts flowing through you, and so many blessings...I need not tell you because it is too much in first lecture to tell you. Now you must know, I am going to be 72 years of age and I travel practically every second, third day. I do not feel tired, anything, because all the time this energy is flowing, so what is there to feel tired? People go to these beauty clinics, this thing to become young, to get rid of wrinkles; there's no need to have wrinkles at all after realization. You keep perfectly alright; everything is perfect, and you don't indulge into all these things at all because you are so much satisfied of your (power?). So this Kundalini is your own power, is your own Mother. She is the reflection of the Primordial Mother within you. In Greece it was called as 'Athena.' 'Atha' means 'primordial.' Also, in ancient times, people believed in the Mother Goddess. In the bible, Paul, because he hated women, he didn't want to talk of the Mother at all. As a result, he made women look very small and worthless. Imagine, in England they are still fighting over whether the woman should be priest or not. Compared to Indians, I would say, they are very primitive in spirituality because in India, the woman is the power. She is the potential power, and man is the kinetic power and also it's said that 'where the women are respected and respectable, there reside the Gods.' I find in Tunisia, that women are respectable and respected, that's why you have such a good atmosphere. Now, we have to understand that this Mother of ours is our individual Mother and She knows everything about us, so we are not to feel guilty about anything. Let her judge you. This is also a Western fashion to feel guilty. They will drink and feel guilty, they'll smoke and feel guilty. You don't have to feel guilty because you catch on this centre here and you can develop very serious diseases like angina or spondilitis. First thing we have to do, not to feel guilty. After all, you are normal human beings, you are not Gods, you are not Incarnations. Also you are not angels. So you are human beings and as humans beings it's alright to make mistakes, doesn't matter. Also, if you have done some mistakes, face them at that moment. Don't carry it all your life. This enlightened personality has such an attention that when such a person pays attention to anyone, he can bring joy, peace, and health because he himself becomes the source of joy, peace and health. Such a person emits joy and pure love. In the Koran it's written that when you go to Heaven you will meet (INAUDIBLE) and (INAUDIBLE). It's true. Means very beautiful men and very beautiful women, you meet, but you don't have dirty feelings towards them. There is no feeling of, we can say, of carnal love but very pure feelings. Is a fact. Now we are working in 65 countries and I haven't seen anybody running away with somebody's wife, or running away with somebody's husband. Is so simple and so spontaneous because you also get a new dimension in your awareness called as 'collective consciousness.' You can feel another person on your fingertips. If you can cure yourself you can cure others. In Delhi we have four doctors who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga, MD. They have cured incurable diseases. Today I was reading in the newspaper, they're trying to find out cure of cancer. Sahaja Yoga definitely cures cancer. Of course in a very galloping state may not, but so far, so many have been cured, even of blood cancer but you have to become a Sahaja Yogi. Unless and until you are a Sahaja Yogi, it doesn't work out. In that state of Sahaja Yogi, first thing that happens to you, that you become thoughtlessly aware. That means all the time that your mind is producing thoughts, from the future or from the past, but you can not stand in the present. The past is finished, and the future doesn't exist but the reality is in the present. So when this Kundalini rises, She pushes these thoughts, which are like this, and makes the space for the present and it makes you thoughtlessly aware. Means you are absolutely aware...there's no word in French for 'aware.' (To Yogini translator: ) Alright? Say what you like. (Laughter.) In that state you become absolutely peaceful within yourself. You witness the whole world as a drama. You become the source of peace. I've met many people who got awards in peace, and what I've found; there is no peace in their heart. They are so hot-tempered, that if you had to reach them better take a barge pole. I don't know how they got this award. The peace has to be within yourself. But in the second state, you become doubtlessly aware, when you have no doubts about it - about yourself, about Sahaja Yoga, about God, about religion - no doubts at all. You know so many things which really surprise you that you did not know them before. Luckily, we have people who are realized souls, but they are not aware of it. So with Sahaja Yoga you will scientifically know what are your centres, what work they do, how you have to achieve the highest state in spirituality. Mohammed Saheb has said that after you have become a mali, after resurrection, you don't have to follow Shariat or anything. For that you don't have to go to Himalayas, stand on your head, give up your family, nothing is needed. One can only understand Islam, Mohammed Saheb, Christ, Bible, only when you have got your subtle identity of a spiritual personality. You become extremely dynamic, as well as you become extremely compassionate. Above all, you jump into the Ocean of Joy. Joy is singular: it is not like happiness and unhappiness, which are the two sides of one coin. This is the experience of Self, of your Being. Otherwise say, you say, 'This is my idea, this is my thought, this is my emotions, my, my, my...,' but who is this owner of 'My'? Who is the owner of this 'My'? That is the Self, the Spirit. I am sorry there are so many others who are going to speak on this subject, and in this short time, I can only tell you that you are the best people for Sahaja Yoga. In English language only I must have given at least 5000 lectures, at least. So you can all listen to those lectures, but it's not mental. First you have to go beyond the mind and that will take hardly any time. You have waited for so long, and I'm sure it's going to work out tonight. Just you have to have full faith in yourself. There is one thing: I can not force this experience of Self on you but the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this emotions, this intellect, your conditionings, your ego, but you are the Pure Spirit. The second truth is that there is a All-Pervading Divine Power which does all living work. You see, these...(tape changes side here...may be words lost)...but we take all living work for granted. (Another break in tape here...may be words lost) who runs your heart. He'll say it's autonomous nervous system. But who is this 'auto'? They have no answer. Science has no answer for many questions. Moreover, it is amoral. It's not bothered about your morality. Only recently I was surprised in Russia; they wanted to put morality above science. First of all, it can not say why are we on this Earth? That's what you have to know; to be the instrument of the Divine. I don't think I should answer any questions today, what you think? I'm working like this, for last 25 years, and had lots of intellectuals of the West on my head. Now I've become expert; I can answer any question. That is of no value. It is a mental acrobat. So, best is to have your enlightenment, but if you don't want to have, I can not force. This is the last judgement. You have to decide on your own. Now if you don't want to have your Self-realization, you should leave the hall now. Nothing bad will happen to you, but you'll get your benevolence (right/light?). Is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your family, for the benevolence of your country, for the benevolence of the whole world. So if anybody wants to leave, I wait for one minute. This is your own right, to have this Realization. There is no obligation, and you can not pay for it because it's so spontaneous. But after Realization, you have to know everything about it, and grow into your spirituality like a great saint. You have to be normal, normally dressed, and living normally; nothing abnormal should be done, but inside you get a complete transformation. So no one wants to go, I'm very happy. Everybody has to be seated. If there are one or two chairs, if you can bring in, all the people should be seated. Now the first condition, as I told you, you are not to feel guilty. Now, the second condition is, as you forgive yourself, you have to forgive others. You might say it is difficult, but logically it is not. Logically, whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But, but when you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself, and at this moment if you don't forgive, the centre here of optic chasma is like this, absolutely, like this. It is constricted, so when you forgive it opens like this, and then only this Kundalini can pass through. So don't say it is difficult, it's very easy. Just say, 'I forgive everyone,' and don't even think about them, that's a headache. Now third condition is very simple, that you have to take out your shoes. In England when I told them first time, half of them wanted to leave. The English are attached to their shoes. Now please put both your feet on the ground, parallel. I must tell you, this Mother Earth sucks your problems. Now, now just try to understand. Put both the hands towards Me as you do for namaaz. Now see if there is a cool breeze, like vibrations, or hot coming in your hands. And don't doubt. You're Muslims, that's why. With the Western people, I have to struggle. Feel it? Now, watch Me without thinking. Forgive yourself, forgive yourself (INAUDIBLE), and forgive everyone without thinking about it, in general. (Pause.) They are like Indians. Alright? Are you feeling? Just see, don't doubt. Now, just put your right hand towards Me like this, and put down your head, and see with your left hand if there's a cool breeze like vibrations, maybe hot, coming out of your head. Some people might get it hot because you have not forgiven yourself or you have not forgiven others, so now do it. Now please put your left hand towards Me, and now put down your head and see for yourself if there's a cool breeze like or maybe hot coming out of your fontanelle bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Sometimes you get it close to your head, sometimes away from it. Now once more, feel it. Don't put the hand on the head, away from the head. Now put the right hand towards Me, and put down the head again and see for yourself. Now please raise both your hands towards the sky, push back your head, like in a namaaz. Now ask a question: You ask Me - you can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji - ask a question, 'Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?', that question you can ask. Or you can ask, 'Mother, is the Ruh?', or you can ask, 'Mother is this the Paramchaitanya?' One of the questions you ask. 'Mother is this the Ruh?' Ask three times. Now take down your hands. Put your hands like this towards Me little higher, and watch Me without thinking. It's coming from here for some people. Put the hand like this and bring it up if it is coming like that. Alright, now see. Watch Me without thinking. You feel very relaxed. Now, those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or on their palms or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. (Pause.) Whole of Tunisia. May God Bless You. I bow to you all now, you have become saints and in it, but you have to grow into it. First of all you don't have to pay. You can't pay because God doesn't understand money and it is so invaluable. Most of you, I think 99.9% people have felt it. Now we have people who will be talking about it more elaborately tomorrow, and I hope you'll enjoy that. Also, we are trying to arrange a program for the ladies on the Sunday evening if that is (INAUDIBLE). Yes. Thank you very much.
Public Program Day 1, Tunis (Tunisia), 11 November 1994. [42:39. This is a TV interview just before entering on the stage at the public program. It will be transmitted on the national news.] Interviewer (Lady): Shri Mataji, did you find a nice welcoming audience in Tunisia?Shri Mataji: Yes, very much so, thank you very much, very kind of you.Interviewer (Lady): Which are your impressions, your feelings coming here?Shri Mataji: I mean, it’s one of the many places I have visited like this. I like the architectureVery much and the climate is very good. And the ladies here are really very powerful I should say, very good ladies.Interviewer: Sukran, thank you.[Cut in the video] [Short introduction of Shri Mataji in Arabic by the Tunisian interviewer.]Interviewer (Lady): Shri Mataji, which are the benefits one can get from Sahaja Yoga and what is special about this technique?Shri Mataji: First of all, one has to know that it is the breakthrough into a new awareness and the last breakthrough of our evolution. Interviewer (Lady): Which is the audience and the reaction, the welcoming you found in Tunisia?Shri Mataji: [Smiling, Shri Mataji puts Her hand on the mike] I’ve told all this.[The lady interviewer explains that Shri Mataji has not yet finished to answer] The benefits are, first of all, that the fundamental energy centres within us are called are charkas, and they are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being.So when this power, which is a Kundalini in the triangular bone called as sacrum- that shows the Greeks knew it was a sacred bone- which is awaken and passes through six centres, as a result, these centres are integrated and are nourished and enlightened. So your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems are solved. As a result also your financial, political and income problems are also solved, because you become a transformed personality. And when this transformed personality starts behaving in a manner that is so congenial to spirituality, people are amazed! Now our problem is that we don’t know the absolute truth. By this you know the absolute truth and you become empowered that you can give Realization to others. You can solve their problems. So it is something that, like one enlightened light can enlighten many. This is Resurrection as described in the Koran.[Interviewer asks in Arabic and in French what are Shri Mataji’s feeling about Tunisia]Interviewer (Lady): Shri Mataji, what is your feeling coming to Tunisia?Shri Mataji: I think it’s a very spiritual place. Then I heard that there was a great saint who died here. That is, I could feel it that his blessings are here on this country.And there is such a balance, I’ve seen, the women are treated so well in this Islamic country, it’s very remarkable. And a thing of hope for all the women of the world in Islamic countries who are really suffering very much.Interviewer: Thank you very much, “merci”.50:15 [Talk starts at 59:09 on video] I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We can not change it, we can not transform it and we can not know it through reading. Reading is just a mental activity. You have to go beyond the mind to realize the truth and hence you have heard already that there is a subtle system within us, built-in for that task. This is very important because we do not know the absolute truth. Some people believe that this is the truth, some believe that is the truth, and there is a war going on with all these ideas which are absolutely mental. Now it's not possible to go beyond the mind, because whenever you try that, you go into wrong direction. To get to it, this process of Kundalini awakening has to take place. For example, this instrument is here, and it has to be connected to the mains; otherwise it has no meaning. So we have to know the absolute truth, and absolute truth is that in which everyone believes because he has the awareness. All the religions have talked about your second birth. In Koran, Qiyamma is the resurrection already described. Resurrection has to take place that you become a navi, you become a 'waliy'. Before that, it's very difficult to follow Islam, or Christianity, or any one of these religions because Hazrat Mohammed Saheb, or Christ, or Moses, they were all very highly evolved incarnations. For example, Christ said that, "If your eyes are doing something sinful, you take out your eyes". To look at a woman twice is a guneah.' So you take out your eyes, according to Christ. And, "If your right hand is doing something wrong, cut it out". They thought all human beings were angels and these laws they made for angels. I haven't seen any Christian who has lost any one of his eyes or hands anywhere. Then Mohammed Sahib came in; He thought that only the men are being, Christ had been strict with only men. He was another pure incarnation of Divinity and he didn't know that what sort of human beings He is dealing with. So then He passed, He, He had made some laws for the women also, which were quite difficult. For He said that if a woman looks at another man, who, to whom she is not married, can be buried in the Mother Earth; can be stoned. If this rule is applied to American women, I don't know, there may not be sufficient place to bury them (all?). What about the French ladies? Most of them are now in Arab countries, enjoying a nice time, without getting buried. So, one must understand that we have to become, first of all, angels, so that we can follow these great people. Also, Shariat that Islam are saying is important, was given by Moses to Jews, not to Muslims. If you read one of the (INAUDIBLE) you'll have five (INAUDIBLE): he's written this that this was given by Moses, Moses, to Jews, not to Muslims, because Moses found such a decadent society when He brought these ten - can you do it afterwards? Just, if you sit down it will be better (Mohter speaks to one photograph-taker from the audience) - because Moses found such a decadent society that He passed these laws that you should cut the hand of a person who steals, such strict rules and then the Muslim adopted it. Whether they are Muslims or Christians or Hindus or even Jews, they are all normal human beings. So, with these normal human beings you can't have these strict rules. They are not yet capable of following them. By this, people become absolutely hypocritical. What can they do? I don't blame them. I'm a Mother, so I understand. First thing is to make them angels, to make them navis. Then, they will not do these things at all. Automatically, they will be very religious people. You don't have to stand them anything. So this is the purpose of Sahaja Yoga: that you all have to become first angels. I'll tell you an example. I was coming from Riyadh to London and I went off to sleep. When I got up, I found absolutely different people on the plane. All the ladies who were travelling were dressed up in a very orthodox way, also the men and then I opened my eyes, and I saw extremely fashionable ladies, with all thing exposed, and the men, like dandies, smoking, drinking... I said, 'What's this?' So I asked the air hostess, 'Did we touch some other airport?' She said, 'They are the same. What makes you think..?' 'I mean, I can't recognize them,' I said, 'I'm really sorry. How are they changed like this?' So she told me, 'They always do like that.' Just imagine: from Riyadh, where people are cutting hands and are punishing women to such a great extent, how could they do this in the plane, without any fear of God? I was amazed and I was thinking, 'What's the matter with them?' Then I realized they are normal human beings. They are (confronting?) temptations of life and their personality is such that they take to these things very easily. I mean, in the West, especially I have seen that men or women have no personality. Anybody can befool them. If there is one gentleman called Armani, he makes a particular dress, everybody wants to buy that. And in England there's a shop called Saville Row's, I mean, there's many shops. So expensive they are. Now they put the Saville Row stamp here. Thousands, thousands and thousands of pounds they spend to buy that suit. Indians, I must say, they may be poor but they won't do such stupid things. They'll say, 'Get lost; we have nothing to do with this.' Can you believe, in India, there is no shop where you can buy anything that is imported? (Yogini translator: Sorry Shri Mataji, I didn't hear.) Can you believe that in India, there is no shop where you can something imported. They are very patriotic. They export but they never will buy anything imported in a shop in India. You see, perhaps maybe three hundred years we have lived under domination of the British and we developed such a ridicule for them because, not because they were dominating us, but because of their culture. Horrible. Like one grandmother ran away with the fiancé of her granddaughter. Such horrible things happened, in our times, when we were young. That's why we have no fundamentalism, because they can not say, 'We follow Westerners.' We are so much grounded in our own culture, that nobody can say that we are following others. I'm sorry to say that I was surprised now how the Americans and also German, French, are exploiting the poor countries. Say in South America: all these countries are so poor. Russia and all Eastern Block: still not come up and all the junk of America which doesn't sell there, because of recession, and Germany and also France, is selling all that. In Russia one dollar is equal to three hundred roubles and they are spending all their savings on these junks that are selling there. So what we have to do is when you get your Self enlightened by your Spirit, you see all this nonsense. You don't have to worry about anything, but you have to become the Spirit. Then you become so powerful, you don't want to be following all this nonsense. You have your own personality. I think this is the greatest thing that has happened to Western people; who, by getting Sahaja Yoga, have got back their personalities because we develop respect for ourself, respect for your country, respect for your country's culture, which was ancient, and with that respect you become such a powerful personality, that you don't take to all this nonsense. So first is to find out your identity. As I said, if this is not connected to the mains, what is the identity of this instrument? But once you are connected with that, then nobody can befool you like this and make money out of you. You have in your hands, this cool vibrations which is Ruh. In the Koran is called as Ruh, in the bible as the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost, and also in Sanscrit it is called as the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love: Chitanya. Once it start flowing through you, you can know on your fingertips the absolute Truth. You can know what is wrong with you, on your centres, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual; you can find out on your fingertips, and when you want to know about anybody else also you can find out. If that person is dead also you can find out. If you know how to correct these centres, by Sahaja Yoga technique, you can cure yourself. So you go into the centre in a balanced way. One way we can say that Western world is one extreme and the fundamentalists are another extreme. You have to come in the centre and to come in the centre is very easy. Once you come in centre, you give up all bad habits, just like this. You'll be surprised: in a country like England, people gave up drugs overnight. Just how? There's a very good simile I will say. Now supposing is all darkness and you have a snake in your hand and you are obstinate, I am obstinate, supposing I am holding the snake, and you will tell Me that, 'See, Mother, there's a snake in Your hand; it will bite You,' but I hold it because I'm obstinate and conditioned but as soon as there is little light, I'll throw away the snake. That's how it works. So first we have to have the light of the Spirit within us, shining, that makes our attention so powerful and enlightened. Whatever is described in all these books, like Christ has said: 'Though shalt not have adulterous eyes.' Imagine it: the French believe in it, the English believe in it, Americans believe without doubt. I haven't seen anybody before realization didn't have adulterous eyes, but after realization they become so innocent, so innocent. You have to know that your innocence can not be destroyed. It exists eternally. You might have got some clouds because of some misdeeds, but it can not be destroyed, and after realization it just expresses itself, manifests. Such a person becomes extremely harmless, compassionate and innocent. All the fears drop out because you become one with the Divine which looks after you. This is the real actualisation of your resurrection. It's not just talks, sermon, nothing, and the energy of this Divine starts flowing through you, and so many blessings...I need not tell you because it is too much in first lecture to tell you. Now you must know, I am going to be 72 years of age and I travel practically every second, third day. I do not feel tired, anything, because all the time this energy is flowing, so what is there to feel tired? People go to these beauty clinics, this thing to become young, to get rid of wrinkles; there's no need to have wrinkles at all after realization. You keep perfectly alright; everything is perfect, and you don't indulge into all these things at all because you are so much satisfied of your (power?). So this Kundalini is your own power, is your own Mother. She is the reflection of the Primordial Mother within you. In Greece it was called as 'Athena.' 'Atha' means 'primordial.' Also, in ancient times, people believed in the Mother Goddess. In the bible, Paul, because he hated women, he didn't want to talk of the Mother at all. As a result, he made women look very small and worthless. Imagine, in England they are still fighting over whether the woman should be priest or not. Compared to Indians, I would say, they are very primitive in spirituality because in India, the woman is the power. She is the potential power, and man is the kinetic power and also it's said that 'where the women are respected and respectable, there reside the Gods.' I find in Tunisia, that women are respectable and respected, that's why you have such a good atmosphere. Now, we have to understand that this Mother of ours is our individual Mother and She knows everything about us, so we are not to feel guilty about anything. Let her judge you. This is also a Western fashion to feel guilty. They will drink and feel guilty, they'll smoke and feel guilty. You don't have to feel guilty because you catch on this centre here and you can develop very serious diseases like angina or spondilitis. First thing we have to do, not to feel guilty. After all, you are normal human beings, you are not Gods, you are not Incarnations. Also you are not angels. So you are human beings and as humans beings it's alright to make mistakes, doesn't matter. Also, if you have done some mistakes, face them at that moment. Don't carry it all your life. This enlightened personality has such an attention that when such a person pays attention to anyone, he can bring joy, peace, and health because he himself becomes the source of joy, peace and health. Such a person emits joy and pure love. In the Koran it's written that when you go to Heaven you will meet (INAUDIBLE) and (INAUDIBLE). It's true. Means very beautiful men and very beautiful women, you meet, but you don't have dirty feelings towards them. There is no feeling of, we can say, of carnal love but very pure feelings. Is a fact. Now we are working in 65 countries and I haven't seen anybody running away with somebody's wife, or running away with somebody's husband. Is so simple and so spontaneous because you also get a new dimension in your awareness called as 'collective consciousness.' You can feel another person on your fingertips. If you can cure yourself you can cure others. In Delhi we have four doctors who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga, MD. They have cured incurable diseases. Today I was reading in the newspaper, they're trying to find out cure of cancer. Sahaja Yoga definitely cures cancer. Of course in a very galloping state may not, but so far, so many have been cured, even of blood cancer but you have to become a Sahaja Yogi. Unless and until you are a Sahaja Yogi, it doesn't work out. In that state of Sahaja Yogi, first thing that happens to you, that you become thoughtlessly aware. That means all the time that your mind is producing thoughts, from the future or from the past, but you can not stand in the present. The past is finished, and the future doesn't exist but the reality is in the present. So when this Kundalini rises, She pushes these thoughts, which are like this, and makes the space for the present and it makes you thoughtlessly aware. Means you are absolutely aware...there's no word in French for 'aware.' (To Yogini translator: ) Alright? Say what you like. (Laughter.) In that state you become absolutely peaceful within yourself. You witness the whole world as a drama. You become the source of peace. I've met many people who got awards in peace, and what I've found; there is no peace in their heart. They are so hot-tempered, that if you had to reach them better take a barge pole. I don't know how they got this award. The peace has to be within yourself. But in the second state, you become doubtlessly aware, when you have no doubts about it - about yourself, about Sahaja Yoga, about God, about religion - no doubts at all. You know so many things which really surprise you that you did not know them before. Luckily, we have people who are realized souls, but they are not aware of it. So with Sahaja Yoga you will scientifically know what are your centres, what work they do, how you have to achieve the highest state in spirituality. Mohammed Saheb has said that after you have become a mali, after resurrection, you don't have to follow Shariat or anything. For that you don't have to go to Himalayas, stand on your head, give up your family, nothing is needed. One can only understand Islam, Mohammed Saheb, Christ, Bible, only when you have got your subtle identity of a spiritual personality. You become extremely dynamic, as well as you become extremely compassionate. Above all, you jump into the Ocean of Joy. Joy is singular: it is not like happiness and unhappiness, which are the two sides of one coin. This is the experience of Self, of your Being. Otherwise say, you say, 'This is my idea, this is my thought, this is my emotions, my, my, my...,' but who is this owner of 'My'? Who is the owner of this 'My'? That is the Self, the Spirit. I am sorry there are so many others who are going to speak on this subject, and in this short time, I can only tell you that you are the best people for Sahaja Yoga. In English language only I must have given at least 5000 lectures, at least. So you can all listen to those lectures, but it's not mental. First you have to go beyond the mind and that will take hardly any time. You have waited for so long, and I'm sure it's going to work out tonight. Just you have to have full faith in yourself. There is one thing: I can not force this experience of Self on you but the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this emotions, this intellect, your conditionings, your ego, but you are the Pure Spirit. The second truth is that there is a All-Pervading Divine Power which does all living work. You see, these...(tape changes side here...may be words lost)...but we take all living work for granted. (Another break in tape here...may be words lost) who runs your heart. He'll say it's autonomous nervous system. But who is this 'auto'? They have no answer. Science has no answer for many questions. Moreover, it is amoral. It's not bothered about your morality. Only recently I was surprised in Russia; they wanted to put morality above science. First of all, it can not say why are we on this Earth? That's what you have to know; to be the instrument of the Divine. I don't think I should answer any questions today, what you think? I'm working like this, for last 25 years, and had lots of intellectuals of the West on my head. Now I've become expert; I can answer any question. That is of no value. It is a mental acrobat. So, best is to have your enlightenment, but if you don't want to have, I can not force. This is the last judgement. You have to decide on your own. Now if you don't want to have your Self-realization, you should leave the hall now. Nothing bad will happen to you, but you'll get your benevolence (right/light?). Is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your family, for the benevolence of your country, for the benevolence of the whole world. So if anybody wants to leave, I wait for one minute. This is your own right, to have this Realization. There is no obligation, and you can not pay for it because it's so spontaneous. But after Realization, you have to know everything about it, and grow into your spirituality like a great saint. You have to be normal, normally dressed, and living normally; nothing abnormal should be done, but inside you get a complete transformation. So no one wants to go, I'm very happy. Everybody has to be seated. If there are one or two chairs, if you can bring in, all the people should be seated. Now the first condition, as I told you, you are not to feel guilty. Now, the second condition is, as you forgive yourself, you have to forgive others. You might say it is difficult, but logically it is not. Logically, whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But, but when you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself, and at this moment if you don't forgive, the centre here of optic chasma is like this, absolutely, like this. It is constricted, so when you forgive it opens like this, and then only this Kundalini can pass through. So don't say it is difficult, it's very easy. Just say, 'I forgive everyone,' and don't even think about them, that's a headache. Now third condition is very simple, that you have to take out your shoes. In England when I told them first time, half of them wanted to leave. The English are attached to their shoes. Now please put both your feet on the ground, parallel. I must tell you, this Mother Earth sucks your problems. Now, now just try to understand. Put both the hands towards Me as you do for namaaz. Now see if there is a cool breeze, like vibrations, or hot coming in your hands. And don't doubt. You're Muslims, that's why. With the Western people, I have to struggle. Feel it? Now, watch Me without thinking. Forgive yourself, forgive yourself (INAUDIBLE), and forgive everyone without thinking about it, in general. (Pause.) They are like Indians. Alright? Are you feeling? Just see, don't doubt. Now, just put your right hand towards Me like this, and put down your head, and see with your left hand if there's a cool breeze like vibrations, maybe hot, coming out of your head. Some people might get it hot because you have not forgiven yourself or you have not forgiven others, so now do it. Now please put your left hand towards Me, and now put down your head and see for yourself if there's a cool breeze like or maybe hot coming out of your fontanelle bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Sometimes you get it close to your head, sometimes away from it. Now once more, feel it. Don't put the hand on the head, away from the head. Now put the right hand towards Me, and put down the head again and see for yourself. Now please raise both your hands towards the sky, push back your head, like in a namaaz. Now ask a question: You ask Me - you can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji - ask a question, 'Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?', that question you can ask. Or you can ask, 'Mother, is the Ruh?', or you can ask, 'Mother is this the Paramchaitanya?' One of the questions you ask. 'Mother is this the Ruh?' Ask three times. Now take down your hands. Put your hands like this towards Me little higher, and watch Me without thinking. It's coming from here for some people. Put the hand like this and bring it up if it is coming like that. Alright, now see. Watch Me without thinking. You feel very relaxed. Now, those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or on their palms or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. (Pause.) Whole of Tunisia. May God Bless You. I bow to you all now, you have become saints and in it, but you have to grow into it. First of all you don't have to pay. You can't pay because God doesn't understand money and it is so invaluable. Most of you, I think 99.9% people have felt it. Now we have people who will be talking about it more elaborately tomorrow, and I hope you'll enjoy that. Also, we are trying to arrange a program for the ladies on the Sunday evening if that is (INAUDIBLE). Yes. Thank you very much.
Namaz is nothing but kundalini awakening
Public Program
Public Program Day 2, Tunis (Tunisia), 12 November 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth. Yesterday I told you that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot transform it, and you cannot know it by reading. Whatever I'm going to tell you also now, you should not take it for granted blindfolded. It has already caused us so much trouble all over the world by blind faith. But I would request you to treat my lecture as a hypothesis. And if it, if it works out, and you discover it, and it's proved, then you have to accept it as the truth. As I told you yesterday, it is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your family, for the benevolence of your country, and for the benevolence of the whole world. Most of problems in this world come from human beings. And I think all the problems of human beings come from their centers, the subtle centers. When these problems are in trouble, these chakras are in trouble, these problems of the chakras get you into problems of physical and mental, emotional and spiritual nature. So, these centers as shown here exist within you. They are seven in number. Now the first center, which is the red center below the kundalini, is the center of your innocence. This center is very beautifully placed under the kundalini, not above. This center is to guard the chastity of your mother, which is the kundalini. So the power that we have as our mother is guarded as chastity. But there have been many false people who have been teaching all kinds of wrong things. And they said that through sex you can awaken your kundalini. This is all nonsense. There is no religion has taught that you have to be immoral to achieve your self-realization. So morality is a very important thing which helps a man to keep him in the center. Now this morality cannot be forced on me. Normal people can become immoral. They can get to some sort of a temptation - it is possible - because they are not yet evolved souls, they have not reached the state that they know the absolute truth, they can become immoral. That is why all the religions have said that you should follow some code of lifestyle. That will keep you in the central part. This was prescribed because human beings could go into wrong parts. But once you become enlightened, then there is no need at all to tell you what has to be done. You become your own guide, your own master. I was so surprised when I came here that especially Tunis I felt was full of Divine vibrations. I just didn't understand what was going on in this beautiful holy place. Then I discovered there have been three great souls, very highly spiritual, who were born in this place. I was absolutely restless to see those places. I think their souls also are restless to see me. I hope tomorrow I will visit all these places. There is a special relationship that exists between saints, and it's very joy-giving. You feel you are not alone in this place - there are many others who have lived. But they could not do much because people were so ignorant. Most of the saints - even [Mohammed-sahib] was tortured. [Hazrat-Ali], who was a great incarnation, also was killed. His two children from Fatima also were killed. Horrible things happened to them. That does not mean that spiritual people do not have the protection of the Divine. But it was all done to show how these people could sacrifice their life for truth. All this is done for us. All these sacrifices are going to help us. Gradually we'll realize where they exist within our body. If they are enlightened within you, you get their blessings. You have to have connection with them. Even the Namas is nothing but kundalini-awakening, for kundalini-awakening. But without the connection, if you do something, it doesn't work out. There was a Muslim - I met him - he said that his knees are broken doing Namas. But it was just an exercise because he never felt the joy of the spirit. Then he came to Sahaja Yoga and then he realized what was Namas, and he got rid of his problems on the knees. So, even to understand anything about Koran or about [Mohammed-sab], you have to have your self-realization. It all is knowledge around us, it is like a bird who is thirsty in the presence of the ocean. So whether we are fundamentalists or not, we are still ignorant. To bridge them together, we have to have our self-realization. It's very simple - like your telephone: if it is not connected and you go on telephoning, it will be spoiled. So we have to have connection with the Divine. This connection is called as Yoga in Sanskrit language. This is the real Yoga, not the physical one where you do all kinds of exercises. This was taught by Pathangeli thousands of years back. But this is a very wee part because [ashtanga] there are eight parts out of which one part it's a very wee part of that. And that, too, is very scientific. Even that exercise is connected with the centers. We, too, use these exercises, but at the right time, for the right people. Everyone does not need. So when the light of the spirit shines within us, we become our own teacher, our own master, our own guide. We become very wise and we understand others. We become very dynamic, at the same time extremely compassionate. Whatever work we do or whatever we do, we don't think we are doing anything because our ego disappears. As long as there is ego, we think you are doing this, you are doing that. And when this ego is pampered, we feel very happy. But when it is punctured, we feel unhappy. Before realization we think we are doing this work, that work, how much I am doing work, I'm so important. But after realization, you see the ego there collapses. This center here sucks in the ego (Agnya). It sucks in the ego. So the feeling that I'm doing this, I'm doing that doesn't come. Now supposing a Sahaja Yogi is raising your kundalini, they will tell me it is not going, it is not working, it is working - they talk in third person. All these Sahaja Yogis who have come from France, from Austria, Algeria, they have come of their own; I never asked them. They feel responsible, especially for Africa. They have been after me, "Mother, you must go to Africa, you must do something for Africa, but that's the only continent we have not touched so far". And they were overjoyed when I said, "All right, I'll go to Tunisia." There is a special subtle understanding of a great tremendous joy in giving realizations to others. You don't feel you have done anything. You don't feel you have redeemed others. But such joy is felt within yourself. That cannot be described unless and until you yourself achieve self-realizations of others. They are all very intelligent, educated people. Also there are very simple, uneducated people. But they know about the centers, they know how to decode the centers on their fingertips. They won't tell you what's wrong with you. They speak the language of centers. Even if you have ten children who are realized souls and tied their eyes and somebody faces them, they will all raise one finger, all of them, or two fingers, all of them the same. Once one gentleman came and asked Me, "Why are they asking me, what is your relationship with your father?" I said, "Because they must be catching on this finger. This is the center of your father." Very surprising, you will be amazed, that if this finger is catching, that means you might get asthma. Maybe your relationship with your father is not good, or maybe he is not good or you are not good to him. Now there is one doctor who has done research on this and he has got his MD in Delhi. And now he's gone to America to do the research. I don't know - Americans are not so wise as you are. They are not easy people, but still we have thousands there. Now this they were talking about many other diseases, but today I'm going to tell you about one center because you are very active people, and what complications you can have. So we have this center here - Swadishthana - it's very simple to understand. This center is for our action, whether it is physical or mental. But the main job it has to do is to give energy to our brain cells, which are called as gray cells in our brain. Sahaja Yoga is meta-science. It gives you an explanation and you can verify it. Of course in medicine they don't know this - so far. So when you think too much, this center has to give energy to your brain. Even when you do physical work - like I was told it's a sport club which has invited me. So when you are doing even sports too much, this center starts working and gives energy. Now for example if anybody who is a tennis player or a squash player: he's using the energy of this center. Now if he is at the same time drinking too much, then most probably - at a very young age - he will get a fatal heart attack. So at least the people who indulge in sports - especially these days - should not touch alcohol because at this age the heart attack you get is absolutely fatal, you cannot [???]. Also people who do jogging, too much dancing and drinking at any young age can get a heart attack. It is very serious. But the worst is for people who think, plan, live for the future. The stress which is the modern disease is coming to them because of this center only. Too much thinking, too much worrying takes most of the energy of this center. And this center also has to look after other organs, mainly the liver. And the liver is the one which gives out the heat which is the poison of the body into the blood. But when all the energy is exhausted of this center, the liver-functioning is neglected. So the heat starts rising from the liver. And that heats your lungs, giving you asthma. Especially your energy is wasted for the relationship of your father. Then this heat can pass to other side and can give heart attack to people who think too much. At a very old age of course maybe, but people who die of heart attack are mostly the people who are futuristic, like bureaucrats, politicians, we can say also the writers, poets, all such people. Now, another organ which is looked after by the same center is the pancreas, which is also neglected. So people develop diabetes. Diabetes is a disease of people who think too much and are sedentary. For example in My province in India, when they take tea, they take so much sugar that the spoon has to stand at right angles. This is in the villages. Otherwise it's not for them tea. But they never get diabetes because they don't think, they don't worry about future, they don't insure anything. They work the whole day in the village and come home and sleep nicely. They enjoy their life. The only people who get diabetes are the people who are sitting on the table and working out. And most of the plans fail, why, because they don't know the reality. Whatever you plan without knowing the reality, it fails completely. And the third of which this center is supposed to be responsible is what we call is the spleen. Now the spleen is like a speedometer in us, speedometer. It looks after our speed, nowadays we are very speedy people. We try to compete with the machine, so the lifestyle is very different. For example we get up in the morning; now this spleen is the one which, when there is emergency, produces red blood corpuscles for emergency. Now for example supposing you are eating your food and afterwards you run, you get a pain because this center produces red blood corpuscles for the emergency. So in the morning you get up, you read the newspaper, it's a shock, they never write anything good always something, somebody died there, so many drowned there, so many killed there. Nothing that is really satisfying or good, joy-giving. At the most horrible scandals, something sensational. That upsets this poor spleen of ours. As soon as she knows about the emergency, she starts pushing out red blood corpuscles. Then you get into the car, you don't take your breakfast, you are taking your breakfast in the car. In America they even brush their teeth in the car. You will be amazed that even in the office they go to bathrooms because they sleep very late and then get up early in the morning and just rush to the office. So this poor spleen again gets upset. Then we are slaves of the watch. You are getting delayed to your office work, you are worried there is jam. You don't know how to get over the jam, so you go on worrying. Again an emergency is created, again this poor spleen has to go on pushing out these [red corpuscles???]. Then sometimes in the office the boss starts shouting at you. The whole life is a struggle. Even in sports that's the problem - such a struggle. After that, this crazy, this spleen doesn't know how to cope with your lifestyle. It goes mad. At that time, any shock, anything from the left side, you can get blood cancer - leukemia. I have seen some architects who get it. We have cured many architects in India of leukemia though they were certified by doctors that they're going to die within one month's time. Now one of them has lived for ten years, another for nine years, another for six years, nobody has died. So how do we change this speedometer to a quiet rhythms? That I'll tell you later. Then it affects your kidneys because kidneys also are looked after by the same center. So it happens that your kidneys also with the heat coagulate and they cannot work - so you are put on the dialysis. Dialysis is the sure way of becoming bankrupt and dying. It doesn't cure you. We had a very good doctor in Delhi who was well known for dialysis, and he got kidney trouble. He didn't do dialysis, he came to Sahaja Yoga, and I've told him on one promise I'll cure you that you will stop dialysis and cure people with Sahaja Yoga. He said, "Yes, yes, of course". He was completely cured but still he's doing dialysis. I asked him, "Why are you doing dialysis now?" He said, "I've got these machines from abroad with such high prices, now what am I to do?" So that's how he's still making money. Then the last horrible thing that's happened to you is that you can get into constipation. And this constipation can be very, very dangerous to the health. Such people are very hot tempered, very irritable, very nervous because they can think sometimes they get peace award. So - and then they create lots of nonsense and they get peace award. So - one thing is to be understood: that it is in the balance one has to live. Now as I told you it can give you massive heart attack, but also it gives you paralysis, paralysis of the right side. But you see the movement of this center is all on the right side. Also it can end up into coma. All these things are curable, absolutely curable, without any money being spent. It's very simple. When we understand how to cool down this center, we can cool down the whole right side. Now when the kundalini rises, she pulls down this center. For example, left and right, both meet like this, and the center is strong - left and right. Now if you are working too much on the right, I'm telling you how cancer is caused. You are working too much on the right; you are taking out the energy from any center like this, till the center becomes constricted. And the energy starts getting exhausted. And suddenly, if it breaks by some movement of the left side, the connection with the main is lost. So when there is no connection with the main, you are on your own; so all the cells start gradually working on their own. Of course there are some proteins which affect that from the left side. Like a person who has no connection with the whole community can go the way he likes - like a madman. He can become egoistical, like Hitler. He can influence other people by his ego. So the cells become egoistical, means malignant, and they start growing - like a nose will start growing like that, an ear will start growing like that, without any connection to the whole. That is how cancer is caused. To get rid of everything, we have to be in the center. When the kundalini comes, she brings them back and they fall into one line, connected with the Divine. When the Divine starts pouring down into your being, you start feeling it as cool breeze on your fingertips. This is the [ruh]. Now, if you know how to handle this and to use this, you can get rid of all your problems. In this state, you are a witness of everything. You are absolutely peaceful; you are in the center, where you know the absolute truth. Now, see, though [Mohammed-sahib] had said that he was not Divine, he was Divine. He didn't say that because he was surrounded by horrible people. I also never said that I'm Divine. It's only they have discovered. I have never said, and I never say. But you can find out on your fingertips what's wrong with you, what center is catching. Now if this one is burning, then this center on the right is in problem. If this is burning, that means center on the left, because it moves. Actually it comes out of the nabhi - Swadishthana. It's not shown properly, comes out of the nabhi - nabhi [....??? goes around...???]. If it is on the left side, then something wrong emotionally with you, means that you have got into some sort of a possession or black magic, mesmerism. These false gurus and false masters give you this. But if you know how to cure these centers, you get cured. And if you know about others also and want to cure them, you can cure them. All these centers are responsible for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being within you. So the right-sided people are futuristic, and left-sided people are - we can say - are of the past, live of the past. Slowly, slowly you will understand everything. From the left side comes your conditioning on the left side. But when kundalini rises, she also absorbs your conditionings. Say for Muslims there are so many conditionings. For example, [Mohammed-sahib] has talked in Koran - though we do not understand it in a whole way - that he talked about Abraham, he talked about Moses, he talked about Christ, and especially about Christ's mother. He never denounced them, he never said their religion was wrong, he never said that Islam is the only religion, he never said it. He respected all of them. But how could then Muslims say that we are different, Jews are different or Christians are different? This is all created by human brains. According to him, all these religions are evolving one after another. My father - as I told you - was a scholar of Arabic and Persian - scholar, and he translated Koran into Hindi language. He was a scholar of Sanskrit. Fourteen languages he mastered. But he himself said that I don't know why people get these ideas that [Mohammed-sahib] created a separate religion. He was himself a realized soul and he had tremendous respect for [Mohammed-sahib], for [Hazrat Ali], for Fatima, for Hassan Hussein. He told Me all about Islam. But how to talk to Islamic people? Because if you tell the truth, there will be a fatwa on Me. You see, you cannot be religious if you have fear. To know the truth, you must not have any fear; you have to have the courage. That's the point because a special time of [Kyama] is here now. And I feel so worried about the Muslims that they'll miss the point. All these French have got realization. All these English have got realization. All these people, who I would never call religious, have got realization. Imagine these Americans got realization. And what about the Muslims, are they going to be left high and dry? They are created by God and guided by [Mohammed-sahib] - they should understand that truth must give you positive results. Instead of that, they are killing each other. As a mother I feel terrible about it because they're all my children. So you are all very intelligent, open-hearted Muslims; I appeal to you: you must show your courage. Supposing your children take to the Western style as the way children are there, who are killing their parents, taking to drugs, I mean horrible they are. I mean everyday you read newspapers about the Americans; you can't understand to what world they belong. They are so ignorant about the Divine that they're doing all kinds of nonsense. And they are very stupid - I tell you - very stupid, idiotic. They are good at computers, but themselves no brains. Imagine a woman divorces her husband eight times. Her name is Elizabeth Taylor. She is going for a honeymoon. So there are four thousand Americans standing there to see her going for her honeymoon. She has married a man who is twenty-five years younger than her, who is a laborer, ordinary. This is her eighth husband. And so many people go to see her honeymoon - as if some Divine person is going into ascent. And there are ten helicopters which are hovering around it. And there are parachutes which come down - to take photograph. And they fall on people or on trees. Such a stupid thing - there won't be one Indian will go there. I must say, Indians have a traditional wisdom. Of course a wee bit of Americanization has come to it, wee bit. For example they brought mini-saris. It only came up to Bombay for eight days - and the Indian women said, "Get lost, we have nothing to do with it". They think we are very dull people, we cannot take to something very modern, you know, we are dull. I told you that three hundred years these English lived in India. We learned their language at the most, but never their ways and their lifestyle. You see, we could see the idiocy and stupidity of the Western mind. They take to everything that is self-destructive. First the fashion started in France that they should have six inches of skirts - only six inches. So everybody started wearing six inches. My granddaughters came, they said, "No, no, we don't want six inches, we want full skirts, if possible". They couldn't get even one skirt, and everybody said, "Are you Turkish? Why do you want to have long skirts?" They said, "We feel cold, that's the point." Then they developed varicose veins, these French. So the fashion came of long skirts - but open, open. In that horrible cold, what is the need to do all this? And they have junks and junks of clothes everywhere. Go to some house, you don't know where to sit because there's clothes here, clothes there, clothes there. It's all stupidity and idiocy. These entrepreneurs are very clever; they are making fool of everyone. We just laugh at them. But it's serious. All our good human energy is spent where? We don't know our glory, we don't know what great thing we are, we don't know what we can achieve. You can completely transform the whole world if you have a little wisdom. It is predicted that after Sahaja Yoga, there will be no doctors needed, no hospitals, nobody will get sick. It's a fact. There are people who have been suffering so much, but once they came to Sahaja Yoga, they are cured completely. Mr. Gregoire had pain in the molar tooth. Doctors frightened him - they wanted to take out all his teeth, God knows what. So I told him, "You somehow come to America - I am in America". So he had to tell some lie, of course, that I have a friend who is a doctor or something, so he came. And he was cured in half an hour. All his teeth are intact - he's all right. There have so many... She was a very sick person. Her little child died in the cot - cot death. And she was very upset, like a mad person. "But why", I asked her, "why do you make your little child sleep in another room?" That is their culture. An Indian woman will never accept such a culture. She can't sleep without her child till the child is at least ten years of age. And then she got completely [???], now see, she's before you. There are many, all of them can tell you stories. Germaine, everyone. But for that, you have to know that you can become that yourself, it's your own power, without any payment, anything, no obligation. It's your right, and you should get it. Yesterday you got it so fast, you can imagine. These French didn't get it that fast, nor the English. Americans are not at all possible, very difficult. They are saying that after ten years, sixty-five percent people who are white-skinned in America will become mad. Be careful. Whatever I have seen now is such wrong ideas we have about progress and modernism that we should learn a lesson from these stupid people who have fallen into ditch. Same thing about fundamentalism. These people who think they are a very high race because they are white-skinned are destroying themselves because they take to only destructive things. Nothing to follow them. With all appreciations of the Sahaja Yogis from Germany, I have to tell you that Germans think they are the highest race because they think they have better IQ. Who are the highest people in this world - are the saints. What is this IQ that you don't understand that to kill children in the gas chamber is the greatest sin. So kill the Jews in the gas chamber, what right they had? Under the wrong thing that they killed Christ. I think they are lowest of lowest. They have no idea because Christ was killed by Roman government. Have you heard of anybody who is a judge will ask the multitude of people whom he should kill and whom he should release? So the Roman government killed, from where came Mussolini later on, but not the Jews. Jews are tortured for nothing at all. Now they are becoming the same style. Still I don't understand why there is problem between Jews and Muslims, I don't understand. If we go on like this, there's no end to nonsense. They are all becoming disciples of Hitler, whether they are Jews, Christians or Muslims. Hindus, that's one advantage - we have not one book and we have no organization of religion. Thank God. Of course, there are all kinds of atheists and all that, but at least they don't form a fundamental school. They may oppose someone because somebody is torturing them, but they don't form under some sort of a fundamentalist nonsense. I was Myself born in a Christian family and I was quite surprised how these people were Christians. Then I found out in every religion there is hypocrisy because the rules and regulations are so strict that normal people cannot follow it. So first they should know the truth that it's very easy, very, very easy. Nobody has to tell you. You'll just do what is the best for you, the benevolent for you. I am very thankful to you all particularly to the party which has invited Me here. This is the first experience that a political party has invited Me. And I have nothing to do with politics. But there is Divine politics, which works. See, you had no rain for seven months, and you had rain - that's Divine politics. So, one has to understand that unless and until you know the absolute truth, you cannot take decisions on anything. And you all can know it. Yesterday I think you all felt the vibrations. Today again we'll try for five minutes. Only thing you have to take out your shoes. [..garbled][as per French translation: As I already told you there are three conditions.] First one is that you are not to feel guilty. After all, you are human beings. And if you make mistakes, doesn't matter. What's the use of carrying the mistake on your head all your life? You should have faced your mistakes earlier and forget it. By committing this kind of a state of feeling guilty, you catch on this center, and you develop diseases like angina or spondylitis. So it is a myth to feel guilty. You have to know that this all-pervading power of Divine love is the ocean of knowledge and bliss. This [ruh] is the ocean of compassion and love. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might have committed, will be completely dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself. Second condition is that you have to forgive everyone. Whether you forgive or don't forgive, logically you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then, what happens is that you play into wrong hands. So, why should you torture yourself? Especially at this juncture, the center of agnya is like this, absolutely constricted. It's on the optic chiasma. Now, if you don't forgive, it is so constricted it will never open. As soon as you forgive, it opens like this. That is how the kundalini can pass through. All your life you have tortured yourself by not forgiving. And now, if you don't forgive, you'll miss the great chance of becoming a [nabbi], a saint, an angel. So don't also think about those people who have troubled you, but just forgive them because it's a headache to think about them. The third condition I've already told you - it's to take out the shoes. Now, you just put your hands like this. That means you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. After all you are human beings at the epitome of evolution and have understanding that you are here to discover your glory, your greatness, which is innate - here. They're already feeling it. Now feel it on your head also. Bend your head and see with the right hand towards Me and with the left hand you can see if there's a cool or a hot breeze slightly coming out of your fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone on your head. Now, please take your left hand. Now bend your head and don't put the hand on top of your head, with your right hand you can feel it, not touching the head, but away. If it is hot, then know that you have not forgiven yourself or others. Please do it now. See with the right hand now and put right hand towards me and the left hand on your head and see for yourself. Bend your heads please. Now, please put your both the hands towards the sky like this. Push back your head and ask one of these three questions - any one of them - three times. [missing text][as per the French translation: "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?"]... or "Mother, is this the [ruh]?" or "Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya?" Ask any one of these questions three times. Now please take down. When you don't think, you are in the present. You're aware, but you're in the present. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze like vibrations on the fingertips or on the palm or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. May God bless you. Thank you very much. Some have not felt because they were just laughing. Some of them didn't feel it because they might have been to some other guru, some other method of meditation, or maybe some might not have felt because they are not well, or some may be doubting themselves. Everyone can get it. I hope you will be able to open some center of Sahaja Yoga here, where we have some people who will look after you. So now the message is enjoy yourself, and enjoy others. Thank you very much.
Public Program Day 2, Tunis (Tunisia), 12 November 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth. Yesterday I told you that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot transform it, and you cannot know it by reading. Whatever I'm going to tell you also now, you should not take it for granted blindfolded. It has already caused us so much trouble all over the world by blind faith. But I would request you to treat my lecture as a hypothesis. And if it, if it works out, and you discover it, and it's proved, then you have to accept it as the truth. As I told you yesterday, it is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your family, for the benevolence of your country, and for the benevolence of the whole world. Most of problems in this world come from human beings. And I think all the problems of human beings come from their centers, the subtle centers. When these problems are in trouble, these chakras are in trouble, these problems of the chakras get you into problems of physical and mental, emotional and spiritual nature. So, these centers as shown here exist within you. They are seven in number. Now the first center, which is the red center below the kundalini, is the center of your innocence. This center is very beautifully placed under the kundalini, not above. This center is to guard the chastity of your mother, which is the kundalini. So the power that we have as our mother is guarded as chastity. But there have been many false people who have been teaching all kinds of wrong things. And they said that through sex you can awaken your kundalini. This is all nonsense. There is no religion has taught that you have to be immoral to achieve your self-realization. So morality is a very important thing which helps a man to keep him in the center. Now this morality cannot be forced on me. Normal people can become immoral. They can get to some sort of a temptation - it is possible - because they are not yet evolved souls, they have not reached the state that they know the absolute truth, they can become immoral. That is why all the religions have said that you should follow some code of lifestyle. That will keep you in the central part. This was prescribed because human beings could go into wrong parts. But once you become enlightened, then there is no need at all to tell you what has to be done. You become your own guide, your own master. I was so surprised when I came here that especially Tunis I felt was full of Divine vibrations. I just didn't understand what was going on in this beautiful holy place. Then I discovered there have been three great souls, very highly spiritual, who were born in this place. I was absolutely restless to see those places. I think their souls also are restless to see me. I hope tomorrow I will visit all these places. There is a special relationship that exists between saints, and it's very joy-giving. You feel you are not alone in this place - there are many others who have lived. But they could not do much because people were so ignorant. Most of the saints - even [Mohammed-sahib] was tortured. [Hazrat-Ali], who was a great incarnation, also was killed. His two children from Fatima also were killed. Horrible things happened to them. That does not mean that spiritual people do not have the protection of the Divine. But it was all done to show how these people could sacrifice their life for truth. All this is done for us. All these sacrifices are going to help us. Gradually we'll realize where they exist within our body. If they are enlightened within you, you get their blessings. You have to have connection with them. Even the Namas is nothing but kundalini-awakening, for kundalini-awakening. But without the connection, if you do something, it doesn't work out. There was a Muslim - I met him - he said that his knees are broken doing Namas. But it was just an exercise because he never felt the joy of the spirit. Then he came to Sahaja Yoga and then he realized what was Namas, and he got rid of his problems on the knees. So, even to understand anything about Koran or about [Mohammed-sab], you have to have your self-realization. It all is knowledge around us, it is like a bird who is thirsty in the presence of the ocean. So whether we are fundamentalists or not, we are still ignorant. To bridge them together, we have to have our self-realization. It's very simple - like your telephone: if it is not connected and you go on telephoning, it will be spoiled. So we have to have connection with the Divine. This connection is called as Yoga in Sanskrit language. This is the real Yoga, not the physical one where you do all kinds of exercises. This was taught by Pathangeli thousands of years back. But this is a very wee part because [ashtanga] there are eight parts out of which one part it's a very wee part of that. And that, too, is very scientific. Even that exercise is connected with the centers. We, too, use these exercises, but at the right time, for the right people. Everyone does not need. So when the light of the spirit shines within us, we become our own teacher, our own master, our own guide. We become very wise and we understand others. We become very dynamic, at the same time extremely compassionate. Whatever work we do or whatever we do, we don't think we are doing anything because our ego disappears. As long as there is ego, we think you are doing this, you are doing that. And when this ego is pampered, we feel very happy. But when it is punctured, we feel unhappy. Before realization we think we are doing this work, that work, how much I am doing work, I'm so important. But after realization, you see the ego there collapses. This center here sucks in the ego (Agnya). It sucks in the ego. So the feeling that I'm doing this, I'm doing that doesn't come. Now supposing a Sahaja Yogi is raising your kundalini, they will tell me it is not going, it is not working, it is working - they talk in third person. All these Sahaja Yogis who have come from France, from Austria, Algeria, they have come of their own; I never asked them. They feel responsible, especially for Africa. They have been after me, "Mother, you must go to Africa, you must do something for Africa, but that's the only continent we have not touched so far". And they were overjoyed when I said, "All right, I'll go to Tunisia." There is a special subtle understanding of a great tremendous joy in giving realizations to others. You don't feel you have done anything. You don't feel you have redeemed others. But such joy is felt within yourself. That cannot be described unless and until you yourself achieve self-realizations of others. They are all very intelligent, educated people. Also there are very simple, uneducated people. But they know about the centers, they know how to decode the centers on their fingertips. They won't tell you what's wrong with you. They speak the language of centers. Even if you have ten children who are realized souls and tied their eyes and somebody faces them, they will all raise one finger, all of them, or two fingers, all of them the same. Once one gentleman came and asked Me, "Why are they asking me, what is your relationship with your father?" I said, "Because they must be catching on this finger. This is the center of your father." Very surprising, you will be amazed, that if this finger is catching, that means you might get asthma. Maybe your relationship with your father is not good, or maybe he is not good or you are not good to him. Now there is one doctor who has done research on this and he has got his MD in Delhi. And now he's gone to America to do the research. I don't know - Americans are not so wise as you are. They are not easy people, but still we have thousands there. Now this they were talking about many other diseases, but today I'm going to tell you about one center because you are very active people, and what complications you can have. So we have this center here - Swadishthana - it's very simple to understand. This center is for our action, whether it is physical or mental. But the main job it has to do is to give energy to our brain cells, which are called as gray cells in our brain. Sahaja Yoga is meta-science. It gives you an explanation and you can verify it. Of course in medicine they don't know this - so far. So when you think too much, this center has to give energy to your brain. Even when you do physical work - like I was told it's a sport club which has invited me. So when you are doing even sports too much, this center starts working and gives energy. Now for example if anybody who is a tennis player or a squash player: he's using the energy of this center. Now if he is at the same time drinking too much, then most probably - at a very young age - he will get a fatal heart attack. So at least the people who indulge in sports - especially these days - should not touch alcohol because at this age the heart attack you get is absolutely fatal, you cannot [???]. Also people who do jogging, too much dancing and drinking at any young age can get a heart attack. It is very serious. But the worst is for people who think, plan, live for the future. The stress which is the modern disease is coming to them because of this center only. Too much thinking, too much worrying takes most of the energy of this center. And this center also has to look after other organs, mainly the liver. And the liver is the one which gives out the heat which is the poison of the body into the blood. But when all the energy is exhausted of this center, the liver-functioning is neglected. So the heat starts rising from the liver. And that heats your lungs, giving you asthma. Especially your energy is wasted for the relationship of your father. Then this heat can pass to other side and can give heart attack to people who think too much. At a very old age of course maybe, but people who die of heart attack are mostly the people who are futuristic, like bureaucrats, politicians, we can say also the writers, poets, all such people. Now, another organ which is looked after by the same center is the pancreas, which is also neglected. So people develop diabetes. Diabetes is a disease of people who think too much and are sedentary. For example in My province in India, when they take tea, they take so much sugar that the spoon has to stand at right angles. This is in the villages. Otherwise it's not for them tea. But they never get diabetes because they don't think, they don't worry about future, they don't insure anything. They work the whole day in the village and come home and sleep nicely. They enjoy their life. The only people who get diabetes are the people who are sitting on the table and working out. And most of the plans fail, why, because they don't know the reality. Whatever you plan without knowing the reality, it fails completely. And the third of which this center is supposed to be responsible is what we call is the spleen. Now the spleen is like a speedometer in us, speedometer. It looks after our speed, nowadays we are very speedy people. We try to compete with the machine, so the lifestyle is very different. For example we get up in the morning; now this spleen is the one which, when there is emergency, produces red blood corpuscles for emergency. Now for example supposing you are eating your food and afterwards you run, you get a pain because this center produces red blood corpuscles for the emergency. So in the morning you get up, you read the newspaper, it's a shock, they never write anything good always something, somebody died there, so many drowned there, so many killed there. Nothing that is really satisfying or good, joy-giving. At the most horrible scandals, something sensational. That upsets this poor spleen of ours. As soon as she knows about the emergency, she starts pushing out red blood corpuscles. Then you get into the car, you don't take your breakfast, you are taking your breakfast in the car. In America they even brush their teeth in the car. You will be amazed that even in the office they go to bathrooms because they sleep very late and then get up early in the morning and just rush to the office. So this poor spleen again gets upset. Then we are slaves of the watch. You are getting delayed to your office work, you are worried there is jam. You don't know how to get over the jam, so you go on worrying. Again an emergency is created, again this poor spleen has to go on pushing out these [red corpuscles???]. Then sometimes in the office the boss starts shouting at you. The whole life is a struggle. Even in sports that's the problem - such a struggle. After that, this crazy, this spleen doesn't know how to cope with your lifestyle. It goes mad. At that time, any shock, anything from the left side, you can get blood cancer - leukemia. I have seen some architects who get it. We have cured many architects in India of leukemia though they were certified by doctors that they're going to die within one month's time. Now one of them has lived for ten years, another for nine years, another for six years, nobody has died. So how do we change this speedometer to a quiet rhythms? That I'll tell you later. Then it affects your kidneys because kidneys also are looked after by the same center. So it happens that your kidneys also with the heat coagulate and they cannot work - so you are put on the dialysis. Dialysis is the sure way of becoming bankrupt and dying. It doesn't cure you. We had a very good doctor in Delhi who was well known for dialysis, and he got kidney trouble. He didn't do dialysis, he came to Sahaja Yoga, and I've told him on one promise I'll cure you that you will stop dialysis and cure people with Sahaja Yoga. He said, "Yes, yes, of course". He was completely cured but still he's doing dialysis. I asked him, "Why are you doing dialysis now?" He said, "I've got these machines from abroad with such high prices, now what am I to do?" So that's how he's still making money. Then the last horrible thing that's happened to you is that you can get into constipation. And this constipation can be very, very dangerous to the health. Such people are very hot tempered, very irritable, very nervous because they can think sometimes they get peace award. So - and then they create lots of nonsense and they get peace award. So - one thing is to be understood: that it is in the balance one has to live. Now as I told you it can give you massive heart attack, but also it gives you paralysis, paralysis of the right side. But you see the movement of this center is all on the right side. Also it can end up into coma. All these things are curable, absolutely curable, without any money being spent. It's very simple. When we understand how to cool down this center, we can cool down the whole right side. Now when the kundalini rises, she pulls down this center. For example, left and right, both meet like this, and the center is strong - left and right. Now if you are working too much on the right, I'm telling you how cancer is caused. You are working too much on the right; you are taking out the energy from any center like this, till the center becomes constricted. And the energy starts getting exhausted. And suddenly, if it breaks by some movement of the left side, the connection with the main is lost. So when there is no connection with the main, you are on your own; so all the cells start gradually working on their own. Of course there are some proteins which affect that from the left side. Like a person who has no connection with the whole community can go the way he likes - like a madman. He can become egoistical, like Hitler. He can influence other people by his ego. So the cells become egoistical, means malignant, and they start growing - like a nose will start growing like that, an ear will start growing like that, without any connection to the whole. That is how cancer is caused. To get rid of everything, we have to be in the center. When the kundalini comes, she brings them back and they fall into one line, connected with the Divine. When the Divine starts pouring down into your being, you start feeling it as cool breeze on your fingertips. This is the [ruh]. Now, if you know how to handle this and to use this, you can get rid of all your problems. In this state, you are a witness of everything. You are absolutely peaceful; you are in the center, where you know the absolute truth. Now, see, though [Mohammed-sahib] had said that he was not Divine, he was Divine. He didn't say that because he was surrounded by horrible people. I also never said that I'm Divine. It's only they have discovered. I have never said, and I never say. But you can find out on your fingertips what's wrong with you, what center is catching. Now if this one is burning, then this center on the right is in problem. If this is burning, that means center on the left, because it moves. Actually it comes out of the nabhi - Swadishthana. It's not shown properly, comes out of the nabhi - nabhi [....??? goes around...???]. If it is on the left side, then something wrong emotionally with you, means that you have got into some sort of a possession or black magic, mesmerism. These false gurus and false masters give you this. But if you know how to cure these centers, you get cured. And if you know about others also and want to cure them, you can cure them. All these centers are responsible for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being within you. So the right-sided people are futuristic, and left-sided people are - we can say - are of the past, live of the past. Slowly, slowly you will understand everything. From the left side comes your conditioning on the left side. But when kundalini rises, she also absorbs your conditionings. Say for Muslims there are so many conditionings. For example, [Mohammed-sahib] has talked in Koran - though we do not understand it in a whole way - that he talked about Abraham, he talked about Moses, he talked about Christ, and especially about Christ's mother. He never denounced them, he never said their religion was wrong, he never said that Islam is the only religion, he never said it. He respected all of them. But how could then Muslims say that we are different, Jews are different or Christians are different? This is all created by human brains. According to him, all these religions are evolving one after another. My father - as I told you - was a scholar of Arabic and Persian - scholar, and he translated Koran into Hindi language. He was a scholar of Sanskrit. Fourteen languages he mastered. But he himself said that I don't know why people get these ideas that [Mohammed-sahib] created a separate religion. He was himself a realized soul and he had tremendous respect for [Mohammed-sahib], for [Hazrat Ali], for Fatima, for Hassan Hussein. He told Me all about Islam. But how to talk to Islamic people? Because if you tell the truth, there will be a fatwa on Me. You see, you cannot be religious if you have fear. To know the truth, you must not have any fear; you have to have the courage. That's the point because a special time of [Kyama] is here now. And I feel so worried about the Muslims that they'll miss the point. All these French have got realization. All these English have got realization. All these people, who I would never call religious, have got realization. Imagine these Americans got realization. And what about the Muslims, are they going to be left high and dry? They are created by God and guided by [Mohammed-sahib] - they should understand that truth must give you positive results. Instead of that, they are killing each other. As a mother I feel terrible about it because they're all my children. So you are all very intelligent, open-hearted Muslims; I appeal to you: you must show your courage. Supposing your children take to the Western style as the way children are there, who are killing their parents, taking to drugs, I mean horrible they are. I mean everyday you read newspapers about the Americans; you can't understand to what world they belong. They are so ignorant about the Divine that they're doing all kinds of nonsense. And they are very stupid - I tell you - very stupid, idiotic. They are good at computers, but themselves no brains. Imagine a woman divorces her husband eight times. Her name is Elizabeth Taylor. She is going for a honeymoon. So there are four thousand Americans standing there to see her going for her honeymoon. She has married a man who is twenty-five years younger than her, who is a laborer, ordinary. This is her eighth husband. And so many people go to see her honeymoon - as if some Divine person is going into ascent. And there are ten helicopters which are hovering around it. And there are parachutes which come down - to take photograph. And they fall on people or on trees. Such a stupid thing - there won't be one Indian will go there. I must say, Indians have a traditional wisdom. Of course a wee bit of Americanization has come to it, wee bit. For example they brought mini-saris. It only came up to Bombay for eight days - and the Indian women said, "Get lost, we have nothing to do with it". They think we are very dull people, we cannot take to something very modern, you know, we are dull. I told you that three hundred years these English lived in India. We learned their language at the most, but never their ways and their lifestyle. You see, we could see the idiocy and stupidity of the Western mind. They take to everything that is self-destructive. First the fashion started in France that they should have six inches of skirts - only six inches. So everybody started wearing six inches. My granddaughters came, they said, "No, no, we don't want six inches, we want full skirts, if possible". They couldn't get even one skirt, and everybody said, "Are you Turkish? Why do you want to have long skirts?" They said, "We feel cold, that's the point." Then they developed varicose veins, these French. So the fashion came of long skirts - but open, open. In that horrible cold, what is the need to do all this? And they have junks and junks of clothes everywhere. Go to some house, you don't know where to sit because there's clothes here, clothes there, clothes there. It's all stupidity and idiocy. These entrepreneurs are very clever; they are making fool of everyone. We just laugh at them. But it's serious. All our good human energy is spent where? We don't know our glory, we don't know what great thing we are, we don't know what we can achieve. You can completely transform the whole world if you have a little wisdom. It is predicted that after Sahaja Yoga, there will be no doctors needed, no hospitals, nobody will get sick. It's a fact. There are people who have been suffering so much, but once they came to Sahaja Yoga, they are cured completely. Mr. Gregoire had pain in the molar tooth. Doctors frightened him - they wanted to take out all his teeth, God knows what. So I told him, "You somehow come to America - I am in America". So he had to tell some lie, of course, that I have a friend who is a doctor or something, so he came. And he was cured in half an hour. All his teeth are intact - he's all right. There have so many... She was a very sick person. Her little child died in the cot - cot death. And she was very upset, like a mad person. "But why", I asked her, "why do you make your little child sleep in another room?" That is their culture. An Indian woman will never accept such a culture. She can't sleep without her child till the child is at least ten years of age. And then she got completely [???], now see, she's before you. There are many, all of them can tell you stories. Germaine, everyone. But for that, you have to know that you can become that yourself, it's your own power, without any payment, anything, no obligation. It's your right, and you should get it. Yesterday you got it so fast, you can imagine. These French didn't get it that fast, nor the English. Americans are not at all possible, very difficult. They are saying that after ten years, sixty-five percent people who are white-skinned in America will become mad. Be careful. Whatever I have seen now is such wrong ideas we have about progress and modernism that we should learn a lesson from these stupid people who have fallen into ditch. Same thing about fundamentalism. These people who think they are a very high race because they are white-skinned are destroying themselves because they take to only destructive things. Nothing to follow them. With all appreciations of the Sahaja Yogis from Germany, I have to tell you that Germans think they are the highest race because they think they have better IQ. Who are the highest people in this world - are the saints. What is this IQ that you don't understand that to kill children in the gas chamber is the greatest sin. So kill the Jews in the gas chamber, what right they had? Under the wrong thing that they killed Christ. I think they are lowest of lowest. They have no idea because Christ was killed by Roman government. Have you heard of anybody who is a judge will ask the multitude of people whom he should kill and whom he should release? So the Roman government killed, from where came Mussolini later on, but not the Jews. Jews are tortured for nothing at all. Now they are becoming the same style. Still I don't understand why there is problem between Jews and Muslims, I don't understand. If we go on like this, there's no end to nonsense. They are all becoming disciples of Hitler, whether they are Jews, Christians or Muslims. Hindus, that's one advantage - we have not one book and we have no organization of religion. Thank God. Of course, there are all kinds of atheists and all that, but at least they don't form a fundamental school. They may oppose someone because somebody is torturing them, but they don't form under some sort of a fundamentalist nonsense. I was Myself born in a Christian family and I was quite surprised how these people were Christians. Then I found out in every religion there is hypocrisy because the rules and regulations are so strict that normal people cannot follow it. So first they should know the truth that it's very easy, very, very easy. Nobody has to tell you. You'll just do what is the best for you, the benevolent for you. I am very thankful to you all particularly to the party which has invited Me here. This is the first experience that a political party has invited Me. And I have nothing to do with politics. But there is Divine politics, which works. See, you had no rain for seven months, and you had rain - that's Divine politics. So, one has to understand that unless and until you know the absolute truth, you cannot take decisions on anything. And you all can know it. Yesterday I think you all felt the vibrations. Today again we'll try for five minutes. Only thing you have to take out your shoes. [..garbled][as per French translation: As I already told you there are three conditions.] First one is that you are not to feel guilty. After all, you are human beings. And if you make mistakes, doesn't matter. What's the use of carrying the mistake on your head all your life? You should have faced your mistakes earlier and forget it. By committing this kind of a state of feeling guilty, you catch on this center, and you develop diseases like angina or spondylitis. So it is a myth to feel guilty. You have to know that this all-pervading power of Divine love is the ocean of knowledge and bliss. This [ruh] is the ocean of compassion and love. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might have committed, will be completely dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself. Second condition is that you have to forgive everyone. Whether you forgive or don't forgive, logically you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then, what happens is that you play into wrong hands. So, why should you torture yourself? Especially at this juncture, the center of agnya is like this, absolutely constricted. It's on the optic chiasma. Now, if you don't forgive, it is so constricted it will never open. As soon as you forgive, it opens like this. That is how the kundalini can pass through. All your life you have tortured yourself by not forgiving. And now, if you don't forgive, you'll miss the great chance of becoming a [nabbi], a saint, an angel. So don't also think about those people who have troubled you, but just forgive them because it's a headache to think about them. The third condition I've already told you - it's to take out the shoes. Now, you just put your hands like this. That means you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. After all you are human beings at the epitome of evolution and have understanding that you are here to discover your glory, your greatness, which is innate - here. They're already feeling it. Now feel it on your head also. Bend your head and see with the right hand towards Me and with the left hand you can see if there's a cool or a hot breeze slightly coming out of your fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone on your head. Now, please take your left hand. Now bend your head and don't put the hand on top of your head, with your right hand you can feel it, not touching the head, but away. If it is hot, then know that you have not forgiven yourself or others. Please do it now. See with the right hand now and put right hand towards me and the left hand on your head and see for yourself. Bend your heads please. Now, please put your both the hands towards the sky like this. Push back your head and ask one of these three questions - any one of them - three times. [missing text][as per the French translation: "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?"]... or "Mother, is this the [ruh]?" or "Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya?" Ask any one of these questions three times. Now please take down. When you don't think, you are in the present. You're aware, but you're in the present. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze like vibrations on the fingertips or on the palm or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. May God bless you. Thank you very much. Some have not felt because they were just laughing. Some of them didn't feel it because they might have been to some other guru, some other method of meditation, or maybe some might not have felt because they are not well, or some may be doubting themselves. Everyone can get it. I hope you will be able to open some center of Sahaja Yoga here, where we have some people who will look after you. So now the message is enjoy yourself, and enjoy others. Thank you very much.
Address to Tunisian women
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Address to Tunisian women. Tunis (Tunisia), 13 November 1994. Shri Mataji: You can’t see? You can come here. Yogi: … ladies, Shri Mataji, they all say that they have got used to You, and they love You very much… Shri Mataji: Thank you. Yogi: … and they want You to stay in Tunisia (Shri Mataji laughs), they want You to buy a residence - they want to buy a residence for You, so You can come more often (applause). Shri Mataji: I see here, these are the kindest words I’ve ever heard. I’ve been here for a short time, but I really felt so close to you. You are so sensitive and so sensible and you didn’t mind whatever I’ve told you. I’m a Mother, and I have to tell you the truth and you shouldn’t feel bad if you think that I’m your Mother. That is a Mother’s job; she has to have patience, love, affection and also wisdom. Perhaps we women don’t realize how important we are. Men can do politics, economics and all the mess of it, but women are responsible for the society. They can make the society or mar the society. Wherever there are good societies, where children are good, families are good, and there is peace, there the women are responsible. The woman who has the job of rocking a child can rule the world. In no way a woman should think she is less than man. Woman is like this Mother Earth and man is like the sun. Look at the Mother Earth: how She bears us, how we torture her, and how She looks after us. So the greatest quality of a woman is her tolerance, her love and her wisdom. I forgot to bring a newspaper which I wanted to show you, in which English newspaper they have shown a woman looking like a man and having few hair here coming on the face, like a man. I would hate to be a man because a man has to please so many bosses and fight in life, while woman has to please only one; that is her husband. So the society can only be made alright by human beings who are not men, but women. You all can play a very great part, and a great role in your country also. Like when we had to fight the British I was only about 17, 18 years of age and I was very active. They gave me electric shocks, they made me sleep on the ice, did all kinds of things, but that time our country had to be free. But now, we have to be free from our ego and conditionings. I’m very happy to see that you ladies here in a Muslim country, so intelligent, so advanced and so free, but in My own country there is another law for Muslims. There’s not a common law and the condition of Muslim women is horrible. Once I was going to a place in My car and it failed on the way. And I got down from the car and there were many ladies, Muslims, ill-clad, very poor, were standing for the water from a tap. They were all Muslims. Then I started talking to them. So they told Me that each one of them had been divorced by their husbands, they had “talaq, talaq, talaq”, finished. And some of them had even 24 children and they were just left on the lurch. They have no way of eating any sensible food, no house, no water; so they live on the street. There were more than hundred women there and their children, and only one tap of water. Then there was one lady called Shah Bano. She was divorced like this and she had no way to live. So she went to some reformers [She repeats to the translator: “Reformers”], and requested them to put her case in the court, I mean, charitable organization. And this case went up to the High Court. The High Court decided that her husband has to support her because when she married, her husband was a poor man so the man had - was very little amount; but then he became very rich, and drove her out with all her children. So now she had no way where to go. So the court decided on the common law, that she should be given one third of the income and one house should be given to her to live, because she was on the street! Though the High Court did that, our Prime Minister who was Rajiv Gandhi, he was threatened by Muslims that “if you give money to Shah Bano we will not vote for Congress”. So the Shah Bano case was dismissed and Rajiv Gandhi said that even if one Muslim man says that ‘Alright, Shah Bano should get the money,’ then I will support the case. But no Muslim man in India supported this poor lady, no Muslim. Immediately she was helped by some charitable institution. Such fear in the minds of many also that if they had supported her case they, they would have been killed or fatwa on them. Worse is the case in Bangladesh, [She repeats to the translator: “worse is the case in Bangladesh.”]. In one week, four ladies were buried half-naked into the Mother Earth and were stoned by people because their husbands said that they were looking at other men, you see. Ultimately these women committed suicide. Then that you must have heard about a lady from Bangladesh; Talisma (should actually be ‘Taslima’ - ed) She’s now hiding in Sweden because she said that it’s better that we revise Koran and this harshness on women is too much and we have to work it out. So she had to run away to Sweden. Now they want her back in Bangladesh to prosecute her because there is fatwa on her. They may kill her the same way. If you see, all over the world, Muslim women are the most tortured ones. It could not have been Mohammed Sahib who would have allowed such nonsense. He talked of Rahim and Rahimat. The condition of these women, even in Arabic countries, is very bad. There are thousands of French women as keeps in Riyadh, thousands and the poor Arabic ladies are tortured. There’s a reaction to it also. In Arabia there are some rich widows who actually take away young boys and imprison them in their palaces. And also horrible things. Once an Indian boy, married to one, was captured and he was arrested and kept with these ladies. They used him for one month and he came out like a mad man. We know him. This kind of thing still going on in modern times. Now when I went to Turkey I was happy to see that Kemal Pasha Ataturk, Kemal Pasha has done a good work for ladies there. He really gave them dignity and equal rights, but unfortunately – I don’t know why – the German culture has come in Turkey; German culture. So they import even the cakes from Germany, even the cakes, while, while Turkish food is excellent [Repeats to lady translator: “Turkish food is excellent”]. They import their clothes from Germany; everything from Germany, as if Germans are something coming from heavens. I asked them ‘Why do you do it?’ so they said, ‘If we are like this then our men will respect us.’ I couldn’t understand because after all men are created by mothers. What discipline you give to your children should be Tunisian or Turkish, your children. They must respect your culture and not that of Germany or of France. Whatever dress we wear is traditional from days together, thousands of years we’ve been wearing sari. Actually by travelling it’s little awkward with sari. But I can never wear jeans, whatever you may try, because this is our tradition and in our tradition, the way a woman is respectable has to be in sari. In some cities before marriage they do wear every kind of dress, but after marriage they assume the position as a Gruha Lakshmi, meaning the goddess of the household. She is the goddess and if she is the goddess, then all kinds of blessings come on that family. We have seen our experiences that if the woman is a Gruha Lakshmi in the pattern of Fatima, then all the good can come to that family. I went to your bazaar and bought some traditional dresses and all these girls from all over the world are wearing these dresses. Not only that they look very nice, but also, they look like ladies, you see. There’s nothing to learn from French. If you want to know about French you’d better read Moliere or you can read Maupassant or Emile Zola. They have brought out the nonsense of French families and the woman are so aggressive that men have to go on dancing behind them. We can see from these, from these writers; they have brought out so many things. As a result, men have become very ugly in a way, because Sartre, a horrible fellow, you must have heard his name, Sartre, he’s written such horrible things that you can’t even read one page. French women have ruined their society completely. You see the first time when I went to France they told me, ‘Mother, You look so happy and joyous, but you shouldn’t look like that, because French think you are ignoramus.’ So I started my lecture with ‘Les Miserables.’ I said, “After every lamppost you have a pub, and after every 11th lamppost you have a prostitute. Then what will happen? You are going to be miserable”. I’ve heard recently that the housewife could be partly a prostitute in France. (Inaudible words) They say they are very tolerant society. No wonder there are so many children taking to drugs, to violence, to AIDS; all kinds of things. I blame their mothers because they are busy with their own decorations and things. They have no time for their children. After I started Sahaja Yoga I was surprised: were many people coming from France, many girls; and they told Me that, ‘Mother, in France we have been always around the hotels.’ ‘For what?’ To, to go into the hotels and available to their customers, from the college and they were on the list of many girls who could accompany men for their holidays. Absolutely common, it’s nothing new, it is I’m telling you at least ten years back it was going on. I mean, in such an immoral country of immoral mothers, what would happen to children? There was one bank robber, and this bank robber was shown on the television before the magistrate and he was boasting how he went through a tunnel into the bank and then he stole. What was his name? Yogi: Spaggiari. Shri Mataji: They say, you see, he’s famous like Mahatma Gandhi. (Laughter, Shri Mataji laughs.) And then he was telling, he was, he told that, ‘I went to the window and opened it and jumped out’. And he told the magistrate, ‘Should I show you how I do it?’ We saw it on the television, saw it on the television. He went to the window, opened the window, and jumped down, and escaped! (Laughter.) And there was one fellow waiting for him on a motorbike down below. And he became a hero; national hero. (Laughter.) Next year I went there, all the young boys and girls were wearing his photograph on their t-shirts. The French women don’t realize what they have done to their own children, to their own family. We, we started a school in India just for children who are in these Western countries and are suffering. And we had one French boy, Johan, and his grandparents reported to the police, so five newspaper people came, entered inside the premises without permission and tortured that boy: asked thousand questions and the government forced us to send that child back to France. Then the boy told Me, ‘Mother, I don’t want to stay in France.’ He wrote to the magistrate, ‘I don’t want to stay in France,’ and he was asked questions by Freudian psychologist, Freudian. You must be knowing that Freud used to teach that the first relationship, bad relation, starts with mother and they said, ‘This boy is no good as a French one, because he has no open heart.’ But this boy told me that in the school when the children go to the bathroom they open their clothes and do all kinds of things which he doesn’t like. They take drugs, hashish, everything, in school and still they want to keep the child there. But these five newspaper people were brought to courts in India because it was trespass, and they are fighting their case in India. They made hell for our life. All the French countries were informed that we had a school where you take children from Europe, as if it is – as if it is a crime, because, you see, we are not Europeans, you see. But our Indian children studied in England, everywhere, no objection. Now they have made it compulsory that if you come to France you must speak in French. No other language, as if French language is the last word on literature. All this should tell you that nothing to learn from French. They have ruined their society completely, entirely. No marriage is successful, children are immoral, mothers are immoral, husbands are immoral… I used to say it is the gate of hell. You won’t believe, in the beginning, every year I used to go three times to Paris. Now we have thousands who are Sahaja Yogis because there were so many who didn’t want this, who didn’t like this. There were so many who didn’t want their children to be ruined, who wanted to have a happy married life. So now we have lots of people who are Sahaja Yogis. And it’s surprising; they are very great Sahaja Yogis. Why I’m telling you this, that do not get enamored by the culture of these people. This is the best way you can put down all the fundamentalist, you see. What they are saying, that these are not traditional Muslims, they do not dress up like traditional Muslims, their lives are not like ours and all that. They say they are French; they are not Muslims. So if you show them that we respect our culture and we don’t care for other cultures, immediately you’ll be amazed that they will have no platform. What will they fight? What will they say against you people who are sensible? As I told you yesterday, we cannot have fundamentalists because we Indian women are extremely traditional. We, we respect our culture and our chastity (inaudible words), not in the history alone, but even today. So nobody can say, even Ayatollah Khomeini used to say that Indian women are more than Muslims, used to say that, because we believe in all the auspiciousness of religion, auspiciousness. Thank God there is a word for ‘auspiciousness’ in French (laughter, Shri Mataji laughs). So I’m just telling you that this is just the beginning. Djamel came to Sahaja Yoga long time back. And I think about 16, 17 years back he told Me, ‘Mother, there are dangerous things are happening in Algeria.’ I said, ‘What?’ ‘That the women and young girls are taking to French style of life; that women want to expose their body, and do all kinds of such things.’ I said, ‘Very dangerous! Because fundamentalists will take advantage of this’. And that’s what exactly has happened after that. Now, Algeria is in the grip of fundamentalists. They don’t know what to do, how to get out of it. So imagine if you people decide to live like traditional Muslim living, just for the sake of it, or, as in American language: ‘for the heck of it.’ (Shri Mataji laughs) So they cannot say. What objection they can have? And with Sahaja Yoga you can beat them hollow. Sahaja Yoga is the middle path. Neither it is the extreme West, and nor the extreme fundamentalism. It is a very essence of religion, that we don’t do anything wrong. We don’t take to anything that is wrong, or bad, or irreligious. In this country the women look very sensible and you can take a lead for the whole world of the Muslim women. Poor one Talisma is there, who is suffering, but here you are so many. If you take up upon yourself that “we will show them that we are really religious people”, you can solve the problem of fundamentalism all over the world. This is in your hands. Also, to bring your men-folk to the central path. They should not go to the extreme of the left side. Like Mohammed Sahib has said, you should not drink alcohol. Now what Christians say, that Christ went to attend a wedding and there He made water into wine. So among Christians it is not sinful to drink wine – very nice, you see. (Laughter, Shri Mataji laughs) That may be the reason Mohammed Sahib has said, ‘No wine, no alcohol.’ Now, I, I had an interview, in Italy, and the gentleman is a very famous man, who interviewed Me, and he said, ‘Mother, first You give me realization, then I’ll interview You”. Romano Battaglia his name is. I said, ‘Alright, get some water,’ and I put My hand in it. He drank it, he said, ‘This tastes like wine!’ I said ‘That’s what Christ did.’ Wine, which is described in the Bible, is the grape juice – fresh grape juice. In Hebrew, in Hebrew language, it’s called wine. Now, you can’t make alcohol instantaneously, can you? It has to rot, rot, and rot. The more it rots, the better it is. The more it smells, the better it is. What about cheese? Horrible. There are some good cheeses, but some of them, some of the French, are horribly smelling, I tell you. And the mouth also smells (laughter), and they have a habit of kissing you (laughter) Oh, very difficult. Their hands smell because they don’t use water at all, their mouth smells. You know My husband was Secretary General, General, of the International Maritime Organization and sometimes we had to shake hands with 700 people at a time, going in, and coming out of a drunken state, imagine it. [She repeats to lady translator: “Shake hands. ”]. And my husband would say, ‘Baba, please press my hand; it’s paining.’ I said, ‘Mine is paining also.’ (Laughter.) I said, ‘Why can’t you say ‘namaste’?’ They said, my husband said, ‘They’ll think something wrong with you, you are mentally upset, if you say namaste.’ You see, they don’t like anything like that and men kiss and women also kiss. I don’t mind the women but men also kiss, you know? (Laughter) I don’t know what to say. For us, it’s absolutely absurd. Now the new trend has started in the West, as you know. Not very new, but about ten years back, first time. Is you must have heard of horrible things of homosexuality, I can’t understand. You know, if they make a goal, the fellow gets very excited, is the one who makes the goal, but he can’t hug others; he has to touch with the hands. Sometimes after making the goal, he is so excited that he runs out of the field, but he can’t hug anyone, you know, he cannot express. The women can’t hug men. Women cannot hug men. They can only hug… no, women can’t hug women, they can only hug men. If you go to a hotel with your father, you can’t stay in the same room. With your brother also you can’t stay, but any other man you can stay, that is allowed. Such absurd people they are. (Shri Mataji laughs) Now there was a law in England that a man can stay only with a woman, but no woman can stay with woman. Especially with parents it was so absurd, that a girl, daughter, cannot stay with the father. We Indians can’t understand. We are not, we are not so advanced. We don’t know, we don’t know these things (laughter). They cannot trust a father with the daughter, but then I saw on the television that so many fathers and mothers and sons and daughters were fighting, that they should be allowed to have relationship with each other. These are parallel: English ones. There was a protest and a big strike of these stupid people. In thousands mothers wanted to have relations with their daughters, and the fathers wanted to have relations with – no (?), mothers wanted to have with the sons, and the fathers wanted to have with their daughters. It is the worst decadent society. And anything stupid comes like that they accept, because they are very self-destructive. Now there are so many, 80 persons, who have come from Western countries. For them it’s a historical event to have a breakthrough in the all kinds of problems the Muslims are having. They all will not object to what I’m saying because they’ve seen it; they know what it is. There is no respect of women. They want to put them as nude women everywhere and women also accept. Even the parents accept. Just making money out of their body all the time. No self-respect, no sense of decency. Women have no respect. They want everybody to look at them all the time. In India any man tries to look at a woman she’ll go and give him two slaps. That way, I must say, they have saved our country. So, with such a decadent society, who have no moral values, who are getting destroyed, we have to learn a lesson. It starts slowly and then it, they start slipping down. So now you have to realize your importance as the mothers of this country. Whatever Mohammed Sahib has done is to respect women. He has written more about Christ’s Mother than it is written in the Bible. For Her chastity, nobody should challenge, He says. In Sahaja Yoga you will know who They were: who was Fatima, who was Hazrat Ali, who was Mohammed Sahib. You will now everything. All the subtle side of these great Incarnations you will know, and you will get proof. It is a tangible thing, absolutely tangible. Thus you have to believe, but for that, first you should grow in Sahaja Yoga. In India women are regarded as the Shakti, the power. I can see it here that, you see, because of you people showing your personality, this country is very balanced. So just think of your responsibility. You can do a lot to change the fate of many women who are suffering. I was very happy to come here. Not only that, but the vibrations were so great and flowing, that I just couldn’t even sit. So many were there, these Divine vibrations. You are people of great Divine value; respect yourself. Respect your value system. Tell your children how to be respectable. You can do it. I know you have great capacity. I am all with you. As you have suggested, I may buy a residence here for Myself. (Great outbursts of joy and applause from audience.) I have few presents for you, very few, because I didn’t know I’ll meet so many ladies here. You see, I couldn’t get something very nice but whatever I have, this is for you, and this stone is what you call the golden topaz, and this is for the guru, is the master. All the leaders are given this. What’s this? Yogini: …Mecca… Shri Mataji: I know. Yogi: She wants to give You this from - this is from Mecca, here. From Mecca. Shri Mataji: I know, beautiful. Thank you very much. Now. This one is… no, no, for the other lady, what’s her name? The one who has organized this. The behind… (Applause). This is the thing… (The yogini says in French that, as Mother has said that we have be loyal towards ourselves, therefore she has to be also loyal to the other participants, and starts listing the ladies who have helped in the organization of the seminar. Then distribution of the presents starts) These are all Indian, Indian, this thing, but this is also Western… (applause as Mother gives gift). You see, (mossia?) they call it, a kind of a small flower. Who… She likes roses? This is a rose. (Applause) Good? This is musk, musk, musk. Musk. (Applause.) Now who…. This is sandalwood. (Applause) No, no, no... This you can give lastly… even gargar. Now we have so many, for all the ladies. This is lotus. For the younger girls we’ll give the Western… for the younger girls (Shri Mataji laughs). [End of audio]
Address to Tunisian women. Tunis (Tunisia), 13 November 1994. Shri Mataji: You can’t see? You can come here. Yogi: … ladies, Shri Mataji, they all say that they have got used to You, and they love You very much… Shri Mataji: Thank you. Yogi: … and they want You to stay in Tunisia (Shri Mataji laughs), they want You to buy a residence - they want to buy a residence for You, so You can come more often (applause). Shri Mataji: I see here, these are the kindest words I’ve ever heard. I’ve been here for a short time, but I really felt so close to you. You are so sensitive and so sensible and you didn’t mind whatever I’ve told you. I’m a Mother, and I have to tell you the truth and you shouldn’t feel bad if you think that I’m your Mother. That is a Mother’s job; she has to have patience, love, affection and also wisdom. Perhaps we women don’t realize how important we are. Men can do politics, economics and all the mess of it, but women are responsible for the society. They can make the society or mar the society. Wherever there are good societies, where children are good, families are good, and there is peace, there the women are responsible. The woman who has the job of rocking a child can rule the world. In no way a woman should think she is less than man. Woman is like this Mother Earth and man is like the sun. Look at the Mother Earth: how She bears us, how we torture her, and how She looks after us. So the greatest quality of a woman is her tolerance, her love and her wisdom. I forgot to bring a newspaper which I wanted to show you, in which English newspaper they have shown a woman looking like a man and having few hair here coming on the face, like a man. I would hate to be a man because a man has to please so many bosses and fight in life, while woman has to please only one; that is her husband. So the society can only be made alright by human beings who are not men, but women. You all can play a very great part, and a great role in your country also. Like when we had to fight the British I was only about 17, 18 years of age and I was very active. They gave me electric shocks, they made me sleep on the ice, did all kinds of things, but that time our country had to be free. But now, we have to be free from our ego and conditionings. I’m very happy to see that you ladies here in a Muslim country, so intelligent, so advanced and so free, but in My own country there is another law for Muslims. There’s not a common law and the condition of Muslim women is horrible. Once I was going to a place in My car and it failed on the way. And I got down from the car and there were many ladies, Muslims, ill-clad, very poor, were standing for the water from a tap. They were all Muslims. Then I started talking to them. So they told Me that each one of them had been divorced by their husbands, they had “talaq, talaq, talaq”, finished. And some of them had even 24 children and they were just left on the lurch. They have no way of eating any sensible food, no house, no water; so they live on the street. There were more than hundred women there and their children, and only one tap of water. Then there was one lady called Shah Bano. She was divorced like this and she had no way to live. So she went to some reformers [She repeats to the translator: “Reformers”], and requested them to put her case in the court, I mean, charitable organization. And this case went up to the High Court. The High Court decided that her husband has to support her because when she married, her husband was a poor man so the man had - was very little amount; but then he became very rich, and drove her out with all her children. So now she had no way where to go. So the court decided on the common law, that she should be given one third of the income and one house should be given to her to live, because she was on the street! Though the High Court did that, our Prime Minister who was Rajiv Gandhi, he was threatened by Muslims that “if you give money to Shah Bano we will not vote for Congress”. So the Shah Bano case was dismissed and Rajiv Gandhi said that even if one Muslim man says that ‘Alright, Shah Bano should get the money,’ then I will support the case. But no Muslim man in India supported this poor lady, no Muslim. Immediately she was helped by some charitable institution. Such fear in the minds of many also that if they had supported her case they, they would have been killed or fatwa on them. Worse is the case in Bangladesh, [She repeats to the translator: “worse is the case in Bangladesh.”]. In one week, four ladies were buried half-naked into the Mother Earth and were stoned by people because their husbands said that they were looking at other men, you see. Ultimately these women committed suicide. Then that you must have heard about a lady from Bangladesh; Talisma (should actually be ‘Taslima’ - ed) She’s now hiding in Sweden because she said that it’s better that we revise Koran and this harshness on women is too much and we have to work it out. So she had to run away to Sweden. Now they want her back in Bangladesh to prosecute her because there is fatwa on her. They may kill her the same way. If you see, all over the world, Muslim women are the most tortured ones. It could not have been Mohammed Sahib who would have allowed such nonsense. He talked of Rahim and Rahimat. The condition of these women, even in Arabic countries, is very bad. There are thousands of French women as keeps in Riyadh, thousands and the poor Arabic ladies are tortured. There’s a reaction to it also. In Arabia there are some rich widows who actually take away young boys and imprison them in their palaces. And also horrible things. Once an Indian boy, married to one, was captured and he was arrested and kept with these ladies. They used him for one month and he came out like a mad man. We know him. This kind of thing still going on in modern times. Now when I went to Turkey I was happy to see that Kemal Pasha Ataturk, Kemal Pasha has done a good work for ladies there. He really gave them dignity and equal rights, but unfortunately – I don’t know why – the German culture has come in Turkey; German culture. So they import even the cakes from Germany, even the cakes, while, while Turkish food is excellent [Repeats to lady translator: “Turkish food is excellent”]. They import their clothes from Germany; everything from Germany, as if Germans are something coming from heavens. I asked them ‘Why do you do it?’ so they said, ‘If we are like this then our men will respect us.’ I couldn’t understand because after all men are created by mothers. What discipline you give to your children should be Tunisian or Turkish, your children. They must respect your culture and not that of Germany or of France. Whatever dress we wear is traditional from days together, thousands of years we’ve been wearing sari. Actually by travelling it’s little awkward with sari. But I can never wear jeans, whatever you may try, because this is our tradition and in our tradition, the way a woman is respectable has to be in sari. In some cities before marriage they do wear every kind of dress, but after marriage they assume the position as a Gruha Lakshmi, meaning the goddess of the household. She is the goddess and if she is the goddess, then all kinds of blessings come on that family. We have seen our experiences that if the woman is a Gruha Lakshmi in the pattern of Fatima, then all the good can come to that family. I went to your bazaar and bought some traditional dresses and all these girls from all over the world are wearing these dresses. Not only that they look very nice, but also, they look like ladies, you see. There’s nothing to learn from French. If you want to know about French you’d better read Moliere or you can read Maupassant or Emile Zola. They have brought out the nonsense of French families and the woman are so aggressive that men have to go on dancing behind them. We can see from these, from these writers; they have brought out so many things. As a result, men have become very ugly in a way, because Sartre, a horrible fellow, you must have heard his name, Sartre, he’s written such horrible things that you can’t even read one page. French women have ruined their society completely. You see the first time when I went to France they told me, ‘Mother, You look so happy and joyous, but you shouldn’t look like that, because French think you are ignoramus.’ So I started my lecture with ‘Les Miserables.’ I said, “After every lamppost you have a pub, and after every 11th lamppost you have a prostitute. Then what will happen? You are going to be miserable”. I’ve heard recently that the housewife could be partly a prostitute in France. (Inaudible words) They say they are very tolerant society. No wonder there are so many children taking to drugs, to violence, to AIDS; all kinds of things. I blame their mothers because they are busy with their own decorations and things. They have no time for their children. After I started Sahaja Yoga I was surprised: were many people coming from France, many girls; and they told Me that, ‘Mother, in France we have been always around the hotels.’ ‘For what?’ To, to go into the hotels and available to their customers, from the college and they were on the list of many girls who could accompany men for their holidays. Absolutely common, it’s nothing new, it is I’m telling you at least ten years back it was going on. I mean, in such an immoral country of immoral mothers, what would happen to children? There was one bank robber, and this bank robber was shown on the television before the magistrate and he was boasting how he went through a tunnel into the bank and then he stole. What was his name? Yogi: Spaggiari. Shri Mataji: They say, you see, he’s famous like Mahatma Gandhi. (Laughter, Shri Mataji laughs.) And then he was telling, he was, he told that, ‘I went to the window and opened it and jumped out’. And he told the magistrate, ‘Should I show you how I do it?’ We saw it on the television, saw it on the television. He went to the window, opened the window, and jumped down, and escaped! (Laughter.) And there was one fellow waiting for him on a motorbike down below. And he became a hero; national hero. (Laughter.) Next year I went there, all the young boys and girls were wearing his photograph on their t-shirts. The French women don’t realize what they have done to their own children, to their own family. We, we started a school in India just for children who are in these Western countries and are suffering. And we had one French boy, Johan, and his grandparents reported to the police, so five newspaper people came, entered inside the premises without permission and tortured that boy: asked thousand questions and the government forced us to send that child back to France. Then the boy told Me, ‘Mother, I don’t want to stay in France.’ He wrote to the magistrate, ‘I don’t want to stay in France,’ and he was asked questions by Freudian psychologist, Freudian. You must be knowing that Freud used to teach that the first relationship, bad relation, starts with mother and they said, ‘This boy is no good as a French one, because he has no open heart.’ But this boy told me that in the school when the children go to the bathroom they open their clothes and do all kinds of things which he doesn’t like. They take drugs, hashish, everything, in school and still they want to keep the child there. But these five newspaper people were brought to courts in India because it was trespass, and they are fighting their case in India. They made hell for our life. All the French countries were informed that we had a school where you take children from Europe, as if it is – as if it is a crime, because, you see, we are not Europeans, you see. But our Indian children studied in England, everywhere, no objection. Now they have made it compulsory that if you come to France you must speak in French. No other language, as if French language is the last word on literature. All this should tell you that nothing to learn from French. They have ruined their society completely, entirely. No marriage is successful, children are immoral, mothers are immoral, husbands are immoral… I used to say it is the gate of hell. You won’t believe, in the beginning, every year I used to go three times to Paris. Now we have thousands who are Sahaja Yogis because there were so many who didn’t want this, who didn’t like this. There were so many who didn’t want their children to be ruined, who wanted to have a happy married life. So now we have lots of people who are Sahaja Yogis. And it’s surprising; they are very great Sahaja Yogis. Why I’m telling you this, that do not get enamored by the culture of these people. This is the best way you can put down all the fundamentalist, you see. What they are saying, that these are not traditional Muslims, they do not dress up like traditional Muslims, their lives are not like ours and all that. They say they are French; they are not Muslims. So if you show them that we respect our culture and we don’t care for other cultures, immediately you’ll be amazed that they will have no platform. What will they fight? What will they say against you people who are sensible? As I told you yesterday, we cannot have fundamentalists because we Indian women are extremely traditional. We, we respect our culture and our chastity (inaudible words), not in the history alone, but even today. So nobody can say, even Ayatollah Khomeini used to say that Indian women are more than Muslims, used to say that, because we believe in all the auspiciousness of religion, auspiciousness. Thank God there is a word for ‘auspiciousness’ in French (laughter, Shri Mataji laughs). So I’m just telling you that this is just the beginning. Djamel came to Sahaja Yoga long time back. And I think about 16, 17 years back he told Me, ‘Mother, there are dangerous things are happening in Algeria.’ I said, ‘What?’ ‘That the women and young girls are taking to French style of life; that women want to expose their body, and do all kinds of such things.’ I said, ‘Very dangerous! Because fundamentalists will take advantage of this’. And that’s what exactly has happened after that. Now, Algeria is in the grip of fundamentalists. They don’t know what to do, how to get out of it. So imagine if you people decide to live like traditional Muslim living, just for the sake of it, or, as in American language: ‘for the heck of it.’ (Shri Mataji laughs) So they cannot say. What objection they can have? And with Sahaja Yoga you can beat them hollow. Sahaja Yoga is the middle path. Neither it is the extreme West, and nor the extreme fundamentalism. It is a very essence of religion, that we don’t do anything wrong. We don’t take to anything that is wrong, or bad, or irreligious. In this country the women look very sensible and you can take a lead for the whole world of the Muslim women. Poor one Talisma is there, who is suffering, but here you are so many. If you take up upon yourself that “we will show them that we are really religious people”, you can solve the problem of fundamentalism all over the world. This is in your hands. Also, to bring your men-folk to the central path. They should not go to the extreme of the left side. Like Mohammed Sahib has said, you should not drink alcohol. Now what Christians say, that Christ went to attend a wedding and there He made water into wine. So among Christians it is not sinful to drink wine – very nice, you see. (Laughter, Shri Mataji laughs) That may be the reason Mohammed Sahib has said, ‘No wine, no alcohol.’ Now, I, I had an interview, in Italy, and the gentleman is a very famous man, who interviewed Me, and he said, ‘Mother, first You give me realization, then I’ll interview You”. Romano Battaglia his name is. I said, ‘Alright, get some water,’ and I put My hand in it. He drank it, he said, ‘This tastes like wine!’ I said ‘That’s what Christ did.’ Wine, which is described in the Bible, is the grape juice – fresh grape juice. In Hebrew, in Hebrew language, it’s called wine. Now, you can’t make alcohol instantaneously, can you? It has to rot, rot, and rot. The more it rots, the better it is. The more it smells, the better it is. What about cheese? Horrible. There are some good cheeses, but some of them, some of the French, are horribly smelling, I tell you. And the mouth also smells (laughter), and they have a habit of kissing you (laughter) Oh, very difficult. Their hands smell because they don’t use water at all, their mouth smells. You know My husband was Secretary General, General, of the International Maritime Organization and sometimes we had to shake hands with 700 people at a time, going in, and coming out of a drunken state, imagine it. [She repeats to lady translator: “Shake hands. ”]. And my husband would say, ‘Baba, please press my hand; it’s paining.’ I said, ‘Mine is paining also.’ (Laughter.) I said, ‘Why can’t you say ‘namaste’?’ They said, my husband said, ‘They’ll think something wrong with you, you are mentally upset, if you say namaste.’ You see, they don’t like anything like that and men kiss and women also kiss. I don’t mind the women but men also kiss, you know? (Laughter) I don’t know what to say. For us, it’s absolutely absurd. Now the new trend has started in the West, as you know. Not very new, but about ten years back, first time. Is you must have heard of horrible things of homosexuality, I can’t understand. You know, if they make a goal, the fellow gets very excited, is the one who makes the goal, but he can’t hug others; he has to touch with the hands. Sometimes after making the goal, he is so excited that he runs out of the field, but he can’t hug anyone, you know, he cannot express. The women can’t hug men. Women cannot hug men. They can only hug… no, women can’t hug women, they can only hug men. If you go to a hotel with your father, you can’t stay in the same room. With your brother also you can’t stay, but any other man you can stay, that is allowed. Such absurd people they are. (Shri Mataji laughs) Now there was a law in England that a man can stay only with a woman, but no woman can stay with woman. Especially with parents it was so absurd, that a girl, daughter, cannot stay with the father. We Indians can’t understand. We are not, we are not so advanced. We don’t know, we don’t know these things (laughter). They cannot trust a father with the daughter, but then I saw on the television that so many fathers and mothers and sons and daughters were fighting, that they should be allowed to have relationship with each other. These are parallel: English ones. There was a protest and a big strike of these stupid people. In thousands mothers wanted to have relations with their daughters, and the fathers wanted to have relations with – no (?), mothers wanted to have with the sons, and the fathers wanted to have with their daughters. It is the worst decadent society. And anything stupid comes like that they accept, because they are very self-destructive. Now there are so many, 80 persons, who have come from Western countries. For them it’s a historical event to have a breakthrough in the all kinds of problems the Muslims are having. They all will not object to what I’m saying because they’ve seen it; they know what it is. There is no respect of women. They want to put them as nude women everywhere and women also accept. Even the parents accept. Just making money out of their body all the time. No self-respect, no sense of decency. Women have no respect. They want everybody to look at them all the time. In India any man tries to look at a woman she’ll go and give him two slaps. That way, I must say, they have saved our country. So, with such a decadent society, who have no moral values, who are getting destroyed, we have to learn a lesson. It starts slowly and then it, they start slipping down. So now you have to realize your importance as the mothers of this country. Whatever Mohammed Sahib has done is to respect women. He has written more about Christ’s Mother than it is written in the Bible. For Her chastity, nobody should challenge, He says. In Sahaja Yoga you will know who They were: who was Fatima, who was Hazrat Ali, who was Mohammed Sahib. You will now everything. All the subtle side of these great Incarnations you will know, and you will get proof. It is a tangible thing, absolutely tangible. Thus you have to believe, but for that, first you should grow in Sahaja Yoga. In India women are regarded as the Shakti, the power. I can see it here that, you see, because of you people showing your personality, this country is very balanced. So just think of your responsibility. You can do a lot to change the fate of many women who are suffering. I was very happy to come here. Not only that, but the vibrations were so great and flowing, that I just couldn’t even sit. So many were there, these Divine vibrations. You are people of great Divine value; respect yourself. Respect your value system. Tell your children how to be respectable. You can do it. I know you have great capacity. I am all with you. As you have suggested, I may buy a residence here for Myself. (Great outbursts of joy and applause from audience.) I have few presents for you, very few, because I didn’t know I’ll meet so many ladies here. You see, I couldn’t get something very nice but whatever I have, this is for you, and this stone is what you call the golden topaz, and this is for the guru, is the master. All the leaders are given this. What’s this? Yogini: …Mecca… Shri Mataji: I know. Yogi: She wants to give You this from - this is from Mecca, here. From Mecca. Shri Mataji: I know, beautiful. Thank you very much. Now. This one is… no, no, for the other lady, what’s her name? The one who has organized this. The behind… (Applause). This is the thing… (The yogini says in French that, as Mother has said that we have be loyal towards ourselves, therefore she has to be also loyal to the other participants, and starts listing the ladies who have helped in the organization of the seminar. Then distribution of the presents starts) These are all Indian, Indian, this thing, but this is also Western… (applause as Mother gives gift). You see, (mossia?) they call it, a kind of a small flower. Who… She likes roses? This is a rose. (Applause) Good? This is musk, musk, musk. Musk. (Applause.) Now who…. This is sandalwood. (Applause) No, no, no... This you can give lastly… even gargar. Now we have so many, for all the ladies. This is lotus. For the younger girls we’ll give the Western… for the younger girls (Shri Mataji laughs). [End of audio]
Public Program – Kundalini Ek Mahan Shakti (Kundalini, a Great Power)
New Delhi
Public Program
1994-1129 Public Program–Kundalini Ek Mahan Shakti (Kundalini, a Great Power) New Delhi I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the onset, we must know what is the truth. Whatever I wish to speak about, must not be taken as blind faith. I say this repeatedly at every place, that blind faith has caused lot of damage to us and this country. Those great souls who said many things of immense significance and departed after working out several noble tasks, have long been forgotten and those who want to make money in the name of religion and those want to mislead seekers in the name of religion, have in fact, destroyed the works of all those great incarnations. And all of us being innocent seekers, trying to find the answers in darkness, have a tendency to cling onto anything and do not even think if that is leading us to the path of truth or pushing us towards evil. These people are hankering after our money as they believe money is everything and they can take away a seeker’s money by fooling and conning them , by mesmerizing them. It is important to note that God does not want our money nor does He understand our banks. These are all manmade institutions. There are several evil people like these, who have come in this Kalyuga (modern times). And in this terrible time of Kalyuga only, the lights of Diwali (festival of lights) will have to be illuminated. There cannot be a darker night than this. Even in our country, these evil people have spread darkness and several people are following them. You must understand what have you found in this quest , what did you become , what knowledge you acquired or have your pockets been emptied leaving you in disillusionment? There are several evil and adulterous people such as these, who have established themselves and taken advantage of your innocence. That is why I advise that you should not have blind faith. You must hear and then understand. Only if it is proven, then you must embrace it as a scientific hypothesis and believe in it once proven right. If you are a genuine and honest person and interested in your own well-being, then you must believe (Mother). Without understanding this truth, we can never find the solution to any problem. Because truth is the light and in the light of that truth, we can see clearly what is benevolent & essential for us, for our society, for our country and for the whole creation. All your questions are because of imbalances in your chakras. These chakras are the milestones of our evolution wherein we transitioned from several stages to become humans of today. In spite of reaching the human stage of evolution, we still do not know the absolute truth. Some say this is good, some say that is good, some say your karmas are bad and their karmas are good but one doesn’t know the absolute truth. Only when one attains the absolute truth, one can clearly understand that all of one’s beliefs are nothing but darkness and will drop those beliefs instantly. There are so many false beliefs that people have created, but even then people choose to believe in them. This is why I ask you and those who are new here, not to believe what I say , but keep your brains open like a scientist. If you believe in you own well-being and when you believe that it is your responsibility to look after the well- being of the world , you will awaken with that sense of responsibility and will realize that we must understand and believe only in the absolute truth. Many foreigners came to India for centuries but we did not take them seriously. Their ways were not acceptable to us. We did not find anything to learn from them except, may be, English language. Even Mahatma Gandhi who led the revolution (of Indian Freedom) emphasized that we must be completely dedicated and faithful to our country and our culture. It was not a question of religion such as Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians but we had the blessings of this culture, which is now getting lost. I notice advertisements of wine and liquor on television these days. Earlier we could not even imagine this. Someone asked me how does one say ‘cheers’ when wine is served on the table. I replied, “we never keep wine on our tables”. However now, people consider drinking as a gentlemanly conduct and everyone wishes to be a gentleman. This is why I am advising if you become a gentleman, you will have to become an Indian again. What is the need to be a so-called gentleman if you have to come back here? Especially the type of Indians I have seen abroad, they appear like uprooted trees. They do not come to Sahaja Yoga at all and even if they do, they disappear after few days. It is only because of our great traditions that Sahaja Yoga is decorated. Sahaja Yoga remains decorated because we kept our belief in all the great sages and incarnations. I do not want you to believe that this great work has been done only by me. Sahaja Yoga has been in our country since ancient times. Markanday Swamy who was born 14000 years ago here spoke of the Kundalini. There has been a discussion about Kundalini everywhere. However, it was possible only between one Guru and one disciple. It was concealed in such a way that one Guru would have only one disciple. In the 12th century, Gyaneshwar took the permission of his Guru and wrote everything about the Kundalini in the 6th chapter of his book Gyaneshwari. But the so called protectors of religion. discouraged people from reading it proclaiming it as forbidden, since they themselves did not know much about it. This is how the knowledge was suppressed again. Then in the 16th century, Guru Nanaka , Kabira and several saints of Maharashtra clearly described about the Kundalini , and that man’s benevolence and ascent is not possible without the awakening of Kundalini. (But) several tantrikas arose and claimed knowledge about the Kundalini. People started hovering around them. When I came to this earth, I found that most people are in a state of turmoil and disturbed. For instance, my own father was an extremely pure soul, even my mother never told a lie. I have seen such people. Our country became distracted after independence and people started getting influenced by money. The country that was sustaining itself with the blessings of great saints and sages had now started functioning on money. Money is not a blessing of Lakshmi, it is something weird. On the other hand, let me tell you about those countries that are considered affluent. I notice the influence of those countries coming to ours. You don’t know that even the westerners are still immature in their growth. For example, a woman there may have married eight times. In our country, no one would look up to such a woman. A woman who married the eight time attracted a crowd of over 5000 people who just wanted a glimpse of her. 10 helicopters were flying around with people jumping from these, trying to take pictures and falling on trees and on people on the ground. I would say even in a city like Delhi, not more than two persons would stop by to witness such a sight. There is something still righteous within us. So why do we run after those who are imprudent in their actions? There is a lady who once said she would give people a shawl that is vibrated and spiritual. How can a shawl (piece of cloth) be spiritual? Surprisingly, people started following her. Without understanding the innate religion, how can one follow such people? There is nothing to learn from them. People innocently start running after people who produce objects and things using tricks. These are baseless things. These people (who play tricks) are crazy about money. In some advanced countries, a woman can enter into prostitution for money. How can the Creator bless a place where the women become so unrighteous. No one is leading a comfortable in those places (advanced countries) either. Everyone is after money and everyone is burdened with loans because things are so expensive there. Several members of parliament too are in jail for money related acts. It will become like this here as well. People are fooled to extract money. A woman’s modesty has no meaning if money is everything. Only devils will be born in such places. Even children kill their parents there. A woman in order to make money, killed her two children by drowning them. We must be watchful where our attention is. I am surprised looking at advertisements and how women dress up in them. We have such a beautiful country . Why are you running away living behind such an enriched country. I had to say these things today because our mental state is not stable anymore. We just don’t understand. Being born in a great country like India is the result of punyas (good deeds) of several lives. Even if the meaning of punyas has been lost, it is still those punyas that will save the day for you. Whatever manifestations we see of Sahaja Yoga today, these are because of you and not me because you have accepted Sahaja Yoga whole heartedly. I witness it spreading in the whole environment. I see that the times are transforming and it is through all of you, that the love of God is getting established. In order to understand anything, we must first understand what we want. It is important to realize that we are not the mind, body, ego or emotions. We are only the pure spirit. It is no longer difficult to find the pure spirit (within ourselves). It is very easy. Saha means ‘with’ and Ja means ‘born’. It is that right to get realization which is born with you. We must get it and attain the final milestone of our lives. When in the state of Yoga, that union is established with the all-pervading power of God’s creation, we are no longer individuals but we become one. This power of love (God’s Love) is the truth. People ask me how can love be the truth? If you love someone, do you not know everything about that person? When you get to this truth, it showers upon you as love. People often believe that it is better to think twice before approaching a truthful person because such people can sometimes be difficult (to approach). But this love of God, which is nothing but the truth, brings us all the blessings. One may think that one has committed so many mistakes but if you have come to seek the truth, all mistakes are forgiven. One may say that one has problems. All the problems will be resolved. Even the biggest of problems are solved so easily that one is completely surprised how did those problems get resolved without doing anything. It is an amazing thing when you receive the blessings, you are protected. One lady came to me and said she was full of fears but later she said I have completely forgotten what fears are. As the saying goes that truth can never be destroyed, this is true. If you are standing on the truth then you do not have to fear anyone. You are no longer afraid to speak the truth. It is because of this truth that you are blessed. I receive so many letters every day where people state how many blessings and miracles they have witnessed. This is not a miracle but this is the love of God, your Father. Every father wants his son to sit on His seat. Similarly God loves you and His love is so powerful that no other power can match it. We should have that space in our hearts to be worthy of accommodating His power. It is through you as a medium, that many miracles have happened and shall continue happening. You don’t know yourselves so far. You can know yourself through Sahaja Yoga. The moment you realize this, the all-pervading power starts manifesting in your fingers. This are not merely words but it actually happens. Until the time it happens, you will continue to remain restless (in life). If anyone asks you to chant something, you start chanting it. Will anything happen by mere chanting? One must receive it (vibrations), on fingers. It is possible to find which chakras are caught up (on fingertips) through this self-knowledge. If you make use of this self-knowledge , you can get rid of any illness and solve any problem. All the problems are because of chakras. You start speaking the language (of chakras). One gentleman said to me, “Mother my Agnya is caught up”. What he meant was that he is consumed by ego. Will anyone say something like this? When you speak the language of chakras, you detach yourself (from your ego and conditionings). Once you are able to understand and correct yourself, you can then understand and correct others (their chakras) as well. When you understand this and correct (cure) others (their chakras), they will also be realized and become alright. This is how Sahaja Yoga will propagate. It is beautifully established in 65 countries today. No fights or misunderstanding, such beautiful friendships and no desires whatsoever, just pure joy. When I was coming here, I missed my flight. I boarded another flight. Many people were upset at the airport but others (Sahaja Yogis) were instead in joy, singing and having fun, They made an occasion out of it. So far, we have mostly experienced either differences or attachments with others. At other times we also feel proud and believe we are something. All of these drop off (after Sahaja Yoga) and you evolve into such beautiful personalities that you become the source of love. But I will not hide this from you. While it is very easy to receive self-realization and experience it, unless we go deeper in this understanding, the tree (of Sahaja Yoga) will not grow and its benefits will not reach many. If you truly believe that India should not deteriorate further into Kalyuga but rather Satayuga (the age of truth) should be established , then all of you must go deeper (in your awareness). Until the foundation has been strengthened, how will you realize the benefits of this truth? You will be surprised that it is possible (to establish Sahaja Yoga) in this country. Probably we are a little poor, but are the rich happy? Probably we do not have many resources but what we have is the light of our spirits. The whole world can be yours if that depth can be achieved. In the year 1942, I worked with people relentlessly. I was quite small. My parents gave away their wealth and property for India’s freedom. Such a movement never happened again. In the same manner, if you have to get your freedom (within), you have to work hard like those times. But now you do not have to forgo your money or wealth, you do not have to fast or go to the Himalayas or shave your heads. You can continue to be the way you are, without giving up your families or household. Just hold on to yourselves. I say this because Indians do not realize how powerful they can be (spiritually). If you understand this , seek this and establish this, then India will attain tremendous glory and beauty. And all the sources of filth that are here, will disappear. When this inner (individual) cleansing happens, collective cleansing will also happen simultaneously. All the physical, mental and spiritual problems will be resolved. You will attain a higher place in your life. You will dissolve into the ocean of joy. Many people understand the concept of happiness and sorrow. When there is happiness in our lives, our pride (ego) also elevates. When the ego falls, we feel sorrow. Therefore, happiness and sorrow are merely two aspects of the same thing. But joy is eternal and only one. In that joy, you just witness the whole creation (in detachment). It is not possible or appropriate to explain all the benefits in one lecture. But you must seek it, receive it, understand it and grow in it. So many people have assembled here today but it is difficult to say how many will grow into Sahaja Yoga. However one who is determined, will easily go across. It is a humble request that you must become determined. If you experience the awakening of your Kundalini today, you must grow into the experience and extend the same experience and benefits to others too. It has been explained in today’s lecture (earlier) what is Kundalini and the (subtle) system . Even this is for mental consumption. Sahaja Yoga is beyond mental understanding. Even what I have explained now is understood mentally. One has to go beyond mental (thinking) and it takes very little time in India. It is surprising even in Delhi, Sahaja Yoga is getting established. I earnestly wish that you appreciate that Mother has requested something from us and we will get to it with determination. There is no thought process, debate or science to be discussed here. It is above and beyond these things. I just want you to know it, experience it and validate it properly. If you find it to be the truth, then it is such a great thing. This work used to happen earlier as well. I have worked out and shown how this can be worked out at a collective level. However, collectivity does not mean that quantity should go up and quality should suffer. (Mother says in English) : I am sorry I have to speak in Hindi Language because if most of them knew English language, I would have spoken in English language. But some of them do not know (English language). They have come from villages and smaller places. I hope you people will not mind. You have listened to so many of my lectures much more than all these people so please forgive me. (In Hindi) : I have said this all-pervading power of Almighty forgives everyone. This is an ocean of love. It is also the ocean of knowledge and blessings. But most importantly, it is the great ocean of forgiveness. All your mistakes are forgiven today. You must be pleasantly placed towards yourselves. It is less in our country, but people have a tendency to feel guilty more often abroad. I am surprised sometimes they feel guilty for something that is happening in another part of the world. What has happened is over. What is the point of feeling guilty now. By feeling guilty, this chakra catches (Mother shows left Vishuddhi). One ends up with angina and spondylitis and many other illnesses. What is the point of feeling guilty then? Mother loves all her children. Secondly, you must forgive others too. You don’t do anything whether you forgive or don’t forgive. But if you don’t forgive, you play at the hands of others. What is the point of remembering someone who has troubled you? Why not remember God instead. It (not forgiving) only increases our anger and problems. Just don’t think about it. Simply forgive everyone. First forgive yourselves and then forgive others. Nothing else is to be done. If you are wearing shoes, please take them off. Please raise both your hands up (towards Mother). All of you must do it. If anyone does not desire, they may leave as this is not forced on anyone. This Kundalini is your pure desire and if you do not have the desire then She (Kundalini) will not rise. She is your Mother, everyone’s Mother and She knows everything about you and She is very keen to give you, your (second) birth. Now with the right hand raised, bend your head and see if you can experience cool breeze coming from your fontanel bone (crown) on top of the head. Please bend your heads. See if you experience cool or warm breeze coming out from the top of the head. One will experience warm breeze if one has not forgiven (themselves or others). Bring the left hand closer to the fontanel area . Some may even experience it slightly higher (on top of the head). Now place the left hand towards me and bend the head downwards. Check with the right hand this time if you experience cool or hot breeze coming from fontanel bone area. If it is not, this means you have not forgiven others and you have not forgiven yourself. Now bring the right hand in front of me (Mother). Check with your left hand (again) if you experience any cool or warm breeze on the top of the head. Bring it close (to top of the head) and take it far (from top of the head). Now raise both the hands towards the sky. Bend the head backwards. Here, ask one of the three questions. (First question): Mother is this the power of Gods’ Love? Ask three times in your heart. (Second question): Mother is this Param Chaitanya? (Third question): Mother is this the Rooh (the spirit)? Ask any one of these three questions in your heart, three times. (Mother in English) (First question): Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? (Second question): Mother is this the All-Pervading power of Divine Love? (Third question): Mother is this Param Chaitanya? Ask any one of these three questions in your heart, three times. Now place your hands toward Me. And don’t think. In your journey of Sahaja Yoga ahead, you will realize that you attain thoughtless awareness first. It was earlier considered very difficult to experience. Then, you will attain doubtless awareness. You will soon become experts. Within one month, you can unite with your Mother (Kundalini). Now those who have experienced the coolness or warmth on their fingers, at the base of the palm or on top of the head , may raise their hands. (Everyone raises hands) (Mother says) It appears the whole of Delhi has received it (self-realization). I bless all the children. Please respect your self-realization. You have now arrived on the path of saints. Wherever I conduct a public program, you must surely come. We don’t charge any money for this. So, we cannot build big places(to meditate). Whatever small places we have, you must come there and awaken in collectivity. This experience is to be worked out collectively. It does not work out individually. Please meet collectively and meditate together. It does not require a long time. You can meditate at home but meditate collectively as well. All the seekers must humbly come and receive it. Thank you.
1994-1129 Public Program–Kundalini Ek Mahan Shakti (Kundalini, a Great Power) New Delhi I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the onset, we must know what is the truth. Whatever I wish to speak about, must not be taken as blind faith. I say this repeatedly at every place, that blind faith has caused lot of damage to us and this country. Those great souls who said many things of immense significance and departed after working out several noble tasks, have long been forgotten and those who want to make money in the name of religion and those want to mislead seekers in the name of religion, have in fact, destroyed the works of all those great incarnations. And all of us being innocent seekers, trying to find the answers in darkness, have a tendency to cling onto anything and do not even think if that is leading us to the path of truth or pushing us towards evil. These people are hankering after our money as they believe money is everything and they can take away a seeker’s money by fooling and conning them , by mesmerizing them. It is important to note that God does not want our money nor does He understand our banks. These are all manmade institutions. There are several evil people like these, who have come in this Kalyuga (modern times). And in this terrible time of Kalyuga only, the lights of Diwali (festival of lights) will have to be illuminated. There cannot be a darker night than this. Even in our country, these evil people have spread darkness and several people are following them. You must understand what have you found in this quest , what did you become , what knowledge you acquired or have your pockets been emptied leaving you in disillusionment? There are several evil and adulterous people such as these, who have established themselves and taken advantage of your innocence. That is why I advise that you should not have blind faith. You must hear and then understand. Only if it is proven, then you must embrace it as a scientific hypothesis and believe in it once proven right. If you are a genuine and honest person and interested in your own well-being, then you must believe (Mother). Without understanding this truth, we can never find the solution to any problem. Because truth is the light and in the light of that truth, we can see clearly what is benevolent & essential for us, for our society, for our country and for the whole creation. All your questions are because of imbalances in your chakras. These chakras are the milestones of our evolution wherein we transitioned from several stages to become humans of today. In spite of reaching the human stage of evolution, we still do not know the absolute truth. Some say this is good, some say that is good, some say your karmas are bad and their karmas are good but one doesn’t know the absolute truth. Only when one attains the absolute truth, one can clearly understand that all of one’s beliefs are nothing but darkness and will drop those beliefs instantly. There are so many false beliefs that people have created, but even then people choose to believe in them. This is why I ask you and those who are new here, not to believe what I say , but keep your brains open like a scientist. If you believe in you own well-being and when you believe that it is your responsibility to look after the well- being of the world , you will awaken with that sense of responsibility and will realize that we must understand and believe only in the absolute truth. Many foreigners came to India for centuries but we did not take them seriously. Their ways were not acceptable to us. We did not find anything to learn from them except, may be, English language. Even Mahatma Gandhi who led the revolution (of Indian Freedom) emphasized that we must be completely dedicated and faithful to our country and our culture. It was not a question of religion such as Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians but we had the blessings of this culture, which is now getting lost. I notice advertisements of wine and liquor on television these days. Earlier we could not even imagine this. Someone asked me how does one say ‘cheers’ when wine is served on the table. I replied, “we never keep wine on our tables”. However now, people consider drinking as a gentlemanly conduct and everyone wishes to be a gentleman. This is why I am advising if you become a gentleman, you will have to become an Indian again. What is the need to be a so-called gentleman if you have to come back here? Especially the type of Indians I have seen abroad, they appear like uprooted trees. They do not come to Sahaja Yoga at all and even if they do, they disappear after few days. It is only because of our great traditions that Sahaja Yoga is decorated. Sahaja Yoga remains decorated because we kept our belief in all the great sages and incarnations. I do not want you to believe that this great work has been done only by me. Sahaja Yoga has been in our country since ancient times. Markanday Swamy who was born 14000 years ago here spoke of the Kundalini. There has been a discussion about Kundalini everywhere. However, it was possible only between one Guru and one disciple. It was concealed in such a way that one Guru would have only one disciple. In the 12th century, Gyaneshwar took the permission of his Guru and wrote everything about the Kundalini in the 6th chapter of his book Gyaneshwari. But the so called protectors of religion. discouraged people from reading it proclaiming it as forbidden, since they themselves did not know much about it. This is how the knowledge was suppressed again. Then in the 16th century, Guru Nanaka , Kabira and several saints of Maharashtra clearly described about the Kundalini , and that man’s benevolence and ascent is not possible without the awakening of Kundalini. (But) several tantrikas arose and claimed knowledge about the Kundalini. People started hovering around them. When I came to this earth, I found that most people are in a state of turmoil and disturbed. For instance, my own father was an extremely pure soul, even my mother never told a lie. I have seen such people. Our country became distracted after independence and people started getting influenced by money. The country that was sustaining itself with the blessings of great saints and sages had now started functioning on money. Money is not a blessing of Lakshmi, it is something weird. On the other hand, let me tell you about those countries that are considered affluent. I notice the influence of those countries coming to ours. You don’t know that even the westerners are still immature in their growth. For example, a woman there may have married eight times. In our country, no one would look up to such a woman. A woman who married the eight time attracted a crowd of over 5000 people who just wanted a glimpse of her. 10 helicopters were flying around with people jumping from these, trying to take pictures and falling on trees and on people on the ground. I would say even in a city like Delhi, not more than two persons would stop by to witness such a sight. There is something still righteous within us. So why do we run after those who are imprudent in their actions? There is a lady who once said she would give people a shawl that is vibrated and spiritual. How can a shawl (piece of cloth) be spiritual? Surprisingly, people started following her. Without understanding the innate religion, how can one follow such people? There is nothing to learn from them. People innocently start running after people who produce objects and things using tricks. These are baseless things. These people (who play tricks) are crazy about money. In some advanced countries, a woman can enter into prostitution for money. How can the Creator bless a place where the women become so unrighteous. No one is leading a comfortable in those places (advanced countries) either. Everyone is after money and everyone is burdened with loans because things are so expensive there. Several members of parliament too are in jail for money related acts. It will become like this here as well. People are fooled to extract money. A woman’s modesty has no meaning if money is everything. Only devils will be born in such places. Even children kill their parents there. A woman in order to make money, killed her two children by drowning them. We must be watchful where our attention is. I am surprised looking at advertisements and how women dress up in them. We have such a beautiful country . Why are you running away living behind such an enriched country. I had to say these things today because our mental state is not stable anymore. We just don’t understand. Being born in a great country like India is the result of punyas (good deeds) of several lives. Even if the meaning of punyas has been lost, it is still those punyas that will save the day for you. Whatever manifestations we see of Sahaja Yoga today, these are because of you and not me because you have accepted Sahaja Yoga whole heartedly. I witness it spreading in the whole environment. I see that the times are transforming and it is through all of you, that the love of God is getting established. In order to understand anything, we must first understand what we want. It is important to realize that we are not the mind, body, ego or emotions. We are only the pure spirit. It is no longer difficult to find the pure spirit (within ourselves). It is very easy. Saha means ‘with’ and Ja means ‘born’. It is that right to get realization which is born with you. We must get it and attain the final milestone of our lives. When in the state of Yoga, that union is established with the all-pervading power of God’s creation, we are no longer individuals but we become one. This power of love (God’s Love) is the truth. People ask me how can love be the truth? If you love someone, do you not know everything about that person? When you get to this truth, it showers upon you as love. People often believe that it is better to think twice before approaching a truthful person because such people can sometimes be difficult (to approach). But this love of God, which is nothing but the truth, brings us all the blessings. One may think that one has committed so many mistakes but if you have come to seek the truth, all mistakes are forgiven. One may say that one has problems. All the problems will be resolved. Even the biggest of problems are solved so easily that one is completely surprised how did those problems get resolved without doing anything. It is an amazing thing when you receive the blessings, you are protected. One lady came to me and said she was full of fears but later she said I have completely forgotten what fears are. As the saying goes that truth can never be destroyed, this is true. If you are standing on the truth then you do not have to fear anyone. You are no longer afraid to speak the truth. It is because of this truth that you are blessed. I receive so many letters every day where people state how many blessings and miracles they have witnessed. This is not a miracle but this is the love of God, your Father. Every father wants his son to sit on His seat. Similarly God loves you and His love is so powerful that no other power can match it. We should have that space in our hearts to be worthy of accommodating His power. It is through you as a medium, that many miracles have happened and shall continue happening. You don’t know yourselves so far. You can know yourself through Sahaja Yoga. The moment you realize this, the all-pervading power starts manifesting in your fingers. This are not merely words but it actually happens. Until the time it happens, you will continue to remain restless (in life). If anyone asks you to chant something, you start chanting it. Will anything happen by mere chanting? One must receive it (vibrations), on fingers. It is possible to find which chakras are caught up (on fingertips) through this self-knowledge. If you make use of this self-knowledge , you can get rid of any illness and solve any problem. All the problems are because of chakras. You start speaking the language (of chakras). One gentleman said to me, “Mother my Agnya is caught up”. What he meant was that he is consumed by ego. Will anyone say something like this? When you speak the language of chakras, you detach yourself (from your ego and conditionings). Once you are able to understand and correct yourself, you can then understand and correct others (their chakras) as well. When you understand this and correct (cure) others (their chakras), they will also be realized and become alright. This is how Sahaja Yoga will propagate. It is beautifully established in 65 countries today. No fights or misunderstanding, such beautiful friendships and no desires whatsoever, just pure joy. When I was coming here, I missed my flight. I boarded another flight. Many people were upset at the airport but others (Sahaja Yogis) were instead in joy, singing and having fun, They made an occasion out of it. So far, we have mostly experienced either differences or attachments with others. At other times we also feel proud and believe we are something. All of these drop off (after Sahaja Yoga) and you evolve into such beautiful personalities that you become the source of love. But I will not hide this from you. While it is very easy to receive self-realization and experience it, unless we go deeper in this understanding, the tree (of Sahaja Yoga) will not grow and its benefits will not reach many. If you truly believe that India should not deteriorate further into Kalyuga but rather Satayuga (the age of truth) should be established , then all of you must go deeper (in your awareness). Until the foundation has been strengthened, how will you realize the benefits of this truth? You will be surprised that it is possible (to establish Sahaja Yoga) in this country. Probably we are a little poor, but are the rich happy? Probably we do not have many resources but what we have is the light of our spirits. The whole world can be yours if that depth can be achieved. In the year 1942, I worked with people relentlessly. I was quite small. My parents gave away their wealth and property for India’s freedom. Such a movement never happened again. In the same manner, if you have to get your freedom (within), you have to work hard like those times. But now you do not have to forgo your money or wealth, you do not have to fast or go to the Himalayas or shave your heads. You can continue to be the way you are, without giving up your families or household. Just hold on to yourselves. I say this because Indians do not realize how powerful they can be (spiritually). If you understand this , seek this and establish this, then India will attain tremendous glory and beauty. And all the sources of filth that are here, will disappear. When this inner (individual) cleansing happens, collective cleansing will also happen simultaneously. All the physical, mental and spiritual problems will be resolved. You will attain a higher place in your life. You will dissolve into the ocean of joy. Many people understand the concept of happiness and sorrow. When there is happiness in our lives, our pride (ego) also elevates. When the ego falls, we feel sorrow. Therefore, happiness and sorrow are merely two aspects of the same thing. But joy is eternal and only one. In that joy, you just witness the whole creation (in detachment). It is not possible or appropriate to explain all the benefits in one lecture. But you must seek it, receive it, understand it and grow in it. So many people have assembled here today but it is difficult to say how many will grow into Sahaja Yoga. However one who is determined, will easily go across. It is a humble request that you must become determined. If you experience the awakening of your Kundalini today, you must grow into the experience and extend the same experience and benefits to others too. It has been explained in today’s lecture (earlier) what is Kundalini and the (subtle) system . Even this is for mental consumption. Sahaja Yoga is beyond mental understanding. Even what I have explained now is understood mentally. One has to go beyond mental (thinking) and it takes very little time in India. It is surprising even in Delhi, Sahaja Yoga is getting established. I earnestly wish that you appreciate that Mother has requested something from us and we will get to it with determination. There is no thought process, debate or science to be discussed here. It is above and beyond these things. I just want you to know it, experience it and validate it properly. If you find it to be the truth, then it is such a great thing. This work used to happen earlier as well. I have worked out and shown how this can be worked out at a collective level. However, collectivity does not mean that quantity should go up and quality should suffer. (Mother says in English) : I am sorry I have to speak in Hindi Language because if most of them knew English language, I would have spoken in English language. But some of them do not know (English language). They have come from villages and smaller places. I hope you people will not mind. You have listened to so many of my lectures much more than all these people so please forgive me. (In Hindi) : I have said this all-pervading power of Almighty forgives everyone. This is an ocean of love. It is also the ocean of knowledge and blessings. But most importantly, it is the great ocean of forgiveness. All your mistakes are forgiven today. You must be pleasantly placed towards yourselves. It is less in our country, but people have a tendency to feel guilty more often abroad. I am surprised sometimes they feel guilty for something that is happening in another part of the world. What has happened is over. What is the point of feeling guilty now. By feeling guilty, this chakra catches (Mother shows left Vishuddhi). One ends up with angina and spondylitis and many other illnesses. What is the point of feeling guilty then? Mother loves all her children. Secondly, you must forgive others too. You don’t do anything whether you forgive or don’t forgive. But if you don’t forgive, you play at the hands of others. What is the point of remembering someone who has troubled you? Why not remember God instead. It (not forgiving) only increases our anger and problems. Just don’t think about it. Simply forgive everyone. First forgive yourselves and then forgive others. Nothing else is to be done. If you are wearing shoes, please take them off. Please raise both your hands up (towards Mother). All of you must do it. If anyone does not desire, they may leave as this is not forced on anyone. This Kundalini is your pure desire and if you do not have the desire then She (Kundalini) will not rise. She is your Mother, everyone’s Mother and She knows everything about you and She is very keen to give you, your (second) birth. Now with the right hand raised, bend your head and see if you can experience cool breeze coming from your fontanel bone (crown) on top of the head. Please bend your heads. See if you experience cool or warm breeze coming out from the top of the head. One will experience warm breeze if one has not forgiven (themselves or others). Bring the left hand closer to the fontanel area . Some may even experience it slightly higher (on top of the head). Now place the left hand towards me and bend the head downwards. Check with the right hand this time if you experience cool or hot breeze coming from fontanel bone area. If it is not, this means you have not forgiven others and you have not forgiven yourself. Now bring the right hand in front of me (Mother). Check with your left hand (again) if you experience any cool or warm breeze on the top of the head. Bring it close (to top of the head) and take it far (from top of the head). Now raise both the hands towards the sky. Bend the head backwards. Here, ask one of the three questions. (First question): Mother is this the power of Gods’ Love? Ask three times in your heart. (Second question): Mother is this Param Chaitanya? (Third question): Mother is this the Rooh (the spirit)? Ask any one of these three questions in your heart, three times. (Mother in English) (First question): Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? (Second question): Mother is this the All-Pervading power of Divine Love? (Third question): Mother is this Param Chaitanya? Ask any one of these three questions in your heart, three times. Now place your hands toward Me. And don’t think. In your journey of Sahaja Yoga ahead, you will realize that you attain thoughtless awareness first. It was earlier considered very difficult to experience. Then, you will attain doubtless awareness. You will soon become experts. Within one month, you can unite with your Mother (Kundalini). Now those who have experienced the coolness or warmth on their fingers, at the base of the palm or on top of the head , may raise their hands. (Everyone raises hands) (Mother says) It appears the whole of Delhi has received it (self-realization). I bless all the children. Please respect your self-realization. You have now arrived on the path of saints. Wherever I conduct a public program, you must surely come. We don’t charge any money for this. So, we cannot build big places(to meditate). Whatever small places we have, you must come there and awaken in collectivity. This experience is to be worked out collectively. It does not work out individually. Please meet collectively and meditate together. It does not require a long time. You can meditate at home but meditate collectively as well. All the seekers must humbly come and receive it. Thank you.
Public Program – Paise Ke Peeche Daur
Public Program
Public Program - Paise Ke Peeche Daur, Noida, India (Hindi), 30.11.1994 Translation from Hindi: My salutations to all those saints, who are seeking the truth. Because of the several virtues of the previous birth, human seeks the truth. While seeking the truth he doesn't know, (later on), he doesn’t know what exactly the truth is. But from within him, a very powerful feeling awakens, espacially in foreign countries. This feeling flickers from within, which wriggles from within, some peculiar strong desire like this is found in them. These are the seekers from previous birth. These people search the truth in mountains and caves. And this is mentioned in our scriptures that, in this terrible age of vices, people who are seeking their Spirit in the mountains and caves, will come to this world, in the form of householders, and these householders only will achieve the knowledge of the Spirit. This is the destiny. In the text named "Nadi Granth" which was written by "Bhrigu Muni", it is very clearly mentioned that in this era of vices (Kali Yuga), you will attain the Spirit. That is why you find that a large number of people have taken birth in this era of vices, although, this era is so terrifying that, even to desire to be born in this era is very surprising. But the only reason people have taken birth in this era is to gain knowledge of the truth. But after taking birth, they forgot why they had taken their birth, what was the reason behind it. In this kind of world where theft, cheating, decoity and all kinds of black market occupations, all kinds of violence, all kinds of mischieves are prevailing, to take birth in this era of all vices, is really terrific. The effect of this era (Kali Yuga), is more on foreign countries, than you all. We sit here and think that people abroad are very comfortable, and if we go to two foreign countries we will be very happy. It is nothing like that. The circumstances prevailing there cannot be explain at all. Such dirty situations, such lowly people have taken birth there. Like I told you yesterday that a lady, put her two small children in the car and drowned them, and told everyone that some man came and took the children, killed them and she made money out of that. only made money. This craze for money which has begun, if it is not supported with moral laws, wonder what may happen? Before this the time was such that, people worried about "who won how many countries", "which place can one rule"? Hitler came and put a fullstop to this. After Hitler, people were a bit in shock, that it is so terrific that whenever you try to acquire some power or run after power, some or other trouble arises there. By running after the power, many people died, and many vanished. And because of this, people became cautious that they should not run behind power anymore. By running behind power, the condition of the people has become so bad that many people died in the process, and many children became orphans, and all the precious principles of the world went down the drains. So now it did not seem right to run after power. So, the next thing came up that, 'run after money'. After this, people started running after money. And while doing this, they never thought of anything else, there is no harmony. No one thinks whether it is right to do this or not, but just go behind the money. Even if the sister's pride is to be sold, even if mother has to be on streets, even if parents have to be thrown out, anything can be done, as long as money is in destiny. In our country, in the name of money, many surprising things happen and this way the whole society runs after money. In foreign countries, the situation is worse. I was in London also. There, on television I saw that, a girl who was14-15 years old, who used to dance in a hotel, was caught by the police. The police took the girl to her parents and told them she is a minor and she is earning money doing this job. Parent said we have no objection in this, she earns money and brings home, what more do we need? And they (parents) understand this. So, the police thought, if the parents have no objection then what can we do? Slowly, these immoral deeds are growing so much in foreign countries that one feels surprised, how these things are happening, not secretly but very openly, and I cannot explain to you the filthiness of it. So, when you are behind money, then you start following a different path. And because of this, the worst thing will be, the human will do worse things than an animal. If he gets money by doing that work he will be ready to do that. A person who doesn't have principles within him, who doesn't have the fear of God, can go to what extent, is something worth watching. I had told earlier in secunderabad that the principles of Muslims, principles of Christians, and that of yogis is only for namesake. In Christian religion, Jesus-Christ has told that if you commit a sin with one eye, then remove that eye. And the sin means, if a man looks at a woman even twice, that is considered to be a sin. So, you remove your one eye. And the second time, remove the other eye also. If your hand does any sin, then cut off your hands. Till date I have not seen any Christian with a cut hand. Because people cannot do this. Who will accept that "yes, I have done a mistake so cut my hand". So, then Mohammad Sahab, who was the person with high principles, he wouldn't know about the human condition, said that if you commit a sin, others will cut your hand. If you steal things, then others will cut your hand. Apart from this, Jesus-Christ had told for women that if a woman looks at a man with adulterous eyes, then she should be burried in the ground, and she should be beaten with stones. This is a very tough principle. I don't think anyone can follow this principle. It is very difficult. You may say that you are Muslim, or Christian but you are not. And the third type of people are Yogis. The "Shariya", (The law in Islam) was made for them. But they said this is beyond our capacity, so give it to Muslims. So, this is how Shariya was given to Muslims. Now comes Hindu religion. In Hindu religion a very subtle thing was told that within every human being, the spirit resides. The same god, the only God, resides inside the heart of every human being. If this is true, then how did the caste and creed arise? this dispute of cast and creed has spread to the extent that the election also take place according to the caste system. Now, for the cast (jathi) it is told that " ya Devi Sarva bhuteshu jaati rupena samsthita". The meaning of Jathi is “which is your stage? What is your growth? Where is your inclination. If you are inclined towards God then you are considered to be a Brahmin. Whoever was inclined towards the power was called as "kshatriya". Whoever was inclined towards the trade was called "baniya" or "vysya". Whoever was inclined towards doing small services was called as "shoodra". This is a matter of inclination. Not that, who is somebody's son. For example, a brahmin's son is a brahmin. It is not possible at all. Nowadays brahmins are ruling like Rajputs (rulers).[inaudible line]. But still they are proud of their cast. Still people have lot of trust over their cast. He belongs to this caste, he belongs to that cast, he does this work, he does that job. His cast should be known. Whatever work he does, his cast should be known. And on the basis of cast dog fight, riot, everything happens. I tell you, all these are completely against the Hindu religion, absolutely. There are more examples of this. Krishna, whom did he choose to write his Gita? Vyasa. Vyasa muni. Who was Vyasa? Vyasa was the son of a fisherwomen, and that too, an illegitimate child. She was not a married lady. A son born to this kind of a lady was made the cause by him (Krishna) to write such a great scripture like Gita. Shri Rama met a tribal woman, perhaps you must have seen a (bhilni), tribal person. These people belong to Madhya Pradesh and are very ignorant people. Sri Rama ate, that kind of an old women already tasted berries. He not only ate them, but also described them and gave them to his wife saying, "You also eat them, they are so tasty". Lakshman ji also agreed to eat them. Shri Krishna used to go to Vidur's house and eat food. Vidur was a "daasi Putra", (son of a female slave). But he was a Realized soul. He (Krishna) used to eat his food in his (Vidur's) house but not in Duryodhana's. Today there are people in front of us, who would not mind, going and licking the boots of so-called ministers, however bad they may be. They do not have any respect for their own. Can this be the Hindu religion? this is how the Hindu religion also has become junk. As far as other religions are concerned, I would say I was very proud of them (Sikhs) once upon a time, but when I went to London, I was astonished to see the Sikhs. Drinking liquor is completely prohibited in Sikhs. Absolutely. One Sikh called me to his house for lunch. We climbed the stairs and reached the landing when we heard them asking in their language, "Ye hai jii sadda pub, kaun si piyoge". Meaning 'what would you like to drink?' We said, "Forgive us dear brother, we don't drink". All of them drink there. Then we were called to an association here and told us the Sikhs there, were refusing to wear helmets. they were saying " how can anyone go without a helmet, if they fall some where they will be hurt". So, the minister asked me what is the remedy for this. I told him "there is a very beautiful remedy for this". Tell them, whichever Sikh doesn't consume liquor will be allowed to go without helmet because he is blessed by God, that he does not drink. But if he drinks then he will have to wear helmet because he is not protected. surprisingly, not a single person came forward. So, by this it is very obvious that whichever religion you follow, it should be awakened within you. Whatever we see from outside as dharma or religion is not religion at all because we can commit any sin that way. We can do any wrong thing. Sahaja means which is born within you. This union, which is all around you, happens when you unite with the power of God's love. It is nothing like I am telling you something new. In sikhism Gurunanaka, Kabira all have told this. For Hindus, God knows how many saints and sages were born. They have told so many subtle things but no one is awakened in that religion. But they claim we belong to this religion, that religion etc. same situation with Christians also, and what can be said about Muslims? They are fighting among themselves, killing one another. I went to Indonesia, and Tanzania. I thought even half of these people will survive or not? Can this be any religion? Then what is Dharma or religion? Religion is form of Spirit, which is truth, which is pure and which is real. The religion which is within us can be awakened only with the awakening of Kundalini. Only in the light of that, one can become religious. Now when you have become religious, then what is the need to cut your eyes, what is the need to cut your hands? What is the need to face any kind of problem, when you yourself are enlightened? You are standing in your own splendour. This splendour, which is in dorment state within you, will be awakened. Then whatever all these people have said (all the saints), you will know them, that it is present within us and flowing inside us. And the light from this is spreading everywhere. What are the advantages of Sahaja Yoga? What can I say about that? But the greatest thing is people have achieved infinite marvels. They have achieved all kinds of health, happiness, joy and peace. The children who were not studying properly, have become so clever that they have started getting first grade. The kind of people, about whom people used to tell me that are very bad, have become saints. If the world has to be changed, then the people in it should change. And Sahaja Yoga is the only way by which you ascend spiritually and you reach a state, where you are called saints. It is not like, you are saints and you are doing wrong things. You will be transformed by yourself. Your heart opens up, and countless blessings of the God starts flowing on you. You, yourself dont understand, "What is happening to me?" Supposing, you take the television to a village, where there is no electricity and if they are told, that in this television many photos can be seen, and you can watch films, then they will say you have come from city and are you taking us for a ride, it is just a box? we also think it as a box but when it is connected to the mains, then we understand what exactly is that. Just like this, God has made you very subtle. Within you, he has created all the chakras very beautifully. And, he has created all the procedures by which you can attain the Spirit. For that, where is need to pay any money. Look here, all these flowers have blossomed so beautifully. And do you ever think how did this come, where did this come from? It is a miracle that this land has given you such beautiful flowers, all in different shapes, sizes and different colours. Is this not surprising? Who performed these live actions? The same eternal action which is done by the God's love, is achieved by you. And after you have attained this, you yourself will see that you get enlightened. For example, a lamp which is not lit does not have any importance. But when the same lamp is lit, then the same lamp can enlighten many lamps. Today I was being told that Sahaja Yoga is growing fast in Noida. very happy to hear that. This means, people here are especially sensitive that, they have accepted Sahaja Yoga so fast. I have hopes that you all will understand Sahaja yoga fully. It is very easy. But not with your mind but by your heart. When a person gets into it wholeheartedly, then he settles down in this and he starts enjoying this. I have already told you about Kundalini, and this kundalini is present within you and she is your own individual mother. You do not know about this kundalini that she knows everything about you and she is very anxious that you attain your resurrection. You will not face any problems due to this. No problems at all. As your mother faces all the problems herself while giving birth to you, similarly Kundalini takes all the troubles upon herself and pushes you in the ocean of joy where you find yourself lost. As a drop becomes the ocean, then who is the other one remaining? You can clear your chakras, and you can clear other's chakras. You become an epitome of peace, a source of peace and wander in this world. And above all, Sahaja Yoga is happening in 65 countries and this kind of love, friendship and this kind of joy, You will not find in any other society. This blessing is your own right. To attain this is your right. because of this whatever shortcomings you have within you will clear out, the only thing is, you have to know yourself. "What mistakes I have done, What mistakes have I been doing"? You don't have to demean yourself for this, you don't have to make yourself unhappy, but you should pay attention about the mistakes you have committed. And now that you have come here, all your mistakes will be destroyed by the All-pervading power of God's love which is spread all around you. Because this All-pervading power of God's love which is spread all around is an ocean of love, ocean of joy, ocean of knowledge, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So, all of you forgive yourself. And you forgive others also. Time and again, I have told you, whether you forgive or not what do you do? You do nothing. But if you don't forgive, then you cheat yourself, trouble yourself and play in other’s hands. What is the use of this? This is a myth. Why are you troubling yourself for this myth? So, you should not even think of people who have troubled you or bothered you. Just at one time, from your heart say that, “I have forgiven everyone, Mother, forgiven everyone”. You will feel very light. And the second thing is, this cannot be forced on anyone. For the Self-realization, you have to accept it yourself. In your heart, you should have the desire that, "Mother, at any cost, I should get my Self-realization. Mother, give me my Self-realization". I cannot force this upon you. Because you are independent. And I completely respect your freedom. Whoever does not want Self-realization, may kindly go out and oblige. Because why should you trouble whoever wants it? Whoever wants to go out can do so. No one is hurt by this process. And you feel the experience within 5-10 minutes. After that it is essential that you grow in the collectivity. I have been very busy myself in so many things. I was thinking of coming to the camp and talking to you but somehow it never worked out. I hope you are all very comfortable and happy. Very happy to see you all here. such a, such a good meeting, really my heart gets filled up with such joy to see all of you coming from [inaudible words]. May god bless you all. Now all of you have to extend your hand towards me like this. You are born in this India. This has happened because of your great virtues. You do not know that this is a holy land, and you all are sitting in this sacred land, so it is very easy to give you self-realization. But don't have any doubt in your mind that "how will I get Self-realization, how will I achieve it, I am such a bad person", don't think any such thing. Be cheerful towards yourself. Now keep your right hand towards me, and bend your head, and check with your left hand that cool breeze is coming out of your crown or not. Cool or hot. Please bend your head, and see for yourself with your left hand if there is a cool or hot breeze is coming here. If it is hot, that means you have not forgiven yourself or you have not forgiven others. If the hot breeze is coming, it means that either you have not forgiven yourself or you have not forgiven others. Check with your head bent. Don't doubt. From inside your head cool or hot breeze will come. It will come from your fontanelle bone which is called as Brahmarandhra. From that fontanelle bone this breeze will come. Now keep your left hand towards me. And bend your head again. And check with your right hand if cool or hot breeze is coming from your fontanelle bone. Sometimes this breeze comes near the head and sometimes away from the head. Please see with your right hand on top of your fontanelle bone area, if a cool or hot breeze coming in. Please bend your heads. Now, right hand, again. Bend your head properly and check. Please bend your head properly and see with your left hand now if there is cool or hot breeze coming from your head. Whenever if it is hot, you should forgive yourself and forgive others. If hot breeze is coming, then it is essential that you forgive yourself and forgive others. Sometime breeze comes near the Crown and sometimes far away from the crown. Now. Now please raise both your hands. Raise both your hands up and bend your head backwards. Put back your head in the sense that towards the sky. Now ask one question three times. Anyone question. " mother, is this the all-pervading power of divine Love"? Second question " mother, is this the cool breeze of holy ghost"? Third question " mother, is this the rooh"? Please ask one of these three questions three times. "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holi ghost"? First question. Second question " mother is this the all-pervading power of divine love"? Third question " mother, is this the param Chaitanya, rooh"? Ask any one of these questions three times. Now put down your hands. Now bring down your hands. Again, keep both your hands towards me. Please again put both the hands higher than before. put your hands like this a little higher, look at me and become thought less. Just become thoughtless. This is the thoughtless state which we consider as first stage. first position. The second one is doubtless state (nirvikalpa Samadhi), in which a human becomes a complete sahaja Yogi. Thoughtless awareness is the first stage of Your ascend, and the second one is the doubtless awareness, where you become a master of sahaja Yoga. Now whoever is getting cool or hot breeze from the fingers, centre of the palm or from the Crown, put up your hands. All those who are feeling cool or hot breeze out of their hands, out of their palm, out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. My salutations to you all. Now all of you have become saints. Your become saints so fast. This is an amazing thing of Noida. All of you have become self-realized. Now you go home and enjoy the bliss of this. This is a collective work. And in a collective work, it is essential that you attend the centres. It should not happen like, you come today because I am there, and vanish tomorrow. Then you will come and tell I got this disease and that disease. everything is meant for you, all you have to do is come to centre, learn this completely and master this. Now, Sahaja Yoga spreading fast here. It's not known what will happen next year. I am drowning very much in happiness and in joy. And I don't understand what to say. The way you all have all understood and accepted Sahaja Yoga, is a very big fortune for me. My infinite blessing to you all.
Public Program - Paise Ke Peeche Daur, Noida, India (Hindi), 30.11.1994 Translation from Hindi: My salutations to all those saints, who are seeking the truth. Because of the several virtues of the previous birth, human seeks the truth. While seeking the truth he doesn't know, (later on), he doesn’t know what exactly the truth is. But from within him, a very powerful feeling awakens, espacially in foreign countries. This feeling flickers from within, which wriggles from within, some peculiar strong desire like this is found in them. These are the seekers from previous birth. These people search the truth in mountains and caves. And this is mentioned in our scriptures that, in this terrible age of vices, people who are seeking their Spirit in the mountains and caves, will come to this world, in the form of householders, and these householders only will achieve the knowledge of the Spirit. This is the destiny. In the text named "Nadi Granth" which was written by "Bhrigu Muni", it is very clearly mentioned that in this era of vices (Kali Yuga), you will attain the Spirit. That is why you find that a large number of people have taken birth in this era of vices, although, this era is so terrifying that, even to desire to be born in this era is very surprising. But the only reason people have taken birth in this era is to gain knowledge of the truth. But after taking birth, they forgot why they had taken their birth, what was the reason behind it. In this kind of world where theft, cheating, decoity and all kinds of black market occupations, all kinds of violence, all kinds of mischieves are prevailing, to take birth in this era of all vices, is really terrific. The effect of this era (Kali Yuga), is more on foreign countries, than you all. We sit here and think that people abroad are very comfortable, and if we go to two foreign countries we will be very happy. It is nothing like that. The circumstances prevailing there cannot be explain at all. Such dirty situations, such lowly people have taken birth there. Like I told you yesterday that a lady, put her two small children in the car and drowned them, and told everyone that some man came and took the children, killed them and she made money out of that. only made money. This craze for money which has begun, if it is not supported with moral laws, wonder what may happen? Before this the time was such that, people worried about "who won how many countries", "which place can one rule"? Hitler came and put a fullstop to this. After Hitler, people were a bit in shock, that it is so terrific that whenever you try to acquire some power or run after power, some or other trouble arises there. By running after the power, many people died, and many vanished. And because of this, people became cautious that they should not run behind power anymore. By running behind power, the condition of the people has become so bad that many people died in the process, and many children became orphans, and all the precious principles of the world went down the drains. So now it did not seem right to run after power. So, the next thing came up that, 'run after money'. After this, people started running after money. And while doing this, they never thought of anything else, there is no harmony. No one thinks whether it is right to do this or not, but just go behind the money. Even if the sister's pride is to be sold, even if mother has to be on streets, even if parents have to be thrown out, anything can be done, as long as money is in destiny. In our country, in the name of money, many surprising things happen and this way the whole society runs after money. In foreign countries, the situation is worse. I was in London also. There, on television I saw that, a girl who was14-15 years old, who used to dance in a hotel, was caught by the police. The police took the girl to her parents and told them she is a minor and she is earning money doing this job. Parent said we have no objection in this, she earns money and brings home, what more do we need? And they (parents) understand this. So, the police thought, if the parents have no objection then what can we do? Slowly, these immoral deeds are growing so much in foreign countries that one feels surprised, how these things are happening, not secretly but very openly, and I cannot explain to you the filthiness of it. So, when you are behind money, then you start following a different path. And because of this, the worst thing will be, the human will do worse things than an animal. If he gets money by doing that work he will be ready to do that. A person who doesn't have principles within him, who doesn't have the fear of God, can go to what extent, is something worth watching. I had told earlier in secunderabad that the principles of Muslims, principles of Christians, and that of yogis is only for namesake. In Christian religion, Jesus-Christ has told that if you commit a sin with one eye, then remove that eye. And the sin means, if a man looks at a woman even twice, that is considered to be a sin. So, you remove your one eye. And the second time, remove the other eye also. If your hand does any sin, then cut off your hands. Till date I have not seen any Christian with a cut hand. Because people cannot do this. Who will accept that "yes, I have done a mistake so cut my hand". So, then Mohammad Sahab, who was the person with high principles, he wouldn't know about the human condition, said that if you commit a sin, others will cut your hand. If you steal things, then others will cut your hand. Apart from this, Jesus-Christ had told for women that if a woman looks at a man with adulterous eyes, then she should be burried in the ground, and she should be beaten with stones. This is a very tough principle. I don't think anyone can follow this principle. It is very difficult. You may say that you are Muslim, or Christian but you are not. And the third type of people are Yogis. The "Shariya", (The law in Islam) was made for them. But they said this is beyond our capacity, so give it to Muslims. So, this is how Shariya was given to Muslims. Now comes Hindu religion. In Hindu religion a very subtle thing was told that within every human being, the spirit resides. The same god, the only God, resides inside the heart of every human being. If this is true, then how did the caste and creed arise? this dispute of cast and creed has spread to the extent that the election also take place according to the caste system. Now, for the cast (jathi) it is told that " ya Devi Sarva bhuteshu jaati rupena samsthita". The meaning of Jathi is “which is your stage? What is your growth? Where is your inclination. If you are inclined towards God then you are considered to be a Brahmin. Whoever was inclined towards the power was called as "kshatriya". Whoever was inclined towards the trade was called "baniya" or "vysya". Whoever was inclined towards doing small services was called as "shoodra". This is a matter of inclination. Not that, who is somebody's son. For example, a brahmin's son is a brahmin. It is not possible at all. Nowadays brahmins are ruling like Rajputs (rulers).[inaudible line]. But still they are proud of their cast. Still people have lot of trust over their cast. He belongs to this caste, he belongs to that cast, he does this work, he does that job. His cast should be known. Whatever work he does, his cast should be known. And on the basis of cast dog fight, riot, everything happens. I tell you, all these are completely against the Hindu religion, absolutely. There are more examples of this. Krishna, whom did he choose to write his Gita? Vyasa. Vyasa muni. Who was Vyasa? Vyasa was the son of a fisherwomen, and that too, an illegitimate child. She was not a married lady. A son born to this kind of a lady was made the cause by him (Krishna) to write such a great scripture like Gita. Shri Rama met a tribal woman, perhaps you must have seen a (bhilni), tribal person. These people belong to Madhya Pradesh and are very ignorant people. Sri Rama ate, that kind of an old women already tasted berries. He not only ate them, but also described them and gave them to his wife saying, "You also eat them, they are so tasty". Lakshman ji also agreed to eat them. Shri Krishna used to go to Vidur's house and eat food. Vidur was a "daasi Putra", (son of a female slave). But he was a Realized soul. He (Krishna) used to eat his food in his (Vidur's) house but not in Duryodhana's. Today there are people in front of us, who would not mind, going and licking the boots of so-called ministers, however bad they may be. They do not have any respect for their own. Can this be the Hindu religion? this is how the Hindu religion also has become junk. As far as other religions are concerned, I would say I was very proud of them (Sikhs) once upon a time, but when I went to London, I was astonished to see the Sikhs. Drinking liquor is completely prohibited in Sikhs. Absolutely. One Sikh called me to his house for lunch. We climbed the stairs and reached the landing when we heard them asking in their language, "Ye hai jii sadda pub, kaun si piyoge". Meaning 'what would you like to drink?' We said, "Forgive us dear brother, we don't drink". All of them drink there. Then we were called to an association here and told us the Sikhs there, were refusing to wear helmets. they were saying " how can anyone go without a helmet, if they fall some where they will be hurt". So, the minister asked me what is the remedy for this. I told him "there is a very beautiful remedy for this". Tell them, whichever Sikh doesn't consume liquor will be allowed to go without helmet because he is blessed by God, that he does not drink. But if he drinks then he will have to wear helmet because he is not protected. surprisingly, not a single person came forward. So, by this it is very obvious that whichever religion you follow, it should be awakened within you. Whatever we see from outside as dharma or religion is not religion at all because we can commit any sin that way. We can do any wrong thing. Sahaja means which is born within you. This union, which is all around you, happens when you unite with the power of God's love. It is nothing like I am telling you something new. In sikhism Gurunanaka, Kabira all have told this. For Hindus, God knows how many saints and sages were born. They have told so many subtle things but no one is awakened in that religion. But they claim we belong to this religion, that religion etc. same situation with Christians also, and what can be said about Muslims? They are fighting among themselves, killing one another. I went to Indonesia, and Tanzania. I thought even half of these people will survive or not? Can this be any religion? Then what is Dharma or religion? Religion is form of Spirit, which is truth, which is pure and which is real. The religion which is within us can be awakened only with the awakening of Kundalini. Only in the light of that, one can become religious. Now when you have become religious, then what is the need to cut your eyes, what is the need to cut your hands? What is the need to face any kind of problem, when you yourself are enlightened? You are standing in your own splendour. This splendour, which is in dorment state within you, will be awakened. Then whatever all these people have said (all the saints), you will know them, that it is present within us and flowing inside us. And the light from this is spreading everywhere. What are the advantages of Sahaja Yoga? What can I say about that? But the greatest thing is people have achieved infinite marvels. They have achieved all kinds of health, happiness, joy and peace. The children who were not studying properly, have become so clever that they have started getting first grade. The kind of people, about whom people used to tell me that are very bad, have become saints. If the world has to be changed, then the people in it should change. And Sahaja Yoga is the only way by which you ascend spiritually and you reach a state, where you are called saints. It is not like, you are saints and you are doing wrong things. You will be transformed by yourself. Your heart opens up, and countless blessings of the God starts flowing on you. You, yourself dont understand, "What is happening to me?" Supposing, you take the television to a village, where there is no electricity and if they are told, that in this television many photos can be seen, and you can watch films, then they will say you have come from city and are you taking us for a ride, it is just a box? we also think it as a box but when it is connected to the mains, then we understand what exactly is that. Just like this, God has made you very subtle. Within you, he has created all the chakras very beautifully. And, he has created all the procedures by which you can attain the Spirit. For that, where is need to pay any money. Look here, all these flowers have blossomed so beautifully. And do you ever think how did this come, where did this come from? It is a miracle that this land has given you such beautiful flowers, all in different shapes, sizes and different colours. Is this not surprising? Who performed these live actions? The same eternal action which is done by the God's love, is achieved by you. And after you have attained this, you yourself will see that you get enlightened. For example, a lamp which is not lit does not have any importance. But when the same lamp is lit, then the same lamp can enlighten many lamps. Today I was being told that Sahaja Yoga is growing fast in Noida. very happy to hear that. This means, people here are especially sensitive that, they have accepted Sahaja Yoga so fast. I have hopes that you all will understand Sahaja yoga fully. It is very easy. But not with your mind but by your heart. When a person gets into it wholeheartedly, then he settles down in this and he starts enjoying this. I have already told you about Kundalini, and this kundalini is present within you and she is your own individual mother. You do not know about this kundalini that she knows everything about you and she is very anxious that you attain your resurrection. You will not face any problems due to this. No problems at all. As your mother faces all the problems herself while giving birth to you, similarly Kundalini takes all the troubles upon herself and pushes you in the ocean of joy where you find yourself lost. As a drop becomes the ocean, then who is the other one remaining? You can clear your chakras, and you can clear other's chakras. You become an epitome of peace, a source of peace and wander in this world. And above all, Sahaja Yoga is happening in 65 countries and this kind of love, friendship and this kind of joy, You will not find in any other society. This blessing is your own right. To attain this is your right. because of this whatever shortcomings you have within you will clear out, the only thing is, you have to know yourself. "What mistakes I have done, What mistakes have I been doing"? You don't have to demean yourself for this, you don't have to make yourself unhappy, but you should pay attention about the mistakes you have committed. And now that you have come here, all your mistakes will be destroyed by the All-pervading power of God's love which is spread all around you. Because this All-pervading power of God's love which is spread all around is an ocean of love, ocean of joy, ocean of knowledge, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So, all of you forgive yourself. And you forgive others also. Time and again, I have told you, whether you forgive or not what do you do? You do nothing. But if you don't forgive, then you cheat yourself, trouble yourself and play in other’s hands. What is the use of this? This is a myth. Why are you troubling yourself for this myth? So, you should not even think of people who have troubled you or bothered you. Just at one time, from your heart say that, “I have forgiven everyone, Mother, forgiven everyone”. You will feel very light. And the second thing is, this cannot be forced on anyone. For the Self-realization, you have to accept it yourself. In your heart, you should have the desire that, "Mother, at any cost, I should get my Self-realization. Mother, give me my Self-realization". I cannot force this upon you. Because you are independent. And I completely respect your freedom. Whoever does not want Self-realization, may kindly go out and oblige. Because why should you trouble whoever wants it? Whoever wants to go out can do so. No one is hurt by this process. And you feel the experience within 5-10 minutes. After that it is essential that you grow in the collectivity. I have been very busy myself in so many things. I was thinking of coming to the camp and talking to you but somehow it never worked out. I hope you are all very comfortable and happy. Very happy to see you all here. such a, such a good meeting, really my heart gets filled up with such joy to see all of you coming from [inaudible words]. May god bless you all. Now all of you have to extend your hand towards me like this. You are born in this India. This has happened because of your great virtues. You do not know that this is a holy land, and you all are sitting in this sacred land, so it is very easy to give you self-realization. But don't have any doubt in your mind that "how will I get Self-realization, how will I achieve it, I am such a bad person", don't think any such thing. Be cheerful towards yourself. Now keep your right hand towards me, and bend your head, and check with your left hand that cool breeze is coming out of your crown or not. Cool or hot. Please bend your head, and see for yourself with your left hand if there is a cool or hot breeze is coming here. If it is hot, that means you have not forgiven yourself or you have not forgiven others. If the hot breeze is coming, it means that either you have not forgiven yourself or you have not forgiven others. Check with your head bent. Don't doubt. From inside your head cool or hot breeze will come. It will come from your fontanelle bone which is called as Brahmarandhra. From that fontanelle bone this breeze will come. Now keep your left hand towards me. And bend your head again. And check with your right hand if cool or hot breeze is coming from your fontanelle bone. Sometimes this breeze comes near the head and sometimes away from the head. Please see with your right hand on top of your fontanelle bone area, if a cool or hot breeze coming in. Please bend your heads. Now, right hand, again. Bend your head properly and check. Please bend your head properly and see with your left hand now if there is cool or hot breeze coming from your head. Whenever if it is hot, you should forgive yourself and forgive others. If hot breeze is coming, then it is essential that you forgive yourself and forgive others. Sometime breeze comes near the Crown and sometimes far away from the crown. Now. Now please raise both your hands. Raise both your hands up and bend your head backwards. Put back your head in the sense that towards the sky. Now ask one question three times. Anyone question. " mother, is this the all-pervading power of divine Love"? Second question " mother, is this the cool breeze of holy ghost"? Third question " mother, is this the rooh"? Please ask one of these three questions three times. "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holi ghost"? First question. Second question " mother is this the all-pervading power of divine love"? Third question " mother, is this the param Chaitanya, rooh"? Ask any one of these questions three times. Now put down your hands. Now bring down your hands. Again, keep both your hands towards me. Please again put both the hands higher than before. put your hands like this a little higher, look at me and become thought less. Just become thoughtless. This is the thoughtless state which we consider as first stage. first position. The second one is doubtless state (nirvikalpa Samadhi), in which a human becomes a complete sahaja Yogi. Thoughtless awareness is the first stage of Your ascend, and the second one is the doubtless awareness, where you become a master of sahaja Yoga. Now whoever is getting cool or hot breeze from the fingers, centre of the palm or from the Crown, put up your hands. All those who are feeling cool or hot breeze out of their hands, out of their palm, out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. My salutations to you all. Now all of you have become saints. Your become saints so fast. This is an amazing thing of Noida. All of you have become self-realized. Now you go home and enjoy the bliss of this. This is a collective work. And in a collective work, it is essential that you attend the centres. It should not happen like, you come today because I am there, and vanish tomorrow. Then you will come and tell I got this disease and that disease. everything is meant for you, all you have to do is come to centre, learn this completely and master this. Now, Sahaja Yoga spreading fast here. It's not known what will happen next year. I am drowning very much in happiness and in joy. And I don't understand what to say. The way you all have all understood and accepted Sahaja Yoga, is a very big fortune for me. My infinite blessing to you all.
Public Program – Satya Ki Shakti
Public Program
Public Program – Satya Ki Khoj
Public Program
Public Program - Satya Ki Khoj, 21 february 1994 Translation from Hindi: Jai Ganesh Sri Ganesh Jai Sri Mataji I bow to all seekers of truth. Today, the search for truth is in full swing. Besides our Country, other countries are also in search of truth in full swing. But while searching for truth, we do not know the actual matter which has to be searched. Groping in darkness, we do not know which wrong path we are taking. While searching for truth, my advice to the seeker is not to trust anybody , including me, with blind faith. Blind faith may cause losses. Many eminent people came to world and gave important advice. People started spreading blind faith and because of this, they got lost. People started fighting with each other, and as a result, humanity has gone down. All great incarnations, great gurus, and munis clearly mentioned that you identify yourself and realise about your Atma, (another matter which is most important). Without understanding yourself, you do not know what you are. Another thing which is very important is this. Prem shrushti which has spread all over is explained in various ways, like in Bible, it is mentioned as cool breeze of Holy Ghost. In Quran it is called as Rooh, in every discipline, it is described as Chaitanya. What is spread in all four corners, is called as Shrushti. The meaning of this is that we should achieve one thing from all . This is our foremost important duty. Meaning of this is that we should achieve a higher level from that of human level. Now, we are at human level and we have to raise to the next higher level, being called as Yogi, Budh, evolved soul or realised soul. Message, which is said in various forms, contain the same meaning that you should attain the inner knowledge. The word Nastik , which came from the letter NA from the word Nastik. Previously, Christians used to be addressed as Nastik, which made them revengeful and they would indulge in destruction. Now the question before us is this inner knowledge is of which form? God Almighty has created in a beautiful way this entire Shrishti. You cannot get a better creator than God Almighty. If you have to travel by plane, there is a way to go, and in between you are having an open route to pass. In similar manner, God Almighty has given you a mid-way to pass through. In order to pass through this mid-way, he has made an arrangement, which is called as KUNDALINI. Just like in mike,unless the wire is connected to the main, mike is of no use. In the same manner, unless our relationship is connected with Param Shakti, we are not perfect. From morning to evening if we only eat, sleep and If some body pampers our ego, we feel we have achieved something big and great. On the other hand if our our ego gets hurt , we feel sad. The reason for this is that we have not yet recognised our real self. We do not know our strength, and what we are able to achieve in our life, is not known to us. There is no morality in science. It is simply science. We can only see what is actually visible to our eyes. It does not say what our Dharma is, and what is human dharma . And that is why so many battles took place, like Hiroshima. When we look at Dharma, we see that there are many pakhandis. As and when they come out of jail, we observe that they have become something great , and innocent people go after them, without even thinking about their authenticity. It requires a lot of boldness and artificial strength to attract people to their side. First of all such people are not afraid of God Almighty, and secondly, in order to make money, they resort to various types of unholy methods. And, surprisingly some innocent people also run after them in a mad rush and fall prey to such bad people. It is not the mistake of the innocent, because they are only trying to seek the Almighty. Being seekers,they do not suspect anything wrong. Ultimately how many people fall prey to such wrong people and how many try to come out of their clutches, is not known. Like in Nagpur, one person came and announced that he will dig the earth and the water will come out. It so happened that the water did come out, but it was later found out that it was from the hidden water connection. In this manner , innocent people are getting mesmerised by some body or the other , who is fooling them by bringing precious things like diamonds from Switzerland. In our country, our people are so innocent that they start cheering such people. If there is no miracle to see, it is said that this group belongs to this dharma or that dharma and there are only arguments to prove the authenticity of the person’s so called dharma. We can help the seekers irrespective of whichever Dharma they belong to. Now, I tell you about Jesus Christ. What did he know about people, thinking that they are Sadhu, Sant. And in Bible, Chapter V, it is said that if you see a woman with ill will, even with one eye , your one eye will be removed, and if you still continue , the other eye also will be removed. Then they said that similarly if right hand indulges in any bad act, it will be cut and the same is for left hand also. I have seen only one eye being taken out. After that, Mohammad Sahib came and he was more strict than all others mentioned above and said that this is all for males. He said that if you see any woman doing such things, you just dig a pit and put the woman in that. Now if such a thing were to be done in America, they would have been just buried. High class people are of no use to us. They are stars in the sky. We cannot have any relationship. with them . Nothing can be done about it. Then came Mohammad Saheb . He said whosoever looks at ladies with bad intention, just remove his eyes and put him in a dugged pit. Now if you see this rule in America, they will be just buried. Where is this world going , to whom are we speaking, we do not know anything about it . The world is so confusing.We actually do not know what we are doing, whom we are talking to. Rules and regulations are made, but not knowing how it will work out. Gurunanak Sahib made certain rules , which were very stringent as nobody would admit that they made mistakes, and if caught, they would face punishment. After making these rules also, people remained as before. In the beginning, Isa Masiha said that the sinner should take his own eyes. But Mohammad Saheb said no body will do this. He said you do not do anything , people only will remove eyes and throw them. In this world, so much is happening, no body is aware. But , being a mother I understand what the matter is. Man is sitting in darkness and he is being told about all these atrocious things. But, when and how the man wii react to all this. And, if he is told to cut his hands, he will agree. Some things were told to Yahudis and they followed and later they stopped it. But Muslims took it over. Then came shariat of Muslims. Moses had told about Yahudis. He told them to be away from this. He said that this was not for them. I have understood that this type of action was not for Muslims, and nobody can pressurise such things. If Dharma isimposed on people, it will not go far. Dharma should be inborn and that is Sahaj Yoga . In Sahaj Yog, your Kundalini gets activated. Kabir Sab and Nanak Sab , Ramdas Swami have all written on kundalini. Sri Ramdas Swamy and even Markandeya Swami have also written on Kundalini. But inspite of all the above, Kundalini yoga could not spread. Sit and sing songs, accompanied with chimes. They would be standing on their heads, and did not know what all they attempted to do in the process. Because, some people resorted to onlyPeople should be naturally connected with God Almighty and we should not do anything abruptly. If somebody just takes the name of Swamiji, we immediately rush to touch the feet of Swamiji and this is not proper. Many people have fallen prey to various things for no fault of them. It is not their fault actually, but It is mainly because they are searching for truth and God Almighty. For , these seekers have ‘Adhikar to obtain pure Atma’, one should have Gurunanak Sahib made rules and regulations, which were very strict and stringent. Also nobody confessed to have committed the crime, because of the fear of having to bear the punishment. Even after making rules and regulations, people remained as usual. In the beginning Isa Masiha said that a sinner should take his own eyes. But Mohammad Sahib said that no body would do this. He said that people only will prick the eyes and throw it. A lot of things are happening in the world and being a mother I understand what is happening. People are in darkness . They are being told about all the atrocities that are taking place. But when and how the man will react to all this? Man is sitting in darkness. Many atrocious things are being told. But, when and how the man will react to all this. If he is told to cut his hand, he will agree. Same things were told to Yahudis, and they followed it strictly. Mohammad Sab stopped it. If you impose Dharm on anybody, it will not be taken smoothly. Dharma should be inborn, and this is the salient feature of Sahajyoga . Through Sahajyog, Kundalini gets activated naturally. Kabir Sab, Nanak Sab , Ramdas Swamy and many others have all written on Kundalini. But, inspite of all the above, the knowledge of Kundalini could not spread much, because people resorted to only shaving their heads, sitting and singing songs , accompanied with their chimes, without actually knowing the real purpose of search. In Chicago, in a very cold weather, I saw a one Sant shivering in cold, wearing only a thin dhoti. .When I asked him, why he was wearing such a dhoti in a cold weather , he said that his Guru had told him that he will attain moksha only by wearing dhoti.On hearing this I told him that 80 per cent of our people in India wear only dhotis. And if you and sit there, who will identify you . If all start wearing dhotis, how will you find space for all to get a vision of God? Then I asked him, why he had shaven his head, keeping just a tuft , which is available bazaar, he said that his Guruji told him that by doing this, he will get moksha. This formality is undertaken twice a year, and such devotees occupy first place in following rituals. But, what is actually important is to realise and note that it is not possible to obtain Moksha by doing all these external activities. One should be clean from within. With this you will be clean and clear in understanding and with that you will come to know the truth. It is only when your Kundalini gets activated, you are able to get Mokhsh, because your inner system gets purified and negativities get dissolved and you will stand firm on your faith and truth inner systems gets purified .You will stand firm on your dharma and truth. Such purification is essential in current times, because of the prevailing abnormalities and impurities . Everybody is trying to fight each other in the name of Dharma. You may be aware that a cult was found in Switzerland, where a Guruji beat up about 57 followers and ran away from there soon after. Some people asked me whether we have any cult like this . False Gurus are alway around. In most of the cases, the mistake is that of followers . People should check up properly before following any cult or Guru. So called Gurus are found having bad qualities, indulging in relationship with women, possessing weapons , spurious drugs , collecting money in the name of poor, and sending it across the world. One such Guru ran away with money worth 90,000 Dollars .Whose fault is it . If you happen to follow such a person, who has no purity and who loots you, you are only wrong. You only are encouraging him. You now have to understand that you have to be your own Guru, and also you have to obtain Gnana. I have already told you about Chakras. People should have no doubt about Chakras. It is a hypothesis and if you are honest , you will agree to this truth about chakras. With this, you, your family, your surroundings, your country, all are safe and accordingly, the whole world becomes safe and secure. In order to understand this, as Sri. Ramdas Swamy said, you should have proper people to spread awareness, and the receipient should have proper awareness to learn all this, in his own interest. Isa Masiha also said that many people have asked, who were such people, who happened to be like seeds. The answer was they were like seeds , some of which had fallen on mountains, some on martial land, and some seeds got destroyed and few of them fell on marshy land, and some seeds went into the Earth, which sprouted into plants Like-wise, there are people who do not settle down , but keep attending lectures and programmes of various Gurus as and when they come to know about it , even after having already attended Sri Mataji’s programme. Such hoppers have no place in Sahaj Yog. When you reach stay put in one place, a well can be dug and you can gradually see pure clear water . Sahaj Yoga is meant only for such devotees, who know themselves, who understand others and who are able to reach their destination. Today there is need for such people, who are not involved in infighting , quarrels , misunderstanding. Country needs people endowed with pure love and knowledge. In order to obtain these qualities, one needs to be interested in seeking truth To day , my coming has been delayed a bit. Regarding Aatma, I need to tell you something related to Chakras. Through fingers, you can also know about the Chakras of others, through Sahaj Yoga. Through Aatma, you can know which chakra is activated. You can also identify your problems through chakras and similarly, you can identify the problems of others also, through this Chakras. It is also true that many. Diseases of people, have been cured through Sahaj. Yoga., including like that of Cancer. There is no doubt about the same. Because, when Kundalini gets activated, it cleanses the chakras and makes it completely vibrant. It binds them together. And when it raises upwards, it takes note of the God Almighty’s presence. On account of this power , we have seen that many Artists, Musicians, have appeared, but none of them had any pride. Just today, one gentlemen told me that after I bought one sari from his shop, his sales increased, and he wished that I would buy more saris from his shop. This is possible, because there is Lakshmi Tatva in this, and there are many things like this Mind becomes so purified that one becomes innocent like a small child. Even when you look at others, you see only innocence. On account of this, whatever kamukta You have inside, whatever disease or illness that may be there , will go away from mind, and you will become very calm and peaceful when you stop thinking of past or present. When your kundalini gets activated, whatever space is there in between such thoughts, there is Vilamb, and the mind becomes peaceful. And when we get peace ourselves , we can also give peace to others, and there will be calmness, happiness and peace at such a place and you have such an experience that you are mentally activated. Now the people present here, look like Yogis. They have not told you what has happened, and who has experienced what and what all miracles have taken place . The miracles have lost their existence, like bringing out something from nowhere, and giving the same to you, or making you catch hold of an iceberg, or a mountain and all such wonders. But, the wonders should be such that they are real, like what you experience in your life , how your problems get solved, and so on. Otherwise, people are made to see miracles, like in movies, and people start getting used to it. Now in Sahaj Yog, you do not see others’ Chamatkar, but see your own. You feel that you were nothing, but now you realise that you have a lot to see and know about yourself. Now, I have to tell you so many of you have come here. Now, when I come, you all come and do meditation here. But, what is important to know is that when I go away, how many of you come and do meditation here. In other place like Russia, I have seen that there is not less than 16000 people minimum, and they stay put, and nobody gets disturbed. They are those people, who do not know the existence of God Almighty , whatsoever. They participate in Such a manner, leaving everything else behind. How is it possible. But this has happened and very greatly. Even the Government of Russia has given award for this. Our Government has not done anything for it. It is a wonder as to their interest in truth, and so many have been sent away. Lastly, I have to say something very interestING. After all this, you get interested in Anand. Anand is such a thing just like comfort and trouble, which are such friends that they can be visualised. Once, when I was returning from my tour, I reached very late , because of the delayed flight. had become worried and frustrated. They Said that they were enjoying singing, discussing and keeping themselves occupied. Now, so far I have not seen any sahaj yogi quarelling or feeling bored at any time. So far it has been like that, I do not know and cannot say about future, they have never complained or never been angry. There is a lot of love. You know people came from various countries, nearly 65 countries. Even heads from Muslim countries like Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria and France have also attended Sahaj Programes. There has never been quarrels or competition regarding religious matters. I was so surprised to see the Foriegners , who never before indulged in religious matters, getting interested about the same. Amidst themselves, they were telling their people not to smoke and , drink , though they are used to it always. But they gave it up all this for a day. I was really surprised how this happened. But this showed that they became evolved within themselves. Good power got enlightened. I would like to advice you to ignite your Kundalini, but you cannot impose it on people. Who ever opts for it , should be given . It is shubhechha, it cannot be forced on any body. Whoever does not want it, can be left alone. You do not have to give any money to obtain it. Money does not matter in Sahaj Yoga. This is the strength of love and how much can you pay for it. Whoever desires to come in Sahaj Yoga, may stay here, others can go back. Please come in and sit down. Please occupy the chairs. All of you sit down, adjust yourselves , so that all can be accommodated. Yuva Shakti , please help people to settle down. Sorry, I have been speaking in Hindi, National Language. I hope you do not mind. People feel nice, when I speak in Hindi and Marathi, when asked why, they said ,because it sounds like Mantra. Hindus do not even know that when you are born in Bharat Varsh, it is on account of good deeds of the past janmas, which you may not even be aware of. Please put both your hands towards me. For the Indians I do not have to do all of this exercise. I am sorry. Now keep your right hand towards me. Now bow your head slightly and check with your left hand on the top of your head if any cool breeze is coming from the fontanel bone area. Do not doubt. Either it may be hot or cool air. If it is hot air then please forgive everyone. Bow your head slightly. Now keep your left hand towards me and, now bow your head and check with your right hand. Is cool or hot air coming out of the fontanel bone area? It will come from the top of your head. Now right hand towards me. Again try with your left hand on top of your head. Bow your head. For some it comes when your hand is near the top of the head and for some when it is far. If you are feeling hot air it means either you have not forgiven yourself or you have not forgiven others. So please forgive now. Forget everything. Now raise both your hands with palm facing upwards towards the sky and push back your head slightly upwards towards the sky. Now you should ask one of these three questions: First question you should ask is - Mother is the all pervading power of the divine love? Ask three times. Second question you should ask is - Mother is this the Paramchaitannya? Third question you should ask is - Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Ask three questions. Now put down your hands. Put both your hands towards me. Like this. Now become thoughtless (Nirvichar). Now whoever felt on their hands, on their fingers or on the center of their palms on one of the hands or both of the hands or on top of the head on the fontanel bone area feeling the hot air or the cool air, please raise both of your hands. All of you have got your realisation. My namaskars to you all. My namaskars to all the yogis. Lots of blessings. You have to go deep in this. You should know that today’s Sahana Yoga is Collective. Only keeping my photograph at home will not help. You need to come to the collective. You will only grow in the collective. Otherwise you will not grow. The reason is that this is a collective work. Please pay attention here. This is collective work and it will work out only in collectivity. Everything else is on one side and on other is your spiritual growth. You need to understand this and come. My blessings to all of you.
Public Program - Satya Ki Khoj, 21 february 1994 Translation from Hindi: Jai Ganesh Sri Ganesh Jai Sri Mataji I bow to all seekers of truth. Today, the search for truth is in full swing. Besides our Country, other countries are also in search of truth in full swing. But while searching for truth, we do not know the actual matter which has to be searched. Groping in darkness, we do not know which wrong path we are taking. While searching for truth, my advice to the seeker is not to trust anybody , including me, with blind faith. Blind faith may cause losses. Many eminent people came to world and gave important advice. People started spreading blind faith and because of this, they got lost. People started fighting with each other, and as a result, humanity has gone down. All great incarnations, great gurus, and munis clearly mentioned that you identify yourself and realise about your Atma, (another matter which is most important). Without understanding yourself, you do not know what you are. Another thing which is very important is this. Prem shrushti which has spread all over is explained in various ways, like in Bible, it is mentioned as cool breeze of Holy Ghost. In Quran it is called as Rooh, in every discipline, it is described as Chaitanya. What is spread in all four corners, is called as Shrushti. The meaning of this is that we should achieve one thing from all . This is our foremost important duty. Meaning of this is that we should achieve a higher level from that of human level. Now, we are at human level and we have to raise to the next higher level, being called as Yogi, Budh, evolved soul or realised soul. Message, which is said in various forms, contain the same meaning that you should attain the inner knowledge. The word Nastik , which came from the letter NA from the word Nastik. Previously, Christians used to be addressed as Nastik, which made them revengeful and they would indulge in destruction. Now the question before us is this inner knowledge is of which form? God Almighty has created in a beautiful way this entire Shrishti. You cannot get a better creator than God Almighty. If you have to travel by plane, there is a way to go, and in between you are having an open route to pass. In similar manner, God Almighty has given you a mid-way to pass through. In order to pass through this mid-way, he has made an arrangement, which is called as KUNDALINI. Just like in mike,unless the wire is connected to the main, mike is of no use. In the same manner, unless our relationship is connected with Param Shakti, we are not perfect. From morning to evening if we only eat, sleep and If some body pampers our ego, we feel we have achieved something big and great. On the other hand if our our ego gets hurt , we feel sad. The reason for this is that we have not yet recognised our real self. We do not know our strength, and what we are able to achieve in our life, is not known to us. There is no morality in science. It is simply science. We can only see what is actually visible to our eyes. It does not say what our Dharma is, and what is human dharma . And that is why so many battles took place, like Hiroshima. When we look at Dharma, we see that there are many pakhandis. As and when they come out of jail, we observe that they have become something great , and innocent people go after them, without even thinking about their authenticity. It requires a lot of boldness and artificial strength to attract people to their side. First of all such people are not afraid of God Almighty, and secondly, in order to make money, they resort to various types of unholy methods. And, surprisingly some innocent people also run after them in a mad rush and fall prey to such bad people. It is not the mistake of the innocent, because they are only trying to seek the Almighty. Being seekers,they do not suspect anything wrong. Ultimately how many people fall prey to such wrong people and how many try to come out of their clutches, is not known. Like in Nagpur, one person came and announced that he will dig the earth and the water will come out. It so happened that the water did come out, but it was later found out that it was from the hidden water connection. In this manner , innocent people are getting mesmerised by some body or the other , who is fooling them by bringing precious things like diamonds from Switzerland. In our country, our people are so innocent that they start cheering such people. If there is no miracle to see, it is said that this group belongs to this dharma or that dharma and there are only arguments to prove the authenticity of the person’s so called dharma. We can help the seekers irrespective of whichever Dharma they belong to. Now, I tell you about Jesus Christ. What did he know about people, thinking that they are Sadhu, Sant. And in Bible, Chapter V, it is said that if you see a woman with ill will, even with one eye , your one eye will be removed, and if you still continue , the other eye also will be removed. Then they said that similarly if right hand indulges in any bad act, it will be cut and the same is for left hand also. I have seen only one eye being taken out. After that, Mohammad Sahib came and he was more strict than all others mentioned above and said that this is all for males. He said that if you see any woman doing such things, you just dig a pit and put the woman in that. Now if such a thing were to be done in America, they would have been just buried. High class people are of no use to us. They are stars in the sky. We cannot have any relationship. with them . Nothing can be done about it. Then came Mohammad Saheb . He said whosoever looks at ladies with bad intention, just remove his eyes and put him in a dugged pit. Now if you see this rule in America, they will be just buried. Where is this world going , to whom are we speaking, we do not know anything about it . The world is so confusing.We actually do not know what we are doing, whom we are talking to. Rules and regulations are made, but not knowing how it will work out. Gurunanak Sahib made certain rules , which were very stringent as nobody would admit that they made mistakes, and if caught, they would face punishment. After making these rules also, people remained as before. In the beginning, Isa Masiha said that the sinner should take his own eyes. But Mohammad Saheb said no body will do this. He said you do not do anything , people only will remove eyes and throw them. In this world, so much is happening, no body is aware. But , being a mother I understand what the matter is. Man is sitting in darkness and he is being told about all these atrocious things. But, when and how the man wii react to all this. And, if he is told to cut his hands, he will agree. Some things were told to Yahudis and they followed and later they stopped it. But Muslims took it over. Then came shariat of Muslims. Moses had told about Yahudis. He told them to be away from this. He said that this was not for them. I have understood that this type of action was not for Muslims, and nobody can pressurise such things. If Dharma isimposed on people, it will not go far. Dharma should be inborn and that is Sahaj Yoga . In Sahaj Yog, your Kundalini gets activated. Kabir Sab and Nanak Sab , Ramdas Swami have all written on kundalini. Sri Ramdas Swamy and even Markandeya Swami have also written on Kundalini. But inspite of all the above, Kundalini yoga could not spread. Sit and sing songs, accompanied with chimes. They would be standing on their heads, and did not know what all they attempted to do in the process. Because, some people resorted to onlyPeople should be naturally connected with God Almighty and we should not do anything abruptly. If somebody just takes the name of Swamiji, we immediately rush to touch the feet of Swamiji and this is not proper. Many people have fallen prey to various things for no fault of them. It is not their fault actually, but It is mainly because they are searching for truth and God Almighty. For , these seekers have ‘Adhikar to obtain pure Atma’, one should have Gurunanak Sahib made rules and regulations, which were very strict and stringent. Also nobody confessed to have committed the crime, because of the fear of having to bear the punishment. Even after making rules and regulations, people remained as usual. In the beginning Isa Masiha said that a sinner should take his own eyes. But Mohammad Sahib said that no body would do this. He said that people only will prick the eyes and throw it. A lot of things are happening in the world and being a mother I understand what is happening. People are in darkness . They are being told about all the atrocities that are taking place. But when and how the man will react to all this? Man is sitting in darkness. Many atrocious things are being told. But, when and how the man will react to all this. If he is told to cut his hand, he will agree. Same things were told to Yahudis, and they followed it strictly. Mohammad Sab stopped it. If you impose Dharm on anybody, it will not be taken smoothly. Dharma should be inborn, and this is the salient feature of Sahajyoga . Through Sahajyog, Kundalini gets activated naturally. Kabir Sab, Nanak Sab , Ramdas Swamy and many others have all written on Kundalini. But, inspite of all the above, the knowledge of Kundalini could not spread much, because people resorted to only shaving their heads, sitting and singing songs , accompanied with their chimes, without actually knowing the real purpose of search. In Chicago, in a very cold weather, I saw a one Sant shivering in cold, wearing only a thin dhoti. .When I asked him, why he was wearing such a dhoti in a cold weather , he said that his Guru had told him that he will attain moksha only by wearing dhoti.On hearing this I told him that 80 per cent of our people in India wear only dhotis. And if you and sit there, who will identify you . If all start wearing dhotis, how will you find space for all to get a vision of God? Then I asked him, why he had shaven his head, keeping just a tuft , which is available bazaar, he said that his Guruji told him that by doing this, he will get moksha. This formality is undertaken twice a year, and such devotees occupy first place in following rituals. But, what is actually important is to realise and note that it is not possible to obtain Moksha by doing all these external activities. One should be clean from within. With this you will be clean and clear in understanding and with that you will come to know the truth. It is only when your Kundalini gets activated, you are able to get Mokhsh, because your inner system gets purified and negativities get dissolved and you will stand firm on your faith and truth inner systems gets purified .You will stand firm on your dharma and truth. Such purification is essential in current times, because of the prevailing abnormalities and impurities . Everybody is trying to fight each other in the name of Dharma. You may be aware that a cult was found in Switzerland, where a Guruji beat up about 57 followers and ran away from there soon after. Some people asked me whether we have any cult like this . False Gurus are alway around. In most of the cases, the mistake is that of followers . People should check up properly before following any cult or Guru. So called Gurus are found having bad qualities, indulging in relationship with women, possessing weapons , spurious drugs , collecting money in the name of poor, and sending it across the world. One such Guru ran away with money worth 90,000 Dollars .Whose fault is it . If you happen to follow such a person, who has no purity and who loots you, you are only wrong. You only are encouraging him. You now have to understand that you have to be your own Guru, and also you have to obtain Gnana. I have already told you about Chakras. People should have no doubt about Chakras. It is a hypothesis and if you are honest , you will agree to this truth about chakras. With this, you, your family, your surroundings, your country, all are safe and accordingly, the whole world becomes safe and secure. In order to understand this, as Sri. Ramdas Swamy said, you should have proper people to spread awareness, and the receipient should have proper awareness to learn all this, in his own interest. Isa Masiha also said that many people have asked, who were such people, who happened to be like seeds. The answer was they were like seeds , some of which had fallen on mountains, some on martial land, and some seeds got destroyed and few of them fell on marshy land, and some seeds went into the Earth, which sprouted into plants Like-wise, there are people who do not settle down , but keep attending lectures and programmes of various Gurus as and when they come to know about it , even after having already attended Sri Mataji’s programme. Such hoppers have no place in Sahaj Yog. When you reach stay put in one place, a well can be dug and you can gradually see pure clear water . Sahaj Yoga is meant only for such devotees, who know themselves, who understand others and who are able to reach their destination. Today there is need for such people, who are not involved in infighting , quarrels , misunderstanding. Country needs people endowed with pure love and knowledge. In order to obtain these qualities, one needs to be interested in seeking truth To day , my coming has been delayed a bit. Regarding Aatma, I need to tell you something related to Chakras. Through fingers, you can also know about the Chakras of others, through Sahaj Yoga. Through Aatma, you can know which chakra is activated. You can also identify your problems through chakras and similarly, you can identify the problems of others also, through this Chakras. It is also true that many. Diseases of people, have been cured through Sahaj. Yoga., including like that of Cancer. There is no doubt about the same. Because, when Kundalini gets activated, it cleanses the chakras and makes it completely vibrant. It binds them together. And when it raises upwards, it takes note of the God Almighty’s presence. On account of this power , we have seen that many Artists, Musicians, have appeared, but none of them had any pride. Just today, one gentlemen told me that after I bought one sari from his shop, his sales increased, and he wished that I would buy more saris from his shop. This is possible, because there is Lakshmi Tatva in this, and there are many things like this Mind becomes so purified that one becomes innocent like a small child. Even when you look at others, you see only innocence. On account of this, whatever kamukta You have inside, whatever disease or illness that may be there , will go away from mind, and you will become very calm and peaceful when you stop thinking of past or present. When your kundalini gets activated, whatever space is there in between such thoughts, there is Vilamb, and the mind becomes peaceful. And when we get peace ourselves , we can also give peace to others, and there will be calmness, happiness and peace at such a place and you have such an experience that you are mentally activated. Now the people present here, look like Yogis. They have not told you what has happened, and who has experienced what and what all miracles have taken place . The miracles have lost their existence, like bringing out something from nowhere, and giving the same to you, or making you catch hold of an iceberg, or a mountain and all such wonders. But, the wonders should be such that they are real, like what you experience in your life , how your problems get solved, and so on. Otherwise, people are made to see miracles, like in movies, and people start getting used to it. Now in Sahaj Yog, you do not see others’ Chamatkar, but see your own. You feel that you were nothing, but now you realise that you have a lot to see and know about yourself. Now, I have to tell you so many of you have come here. Now, when I come, you all come and do meditation here. But, what is important to know is that when I go away, how many of you come and do meditation here. In other place like Russia, I have seen that there is not less than 16000 people minimum, and they stay put, and nobody gets disturbed. They are those people, who do not know the existence of God Almighty , whatsoever. They participate in Such a manner, leaving everything else behind. How is it possible. But this has happened and very greatly. Even the Government of Russia has given award for this. Our Government has not done anything for it. It is a wonder as to their interest in truth, and so many have been sent away. Lastly, I have to say something very interestING. After all this, you get interested in Anand. Anand is such a thing just like comfort and trouble, which are such friends that they can be visualised. Once, when I was returning from my tour, I reached very late , because of the delayed flight. had become worried and frustrated. They Said that they were enjoying singing, discussing and keeping themselves occupied. Now, so far I have not seen any sahaj yogi quarelling or feeling bored at any time. So far it has been like that, I do not know and cannot say about future, they have never complained or never been angry. There is a lot of love. You know people came from various countries, nearly 65 countries. Even heads from Muslim countries like Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria and France have also attended Sahaj Programes. There has never been quarrels or competition regarding religious matters. I was so surprised to see the Foriegners , who never before indulged in religious matters, getting interested about the same. Amidst themselves, they were telling their people not to smoke and , drink , though they are used to it always. But they gave it up all this for a day. I was really surprised how this happened. But this showed that they became evolved within themselves. Good power got enlightened. I would like to advice you to ignite your Kundalini, but you cannot impose it on people. Who ever opts for it , should be given . It is shubhechha, it cannot be forced on any body. Whoever does not want it, can be left alone. You do not have to give any money to obtain it. Money does not matter in Sahaj Yoga. This is the strength of love and how much can you pay for it. Whoever desires to come in Sahaj Yoga, may stay here, others can go back. Please come in and sit down. Please occupy the chairs. All of you sit down, adjust yourselves , so that all can be accommodated. Yuva Shakti , please help people to settle down. Sorry, I have been speaking in Hindi, National Language. I hope you do not mind. People feel nice, when I speak in Hindi and Marathi, when asked why, they said ,because it sounds like Mantra. Hindus do not even know that when you are born in Bharat Varsh, it is on account of good deeds of the past janmas, which you may not even be aware of. Please put both your hands towards me. For the Indians I do not have to do all of this exercise. I am sorry. Now keep your right hand towards me. Now bow your head slightly and check with your left hand on the top of your head if any cool breeze is coming from the fontanel bone area. Do not doubt. Either it may be hot or cool air. If it is hot air then please forgive everyone. Bow your head slightly. Now keep your left hand towards me and, now bow your head and check with your right hand. Is cool or hot air coming out of the fontanel bone area? It will come from the top of your head. Now right hand towards me. Again try with your left hand on top of your head. Bow your head. For some it comes when your hand is near the top of the head and for some when it is far. If you are feeling hot air it means either you have not forgiven yourself or you have not forgiven others. So please forgive now. Forget everything. Now raise both your hands with palm facing upwards towards the sky and push back your head slightly upwards towards the sky. Now you should ask one of these three questions: First question you should ask is - Mother is the all pervading power of the divine love? Ask three times. Second question you should ask is - Mother is this the Paramchaitannya? Third question you should ask is - Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Ask three questions. Now put down your hands. Put both your hands towards me. Like this. Now become thoughtless (Nirvichar). Now whoever felt on their hands, on their fingers or on the center of their palms on one of the hands or both of the hands or on top of the head on the fontanel bone area feeling the hot air or the cool air, please raise both of your hands. All of you have got your realisation. My namaskars to you all. My namaskars to all the yogis. Lots of blessings. You have to go deep in this. You should know that today’s Sahana Yoga is Collective. Only keeping my photograph at home will not help. You need to come to the collective. You will only grow in the collective. Otherwise you will not grow. The reason is that this is a collective work. Please pay attention here. This is collective work and it will work out only in collectivity. Everything else is on one side and on other is your spiritual growth. You need to understand this and come. My blessings to all of you.
Release of Sir CP’s book on Shastri
New Delhi
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Sir CP's talk For me it's a very moving day, a very moving moment and if you find me stopping from time to time to regain my emotions, I hope you'll kindly forgive me. I want to begin by sharing with you a secret, a well kept secret for a long time and the secret is, the third of December, which is the day today, is by far the most important date in my annual calendar. Have you guessed it? You have! It was on this date, forty-eight years ago in 1946, that I first came face to face with this Divinity. That was a day of my transformation. That was the day when a Divine Will enveloped my being. From then on a Divine Force emanating from the source that you know has been constantly with me, helping me, guiding me and that is the secret for whatever you may have heard today. After third December I did not lose much time and I'm sure you'll agree, I shouldn't have. We got engaged on the 18th of February, 1947 and we got married on the 7th of April, 1947, and then events began to move very rapidly, events which might have seemed impossible in normal circumstances. Within a matter of months, as Rajesh mentioned to you, I was selected for both of India's top [don't understand]service, of the diplomatic service and the administrative service. I first joined the diplomatic service and when I was offered the Indian Administrative Service also, there were a lot of debate in office, my friends saying, some say, "Lovely to become an ambassador" and some saying, "No, no, join the home service." So I came home that evening and I mentioned to my wife and She didn't take even a moment to make a decision. She said, "No, no. Ambassador? No. Let's remain within the country. Let's serve our country here, and that was the decision which eventually lead to what we are doing today. It was as important as that and I'll explain to you why. Because I changed my service from diplomatic to home civil service, called India Administrative Service, and my first posting was to Lucknow, and the first V.I.P. in Lucknow that I met was Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri. She had foreseen, She knew what was coming. I didn't. I only obeyed. I said, "Yes, you want I.A.S., okay." Well and for those who have read the book or who will read the book, will read about this, but I'll tell you about two instances. When I went to him first , I'd been given an appointment at 6 pm on a summer day in Lucknow. I reached his house on time, , my habit is to be on time or a little before that , and I saw that the minister's car was ready, one of the doors was open and he was about, obviously about to go somewhere, although he had an appointment with me. Of course, I knew that in India's political affairs appointments with ministers don't mean very much. You can go and you can be asked to come again and again. But here was something different. Now what happened was there was one person ahead of me who had come and the personal assistant told both of us, "We're sorry, the minister is going to a meeting, cabinet meeting, so you may have come, you have to come again." I said, "Okay. I'll do that." And, as I was saying this - I was some distance from the door of the house, and I saw a petite figure, five feet two inches, as you now know, coming out dressed in spotlessly clean khadi dhoti, kurta and cap, with a smile on his face.He first went to the person who had come ahead of me, talked to him very politely. He was a common man and I was watching. I had come from Delhi, civil servant, bureaucrat. I said, "He's a minister talking to this man, who looks so ordinary, with such attention," I said, "There must be something wrong somewhere, anyway." He talked to him for a moment then that gentleman went away. And then the P.A.. came and whispered into his ear something about me. I didn't know what he said. Obviously, he must have said, "This is the new city magistrate, I.A.S. officer who has just come. He has come to meet you, but I've told him already to go away because there's no time today." Normally, he would have got into the car and gone away, but not Mr. Shastri. What he did was he looked at me and moved a few paces towards me. Now, ordinarily I should have been wise, I should have moved ahead, wished him, but I knew that he was in a hurry and I did not want to impose myself on him, so I stood back where I was.Then he saw, he moved another five, ten paces, came nearer me, then he did what no minister on Earth, not in India, would do ever do, he raised both his hands to say this to me, "Namaste, aaiye. (means please come in) " I was aghast - minister to a junior civil servant saying "Namaste"? It doesn't happen in my country. Anyway, so I said, "No, sir, but you are busy. You are going away. You have a meeting. I understand. I'll come again." He said, "No, no, it doesn't matter. We can talk for two minutes." I am telling you because there's a secret to that. So he insisted that I should go inside his house. I went with him, sat down and he asked, "Have you got a house? Are you well settled? Is your family all right?" I said, "I came to ask for instructions about some official matters." He said, "Yes, yes, it's an important city and you know the problems and your district magistrate will tell you. But are you happy ?" I said, "I'm very happy, sir. I have no other questions to ask." Again I got up. I said, "I don't want to detain you" and we came out together. Then he moved towards his car and this time I was a little cleverer, so when he moved, I did that simultaneously with him. He's still first. I did namaste. I had learnt a lesson, but, I'll tell you, not yet fully. I was a bureaucrat, but I had begun to improve because of Her, so I said, "Okay." Then when he sat down in car and as it moved away, again wished me, I wished him and he went away. And then, my dear friends, I just stood there wondering what kind of a human being he is, such an important cabinet minister, such humility. Is there something in me? Why should he be so kind to me? Then I said, "No, no," because he was very kind to the other fellow also. "So it's not me. It's him." Anyway, I thought for some time. Before going, he said, "Have you a transport?" I said, "I have." Then he went away. And after eight months of that - he said, "Please come again." I said, "Well, I will." But after eight months of that, I was transferred from Lucknow to Meerut and I never met him because there was no reason. And then something else happens and that is the second incident I'll tell you. Two years after that I was still in Meerut. In the meantime, he had resigned from U.P., Lucknow. He had gone to the centre. He had become a central cabinet minister for Railways and Transport. He had become a national figure, a very eminent national figure. I had gone to Delhi railway station to receive my wife and my two daughters, who are sitting here, Kalpana and Sadhana. They were coming from Nagpur, they're little kids at that time. So I went to the railway station and the train steamed in. They arrived, I received my wife and my daughters. A lot of crowd there, and, but on the other side of the platform I saw a lot of railway officials in their uniform waiting for someone and I didn't know what it was. Another train steamed in and from one of the compartments came out Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, and the distance between me and him was as from here, to say, that row. So I held on to my children and my wife said, "Let's stay here because there's a lot of crowd. Let them go away, then we'll move."So I stayed like that. And there is Mr. Lal Bahadur Shastri with surrounded by big officials, general managers and so on and suddenly, after moving out five paces, he looked in my direction. When he looked in my direction, I looked at him and I'd still to learn more. I just stood still. I said, "How can I go to him? He - two years ago, two minutes conversation, he must have forgotten me." So he moved another ten, twenty, fifty paces, thirty paces and looked again. So when he looked again in my direction, I looked this way, I that way. I said, "Who is he searching?" Then he moved a few paces again, but since he found that I was doing nothing, he left the group, came about ten paces and my wife is a witness, She was there, he did this to me, he said, "Namaste, Srivastava-sahib. You did not recognize me. I'm Lal Bahadur." I just didn't know what to do. I was lost for words. I just fumbled. I wished the Earth had taken me in - so ashamed. And then he said - I said, "Well, the whole country recognizes you, but how did you recognize me?" "Oh," he said, "Remember two years ago when you came to Lucknow, we met and I know now you are in Meerut. How are you? Everything all right?" I said, "Yes, I am fine." I was absolutely stunned. And then he went back to his group and went away. That was the most important lesson that I learnt - humility. It was not the humility that you see when someone meets a Prime Minister. You know, you are very humble. No, when he meets a junior official, then he's humble. And that was a very great quality. I once put this to a very senior civil servant in India when he had become Prime Minister or after he had passed away. I said, "People say that he was very, very respectful to civil servants." And the answer, you know, I got was, "Mr. Shastri was respectful to every human being." What a wonderful quality is. I'm not aware of any individual, in politics at least, about whom truthfully you can say that he's respectful to every human being. But, that was Her decision that I should go to I.A.S., Indian Administrative Service, led me to this contact and then, when he became Prime Minister, I had served with him when as transport minister. But when he became Prime Minister, then again my wife played a very, very major role. I was in London attending a conference, shipping conference, when Panditji Nehru passed away and he became Prime Minister. I returned to Bombay and my wife said almost immediately, She said, "You know, he trusts you. He has confidence in you. You go to him, offer your services. A new Prime Minister needs support, needs help. You go immediately, meet him, offer your services, and I said, "How can I do that? It's not done. I'm a civil servant and the code of civil servants is that you don't go and seek jobs. You are given jobs and you do them. I said, "He knows me. If he wants me, he'll ask for me." But again, like the earlier occasion, She knew what She was telling me. She knew the future. She was foreseeing the future. So She said, "Okay, there will be other ways. I'll have my way." I didn't understand what other way that could be. Well, next day came a message from Delhi saying a meeting has been convened by my Ministry, Shipping Ministry - a very important meeting. Please come along. I had to go to Delhi. Now, when I went to Delhi, I knew that he was not well. He had had a mild heart attack. He was in bed and my understanding with him earlier was that whenever I came to Delhi I must let him know and I must meet him. I said, "Now, if I don't meet him, that will be sheer arrogance on my part. Because he's ill, it is my duty to go and ask how he is, just pay my respects." Now, who created this situation? Well, then, then what happens? I went to his house. There are two P.A.'s standing. Of course, they knew me. They knew my connection, so they would not be rude to me. I said, "He's unwell, I know. He may be in bed, I know. Doctors may have told you not to admit visitors, but I just want you to go and tell him that I am here, I have come to pay my respects and if he wishes to see me for a moment, I will, otherwise, I will go away." And the P.A..'s thought that very soon they'll come back, tell me, Go away. He doesn't want to see you or It's not possible. Well, very soon they came back, saying, Please come in. So I went in. But before I went in they said, Mark you, one minute, sixty seconds and no more and before sixty seconds are out, you should be out. I said, "Yes, sir," in short. I went in. He was lying in bed, smiling. I wished him. He said, "I am feeling better? I am almost all right." And then I didn't know what to say, so I just said, "I came to offer my felicitations, congratulations and to wish you well, a speedy recovery." Full stop. Nothing more. I didn't offer my services because I was a civil servant, mind you. So the P.A.'s were apprehensive about me. They thought I might come and a man like me not always, you know - anyway. So they were worried, standing there, both of them looking at me and I was looking at my watch. When it was fifty seconds, I did this to him. It'll be the road to leaving. Then what he does is, he says, "Nahin, no, no, no no. You sit down and told P.A.'s [Sound like : could you close the door]{sounds like - will you be withdraw ).", and the P.A..'s very surprised. He says, "What good is going on now?" And then a beautiful conversation, he said, "You know, you like Bombay I know," because I was posted then in Bombay. I said, "Yes, sir." He said, "How long do you intend to be there? Are you leading to something?" I said, "You are the Prime Minister. I'll be there as long as you want me to be there. I'm a government official." Didn't still come to the point. Then he said, "I think you should now come here and help me", and all I said was "Yes, sir." And that was it. So She had Her way, in Her own way. And I, so I joined him and probably, in public affairs, in public life, there has been no greater honor, no greater privilege than to have had the opportunity of serving Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, and I'm grateful to Her for having given me that opportunity. The book is there. I don't think I'll take you too much into it, but what I would say is, as time passed, we became close, his views were known to me. He was truly wedded to dharma, to righteousness, to truth, to morals. There was no posture in him. There was no dichotomy. There wasn't a Mr. Shastri inside, different from a Mr. Shastri outside. He was absolutely one: one inside, one outside, beautiful inside, beautiful outside. It was marvelous to work with him. It was very hard work. He gave everything that he had to country and, if you were close to him, you gave everything, not because he forced you, but because you loved the country and you loved him, and we worked very closely together, midnight, one o'clock and it was that kind of a thing. But during that time our family also came very close to him. You'll find photographs in the book which will show that. But whenever my wife and I went - we never went uninvited, we were always invited and when Mr. Shastri invited us to dinner he would say, "Would you like to eat a little worse food than you are normally accustomed to?"That was his humility because he was a vegetarian, I am a non-vegetarian, so we would go and eat good food. He was very, very kind. And then he would talk to Her during dinner time, not to me, but to me he talked all the time otherwise. But then he would talk at the book sales of saints and sages, of economics, of politics, various subjects and he had understood what She was and he had understood that if I was anything, by way of help to him, it was because of Her. So he gave Her tremendous respect, tremendous respect, which you give to a Holy person, which you give to your Mother. He would come out of his bedroom or drawing room, out to the, to the outer area, then go to the car, open the door of the car for Her to sit down - Prime Minister of India. That was the respect that he gave Her. And he gave tremendous love to my family, my children. I remember once, my - he invited his children and my children only to Mussourie for one night out and, in the hotel where we were staying, at eleven o'clock he comes to see whether my children have proper blankets or not - Prime Minister of India. That was his humility. That was true, true, genuine humility. Anyway, we worked together and we faced many situations. It means he faced many situations, but when I joined him - when should I stop, now or little later? All right. When I joined him I said, "Sir, what are my duties? What should I do?" He said, "You'll do whatever you use to do previously as my private secretary." And then he said something which is very interesting. He said, "The job of Prime Minister of India is very difficult. Let us try." Now, let us try." If we succeed, well and good. If I fail, I'll resign and go. See the difference. If we - if it is success, it's "we." He shares success. If we succeed, well and good. If I fail. In failure, he wants all the blame for himself. I listened to that and I remember those words, and then we began to work together. Many crises came, but he was totally unruffled, always firmly on the path of truth, righteousness. The food shortage, food prices rising, language problem, all kinds of things and he stood very firmly. And then came a war. Now, I want to tell you he was the most peaceful man you can imagine, embodiment of peace. He wanted peace with Pakistan. You know what he did? The day he assumed office, in his first message he said, message to Pakistan - "We must live together as peaceful neighbors. Peace." Then later, within a few months, he sent a message to Ayub Khan, saying he wants to come and meet him. Ayub did not invite him. He said, "I am going to Cairo. On returning, I will come to Karachi, if you allow me. I want to meet you." How could Ayub say no. He invited. Ayub was also a very good man and they met, but there was a clique somewhere in Pakistan which was assessing, judging him and since he was a short-statured man, dhoti, kurta, smiling, they thought this, "He's a weak Prime Minister. That's the time to attack India, take away Kashmir." They didn't know him.They didn't know his true stature and he repeatedly told them. He said, "You know, Pakistani's our brothers. They're our kith and kin. We don't have to fight with them. Why should we? No quarrel's on. Let's live peacefully." But they - while he was talking of peace, they hatched a war which is explained in the book and they attacked. Now, when they attacked India, then this man of peace stood up like a colossus. He said, "No. I'm a peaceful man, but I'm man of honor. It is my duty as Prime Minister to defend the country." But he told armed forces, "You must attack, but in a very measured way. We don't want people of Pakistan to be killed. We don't want bombing in East Pakistan. They're our people. We must destroy the machinery which is threatening us. We don't want destroy people." So he was a very wise man, brave, stood up. He ordered. He said, "No, we marched an hour. How can they attack us? How can they take away our territory? We must attack, but attack not with the view to killing people, attack with a view to destroying the machinery." Pakistan had Patton tanks and Sabre jets. "That should be destroyed." And because he was a holy man, he was pure - small knat of India, small aircraft destroyed Sabre jets up in aerial battle and, eventually, what he wanted was done. But when war was ended, came the question of peace. Now, there again, the Russians invited Kosygin. He invited Mr. Shastri and Mr. Ayub and he went there. He said, "Yes, we don't want to have war all the time. Let's have peace, proper peace." And after two or three days of talks, he transformed Ayub, as you are transformed.If you look at the book, look at the photographs, you will see Ayub first a gruff man, huge, tall, angry. Within five days he's a picture of meekness. Who did that? Shastri. He transformed him. And who gave that power from behind, power of transformation? I was in touch with Her, telling Her things are not moving. She said, "Don't worry. Things will move" and here is transformation. Ayub, an adversary of yesterday, a friend of today. Have you known many examples of that kind? That is a power of truth. That is a power of dharma, as Nigel was saying. Very powerful, you cannot resist it. The man changed. He said, "Sir, we must have mutual contact, a hotline. I will install one in my house. You'll install in yours. We must live as friends, not as warriors. That was a very big achievement, transformation. The Russian professor, Dr. Varnov was talking about Kosygin. When Shastriji went to Russia, people had conveyed the message, "He is not a, you know, leftist. He is probably a centralist or a rightist." You know how extreme people are. When he went there everything was nice, but not quite very effusive. So one evening, when we had all gone to see ballet - Shastri was not too keen on that. He said he was worried about his talks, so he went to Kosygin. He said at interval, "Can we have talk, the two of us." So "Yes, fine." And by that time Kosygin was nice, polite, but just that. And they sat at some distance together and he talked to them. And I was watching from a distance. I was not listening. After about half an hour, forty minutes, they came back and Mr. Kosygin was a changed man, transformed, again transformed by Shastriji. I was wondering, "How it worked? What magic is this?" After the ballet, when we went back to the dasha, I said, "What did you do? What happened?" He said, "Very simple. I told Kosygin I am a simple Indian. I'm not a communist. I'm not a capitalist. I'm not a leftist. I'm not a rightist. I'm an Indian and, as an Indian, I love my people. I can't see my people hungry. If food is not there, I cannot eat my food, therefore agriculture must be given very high priority. At least people must have enough to eat before you have huge plans. Now, if that is being rightist or leftist, so be it. I love my people. I want food for them, basic necessities for them and that is my priority." And Kosygin said, "I agree with you one hundred percent. You are real communist in one way." I mean, he didn't say that, but he must have felt. But what is a communist? I mean, anyone who is interested in the welfare of everybody, true. He said, "We are fully with you." And then he said, "Foreign policy. I am a friend of Russia. I respect Russia and I will go all out to maintain, but I want to tell you truthfully.I want to be friend of the West also. Why should we quarrel? The world is one. The West, the East, the North and South, we must all come together. So I am going to be friendly with everybody." And Kosygin said, "By all means, go ahead, as long as you are not anti-us." I said, "No question of being anti, but why should we have a quarrel with America or U.K. or Germany. Why not be friend with everybody?" Kosygin was delighted and he became, not a friend, a disciple of Shastri from that moment. He used to touch the feet. So that was the person he was, a tremendous transformer in the likeness of this lady. When he passed away - I'll come straight to that. He achieved great success in Tashkent. Again, an agreement was signed, a real agreement between two warring nations to come to peace, to come together. If he had lived there would have been no further war with Pakistan. Things would have been very different, as the book will show, but he passed away and to me that was a most tragic experience, most traumatic experience. I'll take few minutes more to tell you. The day was - last year was wonderful. Agreement was reached. Bhutto tried his best to destroy everything, but agreement was reached. Kosygin played a great part, very great part. Ayub played a very great part. Shastri played very great part. See, Ayub wanted that something about Kashmir, some new machinery, but Shastri said, "Impossible, Kashmir is India. There is no question and we can go on talking for two thousand years. Nothing. But, if you want to live peace, I'm with you, totally." Anyway, agreement was signed and one must pay tribute to Ayub as much to Kosygin, as much to Shastri, three heroes. And we signed that. I was with him. It was at four o'clock I went from the villa in company with him. He had, had a lunch that day with Ayub and they had agreed mutually to remain friends, to talk to each other directly, to be good friends. Anyway, from villa we went to sign this agreement at four o'clock. I sat by his side, came back. He was very happy, very happy because everything he wanted was done.Then we were back at about - when we were coming back in Tashkent the whole, all the streets were lined with people, "Shastri, Shastri," waving because agreement had been signed. He was so happy. He told me, "I've had a breakthrough with Ayub. It will be a new world, new India, new Pakistan." Then we came to the house and he explained little more. Then at 10:30 he said - he always used to call me Srivastava-sahib, never, never C.P. Srivas- nothing. Just see, again humility.He said, "Srivastava-sahib, you know, every day we have been going to sleep at about one o'clock. Let's sleep early today." I said, "Yes, sir, we should." The next morning we are going to Kabul. It's very cold there. Kabul was very, very cold. We were planning to go there. "So you must wear proper clothes." Look at this, the Prime Minister concerned with Tashkent conference, worried about my clothes. He says, "Please wear proper clothes. It will be very cold there." I said, "Sir, yes, I will do that, but I have to go for a conference now, press conference." He said, "Press conference? At this time?"I said, "Yes." "Where?" I said, "In a hotel about ten miles away." He said, "How will you go?" I said, "There's a car waiting for me." "Oh," he said, "it's very cold. Your car may not be good enough." Now I said its quite a good car. He said, "No, no." He came out with me to the outer door of the villa, sent for the driver of his car, Prime Minister's special security car. He said, "You go in this car," told the driver, "Take this person. Stay there. Bring him back." He said, "This will be safe for you. It'll protect you." How can you forget this? And then I sat in the car. He waved, smiling like that and I went away, attended the press conference and came back to my room. I was in an another building, about hundred yards away. I came back there and suddenly the telephone rang and the P.A.. that was inside said, "Please come rushing. The Prime Minister is very sick." I couldn't believe my ears. I left him hale, hearty, cheerful. I ran. I ran, literally. And I was the first to reach his bedroom, for by that time he was just about passing away or he was dead at 1:32 am, and I couldn't believe myself. I said, "What is it? How can God do that?" I left him hale and hearty, cheerful, smiling. Anyway, fate is a role in everything. So he passed away and after that moment it came to me that I should write his biography. I came home and my wife said, "You must write. This is a mission, the only mission I entrust to you." She told me, as Rajesh has said, "Everything in the world will be taken care of for you. You do your work. Don't worry about anything else, about daughters, children, house, nothing, but this one is a mission to you." I said, "Okay, when I retire from public service I will do that." And I was then still - I was young at that time, forty-six, forty-five and many years of service - I served in India, then twenty years abroad - but the moment I retired, the first moment after retirement I began writing and then everyone has helped me. And I am now concluding, but I want to thank you all for the enormous help that all of you collectively and so many individually have given to me in writing, the writing of this book. I will not be able to name, take all the names because it would take about two days, there's so many of you, but I'll just recall to you very briefly some instances of how Sahaja Yogis have helped me. You should know that. I wanted very much to get some confidential material about correspondence between Shastriji and other countries and here the rule is everything is confidential. I went to various government offices. "No. No. No. It's confidential." Now you can't write a biography without some material, so I said, "Okay." I went to America. My wife said, "Maybe they are more open. There might be some papers there." So I went to America. First I went to Yale University and Manoj and Gregoire, some others helped me greatly to get material from there, and then I made another trip, probably the most useful of those trips. Then I went to a place called Austin in Texas and I was literally supported from both sides by Paul Ellis on one side and Captain Mangal Singh, you know, from the other. They took me to the hotel. They prepared food for me from breakfast to dinner. They took me to library, got material, immensely valuable material and without that material the book will not be half as valuable as is today. Now how can I forget that kindness? And Paul Ellis went on finding material even after I had left. I don't know how many envelopes I must have received from him. I've kept them all, safe. I'll probably use them some other time. But enormous material was given to me and I'm very happy that Paul is here. I hope he'll convey my thanks to Victoria also and to Manoj and others. Then let's shift the scene to U.K. I went to the British library - huge, wonderful library, and I remember Ian Parradine sitting with me, collecting books for me, getting copies made, photocopies made and I saw there the marvelous Sahaja Yoga. I wanted some photocopies of some pages of a book. The time was about five minutes left and when he went to the counter the gruff man at there said, "Oh, it's just five minutes left now. How can I deal with all this?" And Ian Parradine didn't get angry, no. He said, "Ya, I agree with you entirely. It's very tough. Try do whatever you can. I'm sorry we're late." And then he started looking at one book and Ian started helping him with the others and suddenly the man was transformed. "Don't worry, don't worry. I'll do everything for you." I said, "Here is a Sahaja Yogi, you know, doing this kind of a thing." Then I used to go to Colindale Avenue Library, a newspaper library of British Museum - wonderful place - books, newspapers of Pakistan, India, America and I got lovely quotation, which you will read in the book. And there John Glover, who was sitting with me all the time, helping. Even after I came away, he would go to the library, get material for me, send it on to me in India. Very grateful to him. Then in Shudy Camps, where I wrote much of the book - Shudy Camps because of Her again - there was Derek Lee, professor, pouring at the text I would write, giving hours and hours of his. I can never be too thankful to him. And there's Guy Beaven. I am very happy he has come. We used to sit together till early hours of the morning every day, he on his computer and me with the text and go on and on and revise this and do it again. Never did he feel once that I was, you know, revising and re-revising, smiling always, pleasant and he worked very hard for me and I'm most grateful to him and I'm happy that he is here. And Dr. Spiro helping me, the medical question. Chris Marlow - Chris Marlow, he read the book and he told me something which has been said today. He said, "After reading the book, I felt that I should become a better man." It's a great tribute from a Sahaj Yogi for the book. And back in India, here also same situation. There's a Mr. P.C. Tandan sitting here, who gave hours and hours and hours and months and months of his time for the book. I'm very grateful to Mr. Tandan for the most dedicated way in which he helped me. There was Dr. Chugh, who's in America, who's not here. He must have brought me photocopies of innumerable books, which I wanted, Mr. Sharma, who helped me with computerization, the squadron leader R. K. Pal, who helped me with a lot of material. Now, in brief, what I want tell you is the book, please do not believe that the book is mine. The book is ours, yours and mine together, and yours and mine together, a book about dharma, about righteousness, truth, integrity, about a man who I think was a most moral politician this country has seen. Now such a book can be dedicated only to a Divine person and I, therefore, come to the end of my words. I thank you all for the enormous honor you have done me. I would like to thank very much Rajesh, Yogi, Bogdan, Chris, Nigel, Paul Ellis and Professor Varnov for the very, very kind words they said about me. I don't deserve that. It's not humility. They have been very, very generous and very kind. I think I have learned a great deal from Mr. Shastri, but the credit for whatever has come by can go only to one person, who has given me Divine envelope.The debt that I owe Her is unfathomable. The debt that I owe Her is unrepayable. The debt that I owe Her I do not want to repay. I want to remain indebted to Her. All I want to do is to acknowledge the true debt in your presence, and having done that, as a humble token, I want to dedicate this book to Her. Shri Mataji's talk My heart is so full of gratitude to My husband that he accepted My desire that he should write a book about Lal Bahadur Shastri. The first day I saw him I knew he was a very highly evolved soul and to have such a person in the politics itself was a great vision for Me. My father, mother sacrificed all their lives for the work of Mahatma Gandhi, of getting freedom. When I was with Mahatma Gandhi he knew about Sahaja Yoga because he was also a Realized Soul, but he told Me that just now we are not free people. We have to get our freedom; otherwise we cannot talk about Sahaja Yoga. Of course, his [unclear...] he wrote, according if you read it, according to the different chakras. I know I, I was a very patriotic person. I mean, whenever even I see now flag, My throat gets choked, with all these songs I just couldn't bear it. I don't know, perhaps it reminds Me of all the struggles people have gone through or maybe the mess in which our country is today or maybe My heart felt love for My country. As you know, I am full of compassion and Mr. Shrivastava has seen how I used to cry seeing people being starved and in, living in conditions which not even animals can manage. So when I saw Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, I felt now, after Gandhiji, here is a man. Normally, you'll be surprised. Most of these people, martyrs, even My father, mother, even Gandhiji, they never cared for politics, they never wanted to do anything with politics. They said, 'We don't want to do anything,' but here was a man who ventured himself into politics and who was a Realized Soul, was a very big combination for Me. And I could see the potential of this. If you ask Me, I can't join politics. Shastriji asked Me several times. He said, 'Why don't You come to politics?' I said, 'It's beyond Me. I just can't.' And most of them were so much detached. They didn't want to have election, they didn't want to do anything of that kind. I remember my father, when he came out of jail, Vallabhbhai Patel asked him that, 'You have to contest election.' He said, 'I refuse. I don't want to go into politics.' He said, 'You have to.' And he forced him and forced him, ultimately sent somebody with some money, three thousand rupees for My father, that for your advertising and all that. So My father say that, 'Why for advertising? There's no need to send any money. If by that I'm going to win, I don't want to win such an election.' But that made him ready. He accepted the challenge and he really went for the election. And surprisingly, he was the only Christian member elected in that Assembly, Central Assembly and the one who was opposing him, lost everything, lost his deposits, but his own daughter helped My father and she said, 'Nirmala, what is my father, what does he think of himself? I think, against Your father.' So, in those days you see, it was a, another atmosphere where people who sacrificed, who loved their country, who were genuine, were very much respected. When My father was in jail, I tell you, wherever we went, we were treated just like you are treated here, Sahaja Yogis, like we all brothers and sisters were given all kinds of help from everyone and they were very courageous people. They were politicians in a way, because they were fighting for a cause, but they were not politicians who were running after any position or money, no, they never understood such things. It was beyond them, but they had no interest in joining this assembly or all these things. I looked at Shastriji, I said, " Now here is someone!" I wanted someone to be like that, because there were so many I knew who were very sacrificing, very detached, very honest, very dharmic, but somehow they didn't want to do anything with these assemblies and elections and all that. Shastriji was already in office when I saw him first and I think he recognized Me very well, no doubt about it. There're, two, three incidents I remember. First of all he showed tremendous respect for Me, tremendous respect. I always used to go to the airport to receive him, always. Once I was not well, so I didn't go. So he was coming with all the cars and everything, suddenly he stopped in front of our building and walked up to our flat, all alone. 'Why didn't You come to the airport? Are You not well?' I said, "I'm all right, Sir, but little unwell." 'Na, na, everytime You must come.' So very sweet, he was so very sweet. Such small, small things he used to notice. Once, the children, his children told that, 'We have seen Babiji - they call sister-in-law - 'she's in the town.' He said, 'Really, where is she? Find out.' He, he knew about. 'Find out where is she.' They found out and he said, 'You have to be there for lunch.' And he told his wife you make a particular type of food, call it Moong ki goli. One time they had made, I ate it, so he remembered. See, all these little, little things, you know, I'm surprised at it; and he would talk to Me on subjects - I was just an ordinary housewife at that time - subjects like economics. He would say, 'What are Your priorities? You run Your household very well. Your husband is so busy, what is, what are Your priorities?' I said, "The first priority: that My children must get their food. First. Second: A house. Third: Education, and the foremost is their character. They must have good character. And I really didn't start Sahaja Yoga till My daughters got married because that was also My responsibility. And you know it was needed, also that (much or first?... UNCLEAR) time, it all worked out in a Sahaj way, I would say. But Shastriji also looked after My children very much and he felt they were sacrificing so much because their father was never at home, he was always busy, you see. He could understand Me, that I'm a sensible Woman and that I'm dedicated to this country and that I feel very happy that My husband is doing the work of the country. He understood that, but still he used to feel for Me. One day, though I am very fond of music, but I had stopped going for music because I would not go without My husband, so one day I told him that somebody has come and I would like to hear that music. He said, 'All right. What time is the program?' I said, "Nine o'clock, you should come we'll be going (UNCLEAR...)." So at nine o'clock little bit, I think, he got disturbed and started looking at the watch. So Shastriji asked him, 'What's the matter? What are you doing? What's the matter?' He said, 'My wife had asked to go for a music program. It's nine o'clock.' 'Then get up. What are you doing? Come along.' He brought him in his own car and dropped him there. He said, 'If She asked you once to go to this thing, what business you have got to sit down?' He was so humane, so humane, mothering type of a person. My, of course My husband is a very hard-working man and I can always take out his pressures when he comes home, so it was all right but he was really very hard-working and Shastriji was quite worried about him, so one day he got some temperature. Immediately he said, 'You are on leave, you are going to Simla. I have arranged everything, you go down there.' Immediately. He forced him to go to Simla. I didn't know what to do with him because I have never lived with him on any holiday anywhere. That way of course, Mr. Shrivastava is an extremely, extremely honest, to a fault, to a fault he is. But then, there in the holiday we were playing chess, or say scrabbles or anything, he used to cheat Me all the time. All the time he used to cheat Me. I said, "What is this going on, here he is such a honest man, he cheats Me." He said, 'Is allowed, if you can cheat your Wife, is allowed.' Then we used to walk down to buy some cherries, you see, we both are very fond of cherries, so it's all right, we'll make half-half; so he would put much more in Mine and less in his. I said, "What is this cheating, why you are taking so little?" 'Because You like cherries.' I say, "You also like cherries, so now exchange." So, big fight on that. You see, a woman in the house has to be very sensible, she has to be caring, sensible and also, I must say, My two daughters never troubled Me because their father was not at home or anything. They really supported Me very much and I gave them all the company that was needed but they never complained to Me that, 'Why our daddy is not here, why our daddy doesn't come?' In the school also, everybody's daddy used to be there but their daddy used to be missing. But they never, never even thought of it. So it was such a help from everyone. Also, I had such a good childhood with My parents. They taught us how to be sacrificing. My father was in jail for years. My mother went to jail five times. And from huge, big houses, we were living in huts. But we used to enjoy everything. The feeling that whatever our parents are doing is for our country's freedom was so elevating, so elevating, that we never even thought of little comforts that children ask for. We could sleep anywhere, eat anything, live anywhere, and that time also, I found lots of great people who were my father's friends were such dynamic, patriotic people, extremely patriotic. Once (MUFFLED...) some people told us that they are transferring the political prisoners to another place far away, so they are on the platform. So we all rushed to the platform to see them. There was one sage, supposed to be, and he was the one who was regarded as a very great, honorable force. He called Me, and he said, 'What are You doing? Why are You taking part in 1942 movement? Why don't You look after Your mother? Your mother is so much worried.' This and that. He gave Me a big lecture, you see. Of course, 1942 was a real ordeal for any young girl. They put Me on the ice and gave Me electric shocks, did all kinds of things, but to Me it didn't bother. So, My father called Me on one side. He said, 'How dare this old man tell You all this nonsense? I'm so very proud of You. I hope all my children become like You and kill themselves for the country. And then he shouted at My mother, 'You are a daughter of such and such, of such a family. How dare you write letters like that? What do you mean by this?' That was My father. I was a very young person, about seventeen, eighteen, nineteen. He said, 'Go ahead. I'm all with You. And that has given Me the lesson that if you have complete purity about your dedication and purity about what you have to do, you can achieve. And as Gandhiji had said, 'We have to have first freedom.' I saw the Union Jack coming down and I saw the Tricolor going up. That was the moment - it's beyond Me- even now I remember those days. Many of you who are Indians here may not have seen those days. That's why you're so careless. That's why some of you do not understand out of what sacrifices this freedom we have got. It's not a easy freedom. It was very, very difficult one and Shastriji was one of them who gave up everything to join and he had a mother to look after. He was another one who just gave up all those things. Any young man would have ambitions: do this, do that -nothing. He gave up everything just to join Congress. Those were the days where people were charmed. Just he... Gandhiji was also a very short man. This gentle man had really charmed all the young people. So many young people gave up their studies, gave up everything, not for something wrong, but for, to fight for your country and they sacrificed their lives. So many of them were extremely honest, pure, with a love for your country itself, made them so beautiful, I think. There we were young girls, there were young boys, there were old men, old women, we never had any, any such things which we call as corruption, or any kind of bad feelings. We're all working together, day and night. I mean, I have had some very bad experiences of these, that where to stay in jungles and do all these things. I mean, if somebody writes My biography, maybe there you might see all these things. But in the main life of these great people is their pure love for their country, pure love for their country. There's a difference between love for your country. Pure love means you just love your country for the country's sake, not because you can make money, get into positions, high, higher positions you'll have, all this, not for that, just purely, purely, very purely, just an inner innate dharma to love your country. In the same way, all of you should love your country, but with the view that we all will have one world, one day. It's important that if any country, if any country is not equipped with that love for their own, they will be like a cancer if they join one world. Impossible. So the pure love for your country is so good. Now I find with Sahaja Yogis, once they are transformed, immediately they start seeing what's wrong with their country. It's not attachment, it's not infatuation, it is not blind faith, but they see. Like, call it ( UNCLEAR...??), every one of them, I know every one of them. Nigel will tell you about U.K. They see immediately what's wrong with their country and they will not be patriotic in the sense that they will condemn other countries and praise their own country. I think that this is the essential that we should see: What's wrong with our country? If you have love, say if you love your child, then you must know what's wrong with that child. Also you should love the child and also say that this is what is wrong with the child. Otherwise you don't love. It's possession, it is infatuation. You can call it 'conditioning'. In the same way I've seen everybody now as professor saab from Russia also told Me, how many things are wrong in Russia. Everyone tells Me, 'This is wrong, Mother, put Your attention. Please try to save.' I went to Tunisia. They said, 'Mother, please put Your attention on to Tunisia. This is wrong with East Turkey, this is wrong.' It's very surprising, how with this subtle opening of your awareness, now you see what is wrong, what is injurious, whatever is destructive for your country and you want to improve it. Same with Lal Bahadur Shastri, he asked Me several times, several times, how to improve the food conditions of India. Now you know with Sahaja Yoga you can. I couldn't tell him about Sahaja Yoga, but I did say there is a divine method by which it can be done. But agriculture should be without income tax and maximum importance must be given to agriculture. Till today it is (UNCERTAIN..there??) . Otherwise also he asked Me about various things, even about Kashmir. So I told him that the biggest mistake was to make a separate constitution. By that you just give a gap to them. Just give them a gap and that's why the problem is there. His, you see, whole attention was so holistic, I would say, and he would always see how we can create beautiful relationship between people of different races, different religions, different ideologies, he had a knack of (UNCERTAIN??...sounds like "everything) he had a knack. I think he must be raising their Kundalini perhaps, but he had a knack that C.P. has said is true. He could transform a person into something more. His style was so collective, so collective, that in the garden he would sit, stand there. And everybody who comes there he would meet. He had a tremendous memory. I too have, so I used to wonder there's another one I found out, who has such a tremendous memory, because to Me it is sometimes embarrassing to have such a memory but to him it was such a blessing, I should say for people, because he would ask them for such small things. 'How is your mother now?' or 'How, did you get your house?' See, so much subtle. It was, like I tell you the motherly type of a love. Of course, he has been extremely, extremely kind to Me, except that he didn't take Me to Tashkant. He was to take Me; things would have been different, but it is all fated, you know. Can't help it. And once I did tell him that you should little bit take rest also, do little meditation. 'We have no time.' He said, 'It's better to shine like a shooting star.' I said, " Shooting stars are those which are no good as stars. But you are so important. You have no idea as to how important you are. And if you realize how important you are, you'll look after yourself." He used to live in the last part of the houses, so humble, so very humble. Whatever you gave him, he would eat. His ordinary what you call Khatiya in our language, he used to sleep on that. I said, 'Why are you such a saint? Why can't you sleep on a proper bed, after all, we need you, for our sake you have to do it." So, he would say, 'I feel more comfortable in this.' See, he's just a man who is so detached. He was going to Russia and they all felt that the, he wore the coat he was wearing is not sufficient for Russia and must change it. So they told Me. I said, "You better tell him. I won't be able to talk to him about it," so they approached C.P. They said, 'C.P. told him that, 'Sir, don't you think we should make another coat for you?' He said, 'Ah, so they have come to you now?' He said, 'Whatever it is, but I think we have to make a coat for you.' To make one coat for him was impossible. He never carried any money with him. You'll be surprised and he didn't know what were the new coins are. So at the airport I would always be there, you see, and he would tell Me. So he said, 'This lady is coming to me to put that piece of flag on me. I have no money. What to do?' So I said, "All right. I'll give her something." So I gave her one rupee. He said, 'You have no coin?' I said, "The coin is for ten p." 'What is that?' he says. I said, " It is one tenth of a rupee nowadays." 'Oh, I see. It is better then you give her a note.' But he wanted to give her a coin as an auspicious thing. So detached about things, so much. At the same time he was so diligently working out, you know, because the way he used to ask Me questions, I was surprised, I was surprised how diligently and subtly he wanted to improve everything. He said that, 'What should we do?' I said, "First of all we must have water." 'I know that. We must have water in every village. Gandhiji always used to say. He told his wife that, 'You go to the well and bring the water to me.' I told her one day. 'Ba, let me do it. Why are you doing it? So now my husband will be very angry. He has told me, 'Till every village gets water, you fill in the water for me and bring it. So I remember that we have to supply water. (ASIDE HERE...not too sure about who is saying what here.) Shastri was very much on that. Also he said that these people who travel by third class there's no fan, nothing. We put fans, we put fans in the third class waiting rooms. He, I mean he, you see, he started you can say, he was a communist in a way, because he was a capitalist. He was so full of love and so full of patriotism, that if his love would not allow him to see people suffer, so whatever he could do, he tried to do. He was really only for eighteen months he lived. Like a shooting star as he said and there are so many things one can talk about it which C.P. has kindly put it in his book also. I know I, I put him onto an oath that he has to write this book because he has written files after files up to here and they're of no use. I said, "What's the use of all these files? You have to write Me a book on Shastriji." And I've been always insisting on him for helping Shastriji because I knew what he was. I had the image of a man who would do such revolution in this country and bring down people to higher values then, not money, money, money, money business, no, to the higher values because he was an evolved soul, he was detached man and what a caliber of intelligence he had. Normally if you talk to any minister, I know so many of them, at the most they might speak good English because, you see, we are very slavish people. If you don't know how to speak good English, means we are the worst, you see, you must speak good English. If you don't know Hindi, all right, but English, you must know. We are still, we are still like that. I know so many ministers who knew very good English, great, great speakers but there not a word about Indian philosophy, not a word (UNCLEAR..??) they did. Kundalini is out of the question. They didn't know also what is the (UNCLEAR...TATTWA??), nothing, nothing, they did not know about their (country??). But Shastri was a ( UNCLEAR...??) and so learned in all our scriptures and thing. He had studied Koran, he had studied Bible, every sort of thing he had studied. And I talked to him sometimes about what My father told Me. He said, 'Correct. That's it, that's it.' About Koran I told him. He said, ' That's it. That's correct.' Such a learned man he was. And his own capacity to convince others was something very special, very subtle and he would first listen, then smile, then wait, listen more, talk less but one sentence he'll say and it would ( UNCLEAR, sounds like.. 'stamp' or 'stand'). There's something really absolutely divine. But I don't know, he showed this respect so much for Me, that I used to feel very shy, you know, extremely shy, but he's very sweet, he does it in such a sweet way that he'll just say he'll take my sari and put in inside and then push the ( muffled..). He's the Prime Minister of....But in our country a saint is worshiped and respected. I also remember Sanjivreddy , he had invited Me because I had cured him of his cancer. When I went there they have everything made of what you call 'sandalwood'. I was rather careful sitting in the chair with the sandalwood, you know. He came with his wife, with all kinds of fruits and a big, such a big tray of silver, very beautifully done. He kept it before Me and both of them sat at My feet. So I said, "Sir, what are you doing? You are President of India. Why are you sitting here?" He said, 'I am President, but You are Saint, You are a Saint.' And I took one, I mean he said, 'You have to take something.' I said, "I can take an apple." I took apple, but I said, " I cannot take anything." He said, 'But what about this plate we have made for You.?' I said, "You keep with you. I don't take anything like that." He was so amazed. And he's the one who really gave us this land for our ashram. He's gave us this. So we had people of that kind, very much. Also Governor of Kashmir when I went there. He was a very nice man, very kindly to Me, but he knew Me as his (???). One day I saw him walking down to the guest house. I said, "What is he doing without any shoes or socks in Kashmir?" I said, "What is he doing?" He came in. I said, " Sir, you are without shoes and socks." He said, 'I have come to meet a Saint,' and he came and he sat at My feet and then he started asking about Sahaja Yoga. So, India is a very great country because it's a country where the Saints are worshiped. They are not created by church or by something. But they are real Saints and such Saints are worshiped and respected by Kings. This is the only country where it happens. I think, and I was surprised now, another country I found out is Russia, where they have respected Me so much. I'm really amazed, so there must be quite something very common. First time I went with C.P. to Russia I told him, " This is a very spiritual country, no doubt." And Shastriji went there. I was happy because I knew that Russians are spiritual, very introspective and they are not conditioned by any religion or anything. Now so many things, if you see, you can connect, how things worked out in Shastriji's life. Now he's no more, but this book, I hope, will go to all over the world and will really open the eyes of the politicians and they will have to revalue themselves. Socrates talked about a benevolent King and Shri Rama was that benevolent King once upon a time and when I saw Lal Bahadur Shastri, I said, " Here is a benevolent King who is come." He has lived very short. I don't know. That's our fate; we Indians don't have a very good fate, I think; doesn't matter. But now it is for us to express his life all over the world. Here we have Sahaja Yogis from everywhere, they can take this book and they can present it to some of their politicians if they have any time to read. They might understand that there's a life which is much higher, much valuable. After all, this money, I have not known anybody who has erected a statue of a man who has too much money or too many wives or keeps or the one who was a drunkard. So the value system which is now going on, is of a, a nature that will not only destroy you, but destroy nations after nations. But this book has a special value, I feel, that by that, many will see their faces in the mirror and they might be able to correct themselves and maybe in the political field we will find sensible, better people. That was My idea. I must say I got after My husband that he should write this book. But you know, he is a man worse than Me because he's, if he takes to some work - finished. He went here, and he went there, he did this and he did that. Worked very hard. He's very hard working, extremely meticulous. Today the first day he's late, you see, I said," Because of Me, better change now." He's so particular about time. I must say that without C.P.'s help I could not have done Sahaja Yoga because he has only one Wife and I'm always out, I'm always traveling. I'm, I mean, I'm very, very little time with him. One thing he used to do the same to Me before. So (laughs) he's used to My absence, I think, but I must say My children and My family, which is here, they also always support Me in Sahaja Yoga and they respect Sahaja Yogis very much and they think that what work I am doing is the only solution for saving the world. In a way they do not take too much part in our organizing and all that. The reason is: I Myself, I think the partisan business should not start in Sahaja Yoga, but they are very much with us and they have come all the way today again and they do meditation and is very, very supportive to Me and to Sahaja Yoga. I have to now thank all the people who have helped C.P. so much. It's so spontaneous. They all helped him so much and (UNCLEAR NAME....) himself was telling Me, 'Mother, he writes very well,' and I don't know what to do, and one day I said, " (UNCLEAR..NAME??), write for Me also something. You can write very well." So he wrote one paragraph. So I showed it to C.P. So C.P. said, 'Who wrote? You wrote it?' I said, "No, not Me." He said, 'Yes, must be somebody else, complicated like me.' I said, "Why?" He said, 'You don't refer any book. You don't go to any library. You don't do anything. You just straight forward, You write.' But I said, "I write on a subject which I know." And while he has to not only to refer, but has to be meticulously all right and ( UNCLEAR NAME...) would be after him, 'Sir, this is little different than this,' I said, " I'm not bothered. If I have to say something, I'll say that. "What (Unclear...??), " Socrates said. So what. In the book whatever is written, who's going to challenge Me? But for him, you see, being a bureaucrat and all that, so meticulously he has done the book that even General Joshi was surprised the way he has written about the military things. He said,'Sir, how do you know all this?' So you see the book itself is very interesting and really it reads like a novel, no doubt. I'm very happy about it. But it is being worked out so meticulously that I don't think you can find any fault anywhere. But in My book, anybody wants, can find that Christ didn't say so, that didn't say so, this thing, I don't care. I'm not bothered. Whatever I have to say, I will say. He had to work very hard to make it that perfect and he has done it. He has taken all the thing. It was one of My greatest desire. He always said, 'You never ask me for anything. I want to buy something for You when I am going abroad. What is this? Everybody buys something.You never ask for anything.' I said, "I don't want anything. Why should I ask for?" 'But something You must ask.' Always he used to demand. I said, "Now I have one desire, one desire: that you write this book and complete it. That's all is. My desire." And he has done it. I'm thankful to him and I'm thankful to all Sahaja Yogis who have helped and to you all who have come into another kind of an atmosphere where patriotism and righteousness and Shastriji's great character we are enjoying through Sahaja Yoga. May God bless you.
Sir CP's talk For me it's a very moving day, a very moving moment and if you find me stopping from time to time to regain my emotions, I hope you'll kindly forgive me. I want to begin by sharing with you a secret, a well kept secret for a long time and the secret is, the third of December, which is the day today, is by far the most important date in my annual calendar. Have you guessed it? You have! It was on this date, forty-eight years ago in 1946, that I first came face to face with this Divinity. That was a day of my transformation. That was the day when a Divine Will enveloped my being. From then on a Divine Force emanating from the source that you know has been constantly with me, helping me, guiding me and that is the secret for whatever you may have heard today. After third December I did not lose much time and I'm sure you'll agree, I shouldn't have. We got engaged on the 18th of February, 1947 and we got married on the 7th of April, 1947, and then events began to move very rapidly, events which might have seemed impossible in normal circumstances. Within a matter of months, as Rajesh mentioned to you, I was selected for both of India's top [don't understand]service, of the diplomatic service and the administrative service. I first joined the diplomatic service and when I was offered the Indian Administrative Service also, there were a lot of debate in office, my friends saying, some say, "Lovely to become an ambassador" and some saying, "No, no, join the home service." So I came home that evening and I mentioned to my wife and She didn't take even a moment to make a decision. She said, "No, no. Ambassador? No. Let's remain within the country. Let's serve our country here, and that was the decision which eventually lead to what we are doing today. It was as important as that and I'll explain to you why. Because I changed my service from diplomatic to home civil service, called India Administrative Service, and my first posting was to Lucknow, and the first V.I.P. in Lucknow that I met was Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri. She had foreseen, She knew what was coming. I didn't. I only obeyed. I said, "Yes, you want I.A.S., okay." Well and for those who have read the book or who will read the book, will read about this, but I'll tell you about two instances. When I went to him first , I'd been given an appointment at 6 pm on a summer day in Lucknow. I reached his house on time, , my habit is to be on time or a little before that , and I saw that the minister's car was ready, one of the doors was open and he was about, obviously about to go somewhere, although he had an appointment with me. Of course, I knew that in India's political affairs appointments with ministers don't mean very much. You can go and you can be asked to come again and again. But here was something different. Now what happened was there was one person ahead of me who had come and the personal assistant told both of us, "We're sorry, the minister is going to a meeting, cabinet meeting, so you may have come, you have to come again." I said, "Okay. I'll do that." And, as I was saying this - I was some distance from the door of the house, and I saw a petite figure, five feet two inches, as you now know, coming out dressed in spotlessly clean khadi dhoti, kurta and cap, with a smile on his face.He first went to the person who had come ahead of me, talked to him very politely. He was a common man and I was watching. I had come from Delhi, civil servant, bureaucrat. I said, "He's a minister talking to this man, who looks so ordinary, with such attention," I said, "There must be something wrong somewhere, anyway." He talked to him for a moment then that gentleman went away. And then the P.A.. came and whispered into his ear something about me. I didn't know what he said. Obviously, he must have said, "This is the new city magistrate, I.A.S. officer who has just come. He has come to meet you, but I've told him already to go away because there's no time today." Normally, he would have got into the car and gone away, but not Mr. Shastri. What he did was he looked at me and moved a few paces towards me. Now, ordinarily I should have been wise, I should have moved ahead, wished him, but I knew that he was in a hurry and I did not want to impose myself on him, so I stood back where I was.Then he saw, he moved another five, ten paces, came nearer me, then he did what no minister on Earth, not in India, would do ever do, he raised both his hands to say this to me, "Namaste, aaiye. (means please come in) " I was aghast - minister to a junior civil servant saying "Namaste"? It doesn't happen in my country. Anyway, so I said, "No, sir, but you are busy. You are going away. You have a meeting. I understand. I'll come again." He said, "No, no, it doesn't matter. We can talk for two minutes." I am telling you because there's a secret to that. So he insisted that I should go inside his house. I went with him, sat down and he asked, "Have you got a house? Are you well settled? Is your family all right?" I said, "I came to ask for instructions about some official matters." He said, "Yes, yes, it's an important city and you know the problems and your district magistrate will tell you. But are you happy ?" I said, "I'm very happy, sir. I have no other questions to ask." Again I got up. I said, "I don't want to detain you" and we came out together. Then he moved towards his car and this time I was a little cleverer, so when he moved, I did that simultaneously with him. He's still first. I did namaste. I had learnt a lesson, but, I'll tell you, not yet fully. I was a bureaucrat, but I had begun to improve because of Her, so I said, "Okay." Then when he sat down in car and as it moved away, again wished me, I wished him and he went away. And then, my dear friends, I just stood there wondering what kind of a human being he is, such an important cabinet minister, such humility. Is there something in me? Why should he be so kind to me? Then I said, "No, no," because he was very kind to the other fellow also. "So it's not me. It's him." Anyway, I thought for some time. Before going, he said, "Have you a transport?" I said, "I have." Then he went away. And after eight months of that - he said, "Please come again." I said, "Well, I will." But after eight months of that, I was transferred from Lucknow to Meerut and I never met him because there was no reason. And then something else happens and that is the second incident I'll tell you. Two years after that I was still in Meerut. In the meantime, he had resigned from U.P., Lucknow. He had gone to the centre. He had become a central cabinet minister for Railways and Transport. He had become a national figure, a very eminent national figure. I had gone to Delhi railway station to receive my wife and my two daughters, who are sitting here, Kalpana and Sadhana. They were coming from Nagpur, they're little kids at that time. So I went to the railway station and the train steamed in. They arrived, I received my wife and my daughters. A lot of crowd there, and, but on the other side of the platform I saw a lot of railway officials in their uniform waiting for someone and I didn't know what it was. Another train steamed in and from one of the compartments came out Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, and the distance between me and him was as from here, to say, that row. So I held on to my children and my wife said, "Let's stay here because there's a lot of crowd. Let them go away, then we'll move."So I stayed like that. And there is Mr. Lal Bahadur Shastri with surrounded by big officials, general managers and so on and suddenly, after moving out five paces, he looked in my direction. When he looked in my direction, I looked at him and I'd still to learn more. I just stood still. I said, "How can I go to him? He - two years ago, two minutes conversation, he must have forgotten me." So he moved another ten, twenty, fifty paces, thirty paces and looked again. So when he looked again in my direction, I looked this way, I that way. I said, "Who is he searching?" Then he moved a few paces again, but since he found that I was doing nothing, he left the group, came about ten paces and my wife is a witness, She was there, he did this to me, he said, "Namaste, Srivastava-sahib. You did not recognize me. I'm Lal Bahadur." I just didn't know what to do. I was lost for words. I just fumbled. I wished the Earth had taken me in - so ashamed. And then he said - I said, "Well, the whole country recognizes you, but how did you recognize me?" "Oh," he said, "Remember two years ago when you came to Lucknow, we met and I know now you are in Meerut. How are you? Everything all right?" I said, "Yes, I am fine." I was absolutely stunned. And then he went back to his group and went away. That was the most important lesson that I learnt - humility. It was not the humility that you see when someone meets a Prime Minister. You know, you are very humble. No, when he meets a junior official, then he's humble. And that was a very great quality. I once put this to a very senior civil servant in India when he had become Prime Minister or after he had passed away. I said, "People say that he was very, very respectful to civil servants." And the answer, you know, I got was, "Mr. Shastri was respectful to every human being." What a wonderful quality is. I'm not aware of any individual, in politics at least, about whom truthfully you can say that he's respectful to every human being. But, that was Her decision that I should go to I.A.S., Indian Administrative Service, led me to this contact and then, when he became Prime Minister, I had served with him when as transport minister. But when he became Prime Minister, then again my wife played a very, very major role. I was in London attending a conference, shipping conference, when Panditji Nehru passed away and he became Prime Minister. I returned to Bombay and my wife said almost immediately, She said, "You know, he trusts you. He has confidence in you. You go to him, offer your services. A new Prime Minister needs support, needs help. You go immediately, meet him, offer your services, and I said, "How can I do that? It's not done. I'm a civil servant and the code of civil servants is that you don't go and seek jobs. You are given jobs and you do them. I said, "He knows me. If he wants me, he'll ask for me." But again, like the earlier occasion, She knew what She was telling me. She knew the future. She was foreseeing the future. So She said, "Okay, there will be other ways. I'll have my way." I didn't understand what other way that could be. Well, next day came a message from Delhi saying a meeting has been convened by my Ministry, Shipping Ministry - a very important meeting. Please come along. I had to go to Delhi. Now, when I went to Delhi, I knew that he was not well. He had had a mild heart attack. He was in bed and my understanding with him earlier was that whenever I came to Delhi I must let him know and I must meet him. I said, "Now, if I don't meet him, that will be sheer arrogance on my part. Because he's ill, it is my duty to go and ask how he is, just pay my respects." Now, who created this situation? Well, then, then what happens? I went to his house. There are two P.A.'s standing. Of course, they knew me. They knew my connection, so they would not be rude to me. I said, "He's unwell, I know. He may be in bed, I know. Doctors may have told you not to admit visitors, but I just want you to go and tell him that I am here, I have come to pay my respects and if he wishes to see me for a moment, I will, otherwise, I will go away." And the P.A..'s thought that very soon they'll come back, tell me, Go away. He doesn't want to see you or It's not possible. Well, very soon they came back, saying, Please come in. So I went in. But before I went in they said, Mark you, one minute, sixty seconds and no more and before sixty seconds are out, you should be out. I said, "Yes, sir," in short. I went in. He was lying in bed, smiling. I wished him. He said, "I am feeling better? I am almost all right." And then I didn't know what to say, so I just said, "I came to offer my felicitations, congratulations and to wish you well, a speedy recovery." Full stop. Nothing more. I didn't offer my services because I was a civil servant, mind you. So the P.A.'s were apprehensive about me. They thought I might come and a man like me not always, you know - anyway. So they were worried, standing there, both of them looking at me and I was looking at my watch. When it was fifty seconds, I did this to him. It'll be the road to leaving. Then what he does is, he says, "Nahin, no, no, no no. You sit down and told P.A.'s [Sound like : could you close the door]{sounds like - will you be withdraw ).", and the P.A..'s very surprised. He says, "What good is going on now?" And then a beautiful conversation, he said, "You know, you like Bombay I know," because I was posted then in Bombay. I said, "Yes, sir." He said, "How long do you intend to be there? Are you leading to something?" I said, "You are the Prime Minister. I'll be there as long as you want me to be there. I'm a government official." Didn't still come to the point. Then he said, "I think you should now come here and help me", and all I said was "Yes, sir." And that was it. So She had Her way, in Her own way. And I, so I joined him and probably, in public affairs, in public life, there has been no greater honor, no greater privilege than to have had the opportunity of serving Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, and I'm grateful to Her for having given me that opportunity. The book is there. I don't think I'll take you too much into it, but what I would say is, as time passed, we became close, his views were known to me. He was truly wedded to dharma, to righteousness, to truth, to morals. There was no posture in him. There was no dichotomy. There wasn't a Mr. Shastri inside, different from a Mr. Shastri outside. He was absolutely one: one inside, one outside, beautiful inside, beautiful outside. It was marvelous to work with him. It was very hard work. He gave everything that he had to country and, if you were close to him, you gave everything, not because he forced you, but because you loved the country and you loved him, and we worked very closely together, midnight, one o'clock and it was that kind of a thing. But during that time our family also came very close to him. You'll find photographs in the book which will show that. But whenever my wife and I went - we never went uninvited, we were always invited and when Mr. Shastri invited us to dinner he would say, "Would you like to eat a little worse food than you are normally accustomed to?"That was his humility because he was a vegetarian, I am a non-vegetarian, so we would go and eat good food. He was very, very kind. And then he would talk to Her during dinner time, not to me, but to me he talked all the time otherwise. But then he would talk at the book sales of saints and sages, of economics, of politics, various subjects and he had understood what She was and he had understood that if I was anything, by way of help to him, it was because of Her. So he gave Her tremendous respect, tremendous respect, which you give to a Holy person, which you give to your Mother. He would come out of his bedroom or drawing room, out to the, to the outer area, then go to the car, open the door of the car for Her to sit down - Prime Minister of India. That was the respect that he gave Her. And he gave tremendous love to my family, my children. I remember once, my - he invited his children and my children only to Mussourie for one night out and, in the hotel where we were staying, at eleven o'clock he comes to see whether my children have proper blankets or not - Prime Minister of India. That was his humility. That was true, true, genuine humility. Anyway, we worked together and we faced many situations. It means he faced many situations, but when I joined him - when should I stop, now or little later? All right. When I joined him I said, "Sir, what are my duties? What should I do?" He said, "You'll do whatever you use to do previously as my private secretary." And then he said something which is very interesting. He said, "The job of Prime Minister of India is very difficult. Let us try." Now, let us try." If we succeed, well and good. If I fail, I'll resign and go. See the difference. If we - if it is success, it's "we." He shares success. If we succeed, well and good. If I fail. In failure, he wants all the blame for himself. I listened to that and I remember those words, and then we began to work together. Many crises came, but he was totally unruffled, always firmly on the path of truth, righteousness. The food shortage, food prices rising, language problem, all kinds of things and he stood very firmly. And then came a war. Now, I want to tell you he was the most peaceful man you can imagine, embodiment of peace. He wanted peace with Pakistan. You know what he did? The day he assumed office, in his first message he said, message to Pakistan - "We must live together as peaceful neighbors. Peace." Then later, within a few months, he sent a message to Ayub Khan, saying he wants to come and meet him. Ayub did not invite him. He said, "I am going to Cairo. On returning, I will come to Karachi, if you allow me. I want to meet you." How could Ayub say no. He invited. Ayub was also a very good man and they met, but there was a clique somewhere in Pakistan which was assessing, judging him and since he was a short-statured man, dhoti, kurta, smiling, they thought this, "He's a weak Prime Minister. That's the time to attack India, take away Kashmir." They didn't know him.They didn't know his true stature and he repeatedly told them. He said, "You know, Pakistani's our brothers. They're our kith and kin. We don't have to fight with them. Why should we? No quarrel's on. Let's live peacefully." But they - while he was talking of peace, they hatched a war which is explained in the book and they attacked. Now, when they attacked India, then this man of peace stood up like a colossus. He said, "No. I'm a peaceful man, but I'm man of honor. It is my duty as Prime Minister to defend the country." But he told armed forces, "You must attack, but in a very measured way. We don't want people of Pakistan to be killed. We don't want bombing in East Pakistan. They're our people. We must destroy the machinery which is threatening us. We don't want destroy people." So he was a very wise man, brave, stood up. He ordered. He said, "No, we marched an hour. How can they attack us? How can they take away our territory? We must attack, but attack not with the view to killing people, attack with a view to destroying the machinery." Pakistan had Patton tanks and Sabre jets. "That should be destroyed." And because he was a holy man, he was pure - small knat of India, small aircraft destroyed Sabre jets up in aerial battle and, eventually, what he wanted was done. But when war was ended, came the question of peace. Now, there again, the Russians invited Kosygin. He invited Mr. Shastri and Mr. Ayub and he went there. He said, "Yes, we don't want to have war all the time. Let's have peace, proper peace." And after two or three days of talks, he transformed Ayub, as you are transformed.If you look at the book, look at the photographs, you will see Ayub first a gruff man, huge, tall, angry. Within five days he's a picture of meekness. Who did that? Shastri. He transformed him. And who gave that power from behind, power of transformation? I was in touch with Her, telling Her things are not moving. She said, "Don't worry. Things will move" and here is transformation. Ayub, an adversary of yesterday, a friend of today. Have you known many examples of that kind? That is a power of truth. That is a power of dharma, as Nigel was saying. Very powerful, you cannot resist it. The man changed. He said, "Sir, we must have mutual contact, a hotline. I will install one in my house. You'll install in yours. We must live as friends, not as warriors. That was a very big achievement, transformation. The Russian professor, Dr. Varnov was talking about Kosygin. When Shastriji went to Russia, people had conveyed the message, "He is not a, you know, leftist. He is probably a centralist or a rightist." You know how extreme people are. When he went there everything was nice, but not quite very effusive. So one evening, when we had all gone to see ballet - Shastri was not too keen on that. He said he was worried about his talks, so he went to Kosygin. He said at interval, "Can we have talk, the two of us." So "Yes, fine." And by that time Kosygin was nice, polite, but just that. And they sat at some distance together and he talked to them. And I was watching from a distance. I was not listening. After about half an hour, forty minutes, they came back and Mr. Kosygin was a changed man, transformed, again transformed by Shastriji. I was wondering, "How it worked? What magic is this?" After the ballet, when we went back to the dasha, I said, "What did you do? What happened?" He said, "Very simple. I told Kosygin I am a simple Indian. I'm not a communist. I'm not a capitalist. I'm not a leftist. I'm not a rightist. I'm an Indian and, as an Indian, I love my people. I can't see my people hungry. If food is not there, I cannot eat my food, therefore agriculture must be given very high priority. At least people must have enough to eat before you have huge plans. Now, if that is being rightist or leftist, so be it. I love my people. I want food for them, basic necessities for them and that is my priority." And Kosygin said, "I agree with you one hundred percent. You are real communist in one way." I mean, he didn't say that, but he must have felt. But what is a communist? I mean, anyone who is interested in the welfare of everybody, true. He said, "We are fully with you." And then he said, "Foreign policy. I am a friend of Russia. I respect Russia and I will go all out to maintain, but I want to tell you truthfully.I want to be friend of the West also. Why should we quarrel? The world is one. The West, the East, the North and South, we must all come together. So I am going to be friendly with everybody." And Kosygin said, "By all means, go ahead, as long as you are not anti-us." I said, "No question of being anti, but why should we have a quarrel with America or U.K. or Germany. Why not be friend with everybody?" Kosygin was delighted and he became, not a friend, a disciple of Shastri from that moment. He used to touch the feet. So that was the person he was, a tremendous transformer in the likeness of this lady. When he passed away - I'll come straight to that. He achieved great success in Tashkent. Again, an agreement was signed, a real agreement between two warring nations to come to peace, to come together. If he had lived there would have been no further war with Pakistan. Things would have been very different, as the book will show, but he passed away and to me that was a most tragic experience, most traumatic experience. I'll take few minutes more to tell you. The day was - last year was wonderful. Agreement was reached. Bhutto tried his best to destroy everything, but agreement was reached. Kosygin played a great part, very great part. Ayub played a very great part. Shastri played very great part. See, Ayub wanted that something about Kashmir, some new machinery, but Shastri said, "Impossible, Kashmir is India. There is no question and we can go on talking for two thousand years. Nothing. But, if you want to live peace, I'm with you, totally." Anyway, agreement was signed and one must pay tribute to Ayub as much to Kosygin, as much to Shastri, three heroes. And we signed that. I was with him. It was at four o'clock I went from the villa in company with him. He had, had a lunch that day with Ayub and they had agreed mutually to remain friends, to talk to each other directly, to be good friends. Anyway, from villa we went to sign this agreement at four o'clock. I sat by his side, came back. He was very happy, very happy because everything he wanted was done.Then we were back at about - when we were coming back in Tashkent the whole, all the streets were lined with people, "Shastri, Shastri," waving because agreement had been signed. He was so happy. He told me, "I've had a breakthrough with Ayub. It will be a new world, new India, new Pakistan." Then we came to the house and he explained little more. Then at 10:30 he said - he always used to call me Srivastava-sahib, never, never C.P. Srivas- nothing. Just see, again humility.He said, "Srivastava-sahib, you know, every day we have been going to sleep at about one o'clock. Let's sleep early today." I said, "Yes, sir, we should." The next morning we are going to Kabul. It's very cold there. Kabul was very, very cold. We were planning to go there. "So you must wear proper clothes." Look at this, the Prime Minister concerned with Tashkent conference, worried about my clothes. He says, "Please wear proper clothes. It will be very cold there." I said, "Sir, yes, I will do that, but I have to go for a conference now, press conference." He said, "Press conference? At this time?"I said, "Yes." "Where?" I said, "In a hotel about ten miles away." He said, "How will you go?" I said, "There's a car waiting for me." "Oh," he said, "it's very cold. Your car may not be good enough." Now I said its quite a good car. He said, "No, no." He came out with me to the outer door of the villa, sent for the driver of his car, Prime Minister's special security car. He said, "You go in this car," told the driver, "Take this person. Stay there. Bring him back." He said, "This will be safe for you. It'll protect you." How can you forget this? And then I sat in the car. He waved, smiling like that and I went away, attended the press conference and came back to my room. I was in an another building, about hundred yards away. I came back there and suddenly the telephone rang and the P.A.. that was inside said, "Please come rushing. The Prime Minister is very sick." I couldn't believe my ears. I left him hale, hearty, cheerful. I ran. I ran, literally. And I was the first to reach his bedroom, for by that time he was just about passing away or he was dead at 1:32 am, and I couldn't believe myself. I said, "What is it? How can God do that?" I left him hale and hearty, cheerful, smiling. Anyway, fate is a role in everything. So he passed away and after that moment it came to me that I should write his biography. I came home and my wife said, "You must write. This is a mission, the only mission I entrust to you." She told me, as Rajesh has said, "Everything in the world will be taken care of for you. You do your work. Don't worry about anything else, about daughters, children, house, nothing, but this one is a mission to you." I said, "Okay, when I retire from public service I will do that." And I was then still - I was young at that time, forty-six, forty-five and many years of service - I served in India, then twenty years abroad - but the moment I retired, the first moment after retirement I began writing and then everyone has helped me. And I am now concluding, but I want to thank you all for the enormous help that all of you collectively and so many individually have given to me in writing, the writing of this book. I will not be able to name, take all the names because it would take about two days, there's so many of you, but I'll just recall to you very briefly some instances of how Sahaja Yogis have helped me. You should know that. I wanted very much to get some confidential material about correspondence between Shastriji and other countries and here the rule is everything is confidential. I went to various government offices. "No. No. No. It's confidential." Now you can't write a biography without some material, so I said, "Okay." I went to America. My wife said, "Maybe they are more open. There might be some papers there." So I went to America. First I went to Yale University and Manoj and Gregoire, some others helped me greatly to get material from there, and then I made another trip, probably the most useful of those trips. Then I went to a place called Austin in Texas and I was literally supported from both sides by Paul Ellis on one side and Captain Mangal Singh, you know, from the other. They took me to the hotel. They prepared food for me from breakfast to dinner. They took me to library, got material, immensely valuable material and without that material the book will not be half as valuable as is today. Now how can I forget that kindness? And Paul Ellis went on finding material even after I had left. I don't know how many envelopes I must have received from him. I've kept them all, safe. I'll probably use them some other time. But enormous material was given to me and I'm very happy that Paul is here. I hope he'll convey my thanks to Victoria also and to Manoj and others. Then let's shift the scene to U.K. I went to the British library - huge, wonderful library, and I remember Ian Parradine sitting with me, collecting books for me, getting copies made, photocopies made and I saw there the marvelous Sahaja Yoga. I wanted some photocopies of some pages of a book. The time was about five minutes left and when he went to the counter the gruff man at there said, "Oh, it's just five minutes left now. How can I deal with all this?" And Ian Parradine didn't get angry, no. He said, "Ya, I agree with you entirely. It's very tough. Try do whatever you can. I'm sorry we're late." And then he started looking at one book and Ian started helping him with the others and suddenly the man was transformed. "Don't worry, don't worry. I'll do everything for you." I said, "Here is a Sahaja Yogi, you know, doing this kind of a thing." Then I used to go to Colindale Avenue Library, a newspaper library of British Museum - wonderful place - books, newspapers of Pakistan, India, America and I got lovely quotation, which you will read in the book. And there John Glover, who was sitting with me all the time, helping. Even after I came away, he would go to the library, get material for me, send it on to me in India. Very grateful to him. Then in Shudy Camps, where I wrote much of the book - Shudy Camps because of Her again - there was Derek Lee, professor, pouring at the text I would write, giving hours and hours of his. I can never be too thankful to him. And there's Guy Beaven. I am very happy he has come. We used to sit together till early hours of the morning every day, he on his computer and me with the text and go on and on and revise this and do it again. Never did he feel once that I was, you know, revising and re-revising, smiling always, pleasant and he worked very hard for me and I'm most grateful to him and I'm happy that he is here. And Dr. Spiro helping me, the medical question. Chris Marlow - Chris Marlow, he read the book and he told me something which has been said today. He said, "After reading the book, I felt that I should become a better man." It's a great tribute from a Sahaj Yogi for the book. And back in India, here also same situation. There's a Mr. P.C. Tandan sitting here, who gave hours and hours and hours and months and months of his time for the book. I'm very grateful to Mr. Tandan for the most dedicated way in which he helped me. There was Dr. Chugh, who's in America, who's not here. He must have brought me photocopies of innumerable books, which I wanted, Mr. Sharma, who helped me with computerization, the squadron leader R. K. Pal, who helped me with a lot of material. Now, in brief, what I want tell you is the book, please do not believe that the book is mine. The book is ours, yours and mine together, and yours and mine together, a book about dharma, about righteousness, truth, integrity, about a man who I think was a most moral politician this country has seen. Now such a book can be dedicated only to a Divine person and I, therefore, come to the end of my words. I thank you all for the enormous honor you have done me. I would like to thank very much Rajesh, Yogi, Bogdan, Chris, Nigel, Paul Ellis and Professor Varnov for the very, very kind words they said about me. I don't deserve that. It's not humility. They have been very, very generous and very kind. I think I have learned a great deal from Mr. Shastri, but the credit for whatever has come by can go only to one person, who has given me Divine envelope.The debt that I owe Her is unfathomable. The debt that I owe Her is unrepayable. The debt that I owe Her I do not want to repay. I want to remain indebted to Her. All I want to do is to acknowledge the true debt in your presence, and having done that, as a humble token, I want to dedicate this book to Her. Shri Mataji's talk My heart is so full of gratitude to My husband that he accepted My desire that he should write a book about Lal Bahadur Shastri. The first day I saw him I knew he was a very highly evolved soul and to have such a person in the politics itself was a great vision for Me. My father, mother sacrificed all their lives for the work of Mahatma Gandhi, of getting freedom. When I was with Mahatma Gandhi he knew about Sahaja Yoga because he was also a Realized Soul, but he told Me that just now we are not free people. We have to get our freedom; otherwise we cannot talk about Sahaja Yoga. Of course, his [unclear...] he wrote, according if you read it, according to the different chakras. I know I, I was a very patriotic person. I mean, whenever even I see now flag, My throat gets choked, with all these songs I just couldn't bear it. I don't know, perhaps it reminds Me of all the struggles people have gone through or maybe the mess in which our country is today or maybe My heart felt love for My country. As you know, I am full of compassion and Mr. Shrivastava has seen how I used to cry seeing people being starved and in, living in conditions which not even animals can manage. So when I saw Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, I felt now, after Gandhiji, here is a man. Normally, you'll be surprised. Most of these people, martyrs, even My father, mother, even Gandhiji, they never cared for politics, they never wanted to do anything with politics. They said, 'We don't want to do anything,' but here was a man who ventured himself into politics and who was a Realized Soul, was a very big combination for Me. And I could see the potential of this. If you ask Me, I can't join politics. Shastriji asked Me several times. He said, 'Why don't You come to politics?' I said, 'It's beyond Me. I just can't.' And most of them were so much detached. They didn't want to have election, they didn't want to do anything of that kind. I remember my father, when he came out of jail, Vallabhbhai Patel asked him that, 'You have to contest election.' He said, 'I refuse. I don't want to go into politics.' He said, 'You have to.' And he forced him and forced him, ultimately sent somebody with some money, three thousand rupees for My father, that for your advertising and all that. So My father say that, 'Why for advertising? There's no need to send any money. If by that I'm going to win, I don't want to win such an election.' But that made him ready. He accepted the challenge and he really went for the election. And surprisingly, he was the only Christian member elected in that Assembly, Central Assembly and the one who was opposing him, lost everything, lost his deposits, but his own daughter helped My father and she said, 'Nirmala, what is my father, what does he think of himself? I think, against Your father.' So, in those days you see, it was a, another atmosphere where people who sacrificed, who loved their country, who were genuine, were very much respected. When My father was in jail, I tell you, wherever we went, we were treated just like you are treated here, Sahaja Yogis, like we all brothers and sisters were given all kinds of help from everyone and they were very courageous people. They were politicians in a way, because they were fighting for a cause, but they were not politicians who were running after any position or money, no, they never understood such things. It was beyond them, but they had no interest in joining this assembly or all these things. I looked at Shastriji, I said, " Now here is someone!" I wanted someone to be like that, because there were so many I knew who were very sacrificing, very detached, very honest, very dharmic, but somehow they didn't want to do anything with these assemblies and elections and all that. Shastriji was already in office when I saw him first and I think he recognized Me very well, no doubt about it. There're, two, three incidents I remember. First of all he showed tremendous respect for Me, tremendous respect. I always used to go to the airport to receive him, always. Once I was not well, so I didn't go. So he was coming with all the cars and everything, suddenly he stopped in front of our building and walked up to our flat, all alone. 'Why didn't You come to the airport? Are You not well?' I said, "I'm all right, Sir, but little unwell." 'Na, na, everytime You must come.' So very sweet, he was so very sweet. Such small, small things he used to notice. Once, the children, his children told that, 'We have seen Babiji - they call sister-in-law - 'she's in the town.' He said, 'Really, where is she? Find out.' He, he knew about. 'Find out where is she.' They found out and he said, 'You have to be there for lunch.' And he told his wife you make a particular type of food, call it Moong ki goli. One time they had made, I ate it, so he remembered. See, all these little, little things, you know, I'm surprised at it; and he would talk to Me on subjects - I was just an ordinary housewife at that time - subjects like economics. He would say, 'What are Your priorities? You run Your household very well. Your husband is so busy, what is, what are Your priorities?' I said, "The first priority: that My children must get their food. First. Second: A house. Third: Education, and the foremost is their character. They must have good character. And I really didn't start Sahaja Yoga till My daughters got married because that was also My responsibility. And you know it was needed, also that (much or first?... UNCLEAR) time, it all worked out in a Sahaj way, I would say. But Shastriji also looked after My children very much and he felt they were sacrificing so much because their father was never at home, he was always busy, you see. He could understand Me, that I'm a sensible Woman and that I'm dedicated to this country and that I feel very happy that My husband is doing the work of the country. He understood that, but still he used to feel for Me. One day, though I am very fond of music, but I had stopped going for music because I would not go without My husband, so one day I told him that somebody has come and I would like to hear that music. He said, 'All right. What time is the program?' I said, "Nine o'clock, you should come we'll be going (UNCLEAR...)." So at nine o'clock little bit, I think, he got disturbed and started looking at the watch. So Shastriji asked him, 'What's the matter? What are you doing? What's the matter?' He said, 'My wife had asked to go for a music program. It's nine o'clock.' 'Then get up. What are you doing? Come along.' He brought him in his own car and dropped him there. He said, 'If She asked you once to go to this thing, what business you have got to sit down?' He was so humane, so humane, mothering type of a person. My, of course My husband is a very hard-working man and I can always take out his pressures when he comes home, so it was all right but he was really very hard-working and Shastriji was quite worried about him, so one day he got some temperature. Immediately he said, 'You are on leave, you are going to Simla. I have arranged everything, you go down there.' Immediately. He forced him to go to Simla. I didn't know what to do with him because I have never lived with him on any holiday anywhere. That way of course, Mr. Shrivastava is an extremely, extremely honest, to a fault, to a fault he is. But then, there in the holiday we were playing chess, or say scrabbles or anything, he used to cheat Me all the time. All the time he used to cheat Me. I said, "What is this going on, here he is such a honest man, he cheats Me." He said, 'Is allowed, if you can cheat your Wife, is allowed.' Then we used to walk down to buy some cherries, you see, we both are very fond of cherries, so it's all right, we'll make half-half; so he would put much more in Mine and less in his. I said, "What is this cheating, why you are taking so little?" 'Because You like cherries.' I say, "You also like cherries, so now exchange." So, big fight on that. You see, a woman in the house has to be very sensible, she has to be caring, sensible and also, I must say, My two daughters never troubled Me because their father was not at home or anything. They really supported Me very much and I gave them all the company that was needed but they never complained to Me that, 'Why our daddy is not here, why our daddy doesn't come?' In the school also, everybody's daddy used to be there but their daddy used to be missing. But they never, never even thought of it. So it was such a help from everyone. Also, I had such a good childhood with My parents. They taught us how to be sacrificing. My father was in jail for years. My mother went to jail five times. And from huge, big houses, we were living in huts. But we used to enjoy everything. The feeling that whatever our parents are doing is for our country's freedom was so elevating, so elevating, that we never even thought of little comforts that children ask for. We could sleep anywhere, eat anything, live anywhere, and that time also, I found lots of great people who were my father's friends were such dynamic, patriotic people, extremely patriotic. Once (MUFFLED...) some people told us that they are transferring the political prisoners to another place far away, so they are on the platform. So we all rushed to the platform to see them. There was one sage, supposed to be, and he was the one who was regarded as a very great, honorable force. He called Me, and he said, 'What are You doing? Why are You taking part in 1942 movement? Why don't You look after Your mother? Your mother is so much worried.' This and that. He gave Me a big lecture, you see. Of course, 1942 was a real ordeal for any young girl. They put Me on the ice and gave Me electric shocks, did all kinds of things, but to Me it didn't bother. So, My father called Me on one side. He said, 'How dare this old man tell You all this nonsense? I'm so very proud of You. I hope all my children become like You and kill themselves for the country. And then he shouted at My mother, 'You are a daughter of such and such, of such a family. How dare you write letters like that? What do you mean by this?' That was My father. I was a very young person, about seventeen, eighteen, nineteen. He said, 'Go ahead. I'm all with You. And that has given Me the lesson that if you have complete purity about your dedication and purity about what you have to do, you can achieve. And as Gandhiji had said, 'We have to have first freedom.' I saw the Union Jack coming down and I saw the Tricolor going up. That was the moment - it's beyond Me- even now I remember those days. Many of you who are Indians here may not have seen those days. That's why you're so careless. That's why some of you do not understand out of what sacrifices this freedom we have got. It's not a easy freedom. It was very, very difficult one and Shastriji was one of them who gave up everything to join and he had a mother to look after. He was another one who just gave up all those things. Any young man would have ambitions: do this, do that -nothing. He gave up everything just to join Congress. Those were the days where people were charmed. Just he... Gandhiji was also a very short man. This gentle man had really charmed all the young people. So many young people gave up their studies, gave up everything, not for something wrong, but for, to fight for your country and they sacrificed their lives. So many of them were extremely honest, pure, with a love for your country itself, made them so beautiful, I think. There we were young girls, there were young boys, there were old men, old women, we never had any, any such things which we call as corruption, or any kind of bad feelings. We're all working together, day and night. I mean, I have had some very bad experiences of these, that where to stay in jungles and do all these things. I mean, if somebody writes My biography, maybe there you might see all these things. But in the main life of these great people is their pure love for their country, pure love for their country. There's a difference between love for your country. Pure love means you just love your country for the country's sake, not because you can make money, get into positions, high, higher positions you'll have, all this, not for that, just purely, purely, very purely, just an inner innate dharma to love your country. In the same way, all of you should love your country, but with the view that we all will have one world, one day. It's important that if any country, if any country is not equipped with that love for their own, they will be like a cancer if they join one world. Impossible. So the pure love for your country is so good. Now I find with Sahaja Yogis, once they are transformed, immediately they start seeing what's wrong with their country. It's not attachment, it's not infatuation, it is not blind faith, but they see. Like, call it ( UNCLEAR...??), every one of them, I know every one of them. Nigel will tell you about U.K. They see immediately what's wrong with their country and they will not be patriotic in the sense that they will condemn other countries and praise their own country. I think that this is the essential that we should see: What's wrong with our country? If you have love, say if you love your child, then you must know what's wrong with that child. Also you should love the child and also say that this is what is wrong with the child. Otherwise you don't love. It's possession, it is infatuation. You can call it 'conditioning'. In the same way I've seen everybody now as professor saab from Russia also told Me, how many things are wrong in Russia. Everyone tells Me, 'This is wrong, Mother, put Your attention. Please try to save.' I went to Tunisia. They said, 'Mother, please put Your attention on to Tunisia. This is wrong with East Turkey, this is wrong.' It's very surprising, how with this subtle opening of your awareness, now you see what is wrong, what is injurious, whatever is destructive for your country and you want to improve it. Same with Lal Bahadur Shastri, he asked Me several times, several times, how to improve the food conditions of India. Now you know with Sahaja Yoga you can. I couldn't tell him about Sahaja Yoga, but I did say there is a divine method by which it can be done. But agriculture should be without income tax and maximum importance must be given to agriculture. Till today it is (UNCERTAIN..there??) . Otherwise also he asked Me about various things, even about Kashmir. So I told him that the biggest mistake was to make a separate constitution. By that you just give a gap to them. Just give them a gap and that's why the problem is there. His, you see, whole attention was so holistic, I would say, and he would always see how we can create beautiful relationship between people of different races, different religions, different ideologies, he had a knack of (UNCERTAIN??...sounds like "everything) he had a knack. I think he must be raising their Kundalini perhaps, but he had a knack that C.P. has said is true. He could transform a person into something more. His style was so collective, so collective, that in the garden he would sit, stand there. And everybody who comes there he would meet. He had a tremendous memory. I too have, so I used to wonder there's another one I found out, who has such a tremendous memory, because to Me it is sometimes embarrassing to have such a memory but to him it was such a blessing, I should say for people, because he would ask them for such small things. 'How is your mother now?' or 'How, did you get your house?' See, so much subtle. It was, like I tell you the motherly type of a love. Of course, he has been extremely, extremely kind to Me, except that he didn't take Me to Tashkant. He was to take Me; things would have been different, but it is all fated, you know. Can't help it. And once I did tell him that you should little bit take rest also, do little meditation. 'We have no time.' He said, 'It's better to shine like a shooting star.' I said, " Shooting stars are those which are no good as stars. But you are so important. You have no idea as to how important you are. And if you realize how important you are, you'll look after yourself." He used to live in the last part of the houses, so humble, so very humble. Whatever you gave him, he would eat. His ordinary what you call Khatiya in our language, he used to sleep on that. I said, 'Why are you such a saint? Why can't you sleep on a proper bed, after all, we need you, for our sake you have to do it." So, he would say, 'I feel more comfortable in this.' See, he's just a man who is so detached. He was going to Russia and they all felt that the, he wore the coat he was wearing is not sufficient for Russia and must change it. So they told Me. I said, "You better tell him. I won't be able to talk to him about it," so they approached C.P. They said, 'C.P. told him that, 'Sir, don't you think we should make another coat for you?' He said, 'Ah, so they have come to you now?' He said, 'Whatever it is, but I think we have to make a coat for you.' To make one coat for him was impossible. He never carried any money with him. You'll be surprised and he didn't know what were the new coins are. So at the airport I would always be there, you see, and he would tell Me. So he said, 'This lady is coming to me to put that piece of flag on me. I have no money. What to do?' So I said, "All right. I'll give her something." So I gave her one rupee. He said, 'You have no coin?' I said, "The coin is for ten p." 'What is that?' he says. I said, " It is one tenth of a rupee nowadays." 'Oh, I see. It is better then you give her a note.' But he wanted to give her a coin as an auspicious thing. So detached about things, so much. At the same time he was so diligently working out, you know, because the way he used to ask Me questions, I was surprised, I was surprised how diligently and subtly he wanted to improve everything. He said that, 'What should we do?' I said, "First of all we must have water." 'I know that. We must have water in every village. Gandhiji always used to say. He told his wife that, 'You go to the well and bring the water to me.' I told her one day. 'Ba, let me do it. Why are you doing it? So now my husband will be very angry. He has told me, 'Till every village gets water, you fill in the water for me and bring it. So I remember that we have to supply water. (ASIDE HERE...not too sure about who is saying what here.) Shastri was very much on that. Also he said that these people who travel by third class there's no fan, nothing. We put fans, we put fans in the third class waiting rooms. He, I mean he, you see, he started you can say, he was a communist in a way, because he was a capitalist. He was so full of love and so full of patriotism, that if his love would not allow him to see people suffer, so whatever he could do, he tried to do. He was really only for eighteen months he lived. Like a shooting star as he said and there are so many things one can talk about it which C.P. has kindly put it in his book also. I know I, I put him onto an oath that he has to write this book because he has written files after files up to here and they're of no use. I said, "What's the use of all these files? You have to write Me a book on Shastriji." And I've been always insisting on him for helping Shastriji because I knew what he was. I had the image of a man who would do such revolution in this country and bring down people to higher values then, not money, money, money, money business, no, to the higher values because he was an evolved soul, he was detached man and what a caliber of intelligence he had. Normally if you talk to any minister, I know so many of them, at the most they might speak good English because, you see, we are very slavish people. If you don't know how to speak good English, means we are the worst, you see, you must speak good English. If you don't know Hindi, all right, but English, you must know. We are still, we are still like that. I know so many ministers who knew very good English, great, great speakers but there not a word about Indian philosophy, not a word (UNCLEAR..??) they did. Kundalini is out of the question. They didn't know also what is the (UNCLEAR...TATTWA??), nothing, nothing, they did not know about their (country??). But Shastri was a ( UNCLEAR...??) and so learned in all our scriptures and thing. He had studied Koran, he had studied Bible, every sort of thing he had studied. And I talked to him sometimes about what My father told Me. He said, 'Correct. That's it, that's it.' About Koran I told him. He said, ' That's it. That's correct.' Such a learned man he was. And his own capacity to convince others was something very special, very subtle and he would first listen, then smile, then wait, listen more, talk less but one sentence he'll say and it would ( UNCLEAR, sounds like.. 'stamp' or 'stand'). There's something really absolutely divine. But I don't know, he showed this respect so much for Me, that I used to feel very shy, you know, extremely shy, but he's very sweet, he does it in such a sweet way that he'll just say he'll take my sari and put in inside and then push the ( muffled..). He's the Prime Minister of....But in our country a saint is worshiped and respected. I also remember Sanjivreddy , he had invited Me because I had cured him of his cancer. When I went there they have everything made of what you call 'sandalwood'. I was rather careful sitting in the chair with the sandalwood, you know. He came with his wife, with all kinds of fruits and a big, such a big tray of silver, very beautifully done. He kept it before Me and both of them sat at My feet. So I said, "Sir, what are you doing? You are President of India. Why are you sitting here?" He said, 'I am President, but You are Saint, You are a Saint.' And I took one, I mean he said, 'You have to take something.' I said, "I can take an apple." I took apple, but I said, " I cannot take anything." He said, 'But what about this plate we have made for You.?' I said, "You keep with you. I don't take anything like that." He was so amazed. And he's the one who really gave us this land for our ashram. He's gave us this. So we had people of that kind, very much. Also Governor of Kashmir when I went there. He was a very nice man, very kindly to Me, but he knew Me as his (???). One day I saw him walking down to the guest house. I said, "What is he doing without any shoes or socks in Kashmir?" I said, "What is he doing?" He came in. I said, " Sir, you are without shoes and socks." He said, 'I have come to meet a Saint,' and he came and he sat at My feet and then he started asking about Sahaja Yoga. So, India is a very great country because it's a country where the Saints are worshiped. They are not created by church or by something. But they are real Saints and such Saints are worshiped and respected by Kings. This is the only country where it happens. I think, and I was surprised now, another country I found out is Russia, where they have respected Me so much. I'm really amazed, so there must be quite something very common. First time I went with C.P. to Russia I told him, " This is a very spiritual country, no doubt." And Shastriji went there. I was happy because I knew that Russians are spiritual, very introspective and they are not conditioned by any religion or anything. Now so many things, if you see, you can connect, how things worked out in Shastriji's life. Now he's no more, but this book, I hope, will go to all over the world and will really open the eyes of the politicians and they will have to revalue themselves. Socrates talked about a benevolent King and Shri Rama was that benevolent King once upon a time and when I saw Lal Bahadur Shastri, I said, " Here is a benevolent King who is come." He has lived very short. I don't know. That's our fate; we Indians don't have a very good fate, I think; doesn't matter. But now it is for us to express his life all over the world. Here we have Sahaja Yogis from everywhere, they can take this book and they can present it to some of their politicians if they have any time to read. They might understand that there's a life which is much higher, much valuable. After all, this money, I have not known anybody who has erected a statue of a man who has too much money or too many wives or keeps or the one who was a drunkard. So the value system which is now going on, is of a, a nature that will not only destroy you, but destroy nations after nations. But this book has a special value, I feel, that by that, many will see their faces in the mirror and they might be able to correct themselves and maybe in the political field we will find sensible, better people. That was My idea. I must say I got after My husband that he should write this book. But you know, he is a man worse than Me because he's, if he takes to some work - finished. He went here, and he went there, he did this and he did that. Worked very hard. He's very hard working, extremely meticulous. Today the first day he's late, you see, I said," Because of Me, better change now." He's so particular about time. I must say that without C.P.'s help I could not have done Sahaja Yoga because he has only one Wife and I'm always out, I'm always traveling. I'm, I mean, I'm very, very little time with him. One thing he used to do the same to Me before. So (laughs) he's used to My absence, I think, but I must say My children and My family, which is here, they also always support Me in Sahaja Yoga and they respect Sahaja Yogis very much and they think that what work I am doing is the only solution for saving the world. In a way they do not take too much part in our organizing and all that. The reason is: I Myself, I think the partisan business should not start in Sahaja Yoga, but they are very much with us and they have come all the way today again and they do meditation and is very, very supportive to Me and to Sahaja Yoga. I have to now thank all the people who have helped C.P. so much. It's so spontaneous. They all helped him so much and (UNCLEAR NAME....) himself was telling Me, 'Mother, he writes very well,' and I don't know what to do, and one day I said, " (UNCLEAR..NAME??), write for Me also something. You can write very well." So he wrote one paragraph. So I showed it to C.P. So C.P. said, 'Who wrote? You wrote it?' I said, "No, not Me." He said, 'Yes, must be somebody else, complicated like me.' I said, "Why?" He said, 'You don't refer any book. You don't go to any library. You don't do anything. You just straight forward, You write.' But I said, "I write on a subject which I know." And while he has to not only to refer, but has to be meticulously all right and ( UNCLEAR NAME...) would be after him, 'Sir, this is little different than this,' I said, " I'm not bothered. If I have to say something, I'll say that. "What (Unclear...??), " Socrates said. So what. In the book whatever is written, who's going to challenge Me? But for him, you see, being a bureaucrat and all that, so meticulously he has done the book that even General Joshi was surprised the way he has written about the military things. He said,'Sir, how do you know all this?' So you see the book itself is very interesting and really it reads like a novel, no doubt. I'm very happy about it. But it is being worked out so meticulously that I don't think you can find any fault anywhere. But in My book, anybody wants, can find that Christ didn't say so, that didn't say so, this thing, I don't care. I'm not bothered. Whatever I have to say, I will say. He had to work very hard to make it that perfect and he has done it. He has taken all the thing. It was one of My greatest desire. He always said, 'You never ask me for anything. I want to buy something for You when I am going abroad. What is this? Everybody buys something.You never ask for anything.' I said, "I don't want anything. Why should I ask for?" 'But something You must ask.' Always he used to demand. I said, "Now I have one desire, one desire: that you write this book and complete it. That's all is. My desire." And he has done it. I'm thankful to him and I'm thankful to all Sahaja Yogis who have helped and to you all who have come into another kind of an atmosphere where patriotism and righteousness and Shastriji's great character we are enjoying through Sahaja Yoga. May God bless you.
Shri Raja Lakshmi Puja: The Goddess which rules the kings
New Delhi
English, Hindi
Shri Rajalakshmi Puja, Nizamuddin Scout Ground, New Delhi (India), 4 December 1994. [Shri Mataji (in Hindi: Sorry I am late, my granddaughter is a little sick and I stayed back to make her better. First I will speak in English and then in Hindi]. [English Transcript] Today we are going to worship Rajalakshmi, means the Goddess which rules the kings. It's a very important thing today to understand that something has basically gone wrong in the working of our political systems and why the people have lost their sense of justice, fair play and the benevolence of the people. Where have we gone wrong that this is being lost? It's not only in India, it's not only in Japan or in England or any other place where we think there is democracy. First and foremost thing is that all these countries, even those who have got their freedom, started following those countries which were supposed to be highty and mighty and very powerful - like America, like Russia, like China, England - without understanding how far they have reached in delivering the goods that they are supposed to do. In any case, in a country like England, you see the monarchy, the way it has been working, is shocking, absolutely shocking. The way they have acted towards their ministers, like Cromwell, you feel as if some primitive people are trying to manage something. And the kings so cruel, queens so cruel, so character-less, so irresponsible. They had no character to be kings and queens. There was no surrendering to the Rajalakshmi principle of one's being. Then of course, it became independent, and even now I find such stupid things they’re doing. Even in France the president has a keep, they run after money, little money here and there. There are people in every country who are really of very, very low level and who are trying to look after the welfare of the people. Also if you read the history of Samurai and all those people in Japan you are shocked. They thought no end of themselves, they had no connection with the public and the way they behaved. Then you go to the communist countries also the same sort of thing. There also those who came in power became really like despotic rulers. Then we have on the other side Mr. Hitler who came, thinking no end of himself. Spain, as you know was ruined by Franco. One cannot understand how these people without any character, without any higher qualities than the rest of the people can look after their well-being. It's impossible! I should say in our own country we had great kings, very great, because our heritage is great and we had saints who really ruled the kings. Like Shivaji had a guru who was a great saint, everybody. Janaka had a guru. Everybody had a guru. Even Shri Rama had a guru. But they were real gurus! They were the people who really lived the life of saints, they were real saints, inside, outside. And the people also accepted the kings who had spiritual background. Those who respected spiritual people. So, the whole trend in this country was very, very different till sometime. I don’t know when the English came what happened to them. The majority of the people didn’t like the way the English were living, their style, their methods, they didn’t appreciate. But these king and queens of different states they started feeling that they are very sophisticated people and we should have their culture. And so many of these queens, modern ones, who smoke, who drink, tell Me that it was taught by their governess who came either from Sweden or from England or from Australia. And they picked up these things. Of course the men also thought that we are very backward, you see, that’s the idea they gave them, “You are very backward people, you don’t know how to smoke, you don’t know how to drink, you have no ballroom dancing,” this that. Even our military got corrupted with it. In the military is all English style things still going on. I don’t know when will they stop. They don’t know anything about our own country. They’ll know about England, and you ask them anything about England they’ll know. The whole education system came through English, but all about England and western life than about Indian life. Nobody ever cared for Indian things, you see. Even in medicine same thing happened. Nobody wanted to listen to any vaidya (ayurveda) or anyone. They thought "Oh, these are useless primitive people, backward!" So even one country, which was really, I should say, had spirituality ruling in the politics also went down like this. Before independence in this country, I remember, we had to fight the British, and what patriotism people had at that time. I remember once we had gone to see a hockey match, and My father always had a national flag on it, that time it was not national it was congress flag, in the car. So the soldiers came, they said, “Take down this flag!” So My driver got down he said, "You cut my throat first and then you take down the flag!". We all children joined him and they were shocked, went back. Such enthusiasm, such patriotism came at that time when we were fighting these people. But they divided us and created a problem for us. And you know before we could enjoy any fruits of our freedom, we were fighting, we were divided. I don't know whom to blame for that. If we had not accepted this division, there would have been no problem. But they accepted it. Now, poor Bangladeshi's are so, so, so poor. If they were one with India, they would have been much better. And what is Pakistan? It's just an empty place, you know, no industries, nothing. That's why they are all the time talking about Kashmir, Kashmir. They have nothing else! [In] their own country people are having fights, this that, but there's no growth. Now they cut out only this India. Now here, after all this happening, you know, any war, any kind of crisis like that, immediately changes the value system. Not that in the West there were no value systems, there were, but the war completely changed them in the same way in India also. Politicians, those who lost their lives in the fights, or those who stood for something good were regarded as no ideal. And people took a U-turn, absolutely a U-turn and they became very self-centred, only worried about their own personal things, their families, or maybe accumulation of money and transferring of money from here to Switzerland. I mean something, I mean I tell you I’ve gone through My life with the people who were fighting, fighting for freedom. I mean they could not even think of these things. I know My father, I know My mother, I know their friends, I know so many people who were in our family used to come, so many Sikhs and so many other people, Muslims even. They could not think of taking any money, I mean it was really regarded as very low-level. For what to take? What is the need? If you are satisfied in your heart of what you wanted, you got, you’ve got your freedom, now finished. But how these people who were absolutely at the bottom, who did nothing for the country, sacrificed nothing for the country, just came up on top and all the good people went down. If you read the history of Shivaji, or Rana Pratap, or any of them, Shalivahana, anyone, you’ll be surprised how they used to worship Shakti. All the Kshatriyas used to worship Shakti, and they would go up to a point and not beyond. Up to the point till the dharma was there. That history I cannot repeat it to you. But in the subtle way, one feels that this partition suddenly changed the attitude of people, or I should say those who were very low-level they came up. I remember I was here at that time, partition time, and I was married and three people came to Me. I was sitting outside in the garden, knitting something for My child because I was pregnant. So they came, and they looked at Me and they said, “Can we have one room in your house?” I said, “Why not, I’ve got it. It’s a very big house of My father. I’ll give it to you.” They said, “We need for one or two months. We are refugees.” I said “Alright, and it has an outside door, you need not bother us and there’s also kitchen attached and a bathroom attached. You can do whatever you like.” Just I offered. In the evening My brother came, elder brother, and My husband and both of them were friends and he just started shouting at Me. These people were in the other room. “What do you mean by keeping such people? Who are they? What will they do?” and this and that. I said, “What will they do?" "They may steal something from me!" "So what is there in this house to steal? They are refugees, look nice people to Me. I have approved them because of vibrations they’re alright.” “No, no, no, no, no better throw them away!” I said, Look at these people [my husband and brother], "Without even talking to them, knowing them, suddenly you are asking them to get out only because they are refugees.” Then I did feel that in this country a new wave had started, that a person is not respected if he has no money, he’s not trusted if you have no money. Actually it is the other way round, those who have money, you better never trust them. And those who don’t have money are much more honest people in this country than the people who have money, who are all cheats practically. So it happened like this and I said, “No they are going to stay here!” I put down My foot. I said, “This house My father has given Me and they are going to stay here.” Poor things they stayed for a month in a very, I think, must be very much embarrassed. And while they were there so many Sikhs, that time it was a big organisation - Sikhs and RSS were one, and they came to My house and said, “We’ve heard there’s a Muslim staying with you.” There was a Muslim. “And we’re going to kill that Muslim.” I said, “What makes you think there’s a Muslim?” “We’ve got reports.” I said, “Wrong, there's no Muslim in the house.” I told him a lie. So they said, "How are we to believe you?” I said, “See I'm wearing a thing (bindi). I am a Hindu lady. How will I keep a Muslim in my house? We’re all frightened of them and there’s no one like that.” Somehow or other they believed Me. I told a complete lie but they believed Me. They had brought lots of those swords, with blood. But I was not afraid and I told them in a very determined manner. Anybody else in My place would have said, “Alright, alright there is one you can take away.” Then these three persons, who were there, left My house and one of them is a very famous actress, another one is a very famous poet and another one is a very, very famous writer. And it so happened that they (a charitable organisation) wanted to make a film about young people and I was the chairman of that, vice chairman of that, and they wanted to call this actress. I said, “Don’t tell her My name.” Because I had lost her completely. I’d just said let it be wherever they are, let them be. There’s no, sort of, I never made any enquiries or anything. “Don’t tell them My name.” They said “Why?” I said, “For some reason you just don’t tell her My name, otherwise she’ll be compelled to say yes, which I don’t want.” So when they went to her and asked her, she said, “I must get a sari, I must get a chappal, I must get a purse to match, I must get this, all this you have to pay, plus so much money you’ll have to pay.” They said, “Ours is a charitable.” She said, “Whatever it is.” I said, “Alright, give her whatever she asks for.” Then I went for the opening ceremony and she saw Me and she couldn’t control herself, tears started rolling down her. Just came and fell at My feet. She said, “How are you here after such a long time?” So they said, “She’s the one who’s making this film." "What? She’s making this film, why didn’t you tell me? My God, my God.” She couldn’t help it, she was crying, crying, crying, crying. I said, “Now it’s alright.” She said, “You take money from me. I'll pay for the whole making of the film. You don't know this lady. You don’t know her. What She's done for me, nobody would do [what] she had done." She said, “She never told us anything how are we to know?” Such a change that she, immediately she telephoned to her husband and to this great poet, they all came running and they all... But a small good gesture of administration: that was My house given to Me by My father. That time of course My husband and My brother didn’t know how to trust people. But I trusted them, fully. They were saying, “They will cut your throat.” "Why? Why will they cut My throat? For what?" All kinds of funny things they were thinking. And the worst thing I felt was they were afraid because they had no money. That is the beginning of the end, I think. In our country this struggle for money started after that. Without money people started suffering very much. Poor people don't mind because they are used to it. Whatever money they have, they eat it and sleep off. There were not also very, very poor people as they are today but they were poor people no doubt. But what I realised at that moment, that the people who have any position or any power or anything are literally frightened of everybody else. This is the beginning of our downfall. We got frightened. Those who were in charge got frightened that I may lose my seat or I may lose my money, I may lose my power. That fright kept them absolutely mad. Supposing I am left with no money. So what? What happens? All these thoughts started coming after that partition, I felt it’s everywhere. While I’ll tell you in My childhood, My father never used to lock the house, it was a very big house he never use to lock. And we had a very beautiful gramophone will all that horn sort of a thing. And one day one thief came and stole that. So next day we discovered, My father said, “Poor thing, he was fond of music so he’s taken away doesn’t matter, but he didn’t take the records now what will he use, he must have records.” So My Mother started teasing him, “Alright you advertise now. The one who has stolen our gramophone should come and take the records they are available for him.” (laughing) It’s so natural you know. He just felt [that] we have money after all, this fellow doesn’t have money and he wants to listen to music you see. So My father said, 'Alright'. Otherwise he was a criminal lawyer My father knew law very well. Was not a stupid fool but he couldn’t understand this fellow has only taken gramophone only without the records. He said, “he must not have found it, you see it was there kept and all that.” My Mother said, “You better advertise it.” He was a politician also. So that time, the feeling among the politician was to how to raise the standard of these people who are not having what we are having. All the people who had money donated lavishly to so many things. I mean in My place there was one Rahbahadur Lakshminarayan, he donated all his money, everything, to a big university. Most of the things that happened in those days were done by charity people. I mean they never thought our children should have so much money, crores and crores and crores. They never thought like that. Whatever limited money they had they wanted to donate and do something good for others. So when the Rajalakshmi, Lakshmi that is the one responsible for looking after the benevolence of the people, when She acts people think that they have, not even think, they do it, automatically, that they are there for benevolence. They don't have to tell themselves, it’s just that they feel that it is their job, this is what they have to do, is to look after the people they are to be brought to better levels of life. This is what they think, they don't think like a party politics, who is coming up, whom to kill, nothing of the kind! Under the influence of the Goddess of Lakshmi, which rules the political side we can say, the kingdoms and all that - first thing is generosity, first thing is generosity. For example, Mahavira was meditating and while coming out His cloth - He had one cloth around His body, dhoti and He had covered himself. And the upper cloth just got caught up in the bushes. So he cut it out and came out with half the cloth - it was in His own palace. So Shri Krishna wanted to take His test. He said, "See I have no clothes, I'm just naked.” He came before Him like a beggar. “You have this, why don't you give Me this cloth? You can go to your palace and wear your dress." He said, “Alright.” He took it out and gave it to him. And then He got some leaves and all that, covered Himself, went to His palace and got dressed. But now these Jains, you know, they make His statue so big, insult Him completely by showing all kinds of nonsensical private parts to the details. This is what is, where you have no worshipping of the Goddess. Goddess is Shri Shobha! She's the One who decorates you. She's a mother. She decorates you with ornaments, She decorates you with beautiful clothes, She's your mother. She does it! Like, Raja Janaka, He was the king so He had to wear ornaments, He had to wear beautiful clothes, He had to do everything. And when Nachiketa went to Him he was quite surprised that why my guru has sent him to this king who is wearing all kind of dresses and this and that and he also had a big function of dancing and this. He said, “He's not a saint so why my guru touches His feet? He's a king.” Of course Raja Janaka knew what he was thinking about. He said, “Why have you come here Nachiketa?” He said, “I'm here to get my Self-realisation.” He said, “You can take all My kingdom but not easy to give you Self-realisation.” He said, “Alright, whatever you say I'll do.” So He put a big sword on his head and asked him to sleep. He couldn't sleep at all. Then they were having a bath, he said, “Come and have bath in the river.” People came and told that there’s fire and everybody's running away and Raja Janaka was in His meditative mood, He was just sitting quietly. Nachiketa got a little upset. Then they said, “The fire is coming here and all these cloths are going to be burnt.” So Nachiketa ran out to save his things but still He (Janaka) was meditating. Then they came out and Nachiketa found that nothing that was burnt was there. It was just an illusion for people. He was amazed. Then he realised what was wrong with him, that he was doubting the Divine power Itself. The one who was Janaka, who was a king, was not bothered about His own powers, these are what? Because he is today, this you have to do it. Because I'm married, I have to wear a mangalsutra. So this is for the parampara, for the tradition style, but inside He was a saint, a very high...high level of saintliness. When this thing happens that you get some position, any power, even in Sahaja Yoga I was surprised. If somebody becomes leader, I don't know what happens to him. It is a myth. There's nothing like leadership in Sahaja Yoga, nothing like that. It's just a myth. But suddenly people jump up. It is ego that gets pampered. But this ego can be easily managed if you worship the Rajalakshmi. She is the giver of balance. Firstly, She rides on the elephant. Is not easy for a lady to climb on an elephant, I have done it, it’s not easy. Without fear. And She sits straight with a complete balanced attitude. And Her blessings are tremendous. The first blessing one gets: the imbibement of dignity. Dignity of a king, dignity of a queen. You are a queen so you can't behave like street women. With Her blessing, first of all, you get that dignity. That dignity is full of love, love for others. That personality emits nothing but love and benevolence for others, nothing else. Wherever She looks, in every glance She blesses people. She doesn't expect anything. She is a queen, what can you give to the queen? She's the highest of all in every way, what can you give it to Her? These, all these politicians and all these so-called presidents of all these countries are beggars. All the time give me this, give me this, like greedy people going around are beggars! They are not the people who can rule. Hankering after things. So first thing is the sign, is that such a person has a personality that just blesses people, thinks of their benevolence, cares for each and every person who comes along. This is a blessing of the Goddess. Then the second blessing of the Goddess is that you develop a kind of a temperament, which is very dignified, but also very humorous and understanding what other people are like. There’s a story of a king who was going on a horse and he met a drunkard. So you can say these our drunkard can be compared to our politicians. So the drunkard stopped. He said, “I want to buy your horse.” People said, "Do you know what he is?” “Yeah I know he's a king. Alright. So what? I want to buy his horse." He said, "Alright not today, tomorrow we'll sell the horse to you.” So went away. Next day he was called. So he came with folded hands bent down. He said, “What, you were the one who was going to buy my horse, what has happened to you? I want to sell it to you.” He said, “Sir, the one who wanted to buy is dead. I am an ordinary person.” Such a personality, such solid personality I should say, that anybody would have been angry, would have said "Beat this man! Throw him away! He talks to me like this, behaves like this." What the king said was remarkable. Because he knew he’s drunk, he knew he's not in his senses, that’s why he's talking. Didn't get angry with him, he said, “Alright, come along tomorrow, I'll sell you the horse.” That's only possible if you have this Rajalakshmi in you otherwise you would never behave like this. Now what about today’s politicians anywhere? They even shoot people, they kill people, they arrest them, they put them into trouble I mean, all kinds of things they are doing. Such people have no right to call anybody as criminals! But we accept! As in Hindi we say, “Aaj kal ka zamana hai aisa.” (Such is todays world) We accept it - all such people as our rulers. Then Rajalakshmi is the one who stands on dharma. She stands on dharma. If there is some adharmi then she will not bless that person. Adharmi is to be taken out. But if he's not, then he will go all out to save that person. But if he finds he's adharmi, he will not. Is a kind of a divine discretion he should have as to whom to be kind and whom to be punishing. That divine discretion should be there in a person, otherwise you can play into the hands of ten people who are around you, teaching you something, doing something. One day I was in My mother’s place Nandgaon, and there was one gentleman who impressed our Yogi very much. I just kept quiet. He was a big politician and he told Me, “We have to do like this and we have to do.” I said, “Alright, alright, alright.” Then three, four professors from the university came to tell Me, “Mother, he's a politician, be very careful. He's a very bad man, you be careful about him.” I said, “What do you know about him?” They said, “He's a politician.” I said, “There are so many politicians.” “But he's not a good man.” “But what do you mean?” I said, “Now you sit down and I’ll tell you. This man has eloped with the wife of a Brahmin. He himself is not a Brahmin and this child is from him to her and how much he has deceived people everything I know.” They were shocked. “You know Mother?” “Of course. I know everything!” “Then why do You allow him to come close to You?" “Do you think he is close to Me?” I said, “You are sadly mistaken. But it's nice he's come to Me because he's been troubling people too much and I'll correct him.” While some people thought he was a great achievement we have got, and some of them came to tell Me be careful of this man without knowing what he was. This kind of a divine discretion has to be there. If a king does not have that divine discretion then he can punish the good and he may help the bad people. But this divine discretion disappears when you are self-centred. That’s the main point, is a complete detachment about the power should be there. Complete detachment. Why should Rajalakshmi care for anything? What does She get? But now there are some who'll pamper a person this, this and that, and then they feel "ah, we're on top of the world!" They just pamper, pamper and pamper the ego of a politician and he thinks he is a very big man, then in the election he doesn't understand why he's on the ground. So with this self-dignity, self-knowledge, you know what you are. Whatever you may tell Me, whatever you may say to Me, I'll listen, "Alright, alright, alright", but I don't accept anything as something great. Because if I am that, what is there to be great? Now supposing this is a lamp here. So is it great or not great? It is a lamp. So if I'm Adi Shakti, I'm Adi Shakti, So what? If you are a king you are a king so what? I mean if you are an impostor then you might feel your ego. But if you are really the king then you won't feel. If you are under the influence of the Goddess then that is the only thing you enjoy. The rest of it is nothing. Whether you have diamonds or you have silver or you have anything makes no difference at all. Now how people misuse the scriptures also one should see, that, Rajalakshmi is sitting on the elephant alright, so they should have all very big cars, you see. She's sitting on the elephant because elephant is the highest animal! Is very kind, very forgiving and has such a tremendous memory. That’s why She's sitting on an elephant. She's not sitting there to show off. But She's sitting there to see around, what is happening avalokan, She can see around what is happening, to be at a higher place. That's why a king is made to sit on a higher pedestal. But the purpose is not to show off. But the purpose is that from that state he can see others better, he can be watchful of others. If somebody gets a high position then they think they are the owners of that position. This has all come because the brain has gone upside down I think. How can it be? Logically. Now if you are this throne is given, alright, so with the throne I sit on this, but this throne cannot give Me anything, I can give something to this throne. The king has to think he is obliging all these things that he is sitting on them because he is a king. On the contrary he thinks all these things are important because something is lacking in him or what? And that’s why when they come to do Raj they start gathering things which are useless absolutely, clutter up their houses, homes, everything with something that is useless. All their dignity, everything, is itself a decoration on them and to show that they are kings. Of course they are given a crown, they are given a big necklace, they are to wear something here because they are kings. But these are not actually his decorations but these things get decorated by a king. For example, you get some lanky panky fellow from the street, half starved, who is a beggar, say, for example, and put those ornaments on him and all the dresses of a king. Put him on the stage, everybody may start laughing. Nobody will think that he is a king by any chance, because he doesn't have that dignity, doesn't have that face, he doesn't have that body, he doesn't have that mind, he doesn't have that wisdom. So how is he a king? Like, there was one king who tried to make his shoes of pearls. But he's so stupid looking, you know, that when I saw the pearls I said, “This is the man only who can think like this!” So stupid he was to look at. And was sure of these pearls being put on his shoes. So there are many such things these days all of these stupid people are doing. There are big, big cartoons coming out and you can see for yourself how stupidly they live. To Me it’s such a difference I tell you. Such a difference. To them all these things are so important, which if they don't have they'll buy and put it. I know of a gentleman who came with a garland to our program, I mean to our dinner, I asked him, “Why are you carrying the garland?” “See after all you see I was garlanded so I'm keeping the garland.” We didn’t know what to do! We Indians will never take a garland, first of all, anybody gives you they’ll put it, except for the Gods. They will take it out immediately. Another lady who came to see Me and she said, "I don't understand these Indians, I bought a garland, I put it in my neck so they were all laughing on the street at me." (laughter) Now you Indians understand this, how subtle it is, just see, that you can’t put garland, you are not God. You cannot buy a garland (laughing) and put it in your neck and walk out. Innately you have to be that. So the person who is innately a king has the blessings of the Rajalakshmi. Then what does She do? What does She do to such a man? What She does is first his name is written on the hearts of the people whom he rules. She writes it with her own hand. They adore him, they admire him and they try to imbibe his qualities within himself. Another blessing of Rajalakshmi is that She grants a particular type of a body, which has a coefficience, which gives vibrations. They may not be very selfish people to make a big advertisement about themselves, talking about themselves, this that. But the way they are wherever they are, they show. We had many like these in our times also. Maybe that people didn't accept them, maybe they are nowhere now, some new johnnies are looking to be more jumping. But whatever name is written in the heart of the people, are the people who are blessed by this Rajalakshmi. So what a politician has to understand [is] that he has not to make money, he does not have to have a big show about himself. He does not have to do anything that is like laundering the money from the country. He does not have to kill others who oppose him, he doesn't have to shout at those who trouble them. But what has he to do? He has to remember that. “I am here for the fame of a good man.” He should worry about the fame he will be leaving after his death. He should see to it that his fame is safe. For example, see Shri Rama who was a king of benevolence, no doubt about it. But His own wife when somebody challenged that - "She has lived with Ravana and how can She be pure?" He knew that She was pure, still He decided that He will ask Her to go because to keep the show, to keep the whole image of a king and He sent Her away. But nowadays you find somebody’s brother employed in America, sister employed there and he has made, his uncle has made a big house and his wife has accumulated so much money. It is all going on. Everybody will talk like that about that person, that he's just money oriented, he just spends money on nonsensical things and he is just exploiting us. Everybody will talk but nobody will tell him on the face. So what you have to worry is about absolute correct character. These days this is another point. Every politician must have three, four keeps otherwise he is not a politician. Like we had Nawabs, we had one Nawab in Lucknow who had hundred and sixty five wives. He thought if he doesn’t have hundred and sixty five, people won’t accept him as a Nawab. So this is another inferiority complex that you should have some women around you so that people will say what a powerful man he is. Now those days are gone now, now Satya Yuga has started. In Satya Yuga I assure you anybody who is not blessed by Rajalakshmi will have to go to jail or will have to leave the seat, will be thrown away or will be as they say, "Doubly dying go to the waste, dust". It has to be. They'll be all exposed, whatever tricks they may try. And they will have the consequence of being artificially the rulers. But a genuineness is the sign that the queen of blessings, the goddess of Rajalakshmi, is residing in that person. In Satya Yuga it will happen I'm sure. But even in Sahaja Yoga I find people doing politics sometimes, I was amazed! People think politics means keeping groups, making groups, telling things from here to there, there to there. That shows you lack collectivity. A person who is a Sahaja Yogi will try to cement everyone together because the power lies in collectivity. To break the collectivity for anything is very dangerous for that person as well as for others. So now you have entered into the kingdom of God, you are now sitting in the court of God Almighty. Here, of course, as courtiers you have to dress up well, sit properly, should take up your seats. You have to be systematic and above board because you are Sahaja Yogis. You are not ordinary people. You are special people. How many people in this world are going to be Sahaja Yogi? You are special people, so try to make yourself such beautiful instruments of Rajalakshmi that people when they will see you they will vote for you and tomorrow you will rule the world. (Applause) I do not want you to get out of politics or get in politics but you have to first get the blessings of the Rajalakshmi and then only you should understand what’s wrong with our country, what we have to do, what is the purpose, why do we want to become politicians, what we have to do, we have to have plans, what is your project. All these things now put your attention from yourself to outside. Like, that day I received a letter saying, "my father is sick and my mother is sick then my son is sick, and this and that and that and that." Such people can't do much. When the war of independence started in India we gave up our studies, gave up our parents, gave up everything, we were very young people. So now you have to know that if you have to really take to politics you have to have the blessings of Rajalakshmi and for that you have to build up yourself with that dignity, with that sense. I bless you from My heart that in every country such people will come up. May God bless you all. [Translation from Hindi] Now what can I speak in Hindi. You must have understood that. As you can see, a lot of people from outside have come, and wherever I go, they come with Me, and in all the places they listen to My Hindi lectures everywhere. And they tell Me that, “Shri Mataji, we like it when You speak in Hindi because then we do not think, and in that state we get lots of vibrations inside us. In My opinion this is a great experience, and with this experience you will be able to understand in Hindi, whatever I have spoken. This means that when Raja Lakshmi gets enlightened within us, then everything changes inside us. Our wants and requirements change; our consciousness of being an individual changes; and we go from individuality to collectivity. We rise above ourselves, and become part of the whole world. We don’t think only of ourselves. And we think only of the whole world. You will be amazed that I never think what things I am in need of. That thought never enters. And nor do I buy things for Myself. As it is you people are doing all the buying. But once there was a burglary in our house. Everything was stolen. All My sarees were taken, and it was a bad state of affairs. Now My husband is a very honest, government official, and everything was spent making new outfits for him. So for seven years of My life, I managed with one silk saree. Cotton sarees I had, but when I went out, I wore that same saree, every time. Just managed with one silk saree. But till today no one noticed that. Only My husband was aware of this. And now you have given Me so many sarees, that I keep thinking that only if one more Draupadi Vastra Haran (disrobing of Draupadi) happens, then only these sarees will be of use. Otherwise they are just piling up in heaps and heaps. Where will I wear all these sarees. But no one is willing to listen. I keep saying “Please don’t give me any presents. I do not require anything”. So they say “Then you should not give us”. But let Me give. I am a Mother. Are you a Mother? And they say that only this gives us joy. Now I have decided that whatever gifts I receive, I will give all to Sahaja Yoga. For what so much! What is the need. I don’t require any of this. So I request you to please lessen this. Every place I go, I get presents there. Go to anyone’s house, there a present. If a child is born in any house, then from there a present. If someone gets married, then a present for that. By doing this, already three houses have been made and they have all become godowns. And now the fourth one – that will also become the same, and there will be no place for us to stay. All this makes you very happy. It is alright. But in one year, one saree is enough. Otherwise there will have to be a Vastra Haran. There will have to be another Mahabharat. Then Draupadi will have to appear. Then she should leave her hair loose, and then the Vastra Haran. Then I can give these sarees to Krishna, and He will use them to supply her. You people love Me a lot, and I also love you. And in love one always feels something should be done. These outward things of the world are all for showing and expressing love. But I feel that in the present times it is not good to become slaves to customs. Think about it. I have tried many times and lost. But you people try to find a middle path. That will be very good.
Shri Rajalakshmi Puja, Nizamuddin Scout Ground, New Delhi (India), 4 December 1994. [Shri Mataji (in Hindi: Sorry I am late, my granddaughter is a little sick and I stayed back to make her better. First I will speak in English and then in Hindi]. [English Transcript] Today we are going to worship Rajalakshmi, means the Goddess which rules the kings. It's a very important thing today to understand that something has basically gone wrong in the working of our political systems and why the people have lost their sense of justice, fair play and the benevolence of the people. Where have we gone wrong that this is being lost? It's not only in India, it's not only in Japan or in England or any other place where we think there is democracy. First and foremost thing is that all these countries, even those who have got their freedom, started following those countries which were supposed to be highty and mighty and very powerful - like America, like Russia, like China, England - without understanding how far they have reached in delivering the goods that they are supposed to do. In any case, in a country like England, you see the monarchy, the way it has been working, is shocking, absolutely shocking. The way they have acted towards their ministers, like Cromwell, you feel as if some primitive people are trying to manage something. And the kings so cruel, queens so cruel, so character-less, so irresponsible. They had no character to be kings and queens. There was no surrendering to the Rajalakshmi principle of one's being. Then of course, it became independent, and even now I find such stupid things they’re doing. Even in France the president has a keep, they run after money, little money here and there. There are people in every country who are really of very, very low level and who are trying to look after the welfare of the people. Also if you read the history of Samurai and all those people in Japan you are shocked. They thought no end of themselves, they had no connection with the public and the way they behaved. Then you go to the communist countries also the same sort of thing. There also those who came in power became really like despotic rulers. Then we have on the other side Mr. Hitler who came, thinking no end of himself. Spain, as you know was ruined by Franco. One cannot understand how these people without any character, without any higher qualities than the rest of the people can look after their well-being. It's impossible! I should say in our own country we had great kings, very great, because our heritage is great and we had saints who really ruled the kings. Like Shivaji had a guru who was a great saint, everybody. Janaka had a guru. Everybody had a guru. Even Shri Rama had a guru. But they were real gurus! They were the people who really lived the life of saints, they were real saints, inside, outside. And the people also accepted the kings who had spiritual background. Those who respected spiritual people. So, the whole trend in this country was very, very different till sometime. I don’t know when the English came what happened to them. The majority of the people didn’t like the way the English were living, their style, their methods, they didn’t appreciate. But these king and queens of different states they started feeling that they are very sophisticated people and we should have their culture. And so many of these queens, modern ones, who smoke, who drink, tell Me that it was taught by their governess who came either from Sweden or from England or from Australia. And they picked up these things. Of course the men also thought that we are very backward, you see, that’s the idea they gave them, “You are very backward people, you don’t know how to smoke, you don’t know how to drink, you have no ballroom dancing,” this that. Even our military got corrupted with it. In the military is all English style things still going on. I don’t know when will they stop. They don’t know anything about our own country. They’ll know about England, and you ask them anything about England they’ll know. The whole education system came through English, but all about England and western life than about Indian life. Nobody ever cared for Indian things, you see. Even in medicine same thing happened. Nobody wanted to listen to any vaidya (ayurveda) or anyone. They thought "Oh, these are useless primitive people, backward!" So even one country, which was really, I should say, had spirituality ruling in the politics also went down like this. Before independence in this country, I remember, we had to fight the British, and what patriotism people had at that time. I remember once we had gone to see a hockey match, and My father always had a national flag on it, that time it was not national it was congress flag, in the car. So the soldiers came, they said, “Take down this flag!” So My driver got down he said, "You cut my throat first and then you take down the flag!". We all children joined him and they were shocked, went back. Such enthusiasm, such patriotism came at that time when we were fighting these people. But they divided us and created a problem for us. And you know before we could enjoy any fruits of our freedom, we were fighting, we were divided. I don't know whom to blame for that. If we had not accepted this division, there would have been no problem. But they accepted it. Now, poor Bangladeshi's are so, so, so poor. If they were one with India, they would have been much better. And what is Pakistan? It's just an empty place, you know, no industries, nothing. That's why they are all the time talking about Kashmir, Kashmir. They have nothing else! [In] their own country people are having fights, this that, but there's no growth. Now they cut out only this India. Now here, after all this happening, you know, any war, any kind of crisis like that, immediately changes the value system. Not that in the West there were no value systems, there were, but the war completely changed them in the same way in India also. Politicians, those who lost their lives in the fights, or those who stood for something good were regarded as no ideal. And people took a U-turn, absolutely a U-turn and they became very self-centred, only worried about their own personal things, their families, or maybe accumulation of money and transferring of money from here to Switzerland. I mean something, I mean I tell you I’ve gone through My life with the people who were fighting, fighting for freedom. I mean they could not even think of these things. I know My father, I know My mother, I know their friends, I know so many people who were in our family used to come, so many Sikhs and so many other people, Muslims even. They could not think of taking any money, I mean it was really regarded as very low-level. For what to take? What is the need? If you are satisfied in your heart of what you wanted, you got, you’ve got your freedom, now finished. But how these people who were absolutely at the bottom, who did nothing for the country, sacrificed nothing for the country, just came up on top and all the good people went down. If you read the history of Shivaji, or Rana Pratap, or any of them, Shalivahana, anyone, you’ll be surprised how they used to worship Shakti. All the Kshatriyas used to worship Shakti, and they would go up to a point and not beyond. Up to the point till the dharma was there. That history I cannot repeat it to you. But in the subtle way, one feels that this partition suddenly changed the attitude of people, or I should say those who were very low-level they came up. I remember I was here at that time, partition time, and I was married and three people came to Me. I was sitting outside in the garden, knitting something for My child because I was pregnant. So they came, and they looked at Me and they said, “Can we have one room in your house?” I said, “Why not, I’ve got it. It’s a very big house of My father. I’ll give it to you.” They said, “We need for one or two months. We are refugees.” I said “Alright, and it has an outside door, you need not bother us and there’s also kitchen attached and a bathroom attached. You can do whatever you like.” Just I offered. In the evening My brother came, elder brother, and My husband and both of them were friends and he just started shouting at Me. These people were in the other room. “What do you mean by keeping such people? Who are they? What will they do?” and this and that. I said, “What will they do?" "They may steal something from me!" "So what is there in this house to steal? They are refugees, look nice people to Me. I have approved them because of vibrations they’re alright.” “No, no, no, no, no better throw them away!” I said, Look at these people [my husband and brother], "Without even talking to them, knowing them, suddenly you are asking them to get out only because they are refugees.” Then I did feel that in this country a new wave had started, that a person is not respected if he has no money, he’s not trusted if you have no money. Actually it is the other way round, those who have money, you better never trust them. And those who don’t have money are much more honest people in this country than the people who have money, who are all cheats practically. So it happened like this and I said, “No they are going to stay here!” I put down My foot. I said, “This house My father has given Me and they are going to stay here.” Poor things they stayed for a month in a very, I think, must be very much embarrassed. And while they were there so many Sikhs, that time it was a big organisation - Sikhs and RSS were one, and they came to My house and said, “We’ve heard there’s a Muslim staying with you.” There was a Muslim. “And we’re going to kill that Muslim.” I said, “What makes you think there’s a Muslim?” “We’ve got reports.” I said, “Wrong, there's no Muslim in the house.” I told him a lie. So they said, "How are we to believe you?” I said, “See I'm wearing a thing (bindi). I am a Hindu lady. How will I keep a Muslim in my house? We’re all frightened of them and there’s no one like that.” Somehow or other they believed Me. I told a complete lie but they believed Me. They had brought lots of those swords, with blood. But I was not afraid and I told them in a very determined manner. Anybody else in My place would have said, “Alright, alright there is one you can take away.” Then these three persons, who were there, left My house and one of them is a very famous actress, another one is a very famous poet and another one is a very, very famous writer. And it so happened that they (a charitable organisation) wanted to make a film about young people and I was the chairman of that, vice chairman of that, and they wanted to call this actress. I said, “Don’t tell her My name.” Because I had lost her completely. I’d just said let it be wherever they are, let them be. There’s no, sort of, I never made any enquiries or anything. “Don’t tell them My name.” They said “Why?” I said, “For some reason you just don’t tell her My name, otherwise she’ll be compelled to say yes, which I don’t want.” So when they went to her and asked her, she said, “I must get a sari, I must get a chappal, I must get a purse to match, I must get this, all this you have to pay, plus so much money you’ll have to pay.” They said, “Ours is a charitable.” She said, “Whatever it is.” I said, “Alright, give her whatever she asks for.” Then I went for the opening ceremony and she saw Me and she couldn’t control herself, tears started rolling down her. Just came and fell at My feet. She said, “How are you here after such a long time?” So they said, “She’s the one who’s making this film." "What? She’s making this film, why didn’t you tell me? My God, my God.” She couldn’t help it, she was crying, crying, crying, crying. I said, “Now it’s alright.” She said, “You take money from me. I'll pay for the whole making of the film. You don't know this lady. You don’t know her. What She's done for me, nobody would do [what] she had done." She said, “She never told us anything how are we to know?” Such a change that she, immediately she telephoned to her husband and to this great poet, they all came running and they all... But a small good gesture of administration: that was My house given to Me by My father. That time of course My husband and My brother didn’t know how to trust people. But I trusted them, fully. They were saying, “They will cut your throat.” "Why? Why will they cut My throat? For what?" All kinds of funny things they were thinking. And the worst thing I felt was they were afraid because they had no money. That is the beginning of the end, I think. In our country this struggle for money started after that. Without money people started suffering very much. Poor people don't mind because they are used to it. Whatever money they have, they eat it and sleep off. There were not also very, very poor people as they are today but they were poor people no doubt. But what I realised at that moment, that the people who have any position or any power or anything are literally frightened of everybody else. This is the beginning of our downfall. We got frightened. Those who were in charge got frightened that I may lose my seat or I may lose my money, I may lose my power. That fright kept them absolutely mad. Supposing I am left with no money. So what? What happens? All these thoughts started coming after that partition, I felt it’s everywhere. While I’ll tell you in My childhood, My father never used to lock the house, it was a very big house he never use to lock. And we had a very beautiful gramophone will all that horn sort of a thing. And one day one thief came and stole that. So next day we discovered, My father said, “Poor thing, he was fond of music so he’s taken away doesn’t matter, but he didn’t take the records now what will he use, he must have records.” So My Mother started teasing him, “Alright you advertise now. The one who has stolen our gramophone should come and take the records they are available for him.” (laughing) It’s so natural you know. He just felt [that] we have money after all, this fellow doesn’t have money and he wants to listen to music you see. So My father said, 'Alright'. Otherwise he was a criminal lawyer My father knew law very well. Was not a stupid fool but he couldn’t understand this fellow has only taken gramophone only without the records. He said, “he must not have found it, you see it was there kept and all that.” My Mother said, “You better advertise it.” He was a politician also. So that time, the feeling among the politician was to how to raise the standard of these people who are not having what we are having. All the people who had money donated lavishly to so many things. I mean in My place there was one Rahbahadur Lakshminarayan, he donated all his money, everything, to a big university. Most of the things that happened in those days were done by charity people. I mean they never thought our children should have so much money, crores and crores and crores. They never thought like that. Whatever limited money they had they wanted to donate and do something good for others. So when the Rajalakshmi, Lakshmi that is the one responsible for looking after the benevolence of the people, when She acts people think that they have, not even think, they do it, automatically, that they are there for benevolence. They don't have to tell themselves, it’s just that they feel that it is their job, this is what they have to do, is to look after the people they are to be brought to better levels of life. This is what they think, they don't think like a party politics, who is coming up, whom to kill, nothing of the kind! Under the influence of the Goddess of Lakshmi, which rules the political side we can say, the kingdoms and all that - first thing is generosity, first thing is generosity. For example, Mahavira was meditating and while coming out His cloth - He had one cloth around His body, dhoti and He had covered himself. And the upper cloth just got caught up in the bushes. So he cut it out and came out with half the cloth - it was in His own palace. So Shri Krishna wanted to take His test. He said, "See I have no clothes, I'm just naked.” He came before Him like a beggar. “You have this, why don't you give Me this cloth? You can go to your palace and wear your dress." He said, “Alright.” He took it out and gave it to him. And then He got some leaves and all that, covered Himself, went to His palace and got dressed. But now these Jains, you know, they make His statue so big, insult Him completely by showing all kinds of nonsensical private parts to the details. This is what is, where you have no worshipping of the Goddess. Goddess is Shri Shobha! She's the One who decorates you. She's a mother. She decorates you with ornaments, She decorates you with beautiful clothes, She's your mother. She does it! Like, Raja Janaka, He was the king so He had to wear ornaments, He had to wear beautiful clothes, He had to do everything. And when Nachiketa went to Him he was quite surprised that why my guru has sent him to this king who is wearing all kind of dresses and this and that and he also had a big function of dancing and this. He said, “He's not a saint so why my guru touches His feet? He's a king.” Of course Raja Janaka knew what he was thinking about. He said, “Why have you come here Nachiketa?” He said, “I'm here to get my Self-realisation.” He said, “You can take all My kingdom but not easy to give you Self-realisation.” He said, “Alright, whatever you say I'll do.” So He put a big sword on his head and asked him to sleep. He couldn't sleep at all. Then they were having a bath, he said, “Come and have bath in the river.” People came and told that there’s fire and everybody's running away and Raja Janaka was in His meditative mood, He was just sitting quietly. Nachiketa got a little upset. Then they said, “The fire is coming here and all these cloths are going to be burnt.” So Nachiketa ran out to save his things but still He (Janaka) was meditating. Then they came out and Nachiketa found that nothing that was burnt was there. It was just an illusion for people. He was amazed. Then he realised what was wrong with him, that he was doubting the Divine power Itself. The one who was Janaka, who was a king, was not bothered about His own powers, these are what? Because he is today, this you have to do it. Because I'm married, I have to wear a mangalsutra. So this is for the parampara, for the tradition style, but inside He was a saint, a very high...high level of saintliness. When this thing happens that you get some position, any power, even in Sahaja Yoga I was surprised. If somebody becomes leader, I don't know what happens to him. It is a myth. There's nothing like leadership in Sahaja Yoga, nothing like that. It's just a myth. But suddenly people jump up. It is ego that gets pampered. But this ego can be easily managed if you worship the Rajalakshmi. She is the giver of balance. Firstly, She rides on the elephant. Is not easy for a lady to climb on an elephant, I have done it, it’s not easy. Without fear. And She sits straight with a complete balanced attitude. And Her blessings are tremendous. The first blessing one gets: the imbibement of dignity. Dignity of a king, dignity of a queen. You are a queen so you can't behave like street women. With Her blessing, first of all, you get that dignity. That dignity is full of love, love for others. That personality emits nothing but love and benevolence for others, nothing else. Wherever She looks, in every glance She blesses people. She doesn't expect anything. She is a queen, what can you give to the queen? She's the highest of all in every way, what can you give it to Her? These, all these politicians and all these so-called presidents of all these countries are beggars. All the time give me this, give me this, like greedy people going around are beggars! They are not the people who can rule. Hankering after things. So first thing is the sign, is that such a person has a personality that just blesses people, thinks of their benevolence, cares for each and every person who comes along. This is a blessing of the Goddess. Then the second blessing of the Goddess is that you develop a kind of a temperament, which is very dignified, but also very humorous and understanding what other people are like. There’s a story of a king who was going on a horse and he met a drunkard. So you can say these our drunkard can be compared to our politicians. So the drunkard stopped. He said, “I want to buy your horse.” People said, "Do you know what he is?” “Yeah I know he's a king. Alright. So what? I want to buy his horse." He said, "Alright not today, tomorrow we'll sell the horse to you.” So went away. Next day he was called. So he came with folded hands bent down. He said, “What, you were the one who was going to buy my horse, what has happened to you? I want to sell it to you.” He said, “Sir, the one who wanted to buy is dead. I am an ordinary person.” Such a personality, such solid personality I should say, that anybody would have been angry, would have said "Beat this man! Throw him away! He talks to me like this, behaves like this." What the king said was remarkable. Because he knew he’s drunk, he knew he's not in his senses, that’s why he's talking. Didn't get angry with him, he said, “Alright, come along tomorrow, I'll sell you the horse.” That's only possible if you have this Rajalakshmi in you otherwise you would never behave like this. Now what about today’s politicians anywhere? They even shoot people, they kill people, they arrest them, they put them into trouble I mean, all kinds of things they are doing. Such people have no right to call anybody as criminals! But we accept! As in Hindi we say, “Aaj kal ka zamana hai aisa.” (Such is todays world) We accept it - all such people as our rulers. Then Rajalakshmi is the one who stands on dharma. She stands on dharma. If there is some adharmi then she will not bless that person. Adharmi is to be taken out. But if he's not, then he will go all out to save that person. But if he finds he's adharmi, he will not. Is a kind of a divine discretion he should have as to whom to be kind and whom to be punishing. That divine discretion should be there in a person, otherwise you can play into the hands of ten people who are around you, teaching you something, doing something. One day I was in My mother’s place Nandgaon, and there was one gentleman who impressed our Yogi very much. I just kept quiet. He was a big politician and he told Me, “We have to do like this and we have to do.” I said, “Alright, alright, alright.” Then three, four professors from the university came to tell Me, “Mother, he's a politician, be very careful. He's a very bad man, you be careful about him.” I said, “What do you know about him?” They said, “He's a politician.” I said, “There are so many politicians.” “But he's not a good man.” “But what do you mean?” I said, “Now you sit down and I’ll tell you. This man has eloped with the wife of a Brahmin. He himself is not a Brahmin and this child is from him to her and how much he has deceived people everything I know.” They were shocked. “You know Mother?” “Of course. I know everything!” “Then why do You allow him to come close to You?" “Do you think he is close to Me?” I said, “You are sadly mistaken. But it's nice he's come to Me because he's been troubling people too much and I'll correct him.” While some people thought he was a great achievement we have got, and some of them came to tell Me be careful of this man without knowing what he was. This kind of a divine discretion has to be there. If a king does not have that divine discretion then he can punish the good and he may help the bad people. But this divine discretion disappears when you are self-centred. That’s the main point, is a complete detachment about the power should be there. Complete detachment. Why should Rajalakshmi care for anything? What does She get? But now there are some who'll pamper a person this, this and that, and then they feel "ah, we're on top of the world!" They just pamper, pamper and pamper the ego of a politician and he thinks he is a very big man, then in the election he doesn't understand why he's on the ground. So with this self-dignity, self-knowledge, you know what you are. Whatever you may tell Me, whatever you may say to Me, I'll listen, "Alright, alright, alright", but I don't accept anything as something great. Because if I am that, what is there to be great? Now supposing this is a lamp here. So is it great or not great? It is a lamp. So if I'm Adi Shakti, I'm Adi Shakti, So what? If you are a king you are a king so what? I mean if you are an impostor then you might feel your ego. But if you are really the king then you won't feel. If you are under the influence of the Goddess then that is the only thing you enjoy. The rest of it is nothing. Whether you have diamonds or you have silver or you have anything makes no difference at all. Now how people misuse the scriptures also one should see, that, Rajalakshmi is sitting on the elephant alright, so they should have all very big cars, you see. She's sitting on the elephant because elephant is the highest animal! Is very kind, very forgiving and has such a tremendous memory. That’s why She's sitting on an elephant. She's not sitting there to show off. But She's sitting there to see around, what is happening avalokan, She can see around what is happening, to be at a higher place. That's why a king is made to sit on a higher pedestal. But the purpose is not to show off. But the purpose is that from that state he can see others better, he can be watchful of others. If somebody gets a high position then they think they are the owners of that position. This has all come because the brain has gone upside down I think. How can it be? Logically. Now if you are this throne is given, alright, so with the throne I sit on this, but this throne cannot give Me anything, I can give something to this throne. The king has to think he is obliging all these things that he is sitting on them because he is a king. On the contrary he thinks all these things are important because something is lacking in him or what? And that’s why when they come to do Raj they start gathering things which are useless absolutely, clutter up their houses, homes, everything with something that is useless. All their dignity, everything, is itself a decoration on them and to show that they are kings. Of course they are given a crown, they are given a big necklace, they are to wear something here because they are kings. But these are not actually his decorations but these things get decorated by a king. For example, you get some lanky panky fellow from the street, half starved, who is a beggar, say, for example, and put those ornaments on him and all the dresses of a king. Put him on the stage, everybody may start laughing. Nobody will think that he is a king by any chance, because he doesn't have that dignity, doesn't have that face, he doesn't have that body, he doesn't have that mind, he doesn't have that wisdom. So how is he a king? Like, there was one king who tried to make his shoes of pearls. But he's so stupid looking, you know, that when I saw the pearls I said, “This is the man only who can think like this!” So stupid he was to look at. And was sure of these pearls being put on his shoes. So there are many such things these days all of these stupid people are doing. There are big, big cartoons coming out and you can see for yourself how stupidly they live. To Me it’s such a difference I tell you. Such a difference. To them all these things are so important, which if they don't have they'll buy and put it. I know of a gentleman who came with a garland to our program, I mean to our dinner, I asked him, “Why are you carrying the garland?” “See after all you see I was garlanded so I'm keeping the garland.” We didn’t know what to do! We Indians will never take a garland, first of all, anybody gives you they’ll put it, except for the Gods. They will take it out immediately. Another lady who came to see Me and she said, "I don't understand these Indians, I bought a garland, I put it in my neck so they were all laughing on the street at me." (laughter) Now you Indians understand this, how subtle it is, just see, that you can’t put garland, you are not God. You cannot buy a garland (laughing) and put it in your neck and walk out. Innately you have to be that. So the person who is innately a king has the blessings of the Rajalakshmi. Then what does She do? What does She do to such a man? What She does is first his name is written on the hearts of the people whom he rules. She writes it with her own hand. They adore him, they admire him and they try to imbibe his qualities within himself. Another blessing of Rajalakshmi is that She grants a particular type of a body, which has a coefficience, which gives vibrations. They may not be very selfish people to make a big advertisement about themselves, talking about themselves, this that. But the way they are wherever they are, they show. We had many like these in our times also. Maybe that people didn't accept them, maybe they are nowhere now, some new johnnies are looking to be more jumping. But whatever name is written in the heart of the people, are the people who are blessed by this Rajalakshmi. So what a politician has to understand [is] that he has not to make money, he does not have to have a big show about himself. He does not have to do anything that is like laundering the money from the country. He does not have to kill others who oppose him, he doesn't have to shout at those who trouble them. But what has he to do? He has to remember that. “I am here for the fame of a good man.” He should worry about the fame he will be leaving after his death. He should see to it that his fame is safe. For example, see Shri Rama who was a king of benevolence, no doubt about it. But His own wife when somebody challenged that - "She has lived with Ravana and how can She be pure?" He knew that She was pure, still He decided that He will ask Her to go because to keep the show, to keep the whole image of a king and He sent Her away. But nowadays you find somebody’s brother employed in America, sister employed there and he has made, his uncle has made a big house and his wife has accumulated so much money. It is all going on. Everybody will talk like that about that person, that he's just money oriented, he just spends money on nonsensical things and he is just exploiting us. Everybody will talk but nobody will tell him on the face. So what you have to worry is about absolute correct character. These days this is another point. Every politician must have three, four keeps otherwise he is not a politician. Like we had Nawabs, we had one Nawab in Lucknow who had hundred and sixty five wives. He thought if he doesn’t have hundred and sixty five, people won’t accept him as a Nawab. So this is another inferiority complex that you should have some women around you so that people will say what a powerful man he is. Now those days are gone now, now Satya Yuga has started. In Satya Yuga I assure you anybody who is not blessed by Rajalakshmi will have to go to jail or will have to leave the seat, will be thrown away or will be as they say, "Doubly dying go to the waste, dust". It has to be. They'll be all exposed, whatever tricks they may try. And they will have the consequence of being artificially the rulers. But a genuineness is the sign that the queen of blessings, the goddess of Rajalakshmi, is residing in that person. In Satya Yuga it will happen I'm sure. But even in Sahaja Yoga I find people doing politics sometimes, I was amazed! People think politics means keeping groups, making groups, telling things from here to there, there to there. That shows you lack collectivity. A person who is a Sahaja Yogi will try to cement everyone together because the power lies in collectivity. To break the collectivity for anything is very dangerous for that person as well as for others. So now you have entered into the kingdom of God, you are now sitting in the court of God Almighty. Here, of course, as courtiers you have to dress up well, sit properly, should take up your seats. You have to be systematic and above board because you are Sahaja Yogis. You are not ordinary people. You are special people. How many people in this world are going to be Sahaja Yogi? You are special people, so try to make yourself such beautiful instruments of Rajalakshmi that people when they will see you they will vote for you and tomorrow you will rule the world. (Applause) I do not want you to get out of politics or get in politics but you have to first get the blessings of the Rajalakshmi and then only you should understand what’s wrong with our country, what we have to do, what is the purpose, why do we want to become politicians, what we have to do, we have to have plans, what is your project. All these things now put your attention from yourself to outside. Like, that day I received a letter saying, "my father is sick and my mother is sick then my son is sick, and this and that and that and that." Such people can't do much. When the war of independence started in India we gave up our studies, gave up our parents, gave up everything, we were very young people. So now you have to know that if you have to really take to politics you have to have the blessings of Rajalakshmi and for that you have to build up yourself with that dignity, with that sense. I bless you from My heart that in every country such people will come up. May God bless you all. [Translation from Hindi] Now what can I speak in Hindi. You must have understood that. As you can see, a lot of people from outside have come, and wherever I go, they come with Me, and in all the places they listen to My Hindi lectures everywhere. And they tell Me that, “Shri Mataji, we like it when You speak in Hindi because then we do not think, and in that state we get lots of vibrations inside us. In My opinion this is a great experience, and with this experience you will be able to understand in Hindi, whatever I have spoken. This means that when Raja Lakshmi gets enlightened within us, then everything changes inside us. Our wants and requirements change; our consciousness of being an individual changes; and we go from individuality to collectivity. We rise above ourselves, and become part of the whole world. We don’t think only of ourselves. And we think only of the whole world. You will be amazed that I never think what things I am in need of. That thought never enters. And nor do I buy things for Myself. As it is you people are doing all the buying. But once there was a burglary in our house. Everything was stolen. All My sarees were taken, and it was a bad state of affairs. Now My husband is a very honest, government official, and everything was spent making new outfits for him. So for seven years of My life, I managed with one silk saree. Cotton sarees I had, but when I went out, I wore that same saree, every time. Just managed with one silk saree. But till today no one noticed that. Only My husband was aware of this. And now you have given Me so many sarees, that I keep thinking that only if one more Draupadi Vastra Haran (disrobing of Draupadi) happens, then only these sarees will be of use. Otherwise they are just piling up in heaps and heaps. Where will I wear all these sarees. But no one is willing to listen. I keep saying “Please don’t give me any presents. I do not require anything”. So they say “Then you should not give us”. But let Me give. I am a Mother. Are you a Mother? And they say that only this gives us joy. Now I have decided that whatever gifts I receive, I will give all to Sahaja Yoga. For what so much! What is the need. I don’t require any of this. So I request you to please lessen this. Every place I go, I get presents there. Go to anyone’s house, there a present. If a child is born in any house, then from there a present. If someone gets married, then a present for that. By doing this, already three houses have been made and they have all become godowns. And now the fourth one – that will also become the same, and there will be no place for us to stay. All this makes you very happy. It is alright. But in one year, one saree is enough. Otherwise there will have to be a Vastra Haran. There will have to be another Mahabharat. Then Draupadi will have to appear. Then she should leave her hair loose, and then the Vastra Haran. Then I can give these sarees to Krishna, and He will use them to supply her. You people love Me a lot, and I also love you. And in love one always feels something should be done. These outward things of the world are all for showing and expressing love. But I feel that in the present times it is not good to become slaves to customs. Think about it. I have tried many times and lost. But you people try to find a middle path. That will be very good.
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Adi Shakti Puja
Adi Shakti
Adi Shakti Puja (Hindi). Jaipur (India), 11 December 1994. [Translation from Hindi to English] Today we are going to worship Adi shakti.Everything is covered in it. Many people have not even heard the name of Adi shakti. We are the worshipers of Shakti. Here we are Shaktdharmi (religiously devoted to Shakti) and many kings have been worshiping Adi Shakti. Everyone has different deities and the names of each deity is different. The name of the deity of this place is also different, it is “Gangaur”. But Adi Shakti was once born in Rajasthan state whose name was “Sati Devi”. It is her grace that we find our culture the Dharma of wife, Dharma of husband, Dharma of ruling etc. which are nourished by her Shakti. You all know the story of Sati Devi, I don’t have to tell you in new way but she was Gangaur. She was married and while she was returning after marriage with her husband some of the bad elements surrounded them and killed her husband. She came out of the bride’s carriage, took the Rudra form and destroyed all of them who attacked her husband and then she finished herself also. We should see in this that since childhood till marriage she did not disclose that she was Maha Maya in any condition.It is necessary for Adishakti to be in Mahamaya form because the one who has whole powers and light within has to take Mahamaya form. The reason is all those great powers which in this World, initially they came in the form of Surabhi (Aroma) Shakti, which was the cow. In her, all the deities reside and after that once she came in the form of Sati. Only once she incarnated in Rajasthan. I told you before that my relation with this state is very ancient because Chitaurgarh’s (Famous city in Rajasthan state of India) “Shishodia” dynasty were my ancestors.Adi Shakti has unlimited powers and Sati has all of them. But it is important to keep those powers hidden. There are two reasons for it.Firstly, if people come to know that she is Adishaklti they may attack her because they all are evil, stupid and standing against God. They earn money on the name of God and misuse it. If these people come to know that Adishakti has incarnated in this World then either they will run away with fear or they will get collective and try that the work of Adishakti in this Kaliyuga should not be successful. So it is very important to take Mahamayas form.The second reason is very that she has to do very deep, subtle and important work which has not been done by anyone till now. That is collective Realization. Forget about collective, even to give Realization to one person it takes years together to do this great work and that too with such a care that it should not harm the other person in any way. It is like one person is made to cross the river sitting on the boat without any effort. Yesterday I told you that how religion has got inverse. Those who told about religion were absolutely all right but to whom they talked about religion were not right people. So they did not understood religion but interpreted and confused it. If some person looks at his religion and thinks about it then he will run away from his religion because the things which are happening on the name of religion are very dangerous.Somewhere it is insulting women, somewhere torturing children and somewhere it has become robbery. Every kind of wrong things are done on the name of Religion. Once the copies of “Gita” came in Bombay which were printed in England. The people were very happy that see the Gita is now being printed in England too! What can be greater than this?Indians already were on the feet of Britishers…and now if Gita is printed in England then Indians thought Oh! How great!! what a miracle!!But there was an Officer in Customs who thought that till today no Britisher could even speak our simple Hindi language, then who is this great person who can write Gita in Sanskrit language. He felt something wrong. He opened one of the book and saw the whisky bottle hidden inside, he understood and checked all the books and they were Whisky inside and Gita outside! I mean to say that Gita is very holy for Indians and even by the name of Gita they will touch it to their forehead with respect, but the English and western people have this art of hiding things, it is wonderful and they thought to use Gita like this.If there is any kind of table here in front of us then we will put some plastic cover and then table cloth and make it beautiful immediately. Every time I see that wherever you go you see many curtains. I asked them why so many curtains?, they said nothing mother…..I removed the curtain and saw all dirty things and clothes there. To hide the hundred weakness is also a great problem of our mahamaya shakti, because these people might have learned from somewhere all this hiding. I have not taught them, but someone might have taught them as how to hide all our weaknesses and how to digest them after hiding them cleverly. We don’t try to remove our weaknesses and bad habbits..Instead we try to hide our own weaknesses and we are very clever in seeing the weaknesses of others. Now this is completely reverse thing. Mahamaya’s power (Shakti) has been made to take out all these weaknesses and absorb them in the body and cleanse them completely. I felt in the beginning that it is very difficult task to do.But I did not face anyone with such special or strong weaknesses which would have given me problems. I think those people run away from me, so never such question was raised in front of me. But it is amazing that all those who are possessed by bhoots and always commit wrong things and these false gurus recognize me very well, I don’t know how! Either they have eyes at the back or whatever… they recognize me before. Sahaj Yogis don’t recognize me .. May be their eyes get too much of light or whatever I don’t understand.But you bring any person who is possessed by a Bhoot, he will just start shaking in front of me and will run away as if somebody has hit him by whip. But it is not like this with Sahaj Yogis. They don’t have so much recognition of me . It is one way good also because the form of Adishakti which Mahakali is very furious. If you see that then it is finished, whereas these peoples can see everything like Elephants, Horses etc. But to show this form of Adishakti to someone else is very difficult. I don’t know how many of you will be sitting in front of me?But it is very necessary to have Mahakali form. Until unless Mahakali is present, the problems of your left side do not get cured. The catches of left side means that first of all you think about your past always. Second thing is that my father was this, my father’s father was this, they also sometimes ask me that what was I in my previous life mother? Now, one person came to me and disturbed me a lot asking me as what he was in his previous life. Then I said that look son I am not telling you what you were in your past life because there is something wrong. Why are you asking me? It is nice that in this life you are with me. What are you going to gain if you know? He said :-No, no mother I will feel nice if I know.-OK, if I tell you that you were king of Jaipur in your last life then will you get the Throne? If you go there, they will not recognize you.-Then why do you talk about your life?-Because, mother one Astrologer predicted that I was a King in my previous life.-The Astrologer told you like this to earn money. Did you give him something like a King should give ?He said: mother you are joking. I said: that you are talking non-sense what should I do. Here you have come to ask about your previous life. I don’t know any astrology, neither I have any interest in it. You go to some Astrologer he will tell you that you were King of England etc. Now at that moment if I show Mahakali form they will forget all this! It is needed.Except Mahakali form such kind of madness does not go away. Now, I saw that those who ran away never returned back. They never faced me again. This is very small thing but Mahakali power is needed for such kind of people on whom the false Gurus have sticked the Bhoots. The Bhoots given by false Gurus are like this, that either you obey them or become like them. If they order you to go and rob somebody’s house you go. You kill someone, you kill. Do this, do that. You should be totally dedicated to that false Guru with your head bend down otherwise he will get behind you. He will ask you to kill someone. If you don’t kill him he will ask someone to kill you.One thing is nice such kind of false Gurus destroyed themselves and their disciples. But here I see that even the disciples are destroyed they keep on going in their feet more and more. One person came to me with the policeman, I think I was in Ashoka Hotel at that time. My husband asked me, what is this fuss? Why did the police come? I said, go and see then they said that this gentleman, I will not tell you the name, is a doctor and has run away from Anandmarg Organisation.Mother you will be astonished to know that he was the great worker of Anandmarg. He traveled in whole World, earned a lot of money and his Guru considered him very close.I asked : then what happened ? They said he was in a Temple in Calcutta of a deity where the goat is sacrificed. They cut the head of the goat in front of deity for putting all the Bhoots inside that animal and those who are possessed get rid of Bhoots.I say, we people take down the Bhoots in the lemon because we are vegetarians! Because many business caste people have come in Sahaja Yoga who are pure vegetarians.So by cutting lemon we take out the Bhoots and make them run away. So all those people who are possessed by bad spirits can see Mahakali very clearly. They see the same furious form of Mahakali and start shaking. I am surprised that even if you get inside the Bhoot of ego then also that person can see the same form of Mahakali.Now, there is a story from Pune. There was a public programme going on in Pune. They said that Shri Mataji is not a Brahmin so we cannot have this programme here. The one who is Brahmin should only come here.Therefore, the organizers there said OK we will give this in newspaper that Shri Mataji is not a Brahmin and the programme is not to be done here. Let us do the programme somewhere else. don’t do this, we don’t want to show this, they said. Let us do the programme here itself.No-one told me about this incident, I said so you are all people? I don’t know how it came to my mind? I asked them OK who all are Brahmins here keep both the hands towards me! their hands started shaking…..Oh mother! Please stop it, please stop it , you are the Shakti, please leave us. I asked them why are you shaking. I said try to stop it. I said I didn’t ask your hands to shake. They said we don’t know what is happening and we are feeling afraid. Now, all this ego that they were Brahmins was the reason.Then they said that mother some Brahmins are sitting on the other side also who were shaking. I said it is lie. Are you Brahmins? They said no mother we are not. But we are certified psycic cases. We have come from Thana because one person, which got cured of his madness by you, told us to come here. Now, their eyes are open. I said did you understand now? Then their shaking of hands was over.In the beginning the power of Mahakali manifested very strongly. I didn’t know what to do. The condition of Pune is such that once I told my niece to go and bring one Matka. She went to the market and found that one Matka was costing ten rupees whereas the real cost is one rupee. They said one Mataji has come so all the Matkas are sold out. These all people purchased the Matkas. I said, Oh my God! there are so many Bhoots in Pune. I asked them to bring Matkas and lemons but they didn’t. Their eyes turned up and they started rotating.I left from there so there is big collection of Bhoots there. Those who were sitting with Matkas were little all right but the others were standing and doing ha..ha..ha..ha..ho..ho..hi..hi..hi..hi. So I thought that if this Shakti of Mahakali reduces a little it would be all right. Now, after curing one thing the other thing came that which you call psychosomatic like Cancer, Muscular, many other problems of the World which doctors could not cure and they never agree. Doctors don’t agree till the patient dies.They will keep on pulling the money from them.One person got Kidney trouble. I told him that I will cure it but you have to promises that this business, which you are doing, must be stopped. If you stop your dialysis then I am ready to cure it. Yes..yes..mother I agree but cure my Kidney. I cured it but after two months he again started the same business.When these doctors speak the truth and when they lie? God knows. He again got the Kidney trouble. I asked him what happened this time? He said again Kidney trouble mother. I said no it is not Kidney now the Cancer has started. He got afraid. It told him that I already warned you but you started your shop again, he said then mother how will I fill my stomach. I have brought such a expensive machines I said sell all these machines and finish it. I have heard that this gentle man is no more in Sahaja Yoga.All these left-sided diseases and psychosomatic diseases, which were incurable, have been cured by the power of Mahalakshmi. Therefore, Mahalakshmi’s Mantras has to be said and till you awakened Mahalakshmi’s principle within yourself these kinds of diseases cannot be cured. I don’t understand so much of heat is emitted from such kind of people. In London every body uses heater. You bring one Cancer patient and awakened his Kundalini; the expense of heater will be no more. This much heat is emitted that I can’t explain. Here the heat comes out and there they keep on trying because the crying goes along the Cancer. If they have the vision of Mahalakshmis then the crying stops. Forget about Mahasaraswati becauses this might be the vision of Mahakali, which makes the cry.Now what to tell them? If you see in a subtle way the form of Mahalakshmi is very furious. It is said in Devi’s names “Atiraudra” (very furious), “Atisaumya” (very peaceful) but Mahalakshmi is “Atiraudra”. Rudra form is very necessary otherwise negativity will not run away. It is because of the rudra form it is possible. The eleven Rudras, which is present in Ekadash Rudra, are the powers of Mahakali and all those powers are present in the Medha in the eleven chakras. If somebody’s Ekadash Rudra is caught then you should know that he has cancer or some other incurable left sided disease.The science of Sahaja Yoga is the best. You cannot find out anything wrong with it. Now, people have come with Cancer, Neurosis this and that, fifty kinds of problems like Aids etc. and started telling that.mother. We never went to any Guru. I said, if you did not your mother might have gone. Yes, I read the books of Rajnish and we have the photo of Satya Sai Baba in our house. I said, try one or two more, some more diseases will come, and then come to me.They will go there…catch the diseases and come to me. So the Devi has to show them her furious form, isn’t it? Or shall we ask the Bhoots politely that come, come, eat some food, and take this sweet.Many people asked me that Oh mother how can Devi have furious form? If she is mother, how can mother be in furious form? why not? To make her children all right the Devi has taken furious form also. The Saumya form (compassionate and peaceful) can be harmful for her children some times. Therefore, the Rudra form (furious) is necessary. They cannot be corrected other than this.But the Devi did not harm any body with her Rudra form. Like before when she incarnated as Mahakali she killed this, she killed that, she pulled out the tongue, she did this, she did that, nothing of that sort. Today’s Mahakali’s form that is Rudra, now, it is not required to do all those things.Human beings get afraid just by seeing this form. When he sees his Rudra form his diseases get cured because the negativity inside runs away. So there is no need to cut some body’s throat or to cut some body’s tongue or to take out the eye. If Mahakali’s form is not used then we cannot do the work of Sahaja Yoga because all these negative forces block your chakras and without curing your charkas, Kundalini will not come up. That is why the Mahakali form is very much to be worshiped and to be praised which does not harm physically, emotionally or mentally. Only the bad thing run away by its form. Now, these quarrels between husband and wife are a big problem because the wives have studied a lot and the husbands want them to remain like villagers and illiterate. Now, she is not a village woman, how will you make her? Once you became the city person, you became whether you wear pant or a village dress.The mind has become urban. When the mind has become modern then the women like qualities reduced. Women got more masculine. By becoming modern and living in the city the women lost their most important quality of being feminine full of soberness, motherliness and tolerance. These qualities of women do not permit her to go to the battleground.Queen Padmini burnt herself along with three thousands other women inside the fort to protect them from getting into the hand of enemy. They did not come out with the sword in their hands. But when it was needed then she came out like queen of Jhansi with the sword in her hand. I still remember that British said that it is the victory of the queen of Jhansi.In our country there had been many such women of brave character. There had been many women of great character who were completed devoted to their husbands and were perfect in the Dharma of wife and looked after their family and husband.When Gandhiji called out the women of India gave him all their bangles and jewelry of gold. There is a story of the great kind Ranapratap from Rajasthan that when he saw that his daughter was eating Chapati and a cat took it then he got a doubt in his mind that why am I doing so? Is it because of my ego? Why don’t I surrender to my enemy Akbar? At that time his wife who was a Kshatriya (warrior caste), got up and took the spear in her hand and went to kill her daughter because this weakness came in her husband to surrender to the enemy because of the daughter. Then Ranapratap’s eyes were opened and changed his decision. In our country if the women have to think they should think that how the women of past used to put the Kumkum on the forehead of their husbands to send them to battleground.Who fought with these British in India? Men, but the power working behind was of women.Today women have gone weaker so the men have also become weak and powerless. Till the purity and loving mother like qualities develop in a woman the Gruhalakshmi Shakti does not get awakened in her. But she should be wise. Gruhalakshmi has to be wise and intelligent. So we can say that when this Mahakali Shakti gets cool and peaceful it becomes Gruhalakshmi. We believe in the power of Fatima as perfect Gruhalakshmi and she should sit on the Throne of Gruhalakshmi. By this power of Mahakali a woman can correct her children. She keeps her character pure and we are witness that the “Pativrata”(one devoted completely and only to her husband) women’s devotion towards her husband cannot be destroyed by any thing because it is her Shakti. People and negativities are afraid of “Pativrata” women. Also the husbands should understand that the power within them is from the shakti, their wife.And if that power comes in husband from wife then husband should see that his wife is Pure or not…she is devoted and motherly or not. If the wife is dominating… keeps on ordering…like sit there…. go there…come with me here…. do this ….do that…wear this, behave like this……etc and shows her finger with order to him……then he becomes silent and obeys. Husband has all the right to correct his wife, but with love, he should have patience and correct her dominating nature or wrong habits.Husband has to be very diplomatic and patient. The women who have feminine quality should be very humorous. She should smile and solve any problem and with smile she should be able to convince. Women should be pure, loving, sincere and motherly.They have to be very sharp. I have told you to read Sharat Chandra for learning the qualities of women. You should not go into Politics. And not at all to go in this dirty economics. But the whole axis and balance of society is the responsibility of women.The women who looks after her children and looks after her home and kitchen, cares and loves her husband and gives him nice health and satisfaction………makes a very strong time. Yesterday I told you that because of Indian women our society is still allright.But the nature of women should be peaceful and glorious…..their shakti has that peace.By becoming aggressive she looses her shakti. By her peace and love she can win whole world. Her walking, her talking, her dressing and style should all be just like devi(deity). She is Mahakali shakti. She has many vehicles on which she sits but the one is when she sits on an Elephant.We call her “Lalit Gauri”. Her artistic nature and her style ….all are very respectful and beautiful.It is not required to cover your face….neither to cover your head……but you all women should have purity in your eyes.That peace should be in your eyes.They should be very feministic ones. Because she is Rudra (furious)…..she has to be very peaceful also (Saumya). That is why it is said that you must cover your face in India because you are Mahakalis. You should be so pure that anyone other than your husband sees you with bad eyes should be Bhasma (destroyed into ashes on spot). Whoever sees you with lust should die immediatly. This is the power of Mahakali within you which is very calm and peaceful from outside but from within it is strong. It works from within. So people say that this Mahakali shakti is a very powerful and furious Mother, that she is so peaceful and calm that you will be surprised that is she Mahamaya. She is Mahakali but she will be like a newly wed bride! She will be so shy, speak such sweet words as if the flowers are shedding. She loves so much that it is unbelievable. But this is the shakti of Mahakali. Any Bhoot or negativity cannot touch the one who achieve this Mahakali power. Who can touch her? She will catch the bhoot ! And the women who is Pativrata and pure and like Mahakali can destroy anyone with once powerful glance of her eyes. Now, the other power is of Mahasaraswati by which we get creative and intellectual ideas in light. It is by the grace of Saraswati, Sharada. By the grace of Sharada, we get beautiful thoughts within us, very peaceful, very cool poetic thoughts come within, not the melancholic poetries of crying and pain etc. very great national songs were written, the people wrote poetries of bravery but today I don’t know where all has gone. Now, you hear all those horrible songs and poetries, even in front of Shri Ganesha because man has lost his sensibility. They can take out anything out of their intellect. I will say in this the most horrible was Freud. I did not see anyone worse than him. Without hesitation he put his thoughts in front of people and they agreed with his nonsense. I will not tell you his thoughts here in India because they are very dirty and I cant tell you all. It is nice that he did not come to India otherwise he would have been cut into pieces by people. If you read even one line of his philosophy, you will come to know how much shameless and bhoot or Rakshasa he was. Whatever it is, he used his pen and intellect (mind). They wrote everything against Sharada (Saraswati) and everywhere it started that: “We have Bhakti whatever we write.“ The newspapers of today are the same, whatever comes in their mind they write. Anything stupid. They will never write anything good. Who is dead?….he is dying so they will write in newspaper that he is dying….everyday it will be published that he is about to die. Let him die and then write peacefully that he is dead. They speak the greatest lies. They are not afraid of Sharada Devi. She is the giver of truth and the deity of truth. The light of truth, which comes in our head, is from Sharada Devi herself.So when you are writing, you don’t think that from where you are getting the power to write something, who has given you this power of writing. It is Sharada Devi. It is from Sharada or from some Bhootni? Now, there is Mr Aurbindo. He went from somewhere to somewhere and lost somewhere. There is no meaning at all in what he has written. He is very famous, he has a street named on him: “Aurbindo Marg”.I never go from that street because don’t know where he went. Whatever came to his mind he kept on writing. Nothing in his writing was truth. He sang the praise of Savitri. And that Savitri who was old and had wrinkles on her face he told that she would get young. She died and was buried but never got young. You find books after books of that. All stupidities. I don’t know how many people belong to such religions.Then we see today’s ‘intellectuals’. I read that one gentleman thinks himself as very great writer. I forgot his name. He is Punjabi. He never read Sanskrit and he wrote that Shri Krishna belonged to Shudhra caste (lower caste) and was black and Rama belonged to Brahmin caste. I said that from where have you read this? I should tell you the truth that even the book written by Jawaharlal Nehru- DISCOVERY OF INDIA is the discovery of something else but not of India. Such a superficial book. He wrote book about India.There is no depth in it. Whoever you see starts writing on something. I have not written anything till now.I think that I should write something, which enters into the head of everyone. Till now everyone’s heads have not opened to that extent. No one wrote. Yes even Mohammad sahib did not write anything. He never knew how to read and write. He just narrated to 40 people that he saw and felt all this. I had this revelation and it was like this.They also did not know how to read and write, so for 40 years nothing was written. There was a very stupid man; his name was…whatever…this was told to me by my father. Now it is confirmed that it is true. That person was very devilish and he killed Hazrat Ali and his sons, then he killed the caliph and his mother ate the liver of that Caliph. He was such a horrible man…he was the enemy of women. He edited the Quran. Now you tell me they say Quran…Quran…. there is no authenticity of Quran. In Bible also Paul destroyed everything. At least Christians agree with it. They are Christians for namesake. It is nice, because if you tell all this to some one they will run to kill us. This is the history of Quran for which they fight so much.Where is the involvement of Sharada Devi in it? Many people wrote many things by the grace Sharada Devi. Gyaneshawara wrote Gyaneshawari! Then he wrote one more book after this. It is so beautiful that you feel that you are taking elixir. Saints have written on whom the Sharada Devi has her grace. In the beginning of Gyaneshwari he writes with the blessings of Sharada Devi that whatever I am writing is to please the Sharada Devi, but these words will not give you pain in any way. Like the petals slowly fall from the tree …in the same way my words should fall on your hearts and make it fragrant. What a wonderful writing. Such a beautiful poetry…such a beautiful forms of his thoughts. It is because I know the Marathi language.But there had been many great poets in English language too! Their poetries have been given in our book called Vision, you all must read it. His name was William Blake. Such an enthusiastic poetry that it will fill you with enthusiasm, as if Devi Sharada herself has come out of his poetries and enterned within you. Same way if you read Sharat Chandra then you will start writing stories. Such writers have born in India that nowhere in the World you find them. I agree that Tolstoy was very great, but Sharat Chandra was greater than him. In Maharashtra even more greater were born. One of them – there is no need to tell his name, was not translated as they say that it is all-political. What is this political matter. Is Sharada Devi politics? The greatest writers are in our country. They are not westernized but they are original Indians. They don’t have money but are blessed by Saraswati.Now Rajasthan was also blessed. Even Alexander was also antonished to see Indian culture and when he went back he took Chandravardai with him. Chandravardai was the greatest poet from Rajasthan. Then in Sufis Khusro is there, what a poet he is!, Kabira is there and what to say about Gurunanaka, he is a Guru. Ramdas Swami. Even in Bengal there were one greater than other and all this is by the grace of Sharada Devi. With every word, you feel religion flowing. All words arranged properly and enlightened. You feel that as if written in thoughtlessness. Such a pure explanation.I should tell you that maximum books in Sanskrit and after that in Marathi only you find spirituality. Great and deep work was done on spirituality. Now, if some body says that mother it was written so much in English language then is it not the grace of Sharada Devi? Now imagine that in English language they have a word for Atma is spirit, isn’t it? They call liquor as spirit. They call Bhoot as spirit. Is it a language? This language is not the blessing of Sharada Devi and French is even worse than that. There is no word in French language for Chetana (awareness). At least in English you have this word ‘awareness’. In England it was a kind of blessing, with great writer all politicians and wrote only on politics. Yes, one William Blake is there for whom I can say. Rest all… There is one great gentleman who wrote a poetry. Poetry of weeping. If you were so much sad and suffering you would have drowned yourself in some pond at least would have been better.But this weeping poetry! Whichever book you pick up is melancholic. OK if you have some sorrow it’s all right but sitting nicely and eating nicely only to earn money he made others cry. And people also enjoy crying very much! Are these all poetries by the grace of Sharada Devi? These kind of poetries are meant to fool others. One person came to my house and started telling me poetries about drinking. I said, why don’t you say the poetry for the people who die on the street also? Then I narrated a poetry to him, as you know I am an instant poet. I asked him why doesn’t the glass loose its balance? Even if filled completely by liquor. Why do you loose your balance? You are weaker than that glass also. After this incident he never spoke about drinking. Like this if you see you find very cheap kind of poets in the Country specially who pull God and make him like human beings. This is the greatest sin and whatever blessing of Sharada Devi are on them are to be dragged to the door of Mahakali.One Mr. Vidyapati was a writer . He wrote about Radha and Krishna and the decoration of Radha. Where is the time for Radha to decorate herself, she is worried about whole World. “Radha”: Ra means energy and Dha means the one who holds it. What is the need for her to do romance? He put romance on her. There was one Wazid Ali who had 165 wives and he used to wear the Sari and become Radha.He used to dance with “Krishna”. All this romanticism has no meaning, it is all-absurd. Saints have nothing to do with it. They say for Kabira also that he wrote “Saiya Nikas Gaye Main Na Ladi Thi” (my beloved left whereas I did not fight with him). It means that the beloved (life breath). Khusro wrote “Chap Tilak Sab Dini Re Tose Naina Mila Ke” (I gave away my Tilak and Chap after looking into your eyes). He was a Sufi with whom will he look into the eyes except God? ‘Chap’ means what Musulmans have on their forehead and ‘Tilak’ is what Hindus have on their forehead. He said that I have left all this after seeing your eyes. He wrote in such a simple language. So Sharada Devi is also some times in Mahamaya form. Like ‘Zen’, the Zen poets write which only Sahaj Yogis can understand, no one else. As they explain things no matter how small or they paint is all very subtle and Sahaj Yogis can only feel that subtle sensivity. There should be purity in music also. If you see in the music today, they bring Japanese and English also together because they don’t know how to sing pure music. If you see in the villages they sing with the blessings of Sharada Devi. All the great scriptures were written by the blessings of Sharada Devi. But in these present times I feel that Sharada Devi has stopped her blessings.In Rajasthan I have seen since 2-3 years that the art has evolved. No doubt, by the blessings of Sharada Devi. If you see their pottery or anywhere else it is beautifully carved. The kind of colorful clothes we have in our Country are not found in Europe etc. They wear grey clothes, if they cross it they wear black. They have faces like Bhoots and over that wearing black clothes and go on the streets. Can they dare to make even one Sari like us? They all have same kind of dresses and almost same colors for all women dresses. What to say about this Rajasthan? Such a blessing of Sharada Devi. Women are very clean. They keep their house also very clean. People are very dirty; men have no concern from out side. All the garbage is thrown out side. In the West people are very neat and clean externally because men do the cleaning themselves. Here in India, can any man clean with the broom in his hand? My good ness! Indian men will loose their crown! So cleanliness and proper arrangements is also by the blessings of Sharada Devi. If we learn from the English people about external cleanliness on every Sunday getting collective, cleaning, making the garden all right etc. It will be nice. We have servants here so why should they do? Let the servants do it. This dirtiness doesn’t allow Sharada Devi to come near. It is very important to be neat and tidy and artistic. You people have art. If you say that you worship Sharada Devi then you should see your house. There are many beautiful marbles, which have come out of mother earth in your state. There are many artistic things also. We should use all that. I saw poverty in Turkey. Whereas they are very artistic people. I did not understand why they were poor if they are so artistic? What is the reason? Then I came to know that they are impressed by the Germans. Because many people from the Turkey went to Germany. That is why they respect Germans. I must say that you people have very nice food here but if you go to Turkey and eat there it is the best. We went to a hotel there where 5000 people were eating together, such a nice Chapatis! I don’t have much knowledge about food but I will tell you that if you eat Turkey’s food, you will say, oh what a delicious food!Whatever it is people from out side come to Turkey to taste their food but you will be astonished to know that Turkish people import food from Germany and eat land they stitch the clothes which go to Germany, come back to Turkey as imported. Here also in our Country we have this disease of ‘imported’. I have brought this imported thing etc. There is nothing to be imported in our Country. What do they make? Watches! It is the slavish object! The pottery what they make in turkey, you will not find in whole world. Even better than China! but they eat in their dinner sets then they will certainly become poor.Then they will cry that we have become poor!. Go to Germany and beg there! it will be nice. Once Sharada Devi has blessed your country so much then what is the use of using imported things?Western people have nothing in their culture and clothes or food. They keep on eating preserved food from morning till evening. They don’t get fresh vegetables there. Now, if you see today…. they are not satisfied if they don’t eat with fork and spoon, and they think that they are uncivilized villagers if they don’t eat with fork and spoon. Today you see that the western sahaj yogis eat with their hands and Indians have started using fork and knife. We have become westernized to such an extent that in Ganapatipule…I made Indian and western Bathrooms separate there.Indian style for Indians and western style for western yogis. Then Indians came and said to me that they want the toilets like western style! You need English style! Western sahaj yogis were very happy to use Indian style and said, Mother they are very clean! They were very happy but the Indians want western style attached bathrooms! This much English influence is there in us. Then the leader of that place came and asked to me that what to do? I said put western yogis in Indian tents and Indians in western tents. The solution came but one thing came in my mind that it is not a good thing. Those who used to go to jungles for toilet were very nice people. This is all the comfort orientation! I can understand this with old people but I don’t understand how it comes in young persons?….because it is western thing so it is very smart and modern to do like that!….Now in the case of women I would say that before they used to save money, but today they spend more than men. They wear all synthetic clothes. They go to hairdressers, they get their nails cut…. and don’t know what else!?….I read an article in America that there are divorces because of many hairdressers. I did not understand it! They said that if a man gets attracted and in love with a women is because of her hairdress. Next day the hairdresser changed…. and his interest from that women went off!!…. Now if you change your hairstyle everyday then change your husbands! and wives also. It is amazing! You all don’t have to learn anything from their stupidities and madness. At least in India women have not left their style. How they walk, wear etc…. they understand themselves better. The day a woman abandons her chastity, soberness and dignity, or you can say, the women’s respect or the woemn’s like qualities diseapera from thie svery same day. Whatever is pure in her, the feminine form, the motherly form, or the wife’s from or tah artistic ‘s from will be over. All those who are blessed by Sharada Devi (Mahasaraswati) should understand this proverb that: “Art resides in hiding the art”. That whatever you do there is no need to show off. But whatever you do, you wear or use, you should do for others if you want the blessings of Sharada Devi on you.What are others doing? People will say that become an Actress and go on the street and people will look at us, what else? We will become popular and modern. No, I have seen that people take the name of the Actresses and Models like a women standing on the street, which has no shame, dignity and is the object of exhibition.There was one lady. She was some thing in our Government. Her hair was gray and she did not know any thing about Art but she was very famous. People have not seen the caves of Ajanta in India but they will go to Switzerland to see the beauty. An artistic and beautiful thing like Ajanta in India cannot be created by even the great Grand fathers of Switzerland. What is there in Switzerland to see? Stones…! The one who doesn’t know about his own country’s beauty, how can he love his country? One person called me specially. It is very old story some 30 years back he came from America. He said, call Shri Mataji. His sister is in Sahaj yoga. He said before going to the Airport he would like to show me one thing. I thought what is he going to show me? I went there, he brought a pump and he started filling in a balloon, which became a Sofa. He said, please sit down on it. I said, look gentleman I have lot of vibrations and this chair, which you made, will burst. Give me some hard thing to sit on. I am a fat Indian woman and it is not possible for me to sit on this. He started saying that you are not impressed? I said, impression is all right but if I fall down from this then depression will come. So I would say one thing again that the blessing of Sharada Devi is too much on India and because Bangladesh and Pakistan were part of India, they are also blessed. But gradually it will go away.Now a day they are throwing stones on each other. Some people are killing women by digging them in the ground and some people, I saw tomorrow in Karachi (Pakistan) were hitting each other with stones. How can there be Art. So whatever art and blessings of Sharada Devi are on India, you must see them, understand them and enjoy. Now comes the theatre (Drama). In Bengal and Maharashtra theatre is of very high quality. People don’t go to see movies but to theatres. Before, the cinema use to be very nice but now it has got spoiled, even the theatres will become something else. I feel Sharada Devi will run away from here. Forget about her respect, she is insulted here. I have seen such shocking things in India. I am surprised how can they do like this. I will be very joyous to see these filthy things out of the movies in my lifetime. So, the art, which is in India, is symbolic.If you see Chinese Art, it is like they make a horn, like a ghost. See the art of Egypt, it is all dead, they make Mummies and they make men standing like that bodies. In the past England and America were better in Art till they made realistic things. Then they made impressionistic, it was all right but today the modern art has come there and it is not such which can be understood by you, me or anyone else. Such a distortion has come that Sharada Devi has run away from there and the most dirtiest, stupid, vulgar picture they make will sell very expensive. Too much insult of Sharada Devi is there.You all Sahaj yogis should now understand Art and use artistic things specially made by hand, then this ecological problem will finish. It is better to have one or two good things in the house than having 25 plastic things and 40 paper plates. The women from India have protected the culture and now the men should also protect it. There are many people in India who doesn’t even know more than 4 colors. In theatre, dance and in every thing you must have subtle vision. It doesn’t mean that women should dance like men or men should dance like women. Men like men and women like women. You will be surprised to know that the music and dance which we have in our country is nowhere in the World. Now, the third Shakti, which we have within ourselves, is Trigunatmika. It is the power of Mahalakshmi. I have just come after doing Mahalakshmi Puja in Turkey because it was suffering from poverty. Till they will stop importing items from Germany they will not get rid of poverty. They said that we have got taste of their products. I say, gentlemen when you will die of hunger then what will happen? So, I thought that there should be Puja of Shri Lakshmi and Diwali was there. The Puja of Mahalakshmi is only meant for her devotees. When Lakshmi(material well being) is too much and is used too much then you get a kind of hatred from it as it was with Mahavir and Budha after that only they went to search for God.This Shakti of searching or seeking, you get from Mahalakshmi. The Mahalakshmi’s temple is in Kolhapur (Maharashtra), it is Swayambhu. They sing Jogwa there, Ambe you get awakened, you awakened. Namdev wrote this in 16th century. I asked the Brahmins(priests) there that why they sing this song in Mahalakshmi temple?…. They said that we don’t know but from many ages the same song is going on here, since the time of Namadeva.I said, who is Ambe?…they said it is some deity!. I said that you people don’t even know this? I said that I cant make you people understand. It is difficult but in the temple of Mahalakshmi the Ambe gets awakened….it is like this…..Mahalakshmi is in central channel,your whole seeking is there. In that path all your seeking of left and right and intellect is finished. You came on central path when you started seeking then the blessings of Mahalakshmi come on you. In bible she is called redeemer. Three kind of Shaktis are described. Comforter is the first on left side. Right side is councilor and central is called redeemer. These are the three Shaktis of Holy Ghost. So, when you enter into the central channel you become Sadhaka and Mahalakshmi rushes on you. Mahalakshmi blesses him. It is very difficult for the Shakti of Mahalakshmi to ascent because mind sometimes goes to left and sometimes to the right.Only by Kundalini’s awakening it is possible to ascend. First, it makes a bridge. Kundalini crosses void and through the central channel it pierces the Brahmarandra and gets united with Bramhand and when this takes place after this the Trigunatmika (all the three Shaktis) combine and pierces through your Agnyan Chakra and come to Sahasrara then it become Mahamaya. Sahasrare Mahamaya. When it comes to the opening of Sahasrara, it has to take Mahamaya form. That form is the hidden form, very Secret! As you try to know it more and more, you get subtler and subtler.This subtleness is very important because whatever treasure of pride and dignity we have within, to know this we have to become very subtle. In that it pulls you towards the right and sometimes to left. That is why, I always say to you to face yourself. Introspection, not of others but of yourself. Then slowly and steadily you will get deep in Sahaj Yoga.You know about Chakras.I have told about Mahakali, Mahasaraswati and Mahalakshmi many times. This all telling you remains only a speech sometimes. Till the Sadhaka reaches to that state he is not contented. Even after reaching to that state if you don’t use these powers then your faith doesn’t establish and it becomes difficult for you to get into Nirvikalpa. I have given a very long lecture today because the subject was such. I have just explained a little about the three powers or Shaktis.Beyond that is Adishakti and it is not easy to explain about her. She is very great. It is difficult to explain her. Only you people can explain her, not me. I leave it on you.All my blessings should come on you!!
Adi Shakti Puja (Hindi). Jaipur (India), 11 December 1994. [Translation from Hindi to English] Today we are going to worship Adi shakti.Everything is covered in it. Many people have not even heard the name of Adi shakti. We are the worshipers of Shakti. Here we are Shaktdharmi (religiously devoted to Shakti) and many kings have been worshiping Adi Shakti. Everyone has different deities and the names of each deity is different. The name of the deity of this place is also different, it is “Gangaur”. But Adi Shakti was once born in Rajasthan state whose name was “Sati Devi”. It is her grace that we find our culture the Dharma of wife, Dharma of husband, Dharma of ruling etc. which are nourished by her Shakti. You all know the story of Sati Devi, I don’t have to tell you in new way but she was Gangaur. She was married and while she was returning after marriage with her husband some of the bad elements surrounded them and killed her husband. She came out of the bride’s carriage, took the Rudra form and destroyed all of them who attacked her husband and then she finished herself also. We should see in this that since childhood till marriage she did not disclose that she was Maha Maya in any condition.It is necessary for Adishakti to be in Mahamaya form because the one who has whole powers and light within has to take Mahamaya form. The reason is all those great powers which in this World, initially they came in the form of Surabhi (Aroma) Shakti, which was the cow. In her, all the deities reside and after that once she came in the form of Sati. Only once she incarnated in Rajasthan. I told you before that my relation with this state is very ancient because Chitaurgarh’s (Famous city in Rajasthan state of India) “Shishodia” dynasty were my ancestors.Adi Shakti has unlimited powers and Sati has all of them. But it is important to keep those powers hidden. There are two reasons for it.Firstly, if people come to know that she is Adishaklti they may attack her because they all are evil, stupid and standing against God. They earn money on the name of God and misuse it. If these people come to know that Adishakti has incarnated in this World then either they will run away with fear or they will get collective and try that the work of Adishakti in this Kaliyuga should not be successful. So it is very important to take Mahamayas form.The second reason is very that she has to do very deep, subtle and important work which has not been done by anyone till now. That is collective Realization. Forget about collective, even to give Realization to one person it takes years together to do this great work and that too with such a care that it should not harm the other person in any way. It is like one person is made to cross the river sitting on the boat without any effort. Yesterday I told you that how religion has got inverse. Those who told about religion were absolutely all right but to whom they talked about religion were not right people. So they did not understood religion but interpreted and confused it. If some person looks at his religion and thinks about it then he will run away from his religion because the things which are happening on the name of religion are very dangerous.Somewhere it is insulting women, somewhere torturing children and somewhere it has become robbery. Every kind of wrong things are done on the name of Religion. Once the copies of “Gita” came in Bombay which were printed in England. The people were very happy that see the Gita is now being printed in England too! What can be greater than this?Indians already were on the feet of Britishers…and now if Gita is printed in England then Indians thought Oh! How great!! what a miracle!!But there was an Officer in Customs who thought that till today no Britisher could even speak our simple Hindi language, then who is this great person who can write Gita in Sanskrit language. He felt something wrong. He opened one of the book and saw the whisky bottle hidden inside, he understood and checked all the books and they were Whisky inside and Gita outside! I mean to say that Gita is very holy for Indians and even by the name of Gita they will touch it to their forehead with respect, but the English and western people have this art of hiding things, it is wonderful and they thought to use Gita like this.If there is any kind of table here in front of us then we will put some plastic cover and then table cloth and make it beautiful immediately. Every time I see that wherever you go you see many curtains. I asked them why so many curtains?, they said nothing mother…..I removed the curtain and saw all dirty things and clothes there. To hide the hundred weakness is also a great problem of our mahamaya shakti, because these people might have learned from somewhere all this hiding. I have not taught them, but someone might have taught them as how to hide all our weaknesses and how to digest them after hiding them cleverly. We don’t try to remove our weaknesses and bad habbits..Instead we try to hide our own weaknesses and we are very clever in seeing the weaknesses of others. Now this is completely reverse thing. Mahamaya’s power (Shakti) has been made to take out all these weaknesses and absorb them in the body and cleanse them completely. I felt in the beginning that it is very difficult task to do.But I did not face anyone with such special or strong weaknesses which would have given me problems. I think those people run away from me, so never such question was raised in front of me. But it is amazing that all those who are possessed by bhoots and always commit wrong things and these false gurus recognize me very well, I don’t know how! Either they have eyes at the back or whatever… they recognize me before. Sahaj Yogis don’t recognize me .. May be their eyes get too much of light or whatever I don’t understand.But you bring any person who is possessed by a Bhoot, he will just start shaking in front of me and will run away as if somebody has hit him by whip. But it is not like this with Sahaj Yogis. They don’t have so much recognition of me . It is one way good also because the form of Adishakti which Mahakali is very furious. If you see that then it is finished, whereas these peoples can see everything like Elephants, Horses etc. But to show this form of Adishakti to someone else is very difficult. I don’t know how many of you will be sitting in front of me?But it is very necessary to have Mahakali form. Until unless Mahakali is present, the problems of your left side do not get cured. The catches of left side means that first of all you think about your past always. Second thing is that my father was this, my father’s father was this, they also sometimes ask me that what was I in my previous life mother? Now, one person came to me and disturbed me a lot asking me as what he was in his previous life. Then I said that look son I am not telling you what you were in your past life because there is something wrong. Why are you asking me? It is nice that in this life you are with me. What are you going to gain if you know? He said :-No, no mother I will feel nice if I know.-OK, if I tell you that you were king of Jaipur in your last life then will you get the Throne? If you go there, they will not recognize you.-Then why do you talk about your life?-Because, mother one Astrologer predicted that I was a King in my previous life.-The Astrologer told you like this to earn money. Did you give him something like a King should give ?He said: mother you are joking. I said: that you are talking non-sense what should I do. Here you have come to ask about your previous life. I don’t know any astrology, neither I have any interest in it. You go to some Astrologer he will tell you that you were King of England etc. Now at that moment if I show Mahakali form they will forget all this! It is needed.Except Mahakali form such kind of madness does not go away. Now, I saw that those who ran away never returned back. They never faced me again. This is very small thing but Mahakali power is needed for such kind of people on whom the false Gurus have sticked the Bhoots. The Bhoots given by false Gurus are like this, that either you obey them or become like them. If they order you to go and rob somebody’s house you go. You kill someone, you kill. Do this, do that. You should be totally dedicated to that false Guru with your head bend down otherwise he will get behind you. He will ask you to kill someone. If you don’t kill him he will ask someone to kill you.One thing is nice such kind of false Gurus destroyed themselves and their disciples. But here I see that even the disciples are destroyed they keep on going in their feet more and more. One person came to me with the policeman, I think I was in Ashoka Hotel at that time. My husband asked me, what is this fuss? Why did the police come? I said, go and see then they said that this gentleman, I will not tell you the name, is a doctor and has run away from Anandmarg Organisation.Mother you will be astonished to know that he was the great worker of Anandmarg. He traveled in whole World, earned a lot of money and his Guru considered him very close.I asked : then what happened ? They said he was in a Temple in Calcutta of a deity where the goat is sacrificed. They cut the head of the goat in front of deity for putting all the Bhoots inside that animal and those who are possessed get rid of Bhoots.I say, we people take down the Bhoots in the lemon because we are vegetarians! Because many business caste people have come in Sahaja Yoga who are pure vegetarians.So by cutting lemon we take out the Bhoots and make them run away. So all those people who are possessed by bad spirits can see Mahakali very clearly. They see the same furious form of Mahakali and start shaking. I am surprised that even if you get inside the Bhoot of ego then also that person can see the same form of Mahakali.Now, there is a story from Pune. There was a public programme going on in Pune. They said that Shri Mataji is not a Brahmin so we cannot have this programme here. The one who is Brahmin should only come here.Therefore, the organizers there said OK we will give this in newspaper that Shri Mataji is not a Brahmin and the programme is not to be done here. Let us do the programme somewhere else. don’t do this, we don’t want to show this, they said. Let us do the programme here itself.No-one told me about this incident, I said so you are all people? I don’t know how it came to my mind? I asked them OK who all are Brahmins here keep both the hands towards me! their hands started shaking…..Oh mother! Please stop it, please stop it , you are the Shakti, please leave us. I asked them why are you shaking. I said try to stop it. I said I didn’t ask your hands to shake. They said we don’t know what is happening and we are feeling afraid. Now, all this ego that they were Brahmins was the reason.Then they said that mother some Brahmins are sitting on the other side also who were shaking. I said it is lie. Are you Brahmins? They said no mother we are not. But we are certified psycic cases. We have come from Thana because one person, which got cured of his madness by you, told us to come here. Now, their eyes are open. I said did you understand now? Then their shaking of hands was over.In the beginning the power of Mahakali manifested very strongly. I didn’t know what to do. The condition of Pune is such that once I told my niece to go and bring one Matka. She went to the market and found that one Matka was costing ten rupees whereas the real cost is one rupee. They said one Mataji has come so all the Matkas are sold out. These all people purchased the Matkas. I said, Oh my God! there are so many Bhoots in Pune. I asked them to bring Matkas and lemons but they didn’t. Their eyes turned up and they started rotating.I left from there so there is big collection of Bhoots there. Those who were sitting with Matkas were little all right but the others were standing and doing ha..ha..ha..ha..ho..ho..hi..hi..hi..hi. So I thought that if this Shakti of Mahakali reduces a little it would be all right. Now, after curing one thing the other thing came that which you call psychosomatic like Cancer, Muscular, many other problems of the World which doctors could not cure and they never agree. Doctors don’t agree till the patient dies.They will keep on pulling the money from them.One person got Kidney trouble. I told him that I will cure it but you have to promises that this business, which you are doing, must be stopped. If you stop your dialysis then I am ready to cure it. Yes..yes..mother I agree but cure my Kidney. I cured it but after two months he again started the same business.When these doctors speak the truth and when they lie? God knows. He again got the Kidney trouble. I asked him what happened this time? He said again Kidney trouble mother. I said no it is not Kidney now the Cancer has started. He got afraid. It told him that I already warned you but you started your shop again, he said then mother how will I fill my stomach. I have brought such a expensive machines I said sell all these machines and finish it. I have heard that this gentle man is no more in Sahaja Yoga.All these left-sided diseases and psychosomatic diseases, which were incurable, have been cured by the power of Mahalakshmi. Therefore, Mahalakshmi’s Mantras has to be said and till you awakened Mahalakshmi’s principle within yourself these kinds of diseases cannot be cured. I don’t understand so much of heat is emitted from such kind of people. In London every body uses heater. You bring one Cancer patient and awakened his Kundalini; the expense of heater will be no more. This much heat is emitted that I can’t explain. Here the heat comes out and there they keep on trying because the crying goes along the Cancer. If they have the vision of Mahalakshmis then the crying stops. Forget about Mahasaraswati becauses this might be the vision of Mahakali, which makes the cry.Now what to tell them? If you see in a subtle way the form of Mahalakshmi is very furious. It is said in Devi’s names “Atiraudra” (very furious), “Atisaumya” (very peaceful) but Mahalakshmi is “Atiraudra”. Rudra form is very necessary otherwise negativity will not run away. It is because of the rudra form it is possible. The eleven Rudras, which is present in Ekadash Rudra, are the powers of Mahakali and all those powers are present in the Medha in the eleven chakras. If somebody’s Ekadash Rudra is caught then you should know that he has cancer or some other incurable left sided disease.The science of Sahaja Yoga is the best. You cannot find out anything wrong with it. Now, people have come with Cancer, Neurosis this and that, fifty kinds of problems like Aids etc. and started telling that.mother. We never went to any Guru. I said, if you did not your mother might have gone. Yes, I read the books of Rajnish and we have the photo of Satya Sai Baba in our house. I said, try one or two more, some more diseases will come, and then come to me.They will go there…catch the diseases and come to me. So the Devi has to show them her furious form, isn’t it? Or shall we ask the Bhoots politely that come, come, eat some food, and take this sweet.Many people asked me that Oh mother how can Devi have furious form? If she is mother, how can mother be in furious form? why not? To make her children all right the Devi has taken furious form also. The Saumya form (compassionate and peaceful) can be harmful for her children some times. Therefore, the Rudra form (furious) is necessary. They cannot be corrected other than this.But the Devi did not harm any body with her Rudra form. Like before when she incarnated as Mahakali she killed this, she killed that, she pulled out the tongue, she did this, she did that, nothing of that sort. Today’s Mahakali’s form that is Rudra, now, it is not required to do all those things.Human beings get afraid just by seeing this form. When he sees his Rudra form his diseases get cured because the negativity inside runs away. So there is no need to cut some body’s throat or to cut some body’s tongue or to take out the eye. If Mahakali’s form is not used then we cannot do the work of Sahaja Yoga because all these negative forces block your chakras and without curing your charkas, Kundalini will not come up. That is why the Mahakali form is very much to be worshiped and to be praised which does not harm physically, emotionally or mentally. Only the bad thing run away by its form. Now, these quarrels between husband and wife are a big problem because the wives have studied a lot and the husbands want them to remain like villagers and illiterate. Now, she is not a village woman, how will you make her? Once you became the city person, you became whether you wear pant or a village dress.The mind has become urban. When the mind has become modern then the women like qualities reduced. Women got more masculine. By becoming modern and living in the city the women lost their most important quality of being feminine full of soberness, motherliness and tolerance. These qualities of women do not permit her to go to the battleground.Queen Padmini burnt herself along with three thousands other women inside the fort to protect them from getting into the hand of enemy. They did not come out with the sword in their hands. But when it was needed then she came out like queen of Jhansi with the sword in her hand. I still remember that British said that it is the victory of the queen of Jhansi.In our country there had been many such women of brave character. There had been many women of great character who were completed devoted to their husbands and were perfect in the Dharma of wife and looked after their family and husband.When Gandhiji called out the women of India gave him all their bangles and jewelry of gold. There is a story of the great kind Ranapratap from Rajasthan that when he saw that his daughter was eating Chapati and a cat took it then he got a doubt in his mind that why am I doing so? Is it because of my ego? Why don’t I surrender to my enemy Akbar? At that time his wife who was a Kshatriya (warrior caste), got up and took the spear in her hand and went to kill her daughter because this weakness came in her husband to surrender to the enemy because of the daughter. Then Ranapratap’s eyes were opened and changed his decision. In our country if the women have to think they should think that how the women of past used to put the Kumkum on the forehead of their husbands to send them to battleground.Who fought with these British in India? Men, but the power working behind was of women.Today women have gone weaker so the men have also become weak and powerless. Till the purity and loving mother like qualities develop in a woman the Gruhalakshmi Shakti does not get awakened in her. But she should be wise. Gruhalakshmi has to be wise and intelligent. So we can say that when this Mahakali Shakti gets cool and peaceful it becomes Gruhalakshmi. We believe in the power of Fatima as perfect Gruhalakshmi and she should sit on the Throne of Gruhalakshmi. By this power of Mahakali a woman can correct her children. She keeps her character pure and we are witness that the “Pativrata”(one devoted completely and only to her husband) women’s devotion towards her husband cannot be destroyed by any thing because it is her Shakti. People and negativities are afraid of “Pativrata” women. Also the husbands should understand that the power within them is from the shakti, their wife.And if that power comes in husband from wife then husband should see that his wife is Pure or not…she is devoted and motherly or not. If the wife is dominating… keeps on ordering…like sit there…. go there…come with me here…. do this ….do that…wear this, behave like this……etc and shows her finger with order to him……then he becomes silent and obeys. Husband has all the right to correct his wife, but with love, he should have patience and correct her dominating nature or wrong habits.Husband has to be very diplomatic and patient. The women who have feminine quality should be very humorous. She should smile and solve any problem and with smile she should be able to convince. Women should be pure, loving, sincere and motherly.They have to be very sharp. I have told you to read Sharat Chandra for learning the qualities of women. You should not go into Politics. And not at all to go in this dirty economics. But the whole axis and balance of society is the responsibility of women.The women who looks after her children and looks after her home and kitchen, cares and loves her husband and gives him nice health and satisfaction………makes a very strong time. Yesterday I told you that because of Indian women our society is still allright.But the nature of women should be peaceful and glorious…..their shakti has that peace.By becoming aggressive she looses her shakti. By her peace and love she can win whole world. Her walking, her talking, her dressing and style should all be just like devi(deity). She is Mahakali shakti. She has many vehicles on which she sits but the one is when she sits on an Elephant.We call her “Lalit Gauri”. Her artistic nature and her style ….all are very respectful and beautiful.It is not required to cover your face….neither to cover your head……but you all women should have purity in your eyes.That peace should be in your eyes.They should be very feministic ones. Because she is Rudra (furious)…..she has to be very peaceful also (Saumya). That is why it is said that you must cover your face in India because you are Mahakalis. You should be so pure that anyone other than your husband sees you with bad eyes should be Bhasma (destroyed into ashes on spot). Whoever sees you with lust should die immediatly. This is the power of Mahakali within you which is very calm and peaceful from outside but from within it is strong. It works from within. So people say that this Mahakali shakti is a very powerful and furious Mother, that she is so peaceful and calm that you will be surprised that is she Mahamaya. She is Mahakali but she will be like a newly wed bride! She will be so shy, speak such sweet words as if the flowers are shedding. She loves so much that it is unbelievable. But this is the shakti of Mahakali. Any Bhoot or negativity cannot touch the one who achieve this Mahakali power. Who can touch her? She will catch the bhoot ! And the women who is Pativrata and pure and like Mahakali can destroy anyone with once powerful glance of her eyes. Now, the other power is of Mahasaraswati by which we get creative and intellectual ideas in light. It is by the grace of Saraswati, Sharada. By the grace of Sharada, we get beautiful thoughts within us, very peaceful, very cool poetic thoughts come within, not the melancholic poetries of crying and pain etc. very great national songs were written, the people wrote poetries of bravery but today I don’t know where all has gone. Now, you hear all those horrible songs and poetries, even in front of Shri Ganesha because man has lost his sensibility. They can take out anything out of their intellect. I will say in this the most horrible was Freud. I did not see anyone worse than him. Without hesitation he put his thoughts in front of people and they agreed with his nonsense. I will not tell you his thoughts here in India because they are very dirty and I cant tell you all. It is nice that he did not come to India otherwise he would have been cut into pieces by people. If you read even one line of his philosophy, you will come to know how much shameless and bhoot or Rakshasa he was. Whatever it is, he used his pen and intellect (mind). They wrote everything against Sharada (Saraswati) and everywhere it started that: “We have Bhakti whatever we write.“ The newspapers of today are the same, whatever comes in their mind they write. Anything stupid. They will never write anything good. Who is dead?….he is dying so they will write in newspaper that he is dying….everyday it will be published that he is about to die. Let him die and then write peacefully that he is dead. They speak the greatest lies. They are not afraid of Sharada Devi. She is the giver of truth and the deity of truth. The light of truth, which comes in our head, is from Sharada Devi herself.So when you are writing, you don’t think that from where you are getting the power to write something, who has given you this power of writing. It is Sharada Devi. It is from Sharada or from some Bhootni? Now, there is Mr Aurbindo. He went from somewhere to somewhere and lost somewhere. There is no meaning at all in what he has written. He is very famous, he has a street named on him: “Aurbindo Marg”.I never go from that street because don’t know where he went. Whatever came to his mind he kept on writing. Nothing in his writing was truth. He sang the praise of Savitri. And that Savitri who was old and had wrinkles on her face he told that she would get young. She died and was buried but never got young. You find books after books of that. All stupidities. I don’t know how many people belong to such religions.Then we see today’s ‘intellectuals’. I read that one gentleman thinks himself as very great writer. I forgot his name. He is Punjabi. He never read Sanskrit and he wrote that Shri Krishna belonged to Shudhra caste (lower caste) and was black and Rama belonged to Brahmin caste. I said that from where have you read this? I should tell you the truth that even the book written by Jawaharlal Nehru- DISCOVERY OF INDIA is the discovery of something else but not of India. Such a superficial book. He wrote book about India.There is no depth in it. Whoever you see starts writing on something. I have not written anything till now.I think that I should write something, which enters into the head of everyone. Till now everyone’s heads have not opened to that extent. No one wrote. Yes even Mohammad sahib did not write anything. He never knew how to read and write. He just narrated to 40 people that he saw and felt all this. I had this revelation and it was like this.They also did not know how to read and write, so for 40 years nothing was written. There was a very stupid man; his name was…whatever…this was told to me by my father. Now it is confirmed that it is true. That person was very devilish and he killed Hazrat Ali and his sons, then he killed the caliph and his mother ate the liver of that Caliph. He was such a horrible man…he was the enemy of women. He edited the Quran. Now you tell me they say Quran…Quran…. there is no authenticity of Quran. In Bible also Paul destroyed everything. At least Christians agree with it. They are Christians for namesake. It is nice, because if you tell all this to some one they will run to kill us. This is the history of Quran for which they fight so much.Where is the involvement of Sharada Devi in it? Many people wrote many things by the grace Sharada Devi. Gyaneshawara wrote Gyaneshawari! Then he wrote one more book after this. It is so beautiful that you feel that you are taking elixir. Saints have written on whom the Sharada Devi has her grace. In the beginning of Gyaneshwari he writes with the blessings of Sharada Devi that whatever I am writing is to please the Sharada Devi, but these words will not give you pain in any way. Like the petals slowly fall from the tree …in the same way my words should fall on your hearts and make it fragrant. What a wonderful writing. Such a beautiful poetry…such a beautiful forms of his thoughts. It is because I know the Marathi language.But there had been many great poets in English language too! Their poetries have been given in our book called Vision, you all must read it. His name was William Blake. Such an enthusiastic poetry that it will fill you with enthusiasm, as if Devi Sharada herself has come out of his poetries and enterned within you. Same way if you read Sharat Chandra then you will start writing stories. Such writers have born in India that nowhere in the World you find them. I agree that Tolstoy was very great, but Sharat Chandra was greater than him. In Maharashtra even more greater were born. One of them – there is no need to tell his name, was not translated as they say that it is all-political. What is this political matter. Is Sharada Devi politics? The greatest writers are in our country. They are not westernized but they are original Indians. They don’t have money but are blessed by Saraswati.Now Rajasthan was also blessed. Even Alexander was also antonished to see Indian culture and when he went back he took Chandravardai with him. Chandravardai was the greatest poet from Rajasthan. Then in Sufis Khusro is there, what a poet he is!, Kabira is there and what to say about Gurunanaka, he is a Guru. Ramdas Swami. Even in Bengal there were one greater than other and all this is by the grace of Sharada Devi. With every word, you feel religion flowing. All words arranged properly and enlightened. You feel that as if written in thoughtlessness. Such a pure explanation.I should tell you that maximum books in Sanskrit and after that in Marathi only you find spirituality. Great and deep work was done on spirituality. Now, if some body says that mother it was written so much in English language then is it not the grace of Sharada Devi? Now imagine that in English language they have a word for Atma is spirit, isn’t it? They call liquor as spirit. They call Bhoot as spirit. Is it a language? This language is not the blessing of Sharada Devi and French is even worse than that. There is no word in French language for Chetana (awareness). At least in English you have this word ‘awareness’. In England it was a kind of blessing, with great writer all politicians and wrote only on politics. Yes, one William Blake is there for whom I can say. Rest all… There is one great gentleman who wrote a poetry. Poetry of weeping. If you were so much sad and suffering you would have drowned yourself in some pond at least would have been better.But this weeping poetry! Whichever book you pick up is melancholic. OK if you have some sorrow it’s all right but sitting nicely and eating nicely only to earn money he made others cry. And people also enjoy crying very much! Are these all poetries by the grace of Sharada Devi? These kind of poetries are meant to fool others. One person came to my house and started telling me poetries about drinking. I said, why don’t you say the poetry for the people who die on the street also? Then I narrated a poetry to him, as you know I am an instant poet. I asked him why doesn’t the glass loose its balance? Even if filled completely by liquor. Why do you loose your balance? You are weaker than that glass also. After this incident he never spoke about drinking. Like this if you see you find very cheap kind of poets in the Country specially who pull God and make him like human beings. This is the greatest sin and whatever blessing of Sharada Devi are on them are to be dragged to the door of Mahakali.One Mr. Vidyapati was a writer . He wrote about Radha and Krishna and the decoration of Radha. Where is the time for Radha to decorate herself, she is worried about whole World. “Radha”: Ra means energy and Dha means the one who holds it. What is the need for her to do romance? He put romance on her. There was one Wazid Ali who had 165 wives and he used to wear the Sari and become Radha.He used to dance with “Krishna”. All this romanticism has no meaning, it is all-absurd. Saints have nothing to do with it. They say for Kabira also that he wrote “Saiya Nikas Gaye Main Na Ladi Thi” (my beloved left whereas I did not fight with him). It means that the beloved (life breath). Khusro wrote “Chap Tilak Sab Dini Re Tose Naina Mila Ke” (I gave away my Tilak and Chap after looking into your eyes). He was a Sufi with whom will he look into the eyes except God? ‘Chap’ means what Musulmans have on their forehead and ‘Tilak’ is what Hindus have on their forehead. He said that I have left all this after seeing your eyes. He wrote in such a simple language. So Sharada Devi is also some times in Mahamaya form. Like ‘Zen’, the Zen poets write which only Sahaj Yogis can understand, no one else. As they explain things no matter how small or they paint is all very subtle and Sahaj Yogis can only feel that subtle sensivity. There should be purity in music also. If you see in the music today, they bring Japanese and English also together because they don’t know how to sing pure music. If you see in the villages they sing with the blessings of Sharada Devi. All the great scriptures were written by the blessings of Sharada Devi. But in these present times I feel that Sharada Devi has stopped her blessings.In Rajasthan I have seen since 2-3 years that the art has evolved. No doubt, by the blessings of Sharada Devi. If you see their pottery or anywhere else it is beautifully carved. The kind of colorful clothes we have in our Country are not found in Europe etc. They wear grey clothes, if they cross it they wear black. They have faces like Bhoots and over that wearing black clothes and go on the streets. Can they dare to make even one Sari like us? They all have same kind of dresses and almost same colors for all women dresses. What to say about this Rajasthan? Such a blessing of Sharada Devi. Women are very clean. They keep their house also very clean. People are very dirty; men have no concern from out side. All the garbage is thrown out side. In the West people are very neat and clean externally because men do the cleaning themselves. Here in India, can any man clean with the broom in his hand? My good ness! Indian men will loose their crown! So cleanliness and proper arrangements is also by the blessings of Sharada Devi. If we learn from the English people about external cleanliness on every Sunday getting collective, cleaning, making the garden all right etc. It will be nice. We have servants here so why should they do? Let the servants do it. This dirtiness doesn’t allow Sharada Devi to come near. It is very important to be neat and tidy and artistic. You people have art. If you say that you worship Sharada Devi then you should see your house. There are many beautiful marbles, which have come out of mother earth in your state. There are many artistic things also. We should use all that. I saw poverty in Turkey. Whereas they are very artistic people. I did not understand why they were poor if they are so artistic? What is the reason? Then I came to know that they are impressed by the Germans. Because many people from the Turkey went to Germany. That is why they respect Germans. I must say that you people have very nice food here but if you go to Turkey and eat there it is the best. We went to a hotel there where 5000 people were eating together, such a nice Chapatis! I don’t have much knowledge about food but I will tell you that if you eat Turkey’s food, you will say, oh what a delicious food!Whatever it is people from out side come to Turkey to taste their food but you will be astonished to know that Turkish people import food from Germany and eat land they stitch the clothes which go to Germany, come back to Turkey as imported. Here also in our Country we have this disease of ‘imported’. I have brought this imported thing etc. There is nothing to be imported in our Country. What do they make? Watches! It is the slavish object! The pottery what they make in turkey, you will not find in whole world. Even better than China! but they eat in their dinner sets then they will certainly become poor.Then they will cry that we have become poor!. Go to Germany and beg there! it will be nice. Once Sharada Devi has blessed your country so much then what is the use of using imported things?Western people have nothing in their culture and clothes or food. They keep on eating preserved food from morning till evening. They don’t get fresh vegetables there. Now, if you see today…. they are not satisfied if they don’t eat with fork and spoon, and they think that they are uncivilized villagers if they don’t eat with fork and spoon. Today you see that the western sahaj yogis eat with their hands and Indians have started using fork and knife. We have become westernized to such an extent that in Ganapatipule…I made Indian and western Bathrooms separate there.Indian style for Indians and western style for western yogis. Then Indians came and said to me that they want the toilets like western style! You need English style! Western sahaj yogis were very happy to use Indian style and said, Mother they are very clean! They were very happy but the Indians want western style attached bathrooms! This much English influence is there in us. Then the leader of that place came and asked to me that what to do? I said put western yogis in Indian tents and Indians in western tents. The solution came but one thing came in my mind that it is not a good thing. Those who used to go to jungles for toilet were very nice people. This is all the comfort orientation! I can understand this with old people but I don’t understand how it comes in young persons?….because it is western thing so it is very smart and modern to do like that!….Now in the case of women I would say that before they used to save money, but today they spend more than men. They wear all synthetic clothes. They go to hairdressers, they get their nails cut…. and don’t know what else!?….I read an article in America that there are divorces because of many hairdressers. I did not understand it! They said that if a man gets attracted and in love with a women is because of her hairdress. Next day the hairdresser changed…. and his interest from that women went off!!…. Now if you change your hairstyle everyday then change your husbands! and wives also. It is amazing! You all don’t have to learn anything from their stupidities and madness. At least in India women have not left their style. How they walk, wear etc…. they understand themselves better. The day a woman abandons her chastity, soberness and dignity, or you can say, the women’s respect or the woemn’s like qualities diseapera from thie svery same day. Whatever is pure in her, the feminine form, the motherly form, or the wife’s from or tah artistic ‘s from will be over. All those who are blessed by Sharada Devi (Mahasaraswati) should understand this proverb that: “Art resides in hiding the art”. That whatever you do there is no need to show off. But whatever you do, you wear or use, you should do for others if you want the blessings of Sharada Devi on you.What are others doing? People will say that become an Actress and go on the street and people will look at us, what else? We will become popular and modern. No, I have seen that people take the name of the Actresses and Models like a women standing on the street, which has no shame, dignity and is the object of exhibition.There was one lady. She was some thing in our Government. Her hair was gray and she did not know any thing about Art but she was very famous. People have not seen the caves of Ajanta in India but they will go to Switzerland to see the beauty. An artistic and beautiful thing like Ajanta in India cannot be created by even the great Grand fathers of Switzerland. What is there in Switzerland to see? Stones…! The one who doesn’t know about his own country’s beauty, how can he love his country? One person called me specially. It is very old story some 30 years back he came from America. He said, call Shri Mataji. His sister is in Sahaj yoga. He said before going to the Airport he would like to show me one thing. I thought what is he going to show me? I went there, he brought a pump and he started filling in a balloon, which became a Sofa. He said, please sit down on it. I said, look gentleman I have lot of vibrations and this chair, which you made, will burst. Give me some hard thing to sit on. I am a fat Indian woman and it is not possible for me to sit on this. He started saying that you are not impressed? I said, impression is all right but if I fall down from this then depression will come. So I would say one thing again that the blessing of Sharada Devi is too much on India and because Bangladesh and Pakistan were part of India, they are also blessed. But gradually it will go away.Now a day they are throwing stones on each other. Some people are killing women by digging them in the ground and some people, I saw tomorrow in Karachi (Pakistan) were hitting each other with stones. How can there be Art. So whatever art and blessings of Sharada Devi are on India, you must see them, understand them and enjoy. Now comes the theatre (Drama). In Bengal and Maharashtra theatre is of very high quality. People don’t go to see movies but to theatres. Before, the cinema use to be very nice but now it has got spoiled, even the theatres will become something else. I feel Sharada Devi will run away from here. Forget about her respect, she is insulted here. I have seen such shocking things in India. I am surprised how can they do like this. I will be very joyous to see these filthy things out of the movies in my lifetime. So, the art, which is in India, is symbolic.If you see Chinese Art, it is like they make a horn, like a ghost. See the art of Egypt, it is all dead, they make Mummies and they make men standing like that bodies. In the past England and America were better in Art till they made realistic things. Then they made impressionistic, it was all right but today the modern art has come there and it is not such which can be understood by you, me or anyone else. Such a distortion has come that Sharada Devi has run away from there and the most dirtiest, stupid, vulgar picture they make will sell very expensive. Too much insult of Sharada Devi is there.You all Sahaj yogis should now understand Art and use artistic things specially made by hand, then this ecological problem will finish. It is better to have one or two good things in the house than having 25 plastic things and 40 paper plates. The women from India have protected the culture and now the men should also protect it. There are many people in India who doesn’t even know more than 4 colors. In theatre, dance and in every thing you must have subtle vision. It doesn’t mean that women should dance like men or men should dance like women. Men like men and women like women. You will be surprised to know that the music and dance which we have in our country is nowhere in the World. Now, the third Shakti, which we have within ourselves, is Trigunatmika. It is the power of Mahalakshmi. I have just come after doing Mahalakshmi Puja in Turkey because it was suffering from poverty. Till they will stop importing items from Germany they will not get rid of poverty. They said that we have got taste of their products. I say, gentlemen when you will die of hunger then what will happen? So, I thought that there should be Puja of Shri Lakshmi and Diwali was there. The Puja of Mahalakshmi is only meant for her devotees. When Lakshmi(material well being) is too much and is used too much then you get a kind of hatred from it as it was with Mahavir and Budha after that only they went to search for God.This Shakti of searching or seeking, you get from Mahalakshmi. The Mahalakshmi’s temple is in Kolhapur (Maharashtra), it is Swayambhu. They sing Jogwa there, Ambe you get awakened, you awakened. Namdev wrote this in 16th century. I asked the Brahmins(priests) there that why they sing this song in Mahalakshmi temple?…. They said that we don’t know but from many ages the same song is going on here, since the time of Namadeva.I said, who is Ambe?…they said it is some deity!. I said that you people don’t even know this? I said that I cant make you people understand. It is difficult but in the temple of Mahalakshmi the Ambe gets awakened….it is like this…..Mahalakshmi is in central channel,your whole seeking is there. In that path all your seeking of left and right and intellect is finished. You came on central path when you started seeking then the blessings of Mahalakshmi come on you. In bible she is called redeemer. Three kind of Shaktis are described. Comforter is the first on left side. Right side is councilor and central is called redeemer. These are the three Shaktis of Holy Ghost. So, when you enter into the central channel you become Sadhaka and Mahalakshmi rushes on you. Mahalakshmi blesses him. It is very difficult for the Shakti of Mahalakshmi to ascent because mind sometimes goes to left and sometimes to the right.Only by Kundalini’s awakening it is possible to ascend. First, it makes a bridge. Kundalini crosses void and through the central channel it pierces the Brahmarandra and gets united with Bramhand and when this takes place after this the Trigunatmika (all the three Shaktis) combine and pierces through your Agnyan Chakra and come to Sahasrara then it become Mahamaya. Sahasrare Mahamaya. When it comes to the opening of Sahasrara, it has to take Mahamaya form. That form is the hidden form, very Secret! As you try to know it more and more, you get subtler and subtler.This subtleness is very important because whatever treasure of pride and dignity we have within, to know this we have to become very subtle. In that it pulls you towards the right and sometimes to left. That is why, I always say to you to face yourself. Introspection, not of others but of yourself. Then slowly and steadily you will get deep in Sahaj Yoga.You know about Chakras.I have told about Mahakali, Mahasaraswati and Mahalakshmi many times. This all telling you remains only a speech sometimes. Till the Sadhaka reaches to that state he is not contented. Even after reaching to that state if you don’t use these powers then your faith doesn’t establish and it becomes difficult for you to get into Nirvikalpa. I have given a very long lecture today because the subject was such. I have just explained a little about the three powers or Shaktis.Beyond that is Adishakti and it is not easy to explain about her. She is very great. It is difficult to explain her. Only you people can explain her, not me. I leave it on you.All my blessings should come on you!!
Evening Program At Adi Shakti Puja
Evening Program
1994-12-11 Evening Program At Adi Shakti Puja, Jaipur, India, Shri Mataji: I was saying now You have to go to the station which is very close by ...have your dinner & then you have to go ahead. I hope you are comfortable in that small little train ...I am sorry, There was no way out. You see ...This is the only train that passes through this beautiful place ...So if you want to have a vision of the beauty then you shouldn't mind the size of the train. Also, it is like an antique piece you know...Because you have not this kind of train in your country. You can even get out and walk and again go back to your ...Now you are going to another place called Chittorgarh...'Chitt' is your attention, 'tor' which means break. This is the attention, Where the attention is cleared out...And as I told you this is the place of my forefathers And Shalivahana's went away from there I think 1000 A.D.or something that ...No, Before Christ (B.C) .1000 B.C they went to Maharashtra. There are lots of stories they will tell you there...Beautiful stories and you will enjoy that place. Its a forest. Don't go at night in the forest. Then you are going to Abu Which is a very beautiful place I told you about... [Unclear] 1:50:39 apologize because we changed the plans. I don't know how the train was moving So I may not be there on the 15th to meet you but he has organised everything for you. And I hope that you will all enjoy! Another thing Rajesh has said, that the sea near [unclear] is a shifting sign so in this part you should not put your feet into the sea. Lots of people have drawn near about it. But [unclear ] 1:51:35I have to warn you again. I hope to see you at Ahmedabad. And the new tour we have taken this time, last time we missed it. And also you are going to the sea, the palace of Shri Krishna ...Also to the Somnath. For the time being, I say Good Bye to you. Look after yourselves. Don't expose yourself. And enjoy yourself. May God Bless You!
1994-12-11 Evening Program At Adi Shakti Puja, Jaipur, India, Shri Mataji: I was saying now You have to go to the station which is very close by ...have your dinner & then you have to go ahead. I hope you are comfortable in that small little train ...I am sorry, There was no way out. You see ...This is the only train that passes through this beautiful place ...So if you want to have a vision of the beauty then you shouldn't mind the size of the train. Also, it is like an antique piece you know...Because you have not this kind of train in your country. You can even get out and walk and again go back to your ...Now you are going to another place called Chittorgarh...'Chitt' is your attention, 'tor' which means break. This is the attention, Where the attention is cleared out...And as I told you this is the place of my forefathers And Shalivahana's went away from there I think 1000 A.D.or something that ...No, Before Christ (B.C) .1000 B.C they went to Maharashtra. There are lots of stories they will tell you there...Beautiful stories and you will enjoy that place. Its a forest. Don't go at night in the forest. Then you are going to Abu Which is a very beautiful place I told you about... [Unclear] 1:50:39 apologize because we changed the plans. I don't know how the train was moving So I may not be there on the 15th to meet you but he has organised everything for you. And I hope that you will all enjoy! Another thing Rajesh has said, that the sea near [unclear] is a shifting sign so in this part you should not put your feet into the sea. Lots of people have drawn near about it. But [unclear ] 1:51:35I have to warn you again. I hope to see you at Ahmedabad. And the new tour we have taken this time, last time we missed it. And also you are going to the sea, the palace of Shri Krishna ...Also to the Somnath. For the time being, I say Good Bye to you. Look after yourselves. Don't expose yourself. And enjoy yourself. May God Bless You!
Wedding Announcements
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Christmas Puja: Recognition
Christmas puja. Ganapatipule (India), 27 December 1994. Merry Christmas and all the blessings for the next year. Today we are not going to have a very long puja, but there are certain things which we have to understand from the life of Christ. Christ was born in a very poor conditions, just to show that spirituality can live in any circumstances and under any problems. And He had to face so much opposition from His own clan. He was born in a Jew family and that time the Jews would not accept Him. But they did not kill Him, that's the main point, we should understand. They did not kill Him. Under no law a multitude can kill. Is the judge, who was a Roman judge from the Roman Empire who actually ordered His death. It is very difficult to follow His life because He was absolutely a Divine personality, absolutely. And that's why He - whatever rules and regulations He has passed for the Christians are really very difficult to follow, very difficult. I don't think very few people are even able to follow His life. It's very difficult because He said that if you commit any adultery with your eyes, you better take out. You cut your hand if you do any crime with it. For Him, the crime was also a very subtle thing. Turn your left cheek if somebody slaps you on the right cheek. To follow this kind of a difficult, very, very difficult thing was impossible. And also He said that you have to do it, not others. He lived for such a short time. He visited India and stayed here. I've read a book about it and I was surprised that in the Puranas, is written very clearly in Sanskrit language, which perhaps the writer didn't understand, and where Shalivanha, My forefathers, he met Him, and he said to Him that what is Your name? He said, "My name is Issa Massih”, and I have come to this country because My country is full of melechas. Melecha means Mal ich, those have only tendencies toward collecting filth. So he said, "But what are you doing here? You go back to your own country and teach them the “Nirmala Param Tattwam.” It's very surprisingly; he used these words so clearly. So the whole thing was printed in Sanskrit. Perhaps the writer never understood what was in Sanskrit language. And then he said, "It is - You can only go and reform them and You can clear them." But look at it, He tried to do the good and people crucified him. If you see the Christian religion now, you don't know what to say about it. They have been always opposing Sahaja Yoga and also they have never tried to understand that Christ has said that I will send you the Holy Ghost. Also, some Sahaja Yogis who are supposed to be coming from Christian conditionings stick to that. Now no more. There is no Christ. Of course, we accept that it was very important for Him to come on this Earth and to help us out. The steps on which you are, you have to leave that step to go out to the higher stage. That doesn't mean you should not worship Christ. You should worship, but it is not the way some people are still very much fond of sticking on to it. while He is the one who prepared you for Sahaja Yoga. I don't know what you can adapt from His life. He was the greatest Sahaja Yogi, but He had so many powers, which are difficult for human beings to have. But His sacrifices, His adjustments, acceptance of whatever was told to Him, He accepted. His love for His Mother and on the cross He said, "Behold the Mother!”, He just said, "Behold the Mother." Whatever it is, we have to know also that the Bible is not completely representing Christ, as it has happened with every book. So, there are problems and, as in every religion, people have gone astray from their right path, and are spoiling the name of the people who have been Divine and who started those religions. Also is happened in the Christian nation. Just the opposite of what Christ has said, they are doing. For us, one has to realize that He came on this Earth to open our Agnya chakra, which is a very difficult thing. Sahasrara is not difficult as Agnya. Agnya chakra is a very constricted chakra on which He resides. And He has said, "You have to forgive yourself and forgive others." This is the mantra of the Agnya chakra. That is in the Beejakshara we call it "Ham Sham." Sham is to forgive others. Ham is to forgive yourself. These are the two Beejaksharas are used for Agnya chakra opening. To open the Agnya chakra best is to go into thoughtless awareness. To be in thoughtless awareness, Agnya can open. But Agnya, if it is closed, it can be very dangerous, very dangerous, and can harm you or harm others. Sometimes, people who are possessed also get those possessions in their Agnya chakra and they’ll start acting according to the mutation of these horrible, evil forces within them. As a result, these evil forces take over and we don't know why such a person is behaving in this manner. Now, as we know that in America they have been doing lots of research, this this genes. They're talking about so many things, which they never talked about. Despite that, all the horrible, terrible diseases are coming back with vengeance. They can't understand why it is happening. With all this research, with all this work, people are getting very sick and it is beyond them to understand why these things are happening. The main thing is, you have to be under the protection of spirituality, under the protection of morality, under the protection of Divine Laws. If you're not under that protection, you can get caught up into anything. America especially, I find, is gone really amuck as far as religion is concerned. They have all kinds of religions, they have even religions of the devil, religions of the witchcraft. Every sort of religion they have. Though they have advanced so much in science, they are living in terror all the time. Firstly, one must accept, that morality is what Christ has taught us, of a very deep essential nature, very deep. He said, "Thou shall not have adulterous eyes." Even in the eyes, there should not be adultery. You look at one woman, all right. Second time, if you look at that woman, then you are adulterous. Such strict rules he has passed about his own idea of a moral personality. Now, as you are Sahaja Yogis, you are already quite equipped, you are quite equipped and you can follow His principles easily than other people can. But still, some things I have to tell you, as Christ has said that I will tolerate everything against Me, but nothing against the Holy Ghost. It's very remarkable thing to say. He's the Ocean of Forgiveness, and there He says, "Everything I'll tolerate, but nothing against the Holy Ghost." So many things are happening, So many things are happening, which amazes people. For example, here only, in Ganapatipule, there was one funny fellow who came up with some sort of a opposition to Sahaja Yoga. And he got hold of the village man called as the Mamlatdar, means he's an officer and both of them combined together started troubling us. Just before our coming ten days, this Mamlatdar was suspended. Nobody could understand. How was he suspended suddenly? How? What happened? Like that – is this is Christ, is His work, Ganesha's work. Left and right, so many people – I, I am not bothered about it. I don't want anybody to be destroyed. But it is They, who are trying to destroy all those who come in the way of Sahaja Yoga and it is very amazing how things are happening and how it is working out. So we should have no fear at all, if people oppose us, they try to do anything. Suddenly, you'll find some solution will come out and you'll be amazed at it. So many things happen like that and have been happening all over and I have so many letters from people saying how they have been helped by our Lord Jesus Christ. I don't have to tell them, they know their job very well. But as Sahaja Yogis, what should we have as our code of conduct? It's very important, as they call "Acharsahita." The first thing in today's modern Sahaja Yoga, you have to know that you have to recognize Me. That is very important. Very humbly, I have to tell you - you have to recognize Me and you have to respect Me and love Me. If in these words, if I can explain to you, that you cannot have a double life. You cannot show love and another side you try to trouble Me. First thing is that so far there has been no en-mass realization, no en-mass realization and when there is no en-mass realization, we cannot blame the people if they did not recognize these incarnations, because without realization, how can they recognize? But after en-mass realization, if you do not recognize, then it's a serious thing. You should not be addicted to your previous nonsensical stuff that you had. In the same, same like some, there are Hindus, if I tell them that now finish with all these temples and this fasting and all those brahmic nonsense, they don't like it. You have to. Now you have become saints. For saints, there is no caste, no community, no race. Anyway, and you tell to anyone, they don't like it. If you tell it to Jains, they won't like. If you tell it to Buddhists, they won't like. They just want to stick on to the old style which their forefather's, their forefather's, forefathers have been doing so far. So recognition only mean, doesn't mean that you recognize Me as Adi Shakti, but recognition means that in every part of your life, you should know that I am with you. Disciplining in Sahaja Yoga has to be automatic. I don't have to tell you about disciplining, but it doesn't work out, then I have to tell you. The first discipline, is that you have to recognize Me and respect Me. Then the second discipline, is you have to learn how to be a Sahaja Yogi. Think of Christ, if He is sitting here, how would He behave towards Me or He would behave towards others who are here. Very difficult for Him to accept all, any kind of nonsense from anyone. He would not tolerate. I don't mind many things, I say, "All right. Gradually it will be solved. Things will be all right." But what I find, that still there are so many Sahaja Yogis who don't really realize the responsibility that they have. He carried the cross. In Sahaja Yoga, you don't have to carry cross. You have to wear only garlands, but you must be worthy of garlands. Nobody has to suffer. Everything is made very well for them, paved with gold as they say, but only thing you should know, how to walk on them. So the second point, as I said, that you should not have a double personality. Single dedication. You need not be twenty-four hours in it, you have your own families, your own children, you have own your life. With that, you have to be all the time connected, but not to get so much involved, that you harm the collectivity of Sahaja Yoga. Your relations - brothers, sisters, mother, father, they're all right, but your main responsibility is Sahaja Yoga. Instead of that, you get involved into these things, you will definitely harm the collectivity of Sahaja Yoga and create a politics out of it. The second discipline, is that your relationship is only with Sahaja Yogis and with nobody else. This is very important. This is what I have to tell you very clearly that nobody is important but Sahaja Yogis. Of course, you have to meet others, you have to talk to others, you have to deal with them, you have to bring them to Sahaja Yoga, that is there, no doubt. But, you cannot let down a Sahaja Yogi. Among yourself if you have differences, sort them out and when you are outside, then you should appear as one. If you know the truth, there should be no differences. Why should there be differences? If there are differences, then you should find out that something is wrong with you, definitely, and what is, is wrong is, that you are self-centered or you're worried about something, which is, which is not Sahaja. Even to follow my example may be difficult. Now I have My children and My grandchildren, I never telephone to them, never. As it is, I never telephone to them. I am never bothered. I see my husband so much worried about them, always telephones them. I never. Firstly, I know they are all right. Firstly, I know I've done my duty, and I'm not going to waste My life only on My children or on My husband or on My family because My family is the whole universe. So you have to expand. Sahaja Yogis have to expand themselves. If they're just interested in their own family, in their own children, in their own properties, is going to be difficult. So this self-centeredness has to go. This self-centeredness has to go completely and you have to have a very wider vision of life. This is a very big compulsion for us, as Sahaja Yogis that we belong to the family of the universe. So, just like in the marriages now. We started saying, "I don't like, I don't want to marry an Indian." Some Indians say, "I don't want to marry a foreigner." If you are so small-minded, you should not ask for marriage. You should not ask me that I should marry you because we have to transcend completely, all these petty ideas about our own religion, about our own race, about our own country. If you cannot do it, you are not a Sahaja Yogi. From your heart, you must expand. That is very important. Thus, the problem in India is of, say, caste system, which is - I can't understand. I've told hundred times that in the Gita, it's described that in everybody resides the spirit. So how can you have caste? But you can have according to your aptitude, that's different. But you cannot have caste according to birth. There's so many examples to prove that, but in India we have this curse of caste system. And in the West, is even worse, is the racialism. It is such a horrible thing called racialism. For example, I went to Romania and I saw so many Gypsies there. They're treated just like dogs. So low they were looked upon. These Gypsies are really nice people, nothing wrong with them. At least their character is good. They have certain principle for their women and they lead a good life of morality. They are collective people, but they are treated so badly, so shabbily, that even in India, I won't find that kind of a thing happening. Racialism. Now, Romanians have no particular race, as such. You cannot say they are Germans or English or Anglo-Saxons, nothing. I was surprised there more than anywhere else. Also in England, the same thing. They are treated very badly and these are people of great art and very loving. And I was surprised that so many came to our program also. So the attention should be on a wider vision of life and towards the people who are suffering, is very important. You must look after the people who are suffering, who are in trouble, who need your help, not to make friends with people who will help you in money or in any other way but be friendly with the people who are downtrodden. We have become Sahaja Yogis to help them to come up. We have to do something for them and in Vashi I'm starting a center where the poor people will be treated free. Though we are in the middle, we have to help the people who are not enjoying any benefit of life. We have to take them to Sahaja Yoga, We have to help them in every way that is possible. Now, you must have noticed that in the wedding lists, what I have done is to create a balance between, say, the developing countries and the developed countries, to make an proper exchange. Then I find there are people who are very arrogant about it. Now, English girls are supposed to be Christians, French girls are supposed to be Christians and so many others. Christ, who did so much for the downtrodden, these people, when they get married, they try to show off and look down upon people, they are Sahaja Yogis and now we have turned down all the Christian girls from England because for the same reason. A funny type of a superiority complex if you develop, that's not being Christian at all. And that's why we have to understand, as Sahaja Yogis, that the one of the principle of Sahaja Yoga is that you should get over all these minor things and all these limitations from which we have been suffering and others have been suffering. When we come to this collective happening, we have to understand that people have to be collective. Because we should have big palaces where we can go and meditate or should we have huge things? Not necessary. To pray and to meditate, any place is all right. Anywhere you are there, you can enjoy, you should enjoy there. You should not demand things. Like when you come to Ganapatipule, I know it's not very comfortable. It's not even a three star hotel arrangement, but you enjoy each other and you love each other, and the company of every one of you is the comfort giving. What gives you comfort is the love, affection, oneness, the unity between yourself. Then you don't care, you don't care what comforts you have, what happiness you have. This time, suddenly, you know, there were 250 more came than expected, so we had to put the, these temporary things for you and you didn't mind. I am very thankful to you for that. So complete tolerance and comfort of the body is not important - comfort of the spirit. If your body wants comfort, you try to make it learn to give up that. Try to make your body your slave and not you the slave of the body. This if you don't try, then in Sahaja Yoga, you are nowhere because then you will again say, "I must have a beautiful car, then must I have a house, then I must have this, must have that." If you care for your body too much, then the spirit, the light of the spirit goes down. There's no glow on your face and there's no peace in your mind because, all the time, you're worried about your body, about your comforts, about your food, about this, about that. You can leave all these things to the Divine. What you have to do to see yourself, that in your behavior, you should be honest, you should be spiritual and you should be surrendering. That's your job. You have to see, "Am I surrendering or not? Am I fully with Sahaja Yoga or not? What have I done for Sahaja Yoga? What I should do for Sahaja Yoga?" If you don't do this way, the mind will work the other way round. It will start thinking, "Oh, this is not good for my child. That's not good. This is this." Once you start thinking what have I to do for Sahaja Yoga? What have I to work out for Sahaja Yoga? How I have to spread Sahaja Yoga?, you'll be surprised your mind will get into the aura of spirituality and nobody has to tell you anything, it will just work automatically. You have the power, you have everything, you have the fountain, which has to be opened out. So we come to another point that we should realize what we are. This is very important for Sahaja Yoga. Christ has said, "I am the Son of God." All right. He said it openly, though people crucified Him for that, but He said it. He said it openly, "I am the Son of God. Do what you like." Which was a fact, which was the truth He was supposed to say. So now, the Sahaj Yogis have to say, "I am the son or daughter of Adi Shakti." Once you say to yourself that, suddenly you'll start changing because it's a very big position. It's a very anointed position. Once you start saying that, then you'll start understanding what is your responsibility. You'll be amazed. Those people have been to wrong gurus, when they come to Sahaja Yoga, they become extremely generous and extremely dedicated, extremely humble because they have suffered so much. Sometimes, those who come directly do not have that feeling. What you have got, you know better when you have gone through some ordeals, but if you get it Sahaja, then they don't understand. So, we have to also introspect all the time. The first introspection is that, Am I humble? Can I humble down myself before anyone? That's very important, but temper is the worst thing. Krishna has said, "From the temper, everything bad starts." Temper starts from liver; so you can cure your liver. But temper you can see yourself, how your temper is bad and how you want to get rid of the temper. Temper will kill all the collectivity. Temper will blur all the beauty of spirituality. A person who is very hot tempered and talks of God, people will say, "Let's run away from this man." So the temper you have to get rid of. It's very important to introspect on what points you get angry. Some people think it's a matter of right for them to get angry. All right, but not in Sahaj Yoga. You don't have to get angry. You don't have to shout at anyone. You don't have to beat anyone. If there is any problem, you can tell Me. But I have seen people fighting, quarrelling sometime and I'm amazed how these people are quarrelling among themselves. Gradually, I'm sure, as you'll grow in spirituality, all these fights and quarrels and what you call the different grouping ideas will drop out. But Sahaja Yoga will not allow you to stay in it. You'll be exposed immediately. People will know about you. So try to understand why you get angry, why you have temper, what is the reason, what you don't like in other people may be within you. Same thing may be existing within you. So, is a cleansing process in Sahaja Yoga, which is very important and we need the help of Christ very much. Because there is rationality that covers your Agnya. You can rationalize everything. Everything. Even if you kill somebody, you can rationalize it. So this Agnya is also our enemy if we cannot keep it open. Absolutely. Because we can justify ourself. We can say, "What can I do? It happened like that and this thing." Once you start, get after yourself; all these things will go away. If you're getting angry very much, stand before the mirror and try to get angry with yourself. Then attachments. Attachments are very subtle. Formerly, what I had known about the western Sahaja Yogis, they didn't love their children very well. Now, I find they're glued to their children. And they want to move the whole movement of Sahaja Yoga according to the whims of their children. Also, Indian Sahaja Yogis are like that. They're very attached to their children. They are, they have been always very attached to their children. I've already explained to you that attachment is the death of love. If you love somebody, then love everyone according to the need of that person. You have to move. You cannot just stick into one point. That is not your responsibility. That is the responsibility of the Divine and leave it to Divine and you will see. Your children will improve, your relationships will improve, everything will improve because it's not your responsibility. Your limitations will affect all these relations and I should actually say that this limited relationship will, might, also suffocate the relations. So I have a very wider vision and a wider understanding how far you are. If you come in the nature, you can learn it very well. See the water. It's coming to all the trees. Everyone is blessed. It doesn't stick to any, any one tree or anywhere. If it does that, the whole thing will be finished. If you have to think of collectivity, you have to be very much detached and not driven or persuaded into some sort of a small little relationships. It's much easier for you to follow Sahaja Yoga than anybody else in the world could have followed because others were not realized souls. You are all realized souls. There are other attachments - attachments to money. Very surprising, like they treat Sahaja Yoga sometimes like a shop or a market. So they'll say, "Mother, can You make it half rate? Can You make it quarter rate? Can You give us some concession? Some sale, you know." There are at least thirty-five percent people are coming free. And those who can pay want to have half, less than half, but I don't know what to say to them. I mean this is the only chance where you can really give some money, which is, of course, shared, I agree. It's not all that money is needed for one person, but you can share, very easily with others, because they don't have that much money to come to this country, they don't have that much money to live here. As we are talking about global life, we have to understand that we have to share money with them. If you start understanding only this much, I tell you, your attachment to money will go away. That you have to share. You don't want to share anything. You may have crores, but you don't want to share. In Sahaja Yoga, so many people have become very rich, but they don't want to share. I'm not saying that we are here for money or anything, but main point is, fundamental point, is the attitude should be of sharing with others. Sahaja Yoga has given us so much. What have we done for it? Where are we sharing? On the other side, we have people who are very - very greedy who want more. There are some people who go on borrowing money, some people who go on using people for their own purposes. All these petty, nonsensical things are not for Sahaja Yogis. You don't need. Whatever you need, you just ask, you'll get it. So some people are trying to exploit some people and some people are trying to save themselves. There should be an open mind. As your Sahasrara is open here - you know, this is the Heart Chakra here and this Heart Chakra opens, then the Sahasrara opens. Open your hearts, open your hearts, then only you can enjoy yourself. Now supposing I want to see something with My eyes and My eyes are closed, can I see something and enjoy that? If you have to feel something from your heart, your heart is closed, how can you? How can you feel that? So open your heart. Open your heart. In this way, you'll realize that things are not so difficult. It's all for us very easy, but we have to open our heart and respect each other. Sahaja Yogis must respect each other. Somebody is black, somebody is white, somebody is tall, somebody is short, somebody is like that. God has made a variety otherwise we would all have been like a regimentation. So we should enjoy the variety that makes the beauty, beauty of creation. So all these outward things should not in any way impress you. People should be clean, neat, tidy - that's different. But everybody should be like you is wrong. In India especially, if you speak English not very correctly, then he is condemned, as a scheduled caste. It's such slavish mentality, very slavish. Whether you know your language or not, your mother tongue or not, Hindi or not, doesn't matter. You must know English. If somebody says "English", he is finished. Well, I have seen Japanese, Chinese, French, anyone else speaks horrible, I mean funny English, I should say, but the worst are the English themselves. English have lost the sense of English completely, but what’s so much in that? It's nothing but a slavish mentality to one regime, which was here for three hundred years and did nothing good to themselves, went empty handed from here. Even the Christians in India believe that Christ was born in England, do you believe that? Most of them. So the essence of a life is to be proud of whatever country we are born of, we must love our own country, but we should not identify with it. All the wrongs of that country we should criticize and we should see. We should not accept them and should not become a part and parcel of those absurd people who have their limitations. Do you transcend your countries? You transcend all these limitations. You have become great now. How can you remain in a small little pond? You need an ocean. You'll get suffocated. Another thing is, you should not use things made by machine so much. Try to avoid, as far as possible. These machines have created so many problems for us. We should wear something that is made by hand or by people who are using small, little, sort of, we can call, ordinary machines, which does not require so much of smoke to come out. We should be very conscious of ecological problems as Sahaja Yogis. But one thing I know, where there are Sahaja Yogis the ecological problems also gets solved because of vibrations. But vibrations will only fight when you are willing to fight ecology. Everywhere you go, you find so much of pollution, so much of pollution. How to fight this pollution? Is to be paying attention to the ecology. Are we producing all those things, which is spoiling the atmosphere? We are responsible, we have to do it. Who is going to do it? So one side, as I told you, we have to look after the people who are poorer than us, who are unfortunate. We have to look after the atmosphere which is filled with all nonsensical things and take to a lifestyle, which lifestyle will be simpler, by which we don't use so many, so many vehicles and so many things which are creating problems. Like in Dehra Dhun they told me they have so many of these three-wheelers that the buses have stopped. Why? Because in the three-wheeler you pay some money less, so they go by the three-wheeler and it creates all the black soot all over. A Sahaja Yogi should never sit in a three-wheeler to save some money. It's better to walk or use a vehicle which doesn't give much of these things. They are so many ways by which we can really be very supportive of this ecological problem because it is a part of our, part of our responsibility. Till the age of forty-seven, I was wearing only pure khadi, pure khadi, not even silk, till the age of forty-seven. Then when this Sahasrara was broken, then I started wearing other clothes. Our life should be such that we should feel sensitive to every growth around us. It is only our attention, how you put your attention to things. Like now, there are so many new things are coming up in India, everywhere. One day, I told somebody that why didn't you get some quails from Germany? He said, "I don't know. There is quail in Germany?" I said, "There is a big industry of quails. What do you say?" "How do you know, Mother?" I said, "I know." Once I go to a country, I know everything about that, all the details about it. I was surprised that such a big industry they had, they never knew they had quails. In the same way, in our own country, we don't know what we have, what artistic things we have, what is, what is the one that is, that will help the poor. We never know about it. Why Christ was born in those conditions because He wanted to give blessings to those poor people, to help them with spirituality. But we are not bothered, we are not bothered to see where the poverty is and how we can help. You can, by all means, you can help them in every corner, in every way. It's very simple to understand about your own country, where the problem is, why people are poor and we cannot help them. We have to take to this. Unless and until your light shines in the society, we are doing nothing. We are just enjoying our own Sahaja Yoga, Ganapatipule and all that. But what about others? So sensitivity to art, sensitivity to music, sensitivity to all creative things that are there and what can we do with these creative things for others. The attention should be more towards these things than about useless things. Politics you shouldn't worry so much. It will be all exposed and finished and it will be alright. Let them fight, let them do what they like. They're stupid people. Your attention should be how you can be creative, how you can help people, how what you can do. In everything there's one thing - is Love, what you call is compassion, Anukampa, just out of love and affection and that should be an real innate expression of every Sahaja Yogi in every field of life. I don't like this, I don't like that, this kind of a person is never a Sahaja Yogi. The one who says, "I like." My throat was not all right, but somebody brought some fruit. Just to please, I ate it. Doesn't matter what, little bit, I did eat. Just to please you, I wore such a heavy saree. None of you can wear it, I can tell you. Just to please you. So what are we doing to please others? You should be a pleasing personality. Instead of thinking about how you should be pleased, I don't like this, I don't do like that, instead of, what have I done to please others? To please the Divine, our character, our behaviour should be absolutely clean. I know Sahaja Yogis have done wonders and they are doing very well, but they can do much, much, much more than what they are doing. So on this day of Christ's birthday, I have to tell you that it is not possible to follow His life, I agree. Very difficult. But at least, one has to learn from Him that He is before us and let us try to go forward towards Him, in His simplicity, in His honesty and the sacrifices He could make. May God bless you.
Christmas puja. Ganapatipule (India), 27 December 1994. Merry Christmas and all the blessings for the next year. Today we are not going to have a very long puja, but there are certain things which we have to understand from the life of Christ. Christ was born in a very poor conditions, just to show that spirituality can live in any circumstances and under any problems. And He had to face so much opposition from His own clan. He was born in a Jew family and that time the Jews would not accept Him. But they did not kill Him, that's the main point, we should understand. They did not kill Him. Under no law a multitude can kill. Is the judge, who was a Roman judge from the Roman Empire who actually ordered His death. It is very difficult to follow His life because He was absolutely a Divine personality, absolutely. And that's why He - whatever rules and regulations He has passed for the Christians are really very difficult to follow, very difficult. I don't think very few people are even able to follow His life. It's very difficult because He said that if you commit any adultery with your eyes, you better take out. You cut your hand if you do any crime with it. For Him, the crime was also a very subtle thing. Turn your left cheek if somebody slaps you on the right cheek. To follow this kind of a difficult, very, very difficult thing was impossible. And also He said that you have to do it, not others. He lived for such a short time. He visited India and stayed here. I've read a book about it and I was surprised that in the Puranas, is written very clearly in Sanskrit language, which perhaps the writer didn't understand, and where Shalivanha, My forefathers, he met Him, and he said to Him that what is Your name? He said, "My name is Issa Massih”, and I have come to this country because My country is full of melechas. Melecha means Mal ich, those have only tendencies toward collecting filth. So he said, "But what are you doing here? You go back to your own country and teach them the “Nirmala Param Tattwam.” It's very surprisingly; he used these words so clearly. So the whole thing was printed in Sanskrit. Perhaps the writer never understood what was in Sanskrit language. And then he said, "It is - You can only go and reform them and You can clear them." But look at it, He tried to do the good and people crucified him. If you see the Christian religion now, you don't know what to say about it. They have been always opposing Sahaja Yoga and also they have never tried to understand that Christ has said that I will send you the Holy Ghost. Also, some Sahaja Yogis who are supposed to be coming from Christian conditionings stick to that. Now no more. There is no Christ. Of course, we accept that it was very important for Him to come on this Earth and to help us out. The steps on which you are, you have to leave that step to go out to the higher stage. That doesn't mean you should not worship Christ. You should worship, but it is not the way some people are still very much fond of sticking on to it. while He is the one who prepared you for Sahaja Yoga. I don't know what you can adapt from His life. He was the greatest Sahaja Yogi, but He had so many powers, which are difficult for human beings to have. But His sacrifices, His adjustments, acceptance of whatever was told to Him, He accepted. His love for His Mother and on the cross He said, "Behold the Mother!”, He just said, "Behold the Mother." Whatever it is, we have to know also that the Bible is not completely representing Christ, as it has happened with every book. So, there are problems and, as in every religion, people have gone astray from their right path, and are spoiling the name of the people who have been Divine and who started those religions. Also is happened in the Christian nation. Just the opposite of what Christ has said, they are doing. For us, one has to realize that He came on this Earth to open our Agnya chakra, which is a very difficult thing. Sahasrara is not difficult as Agnya. Agnya chakra is a very constricted chakra on which He resides. And He has said, "You have to forgive yourself and forgive others." This is the mantra of the Agnya chakra. That is in the Beejakshara we call it "Ham Sham." Sham is to forgive others. Ham is to forgive yourself. These are the two Beejaksharas are used for Agnya chakra opening. To open the Agnya chakra best is to go into thoughtless awareness. To be in thoughtless awareness, Agnya can open. But Agnya, if it is closed, it can be very dangerous, very dangerous, and can harm you or harm others. Sometimes, people who are possessed also get those possessions in their Agnya chakra and they’ll start acting according to the mutation of these horrible, evil forces within them. As a result, these evil forces take over and we don't know why such a person is behaving in this manner. Now, as we know that in America they have been doing lots of research, this this genes. They're talking about so many things, which they never talked about. Despite that, all the horrible, terrible diseases are coming back with vengeance. They can't understand why it is happening. With all this research, with all this work, people are getting very sick and it is beyond them to understand why these things are happening. The main thing is, you have to be under the protection of spirituality, under the protection of morality, under the protection of Divine Laws. If you're not under that protection, you can get caught up into anything. America especially, I find, is gone really amuck as far as religion is concerned. They have all kinds of religions, they have even religions of the devil, religions of the witchcraft. Every sort of religion they have. Though they have advanced so much in science, they are living in terror all the time. Firstly, one must accept, that morality is what Christ has taught us, of a very deep essential nature, very deep. He said, "Thou shall not have adulterous eyes." Even in the eyes, there should not be adultery. You look at one woman, all right. Second time, if you look at that woman, then you are adulterous. Such strict rules he has passed about his own idea of a moral personality. Now, as you are Sahaja Yogis, you are already quite equipped, you are quite equipped and you can follow His principles easily than other people can. But still, some things I have to tell you, as Christ has said that I will tolerate everything against Me, but nothing against the Holy Ghost. It's very remarkable thing to say. He's the Ocean of Forgiveness, and there He says, "Everything I'll tolerate, but nothing against the Holy Ghost." So many things are happening, So many things are happening, which amazes people. For example, here only, in Ganapatipule, there was one funny fellow who came up with some sort of a opposition to Sahaja Yoga. And he got hold of the village man called as the Mamlatdar, means he's an officer and both of them combined together started troubling us. Just before our coming ten days, this Mamlatdar was suspended. Nobody could understand. How was he suspended suddenly? How? What happened? Like that – is this is Christ, is His work, Ganesha's work. Left and right, so many people – I, I am not bothered about it. I don't want anybody to be destroyed. But it is They, who are trying to destroy all those who come in the way of Sahaja Yoga and it is very amazing how things are happening and how it is working out. So we should have no fear at all, if people oppose us, they try to do anything. Suddenly, you'll find some solution will come out and you'll be amazed at it. So many things happen like that and have been happening all over and I have so many letters from people saying how they have been helped by our Lord Jesus Christ. I don't have to tell them, they know their job very well. But as Sahaja Yogis, what should we have as our code of conduct? It's very important, as they call "Acharsahita." The first thing in today's modern Sahaja Yoga, you have to know that you have to recognize Me. That is very important. Very humbly, I have to tell you - you have to recognize Me and you have to respect Me and love Me. If in these words, if I can explain to you, that you cannot have a double life. You cannot show love and another side you try to trouble Me. First thing is that so far there has been no en-mass realization, no en-mass realization and when there is no en-mass realization, we cannot blame the people if they did not recognize these incarnations, because without realization, how can they recognize? But after en-mass realization, if you do not recognize, then it's a serious thing. You should not be addicted to your previous nonsensical stuff that you had. In the same, same like some, there are Hindus, if I tell them that now finish with all these temples and this fasting and all those brahmic nonsense, they don't like it. You have to. Now you have become saints. For saints, there is no caste, no community, no race. Anyway, and you tell to anyone, they don't like it. If you tell it to Jains, they won't like. If you tell it to Buddhists, they won't like. They just want to stick on to the old style which their forefather's, their forefather's, forefathers have been doing so far. So recognition only mean, doesn't mean that you recognize Me as Adi Shakti, but recognition means that in every part of your life, you should know that I am with you. Disciplining in Sahaja Yoga has to be automatic. I don't have to tell you about disciplining, but it doesn't work out, then I have to tell you. The first discipline, is that you have to recognize Me and respect Me. Then the second discipline, is you have to learn how to be a Sahaja Yogi. Think of Christ, if He is sitting here, how would He behave towards Me or He would behave towards others who are here. Very difficult for Him to accept all, any kind of nonsense from anyone. He would not tolerate. I don't mind many things, I say, "All right. Gradually it will be solved. Things will be all right." But what I find, that still there are so many Sahaja Yogis who don't really realize the responsibility that they have. He carried the cross. In Sahaja Yoga, you don't have to carry cross. You have to wear only garlands, but you must be worthy of garlands. Nobody has to suffer. Everything is made very well for them, paved with gold as they say, but only thing you should know, how to walk on them. So the second point, as I said, that you should not have a double personality. Single dedication. You need not be twenty-four hours in it, you have your own families, your own children, you have own your life. With that, you have to be all the time connected, but not to get so much involved, that you harm the collectivity of Sahaja Yoga. Your relations - brothers, sisters, mother, father, they're all right, but your main responsibility is Sahaja Yoga. Instead of that, you get involved into these things, you will definitely harm the collectivity of Sahaja Yoga and create a politics out of it. The second discipline, is that your relationship is only with Sahaja Yogis and with nobody else. This is very important. This is what I have to tell you very clearly that nobody is important but Sahaja Yogis. Of course, you have to meet others, you have to talk to others, you have to deal with them, you have to bring them to Sahaja Yoga, that is there, no doubt. But, you cannot let down a Sahaja Yogi. Among yourself if you have differences, sort them out and when you are outside, then you should appear as one. If you know the truth, there should be no differences. Why should there be differences? If there are differences, then you should find out that something is wrong with you, definitely, and what is, is wrong is, that you are self-centered or you're worried about something, which is, which is not Sahaja. Even to follow my example may be difficult. Now I have My children and My grandchildren, I never telephone to them, never. As it is, I never telephone to them. I am never bothered. I see my husband so much worried about them, always telephones them. I never. Firstly, I know they are all right. Firstly, I know I've done my duty, and I'm not going to waste My life only on My children or on My husband or on My family because My family is the whole universe. So you have to expand. Sahaja Yogis have to expand themselves. If they're just interested in their own family, in their own children, in their own properties, is going to be difficult. So this self-centeredness has to go. This self-centeredness has to go completely and you have to have a very wider vision of life. This is a very big compulsion for us, as Sahaja Yogis that we belong to the family of the universe. So, just like in the marriages now. We started saying, "I don't like, I don't want to marry an Indian." Some Indians say, "I don't want to marry a foreigner." If you are so small-minded, you should not ask for marriage. You should not ask me that I should marry you because we have to transcend completely, all these petty ideas about our own religion, about our own race, about our own country. If you cannot do it, you are not a Sahaja Yogi. From your heart, you must expand. That is very important. Thus, the problem in India is of, say, caste system, which is - I can't understand. I've told hundred times that in the Gita, it's described that in everybody resides the spirit. So how can you have caste? But you can have according to your aptitude, that's different. But you cannot have caste according to birth. There's so many examples to prove that, but in India we have this curse of caste system. And in the West, is even worse, is the racialism. It is such a horrible thing called racialism. For example, I went to Romania and I saw so many Gypsies there. They're treated just like dogs. So low they were looked upon. These Gypsies are really nice people, nothing wrong with them. At least their character is good. They have certain principle for their women and they lead a good life of morality. They are collective people, but they are treated so badly, so shabbily, that even in India, I won't find that kind of a thing happening. Racialism. Now, Romanians have no particular race, as such. You cannot say they are Germans or English or Anglo-Saxons, nothing. I was surprised there more than anywhere else. Also in England, the same thing. They are treated very badly and these are people of great art and very loving. And I was surprised that so many came to our program also. So the attention should be on a wider vision of life and towards the people who are suffering, is very important. You must look after the people who are suffering, who are in trouble, who need your help, not to make friends with people who will help you in money or in any other way but be friendly with the people who are downtrodden. We have become Sahaja Yogis to help them to come up. We have to do something for them and in Vashi I'm starting a center where the poor people will be treated free. Though we are in the middle, we have to help the people who are not enjoying any benefit of life. We have to take them to Sahaja Yoga, We have to help them in every way that is possible. Now, you must have noticed that in the wedding lists, what I have done is to create a balance between, say, the developing countries and the developed countries, to make an proper exchange. Then I find there are people who are very arrogant about it. Now, English girls are supposed to be Christians, French girls are supposed to be Christians and so many others. Christ, who did so much for the downtrodden, these people, when they get married, they try to show off and look down upon people, they are Sahaja Yogis and now we have turned down all the Christian girls from England because for the same reason. A funny type of a superiority complex if you develop, that's not being Christian at all. And that's why we have to understand, as Sahaja Yogis, that the one of the principle of Sahaja Yoga is that you should get over all these minor things and all these limitations from which we have been suffering and others have been suffering. When we come to this collective happening, we have to understand that people have to be collective. Because we should have big palaces where we can go and meditate or should we have huge things? Not necessary. To pray and to meditate, any place is all right. Anywhere you are there, you can enjoy, you should enjoy there. You should not demand things. Like when you come to Ganapatipule, I know it's not very comfortable. It's not even a three star hotel arrangement, but you enjoy each other and you love each other, and the company of every one of you is the comfort giving. What gives you comfort is the love, affection, oneness, the unity between yourself. Then you don't care, you don't care what comforts you have, what happiness you have. This time, suddenly, you know, there were 250 more came than expected, so we had to put the, these temporary things for you and you didn't mind. I am very thankful to you for that. So complete tolerance and comfort of the body is not important - comfort of the spirit. If your body wants comfort, you try to make it learn to give up that. Try to make your body your slave and not you the slave of the body. This if you don't try, then in Sahaja Yoga, you are nowhere because then you will again say, "I must have a beautiful car, then must I have a house, then I must have this, must have that." If you care for your body too much, then the spirit, the light of the spirit goes down. There's no glow on your face and there's no peace in your mind because, all the time, you're worried about your body, about your comforts, about your food, about this, about that. You can leave all these things to the Divine. What you have to do to see yourself, that in your behavior, you should be honest, you should be spiritual and you should be surrendering. That's your job. You have to see, "Am I surrendering or not? Am I fully with Sahaja Yoga or not? What have I done for Sahaja Yoga? What I should do for Sahaja Yoga?" If you don't do this way, the mind will work the other way round. It will start thinking, "Oh, this is not good for my child. That's not good. This is this." Once you start thinking what have I to do for Sahaja Yoga? What have I to work out for Sahaja Yoga? How I have to spread Sahaja Yoga?, you'll be surprised your mind will get into the aura of spirituality and nobody has to tell you anything, it will just work automatically. You have the power, you have everything, you have the fountain, which has to be opened out. So we come to another point that we should realize what we are. This is very important for Sahaja Yoga. Christ has said, "I am the Son of God." All right. He said it openly, though people crucified Him for that, but He said it. He said it openly, "I am the Son of God. Do what you like." Which was a fact, which was the truth He was supposed to say. So now, the Sahaj Yogis have to say, "I am the son or daughter of Adi Shakti." Once you say to yourself that, suddenly you'll start changing because it's a very big position. It's a very anointed position. Once you start saying that, then you'll start understanding what is your responsibility. You'll be amazed. Those people have been to wrong gurus, when they come to Sahaja Yoga, they become extremely generous and extremely dedicated, extremely humble because they have suffered so much. Sometimes, those who come directly do not have that feeling. What you have got, you know better when you have gone through some ordeals, but if you get it Sahaja, then they don't understand. So, we have to also introspect all the time. The first introspection is that, Am I humble? Can I humble down myself before anyone? That's very important, but temper is the worst thing. Krishna has said, "From the temper, everything bad starts." Temper starts from liver; so you can cure your liver. But temper you can see yourself, how your temper is bad and how you want to get rid of the temper. Temper will kill all the collectivity. Temper will blur all the beauty of spirituality. A person who is very hot tempered and talks of God, people will say, "Let's run away from this man." So the temper you have to get rid of. It's very important to introspect on what points you get angry. Some people think it's a matter of right for them to get angry. All right, but not in Sahaj Yoga. You don't have to get angry. You don't have to shout at anyone. You don't have to beat anyone. If there is any problem, you can tell Me. But I have seen people fighting, quarrelling sometime and I'm amazed how these people are quarrelling among themselves. Gradually, I'm sure, as you'll grow in spirituality, all these fights and quarrels and what you call the different grouping ideas will drop out. But Sahaja Yoga will not allow you to stay in it. You'll be exposed immediately. People will know about you. So try to understand why you get angry, why you have temper, what is the reason, what you don't like in other people may be within you. Same thing may be existing within you. So, is a cleansing process in Sahaja Yoga, which is very important and we need the help of Christ very much. Because there is rationality that covers your Agnya. You can rationalize everything. Everything. Even if you kill somebody, you can rationalize it. So this Agnya is also our enemy if we cannot keep it open. Absolutely. Because we can justify ourself. We can say, "What can I do? It happened like that and this thing." Once you start, get after yourself; all these things will go away. If you're getting angry very much, stand before the mirror and try to get angry with yourself. Then attachments. Attachments are very subtle. Formerly, what I had known about the western Sahaja Yogis, they didn't love their children very well. Now, I find they're glued to their children. And they want to move the whole movement of Sahaja Yoga according to the whims of their children. Also, Indian Sahaja Yogis are like that. They're very attached to their children. They are, they have been always very attached to their children. I've already explained to you that attachment is the death of love. If you love somebody, then love everyone according to the need of that person. You have to move. You cannot just stick into one point. That is not your responsibility. That is the responsibility of the Divine and leave it to Divine and you will see. Your children will improve, your relationships will improve, everything will improve because it's not your responsibility. Your limitations will affect all these relations and I should actually say that this limited relationship will, might, also suffocate the relations. So I have a very wider vision and a wider understanding how far you are. If you come in the nature, you can learn it very well. See the water. It's coming to all the trees. Everyone is blessed. It doesn't stick to any, any one tree or anywhere. If it does that, the whole thing will be finished. If you have to think of collectivity, you have to be very much detached and not driven or persuaded into some sort of a small little relationships. It's much easier for you to follow Sahaja Yoga than anybody else in the world could have followed because others were not realized souls. You are all realized souls. There are other attachments - attachments to money. Very surprising, like they treat Sahaja Yoga sometimes like a shop or a market. So they'll say, "Mother, can You make it half rate? Can You make it quarter rate? Can You give us some concession? Some sale, you know." There are at least thirty-five percent people are coming free. And those who can pay want to have half, less than half, but I don't know what to say to them. I mean this is the only chance where you can really give some money, which is, of course, shared, I agree. It's not all that money is needed for one person, but you can share, very easily with others, because they don't have that much money to come to this country, they don't have that much money to live here. As we are talking about global life, we have to understand that we have to share money with them. If you start understanding only this much, I tell you, your attachment to money will go away. That you have to share. You don't want to share anything. You may have crores, but you don't want to share. In Sahaja Yoga, so many people have become very rich, but they don't want to share. I'm not saying that we are here for money or anything, but main point is, fundamental point, is the attitude should be of sharing with others. Sahaja Yoga has given us so much. What have we done for it? Where are we sharing? On the other side, we have people who are very - very greedy who want more. There are some people who go on borrowing money, some people who go on using people for their own purposes. All these petty, nonsensical things are not for Sahaja Yogis. You don't need. Whatever you need, you just ask, you'll get it. So some people are trying to exploit some people and some people are trying to save themselves. There should be an open mind. As your Sahasrara is open here - you know, this is the Heart Chakra here and this Heart Chakra opens, then the Sahasrara opens. Open your hearts, open your hearts, then only you can enjoy yourself. Now supposing I want to see something with My eyes and My eyes are closed, can I see something and enjoy that? If you have to feel something from your heart, your heart is closed, how can you? How can you feel that? So open your heart. Open your heart. In this way, you'll realize that things are not so difficult. It's all for us very easy, but we have to open our heart and respect each other. Sahaja Yogis must respect each other. Somebody is black, somebody is white, somebody is tall, somebody is short, somebody is like that. God has made a variety otherwise we would all have been like a regimentation. So we should enjoy the variety that makes the beauty, beauty of creation. So all these outward things should not in any way impress you. People should be clean, neat, tidy - that's different. But everybody should be like you is wrong. In India especially, if you speak English not very correctly, then he is condemned, as a scheduled caste. It's such slavish mentality, very slavish. Whether you know your language or not, your mother tongue or not, Hindi or not, doesn't matter. You must know English. If somebody says "English", he is finished. Well, I have seen Japanese, Chinese, French, anyone else speaks horrible, I mean funny English, I should say, but the worst are the English themselves. English have lost the sense of English completely, but what’s so much in that? It's nothing but a slavish mentality to one regime, which was here for three hundred years and did nothing good to themselves, went empty handed from here. Even the Christians in India believe that Christ was born in England, do you believe that? Most of them. So the essence of a life is to be proud of whatever country we are born of, we must love our own country, but we should not identify with it. All the wrongs of that country we should criticize and we should see. We should not accept them and should not become a part and parcel of those absurd people who have their limitations. Do you transcend your countries? You transcend all these limitations. You have become great now. How can you remain in a small little pond? You need an ocean. You'll get suffocated. Another thing is, you should not use things made by machine so much. Try to avoid, as far as possible. These machines have created so many problems for us. We should wear something that is made by hand or by people who are using small, little, sort of, we can call, ordinary machines, which does not require so much of smoke to come out. We should be very conscious of ecological problems as Sahaja Yogis. But one thing I know, where there are Sahaja Yogis the ecological problems also gets solved because of vibrations. But vibrations will only fight when you are willing to fight ecology. Everywhere you go, you find so much of pollution, so much of pollution. How to fight this pollution? Is to be paying attention to the ecology. Are we producing all those things, which is spoiling the atmosphere? We are responsible, we have to do it. Who is going to do it? So one side, as I told you, we have to look after the people who are poorer than us, who are unfortunate. We have to look after the atmosphere which is filled with all nonsensical things and take to a lifestyle, which lifestyle will be simpler, by which we don't use so many, so many vehicles and so many things which are creating problems. Like in Dehra Dhun they told me they have so many of these three-wheelers that the buses have stopped. Why? Because in the three-wheeler you pay some money less, so they go by the three-wheeler and it creates all the black soot all over. A Sahaja Yogi should never sit in a three-wheeler to save some money. It's better to walk or use a vehicle which doesn't give much of these things. They are so many ways by which we can really be very supportive of this ecological problem because it is a part of our, part of our responsibility. Till the age of forty-seven, I was wearing only pure khadi, pure khadi, not even silk, till the age of forty-seven. Then when this Sahasrara was broken, then I started wearing other clothes. Our life should be such that we should feel sensitive to every growth around us. It is only our attention, how you put your attention to things. Like now, there are so many new things are coming up in India, everywhere. One day, I told somebody that why didn't you get some quails from Germany? He said, "I don't know. There is quail in Germany?" I said, "There is a big industry of quails. What do you say?" "How do you know, Mother?" I said, "I know." Once I go to a country, I know everything about that, all the details about it. I was surprised that such a big industry they had, they never knew they had quails. In the same way, in our own country, we don't know what we have, what artistic things we have, what is, what is the one that is, that will help the poor. We never know about it. Why Christ was born in those conditions because He wanted to give blessings to those poor people, to help them with spirituality. But we are not bothered, we are not bothered to see where the poverty is and how we can help. You can, by all means, you can help them in every corner, in every way. It's very simple to understand about your own country, where the problem is, why people are poor and we cannot help them. We have to take to this. Unless and until your light shines in the society, we are doing nothing. We are just enjoying our own Sahaja Yoga, Ganapatipule and all that. But what about others? So sensitivity to art, sensitivity to music, sensitivity to all creative things that are there and what can we do with these creative things for others. The attention should be more towards these things than about useless things. Politics you shouldn't worry so much. It will be all exposed and finished and it will be alright. Let them fight, let them do what they like. They're stupid people. Your attention should be how you can be creative, how you can help people, how what you can do. In everything there's one thing - is Love, what you call is compassion, Anukampa, just out of love and affection and that should be an real innate expression of every Sahaja Yogi in every field of life. I don't like this, I don't like that, this kind of a person is never a Sahaja Yogi. The one who says, "I like." My throat was not all right, but somebody brought some fruit. Just to please, I ate it. Doesn't matter what, little bit, I did eat. Just to please you, I wore such a heavy saree. None of you can wear it, I can tell you. Just to please you. So what are we doing to please others? You should be a pleasing personality. Instead of thinking about how you should be pleased, I don't like this, I don't do like that, instead of, what have I done to please others? To please the Divine, our character, our behaviour should be absolutely clean. I know Sahaja Yogis have done wonders and they are doing very well, but they can do much, much, much more than what they are doing. So on this day of Christ's birthday, I have to tell you that it is not possible to follow His life, I agree. Very difficult. But at least, one has to learn from Him that He is before us and let us try to go forward towards Him, in His simplicity, in His honesty and the sacrifices He could make. May God bless you.
Evening Program
Evening Program
Haldi and Weddings
Shri Ganesha Puja: Spiritual Dimension
English, Hindi, Marathi
1994-12-31 Shri Ganesha Puja Kalwe Translation of the Talk in Hindi Today we are going to perform Shri Ganesha Pooja. Shri Ganesha Pooja is most essential. Because of Shri Ganesha only there is holiness spread in the whole world. Today, whatever problems we are seeing is because you have not yet recognised our greatness. And we do not know why we have not recognised its importance. And we do not know as to why we have come in this world and what work we are doing, and what we have to do? In order to understand this, today, Sahaja Yoga has come to this world. Whatever terrible condition of the world is due to the Kali yuga, you know about it. I do not have to tell you about this. But, we should know that the human being has been separated from righteousness (“dharma”). Like the faith humans had, has now become superficial. There is no interiority (“aantarikta”). People are not able to understand how to recognise Shri Ganesha. What should be there in their life? But this is very difficult. However, much you explain, whatever you say, humans do not understand how they can accept Shri Ganesha. If on one side they are blessed by Shri Ganesha and are nourished, then they are very pure. They reflect. That is not the point. if you are a very honest person it is alright. But if you fall short in honesty (“naitikta”), then it is wrong. If you are not able to put your attention on the problems faced by the world, then also you lack balance. And if you want to awaken the powers of Shri Ganesha within you, this is possible only through awakening of the Kundalini. There is no other way. He possesses four special powers. Out of these four powers, the most important are, wisdom/good sense (“subudhi’), being knowledgeable (“sugyata”). In order to ignite these powers within us, we have to raise our Kundalini and make the Shri Ganesha within us happy. Shri Ganesha’s anger can also be harmful for us. His nature, on the one side is very peaceful and cool and on the other side, when he sees that human beings are on the wrong path, then he gets angry to such an extent, as I had told in Pune three times, that after establishing Shri Ganesha, if you perform vulgar dances before him, perform disco, and sing vulgar songs, he will definitely be angry with you. And there will be an earthquake. And the same thing happened. There was an earthquake. Now, we should pay attention as to what all wrong things we are doing. Before we used to call outsiders dirty, and their attention always used to be towards dirty things. But now we are also going towards dirty things. We like dirty songs, we see dirty pictures, talk vulgar things and use bad words. All this is not at all liked by Shri Ganesha. Our language should be pure, our thoughts should be clean, and our desires should also be pure. Now this thing has started coming slowly towards us. When we keep this type of thoughts within us, then only we can keep our self-respect. Then only we realise that there is some importance in our life. We are not stray people. We are Indians. And in order to take birth in India, we have to do penance for number of years. After a number of years of gathering blessings (“punya”), you are born in India. Your life is not meant for useless things. We have to try to understand this. In Siddhivinayak, I see there is a big queue. But what are you offering to Shri Ganesha? If you do not like to do dirty things, then all this will stop. Going to dirty places, eating food there, talking dirty things, are all being done in a very normal way nowadays. Now, I have been seeing some people standing on the road and eating, going somewhere, talking vulgar things, passing remarks on ladies, seeing them with dirty eyes. Jesus Christ had said ‘that if you see any woman twice with bad eyes, then you should remove your eyes and throw it. If you have done any bad work from your one hand, then cut the hand.’ I have not seen any Christian whose hand has been cut or eyes having been removed. But they call themselves as Christians, only for name sake and not in reality. And in our country, it has been specially written that there is one soul that resides in everyone. It cannot belong to any caste or creed. Caste had not been given on the basis of the birth of a human being but was made on the basis of his work. Those who give caste so much of importance, they cannot be Indians. That is why we should know what all we do which is totally against righteousness (‘dharma’). And when we do such work, Shri Ganesha within us becomes very angry and this anger of Shri Ganesha is very sad. Because on account of his anger, many such illness comes forth, which has no cure, which is called incurable. We get such diseases, such illness come forth, which has no cure for it, which is called incurable. We get such diseases. That is why we have to keep Shri Ganesha happy always. First and foremost, this earth, which is our Mother, the Mother Earth element, with whom we are connected, has to be given a lot of respect. In the olden days, even now it may be in practice, before getting up, when we touched the floor, we used to seek pardon from Mother Earth by saying ‘I am touching you with my feet, please pardon me.’ So much of respect we had. These days there is no respect for their own mother and father, who will keep respect for earth? To bow down before everything, to be respectful to everyone, this is the very aspect of our country. Now all these aspects are no more there. Neither do children respect their parents, husband does not care about his wife, nor does wife care for the husband. Any relationship which is pertaining to the world, should be go on with lot of respect, and this has been told to us by various Dharmas of our country. But now, this is no more visible. Neither children care for their parents, nor husband cares for his wife, nor wife cares for her husband. All relationships in the world, any relationship have to go on with lot of respect, as has been told by various religions of the country. This is according to the principle of nationalism (“rashtradharma”). Now buying foreign things, buying foreign clothes, dancing in the western style, to follow foreign styles, is not something sensible. We can adopt foreign concepts. We can teach them because our culture is so great, and that too on the foundation of Shri Ganesha. Especially in Maharashtra, Ashta Vinayak are seated there. Maha Ganesha is sitting there. And I see dirt to such an extent that I feel astonished that they have forgotten that he is sitting there. Where they have come. The respect should be voluntary. You should understand the self. When you will understand your soul, you will be surprised to know that you possess so much powers within. But you have not awakened these powers. That is how all the poverty, troubles, dirt of the world has come here. It is essential that the worship of Shri Ganesha which we do outwardly, should be done inwardly. And it should also be seen which of the qualities of Shri Ganesha have been acquired and what is that special within us through which we can be blessed by him. Such type of qualities should come within us. To respect each other and to value of each other, have been told, but do we think about it? Who does all this abroad, and there is so much wealth abroad. These days their wealth has diminished. What they previously used to think as wealth, they have started realising it is nothing special and they are also falling into it. Whatever their talks are, it is all highly artificial. Their roads are quite clean, but their heart is bad. Whatever I have seen of them, their inner side is totally dirty and outwardly, everything is good. And all the arrangements there are to get spoilt. If any child goes there, he will not be able to stay away from alcohol. They will make them smoke; they will take them to dirty places. They will take them to discos, they will do this, that, and there is so much of filth that there is the presence of terrible - terrible Kaliayug. We feel that they are in great comfort. How can the parents whose children are addicted to drugs, be happy? If we people are to be in correct path and if we have to enjoy our inner happiness which is the greatest wealth for us, then it is essential we save our purity (“pavitrayata”). And by rectifying ourselves, we have to settle down with our activities with great grandeur. And not by becoming like a beggar and smearing ourselves with filth. The great praise of Indians, as per what a Chinese official who met me, started telling me ‘Oh it is this wealth about which I had heard for so many years, and read about it that in India spiritual wealth is in abundance.’ That we are rich in spiritual wealth, there is no doubt about it. But there should be intelligence (“rugyan”) there. Regarding intelligence (“rugyan”), we have stopped adhering to morality (“mlechch”). Our attention goes towards dirt. We run after that which makes us impure. Then whatever beauty that is within us, how will that come out. How can we see it? That is the reason it is important to remember that when you worship Shri Ganesha you take care that you are invoking Shri Ganesha within you, otherwise it will be difficult if he will also be upset. It is very difficult to explain to him as he will not accept anything than what is pure. We cannot argue before him. We cannot explain anything to him. Whatever purity that he has created, if we remain within that we will also be happy, and he will also be happy. Transcript of the Talk in English Today I am talking about Shri Ganesha. Now we Will be parting we will be going to our own country and I must congratulate you the way you have come up to the expectations of Shri Ganesha. I am very happy with you people. I wish Indians would learn a lesson from you that you are the people who don't have this tradition; you don't have Shri Ganesha established there. Still somehow you have come up to such a level that I feel very proud of you and all of them should learn a lesson from you. They are going to the western life, western style, western expression of the filth but you people have accepted it and have changed so much that they have to learn a lesson that's what I'm telling them. It’s a very good lesson for them. First you used to come and learn here what was Sahaja Yoga and was respect, what was respecting yourself. But I am very happy to see this time you all have been an ideal example of Sahaja yogis. You tolerated all kinds of inconveniences and you saw [claps in the background] you saw comfort of your spirit not of your body and the way you have been behaving I am over satisfied. I hope you will really grow to your spiritual dimensions and try to bring forth in this dimension in other people of your nationality - very important. You see all the bad points of these people and you see where they are going. You are worried about it, you are thinking about it, but we have to do something about it so that they take to a harmony, real righteous life no use talking and giving big sermons. I am sure you can do that, and you have done it. There are certain points about Sahaja Yoga that you have to understand the precise way of curing yourself and curing others. I am hoping to write a book on that, I hope so if it is finished that will be useful for you to help yourself and help others physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. [claps in the background.] The best part is that the way you have controlled your children and you have brought them to proper lives and you have saved them of this is really remarkable because in India we have given up all children. We have become extremely docile because they have become very arrogant and independent. And, our love is so much for the children, that we allow them to do what they like. But you people have really saved your children and they will thank you very much for this. I would like to thank all of you for bring this good work for yourself or others and for your country and I am sure it will be very successful in a very short time and it will become global understanding of Sahaja Yoga. May God bless you. Translation of the Talk in Marathi Today during the pooja, we have do decide that we will spend our entire life at the lotus feet of Shri Ganesha and bring purity within us. In that purity we will not leave our children as well. We will put them on the right path. We will provide them with good education and turn them around. Do not get nervous about this. We have to keep children in discipline. If you do not keep them in discipline, they will sit on your head. Therefore, I am telling you that if you have real love for Shri Ganesha, you have to take care of your children. Mere love is of no use. That will only spoil your children and you will have lot of problems. Therefore, at this time you should give them that discipline which is required. On account of this, sometimes we feel bad that we say such things to children, or the children have become like this and so on, but you should not feel anything bad about that. This is our duty and we have to discharge our duty. In this manner if we do our duty, then only the bad generation can be avoided, and we can bring such children on the path. This society is going on towards wrong path, if we have to rectify it, first and foremost the parents should take care. In this teacher cannot do anything. Parents should take care of the children and they should explain to them that ‘You are the future generation and you have to take care of this society. You should not enter into wrong and dirty society.’ The cinema group should also be taken to task by way of stopping vulgar pictures, which teach vulgar things, and talk about vulgar things and such habits will not come in children. It should spread to such an extent that children will themselves say no to it. Current day children are very good. Many children in this country are born realised by birth. But if they are not turned around well, they will not understand what is wrong? What is right? Till they understand this, they will keep on doing wrong things. Therefore, today, keeping Shri Ganesha in our mind, we should decide in our mind that we should show Shri Mataji that our children, ourselves, our home, our society, all would make Shri Ganesha happy. I am fully confident that you will pay attention to this. Just superficially chanting prayers of Shri Ganesha is nothing, praying outwardly, or ringing the bell in his temple has no meaning. The bell should ring from within. When this will ring only then the purity spreads and through this purity everybody will be benefitted, and the best will happen. Everybody has been awakened through Sahaja yoga. If you are a Sahaja yogi, you need not be told much. But others, like your relations, your children, your daughter, daughter-in-law and all others should come to Sahaja yoga, this we should decide and then only we should leave. And it will just happen like that. If you desire, you can arrange for “Haldi Kumkum” function and call them, and say come to Sahaja Yoga. There is no way other than Sahaja Yoga. And seeing you only, they will come to Sahaja Yoga, and this is the arrangement. Then, whatever pleases Shri Ganesha and whatever he likes, we should do that. Just by offering Modak (sweet), what is the use? What is in Modak, is to be known first. In Modak, if there is your good desire, your pure desire, then it pleases him. Otherwise he does not want any other Modak. That is why you have to keep pure desire, pure desire meaning Kundalini, and this pure desire means to enable us to get completely into Sahaja yoga. In this manner, through our belief, may everybody benefit from Sahaja yoga. Hearty blessings to all.
1994-12-31 Shri Ganesha Puja Kalwe Translation of the Talk in Hindi Today we are going to perform Shri Ganesha Pooja. Shri Ganesha Pooja is most essential. Because of Shri Ganesha only there is holiness spread in the whole world. Today, whatever problems we are seeing is because you have not yet recognised our greatness. And we do not know why we have not recognised its importance. And we do not know as to why we have come in this world and what work we are doing, and what we have to do? In order to understand this, today, Sahaja Yoga has come to this world. Whatever terrible condition of the world is due to the Kali yuga, you know about it. I do not have to tell you about this. But, we should know that the human being has been separated from righteousness (“dharma”). Like the faith humans had, has now become superficial. There is no interiority (“aantarikta”). People are not able to understand how to recognise Shri Ganesha. What should be there in their life? But this is very difficult. However, much you explain, whatever you say, humans do not understand how they can accept Shri Ganesha. If on one side they are blessed by Shri Ganesha and are nourished, then they are very pure. They reflect. That is not the point. if you are a very honest person it is alright. But if you fall short in honesty (“naitikta”), then it is wrong. If you are not able to put your attention on the problems faced by the world, then also you lack balance. And if you want to awaken the powers of Shri Ganesha within you, this is possible only through awakening of the Kundalini. There is no other way. He possesses four special powers. Out of these four powers, the most important are, wisdom/good sense (“subudhi’), being knowledgeable (“sugyata”). In order to ignite these powers within us, we have to raise our Kundalini and make the Shri Ganesha within us happy. Shri Ganesha’s anger can also be harmful for us. His nature, on the one side is very peaceful and cool and on the other side, when he sees that human beings are on the wrong path, then he gets angry to such an extent, as I had told in Pune three times, that after establishing Shri Ganesha, if you perform vulgar dances before him, perform disco, and sing vulgar songs, he will definitely be angry with you. And there will be an earthquake. And the same thing happened. There was an earthquake. Now, we should pay attention as to what all wrong things we are doing. Before we used to call outsiders dirty, and their attention always used to be towards dirty things. But now we are also going towards dirty things. We like dirty songs, we see dirty pictures, talk vulgar things and use bad words. All this is not at all liked by Shri Ganesha. Our language should be pure, our thoughts should be clean, and our desires should also be pure. Now this thing has started coming slowly towards us. When we keep this type of thoughts within us, then only we can keep our self-respect. Then only we realise that there is some importance in our life. We are not stray people. We are Indians. And in order to take birth in India, we have to do penance for number of years. After a number of years of gathering blessings (“punya”), you are born in India. Your life is not meant for useless things. We have to try to understand this. In Siddhivinayak, I see there is a big queue. But what are you offering to Shri Ganesha? If you do not like to do dirty things, then all this will stop. Going to dirty places, eating food there, talking dirty things, are all being done in a very normal way nowadays. Now, I have been seeing some people standing on the road and eating, going somewhere, talking vulgar things, passing remarks on ladies, seeing them with dirty eyes. Jesus Christ had said ‘that if you see any woman twice with bad eyes, then you should remove your eyes and throw it. If you have done any bad work from your one hand, then cut the hand.’ I have not seen any Christian whose hand has been cut or eyes having been removed. But they call themselves as Christians, only for name sake and not in reality. And in our country, it has been specially written that there is one soul that resides in everyone. It cannot belong to any caste or creed. Caste had not been given on the basis of the birth of a human being but was made on the basis of his work. Those who give caste so much of importance, they cannot be Indians. That is why we should know what all we do which is totally against righteousness (‘dharma’). And when we do such work, Shri Ganesha within us becomes very angry and this anger of Shri Ganesha is very sad. Because on account of his anger, many such illness comes forth, which has no cure, which is called incurable. We get such diseases, such illness come forth, which has no cure for it, which is called incurable. We get such diseases. That is why we have to keep Shri Ganesha happy always. First and foremost, this earth, which is our Mother, the Mother Earth element, with whom we are connected, has to be given a lot of respect. In the olden days, even now it may be in practice, before getting up, when we touched the floor, we used to seek pardon from Mother Earth by saying ‘I am touching you with my feet, please pardon me.’ So much of respect we had. These days there is no respect for their own mother and father, who will keep respect for earth? To bow down before everything, to be respectful to everyone, this is the very aspect of our country. Now all these aspects are no more there. Neither do children respect their parents, husband does not care about his wife, nor does wife care for the husband. Any relationship which is pertaining to the world, should be go on with lot of respect, and this has been told to us by various Dharmas of our country. But now, this is no more visible. Neither children care for their parents, nor husband cares for his wife, nor wife cares for her husband. All relationships in the world, any relationship have to go on with lot of respect, as has been told by various religions of the country. This is according to the principle of nationalism (“rashtradharma”). Now buying foreign things, buying foreign clothes, dancing in the western style, to follow foreign styles, is not something sensible. We can adopt foreign concepts. We can teach them because our culture is so great, and that too on the foundation of Shri Ganesha. Especially in Maharashtra, Ashta Vinayak are seated there. Maha Ganesha is sitting there. And I see dirt to such an extent that I feel astonished that they have forgotten that he is sitting there. Where they have come. The respect should be voluntary. You should understand the self. When you will understand your soul, you will be surprised to know that you possess so much powers within. But you have not awakened these powers. That is how all the poverty, troubles, dirt of the world has come here. It is essential that the worship of Shri Ganesha which we do outwardly, should be done inwardly. And it should also be seen which of the qualities of Shri Ganesha have been acquired and what is that special within us through which we can be blessed by him. Such type of qualities should come within us. To respect each other and to value of each other, have been told, but do we think about it? Who does all this abroad, and there is so much wealth abroad. These days their wealth has diminished. What they previously used to think as wealth, they have started realising it is nothing special and they are also falling into it. Whatever their talks are, it is all highly artificial. Their roads are quite clean, but their heart is bad. Whatever I have seen of them, their inner side is totally dirty and outwardly, everything is good. And all the arrangements there are to get spoilt. If any child goes there, he will not be able to stay away from alcohol. They will make them smoke; they will take them to dirty places. They will take them to discos, they will do this, that, and there is so much of filth that there is the presence of terrible - terrible Kaliayug. We feel that they are in great comfort. How can the parents whose children are addicted to drugs, be happy? If we people are to be in correct path and if we have to enjoy our inner happiness which is the greatest wealth for us, then it is essential we save our purity (“pavitrayata”). And by rectifying ourselves, we have to settle down with our activities with great grandeur. And not by becoming like a beggar and smearing ourselves with filth. The great praise of Indians, as per what a Chinese official who met me, started telling me ‘Oh it is this wealth about which I had heard for so many years, and read about it that in India spiritual wealth is in abundance.’ That we are rich in spiritual wealth, there is no doubt about it. But there should be intelligence (“rugyan”) there. Regarding intelligence (“rugyan”), we have stopped adhering to morality (“mlechch”). Our attention goes towards dirt. We run after that which makes us impure. Then whatever beauty that is within us, how will that come out. How can we see it? That is the reason it is important to remember that when you worship Shri Ganesha you take care that you are invoking Shri Ganesha within you, otherwise it will be difficult if he will also be upset. It is very difficult to explain to him as he will not accept anything than what is pure. We cannot argue before him. We cannot explain anything to him. Whatever purity that he has created, if we remain within that we will also be happy, and he will also be happy. Transcript of the Talk in English Today I am talking about Shri Ganesha. Now we Will be parting we will be going to our own country and I must congratulate you the way you have come up to the expectations of Shri Ganesha. I am very happy with you people. I wish Indians would learn a lesson from you that you are the people who don't have this tradition; you don't have Shri Ganesha established there. Still somehow you have come up to such a level that I feel very proud of you and all of them should learn a lesson from you. They are going to the western life, western style, western expression of the filth but you people have accepted it and have changed so much that they have to learn a lesson that's what I'm telling them. It’s a very good lesson for them. First you used to come and learn here what was Sahaja Yoga and was respect, what was respecting yourself. But I am very happy to see this time you all have been an ideal example of Sahaja yogis. You tolerated all kinds of inconveniences and you saw [claps in the background] you saw comfort of your spirit not of your body and the way you have been behaving I am over satisfied. I hope you will really grow to your spiritual dimensions and try to bring forth in this dimension in other people of your nationality - very important. You see all the bad points of these people and you see where they are going. You are worried about it, you are thinking about it, but we have to do something about it so that they take to a harmony, real righteous life no use talking and giving big sermons. I am sure you can do that, and you have done it. There are certain points about Sahaja Yoga that you have to understand the precise way of curing yourself and curing others. I am hoping to write a book on that, I hope so if it is finished that will be useful for you to help yourself and help others physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. [claps in the background.] The best part is that the way you have controlled your children and you have brought them to proper lives and you have saved them of this is really remarkable because in India we have given up all children. We have become extremely docile because they have become very arrogant and independent. And, our love is so much for the children, that we allow them to do what they like. But you people have really saved your children and they will thank you very much for this. I would like to thank all of you for bring this good work for yourself or others and for your country and I am sure it will be very successful in a very short time and it will become global understanding of Sahaja Yoga. May God bless you. Translation of the Talk in Marathi Today during the pooja, we have do decide that we will spend our entire life at the lotus feet of Shri Ganesha and bring purity within us. In that purity we will not leave our children as well. We will put them on the right path. We will provide them with good education and turn them around. Do not get nervous about this. We have to keep children in discipline. If you do not keep them in discipline, they will sit on your head. Therefore, I am telling you that if you have real love for Shri Ganesha, you have to take care of your children. Mere love is of no use. That will only spoil your children and you will have lot of problems. Therefore, at this time you should give them that discipline which is required. On account of this, sometimes we feel bad that we say such things to children, or the children have become like this and so on, but you should not feel anything bad about that. This is our duty and we have to discharge our duty. In this manner if we do our duty, then only the bad generation can be avoided, and we can bring such children on the path. This society is going on towards wrong path, if we have to rectify it, first and foremost the parents should take care. In this teacher cannot do anything. Parents should take care of the children and they should explain to them that ‘You are the future generation and you have to take care of this society. You should not enter into wrong and dirty society.’ The cinema group should also be taken to task by way of stopping vulgar pictures, which teach vulgar things, and talk about vulgar things and such habits will not come in children. It should spread to such an extent that children will themselves say no to it. Current day children are very good. Many children in this country are born realised by birth. But if they are not turned around well, they will not understand what is wrong? What is right? Till they understand this, they will keep on doing wrong things. Therefore, today, keeping Shri Ganesha in our mind, we should decide in our mind that we should show Shri Mataji that our children, ourselves, our home, our society, all would make Shri Ganesha happy. I am fully confident that you will pay attention to this. Just superficially chanting prayers of Shri Ganesha is nothing, praying outwardly, or ringing the bell in his temple has no meaning. The bell should ring from within. When this will ring only then the purity spreads and through this purity everybody will be benefitted, and the best will happen. Everybody has been awakened through Sahaja yoga. If you are a Sahaja yogi, you need not be told much. But others, like your relations, your children, your daughter, daughter-in-law and all others should come to Sahaja yoga, this we should decide and then only we should leave. And it will just happen like that. If you desire, you can arrange for “Haldi Kumkum” function and call them, and say come to Sahaja Yoga. There is no way other than Sahaja Yoga. And seeing you only, they will come to Sahaja Yoga, and this is the arrangement. Then, whatever pleases Shri Ganesha and whatever he likes, we should do that. Just by offering Modak (sweet), what is the use? What is in Modak, is to be known first. In Modak, if there is your good desire, your pure desire, then it pleases him. Otherwise he does not want any other Modak. That is why you have to keep pure desire, pure desire meaning Kundalini, and this pure desire means to enable us to get completely into Sahaja yoga. In this manner, through our belief, may everybody benefit from Sahaja yoga. Hearty blessings to all.
Arrival Talk
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Informal Talk to Yogis. Melbourne Airport (Australia), 19 February 1995. I never expected you all here but, very happy to see you, that our, Melbourne has grown so much so beautifully. You all look so nice. It was, quite a struggle to begin with, but it had worked out and we all have come together now, in such a beautiful way. There were many in Ganapatipule I couldn't talk to you directly, that time. How many got married in Ganapatipule? This time. None from Melbourne. But there were many Australians married. All right next time. What I was told that most of the young boys and young girls are married now and we had a problem, because the boys were all about six feet and all the girls were below five feet. But when I told them that they said: 'Mother You are so concerned about heights so, we are very thankful You can marry us and we don't mind.' So I said: 'It's good.' Otherwise see, sometimes only on height people fight. It seems children are very happy in the school and they are enjoying there. Now I've started a new thing again, is a gymnasium, where you have to learn gyms and you have to develop your bodies to be Mr Universe. Such a nice, family of ours, and the way things are working out all over the world, it's very, joy-giving for Me. It's all so easy for Sahaja Yoga. Just have to meditate and, penetrate more into subtler, being that is your self. I'm writing a book now, I've been writing many, but this time there's a book, which I gave it to C.P. and he says: 'It's very subtle, very subtle, for very subtle people.' I said: 'It's meant for subtle people only.' What am I to do? That's how I am. But still I would say that the society if you all see around, is very, destructive. The morality part is very disappointing. When I see the newspapers I am really shocked how things are happening and I cannot explain why people behave like this in this manner. Maybe you can say these are some, possessions, or maybe their genes, or maybe their breeding. So one of the things very important for Sahaja Yogis is, to lead a very very moral life. With immorality as it is people are punished as you know. They get all kinds of diseases, all kinds of troubles, also problems in the family, that affects our children. I always felt that, the society is to be looked after by women, by women, not by men so much. They have to be tolerant because that's their job, that's what they have to do. There's nothing inferior or superior on the contrary a superior woman would be a very good housewife, would be a very good, collective personality. She'd be the more sensible and a balanced person, because she has a double job to do. Firstly she has to establish her children all right, give them a proper training by her own life, and then she has to look after the society. When you see the ills of society, that has taken so much of toll, of so many young generation, I think Sahaja Yogis have a very great responsibility, towards their fellow man in their own country. We talk of so many things but actually you'll be surprised you all are gifted with the power to emit, vibrations by which you can correct the society. You are all the channels of those beautiful vibrations, which you must use and utilize. But if you do not pay attention, to your vibrations, and to your growth, then all these, subtle powers that you have do not manifest. That is what I feel about Sahaja Yogis yet, they have not realized how important they are, and what is their role, much more than any other Incarnations, disciples, Incarnations' pupils, had. Because you yourself, you are realized souls. You yourself know all the things. All the subtleties you have, and if you can just understand that by spreading Sahaja Yoga you also go much deeper, within yourself, you will take it up and work it out. Of course while spreading, people are worried about their ego sometimes. They think that supposing we are successful, then ego might come into it. Doesn't matter. It's part of the game. But you should see. We have had some very big calamities recently. Many people became mahayogis, you see. They were saying: 'We are this, we are that we are mahayogis, we are special people,' and some of them really tumbled down. So one has to be careful. One has to lead a balanced, life and a balanced attitude towards oneself. No use cursing anybody, saying anything, that somebody else is responsible for your fall. We have one now in, I have heard about him. This Chinese fellow. What's his name is, Sam? Don't know. About a big mahayogi is born there but, wherever he has been he's been such a trouble I tell you, everywhere, he's a troubleshooter. And now he thinks no end of himself. He has written a letter, to say that Mother has given me powers to get all the businesses this that. Absolute nonsense. He's such a madman. I knew he was mad. But I didn't know he'd go to that extent of madness. So now I don't know what to do with such a person. Only thing we can ask him to get out of Sahaja Yoga that's all. But one has to be careful when you see such people with such horrible vibrations, they are on their way to lunatic asylum, and they, if they were taking drugs or something like that one can understand. It's not so. It is always a kind of a ego that just crawls up and they start boasting, talking big and ultimately they end up. Somebody in Milano said that he was Adi Shakti. I said: 'Very good send some of My saris I have too many of them.' I mean, and people don't tell Me. I have to discover. See it's very, surprising that people once they find some mahayogi there they just think, I don't know what they think about him. Maybe they think that's not their business to say anything about the mahayogi you see, but, they do, come up, here and there, see, find in every place. You also had somebody here once upon a time. I don't know if he is here still or not. So, see there are people who take to all these tantric ways and all kinds of things. And where do they end, you see, they are just mad people, that's what they are. So never take to them and be careful that, when they are trying to form some group, please keep away from them. I'm very happy to see all of you together so nicely placed with each other. It's very very satisfying. And that shows the wisdom is there now to understand the value of a Sahaja Yogi. It all is going on and I think in this Mahashivaratri I'll have to talk about these mahayogis also because they are all, coming up here and there and troubling the leaders. Now most of the leaders who are there, most of them I should say, are perfectly alright and I don't really want to say anything about anyone. They can handle. They are the best to handle everything. Everybody you see, is quite capable and they can handle the situation and whatever they say you must listen to them. Because I can't talk to all of you. I cannot, listen to all of you I should say. But there's one gentleman who's there who I think is very reasonable, so you talk to your leader and whatever the leader decides, you must accept otherwise what's the use of having a leader? You have here a very good leader for Melbourne, you have very good for Sydney, for world leader also you have so good. Everybody seems to be very much now equipped, to be good leaders and kind people. So there is no need to have any kind of a, disobedience for nothing at all. Those days are gone. Obedience is not also blind, is for your benevolence. You need it. And if you need it there's nothing to feel bad about it. Let C.P. talk about Me, as a wife I [INAUDIBLE] I think you all will be there for the puja. Shivratri Puja is the most important puja I think, from spiritual point of [view?] I hope you'll make it comfortable to be there and this Shivratri should create something more, within you, to see the vision that I have about the whole world. I am a simple housewife as you can see and, never to feel that you are just a housewife and good for nothing. Even if you create one great man, as a mother it's the greatest achievement, than to earn all kinds of laurels in this world. I'm happy C.P. could come this time and he's going to be here in Australia for some time. He has written this book. Of course I, asked him to write this book because I knew Shastriji was a realized soul, and that a person like this is lost to our country which requires really someone of that caliber. It has happened so, I hope you all will read the book and understand the value of leading a good life. Actually I always say that the politicians don't realize how they will go, in the history. If they could just realize this point, they wouldn't do all these nonsensical things that they do. But I think they are not conscious of what position they have, and what is the opportunity they have, by which they can show to the whole world that, through politics they have been able to create a great vision, or a great work. This is the only difference between great politicians and other politicians, their morality, everything, is very important because people try to follow them. They are our ideals, and this is what is very saddening that they don't realize what is their position is. Everybody, even as I said the housewives, or the men or the fathers, if they realize, what is, their, I would not call it duty, but what is their identity, things will work out very smoothly and they'll enjoy everything, whatever they do. I'm really so overjoyed to see you all, and the children are all here and they are very happy about the school so, I hope we have even a university there. About the school one thing I have decided we'll not affiliate with this Cambridge business, because they are very demanding type. They want to have a football grounds in those mountains you see. All kinds of things they want to have, for what? And Cambridge is such a difficult university nobody can get admitted there. Very difficult. You have to have at least four A and one B+. So like that, if you are so excellent in your studies then only you can go there, and we may have one or two like that but for them to spend all the money to change everything is very difficult. To get teachers to teach all kinds of languages very difficult. So best thing is to pass this examination ICSC, which is very good. You are, you can join any university after that if you can pass a few examinations as they have in America and everywhere. So there is no need to trouble our children and load them with so much of studies for what? Hardly one or two might get into that university. Besides somehow I have known about Cambridge, it's not such a practical university, it is more theoretical. So this, thing has to go from our head. I think it's more our slavish mentality that we think Cambridge is the last word, for every kind of education. You can become a bureaucrat with that, you can be a consultant, but what else can you do because it's all theoretical. So I hope the parents don't mind if the children don't take to this but just to ICSC. Maybe it is possible we might have our own university for them, so it is quite possible we can get good professors from abroad and from everywhere, and make a very good university which can give them a practical knowledge and very good degrees in India only. Now as you know India has opened its economy and things are working out very well. I am not now of the opinion that we should send our children to places where it is so difficult and, the education is not so good. I was surprised that even in Australia the standards have gone down so much in education. The parents blame the teachers, the teachers blame the parents but, something has to be done about children, here also those who are studying. I don't know how far we can help them, but at least the school in Dharamsala has done good, and I am very thankful that the majority of the children are Australians and they are doing very well. They are well-disciplined very sweet children and there are very good reports about the Australian children. It's very surprising because they don't have so much of education what you call pre-school, but they are very sensible children and they're full of life and very hard-working. So I think if you have any problems, you may write to Me when I'm here. I'll deal with them, any individual problem if you have. Otherwise hope to see you for the program, and later on for the puja, in Sydney. May God Bless you. == Appendix: Sir C.P. Shrivastrava's speech in response to Shri Mataji's invitation: == I'm not standing up because that would a create a problem for the microphone. First of all I'm very honored, very happy to be here with my wife and I am also very very pleased to see all of you, see the faces, which show, love and divinity and dedication to your Mother. She has been talking about the role of women, and that set me a-thinking. I began to think of the last forty-eight years that we have been married, and I just want to tell you very briefly how She has performed the role of an ideal wife and an ideal Mother and an ideal grandmother in the family, besides being the Spiritual Leader of Sahaja Yoga. When we got married I belonged to a very, conservative family. She belonged to a very radical family, and it was a good complement to each other. But when She came to my house, She behaved as if for generations She had lived in a very conservative family and pleased everybody. The old ladies of the house who were looking a little worried, they thought here's a new lady from another province, speaking another language, professing another religion, how will She fit into our family? But what She did was She won over the heart of everyone by behaving in a very modest way, in a very loving way, in a very caring way and I have to admit that She became the favorite and I was lost. Well that is how our family life began. I was certainly very happy about it. But then, I was a bureaucrat, a civil servant, and unfortunately given to idea that absolute honesty must be observed which meant that we had to live within our means, our salary and all I had to do was to work in the office and I left all the problems of the house to my wife, so I said: 'Here's the salary, now do what you can.' And I tell you, She managed beautifully within our means, no possibility of anything going wrong. We had two children, two daughters. She brought them up and brought them up extremely well, arranged for their education, arranged for their marriage. They grew up, I didn't know how, for I was from morning until late evening every day in office but, and She was in charge of the house. She looked after not only my daughters but I want tell you this. All of us have rich relations and they care for themselves, take care, and we have in India poor relations as well, and when you are in a good position the poor relations flock to you. And they came to our house, children who needed education and each one of them, we had some sort of hostel running all the time, each one of them was looked after by my wife in the same way as our own daughters, given the same food, given the same affection. Only She could have done that. And they have grown up, they're now in so many places. That was the role She played as a mother, mother not only to my children but to children of the family. And then as we grew further She had a role to play as my wife. I held some assignments in government, in India and abroad in the United Nations. When I was Secretary to the Prime Minister of India, about whom I have written a book now, She was the main motive force behind me. In fact I wouldn't have gone to Mr Shastri if She had not insisted I must go, and I went and served there. Mr Shastri had very great respect for Her, all because She was of course, She was obviously a spiritual person, but also a very good mother, a very good housewife and he used to ask Her: "How do you run your house? What are your priorities?' And She would say what She had to say and Mr Shastri listened to that. Now as a wife She played that role. When I was working with Prime Minister sometimes I would be in the office till midnight. Why sometimes, every day, sometimes till early hours of the morning. But She supported me. She said: 'This is your duty now, duty to your country, to your Prime Minister. You must work. Don't worry about the house, don't worry about the children, I'll take care of them. Then I went to United Nations. There again, my goodness me, you have to take care of one government was bad enough in India. To take care of one hundred and thirty governments all over was not easy, traveling, meeting people, receptions, dinners, a very busy life, but She stood by me and while doing all that She was at the same time promoting Sahaja Yoga. I don't know how She did it, but She has done a wonderful job. You know I saw Sahaja Yoga beginning with four people in London and they were wearing jeans, not very clean either. That was the beginning of Sahaja Yoga. One day I came back home and I found a young boy, I'm talking 1974, young boy sitting in my drawing-room and when I entered the house he looked at me as if I was a stranger, he was the real owner of the house, so I receded. I didn't quite understand, but what surprised me even more was that he was wearing my clothes. I rubbed my eyes. I said: 'I, am I seeing something real or is it a dream?' Well when I receded I came to my wife and I said: 'Now who, who is this gentleman?' So She explained. She said: 'You know he's a poor young boy, and he, he was almost lying unattended to, unhelped, near Piccadilly Circus.' She had gone out for shopping and he saw her lying almost in a miserable condition. So She stepped out of the car, went to that boy, said: 'Why are you lying here, are you alright?" He said: 'No he was not well at all.' She said: 'Is there anyone to take care of you?' He said: 'No, there's none.' She said: 'That's awful' then She said: 'Okay hop into the car' and She brought him home. Then he was given a wash, he had no clothes, so he had to wear my clothes and that's how he was wearing my clothes and then for the next some weeks, he stayed in the house and there I saw Sahaja Yoga acting. This boy was suffering from, I think he, he was in very bad shape. Within three four weeks he blossomed. Another three weeks became healthy person and we then got to know that he was from Australia. He was a young engineer. He had run away from his house and he was in bad shape. After he was cured he became a very good person. He came back to Australia, was united with his mother. I don't know where he is, a Mr Gus, but that was what I saw, the miracle of Sahaja Yoga. And from those four persons, yes four I talked to, once I came back home and found those four persons wearing jeans and again I did not know who they were, but they were Sahaja Yogis and they were the initial Sahaja Yogis. While from them to this is a marvel. All I can say is, despite all Her attention to the family, to me, I've been a busy person. She has attended to all the duties to the family, She has created a new, universal family of Sahaja Yoga. Each Sahaja Yogi is in my view, an angel and I mean this. I mean this because I have known human beings in the world. The world is terrible. If you look at newspapers you would see all kinds of horror stories but when you meet a Sahaja Yogi, he or she is a very different person. The face is different, the inner self is different, the outer self is different. It's another creation. She has created thousands and thousands of such persons. Each one of you is a miracle. You know it's very difficult to transform human beings. I've worked in United Nations, in India for forty years. I cannot honestly say that I was able to transform even one human being. Yes, people followed my example and worked hard, but that is not transformation. Transformation is what I see in you and that is a miracle, that is what She has done. And now a new world is being created, I sincerely hope that Sahaja Yoga will spread more rapidly. It has spread very very fast but it needs to spread very much faster and all over the world there is a race between the forces of good and the forces of evil. You represent the forces of good. The forces of evil are outside. Have the heart, have the courage, Her Vibrations and your vibrations will I hope envelop the world and create a good world and this bad world will be suppressed, will disappear. This is all that I can say. I thank you very very much for receiving me here. I am delighted to be here in Australia. I have liked my visit immensely already. I think in Australia the beautiful thing is that the advantages of a developed world are present here but the heart seems to be very good, very sound, wonderful. You are open-hearted, warm people, loving people and I cannot say adequately how very happy I am and how very grateful. I thank you Maam for letting me come to Australia and I am going to enjoy myself. So, that's all that I can say.
Informal Talk to Yogis. Melbourne Airport (Australia), 19 February 1995. I never expected you all here but, very happy to see you, that our, Melbourne has grown so much so beautifully. You all look so nice. It was, quite a struggle to begin with, but it had worked out and we all have come together now, in such a beautiful way. There were many in Ganapatipule I couldn't talk to you directly, that time. How many got married in Ganapatipule? This time. None from Melbourne. But there were many Australians married. All right next time. What I was told that most of the young boys and young girls are married now and we had a problem, because the boys were all about six feet and all the girls were below five feet. But when I told them that they said: 'Mother You are so concerned about heights so, we are very thankful You can marry us and we don't mind.' So I said: 'It's good.' Otherwise see, sometimes only on height people fight. It seems children are very happy in the school and they are enjoying there. Now I've started a new thing again, is a gymnasium, where you have to learn gyms and you have to develop your bodies to be Mr Universe. Such a nice, family of ours, and the way things are working out all over the world, it's very, joy-giving for Me. It's all so easy for Sahaja Yoga. Just have to meditate and, penetrate more into subtler, being that is your self. I'm writing a book now, I've been writing many, but this time there's a book, which I gave it to C.P. and he says: 'It's very subtle, very subtle, for very subtle people.' I said: 'It's meant for subtle people only.' What am I to do? That's how I am. But still I would say that the society if you all see around, is very, destructive. The morality part is very disappointing. When I see the newspapers I am really shocked how things are happening and I cannot explain why people behave like this in this manner. Maybe you can say these are some, possessions, or maybe their genes, or maybe their breeding. So one of the things very important for Sahaja Yogis is, to lead a very very moral life. With immorality as it is people are punished as you know. They get all kinds of diseases, all kinds of troubles, also problems in the family, that affects our children. I always felt that, the society is to be looked after by women, by women, not by men so much. They have to be tolerant because that's their job, that's what they have to do. There's nothing inferior or superior on the contrary a superior woman would be a very good housewife, would be a very good, collective personality. She'd be the more sensible and a balanced person, because she has a double job to do. Firstly she has to establish her children all right, give them a proper training by her own life, and then she has to look after the society. When you see the ills of society, that has taken so much of toll, of so many young generation, I think Sahaja Yogis have a very great responsibility, towards their fellow man in their own country. We talk of so many things but actually you'll be surprised you all are gifted with the power to emit, vibrations by which you can correct the society. You are all the channels of those beautiful vibrations, which you must use and utilize. But if you do not pay attention, to your vibrations, and to your growth, then all these, subtle powers that you have do not manifest. That is what I feel about Sahaja Yogis yet, they have not realized how important they are, and what is their role, much more than any other Incarnations, disciples, Incarnations' pupils, had. Because you yourself, you are realized souls. You yourself know all the things. All the subtleties you have, and if you can just understand that by spreading Sahaja Yoga you also go much deeper, within yourself, you will take it up and work it out. Of course while spreading, people are worried about their ego sometimes. They think that supposing we are successful, then ego might come into it. Doesn't matter. It's part of the game. But you should see. We have had some very big calamities recently. Many people became mahayogis, you see. They were saying: 'We are this, we are that we are mahayogis, we are special people,' and some of them really tumbled down. So one has to be careful. One has to lead a balanced, life and a balanced attitude towards oneself. No use cursing anybody, saying anything, that somebody else is responsible for your fall. We have one now in, I have heard about him. This Chinese fellow. What's his name is, Sam? Don't know. About a big mahayogi is born there but, wherever he has been he's been such a trouble I tell you, everywhere, he's a troubleshooter. And now he thinks no end of himself. He has written a letter, to say that Mother has given me powers to get all the businesses this that. Absolute nonsense. He's such a madman. I knew he was mad. But I didn't know he'd go to that extent of madness. So now I don't know what to do with such a person. Only thing we can ask him to get out of Sahaja Yoga that's all. But one has to be careful when you see such people with such horrible vibrations, they are on their way to lunatic asylum, and they, if they were taking drugs or something like that one can understand. It's not so. It is always a kind of a ego that just crawls up and they start boasting, talking big and ultimately they end up. Somebody in Milano said that he was Adi Shakti. I said: 'Very good send some of My saris I have too many of them.' I mean, and people don't tell Me. I have to discover. See it's very, surprising that people once they find some mahayogi there they just think, I don't know what they think about him. Maybe they think that's not their business to say anything about the mahayogi you see, but, they do, come up, here and there, see, find in every place. You also had somebody here once upon a time. I don't know if he is here still or not. So, see there are people who take to all these tantric ways and all kinds of things. And where do they end, you see, they are just mad people, that's what they are. So never take to them and be careful that, when they are trying to form some group, please keep away from them. I'm very happy to see all of you together so nicely placed with each other. It's very very satisfying. And that shows the wisdom is there now to understand the value of a Sahaja Yogi. It all is going on and I think in this Mahashivaratri I'll have to talk about these mahayogis also because they are all, coming up here and there and troubling the leaders. Now most of the leaders who are there, most of them I should say, are perfectly alright and I don't really want to say anything about anyone. They can handle. They are the best to handle everything. Everybody you see, is quite capable and they can handle the situation and whatever they say you must listen to them. Because I can't talk to all of you. I cannot, listen to all of you I should say. But there's one gentleman who's there who I think is very reasonable, so you talk to your leader and whatever the leader decides, you must accept otherwise what's the use of having a leader? You have here a very good leader for Melbourne, you have very good for Sydney, for world leader also you have so good. Everybody seems to be very much now equipped, to be good leaders and kind people. So there is no need to have any kind of a, disobedience for nothing at all. Those days are gone. Obedience is not also blind, is for your benevolence. You need it. And if you need it there's nothing to feel bad about it. Let C.P. talk about Me, as a wife I [INAUDIBLE] I think you all will be there for the puja. Shivratri Puja is the most important puja I think, from spiritual point of [view?] I hope you'll make it comfortable to be there and this Shivratri should create something more, within you, to see the vision that I have about the whole world. I am a simple housewife as you can see and, never to feel that you are just a housewife and good for nothing. Even if you create one great man, as a mother it's the greatest achievement, than to earn all kinds of laurels in this world. I'm happy C.P. could come this time and he's going to be here in Australia for some time. He has written this book. Of course I, asked him to write this book because I knew Shastriji was a realized soul, and that a person like this is lost to our country which requires really someone of that caliber. It has happened so, I hope you all will read the book and understand the value of leading a good life. Actually I always say that the politicians don't realize how they will go, in the history. If they could just realize this point, they wouldn't do all these nonsensical things that they do. But I think they are not conscious of what position they have, and what is the opportunity they have, by which they can show to the whole world that, through politics they have been able to create a great vision, or a great work. This is the only difference between great politicians and other politicians, their morality, everything, is very important because people try to follow them. They are our ideals, and this is what is very saddening that they don't realize what is their position is. Everybody, even as I said the housewives, or the men or the fathers, if they realize, what is, their, I would not call it duty, but what is their identity, things will work out very smoothly and they'll enjoy everything, whatever they do. I'm really so overjoyed to see you all, and the children are all here and they are very happy about the school so, I hope we have even a university there. About the school one thing I have decided we'll not affiliate with this Cambridge business, because they are very demanding type. They want to have a football grounds in those mountains you see. All kinds of things they want to have, for what? And Cambridge is such a difficult university nobody can get admitted there. Very difficult. You have to have at least four A and one B+. So like that, if you are so excellent in your studies then only you can go there, and we may have one or two like that but for them to spend all the money to change everything is very difficult. To get teachers to teach all kinds of languages very difficult. So best thing is to pass this examination ICSC, which is very good. You are, you can join any university after that if you can pass a few examinations as they have in America and everywhere. So there is no need to trouble our children and load them with so much of studies for what? Hardly one or two might get into that university. Besides somehow I have known about Cambridge, it's not such a practical university, it is more theoretical. So this, thing has to go from our head. I think it's more our slavish mentality that we think Cambridge is the last word, for every kind of education. You can become a bureaucrat with that, you can be a consultant, but what else can you do because it's all theoretical. So I hope the parents don't mind if the children don't take to this but just to ICSC. Maybe it is possible we might have our own university for them, so it is quite possible we can get good professors from abroad and from everywhere, and make a very good university which can give them a practical knowledge and very good degrees in India only. Now as you know India has opened its economy and things are working out very well. I am not now of the opinion that we should send our children to places where it is so difficult and, the education is not so good. I was surprised that even in Australia the standards have gone down so much in education. The parents blame the teachers, the teachers blame the parents but, something has to be done about children, here also those who are studying. I don't know how far we can help them, but at least the school in Dharamsala has done good, and I am very thankful that the majority of the children are Australians and they are doing very well. They are well-disciplined very sweet children and there are very good reports about the Australian children. It's very surprising because they don't have so much of education what you call pre-school, but they are very sensible children and they're full of life and very hard-working. So I think if you have any problems, you may write to Me when I'm here. I'll deal with them, any individual problem if you have. Otherwise hope to see you for the program, and later on for the puja, in Sydney. May God Bless you. == Appendix: Sir C.P. Shrivastrava's speech in response to Shri Mataji's invitation: == I'm not standing up because that would a create a problem for the microphone. First of all I'm very honored, very happy to be here with my wife and I am also very very pleased to see all of you, see the faces, which show, love and divinity and dedication to your Mother. She has been talking about the role of women, and that set me a-thinking. I began to think of the last forty-eight years that we have been married, and I just want to tell you very briefly how She has performed the role of an ideal wife and an ideal Mother and an ideal grandmother in the family, besides being the Spiritual Leader of Sahaja Yoga. When we got married I belonged to a very, conservative family. She belonged to a very radical family, and it was a good complement to each other. But when She came to my house, She behaved as if for generations She had lived in a very conservative family and pleased everybody. The old ladies of the house who were looking a little worried, they thought here's a new lady from another province, speaking another language, professing another religion, how will She fit into our family? But what She did was She won over the heart of everyone by behaving in a very modest way, in a very loving way, in a very caring way and I have to admit that She became the favorite and I was lost. Well that is how our family life began. I was certainly very happy about it. But then, I was a bureaucrat, a civil servant, and unfortunately given to idea that absolute honesty must be observed which meant that we had to live within our means, our salary and all I had to do was to work in the office and I left all the problems of the house to my wife, so I said: 'Here's the salary, now do what you can.' And I tell you, She managed beautifully within our means, no possibility of anything going wrong. We had two children, two daughters. She brought them up and brought them up extremely well, arranged for their education, arranged for their marriage. They grew up, I didn't know how, for I was from morning until late evening every day in office but, and She was in charge of the house. She looked after not only my daughters but I want tell you this. All of us have rich relations and they care for themselves, take care, and we have in India poor relations as well, and when you are in a good position the poor relations flock to you. And they came to our house, children who needed education and each one of them, we had some sort of hostel running all the time, each one of them was looked after by my wife in the same way as our own daughters, given the same food, given the same affection. Only She could have done that. And they have grown up, they're now in so many places. That was the role She played as a mother, mother not only to my children but to children of the family. And then as we grew further She had a role to play as my wife. I held some assignments in government, in India and abroad in the United Nations. When I was Secretary to the Prime Minister of India, about whom I have written a book now, She was the main motive force behind me. In fact I wouldn't have gone to Mr Shastri if She had not insisted I must go, and I went and served there. Mr Shastri had very great respect for Her, all because She was of course, She was obviously a spiritual person, but also a very good mother, a very good housewife and he used to ask Her: "How do you run your house? What are your priorities?' And She would say what She had to say and Mr Shastri listened to that. Now as a wife She played that role. When I was working with Prime Minister sometimes I would be in the office till midnight. Why sometimes, every day, sometimes till early hours of the morning. But She supported me. She said: 'This is your duty now, duty to your country, to your Prime Minister. You must work. Don't worry about the house, don't worry about the children, I'll take care of them. Then I went to United Nations. There again, my goodness me, you have to take care of one government was bad enough in India. To take care of one hundred and thirty governments all over was not easy, traveling, meeting people, receptions, dinners, a very busy life, but She stood by me and while doing all that She was at the same time promoting Sahaja Yoga. I don't know how She did it, but She has done a wonderful job. You know I saw Sahaja Yoga beginning with four people in London and they were wearing jeans, not very clean either. That was the beginning of Sahaja Yoga. One day I came back home and I found a young boy, I'm talking 1974, young boy sitting in my drawing-room and when I entered the house he looked at me as if I was a stranger, he was the real owner of the house, so I receded. I didn't quite understand, but what surprised me even more was that he was wearing my clothes. I rubbed my eyes. I said: 'I, am I seeing something real or is it a dream?' Well when I receded I came to my wife and I said: 'Now who, who is this gentleman?' So She explained. She said: 'You know he's a poor young boy, and he, he was almost lying unattended to, unhelped, near Piccadilly Circus.' She had gone out for shopping and he saw her lying almost in a miserable condition. So She stepped out of the car, went to that boy, said: 'Why are you lying here, are you alright?" He said: 'No he was not well at all.' She said: 'Is there anyone to take care of you?' He said: 'No, there's none.' She said: 'That's awful' then She said: 'Okay hop into the car' and She brought him home. Then he was given a wash, he had no clothes, so he had to wear my clothes and that's how he was wearing my clothes and then for the next some weeks, he stayed in the house and there I saw Sahaja Yoga acting. This boy was suffering from, I think he, he was in very bad shape. Within three four weeks he blossomed. Another three weeks became healthy person and we then got to know that he was from Australia. He was a young engineer. He had run away from his house and he was in bad shape. After he was cured he became a very good person. He came back to Australia, was united with his mother. I don't know where he is, a Mr Gus, but that was what I saw, the miracle of Sahaja Yoga. And from those four persons, yes four I talked to, once I came back home and found those four persons wearing jeans and again I did not know who they were, but they were Sahaja Yogis and they were the initial Sahaja Yogis. While from them to this is a marvel. All I can say is, despite all Her attention to the family, to me, I've been a busy person. She has attended to all the duties to the family, She has created a new, universal family of Sahaja Yoga. Each Sahaja Yogi is in my view, an angel and I mean this. I mean this because I have known human beings in the world. The world is terrible. If you look at newspapers you would see all kinds of horror stories but when you meet a Sahaja Yogi, he or she is a very different person. The face is different, the inner self is different, the outer self is different. It's another creation. She has created thousands and thousands of such persons. Each one of you is a miracle. You know it's very difficult to transform human beings. I've worked in United Nations, in India for forty years. I cannot honestly say that I was able to transform even one human being. Yes, people followed my example and worked hard, but that is not transformation. Transformation is what I see in you and that is a miracle, that is what She has done. And now a new world is being created, I sincerely hope that Sahaja Yoga will spread more rapidly. It has spread very very fast but it needs to spread very much faster and all over the world there is a race between the forces of good and the forces of evil. You represent the forces of good. The forces of evil are outside. Have the heart, have the courage, Her Vibrations and your vibrations will I hope envelop the world and create a good world and this bad world will be suppressed, will disappear. This is all that I can say. I thank you very very much for receiving me here. I am delighted to be here in Australia. I have liked my visit immensely already. I think in Australia the beautiful thing is that the advantages of a developed world are present here but the heart seems to be very good, very sound, wonderful. You are open-hearted, warm people, loving people and I cannot say adequately how very happy I am and how very grateful. I thank you Maam for letting me come to Australia and I am going to enjoy myself. So, that's all that I can say.
How to get the light of the Spirit in our heart?
Public Program
Public Program [INAUDIBLE] Thank you! [INAUDIBLE] [ALL CLAP] Vishwa Vanditaa Nirmala Mata Sarva Pujitaa Nirmala Mata Brahma Swaroopini Yoga Nirupini Shubhdaam Vardaam namo namah Vishwa Vanditaa Nirmala Mata Sarva Pujitaa Nirmala Mata [MUSIC] [MUSIC] - aa, aa, aa, aa - Very low now. That's better. - Jagat Janani Nirmala, Moola Prakriti Akhileshwar ki - Still Nitya Satya Sanatana - Parashakti Parmeshwar kii - [UNCLEAR - COIL IT UP?] - Vishwa Dharini aa, aa, aa; Mangal Kaarini aa, aa, aa - If you can make this arch smaller, it'll be better. Shubhdaam Vardaam namo namah Vishwa Vanditaa Nirmala Mata Sarva Pujitaa; Nirmala Mata [MUSIC] [MUSIC] - aa, aa, aa aa - [UNCLEAR - WAISE HI OR LET'S SEE?] Jagat Janani Nirmala, Niraashreya Sarveshwari Prem Murti Bhaktavatsala, Snehamayee Mateshwari Bhakti Pradayini, aa, aa , aa; Mukti Pradayini, aa, aa, aa Shubhdaam Vardaam namo namaha Vishwa Vanditaa Nirmala Mata Sarva Pujitaa Nirmala Mata [MUSIC] [MUSIC] aa, aa, aa, aa; Pragata Saguna Nirguna Ridhi Sidhi ki Daatri hai - Saumya Sarla Mahamana, Patanjali Guna Patri hai - [UNCLEAR - LET IT BE LIKE THIS?] Ghat ghat Vaasini, aa, aa, aa; Atma Vikaasini Shubhdaam Vardaam namo namaha Vishwa Vanditaa Nirmala Mata Sarva Pujitaa Nirmala Mata Brahma Swaroopini aa, aa, aa; Yoga Nirupini aa, aa, aa Shubhdaam Vardaam namo namaha Vishwa Vanditaa, Vishwa Vanditaa; Nirmala Mata Sarva Pujitaa, Sarva Pujitaa; Nirmala Mata Nirmala Mata Nirmala Mata Thank You! [CLAPPING] Still You're going down, alright. There's no room. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset I have to say that truth is what it is You cannot change it, you cannot transform it and unfortunately at this human awareness, you cannot know what is the truth. You may describe, you may talk about it but to know the truth, something more has to happen to you. Now whatever I'm going to tell you today, you need not accept it blind-folded. We have had lots of problems with the blind faith but if it is proved, then as honest people you have to accept it. So please keep your mind open like a scientist because it's very important to know the Absolute Truth in these modern times. That's the solution for all our problems physical, mental, emotional and also spiritual. Seekers of Truth are people who have problems of spirituality and they don't know what to seek, where to go, how to find it. They are mislaid by many people because the market is full of such people so I would like to tell you what is the truth. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions this ego and these conditionings but you are much beyond that, is the spirit. So the truth is that you have to become the spirit and the second truth is something we are not aware of at all. We see all these beautiful flowers around us and we take them for granted. Actually, it's a miracle to have these different flowers of different shapes and different fragrance uh.. to come out of the same Mother Earth. We don't know who works it out, who works out the seasons or if you ask a doctor, "Who runs your heart?" he'll tell, it's an Autonomous Nervous System but if you ask him, "Who is this auto?" he won't be able to tell you. Who is doing this work, I say, is the All-Pervading Divine power of love. We have never known the power of love - we have only worked with the power of hatred but this is The One that exists all over and works in every human-being in the same manner. As you must have been told about the subtle system that is within us - I mean, it's not easy for people to believe that there is another subtle system within us but we have to understand that the Creator who has created us is the greatest organizer and He must organize something within us to achieve our last breakthrough in our evolution. We have not reached to that point where we can say we know the Absolute Truth that's why there are so many problems, so many philosophies, so many ideologies and people just fighting among themselves even in the name of God. The people who started all these great religions like, we can say Moses, Christ, Mohammad Sahab, Rama, Krishna, all of them knew the Truth and they established their religion in a way that shows it is more the evolutionary process they were talking about. They all said that, "The time has to come when you'll get your resurrection." Mohammad Sahab has called is the 'Kiyama', in the Bible it's called as the Last Judgment. They were very great people, I must say, and very pure, extremely pure and they never realized what sort of people they're facing, how people were ignorant about the Divine Power, about the Divinity within themselves. So they propounded many things which were really an impossible task for human-beings to do. To call yourself a Christian is easy but to follow Christianity is very difficult. Christ has said that, "If one eye commits the sin, you take it out, if one hand does something wrong, you take it out." I haven't seen anybody without one eye or without one hand in the whole Christian Kingdoms I have moved about. So that means that it's not so easy to follow Christ, who was such a pure soul, who thought all the human-beings were angels or some sort of Divine people that they will follow whatever He has said it. Then came Mohammad Sahab and He thought that why only the men are being told, why not the women? So His sense of morality was more sharp, specially for women. He said that, any woman who has bad feelings uh.. towards, I mean, unholy feelings towards another man should be buried half-way into the Mother Earth and should be killed with stones because, perhaps, Mohammad Sahab must have said what Christ has said that you should do it and nobody is going to do it, so people incharge of religion should do it - imagine! If this kind of a law was applied in America, how many women could survive, I don't know. So, I don't blame them because their idea about human-beings was very different and they couldn't understand the inability of a human-being to take to something that is higher. Normally, the tendency is to take to something uh.. destructive, to take to something that takes you away from reality and this, you cannot stop, you cannot tell them don't do it. Many people promise in the morning, "All right, I'll not do it," but they cannot keep to it because they haven't got the light of the Spirit in their life. So we have to have the light of the Spirit in our heart. People talk of peace. There are organizations after organization for peace. I met many people who have got awards for peace but they are very disturbed people, very angry people, very hot-tempered people - I could not imagine how they got this award for peace because there's no peace within. There is a way to achieve that peace within yourself. Unless and until we become peaceful within ourselves where there is no problem between our heart, our brain and our attention, then only we could be peaceful. This can be very easily achieved through this happening where this power of Kundalini has to rise. It's like a primule in a seed. It's a living process. As you can put a seed in the Mother Earth, it sprouts by itself, spontaneously - sahaja. 'Saha' means born, 'ja', 'Saha' means with and 'ja' is born - is born with you, this power to attain this higher level of awareness which in Sanskrit we call it as 'Turiya' or you can say the fourth dimension of awareness. It's not at all difficult, you're all capable of getting that - only thing you have to have earnest desire to get it. Ofcourse you can't give realization or awakening to people who are stupid, idiotic or who are arrogant. You have to have earnest desire to achieve that state because this power, which we call as Kundalini, is nothing but pure desire because other desires are not pure. Today we want to have a car, then we want to have a house, then we want to have a helicopter, I don't know goes on and on and on. We're never satisfied with what we have . That shows the desires we had were not pure. The pure desire is to be one with this Divine power. But if this desire, whether you are aware or not aware, is not fulfilled then you become seekers of truth and this is the state, I find, is now in this horrible modern times, is so much evident. In every country I have visited I was surprised, whether it was Islamic or Russian, England, Australia, anywhere, I was surprised that people are earnestly seeking the Truth. They might make mistakes, as I said, they might go to wrong paths but definitely there are seekers and restlessly they're seeking the Ultimate, which is the Absolute Truth. Spirit is the source of Absolute Truth. You cannot know anything without becoming Self-realized as far as it's own understanding is, like supposing somebody says that democracy is right, somebody says that uh... another style of uh.. communism is good or socialism is good on politics or economics, anywhere they never agree, even the religions don't want to agree - they want to be exclusive - but if you see the thing what Mohammad sahab has written, He never was exclusive. He talked about Moses, He talked about Christ, He talked about Christ's Mother with great reverence, so He was not exclusive. I don't know how people have found exclusive religions. Must be some sort of a selfish interest that people started saying this religion is good, that religion is good, that religion is good. And when we don't know the Absolute Truth, we start believing in all this kind of things. To believe into anything blindly, is not going to help us. We have to have the insight, insight to see what is really the Truth. So when this happening takes place, what happens is that you feel a cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head. You'll be amazed to know that the Kundalini is your own mother, individual mother. and She's the reflection of the Holy Ghost within you. She knows everything about you - your past, your aspirations, everything She knows and She is your individual mother very anxious to give you your second birth. She has been waiting and waiting and waiting and when the chance comes, She really shoots up like a jet, I must say, in this jet age. Is very surprising, how in these modern times it is working so fast. Maybe the pure desire of people is very strong and it has been predicted that at this time all these things will happen. I must say, you're all very lucky people to be born at this time and that you are seekers of ancient ages and then you should really get it. And you get it also, you must have faith in yourself. We have no faith in ourselves, not in our identity. We take to all kinds of nonsensical things because we don't know what we are. If we know how glorious we are, how great we are, what is our potential, what we can do, how many powers we have then we would not indulge into all these things. We'll not go to that extent that one becomes really mad and crazy. This identification can be easily found out once you know yourself. We know the whole world but we don't know about ourselves. First of all, you will know about your own centers that are. These centers represent all your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being and on your finger-tips you know, very clearly, what centers are catching. Now supposing, you know how to cure them and if you know how to cure for others also, so you can cure yourself and cure others because you develop a new dimension in your awareness which we call as Collective Consciousness where you can feel others, very clearly, on your finger-tips. This is your potential, this you have within yourself. It just starts working and you're amazed how you can feel the centers that are within yourself and the centers that are with other people. You can feel for the people who are dead, who are living, who are far away when you grow into your awareness which is, I said, the fourth dimension, then it starts working and you're amazed the way you can cure yourself and you can cure others. There are three doctors, who have got MD, in Delhi, for curing incurable diseases and now we're trying to put down how many cancer patients have been cured in sahaja yoga. Christ cured so many people. How did He cure, nobody bothers to know and to find out what did He do? When He cured people, He must be having some powers and what were His powers by which He cured? There are so many diseases we have which we call incurable, can be easily cured with sahaja yoga. First of all, what we need are people who are evolved and who are matured in sahaja yoga. Once you're matured, you become an expert and also very humble, very compassionate, very loving. All your temper and all your anger and hatred falls out. It's a fact, I'm not telling you some stories. We have many here, at least, I think, 30% people who're sitting here, have got it. But they dress-up like you, they live like you but they're very peaceful and they have given up all that was destructive in them, all that was spoiling their lives - their married lives are very good, they have beautiful children. So, there's a vision. One can see clearly that this whole world will one day become a beautiful place for all of us to live together happily and without any uh.. grievances about others. All these uh.. different ideas of racialism or caste-system and all those, will just drop out because you become a universal being. When you go to, say America - you are a sahaja yogi - all the sahaja yogies will come to see you. One person falls sick, say in Australia, all the sahaja yogies from all the world will make inquiries and find out how is he? You have so many who are talking about brotherhood, friendliness but cannot be because there is this uh.. we can say, a partition within us between the Divine and ourselves but once you know the Divine, you're amazed to see that the Divinity just gives you that confidence and that understanding on your Central Nervous System. It is not just talking and lecturing. In Sanskrit the word is 'bodh' from the word 'Buddha', means to know on your Central Nervous System. Even 'Vedas' means 'Vid'. Vid also Sanskrit means to know on your Central Nervous System. The truth is to be known on your Central Nervous System. You don't have to do absurd things for that at all. For example, I was there this year in Chicago and it was very, very cold and a gentleman came with a dhoti and all his head was shaved. I asked him, "In this cold why are you shivering in a dhoti?" So he told Me, "My guru has said that if you wear a dhoti, you'll get your Nirvana, you'll get your, your salvation." "And what about this head of yours?" He said, "Yes. That also he has said that you must shave your head and must have a pigtail so you'll get your Nirvana." I said, "How could you believe such a nonsensical thing?" In India, 80% people wear dhoties, they must already be there and what, what about this shaven head. Kabira has said, "If by shaving head, if you can go to Heaven, what about the lamb which is shaved every uh.. year twice? That would be there already to welcome you." So all these nonsensical things people try to do meditation and they say that you can rise above the Mother Earth. What is the need, I don't understand? As it is we have problem of jams and why do you want to go on three feet troubling everybody. All these funny ideas I don't know how people accept and pay thousands and thousands of dollars on that. Actually you must understand that you cannot pay for Divine love, you cannot pay because God doesn't understand money, He doesn't understand bank - that's your headache not His. So once you realize that you cannot pay, most of these people will disappear from this earth but it's very difficult for human-beings to say that you cannot pay because they want to purchase everything. Even Me, they would say, "Mother, why shouldn't You take some money?" I said, "But for what, how much are you going to pay?" This is something invaluable - you cannot value it, how much are you going to pay? Then, you don't have to do any exercise for it like standing on your head or doing all kinds of these asanas and this - it's alright for your health but it's not for achieving your ascent. It's not for that. Some people fast and starve and torture the body, which is absolutely wrong. You see, God Almighty is your Father, Father of all the fathers, all the compassion is with Him. Which father would like his son to torture because he wants to meet the father? So He's the Father of fathers. How will He expect you to torture your body like this? But this idea from where it has come, I don't know, that you must torture your life just to achieve your ascent. It's very simple, you have to be normal people and as normal people, you get your Self-realization. Self-realization, you can say, goes into two unnh..stages. First you achieve a state when you are thoughtlessly aware. All the time we are jumping on the cusp of thoughts which come from the future or from the past. We cannot be in the present - it's impossible. But when this Kundalini rises, She elongates those thoughts and creates a space in between, which in Sanskrit called as 'Vilamba' is the pause and there it is you are thoughtlessly aware and that is the point where you grow spiritually, that is the point where you become a witness of the whole play and also, that is the point where you become absolutely peaceful. You watch everything happening, you see everything going on but you are just watching it. Like when you are in the water, the water creates waves and you're afraid of the waves but supposing you get on to a boat, you can see the same waves and enjoy but supposing you learn how to swim, you can jump down and save many people. In the same stages you have to pass through. So the first one is where you become thoughtlessly aware and the second stage is where you're doubtlessly aware - you have no doubts about yourself, about Divinity, about anything. But it happens to some people, both things together, somehow and they achieve a state of complete peace within. They also emit peace, they also emit Divine vibrations by which many problems can be solved, many people who need peace, can achieve it. The another quality of Spirit is that when it is in attention, it enlightens your attention. By that enlightenment you can see things which normal you don't see, you feel which you never felt. It's very surprising that this attention is so active, so meticulously working. If you pay attention to something, it works out. It works, this attention works and this is a kind of an attention you have which is potential but once it becomes enlightened, it becomes such a dynamic force within yourself and you pay attention to yourself and attention to others and amazingly you help people by your attention. The another greatest quality of Spirit is that it is the source of joy. Not that only it is the source of Absolute Truth but it's a source of joy. You work very hard, you do everything but you are a witness of the whole work. You don't think you're doing anything but you're just enjoying everything. You're enjoying your value system, you're enjoying your morality, you're uh.. enjoying your virtues. This joy is the source of doing everything effortlessly - sahaja. It all works out, it works out so beautifully that amazingly we find in a new world which we call the Kingdom of God. When I went to America, they had a problem of this school going on, so - no I'm sorry, to Russia - and the Russians were least disturbed, who were sahaja yogies. I said, "Aren't you worried about this school which's going on?" He said, "Why should we, Mother? We are in the Kingdom of God, why should we worry. We are not in the kingdom of Russia. " Can you imagine, such a confidence! And we have thousands and thousands of Russians who have taken to sahaja yoga because they're not conditioned. They're very clean people and they have understood what is Truth is. In the same way it's working out everywhere, no doubt but in the West I find people are very conditioned about things and these conditionings sometimes stops them from achieving Self- realization. Slowly, slowly they also start taking to it. First time we had two people from Australia who came to see Me in Bombay - they got their realization, only two persons and today we have so many in Australia because definitely they're very nice people, they want to be good, they want to achieve something higher, they are all sincere about it and we have to now think about our younger people who are supposed to be mislaid by many wrong things. These also have come to sahaja yoga and have become quite alright, very normal, very beautiful people. We have no problems of younger people, even of smaller children. It's the times, I call it the blossom time, which is here and we should take full advantage of that. I'm sure all of you are going to get your realization. Only one thing you have to remember that you must have faith in yourself. Do not doubt yourself for anything whatsoever. As long as you don't doubt yourself, you'll get your Self-realization without any difficulty. May God bless you! Can we have some lights there also? [ALL CLAP] Can we have some lights at the back, I can't see them. Can't have lights underneath that? Can't have? You can have lights there - please, alright, it's good. Those who are standing, can you sit down or you can come here in this room to sit - it's better to sit down. It will hardly take ten minutes and only thing is, I would request you, not to disturb others by walking out or getting up at that time - hardly ten minutes. Of course you have questions, so you may write to Me and I will definitely try to answer them. I have been doing this work for the last 25 years now and I'm quite an expert in answering all kinds of questions whether they are funny, stupid or anyway genuine. Ah..So, but it's an mental acrobat. There's nothing so great. It's only up to the mind - you have to go beyond the mind, so it's better that we should forget about those questions just now, get your realization and then I'll see how many have questions. Now of course there are some conditions, which are very simple conditions, which, I hope, you can follow. One of them, one of them is that you have to know at this moment you are not guilty of anything. If you were, you would have been in jail. But when you are sitting here, please forgive yourself - very important. If you don't forgive yourself and you call yourself always guilty of something - I mean, the norms of life in the West is so funny that even if you put your spoon like this, then you feel guilty. It's nothing important. But if you feel guilty, then you catch on this center on the left-hand side, which we call as Left Vishudhdhi and it's very dangerous because it causes a very big damage. You might get Angina, you might get spondylitis or you might get lethargic organs. So, what is the use of feeling guilty - it's not your job to feel guilty and carrying these dangers with you. So, in all compassion and love of God, please forgive yourself and know that you're not guilty at all. It's a fashion also to be guilty for anything. Like, I met one lady, she was guilty because in Afghanistan people were starving. I said, "Why're you feeling guilty? If they're starving, send some money. What's the use of sitting down and feeling guilty?" It's a kind of a, you see, a melodramatic uh.. attitude, I think, that people think, "Oh, I'm guilty, how can I?" And to Me, some people told Me that, "You look so joyous, that's not good," in France once, first when I went there. "You shouldn't look so joyous." I said, "But I am, what can I do?" They said, "No, here people are very miserable and you must say you're miserable." So, I said, "Why are they miserable here?" So, I started My lecture with Les Miserable and I said if every tenth lamp-post has got a pub and about twelfth lamp-post there's a prostitute standing, what else will it be? You're inviting your own miseries and sitting outside on the street they were discussing when the world is going to end. That's the best - because now they're fed-up with themselves so they wanted to end the world also. So all this is more sort of a, mental attitude to feel guilty, "I should not have done that, I should not have done that." So at this moment, I would request, don't feel guilty because if this center is in jeopardy, this Kundalini won't rise, it cannot penetrate. So, you'll also miss such a nice opportunity. Then there is another problem is with the center on the optic chiasma which we call as Agnya chakra. If you do not forgive people, it becomes like this. It's a very constricted center so you have to forgive others also. If you forgive others, then this center opens out like this otherwise it's impossible. You cannot crossover this center, it's one of the most difficult ones, so please, just at this moment, forgive everyone in general. Don't even think about people whom you have to forgive because it's a headache even to think of them. So just in general you forgive everyone, just forgive everyone. You'll feel very happy and much lighter just now. These are the two conditions we have, the third one is easier, is to take out your shoes. When I said this in England, half of them walked out on the first day - they couldn't take out their shoes, so much attached to them. Because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. it helps us a lot to achieve the, achieve our ascent. She sucks our problems. You don't know what this Mother Earth is. It's a very great blessing, specially in Australia, is a very great land. Now, in the beginning we'll tell you how we'll be nourishing our centers which is very simple. This is only once you have to do tonight - you don't have to do it again, it's alright, very, very simple. Now after taking out your shoes, you please put both your feet apart from each other - that's all. Because as there are two powers within us, left and right, which are very different, so better keep them away from each other. The left power, which we call as the Left Sympathetic Nervous System, which is nourished by Ida Nadi is for our desire, works out our desires which is, uh.. I should say, not a concrete thing, just you desire through this Nadi. So, you have to put your left hand, like this, on your lap - very comfortably you should sit down - uh.. indicating that you're desirous of getting your Self-realization, that's all. Just put your left hand towards Me like this all the time. With the right hand is for your action. The right Nadi, which is Pingala Nadi, works out for your action. So you have to use your right hand on different centers on the left-hand side - we work only on the left-hand side. So put your right-hand on your heart, please. In the heart resides the Spirit. I've already told you about the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, you have the light of the Spirit and you become your own guide, you become your own master, you become your own guru. So we take our right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side which is the center of your mastery. Then we take our hand in the lower portion of our abdomen on the left-hand side. Surprisingly, this is the center of pure knowledge of the Divine. Then we take our hand in the upper portion of our abdomen, then on our heart again. Now, in the corner of your neck and your shoulder - I've already told you about this chakra - and turn your head to your right. I think, is really very caught up here - please forgive yourself, please forgive yourself. Now, then we take our right hand on top of our forehead across like this and bend our head slowly. This is the center where you have to forgive everyone without thinking about them. Then we take our right hand on the back side of our head and push back our head as far as possible. This is the center where, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the All-Pervading Divine power without feeling guilty, again. Now, you have to stretch your palm fully, like this and put the center of your palm on top of your head on to the fontanel bone, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now, please put down your head as far as possible. Push back your fingers as far as possible and press it hard, your scalp, which you have to move clockwise, slowly, seven times. Push back your fingers - that's very important - push back your fingers so there's a better pressure. That's all you have to do. Bend your heads, please bend your heads, push back your fingers. That's all. This is all we have to do and now we have to close our eyes. Before closing our eyes, I would say, better take out your spectacles uh.. because it might help your eyesight also and please don't open your eyes till I tell you. Don't press very hard just ordinarily as we sleep, [UNCLEAR - YOU SEE IS?] very gentle way of closing the eyes. We have to have respect for ourselves and understanding that we are capable of achieving this higher state. So now please, put your left hand again towards Me, both the feet away from each other and close your eyes and put your right hand on your heart. [UNCLEAR] I think you can go now. Now, here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself to Me in your heart, not loudly - nothing to be said aloudly. So please, ask a question - you can call Me Mother or you can call Me Shri Mataji, whatever you like - "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask this question, three times, in your heart. I've already told you that if you become the Spirit, you become your own guide and your own master. So now, please take your hand the upper portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side and press it and here you ask another fundamental question about yourself, three times, saying, "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question three times. I must tell you I respect your freedom. If you don't want to have your realization, I cannot force you, if you don't want to know about the pure knowledge of the Divine, I cannot force it on you - you have to ask for it. So please, put your hand in the lower portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side and here you please ask six times, because this center has got six petals, "Mother, please let me know the pure knowledge of the Divine." Please ask six times. As soon as you start asking this question, the Kundalini has started rising. It won't trouble you, it won't give you any shock. At the most some people might feel a little heat on their hands but it has started. So now, please raise your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now these are the upper centers which we have to open with our full self-confidence. Here you have to say ten times with full self-confidence, "Mother, I am my own master." Please say this ten times, "Mother, I am my own master," with full confidence. At the very outset I've told [UNCLEAR - ME?] that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intelligence, this ego or your conditionings but you are the pure Spirit. So now, please raise your right hand on your heart and say with full confidence, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." Please say it twelve times, twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." I have already request you to forgive yourself because this All-Pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of compassion and love and bliss but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you have committed, can be easily dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself, raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder please and here press it hard. Put your head towards your right and here, please, you have to say sixteen times, "Mother, I am not guilty at all," please say it sixteen times - it's very important. I've already told you, that you have to forgive everyone, in general, not thinking about them because if you don't forgive, this center of Agnya won't open out. As it is whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything but if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. So at this moment, try to understand that as it is you have tortured yourself by not forgiving but at this moment if you forgive, this center will open and you will achieve what you have to really achieve - your Self-realization. So please, forgive all the people in general. Raise your right hand on top of your forehead and slowly put down your head and here you have to say, not how many times but from your heart you have to say, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." From your heart you have to say, not how many times. You have to now ask forgiveness from the Divine power without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction. So now, take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head fully, push back. Here you have to say without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes - from your heart, not how many times, "Oh Divine power, if I've done any mistakes, please forgive me," from your heart you have to say, not counting. Now the last center is very important, is the most important so stretch your palm fully Now, you have to put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area properly and now bend your head as far as possible. Stretch back your fingers, stretch back your fingers. At this moment, I have to again say, that I cannot give you Self-realization unless and until you ask for it because I respect your freedom. So here, you move your scalp slowly, ten times, scalp by stretching your fingers out. Please put down your head, please put down your head. And now move your scalp, ten times - I'm sorry, seven times. Hmm. Seven times, slowly, clockwise saying, "Mother, please give me my Self-realization." Please move your scalp slowly, clockwise. [SHRI MATAJI BLOWS INTO THE MICROPHONE] [SHRI MATAJI BLOWS INTO THE MICROPHONE] [SHRI MATAJI BLOWS INTO THE MICROPHONE] [SHRI MATAJI BLOWS INTO THE MICROPHONE] Now take down your hand and please open your eyes slowly. Put both the hands towards Me, like this, just like this and put the right hand towards Me and bend your head and see with your left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Hot or cold breeze might be coming, doesn't matter. It is hot means you have not forgiven yourself or forgiven others so it's still hot. Again, take your left hand towards Me like this, put down your head and see with your right hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations coming out of your fontanel bone area. Please see with your right hand. Sometimes some people get it closer, sometimes they get it very far away, so you have to move your hand to see. If it is hot or cold doesn't matter but if you forgive just now yourself or others, it will definitely will become better and cooler. Alright, now again once more. Put your left hand towards Me again and put your right hand on top of your fontanel bone area and bend your head and now see yourself. Now, don't doubt yourself, that's the main point. Now, raise your both the hands towards the sky like this and ask a question. Put your head up and ask one of the questions out of these three questions three times. "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" Second, "Mother, is this the All-Pervading power of Divine love?" Third one, "Mother, is this the Param Chaitanya?" Ask anyone of these questions three times. It's alright - vibrations are coming from you to Me. Alright, put it down, please put it down. Now please put your hands like that. Now watch Me without thinking - you can do that - watch Me without thinking. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on the finger-tips or on the palms or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. [UNCLEAR - DID OR DIDN'T?] feel it? Good. May God bless you! Most of you, surprisingly! Everyone of you. One or two haven't got it but we'll see them. May God bless you all! Now you have to know what are these vibrations, what is this cool breeze which you have felt for the first time - is the All-Pervading power of Divine love - and how to use it, how to work it out - that's what you have to do and grow into it. But I see when I come, I don't know, everywhere people somehow believe Me very much and they come to My programs and afterwards they just disappear. Some of them, I don't know, they don't trust their own fellow-men who are realized souls here who know so much about sahaja yoga. So please, do not waste this awakening. Like Christ has said in His parable, that some seeds were sprouted but they were thrown into wasteland. In the same way it should not happen. There will, it is not like other people that they take introduction and then take money. You don't have to pay anything but you have to respect your Self-realization and you have to come to our centers where you will grow. As it is we don't take money we don't have palaces for you to come and meditate but they're nice places and very good evolved people here, who are humble, kind and compassionate. They'll tell you all about it, they're not going to keep any secrets. Some people didn't feel it - doesn't matter. It can be worked out for them, all of them, maybe some reason they haven't felt, so don't feel disappointed, there's nothing to be disappointed about there is all worked out. Also the people who have problems can come and see those people in the center - I'm sure, they will solve your problems, whether it is physical, mental, emotional, anything. They are doing great work in all over Australia. We have centers all over - please come in a humble way because we have to grow and groom and become the great tree of Divinity which you all can become, I'm sure about you. Thank you very much, thank you! [CLAPPING] [CLAPPING] They'll sing one song and you should clap - that's all. [UNCLEAR] Thank You! Keep it with you, I'll just touch it for you - alright? [INAUDIBLE] be careful Aap logon ko aana chahiye, yeh to aapka heritage hai [UNCLEAR] - hai na? - Mataji, I'm from Bombay. - Annh? - I'm from Bombay - Bombay se aaye hain - Main Bombay se aaya huun - [INAUDIBLE] - Maine to [INAUDIBLE] - Lekin ab main ab yahan rehta huun - Yahin rehte hain aap? - To ab aayiye, sahaja mein aayiye - Haan ab aayeinge - Almora se aaye hain - Almora se aaye hain? Wah, kya kehne! Bahut achche - Delhi se aaye hain - Aap log program mein aayiye Mataji bolin hain. Mataji bolin hain aap log program mein aayiye - Hindustaniyon ka to yeh hai bas Hum aate hain to aate hain aur to koi aata hi nahin. Yehi log aage ja rahe hain - Hum Delhi se aaye hain Aapke [UNCLEAR] - Delhi se aaye hain? [MUSIC N CLAPPING] [MUSIC N CLAPPING] Anaadi Nirguni pragatli Bhawani, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Anaadi Nirguni pragatli Bhawani, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Moh Mahishasura mardana laguni, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Moh Mahishasura mardana laguni, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Trivid Tapanchi karavya jhadadi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Trivid Tapanchi karavya jhadadi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bhakta laguni paavsi Nirvaani, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bhakta laguni paavsi Nirvaani, bhakta laguni; Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ude ho [MUSIC N CLAPPING] Dwaita Saaruni maal mi ghaleena, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Dwaita Saaruni maal mi ghaleena, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Haati Bodhacha jhenda mi Gheiina, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Haati Bodhacha jhenda mi Gheiina, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bhed rahita gaa, vaarisi jaaeena; ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bhed rahita gaa, vaarisi jaaeena, bhed rahita gaa Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ude ho [MUSIC N CLAPPING] [MUSIC N CLAPPING] Navavid bhakticha karuni Navaratra, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Navavid bhakticha karuni Navaratra, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Karuni niraakaran maangena Gyanputra, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Karuni niraakaran maangena Gyanputra, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Dambha sansaara sodeena kuputra, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Dambha sansaara sodeena kuputra, Dambha sansaara Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ho [MUSIC N CLAPPING] Poorna Bodhachi bhareen mi paradi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Poorna Bodhachi bhareen mi paradi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Asha Manshyacha Paadin mi daraadi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Asha Manshyacha Paadin mi daraadi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Manovikaara Kareen kurvandi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Manovikaara Kareen kurvandi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Amrit rasaanchi bhareen mi duradi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Amrit rasaanchi bhareen mi duradi, Amrit Rasaanchi Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude Ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ho [MUSIC N CLAPPING] Aata Saajadi jhale mi nisaang, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Aata Saajadi jhale mi nisaang, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Vikalp navyacha Sodiyela sung, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Vikalp navyacha Sodiyela sung, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Kaama Krodh he Sodiyele maanga, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Kaama Krodh he Sodiyele maanga, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Kela mokalaa maarga ha suranga, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Kela mokalaa maarga ha suranga, kela mokalaa Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ho [MUSIC N CLAPPING] Aisa Jogwa Maanguni theviila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Aisa Jogwa Maanguni theviila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Jaauni Mahadwaari Navasamya Fediila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Jaauni Mahadwaari Navasamya Fediila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Eka Janardani Ekacha Dekhiila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Eka Janardani Ekacha Dekhiila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Janma marnacha phera mi chukviila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Janma marnacha phera mi chukviila, Janma marnacha Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude, ud, ude, ude, ude, ude, ho [CLAPPING] [INAUDIBLE] Shivji ka [UNCLEAR] Shivji What's the matter? [INAUDIBLE] You met with an accident? What has happened? Why didn't you come to our center then we'll look after, alright? We'll try. You have not got any steel inside, have you? No - then it's alright. We'll work it out, alright? [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [UNCLEAR] has she come? [INAUDIBLE] Lalaat pe hai Chandrama, Lalaat pe hai Chandrama, chandrama, chandrama Jata mein Gangdhaar hai, Jata mein Gangdhaar hai, Gangdhaar hai, Gangadhaar hai Lalaat pe hai Chandrama, Jata mein Gangdhaar hai, Chadhi hai bhasm ang pe, gale mein sarpahaar hai [MUSIC] Nava rahe hain Shesh Dev, Sar Tumhaari bhakti mein Hai koti Surya ka prakaash, Shiv Tumhaari shakti mein, Shiv Tumhaari shakti mein, Shiv Tumhaari shakti mein Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyari, Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari, Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyari Ho Shankar Bhole bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyari, [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC][UNCLEAR - SHOULD BE A LITTLE LOWER?] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [UNCLEAR] [UNCLEAR] [UNCLEAR] ho, ho Ho, O, O, Sab Devon mein Mahadev Tu, aa, aa, aa, Tujhsa koi na duja Bhakti bhava se sab karte hain, Bhagwan Teri Puja Bhagwan Teri Puja Shivji Tera to hai, Roop niraala, Bhola Bhaala Teri Chavi par sabhi hain balihaari, Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari; Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyari, Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyari, Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari, Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyari, [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Saagar matha ke sabhi Devata, Amrit par lalchaye; Saagar matha ke sabhi Devata, Amrit par lalchaye Tum Abhyankar vish ko peekar, Neelkanth kehlaaye; Tum Abhyankar vish ko peekar, Neelkanth kehlaaye Neelkanth kehlaaye; Jo bhi aaya Shambhu Sharan Tihaari, Dukhhaari; Uski naiya Tune paar utaari Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu, sabse hai nyaari Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu, sabse hai nyaari [MUSIC] [MUSIC] He Shiva Shankar jahan bhi Tera dum dum damroo baaje He Shiv Shankar, He Pralayankar; He Shiva Shankar jahan bhi Tera, Aa, Aa, Aa; He Shiva Shankar jahan bhi Tera dum dum damroo baaje Dhar ke nana roop Tere Gana, sung sung Tere naache, sung sung Tere naache, Sab karte hain Bhagwan Teri Puja, Bhagwan Teri Puja Shivji Tera to hai Roop Niraala, Bhola Bhaala Teri Chavi par sabhi hain balihaari; Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale Shailbihaari, Tripuraari, Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyaari Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shailbihaari, Tripuraari,Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyaari Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyaari [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Saagar math ke sabhi Devta Amrit par lalchaye, Saagar math ke sabhi Devta Amrit par lalchaye Tum Abhyankar vish ko peekar Neelkanth kehlaaye, Tum Abhyankar vish ko peekar Neelkanth kehlaaye, Neelkanth kehlaaye; Jo bhi aaya Shambhu, Jo bhi aaya Shambhu, sharan Tihaari, dukhhaari, uski naiiya Tune paar utaari Ho Shankar Bhole bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyaari Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyaari [MUSIC] [MUSIC] He Shivshankar jahan bhi Tera dum dum damroo baaje He Shivshankar Shivshankar; He Shivshankar jahan bhi Tera, Aa, aa, aa He Shivshankar jahan bhi Tera dum dum damroo baaje Dhar ke nana roop Tere Gana sung sung Tere naache, sung sung [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Pahile naman ho Ganarayala, Pahile naman ho Ganarayala, Dusre naman Adishaktila, Dusre naman Adishaktila, Teesre naman sahajayogala, Gau ata ra Povadyala ra Ji, Ji, Ji Ek Unishte Teis Salala, Ek Unishte Teis Salala, Madhyapranti Chindavaryala, Bhar Dupari Barah Vajela Adishaktiza Zanma Zhala Ra Ji, ji, ji; Adishaktiza Zanma Zhala Dhanya Mata Prasad Rav Pita, Dhanya Mata Prasad Rav Pita, Atipunyavan Ubhayata, Daivi Kanya Tyanchi Lalita Sakal Vishwachi Ase hi Shaan Ji, Ji, Ji Sakal Vishwachi Ase hi Shaan Ji, Ji, Ji Sakal Vishwachi Ase hi Shaan Ji, Ji, Ji Nirguna tuni Sagunat, Nirguna tuni Sagunat, Ali Adishakti Jag Tat, Ali Adishakti Jag Tat, Kaliyugat Mata Ali Nirmala Devi Mayabhorli Ra Ji, Ji, Ji Nirmala Devi Mayabhorli Ra Ji, Ji, Ji Nirmala Devi Mayabhorli Ra Ji, Ji, Ji Dhanya Te Purvasukrut, Dhanya Te Purvasukrut, Kundalini Zhali Jagrut, Kundalini Zhali Jagrut, Sat Chakra Par Karit Ali Sarvanchya Sahasrart Ji, Ji, Ji Ali Sarvanchya Sahasrart Ji, Ji, Ji Ali Sarvanchya Sahasrart Ji, Ji, Ji Lehekure Amhi Adnyan, Lehekure Amhi Adnyan, Nase Amhala Gyan, Nase Amhala Gyan, Ananya Bhave Sharan, Alpamati Kele varnan Ra Ji, Ji, ji Alpamati Kele varnan Ra Ji, Ji, ji Alpamati Kele varnan Ra Ji, Ji, ji Sahaja Yogane Hote Pragati, Sahaja Yogane Hote Pragati, Ghya ho ghya ho Yachi Prachuti, Ghya ho ghya ho Yachi Prachuti, Divyatvachi Jeth Prachuti Tethe Kar Majhe ho Zulti Ra Ji, Ji, Ji Tethe Kar Majhe ho Zulti Ra Ji, Ji, Ji Tethe Kar Majhe ho Zulti Ra Ji, Ji, Ji Pahile naman ho Ganarayala, Pahile naman ho Ganarayala,
Public Program [INAUDIBLE] Thank you! [INAUDIBLE] [ALL CLAP] Vishwa Vanditaa Nirmala Mata Sarva Pujitaa Nirmala Mata Brahma Swaroopini Yoga Nirupini Shubhdaam Vardaam namo namah Vishwa Vanditaa Nirmala Mata Sarva Pujitaa Nirmala Mata [MUSIC] [MUSIC] - aa, aa, aa, aa - Very low now. That's better. - Jagat Janani Nirmala, Moola Prakriti Akhileshwar ki - Still Nitya Satya Sanatana - Parashakti Parmeshwar kii - [UNCLEAR - COIL IT UP?] - Vishwa Dharini aa, aa, aa; Mangal Kaarini aa, aa, aa - If you can make this arch smaller, it'll be better. Shubhdaam Vardaam namo namah Vishwa Vanditaa Nirmala Mata Sarva Pujitaa; Nirmala Mata [MUSIC] [MUSIC] - aa, aa, aa aa - [UNCLEAR - WAISE HI OR LET'S SEE?] Jagat Janani Nirmala, Niraashreya Sarveshwari Prem Murti Bhaktavatsala, Snehamayee Mateshwari Bhakti Pradayini, aa, aa , aa; Mukti Pradayini, aa, aa, aa Shubhdaam Vardaam namo namaha Vishwa Vanditaa Nirmala Mata Sarva Pujitaa Nirmala Mata [MUSIC] [MUSIC] aa, aa, aa, aa; Pragata Saguna Nirguna Ridhi Sidhi ki Daatri hai - Saumya Sarla Mahamana, Patanjali Guna Patri hai - [UNCLEAR - LET IT BE LIKE THIS?] Ghat ghat Vaasini, aa, aa, aa; Atma Vikaasini Shubhdaam Vardaam namo namaha Vishwa Vanditaa Nirmala Mata Sarva Pujitaa Nirmala Mata Brahma Swaroopini aa, aa, aa; Yoga Nirupini aa, aa, aa Shubhdaam Vardaam namo namaha Vishwa Vanditaa, Vishwa Vanditaa; Nirmala Mata Sarva Pujitaa, Sarva Pujitaa; Nirmala Mata Nirmala Mata Nirmala Mata Thank You! [CLAPPING] Still You're going down, alright. There's no room. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset I have to say that truth is what it is You cannot change it, you cannot transform it and unfortunately at this human awareness, you cannot know what is the truth. You may describe, you may talk about it but to know the truth, something more has to happen to you. Now whatever I'm going to tell you today, you need not accept it blind-folded. We have had lots of problems with the blind faith but if it is proved, then as honest people you have to accept it. So please keep your mind open like a scientist because it's very important to know the Absolute Truth in these modern times. That's the solution for all our problems physical, mental, emotional and also spiritual. Seekers of Truth are people who have problems of spirituality and they don't know what to seek, where to go, how to find it. They are mislaid by many people because the market is full of such people so I would like to tell you what is the truth. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions this ego and these conditionings but you are much beyond that, is the spirit. So the truth is that you have to become the spirit and the second truth is something we are not aware of at all. We see all these beautiful flowers around us and we take them for granted. Actually, it's a miracle to have these different flowers of different shapes and different fragrance uh.. to come out of the same Mother Earth. We don't know who works it out, who works out the seasons or if you ask a doctor, "Who runs your heart?" he'll tell, it's an Autonomous Nervous System but if you ask him, "Who is this auto?" he won't be able to tell you. Who is doing this work, I say, is the All-Pervading Divine power of love. We have never known the power of love - we have only worked with the power of hatred but this is The One that exists all over and works in every human-being in the same manner. As you must have been told about the subtle system that is within us - I mean, it's not easy for people to believe that there is another subtle system within us but we have to understand that the Creator who has created us is the greatest organizer and He must organize something within us to achieve our last breakthrough in our evolution. We have not reached to that point where we can say we know the Absolute Truth that's why there are so many problems, so many philosophies, so many ideologies and people just fighting among themselves even in the name of God. The people who started all these great religions like, we can say Moses, Christ, Mohammad Sahab, Rama, Krishna, all of them knew the Truth and they established their religion in a way that shows it is more the evolutionary process they were talking about. They all said that, "The time has to come when you'll get your resurrection." Mohammad Sahab has called is the 'Kiyama', in the Bible it's called as the Last Judgment. They were very great people, I must say, and very pure, extremely pure and they never realized what sort of people they're facing, how people were ignorant about the Divine Power, about the Divinity within themselves. So they propounded many things which were really an impossible task for human-beings to do. To call yourself a Christian is easy but to follow Christianity is very difficult. Christ has said that, "If one eye commits the sin, you take it out, if one hand does something wrong, you take it out." I haven't seen anybody without one eye or without one hand in the whole Christian Kingdoms I have moved about. So that means that it's not so easy to follow Christ, who was such a pure soul, who thought all the human-beings were angels or some sort of Divine people that they will follow whatever He has said it. Then came Mohammad Sahab and He thought that why only the men are being told, why not the women? So His sense of morality was more sharp, specially for women. He said that, any woman who has bad feelings uh.. towards, I mean, unholy feelings towards another man should be buried half-way into the Mother Earth and should be killed with stones because, perhaps, Mohammad Sahab must have said what Christ has said that you should do it and nobody is going to do it, so people incharge of religion should do it - imagine! If this kind of a law was applied in America, how many women could survive, I don't know. So, I don't blame them because their idea about human-beings was very different and they couldn't understand the inability of a human-being to take to something that is higher. Normally, the tendency is to take to something uh.. destructive, to take to something that takes you away from reality and this, you cannot stop, you cannot tell them don't do it. Many people promise in the morning, "All right, I'll not do it," but they cannot keep to it because they haven't got the light of the Spirit in their life. So we have to have the light of the Spirit in our heart. People talk of peace. There are organizations after organization for peace. I met many people who have got awards for peace but they are very disturbed people, very angry people, very hot-tempered people - I could not imagine how they got this award for peace because there's no peace within. There is a way to achieve that peace within yourself. Unless and until we become peaceful within ourselves where there is no problem between our heart, our brain and our attention, then only we could be peaceful. This can be very easily achieved through this happening where this power of Kundalini has to rise. It's like a primule in a seed. It's a living process. As you can put a seed in the Mother Earth, it sprouts by itself, spontaneously - sahaja. 'Saha' means born, 'ja', 'Saha' means with and 'ja' is born - is born with you, this power to attain this higher level of awareness which in Sanskrit we call it as 'Turiya' or you can say the fourth dimension of awareness. It's not at all difficult, you're all capable of getting that - only thing you have to have earnest desire to get it. Ofcourse you can't give realization or awakening to people who are stupid, idiotic or who are arrogant. You have to have earnest desire to achieve that state because this power, which we call as Kundalini, is nothing but pure desire because other desires are not pure. Today we want to have a car, then we want to have a house, then we want to have a helicopter, I don't know goes on and on and on. We're never satisfied with what we have . That shows the desires we had were not pure. The pure desire is to be one with this Divine power. But if this desire, whether you are aware or not aware, is not fulfilled then you become seekers of truth and this is the state, I find, is now in this horrible modern times, is so much evident. In every country I have visited I was surprised, whether it was Islamic or Russian, England, Australia, anywhere, I was surprised that people are earnestly seeking the Truth. They might make mistakes, as I said, they might go to wrong paths but definitely there are seekers and restlessly they're seeking the Ultimate, which is the Absolute Truth. Spirit is the source of Absolute Truth. You cannot know anything without becoming Self-realized as far as it's own understanding is, like supposing somebody says that democracy is right, somebody says that uh... another style of uh.. communism is good or socialism is good on politics or economics, anywhere they never agree, even the religions don't want to agree - they want to be exclusive - but if you see the thing what Mohammad sahab has written, He never was exclusive. He talked about Moses, He talked about Christ, He talked about Christ's Mother with great reverence, so He was not exclusive. I don't know how people have found exclusive religions. Must be some sort of a selfish interest that people started saying this religion is good, that religion is good, that religion is good. And when we don't know the Absolute Truth, we start believing in all this kind of things. To believe into anything blindly, is not going to help us. We have to have the insight, insight to see what is really the Truth. So when this happening takes place, what happens is that you feel a cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head. You'll be amazed to know that the Kundalini is your own mother, individual mother. and She's the reflection of the Holy Ghost within you. She knows everything about you - your past, your aspirations, everything She knows and She is your individual mother very anxious to give you your second birth. She has been waiting and waiting and waiting and when the chance comes, She really shoots up like a jet, I must say, in this jet age. Is very surprising, how in these modern times it is working so fast. Maybe the pure desire of people is very strong and it has been predicted that at this time all these things will happen. I must say, you're all very lucky people to be born at this time and that you are seekers of ancient ages and then you should really get it. And you get it also, you must have faith in yourself. We have no faith in ourselves, not in our identity. We take to all kinds of nonsensical things because we don't know what we are. If we know how glorious we are, how great we are, what is our potential, what we can do, how many powers we have then we would not indulge into all these things. We'll not go to that extent that one becomes really mad and crazy. This identification can be easily found out once you know yourself. We know the whole world but we don't know about ourselves. First of all, you will know about your own centers that are. These centers represent all your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being and on your finger-tips you know, very clearly, what centers are catching. Now supposing, you know how to cure them and if you know how to cure for others also, so you can cure yourself and cure others because you develop a new dimension in your awareness which we call as Collective Consciousness where you can feel others, very clearly, on your finger-tips. This is your potential, this you have within yourself. It just starts working and you're amazed how you can feel the centers that are within yourself and the centers that are with other people. You can feel for the people who are dead, who are living, who are far away when you grow into your awareness which is, I said, the fourth dimension, then it starts working and you're amazed the way you can cure yourself and you can cure others. There are three doctors, who have got MD, in Delhi, for curing incurable diseases and now we're trying to put down how many cancer patients have been cured in sahaja yoga. Christ cured so many people. How did He cure, nobody bothers to know and to find out what did He do? When He cured people, He must be having some powers and what were His powers by which He cured? There are so many diseases we have which we call incurable, can be easily cured with sahaja yoga. First of all, what we need are people who are evolved and who are matured in sahaja yoga. Once you're matured, you become an expert and also very humble, very compassionate, very loving. All your temper and all your anger and hatred falls out. It's a fact, I'm not telling you some stories. We have many here, at least, I think, 30% people who're sitting here, have got it. But they dress-up like you, they live like you but they're very peaceful and they have given up all that was destructive in them, all that was spoiling their lives - their married lives are very good, they have beautiful children. So, there's a vision. One can see clearly that this whole world will one day become a beautiful place for all of us to live together happily and without any uh.. grievances about others. All these uh.. different ideas of racialism or caste-system and all those, will just drop out because you become a universal being. When you go to, say America - you are a sahaja yogi - all the sahaja yogies will come to see you. One person falls sick, say in Australia, all the sahaja yogies from all the world will make inquiries and find out how is he? You have so many who are talking about brotherhood, friendliness but cannot be because there is this uh.. we can say, a partition within us between the Divine and ourselves but once you know the Divine, you're amazed to see that the Divinity just gives you that confidence and that understanding on your Central Nervous System. It is not just talking and lecturing. In Sanskrit the word is 'bodh' from the word 'Buddha', means to know on your Central Nervous System. Even 'Vedas' means 'Vid'. Vid also Sanskrit means to know on your Central Nervous System. The truth is to be known on your Central Nervous System. You don't have to do absurd things for that at all. For example, I was there this year in Chicago and it was very, very cold and a gentleman came with a dhoti and all his head was shaved. I asked him, "In this cold why are you shivering in a dhoti?" So he told Me, "My guru has said that if you wear a dhoti, you'll get your Nirvana, you'll get your, your salvation." "And what about this head of yours?" He said, "Yes. That also he has said that you must shave your head and must have a pigtail so you'll get your Nirvana." I said, "How could you believe such a nonsensical thing?" In India, 80% people wear dhoties, they must already be there and what, what about this shaven head. Kabira has said, "If by shaving head, if you can go to Heaven, what about the lamb which is shaved every uh.. year twice? That would be there already to welcome you." So all these nonsensical things people try to do meditation and they say that you can rise above the Mother Earth. What is the need, I don't understand? As it is we have problem of jams and why do you want to go on three feet troubling everybody. All these funny ideas I don't know how people accept and pay thousands and thousands of dollars on that. Actually you must understand that you cannot pay for Divine love, you cannot pay because God doesn't understand money, He doesn't understand bank - that's your headache not His. So once you realize that you cannot pay, most of these people will disappear from this earth but it's very difficult for human-beings to say that you cannot pay because they want to purchase everything. Even Me, they would say, "Mother, why shouldn't You take some money?" I said, "But for what, how much are you going to pay?" This is something invaluable - you cannot value it, how much are you going to pay? Then, you don't have to do any exercise for it like standing on your head or doing all kinds of these asanas and this - it's alright for your health but it's not for achieving your ascent. It's not for that. Some people fast and starve and torture the body, which is absolutely wrong. You see, God Almighty is your Father, Father of all the fathers, all the compassion is with Him. Which father would like his son to torture because he wants to meet the father? So He's the Father of fathers. How will He expect you to torture your body like this? But this idea from where it has come, I don't know, that you must torture your life just to achieve your ascent. It's very simple, you have to be normal people and as normal people, you get your Self-realization. Self-realization, you can say, goes into two unnh..stages. First you achieve a state when you are thoughtlessly aware. All the time we are jumping on the cusp of thoughts which come from the future or from the past. We cannot be in the present - it's impossible. But when this Kundalini rises, She elongates those thoughts and creates a space in between, which in Sanskrit called as 'Vilamba' is the pause and there it is you are thoughtlessly aware and that is the point where you grow spiritually, that is the point where you become a witness of the whole play and also, that is the point where you become absolutely peaceful. You watch everything happening, you see everything going on but you are just watching it. Like when you are in the water, the water creates waves and you're afraid of the waves but supposing you get on to a boat, you can see the same waves and enjoy but supposing you learn how to swim, you can jump down and save many people. In the same stages you have to pass through. So the first one is where you become thoughtlessly aware and the second stage is where you're doubtlessly aware - you have no doubts about yourself, about Divinity, about anything. But it happens to some people, both things together, somehow and they achieve a state of complete peace within. They also emit peace, they also emit Divine vibrations by which many problems can be solved, many people who need peace, can achieve it. The another quality of Spirit is that when it is in attention, it enlightens your attention. By that enlightenment you can see things which normal you don't see, you feel which you never felt. It's very surprising that this attention is so active, so meticulously working. If you pay attention to something, it works out. It works, this attention works and this is a kind of an attention you have which is potential but once it becomes enlightened, it becomes such a dynamic force within yourself and you pay attention to yourself and attention to others and amazingly you help people by your attention. The another greatest quality of Spirit is that it is the source of joy. Not that only it is the source of Absolute Truth but it's a source of joy. You work very hard, you do everything but you are a witness of the whole work. You don't think you're doing anything but you're just enjoying everything. You're enjoying your value system, you're enjoying your morality, you're uh.. enjoying your virtues. This joy is the source of doing everything effortlessly - sahaja. It all works out, it works out so beautifully that amazingly we find in a new world which we call the Kingdom of God. When I went to America, they had a problem of this school going on, so - no I'm sorry, to Russia - and the Russians were least disturbed, who were sahaja yogies. I said, "Aren't you worried about this school which's going on?" He said, "Why should we, Mother? We are in the Kingdom of God, why should we worry. We are not in the kingdom of Russia. " Can you imagine, such a confidence! And we have thousands and thousands of Russians who have taken to sahaja yoga because they're not conditioned. They're very clean people and they have understood what is Truth is. In the same way it's working out everywhere, no doubt but in the West I find people are very conditioned about things and these conditionings sometimes stops them from achieving Self- realization. Slowly, slowly they also start taking to it. First time we had two people from Australia who came to see Me in Bombay - they got their realization, only two persons and today we have so many in Australia because definitely they're very nice people, they want to be good, they want to achieve something higher, they are all sincere about it and we have to now think about our younger people who are supposed to be mislaid by many wrong things. These also have come to sahaja yoga and have become quite alright, very normal, very beautiful people. We have no problems of younger people, even of smaller children. It's the times, I call it the blossom time, which is here and we should take full advantage of that. I'm sure all of you are going to get your realization. Only one thing you have to remember that you must have faith in yourself. Do not doubt yourself for anything whatsoever. As long as you don't doubt yourself, you'll get your Self-realization without any difficulty. May God bless you! Can we have some lights there also? [ALL CLAP] Can we have some lights at the back, I can't see them. Can't have lights underneath that? Can't have? You can have lights there - please, alright, it's good. Those who are standing, can you sit down or you can come here in this room to sit - it's better to sit down. It will hardly take ten minutes and only thing is, I would request you, not to disturb others by walking out or getting up at that time - hardly ten minutes. Of course you have questions, so you may write to Me and I will definitely try to answer them. I have been doing this work for the last 25 years now and I'm quite an expert in answering all kinds of questions whether they are funny, stupid or anyway genuine. Ah..So, but it's an mental acrobat. There's nothing so great. It's only up to the mind - you have to go beyond the mind, so it's better that we should forget about those questions just now, get your realization and then I'll see how many have questions. Now of course there are some conditions, which are very simple conditions, which, I hope, you can follow. One of them, one of them is that you have to know at this moment you are not guilty of anything. If you were, you would have been in jail. But when you are sitting here, please forgive yourself - very important. If you don't forgive yourself and you call yourself always guilty of something - I mean, the norms of life in the West is so funny that even if you put your spoon like this, then you feel guilty. It's nothing important. But if you feel guilty, then you catch on this center on the left-hand side, which we call as Left Vishudhdhi and it's very dangerous because it causes a very big damage. You might get Angina, you might get spondylitis or you might get lethargic organs. So, what is the use of feeling guilty - it's not your job to feel guilty and carrying these dangers with you. So, in all compassion and love of God, please forgive yourself and know that you're not guilty at all. It's a fashion also to be guilty for anything. Like, I met one lady, she was guilty because in Afghanistan people were starving. I said, "Why're you feeling guilty? If they're starving, send some money. What's the use of sitting down and feeling guilty?" It's a kind of a, you see, a melodramatic uh.. attitude, I think, that people think, "Oh, I'm guilty, how can I?" And to Me, some people told Me that, "You look so joyous, that's not good," in France once, first when I went there. "You shouldn't look so joyous." I said, "But I am, what can I do?" They said, "No, here people are very miserable and you must say you're miserable." So, I said, "Why are they miserable here?" So, I started My lecture with Les Miserable and I said if every tenth lamp-post has got a pub and about twelfth lamp-post there's a prostitute standing, what else will it be? You're inviting your own miseries and sitting outside on the street they were discussing when the world is going to end. That's the best - because now they're fed-up with themselves so they wanted to end the world also. So all this is more sort of a, mental attitude to feel guilty, "I should not have done that, I should not have done that." So at this moment, I would request, don't feel guilty because if this center is in jeopardy, this Kundalini won't rise, it cannot penetrate. So, you'll also miss such a nice opportunity. Then there is another problem is with the center on the optic chiasma which we call as Agnya chakra. If you do not forgive people, it becomes like this. It's a very constricted center so you have to forgive others also. If you forgive others, then this center opens out like this otherwise it's impossible. You cannot crossover this center, it's one of the most difficult ones, so please, just at this moment, forgive everyone in general. Don't even think about people whom you have to forgive because it's a headache even to think of them. So just in general you forgive everyone, just forgive everyone. You'll feel very happy and much lighter just now. These are the two conditions we have, the third one is easier, is to take out your shoes. When I said this in England, half of them walked out on the first day - they couldn't take out their shoes, so much attached to them. Because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. it helps us a lot to achieve the, achieve our ascent. She sucks our problems. You don't know what this Mother Earth is. It's a very great blessing, specially in Australia, is a very great land. Now, in the beginning we'll tell you how we'll be nourishing our centers which is very simple. This is only once you have to do tonight - you don't have to do it again, it's alright, very, very simple. Now after taking out your shoes, you please put both your feet apart from each other - that's all. Because as there are two powers within us, left and right, which are very different, so better keep them away from each other. The left power, which we call as the Left Sympathetic Nervous System, which is nourished by Ida Nadi is for our desire, works out our desires which is, uh.. I should say, not a concrete thing, just you desire through this Nadi. So, you have to put your left hand, like this, on your lap - very comfortably you should sit down - uh.. indicating that you're desirous of getting your Self-realization, that's all. Just put your left hand towards Me like this all the time. With the right hand is for your action. The right Nadi, which is Pingala Nadi, works out for your action. So you have to use your right hand on different centers on the left-hand side - we work only on the left-hand side. So put your right-hand on your heart, please. In the heart resides the Spirit. I've already told you about the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, you have the light of the Spirit and you become your own guide, you become your own master, you become your own guru. So we take our right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side which is the center of your mastery. Then we take our hand in the lower portion of our abdomen on the left-hand side. Surprisingly, this is the center of pure knowledge of the Divine. Then we take our hand in the upper portion of our abdomen, then on our heart again. Now, in the corner of your neck and your shoulder - I've already told you about this chakra - and turn your head to your right. I think, is really very caught up here - please forgive yourself, please forgive yourself. Now, then we take our right hand on top of our forehead across like this and bend our head slowly. This is the center where you have to forgive everyone without thinking about them. Then we take our right hand on the back side of our head and push back our head as far as possible. This is the center where, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the All-Pervading Divine power without feeling guilty, again. Now, you have to stretch your palm fully, like this and put the center of your palm on top of your head on to the fontanel bone, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now, please put down your head as far as possible. Push back your fingers as far as possible and press it hard, your scalp, which you have to move clockwise, slowly, seven times. Push back your fingers - that's very important - push back your fingers so there's a better pressure. That's all you have to do. Bend your heads, please bend your heads, push back your fingers. That's all. This is all we have to do and now we have to close our eyes. Before closing our eyes, I would say, better take out your spectacles uh.. because it might help your eyesight also and please don't open your eyes till I tell you. Don't press very hard just ordinarily as we sleep, [UNCLEAR - YOU SEE IS?] very gentle way of closing the eyes. We have to have respect for ourselves and understanding that we are capable of achieving this higher state. So now please, put your left hand again towards Me, both the feet away from each other and close your eyes and put your right hand on your heart. [UNCLEAR] I think you can go now. Now, here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself to Me in your heart, not loudly - nothing to be said aloudly. So please, ask a question - you can call Me Mother or you can call Me Shri Mataji, whatever you like - "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask this question, three times, in your heart. I've already told you that if you become the Spirit, you become your own guide and your own master. So now, please take your hand the upper portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side and press it and here you ask another fundamental question about yourself, three times, saying, "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question three times. I must tell you I respect your freedom. If you don't want to have your realization, I cannot force you, if you don't want to know about the pure knowledge of the Divine, I cannot force it on you - you have to ask for it. So please, put your hand in the lower portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side and here you please ask six times, because this center has got six petals, "Mother, please let me know the pure knowledge of the Divine." Please ask six times. As soon as you start asking this question, the Kundalini has started rising. It won't trouble you, it won't give you any shock. At the most some people might feel a little heat on their hands but it has started. So now, please raise your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now these are the upper centers which we have to open with our full self-confidence. Here you have to say ten times with full self-confidence, "Mother, I am my own master." Please say this ten times, "Mother, I am my own master," with full confidence. At the very outset I've told [UNCLEAR - ME?] that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intelligence, this ego or your conditionings but you are the pure Spirit. So now, please raise your right hand on your heart and say with full confidence, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." Please say it twelve times, twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." I have already request you to forgive yourself because this All-Pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of compassion and love and bliss but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you have committed, can be easily dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself, raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder please and here press it hard. Put your head towards your right and here, please, you have to say sixteen times, "Mother, I am not guilty at all," please say it sixteen times - it's very important. I've already told you, that you have to forgive everyone, in general, not thinking about them because if you don't forgive, this center of Agnya won't open out. As it is whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything but if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. So at this moment, try to understand that as it is you have tortured yourself by not forgiving but at this moment if you forgive, this center will open and you will achieve what you have to really achieve - your Self-realization. So please, forgive all the people in general. Raise your right hand on top of your forehead and slowly put down your head and here you have to say, not how many times but from your heart you have to say, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." From your heart you have to say, not how many times. You have to now ask forgiveness from the Divine power without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction. So now, take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head fully, push back. Here you have to say without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes - from your heart, not how many times, "Oh Divine power, if I've done any mistakes, please forgive me," from your heart you have to say, not counting. Now the last center is very important, is the most important so stretch your palm fully Now, you have to put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area properly and now bend your head as far as possible. Stretch back your fingers, stretch back your fingers. At this moment, I have to again say, that I cannot give you Self-realization unless and until you ask for it because I respect your freedom. So here, you move your scalp slowly, ten times, scalp by stretching your fingers out. Please put down your head, please put down your head. And now move your scalp, ten times - I'm sorry, seven times. Hmm. Seven times, slowly, clockwise saying, "Mother, please give me my Self-realization." Please move your scalp slowly, clockwise. [SHRI MATAJI BLOWS INTO THE MICROPHONE] [SHRI MATAJI BLOWS INTO THE MICROPHONE] [SHRI MATAJI BLOWS INTO THE MICROPHONE] [SHRI MATAJI BLOWS INTO THE MICROPHONE] Now take down your hand and please open your eyes slowly. Put both the hands towards Me, like this, just like this and put the right hand towards Me and bend your head and see with your left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Hot or cold breeze might be coming, doesn't matter. It is hot means you have not forgiven yourself or forgiven others so it's still hot. Again, take your left hand towards Me like this, put down your head and see with your right hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations coming out of your fontanel bone area. Please see with your right hand. Sometimes some people get it closer, sometimes they get it very far away, so you have to move your hand to see. If it is hot or cold doesn't matter but if you forgive just now yourself or others, it will definitely will become better and cooler. Alright, now again once more. Put your left hand towards Me again and put your right hand on top of your fontanel bone area and bend your head and now see yourself. Now, don't doubt yourself, that's the main point. Now, raise your both the hands towards the sky like this and ask a question. Put your head up and ask one of the questions out of these three questions three times. "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" Second, "Mother, is this the All-Pervading power of Divine love?" Third one, "Mother, is this the Param Chaitanya?" Ask anyone of these questions three times. It's alright - vibrations are coming from you to Me. Alright, put it down, please put it down. Now please put your hands like that. Now watch Me without thinking - you can do that - watch Me without thinking. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on the finger-tips or on the palms or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. [UNCLEAR - DID OR DIDN'T?] feel it? Good. May God bless you! Most of you, surprisingly! Everyone of you. One or two haven't got it but we'll see them. May God bless you all! Now you have to know what are these vibrations, what is this cool breeze which you have felt for the first time - is the All-Pervading power of Divine love - and how to use it, how to work it out - that's what you have to do and grow into it. But I see when I come, I don't know, everywhere people somehow believe Me very much and they come to My programs and afterwards they just disappear. Some of them, I don't know, they don't trust their own fellow-men who are realized souls here who know so much about sahaja yoga. So please, do not waste this awakening. Like Christ has said in His parable, that some seeds were sprouted but they were thrown into wasteland. In the same way it should not happen. There will, it is not like other people that they take introduction and then take money. You don't have to pay anything but you have to respect your Self-realization and you have to come to our centers where you will grow. As it is we don't take money we don't have palaces for you to come and meditate but they're nice places and very good evolved people here, who are humble, kind and compassionate. They'll tell you all about it, they're not going to keep any secrets. Some people didn't feel it - doesn't matter. It can be worked out for them, all of them, maybe some reason they haven't felt, so don't feel disappointed, there's nothing to be disappointed about there is all worked out. Also the people who have problems can come and see those people in the center - I'm sure, they will solve your problems, whether it is physical, mental, emotional, anything. They are doing great work in all over Australia. We have centers all over - please come in a humble way because we have to grow and groom and become the great tree of Divinity which you all can become, I'm sure about you. Thank you very much, thank you! [CLAPPING] [CLAPPING] They'll sing one song and you should clap - that's all. [UNCLEAR] Thank You! Keep it with you, I'll just touch it for you - alright? [INAUDIBLE] be careful Aap logon ko aana chahiye, yeh to aapka heritage hai [UNCLEAR] - hai na? - Mataji, I'm from Bombay. - Annh? - I'm from Bombay - Bombay se aaye hain - Main Bombay se aaya huun - [INAUDIBLE] - Maine to [INAUDIBLE] - Lekin ab main ab yahan rehta huun - Yahin rehte hain aap? - To ab aayiye, sahaja mein aayiye - Haan ab aayeinge - Almora se aaye hain - Almora se aaye hain? Wah, kya kehne! Bahut achche - Delhi se aaye hain - Aap log program mein aayiye Mataji bolin hain. Mataji bolin hain aap log program mein aayiye - Hindustaniyon ka to yeh hai bas Hum aate hain to aate hain aur to koi aata hi nahin. Yehi log aage ja rahe hain - Hum Delhi se aaye hain Aapke [UNCLEAR] - Delhi se aaye hain? [MUSIC N CLAPPING] [MUSIC N CLAPPING] Anaadi Nirguni pragatli Bhawani, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Anaadi Nirguni pragatli Bhawani, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Moh Mahishasura mardana laguni, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Moh Mahishasura mardana laguni, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Trivid Tapanchi karavya jhadadi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Trivid Tapanchi karavya jhadadi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bhakta laguni paavsi Nirvaani, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bhakta laguni paavsi Nirvaani, bhakta laguni; Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ude ho [MUSIC N CLAPPING] Dwaita Saaruni maal mi ghaleena, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Dwaita Saaruni maal mi ghaleena, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Haati Bodhacha jhenda mi Gheiina, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Haati Bodhacha jhenda mi Gheiina, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bhed rahita gaa, vaarisi jaaeena; ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bhed rahita gaa, vaarisi jaaeena, bhed rahita gaa Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ude ho [MUSIC N CLAPPING] [MUSIC N CLAPPING] Navavid bhakticha karuni Navaratra, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Navavid bhakticha karuni Navaratra, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Karuni niraakaran maangena Gyanputra, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Karuni niraakaran maangena Gyanputra, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Dambha sansaara sodeena kuputra, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Dambha sansaara sodeena kuputra, Dambha sansaara Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ho [MUSIC N CLAPPING] Poorna Bodhachi bhareen mi paradi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Poorna Bodhachi bhareen mi paradi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Asha Manshyacha Paadin mi daraadi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Asha Manshyacha Paadin mi daraadi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Manovikaara Kareen kurvandi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Manovikaara Kareen kurvandi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Amrit rasaanchi bhareen mi duradi, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Amrit rasaanchi bhareen mi duradi, Amrit Rasaanchi Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude Ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ho [MUSIC N CLAPPING] Aata Saajadi jhale mi nisaang, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Aata Saajadi jhale mi nisaang, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Vikalp navyacha Sodiyela sung, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Vikalp navyacha Sodiyela sung, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Kaama Krodh he Sodiyele maanga, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Kaama Krodh he Sodiyele maanga, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Kela mokalaa maarga ha suranga, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Kela mokalaa maarga ha suranga, kela mokalaa Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ude, ho [MUSIC N CLAPPING] Aisa Jogwa Maanguni theviila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Aisa Jogwa Maanguni theviila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Jaauni Mahadwaari Navasamya Fediila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Jaauni Mahadwaari Navasamya Fediila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Eka Janardani Ekacha Dekhiila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Eka Janardani Ekacha Dekhiila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Janma marnacha phera mi chukviila, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Bai, ude Janma marnacha phera mi chukviila, Janma marnacha Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Jogwa maange na Aaicha jogwa, Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude de Ambe ude ho, ude de Ambe ude; Ude, ud, ude, ude, ude, ude, ho [CLAPPING] [INAUDIBLE] Shivji ka [UNCLEAR] Shivji What's the matter? [INAUDIBLE] You met with an accident? What has happened? Why didn't you come to our center then we'll look after, alright? We'll try. You have not got any steel inside, have you? No - then it's alright. We'll work it out, alright? [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [UNCLEAR] has she come? [INAUDIBLE] Lalaat pe hai Chandrama, Lalaat pe hai Chandrama, chandrama, chandrama Jata mein Gangdhaar hai, Jata mein Gangdhaar hai, Gangdhaar hai, Gangadhaar hai Lalaat pe hai Chandrama, Jata mein Gangdhaar hai, Chadhi hai bhasm ang pe, gale mein sarpahaar hai [MUSIC] Nava rahe hain Shesh Dev, Sar Tumhaari bhakti mein Hai koti Surya ka prakaash, Shiv Tumhaari shakti mein, Shiv Tumhaari shakti mein, Shiv Tumhaari shakti mein Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyari, Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari, Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyari Ho Shankar Bhole bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyari, [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC][UNCLEAR - SHOULD BE A LITTLE LOWER?] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [UNCLEAR] [UNCLEAR] [UNCLEAR] ho, ho Ho, O, O, Sab Devon mein Mahadev Tu, aa, aa, aa, Tujhsa koi na duja Bhakti bhava se sab karte hain, Bhagwan Teri Puja Bhagwan Teri Puja Shivji Tera to hai, Roop niraala, Bhola Bhaala Teri Chavi par sabhi hain balihaari, Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari; Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyari, Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyari, Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari, Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyari, [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Saagar matha ke sabhi Devata, Amrit par lalchaye; Saagar matha ke sabhi Devata, Amrit par lalchaye Tum Abhyankar vish ko peekar, Neelkanth kehlaaye; Tum Abhyankar vish ko peekar, Neelkanth kehlaaye Neelkanth kehlaaye; Jo bhi aaya Shambhu Sharan Tihaari, Dukhhaari; Uski naiya Tune paar utaari Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu, sabse hai nyaari Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu, sabse hai nyaari [MUSIC] [MUSIC] He Shiva Shankar jahan bhi Tera dum dum damroo baaje He Shiv Shankar, He Pralayankar; He Shiva Shankar jahan bhi Tera, Aa, Aa, Aa; He Shiva Shankar jahan bhi Tera dum dum damroo baaje Dhar ke nana roop Tere Gana, sung sung Tere naache, sung sung Tere naache, Sab karte hain Bhagwan Teri Puja, Bhagwan Teri Puja Shivji Tera to hai Roop Niraala, Bhola Bhaala Teri Chavi par sabhi hain balihaari; Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale Shailbihaari, Tripuraari, Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyaari Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shailbihaari, Tripuraari,Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyaari Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyaari [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Saagar math ke sabhi Devta Amrit par lalchaye, Saagar math ke sabhi Devta Amrit par lalchaye Tum Abhyankar vish ko peekar Neelkanth kehlaaye, Tum Abhyankar vish ko peekar Neelkanth kehlaaye, Neelkanth kehlaaye; Jo bhi aaya Shambhu, Jo bhi aaya Shambhu, sharan Tihaari, dukhhaari, uski naiiya Tune paar utaari Ho Shankar Bhole bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyaari Ho Shankar Bhole Bhaale, Shail Bihaari, Tripuraari Teri leela Prabhu sabse hai nyaari [MUSIC] [MUSIC] He Shivshankar jahan bhi Tera dum dum damroo baaje He Shivshankar Shivshankar; He Shivshankar jahan bhi Tera, Aa, aa, aa He Shivshankar jahan bhi Tera dum dum damroo baaje Dhar ke nana roop Tere Gana sung sung Tere naache, sung sung [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Pahile naman ho Ganarayala, Pahile naman ho Ganarayala, Dusre naman Adishaktila, Dusre naman Adishaktila, Teesre naman sahajayogala, Gau ata ra Povadyala ra Ji, Ji, Ji Ek Unishte Teis Salala, Ek Unishte Teis Salala, Madhyapranti Chindavaryala, Bhar Dupari Barah Vajela Adishaktiza Zanma Zhala Ra Ji, ji, ji; Adishaktiza Zanma Zhala Dhanya Mata Prasad Rav Pita, Dhanya Mata Prasad Rav Pita, Atipunyavan Ubhayata, Daivi Kanya Tyanchi Lalita Sakal Vishwachi Ase hi Shaan Ji, Ji, Ji Sakal Vishwachi Ase hi Shaan Ji, Ji, Ji Sakal Vishwachi Ase hi Shaan Ji, Ji, Ji Nirguna tuni Sagunat, Nirguna tuni Sagunat, Ali Adishakti Jag Tat, Ali Adishakti Jag Tat, Kaliyugat Mata Ali Nirmala Devi Mayabhorli Ra Ji, Ji, Ji Nirmala Devi Mayabhorli Ra Ji, Ji, Ji Nirmala Devi Mayabhorli Ra Ji, Ji, Ji Dhanya Te Purvasukrut, Dhanya Te Purvasukrut, Kundalini Zhali Jagrut, Kundalini Zhali Jagrut, Sat Chakra Par Karit Ali Sarvanchya Sahasrart Ji, Ji, Ji Ali Sarvanchya Sahasrart Ji, Ji, Ji Ali Sarvanchya Sahasrart Ji, Ji, Ji Lehekure Amhi Adnyan, Lehekure Amhi Adnyan, Nase Amhala Gyan, Nase Amhala Gyan, Ananya Bhave Sharan, Alpamati Kele varnan Ra Ji, Ji, ji Alpamati Kele varnan Ra Ji, Ji, ji Alpamati Kele varnan Ra Ji, Ji, ji Sahaja Yogane Hote Pragati, Sahaja Yogane Hote Pragati, Ghya ho ghya ho Yachi Prachuti, Ghya ho ghya ho Yachi Prachuti, Divyatvachi Jeth Prachuti Tethe Kar Majhe ho Zulti Ra Ji, Ji, Ji Tethe Kar Majhe ho Zulti Ra Ji, Ji, Ji Tethe Kar Majhe ho Zulti Ra Ji, Ji, Ji Pahile naman ho Ganarayala, Pahile naman ho Ganarayala,
Achieving the last breakthrough of our evolution
Public Program
Public Program. Sydney (Australia), 21 February 1995. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know what is the truth. There are so many seekers of truth in these modern times which has been predicted that there will be many people who will be seeking the truth now as ordinary householders. Their life will be completely transformed in these modern times. They call it in the Koran as Kiama. In the Bible it's called as the Last Judgment. Every religion has talked about these modern times as something very fantastic that our lives will be transformed. So what is the truth we are seeking? We should know what is the truth we are seeking. Firstly, we are seeking peace within ourselves. Secondly, we are seeking something we do not know, and that something is the Spirit within ourselves. Many scriptures have described that you have to seek your spirit and many are preaching about it. But it seems they are not very Spirit-oriented. They are more money-oriented or power-oriented, and that is why the whole attention of a seeker is diverted and deviated into something which is not really Divine. So what we are seeking is the Spirit within us which is the source of absolute truth, absolute joy and absolute self-knowledge. You have already heard about these different centers that are within us which are being built during our evolution as human beings. We have reached up to a point where still we have to have the last breakthrough in our awareness; otherwise, we cannot know the truth. At this human awareness it is impossible to know the absolute truth. If we had known the absolute truth there would have been no problem. Everybody would have seen the same thing. But there are so many ideologies. As you know, there are so many religions, so many types of preachings and also lots of false people. So, if you know the absolute truth then there cannot be another truth with it; it's singular. For example, I am sitting before you. You know I am sitting before you, all of you. There's no argument on that point. In the same way we have to know... We have to have now the last breakthrough of our evolution. Once it happens you will be amazed that we'll know the absolute truth. There cannot be any argument about it. And also these centers that you know here are a mystery to you, but you start feeling them on your fingertips. That is self-knowledge. These centers are responsible for your physical, mental, emotional, also spiritual being within yourself. So all your personality, the totality of it, expressed through these centers. These are subtle centers within us, and these subtle centers are sometimes exhausted because of our extreme nature. So this power which we call as Kundalini - Kundala means coils, which is in three and a half coils within us in the sacrum bone. That means the Greeks knew that it was a sacred bone; they call it sacrum. This power is actually your individual Mother and She knows everything about you. She knows about your past and She knows about your aspirations. It's like a tape recording, I should say, of ages within you in this coiled power. It is like a primule of a seed. When you put the seed in the Mother Earth then it sprouts by itself, spontaneously. That is what is Sahaja. Is all built in within you and you have every right to achieve this state of selfhood, which is in the fourth dimension of your awareness, which we in Sanskrit call as turia, is the fourth dimension. All this is within you. All this power is within you. You are built in that way. We have to understand that our Creator is the greatest organiser. See now, we have one channel here for people to come in. This is the channel which we have very nicely built up within ourselves, which in our evolutionary process has enlightened all these centers up to a point. Now this Kundalini, this power, has to rise. I have read some books, some German books and things, where it describes that this Kundalini awakening is extremely dangerous and it kills people, is fatal. Nothing of the kind. I have been doing this for the last twenty-five years. I never saw anybody getting sick even, but on the contrary, this awakening is so beneficial, so benevolent that when this power passes through all these six centers and pierces through this last center out of the fontanel bone area, which we can call the actualisation of baptism, actualisation, then all these centers get enlightened, enriched and this nourishment solves your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems. So the first truth about yourself is that, you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intellect, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the Pure Spirit. Now we see all these beautiful flowers around us and we take them for granted. It's a miracle that these different flowers have bloomed out of a seed in their own different identity. Who has done this work? Who changes the seasons? Or if you ask a doctor, "Who runs your heart?" He'll say, "It is autonomous nervous system." But who is this Auto? These questions and many others cannot be answered. So there is an All-pervading Power of Divine Love which is doing all these miraculous things. Now you need not take for granted whatever I am telling you. We have had lots of problems with blind faith. But whatever I am saying, if it is proved, then as honest people you must accept. Not only accept but grow in your new awareness. Of course, you must understand you can't pay for it. How much did we pay to become human beings, and how much are we going to pay for becoming something higher? Once you realise that, that you can't pay for it, then you will drop out most of the false gurus and the false institutions who charge you for anything like that. Now this happening is very simple, spontaneous, works out. As I said, it's like a primule of a seed, this Kundalini. When you put the seed in the Mother Earth it sprouts by itself. In the same way, it works. You can't explain. Can you explain how a seed sprouts? In the same way pure primule, which is this Kundalini, uncoils itself and passes through these centers and gives you your self-realization. In Sanskrit is called as Atmashaksatkara. For you it is absolutely granted. You don't have to go to Himalayas. You don't have to stand on your heads. You don't have to starve yourself. Don't have to pay for it. It is all there which is your own power. Only when it happens you realise your identity, you realise how great you are, you realise how the Divine is within you and which is expressing Itself. With all these false things that are going on, say, for example, somebody can say that, "I am a twice born." Now, if somebody is a twice-born person then he must have some powers. He must have some speciality. He must have some sort of a, we can say, understanding, compassion, and the compassion should act. But just by certifying yourself as something you do not become. The certificate has to come from your Kundalini. She has to give you your second birth and She's very anxious to do it. So now we come to the point that people who are seeking the Divine go to various religions also. I have nothing to say against religions as such, but just take Christian religion. It's a very difficult religion to follow because Christ has said, "If your one eye does anything wrong, take it out. If your one hand does something wrong, cut it out." Have you met anybody like that who has cut his hand or who has taken out your eyes? I've been to all the countries in the west and all over, who call themselves Christians. I haven't seen one person who does that. That means they just brand themselves. Christ was a great incarnation, very pure and I think He never understood human beings, what sort of people they are. He thought they were all angels and He gave all these rules and regulations for angels, that if the angels make mistake they should suffer. But you, we are all normal human beings. We can't do like this. Then you take to, say, Mohammad Sahib's teaching. He just thought that Christ was so strict with men; why not try with women also. And He said, of course apart from other things, that women if they have a bad eye on some other man than her husband, then she should be buried in the Mother Earth half way and should be stoned. I mean, just imagine. I was thinking about American women. What would happen to them if this kind of thing going on, because the divorce laws are so good for them that they are divorcing all the time their husbands and doing all kinds of things. They don't know that this is what, is according to Islam. And the Sharia that they talk of also was given by Moses to the decadent society of Jews when he came all the way and brought those Ten Commandments. He saw these people so decadent that He thought it's better to give a very, very, strict laws to them to save them. So He said, "You cut their hands if they do any thieving," all kinds of horrible things. It's all in Jeremiah if you read that. It's in the Bible. It's written by Jeremiah, what Moses told the Jews. I think the Jews didn't like all that so they gave it up and Mohammed Sahib took it over that this should be allowed, only among Islamic people. It's terrible, and all this when you see, you find that we have to first arrive at a point where we understand them, where we can follow them and for that you have to have your self-knowledge. You must know yourself. Christ has said, "Know thyself." Another problem is that in the Bible there is a description of the Father the God, Son the God and the Mother is missing. She is a Holy Ghost and a dove. I don't know how can you connect it to it. There has to be a Mother. There has to be Primordial Mother who is the one who is responsible for looking after this creation, and the God Almighty is just the witness, witness of the whole show. This Primordial Mother, the Holy Ghost, is reflected in you as the Kundalini, while the Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty in your heart. Now the time has come to prove all these things. It is going to be the actualization of experience of your Spirit. It's not just talking, giving a sermon, but actually it is going to happen. And when it happens you must respect it. As I told you the Spirit is the source of absolute knowledge, absolute truth, because if you put your hands after realisation towards anybody, you will immediately know what centers is catching. You will not see his clothes, you will not see his dress or anything, but you will see the inner being on your fingertips. You can feel it, and you will immediately know what's the problem of the gentleman. In the same way you will know about yourself, what is the problem, what centres are in trouble, because centers are the fundamentals of our personality. So once you know what's wrong with another person and also you know how to correct it, you can help that person physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. But of course, I must say that it doesn't work for people who are idiots or stupid. You will be amazed that I have met a number of them and I was amazed that how they are so educated, had so many degrees and so idiotic. Too much lost in their own thoughts that they are very great people and they are not willing to accept anything that is sensible. Also for people who are extremely arrogant and critical, the Kundalini doesn't rise. I have seen such people take lot of time. But on the whole - in Russia my experience has been that always there have been people, more than sixteen thousand, in any of a program I was there. They are so sensitive. Not that they get their realization but they settle down with it. They are like clean slates. They have no conditioning. They just, I don't know how, they just are waiting for the real truth and they get it. In the same way now it's working everywhere, of course. I must say when I first came to Sydney there were two persons whom I knew. Now it has grown so much and it will grow more and more because it's the need of the hour. It's a need that all of us want. So when this Kundalini rises, what happens that our thoughts which are always hovering on our mind from the past and the future, all these thoughts keep us jumping on the cusp. We cannot enter into the present. The present doesn't exist for us. All the time these thoughts start moving in such a manner that this mind is restless. But when Kundalini rises she elongates these thoughts. Like a thought rises, falls; another thought rises and falls. When the Kundalini rises she elongates them and creates a space in between that is the present. At that time you don't have any thoughts. You are in thoughtless awareness. You are extremely aware but you are thoughtless. That is the present. In the present you are absolutely without any thoughts. Supposing I say, "Please don't think," you can't do that. If I say, "Please go into your present," you can't. It's only possible when the Kundalini rises. Automatically, you become thoughtlessly aware, and that is the time you are at peace with yourself. You are enjoying the peace within yourself and also you emit peace. Wherever such a person goes, he emits peace because he is so relaxed and his whole being is emitting that peaceful personality. I have seen people who have got awards in peace and some of them have got big organisation of peace and all sort of things but they are very hot-tempered, extremely hot-tempered. Some of them you have to approach with a barge pole. So how can they create peace anywhere? I can't understand how they got the award, from which angle. But there are people who are having big organisations of peace. It is a human being who has to individually become peaceful so that the whole lot, the collective becomes peaceful. Now we have Sahaja Yoga working in sixty-five nations, and I get people in India for a seminar, supposing from all these nations, selected people. I have never seen them quarrelling, fighting, but such fun, such enjoyment of friendship. There's no race, there is no country, nothing. They have sort of gone beyond all this and they are enjoying each other in such a manner. This is your own. Is a birthright for you to have, is within you, and you can get it. No problem on that, but only thing is that you have to have earnest desire, the pure desire. This Kundalini is the power of pure desire within us. All other mundane desires are, as you know, are not satiable in general. That shows that they are not pure. Today we want to have a, say, a house and then we want to have a car, then we want to have a helicopter, then an aeroplane. I don't know what else. We never enjoy whatever we wish for. So this pure desire is something else and that is to become one with this All-pervading Divine Power of Love. Whether you know it or not, whether you are aware of it or not, it is so. So now this Power is within you and is absolutely in perfect condition. You will be amazed, the innocence that we have is never lost. It is sometimes clouded but these clouds also get absolutely cleared out. And really we become a very innocent personality radiant with Divinity. It's like a lamp or you can say a candle. You can enlighten a candle with another candle which is enlightened and this can go on. This is how it is because the time has come, and I call it the "blossom time". I think there are many flowers who are born as seekers of truth and they have to become now fruits and they do become. Believe me; it's true. For example, if I say many physical problems can be solved, people don't believe it. Without any money, without any medicine, by your own power, but in Delhi there are three doctors who have got their MD for curing people of their incurable diseases through Sahaja Yoga. When it will be accepted in this country also, we can show how it works. But I think is something so simple is to raise this Kundalini and to nourish and enlighten your centers. That's all one has to do. Even you need not be a doctor; you can also cure people. People don't believe what powers they have. Actually there's such a big desire to have an identity, but identity lies within yourself, not outside. For example, we can find clubs of any kind, cults of any kind. They wear funny dresses just to show that they have a special personality. The other day in Chicago it was very cold and I found a gentleman who came as one leader of one of the cults, was chanting, chanting, chanting like mad. I asked him, "Why are you wearing this dhoti in this cold? It is so very cold we are shivering." He said that. "My guru has told me that I should wear a dhoti so I'll get my self-realization." I said, "Really!" I said, "Eighty percent people in India wear dhotis or they must be already there. You may not get any room there." Then second thing he told me - he had shaven his head and was having a, some pigtail behind - and he says that, I told him, "Why did you do this?" Quite a young man. He said, "My guru has told me that I have to shave my head and I have to have all these things. That's how I'll get my nirvana." I said, "Really!" So Kabira, a great poet, has written that by shaving if you can go to heaven. What about the lamb which is shaved twice a year? That will be there earlier. So like this, you see, all kinds of stupid things have been told and people have been following it. I don't know in the West specially, people are very vulnerable. I don't know why. Not in India, you see. It's difficult. The people are solidly grounded, I think, in their tradition. For example now, if they say skirt which is six inches is in fashion, everybody will start wearing six inches skirts. All the long skirts will vanish from the market and what you find, all of them wearing six inches skirts. But in India they brought some mini sari. They said, "Get lost. We don't want all this nonsense here. It's too much for us we are not..." So like this, you see, we take to these entrepreneurs and things. It's sometimes so absurd I don't know how people accept all this nonsense. But I feel that once they develop their own being and understand how great they are, then they will have a proper Divine discretion to do things which are very constructive. Normally we take to destructive things but with this discretion we do constructive things, not for ourselves only but for the benevolence of our family, for the benevolence of our city and for the benevolence of the whole world. This is a special time, as I told you, very important when you should not miss it out. So in our awareness we have a new dimension which I call as Collective Consciousness, where you can feel others and you can feel yourself. You don't have to judge a person by his dress, by his gait, by his talk but his Divine vibrations. You will know that what sort of chakras he has, what sort of centers he has, and thus once you know what's wrong with him you can - after certain development in you - you can cure yourself and can cure him. So the second thing apart from the thoughtless awareness is that you become doubtlessly aware, doubtless. There's no doubt. Once you have learnt it, once you are an expert, you have no doubts about it. You understand what you are, what you are capable of and what you can achieve. There are no doubts left. So the second stage - some people get both the stages together - I have seen there have been so many seekers that they just get to doubtless awareness. But doesn't matter. It takes time for some people. Some people may not get realisation if they are, I would say, not well or maybe something, they have been to some wrong people. Also, maybe that they are doubting something, doubting themselves. So the first and foremost understanding should be that you are all capable of achieving this. You shouldn't doubt yourself. You must really respect yourself because you are a human being at the epitome of evolution. You are the highest. We have nothing to learn from birds or from dogs but we have to know that we can ourselves become so sensitive that we'll understand nature; we'll understand animals, everything we start understanding. The sign of a Sahaja Yogi, that he is absolutely honest, he is very kind, tender and compassionate. This is the minimum of minimum a Sahaja Yogi has to be. Of course, because a door is open sometimes some mad people also walk in, can't help it, but most of the people who are taking to Sahaja Yoga - I was amazed - are so much changed. They have dropped all their bad habits. I never tell that. Supposing I say, "Don't do this," half of the people will walk off. Just I say, "Get the light of the Spirit within yourself." Then you will become your own master. Then you will become your own guide and you understand what is right for you, what is good for you and what is to be done. There is no rule or regulation like "don't" in Sahaja Yoga. But automatically you all accept it and do it together collectively also. It is very remarkable that it has worked so well also in Australia. Australia is a special country. I call it a country of innocence. Uluru that you have is a symbol of that. Gradually in Sahaja Yoga you will learn about your country and you will respect it. As you learn about yourself you will also learn about this great country of Australia. I respect it very much and every year I try to come here. Many countries I can't go every year but Australia I always try to come here every year. I hope you all will get your self-realisation tonight. Now, only request is that it will take hardly ten, fifteen minutes, but if you want to go you can go now and don't disturb people when they are about to get their self-realization. I will be thankful for that. Thank you very much. Of course, there are three conditions which are very simple, not difficult if you understand the importance of self-realization. The first condition is that you are not to feel guilty. It's a fashion also. To feel guilty is a fashion. And it goes too far sometimes and it affects the left side of this center here, left side, which is very dangerous, because it causes spondylitis, also angina, also cervical cancer. Also it causes imbalance, or you can say the weakening of the organs, lethargic organs. With all this, why should we feel guilty? If you have done any mistakes you should have faced it at that time and finished it. No use feeling guilty now about something which you did in the past. I said you have to be in the present because the past doesn't exist; future doesn't exist, either. So what exists is the present. At this moment I would request you not to feel guilty at all. You have to respect yourself. We have no right to degrade ourselves for nothing at all. This human life is very precious and also worthy of respect. So you forgive yourself fully. The second condition is very important, is to forgive everyone without thinking about it because even thinking about them is a headache. There's a center on our optic chiasma which we call as the Agnya. Is just like this, constricted, absolutely constricted. And if you don't forgive it won't open. If it won't open then how can Kundalini pass through? By not forgiving others you have played into wrong hands. Because whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything but you play into the hands of people who have troubled you, while they are enjoying themselves. So what's the use of not forgiving? Firstly, it's so important to get your self-realization. All your life you have tortured yourself. Now, at least, forgive. Forgive everyone. Don't think of them even. Just forgive from your heart. The third condition is very simple; it's that you have to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. I'm sorry, I must tell you, first time in England when I said, "Take out your shoes," half of them walked out. I mean, such a serious crime to take out shoes. But now it's different, very different. This Mother Earth is very helpful for us, and also without shoes our feet are more comfortable. Now, there are two powers, left and right. The left stands or works for our desires, mundane desires, and the right for our action. So, we put our left hand on our lap like this towards Me, which is symbolic that you are desirous of having your self-realization. The second thing is that we have to nourish our centers. We work it out only on the left hand side, with our right hand which is for action. So we put our right hand on our different centers. We'll show you. First of all we put our right hand - first we put both the feet apart from each other, because they are two powers - and now put our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides [(speaking towards someone: inside the coat, take your hand inside] resides the Spirit, as I told you. If you become the Spirit you become your guide. You become your own master. So we take our hand on to the upper portion of our abdomen and press it hard. This is the center for our mastery. We now take our hand in the lower portion of our abdomen on the left hand side and press it. This is the center which is surprisingly for pure Divine Knowledge. You will know that later on everything can be verified. In Sahaja Yoga everything can be verified. Nothing is hidden, no secrets; everything can be verified. Now, take your right hand now into the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Then you have to take your right hand on top of your heart. Now in the corner of your neck and shoulder, as I told you ,and turn your head to your right. As I told you that this centre, if it catches it creates problems for you. Now, we take our right hand on top of our forehead across and bend our head as far as possible. This is the center to forgive everyone. Now, take back your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now the last centre is important. Stretch your hand as much as possible. Stretch your palm and the centre of your palm. You put it on the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please put down your head as far as possible. Push back your fingers. This is very important. Push back your fingers so that there is a good pressure on the scalp, and now move your scalp seven times slowly, clockwise. Bend your heads. Bend your heads, please. Push back your fingers. Push back your fingers seven times. That's all we have to do. Now we have to close our eyes. Take down your hands, please. We have to close our eyes and do the same thing as I have shown you. I would request you to take out your glasses if possible because it helps for eyesight also. Now again, please put both the feet apart from each other. Put the left hand on your lap like this and put your right hand on your heart. Now please close your eyes, not tightly but just as we do it when we sleep. Now please close your eyes. You are not to open your eyes till I tell you. So please keep your eyes closed. Please put your right hand on your heart and now you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself in your heart. Please ask three times - you can call Me Mother or you can call Me Shri Mataji - "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask this three times, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask three times. I have told you that when you become the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master in the light of the Spirit. So now, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard on the left hand side. Here again, you have to ask another fundamental question about yourself, three times in your heart, "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question three times, "Mother, am I my own master?" or, "Mother, am I my own guru?" Ask this question three times. Now, I must confess that I cannot force on you the Divine Knowledge because I respect your freedom. You have to ask for it. So now, take down your right hand into the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, and here you ask six times because this center has got six petals. In your heart please ask for Divine Knowledge. "Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge." Just say it six times. As soon as you ask for pure Divine Knowledge, the Kundalini starts moving by itself. So we have to nourish our higher centers with our full self-confidence. Now, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say with full self-confidence ten times, "Mother, I am my own master." Now, I have already told you at the very outset that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, this ego and conditionings, but you are the Pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart, and here you have to say twelve times with full confidence in your heart, "Mother, I am the Pure Spirit." This Divine Power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of miracles, ocean of bliss and compassion, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness, and whatever mistakes you might commit, this ocean of forgiveness can dissolve it. So please forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say sixteen times, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." Say it with full confidence sixteen times. I find this centre in great jeopardy in the West. I don't know why people feel guilty, for what. I have already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything, but if you don't forgive you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. Especially at this moment you have to forgive everyone without thinking about them. Because if you don't forgive the centre of Agnya won't open which is very constricted and you'll miss your self-realization. So now raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and put your head down. Put your head down as far as possible. Here you have to say, "Mother, I forgive everyone." Say it from your heart, not how many times. Please say it from your heart, "Mother," it is very important, "I forgive everyone." Now don't think about them. "Mother, I forgive all of them in general." Now, take back your right hand on the back side of your head and put your head upward. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to again say from your heart, not how many times, "O Divine Power, if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me." You have to ask for forgiveness without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes. You have to say this just for your satisfaction, "O Divine Power, if I have done any mistakes, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me". Say it from your heart, please. Now the last center is most important. Please stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of your head on the fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now please put down your head as far as possible. You have to stretch your fingers to have a good pressure on your scalp. Here again, I respect your freedom and self-realization cannot be forced on you. So, you have to ask for it. So now please put down your head, stretch back your fingers, move your scalp seven times slowly clockwise saying, "Mother, give me my self-realization." [Shri Mataji blows into the microphone.] Now please take down your hands. Sit erect and open your eyes slowly, please. Put both the hands towards Me like this. Now, put the right hand little further and bend your head and see with the left hand if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. It could be hot also. If you have not forgiven, it would be hot. So please put down your head and see for yourself if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. It's very, very close to your head, could be far away. So move your hand a little bit. Please bend your head. That's the best way to get the results. Now put the left hand towards Me. Again, with the right hand you see for yourself. Bend your head. See for yourself if there's a cool breeze of the Holy Ghost is coming out or not. If could be hot, I told you, if you have not forgiven. So, please forgive yourself and forgive others, so it will cool down. Now again, put your right hand towards Me once again and see with your left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your own fontanel bone area. Move your hand and see for yourself. Now please put both your hands towards the ceiling like this and push back your head. Now ask out of these three questions, any one of these three questions, three times. "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Mother, is this the All-pervading Power of Divine Love?" or "Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?" which is Ruah. Any one of these questions you can ask three times in your heart. Put down your hands, please. Put the hands again like this and watch Me without thinking. Just watch Me without thinking. Some people get it coming from down below; so you can take it out like that. Some people get it like that also. Don't think. Watch Me without thinking, please. You can do it. That's the present. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or in their palms or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise your, both the hands. My goodness! May God bless you, the whole of Sydney. I bow to you. You have entered into saintly lives. Respect it. I really bow to all of you. May God bless you. Thank you very much. Some have not felt, very few. They should really come to our programs. Also, those who have felt should definitely come to our programs where you will learn everything about Sahaja Yoga. You can master it and you can become really part and parcel of the whole. You will be surprised how it works. It has worked already. It is the first time you have felt the cool breeze or the hot breeze from your forehead and also from your fontanel bone area and also in your hands. For the first time you have felt the All-pervading Divine Power of love which protects, which guides, which loves and nourishes us. May God bless you all. Thank you very much.
Public Program. Sydney (Australia), 21 February 1995. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know what is the truth. There are so many seekers of truth in these modern times which has been predicted that there will be many people who will be seeking the truth now as ordinary householders. Their life will be completely transformed in these modern times. They call it in the Koran as Kiama. In the Bible it's called as the Last Judgment. Every religion has talked about these modern times as something very fantastic that our lives will be transformed. So what is the truth we are seeking? We should know what is the truth we are seeking. Firstly, we are seeking peace within ourselves. Secondly, we are seeking something we do not know, and that something is the Spirit within ourselves. Many scriptures have described that you have to seek your spirit and many are preaching about it. But it seems they are not very Spirit-oriented. They are more money-oriented or power-oriented, and that is why the whole attention of a seeker is diverted and deviated into something which is not really Divine. So what we are seeking is the Spirit within us which is the source of absolute truth, absolute joy and absolute self-knowledge. You have already heard about these different centers that are within us which are being built during our evolution as human beings. We have reached up to a point where still we have to have the last breakthrough in our awareness; otherwise, we cannot know the truth. At this human awareness it is impossible to know the absolute truth. If we had known the absolute truth there would have been no problem. Everybody would have seen the same thing. But there are so many ideologies. As you know, there are so many religions, so many types of preachings and also lots of false people. So, if you know the absolute truth then there cannot be another truth with it; it's singular. For example, I am sitting before you. You know I am sitting before you, all of you. There's no argument on that point. In the same way we have to know... We have to have now the last breakthrough of our evolution. Once it happens you will be amazed that we'll know the absolute truth. There cannot be any argument about it. And also these centers that you know here are a mystery to you, but you start feeling them on your fingertips. That is self-knowledge. These centers are responsible for your physical, mental, emotional, also spiritual being within yourself. So all your personality, the totality of it, expressed through these centers. These are subtle centers within us, and these subtle centers are sometimes exhausted because of our extreme nature. So this power which we call as Kundalini - Kundala means coils, which is in three and a half coils within us in the sacrum bone. That means the Greeks knew that it was a sacred bone; they call it sacrum. This power is actually your individual Mother and She knows everything about you. She knows about your past and She knows about your aspirations. It's like a tape recording, I should say, of ages within you in this coiled power. It is like a primule of a seed. When you put the seed in the Mother Earth then it sprouts by itself, spontaneously. That is what is Sahaja. Is all built in within you and you have every right to achieve this state of selfhood, which is in the fourth dimension of your awareness, which we in Sanskrit call as turia, is the fourth dimension. All this is within you. All this power is within you. You are built in that way. We have to understand that our Creator is the greatest organiser. See now, we have one channel here for people to come in. This is the channel which we have very nicely built up within ourselves, which in our evolutionary process has enlightened all these centers up to a point. Now this Kundalini, this power, has to rise. I have read some books, some German books and things, where it describes that this Kundalini awakening is extremely dangerous and it kills people, is fatal. Nothing of the kind. I have been doing this for the last twenty-five years. I never saw anybody getting sick even, but on the contrary, this awakening is so beneficial, so benevolent that when this power passes through all these six centers and pierces through this last center out of the fontanel bone area, which we can call the actualisation of baptism, actualisation, then all these centers get enlightened, enriched and this nourishment solves your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems. So the first truth about yourself is that, you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intellect, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the Pure Spirit. Now we see all these beautiful flowers around us and we take them for granted. It's a miracle that these different flowers have bloomed out of a seed in their own different identity. Who has done this work? Who changes the seasons? Or if you ask a doctor, "Who runs your heart?" He'll say, "It is autonomous nervous system." But who is this Auto? These questions and many others cannot be answered. So there is an All-pervading Power of Divine Love which is doing all these miraculous things. Now you need not take for granted whatever I am telling you. We have had lots of problems with blind faith. But whatever I am saying, if it is proved, then as honest people you must accept. Not only accept but grow in your new awareness. Of course, you must understand you can't pay for it. How much did we pay to become human beings, and how much are we going to pay for becoming something higher? Once you realise that, that you can't pay for it, then you will drop out most of the false gurus and the false institutions who charge you for anything like that. Now this happening is very simple, spontaneous, works out. As I said, it's like a primule of a seed, this Kundalini. When you put the seed in the Mother Earth it sprouts by itself. In the same way, it works. You can't explain. Can you explain how a seed sprouts? In the same way pure primule, which is this Kundalini, uncoils itself and passes through these centers and gives you your self-realization. In Sanskrit is called as Atmashaksatkara. For you it is absolutely granted. You don't have to go to Himalayas. You don't have to stand on your heads. You don't have to starve yourself. Don't have to pay for it. It is all there which is your own power. Only when it happens you realise your identity, you realise how great you are, you realise how the Divine is within you and which is expressing Itself. With all these false things that are going on, say, for example, somebody can say that, "I am a twice born." Now, if somebody is a twice-born person then he must have some powers. He must have some speciality. He must have some sort of a, we can say, understanding, compassion, and the compassion should act. But just by certifying yourself as something you do not become. The certificate has to come from your Kundalini. She has to give you your second birth and She's very anxious to do it. So now we come to the point that people who are seeking the Divine go to various religions also. I have nothing to say against religions as such, but just take Christian religion. It's a very difficult religion to follow because Christ has said, "If your one eye does anything wrong, take it out. If your one hand does something wrong, cut it out." Have you met anybody like that who has cut his hand or who has taken out your eyes? I've been to all the countries in the west and all over, who call themselves Christians. I haven't seen one person who does that. That means they just brand themselves. Christ was a great incarnation, very pure and I think He never understood human beings, what sort of people they are. He thought they were all angels and He gave all these rules and regulations for angels, that if the angels make mistake they should suffer. But you, we are all normal human beings. We can't do like this. Then you take to, say, Mohammad Sahib's teaching. He just thought that Christ was so strict with men; why not try with women also. And He said, of course apart from other things, that women if they have a bad eye on some other man than her husband, then she should be buried in the Mother Earth half way and should be stoned. I mean, just imagine. I was thinking about American women. What would happen to them if this kind of thing going on, because the divorce laws are so good for them that they are divorcing all the time their husbands and doing all kinds of things. They don't know that this is what, is according to Islam. And the Sharia that they talk of also was given by Moses to the decadent society of Jews when he came all the way and brought those Ten Commandments. He saw these people so decadent that He thought it's better to give a very, very, strict laws to them to save them. So He said, "You cut their hands if they do any thieving," all kinds of horrible things. It's all in Jeremiah if you read that. It's in the Bible. It's written by Jeremiah, what Moses told the Jews. I think the Jews didn't like all that so they gave it up and Mohammed Sahib took it over that this should be allowed, only among Islamic people. It's terrible, and all this when you see, you find that we have to first arrive at a point where we understand them, where we can follow them and for that you have to have your self-knowledge. You must know yourself. Christ has said, "Know thyself." Another problem is that in the Bible there is a description of the Father the God, Son the God and the Mother is missing. She is a Holy Ghost and a dove. I don't know how can you connect it to it. There has to be a Mother. There has to be Primordial Mother who is the one who is responsible for looking after this creation, and the God Almighty is just the witness, witness of the whole show. This Primordial Mother, the Holy Ghost, is reflected in you as the Kundalini, while the Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty in your heart. Now the time has come to prove all these things. It is going to be the actualization of experience of your Spirit. It's not just talking, giving a sermon, but actually it is going to happen. And when it happens you must respect it. As I told you the Spirit is the source of absolute knowledge, absolute truth, because if you put your hands after realisation towards anybody, you will immediately know what centers is catching. You will not see his clothes, you will not see his dress or anything, but you will see the inner being on your fingertips. You can feel it, and you will immediately know what's the problem of the gentleman. In the same way you will know about yourself, what is the problem, what centres are in trouble, because centers are the fundamentals of our personality. So once you know what's wrong with another person and also you know how to correct it, you can help that person physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. But of course, I must say that it doesn't work for people who are idiots or stupid. You will be amazed that I have met a number of them and I was amazed that how they are so educated, had so many degrees and so idiotic. Too much lost in their own thoughts that they are very great people and they are not willing to accept anything that is sensible. Also for people who are extremely arrogant and critical, the Kundalini doesn't rise. I have seen such people take lot of time. But on the whole - in Russia my experience has been that always there have been people, more than sixteen thousand, in any of a program I was there. They are so sensitive. Not that they get their realization but they settle down with it. They are like clean slates. They have no conditioning. They just, I don't know how, they just are waiting for the real truth and they get it. In the same way now it's working everywhere, of course. I must say when I first came to Sydney there were two persons whom I knew. Now it has grown so much and it will grow more and more because it's the need of the hour. It's a need that all of us want. So when this Kundalini rises, what happens that our thoughts which are always hovering on our mind from the past and the future, all these thoughts keep us jumping on the cusp. We cannot enter into the present. The present doesn't exist for us. All the time these thoughts start moving in such a manner that this mind is restless. But when Kundalini rises she elongates these thoughts. Like a thought rises, falls; another thought rises and falls. When the Kundalini rises she elongates them and creates a space in between that is the present. At that time you don't have any thoughts. You are in thoughtless awareness. You are extremely aware but you are thoughtless. That is the present. In the present you are absolutely without any thoughts. Supposing I say, "Please don't think," you can't do that. If I say, "Please go into your present," you can't. It's only possible when the Kundalini rises. Automatically, you become thoughtlessly aware, and that is the time you are at peace with yourself. You are enjoying the peace within yourself and also you emit peace. Wherever such a person goes, he emits peace because he is so relaxed and his whole being is emitting that peaceful personality. I have seen people who have got awards in peace and some of them have got big organisation of peace and all sort of things but they are very hot-tempered, extremely hot-tempered. Some of them you have to approach with a barge pole. So how can they create peace anywhere? I can't understand how they got the award, from which angle. But there are people who are having big organisations of peace. It is a human being who has to individually become peaceful so that the whole lot, the collective becomes peaceful. Now we have Sahaja Yoga working in sixty-five nations, and I get people in India for a seminar, supposing from all these nations, selected people. I have never seen them quarrelling, fighting, but such fun, such enjoyment of friendship. There's no race, there is no country, nothing. They have sort of gone beyond all this and they are enjoying each other in such a manner. This is your own. Is a birthright for you to have, is within you, and you can get it. No problem on that, but only thing is that you have to have earnest desire, the pure desire. This Kundalini is the power of pure desire within us. All other mundane desires are, as you know, are not satiable in general. That shows that they are not pure. Today we want to have a, say, a house and then we want to have a car, then we want to have a helicopter, then an aeroplane. I don't know what else. We never enjoy whatever we wish for. So this pure desire is something else and that is to become one with this All-pervading Divine Power of Love. Whether you know it or not, whether you are aware of it or not, it is so. So now this Power is within you and is absolutely in perfect condition. You will be amazed, the innocence that we have is never lost. It is sometimes clouded but these clouds also get absolutely cleared out. And really we become a very innocent personality radiant with Divinity. It's like a lamp or you can say a candle. You can enlighten a candle with another candle which is enlightened and this can go on. This is how it is because the time has come, and I call it the "blossom time". I think there are many flowers who are born as seekers of truth and they have to become now fruits and they do become. Believe me; it's true. For example, if I say many physical problems can be solved, people don't believe it. Without any money, without any medicine, by your own power, but in Delhi there are three doctors who have got their MD for curing people of their incurable diseases through Sahaja Yoga. When it will be accepted in this country also, we can show how it works. But I think is something so simple is to raise this Kundalini and to nourish and enlighten your centers. That's all one has to do. Even you need not be a doctor; you can also cure people. People don't believe what powers they have. Actually there's such a big desire to have an identity, but identity lies within yourself, not outside. For example, we can find clubs of any kind, cults of any kind. They wear funny dresses just to show that they have a special personality. The other day in Chicago it was very cold and I found a gentleman who came as one leader of one of the cults, was chanting, chanting, chanting like mad. I asked him, "Why are you wearing this dhoti in this cold? It is so very cold we are shivering." He said that. "My guru has told me that I should wear a dhoti so I'll get my self-realization." I said, "Really!" I said, "Eighty percent people in India wear dhotis or they must be already there. You may not get any room there." Then second thing he told me - he had shaven his head and was having a, some pigtail behind - and he says that, I told him, "Why did you do this?" Quite a young man. He said, "My guru has told me that I have to shave my head and I have to have all these things. That's how I'll get my nirvana." I said, "Really!" So Kabira, a great poet, has written that by shaving if you can go to heaven. What about the lamb which is shaved twice a year? That will be there earlier. So like this, you see, all kinds of stupid things have been told and people have been following it. I don't know in the West specially, people are very vulnerable. I don't know why. Not in India, you see. It's difficult. The people are solidly grounded, I think, in their tradition. For example now, if they say skirt which is six inches is in fashion, everybody will start wearing six inches skirts. All the long skirts will vanish from the market and what you find, all of them wearing six inches skirts. But in India they brought some mini sari. They said, "Get lost. We don't want all this nonsense here. It's too much for us we are not..." So like this, you see, we take to these entrepreneurs and things. It's sometimes so absurd I don't know how people accept all this nonsense. But I feel that once they develop their own being and understand how great they are, then they will have a proper Divine discretion to do things which are very constructive. Normally we take to destructive things but with this discretion we do constructive things, not for ourselves only but for the benevolence of our family, for the benevolence of our city and for the benevolence of the whole world. This is a special time, as I told you, very important when you should not miss it out. So in our awareness we have a new dimension which I call as Collective Consciousness, where you can feel others and you can feel yourself. You don't have to judge a person by his dress, by his gait, by his talk but his Divine vibrations. You will know that what sort of chakras he has, what sort of centers he has, and thus once you know what's wrong with him you can - after certain development in you - you can cure yourself and can cure him. So the second thing apart from the thoughtless awareness is that you become doubtlessly aware, doubtless. There's no doubt. Once you have learnt it, once you are an expert, you have no doubts about it. You understand what you are, what you are capable of and what you can achieve. There are no doubts left. So the second stage - some people get both the stages together - I have seen there have been so many seekers that they just get to doubtless awareness. But doesn't matter. It takes time for some people. Some people may not get realisation if they are, I would say, not well or maybe something, they have been to some wrong people. Also, maybe that they are doubting something, doubting themselves. So the first and foremost understanding should be that you are all capable of achieving this. You shouldn't doubt yourself. You must really respect yourself because you are a human being at the epitome of evolution. You are the highest. We have nothing to learn from birds or from dogs but we have to know that we can ourselves become so sensitive that we'll understand nature; we'll understand animals, everything we start understanding. The sign of a Sahaja Yogi, that he is absolutely honest, he is very kind, tender and compassionate. This is the minimum of minimum a Sahaja Yogi has to be. Of course, because a door is open sometimes some mad people also walk in, can't help it, but most of the people who are taking to Sahaja Yoga - I was amazed - are so much changed. They have dropped all their bad habits. I never tell that. Supposing I say, "Don't do this," half of the people will walk off. Just I say, "Get the light of the Spirit within yourself." Then you will become your own master. Then you will become your own guide and you understand what is right for you, what is good for you and what is to be done. There is no rule or regulation like "don't" in Sahaja Yoga. But automatically you all accept it and do it together collectively also. It is very remarkable that it has worked so well also in Australia. Australia is a special country. I call it a country of innocence. Uluru that you have is a symbol of that. Gradually in Sahaja Yoga you will learn about your country and you will respect it. As you learn about yourself you will also learn about this great country of Australia. I respect it very much and every year I try to come here. Many countries I can't go every year but Australia I always try to come here every year. I hope you all will get your self-realisation tonight. Now, only request is that it will take hardly ten, fifteen minutes, but if you want to go you can go now and don't disturb people when they are about to get their self-realization. I will be thankful for that. Thank you very much. Of course, there are three conditions which are very simple, not difficult if you understand the importance of self-realization. The first condition is that you are not to feel guilty. It's a fashion also. To feel guilty is a fashion. And it goes too far sometimes and it affects the left side of this center here, left side, which is very dangerous, because it causes spondylitis, also angina, also cervical cancer. Also it causes imbalance, or you can say the weakening of the organs, lethargic organs. With all this, why should we feel guilty? If you have done any mistakes you should have faced it at that time and finished it. No use feeling guilty now about something which you did in the past. I said you have to be in the present because the past doesn't exist; future doesn't exist, either. So what exists is the present. At this moment I would request you not to feel guilty at all. You have to respect yourself. We have no right to degrade ourselves for nothing at all. This human life is very precious and also worthy of respect. So you forgive yourself fully. The second condition is very important, is to forgive everyone without thinking about it because even thinking about them is a headache. There's a center on our optic chiasma which we call as the Agnya. Is just like this, constricted, absolutely constricted. And if you don't forgive it won't open. If it won't open then how can Kundalini pass through? By not forgiving others you have played into wrong hands. Because whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything but you play into the hands of people who have troubled you, while they are enjoying themselves. So what's the use of not forgiving? Firstly, it's so important to get your self-realization. All your life you have tortured yourself. Now, at least, forgive. Forgive everyone. Don't think of them even. Just forgive from your heart. The third condition is very simple; it's that you have to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. I'm sorry, I must tell you, first time in England when I said, "Take out your shoes," half of them walked out. I mean, such a serious crime to take out shoes. But now it's different, very different. This Mother Earth is very helpful for us, and also without shoes our feet are more comfortable. Now, there are two powers, left and right. The left stands or works for our desires, mundane desires, and the right for our action. So, we put our left hand on our lap like this towards Me, which is symbolic that you are desirous of having your self-realization. The second thing is that we have to nourish our centers. We work it out only on the left hand side, with our right hand which is for action. So we put our right hand on our different centers. We'll show you. First of all we put our right hand - first we put both the feet apart from each other, because they are two powers - and now put our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides [(speaking towards someone: inside the coat, take your hand inside] resides the Spirit, as I told you. If you become the Spirit you become your guide. You become your own master. So we take our hand on to the upper portion of our abdomen and press it hard. This is the center for our mastery. We now take our hand in the lower portion of our abdomen on the left hand side and press it. This is the center which is surprisingly for pure Divine Knowledge. You will know that later on everything can be verified. In Sahaja Yoga everything can be verified. Nothing is hidden, no secrets; everything can be verified. Now, take your right hand now into the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Then you have to take your right hand on top of your heart. Now in the corner of your neck and shoulder, as I told you ,and turn your head to your right. As I told you that this centre, if it catches it creates problems for you. Now, we take our right hand on top of our forehead across and bend our head as far as possible. This is the center to forgive everyone. Now, take back your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now the last centre is important. Stretch your hand as much as possible. Stretch your palm and the centre of your palm. You put it on the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please put down your head as far as possible. Push back your fingers. This is very important. Push back your fingers so that there is a good pressure on the scalp, and now move your scalp seven times slowly, clockwise. Bend your heads. Bend your heads, please. Push back your fingers. Push back your fingers seven times. That's all we have to do. Now we have to close our eyes. Take down your hands, please. We have to close our eyes and do the same thing as I have shown you. I would request you to take out your glasses if possible because it helps for eyesight also. Now again, please put both the feet apart from each other. Put the left hand on your lap like this and put your right hand on your heart. Now please close your eyes, not tightly but just as we do it when we sleep. Now please close your eyes. You are not to open your eyes till I tell you. So please keep your eyes closed. Please put your right hand on your heart and now you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself in your heart. Please ask three times - you can call Me Mother or you can call Me Shri Mataji - "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask this three times, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask three times. I have told you that when you become the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master in the light of the Spirit. So now, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard on the left hand side. Here again, you have to ask another fundamental question about yourself, three times in your heart, "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question three times, "Mother, am I my own master?" or, "Mother, am I my own guru?" Ask this question three times. Now, I must confess that I cannot force on you the Divine Knowledge because I respect your freedom. You have to ask for it. So now, take down your right hand into the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, and here you ask six times because this center has got six petals. In your heart please ask for Divine Knowledge. "Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge." Just say it six times. As soon as you ask for pure Divine Knowledge, the Kundalini starts moving by itself. So we have to nourish our higher centers with our full self-confidence. Now, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say with full self-confidence ten times, "Mother, I am my own master." Now, I have already told you at the very outset that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, this ego and conditionings, but you are the Pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart, and here you have to say twelve times with full confidence in your heart, "Mother, I am the Pure Spirit." This Divine Power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of miracles, ocean of bliss and compassion, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness, and whatever mistakes you might commit, this ocean of forgiveness can dissolve it. So please forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say sixteen times, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." Say it with full confidence sixteen times. I find this centre in great jeopardy in the West. I don't know why people feel guilty, for what. I have already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything, but if you don't forgive you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. Especially at this moment you have to forgive everyone without thinking about them. Because if you don't forgive the centre of Agnya won't open which is very constricted and you'll miss your self-realization. So now raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and put your head down. Put your head down as far as possible. Here you have to say, "Mother, I forgive everyone." Say it from your heart, not how many times. Please say it from your heart, "Mother," it is very important, "I forgive everyone." Now don't think about them. "Mother, I forgive all of them in general." Now, take back your right hand on the back side of your head and put your head upward. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to again say from your heart, not how many times, "O Divine Power, if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me." You have to ask for forgiveness without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes. You have to say this just for your satisfaction, "O Divine Power, if I have done any mistakes, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me". Say it from your heart, please. Now the last center is most important. Please stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of your head on the fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now please put down your head as far as possible. You have to stretch your fingers to have a good pressure on your scalp. Here again, I respect your freedom and self-realization cannot be forced on you. So, you have to ask for it. So now please put down your head, stretch back your fingers, move your scalp seven times slowly clockwise saying, "Mother, give me my self-realization." [Shri Mataji blows into the microphone.] Now please take down your hands. Sit erect and open your eyes slowly, please. Put both the hands towards Me like this. Now, put the right hand little further and bend your head and see with the left hand if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. It could be hot also. If you have not forgiven, it would be hot. So please put down your head and see for yourself if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. It's very, very close to your head, could be far away. So move your hand a little bit. Please bend your head. That's the best way to get the results. Now put the left hand towards Me. Again, with the right hand you see for yourself. Bend your head. See for yourself if there's a cool breeze of the Holy Ghost is coming out or not. If could be hot, I told you, if you have not forgiven. So, please forgive yourself and forgive others, so it will cool down. Now again, put your right hand towards Me once again and see with your left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your own fontanel bone area. Move your hand and see for yourself. Now please put both your hands towards the ceiling like this and push back your head. Now ask out of these three questions, any one of these three questions, three times. "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Mother, is this the All-pervading Power of Divine Love?" or "Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?" which is Ruah. Any one of these questions you can ask three times in your heart. Put down your hands, please. Put the hands again like this and watch Me without thinking. Just watch Me without thinking. Some people get it coming from down below; so you can take it out like that. Some people get it like that also. Don't think. Watch Me without thinking, please. You can do it. That's the present. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or in their palms or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise your, both the hands. My goodness! May God bless you, the whole of Sydney. I bow to you. You have entered into saintly lives. Respect it. I really bow to all of you. May God bless you. Thank you very much. Some have not felt, very few. They should really come to our programs. Also, those who have felt should definitely come to our programs where you will learn everything about Sahaja Yoga. You can master it and you can become really part and parcel of the whole. You will be surprised how it works. It has worked already. It is the first time you have felt the cool breeze or the hot breeze from your forehead and also from your fontanel bone area and also in your hands. For the first time you have felt the All-pervading Divine Power of love which protects, which guides, which loves and nourishes us. May God bless you all. Thank you very much.
Evening Program, Eve of Mahashivaratri Puja
Wisemans Ferry
Evening Program
Evening Program before Mahashivaratri Puja, Castle Mountain Camps, Wiseman's Ferry, near Newcastle, NSW, Australia. [At the end of the evening program, after a play has been performed by sahaja yogis about Shiva, the three Shaktis and the time of creation, and the gift of knowledge to Eve; then the progressive separation of human beings from Divine dharma, and the request for support of the Shaktis to Dattatreya, who listens and sends His incarnations on the Earth to try and restore the balance in a lost and misled humanity. Finally, when Shiva is going to start the destruction, the Shaktis propose to send the Mother, the only One who can awaken the Power in human beings, making them enlightened masters of their own. Shiva agrees and, listening to Shri Mataji’s Breath, the protagonists assume spontaneously a position of meditation. The play ends with all sahaja yogis singing “Swagat. Agat. Swagatam” (Welcome) to Shri Mataji.] Congratulations to Brian Bell and to all the… (applause). I said congratulations to Brian Bell (applause) (inaudible words during clapping) and to all the actors and actresses. (Applause) To be very frank I never think of my past (Shri Mataji laughs, laughter). So I was wondering what is this drama going about (laughter). The most important thing in this life is to enlighten as many people as possible. I am very much thankful to you for expressing your joy, your talents to express the reality. Reality is not in which what we believe but it is beyond. But the way people believe in reality is something illusion, illusionary. That is the curse of Kali Yuga. I must say it is brought out very well, the way you showed people around, but not easy to convince so easily, I tell you (laughter, Shri Mataji laughs). Now it’s different. It used to be very difficult in the beginning – too many arguments and all kinds of funny answers and questions. Now life has changed I think – we are so many, so many good Sahaja Yogis, and in Australia I am sure it’s going to be a very tremendous success. I was surprised at the way people had to stand outside in that big hall, shows the awakening is spreading and people are now trying to understand that there is something beyond. It’s only your behaviour, it’s only your vibrations which has created this. If I could do everything myself alone, I would not have needed anyone. But no I can’t do it, I have to have channels, and I have to do it through you. When the channels are so good, they are working it out for me. Now I look back sometimes because just now you were showing the past that first coming to Australia I just thought it’s a Ganesha’s land and things will work out. It has, I must say, it has worked out very well, so many people are showing their talents, it’s amazing how they can sing Indian songs or do these Indian dancing, it’s very amazing. And this play of Shiva was also another great achievement I think in expressing how all the religions said the same thing. But as you know people have misinterpreted for their own purposes. I am so very happy all of you had found out the reality about yourself, the reality about life and the Spirit that is within you. I never expected so much to happen in My lifetime, I thank you for that. May God bless you all.
Evening Program before Mahashivaratri Puja, Castle Mountain Camps, Wiseman's Ferry, near Newcastle, NSW, Australia. [At the end of the evening program, after a play has been performed by sahaja yogis about Shiva, the three Shaktis and the time of creation, and the gift of knowledge to Eve; then the progressive separation of human beings from Divine dharma, and the request for support of the Shaktis to Dattatreya, who listens and sends His incarnations on the Earth to try and restore the balance in a lost and misled humanity. Finally, when Shiva is going to start the destruction, the Shaktis propose to send the Mother, the only One who can awaken the Power in human beings, making them enlightened masters of their own. Shiva agrees and, listening to Shri Mataji’s Breath, the protagonists assume spontaneously a position of meditation. The play ends with all sahaja yogis singing “Swagat. Agat. Swagatam” (Welcome) to Shri Mataji.] Congratulations to Brian Bell and to all the… (applause). I said congratulations to Brian Bell (applause) (inaudible words during clapping) and to all the actors and actresses. (Applause) To be very frank I never think of my past (Shri Mataji laughs, laughter). So I was wondering what is this drama going about (laughter). The most important thing in this life is to enlighten as many people as possible. I am very much thankful to you for expressing your joy, your talents to express the reality. Reality is not in which what we believe but it is beyond. But the way people believe in reality is something illusion, illusionary. That is the curse of Kali Yuga. I must say it is brought out very well, the way you showed people around, but not easy to convince so easily, I tell you (laughter, Shri Mataji laughs). Now it’s different. It used to be very difficult in the beginning – too many arguments and all kinds of funny answers and questions. Now life has changed I think – we are so many, so many good Sahaja Yogis, and in Australia I am sure it’s going to be a very tremendous success. I was surprised at the way people had to stand outside in that big hall, shows the awakening is spreading and people are now trying to understand that there is something beyond. It’s only your behaviour, it’s only your vibrations which has created this. If I could do everything myself alone, I would not have needed anyone. But no I can’t do it, I have to have channels, and I have to do it through you. When the channels are so good, they are working it out for me. Now I look back sometimes because just now you were showing the past that first coming to Australia I just thought it’s a Ganesha’s land and things will work out. It has, I must say, it has worked out very well, so many people are showing their talents, it’s amazing how they can sing Indian songs or do these Indian dancing, it’s very amazing. And this play of Shiva was also another great achievement I think in expressing how all the religions said the same thing. But as you know people have misinterpreted for their own purposes. I am so very happy all of you had found out the reality about yourself, the reality about life and the Spirit that is within you. I never expected so much to happen in My lifetime, I thank you for that. May God bless you all.
Mahashivaratri Puja: How To Get Detached and Ascend
Wisemans Ferry
Mahashivaratri Puja 26 February 1995, Australia Today we have gathered here to do the Puja to Sadashiva. The One, which is reflected within us, is the Shiva, which is the pure Spirit. This pure Spirit within us is the reflection of God Almighty, Sadashiva. It’s like the sun that falls in the water and gives a clear reflection. Or else it falls on the stone, it doesn’t give any reflection at all. If you have, say, the mirror, the sun will not only fall on the mirror but will reflect back its light. In the same way in the human beings the reflection of God Almighty is expressed in the way your personality is. If your personality is clean and clear, innocent, then the reflection could be like a mirror. Thus the saintly people, they reflect God Almighty in the proper manner, in the sense that their own identification with wrong things is no more. When there is no such identification and when a person is absolutely the pure Spirit, then the reflection of God reflects into others. Luckily you all have got your Self Realization. That means the reflection of God Almighty is already working into your attention. The attention is enlightened by the power of the Spirit. The power of the Spirit is that it is a reflection. That means the reflection is never identified with the mirror or with the water. It is there till the sun shines, and when there is no sun there is no reflection. So when you are in Sahaja Yoga you have cleansed out yourself. Your Kundalini has also cleansed you, and now you are pure personalities. That’s why this reflection is clearer and clearer, and people see it; see it on your face; they see it in your body; they see it in your work; in your behaviour; in everywhere. It is difficult for people to really believe in themselves, that they could be the reflection of God Almighty. They have some sort of a, complexes about themselves I think, that they cannot understand how they have suddenly become the reflection of God Almighty, but they have a capacity; and they can become the reflection of God Almighty, for which they have to have faith in themselves, faith in their ascent, to believe that we have become that. The confidence in Sahaja Yoga is very important. Without the full confidence you cannot achieve your ascent. That you have seen even in my lectures, I have to tell them that we have to have full self-confidence. But confidence doesn’t mean by any chance your ego, your aggressiveness. If you are confident, you are least aggressive. There is a story, a Chinese story, very interesting one: that one king wanted his cocks to win in the race they have about the cock-fighting. So somebody said that “There is a saint, if you can take your cocks to him, he’ll make them so strong that they will definitely win this race.” So he took his two cocks and gave it to the saint and he said, “I want you to give them all the strength to fight this race.” After one month the king came and took these two cocks, and put them in the arena where there were many other cocks also. So the cocks started fighting and attacking these two cocks, but these two cocks were just standing very patiently, absolutely calm and quiet. Any kind of attack they were just looking at it as a fun, and all the cocks got tired and they ran away from the arena, and that’s how these two cocks won the game. This is what it is for us to understand, that for a person who is detached he can never be attacked. We are attacked by so many we have. Firstly our family, then our country, then our religion, then all kinds of thing, racialism. All these identifications really make us weak, because they attack us all the time and put confusion into the minds of Sahaja Yogis, I have seen. The reason is, you must have confidence in Sahaja Yoga and confidence in yourself, that you are on the right path and that you are now saved, and nobody can attack you because you have the complete protection of the Divine. People may follow any religion, they may follow any guru, they may follow anything, but they have fear all the time that we’ll be attacked, and they’re afraid to say things, which they should say. They have no discretion even to know what is to be said. With the proper understanding that you are the pure Spirit, if you believe in that then you’ll be surprised that you will be very confident about what you are doing. In that way we can say that we have also another great advantage – is that we are in the collective. We can find out in the collective how are we behaving. What is the reaction in the collective? In the collective it’s a person who is very subtle, he need not talk too much, he need not say much. He could stand like the cocks I told you about, but his depth can be felt. You can feel a person of that caliber, that he’s such a deep person, that he doesn’t want to aggress. He feels protected within himself. So this protection we have to feel, not mentally but within ourselves, and once you have that gravity, that feeling, nobody can attack you. The attacking person himself is insecure; or maybe he is ill-bred; maybe he is not yet a Sahaja Yogi. So you have to just have a kind of a gracious view about the person. Like Shiva was. We should say Sadashiva’s character is known, that He is the one who used to forgive anyone. Anybody who did penance like standing on their heads or standing on one foot or not eating their food or all kinds of penances, He used to be so disgusted that He would say: “Alright, what do you want? Take it!” And He also gave blessings to many rakshasas as you have heard and so many rakshasas were blessed by Him, because He got fed up with their penances. There were so many stories about Sadashiva giving a blessing to people. Even to Ravana, which is a very interesting story about Ravana, that Ravana did lots of penance. I don’t know what he did, how much he must have starved with his ten heads and what … I mean, if one mouth is there you feel so hungry – with ten mouths! I don’t know what he must have done to do that kind of a penance that Shiva just got fed up, you see. His compassion is so great He thought: “Let this man have whatever he likes.” So Ravana went to Shiva and Shiva said: “What do you want? Why are you doing all this to yourself?” So he said that “I want to have a blessing”. He said: “What blessing?” “First you promise that whatever I ask for, you will give me.” He said: “Of course. If it is in my power, I’ll give”. It’s a very interesting story. So he said: “I want to have your wife”. Because he knew His wife is Adi Shakti, and if he gets the Adi Shakti as a partner with him, he can do wonders. So he asked that: “I should get your wife as my partner.” Now, it was very difficult, you see, for Him to take such a decision to give in to this devil, but in compassion He did it. And all these events you see really show that how His compassion works out things. As a result it was decided that His wife Parvati had to go with this horrible fellow. But Parvati’s sister (brother) was Shri Vishnu, that is Shri Krishna, and He said to Himself that: “I can’t allow my sister to go with this devil. I must do something about it.” The most mischievous one is Shri Krishna. So what He did was to make him feel like going for the bathroom. So he felt shy, he put the lady on one side and he went to the bathroom. Now Shiva had warned him that: “You’d better be careful, because this Mother Earth is the mother of this lady, and never put Her on the Mother Earth. You must carry Him (Her) all the time on your back.” So when he reached a certain point this Shri Krishna created a mischief, and he felt like going. So he put Her down. As soon as he put Her down, the Mother Earth sucked Her in and he didn’t know what to do. Second time again he tried. And he again went to Shiva and he said: “See now, this is what you have promised, and this is what he is doing.” So He said: “I had warned you that Her brother is a very mischievous fellow and He’ll somehow or other manage, so you’d better be careful. This time you don’t listen to him. Don’t put Her on the ground, whatever it may be.” So this time he did another try, we can say, and carried Her on his back. Suddenly he found a little boy. It was Shri Krishna himself laughing at him. He said: “Why are you laughing at me?” “Oh my, why are you carrying this old woman on your back? She has no ornaments.” He said: “She’s the Goddess.” He said: “No. She has no ornaments. She’s wearing nothing. How can She be the Goddess?” So you see in India that’s a … proverb we use. Somebody, some lady who has, who lives without any ornaments or anything, that she’s like the Lanka Parvati. So he was carrying Her to Lanka. And when he looked at Her up, he saw a very old woman without any teeth you know, laughing at him. He got such a fright he threw Her away. That’s Mahamaya! Then the third situation was, he went and told that: “You’d better tell your wife that She’s not to listen to anybody, and you’d better see that you give me your wife itself.” He said: “Alright, She’ll be born in Lanka and you can marry Her.” And Her name was Mandodari. Now the great story goes on like that. But this Mandodari was the great worshipper of Vishnu, and at the time when Rama came, you see, to kill him. All this was organised by Mandodari Herself. Because She knows, knew that if Shri Rama kills Ravana he will get his liberation from these ideas about women; the way he was running after Sita and doing all these things. She actually wanted that something should happen that he should take another birth, and he should get rid of these notions of looking after beautiful women, and the way he brought Sitaji there. She was against it completely, but he would not listen. So the war took place, and in the war he was killed by Shri Rama. All this episode came because of the unlimited compassion of Shri Shiva. His compassion is to look at, looks very illogical sometimes, but there’s a big logic behind it. The logic is that whatever He does brings forth a kind of a solution of the problem. For example, there was a war on, and the war was going on, and that time there was a problem because there was one horrible devil who was given blessings by Shri Shiva that: “Nobody can kill you.” He had given also blessings - as they call varadan - to another saint, who said: “I want to sleep now and nobody should disturb me.” So he was given a blessing: “Anybody who disturbs you in your sleep, you can just look at that person and that will be, he’ll be reduced to ashes.” So these two now, when the war started, you see, Shri Krishna thought, “Best thing is to kill this devil with the same blessings that the saint has got.” So He played and He started running away from the battlefield; and that’s why He’s called as a warrior who has ran out of the field. Ranchordas – the one who runs away out of the field of battle. And when He was running He was wearing a shawl, Shri Krishna. He just stealthily entered into the cave and there’s another saint was sleeping and put His shawl on top of that. So when He put the shawl on top of him, the gentleman, I mean, the devil who was following Him, the satanic fellow, he reached that place and saw the same shawl and he said: “Oh, so now you are tired and now you are sleeping here. I’ll put you riaht!” Without realising who was sleeping nd he pulled the shawl. And here the sleeping saint gets up and looks at him, and they say with his third eye he burnt. So the solution came in. So the whole play is like this, of three forces going on, just to show ultimately the truth prevails. First is the, Shiva’s compassion, His goodness, to one side. Then the play of Shri Krishna or say Shri Vishnu of neutralizing it; and the third is the play of Brahma who creates things and who produces things. All these three forces are playing, just to create an atmosphere for all of us to feel that there is something else is to be done to our human awareness. All they have evolved within us this desire to seek the truth. Now on one side Shiva is extremely compassionate, very kind even to asuras, the rakshasas. But on the other side He can be extremely cruel. He can destroy the whole universe. If the people are so decadent, if the people do not take to spirituality, if their innocence is completely lost, if they do not get detached from all these wrong identifications which are creating problems in this world, He destroys the whole universe. So as it is He is the spectator of the work of Adi Shakti. He allows Her to do all this work, to create human beings, to give them Realization, do all this. But in case He finds Her children, people who have been saved by Her, are misbehaving or insulting or in any way destroying Her work, He might get into a temper by which He can destroy the whole universe. But I don’t think now there’s any chance for Him to do that, because we have now Sahaja Yogis all over. But what I find amongst Sahaja Yogis is this that some of the Sahaja Yogis grow very fast. Steadily, strongly, they achieve their principle of Shiva Tattwa. The first achievement shows that from inside they start getting detached. Now detachment is not mental. It’s not mental. It is not that we have to take to some sort of a sanyasa or we have to go to Himalayas, give up our families and all that. But the detachment is within oneself. When that detachment starts working, the first sign is that we become joyous, we become happy. Now if you ask anyone: “Why are you unhappy?”, he’ll talk about his wife, maybe his house, maybe his children, maybe his country, maybe society, whatever it is. So he gets absolutely upset, or maybe very unhappy to see things happening around him. Now he is a realized soul this unhappiness is not going to help him. What is needed is now to know that you can correct all these ills of the society, of the family, of the whole country, by transforming others, not by feeling bad. But while doing that, the main thing that you should have is a complete detachment. I was amazed when I first started Sahaja Yoga how people told me about their own countrymen, country fellows, I was amazed how they told me about their own religions, how wrong things they are doing. I didn’t know so much as they told me, and I thought that this is a detachment that has come that they can see clearly what’s wrong; what’s wrong with my society, with my people, with my relations, with my family, with my country, with the whole world. But is only possible if you are not identified through any one of them, otherwise you will never see the defects. You’ll never see what’s wrong with that person. You can never even see the chakras, which are catching. So the first thing that should happen is detachment. Now how to achieve detachment is the point. Many people ask me, “Mother, how do you get detached?” Because I am not attached you see, so I’m already detached. I don’t know how to do that way. But for you people I would say, to understand yourself you should introspect. Try to find out to what thing am I attached. Why am I miserable? For whom am I worried? Why should I worry? Some things you see which were never very important, they become very important to certain Sahaja Yogis. For example I was told that in the West, people don’t care so much for their children. But as soon as they get Realization they just get attached to their children, like as if with some glue. They cannot think what is good for their children. Everything about children they think is their primary duty. The other day I was surprised when they told me that it’s the parents who want to come after the Birthday Puja. I was shocked. I mean, just on the way is Birthday Puja. Why should the parents want to come after that? When I told Yogi he said: “Mother, we’ll be very happy if they are here, and they should be. Because it will help the children, it will help the parents.” But the whole now attention goes to the children, that “We must leave the children there and we must look after them”, and that’s the only thing. So the attachment to children will definitely make you do such things, which are not good, not good for you. So this new attachment starts after Sahaja Yoga, I’ve seen, very common. Then another attachment is, say, to your family. Normally there are no such things in the West. People are not attached to their family much, you see. They drink, they do all kinds of things. Suddenly they become self-realized and it’s like a boomerang, they come back to the family. It is so attached to the family, attached to the house, attached to everything. I just can’t understand. If you are becoming the pure Spirit then you are detached, because you are just a reflection, but the reflection of God Almighty. So all these identifications drop out. Now one may say, “How? How to drop it out?” I’ve never dropped them, but still I can suggest certain things, which you can try. First is meditation. You should discover about yourself, what’s wrong with you, which side is catching, is it right or left side. With meditation you can find out. Are you attached to money, are you attached to business, are you attached to your family, are you attached to your country in a way which is not Sahaj or to your culture, which is not Sahaj? Then try to get rid of this attachment by meditation. You know how to get rid of the right and the left. This attachment will show on your fingertips, and you have to see for yourself what centres you are catching, in which way are you in trouble. And then you can clarify it very simply by taking a very simple Sahaj treatment. I think here we fail, that once we get attached to something, we don’t even think we are getting attached. We think we are doing very great thing because now we love this person, love that person, Shiva’s qualities, the compassion part. You start getting attached to people. That is no compassion. That is no compassion of any kind. To be attached to any such things is no compassion, and you cannot have compassion of Shiva, though people think it is the Shiva’s compassion that is working within us. It’s not, because that compassion is very pure. It is like as I’ve told you many a times, it’s like the sap in the tree which rises and goes to various parts of the tree, and then either it evaporates or goes down into Mother Earth. It’s not attached. If it gets attached to one flower or to one leaf or to one fruit, then the whole tree will suffer and also the flower will disappear. So this kind of attachment to a particular thing, to a particular idea is not proper. In Sahaja Yoga I’ve found people are very adaptable and understand what they should do, but the main thing is meditation. In meditating on your heart, on the Shiva Tattwa, on the principle of Shiva, you can definitely detach, and then the joy will be the maximum, joy will be the maximum. I’ve seen people have interest in, say, food or in clothes or in house, anything. You can have interest, you should have interest, but in that interest there should be enlightenment, that you cannot get attached to it. Some people, say, who are say, from South India, they don’t like North Indian food. Those who are from North India don’t like South Indian. It’s a big problem. I asked the people in Indian Airlines: “Why don’t you have some standard food?” He said: “What is the standard food of India? Tell me.” But it was a question. Indians are very particular about the taste and food. So it’s a fact we don’t have any standard food in India. But in the same way, we can say in so many other ways that in the West people run after things, which are not necessary. They do things just out of fashion, or I don’t know, because their personality is not grown-up. If your personality is grown up then you see everything, everything from an angle, which is much higher than others, and you don’t get dissolved with others. What you know is much higher, much greater and much more joy giving. Now these attachments, people think that it’s very joy giving. If you get a child and if you have say, a wife and everything, are joy giving. It’s a very wrong idea. The joy comes from your own source of your Spirit. Whether your husband is good, whether your children are good or bad, whatever they are, they cannot give you joy. It’s only you can enjoy yourself, and this is why one becomes very forgiving. When nobody can harm you, then whom are you going to be angry with? That is another great quality of Sadashiva, is that He is extremely forgiving. He goes up to a point, till He destroys the whole work of Adi Shakti. But otherwise He is very, very forgiving, and He also is very balanced about it. Once the Adi Shakti got very angry with the whole world, was so decadent and all that and She started destroying everything. So He put a little child under Her feet, and such a big tongue came out with such a shock, She stopped Her destruction. So His ways are such that a person who is to develop the Shiva principle within himself should be extremely forgiving. I know there are people who are very cruel and who are very tortur. If you cannot bear it, alright, finish it off. I’ll stand by you there; but if you can bear it is better to bear, and undergo this experience of bearing it, because it’s not difficult to bear than to get out of it. For example, a lady came to me, and she said: “I’m going to divorce my husband.” I said: “Why?” “Because he comes home very late and I get very little of him.” But I said, “When you divorce you’ll not get him at all! What’s the logic? At least now you see him, whatever it is, whenever, whatever the time is there. But this is no solution. If you divorce him you’ll never see him. So what’s the use of such a divorce?” So many things like that can be understood once you are a detached person, that you are not to be attached to anything. Now who can aggress you if you are not attached to anyone? Nobody can. Only thing when you feel that you have to protest, you should, but with detachment. In protest also is important to absolutely to have a complete detachment. Now the main problem before us today is something else: is that we all have to ascend, and ascend with equal strength. There’s a story about some birds who were caught in a net, so they decided that we should get out of this net, and they tried. Everybody tried to get out, but nobody individually could work it out. So they all decided to fly together, “One, two, three, go!”, and they took all that net with them. And they said, then they requested the rats that “Please come and cut our net.” And they were freed. So if it can happen between the rats and the birds, why not between us? So in collectivity, you’ll be amazed, in the collectivity how we could be helpful and joyous with each other. Now say something is wrong with your mother, father, sisters, somebody, doesn’t matter. After all you have the ocean of joy here with the collectivity, and your problems can be solved if collectively, if you want to solve your problem. So we have to depend on the collectivity, very much to be one with the collective. I feel once you jump into the sea of Sahaj, the joy itself draws you together. Meeting each other is such a joyous thing! We have had so many experiences of that, of Sahaja Yogis who have told me how happy they were to find Sahaja Yogis somewhere out of the blue, and how they felt happy. So this tie between the Sahaja Yogis is really the most joyous channel, and that is what is the source we should say, of our becoming one together. Once you start enjoying each other… I’ve told you once a story of a great poet in India whose name was Namdeva, who was a tailor. And there was another one who was a… potter. Sometimes I miss out in English words. This potter was another poet and he was called as Gorakumbhar. So when Namdeva went to meet him – a saint only feels like meeting a saint – looked at him, and he just stood back and then he said a beautiful couplet. He says that: “I came here to see the form, formless Chaitanya, but here the Chaitanya is in the form” - ‘Nirgunachah beti allo sagunashi’ - “I came to see the formless, to see the vibrations, but here the, it is in the form that I see it.” Only a saint can say this to another saint. This kind of appreciation, this subtle appreciation is only possible between the two saints, or between the many. They don’t see he was kneading the clay; he was wearing a dirty dhoti, doing that work. He never saw all these things. He never saw his body, face or anything, but he saw that the Divinity personified in him. This sensitivity of feeling for other Sahaja Yogis should really develop within you. Then you won’t care for nonsensical, superficial things, and this is one of the great principles of Shiva. He doesn’t bother. Now see, His hair are all matted up, He sits on a fast-moving bull with both the legs like that going for His wedding. Can you imagine? And all His friends, all His followers are somebody has only one eye, another has only one hand, one is bent like that, because for Him the outside personality doesn’t matter. What matters is the spirituality. Whether you have one eye or whether you have a crooked body makes no difference to Him. To Him all of them are His own people, because nothing that is superficial attracts His attention, but the divinity in a person. We have so many ways of understanding His principle, because He is all-pervading. If you feel compassion for someone it works. It definitely works. Recently there was a case of some sort of a, incurable disease in Mexico. And the lady, who was Mexican, who was working in the UN, she’s still working in UN, she wrote to me two letters, that “Mother, I’m going to lose my son because he has this horrible disease.” I mean, just she wrote to me. I just felt such compassion for her, because she wrote a letter, which brought tears to my eyes. And imagine, those tears have cured that boy! (Shri Mataji speaks aside: “It has fallen.” Then Hindi) Has cured that boy completely, and she wrote me a letter of, thanking and all. I was amazed, because my compassion is not mental. It just works, it’s just there, just flows and works it out. In the same way you can also become that. I want you to have all my powers. But first is the compassion. And a Sahaja Yogi cannot ill-treat another person, anyone. Whether he’s a Sahaja Yogi or not a Sahaja Yogi, that’s not important. But nobody can aggress other Sahaja Yogis. If you say even he’s a non Sahaja Yogi, Sahaja Yogis should never aggress. That’s not a sign of a Sahaja Yogi. Sahaja Yogi is different. Like the other day somebody said, I said: “You are very hot-tempered.” “Yes, yes, I am, when somebody provokes me.” I said: “Everybody when he’s provoked only gets angry. Only the mad are such who do not get angry when they are provoked, you see. So if you get angry when you are provoked, is nothing so great. Everybody gets angry like that, when you are provoked. But if you say that if you are not provoked then you will not get angry, that sort of a state is very different.” So what I find, that in the whole atmosphere of today in the modern times, there’s a big struggle going on, which is not Shiva’s culture. Shiva’s culture is the, I should say, the Sahaj culture. If you are Sahaja Yogis you should have compassion in you, understanding of others’ feelings; and also should have readiness to look after not only Sahaja Yogis, also non Sahaja Yogis, then your compassion will become effective. Now as you know today, the biggest problem of today’s civilisation is the Western culture has gone to dogs. They are going, I mean when you read the newspaper you are shocked the way things are happening. I don’t know how many will realise it before their destruction. It’s really self-destructing. On one side this is the self-indulgent and permissive society, which is working. Now on the other side I find the Islamic culture is trying to oppose it. That’s correct, their trying to oppose it is correct, but the way they are opposing is creating problems. If you oppress somebody – “Don’t do this, don’t do that” – then they’ll do it much more. I’ll give an example, that if you go into the north of India the culture is more Islamic, and the people are very licentious and all the time looking at women. Not all, but many; though they are say, they are Hindus or they say this and that, but still they have all these bad habits, which have come from Islamic suppression. When a woman is completely covered and nobody can see her, they become much more curious. I have some people who came to Bombay and somebody was travelling with me, and he was looking at every woman on the street. I tell, I said: “Your neck will break now, the way you are going on.” But is a common practice there. Not only that, but this curiosity goes too far and people can become extremely immoral, just like we are in the West. So the suppression of your desires is also wrong. Also this culture, which outwardly suppresses, but inwardly people are very immoral. Once I was travelling from Riyadh to London and I went off to sleep. When I got up, I saw some other people sitting there all very nicely dressed up with short skirts and women with – all the bow ties and this and that - so I asked the air hostess, I said: “Did we stop somewhere?” She said: “No, no, we have been going directly.” I said: “Then who are these people?” “Same.” “They are so much changed!” I mean, I was surprised that they were wearing such long, these chador and all that, and now here they are with all these funny dresses. I couldn’t understand. So that’s what happens. The curiosity created by suppression also is not helpful. In Sahaja Yoga there’s no question of suppression. You become innocent, just become innocent. That is the principle of Shiva. This Sahaj culture is in the centre. It has neither too much of licentiousness nor too much of suppression, but it is in the centre, which is the, Shiva’s greatest principle is to be innocent. And this innocence just shines in you, I have seen it. You people, whatever you might have done before, but I see you are so pure. You don’t have these stupid ideas of behaving in a manner that is so Western. Also, so many Islamic people I’ve seen who have come to Sahaja Yoga, have become very, very Sahaj and are leading a very good life. We have some Iranians who sent me letters of their confessions, and I was shocked. I never read them because it was too much for me. And now I find them to be the most moral people that we have. So going to one extreme is wrong, or to another is wrong. But to be in the centre, in the Sahaj is the best way to understand what is so important for life is morality. And that comes from your innocence. And that is the quality of, of course, Shri Ganesha, who is the Son of Shiva, but is emitted through the innocence of Shri Shiva. Now I think in next lecture of Shiva I’ll talk about innocence to you, but for this one you have to understand the detachment, the detachment that should evolve within. It cannot be forced, but through meditation you can develop that detachment within you, which will be really joy giving. So many qualities of Shiva can be described, and I think in so many lectures I have told you about Him. I have to just say that you should have also collective meditation in your ashrams. Will be a good idea if you can try collective meditation, will be nice. But you don’t have to give vibrations to anyone. You don’t have to look after the chakras of others. You just bother, yourself, what’s wrong with you. And now whatever is the solution for your ascent you should do it, because the responsibility of the whole world rests on Sahaja Yogis. This you know, that there’s no way out without Sahaja Yoga. To save humanity from all kinds of problems, Sahaja Yoga has come on this earth. So it is your responsibility to keep yourself in proper shape, as far as Sahaja Yoga is concerned, get rid of your left and get rid of your right, and then to spread Sahaja Yoga, not by bombastic words or aggressiveness, but with love and compassion. I’m sure we have done a lot, we have achieved a lot, but there are still some points here and there which is a very unpleasant task for me to correct them. But whatever it is I have to say that it’s working, and everybody should look at themselves and feel happy from where they have come here, and how far we have to go. May God bless you all.
Mahashivaratri Puja 26 February 1995, Australia Today we have gathered here to do the Puja to Sadashiva. The One, which is reflected within us, is the Shiva, which is the pure Spirit. This pure Spirit within us is the reflection of God Almighty, Sadashiva. It’s like the sun that falls in the water and gives a clear reflection. Or else it falls on the stone, it doesn’t give any reflection at all. If you have, say, the mirror, the sun will not only fall on the mirror but will reflect back its light. In the same way in the human beings the reflection of God Almighty is expressed in the way your personality is. If your personality is clean and clear, innocent, then the reflection could be like a mirror. Thus the saintly people, they reflect God Almighty in the proper manner, in the sense that their own identification with wrong things is no more. When there is no such identification and when a person is absolutely the pure Spirit, then the reflection of God reflects into others. Luckily you all have got your Self Realization. That means the reflection of God Almighty is already working into your attention. The attention is enlightened by the power of the Spirit. The power of the Spirit is that it is a reflection. That means the reflection is never identified with the mirror or with the water. It is there till the sun shines, and when there is no sun there is no reflection. So when you are in Sahaja Yoga you have cleansed out yourself. Your Kundalini has also cleansed you, and now you are pure personalities. That’s why this reflection is clearer and clearer, and people see it; see it on your face; they see it in your body; they see it in your work; in your behaviour; in everywhere. It is difficult for people to really believe in themselves, that they could be the reflection of God Almighty. They have some sort of a, complexes about themselves I think, that they cannot understand how they have suddenly become the reflection of God Almighty, but they have a capacity; and they can become the reflection of God Almighty, for which they have to have faith in themselves, faith in their ascent, to believe that we have become that. The confidence in Sahaja Yoga is very important. Without the full confidence you cannot achieve your ascent. That you have seen even in my lectures, I have to tell them that we have to have full self-confidence. But confidence doesn’t mean by any chance your ego, your aggressiveness. If you are confident, you are least aggressive. There is a story, a Chinese story, very interesting one: that one king wanted his cocks to win in the race they have about the cock-fighting. So somebody said that “There is a saint, if you can take your cocks to him, he’ll make them so strong that they will definitely win this race.” So he took his two cocks and gave it to the saint and he said, “I want you to give them all the strength to fight this race.” After one month the king came and took these two cocks, and put them in the arena where there were many other cocks also. So the cocks started fighting and attacking these two cocks, but these two cocks were just standing very patiently, absolutely calm and quiet. Any kind of attack they were just looking at it as a fun, and all the cocks got tired and they ran away from the arena, and that’s how these two cocks won the game. This is what it is for us to understand, that for a person who is detached he can never be attacked. We are attacked by so many we have. Firstly our family, then our country, then our religion, then all kinds of thing, racialism. All these identifications really make us weak, because they attack us all the time and put confusion into the minds of Sahaja Yogis, I have seen. The reason is, you must have confidence in Sahaja Yoga and confidence in yourself, that you are on the right path and that you are now saved, and nobody can attack you because you have the complete protection of the Divine. People may follow any religion, they may follow any guru, they may follow anything, but they have fear all the time that we’ll be attacked, and they’re afraid to say things, which they should say. They have no discretion even to know what is to be said. With the proper understanding that you are the pure Spirit, if you believe in that then you’ll be surprised that you will be very confident about what you are doing. In that way we can say that we have also another great advantage – is that we are in the collective. We can find out in the collective how are we behaving. What is the reaction in the collective? In the collective it’s a person who is very subtle, he need not talk too much, he need not say much. He could stand like the cocks I told you about, but his depth can be felt. You can feel a person of that caliber, that he’s such a deep person, that he doesn’t want to aggress. He feels protected within himself. So this protection we have to feel, not mentally but within ourselves, and once you have that gravity, that feeling, nobody can attack you. The attacking person himself is insecure; or maybe he is ill-bred; maybe he is not yet a Sahaja Yogi. So you have to just have a kind of a gracious view about the person. Like Shiva was. We should say Sadashiva’s character is known, that He is the one who used to forgive anyone. Anybody who did penance like standing on their heads or standing on one foot or not eating their food or all kinds of penances, He used to be so disgusted that He would say: “Alright, what do you want? Take it!” And He also gave blessings to many rakshasas as you have heard and so many rakshasas were blessed by Him, because He got fed up with their penances. There were so many stories about Sadashiva giving a blessing to people. Even to Ravana, which is a very interesting story about Ravana, that Ravana did lots of penance. I don’t know what he did, how much he must have starved with his ten heads and what … I mean, if one mouth is there you feel so hungry – with ten mouths! I don’t know what he must have done to do that kind of a penance that Shiva just got fed up, you see. His compassion is so great He thought: “Let this man have whatever he likes.” So Ravana went to Shiva and Shiva said: “What do you want? Why are you doing all this to yourself?” So he said that “I want to have a blessing”. He said: “What blessing?” “First you promise that whatever I ask for, you will give me.” He said: “Of course. If it is in my power, I’ll give”. It’s a very interesting story. So he said: “I want to have your wife”. Because he knew His wife is Adi Shakti, and if he gets the Adi Shakti as a partner with him, he can do wonders. So he asked that: “I should get your wife as my partner.” Now, it was very difficult, you see, for Him to take such a decision to give in to this devil, but in compassion He did it. And all these events you see really show that how His compassion works out things. As a result it was decided that His wife Parvati had to go with this horrible fellow. But Parvati’s sister (brother) was Shri Vishnu, that is Shri Krishna, and He said to Himself that: “I can’t allow my sister to go with this devil. I must do something about it.” The most mischievous one is Shri Krishna. So what He did was to make him feel like going for the bathroom. So he felt shy, he put the lady on one side and he went to the bathroom. Now Shiva had warned him that: “You’d better be careful, because this Mother Earth is the mother of this lady, and never put Her on the Mother Earth. You must carry Him (Her) all the time on your back.” So when he reached a certain point this Shri Krishna created a mischief, and he felt like going. So he put Her down. As soon as he put Her down, the Mother Earth sucked Her in and he didn’t know what to do. Second time again he tried. And he again went to Shiva and he said: “See now, this is what you have promised, and this is what he is doing.” So He said: “I had warned you that Her brother is a very mischievous fellow and He’ll somehow or other manage, so you’d better be careful. This time you don’t listen to him. Don’t put Her on the ground, whatever it may be.” So this time he did another try, we can say, and carried Her on his back. Suddenly he found a little boy. It was Shri Krishna himself laughing at him. He said: “Why are you laughing at me?” “Oh my, why are you carrying this old woman on your back? She has no ornaments.” He said: “She’s the Goddess.” He said: “No. She has no ornaments. She’s wearing nothing. How can She be the Goddess?” So you see in India that’s a … proverb we use. Somebody, some lady who has, who lives without any ornaments or anything, that she’s like the Lanka Parvati. So he was carrying Her to Lanka. And when he looked at Her up, he saw a very old woman without any teeth you know, laughing at him. He got such a fright he threw Her away. That’s Mahamaya! Then the third situation was, he went and told that: “You’d better tell your wife that She’s not to listen to anybody, and you’d better see that you give me your wife itself.” He said: “Alright, She’ll be born in Lanka and you can marry Her.” And Her name was Mandodari. Now the great story goes on like that. But this Mandodari was the great worshipper of Vishnu, and at the time when Rama came, you see, to kill him. All this was organised by Mandodari Herself. Because She knows, knew that if Shri Rama kills Ravana he will get his liberation from these ideas about women; the way he was running after Sita and doing all these things. She actually wanted that something should happen that he should take another birth, and he should get rid of these notions of looking after beautiful women, and the way he brought Sitaji there. She was against it completely, but he would not listen. So the war took place, and in the war he was killed by Shri Rama. All this episode came because of the unlimited compassion of Shri Shiva. His compassion is to look at, looks very illogical sometimes, but there’s a big logic behind it. The logic is that whatever He does brings forth a kind of a solution of the problem. For example, there was a war on, and the war was going on, and that time there was a problem because there was one horrible devil who was given blessings by Shri Shiva that: “Nobody can kill you.” He had given also blessings - as they call varadan - to another saint, who said: “I want to sleep now and nobody should disturb me.” So he was given a blessing: “Anybody who disturbs you in your sleep, you can just look at that person and that will be, he’ll be reduced to ashes.” So these two now, when the war started, you see, Shri Krishna thought, “Best thing is to kill this devil with the same blessings that the saint has got.” So He played and He started running away from the battlefield; and that’s why He’s called as a warrior who has ran out of the field. Ranchordas – the one who runs away out of the field of battle. And when He was running He was wearing a shawl, Shri Krishna. He just stealthily entered into the cave and there’s another saint was sleeping and put His shawl on top of that. So when He put the shawl on top of him, the gentleman, I mean, the devil who was following Him, the satanic fellow, he reached that place and saw the same shawl and he said: “Oh, so now you are tired and now you are sleeping here. I’ll put you riaht!” Without realising who was sleeping nd he pulled the shawl. And here the sleeping saint gets up and looks at him, and they say with his third eye he burnt. So the solution came in. So the whole play is like this, of three forces going on, just to show ultimately the truth prevails. First is the, Shiva’s compassion, His goodness, to one side. Then the play of Shri Krishna or say Shri Vishnu of neutralizing it; and the third is the play of Brahma who creates things and who produces things. All these three forces are playing, just to create an atmosphere for all of us to feel that there is something else is to be done to our human awareness. All they have evolved within us this desire to seek the truth. Now on one side Shiva is extremely compassionate, very kind even to asuras, the rakshasas. But on the other side He can be extremely cruel. He can destroy the whole universe. If the people are so decadent, if the people do not take to spirituality, if their innocence is completely lost, if they do not get detached from all these wrong identifications which are creating problems in this world, He destroys the whole universe. So as it is He is the spectator of the work of Adi Shakti. He allows Her to do all this work, to create human beings, to give them Realization, do all this. But in case He finds Her children, people who have been saved by Her, are misbehaving or insulting or in any way destroying Her work, He might get into a temper by which He can destroy the whole universe. But I don’t think now there’s any chance for Him to do that, because we have now Sahaja Yogis all over. But what I find amongst Sahaja Yogis is this that some of the Sahaja Yogis grow very fast. Steadily, strongly, they achieve their principle of Shiva Tattwa. The first achievement shows that from inside they start getting detached. Now detachment is not mental. It’s not mental. It is not that we have to take to some sort of a sanyasa or we have to go to Himalayas, give up our families and all that. But the detachment is within oneself. When that detachment starts working, the first sign is that we become joyous, we become happy. Now if you ask anyone: “Why are you unhappy?”, he’ll talk about his wife, maybe his house, maybe his children, maybe his country, maybe society, whatever it is. So he gets absolutely upset, or maybe very unhappy to see things happening around him. Now he is a realized soul this unhappiness is not going to help him. What is needed is now to know that you can correct all these ills of the society, of the family, of the whole country, by transforming others, not by feeling bad. But while doing that, the main thing that you should have is a complete detachment. I was amazed when I first started Sahaja Yoga how people told me about their own countrymen, country fellows, I was amazed how they told me about their own religions, how wrong things they are doing. I didn’t know so much as they told me, and I thought that this is a detachment that has come that they can see clearly what’s wrong; what’s wrong with my society, with my people, with my relations, with my family, with my country, with the whole world. But is only possible if you are not identified through any one of them, otherwise you will never see the defects. You’ll never see what’s wrong with that person. You can never even see the chakras, which are catching. So the first thing that should happen is detachment. Now how to achieve detachment is the point. Many people ask me, “Mother, how do you get detached?” Because I am not attached you see, so I’m already detached. I don’t know how to do that way. But for you people I would say, to understand yourself you should introspect. Try to find out to what thing am I attached. Why am I miserable? For whom am I worried? Why should I worry? Some things you see which were never very important, they become very important to certain Sahaja Yogis. For example I was told that in the West, people don’t care so much for their children. But as soon as they get Realization they just get attached to their children, like as if with some glue. They cannot think what is good for their children. Everything about children they think is their primary duty. The other day I was surprised when they told me that it’s the parents who want to come after the Birthday Puja. I was shocked. I mean, just on the way is Birthday Puja. Why should the parents want to come after that? When I told Yogi he said: “Mother, we’ll be very happy if they are here, and they should be. Because it will help the children, it will help the parents.” But the whole now attention goes to the children, that “We must leave the children there and we must look after them”, and that’s the only thing. So the attachment to children will definitely make you do such things, which are not good, not good for you. So this new attachment starts after Sahaja Yoga, I’ve seen, very common. Then another attachment is, say, to your family. Normally there are no such things in the West. People are not attached to their family much, you see. They drink, they do all kinds of things. Suddenly they become self-realized and it’s like a boomerang, they come back to the family. It is so attached to the family, attached to the house, attached to everything. I just can’t understand. If you are becoming the pure Spirit then you are detached, because you are just a reflection, but the reflection of God Almighty. So all these identifications drop out. Now one may say, “How? How to drop it out?” I’ve never dropped them, but still I can suggest certain things, which you can try. First is meditation. You should discover about yourself, what’s wrong with you, which side is catching, is it right or left side. With meditation you can find out. Are you attached to money, are you attached to business, are you attached to your family, are you attached to your country in a way which is not Sahaj or to your culture, which is not Sahaj? Then try to get rid of this attachment by meditation. You know how to get rid of the right and the left. This attachment will show on your fingertips, and you have to see for yourself what centres you are catching, in which way are you in trouble. And then you can clarify it very simply by taking a very simple Sahaj treatment. I think here we fail, that once we get attached to something, we don’t even think we are getting attached. We think we are doing very great thing because now we love this person, love that person, Shiva’s qualities, the compassion part. You start getting attached to people. That is no compassion. That is no compassion of any kind. To be attached to any such things is no compassion, and you cannot have compassion of Shiva, though people think it is the Shiva’s compassion that is working within us. It’s not, because that compassion is very pure. It is like as I’ve told you many a times, it’s like the sap in the tree which rises and goes to various parts of the tree, and then either it evaporates or goes down into Mother Earth. It’s not attached. If it gets attached to one flower or to one leaf or to one fruit, then the whole tree will suffer and also the flower will disappear. So this kind of attachment to a particular thing, to a particular idea is not proper. In Sahaja Yoga I’ve found people are very adaptable and understand what they should do, but the main thing is meditation. In meditating on your heart, on the Shiva Tattwa, on the principle of Shiva, you can definitely detach, and then the joy will be the maximum, joy will be the maximum. I’ve seen people have interest in, say, food or in clothes or in house, anything. You can have interest, you should have interest, but in that interest there should be enlightenment, that you cannot get attached to it. Some people, say, who are say, from South India, they don’t like North Indian food. Those who are from North India don’t like South Indian. It’s a big problem. I asked the people in Indian Airlines: “Why don’t you have some standard food?” He said: “What is the standard food of India? Tell me.” But it was a question. Indians are very particular about the taste and food. So it’s a fact we don’t have any standard food in India. But in the same way, we can say in so many other ways that in the West people run after things, which are not necessary. They do things just out of fashion, or I don’t know, because their personality is not grown-up. If your personality is grown up then you see everything, everything from an angle, which is much higher than others, and you don’t get dissolved with others. What you know is much higher, much greater and much more joy giving. Now these attachments, people think that it’s very joy giving. If you get a child and if you have say, a wife and everything, are joy giving. It’s a very wrong idea. The joy comes from your own source of your Spirit. Whether your husband is good, whether your children are good or bad, whatever they are, they cannot give you joy. It’s only you can enjoy yourself, and this is why one becomes very forgiving. When nobody can harm you, then whom are you going to be angry with? That is another great quality of Sadashiva, is that He is extremely forgiving. He goes up to a point, till He destroys the whole work of Adi Shakti. But otherwise He is very, very forgiving, and He also is very balanced about it. Once the Adi Shakti got very angry with the whole world, was so decadent and all that and She started destroying everything. So He put a little child under Her feet, and such a big tongue came out with such a shock, She stopped Her destruction. So His ways are such that a person who is to develop the Shiva principle within himself should be extremely forgiving. I know there are people who are very cruel and who are very tortur. If you cannot bear it, alright, finish it off. I’ll stand by you there; but if you can bear it is better to bear, and undergo this experience of bearing it, because it’s not difficult to bear than to get out of it. For example, a lady came to me, and she said: “I’m going to divorce my husband.” I said: “Why?” “Because he comes home very late and I get very little of him.” But I said, “When you divorce you’ll not get him at all! What’s the logic? At least now you see him, whatever it is, whenever, whatever the time is there. But this is no solution. If you divorce him you’ll never see him. So what’s the use of such a divorce?” So many things like that can be understood once you are a detached person, that you are not to be attached to anything. Now who can aggress you if you are not attached to anyone? Nobody can. Only thing when you feel that you have to protest, you should, but with detachment. In protest also is important to absolutely to have a complete detachment. Now the main problem before us today is something else: is that we all have to ascend, and ascend with equal strength. There’s a story about some birds who were caught in a net, so they decided that we should get out of this net, and they tried. Everybody tried to get out, but nobody individually could work it out. So they all decided to fly together, “One, two, three, go!”, and they took all that net with them. And they said, then they requested the rats that “Please come and cut our net.” And they were freed. So if it can happen between the rats and the birds, why not between us? So in collectivity, you’ll be amazed, in the collectivity how we could be helpful and joyous with each other. Now say something is wrong with your mother, father, sisters, somebody, doesn’t matter. After all you have the ocean of joy here with the collectivity, and your problems can be solved if collectively, if you want to solve your problem. So we have to depend on the collectivity, very much to be one with the collective. I feel once you jump into the sea of Sahaj, the joy itself draws you together. Meeting each other is such a joyous thing! We have had so many experiences of that, of Sahaja Yogis who have told me how happy they were to find Sahaja Yogis somewhere out of the blue, and how they felt happy. So this tie between the Sahaja Yogis is really the most joyous channel, and that is what is the source we should say, of our becoming one together. Once you start enjoying each other… I’ve told you once a story of a great poet in India whose name was Namdeva, who was a tailor. And there was another one who was a… potter. Sometimes I miss out in English words. This potter was another poet and he was called as Gorakumbhar. So when Namdeva went to meet him – a saint only feels like meeting a saint – looked at him, and he just stood back and then he said a beautiful couplet. He says that: “I came here to see the form, formless Chaitanya, but here the Chaitanya is in the form” - ‘Nirgunachah beti allo sagunashi’ - “I came to see the formless, to see the vibrations, but here the, it is in the form that I see it.” Only a saint can say this to another saint. This kind of appreciation, this subtle appreciation is only possible between the two saints, or between the many. They don’t see he was kneading the clay; he was wearing a dirty dhoti, doing that work. He never saw all these things. He never saw his body, face or anything, but he saw that the Divinity personified in him. This sensitivity of feeling for other Sahaja Yogis should really develop within you. Then you won’t care for nonsensical, superficial things, and this is one of the great principles of Shiva. He doesn’t bother. Now see, His hair are all matted up, He sits on a fast-moving bull with both the legs like that going for His wedding. Can you imagine? And all His friends, all His followers are somebody has only one eye, another has only one hand, one is bent like that, because for Him the outside personality doesn’t matter. What matters is the spirituality. Whether you have one eye or whether you have a crooked body makes no difference to Him. To Him all of them are His own people, because nothing that is superficial attracts His attention, but the divinity in a person. We have so many ways of understanding His principle, because He is all-pervading. If you feel compassion for someone it works. It definitely works. Recently there was a case of some sort of a, incurable disease in Mexico. And the lady, who was Mexican, who was working in the UN, she’s still working in UN, she wrote to me two letters, that “Mother, I’m going to lose my son because he has this horrible disease.” I mean, just she wrote to me. I just felt such compassion for her, because she wrote a letter, which brought tears to my eyes. And imagine, those tears have cured that boy! (Shri Mataji speaks aside: “It has fallen.” Then Hindi) Has cured that boy completely, and she wrote me a letter of, thanking and all. I was amazed, because my compassion is not mental. It just works, it’s just there, just flows and works it out. In the same way you can also become that. I want you to have all my powers. But first is the compassion. And a Sahaja Yogi cannot ill-treat another person, anyone. Whether he’s a Sahaja Yogi or not a Sahaja Yogi, that’s not important. But nobody can aggress other Sahaja Yogis. If you say even he’s a non Sahaja Yogi, Sahaja Yogis should never aggress. That’s not a sign of a Sahaja Yogi. Sahaja Yogi is different. Like the other day somebody said, I said: “You are very hot-tempered.” “Yes, yes, I am, when somebody provokes me.” I said: “Everybody when he’s provoked only gets angry. Only the mad are such who do not get angry when they are provoked, you see. So if you get angry when you are provoked, is nothing so great. Everybody gets angry like that, when you are provoked. But if you say that if you are not provoked then you will not get angry, that sort of a state is very different.” So what I find, that in the whole atmosphere of today in the modern times, there’s a big struggle going on, which is not Shiva’s culture. Shiva’s culture is the, I should say, the Sahaj culture. If you are Sahaja Yogis you should have compassion in you, understanding of others’ feelings; and also should have readiness to look after not only Sahaja Yogis, also non Sahaja Yogis, then your compassion will become effective. Now as you know today, the biggest problem of today’s civilisation is the Western culture has gone to dogs. They are going, I mean when you read the newspaper you are shocked the way things are happening. I don’t know how many will realise it before their destruction. It’s really self-destructing. On one side this is the self-indulgent and permissive society, which is working. Now on the other side I find the Islamic culture is trying to oppose it. That’s correct, their trying to oppose it is correct, but the way they are opposing is creating problems. If you oppress somebody – “Don’t do this, don’t do that” – then they’ll do it much more. I’ll give an example, that if you go into the north of India the culture is more Islamic, and the people are very licentious and all the time looking at women. Not all, but many; though they are say, they are Hindus or they say this and that, but still they have all these bad habits, which have come from Islamic suppression. When a woman is completely covered and nobody can see her, they become much more curious. I have some people who came to Bombay and somebody was travelling with me, and he was looking at every woman on the street. I tell, I said: “Your neck will break now, the way you are going on.” But is a common practice there. Not only that, but this curiosity goes too far and people can become extremely immoral, just like we are in the West. So the suppression of your desires is also wrong. Also this culture, which outwardly suppresses, but inwardly people are very immoral. Once I was travelling from Riyadh to London and I went off to sleep. When I got up, I saw some other people sitting there all very nicely dressed up with short skirts and women with – all the bow ties and this and that - so I asked the air hostess, I said: “Did we stop somewhere?” She said: “No, no, we have been going directly.” I said: “Then who are these people?” “Same.” “They are so much changed!” I mean, I was surprised that they were wearing such long, these chador and all that, and now here they are with all these funny dresses. I couldn’t understand. So that’s what happens. The curiosity created by suppression also is not helpful. In Sahaja Yoga there’s no question of suppression. You become innocent, just become innocent. That is the principle of Shiva. This Sahaj culture is in the centre. It has neither too much of licentiousness nor too much of suppression, but it is in the centre, which is the, Shiva’s greatest principle is to be innocent. And this innocence just shines in you, I have seen it. You people, whatever you might have done before, but I see you are so pure. You don’t have these stupid ideas of behaving in a manner that is so Western. Also, so many Islamic people I’ve seen who have come to Sahaja Yoga, have become very, very Sahaj and are leading a very good life. We have some Iranians who sent me letters of their confessions, and I was shocked. I never read them because it was too much for me. And now I find them to be the most moral people that we have. So going to one extreme is wrong, or to another is wrong. But to be in the centre, in the Sahaj is the best way to understand what is so important for life is morality. And that comes from your innocence. And that is the quality of, of course, Shri Ganesha, who is the Son of Shiva, but is emitted through the innocence of Shri Shiva. Now I think in next lecture of Shiva I’ll talk about innocence to you, but for this one you have to understand the detachment, the detachment that should evolve within. It cannot be forced, but through meditation you can develop that detachment within you, which will be really joy giving. So many qualities of Shiva can be described, and I think in so many lectures I have told you about Him. I have to just say that you should have also collective meditation in your ashrams. Will be a good idea if you can try collective meditation, will be nice. But you don’t have to give vibrations to anyone. You don’t have to look after the chakras of others. You just bother, yourself, what’s wrong with you. And now whatever is the solution for your ascent you should do it, because the responsibility of the whole world rests on Sahaja Yogis. This you know, that there’s no way out without Sahaja Yoga. To save humanity from all kinds of problems, Sahaja Yoga has come on this earth. So it is your responsibility to keep yourself in proper shape, as far as Sahaja Yoga is concerned, get rid of your left and get rid of your right, and then to spread Sahaja Yoga, not by bombastic words or aggressiveness, but with love and compassion. I’m sure we have done a lot, we have achieved a lot, but there are still some points here and there which is a very unpleasant task for me to correct them. But whatever it is I have to say that it’s working, and everybody should look at themselves and feel happy from where they have come here, and how far we have to go. May God bless you all.
Farewell Talk
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk at the Airport. Sydney (Australia), 28 February 1995. We have had really a very beautiful Shiva Puja here. It was never so good before, and so many people there. Everybody’s heart was opening. It was really, in the land of, as if Shiva we were in there. So I’ve told you about what is to be done, to develop detachment, and to understand. I know lots of things from your Kundalini, and some people still have problem with agnya, left nabhi, right nabhi. This all can be cured, if you, just know that you are the Pure Spirit and you have to become that. This is not difficult. Only thing is you must have confidence in yourself, and also respect, respect for everything. What we have in this culture so called, no respect. Respect your body. Respect your relations. Agnya can, run away you see, fast, all the problems of agnya, if you know how to respect. Respect the Mother Earth, and everything will be fine. It doesn’t mean if you respect somebody that means you are subservient. You are not. Respect shows your growth, your maturity. I find it difficult even, to tell people when they are very very wrong. It’s very difficult, very embarrassing, and to publicly tell that is even more embarrassing, but supposed to be My job so sometimes I have to do it. But I don’t like it. All those people whom I’ve tried to tell they should really, work it out, because you’ll be lagging behind. Sahaja Yoga is moving very fast. It has taken a speed, everywhere, even in your country. So best is to, understand that we cannot be stuck now with our own agnya and our problems and our, this thing, prestigious, so-called prestige. I really enjoyed all the program very much and, specially the music. John is really great I must say, the way he’s handling music part, and, the way you are composing very beautiful music also. But you shouldn’t have somebody from outside I think. See there’s, they’re not worth it. I enjoy your music more than anybody else’s. It comes from heart. My stay has been, very very comfortable and very joyous. I’m learning a lot about the ships now. Every day there’s some sort of an activity and I thought these Australians are really very hard-working, the way they look after their ship, they unload it and load it. They put lot of labour on it themselves but if they have to work as labour they are horrible absolutely. They charge so much that the labour problem here is the most, difficult one I don’t know how you will solve it , because they ask so much, so much money. Long time back C.P. told me that these Australian labourers are the difficult, most difficult because they’re asking even for bending some money, bending their body. I mean if they have to lift something they have to bend then you have to pay them every time they bend. And today you can see the effects of this labour. If the labour improves and, then maybe things will improve a lot. And what do they need money for? Just for alcohol, that’s all. Why do they need so much money? This alcohol that they consume, this is the only way they are wasting all the money that they are getting it. But nobody can talk to them about it. It would be nice if you can get some labour people in Sahaj so they’ll feel satisfied and will understand that they are causing so much trouble, just for their bad habits of alcohol. Your newspapers are also really, very heavy and very little news, but I’ve been watching it, I’ve been reading about it, trying to understand the politics and this and that because I think it’s quite complicated. In India they have already, started one Sahaja Yoga political party, but it’s not Sahaja Yoga, I told them not to take Sahaja Yoga’s name, but Sahaja Yogis. They call it Satya Marga, meaning the, path of truth and two Sahaja Yogis are contesting elections. Only they are Sahaja Yogis but I said don’t take My name or take the name of Sahaja Yoga. We have to be careful about the name of Sahaja Yoga. Very important. [MARATHI SPEECH] What I have to tell you that for example now, Angela, is she here? You should go to France see because it’s close to, Cabella and they come for every programme. So instead of, asking him to come here, he has a government job you see, and it’s, he gets his gratuities and everything. You should not call him here. It’s, what’s the use of him coming here, I just don’t understand. And you should settle your matters, whatever it is, the way can do it and you should really go to France and that’s why I married you there. But then the proposal came that you want him to come here and all that, but I think it’s not fair. Also you can do a lot in France because France is a place where, photography is very important. Not like this country. You’ll be incurring more debts and more debts and you won’t be able to produce much. Also, Kay, I’ve said that you should pay more attention your son that doesn’t mean you come with him and stay in Sydney. First of all, I’ve already told you you have a weakness for that boy and that’s why he’s spoilt. It’s the mother who spoils the child. So what, you should not be with him. You can put him with somebody else here who should really look after him because he’s a well-known, mischievous boy. Very mischievous. His brain is so wonderful I don’t know, as if some crooked brain is there. You can’t correct him. You just can’t correct him. So this attachment is wrong. I’ve already told, that you can send that child to somebody who will handle the child with great, attention. It’s needed. Don’t spoil your children. Don’t spoil. By spoiling them you’ll create problems for your self. And the children also should not stick to their parents. They should be, also detached. That’s the sign of a good child. In Sahaja Yoga, if you find children who are very much sticking to parents, they don’t do well in schools. They are very mischievous, very troublesome. You have to correct. That’s your job. It’s the job of the mother to correct the child. Shouldn’t bother about the father. It’s the mother who has to correct the child and put him on right path because the same child will, become a troublesome thing. Today I read in the newspaper, a eleven year old child joined some others to kill some old man. Can you, eleven year old. Who should we blame? For Sahaja Yogis it is very important to see how the children are behaving. They should not be rude, they should not be arrogant, because if you send such a lot, to Dharamshala they have big problems. So to teach them how to be humble, how to be respectful, because in Dharamshala Australian children are in majority, and they have a very good name, people like them very much there. But some of them are so horrid, I mean exceptionally horrid. So I would say that one should, try to be little strict with them, doesn’t matter, and that’s how you are going to help your children, very much. I think I have individually talked about everybody else. I’m sorry I had to ask Stephan Taylor to, come down and we have put Michael Fogarty there. I’ve told him what mistakes he has committed which are very serious, which he was, may not have been aware, and all the Sahaja Yogis of the world have decided that we have to change the leader here. Moreover he’s not keeping very well, so is all done after complete scrutiny. Please try to understand I would not put down any leader unless and until I find something really seriously wrong. Again I have to tell you that if you are taking any step, anyway, you must ask Me. I’m available on the phone, or, if I’m not there they’ll tell you where I am. But anything important if you have to take a decision you must ask and don’t rely on other people or other leaders because sometimes they can mislead. Anything important please try to telephone to Me and I’ll definitely look after. Sahaja yoga is collective, is massive, is big, but also individual is very important and I have to pay attention to every individual, I have to understand every individual, I have to look after every individual problem. So try to understand that any collective thing you do please, please telephone to Me and ask Me. Don’t do things arbitrarily, because it can shock people. It can really shock. So try to understand that Sahaja Yoga is a collective organization. It’s a living organization. Like if there’s a pin, pricks on one finger the whole body is concerned. In the same way if you do not consult Me, do things, everybody gets upset, and they start asking Me, Mother how it has happened? Another little handicap is that Australia is very far away, and naturally, it’s not so much connected, with the European or American people, but still I am there. So you can always telephone to Me, ask Me, or, leave message for Me, or send Me a fax. You must ask Me. This is, dangerous to do things without asking. It’s very dangerous. So please don’t do anything. I’m telling all the leaders. If they have problem they can talk to their own leader and the leader can talk to Me, but without asking don’t do things, which are injurious or which is dangerous. You see these days, nobody is far away. I mean you can telephone from here, anyone. We saw the telephone works so fast from Australia, telephone system is so good here. I’ve not seen like this anywhere, and quite cheap. So why not we use this good system and ask Me because we are a little bit cut off as you know. But My attention is here and I have stopped going to Europe and America maybe this year only but I’m coming to Australia again and again and I’ll be back again. Also about school, one girl wrote to Me about one Mary someone Mary, that she has been punished, and she’s very unhappy. She shouldn’t, she need not go, because nobody has told Me this, all the children are anxious to go so I think something wrong with the child. So such a child should not go. I mean there’s no problem, we have already more children than we can really afford to have. But I’ve said those who are in the seventh class should repeat this year, seventh class. Also those who are going for My Birthday should inform people in, Delhi, also to Yogi, how many are coming, so for their stay we can arrange some proper place. Got it. You got it now? Lots of miracles have happened about My passport also. Already the size is so big like a book you know. So C.P. is also very much thankful you see, for all that you have done for him. But you know he’s a difficult person in one way. He’s been arguing with me that I can’t live here free, you see must do something about it and till this morning there was discussion going on. I said: ‘You’d better talk to them directly’. So now we have compromised, that he can donate 5 000 pounds for Sahaja Yoga activities here. We have never had a holiday before. This is the first time, through your, kindness, we have been able to have a holiday together. Otherwise not even for one day I should say we really enjoyed any holiday because as soon as we reached the place he was called back by his office. So this was very unique, that we should come to Australia and have such a nice time. Then another is that I have to thank all those who have worked so hard, for launching of the book. I think this book is very important. Today we need it very much, and one should try to find people who could sell these books and, could read, actually main is we must have proper, comments and all that, so that people should read. It’s, a good book which can give us confidence in our good values, value in the truthful lives. So is going to help, many people to see that there has been a living person like that. Any why not we do it. Specially in the politics, everywhere I find is too much of corruption. Because perhaps they don’t understand that politics is the only way they can get fame, fame, in the future, even after their death. If they have money like business people, this that, nobody is going to, have respect for them. Also some of them marry their secretaries and things like that you see. Is absolutely, I can’t understand. Even the level of their thinking is so low, so what can they guide other people, what can they do for others because they are so self-centered, and they are making money and taking bribes and this and that, is bit too much. Italy is the worst. But now it has come to some, trial now. Let us see what happens. But it’s very corrupt, very very corrupt place. I have never seen such corruption. Even in India you can’t think of corruption that exists there. We bought a plot of land and, they took Me to a Rotary, you see the officer, and he had a big calculator he did something and he told Me that so much black money to be paid. I said I’ve no black money, how can I pay? All money is in the bank, white money what to do? He said all right, tell me your bank, what is your bank. He telephoned to the manager, he organised, I don’t know how. He organised it. I said but how can you do it, you are a Rotary. He said nobody wants to pay, Income Tax you see. Openly. That’s the limit, I was so shocked. How could he do it like that? So it had gone to such a level that now it had to come out and now corruption in Italy is completely exposed and everywhere it should be exposed. Everywhere. Otherwise the situation in any country cannot improve. India is also very bad but I’m sure now, something will happen and maybe, this corruption, which is so much now grown up. When My husband was a collector and all that I never knew anybody who was corrupt not one person except for this peons and something like, I can say very low level, but he used to pay two rupees or one rupee to them. But now it’s so openly they ask. So it has to go now and it has to work out, that they should know that they have to do public service, and they have to have name and a fame. Even I’ve seen very few simple people like, Police Inspector or something, becomes very famous if he is honest, and can reach very great heights. So, you have to pray that this corruption should go, and it will work out I am sure. But the more difficult thing is immorality. Marrying your secretary. I mean it’s too much immoral. I think she’s like your servant because she is paid by you, she’s under you and to marry her means that you are using her helplessness. Thus I’m sure you can all pray for it and work it out. I’m sure it will work out in this country. Only thing very good about Australia is they are particular about cleanliness. The way they have kept their seashores clean and all that is remarkable. It’s really an example for others. But morality wise, I don’t know, how far they are with others or competing with other people. It’s quite stupid things they do. If you people want and desire, that morality should come down, I’m sure it will work out. And as I told you the other day that if people become very immoral you will find another kind of thing growing up which we call as fundamentalist, whether they are Christians, Muslims are just the same, so this immoral, behaviour of people somehow or other generates, that another kind of people. It has happened at the time of Hitler, in the same way it will happen here. So you have to be very, alert about it. If you see in the newspaper something give it a bandhan. If you read about somebody who has been very immoral give it a bandhan, because it will work. You are all saints and you can do a lot. Whatever you desire will happen. So that’s one thing why I feel is, very much dragging and this alcoholism drinking, drugs also. So whenever you read in the newspaper just give it a bandhan. It will work out. That can bring prosperity, happiness, joy, even to other people. So now I’m off to, Japan where I’ll stay I think for only, one night, and then I have to go to Hong Kong. Hong Kong has done well with Alex. I know Alex has done it very well, and he has really, very good influence there. Even China is so corrupt. Once upon a time they were so honest. When we were there when Mao was sick I think, one of My toe rings, came out, while I walking or whatever it is. In Peking. And, they sent it to, to Shanghai. They sent it, one toe ring of silver to Shanghai. They were so honest out of fear, and just the fear went away. They have become mad now. That’s how they are becoming rich they think. But how long will it last, this kind of riches? It’s very sad that, when the Sahaja Yoga is prospering so much and is so many countries are accepting it and at the same time corruption is growing very fast. It’s very sad. So Sahaja Yogis have to know they have to be, very honest, about money. Do you have any problems, any one of you? Sahaja Yogi: “I have a very bad temper.” Shri Mataji: Who is that one? You are a liver patient. Treat your liver all right? Take out the heat with ice and also from the brain on this side (left of head). So many are liver patients here. I know that. She’s not the only one. Better try to take out the heat from your liver and from your head on this side. Now what do you want? You come here. I can’t hear. Sahaja Yogi: For about three years now I’ve been seeing these circle things. Shri Mataji: In the brain? Sahaja Yogi: Yes, It’s my eyes and there’s like a membrane. Shri Mataji: Do you have diabetes? Sahaja Yogi: I’ve never been diagnosed as a diabetic officially but I know if I have too much sugar my spleen gets very painful but my liver is also very hot when I meditate and when I go to a certain level I can feel terrible pain in here. Shri Mataji: You try. You try the same. With the ice. It will work out. All right? Sahaja Yogi: And also in the agnya when I meditate. Shri Mataji: That will also go away then. Once you treat it, the heat, it will go away. The heat in the body is very bad and that’s why. What else? Sahaja Yogi: Question about school. Shri Mataji: You see whatever may be, Catholic Schools, you see they are showing very bad results in any class, you see in the matriculation and all that, only two or three children are passing from these schools. So what is the higher standard I don’t know. You can’t afford to send them to India? Sahaja Yogi: My husband… Shri Mataji: He’s Catholic is he? You can tell him I don’t want to send them to Catholic church. You can as a mother, you can put down your foot. Put them in any other school but Catholic School. What’s it? Osteoarthritis. Who has? You should do your left side three candle treatment. All right? No water treatment. Three candle treatment. No water treatment at all. All right? Sahaja Yogi: question about not feeling vibrations. Shri Mataji: Even in England you never had? I didn’t know this. Oh, my goodness. Work on him and find out why he has no vibrations. I didn’t know this. Sahaja Yogi: I feel them but not very much. Shri Mataji: Then steady down. You have to steady down. You can. You see, we have to be, very alert about it and, to get up in the morning, early in the morning and do meditation. Then it works better. If you are lethargic, it won’t. Just push yourself. [Transcription Ends]
Talk at the Airport. Sydney (Australia), 28 February 1995. We have had really a very beautiful Shiva Puja here. It was never so good before, and so many people there. Everybody’s heart was opening. It was really, in the land of, as if Shiva we were in there. So I’ve told you about what is to be done, to develop detachment, and to understand. I know lots of things from your Kundalini, and some people still have problem with agnya, left nabhi, right nabhi. This all can be cured, if you, just know that you are the Pure Spirit and you have to become that. This is not difficult. Only thing is you must have confidence in yourself, and also respect, respect for everything. What we have in this culture so called, no respect. Respect your body. Respect your relations. Agnya can, run away you see, fast, all the problems of agnya, if you know how to respect. Respect the Mother Earth, and everything will be fine. It doesn’t mean if you respect somebody that means you are subservient. You are not. Respect shows your growth, your maturity. I find it difficult even, to tell people when they are very very wrong. It’s very difficult, very embarrassing, and to publicly tell that is even more embarrassing, but supposed to be My job so sometimes I have to do it. But I don’t like it. All those people whom I’ve tried to tell they should really, work it out, because you’ll be lagging behind. Sahaja Yoga is moving very fast. It has taken a speed, everywhere, even in your country. So best is to, understand that we cannot be stuck now with our own agnya and our problems and our, this thing, prestigious, so-called prestige. I really enjoyed all the program very much and, specially the music. John is really great I must say, the way he’s handling music part, and, the way you are composing very beautiful music also. But you shouldn’t have somebody from outside I think. See there’s, they’re not worth it. I enjoy your music more than anybody else’s. It comes from heart. My stay has been, very very comfortable and very joyous. I’m learning a lot about the ships now. Every day there’s some sort of an activity and I thought these Australians are really very hard-working, the way they look after their ship, they unload it and load it. They put lot of labour on it themselves but if they have to work as labour they are horrible absolutely. They charge so much that the labour problem here is the most, difficult one I don’t know how you will solve it , because they ask so much, so much money. Long time back C.P. told me that these Australian labourers are the difficult, most difficult because they’re asking even for bending some money, bending their body. I mean if they have to lift something they have to bend then you have to pay them every time they bend. And today you can see the effects of this labour. If the labour improves and, then maybe things will improve a lot. And what do they need money for? Just for alcohol, that’s all. Why do they need so much money? This alcohol that they consume, this is the only way they are wasting all the money that they are getting it. But nobody can talk to them about it. It would be nice if you can get some labour people in Sahaj so they’ll feel satisfied and will understand that they are causing so much trouble, just for their bad habits of alcohol. Your newspapers are also really, very heavy and very little news, but I’ve been watching it, I’ve been reading about it, trying to understand the politics and this and that because I think it’s quite complicated. In India they have already, started one Sahaja Yoga political party, but it’s not Sahaja Yoga, I told them not to take Sahaja Yoga’s name, but Sahaja Yogis. They call it Satya Marga, meaning the, path of truth and two Sahaja Yogis are contesting elections. Only they are Sahaja Yogis but I said don’t take My name or take the name of Sahaja Yoga. We have to be careful about the name of Sahaja Yoga. Very important. [MARATHI SPEECH] What I have to tell you that for example now, Angela, is she here? You should go to France see because it’s close to, Cabella and they come for every programme. So instead of, asking him to come here, he has a government job you see, and it’s, he gets his gratuities and everything. You should not call him here. It’s, what’s the use of him coming here, I just don’t understand. And you should settle your matters, whatever it is, the way can do it and you should really go to France and that’s why I married you there. But then the proposal came that you want him to come here and all that, but I think it’s not fair. Also you can do a lot in France because France is a place where, photography is very important. Not like this country. You’ll be incurring more debts and more debts and you won’t be able to produce much. Also, Kay, I’ve said that you should pay more attention your son that doesn’t mean you come with him and stay in Sydney. First of all, I’ve already told you you have a weakness for that boy and that’s why he’s spoilt. It’s the mother who spoils the child. So what, you should not be with him. You can put him with somebody else here who should really look after him because he’s a well-known, mischievous boy. Very mischievous. His brain is so wonderful I don’t know, as if some crooked brain is there. You can’t correct him. You just can’t correct him. So this attachment is wrong. I’ve already told, that you can send that child to somebody who will handle the child with great, attention. It’s needed. Don’t spoil your children. Don’t spoil. By spoiling them you’ll create problems for your self. And the children also should not stick to their parents. They should be, also detached. That’s the sign of a good child. In Sahaja Yoga, if you find children who are very much sticking to parents, they don’t do well in schools. They are very mischievous, very troublesome. You have to correct. That’s your job. It’s the job of the mother to correct the child. Shouldn’t bother about the father. It’s the mother who has to correct the child and put him on right path because the same child will, become a troublesome thing. Today I read in the newspaper, a eleven year old child joined some others to kill some old man. Can you, eleven year old. Who should we blame? For Sahaja Yogis it is very important to see how the children are behaving. They should not be rude, they should not be arrogant, because if you send such a lot, to Dharamshala they have big problems. So to teach them how to be humble, how to be respectful, because in Dharamshala Australian children are in majority, and they have a very good name, people like them very much there. But some of them are so horrid, I mean exceptionally horrid. So I would say that one should, try to be little strict with them, doesn’t matter, and that’s how you are going to help your children, very much. I think I have individually talked about everybody else. I’m sorry I had to ask Stephan Taylor to, come down and we have put Michael Fogarty there. I’ve told him what mistakes he has committed which are very serious, which he was, may not have been aware, and all the Sahaja Yogis of the world have decided that we have to change the leader here. Moreover he’s not keeping very well, so is all done after complete scrutiny. Please try to understand I would not put down any leader unless and until I find something really seriously wrong. Again I have to tell you that if you are taking any step, anyway, you must ask Me. I’m available on the phone, or, if I’m not there they’ll tell you where I am. But anything important if you have to take a decision you must ask and don’t rely on other people or other leaders because sometimes they can mislead. Anything important please try to telephone to Me and I’ll definitely look after. Sahaja yoga is collective, is massive, is big, but also individual is very important and I have to pay attention to every individual, I have to understand every individual, I have to look after every individual problem. So try to understand that any collective thing you do please, please telephone to Me and ask Me. Don’t do things arbitrarily, because it can shock people. It can really shock. So try to understand that Sahaja Yoga is a collective organization. It’s a living organization. Like if there’s a pin, pricks on one finger the whole body is concerned. In the same way if you do not consult Me, do things, everybody gets upset, and they start asking Me, Mother how it has happened? Another little handicap is that Australia is very far away, and naturally, it’s not so much connected, with the European or American people, but still I am there. So you can always telephone to Me, ask Me, or, leave message for Me, or send Me a fax. You must ask Me. This is, dangerous to do things without asking. It’s very dangerous. So please don’t do anything. I’m telling all the leaders. If they have problem they can talk to their own leader and the leader can talk to Me, but without asking don’t do things, which are injurious or which is dangerous. You see these days, nobody is far away. I mean you can telephone from here, anyone. We saw the telephone works so fast from Australia, telephone system is so good here. I’ve not seen like this anywhere, and quite cheap. So why not we use this good system and ask Me because we are a little bit cut off as you know. But My attention is here and I have stopped going to Europe and America maybe this year only but I’m coming to Australia again and again and I’ll be back again. Also about school, one girl wrote to Me about one Mary someone Mary, that she has been punished, and she’s very unhappy. She shouldn’t, she need not go, because nobody has told Me this, all the children are anxious to go so I think something wrong with the child. So such a child should not go. I mean there’s no problem, we have already more children than we can really afford to have. But I’ve said those who are in the seventh class should repeat this year, seventh class. Also those who are going for My Birthday should inform people in, Delhi, also to Yogi, how many are coming, so for their stay we can arrange some proper place. Got it. You got it now? Lots of miracles have happened about My passport also. Already the size is so big like a book you know. So C.P. is also very much thankful you see, for all that you have done for him. But you know he’s a difficult person in one way. He’s been arguing with me that I can’t live here free, you see must do something about it and till this morning there was discussion going on. I said: ‘You’d better talk to them directly’. So now we have compromised, that he can donate 5 000 pounds for Sahaja Yoga activities here. We have never had a holiday before. This is the first time, through your, kindness, we have been able to have a holiday together. Otherwise not even for one day I should say we really enjoyed any holiday because as soon as we reached the place he was called back by his office. So this was very unique, that we should come to Australia and have such a nice time. Then another is that I have to thank all those who have worked so hard, for launching of the book. I think this book is very important. Today we need it very much, and one should try to find people who could sell these books and, could read, actually main is we must have proper, comments and all that, so that people should read. It’s, a good book which can give us confidence in our good values, value in the truthful lives. So is going to help, many people to see that there has been a living person like that. Any why not we do it. Specially in the politics, everywhere I find is too much of corruption. Because perhaps they don’t understand that politics is the only way they can get fame, fame, in the future, even after their death. If they have money like business people, this that, nobody is going to, have respect for them. Also some of them marry their secretaries and things like that you see. Is absolutely, I can’t understand. Even the level of their thinking is so low, so what can they guide other people, what can they do for others because they are so self-centered, and they are making money and taking bribes and this and that, is bit too much. Italy is the worst. But now it has come to some, trial now. Let us see what happens. But it’s very corrupt, very very corrupt place. I have never seen such corruption. Even in India you can’t think of corruption that exists there. We bought a plot of land and, they took Me to a Rotary, you see the officer, and he had a big calculator he did something and he told Me that so much black money to be paid. I said I’ve no black money, how can I pay? All money is in the bank, white money what to do? He said all right, tell me your bank, what is your bank. He telephoned to the manager, he organised, I don’t know how. He organised it. I said but how can you do it, you are a Rotary. He said nobody wants to pay, Income Tax you see. Openly. That’s the limit, I was so shocked. How could he do it like that? So it had gone to such a level that now it had to come out and now corruption in Italy is completely exposed and everywhere it should be exposed. Everywhere. Otherwise the situation in any country cannot improve. India is also very bad but I’m sure now, something will happen and maybe, this corruption, which is so much now grown up. When My husband was a collector and all that I never knew anybody who was corrupt not one person except for this peons and something like, I can say very low level, but he used to pay two rupees or one rupee to them. But now it’s so openly they ask. So it has to go now and it has to work out, that they should know that they have to do public service, and they have to have name and a fame. Even I’ve seen very few simple people like, Police Inspector or something, becomes very famous if he is honest, and can reach very great heights. So, you have to pray that this corruption should go, and it will work out I am sure. But the more difficult thing is immorality. Marrying your secretary. I mean it’s too much immoral. I think she’s like your servant because she is paid by you, she’s under you and to marry her means that you are using her helplessness. Thus I’m sure you can all pray for it and work it out. I’m sure it will work out in this country. Only thing very good about Australia is they are particular about cleanliness. The way they have kept their seashores clean and all that is remarkable. It’s really an example for others. But morality wise, I don’t know, how far they are with others or competing with other people. It’s quite stupid things they do. If you people want and desire, that morality should come down, I’m sure it will work out. And as I told you the other day that if people become very immoral you will find another kind of thing growing up which we call as fundamentalist, whether they are Christians, Muslims are just the same, so this immoral, behaviour of people somehow or other generates, that another kind of people. It has happened at the time of Hitler, in the same way it will happen here. So you have to be very, alert about it. If you see in the newspaper something give it a bandhan. If you read about somebody who has been very immoral give it a bandhan, because it will work. You are all saints and you can do a lot. Whatever you desire will happen. So that’s one thing why I feel is, very much dragging and this alcoholism drinking, drugs also. So whenever you read in the newspaper just give it a bandhan. It will work out. That can bring prosperity, happiness, joy, even to other people. So now I’m off to, Japan where I’ll stay I think for only, one night, and then I have to go to Hong Kong. Hong Kong has done well with Alex. I know Alex has done it very well, and he has really, very good influence there. Even China is so corrupt. Once upon a time they were so honest. When we were there when Mao was sick I think, one of My toe rings, came out, while I walking or whatever it is. In Peking. And, they sent it to, to Shanghai. They sent it, one toe ring of silver to Shanghai. They were so honest out of fear, and just the fear went away. They have become mad now. That’s how they are becoming rich they think. But how long will it last, this kind of riches? It’s very sad that, when the Sahaja Yoga is prospering so much and is so many countries are accepting it and at the same time corruption is growing very fast. It’s very sad. So Sahaja Yogis have to know they have to be, very honest, about money. Do you have any problems, any one of you? Sahaja Yogi: “I have a very bad temper.” Shri Mataji: Who is that one? You are a liver patient. Treat your liver all right? Take out the heat with ice and also from the brain on this side (left of head). So many are liver patients here. I know that. She’s not the only one. Better try to take out the heat from your liver and from your head on this side. Now what do you want? You come here. I can’t hear. Sahaja Yogi: For about three years now I’ve been seeing these circle things. Shri Mataji: In the brain? Sahaja Yogi: Yes, It’s my eyes and there’s like a membrane. Shri Mataji: Do you have diabetes? Sahaja Yogi: I’ve never been diagnosed as a diabetic officially but I know if I have too much sugar my spleen gets very painful but my liver is also very hot when I meditate and when I go to a certain level I can feel terrible pain in here. Shri Mataji: You try. You try the same. With the ice. It will work out. All right? Sahaja Yogi: And also in the agnya when I meditate. Shri Mataji: That will also go away then. Once you treat it, the heat, it will go away. The heat in the body is very bad and that’s why. What else? Sahaja Yogi: Question about school. Shri Mataji: You see whatever may be, Catholic Schools, you see they are showing very bad results in any class, you see in the matriculation and all that, only two or three children are passing from these schools. So what is the higher standard I don’t know. You can’t afford to send them to India? Sahaja Yogi: My husband… Shri Mataji: He’s Catholic is he? You can tell him I don’t want to send them to Catholic church. You can as a mother, you can put down your foot. Put them in any other school but Catholic School. What’s it? Osteoarthritis. Who has? You should do your left side three candle treatment. All right? No water treatment. Three candle treatment. No water treatment at all. All right? Sahaja Yogi: question about not feeling vibrations. Shri Mataji: Even in England you never had? I didn’t know this. Oh, my goodness. Work on him and find out why he has no vibrations. I didn’t know this. Sahaja Yogi: I feel them but not very much. Shri Mataji: Then steady down. You have to steady down. You can. You see, we have to be, very alert about it and, to get up in the morning, early in the morning and do meditation. Then it works better. If you are lethargic, it won’t. Just push yourself. [Transcription Ends]
Arrival and Talk: Sahaja Yoga is the same as Zen
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
1995-0301 Arrival and Talk, Hotel Chinzanso, Tokyo In Australia we did Shiva Puja, and this is the result of that, I'm here. It was in a forest, absolutely dark forest, and there was very little light over there, they had to lit with their torches. At this time, I don't know, I was having one of the best Puja we had. I really got completely detached, absolutely in meditation, and everybody opened their heart. They came to the airport and brought all these flowers, and everything for me, so many things for me. So many of them. There were 760 people for the Puja. It should happen to Japan also. It will. When I started in Australia there were only 2 persons. Because despite all your progress and everything, I find Japanese are very disturbed within. They are very unhappy people. So it is a very difficult situation. But they have no way out, it takes them to drug also. The way we should understand Japan is very important from Sahaja Yoga point of view. But this materialism really dries them out. They should understand the value of love. And also power of love. This programme is so that we could have had a programme tomorrow. I am telling him what was the reason we had four days there in Hong Kong. They are more oriented towards this. In Hong Kong I know we are many I must say, unless I have done a great job. There are so many sahaja yogis there. Also here there will be, no doubt. There are extremist also: work work work like their family. To them nothing but just working out, all the time. Their balance is not mantained, they are very disturbed I should say. Because matter cannot give joy. Today we want to buy something, then we want to buy something else. Never satisfied with matter. That's why. There's no satisfaction. But you have here Zen system, which was very strong I must stay. Zen means meditation yang. Zen means meditation. Then I was surprised there were realised souls till the sixtheenth century. But they started the zen system, I think 600 years old. But only up to the sixteenth century they had one zen in a million. They were called as Kassyapas, Kassya. In india there was one Kassya. He said he was Kassya. And there were many realized souls in those saints, who were not ascetic, were not belonging to any particular cast or community. So they were called as Kassyapa, there is a nice story about it, how it started. So this saint, the son of Kassyaba was Kassya. And he said, all of those people who have had no (don't understand) and who might be doing the parents, all sorts of children are Kassyapas, they will be called as Kassyapas, because they are realized souls. So the same system the Zen brought it. Actually we did realize the one who brought it, Ditama. He was a disciple of Buddha. But I think in the purest form he brought here Zen. He was the real disciple of Buddha. Others, with Maya and all that, they started all kind of ritualism, but it is him who brought it. But even before Buddha we had a tradition of the Mother Earth. I do not know how far the Japanese accepted it, but in the eastern China and other places they worshipped Mother Earth. This comes from ancient times. And then this Buddha came in, but Zen was the same of Buddha thought of it. Very close to that. Then we had in China Tao. Tao means actually Kundalini. And it compared the Kundalini with the Yangtze river. I mentioned to my husband that ever, because he was shipping there and said that this is the most difficult river which one has to cross. They don't understand english? Buddha does not understand. They don't understand at all? Then tell them about it. Ditama, that started Zen. Sahaja Yoga is the same as Zen, because it has the principle of zen. Then there were so many thnkgs things which changed one by one. Why don't you tape it? Are you taping what I say? Now this zen system started first with the idea of detachment from taste as one, so they used to have tea ceremony and they would make the tea from the bitterest taste, put it in a bowl and that was offered. Very bitter. And after that it was offered a sweet, very sweet. Sweeter than the power of 108. So from one extreme to another extreme. And the tea ceremony they would have in very natural surrounding. And the cup they would use would be a freak you see, like a natural container. So they were supposed to see the bowl of that cup withouth thinking. And move the bowl three times withouth thinking. So to create thoughtless awareness. And also they would use very old trees, put them in the water, take out their natural shapes and put them around. I mean, it was something to give the nature's work. Like a tree, you see like a stone which is very beatifully made by God, or even withouth God it was something made on a subtle line, like Buddha was. But whatever is made by nature, the beauty of the nature they would like to appreciate and show. They would take a tree which is very old, put it in the water and put some creeper on the top of that, and show the beauty of the all tree. Then the other thing they have is to make a garden of stones. Put different types of shapes of stones in a terrier, 7-5 hundred feet. Then cover the all thing with sand. So the whole thing was sand and sandy stones with different shape, use and different natural reflection. And the sand they would use a sort of a fork to make a kind of a design. So the idea was to sit outside that area and watch the all thing withouth thinking. And, when you see that you should not react, just watch it. But what people used to do is to come there and say:” this is like an ocean, these are maybe rocks and maybe ships”. I mean, the reaction of the mind. So the fundamental point that you should be thoughtless aware was lost. And if you read the zen poetry you understand very simple words but very deep meaning. One of the books I've written about the leaders and Sahaja Yoga, is that I used the zen philosophy. There were 9 volumens of zen which I had to (don't understand). But nobody understands zen because it is to become thoughlessly aware. But such a great philosophy was lost. We had in India the head of the Zen here, about 20 years back when he came to India. He was very sick in the hotel, and none of the doctors could say what was wrong with him. So they send for me, to cure him. He was just possessed so I could cure him. But I asked him: are you a realized soul? Are you kassyapa? He said: “no I am not.” He told me there have been only so far 16 kassyapas in the history of zen, and we are none after the 16th , none. So I said: “if you are not a kassyapa how can you become the head of zen sytem?” He said “what to do, they had no kassyapa, somebody has to become.” So you had a very old traditional thing of kassyapa you see, and also of zen. So this country has that foundamental. And they begin with the center chakra, and used to thrust with the ebony rod. I think ebony it feels like an electrical thing. That may be the reason they use ebony for touching the chakras. You had other religions which were not so deep like zen. Only things were Buddha and Mahavira were deities at the time. They were born at the same time. And they believed in penance, tapassya. To get detachment to the ascetic. But they failed in a way that people could take to that kind of life, or maybe the reaction is materialism. Also the drama that you call No, is also the expression of the same. Also your name has lot of sanskrit in it. Like (not understand), wisdom and giver of success. So many names I know have sanskrit in it. I do not know if Ditama was an Indian or Japanese. But he came to Japan, whatever it is. Because so many names here also are just like the indian names. But the zen also following zen religion do not understand. Have you read that book which I written about polarity? About sahaja yogis and leaders, very small little book. That is, it is more on the zen system. He talked of polarity and how to keep in the centre. Because if you do not keep in the center then you cannot have peace of mind, you cannot have harmony. But already I must say Japan is blessed. Also China has this Tao. And some japanese used to follow Tao. Now they believe in Confucius. In Buddha and Mahavira did not believed, I mean they believed but did not say that there is God. They called Nihil Shurva because there is no God. Because they thought if they started talking about God people suddendly became sort of superficial. They believed in God, this God, that God and all kind of problems. Because they don't know what God is. So now you see the (quarrell started-not sure), anything that an incarnation did was to correct the (quarrell started-not sure). Why God, so so many gurus went forward. So they became fanatic. Also in Sahaja Yoga, some sahaja yogis became fanatic about it. How can you became fanatic in Sahaja Yoga? If I say something they will go to the other extreme. So this is the dilemma of the human beings today, not easy to deal with that. But Shri Rama tells you that Sahaja Yoga is growing very fast, everywhere. Will be soon entering into main China. Because of their prime minister, I even went to his palace with my husband in China, three times. And he was very much interested in yoga and all that. I did not say anything to him but he was very impressed by my personality. We had a group photograph, my husband is standing there and the prime minister there next to him and they are all standing through there. So the Sahaja Yogis have enlarged that photograph, they are always concerned about every country is not getting Sahaja Yoga yet. And when this summer this prime minister went to Austria in Vienna for some conference, so sahaja yogis took this photograph photograph and showed him. And he remembered me. Then he asked: how do you know her, how do you have the photograph? So they told she is our spiritual guru, she is this and that. He was very much impressed. So he said all right, my cultural attachee will come and see because she is not here. Cultural attachee. When I was there this cultural attachee was very anxious to meet me. The cultural attachee is part of the embassy. He came to see me and I told him about Sahaja Yoga. He was very humble. He said:” I am so honoured”. He sat on the ground, said “very honoured to meet you” and all that. And I also told him about Tao, that is very much followed in China. And I gave him realization. And he asked me “is this the great wealth of spirituality which you have in India?” The treasure of spirituality you should have in your country, and he did think about it. And he said more our children, my young sons we find are studying Tao. Not our generation, but this new generation. Especially after all the problem they have had, the young people. So I said I am willing to come to China if (cannot understand) can invite me there officially. And he came to me again, and he told me that this old man is still there and it is very difficult to do anything with him, and he is an hater of India somehow. So you should wait till he dies. But I am sure Sahaja Yoga will enter there very fast. We have already a center. Many people have gone in Hong Kong and started a center there. Also in Russia, because it was communist. You see we are democratic countires here. In Russia we have thousands and thousands of Sahaja Yogis. Like there is a joke that one sahaja yogi from Togliatti went to lots of sahaja yogis to ask how many sahaja yogis do you have there in America. About three years back, in America. So they said they have 56. So he said:” oh my God, 56 thousand? We have only 22 thousand in Togliatti.” In America they are so stupid, idiots. You see, everybody can be fooled by some sort of tricks. Recently there was a fellow who showed how you can control the mind of others. And how you can make somebody move the pendulum. He used to call soebody from the audience and say: “I control his mind “. then he moved the pendulum and the fellow might move the pendulum. And so many people gave so much money to him, they stopped their children from going to school, they sold their houses, Deepak Chopra was his name. I mean in Washington they came and told me that they have given everything to this man. And I said: what is the goal in your life, to move a pendulum? Why did you give him so much money, why did you do all that? They said they were impressed. They are idiots you know, idiots. They do such idiotic things that none of the eastern people can even think of. All of them, but now they are facing their own limits. But they don't have any background, and you have, isn't it. I think you do a lot here. Like this painting, it is very impressive, very good. I have this photograph in the house, which I saw for the first time, and I said what nice photograph you have here. This was when I was in the early years of (don't understand) at the time. But when the photograph came in the clouds, it had also the same. Yogi: I took one more in India, in Jaipur Puja, there was a white thing going from your feet to the sky. Shri Mataji: really, you have not sent it to anyone? Yogi: not yet. Shri Mataji: you should give me now There are so many like that. Like in Brisbane. We were there in Brisbane and we had one photograph at the Ashram there. And then the rainbow appeared. And one sahaja yogini took the photograph, and there is a photograph of the rainbow. I enjoy always the painting with mother and child. It is there, and in the real paniting there is no auror around the mother, but in this was there, in the sky, exactly. And once it was in the rainbow, my all face, absolutely took all the rainbow colours. Recently, there was a gentleman in Jaipur who took my photo in Jaipur. You can hardly see me, nothing but vibrations, you could hardly see. So many photographs, all of them. Very interesting. Does printing cost too much here, from the computer? Not so much. Yogi: I made a film, I went to a print shop and made a film. I got the film and the shop gave me 2000 of these, then they print. So it is cheap. Shri Mataji: what do you have here? Yogi: that is Socrates, that is Lao Tze, that is and all the 10 gurus: Confucious, Moses, Guru Nanak, Zoroaster, Sai Baba of Shirdi. Shri Mataji: this is the one which is the Agnya, actually. Is this Lao Tze? Yogi: this is the symbol of Lao Tze. Shri Mataji: that is the angya there. That is how the brain is, if you cut it. It shows the baloons. Yogi: this is also about Confucius. And he has written: meditation, peace an joy. Shri Mataji: very nice, they won't be frightened with this? Yogi: in Japan no problem, they use it, everyone. So here it is written where your own Motherly eyes: shri Mataji (don't understand). And here is present past and future. Here is the collective unconscious. There are 3 states. Supraconscious... Shri Mataji: This is the fourth, Turiya. The fourth state, the absolute silence. Yogi: extreme ego and superego is supra conscious and subconscious.(don't understand) Here earth, fire, water, air, ether lights and all the elements. Shri Mataji: so knowledge given for free. I have now to get ready. I am sorry that my stay was so short, may God bless you. (don't understand) very old one my which husband bought it, I don't know why he bought it. Just because people say too much buy one for us. They say you have your fancy dress. So I say: very well go for fancy dress. I kept it. But now this is such a beatiful, very beautiful. In Japan how do you make such nice beautiful silk? But you can't get it here, better in Malaysia, Malaysia is very cheap. You get Japanese silk very cheaply. I have bought it there and then you make sari out of that, very good sari, pure silk beautiful. Do you have here a farm for silk? Yogi: I am not quite sure. Shri Mataji: no, there must be. Because very beautiful silk comes from there. But outside, not here. Here if you buy anything better to buy in Hong Kong or Malaysia. Especially Malaysia. All right? Yogi: Shri Mataji, this is a capo, a new capo, japanese capo. This is (don't understand) Shri Mataji: so are you happy? Yogini: yes very much. Yogi: every one that marries from Japan is very happy. Shri Mataji: I know. (don't understand) Yogi: Kazukoe is the sister of Yasuko, she married Maurizio. She is very happy. Shri Mataji: Wonderful person Maurizio, he is a gem. Yogi: And Chieko, the first one, she is pregnant. Shri Mataji: that is one thing about Cabella. If you come and stay in Cabella. Those who have had no children for 14 years, get it. There is something of Cabella I think. Yogi: He is going soon, next week to Cabella. Shri Mataji: He is watching me all the time. Yogi: he prays every morning for you in a funny language. Shri Mataji: bija mantras.b(don't understand) Have you seen his Ditama statue? The have here what they call it...Buddha statue... Yogi: yes it is in Kamakura. It is a big Budha. And last year some bad people spraied it with swastika from Hitler. Shri Mataji: on Buddha? It is the same, there is no difference. They can't understand. I have seen much more of Japan than you might have seen. Because we went round the all of Japan like a (don't understand). On the north side, absolutely on the north. Very interesting that people. Kobe and all that we saw of course, going down this way. Then we went round and completed that circle of a road by Shikamashi. That is how I know also the inside. And we came at the time when this old tradition were there. Ladies used to wear kimono and all that was still there. Also they took us to the geisha house. It was very interesting because we did not know anything about this country. Yogi: Mother, in that statue of Buddha, Buddha is standing like that. In meditation like that. Shri Mataji: that means he is one with inside completely, all the centers. Buddha is in various phases: like he is very joyous person, Buddha with children,very fat. Also with children all around his body.That's the sign you see a man, because Buddha is in charge of our ego. And a man with the ego, to conquer the ego: always smiling, laughing, playing with children and flowers. So he is showing that in many ways, Buddha. He is also our(don't understand). I think it is all into each other now, they are not separated all the centers. Different poses are there. Not only that, so many poses of Buddha. You know the greeks when they came to India they wanted to make him to look like a greek god. In India you must go and see the museum: Buddha has got moustches, shoes and he is dressing like a greek god, you see the dress which is pinned up here. So he is called like Gandarva Shairi. Gandarva means like a musician. Which is a description of Greece. They were musicians in Greece, artist in Greece. So the effect of their art has come in India very much. But Buddha-Rama were thrown away in the sixth century in India because of its ascetic strictness. But then some of them became tantrica, in Tibet we have tantrica, even in Nepal we have tantrica buddist. It's all been wasted I think.
1995-0301 Arrival and Talk, Hotel Chinzanso, Tokyo In Australia we did Shiva Puja, and this is the result of that, I'm here. It was in a forest, absolutely dark forest, and there was very little light over there, they had to lit with their torches. At this time, I don't know, I was having one of the best Puja we had. I really got completely detached, absolutely in meditation, and everybody opened their heart. They came to the airport and brought all these flowers, and everything for me, so many things for me. So many of them. There were 760 people for the Puja. It should happen to Japan also. It will. When I started in Australia there were only 2 persons. Because despite all your progress and everything, I find Japanese are very disturbed within. They are very unhappy people. So it is a very difficult situation. But they have no way out, it takes them to drug also. The way we should understand Japan is very important from Sahaja Yoga point of view. But this materialism really dries them out. They should understand the value of love. And also power of love. This programme is so that we could have had a programme tomorrow. I am telling him what was the reason we had four days there in Hong Kong. They are more oriented towards this. In Hong Kong I know we are many I must say, unless I have done a great job. There are so many sahaja yogis there. Also here there will be, no doubt. There are extremist also: work work work like their family. To them nothing but just working out, all the time. Their balance is not mantained, they are very disturbed I should say. Because matter cannot give joy. Today we want to buy something, then we want to buy something else. Never satisfied with matter. That's why. There's no satisfaction. But you have here Zen system, which was very strong I must stay. Zen means meditation yang. Zen means meditation. Then I was surprised there were realised souls till the sixtheenth century. But they started the zen system, I think 600 years old. But only up to the sixteenth century they had one zen in a million. They were called as Kassyapas, Kassya. In india there was one Kassya. He said he was Kassya. And there were many realized souls in those saints, who were not ascetic, were not belonging to any particular cast or community. So they were called as Kassyapa, there is a nice story about it, how it started. So this saint, the son of Kassyaba was Kassya. And he said, all of those people who have had no (don't understand) and who might be doing the parents, all sorts of children are Kassyapas, they will be called as Kassyapas, because they are realized souls. So the same system the Zen brought it. Actually we did realize the one who brought it, Ditama. He was a disciple of Buddha. But I think in the purest form he brought here Zen. He was the real disciple of Buddha. Others, with Maya and all that, they started all kind of ritualism, but it is him who brought it. But even before Buddha we had a tradition of the Mother Earth. I do not know how far the Japanese accepted it, but in the eastern China and other places they worshipped Mother Earth. This comes from ancient times. And then this Buddha came in, but Zen was the same of Buddha thought of it. Very close to that. Then we had in China Tao. Tao means actually Kundalini. And it compared the Kundalini with the Yangtze river. I mentioned to my husband that ever, because he was shipping there and said that this is the most difficult river which one has to cross. They don't understand english? Buddha does not understand. They don't understand at all? Then tell them about it. Ditama, that started Zen. Sahaja Yoga is the same as Zen, because it has the principle of zen. Then there were so many thnkgs things which changed one by one. Why don't you tape it? Are you taping what I say? Now this zen system started first with the idea of detachment from taste as one, so they used to have tea ceremony and they would make the tea from the bitterest taste, put it in a bowl and that was offered. Very bitter. And after that it was offered a sweet, very sweet. Sweeter than the power of 108. So from one extreme to another extreme. And the tea ceremony they would have in very natural surrounding. And the cup they would use would be a freak you see, like a natural container. So they were supposed to see the bowl of that cup withouth thinking. And move the bowl three times withouth thinking. So to create thoughtless awareness. And also they would use very old trees, put them in the water, take out their natural shapes and put them around. I mean, it was something to give the nature's work. Like a tree, you see like a stone which is very beatifully made by God, or even withouth God it was something made on a subtle line, like Buddha was. But whatever is made by nature, the beauty of the nature they would like to appreciate and show. They would take a tree which is very old, put it in the water and put some creeper on the top of that, and show the beauty of the all tree. Then the other thing they have is to make a garden of stones. Put different types of shapes of stones in a terrier, 7-5 hundred feet. Then cover the all thing with sand. So the whole thing was sand and sandy stones with different shape, use and different natural reflection. And the sand they would use a sort of a fork to make a kind of a design. So the idea was to sit outside that area and watch the all thing withouth thinking. And, when you see that you should not react, just watch it. But what people used to do is to come there and say:” this is like an ocean, these are maybe rocks and maybe ships”. I mean, the reaction of the mind. So the fundamental point that you should be thoughtless aware was lost. And if you read the zen poetry you understand very simple words but very deep meaning. One of the books I've written about the leaders and Sahaja Yoga, is that I used the zen philosophy. There were 9 volumens of zen which I had to (don't understand). But nobody understands zen because it is to become thoughlessly aware. But such a great philosophy was lost. We had in India the head of the Zen here, about 20 years back when he came to India. He was very sick in the hotel, and none of the doctors could say what was wrong with him. So they send for me, to cure him. He was just possessed so I could cure him. But I asked him: are you a realized soul? Are you kassyapa? He said: “no I am not.” He told me there have been only so far 16 kassyapas in the history of zen, and we are none after the 16th , none. So I said: “if you are not a kassyapa how can you become the head of zen sytem?” He said “what to do, they had no kassyapa, somebody has to become.” So you had a very old traditional thing of kassyapa you see, and also of zen. So this country has that foundamental. And they begin with the center chakra, and used to thrust with the ebony rod. I think ebony it feels like an electrical thing. That may be the reason they use ebony for touching the chakras. You had other religions which were not so deep like zen. Only things were Buddha and Mahavira were deities at the time. They were born at the same time. And they believed in penance, tapassya. To get detachment to the ascetic. But they failed in a way that people could take to that kind of life, or maybe the reaction is materialism. Also the drama that you call No, is also the expression of the same. Also your name has lot of sanskrit in it. Like (not understand), wisdom and giver of success. So many names I know have sanskrit in it. I do not know if Ditama was an Indian or Japanese. But he came to Japan, whatever it is. Because so many names here also are just like the indian names. But the zen also following zen religion do not understand. Have you read that book which I written about polarity? About sahaja yogis and leaders, very small little book. That is, it is more on the zen system. He talked of polarity and how to keep in the centre. Because if you do not keep in the center then you cannot have peace of mind, you cannot have harmony. But already I must say Japan is blessed. Also China has this Tao. And some japanese used to follow Tao. Now they believe in Confucius. In Buddha and Mahavira did not believed, I mean they believed but did not say that there is God. They called Nihil Shurva because there is no God. Because they thought if they started talking about God people suddendly became sort of superficial. They believed in God, this God, that God and all kind of problems. Because they don't know what God is. So now you see the (quarrell started-not sure), anything that an incarnation did was to correct the (quarrell started-not sure). Why God, so so many gurus went forward. So they became fanatic. Also in Sahaja Yoga, some sahaja yogis became fanatic about it. How can you became fanatic in Sahaja Yoga? If I say something they will go to the other extreme. So this is the dilemma of the human beings today, not easy to deal with that. But Shri Rama tells you that Sahaja Yoga is growing very fast, everywhere. Will be soon entering into main China. Because of their prime minister, I even went to his palace with my husband in China, three times. And he was very much interested in yoga and all that. I did not say anything to him but he was very impressed by my personality. We had a group photograph, my husband is standing there and the prime minister there next to him and they are all standing through there. So the Sahaja Yogis have enlarged that photograph, they are always concerned about every country is not getting Sahaja Yoga yet. And when this summer this prime minister went to Austria in Vienna for some conference, so sahaja yogis took this photograph photograph and showed him. And he remembered me. Then he asked: how do you know her, how do you have the photograph? So they told she is our spiritual guru, she is this and that. He was very much impressed. So he said all right, my cultural attachee will come and see because she is not here. Cultural attachee. When I was there this cultural attachee was very anxious to meet me. The cultural attachee is part of the embassy. He came to see me and I told him about Sahaja Yoga. He was very humble. He said:” I am so honoured”. He sat on the ground, said “very honoured to meet you” and all that. And I also told him about Tao, that is very much followed in China. And I gave him realization. And he asked me “is this the great wealth of spirituality which you have in India?” The treasure of spirituality you should have in your country, and he did think about it. And he said more our children, my young sons we find are studying Tao. Not our generation, but this new generation. Especially after all the problem they have had, the young people. So I said I am willing to come to China if (cannot understand) can invite me there officially. And he came to me again, and he told me that this old man is still there and it is very difficult to do anything with him, and he is an hater of India somehow. So you should wait till he dies. But I am sure Sahaja Yoga will enter there very fast. We have already a center. Many people have gone in Hong Kong and started a center there. Also in Russia, because it was communist. You see we are democratic countires here. In Russia we have thousands and thousands of Sahaja Yogis. Like there is a joke that one sahaja yogi from Togliatti went to lots of sahaja yogis to ask how many sahaja yogis do you have there in America. About three years back, in America. So they said they have 56. So he said:” oh my God, 56 thousand? We have only 22 thousand in Togliatti.” In America they are so stupid, idiots. You see, everybody can be fooled by some sort of tricks. Recently there was a fellow who showed how you can control the mind of others. And how you can make somebody move the pendulum. He used to call soebody from the audience and say: “I control his mind “. then he moved the pendulum and the fellow might move the pendulum. And so many people gave so much money to him, they stopped their children from going to school, they sold their houses, Deepak Chopra was his name. I mean in Washington they came and told me that they have given everything to this man. And I said: what is the goal in your life, to move a pendulum? Why did you give him so much money, why did you do all that? They said they were impressed. They are idiots you know, idiots. They do such idiotic things that none of the eastern people can even think of. All of them, but now they are facing their own limits. But they don't have any background, and you have, isn't it. I think you do a lot here. Like this painting, it is very impressive, very good. I have this photograph in the house, which I saw for the first time, and I said what nice photograph you have here. This was when I was in the early years of (don't understand) at the time. But when the photograph came in the clouds, it had also the same. Yogi: I took one more in India, in Jaipur Puja, there was a white thing going from your feet to the sky. Shri Mataji: really, you have not sent it to anyone? Yogi: not yet. Shri Mataji: you should give me now There are so many like that. Like in Brisbane. We were there in Brisbane and we had one photograph at the Ashram there. And then the rainbow appeared. And one sahaja yogini took the photograph, and there is a photograph of the rainbow. I enjoy always the painting with mother and child. It is there, and in the real paniting there is no auror around the mother, but in this was there, in the sky, exactly. And once it was in the rainbow, my all face, absolutely took all the rainbow colours. Recently, there was a gentleman in Jaipur who took my photo in Jaipur. You can hardly see me, nothing but vibrations, you could hardly see. So many photographs, all of them. Very interesting. Does printing cost too much here, from the computer? Not so much. Yogi: I made a film, I went to a print shop and made a film. I got the film and the shop gave me 2000 of these, then they print. So it is cheap. Shri Mataji: what do you have here? Yogi: that is Socrates, that is Lao Tze, that is and all the 10 gurus: Confucious, Moses, Guru Nanak, Zoroaster, Sai Baba of Shirdi. Shri Mataji: this is the one which is the Agnya, actually. Is this Lao Tze? Yogi: this is the symbol of Lao Tze. Shri Mataji: that is the angya there. That is how the brain is, if you cut it. It shows the baloons. Yogi: this is also about Confucius. And he has written: meditation, peace an joy. Shri Mataji: very nice, they won't be frightened with this? Yogi: in Japan no problem, they use it, everyone. So here it is written where your own Motherly eyes: shri Mataji (don't understand). And here is present past and future. Here is the collective unconscious. There are 3 states. Supraconscious... Shri Mataji: This is the fourth, Turiya. The fourth state, the absolute silence. Yogi: extreme ego and superego is supra conscious and subconscious.(don't understand) Here earth, fire, water, air, ether lights and all the elements. Shri Mataji: so knowledge given for free. I have now to get ready. I am sorry that my stay was so short, may God bless you. (don't understand) very old one my which husband bought it, I don't know why he bought it. Just because people say too much buy one for us. They say you have your fancy dress. So I say: very well go for fancy dress. I kept it. But now this is such a beatiful, very beautiful. In Japan how do you make such nice beautiful silk? But you can't get it here, better in Malaysia, Malaysia is very cheap. You get Japanese silk very cheaply. I have bought it there and then you make sari out of that, very good sari, pure silk beautiful. Do you have here a farm for silk? Yogi: I am not quite sure. Shri Mataji: no, there must be. Because very beautiful silk comes from there. But outside, not here. Here if you buy anything better to buy in Hong Kong or Malaysia. Especially Malaysia. All right? Yogi: Shri Mataji, this is a capo, a new capo, japanese capo. This is (don't understand) Shri Mataji: so are you happy? Yogini: yes very much. Yogi: every one that marries from Japan is very happy. Shri Mataji: I know. (don't understand) Yogi: Kazukoe is the sister of Yasuko, she married Maurizio. She is very happy. Shri Mataji: Wonderful person Maurizio, he is a gem. Yogi: And Chieko, the first one, she is pregnant. Shri Mataji: that is one thing about Cabella. If you come and stay in Cabella. Those who have had no children for 14 years, get it. There is something of Cabella I think. Yogi: He is going soon, next week to Cabella. Shri Mataji: He is watching me all the time. Yogi: he prays every morning for you in a funny language. Shri Mataji: bija mantras.b(don't understand) Have you seen his Ditama statue? The have here what they call it...Buddha statue... Yogi: yes it is in Kamakura. It is a big Budha. And last year some bad people spraied it with swastika from Hitler. Shri Mataji: on Buddha? It is the same, there is no difference. They can't understand. I have seen much more of Japan than you might have seen. Because we went round the all of Japan like a (don't understand). On the north side, absolutely on the north. Very interesting that people. Kobe and all that we saw of course, going down this way. Then we went round and completed that circle of a road by Shikamashi. That is how I know also the inside. And we came at the time when this old tradition were there. Ladies used to wear kimono and all that was still there. Also they took us to the geisha house. It was very interesting because we did not know anything about this country. Yogi: Mother, in that statue of Buddha, Buddha is standing like that. In meditation like that. Shri Mataji: that means he is one with inside completely, all the centers. Buddha is in various phases: like he is very joyous person, Buddha with children,very fat. Also with children all around his body.That's the sign you see a man, because Buddha is in charge of our ego. And a man with the ego, to conquer the ego: always smiling, laughing, playing with children and flowers. So he is showing that in many ways, Buddha. He is also our(don't understand). I think it is all into each other now, they are not separated all the centers. Different poses are there. Not only that, so many poses of Buddha. You know the greeks when they came to India they wanted to make him to look like a greek god. In India you must go and see the museum: Buddha has got moustches, shoes and he is dressing like a greek god, you see the dress which is pinned up here. So he is called like Gandarva Shairi. Gandarva means like a musician. Which is a description of Greece. They were musicians in Greece, artist in Greece. So the effect of their art has come in India very much. But Buddha-Rama were thrown away in the sixth century in India because of its ascetic strictness. But then some of them became tantrica, in Tibet we have tantrica, even in Nepal we have tantrica buddist. It's all been wasted I think.
Public Program
Public Program
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Hong Kong
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk to yogis Hong Kong 02-03-1995 And when we reached there it was all covered with ice. It was about 14-15 hours altogether and that is the same day we had program - same day in the evening, it was a bit too much. I think, next time you should see that the day I arrive, there should be no program - until next day I can rest. Aapko aur bhi kisi cheez ke liye yaad kiya tha bahut - Ji haan - Woh jo aapko case batayi thi na - Ji, ji - Aayiye Hum bata dein - Woh log Madras pahunch gaye hain - Achcha wahan kuch zameen khareed li hai aur wahan ye laundering ka kaam karne waale hain aur Sahaja Yog ke naam se. Aur kise, aap wahan kisi to aap kehelwa hi dijiye - Ji haan - Aur waise Hum unko Home Ministry mein kehla dein kyonki; Hum jaante hain Dhule sahab jo hain wahan - par aap agar keh dein to bahut hi achcha hoga. - Mein kehlata huun Unka pata bhi hai aur woh sab wahan aane waale hain; Usmein se ek Pakistani - Achcha. Kisse yeh pata kiya? - Hmm? - Kisse yeh pata chala? - Main batata huun aapko Yeh inke paas se. Fauran wahan pata kijiye kyonki woh aa gaya - 28 tareek to aane waala tha woh Ravindra - Ji, woh jo woh wahan the Sarin? Sarin Sarin aur jo doosre yeh hain, husband wife hain hamare yahan - uska, kya naam uska? - Zafar, Dr. Zafar hain na - Nahin, Zafar to doosra hai Pakistani - Jesopi? - Aaya kya? - Jesopi, haan Jesopi. - Jesopi. Woh sab wahin aakar ke rehne waale hain Unhonne zamin le li hai aur wahan yeh dhanda karne waale hain. To waise bhi Jayakar ko bhi hum inform kar dete hain - Theek hai - aur aap bhi kar dijiye yahan matlab yeh ki un logon ne wakayi kuch aisa kamaal kiya, ki inka kuch ban nahin paaya. - Abhi bhi nahin ban payega - Haan, woh bhaag khade hue - Abhi bhi nahin hoga - Annh? Abhi bhi nahin hoga kisi ko keh diya to nahin hoga Haan, aur doosra yeh hua ki bada unhonne matlab wahan se phone kiye - Alka ko bataya ki Indian government pata nahin kya hai, humko to pehle itna promise kiya tha aur phir kya pata nahin ho gaya - aise, waise kaafi complaints Mera ek apne saath mein padhne ka, saath hi padha hua dost wahan par, IAS mein hai - Haan - Wahan par secretary hai Tamilnadu mein - Finance mein - haan, wahan Tamilnadu, Madras mein - Tamilnadu mein - wah, wah - Usko main phone kar deta huun - Usse bata dena. Kya naam hai? Rajeshwar Singh. Rajjeshwar Singh hai - hamare saath college mein padhta tha - Use hi bata dijiye [UNCLEAR] Usko bata deta huun, hum usko, theek kar deinge Woh kara lega kyonki yeh hai gadbad log bilkul. Dekhiye - Sahaja yog ke naam se shuru kar rahe - Nahin, main usko kara doonga. I There are so many dangers now in Sahaja yoga. Some of the Sahaja yogis think that they are now Maha-yogis and they start talking big about it - very big and - So, how are you? - Fine [UNCLEAR] and some of them are so stupid, I don't know what to say; One fellow started saying, "I am Adishakti, you see," so I said, "Alright, why not send some of My sarees - I've too many of them." [LAUGHTER] So, it's some sort of a, I don't know, possession or maybe - very idiotic and they're educated people and they talk like this. Suddenly, a new type of problems have started in Sahaja yoga, I don't know. It's a kind of a ambition, I think. I mean, in this gentleman, the one who said so, he is a PhD in Economics - what do you say to [UNCLEAR]. [UNCLEAR] - I don't know what's happening to Economics nowadays. It's quite a big problem. Now, there's a conference now, in Copenhagen, of all the Prime Ministers and all that. They want to find out the solution for all the problems we have. Now, they don't reach the point, that's the thing is they should know is the transformation of human-beings. You cannot have peace by talking, by having conferences and speeches - not that way. Transformation se hi hoga and this is the big problem; No body wants to see the point. All kinds of Prime Ministers are going to be there - having a nice conference. Kholiye. And how can they have peace? Also another thing which I'm doing now, is to write a book but they said that, "We'll use this book for the whole price." I just don't know what it is. But somebody has to say here what's happening. Now, if you say that the Western culture is very licentious, permissive very immoral and all that but the other side is, when you have this kind of a culture to oppose it, the fundamentalists - they are also equally immoral, they are also equally; They are suppressed people so like, at the time of Hitler same thing happened. Germany was full of, what you can say, corruption, immorality - everything. Horrible! Very decadent! So, he caught hold of young people, started telling them, "No, we must have a very moral life and very austere life," that example and then he made them fight. So they became enamored by that but while doing all that, they were all suppressed, so the violence started. That's what is happening with Islam One side they're getting destroyed because they are very indulgent second side is, they are so suppressed - they are indulgent also but also very violent, so how can you have peace? Only way, is to have Sahaja culture. That's the only way you can really come up to something - is to have Sahaja culture. In sahaja culture, you are neither oppressed, neither suppressed nor you are licentious - you are in the center. Then why will you fight? But who's going to tell him - who'll bell the cat - I don't know. So, I'm writing this book but C.P. said, "It's rather strong," I said, "Let it be. Somebody has to tell them na." But in no way I've been strong because I just get some, see anecdotes to show that. So this is this, this is this. So, he says, "Very unique style of writing which makes it very interesting." As long as it will go into the heads of people. So, this way or that way is just the same. I've to tell you, one's austerity and all that, doesn't help. Once I was going from Riyadh to London and the ladies came with their burkha and all that and men came, you see, very with this all on their head gear and all, with their - kya kehte hain jo pehente hain kapda usko, pathani log? - Pathani suit - Annh? - Thoga, thoga - thoga Haan, thog, thoga they call it. Full [UNCLEAR] from here to here - The robe - Annh? - Robe, Mother - Haan, poora robe - thog kehte usko and I went off to sleep and when I got up, I saw very dandy looking people with [UNCLEAR] bow ties and all that. I said, "Now, who are these people, they've come from?" Very fashionable and the ladies were in six inches skirts, you see. I said, "Now, from where have they come?" So I asked the air hostess, "Did we stop somewhere else?" She said, "No, we are directly flying." I said, "How these people have come?" Said, "They are the same." I said, "Really?" "They are the same." Now even before reaching London they were prepared for it. Aap Mahila pahunch gaye aur wahan se aaye hain, ab Mahila se? Kitni dur hai yahan se? - Do ghante ki flight hai. - Bas! - Ji haan. - Arre baba! - Phir wahan par aana. - Aayeinge to bilkul nahin. - Wahan Musalmanon ka raj hai? - Nahin, Shri Mataji. Bahut - Catholic hain - sab Christian. Catholic log Bahut zyada hain. Woh Spanish ne rule kiya tha to wahan par Catholic hain aur badi ajeeb si cheez hai ki, ek taraf to log haath mein apne Bible le ke padhte rehte hain, padhte rehte hain aur phir fauran bund karke, jo bhi chahein woh karne ko unko khuli choot hai sab ko, sabhi kuch kar sakte hain. To poora ek ajeeb sa samaj hai wahan par. Bilkul licentious - sab kuch khulam khulla choot hai ek tarah se aur doosri taraf sab log church jaate hain. They are all going to the church regularly - Aur culture yehi hai? - Culture is, they could be horrible - [UNCLEAR] America going tomorrow - Annh, they will go? They will go tomorrow and the slogan - wahan par ek mazak karte hain log idhar ki - slogan of the community is, people is, 'Americans go back and take us with you.' So [LAUGHTER]. So you - wahan par ek mazak hai aur bilkul usse - they're completely dominated aur wahan bilkul bhi American basis hai ek woh khatam ho gaye hain aur but Catholics hain aur woh kuch ajeeb tarah ka priests Abhi woh wahan woh nahi aaye evangelists, evangelist? - Abhi woh John Paul jo gire the wahan par - Haan, unke bahut aaye the - 16 January ko [UNCLEAR] - John Paul, what a man he is - really Ten million people came for the mass on the 15th of January or… 15th of January he was there. He's very strongly Catholic dominated - Conversion - Conversion nahin but a very bizarre sort of, very because it's Catholic on one side and then they have no morality, - no values, no [UNCLEAR] - Unka sab chaupat hai. See, they can't marry again - they can have keeps - Yes, most of them - Most of [UNCLEAR] - Shri Mataji, one a day kind of situation - Achcha! - Bilkul, ji haan. Everything is….. - There's a lot of - Must have been - [UNCLEAR] killers, no problem. They can have here as domestic servants [UNCLEAR] they work for families and they bring up the children in Hong Kong. - Woh to sab jaate hi hain - Wahan Sahaja chalega? - Ji haan. Abhi to log chahate honge - Annh? - Woh aayein hamare saath mein abhi - Woh to insaan hi hain - Sri Lanka ke hain, Shri Mataji - Annh? - Sri Lanka ke hain? Sri Lanka ke hain? Aaap bhi? - Ji. Jo wahan baithi hain - Achcha! Aap bhi Sri Lanka ke? - Ji. Hindi nahin bolni aa rahi - Achcha! - She's asking if you are from Sri Lanka? - Yes, we are - and this one - Annhh … - and we are now - We have one called Shri Vardhan Shri Vardhan. Shri Mataji where You remember Anuma? Anuma, who brought the first offering? - Achcha, woh hain wahan? - Sri Lankan. He remembers Shri Mataji - Achcha! Sahaj hai woh? Sahaj hain, Shri Mataji. Woh ekdam Sahaja yogini and she came to Mahila and talked to [UNCLEAR] to them and when I reached there we started meditating together, so now it's Sri Lanka mein to ho jayega par ye Catholic man to Use hona padega Mataji; Aap aayeingi to ho jayega - Haan to - Hum log intezaam kareinge kuch agle saal bhi Zaroor aayeinge [UNCLEAR] pata hai, ki agar aap Christians hain, to ek aankh - if one eye does anything wrong, you take it out. One hand does wrong, you cut your hand; I've not seen anybody without a hand or without the eyes. Mahila mein [UNCLEAR] koi bhi na bachega, sabhi log hain - Sabhi aise ho jayeinge? - Sab. Sirf kaale aur gore reh jayeinge wahan par Srivastava sahab keh rahe, humne to koi haath kata dekha nahin. This Pope himself is a horrid fellow. Aapka jo Bofors ka paisa launder hua hai woh Pope ke through. Woh jo hai na Bank of Ambrosia - Humko saara maloom hai par koi - use dhyan nahin de, Hum karein kya? - Koi maanega nahin - Woh dabaa diya hai - Now with Your blessings Shri Mataji - Hain? - Now with Your blessings we'll see the - Ab kuch inka unka bigad gaya hai maamla - Ji - Prime Minister sahab ka aur [UNCLEAR] ji ka - Achcha - Haan. Kaafi rishtedaari bigad gayi. - Achcha hi hai Hota hi hai. Falsehood mein yehi pehchaan hai. Jhagde ho jaate hain Ab to aur bhi zyada honge But somehow Sahaja is spreading slowly. I mean, I'm surprised that in Philippines there's somebody who's doing sahaja. - Shri Mataji, wahan khoob phail jaayega - Annh? - Wahan khoob fayl jaayega kyonki [UNCLEAR] - Log pareshaan hain? Pareshaan hain Shri Mataji aur yahan main kaam kar raha huun [UNCLEAR] mein, - bahut mulk ke log hain - Achcha! aur sab dhoond rahe, sab dhoond rahe. Bas ab Aapka ashirwad rahe ki - Aapne kaha to ekdam vibrations shuru ho gaye. - Yes, Shri Mataji, hoga. Par yeh aur chakkarbaazi na ho kahin ki - yeh bhi badi mushkil hai. Abhi Japan mein, last time those who came, were all guru shoppers so they got fed up with them, you see. such problems - this problem, that problem but this time they got better people ki who had done one of the gurus, is alright but if you are a guru shopper, - to to ho gaya hai kaam waam. [UNCLEAR] But they are seekers; These people, who came, are real seekers. Catholics, waise theek hai, par they get Left Vishuddhi very bad. - Very bad. Mahila, it's very bad. - Hmm? - Mahila, it's very bad. - In Spain also there is very great influence of Catholicism but Sahaja Yoga is working out. Portugal is something lost also because most of the Portuguese have now gone to Brazil but in Brazil we're doing very well, you see. The mayor of Brazil, he had came to the airport and brought a key for Me and he said, "Mother, this is the key of Brazilia, so please bless Brazilia and give us peace." So nice, really, I was so surprised and then he came to program, he got his realization. But recently I saw there is one, some - I forget the name - one of these - - kya kehte usko, log abhi [UNCLEAR] - Evangelist Haan, Evangelist - uss aadmi ka naam yaad nahin - one Evangelist and thousands stupidly are there and they are supposed to pay 10% of their salaries, all of them So now, government has an objection to that. Somebody came from America, this Evangelist. They are so funny. One day in Hawaii, we had finished the program and it's 12 0'clock, I said, "Let's see what's coming in the news or something." What we find, Evangelists. He had a hundred dollar note, you see. He was saying, "See, this if you give, then you get the real blessings." [UNCLEAR] LAUGHTER There were five of these - one lady had with her for her groceries and she gave it to us and can you imagine, the grocery arrived on her doorstep. They're so stupid, these Americans, they believe this and then they say the grocery started pouring from the roof - can you imagine? And very well sitting there - hmm, which as if they've lost. Even they mesmerize somebody - you cannot digest such a thing - isn't it? Such blatant thing they were talking and Dev Dumphy was there; looking as if he couldn't believe it. I said, "These are Americans , you know." Bade stupid log hain - Americans are very stupid. - Bahut bhole hain, Shri Mataji - Annh? - Bahut bhole hain. - Bhole nahin, bewakoof hain. - Bewakoof hain - Stupid, idiotic - [UNCLEAR] - They take to all idiotic things. Abhi woh aajlal, aapka Deepak Chopra, is making all the money. - Haanji, haanji, haanji. They have also, somehow or the other, managed, I think, the British government, who are going to give them a land for starting a University. British ki bhi khopdi kharaab ho gayi. University they have and they give some sort of fake degrees - nobody thinks much of it. - TM number 2, Shri Mataji - Annh? - TM number 2 - ATM - TM number 2. Inhonne bana li Geneva mein - Kahan? - Switzerland mein to hai hi - Switzerland mein hai? - Unki University hai pehle se - Kahe ki? - [UNCLEAR] ki - Achcha! University of Creative Intelligence - kya bol karke. Usmein ek degree dete hain - aur koi doosri yeh … - Woh koi maanta nahin lekin Nahin koi nahin maanta - kuch bhi nahin. NOIDA mein bhi bana rahe - What's that? - [UNCLEAR] So nice to draw this [UNCLEAR]; Bahut sunder hai [UNCLEAR] Similar ones we've done last year - Aa, ah! Yeh ek chaudah saal ke ladke ke the - Baap re! Very good! Bahut achcha hai. - You've done it? - I did the translation for the - Haan - poster. We had Mother a perfect desire to do that. - Same thing in tran .. - Same, the same So we just send, 'You cannot know the meaning of your life till you are connected to the part of the energy' - What is that? 'You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power of the energy.' It's Your words Shri Mataji. - No one is created. - Created [UNCLEAR] created - Until you are connected with the Whole, you can't - Connected [UNCLEAR CONVERSATION] - Nahin, created, created you - Created you, is it? - Origin of life is said - is it? - Created is not translated. They were created is not translated - No, that's what - Put the Origin of Life - Hmm, Origin - Yes, Mother Sometimes you have to use this scripted line, isn't it? That's the birthday [UNCLEAR] preparation. We've put also Chinese on the other side. - Haan… this is what is invitation - Invitation, yeah. and this one is? - This is celebration - the beginning of the program in the evening Very, very nice! Chinese have a real sense of art! This means the center? - Yes, the central channel. - Central channel. Same in Japanese? Yes, yes. In this they borrow our characters [LAUGHTER] - I hope, they cannot beat you. [LAUGHTER] - They copy [UNCLEAR] - Just see this, Shri Mataji, bulletin. So we kept the side frame [UNCLEAR] That's very good. Bahut achcha photo hai, dekhiye; Ek 14 saal ke ladke ne liya tha 6 photographs hain bahut advanced camare se, photo - Hai kya [UNCLEAR] - Annh? - Bilkul hain - Hanumanji hain? Bilkul hain. Thode se colors mein banaya hai - Yeh banaya hai? - Nahin, matlab photo hai, ye photograph - Bilkul - [UNCLEAR CONVERSATION] Hong Kong is being transformed through the persons, Shri Mataji - all other Hong Kong - This is from Angelina? - I think, this one was taken Mathew, Mathew [UNCLEAR] - Kaun hai? - [UNCLEAR] ka beta hai, - Annh? - Kohli sahab ka beta hai - Woh to pata hai Mujhe. - Usi ne kiya hai. This whole thing is done by you here? - Yes, [UNCLEAR] in Hong Kong - [UNCLEAR] - I know [UNCLEAR] So to pata hai Mujhe ladka. - [UNCLEAR] - Mathew ne photo bheja hai - inhone banaya hai Bahut achcha design kiya hai, Shri Mataji. Design bahut khoobsurat kiya hai. - Yeh log - Yahan pe ek yeh karke aur - Bahut achcha - Bahut achcha design kiya hai. Lag hi nahin raha hai - Haath idhar nikal raha hai, udhar - Yeh, yes, yes - beautiful! Graphic sense - The starting process [UNCLEAR] - Very nice! Very attractive! They stand out so as soon as you put the first lot, people come and look - Very attractive! - Very nice! So, so many people [UNCLEAR] saw the person - Can we have take one of both? - Yes - There're some Chinese people [UNCLEAR] - Very creative and just see this lotus also done so well! Everything very nice. - Every time something new. - [UNCLEAR] also transform Sahaja to [UNCLEAR] that will know us. Tremendous! I was telling him, "He's a very big find, Albert," because first time - when I came, nobody to speak Mandarin even - Hmm - such a problem! - Big problem Nobody to translate it - Mandarin. Then they said,"We no." They said, Cantonese they had some body but not Mandarin. They said, "No." - You must know Cantonese, I think, here. - Yes - You speak Cantonese? - Yes, we speak Cantonese. So, the Mandarin - there was some body with Mandarin but no Cantonese. - Sahaj - a big problem. - Yeah Cantonese eat lot of chillies. [LAUGHTER] I went to Canton and there are mountains of chillies, mountains of chillis and that food can be - food is very hot; Indians would love it. - Bahut hot hota hai. - Wahan Sahaja yogis, Shri Mataji - Annh? Wahan Sahaja yogis have given up all this. - Given up now. - Red chillies. - Ab mircha nahin khate? - Bilkul nahin. Padti nahin. Padti nahin, padti nahin, Shri Mataji; Ghar mein nahin hai. - Ekdam choot gaya kya mircha? - Bilkul choot gayi, Mataji. To phir khana mein mircha nahin aata hoga? Aata hai. - Aata hai Hum to khate hi nahin hai mircha bilkul bhi shuru se hi; Bahut kam par ab to bilkul hi nahin khate, bilkul nahin. Waise unhonne mujhe, Dilli mein, Cheen ka base diya hai kaam karne ke liye. - Annh? - Cheen ka kaam karne ko kaha hai. Cheen? Cheen pe kuch ho hi raha hai. China is, you see, what happened that, I went with CP to China and he's Le Ping, the one who is the, he is the Prime Minister. He got very much interested in Me, asking Me questions on, about spirituality and but I kept quiet because with CP I just don't say everything "Yes, yes," I said this, that and they took a photograph of the group, you see and he's also standing next to Me. Now this photograph was at last with Sahaja yogis and I didn't know they all had it. So once, this Le Ping, I think, last year he went to Vienna. So, the people from Vienna took that photograph and showed him, and "Ah, of course I remember Her very well, where is She this and…?" Then he asked, "How are you concerned, how do you have this photograph?" So they said, "She's our spiritual leader." So he was quite surprised, he was very much surprised. He said, "Really?" Then he said, "Of course, I asked Her but She never said anything to me but I will send My cultural Natashe [UNCLEAR] to see Her," because now he's going back. So the cultural Natashe came, very anxious, very respectful. These Chinese are very respectful people. Then he said that, "It's such a honor, Mother, to see You and this and that," so I gave him realization. He said, "Is this the," - khazaane ko kya kehte hain angrezi mein? - Treasure - Treasure - "Is this the treasure of Indian spirituality that we used to know in China, that India has treasure of Spirituality - is this the same?" I said, "Yes, this is the same." He was so impressed. Then he went to China, he talked to Li Ping and all that but this old man is still there, you see. So, he said, "Till he's there, it's rather difficult but once he's finished, then we can do something also in China." - About to go, about to go - About to go - woh mar hi nahin rahe hain - Woh bas - Mar gaya smajho Yesterday also he took out some sort of a communicate. - Ho hi jayega khatam - Zaroor ho jayega ussi time to baat kareinge Woh to bahut hi badhiya aadmi hai and I also told him, this gentleman, that, "Our C-in-C, Mr. Joshian, he's coming to China, so I hope Le Ping will give him all the due respect and all the due consideration because we don't want to have any more wars with China." So, he was telling Me, our C-in-C was saying that, "I had a red carpet [UNCLEAR]." They looked after him so well and everything was done so well. So, I felt that they are [UNCLEAR] active about it. I'll have to go and see him - let us see. Yeh mar hi nahin rahe hain - saal bhar ho gaya mar rahe hain. For one year he's dying - this Den Dias doesn't die. - [UNCLEAR] nothing but the stuffed door - That really I don't know, if he's really dead or not. - Nobody knows, nobody knows. - No one can say - Because they keep showing the footage of him in our old channel very much. [SHRI MATAJI LAUGHS] - [UNCLEAR] but he's keeping sick for years - For years But this is something surprising. One he did such a condition, till you step your at least one foot in the grave, they don't want to resign, I mean, just… - One and a half, Mother - Annh? - One and a half - [SHRI MATAJI LAUGHS] It's such a attachment! This time we had a very nice Shiv Puja, very nice for you - one of the best, I should say. I spoke for one hour only on one subject, detachment. I said, now next time I'll talk about other things - now detachment only. It was very nice Puja, very nice! As a result the whole of Japan was frozen. - Wow! - [SHRI MATAJI LAUGHS] - To abhi to raheinge aap? - Ji Mataji - Program ke lie aaye hain aap? - Ji Mataji - Abhi chal na sab jagah. - Annh? Taiwan wagairah aayega saath mein. - Chaleinge? - Ji haan - Chaliye - Ek hi hafte ki to baat hai. - Ab aaye hain to ghoom lijiye aap - Aur kya. - Yahan to abhi 6 tak to hain hi - Annh? - Yahan 6 tak to hai hiin. Program ke liye aaye hain - aur 5 Sunday tak hain - Aap ko dekh kar bade mann khush hota hai Ek to Mujhe iska laga hota hai na, ye jo kar rahe hain Madras mein - batayiye, sahaja yog ke naam se - Nahin isko, isko to dekh Aapki dosti hai to badi achchi baat hai. Phone number hai aapke paas? Hai Shri Mataji - yahan nahin hai, Mahila mein hai. Isko wahan ja kar poochna padega - Wahan se karte hain [UNCLEAR] - Bade dusht log hain - Ya to phir jinko pehle kaha tha Dilli mein - Haan - unko phir se phone karte hain aur… - Aur unko bhi keh do. Unko bhi kehte hain. Dono ko kehte hain - Phir Hum Jayakar se na kahein - don't need Zaroorat nahin hai - Jinse pehle kaha tha Dilli mein, wojo Enforcement mein hain - Sab chupke chupke kaam kiya - Woh Enforcement mein jo hain unko main bata doonga ki [UNCLEAR] purana jaante hain Finance mein hain to lucky mein hain, I mean, it is about Finance only. Ji haan, yeh ho jayega. Yeh IAS mein hain - ho jayega. Unke peeche lagna chahiye. Police lagani chahiye, pata karna chahiye kahan jaate hain, kisse milte hain. Par yahan to ho gaye - pakad mein aa gaye, bhaag gaye Yahan se bhaag gaye - wahan se bhi ho jayega, bilkul ho jayega. Unko jaana tha 18 ko, woh 13 hi ko bhaag gaye. - Ab, Shri Mataji, izaazat dein - Achcha theek hai - 12 bajne waale hain - Achcha - Jai Shri Mataji - Good night, good night. [ALL DO PRANAMS TO SHRI MATAJI] May God bless you! All of you. Theek hai Wow, very good, excellent. Alright, let's see. I hope the hall will be sufficient - I would like - They have a capacity of three thousand. Wow! [ALL LAUGH] Just to give a desire there, we have to have, desire for [UNCLEAR] I think, you know, it's more advertising that works, really. It's only advertising In, what they did, in Sydney, was nothing but advertising - that clicked. We've done a lot of magazine advertising, in the newspapers… - That's it! - we've done a lot. It's a very big force, these days - advertise We had a merely, a 4000 people in Mao, invitations to - Really! We're hoping so. I think, it's something [UNCLEAR] - Abhi kahan thehre aap log? - Shri Mataji, Aapke sadak ke paar ek hotel hai - Imperial hotel - Achcha - usmein thehre hain kaafi log - Ismein Hum hamesha to nahin [UNCLEAR] - Bahut khoobsurat hai - First time when I came, it got the first prize - Bahut achcha hai - Bahut, bahut khoobsurat, bahut hi khoobsurat hai Hum bas saamne hi to hain, Shri Mataji. Agar Aap [UNCLEAR] mein bhi chahein Din mein Hum kahin nahin ja rahe - Din mein aaoonga - aayiyega
Talk to yogis Hong Kong 02-03-1995 And when we reached there it was all covered with ice. It was about 14-15 hours altogether and that is the same day we had program - same day in the evening, it was a bit too much. I think, next time you should see that the day I arrive, there should be no program - until next day I can rest. Aapko aur bhi kisi cheez ke liye yaad kiya tha bahut - Ji haan - Woh jo aapko case batayi thi na - Ji, ji - Aayiye Hum bata dein - Woh log Madras pahunch gaye hain - Achcha wahan kuch zameen khareed li hai aur wahan ye laundering ka kaam karne waale hain aur Sahaja Yog ke naam se. Aur kise, aap wahan kisi to aap kehelwa hi dijiye - Ji haan - Aur waise Hum unko Home Ministry mein kehla dein kyonki; Hum jaante hain Dhule sahab jo hain wahan - par aap agar keh dein to bahut hi achcha hoga. - Mein kehlata huun Unka pata bhi hai aur woh sab wahan aane waale hain; Usmein se ek Pakistani - Achcha. Kisse yeh pata kiya? - Hmm? - Kisse yeh pata chala? - Main batata huun aapko Yeh inke paas se. Fauran wahan pata kijiye kyonki woh aa gaya - 28 tareek to aane waala tha woh Ravindra - Ji, woh jo woh wahan the Sarin? Sarin Sarin aur jo doosre yeh hain, husband wife hain hamare yahan - uska, kya naam uska? - Zafar, Dr. Zafar hain na - Nahin, Zafar to doosra hai Pakistani - Jesopi? - Aaya kya? - Jesopi, haan Jesopi. - Jesopi. Woh sab wahin aakar ke rehne waale hain Unhonne zamin le li hai aur wahan yeh dhanda karne waale hain. To waise bhi Jayakar ko bhi hum inform kar dete hain - Theek hai - aur aap bhi kar dijiye yahan matlab yeh ki un logon ne wakayi kuch aisa kamaal kiya, ki inka kuch ban nahin paaya. - Abhi bhi nahin ban payega - Haan, woh bhaag khade hue - Abhi bhi nahin hoga - Annh? Abhi bhi nahin hoga kisi ko keh diya to nahin hoga Haan, aur doosra yeh hua ki bada unhonne matlab wahan se phone kiye - Alka ko bataya ki Indian government pata nahin kya hai, humko to pehle itna promise kiya tha aur phir kya pata nahin ho gaya - aise, waise kaafi complaints Mera ek apne saath mein padhne ka, saath hi padha hua dost wahan par, IAS mein hai - Haan - Wahan par secretary hai Tamilnadu mein - Finance mein - haan, wahan Tamilnadu, Madras mein - Tamilnadu mein - wah, wah - Usko main phone kar deta huun - Usse bata dena. Kya naam hai? Rajeshwar Singh. Rajjeshwar Singh hai - hamare saath college mein padhta tha - Use hi bata dijiye [UNCLEAR] Usko bata deta huun, hum usko, theek kar deinge Woh kara lega kyonki yeh hai gadbad log bilkul. Dekhiye - Sahaja yog ke naam se shuru kar rahe - Nahin, main usko kara doonga. I There are so many dangers now in Sahaja yoga. Some of the Sahaja yogis think that they are now Maha-yogis and they start talking big about it - very big and - So, how are you? - Fine [UNCLEAR] and some of them are so stupid, I don't know what to say; One fellow started saying, "I am Adishakti, you see," so I said, "Alright, why not send some of My sarees - I've too many of them." [LAUGHTER] So, it's some sort of a, I don't know, possession or maybe - very idiotic and they're educated people and they talk like this. Suddenly, a new type of problems have started in Sahaja yoga, I don't know. It's a kind of a ambition, I think. I mean, in this gentleman, the one who said so, he is a PhD in Economics - what do you say to [UNCLEAR]. [UNCLEAR] - I don't know what's happening to Economics nowadays. It's quite a big problem. Now, there's a conference now, in Copenhagen, of all the Prime Ministers and all that. They want to find out the solution for all the problems we have. Now, they don't reach the point, that's the thing is they should know is the transformation of human-beings. You cannot have peace by talking, by having conferences and speeches - not that way. Transformation se hi hoga and this is the big problem; No body wants to see the point. All kinds of Prime Ministers are going to be there - having a nice conference. Kholiye. And how can they have peace? Also another thing which I'm doing now, is to write a book but they said that, "We'll use this book for the whole price." I just don't know what it is. But somebody has to say here what's happening. Now, if you say that the Western culture is very licentious, permissive very immoral and all that but the other side is, when you have this kind of a culture to oppose it, the fundamentalists - they are also equally immoral, they are also equally; They are suppressed people so like, at the time of Hitler same thing happened. Germany was full of, what you can say, corruption, immorality - everything. Horrible! Very decadent! So, he caught hold of young people, started telling them, "No, we must have a very moral life and very austere life," that example and then he made them fight. So they became enamored by that but while doing all that, they were all suppressed, so the violence started. That's what is happening with Islam One side they're getting destroyed because they are very indulgent second side is, they are so suppressed - they are indulgent also but also very violent, so how can you have peace? Only way, is to have Sahaja culture. That's the only way you can really come up to something - is to have Sahaja culture. In sahaja culture, you are neither oppressed, neither suppressed nor you are licentious - you are in the center. Then why will you fight? But who's going to tell him - who'll bell the cat - I don't know. So, I'm writing this book but C.P. said, "It's rather strong," I said, "Let it be. Somebody has to tell them na." But in no way I've been strong because I just get some, see anecdotes to show that. So this is this, this is this. So, he says, "Very unique style of writing which makes it very interesting." As long as it will go into the heads of people. So, this way or that way is just the same. I've to tell you, one's austerity and all that, doesn't help. Once I was going from Riyadh to London and the ladies came with their burkha and all that and men came, you see, very with this all on their head gear and all, with their - kya kehte hain jo pehente hain kapda usko, pathani log? - Pathani suit - Annh? - Thoga, thoga - thoga Haan, thog, thoga they call it. Full [UNCLEAR] from here to here - The robe - Annh? - Robe, Mother - Haan, poora robe - thog kehte usko and I went off to sleep and when I got up, I saw very dandy looking people with [UNCLEAR] bow ties and all that. I said, "Now, who are these people, they've come from?" Very fashionable and the ladies were in six inches skirts, you see. I said, "Now, from where have they come?" So I asked the air hostess, "Did we stop somewhere else?" She said, "No, we are directly flying." I said, "How these people have come?" Said, "They are the same." I said, "Really?" "They are the same." Now even before reaching London they were prepared for it. Aap Mahila pahunch gaye aur wahan se aaye hain, ab Mahila se? Kitni dur hai yahan se? - Do ghante ki flight hai. - Bas! - Ji haan. - Arre baba! - Phir wahan par aana. - Aayeinge to bilkul nahin. - Wahan Musalmanon ka raj hai? - Nahin, Shri Mataji. Bahut - Catholic hain - sab Christian. Catholic log Bahut zyada hain. Woh Spanish ne rule kiya tha to wahan par Catholic hain aur badi ajeeb si cheez hai ki, ek taraf to log haath mein apne Bible le ke padhte rehte hain, padhte rehte hain aur phir fauran bund karke, jo bhi chahein woh karne ko unko khuli choot hai sab ko, sabhi kuch kar sakte hain. To poora ek ajeeb sa samaj hai wahan par. Bilkul licentious - sab kuch khulam khulla choot hai ek tarah se aur doosri taraf sab log church jaate hain. They are all going to the church regularly - Aur culture yehi hai? - Culture is, they could be horrible - [UNCLEAR] America going tomorrow - Annh, they will go? They will go tomorrow and the slogan - wahan par ek mazak karte hain log idhar ki - slogan of the community is, people is, 'Americans go back and take us with you.' So [LAUGHTER]. So you - wahan par ek mazak hai aur bilkul usse - they're completely dominated aur wahan bilkul bhi American basis hai ek woh khatam ho gaye hain aur but Catholics hain aur woh kuch ajeeb tarah ka priests Abhi woh wahan woh nahi aaye evangelists, evangelist? - Abhi woh John Paul jo gire the wahan par - Haan, unke bahut aaye the - 16 January ko [UNCLEAR] - John Paul, what a man he is - really Ten million people came for the mass on the 15th of January or… 15th of January he was there. He's very strongly Catholic dominated - Conversion - Conversion nahin but a very bizarre sort of, very because it's Catholic on one side and then they have no morality, - no values, no [UNCLEAR] - Unka sab chaupat hai. See, they can't marry again - they can have keeps - Yes, most of them - Most of [UNCLEAR] - Shri Mataji, one a day kind of situation - Achcha! - Bilkul, ji haan. Everything is….. - There's a lot of - Must have been - [UNCLEAR] killers, no problem. They can have here as domestic servants [UNCLEAR] they work for families and they bring up the children in Hong Kong. - Woh to sab jaate hi hain - Wahan Sahaja chalega? - Ji haan. Abhi to log chahate honge - Annh? - Woh aayein hamare saath mein abhi - Woh to insaan hi hain - Sri Lanka ke hain, Shri Mataji - Annh? - Sri Lanka ke hain? Sri Lanka ke hain? Aaap bhi? - Ji. Jo wahan baithi hain - Achcha! Aap bhi Sri Lanka ke? - Ji. Hindi nahin bolni aa rahi - Achcha! - She's asking if you are from Sri Lanka? - Yes, we are - and this one - Annhh … - and we are now - We have one called Shri Vardhan Shri Vardhan. Shri Mataji where You remember Anuma? Anuma, who brought the first offering? - Achcha, woh hain wahan? - Sri Lankan. He remembers Shri Mataji - Achcha! Sahaj hai woh? Sahaj hain, Shri Mataji. Woh ekdam Sahaja yogini and she came to Mahila and talked to [UNCLEAR] to them and when I reached there we started meditating together, so now it's Sri Lanka mein to ho jayega par ye Catholic man to Use hona padega Mataji; Aap aayeingi to ho jayega - Haan to - Hum log intezaam kareinge kuch agle saal bhi Zaroor aayeinge [UNCLEAR] pata hai, ki agar aap Christians hain, to ek aankh - if one eye does anything wrong, you take it out. One hand does wrong, you cut your hand; I've not seen anybody without a hand or without the eyes. Mahila mein [UNCLEAR] koi bhi na bachega, sabhi log hain - Sabhi aise ho jayeinge? - Sab. Sirf kaale aur gore reh jayeinge wahan par Srivastava sahab keh rahe, humne to koi haath kata dekha nahin. This Pope himself is a horrid fellow. Aapka jo Bofors ka paisa launder hua hai woh Pope ke through. Woh jo hai na Bank of Ambrosia - Humko saara maloom hai par koi - use dhyan nahin de, Hum karein kya? - Koi maanega nahin - Woh dabaa diya hai - Now with Your blessings Shri Mataji - Hain? - Now with Your blessings we'll see the - Ab kuch inka unka bigad gaya hai maamla - Ji - Prime Minister sahab ka aur [UNCLEAR] ji ka - Achcha - Haan. Kaafi rishtedaari bigad gayi. - Achcha hi hai Hota hi hai. Falsehood mein yehi pehchaan hai. Jhagde ho jaate hain Ab to aur bhi zyada honge But somehow Sahaja is spreading slowly. I mean, I'm surprised that in Philippines there's somebody who's doing sahaja. - Shri Mataji, wahan khoob phail jaayega - Annh? - Wahan khoob fayl jaayega kyonki [UNCLEAR] - Log pareshaan hain? Pareshaan hain Shri Mataji aur yahan main kaam kar raha huun [UNCLEAR] mein, - bahut mulk ke log hain - Achcha! aur sab dhoond rahe, sab dhoond rahe. Bas ab Aapka ashirwad rahe ki - Aapne kaha to ekdam vibrations shuru ho gaye. - Yes, Shri Mataji, hoga. Par yeh aur chakkarbaazi na ho kahin ki - yeh bhi badi mushkil hai. Abhi Japan mein, last time those who came, were all guru shoppers so they got fed up with them, you see. such problems - this problem, that problem but this time they got better people ki who had done one of the gurus, is alright but if you are a guru shopper, - to to ho gaya hai kaam waam. [UNCLEAR] But they are seekers; These people, who came, are real seekers. Catholics, waise theek hai, par they get Left Vishuddhi very bad. - Very bad. Mahila, it's very bad. - Hmm? - Mahila, it's very bad. - In Spain also there is very great influence of Catholicism but Sahaja Yoga is working out. Portugal is something lost also because most of the Portuguese have now gone to Brazil but in Brazil we're doing very well, you see. The mayor of Brazil, he had came to the airport and brought a key for Me and he said, "Mother, this is the key of Brazilia, so please bless Brazilia and give us peace." So nice, really, I was so surprised and then he came to program, he got his realization. But recently I saw there is one, some - I forget the name - one of these - - kya kehte usko, log abhi [UNCLEAR] - Evangelist Haan, Evangelist - uss aadmi ka naam yaad nahin - one Evangelist and thousands stupidly are there and they are supposed to pay 10% of their salaries, all of them So now, government has an objection to that. Somebody came from America, this Evangelist. They are so funny. One day in Hawaii, we had finished the program and it's 12 0'clock, I said, "Let's see what's coming in the news or something." What we find, Evangelists. He had a hundred dollar note, you see. He was saying, "See, this if you give, then you get the real blessings." [UNCLEAR] LAUGHTER There were five of these - one lady had with her for her groceries and she gave it to us and can you imagine, the grocery arrived on her doorstep. They're so stupid, these Americans, they believe this and then they say the grocery started pouring from the roof - can you imagine? And very well sitting there - hmm, which as if they've lost. Even they mesmerize somebody - you cannot digest such a thing - isn't it? Such blatant thing they were talking and Dev Dumphy was there; looking as if he couldn't believe it. I said, "These are Americans , you know." Bade stupid log hain - Americans are very stupid. - Bahut bhole hain, Shri Mataji - Annh? - Bahut bhole hain. - Bhole nahin, bewakoof hain. - Bewakoof hain - Stupid, idiotic - [UNCLEAR] - They take to all idiotic things. Abhi woh aajlal, aapka Deepak Chopra, is making all the money. - Haanji, haanji, haanji. They have also, somehow or the other, managed, I think, the British government, who are going to give them a land for starting a University. British ki bhi khopdi kharaab ho gayi. University they have and they give some sort of fake degrees - nobody thinks much of it. - TM number 2, Shri Mataji - Annh? - TM number 2 - ATM - TM number 2. Inhonne bana li Geneva mein - Kahan? - Switzerland mein to hai hi - Switzerland mein hai? - Unki University hai pehle se - Kahe ki? - [UNCLEAR] ki - Achcha! University of Creative Intelligence - kya bol karke. Usmein ek degree dete hain - aur koi doosri yeh … - Woh koi maanta nahin lekin Nahin koi nahin maanta - kuch bhi nahin. NOIDA mein bhi bana rahe - What's that? - [UNCLEAR] So nice to draw this [UNCLEAR]; Bahut sunder hai [UNCLEAR] Similar ones we've done last year - Aa, ah! Yeh ek chaudah saal ke ladke ke the - Baap re! Very good! Bahut achcha hai. - You've done it? - I did the translation for the - Haan - poster. We had Mother a perfect desire to do that. - Same thing in tran .. - Same, the same So we just send, 'You cannot know the meaning of your life till you are connected to the part of the energy' - What is that? 'You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power of the energy.' It's Your words Shri Mataji. - No one is created. - Created [UNCLEAR] created - Until you are connected with the Whole, you can't - Connected [UNCLEAR CONVERSATION] - Nahin, created, created you - Created you, is it? - Origin of life is said - is it? - Created is not translated. They were created is not translated - No, that's what - Put the Origin of Life - Hmm, Origin - Yes, Mother Sometimes you have to use this scripted line, isn't it? That's the birthday [UNCLEAR] preparation. We've put also Chinese on the other side. - Haan… this is what is invitation - Invitation, yeah. and this one is? - This is celebration - the beginning of the program in the evening Very, very nice! Chinese have a real sense of art! This means the center? - Yes, the central channel. - Central channel. Same in Japanese? Yes, yes. In this they borrow our characters [LAUGHTER] - I hope, they cannot beat you. [LAUGHTER] - They copy [UNCLEAR] - Just see this, Shri Mataji, bulletin. So we kept the side frame [UNCLEAR] That's very good. Bahut achcha photo hai, dekhiye; Ek 14 saal ke ladke ne liya tha 6 photographs hain bahut advanced camare se, photo - Hai kya [UNCLEAR] - Annh? - Bilkul hain - Hanumanji hain? Bilkul hain. Thode se colors mein banaya hai - Yeh banaya hai? - Nahin, matlab photo hai, ye photograph - Bilkul - [UNCLEAR CONVERSATION] Hong Kong is being transformed through the persons, Shri Mataji - all other Hong Kong - This is from Angelina? - I think, this one was taken Mathew, Mathew [UNCLEAR] - Kaun hai? - [UNCLEAR] ka beta hai, - Annh? - Kohli sahab ka beta hai - Woh to pata hai Mujhe. - Usi ne kiya hai. This whole thing is done by you here? - Yes, [UNCLEAR] in Hong Kong - [UNCLEAR] - I know [UNCLEAR] So to pata hai Mujhe ladka. - [UNCLEAR] - Mathew ne photo bheja hai - inhone banaya hai Bahut achcha design kiya hai, Shri Mataji. Design bahut khoobsurat kiya hai. - Yeh log - Yahan pe ek yeh karke aur - Bahut achcha - Bahut achcha design kiya hai. Lag hi nahin raha hai - Haath idhar nikal raha hai, udhar - Yeh, yes, yes - beautiful! Graphic sense - The starting process [UNCLEAR] - Very nice! Very attractive! They stand out so as soon as you put the first lot, people come and look - Very attractive! - Very nice! So, so many people [UNCLEAR] saw the person - Can we have take one of both? - Yes - There're some Chinese people [UNCLEAR] - Very creative and just see this lotus also done so well! Everything very nice. - Every time something new. - [UNCLEAR] also transform Sahaja to [UNCLEAR] that will know us. Tremendous! I was telling him, "He's a very big find, Albert," because first time - when I came, nobody to speak Mandarin even - Hmm - such a problem! - Big problem Nobody to translate it - Mandarin. Then they said,"We no." They said, Cantonese they had some body but not Mandarin. They said, "No." - You must know Cantonese, I think, here. - Yes - You speak Cantonese? - Yes, we speak Cantonese. So, the Mandarin - there was some body with Mandarin but no Cantonese. - Sahaj - a big problem. - Yeah Cantonese eat lot of chillies. [LAUGHTER] I went to Canton and there are mountains of chillies, mountains of chillis and that food can be - food is very hot; Indians would love it. - Bahut hot hota hai. - Wahan Sahaja yogis, Shri Mataji - Annh? Wahan Sahaja yogis have given up all this. - Given up now. - Red chillies. - Ab mircha nahin khate? - Bilkul nahin. Padti nahin. Padti nahin, padti nahin, Shri Mataji; Ghar mein nahin hai. - Ekdam choot gaya kya mircha? - Bilkul choot gayi, Mataji. To phir khana mein mircha nahin aata hoga? Aata hai. - Aata hai Hum to khate hi nahin hai mircha bilkul bhi shuru se hi; Bahut kam par ab to bilkul hi nahin khate, bilkul nahin. Waise unhonne mujhe, Dilli mein, Cheen ka base diya hai kaam karne ke liye. - Annh? - Cheen ka kaam karne ko kaha hai. Cheen? Cheen pe kuch ho hi raha hai. China is, you see, what happened that, I went with CP to China and he's Le Ping, the one who is the, he is the Prime Minister. He got very much interested in Me, asking Me questions on, about spirituality and but I kept quiet because with CP I just don't say everything "Yes, yes," I said this, that and they took a photograph of the group, you see and he's also standing next to Me. Now this photograph was at last with Sahaja yogis and I didn't know they all had it. So once, this Le Ping, I think, last year he went to Vienna. So, the people from Vienna took that photograph and showed him, and "Ah, of course I remember Her very well, where is She this and…?" Then he asked, "How are you concerned, how do you have this photograph?" So they said, "She's our spiritual leader." So he was quite surprised, he was very much surprised. He said, "Really?" Then he said, "Of course, I asked Her but She never said anything to me but I will send My cultural Natashe [UNCLEAR] to see Her," because now he's going back. So the cultural Natashe came, very anxious, very respectful. These Chinese are very respectful people. Then he said that, "It's such a honor, Mother, to see You and this and that," so I gave him realization. He said, "Is this the," - khazaane ko kya kehte hain angrezi mein? - Treasure - Treasure - "Is this the treasure of Indian spirituality that we used to know in China, that India has treasure of Spirituality - is this the same?" I said, "Yes, this is the same." He was so impressed. Then he went to China, he talked to Li Ping and all that but this old man is still there, you see. So, he said, "Till he's there, it's rather difficult but once he's finished, then we can do something also in China." - About to go, about to go - About to go - woh mar hi nahin rahe hain - Woh bas - Mar gaya smajho Yesterday also he took out some sort of a communicate. - Ho hi jayega khatam - Zaroor ho jayega ussi time to baat kareinge Woh to bahut hi badhiya aadmi hai and I also told him, this gentleman, that, "Our C-in-C, Mr. Joshian, he's coming to China, so I hope Le Ping will give him all the due respect and all the due consideration because we don't want to have any more wars with China." So, he was telling Me, our C-in-C was saying that, "I had a red carpet [UNCLEAR]." They looked after him so well and everything was done so well. So, I felt that they are [UNCLEAR] active about it. I'll have to go and see him - let us see. Yeh mar hi nahin rahe hain - saal bhar ho gaya mar rahe hain. For one year he's dying - this Den Dias doesn't die. - [UNCLEAR] nothing but the stuffed door - That really I don't know, if he's really dead or not. - Nobody knows, nobody knows. - No one can say - Because they keep showing the footage of him in our old channel very much. [SHRI MATAJI LAUGHS] - [UNCLEAR] but he's keeping sick for years - For years But this is something surprising. One he did such a condition, till you step your at least one foot in the grave, they don't want to resign, I mean, just… - One and a half, Mother - Annh? - One and a half - [SHRI MATAJI LAUGHS] It's such a attachment! This time we had a very nice Shiv Puja, very nice for you - one of the best, I should say. I spoke for one hour only on one subject, detachment. I said, now next time I'll talk about other things - now detachment only. It was very nice Puja, very nice! As a result the whole of Japan was frozen. - Wow! - [SHRI MATAJI LAUGHS] - To abhi to raheinge aap? - Ji Mataji - Program ke lie aaye hain aap? - Ji Mataji - Abhi chal na sab jagah. - Annh? Taiwan wagairah aayega saath mein. - Chaleinge? - Ji haan - Chaliye - Ek hi hafte ki to baat hai. - Ab aaye hain to ghoom lijiye aap - Aur kya. - Yahan to abhi 6 tak to hain hi - Annh? - Yahan 6 tak to hai hiin. Program ke liye aaye hain - aur 5 Sunday tak hain - Aap ko dekh kar bade mann khush hota hai Ek to Mujhe iska laga hota hai na, ye jo kar rahe hain Madras mein - batayiye, sahaja yog ke naam se - Nahin isko, isko to dekh Aapki dosti hai to badi achchi baat hai. Phone number hai aapke paas? Hai Shri Mataji - yahan nahin hai, Mahila mein hai. Isko wahan ja kar poochna padega - Wahan se karte hain [UNCLEAR] - Bade dusht log hain - Ya to phir jinko pehle kaha tha Dilli mein - Haan - unko phir se phone karte hain aur… - Aur unko bhi keh do. Unko bhi kehte hain. Dono ko kehte hain - Phir Hum Jayakar se na kahein - don't need Zaroorat nahin hai - Jinse pehle kaha tha Dilli mein, wojo Enforcement mein hain - Sab chupke chupke kaam kiya - Woh Enforcement mein jo hain unko main bata doonga ki [UNCLEAR] purana jaante hain Finance mein hain to lucky mein hain, I mean, it is about Finance only. Ji haan, yeh ho jayega. Yeh IAS mein hain - ho jayega. Unke peeche lagna chahiye. Police lagani chahiye, pata karna chahiye kahan jaate hain, kisse milte hain. Par yahan to ho gaye - pakad mein aa gaye, bhaag gaye Yahan se bhaag gaye - wahan se bhi ho jayega, bilkul ho jayega. Unko jaana tha 18 ko, woh 13 hi ko bhaag gaye. - Ab, Shri Mataji, izaazat dein - Achcha theek hai - 12 bajne waale hain - Achcha - Jai Shri Mataji - Good night, good night. [ALL DO PRANAMS TO SHRI MATAJI] May God bless you! All of you. Theek hai Wow, very good, excellent. Alright, let's see. I hope the hall will be sufficient - I would like - They have a capacity of three thousand. Wow! [ALL LAUGH] Just to give a desire there, we have to have, desire for [UNCLEAR] I think, you know, it's more advertising that works, really. It's only advertising In, what they did, in Sydney, was nothing but advertising - that clicked. We've done a lot of magazine advertising, in the newspapers… - That's it! - we've done a lot. It's a very big force, these days - advertise We had a merely, a 4000 people in Mao, invitations to - Really! We're hoping so. I think, it's something [UNCLEAR] - Abhi kahan thehre aap log? - Shri Mataji, Aapke sadak ke paar ek hotel hai - Imperial hotel - Achcha - usmein thehre hain kaafi log - Ismein Hum hamesha to nahin [UNCLEAR] - Bahut khoobsurat hai - First time when I came, it got the first prize - Bahut achcha hai - Bahut, bahut khoobsurat, bahut hi khoobsurat hai Hum bas saamne hi to hain, Shri Mataji. Agar Aap [UNCLEAR] mein bhi chahein Din mein Hum kahin nahin ja rahe - Din mein aaoonga - aayiyega
Chopsticks and Presents
Hong Kong
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Hong Kong
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
1995-03-05 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Hong Kong Shri Mataji: Come, comeWhen are you having you're follow up?Sahaja Yogi: Tuesday, NightShri Mataji: aa…Sahaja Yogi: In PurnimaShri Mataji: (confirms from other yogi ) today is Sunday right? (In Hindi)Sahaja yogi: Yes.Shri Mataji: (to some other person nearby) come forward come!come forward, come here!It's a small hall …Alright![unclear 01:47 ]Give them Chinese food …Sahaja Yogi: yes Shri Mataji !Shri Mataji: No I don't want anything …Sahaja yogi: Shri Mataji! This is your book Which you have written.Shri Mataji: My book!Sahaja Yogi: [unclear02:03 ]Shri Mataji: All this Sada shiv …[02:06 ].It is more based on Zen System. You must have seen it. Its the zen's idea about how a person who is a zen should do? It's very …unclear [02:38 ]…You do the translation I am saying…Han…Children's can come here …They are born realized …No problem at all 03:55Alright! come forward here…Now …Can you give your fan…You have so many children with us here …Ya,…Now the responsibilities were shown Because the other day When we had a program I don't know how many people were there but they said 200 have signed for the courses …So now your responsibility is much more…Because I have always seen New people when they come to see the people who are there already. They see how you behave with each other …And also they see how you behave with them. So, when you are representing Sahaja yoga they should get a very good idea about you …Isn't it?That is the best way we can spread Sahaja yoga …See I see people they have respect for me, they love me everything …But when they come to Sahaja yoga some or other they get upset and they run away. So we can form groups Like this is a person who will have a Chinese and you get some new groups …200 is a big number …And others also like there are English or Americans, or Australians [07:12 unclear], for that also you could have a division for them, the people with whom they can not talk …But It should be just for them the information that they need …Normally there should be a way …some tapes …Some good tapes of mine are better. I don't know how many tapes there are Which are been translated or there are very few in Chinese So you have to get some more tapes …translated you see with tape …When you are recording one sentence is said and then you put Chinese Like that …So that there would be more tapes added…All of you can try those who need…But many people say in France & Italy all these places where they don't know the English language they said they learnt it by listening to my tapes …I don't know how …So that which is important to see how you can do that? For that, you could have a tape and I wanted some people to sing song also but I think there is no preparation for that… But I think you people can sing one or two songs And talk to them. If they want to have any special information or explanation Then you should talk to them but directly you should not try to teach or anything It's very dangerous to yourself. Means you should not attack them by anything like some of them might come not properly dressed, you see…some of them come maybe little [unclear 09:58 ] possible. Some of them might be possessed. Then you should not say you have Bhoot, You are possessed, little things. As they are, accept them …Be kind to them and gentle to them, the best way. Some of them will be sick people also, who might be suffering from some trouble. So you can just say about vibrations Whether left-sided or right-sided & you can say alright We can give you vibrations or something …If you will come to your house or something … But I don't think you should immediately say that I am Adi Shakti and all that…They will get frightened …But you should say that If she can give realisation to so many people there must be something about it… Then gradually you will find some of them will really come up very well.11:37 But if you neglect others, We have to work more on them … You see how you handle them is the most important thing, then never argue with each other when you are facing them. You should support each other…Also never argue with them … Then said that by arguing you will never get because it is beyond the mind…You should not waste your energy by arguing with them. Also in the beginning, if you might saw them coming from Gurus or something So not necessary at that moment you talk about his Guru on the first stage. Later on, they themselves gradually will discover…But in general, you can say that we don't take any money, and in Sahaja yoga, a mother doesn't need any money from you or this thing. That might open their eyes.I am just telling you because this is the experience of Sahaja yoga for all these years. How they come to the program and they just disappear…For example -I am a foreigner, And apart from that, I am an Indian…Indians are always… the people are always suspecting them …But they believe in me …in my photographs in my posters and I am very surprised …So if you show that you are very humble and kind and nice…They will be very happy …Another experience, of mine in the Sahaja yoga -One person starts believing that he is a maha yogi. First, he becomes very pushy sort of thing, you know pushes …then he dominates … and then he starts talking all nonsense … There is one fellow for example who started giving vibrations through his feet. Started saying I am shiva, the another said I am Adi shakti …So I said better to give away my [unclear15:43 ]…They just stood off their ego and talked nonsense, absolutely It is unbelievable,the way they talk …One fellow boxed somebody's head here like this …I asked him why did he do it? He said ya I did it…I asked him why did he do it? He said because he had a very [unclear /16:22 airway ] Agnya. He had! But nobody has the right to hit anyone or do anything … It is a Sahaja Yoga, can only be achieved by ones own determination, once own dedication and absolute humbleness …There is a kind of an ambition that they have become very powerful now …and this and that. With all these problems which we have faced from the very beginning of Sahaja yoga till today, I feel the real seekers just come out as themselves …Some of them will say that I have a special relationship with mother. And they talk as if they are very close to me … But to be very frank, nobody can be close to me … I am a very lonely person. :)So all these funny ideas, the people start talking, then the newcomers just turn away …They say what's wrong …With other false Guru's is… there is so many one gurus there are no so many Sahaj yogis or anything who knows anything about the knowledge …false knowledge …So they stick to one guru …who might mesmerize them also …But they don't listen to anybody else because anybody else is just like them.But we have …Myself …the Sahaja yogis…We have Sahaja yogis and among Sahaja yogis, we have people who are much deep in Sahaja yoga We have felt this …And we are selling nothing you see …It's not a market here …So the attitude should be that we should be very humble and very compassionate, talk in a sweet manner …This will give you the best advantage …To be considerate …When somebody tells you something you should listen to that person …Of course, if you find the vibrations are very bad, then you just make an excuse that alright I will just come and see somebody else …Handling of Sahaj yogis is very important …Handling them!They are just for their realization …And They are just wondering what's going on?So you have to prove that there is something built-in with you …Now supposing I mean …I went to [21:26 unclear /place name ], nobody knew anything about me …just I took my posters, and when I went inside I was surprised there were so many waiting outside …I never expected because nobody knew anything about me![unclear 22:11 ]/……..we are waiting outside…So the outside people who were about near 2000 they said what about us mother!So I went inside, ad told them I am coming back very soon & we will work it out…And you will be amazed when I finished the program, gave realization when I came out, then still all of them were there …and they felt cold also… I said alright you all come tomorrow morning we will have it outside because there was a huge big garden,[unclear23:15 ]And they sat on the ground …It's very surprising. Then I gave them a realization. And all of them were seekers. They were very much good people!Now we have around 16-17 thousands of people who are good Sahaja yogis …24:12 If you will come to Russia you will be amazed how these Russians, I have never expected …have taken to Sahaja yoga. I have more hopes for china much more …Firstly I know your Prime minister very well. Secondly, Chinese culture is very Sahaja. Culture…Not the one they have adopted …..But their fundamental culture is very Sahaja. And if I could here sometime entering I am sure we can get over china very soon, very fast … But it is in your faces it should look that you are Sahaja yogis! You should be smiling and laughing & enjoying life. But if you are very serious and think tht whole world is collapsing then how can you spread Sahaja yoga?So Our own style is very important, and this laughter is very spontaneous I think. 26:14So eastern …..We can know much faster …Let us see now how it works out ..I am sure I will get reports about how it's progressing here. In the beginning, there had some problems because some people were not so much in Sahaja and they tried to hamper the progress of Sahaja yoga and all kinds of conditionings work out sometimes racialism, sometimes this religion or something is there …Some sort of obstruction is there. But luckily now you are here, Alex here with me for quite some time,here John and all these people have come away from Australia28:00 and Austalia is doing so well now I can't believe.28:06 We have had very some bad experiences of the leaders of Australia but suddenly it's just like opened up. We can't believe it today Australian state [28:37 unclear ]. That is the same hope I have about Chinese and about Hongkong,about china mainland.Anything you need about Sahaja yoga-like book,(about Sahaja books )as you have got now anything, anything that you want, tapes, audiotapes, videotapes, anything you should tell us. If you tell us in Cabella, you should write to Greedo and contact him because he is the one who gives universally…Anything that you want you can say with [unclear 29:29 /Greedo] …And I think you can pay some money for this thing, audio, video something that much of [unclear29:39 ] but I think better is to have them with you. And you can listen to it in the car, and listen to it at home whenever they have a chance they go on this thing …And that's how they have improved. And surprisingly they have learnt the English language, that Spanish people, Portuguese and also french, Swiss then we have Italians, and we have Australians, and they speak the german language and then Germany itself all these …And that is how I think you can learn the English language because I can't learn so many languages. Especially Chinese, I can not say I can learn … And even in Chinese, you have [unclear 31:05 ]. Impossible…I can not learn …If you learn Chinese then you have already done your "Tapasya". So this is what it is …I request you to be very patient, be kind, love finding each other, don't fight with each other, don't argue with each other, maybe little artificial doesn't matter. Because We have to spread Sahaja And for that little bit you have to compromise …Also, this is …… these modern clothes some people wear, extremely over modern, expose their and all that …that sort of thing will not work out …Like the American culture is spreading everywhere …Even the language! I have told you America is already the worst for Sahaja Yoga …Because they can not be Sahaja …But that 2-4 Sahaja yogi's have changed We have now 1000's Sahaja Yogis!The other day those 3 people who were sitting there all the time disturbing …And there was Rani who was sitting there,(Rajiv's wife ) She said they were so stupid that when you said now you forgive everyone so this another fellow who was sitting next to her said OMG(oh my God ) now what we have to do like this horrible …Their attitude is very arrogant.And If they are like that What you can do is just to see that, not to discourage them not say something but you can be kind to them, but be indifferent after some time if they are like that.Now Taiwan is also doing well … And this one American Chinese Who is coming to help him there and Austrians have taken lots of interest in Taiwan …What language they speak in Taiwan? (Mandarin one Sahaj yogi answered)This is not in Mandarin.Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji the basic language is the same.Shri Mataji: So why not …Have they got the book …Sahaja yogi: We have sent it already.Shri Mataji: Alright! :)So it's very nice …This is a very good building but you could translate some other course also … Like there is a book very nice written by[35:25 unclear] Phase of God. But he English language is not so good in that so I thought [unclear 35:31 ] but you can write it because that's a nice book with all my vibrations but it should be given that kind of a book only for Sahaj yogi …this is also personal book .., We have a small book which is for the people who are coming for the first time for not yet grown …Gradually then even they grow to give them books…If you have any questions you can ask me …Sahaja yogi: The Chinese eat too much fish, and have to improve there eyesight how can they improve the poor eyesight? Shri Mataji: They should reduce you see…They can eat somethings which cools you down also common say - Like with the curd In India we take it with curd or with …So it should neutralize a little bit …fish.The style you had fish rather bits too much I should say …Because it is phosphorous and phosphorous works the liver. So you have to put ice on the liver…And fish should be eaten with rice or some carbohydrates… You see…So it is also nutritious …with rice…Raw fish is very dangerous …You can reduce it …you see. Chinese food is so good. You need not have a fish …you can eat so many things …yes but more carbohydrates you should take …your eyesight will improve …You have to put ice here. You get the ice bags …But if you put your hand left hand, right hand towards the photograph then you will find that your hands will start feeling the cold but not the liver …So you should put in between the hand and the ice some sort of a cloth or a towel so that you don't feel. Then you can also take a kind of an ice pad on to your backside because here is the optic globe which cools down, also up to this point and the back…So the [unclear/40:58 "egang"] is the cross-section of the brain and if you are too much right sided then [unclear 41:08 ] goes very big …41:12And the way they are placed, these balloons are placed also. If you have a cross-section you can see one balloon after the left side and right side both …And in the centre is Agnya Chakra …But for children, you must change the diet …It's very important…They should not be given so much fish …So much …When you are giving milk and all that you see …It's also bad for the liver …All your dairy products are bad for the liver …And on the top fish also …Coffee is very bad, tea is very well …The coffee you drink quite a lot (Chinese )No, No Chinese is good …jasmine tea is very good …It's quite light. Also, We have medicines in India which cool down the liver …Also, you can put kajal for the eyes …If you think it's well made and authentic you can put it off on the children …We can give you …When you come for the…Let us know what you need.Its a very easy thing is to cure the eyes, in the childhood but later on becomes difficult but still, at least they do not become lost …Even in India, Bengali's… they eat a lot of fish So they too have bad eyes …they too have weak eyes …weak …So, this fish should not dominate us …isn't it?Worse are Japanese because they eat only Japanese food nothing but fish, fish, fish.The skin of fish is also very dangerous,…And put rice in that …the skin of fish…They don't waste even this much of fish left … I am not against fish … but is alright to eat the fish who eat too many carbohydrates…All eastern side of Asia people eats a lot of fish …All because it's the seashore I think …And the sea fish has much more phosphorous than the sweat water fish …The ideal would be to balance it. Also, the rice that you eat dry is not good …You must put some soup or something because dry /dryness you get out of phosphorous …More liquid ,more fruits …will clarify[46:12 ]it . It's not only diet but meditation also helps…But if you are possessed or if you have some left-side problem then you have to use light at your backside. I mean if you have High Blood pressure, or you are hot-tempered, excited, overworking, that means you are right-sided…And you may not feel vibrations on the right side or even if you feel it may be hot …Swadishtan catching very badly …And in especially Hongkong, it's such a busy place everybody is running like mad. The only way to get out of this is to get into meditation & go into thoughtless awareness. So without thought, you are alright …You are watching everything …So despite all these problems, you will be silent within and they will not affect …These problems don't affect you. Also, there is too much pollution I must say …For that, it's best to use something to cover your nose and the second one in Sahaja yoga we should say that …Best way to avoid pollution is to take a Bandhan before leaving out … And you can clarify it …You take Bandhan so many things can be avoided because this pollution has an effect on the left side …Bandhan is very important…Collective Bandhan is most effective …for example, you can give Bandhan to Beijing, or collectively you can give it to China, all will work out because you have seen[unclear 49:32 ] …With meditation your tiredness, everything will go away …Especially right-sided meditation …That is every night you must take a little water in a little bucket or something and put both the feet in it with salt not very hot water but cool water and put your right hand towards the photograph and left hand like this …And never use light or fire or sun …Those people who are right-sided and sit on the sun get skin cancer…We don't go with the fashion or craze or you say this entrepreneurs idea…We have our Sahaja Society …and we have our own culture So we don't go on changing our dresses, everything according to fashion. Now the Chinese they put their hairs like this … I like it but they should never touch the eyes. It's all right …But if they are anyone near the eyes you get squinty eyes. Supposing a child has squint also you can put the light in the left side (at the back Agnya )If it is in the left eye than on the right side (at the back)And meditation is the best way for everyone …To be without thoughts …So you can do after cleansing before sleeping …Put your attention to your Sahasrara …And in the morning you should do attention of thoughtless awareness …Watch my photograph and don't think but your right hand should be like this and your left hand like this. Gradually it will settle …Once you are thoughtless you can put your both hands (in the lap ) So this is how it is going to work out …Your eyes, throat, ears, nose everything is the Vishuddhi chakra …/and your optic globe especially for the eyes … so the best thing would be if you have the right side you see …then you put these two fingers in the ear and put down your head and say Allah hu Akbar. Put down …Because it is humbling down …You have to humble down yourself…But if it is left side than you should put it like that …and say Allah hu Akbar …No questions?Sahaj yogi : [unclear]Shri Mataji: You see ..this is the trouble with these people they will tell you all kinds of tricks only before sleeping you have to keep your attention towards the Sahasrara and surrender…But not at all the time in your Sahasrara…When your eyes are to be improved what you have to do is this what I have told …But before sleeping every day if you can put your attention in your Sahasrara. These meditations (the other meditations ) have given no realization, has given no growth, no transformation…All just talking, talking, talk.Now, I have some little presents for you… As many as possible as I don't know the number of people here…(Sahaja Yogini asks some question )Shri Mataji: It is the culture of the time. We are beyond time. Now take a Bandhan, if you are going out or something 58:13 Actually you are already in Bandhan but when you give a Bandhan you are thoughtless It should be brought into your conscious That's why you give bandhans …So[ 58:31 /unclear]…First I will take the present :)What is this? {to the child sitting a side }Who has done this? you?Beautiful (Mother appreciates the art shown by the children)Thank you very much!
1995-03-05 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Hong Kong Shri Mataji: Come, comeWhen are you having you're follow up?Sahaja Yogi: Tuesday, NightShri Mataji: aa…Sahaja Yogi: In PurnimaShri Mataji: (confirms from other yogi ) today is Sunday right? (In Hindi)Sahaja yogi: Yes.Shri Mataji: (to some other person nearby) come forward come!come forward, come here!It's a small hall …Alright![unclear 01:47 ]Give them Chinese food …Sahaja Yogi: yes Shri Mataji !Shri Mataji: No I don't want anything …Sahaja yogi: Shri Mataji! This is your book Which you have written.Shri Mataji: My book!Sahaja Yogi: [unclear02:03 ]Shri Mataji: All this Sada shiv …[02:06 ].It is more based on Zen System. You must have seen it. Its the zen's idea about how a person who is a zen should do? It's very …unclear [02:38 ]…You do the translation I am saying…Han…Children's can come here …They are born realized …No problem at all 03:55Alright! come forward here…Now …Can you give your fan…You have so many children with us here …Ya,…Now the responsibilities were shown Because the other day When we had a program I don't know how many people were there but they said 200 have signed for the courses …So now your responsibility is much more…Because I have always seen New people when they come to see the people who are there already. They see how you behave with each other …And also they see how you behave with them. So, when you are representing Sahaja yoga they should get a very good idea about you …Isn't it?That is the best way we can spread Sahaja yoga …See I see people they have respect for me, they love me everything …But when they come to Sahaja yoga some or other they get upset and they run away. So we can form groups Like this is a person who will have a Chinese and you get some new groups …200 is a big number …And others also like there are English or Americans, or Australians [07:12 unclear], for that also you could have a division for them, the people with whom they can not talk …But It should be just for them the information that they need …Normally there should be a way …some tapes …Some good tapes of mine are better. I don't know how many tapes there are Which are been translated or there are very few in Chinese So you have to get some more tapes …translated you see with tape …When you are recording one sentence is said and then you put Chinese Like that …So that there would be more tapes added…All of you can try those who need…But many people say in France & Italy all these places where they don't know the English language they said they learnt it by listening to my tapes …I don't know how …So that which is important to see how you can do that? For that, you could have a tape and I wanted some people to sing song also but I think there is no preparation for that… But I think you people can sing one or two songs And talk to them. If they want to have any special information or explanation Then you should talk to them but directly you should not try to teach or anything It's very dangerous to yourself. Means you should not attack them by anything like some of them might come not properly dressed, you see…some of them come maybe little [unclear 09:58 ] possible. Some of them might be possessed. Then you should not say you have Bhoot, You are possessed, little things. As they are, accept them …Be kind to them and gentle to them, the best way. Some of them will be sick people also, who might be suffering from some trouble. So you can just say about vibrations Whether left-sided or right-sided & you can say alright We can give you vibrations or something …If you will come to your house or something … But I don't think you should immediately say that I am Adi Shakti and all that…They will get frightened …But you should say that If she can give realisation to so many people there must be something about it… Then gradually you will find some of them will really come up very well.11:37 But if you neglect others, We have to work more on them … You see how you handle them is the most important thing, then never argue with each other when you are facing them. You should support each other…Also never argue with them … Then said that by arguing you will never get because it is beyond the mind…You should not waste your energy by arguing with them. Also in the beginning, if you might saw them coming from Gurus or something So not necessary at that moment you talk about his Guru on the first stage. Later on, they themselves gradually will discover…But in general, you can say that we don't take any money, and in Sahaja yoga, a mother doesn't need any money from you or this thing. That might open their eyes.I am just telling you because this is the experience of Sahaja yoga for all these years. How they come to the program and they just disappear…For example -I am a foreigner, And apart from that, I am an Indian…Indians are always… the people are always suspecting them …But they believe in me …in my photographs in my posters and I am very surprised …So if you show that you are very humble and kind and nice…They will be very happy …Another experience, of mine in the Sahaja yoga -One person starts believing that he is a maha yogi. First, he becomes very pushy sort of thing, you know pushes …then he dominates … and then he starts talking all nonsense … There is one fellow for example who started giving vibrations through his feet. Started saying I am shiva, the another said I am Adi shakti …So I said better to give away my [unclear15:43 ]…They just stood off their ego and talked nonsense, absolutely It is unbelievable,the way they talk …One fellow boxed somebody's head here like this …I asked him why did he do it? He said ya I did it…I asked him why did he do it? He said because he had a very [unclear /16:22 airway ] Agnya. He had! But nobody has the right to hit anyone or do anything … It is a Sahaja Yoga, can only be achieved by ones own determination, once own dedication and absolute humbleness …There is a kind of an ambition that they have become very powerful now …and this and that. With all these problems which we have faced from the very beginning of Sahaja yoga till today, I feel the real seekers just come out as themselves …Some of them will say that I have a special relationship with mother. And they talk as if they are very close to me … But to be very frank, nobody can be close to me … I am a very lonely person. :)So all these funny ideas, the people start talking, then the newcomers just turn away …They say what's wrong …With other false Guru's is… there is so many one gurus there are no so many Sahaj yogis or anything who knows anything about the knowledge …false knowledge …So they stick to one guru …who might mesmerize them also …But they don't listen to anybody else because anybody else is just like them.But we have …Myself …the Sahaja yogis…We have Sahaja yogis and among Sahaja yogis, we have people who are much deep in Sahaja yoga We have felt this …And we are selling nothing you see …It's not a market here …So the attitude should be that we should be very humble and very compassionate, talk in a sweet manner …This will give you the best advantage …To be considerate …When somebody tells you something you should listen to that person …Of course, if you find the vibrations are very bad, then you just make an excuse that alright I will just come and see somebody else …Handling of Sahaj yogis is very important …Handling them!They are just for their realization …And They are just wondering what's going on?So you have to prove that there is something built-in with you …Now supposing I mean …I went to [21:26 unclear /place name ], nobody knew anything about me …just I took my posters, and when I went inside I was surprised there were so many waiting outside …I never expected because nobody knew anything about me![unclear 22:11 ]/……..we are waiting outside…So the outside people who were about near 2000 they said what about us mother!So I went inside, ad told them I am coming back very soon & we will work it out…And you will be amazed when I finished the program, gave realization when I came out, then still all of them were there …and they felt cold also… I said alright you all come tomorrow morning we will have it outside because there was a huge big garden,[unclear23:15 ]And they sat on the ground …It's very surprising. Then I gave them a realization. And all of them were seekers. They were very much good people!Now we have around 16-17 thousands of people who are good Sahaja yogis …24:12 If you will come to Russia you will be amazed how these Russians, I have never expected …have taken to Sahaja yoga. I have more hopes for china much more …Firstly I know your Prime minister very well. Secondly, Chinese culture is very Sahaja. Culture…Not the one they have adopted …..But their fundamental culture is very Sahaja. And if I could here sometime entering I am sure we can get over china very soon, very fast … But it is in your faces it should look that you are Sahaja yogis! You should be smiling and laughing & enjoying life. But if you are very serious and think tht whole world is collapsing then how can you spread Sahaja yoga?So Our own style is very important, and this laughter is very spontaneous I think. 26:14So eastern …..We can know much faster …Let us see now how it works out ..I am sure I will get reports about how it's progressing here. In the beginning, there had some problems because some people were not so much in Sahaja and they tried to hamper the progress of Sahaja yoga and all kinds of conditionings work out sometimes racialism, sometimes this religion or something is there …Some sort of obstruction is there. But luckily now you are here, Alex here with me for quite some time,here John and all these people have come away from Australia28:00 and Austalia is doing so well now I can't believe.28:06 We have had very some bad experiences of the leaders of Australia but suddenly it's just like opened up. We can't believe it today Australian state [28:37 unclear ]. That is the same hope I have about Chinese and about Hongkong,about china mainland.Anything you need about Sahaja yoga-like book,(about Sahaja books )as you have got now anything, anything that you want, tapes, audiotapes, videotapes, anything you should tell us. If you tell us in Cabella, you should write to Greedo and contact him because he is the one who gives universally…Anything that you want you can say with [unclear 29:29 /Greedo] …And I think you can pay some money for this thing, audio, video something that much of [unclear29:39 ] but I think better is to have them with you. And you can listen to it in the car, and listen to it at home whenever they have a chance they go on this thing …And that's how they have improved. And surprisingly they have learnt the English language, that Spanish people, Portuguese and also french, Swiss then we have Italians, and we have Australians, and they speak the german language and then Germany itself all these …And that is how I think you can learn the English language because I can't learn so many languages. Especially Chinese, I can not say I can learn … And even in Chinese, you have [unclear 31:05 ]. Impossible…I can not learn …If you learn Chinese then you have already done your "Tapasya". So this is what it is …I request you to be very patient, be kind, love finding each other, don't fight with each other, don't argue with each other, maybe little artificial doesn't matter. Because We have to spread Sahaja And for that little bit you have to compromise …Also, this is …… these modern clothes some people wear, extremely over modern, expose their and all that …that sort of thing will not work out …Like the American culture is spreading everywhere …Even the language! I have told you America is already the worst for Sahaja Yoga …Because they can not be Sahaja …But that 2-4 Sahaja yogi's have changed We have now 1000's Sahaja Yogis!The other day those 3 people who were sitting there all the time disturbing …And there was Rani who was sitting there,(Rajiv's wife ) She said they were so stupid that when you said now you forgive everyone so this another fellow who was sitting next to her said OMG(oh my God ) now what we have to do like this horrible …Their attitude is very arrogant.And If they are like that What you can do is just to see that, not to discourage them not say something but you can be kind to them, but be indifferent after some time if they are like that.Now Taiwan is also doing well … And this one American Chinese Who is coming to help him there and Austrians have taken lots of interest in Taiwan …What language they speak in Taiwan? (Mandarin one Sahaj yogi answered)This is not in Mandarin.Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji the basic language is the same.Shri Mataji: So why not …Have they got the book …Sahaja yogi: We have sent it already.Shri Mataji: Alright! :)So it's very nice …This is a very good building but you could translate some other course also … Like there is a book very nice written by[35:25 unclear] Phase of God. But he English language is not so good in that so I thought [unclear 35:31 ] but you can write it because that's a nice book with all my vibrations but it should be given that kind of a book only for Sahaj yogi …this is also personal book .., We have a small book which is for the people who are coming for the first time for not yet grown …Gradually then even they grow to give them books…If you have any questions you can ask me …Sahaja yogi: The Chinese eat too much fish, and have to improve there eyesight how can they improve the poor eyesight? Shri Mataji: They should reduce you see…They can eat somethings which cools you down also common say - Like with the curd In India we take it with curd or with …So it should neutralize a little bit …fish.The style you had fish rather bits too much I should say …Because it is phosphorous and phosphorous works the liver. So you have to put ice on the liver…And fish should be eaten with rice or some carbohydrates… You see…So it is also nutritious …with rice…Raw fish is very dangerous …You can reduce it …you see. Chinese food is so good. You need not have a fish …you can eat so many things …yes but more carbohydrates you should take …your eyesight will improve …You have to put ice here. You get the ice bags …But if you put your hand left hand, right hand towards the photograph then you will find that your hands will start feeling the cold but not the liver …So you should put in between the hand and the ice some sort of a cloth or a towel so that you don't feel. Then you can also take a kind of an ice pad on to your backside because here is the optic globe which cools down, also up to this point and the back…So the [unclear/40:58 "egang"] is the cross-section of the brain and if you are too much right sided then [unclear 41:08 ] goes very big …41:12And the way they are placed, these balloons are placed also. If you have a cross-section you can see one balloon after the left side and right side both …And in the centre is Agnya Chakra …But for children, you must change the diet …It's very important…They should not be given so much fish …So much …When you are giving milk and all that you see …It's also bad for the liver …All your dairy products are bad for the liver …And on the top fish also …Coffee is very bad, tea is very well …The coffee you drink quite a lot (Chinese )No, No Chinese is good …jasmine tea is very good …It's quite light. Also, We have medicines in India which cool down the liver …Also, you can put kajal for the eyes …If you think it's well made and authentic you can put it off on the children …We can give you …When you come for the…Let us know what you need.Its a very easy thing is to cure the eyes, in the childhood but later on becomes difficult but still, at least they do not become lost …Even in India, Bengali's… they eat a lot of fish So they too have bad eyes …they too have weak eyes …weak …So, this fish should not dominate us …isn't it?Worse are Japanese because they eat only Japanese food nothing but fish, fish, fish.The skin of fish is also very dangerous,…And put rice in that …the skin of fish…They don't waste even this much of fish left … I am not against fish … but is alright to eat the fish who eat too many carbohydrates…All eastern side of Asia people eats a lot of fish …All because it's the seashore I think …And the sea fish has much more phosphorous than the sweat water fish …The ideal would be to balance it. Also, the rice that you eat dry is not good …You must put some soup or something because dry /dryness you get out of phosphorous …More liquid ,more fruits …will clarify[46:12 ]it . It's not only diet but meditation also helps…But if you are possessed or if you have some left-side problem then you have to use light at your backside. I mean if you have High Blood pressure, or you are hot-tempered, excited, overworking, that means you are right-sided…And you may not feel vibrations on the right side or even if you feel it may be hot …Swadishtan catching very badly …And in especially Hongkong, it's such a busy place everybody is running like mad. The only way to get out of this is to get into meditation & go into thoughtless awareness. So without thought, you are alright …You are watching everything …So despite all these problems, you will be silent within and they will not affect …These problems don't affect you. Also, there is too much pollution I must say …For that, it's best to use something to cover your nose and the second one in Sahaja yoga we should say that …Best way to avoid pollution is to take a Bandhan before leaving out … And you can clarify it …You take Bandhan so many things can be avoided because this pollution has an effect on the left side …Bandhan is very important…Collective Bandhan is most effective …for example, you can give Bandhan to Beijing, or collectively you can give it to China, all will work out because you have seen[unclear 49:32 ] …With meditation your tiredness, everything will go away …Especially right-sided meditation …That is every night you must take a little water in a little bucket or something and put both the feet in it with salt not very hot water but cool water and put your right hand towards the photograph and left hand like this …And never use light or fire or sun …Those people who are right-sided and sit on the sun get skin cancer…We don't go with the fashion or craze or you say this entrepreneurs idea…We have our Sahaja Society …and we have our own culture So we don't go on changing our dresses, everything according to fashion. Now the Chinese they put their hairs like this … I like it but they should never touch the eyes. It's all right …But if they are anyone near the eyes you get squinty eyes. Supposing a child has squint also you can put the light in the left side (at the back Agnya )If it is in the left eye than on the right side (at the back)And meditation is the best way for everyone …To be without thoughts …So you can do after cleansing before sleeping …Put your attention to your Sahasrara …And in the morning you should do attention of thoughtless awareness …Watch my photograph and don't think but your right hand should be like this and your left hand like this. Gradually it will settle …Once you are thoughtless you can put your both hands (in the lap ) So this is how it is going to work out …Your eyes, throat, ears, nose everything is the Vishuddhi chakra …/and your optic globe especially for the eyes … so the best thing would be if you have the right side you see …then you put these two fingers in the ear and put down your head and say Allah hu Akbar. Put down …Because it is humbling down …You have to humble down yourself…But if it is left side than you should put it like that …and say Allah hu Akbar …No questions?Sahaj yogi : [unclear]Shri Mataji: You see ..this is the trouble with these people they will tell you all kinds of tricks only before sleeping you have to keep your attention towards the Sahasrara and surrender…But not at all the time in your Sahasrara…When your eyes are to be improved what you have to do is this what I have told …But before sleeping every day if you can put your attention in your Sahasrara. These meditations (the other meditations ) have given no realization, has given no growth, no transformation…All just talking, talking, talk.Now, I have some little presents for you… As many as possible as I don't know the number of people here…(Sahaja Yogini asks some question )Shri Mataji: It is the culture of the time. We are beyond time. Now take a Bandhan, if you are going out or something 58:13 Actually you are already in Bandhan but when you give a Bandhan you are thoughtless It should be brought into your conscious That's why you give bandhans …So[ 58:31 /unclear]…First I will take the present :)What is this? {to the child sitting a side }Who has done this? you?Beautiful (Mother appreciates the art shown by the children)Thank you very much!
Press Interview
Shri Mataji, Press Interview 07-03-1995 Shri Mataji: Comercial Bank. Interviewer: Yeah. Shri Mataji: Alright. Interviewer: Shri Mataji, how many times you have been to Taiwan? Shri Mataji: Before I just came on my way to America once, and then I think six times more.Long time back when it was not at all developed, in 63. Interviewer: What International people Shri Mataji has met? Shri Mataji:(Laughing)My goodness, it's too much. I have met all of them because of my husband's job. He was Secretary-General of UNCLEAR organization. So I met all of them, most of them. That has nothing to do with Sahaja yoga. Interviewer: Ok the Press is here.1989 You got a Peace Prize? Shri Mataji: Yes.Alright.I in that way you see, say Canada also they gave ME, Mayor gave me a Special award and also. The best is, St Petersburg University, and then the Russian Government as a 'Philosopher and a Scientist'. Now in Russia, all Gurus and all religions are baned, they are all baned. Even the UN..they gave Me the award. In Brazil, the Mayor of Brazilia brought the king of Brazilia at the airport and gave it to ME. UN CLEAR In peaceful now.Very peaceful. Interviewer: How do you feel about Taipei? Shri Mataji: Very nice place.Very Peaceful. But you see, they are so much seeking that they have any say. Especially young people I feel. Interviewer: They have lost? Shri Mataji: Not so much. Because last time two people who came and they said now we are parted all the time and, I don't know where they went to some Gurus, somebody like that. You see they went to any kind of... Interviewer: Mother, this time, how long YOU are going to stay? Shri Mataji: I am here for three days more. Interviewer: Taipei people are soon, asking for power so much, how they can proceed in spiritual. Shri Mataji: They are after what? Interviewer; Wealth. How can they prosper? Shri Mataji: They can pursue very easily because wealth is matter. It does not give you peace. Doesn't give you the joy, you see. They are under stress, they are busy and more problems. People are getting AIDS and drugs and all. Money has its own problems. Interviewer: In Taipei public, very if they pursue Sahaja yoga according to Mother's techniques, will it be easy? Shri Mataji: Of course. Very much easy. They will be powerful. They will get Devine power. Interviewer: Shri Mataji staying here so short time? Shri Mataji: For that, they are all here. They will look after. See the doctor. Interviewer: He will then coordinate. Shri Mataji: Also people can get cured by itself. Cured. Many incurable diseases can be cured, by their power. You don't have to go to..any hospital or take horrible medicines and injections, operations, nothing. With your own powers, you can cure. Interviewer: This has no relation with other religion?No problem with other religions? Shri Mataji: No. You see, we believe in all the religions, equally the same. We respect all the religions. You see this separate religion has been a problem. But fundamentally they are the same. I say, they are the flowers of the same tree of spirituality, at different times. But people have now plucked the flowers, plucked the flowers and now fighting with the dead flowers. Also if you can see about the culture. In Western culture, it is not like Chinese actually, but now people are all in Western culture. These are again ...UnCLEAR religion. Licentiousness, permissiveness, but the reaction to it is fundamentalism. Reaction, but they are equally immoral.Whether they are Muslims or Christians, they are equally immoral.Also the Hindus. But with Sahaja, you come to the centre. You don't go to extremes. There is no separation of fundamentalism. Interviewer: Last year the Russian honoured, honorary degrees? Shri Mataji: See, they are like Chinese also, not like Mainland Chinese, not so materialistic. About 35 percent are very mineal people. They ask for Marlboro cigarettes, jeans and things but 65 per cent of people are non-materialistic. We have thousands and thousands in Russia. Interviewer: He wants to know more about the 1989 Peace Prize in United Nations. Shri Mataji: You see, they, I don't know, they have been giving me everywhere Peace Prize.And not only there but everywhere.Even in New York UNCLEAR, he wrote a very nice letter that please come and give a speech. Even in Australia, everywhere. They are all writing to me please come and bring peace for us. But it is not only peace that you get, you get joy and you get good health and you get discretion. St Petersburg University, is one of the oldest, has given ME an award as a 'Scientist and a Philosopher.' They have so far given historically, only to ten people. One of them is Einstein. So l asked there, I was feeling shy, so I asked them, 'why have you given me this award out of the ten'? So they said, I said, 'Einstein is alright'. He said, 'what Einstein has done for human? He has just worked on matter, YOU have worked on Human Beings'.But one thing in Russia the conference they had, two thousand five hundred scientists. There were at least, about ten speakers for that. I was away and the subject was all the time, like they give it to me, 'Morality and Medicine.', 'Morality and Science'.'Morality' very important. They don't follow religion as such but they want to have moral values. Interviewer: How many doctors in Russia? Shri Mataji: Doctors. Where? Three thousand. Practising Sahaja yoga. You see they do without money that's why. They are not rich like Taiwan. (Laughing)Even Mainland China people are very rich. Your UNCLEAR I know him. I am going to write to him. Interviewer: When Mother going to Mainland China? Shri Mataji: I am going to write to him now and if I can go in time, but the initial quality of this work is much better. In Austria, he came, and you know the photograph we gave, and they had enlarged. Another Sahayagogi: There was a picture of UNCLEAR. Shri Mataji: This you need not write and he sent his Cultural Attache with me when he had gone away. And he got his Realisation. Sahaja yogi: He was also there same time but he said Cultural Attache of China to see Shri Mataji and the Cultural Attache came for Self Realisation. Shri Mataji: And he asked me, 'is this the treasure of Spirituality that you have in India, about we Chinese know?' And also he told me that he never read about Tao or anything but the younger generation is now reading all these books in China. I think if Taiwan people could go and talk to him he will accept that because he is just waiting for this. UNCLEAR. Even the President is a good man. You see, maybe and I might be able to tell him that the way things are happening in Russia, if you try to start Democracy suddenly, it won't work out. But you can work through Taiwan and Hongkong, slowly and then they will spread. Otherwise, there is full of Mafias.UNCLEAR is in trouble. full...of the Mafia.KGB has become the Mafia and the Mafia is ruling. That should not happen. Interviewer: We were talking about Mother getting 'Nobel Prize', ' Peace Prize ' in the near future. Shri Mataji: Yeah. You see the Russian told me that don't ask anybody UNCLEAR the media doesn't have the stand and they might be UNCLEAR nonsense they are trying to get me a Nobel Prize of course. The Russian's don't want to write.As long as you write a positive article it is alright, because I am not taking any money so we are working in 65 Nations. Sahaja yogi: UNCLEAR Interviewer: When and how did YOU start Sahaja Yoga? Shri Mataji: Me? I was born like this,I knew, but I started in 1970. Because I had to understand human beings first. What their problem is? Interviewer: When are YOU coming next time? Shri Mataji: Same time. I will definitely come here again and again.No doubt because here there are very few Sahajayogi still. Also in Japan, we had now 350. Also in Hongkong, quite a lot about 1200 but there are now 200 people who want to do it. Shri Mataji: Should I tell him how you get peace? It is very simple you know. It is based on the Tao style. See there is a power within us in the sacred bone in the triangle bone here. And there is a power in it because this is called Sacrum so the Greeks knew it is 'sacred bone'. So we have also centres within our spinal cord and our brain like this on the left and right side like this. Energy centres. (Showing pictures of kundalini.)Here it is. This is the subtle system that we all have within us. So this is the power which is inside here you see. Now these are two other channels on the sides which look after our sympathetic nervous system and these are the subtle centres of energies formed within us and then they go in the brain. And from one side of our conditioning here, and the other side the ego, when we think we are doing this or you are doing that. Now if you have a cross-section in here UNCLEAR and it was here.You had it in the other room. Anyway. Alright, here here. This UNCLEAR, clear cut I can see what he has done through his drawings. This is more clearer.See now what happens, this is like the primiual in a seed. This one is a primule in a seed.Kundalini.So it stops and passes through the central path. Buddha has talked about 'Central Path' always. Now we have a balance and pierces through this Fontenelle bone area. Alright. So there are two truths about every human beings. One is, we don't know the actual truth so we don't relate it. That is why we fight. If we know one truth, all of us will not fight. Second thing is that we don't know who does these flowers? Who runs our heart, we don't know. There is all 'Pervading Divine Power'.So once this pierces through, it connects you to the divine power like any instrument, this is connected to the main cycle. And the energy it has got everything,ino it starts flowing. And that is how they create peace, and it creates wellbeing of health, mind and spirituality. All the things. And this is pure Tao, what I am saying,in Chinese UNCLEAR had the powers, she did the same. In every country, there is someone talking about it.Like in Japan this Zen. Zen talked of this only. Let him also put his hand like this. Put both your feet apart from each other. Be comfortable. Now start feeling a kind of a cool breeze in the hand. Interviewer: He is saying it is from outside. Sahaja yogi: No, UNCLEAR Shri Mataji: Now you see from your head only, you have got it. Just to confirm.See.Not from outside, from your own body. And you will feel very peaceful. Watch me without thinking, can you?Agnya.Can you sit here?He thinks too much. Close your eyes. You will feel very peaceful.( Shri Mataji working on him).See on his head.Good.Very good.Little bend your head. He is good. Now you feel the head. He has got it? Now you feel it. Yeah, he has got it? Don't pay attention here.Done.You are alright. May God bless you. Now no disease can enter your body. You are protected.Alright.Enjoy your peace and joy. That is why they gave me the Prize for Peace you see. Laughing Interviewer: laughing.Thank you.Thank you. Shri Mataji: It is all coming down, for relaxation it is coming down. Your life is very busy. You think too much. Now you feel relaxed. If you are standing in the water, the waves are like this see all the time. You are afraid of the waves. When you are thinking all the time you are thinking of past and the future and you are jumping on the cusp of the thoughts but when Kundalini rises she makes a space inbetween, it elongates the thoughts in the space. That is peace. That is where your own peace is there and you emit peace also. But the people I know because you know the position of my husband, they got awards for peace, awards for organisation of peace and they are so hot-tempered, so bad-tempered that you can't talk to them, they are so hot. You have to take a bargepole.Laughing.So hot-tempered but they got Peace Awards. That is why I don't care for these Peace Awards. But actually the peace is within ourselves. Once we all get that 'Peace', then the whole world will be alright. When you get out of the water in a boat you witness. Then you see it like a drama is over. You see as a drama. You are the witness just to enjoy. You see I am 72 years of age. I am travelling every day. You see my passport, and this is the third one. Laughing. And at the airport, they were shocked to see. Interviewer: Five books. Shri Mataji: Five books.Now I have to get a new one.o This is the third one. It should happen to everyone you see. So everybody enjoys going to UNCLEAR, after all, you have to become the Spirit. That everybody has said. But these religions are money-oriented. They collect money, now this Dalai Lama goes... See this passport. Interviewer: (Laughing) This is only for four years…. laughing Shri Mataji: I am going to make one more. They gave us a diplomatic passport because my husband has got a ...emeritus position, means all life. In Mainland China, it's very rare, and UNCLEAR the highest, but you see he has 135 awards, much more than Mine. And he said it is because of ME, which UNCLEAR. That is what I say. Interviewer: Mother, you are the support. Shri Mataji: He wrote a very nice book about Lal Bahadur Shastri. Recently it was launched in Australia by the Deputy Premier. He was our Prime Minister for a very short time. But very honest and a very great man. So now he has to go to New Zealand to launch, they all want to launch the book. He was very much respected by all the Nations. He was Secretary-General in134 Nations in that organisation and Taiwan was also. And then I forced him to resign because they would not allow him to retire. Something you know, if people believe that if you are honest, then you have to suffer. But in Politics, you must get only fame, not money. Because UNCLEAR. This is the book he wrote. (Shri Mataji showing the book)And I will show you, he said he will dedicate it to ME. See this the Oxford Press. My photograph with Shastri Ji. He had great respect for me because he was a realised soul. He knew about me. He wanted me to join Politics, but I said, 'I can't, I am sorry.' How he changed people. He changed the (showing pictures in the book), this is his family, I am here. Here. These are my daughter's two. (Asking for the photo UNCLEAR to the Sahaja yogi) I will show them. You see the thing was that that is a very interesting photograph. This is Kosigyn,in Russia he went, you see. And here is my husband, very young at that time. This is the conference, he was a very short man you know. Here they have shown, this is Ayub Khan, who was very, he was not talking at all, relationship in the beginning. Here also is not so good and then he changed completely.See.Shastriji changed him and they had a compromise, and Shastri Ji said that after some time we will have also compromise in China. But see Jawaharlal Nehru spoilt our relations. He was very arrogant and UNCLEAR, said I have not met a more arrogant man like Jawaharlal Nehru. So our relations were spoilt very much at that time, but Shastri Ji has said it, see this is my husband, he has said it Ayub Khan from Pakistan and the compromise was done and he was so busy, and he died there. He died there in Tashkent, Shastri Ji, and this is in Russia, and then here, they, Kosijen came to India. My husband has really worked very hard. Interviewer: He is discussing, how you influenced your husband and your husband influenced the Pakistani, India relationship. Shri Mataji: But this is a separate subject altogether. He was a realised soul. It is a different subject. Why not ask C.P to come here to launch it? It will be very good for them you know because this is the life of truth in politics.It is very important. This is the one, Oxford Press, you see only they publish these books, this is one of them. So what should we do? Sahaja yogi: We can ask him when he comes to Australia to... Shri Mataji: We can ask him now. He can do it. That will be another part for ...It is a very, very well written book and also very necessary because we see so much of corruption everywhere isn't it? So he was a man. So they asked a question, that was he an ascetic? So he said, 'no.' He said he lives within his means. My husband said, and he has such a faith you talk to any Indian UNCLEAR. He is a 'Man of Character'.You could have this. (giving the book)All of you can read. Interviewer: Laughing Shri Mataji: You can read. This is my granddaughter and son-in-law when they got married, in an Indian dress. Interviewer: This is the son in law? Shri Mataji: Yes.Very good person. He is from Worton School of America. Interviewer:Water? Worton? Shri Mataji: Worton.Very famous. He has got a finance company and all that, but he is so unmaterialistic boy. That is my granddaughter. Daughter's daughter. Interviewer: Yeah Shri Mataji: Can we keep this and the passport. Interviewer: Laughing. Shri Mataji:It can not be lost. It is too big. Interviewer: laughing Shri Mataji:( Laughing) Alright, so you write about me now. If he is coming then we can do for my husband also. It will be a good idea, very good. It will help,I mean, people to understand the value of politics. Interviewer: Thank you. Shri Mataji: Thank you. Very nice to meet you. May God bless you. What is it? Put it in the water, alright. Also, tell him I would like to see the material of that fellow in Vietnam. What he teaches and what UNCLEAR.Just enjoy yourself. Just enjoy. They are very positive people I must say. Very positive. I was worried because the Russians told me that Mother, 'don't go to any of these horrible. So I said, why? Because they said, 'supposedly they publish something nonsensical and we want UNCLEAR to give you the Nobel Prize.' (A small child enters.)Hello, so how are you now? No scratching? Sahaja yogi: Laughing Shri Mataji: This is from India you have got?Very nice. You get nice things here. Let me see, come here. (Calling a small child) Shri Mataji: This you got from India? They make it so nicely.Very nice. You like it? What is this? Some present? Sahaja yogi:( laughing). She has brought a toothbrush. Shri Mataji: That is what I was thinking. Toothbrush. I don't use a toothbrush. (laughing.) Are you alright now? So daddy is bringing for you nice things from India isn't it? Now you better go to the Indian school immediately. Eh, why not take her now? Sahaja yogi: UNCLEAR, Indian visa also passport we can make it.UNCLEAR Shri Mataji: There is hardly any time. Sahaja yogi: We have to send it to Hong Kong.UNCLEAR Shri Mataji: Really? Because they are coming for the birthday puja and then just going. It will be nice, both of them get together. Sahaja yogi: They like each other very much. Shri Mataji: Ahh, she is also UNCLEAR. Sahaja yogi:(In Hindi) Where is the photo? I gave it to you. Aradhana? Another Sahaja Yogi: I put it here, alright.Thank you. Shri Mataji: That is the only photograph. Let's go.So we go to this wholesale shop and also this kind of a thing where ever you get. This colour. Sahaja yogi: Shri Mataji, Chinese people are very perticular about lunch time so UNCLEAR. Otherwise we have to eat out. Shri Mataji: Alright.We will go.
Shri Mataji, Press Interview 07-03-1995 Shri Mataji: Comercial Bank. Interviewer: Yeah. Shri Mataji: Alright. Interviewer: Shri Mataji, how many times you have been to Taiwan? Shri Mataji: Before I just came on my way to America once, and then I think six times more.Long time back when it was not at all developed, in 63. Interviewer: What International people Shri Mataji has met? Shri Mataji:(Laughing)My goodness, it's too much. I have met all of them because of my husband's job. He was Secretary-General of UNCLEAR organization. So I met all of them, most of them. That has nothing to do with Sahaja yoga. Interviewer: Ok the Press is here.1989 You got a Peace Prize? Shri Mataji: Yes.Alright.I in that way you see, say Canada also they gave ME, Mayor gave me a Special award and also. The best is, St Petersburg University, and then the Russian Government as a 'Philosopher and a Scientist'. Now in Russia, all Gurus and all religions are baned, they are all baned. Even the UN..they gave Me the award. In Brazil, the Mayor of Brazilia brought the king of Brazilia at the airport and gave it to ME. UN CLEAR In peaceful now.Very peaceful. Interviewer: How do you feel about Taipei? Shri Mataji: Very nice place.Very Peaceful. But you see, they are so much seeking that they have any say. Especially young people I feel. Interviewer: They have lost? Shri Mataji: Not so much. Because last time two people who came and they said now we are parted all the time and, I don't know where they went to some Gurus, somebody like that. You see they went to any kind of... Interviewer: Mother, this time, how long YOU are going to stay? Shri Mataji: I am here for three days more. Interviewer: Taipei people are soon, asking for power so much, how they can proceed in spiritual. Shri Mataji: They are after what? Interviewer; Wealth. How can they prosper? Shri Mataji: They can pursue very easily because wealth is matter. It does not give you peace. Doesn't give you the joy, you see. They are under stress, they are busy and more problems. People are getting AIDS and drugs and all. Money has its own problems. Interviewer: In Taipei public, very if they pursue Sahaja yoga according to Mother's techniques, will it be easy? Shri Mataji: Of course. Very much easy. They will be powerful. They will get Devine power. Interviewer: Shri Mataji staying here so short time? Shri Mataji: For that, they are all here. They will look after. See the doctor. Interviewer: He will then coordinate. Shri Mataji: Also people can get cured by itself. Cured. Many incurable diseases can be cured, by their power. You don't have to go to..any hospital or take horrible medicines and injections, operations, nothing. With your own powers, you can cure. Interviewer: This has no relation with other religion?No problem with other religions? Shri Mataji: No. You see, we believe in all the religions, equally the same. We respect all the religions. You see this separate religion has been a problem. But fundamentally they are the same. I say, they are the flowers of the same tree of spirituality, at different times. But people have now plucked the flowers, plucked the flowers and now fighting with the dead flowers. Also if you can see about the culture. In Western culture, it is not like Chinese actually, but now people are all in Western culture. These are again ...UnCLEAR religion. Licentiousness, permissiveness, but the reaction to it is fundamentalism. Reaction, but they are equally immoral.Whether they are Muslims or Christians, they are equally immoral.Also the Hindus. But with Sahaja, you come to the centre. You don't go to extremes. There is no separation of fundamentalism. Interviewer: Last year the Russian honoured, honorary degrees? Shri Mataji: See, they are like Chinese also, not like Mainland Chinese, not so materialistic. About 35 percent are very mineal people. They ask for Marlboro cigarettes, jeans and things but 65 per cent of people are non-materialistic. We have thousands and thousands in Russia. Interviewer: He wants to know more about the 1989 Peace Prize in United Nations. Shri Mataji: You see, they, I don't know, they have been giving me everywhere Peace Prize.And not only there but everywhere.Even in New York UNCLEAR, he wrote a very nice letter that please come and give a speech. Even in Australia, everywhere. They are all writing to me please come and bring peace for us. But it is not only peace that you get, you get joy and you get good health and you get discretion. St Petersburg University, is one of the oldest, has given ME an award as a 'Scientist and a Philosopher.' They have so far given historically, only to ten people. One of them is Einstein. So l asked there, I was feeling shy, so I asked them, 'why have you given me this award out of the ten'? So they said, I said, 'Einstein is alright'. He said, 'what Einstein has done for human? He has just worked on matter, YOU have worked on Human Beings'.But one thing in Russia the conference they had, two thousand five hundred scientists. There were at least, about ten speakers for that. I was away and the subject was all the time, like they give it to me, 'Morality and Medicine.', 'Morality and Science'.'Morality' very important. They don't follow religion as such but they want to have moral values. Interviewer: How many doctors in Russia? Shri Mataji: Doctors. Where? Three thousand. Practising Sahaja yoga. You see they do without money that's why. They are not rich like Taiwan. (Laughing)Even Mainland China people are very rich. Your UNCLEAR I know him. I am going to write to him. Interviewer: When Mother going to Mainland China? Shri Mataji: I am going to write to him now and if I can go in time, but the initial quality of this work is much better. In Austria, he came, and you know the photograph we gave, and they had enlarged. Another Sahayagogi: There was a picture of UNCLEAR. Shri Mataji: This you need not write and he sent his Cultural Attache with me when he had gone away. And he got his Realisation. Sahaja yogi: He was also there same time but he said Cultural Attache of China to see Shri Mataji and the Cultural Attache came for Self Realisation. Shri Mataji: And he asked me, 'is this the treasure of Spirituality that you have in India, about we Chinese know?' And also he told me that he never read about Tao or anything but the younger generation is now reading all these books in China. I think if Taiwan people could go and talk to him he will accept that because he is just waiting for this. UNCLEAR. Even the President is a good man. You see, maybe and I might be able to tell him that the way things are happening in Russia, if you try to start Democracy suddenly, it won't work out. But you can work through Taiwan and Hongkong, slowly and then they will spread. Otherwise, there is full of Mafias.UNCLEAR is in trouble. full...of the Mafia.KGB has become the Mafia and the Mafia is ruling. That should not happen. Interviewer: We were talking about Mother getting 'Nobel Prize', ' Peace Prize ' in the near future. Shri Mataji: Yeah. You see the Russian told me that don't ask anybody UNCLEAR the media doesn't have the stand and they might be UNCLEAR nonsense they are trying to get me a Nobel Prize of course. The Russian's don't want to write.As long as you write a positive article it is alright, because I am not taking any money so we are working in 65 Nations. Sahaja yogi: UNCLEAR Interviewer: When and how did YOU start Sahaja Yoga? Shri Mataji: Me? I was born like this,I knew, but I started in 1970. Because I had to understand human beings first. What their problem is? Interviewer: When are YOU coming next time? Shri Mataji: Same time. I will definitely come here again and again.No doubt because here there are very few Sahajayogi still. Also in Japan, we had now 350. Also in Hongkong, quite a lot about 1200 but there are now 200 people who want to do it. Shri Mataji: Should I tell him how you get peace? It is very simple you know. It is based on the Tao style. See there is a power within us in the sacred bone in the triangle bone here. And there is a power in it because this is called Sacrum so the Greeks knew it is 'sacred bone'. So we have also centres within our spinal cord and our brain like this on the left and right side like this. Energy centres. (Showing pictures of kundalini.)Here it is. This is the subtle system that we all have within us. So this is the power which is inside here you see. Now these are two other channels on the sides which look after our sympathetic nervous system and these are the subtle centres of energies formed within us and then they go in the brain. And from one side of our conditioning here, and the other side the ego, when we think we are doing this or you are doing that. Now if you have a cross-section in here UNCLEAR and it was here.You had it in the other room. Anyway. Alright, here here. This UNCLEAR, clear cut I can see what he has done through his drawings. This is more clearer.See now what happens, this is like the primiual in a seed. This one is a primule in a seed.Kundalini.So it stops and passes through the central path. Buddha has talked about 'Central Path' always. Now we have a balance and pierces through this Fontenelle bone area. Alright. So there are two truths about every human beings. One is, we don't know the actual truth so we don't relate it. That is why we fight. If we know one truth, all of us will not fight. Second thing is that we don't know who does these flowers? Who runs our heart, we don't know. There is all 'Pervading Divine Power'.So once this pierces through, it connects you to the divine power like any instrument, this is connected to the main cycle. And the energy it has got everything,ino it starts flowing. And that is how they create peace, and it creates wellbeing of health, mind and spirituality. All the things. And this is pure Tao, what I am saying,in Chinese UNCLEAR had the powers, she did the same. In every country, there is someone talking about it.Like in Japan this Zen. Zen talked of this only. Let him also put his hand like this. Put both your feet apart from each other. Be comfortable. Now start feeling a kind of a cool breeze in the hand. Interviewer: He is saying it is from outside. Sahaja yogi: No, UNCLEAR Shri Mataji: Now you see from your head only, you have got it. Just to confirm.See.Not from outside, from your own body. And you will feel very peaceful. Watch me without thinking, can you?Agnya.Can you sit here?He thinks too much. Close your eyes. You will feel very peaceful.( Shri Mataji working on him).See on his head.Good.Very good.Little bend your head. He is good. Now you feel the head. He has got it? Now you feel it. Yeah, he has got it? Don't pay attention here.Done.You are alright. May God bless you. Now no disease can enter your body. You are protected.Alright.Enjoy your peace and joy. That is why they gave me the Prize for Peace you see. Laughing Interviewer: laughing.Thank you.Thank you. Shri Mataji: It is all coming down, for relaxation it is coming down. Your life is very busy. You think too much. Now you feel relaxed. If you are standing in the water, the waves are like this see all the time. You are afraid of the waves. When you are thinking all the time you are thinking of past and the future and you are jumping on the cusp of the thoughts but when Kundalini rises she makes a space inbetween, it elongates the thoughts in the space. That is peace. That is where your own peace is there and you emit peace also. But the people I know because you know the position of my husband, they got awards for peace, awards for organisation of peace and they are so hot-tempered, so bad-tempered that you can't talk to them, they are so hot. You have to take a bargepole.Laughing.So hot-tempered but they got Peace Awards. That is why I don't care for these Peace Awards. But actually the peace is within ourselves. Once we all get that 'Peace', then the whole world will be alright. When you get out of the water in a boat you witness. Then you see it like a drama is over. You see as a drama. You are the witness just to enjoy. You see I am 72 years of age. I am travelling every day. You see my passport, and this is the third one. Laughing. And at the airport, they were shocked to see. Interviewer: Five books. Shri Mataji: Five books.Now I have to get a new one.o This is the third one. It should happen to everyone you see. So everybody enjoys going to UNCLEAR, after all, you have to become the Spirit. That everybody has said. But these religions are money-oriented. They collect money, now this Dalai Lama goes... See this passport. Interviewer: (Laughing) This is only for four years…. laughing Shri Mataji: I am going to make one more. They gave us a diplomatic passport because my husband has got a ...emeritus position, means all life. In Mainland China, it's very rare, and UNCLEAR the highest, but you see he has 135 awards, much more than Mine. And he said it is because of ME, which UNCLEAR. That is what I say. Interviewer: Mother, you are the support. Shri Mataji: He wrote a very nice book about Lal Bahadur Shastri. Recently it was launched in Australia by the Deputy Premier. He was our Prime Minister for a very short time. But very honest and a very great man. So now he has to go to New Zealand to launch, they all want to launch the book. He was very much respected by all the Nations. He was Secretary-General in134 Nations in that organisation and Taiwan was also. And then I forced him to resign because they would not allow him to retire. Something you know, if people believe that if you are honest, then you have to suffer. But in Politics, you must get only fame, not money. Because UNCLEAR. This is the book he wrote. (Shri Mataji showing the book)And I will show you, he said he will dedicate it to ME. See this the Oxford Press. My photograph with Shastri Ji. He had great respect for me because he was a realised soul. He knew about me. He wanted me to join Politics, but I said, 'I can't, I am sorry.' How he changed people. He changed the (showing pictures in the book), this is his family, I am here. Here. These are my daughter's two. (Asking for the photo UNCLEAR to the Sahaja yogi) I will show them. You see the thing was that that is a very interesting photograph. This is Kosigyn,in Russia he went, you see. And here is my husband, very young at that time. This is the conference, he was a very short man you know. Here they have shown, this is Ayub Khan, who was very, he was not talking at all, relationship in the beginning. Here also is not so good and then he changed completely.See.Shastriji changed him and they had a compromise, and Shastri Ji said that after some time we will have also compromise in China. But see Jawaharlal Nehru spoilt our relations. He was very arrogant and UNCLEAR, said I have not met a more arrogant man like Jawaharlal Nehru. So our relations were spoilt very much at that time, but Shastri Ji has said it, see this is my husband, he has said it Ayub Khan from Pakistan and the compromise was done and he was so busy, and he died there. He died there in Tashkent, Shastri Ji, and this is in Russia, and then here, they, Kosijen came to India. My husband has really worked very hard. Interviewer: He is discussing, how you influenced your husband and your husband influenced the Pakistani, India relationship. Shri Mataji: But this is a separate subject altogether. He was a realised soul. It is a different subject. Why not ask C.P to come here to launch it? It will be very good for them you know because this is the life of truth in politics.It is very important. This is the one, Oxford Press, you see only they publish these books, this is one of them. So what should we do? Sahaja yogi: We can ask him when he comes to Australia to... Shri Mataji: We can ask him now. He can do it. That will be another part for ...It is a very, very well written book and also very necessary because we see so much of corruption everywhere isn't it? So he was a man. So they asked a question, that was he an ascetic? So he said, 'no.' He said he lives within his means. My husband said, and he has such a faith you talk to any Indian UNCLEAR. He is a 'Man of Character'.You could have this. (giving the book)All of you can read. Interviewer: Laughing Shri Mataji: You can read. This is my granddaughter and son-in-law when they got married, in an Indian dress. Interviewer: This is the son in law? Shri Mataji: Yes.Very good person. He is from Worton School of America. Interviewer:Water? Worton? Shri Mataji: Worton.Very famous. He has got a finance company and all that, but he is so unmaterialistic boy. That is my granddaughter. Daughter's daughter. Interviewer: Yeah Shri Mataji: Can we keep this and the passport. Interviewer: Laughing. Shri Mataji:It can not be lost. It is too big. Interviewer: laughing Shri Mataji:( Laughing) Alright, so you write about me now. If he is coming then we can do for my husband also. It will be a good idea, very good. It will help,I mean, people to understand the value of politics. Interviewer: Thank you. Shri Mataji: Thank you. Very nice to meet you. May God bless you. What is it? Put it in the water, alright. Also, tell him I would like to see the material of that fellow in Vietnam. What he teaches and what UNCLEAR.Just enjoy yourself. Just enjoy. They are very positive people I must say. Very positive. I was worried because the Russians told me that Mother, 'don't go to any of these horrible. So I said, why? Because they said, 'supposedly they publish something nonsensical and we want UNCLEAR to give you the Nobel Prize.' (A small child enters.)Hello, so how are you now? No scratching? Sahaja yogi: Laughing Shri Mataji: This is from India you have got?Very nice. You get nice things here. Let me see, come here. (Calling a small child) Shri Mataji: This you got from India? They make it so nicely.Very nice. You like it? What is this? Some present? Sahaja yogi:( laughing). She has brought a toothbrush. Shri Mataji: That is what I was thinking. Toothbrush. I don't use a toothbrush. (laughing.) Are you alright now? So daddy is bringing for you nice things from India isn't it? Now you better go to the Indian school immediately. Eh, why not take her now? Sahaja yogi: UNCLEAR, Indian visa also passport we can make it.UNCLEAR Shri Mataji: There is hardly any time. Sahaja yogi: We have to send it to Hong Kong.UNCLEAR Shri Mataji: Really? Because they are coming for the birthday puja and then just going. It will be nice, both of them get together. Sahaja yogi: They like each other very much. Shri Mataji: Ahh, she is also UNCLEAR. Sahaja yogi:(In Hindi) Where is the photo? I gave it to you. Aradhana? Another Sahaja Yogi: I put it here, alright.Thank you. Shri Mataji: That is the only photograph. Let's go.So we go to this wholesale shop and also this kind of a thing where ever you get. This colour. Sahaja yogi: Shri Mataji, Chinese people are very perticular about lunch time so UNCLEAR. Otherwise we have to eat out. Shri Mataji: Alright.We will go.
Public Program
Public Program
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk To Sahaja Yogis Grand Hotel Taipei, Taipei (Taiwan) It’s nice to see so many people there, for the program. I counted about [UNCLEAR] there were about, little less than 500 people. Because I was counting the chairs and then the seats that were [UNCLEAR] and some were sitting upstairs also. Now the thing is to, [UNCLEAR no, know] reference. [UNCLEAR Mother Talking to yogis] See these people will be coming now, [UNCLEAR, will] be good. And it’s all a responsibility for you. Maybe I don’t know how many will come. We give them any forms or anything? Yogi: [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: So how many you got? Yogi: [UNCLEAR] how many? [Yogis talking] Yogi: 200. 200 [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: That’s it. So now, to look after this 200 is very important. Someone translate. Somebody can translate? See, now there are about 200 people who have signed, who want to come to the program. Now you have to have understanding because you see, you are not so many, they are 200 people. So the responsibility is on every one of you. You should not think that the responsibility is on only on the leader or someone. It’s on all of you. And you have to be of a level, you can’t be like other people. Baba can you close that door? So it will be a little cooler [UNCLEAR]. See what I have seen that when people come, some people don’t know how to behave properly and start saying things: you are a bhoot, you are this, you are that. also people start quarreling. And also they sometimes push too much. See, then, even 1 person is like that, you see, then, there is a big problem because 1 person can spoil all of that. So if you found, find anyone like that, you should report it to the leader and such a person should be asked not to come. I met many people who left Sahaja Yoga like this. What they said that particular person came and very pushy and did this, did that. first let them reach the door of Sahaja Yoga, is open to everyone. All kinds of people walk in. So maybe one or two are like that isn’t it? You can’t help it. And, if you care for your own ascent you shouldn’t bother about such people. But, you have to be extremely gentle, and nice, and not pushy. Somebody might say: “Ah there, that, I’m not getting these vibrations” or, “I’m not feeling alright” or anything you see like that [UNCLEAR]. They might say that “I’m not feeling vibrations, I’m not alright, I didn’t get realization”. So it’s alright, you should say: “you’ll feel it, Don’t worry.” Best way is to tell them that “I was like you also” so that they don’t mind. “And I started feeling vibrations much later”. So in a very dignified, loving manner you have to handle it. There should be no quarrel, between you, among yourselves before them. You see now, if a one Sahaja Yogi is talking to somebody, then the other Sahaja Yogi should not interfere, not correct the other Sahaja Yogi. That means somebody is [UNCLEAR hanging?] the person, then, another person should not disturb him also. On the contrary, a Sahaja Yogi must support another Sahaja Yogi, fully. Now for, I don’t know what sort you’ll do follow-on, but normally what they do, they don’t talk too much because [UNCLEAR]. You can put one of my tapes you see, introduction tapes. And, you can translate it. You should ask them if they are feeling the cool breeze in their hands and on top of their head. And if they are not feeling cool breeze, then they have to forgive themselves and forgive others. Thus you see, it would be a kind of a, rapport. You can, find out if someone is suffering from some disease. Also you can find out as to, somebody has been to some guru. But immediately you don’t say anything against the gurus because they just disappear. You should say that; “we’ll find out about this guru of yours” or something. Also that you have to become your own guru is the point. That is, you have to know everything. It’s not what your guru says. Like the other day you see, we had one this journalist. He told me that his guru also talks about the centers. You see our books are available everywhere, anybody can copy that! But, he did not say anything about the three centers, three, what you call, channels. Nothing about Sahasrara. Was very amazing you see, part read somewhere, he had heard, and all wrong. All also very [UNCLEAR]. So, gradually I told him, that, how do you know that you are realized, from them? So he said: whenever I get heated up very much, I take his name and I cool down. So I said: do you know why you get heated up and why you cool down? Do you know that? have you any knowledge about it? That means you have to have the whole knowledge, about Sahaja Yogi. It’s not just your guru does this and your guru does that, it’s not [UNCLEAR ok]. He was just shaking before me. Then, he said I should feel like these two, the way they feel I would like to feel. But I said; you have to grow, otherwise how do you feel? Also he told me that his guru didn’t take any money. I told him because you are a journalist, that’s why he didn’t take any money from you. But he will use your journalism. And he understood. So, with them I worked it out very well and, he understood, you see, that, he didn’t know anything. What was happening, you see, what were the chakras. He didn’t know. He just knew, written of type, that these are the chakras. But he didn’t know, what was wrong with him, what chakras he was catching, what others were catching, doesn’t know anything. Then, that really convinced him. Convinced him and, he said: “[UNCLEAR just] Mother, I don’t know anything”. All these things you must be careful about. And, when you talk to them you should be gentle, and gradually you should convince them. And you should not use words like “you are possessed”, “there is bhoot in you”. Or, anything like that. On the contrary, you encourage them and say that: “it’s alright, it will all work out, I know it is going to work out”. See, you see, the conviction will come to them through you people. They should see how you behave, how you [UNCLEAR get through], all these things you see, [UNCLEAR] make them understand that, these are some, better people there are. So you have to be humble, quiet, and allow the leader to tell you whomsoever has to face whom. I’m happy that [UNCLEAR], they agreed to drive to stay here. Because he knows the language and, he knows the people here. Then they will find how nice you are, how sweet you are, and how you do, behave towards others. The whole concept, of a person getting realization, will be evident. They’ll see that. So when you have your follow-on program, you should not wear saris, to begin with. But wear your normal Chinese dresses, so that, they won’t feel that you have changed, you have given up, something. They might ask you, you’ll maybe, your experiences, then, you have to tell them very frankly, honest thing. I leave you to your wisdom now. I am very very much thankful to you, for being so much, in Taiwan. And, also for [UNCLEAR giving out] so well. I have the, I mean, I had to do some shopping for the presents of Sahaja Yogis, and, I’ve been busy with that. but on the whole, I [UNCLEAR did] enjoy my stay here. [UNCLEAR] So if you have any questions, ask me. Yogi: Shri Mataji, I have two questions. The first one is: how can we be a real qualified Sahaja Yogi or Yogini? The second question is: sometimes we’ve got problem, how can we, according to Sahaja Yoga method, we, bandhan or say mantras but the problem exists, then, what kind of attitude should we have? Just be patient or [UNCLEAR] Yogi: Basically he has 2 questions. One is how to be qualified. Shri Mataji: How to be? Yogi: Qualified, qualified. To be a good Sahaja Yogi. Secondly, when he has some problems, how [UNCLEAR]. [UNCLEAR a problem he cannot solve]. Usually he bandhans, say mantra. But the problem won’t go away. Shri Mataji: The thing is, you see, first question is very good: How to be a good Sahaja Yogi? You see, our basis fundamentally, is love. So, you have to develop, your, dimension of love. You shouldn’t pay too much attention to nonsense, you should not get angry. That is possible with, by, [UNCLEAR] yourself with the ice, on the liver. Taking out the heat, also is the head [UNCLEAR over there]. With all these things you see, you can be in the center. You’ll be in the present. And then, once you are in the center, you, ascend very fast. Now the second question, as you asked. What was it he said? Yogi: How to deal with the problem that…? Shri Mataji: Ha? Ha! Problem! See, the best way when you have a problem, don’t think about the problem, but try to become thoughtlessly aware. So you see, you see the problem, very clearly. Then you have to just ask for help [UNCLEAR in person]. You can tell on the photograph: that Mother this is your problem, solve it! What else? Yogi: she says, as a seeker of the truth, she understood the seeking is truly is love. Seeking love. Is there anything else? Shri Mataji: No, you see, the love is the truth. Supposing you love somebody, then you know everything about that person. In the same way, love itself manifest, the truth. So you are seeking the truth which is love, which is Divine love. Then you discover, different types and different hues of [UNCLEAR that track]. [UNCLEAR], [UNCLEAR what’s within you?] Yogi: He says, he thanks Shri Mataji coming to Taiwan and, everybody enjoy, and Mother’s love for us, and he, he would like to request Shri Mataji to bless, there is two Yogini, they are pregnant. Shri Mataji: Good! Yogi: And one of them is his wife! Shri Mataji: May God bless them! That’s alright! Very good! They’ll be getting some very nice Yogis as children. You may enjoy their company. Yogi: What’s the next question? Yogi: He is worried about his death! Shri Mataji: Death?! Yogi: Anyway! He says, he says, a Yogi, when he die, he should be buried under ground. But there is such [UNCLEAR]. Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR] Yogi: And, what to do with [UNCLEAR] relative which is already buried, already buried, already dead. What to do with those dead people? Those relatives. Shri Mataji: You see if they are Sahaja Yogis they are our relations. If they are not, they are not our relations. They are only our relations when they are Sahaja Yogis. You will realize this very soon. Otherwise they are not. One Sahaja Yogi died [UNCLEAR]. Very old man. [UNCLEAR] he died in Mumbai. And his son came and told me we had so many relations, and only the Sahaja Yogis came and helped and took his body and with all the respect and put him, there, I mean he was buried like that. Yogi: How to use Shri Mataji’s vibration in our chakra, to manifest? Shri Mataji: you see actually; photograph is the best way, for the right side or for the left side. You get the vibrations form me and, that will work out wherever you come from. Yogi: Jai Shri Mataji! Yogi: I want to ask Mother, to, to give us, name. My husband, me, 2 boy and this one also! Yogi: she want to request Mother to give name for 2 children and, for also them, and also the one in the, inside the stomach! Shri Mataji: They’re already blessed! With such nice children. What do you want? Yogi: There were some Yogi, they, they practice TM. But, they come here once a year and they want to get Mother’s vibrations. How do we communicate with those people? Shri Mataji: See they are like that, poor things, you know. They don’t know they have to do it, much more than anybody else. Somebody has to tell them [UNCLEAR they] cannot get rid of that. Yogi: He knew this is practice TM. He always like to touch him. His body is [UNCLEAR] and he doesn’t know how to deal with that. Shri Mataji: You should say: “You shouldn’t touch me”. Tell him. They are very funny. Poor thing they suffer so much. Yogi: He says if, what should I do if he touch me. Already. Shri Mataji: Keep yourself in bandhan, yourself. Yogi: He’s got bandhan. Yogi: She is a masseuse. She touch people’s body. Her job. What she has to do? Shri Mataji: She should take bandhans, quiet a lot. And then give bandhan to the patient also. Then good. When [UNCLEAR] somebody wants to massage me, I also take a bandhan [UNCLEAR]. Yogi: She has a good friend, [UNCLEAR]. Good friend. Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR let it go] Yogi: And, she said how do I help her? Shri Mataji: Has she got children? Yogi: Yes. Shri Mataji: She’s alright. Don’t worry. Normally magician’s children don’t get [UNCLEAR]. Yogi: the children was born before, before, divorce and the marriage and, I mean [UNCLEAR] she went to practice rajnish. Shri Mataji: How is the child? How is her child? Yogi: They are separated; father is taking him. Shri Mataji: So she’s, she’s alone now. Yogi: yes Shri Mataji: Father didn’t go [UNCLEAR]. He’s alright, [UNCLEAR more about the child]. For rajnish they have to work very hard. Both the hands and the [UNCLEAR]. Yogi: Shri Mataji you mean [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR] Yogi: He says, for pregnant persons, that, should they start to educate the children? Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR]. [UNCLEAR they should mediate] Yogini: … Sitting I meditation, we have some catches. Is it the same thing, when we are in the street maybe, we have some catches [UNCLEAR] the chakras open or, something happen. Shri Mataji: You just listen. Yogini: I said, when we are sitting on mediation, sometimes we feel the catches, whether on the fingers or on the chakras. Does it mean the same thing, as when we are in the street and we feel something there? We, do we need to explain it all the time? Or we should give it to you? I mean, maybe this a catch because of this or this is a catch because of... Shri Mataji: You should not think about these things. Thinking will not correct it. If you feeling pain, just put your hand there. Yogini: ok. Shri Mataji: If it is on the left side, put your right hand. If your left side, on the right side, put your [UNCLEAR left]. You don’t have to think about, just put your, automatically later on you’ll do. Yogini: And sometimes I feel like pain, blocked here. because I think too much and I’m so anxious and the … Shri Mataji: You must forgive, you must forgive. If you feel it here that means you are not forgiving. Let’s go and [UNCLEAR see] now forgive. You can say Lord’s prayer. Yogini: And should I, mediate lot’s [UNCLEAR often], on the left or on the right? Because, I feel, sometimes hot here. but I don’t know, really. Shri Mataji: wherever you feel [UNCLEAR], hot means is something wrong, with your [UNCLEAR side] it is. And that’s how you can treat yourself. But if you get alright, well and good. First of all, you just sit on the ground, and put your left hand towards the photograph [UNCLEAR you see] put the right hand on the Mother Earth [UNCLEAR you see]. [UNCLEAR, firstly you should]. If it’s not getting the cool breeze, then you put on the, candle. And then you sit on the chair with the water, and just put the hands towards the Mother Earth. Now to start with, this hand like this. If you start getting cool breeze on your right hand, then your both sides are alright. Now you can put the candle, also you can put both the hands towards the photograph, and put both the feet in the water. Yogini: And there is a, also a question about introspection. When we do introspection, what should we…? Shri Mataji: No. I didn’t mean that introspection is your, mental activity, is not the point. Introspection means going to thoughtless awareness. After realization. Because, this is sometimes, when you are in thoughtless awareness, you get the inner thoughts, the inspirations, by which you know what’s wrong with you. And the Divine help. Don’t analyze your, I didn’t mean that. Means that you just say that [UNCLEAR I introspect myself]. what am I doing wrong? And suddenly you get some thought coming up. If there is no thought coming up that means you are alright. You are just doubting yourself. Yogini: And the last question Mother. Because we, I, I’m sometime thinking about, which type of job we can do to be a best Yogi. Because, I’ve studied in business, and I want to open a shop. So is it good for me or not? Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR Is the money sufficient for your shop?] Yogini: My father will help me in that. Shri Mataji: Ha? Yogini: Yes. Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR] Yogini: because some people told me, maybe it will take me a lot of time. Shri Mataji: No no no. You can. You can do a shop. Doesn’t matter. Is that the selling, [UNCLEAR] selling agent. That’s the selling agent. Yogini: Ok. Shri Mataji: So you can get things and sell them. Yogini: Ok. Shri Mataji: We can do [UNCLEAR]. There are many Sahaja Yogis [UNCLEAR] selling agents. I had put all the money, every capital and all that, and, we paid the rent, and, then I pay them. Compensate the rent from them. But they get 10% for selling. Yogini: Thank you. Yogi: He said, during this meditation, he saw Mother, [UNCLEAR he thought Mother is] on his head. And he actually can see Mother is talking to him. Is that correct? Shri Mataji: Ha? Yogi: He can see Mother. Shri Mataji: Is alright. Seeing is alright. Yogi: But also he get a voice. Shri Mataji: You see, seeing is not being. You have to be. In a dream if you see me, is alright. But, when you are awake and then you see… Yogi: During mediation. Shri Mataji: His close his eyes then? Yogi: He, during meditation he, [UNCLEAR] Mother on top of his head. And he actually communicate with Mother. Yogini: Sorry, Mother, I think that he imagines. He tries to imagine it. Yogi: He is mentally talking to that image as a method of meditation. He tries to imagine You here to give vibrations. [UNCLEAR] automatically comes to him. Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR no that’s alright] but he should not, sort of, he can always talk to me [UNCLEAR]. I mean there is no harm in talking to me but. But, it should not be imagination sort of thing. In meditation one should be silent. After saying all the mantras and talking and all that, then you should get into the silence. Yogi: Is it correct to do this method, to come into thoughtless awareness or? Shri Mataji: Or? Yogi: To imagine you have your, Try to imagine you in the Sahasrara? Shri Mataji: It’s alright you can imagine that way. But what I’m saying you should go into thoughtless awareness. Shouldn’t talk at the time. [UNCLEAR]. Not even mantras are needed. If you are deep down, then you just [UNCLEAR are] thoughtless awareness and, you don’t even say anything [UNCLEAR]. Yogi: [UNCLEAR] about the same subject of meditation. Many Sahaja Yogis listen to music to meditate. Shri Mataji: What he said? Yogi: Many Yogis are listening to music to calm, to [UNCLEAR], to get into meditation. Shri Mataji: See, somebody else is singing is alright. But, you see, if you are saying things to me, if your atten… That means you are on a mental level na? You have to go beyond mental level. Meditation is. But when you meditating you don’t want to hear anything, nothing. I mean if you have reached that state. But just silently one with that. But with the music, what happens that, you are led to that silence. But just listening is alright. just listening is alright. [UNCLEAR] I mean, there should be no reaction. When there is no reaction, then you’re in thoughtless awareness. Yogi: Second question sorry. Yogi: Second question is about the light. I find difficult to mediate, when there is strong, too much light. Yogi: [UNCLEAR YOGIS TALKING] Yogi: To mediate with a strong [UNCLER] light. Shri Mataji: One should not have always strong light. Yogi: Is it alright to meditate in the darkness? With a candle light Yogi: Just the candle light. Is Ok? Shri Mataji: Ha? Yogi: Only a candle light. Shri Mataji: Alright, just so that you can see my photograph. I too, don’t like this light very much. I, my eyes got spoiled because of the [UNCLEAR] lights that are throwing on me. But now they say there are cameras, we don’t need all this photographs. I mean, all this light for the photograph. Yogi: She dreams, she dreams about Mother once. And Mother [UNCLEAR informed her], she should become vegetarian, for, for 6 months! She follow it? Shri Mataji: Has she got liver? Might help her. She might be able to give up on meat. Yogi: Better for her? Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR] better for her. If you have liver, is better. Yogi: He ask, his dream is about, [UNCLEAR], is that real Mother? Shri Mataji: What? Yogi: If they dream about Mother, is that a real one? Shri Mataji: Good. To dream about me is good. [UNCLEAR] deep down, in Sushupti. You’ll be in that dream, is very good. Yogi: Sometime, she hear a voice coming from far away and coming across to her. Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR what sort of?] Yogi: Sound waves; some kind of sound waves. Shri Mataji: It’s alright. Yogi: It’s alright. Shri Mataji: But not some words. Yogi: It’s just like a, sound waves keep coming. Shri Mataji: She can put some oil or something once. Maybe garlic. [UNCLEAR just]. Yogi: He is, during meditation, his eye was open but he can see the light [UNCLEAR] in front of him. Shri Mataji: Saints. They are the saints. Source [UNCLEAR are] the saints. Yogi: He just saw the light from, from Shri Mataji. Yogi: In the beginning, in Sahaja Yoga, before he went to India tour, he joined the tour. In a dream he saw, he saw people, stay in the line. And he feels that those people just, pass away people. Pass away. Dead already. But he was, giving flowers to everyone of them. But in India tour, he was doing the same thing. That how he dreams. Yogini: No, in Indian tour we want to go to the school and the people give us a flower. He is now getting the flower. No. He get the flower. The Yogis pass the… Yogi: Who gave the flower? Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR now everyone]. See dreams, always get little bit mixed up and misunderstood you see. So, [UNCLEAR] sometimes, I bought a black purse for myself. Because I have to go to dinners, this, that [UNCLEAR] I should have a black purse. So my daughter dreamt that I, got a black purse for her. I said no. it’s for me because, I have to go to dinners, I have no purse left now. You people have taken away [UNCLEAR all]. See, can get misinterpreted. Yogi: [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: little bit [UNCLEAR]. Shri Mataji: So now, I take your leave. And, they are having my Birthday Puja. After that, of course, you know Ganapatipule is there. But also there will be Pujas in Cabella. This time, 6 of them at least [UNCLEAR]. And [UNCLEAR because] people. See, for people from Taiwan, it’s a big concession. You just ask I don’t know. It’s 200 Rupees or? 200 Pounds? Yogi: [UNCLEAR] concession when many people went. Because, some people went for half price, for the whole tour. They went for the whole tour for the half price. But not all of them but half of the people. Shri Mataji: Ah, for the whole tour, half. For the... Yogi: [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR]. Maximum expense is in Ganapatipule. That’s one thing. So for the whole tour it is, [UNCLEAR]. Only for that. Because expense is almost in Ganapatipule. Marriages. It’s quiet a… Yogi: India tour money to be around, Yogi [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR what is ah] Russian don’t pay a single pound, or anything. [UNCLEAR] I have to pay you. They don’t have any [UNCLEAR pence]. So I have to even pay them pocket money about 1000 Rupees, 2000 Rupees and [UNCLEAR]. Easter block, all of them. South America. 300 Pounds will be, into 150. 1500. Ah, 15000. I hope you’ll come… Yogini: [UNCLEAR He’s got a, brought something, please Mother] Shri Mataji: But, is very interesting I mean if you can afford it, he’ll tell you, about last time it was so nice. [UNCLEAR tell him about]. Very good I think. Yogi: [UNCLEAR We talk people about the tour]. [UNCLEAR We can repeat]. Shri Mataji: Really it was, wonderful. This year, now we are thinking of, going to [UNCLEAR Banaras], to Ayodhya, to [UNCLEAR]. To Buddha’s place. Yogi: Shri Sita’s place. Shri Sita [UNCLEAR]. Shri Mataji: So the tour is, tour is [UNCLEAR you can’t] [UNCLEAR] trains and busses but Ganapatipule is alright. Tour is 1000 [UNCLEAR miles]. And because of the tour money we can [UNCLEAR] you know all these, people who come absolutely free. And also I save money because, I made Ganapatipule, I’ve made so many places like this. Delhi Ashram, then we have, school, then we have Vashi. And so many lands I’ve got. Also in America I bought 114 acres of land. And one land I bought it near Cabella, another one. [UNCLEAR], another one. Near Cabella. So those pay for the whole tour, also, are helping in way [UNCLEAR if I had to say one name]. Yogi: [UNCLEAR] Yogini: Mother, Mother. Shri Mataji: Sahaja Yoga is not like other gurus who, [UNCLEAR], they just lynch you off. Those who can afford should cover full. Because there will be hardly 2-3 [UNCLEAR]. Yogi: She is going to international school. Shri Mataji: what’s her name? What class she is in? Yogi: 12 years old. 12 years old. Shri Mataji: Ah it’s alright. you give me a list and I [UNCLEAR]. But, maybe [UNCLEAR]. Let us see. Whatever the situation is. [UNCLEAR] Yogi: Meenakshi’s school, international school start in April. But she can only go July. Is it ok? Shri Mataji: School starting? Yogi: School, International school starting at April. But… Yogi: She says, the [UNCLEAR] starts in April but she wants to go… Shri Mataji: No no no. Starts Earlier [UNCLEAR] Yogi: But she wants to go late a bit when the Chinese school is finished. Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR] Yogi: But will be very difficult to her because… Shri Mataji: In any case she’d have to be [UNCLEAR] one year. But to get a visa, this that, this [UNCLEAR] take time. What about other children? Your children? Yogi: [UNCLEAR] we can come to both Pujas in India. [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: Ah go for Birthday Puja and we [UNCLEAR will accept him]. Is that alright? Come as tourist. But faster. Yogi: [UNCLEAR] have a question? Yogini: Please Mother. There is fellow in my country, a yogi. He wants to study medicine in India. Shri Mataji: Who? Yogini: A yogi in [UNCLEAR Cameron] Yogi: There is a Yogi in [UNCLEAR Cameron], who wants to study, medicine in India. Very difficult. Shri Mataji: Admission, is you have to have 94% pass. [UNCLEAR]. English educa… you see; this Indian school education is very high class. And some of the universities there also very high class. Like very good [UNCLEAR]. But [UNCLEAR they] pay a lot of money, either to get admitted, you have to have 94%. Yogi: Very good. Shri Mataji: 94. Or and also, for, even for, for, engineering, you have to have 92%. Yogi: [UNCLEAR for several years] she has found breathing, on the chest. Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR] Yogi: [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: And what about your relation with your father? Not good. Yogi: She already [UNCLEAR]. Before [UNCLEAR], she doesn’t love him. Now she love him very much. Shri Mataji: You’ll be alright. But treat your liver. See, and we’ll send some medicines for liver. Already you have here. already you have [UNCLEAR]. Yogi: [UNCLEAR] is a… Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR] already have. But ah, because you people eat too much of fish you know. That’s why your eyes are not alright. [UNCLEAR] because fish it has phosphorous. It’s very hot. Take to protein more, other proteins or carbohydrates. Vegetarian will be good. So may God bless you all! If any questions are left, you can write to me. You are very nervous person I don’t know what’s the matter with you. He is very nervous. Yogini: I don’t know [UNCLEAR]
Talk To Sahaja Yogis Grand Hotel Taipei, Taipei (Taiwan) It’s nice to see so many people there, for the program. I counted about [UNCLEAR] there were about, little less than 500 people. Because I was counting the chairs and then the seats that were [UNCLEAR] and some were sitting upstairs also. Now the thing is to, [UNCLEAR no, know] reference. [UNCLEAR Mother Talking to yogis] See these people will be coming now, [UNCLEAR, will] be good. And it’s all a responsibility for you. Maybe I don’t know how many will come. We give them any forms or anything? Yogi: [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: So how many you got? Yogi: [UNCLEAR] how many? [Yogis talking] Yogi: 200. 200 [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: That’s it. So now, to look after this 200 is very important. Someone translate. Somebody can translate? See, now there are about 200 people who have signed, who want to come to the program. Now you have to have understanding because you see, you are not so many, they are 200 people. So the responsibility is on every one of you. You should not think that the responsibility is on only on the leader or someone. It’s on all of you. And you have to be of a level, you can’t be like other people. Baba can you close that door? So it will be a little cooler [UNCLEAR]. See what I have seen that when people come, some people don’t know how to behave properly and start saying things: you are a bhoot, you are this, you are that. also people start quarreling. And also they sometimes push too much. See, then, even 1 person is like that, you see, then, there is a big problem because 1 person can spoil all of that. So if you found, find anyone like that, you should report it to the leader and such a person should be asked not to come. I met many people who left Sahaja Yoga like this. What they said that particular person came and very pushy and did this, did that. first let them reach the door of Sahaja Yoga, is open to everyone. All kinds of people walk in. So maybe one or two are like that isn’t it? You can’t help it. And, if you care for your own ascent you shouldn’t bother about such people. But, you have to be extremely gentle, and nice, and not pushy. Somebody might say: “Ah there, that, I’m not getting these vibrations” or, “I’m not feeling alright” or anything you see like that [UNCLEAR]. They might say that “I’m not feeling vibrations, I’m not alright, I didn’t get realization”. So it’s alright, you should say: “you’ll feel it, Don’t worry.” Best way is to tell them that “I was like you also” so that they don’t mind. “And I started feeling vibrations much later”. So in a very dignified, loving manner you have to handle it. There should be no quarrel, between you, among yourselves before them. You see now, if a one Sahaja Yogi is talking to somebody, then the other Sahaja Yogi should not interfere, not correct the other Sahaja Yogi. That means somebody is [UNCLEAR hanging?] the person, then, another person should not disturb him also. On the contrary, a Sahaja Yogi must support another Sahaja Yogi, fully. Now for, I don’t know what sort you’ll do follow-on, but normally what they do, they don’t talk too much because [UNCLEAR]. You can put one of my tapes you see, introduction tapes. And, you can translate it. You should ask them if they are feeling the cool breeze in their hands and on top of their head. And if they are not feeling cool breeze, then they have to forgive themselves and forgive others. Thus you see, it would be a kind of a, rapport. You can, find out if someone is suffering from some disease. Also you can find out as to, somebody has been to some guru. But immediately you don’t say anything against the gurus because they just disappear. You should say that; “we’ll find out about this guru of yours” or something. Also that you have to become your own guru is the point. That is, you have to know everything. It’s not what your guru says. Like the other day you see, we had one this journalist. He told me that his guru also talks about the centers. You see our books are available everywhere, anybody can copy that! But, he did not say anything about the three centers, three, what you call, channels. Nothing about Sahasrara. Was very amazing you see, part read somewhere, he had heard, and all wrong. All also very [UNCLEAR]. So, gradually I told him, that, how do you know that you are realized, from them? So he said: whenever I get heated up very much, I take his name and I cool down. So I said: do you know why you get heated up and why you cool down? Do you know that? have you any knowledge about it? That means you have to have the whole knowledge, about Sahaja Yogi. It’s not just your guru does this and your guru does that, it’s not [UNCLEAR ok]. He was just shaking before me. Then, he said I should feel like these two, the way they feel I would like to feel. But I said; you have to grow, otherwise how do you feel? Also he told me that his guru didn’t take any money. I told him because you are a journalist, that’s why he didn’t take any money from you. But he will use your journalism. And he understood. So, with them I worked it out very well and, he understood, you see, that, he didn’t know anything. What was happening, you see, what were the chakras. He didn’t know. He just knew, written of type, that these are the chakras. But he didn’t know, what was wrong with him, what chakras he was catching, what others were catching, doesn’t know anything. Then, that really convinced him. Convinced him and, he said: “[UNCLEAR just] Mother, I don’t know anything”. All these things you must be careful about. And, when you talk to them you should be gentle, and gradually you should convince them. And you should not use words like “you are possessed”, “there is bhoot in you”. Or, anything like that. On the contrary, you encourage them and say that: “it’s alright, it will all work out, I know it is going to work out”. See, you see, the conviction will come to them through you people. They should see how you behave, how you [UNCLEAR get through], all these things you see, [UNCLEAR] make them understand that, these are some, better people there are. So you have to be humble, quiet, and allow the leader to tell you whomsoever has to face whom. I’m happy that [UNCLEAR], they agreed to drive to stay here. Because he knows the language and, he knows the people here. Then they will find how nice you are, how sweet you are, and how you do, behave towards others. The whole concept, of a person getting realization, will be evident. They’ll see that. So when you have your follow-on program, you should not wear saris, to begin with. But wear your normal Chinese dresses, so that, they won’t feel that you have changed, you have given up, something. They might ask you, you’ll maybe, your experiences, then, you have to tell them very frankly, honest thing. I leave you to your wisdom now. I am very very much thankful to you, for being so much, in Taiwan. And, also for [UNCLEAR giving out] so well. I have the, I mean, I had to do some shopping for the presents of Sahaja Yogis, and, I’ve been busy with that. but on the whole, I [UNCLEAR did] enjoy my stay here. [UNCLEAR] So if you have any questions, ask me. Yogi: Shri Mataji, I have two questions. The first one is: how can we be a real qualified Sahaja Yogi or Yogini? The second question is: sometimes we’ve got problem, how can we, according to Sahaja Yoga method, we, bandhan or say mantras but the problem exists, then, what kind of attitude should we have? Just be patient or [UNCLEAR] Yogi: Basically he has 2 questions. One is how to be qualified. Shri Mataji: How to be? Yogi: Qualified, qualified. To be a good Sahaja Yogi. Secondly, when he has some problems, how [UNCLEAR]. [UNCLEAR a problem he cannot solve]. Usually he bandhans, say mantra. But the problem won’t go away. Shri Mataji: The thing is, you see, first question is very good: How to be a good Sahaja Yogi? You see, our basis fundamentally, is love. So, you have to develop, your, dimension of love. You shouldn’t pay too much attention to nonsense, you should not get angry. That is possible with, by, [UNCLEAR] yourself with the ice, on the liver. Taking out the heat, also is the head [UNCLEAR over there]. With all these things you see, you can be in the center. You’ll be in the present. And then, once you are in the center, you, ascend very fast. Now the second question, as you asked. What was it he said? Yogi: How to deal with the problem that…? Shri Mataji: Ha? Ha! Problem! See, the best way when you have a problem, don’t think about the problem, but try to become thoughtlessly aware. So you see, you see the problem, very clearly. Then you have to just ask for help [UNCLEAR in person]. You can tell on the photograph: that Mother this is your problem, solve it! What else? Yogi: she says, as a seeker of the truth, she understood the seeking is truly is love. Seeking love. Is there anything else? Shri Mataji: No, you see, the love is the truth. Supposing you love somebody, then you know everything about that person. In the same way, love itself manifest, the truth. So you are seeking the truth which is love, which is Divine love. Then you discover, different types and different hues of [UNCLEAR that track]. [UNCLEAR], [UNCLEAR what’s within you?] Yogi: He says, he thanks Shri Mataji coming to Taiwan and, everybody enjoy, and Mother’s love for us, and he, he would like to request Shri Mataji to bless, there is two Yogini, they are pregnant. Shri Mataji: Good! Yogi: And one of them is his wife! Shri Mataji: May God bless them! That’s alright! Very good! They’ll be getting some very nice Yogis as children. You may enjoy their company. Yogi: What’s the next question? Yogi: He is worried about his death! Shri Mataji: Death?! Yogi: Anyway! He says, he says, a Yogi, when he die, he should be buried under ground. But there is such [UNCLEAR]. Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR] Yogi: And, what to do with [UNCLEAR] relative which is already buried, already buried, already dead. What to do with those dead people? Those relatives. Shri Mataji: You see if they are Sahaja Yogis they are our relations. If they are not, they are not our relations. They are only our relations when they are Sahaja Yogis. You will realize this very soon. Otherwise they are not. One Sahaja Yogi died [UNCLEAR]. Very old man. [UNCLEAR] he died in Mumbai. And his son came and told me we had so many relations, and only the Sahaja Yogis came and helped and took his body and with all the respect and put him, there, I mean he was buried like that. Yogi: How to use Shri Mataji’s vibration in our chakra, to manifest? Shri Mataji: you see actually; photograph is the best way, for the right side or for the left side. You get the vibrations form me and, that will work out wherever you come from. Yogi: Jai Shri Mataji! Yogi: I want to ask Mother, to, to give us, name. My husband, me, 2 boy and this one also! Yogi: she want to request Mother to give name for 2 children and, for also them, and also the one in the, inside the stomach! Shri Mataji: They’re already blessed! With such nice children. What do you want? Yogi: There were some Yogi, they, they practice TM. But, they come here once a year and they want to get Mother’s vibrations. How do we communicate with those people? Shri Mataji: See they are like that, poor things, you know. They don’t know they have to do it, much more than anybody else. Somebody has to tell them [UNCLEAR they] cannot get rid of that. Yogi: He knew this is practice TM. He always like to touch him. His body is [UNCLEAR] and he doesn’t know how to deal with that. Shri Mataji: You should say: “You shouldn’t touch me”. Tell him. They are very funny. Poor thing they suffer so much. Yogi: He says if, what should I do if he touch me. Already. Shri Mataji: Keep yourself in bandhan, yourself. Yogi: He’s got bandhan. Yogi: She is a masseuse. She touch people’s body. Her job. What she has to do? Shri Mataji: She should take bandhans, quiet a lot. And then give bandhan to the patient also. Then good. When [UNCLEAR] somebody wants to massage me, I also take a bandhan [UNCLEAR]. Yogi: She has a good friend, [UNCLEAR]. Good friend. Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR let it go] Yogi: And, she said how do I help her? Shri Mataji: Has she got children? Yogi: Yes. Shri Mataji: She’s alright. Don’t worry. Normally magician’s children don’t get [UNCLEAR]. Yogi: the children was born before, before, divorce and the marriage and, I mean [UNCLEAR] she went to practice rajnish. Shri Mataji: How is the child? How is her child? Yogi: They are separated; father is taking him. Shri Mataji: So she’s, she’s alone now. Yogi: yes Shri Mataji: Father didn’t go [UNCLEAR]. He’s alright, [UNCLEAR more about the child]. For rajnish they have to work very hard. Both the hands and the [UNCLEAR]. Yogi: Shri Mataji you mean [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR] Yogi: He says, for pregnant persons, that, should they start to educate the children? Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR]. [UNCLEAR they should mediate] Yogini: … Sitting I meditation, we have some catches. Is it the same thing, when we are in the street maybe, we have some catches [UNCLEAR] the chakras open or, something happen. Shri Mataji: You just listen. Yogini: I said, when we are sitting on mediation, sometimes we feel the catches, whether on the fingers or on the chakras. Does it mean the same thing, as when we are in the street and we feel something there? We, do we need to explain it all the time? Or we should give it to you? I mean, maybe this a catch because of this or this is a catch because of... Shri Mataji: You should not think about these things. Thinking will not correct it. If you feeling pain, just put your hand there. Yogini: ok. Shri Mataji: If it is on the left side, put your right hand. If your left side, on the right side, put your [UNCLEAR left]. You don’t have to think about, just put your, automatically later on you’ll do. Yogini: And sometimes I feel like pain, blocked here. because I think too much and I’m so anxious and the … Shri Mataji: You must forgive, you must forgive. If you feel it here that means you are not forgiving. Let’s go and [UNCLEAR see] now forgive. You can say Lord’s prayer. Yogini: And should I, mediate lot’s [UNCLEAR often], on the left or on the right? Because, I feel, sometimes hot here. but I don’t know, really. Shri Mataji: wherever you feel [UNCLEAR], hot means is something wrong, with your [UNCLEAR side] it is. And that’s how you can treat yourself. But if you get alright, well and good. First of all, you just sit on the ground, and put your left hand towards the photograph [UNCLEAR you see] put the right hand on the Mother Earth [UNCLEAR you see]. [UNCLEAR, firstly you should]. If it’s not getting the cool breeze, then you put on the, candle. And then you sit on the chair with the water, and just put the hands towards the Mother Earth. Now to start with, this hand like this. If you start getting cool breeze on your right hand, then your both sides are alright. Now you can put the candle, also you can put both the hands towards the photograph, and put both the feet in the water. Yogini: And there is a, also a question about introspection. When we do introspection, what should we…? Shri Mataji: No. I didn’t mean that introspection is your, mental activity, is not the point. Introspection means going to thoughtless awareness. After realization. Because, this is sometimes, when you are in thoughtless awareness, you get the inner thoughts, the inspirations, by which you know what’s wrong with you. And the Divine help. Don’t analyze your, I didn’t mean that. Means that you just say that [UNCLEAR I introspect myself]. what am I doing wrong? And suddenly you get some thought coming up. If there is no thought coming up that means you are alright. You are just doubting yourself. Yogini: And the last question Mother. Because we, I, I’m sometime thinking about, which type of job we can do to be a best Yogi. Because, I’ve studied in business, and I want to open a shop. So is it good for me or not? Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR Is the money sufficient for your shop?] Yogini: My father will help me in that. Shri Mataji: Ha? Yogini: Yes. Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR] Yogini: because some people told me, maybe it will take me a lot of time. Shri Mataji: No no no. You can. You can do a shop. Doesn’t matter. Is that the selling, [UNCLEAR] selling agent. That’s the selling agent. Yogini: Ok. Shri Mataji: So you can get things and sell them. Yogini: Ok. Shri Mataji: We can do [UNCLEAR]. There are many Sahaja Yogis [UNCLEAR] selling agents. I had put all the money, every capital and all that, and, we paid the rent, and, then I pay them. Compensate the rent from them. But they get 10% for selling. Yogini: Thank you. Yogi: He said, during this meditation, he saw Mother, [UNCLEAR he thought Mother is] on his head. And he actually can see Mother is talking to him. Is that correct? Shri Mataji: Ha? Yogi: He can see Mother. Shri Mataji: Is alright. Seeing is alright. Yogi: But also he get a voice. Shri Mataji: You see, seeing is not being. You have to be. In a dream if you see me, is alright. But, when you are awake and then you see… Yogi: During mediation. Shri Mataji: His close his eyes then? Yogi: He, during meditation he, [UNCLEAR] Mother on top of his head. And he actually communicate with Mother. Yogini: Sorry, Mother, I think that he imagines. He tries to imagine it. Yogi: He is mentally talking to that image as a method of meditation. He tries to imagine You here to give vibrations. [UNCLEAR] automatically comes to him. Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR no that’s alright] but he should not, sort of, he can always talk to me [UNCLEAR]. I mean there is no harm in talking to me but. But, it should not be imagination sort of thing. In meditation one should be silent. After saying all the mantras and talking and all that, then you should get into the silence. Yogi: Is it correct to do this method, to come into thoughtless awareness or? Shri Mataji: Or? Yogi: To imagine you have your, Try to imagine you in the Sahasrara? Shri Mataji: It’s alright you can imagine that way. But what I’m saying you should go into thoughtless awareness. Shouldn’t talk at the time. [UNCLEAR]. Not even mantras are needed. If you are deep down, then you just [UNCLEAR are] thoughtless awareness and, you don’t even say anything [UNCLEAR]. Yogi: [UNCLEAR] about the same subject of meditation. Many Sahaja Yogis listen to music to meditate. Shri Mataji: What he said? Yogi: Many Yogis are listening to music to calm, to [UNCLEAR], to get into meditation. Shri Mataji: See, somebody else is singing is alright. But, you see, if you are saying things to me, if your atten… That means you are on a mental level na? You have to go beyond mental level. Meditation is. But when you meditating you don’t want to hear anything, nothing. I mean if you have reached that state. But just silently one with that. But with the music, what happens that, you are led to that silence. But just listening is alright. just listening is alright. [UNCLEAR] I mean, there should be no reaction. When there is no reaction, then you’re in thoughtless awareness. Yogi: Second question sorry. Yogi: Second question is about the light. I find difficult to mediate, when there is strong, too much light. Yogi: [UNCLEAR YOGIS TALKING] Yogi: To mediate with a strong [UNCLER] light. Shri Mataji: One should not have always strong light. Yogi: Is it alright to meditate in the darkness? With a candle light Yogi: Just the candle light. Is Ok? Shri Mataji: Ha? Yogi: Only a candle light. Shri Mataji: Alright, just so that you can see my photograph. I too, don’t like this light very much. I, my eyes got spoiled because of the [UNCLEAR] lights that are throwing on me. But now they say there are cameras, we don’t need all this photographs. I mean, all this light for the photograph. Yogi: She dreams, she dreams about Mother once. And Mother [UNCLEAR informed her], she should become vegetarian, for, for 6 months! She follow it? Shri Mataji: Has she got liver? Might help her. She might be able to give up on meat. Yogi: Better for her? Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR] better for her. If you have liver, is better. Yogi: He ask, his dream is about, [UNCLEAR], is that real Mother? Shri Mataji: What? Yogi: If they dream about Mother, is that a real one? Shri Mataji: Good. To dream about me is good. [UNCLEAR] deep down, in Sushupti. You’ll be in that dream, is very good. Yogi: Sometime, she hear a voice coming from far away and coming across to her. Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR what sort of?] Yogi: Sound waves; some kind of sound waves. Shri Mataji: It’s alright. Yogi: It’s alright. Shri Mataji: But not some words. Yogi: It’s just like a, sound waves keep coming. Shri Mataji: She can put some oil or something once. Maybe garlic. [UNCLEAR just]. Yogi: He is, during meditation, his eye was open but he can see the light [UNCLEAR] in front of him. Shri Mataji: Saints. They are the saints. Source [UNCLEAR are] the saints. Yogi: He just saw the light from, from Shri Mataji. Yogi: In the beginning, in Sahaja Yoga, before he went to India tour, he joined the tour. In a dream he saw, he saw people, stay in the line. And he feels that those people just, pass away people. Pass away. Dead already. But he was, giving flowers to everyone of them. But in India tour, he was doing the same thing. That how he dreams. Yogini: No, in Indian tour we want to go to the school and the people give us a flower. He is now getting the flower. No. He get the flower. The Yogis pass the… Yogi: Who gave the flower? Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR now everyone]. See dreams, always get little bit mixed up and misunderstood you see. So, [UNCLEAR] sometimes, I bought a black purse for myself. Because I have to go to dinners, this, that [UNCLEAR] I should have a black purse. So my daughter dreamt that I, got a black purse for her. I said no. it’s for me because, I have to go to dinners, I have no purse left now. You people have taken away [UNCLEAR all]. See, can get misinterpreted. Yogi: [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: little bit [UNCLEAR]. Shri Mataji: So now, I take your leave. And, they are having my Birthday Puja. After that, of course, you know Ganapatipule is there. But also there will be Pujas in Cabella. This time, 6 of them at least [UNCLEAR]. And [UNCLEAR because] people. See, for people from Taiwan, it’s a big concession. You just ask I don’t know. It’s 200 Rupees or? 200 Pounds? Yogi: [UNCLEAR] concession when many people went. Because, some people went for half price, for the whole tour. They went for the whole tour for the half price. But not all of them but half of the people. Shri Mataji: Ah, for the whole tour, half. For the... Yogi: [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR]. Maximum expense is in Ganapatipule. That’s one thing. So for the whole tour it is, [UNCLEAR]. Only for that. Because expense is almost in Ganapatipule. Marriages. It’s quiet a… Yogi: India tour money to be around, Yogi [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR what is ah] Russian don’t pay a single pound, or anything. [UNCLEAR] I have to pay you. They don’t have any [UNCLEAR pence]. So I have to even pay them pocket money about 1000 Rupees, 2000 Rupees and [UNCLEAR]. Easter block, all of them. South America. 300 Pounds will be, into 150. 1500. Ah, 15000. I hope you’ll come… Yogini: [UNCLEAR He’s got a, brought something, please Mother] Shri Mataji: But, is very interesting I mean if you can afford it, he’ll tell you, about last time it was so nice. [UNCLEAR tell him about]. Very good I think. Yogi: [UNCLEAR We talk people about the tour]. [UNCLEAR We can repeat]. Shri Mataji: Really it was, wonderful. This year, now we are thinking of, going to [UNCLEAR Banaras], to Ayodhya, to [UNCLEAR]. To Buddha’s place. Yogi: Shri Sita’s place. Shri Sita [UNCLEAR]. Shri Mataji: So the tour is, tour is [UNCLEAR you can’t] [UNCLEAR] trains and busses but Ganapatipule is alright. Tour is 1000 [UNCLEAR miles]. And because of the tour money we can [UNCLEAR] you know all these, people who come absolutely free. And also I save money because, I made Ganapatipule, I’ve made so many places like this. Delhi Ashram, then we have, school, then we have Vashi. And so many lands I’ve got. Also in America I bought 114 acres of land. And one land I bought it near Cabella, another one. [UNCLEAR], another one. Near Cabella. So those pay for the whole tour, also, are helping in way [UNCLEAR if I had to say one name]. Yogi: [UNCLEAR] Yogini: Mother, Mother. Shri Mataji: Sahaja Yoga is not like other gurus who, [UNCLEAR], they just lynch you off. Those who can afford should cover full. Because there will be hardly 2-3 [UNCLEAR]. Yogi: She is going to international school. Shri Mataji: what’s her name? What class she is in? Yogi: 12 years old. 12 years old. Shri Mataji: Ah it’s alright. you give me a list and I [UNCLEAR]. But, maybe [UNCLEAR]. Let us see. Whatever the situation is. [UNCLEAR] Yogi: Meenakshi’s school, international school start in April. But she can only go July. Is it ok? Shri Mataji: School starting? Yogi: School, International school starting at April. But… Yogi: She says, the [UNCLEAR] starts in April but she wants to go… Shri Mataji: No no no. Starts Earlier [UNCLEAR] Yogi: But she wants to go late a bit when the Chinese school is finished. Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR] Yogi: But will be very difficult to her because… Shri Mataji: In any case she’d have to be [UNCLEAR] one year. But to get a visa, this that, this [UNCLEAR] take time. What about other children? Your children? Yogi: [UNCLEAR] we can come to both Pujas in India. [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: Ah go for Birthday Puja and we [UNCLEAR will accept him]. Is that alright? Come as tourist. But faster. Yogi: [UNCLEAR] have a question? Yogini: Please Mother. There is fellow in my country, a yogi. He wants to study medicine in India. Shri Mataji: Who? Yogini: A yogi in [UNCLEAR Cameron] Yogi: There is a Yogi in [UNCLEAR Cameron], who wants to study, medicine in India. Very difficult. Shri Mataji: Admission, is you have to have 94% pass. [UNCLEAR]. English educa… you see; this Indian school education is very high class. And some of the universities there also very high class. Like very good [UNCLEAR]. But [UNCLEAR they] pay a lot of money, either to get admitted, you have to have 94%. Yogi: Very good. Shri Mataji: 94. Or and also, for, even for, for, engineering, you have to have 92%. Yogi: [UNCLEAR for several years] she has found breathing, on the chest. Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR] Yogi: [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: And what about your relation with your father? Not good. Yogi: She already [UNCLEAR]. Before [UNCLEAR], she doesn’t love him. Now she love him very much. Shri Mataji: You’ll be alright. But treat your liver. See, and we’ll send some medicines for liver. Already you have here. already you have [UNCLEAR]. Yogi: [UNCLEAR] is a… Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR] already have. But ah, because you people eat too much of fish you know. That’s why your eyes are not alright. [UNCLEAR] because fish it has phosphorous. It’s very hot. Take to protein more, other proteins or carbohydrates. Vegetarian will be good. So may God bless you all! If any questions are left, you can write to me. You are very nervous person I don’t know what’s the matter with you. He is very nervous. Yogini: I don’t know [UNCLEAR]
You have to have a desire to get this higher awareness
Petaling Jaya
Public Program
Public Program (Malaysia), 12 March 1995. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset I have to tell you that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot transform it and unfortunately, at this human awareness, you cannot know it. In the evolutionary process you have come to a state of human awareness. But at this point you do not know the absolute truth. If you had known the absolute truth there would have been no quarrels, no fights, no wars, because everybody would have known it. Now whatever I'm going to tell you here today please do not take for granted. We've had enough problems with blind faiths. So whatever I'm telling you, you should have an open mind like a scientist and treat it, my lecture as a hypothesis. If it proves then you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your family, it is for the benevolence of your cities, benevolence of your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. We have to understand that we have problems because we try to rationalize everything with our mental capacity. Everybody has a different style of rationalizing but if you can go somehow beyond this mind then you can see the reality. You have been told about this instrument that is within you, is all created during our creation. One by one we went through it during our evolutionary process. It's beautifully done and there is a power has been shown there which all of you have whether you're Hindu, Muslim, Christian, anybody. This is the power which has to give you your second birth. So what is the truth? The first truth is that you're not this body, this mind, this intelligence, emotions, your ego or your conditionings. But you are the pure Spirit, you are beyond this. So you have to become the Spirit. Another truth is when we see these flowers so beautiful, very beautiful they are, then, we do not think even that it's a miracle to have these different flowers with different colors, hues and different fragrance. Who does this work? Who runs your heart? If you ask a doctor he will say it is autonomous nervous system. But who is this "auto"? That is the Self, that is the Spirit. When we talk like "My hand," "My body," "My head," "My emotions," "My intellect," but who is the owner of this "My"? Is your Spirit. There is such a seeking in modern times. I'm really surprised, because all these modern lifestyle has given us a kind of illusions. We live with illusions and once we discover these illusions we get very frustrated. In Sanskrit it is called as Brandhi. It's not only that Indian saints have talked about this. Also Tao, Tao of Lao Tze. Chinese know about it but they just don't know what to do. For Japanese there was Zen who has also said the same thing. I'm not saying something new to you. This work of giving awakening to this Kundalini was just like a seed, you put it in the Mother Earth, it sprouts. How? Because the seed has built-in capacity to sprout and the Mother Earth also has built-in capacity to sprout. So it is spontaneous. Sahaj means born with you. Saha is with, Ja is born. Also it means simple. It's born with you, spontaneous happening that should take place, is your birth-right as seekers. Of course you cannot force on people. You have to have a desire to get this higher awareness. This Kundalini is your Mother. She is your individual mother and She knows everything about you, about your past, about your aspirations, everything She knows. Like a tape-recorder She has taped your life, of many lives are there. And She's anxious to give you your second birth, very anxious. And now when you are seeking the truth, She works it, spontaneously. It's a living process, like we put the seed in the Mother Earth and it works. We don't pay any money to the Mother Earth for that, do we? So first thing we should know you cannot pay for this. It's your birth-right to get it and you will get it tonight. So I have to tell you also about people who have commercialised because they know there are people who are seeking. They're commercialised and they're trying all kinds of tricks which is absolutely absurd. As a Mother I have to tell you the truth. For example, I went to Chicago and there was the head of the Hare Rama. He was wearing a dhoti in that cold, severe cold and he had shaved his head. I asked him, "Why are you wearing dhoti in this cold, what is the need?" He said, "My guru has told me if you wear a dhoti you'll get your Nirvana." I said, "Really?" In our country, India, at least eighty percent people wear dhotis. If they get Nirvana then where will you be? Then I said, "Why have you shaved your head?" So he said, "I've shaved it because again my guru has said you have to shave if you have to take Nirvana." On this, Kabira, a great poet has said that by shaving your head if you can go to heaven what about the sheep which is shaved every year twice? All such things, you see, "You go to Himalayas, you stand on one foot," or die there. They started also something called Shambala that you go in the Gobi Desert and you get Nirvana. In any case if you go in the desert you'll die, what is there? Then there are people who are now saying that you can fly at three feet height, imagine. What is the need to fly at three feet high, I can't understand. As it is, in this Kuala Lumpur, there're so many cars that it's very difficult to go even for a small distance, you know, and if you have these people going about at three feet, what would happen? There is another one who gives diamonds, this that, now he's exposed, thank God, because he used to mesmerise people. Another one is now teaching people how to move pendulum and he's made lots of money. I was in Washington, they came and said, "We have lost Mother, all our money, what to do." I said, "For what? For this moving pendulum? Have you come on this earth to move pendulum? Is that the value of your life that you lost all your money, everything?" So here the seekers are earnest and they're trying to seek. Here there's a market of these people who are commercialising and we start following them because, I think they're stupid, that's all. The greatest number of stupid people I've found in America. They're really idiotic. They take to all kinds of nonsence, and they accept it. They're supposed to be very developed. I think they have no wisdom at all, and then they come to Me crying, "Mother, this has happened." I said, "But why did you do it?" So one has to understand that something has to happen to your awareness. It's not just, "I believe in this, I believe in that." No. You have to believe in yourself and you have to know everything about yourself. This is very important that we should understand our own value. Otherwise anybody can exploit you. Because now you have money, you've cars. They see this, they want all that. So money has nothing to do with spirituality, God doesn't understand money. He doesn't understand banking and all that. See that is your headache. You have created money. All right, so now when this Kundalini rises, what happens? First thing is that She nourishes all these centres. And these subtle centres are for your physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual being. Complete benevolence. But when they go into jeopardy then you create problems. It helps physically very much. In India there are four doctors from university who have done their MBBS, have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga, MD in Sahaja Yoga, for curing some incurable diseases. But people get cured just like that and I was amazed that in Russia people are sixty-five percent extremely spiritual. They're not materialistic, they don't want material things, they're not. Their government said, "All right you take your flats and look after them, you take your houses, look after them." They said, "No no, we don't want, you better look after them, why should possess a headache." Sixty-five percent. And they understand spirituality very well, very well. All the developing countries like India and others are, we're now trying to make money. All right, not that you should not make but also you must have a balance. You must know the bad effects of money. See America is what? Sixty-five percent people they say will become schizophrenic, means half-mad. In India we don't have half-mads. We either have full or no. But in America you have. They're all right, suddenly they become mad. The again they're all right, suddenly they become mad. All funny diseases. Then they have AIDS and all sorts of diseases they have. So one has to understand that this kind of progress, imbalanced, has not brought any happiness to people. There are more diseases now than they were ever before. So it is important for us to see. Supposing somebody goes and falls into a ditch. So we should see, he's fallen into ditch now, what should we do, how to protect ourselves. So with this happening, physical being gets completely corrected. Many incurable diseases, blood cancer, all kinds of diseases are cured with this. But in getting cured you also get other things that is complete mental peace you get. Many mental cases have been cured, many mental cases. Some of them were also people, children who were suffering from, handicapped and also some were mentally handicapped. All these could be cured, not that all will be cured but all these problems can be cured in a person. With your own power you are the doctor, you're not to pay for it, it's your own power that will cure. People don't believe it because they have no faith in themselves but it'a a fact I'm telling you that it works. Now when this Kundalini rises what another thing She does is that She gives you complete peace of mind. How it happens like you're standing in the water, you're afraid that you'll be drowned with the waves. But supposing if you get into the boat then you don't mind looking at those waves and enjoying them. But supposing you know how to swim then you can just jump down and save people. This is exactly what happens in Sahaja Yoga. We are all the time thinking about the future and the past. We cannot be in the present. So we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts which rise fall, rise fall, rise fall, we're jumping like that. In between them there's a little space, a pause where there is peace, when you are in the present. Future is over, it doesn't exist and past we don't know. But we are all the time jumping with these thoughts. So when the Kundalini rises She elongates these thoughts, elongates. And by elongating these thoughts, She creates peace. And we become absolutely peaceful. Then we become the witness; the whole thing looks like a drama. You are out of your problems so you can solve them. And with this peace you become very dynamic but very peaceful. At my age as you know, all of you, seventy-two years of age, I'm travelling everyday, practically third day, fourth day I'm out. But I'm peaceful, I never think I'm travelling; I think if I am sitting here on a sofa, there also I'm sitting. So this thinking stops and you become thoughtlessly aware. In Sanskrit it's called as Nirvichar Samadhi, where there is no thought but you are absolutely aware, very aware. Your memory improves, if you see something, I'm seeing these flowers, now it's all in within Me, the joy that is within these flowers starts trickling down. Now supposing this carpet is beautiful, I look at this carpet, thank God it's not mine otherwise I would have had a headache, to insure it, to worry about it, this that. So I look at it and the joy that is put inside this by the artist in a subtle way starts pouring down Me, I become absolutely filled with joy of this creation. So you become thoughtlessly aware and then the real inspirations come to you. And you're dynamic at the same time. Your attention now becomes enlightened by the Spirit. If the attention is enlightened then what happens? This attention works. Sitting down here you can find out about anyone you want to. On your central nervous system you can feel it, the centre of that person, you know the chakras which are catching and you know what's wrong with that person, what's going to happen. If you know how to correct yourself, your own chakras, you can correct the chakras of others. So then you also put them into proper shape and life becomes very beautiful. Your attitude towards life changes, towards your relationships, towards your society and then you start understanding what wrong we have been doing. It's like this. Supposing I have a snake in my hand. It's all darkness here and I'm very obstinate and you tell me that you have a snake in your hand. I will say, "No, it is not, it is a rope." Till the snake bites me I'll be holding on to it. But supposing there is little light, immediately I'll throw away. In the same way you give up all destructive habits. Overnight people have given up drugs, very surprising. Because you have the light and this light makes you wise. You get your wisdom. Then also we go to one extreme, to another extreme. Like you can see the Western culture is such that there's abandonment. You don't have to worry about anything, go ahead, live like a very licentious, permissive person, is allowed. It's freedom. The other ones are, other religions are very strict. "You can't do this, you can't do this," this and that. These are two extremes. But with this you come in balance. You actually become religious. You become righteous. You don't do wrong things, you just don't do it, because there is light. This is enlightenment. You know about saints, how they lived. They were married, they had children. But what was their life? That's what exactly happens to you, that you become extremely wise and enlightened. It is that on your central nervous system, when this Kundalini rises and pierces through, She connects you to the main. Like this instrument had to be connected to the mains, otherwise it had no meaning, no identity. In the same way you get connected to that all-pervading vital power. And then you start feeling the vibrations on your hand, of like a cool breeze. When it happens to you, you can ask any question. Like a computer, you ask any question, the answer comes to you, on your finger tips. So to know the truth on your central nervous system. Like we are human beings, all right. We know so many things. But say, there's a dog or a horse if you want to take him through a dirty lane, he'll go away, he won't think about it. But we can't go because our awareness is much higher. But with this we don't do anything wrong, just don't do it, because our awareness becomes much higher. Then comes that in this enlightenment you see everything on your finger tips. You know everything on your central nervous system. This is what has to happen which is called as in Sanskrit, Bodh. Bodh, or wave from where, vida, means from where the wave word has come, and from Bodh, Buddha has come. So it not just a mental idea, it is not just somebody's thoughts that you are carrying. No, it is something that happens to you, actually that you can feel it on your central nervous system. This is what is Sahaj Yoga, means spontaneous union with the divine power. Now this divine power of love is, for your information, so this divine power is the ocean of knowledge, of absolute knowledge. It's the ocean of compassion and love. It is the ocean of miracles. Not this kind of gifting a diamond and all that. But so many miracles take place which are very different and people are writing books, on this I said, "Don't write to me, you can write it yourself," because so many things small and big they tell us. So in short you enter into the kingdom of God. Now this kingdom of God is very efficient, very alert. And how it helps you, you'll be surprised in every day to day work, in your business, in everything. And the attention is so alert that there are so many artists who have suddenly become well known. You must have heard of Amjad Ali, Safar Hussain Khan, so many in India, Debu Choudhury, all these were ordinary artistes, have suddenly become very great. In Australia we have some painters who are now world-famous. Because your attention becomes very clean and pure, no more confusions. Confusions of modern times just disappear. And you start creating beautiful art which is appreciated. It's not grotesque, vulgar, but people appreciate and you get a name for that. I've seen people who are doing ordinary business have become big business. But they're very humble. They don't take to bad things, otherwise normally you give somebody hundred dollars, immediately he'll go to the pub, immediately. But then such a person who is enlightened has to do every day to day mundane work, his attention is absolutely pure. Also, you'll be surprised in this attention your relationships with everybody improves. You can see a person have this. You don't have to give up your family, you don't have to give up anything. Also you don't have to fast for God, why should you fast? You can fast for your health but not for God. He's father, most loving father; He's Father of all the fathers and which father would like his son to fast because the son wants to meet Him? Absurd things. You fast and give all the money to the Brahmins or to the priests. It's all nonsense. There's nothing of this kind which is divine. Divine is love and love of a kind that makes you really enjoy a detached love. Now the detached love is like this, that like a sap in the tree rises. It goes to various places and gives nourishment to different things and ultimately it evaporates or it goes back to Mother Earth. It does not stick to something. Supposing it sticks to something like a fruit or a flower the whole tree will die and the fruit and flower will also die. So we get stuck, you see, "For my children, for my sons, for my this," this is what people do for corruption, what do they do. What's the use, whatever you have to do it, you should do it for everything. It is a category of people, very selfish, they just don't do for anybody else. Some think better will do for their relations, some think better will do for their communities. But in Sahaja Yoga we work for the global peace. Another point which is very important to understand that we respect all the religions equally the same. All religions came on this earth as flowers of spirituality, all of them. But then people plucked it, "This is my religion, this is my religion," and now they're fighting with the dead religion. Why should you fight in the name of God? Simple question. All over the world they're fighting in the name of God, it's very shameful. But once you become one with the Divine, you become one living organism like that. We have seminars everywhere, even in India we have seminars, we get people from sixty-five nations and I've not seen anybody fighting or anybody saying even a bad word to somebody. Such respect, such love. It's a new world, it's a new age, it's a new race that has to come. Such help, if something happens to somebody in Kuala Lumpur the whole of the world will try to help. All the people will try to help. It's such a one understanding that we are part and parcel of the whole. Then who's the other? Everything belongs to you. It's a great feeling, you expand and you'll be amazed once you get your realization, once you become Sahaja Yogi all over the world you will find your brothers and sisters, all of them. You're not small, you're not just for your family, your house, no, but you must expand and this expansion comes when you have the light of the Spirit. You don't have to pay or you don't have to do anything, just to feel oneness, it's very beautiful. Now the another quality of Spirit is that it is the source of absolute truth. If they put hands towards like that and ask questions, for anybody, immediately they know, immediately, what's wrong with that person. Say if you take ten children, tie up their eyes, they're realized souls, you ask them, "What's wrong with this person?" they will all show the same finger. Supposing they show this finger, means he's something wrong with his heart and you ask the person, "What's matter with your heart?" he'll say, "How do you know?" You don't have to go for diagnosis, you don't have to do anything. You can diagnose yourself and you can diagnose other people. It sounds very fantastic but we are fantastic. Like if you have a television and you take to a remotest corner of a jungle and tell people that you can see hear pictures and everything, ah, they'll say, "What, this is just a box, how can you see?" But once you put it to the mains it starts working and it is so fantastic that these ignorant people are all so amazed, how it is working. In the same way, it works. So we have to know our own value. We have to know what we are. The greatest thing that happens that we jump in the ocean of joy. Joy is not like happiness and unhappiness. If your ego is pampered you feel happy; if it is punctured you feel unhappy, it's not like that. Joy is a feeling which is unique and you are just joyous, in joy within yourself. You've come here to enjoy, not to weep and cry and beat yourself, no. Your wrong idea. God who has created us is a very sensible person, isn't He? Why will He create us to be unhappy? But we in our ignorance and stupidity try to make everyone unhappy. So this is the time, special time, I call it the blossom time where there are many seekers and who get self-realization. I was really amazed, of course in India it's growing very fast, no doubt, but in Russia, we have to always take a stadium where at least eighteen thousand people could be seated and it is spreading so fast all over. It's like one light which is enlightened, enlightens another light. Now that light which is enlightened, enlightens another. I'm surprised to see so many Sahaja Yogis in this country because we started with two or three to begin with. And suddenly it has now become so big. You don't have to pay, you don't have to worry. You don't have to read also much about it. Because by reading also what people get conditioned, you know. Same Kabira has said by reading too much people have become stupid. I've met many like that. You talk to them, they'll tell you, "Did you read this book?" You read yourself, why do you want me to read all these books? It is spreading all over and it should spread here also and as it is, you are very great seekers, I know that and that you have come here all the way. I'm sure it will work out for you. But for that you must have self-confidence. You must have self-confidence, very important. Another thing I confess I cannot force it on you because I respect your freedom, absolutely. It will take hardly fifteen minutes. But one thing, nobody should leave the hall when we are working it out. If they want they can go now but when people are working it out they should not disturb others. Whether you sit away or near Me, you all will get your self-realization. It doesn't matter where you are sitting. The children can come in front, let the children come in front. If some people want to come in front, they can come also. Now I have to tell you that there are three conditions which are very simple. One of them is that this all-pervading power is the ocean of forgiveness. So you have to forgive yourself. That means you should not feel guilty. On the contrary you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself . You might have done some mistakes in the past; forget the past. What's the use of harping on it now? But if you feel guilty then you catch on this centre here on the left hand side which is very dangerous. This gives you a disease called angina, a kind of a heart trouble. Also it gives you spondylitis. Also it can make your system of your organs very weak. Also you can get cervical cancer. It's a very dangerous thing. So why should we worry about the mistake we have committed, finished now. If you were really guilty, you would have been in jail, you would not have been here. So be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Now the second condition is that we have to forgive everyone, without even thinking about them. Whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But when you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands and you torture yourself, while those who have troubled you are happy. But at this moment very important thing is the centre on the optic chiasma is like this, absolutely constricted, and if you don't forgive it won't open and how will the Kundalini pass through? So only thing you have to do is to forgive, by saying, it's a mantra, you can call it, that, "I forgive everyone in general." Don't even think about it because it's a headache. Third one is very simple, is that you have to take out your shoes, because in England, first time when I told them, "Take out your shoes," half of them walked off. That's why I'm requesting you. As you know there are two powers, left and right and the central path of ascent. So the left, left side and right side being two opposite powers, one for desire and one for action, we have to keep our both feet apart. Those who are sitting on the ground are all right. Those who are sitting on the chair please put your both the feet apart from each other, that's all. Now when we'll close our eyes, when I tell you, you can take out your glasses, when I tell you, not just now, not just now. Just now I will ask somebody to show you. Anybody, you can come. To show you how we will be nourishing, you will be nourishing your own centres. So the first, we put the left hand on our left side lap, very comfortably. You'll get it very comfortably, I told you you don't go to Himalayas or anything, here you will get it. So now put your left hand on your left lap, comfortably. This symbolises one thing, that you're desirous of getting self-realization, Atma Sakshatkar. This is to express your desire. Now Kundalini is the pure desire while other desires are not pure. Because today we want to have, say, a house, then you want to have a car, then you want to have a helicopter, and it goes on and on, we're never satisfied. It's a, it's a economic law that in general wants are not satiable, that means they're not pure, that's why. This is the pure desire. You may be aware or not, but it is the desire to be one with this divine power. So you put your left hand which is meant for the mundane desire, left side is mundane desire, by which you should desire to have your self-realization. And with the right hand we'll be nourishing our centres, on the left hand side. So we put our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides your Spirit; it's the reflection of God Almighty, while Kundalini is the reflection of the primordial feminine power. So you put your right hand on your heart where resides the Spirit. Now if you become the Spirit then in the light of the Spirit you guide yourself, you become your own master. So we take down our hand, in the upper portion of our abdomen, on the left hand side which is the centre of your mastery. Surprisingly, the centre of pure divine knowledge is in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. So then we raise our right hand in the upper portion of our abdomen. Then on your heart. Then in the corner of neck and shoulder and turn our head to your right. This is the centre which is in jeopardy when you feel guilty. Now, please take your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head, as far as possible. This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone, please put down your heads, forgive everyone. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here you have to ask forgiveness, for your own satisfaction, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes from all-pervading divine power. Now, please stretch your palm fully, like this. Now put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, the taloo, , which was a soft bone in your childhood. Through this bone, Kundalini emerges out. Now please put down your head as far as possible. Now important thing is to press back your fingers nicely so there's a good pressure on your scalp. Now please move your scalp seven times clockwise slowly. Push back your fingers, push back your fingers. Put down your head, please put down your head. Then you'll do it better, please put down your head. Now move it seven times slowly. This called as Brahmarandhra in Sanskrit language. Now that's all we have to do. Now again see to it that you put your both the feet apart from each other. Put your left hand on your left lap and take out your spectacles now. You'll have to now close your eyes, not tightly but lightly as you sleep and please don't open them till I tell you. Now take the right hand on your heart. Please keep your eyes shut. Now here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself. You may call Me Mother or Shri Mataji, whatever you like. In your heart you've to ask three times, "Mother, am I the pure Spirit?" Ask this question three times. I have told you that when you become the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here you have to ask another fundamental question about yourself. "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question, three times, "Mother, am I my own master?" I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force the pure divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, and here you have to ask six times because this centre has got six petals. "Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge." Ask this six times. Now, as soon as you ask for the pure divine knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So we have to nourish our higher centres with our full self-confidence. So raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here, with full self-confidence, you have to say, full self-confidence, "Mother, I am my own master," ten times. "Mother, I am my own master," ten times. I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this intelligence, these emotions, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and here you have to say again with full self-confidence, twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." Please say it twelve times. I've told you this all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of bliss, ocean of compassion, but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you might commit, all can be dissolved into this ocean of forgivenes. So forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of left shoulder and left neck. Press it hard and put your head to the right. Here you have to say with full confidence, sixteen times, "Mother, I am not guilty at all," sixteen times, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." Please put your head to your right, turn your head to your right, please. I've already told you whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. And at this moment, if you don't forgive, this centre won't open and you won't be able to get your self-realization. So it's very important at this time for you to forgive everyone in general, not to think about it. So now please put your right hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head, and here not how many times but from your heart you have to say, "Mother, I forgive everyone, in general." Please put down your head, that's very important. Now, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the all-pervading divine power. So now please put your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head, push back. Here you have to say, again from your heart, not how many times, "O Divine Power, if I have done mistake knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me." Now, stretch your hand, the palm, fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood, all right. Now again please put down your head and you have to stretch back your fingers. Here again, I cannot force self-realization on you. So now move your scalp slowly, seven times, saying seven times. "Mother, please give me my self-knowledge, self-realization," whatever you want to say. Please say it seven times. Move your scalp, please. Not the hand but the scalp because you put, push back your fingers otherwise it won't move, push back your fingers to give, no no, push back your fingers, means outward, push back outward. (Shri Mataji blows into the microphone). Now please take down your hands and open your eyes, slowly, you can wear your glasses. Now please put both the hands towards Me, like this. Some of you are already feeling the cool breeze but don't doubt. This is the cool breeze of the all-pervading divine love. All right, let's see. Now put your right hand towards Me like this. Right, and put down your head and see for yourself, if from the fontanelle bone area, you're getting any cool or hot breeze-like vibrations. Just put down your head and see for yourself. Sometimes people get it close, sometimes nearer. It's coming out of your head, don't doubt. It's coming out of your head. All right, now put the left hand towards Me. Now with the right hand, please see if there's a cool or a hot breeze-like vibrations are coming out. Put down your head, but one thing is there, if you have not forgiven yourself or not forgiven others it will be hot. So please try to forgive now. Now some people get it very close, some get it far away so move your hand and see for yourself. Now please put your right hand towards Me again and with the left hand again you see on top of your head, if you're getting any cool or a hot breeze-like thing on your hands, on your palm. All right, now please put both the hands towards the sky like this and push back your head. Here again you have to ask one of the three questions I tell you. One question is, "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost as described in the Bible?" This you can ask three times, otherwise you can ask, "Mother, is this the all-pervading power of divine love?" that is, Ruh, as described in Koran; or you can ask, "Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?" as described in the Indian scriptures. "Is this the Paramachaitanya?" Ask anyone of these questions three times. Now, push, come down. It's all right. Now please put both hands towards Me like this, and watch Me without thinking. You can do it. Now all those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or on their palm or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. I bow to you. The whole of Kuala Lumpur has got it, I bow to you. Your saintly life has started but you must value it, you must grow. For that we have a centre here, centres everywhere. Please attend, you don't have to pay, again and again I am telling you. But respect your self-realization. You have to become like trees now. I hope all of you will take care and look after your self-realization. Thank you very much. Now enjoy yourself and enjoy everyone. I'll come next year again.
Public Program (Malaysia), 12 March 1995. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset I have to tell you that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot transform it and unfortunately, at this human awareness, you cannot know it. In the evolutionary process you have come to a state of human awareness. But at this point you do not know the absolute truth. If you had known the absolute truth there would have been no quarrels, no fights, no wars, because everybody would have known it. Now whatever I'm going to tell you here today please do not take for granted. We've had enough problems with blind faiths. So whatever I'm telling you, you should have an open mind like a scientist and treat it, my lecture as a hypothesis. If it proves then you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your family, it is for the benevolence of your cities, benevolence of your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. We have to understand that we have problems because we try to rationalize everything with our mental capacity. Everybody has a different style of rationalizing but if you can go somehow beyond this mind then you can see the reality. You have been told about this instrument that is within you, is all created during our creation. One by one we went through it during our evolutionary process. It's beautifully done and there is a power has been shown there which all of you have whether you're Hindu, Muslim, Christian, anybody. This is the power which has to give you your second birth. So what is the truth? The first truth is that you're not this body, this mind, this intelligence, emotions, your ego or your conditionings. But you are the pure Spirit, you are beyond this. So you have to become the Spirit. Another truth is when we see these flowers so beautiful, very beautiful they are, then, we do not think even that it's a miracle to have these different flowers with different colors, hues and different fragrance. Who does this work? Who runs your heart? If you ask a doctor he will say it is autonomous nervous system. But who is this "auto"? That is the Self, that is the Spirit. When we talk like "My hand," "My body," "My head," "My emotions," "My intellect," but who is the owner of this "My"? Is your Spirit. There is such a seeking in modern times. I'm really surprised, because all these modern lifestyle has given us a kind of illusions. We live with illusions and once we discover these illusions we get very frustrated. In Sanskrit it is called as Brandhi. It's not only that Indian saints have talked about this. Also Tao, Tao of Lao Tze. Chinese know about it but they just don't know what to do. For Japanese there was Zen who has also said the same thing. I'm not saying something new to you. This work of giving awakening to this Kundalini was just like a seed, you put it in the Mother Earth, it sprouts. How? Because the seed has built-in capacity to sprout and the Mother Earth also has built-in capacity to sprout. So it is spontaneous. Sahaj means born with you. Saha is with, Ja is born. Also it means simple. It's born with you, spontaneous happening that should take place, is your birth-right as seekers. Of course you cannot force on people. You have to have a desire to get this higher awareness. This Kundalini is your Mother. She is your individual mother and She knows everything about you, about your past, about your aspirations, everything She knows. Like a tape-recorder She has taped your life, of many lives are there. And She's anxious to give you your second birth, very anxious. And now when you are seeking the truth, She works it, spontaneously. It's a living process, like we put the seed in the Mother Earth and it works. We don't pay any money to the Mother Earth for that, do we? So first thing we should know you cannot pay for this. It's your birth-right to get it and you will get it tonight. So I have to tell you also about people who have commercialised because they know there are people who are seeking. They're commercialised and they're trying all kinds of tricks which is absolutely absurd. As a Mother I have to tell you the truth. For example, I went to Chicago and there was the head of the Hare Rama. He was wearing a dhoti in that cold, severe cold and he had shaved his head. I asked him, "Why are you wearing dhoti in this cold, what is the need?" He said, "My guru has told me if you wear a dhoti you'll get your Nirvana." I said, "Really?" In our country, India, at least eighty percent people wear dhotis. If they get Nirvana then where will you be? Then I said, "Why have you shaved your head?" So he said, "I've shaved it because again my guru has said you have to shave if you have to take Nirvana." On this, Kabira, a great poet has said that by shaving your head if you can go to heaven what about the sheep which is shaved every year twice? All such things, you see, "You go to Himalayas, you stand on one foot," or die there. They started also something called Shambala that you go in the Gobi Desert and you get Nirvana. In any case if you go in the desert you'll die, what is there? Then there are people who are now saying that you can fly at three feet height, imagine. What is the need to fly at three feet high, I can't understand. As it is, in this Kuala Lumpur, there're so many cars that it's very difficult to go even for a small distance, you know, and if you have these people going about at three feet, what would happen? There is another one who gives diamonds, this that, now he's exposed, thank God, because he used to mesmerise people. Another one is now teaching people how to move pendulum and he's made lots of money. I was in Washington, they came and said, "We have lost Mother, all our money, what to do." I said, "For what? For this moving pendulum? Have you come on this earth to move pendulum? Is that the value of your life that you lost all your money, everything?" So here the seekers are earnest and they're trying to seek. Here there's a market of these people who are commercialising and we start following them because, I think they're stupid, that's all. The greatest number of stupid people I've found in America. They're really idiotic. They take to all kinds of nonsence, and they accept it. They're supposed to be very developed. I think they have no wisdom at all, and then they come to Me crying, "Mother, this has happened." I said, "But why did you do it?" So one has to understand that something has to happen to your awareness. It's not just, "I believe in this, I believe in that." No. You have to believe in yourself and you have to know everything about yourself. This is very important that we should understand our own value. Otherwise anybody can exploit you. Because now you have money, you've cars. They see this, they want all that. So money has nothing to do with spirituality, God doesn't understand money. He doesn't understand banking and all that. See that is your headache. You have created money. All right, so now when this Kundalini rises, what happens? First thing is that She nourishes all these centres. And these subtle centres are for your physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual being. Complete benevolence. But when they go into jeopardy then you create problems. It helps physically very much. In India there are four doctors from university who have done their MBBS, have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga, MD in Sahaja Yoga, for curing some incurable diseases. But people get cured just like that and I was amazed that in Russia people are sixty-five percent extremely spiritual. They're not materialistic, they don't want material things, they're not. Their government said, "All right you take your flats and look after them, you take your houses, look after them." They said, "No no, we don't want, you better look after them, why should possess a headache." Sixty-five percent. And they understand spirituality very well, very well. All the developing countries like India and others are, we're now trying to make money. All right, not that you should not make but also you must have a balance. You must know the bad effects of money. See America is what? Sixty-five percent people they say will become schizophrenic, means half-mad. In India we don't have half-mads. We either have full or no. But in America you have. They're all right, suddenly they become mad. The again they're all right, suddenly they become mad. All funny diseases. Then they have AIDS and all sorts of diseases they have. So one has to understand that this kind of progress, imbalanced, has not brought any happiness to people. There are more diseases now than they were ever before. So it is important for us to see. Supposing somebody goes and falls into a ditch. So we should see, he's fallen into ditch now, what should we do, how to protect ourselves. So with this happening, physical being gets completely corrected. Many incurable diseases, blood cancer, all kinds of diseases are cured with this. But in getting cured you also get other things that is complete mental peace you get. Many mental cases have been cured, many mental cases. Some of them were also people, children who were suffering from, handicapped and also some were mentally handicapped. All these could be cured, not that all will be cured but all these problems can be cured in a person. With your own power you are the doctor, you're not to pay for it, it's your own power that will cure. People don't believe it because they have no faith in themselves but it'a a fact I'm telling you that it works. Now when this Kundalini rises what another thing She does is that She gives you complete peace of mind. How it happens like you're standing in the water, you're afraid that you'll be drowned with the waves. But supposing if you get into the boat then you don't mind looking at those waves and enjoying them. But supposing you know how to swim then you can just jump down and save people. This is exactly what happens in Sahaja Yoga. We are all the time thinking about the future and the past. We cannot be in the present. So we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts which rise fall, rise fall, rise fall, we're jumping like that. In between them there's a little space, a pause where there is peace, when you are in the present. Future is over, it doesn't exist and past we don't know. But we are all the time jumping with these thoughts. So when the Kundalini rises She elongates these thoughts, elongates. And by elongating these thoughts, She creates peace. And we become absolutely peaceful. Then we become the witness; the whole thing looks like a drama. You are out of your problems so you can solve them. And with this peace you become very dynamic but very peaceful. At my age as you know, all of you, seventy-two years of age, I'm travelling everyday, practically third day, fourth day I'm out. But I'm peaceful, I never think I'm travelling; I think if I am sitting here on a sofa, there also I'm sitting. So this thinking stops and you become thoughtlessly aware. In Sanskrit it's called as Nirvichar Samadhi, where there is no thought but you are absolutely aware, very aware. Your memory improves, if you see something, I'm seeing these flowers, now it's all in within Me, the joy that is within these flowers starts trickling down. Now supposing this carpet is beautiful, I look at this carpet, thank God it's not mine otherwise I would have had a headache, to insure it, to worry about it, this that. So I look at it and the joy that is put inside this by the artist in a subtle way starts pouring down Me, I become absolutely filled with joy of this creation. So you become thoughtlessly aware and then the real inspirations come to you. And you're dynamic at the same time. Your attention now becomes enlightened by the Spirit. If the attention is enlightened then what happens? This attention works. Sitting down here you can find out about anyone you want to. On your central nervous system you can feel it, the centre of that person, you know the chakras which are catching and you know what's wrong with that person, what's going to happen. If you know how to correct yourself, your own chakras, you can correct the chakras of others. So then you also put them into proper shape and life becomes very beautiful. Your attitude towards life changes, towards your relationships, towards your society and then you start understanding what wrong we have been doing. It's like this. Supposing I have a snake in my hand. It's all darkness here and I'm very obstinate and you tell me that you have a snake in your hand. I will say, "No, it is not, it is a rope." Till the snake bites me I'll be holding on to it. But supposing there is little light, immediately I'll throw away. In the same way you give up all destructive habits. Overnight people have given up drugs, very surprising. Because you have the light and this light makes you wise. You get your wisdom. Then also we go to one extreme, to another extreme. Like you can see the Western culture is such that there's abandonment. You don't have to worry about anything, go ahead, live like a very licentious, permissive person, is allowed. It's freedom. The other ones are, other religions are very strict. "You can't do this, you can't do this," this and that. These are two extremes. But with this you come in balance. You actually become religious. You become righteous. You don't do wrong things, you just don't do it, because there is light. This is enlightenment. You know about saints, how they lived. They were married, they had children. But what was their life? That's what exactly happens to you, that you become extremely wise and enlightened. It is that on your central nervous system, when this Kundalini rises and pierces through, She connects you to the main. Like this instrument had to be connected to the mains, otherwise it had no meaning, no identity. In the same way you get connected to that all-pervading vital power. And then you start feeling the vibrations on your hand, of like a cool breeze. When it happens to you, you can ask any question. Like a computer, you ask any question, the answer comes to you, on your finger tips. So to know the truth on your central nervous system. Like we are human beings, all right. We know so many things. But say, there's a dog or a horse if you want to take him through a dirty lane, he'll go away, he won't think about it. But we can't go because our awareness is much higher. But with this we don't do anything wrong, just don't do it, because our awareness becomes much higher. Then comes that in this enlightenment you see everything on your finger tips. You know everything on your central nervous system. This is what has to happen which is called as in Sanskrit, Bodh. Bodh, or wave from where, vida, means from where the wave word has come, and from Bodh, Buddha has come. So it not just a mental idea, it is not just somebody's thoughts that you are carrying. No, it is something that happens to you, actually that you can feel it on your central nervous system. This is what is Sahaj Yoga, means spontaneous union with the divine power. Now this divine power of love is, for your information, so this divine power is the ocean of knowledge, of absolute knowledge. It's the ocean of compassion and love. It is the ocean of miracles. Not this kind of gifting a diamond and all that. But so many miracles take place which are very different and people are writing books, on this I said, "Don't write to me, you can write it yourself," because so many things small and big they tell us. So in short you enter into the kingdom of God. Now this kingdom of God is very efficient, very alert. And how it helps you, you'll be surprised in every day to day work, in your business, in everything. And the attention is so alert that there are so many artists who have suddenly become well known. You must have heard of Amjad Ali, Safar Hussain Khan, so many in India, Debu Choudhury, all these were ordinary artistes, have suddenly become very great. In Australia we have some painters who are now world-famous. Because your attention becomes very clean and pure, no more confusions. Confusions of modern times just disappear. And you start creating beautiful art which is appreciated. It's not grotesque, vulgar, but people appreciate and you get a name for that. I've seen people who are doing ordinary business have become big business. But they're very humble. They don't take to bad things, otherwise normally you give somebody hundred dollars, immediately he'll go to the pub, immediately. But then such a person who is enlightened has to do every day to day mundane work, his attention is absolutely pure. Also, you'll be surprised in this attention your relationships with everybody improves. You can see a person have this. You don't have to give up your family, you don't have to give up anything. Also you don't have to fast for God, why should you fast? You can fast for your health but not for God. He's father, most loving father; He's Father of all the fathers and which father would like his son to fast because the son wants to meet Him? Absurd things. You fast and give all the money to the Brahmins or to the priests. It's all nonsense. There's nothing of this kind which is divine. Divine is love and love of a kind that makes you really enjoy a detached love. Now the detached love is like this, that like a sap in the tree rises. It goes to various places and gives nourishment to different things and ultimately it evaporates or it goes back to Mother Earth. It does not stick to something. Supposing it sticks to something like a fruit or a flower the whole tree will die and the fruit and flower will also die. So we get stuck, you see, "For my children, for my sons, for my this," this is what people do for corruption, what do they do. What's the use, whatever you have to do it, you should do it for everything. It is a category of people, very selfish, they just don't do for anybody else. Some think better will do for their relations, some think better will do for their communities. But in Sahaja Yoga we work for the global peace. Another point which is very important to understand that we respect all the religions equally the same. All religions came on this earth as flowers of spirituality, all of them. But then people plucked it, "This is my religion, this is my religion," and now they're fighting with the dead religion. Why should you fight in the name of God? Simple question. All over the world they're fighting in the name of God, it's very shameful. But once you become one with the Divine, you become one living organism like that. We have seminars everywhere, even in India we have seminars, we get people from sixty-five nations and I've not seen anybody fighting or anybody saying even a bad word to somebody. Such respect, such love. It's a new world, it's a new age, it's a new race that has to come. Such help, if something happens to somebody in Kuala Lumpur the whole of the world will try to help. All the people will try to help. It's such a one understanding that we are part and parcel of the whole. Then who's the other? Everything belongs to you. It's a great feeling, you expand and you'll be amazed once you get your realization, once you become Sahaja Yogi all over the world you will find your brothers and sisters, all of them. You're not small, you're not just for your family, your house, no, but you must expand and this expansion comes when you have the light of the Spirit. You don't have to pay or you don't have to do anything, just to feel oneness, it's very beautiful. Now the another quality of Spirit is that it is the source of absolute truth. If they put hands towards like that and ask questions, for anybody, immediately they know, immediately, what's wrong with that person. Say if you take ten children, tie up their eyes, they're realized souls, you ask them, "What's wrong with this person?" they will all show the same finger. Supposing they show this finger, means he's something wrong with his heart and you ask the person, "What's matter with your heart?" he'll say, "How do you know?" You don't have to go for diagnosis, you don't have to do anything. You can diagnose yourself and you can diagnose other people. It sounds very fantastic but we are fantastic. Like if you have a television and you take to a remotest corner of a jungle and tell people that you can see hear pictures and everything, ah, they'll say, "What, this is just a box, how can you see?" But once you put it to the mains it starts working and it is so fantastic that these ignorant people are all so amazed, how it is working. In the same way, it works. So we have to know our own value. We have to know what we are. The greatest thing that happens that we jump in the ocean of joy. Joy is not like happiness and unhappiness. If your ego is pampered you feel happy; if it is punctured you feel unhappy, it's not like that. Joy is a feeling which is unique and you are just joyous, in joy within yourself. You've come here to enjoy, not to weep and cry and beat yourself, no. Your wrong idea. God who has created us is a very sensible person, isn't He? Why will He create us to be unhappy? But we in our ignorance and stupidity try to make everyone unhappy. So this is the time, special time, I call it the blossom time where there are many seekers and who get self-realization. I was really amazed, of course in India it's growing very fast, no doubt, but in Russia, we have to always take a stadium where at least eighteen thousand people could be seated and it is spreading so fast all over. It's like one light which is enlightened, enlightens another light. Now that light which is enlightened, enlightens another. I'm surprised to see so many Sahaja Yogis in this country because we started with two or three to begin with. And suddenly it has now become so big. You don't have to pay, you don't have to worry. You don't have to read also much about it. Because by reading also what people get conditioned, you know. Same Kabira has said by reading too much people have become stupid. I've met many like that. You talk to them, they'll tell you, "Did you read this book?" You read yourself, why do you want me to read all these books? It is spreading all over and it should spread here also and as it is, you are very great seekers, I know that and that you have come here all the way. I'm sure it will work out for you. But for that you must have self-confidence. You must have self-confidence, very important. Another thing I confess I cannot force it on you because I respect your freedom, absolutely. It will take hardly fifteen minutes. But one thing, nobody should leave the hall when we are working it out. If they want they can go now but when people are working it out they should not disturb others. Whether you sit away or near Me, you all will get your self-realization. It doesn't matter where you are sitting. The children can come in front, let the children come in front. If some people want to come in front, they can come also. Now I have to tell you that there are three conditions which are very simple. One of them is that this all-pervading power is the ocean of forgiveness. So you have to forgive yourself. That means you should not feel guilty. On the contrary you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself . You might have done some mistakes in the past; forget the past. What's the use of harping on it now? But if you feel guilty then you catch on this centre here on the left hand side which is very dangerous. This gives you a disease called angina, a kind of a heart trouble. Also it gives you spondylitis. Also it can make your system of your organs very weak. Also you can get cervical cancer. It's a very dangerous thing. So why should we worry about the mistake we have committed, finished now. If you were really guilty, you would have been in jail, you would not have been here. So be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Now the second condition is that we have to forgive everyone, without even thinking about them. Whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But when you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands and you torture yourself, while those who have troubled you are happy. But at this moment very important thing is the centre on the optic chiasma is like this, absolutely constricted, and if you don't forgive it won't open and how will the Kundalini pass through? So only thing you have to do is to forgive, by saying, it's a mantra, you can call it, that, "I forgive everyone in general." Don't even think about it because it's a headache. Third one is very simple, is that you have to take out your shoes, because in England, first time when I told them, "Take out your shoes," half of them walked off. That's why I'm requesting you. As you know there are two powers, left and right and the central path of ascent. So the left, left side and right side being two opposite powers, one for desire and one for action, we have to keep our both feet apart. Those who are sitting on the ground are all right. Those who are sitting on the chair please put your both the feet apart from each other, that's all. Now when we'll close our eyes, when I tell you, you can take out your glasses, when I tell you, not just now, not just now. Just now I will ask somebody to show you. Anybody, you can come. To show you how we will be nourishing, you will be nourishing your own centres. So the first, we put the left hand on our left side lap, very comfortably. You'll get it very comfortably, I told you you don't go to Himalayas or anything, here you will get it. So now put your left hand on your left lap, comfortably. This symbolises one thing, that you're desirous of getting self-realization, Atma Sakshatkar. This is to express your desire. Now Kundalini is the pure desire while other desires are not pure. Because today we want to have, say, a house, then you want to have a car, then you want to have a helicopter, and it goes on and on, we're never satisfied. It's a, it's a economic law that in general wants are not satiable, that means they're not pure, that's why. This is the pure desire. You may be aware or not, but it is the desire to be one with this divine power. So you put your left hand which is meant for the mundane desire, left side is mundane desire, by which you should desire to have your self-realization. And with the right hand we'll be nourishing our centres, on the left hand side. So we put our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides your Spirit; it's the reflection of God Almighty, while Kundalini is the reflection of the primordial feminine power. So you put your right hand on your heart where resides the Spirit. Now if you become the Spirit then in the light of the Spirit you guide yourself, you become your own master. So we take down our hand, in the upper portion of our abdomen, on the left hand side which is the centre of your mastery. Surprisingly, the centre of pure divine knowledge is in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. So then we raise our right hand in the upper portion of our abdomen. Then on your heart. Then in the corner of neck and shoulder and turn our head to your right. This is the centre which is in jeopardy when you feel guilty. Now, please take your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head, as far as possible. This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone, please put down your heads, forgive everyone. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here you have to ask forgiveness, for your own satisfaction, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes from all-pervading divine power. Now, please stretch your palm fully, like this. Now put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, the taloo, , which was a soft bone in your childhood. Through this bone, Kundalini emerges out. Now please put down your head as far as possible. Now important thing is to press back your fingers nicely so there's a good pressure on your scalp. Now please move your scalp seven times clockwise slowly. Push back your fingers, push back your fingers. Put down your head, please put down your head. Then you'll do it better, please put down your head. Now move it seven times slowly. This called as Brahmarandhra in Sanskrit language. Now that's all we have to do. Now again see to it that you put your both the feet apart from each other. Put your left hand on your left lap and take out your spectacles now. You'll have to now close your eyes, not tightly but lightly as you sleep and please don't open them till I tell you. Now take the right hand on your heart. Please keep your eyes shut. Now here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself. You may call Me Mother or Shri Mataji, whatever you like. In your heart you've to ask three times, "Mother, am I the pure Spirit?" Ask this question three times. I have told you that when you become the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here you have to ask another fundamental question about yourself. "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question, three times, "Mother, am I my own master?" I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force the pure divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, and here you have to ask six times because this centre has got six petals. "Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge." Ask this six times. Now, as soon as you ask for the pure divine knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So we have to nourish our higher centres with our full self-confidence. So raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here, with full self-confidence, you have to say, full self-confidence, "Mother, I am my own master," ten times. "Mother, I am my own master," ten times. I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this intelligence, these emotions, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and here you have to say again with full self-confidence, twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." Please say it twelve times. I've told you this all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of bliss, ocean of compassion, but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you might commit, all can be dissolved into this ocean of forgivenes. So forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of left shoulder and left neck. Press it hard and put your head to the right. Here you have to say with full confidence, sixteen times, "Mother, I am not guilty at all," sixteen times, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." Please put your head to your right, turn your head to your right, please. I've already told you whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. And at this moment, if you don't forgive, this centre won't open and you won't be able to get your self-realization. So it's very important at this time for you to forgive everyone in general, not to think about it. So now please put your right hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head, and here not how many times but from your heart you have to say, "Mother, I forgive everyone, in general." Please put down your head, that's very important. Now, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the all-pervading divine power. So now please put your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head, push back. Here you have to say, again from your heart, not how many times, "O Divine Power, if I have done mistake knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me." Now, stretch your hand, the palm, fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood, all right. Now again please put down your head and you have to stretch back your fingers. Here again, I cannot force self-realization on you. So now move your scalp slowly, seven times, saying seven times. "Mother, please give me my self-knowledge, self-realization," whatever you want to say. Please say it seven times. Move your scalp, please. Not the hand but the scalp because you put, push back your fingers otherwise it won't move, push back your fingers to give, no no, push back your fingers, means outward, push back outward. (Shri Mataji blows into the microphone). Now please take down your hands and open your eyes, slowly, you can wear your glasses. Now please put both the hands towards Me, like this. Some of you are already feeling the cool breeze but don't doubt. This is the cool breeze of the all-pervading divine love. All right, let's see. Now put your right hand towards Me like this. Right, and put down your head and see for yourself, if from the fontanelle bone area, you're getting any cool or hot breeze-like vibrations. Just put down your head and see for yourself. Sometimes people get it close, sometimes nearer. It's coming out of your head, don't doubt. It's coming out of your head. All right, now put the left hand towards Me. Now with the right hand, please see if there's a cool or a hot breeze-like vibrations are coming out. Put down your head, but one thing is there, if you have not forgiven yourself or not forgiven others it will be hot. So please try to forgive now. Now some people get it very close, some get it far away so move your hand and see for yourself. Now please put your right hand towards Me again and with the left hand again you see on top of your head, if you're getting any cool or a hot breeze-like thing on your hands, on your palm. All right, now please put both the hands towards the sky like this and push back your head. Here again you have to ask one of the three questions I tell you. One question is, "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost as described in the Bible?" This you can ask three times, otherwise you can ask, "Mother, is this the all-pervading power of divine love?" that is, Ruh, as described in Koran; or you can ask, "Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?" as described in the Indian scriptures. "Is this the Paramachaitanya?" Ask anyone of these questions three times. Now, push, come down. It's all right. Now please put both hands towards Me like this, and watch Me without thinking. You can do it. Now all those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or on their palm or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. I bow to you. The whole of Kuala Lumpur has got it, I bow to you. Your saintly life has started but you must value it, you must grow. For that we have a centre here, centres everywhere. Please attend, you don't have to pay, again and again I am telling you. But respect your self-realization. You have to become like trees now. I hope all of you will take care and look after your self-realization. Thank you very much. Now enjoy yourself and enjoy everyone. I'll come next year again.
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Kuala Lumpur
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk to Sahaj Yogis, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 13th, 1995 So yesterday you had so many people, most unexpectedly, and I was discussing as to how will you have your follow-on programme. How will you do that? Because every house at most, thirty, even if you have: ten houses, you will only have [space for] three hundred. So these ten houses, which are the ten houses? Raise your hands, I would like to see. All right. Now near your house is there any hall? [Near] your houses? It’s better that you book a hall. All right? Later you can also charge the people for the hall, doesn’t matter, they can pay. All of you should book a hall close by. All right? So that when people come in you can make them sit there. Because I don’t think you can manage with thirty people coming in your house and the rest will be standing outside. So the best thing would be to find out some hall which is close to your place that will solve your problem. All right? Already we are so many. So today I’m going to tell you what we have to do in dealing with these people, it’s very important plan. First of all, you must know that they have come for the first time for Sahaj Yoga. And Sahaj Yoga is the power of love and compassion, not of fighting or arguing. Supposing somebody is arguing too much, then what should you do? You should just give up. They cannot understand Sahaj Yog with the argument, because it is beyond the mind. If somebody argues too much or speaks too much, just keep quiet with them. They cannot explain to a person like that, you will just have an Agnya and all that from that one. Now somebody who has been to some guru or somebody, you should not say that, “Your guru was bad!” or anything. But you can say that, “I was also like you but it will be all right!” something like that. That doesn’t hurt them. Then gradually they will realise their guru was wrong. Now with some people, I have seen TM people are dangerous. They come to Sahaj Yoga but they seldom settle down. We had about two hundred people from TM out of which I think we have only five [or] six who have settled down. They are all the time troublesome people. Some people are from this Asatya Sai Baba. They have mostly heart trouble or eyes. Their eyes are affected. That’s how you should make out people: their eyes are affected. We have say, somebody from this Radhaswami — they have heart trouble. So immediately you will know also: their left Swadishthana will be catching and their heart would be catching. So with these people, you should not argue or anything, just tell them, “Have you got these problems?” Then you will find people. I don’t know which other guru has come here. Can you tell me? Sahaj Yogi: Guru Maharaj Shri Mataji: my goodness! He is a…he is now settled down with big money in America and he’s married already but his disciples are absolutely useless. I mean, don’t try them because they are brainless, absolutely! Which else? Sahaj Yogi: Raj Yoga Shri Mataji: See, this Raj Yog is a misnomer. What is Raj Yog, is like this: that when the Kundalini rises then what happens that the centres open, to begin with, and then they close, to keep the Kundalini up there. So it’s called as bandha. When it comes to Vishuddhi also, what happens first [is] the Kundalini rises, then the tongue is little bit pulled inside — you don’t feel, Sahaj Yogis don’t feel — and this is called as khechari mudra (खेचरीमुद्रा). Khechari means it is pulled inside, khechari mudra. You see these things happen automatically, like if there is a car. Now if you switch on the car it starts moving its wheels, its everything, naturally, there’s nothing unnatural. So what these people do, they cut the tongue here, push it back, saying this is khechari. Now that has stopped because there was one organisation called “Self Realisation,” they used to do that. Then some people are doing ‘bandha’, but artificially. First the Kundalini should rise otherwise for which you are doing the bandha? So these Raj Yogis are doing artificial things. Supposing you start moving the wheel will the car move? Or you start moving one of the tyres or something. It will all be spoiled. It has to be, first of all, the connection, like the connection of the telephone. If there’s no connection and you go on moving it the what? The telephone will be spoiled. All these prayers and all these things are like this. In the same way [are] mantras. They give you some mantras somewhere, all kinds of stupid mantras. If your Kundalini has not moved out, if you are not connected, whatever you say mantra is useless, isn’t it? There’s no connection. But the mantras should be very scientifically said wherever necessary. For example, supposing it is stopped here. If you say the mantra of the Nabhi you are doing wrong. That is how their life is ruined, because they have spoiled their chakras. By saying wrong mantras they have spoiled their chakras. Their brains are useless! I mean, they cannot become good Sahaj Yogis. So what you have to tell them if they have got this problem put your left hand towards the photograph with the light, put right hand here and they have to say, “Mother, I am my own master,” ten times. If they go on repeating the [false] master will run away, the false one who is there. So this is the problem with the left-sided people. Now left-sided people suddenly become also prone to cancer and all these psychosomatic diseases, so they should take all the time three-candle treatment. But it should not be taken as a ritual, it should be taken as bhakti, as a devotion. Otherwise, if it’s just a ritual it doesn’t work out. It’s a bhakti, it is devotion. You have to feel that devotion within your heart and then you should do it. Yesterday I felt very much the devotion of the people who were there. I felt very happy. I was very clear, I was very happy. Because the people who had come were mostly very clean people, they have not been to any guru, anything nonsensical; very nice people. Now even if you have been to some guru it can be cleared out. But you must know that this guru has ruined your capability to become a real Sahaj Yogi. To become a real Sahaj Yogi you have to have a very clean mind and a very clean central path. Now one should say also harsh things, “You’re a bhoot!” “There’s a bhoot in you!” “You are possessed!” Never talk like that. Sahaj Yogis must be extremely, extremely compassionate and kind. And don’t argue, don’t fight, nothing. Every Sahaj Yogi must support another Sahaj Yogi. You see, it’s not that when there’s somebody talking another Sahaj Yogi should go and support the person who is arguing. You must always support each other, because we are one, we are collective. Do you see the point? So this one is a test also of our Sahaj Yoga: how we deal with other Sahaj Yogis. You have to respect them, you have to show compassion, you have to understand them, you have to have patience. If they have any questions you should write it down and we’ll write to Mother, in case it is difficult. If it is easy you should explain to them. But the argument should be avoided because you’ll catch from them. All bhootish people argue, they’ll start saying, “This is not good, that is not good,” finding faults here and there. If you find anybody like that you ask him, “You get out of Sahaj Yoga! We don’t want you here.” They’re very troublesome people, so we don’t want them. We want people who understand Sahaj Yoga and Sahaj Yogis. They always find faults with other Sahaj Yogis, they find faults with Sahaj Yoga. All such people you should say, “You go to some journalist and join journalism!” They are absolutely useless and troublesome people. All right. Now the second point, is very important, is that they have to recognise me. It’s one of the main conditions of Sahaj Yoga. So far they’ve not recognised any one of the incarnations, so far. And all incarnations tried their level best but nobody recognised them. But for Sahaj Yoga, in this modern Sahaj Yoga, you have to recognise me. It’s a fact I am telling you, very humbly. There’s nothing. I don’t want anything from you, nothing! I don’t want anything. What is it? What are you surrendering? Is your ego. That’s what Mohammed saheb has said — Islam means surrender. So surrender your ego. I am trying to tell you that when you surrender your ego you’ll open out, completely. Unless and until you can easily be, absolutely dissolved into the ocean of joy, you are not a Sahaj Yogi. If you are still dissatisfied, if you still think, “No, no, no, Sahaj Yoga could be better,” this thing, that thing. It’s nothing. You have to be better! And as yesterday we saw so many people coming down, we have to understand our responsibility. You see, if I could do the work myself, I would not have come all the way to Malaysia and Australia. But I need you as channels for this energy. This energy has to flow through your channels. If the channels are defective, how can you flow the energy? So instead of correcting others, instead of finding faults with others, you better look after yourselves. Your leader is quite capable, he can look after the people, he knows what’s wrong with what. The third thing is very important — that we respect all the religions. Not only that [but] we worship all the great incarnations and all the seers, prophets, with the same reverence. There’s no difference. For us every religion is great. But there are defects in every religion which we start seeing easily once we get out of this outside religion. Then we’ll see what’s wrong with this, and then we start understanding and then we start correcting it. Not only that but also when we see our own community, immediately you will find, for example, I was saying that Malaysians have too many cars , and every car has one passenger. So all the Malaysians laughed because they don’t mind: that’s a fact. So they do not identify themselves, they do not identify with their children or with their husbands or wife or anyone. They identify themselves with me, in Sahaj Yoga. So what is wrong in your community you should see. If you cannot see it then you are not a Sahaj Yogi. Because you are outside, outside that community now, you are a Sahaj Yogi. You see what’s gone wrong with your community, where they went wrong, what wrong they did. And that’s how you can really show them by your own behaviour. In your life, how you behave, how you talk, how you love others, how you respect others, is very important. Your image is the one that is going to carry Sahaj Yoga very far. Just one article has brought so many people. Of course, forget about Australia, because Australia I have been going for years together and there’s too much of Australia. But otherwise Japan or, say, other places I go to, here — Hong Kong, now tomorrow I’ll be going to Thailand. I am sure we can never get so many people as we got here. We can say because there are so many Chinese and Indians who are culturally about the same people. It’s very difficult to teach anything to these Western people. I used to break my hands, you know actually, because they are so conditioned, they have no tradition, nothing. But now they are changed so much, so much changed. They are such wonderful people, you know. I am going tomorrow to Thailand — twelve people from France are coming to help us, can you imagine? All the way they are coming to help people in Thailand. They have no relationship with Thailand or anything. So that shows that we have to help each other. If you need any help — I told him that if you need any help in money or in any way, all the Sahaj Yogis will help. But have a proper things to do. And one can work it out. He said, “We are self-sufficient.” Now you’ll be much more than self-sufficient. And if you tell them that, “We have to pay for this hall, all right, give one dollar each.” They’ll definitely give. “We are not paying for Self-realisation, for anything, we are paying for this hall.” [Be] clearcut. One should be honest and clear cut. And say we are doing this for that. Because we don’t have any guru business here, you see, they are all commercial people. What we need is a hall to meet every weekend. That you find out near your houses, all right? Now, another thing is that I was saying that every month end or maybe two months end you should go out somewhere for picnic or something where you all should meet, that’s how it has spread in Australia. If it is possible; or if you can meet in one big hall. But it’s better to have a picnic-like thing with all the children there, food there, enjoying yourself for the whole day. You have such beautiful forests, such beautiful greenery here. You can go anywhere if you like and the company you’ll enjoy is only of Sahaj Yogis, nothing else you’ll enjoy, if you become the real Sahaj Yogi. Talk about this to your friends, tell them about this and try to get more and more people into Sahaj Yoga. I think I was really so impressed yesterday. It’s all due to your own great help, I should say, the way you have worked and brought it to that level. It is unexpected, absolutely unexpected and it has really given me the greatest pleasure. Now if you have any question you ask me. Yogini: Is there any swayambhu in Malaysia? Shri Mataji: I don’t know, I haven’t seen any. Must be, they are everywhere. (A yogi brings up a very large map of Malaysia to show Shri Mataji) Yogi: A map of Malaysia, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Oooh! Yogi: West Malaysia. Shri Mataji: This is that? The whole of it? Yogi: West Malaysia. Shri Mataji: All right, should I put my foot there? (Mother puts her feet on the map to vibrate it!) Yes, good. It’s sucking the vibrations. It’s not important, because swayambhu, only thing is, that it’s created by Mother Earth spontaneously and emits vibrations. If you go there you can testify that it is emitting vibrations but it cannot cure people, it cannot talk to people, it cannot give Realisation to people. So you are much greater than a swayambhu, much more effective. What are these swayambhus doing for years together? Nothing! They can protect, of course, protect you. But they will always protect you as soon as you become a good Sahaj Yogi you are always protected. Now the miracles are quite a lot. Also, I’ll tell you about some miracles that have taken place. They are taking place everywhere. But [the] last miracle that I heard about was in Delhi, when one girl who was fourteen years of age, by mistake, put a revolver of her father here (Left Swadishthan), and she triggered it. And this bullet came out of here (right shoulder) with some blood and there was a hole here, small (at her Left Swadishthan) and a big hole here (at her right shoulder) and she was quite conscious. So they took her to the hospital and she was conscious. They x-rayed her, everything. They were amazed at it, that this bullet has not touched any bone, any lung, any muscle, anything, no nerve. And as if with a [zig-zag] stroll like that, it came up. I think her, all the, Ganas must have helped to come and make it out. But it’s a big miracle and it’s a fact. So there are so many miracles like that happen suddenly you ask someone: spontaneously you find things, spontaneously everything works out and you are amazed how these things work. Now, when this happens, you can write it down, you can send it over to people in America, maybe in India. There are so many miracles like that [which] are happening. But there are some people who start suddenly thinking that they are maha yogis, that’s a very dangerous people. They start seeing things, they start talking big, they think, “I am a Maha Yogi.” There was one who said, “I am Adishakti!” I said, “All right, you send him some of my saris, I have too many of them!” (laughter) So there are stupid people like that also. They think they are something very great — maha yogis — and they start saying, “I am this thing, I am that!” It’s horrible! So, such people if you find, you should immediately let me know and also tell that person, “All right, you, Mr. Maha Yogi, please go away!” There are everywhere like that. They do all kinds of things and talk like this without any sense in their head. So you have to be careful about it, not to be impressed by such persons who says, “This is this, this is this.” There is nobody like Maha Yogi in Sahaj Yoga, everybody is the same. Yogi: Recently there was news from Canada stating that there is a little boy who has seen you through his meditation and he described about many… Shri Mataji: He has not seen me or what? He’s not seen me before? Yogi: He has not seen you before. Shri Mataji: Where is he, Toronto? Yogi: Quebec, Montreal. Shri Mataji: Quebec? I have not been there. But could be possible [that] he’s a great soul. It’s possible. If you see me in dreams it’s good, very good, to see me in dreams. He must be seeing me in dreams, I think. Yogi: He said that when he saw you, you mentioned that he was an angel before. Shri Mataji: Could be. Now I give up! You see, so much is happening. Like we had some photographs taken in Jaipur. So I’m not there at all, I mean I’m just all vibrations everywhere, you have to see very microscopically I am somewhere, my face shows. These vibrations are, sometimes you cannot explain. Have you seen all the vibration photographs? It’s so much, with deities sitting, this, that. And I give up now! Because this is all done by Paramchaitanya — It can do anything. These vibrations might appear in some mosques, in some temples, might. Yogi: How do we ascend in our meditation beyond Sahasrara? Shri Mataji: First fix it up, the one you have got it, all right? Now don’t go on futuristic things [because] then you’ll become Maha Yogi! (laughter) You grow automatically, spontaneously in a Sahaja way when you are in thoughtless awareness. Try to increase that area — thoughtless awareness — then you will automatically grow. Does this flower think how to grow? No, it grows spontaneously, all right? In the same way, you will grow when you just become thoughtlessly aware. And you will know your growth and you will become doubtless about it. All right? You can watch on my Agnya in the photograph, [and] can become thoughtless. Thoughtless awareness is very important for the first, to establish yourself. Once you start establishing thoughtless awareness the doubtless awareness comes in. And then you are just settled down with yourself, you don’t think of future or past or anything, you are with yourself. All right? Real growth is natural and Sahaj. This is not artificially growing, isn’t it? In the same way, it’s a living process of growth. (Question on the environment.) Shri Mataji: No, we should be careful, at least as far as we are concerned you should be concerned about nature and we should be worry about it, no doubt. But as Sahaj Yogis, you will be amazed that environment clears, it clears out as Sahaj Yogis and you won’t be so much affected by environment so much. It clears out environment also. There is one experiment Hamid has done, He’s done it in Austria, where many trees were, had become dwarfed and burnt away, with this acid rain that comes from the environment. So he went there and experimented with some vibrated water. But [with] so many trees, he didn’t know how much to put vibrated water for them. It worked a little bit. So then what he did, he took the badges you wear and pinned them on every tree; not every tree but every ten trees. So he said that he went after two months and he found the whole thing had come up except for the trees which were about sixty years were not responding so well, otherwise, every tree had become great. So you just can imagine what happens. He also experimented for growing more wheat. So he couldn’t put the vibrated water to the whole field, because [it’s] very difficult. There’s a pipe going like this. So what he did, in the pipe he put the ring that he was wearing with my photograph, and he experimented with that! Can you imagine? So it is very effective. But I think it’s more your shraddha in that photograph [that] works out. But in India we get a kind of a doser, we call it, like a funnel it is, it has two sides in which you can fix the two sides of a pipe and you can put vibrated water in there. It’s so remarkable that one of our fields had been put with the raw cow dung by somebody, and all the small little, all kinds of insects, they crawled up to the leaves and were eating them. So we put the doser and put the vibrated water — they all ran away! Vibrated water is very good. Tomorrow I am going to leave vibrated water in NG’s house, everything vibrated. But it depends also how you treat it, it’s very important, with respect. Respect is very important in Sahaj Yoga. If you do not respect that vibrated water it may not act because it thinks, vibrations can think. It loves and it thinks. You must understand this point, it thinks. And I have seen people who try to make some money out of me and they are absolutely in big trouble. I didn’t give them trouble, myself. They are in big trouble. Anything they try to do to Sahaj Yoga, immediately they have some sort of trouble. I think these deities, when my attention is not there, try to do something to them. So one should not in any way be disrespectful. And nobody should think that they have a special relationship with me. Some people think like that, that they have a special relationship with me! Such people will go off in Sahaj Yoga in no time. Nobody has special relations. I am alone. So this idea, also, that, “I have a special relationship with Mother,” all these things can be very detrimental to your growth. Now you have, in your houses, say a little gardens or one tree or something is a good idea, and put vibrated water. Also you can drink vibrated water. Take a little vibrated water and you can increase it in another bottle with other good water. But never put your hand into it. Just take out with a spoon which is kept separately for that. It’s very important because everything has vibrations, bad and good. What other question? Question about havan. Shri Mataji: Yes, havan is very good. Apart from the three candle treatment you can do also an aarti with the camphor, you can do havanas — it’s very good — but this is for the left-sided people, not for the right-sided people. Yogini: Can Malaysians send the children to Dharamshala School? Shri Mataji: Yes, why not? You can. But first, find out how many seats are there and this. It would be nice. Please send them. Everybody is allowed. You have to pay, how much? You should find out how much to pay. It’s not much compared to what we pay in schools, in Western schools or in Malaysian schools. It’s a very good school, no doubt, it has changed the children completely, it has made them beautiful, no doubt. But only thing you should find out if there’s a seat for the Malaysian children also. You write to Yogi [Mahajan] or to Dharamshala school, you have no address of Dharamshala? Nobody has? NG has. You tell your leader and he can find out. You find out first how many children are going. He can telephone to Yogi. Yogi is nowadays in Delhi. And now if you have to send you to have to do it fast because they are opening after my birthday. Do you need a visa for India? You need? Because you see these people started having visa for us, so Indians are vindictive now I think. They are after all Indians, why should they need. For no one, they should have visa business, nonsense it is. But still, the world has to be one. What else? Yogi: Shri Mataji. I feel that life is meaningless. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. (laughter) Shri Mataji: Because you’re not working for Sahaj Yoga! Your life is now for Sahaj Yoga. You dedicate it to Sahaj Yoga, that’s why. All right? If you dedicate your life to all kinds of nonsensical things then you think like that. But if you dedicate to Sahaj Yoga then there’s a meaning to it because now you have found our your identity. All right? Yogi: How to give Realisation when we meet people somewhere outside? Shri Mataji: You can do it, nothing like it. I have done it on stations and on the roads, today in the shop. But if you can do it properly then you do it. Yogi: How to do it by talking to people. Shri Mataji: By talking to people they will find you are very peaceful, you are very quiet, then they’ll ask you, “How are you so quiet? How are you so peaceful?” And your face also shines, so then you should say about this. Especially if you are wearing my badge then they’ll ask, “Who is this?” You see, wearing a badge is a very good way of propagating Sahaj Yoga, I have seen. (another question about the photo/badge which is unclear) Shri Mataji: No, you should put it here, why in the bag? Not in your job but on the way going somewhere and on your table you can have it in your job. If they ask, “Who is this?” You say, “My Mother,” finished! I look like Chinese, as well as I look like everything. When I am in Russia I look like Russians. When I am in Spain I look like Spanish. So it’s all right. I look like Chinese also: in China, many people thought I was Chinese! It’s better to have a photograph when you are travelling around, also you are protected. People will ask, “Who is this?” You should say. But for job, you can have it on the table if you like. Yogi: Can we give Realisation on the spot through ourselves? Shri Mataji: So you see, what is it you should pray to me that, “Mother please give him Self-realisation,”just. Finished! Yogini: Looking at Shri Mataji’s photograph Sahaj Yogini answered ‘This is my Mother’s photograph.’ Then the person asked ‘what is the difference between This Mother and your mother.’) Shri Mataji: There’s no difference at all. You see, my own daughters are not as fair as myself and my own brother is very dark so you can’t say. In India we have all complexions. Yes, what is it? Yogi: Mother, our previous life on this earth has it got any bearing as to what we are today as a Sahaja Yogi? Shri Mataji: It has to begin with, you see you are conditioned by that. By your previous life, your karmas, you are conditioned, in the beginning. But the whole thing drops out, whole thing drops out. On the contrary, whatever good you were comes out. All bad things drop out. Supposing you were a seeker, you went to wrong people, you did wrong things, doesn’t matter: all will drop out and your goodness will come out. May God bless you. Yogi: Shri Mataji I travel a lot in the car so I listen to your tapes. So when I stop the car can I stop the tape and continue with the tape on the onward journey? Is it all right? Shri Mataji: It’s all right. You see, you must only ask for forgiveness, that’s all. Respect is the thing. It’s not like other tapes, so you have to respect. Respect is the best way to grow in Sahaj Yoga, I have seen, respect. Yogi: We have some news from India that the Sahaj Yogis of the world will be put to the test by Mahamaya this year. Shri Mataji: Who told you that? They just create stories, you know, like that. On the contrary, it’s very different this year — I must give you the good news that two people came to me for their blessings, you see, one was known as Mr Advani and his wife. They belong to the Bharatiya Janata Party. And then the another, Bal Thakrey, is absolutely at my feet. So they are both are now elected and this horrible fellow, the chief minister who was there in Maharashtra, Sharad Pawar, one of the worst — he’s resigned already. So now in Maharashtra, we have our own people. Not only that but the same party has come in Gujarat. Moreover, I am sure with this thing they will also succeed in coming into Delhi. Then we will have our own say, Sahaj Yoga will have its own say because I have given Realisation to both of them. So there is no Mahamaya testing going on. They just try to frighten you, you know. I mean, it’s your stupidity sometimes that people don’t realise and do things which they should not. I do not want to test anyone. Say you are under my protection fully, but if you want to go away from my protection, I can’t help it. There are negativities all around, they catch you. So it’s not my testing, but it’s your own testing yourself. Delhi people just want to frighten you. They are very anxious that I should have my birthday in Delhi. All right. Now they are getting [T.N.] Sheshan, you know Sheshan? The fellow who was busy with the elections. He is going to come and speak for me. He met me in a train and he was very sweet and humble. He touched my feet and he said, “Mother please protect me!” And now he’s going to speak. So all such good people are coming up, so it’s a nice idea. So Mahamaya is working on the other way round I think — getting good people here. Yogi: Shri Mataji, you said that once you have ?? Sahaj Yogis people will come really from the outside. So with the idea of getting people from the outside, we arranged with South Indians… Shri Mataji: Oh My! (Laughter)The less said the better! Terrible people! I have been to Madras so many times, you know. When I go there the hall is full. After that everybody disappears! One Mr Murthy was there and he said, “Mother all the buddus (fools) are born here!” (laughter) I said, “Why?” They do all kinds of funny rituals, you see. They take out the hair of women, put the water on them, they roll them. These Brahmins, you know, terrible! They have befooled everyone there. They have befooled even the Brahmins! What to do? I am trying my level best. I want to go Kerala also. We are trying. But last year I went there, I was very disappointed. And the Sahaj Yogis also, some of them are very funny, very funny. It’s all right, I think gradually everywhere it will work out. But, see, Punjab is growing so fast. They said, “You cannot control it’s so fast!” They said, “This time Mother had to come to Punjab!” Otherwise, I will go to old Delhi. Then in North India, you will be surprised, in a place like Haryana where people didn’t know who was Dattatreya — you know even in U. P. nobody knew Dattatreya — such Sahaj Yogis! There were thirty-five gates they raised for me on the road when I went there — thousands and thousands and thousands. In Delhi itself, there are sixteen thousand Sahaj Yogis. I used to call Dilli (Delhi) ‘adilli' (dil means heart in Hindi this could be the reason) and now that has happened. So you can’t say, maybe some turning point. Bengal another place, I always have now my programme in a stadium. First time I went there in the hall there was only one person and all were looking at one tantrik who was beating himself like this. Now the same Bengalis you see, you ask them they said, “We’re are bekip!” ‘Bekip’ means some guru has put something on their heads — all kinds. And when that was over now gradually, you can imagine in a complete stadium full in Calcutta. I am surprised at Punjab also, how the Punjab has taken on. The last time when I went, of course, to Chandigarh the whole hall was filled — at least four times bigger than this Lala Lajpat hall. And Sahaj Yogis had to go outside and so many Sikhs came there. Yogi: Mother, when I go into meditation and look at the photograph, I always cry, I don’t know why. Shri Mataji: You start crying. It’s all right, it happens. You’ll be all right. You see, emotional things are there within us. Many people who see me, the first time they start crying, and I also cry with them. This is love for Mother. It’s all right. Yogi: I feel like touching your feet. That is the conditioning that you want to touch my feet. My feet are everywhere, all right? The thing is if you touch my feet everybody will touch my feet. In the beginning I allowed people, so my feet swelled up like that, you know. And in Maharashtra then one gentleman he said, a leader, that nobody should touch Mother’s feet, so they started beating him! Indians unless and until they touch my feet they never feel satisfied. But you must have some mercy on my feet, you see. They have to do a lot of work. They get very swollen up. Yogi: Mother, is vegetarianism conditioning? Shri Mataji: Vegetarianism is not a bad thing, and it’s not something punyavan (good deed) also. If you don’t like, don’t eat. If you like it, eat it. But you shouldn’t say that eating meat is a wrong thing because the animals are made for us. Everybody used to eat meat: Shri Rama used to eat meat also and also Shri Krishna, because they were kshatriyas, they were kshatriyas, are you a brahmin? You are what? Kshatriya? You are not a Brahmin? It’s all right if you don’t like, it is, you see, whatever suits you. Now for me, I will be surprised, I can’t eat vegetarian food, much. Immediately I will get diarrhoea. You know the Goddess has to have meat. Though I may like or may not like, I have to eat it, what to do? That’s my swabhava (स्वभाव - nature). Yogi: Mother, the mantras are sacred, but if they are pronounced wrongly, will it have any bad effects on the yogis? Shri Mataji: It won’t have any bad effect on you but you have to use my name with the mantra so that you are doing all right. Then nobody will trouble you. But mantras you don’t say wrong mantras normally, but if you are saying something wrongly then better get it corrected. But my name should be there otherwise nobody will listen to you — it’s a recommendation. Yogi: Shri Mataji I have Shri Ganesh statue in my house. Now I have become a Sahaj yogi so shall I give to somebody else? Shri Mataji: (in Hindi) Keep it with you. Keep it as a hobby. It is a decorative piece. But do not perform puja because if it is made by Sahaj yogi then it’s all right. That is why murti puja was banned. People used to make idols and earn money. If it is made by Sahaj yogi then it’s all right, but you cannot perform puja mostly. If it is swayambhu then all right. Keep the idol with you. You have several articles like pots. Keep this with them. Shri Mataji asks whether how many are Hindi-speaking are over here and says - It is better to learn Hindi. Everyone knows English. Nowadays Gods also understand English. English has influenced us very much.
Talk to Sahaj Yogis, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 13th, 1995 So yesterday you had so many people, most unexpectedly, and I was discussing as to how will you have your follow-on programme. How will you do that? Because every house at most, thirty, even if you have: ten houses, you will only have [space for] three hundred. So these ten houses, which are the ten houses? Raise your hands, I would like to see. All right. Now near your house is there any hall? [Near] your houses? It’s better that you book a hall. All right? Later you can also charge the people for the hall, doesn’t matter, they can pay. All of you should book a hall close by. All right? So that when people come in you can make them sit there. Because I don’t think you can manage with thirty people coming in your house and the rest will be standing outside. So the best thing would be to find out some hall which is close to your place that will solve your problem. All right? Already we are so many. So today I’m going to tell you what we have to do in dealing with these people, it’s very important plan. First of all, you must know that they have come for the first time for Sahaj Yoga. And Sahaj Yoga is the power of love and compassion, not of fighting or arguing. Supposing somebody is arguing too much, then what should you do? You should just give up. They cannot understand Sahaj Yog with the argument, because it is beyond the mind. If somebody argues too much or speaks too much, just keep quiet with them. They cannot explain to a person like that, you will just have an Agnya and all that from that one. Now somebody who has been to some guru or somebody, you should not say that, “Your guru was bad!” or anything. But you can say that, “I was also like you but it will be all right!” something like that. That doesn’t hurt them. Then gradually they will realise their guru was wrong. Now with some people, I have seen TM people are dangerous. They come to Sahaj Yoga but they seldom settle down. We had about two hundred people from TM out of which I think we have only five [or] six who have settled down. They are all the time troublesome people. Some people are from this Asatya Sai Baba. They have mostly heart trouble or eyes. Their eyes are affected. That’s how you should make out people: their eyes are affected. We have say, somebody from this Radhaswami — they have heart trouble. So immediately you will know also: their left Swadishthana will be catching and their heart would be catching. So with these people, you should not argue or anything, just tell them, “Have you got these problems?” Then you will find people. I don’t know which other guru has come here. Can you tell me? Sahaj Yogi: Guru Maharaj Shri Mataji: my goodness! He is a…he is now settled down with big money in America and he’s married already but his disciples are absolutely useless. I mean, don’t try them because they are brainless, absolutely! Which else? Sahaj Yogi: Raj Yoga Shri Mataji: See, this Raj Yog is a misnomer. What is Raj Yog, is like this: that when the Kundalini rises then what happens that the centres open, to begin with, and then they close, to keep the Kundalini up there. So it’s called as bandha. When it comes to Vishuddhi also, what happens first [is] the Kundalini rises, then the tongue is little bit pulled inside — you don’t feel, Sahaj Yogis don’t feel — and this is called as khechari mudra (खेचरीमुद्रा). Khechari means it is pulled inside, khechari mudra. You see these things happen automatically, like if there is a car. Now if you switch on the car it starts moving its wheels, its everything, naturally, there’s nothing unnatural. So what these people do, they cut the tongue here, push it back, saying this is khechari. Now that has stopped because there was one organisation called “Self Realisation,” they used to do that. Then some people are doing ‘bandha’, but artificially. First the Kundalini should rise otherwise for which you are doing the bandha? So these Raj Yogis are doing artificial things. Supposing you start moving the wheel will the car move? Or you start moving one of the tyres or something. It will all be spoiled. It has to be, first of all, the connection, like the connection of the telephone. If there’s no connection and you go on moving it the what? The telephone will be spoiled. All these prayers and all these things are like this. In the same way [are] mantras. They give you some mantras somewhere, all kinds of stupid mantras. If your Kundalini has not moved out, if you are not connected, whatever you say mantra is useless, isn’t it? There’s no connection. But the mantras should be very scientifically said wherever necessary. For example, supposing it is stopped here. If you say the mantra of the Nabhi you are doing wrong. That is how their life is ruined, because they have spoiled their chakras. By saying wrong mantras they have spoiled their chakras. Their brains are useless! I mean, they cannot become good Sahaj Yogis. So what you have to tell them if they have got this problem put your left hand towards the photograph with the light, put right hand here and they have to say, “Mother, I am my own master,” ten times. If they go on repeating the [false] master will run away, the false one who is there. So this is the problem with the left-sided people. Now left-sided people suddenly become also prone to cancer and all these psychosomatic diseases, so they should take all the time three-candle treatment. But it should not be taken as a ritual, it should be taken as bhakti, as a devotion. Otherwise, if it’s just a ritual it doesn’t work out. It’s a bhakti, it is devotion. You have to feel that devotion within your heart and then you should do it. Yesterday I felt very much the devotion of the people who were there. I felt very happy. I was very clear, I was very happy. Because the people who had come were mostly very clean people, they have not been to any guru, anything nonsensical; very nice people. Now even if you have been to some guru it can be cleared out. But you must know that this guru has ruined your capability to become a real Sahaj Yogi. To become a real Sahaj Yogi you have to have a very clean mind and a very clean central path. Now one should say also harsh things, “You’re a bhoot!” “There’s a bhoot in you!” “You are possessed!” Never talk like that. Sahaj Yogis must be extremely, extremely compassionate and kind. And don’t argue, don’t fight, nothing. Every Sahaj Yogi must support another Sahaj Yogi. You see, it’s not that when there’s somebody talking another Sahaj Yogi should go and support the person who is arguing. You must always support each other, because we are one, we are collective. Do you see the point? So this one is a test also of our Sahaj Yoga: how we deal with other Sahaj Yogis. You have to respect them, you have to show compassion, you have to understand them, you have to have patience. If they have any questions you should write it down and we’ll write to Mother, in case it is difficult. If it is easy you should explain to them. But the argument should be avoided because you’ll catch from them. All bhootish people argue, they’ll start saying, “This is not good, that is not good,” finding faults here and there. If you find anybody like that you ask him, “You get out of Sahaj Yoga! We don’t want you here.” They’re very troublesome people, so we don’t want them. We want people who understand Sahaj Yoga and Sahaj Yogis. They always find faults with other Sahaj Yogis, they find faults with Sahaj Yoga. All such people you should say, “You go to some journalist and join journalism!” They are absolutely useless and troublesome people. All right. Now the second point, is very important, is that they have to recognise me. It’s one of the main conditions of Sahaj Yoga. So far they’ve not recognised any one of the incarnations, so far. And all incarnations tried their level best but nobody recognised them. But for Sahaj Yoga, in this modern Sahaj Yoga, you have to recognise me. It’s a fact I am telling you, very humbly. There’s nothing. I don’t want anything from you, nothing! I don’t want anything. What is it? What are you surrendering? Is your ego. That’s what Mohammed saheb has said — Islam means surrender. So surrender your ego. I am trying to tell you that when you surrender your ego you’ll open out, completely. Unless and until you can easily be, absolutely dissolved into the ocean of joy, you are not a Sahaj Yogi. If you are still dissatisfied, if you still think, “No, no, no, Sahaj Yoga could be better,” this thing, that thing. It’s nothing. You have to be better! And as yesterday we saw so many people coming down, we have to understand our responsibility. You see, if I could do the work myself, I would not have come all the way to Malaysia and Australia. But I need you as channels for this energy. This energy has to flow through your channels. If the channels are defective, how can you flow the energy? So instead of correcting others, instead of finding faults with others, you better look after yourselves. Your leader is quite capable, he can look after the people, he knows what’s wrong with what. The third thing is very important — that we respect all the religions. Not only that [but] we worship all the great incarnations and all the seers, prophets, with the same reverence. There’s no difference. For us every religion is great. But there are defects in every religion which we start seeing easily once we get out of this outside religion. Then we’ll see what’s wrong with this, and then we start understanding and then we start correcting it. Not only that but also when we see our own community, immediately you will find, for example, I was saying that Malaysians have too many cars , and every car has one passenger. So all the Malaysians laughed because they don’t mind: that’s a fact. So they do not identify themselves, they do not identify with their children or with their husbands or wife or anyone. They identify themselves with me, in Sahaj Yoga. So what is wrong in your community you should see. If you cannot see it then you are not a Sahaj Yogi. Because you are outside, outside that community now, you are a Sahaj Yogi. You see what’s gone wrong with your community, where they went wrong, what wrong they did. And that’s how you can really show them by your own behaviour. In your life, how you behave, how you talk, how you love others, how you respect others, is very important. Your image is the one that is going to carry Sahaj Yoga very far. Just one article has brought so many people. Of course, forget about Australia, because Australia I have been going for years together and there’s too much of Australia. But otherwise Japan or, say, other places I go to, here — Hong Kong, now tomorrow I’ll be going to Thailand. I am sure we can never get so many people as we got here. We can say because there are so many Chinese and Indians who are culturally about the same people. It’s very difficult to teach anything to these Western people. I used to break my hands, you know actually, because they are so conditioned, they have no tradition, nothing. But now they are changed so much, so much changed. They are such wonderful people, you know. I am going tomorrow to Thailand — twelve people from France are coming to help us, can you imagine? All the way they are coming to help people in Thailand. They have no relationship with Thailand or anything. So that shows that we have to help each other. If you need any help — I told him that if you need any help in money or in any way, all the Sahaj Yogis will help. But have a proper things to do. And one can work it out. He said, “We are self-sufficient.” Now you’ll be much more than self-sufficient. And if you tell them that, “We have to pay for this hall, all right, give one dollar each.” They’ll definitely give. “We are not paying for Self-realisation, for anything, we are paying for this hall.” [Be] clearcut. One should be honest and clear cut. And say we are doing this for that. Because we don’t have any guru business here, you see, they are all commercial people. What we need is a hall to meet every weekend. That you find out near your houses, all right? Now, another thing is that I was saying that every month end or maybe two months end you should go out somewhere for picnic or something where you all should meet, that’s how it has spread in Australia. If it is possible; or if you can meet in one big hall. But it’s better to have a picnic-like thing with all the children there, food there, enjoying yourself for the whole day. You have such beautiful forests, such beautiful greenery here. You can go anywhere if you like and the company you’ll enjoy is only of Sahaj Yogis, nothing else you’ll enjoy, if you become the real Sahaj Yogi. Talk about this to your friends, tell them about this and try to get more and more people into Sahaj Yoga. I think I was really so impressed yesterday. It’s all due to your own great help, I should say, the way you have worked and brought it to that level. It is unexpected, absolutely unexpected and it has really given me the greatest pleasure. Now if you have any question you ask me. Yogini: Is there any swayambhu in Malaysia? Shri Mataji: I don’t know, I haven’t seen any. Must be, they are everywhere. (A yogi brings up a very large map of Malaysia to show Shri Mataji) Yogi: A map of Malaysia, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Oooh! Yogi: West Malaysia. Shri Mataji: This is that? The whole of it? Yogi: West Malaysia. Shri Mataji: All right, should I put my foot there? (Mother puts her feet on the map to vibrate it!) Yes, good. It’s sucking the vibrations. It’s not important, because swayambhu, only thing is, that it’s created by Mother Earth spontaneously and emits vibrations. If you go there you can testify that it is emitting vibrations but it cannot cure people, it cannot talk to people, it cannot give Realisation to people. So you are much greater than a swayambhu, much more effective. What are these swayambhus doing for years together? Nothing! They can protect, of course, protect you. But they will always protect you as soon as you become a good Sahaj Yogi you are always protected. Now the miracles are quite a lot. Also, I’ll tell you about some miracles that have taken place. They are taking place everywhere. But [the] last miracle that I heard about was in Delhi, when one girl who was fourteen years of age, by mistake, put a revolver of her father here (Left Swadishthan), and she triggered it. And this bullet came out of here (right shoulder) with some blood and there was a hole here, small (at her Left Swadishthan) and a big hole here (at her right shoulder) and she was quite conscious. So they took her to the hospital and she was conscious. They x-rayed her, everything. They were amazed at it, that this bullet has not touched any bone, any lung, any muscle, anything, no nerve. And as if with a [zig-zag] stroll like that, it came up. I think her, all the, Ganas must have helped to come and make it out. But it’s a big miracle and it’s a fact. So there are so many miracles like that happen suddenly you ask someone: spontaneously you find things, spontaneously everything works out and you are amazed how these things work. Now, when this happens, you can write it down, you can send it over to people in America, maybe in India. There are so many miracles like that [which] are happening. But there are some people who start suddenly thinking that they are maha yogis, that’s a very dangerous people. They start seeing things, they start talking big, they think, “I am a Maha Yogi.” There was one who said, “I am Adishakti!” I said, “All right, you send him some of my saris, I have too many of them!” (laughter) So there are stupid people like that also. They think they are something very great — maha yogis — and they start saying, “I am this thing, I am that!” It’s horrible! So, such people if you find, you should immediately let me know and also tell that person, “All right, you, Mr. Maha Yogi, please go away!” There are everywhere like that. They do all kinds of things and talk like this without any sense in their head. So you have to be careful about it, not to be impressed by such persons who says, “This is this, this is this.” There is nobody like Maha Yogi in Sahaj Yoga, everybody is the same. Yogi: Recently there was news from Canada stating that there is a little boy who has seen you through his meditation and he described about many… Shri Mataji: He has not seen me or what? He’s not seen me before? Yogi: He has not seen you before. Shri Mataji: Where is he, Toronto? Yogi: Quebec, Montreal. Shri Mataji: Quebec? I have not been there. But could be possible [that] he’s a great soul. It’s possible. If you see me in dreams it’s good, very good, to see me in dreams. He must be seeing me in dreams, I think. Yogi: He said that when he saw you, you mentioned that he was an angel before. Shri Mataji: Could be. Now I give up! You see, so much is happening. Like we had some photographs taken in Jaipur. So I’m not there at all, I mean I’m just all vibrations everywhere, you have to see very microscopically I am somewhere, my face shows. These vibrations are, sometimes you cannot explain. Have you seen all the vibration photographs? It’s so much, with deities sitting, this, that. And I give up now! Because this is all done by Paramchaitanya — It can do anything. These vibrations might appear in some mosques, in some temples, might. Yogi: How do we ascend in our meditation beyond Sahasrara? Shri Mataji: First fix it up, the one you have got it, all right? Now don’t go on futuristic things [because] then you’ll become Maha Yogi! (laughter) You grow automatically, spontaneously in a Sahaja way when you are in thoughtless awareness. Try to increase that area — thoughtless awareness — then you will automatically grow. Does this flower think how to grow? No, it grows spontaneously, all right? In the same way, you will grow when you just become thoughtlessly aware. And you will know your growth and you will become doubtless about it. All right? You can watch on my Agnya in the photograph, [and] can become thoughtless. Thoughtless awareness is very important for the first, to establish yourself. Once you start establishing thoughtless awareness the doubtless awareness comes in. And then you are just settled down with yourself, you don’t think of future or past or anything, you are with yourself. All right? Real growth is natural and Sahaj. This is not artificially growing, isn’t it? In the same way, it’s a living process of growth. (Question on the environment.) Shri Mataji: No, we should be careful, at least as far as we are concerned you should be concerned about nature and we should be worry about it, no doubt. But as Sahaj Yogis, you will be amazed that environment clears, it clears out as Sahaj Yogis and you won’t be so much affected by environment so much. It clears out environment also. There is one experiment Hamid has done, He’s done it in Austria, where many trees were, had become dwarfed and burnt away, with this acid rain that comes from the environment. So he went there and experimented with some vibrated water. But [with] so many trees, he didn’t know how much to put vibrated water for them. It worked a little bit. So then what he did, he took the badges you wear and pinned them on every tree; not every tree but every ten trees. So he said that he went after two months and he found the whole thing had come up except for the trees which were about sixty years were not responding so well, otherwise, every tree had become great. So you just can imagine what happens. He also experimented for growing more wheat. So he couldn’t put the vibrated water to the whole field, because [it’s] very difficult. There’s a pipe going like this. So what he did, in the pipe he put the ring that he was wearing with my photograph, and he experimented with that! Can you imagine? So it is very effective. But I think it’s more your shraddha in that photograph [that] works out. But in India we get a kind of a doser, we call it, like a funnel it is, it has two sides in which you can fix the two sides of a pipe and you can put vibrated water in there. It’s so remarkable that one of our fields had been put with the raw cow dung by somebody, and all the small little, all kinds of insects, they crawled up to the leaves and were eating them. So we put the doser and put the vibrated water — they all ran away! Vibrated water is very good. Tomorrow I am going to leave vibrated water in NG’s house, everything vibrated. But it depends also how you treat it, it’s very important, with respect. Respect is very important in Sahaj Yoga. If you do not respect that vibrated water it may not act because it thinks, vibrations can think. It loves and it thinks. You must understand this point, it thinks. And I have seen people who try to make some money out of me and they are absolutely in big trouble. I didn’t give them trouble, myself. They are in big trouble. Anything they try to do to Sahaj Yoga, immediately they have some sort of trouble. I think these deities, when my attention is not there, try to do something to them. So one should not in any way be disrespectful. And nobody should think that they have a special relationship with me. Some people think like that, that they have a special relationship with me! Such people will go off in Sahaj Yoga in no time. Nobody has special relations. I am alone. So this idea, also, that, “I have a special relationship with Mother,” all these things can be very detrimental to your growth. Now you have, in your houses, say a little gardens or one tree or something is a good idea, and put vibrated water. Also you can drink vibrated water. Take a little vibrated water and you can increase it in another bottle with other good water. But never put your hand into it. Just take out with a spoon which is kept separately for that. It’s very important because everything has vibrations, bad and good. What other question? Question about havan. Shri Mataji: Yes, havan is very good. Apart from the three candle treatment you can do also an aarti with the camphor, you can do havanas — it’s very good — but this is for the left-sided people, not for the right-sided people. Yogini: Can Malaysians send the children to Dharamshala School? Shri Mataji: Yes, why not? You can. But first, find out how many seats are there and this. It would be nice. Please send them. Everybody is allowed. You have to pay, how much? You should find out how much to pay. It’s not much compared to what we pay in schools, in Western schools or in Malaysian schools. It’s a very good school, no doubt, it has changed the children completely, it has made them beautiful, no doubt. But only thing you should find out if there’s a seat for the Malaysian children also. You write to Yogi [Mahajan] or to Dharamshala school, you have no address of Dharamshala? Nobody has? NG has. You tell your leader and he can find out. You find out first how many children are going. He can telephone to Yogi. Yogi is nowadays in Delhi. And now if you have to send you to have to do it fast because they are opening after my birthday. Do you need a visa for India? You need? Because you see these people started having visa for us, so Indians are vindictive now I think. They are after all Indians, why should they need. For no one, they should have visa business, nonsense it is. But still, the world has to be one. What else? Yogi: Shri Mataji. I feel that life is meaningless. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. (laughter) Shri Mataji: Because you’re not working for Sahaj Yoga! Your life is now for Sahaj Yoga. You dedicate it to Sahaj Yoga, that’s why. All right? If you dedicate your life to all kinds of nonsensical things then you think like that. But if you dedicate to Sahaj Yoga then there’s a meaning to it because now you have found our your identity. All right? Yogi: How to give Realisation when we meet people somewhere outside? Shri Mataji: You can do it, nothing like it. I have done it on stations and on the roads, today in the shop. But if you can do it properly then you do it. Yogi: How to do it by talking to people. Shri Mataji: By talking to people they will find you are very peaceful, you are very quiet, then they’ll ask you, “How are you so quiet? How are you so peaceful?” And your face also shines, so then you should say about this. Especially if you are wearing my badge then they’ll ask, “Who is this?” You see, wearing a badge is a very good way of propagating Sahaj Yoga, I have seen. (another question about the photo/badge which is unclear) Shri Mataji: No, you should put it here, why in the bag? Not in your job but on the way going somewhere and on your table you can have it in your job. If they ask, “Who is this?” You say, “My Mother,” finished! I look like Chinese, as well as I look like everything. When I am in Russia I look like Russians. When I am in Spain I look like Spanish. So it’s all right. I look like Chinese also: in China, many people thought I was Chinese! It’s better to have a photograph when you are travelling around, also you are protected. People will ask, “Who is this?” You should say. But for job, you can have it on the table if you like. Yogi: Can we give Realisation on the spot through ourselves? Shri Mataji: So you see, what is it you should pray to me that, “Mother please give him Self-realisation,”just. Finished! Yogini: Looking at Shri Mataji’s photograph Sahaj Yogini answered ‘This is my Mother’s photograph.’ Then the person asked ‘what is the difference between This Mother and your mother.’) Shri Mataji: There’s no difference at all. You see, my own daughters are not as fair as myself and my own brother is very dark so you can’t say. In India we have all complexions. Yes, what is it? Yogi: Mother, our previous life on this earth has it got any bearing as to what we are today as a Sahaja Yogi? Shri Mataji: It has to begin with, you see you are conditioned by that. By your previous life, your karmas, you are conditioned, in the beginning. But the whole thing drops out, whole thing drops out. On the contrary, whatever good you were comes out. All bad things drop out. Supposing you were a seeker, you went to wrong people, you did wrong things, doesn’t matter: all will drop out and your goodness will come out. May God bless you. Yogi: Shri Mataji I travel a lot in the car so I listen to your tapes. So when I stop the car can I stop the tape and continue with the tape on the onward journey? Is it all right? Shri Mataji: It’s all right. You see, you must only ask for forgiveness, that’s all. Respect is the thing. It’s not like other tapes, so you have to respect. Respect is the best way to grow in Sahaj Yoga, I have seen, respect. Yogi: We have some news from India that the Sahaj Yogis of the world will be put to the test by Mahamaya this year. Shri Mataji: Who told you that? They just create stories, you know, like that. On the contrary, it’s very different this year — I must give you the good news that two people came to me for their blessings, you see, one was known as Mr Advani and his wife. They belong to the Bharatiya Janata Party. And then the another, Bal Thakrey, is absolutely at my feet. So they are both are now elected and this horrible fellow, the chief minister who was there in Maharashtra, Sharad Pawar, one of the worst — he’s resigned already. So now in Maharashtra, we have our own people. Not only that but the same party has come in Gujarat. Moreover, I am sure with this thing they will also succeed in coming into Delhi. Then we will have our own say, Sahaj Yoga will have its own say because I have given Realisation to both of them. So there is no Mahamaya testing going on. They just try to frighten you, you know. I mean, it’s your stupidity sometimes that people don’t realise and do things which they should not. I do not want to test anyone. Say you are under my protection fully, but if you want to go away from my protection, I can’t help it. There are negativities all around, they catch you. So it’s not my testing, but it’s your own testing yourself. Delhi people just want to frighten you. They are very anxious that I should have my birthday in Delhi. All right. Now they are getting [T.N.] Sheshan, you know Sheshan? The fellow who was busy with the elections. He is going to come and speak for me. He met me in a train and he was very sweet and humble. He touched my feet and he said, “Mother please protect me!” And now he’s going to speak. So all such good people are coming up, so it’s a nice idea. So Mahamaya is working on the other way round I think — getting good people here. Yogi: Shri Mataji, you said that once you have ?? Sahaj Yogis people will come really from the outside. So with the idea of getting people from the outside, we arranged with South Indians… Shri Mataji: Oh My! (Laughter)The less said the better! Terrible people! I have been to Madras so many times, you know. When I go there the hall is full. After that everybody disappears! One Mr Murthy was there and he said, “Mother all the buddus (fools) are born here!” (laughter) I said, “Why?” They do all kinds of funny rituals, you see. They take out the hair of women, put the water on them, they roll them. These Brahmins, you know, terrible! They have befooled everyone there. They have befooled even the Brahmins! What to do? I am trying my level best. I want to go Kerala also. We are trying. But last year I went there, I was very disappointed. And the Sahaj Yogis also, some of them are very funny, very funny. It’s all right, I think gradually everywhere it will work out. But, see, Punjab is growing so fast. They said, “You cannot control it’s so fast!” They said, “This time Mother had to come to Punjab!” Otherwise, I will go to old Delhi. Then in North India, you will be surprised, in a place like Haryana where people didn’t know who was Dattatreya — you know even in U. P. nobody knew Dattatreya — such Sahaj Yogis! There were thirty-five gates they raised for me on the road when I went there — thousands and thousands and thousands. In Delhi itself, there are sixteen thousand Sahaj Yogis. I used to call Dilli (Delhi) ‘adilli' (dil means heart in Hindi this could be the reason) and now that has happened. So you can’t say, maybe some turning point. Bengal another place, I always have now my programme in a stadium. First time I went there in the hall there was only one person and all were looking at one tantrik who was beating himself like this. Now the same Bengalis you see, you ask them they said, “We’re are bekip!” ‘Bekip’ means some guru has put something on their heads — all kinds. And when that was over now gradually, you can imagine in a complete stadium full in Calcutta. I am surprised at Punjab also, how the Punjab has taken on. The last time when I went, of course, to Chandigarh the whole hall was filled — at least four times bigger than this Lala Lajpat hall. And Sahaj Yogis had to go outside and so many Sikhs came there. Yogi: Mother, when I go into meditation and look at the photograph, I always cry, I don’t know why. Shri Mataji: You start crying. It’s all right, it happens. You’ll be all right. You see, emotional things are there within us. Many people who see me, the first time they start crying, and I also cry with them. This is love for Mother. It’s all right. Yogi: I feel like touching your feet. That is the conditioning that you want to touch my feet. My feet are everywhere, all right? The thing is if you touch my feet everybody will touch my feet. In the beginning I allowed people, so my feet swelled up like that, you know. And in Maharashtra then one gentleman he said, a leader, that nobody should touch Mother’s feet, so they started beating him! Indians unless and until they touch my feet they never feel satisfied. But you must have some mercy on my feet, you see. They have to do a lot of work. They get very swollen up. Yogi: Mother, is vegetarianism conditioning? Shri Mataji: Vegetarianism is not a bad thing, and it’s not something punyavan (good deed) also. If you don’t like, don’t eat. If you like it, eat it. But you shouldn’t say that eating meat is a wrong thing because the animals are made for us. Everybody used to eat meat: Shri Rama used to eat meat also and also Shri Krishna, because they were kshatriyas, they were kshatriyas, are you a brahmin? You are what? Kshatriya? You are not a Brahmin? It’s all right if you don’t like, it is, you see, whatever suits you. Now for me, I will be surprised, I can’t eat vegetarian food, much. Immediately I will get diarrhoea. You know the Goddess has to have meat. Though I may like or may not like, I have to eat it, what to do? That’s my swabhava (स्वभाव - nature). Yogi: Mother, the mantras are sacred, but if they are pronounced wrongly, will it have any bad effects on the yogis? Shri Mataji: It won’t have any bad effect on you but you have to use my name with the mantra so that you are doing all right. Then nobody will trouble you. But mantras you don’t say wrong mantras normally, but if you are saying something wrongly then better get it corrected. But my name should be there otherwise nobody will listen to you — it’s a recommendation. Yogi: Shri Mataji I have Shri Ganesh statue in my house. Now I have become a Sahaj yogi so shall I give to somebody else? Shri Mataji: (in Hindi) Keep it with you. Keep it as a hobby. It is a decorative piece. But do not perform puja because if it is made by Sahaj yogi then it’s all right. That is why murti puja was banned. People used to make idols and earn money. If it is made by Sahaj yogi then it’s all right, but you cannot perform puja mostly. If it is swayambhu then all right. Keep the idol with you. You have several articles like pots. Keep this with them. Shri Mataji asks whether how many are Hindi-speaking are over here and says - It is better to learn Hindi. Everyone knows English. Nowadays Gods also understand English. English has influenced us very much.
Arrival and Conversation (poor audio)
Conversation with Princess Nun
1995-03-15 Conversation with Princess Nun Bangkok Shri Mataji: I am very happy you are taking interest in this andPrincess Nun: I have no experience on this one, (laughs). I like to learn about(Mixed audio)Shri Mataji: That's what Buddha had said that you have to have experience. Without the experience whatever you believe is is not that. It has to have connection. But Buddha's mission was finished like that abruptly. He had really worked very hard. No doubt. But people didn't understand him and even I see in Japan, they follow Buddhism. But they dot understand. Because Princess Nun: It's very difficult(laughs)Shri Mataji: See it is not mental what they talked aboutPrincess Nun: SpiritualShri Mataji: It's beyond mental. Thats the thing they called as Nirvana. But just believing in something, you don't get it. You have to have it within yourself (Mixed voice)Princess Nun : PracticeShri Mataji: experience has to (unclear). My son-in-law, elder-son...younger son-in-law is writing a book on Buddha. In that he is going to point out all these things little little. That how we have missed the point you see. He said that we have to be in the middle path first of all and people are not in the middle path. They are one extreme to another extreme and his main idea was compassion. Compassion that has power. That only you get it when you become one with the All-pervading power. Otherwise you don't have that compassion. That compassion which has power and this is very important I feel for all the Asican Nations because you see Vietnam and all these places. They are suffered. Everyone who followed buddha should not suffer why should we. Buddha has suffered for us. We don't have to suffer. But we suffered because they haven't yet got the connection with Buddha. He said it "Buddham Saranam Gacchami" - You have to be Enlightened. We do that three things that he said I say. "Dharmam Saranam Gacchami" - But people say that we are dharmic but they are not. They are not. You see they are forced on to it or pressurised or something, but dharma is something within. So he said that you should get dharma within yourself and then he said "Sangham Saranam Gachami" - that you should have Sangham means Collectivity as we have in Sahaja Yoga all over the world see. Buddhis are not collective, they have root problem. So see to I am here to complete his work. what he has said I want to prove it. Every word that he said prosper it. Also to explain people and give the experience. So that they should know that he was a real incarnation. Where is the place of buddha within our body, where is the place of Christ, where is the place of Mahaveera? all these we have to know and experience again. It should not be just talking. That you must experience first of all. After experiencing then automatically you will accept, but for the experience you don't want to do. Go on doing some rituals, you see in India every where, all these rituals are of no use and don't think Buddha much pleased much of rituals. It is all started later on. So the rituals, unless until you are connected you don't reach Buddha. You understand?Princess Nun: haa.Shri Mataji: So one should ask for reality. Ask for real religion, reality and that is the only way you can really spread his(unclear) not by talking. See Dlai Lama now, Dalai Lama, you don't know what sort of a man he is. Dalai Lama goes abroad, his fun fellow who came to see me aaaa, this kaashay, special color that the Orange and people told him, don't wear all this, Mother won't like it so. He told me "Mother, this is the only dress left for me by Mr. Dalai Lama". He took away all my money, took away my house. He was a very rich man. I sold out my car and he just mesmerised me and I was going giving giving money. So many people have glitched already and he has so much of gold with him. They say, the beggars, beggars of beggars. But when I went to China, I was surprised to see because I was V.I.P. They showed me what they caught out of Dalai Lama when he was crossing. He had lots of gold, so he couldn't carry. So put half of it in the river(unclear), may be more I don't know how much money. When I saw that I was surprised. There were at least 500 beer aah this thing, there jugs and many more many more than that were plates you see of different sizes in real gold, see can you imagine in NASA(unclear), but the Tibitens are so poor, how could he ask for gold and this and that and they, they are not married nothing no family. So this is what is happening and now they are having another Dalai Lama being selected. You see, you can not select. You have to be. Like we have it also in Zhen systems(unclear). Zhen system started in Japan by Vidhidama(unclear) disciple of Buddha Vidhidama(unclear). He was I think very much more practical. He wanted to create thoughtless awareness. So, he put things which meant nothing. He said, look at this and don't think. He did lots of practical things I must say. His Decermony everything was very practical. It din't help Japanese. din't help. At all. I would say Japanese are the cruelest people to think of. (unclear) be very cruel in the name of Buddha I can't understand. He did this. Zhen did it, I must say quit aloud. But you see, the head of the zhen came to see me, and he was sick, so they brought him to me. Very sick. I cured him and asked him that how are you the head of the Zhen? what about the realized soul? you are not realised soul. So he said we are only 26 Kasyapas, they called it Kasyapas.Princess Nun: What is it?Shri Mataji:aaa?Princess Nun: What is it? KasyapaShri Mataji: Kasyapa are the realised souls.Princess Nun: ooh aaa..Shri Mataji: We had only 26 from the century from the sixth century to the fourteenth or fifteenth only. Now we don't have anyone like that. So I said "then what are you doing?" Same thing in every religion though Buddha was extremely I must say extremely kind and mildest thing. He din't say like Christ said take out one eye (unclear)(Sree Mataji laughs)no... was very mild I should say and he said all about forgiveness and insisted upon improving this life so the next incarnation will be good and all those things. But have nothing, it doesn't have any affect. Onething is you must be connected. Otherwise nothing is going to happen. Then automatically see the reality we are all one. Buddha played a part which he had to play Mahaveera played a part which he had to play and Christ played the part what he has to play. A big relationship and all that you realize is within ourselves in the system. They did something like mandala art(unclear) this that they have put something in Nepal especially. So, they are seeing it from outside something. It has no meaning. It., Its a footless game people are playing. Thats what has to happen. I am very happy I came here, and I could meet people here, and the buddhi is have to take to something normal love(unclear). Those days are over of Tapasya of Penance. Now we have to take to something everybody can get detached. Once they get connected to the divine power and they get detached. You have to do many things like I am born in a family see with a car(unclear) royal family. So I have to wear this, wear that, wear this, alright, doesn't matter. It never affects me.Princess Nun: How is that?Shri Mataji: She sees the point (Shri Mataji laughs) very sweet of her. It has to workout you see. We need global peace. See everybody fighting in the name of God. In Karachi, 300 people are killed in 7 months.Princess Nun: aah..Shri Mataji: in the name of God. Everywhere. Today I saw this paper in what is that.. haan Istanbul, Istanbul, so many people were killed this phoneticism has come, you see one extreme is this modern life. One extreme is a licentiousness and everything, but reaction of that is this fundamental side, Let them of(unclear), oppress them and force them, but that doesn't create morality. so, morality is something in the central path. You have to rise in central path, immediately you become moral nobody has to tell you anything. Just become is the part. Becoming is the part. Princess Nun: We have to practice, have to practice it. (Repetition)Shri Mataji: Ya, ya, but first you have to be connected. Once you are connected then you can grow. Gradually you can grow, there is a simple method of meditation where you become thoughtlessly aware. where neither you are in future nor in the past but in the present. That's meditation and in that you grow spiritually. So first connection has to be done. Its like, aa, it's a living process of evolution. Like if you put seed in the Mother Earth, it sprouts by itselfPrincess Nun: YesShri Mataji: because it has got everything built-in. In the same way we have got everything built-in within ourself. So, it sprouts automatically. I have come to give this message here in this country (Shri Mataji laughs), in this country especially, this country of Buddha. We have to become what he has said. That's important. We have so many Temples, so many priests everything is there. But people are not happy.Princess Nun : Haa, they don't practice.Shri Mataji: Haan?Princess Nun: They don't work, they don't do themselves like Buddha told him,Shri Mataji: You can't do it. You see, when you do it, you do it through your ego. You have to go beyond your mind. See if(unclear) beyond your mind, this All-pervading power does. Buddha never talked of God. Reason was, he said first let them reach first-stage of Nirakara, of Formless. He talked of Formless, Mahaveera talked of Formless. Only Christ talked of God. He thought that people are prepared but no. They never understood. Everything only creates confusion that's the problem and frustration. So you have to give something real to them that there was Buddha, there was Christ, there was Mahaveera and there is God. Whether you believe it in God or not He is there. But Buddha din't want to talk, Mahaveera din't want to talk. Even Nanaka, he din't want to talk, because he saw people are mad. They go to temples and do all kinds of rituals and finished better not talk about God and that was just to step forward. You see to make people forward, not to get guru(unclear) to some sort of a God or anything but just a step forward. His whole life was such a great inspiration for everyone but it can not be followed. That's the point. A very few peoplePrincess Nun : The one who talked to me, ah, the lady who called me, that asked me to come and meet with you, she say that you are worry about our King (repetition) of Thailand. He is sick at the moment.Shri Mataji: Who is sick? ooh, ya ya, I would like to go. He is such a nice man, I would love but I have hardly any time, Tomorrow morning I can do it, or Tomorrow evening if that suits you, if he you people agree, because he is a King you know after all, have to approach him very difficult. Princess Nun: Now at the moment, the doctors wouldn't allow anyone approach him.Shri Mataji: Today is better. I, you see I tried something morning. Today is better may be. If he says, I can come because I know whats the problem with him is. If they allow. Because I am only there tomorrow. Tomorrow evening can try, you can ask the doctor because I will not give any medicine anything. Just blessings you see, they can't say no. To the blessing after all.Princess Nun: But the doctor, the doctors in the hospitalShri Mataji: aan?Princess Nun: If the doctor of the hospital don't allow anybody to comeShri Mataji: You talk to him may be will give a Bandhan.Princess Nun: In some case , this man who came yesterday Dr. Suteen(unclear), he tried, the whole day tried to explainShri Mataji: I am not going to talk to him at all, I am not going to talk to anyone. I will just put my hand on his heart.Princess Nun: We try again. We try with her fatherShri Mataji: There is nothing to talk to him, what is there to talk?Other person: Ya, just to give vibrations.Shri Mataji: See it is to workout, it works out well and good for you people. He is such a nice King. Princess Nun: Checked alreadyShri Mataji: You can say she is a saint and she wants to bless. Just I will have to see his heart because his heart is catching very badly.Shri Mataji: If you try it will workout. I am sure that I am not going to talk to him. I my self a doctor. So, why(Shri Mataji laughs)Princess Nun: But in a big hospital the doctors will take careShri Mataji: I am not going to give him anything to eat or to do anything. Just I am going to put my hand on his body (unclear)Princess Nun: Will try, I can't do anything laugh, I can't even go near him laughs.Shri Mataji: What she say?Other Person: She can not help because she is not allowed to approach the King.Shri Mataji: You ask this gentlemanOther Person: yesShri Mataji: that they should say she doesn't want to talk to him. What is there to talk? you see, I will just, if they allow, I will just bless him. That's all. Just touch on his heart and also his left visuddhi is very strong, I couldn't feel what it is, I mean sitting down here also I am working on him (Shri Mataji laughs) .Other Person: Will try to contact him, if he will come this evening, this man, he will come so we can talk to himPrincess Nun: The girl who contacted Dr. Sutheen(unclear) also. This Areyee(unclear) Sahaja Yogini the one we tried to help...Shri Mataji: May God bless you. She has connection?Other Person: She works with the..Shri Mataji: This gentleman,Other Person: Yes, the common manShri Mataji: See I am not going to talk to the patient, see I am not going to do anything, I am not going to give him anything to drink or to eat. I will just bless him on his head and on his heart that's all. We could save him.Shri Mataji: Worth trying, I mean to say, nothing guaranteed. Worth tryShri Mataji: We can work out, give bandhan, Just pray, I should see him, because its not very difficult to save him. He is too right sided man, extremely hard working, futuristic. So I will just move his agnya, put my hand on his Sahasrara it will go away(unclear), its not difficult, I could feel it what's wrong with him.Princess Nun: For us here, you can't touch his headOther Person: Normally for Thai tradition, you can not touch the head of the ...Shri Mataji: You can not touch here?Princess Nun: NoShri Mataji: Thais don't allow to touch(Shri Mataji laughs)Princess Nun: Especially when he is the KingShri Mataji: But a saint is a higher than a King.Princess Nun: But may be you can, you can touch his headShri Mataji: No no see In India, a saint is higher than anybody else. see. Even our President, if he sees me, he will sit on the ground. I cured one of the Presidents we had, went to his house called me with great respect this that, and husband and wife came and sat on the ground. I said, why don't you sit here? for a saint why should you sit. He was suffering from cancer. Now he is no more but he is the one, then he asked people to give us some land for ashram and in that land I mean to get a land is difficult, we paid for it all that but we got the land. Let's see if it works out. He is a very nice man, he should be saved. Otherwise you will have problems in this country. He has no Son?Princess Nun: ya, one Son. The King has one son and three daughtersShri Mataji: and he is big enough? to rule? the son?Princess Nun: Ya, he has many children, laughsShri Mataji: aah?Princess Nun: He has five children, five six children, the sonShri Mataji: The son has five children?Princess Nun: Yes.Shri Mataji: So he can rule, also, but best is if we can cure this King will be alright because...Princess Nun: ya, we all the Thai people this Kind, the present King, we like him to live on..Other Person: I think the son is not so popularShri Mataji: no, I think the son is not so popular like the King. The King is very good.Princess Nun: The King is very goodShri Mataji: If he is for the people, he has compassionOther Person: Because all Thai people, they feel, if the present King not the not in his position we don't what will happen to Thai, Thailand. Everybody worriedShri Mataji: You try, Otherwise I am trying from this room only. I am trying only, may workout. If I could, If you could get me a photograph.
1995-03-15 Conversation with Princess Nun Bangkok Shri Mataji: I am very happy you are taking interest in this andPrincess Nun: I have no experience on this one, (laughs). I like to learn about(Mixed audio)Shri Mataji: That's what Buddha had said that you have to have experience. Without the experience whatever you believe is is not that. It has to have connection. But Buddha's mission was finished like that abruptly. He had really worked very hard. No doubt. But people didn't understand him and even I see in Japan, they follow Buddhism. But they dot understand. Because Princess Nun: It's very difficult(laughs)Shri Mataji: See it is not mental what they talked aboutPrincess Nun: SpiritualShri Mataji: It's beyond mental. Thats the thing they called as Nirvana. But just believing in something, you don't get it. You have to have it within yourself (Mixed voice)Princess Nun : PracticeShri Mataji: experience has to (unclear). My son-in-law, elder-son...younger son-in-law is writing a book on Buddha. In that he is going to point out all these things little little. That how we have missed the point you see. He said that we have to be in the middle path first of all and people are not in the middle path. They are one extreme to another extreme and his main idea was compassion. Compassion that has power. That only you get it when you become one with the All-pervading power. Otherwise you don't have that compassion. That compassion which has power and this is very important I feel for all the Asican Nations because you see Vietnam and all these places. They are suffered. Everyone who followed buddha should not suffer why should we. Buddha has suffered for us. We don't have to suffer. But we suffered because they haven't yet got the connection with Buddha. He said it "Buddham Saranam Gacchami" - You have to be Enlightened. We do that three things that he said I say. "Dharmam Saranam Gacchami" - But people say that we are dharmic but they are not. They are not. You see they are forced on to it or pressurised or something, but dharma is something within. So he said that you should get dharma within yourself and then he said "Sangham Saranam Gachami" - that you should have Sangham means Collectivity as we have in Sahaja Yoga all over the world see. Buddhis are not collective, they have root problem. So see to I am here to complete his work. what he has said I want to prove it. Every word that he said prosper it. Also to explain people and give the experience. So that they should know that he was a real incarnation. Where is the place of buddha within our body, where is the place of Christ, where is the place of Mahaveera? all these we have to know and experience again. It should not be just talking. That you must experience first of all. After experiencing then automatically you will accept, but for the experience you don't want to do. Go on doing some rituals, you see in India every where, all these rituals are of no use and don't think Buddha much pleased much of rituals. It is all started later on. So the rituals, unless until you are connected you don't reach Buddha. You understand?Princess Nun: haa.Shri Mataji: So one should ask for reality. Ask for real religion, reality and that is the only way you can really spread his(unclear) not by talking. See Dlai Lama now, Dalai Lama, you don't know what sort of a man he is. Dalai Lama goes abroad, his fun fellow who came to see me aaaa, this kaashay, special color that the Orange and people told him, don't wear all this, Mother won't like it so. He told me "Mother, this is the only dress left for me by Mr. Dalai Lama". He took away all my money, took away my house. He was a very rich man. I sold out my car and he just mesmerised me and I was going giving giving money. So many people have glitched already and he has so much of gold with him. They say, the beggars, beggars of beggars. But when I went to China, I was surprised to see because I was V.I.P. They showed me what they caught out of Dalai Lama when he was crossing. He had lots of gold, so he couldn't carry. So put half of it in the river(unclear), may be more I don't know how much money. When I saw that I was surprised. There were at least 500 beer aah this thing, there jugs and many more many more than that were plates you see of different sizes in real gold, see can you imagine in NASA(unclear), but the Tibitens are so poor, how could he ask for gold and this and that and they, they are not married nothing no family. So this is what is happening and now they are having another Dalai Lama being selected. You see, you can not select. You have to be. Like we have it also in Zhen systems(unclear). Zhen system started in Japan by Vidhidama(unclear) disciple of Buddha Vidhidama(unclear). He was I think very much more practical. He wanted to create thoughtless awareness. So, he put things which meant nothing. He said, look at this and don't think. He did lots of practical things I must say. His Decermony everything was very practical. It din't help Japanese. din't help. At all. I would say Japanese are the cruelest people to think of. (unclear) be very cruel in the name of Buddha I can't understand. He did this. Zhen did it, I must say quit aloud. But you see, the head of the zhen came to see me, and he was sick, so they brought him to me. Very sick. I cured him and asked him that how are you the head of the Zhen? what about the realized soul? you are not realised soul. So he said we are only 26 Kasyapas, they called it Kasyapas.Princess Nun: What is it?Shri Mataji:aaa?Princess Nun: What is it? KasyapaShri Mataji: Kasyapa are the realised souls.Princess Nun: ooh aaa..Shri Mataji: We had only 26 from the century from the sixth century to the fourteenth or fifteenth only. Now we don't have anyone like that. So I said "then what are you doing?" Same thing in every religion though Buddha was extremely I must say extremely kind and mildest thing. He din't say like Christ said take out one eye (unclear)(Sree Mataji laughs)no... was very mild I should say and he said all about forgiveness and insisted upon improving this life so the next incarnation will be good and all those things. But have nothing, it doesn't have any affect. Onething is you must be connected. Otherwise nothing is going to happen. Then automatically see the reality we are all one. Buddha played a part which he had to play Mahaveera played a part which he had to play and Christ played the part what he has to play. A big relationship and all that you realize is within ourselves in the system. They did something like mandala art(unclear) this that they have put something in Nepal especially. So, they are seeing it from outside something. It has no meaning. It., Its a footless game people are playing. Thats what has to happen. I am very happy I came here, and I could meet people here, and the buddhi is have to take to something normal love(unclear). Those days are over of Tapasya of Penance. Now we have to take to something everybody can get detached. Once they get connected to the divine power and they get detached. You have to do many things like I am born in a family see with a car(unclear) royal family. So I have to wear this, wear that, wear this, alright, doesn't matter. It never affects me.Princess Nun: How is that?Shri Mataji: She sees the point (Shri Mataji laughs) very sweet of her. It has to workout you see. We need global peace. See everybody fighting in the name of God. In Karachi, 300 people are killed in 7 months.Princess Nun: aah..Shri Mataji: in the name of God. Everywhere. Today I saw this paper in what is that.. haan Istanbul, Istanbul, so many people were killed this phoneticism has come, you see one extreme is this modern life. One extreme is a licentiousness and everything, but reaction of that is this fundamental side, Let them of(unclear), oppress them and force them, but that doesn't create morality. so, morality is something in the central path. You have to rise in central path, immediately you become moral nobody has to tell you anything. Just become is the part. Becoming is the part. Princess Nun: We have to practice, have to practice it. (Repetition)Shri Mataji: Ya, ya, but first you have to be connected. Once you are connected then you can grow. Gradually you can grow, there is a simple method of meditation where you become thoughtlessly aware. where neither you are in future nor in the past but in the present. That's meditation and in that you grow spiritually. So first connection has to be done. Its like, aa, it's a living process of evolution. Like if you put seed in the Mother Earth, it sprouts by itselfPrincess Nun: YesShri Mataji: because it has got everything built-in. In the same way we have got everything built-in within ourself. So, it sprouts automatically. I have come to give this message here in this country (Shri Mataji laughs), in this country especially, this country of Buddha. We have to become what he has said. That's important. We have so many Temples, so many priests everything is there. But people are not happy.Princess Nun : Haa, they don't practice.Shri Mataji: Haan?Princess Nun: They don't work, they don't do themselves like Buddha told him,Shri Mataji: You can't do it. You see, when you do it, you do it through your ego. You have to go beyond your mind. See if(unclear) beyond your mind, this All-pervading power does. Buddha never talked of God. Reason was, he said first let them reach first-stage of Nirakara, of Formless. He talked of Formless, Mahaveera talked of Formless. Only Christ talked of God. He thought that people are prepared but no. They never understood. Everything only creates confusion that's the problem and frustration. So you have to give something real to them that there was Buddha, there was Christ, there was Mahaveera and there is God. Whether you believe it in God or not He is there. But Buddha din't want to talk, Mahaveera din't want to talk. Even Nanaka, he din't want to talk, because he saw people are mad. They go to temples and do all kinds of rituals and finished better not talk about God and that was just to step forward. You see to make people forward, not to get guru(unclear) to some sort of a God or anything but just a step forward. His whole life was such a great inspiration for everyone but it can not be followed. That's the point. A very few peoplePrincess Nun : The one who talked to me, ah, the lady who called me, that asked me to come and meet with you, she say that you are worry about our King (repetition) of Thailand. He is sick at the moment.Shri Mataji: Who is sick? ooh, ya ya, I would like to go. He is such a nice man, I would love but I have hardly any time, Tomorrow morning I can do it, or Tomorrow evening if that suits you, if he you people agree, because he is a King you know after all, have to approach him very difficult. Princess Nun: Now at the moment, the doctors wouldn't allow anyone approach him.Shri Mataji: Today is better. I, you see I tried something morning. Today is better may be. If he says, I can come because I know whats the problem with him is. If they allow. Because I am only there tomorrow. Tomorrow evening can try, you can ask the doctor because I will not give any medicine anything. Just blessings you see, they can't say no. To the blessing after all.Princess Nun: But the doctor, the doctors in the hospitalShri Mataji: aan?Princess Nun: If the doctor of the hospital don't allow anybody to comeShri Mataji: You talk to him may be will give a Bandhan.Princess Nun: In some case , this man who came yesterday Dr. Suteen(unclear), he tried, the whole day tried to explainShri Mataji: I am not going to talk to him at all, I am not going to talk to anyone. I will just put my hand on his heart.Princess Nun: We try again. We try with her fatherShri Mataji: There is nothing to talk to him, what is there to talk?Other person: Ya, just to give vibrations.Shri Mataji: See it is to workout, it works out well and good for you people. He is such a nice King. Princess Nun: Checked alreadyShri Mataji: You can say she is a saint and she wants to bless. Just I will have to see his heart because his heart is catching very badly.Shri Mataji: If you try it will workout. I am sure that I am not going to talk to him. I my self a doctor. So, why(Shri Mataji laughs)Princess Nun: But in a big hospital the doctors will take careShri Mataji: I am not going to give him anything to eat or to do anything. Just I am going to put my hand on his body (unclear)Princess Nun: Will try, I can't do anything laugh, I can't even go near him laughs.Shri Mataji: What she say?Other Person: She can not help because she is not allowed to approach the King.Shri Mataji: You ask this gentlemanOther Person: yesShri Mataji: that they should say she doesn't want to talk to him. What is there to talk? you see, I will just, if they allow, I will just bless him. That's all. Just touch on his heart and also his left visuddhi is very strong, I couldn't feel what it is, I mean sitting down here also I am working on him (Shri Mataji laughs) .Other Person: Will try to contact him, if he will come this evening, this man, he will come so we can talk to himPrincess Nun: The girl who contacted Dr. Sutheen(unclear) also. This Areyee(unclear) Sahaja Yogini the one we tried to help...Shri Mataji: May God bless you. She has connection?Other Person: She works with the..Shri Mataji: This gentleman,Other Person: Yes, the common manShri Mataji: See I am not going to talk to the patient, see I am not going to do anything, I am not going to give him anything to drink or to eat. I will just bless him on his head and on his heart that's all. We could save him.Shri Mataji: Worth trying, I mean to say, nothing guaranteed. Worth tryShri Mataji: We can work out, give bandhan, Just pray, I should see him, because its not very difficult to save him. He is too right sided man, extremely hard working, futuristic. So I will just move his agnya, put my hand on his Sahasrara it will go away(unclear), its not difficult, I could feel it what's wrong with him.Princess Nun: For us here, you can't touch his headOther Person: Normally for Thai tradition, you can not touch the head of the ...Shri Mataji: You can not touch here?Princess Nun: NoShri Mataji: Thais don't allow to touch(Shri Mataji laughs)Princess Nun: Especially when he is the KingShri Mataji: But a saint is a higher than a King.Princess Nun: But may be you can, you can touch his headShri Mataji: No no see In India, a saint is higher than anybody else. see. Even our President, if he sees me, he will sit on the ground. I cured one of the Presidents we had, went to his house called me with great respect this that, and husband and wife came and sat on the ground. I said, why don't you sit here? for a saint why should you sit. He was suffering from cancer. Now he is no more but he is the one, then he asked people to give us some land for ashram and in that land I mean to get a land is difficult, we paid for it all that but we got the land. Let's see if it works out. He is a very nice man, he should be saved. Otherwise you will have problems in this country. He has no Son?Princess Nun: ya, one Son. The King has one son and three daughtersShri Mataji: and he is big enough? to rule? the son?Princess Nun: Ya, he has many children, laughsShri Mataji: aah?Princess Nun: He has five children, five six children, the sonShri Mataji: The son has five children?Princess Nun: Yes.Shri Mataji: So he can rule, also, but best is if we can cure this King will be alright because...Princess Nun: ya, we all the Thai people this Kind, the present King, we like him to live on..Other Person: I think the son is not so popularShri Mataji: no, I think the son is not so popular like the King. The King is very good.Princess Nun: The King is very goodShri Mataji: If he is for the people, he has compassionOther Person: Because all Thai people, they feel, if the present King not the not in his position we don't what will happen to Thai, Thailand. Everybody worriedShri Mataji: You try, Otherwise I am trying from this room only. I am trying only, may workout. If I could, If you could get me a photograph.
Public Program
Public Program
Talk to Sahaja Yogis: How to Talk to New Comers?
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Advises on how to talk to new comers. Bangkok (Thailand), 16 March 1995. Shri Mataji: Can I have my spectacles? Laurence: Yes Shri Mataji: Please be seated, please. Come here in the front. Why don't you come here? Sahaja Yogi: [about the mike] Shri Mataji: [Unclear] I'll have some tea? Laurence: Yes Shri Mataji: [Unclear] Now, we had lots of people, I should say for the program. By the time I started the program, there were many people. Now the problem faces you is this, that when I go away, there are very few Sahaja Yogis left here, and they have to look after the newcomers. And the problem is like this, that you have to deal with them very carefully. Because, you know, they are now yet not such Sahaja Yogis as you are and they don’t understand what is Sahaja Yoga. To get Realization is very easy, but to become a Sahaja Yogi is a difficult thing. It’s a very deep growth that you require to become a good Sahaja Yogi. As it is, they are coming just now from that human awareness, which you have to make a divine awareness. So it’s a very difficult task I must tell you. So with all compassion and love, you must deal with them. You should never talk sharply. Sometimes Sahaja Yogis will say: “Oh, your – this chakra is catching,” or they'll say: “You have got this bhoot in you,” and all sorts of things. Then they get, you know, quite shocked. You shouldn’t say all these things. Then, if they tell you: “We do this guru, that guru,” in the beginning you should not condemn also any guru or anything. “It's all right, we have many like this, but they are all right now.” Or you can take also upon yourself: “I was also like you, you see.” Somebody says: “I doubt.” “All right, I was like you, now I’m all right.” So, they don’t feel so hurt. It’s the most important thing is public relations. Now I’m surprised at Myself because I’m a foreigner everywhere and they, so many, come. And when it comes to the program and all that follow-up, they disappear. So I can’t understand what’s the matter with them. Why should they disappear? The reason may be – I don’t know whatever the reason is – that they are not such serious seekers, maybe they are guru-shopping, maybe, you see, they are going to many places. You just can’t say why it is so, you see. And why they are - [Shri Mataji clears her throat] Can you bring my purse? I've got something for the troat. And this will be a very big challenge to all of you because you are few and they are maybe more. So they will see from your own character, from your own style, how you behave. So, always support each other. See, many people start supporting other people instead of supporting Sahaja Yogis. And sometimes they even discuss and argue. So between Sahaja Yogis, there should be no discussions, no argument, nothing. You understand? Anything that you have to do it, you should do it separately, not before the newcomers, because that creates the worst impression and they think that there’s something wrong with these people: “Why were they arguing among themselves?” So you have to just support only Sahaja Yogis and nobody else. Others are others, we are all one. Once, they come to Sahaja Yoga they will also realize. But this sometimes also upsets them very much that we are all the time quarreling, fighting, saying things – as if we are not one. Now, only thing you have to tell them that: “You see, now if you have a guru, what has he given you?” is the point. “Whatever you have given is all right, but what have you given him is not the thing. What he has given you? Has he given you the knowledge? Has he given you Realization?” You have to tell: “Have you- [Shri Mataji clears her throat] Did you get your peace? What did you get?” This is what you have to tell and what you can get in Sahaja Yoga. Best thing would be to play My videotape and let them see for themselves. You can play it for half, whatever way you like. And then, see if they have any questions, you should very silently answer them. Then you put them into meditation. Don’t talk to them too much in the beginning, because that will spoil you and spoil them. “All right you sit down for meditation, let us see.” Then you can just go and see on their heads if there is cool breeze coming, hot breeze coming. And also tell him how to meditate. [Shri Mataji asks if they also give them Her photo] Then they will ask you how to meditate. Then you have to tell them: “This is how you have to meditate.” Now, you should see whether they are right-sided or left-sided. And accordingly, you have to tell them what they have to do. But in a very gentle and a sweet manner, assuring that: “You will be all right. There’s no problem.” Now if they have any good things to report, they are sick or something, you should say that: “We’ll tell you how to do it, but we’ll also write to Mother,” and you can write to Me through your leader. [Shri Mataji drinks a glass of water] Talking, talking, [Shri Mataji laughs] Now we should know that we are believers in the power of love. And so we have to be very gentle with people. And not to be angry, upsetting them or saying things which can upset them. Like a businessman when he has to get people, he’s selling something, he is extremely nice and gentle. So now we should say: “We are selling Sahaja Yoga for nothing.” Now, you have to give them that security, that peace, that love. Among yourselves, you should really behave in such a manner that they should really feel that you are people, who are deep and you are enlightened people. If one person is talking, another should not jump in. Let one person talk and another should look after another person. All this is going to help you very much to make the Sahaja Yoga grow here. Now you know I’ve been to Kuala Lumpur at least five, six times. And this time it was about more than four thousand five hundred people, four thousand five, apart from Sahaja Yogis. Sahaja Yogis also increased a lot. So, to begin with, we had about three, four people like that, doesn’t matter. I’ve been here only twice. So, of course, it is going to take time. I’ll come again and again. And I’m sure within three, four visits, you’ll have large and large numbers of Sahaja Yogis. Firstly, I was surprised in the market all the ladies were bowing to Me, and they were saying, “Give us blessings”. All the men were bowing to Me. Anybody who sees Me bows to Me. It’s very surprising. That means there is already the awakening has come. The people are realizing there’s somebody, who is something, who can do good to them. Another very encouraging thing is that we got a princess, who became a nun and who is looking after the misery of women in this country. She is very influential. She got her Realization and she appreciated what I told her. Then, another gentleman, who is very influential, he and his wife both got Realization, and I cured his wife. So they have a great influence on the society, so they can definitely help you very much in getting people of elite societies, educated people, all kinds of people. So that you are, I think, will be strengthened. Also there are lots of Sikhs and Punjabis here. It will take some time. Like I used to go to Delhi; I went there for about at least ten years, and what we find – nothing happened, very poor. But now there are sixteen thousand Sahaja Yogis, who are practicing Sahaja Yoga, and it spread to other places: Noida, then Ghaziabad, then in Haryana, Faridabad and Yamuna Nagar and all that, then in Dehradun, also in Haridwar. I was surprised, I got onto the train at Dehradun, and the train went to Haridwar, and I heard people singing Jay Jayakar and also the music. I said: “Who are these people?” And there were at least three thousand people at the platforms. Then I came onto the door, I stood there. They behaved so well; nobody tried to touch My feet or anything. Such love, such understanding, I cannot forget. Unexpectedly suddenly you find people are singing your praise. It's very, very sweet of them to have come and it was so sudden. Last year it happened, this year again. I couldn’t go to Haridwar, I could only go to Dehradun. I think in Dehradun we are twenty thousand people. You see, the Western people are very conditioned people. It takes time, but once they get it, they get into it. They understand. I don’t know how I could achieve all these things with the Western people and also Indian people, but the greatest surprise is Russia. Where in one place we have twenty-one thousand Sahaja Yogis who are practicing Sahaja Yoga. You see, for example in France there are no practicing Christians, the practicing are Muslim there, in majority. Was it surprising? And that’s why they are after the Muslims to get them out and they are also after us. But by getting after us, they are not going to establish themselves, this they should know. They cannot establish themselves. Things will improve now in France. We’ll have to do lots of things about it, how they are racist and how they have been misbehaving. And the Catholic Church has taken over them. I mean I can’t see any sense in it. The Pope is another horrible fellow. And then, they are doing all kinds of nonsensical things everywhere. In Canada they are spoiling children, molesting, horrible things they are doing in France itself. But in Italy is the worst. They found one man dressed up like a lady, walking on the street, he was a priest. And then Austria, Austria is the limit. They got hold of one priest with some lady, and this priest confessed there are many priests who are like us. And they go in the daytime, they have their friends, means these ladies, married ladies, and some of them have children from them. And they go on a bicycle in the daytime so that there is no noise. But when Vatican was asked: “Why don’t you allow them to marry?” So they said that: “You see, because we have no money to pay for the widows.” Can you imagine? This is the situation of this Catholic Church, and they think no end of themselves. So we are going to bring all these things out, now there’s one fellow writing a book about it. One should not worry; everything will work out very well now in every country, wherever there is Sahaja Yoga. I never expected Americans to come to Sahaja Yoga. They are in now in thousands also, yes. It’s very surprising how they have taken to Sahaja Yoga. So we have to be very careful, we are the messengers of God. We have to be careful not to use any bad word, angry word, but very gentle and sweet words. And to each other between husband and wife, there should be full understanding. And the children should be treated very kindly and sweetly. So best of luck and I want to thank all the Sahaja Yogis, who came from France. Shows our collectivity is so strong and how they got the ticket also, just see the Divine how it helps you. I can’t believe this ticket of yours is [Shri Mataji laughs] I can’t believe it. So everything works out and works out beautifully. So I hope to see you again on My birthday. They are already five hundred who are coming from abroad and some of them are already there. It's too much [Shri Mataji laughs] I wish I could have brought some presents for you, but you know this traveling business and then customs, it's very difficult. So now I have to get ready to go and I am very thankful to you to do this job. I’m asking him to come here permanently. Prakash should be here permanently. I said it would be such a help to you. Prakash: About that thing, Shri Mataji, we would like to give You a present. Shri Mataji: What? Prakash: A Banyan tree. Shri Mataji: This is the present? Beautiful! Janine: The symbol of the Banyan tree, they put this behind the [Unclear]. We thought that it is the symbol of Kundalini, Agnya chakra and Sahasrara. Prakash: We thought that this could be ego and superego Shri Mataji and then the Sahasrara with all the coils at Sahasrara. And here, a little Kundalini. Janine: And here are the coils. Prakash: As You are the highest person in Sahasrara in the world, we thought it would be with You much better than with anybody else. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. May God bless you. So now will you bring it with you somewhere? Prakash: Yes. [Laughter] Yes, I could bring it to Cabella. Shri Mataji: It's your headache. Janine: It can be in two parts. Shri Mataji: It's both the sides? Prakash: No, Shri Mataji, just this side Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Let them see. [Inaudible]What's the matter with your camera? Sahaja Yogi: The film is finished. [Shri Mataji laughs] Shri Mataji: All right. I'll take your leave. Thank you very much. May God bless you. May God bless you. May God bless you. Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, can I give you one little thing from Napoli Committee. Shri Mataji: What is that? Sahaja Yogi: [Inaudible] Shri Mataji: Who's done this? Beautiful. It's from where this? Sahaja Yogi: From Napoli. Prakash: From Napoli. Shri Mataji: From Napoli? [Laughter] Sahaja Yogi: Here we are! Many Yogis [inaudible] Shri Mataji: There is a doctor in Napoli, isn't it? Sahaja Yogi: There is more than one, there is Spiro [inaudible] some other doctors [inaudible] Shri Mataji: They will be all there for some staff, sometime. I'm going to meet them in Italy at Sahasrar puja. You are going now to India and then to Napoli? Sahaja Yogi: No, I live [inaudible] Prakash: Shri Mataji, he did'nt take tickets for India. Shri Mataji: He's got the ticket? Prakash: No Shri Mataji. He just came to Bangkok, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: And then? Prakash: [To the Italian Yogi] And then? Sahaja Yogi: [Inaudible] Prakash: After he goes back to Italy Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: May God bless you. Give it to him and put this [inaudible] If you want it back this one or not? [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi] [End of video]
Advises on how to talk to new comers. Bangkok (Thailand), 16 March 1995. Shri Mataji: Can I have my spectacles? Laurence: Yes Shri Mataji: Please be seated, please. Come here in the front. Why don't you come here? Sahaja Yogi: [about the mike] Shri Mataji: [Unclear] I'll have some tea? Laurence: Yes Shri Mataji: [Unclear] Now, we had lots of people, I should say for the program. By the time I started the program, there were many people. Now the problem faces you is this, that when I go away, there are very few Sahaja Yogis left here, and they have to look after the newcomers. And the problem is like this, that you have to deal with them very carefully. Because, you know, they are now yet not such Sahaja Yogis as you are and they don’t understand what is Sahaja Yoga. To get Realization is very easy, but to become a Sahaja Yogi is a difficult thing. It’s a very deep growth that you require to become a good Sahaja Yogi. As it is, they are coming just now from that human awareness, which you have to make a divine awareness. So it’s a very difficult task I must tell you. So with all compassion and love, you must deal with them. You should never talk sharply. Sometimes Sahaja Yogis will say: “Oh, your – this chakra is catching,” or they'll say: “You have got this bhoot in you,” and all sorts of things. Then they get, you know, quite shocked. You shouldn’t say all these things. Then, if they tell you: “We do this guru, that guru,” in the beginning you should not condemn also any guru or anything. “It's all right, we have many like this, but they are all right now.” Or you can take also upon yourself: “I was also like you, you see.” Somebody says: “I doubt.” “All right, I was like you, now I’m all right.” So, they don’t feel so hurt. It’s the most important thing is public relations. Now I’m surprised at Myself because I’m a foreigner everywhere and they, so many, come. And when it comes to the program and all that follow-up, they disappear. So I can’t understand what’s the matter with them. Why should they disappear? The reason may be – I don’t know whatever the reason is – that they are not such serious seekers, maybe they are guru-shopping, maybe, you see, they are going to many places. You just can’t say why it is so, you see. And why they are - [Shri Mataji clears her throat] Can you bring my purse? I've got something for the troat. And this will be a very big challenge to all of you because you are few and they are maybe more. So they will see from your own character, from your own style, how you behave. So, always support each other. See, many people start supporting other people instead of supporting Sahaja Yogis. And sometimes they even discuss and argue. So between Sahaja Yogis, there should be no discussions, no argument, nothing. You understand? Anything that you have to do it, you should do it separately, not before the newcomers, because that creates the worst impression and they think that there’s something wrong with these people: “Why were they arguing among themselves?” So you have to just support only Sahaja Yogis and nobody else. Others are others, we are all one. Once, they come to Sahaja Yoga they will also realize. But this sometimes also upsets them very much that we are all the time quarreling, fighting, saying things – as if we are not one. Now, only thing you have to tell them that: “You see, now if you have a guru, what has he given you?” is the point. “Whatever you have given is all right, but what have you given him is not the thing. What he has given you? Has he given you the knowledge? Has he given you Realization?” You have to tell: “Have you- [Shri Mataji clears her throat] Did you get your peace? What did you get?” This is what you have to tell and what you can get in Sahaja Yoga. Best thing would be to play My videotape and let them see for themselves. You can play it for half, whatever way you like. And then, see if they have any questions, you should very silently answer them. Then you put them into meditation. Don’t talk to them too much in the beginning, because that will spoil you and spoil them. “All right you sit down for meditation, let us see.” Then you can just go and see on their heads if there is cool breeze coming, hot breeze coming. And also tell him how to meditate. [Shri Mataji asks if they also give them Her photo] Then they will ask you how to meditate. Then you have to tell them: “This is how you have to meditate.” Now, you should see whether they are right-sided or left-sided. And accordingly, you have to tell them what they have to do. But in a very gentle and a sweet manner, assuring that: “You will be all right. There’s no problem.” Now if they have any good things to report, they are sick or something, you should say that: “We’ll tell you how to do it, but we’ll also write to Mother,” and you can write to Me through your leader. [Shri Mataji drinks a glass of water] Talking, talking, [Shri Mataji laughs] Now we should know that we are believers in the power of love. And so we have to be very gentle with people. And not to be angry, upsetting them or saying things which can upset them. Like a businessman when he has to get people, he’s selling something, he is extremely nice and gentle. So now we should say: “We are selling Sahaja Yoga for nothing.” Now, you have to give them that security, that peace, that love. Among yourselves, you should really behave in such a manner that they should really feel that you are people, who are deep and you are enlightened people. If one person is talking, another should not jump in. Let one person talk and another should look after another person. All this is going to help you very much to make the Sahaja Yoga grow here. Now you know I’ve been to Kuala Lumpur at least five, six times. And this time it was about more than four thousand five hundred people, four thousand five, apart from Sahaja Yogis. Sahaja Yogis also increased a lot. So, to begin with, we had about three, four people like that, doesn’t matter. I’ve been here only twice. So, of course, it is going to take time. I’ll come again and again. And I’m sure within three, four visits, you’ll have large and large numbers of Sahaja Yogis. Firstly, I was surprised in the market all the ladies were bowing to Me, and they were saying, “Give us blessings”. All the men were bowing to Me. Anybody who sees Me bows to Me. It’s very surprising. That means there is already the awakening has come. The people are realizing there’s somebody, who is something, who can do good to them. Another very encouraging thing is that we got a princess, who became a nun and who is looking after the misery of women in this country. She is very influential. She got her Realization and she appreciated what I told her. Then, another gentleman, who is very influential, he and his wife both got Realization, and I cured his wife. So they have a great influence on the society, so they can definitely help you very much in getting people of elite societies, educated people, all kinds of people. So that you are, I think, will be strengthened. Also there are lots of Sikhs and Punjabis here. It will take some time. Like I used to go to Delhi; I went there for about at least ten years, and what we find – nothing happened, very poor. But now there are sixteen thousand Sahaja Yogis, who are practicing Sahaja Yoga, and it spread to other places: Noida, then Ghaziabad, then in Haryana, Faridabad and Yamuna Nagar and all that, then in Dehradun, also in Haridwar. I was surprised, I got onto the train at Dehradun, and the train went to Haridwar, and I heard people singing Jay Jayakar and also the music. I said: “Who are these people?” And there were at least three thousand people at the platforms. Then I came onto the door, I stood there. They behaved so well; nobody tried to touch My feet or anything. Such love, such understanding, I cannot forget. Unexpectedly suddenly you find people are singing your praise. It's very, very sweet of them to have come and it was so sudden. Last year it happened, this year again. I couldn’t go to Haridwar, I could only go to Dehradun. I think in Dehradun we are twenty thousand people. You see, the Western people are very conditioned people. It takes time, but once they get it, they get into it. They understand. I don’t know how I could achieve all these things with the Western people and also Indian people, but the greatest surprise is Russia. Where in one place we have twenty-one thousand Sahaja Yogis who are practicing Sahaja Yoga. You see, for example in France there are no practicing Christians, the practicing are Muslim there, in majority. Was it surprising? And that’s why they are after the Muslims to get them out and they are also after us. But by getting after us, they are not going to establish themselves, this they should know. They cannot establish themselves. Things will improve now in France. We’ll have to do lots of things about it, how they are racist and how they have been misbehaving. And the Catholic Church has taken over them. I mean I can’t see any sense in it. The Pope is another horrible fellow. And then, they are doing all kinds of nonsensical things everywhere. In Canada they are spoiling children, molesting, horrible things they are doing in France itself. But in Italy is the worst. They found one man dressed up like a lady, walking on the street, he was a priest. And then Austria, Austria is the limit. They got hold of one priest with some lady, and this priest confessed there are many priests who are like us. And they go in the daytime, they have their friends, means these ladies, married ladies, and some of them have children from them. And they go on a bicycle in the daytime so that there is no noise. But when Vatican was asked: “Why don’t you allow them to marry?” So they said that: “You see, because we have no money to pay for the widows.” Can you imagine? This is the situation of this Catholic Church, and they think no end of themselves. So we are going to bring all these things out, now there’s one fellow writing a book about it. One should not worry; everything will work out very well now in every country, wherever there is Sahaja Yoga. I never expected Americans to come to Sahaja Yoga. They are in now in thousands also, yes. It’s very surprising how they have taken to Sahaja Yoga. So we have to be very careful, we are the messengers of God. We have to be careful not to use any bad word, angry word, but very gentle and sweet words. And to each other between husband and wife, there should be full understanding. And the children should be treated very kindly and sweetly. So best of luck and I want to thank all the Sahaja Yogis, who came from France. Shows our collectivity is so strong and how they got the ticket also, just see the Divine how it helps you. I can’t believe this ticket of yours is [Shri Mataji laughs] I can’t believe it. So everything works out and works out beautifully. So I hope to see you again on My birthday. They are already five hundred who are coming from abroad and some of them are already there. It's too much [Shri Mataji laughs] I wish I could have brought some presents for you, but you know this traveling business and then customs, it's very difficult. So now I have to get ready to go and I am very thankful to you to do this job. I’m asking him to come here permanently. Prakash should be here permanently. I said it would be such a help to you. Prakash: About that thing, Shri Mataji, we would like to give You a present. Shri Mataji: What? Prakash: A Banyan tree. Shri Mataji: This is the present? Beautiful! Janine: The symbol of the Banyan tree, they put this behind the [Unclear]. We thought that it is the symbol of Kundalini, Agnya chakra and Sahasrara. Prakash: We thought that this could be ego and superego Shri Mataji and then the Sahasrara with all the coils at Sahasrara. And here, a little Kundalini. Janine: And here are the coils. Prakash: As You are the highest person in Sahasrara in the world, we thought it would be with You much better than with anybody else. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. May God bless you. So now will you bring it with you somewhere? Prakash: Yes. [Laughter] Yes, I could bring it to Cabella. Shri Mataji: It's your headache. Janine: It can be in two parts. Shri Mataji: It's both the sides? Prakash: No, Shri Mataji, just this side Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Let them see. [Inaudible]What's the matter with your camera? Sahaja Yogi: The film is finished. [Shri Mataji laughs] Shri Mataji: All right. I'll take your leave. Thank you very much. May God bless you. May God bless you. May God bless you. Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, can I give you one little thing from Napoli Committee. Shri Mataji: What is that? Sahaja Yogi: [Inaudible] Shri Mataji: Who's done this? Beautiful. It's from where this? Sahaja Yogi: From Napoli. Prakash: From Napoli. Shri Mataji: From Napoli? [Laughter] Sahaja Yogi: Here we are! Many Yogis [inaudible] Shri Mataji: There is a doctor in Napoli, isn't it? Sahaja Yogi: There is more than one, there is Spiro [inaudible] some other doctors [inaudible] Shri Mataji: They will be all there for some staff, sometime. I'm going to meet them in Italy at Sahasrar puja. You are going now to India and then to Napoli? Sahaja Yogi: No, I live [inaudible] Prakash: Shri Mataji, he did'nt take tickets for India. Shri Mataji: He's got the ticket? Prakash: No Shri Mataji. He just came to Bangkok, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: And then? Prakash: [To the Italian Yogi] And then? Sahaja Yogi: [Inaudible] Prakash: After he goes back to Italy Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: May God bless you. Give it to him and put this [inaudible] If you want it back this one or not? [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi] [End of video]
Birthday Puja: After Self-Realisation, the Sahaja culture is born within you
New Delhi
English, Hindi
Birthday Puja. New Delhi (India), 20 March 1995. Translation from Hindi What can one say on one’s own Birthday. That which I have never dreamed possible, has happened here today. So many of you have come into Sahaja Yoga and are sitting here today in front of Me. What better Birthday can there be for a Mother. You have received your self realisation. So this is also your Birthday. You have prepared yourselves for a great happening, and such a great event has never happened before. You are the functionaries, who will manage this great job. What greater cause for joy can I have. I never imagined that in My lifetime I will see before Me, such a large number of realised souls, and that I will experience the greatest joy and happiness. The speciality of the present, prevailing conditions, is that the world is that human beings are spinning in an atmosphere of illusion and confusion. When we turn our attention to the other countries outside, we see that they have completely lost their moorings. There is no meaning in morality, ethical character or standards. It is considered brave and courageous to aggress others. And their destination is directly to hell. And it seems impossible to stop their progress towards their destruction. But even among them, there were gems who realised what a meaningless existence they were living. On the other hand we can see that fanatics created very difficult conditions for human beings. They were forced to bind themselves to some beliefs, and if they resisted there was religious intolerance, excessive pressure, and torture. So, you should thank your good fortune that you were born in this (punya bhoomi) auspicious land of Bharat (India), which has a balanced culture. We have not been told much about dharma, because basically Indians live within dharmas. They do not stoop to adharmic life. Most of them. It is a different case when he suddenly gets a lot of wealth he goes off his head, and enters politics; or enters into ignoble money making activities, and might go astray. But even in that condition he does not have the courage to misbehave openly. Because the society is so strict that they will take him to task. That is why, what I am going to say to you today is this, that the culture of this country is of a very high level, and it is still recognised as such. And most of the people understand moral ethics, and that is how they have achieved all this. This achievement has been accomplished by the women of India. This is the shakti (power) of women. And with the help of this shakti they have been able to stabilise their families, their children, and the whole society. Unfortunately the western culture is slowly seeping into this country, and it is possible that we can get influenced by it, but hopefully they will not go to excess. Because we are deeply anchored in the traditions of our country. Our country is so auspicious and fortunate that mahatmas (great souls) one greater than the other have been created. So many saints, and so many divine incarnations. Not only in the hindu dharma, but among Muslims, and as you know among the Sikhs. Big, big Mahatmas have been produced. The speciality of this country is that in the soil of this country there exists (adhyatma) spiritual knowledge. No wonder people turn towards adhyatmic life. In the system of Sahaja Yoga we are standing in complete balance. Like, if there is any impurity in the Indian culture, it has to be rooted out. After coming into Sahaja Yoga a lot of people get rid of most of their bad habits and behaviour. But I see sometimes that some Sahaja Yogis are still attached to their old ways. Because they find it difficult to give up the old bad habits which have been practised in the past. Especially in North India, where we are sitting at the moment. I have noticed that, whether from the influence of muslim rulers, or something else, the plight of women is very bad. They are always the targets for harassment and torture. Woman, who is the image of the Shakti, is not honoured and respected. There is a saying that “where women are respected and honoured, in that place the Gods reside”. Where the woman is treated with kindness and honour, the Gods happily roam, or stroll. This does not mean that I am recommending woman’s rule, or that they should dictate terms. In the first place a woman should be worthy of honour and respect. She should have all the venerable qualities within her. If she disrespects her husband, causes fights and disruption of peace in the household, troubles everyone, does not take care of the children; and all other wrong behaviour, then such a women cannot be respected. Only such a woman is worthy of honour and respect, whose heart is full of love and kindness. The woman who has an ocean of love within her, such a woman is loved and respected by society. If she is not, then people talk and gossip about her bad character. In our society we recognise the woman as the Shakti. Now all these lighting arrangements that have been made, are not the (shakti) energy. The energy is coming from somewhere else. It is only manifesting the light over here. In the same way a woman is the embodiment of Shakti; but the manifestation of the shakti is in the form of man; can be seen in her children, her relations, in her husband, in her father-in-law, her father, etc.. All these people become drenched in her shakti, and there is a rare and beautiful relationship where the mother of the house, the wife of the house, becomes the firm foundation. But instead, if the woman is filled with anger, hatred, and dissatisfaction, then in such a household there can never be love and joy. This is the biggest responsibility of the woman. They should not feel that it is a burden, or they are being suppressed. On the contrary they should be proud that this is their responsibility and they are performing it with love. This understanding has to enter the minds of the people. The woman has been suppressed and been neglected to such an extent, that a new trend of thought has arisen within women, that we will not allow this suppression and demeaning of women. We will put men in their place, and we will prove our equality in every way (Women’s Lib!) We will make them appear useless and incompetent All this has been done and tried. In all the countries where this woman power is working out, just take a look at the state of their children. And look at the condition of everything. Now what is the solution. Everyone must recognise the futility of this reaction. This understanding must come, not only to the women, but also to the men. The men should recognise the fact that our women are the embodiment of sakshat Lakshmi (verily). And we should respect that in her. Of course the woman has to respect the man, the husband. And the husband should respect the wife. I now see that slowly our society is improving in this regard. Now, when we conduct Sahaja Yoga marriages we have seen that Indian girls who are married into foreign countries, their husbands treat them with such respect and love, that their brains go out of balance. Not everyone’s. Not everyone’s. And on the other hand, where foreign girls are married into Indian families, they cry “God save us from mothers-in-law” and all other problems. So there is no balance, either here or there. Sahaja Yogis have to learn how to maintain this balance. This does not mean that you make your husband sit on your head. What is required is an evaluation. In this evaluation you can see how far we have been able to bring ourselves into balance. Don’t judge others. Look at yourselves. Wherever you have to say something you must say it And, whatever you have to listen to, you have to listen. I have seen to it that we started Sahaja Yoga first with the family. From the (Kutumbh avastha) family foundation we have slowly built it up. And once the “kutumbh” was established, then we went further, one step at a time. I am sure you are aware that this Sahasrar Day will be the 25th Sahasrar Day. 25 years have passed since Sahasrara was opened. From that time people have been receiving self realisation, and by that they were drenched and nourished, and have reached this present state. Now, what is our next responsibility. We started with the “kutumbh” (family), so we have to establish peace within the family. But first and foremost thing is peace. Where there is no peace, nothing can grow. Now imaging if these flower pots that are here, are constantly agitated and moving about, will the plants be able to grow? They will wilt. So first of all we have to establish peace. In this we have to respect the man, and the woman, and also have understanding. So in a household if there is peace first of all, then only our children will feel secure and safe. And with this security the children will greatly understand their inner being. That our parents are Sahaja Yogis, and we are also Sahaja Yogis, and that we have to bring honour and glory to the name of our parents. Now I see that slowly, slowly Sahaja Yoga has spread and grown in the society. It has also spread in cities and states. Like a lot of people from various states have come – some from Madras, some from Mumbai, or Maharashtra. And then we see that it has spread from country to country also. But in this also a kind of differentiation has come in. Like the Delhi people came and said, Shri Mataji, Your Birthday should be celebrated in Delhi only. Now we will have to agree. Who can refuse Delhi people that we cannot have the Birthday here! O My! So I peacefully agreed. It will be best to have it in Delhi only; and here the arrangements are done well, and everyone is looked after. So taking everything into consideration I said Yes. But in that, to start thinking that we are Dilli or Billi (Delhi rhyming with Cat) people, they can start a fight on this issue. Now this is a very limited, ungenerous attitude which is emerging. This means we have made a mistake in understanding the “collective” aspect of Sahaja Yoga. If we do not understand the delicacy of collectivity, then the whole balance will become shaky. Supposing this time I say, OK, this time let us have it in Mumbai; or anywhere else; what does it matter. It will just be one more birthday, and I am going to get older. Every birthday increases My age. So, celebrating it anywhere, what does it matter. But then people start wondering, why did Shri Mataji make this decision. Have we committed some mistake. Or they will come and ask, Shri Mataji, why did You decide like this. Last time You did not have it in Delhi, so why not have it in Delhi this time. So there appears to be a misunderstanding of “Tadatma” universality of the atma or Spirit. And a misidentification that we are residents of this place, or that place. In the past there was differentiation even between people of one street and another. Now at least this is finished. Then there were differences between different areas within a state, and they even used to sit in groups according to their addresses. And I used to watch in dismay, that this is still prevalent. Gradually they got out of that. But now I see that the divisions are by language spoken. Like we speak this language, they speak another language, and so on. So I feel that at least we should all know the language of our country, the National language. We should all learn it, whether we are hindus, muslims, or Maharashtrians or Christians. So we should all know the Hindi language. How can I alone speak in the 14 Indian languages? So we should all see what language our Mother speaks. I know Hindi, although I did not study it formally. I know Hindi very well. So I would suggest that all of you should learn the Hindi language. It will be a great favour to Sahaja Yoga. And you will also benefit. A lot of people outside India have learned Hindi, just to be able to listen to My Hindi lectures. They have started speaking and understanding Hindi. But in this country there are still people who say – Shri Mataji, please do not give your talk in Hindi. If possible please speak in Tamil or Telugu. I am sorry, but I do not know either Tamil or Telugu. Now what should I do. That is why we should totally get rid of all these various differences. The caste difference is already born with us since long. One gentleman in Hongkong told me that in India there is a lot of caste system. Even among Sahaja Yogis there is caste consciousness. He is himself a brahmin. So I asked him, Tell Me, will you be prepared to marry a Harijan girl (one of the lowest in the so called caste system). He got flustered. “With a Harijan” he asked. So I said Hari-jans are People of Hari (Vishniu). He flatly refused. “I cant marry a Harijan girl”. So if we surrender all our conditionings slowly, slowly, we can get rid of everything. But in foreign countries this is not an issue. So many of our sweet Harijan girls have been married to Yogis outside India. And so also Harijan boys. They are not aware that such a thing as caste exists. In this way we have so many petty differences within us, that, we are different, they are different. Now it is important to be different. God has created every one different. If he had every one look alike, we would never be able to recognise one from the other. Like everyone with uniform figure and feature, in an army. Even leaves have been created different. No two leaves are the same. If you take one leaf and try to find a same similar leaf in the whole world, you will not find one. Just imagine. This is His consummate skill. Now if you feel that it is unique to be different, you are on the same level as a leaf. If you rise above all this and look at yourself as a Yogi, who has no differences in caste, colour or creed, then you will become liike a sanyasi of the scriptures, who does not have any false identification. Once you drop all this, you become a sanyasi from within. How can you maintain caste and breed once you are a saint. In fact we should oppose such conditionings. We should protest against these beliefs, and only look for qualities within human beings. We should imbibe and understand qualities. When we adopt these maryadas, (codes of conduct), then we can form connections with other countries. What can I tell you about the people I have met in foreign countries. They recognise technology and science. But when they entered Sahaja Yoga it was as if they had dissolved into the ocean of love. Do you know that 500 people have come from other countries. They have so much love for Me. They say – Shri Mataji, when we feel love for you, we get enveloped and encompassed with an endless ocean of love. Even during the Quwalli program, they do not understand the language but they were filled with bliss and joy. We have to learn a lesson from them to be Nirvach (love without any expectation). Their only desire is to feel divine love. We do not seem to know or understand the value of this love. We are only involved with our relations. Like my father is sick; or my father’s father-in-law is sick, or some far off relation is sick; someone does not have a job; I have become bankrupt; my brother is being sent to jail. This is the only kind of messages I get. For some there is a feeling that they have a right on Me and My time, maybe because I am also born in India, or that they are also born in India. But this is a very petty thing. If you are a Sahaja Yogi you don’t even have to ask for anything. These things can work out spontaneously. This faith, the foreigners have. Now let me tell you a very surprising thing. There was a lady working in the UN, Sahaja Yogini, she was sent to Mexico by the UN. She had a son who had such an illness that kept getting worse and worse. It galloped, and within one month the child nearly died. He was not a Sahaja Yogi. She sent me three letters in which she mentioned the name of the illness. A very strong and unusual illness, and she sent three letters. I felt a great compassion for her. What can I say in human language -- a kind of a pull. A pull from her. Imagine, a fourth letter came that “Shri Mataji, it is amazing and astounding. I took my son to the hospital, and they said all the tests are negative. He is completely free of the disease. But it is not so with Indians. They will “want to meet Shri Mataji. Only if Shri Mataji sees my son he will be cured”. They feel that without putting the problem on My Head, nothing will happen. Such a glaring difference. She was in Mexico, sitting with the knowledge that there was no treatment or cure for her son, and she was just praying and sending these letters to Me. That’s all. Now this is a matter of Shraddha (enlightened faith). When love becomes enlightened faith, (I am not talking about blind faith). You know My Views on blind faith. But if the love becomes enlightened faith, then how things work out is a matter for giving thought. If there is no faith, but just a statement that I believe a lot in Shri Mataji it will not work. Such kind of devotees are there who worship Christ, who worship Mohammed Sahib. But what about you. What is special inside you. What have you achieved, is what you have to consider. So what I have seen that whatever these people believed so easily, they have dissolved themselves into the Divine Love. They have never experienced such love before. And when they get the Divine Love, they become fully drawn and dissolved into it. And then after getting this Love, they don’t want anything else from the world. Nothing. Now those who come to Ganapatiphule – the Indians, have a lot of complaints. The food was not good. The man from Madras will say I could not eat the food as it was not good. Lucknow people will say – what kind of food did they serve up. All their fuss about the taste of food has been encouraged by their wives, who cater to every whim of the husband. Now tell Me which single type of food can we make which will please every Indian palate. Man from this State does not like that food; man from that State does not like this food. But these people from outside, will never complain about the food, even though in the early days the food was not up to standard. Nowadays it has improved. But they never ever said that Shri Mataji the food was not good. Now regarding toilets a strange thing is going on. The Indians said Shri Mataji we do not like this Indian style bathrooms. We want western style bathrooms. But the western Yogis said they prefer the Indian toilets because they are cleaner. Now I cant understand what to do. We made these toilets for the Indians, and those toilets for the western Yogis. So I thought of a solution. Shift the Indians to the foreigners side, and move the western Yogis to the Indian side. End of problem! But we are very demanding people. All the time finding fault – this is not nice, that is not nice. Put this right, put that right. How many people have attached baths in their houses, tell Me. We are beginning to feel that by making such demands we are some superior class. And when We speak with western Yogis they say – Shri Mataji the comforts of the body are useless. We have had enough of it. Now we want comfort of the Spirit. We don’t want comfort of the body. What we never had before Sahaja Yoga we want now as comfort of the Spirit. By telling you this I do not want you to react by sleeping on the bare floor. That is not My motive. My reason for telling is this, that we must start realising that we have to do the work of the Spirit. And we should find comfort in everything and everywhere. If we only consider the needs of the body, our Spirit feels hurt. The light of the Spirit will keep reducing. The more we start putting attention on others; on their spiritual growth; on the environment, that much more the light of the Spirit will begin to shine. And you will be surprised that you will find yourself slowly becoming a citizen of the world. The whole world will get contained within you. Now many people ask Me, Shri Mataji, how do You remember so many things. It is like this – that when I see something, I see it. That’s all. My Chitta (attention) has noted it. So must you also be. Because I am not inside. I am all pervading. I don’t even think about Myself. I have no thoughts. The strength to do this is within Me. I don’t have to keep sitting and thinking about Myself. I never think, what this one did to Me, or that one did to Me. Never. What has happened, has happened. Finished. But whatever is outside, if you can see your own light shining in it, then you have become the whole universe. If you look at a mountain, you can see the light of your Spirit in it. In each and everything. When you see the light of the Spirit in it, then you never forget it. Nor do you forget the joy you got out of it. Then you don’t worry about anything – whose carpet is this, where can I get one like it. Nothing. Only the looking at it and enjoying it, is to be done. And when this starts happening, it also starts expanding, and encircles the whole world. And this is the state you have to achieve. Of course we must have differences. Every person should be different from the other. But, in what way. Each one should be different in the way they feel the joy. Like when people are dancing, every one is feeling the joy, but each one danced differently. No two people were dancing in the same way. So if we have these different feelings inside us, we can give the different experiences of joy to others. Joy is not for yourself. It should always be our endeavour to see how much comfort, love and enjoyment we can give to others with our light. Sometimes, not very often, but sometimes, Indian Sahaja Yogis write and request Me that Shri Mataji, please help me to evolve into a higher state, where I can rise above all these things. Mostly people write useless letters that this one is sick, that one is sick, like this, like that. But some write very sweet letters. And with that I get completely dissolved. And I see that this person has found the way, and knows exactly where he or she is going. He has identified his destination. I do not want anything more than this. I just want to be able to see this, again and again, and unite with that person’s Atma. I don’t expect you to keep writing about your desires to ascend. But just watch how the Divine works. Everything is happening, and you have to move with the flow. And may your lives become filled with joy, and may you be the channels for giving this unique, divine joy (Allahad) to the world. This is what I desire. If any strange and useless thoughts come to you, like you must join politics, there is no need for that. In Sahaja Yoga you are not required to amass wealth; to attain any great position; nothing. The only thing you are required to do is to establish your supporting strength and pure desire that we onluy want to be people who understand the world; who want to improve the world; who want to remove all the impurities, ills and sorrows of the world; and who can give pure knowledge of the Spirit, to all. Only then great and illustrious sons of the earth will be created. And it is My eternal blessing that all of you should take this great spiritual movement forward, and keep introspecting that – Am I doing the job for which I was born. English part I am sorry I had to speak in Hindi language because the majority of the people know, understand Hindi. In the western civilization, suddenly I find people have taken to a very licentious, vulgar, despicable life. I can't believe how can they be so stupid and idiotic. It seems they have no wisdom even to see that this is stupidity. Thank God, you have achieved this Self-Realization, you got the Light, you are so transformed, you look so beautiful. And that you have given up all those funny ideas of freedom. It's so clear cut. This must be, I don't know what to say, that in those western countries, to find out people who have such wise understanding of pure love and respect for your own purity. As if suddenly you have come out of that darkness and have bathed in the light of the divine. It's not possible otherwise. See the history of the western countries is they never had very great kings, you know. One king in England, killed seven wives, you know. If you,(Shri Mataji Corrects herself) In India if one wife was killed he would have been killed, first of all, before he killed the second one. So, one sees that, despite all that kind of a history and that kind of a vulgarity that has been going on for days together and now it is the worst after war. Suddenly you people have come up like lotuses and have made those countries so fragrant and so beautiful. But now they are afraid because they believe in licentiousness, they believe in vulgarity. They think it is their freedom, so they do attack, but you are not to be bothered because you have achieved something that is real, that is for eternal life. They supposed to be Christians, Jews and also Muslims there. Among all of them I am surprised to see how they have interpreted these three great religions, in the most contradictory way. For Christ has said that if you make any sin with your eyes, commit some sins, then remove your eyes, yourself. If one hand does anything wrong, you cut that hand. I have never seen anybody without an eye or without a hand in the whole of this Christian kingdoms, nowhere. They can cut other's, but their own eyes I have never seen. It is very difficult to be a Christian, I tell you, because this is an impossible situation. For that, we can say that it, this was for angels, must be, for the fallen angels that you take out your eye and cut your hand. And then Mohammed Sahib has said, he thought that why only the men are handled by Christ. So he says no no, not that you cut it, but let others cut your hand and take out your eyes. And for women it is so- that they should be buried in the Mother Earth half way and should be stoned. Think of American women, what would have happened to them? So, very difficult to follow Islam also. Impossible. They were very great people, very pure and they thought that this is the only way people can be kept pure. No, on the contrary with all these thing - compulsion they become extremely immoral. This suppression doesn't help. And then also, this they call it one that is Islamic laws - Sharia, was actually given by Moses to Jews. You can find it out in the Bible. It was given by Moses to Jews and the Jews would not accept it because they were sensible to say, we can't accept this much, too much. So that was taken over by Mohammed Sahib, better put it for these people. But with all this doing, people become extremely immoral, extremely quarrelsome and go to the other side and such an imbalance is created. But after Self-Realisation, the Sahaja culture is born within you. With the Sahaja culture you come into balance and people are surprised at the western Sahaja Yogis, that Mother how have you made their eyes so pure? How can they get rid of these bad habits of looking at every woman or every man? What have you done to their eyes? How have they become so pure? It is the light of your own spirit, which is shinning through your eyes. It's very important. Again, I would say, that the women in the west have to understand what is Sahaja Yoga. Not dominating anyone. Here the women are dominated, not always but to great extent. And there what you find that women are dominating. Firstly they believe in divorce and they try to harass people with that. This domination, may be we can say comes from their upbringing. But Sahaja Yoga should change completely your ideas, and there should be no domination but a complete understanding about which I have told you many a times and explained to you. Still I must say I am overwhelmed by the response. And on behalf of the divine power, I would like to thank you very much. It is really a new race that has come up, really. Somewhere, somebody goes wrong or something happens. Doesn't matter. On the whole it's such a beautiful race of people. I face them before me. Even in dreams people could not have believed it. They don't yet believe. But it has happened, you must now have an enlightened faith, which we call as 'Shraddha'. With that enlightened faith I am sure you will adhere to the emancipation of human beings. It's your duty now. It is all given free. Of course, Sahaja Yoga is free. You can have it free; you don't have to pay anything, all right. But, you have to give to others. That is very important. It is free to you and you cannot keep it to yourself. If you keep it to yourself, you can never be happy, you can never be joyous. So you have to be absolutely collective and then you will see how it works out. Very surprising in all the European countries, in America, South America, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Kuala Lumpur, everywhere. I have seen people have become collective and they told me Mother, there is no greater joy than seeing people getting Self-Realization. That is the greatest joy one has. And this is what, one has to have in your mind. Of course there are some people who start criticizing Sahaja Yoga - why this, why that? All nonsense. But actually if you see, everybody who is a deep Sahaja Yogi wants that Sahaja Yoga should spread in their own countries and then to see that it is accepted all over the world. It is such a wisdom, which has come into their mind. Otherwise, one fellow told me, "Mother, I was only worried about my own house, my family, motorcar and this and that. Now forgotten all that Now I am only worried how will I be able to give this joy to others. I cannot be happy alone. And that's what it has happened." And I am very thankful to you, for all of you, who have come here all the way to celebrate my birthday. And this is just your love and affection for me, and I also love you very much. May God bless you. Today's Puja is going to be bit short. Because I don't know what, ah, in my birthday which deity's Puja you are doing. Where there are all dieties, all of them are there. So it has to be short, with all of them being worshipped together, it works out much faster, I think. As when you, all of you are together, things work out much faster.
Birthday Puja. New Delhi (India), 20 March 1995. Translation from Hindi What can one say on one’s own Birthday. That which I have never dreamed possible, has happened here today. So many of you have come into Sahaja Yoga and are sitting here today in front of Me. What better Birthday can there be for a Mother. You have received your self realisation. So this is also your Birthday. You have prepared yourselves for a great happening, and such a great event has never happened before. You are the functionaries, who will manage this great job. What greater cause for joy can I have. I never imagined that in My lifetime I will see before Me, such a large number of realised souls, and that I will experience the greatest joy and happiness. The speciality of the present, prevailing conditions, is that the world is that human beings are spinning in an atmosphere of illusion and confusion. When we turn our attention to the other countries outside, we see that they have completely lost their moorings. There is no meaning in morality, ethical character or standards. It is considered brave and courageous to aggress others. And their destination is directly to hell. And it seems impossible to stop their progress towards their destruction. But even among them, there were gems who realised what a meaningless existence they were living. On the other hand we can see that fanatics created very difficult conditions for human beings. They were forced to bind themselves to some beliefs, and if they resisted there was religious intolerance, excessive pressure, and torture. So, you should thank your good fortune that you were born in this (punya bhoomi) auspicious land of Bharat (India), which has a balanced culture. We have not been told much about dharma, because basically Indians live within dharmas. They do not stoop to adharmic life. Most of them. It is a different case when he suddenly gets a lot of wealth he goes off his head, and enters politics; or enters into ignoble money making activities, and might go astray. But even in that condition he does not have the courage to misbehave openly. Because the society is so strict that they will take him to task. That is why, what I am going to say to you today is this, that the culture of this country is of a very high level, and it is still recognised as such. And most of the people understand moral ethics, and that is how they have achieved all this. This achievement has been accomplished by the women of India. This is the shakti (power) of women. And with the help of this shakti they have been able to stabilise their families, their children, and the whole society. Unfortunately the western culture is slowly seeping into this country, and it is possible that we can get influenced by it, but hopefully they will not go to excess. Because we are deeply anchored in the traditions of our country. Our country is so auspicious and fortunate that mahatmas (great souls) one greater than the other have been created. So many saints, and so many divine incarnations. Not only in the hindu dharma, but among Muslims, and as you know among the Sikhs. Big, big Mahatmas have been produced. The speciality of this country is that in the soil of this country there exists (adhyatma) spiritual knowledge. No wonder people turn towards adhyatmic life. In the system of Sahaja Yoga we are standing in complete balance. Like, if there is any impurity in the Indian culture, it has to be rooted out. After coming into Sahaja Yoga a lot of people get rid of most of their bad habits and behaviour. But I see sometimes that some Sahaja Yogis are still attached to their old ways. Because they find it difficult to give up the old bad habits which have been practised in the past. Especially in North India, where we are sitting at the moment. I have noticed that, whether from the influence of muslim rulers, or something else, the plight of women is very bad. They are always the targets for harassment and torture. Woman, who is the image of the Shakti, is not honoured and respected. There is a saying that “where women are respected and honoured, in that place the Gods reside”. Where the woman is treated with kindness and honour, the Gods happily roam, or stroll. This does not mean that I am recommending woman’s rule, or that they should dictate terms. In the first place a woman should be worthy of honour and respect. She should have all the venerable qualities within her. If she disrespects her husband, causes fights and disruption of peace in the household, troubles everyone, does not take care of the children; and all other wrong behaviour, then such a women cannot be respected. Only such a woman is worthy of honour and respect, whose heart is full of love and kindness. The woman who has an ocean of love within her, such a woman is loved and respected by society. If she is not, then people talk and gossip about her bad character. In our society we recognise the woman as the Shakti. Now all these lighting arrangements that have been made, are not the (shakti) energy. The energy is coming from somewhere else. It is only manifesting the light over here. In the same way a woman is the embodiment of Shakti; but the manifestation of the shakti is in the form of man; can be seen in her children, her relations, in her husband, in her father-in-law, her father, etc.. All these people become drenched in her shakti, and there is a rare and beautiful relationship where the mother of the house, the wife of the house, becomes the firm foundation. But instead, if the woman is filled with anger, hatred, and dissatisfaction, then in such a household there can never be love and joy. This is the biggest responsibility of the woman. They should not feel that it is a burden, or they are being suppressed. On the contrary they should be proud that this is their responsibility and they are performing it with love. This understanding has to enter the minds of the people. The woman has been suppressed and been neglected to such an extent, that a new trend of thought has arisen within women, that we will not allow this suppression and demeaning of women. We will put men in their place, and we will prove our equality in every way (Women’s Lib!) We will make them appear useless and incompetent All this has been done and tried. In all the countries where this woman power is working out, just take a look at the state of their children. And look at the condition of everything. Now what is the solution. Everyone must recognise the futility of this reaction. This understanding must come, not only to the women, but also to the men. The men should recognise the fact that our women are the embodiment of sakshat Lakshmi (verily). And we should respect that in her. Of course the woman has to respect the man, the husband. And the husband should respect the wife. I now see that slowly our society is improving in this regard. Now, when we conduct Sahaja Yoga marriages we have seen that Indian girls who are married into foreign countries, their husbands treat them with such respect and love, that their brains go out of balance. Not everyone’s. Not everyone’s. And on the other hand, where foreign girls are married into Indian families, they cry “God save us from mothers-in-law” and all other problems. So there is no balance, either here or there. Sahaja Yogis have to learn how to maintain this balance. This does not mean that you make your husband sit on your head. What is required is an evaluation. In this evaluation you can see how far we have been able to bring ourselves into balance. Don’t judge others. Look at yourselves. Wherever you have to say something you must say it And, whatever you have to listen to, you have to listen. I have seen to it that we started Sahaja Yoga first with the family. From the (Kutumbh avastha) family foundation we have slowly built it up. And once the “kutumbh” was established, then we went further, one step at a time. I am sure you are aware that this Sahasrar Day will be the 25th Sahasrar Day. 25 years have passed since Sahasrara was opened. From that time people have been receiving self realisation, and by that they were drenched and nourished, and have reached this present state. Now, what is our next responsibility. We started with the “kutumbh” (family), so we have to establish peace within the family. But first and foremost thing is peace. Where there is no peace, nothing can grow. Now imaging if these flower pots that are here, are constantly agitated and moving about, will the plants be able to grow? They will wilt. So first of all we have to establish peace. In this we have to respect the man, and the woman, and also have understanding. So in a household if there is peace first of all, then only our children will feel secure and safe. And with this security the children will greatly understand their inner being. That our parents are Sahaja Yogis, and we are also Sahaja Yogis, and that we have to bring honour and glory to the name of our parents. Now I see that slowly, slowly Sahaja Yoga has spread and grown in the society. It has also spread in cities and states. Like a lot of people from various states have come – some from Madras, some from Mumbai, or Maharashtra. And then we see that it has spread from country to country also. But in this also a kind of differentiation has come in. Like the Delhi people came and said, Shri Mataji, Your Birthday should be celebrated in Delhi only. Now we will have to agree. Who can refuse Delhi people that we cannot have the Birthday here! O My! So I peacefully agreed. It will be best to have it in Delhi only; and here the arrangements are done well, and everyone is looked after. So taking everything into consideration I said Yes. But in that, to start thinking that we are Dilli or Billi (Delhi rhyming with Cat) people, they can start a fight on this issue. Now this is a very limited, ungenerous attitude which is emerging. This means we have made a mistake in understanding the “collective” aspect of Sahaja Yoga. If we do not understand the delicacy of collectivity, then the whole balance will become shaky. Supposing this time I say, OK, this time let us have it in Mumbai; or anywhere else; what does it matter. It will just be one more birthday, and I am going to get older. Every birthday increases My age. So, celebrating it anywhere, what does it matter. But then people start wondering, why did Shri Mataji make this decision. Have we committed some mistake. Or they will come and ask, Shri Mataji, why did You decide like this. Last time You did not have it in Delhi, so why not have it in Delhi this time. So there appears to be a misunderstanding of “Tadatma” universality of the atma or Spirit. And a misidentification that we are residents of this place, or that place. In the past there was differentiation even between people of one street and another. Now at least this is finished. Then there were differences between different areas within a state, and they even used to sit in groups according to their addresses. And I used to watch in dismay, that this is still prevalent. Gradually they got out of that. But now I see that the divisions are by language spoken. Like we speak this language, they speak another language, and so on. So I feel that at least we should all know the language of our country, the National language. We should all learn it, whether we are hindus, muslims, or Maharashtrians or Christians. So we should all know the Hindi language. How can I alone speak in the 14 Indian languages? So we should all see what language our Mother speaks. I know Hindi, although I did not study it formally. I know Hindi very well. So I would suggest that all of you should learn the Hindi language. It will be a great favour to Sahaja Yoga. And you will also benefit. A lot of people outside India have learned Hindi, just to be able to listen to My Hindi lectures. They have started speaking and understanding Hindi. But in this country there are still people who say – Shri Mataji, please do not give your talk in Hindi. If possible please speak in Tamil or Telugu. I am sorry, but I do not know either Tamil or Telugu. Now what should I do. That is why we should totally get rid of all these various differences. The caste difference is already born with us since long. One gentleman in Hongkong told me that in India there is a lot of caste system. Even among Sahaja Yogis there is caste consciousness. He is himself a brahmin. So I asked him, Tell Me, will you be prepared to marry a Harijan girl (one of the lowest in the so called caste system). He got flustered. “With a Harijan” he asked. So I said Hari-jans are People of Hari (Vishniu). He flatly refused. “I cant marry a Harijan girl”. So if we surrender all our conditionings slowly, slowly, we can get rid of everything. But in foreign countries this is not an issue. So many of our sweet Harijan girls have been married to Yogis outside India. And so also Harijan boys. They are not aware that such a thing as caste exists. In this way we have so many petty differences within us, that, we are different, they are different. Now it is important to be different. God has created every one different. If he had every one look alike, we would never be able to recognise one from the other. Like everyone with uniform figure and feature, in an army. Even leaves have been created different. No two leaves are the same. If you take one leaf and try to find a same similar leaf in the whole world, you will not find one. Just imagine. This is His consummate skill. Now if you feel that it is unique to be different, you are on the same level as a leaf. If you rise above all this and look at yourself as a Yogi, who has no differences in caste, colour or creed, then you will become liike a sanyasi of the scriptures, who does not have any false identification. Once you drop all this, you become a sanyasi from within. How can you maintain caste and breed once you are a saint. In fact we should oppose such conditionings. We should protest against these beliefs, and only look for qualities within human beings. We should imbibe and understand qualities. When we adopt these maryadas, (codes of conduct), then we can form connections with other countries. What can I tell you about the people I have met in foreign countries. They recognise technology and science. But when they entered Sahaja Yoga it was as if they had dissolved into the ocean of love. Do you know that 500 people have come from other countries. They have so much love for Me. They say – Shri Mataji, when we feel love for you, we get enveloped and encompassed with an endless ocean of love. Even during the Quwalli program, they do not understand the language but they were filled with bliss and joy. We have to learn a lesson from them to be Nirvach (love without any expectation). Their only desire is to feel divine love. We do not seem to know or understand the value of this love. We are only involved with our relations. Like my father is sick; or my father’s father-in-law is sick, or some far off relation is sick; someone does not have a job; I have become bankrupt; my brother is being sent to jail. This is the only kind of messages I get. For some there is a feeling that they have a right on Me and My time, maybe because I am also born in India, or that they are also born in India. But this is a very petty thing. If you are a Sahaja Yogi you don’t even have to ask for anything. These things can work out spontaneously. This faith, the foreigners have. Now let me tell you a very surprising thing. There was a lady working in the UN, Sahaja Yogini, she was sent to Mexico by the UN. She had a son who had such an illness that kept getting worse and worse. It galloped, and within one month the child nearly died. He was not a Sahaja Yogi. She sent me three letters in which she mentioned the name of the illness. A very strong and unusual illness, and she sent three letters. I felt a great compassion for her. What can I say in human language -- a kind of a pull. A pull from her. Imagine, a fourth letter came that “Shri Mataji, it is amazing and astounding. I took my son to the hospital, and they said all the tests are negative. He is completely free of the disease. But it is not so with Indians. They will “want to meet Shri Mataji. Only if Shri Mataji sees my son he will be cured”. They feel that without putting the problem on My Head, nothing will happen. Such a glaring difference. She was in Mexico, sitting with the knowledge that there was no treatment or cure for her son, and she was just praying and sending these letters to Me. That’s all. Now this is a matter of Shraddha (enlightened faith). When love becomes enlightened faith, (I am not talking about blind faith). You know My Views on blind faith. But if the love becomes enlightened faith, then how things work out is a matter for giving thought. If there is no faith, but just a statement that I believe a lot in Shri Mataji it will not work. Such kind of devotees are there who worship Christ, who worship Mohammed Sahib. But what about you. What is special inside you. What have you achieved, is what you have to consider. So what I have seen that whatever these people believed so easily, they have dissolved themselves into the Divine Love. They have never experienced such love before. And when they get the Divine Love, they become fully drawn and dissolved into it. And then after getting this Love, they don’t want anything else from the world. Nothing. Now those who come to Ganapatiphule – the Indians, have a lot of complaints. The food was not good. The man from Madras will say I could not eat the food as it was not good. Lucknow people will say – what kind of food did they serve up. All their fuss about the taste of food has been encouraged by their wives, who cater to every whim of the husband. Now tell Me which single type of food can we make which will please every Indian palate. Man from this State does not like that food; man from that State does not like this food. But these people from outside, will never complain about the food, even though in the early days the food was not up to standard. Nowadays it has improved. But they never ever said that Shri Mataji the food was not good. Now regarding toilets a strange thing is going on. The Indians said Shri Mataji we do not like this Indian style bathrooms. We want western style bathrooms. But the western Yogis said they prefer the Indian toilets because they are cleaner. Now I cant understand what to do. We made these toilets for the Indians, and those toilets for the western Yogis. So I thought of a solution. Shift the Indians to the foreigners side, and move the western Yogis to the Indian side. End of problem! But we are very demanding people. All the time finding fault – this is not nice, that is not nice. Put this right, put that right. How many people have attached baths in their houses, tell Me. We are beginning to feel that by making such demands we are some superior class. And when We speak with western Yogis they say – Shri Mataji the comforts of the body are useless. We have had enough of it. Now we want comfort of the Spirit. We don’t want comfort of the body. What we never had before Sahaja Yoga we want now as comfort of the Spirit. By telling you this I do not want you to react by sleeping on the bare floor. That is not My motive. My reason for telling is this, that we must start realising that we have to do the work of the Spirit. And we should find comfort in everything and everywhere. If we only consider the needs of the body, our Spirit feels hurt. The light of the Spirit will keep reducing. The more we start putting attention on others; on their spiritual growth; on the environment, that much more the light of the Spirit will begin to shine. And you will be surprised that you will find yourself slowly becoming a citizen of the world. The whole world will get contained within you. Now many people ask Me, Shri Mataji, how do You remember so many things. It is like this – that when I see something, I see it. That’s all. My Chitta (attention) has noted it. So must you also be. Because I am not inside. I am all pervading. I don’t even think about Myself. I have no thoughts. The strength to do this is within Me. I don’t have to keep sitting and thinking about Myself. I never think, what this one did to Me, or that one did to Me. Never. What has happened, has happened. Finished. But whatever is outside, if you can see your own light shining in it, then you have become the whole universe. If you look at a mountain, you can see the light of your Spirit in it. In each and everything. When you see the light of the Spirit in it, then you never forget it. Nor do you forget the joy you got out of it. Then you don’t worry about anything – whose carpet is this, where can I get one like it. Nothing. Only the looking at it and enjoying it, is to be done. And when this starts happening, it also starts expanding, and encircles the whole world. And this is the state you have to achieve. Of course we must have differences. Every person should be different from the other. But, in what way. Each one should be different in the way they feel the joy. Like when people are dancing, every one is feeling the joy, but each one danced differently. No two people were dancing in the same way. So if we have these different feelings inside us, we can give the different experiences of joy to others. Joy is not for yourself. It should always be our endeavour to see how much comfort, love and enjoyment we can give to others with our light. Sometimes, not very often, but sometimes, Indian Sahaja Yogis write and request Me that Shri Mataji, please help me to evolve into a higher state, where I can rise above all these things. Mostly people write useless letters that this one is sick, that one is sick, like this, like that. But some write very sweet letters. And with that I get completely dissolved. And I see that this person has found the way, and knows exactly where he or she is going. He has identified his destination. I do not want anything more than this. I just want to be able to see this, again and again, and unite with that person’s Atma. I don’t expect you to keep writing about your desires to ascend. But just watch how the Divine works. Everything is happening, and you have to move with the flow. And may your lives become filled with joy, and may you be the channels for giving this unique, divine joy (Allahad) to the world. This is what I desire. If any strange and useless thoughts come to you, like you must join politics, there is no need for that. In Sahaja Yoga you are not required to amass wealth; to attain any great position; nothing. The only thing you are required to do is to establish your supporting strength and pure desire that we onluy want to be people who understand the world; who want to improve the world; who want to remove all the impurities, ills and sorrows of the world; and who can give pure knowledge of the Spirit, to all. Only then great and illustrious sons of the earth will be created. And it is My eternal blessing that all of you should take this great spiritual movement forward, and keep introspecting that – Am I doing the job for which I was born. English part I am sorry I had to speak in Hindi language because the majority of the people know, understand Hindi. In the western civilization, suddenly I find people have taken to a very licentious, vulgar, despicable life. I can't believe how can they be so stupid and idiotic. It seems they have no wisdom even to see that this is stupidity. Thank God, you have achieved this Self-Realization, you got the Light, you are so transformed, you look so beautiful. And that you have given up all those funny ideas of freedom. It's so clear cut. This must be, I don't know what to say, that in those western countries, to find out people who have such wise understanding of pure love and respect for your own purity. As if suddenly you have come out of that darkness and have bathed in the light of the divine. It's not possible otherwise. See the history of the western countries is they never had very great kings, you know. One king in England, killed seven wives, you know. If you,(Shri Mataji Corrects herself) In India if one wife was killed he would have been killed, first of all, before he killed the second one. So, one sees that, despite all that kind of a history and that kind of a vulgarity that has been going on for days together and now it is the worst after war. Suddenly you people have come up like lotuses and have made those countries so fragrant and so beautiful. But now they are afraid because they believe in licentiousness, they believe in vulgarity. They think it is their freedom, so they do attack, but you are not to be bothered because you have achieved something that is real, that is for eternal life. They supposed to be Christians, Jews and also Muslims there. Among all of them I am surprised to see how they have interpreted these three great religions, in the most contradictory way. For Christ has said that if you make any sin with your eyes, commit some sins, then remove your eyes, yourself. If one hand does anything wrong, you cut that hand. I have never seen anybody without an eye or without a hand in the whole of this Christian kingdoms, nowhere. They can cut other's, but their own eyes I have never seen. It is very difficult to be a Christian, I tell you, because this is an impossible situation. For that, we can say that it, this was for angels, must be, for the fallen angels that you take out your eye and cut your hand. And then Mohammed Sahib has said, he thought that why only the men are handled by Christ. So he says no no, not that you cut it, but let others cut your hand and take out your eyes. And for women it is so- that they should be buried in the Mother Earth half way and should be stoned. Think of American women, what would have happened to them? So, very difficult to follow Islam also. Impossible. They were very great people, very pure and they thought that this is the only way people can be kept pure. No, on the contrary with all these thing - compulsion they become extremely immoral. This suppression doesn't help. And then also, this they call it one that is Islamic laws - Sharia, was actually given by Moses to Jews. You can find it out in the Bible. It was given by Moses to Jews and the Jews would not accept it because they were sensible to say, we can't accept this much, too much. So that was taken over by Mohammed Sahib, better put it for these people. But with all this doing, people become extremely immoral, extremely quarrelsome and go to the other side and such an imbalance is created. But after Self-Realisation, the Sahaja culture is born within you. With the Sahaja culture you come into balance and people are surprised at the western Sahaja Yogis, that Mother how have you made their eyes so pure? How can they get rid of these bad habits of looking at every woman or every man? What have you done to their eyes? How have they become so pure? It is the light of your own spirit, which is shinning through your eyes. It's very important. Again, I would say, that the women in the west have to understand what is Sahaja Yoga. Not dominating anyone. Here the women are dominated, not always but to great extent. And there what you find that women are dominating. Firstly they believe in divorce and they try to harass people with that. This domination, may be we can say comes from their upbringing. But Sahaja Yoga should change completely your ideas, and there should be no domination but a complete understanding about which I have told you many a times and explained to you. Still I must say I am overwhelmed by the response. And on behalf of the divine power, I would like to thank you very much. It is really a new race that has come up, really. Somewhere, somebody goes wrong or something happens. Doesn't matter. On the whole it's such a beautiful race of people. I face them before me. Even in dreams people could not have believed it. They don't yet believe. But it has happened, you must now have an enlightened faith, which we call as 'Shraddha'. With that enlightened faith I am sure you will adhere to the emancipation of human beings. It's your duty now. It is all given free. Of course, Sahaja Yoga is free. You can have it free; you don't have to pay anything, all right. But, you have to give to others. That is very important. It is free to you and you cannot keep it to yourself. If you keep it to yourself, you can never be happy, you can never be joyous. So you have to be absolutely collective and then you will see how it works out. Very surprising in all the European countries, in America, South America, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Kuala Lumpur, everywhere. I have seen people have become collective and they told me Mother, there is no greater joy than seeing people getting Self-Realization. That is the greatest joy one has. And this is what, one has to have in your mind. Of course there are some people who start criticizing Sahaja Yoga - why this, why that? All nonsense. But actually if you see, everybody who is a deep Sahaja Yogi wants that Sahaja Yoga should spread in their own countries and then to see that it is accepted all over the world. It is such a wisdom, which has come into their mind. Otherwise, one fellow told me, "Mother, I was only worried about my own house, my family, motorcar and this and that. Now forgotten all that Now I am only worried how will I be able to give this joy to others. I cannot be happy alone. And that's what it has happened." And I am very thankful to you, for all of you, who have come here all the way to celebrate my birthday. And this is just your love and affection for me, and I also love you very much. May God bless you. Today's Puja is going to be bit short. Because I don't know what, ah, in my birthday which deity's Puja you are doing. Where there are all dieties, all of them are there. So it has to be short, with all of them being worshipped together, it works out much faster, I think. As when you, all of you are together, things work out much faster.
Birthday Felicitations
New Delhi
Birthday Felicitations
English, Hindi
Birthday Felicitations. New Delhi (India), 21 March 1995 The great son of India, Mr Seshan, all the respected friends and guests, all My children Sahaja Yogis: It is true that Chaitanya organizes many things which are most unexpected. I have been a great admirer of Mr. Seshan. I saw a new rising sun, hope for Me. As you know My past that My father, My mother, sacrificed everything to get freedom in this country. Also, as you know about My life how I worked very hard as a young girl.But when we got our freedom I don't know what happened to us. We forgot many things. One of them was Gandhiji, with whom I have lived as a little child, who loved Me very much; and he said, "Let our country be free. First let our country be free. People who are slaves cannot talk of emancipation." We became free quite all right, but then - I don't understand how - people did not realize their responsibility. Some of them who were very sincere thought it's impossible to work out anything in this country. Then, to My surprise, I saw Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, who was a realized soul. He knew Me very well, and I was hoping that he will work out the spiritual side of our country and will try to bring a great name for this great yoga Bhumi. India, as you know very well, is really a country where so many saints, Incarnations, poets, of such high understanding and deep feeling were born. He died, and I felt that now all our greatness, all our traditions, all our culture, which has come to us from saints; Indian culture has not come to us from Freud but has come to us from saints. And gradually the deterioration, when I saw, I was really amazed how people are taking to things which are destructive for our country, no way constructive. So when I read about Mr. Seshan, again a tremendous hope kindled into My heart. [BREAK IN TALK AT END OF CASSETTE SIDE] "...if they burn this train, we'll all be burnt you see".I said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen", and then suddenly I find him entering into our compartment - just tears came into My eyes, of admiration. I know My husband is another person whose birthday is today, who is not here. He sacrificed everything for honesty . For him, honesty was so important. He was wedded to it to such an extent that if I tell you any story, you won't believe to what extent he was honest. One day, I had gone to a library, and I was coming out, in Lucknow (he was City Magistrate at that time), and it was raining heavily, there were no rickshaws, nothing; and, as government servants, you are really poor, you can't afford many things. He came on a police jeep, so I stopped him. He said, "I can't stop. I'm going for important work and I can't take You in the jeep."I said, "All right, you go ahead; doesn't matter", because patriotism is very important. If you have no feeling for your country, you cannot do anything good. Any kind of sacrifice is not sufficient to satisfy that desire to do something for your country and countrymen. One thing, if our politicians know, that they're not in the business, they are not here to make money, but to get the fame. Even now, today, you take the name of Lal Bahadur Shastri, people just stop thinking about, just stop, they get lost. I know about My father, same thing. I forced My husband, of course I forced him, to write a book about Shastriji. You'll be surprised, as soon as it was published, all the books are already sold, all over the world. So, one thing, one must realize and have hope, that innately there are so many people in this world who are seeking the truth, and who want peace of mind and the global peace. It's a fact, it's a fact. Apart from the Blessings of the Divine, even the people - as he has said that he had the experience of the people of violence, this, that; is true, there is violence; people have tortured us also and troubled us. It's all right; better to forgive, because they are ignorant and they are in darkness. What we can do is to give them light. If you give them the light they will throw away everything that is destructive. You all know, in your own lives, how you have transformed yourself. I was surprised that, in England, over-night, people gave up drugs; over-night. They got Realization; from second day - no drugs at all. There are people who are using military, this, that, to stop drugs. When the enlightenment takes place, your attention itself becomes so beautiful. Now, when we talk of Christ; He was a very great soul. I think He never understood human beings; they never understood them. But He has said that: "If your one eye does anything wrong, take it out. If your one hand does any sinful thing, cut it out." As I told you, I haven't seen one man with one eye taken out or, one hand cut. Same with Muhammad Sahib: He took, what He said was, "Why only make the men responsible for religion? Why not make also the women?" So He passed laws about women, and He said: "All right; women who have immorality in them should be put half way into the Mother Earth and should be beaten and killed with stones." Now this was not for human beings, I tell you; this is for angels. They are so great that They never realized that you cannot be a Christian, Muslim or a Jew; and the Shariah is given to Jews by Moses, which is now taken over by Muslims. It's a misunderstanding about human beings. I think They never had human realization. They didn't know what's the problem with human beings. I haven't done anything. Kundalini awakening has been in this country for thousands of years, and also we have had people like Adi Shankaracharya who has talked about it; Gyaneshwara, in the twelfth century [ie 1200s], has talked about it; but the people in charge of the religion - dharmart[k?]andas - always thought, "That's no good, that's no good." And that's how we have forgotten. Even many people in the North do not know what is Kundalini. They think Kundalini is horoscope (kundali). So all of this was kept in a very secret - I should say - secret way. Only the Nath Panthis kept up the awakening, but the tradition was that one person could give Realization only to one person, one guru had only one disciple. This was the tradition. At the time of Gyaneshwara, in Maharashtra, in the twelfth century, He requested His guru, His own brother, that: "Allow Me at least to talk about it." And in the sixth chapter of Gnaneshwari He wrote it. But again the dharmamartandas said, "No". How they tortured Adi Shankaracharya, how they tortured Gyaneshwara, Guru Nanaka, all of Them. All these Saints have never been recognized by these dharmamartandas, and they were in charge - general public understood Them - but they were in charge of religion. Thus, all this great heritages that we have was all lost into wilderness. What Gandhiji had told Me: "After realization You start Your Sahaja Yoga." What Shastriji had told Me:" Let me solve the problem of Pakistan and of Kashmir and then You can start Your Sahaja Yoga." He used to only talk to Me on Sahaja Yoga, nothing else. But the problem is, if you go on postponing, it goes on like that. Now, in My small way, I have... he is a great person, he has worked as a great bureaucrat and all that; and I have seen many bureaucrats. I mean, he's a rare one, I must say, who thinks of spirituality; very rare. The essence of secularism also was lost completely. Gandhiji's secularism - because I stayed with him in the ashram - he was extremely a strict man, I must say, he was another very, very strict person. I was, you see, a person who could eat anything, get up any time; I mean, I had no problem. But the way he used to make everyone get up at four, have your bath, come for the puja, sit down for pratana[?]; and there used to be some snakes also, in front of you. But his quality was that what he said, what he did, he believed into, he followed it; there's no hypocrisy about it. Also he used to get into temper with people who would misbehave, and I used to put some cool water on him, because I was a little girl, you know. He would really understand it and he used to say, "How is it You keep so peaceful about all such things?"I said: "That's the solution, that's the solution." Reaction is not the way we can really work it out. In this, I would say, Buddha has that - you must forgive everyone. Forgiving, itself solves the problem by, I think, ninety percent at least. In Sahaja Yoga we have various activities, and one of them that we regard family as a very important thing. We don't believe in sanyasa or anything to be given up and go to Himalayas, because we have seen, where ever these things are practised, is very unnatural and people indulge into all kinds of immoral things. By force you cannot bring morality; you cannot. What Shankara has said is true, what Vivekananda has said is true, in this point, that you cannot force morality. Then what should we do? This side is indulgences, in the West; this side is just a force, according to the Muslims and according to the Jews; then what should we do? Both sides do not help you to be moral. You move from one end to another. Only way is to awaken the Kundalini which pushes your attention to the venter, pierces through your fontanel bone area, and gives you the connection of the Divine Power all around. But nobody believes, you know, if you tell them there is a Divine Power. If you ask them: "Who runs your heart?" the doctor will say,"Autonomous nervous system." But who is this 'auto'? They don't know. Science cannot answer the question he said: "Who am I?" It cannot; Sahaja Yoga can. You are the Pure Spirit; you have to become the Pure Spirit. This is the answer which has worked out in all of you. Of course it gives you health, also it gives you wealth, because of your attention, but not the wealth as we see, but Lakshmi's Blessings, that you keep a balance. It gives you creativity. I know of so many artists who have become world-famous after coming to Sahaja Yoga. Musicians, artists, they have suddenly gained. It gives you wisdom, it gives you intelligence; also I know of many children, who have failed in their classes, have become first-class students. You all know I am not telling a story, you all know very well. All of you can write one book about the miracles you have seen in life. It is all there, it's truth, because this All-Pervading Power is not only the Ocean of Knowledge, It's not only the Ocean of Bliss, Compassion and Love, but It is the Ocean of Miracles; and so many miracles have worked, that now we have decided not to write any book because how can you write so many volumes? From where to get so much money to write these volumes also? But all of you know very well that there are so many miracles in Sahaja Yoga. Even, you have seen the photograph of this All-Pervading Power which has light. So many photographs we have, to convince people. But it's said that you cannot give Realization to people who are idiots, who are muras, who are stupid; then to people who are arrogant and adamant. I think it has something to do with your previous lives that people are so ready to get Realization. I would like to quote the Russians - Russians in thousands are there in (ED. sounds like 'Satyin' - possibly a place in Russia) in thousands, unbelievable - they don't know Me, I'm a foreigner, they don't know anything about Me; but for them My program is always in a big stadium, all full. And in the stadium they get Realization, they settle down with it, they practise it, and they are Sahaja Yogis, and they get cured. Even the scientists, I was surprised; two-thousand, five-hundred scientists were there for the conference where they conferred upon Me an honorary award for being the greatest scientist and the philosopher. Can you believe it? And they had only given ten awards, out of which, so far - it's a very ancient university of St. Petersburg - I was one of them.And I said, "How could you give Me this award? It is too much, because Einstein has got it also." They said, "What Einstein? What work has he done? He has worked on matter; you have worked on human beings." I was rather shy about the whole thing. I couldn't believe it. Now the government of Russia has given Me award. Can you imagine? My government has not but government of Russia has given. My husband has got, I think, hundred and thirty-five awards: N.K.C., M.G., all this; and he said, "Actually, You should get an award."I said, "For what? For what am I... This is My Love that is working. I am not paid for it, nothing. It's just My Love which pays." This Love is something... is a feeling of oneness with you, oneness with My country, oneness with your countries, oneness with you, your families, everything. It's something I always feel that they are part and parcel of My Being; they are all part and parcel of My Being. And that is how I remember you; I remember every person through the picture of their Kundalini, as it was and as it is today; for which I don't exert, assert anything. Now, people say, "You travel so much." - My Passport is so big; this is the third passport I have; so big I cannot put it through the slit - but I don't travel; I am just sitting there. I don't think, I don't travel; I am sitting there as I am sitting here. I can sit anywhere. Just not to think, to be in thoughtless awareness, is the first sign that you have achieved your ascent - nirvichar samadhi. So many of you achieved it. On My birthday I don't know what to say; it comes and goes, and comes and goes. Seventy-two years have passed; I don't think about it. I also don't feel My age at all, in any way. Because I don't think about it. It is there; till I have to live I'll live. When I don't have to live I won't live; that's all. That's not My job. My... if there's anything My Love wants to do, it's to give Realization to everyone in the world; whatever they are. And only after Self-realization, I have seen, people show their love for their country; immediately they know what's wrong with their country, immediately. They are the ones who told Me that: "Mother, this is wrong with our countrymen." Another one will come and tell Me, "Mother, see, this is wrong with our society." Another, "With our politics." I was amazed; so far they could never see these things, they are so proud of their country that they could never see anything wrong with them. And here is somebody who has seen the wrong, what is destroying this great country. But it can never be destroyed; it's a country of eternal nature; it cannot be destroyed. Again and again people of this quality will come up and save this country from complete destruction. Corruption, of course, is the worst thing, but because they believe that it's a business. Actually they should know that it is through politics: people like Abraham Lincoln, Sadat, and so many people; have such a love. I went to Turkey, and Ataturk Kemal Pasha, whose life I had read when I was very young, it's really made those people so conscious about their own country. But with the influence of the Germans it's all getting spoilt. They worship Germans. Even, they have such a nice food; I mean, I must say, the best food you can get is Turkish. They get their food from Germany and now they have become poor. And that is what another thing we Indians have to learn. We should not try to copy others and get their products on our head, which are just plastics. We should try to help our own country. Every portion of every country, if it grows, the whole world will be strengthened; but by copying and by becoming slaves, it's not going to, in any way, is going to improve. Till this Sahasrara was open I used to wear pure khadi (homespun cotton). My husband was collector and all that, and he's a little fond of clothes; and he said, "At least take to something better."I said, "This is the best." And I was wearing khadi throughout. And I felt great satisfaction because this is My country, where people make khadi in the villages. This sari also is made in the villages. If we gave up saris, what will happen to them? Like this - a concern about your own countrymen has to come. Once it starts, within you will be surprised, you'll solve your problems that you talk of ecology. Gandhiji always used to say: "No, don't have too many machineries"; always. Now I can see why he said so. Hand-made things; he preached for hand-made things; wear hand-made things which are artistic, and that's how you will solve. Now in the West, I was surprised, people pay so much for hand-made things because they cannot make it anymore. Now the computer has come, the brain has given up. Now all these things are coming. We can calculate very well because we studied in the old style of education but now people can't calculate even two plus two. I mean, what has happened to their brains? So one should not take to artificial things too much; if you are in Sahaja Yoga, keep to natural things. I don't say you become hippies or anything; nothing of the kind. In Sahaja Yoga you should be decently dressed, properly dressed according to your country; nothing to be given up, but you should not take to artificiality, because this artificial domination of matter kills our Spirit. There's a struggle going on between matter and Spirit. So we come to materialism and spirituality. The other day somebody asked Me, "Mother, You always say: 'Make beautiful things with your hands, and things', so You also talk of materialism."I said: "I don't. Matter can only be used for expression of your love nothing else." For example, if I have to please you, what should I do? I give you a very small thing and you think it's a very great blessings. This carpet which is here is beautiful; I see it, and I may say that this carpet is very beautiful. If it is Mine it's a headache because I may have to insure it; but supposing I don't think; then all the joy of this carpet starts trickling down Me, making Me peaceful completely. So thoughtless awareness, if you establish it, then you will realize that you can conquer materialism fully because you don't get any joy. You know the economic law is that, in general, wants are not satiable. You want: today a house, tomorrow a car, then a helicopter; I don't know, like going on like that. But if you are in thoughtless awareness, whatever you have you enjoy. You enjoy everything, in the present tense, not in the past, nor in the future. And this state is what you all have achieved, and you have to also achieve another state of doubtless awareness, which also many of you have achieved. I'm happy that he has seen the good work. Now, today, on your faces, he can see how they are glowing with joy, peace and freedom. They are free to do what they like but they won't do it. I always give an example that, supposing I am very obstinate and conditioned, and I have a snake in My hand, and you tell Me, "Mother, you have a snake in Your hand", but I am obstinate and there's darkness, I'll say, "No, I don't listen to you. It's a rope"; till that snake bites Me, I'll hold on to it, but if there is little light, I drop out that, I throw away that snake immediately; nobody has to tell me. That's how, now, you have become your own guide, you have become your own masters; you don't need any master. This is a country where Mother is respected. It's a country of Motherland, and people understand the value of Mother. I think only the Mother could do this kind of a job, which is requiring so much of patience and love. If it was Father, like Shri Krishna, He would have used His Sudarshana [Ed. 'discus'] and would have killed all of them, finished, solved the problem. Christ would have crucified Himself. But it's not that; you have to work it out. This is, of course, Ghor Kali Yuga [Ed. 'worst part of the dark age'] but this is the time only when people will be seeking the truth because of the problems of Ghor Kali Yuga, and you will be blessed. Is written already, prophesized by Bhrigu Muni, so it's nothing special about it, I've done nothing special. Only thing, if you say, I knew about it since I was born, I knew about Myself. If I've done anything, is to understand human beings, what's the problem. They follow Christ, they follow Muhammad Sahib, they follow Ram, they follow Shri Krishna, they follow everyone; but nothing inside. What is the matter? Nothing penetrates; that was the thing, I thought, they are not yet connected, they are to be connected to all this. And then, only what I have done is to work out the permutations and combinations of human beings, what goes wrong with them. What's not very difficult because there are only mainly seven chakras one has to work it out, and how can you raise the Kundalini to break the Sahasrara. And it worked, it has worked, is working out, in thousands. In this country, also, we have thousands of people. I have been coming to Delhi for so many years but, you know, everybody is a politician here, everybody is a prime minister, nothing short of. I told My cook that, "You are from Delhi and while this servant, another one, is from South; he is much better in work, and one day you'll be all displaced."He said, "Doesn't matter; we'll all become Prime Minister." So with this identification they lived here, and in this Delhi itself there are so many beautiful Sahaja Yogis. I'm very proud of you. Also we have so many people from abroad, so many countries are here represented. All the way they came for expression of their love for Me; from Japan, South America, from America, from Africa; every country: Switzerland, Italy, Spain, France, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey; also from Tunisia. My Heart knows no bounds. In Kali Yuga nobody bothers about Mother, but the way My children are expressing their love, I don't know how to express My gratitude. Just try to love others. That is much more than loving yourself. Just try to give love, just try to forgive; you'll be amazed that you will realize how glorious you are, how great you are, and suddenly you will discover that you are a global personality. This expansion is working out, and I'm hopeful that in My lifetime I'll see this world coming to some peaceful state. As I've told you that the peace is within ourselves. It is not by organizations or by getting peace awards; it is within yourself, the peace which is to be established. I've known many people, because of My husband, who have got peace awards, very big, big people; they are so hot-tempered that you can't go near them, you see, you have to use a barge pole. So that shows - I don't know from what angle they got peace award but those who have no peace within cannot create peace. You have to be peaceful; and this peace gives you that witness state. With that you see the whole world like a drama, and really you enjoy the humor of it, then you don't get annoyed, you don't get worried. I read in the newspaper that today he has to face some sort of trial, in the witness box, and I was following him throughout; I've been always following him, and then I just put My Attention, I said, "I hope he will have energy to come to our program and enjoy us also. This has been such a great occasion for Me because suddenly I find many doors are opening out and there are so many responses. So many mayors of many countries have written letters to Me, especially from Brasilia who came to the airport and gave Me the key of Brasilia and said, "Mother, please keep Brasilia in Your Attention so there is peace in Brasilia." Actually I didn't know what to say, what to answer; just tears came into My eyes, that's all. I was trying to control them. I just couldn't say anything. I mean, this Mayor of Brasilia, of all the persons, suddenly appears at the airport. So many mayors, even in New York, in Canada, in Australia; they have written beautiful letters because they had some good experiences of Sahaja Yogis. It is you who can do the job; not Me. If I could do it, I would not have bothered about it. But we have to have good channels, and that is what - where ever Sahaja Yogis go they create such a beautiful image of Sahaja Yoga that everybody is impressed you see. And that's how they have given us this kind of a beautiful response. Now, as Mr. Seshan asked Me, "How are we to expedite and spread Sahaja Yoga fast?" It's such a good question. I said: "It is spontaneous; we cannot force on it; we respect everyone." But the way it is growing everywhere, I have great hopes that one day, all over the world, it will spread very fast. Actually we don't plan anything; we cannot plan, and it just works like that. Everything works so spontaneously that I am surprised, now, they came - these people from Punjab - and asked Me, "Mother, why don't You come to Punjab? You see, very important."I said, "Let there be shanti", because My husband doesn't allow Me to go to places like that, that's the trouble. So next year it became all very peaceful; I went down, and now I'm told that in Punjab we are getting the maximum number of Sahaja Yogis; mostly Sikhs. Same with Kashmir, I know. Kashmir is the Adi Shakti's place, and I'm sure one day we can work out Kashmir very well. In every religion there is some sort of a stupid stuff pushed forward; in everyone; nobody could really stop it, because those people who are in charge of religion have no enlightenment, they have nothing to do with it, anywhere. And that's how, I have seen, people, say in Japan, they follow one religion, and in China they follow another religion. Both are just the same; one is Zen, another is Tao, but the misunderstanding is that they think: "We are exclusive". They are not; none of them are exclusive. Muhammad Sahib described all of them: from Abraham to Moses, to Christ, to the Mother of Christ; and He said, "There have been more than one lakh nahbis on this Earth." But now, why to feel that we are exclusive? This exclusiveness comes from where? With Christ also He described all of them. Tao, the one religion that they follow in China is nothing but Sahaja Yoga - Tao is Kundalini. Zen is nothing but Sahaja; Zoroaster, everyone. But this exclusiveness has brought this problem and they are fighting among each other. But there are also some stupid things, like I met one fellow from Bosnia very much interested in Bosnia, and he was a Muslim of course and, with great gusto, he was saying, "We must die in the name of God."I said, "Are you sure you are dying in the name of God?"He said: "I am very sure." All right. So it is written in Koran - I think I have read Koran well, but they say so it is written in Koran - that if you die in the name of God and if you are put in a proper [DEL: "WHAT YOU CAN SAY"] grave, in a proper way, in an Islamic way; then your body will be resurrected at the time of Qiyama - resurrection time. This is the resurrection time, this is the resurrection - outan[?] - this is the time. And I told him, "Are you mad? After five-hundred years, what will be left in that grave? What bones are going to rise?" Actually that way, I must say, in Indian philosophy is clearly said that your souls will rise. That seems sensible, because soul is eternal. But then another question I asked that, "You believe in a formless God (Nirakar); why are you fighting for the land? I tell you, I feel so concerned, the way people are fighting for God, this thing, that thing; and killing themselves. Do you think God will be happy with this kind of an idea? So one has to really get Realization, otherwise there's no solutions, I must say. There has to be transformation, otherwise there's no solution. One can talk, talk, talk for hours together; nothing works out unless and until you are transformed. So only thing is that, for Me, I feel that, as long as possible, I would strive to see that people get their Self-Realization, and settle down. There's no hanky-panky about it, there's no miracle of a stupid type. Actually the person who has transformed himself knows he is transformed. Then he gets all the powers; like one light which is enlightened can enlighten many people. And so he himself [ED. said], "You mean to say I have given Realization to all of them?""Maybe; some; but not all." Even the people now who are living in Delhi City go abroad and give Realization. They go to villages, give them Realization. All over it is spreading like that. But when he asked Me the question, I have to just say that all the Sahaja Yogis have to realize what they are; they have to know, they should know, their identity. They are now the lights and they have to spread the light. They are busy with business, they are busy with politics, they are busy with this; it's all there. I am also very busy; I have a family, I have grandchildren, I have My children, I look after My family also; at the same time, the main attention should be in giving Realization to others; that's the only way we can expedite it. A person who is not a Realized Soul, who starts talking on religion bus - he'll start collecting money; or I don't know what he'll do. But you people have that essence in you which you have to give to everyone; and nothing more enjoyable than giving Realizations to others. You may get the wealth of the whole world; it cannot be compared with that. So this is the answer I want to give him, that I would request all the Sahaja Yogis, whether they are women or men, even children; can spread Sahaja Yoga, because they have got the powers in them to spread it, they have the Shakti to do it. So then, that should be a case, not only for India but all over the world it can be done; and this is the promise, as a present, you have to give Me on My birthday, if you think it's nice.Thank you very much, thank you. As an appreciation, and admiration, I have this for Mr. Seshan, which I have openly said it; it's not secret, everybody knows what I think of him. I don't know what to give him more than My innate Love, but the Sahaja Yogis wanted to give him some present, which he cannot refuse, something he cannot refuse. It's no bribe, because we are not having any political party.
Birthday Felicitations. New Delhi (India), 21 March 1995 The great son of India, Mr Seshan, all the respected friends and guests, all My children Sahaja Yogis: It is true that Chaitanya organizes many things which are most unexpected. I have been a great admirer of Mr. Seshan. I saw a new rising sun, hope for Me. As you know My past that My father, My mother, sacrificed everything to get freedom in this country. Also, as you know about My life how I worked very hard as a young girl.But when we got our freedom I don't know what happened to us. We forgot many things. One of them was Gandhiji, with whom I have lived as a little child, who loved Me very much; and he said, "Let our country be free. First let our country be free. People who are slaves cannot talk of emancipation." We became free quite all right, but then - I don't understand how - people did not realize their responsibility. Some of them who were very sincere thought it's impossible to work out anything in this country. Then, to My surprise, I saw Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, who was a realized soul. He knew Me very well, and I was hoping that he will work out the spiritual side of our country and will try to bring a great name for this great yoga Bhumi. India, as you know very well, is really a country where so many saints, Incarnations, poets, of such high understanding and deep feeling were born. He died, and I felt that now all our greatness, all our traditions, all our culture, which has come to us from saints; Indian culture has not come to us from Freud but has come to us from saints. And gradually the deterioration, when I saw, I was really amazed how people are taking to things which are destructive for our country, no way constructive. So when I read about Mr. Seshan, again a tremendous hope kindled into My heart. [BREAK IN TALK AT END OF CASSETTE SIDE] "...if they burn this train, we'll all be burnt you see".I said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen", and then suddenly I find him entering into our compartment - just tears came into My eyes, of admiration. I know My husband is another person whose birthday is today, who is not here. He sacrificed everything for honesty . For him, honesty was so important. He was wedded to it to such an extent that if I tell you any story, you won't believe to what extent he was honest. One day, I had gone to a library, and I was coming out, in Lucknow (he was City Magistrate at that time), and it was raining heavily, there were no rickshaws, nothing; and, as government servants, you are really poor, you can't afford many things. He came on a police jeep, so I stopped him. He said, "I can't stop. I'm going for important work and I can't take You in the jeep."I said, "All right, you go ahead; doesn't matter", because patriotism is very important. If you have no feeling for your country, you cannot do anything good. Any kind of sacrifice is not sufficient to satisfy that desire to do something for your country and countrymen. One thing, if our politicians know, that they're not in the business, they are not here to make money, but to get the fame. Even now, today, you take the name of Lal Bahadur Shastri, people just stop thinking about, just stop, they get lost. I know about My father, same thing. I forced My husband, of course I forced him, to write a book about Shastriji. You'll be surprised, as soon as it was published, all the books are already sold, all over the world. So, one thing, one must realize and have hope, that innately there are so many people in this world who are seeking the truth, and who want peace of mind and the global peace. It's a fact, it's a fact. Apart from the Blessings of the Divine, even the people - as he has said that he had the experience of the people of violence, this, that; is true, there is violence; people have tortured us also and troubled us. It's all right; better to forgive, because they are ignorant and they are in darkness. What we can do is to give them light. If you give them the light they will throw away everything that is destructive. You all know, in your own lives, how you have transformed yourself. I was surprised that, in England, over-night, people gave up drugs; over-night. They got Realization; from second day - no drugs at all. There are people who are using military, this, that, to stop drugs. When the enlightenment takes place, your attention itself becomes so beautiful. Now, when we talk of Christ; He was a very great soul. I think He never understood human beings; they never understood them. But He has said that: "If your one eye does anything wrong, take it out. If your one hand does any sinful thing, cut it out." As I told you, I haven't seen one man with one eye taken out or, one hand cut. Same with Muhammad Sahib: He took, what He said was, "Why only make the men responsible for religion? Why not make also the women?" So He passed laws about women, and He said: "All right; women who have immorality in them should be put half way into the Mother Earth and should be beaten and killed with stones." Now this was not for human beings, I tell you; this is for angels. They are so great that They never realized that you cannot be a Christian, Muslim or a Jew; and the Shariah is given to Jews by Moses, which is now taken over by Muslims. It's a misunderstanding about human beings. I think They never had human realization. They didn't know what's the problem with human beings. I haven't done anything. Kundalini awakening has been in this country for thousands of years, and also we have had people like Adi Shankaracharya who has talked about it; Gyaneshwara, in the twelfth century [ie 1200s], has talked about it; but the people in charge of the religion - dharmart[k?]andas - always thought, "That's no good, that's no good." And that's how we have forgotten. Even many people in the North do not know what is Kundalini. They think Kundalini is horoscope (kundali). So all of this was kept in a very secret - I should say - secret way. Only the Nath Panthis kept up the awakening, but the tradition was that one person could give Realization only to one person, one guru had only one disciple. This was the tradition. At the time of Gyaneshwara, in Maharashtra, in the twelfth century, He requested His guru, His own brother, that: "Allow Me at least to talk about it." And in the sixth chapter of Gnaneshwari He wrote it. But again the dharmamartandas said, "No". How they tortured Adi Shankaracharya, how they tortured Gyaneshwara, Guru Nanaka, all of Them. All these Saints have never been recognized by these dharmamartandas, and they were in charge - general public understood Them - but they were in charge of religion. Thus, all this great heritages that we have was all lost into wilderness. What Gandhiji had told Me: "After realization You start Your Sahaja Yoga." What Shastriji had told Me:" Let me solve the problem of Pakistan and of Kashmir and then You can start Your Sahaja Yoga." He used to only talk to Me on Sahaja Yoga, nothing else. But the problem is, if you go on postponing, it goes on like that. Now, in My small way, I have... he is a great person, he has worked as a great bureaucrat and all that; and I have seen many bureaucrats. I mean, he's a rare one, I must say, who thinks of spirituality; very rare. The essence of secularism also was lost completely. Gandhiji's secularism - because I stayed with him in the ashram - he was extremely a strict man, I must say, he was another very, very strict person. I was, you see, a person who could eat anything, get up any time; I mean, I had no problem. But the way he used to make everyone get up at four, have your bath, come for the puja, sit down for pratana[?]; and there used to be some snakes also, in front of you. But his quality was that what he said, what he did, he believed into, he followed it; there's no hypocrisy about it. Also he used to get into temper with people who would misbehave, and I used to put some cool water on him, because I was a little girl, you know. He would really understand it and he used to say, "How is it You keep so peaceful about all such things?"I said: "That's the solution, that's the solution." Reaction is not the way we can really work it out. In this, I would say, Buddha has that - you must forgive everyone. Forgiving, itself solves the problem by, I think, ninety percent at least. In Sahaja Yoga we have various activities, and one of them that we regard family as a very important thing. We don't believe in sanyasa or anything to be given up and go to Himalayas, because we have seen, where ever these things are practised, is very unnatural and people indulge into all kinds of immoral things. By force you cannot bring morality; you cannot. What Shankara has said is true, what Vivekananda has said is true, in this point, that you cannot force morality. Then what should we do? This side is indulgences, in the West; this side is just a force, according to the Muslims and according to the Jews; then what should we do? Both sides do not help you to be moral. You move from one end to another. Only way is to awaken the Kundalini which pushes your attention to the venter, pierces through your fontanel bone area, and gives you the connection of the Divine Power all around. But nobody believes, you know, if you tell them there is a Divine Power. If you ask them: "Who runs your heart?" the doctor will say,"Autonomous nervous system." But who is this 'auto'? They don't know. Science cannot answer the question he said: "Who am I?" It cannot; Sahaja Yoga can. You are the Pure Spirit; you have to become the Pure Spirit. This is the answer which has worked out in all of you. Of course it gives you health, also it gives you wealth, because of your attention, but not the wealth as we see, but Lakshmi's Blessings, that you keep a balance. It gives you creativity. I know of so many artists who have become world-famous after coming to Sahaja Yoga. Musicians, artists, they have suddenly gained. It gives you wisdom, it gives you intelligence; also I know of many children, who have failed in their classes, have become first-class students. You all know I am not telling a story, you all know very well. All of you can write one book about the miracles you have seen in life. It is all there, it's truth, because this All-Pervading Power is not only the Ocean of Knowledge, It's not only the Ocean of Bliss, Compassion and Love, but It is the Ocean of Miracles; and so many miracles have worked, that now we have decided not to write any book because how can you write so many volumes? From where to get so much money to write these volumes also? But all of you know very well that there are so many miracles in Sahaja Yoga. Even, you have seen the photograph of this All-Pervading Power which has light. So many photographs we have, to convince people. But it's said that you cannot give Realization to people who are idiots, who are muras, who are stupid; then to people who are arrogant and adamant. I think it has something to do with your previous lives that people are so ready to get Realization. I would like to quote the Russians - Russians in thousands are there in (ED. sounds like 'Satyin' - possibly a place in Russia) in thousands, unbelievable - they don't know Me, I'm a foreigner, they don't know anything about Me; but for them My program is always in a big stadium, all full. And in the stadium they get Realization, they settle down with it, they practise it, and they are Sahaja Yogis, and they get cured. Even the scientists, I was surprised; two-thousand, five-hundred scientists were there for the conference where they conferred upon Me an honorary award for being the greatest scientist and the philosopher. Can you believe it? And they had only given ten awards, out of which, so far - it's a very ancient university of St. Petersburg - I was one of them.And I said, "How could you give Me this award? It is too much, because Einstein has got it also." They said, "What Einstein? What work has he done? He has worked on matter; you have worked on human beings." I was rather shy about the whole thing. I couldn't believe it. Now the government of Russia has given Me award. Can you imagine? My government has not but government of Russia has given. My husband has got, I think, hundred and thirty-five awards: N.K.C., M.G., all this; and he said, "Actually, You should get an award."I said, "For what? For what am I... This is My Love that is working. I am not paid for it, nothing. It's just My Love which pays." This Love is something... is a feeling of oneness with you, oneness with My country, oneness with your countries, oneness with you, your families, everything. It's something I always feel that they are part and parcel of My Being; they are all part and parcel of My Being. And that is how I remember you; I remember every person through the picture of their Kundalini, as it was and as it is today; for which I don't exert, assert anything. Now, people say, "You travel so much." - My Passport is so big; this is the third passport I have; so big I cannot put it through the slit - but I don't travel; I am just sitting there. I don't think, I don't travel; I am sitting there as I am sitting here. I can sit anywhere. Just not to think, to be in thoughtless awareness, is the first sign that you have achieved your ascent - nirvichar samadhi. So many of you achieved it. On My birthday I don't know what to say; it comes and goes, and comes and goes. Seventy-two years have passed; I don't think about it. I also don't feel My age at all, in any way. Because I don't think about it. It is there; till I have to live I'll live. When I don't have to live I won't live; that's all. That's not My job. My... if there's anything My Love wants to do, it's to give Realization to everyone in the world; whatever they are. And only after Self-realization, I have seen, people show their love for their country; immediately they know what's wrong with their country, immediately. They are the ones who told Me that: "Mother, this is wrong with our countrymen." Another one will come and tell Me, "Mother, see, this is wrong with our society." Another, "With our politics." I was amazed; so far they could never see these things, they are so proud of their country that they could never see anything wrong with them. And here is somebody who has seen the wrong, what is destroying this great country. But it can never be destroyed; it's a country of eternal nature; it cannot be destroyed. Again and again people of this quality will come up and save this country from complete destruction. Corruption, of course, is the worst thing, but because they believe that it's a business. Actually they should know that it is through politics: people like Abraham Lincoln, Sadat, and so many people; have such a love. I went to Turkey, and Ataturk Kemal Pasha, whose life I had read when I was very young, it's really made those people so conscious about their own country. But with the influence of the Germans it's all getting spoilt. They worship Germans. Even, they have such a nice food; I mean, I must say, the best food you can get is Turkish. They get their food from Germany and now they have become poor. And that is what another thing we Indians have to learn. We should not try to copy others and get their products on our head, which are just plastics. We should try to help our own country. Every portion of every country, if it grows, the whole world will be strengthened; but by copying and by becoming slaves, it's not going to, in any way, is going to improve. Till this Sahasrara was open I used to wear pure khadi (homespun cotton). My husband was collector and all that, and he's a little fond of clothes; and he said, "At least take to something better."I said, "This is the best." And I was wearing khadi throughout. And I felt great satisfaction because this is My country, where people make khadi in the villages. This sari also is made in the villages. If we gave up saris, what will happen to them? Like this - a concern about your own countrymen has to come. Once it starts, within you will be surprised, you'll solve your problems that you talk of ecology. Gandhiji always used to say: "No, don't have too many machineries"; always. Now I can see why he said so. Hand-made things; he preached for hand-made things; wear hand-made things which are artistic, and that's how you will solve. Now in the West, I was surprised, people pay so much for hand-made things because they cannot make it anymore. Now the computer has come, the brain has given up. Now all these things are coming. We can calculate very well because we studied in the old style of education but now people can't calculate even two plus two. I mean, what has happened to their brains? So one should not take to artificial things too much; if you are in Sahaja Yoga, keep to natural things. I don't say you become hippies or anything; nothing of the kind. In Sahaja Yoga you should be decently dressed, properly dressed according to your country; nothing to be given up, but you should not take to artificiality, because this artificial domination of matter kills our Spirit. There's a struggle going on between matter and Spirit. So we come to materialism and spirituality. The other day somebody asked Me, "Mother, You always say: 'Make beautiful things with your hands, and things', so You also talk of materialism."I said: "I don't. Matter can only be used for expression of your love nothing else." For example, if I have to please you, what should I do? I give you a very small thing and you think it's a very great blessings. This carpet which is here is beautiful; I see it, and I may say that this carpet is very beautiful. If it is Mine it's a headache because I may have to insure it; but supposing I don't think; then all the joy of this carpet starts trickling down Me, making Me peaceful completely. So thoughtless awareness, if you establish it, then you will realize that you can conquer materialism fully because you don't get any joy. You know the economic law is that, in general, wants are not satiable. You want: today a house, tomorrow a car, then a helicopter; I don't know, like going on like that. But if you are in thoughtless awareness, whatever you have you enjoy. You enjoy everything, in the present tense, not in the past, nor in the future. And this state is what you all have achieved, and you have to also achieve another state of doubtless awareness, which also many of you have achieved. I'm happy that he has seen the good work. Now, today, on your faces, he can see how they are glowing with joy, peace and freedom. They are free to do what they like but they won't do it. I always give an example that, supposing I am very obstinate and conditioned, and I have a snake in My hand, and you tell Me, "Mother, you have a snake in Your hand", but I am obstinate and there's darkness, I'll say, "No, I don't listen to you. It's a rope"; till that snake bites Me, I'll hold on to it, but if there is little light, I drop out that, I throw away that snake immediately; nobody has to tell me. That's how, now, you have become your own guide, you have become your own masters; you don't need any master. This is a country where Mother is respected. It's a country of Motherland, and people understand the value of Mother. I think only the Mother could do this kind of a job, which is requiring so much of patience and love. If it was Father, like Shri Krishna, He would have used His Sudarshana [Ed. 'discus'] and would have killed all of them, finished, solved the problem. Christ would have crucified Himself. But it's not that; you have to work it out. This is, of course, Ghor Kali Yuga [Ed. 'worst part of the dark age'] but this is the time only when people will be seeking the truth because of the problems of Ghor Kali Yuga, and you will be blessed. Is written already, prophesized by Bhrigu Muni, so it's nothing special about it, I've done nothing special. Only thing, if you say, I knew about it since I was born, I knew about Myself. If I've done anything, is to understand human beings, what's the problem. They follow Christ, they follow Muhammad Sahib, they follow Ram, they follow Shri Krishna, they follow everyone; but nothing inside. What is the matter? Nothing penetrates; that was the thing, I thought, they are not yet connected, they are to be connected to all this. And then, only what I have done is to work out the permutations and combinations of human beings, what goes wrong with them. What's not very difficult because there are only mainly seven chakras one has to work it out, and how can you raise the Kundalini to break the Sahasrara. And it worked, it has worked, is working out, in thousands. In this country, also, we have thousands of people. I have been coming to Delhi for so many years but, you know, everybody is a politician here, everybody is a prime minister, nothing short of. I told My cook that, "You are from Delhi and while this servant, another one, is from South; he is much better in work, and one day you'll be all displaced."He said, "Doesn't matter; we'll all become Prime Minister." So with this identification they lived here, and in this Delhi itself there are so many beautiful Sahaja Yogis. I'm very proud of you. Also we have so many people from abroad, so many countries are here represented. All the way they came for expression of their love for Me; from Japan, South America, from America, from Africa; every country: Switzerland, Italy, Spain, France, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey; also from Tunisia. My Heart knows no bounds. In Kali Yuga nobody bothers about Mother, but the way My children are expressing their love, I don't know how to express My gratitude. Just try to love others. That is much more than loving yourself. Just try to give love, just try to forgive; you'll be amazed that you will realize how glorious you are, how great you are, and suddenly you will discover that you are a global personality. This expansion is working out, and I'm hopeful that in My lifetime I'll see this world coming to some peaceful state. As I've told you that the peace is within ourselves. It is not by organizations or by getting peace awards; it is within yourself, the peace which is to be established. I've known many people, because of My husband, who have got peace awards, very big, big people; they are so hot-tempered that you can't go near them, you see, you have to use a barge pole. So that shows - I don't know from what angle they got peace award but those who have no peace within cannot create peace. You have to be peaceful; and this peace gives you that witness state. With that you see the whole world like a drama, and really you enjoy the humor of it, then you don't get annoyed, you don't get worried. I read in the newspaper that today he has to face some sort of trial, in the witness box, and I was following him throughout; I've been always following him, and then I just put My Attention, I said, "I hope he will have energy to come to our program and enjoy us also. This has been such a great occasion for Me because suddenly I find many doors are opening out and there are so many responses. So many mayors of many countries have written letters to Me, especially from Brasilia who came to the airport and gave Me the key of Brasilia and said, "Mother, please keep Brasilia in Your Attention so there is peace in Brasilia." Actually I didn't know what to say, what to answer; just tears came into My eyes, that's all. I was trying to control them. I just couldn't say anything. I mean, this Mayor of Brasilia, of all the persons, suddenly appears at the airport. So many mayors, even in New York, in Canada, in Australia; they have written beautiful letters because they had some good experiences of Sahaja Yogis. It is you who can do the job; not Me. If I could do it, I would not have bothered about it. But we have to have good channels, and that is what - where ever Sahaja Yogis go they create such a beautiful image of Sahaja Yoga that everybody is impressed you see. And that's how they have given us this kind of a beautiful response. Now, as Mr. Seshan asked Me, "How are we to expedite and spread Sahaja Yoga fast?" It's such a good question. I said: "It is spontaneous; we cannot force on it; we respect everyone." But the way it is growing everywhere, I have great hopes that one day, all over the world, it will spread very fast. Actually we don't plan anything; we cannot plan, and it just works like that. Everything works so spontaneously that I am surprised, now, they came - these people from Punjab - and asked Me, "Mother, why don't You come to Punjab? You see, very important."I said, "Let there be shanti", because My husband doesn't allow Me to go to places like that, that's the trouble. So next year it became all very peaceful; I went down, and now I'm told that in Punjab we are getting the maximum number of Sahaja Yogis; mostly Sikhs. Same with Kashmir, I know. Kashmir is the Adi Shakti's place, and I'm sure one day we can work out Kashmir very well. In every religion there is some sort of a stupid stuff pushed forward; in everyone; nobody could really stop it, because those people who are in charge of religion have no enlightenment, they have nothing to do with it, anywhere. And that's how, I have seen, people, say in Japan, they follow one religion, and in China they follow another religion. Both are just the same; one is Zen, another is Tao, but the misunderstanding is that they think: "We are exclusive". They are not; none of them are exclusive. Muhammad Sahib described all of them: from Abraham to Moses, to Christ, to the Mother of Christ; and He said, "There have been more than one lakh nahbis on this Earth." But now, why to feel that we are exclusive? This exclusiveness comes from where? With Christ also He described all of them. Tao, the one religion that they follow in China is nothing but Sahaja Yoga - Tao is Kundalini. Zen is nothing but Sahaja; Zoroaster, everyone. But this exclusiveness has brought this problem and they are fighting among each other. But there are also some stupid things, like I met one fellow from Bosnia very much interested in Bosnia, and he was a Muslim of course and, with great gusto, he was saying, "We must die in the name of God."I said, "Are you sure you are dying in the name of God?"He said: "I am very sure." All right. So it is written in Koran - I think I have read Koran well, but they say so it is written in Koran - that if you die in the name of God and if you are put in a proper [DEL: "WHAT YOU CAN SAY"] grave, in a proper way, in an Islamic way; then your body will be resurrected at the time of Qiyama - resurrection time. This is the resurrection time, this is the resurrection - outan[?] - this is the time. And I told him, "Are you mad? After five-hundred years, what will be left in that grave? What bones are going to rise?" Actually that way, I must say, in Indian philosophy is clearly said that your souls will rise. That seems sensible, because soul is eternal. But then another question I asked that, "You believe in a formless God (Nirakar); why are you fighting for the land? I tell you, I feel so concerned, the way people are fighting for God, this thing, that thing; and killing themselves. Do you think God will be happy with this kind of an idea? So one has to really get Realization, otherwise there's no solutions, I must say. There has to be transformation, otherwise there's no solution. One can talk, talk, talk for hours together; nothing works out unless and until you are transformed. So only thing is that, for Me, I feel that, as long as possible, I would strive to see that people get their Self-Realization, and settle down. There's no hanky-panky about it, there's no miracle of a stupid type. Actually the person who has transformed himself knows he is transformed. Then he gets all the powers; like one light which is enlightened can enlighten many people. And so he himself [ED. said], "You mean to say I have given Realization to all of them?""Maybe; some; but not all." Even the people now who are living in Delhi City go abroad and give Realization. They go to villages, give them Realization. All over it is spreading like that. But when he asked Me the question, I have to just say that all the Sahaja Yogis have to realize what they are; they have to know, they should know, their identity. They are now the lights and they have to spread the light. They are busy with business, they are busy with politics, they are busy with this; it's all there. I am also very busy; I have a family, I have grandchildren, I have My children, I look after My family also; at the same time, the main attention should be in giving Realization to others; that's the only way we can expedite it. A person who is not a Realized Soul, who starts talking on religion bus - he'll start collecting money; or I don't know what he'll do. But you people have that essence in you which you have to give to everyone; and nothing more enjoyable than giving Realizations to others. You may get the wealth of the whole world; it cannot be compared with that. So this is the answer I want to give him, that I would request all the Sahaja Yogis, whether they are women or men, even children; can spread Sahaja Yoga, because they have got the powers in them to spread it, they have the Shakti to do it. So then, that should be a case, not only for India but all over the world it can be done; and this is the promise, as a present, you have to give Me on My birthday, if you think it's nice.Thank you very much, thank you. As an appreciation, and admiration, I have this for Mr. Seshan, which I have openly said it; it's not secret, everybody knows what I think of him. I don't know what to give him more than My innate Love, but the Sahaja Yogis wanted to give him some present, which he cannot refuse, something he cannot refuse. It's no bribe, because we are not having any political party.
Public Program
Public Program
Public Program (Hindi) I bow to you all the seekers of truth. In this Kaliyuga, man has become distracted and is fearful of the various problems. Never before, were there as many seekers of truth, as there are in this Kaliyuga; and, these are the times when you will find the truth. But we must understand, what truth are we seeking, what are we seeking? Otherwise, we get glued to something and then start believing it to be true. The reason being, we are still unaware of truth— the absolute truth. Some people wonder if this is good or that is good, and then there are others who believe there is another way of living. So, man is caught in such tumultuous delusions of the heart. In this confusion, he fails to understand why there is no peace within him; or how to establish this peace. He can’t comprehend, why am I fighting and bickering with myself, unable to understand anything. This is the special quality of Kaliyuga and that is why man has is seeking in these times. Earlier, there weren’t such delusions; the man was content with humanity. But now man has evolved to a certain state. In this state, if you would be aware of only the truth, then there would be no fights, and everyone would think the same. Moreover, by explaining or telling about something, man becomes too brainy and mental. Even by reading too much, he becomes mental and there is no peace, calmness or respite within him. Therefore, one must understand what the truth is. Now, another thing is that you must not blindly accept whatever I tell you because we are already suffering much due to blind faith. Especially in Bengal, people have suffered so much at the hands of taantriks and other such people. Even people who blindly follow religion and talk too much about it, are also suffering. They are unwell. They are experiencing different problems and are fighting among themselves. This simply means they haven’t found the truth yet. They’re just advertising it via huge posters. Then, man is terrified and wants to know about the truth. Truth and love are the same; surprisingly people don’t understand this integration. For example, if you love someone, you become eager to know every detail about that person. But this is God’s love, it is the Divine love. I won't say that you should accept this love as the truth, but it can be easily proved. For that, you must rise above this human awareness and that's when you can recognize that this love and truth are the same. And a realized person also imbibes both these qualities. And people who haven’t got their realization, who just talk big about things, give sermons and ask you to perform rituals will not help you in any way. No one has and no one ever will gain anything from such trivia. For this, we must understand what truth is. We are not this body, brain, heart or ego; we are the pure Spirit (Atma) and this is the truth. Because every time we claim this is my body, my heart, my brain, ours and mine, we must ask ourselves who is this “me”. We must realize this. This “me” is actually the pure Spirit that resides within you. To achieve it and to fill your inner being with its light is the real experience of the self (Aatm). The second truth is like you see these beautiful flowers around you. It is miraculous how the different types of flowers bloom out of Mother Earth and each different from the others. There is no money to be given for this process. Mother Earth whose essence is love, nurtures these flowers and fills them with fragrance and colours. This is indeed amazing and yet we do not think about how this living process occurs. If we ask the doctors who run our hearts, they will answer that this happens because of an autonomous nervous system. But who or what is this "auto"? If this is an "autonomous" or self-driven mechanism, then who is this "self"? It is none other than your Spirit (Atma). Self-realization is nothing but achieving this and filling your being with its light. This all-pervading divine energy around us— the power of God’s love that nurtures these flowers and ensures the functioning of our hearts – achieving integration with this energy is called Yoga. This is Yoga and achieving it, is the birthright of mankind. But if someone is silly and foolish, he can’t achieve it. If someone is boisterous and arrogant, even he can’t achieve it. You must be humble and ask for it. If a man introspects himself with love, he will realize that he is still lacking and there are many powers (Shakti) that can manifest within him. But, for that, he must be humble and must ask for it with utmost, heartfelt humility because if you want to achieve the power of love, it should be asked for, with love. By arguing or fighting or by bothering someone, you can never achieve it. I have already told you about this power (Shakti) called the Kundalini, it resides within you in a triangular (trikonakaar) bone. What I am telling you isn't something new. It is all there in our scriptures; in the sixth century, Shankaracharya spoke about it. But thirteen thousand years ago, Markandeya also spoke about the Kundalini, but it was all in Sanskrit. And, then in the twelfth century, Gyaaneshwar ji spoke about it. When he wrote the Gyaaneshwari — which is a commentary on the Gita — in its sixth chapter, he clearly wrote that you get your self-realization through the Kundalini. At that time, the religious leaders (Dharma Martand) said that the sixth chapter is forbidden so nobody read it or wrote about it. In this way, the energy (Shakti) which is hidden within us and can help us achieve that state, was stashed away in darkness and ignorance. Then there have been so many intellectuals here. Kabir had said, “Padhi Padhi Pandit Murakh Bhaye” (even though the priests read so many scriptures but still they are unlearned/ foolish); and I would often wonder how despite reading anyone could be foolish. How can this be? But I have met many such people. When you talk to them, they will talk non-stop and senselessly. God knows what they talk about – so and so is written in this book or that book. So, I ask them to tell me what is written in your books. So, we are unaware and oblivious of our own selves and absorb what others say. This is the intellectual side, the other is the devotional side. So, there is just an intoxication in it and no awareness. Both these are far from realism, we are standing away from reality. Now I will give you an example. Here, there is a rapid rise in the followers of “Hare Rama, Hare Krishna”. So, when I went to Chicago, one of their gurus came to meet me. He was wearing a thin and gauzy loincloth (dhoti) and a vest. It was so cold there that I was shivering despite my shawl and even he was shivering. So, I asked him why he was wearing such thin clothes, especially the loincloth in that freezing cold. He said his guru asked him to wear the loincloth to attain salvation (moksha). So, I told him around 80% of men in India wear that loincloth, more so in Bengal, so if all of them would get their salvation, will there be any place left for you (in heaven). He had also shaved his head and had a pigtail. So, when I asked him the reason for that, he said his guru had told him that unless he shaves his head, he will not get salvation. Kabir has beautifully illustrated this in a saying that if it would have been possible to go to heaven by shaving heads, then a ram (male sheep) will reach there before anyone else because its body is sheared twice a year. Anyways, this man followed all this quite sincerely and got upset with me that I am disrespecting his guru. So, I had to clarify and explain to him that since I'm a Mother and worry about the well-being of my children that is why I am concerned about his plight. Another thing that you must understand is fasting — don’t eat this or that, or do fasting, stand on your head, and do all this. Why? The response is “to attain salvation”. If the Almighty, who is a form of love and your Heavenly Father, will He ever want his children to shave their head, wear a thin loincloth or stand on the head to meet Him. This is so strange. Will a father ever want his children to starve? For any mother, the biggest punishment is to starve her children. If the children refuse to eat, all her anger vanishes. You know a mother so well. So, why do you need such a peculiar endeavours to attain salvation? How much money you had to spend for taking birth as a human? Which guru did you go to? Did you do anything special? Irrespective, you are born a human. So, there must be some power (Shakti) within us, which I call the power of love, it is the power of redemption and gives ascent to humans and grants the human form. So now if you have this power within you, then why must you not use it for your ascent. Can you give any money for this? You can not buy me for this? Does anyone ever buy his mother? At least in India, it isn’t possible; can’t ascertain this about abroad. So, what is there to be achieved? This is your very own mother, every individual's distinct mother. Like a tape recorder, it records all your past and future. This individual, distinct mother recognizes you and resides in your Kundalini. And if you were to awaken this energy (Shakti), can you pay for it? When you sow seeds in the womb of this Mother Earth, it is nourished and nurtured spontaneously. You don’t need to stand on your head or do other such things for it; do these things help? This must be understood. All the living work occurs spontaneously (Sahaja). Sahaja – “Sah” means “with” and “Ja” means “born”, so something that is born with you. This is the Right of Union (Yoga ka adhikaar). You must achieve it. It has several benefits. I don’t know what all benefits did Yogi ji (another Sahaja Yogi, who possibly addressed the gathering before Shri Mataji) told you. But if you love someone, you don’t realize its subtle benefits. If you love someone and they love you back, there are subtle sensitivities in that exchange which give you joy and peace. But nowadays it is difficult to find such love so it can't be explained. Such sentiments do not exist anymore. People are pulling each other down, cutting each other’s throats; forget about love. Moreover, people who give sermons and discourses, and, preach about religion, even they are just focused on money. This must be understood. How much money did you pay to Mother Earth to bloom these beautiful flowers? Firstly, you can’t buy love; what can be bought, can never be love. You can recognize the glory of love only when you drown in the tremendous love of these vibrations. It adorns and takes care of all other minute details as well. So, for example, there are very good singers and performers in Nagpur. And I thought it would be great if we could invite them here to perform because Bengalis listen to Bengali music all the time, listening to new artists would be a good idea. And see, they (artists from Nagpur) arrived here in the morning. So, I asked them did they come here. They said they had to attend some program in Durgapur and thought it would be good to come over here before the program, so they came. So, such coincidences and miracles occur a lot in Sahaja. And if I tell you that these miracles are in fact not miracles, you won't believe it. This is, in fact, the Almighty's love; so, what can be miraculous about it when He himself is the miracle. My grandmother would often tell us an anecdote. It’s quite funny – once a man started on a journey to meet God. On the way, he met a man who was standing on his head and asked him "I am standing on my head for many days, when do you think will God come to see me? So, when you meet God, please ask him to come and see me soon." He went a little further and met another man who was lying on the road. The latter also gave a message for God, "Tell God, He hasn't arranged for my food today, ask Him to make some arrangements". When the man met God and his purpose was fulfilled, God asked him if there was anything else, He could do for him. The man told about the two men he met on the way. For the first man, God said: "Let him stand on his head for a few more days, the meeting will be arranged." For the hungry man, God made immediate arrangements for food. This surprised the man and he asked God, the reason for not paying heed to the one standing on head and instead of making immediate arrangements for the one who sort of ordered God to do arrange food. Now, this is about love. So, God told him, “on your way back, when you meet both the men, tell them you saw God passing a camel through a needle hole.” When this man, met the first one (the one standing on his head) and conveyed God’s message about the meeting. Then, curiously the latter asked what else he saw there. To which the former told him what God had asked him to say, “God passed a camel through a needle hole”. Hearing this, the man got offended and reprimanded him, “how is it possible? Why are you lying?” Ongoing further, this man met the second man (who was hungry). The latter said, “I was sure food will somehow be arranged, but I just thought of giving some message to God as it is you were going there. So, what else did you see at God’s place?” To which the former said, “it’s quite astonishing how God passed a camel from a needle hole.” Hearing this, the latter replied, “What is so strange about this? He is God; He can not only pass a camel but if He wants, He can pass the whole universe from the needle hole. He is the Almighty, what do you think of Him.” So, all this is about absolute faith; the faith a realized man has isn’t blind faith. This is faith in the evident (Sakshat). It isn’t dignified to believe in something blindly; first, you should experience it. First, you should know the truth and once you recognize the truth, you will realize how great and noble you are. Right now, you don’t know anything about yourself. For example, if you go to a small village where there is no electricity and you take a small television set there. If you tell the villagers that they can watch films and photos on the TV, they will not believe it and will rather question about that box. However, once the connection of that box is established with the mains, they will be amazed to see its wonders. Likewise, we consider ourselves as boxes; especially in Bengal, I’ve noticed that everyone is so depressed. All the time they listen to grievous music and are always crying. The times have now changed. You must understand that a new era has begun. These are special times and I call these the blossom times. I call it spring. But many people are so disappointed; they are so trapped in disappointments that they're unable to understand new dawn is approaching that will spread across this world. That time is today, but we don’t know the present or that the present is the reality. So, the thoughts rise, fall, then rise and then fall again; the gap in between, is the pause (vilamb). We are unable to get hold of that pause, which is the present. Either we are thinking about the past or the future. For example, these people have to go back now, so they would be thinking whether they will get a tram/ bus or not, or they will think of the past. If I tell you to be in the present, you can't because thought will come, then another and so on and so forth, and, you continue to dance on top of it like this. However, when the Kundalini is awakened the thoughts become prolonged and relaxed. So, when the thoughts are prolonged, there is a gap in between and then you stand in the present, your attention (chit) is in the present, you do not think about anything and become thoughtless (nirvichaar). Then in this thoughtlessness, joy flows. Now for example, if there is a beautiful carpet here. So, I will get a headache what if it gets spoilt or that it needs to be insured or about other problems that come with belongings. And if it were not mine but somebody else’s, then I will think about its price, where did they buy it from, etc. But if we watch it in thoughtlessness, we will be able to feel that joy, the weaver must have felt when weaving it, and a cool breeze will start flowing from head to toe. And you will be immersed in that joy. When you are thoughtless, you are in peace. These people have established such big organizations for peace, all these are just for the sake of talking. They give away peace awards. I have met many people who have received these peace awards and they are so hot-headed that you must carry a stick with you when you go to meet them or else they might just hit/slap you. They are so short-tempered that you can’t talk to them. There is no glimpse of love in them. What peace will they give, and yet they have been given these international awards. I wonder how and why they have been given these international awards. Like this, we are an incomplete delusion. Because when we establish peace within ourselves then only we can understand, what being in peace actually is. Now, if you are standing in water but fear the waves or that you might drown, but if you are in a boat then you enjoy the waves and are not scared, and if you know how to swim then you jump into the water and can even save others who might be drowning. This is how you grow in Sahaja Yoga – first, you achieve thoughtless awareness (nirvichaar samadhi) and then doubtless awareness (nirvikalp samadhi) and sometimes you may achieve both simultaneously. This is quite surprising when both occur at the same time. And then, man can achieve peace and such powers (shakti) which may not have even existed in him. It doesn’t need you to shave your head or wear saffron robes, none of these. Instead, there should be innate emotions. You already know the tale of King Janaka, I don't need to repeat it. I am a homemaker and if my husband is like that. So, if required I may dress up or wear ornaments, but I don't get attached to any of it. So, when you don't clutch something what will you leave. If you hold onto something, you can leave it. But if you haven’t indulged what will you quit. This is a state of renunciation that comes from within, there is nothing to show off on the outside. What is the point if outwardly you are dressed as a hermit but on the inside your actions are those of a burglar. So, all this pretence ends because man starts respecting himself. He values himself. He glows from within, why me and what should I do. These self-realized people achieve a lot of name and fame in this world. Like Tilak, Abraham Lincoln and Shastri Ji – they were all realized men. I can tell you clearly that anyone who is not realized, can’t stand on truth. You can take an example of any organization, all of them are distraught with infighting because they are established on lies. All of them are wobbly. So, first, you should establish peace within yourself. Unless you establish peace within, you can never establish peace in this world. If anyone wants to leave, should leave now. Once I will start giving self-realization, then you cannot get up to leave. Open both your hands towards me, now, first of all, you must forgive yourself completely. You must not think about your faults, virtues or sins. Now take off your glasses and close your eyes. People wearing shoes, please take off your shoes. Now open your left hand towards me, bow your head and with your right hand, check your limbic/ fontanelle bone area (brahmarandra) and see if you feel any cool or warm breeze (Chaitanya leheriya) coming out of your head. Shankaracharya called it, Saundarya Lehri. Now open your right hand towards me, and, with your left hand, check on top of your head. Do not touch your head, keep your hand a little higher above your head. Check if you can feel the breeze, do not doubt it. This cool breeze is coming out of your head. If it is warm that means you haven’t forgiven yourself or others. So, you must forgive. Now ask, “Mother, please give me my self-realization”. I can not force it upon you, you must ask for it. I cannot touch your freedom because if you must know your inner(“Swa”) mechanism(“tantra”)(“swa ka tantra”), then it must happen with your own desire. Now again check with your right hand and ask, “Mother please give me my self-realization.” Now, raise both your hands towards the sky and ask a question here, with complete faith, “Mother, are these the divine vibrations (param Chaitanya)?” Ask it thrice. Bend your head backwards slightly. Ask with full confidence, there shouldn’t be any doubts. Now open both your hands towards me, wear your glasses, look towards me and don’t think. Your thoughts have stopped – this is thoughtless awareness (nirvichaar samadhi). All those people who felt the cool breeze in their hands or on top of your head, please raise your hands. Wonderful, all of you have got it, everyone received it instantaneously. Now you must establish it further. I offer salutations to all the realized people here.
Public Program (Hindi) I bow to you all the seekers of truth. In this Kaliyuga, man has become distracted and is fearful of the various problems. Never before, were there as many seekers of truth, as there are in this Kaliyuga; and, these are the times when you will find the truth. But we must understand, what truth are we seeking, what are we seeking? Otherwise, we get glued to something and then start believing it to be true. The reason being, we are still unaware of truth— the absolute truth. Some people wonder if this is good or that is good, and then there are others who believe there is another way of living. So, man is caught in such tumultuous delusions of the heart. In this confusion, he fails to understand why there is no peace within him; or how to establish this peace. He can’t comprehend, why am I fighting and bickering with myself, unable to understand anything. This is the special quality of Kaliyuga and that is why man has is seeking in these times. Earlier, there weren’t such delusions; the man was content with humanity. But now man has evolved to a certain state. In this state, if you would be aware of only the truth, then there would be no fights, and everyone would think the same. Moreover, by explaining or telling about something, man becomes too brainy and mental. Even by reading too much, he becomes mental and there is no peace, calmness or respite within him. Therefore, one must understand what the truth is. Now, another thing is that you must not blindly accept whatever I tell you because we are already suffering much due to blind faith. Especially in Bengal, people have suffered so much at the hands of taantriks and other such people. Even people who blindly follow religion and talk too much about it, are also suffering. They are unwell. They are experiencing different problems and are fighting among themselves. This simply means they haven’t found the truth yet. They’re just advertising it via huge posters. Then, man is terrified and wants to know about the truth. Truth and love are the same; surprisingly people don’t understand this integration. For example, if you love someone, you become eager to know every detail about that person. But this is God’s love, it is the Divine love. I won't say that you should accept this love as the truth, but it can be easily proved. For that, you must rise above this human awareness and that's when you can recognize that this love and truth are the same. And a realized person also imbibes both these qualities. And people who haven’t got their realization, who just talk big about things, give sermons and ask you to perform rituals will not help you in any way. No one has and no one ever will gain anything from such trivia. For this, we must understand what truth is. We are not this body, brain, heart or ego; we are the pure Spirit (Atma) and this is the truth. Because every time we claim this is my body, my heart, my brain, ours and mine, we must ask ourselves who is this “me”. We must realize this. This “me” is actually the pure Spirit that resides within you. To achieve it and to fill your inner being with its light is the real experience of the self (Aatm). The second truth is like you see these beautiful flowers around you. It is miraculous how the different types of flowers bloom out of Mother Earth and each different from the others. There is no money to be given for this process. Mother Earth whose essence is love, nurtures these flowers and fills them with fragrance and colours. This is indeed amazing and yet we do not think about how this living process occurs. If we ask the doctors who run our hearts, they will answer that this happens because of an autonomous nervous system. But who or what is this "auto"? If this is an "autonomous" or self-driven mechanism, then who is this "self"? It is none other than your Spirit (Atma). Self-realization is nothing but achieving this and filling your being with its light. This all-pervading divine energy around us— the power of God’s love that nurtures these flowers and ensures the functioning of our hearts – achieving integration with this energy is called Yoga. This is Yoga and achieving it, is the birthright of mankind. But if someone is silly and foolish, he can’t achieve it. If someone is boisterous and arrogant, even he can’t achieve it. You must be humble and ask for it. If a man introspects himself with love, he will realize that he is still lacking and there are many powers (Shakti) that can manifest within him. But, for that, he must be humble and must ask for it with utmost, heartfelt humility because if you want to achieve the power of love, it should be asked for, with love. By arguing or fighting or by bothering someone, you can never achieve it. I have already told you about this power (Shakti) called the Kundalini, it resides within you in a triangular (trikonakaar) bone. What I am telling you isn't something new. It is all there in our scriptures; in the sixth century, Shankaracharya spoke about it. But thirteen thousand years ago, Markandeya also spoke about the Kundalini, but it was all in Sanskrit. And, then in the twelfth century, Gyaaneshwar ji spoke about it. When he wrote the Gyaaneshwari — which is a commentary on the Gita — in its sixth chapter, he clearly wrote that you get your self-realization through the Kundalini. At that time, the religious leaders (Dharma Martand) said that the sixth chapter is forbidden so nobody read it or wrote about it. In this way, the energy (Shakti) which is hidden within us and can help us achieve that state, was stashed away in darkness and ignorance. Then there have been so many intellectuals here. Kabir had said, “Padhi Padhi Pandit Murakh Bhaye” (even though the priests read so many scriptures but still they are unlearned/ foolish); and I would often wonder how despite reading anyone could be foolish. How can this be? But I have met many such people. When you talk to them, they will talk non-stop and senselessly. God knows what they talk about – so and so is written in this book or that book. So, I ask them to tell me what is written in your books. So, we are unaware and oblivious of our own selves and absorb what others say. This is the intellectual side, the other is the devotional side. So, there is just an intoxication in it and no awareness. Both these are far from realism, we are standing away from reality. Now I will give you an example. Here, there is a rapid rise in the followers of “Hare Rama, Hare Krishna”. So, when I went to Chicago, one of their gurus came to meet me. He was wearing a thin and gauzy loincloth (dhoti) and a vest. It was so cold there that I was shivering despite my shawl and even he was shivering. So, I asked him why he was wearing such thin clothes, especially the loincloth in that freezing cold. He said his guru asked him to wear the loincloth to attain salvation (moksha). So, I told him around 80% of men in India wear that loincloth, more so in Bengal, so if all of them would get their salvation, will there be any place left for you (in heaven). He had also shaved his head and had a pigtail. So, when I asked him the reason for that, he said his guru had told him that unless he shaves his head, he will not get salvation. Kabir has beautifully illustrated this in a saying that if it would have been possible to go to heaven by shaving heads, then a ram (male sheep) will reach there before anyone else because its body is sheared twice a year. Anyways, this man followed all this quite sincerely and got upset with me that I am disrespecting his guru. So, I had to clarify and explain to him that since I'm a Mother and worry about the well-being of my children that is why I am concerned about his plight. Another thing that you must understand is fasting — don’t eat this or that, or do fasting, stand on your head, and do all this. Why? The response is “to attain salvation”. If the Almighty, who is a form of love and your Heavenly Father, will He ever want his children to shave their head, wear a thin loincloth or stand on the head to meet Him. This is so strange. Will a father ever want his children to starve? For any mother, the biggest punishment is to starve her children. If the children refuse to eat, all her anger vanishes. You know a mother so well. So, why do you need such a peculiar endeavours to attain salvation? How much money you had to spend for taking birth as a human? Which guru did you go to? Did you do anything special? Irrespective, you are born a human. So, there must be some power (Shakti) within us, which I call the power of love, it is the power of redemption and gives ascent to humans and grants the human form. So now if you have this power within you, then why must you not use it for your ascent. Can you give any money for this? You can not buy me for this? Does anyone ever buy his mother? At least in India, it isn’t possible; can’t ascertain this about abroad. So, what is there to be achieved? This is your very own mother, every individual's distinct mother. Like a tape recorder, it records all your past and future. This individual, distinct mother recognizes you and resides in your Kundalini. And if you were to awaken this energy (Shakti), can you pay for it? When you sow seeds in the womb of this Mother Earth, it is nourished and nurtured spontaneously. You don’t need to stand on your head or do other such things for it; do these things help? This must be understood. All the living work occurs spontaneously (Sahaja). Sahaja – “Sah” means “with” and “Ja” means “born”, so something that is born with you. This is the Right of Union (Yoga ka adhikaar). You must achieve it. It has several benefits. I don’t know what all benefits did Yogi ji (another Sahaja Yogi, who possibly addressed the gathering before Shri Mataji) told you. But if you love someone, you don’t realize its subtle benefits. If you love someone and they love you back, there are subtle sensitivities in that exchange which give you joy and peace. But nowadays it is difficult to find such love so it can't be explained. Such sentiments do not exist anymore. People are pulling each other down, cutting each other’s throats; forget about love. Moreover, people who give sermons and discourses, and, preach about religion, even they are just focused on money. This must be understood. How much money did you pay to Mother Earth to bloom these beautiful flowers? Firstly, you can’t buy love; what can be bought, can never be love. You can recognize the glory of love only when you drown in the tremendous love of these vibrations. It adorns and takes care of all other minute details as well. So, for example, there are very good singers and performers in Nagpur. And I thought it would be great if we could invite them here to perform because Bengalis listen to Bengali music all the time, listening to new artists would be a good idea. And see, they (artists from Nagpur) arrived here in the morning. So, I asked them did they come here. They said they had to attend some program in Durgapur and thought it would be good to come over here before the program, so they came. So, such coincidences and miracles occur a lot in Sahaja. And if I tell you that these miracles are in fact not miracles, you won't believe it. This is, in fact, the Almighty's love; so, what can be miraculous about it when He himself is the miracle. My grandmother would often tell us an anecdote. It’s quite funny – once a man started on a journey to meet God. On the way, he met a man who was standing on his head and asked him "I am standing on my head for many days, when do you think will God come to see me? So, when you meet God, please ask him to come and see me soon." He went a little further and met another man who was lying on the road. The latter also gave a message for God, "Tell God, He hasn't arranged for my food today, ask Him to make some arrangements". When the man met God and his purpose was fulfilled, God asked him if there was anything else, He could do for him. The man told about the two men he met on the way. For the first man, God said: "Let him stand on his head for a few more days, the meeting will be arranged." For the hungry man, God made immediate arrangements for food. This surprised the man and he asked God, the reason for not paying heed to the one standing on head and instead of making immediate arrangements for the one who sort of ordered God to do arrange food. Now, this is about love. So, God told him, “on your way back, when you meet both the men, tell them you saw God passing a camel through a needle hole.” When this man, met the first one (the one standing on his head) and conveyed God’s message about the meeting. Then, curiously the latter asked what else he saw there. To which the former told him what God had asked him to say, “God passed a camel through a needle hole”. Hearing this, the man got offended and reprimanded him, “how is it possible? Why are you lying?” Ongoing further, this man met the second man (who was hungry). The latter said, “I was sure food will somehow be arranged, but I just thought of giving some message to God as it is you were going there. So, what else did you see at God’s place?” To which the former said, “it’s quite astonishing how God passed a camel from a needle hole.” Hearing this, the latter replied, “What is so strange about this? He is God; He can not only pass a camel but if He wants, He can pass the whole universe from the needle hole. He is the Almighty, what do you think of Him.” So, all this is about absolute faith; the faith a realized man has isn’t blind faith. This is faith in the evident (Sakshat). It isn’t dignified to believe in something blindly; first, you should experience it. First, you should know the truth and once you recognize the truth, you will realize how great and noble you are. Right now, you don’t know anything about yourself. For example, if you go to a small village where there is no electricity and you take a small television set there. If you tell the villagers that they can watch films and photos on the TV, they will not believe it and will rather question about that box. However, once the connection of that box is established with the mains, they will be amazed to see its wonders. Likewise, we consider ourselves as boxes; especially in Bengal, I’ve noticed that everyone is so depressed. All the time they listen to grievous music and are always crying. The times have now changed. You must understand that a new era has begun. These are special times and I call these the blossom times. I call it spring. But many people are so disappointed; they are so trapped in disappointments that they're unable to understand new dawn is approaching that will spread across this world. That time is today, but we don’t know the present or that the present is the reality. So, the thoughts rise, fall, then rise and then fall again; the gap in between, is the pause (vilamb). We are unable to get hold of that pause, which is the present. Either we are thinking about the past or the future. For example, these people have to go back now, so they would be thinking whether they will get a tram/ bus or not, or they will think of the past. If I tell you to be in the present, you can't because thought will come, then another and so on and so forth, and, you continue to dance on top of it like this. However, when the Kundalini is awakened the thoughts become prolonged and relaxed. So, when the thoughts are prolonged, there is a gap in between and then you stand in the present, your attention (chit) is in the present, you do not think about anything and become thoughtless (nirvichaar). Then in this thoughtlessness, joy flows. Now for example, if there is a beautiful carpet here. So, I will get a headache what if it gets spoilt or that it needs to be insured or about other problems that come with belongings. And if it were not mine but somebody else’s, then I will think about its price, where did they buy it from, etc. But if we watch it in thoughtlessness, we will be able to feel that joy, the weaver must have felt when weaving it, and a cool breeze will start flowing from head to toe. And you will be immersed in that joy. When you are thoughtless, you are in peace. These people have established such big organizations for peace, all these are just for the sake of talking. They give away peace awards. I have met many people who have received these peace awards and they are so hot-headed that you must carry a stick with you when you go to meet them or else they might just hit/slap you. They are so short-tempered that you can’t talk to them. There is no glimpse of love in them. What peace will they give, and yet they have been given these international awards. I wonder how and why they have been given these international awards. Like this, we are an incomplete delusion. Because when we establish peace within ourselves then only we can understand, what being in peace actually is. Now, if you are standing in water but fear the waves or that you might drown, but if you are in a boat then you enjoy the waves and are not scared, and if you know how to swim then you jump into the water and can even save others who might be drowning. This is how you grow in Sahaja Yoga – first, you achieve thoughtless awareness (nirvichaar samadhi) and then doubtless awareness (nirvikalp samadhi) and sometimes you may achieve both simultaneously. This is quite surprising when both occur at the same time. And then, man can achieve peace and such powers (shakti) which may not have even existed in him. It doesn’t need you to shave your head or wear saffron robes, none of these. Instead, there should be innate emotions. You already know the tale of King Janaka, I don't need to repeat it. I am a homemaker and if my husband is like that. So, if required I may dress up or wear ornaments, but I don't get attached to any of it. So, when you don't clutch something what will you leave. If you hold onto something, you can leave it. But if you haven’t indulged what will you quit. This is a state of renunciation that comes from within, there is nothing to show off on the outside. What is the point if outwardly you are dressed as a hermit but on the inside your actions are those of a burglar. So, all this pretence ends because man starts respecting himself. He values himself. He glows from within, why me and what should I do. These self-realized people achieve a lot of name and fame in this world. Like Tilak, Abraham Lincoln and Shastri Ji – they were all realized men. I can tell you clearly that anyone who is not realized, can’t stand on truth. You can take an example of any organization, all of them are distraught with infighting because they are established on lies. All of them are wobbly. So, first, you should establish peace within yourself. Unless you establish peace within, you can never establish peace in this world. If anyone wants to leave, should leave now. Once I will start giving self-realization, then you cannot get up to leave. Open both your hands towards me, now, first of all, you must forgive yourself completely. You must not think about your faults, virtues or sins. Now take off your glasses and close your eyes. People wearing shoes, please take off your shoes. Now open your left hand towards me, bow your head and with your right hand, check your limbic/ fontanelle bone area (brahmarandra) and see if you feel any cool or warm breeze (Chaitanya leheriya) coming out of your head. Shankaracharya called it, Saundarya Lehri. Now open your right hand towards me, and, with your left hand, check on top of your head. Do not touch your head, keep your hand a little higher above your head. Check if you can feel the breeze, do not doubt it. This cool breeze is coming out of your head. If it is warm that means you haven’t forgiven yourself or others. So, you must forgive. Now ask, “Mother, please give me my self-realization”. I can not force it upon you, you must ask for it. I cannot touch your freedom because if you must know your inner(“Swa”) mechanism(“tantra”)(“swa ka tantra”), then it must happen with your own desire. Now again check with your right hand and ask, “Mother please give me my self-realization.” Now, raise both your hands towards the sky and ask a question here, with complete faith, “Mother, are these the divine vibrations (param Chaitanya)?” Ask it thrice. Bend your head backwards slightly. Ask with full confidence, there shouldn’t be any doubts. Now open both your hands towards me, wear your glasses, look towards me and don’t think. Your thoughts have stopped – this is thoughtless awareness (nirvichaar samadhi). All those people who felt the cool breeze in their hands or on top of your head, please raise your hands. Wonderful, all of you have got it, everyone received it instantaneously. Now you must establish it further. I offer salutations to all the realized people here.
Evening Program, Eve of Easter Puja
Evening Program
Talk ( After Performances ) Shri Mataji : I don't know how to thank Mrs Amita Dutta. It was one of the greatest performances of Kathak, I have ever seen. Normally Kathak becomes quite boring after some time for people who don't understand much of 'tala'.But this had such creativity which is the speciality of Bengal. I said Bengal at its best I saw today. The creativity of Bengal has created very great literature, poetry, also drama also dancing but this combination of everything today I see here in such a collective manner which has given me the greatest pleasure. You know how I respect artists especially the Indian Artist because our art is to be appreciated only through very deep [unclear /sensitivity ] And now as in this country lot of western influences coming up ...People are taking to a cheap type of entertainments. At this juncture, to see such a beautiful performance now I have great hopes that our art will again prosper and really enter into the world market I should say ...Where they will make people much deeper not running after money but after art. Perhaps you all know how ! I love art and artist & I respect them very much. I bless them from my heart for such a beautiful drama you did. The beauty was even the little girls, knew how to change their 'Bhawas'...& their expressions so fast and In Kathak, I haven't seen people have so much of 'Bhawas' as they have used ...The combination is so beautiful that really I think we,- (the artist who are Bengalis ) should take up all the arts and should work it out. Because they can direct it in such a way that is pure creativity, pure creativity It has really touched my heart you don't know, what hopes it has given to me ...I thank you very much all of you for putting so much efforts to create this beautiful theme of our diverse personality of Adishakti, Where she is on one side [unclear/'Ati raudra' ] and on the other side 'Atisaumya'.It is very difficult but you have done it. May God bless you all.! [Flower by Shri Mataji to Mrs Amitta Dutta ] ... Amita, this is the small thing they have got it for you. Shri Mataji says to this artist that -My God! I know little before[unclear]... Your musician was so beautiful. Every Musician was so beautiful, even on tabla and everything I was surprised how can it be. Because this is the art from U.P(Uttarpradesh)and prosper here. But in a very decent manner. This is the world's famous drama I can tell you, beautiful ... May God bless you! [Then Photograph with all the Artist was taken ...]
Talk ( After Performances ) Shri Mataji : I don't know how to thank Mrs Amita Dutta. It was one of the greatest performances of Kathak, I have ever seen. Normally Kathak becomes quite boring after some time for people who don't understand much of 'tala'.But this had such creativity which is the speciality of Bengal. I said Bengal at its best I saw today. The creativity of Bengal has created very great literature, poetry, also drama also dancing but this combination of everything today I see here in such a collective manner which has given me the greatest pleasure. You know how I respect artists especially the Indian Artist because our art is to be appreciated only through very deep [unclear /sensitivity ] And now as in this country lot of western influences coming up ...People are taking to a cheap type of entertainments. At this juncture, to see such a beautiful performance now I have great hopes that our art will again prosper and really enter into the world market I should say ...Where they will make people much deeper not running after money but after art. Perhaps you all know how ! I love art and artist & I respect them very much. I bless them from my heart for such a beautiful drama you did. The beauty was even the little girls, knew how to change their 'Bhawas'...& their expressions so fast and In Kathak, I haven't seen people have so much of 'Bhawas' as they have used ...The combination is so beautiful that really I think we,- (the artist who are Bengalis ) should take up all the arts and should work it out. Because they can direct it in such a way that is pure creativity, pure creativity It has really touched my heart you don't know, what hopes it has given to me ...I thank you very much all of you for putting so much efforts to create this beautiful theme of our diverse personality of Adishakti, Where she is on one side [unclear/'Ati raudra' ] and on the other side 'Atisaumya'.It is very difficult but you have done it. May God bless you all.! [Flower by Shri Mataji to Mrs Amitta Dutta ] ... Amita, this is the small thing they have got it for you. Shri Mataji says to this artist that -My God! I know little before[unclear]... Your musician was so beautiful. Every Musician was so beautiful, even on tabla and everything I was surprised how can it be. Because this is the art from U.P(Uttarpradesh)and prosper here. But in a very decent manner. This is the world's famous drama I can tell you, beautiful ... May God bless you! [Then Photograph with all the Artist was taken ...]
Easter Puja: You have to crucify your ego
English, Hindi
You have to crucify your ego, Easter Puja, Calcutta (India), 14 April 1995. Translation from Hindi: First I will speak to you in English and then in Hindi. [English talk] Today is the day we are celebrating Easter. Easter is extremely symbolic, of - not only of Christ, but also for all of us. In that the most important day is that of resurrection. The resurrection of Christ has the message of Christianity, not the cross. Through resurrection Christ had shown that one can be resurrected with the body that you have. And without His resurrection, we could not have managed the crossing of Agnya chakra, no doubt. His life was very short of, we can say three and half years only, He lived there. He came to India and He met Shalivahana, and Shalivahana asked His name. He told him His name was Isa Masih. But He said, "I am coming from the country where there are malichchas, mala-ichchha. They have ichchha of mal, desire to get dirty, and I don't know how to live there. To Me, this is My country." But Shalivahana said that, "You should go back and save Your people and give them Parama Nirmala Tattwam. So He went back, and as it is, within three and half years He was crucified. At the time of His death He said so many beautiful things for forgiveness, but ultimately He said "Behold the Mother." That means you should hope for the Mother. And in His lifetime He also said that, "I'll send you the Holy Ghost Who will comfort you, counsel you and also redeem", means resurrect you. All these things He had said it because He knew what was the whole plan. Also He said that, "You may say anything against Me or do anything against Me, but anything against the Holy Ghost I will not tolerate. I will not tolerate at any cost." Which is true also, so it is very dangerous also to go against the Holy Ghost. No doubt about it. It's not Me that is dangerous, but these Deities are extremely dangerous. So, in Sahaja Yoga you are all resurrected with your body. Before this you were not connected to the All Pervading Power, and whatever you did was through your mind or through your emotions. But you did not come out of that grave of emotions and your desires, your actions and your ego. After realization now you know how free you have become. How you have developed your own personality. There are so many instances which we can talk about Christ, that He said, "Know Thyself" throughout. He knew without knowing yourself, you won't be resurrected. But Sahaja Yoga is the other way round. You get your resurrection and you know yourself. It's a very Sahaja, sweet way of getting realization. But if you see to the life of Christ, He has talked about murmuring souls. We too have in Sahaja Yoga, because it's open to everyone, all kinds of people come. We find very shallow people coming to Sahaja Yoga who try to express their shallowness and talk in a very, in a very loose way, about Sahaja Yoga, about the work of Sahaja Yoga. So that was inevitable, but what Christ has said that you have to be careful about the murmuring souls. And this is exactly - we have to be very careful. When you come to Sahaja Yoga, in the beginning, you may come across such people who are murmuring souls, you may be enticed by them because they are a kind of, we should say, messengers of negative forces. And these messengers of negative forces, you should try to find out. They'll complain about this, complain about that, they talk in a very loose manner, and when you see that they are not talking in a positive way, you should run away from them. Because only by getting your resurrection you are not all right. After getting your resurrection, after your Self-realization, you have to grow. And for that growth we have to be very careful about how we get impressed by all these, I should say, very frivolous people. Those who grow into it become beautiful angels. No doubt about that. But that is one thing one has to know is to respect your Self-realization. You shouldn't worry about what others are talking, what others are saying, what they are criticizing, but you should look at yourself and all the time try to grow into your depth. It's a very great chance of life that you are being resurrected, and this is the last breakthrough, as you know, of our evolution. But now you should leave your mind on one side; because this mind, if you go on working with it, you cannot go beyond mind and Sahaja Yoga you can achieve by going beyond your mind. Then you know yourself, because you get Self-knowledge. You know about your centers. You know about the centers of others. All this is available to you, but you have to become a subtler and subtler person. Not a gross personality. If you become subtler andsubtler, you will be amazed how you will develop your inner powers in so many different ways. But there are people in Sahaja Yoga, I have seen, who are very ambitious. And they start saying that, "Mother, we want to be God-realized. I want to be this and do that." There is no office going on here that you give somebody a promotion. You have to grow yourself. Then they start proclaiming, "I am this, I am that." We call them 'Mahayogis'. Some of them had started saying that they have reached very high positions and they ended up in the lunatic asylum. All such suggestions if people give you, then you should shun such people. But there are also other people who join such a bombastic fellow. So, you must remember that this last judgment is working and all the time there is a big sieving out, a very big arrangement of choices. Those who are subtle, start getting subtler and subtler and subtler. But those who are frivolous, gross, idiotic, stupid, they start frittering away. So this last sieving starts very fast, working out where we realize that where are we. Now what is the criteria for that? First is your compassion. Your compassion must be discrete. Sometimes people only have compassion for negative people. After Sahaja Yoga, you should know for whom you should have your compassion. With vibrations you can find out, very easy to find out with vibrations - what sort of a person you are facing. But first, you must have vibratory awareness. If you don't have vibratory awareness, you won't be able to find out at all what is correct and what is incorrect. So it is important that you all must mediate. Without criticizing yourself, anything, you can just meditate everyday. It's very important! I immediately know who is the person who is meditating and who is not meditating. Immediately! The person who meditates is very clearly an angel. The whole reaction, the whole behaviour, the whole attitude of such spiritual maturity manifests. And you are amazed. As you know 'Sahasrare Mahamaya', it's not easy to understand Me. For the time being, you might know what I am, but suddenly you will forget. That's the trick. Because if you know Me in full ways, you won't even sit here. You won't even come nearer to Me. So, that Mahamaya is acting all the time, but that's the only way you can judge people. This Last Judgment is not a easy thing. Even if you put thousands of judges, they cannot do this judgment. All the time you have to know what is what. And somehow I know everything, but I will never show that I know. That's how I work it out, and gradually, I know what I have to do about that person. This resurrection of yours is much more blessed than that of Christ. He was alone; people wouldn't recognize Him. He had to show His marks where they had put nails on His hands and feet. But today that is not the situation. Only thing is, first of all, you have to recognize Me. That's all. Need not know Me. It's not easy. It's difficult to know Me, but if you recognize Me, that's all. And it all depends on your sensitivity. Your resurrection has to be complete and you have to mature in Sahaja Yoga. If you cannot mature, I will say, you should leave Sahaja Yoga. Go out for a while, where you will understand what's going on, then you'll come back. In Sahaja Yoga, like Christ sacrificed His life, is not expected of you to sacrifice your life. Your Mother doesn't want that. But you have to do some sacrifices, like you have to stay in uncomfortable places in Ganapatipule sometimes, or somewhere. You have to face many odds while traveling, also coming down here may not be so comfortable as you are at your place. But the main sacrifice is of your ego. You have to crucify your ego. The ego is the one, which teaches you all these nonsensical tantrums that people know. If you can surrender your ego - just surrender your ego - that surrendering can help you. But if you surrender your ego by thinking about it, then you are using your mental capacity. Everything you do like that is through your mental capacity, by which you are using your ego. So the best way is to meditate, to go into thoughtless awareness and there automatically you are surrendered. Now what do I have to have from you? Nothing! I don't want anything. I don't want to have anything. You are the ones who try to give Me this and give Me that. I am trying to run away from all that. Just for your satisfaction also, I agree. I don't have to do Sahaja Yoga Myself, but that's the love of your Mother. That She wants to save as many as possible - all that are created on this Earth - to give them their resurrection. This is a special time and you are My channels. You can go all over and spread Sahaja Yoga and try to help others to come out of it. Today is a day of promises, where we have to promise ourselves that we'll grow in a very deeper understanding, or feeling, or in sensitiveness of Sahaja Yoga. This growth has to take place for which I have to meditate. This is a very important thing. Secondly, people say that here people are very miserly. They are not willing to do this. They don't want to pay any money for this, pay any money for that. I think generosity is one expression of your love. You will give Me, all right. When it comes to expenses, either I pay or somebody bears the burden. Now things have improved, but still we should know that this tremendous work has to be done and we need money for that. I don't need, I spend My own money. But generosity is the best and this generosity is very, very important for Sahaja Yogis. I have seen people are very meticulous sometimes, very calculating. They will tell Me, "Bring some sarees for them." Take some sarees, all right, very good idea. And they say, "We don't like it, we don't want to buy." I am not doing any business. I buy it because you wanted, I have selected it. Then to say, "we don't want to have it." There's no business, there's no marketing going on. And this is the problem when I don't understand Sahaja Yogis that they should know Mother, Herself, has put in Her money. So what is there also, they should say, "take little more for Sahaja Yoga." After all such a big organization going on, and there are so many countries who cannot pay a single farthing, for them also one has to pay. Now, Christ was sold for thirty rubles. You can imagine, He was sold for thirty rubles. So that shows that when you do not try to understand the financial difficulties of the organizers and you do not help, you are really selling the Christ within you. You cannot sell Christ, you cannot sell Sahaja Yoga. But that doesn't mean you exploit it. So I have to tell you that I was Myself surprised in north India where I least expected people are extremely generous, extremely generous. And then generosity helps you, in a way that our Lakshmi Tattwa is to be awakened. I had to bring in this point because I have complaints from people that people are reluctant to pay for anything like this. It's very remarkable that some people take over, but everybody must contribute. It's important, because you are doing God's work. You have to also come forward to do other things that are there without grudging. Enjoying it! I was happy the posters were put by the Sahaja Yogis, and you can see the whole place vibrated. You could see how it has worked out. So everybody must go all out to do everything that is possible. Nothing else is needed but your full heart into Sahaja Yoga. Then you will see how you will grow. It is only through your heart you will receive all your nourishment for your spirituality. So open your heart, do not calculate so much. [Translation from Hindi] I have to speak to you in Hindi, very important. Good wishes to you all for today. On this day Isa Masih [Jesus Christ] came of the dead world and He was Resurrected with His body. In the same way your Resurrection has happened with the body, not after death. But now when you are alive. In the living state itself you got your Resurrection. But there are some significance of Resurrection that you need to understand. After Resurrection you should develop sensitivity. If you still have the thoughts of doing business in Sahaja Yoga, or making money, or fulfilling desires, then you have come on the wrong path. You should go elsewhere. In Sahaja Yoga, you should only think of spiritual upliftment. Other than that, there should not be any thoughts. But now everyone asked, “Mother, why the Lakshmi principle of Bengal doesn’t get awakened?” The reason is because there are many tantriks [black magicians] here. Wherever tantriks [black magicians] come, Lakshmiji goes away from those places. Not just that even with alcohol it’s the same. For some time it’s ok, but after some time due to alcohol, Lakshmi will go away. It is against Lakshmi. The number of tantriks [black magicians] that are there in Bengal are nowhere. While trying to find the reason I understand that people of Bengal are very tolerant and emotional. And any person who comes and tells them that he is godly person, they believe him. They don’t think about it. Like the movement of ‘Hare Rama’ started from Bengal. Like mad people they ran on the streets, running everywhere – “Hare Ram, Hare Ram, Hare Ram, Hare Ram”. How did they benefit? More poverty came in. If anyone says anything, people of Bengal start doing it. Someone told me, “I don’t eat green coriander leaves” I asked, “Why?” “My elder sister stopped eating green coriander leaves, so I also left it”. “But why, why did your sister stop?” Such rituals they get stuck in. Living by those rituals, we get lost. Totally lost. About those rituals, we need to understand the reasoning behind it. In Sahaja Yoga, there is not ritual, no religion, no preaching of any religion. And the most important thing, the world brotherhood (collectivity) comes from within, is established from the heart. The day we get this feeling in us, we can drive away the tantriks [black magicians]. If one Sahaja Yogi desires, then he can drive away all the tantriks [black magicians] by his powers. There is a place named Girgaon in Mumbai. A devi [here it means dead spirit] used to possess people. Devi [here it means dead spirit] would possess and dance. One Sahaja Yogini went there, after that it stopped. The persons dancing stopped; she ran away. Because Godly Powers are very much higher than worldly powers. When you are awakened and then when you become pure, when you become ‘Nirmal’ [spotless], the inner power of purity starts working. So it is required of the Sahaja Yogis that they make themselves pure. We get pleased in devotion, we get into the game of intelligence. All that is fine. You have to be delighted. But most importantly look into oneself. Increase the power within you. The day you all increase your powers, all tantriks [black magicians] will take their belongings and go away. That is why, today on the day of Resurrection take an oath in your mind that we will become deep Sahaja Yogis of the highest order. Sahaja Yogis who have depth. For that if you have to meditate; now it doesn’t mean that you meditate for 3 hours. But for ten minutes, you meditate from the heart. From the heart is very important. There is so much of compassion in Bengal, so much of loving feeling, but see the role. If you are a Sahaja Yogi, first you have to love yourself. As soon as you love yourself you’ll find that your love will spread everywhere. You get angry, you have desires. There are some more titles attached to you and you are Sahaja Yogi also. Cleansing of all these only, is your Resurrection. When your personality is complete after cleansing, then no tantric can remain here. Never can they remain. The other thing I told was that, that you have such beautiful melodious way of singing. So some ladies and men can hire a big [Shri Mataji speaks aside: Son later, later, later, ok?]. Hire any bus, a truck or anything and announce in the villages that here there will be bhajan of Shri Mataji. You reach the village and sing songs, give a discourse. Slowly play My tapes. Like this, in north India, many people got Realization. Entire UP, Bihar, Haryana everywhere Sahaja Yoga has spread completely. That I have seen when you have the power of singing, why not go to the villages and awaken people by singing and Resurrect them? By doing this all tantriks [people who practice black magic] will run away. With My name itself they start shaking, then if you sing My songs, you don’t know what all you can achieve. The wisdom is that the love you have received from Mother, has to be distributed. And in this place there is so much need for love in the people. You go and see, meet them. Just by you being there, Lakshmi will come there. By your living there everyone’s physical body also will become alright; psychologically they will become alright; prosperity will be there and most importantly the spirituality will be set right. In this way we have to change the people of our country. But for that you will have to work. Today is so significant that it shows how human beings in their living body, can achieve Resurrection, like how Isa Masih [Jesus Christ] had done. But the Power which Isa Masih [Jesus Christ] had is beyond our reach. He had told that if you do something wrong with one eye then remove the eye yourself. Then He said that if the hand does something wrong then cut off the hand. I have lived with many Christians of the world. I have seen many Christian countries but I haven’t seen even one person’s eyes removed or hand cut. Those people have ignored all that. Now you people should not become your own enemies. This is not there in Sahaja Yoga. You see the problems in you and if you really love yourself, getting rid of these problems is the way to achieve complete Resurrection. When these problems go away, then you will be surprised that how much of happiness, how much of peace and how much of Power is residing. Those things that are coming in the way of you achieving this Power that somehow you have to give up. These obstacles come up because we don’t give much importance to our Resurrection. We give for other things. All other thing are important. The Ressurection we have achieved, we see ourselves in a different level, where we have entered the Kingdom of God; to be seated there we have to clear ourselves. Finding satisfaction in other things is of no use. One says, “Our, this thing doesn’t happen”. Other says, “That doesn’t happen”. First of all you completely honor yourself, respect yourself. By falling low, by going down a wrong path how can you become spiritual? And how will you get peace? It’s very difficult. Those people who say, “We don’t have peace Mother, that’s why we do that, we do this”. Peace is not a difficult thing. If you do meditation and do all the work from your heart, from your heart, then what is difficult? Nothing is difficult. In Sahaja Yoga some people have reached great heights from low level. I see that in their love there is so much of power. About one person I shall definitely describe to you today. One person was very much surrendered to Mother. We were at Prague airport, on the way. We were going to Poland probably. So this person told us that the flight is scheduled to depart at 11. So we got ready accordingly and reached the airport. Then they said, “No, the flight is leaving early, 1 hour early, so you reach somehow”. How could we reach immediately? We go late by 15 minutes. The lady there, the ground hostess was an Austrian, because the flight was supposed to go to Austria first. She scolded us a lot, “You people are like this. You have no sense of time” and so on. We were listening quietly. Now this person could not bear it as he had told Me the wrong time. We went and sat in the flight. Once we sat in the plane, this poor emotional person, tears started rolling down his eyes. He’s a German, he started to cry. He was sitting behind. Other Sahaja Yogis were consoling him, “Be quiet, be quiet”. I looked at him once and I told him, “Now you calm down, it’s alright”. By then they told us that the plane will not leave as a problem has arisen. But the minute I saw tears in his eyes, black clouds emerged everywhere in the sky all of a sudden. The Sahaja Yogis were thinking from where did these black elephants [here – thick dark clouds] come from? Suddenly. See the power of his love. They told us, “You go back to the airport. The plane will not leave”. By the time we reached the airport, it started to rain very heavily. Not one plane could take off from there. Only our plane they said will leave by 5.00. [break in recording] A lot of things are being done in Bengal but Bengal will improve only when you will go to the villages and work. Today I ask only this that all of you have been resurrected and now just sitting in Kolkata, it cannot be achieved. You have to go out and work. Till the time you do not spread this, such a big precious thing, which will grow only by spreading, like knowledge. Knowledge increases by spreading, in the same way Sahaja Yoga will grow by spreading. And with this entire Bengal will be benefitted. It is surprising that so many people have come in Sahaja Yoga puja today. Felt very happy and I hope next time when I come you will bring a lot of people. This singing and art of yours, which is respected a lot, you use that and spread Sahaja Yoga in entire Bengal, through your singing. My blessings.
You have to crucify your ego, Easter Puja, Calcutta (India), 14 April 1995. Translation from Hindi: First I will speak to you in English and then in Hindi. [English talk] Today is the day we are celebrating Easter. Easter is extremely symbolic, of - not only of Christ, but also for all of us. In that the most important day is that of resurrection. The resurrection of Christ has the message of Christianity, not the cross. Through resurrection Christ had shown that one can be resurrected with the body that you have. And without His resurrection, we could not have managed the crossing of Agnya chakra, no doubt. His life was very short of, we can say three and half years only, He lived there. He came to India and He met Shalivahana, and Shalivahana asked His name. He told him His name was Isa Masih. But He said, "I am coming from the country where there are malichchas, mala-ichchha. They have ichchha of mal, desire to get dirty, and I don't know how to live there. To Me, this is My country." But Shalivahana said that, "You should go back and save Your people and give them Parama Nirmala Tattwam. So He went back, and as it is, within three and half years He was crucified. At the time of His death He said so many beautiful things for forgiveness, but ultimately He said "Behold the Mother." That means you should hope for the Mother. And in His lifetime He also said that, "I'll send you the Holy Ghost Who will comfort you, counsel you and also redeem", means resurrect you. All these things He had said it because He knew what was the whole plan. Also He said that, "You may say anything against Me or do anything against Me, but anything against the Holy Ghost I will not tolerate. I will not tolerate at any cost." Which is true also, so it is very dangerous also to go against the Holy Ghost. No doubt about it. It's not Me that is dangerous, but these Deities are extremely dangerous. So, in Sahaja Yoga you are all resurrected with your body. Before this you were not connected to the All Pervading Power, and whatever you did was through your mind or through your emotions. But you did not come out of that grave of emotions and your desires, your actions and your ego. After realization now you know how free you have become. How you have developed your own personality. There are so many instances which we can talk about Christ, that He said, "Know Thyself" throughout. He knew without knowing yourself, you won't be resurrected. But Sahaja Yoga is the other way round. You get your resurrection and you know yourself. It's a very Sahaja, sweet way of getting realization. But if you see to the life of Christ, He has talked about murmuring souls. We too have in Sahaja Yoga, because it's open to everyone, all kinds of people come. We find very shallow people coming to Sahaja Yoga who try to express their shallowness and talk in a very, in a very loose way, about Sahaja Yoga, about the work of Sahaja Yoga. So that was inevitable, but what Christ has said that you have to be careful about the murmuring souls. And this is exactly - we have to be very careful. When you come to Sahaja Yoga, in the beginning, you may come across such people who are murmuring souls, you may be enticed by them because they are a kind of, we should say, messengers of negative forces. And these messengers of negative forces, you should try to find out. They'll complain about this, complain about that, they talk in a very loose manner, and when you see that they are not talking in a positive way, you should run away from them. Because only by getting your resurrection you are not all right. After getting your resurrection, after your Self-realization, you have to grow. And for that growth we have to be very careful about how we get impressed by all these, I should say, very frivolous people. Those who grow into it become beautiful angels. No doubt about that. But that is one thing one has to know is to respect your Self-realization. You shouldn't worry about what others are talking, what others are saying, what they are criticizing, but you should look at yourself and all the time try to grow into your depth. It's a very great chance of life that you are being resurrected, and this is the last breakthrough, as you know, of our evolution. But now you should leave your mind on one side; because this mind, if you go on working with it, you cannot go beyond mind and Sahaja Yoga you can achieve by going beyond your mind. Then you know yourself, because you get Self-knowledge. You know about your centers. You know about the centers of others. All this is available to you, but you have to become a subtler and subtler person. Not a gross personality. If you become subtler andsubtler, you will be amazed how you will develop your inner powers in so many different ways. But there are people in Sahaja Yoga, I have seen, who are very ambitious. And they start saying that, "Mother, we want to be God-realized. I want to be this and do that." There is no office going on here that you give somebody a promotion. You have to grow yourself. Then they start proclaiming, "I am this, I am that." We call them 'Mahayogis'. Some of them had started saying that they have reached very high positions and they ended up in the lunatic asylum. All such suggestions if people give you, then you should shun such people. But there are also other people who join such a bombastic fellow. So, you must remember that this last judgment is working and all the time there is a big sieving out, a very big arrangement of choices. Those who are subtle, start getting subtler and subtler and subtler. But those who are frivolous, gross, idiotic, stupid, they start frittering away. So this last sieving starts very fast, working out where we realize that where are we. Now what is the criteria for that? First is your compassion. Your compassion must be discrete. Sometimes people only have compassion for negative people. After Sahaja Yoga, you should know for whom you should have your compassion. With vibrations you can find out, very easy to find out with vibrations - what sort of a person you are facing. But first, you must have vibratory awareness. If you don't have vibratory awareness, you won't be able to find out at all what is correct and what is incorrect. So it is important that you all must mediate. Without criticizing yourself, anything, you can just meditate everyday. It's very important! I immediately know who is the person who is meditating and who is not meditating. Immediately! The person who meditates is very clearly an angel. The whole reaction, the whole behaviour, the whole attitude of such spiritual maturity manifests. And you are amazed. As you know 'Sahasrare Mahamaya', it's not easy to understand Me. For the time being, you might know what I am, but suddenly you will forget. That's the trick. Because if you know Me in full ways, you won't even sit here. You won't even come nearer to Me. So, that Mahamaya is acting all the time, but that's the only way you can judge people. This Last Judgment is not a easy thing. Even if you put thousands of judges, they cannot do this judgment. All the time you have to know what is what. And somehow I know everything, but I will never show that I know. That's how I work it out, and gradually, I know what I have to do about that person. This resurrection of yours is much more blessed than that of Christ. He was alone; people wouldn't recognize Him. He had to show His marks where they had put nails on His hands and feet. But today that is not the situation. Only thing is, first of all, you have to recognize Me. That's all. Need not know Me. It's not easy. It's difficult to know Me, but if you recognize Me, that's all. And it all depends on your sensitivity. Your resurrection has to be complete and you have to mature in Sahaja Yoga. If you cannot mature, I will say, you should leave Sahaja Yoga. Go out for a while, where you will understand what's going on, then you'll come back. In Sahaja Yoga, like Christ sacrificed His life, is not expected of you to sacrifice your life. Your Mother doesn't want that. But you have to do some sacrifices, like you have to stay in uncomfortable places in Ganapatipule sometimes, or somewhere. You have to face many odds while traveling, also coming down here may not be so comfortable as you are at your place. But the main sacrifice is of your ego. You have to crucify your ego. The ego is the one, which teaches you all these nonsensical tantrums that people know. If you can surrender your ego - just surrender your ego - that surrendering can help you. But if you surrender your ego by thinking about it, then you are using your mental capacity. Everything you do like that is through your mental capacity, by which you are using your ego. So the best way is to meditate, to go into thoughtless awareness and there automatically you are surrendered. Now what do I have to have from you? Nothing! I don't want anything. I don't want to have anything. You are the ones who try to give Me this and give Me that. I am trying to run away from all that. Just for your satisfaction also, I agree. I don't have to do Sahaja Yoga Myself, but that's the love of your Mother. That She wants to save as many as possible - all that are created on this Earth - to give them their resurrection. This is a special time and you are My channels. You can go all over and spread Sahaja Yoga and try to help others to come out of it. Today is a day of promises, where we have to promise ourselves that we'll grow in a very deeper understanding, or feeling, or in sensitiveness of Sahaja Yoga. This growth has to take place for which I have to meditate. This is a very important thing. Secondly, people say that here people are very miserly. They are not willing to do this. They don't want to pay any money for this, pay any money for that. I think generosity is one expression of your love. You will give Me, all right. When it comes to expenses, either I pay or somebody bears the burden. Now things have improved, but still we should know that this tremendous work has to be done and we need money for that. I don't need, I spend My own money. But generosity is the best and this generosity is very, very important for Sahaja Yogis. I have seen people are very meticulous sometimes, very calculating. They will tell Me, "Bring some sarees for them." Take some sarees, all right, very good idea. And they say, "We don't like it, we don't want to buy." I am not doing any business. I buy it because you wanted, I have selected it. Then to say, "we don't want to have it." There's no business, there's no marketing going on. And this is the problem when I don't understand Sahaja Yogis that they should know Mother, Herself, has put in Her money. So what is there also, they should say, "take little more for Sahaja Yoga." After all such a big organization going on, and there are so many countries who cannot pay a single farthing, for them also one has to pay. Now, Christ was sold for thirty rubles. You can imagine, He was sold for thirty rubles. So that shows that when you do not try to understand the financial difficulties of the organizers and you do not help, you are really selling the Christ within you. You cannot sell Christ, you cannot sell Sahaja Yoga. But that doesn't mean you exploit it. So I have to tell you that I was Myself surprised in north India where I least expected people are extremely generous, extremely generous. And then generosity helps you, in a way that our Lakshmi Tattwa is to be awakened. I had to bring in this point because I have complaints from people that people are reluctant to pay for anything like this. It's very remarkable that some people take over, but everybody must contribute. It's important, because you are doing God's work. You have to also come forward to do other things that are there without grudging. Enjoying it! I was happy the posters were put by the Sahaja Yogis, and you can see the whole place vibrated. You could see how it has worked out. So everybody must go all out to do everything that is possible. Nothing else is needed but your full heart into Sahaja Yoga. Then you will see how you will grow. It is only through your heart you will receive all your nourishment for your spirituality. So open your heart, do not calculate so much. [Translation from Hindi] I have to speak to you in Hindi, very important. Good wishes to you all for today. On this day Isa Masih [Jesus Christ] came of the dead world and He was Resurrected with His body. In the same way your Resurrection has happened with the body, not after death. But now when you are alive. In the living state itself you got your Resurrection. But there are some significance of Resurrection that you need to understand. After Resurrection you should develop sensitivity. If you still have the thoughts of doing business in Sahaja Yoga, or making money, or fulfilling desires, then you have come on the wrong path. You should go elsewhere. In Sahaja Yoga, you should only think of spiritual upliftment. Other than that, there should not be any thoughts. But now everyone asked, “Mother, why the Lakshmi principle of Bengal doesn’t get awakened?” The reason is because there are many tantriks [black magicians] here. Wherever tantriks [black magicians] come, Lakshmiji goes away from those places. Not just that even with alcohol it’s the same. For some time it’s ok, but after some time due to alcohol, Lakshmi will go away. It is against Lakshmi. The number of tantriks [black magicians] that are there in Bengal are nowhere. While trying to find the reason I understand that people of Bengal are very tolerant and emotional. And any person who comes and tells them that he is godly person, they believe him. They don’t think about it. Like the movement of ‘Hare Rama’ started from Bengal. Like mad people they ran on the streets, running everywhere – “Hare Ram, Hare Ram, Hare Ram, Hare Ram”. How did they benefit? More poverty came in. If anyone says anything, people of Bengal start doing it. Someone told me, “I don’t eat green coriander leaves” I asked, “Why?” “My elder sister stopped eating green coriander leaves, so I also left it”. “But why, why did your sister stop?” Such rituals they get stuck in. Living by those rituals, we get lost. Totally lost. About those rituals, we need to understand the reasoning behind it. In Sahaja Yoga, there is not ritual, no religion, no preaching of any religion. And the most important thing, the world brotherhood (collectivity) comes from within, is established from the heart. The day we get this feeling in us, we can drive away the tantriks [black magicians]. If one Sahaja Yogi desires, then he can drive away all the tantriks [black magicians] by his powers. There is a place named Girgaon in Mumbai. A devi [here it means dead spirit] used to possess people. Devi [here it means dead spirit] would possess and dance. One Sahaja Yogini went there, after that it stopped. The persons dancing stopped; she ran away. Because Godly Powers are very much higher than worldly powers. When you are awakened and then when you become pure, when you become ‘Nirmal’ [spotless], the inner power of purity starts working. So it is required of the Sahaja Yogis that they make themselves pure. We get pleased in devotion, we get into the game of intelligence. All that is fine. You have to be delighted. But most importantly look into oneself. Increase the power within you. The day you all increase your powers, all tantriks [black magicians] will take their belongings and go away. That is why, today on the day of Resurrection take an oath in your mind that we will become deep Sahaja Yogis of the highest order. Sahaja Yogis who have depth. For that if you have to meditate; now it doesn’t mean that you meditate for 3 hours. But for ten minutes, you meditate from the heart. From the heart is very important. There is so much of compassion in Bengal, so much of loving feeling, but see the role. If you are a Sahaja Yogi, first you have to love yourself. As soon as you love yourself you’ll find that your love will spread everywhere. You get angry, you have desires. There are some more titles attached to you and you are Sahaja Yogi also. Cleansing of all these only, is your Resurrection. When your personality is complete after cleansing, then no tantric can remain here. Never can they remain. The other thing I told was that, that you have such beautiful melodious way of singing. So some ladies and men can hire a big [Shri Mataji speaks aside: Son later, later, later, ok?]. Hire any bus, a truck or anything and announce in the villages that here there will be bhajan of Shri Mataji. You reach the village and sing songs, give a discourse. Slowly play My tapes. Like this, in north India, many people got Realization. Entire UP, Bihar, Haryana everywhere Sahaja Yoga has spread completely. That I have seen when you have the power of singing, why not go to the villages and awaken people by singing and Resurrect them? By doing this all tantriks [people who practice black magic] will run away. With My name itself they start shaking, then if you sing My songs, you don’t know what all you can achieve. The wisdom is that the love you have received from Mother, has to be distributed. And in this place there is so much need for love in the people. You go and see, meet them. Just by you being there, Lakshmi will come there. By your living there everyone’s physical body also will become alright; psychologically they will become alright; prosperity will be there and most importantly the spirituality will be set right. In this way we have to change the people of our country. But for that you will have to work. Today is so significant that it shows how human beings in their living body, can achieve Resurrection, like how Isa Masih [Jesus Christ] had done. But the Power which Isa Masih [Jesus Christ] had is beyond our reach. He had told that if you do something wrong with one eye then remove the eye yourself. Then He said that if the hand does something wrong then cut off the hand. I have lived with many Christians of the world. I have seen many Christian countries but I haven’t seen even one person’s eyes removed or hand cut. Those people have ignored all that. Now you people should not become your own enemies. This is not there in Sahaja Yoga. You see the problems in you and if you really love yourself, getting rid of these problems is the way to achieve complete Resurrection. When these problems go away, then you will be surprised that how much of happiness, how much of peace and how much of Power is residing. Those things that are coming in the way of you achieving this Power that somehow you have to give up. These obstacles come up because we don’t give much importance to our Resurrection. We give for other things. All other thing are important. The Ressurection we have achieved, we see ourselves in a different level, where we have entered the Kingdom of God; to be seated there we have to clear ourselves. Finding satisfaction in other things is of no use. One says, “Our, this thing doesn’t happen”. Other says, “That doesn’t happen”. First of all you completely honor yourself, respect yourself. By falling low, by going down a wrong path how can you become spiritual? And how will you get peace? It’s very difficult. Those people who say, “We don’t have peace Mother, that’s why we do that, we do this”. Peace is not a difficult thing. If you do meditation and do all the work from your heart, from your heart, then what is difficult? Nothing is difficult. In Sahaja Yoga some people have reached great heights from low level. I see that in their love there is so much of power. About one person I shall definitely describe to you today. One person was very much surrendered to Mother. We were at Prague airport, on the way. We were going to Poland probably. So this person told us that the flight is scheduled to depart at 11. So we got ready accordingly and reached the airport. Then they said, “No, the flight is leaving early, 1 hour early, so you reach somehow”. How could we reach immediately? We go late by 15 minutes. The lady there, the ground hostess was an Austrian, because the flight was supposed to go to Austria first. She scolded us a lot, “You people are like this. You have no sense of time” and so on. We were listening quietly. Now this person could not bear it as he had told Me the wrong time. We went and sat in the flight. Once we sat in the plane, this poor emotional person, tears started rolling down his eyes. He’s a German, he started to cry. He was sitting behind. Other Sahaja Yogis were consoling him, “Be quiet, be quiet”. I looked at him once and I told him, “Now you calm down, it’s alright”. By then they told us that the plane will not leave as a problem has arisen. But the minute I saw tears in his eyes, black clouds emerged everywhere in the sky all of a sudden. The Sahaja Yogis were thinking from where did these black elephants [here – thick dark clouds] come from? Suddenly. See the power of his love. They told us, “You go back to the airport. The plane will not leave”. By the time we reached the airport, it started to rain very heavily. Not one plane could take off from there. Only our plane they said will leave by 5.00. [break in recording] A lot of things are being done in Bengal but Bengal will improve only when you will go to the villages and work. Today I ask only this that all of you have been resurrected and now just sitting in Kolkata, it cannot be achieved. You have to go out and work. Till the time you do not spread this, such a big precious thing, which will grow only by spreading, like knowledge. Knowledge increases by spreading, in the same way Sahaja Yoga will grow by spreading. And with this entire Bengal will be benefitted. It is surprising that so many people have come in Sahaja Yoga puja today. Felt very happy and I hope next time when I come you will bring a lot of people. This singing and art of yours, which is respected a lot, you use that and spread Sahaja Yoga in entire Bengal, through your singing. My blessings.
Sahaj Yogse Labh
New Delhi
Public Program
Public Program [English translation from Hindi] What is Sahaja yoga? Sahaja yoga. 'Saha' means with you and 'ja 'means born. 'Yog' means your attention's union with God 's power of love that is spread all around. This occurance itself is called 'yog'. This is the birth right of every human being. To get it , as the other meaning of 'Sahaj" is easy, spontaneous. For this, there is proper arrangement within us. There is nobody within whom there is no such arrangement means within your triangular bone which is called 'Sacrum' in English language It means that Greeks knew that the triangular bone is sacred, means it is pure. That is why its name is 'Sacrum' since eternity. Now this bone In this triangular bone three and half circles the power that is inherent in it, is called Kundalini in Sanskrit. Within us God has bestowed three more powers too. One of those powers is that we desire. Our power of desire, our everyday work of the power of desire. And another is our power of action. This nourishes our sympathetic nervous system. Its nourishment depends upon these two chakras. First power, with the help of which we desire the channel through which that power is broadcasted is called Ida Nadi. And the other power that gets activated they do the work for the desire they have with their existence and their body that power which we can say is our right sympathetic nervous system. But its name is Pingala Nadi. In this way , there are two channels within us. Ida and Pingla Nadi. Apart from these there is third channel within us. This is called Sushumna, which is in the center, is called Madhya Marg. Both these powers come from left and right and join like this. And in the center a chakra is made (Showing with Her hands) within the central chakras our physical, mental, intellectual, cultural even our spiritual, all progress is settled. When these chakras get damaged on some account, or their power recedes and is destroyed then we face so many types of degeneration, physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual. This which is built within us is like a great subtle tantra (mechanism). but the difference between tantricks and us is that tantricks don't know anything about this mechanism and falsely they say that they are tantricks and say 'we do this , we do that'. But mostly tantricks use Bhoot Vidya. And they mesmerize people with that Bhoot Vidya The same vidya (Knowledge) that we call Pret Vidya, Mashan Vidya etc., there are so many names. Now the powers that are within us apart from that there is fourth power within us. Till we were not human beings, this fourth power did not evolve. Till then these three powers were implemented and whatever our progress was going on we should say that in our evolution was fully going on with the help of these three powers. For example, first power is 'power of desire' second is 'power of action'. And the third power is which we can say is the cordination of the two or balance or we can say is the middle path. By and by, a human being has reached this state that he in this Kaliyuga is in hassle. Sometimes he follows a wrong path, acts wrongly and in a way destroys himself completely. Secondly, he behaves in such a manner that he becomes very wicked, is full of ego and is very agressive with the people. Its example is let us try to understand that by following both the paths we feel that we are progressing. What is wrong with this, it is good, it is freedom for us. But it is different to know the tantra of (SAV) We are talking here about tantra of (SAV) First of all, it should be understood that if we knew only truth, knew absolute truth there would have been no disputes of the present. So, something else should be within us and because of which we will come to know that which is only 'Truth'. After knowing all this, they will accept one thing because within them they have felt only ' Truth.' Now for awakening the kundalini for the last so many years Nathpanthis did a lot of work. In this work of Nathpanthis, there was a system, a tradition that one guru would awaken only one disciple. and would work only for one disciple And sometimes these disciples would follow the wrong path and would not follow their advice. According to Me, in the twelfth century[ie 1200s] for the first time, Gyaneshwara wrote about kundalini in his commentary about Gita. In sixth chapter, has openly said as we should say, keeping in mind the conditions of that age had openly said in that period. when religious practitioners said it has not been prooved and so don't read it. Before that, Markandeya Swamy, Adi Shankaracharya who had come in sixth century [ie 600s], told about Kundalini in Sanskrit language. But common man didn't know him. Secondly, which means that when only one person will work with one disciple it would spread among the ordinary people. After that there were many religions in the world. and spread also too much. But without Kundalini awakening, no dharma gets success because whatever dharma a human being does, that is just external. Every type of equipment every type of, we should say which results in too much ritualism and because of that ritualism, a human being does not get benefitted in anyway from religion. That is why we find that now a days a human being has some assumtions about dharma. One will say i am Christian, another will say i am Muslim. Now, Christian and Muslim religions are very rigid. Because in Christian religion, Christ has written that if your one eye does any wrong act, take it out and if your one hand does a wrong act break it, cut it. But I have not seen anyone doing so among Christians. And Muslim religion is even more rigid than that. They have put such restrictions even on women. That those who are not ordinary human beings. They were, as if highly proficient for some God's angles. The restrictions they had told about religion only they can do and nobody else. Then what it led to, was that within a human being hypocricy evolved, a religious hypocrisy. To awaken dharma inside, kundalini should be awakened. It means that when dharma awakens within a human being he becomes dharmic. He doesn't have to be told. The reason is that when kundalini awakens your spirit comes into your attention. In the same way, a human being does what is joy giving for him is nutritous, is constructive for him and whatever is destructible, is destrucive, (is given up). Until the light of his spirit doesn't get awakened they do all wrong acts. It is not his fault. If anyone walks or falls down in dark he should not be blamed. In the same way within you, you should analyse first. You might say that we belong to this religion we belong to that religion and you are fighting on that account, that is wrong. All religions were beautiful flowers of one spiritual tree which were plucked. and after plucking say this is our flower, this is our flower and so are fighting among themselves. How can you fight in the name of God? Because God is the giver of love, He is compassionate. God who is the ocean of love, people fight in His name. It is not possibe. Because they haven't known God as yet haven't acquired His power as yet. I have seen in Sahajyoga that thousands of people together get this power. It is very surprising. First of all, when I started this work only with one woman started and after that and twelve people got self realization. When experience takes place this all pervading power, this creation full of vibrations, is cool and very comforting power which you on your fingers can see, can know and feel. and even on your palm. Like this when Kundalini pierces six chakras and comes out of Bramharandra then its connection its oneness with all around Divine power of love takes place. Till you are not connected how can you know what is God's power of love. Now the time has come, there is something special that so many people are in search of God are, in search of truth. It has never been before. and in that search when they experience it and when they look at themselves, they are surprised that i was such a drunkard yesterday, was doing this, was doing that and all this of mine, whatever was like an obligation, how did it drop off suddenly. Means what was it that was left behind. By and by, with this power, with the power of the spirit you see , you yourself are very powerful. and you see that with this power of the spirit you can give light to others too. I have seen that many people had stage fright have now become great orators. Those who didn't know how to write poetry, started writing poems. Very great singers, musicians, and many artists have reached great heights. This I am telling you only about power of creativity. But there are many powers within us, we are unaware of and these execute after getting enlightened in the light of the spirit. We don't know ourselves. Actually we say this is my hand, this is my nose, this is my head this is my wisdom and this is my thought. This 'mine, mine' that we say, who is this? If it is asked, ' who am i' ? we don't have (any answer to it). But you (INAUDIBLE) and piercing the Bramharandra this all over spread Divine power is available to you. Even the spirit settled in your heart gets enlightened in your attention. Then you understand that i am not this body, wisdom, mind, ego. I myself am pure spirit. A very great secret, which remained hidden gets exposed in front of you. You don't know that you are the spirit. But when it takes place, its knowledge comes to you. Now this word Bodh' (knowledge) is very important. This is Sanskrit word Bodh. From Bodh originated Buddha. Means that on your central nervous system, you can feel this power. You can feel this power on your chakras. You can feel other's chakras too on this If you can correct your chakras, you can do other's too. While sitting here, you can even know about the chakras of one who has died or is living in some foreign land. Everybody gets knowledge about chakras. You on your fingers can know about the problem a person is suffering from. Everybody will say the same thing. There is no discussion about it, no quarrel because you have only truth. And after knowing this many people, one such person had come to tell Me today only that his cancer got cured. And I asked him, "what did you do?" " Mother I did a little bit of Sahaja yoga treatment of Cancer then I was alright. And everybody had told me that you will die but i am completely cured. But in this ( INAUDIBLE) and another quality is that you know it. You know everything. In Sahaja yoga, there is no secret knowledge. You know everything about Sahaja yoga. Whatever you want to know, you know. First thing about truth is that you are pure Spirit. Another truth is that all around us is an invisible subtle power. It is God's love that activates. Now we may call that by any name. It is called 'Ruh' in Quran. In Bible it is called ' Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost'. And you go through any religion Chaitanya and Paramchaitanya etc., many other things have been mentioned in our Shastras. And if You go through Patanjali yoga it is called 'Ritambhara PrAgnya' which changes seasons, which makes the flowers to bloom and whatever the system of living work channel is there everything that takes place, is this power. You are at one with that power and it works inside your being. After that you start changing. You life gets balanced and you know everything on your finger tips, what is your problem. For example, people will come and tell Me "Mother, my Agnya is catching." It means that we are getting ego and please take it out. But will anyone say," I have ego"? Nobody will say! But when this state comes, a human being introspects himself. What problem i have, like that and when this takes place, then in collectivity, in collectivity a lot of work is done. In collectivity it so happens that a new cycle starts. Now the people in Russia too are self realised In England too there are, in Japan too, they are everywhere. and they all know one thing about themselves and about others what is their problem and what problem we have. and how it should be done. All of them speak one language and that is of chakras and in this way I can see a new era in front of Me. And now you cannot pay any money for this. It is worth understanding that for any living work we cannot pay any money. if there is a seed, if we put it into soil we do not pay any money to the soil. In the same way , it is a living work and for this living work, you don't have to pay anything and if anyone asks for money first of all try to understand that it is fraud. In this I will say that today we are human beings for that whom did we pay any money? So if we come from spiritual form, to whom have we to pay for that? Yes it is correct that if you are booking a hall, pay money for that or pay money for such a thing. But if you want for all this work, no money for that. But if a human being understands only this much that it has no connection with money and God doesn't know what is money or bank. And when you understand this thing mostly the wrong gurus who have evolved these days they will be disposed off. Now in religions also, religion is money oriented Either he is power oriented or he is money oriented for everything you put so much money that we will write a letter to God and He will set right everything. In this way we, at a very low level, talk in the name of God. I am so happy that today people were blessed and got relaxed. About Sahaja yoga, if you want to understand you have to experience it If you have not experienced it just make you understand like that may be you will think that She is talking just miraculously. Don't know if it is true or not. So first of all it should be experienced. This is very important. After experiencing it like a sprouted seed, it grows slowly in the same way, a Sahaja yogi becomes a saint of a very high quality. And their methodology is so pure and beautiful that after watching them more people join Sahaja yoga. Their life is full of love and enjoyment. With that too people think that they have not seen anything like that There is no problem, no confusion of any type and the greatest thing is that the character of Sahaja yogis and specially, special character, with great morality gets nourished. I have seen foreigners who take drugs if they get realisation today, they give up drugs only next day. And their eye which would move here and there would absolutely get innocent. Very beautiful! Full of innocence! In this way, if a human being knows himself it is a very beautiful grateful and a special thing God has created So, I have to tell everybody that you get your realisation first. There is no need even to trust Me. It is quite possible that I too may put you into wrong concepts. So, first you get your realisation and after that understand it. Because due to superstitions also there has been a great loss to us. I don't want that you should trust on Me blindfoldedly. Now the obstacles that we face are like this that if anyone is extremely foolish, then we can't do anything. Sahaja yoga is not for the fools. Next if anyone is very head strong and tends to do his own way his kundalini too will not awaken. Thirdly, those who are great sinners and very wicked their kundalini too does not awaken. If you say," Mother please give realisation to Hitler". I can't give. There are such people too who have gone to wrong gurus they have been influenced by them there will be a little difficulty in giving them realisation. For example some people are such that they are attatched to something, to some dharma, to this, to that. If you really want independence then first awaken the mechanism of self. When that is done for that there is no worry, you will understand everything. But it is important that your spirit should first come to your attention. There are many advantages of Sahaja yoga. Some of these I can tell today. Because, it has so many advantages and every time for example, I come across some people telling Me, I have been benefited in this way, in that way. But if we classify it the first and greatest advantage of it is that you will get your health benefits. because when your chakras get weakened whichever chakra gets like that that part of the body gets effected by some disease It is difficult to make you understand particularly about that but in Delhi University four doctors were honoured M.D [Doctor of Medicine] for Sahaja yoga. They had worked on four topics and all the four topics are such that that we cannot cure diseases. For example Asthma. Asthma can be cured by Sahaja yoga. Now if we talk about it extensively that when we think too much. Just now we think about our future then we plan a lot. So, our power of our right side it works in a more special way. One is that, our liver and your pancreas your spleen and intestines. To all these only one chakra gives energy and that is Swadishthan. But when you think it gives enrgy even to the grey cells of our brain. When you think more than your need, and get worried you are futuristic. So the energy that we have in this chakra gets utilized in that. The grey cells of your brain go on changing your liver is out of order your Pancrease, your spleen and your intestines are out of order. Now, liver's this work that the poison that is inside your being it takes out of one's body in the form of heat. For example, the blood that goes to liver the heat is sucked byit (liver). It is a very great task. If liver doesn't work, gets weak this heat moves upwards. When it starts moving upwards we say that inside us there is a chakra which is Right Heart which manages our lungs. When this chakra gets heat that causes Asthma in us. Now when this heat reaches pancreas, it causes Diabetes. Diabetes often occurs to those who are futuristic, those who plan with paper and pen. Poor people do not get diabetes because they are not bothered about future. Today they eat food, sleep, next day get up and go to work. They may take sugar four to five spoons, it hardly matters. This disease attacks those who take too much help of their wisdom and those who are futuristic. Then a very serious disease attacks your spleen. The job of spleen is that it controls your speedometer. The work that you are doing, you do it rhythmically or you get up in the morning, you rush, take something and then drive the car and then on the way read the news or something the brain gets all the more out of order then went to office , there also got rebuked. This spedometer doesn't understand what has happened to this man? He becomes mad. When the spleen goes out of order, at that stage if he gets any shock or is affected he gets diseases like blood cancer and leukemia. And that too many people in Sahaja yoga have got. Then it effects your kidney. So the kidney also shrivels (shrinks) by this heat. Because of that the urine gets blocked. They put you on Dialysis and you become bankrupt and you have to die surely. Then after that it effects your intestines you cannot digest your food and you have constipation. Sometimes it takes a very serious turn and then I told you about lungs also. But when there is a child there is a young boy of eighteen / nineteen years old, drinks heat on account of that causes massive heart attack to him. His life cannot be saved. That is why it is said, that if somebody gets massive heart attack his life cannot be saved. There will be complete end of his life. Then about this heat I have to say that if a human being goes on like this , his heart can also be effected. Anytime he can have a massive heart attack in his life time. That also causes death. Thirdly, he can have paralysis. His right side will be paralysed. It means that nature too teaches us balancing. If we use our right side too much our right side will be constricted. if the right side is constricted, you cannot do any work. This I have told you only about one chakra. You can understand that it causes so many diseases. And inside our being there are seven chakras. Kundalini pierces six chakras and if your six chakras get alright your health will be perfectly alright. Then you will have no problem. With the help of this, cancer and many other diseases have been cured and can be cured. But first of all there should be self realisation. And it is not necessary that you should collect all the sick people. For example, if we cure one, they get ten more to be cured and those who get sick, mostly I have noticed that by curing them out of them five to ten percent take to Sahaja yoga. Rest of them get cured and go, they get back their diseases Get their heart disease again. Those who settle down in Sahaja yoga sensibly they are completely healthy. Now the second benefit is that that peace settles in your heart. We are always thinking about our future or we think about the past and we jump on these thoughts that which is present we cannot remain stationed. But one thought comes and falls down second thought rises and comes down. In this way there is a chain of thoughts and between these there is a little space which is called Vilambha (pause) that is present but there our attention doesn't stick. With the awakening of Kundalini, these thoughts disperse and gets elongated and the space in between, that is our present. and the present only is that is truth. Rest, past is over and the future is not there. In the present you settle down. When you settle in the present, total peace settles inside your being. In the same way, For example you are standing in water and the waves are rising you don't know swimming and you become nervous. But if you come into the boat, you see the waves too. But if you know swimming, you can jump and save them too. Those who don't know swimming and are sinking Just the same happens in Sahaja yoga. First, people attain that state which is called thoughtless awareness means without any thought which is called 'Nirvichara Samadhi'. This is the first state. and after that the state which comes is called 'Nirvikalpa Samadhi'. Means that no doubt remains about one's own self, about Sahaja yoga and about one's powers. Such a person has full confidence, what is Sahaja yoga? and then he does the work of Sahaja yoga. This state has come to many for the first time. and some take time and by getting Nirvichara samadhi you become absolutely peaceful. This is the state of your inner peace that we have to get. With the help of this, our past thoughts and violence and our tendency to destroy others gets over. Because the peace that is settled within us we experience with a great joy and ease. Then we don't like to hate anyone to criticize anyone to be egoistic. We don't have any greed for any thing. All this greed is over. And a human being peacefully witnesses the whole world And in this witness state he thinks it was all like a drama. I came out of it. Now i am not in this traffic. I am sitting outside on a mountain. He moves away from it. The questions that he has are over very easily because he has come out of it. And apart from that, this supreme power of love becomes active. Questions are over. Another great advantage that your subtle powers the power of creativity gets awakened Every type of creative power I have seen, got awakened in such people where there was no hope that they will do some such creative work. Third thing is that, because of your mental peace you give mental peace to others too. Wherever such a person exists, there peace prevails. Only by giving award, nobody gets peace. By telling that somebody is messenger of peace there cannot be peace. Peace is within our being. And when such peace establishes within us we become totally fearless. As Kabira has said, "I will sing Nirbhay, Nirgun Gaunga Mai." So fear goes off. Such a person leads a fearless and truthful life. Christ's case is very interesting. Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. Everybody stoned her. After stones were thrown at her when she came to the edge of the village Christ went and stood and picked up a stone and said that the stones which all of you are throwing out of them, the person who has never committed any sin hit stones at Me. It was such a courageous act. Everybody put their stones on to the ground. And then to that Mary Magdalene He changed her life gave her a very great a powerful state of yoga. So, it is proved that you in a way in the light of your spirit get completely, an inner security. It is a very great job. Now because of that many people get breast cancer or other diseases Thirdly many people who didn't know how to sing, started singing. Many people who were scared of delivering a speech started giving speeches. And for example, you pay your attention towards others as to what are the good attributes in them. And pay attention to what bad quality they have in their ownself. For example, when you are away from yourself, you ask. Then you see what is wrong with your society. Then you see what is wrong with your country Before this, if we tell somebody that there is something wrong with your society they will run to kill us. Now they think that this is wrong, let us get rid of it. In this way, purity of one's own life One who is such a great human being he purifies all his own society and his country. He doesn't think, Why should he do? Why should he do this clearing? I have got it and am sitting comfortably. I have got it and I shall now enjoy it. It is not like this. Such a person has got such a desire from his inner self because he becomes compassionate. I have got it, why not to give it to others. And because of that they work so hard that I am surprised In this way , those who became Sahaja yogis helped Me. I cannot explain this. Another thing is that with the help of Sahaja yoga our wisdom what we think that we are very intelligent Wisdom becomes balanced and you get Divine discretion. You know who is right and who is not how much you must say, how much you must tell what should you say and whatever you do, its effect will be deep and wide spread. Somebody's gravity, individuality, for example I say universe, collectivity and to know oneself. And in this collectivity, he is a part of this universe. Then he understands what is this creation what is this mountain and what is this stream, what is this sea. After looking at it, he gets a spiritual feeling about it. And it can solve your ecological problems too. For example a human being uses such things which are man made which cleans this environment. There is no need to say and I found that people got their children (to Me) They are very dull, they don't study at all and like that. Those boys stood first. Not only this, they got scholarship. It sharpens your wisdom and along with that you get lot of wisdom I have seen children, they go to school till are not set in ( Sahaja yoga) I don't like to eat this, I want that, do this , do that. After staying there for one year these children become so sensible so much sensible that parents are surprised what has happened to the children. We won't insist for anything. If there is a good television anywhere, we won't watch. We won't go anywhere, we will stay at home we will eat home made food. Oh! Say something! No we don't want anything. Ok! Let us watch flowers in the lawn. Either we can go to some cloth museum or to some zoo In this way children's temper changes and children respect everyone in an orderly manner. The greatest thing is that we don't respect anything now a days. we don't respect our land because she is our mother, we don't respect Sun and the greatest thing is that we don't respect our parents, nor our culture. Then we get awakened in Sahaja culture. It is a great new thing. In that a human being becomes moral. He happens to be like that. We don't have to tell him. I don't tell anyone to be moral. He becomes absolutely moral. I have seen that those who use abusive language, get rid of the abusive words. Those who drink, give it up. Every type of immorality that we see in Kaliyuga, comes to end. This great benefit that is going to be in our society can be with the help of Sahaj yoga. It cannot be by giving lectures. If you give lectures morality cannot get awakened. The same thing I have seen with respect to religions. If you say in any religion that you do whatever you want to do have freedom like Christians. That has not allowed them to be moral. The other religions were like this don't do this , don't do that not to do like this, not to do like that. They are all the more immoral. They want to come stealthily. That morality awakens within and such a great moral society is created. Such people do not tell a lie. Such people do not grab money. Such people do not trouble anyone. Don't talk against anyone. Every time they think how to give them comfort. How to make them to get rid of their bad habits. All the time compassion flows on like this. And I didn't see many people, they got perfectly alright. This is the hard work of Sahajyogis because of which all this happened. It is this morality coming within us, we should say that keeps the society organised. That disciplines the children The greatest thing is that your health improves. In the modern times if you see how many diseases are there these are mostly because of immorality. Now secondly, we should think that with respect to religion We should right now give preference to this that all the religions are dependant on spiritualism. Whichever religion it is whether it is Christian religion or Muslim religion Their predecessors nowhere they said that their religion is a separate religion. Now Muhammad Sahab never said that this religion is a separate one. He simply talked about Moses talked about Ibraham, talked about Jesus (NOT CLEAR). Talked about everyone Then He said that lacks of people are reborn. (INAUDIBLE) He also said that When twelfth (INAUDIBLE) then that will take you to the road of ascent He called that kiyama. So He said this about future. Like that Jesus Christ. He also talked about Moses, Abraham and about all others And when He was hanging on the cross He had said,"Behold the Mother." He talked about Mother. He also did not make any such religion that it is My religion different from others religion. Showed like this that one after the other dharmas were there in the world. But even then people separated the religions. This is not the reality The essence of every religion is just one. The aim is just one that your rebirth should take place and your spirit should get enlightened. This is the essence of it. I would like to say that those who talk about secularism they should follow Gandhiji's secularism. Gandhiji from the beginning the mantras that he has written in his Bhajnawali they are all about Kundalini. First he talked about heart because He said in heart (NOT CLEAR) that which is felt inside my heart is Atma tatva………….. after that from Shri Ganesha those who are separate deities in different chakras one after the other starts the names of all Gods. Along with this He talked about Quran. Then talked about Buddha's "Buddham Sharnam Gachchami" etc. Next Lord's prayer of Christians spread, even of Mahavira and all the people whether he may be a Muslim, Hindu or a Christian who lived in their Ashram and would come there Everyone respected all of these would recite the name of all of these and worship them. Now it is that the meaning of secularism is I can't understand. Because somewhere some dharma, at other places the other dharma. We think that in foreign countries, there is secularism It is not so at all. In France it is absolutely, they say France is the eldest daughter of our Catholic Church Some where there are Catholic Churches and at other places there are protestants and where there is no other religion, for example Islamic religion. All of them exist independantly. For example, a different religion of theirs a different religion of others a different religion of still others, it is not so. Now the misunderstandings that are in our country because the most imortant point is that in our house we adhere to Hindu Dharma. In Hindu Dharma it has never been talked about. First of all castiesm is not a good thing. because that which has been said in casteism for the Devi it has been said Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Jati Rupena Sansthita. Jati means your liking, your aptitude that Jati now try to understand if you are in search of God you are a Brahmin and if you want to rule you are a Khatriya and if you want to do business you are a Baniya and those who want to earn money by serving others are Shrudras. But this Jati was according to karmas earlier and not according to birth. Do you see anyone who says that I am in search of Brahma. I have not seen such a Brahmin. They are ruling as Brahmins. They are Khatriyas. They are not Brahmins. In this way I am going to give you proof of casteism. When Shri Ram went to jungle Shabri , an old woman had very few teeth tasted each piece of berry gave these to Shri Rama. Shri Rama said: Oh! how sweet and nice these are! He took berries and started eating. He said this is just Amrit! His wife said I should also get some share as I am your better half. But Laxmanji was getting very angry that this old lady is touching the berries to her teeth and feeding (Shri Rama) (Bhini si) means Shudra. (Low caste) Then His wife Sitaji said: How nice these berries are! Laxmanji said: Give me too some. Why shall I give, you are getting angry? He said : Please give me some. After taking these he said : These are just like Amrut. This is an example of Shri Ram Chanderji that He would not give importance to Shrudra (caste system)etc. Then Ramayana was written by Valmiki ji who was a fisherman and then he was a robber. And then you must be knowing his story very well how he became a saint. He asked him to write Ramayana. Didn't he get anyone else? It was to prove that a human being's caste is according to his karma. Then have a look at Shri Krishna. He too is an unusual personality that He would go to Vidhur's house to have his simple food and He didn't take fruit at Duryodan's house because Duryodan, whatever he considered himself was an evil person. and whose veg he would take was after all the son of a female slave. He would have his food at the house of the son of a female slave because He was a realised soul. He would take his food at Vidhur's house but He would not take at Duryodan's house and then His too and even about Krishna, who has written? Gita is a wonderful compilation. that Vyas ji, it should be said that he was an illegitimate or illegal child. He wrote Shri Krishna's Gita. It proves they wanted to prove that caste system is useless. but we do not understand all this. Even now we talk about caste, this and that. And whatever karma we do never think that this is our caste, we belong to this caste. It is nowhere in the world. This is the quality of our country. Now because of this casteism so many conflicts have come up. We got so many Harijans of this country married in foreign countries. People in foreign countries don't know anything. Harijan they think, means people of Hari. They hold them in high esteem and have lot of respect for them. But still we are infested with this thought that he is a Harijan. Now they have accepted Buddha Dharma, still they are Harijans. Next, within the Dharma too there are so many disputes they will quarrel inside a mosque they will quarrel for the statue of Parsavnath. Wherever you go, Dharma means to quarrel. There will be a dispute between Shias and Sunnis. How can that be? If dharma is one, why your disputes? Now we should think that there is some fault in it. That in this way we are fighting in the name of Dharma, in the name of God How is it possible? It is impossible. It means that we are away from God. We are not closer to God. If a human being understands this God's work is to give love have to bring together everybody, have to assemble everybody in Samashti (Collectivity). All these disputes will be over. But it cannot be with the help of wisdom The work done by wisdom goes on and on and on from here with thoughts and then returns back. There is no truth in it. What's the basis to support it? But the thought of Atma is spread all over. Now it is going on spreading. It doesn't have any apprehension of falling down. Because of this we see that the Dharma people have made out of their minds, one should say, made a system of it and made its repercussions. That has caused notions about Dharma and has twisted and returned back again. It is called 'Bhoomarang' in English. In this way it has mesmerised a human being. But now they are fighting and quarrelling. It should not be so in our country. Don't know how many saints and sages must have been here and never did any saint talk like this. Some time there were Brahmins, there were Shudras too and there were many types of casts as well. But one saint respects another saint with love. It can happen only when you are a real saint. Then you will have respect towards another person then your questions will be over. If I will say a little bit at the end in Maharashtra there was a poet named Namdev whom Guru Nanak also recognised and another saint was a potter. Namdev went to meet him. [the potter, Gora] He went to see him. On seeing him, he stood up immediately. In Marathi he said Nirguna Cha Beti Alo Sagun Sanghey. I had come to see Nirguna in you, Chaitanya in you. Saguna is standing in front of me. One saint is saying to another saint. Saints have always respected saints. Among Muslims those who are Sufis, Hazrat Muhammad Nizamudin Sahab, then Khusro Sahab, Mouddin Sahab. In this way everywhere I have seen Sufis they are in Russia and are in Turkey. And in Turkey there were some old Sufis. They said that Shri Mataji's work is greater than that of Fatimabi. Now they will recognise Me. Now they are no more in this world but his disciples recognise Me. In this way, in every family such were saints and sages, in every dharma. there was no such dharma. And they all think that all the religions are the out come of one tree of spiritualism. And they don't have this question because we are in darkness and don't know and we quarrel in this darkness, in this ignorance. This problem instantly gets over in Sahaja yoga Not only this if the dispute of various Dharmas is over but the countries the countries which once were our enemies are friendly in Sahaja yoga today. Everywhere Iranians, Pakistanis people have come from far off countries. I am so surprised to find how much they have progressed and how they have evolved to this stage. In this way what we call national integration it cannot be done by force. It cannot be done by making to understand or by giving lectures. With the help of inner transformation, it takes place on its own. No need to say anything!
Public Program [English translation from Hindi] What is Sahaja yoga? Sahaja yoga. 'Saha' means with you and 'ja 'means born. 'Yog' means your attention's union with God 's power of love that is spread all around. This occurance itself is called 'yog'. This is the birth right of every human being. To get it , as the other meaning of 'Sahaj" is easy, spontaneous. For this, there is proper arrangement within us. There is nobody within whom there is no such arrangement means within your triangular bone which is called 'Sacrum' in English language It means that Greeks knew that the triangular bone is sacred, means it is pure. That is why its name is 'Sacrum' since eternity. Now this bone In this triangular bone three and half circles the power that is inherent in it, is called Kundalini in Sanskrit. Within us God has bestowed three more powers too. One of those powers is that we desire. Our power of desire, our everyday work of the power of desire. And another is our power of action. This nourishes our sympathetic nervous system. Its nourishment depends upon these two chakras. First power, with the help of which we desire the channel through which that power is broadcasted is called Ida Nadi. And the other power that gets activated they do the work for the desire they have with their existence and their body that power which we can say is our right sympathetic nervous system. But its name is Pingala Nadi. In this way , there are two channels within us. Ida and Pingla Nadi. Apart from these there is third channel within us. This is called Sushumna, which is in the center, is called Madhya Marg. Both these powers come from left and right and join like this. And in the center a chakra is made (Showing with Her hands) within the central chakras our physical, mental, intellectual, cultural even our spiritual, all progress is settled. When these chakras get damaged on some account, or their power recedes and is destroyed then we face so many types of degeneration, physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual. This which is built within us is like a great subtle tantra (mechanism). but the difference between tantricks and us is that tantricks don't know anything about this mechanism and falsely they say that they are tantricks and say 'we do this , we do that'. But mostly tantricks use Bhoot Vidya. And they mesmerize people with that Bhoot Vidya The same vidya (Knowledge) that we call Pret Vidya, Mashan Vidya etc., there are so many names. Now the powers that are within us apart from that there is fourth power within us. Till we were not human beings, this fourth power did not evolve. Till then these three powers were implemented and whatever our progress was going on we should say that in our evolution was fully going on with the help of these three powers. For example, first power is 'power of desire' second is 'power of action'. And the third power is which we can say is the cordination of the two or balance or we can say is the middle path. By and by, a human being has reached this state that he in this Kaliyuga is in hassle. Sometimes he follows a wrong path, acts wrongly and in a way destroys himself completely. Secondly, he behaves in such a manner that he becomes very wicked, is full of ego and is very agressive with the people. Its example is let us try to understand that by following both the paths we feel that we are progressing. What is wrong with this, it is good, it is freedom for us. But it is different to know the tantra of (SAV) We are talking here about tantra of (SAV) First of all, it should be understood that if we knew only truth, knew absolute truth there would have been no disputes of the present. So, something else should be within us and because of which we will come to know that which is only 'Truth'. After knowing all this, they will accept one thing because within them they have felt only ' Truth.' Now for awakening the kundalini for the last so many years Nathpanthis did a lot of work. In this work of Nathpanthis, there was a system, a tradition that one guru would awaken only one disciple. and would work only for one disciple And sometimes these disciples would follow the wrong path and would not follow their advice. According to Me, in the twelfth century[ie 1200s] for the first time, Gyaneshwara wrote about kundalini in his commentary about Gita. In sixth chapter, has openly said as we should say, keeping in mind the conditions of that age had openly said in that period. when religious practitioners said it has not been prooved and so don't read it. Before that, Markandeya Swamy, Adi Shankaracharya who had come in sixth century [ie 600s], told about Kundalini in Sanskrit language. But common man didn't know him. Secondly, which means that when only one person will work with one disciple it would spread among the ordinary people. After that there were many religions in the world. and spread also too much. But without Kundalini awakening, no dharma gets success because whatever dharma a human being does, that is just external. Every type of equipment every type of, we should say which results in too much ritualism and because of that ritualism, a human being does not get benefitted in anyway from religion. That is why we find that now a days a human being has some assumtions about dharma. One will say i am Christian, another will say i am Muslim. Now, Christian and Muslim religions are very rigid. Because in Christian religion, Christ has written that if your one eye does any wrong act, take it out and if your one hand does a wrong act break it, cut it. But I have not seen anyone doing so among Christians. And Muslim religion is even more rigid than that. They have put such restrictions even on women. That those who are not ordinary human beings. They were, as if highly proficient for some God's angles. The restrictions they had told about religion only they can do and nobody else. Then what it led to, was that within a human being hypocricy evolved, a religious hypocrisy. To awaken dharma inside, kundalini should be awakened. It means that when dharma awakens within a human being he becomes dharmic. He doesn't have to be told. The reason is that when kundalini awakens your spirit comes into your attention. In the same way, a human being does what is joy giving for him is nutritous, is constructive for him and whatever is destructible, is destrucive, (is given up). Until the light of his spirit doesn't get awakened they do all wrong acts. It is not his fault. If anyone walks or falls down in dark he should not be blamed. In the same way within you, you should analyse first. You might say that we belong to this religion we belong to that religion and you are fighting on that account, that is wrong. All religions were beautiful flowers of one spiritual tree which were plucked. and after plucking say this is our flower, this is our flower and so are fighting among themselves. How can you fight in the name of God? Because God is the giver of love, He is compassionate. God who is the ocean of love, people fight in His name. It is not possibe. Because they haven't known God as yet haven't acquired His power as yet. I have seen in Sahajyoga that thousands of people together get this power. It is very surprising. First of all, when I started this work only with one woman started and after that and twelve people got self realization. When experience takes place this all pervading power, this creation full of vibrations, is cool and very comforting power which you on your fingers can see, can know and feel. and even on your palm. Like this when Kundalini pierces six chakras and comes out of Bramharandra then its connection its oneness with all around Divine power of love takes place. Till you are not connected how can you know what is God's power of love. Now the time has come, there is something special that so many people are in search of God are, in search of truth. It has never been before. and in that search when they experience it and when they look at themselves, they are surprised that i was such a drunkard yesterday, was doing this, was doing that and all this of mine, whatever was like an obligation, how did it drop off suddenly. Means what was it that was left behind. By and by, with this power, with the power of the spirit you see , you yourself are very powerful. and you see that with this power of the spirit you can give light to others too. I have seen that many people had stage fright have now become great orators. Those who didn't know how to write poetry, started writing poems. Very great singers, musicians, and many artists have reached great heights. This I am telling you only about power of creativity. But there are many powers within us, we are unaware of and these execute after getting enlightened in the light of the spirit. We don't know ourselves. Actually we say this is my hand, this is my nose, this is my head this is my wisdom and this is my thought. This 'mine, mine' that we say, who is this? If it is asked, ' who am i' ? we don't have (any answer to it). But you (INAUDIBLE) and piercing the Bramharandra this all over spread Divine power is available to you. Even the spirit settled in your heart gets enlightened in your attention. Then you understand that i am not this body, wisdom, mind, ego. I myself am pure spirit. A very great secret, which remained hidden gets exposed in front of you. You don't know that you are the spirit. But when it takes place, its knowledge comes to you. Now this word Bodh' (knowledge) is very important. This is Sanskrit word Bodh. From Bodh originated Buddha. Means that on your central nervous system, you can feel this power. You can feel this power on your chakras. You can feel other's chakras too on this If you can correct your chakras, you can do other's too. While sitting here, you can even know about the chakras of one who has died or is living in some foreign land. Everybody gets knowledge about chakras. You on your fingers can know about the problem a person is suffering from. Everybody will say the same thing. There is no discussion about it, no quarrel because you have only truth. And after knowing this many people, one such person had come to tell Me today only that his cancer got cured. And I asked him, "what did you do?" " Mother I did a little bit of Sahaja yoga treatment of Cancer then I was alright. And everybody had told me that you will die but i am completely cured. But in this ( INAUDIBLE) and another quality is that you know it. You know everything. In Sahaja yoga, there is no secret knowledge. You know everything about Sahaja yoga. Whatever you want to know, you know. First thing about truth is that you are pure Spirit. Another truth is that all around us is an invisible subtle power. It is God's love that activates. Now we may call that by any name. It is called 'Ruh' in Quran. In Bible it is called ' Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost'. And you go through any religion Chaitanya and Paramchaitanya etc., many other things have been mentioned in our Shastras. And if You go through Patanjali yoga it is called 'Ritambhara PrAgnya' which changes seasons, which makes the flowers to bloom and whatever the system of living work channel is there everything that takes place, is this power. You are at one with that power and it works inside your being. After that you start changing. You life gets balanced and you know everything on your finger tips, what is your problem. For example, people will come and tell Me "Mother, my Agnya is catching." It means that we are getting ego and please take it out. But will anyone say," I have ego"? Nobody will say! But when this state comes, a human being introspects himself. What problem i have, like that and when this takes place, then in collectivity, in collectivity a lot of work is done. In collectivity it so happens that a new cycle starts. Now the people in Russia too are self realised In England too there are, in Japan too, they are everywhere. and they all know one thing about themselves and about others what is their problem and what problem we have. and how it should be done. All of them speak one language and that is of chakras and in this way I can see a new era in front of Me. And now you cannot pay any money for this. It is worth understanding that for any living work we cannot pay any money. if there is a seed, if we put it into soil we do not pay any money to the soil. In the same way , it is a living work and for this living work, you don't have to pay anything and if anyone asks for money first of all try to understand that it is fraud. In this I will say that today we are human beings for that whom did we pay any money? So if we come from spiritual form, to whom have we to pay for that? Yes it is correct that if you are booking a hall, pay money for that or pay money for such a thing. But if you want for all this work, no money for that. But if a human being understands only this much that it has no connection with money and God doesn't know what is money or bank. And when you understand this thing mostly the wrong gurus who have evolved these days they will be disposed off. Now in religions also, religion is money oriented Either he is power oriented or he is money oriented for everything you put so much money that we will write a letter to God and He will set right everything. In this way we, at a very low level, talk in the name of God. I am so happy that today people were blessed and got relaxed. About Sahaja yoga, if you want to understand you have to experience it If you have not experienced it just make you understand like that may be you will think that She is talking just miraculously. Don't know if it is true or not. So first of all it should be experienced. This is very important. After experiencing it like a sprouted seed, it grows slowly in the same way, a Sahaja yogi becomes a saint of a very high quality. And their methodology is so pure and beautiful that after watching them more people join Sahaja yoga. Their life is full of love and enjoyment. With that too people think that they have not seen anything like that There is no problem, no confusion of any type and the greatest thing is that the character of Sahaja yogis and specially, special character, with great morality gets nourished. I have seen foreigners who take drugs if they get realisation today, they give up drugs only next day. And their eye which would move here and there would absolutely get innocent. Very beautiful! Full of innocence! In this way, if a human being knows himself it is a very beautiful grateful and a special thing God has created So, I have to tell everybody that you get your realisation first. There is no need even to trust Me. It is quite possible that I too may put you into wrong concepts. So, first you get your realisation and after that understand it. Because due to superstitions also there has been a great loss to us. I don't want that you should trust on Me blindfoldedly. Now the obstacles that we face are like this that if anyone is extremely foolish, then we can't do anything. Sahaja yoga is not for the fools. Next if anyone is very head strong and tends to do his own way his kundalini too will not awaken. Thirdly, those who are great sinners and very wicked their kundalini too does not awaken. If you say," Mother please give realisation to Hitler". I can't give. There are such people too who have gone to wrong gurus they have been influenced by them there will be a little difficulty in giving them realisation. For example some people are such that they are attatched to something, to some dharma, to this, to that. If you really want independence then first awaken the mechanism of self. When that is done for that there is no worry, you will understand everything. But it is important that your spirit should first come to your attention. There are many advantages of Sahaja yoga. Some of these I can tell today. Because, it has so many advantages and every time for example, I come across some people telling Me, I have been benefited in this way, in that way. But if we classify it the first and greatest advantage of it is that you will get your health benefits. because when your chakras get weakened whichever chakra gets like that that part of the body gets effected by some disease It is difficult to make you understand particularly about that but in Delhi University four doctors were honoured M.D [Doctor of Medicine] for Sahaja yoga. They had worked on four topics and all the four topics are such that that we cannot cure diseases. For example Asthma. Asthma can be cured by Sahaja yoga. Now if we talk about it extensively that when we think too much. Just now we think about our future then we plan a lot. So, our power of our right side it works in a more special way. One is that, our liver and your pancreas your spleen and intestines. To all these only one chakra gives energy and that is Swadishthan. But when you think it gives enrgy even to the grey cells of our brain. When you think more than your need, and get worried you are futuristic. So the energy that we have in this chakra gets utilized in that. The grey cells of your brain go on changing your liver is out of order your Pancrease, your spleen and your intestines are out of order. Now, liver's this work that the poison that is inside your being it takes out of one's body in the form of heat. For example, the blood that goes to liver the heat is sucked byit (liver). It is a very great task. If liver doesn't work, gets weak this heat moves upwards. When it starts moving upwards we say that inside us there is a chakra which is Right Heart which manages our lungs. When this chakra gets heat that causes Asthma in us. Now when this heat reaches pancreas, it causes Diabetes. Diabetes often occurs to those who are futuristic, those who plan with paper and pen. Poor people do not get diabetes because they are not bothered about future. Today they eat food, sleep, next day get up and go to work. They may take sugar four to five spoons, it hardly matters. This disease attacks those who take too much help of their wisdom and those who are futuristic. Then a very serious disease attacks your spleen. The job of spleen is that it controls your speedometer. The work that you are doing, you do it rhythmically or you get up in the morning, you rush, take something and then drive the car and then on the way read the news or something the brain gets all the more out of order then went to office , there also got rebuked. This spedometer doesn't understand what has happened to this man? He becomes mad. When the spleen goes out of order, at that stage if he gets any shock or is affected he gets diseases like blood cancer and leukemia. And that too many people in Sahaja yoga have got. Then it effects your kidney. So the kidney also shrivels (shrinks) by this heat. Because of that the urine gets blocked. They put you on Dialysis and you become bankrupt and you have to die surely. Then after that it effects your intestines you cannot digest your food and you have constipation. Sometimes it takes a very serious turn and then I told you about lungs also. But when there is a child there is a young boy of eighteen / nineteen years old, drinks heat on account of that causes massive heart attack to him. His life cannot be saved. That is why it is said, that if somebody gets massive heart attack his life cannot be saved. There will be complete end of his life. Then about this heat I have to say that if a human being goes on like this , his heart can also be effected. Anytime he can have a massive heart attack in his life time. That also causes death. Thirdly, he can have paralysis. His right side will be paralysed. It means that nature too teaches us balancing. If we use our right side too much our right side will be constricted. if the right side is constricted, you cannot do any work. This I have told you only about one chakra. You can understand that it causes so many diseases. And inside our being there are seven chakras. Kundalini pierces six chakras and if your six chakras get alright your health will be perfectly alright. Then you will have no problem. With the help of this, cancer and many other diseases have been cured and can be cured. But first of all there should be self realisation. And it is not necessary that you should collect all the sick people. For example, if we cure one, they get ten more to be cured and those who get sick, mostly I have noticed that by curing them out of them five to ten percent take to Sahaja yoga. Rest of them get cured and go, they get back their diseases Get their heart disease again. Those who settle down in Sahaja yoga sensibly they are completely healthy. Now the second benefit is that that peace settles in your heart. We are always thinking about our future or we think about the past and we jump on these thoughts that which is present we cannot remain stationed. But one thought comes and falls down second thought rises and comes down. In this way there is a chain of thoughts and between these there is a little space which is called Vilambha (pause) that is present but there our attention doesn't stick. With the awakening of Kundalini, these thoughts disperse and gets elongated and the space in between, that is our present. and the present only is that is truth. Rest, past is over and the future is not there. In the present you settle down. When you settle in the present, total peace settles inside your being. In the same way, For example you are standing in water and the waves are rising you don't know swimming and you become nervous. But if you come into the boat, you see the waves too. But if you know swimming, you can jump and save them too. Those who don't know swimming and are sinking Just the same happens in Sahaja yoga. First, people attain that state which is called thoughtless awareness means without any thought which is called 'Nirvichara Samadhi'. This is the first state. and after that the state which comes is called 'Nirvikalpa Samadhi'. Means that no doubt remains about one's own self, about Sahaja yoga and about one's powers. Such a person has full confidence, what is Sahaja yoga? and then he does the work of Sahaja yoga. This state has come to many for the first time. and some take time and by getting Nirvichara samadhi you become absolutely peaceful. This is the state of your inner peace that we have to get. With the help of this, our past thoughts and violence and our tendency to destroy others gets over. Because the peace that is settled within us we experience with a great joy and ease. Then we don't like to hate anyone to criticize anyone to be egoistic. We don't have any greed for any thing. All this greed is over. And a human being peacefully witnesses the whole world And in this witness state he thinks it was all like a drama. I came out of it. Now i am not in this traffic. I am sitting outside on a mountain. He moves away from it. The questions that he has are over very easily because he has come out of it. And apart from that, this supreme power of love becomes active. Questions are over. Another great advantage that your subtle powers the power of creativity gets awakened Every type of creative power I have seen, got awakened in such people where there was no hope that they will do some such creative work. Third thing is that, because of your mental peace you give mental peace to others too. Wherever such a person exists, there peace prevails. Only by giving award, nobody gets peace. By telling that somebody is messenger of peace there cannot be peace. Peace is within our being. And when such peace establishes within us we become totally fearless. As Kabira has said, "I will sing Nirbhay, Nirgun Gaunga Mai." So fear goes off. Such a person leads a fearless and truthful life. Christ's case is very interesting. Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. Everybody stoned her. After stones were thrown at her when she came to the edge of the village Christ went and stood and picked up a stone and said that the stones which all of you are throwing out of them, the person who has never committed any sin hit stones at Me. It was such a courageous act. Everybody put their stones on to the ground. And then to that Mary Magdalene He changed her life gave her a very great a powerful state of yoga. So, it is proved that you in a way in the light of your spirit get completely, an inner security. It is a very great job. Now because of that many people get breast cancer or other diseases Thirdly many people who didn't know how to sing, started singing. Many people who were scared of delivering a speech started giving speeches. And for example, you pay your attention towards others as to what are the good attributes in them. And pay attention to what bad quality they have in their ownself. For example, when you are away from yourself, you ask. Then you see what is wrong with your society. Then you see what is wrong with your country Before this, if we tell somebody that there is something wrong with your society they will run to kill us. Now they think that this is wrong, let us get rid of it. In this way, purity of one's own life One who is such a great human being he purifies all his own society and his country. He doesn't think, Why should he do? Why should he do this clearing? I have got it and am sitting comfortably. I have got it and I shall now enjoy it. It is not like this. Such a person has got such a desire from his inner self because he becomes compassionate. I have got it, why not to give it to others. And because of that they work so hard that I am surprised In this way , those who became Sahaja yogis helped Me. I cannot explain this. Another thing is that with the help of Sahaja yoga our wisdom what we think that we are very intelligent Wisdom becomes balanced and you get Divine discretion. You know who is right and who is not how much you must say, how much you must tell what should you say and whatever you do, its effect will be deep and wide spread. Somebody's gravity, individuality, for example I say universe, collectivity and to know oneself. And in this collectivity, he is a part of this universe. Then he understands what is this creation what is this mountain and what is this stream, what is this sea. After looking at it, he gets a spiritual feeling about it. And it can solve your ecological problems too. For example a human being uses such things which are man made which cleans this environment. There is no need to say and I found that people got their children (to Me) They are very dull, they don't study at all and like that. Those boys stood first. Not only this, they got scholarship. It sharpens your wisdom and along with that you get lot of wisdom I have seen children, they go to school till are not set in ( Sahaja yoga) I don't like to eat this, I want that, do this , do that. After staying there for one year these children become so sensible so much sensible that parents are surprised what has happened to the children. We won't insist for anything. If there is a good television anywhere, we won't watch. We won't go anywhere, we will stay at home we will eat home made food. Oh! Say something! No we don't want anything. Ok! Let us watch flowers in the lawn. Either we can go to some cloth museum or to some zoo In this way children's temper changes and children respect everyone in an orderly manner. The greatest thing is that we don't respect anything now a days. we don't respect our land because she is our mother, we don't respect Sun and the greatest thing is that we don't respect our parents, nor our culture. Then we get awakened in Sahaja culture. It is a great new thing. In that a human being becomes moral. He happens to be like that. We don't have to tell him. I don't tell anyone to be moral. He becomes absolutely moral. I have seen that those who use abusive language, get rid of the abusive words. Those who drink, give it up. Every type of immorality that we see in Kaliyuga, comes to end. This great benefit that is going to be in our society can be with the help of Sahaj yoga. It cannot be by giving lectures. If you give lectures morality cannot get awakened. The same thing I have seen with respect to religions. If you say in any religion that you do whatever you want to do have freedom like Christians. That has not allowed them to be moral. The other religions were like this don't do this , don't do that not to do like this, not to do like that. They are all the more immoral. They want to come stealthily. That morality awakens within and such a great moral society is created. Such people do not tell a lie. Such people do not grab money. Such people do not trouble anyone. Don't talk against anyone. Every time they think how to give them comfort. How to make them to get rid of their bad habits. All the time compassion flows on like this. And I didn't see many people, they got perfectly alright. This is the hard work of Sahajyogis because of which all this happened. It is this morality coming within us, we should say that keeps the society organised. That disciplines the children The greatest thing is that your health improves. In the modern times if you see how many diseases are there these are mostly because of immorality. Now secondly, we should think that with respect to religion We should right now give preference to this that all the religions are dependant on spiritualism. Whichever religion it is whether it is Christian religion or Muslim religion Their predecessors nowhere they said that their religion is a separate religion. Now Muhammad Sahab never said that this religion is a separate one. He simply talked about Moses talked about Ibraham, talked about Jesus (NOT CLEAR). Talked about everyone Then He said that lacks of people are reborn. (INAUDIBLE) He also said that When twelfth (INAUDIBLE) then that will take you to the road of ascent He called that kiyama. So He said this about future. Like that Jesus Christ. He also talked about Moses, Abraham and about all others And when He was hanging on the cross He had said,"Behold the Mother." He talked about Mother. He also did not make any such religion that it is My religion different from others religion. Showed like this that one after the other dharmas were there in the world. But even then people separated the religions. This is not the reality The essence of every religion is just one. The aim is just one that your rebirth should take place and your spirit should get enlightened. This is the essence of it. I would like to say that those who talk about secularism they should follow Gandhiji's secularism. Gandhiji from the beginning the mantras that he has written in his Bhajnawali they are all about Kundalini. First he talked about heart because He said in heart (NOT CLEAR) that which is felt inside my heart is Atma tatva………….. after that from Shri Ganesha those who are separate deities in different chakras one after the other starts the names of all Gods. Along with this He talked about Quran. Then talked about Buddha's "Buddham Sharnam Gachchami" etc. Next Lord's prayer of Christians spread, even of Mahavira and all the people whether he may be a Muslim, Hindu or a Christian who lived in their Ashram and would come there Everyone respected all of these would recite the name of all of these and worship them. Now it is that the meaning of secularism is I can't understand. Because somewhere some dharma, at other places the other dharma. We think that in foreign countries, there is secularism It is not so at all. In France it is absolutely, they say France is the eldest daughter of our Catholic Church Some where there are Catholic Churches and at other places there are protestants and where there is no other religion, for example Islamic religion. All of them exist independantly. For example, a different religion of theirs a different religion of others a different religion of still others, it is not so. Now the misunderstandings that are in our country because the most imortant point is that in our house we adhere to Hindu Dharma. In Hindu Dharma it has never been talked about. First of all castiesm is not a good thing. because that which has been said in casteism for the Devi it has been said Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Jati Rupena Sansthita. Jati means your liking, your aptitude that Jati now try to understand if you are in search of God you are a Brahmin and if you want to rule you are a Khatriya and if you want to do business you are a Baniya and those who want to earn money by serving others are Shrudras. But this Jati was according to karmas earlier and not according to birth. Do you see anyone who says that I am in search of Brahma. I have not seen such a Brahmin. They are ruling as Brahmins. They are Khatriyas. They are not Brahmins. In this way I am going to give you proof of casteism. When Shri Ram went to jungle Shabri , an old woman had very few teeth tasted each piece of berry gave these to Shri Rama. Shri Rama said: Oh! how sweet and nice these are! He took berries and started eating. He said this is just Amrit! His wife said I should also get some share as I am your better half. But Laxmanji was getting very angry that this old lady is touching the berries to her teeth and feeding (Shri Rama) (Bhini si) means Shudra. (Low caste) Then His wife Sitaji said: How nice these berries are! Laxmanji said: Give me too some. Why shall I give, you are getting angry? He said : Please give me some. After taking these he said : These are just like Amrut. This is an example of Shri Ram Chanderji that He would not give importance to Shrudra (caste system)etc. Then Ramayana was written by Valmiki ji who was a fisherman and then he was a robber. And then you must be knowing his story very well how he became a saint. He asked him to write Ramayana. Didn't he get anyone else? It was to prove that a human being's caste is according to his karma. Then have a look at Shri Krishna. He too is an unusual personality that He would go to Vidhur's house to have his simple food and He didn't take fruit at Duryodan's house because Duryodan, whatever he considered himself was an evil person. and whose veg he would take was after all the son of a female slave. He would have his food at the house of the son of a female slave because He was a realised soul. He would take his food at Vidhur's house but He would not take at Duryodan's house and then His too and even about Krishna, who has written? Gita is a wonderful compilation. that Vyas ji, it should be said that he was an illegitimate or illegal child. He wrote Shri Krishna's Gita. It proves they wanted to prove that caste system is useless. but we do not understand all this. Even now we talk about caste, this and that. And whatever karma we do never think that this is our caste, we belong to this caste. It is nowhere in the world. This is the quality of our country. Now because of this casteism so many conflicts have come up. We got so many Harijans of this country married in foreign countries. People in foreign countries don't know anything. Harijan they think, means people of Hari. They hold them in high esteem and have lot of respect for them. But still we are infested with this thought that he is a Harijan. Now they have accepted Buddha Dharma, still they are Harijans. Next, within the Dharma too there are so many disputes they will quarrel inside a mosque they will quarrel for the statue of Parsavnath. Wherever you go, Dharma means to quarrel. There will be a dispute between Shias and Sunnis. How can that be? If dharma is one, why your disputes? Now we should think that there is some fault in it. That in this way we are fighting in the name of Dharma, in the name of God How is it possible? It is impossible. It means that we are away from God. We are not closer to God. If a human being understands this God's work is to give love have to bring together everybody, have to assemble everybody in Samashti (Collectivity). All these disputes will be over. But it cannot be with the help of wisdom The work done by wisdom goes on and on and on from here with thoughts and then returns back. There is no truth in it. What's the basis to support it? But the thought of Atma is spread all over. Now it is going on spreading. It doesn't have any apprehension of falling down. Because of this we see that the Dharma people have made out of their minds, one should say, made a system of it and made its repercussions. That has caused notions about Dharma and has twisted and returned back again. It is called 'Bhoomarang' in English. In this way it has mesmerised a human being. But now they are fighting and quarrelling. It should not be so in our country. Don't know how many saints and sages must have been here and never did any saint talk like this. Some time there were Brahmins, there were Shudras too and there were many types of casts as well. But one saint respects another saint with love. It can happen only when you are a real saint. Then you will have respect towards another person then your questions will be over. If I will say a little bit at the end in Maharashtra there was a poet named Namdev whom Guru Nanak also recognised and another saint was a potter. Namdev went to meet him. [the potter, Gora] He went to see him. On seeing him, he stood up immediately. In Marathi he said Nirguna Cha Beti Alo Sagun Sanghey. I had come to see Nirguna in you, Chaitanya in you. Saguna is standing in front of me. One saint is saying to another saint. Saints have always respected saints. Among Muslims those who are Sufis, Hazrat Muhammad Nizamudin Sahab, then Khusro Sahab, Mouddin Sahab. In this way everywhere I have seen Sufis they are in Russia and are in Turkey. And in Turkey there were some old Sufis. They said that Shri Mataji's work is greater than that of Fatimabi. Now they will recognise Me. Now they are no more in this world but his disciples recognise Me. In this way, in every family such were saints and sages, in every dharma. there was no such dharma. And they all think that all the religions are the out come of one tree of spiritualism. And they don't have this question because we are in darkness and don't know and we quarrel in this darkness, in this ignorance. This problem instantly gets over in Sahaja yoga Not only this if the dispute of various Dharmas is over but the countries the countries which once were our enemies are friendly in Sahaja yoga today. Everywhere Iranians, Pakistanis people have come from far off countries. I am so surprised to find how much they have progressed and how they have evolved to this stage. In this way what we call national integration it cannot be done by force. It cannot be done by making to understand or by giving lectures. With the help of inner transformation, it takes place on its own. No need to say anything!
Evening Program Sahasrara Puja and Talk: You have to be politically aware
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Talk Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, our most hearty welcome, back in Europe, back in Cabella. Jai Shri Mataji![Flower is offered to Shri Mataji ] And of course we also most lovingly extend our hearty welcome to Sir C.P. Srivastava. Welcome! [Flower is offered to C.P. Srivastava] Beloved Shri Mataji, Beloved Mother of our world, Today we celebrate a very special anniversary Today we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the opening of Sahasrara chakra Which without any doubt marks the most spiritual, the most important spiritual happening in the evolution of mankind... Today we look back on 25 years of the activity of the most powerful, the most wonderful, the most loving and the most compassionate incarnation of the divine [unclear]a face of this earth. Today Shri Mataji we look back to the last 25 years of your life when you have given birth to your child Sahaja Yoga & when you have dedicated each second ...each moment of your life to bring up this child until today that we celebrate the 25th birthday of Sahaja Yoga. In the past 25 years, at least 5 million human beings must have gotten there kundalini awakening through you Shri Mataji ...And today we find approx. 200,000 Sahaja yogis all over the world Who are actively practising Sahaja Yoga, Who are worshipping you every day, Who are devoting themselves to the dharma of Sahaja Yoga & who are dedicating themselves to the spreading of Sahaja Yoga. We have 100's of ashram all over the world ...You, Shri Mataji has created 1000's of families You have given the chance for 1000's of high souls wanting to [unclear/in-connect ]and participate in this tremendous happening, in this tremendous awakening of the mankind. We have schools...Many schools all over the world & effect Shri Mataji you have created a completely new human race, a completely new kind of human beings who have through you Shri Mataji access, through the subtle arms of reality Which are totally unknown to the rest of the world ...All the Sahaj yogis ...They live in conscious connection and conscious bondage with divinity and the experience every day the Param Chaitanya. They are living actual existence, of the holy ghost of the Adishakti. And they experience there own nature which is divine ...This is the greatest achievement which has ever been achieved by any of the incarnations, by any of the prophets, by any of the saints, and it really marks the coronation of the spiritual evolution of mankind. So on this very important occasion, We thankyou Shri Mataji in the name of all the prophet's, of all the saints, of all the seers of everybody who is been working for the emancipation of mankind since the existence of mankind and whose dream and whose vision has finally come true at the very ancients of the golden age to come at the very entrance of such a yuga which is heralded through your advent Shri Mataji. And which will be built on the foundation of these Sahaja yogi's, who you have created until today. Shri Mataji, as a symbol of our total devotion to you, as a symbol of total awareness that who you are Today we would like to surrender to you the world which is represented by all those flags. And not only do we want to surrender and to your holy lotus feet the world and all those national flags They represent all our wrong identifications...They represent all their differences between human beings ...They represent the cause and the reason why human beings have been fighting and falling in the lust, sins that we look back into history ... Today it is another very important day, it is not only the 25th Anniversary of the opening of Sahasrara chakra but it is also the 50th anniversary of the ending of the second world war So both the anniversary fall together. So Shri Mataji, its the Sahasrara is symbolising the dimension of integration, the dimension of the absolute and the dimension of the oneness ...We now surrender all the differences between the human beings, all the wrong identifications and we ask that all of these things get dissolve in the oneness of Sahaja yoga, get dissolve in the recognition of you Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ...Thank you very much! We salute Shri Mataji! We congratulate you We Thankyou and we are looking forward to the next 25 years with you Shri Mataji! Thank you! [Every body bows down to Shri mataji] [While the offering of Flags to Shri Mataji ...Sahaj yogis take the Maha Mantras] Shri Mataji ...Please accept these offerings as a symbol for a desire for a future to come without any difference, races no more different religions, no more different castes, no more borders, no more nations, but a world one in unify by Sahaja yoga ...finding itself at your lotus feet...Jai Shri Mataji! [Performances45:36 ] Shri Mataji: Program that the Austrians gave and then the people ...I should say the Germans who gave the program was very good because the first program was sort of the classical side of it & I love the way they play...All these beautiful tunes of a classical western Music, that was very much interesting no doubt but after that also the drama that they have was very interesting about Sahaja yoga `And I thoroughly enjoyed that also, the way they are understanding Sahaja Yoga and everything can be done if you have faith in yourself ...That's very important ...And all this night that we have spent here It was very blissful I think that everybody was so very happy& was enjoying. So tomorrow We have again a programme for Sahaja Yoga Puja So We should go & possibly sleep. After this I know you will have some time to enjoy each other for a while as usual But after that please go out to sleep ...Now today's celebration was very important [unclear /as we ]brought the flags. I was so filled I don't know for what sort of feelings but so many feelings ...That I don't know what to say about this ...Such a unique idea ...Some of the flags I did not know also. But in this world, this flag represents some sort of a very sublime idea about that country ...very sublime ...Now you see all these countries, how all this nobility is going down ...and there is no respect for that flag which they have created ...I am happy that you brought those flags & that you should find out, what is the noble idea of having these flags & what is the purpose of having this different colours & what is expected of you as the citizens of that particular country This has really, shown how you feel that Sahaja yoga has to have become [i won't say a political party ]but politically aware ...You have to be politically aware ...It's very important because these days if you read the newspaper you get such a fright to see that everywhere there is a war going on ....this one fighting ...that one ...and all kinds of revenge is going on. At this moment, to think that all flags to come together. It's a very unique and great achievement of Sahaja yogi's to think on those lines. It is not going to be like the United Nations, Which is just united in the names. But it will be one collective nation we can create. I was really very much touched by the way they organised all these things & on their own way you arranged all these things. I had nothing to do about it & how long you have taken responsibilities and working it out ...It's very very gratifying, these 25 years have been so much [unclear/passed ]But one day can show you some sum total of what we have achieved ...So Thank you very much for everything ...Thank you! May God bless you! May God bless you. May God bless you.
Talk Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, our most hearty welcome, back in Europe, back in Cabella. Jai Shri Mataji![Flower is offered to Shri Mataji ] And of course we also most lovingly extend our hearty welcome to Sir C.P. Srivastava. Welcome! [Flower is offered to C.P. Srivastava] Beloved Shri Mataji, Beloved Mother of our world, Today we celebrate a very special anniversary Today we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the opening of Sahasrara chakra Which without any doubt marks the most spiritual, the most important spiritual happening in the evolution of mankind... Today we look back on 25 years of the activity of the most powerful, the most wonderful, the most loving and the most compassionate incarnation of the divine [unclear]a face of this earth. Today Shri Mataji we look back to the last 25 years of your life when you have given birth to your child Sahaja Yoga & when you have dedicated each second ...each moment of your life to bring up this child until today that we celebrate the 25th birthday of Sahaja Yoga. In the past 25 years, at least 5 million human beings must have gotten there kundalini awakening through you Shri Mataji ...And today we find approx. 200,000 Sahaja yogis all over the world Who are actively practising Sahaja Yoga, Who are worshipping you every day, Who are devoting themselves to the dharma of Sahaja Yoga & who are dedicating themselves to the spreading of Sahaja Yoga. We have 100's of ashram all over the world ...You, Shri Mataji has created 1000's of families You have given the chance for 1000's of high souls wanting to [unclear/in-connect ]and participate in this tremendous happening, in this tremendous awakening of the mankind. We have schools...Many schools all over the world & effect Shri Mataji you have created a completely new human race, a completely new kind of human beings who have through you Shri Mataji access, through the subtle arms of reality Which are totally unknown to the rest of the world ...All the Sahaj yogis ...They live in conscious connection and conscious bondage with divinity and the experience every day the Param Chaitanya. They are living actual existence, of the holy ghost of the Adishakti. And they experience there own nature which is divine ...This is the greatest achievement which has ever been achieved by any of the incarnations, by any of the prophets, by any of the saints, and it really marks the coronation of the spiritual evolution of mankind. So on this very important occasion, We thankyou Shri Mataji in the name of all the prophet's, of all the saints, of all the seers of everybody who is been working for the emancipation of mankind since the existence of mankind and whose dream and whose vision has finally come true at the very ancients of the golden age to come at the very entrance of such a yuga which is heralded through your advent Shri Mataji. And which will be built on the foundation of these Sahaja yogi's, who you have created until today. Shri Mataji, as a symbol of our total devotion to you, as a symbol of total awareness that who you are Today we would like to surrender to you the world which is represented by all those flags. And not only do we want to surrender and to your holy lotus feet the world and all those national flags They represent all our wrong identifications...They represent all their differences between human beings ...They represent the cause and the reason why human beings have been fighting and falling in the lust, sins that we look back into history ... Today it is another very important day, it is not only the 25th Anniversary of the opening of Sahasrara chakra but it is also the 50th anniversary of the ending of the second world war So both the anniversary fall together. So Shri Mataji, its the Sahasrara is symbolising the dimension of integration, the dimension of the absolute and the dimension of the oneness ...We now surrender all the differences between the human beings, all the wrong identifications and we ask that all of these things get dissolve in the oneness of Sahaja yoga, get dissolve in the recognition of you Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ...Thank you very much! We salute Shri Mataji! We congratulate you We Thankyou and we are looking forward to the next 25 years with you Shri Mataji! Thank you! [Every body bows down to Shri mataji] [While the offering of Flags to Shri Mataji ...Sahaj yogis take the Maha Mantras] Shri Mataji ...Please accept these offerings as a symbol for a desire for a future to come without any difference, races no more different religions, no more different castes, no more borders, no more nations, but a world one in unify by Sahaja yoga ...finding itself at your lotus feet...Jai Shri Mataji! [Performances45:36 ] Shri Mataji: Program that the Austrians gave and then the people ...I should say the Germans who gave the program was very good because the first program was sort of the classical side of it & I love the way they play...All these beautiful tunes of a classical western Music, that was very much interesting no doubt but after that also the drama that they have was very interesting about Sahaja yoga `And I thoroughly enjoyed that also, the way they are understanding Sahaja Yoga and everything can be done if you have faith in yourself ...That's very important ...And all this night that we have spent here It was very blissful I think that everybody was so very happy& was enjoying. So tomorrow We have again a programme for Sahaja Yoga Puja So We should go & possibly sleep. After this I know you will have some time to enjoy each other for a while as usual But after that please go out to sleep ...Now today's celebration was very important [unclear /as we ]brought the flags. I was so filled I don't know for what sort of feelings but so many feelings ...That I don't know what to say about this ...Such a unique idea ...Some of the flags I did not know also. But in this world, this flag represents some sort of a very sublime idea about that country ...very sublime ...Now you see all these countries, how all this nobility is going down ...and there is no respect for that flag which they have created ...I am happy that you brought those flags & that you should find out, what is the noble idea of having these flags & what is the purpose of having this different colours & what is expected of you as the citizens of that particular country This has really, shown how you feel that Sahaja yoga has to have become [i won't say a political party ]but politically aware ...You have to be politically aware ...It's very important because these days if you read the newspaper you get such a fright to see that everywhere there is a war going on ....this one fighting ...that one ...and all kinds of revenge is going on. At this moment, to think that all flags to come together. It's a very unique and great achievement of Sahaja yogi's to think on those lines. It is not going to be like the United Nations, Which is just united in the names. But it will be one collective nation we can create. I was really very much touched by the way they organised all these things & on their own way you arranged all these things. I had nothing to do about it & how long you have taken responsibilities and working it out ...It's very very gratifying, these 25 years have been so much [unclear/passed ]But one day can show you some sum total of what we have achieved ...So Thank you very much for everything ...Thank you! May God bless you! May God bless you. May God bless you.
Sahasrara Puja: Achieve Complete Freedom
Cabella Ligure
“Achieve Complete Freedom”, Sahasrara Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 7 May 1995. Today it’s a great day for us, for all the Sahaj Yogis, that on this day – I would say, we are late by one day, or two days – the Sahasrara was opened out. It was just a miracle, I should say, because I didn’t think that I am at a point where it could be done. So I wanted to wait, but some things happened that made me think that it has to be open: it was in such a situation that I felt that if Idelay it anymore now, it may help these false gurus to spread their nonsense all over. This is just, I should say, a sahaj way of doing things. Now, 25 years have passed, and you have all gathered here during this time, and we have so many others who are not here, who have achieved so many things. But perhaps we are not aware as to what we have achieved in the real sense of the word. You’ve got your vibrations, you can feel this All-pervading Power; you are, as they say, swimming in the Ocean of Joy; you are all enjoying the collectivity, and you have transcended many of your limitations. All this has happened to you because it is your right to have it. I don’t take any credit for it. Only thing [is that], all the time, I have been pointing it out to you, one thing, that now, you have entered into the Kingdom of God, and enjoy yourself. We have to see around ourselves: the whole nature enjoys itself, it doesn’t bother, doesn’t bother about anything. They haven’t got Realisation, they haven’t felt the Paramchaitanya, but how is it they know that we have to enjoy? The flowers come out for a short time and fade out, but as long as they live they are very happy. They don’t think of their past or of their future, but they enjoy the present. And in the present they enjoy what? Is that they are fragrant and giving fragrance to others; they are beautiful and they are soothing others. The whole nature is like that. If you look at the birds, or anything that we call as natural, is all sort of in a meditative mood. All these hills and big, big mountains, they look as if they are a witness to whatever has been happening. Now, we have to really first look back [at] what we have achieved. That is important, because if you are climbing up on a hill, if you look back, you get a shock, and you may fall down. So, normally people say, “Never look back.” But, a person who has earned some treasure, he again and again goes and counts it and finds out how much he has got, and every time he sees that he enjoys. So, to know relatively what we have got, and how we have achieved something, will definitely give you greater strength of mind and richness of life. The first thing that has happened to you which is very important, is this: that you have felt this All-pervading Power. That shows that you must have been great seekers of truth, honest, sincere, sensible [so] that, just coming to my programme, you felt the vibrations, and after that you started settling down into it. So many of you have felt it, suddenly, and they were amazed, and they were shocked and surprised, and they wanted to test whether it is true or not. But then you were confident, you found it, that you’ve got definitely a new dimension in your life and that you are feeling this All-pervading Power of Divine Love. I’ll take one lecture, sufficient to describe this All-pervading Power! But what you’ve got out of it – the essence of it, one has to know – is a complete freedom: you have achieved your complete freedom. First of all, the freedom has come to you – first of all, most important – is from your ego. This wall of ego you have crossed. You have got out of the bondage of this ego, which was really so much, full of problems for you. So many things this ego does of which you are not aware. Firstly, a person who is an egoist doesn’t mind hurting anyone. He hurts, but if he’s hurt he doesn’t like it, immediately he’ll start crying. Especially, I have seen people who have too much ego are very easily hurt, but they don’t understand how many people they have hurt already, and how many are really frightened of such a person. So, you got rid of your ego. It is sinful to hurt any other human being for anything; for whatever may be the reason that you feel you should hurt another one. The first is the revenge, the idea of revenge is there that, “I must take a revenge on the person who has hurt me, or has done some wrong to me!” or something of that kind. This idea of revenge comes when you react. Some react very violently. I have seen some people murdering each other in the name of revenge, killing their own kith and kin, killing their fellow men, their countrymen. All over the world is some sort of a stupid idea of revenge. But if you go to the subtle side of revenge, what is it? What revenge have you taken? Supposing there is somebody who has troubled you, you are angry with that person, and you have killed that person, so you have actually saved him! He won’t have to suffer from guilty conscience, he won’t have to do anything, he’s just finished. What is the revenge is? The revenge should be only by which a person gets out of his idea of killing others. Like a sword never fights a sword, it fights the shield. In the same way, the revenge that we think we can take on another person is not a revenge, because any action you take in the name of revenge comes back to you and hurts you much more. So many things can happen if a person, in the name of revenge, starts acting. Now, for example, these days, you know, in the whole world there’s so much of revenge going on, even in the name of God: taking revenge because certain people are following some religion, or they are doing something else that you are doing. Working out this kind of a revenge, what is happening is that you are just killing people, destroying them, who do not even understand what sort of a revenge you are taking. People are putting bombs and putting all kinds of things, and by that thousands of innocent people one is killing. So what kind of a revenge have you taken? They don’t deserve any revenge. So this revenge, when it explodes, can destroy so many innocent people, and it will definitely react on you. You cannot get away with it. It’s a very long process of this revenge. I have told you about Bermuda Triangle, what they say, that so many blacks were taken slaves and were drowned in that area, so their spirits, they are saying, are haunting on the people who are passing by, mostly the whites, and they just drown them. So it’s a very long process, and all that I need not discuss at this auspicious occasion. But I have to say that, when we take a revenge, every action has a reaction. So somehow you have got out of that idea of revenge – just out of that idea. There is another thing: if you don’t take revenge, and leave it to God, it acts, it acts. Not only that, but the Divine power takes into its own control how to really give a good lesson to that person, or to that community, or to that kind of organisation which is taking a revenge on you. You don’t have to worry. I’ll have to tell you that in these 25 years I have seen, people have been extremely unkind to me. Many organisations, many so-called “religions”, all kinds of things, have been after us; media has been after us. Take the example of French media: they tried to trouble us so much, and tried to bring a bad name to us, doesn’t matter. The media people -now three of them who went to India – are now under warrant, and if they go to India they will be arrested. I didn’t do anything, we didn’t do anything. Secondly, the same media, I mean the same newspapers, are all bankrupt. You didn’t do anything about it, you didn’t go and say that they should become bankrupt, you didn’t take any revenge. Why should we? Why should we take any revenge? Because we are not bothered as to what happens, we are not bothered as to what these people have done to us. But legally they are now involved in such a way that they are under warrant, and if they go to India, they’ll be arrested. And the whole of French government is with them, all of them are trying so much, but this punishment is on their head. In their lifetime – they didn’t have to die or anything – in their lifetime they have got it. So you have got this special power that you don’t have to take revenge, or you have to just forgive. Just forgive, and the forgiveness will look after the whole arrangement of how to bring the other person to its proper path. So, once you are out of this idea of revenge, you really feel very peaceful, extremely peaceful. Because this peace that you have within yourself, is not unnatural, it’s not mental, but it just happens to you. It’s alright, so what? If they have said, if they have done, anything wrong to us, why should we bother? So many things are there which, I can tell you, have worked out automatically. Now, in Turkey, they told me that there is some boy who is from England, and he went and told the media something against Sahaj Yoga, and it was all published. But in the court he confessed that, “Whatever I said was wrong.” Nobody, went and told him, nobody threatened him, nothing happened. So, from your point of view you must understand, that you are not going to get into any mess of taking revenge, of any kind; because you belong to the government of God, and this government is extremely alert, very genuine, and also extremely efficient; and, as far as you are concerned, you are a citizen of that great Kingdom. So what you have achieved is the citizenship of this great Kingdom of God, where you should feel absolutely secured. The man who is secure is never afraid, never afraid. So, you have also got rid of your fear. Man, I don’t know why he is afraid of this and afraid of that, and worries about this and worries about that. It’s something surprising how they worry about their health, worry about their family, their children, their house, all sorts of things. But Sahaj Yogis don’t, they don’t. We have no worry. It all works out [so] why should we worry? That instrument of worry is over, it’s finished; I think, it’s gone out of order. And what you are now [is] in a state where you just have no time to worry, because you are enjoying yourself. This fear I have seen in people works so much that so many diseases people get out of fear, so many diseases. Especially most of these left-sided diseases people get out of fear. What is there to fear? This is like you beat the Mother Earth saying that, “There’s a snake.” There’s no snake, but you may just feel that way, and you may go on with this fear. Any kind of an idea about a phantom or someone, or some sort of a big devil standing somewhere: it is all nonsense! For you, it doesn’t exist. Say in the darkness you are walking, so you see forms and things, and some people say, “I saw one on a tree, some sort of a form.” It doesn’t exist actually. It doesn’t exist. But this fear in man makes him think like that. He is afraid of this and afraid of that. And then, as a result, he loses his freedom, he becomes a slave, slave to so many people he is afraid of: [fearing] that such and such man will harm me, such and such man will trouble me. And the whole concept of fear has ruined our family lives. For example, a wife is dominating, husband is dominating: there’s nothing to fear, nothing to fear. By fear only you play into their hands. So, supposing the wife is dominating, just make fun out of it. If you cannot make the fun in the presence of say, your wife or your husband, better make it outside, thinking, “Oh! Look at that!” It is your special quality now that you can really get rid of your fear completely. What is there to be afraid of wife or afraid of husband? What can he do to you? At the most he’ll kill you, so what, you are going to die anyway! (Laughter) So, the fear of death is another nonsense people have. First time when I started my work, everywhere they asked me, “What about death?” I said, “But just now you are living, why are you asking, ‘What about death?’” So, many people asked me the question, “What about our death?” But why do you want to know about it? I’ll tell you what [it] about today, just now. So this is another mad idea that we should know about our death, what’s going to happen. And whatever happens, once you are dead you are finished, you don’t have to do anything after that! So what’s the use of knowing when you will die, what will happen to you? Whatever has to happen will happen! We never ask that, “When I sleep what will happen to me?” Do we? And this is a permanent sleep and we worry so much about it, that we should know what will happen after death. One has to die at the time whenever it has to die, because whatever is born has to be dead. But you do know that you have got eternal life. You can never die. Death is not this body disappearing. Death is where you are absolutely without any control of your soul, [yet] living. Once you are a realised-soul you have all the control, all the powers to take your soul wherever you feel like: to be born if you like, if you don’t want, you will not be born. To be born with the people in the families, in the communities, wherever you like. There are many great souls, I know that, have taken birth, daringly, into societies which are very much, I should say, deteriorating and are in danger of getting destroyed, because of stupidity they do. So this happening, that we are afraid of death, is absolutely absurd for Sahaj Yogis. What is there to think, even, about your death? There is nothing like death for you because you have got eternal life. It’s not that you continue with the same body. You may go on changing your dress, but you are living, you are aware, and you know, even if this body is not there, you will be there all the time available for Sahaj Yoga, for anything that is to be done in the name of reality. So, you must know your position as [an] eternal being: what is your work, what is your ideal, what you have to do. So one has to get rid of this idea of death because death doesn’t exist for you: it’s finished. Moreover, all such people who are afraid of their death go on having insurances, this, that, all headaches, you see! And ultimately, what happens? All these worldly things you leave here and you depart. There is, I don’t think anybody, could carry even a little dust with that soul which is departing. But in your case, when you people are no more on this Earth, so-called, then you don’t carry all these material things because you have already given up. You have no interest in them. You are not materialistic. So, your spirit is free, and when you die, what happens to you is a very simple thing - that you feel very liberated, absolutely. And then you feel your freedom, completely, and you can decide what you want to do. It’s all under your own guidance, your own desire. Everything works out. You don’t feel that you have come out of your body, and this is what should tell you that there should be no fear of death, but, on the contrary, it should be welcomed. Because you will feel much more liberated, much more at ease. You don’t have other problems that you have to, in any case, carry on in this world because of this body. Now see, “I have to take some medicines, I have to take vitamins.” You don’t have to take anything! You don’t need anything. This body is finished is a very good idea, because so troublesome it is you see! All the time, despite the fact you may say that, “I don’t care for this body”, and all that; but this body won’t leave you. This is the most sticky thing we have, is our body! (Laughter) So to forget about death should be the easiest thing for you. We have broken many walls, as you know very well, that the conditionings that we had we have finished that. It’s very surprising - I have seen people, when they get their Realisation, immediately after that they start seeing around them. They’ll immediately tell you what is wrong with their religion, then they’ll tell you what’s wrong with their country, what’s wrong with their culture. It’s through them I have come to know so much. I didn’t know that this was so, but they themselves told us. Now, for example there’s a Frenchman, take it: if a Frenchman gets his Realisation, I mean, you know everything about French! The things you could never even imagine what sort of people they are, they will tell you everything. Same with the English, I have seen English, they may, they laugh at themselves alright, but actually when they become realised-souls, they give you a complete picture of English people: what sort of people are there, what’s wrong with them, how they are egoistical, this, that. I was amazed, I mean I never knew so many things, which I came to know through Sahaj Yogis who got Realisation; because they have seen all these things very thoroughly and very closely and they knew what was it. Now, when you become so clean, washed-up completely, your mind completely cleaned out, from all kinds of conditionings, you become like a mirror, a beautiful mirror; and in that mirror one can see [the] complete picture of the society in which you live, the complete picture of the government which rules you, everything! So clear cut. And it is absolute, it is not biased. For example, you ask somebody then he will say, “What is your politics?” If I say, “My politics is, I have no politics.” He will say, “What! you have no politics, how can you exist without politics?” “I have no politics.” So they will go on asking questions to you which are very much unknown. But for a realised-soul it is just the other way round: he not only sees, but also shows and expresses very clearly. I have been amazed at the way people have been really so reflective of the society into which they live, and the country which they represent. So the identification is lost, complete identification is lost. You don’t feel identified much. You just see what’s wrong with that. Then another point is, you start seeing how you can help, what you should do, how you can work it out. And the importance of that becomes your main thing in life. Everybody, I saw yesterday, the way you brought all these flags and all that, behind that flag I could see all of you wanted that peace should prevail in those countries, they should get all the joy and beauty of Sahaj Yoga. What a feeling it is! It’s not like yourself becoming Sahaj Yogis and sitting in the corner, no. They want to do it for that country about which they are not identified, but without identification they have that deep feeling that they have to work out, correct it. It’s a very different type of personality you develop. Normally, if you say a word against somebody that, “See, in your country they do like this.” “Oh, what are you talking? What about your country?” Immediately! They’ll never accept you. If you just try to say one word against their country or their government, which may be the most rotten government, but, “No! Still, what? We are all right!” That kind of stupid identification which keeps you completely glued to that society. Like some people will say, “No, no! I have to go to the pub!” I said “Why? Why have you to go to the pub?” “That’s our society, that’s our culture! We have to go, we have to go to the pub, get drunk and fall down, all of us together. That’s the sort of thing we are. We can’t help it, you see, this is what it is!” You tell anybody, “Why do you do like this? What is the need to do?” “No! Because I have to live in this society. After all I belong to this society, and I just can’t do what I like.” But when you get your Realisation you can do what you like. You can do what you like because you only like that [which] is righteous, that is good, that is constructive, that is helpful. So you can do whatever you like. After Realisation, there’s no restriction for you. All these restrictions of, “Don’t, don’t, don’t don’t!” These really enslave you, I think it very much enslaves you. But after Realisation you are such a free bird that nothing can enslave you. For example, there are many preachers who preach, “You shouldn’t drink. You should not smoke, take drugs.” “You should do this, You should do that!” But it doesn’t stop you. It doesn’t help. People struggle, try everything and ultimately they commit suicides. But they can’t get rid of those habits. While now you are so powerful that nothing can stick to you. That’s the purity of your character that has come up. It doesn’t allow any nonsensical things to stick to you. I have heard of so many Sahaj Yogis telling me how their eyes have steadied down, how they have become so righteous, how they have become so pure and they can’t understand; they said “Mother, is it your purity, you have given us? Or it is our purity you have awakened?” Of course yours, no doubt. All these things you have and you become aware of it. And thus you get absolutely misidentified, I should say, with all these nonsensical things, and you don’t like it. You just don’t like it, and you go on criticising. I have been to all these countries also before and I have met people who are very much identified; and diplomatically I was not supposed to say anything whatsoever that would make them feel that they are doing something wrong. But after Sahaj Yoga the same people are telling us and making fun of the whole thing. For example, I have heard some Sahaj Yogis talking to each other. He says, “You see in my country this is such a stupid thing going on!” Another one said, “Nobody can beat mine! It’s much worse!” [This] is a very common competition among Sahaj Yogis going on! So then, we have to see how pure we have become. And in this purity, anything that is dirty, murky. Anything that will spoil this purity, we don’t like it. We don’t like it. We are washed, cleaned, from inside, and we won’t want to take anything like that within us anymore. Then I have seen, also, the way people have become so compassionate. It’s very surprising how they have become compassionate to each other. For example, there were two Sahaj Yogis who were not very happy with each other, not compatible, whatever you say that is; and I did not know how to make them feel that, “You see, the other Sahaj Yogi is alright. It doesn’t matter after all, what is it?” “No, I don’t like this thing in him!” And the other would say, “I don’t like this thing about him!” So it went on, “I don’t like..” He says “I don’t like...” I mean they were seeing each other’s defects or whatever you may call them. So I said, “Alright, now will you meditate for some time again. Meditate, meditate.” And I said “Now, do you love me?” One says, “I love you more that he loves!” (Laughter) I said, “It’s a difficult situation!” How to make them understand now? That you cannot weigh your love, you cannot make a chart out of it. It is something within yourself, and if you love somebody then you enjoy it. You cannot qualify it, you cannot quantify it. But this was going on with these two gentlemen together, and I thought, “Now what to do? They are very important and still there is no understanding between the two.” So the Divine power took over, I think. One of them fell very sick suddenly, very sick. And I had sent word also that, “You’ll be sick, be careful!” But they thought that the other fellow might be trying to be funny or something. It was not understood. He fell very sick. When he fell sick, then this one, the other one, felt such tremendous love for him. It’s something nobody can explain, that he went and sat with that patient for twenty-four hours and said, “If you need any money, I have got.” He paid wherever he could pay. So, this gentleman, also - who was a very sensible and reasonable person on his own - felt this love, this affection in this hard task-master, the other one, and such understanding grew up within them. It is, I think, the Divine’s play that they were brought together so close, and such compassion. So the force of compassion within you is so much. It’s very subtle, you don’t see [it]. Because on a mental level I was telling them, arguing, trying to pacify him, pacify him, like that, was on [but] it would not work out. But when this force of compassion started acting, suddenly into one of them, the other one saw the compassion, the pure compassion, and just they became great friends. So one has to feel the compassion within yourself. I have seen many a times that there are many Sahaj Yogis, and sometimes I have to correct them or say something. Immediately another one will say, “Mother, can you forgive him? You can’t forgive?” I say, “I’ve forgiven, I’m not saying anything.” “Please forgive, please!” I feel so happy to hear that, that in one point, in one condition, when it comes to a Sahaj Yogi, you support him; even against me, I feel happy. It shows that you are, not only generous, but you are filled with your compassion. So, this source of compassion which is within your being, in your heart, you have to just open your heart. If you open that heart, it’s like opening the Sahasrara. You’ll be amazed how you can forgive people and you can live with them. I have reports which disturbs me, many a times, that people are forming different groups and having different ashrams and they don’t come to the collective and all that. I feel very much concerned. Now what is missing is...of course there are also some people who think that they must have a separate, their own organisation, and why should they be in the collective and all that. So that it is definite that such a person has not yet achieved that state of compassion. In the state of compassion you like that somebody tells you that, “Don’t say anything to such and such person. I don’t want you to say this.” It’s very, very joy-giving to me. Like, we had one couple: they were quarrelling throughout. They used to send me letters after letters. Baba! I was fed up. Telephones after telephones, both of them quarrelling, quarrelling so much. I did not know what to do with them. So, I thought it is better that they divorce and finish it off and I told them separately that, “You better divorce each other and get out of it. But the complaints you have are such that they cannot be solved!” She said “How?” I said, “You are saying that, ‘My husband doesn’t give me more time. He is always out. And he doesn’t spend any nice moments with me, we don’t go out,’ and all these complaints are there.” And the husband says that, “She always troubles me that I must take her out, and I must do this and I must do that. I want to do it, but I can’t do it.” So, I said but when you take a divorce you never can claim anything: permanently the husband is lost and you are lost. So why do you want to do such a thing?” Immediately this compassion started working. And then I put in a word that, “Supposing any one of you is sick tomorrow, then you will look after each other?” This just put them out! You know such little, little moments in life come in the lives of Sahaj Yogis, I have seen, that suddenly this heart opens, and with that they combat all these petty nonsensical ideas which keep them out, out of each other and out of the collectivity. What gives me the greatest enjoyment is to see how you love each other, care for each other, joke with each other, and dance with each other. This is the greatest thing that I enjoy. I don’t want to get rid of this idea of mine, despite the fact [that] so many times it is hard to believe how could Sahaj Yogis behave like this and try to create rifts and distances between the people who are realised-souls. Because realised-souls anywhere in the world, if you see them, they respect each other; not only respect but cared and never talked ill of another realised-soul, never! I don’t know if you have known about the private lives of these saints, but in India as we have had so many of them, when you see them, how they have behaved towards each other, the way they have looked after each other, it’s so beautiful, it’s so noble; as if they care for the other Sahaj Yogi, or yogi, or a realised-soul [more] than for themselves. And the whole thing makes you feel like in a new world of new people who care for the feelings of others, and not what they want to say or what they want to have, or they are something special. Also, in Sahaj Yoga, [now] you have come, you have lost your speciality! Some of them think they are very special! Supposing I call some lady to put, say, some alta (आलता: kumkum) on my Feet. She starts thinking she’s very special. But I just call her because I know she has a horrible Agnya and I have to clear it out! (Laughter) And when somebody told me, “Mother, she thinks [she is] something very special.”, I said “Really, what makes her think like that?” “Because you call her to put some alta on your feet.” I said, “I just call her that she has such a horrid ugly Agnya, that she will trouble everyone, so I want to clear it.” So, either I should have told her that, “You are a very egoistical, horrible!” And all the words that are possible, otherwise she won’t understand. It’s so surprising. There is one lady who was really very nasty to her in-laws and everybody in India, and she came to see me; I called her. I actually scolded her, I said, “What business you had to behave like this here? Your father, who was such a racist, you never said a word against him, and why are you talking so much against these people?” I scolded her. And she went out and told, “Oh, look at [that], Mother has called me! Nobody is allowed to see Her.” I said, “What’s this?” It’s a very funny situation with people I sometimes feel, the way they think they are something special and they should make themselves special. It is becoming really difficult. Now, just to show my love, to appreciate something, people I have done. And if you give some present to that person or you show concern about that person because he’s done some good work or something, he starts thinking he’s something special. I mean, it’s an impossible situation! Because I expect that if I have done anything good to that person, or in any way suggested my concern about a person, that person has to become a very good Sahaj Yogi, in the sense, the most humble and honest and loving person, otherwise it has no meaning. No use being good to anyone if that means that person jumps into hell. So, this one is also another idea of speciality, that they have lost their sense of speciality. When a drop becomes the ocean it has become the ocean, but it’s not the drop anymore. If anybody thinks I am a special person then know that you are no more an ocean, you are still the drop! Because, unless and until you are the drop, how can you feel that I am something special? So, you have lost your speciality, you have lost it; because all these ideas of speciality comes from your past. One lady I met once, long time back, she was a very rude, proud, arrogant woman. So, this was in Delhi where people are very conscious of their husband’s jobs and this and that. I didn’t even know the destination or even the designation of my husband. So, she was very rude to me. I said, “What’s the matter with you? Why are you so rude? What’s the problem?” She said, “You don’t know? I am the wife of such and such!” “You are the wife or the husband?”(Laughter) “I am the wife of such and such!” So, she asked me “What are you doing here?”, I said “I am a housewife.” Then my husband came in. She said “Do you know him?” I said, “Yes, I know! Why?” I thought there must be something wrong there also! So she said “No, I just want to know, how do you know him?” As if I was some criminal or what? I said, “He’s my husband.”, “Oh, my God! He’s your husband!!” (Laughter) “What happened?” As if ten serpents had bitten her! Maybe her husband was at a much lower position than my husband, maybe, something [like that], which I am not conscious of it. But this is what is: “I am something special!” This stupid idea of being special has to be completely negated in Sahaj Yoga. Not mentally, not mentally: mentally if you are again saying, “I’m not special, I’m not special,” like a mantra, you’ll become much more, because you will say, “I have said this mantra 23,000 times! Who can say like me!” So this idea, “I am something special, I am something great, I am something out of the blue,” something superior to others, just vanishes. Like as I said, you are a drop in the sea. You have become the ocean but you are no more a drop to have it a relative value system. There’s no relative value system. There’s no system by which you can say that, “I’m higher,” or “He’s lower.” All that has created all the problems of the world: from our caste system in India, the social systems in the west, the racialism in the west, also self-consciousness of, “My religion is better, yours is worst, we are the best.” All these things have created problems. It has done no good. It has failed and failed and failed. So, in Sahaj Yoga, at least don’t bring this disease anymore that, “I am better, our country is better.” This speciality you should drop and the real beauty of your personality will show. For that, you don’t need a special skin, you don’t need a special body, you don’t need a special glamorous look, what you need is a beautiful heart. And, I tell you, it’s the beautiful heart that attracts, nothing else. It’s the beautiful heart that you want to have. I have known people, many like that: there was one gentleman who divorced his first wife. She might not be so good looking, ugly or whatever it was. Then he married another good looking woman, and he ran away from the house. So, I asked him, “Why? You didn’t like that woman because she was ugly or whatever it was. So, why are you now running away from this one?” “She has no heart. She has no heart.”. And this is what you have: a very great, generous, beautiful, dharmic, heart. You have got it as a present from the Divine and which you must respect. You should be proud of it and enjoy it, as you should enjoy your generosity, you should enjoy the way all this nature is enjoying itself. To be very meticulous about things, to be all the time correcting others, is a headache, it’s a headache. The best thing is to correct yourself and laugh at yourself. That’s the best way you can do it. Everybody has some funny things about themselves. I also have, I must [say]. And I enjoy them because I think I try and try but always I forget. For example, the spectacles: I always forget them. Before coming, I must always forget it. I tell myself that I need it, I should take it. I must remember. But invariably I forget. Now, don’t know why. I mean, I can’t do without it, but still I forget. There are so many things: for example, I don’t know how to count money. If you may give me a hundred rupees, I’ll count it [as] two-hundred rupees. I tell you, I am good at mathematics but I can’t count. I don’t know how to sign a cheque, can you believe it! I can’t sign it. You have to write the cheque for me, otherwise I can’t. And, somebody asks me for say hundred rupees; I’ll give him a big five-hundred, and forget about it. And that person will say, “Mother, you gave me five-hundred.” “No, no, no. I gave you a hundred only – “No, you gave me five-hundred. I went home and found out.” It’s alright. After all if he’s dishonest, he’s dishonest, if he’s honest, his honest; so why to worry about how much money you gave and this thing, that and meticulously finding everything like this? And I have seen with all these meticulous people, they always fail; because this brain plays some tricks on them. For example, there was one fellow who told me that, “The size of your car is such and such, so, the size of the garage should be such and such.” I said, “Alright.” So, when we built the garage, the car wouldn’t get in! I said, “Such a meticulous architect and such a well-known person who has got so many awards, this, that, how could he make such a mistake?” But I still didn’t understand it, you see. He said, “Now, you better buy a smaller car.” I said, “At least now you measure this garage in a proper way, otherwise again if I buy something it won’t enter in!” So, what I am saying: we are so particular, so meticulous. Now, see these little, little flowers, I see them here. They are not meticulous. They are growing on their own, freely. Everybody gets the sun's rays and they are quite happy. But the way we are particular. Those people who are very particular are headaches to themselves. And then ultimately they find that it’s not so. You have lost that, you have lost that meticulousness. I know of a Sahaj Yogini, she was running a shop and she said, “Mother, I knew each and everything, and I knew each and every price and everything I knew in the shop, but since I have got Realisation I have forgotten everything.” “So, are you happy or unhappy?” “I’m very happy!” “Why?” “Because, now I’m making a big profit!” Profit is the main thing. Why should you try to remember each and every thing? So, to be very meticulous to be very systematic...the world is, if you see around, no tree is systematic. It is unsystematically systematic. Some leaves are this side, some are that side, some branches are on that side. There’s no system, because then you become a military, if you form a system. So, in Sahaj Yoga, there is no system. We are beyond time, we are beyond all kinds of systems. We have no system. All our system is what is the unison within ourselves. Like these two hands, they have no system built in, nothing, but they move, especially in Italy if you want, both the hands move like that, all the time in Italy! And I don’t know what it means, but they all do the same thing. But there’s no system built in. Nobody said to them that, “Do these gestures and all that.” But they do it and they do it naturally, all of them together, without any system. So to build up mental systems is wrong and against Sahaj Yoga. Some people have written to me, “Mother, we want to translate your transcriptions. do this, do that, and plans.” I said, “Forget it! Forget!” Because, if you start planning, you will definitely, definitely fall into the trap of systems. You will have to follow systems: “This system is good, that system is good, why not have this way?” And I don’t say that it’s wrong because you have been used to systems. Especially in the West people are over systematic, over systematic. In everything, like they’ll have [dinner] courses, built up: then the spoons, then the forks, then how to move and what to eat and how to eat. I mean, it is too much! If you have to eat food it’s straightforward: you can eat it with your hands. There’s no system needed. All these systems and norms are too much in the West and you should really try to curb them down. As a result, they had anti-culture and all that nonsense - another kind of stupidity - where they were building up another kind of a system. Then they said, “We are hippies now!” So they must have hair never washed, never clean, with lice in their heads and it must be all like, you can say, the shankara style. So, all of them have to have that way - again a system. There’s no variety: one hippie means, another is the same. You cannot make them out one from another. If somebody puts a ring here, everybody will put. If he puts a ring here, everybody will put. Without any brains, without any understanding. And they talk of individuality, and a personality! Where is the individuality? There’s no individuality. Because you take to anything that your gang, you can call, or you can call the crowds are taking to. “Very fashionable.” In India, if you say it is very fashionable, it means it is very expensive and very beautiful and it’s a very elite, elite word. But when it’s said, “This is very fashionable,” [it] means everybody likes it. It could be a punky thing or anything – it’s fashionable – finished! It’s the fashion. Means you do not have your own idea, your own personality, your own individuality. In Sahaj Yoga you are not bound to any fashion, no fashion. If you like, wear this, wear that, whatever you like. You are free to do what you like. You can wear whatever you like. But, as I said, again, that you will govern yourself, you’ll be your own guru, you’ll be your own master and you’ll do whatever is good, whatever is decent, whatever the deities will like. You will just do it that way because now you are a Sahaj Yogi. So the life becomes so much easier; so much easier. You don’t worry about things which are not there and you are not also worried about the things which are there. Because you see something and you think, “Alright, I have got this nice [thing] now. I must keep this one for somebody. I must give it to someone.” So, I got a ring which was quite big, so I was thinking, “Whom should I give this? Who has got thick fingers?” So I started looking at the fingers of everyone, you see. “Whosoever has a thick finger, I ‘ll give him this one.” I mean the thought was just the other way round: supposing you are not a Sahaj Yogi, then you will say, “Oh wah! Such a big thick finger! Why don’t you take out some gold and use it, sell it off?” Or else you see, “You can take out the stone from here.” And I mean all kinds of nonsensical things you will think, but you’ll not think that you’d better give it to somebody because you can’t wear it, it’s too big for you. Why not give it to another? What’s wrong? After all, it is not fitting you – so give it to another. But this is only possible in Sahaj Yoga. I have seen people, very kind, very, very kind people, who have been very sweet to each other. And exactly what the other person wants they’ll buy and give it to that person or may say, “Oh no, I have one I’ll give it to you!” They do it like that. All the time thinking of others, “What should I give? What should I do?” It’s the expression of that joy, the compassion within you: you use your matter for that, all the time, all the time. Like somebody’s house was burgled in Canada. So she writes to me, “Thank God, my house is cleaned out now! I didn’t know what to do with it, with the junk.” So you see, this kind of an attitude comes in, that if you have to give to someone then give it to someone who is a Sahaj Yogi to express your love. But normally, people will do: whatever is the junk in the house, whatever is rotten, finished, that they will give as a present. But when you are a Sahaj Yogi you want to give something really very special. Because the whole being has become so beautiful, just like a flower which wants to give fragrance to others all the time: the fragrance of your compassion and love, affection and security. It’s a new age, that’s what they say; but I would say it’s a new human beings that are before me. And all this newness has so many beautiful facets that they really sparkle like diamonds, no doubt it. My only blessings to you is that you grow and grow in it and become greater and greater people, never thinking that you are greater than others, never thinking that you are more special than others. This will definitely soothe you down completely. Somebody might have hurt you somewhere, doesn’t matter. Somebody must have scolded you, doesn’t matter. What is your capacity, is to love another person and to be affectionate and kind. I am really amazed how these twenty-five years have passed with all kinds of stupid problems and nice things and such a mixture. And all those things have never disturbed me. I was never disturbed. I used to act sometimes, that I am angry or sometimes I used to say things which I should not have, normally said because it was needed to be said. But, on the whole – like sitting in a very big ship we can say – we all are elevated into the realm of Divine Love and this is what one has to enjoy. One person, if he has that love and compassion and that pure love, then that person can emit it to others and the rapport of this compassion is extremely beautiful which cannot be described in words. Like yesterday, I couldn’t speak, because in what words I could put my feelings? I thought there are no words yet created on this Earth to express my deep feeling of how you people have taken Sahaj Yoga so well and have understood it. May God bless you all! Sahasrar puja is a short one. We don’t have a very long puja for Sahasrar Day, because you know Sahasrara breaks in no time! So it’s not a very long puja, but it’s very deep and, again, ultimately the last chakra which is opened out is here, is the heart. So in the Sahasrar puja our hearts open out, that’s the main thing. And that is what one has to enjoy: the opening of your heart. Don’t worry about any Deities, about any rituals, any this and that, but just open your heart. We are not bound by anything. Just open your heart. May God bless you!
“Achieve Complete Freedom”, Sahasrara Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 7 May 1995. Today it’s a great day for us, for all the Sahaj Yogis, that on this day – I would say, we are late by one day, or two days – the Sahasrara was opened out. It was just a miracle, I should say, because I didn’t think that I am at a point where it could be done. So I wanted to wait, but some things happened that made me think that it has to be open: it was in such a situation that I felt that if Idelay it anymore now, it may help these false gurus to spread their nonsense all over. This is just, I should say, a sahaj way of doing things. Now, 25 years have passed, and you have all gathered here during this time, and we have so many others who are not here, who have achieved so many things. But perhaps we are not aware as to what we have achieved in the real sense of the word. You’ve got your vibrations, you can feel this All-pervading Power; you are, as they say, swimming in the Ocean of Joy; you are all enjoying the collectivity, and you have transcended many of your limitations. All this has happened to you because it is your right to have it. I don’t take any credit for it. Only thing [is that], all the time, I have been pointing it out to you, one thing, that now, you have entered into the Kingdom of God, and enjoy yourself. We have to see around ourselves: the whole nature enjoys itself, it doesn’t bother, doesn’t bother about anything. They haven’t got Realisation, they haven’t felt the Paramchaitanya, but how is it they know that we have to enjoy? The flowers come out for a short time and fade out, but as long as they live they are very happy. They don’t think of their past or of their future, but they enjoy the present. And in the present they enjoy what? Is that they are fragrant and giving fragrance to others; they are beautiful and they are soothing others. The whole nature is like that. If you look at the birds, or anything that we call as natural, is all sort of in a meditative mood. All these hills and big, big mountains, they look as if they are a witness to whatever has been happening. Now, we have to really first look back [at] what we have achieved. That is important, because if you are climbing up on a hill, if you look back, you get a shock, and you may fall down. So, normally people say, “Never look back.” But, a person who has earned some treasure, he again and again goes and counts it and finds out how much he has got, and every time he sees that he enjoys. So, to know relatively what we have got, and how we have achieved something, will definitely give you greater strength of mind and richness of life. The first thing that has happened to you which is very important, is this: that you have felt this All-pervading Power. That shows that you must have been great seekers of truth, honest, sincere, sensible [so] that, just coming to my programme, you felt the vibrations, and after that you started settling down into it. So many of you have felt it, suddenly, and they were amazed, and they were shocked and surprised, and they wanted to test whether it is true or not. But then you were confident, you found it, that you’ve got definitely a new dimension in your life and that you are feeling this All-pervading Power of Divine Love. I’ll take one lecture, sufficient to describe this All-pervading Power! But what you’ve got out of it – the essence of it, one has to know – is a complete freedom: you have achieved your complete freedom. First of all, the freedom has come to you – first of all, most important – is from your ego. This wall of ego you have crossed. You have got out of the bondage of this ego, which was really so much, full of problems for you. So many things this ego does of which you are not aware. Firstly, a person who is an egoist doesn’t mind hurting anyone. He hurts, but if he’s hurt he doesn’t like it, immediately he’ll start crying. Especially, I have seen people who have too much ego are very easily hurt, but they don’t understand how many people they have hurt already, and how many are really frightened of such a person. So, you got rid of your ego. It is sinful to hurt any other human being for anything; for whatever may be the reason that you feel you should hurt another one. The first is the revenge, the idea of revenge is there that, “I must take a revenge on the person who has hurt me, or has done some wrong to me!” or something of that kind. This idea of revenge comes when you react. Some react very violently. I have seen some people murdering each other in the name of revenge, killing their own kith and kin, killing their fellow men, their countrymen. All over the world is some sort of a stupid idea of revenge. But if you go to the subtle side of revenge, what is it? What revenge have you taken? Supposing there is somebody who has troubled you, you are angry with that person, and you have killed that person, so you have actually saved him! He won’t have to suffer from guilty conscience, he won’t have to do anything, he’s just finished. What is the revenge is? The revenge should be only by which a person gets out of his idea of killing others. Like a sword never fights a sword, it fights the shield. In the same way, the revenge that we think we can take on another person is not a revenge, because any action you take in the name of revenge comes back to you and hurts you much more. So many things can happen if a person, in the name of revenge, starts acting. Now, for example, these days, you know, in the whole world there’s so much of revenge going on, even in the name of God: taking revenge because certain people are following some religion, or they are doing something else that you are doing. Working out this kind of a revenge, what is happening is that you are just killing people, destroying them, who do not even understand what sort of a revenge you are taking. People are putting bombs and putting all kinds of things, and by that thousands of innocent people one is killing. So what kind of a revenge have you taken? They don’t deserve any revenge. So this revenge, when it explodes, can destroy so many innocent people, and it will definitely react on you. You cannot get away with it. It’s a very long process of this revenge. I have told you about Bermuda Triangle, what they say, that so many blacks were taken slaves and were drowned in that area, so their spirits, they are saying, are haunting on the people who are passing by, mostly the whites, and they just drown them. So it’s a very long process, and all that I need not discuss at this auspicious occasion. But I have to say that, when we take a revenge, every action has a reaction. So somehow you have got out of that idea of revenge – just out of that idea. There is another thing: if you don’t take revenge, and leave it to God, it acts, it acts. Not only that, but the Divine power takes into its own control how to really give a good lesson to that person, or to that community, or to that kind of organisation which is taking a revenge on you. You don’t have to worry. I’ll have to tell you that in these 25 years I have seen, people have been extremely unkind to me. Many organisations, many so-called “religions”, all kinds of things, have been after us; media has been after us. Take the example of French media: they tried to trouble us so much, and tried to bring a bad name to us, doesn’t matter. The media people -now three of them who went to India – are now under warrant, and if they go to India they will be arrested. I didn’t do anything, we didn’t do anything. Secondly, the same media, I mean the same newspapers, are all bankrupt. You didn’t do anything about it, you didn’t go and say that they should become bankrupt, you didn’t take any revenge. Why should we? Why should we take any revenge? Because we are not bothered as to what happens, we are not bothered as to what these people have done to us. But legally they are now involved in such a way that they are under warrant, and if they go to India, they’ll be arrested. And the whole of French government is with them, all of them are trying so much, but this punishment is on their head. In their lifetime – they didn’t have to die or anything – in their lifetime they have got it. So you have got this special power that you don’t have to take revenge, or you have to just forgive. Just forgive, and the forgiveness will look after the whole arrangement of how to bring the other person to its proper path. So, once you are out of this idea of revenge, you really feel very peaceful, extremely peaceful. Because this peace that you have within yourself, is not unnatural, it’s not mental, but it just happens to you. It’s alright, so what? If they have said, if they have done, anything wrong to us, why should we bother? So many things are there which, I can tell you, have worked out automatically. Now, in Turkey, they told me that there is some boy who is from England, and he went and told the media something against Sahaj Yoga, and it was all published. But in the court he confessed that, “Whatever I said was wrong.” Nobody, went and told him, nobody threatened him, nothing happened. So, from your point of view you must understand, that you are not going to get into any mess of taking revenge, of any kind; because you belong to the government of God, and this government is extremely alert, very genuine, and also extremely efficient; and, as far as you are concerned, you are a citizen of that great Kingdom. So what you have achieved is the citizenship of this great Kingdom of God, where you should feel absolutely secured. The man who is secure is never afraid, never afraid. So, you have also got rid of your fear. Man, I don’t know why he is afraid of this and afraid of that, and worries about this and worries about that. It’s something surprising how they worry about their health, worry about their family, their children, their house, all sorts of things. But Sahaj Yogis don’t, they don’t. We have no worry. It all works out [so] why should we worry? That instrument of worry is over, it’s finished; I think, it’s gone out of order. And what you are now [is] in a state where you just have no time to worry, because you are enjoying yourself. This fear I have seen in people works so much that so many diseases people get out of fear, so many diseases. Especially most of these left-sided diseases people get out of fear. What is there to fear? This is like you beat the Mother Earth saying that, “There’s a snake.” There’s no snake, but you may just feel that way, and you may go on with this fear. Any kind of an idea about a phantom or someone, or some sort of a big devil standing somewhere: it is all nonsense! For you, it doesn’t exist. Say in the darkness you are walking, so you see forms and things, and some people say, “I saw one on a tree, some sort of a form.” It doesn’t exist actually. It doesn’t exist. But this fear in man makes him think like that. He is afraid of this and afraid of that. And then, as a result, he loses his freedom, he becomes a slave, slave to so many people he is afraid of: [fearing] that such and such man will harm me, such and such man will trouble me. And the whole concept of fear has ruined our family lives. For example, a wife is dominating, husband is dominating: there’s nothing to fear, nothing to fear. By fear only you play into their hands. So, supposing the wife is dominating, just make fun out of it. If you cannot make the fun in the presence of say, your wife or your husband, better make it outside, thinking, “Oh! Look at that!” It is your special quality now that you can really get rid of your fear completely. What is there to be afraid of wife or afraid of husband? What can he do to you? At the most he’ll kill you, so what, you are going to die anyway! (Laughter) So, the fear of death is another nonsense people have. First time when I started my work, everywhere they asked me, “What about death?” I said, “But just now you are living, why are you asking, ‘What about death?’” So, many people asked me the question, “What about our death?” But why do you want to know about it? I’ll tell you what [it] about today, just now. So this is another mad idea that we should know about our death, what’s going to happen. And whatever happens, once you are dead you are finished, you don’t have to do anything after that! So what’s the use of knowing when you will die, what will happen to you? Whatever has to happen will happen! We never ask that, “When I sleep what will happen to me?” Do we? And this is a permanent sleep and we worry so much about it, that we should know what will happen after death. One has to die at the time whenever it has to die, because whatever is born has to be dead. But you do know that you have got eternal life. You can never die. Death is not this body disappearing. Death is where you are absolutely without any control of your soul, [yet] living. Once you are a realised-soul you have all the control, all the powers to take your soul wherever you feel like: to be born if you like, if you don’t want, you will not be born. To be born with the people in the families, in the communities, wherever you like. There are many great souls, I know that, have taken birth, daringly, into societies which are very much, I should say, deteriorating and are in danger of getting destroyed, because of stupidity they do. So this happening, that we are afraid of death, is absolutely absurd for Sahaj Yogis. What is there to think, even, about your death? There is nothing like death for you because you have got eternal life. It’s not that you continue with the same body. You may go on changing your dress, but you are living, you are aware, and you know, even if this body is not there, you will be there all the time available for Sahaj Yoga, for anything that is to be done in the name of reality. So, you must know your position as [an] eternal being: what is your work, what is your ideal, what you have to do. So one has to get rid of this idea of death because death doesn’t exist for you: it’s finished. Moreover, all such people who are afraid of their death go on having insurances, this, that, all headaches, you see! And ultimately, what happens? All these worldly things you leave here and you depart. There is, I don’t think anybody, could carry even a little dust with that soul which is departing. But in your case, when you people are no more on this Earth, so-called, then you don’t carry all these material things because you have already given up. You have no interest in them. You are not materialistic. So, your spirit is free, and when you die, what happens to you is a very simple thing - that you feel very liberated, absolutely. And then you feel your freedom, completely, and you can decide what you want to do. It’s all under your own guidance, your own desire. Everything works out. You don’t feel that you have come out of your body, and this is what should tell you that there should be no fear of death, but, on the contrary, it should be welcomed. Because you will feel much more liberated, much more at ease. You don’t have other problems that you have to, in any case, carry on in this world because of this body. Now see, “I have to take some medicines, I have to take vitamins.” You don’t have to take anything! You don’t need anything. This body is finished is a very good idea, because so troublesome it is you see! All the time, despite the fact you may say that, “I don’t care for this body”, and all that; but this body won’t leave you. This is the most sticky thing we have, is our body! (Laughter) So to forget about death should be the easiest thing for you. We have broken many walls, as you know very well, that the conditionings that we had we have finished that. It’s very surprising - I have seen people, when they get their Realisation, immediately after that they start seeing around them. They’ll immediately tell you what is wrong with their religion, then they’ll tell you what’s wrong with their country, what’s wrong with their culture. It’s through them I have come to know so much. I didn’t know that this was so, but they themselves told us. Now, for example there’s a Frenchman, take it: if a Frenchman gets his Realisation, I mean, you know everything about French! The things you could never even imagine what sort of people they are, they will tell you everything. Same with the English, I have seen English, they may, they laugh at themselves alright, but actually when they become realised-souls, they give you a complete picture of English people: what sort of people are there, what’s wrong with them, how they are egoistical, this, that. I was amazed, I mean I never knew so many things, which I came to know through Sahaj Yogis who got Realisation; because they have seen all these things very thoroughly and very closely and they knew what was it. Now, when you become so clean, washed-up completely, your mind completely cleaned out, from all kinds of conditionings, you become like a mirror, a beautiful mirror; and in that mirror one can see [the] complete picture of the society in which you live, the complete picture of the government which rules you, everything! So clear cut. And it is absolute, it is not biased. For example, you ask somebody then he will say, “What is your politics?” If I say, “My politics is, I have no politics.” He will say, “What! you have no politics, how can you exist without politics?” “I have no politics.” So they will go on asking questions to you which are very much unknown. But for a realised-soul it is just the other way round: he not only sees, but also shows and expresses very clearly. I have been amazed at the way people have been really so reflective of the society into which they live, and the country which they represent. So the identification is lost, complete identification is lost. You don’t feel identified much. You just see what’s wrong with that. Then another point is, you start seeing how you can help, what you should do, how you can work it out. And the importance of that becomes your main thing in life. Everybody, I saw yesterday, the way you brought all these flags and all that, behind that flag I could see all of you wanted that peace should prevail in those countries, they should get all the joy and beauty of Sahaj Yoga. What a feeling it is! It’s not like yourself becoming Sahaj Yogis and sitting in the corner, no. They want to do it for that country about which they are not identified, but without identification they have that deep feeling that they have to work out, correct it. It’s a very different type of personality you develop. Normally, if you say a word against somebody that, “See, in your country they do like this.” “Oh, what are you talking? What about your country?” Immediately! They’ll never accept you. If you just try to say one word against their country or their government, which may be the most rotten government, but, “No! Still, what? We are all right!” That kind of stupid identification which keeps you completely glued to that society. Like some people will say, “No, no! I have to go to the pub!” I said “Why? Why have you to go to the pub?” “That’s our society, that’s our culture! We have to go, we have to go to the pub, get drunk and fall down, all of us together. That’s the sort of thing we are. We can’t help it, you see, this is what it is!” You tell anybody, “Why do you do like this? What is the need to do?” “No! Because I have to live in this society. After all I belong to this society, and I just can’t do what I like.” But when you get your Realisation you can do what you like. You can do what you like because you only like that [which] is righteous, that is good, that is constructive, that is helpful. So you can do whatever you like. After Realisation, there’s no restriction for you. All these restrictions of, “Don’t, don’t, don’t don’t!” These really enslave you, I think it very much enslaves you. But after Realisation you are such a free bird that nothing can enslave you. For example, there are many preachers who preach, “You shouldn’t drink. You should not smoke, take drugs.” “You should do this, You should do that!” But it doesn’t stop you. It doesn’t help. People struggle, try everything and ultimately they commit suicides. But they can’t get rid of those habits. While now you are so powerful that nothing can stick to you. That’s the purity of your character that has come up. It doesn’t allow any nonsensical things to stick to you. I have heard of so many Sahaj Yogis telling me how their eyes have steadied down, how they have become so righteous, how they have become so pure and they can’t understand; they said “Mother, is it your purity, you have given us? Or it is our purity you have awakened?” Of course yours, no doubt. All these things you have and you become aware of it. And thus you get absolutely misidentified, I should say, with all these nonsensical things, and you don’t like it. You just don’t like it, and you go on criticising. I have been to all these countries also before and I have met people who are very much identified; and diplomatically I was not supposed to say anything whatsoever that would make them feel that they are doing something wrong. But after Sahaj Yoga the same people are telling us and making fun of the whole thing. For example, I have heard some Sahaj Yogis talking to each other. He says, “You see in my country this is such a stupid thing going on!” Another one said, “Nobody can beat mine! It’s much worse!” [This] is a very common competition among Sahaj Yogis going on! So then, we have to see how pure we have become. And in this purity, anything that is dirty, murky. Anything that will spoil this purity, we don’t like it. We don’t like it. We are washed, cleaned, from inside, and we won’t want to take anything like that within us anymore. Then I have seen, also, the way people have become so compassionate. It’s very surprising how they have become compassionate to each other. For example, there were two Sahaj Yogis who were not very happy with each other, not compatible, whatever you say that is; and I did not know how to make them feel that, “You see, the other Sahaj Yogi is alright. It doesn’t matter after all, what is it?” “No, I don’t like this thing in him!” And the other would say, “I don’t like this thing about him!” So it went on, “I don’t like..” He says “I don’t like...” I mean they were seeing each other’s defects or whatever you may call them. So I said, “Alright, now will you meditate for some time again. Meditate, meditate.” And I said “Now, do you love me?” One says, “I love you more that he loves!” (Laughter) I said, “It’s a difficult situation!” How to make them understand now? That you cannot weigh your love, you cannot make a chart out of it. It is something within yourself, and if you love somebody then you enjoy it. You cannot qualify it, you cannot quantify it. But this was going on with these two gentlemen together, and I thought, “Now what to do? They are very important and still there is no understanding between the two.” So the Divine power took over, I think. One of them fell very sick suddenly, very sick. And I had sent word also that, “You’ll be sick, be careful!” But they thought that the other fellow might be trying to be funny or something. It was not understood. He fell very sick. When he fell sick, then this one, the other one, felt such tremendous love for him. It’s something nobody can explain, that he went and sat with that patient for twenty-four hours and said, “If you need any money, I have got.” He paid wherever he could pay. So, this gentleman, also - who was a very sensible and reasonable person on his own - felt this love, this affection in this hard task-master, the other one, and such understanding grew up within them. It is, I think, the Divine’s play that they were brought together so close, and such compassion. So the force of compassion within you is so much. It’s very subtle, you don’t see [it]. Because on a mental level I was telling them, arguing, trying to pacify him, pacify him, like that, was on [but] it would not work out. But when this force of compassion started acting, suddenly into one of them, the other one saw the compassion, the pure compassion, and just they became great friends. So one has to feel the compassion within yourself. I have seen many a times that there are many Sahaj Yogis, and sometimes I have to correct them or say something. Immediately another one will say, “Mother, can you forgive him? You can’t forgive?” I say, “I’ve forgiven, I’m not saying anything.” “Please forgive, please!” I feel so happy to hear that, that in one point, in one condition, when it comes to a Sahaj Yogi, you support him; even against me, I feel happy. It shows that you are, not only generous, but you are filled with your compassion. So, this source of compassion which is within your being, in your heart, you have to just open your heart. If you open that heart, it’s like opening the Sahasrara. You’ll be amazed how you can forgive people and you can live with them. I have reports which disturbs me, many a times, that people are forming different groups and having different ashrams and they don’t come to the collective and all that. I feel very much concerned. Now what is missing is...of course there are also some people who think that they must have a separate, their own organisation, and why should they be in the collective and all that. So that it is definite that such a person has not yet achieved that state of compassion. In the state of compassion you like that somebody tells you that, “Don’t say anything to such and such person. I don’t want you to say this.” It’s very, very joy-giving to me. Like, we had one couple: they were quarrelling throughout. They used to send me letters after letters. Baba! I was fed up. Telephones after telephones, both of them quarrelling, quarrelling so much. I did not know what to do with them. So, I thought it is better that they divorce and finish it off and I told them separately that, “You better divorce each other and get out of it. But the complaints you have are such that they cannot be solved!” She said “How?” I said, “You are saying that, ‘My husband doesn’t give me more time. He is always out. And he doesn’t spend any nice moments with me, we don’t go out,’ and all these complaints are there.” And the husband says that, “She always troubles me that I must take her out, and I must do this and I must do that. I want to do it, but I can’t do it.” So, I said but when you take a divorce you never can claim anything: permanently the husband is lost and you are lost. So why do you want to do such a thing?” Immediately this compassion started working. And then I put in a word that, “Supposing any one of you is sick tomorrow, then you will look after each other?” This just put them out! You know such little, little moments in life come in the lives of Sahaj Yogis, I have seen, that suddenly this heart opens, and with that they combat all these petty nonsensical ideas which keep them out, out of each other and out of the collectivity. What gives me the greatest enjoyment is to see how you love each other, care for each other, joke with each other, and dance with each other. This is the greatest thing that I enjoy. I don’t want to get rid of this idea of mine, despite the fact [that] so many times it is hard to believe how could Sahaj Yogis behave like this and try to create rifts and distances between the people who are realised-souls. Because realised-souls anywhere in the world, if you see them, they respect each other; not only respect but cared and never talked ill of another realised-soul, never! I don’t know if you have known about the private lives of these saints, but in India as we have had so many of them, when you see them, how they have behaved towards each other, the way they have looked after each other, it’s so beautiful, it’s so noble; as if they care for the other Sahaj Yogi, or yogi, or a realised-soul [more] than for themselves. And the whole thing makes you feel like in a new world of new people who care for the feelings of others, and not what they want to say or what they want to have, or they are something special. Also, in Sahaj Yoga, [now] you have come, you have lost your speciality! Some of them think they are very special! Supposing I call some lady to put, say, some alta (आलता: kumkum) on my Feet. She starts thinking she’s very special. But I just call her because I know she has a horrible Agnya and I have to clear it out! (Laughter) And when somebody told me, “Mother, she thinks [she is] something very special.”, I said “Really, what makes her think like that?” “Because you call her to put some alta on your feet.” I said, “I just call her that she has such a horrid ugly Agnya, that she will trouble everyone, so I want to clear it.” So, either I should have told her that, “You are a very egoistical, horrible!” And all the words that are possible, otherwise she won’t understand. It’s so surprising. There is one lady who was really very nasty to her in-laws and everybody in India, and she came to see me; I called her. I actually scolded her, I said, “What business you had to behave like this here? Your father, who was such a racist, you never said a word against him, and why are you talking so much against these people?” I scolded her. And she went out and told, “Oh, look at [that], Mother has called me! Nobody is allowed to see Her.” I said, “What’s this?” It’s a very funny situation with people I sometimes feel, the way they think they are something special and they should make themselves special. It is becoming really difficult. Now, just to show my love, to appreciate something, people I have done. And if you give some present to that person or you show concern about that person because he’s done some good work or something, he starts thinking he’s something special. I mean, it’s an impossible situation! Because I expect that if I have done anything good to that person, or in any way suggested my concern about a person, that person has to become a very good Sahaj Yogi, in the sense, the most humble and honest and loving person, otherwise it has no meaning. No use being good to anyone if that means that person jumps into hell. So, this one is also another idea of speciality, that they have lost their sense of speciality. When a drop becomes the ocean it has become the ocean, but it’s not the drop anymore. If anybody thinks I am a special person then know that you are no more an ocean, you are still the drop! Because, unless and until you are the drop, how can you feel that I am something special? So, you have lost your speciality, you have lost it; because all these ideas of speciality comes from your past. One lady I met once, long time back, she was a very rude, proud, arrogant woman. So, this was in Delhi where people are very conscious of their husband’s jobs and this and that. I didn’t even know the destination or even the designation of my husband. So, she was very rude to me. I said, “What’s the matter with you? Why are you so rude? What’s the problem?” She said, “You don’t know? I am the wife of such and such!” “You are the wife or the husband?”(Laughter) “I am the wife of such and such!” So, she asked me “What are you doing here?”, I said “I am a housewife.” Then my husband came in. She said “Do you know him?” I said, “Yes, I know! Why?” I thought there must be something wrong there also! So she said “No, I just want to know, how do you know him?” As if I was some criminal or what? I said, “He’s my husband.”, “Oh, my God! He’s your husband!!” (Laughter) “What happened?” As if ten serpents had bitten her! Maybe her husband was at a much lower position than my husband, maybe, something [like that], which I am not conscious of it. But this is what is: “I am something special!” This stupid idea of being special has to be completely negated in Sahaj Yoga. Not mentally, not mentally: mentally if you are again saying, “I’m not special, I’m not special,” like a mantra, you’ll become much more, because you will say, “I have said this mantra 23,000 times! Who can say like me!” So this idea, “I am something special, I am something great, I am something out of the blue,” something superior to others, just vanishes. Like as I said, you are a drop in the sea. You have become the ocean but you are no more a drop to have it a relative value system. There’s no relative value system. There’s no system by which you can say that, “I’m higher,” or “He’s lower.” All that has created all the problems of the world: from our caste system in India, the social systems in the west, the racialism in the west, also self-consciousness of, “My religion is better, yours is worst, we are the best.” All these things have created problems. It has done no good. It has failed and failed and failed. So, in Sahaj Yoga, at least don’t bring this disease anymore that, “I am better, our country is better.” This speciality you should drop and the real beauty of your personality will show. For that, you don’t need a special skin, you don’t need a special body, you don’t need a special glamorous look, what you need is a beautiful heart. And, I tell you, it’s the beautiful heart that attracts, nothing else. It’s the beautiful heart that you want to have. I have known people, many like that: there was one gentleman who divorced his first wife. She might not be so good looking, ugly or whatever it was. Then he married another good looking woman, and he ran away from the house. So, I asked him, “Why? You didn’t like that woman because she was ugly or whatever it was. So, why are you now running away from this one?” “She has no heart. She has no heart.”. And this is what you have: a very great, generous, beautiful, dharmic, heart. You have got it as a present from the Divine and which you must respect. You should be proud of it and enjoy it, as you should enjoy your generosity, you should enjoy the way all this nature is enjoying itself. To be very meticulous about things, to be all the time correcting others, is a headache, it’s a headache. The best thing is to correct yourself and laugh at yourself. That’s the best way you can do it. Everybody has some funny things about themselves. I also have, I must [say]. And I enjoy them because I think I try and try but always I forget. For example, the spectacles: I always forget them. Before coming, I must always forget it. I tell myself that I need it, I should take it. I must remember. But invariably I forget. Now, don’t know why. I mean, I can’t do without it, but still I forget. There are so many things: for example, I don’t know how to count money. If you may give me a hundred rupees, I’ll count it [as] two-hundred rupees. I tell you, I am good at mathematics but I can’t count. I don’t know how to sign a cheque, can you believe it! I can’t sign it. You have to write the cheque for me, otherwise I can’t. And, somebody asks me for say hundred rupees; I’ll give him a big five-hundred, and forget about it. And that person will say, “Mother, you gave me five-hundred.” “No, no, no. I gave you a hundred only – “No, you gave me five-hundred. I went home and found out.” It’s alright. After all if he’s dishonest, he’s dishonest, if he’s honest, his honest; so why to worry about how much money you gave and this thing, that and meticulously finding everything like this? And I have seen with all these meticulous people, they always fail; because this brain plays some tricks on them. For example, there was one fellow who told me that, “The size of your car is such and such, so, the size of the garage should be such and such.” I said, “Alright.” So, when we built the garage, the car wouldn’t get in! I said, “Such a meticulous architect and such a well-known person who has got so many awards, this, that, how could he make such a mistake?” But I still didn’t understand it, you see. He said, “Now, you better buy a smaller car.” I said, “At least now you measure this garage in a proper way, otherwise again if I buy something it won’t enter in!” So, what I am saying: we are so particular, so meticulous. Now, see these little, little flowers, I see them here. They are not meticulous. They are growing on their own, freely. Everybody gets the sun's rays and they are quite happy. But the way we are particular. Those people who are very particular are headaches to themselves. And then ultimately they find that it’s not so. You have lost that, you have lost that meticulousness. I know of a Sahaj Yogini, she was running a shop and she said, “Mother, I knew each and everything, and I knew each and every price and everything I knew in the shop, but since I have got Realisation I have forgotten everything.” “So, are you happy or unhappy?” “I’m very happy!” “Why?” “Because, now I’m making a big profit!” Profit is the main thing. Why should you try to remember each and every thing? So, to be very meticulous to be very systematic...the world is, if you see around, no tree is systematic. It is unsystematically systematic. Some leaves are this side, some are that side, some branches are on that side. There’s no system, because then you become a military, if you form a system. So, in Sahaj Yoga, there is no system. We are beyond time, we are beyond all kinds of systems. We have no system. All our system is what is the unison within ourselves. Like these two hands, they have no system built in, nothing, but they move, especially in Italy if you want, both the hands move like that, all the time in Italy! And I don’t know what it means, but they all do the same thing. But there’s no system built in. Nobody said to them that, “Do these gestures and all that.” But they do it and they do it naturally, all of them together, without any system. So to build up mental systems is wrong and against Sahaj Yoga. Some people have written to me, “Mother, we want to translate your transcriptions. do this, do that, and plans.” I said, “Forget it! Forget!” Because, if you start planning, you will definitely, definitely fall into the trap of systems. You will have to follow systems: “This system is good, that system is good, why not have this way?” And I don’t say that it’s wrong because you have been used to systems. Especially in the West people are over systematic, over systematic. In everything, like they’ll have [dinner] courses, built up: then the spoons, then the forks, then how to move and what to eat and how to eat. I mean, it is too much! If you have to eat food it’s straightforward: you can eat it with your hands. There’s no system needed. All these systems and norms are too much in the West and you should really try to curb them down. As a result, they had anti-culture and all that nonsense - another kind of stupidity - where they were building up another kind of a system. Then they said, “We are hippies now!” So they must have hair never washed, never clean, with lice in their heads and it must be all like, you can say, the shankara style. So, all of them have to have that way - again a system. There’s no variety: one hippie means, another is the same. You cannot make them out one from another. If somebody puts a ring here, everybody will put. If he puts a ring here, everybody will put. Without any brains, without any understanding. And they talk of individuality, and a personality! Where is the individuality? There’s no individuality. Because you take to anything that your gang, you can call, or you can call the crowds are taking to. “Very fashionable.” In India, if you say it is very fashionable, it means it is very expensive and very beautiful and it’s a very elite, elite word. But when it’s said, “This is very fashionable,” [it] means everybody likes it. It could be a punky thing or anything – it’s fashionable – finished! It’s the fashion. Means you do not have your own idea, your own personality, your own individuality. In Sahaj Yoga you are not bound to any fashion, no fashion. If you like, wear this, wear that, whatever you like. You are free to do what you like. You can wear whatever you like. But, as I said, again, that you will govern yourself, you’ll be your own guru, you’ll be your own master and you’ll do whatever is good, whatever is decent, whatever the deities will like. You will just do it that way because now you are a Sahaj Yogi. So the life becomes so much easier; so much easier. You don’t worry about things which are not there and you are not also worried about the things which are there. Because you see something and you think, “Alright, I have got this nice [thing] now. I must keep this one for somebody. I must give it to someone.” So, I got a ring which was quite big, so I was thinking, “Whom should I give this? Who has got thick fingers?” So I started looking at the fingers of everyone, you see. “Whosoever has a thick finger, I ‘ll give him this one.” I mean the thought was just the other way round: supposing you are not a Sahaj Yogi, then you will say, “Oh wah! Such a big thick finger! Why don’t you take out some gold and use it, sell it off?” Or else you see, “You can take out the stone from here.” And I mean all kinds of nonsensical things you will think, but you’ll not think that you’d better give it to somebody because you can’t wear it, it’s too big for you. Why not give it to another? What’s wrong? After all, it is not fitting you – so give it to another. But this is only possible in Sahaj Yoga. I have seen people, very kind, very, very kind people, who have been very sweet to each other. And exactly what the other person wants they’ll buy and give it to that person or may say, “Oh no, I have one I’ll give it to you!” They do it like that. All the time thinking of others, “What should I give? What should I do?” It’s the expression of that joy, the compassion within you: you use your matter for that, all the time, all the time. Like somebody’s house was burgled in Canada. So she writes to me, “Thank God, my house is cleaned out now! I didn’t know what to do with it, with the junk.” So you see, this kind of an attitude comes in, that if you have to give to someone then give it to someone who is a Sahaj Yogi to express your love. But normally, people will do: whatever is the junk in the house, whatever is rotten, finished, that they will give as a present. But when you are a Sahaj Yogi you want to give something really very special. Because the whole being has become so beautiful, just like a flower which wants to give fragrance to others all the time: the fragrance of your compassion and love, affection and security. It’s a new age, that’s what they say; but I would say it’s a new human beings that are before me. And all this newness has so many beautiful facets that they really sparkle like diamonds, no doubt it. My only blessings to you is that you grow and grow in it and become greater and greater people, never thinking that you are greater than others, never thinking that you are more special than others. This will definitely soothe you down completely. Somebody might have hurt you somewhere, doesn’t matter. Somebody must have scolded you, doesn’t matter. What is your capacity, is to love another person and to be affectionate and kind. I am really amazed how these twenty-five years have passed with all kinds of stupid problems and nice things and such a mixture. And all those things have never disturbed me. I was never disturbed. I used to act sometimes, that I am angry or sometimes I used to say things which I should not have, normally said because it was needed to be said. But, on the whole – like sitting in a very big ship we can say – we all are elevated into the realm of Divine Love and this is what one has to enjoy. One person, if he has that love and compassion and that pure love, then that person can emit it to others and the rapport of this compassion is extremely beautiful which cannot be described in words. Like yesterday, I couldn’t speak, because in what words I could put my feelings? I thought there are no words yet created on this Earth to express my deep feeling of how you people have taken Sahaj Yoga so well and have understood it. May God bless you all! Sahasrar puja is a short one. We don’t have a very long puja for Sahasrar Day, because you know Sahasrara breaks in no time! So it’s not a very long puja, but it’s very deep and, again, ultimately the last chakra which is opened out is here, is the heart. So in the Sahasrar puja our hearts open out, that’s the main thing. And that is what one has to enjoy: the opening of your heart. Don’t worry about any Deities, about any rituals, any this and that, but just open your heart. We are not bound by anything. Just open your heart. May God bless you!
Evening Program, Eve of Adi Shakti Puja
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Talk Sahaja yogi : Shri Mataji & Sir C.P, We are really most fortunate with your presence here. And only the half of the Sahaj Yogis of Spain, Belgium, Holland and all the other countries that are represented here we wish extend our gratitude for your presence here And We have the 3 countries that have prepared a small program consisting of Dance,& some songs,& We hope you will enjoy it ..till we do the presentation of all these things. Other Sahaj Yogi : Namaskar Shri Mataji! Namaskar Sir C.P, from our hearts we would like to express the tremendous joy It is crossed to be today & present to you Shri Mataji, Sir C.P & brothers and sisters from so many countries. This little music program today ...The program will start first with the Dutch art in the 3 parts. One part from Holland, one from Belgium, & One part from Spain ...So we will start with the Dutch song first & the first is a welcoming Dance to Shri Mataji ... [Performance starts ] Shri Mataji: This lady [name of Sahaj yogi artist who danced] is such a surprise, such a surprise and what a wonderful surprise it was ...I am sorry to say but I have never seen such a combination of music & dance.[unclear/Name ] is a very great master but I have never seen anybody utilizing his talent for dancing. It's so much better, You see ...Sometimes people get bored with Kathak, or any Dance ...They don't understand but if there is a music of this quality with this dance coordinated with it It becomes so much better & deeper. This is the new thing I have never seen before ...I must Congratulate![unclear/Deli Verma (name)] for that. And it is so ....(clapping of SahajYogi ) Now you have seen Kathak is a very delicate dancing, very delicate & all the rhythmic patterns and all that are very fast but delicate ...And I am really surprised with this lady that how she has achieved such mastery ...I am so enamoured by her that She picked up this difficult Dancing style, I congratulate her again and again and I would also ask some of him to learn this dancing because I find that Western people dance sometimes better than the Indians ...In Russia, I saw a dance of a lady ...It's very young ...She did Kuchipudi with such vigour and with such understanding, with such rhythm ...I said where did you learn...She said nothing I just saw on the video,& I had this tape & I learnt on that ...Imagine for this kind of art you have too really dedicate your life & this lady I could not understand how she has managed to dance without any guide, without any Guru, without anybody helping her. So I think If you people take to this dancing, It would help you a lot ...&This is a very good idea. Because there are so many beautiful, We can say Musical records from very great masters And if you fix ...I mean if you can manage to put your own ideas of your dancing according to the rhythmic pattern of that music It's something the west will take very fast ...I know many people understand and appreciate Kathak But they get bored ...They can't go along with them Offcourse you Sahaj Yogis have an advantage, because you know -Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha and all these things so, you understand much better than others. But if this kind of a dance style starts...Not only that dance will propagate but also the Music. I have something discovered very new & am really enamoured.I thank her for coming down here. To do this in this terrible [unclear/court]. It's not so bad as Holland I must say ...(Shri Mataji laughs then ). Actually, the way you have decorated this time, is something with all these [unclear], behind them the snow-clad,& these mountains. You do get that feeling more of chill...It's very nice. I like it ...Because you know I like all this kind of atmosphere. I am happy that you all have enjoyed all these beautiful performances of Sahaja yogis also...They have really worked very hard this time to make the beautiful program all of them. I wanted to hear one song composed by [unclear\Hosey] because I am missing it nowadays.So I don't know Why they didn't play...I was very anxious that they should sing one song. So at the end of the program can we have one song and thank all the artists, all the people, all the Sahaj Yogis who have worked so hard, to make this program so successful. I am sorry we some or other ...It is a 'tapasya' to be here ...this thing we try to make it up but it wouldn't work out and somehow it's just now in a situation that we can not call it a hall or a hanger or anything like that ...But I am sure we have good days and we are going to buy a very beautiful land along the riverside & They say within six months if it is ......So, because you know these Italian thinks they take so much time I don't know They go upward, downward, this ward ...that ward ...but they promised that by the 6 months, we can shift this one there. So We are not going to fix it up much. And for the Guru Puja, I don't think you need a very complete thing because Guru Puja will be quite firm. As it is this is Sahaja Yoga 'tapasya' part of it, I think you don't mind it... We have been always like this a mess about this tent ...(mother laughs) ... Ultimately the tent broke and now this thing we got it & we could finish it...So its better now, to hope for the best, luckily we have a very beautiful land now & there we can fix this permanently plus we have some rooms and bathrooms and everything very comfortable for you...For this, I would say we must give hand to [unclear/Greedo (name)]for he's work it out. And there is such a funny lodge in this country apart from that, they are very funny people Who want to sell also. But all of them Or Some or other he has a 'siddhi' I think he has surpassed and with the help of all those we have achieved all this, you see.[unclear name ]has also played a very important role ...So all these people are to be really congratulate it. 2:12:57 So I hope by six months, I don't know where I would be ...We will have a proper hanger and a proper house, and a proper bathroom for your convenience. It takes time. But its shows also how much patience we have and how much you can tolerate, this kind of a very dilapidated business. Because you love me,& you love each other and when you come here you will meet each other and enjoy each other's company ...You don't feel the pangs of the body Also you can go for the comfort of the spirit ...and that's why I think you don't feel anything ...I mean ...Even if it's was not there you were quite happy So I really thank you all for accepting all this. Despite all our efforts, we could not raise it in time. I am sure by the time its next year it will be alright ... Tomorrow I was thinking we can (i would say if you are ready ) have the puja at 12 o'clock or 1'oclock so try to finish the work fast So that we don't have to again face this cold in the evening and it would be better if we can finish all the preparations for the Puja And Thank you all for this beautiful organisation, of this beautiful rendering from you 3 countries ...May God Bless You All
Talk Sahaja yogi : Shri Mataji & Sir C.P, We are really most fortunate with your presence here. And only the half of the Sahaj Yogis of Spain, Belgium, Holland and all the other countries that are represented here we wish extend our gratitude for your presence here And We have the 3 countries that have prepared a small program consisting of Dance,& some songs,& We hope you will enjoy it ..till we do the presentation of all these things. Other Sahaj Yogi : Namaskar Shri Mataji! Namaskar Sir C.P, from our hearts we would like to express the tremendous joy It is crossed to be today & present to you Shri Mataji, Sir C.P & brothers and sisters from so many countries. This little music program today ...The program will start first with the Dutch art in the 3 parts. One part from Holland, one from Belgium, & One part from Spain ...So we will start with the Dutch song first & the first is a welcoming Dance to Shri Mataji ... [Performance starts ] Shri Mataji: This lady [name of Sahaj yogi artist who danced] is such a surprise, such a surprise and what a wonderful surprise it was ...I am sorry to say but I have never seen such a combination of music & dance.[unclear/Name ] is a very great master but I have never seen anybody utilizing his talent for dancing. It's so much better, You see ...Sometimes people get bored with Kathak, or any Dance ...They don't understand but if there is a music of this quality with this dance coordinated with it It becomes so much better & deeper. This is the new thing I have never seen before ...I must Congratulate![unclear/Deli Verma (name)] for that. And it is so ....(clapping of SahajYogi ) Now you have seen Kathak is a very delicate dancing, very delicate & all the rhythmic patterns and all that are very fast but delicate ...And I am really surprised with this lady that how she has achieved such mastery ...I am so enamoured by her that She picked up this difficult Dancing style, I congratulate her again and again and I would also ask some of him to learn this dancing because I find that Western people dance sometimes better than the Indians ...In Russia, I saw a dance of a lady ...It's very young ...She did Kuchipudi with such vigour and with such understanding, with such rhythm ...I said where did you learn...She said nothing I just saw on the video,& I had this tape & I learnt on that ...Imagine for this kind of art you have too really dedicate your life & this lady I could not understand how she has managed to dance without any guide, without any Guru, without anybody helping her. So I think If you people take to this dancing, It would help you a lot ...&This is a very good idea. Because there are so many beautiful, We can say Musical records from very great masters And if you fix ...I mean if you can manage to put your own ideas of your dancing according to the rhythmic pattern of that music It's something the west will take very fast ...I know many people understand and appreciate Kathak But they get bored ...They can't go along with them Offcourse you Sahaj Yogis have an advantage, because you know -Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha and all these things so, you understand much better than others. But if this kind of a dance style starts...Not only that dance will propagate but also the Music. I have something discovered very new & am really enamoured.I thank her for coming down here. To do this in this terrible [unclear/court]. It's not so bad as Holland I must say ...(Shri Mataji laughs then ). Actually, the way you have decorated this time, is something with all these [unclear], behind them the snow-clad,& these mountains. You do get that feeling more of chill...It's very nice. I like it ...Because you know I like all this kind of atmosphere. I am happy that you all have enjoyed all these beautiful performances of Sahaja yogis also...They have really worked very hard this time to make the beautiful program all of them. I wanted to hear one song composed by [unclear\Hosey] because I am missing it nowadays.So I don't know Why they didn't play...I was very anxious that they should sing one song. So at the end of the program can we have one song and thank all the artists, all the people, all the Sahaj Yogis who have worked so hard, to make this program so successful. I am sorry we some or other ...It is a 'tapasya' to be here ...this thing we try to make it up but it wouldn't work out and somehow it's just now in a situation that we can not call it a hall or a hanger or anything like that ...But I am sure we have good days and we are going to buy a very beautiful land along the riverside & They say within six months if it is ......So, because you know these Italian thinks they take so much time I don't know They go upward, downward, this ward ...that ward ...but they promised that by the 6 months, we can shift this one there. So We are not going to fix it up much. And for the Guru Puja, I don't think you need a very complete thing because Guru Puja will be quite firm. As it is this is Sahaja Yoga 'tapasya' part of it, I think you don't mind it... We have been always like this a mess about this tent ...(mother laughs) ... Ultimately the tent broke and now this thing we got it & we could finish it...So its better now, to hope for the best, luckily we have a very beautiful land now & there we can fix this permanently plus we have some rooms and bathrooms and everything very comfortable for you...For this, I would say we must give hand to [unclear/Greedo (name)]for he's work it out. And there is such a funny lodge in this country apart from that, they are very funny people Who want to sell also. But all of them Or Some or other he has a 'siddhi' I think he has surpassed and with the help of all those we have achieved all this, you see.[unclear name ]has also played a very important role ...So all these people are to be really congratulate it. 2:12:57 So I hope by six months, I don't know where I would be ...We will have a proper hanger and a proper house, and a proper bathroom for your convenience. It takes time. But its shows also how much patience we have and how much you can tolerate, this kind of a very dilapidated business. Because you love me,& you love each other and when you come here you will meet each other and enjoy each other's company ...You don't feel the pangs of the body Also you can go for the comfort of the spirit ...and that's why I think you don't feel anything ...I mean ...Even if it's was not there you were quite happy So I really thank you all for accepting all this. Despite all our efforts, we could not raise it in time. I am sure by the time its next year it will be alright ... Tomorrow I was thinking we can (i would say if you are ready ) have the puja at 12 o'clock or 1'oclock so try to finish the work fast So that we don't have to again face this cold in the evening and it would be better if we can finish all the preparations for the Puja And Thank you all for this beautiful organisation, of this beautiful rendering from you 3 countries ...May God Bless You All
Adi Shakti Puja: Money Orientation
Cabella Ligure
Adi Shakti
‘Money Orientation’, Adi Shakti puja, Cabella Ligure, 4 June 1995. Today we have gathered here to do the Kundalini puja or the Adi Shakti puja. There’s a difference between the two: Adi Shakti is the total power of God, of His desire, while [Adi] Kundalini is the one that is reflected, part which is reflected, in the human beings as Kundalini. So there’s a difference between the Adi Kundalini and the Adi Shakti. Adi Shakti is the Parashakti, is the power which is beyond all the powers, which controls all the powers. And one of the powers of Adi Shakti is Kundalini. For example the Kundalini which is placed within me, in the triangular bone, is not [the] totality of me. In the same way the Kundalini, which is placed within you, is not the totality. Of course, it is the power which is there to give you your Self-realisation; is the power that redeems you, that nourishes you, that enlightens your centres. But there are two other powers, as you know, very powerful, which are working through Ida and Pingala, and the third one is Mahalakshmi which is in the centre. Now Kundalini’s main job is to give you your Self-realisation, because She is your individual Mother. Everyone has the Kundalini within himself or herself reflected; whatever maybe the quality of that person. Now as you see reflections fall on everything. Say, the reflection of the Moon falls on the stone, we don’t see any reflection. It then falls on a better reflector, say the water, then we can see the reflection. But when it falls on a mirror, which is very nicely made, say, in Belgium, it reflects better. So that is how the reflection gradually goes on improving. In the same way, we have human beings who have different reflectors. But they can be improved and they can be made absolutely top class — it’s possible. It depends. Now, here it comes the two other powers that are within you. The one power which is the desire. Though the Kundalini, as we see, is the power of pure desire: it doesn't want anything, but it wants to give you Self-realisation. [Of] the other two powers, one of them is the mundane desire. This mundane desire, if it becomes nothing but pure desire, then Kundalini has no problems from the Left Side. But if it is not a pure desire, but full of other desires…For example, the first desire of human beings, which comes from animals I think, is food — he wants food to nourish himself. But human beings don’t only take food to nourish, also for the taste of it, or for the beauty of it, which is innately working in them. That’s why we run after food which is very good, is very tasty. All kinds of ideas we have and there’s no standard: somebody can like this, somebody can like that. But the one who understands that the taste of the food is not important, and can practice it, then it works, it works wonders. Because the lowest desire, which is of food, comes under your control. If you can sometimes go without food — of course not for God but for yourself. God doesn’t want you to starve. If you can live without food, if you can enjoy every type of food, then you have done a lot to improve the path of Sushumna for the Kundalini. I have seen, in many cases, that Kundalini just doesn’t rise. She doesn’t rise. Even if She rises, She falls back. This happens when a person is very self-indulgent. He’s all the time thinking of things which are not of very great importance for spirituality. Apart from this, there’s another horrible one, desire, we have: is to grab as much money as possible, to think about money. This time, I had a bad experience because Sahaja Yogis came down to me and told me, “Mother, they are asking if we should reduce the puja money or something.” I was shocked, because I never decided about it. It’s all decided by the leaders. I said, “I am not concerned.” Then they would like to have a bargain as you have in the shop, or maybe some sort of a sale, or some sort of a thing. This is one of the greatest dangers in your ascent. For a guru, people pay millions and millions. Here you know I’m working it out for your projects, I’m buying lands for you, I’m doing things for you and for which you need money. But nobody comes forward with any donations as such, they won’t. They don't understand that it is for you I have to have all these things, not for me; and they pestered people many-a-times like this. Once suddenly, we decided that we could have fifty percent payment. Immediately, so many telephoned, “Aah! Are you going to have fifty percent less, the bargain price? We are coming for the bargain!” It’s the sale programming. For example, in the sale what do they do? They offer you something so that they can get a lot more customers or things like that. Sahaj Yoga is just the opposite of that. You don’t have to give anything but you get a lot. But this is not for sale; this is not for sale by any chance. It is a thing where you have to pay because we have to have all these things, and I have to pay so many things which you do not know. Like last time we had about I think fifty people who came just free. Some of the leaders know, but some of the leaders, they just go on asking like this because, I don’t know, perhaps they want to save money or they want to popularise themselves among the disciples, maybe that is the reason. So this thinking about money itself is a very detrimental force for your spirituality. Otherwise, what others are doing is the same: all the time they are thinking of money, thinking of money. Now, if you are thinking of money, and thinking of earning more for Sahaj Yoga, to help Sahaj Yoga, it’s all right. But it is for yours own ideas. In the West it’s very common, not in India, I must tell you. India is a poor country, but one day Yogi told me, “Mother, I need some money for the school.” I said, “All right I’ll give you.” “No, no,” he said, “I'll collect.” And he collected in one meeting eighteen lakhs of Rupees. Of course I told him, “Now don't take it, I have got money to pay. Don’t collect!” But so much of money orientation all the time: thinking about money, saving money, these things are absolutely against Sahaj Yoga. You can ask anyone how much I understand about money. I don’t understand banking, I cannot count: even thousand pounds I cannot count. I’ll count them two thousand or three thousand; I don’t know what I do. my brain goes off when it comes to money! I don’t know how to count. I'm not worried about what money we have, what we have. What we have to do is: this money is here, let us do something about it. Today, I don’t know why I have to tell about this gross subject, but it has been pointed out to me, “Mother, you never say anything about it and the people are getting really materialistic!” That’s a very sad affair. Even one person, who is materialistic, will have to go out of Sahaja Yoga. Gradually it will work that way and you’ll be surprised that you are out of Sahaj Yog. It is very amazing how, after getting Realisation also, getting on top of the world, we still live in small little holes like rats of this money business. This money has brought so much problems to our world, you can see it clearly. All this economics and all this knowledge of economics where has it gone? Is the world better by it? There’s recession going on everywhere. Everybody is unemployed. In every country you go there’s unemployment, so much; this is so much. That shows that this economics is also a very artificial science and dealing with the weaknesses of human beings, not with their strength. If they could know the strength of human beings, they would have done much better than they have done so far. I’ll give you a simple example: Now, we have very sophisticated places in the West, very sophisticated. They have everything electrical and you push the button and everything is there. Especially in these modern planes, when I travel, I don’t know which one to push because they are so slim and so delicate you see, need a special artist to do that. All this is for what? For getting more money, and more money and impressing people. But at the same time people are fed up! When all these sophistications are on, they are fed up with computers, they are fed up with electricity, they are fed up with cement, they are fed up with all kinds of artificial things — is a fact; more, much more in the West than in the developing countries. They are just fed up. Now this is the force, this is the strength. Why are they fed up? They are fed up because they have realised it doesn’t give you joy. It doesn’t give you a soothing feeling. It irritates them. So it is against human mind, a human character or human civilisation — something inhuman. So now what to do? I went to America once, and went to see a friend of ours and all the houses were covered with a cow dung colour. So I said, “Why do they have these cow dung all over these houses?” “What is the matter with them? Why don’t they have nice white, or another people like very much is this sand colour?” They said, “Nowadays these Americans want to have cow dung.” I said, “Cow dung! For what?” “Because they are fed up of cement. And now they can’t get so much cow dung here. So they have a special way of making cement look like cow dung! They mix up things so the colour comes out like cow dung.” I said, “Why the cow dung of all the things?” So they said that, “Some of them went to India and they had to sleep in some huts which were covered with cow dung. So they found out, logically, that cow dung if we have, it will be the most soothing colour for us. And so there were articles about it and people have started using cow dung.” So what is the force now behind? What is the strength? The strength is that they want to live in a natural way; they don't want to have artificial things. So they go to another extreme to have cow dung. Sahaja Yoga is in between. Now one has to understand that whether you put cow dung, or you put cement or anything, it’s not going to give you joy. Say, for India, people who have got cement houses are ‘great’! According to them cement represents luxury and also wealth. But in the West, if people see cement, my goodness, cement means to them it is something like a grave. So now the positive thing that is in them is that they now want to live with the natural things. They want to use natural material, natural life. But to the extreme if they go — you see, we had anti-culture like hippyism and all that, it brought no luck. So to get from one end to another extreme is also not conducive to a human life. Because a human being cannot become primitive. Even if he tries to dress up like a primitive person his brain is modern. So when they get fed up, from one to another, they don’t realise that what is the missing point. In both the things, whether you live like a rustic person or a very cementy (sic) person, any type you might live, the missing point is that in everything there is a competition. Once it starts, the fashion, all right, everybody will have cane chairs — everybody is having cane chairs. Now in this competition, they miss the point, is the joy. A person who is a realised-soul will not desire! Whether it is cement or anything or anything, doesn’t matter, it’s just the same. But it will come to his mind that all these artificial things are ruining human beings, so he’ll say no. But he will not have hair like the primitive people, he’ll not behave like primitive people, and [he'll] lead a very normal, natural life. So when the mind starts thinking something about it, it will never get to the point of joy, from one end to another. So they think that they are going into a balance, they are going into dharma. But my experience is different. Even those who were hippies, I know them: they used to eat like real gluttons, and they were very much interested in their comforts, and they would go to any extent of snatching anything that belongs to somebody else. They thought they now have become hippies, so they are already the landlords, because they have given up this, they have given up that. So the mind that suggests that to overcome your money-orientation, your competition and all these artificial things, you should change your lifestyle. But that doesn’t help, never. It’s just a play of the mind from one to another. So how to detach yourself from this idea of money-orientation? Whether you wear a sanyasi’s dress or you wear a wonderful, some very expensive dress, is the same to the body. You can’t even see your own dress. So is the same to the eyes. But with the mind you start convincing yourself that, “Now I have become a big sanyasi because I am wearing a saffron dress!” By wearing that kind of a dress you can never get rid of this nonsense. So first thing [is] you have to be a normal person. There’s no need to be abnormal outside [such] that you are deceiving yourself. If you think by changing your dress, attire, your lifestyle, you have become a great sanyasi or a great, detached person from this money-orientation, then I must say — don’t deceive yourself. A person who is detached from within helps the Kundalini to rise constantly without any catches. So, for a Sahaja Yogi, it is important to introspect, and see for yourself what is your level — as I told you about the reflector — what sort of a reflector you are. No use deceiving yourself, because Sahaj Yoga is for you, for your benevolence, and your Kundalini is for your benevolence. The ascent is the aim of your life, and to perfect it is your job. So you don’t have to take to anything outside. It is inside you have to see yourself — what sort of attachments you have. The second force which is, I’m surprised how [it] has suddenly come up among Sahaj Yogis that they don’t have immorality problems. They have just become moral, most of them. Ninety-nine point nine, nine, nine [percent], I think, are moral people in Sahaj Yoga — there may be [some who aren’t] here and there — because they enjoy their morality. Because they enjoy their morality they want to be that. Not only that, they want their children to be moral, their families to be moral. And that is how morality is spreading in Sahaj Yoga very fast. In that also, one has to understand that it is the innocence which is the force, not the morality. Like some people write to me, “Mother, I get up in the morning, I sit before the photograph, I do this, I do that, then I take my bath, and then I do this and…” I can’t understand this, no, not necessary. You have to cleanse yourself once in the night as you would cleanse yourself, your body, and once in the morning you have to pray, that’s all. It’s not necessary to have this ritualism, this kind of a rigmarole, all the time you going, every day morning till evening nonsensical [with] these things. And they become fanatic. They start becoming absolutely fanatic about Sahaj Yoga. And this fanaticism can be very dangerous because they try to remember everything by heart, this and that. No, not necessary. It should be in the heart, because [otherwise] it amounts to the lip service then. And with the lip service gradually you start feeling you are great, your father is great, you are this and that. So you are thrown away. You yourself throw yourself out — like you hit a ball and it comes back. I have seen people, many, who try to thrust themselves in Sahaj Yoga just are repelled back by themselves, not by Sahaj Yoga. Sahaj Yoga attracts you, no doubt, but you must have gravity. If you don’t have gravity, how can you be attracted? The seriousness about it is only this, that you should introspect, seriously — find out what’s wrong with you. Because this is a great chance for you to ascend. With this kind of a mind, which becomes fanatic, in Sahaj Yoga, starts saying harsh things to others and disturbing the peace of others, because they think they are very great Sahaj Yogis, then I think one should introspect and find out, “Why am I doing it?” So many people have the same defects but for that they’ll scold others. Perhaps maybe they think by correcting another person they might be corrected. I don’t know what the idea of their procedure is. But it is very absurd sometimes the way people look at their problems as if these are the problems of others. Now, if I am saying this to you, somebody must be counting, “Ah, I know this one, Mother is saying about that one!” Never will say that, “It’s for me, and I have to see myself and introspect and find out what is dragging me down.” So, this is one of the most important things is that you cannot be harsh, you cannot hurt people, you cannot misbehave in that manner. And if you can do that then you are thrown out of Sahaj Yoga by yourself, nobody has to throw you out. You have to [be] collective, people have to like you and you have to [be] one of them. If the collectivity is not there, your Kundalini will never rise. Because she is rising, she is trying to give you a second birth so that you become one with the Whole: the drop becomes the ocean, that’s Her job. She’ll never rise [otherwise]. A person who thinks he’s very exclusive, special, should not come to Sahaj Yoga. This is another great hurdle in rising the Kundalini, when people think that they are something special. We have no priesthood, and leadership is also a myth I think. People whom I think are better off with their Kundalini I can communicate better. But sometimes they too behave in such a manner that one is shocked — how could they behave like this? And these serpents just suddenly come up and you see them and you are shocked! “What are they doing? Where is their attention? What are they worried about?” So, such stupid ideas if they walk into your mind, tell them, “Shut up now, I know myself very well.” That’s the best way to keep you out of it, all these nonsensical things that are working out. First of all, you must remember that you are seekers of truth, have been seeking truth for ages, for years together, and now, I would say, for many lives, and now you have found it. So grab it and hold it fast, by understanding that this is what you wanted you’ve got it now. The another big problem that comes in the awakening of the Kundalini which I feel is very important to be told to you, is that, some of you think that you are very close to me, that you have a special right on me. You don’t know your Mother is a Mahamaya. Be careful! I am telling you again and again. Never think that way. Nobody can be my favourite, I assure you, cannot be. It is like a mercury, if you put it on another metal or something it doesn’t stick. My mind never sticks to anyone, never sticks. Now supposing somebody is in trouble, somebody has written to me, there's some problem, then the thought comes in, but I don’t stick to that. I don’t stick to anyone. Nor do I have any attachment to anyone, because that will be against the principle of pure love. I cannot be attached. Of course, I see your problems very intimately. I would love to solve them, I get worried sometimes, you can call it ‘worried’. But the thought, attention, is going towards that person. You have seen when there’s a tide, the Moon, when it is full Moon, the tide is much bigger. Does the ocean think? What about the Moon, does he think that it has to attract the particular ocean or someone? It’s just the nature, the swabhava, the nature itself that acts. That’s the nature, you can't help it. And this nature is the one you should also try to adopt and adore, because it’s very helpful. This gives you a great relief from your mind, which is always thinking, thinking, thinking and doesn’t allow you to have thoughtless awareness. You get attached to someone, you are worried about some problems. Even your problems sometimes, all the time your problem, thinking about your problem, or about somebody whom you are attached to. Then this mind starts working: how to solve the problem, what to do, this and that? But then you stop your Agnya completely! How will the Kundalini rise? In any walk of life, for a Sahaja Yogi, it is the best way to stop thinking is to think how he is going to spread Sahaj Yoga. Just divert your attention. This is the greatest pleasure for you, for which you don’t have to pay or anything; just know what powers you have got. At this point, I find many people are not at all aware of their powers and [are] not using them. When you don't use your powers also Kundalini falls down. Why should she work? She is not stupid! If you don't want to use Her for what She has to achieve, then why should She worry about you? So, She just drops down and She has nothing to do with you. Then suddenly you come out, “Mother, I got this trouble, I have got that trouble, this happened.” Specially troubles like arthritis and all such troubles come from people who don’t use their vibrations. Give it to the flowers, give it to the trees, give it to anything that is living, but don’t shirk it. You need not touch the person, but the desire should be, “Whom should I give vibrations?” Only worry should be, “Whom should I put attention to? Where should I put this energy of mine?” Once you start using this Divine Power it starts flowing much more, much more, and your Mother the Kundalini is very happy with you. And then you start seeing wonders, what’s happening. For that you have to have, first of all, attention on compassion and love. But compassion and love of God, God Almighty. But when I talk of compassion I find people are more interested in the people who are Sahaj Yogis who are suffering, who have problems, who are thrown away from Sahaj Yoga, they will write to me, “Mother please, please somehow or other, take them back.” That’s my job, not yours! But those who don't love God, they are not going to achieve much. They have loose tongues, they talk funnily, they don’t understand they are dealing with God Almighty! And this kind of frivolous talking and frivolous behaviour: you must understand that angels are around you all the time, all the time they are with you. They watch you. They will help you, they’ll support you, they’ll elevate you, they’ll cross all kinds of hurdles; but you have to love God from all your heart and all your soul. You can’t say things which are not full of protocol. All this is only possible when you surrender your ego. God doesn't want anything from you. What can you give to God? It’s a funny idea people have. But it’s all right, you can give anything to God. Krishna has said that, “You can give me flowers, you can give me water, you can give me this, presents, this, that, I’ll accept.” But what does He say? That, “Only thing that you have to do is to be one with me. You have to be one with me, you have to be connected with me.” And this feeling of connection is so satisfying, is so joy-giving, so nice, which cannot be described in words. Thus, you find your Kundalini is just flowing out with joy for yourself and for others. Also, the Right Side: ambitiousness, domination, showing off, harshness, cruelties. I don’t know how many things there are on the Right Side, but they can be unlimited. I mean, the limit is Hitler, you can say, so far. God knows some other one may come to compete with him, but so far, he is the last word. So all these also start destroying this Kundalini. I have seen also, the Kundalini of people which is hurt, wounded, just can’t rise, is finished. Then I feel that, “Let them take a second birth; only then one can work it out, because it’s impossible [for] such a Kundalini to make Her rise.” If you are selfish, and you are cruel, then this Kundalini becomes hurt. A good mother feels hurt when her child misbehaves, so this Kundalini gets very hurt. Because She wants you to have your second birth, and She just can’t bear it; and this makes Her absolutely incapable of rising. She becomes sick, ill and wounded. So, all kinds of aggressiveness should be given up. That’s not going to help. Because you have come to Sahaja Yoga not for saving money or bargaining or anything. You have come here because you are seekers. I have seen invariably people who have been to false gurus always have this kind of a money-orientation because they must have been lynched completely by the previous gurus, maybe. I don’t know what to say. So, it is we who can rise through our own goodness and beauty. And it is we who can come up to a level of great Sahaja Yogis. Don’t keep this power with yourself. It is to be distributed and given to others and make others also very happy and joyous. It’s a duty of every Sahaj Yogi to do it. Also, thinking about Sahaj Yoga, not about yourself, is the best way to avoid many problems. But once they start thinking about Sahaja Yoga, they start thinking about the defects of the Sahaj Yogis. That’s not going to help. You have to develop that peace of mind within yourself by which you can become the witness of yourself first. You should be able to witness yourself and see what are the things which are putting you down, because today the world is absolutely chaotic. From this chaotic world you have to rise into a very peaceful, beautiful world and you have to take many into that. For that, you have to have the quality. It’s not just you become Sahaja Yogis, put my badge here and all that. In every way, you can spread Sahaja Yoga. But be careful, because one should not feel that you have done a great job. Whatever you are doing is for your own good, not for others. Now we have to see what a great thing that has happened because Kundalini was a big mystery before. But now it is not anymore, it’s all opened out. You all know about it. You know about its powers. You know how you can achieve your highest goal. So, just to balance, just to lead a mediocre life, is not the way a real true seeker of truth should do. But if you are the real seeker of truth, then you should see, “What’s wrong with what I have been doing, whatever I have been following?” And, “What I have to achieve?” All the scriptures have said that you have to be the Spirit. All the scriptures had said that you have to be born again. I am not saying that alone. Only thing what I am doing is what they have said I am trying to do it, and requesting you that you should do. Sahaja Yoga is not going to [be] like other religions where people abuse children, do what they like, make money, this, that, all nonsense, like a mafia! We are people who are chosen and are special people who believe in a good moral life and a peaceful life. May God bless you all.
‘Money Orientation’, Adi Shakti puja, Cabella Ligure, 4 June 1995. Today we have gathered here to do the Kundalini puja or the Adi Shakti puja. There’s a difference between the two: Adi Shakti is the total power of God, of His desire, while [Adi] Kundalini is the one that is reflected, part which is reflected, in the human beings as Kundalini. So there’s a difference between the Adi Kundalini and the Adi Shakti. Adi Shakti is the Parashakti, is the power which is beyond all the powers, which controls all the powers. And one of the powers of Adi Shakti is Kundalini. For example the Kundalini which is placed within me, in the triangular bone, is not [the] totality of me. In the same way the Kundalini, which is placed within you, is not the totality. Of course, it is the power which is there to give you your Self-realisation; is the power that redeems you, that nourishes you, that enlightens your centres. But there are two other powers, as you know, very powerful, which are working through Ida and Pingala, and the third one is Mahalakshmi which is in the centre. Now Kundalini’s main job is to give you your Self-realisation, because She is your individual Mother. Everyone has the Kundalini within himself or herself reflected; whatever maybe the quality of that person. Now as you see reflections fall on everything. Say, the reflection of the Moon falls on the stone, we don’t see any reflection. It then falls on a better reflector, say the water, then we can see the reflection. But when it falls on a mirror, which is very nicely made, say, in Belgium, it reflects better. So that is how the reflection gradually goes on improving. In the same way, we have human beings who have different reflectors. But they can be improved and they can be made absolutely top class — it’s possible. It depends. Now, here it comes the two other powers that are within you. The one power which is the desire. Though the Kundalini, as we see, is the power of pure desire: it doesn't want anything, but it wants to give you Self-realisation. [Of] the other two powers, one of them is the mundane desire. This mundane desire, if it becomes nothing but pure desire, then Kundalini has no problems from the Left Side. But if it is not a pure desire, but full of other desires…For example, the first desire of human beings, which comes from animals I think, is food — he wants food to nourish himself. But human beings don’t only take food to nourish, also for the taste of it, or for the beauty of it, which is innately working in them. That’s why we run after food which is very good, is very tasty. All kinds of ideas we have and there’s no standard: somebody can like this, somebody can like that. But the one who understands that the taste of the food is not important, and can practice it, then it works, it works wonders. Because the lowest desire, which is of food, comes under your control. If you can sometimes go without food — of course not for God but for yourself. God doesn’t want you to starve. If you can live without food, if you can enjoy every type of food, then you have done a lot to improve the path of Sushumna for the Kundalini. I have seen, in many cases, that Kundalini just doesn’t rise. She doesn’t rise. Even if She rises, She falls back. This happens when a person is very self-indulgent. He’s all the time thinking of things which are not of very great importance for spirituality. Apart from this, there’s another horrible one, desire, we have: is to grab as much money as possible, to think about money. This time, I had a bad experience because Sahaja Yogis came down to me and told me, “Mother, they are asking if we should reduce the puja money or something.” I was shocked, because I never decided about it. It’s all decided by the leaders. I said, “I am not concerned.” Then they would like to have a bargain as you have in the shop, or maybe some sort of a sale, or some sort of a thing. This is one of the greatest dangers in your ascent. For a guru, people pay millions and millions. Here you know I’m working it out for your projects, I’m buying lands for you, I’m doing things for you and for which you need money. But nobody comes forward with any donations as such, they won’t. They don't understand that it is for you I have to have all these things, not for me; and they pestered people many-a-times like this. Once suddenly, we decided that we could have fifty percent payment. Immediately, so many telephoned, “Aah! Are you going to have fifty percent less, the bargain price? We are coming for the bargain!” It’s the sale programming. For example, in the sale what do they do? They offer you something so that they can get a lot more customers or things like that. Sahaj Yoga is just the opposite of that. You don’t have to give anything but you get a lot. But this is not for sale; this is not for sale by any chance. It is a thing where you have to pay because we have to have all these things, and I have to pay so many things which you do not know. Like last time we had about I think fifty people who came just free. Some of the leaders know, but some of the leaders, they just go on asking like this because, I don’t know, perhaps they want to save money or they want to popularise themselves among the disciples, maybe that is the reason. So this thinking about money itself is a very detrimental force for your spirituality. Otherwise, what others are doing is the same: all the time they are thinking of money, thinking of money. Now, if you are thinking of money, and thinking of earning more for Sahaj Yoga, to help Sahaj Yoga, it’s all right. But it is for yours own ideas. In the West it’s very common, not in India, I must tell you. India is a poor country, but one day Yogi told me, “Mother, I need some money for the school.” I said, “All right I’ll give you.” “No, no,” he said, “I'll collect.” And he collected in one meeting eighteen lakhs of Rupees. Of course I told him, “Now don't take it, I have got money to pay. Don’t collect!” But so much of money orientation all the time: thinking about money, saving money, these things are absolutely against Sahaj Yoga. You can ask anyone how much I understand about money. I don’t understand banking, I cannot count: even thousand pounds I cannot count. I’ll count them two thousand or three thousand; I don’t know what I do. my brain goes off when it comes to money! I don’t know how to count. I'm not worried about what money we have, what we have. What we have to do is: this money is here, let us do something about it. Today, I don’t know why I have to tell about this gross subject, but it has been pointed out to me, “Mother, you never say anything about it and the people are getting really materialistic!” That’s a very sad affair. Even one person, who is materialistic, will have to go out of Sahaja Yoga. Gradually it will work that way and you’ll be surprised that you are out of Sahaj Yog. It is very amazing how, after getting Realisation also, getting on top of the world, we still live in small little holes like rats of this money business. This money has brought so much problems to our world, you can see it clearly. All this economics and all this knowledge of economics where has it gone? Is the world better by it? There’s recession going on everywhere. Everybody is unemployed. In every country you go there’s unemployment, so much; this is so much. That shows that this economics is also a very artificial science and dealing with the weaknesses of human beings, not with their strength. If they could know the strength of human beings, they would have done much better than they have done so far. I’ll give you a simple example: Now, we have very sophisticated places in the West, very sophisticated. They have everything electrical and you push the button and everything is there. Especially in these modern planes, when I travel, I don’t know which one to push because they are so slim and so delicate you see, need a special artist to do that. All this is for what? For getting more money, and more money and impressing people. But at the same time people are fed up! When all these sophistications are on, they are fed up with computers, they are fed up with electricity, they are fed up with cement, they are fed up with all kinds of artificial things — is a fact; more, much more in the West than in the developing countries. They are just fed up. Now this is the force, this is the strength. Why are they fed up? They are fed up because they have realised it doesn’t give you joy. It doesn’t give you a soothing feeling. It irritates them. So it is against human mind, a human character or human civilisation — something inhuman. So now what to do? I went to America once, and went to see a friend of ours and all the houses were covered with a cow dung colour. So I said, “Why do they have these cow dung all over these houses?” “What is the matter with them? Why don’t they have nice white, or another people like very much is this sand colour?” They said, “Nowadays these Americans want to have cow dung.” I said, “Cow dung! For what?” “Because they are fed up of cement. And now they can’t get so much cow dung here. So they have a special way of making cement look like cow dung! They mix up things so the colour comes out like cow dung.” I said, “Why the cow dung of all the things?” So they said that, “Some of them went to India and they had to sleep in some huts which were covered with cow dung. So they found out, logically, that cow dung if we have, it will be the most soothing colour for us. And so there were articles about it and people have started using cow dung.” So what is the force now behind? What is the strength? The strength is that they want to live in a natural way; they don't want to have artificial things. So they go to another extreme to have cow dung. Sahaja Yoga is in between. Now one has to understand that whether you put cow dung, or you put cement or anything, it’s not going to give you joy. Say, for India, people who have got cement houses are ‘great’! According to them cement represents luxury and also wealth. But in the West, if people see cement, my goodness, cement means to them it is something like a grave. So now the positive thing that is in them is that they now want to live with the natural things. They want to use natural material, natural life. But to the extreme if they go — you see, we had anti-culture like hippyism and all that, it brought no luck. So to get from one end to another extreme is also not conducive to a human life. Because a human being cannot become primitive. Even if he tries to dress up like a primitive person his brain is modern. So when they get fed up, from one to another, they don’t realise that what is the missing point. In both the things, whether you live like a rustic person or a very cementy (sic) person, any type you might live, the missing point is that in everything there is a competition. Once it starts, the fashion, all right, everybody will have cane chairs — everybody is having cane chairs. Now in this competition, they miss the point, is the joy. A person who is a realised-soul will not desire! Whether it is cement or anything or anything, doesn’t matter, it’s just the same. But it will come to his mind that all these artificial things are ruining human beings, so he’ll say no. But he will not have hair like the primitive people, he’ll not behave like primitive people, and [he'll] lead a very normal, natural life. So when the mind starts thinking something about it, it will never get to the point of joy, from one end to another. So they think that they are going into a balance, they are going into dharma. But my experience is different. Even those who were hippies, I know them: they used to eat like real gluttons, and they were very much interested in their comforts, and they would go to any extent of snatching anything that belongs to somebody else. They thought they now have become hippies, so they are already the landlords, because they have given up this, they have given up that. So the mind that suggests that to overcome your money-orientation, your competition and all these artificial things, you should change your lifestyle. But that doesn’t help, never. It’s just a play of the mind from one to another. So how to detach yourself from this idea of money-orientation? Whether you wear a sanyasi’s dress or you wear a wonderful, some very expensive dress, is the same to the body. You can’t even see your own dress. So is the same to the eyes. But with the mind you start convincing yourself that, “Now I have become a big sanyasi because I am wearing a saffron dress!” By wearing that kind of a dress you can never get rid of this nonsense. So first thing [is] you have to be a normal person. There’s no need to be abnormal outside [such] that you are deceiving yourself. If you think by changing your dress, attire, your lifestyle, you have become a great sanyasi or a great, detached person from this money-orientation, then I must say — don’t deceive yourself. A person who is detached from within helps the Kundalini to rise constantly without any catches. So, for a Sahaja Yogi, it is important to introspect, and see for yourself what is your level — as I told you about the reflector — what sort of a reflector you are. No use deceiving yourself, because Sahaj Yoga is for you, for your benevolence, and your Kundalini is for your benevolence. The ascent is the aim of your life, and to perfect it is your job. So you don’t have to take to anything outside. It is inside you have to see yourself — what sort of attachments you have. The second force which is, I’m surprised how [it] has suddenly come up among Sahaj Yogis that they don’t have immorality problems. They have just become moral, most of them. Ninety-nine point nine, nine, nine [percent], I think, are moral people in Sahaj Yoga — there may be [some who aren’t] here and there — because they enjoy their morality. Because they enjoy their morality they want to be that. Not only that, they want their children to be moral, their families to be moral. And that is how morality is spreading in Sahaj Yoga very fast. In that also, one has to understand that it is the innocence which is the force, not the morality. Like some people write to me, “Mother, I get up in the morning, I sit before the photograph, I do this, I do that, then I take my bath, and then I do this and…” I can’t understand this, no, not necessary. You have to cleanse yourself once in the night as you would cleanse yourself, your body, and once in the morning you have to pray, that’s all. It’s not necessary to have this ritualism, this kind of a rigmarole, all the time you going, every day morning till evening nonsensical [with] these things. And they become fanatic. They start becoming absolutely fanatic about Sahaj Yoga. And this fanaticism can be very dangerous because they try to remember everything by heart, this and that. No, not necessary. It should be in the heart, because [otherwise] it amounts to the lip service then. And with the lip service gradually you start feeling you are great, your father is great, you are this and that. So you are thrown away. You yourself throw yourself out — like you hit a ball and it comes back. I have seen people, many, who try to thrust themselves in Sahaj Yoga just are repelled back by themselves, not by Sahaj Yoga. Sahaj Yoga attracts you, no doubt, but you must have gravity. If you don’t have gravity, how can you be attracted? The seriousness about it is only this, that you should introspect, seriously — find out what’s wrong with you. Because this is a great chance for you to ascend. With this kind of a mind, which becomes fanatic, in Sahaj Yoga, starts saying harsh things to others and disturbing the peace of others, because they think they are very great Sahaj Yogis, then I think one should introspect and find out, “Why am I doing it?” So many people have the same defects but for that they’ll scold others. Perhaps maybe they think by correcting another person they might be corrected. I don’t know what the idea of their procedure is. But it is very absurd sometimes the way people look at their problems as if these are the problems of others. Now, if I am saying this to you, somebody must be counting, “Ah, I know this one, Mother is saying about that one!” Never will say that, “It’s for me, and I have to see myself and introspect and find out what is dragging me down.” So, this is one of the most important things is that you cannot be harsh, you cannot hurt people, you cannot misbehave in that manner. And if you can do that then you are thrown out of Sahaj Yoga by yourself, nobody has to throw you out. You have to [be] collective, people have to like you and you have to [be] one of them. If the collectivity is not there, your Kundalini will never rise. Because she is rising, she is trying to give you a second birth so that you become one with the Whole: the drop becomes the ocean, that’s Her job. She’ll never rise [otherwise]. A person who thinks he’s very exclusive, special, should not come to Sahaj Yoga. This is another great hurdle in rising the Kundalini, when people think that they are something special. We have no priesthood, and leadership is also a myth I think. People whom I think are better off with their Kundalini I can communicate better. But sometimes they too behave in such a manner that one is shocked — how could they behave like this? And these serpents just suddenly come up and you see them and you are shocked! “What are they doing? Where is their attention? What are they worried about?” So, such stupid ideas if they walk into your mind, tell them, “Shut up now, I know myself very well.” That’s the best way to keep you out of it, all these nonsensical things that are working out. First of all, you must remember that you are seekers of truth, have been seeking truth for ages, for years together, and now, I would say, for many lives, and now you have found it. So grab it and hold it fast, by understanding that this is what you wanted you’ve got it now. The another big problem that comes in the awakening of the Kundalini which I feel is very important to be told to you, is that, some of you think that you are very close to me, that you have a special right on me. You don’t know your Mother is a Mahamaya. Be careful! I am telling you again and again. Never think that way. Nobody can be my favourite, I assure you, cannot be. It is like a mercury, if you put it on another metal or something it doesn’t stick. My mind never sticks to anyone, never sticks. Now supposing somebody is in trouble, somebody has written to me, there's some problem, then the thought comes in, but I don’t stick to that. I don’t stick to anyone. Nor do I have any attachment to anyone, because that will be against the principle of pure love. I cannot be attached. Of course, I see your problems very intimately. I would love to solve them, I get worried sometimes, you can call it ‘worried’. But the thought, attention, is going towards that person. You have seen when there’s a tide, the Moon, when it is full Moon, the tide is much bigger. Does the ocean think? What about the Moon, does he think that it has to attract the particular ocean or someone? It’s just the nature, the swabhava, the nature itself that acts. That’s the nature, you can't help it. And this nature is the one you should also try to adopt and adore, because it’s very helpful. This gives you a great relief from your mind, which is always thinking, thinking, thinking and doesn’t allow you to have thoughtless awareness. You get attached to someone, you are worried about some problems. Even your problems sometimes, all the time your problem, thinking about your problem, or about somebody whom you are attached to. Then this mind starts working: how to solve the problem, what to do, this and that? But then you stop your Agnya completely! How will the Kundalini rise? In any walk of life, for a Sahaja Yogi, it is the best way to stop thinking is to think how he is going to spread Sahaj Yoga. Just divert your attention. This is the greatest pleasure for you, for which you don’t have to pay or anything; just know what powers you have got. At this point, I find many people are not at all aware of their powers and [are] not using them. When you don't use your powers also Kundalini falls down. Why should she work? She is not stupid! If you don't want to use Her for what She has to achieve, then why should She worry about you? So, She just drops down and She has nothing to do with you. Then suddenly you come out, “Mother, I got this trouble, I have got that trouble, this happened.” Specially troubles like arthritis and all such troubles come from people who don’t use their vibrations. Give it to the flowers, give it to the trees, give it to anything that is living, but don’t shirk it. You need not touch the person, but the desire should be, “Whom should I give vibrations?” Only worry should be, “Whom should I put attention to? Where should I put this energy of mine?” Once you start using this Divine Power it starts flowing much more, much more, and your Mother the Kundalini is very happy with you. And then you start seeing wonders, what’s happening. For that you have to have, first of all, attention on compassion and love. But compassion and love of God, God Almighty. But when I talk of compassion I find people are more interested in the people who are Sahaj Yogis who are suffering, who have problems, who are thrown away from Sahaj Yoga, they will write to me, “Mother please, please somehow or other, take them back.” That’s my job, not yours! But those who don't love God, they are not going to achieve much. They have loose tongues, they talk funnily, they don’t understand they are dealing with God Almighty! And this kind of frivolous talking and frivolous behaviour: you must understand that angels are around you all the time, all the time they are with you. They watch you. They will help you, they’ll support you, they’ll elevate you, they’ll cross all kinds of hurdles; but you have to love God from all your heart and all your soul. You can’t say things which are not full of protocol. All this is only possible when you surrender your ego. God doesn't want anything from you. What can you give to God? It’s a funny idea people have. But it’s all right, you can give anything to God. Krishna has said that, “You can give me flowers, you can give me water, you can give me this, presents, this, that, I’ll accept.” But what does He say? That, “Only thing that you have to do is to be one with me. You have to be one with me, you have to be connected with me.” And this feeling of connection is so satisfying, is so joy-giving, so nice, which cannot be described in words. Thus, you find your Kundalini is just flowing out with joy for yourself and for others. Also, the Right Side: ambitiousness, domination, showing off, harshness, cruelties. I don’t know how many things there are on the Right Side, but they can be unlimited. I mean, the limit is Hitler, you can say, so far. God knows some other one may come to compete with him, but so far, he is the last word. So all these also start destroying this Kundalini. I have seen also, the Kundalini of people which is hurt, wounded, just can’t rise, is finished. Then I feel that, “Let them take a second birth; only then one can work it out, because it’s impossible [for] such a Kundalini to make Her rise.” If you are selfish, and you are cruel, then this Kundalini becomes hurt. A good mother feels hurt when her child misbehaves, so this Kundalini gets very hurt. Because She wants you to have your second birth, and She just can’t bear it; and this makes Her absolutely incapable of rising. She becomes sick, ill and wounded. So, all kinds of aggressiveness should be given up. That’s not going to help. Because you have come to Sahaja Yoga not for saving money or bargaining or anything. You have come here because you are seekers. I have seen invariably people who have been to false gurus always have this kind of a money-orientation because they must have been lynched completely by the previous gurus, maybe. I don’t know what to say. So, it is we who can rise through our own goodness and beauty. And it is we who can come up to a level of great Sahaja Yogis. Don’t keep this power with yourself. It is to be distributed and given to others and make others also very happy and joyous. It’s a duty of every Sahaj Yogi to do it. Also, thinking about Sahaj Yoga, not about yourself, is the best way to avoid many problems. But once they start thinking about Sahaja Yoga, they start thinking about the defects of the Sahaj Yogis. That’s not going to help. You have to develop that peace of mind within yourself by which you can become the witness of yourself first. You should be able to witness yourself and see what are the things which are putting you down, because today the world is absolutely chaotic. From this chaotic world you have to rise into a very peaceful, beautiful world and you have to take many into that. For that, you have to have the quality. It’s not just you become Sahaja Yogis, put my badge here and all that. In every way, you can spread Sahaja Yoga. But be careful, because one should not feel that you have done a great job. Whatever you are doing is for your own good, not for others. Now we have to see what a great thing that has happened because Kundalini was a big mystery before. But now it is not anymore, it’s all opened out. You all know about it. You know about its powers. You know how you can achieve your highest goal. So, just to balance, just to lead a mediocre life, is not the way a real true seeker of truth should do. But if you are the real seeker of truth, then you should see, “What’s wrong with what I have been doing, whatever I have been following?” And, “What I have to achieve?” All the scriptures have said that you have to be the Spirit. All the scriptures had said that you have to be born again. I am not saying that alone. Only thing what I am doing is what they have said I am trying to do it, and requesting you that you should do. Sahaja Yoga is not going to [be] like other religions where people abuse children, do what they like, make money, this, that, all nonsense, like a mafia! We are people who are chosen and are special people who believe in a good moral life and a peaceful life. May God bless you all.
Kundalini can correct your genes
Public Program
Public Program. Royal Albert Hall, London (UK). 24 June 1995. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. It cannot be changed. It cannot be challenged and it cannot be described. Truth is beyond your mind. You have already heard that the Divine has created a beautiful instrument within you, which exists in all human beings. Maybe because of different times, maybe some of the incarnations didn't talk about it, but most of them have talked about it. For example, Christ has said that you have to be born again. Also in the Bible, it is said, "I'll appear before you like tongues of flames". These are the centres about which you have heard. For the last 25 years, I have been working on people with Sahaja Yoga. I found it such a tremendous thing that it is not easily believed into. Especially for people who are superficial, who just read books and now feel satisfied. All those people who are critical of everything. Those who do not have an open mind like a scientist, or some of them, who are I must say, are idiots, or maybe mad, or maybe mesmerized. But for a person who is ardently seeking, honestly seeking the absolute truth, Kundalini, about which we have heard, has to be awakened. No doubt about it. There's no compromise on that. Today we see these flowers here. You know that they had to plant a seed in the Mother Earth and the primule had to come out of the seed and then the plant was created. In the same way, we too have a primule. There's no other way out - it has to be Kundalini awakening. There are so many cults nowadays. You have heard of one very dangerous one. They are all money-oriented. Even the religions are money-oriented, or they are power-oriented, or maybe they are also sex-oriented. Cults are a little worse than that, I should say because they have no binding force. But all these outside religions have not given us what was promised, what was said, so we have to ask a question - what we have been doing our forefathers have been doing - all kinds of rituals, all strictness, everything - why is it we haven't got that higher state which is described? Of course, in Indian scriptures, it is very vividly, clearly talked about but there too, people would not accept it. There was a great poet who wrote in the Marathi language, because about Kundalini was written 40,000 years back, in the 6th century and Adi Shankaracharya. But even when in the 12th century [ie. 1200s] this great poet Ganeshwara wrote about Kundalini, they just tortured his life - tortured him, tortured his sister, brothers, everyone who were full of knowledge. So he went into permanent samadhi they say - living samadhi, at the age of 23 years. But the books he has written are of such high-level spirituality. They're so joy-giving and so beautiful. But what people did to him. Is today again - they have started doing to reality, instead of saving people, telling them what is written in these books and what were the incarnations who wrote, instead of helping them to ascend, because this is a special time, which they don't realise. They are so busy with their organisation, so busy with discussions, arguments. Now recently, as you know, there has been a horrible declaration that a person whose genes are not all right, cannot be condemned. So what is the use of any religion? What's the use of having any federal laws? It's all absurd. Scientists also come to conclusions which are stupid. Actually, genes have as I must tell you little bit scientifically - has a database, and this is in a series because there are nitrogen, phosphate and carbohydrates in a cell. And these series, if they change, then people take to perversity, to the wrong type of life. But if they're all right then a person is a normal person. According to the scientists, they are born with it, they are inherent, they are genetic - it's not true. It's not absolutely true. They may be, but many people you know, say if your son you send to someplace in America he can get spoilt completely. His genes can be changed. A father who is a drunkard, his son may not be a drunkard. It's so obvious. Even the chromosomes which are responsible for our body growth can be changed. If somebody's a hot-tempered person his face will change from his childhood to look like a monster. If a person is a monster and if he comes to Sahaja Yoga he looks like an angel. What happens, actually in Sahaja Yoga the series of these changes, the series of these different things, you see, if they are changed, if they are disturbed - is corrected completely. How? The Kundalini that is within you, She nourishes, She gives the balance, She understands, She knows you, She knows all your past. She is your individual mother and She corrects. We have people here - I must tell you today - we have people who have been criminals, who have been drug addicts of the worse type, who have been drunkards, who have been also we can say, like prostitutes; adulterers; all sorts of people came to Sahaja Yoga and they are like angels. Believe me. They have become like angels. They don't have to fight anything. They have become - means it's an actualisation of the experience. It is not just talking, talk, talk, talk, talk and go and read this book and go and read that book. No. It's beyond words. Adi Shankaracharya has called as [unclear], meaning the web of words - "Oh Mother, take me out of this web of words". Now all chaotic conditions are existing. You don't know what's happening in this world now. I mean 50 years back it was not such a bad world. But what has happened? With all this advancement, with all this growth, with all this science - well, where are we? We don't know ourselves. You say this is my body, this is my intelligence, these are my emotions, but who is the owner of this my? What is that? And that is what we have to become - that we have to become the Spirit. It's not like having a certificate, having a born-again - it's just a false certificate. When you are born again, what you feel, you know that now, that you feel this all-pervading power of Divine Love. It is love. It is compassion which you feel. Actually, a human being is the epitome of evolution. He is so beautiful and so glorious, so loveable, but we have made him into a sex point - this Mr Freud and this Saad and all these people. They have reduced him to this level and we accept it. All this we accept. Have you got no brains to understand? Have you got no personality to understand that we just get driven to all these mad people, telling you anything? So, I have to tell you that human beings are so much ready to be in the Kingdom of God. They have to just enter in. They have to have just willingness to do it - you cannot force it on anyone. Can you force a seed to produce a tree? You cannot. It's a living process of our evolution, and now this is the last breakthrough that we have to achieve. But people are so much lost. There was one gentleman who had written a book about the last breakthrough, this, that, and when I met him I found he's completely finished. You can't give him realisation - he's lost with the words. He wrote such a book but he's not seeking the truth. You should not accept anything which has not given you the absolute truth. With Sahaja Yoga, you know absolute. How? You put your hands out when you have got your realisation. You can feel on your fingertips your centres. Then you can feel the centres of others also. It's not only that you feel the centres of your own, but also of others. Because a new dimension has come in human awareness, which we call as a collective consciousness. It is to be actualised. It has to work out. But if you go on, say, challenging, it won't. Why not have it? You don't have to pay anything for it. It's a living process. How much do we pay to the Mother Earth? We are so much used to payment - even in the church, even in the temple, even in the mosque, everywhere - we think we should pay. People don't understand that this is a living process of Divine Love. How much are you going to pay for love which is divine? So, first of all, we should give up this idea that you have to pay for something. Then, secondly, you have to understand that seeking is not through ritualism - you stand on your heads, or you hit somebody, or you do all kinds of these tantrums. There's no need. You have to be respectable. When you want your freedom, you don't have to do anything, it just works out. Believe me, it works out. No credit to me either, no obligation to me. It's your own. The only thing we can say that in my presence it works out - but then, in your presence, it will work out also. That is how now, do you know, Sahaja Yoga is spreading in 65 nations. And these democracies where we are living, thinking we're very free people - you're not. Just face it - you're not, because we are possessed by money, we are possessed by materialism. But in Russia, I was surprised, where you should say the government was horrible and they were suppressed and all that, but people have no sense of possessiveness, and they are the best, even their scientists - about 250 people came - scientists, and told me, "Mother, we'd like to hear what you have to say." I started in science. I thought better take them to science, otherwise, how will they follow me. You'd be amazed, they said "No more science. We know all that. You tell us the science of God". So this materialism has crippled us completely. We want to possess this, possess that. They do not. They were told that you can have your flats. Government is willing to give you your houses and flats. We don't want to look after them. They said, "We don't want, we don't want any flats, we don't want any house - nothing. because we can't look after them". Can you imagine? So in a way, that curse of communism has improved them and this blessing of democracy has created demonocracy. I can see it clearly. You go to Russia. It's very different. You see people who are really, absolutely pure people. How is it in those horrible circumstances, with those sufferings that they have had, they have come out so well and how they can understand that they have to find out the truth? About everything you can find out, whether it is absolute truth or not. The main point is, if you don't have the absolute truth, any idea you can fix-up in your head and start doing the wrong things. Like Hitler - he got the wrong idea into his head. Say that, I mean, it's funny that, the Jews must be killed. Now he started killing the Jews. Can you imagine? And he said that they are a superior race. By what measure are they superior? What, by what measure? If somebody is superior in this world, what we think of saints who are superior to us? But these people killed small children in the gas chamber and watched it. How can they be a superior race? So they get some idea into their heads that this is something, we are great, we are a superior race, we are chosen ones, we are on the path of Christ. All wrong. Just believing in yourself in the wrong way, we can go to hell directly. First of all, know who you are. If you don't know who you are, how can we decide, how can you see the truth? Because you are not yourself. You might be Mr Freud, you might be Mr Saad, you might be somebody else. Are you yourself? This is the most important thing. I'm happy you all are here and you are seeking the truth. This is the greatest blessing of modern times, that people are - so many of them - are seeking the truth. But, you should not be misled. One gentleman was writing some very frivolous books, about - I don't know - about all kinds of nonsense, and he came to our programme, I think, and he wrote that "I was waiting and waiting for one hour, but Shri Mataji never came" - because that's the style we have. First, we have to prepare your mind a little bit, soothe it down, because you are now coming from all kinds of problems. So, just to soothe it down, we work it out for one hour. Like that. It's compulsory. But here in this place, one fellow writes against me, saying, "She never came and then She said to take out your shoes". That settled it. I mean that's the biggest crime, I've told him to do. As if I've told him to kill somebody or ... So such frivolous people, how will it work out? It's not meant for frivolous people. I must say that so many have now got this realisation and are settled, like just like beautiful gems, in Sahaja Yoga, so many, that I'm sure there will be many more who will be coming. Because the first time when I came to England, I had to struggle with seven of them. For four years. And here you will get your realisation in no time, I know that. Because on the whole, it has from all the sides, it's grown, even in England. So, one has to understand that you don't belong to anyone, but you belong to the Kingdom of God. And once you enter there, there are so many miracles that take place, that you'll be amazed. People have written letters after letters, "Mother, this miracle took place, that miracle took place." And I told somebody, why don't you write it down all this in a book. Within one month he tells me "This has gone over my head now. Both [unclear]. Now You select and tell me what to write". I said, "Better not. Better not write. It's absolutely not necessary." When people will see themselves and enjoy themselves, they will get the best. I mean, I don't know how to tell you, some miracles that have taken place in Sahaja Yoga. It's impossible even to think that such miracles can take place. There was a lady in Mexico - this is the latest. She was working in U.N. in America when she met me and she became a great Sahaja yogini. She had great faith in herself - real faith. And when she went to her son, he was suffering from a disease which is quite inherent and is absolutely fatal. Most of the people in her family got it at a very later age, but this boy got it when he was studying, and she was quite worried. It's very surprising, she wrote to me in three letters, "Mother, what should I do? Should I bring this boy there or what should I do, he's so young, or should I come to you?" All kinds of things. I was very busy in these three weeks. She wrote three letters. The fourth letter came on the fourth week that, "Mother, amazingly, they took his examination and test and all were negative. He's completely cured". I didn't do anything. I didn't do. It's the Divine which looked after her because it became like a challenge. I don't know-how and the child is completely cured. It's a fact. I'm not telling you a lie and I don't want to tell you, but I'm just telling you so that you should also try to accept that you have to ascend, only this much. You have to accept that you have to ascend. That will work out tremendously. There are so many things that happen as a result of your inner awakening. Your attention becomes enlightened. With attention, you can cure yourself and cure others also. Your attention becomes very pure. What Christ has said, "Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes". Such eyes just start shining. You have seen people. They are so much ill, I can't believe it. They wrote a letter of confessions. I never read them. I burned them. Some of them I read and I said oh - they were about to be finished and they are cured. They are all right and they are such beautiful people. We have to think that we have no possibility of having peace within ourselves, peace in the country and the global peace. We cannot have. Why? Because we haven't felt our peace so far, so how can we have global peace? But once this happens, such friendships, such love between each other. Such pure love. I'm amazed at how these people from 65 countries love so much. I'm very proud of them, very proud, and they have specially come here - about 150 of them from all over the world - just to be present with the British Sahaja Yogis. It's really remarkable and I'm very happy that they felt this responsible. I'll tell you another thing - that the Germans in Austria felt their responsibility that they should look after the people from Israel - the Jews. So they went to Israel. Can you imagine this? Germans going there. Can they even think of that? And the first time when I went to Russia, it was the Germans who first came dashing there. "Mother, this is our place, where we have to work with you". It's so nice to see the beauty of human nature coming out. We have so many beautiful people. I don't know how to describe them. Their beauty shows every moment and their greatness, their generosity, their sweetness. All our enemies drop out - lust and greed. All these drops. You become a beautiful person, so why not have it? But apart from that, when you are enlightened, you are like one candle which is enlightened and one candle can enlighten many people. That's how Sahaja Yoga is spreading. You will know that you can give realisations to others, you can cure people, you have the power and that is all awakened. And once you get that, you will know you are not an ordinary person. You are a special person who has got all these qualities - full of peace, joy and feeling for the whole world. We have to now think on a global level. We cannot think on a smaller level and fight. Just now I met a great religious leader of Shias and he was telling me that people are fighting even in England among themselves. "That's the stupidity", I said. They justify it by saying that the Muslims are fighting among themselves and you justify that they are fighting among themselves. If somebody is doing wrong things, must you do that? Is there a justification for that? This went into his head and he is beginning to help us very much in solving the problem. But there is one thing about these religions - they think they are an exclusive religion, which they are not. If you see Mohammed Sahib himself, has written about Abraham, He has written about Moses, He has written about Christ, and His Mother. Especially, He has respected His Mother much more than in the Bible. Because the Bible was written by this horrible fellow, Paul, and he must have tried to bring a bad name to Her saying She's a woman. Can you imagine? She is a Goddess and calling Her a woman. But later on, people must be the influence of the [unclear] religion, that they called Her as Madonna. They called Her. Not in the Bible. So all these things have happened to these so-called authentic books also because it was placed into wrong hands. It doesn't mean that there was something wrong with Christ. No, not at all. But to understand Christ, you have to be born again. To understand Mohammad Sahib, you have to be born again. To understand any one of them you have to be born again because you haven't got that subtle understanding that you get as a realised soul. It's not at all difficult, but what happens, you might get your realisation here tonight. Maybe. All of you may get it. But then, you get lost. Because this Kundalini which is in the triangular bone rises, but again it goes back to cure you, to help you, to solve your mental problems. She does all these things all the time, so you have to keep Her out, you have to keep Her connected to this all-pervading power. For that, you have to meditate. You don't have to do anything else, but to give little time to yourself. If you can't give any time to yourself, what's the use? What's the use of getting your realisation? It reminds me of the parable of Christ, where He says that some seeds fell on the street and some fell on the marsh and they were sprouted and finished. So, you have to respect very much your Self-Realisation. Unless and until you respect your Self-Realisation and go ahead with it, you will not grow. But the best thing that will happen to you, that once you start meditating you'll reach a state of thoughtless awareness, where you will be in the present, which is the reality and you will grow. You will grow into beautiful things. It has happened with thousands, so why not with you people? Why it should happen with you, that you should grow into Sahaja Yoga. When I come, I see the whole hall is filled. When I go away, there are they tell us, hollow hall. "Mother, only five people who came". So, it's like, My lecture becomes like any guru shopping, you see. "All right, let's today go and see Mother because after all, we cannot go out to the sea. It's all so clouded, so better try this one, we might enjoy". That's not the way. It's a serious thing. It's very important for you. You'll get rid of all your horrible diseases, all your troubles, everything if you really try to be growing in Sahaja Yoga. Otherwise, after some time, somebody comes, "Mother, I have got cancer". Cancer can be cured. We have cured cancer, blood cancer, I assure you. We have done that. So many things have been cured, without going to the doctor's, without going to the hospital. I don't mean that we'll cut the income of the doctors. They shouldn't be worried, because all the rich people are for them. They can take that much money as they like, they can do what they like. But for people who are in the middle path, who are seeking the truth, they don't have to pay - because they are seeking the truth, they are not seeking the money. So, they can get their relief from any kind of diseases and we can show you medically how it works. It can be brought down to the medical level. I studied medicine for the same reason because I have to talk to doctors. And I've found that medical science is very limited. It cannot go beyond a certain point. There are so many things which cannot be answered by medical science, which can be easily answered if you become a Sahaja Yogi. I mean, you have already heard such beautiful songs. Most of them are English. Now to tell English to even say one sentence in Hindi, it was a big headache. So My father used to tell Me, "Never teach Hindi to any Englishman". It's very difficult. But today I see these Englishmen singing even Sanskrit songs so well. How their tongues are twisting, because Sanskrit is a big tongue twister. How they have picked up the song, the music, you know. I'm amazed at them. Some of them never knew how to sing, even. How they have gone up like that? It's so heartfelt joy, from them, and I'm sure all of you will get your realisation, seriously think about it and grow in it. I think there are many centres in England, especially in London, and you can go to these centres and learn from them. Only thing is, we are not very monied people, we are not very interested in money. So, all our centres are placed in very ordinary things - somewhere in the schools, somewhere like that. It doesn't matter. Those who are seekers, whether they are rich or poor, whether they are middle-class - everybody is just the same in the eye of God. So, you have to humbly go and develop yourself. You can save the world. England is the heart of the universe. You don't know that. It circulates everywhere. Any small thing happens in England circulates, but the media is so horrible that sometimes I think they are suffering from angina or what. This media can be corrected once they know the reality and work it out. So, your ascent is very important to Me, and I've gone up and down fully from the north to south, east to west and all directions in England because it's very important. People, somehow or other, are in circulation with the British. So British have a special responsibility, that they should not publish something nonsensical without verifying it; nor they should do something nonsensical here, because everything, more than America, is accepted from England. Very surprising. So, the responsibility of English is much more than anybody else, I feel, but I don't know how many are going to see this responsibility. Now, we have many immigrants also - from India, because English was there for 300 years. So, automatically, there are immigrants. But they are so bound by pounds that they are just collecting pounds. They don't remember from where they come, what is their tradition, what they have to seek, nothing. So you'll find very few Indians, because they are uprooted people, and they are here. They have forgotten their tradition. But that doesn't mean that Sahaja Yoga is something partial. It is not. It's open to all of you. All of you are very much respected and wanted to come to Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yogis are trying their level best to spread Sahaja Yoga. There's no conversion. There's no branding. Nothing. But what happens is that you become a spiritual personality, so easily, without going into any problem. So easy, isn't it? Such remarkable discoveries there, which can change the whole world. So I put more responsibility on the English to do it more, accept it more. Not only to My lecture but to come up with something that is substantial, for your country and for the whole world. Thank you very much. Just a minute, where are you going? Just a minute. Now you've come to take your realisation, not to listen to my lecture only, did you? Please. I have already told you that you are beautiful people - very beautiful, but you must have respect for yourself. You have to love yourself and understand that you have to get your realisation. You have to - it's very important. The most important thing for you is not to get a lottery but to get your Self-Realisation. [Talking to a Sahaja Yogi about the microphone] This is like some Sahaja Yogis who go on falling down. All right. Now again I have to request you to take out your shoes. I hope you don't mind. So that you are in contact with the Mother Earth. Those who are sitting on the chair, please take out your shoes. Now, as you know there are two powers within us. Please keep both your feet apart from each other. Come forward. Just have, as I said, respect for yourself. You should not suffer from any inferiority complex at all. So, before we start, I have to tell you that there are three conditions which are very simple, logically. The first one is that you should not feel guilty at all about anything. As in the Catholic religion, you have to confess, you don't have to confess anything to me. I know you very well. So, now, you should have a very pleasant attitude towards yourself - of not anger or of guilt. If you feel guilty then this centre here on the left-hand side [left side of the neck] gets into trouble and you get spondylitis, you might get angina, you might get lethargic organs. But guilt is a myth because when you committed a mistake you should have faced it and finished with it. You cannot carry it all your life. I know one gentleman who once used spoon and fork in a different way and all the time he used to tell me, "I felt very guilty in England because I didn't know how to use spoon and fork". Can you imagine? All this nonsensical thing which are of no importance. Anything you have done, at this moment here is forgiven because this Divine Power is the ocean of forgiveness. It's forgiven, so please forgive yourself and please don't feel guilty. This centre [left side of the neck], if this centre is out of order, how will the poor Kundalini push through. Now, the second important thing is that you have to forgive everyone. Not to think about whom you have to forgive. Now some people say, "It's very difficult, Mother. It's too much for us". What is it? Whether you forgive or you don't forgive, what do you do? Nothing. But if you forgive, at least you don't play into wrong hands. All your life you have tortured yourself by not forgiving, so now, at his moment, you must forgive. Forgive from your heart, everyone in general, not to think even about them. Third one again, I have to tell you that you have to take out your shoes. Some people have objection for this also, that Mother asks us to take out our shoes. I didn't say to take out your crown, I said to take out your shoes. That's nothing so great. So, be in a very pleasant mood to have this ascent into the Kingdom of God. You have never felt this all-pervading power of Divine Love, which is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost, as they say - and even in the scriptures written by Adi Shankaracharya himself. [Words in Sanskrit.] He calls it [words in Sanskrit] the waves of beauty. But he describes them ... [Words in Sanskrit.] But it's not very cool, also. It is very nourishing and extremely soothing feeling that you get when you get a connection. So, for that, you have to have these three conditions I've told you. Now, both the feet have to be apart from each other, because these are two powers - left and right - and the left and right powers, because they are two powers, keep your feet separately. So your left-hand side problems and your right side problems can be taken away by the Mother Earth. That's all you have to do - nothing more. Now, please put both your hands like this [palms upwards] towards Me. Now, these are the fingers and here the sixth and the seventh point [Mother points to each finger and then the base and centre of palm] which are our seven centres on the left-hand side and in the same way we have on the right-hand side. Left-hand side left, we can say, the left side looks after our emotional side, and the right side our mental activity and our physical activity. You put your both the hands like this [palms upwards towards Mother]. Now, you have to close your eyes and please don't open them till I tell you. But, before that, I will show you - before that I will show you - how you are to place your right hand, which is for action, and the left hand like this [palm upwards] towards Me. With this right hand, you have to put them in different centres, nourishing your own centres. Maybe many must be already feeling the cool breeze in the hand, many must be, but still, you do it, it will be better. So now, we'll show you. First, you have to put your right hand on the heart. In the heart, in the heart, resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, you become your own master, your own guide, because you get the light of the Spirit and you know what it is. Then you put your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the centre of your mastery. This you will learn much more when you come to the centres. They will explain to you much better. Now, take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now, this is the centre which is surprisingly is for pure divine knowledge. Now, you take your hand upward onto the left-hand side of your abdomen, on the upper part. Now, take this right hand on your heart. Now you put your right hand in the corner of your head, neck and your shoulder. Now turn your head to your right. This is the centre I have already told you when it goes into jeopardy, you get diseases. So, this is the centre, when you feel guilty it goes into trouble. Now, take your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head as far as possible. This is the centre for forgiving others, without thinking about them, in general. Now, take the right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the centre where you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power for your own satisfaction. Now, stretch your hand, palm, fully. Stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, which was a very soft bone. Don't worry about your hairdresser. Please put the hand nicely pressing, so you push back your fingers, so there's a good pressure on your fontanelle bone area. Now, this you have to move, slowly seven times clockwise. Bend your head, please. You can take out your spectacles if you like and bend your head and move your hand slowly, clockwise seven times. That's all. Now you have to close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Now, put your right hand on top of your heart, left hand towards me and both the feet apart from each other. Now, here you have to ask me a very fundamental question about yourself. You have to ask me three times in your heart. You can call me Mother, you can call me Shri Mataji. "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask this question three times, in your heart, not loudly. Now, I've told you that if you become the Spirit, you become your own master, so please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here you have to ask another fundamental question, three times, "Mother, am I, my own master?". I have to tell you that I cannot force Self-Realisation on you. You have to ask for it. So now we take our right hand in the lower portion of our abdomen and here you have to ask for pure, divine knowledge. So ask six times because this centre has got six petals, "Mother, please give me pure, divine knowledge". Humbly you must ask, not demanding, but humbly. Now, raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. As soon as you asked for the pure, divine knowledge, the Kundalini has started rising and we have to open these centres by our self-confidence. Here you have to say with full self-confidence 10 times, "Mother, I am my own master". Say it 10 times, please. Which is a fact, which you will be, but you have to show your readiness. I've already told you that you have to become the Spirit because you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intelligence, these conditionings or this ego, but you are a pure Spirit. So raise your right hand on top of your heart now and say 12 times with full confidence, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit". This all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion and love, is the ocean of bliss, but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness, so please forgive yourself. Whatever you have done in the past can be easily dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness. So please raise your hand on the left-hand side of your shoulder, on the corner of your neck and the shoulder, and turn your head to your right. Here you have to forgive yourself and so you have to say, "Mother, I am not guilty at all", 16 times. "Mother, I am not guilty at all", 16 times. With self-confidence, you have to say that. Please say it. I feel it again and again whenever we have programmes here, that this centre is very badly affected in people, that they feel guilty. I've already told you that whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything; but by not forgiving you play into wrong hands. So, what's the use of torturing your life with this myth? So now please raise your right hand on top of your head and put down your head. Not head on top, but we can say, on top of your forehead. On top of your forehead. And now put down your head. Here you have to say from your heart, not how many times, "I forgive everyone, in general". Say it from your heart, not how many times. You'll feel much lighter. Say it from your heart, please. Now for your own satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power - not feeling guilty, not counting your mistakes. So now please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible and here you have to say, "O Divine Power, if I've done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me". Now, this also you have to say from your heart, not counting how many times, "O Divine Power, if I've done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me". Now the last centre is very important. You have to stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area. Now please understand that there has to be pressure on this fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers so that there is a nice pressure on this area and now put down your head. Here again, I have to say, I cannot force Self-Realisation on you. You have to ask for it. So now please put down your head and move your scalp - not your hands so much as the scalp - seven times saying, "Mother, please give me Self-Realisation". [Mother blows down the microphone seven times.] Now please take down your hands, slowly and open your eyes, very slowly. You can wear your spectacles. Put both the hands towards me a little higher. Little higher. Now please put the right hand towards me like this [raised palm upwards towards Mother] and with the left hand you can see if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head [left-hand palm above the head]. Now don't doubt because there's no air-conditioning here in your head. So just see if there's a cool - bend your head - or a hot breeze [unclear] is coming. Some people get it very far, some people get it nearby, but don't touch your head. Keep away from it. Now, please put the left hand towards me [raised palm upwards]. Now, put down your head again and see with the right hand if there are cool or hot breeze-like vibrations are coming out of your own fontanelle bone area. Now it is hot because either you have not forgiven yourself or you have not forgiven others, so please do it now. Immediately it will become cooler. It's done. Now again, with the right hand again. See for yourself. You can move your hand. Now please put both your hands towards the sky and push back your head. Here you have to ask another question. Anyone of these three questions, you have to ask one question three times in your heart. Please ask, "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?". Second, "Mother, is this the all-pervading power of Divine Love?", which is [unclear]. Or, "Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?". Ask anyone of these questions three times. Now, please bring down your hands. Again, put both the hands towards Me. [Raised hands towards Mother, palms upwards.] Can you watch Me without thinking? Without thinking can you watch, because your attention reaches beyond your mind into thoughtless awareness. Some are feeling here, they should move it upward like that. Some are feeling from down below. [Mother strokes from the wrist upwards on the back of each hand.] Now, all those who have felt the cool or hot breeze on their fontanelle, through their fontanelle bone area or on their fingers, fingertips or the palm, please raise both your hands. Oh my, all of you have got it. So great. May God bless you all. May God bless England.
Public Program. Royal Albert Hall, London (UK). 24 June 1995. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. It cannot be changed. It cannot be challenged and it cannot be described. Truth is beyond your mind. You have already heard that the Divine has created a beautiful instrument within you, which exists in all human beings. Maybe because of different times, maybe some of the incarnations didn't talk about it, but most of them have talked about it. For example, Christ has said that you have to be born again. Also in the Bible, it is said, "I'll appear before you like tongues of flames". These are the centres about which you have heard. For the last 25 years, I have been working on people with Sahaja Yoga. I found it such a tremendous thing that it is not easily believed into. Especially for people who are superficial, who just read books and now feel satisfied. All those people who are critical of everything. Those who do not have an open mind like a scientist, or some of them, who are I must say, are idiots, or maybe mad, or maybe mesmerized. But for a person who is ardently seeking, honestly seeking the absolute truth, Kundalini, about which we have heard, has to be awakened. No doubt about it. There's no compromise on that. Today we see these flowers here. You know that they had to plant a seed in the Mother Earth and the primule had to come out of the seed and then the plant was created. In the same way, we too have a primule. There's no other way out - it has to be Kundalini awakening. There are so many cults nowadays. You have heard of one very dangerous one. They are all money-oriented. Even the religions are money-oriented, or they are power-oriented, or maybe they are also sex-oriented. Cults are a little worse than that, I should say because they have no binding force. But all these outside religions have not given us what was promised, what was said, so we have to ask a question - what we have been doing our forefathers have been doing - all kinds of rituals, all strictness, everything - why is it we haven't got that higher state which is described? Of course, in Indian scriptures, it is very vividly, clearly talked about but there too, people would not accept it. There was a great poet who wrote in the Marathi language, because about Kundalini was written 40,000 years back, in the 6th century and Adi Shankaracharya. But even when in the 12th century [ie. 1200s] this great poet Ganeshwara wrote about Kundalini, they just tortured his life - tortured him, tortured his sister, brothers, everyone who were full of knowledge. So he went into permanent samadhi they say - living samadhi, at the age of 23 years. But the books he has written are of such high-level spirituality. They're so joy-giving and so beautiful. But what people did to him. Is today again - they have started doing to reality, instead of saving people, telling them what is written in these books and what were the incarnations who wrote, instead of helping them to ascend, because this is a special time, which they don't realise. They are so busy with their organisation, so busy with discussions, arguments. Now recently, as you know, there has been a horrible declaration that a person whose genes are not all right, cannot be condemned. So what is the use of any religion? What's the use of having any federal laws? It's all absurd. Scientists also come to conclusions which are stupid. Actually, genes have as I must tell you little bit scientifically - has a database, and this is in a series because there are nitrogen, phosphate and carbohydrates in a cell. And these series, if they change, then people take to perversity, to the wrong type of life. But if they're all right then a person is a normal person. According to the scientists, they are born with it, they are inherent, they are genetic - it's not true. It's not absolutely true. They may be, but many people you know, say if your son you send to someplace in America he can get spoilt completely. His genes can be changed. A father who is a drunkard, his son may not be a drunkard. It's so obvious. Even the chromosomes which are responsible for our body growth can be changed. If somebody's a hot-tempered person his face will change from his childhood to look like a monster. If a person is a monster and if he comes to Sahaja Yoga he looks like an angel. What happens, actually in Sahaja Yoga the series of these changes, the series of these different things, you see, if they are changed, if they are disturbed - is corrected completely. How? The Kundalini that is within you, She nourishes, She gives the balance, She understands, She knows you, She knows all your past. She is your individual mother and She corrects. We have people here - I must tell you today - we have people who have been criminals, who have been drug addicts of the worse type, who have been drunkards, who have been also we can say, like prostitutes; adulterers; all sorts of people came to Sahaja Yoga and they are like angels. Believe me. They have become like angels. They don't have to fight anything. They have become - means it's an actualisation of the experience. It is not just talking, talk, talk, talk, talk and go and read this book and go and read that book. No. It's beyond words. Adi Shankaracharya has called as [unclear], meaning the web of words - "Oh Mother, take me out of this web of words". Now all chaotic conditions are existing. You don't know what's happening in this world now. I mean 50 years back it was not such a bad world. But what has happened? With all this advancement, with all this growth, with all this science - well, where are we? We don't know ourselves. You say this is my body, this is my intelligence, these are my emotions, but who is the owner of this my? What is that? And that is what we have to become - that we have to become the Spirit. It's not like having a certificate, having a born-again - it's just a false certificate. When you are born again, what you feel, you know that now, that you feel this all-pervading power of Divine Love. It is love. It is compassion which you feel. Actually, a human being is the epitome of evolution. He is so beautiful and so glorious, so loveable, but we have made him into a sex point - this Mr Freud and this Saad and all these people. They have reduced him to this level and we accept it. All this we accept. Have you got no brains to understand? Have you got no personality to understand that we just get driven to all these mad people, telling you anything? So, I have to tell you that human beings are so much ready to be in the Kingdom of God. They have to just enter in. They have to have just willingness to do it - you cannot force it on anyone. Can you force a seed to produce a tree? You cannot. It's a living process of our evolution, and now this is the last breakthrough that we have to achieve. But people are so much lost. There was one gentleman who had written a book about the last breakthrough, this, that, and when I met him I found he's completely finished. You can't give him realisation - he's lost with the words. He wrote such a book but he's not seeking the truth. You should not accept anything which has not given you the absolute truth. With Sahaja Yoga, you know absolute. How? You put your hands out when you have got your realisation. You can feel on your fingertips your centres. Then you can feel the centres of others also. It's not only that you feel the centres of your own, but also of others. Because a new dimension has come in human awareness, which we call as a collective consciousness. It is to be actualised. It has to work out. But if you go on, say, challenging, it won't. Why not have it? You don't have to pay anything for it. It's a living process. How much do we pay to the Mother Earth? We are so much used to payment - even in the church, even in the temple, even in the mosque, everywhere - we think we should pay. People don't understand that this is a living process of Divine Love. How much are you going to pay for love which is divine? So, first of all, we should give up this idea that you have to pay for something. Then, secondly, you have to understand that seeking is not through ritualism - you stand on your heads, or you hit somebody, or you do all kinds of these tantrums. There's no need. You have to be respectable. When you want your freedom, you don't have to do anything, it just works out. Believe me, it works out. No credit to me either, no obligation to me. It's your own. The only thing we can say that in my presence it works out - but then, in your presence, it will work out also. That is how now, do you know, Sahaja Yoga is spreading in 65 nations. And these democracies where we are living, thinking we're very free people - you're not. Just face it - you're not, because we are possessed by money, we are possessed by materialism. But in Russia, I was surprised, where you should say the government was horrible and they were suppressed and all that, but people have no sense of possessiveness, and they are the best, even their scientists - about 250 people came - scientists, and told me, "Mother, we'd like to hear what you have to say." I started in science. I thought better take them to science, otherwise, how will they follow me. You'd be amazed, they said "No more science. We know all that. You tell us the science of God". So this materialism has crippled us completely. We want to possess this, possess that. They do not. They were told that you can have your flats. Government is willing to give you your houses and flats. We don't want to look after them. They said, "We don't want, we don't want any flats, we don't want any house - nothing. because we can't look after them". Can you imagine? So in a way, that curse of communism has improved them and this blessing of democracy has created demonocracy. I can see it clearly. You go to Russia. It's very different. You see people who are really, absolutely pure people. How is it in those horrible circumstances, with those sufferings that they have had, they have come out so well and how they can understand that they have to find out the truth? About everything you can find out, whether it is absolute truth or not. The main point is, if you don't have the absolute truth, any idea you can fix-up in your head and start doing the wrong things. Like Hitler - he got the wrong idea into his head. Say that, I mean, it's funny that, the Jews must be killed. Now he started killing the Jews. Can you imagine? And he said that they are a superior race. By what measure are they superior? What, by what measure? If somebody is superior in this world, what we think of saints who are superior to us? But these people killed small children in the gas chamber and watched it. How can they be a superior race? So they get some idea into their heads that this is something, we are great, we are a superior race, we are chosen ones, we are on the path of Christ. All wrong. Just believing in yourself in the wrong way, we can go to hell directly. First of all, know who you are. If you don't know who you are, how can we decide, how can you see the truth? Because you are not yourself. You might be Mr Freud, you might be Mr Saad, you might be somebody else. Are you yourself? This is the most important thing. I'm happy you all are here and you are seeking the truth. This is the greatest blessing of modern times, that people are - so many of them - are seeking the truth. But, you should not be misled. One gentleman was writing some very frivolous books, about - I don't know - about all kinds of nonsense, and he came to our programme, I think, and he wrote that "I was waiting and waiting for one hour, but Shri Mataji never came" - because that's the style we have. First, we have to prepare your mind a little bit, soothe it down, because you are now coming from all kinds of problems. So, just to soothe it down, we work it out for one hour. Like that. It's compulsory. But here in this place, one fellow writes against me, saying, "She never came and then She said to take out your shoes". That settled it. I mean that's the biggest crime, I've told him to do. As if I've told him to kill somebody or ... So such frivolous people, how will it work out? It's not meant for frivolous people. I must say that so many have now got this realisation and are settled, like just like beautiful gems, in Sahaja Yoga, so many, that I'm sure there will be many more who will be coming. Because the first time when I came to England, I had to struggle with seven of them. For four years. And here you will get your realisation in no time, I know that. Because on the whole, it has from all the sides, it's grown, even in England. So, one has to understand that you don't belong to anyone, but you belong to the Kingdom of God. And once you enter there, there are so many miracles that take place, that you'll be amazed. People have written letters after letters, "Mother, this miracle took place, that miracle took place." And I told somebody, why don't you write it down all this in a book. Within one month he tells me "This has gone over my head now. Both [unclear]. Now You select and tell me what to write". I said, "Better not. Better not write. It's absolutely not necessary." When people will see themselves and enjoy themselves, they will get the best. I mean, I don't know how to tell you, some miracles that have taken place in Sahaja Yoga. It's impossible even to think that such miracles can take place. There was a lady in Mexico - this is the latest. She was working in U.N. in America when she met me and she became a great Sahaja yogini. She had great faith in herself - real faith. And when she went to her son, he was suffering from a disease which is quite inherent and is absolutely fatal. Most of the people in her family got it at a very later age, but this boy got it when he was studying, and she was quite worried. It's very surprising, she wrote to me in three letters, "Mother, what should I do? Should I bring this boy there or what should I do, he's so young, or should I come to you?" All kinds of things. I was very busy in these three weeks. She wrote three letters. The fourth letter came on the fourth week that, "Mother, amazingly, they took his examination and test and all were negative. He's completely cured". I didn't do anything. I didn't do. It's the Divine which looked after her because it became like a challenge. I don't know-how and the child is completely cured. It's a fact. I'm not telling you a lie and I don't want to tell you, but I'm just telling you so that you should also try to accept that you have to ascend, only this much. You have to accept that you have to ascend. That will work out tremendously. There are so many things that happen as a result of your inner awakening. Your attention becomes enlightened. With attention, you can cure yourself and cure others also. Your attention becomes very pure. What Christ has said, "Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes". Such eyes just start shining. You have seen people. They are so much ill, I can't believe it. They wrote a letter of confessions. I never read them. I burned them. Some of them I read and I said oh - they were about to be finished and they are cured. They are all right and they are such beautiful people. We have to think that we have no possibility of having peace within ourselves, peace in the country and the global peace. We cannot have. Why? Because we haven't felt our peace so far, so how can we have global peace? But once this happens, such friendships, such love between each other. Such pure love. I'm amazed at how these people from 65 countries love so much. I'm very proud of them, very proud, and they have specially come here - about 150 of them from all over the world - just to be present with the British Sahaja Yogis. It's really remarkable and I'm very happy that they felt this responsible. I'll tell you another thing - that the Germans in Austria felt their responsibility that they should look after the people from Israel - the Jews. So they went to Israel. Can you imagine this? Germans going there. Can they even think of that? And the first time when I went to Russia, it was the Germans who first came dashing there. "Mother, this is our place, where we have to work with you". It's so nice to see the beauty of human nature coming out. We have so many beautiful people. I don't know how to describe them. Their beauty shows every moment and their greatness, their generosity, their sweetness. All our enemies drop out - lust and greed. All these drops. You become a beautiful person, so why not have it? But apart from that, when you are enlightened, you are like one candle which is enlightened and one candle can enlighten many people. That's how Sahaja Yoga is spreading. You will know that you can give realisations to others, you can cure people, you have the power and that is all awakened. And once you get that, you will know you are not an ordinary person. You are a special person who has got all these qualities - full of peace, joy and feeling for the whole world. We have to now think on a global level. We cannot think on a smaller level and fight. Just now I met a great religious leader of Shias and he was telling me that people are fighting even in England among themselves. "That's the stupidity", I said. They justify it by saying that the Muslims are fighting among themselves and you justify that they are fighting among themselves. If somebody is doing wrong things, must you do that? Is there a justification for that? This went into his head and he is beginning to help us very much in solving the problem. But there is one thing about these religions - they think they are an exclusive religion, which they are not. If you see Mohammed Sahib himself, has written about Abraham, He has written about Moses, He has written about Christ, and His Mother. Especially, He has respected His Mother much more than in the Bible. Because the Bible was written by this horrible fellow, Paul, and he must have tried to bring a bad name to Her saying She's a woman. Can you imagine? She is a Goddess and calling Her a woman. But later on, people must be the influence of the [unclear] religion, that they called Her as Madonna. They called Her. Not in the Bible. So all these things have happened to these so-called authentic books also because it was placed into wrong hands. It doesn't mean that there was something wrong with Christ. No, not at all. But to understand Christ, you have to be born again. To understand Mohammad Sahib, you have to be born again. To understand any one of them you have to be born again because you haven't got that subtle understanding that you get as a realised soul. It's not at all difficult, but what happens, you might get your realisation here tonight. Maybe. All of you may get it. But then, you get lost. Because this Kundalini which is in the triangular bone rises, but again it goes back to cure you, to help you, to solve your mental problems. She does all these things all the time, so you have to keep Her out, you have to keep Her connected to this all-pervading power. For that, you have to meditate. You don't have to do anything else, but to give little time to yourself. If you can't give any time to yourself, what's the use? What's the use of getting your realisation? It reminds me of the parable of Christ, where He says that some seeds fell on the street and some fell on the marsh and they were sprouted and finished. So, you have to respect very much your Self-Realisation. Unless and until you respect your Self-Realisation and go ahead with it, you will not grow. But the best thing that will happen to you, that once you start meditating you'll reach a state of thoughtless awareness, where you will be in the present, which is the reality and you will grow. You will grow into beautiful things. It has happened with thousands, so why not with you people? Why it should happen with you, that you should grow into Sahaja Yoga. When I come, I see the whole hall is filled. When I go away, there are they tell us, hollow hall. "Mother, only five people who came". So, it's like, My lecture becomes like any guru shopping, you see. "All right, let's today go and see Mother because after all, we cannot go out to the sea. It's all so clouded, so better try this one, we might enjoy". That's not the way. It's a serious thing. It's very important for you. You'll get rid of all your horrible diseases, all your troubles, everything if you really try to be growing in Sahaja Yoga. Otherwise, after some time, somebody comes, "Mother, I have got cancer". Cancer can be cured. We have cured cancer, blood cancer, I assure you. We have done that. So many things have been cured, without going to the doctor's, without going to the hospital. I don't mean that we'll cut the income of the doctors. They shouldn't be worried, because all the rich people are for them. They can take that much money as they like, they can do what they like. But for people who are in the middle path, who are seeking the truth, they don't have to pay - because they are seeking the truth, they are not seeking the money. So, they can get their relief from any kind of diseases and we can show you medically how it works. It can be brought down to the medical level. I studied medicine for the same reason because I have to talk to doctors. And I've found that medical science is very limited. It cannot go beyond a certain point. There are so many things which cannot be answered by medical science, which can be easily answered if you become a Sahaja Yogi. I mean, you have already heard such beautiful songs. Most of them are English. Now to tell English to even say one sentence in Hindi, it was a big headache. So My father used to tell Me, "Never teach Hindi to any Englishman". It's very difficult. But today I see these Englishmen singing even Sanskrit songs so well. How their tongues are twisting, because Sanskrit is a big tongue twister. How they have picked up the song, the music, you know. I'm amazed at them. Some of them never knew how to sing, even. How they have gone up like that? It's so heartfelt joy, from them, and I'm sure all of you will get your realisation, seriously think about it and grow in it. I think there are many centres in England, especially in London, and you can go to these centres and learn from them. Only thing is, we are not very monied people, we are not very interested in money. So, all our centres are placed in very ordinary things - somewhere in the schools, somewhere like that. It doesn't matter. Those who are seekers, whether they are rich or poor, whether they are middle-class - everybody is just the same in the eye of God. So, you have to humbly go and develop yourself. You can save the world. England is the heart of the universe. You don't know that. It circulates everywhere. Any small thing happens in England circulates, but the media is so horrible that sometimes I think they are suffering from angina or what. This media can be corrected once they know the reality and work it out. So, your ascent is very important to Me, and I've gone up and down fully from the north to south, east to west and all directions in England because it's very important. People, somehow or other, are in circulation with the British. So British have a special responsibility, that they should not publish something nonsensical without verifying it; nor they should do something nonsensical here, because everything, more than America, is accepted from England. Very surprising. So, the responsibility of English is much more than anybody else, I feel, but I don't know how many are going to see this responsibility. Now, we have many immigrants also - from India, because English was there for 300 years. So, automatically, there are immigrants. But they are so bound by pounds that they are just collecting pounds. They don't remember from where they come, what is their tradition, what they have to seek, nothing. So you'll find very few Indians, because they are uprooted people, and they are here. They have forgotten their tradition. But that doesn't mean that Sahaja Yoga is something partial. It is not. It's open to all of you. All of you are very much respected and wanted to come to Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yogis are trying their level best to spread Sahaja Yoga. There's no conversion. There's no branding. Nothing. But what happens is that you become a spiritual personality, so easily, without going into any problem. So easy, isn't it? Such remarkable discoveries there, which can change the whole world. So I put more responsibility on the English to do it more, accept it more. Not only to My lecture but to come up with something that is substantial, for your country and for the whole world. Thank you very much. Just a minute, where are you going? Just a minute. Now you've come to take your realisation, not to listen to my lecture only, did you? Please. I have already told you that you are beautiful people - very beautiful, but you must have respect for yourself. You have to love yourself and understand that you have to get your realisation. You have to - it's very important. The most important thing for you is not to get a lottery but to get your Self-Realisation. [Talking to a Sahaja Yogi about the microphone] This is like some Sahaja Yogis who go on falling down. All right. Now again I have to request you to take out your shoes. I hope you don't mind. So that you are in contact with the Mother Earth. Those who are sitting on the chair, please take out your shoes. Now, as you know there are two powers within us. Please keep both your feet apart from each other. Come forward. Just have, as I said, respect for yourself. You should not suffer from any inferiority complex at all. So, before we start, I have to tell you that there are three conditions which are very simple, logically. The first one is that you should not feel guilty at all about anything. As in the Catholic religion, you have to confess, you don't have to confess anything to me. I know you very well. So, now, you should have a very pleasant attitude towards yourself - of not anger or of guilt. If you feel guilty then this centre here on the left-hand side [left side of the neck] gets into trouble and you get spondylitis, you might get angina, you might get lethargic organs. But guilt is a myth because when you committed a mistake you should have faced it and finished with it. You cannot carry it all your life. I know one gentleman who once used spoon and fork in a different way and all the time he used to tell me, "I felt very guilty in England because I didn't know how to use spoon and fork". Can you imagine? All this nonsensical thing which are of no importance. Anything you have done, at this moment here is forgiven because this Divine Power is the ocean of forgiveness. It's forgiven, so please forgive yourself and please don't feel guilty. This centre [left side of the neck], if this centre is out of order, how will the poor Kundalini push through. Now, the second important thing is that you have to forgive everyone. Not to think about whom you have to forgive. Now some people say, "It's very difficult, Mother. It's too much for us". What is it? Whether you forgive or you don't forgive, what do you do? Nothing. But if you forgive, at least you don't play into wrong hands. All your life you have tortured yourself by not forgiving, so now, at his moment, you must forgive. Forgive from your heart, everyone in general, not to think even about them. Third one again, I have to tell you that you have to take out your shoes. Some people have objection for this also, that Mother asks us to take out our shoes. I didn't say to take out your crown, I said to take out your shoes. That's nothing so great. So, be in a very pleasant mood to have this ascent into the Kingdom of God. You have never felt this all-pervading power of Divine Love, which is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost, as they say - and even in the scriptures written by Adi Shankaracharya himself. [Words in Sanskrit.] He calls it [words in Sanskrit] the waves of beauty. But he describes them ... [Words in Sanskrit.] But it's not very cool, also. It is very nourishing and extremely soothing feeling that you get when you get a connection. So, for that, you have to have these three conditions I've told you. Now, both the feet have to be apart from each other, because these are two powers - left and right - and the left and right powers, because they are two powers, keep your feet separately. So your left-hand side problems and your right side problems can be taken away by the Mother Earth. That's all you have to do - nothing more. Now, please put both your hands like this [palms upwards] towards Me. Now, these are the fingers and here the sixth and the seventh point [Mother points to each finger and then the base and centre of palm] which are our seven centres on the left-hand side and in the same way we have on the right-hand side. Left-hand side left, we can say, the left side looks after our emotional side, and the right side our mental activity and our physical activity. You put your both the hands like this [palms upwards towards Mother]. Now, you have to close your eyes and please don't open them till I tell you. But, before that, I will show you - before that I will show you - how you are to place your right hand, which is for action, and the left hand like this [palm upwards] towards Me. With this right hand, you have to put them in different centres, nourishing your own centres. Maybe many must be already feeling the cool breeze in the hand, many must be, but still, you do it, it will be better. So now, we'll show you. First, you have to put your right hand on the heart. In the heart, in the heart, resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, you become your own master, your own guide, because you get the light of the Spirit and you know what it is. Then you put your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the centre of your mastery. This you will learn much more when you come to the centres. They will explain to you much better. Now, take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now, this is the centre which is surprisingly is for pure divine knowledge. Now, you take your hand upward onto the left-hand side of your abdomen, on the upper part. Now, take this right hand on your heart. Now you put your right hand in the corner of your head, neck and your shoulder. Now turn your head to your right. This is the centre I have already told you when it goes into jeopardy, you get diseases. So, this is the centre, when you feel guilty it goes into trouble. Now, take your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head as far as possible. This is the centre for forgiving others, without thinking about them, in general. Now, take the right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the centre where you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power for your own satisfaction. Now, stretch your hand, palm, fully. Stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, which was a very soft bone. Don't worry about your hairdresser. Please put the hand nicely pressing, so you push back your fingers, so there's a good pressure on your fontanelle bone area. Now, this you have to move, slowly seven times clockwise. Bend your head, please. You can take out your spectacles if you like and bend your head and move your hand slowly, clockwise seven times. That's all. Now you have to close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Now, put your right hand on top of your heart, left hand towards me and both the feet apart from each other. Now, here you have to ask me a very fundamental question about yourself. You have to ask me three times in your heart. You can call me Mother, you can call me Shri Mataji. "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask this question three times, in your heart, not loudly. Now, I've told you that if you become the Spirit, you become your own master, so please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here you have to ask another fundamental question, three times, "Mother, am I, my own master?". I have to tell you that I cannot force Self-Realisation on you. You have to ask for it. So now we take our right hand in the lower portion of our abdomen and here you have to ask for pure, divine knowledge. So ask six times because this centre has got six petals, "Mother, please give me pure, divine knowledge". Humbly you must ask, not demanding, but humbly. Now, raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. As soon as you asked for the pure, divine knowledge, the Kundalini has started rising and we have to open these centres by our self-confidence. Here you have to say with full self-confidence 10 times, "Mother, I am my own master". Say it 10 times, please. Which is a fact, which you will be, but you have to show your readiness. I've already told you that you have to become the Spirit because you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intelligence, these conditionings or this ego, but you are a pure Spirit. So raise your right hand on top of your heart now and say 12 times with full confidence, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit". This all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion and love, is the ocean of bliss, but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness, so please forgive yourself. Whatever you have done in the past can be easily dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness. So please raise your hand on the left-hand side of your shoulder, on the corner of your neck and the shoulder, and turn your head to your right. Here you have to forgive yourself and so you have to say, "Mother, I am not guilty at all", 16 times. "Mother, I am not guilty at all", 16 times. With self-confidence, you have to say that. Please say it. I feel it again and again whenever we have programmes here, that this centre is very badly affected in people, that they feel guilty. I've already told you that whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything; but by not forgiving you play into wrong hands. So, what's the use of torturing your life with this myth? So now please raise your right hand on top of your head and put down your head. Not head on top, but we can say, on top of your forehead. On top of your forehead. And now put down your head. Here you have to say from your heart, not how many times, "I forgive everyone, in general". Say it from your heart, not how many times. You'll feel much lighter. Say it from your heart, please. Now for your own satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power - not feeling guilty, not counting your mistakes. So now please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible and here you have to say, "O Divine Power, if I've done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me". Now, this also you have to say from your heart, not counting how many times, "O Divine Power, if I've done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me". Now the last centre is very important. You have to stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area. Now please understand that there has to be pressure on this fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers so that there is a nice pressure on this area and now put down your head. Here again, I have to say, I cannot force Self-Realisation on you. You have to ask for it. So now please put down your head and move your scalp - not your hands so much as the scalp - seven times saying, "Mother, please give me Self-Realisation". [Mother blows down the microphone seven times.] Now please take down your hands, slowly and open your eyes, very slowly. You can wear your spectacles. Put both the hands towards me a little higher. Little higher. Now please put the right hand towards me like this [raised palm upwards towards Mother] and with the left hand you can see if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head [left-hand palm above the head]. Now don't doubt because there's no air-conditioning here in your head. So just see if there's a cool - bend your head - or a hot breeze [unclear] is coming. Some people get it very far, some people get it nearby, but don't touch your head. Keep away from it. Now, please put the left hand towards me [raised palm upwards]. Now, put down your head again and see with the right hand if there are cool or hot breeze-like vibrations are coming out of your own fontanelle bone area. Now it is hot because either you have not forgiven yourself or you have not forgiven others, so please do it now. Immediately it will become cooler. It's done. Now again, with the right hand again. See for yourself. You can move your hand. Now please put both your hands towards the sky and push back your head. Here you have to ask another question. Anyone of these three questions, you have to ask one question three times in your heart. Please ask, "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?". Second, "Mother, is this the all-pervading power of Divine Love?", which is [unclear]. Or, "Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?". Ask anyone of these questions three times. Now, please bring down your hands. Again, put both the hands towards Me. [Raised hands towards Mother, palms upwards.] Can you watch Me without thinking? Without thinking can you watch, because your attention reaches beyond your mind into thoughtless awareness. Some are feeling here, they should move it upward like that. Some are feeling from down below. [Mother strokes from the wrist upwards on the back of each hand.] Now, all those who have felt the cool or hot breeze on their fontanelle, through their fontanelle bone area or on their fingers, fingertips or the palm, please raise both your hands. Oh my, all of you have got it. So great. May God bless you all. May God bless England.
Advice, Picnic
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Advice at yogis. Richmond Park, Surrey (UK), 25 June 1995. In the nature one goes absolutely thoughtless. For me it is such a pleasure to meet you all here under the trees. There is a beautiful atmosphere created by these trees. How much they work hard for us – think about that. All is built-in, in them, built in to produce this chlorophyll, this greenery. All that is built in, in them. But see how collective they are. You have to learn a lot from them. Every leaf is allowed to get the sun, every leaf. How they grow, how they are organized, how they behave like this, nobody thinks even – and what is it working it out in them? They haven’t got realization, but how do they work it out in such a beautiful manner? Because they are under the complete control of the Divine – absolutely, they don’t have to worry. Even the animals are, that’s why they are called as Pashu, means they are under the complete Pash. Pash is the complete control of the Divine and Shiva is called as Pashupati, he’s the one who looks after all this. Affectionately and in a very delicate manner. All this is created for human beings. These human beings don’t understand that all this world, which is created, is for the use of human beings, not for abuse – but use. And this is one thing which has to be really felt in this atmosphere, that how they are collective. They have no problem, how they live together creating a good atmosphere for us. How they keep to the cycle – it’s a global cycle. First, for example, we can see that the sap rises, then it gives whatever is needed for every part of the tree. Then whatever is left over it can go into the atmosphere or it can go down. So it does not get stuck into one place. This I’ve told you a long time back that, you should not get stuck into anything. If you are detached then everything works out, very well. But if you are attached, you just get worries and problems, thinking too much about it – your life becomes miserable. But if you are detached, then the nature takes over and it has taken over for these and you feel extremely relaxed then, absolutely relaxed. But when you are thinking, we have to do this, we have to do that, we have to achieve this and you start worrying. So two things can happen. One is, you will get confused – you’ll not achieve any results, one thing – and you’ll go on thinking, thinking, thinking. And the second thing that will happen is that you will exhaust yourself completely. But if you are detached, then as Sahaja Yogis, you will be amazed how things work out. After getting your realization you should try to detach yourself, by getting into thoughtless awareness. Just detach. Now see our attachments, after so many things. This detachment you can just practice, that, you can see yourself in the mirror and know that you are not this reflection that you see but you are much more than what this reflection is. And what is that within us which looks after everything, even before realization, which looks after the parasympathetic nervous system. Little, little things you know, it looks after. It tries to keep us on the right path and gives us a conscience. What is that? What is within us that does that? The spirit has not yet come into our attention, but there is something within us, which makes you, think about the truth, to seek the truth, to know that there is something wrong in the society. What is that within us? Can you tell me? God has not left you without his care. There is something that looks after us. Kundalini is sleeping, then it is in our hearts. What do these have to feel within them? It is the Soul, it is a Soul, which lines our spinal column. Sometimes when people die, or are about to die and they come back to life they always say they passed through some sort of a tunnel, somehow a black tunnel, somehow a bright tunnel, somehow a light tunnel, and all that. This is what is the soul, which is within us, which starts going up and with that our attention goes and we feel we are passing through a tunnel. Alright? These Souls you can see now in the sky, all hanging. With seven loops you can see them. Only after realization, not before that. So this Soul guides you. This Soul has brought you to Sahaja Yoga. This Soul has told you that you have to seek the truth and you have to get to the truth. This is also the, I should say, the pursuit, perseverance or the way this Soul gets out to you. You have to seek. Some people really get so restless about it. All this comes from Soul before realization and this Soul starts working. This kind of a search that you have had. When a person dies, then his Soul comes out and his Spirit also guides him. So we call it a dead Soul, like that. They hang in the air, sometimes, sometimes when they are realized Souls they need not. They become one with the Divine, and whenever they want they can always be born again. But these Souls who are still attached to something, maybe the children, maybe the house, maybe the drinking habits, maybe something nonsensical, still hang around and they are the ones who trouble us, who bother us too much. They can be in groups, they can be many of different types, they could be with a very bad subconscious activity or could be with the superconscious also. But about this we cannot talk to anybody else, because they don’t know, they don’t want to believe that there is something like that. They believe in a religion, which says that there are dead Souls, and there are bad spirits but that’s only in the Church or in the Mosque or in the Temples. But in private life they don’t believe that we have all those things hanging around.Now some difficulties that you face which cannot be solved could be coming from these dead Souls. So the best way to get rid of them is to develop a detached attitude towards life. Now somebody is very much attached, say to a house, or to a building or to something like that. So what happens these Souls who are trying to find out somebody through whom they can satisfy their wishes, enter into you, enter into your mind and then everything goes wrong. You cannot do well, you cannot achieve anything, you feel horrible. Especially with false gurus, you get this curse upon yourself. All these things have to be corrected through detachment to things. What are you attached to? Some people are very much attached say, to their children. Then the children will be attacked by these Souls. If you are too much attached say, to your money, then something will happen and you will loose the money. We have known so many people who were multi-millionaires, but the greed was still there. So the spirit, or whatever, entered into them, started telling them “invest here, invest there, invest here” and no money was left. Especially the western business is like that. It goes on telling you “now you invest there” then you invest there and nothing is left with you but loans and debts and that is how you get into trouble. So one has to be very detached about everything. You know the story of my getting into business of terracotta. It so happened that, you see, some of these big Johnnies from Delhi, who are retired, thought they must still serve their country by having export. But they cannot carry on with each other with their bureaucratic nonsense. Everybody thinks that they are the best. So they fought and the whole firm broke up completely. But still my husband said we will have our own, and so many of them had their own, I don’t know what they are selling. So, I asked him “what will you export” he said “fans”, I said “Fans to where, to Switzerland? – exporting fans?. Like that, he told me various things, which are all to be imported, not to be exported. So he said, “What will you export?” I said “I’ll export terracotta”, he said “what, it’s clay!, that’s clay! – “that’s what I’m going to do.” But, I don’t know banking, I don’t know anything about business, nothing, I’m so detached about it. I don’t know what it is like to do business. So that headache I don’t have, but terracotta is selling very well everywhere because I know that now people want hand made things and they love it and it is doing well. And then I’m helping some people in a far-fetched village, or villages, who have only one cloth to cover their body, one cloth. So it helps by also charitable nature. Also a global need today that people should use hand made things. It is working out very well, you would be amazed. It is working so well. I don’t understand anything of business, but it is alright. I don’t have to know anything about it, it’s just working out. So, the detachment that I have about it…like somebody said, I gave so much money to Shri Mataji, so Mr. Shrivastava asked “who counted? She doesn’t know how to count!”. Really I don’t know how. If I have to count thousand, I count two thousand. I don’t know what happens to me. Otherwise I’m good at mathematics. But when it comes to counting, my fingers just go on slipping. I don’t know. I don’t know how much money I have in the bank. Never: It’s terrible with me. I don’t know how to count money, I don’t know banking, I don’t know how much money, what is the return, how much I have put in, nothing. I’m buying things whatever I think are good, hand made nice things and they are selling, I don’t know if they are selling for the same price or a more price, I don’t care. I have taken no headache upon myself. No headache of any kind. It is such a pleasure to see these poor people making something so nice. It’s such a pleasure. Everywhere. In Russia they make such beautiful things, Bulgaria, Turkey. Turkey is another great country, I must say. They are so capable, they make the best terracotta. Better than even the Indians, in a way. You can cook in them food, you can wash it, you can do what you like. Such capable people are there. But in these modern times you see, they are not successful, they have to have computer, you have to have competition, you have to do this. So if you develop a detachment, through thoughtless awareness, God will take over, he will do your work. He will look after you. You should have faith in God that is the main thing which people don’t understand what it means to have faith in God. That He is almighty, He does everything, He looks after everything, why should we worry? This is a very good way of life, is not to worry. You have gone beyond now, you have gone beyond time, you have gone beyond all the three Gunas, you have gone also beyond thought. So, whatever you have been through, your thought waves and through your mind, you can stop it. In America I gave realization to one girl, she had a shop. So she told me one thing, Mother I knew all about my things I had, I had a complete list with me, I knew this way, I knew this way, all that I had, clearly – now I don’t care. I don’t know what I have in my shop. “What is the result – I am making big profits”, she said. I said “that’s the best thing that you are making big profits, after all what is the use of carrying all the load on your head and making no profits.” So one should be prepared to surrender completely, absolutely to the will of God. Whatever he does is for our good. Say, for example, yesterday in the programme, I didn’t want people to have rain, that’s all, I didn’t say anything to anyone, it just worked out that it was cloudy so nobody came to this park. Nobody came out for a holiday, nothing, they were all jolly well there. Otherwise imagine how could I have worked out this Sahaja Yoga, in the west especially. It is an impossible situation but it has worked and it is growing and people are enjoying it. But it was not any kind of a, what should I say, a deliberation, a worry, nothing of the kind. It all worked out and it is there, you can see it very well. In the same way you also should not worry about anything whatsoever, any worry comes you just say “shut up”, any worry comes up just say “no”. Don’t worry. See there are mothers who worry about their children, I get such thick letters you know. Such thick letters I have no time to read, I don’t know. Ultimately the whole thing you read is about their children. Before Sahaja Yoga perhaps they were not so much attached to their children, perhaps. But now after this they are glued down. Then there are worries about husband and wife, which is very common nowadays. There’s a husband and wife they say they would go to Ganapatipule and there they get into the mood of marrying. And as soon as they come out of Ganapatipule they don’t want to marry. So what is this? I have known many kinds of mad, but this kind I have never known. It is very difficult. There they are so enthusiastic with this thing, they apply, they give you a big list of people, four hundred applications and then they suddenly declare now we don’t want to marry! But if it is mutual it is better but one will say I don’t want to marry. Some English girls have misbehaved very much. So much so that now the names of English girls is cancelled, they are like black-listed. We don’t want to have any more English girls. Surprisingly, how can they be like that? You had such great writers as women, I have read them. You have had so many people like even Shakespeare, always praised women. I can’t understand why should you make this kind of a mistake. If you don’t want to marry, alright don’t marry. Then if you want to marry then at least know what is your responsibility as Sahaja Yogis. Complications after complications. I’m not saying only from England but more from England. I have told you before also that this should not be done. There are girls who are not married for say 34 years, 50 years – still we find boys, I mean some older people for them also. And then after that suddenly you find they say no, we don’t want to have this man we want to have another one. English men are very good husbands, no doubt, but they are like cabbages sometimes. That part I don’t like. Sometimes they are really cabbages. So, one should understand that as a husband you have to get things corrected. And as a wife you are a part of the society, which you have to not only, create but also to preserve and to advance – is the duty of women. They don’t know what their duties are, and it’s not their duty to work like secretaries or some sort of politicians. What their main duty is to become a very active member of their society. Of course we have some very great ladies, I shouldn’t say that, it’s not that we don’t have, but some of them are exceptionally funny, they don’t realize that marriage is not meant just for a kind of a shopping centre. It is a mission . It is very sweet to be a wife and to be a mother. But they lack sweetness for small small things if you are going to fight, alright then you had better not marry in Sahaja Yoga because you tarnish the name of Sahaja Yoga, which has given you realization. So you must know how to manage your marriages, and to do some justice. Of course in Sahaja Yoga we have divorce. We allow people to divorce if they want, because it is a question of freedom. You can divorce anyone you like but it is better to make your marriage successful if you want to help Sahaja Yoga. Another problem, which always crops up sometimes, which is very dangerous. Like somebody has the habit of forming a group against the leader. We have had recently a very bad case from America. Wherever she went she formed a group against the leader. And was creating such a problem, so I told her “now you go back to India now, we have had enough of you.” She wouldn’t go. She went to commit suicide. Two miles she ran up to the River Hudson. She didn’t jump of course, she didn’t jump. And nobody threw her in also. But she was threatening I’m going to commit suicide and she took some panadol or something, with that you don’t die, must have been some aspirin, must be something like that, but she didn’t die. I don’t know if she took it also. So all this tantrumism, you are going against yourself. What is the use. When I told her you go back to India, now we don’t want you here, she did all this…she said “I will not go, I’ll do this, I’ll do that.” Her father got such a big heart attack – she had to go – next day. I didn’t do that. I would hate to do such a thing. So she had to go. I said, “let her jump into the Hudson River and finished”. So this kind of tantrum nature of women is very bad. You are deceiving yourself, you are Sahaja Yogis, you should know how to absorb the problems, you can. You can pacify, you can cool them down. You can do everything, you have the power. Women should understand their own powers, it is very important. Because they don’t know what powers they have. I am a woman myself and if the women start behaving like this, it’s very difficult. Also some men have this habit that they start forming a group. The third type some of them who maybe leaders or maybe something, maybe leader’s wives, they become extremely dominating, somehow or another, it’s kind of a bumping station they are nearby or something. The whole air goes into their ego and they start, see, like floating in the air and kicking everybody around. Now, this kind of a thing is also a sinful thing to do. Because you are the wife of a leader, you have to behave. You cannot try to hurt people and trouble them because you are the wife of a leader. Actually, according to Shashtra, there are five mothers we are born. One of them is the wife of the leader, wife of the Guru, is your mother and she has to behave like a mother. She has to treat all the disciples like a mother and if supposing the leader is angry or upset with someone, she should try to soothe him down, she should try to talk to another person and say see now, this you should not do. This is her job. Not to dominate others. They are doing just what they are not supposed to do. So if anyone of them have problems and he cannot talk to the leader he’ll go to the lady and tell her, see this is the situation. And then she can really bring you down. I remember one case in our life, it was really remarkable, my husband had somebody in the office who went out to another company, because this was a Government company and was not paying him so much, naturally, he got a good job so he went to another company. But he didn’t like it very much the way they were doing some things. So he came back and he asked my husband that I want the job back. He said “You get out, I’ll have nothing to do with you. Why did you leave the job”? So he didn’t know what to do, he tried but that didn’t work. So, he came to me. And he told me that, see I want to come back. I am a very good officer, I have done a very good job, but it was stupid on my part to have taken on another job, which I hate and I want to come back and serve my country. So when CP came home I told him that this gentleman came to see me. So he came to the right one you see. He said, “Now, are going to eat my head off”, I said “No” “I’m just telling you he came to me because he thought I was more generous than you are”. He said “What?” I said “Yes”, “I’m no less generous” (CP), I said “alright, you do what you like”. So, the next day he gave the job back to him. So the job of the woman is much bigger, much deeper, and much higher. My husband had at least one hundred relations, very close. He told me that you have to look after my people. Then he got so fed up with me he said “I just told you to look after them, you’re making them sit on my head now”. I don’t feel that way. Not only those hundred but hundreds of their relations also I tried to help, as far as possible. You see this is something so satisfying that when I go to Lucknow they all come and see me, no one comes to see my husband, never. So, you see, you create a committee of your own. Your own community you also produce out of that. They are your own. If you need anything they will be there to help you, they’ll be there to look after you. So what is most important is to just love and try to please others. If women can do that they have achieved their womanhood. All the time telling against somebody to your husband, all the time criticizing somebody to me, that’s not the way. On the contrary, never tell or complain about anyone, unless and until that person harms you. And always tell something nice – that’s the best way. For example, somebody comes to tell me about somebody “Mother, see he did this to me, he did that.” So I tell him a lie, and say, that’s allowed, and I tell him “now I don’t understand how do you say things about him. He was just praising you all the time. For one hour he praised you.” Finished. Really, they trust me. They think I’m telling the truth. That’s how you can run the family, you can run everyone around and Sahaja Yogis. The first thing the women must know they have to become compassionate and loving. Their main power is in compassion. I think that is my power too. Why are you here? Some of you can’t even hear me, but you don’t mind sitting down here. It’s just love. Just love, you know. It’s so great to feel you know, this beautiful atmosphere of love, give and take. What else can we give each other? This is what I’m trying to tell you that this is the heart of the universe. What does the heart have. Compassion and love and enlightenment. So we have to understand that it is only through compassion you will be satisfied. I’ve known so many people in this world who are very great, who think no end of themselves, who are very well known, great writers and I don’t know what else. All kinds. But they always complain that nobody comes to see us when we are old. I said it is the other way around here. The older I’m becoming, I’ve more visitors. Nobody seems to know about my age. They say “how do you do it?”, I said “just love, just compassion, just pure love, nothing else”. But they never loved anyone all their lives, and they lived like this. So now they are lonely, they are alone. They are talking to their fridges. Can you imagine, they talk to their fridges now. You can’t purchase a friend like that. You see, so this is a situation in which no Sahaja Yogi should land. So you should see how much collective you are, how much you help each other, how much you are kind to each other. This is very important to introspect and find out, more than anything else. It doesn’t matter if your vibrations are bad, doesn’t matter, they will be alright. But first your attitude has to be alright. In Sahaja Yoga I see people who don’t have good attitudes, can never progress. Love should be pure. If you have love for someone you won’t see bad points of the other person, never. You will always see the good points of that person, always support that person. Sometimes I’m faced with such problems that there are people who are to be told, so I prepare myself first. Before the mirror – “I’ll stand up and say like this, I’ll say like this, I’ll say like this”. When the person comes in, half of it is lost. When I’m talking about 25% of this gets lost, whatever, 25% I have left, I tried it. It’s very easy to give up that than to keep it, very easy. It is better if you practice that, I’m sure. So little, little things you can suggest to them. Like yesterday, you know what a nice present the English Sahaja Yogis gave me, was a beautiful miniature of Royal Albert Hall. Can you imagine, beautiful. With handwork on that, beautifully done, so beautifully done. It really, it was so from the heart, because I loved this hall somehow, since long. And shows the Queen Victoria, for whom I have such tremendous respect. Like she built it in the name of her husband. This kind of thing shows such a deep reverence for her husband, love for her husband, and she remained like a widow, when he died, throughout. She didn’t attend any functions, nothing. Like an Indian, we don’t, the women. And she enjoyed her widowhood. She was all the time with it and she did so many good things after that. She’s the one who created all this terracotta patterns you see around. She, in the seclusion she became extremely creative. But she was a deep person, and I think her example should be a good example for the, especially, the women of this country. It is very, very much a personality, which is respected, especially in India, very much. You know in a riot there was a statue of her, her nose – somebody had cut – and all the newspapers and everything and everyone went with the banners “who cut the nose, how dare you, how dare you do that” and they saw to it that it was put back. See, she’s a woman who is adored by a country, which was under her domination, in a way. But this is what is the personality of a woman. We have to understand what we can do. When it comes to war a woman can become like Joan of Ark or if it is not, it is in peace time. She prepares for neutralizing wars, for bringing peace. She’s the one who is the creator of peace. She’s such a powerful thing because that is the real power. Not in doing some sort of a work like men and competing with them. But a deeper potential that you have. Use it for creating a very compassionate and beautiful place. In the field of peace, of global peace and bringing this compassion into action. It’s possible because you are all Sahaja Yogis. Husbands also must respect their wives. Very important. Where women are not respected, calamities come in – like Bangladesh. See Bangladesh is full of calamities because they don’t respect their women. Pakistan is full of calamities, now there are wars are going on, this is going on, because they don’t respect their women. What about Saudi Arabia, always in threat of wars. What about Iran. All these countries where women are not respected they are in trouble. But women also must respect themselves, not like the women in the west the way they throw themselves at the men. Why should you try to attract men all the time? Why should you try to be all the time dressed up that they should run after you? Why should you run after men, they should run after you. See this one is a culture which really debases women to I don’t know to what level. They are not prostitutes!! So we should have our own self respect. I have told you of 3000 women who committed suicide in India because Muslims were going to invade so they burned themselves suddenly, just to protect their chastity. So the power of the woman is compassion but her vehicle or we can say the one that works out is her chastity. We should respect our body, respect our husbands, respect our children, respect everyone. That’s important. It’s very important, very complimentary, men and women are complimentary. Just like I always say that say, for the west though they have done very well in the Science field, the blacks are very complimentary because how can they win their rugby’s if they don’t have the blacks, what about losing – all these things are complimentary. So we are a sum total as one – we have to have Indians also here, we have to have English also because we are all complimentary – like the left hand has to have also a right hand – it’s like that – it’s all a sum total together. But if you see complimentary powers like left side is complimentary to the right side. But they cannot be the same, they have to be opposite – otherwise how are they to be complimentary. So men should respect their wives and the wives must respect husbands because they are complimentary and in a proper way we have to understand the importance of married life in Sahaja Yoga. I spend so much time on these arrangements of marriages and this and that – you have no idea. If I could be spared of that I can write one more book. Because first, you select, then you marry, then you get all the changes – this, that, letters after letters. All the leaders – leaders are always worried about individual cases, always, they will write to me “Mother, there’s a problem, this woman doesn’t want to live with him, then this man doesn’t want to live with her”. I mean, you do something and then suddenly what you find is there are problems out of that. There are even worse – the whole year they will last – then comes another marriage. These people – I spend so much time on this. Now, this time those who don’t want to marry should not marry, and if they marry and do like this they will never be allowed to come to Sahaja Yoga – finished. (Gap in tape) They think they can do what they like – both of them are to get out of Sahaja Yoga and get a divorce – and then they’ll blame Sahaja Yoga. I say so because I have had lots of problems from all over the centres, all over the world. So, now under the tree we have to promise, because they are living beings that we are not going to do all such nonsense and we are not going to create problems among ourselves and we are going to live very happily as husband and wife and enjoy life. Of course, there are very difficult cases, alright we can work it out. There could be exceptions, but out of hundred marriages, if the sixty marriages fail you’re better not to have it. And they discover after three years, somebody discovers – or four years – so God knows what is going to come up – it’s very difficult. So it’s not a marriage, what you call institution, it is a thing for having these great souls, which want to be born to you. For that we are having marriages but if you do like this then it will never work out. Or if you want to have divorce then at least no more marriages. Will be good idea. I am so very happy to see so many children here. All are beautiful, born realized, sweet things and so joy giving and we should really know that between 10 to 15 years you will see the force that is coming out and they’ll correct you. They will remove all of your complications. So allow them to grow, allow them to be grown-up Sahaja Yogis and then you will see the difference. How sensible they are. How beautiful they are. Support them, help them, understand them. Some Sahaja Yogis who are lost to Sahaja Yoga I know that the children are dynamites. Let them grow they will put them right, I know that. So we reach to a point to understand that now we have to move a step forward. Forget about all these nonsensical things and petty things and useless things and your problems. What are we going to do about Sahaja Yoga. We have the powers to go one jump higher and this will work. Everybody, must think on those lines and I’m sure it will work out, very sure it will work out. May God bless you all
Advice at yogis. Richmond Park, Surrey (UK), 25 June 1995. In the nature one goes absolutely thoughtless. For me it is such a pleasure to meet you all here under the trees. There is a beautiful atmosphere created by these trees. How much they work hard for us – think about that. All is built-in, in them, built in to produce this chlorophyll, this greenery. All that is built in, in them. But see how collective they are. You have to learn a lot from them. Every leaf is allowed to get the sun, every leaf. How they grow, how they are organized, how they behave like this, nobody thinks even – and what is it working it out in them? They haven’t got realization, but how do they work it out in such a beautiful manner? Because they are under the complete control of the Divine – absolutely, they don’t have to worry. Even the animals are, that’s why they are called as Pashu, means they are under the complete Pash. Pash is the complete control of the Divine and Shiva is called as Pashupati, he’s the one who looks after all this. Affectionately and in a very delicate manner. All this is created for human beings. These human beings don’t understand that all this world, which is created, is for the use of human beings, not for abuse – but use. And this is one thing which has to be really felt in this atmosphere, that how they are collective. They have no problem, how they live together creating a good atmosphere for us. How they keep to the cycle – it’s a global cycle. First, for example, we can see that the sap rises, then it gives whatever is needed for every part of the tree. Then whatever is left over it can go into the atmosphere or it can go down. So it does not get stuck into one place. This I’ve told you a long time back that, you should not get stuck into anything. If you are detached then everything works out, very well. But if you are attached, you just get worries and problems, thinking too much about it – your life becomes miserable. But if you are detached, then the nature takes over and it has taken over for these and you feel extremely relaxed then, absolutely relaxed. But when you are thinking, we have to do this, we have to do that, we have to achieve this and you start worrying. So two things can happen. One is, you will get confused – you’ll not achieve any results, one thing – and you’ll go on thinking, thinking, thinking. And the second thing that will happen is that you will exhaust yourself completely. But if you are detached, then as Sahaja Yogis, you will be amazed how things work out. After getting your realization you should try to detach yourself, by getting into thoughtless awareness. Just detach. Now see our attachments, after so many things. This detachment you can just practice, that, you can see yourself in the mirror and know that you are not this reflection that you see but you are much more than what this reflection is. And what is that within us which looks after everything, even before realization, which looks after the parasympathetic nervous system. Little, little things you know, it looks after. It tries to keep us on the right path and gives us a conscience. What is that? What is within us that does that? The spirit has not yet come into our attention, but there is something within us, which makes you, think about the truth, to seek the truth, to know that there is something wrong in the society. What is that within us? Can you tell me? God has not left you without his care. There is something that looks after us. Kundalini is sleeping, then it is in our hearts. What do these have to feel within them? It is the Soul, it is a Soul, which lines our spinal column. Sometimes when people die, or are about to die and they come back to life they always say they passed through some sort of a tunnel, somehow a black tunnel, somehow a bright tunnel, somehow a light tunnel, and all that. This is what is the soul, which is within us, which starts going up and with that our attention goes and we feel we are passing through a tunnel. Alright? These Souls you can see now in the sky, all hanging. With seven loops you can see them. Only after realization, not before that. So this Soul guides you. This Soul has brought you to Sahaja Yoga. This Soul has told you that you have to seek the truth and you have to get to the truth. This is also the, I should say, the pursuit, perseverance or the way this Soul gets out to you. You have to seek. Some people really get so restless about it. All this comes from Soul before realization and this Soul starts working. This kind of a search that you have had. When a person dies, then his Soul comes out and his Spirit also guides him. So we call it a dead Soul, like that. They hang in the air, sometimes, sometimes when they are realized Souls they need not. They become one with the Divine, and whenever they want they can always be born again. But these Souls who are still attached to something, maybe the children, maybe the house, maybe the drinking habits, maybe something nonsensical, still hang around and they are the ones who trouble us, who bother us too much. They can be in groups, they can be many of different types, they could be with a very bad subconscious activity or could be with the superconscious also. But about this we cannot talk to anybody else, because they don’t know, they don’t want to believe that there is something like that. They believe in a religion, which says that there are dead Souls, and there are bad spirits but that’s only in the Church or in the Mosque or in the Temples. But in private life they don’t believe that we have all those things hanging around.Now some difficulties that you face which cannot be solved could be coming from these dead Souls. So the best way to get rid of them is to develop a detached attitude towards life. Now somebody is very much attached, say to a house, or to a building or to something like that. So what happens these Souls who are trying to find out somebody through whom they can satisfy their wishes, enter into you, enter into your mind and then everything goes wrong. You cannot do well, you cannot achieve anything, you feel horrible. Especially with false gurus, you get this curse upon yourself. All these things have to be corrected through detachment to things. What are you attached to? Some people are very much attached say, to their children. Then the children will be attacked by these Souls. If you are too much attached say, to your money, then something will happen and you will loose the money. We have known so many people who were multi-millionaires, but the greed was still there. So the spirit, or whatever, entered into them, started telling them “invest here, invest there, invest here” and no money was left. Especially the western business is like that. It goes on telling you “now you invest there” then you invest there and nothing is left with you but loans and debts and that is how you get into trouble. So one has to be very detached about everything. You know the story of my getting into business of terracotta. It so happened that, you see, some of these big Johnnies from Delhi, who are retired, thought they must still serve their country by having export. But they cannot carry on with each other with their bureaucratic nonsense. Everybody thinks that they are the best. So they fought and the whole firm broke up completely. But still my husband said we will have our own, and so many of them had their own, I don’t know what they are selling. So, I asked him “what will you export” he said “fans”, I said “Fans to where, to Switzerland? – exporting fans?. Like that, he told me various things, which are all to be imported, not to be exported. So he said, “What will you export?” I said “I’ll export terracotta”, he said “what, it’s clay!, that’s clay! – “that’s what I’m going to do.” But, I don’t know banking, I don’t know anything about business, nothing, I’m so detached about it. I don’t know what it is like to do business. So that headache I don’t have, but terracotta is selling very well everywhere because I know that now people want hand made things and they love it and it is doing well. And then I’m helping some people in a far-fetched village, or villages, who have only one cloth to cover their body, one cloth. So it helps by also charitable nature. Also a global need today that people should use hand made things. It is working out very well, you would be amazed. It is working so well. I don’t understand anything of business, but it is alright. I don’t have to know anything about it, it’s just working out. So, the detachment that I have about it…like somebody said, I gave so much money to Shri Mataji, so Mr. Shrivastava asked “who counted? She doesn’t know how to count!”. Really I don’t know how. If I have to count thousand, I count two thousand. I don’t know what happens to me. Otherwise I’m good at mathematics. But when it comes to counting, my fingers just go on slipping. I don’t know. I don’t know how much money I have in the bank. Never: It’s terrible with me. I don’t know how to count money, I don’t know banking, I don’t know how much money, what is the return, how much I have put in, nothing. I’m buying things whatever I think are good, hand made nice things and they are selling, I don’t know if they are selling for the same price or a more price, I don’t care. I have taken no headache upon myself. No headache of any kind. It is such a pleasure to see these poor people making something so nice. It’s such a pleasure. Everywhere. In Russia they make such beautiful things, Bulgaria, Turkey. Turkey is another great country, I must say. They are so capable, they make the best terracotta. Better than even the Indians, in a way. You can cook in them food, you can wash it, you can do what you like. Such capable people are there. But in these modern times you see, they are not successful, they have to have computer, you have to have competition, you have to do this. So if you develop a detachment, through thoughtless awareness, God will take over, he will do your work. He will look after you. You should have faith in God that is the main thing which people don’t understand what it means to have faith in God. That He is almighty, He does everything, He looks after everything, why should we worry? This is a very good way of life, is not to worry. You have gone beyond now, you have gone beyond time, you have gone beyond all the three Gunas, you have gone also beyond thought. So, whatever you have been through, your thought waves and through your mind, you can stop it. In America I gave realization to one girl, she had a shop. So she told me one thing, Mother I knew all about my things I had, I had a complete list with me, I knew this way, I knew this way, all that I had, clearly – now I don’t care. I don’t know what I have in my shop. “What is the result – I am making big profits”, she said. I said “that’s the best thing that you are making big profits, after all what is the use of carrying all the load on your head and making no profits.” So one should be prepared to surrender completely, absolutely to the will of God. Whatever he does is for our good. Say, for example, yesterday in the programme, I didn’t want people to have rain, that’s all, I didn’t say anything to anyone, it just worked out that it was cloudy so nobody came to this park. Nobody came out for a holiday, nothing, they were all jolly well there. Otherwise imagine how could I have worked out this Sahaja Yoga, in the west especially. It is an impossible situation but it has worked and it is growing and people are enjoying it. But it was not any kind of a, what should I say, a deliberation, a worry, nothing of the kind. It all worked out and it is there, you can see it very well. In the same way you also should not worry about anything whatsoever, any worry comes you just say “shut up”, any worry comes up just say “no”. Don’t worry. See there are mothers who worry about their children, I get such thick letters you know. Such thick letters I have no time to read, I don’t know. Ultimately the whole thing you read is about their children. Before Sahaja Yoga perhaps they were not so much attached to their children, perhaps. But now after this they are glued down. Then there are worries about husband and wife, which is very common nowadays. There’s a husband and wife they say they would go to Ganapatipule and there they get into the mood of marrying. And as soon as they come out of Ganapatipule they don’t want to marry. So what is this? I have known many kinds of mad, but this kind I have never known. It is very difficult. There they are so enthusiastic with this thing, they apply, they give you a big list of people, four hundred applications and then they suddenly declare now we don’t want to marry! But if it is mutual it is better but one will say I don’t want to marry. Some English girls have misbehaved very much. So much so that now the names of English girls is cancelled, they are like black-listed. We don’t want to have any more English girls. Surprisingly, how can they be like that? You had such great writers as women, I have read them. You have had so many people like even Shakespeare, always praised women. I can’t understand why should you make this kind of a mistake. If you don’t want to marry, alright don’t marry. Then if you want to marry then at least know what is your responsibility as Sahaja Yogis. Complications after complications. I’m not saying only from England but more from England. I have told you before also that this should not be done. There are girls who are not married for say 34 years, 50 years – still we find boys, I mean some older people for them also. And then after that suddenly you find they say no, we don’t want to have this man we want to have another one. English men are very good husbands, no doubt, but they are like cabbages sometimes. That part I don’t like. Sometimes they are really cabbages. So, one should understand that as a husband you have to get things corrected. And as a wife you are a part of the society, which you have to not only, create but also to preserve and to advance – is the duty of women. They don’t know what their duties are, and it’s not their duty to work like secretaries or some sort of politicians. What their main duty is to become a very active member of their society. Of course we have some very great ladies, I shouldn’t say that, it’s not that we don’t have, but some of them are exceptionally funny, they don’t realize that marriage is not meant just for a kind of a shopping centre. It is a mission . It is very sweet to be a wife and to be a mother. But they lack sweetness for small small things if you are going to fight, alright then you had better not marry in Sahaja Yoga because you tarnish the name of Sahaja Yoga, which has given you realization. So you must know how to manage your marriages, and to do some justice. Of course in Sahaja Yoga we have divorce. We allow people to divorce if they want, because it is a question of freedom. You can divorce anyone you like but it is better to make your marriage successful if you want to help Sahaja Yoga. Another problem, which always crops up sometimes, which is very dangerous. Like somebody has the habit of forming a group against the leader. We have had recently a very bad case from America. Wherever she went she formed a group against the leader. And was creating such a problem, so I told her “now you go back to India now, we have had enough of you.” She wouldn’t go. She went to commit suicide. Two miles she ran up to the River Hudson. She didn’t jump of course, she didn’t jump. And nobody threw her in also. But she was threatening I’m going to commit suicide and she took some panadol or something, with that you don’t die, must have been some aspirin, must be something like that, but she didn’t die. I don’t know if she took it also. So all this tantrumism, you are going against yourself. What is the use. When I told her you go back to India, now we don’t want you here, she did all this…she said “I will not go, I’ll do this, I’ll do that.” Her father got such a big heart attack – she had to go – next day. I didn’t do that. I would hate to do such a thing. So she had to go. I said, “let her jump into the Hudson River and finished”. So this kind of tantrum nature of women is very bad. You are deceiving yourself, you are Sahaja Yogis, you should know how to absorb the problems, you can. You can pacify, you can cool them down. You can do everything, you have the power. Women should understand their own powers, it is very important. Because they don’t know what powers they have. I am a woman myself and if the women start behaving like this, it’s very difficult. Also some men have this habit that they start forming a group. The third type some of them who maybe leaders or maybe something, maybe leader’s wives, they become extremely dominating, somehow or another, it’s kind of a bumping station they are nearby or something. The whole air goes into their ego and they start, see, like floating in the air and kicking everybody around. Now, this kind of a thing is also a sinful thing to do. Because you are the wife of a leader, you have to behave. You cannot try to hurt people and trouble them because you are the wife of a leader. Actually, according to Shashtra, there are five mothers we are born. One of them is the wife of the leader, wife of the Guru, is your mother and she has to behave like a mother. She has to treat all the disciples like a mother and if supposing the leader is angry or upset with someone, she should try to soothe him down, she should try to talk to another person and say see now, this you should not do. This is her job. Not to dominate others. They are doing just what they are not supposed to do. So if anyone of them have problems and he cannot talk to the leader he’ll go to the lady and tell her, see this is the situation. And then she can really bring you down. I remember one case in our life, it was really remarkable, my husband had somebody in the office who went out to another company, because this was a Government company and was not paying him so much, naturally, he got a good job so he went to another company. But he didn’t like it very much the way they were doing some things. So he came back and he asked my husband that I want the job back. He said “You get out, I’ll have nothing to do with you. Why did you leave the job”? So he didn’t know what to do, he tried but that didn’t work. So, he came to me. And he told me that, see I want to come back. I am a very good officer, I have done a very good job, but it was stupid on my part to have taken on another job, which I hate and I want to come back and serve my country. So when CP came home I told him that this gentleman came to see me. So he came to the right one you see. He said, “Now, are going to eat my head off”, I said “No” “I’m just telling you he came to me because he thought I was more generous than you are”. He said “What?” I said “Yes”, “I’m no less generous” (CP), I said “alright, you do what you like”. So, the next day he gave the job back to him. So the job of the woman is much bigger, much deeper, and much higher. My husband had at least one hundred relations, very close. He told me that you have to look after my people. Then he got so fed up with me he said “I just told you to look after them, you’re making them sit on my head now”. I don’t feel that way. Not only those hundred but hundreds of their relations also I tried to help, as far as possible. You see this is something so satisfying that when I go to Lucknow they all come and see me, no one comes to see my husband, never. So, you see, you create a committee of your own. Your own community you also produce out of that. They are your own. If you need anything they will be there to help you, they’ll be there to look after you. So what is most important is to just love and try to please others. If women can do that they have achieved their womanhood. All the time telling against somebody to your husband, all the time criticizing somebody to me, that’s not the way. On the contrary, never tell or complain about anyone, unless and until that person harms you. And always tell something nice – that’s the best way. For example, somebody comes to tell me about somebody “Mother, see he did this to me, he did that.” So I tell him a lie, and say, that’s allowed, and I tell him “now I don’t understand how do you say things about him. He was just praising you all the time. For one hour he praised you.” Finished. Really, they trust me. They think I’m telling the truth. That’s how you can run the family, you can run everyone around and Sahaja Yogis. The first thing the women must know they have to become compassionate and loving. Their main power is in compassion. I think that is my power too. Why are you here? Some of you can’t even hear me, but you don’t mind sitting down here. It’s just love. Just love, you know. It’s so great to feel you know, this beautiful atmosphere of love, give and take. What else can we give each other? This is what I’m trying to tell you that this is the heart of the universe. What does the heart have. Compassion and love and enlightenment. So we have to understand that it is only through compassion you will be satisfied. I’ve known so many people in this world who are very great, who think no end of themselves, who are very well known, great writers and I don’t know what else. All kinds. But they always complain that nobody comes to see us when we are old. I said it is the other way around here. The older I’m becoming, I’ve more visitors. Nobody seems to know about my age. They say “how do you do it?”, I said “just love, just compassion, just pure love, nothing else”. But they never loved anyone all their lives, and they lived like this. So now they are lonely, they are alone. They are talking to their fridges. Can you imagine, they talk to their fridges now. You can’t purchase a friend like that. You see, so this is a situation in which no Sahaja Yogi should land. So you should see how much collective you are, how much you help each other, how much you are kind to each other. This is very important to introspect and find out, more than anything else. It doesn’t matter if your vibrations are bad, doesn’t matter, they will be alright. But first your attitude has to be alright. In Sahaja Yoga I see people who don’t have good attitudes, can never progress. Love should be pure. If you have love for someone you won’t see bad points of the other person, never. You will always see the good points of that person, always support that person. Sometimes I’m faced with such problems that there are people who are to be told, so I prepare myself first. Before the mirror – “I’ll stand up and say like this, I’ll say like this, I’ll say like this”. When the person comes in, half of it is lost. When I’m talking about 25% of this gets lost, whatever, 25% I have left, I tried it. It’s very easy to give up that than to keep it, very easy. It is better if you practice that, I’m sure. So little, little things you can suggest to them. Like yesterday, you know what a nice present the English Sahaja Yogis gave me, was a beautiful miniature of Royal Albert Hall. Can you imagine, beautiful. With handwork on that, beautifully done, so beautifully done. It really, it was so from the heart, because I loved this hall somehow, since long. And shows the Queen Victoria, for whom I have such tremendous respect. Like she built it in the name of her husband. This kind of thing shows such a deep reverence for her husband, love for her husband, and she remained like a widow, when he died, throughout. She didn’t attend any functions, nothing. Like an Indian, we don’t, the women. And she enjoyed her widowhood. She was all the time with it and she did so many good things after that. She’s the one who created all this terracotta patterns you see around. She, in the seclusion she became extremely creative. But she was a deep person, and I think her example should be a good example for the, especially, the women of this country. It is very, very much a personality, which is respected, especially in India, very much. You know in a riot there was a statue of her, her nose – somebody had cut – and all the newspapers and everything and everyone went with the banners “who cut the nose, how dare you, how dare you do that” and they saw to it that it was put back. See, she’s a woman who is adored by a country, which was under her domination, in a way. But this is what is the personality of a woman. We have to understand what we can do. When it comes to war a woman can become like Joan of Ark or if it is not, it is in peace time. She prepares for neutralizing wars, for bringing peace. She’s the one who is the creator of peace. She’s such a powerful thing because that is the real power. Not in doing some sort of a work like men and competing with them. But a deeper potential that you have. Use it for creating a very compassionate and beautiful place. In the field of peace, of global peace and bringing this compassion into action. It’s possible because you are all Sahaja Yogis. Husbands also must respect their wives. Very important. Where women are not respected, calamities come in – like Bangladesh. See Bangladesh is full of calamities because they don’t respect their women. Pakistan is full of calamities, now there are wars are going on, this is going on, because they don’t respect their women. What about Saudi Arabia, always in threat of wars. What about Iran. All these countries where women are not respected they are in trouble. But women also must respect themselves, not like the women in the west the way they throw themselves at the men. Why should you try to attract men all the time? Why should you try to be all the time dressed up that they should run after you? Why should you run after men, they should run after you. See this one is a culture which really debases women to I don’t know to what level. They are not prostitutes!! So we should have our own self respect. I have told you of 3000 women who committed suicide in India because Muslims were going to invade so they burned themselves suddenly, just to protect their chastity. So the power of the woman is compassion but her vehicle or we can say the one that works out is her chastity. We should respect our body, respect our husbands, respect our children, respect everyone. That’s important. It’s very important, very complimentary, men and women are complimentary. Just like I always say that say, for the west though they have done very well in the Science field, the blacks are very complimentary because how can they win their rugby’s if they don’t have the blacks, what about losing – all these things are complimentary. So we are a sum total as one – we have to have Indians also here, we have to have English also because we are all complimentary – like the left hand has to have also a right hand – it’s like that – it’s all a sum total together. But if you see complimentary powers like left side is complimentary to the right side. But they cannot be the same, they have to be opposite – otherwise how are they to be complimentary. So men should respect their wives and the wives must respect husbands because they are complimentary and in a proper way we have to understand the importance of married life in Sahaja Yoga. I spend so much time on these arrangements of marriages and this and that – you have no idea. If I could be spared of that I can write one more book. Because first, you select, then you marry, then you get all the changes – this, that, letters after letters. All the leaders – leaders are always worried about individual cases, always, they will write to me “Mother, there’s a problem, this woman doesn’t want to live with him, then this man doesn’t want to live with her”. I mean, you do something and then suddenly what you find is there are problems out of that. There are even worse – the whole year they will last – then comes another marriage. These people – I spend so much time on this. Now, this time those who don’t want to marry should not marry, and if they marry and do like this they will never be allowed to come to Sahaja Yoga – finished. (Gap in tape) They think they can do what they like – both of them are to get out of Sahaja Yoga and get a divorce – and then they’ll blame Sahaja Yoga. I say so because I have had lots of problems from all over the centres, all over the world. So, now under the tree we have to promise, because they are living beings that we are not going to do all such nonsense and we are not going to create problems among ourselves and we are going to live very happily as husband and wife and enjoy life. Of course, there are very difficult cases, alright we can work it out. There could be exceptions, but out of hundred marriages, if the sixty marriages fail you’re better not to have it. And they discover after three years, somebody discovers – or four years – so God knows what is going to come up – it’s very difficult. So it’s not a marriage, what you call institution, it is a thing for having these great souls, which want to be born to you. For that we are having marriages but if you do like this then it will never work out. Or if you want to have divorce then at least no more marriages. Will be good idea. I am so very happy to see so many children here. All are beautiful, born realized, sweet things and so joy giving and we should really know that between 10 to 15 years you will see the force that is coming out and they’ll correct you. They will remove all of your complications. So allow them to grow, allow them to be grown-up Sahaja Yogis and then you will see the difference. How sensible they are. How beautiful they are. Support them, help them, understand them. Some Sahaja Yogis who are lost to Sahaja Yoga I know that the children are dynamites. Let them grow they will put them right, I know that. So we reach to a point to understand that now we have to move a step forward. Forget about all these nonsensical things and petty things and useless things and your problems. What are we going to do about Sahaja Yoga. We have the powers to go one jump higher and this will work. Everybody, must think on those lines and I’m sure it will work out, very sure it will work out. May God bless you all
Evening Program, Eve of Guru Puja
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Talk [Performance given by Amjad Ali Khan ] Shri Mataji: I don't know how to thank Khan Sahib, Amjad Ali Sahib ...I mean it is such a great honour to us that such a great artist should come all the way, to this far-fetched place like Cabella and entertained us with his magical music ...No words can thank him. I just told him in London that if you can come to Cabella, You will find a beautiful, peaceful place where you will enjoy playing to so many of us ...We haven't got such a lot of money. We are not very rich people. Because as you know we don't take any money from anyone And whatever small we could do for them, We have tried to do it ...I hope you don't mind ...Whatever is our small offerings to you is out of love and out of great admiration for your work in the field of music & your two sons ...I am very proud of them that in this young age they have picked up so beautifully, and they play so well. Normally you can not find, such talented children's at this age ...You should be a very proud father of such great children & also their mother is very proud of them. I must say that this music is so great and so surrounding the whole atmosphere. There is difficult to describe it in words which are rather poor to express our feelings One thing only we can have is the report of so many of Sahaja Yogi here. As you were singing about the bhajan which was for the people -'Vaishnav Jan' & these are the 'Vaishnav Jana's' sitting before you a dream of Gandhiji ...We have people here who have never learnt classical music not even classical ordinary Indian music, for they haven't known what 'talas' are, What 'ragas' are nothing...And suddenly how they have become so receptive ... of this great music and how they enjoy it, is a sign that they are all very involved people ... their spirit you see... is the one who listens to this music. You must be knowing that Indian music comes from spiritual authority. All the great saints and seers of India have created this great music from 'Omkara' as they say ...This music is something I always felt should go round the whole world ...It's happening today with all of you sitting here & enjoying it. They do not enjoy it because it's out of the thing forced on them but just from there heart they are really enjoying it from so many countries We are people here I don't know how to give you the list of the people who are here really ...But they all are of different walks of life and some are very eminent people, very well known people and all of them have just joined together with your melodious music and have enjoyed it thoroughly ...I bless your children many time ...I hope they will carry the flag of your family onward and they will show to the world that the music is very important than anything else ...Also, I am very much amazed at our new guest -[unclear] It was just a chance they came here We had booked another gentleman called Gurvinder and he was the one who was to come here. I had heard him about -He is also very great ...And he had played with /khan Sahib before ...So we have arranged everything but he was in India and then something happened that he could not come ...We are so lucky to have a new person here, Who really has charmed all of us And is something a new find And I hope he will, again and again, oblige us and come here to play music ...Because London is easier you know... to organize then to organize somebody from India.Because if from India somebody doesn't come then we are lost ...We don't know what to do? So best is to arrange something and I must thank all the Sahaj yogis Who have been able to find out such a diamond for us. So all was very beautifully done. And We all enjoyed And I really still don't know how to get out of it. May God bless you all! And bless these great artists at the way they are doing such a great service to this art which is Indian Music, Which is of a very high quality you can see it ...and unless and until you have real 'Tapasya' you can't do it. I am amazed that these children -They must have got it from their previous life as our saints. The way they are, are absolute prodigies. They are not normal people to have these tactics at this young age But there should respect their Music and they should really become great Musicians. Should not be bothered, that what this world is going about ...Because this is something the Music is going to come up ... very soon you will find ...See already we have so many people who are enjoying this Music So you should be really put attention to it & you have such a great father. We also have very good music before from the Romanians and you are all waiting for them to come and they had such a good job of it... That despite all the people dancing and doing all kinds of noises they were still singing so well ...And they have composed some of the music when they don't know our language. Still how they have played is all miraculous ...I think... it's really a miracle...Then We had a new musician, whom Baba Mama has brought ...[unclear/Shivlikar (name)] is the other one I must say is another prodigy. At such a young age he played the sitar so well constantly he kept us, constantly he kept us entertained ...And so well I was amazed ...He must be also in previous lives must have been some 'ustaad' as I have said ... So We have a very nice, beautiful combination of such a beautiful music today & this Guru Puja has already I feel has started the way -The whole place is echoing with beautiful notes and singing. Thank you Very Much all of you ...Thank you ... May God bless you. Thank you.
Talk [Performance given by Amjad Ali Khan ] Shri Mataji: I don't know how to thank Khan Sahib, Amjad Ali Sahib ...I mean it is such a great honour to us that such a great artist should come all the way, to this far-fetched place like Cabella and entertained us with his magical music ...No words can thank him. I just told him in London that if you can come to Cabella, You will find a beautiful, peaceful place where you will enjoy playing to so many of us ...We haven't got such a lot of money. We are not very rich people. Because as you know we don't take any money from anyone And whatever small we could do for them, We have tried to do it ...I hope you don't mind ...Whatever is our small offerings to you is out of love and out of great admiration for your work in the field of music & your two sons ...I am very proud of them that in this young age they have picked up so beautifully, and they play so well. Normally you can not find, such talented children's at this age ...You should be a very proud father of such great children & also their mother is very proud of them. I must say that this music is so great and so surrounding the whole atmosphere. There is difficult to describe it in words which are rather poor to express our feelings One thing only we can have is the report of so many of Sahaja Yogi here. As you were singing about the bhajan which was for the people -'Vaishnav Jan' & these are the 'Vaishnav Jana's' sitting before you a dream of Gandhiji ...We have people here who have never learnt classical music not even classical ordinary Indian music, for they haven't known what 'talas' are, What 'ragas' are nothing...And suddenly how they have become so receptive ... of this great music and how they enjoy it, is a sign that they are all very involved people ... their spirit you see... is the one who listens to this music. You must be knowing that Indian music comes from spiritual authority. All the great saints and seers of India have created this great music from 'Omkara' as they say ...This music is something I always felt should go round the whole world ...It's happening today with all of you sitting here & enjoying it. They do not enjoy it because it's out of the thing forced on them but just from there heart they are really enjoying it from so many countries We are people here I don't know how to give you the list of the people who are here really ...But they all are of different walks of life and some are very eminent people, very well known people and all of them have just joined together with your melodious music and have enjoyed it thoroughly ...I bless your children many time ...I hope they will carry the flag of your family onward and they will show to the world that the music is very important than anything else ...Also, I am very much amazed at our new guest -[unclear] It was just a chance they came here We had booked another gentleman called Gurvinder and he was the one who was to come here. I had heard him about -He is also very great ...And he had played with /khan Sahib before ...So we have arranged everything but he was in India and then something happened that he could not come ...We are so lucky to have a new person here, Who really has charmed all of us And is something a new find And I hope he will, again and again, oblige us and come here to play music ...Because London is easier you know... to organize then to organize somebody from India.Because if from India somebody doesn't come then we are lost ...We don't know what to do? So best is to arrange something and I must thank all the Sahaj yogis Who have been able to find out such a diamond for us. So all was very beautifully done. And We all enjoyed And I really still don't know how to get out of it. May God bless you all! And bless these great artists at the way they are doing such a great service to this art which is Indian Music, Which is of a very high quality you can see it ...and unless and until you have real 'Tapasya' you can't do it. I am amazed that these children -They must have got it from their previous life as our saints. The way they are, are absolute prodigies. They are not normal people to have these tactics at this young age But there should respect their Music and they should really become great Musicians. Should not be bothered, that what this world is going about ...Because this is something the Music is going to come up ... very soon you will find ...See already we have so many people who are enjoying this Music So you should be really put attention to it & you have such a great father. We also have very good music before from the Romanians and you are all waiting for them to come and they had such a good job of it... That despite all the people dancing and doing all kinds of noises they were still singing so well ...And they have composed some of the music when they don't know our language. Still how they have played is all miraculous ...I think... it's really a miracle...Then We had a new musician, whom Baba Mama has brought ...[unclear/Shivlikar (name)] is the other one I must say is another prodigy. At such a young age he played the sitar so well constantly he kept us, constantly he kept us entertained ...And so well I was amazed ...He must be also in previous lives must have been some 'ustaad' as I have said ... So We have a very nice, beautiful combination of such a beautiful music today & this Guru Puja has already I feel has started the way -The whole place is echoing with beautiful notes and singing. Thank you Very Much all of you ...Thank you ... May God bless you. Thank you.
Guru Puja: Watch Your Mind and Attention
Cabella Ligure
Guru Puja, "Watch Your Mind and Attention", Cabella Ligure, July 16th, 1995 It is a very important Guru Puja today because we have completed twenty-five years of Guru Puja. (Hindi: "Please put the fan in the rotating manner".) Also, it is extremely beautiful to see so many Sahaja Yogis who are, really have become, very great. It’s a question of understanding what Sahaja Yoga is. Is a very unique discovery, I feel now, that people who were seeking the Truth have found it and have now got it absolutely on their central nervous system. Yes, in some places it’s difficult to explain how it has happened, how it has worked out and how, in these twenty-five years, we have been able to achieve this expansion of Sahaja Yoga. The main thing, I feel, is that you all should know that as the tree grows, the roots have to grow much deeper and they should spread also. If it doesn't happen, the tree cannot be sustained only by Mother Earth. So the roots are in your own life, in your own heart. When we say we have become our own Guru, we should really try to find out with our introspection: Are we our Guru or not? Because, before this your mind was on one side and your heart was on another side and your attention was in another dimension. So, these three things were creating confusion within you. If you understand a human being, then you will be surprised to see how these three things act separately in a human being. And sometimes they fight also. First is your intellect and your mind, second is your heart, your feelings, your emotions, and the third one is your attention. In these modern times this confusion is the worst because all the time your attention is outside. It could be towards beautiful things, or beautiful women, or beautiful men or all kinds of nonsensical way of wasting your energy. Such attention then is absolutely like a horse which is let loose. You cannot control such an attention. And this attention runs wild from one to another. It’s a fashion also. It’s sort of a very popular thing to keep the attention moving all the time. But this attention that has to be towards the Divine, towards the Almighty, is just being frittered away. Thus, attention doesn’t grow its own roots. First is to find out about yourself: where does your attention go? What makes you feel like looking after or concerned for attention? You see, the attention comes from various problems, and could be your upbringing where you are not controlled, could be your education, could be your atmosphere in which you live or could be your own ego or your conditioning. (Hindi: "The water is maybe a bit too cold, that's why. What is it, tea? Is it hot? Pour it here, I'll drink it. That's fine".) So, this attention is being attacked by all these outside energies or negative forces and it gets entangled - like a river flowing straight into the ocean can get lost in a barren place. In the same way this attention, which has to go towards the Divine, gets frittered away and is vanished. This weak attention cannot take you towards the Divine. Ultimately you find that all this attention is being completely absorbed or frittered away by the nonsense that’s going on. Unfortunately or fortunately, you are born in these modern times, and in these modern times, as you know, is a very chaotic condition. In these chaotic conditions, you don’t know what is right and what is wrong. And there are all kinds of attractions, which can take away your attention and reduce the energy of your attention. It is possible more for the people who are very right-sided. Also the left-sided people can be very much affected. Right-sided people, as you know, go up to a point and become extremely dry, self-opinionated and aggressive. All their attention is in aggression, while the people who are on the left side are indulging too much into their own whims and their desires and their own temptations. Both sides can fritter away your attention which is the most important thing. It is the most valuable thing is your attention. But the attention cannot be controlled by a person who doesn't have a weak mind or a weak heart. Now supposing you take somebody who is a very intelligent person. The intelligent person puts all his attention in capturing the attention of others. I don't know why, but it’s a kind of a paradox. The person who himself is having such a lot of aggressiveness and all that, tries to be very sweet, tries to be very nice with people just to keep good relations or, we can say, the good behavior towards people so that they pay attention to that person. This is a very subtle thing. They are not even aware about it, that we do such a thing just to make others pay attention to us. That is how we have seen that in these modern times so many stupid things people do just to attract the attention of others. Most of the fads that had come up in modern times are just to make something stupid so that people should pay attention to them. Of course, the Sahaja Yogis are not like that. But I am just pointing it out how, in the modern times, you have to be very careful that you should not try to attract the attention of others. Instead of that, what you have to do is to pay attention to others in a very subtle way, not with any expectation that if you are paying attention to somebody, that person should pay attention to you. It’s a very big struggle, I’ve seen, in Sahaja Yoga also, that people try to, say, become very popular or become very outstanding, or something of a very great qualities, to show off that they are something better than others. A person who is really in connection with the Divine, is least bothered about how people pay attention to that person, but automatically the attention of such a person is on others, which is very , very subtle, very subtle. You cannot make out that the attention of such a person is on you, but it works and it works beautifully. We have to understand that we have now come to the realm of the Divinity. We are in the Kingdom of God and we are divine people. We are very powerful people, but if we fritter away our attention, we become very, very weak people. Is easy to feel that we are Sahaja Yogis, we have done so much of realization of others or we have helped so many people. All this consciousness if it comes within you, then know that you are still not fully developed Sahaja Yogi. There should be no consciousness of what you are doing or what you are committing. There is no need to boast about it. There is no need to advertise it. Whatever you are, is already, can be seen by everyone. But even that desire is not needed because you are doing just for the satisfaction of your Spirit. So then, when we come to our heart, in the heart resides the Spirit, as you know very well. Now when it is the heart, which has to work over your brain and which can work, what becomes of you is nothing, but you become a source of love and compassion. A source, I am saying. You do not assert on others. You do not say that, “I’ve done so much for you and what are you doing to me? What is this that I should have so much expressed, in so many ways, and here you are, you are forgetting me and not doing anything for me?” So the expectation of reward if it is there, then you must know is your mind which is giving you these ideas and is working it out that way that you just now put attention to the amount of love the other person has given you for whatever you have given to another person. Is very subtle. So in Sahaja Yoga, you should see now yourself as just a source of love, which is just flowing. In that, you do not say that you have to have this or that, or you have to achieve this goal, or you have to become that. Is finished now. Once you have become the source, then how can you become something? The thing is, those who are receiving from the source want to have some sort of a reward or some sort of a recognition. In this subtle way if you move, your mind is very clever. In Sahaja Yoga, we have very clever, intelligent people. But this mind... You have to be very careful because this mind can cheat you. So ask your mind, "Why are you in Sahaja Yoga? What is the purpose of your Sahaja Yoga?" Gradually this mind will shut up. And then, you have to ask yourself that, "What is my own desire now? What do I want? What do I want to achieve? Why I am in Sahaja Yoga?" If you ask this question, you will see you’ll just dissolve, you' ll become thoughtless because there is no desire left now. There is no ambition left, no competition. All these qualities are of the brain, or we can say, of the intellect, which makes you competitive, which makes you also jealous. So jealousy is also a product of this competitiveness because when two persons are competing or many are competing and one is selected, others become jealous. I mean instead of feeling happy, "All right. So, one of us has become something, so we should be very happy that he has become." On the contrary, the other people feel jealous, "Why has he become? Who is he? What does he think of himself?" Then they go further. Not you people, but on the whole, people go further with it and what do they do is to harm another person. In Sahaja Yoga, people are also sometimes very worried and frightened. There is no need to be worried or frightened because now you have become a Sahaja Yogi and a Guru. Nobody can touch you. Anybody who tries to touch you will be subsided, somehow or other. Of course, I don't do anything as such. But today only I heard that in Turkey there were two newspapers who were after Sahaja Yoga, writing all nonsensical things. So, the first one met with an accident and died. I didn't do that. The second one had two people, editor and sub-editor, were killed and somebody cut their throats. Of course, I didn't do that. Some fundamentalist must have done, or somebody must have done. Now, we don't have to worry as to who criticizes you, they say it about you because you must know they are blind people. They are absolutely blind, they are not matured as far as the wisdom is concerned. For them to understand Sahaja Yoga is not possible. They go up to a point and then they stop. They cannot go further because this dissolution of your being, as I said, “the drop becomes the ocean”, is difficult, specially in the West, where there are so many ideas of their own identifications and of their own personalities. Now, it is quite, again, a paradox that we don’t want people to dress up indecently or we don’t want people to behave indecently. Decency is a very big part of Sahaja Yoga. So one can ask that, "Mother, when you say you have to completely dissolve, then why should we have this dignity? Why should we worry about having the dignity?" It's quite all right. This question is all right. The answer is like this: Supposing, you put a drop of some filth in the ocean, then the ocean can become dirty. If you put some poison, then the whole ocean can become poisonous. In the same way, whatever is not congenial to the ocean, to this Divine power, should not be done. Otherwise, you will spoil the whole of it. We have had experiences. We have had Sahaja Yogis who were leaders also, and they tried to be quite funny and the whole collectivity was spoilt. One person who is not a good person can spoil the whole collectivity. The one who is then a leader, on top of that, is even worse. So, one has to understand that when you are becoming a drop of the ocean, this ocean is the pure ocean of love. In that you should not do something that will create repulsion, frustration, or even sometimes it can create a very grotesque image of the whole ocean. That is why we have to be decent people, decorous people. It is not that in any way we want you to be like a dandy people or anything, but what it means that you must respect your body, respect yourself and a respectable personality you should have. Too much indulgence to that is not proper but it should be such that you should respect yourself. It’s very important. If you cannot respect yourself you cannot respect at all the Divinity within you. It’s like a decoration of the Divinity that your whole behavior, your whole attire has to be in such a way that people should know that he is a decent man. Indecent things have come out and have become now an everyday fashion. And they go on coming one after another because of the entrepreneurs, and we are playing into the hands of entrepreneurs. But if you know what dress you have to wear and what is good for you, once and for all you have to decide. Now the attention should not be also wasted in that "I will today, I will wear this kind of a sari, tomorrow I’ll wear that kind of a dress, third day…", because that also spoils the attention. But if it is a decent thing, it’s perfectly all right, and that will really make you feel dignified within yourself. In modern times, as the people are, I don't think they have much respect for themselves. You see very highly posted people, highly placed people doing all kinds of nonsensical things like cheating, like having relations with people who are of dishonorable position. All this is happening, if you see in the newspaper, you are shocked how these people at the helm of affairs could be like this. Because they are still not matured enough to know where are they, what is their position, how they have to be. If you are matured enough then you will understand that, say, I’m a housewife, I’m such a minister, I’m prime-minister, how I should be. That all that achievement they have outside remains outside, doesn't go inside. But for a Sahaja Yogi it should be absorbed within. It has to be absorbed within so that the attention is not wasted too much. The another part which one has to see is the heart. Some people are saying, "Mother, if our heart is ruling the head, then we become too much emotional, we get too much attached to people, we get, you see, sort of individual friendships and things like that." On this point, one has to know that why do you get attached to one person? It’s not your heart. It’s not your heart. You get attached to a person because you have some sort of a, we can say, a relationship, maybe. Or maybe, you like the hair-dress of that person. Maybe, you like the dress that person has. Something outside quality is attracting you towards that person. It is not something inner quality that is attracting. For example, if you are attached to your children too much, you will spoil them. They will not come up to your expectations. Anybody you get attached to, you must verify, why are you attached to such a person, what is the reason? Now, in Sahaja Yoga people are attached to each other very much, I know that. But it is not for any external reason. Because somebody is rich, because somebody is famous, because somebody is doing some sort of a extraordinary work. No. They are attached to that person because that person is a bundle of vibrations, that it gives you tranquillity, it gives you joy and it gives you a kind of an immense dissolution of your being. So, that happens when you are very much there, as I have told you the story of once this potter was kneading the clay and his name was Gora kumbhar, and when Namadeva, who was a tailor, but very well known poet, both of them were poets, he went and he saw this potter was doing such a, I mean, it was not a very respectable work he was doing, he was busy kneading the clay, he looked at him and what he says that "I have come here to see the Chaitanya, to see the formless. But what I find that the formless has got into a form." This only, I always say, is only possible between the two Saints of the same level. That the way they appreciate, that the way they feel - there are no words for what I want to say - but the way they feel the oneness, the unity, which is a subtle one between each other. Such a feeling if you have for each other, then know that you are really now dissolved and you are in the ocean of joy. But on the contrary, those who are sitting on the shores cannot feel that. They judge, they try to find out what’s wrong with that person, this is not so. They can never appreciate another person. What they feel is that they have a right to criticize, to find out faults with others and that they are something special. And the other person also finds some faults with this person. So it’s a faultfinding society I find sometimes. And you get fed up with it. But when you see that the another person who is there, the person who is another saint, you feel such rapport, such oneness, such a spontaneous feeling for that person which is absolutely pure. There’s no expectation, there’s no mental activity to find out what’s wrong with that person. There’s no judgment about what he, the person is like, but just oneness with that person you feel, and you feel that your quality of your love has got a new shine, a new dimension. So, it comes to that, what we should appreciate within ourselves is the purity of our love. When you are pure, the purity is there, you do not get attached to anything, but in that detachment, you are enjoying. In attachment you cannot enjoy because in that you are bothered more about the superficial relationship with the other person. Now, in a wider way, if you see Sahaja Yoga, you are all very important people - extremely important - because in the history of spirituality there were not so many saints sitting together. Never can you see so many people from so many countries thinking about Divinity and morality. It is impossible to get so many people together, on any point whatsoever, who are feeling the oneness, the, you can say, the most soothing feeling with each other. Whether it is comfortable or not, whether it is very much according to the norms of comfort, people who are saints are absolutely happy with other saints and other saintly people. They rush to people who are saints. Once it happened to Me when I was in Kolhapur that they told Me “There is a saint who talks about You.” “So where is he?” They said, “He lives up there and it will take at least three hours for You to climb up. He only lives there, he does not come out.” I said, "All right, I would like to go and see him." So I was walking and it started raining. So they said, "Mother, You never go to anybody like that, why are You going to him?" I said, "No, just I want to go up and see him." Now, this fellow, they said, had a control over rain, but it was raining, raining, raining very heavily, and when I climbed up I saw him sitting down and going on like this with great anger. So I said, "Let us go and sit in his cave because this fellow is now not in a normal mood." So, I went and sat in the cave there, and there he came. He couldn't walk because his, they say that his legs became absolutely lame because of the vibrations that were too much in him, whatever it is, he couldn't walk. So, they brought him there, he sat down. So, the first thing he asked Me is, "Why did You not allow me to stop the rain? It was raining so heavily, and when You were coming up, I didn’t want You to get drenched the way now You are all full of water and I didn’t want You to suffer like this because it’s not a good welcome to You. So, did You do it just to control my ego, because I must have developed ego because I can control rain, that's a fact?" So I just smiled at him. I said, "See, you are My son, isn't it? And you have bought a sari for Me. But you are a sannyasi, so I can't take a sari from you because sannyasi dharma is different - I'm a Gruhastha. I can't take a sari from you. So I deliberately got drenched so that you could give Me a sari." The whole temper, the whole unnatural behavior, all dropped out. He became extremely sweet. "Yes, yes," he said, "how do You know I bought a sari?" "At least," I said, "in love you know everything." And then he brought a sari for Me and he did Aarti and everything. But, you see, all these things show that how the love masters everything so easily. Small, small things, if you are expert in expressing your love, how it works out. There are so many incidents I can give you like this. But the main thing we have to see within ourselves, "Do we really love each other? Do we really have affection and compassion for others who are not even Sahaja Yogis?" Those who are not Sahaja Yogis are also the blind people. You should have compassion for them. You should feel that these people are so unhappy and they cannot come to Sahaja Yoga and they cannot become Sahaja Yogis, and only in their ego they are satisfied. So you must have real compassion for them. If you have this compassion you might be told by people that "Why are you wasting your energy, you are doing this, you are doing that?" The compassion is, actually unites all these things within ourselves. That’s the uniting factor. First is your attention, first, which is very, very important, I think. And the second one is your intellect, or you can say your mind, and the third one is your heart. They all get somehow or other united together once you have this capacity to have compassion. You don't quarrel with Me or anyone, you don't have to think about it. You just, you just feel absolutely at home when you are compassionate and with this compassion, you are having relations with others. Now, this compassion is not studied out or worked out or maneuvered. It is just there. It is there. In that compassion it forgives, it forgets all nonsensical things. The forgiveness is only possible if you have this compassion within you. Now, even there are Sahaja Yogis who asked me, "Mother, how can we have love and compassion?" I mean, this is a question which many have asked me. Now, the simple thing is that if you develop your thoughtless awareness in your meditation, in thoughtless awareness, you watch anything in thoughtless awareness, any relationship you see it in thoughtless awareness, then you’ll be amazed how the gates of this compassion will open. Thoughtless awareness opens your heart, but it doesn't go to one person or to another person, but it is throwing lights on all the sides of your being. Everybody is benefited, everybody has a divine feeling for you. Because this compassion is not linear, nor is it aggressive, but it just flows and smoothes and soothes everything that is chaotic, that is troublesome and that is painful. This is what you have now. You know, these things were done by saints long time back. But then nobody liked them, and they crucified them - out of jealousy. Because if somebody became a saint, then people felt very jealous of that person. So they killed them or tortured them and troubled them. The situation is not so bad now. Of course, there are some useless people. There are some people who are really monsters, I agree. Forget about them. But on the whole, our attitude should be that these are blind people. Now, looking at somebody who is, maybe, something wrong with that person, may not be good-natured, - may be anything. But in your heart you should not have any grudge, you should not have any complaints about them. You can talk to that person about it. You can tell him in a way that will be absorbed, but you should not try to make an issue out of it and try to, in any way, trouble or torture anyone. ("Can you put off this one?" Hindi: "Put off the fan".) You have seen already, in Sahaja Yoga, those people who came and were troublesome and were not of any worth for us, just dropped out by themselves. We didn't have to do much about it. They just dropped out and they have gone into some sort of a problematic life. I, even now, receive letters from them saying that “We have this problem, we have that problem and how to solve this and solve that." But it’s automatically happening, because, after all, there is a big choice going on and the Divine is trying to decide who are capable of receiving the blessings of the Divine. This is the only thing you have to achieve. That’s why you have come to Sahaja Yoga. Nothing else is important. There are people who are very highly placed, tomorrow they go into dust. There are people who are regarded as very great, famous people, they go into dust. It's all the time is happening in your presence. Every day you read a newspaper and you find how they are behaving. Like today, somebody told Me that in the newspaper there was there that now one bishop is going to discotheque, can you imagine? He is going to a disco. Now what people must be thinking, they must be breaking their heads. Now what to do, this stupid fellow whom we call as the bishop and everything, is now going to disco. What they, I mean, all whatever he had respect, maybe it is artificial, but it’s all lost, finished. Because you see, as they are, they have no value of themselves. They just live with their ego, "I am such a big man. I am this, that. I am a bishop." They walk in a different way, they talk in a different way. And suddenly how they go down. Now what was the need for this old Johnny to go to the discotheque, I can’t understand? So, because of this kind of life that he is leading, thinking no end of himself, he could never see that “one day I will go down.” Another thing, which you should see in a very wider way, that he had no feeling why people respected him. He never knew why people had respect for him. Or he was not conscious of it. At least he would have preserved that. He did not. Why should he go to a place about which he has been always denouncing and saying that these are bad places, one should not go there? So, in your case, you have to be conscious that you are Sahaja Yogis. If you become the ocean doesn't mean that your consciousness has vanished, but it has enlarged. You have got the consciousness of the ocean. You are not the one who has become like a mesmerized person or a person who has no connection with oneself. On the contrary, you are connected with yourself much more than you were before. So, when you become the ocean you don't loose your personality but you expand your personality. You become a greater person. And this is happening in Sahaja Yoga. I am noticing many people are developing that kind of a personality, and they are expressing it and manifesting it. It gives me great joy to see in My lifetime I could see such people who are doing this kind of thing. So, whenever you are doing something, whatever is your enterprise, whatever your lifestyle, whatever it is, that’s all outside. One should not lose your attention, which is towards God Almighty. If that is lost, you are lost. There’s a very nice poem Namadeva has written about that there was a boy who was flying a kite, and the kite was floating, and this boy was looking after the kite. And while he was talking to everybody else, but his attention was on the kite. Then it goes further. He says that a lady is having the little child on her body, on the waist, and she is cleaning the house. She is cleaning with a little broom. She has to move from here to there and after that cleaning, she has to do other work also. But the child is here. So, her attention is on the child that he should not fall down, something should not happen. Though she is doing all kinds of work, everything, her attention is on the child, in the same way, your attention should be on your Divine power of Kundalini. There’s third one he’s described that there are many ladies who are taking water from a river. Sometimes they have three pitchers on their heads and walking. And when they are walking, they are talking to each other, they are telling stories about each other and anything, but their attention was on the pitchers, which are on their head. In the same way, whatever we are doing, our attention should be on our Kundalini. We should find out what are we doing. As it is we have the light. But you must take light into every corner of your life, every aspect of your thinking, every kind of an effort you make. And you’ll be amazed, if you really watch your attention you will really know what you are doing. It’s the attention to be watched so much that ultimately you’ll be surprised that the attention is no more frittering away. Without the attention you cannot work out Sahaja Yoga. This is the main problem of Sahaja Yoga, is that your attention has to be towards God Almighty. Otherwise, nothing can work out. Your ascent cannot work out. Hahn [Hindi Word meaning ‘yes’], if you have come to Sahaja Yoga to make money, all right, you will make money and get out. If you have come here to show off your knowledge and all that, you will show it and get out. If you have come here to show your power and your authority, you stay there and get out. Like that many people have gone out if you know. And this is what is to be really taken care of, that you don’t try to use Sahaja Yoga for all these stupid things, which are not permanent, which are not eternal. Sahaja Yoga is to be used just for cleansing yourself, for becoming the ocean, the ocean of love. Now, many people also feel that love is rather difficult, because you can be harmed by others, or somebody can take advantage of you. The main thing about love is, if it is not a pure love, then it creates problems. Supposing you trust somebody because of money, trust somebody because of somebody… relationship or anything, and you go on indulging into it, ultimately you’ll find that you will be very disappointed. Very disappointed. But supposing you show your love, just with purity about that person. It’s so subtle. It’s so innate within you, built in. It’s there. We have to just open out. Every human being is a bundle of love. And when he is afraid of others - specially in the West, there is so many ideas they have created that you are afraid of this kind of love and that kind of love and you see the way the perversion and all nonsense is there - but in pure love there is a kind of a beautiful light which protects you, which guides you and which enlightens your life completely. This light is just nourished and also, we can say, like the lamp has to have the oil, this is the one that is for our spirituality: The Love of a person. You are embodiment of love, take it from me, because you are a human being. Even the animals are there who know what is love is. You see… I know that if you love a tiger, the tiger will never harm. If you love a snake, it will never harm. If you try to love anybody who is very cruel and very bad, gradually he will calm down. He will harm you little bit, he will do this, he will see things and he might be mean with you, do all kinds of things. But then, gradually you find your love works, and works, and works. And ultimately it is your love, which is important to that person. Now, your love is really firstly appreciated more by innocent people, like children. Children know what love is. If the children see you, and they run away, that means something wrong with you. I’ve seen people… like once we were in Japan and there were two foreigners who were there, ladies, who were dressed up - I don't know from which hair-dresser they had dressed up themselves and they were very much overly decorated - and they came with us. We climbed up a place to see something and when we came down there were some children standing there. They had gone before us. So, they said, "Where are those witches?” I said, “Which?” “Which went with you?" I said, "What do you mean?" "They came, you know, we were frightened, we ran away to our houses. Now we have come to tell you they are witches." These small, small little Japanese children, you know. "They are witches, you know, they are witches. Be afraid of them." And they had decorated themselves so much, so much hair dressed up. They have tried to make such a beautiful show of themselves, but the… for the children, they were witches and they ran away. And when we came, they came running and telling us, “Don't be with them, they're witches.” So, the judgment of the innocent people is the best judgment. If they are innocent, they are extremely well equipped to judge a person - who has love and who does not have. And they are the best people because they will appreciate you the best. They will understand that these are people of some high quality. But if they are not innocent, cunning, some people are extremely cunning - that’s the intelligence part of it - they can never appreciate you. They will appreciate something which is, something very, very abnormal, which from divine part, divine angle, is very, very abtuse and funny. But they will never appreciate you. Never, cannot. Up to a point they may, but may not, doesn't matter. You have to appreciate yourself. You have to know that you are not unkind to anyone, you are not judging others, and that you are appreciating everything in that person - whatever is good in him as a human being. It works. You have seen, this all has worked through My love and compassion. But I’m not conscious that I’m giving you love or compassion or anything. I’m not conscious even that I am giving you anything. I’m not even conscious as to… I have created such a lot of beautiful people. I am not conscious of it. It’s just happening. Just like this tree is here, see, it is not conscious as to what it is and what it looks like. It’s just is there. In the same way, if it happens to you, I tell you, you become really the source of such a joy for everyone. Now, what do we have to do for this world? What is needed to be done for this world? People talk of peace, this, that. There’s no need to do anything. It just… you become a personality of that kind - you emit peace, you emit love, you emit joy to others. Now, this power is within you because it is built-in, is within you. It is in a potential form in every person. Only thing, it has to be brought out. Now, with affection, you may not, but with love and feeling that is innate within you. Because there are no words for such subtle things that are within yourself. Because so far people don’t know what are these things that make you feel oneness with others. All this, all this can happen to you very easily, very easily, when you understand that you are not this mind, you are not this body, you are not this attention - you are the Spirit. Then you introspect, "Am I the Spirit? All right, if I am the Spirit, what is… what am I doing?" Once you become the Spirit, then you feel, ‘Why not others?’ Out of love and compassion. Not for becoming some leaders or anything. Just out of love. "If I am that why not make others like that?" And that is how Sahaja Yoga has spread so much, and we have such gems of people, such beautiful people that I really never expected so much to happen in My lifetime. It has never happened with any saint, any incarnation, any prophet. So now, you people have become absolutely ‘Khalis’ [Punjabi word meaning hollow] means absolutely you have vacated yourself fully. The story of Radha and Krishna is very beautiful where Radha said that, "Why do You take this... [Hindi: "I don’t know the English word for Murli’"] flute to Your throat? Why do You take this” - because Murli is such a sweet thing ‘na’ [Hindi meaning ‘isn’t it?’], flute is not so sweet - "but why do You take this flute to Your lips?" After all… She, She must have been jealous, I think so. So, it's a story, just a story. So, He said, "Why not go and ask the flute?" So, flute She went and asked, "Why Shri Krishna takes you to His lips all the time?" So, he said, she said, "You know, I have become completely hollow. There’s nothing in me. He puts me to His lips and people say that I am playing the tune. It’s He who is playing the tune. Where am I? I’m not there. I’m just enjoying the same tune, which is passing through me. That is the expression." But then Radha told Shri Krishna, "Why don't You make (Me) the same way as the flute?" So, this is what you have to be, the flute, means you have to be hollow within yourself. All these little-little things, you know, which come into your life are not important. What is important is - have you become completely hollow? This is where, I would say, introspection will help. The one who makes the flute is also within you. So let there be a flute made out of you by yourself only. This is the way you make yourself what you have to become. In Gita, Shri Krishna has said, "Atmaneva Atmane Shrushta", means the Spirit gets satisfied by itself. Isn't it very difficult thing to understand - how can the Spirit be satisfied by itself? But now you can understand what Shri Krishna has said that your own Spirit becomes satisfied with itself. Then it doesn't require any other satisfaction. You seek the comfort of your Spirit, you seek the joy of your Spirit, you seek the beauty of your Spirit. You don't even seek, but it is in itself is filled with that joy of the Spirit and it only can be satisfied by itself. There are many people who say, "I am not satisfied, you see, this I am not very much satisfied, it is not that I am satisfied." In the same way the Spirit can say, "I am not satisfied." But the Spirit can be satisfied with Spirit only. It’s like the reflection in the mirror. When you look at the mirror you see there your own reflection. Now, if the mirror is not all right, I will say, "I am not satisfied with what reflection we are getting out of this mirror." So you’ll change the mirror, you’ll bring the better mirror, you will try to get a better picture of yourself. In the same way the Spirit, which is reflected within you, wants to see its own image. And then what you do is to… you go on, somehow or other, changing, cleaning, making it all right through your meditation so that your Spirit is satisfied with the Spirit. Shri Krishna wrote Gita in such a ambiguous manner because He was very clever. He knew human beings cannot take things straight, so tell them this way, that way, that way, so that they’ll run around and then ultimately they will come to Truth. But Truth is very simple. Truth is extremely simple. You don't have to go here and there and you don't have to stand on your legs or feet all the time. You don't have to fight with anything. You don't have to take to some sort of a ‘tapasya’, abstinence - nothing. Only just you become like a flute. You become hollow. It’s not difficult. It’s not difficult at all for Sahaja Yogis because already the Kundalini has made you hollow. It’s not difficult. But still, I find people deviate. Their attention goes here and there. So many people have told Me how their problems were solved without doing anything about it. I said, "What did you do?" "No, Mother, we just put it at Your lotus feet." I said, "Really?" "Yes, that's all. Or we were just looking at the problem, what the problem is. We were standing outside and looking at the problem and the problem got solved." Even the most difficult problems that you think, can be solved very easily because you have powers. Your powers are great. You are saints, but more than saints, much more than saints because you are born at such a volatile times. Like, supposing, you have a light in darkness, you are finding something, you bump into that and you bump into that. But supposing this is a place full of gas, you bring one light (and) the whole thing becomes enlightened. Like that you have powers. But you must get out of this nonsense of "me", "my" and "mine". I don't know how to say you get out - It’s not like a swimming pool, that you jump into it and get out. It’s not like that. It is another kind of a very subtle understanding that our roots have to grow. And for growing our roots, we have to go within ourselves and find out within ourselves what is the area we are occupying, in what areas in our lifestyle we are taking these roots inside. Also, Shri Krishna has said that the tree of life has the roots in the brain and grows downward. It’s very interesting to understand that the roots are growing in the brain. That means your own intellect is just covered with compassion, it’s just being absolutely one with compassion. I had told you a story about a saint who was to take to… water for the Deity in Gujarat and he walked one month to go there with a pitcher of water. And then at the… because it was a very high mountain on which this Deity was, and he reached at the foothill. There he found a little donkey dying of thirst so he poured all the water for that donkey. So those who were with him, they asked, "What are you doing? You brought it all the way, and why are you putting (pouring?) it for this donkey?" He said, "You don't know? The God has come all the way down, just to meet me here. He doesn't want me to climb up." This kind of a absolutely simple understanding of another's feelings and another's problems: you can solve them, you can sort them out. And the person will tell you that "You sorted out my problem." But you will not know how you have solved because this love is the power. This love can see things. It is everything. It’s like a… you see a television, all right, it’s a television. If you see a telephone, it's a telephone. If you see anything you do with the power, it’s all is embodied inside this love. You need not have telephoned. I never telephone to anyone. Mostly I never telephone. I mean, if somebody forces Me then it’s all right. I never telephone. But not to save the bill, but I do not telephone because there is no need. The whole subtle of the ether is at your feet. Just you want to do something you can just do it, just with the vibrations. Now, many people say, "Mother, cure this person, cure that person." There’s no need. You all can cure, you are so many. You can cure anyone you want, but you bring that person to Me. It’s not needed. Just you can cure anybody you feel like. You can solve all their problems yourself. One little Bandhan can solve it. But for that you should be the source of love. Once you give a Bandhan the… this powerful love takes over - "All right, I'll do the job." But for that you have to be the master of this beautiful thing. Now, one thing is very different from other masteries. In other masteries, you see people try to dominate or to, try to use it for destroying others. But the mastery of love is that you know how to build a rapport with the Divine love. And this Divine love is not only powerful, but it is such a efficient, I should say, it is such an alert instrument which works out everything in such a manner that you are amazed how things have worked out. And everybody has noticed it. I know you all know it. Not that you don't know. But you don't use. You have to be on the vibratory awareness and use that. Even giving yourself is a Bandhan itself clarifies you. Imagine in your hand there is this great power of giving you this balance, this love, this affection and all the protection while you can give it to others also. You have become now the part and parcel of the Divine power. You are now in the Kingdom of God. And whatever you want to do can be done by this divine power. With all this telling you I still feel, sometimes, you are not confident. You get upset. You feel that how can this be? You have no trust in yourself, you have no faith in yourself. And also there are some people, sort of, who feel they are neglected, or something should have happened to them. Once a lady started crying. So, I said, "Why is she crying?" She said, "Because Mother didn't smile at me." I didn’t smile at her. But I never smiled at anyone. I don't know why she thinks like that. So, I asked her, "Why do you want Me to smile at you? What's wrong with you? You are all right? Why should I smile at you?" So, you see, also this kind of a feeling that comes up sometimes that, in Sahaja Yoga, Mother should all the time be only attached to you. She cannot get attached you know. It’s a helpless condition I have. There are so many, you don't know, defects I have, which you have no idea. I don't know how to count money. If I… give Me hundred rupees I’ll count it two hundred rupees. You see, I don't know many things. I don't know banking; I don't know many things and one of them is I don't know how to put attention to this person or to that person. Like politicians would do - "You see, ah, you must look after this man, because he is very important." Nothing. To Me you are just part and parcel of Me, finished, nothing more than that. So, you see, everybody should know that you are very close to My heart, you are very much there, I am very proud of you. And something, really it’s a miracle that has happened, that you people have taken to Sahaja Yoga. So on that point also, that how much Mother cares for me, what She does... Now, supposing I tell somebody, "All right, you don't sit here, sit there," they feel bad. Anything you do, they feel bad. This kind of a person has no sense of love. He doesn't understand Mother's love. So, at the end of the whole thing I must tell you, that when you are a guru, you are also a mother. You have to express yourself like a mother. She is kind, she is gentle, she forgives. She also corrects whenever it’s necessary, but in her own sweet way she corrects so the correction takes place - is not that a rebellion starts. So all that wisdom of a mother is within you, is already there, so please try to use. I am sure it will all work out and as it is we are a very beautiful group of people who are something out of the blue, who are so much in peace and in joy together. May God bless you all. So, today’s Guru Puja will be... Of course we can - we can have a little of Ganesha’s Atharva Sheersha, but Devi Puja will be much less. And for Guru Puja I would request the country leaders to come up. Country leaders have to come up. So it is in a different way, we can say that the main thing is the Guru Puja where the country leaders have to come up. The Devi Puja will be followed after that, which is very short. (Hindi: "Please change this tea".)
Guru Puja, "Watch Your Mind and Attention", Cabella Ligure, July 16th, 1995 It is a very important Guru Puja today because we have completed twenty-five years of Guru Puja. (Hindi: "Please put the fan in the rotating manner".) Also, it is extremely beautiful to see so many Sahaja Yogis who are, really have become, very great. It’s a question of understanding what Sahaja Yoga is. Is a very unique discovery, I feel now, that people who were seeking the Truth have found it and have now got it absolutely on their central nervous system. Yes, in some places it’s difficult to explain how it has happened, how it has worked out and how, in these twenty-five years, we have been able to achieve this expansion of Sahaja Yoga. The main thing, I feel, is that you all should know that as the tree grows, the roots have to grow much deeper and they should spread also. If it doesn't happen, the tree cannot be sustained only by Mother Earth. So the roots are in your own life, in your own heart. When we say we have become our own Guru, we should really try to find out with our introspection: Are we our Guru or not? Because, before this your mind was on one side and your heart was on another side and your attention was in another dimension. So, these three things were creating confusion within you. If you understand a human being, then you will be surprised to see how these three things act separately in a human being. And sometimes they fight also. First is your intellect and your mind, second is your heart, your feelings, your emotions, and the third one is your attention. In these modern times this confusion is the worst because all the time your attention is outside. It could be towards beautiful things, or beautiful women, or beautiful men or all kinds of nonsensical way of wasting your energy. Such attention then is absolutely like a horse which is let loose. You cannot control such an attention. And this attention runs wild from one to another. It’s a fashion also. It’s sort of a very popular thing to keep the attention moving all the time. But this attention that has to be towards the Divine, towards the Almighty, is just being frittered away. Thus, attention doesn’t grow its own roots. First is to find out about yourself: where does your attention go? What makes you feel like looking after or concerned for attention? You see, the attention comes from various problems, and could be your upbringing where you are not controlled, could be your education, could be your atmosphere in which you live or could be your own ego or your conditioning. (Hindi: "The water is maybe a bit too cold, that's why. What is it, tea? Is it hot? Pour it here, I'll drink it. That's fine".) So, this attention is being attacked by all these outside energies or negative forces and it gets entangled - like a river flowing straight into the ocean can get lost in a barren place. In the same way this attention, which has to go towards the Divine, gets frittered away and is vanished. This weak attention cannot take you towards the Divine. Ultimately you find that all this attention is being completely absorbed or frittered away by the nonsense that’s going on. Unfortunately or fortunately, you are born in these modern times, and in these modern times, as you know, is a very chaotic condition. In these chaotic conditions, you don’t know what is right and what is wrong. And there are all kinds of attractions, which can take away your attention and reduce the energy of your attention. It is possible more for the people who are very right-sided. Also the left-sided people can be very much affected. Right-sided people, as you know, go up to a point and become extremely dry, self-opinionated and aggressive. All their attention is in aggression, while the people who are on the left side are indulging too much into their own whims and their desires and their own temptations. Both sides can fritter away your attention which is the most important thing. It is the most valuable thing is your attention. But the attention cannot be controlled by a person who doesn't have a weak mind or a weak heart. Now supposing you take somebody who is a very intelligent person. The intelligent person puts all his attention in capturing the attention of others. I don't know why, but it’s a kind of a paradox. The person who himself is having such a lot of aggressiveness and all that, tries to be very sweet, tries to be very nice with people just to keep good relations or, we can say, the good behavior towards people so that they pay attention to that person. This is a very subtle thing. They are not even aware about it, that we do such a thing just to make others pay attention to us. That is how we have seen that in these modern times so many stupid things people do just to attract the attention of others. Most of the fads that had come up in modern times are just to make something stupid so that people should pay attention to them. Of course, the Sahaja Yogis are not like that. But I am just pointing it out how, in the modern times, you have to be very careful that you should not try to attract the attention of others. Instead of that, what you have to do is to pay attention to others in a very subtle way, not with any expectation that if you are paying attention to somebody, that person should pay attention to you. It’s a very big struggle, I’ve seen, in Sahaja Yoga also, that people try to, say, become very popular or become very outstanding, or something of a very great qualities, to show off that they are something better than others. A person who is really in connection with the Divine, is least bothered about how people pay attention to that person, but automatically the attention of such a person is on others, which is very , very subtle, very subtle. You cannot make out that the attention of such a person is on you, but it works and it works beautifully. We have to understand that we have now come to the realm of the Divinity. We are in the Kingdom of God and we are divine people. We are very powerful people, but if we fritter away our attention, we become very, very weak people. Is easy to feel that we are Sahaja Yogis, we have done so much of realization of others or we have helped so many people. All this consciousness if it comes within you, then know that you are still not fully developed Sahaja Yogi. There should be no consciousness of what you are doing or what you are committing. There is no need to boast about it. There is no need to advertise it. Whatever you are, is already, can be seen by everyone. But even that desire is not needed because you are doing just for the satisfaction of your Spirit. So then, when we come to our heart, in the heart resides the Spirit, as you know very well. Now when it is the heart, which has to work over your brain and which can work, what becomes of you is nothing, but you become a source of love and compassion. A source, I am saying. You do not assert on others. You do not say that, “I’ve done so much for you and what are you doing to me? What is this that I should have so much expressed, in so many ways, and here you are, you are forgetting me and not doing anything for me?” So the expectation of reward if it is there, then you must know is your mind which is giving you these ideas and is working it out that way that you just now put attention to the amount of love the other person has given you for whatever you have given to another person. Is very subtle. So in Sahaja Yoga, you should see now yourself as just a source of love, which is just flowing. In that, you do not say that you have to have this or that, or you have to achieve this goal, or you have to become that. Is finished now. Once you have become the source, then how can you become something? The thing is, those who are receiving from the source want to have some sort of a reward or some sort of a recognition. In this subtle way if you move, your mind is very clever. In Sahaja Yoga, we have very clever, intelligent people. But this mind... You have to be very careful because this mind can cheat you. So ask your mind, "Why are you in Sahaja Yoga? What is the purpose of your Sahaja Yoga?" Gradually this mind will shut up. And then, you have to ask yourself that, "What is my own desire now? What do I want? What do I want to achieve? Why I am in Sahaja Yoga?" If you ask this question, you will see you’ll just dissolve, you' ll become thoughtless because there is no desire left now. There is no ambition left, no competition. All these qualities are of the brain, or we can say, of the intellect, which makes you competitive, which makes you also jealous. So jealousy is also a product of this competitiveness because when two persons are competing or many are competing and one is selected, others become jealous. I mean instead of feeling happy, "All right. So, one of us has become something, so we should be very happy that he has become." On the contrary, the other people feel jealous, "Why has he become? Who is he? What does he think of himself?" Then they go further. Not you people, but on the whole, people go further with it and what do they do is to harm another person. In Sahaja Yoga, people are also sometimes very worried and frightened. There is no need to be worried or frightened because now you have become a Sahaja Yogi and a Guru. Nobody can touch you. Anybody who tries to touch you will be subsided, somehow or other. Of course, I don't do anything as such. But today only I heard that in Turkey there were two newspapers who were after Sahaja Yoga, writing all nonsensical things. So, the first one met with an accident and died. I didn't do that. The second one had two people, editor and sub-editor, were killed and somebody cut their throats. Of course, I didn't do that. Some fundamentalist must have done, or somebody must have done. Now, we don't have to worry as to who criticizes you, they say it about you because you must know they are blind people. They are absolutely blind, they are not matured as far as the wisdom is concerned. For them to understand Sahaja Yoga is not possible. They go up to a point and then they stop. They cannot go further because this dissolution of your being, as I said, “the drop becomes the ocean”, is difficult, specially in the West, where there are so many ideas of their own identifications and of their own personalities. Now, it is quite, again, a paradox that we don’t want people to dress up indecently or we don’t want people to behave indecently. Decency is a very big part of Sahaja Yoga. So one can ask that, "Mother, when you say you have to completely dissolve, then why should we have this dignity? Why should we worry about having the dignity?" It's quite all right. This question is all right. The answer is like this: Supposing, you put a drop of some filth in the ocean, then the ocean can become dirty. If you put some poison, then the whole ocean can become poisonous. In the same way, whatever is not congenial to the ocean, to this Divine power, should not be done. Otherwise, you will spoil the whole of it. We have had experiences. We have had Sahaja Yogis who were leaders also, and they tried to be quite funny and the whole collectivity was spoilt. One person who is not a good person can spoil the whole collectivity. The one who is then a leader, on top of that, is even worse. So, one has to understand that when you are becoming a drop of the ocean, this ocean is the pure ocean of love. In that you should not do something that will create repulsion, frustration, or even sometimes it can create a very grotesque image of the whole ocean. That is why we have to be decent people, decorous people. It is not that in any way we want you to be like a dandy people or anything, but what it means that you must respect your body, respect yourself and a respectable personality you should have. Too much indulgence to that is not proper but it should be such that you should respect yourself. It’s very important. If you cannot respect yourself you cannot respect at all the Divinity within you. It’s like a decoration of the Divinity that your whole behavior, your whole attire has to be in such a way that people should know that he is a decent man. Indecent things have come out and have become now an everyday fashion. And they go on coming one after another because of the entrepreneurs, and we are playing into the hands of entrepreneurs. But if you know what dress you have to wear and what is good for you, once and for all you have to decide. Now the attention should not be also wasted in that "I will today, I will wear this kind of a sari, tomorrow I’ll wear that kind of a dress, third day…", because that also spoils the attention. But if it is a decent thing, it’s perfectly all right, and that will really make you feel dignified within yourself. In modern times, as the people are, I don't think they have much respect for themselves. You see very highly posted people, highly placed people doing all kinds of nonsensical things like cheating, like having relations with people who are of dishonorable position. All this is happening, if you see in the newspaper, you are shocked how these people at the helm of affairs could be like this. Because they are still not matured enough to know where are they, what is their position, how they have to be. If you are matured enough then you will understand that, say, I’m a housewife, I’m such a minister, I’m prime-minister, how I should be. That all that achievement they have outside remains outside, doesn't go inside. But for a Sahaja Yogi it should be absorbed within. It has to be absorbed within so that the attention is not wasted too much. The another part which one has to see is the heart. Some people are saying, "Mother, if our heart is ruling the head, then we become too much emotional, we get too much attached to people, we get, you see, sort of individual friendships and things like that." On this point, one has to know that why do you get attached to one person? It’s not your heart. It’s not your heart. You get attached to a person because you have some sort of a, we can say, a relationship, maybe. Or maybe, you like the hair-dress of that person. Maybe, you like the dress that person has. Something outside quality is attracting you towards that person. It is not something inner quality that is attracting. For example, if you are attached to your children too much, you will spoil them. They will not come up to your expectations. Anybody you get attached to, you must verify, why are you attached to such a person, what is the reason? Now, in Sahaja Yoga people are attached to each other very much, I know that. But it is not for any external reason. Because somebody is rich, because somebody is famous, because somebody is doing some sort of a extraordinary work. No. They are attached to that person because that person is a bundle of vibrations, that it gives you tranquillity, it gives you joy and it gives you a kind of an immense dissolution of your being. So, that happens when you are very much there, as I have told you the story of once this potter was kneading the clay and his name was Gora kumbhar, and when Namadeva, who was a tailor, but very well known poet, both of them were poets, he went and he saw this potter was doing such a, I mean, it was not a very respectable work he was doing, he was busy kneading the clay, he looked at him and what he says that "I have come here to see the Chaitanya, to see the formless. But what I find that the formless has got into a form." This only, I always say, is only possible between the two Saints of the same level. That the way they appreciate, that the way they feel - there are no words for what I want to say - but the way they feel the oneness, the unity, which is a subtle one between each other. Such a feeling if you have for each other, then know that you are really now dissolved and you are in the ocean of joy. But on the contrary, those who are sitting on the shores cannot feel that. They judge, they try to find out what’s wrong with that person, this is not so. They can never appreciate another person. What they feel is that they have a right to criticize, to find out faults with others and that they are something special. And the other person also finds some faults with this person. So it’s a faultfinding society I find sometimes. And you get fed up with it. But when you see that the another person who is there, the person who is another saint, you feel such rapport, such oneness, such a spontaneous feeling for that person which is absolutely pure. There’s no expectation, there’s no mental activity to find out what’s wrong with that person. There’s no judgment about what he, the person is like, but just oneness with that person you feel, and you feel that your quality of your love has got a new shine, a new dimension. So, it comes to that, what we should appreciate within ourselves is the purity of our love. When you are pure, the purity is there, you do not get attached to anything, but in that detachment, you are enjoying. In attachment you cannot enjoy because in that you are bothered more about the superficial relationship with the other person. Now, in a wider way, if you see Sahaja Yoga, you are all very important people - extremely important - because in the history of spirituality there were not so many saints sitting together. Never can you see so many people from so many countries thinking about Divinity and morality. It is impossible to get so many people together, on any point whatsoever, who are feeling the oneness, the, you can say, the most soothing feeling with each other. Whether it is comfortable or not, whether it is very much according to the norms of comfort, people who are saints are absolutely happy with other saints and other saintly people. They rush to people who are saints. Once it happened to Me when I was in Kolhapur that they told Me “There is a saint who talks about You.” “So where is he?” They said, “He lives up there and it will take at least three hours for You to climb up. He only lives there, he does not come out.” I said, "All right, I would like to go and see him." So I was walking and it started raining. So they said, "Mother, You never go to anybody like that, why are You going to him?" I said, "No, just I want to go up and see him." Now, this fellow, they said, had a control over rain, but it was raining, raining, raining very heavily, and when I climbed up I saw him sitting down and going on like this with great anger. So I said, "Let us go and sit in his cave because this fellow is now not in a normal mood." So, I went and sat in the cave there, and there he came. He couldn't walk because his, they say that his legs became absolutely lame because of the vibrations that were too much in him, whatever it is, he couldn't walk. So, they brought him there, he sat down. So, the first thing he asked Me is, "Why did You not allow me to stop the rain? It was raining so heavily, and when You were coming up, I didn’t want You to get drenched the way now You are all full of water and I didn’t want You to suffer like this because it’s not a good welcome to You. So, did You do it just to control my ego, because I must have developed ego because I can control rain, that's a fact?" So I just smiled at him. I said, "See, you are My son, isn't it? And you have bought a sari for Me. But you are a sannyasi, so I can't take a sari from you because sannyasi dharma is different - I'm a Gruhastha. I can't take a sari from you. So I deliberately got drenched so that you could give Me a sari." The whole temper, the whole unnatural behavior, all dropped out. He became extremely sweet. "Yes, yes," he said, "how do You know I bought a sari?" "At least," I said, "in love you know everything." And then he brought a sari for Me and he did Aarti and everything. But, you see, all these things show that how the love masters everything so easily. Small, small things, if you are expert in expressing your love, how it works out. There are so many incidents I can give you like this. But the main thing we have to see within ourselves, "Do we really love each other? Do we really have affection and compassion for others who are not even Sahaja Yogis?" Those who are not Sahaja Yogis are also the blind people. You should have compassion for them. You should feel that these people are so unhappy and they cannot come to Sahaja Yoga and they cannot become Sahaja Yogis, and only in their ego they are satisfied. So you must have real compassion for them. If you have this compassion you might be told by people that "Why are you wasting your energy, you are doing this, you are doing that?" The compassion is, actually unites all these things within ourselves. That’s the uniting factor. First is your attention, first, which is very, very important, I think. And the second one is your intellect, or you can say your mind, and the third one is your heart. They all get somehow or other united together once you have this capacity to have compassion. You don't quarrel with Me or anyone, you don't have to think about it. You just, you just feel absolutely at home when you are compassionate and with this compassion, you are having relations with others. Now, this compassion is not studied out or worked out or maneuvered. It is just there. It is there. In that compassion it forgives, it forgets all nonsensical things. The forgiveness is only possible if you have this compassion within you. Now, even there are Sahaja Yogis who asked me, "Mother, how can we have love and compassion?" I mean, this is a question which many have asked me. Now, the simple thing is that if you develop your thoughtless awareness in your meditation, in thoughtless awareness, you watch anything in thoughtless awareness, any relationship you see it in thoughtless awareness, then you’ll be amazed how the gates of this compassion will open. Thoughtless awareness opens your heart, but it doesn't go to one person or to another person, but it is throwing lights on all the sides of your being. Everybody is benefited, everybody has a divine feeling for you. Because this compassion is not linear, nor is it aggressive, but it just flows and smoothes and soothes everything that is chaotic, that is troublesome and that is painful. This is what you have now. You know, these things were done by saints long time back. But then nobody liked them, and they crucified them - out of jealousy. Because if somebody became a saint, then people felt very jealous of that person. So they killed them or tortured them and troubled them. The situation is not so bad now. Of course, there are some useless people. There are some people who are really monsters, I agree. Forget about them. But on the whole, our attitude should be that these are blind people. Now, looking at somebody who is, maybe, something wrong with that person, may not be good-natured, - may be anything. But in your heart you should not have any grudge, you should not have any complaints about them. You can talk to that person about it. You can tell him in a way that will be absorbed, but you should not try to make an issue out of it and try to, in any way, trouble or torture anyone. ("Can you put off this one?" Hindi: "Put off the fan".) You have seen already, in Sahaja Yoga, those people who came and were troublesome and were not of any worth for us, just dropped out by themselves. We didn't have to do much about it. They just dropped out and they have gone into some sort of a problematic life. I, even now, receive letters from them saying that “We have this problem, we have that problem and how to solve this and solve that." But it’s automatically happening, because, after all, there is a big choice going on and the Divine is trying to decide who are capable of receiving the blessings of the Divine. This is the only thing you have to achieve. That’s why you have come to Sahaja Yoga. Nothing else is important. There are people who are very highly placed, tomorrow they go into dust. There are people who are regarded as very great, famous people, they go into dust. It's all the time is happening in your presence. Every day you read a newspaper and you find how they are behaving. Like today, somebody told Me that in the newspaper there was there that now one bishop is going to discotheque, can you imagine? He is going to a disco. Now what people must be thinking, they must be breaking their heads. Now what to do, this stupid fellow whom we call as the bishop and everything, is now going to disco. What they, I mean, all whatever he had respect, maybe it is artificial, but it’s all lost, finished. Because you see, as they are, they have no value of themselves. They just live with their ego, "I am such a big man. I am this, that. I am a bishop." They walk in a different way, they talk in a different way. And suddenly how they go down. Now what was the need for this old Johnny to go to the discotheque, I can’t understand? So, because of this kind of life that he is leading, thinking no end of himself, he could never see that “one day I will go down.” Another thing, which you should see in a very wider way, that he had no feeling why people respected him. He never knew why people had respect for him. Or he was not conscious of it. At least he would have preserved that. He did not. Why should he go to a place about which he has been always denouncing and saying that these are bad places, one should not go there? So, in your case, you have to be conscious that you are Sahaja Yogis. If you become the ocean doesn't mean that your consciousness has vanished, but it has enlarged. You have got the consciousness of the ocean. You are not the one who has become like a mesmerized person or a person who has no connection with oneself. On the contrary, you are connected with yourself much more than you were before. So, when you become the ocean you don't loose your personality but you expand your personality. You become a greater person. And this is happening in Sahaja Yoga. I am noticing many people are developing that kind of a personality, and they are expressing it and manifesting it. It gives me great joy to see in My lifetime I could see such people who are doing this kind of thing. So, whenever you are doing something, whatever is your enterprise, whatever your lifestyle, whatever it is, that’s all outside. One should not lose your attention, which is towards God Almighty. If that is lost, you are lost. There’s a very nice poem Namadeva has written about that there was a boy who was flying a kite, and the kite was floating, and this boy was looking after the kite. And while he was talking to everybody else, but his attention was on the kite. Then it goes further. He says that a lady is having the little child on her body, on the waist, and she is cleaning the house. She is cleaning with a little broom. She has to move from here to there and after that cleaning, she has to do other work also. But the child is here. So, her attention is on the child that he should not fall down, something should not happen. Though she is doing all kinds of work, everything, her attention is on the child, in the same way, your attention should be on your Divine power of Kundalini. There’s third one he’s described that there are many ladies who are taking water from a river. Sometimes they have three pitchers on their heads and walking. And when they are walking, they are talking to each other, they are telling stories about each other and anything, but their attention was on the pitchers, which are on their head. In the same way, whatever we are doing, our attention should be on our Kundalini. We should find out what are we doing. As it is we have the light. But you must take light into every corner of your life, every aspect of your thinking, every kind of an effort you make. And you’ll be amazed, if you really watch your attention you will really know what you are doing. It’s the attention to be watched so much that ultimately you’ll be surprised that the attention is no more frittering away. Without the attention you cannot work out Sahaja Yoga. This is the main problem of Sahaja Yoga, is that your attention has to be towards God Almighty. Otherwise, nothing can work out. Your ascent cannot work out. Hahn [Hindi Word meaning ‘yes’], if you have come to Sahaja Yoga to make money, all right, you will make money and get out. If you have come here to show off your knowledge and all that, you will show it and get out. If you have come here to show your power and your authority, you stay there and get out. Like that many people have gone out if you know. And this is what is to be really taken care of, that you don’t try to use Sahaja Yoga for all these stupid things, which are not permanent, which are not eternal. Sahaja Yoga is to be used just for cleansing yourself, for becoming the ocean, the ocean of love. Now, many people also feel that love is rather difficult, because you can be harmed by others, or somebody can take advantage of you. The main thing about love is, if it is not a pure love, then it creates problems. Supposing you trust somebody because of money, trust somebody because of somebody… relationship or anything, and you go on indulging into it, ultimately you’ll find that you will be very disappointed. Very disappointed. But supposing you show your love, just with purity about that person. It’s so subtle. It’s so innate within you, built in. It’s there. We have to just open out. Every human being is a bundle of love. And when he is afraid of others - specially in the West, there is so many ideas they have created that you are afraid of this kind of love and that kind of love and you see the way the perversion and all nonsense is there - but in pure love there is a kind of a beautiful light which protects you, which guides you and which enlightens your life completely. This light is just nourished and also, we can say, like the lamp has to have the oil, this is the one that is for our spirituality: The Love of a person. You are embodiment of love, take it from me, because you are a human being. Even the animals are there who know what is love is. You see… I know that if you love a tiger, the tiger will never harm. If you love a snake, it will never harm. If you try to love anybody who is very cruel and very bad, gradually he will calm down. He will harm you little bit, he will do this, he will see things and he might be mean with you, do all kinds of things. But then, gradually you find your love works, and works, and works. And ultimately it is your love, which is important to that person. Now, your love is really firstly appreciated more by innocent people, like children. Children know what love is. If the children see you, and they run away, that means something wrong with you. I’ve seen people… like once we were in Japan and there were two foreigners who were there, ladies, who were dressed up - I don't know from which hair-dresser they had dressed up themselves and they were very much overly decorated - and they came with us. We climbed up a place to see something and when we came down there were some children standing there. They had gone before us. So, they said, "Where are those witches?” I said, “Which?” “Which went with you?" I said, "What do you mean?" "They came, you know, we were frightened, we ran away to our houses. Now we have come to tell you they are witches." These small, small little Japanese children, you know. "They are witches, you know, they are witches. Be afraid of them." And they had decorated themselves so much, so much hair dressed up. They have tried to make such a beautiful show of themselves, but the… for the children, they were witches and they ran away. And when we came, they came running and telling us, “Don't be with them, they're witches.” So, the judgment of the innocent people is the best judgment. If they are innocent, they are extremely well equipped to judge a person - who has love and who does not have. And they are the best people because they will appreciate you the best. They will understand that these are people of some high quality. But if they are not innocent, cunning, some people are extremely cunning - that’s the intelligence part of it - they can never appreciate you. They will appreciate something which is, something very, very abnormal, which from divine part, divine angle, is very, very abtuse and funny. But they will never appreciate you. Never, cannot. Up to a point they may, but may not, doesn't matter. You have to appreciate yourself. You have to know that you are not unkind to anyone, you are not judging others, and that you are appreciating everything in that person - whatever is good in him as a human being. It works. You have seen, this all has worked through My love and compassion. But I’m not conscious that I’m giving you love or compassion or anything. I’m not conscious even that I am giving you anything. I’m not even conscious as to… I have created such a lot of beautiful people. I am not conscious of it. It’s just happening. Just like this tree is here, see, it is not conscious as to what it is and what it looks like. It’s just is there. In the same way, if it happens to you, I tell you, you become really the source of such a joy for everyone. Now, what do we have to do for this world? What is needed to be done for this world? People talk of peace, this, that. There’s no need to do anything. It just… you become a personality of that kind - you emit peace, you emit love, you emit joy to others. Now, this power is within you because it is built-in, is within you. It is in a potential form in every person. Only thing, it has to be brought out. Now, with affection, you may not, but with love and feeling that is innate within you. Because there are no words for such subtle things that are within yourself. Because so far people don’t know what are these things that make you feel oneness with others. All this, all this can happen to you very easily, very easily, when you understand that you are not this mind, you are not this body, you are not this attention - you are the Spirit. Then you introspect, "Am I the Spirit? All right, if I am the Spirit, what is… what am I doing?" Once you become the Spirit, then you feel, ‘Why not others?’ Out of love and compassion. Not for becoming some leaders or anything. Just out of love. "If I am that why not make others like that?" And that is how Sahaja Yoga has spread so much, and we have such gems of people, such beautiful people that I really never expected so much to happen in My lifetime. It has never happened with any saint, any incarnation, any prophet. So now, you people have become absolutely ‘Khalis’ [Punjabi word meaning hollow] means absolutely you have vacated yourself fully. The story of Radha and Krishna is very beautiful where Radha said that, "Why do You take this... [Hindi: "I don’t know the English word for Murli’"] flute to Your throat? Why do You take this” - because Murli is such a sweet thing ‘na’ [Hindi meaning ‘isn’t it?’], flute is not so sweet - "but why do You take this flute to Your lips?" After all… She, She must have been jealous, I think so. So, it's a story, just a story. So, He said, "Why not go and ask the flute?" So, flute She went and asked, "Why Shri Krishna takes you to His lips all the time?" So, he said, she said, "You know, I have become completely hollow. There’s nothing in me. He puts me to His lips and people say that I am playing the tune. It’s He who is playing the tune. Where am I? I’m not there. I’m just enjoying the same tune, which is passing through me. That is the expression." But then Radha told Shri Krishna, "Why don't You make (Me) the same way as the flute?" So, this is what you have to be, the flute, means you have to be hollow within yourself. All these little-little things, you know, which come into your life are not important. What is important is - have you become completely hollow? This is where, I would say, introspection will help. The one who makes the flute is also within you. So let there be a flute made out of you by yourself only. This is the way you make yourself what you have to become. In Gita, Shri Krishna has said, "Atmaneva Atmane Shrushta", means the Spirit gets satisfied by itself. Isn't it very difficult thing to understand - how can the Spirit be satisfied by itself? But now you can understand what Shri Krishna has said that your own Spirit becomes satisfied with itself. Then it doesn't require any other satisfaction. You seek the comfort of your Spirit, you seek the joy of your Spirit, you seek the beauty of your Spirit. You don't even seek, but it is in itself is filled with that joy of the Spirit and it only can be satisfied by itself. There are many people who say, "I am not satisfied, you see, this I am not very much satisfied, it is not that I am satisfied." In the same way the Spirit can say, "I am not satisfied." But the Spirit can be satisfied with Spirit only. It’s like the reflection in the mirror. When you look at the mirror you see there your own reflection. Now, if the mirror is not all right, I will say, "I am not satisfied with what reflection we are getting out of this mirror." So you’ll change the mirror, you’ll bring the better mirror, you will try to get a better picture of yourself. In the same way the Spirit, which is reflected within you, wants to see its own image. And then what you do is to… you go on, somehow or other, changing, cleaning, making it all right through your meditation so that your Spirit is satisfied with the Spirit. Shri Krishna wrote Gita in such a ambiguous manner because He was very clever. He knew human beings cannot take things straight, so tell them this way, that way, that way, so that they’ll run around and then ultimately they will come to Truth. But Truth is very simple. Truth is extremely simple. You don't have to go here and there and you don't have to stand on your legs or feet all the time. You don't have to fight with anything. You don't have to take to some sort of a ‘tapasya’, abstinence - nothing. Only just you become like a flute. You become hollow. It’s not difficult. It’s not difficult at all for Sahaja Yogis because already the Kundalini has made you hollow. It’s not difficult. But still, I find people deviate. Their attention goes here and there. So many people have told Me how their problems were solved without doing anything about it. I said, "What did you do?" "No, Mother, we just put it at Your lotus feet." I said, "Really?" "Yes, that's all. Or we were just looking at the problem, what the problem is. We were standing outside and looking at the problem and the problem got solved." Even the most difficult problems that you think, can be solved very easily because you have powers. Your powers are great. You are saints, but more than saints, much more than saints because you are born at such a volatile times. Like, supposing, you have a light in darkness, you are finding something, you bump into that and you bump into that. But supposing this is a place full of gas, you bring one light (and) the whole thing becomes enlightened. Like that you have powers. But you must get out of this nonsense of "me", "my" and "mine". I don't know how to say you get out - It’s not like a swimming pool, that you jump into it and get out. It’s not like that. It is another kind of a very subtle understanding that our roots have to grow. And for growing our roots, we have to go within ourselves and find out within ourselves what is the area we are occupying, in what areas in our lifestyle we are taking these roots inside. Also, Shri Krishna has said that the tree of life has the roots in the brain and grows downward. It’s very interesting to understand that the roots are growing in the brain. That means your own intellect is just covered with compassion, it’s just being absolutely one with compassion. I had told you a story about a saint who was to take to… water for the Deity in Gujarat and he walked one month to go there with a pitcher of water. And then at the… because it was a very high mountain on which this Deity was, and he reached at the foothill. There he found a little donkey dying of thirst so he poured all the water for that donkey. So those who were with him, they asked, "What are you doing? You brought it all the way, and why are you putting (pouring?) it for this donkey?" He said, "You don't know? The God has come all the way down, just to meet me here. He doesn't want me to climb up." This kind of a absolutely simple understanding of another's feelings and another's problems: you can solve them, you can sort them out. And the person will tell you that "You sorted out my problem." But you will not know how you have solved because this love is the power. This love can see things. It is everything. It’s like a… you see a television, all right, it’s a television. If you see a telephone, it's a telephone. If you see anything you do with the power, it’s all is embodied inside this love. You need not have telephoned. I never telephone to anyone. Mostly I never telephone. I mean, if somebody forces Me then it’s all right. I never telephone. But not to save the bill, but I do not telephone because there is no need. The whole subtle of the ether is at your feet. Just you want to do something you can just do it, just with the vibrations. Now, many people say, "Mother, cure this person, cure that person." There’s no need. You all can cure, you are so many. You can cure anyone you want, but you bring that person to Me. It’s not needed. Just you can cure anybody you feel like. You can solve all their problems yourself. One little Bandhan can solve it. But for that you should be the source of love. Once you give a Bandhan the… this powerful love takes over - "All right, I'll do the job." But for that you have to be the master of this beautiful thing. Now, one thing is very different from other masteries. In other masteries, you see people try to dominate or to, try to use it for destroying others. But the mastery of love is that you know how to build a rapport with the Divine love. And this Divine love is not only powerful, but it is such a efficient, I should say, it is such an alert instrument which works out everything in such a manner that you are amazed how things have worked out. And everybody has noticed it. I know you all know it. Not that you don't know. But you don't use. You have to be on the vibratory awareness and use that. Even giving yourself is a Bandhan itself clarifies you. Imagine in your hand there is this great power of giving you this balance, this love, this affection and all the protection while you can give it to others also. You have become now the part and parcel of the Divine power. You are now in the Kingdom of God. And whatever you want to do can be done by this divine power. With all this telling you I still feel, sometimes, you are not confident. You get upset. You feel that how can this be? You have no trust in yourself, you have no faith in yourself. And also there are some people, sort of, who feel they are neglected, or something should have happened to them. Once a lady started crying. So, I said, "Why is she crying?" She said, "Because Mother didn't smile at me." I didn’t smile at her. But I never smiled at anyone. I don't know why she thinks like that. So, I asked her, "Why do you want Me to smile at you? What's wrong with you? You are all right? Why should I smile at you?" So, you see, also this kind of a feeling that comes up sometimes that, in Sahaja Yoga, Mother should all the time be only attached to you. She cannot get attached you know. It’s a helpless condition I have. There are so many, you don't know, defects I have, which you have no idea. I don't know how to count money. If I… give Me hundred rupees I’ll count it two hundred rupees. You see, I don't know many things. I don't know banking; I don't know many things and one of them is I don't know how to put attention to this person or to that person. Like politicians would do - "You see, ah, you must look after this man, because he is very important." Nothing. To Me you are just part and parcel of Me, finished, nothing more than that. So, you see, everybody should know that you are very close to My heart, you are very much there, I am very proud of you. And something, really it’s a miracle that has happened, that you people have taken to Sahaja Yoga. So on that point also, that how much Mother cares for me, what She does... Now, supposing I tell somebody, "All right, you don't sit here, sit there," they feel bad. Anything you do, they feel bad. This kind of a person has no sense of love. He doesn't understand Mother's love. So, at the end of the whole thing I must tell you, that when you are a guru, you are also a mother. You have to express yourself like a mother. She is kind, she is gentle, she forgives. She also corrects whenever it’s necessary, but in her own sweet way she corrects so the correction takes place - is not that a rebellion starts. So all that wisdom of a mother is within you, is already there, so please try to use. I am sure it will all work out and as it is we are a very beautiful group of people who are something out of the blue, who are so much in peace and in joy together. May God bless you all. So, today’s Guru Puja will be... Of course we can - we can have a little of Ganesha’s Atharva Sheersha, but Devi Puja will be much less. And for Guru Puja I would request the country leaders to come up. Country leaders have to come up. So it is in a different way, we can say that the main thing is the Guru Puja where the country leaders have to come up. The Devi Puja will be followed after that, which is very short. (Hindi: "Please change this tea".)
Talk to Representatives of ECO-Forum and the Vice-minister of Health
Public Program
1995-07-24 Talk to Representatives of ECO-Forum and the Vice-minister of Health [Bulgarain Vice-Minister of Health speaking in Bulgarian, consequential translation in English] ... the private interest is dominating the interest as mankind as a whole. This is the reason and the pretext that in the latest conferences of Ecoforum on the problems of peace we addressed the United Nations Organization requesting the UN to make a Committe all over the world to preserve life on the Earth. With this respect we would be very glad and satisfied to have the support of Mrs. Srivastava. Besides these principle issues I'm glad to express my joy and my respect to Mrs. Srivastava for the fact that She came to Bulgaria and is on Bulgarian soil and I hope that we could arrange a cooperation regarding that global issue. I'd like to present my friends and collaborators, the leadership of Ecoforum for Peace: Mr. Prof. Alexander Alexandrov, he is a member of Board of Directors of Ecoforum and not untill recently was he the Minister of Environment of Bulgaria, Mr. Trifonov - he is chief coordinator of Ecoforum for peace, Mr. Marinov is responsible for section culture in Ecoforum for Peace. Of course the Ecoforum board consist of members all over the world. So I introduced only these members of the board who live in Bulgaria. - Very nice to meet all of them. I would like to emphasise that Mr.[UNCLEAR ?Fati Sindhau Getwood] from of India was a member of the international Board of Ecoforum for two years. He died not long ago and may God bless his soul. He was the President of Wild Nature section and we need a personality to take over his place, from India. That is all I could to say as a beginning. [Shri Mataji speaks from 4:57] Very kind of you. What you have said about this global problem is a fact, is actually that's the problem that we have no unity in this world. As you know my husband was Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization which is agency of UN. There are 14 secretaries seneral, one of them. So I see to the problems of UN also. You see the problem in modern times it is that human beings at human awareness can not become collective. There are fixed ideas in the brain and according to those fixed ideas they live. And all these conferences, which I have myself also attended many, are just discussions and paper work but actually they cannot achieve because there is not collective opinion. It seems impossible, by discussions, by arguments, by compromising nothing works out. Because just on another plane I work, I think we should make human beings higher then what they are, they must be more, to that state where you become collective, become. We have within us that kind of a power which can be germinated and we have now thousands and thousands of people who have become collective. So we have to now become the Spirit and enter into a new dimension, the fourth dimension as you call it, where we are really collecive, to be frank we are really collective. There we are, it's potential you are, it's potential, but you just, you become a being which is a universal being. And in the West, in Russia especially, I was suprised, Russia and all others Eastern block countries it is very well working out. Of course, India is, because they know, it's not difficult in India, we have in thousands but even otherwise we have 65 nations which is working out. And it is something within us - the potential of our ascend. We have reached a pure human state but we have to little bit jump into a new awareness that Christ himself has said that "Know thyself". He talked of Spirit, that is there, and it automatically happens. Even in [?this] surprising Islam is written you see:"do not know yourelf, you'are like a beast", the Koran. And this is a special time because at this time it's chaotic, you don't know how to manage things. At this time is the best time things to happen because people are so frustrated. And in this state I feel the developing countries will become much faster than the western so called developed countries because they realize the value system of the West has lead them to nowhere. So, you see, if this happens so many blessings coming. First of all, it's a meta sciensce, it is above and to talk to people about it in the West is very difficult. You can't pay for it, you cannot organize like a church, or this or that - no, you cannot. And those who want only can have it, you cannot force it onto anyone. It is just the time, these are just ready those who are seekers. Even if the young people are taking drugs they are doing it in the seeking of truth. You see they are genuine and they are seeking something beyond because they are fed up. So you see this is very much connected with spirituality but you should not accept this blindfolded but let's try just to keep your minds open and see this as a hypothesis of reality. If it works out as honest people you have to accept it because that will solve all your human problems, all. I mean, we are all very glorious as human beings, we don't know how glorious we are but that potential has to be brought. Now see I've now got 73 years of age, now working so hard, I don't get tired, I don't get tension, I don't get stressed, nothing. And I travel like [?star] if you see my passport, have you got there, [UNCLEAR] you got? Such a big passport I have. So what I'm saying everybody has this potential and it has to be worked out, and is a process what you can call it a living process, this is the living process of evolution. Now as far as the physical side is concerned, definetely we have cured cancer, blood cancer very very surely blood cancer, because we deal with the basic status within us. [UNCLEAR] Sahaja yoga. So when you are dealing with the basics, if you correct the basics you are alright. For that you don't have to pay anything, you cannot pay for it because it's the divine love of God. You have to get connected with it. In the Bible it's called as the cool breeze of the Wholy Ghost [UNCLEAR] on your heads. Now we have built-in within us 7 main chakras, that means center of energy. And it is these determine our physical, emotional, mental and also the spiritual being. We go to Church, we go to Temple, we go to Mosque as we believe into everything blindly but the time has now come to prove that they are all correct. Also by that happening you transcend all these outside religions because all religions they are like flowers on one tree of spirituality, no exclusiveness about it, no exclusiveness. Even Mohammed sahab has talked about Abraham, Moses, Christ, even his mother, more than in the Bible. He said:"You dare not talk about Her Virginity, should be a sin.", Mohammed sahab has said it. But then later on these people, you see, formed exclusive regions just to fight. I think for democracy no exclusive religion can work out. So when we talk even about secularism still they're fighting, in the name of God, because they don't know they are all one, they don't know. So I felt that instead of doing patchwork here and there better to change the whole thing transforming the human beings, that's what is needed I felt and 25 years back I started my work. But in the West they call us a cult. We have no bombs, we have no weapons, nothing, no guns, not even a dagger. But so many [UNCLEAR], false cults, false gurus came, and even churches are, they are all money oriented or power oriented but nobody spiritually. So one has to transcend and see for themselves, it's just, it becomes evident on your central nervous system. Once they know they're all one there is no quarrel, there is just peace. So this whole thing that has been brought out is clearly explained, we have many scientists, doctors who're working with us. I've also done medicine but the main thing is this is beyond medicine. This is your own power cures you, this is your own, you are not obliged, can't pay, nothing. Then only you become really free. Otherwise there are conditionings you have, or you have Ego, we have so many shackles on our body still. You see in Sanskrit language they call a realized soul as "dvijaha" - twice born, and even a bird is called the same because the bird is first an egg and then it becomes bird. In the same way in the human beings also we are in our own shell. You rightly said that:"we are all individualistic". But in the real sense we are not. You see, some interpreneur starts some stupid production, everybody [UNCLEAR]. They haven't got their own personality. I don't know why they accept anything that is produced and start, especially in theWest society, in England, in England you find thousands and thousands of things coming up every year. Now these machines creat ecological problems. How can you stop the machine? You stop the source. The source in Sahaja yoga is that we mostly use things made by hand, like this one here, this (sari) is made by hand. Artistic things, your country's full of art. - Vaibhav, can you give one piece to show them? I've been buying art from your country to export it so that people develop a taste and you country gets economic help. In the developed countries people are aware, they're trying to buy things made by hand, very expensive having it, very. Because they are fed up of cement, they're fed up of artificial. They cannot make handmade things. Now the developing countries should make. This is from your country. And she was very happy, the artist, when I bought from her lots of things. So we have to make people respect art and see things. But all the junk from America is coming to Russia and they are full now of dollars, I don't know what's the matter with the Russians, they don't seek. All the junk, and also they have recession they cannot sell it. All their artificial nonsensical things normally they will put it in the sea, it's coming now to all the Eastern block, especially to Russia. Instead of that why don't sell your handmade things to America and get money from them. That's my idea. I'm trying to do that. So then we stop machinery by making people aware that you should use handmade things. Say in India in a household they will have about one plate for food, one person, one plate. In brass or sterling silver, silver is cheap in India, so we have one plate for one person and this is then given to the progeny also, same thing. But if you start taking plastic there is no end to it because it is "disposable". So we build up a mountain of this, mountains and mountains of this plastic, this is another problem to correct. Also ecological problems come from, as you know, in the [UNCLEAR] and all that, all the rivers fill with it and this and that. Now for that I would say that the industry must be moderated. And they will as soon as people start using handmade things the industry will go down automatically. It's already happening everywhere. May not be here but in England how many factories are closed, even ship buildings, many are closed, also in America. America is in a mess because as I told you they are full of that, and they just pay the interest. Also as a polarity action already all these overdeveloped countries are doing half [UNCLEAR] meaning they're facing recession. Automatically if you'd go with something beyond a certain limit you get reaction. But awareness to use handmade things, Mahatma Gandi insisted for all handmade things done. [UNCLEAR] covered ground [UNCLEAR], first handmade, another pradeshi - made in India, nothing from outside, nothing from outside. So English could do, I mean, you see all their Manchester industries, everything closed down. So that's kind of a movement has to be started. Really I was suprised to see in your shops so many things from abroad, especially from India also here coming. But in India you can't get one shop with foreign goods, not even one shop, nothing, you have to use only Indian way. Also we are facing this problem in the cities in India because see our government was so money oriented. And as soon as we get another government I'm sure it will reverse. These industrialists have already made so much money, they should settle down and retire now, close down their machinery. There is so much surplus produced already, surplus. In America there are shops and shops where they sell just the surplus. That must change now, that is showing the failure completely. So we can now start a movement, let us wear clothes which are made with hand and also other things, use that which are made with hand. Another I see that once you start exporting handmade things abroad their machinery will also fail. I'm trying to do that. Like from all these countries I buy and send it to, say America of all the places, and let them develop a taste, they do, they love it. [UNCLEAR] already knows what they would buy. Can you show them that piece from India, which I have bought from a very remote village, very remote. It's not old, not very old and it sells like hot cake so I can help those poor people there and they have things like this: plates and cups and saucers, everything, all from clay. So automatically the machinery will be stopped and the fashion also should start like that, you see, like an enterpreneur you have a fashion for a handmade thing. In your country I find linen is very well made. - What's a linen? - Tablecloth with fibers. And if you could find out, let them find out for me for linen, I've taken also from Russia, from everywhere wherever I travel, from the developing. So that you see.. - Not this one, the other one. - Bigger one? - Big one, yes, the one you gave me. You should explore and find out what we are making with hands and should be a proper export quality. - Not this one, the other one, the other one you gave me yesterday [UNCLEAR]. Men also have to learn a little bit of art. - They want to ask the questions. - Alright. ....the one with the imbroidery. - Alright, let's start. - What Mrs. Srivastava has just said is wonderful. - Ah, see this one, it'such a beauty, and that is gift and they will also give designs for you to make. See how beautiful, nowhere you'll find this, they appreciate this. Alright, what is this question? - Yes, we should be more practical about real life. It's a wonderful way to fight against machinery polluting nature. But how are we to overcome the problems of manufacture? How can we stop the industry that is kills the earth? - They are just here for money sake, enmass, enmass they make, these people they are multimilioners. Even if you stop their machinery their seven generations can live well. - The question is how to avoid the deadlock in which humanity is now? All that requires a lot of time and things are that bad we cannot wait. And you say there is more efficient way then appeals and demonstrations. - Absolutely right. The first point is that you have to become the Spirit and the second point is it takes no time, spontaneously, absolutely. In Russia 15.000, 18.000 people are there in one place and they all get it in no time. - I absolutely agree with you. - I'm not sure if we can make those who are in charge of the industry of West to feel their Spirit, how fast. - They will, automatically going on, automatically, and secondly Sahaja yoghis don't use anything like that, they are satisfied souls and they just don't use anything made by machines. And the machinery also is now in the West is also getting locked up, very fastly. If you get the statistics you'll be amazed how many in England, how many in America, how many even in France, just getting, just locked. Only they are getting prosperous in developing countries. You just checked the statistics, you will be shocked. Japan is also in a mess, absolutely. Then America is absolutely, yesterday they said it. Italy is again, Spain, but worse hit is France, percentage-wise, in ratio. But America so many. I know so many boys who went from India they are just getting [UNCLEAR]. Automatically it happens. But this way if they become more aware and respect this Mother Earth then it is kind of a fashion that starts. If Mahatma Gandhi could do it for crores of people, thousands and thousands, why not we do it? But he used patriotism as the mean, partriotism. What we have to use? Spirituality. It's not slow as you say, it is very fast. We don't know how to get halls for our programs anywhere and in Russia we had to go in the jungles near the Volga river because only in one center are 21.000 sahaja yoghis. Within five years I can tell you at least 20 percent Indians should become sahaja yoghis. We are getting very highly placed people also becoming sahaja yoghis. People like you who are so respectable, who are at the helm of affairs. If you take to this seriously it will work in no time because you yourself have this power, yourself will become powerfull. So my work is on another level and I think that these ecological problems can be only solved if human beings become wise and know what is good for them, what is benevolent. You have to select people who are very honest, who are dedicated and they know the job. For example we had one lady called Menacca Gandhi, she was very much for ecology. She is actually the daughter-in-law of Mrs. Gandhi, our Prime Minister. In India dynasty is very important whether there are brains or not. Now this lady what she said:"To protect your sea you must have all the buildings 500 metres away from the sea". And our Supreme Government, you will be amazed, agreed, Supreme Court actually. Then they sent a sort of application against it and I had to defend it myself, I'm not a laywer but I did. This lady has not travelled anywhere, she has not seen the world. I've seen two countries who have solved this problem. One is Australia, another is Tunisia, of all the places. What they do? They give the seashore area to some very responsible people like a hotel or to some institutions, something very responsible, just on the brink of the sea. And even the septic tanks are in the front side and then the buildings and then the sea. And they charge even throw of paper, they are charged such a heavy (money of Australia). You will be amazed, not a single paper there, ocean is very clean. - Prof. Alexandrov must leave now because he's got a meeting with the UN. - Alright. - Fifteen years ago I met Prof. Kaul, the uncle of Indira Gandhi. - Kaul, he's a Kashmiri. - We talked over different problems - economical, political, ecological and he said that the role of India is to tame the forces in the world. - How? - It seems with that respect that the role of Bulgaria is to tame again different forces but on the Balkans. - How? How does he suggest that? What is the solution? - The way India tames the rest of the countries.. - The great powers. ..that way Bulgaria would tame ...the different powers on the Balkans. - No,no, don't learn anything from India, don't learn anything from them, Mr. Kaul is wrong. They are in a mess, they in a mess now, understand. Don't follow them. - There are three civilizations known so far, agricultural civilization up until 17th century, second industrial civilization which is ongoing and the third one is communications which will enter in the 21st century. - Who told that? - This the theory of Toffler. - In India? - No,this is the theory of Toffler of the third wave. - Ah, global. - It's global. - All the issues are related to the issue of morality and it seems that each civilization should have different morality. - You said it, that's it. I didn't want to say it but you've said it. That's it. Agreed. But how do you bring in morality? By preaching, sermoning? No. Only hipocrisy will come. The other way is a fact - when you become the Spirit automatically you become moral, automatically. - It was a pleasure for me to participate in this meeting today but I think I have to leave it, this meeting, because I have an appointment with Ambassador Toshkov who is in charge of the Nature Consultations of the United Nations program. - Alright. But one thing I tell you about United Nations, one thing. We have to have one Committee on top of them which should be selected from the whole world, all men, and they should be something like your [UNCLEAR] to decide. This UN I know how much money they give. They give such a large payment actually I was ashamed that my husband got such a lot of money from them. You see it's something absolutely money orientaed and job oriented. So you can ask for another Committe on top of them. It's very dominated also by muslim countries. In short I say, in short, one sentence. In India they started with the education of the public and they started schools, you see, and all the money goes to the ministers, nothing done, nothing, they have become so corrupt in India. - The same problem is valid for lots of countries in the world, not only in India. - That's true, that's true. So morality is the point, morality is the point. - I hope to see you... (a conversation with the intepreter inviting her to sit confortably) - She will sit. This is also a part of the machinery. No, they'are, everybody cannot affort it so sit on the ground but don't buy artificial plastic chairs. If you can afford it get a nice chair. - I'd like to express my admiration to your reasoning and I'd like to point that the basical contradiction for our contemporary world today is the contradiction between talent and reasoning, talent and intelect. - Of course, mass realization. - The talent is the genious to invent things but there is not enough reasoning to control the inventions. My doubt was in effect that I'm not sure we have enough time to raize the intellect that will control the invention. - No, no, we have. We can, if you people help it can work out. The question of you people who are so important should try to help. If you help it will just blast out. But I'm still surprised, all the false gurus were helped, all the false people were helped and I can't understand. [UNCLEAR] who was a [UNCLEAR] Prime Minister officially went after a very false personality. Can you immagine? - Andreotti. - Also [UNCLEAR] I told you, through economic development and all that, you can have that but you should try to propagate that you all have to become Spirit. You can work it out, you already have got it, you already have got sitting down before Me. Now, raise your hands just like this, you can take out your shoes, [UNCLEAR]. - Is it possible that it works through [UNCLEAR]? - It even works with shoes but better without. You can sit confortably. Now just put your hands, without thoughts. [UNCLEAR]. You people plan too much, very futuristic, you have to be in the present. He's got it. - You feel the cool in the hands or the whole? - No. - Yes, I feel something. - You are alright. Even that gentleman [UNCLEAR]. - Do you feel now? - It's like current of air. - Not to doubt. - They feel like a current of air. - Yes, this is a cool breeze. Ask me a question, you can call me Mother, "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?", you ask in your heart three times:"Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?". - It will increase. Mmm. Alright? Now, you can feel it coming out of your head, this is actualization of baptism, you feel it on your head, it's coming now. They can feel it, [UNCLEAR]. Alright? And you'll feel very silent, [UNCLEAR], watch me without thinking, just watch me without thinking. Now you should only know how to use this power. See now, see, you feel very peaceful within. You have to have peace within, otherwise how can you create peace outside? See now, you will have experiences, health will improve, your concentration will improve, your wealth will increase. Now this is what you said that you need some help, you now have the help of the Divine, the protection of the Divine, take it from me. - We thank you. - Thank you very much, thank you for coming. - We also thank you and we are sorry if we've gone too far, if we have said something wrong towards you, we're sorry. - No, no, I was really enjoying. Everytime you stay with good people is something the most precious because they care for the benevolence of the whole world. Thank you very much. [Mother speaks aside, UNCLEAR]. - Our talks should continue, the communication should go on. - Of course, of course, we should, you are invited to Italy where I live normally and also for the conference we are having in Russia, I'll send them invitation. - I mean our projects, I would like to appoint you with some of our projects. - Let's see, I would like to see that also but to Italy you should come, to Russia we're having a very good conference on morality, health and all that. And Russian are organizing for people from all over the world. - When is the conference? - October. - September, 19th of September. They will arrange everything for their stay, everything. - We have an international conference in October. - This is in September. - They're talking about their initiative. - Of course, I'll come. Where is it? - It will be in Bulgaria, Shri Mataji, in Sofia. - I don't know where I'll be, but if I'm here I'd definitely come. - I see. - I've been travelling here, there, there, I don't know the timings. - So nice being here. Your shoes are here. - I got so moved that I forgot my shoes.
1995-07-24 Talk to Representatives of ECO-Forum and the Vice-minister of Health [Bulgarain Vice-Minister of Health speaking in Bulgarian, consequential translation in English] ... the private interest is dominating the interest as mankind as a whole. This is the reason and the pretext that in the latest conferences of Ecoforum on the problems of peace we addressed the United Nations Organization requesting the UN to make a Committe all over the world to preserve life on the Earth. With this respect we would be very glad and satisfied to have the support of Mrs. Srivastava. Besides these principle issues I'm glad to express my joy and my respect to Mrs. Srivastava for the fact that She came to Bulgaria and is on Bulgarian soil and I hope that we could arrange a cooperation regarding that global issue. I'd like to present my friends and collaborators, the leadership of Ecoforum for Peace: Mr. Prof. Alexander Alexandrov, he is a member of Board of Directors of Ecoforum and not untill recently was he the Minister of Environment of Bulgaria, Mr. Trifonov - he is chief coordinator of Ecoforum for peace, Mr. Marinov is responsible for section culture in Ecoforum for Peace. Of course the Ecoforum board consist of members all over the world. So I introduced only these members of the board who live in Bulgaria. - Very nice to meet all of them. I would like to emphasise that Mr.[UNCLEAR ?Fati Sindhau Getwood] from of India was a member of the international Board of Ecoforum for two years. He died not long ago and may God bless his soul. He was the President of Wild Nature section and we need a personality to take over his place, from India. That is all I could to say as a beginning. [Shri Mataji speaks from 4:57] Very kind of you. What you have said about this global problem is a fact, is actually that's the problem that we have no unity in this world. As you know my husband was Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization which is agency of UN. There are 14 secretaries seneral, one of them. So I see to the problems of UN also. You see the problem in modern times it is that human beings at human awareness can not become collective. There are fixed ideas in the brain and according to those fixed ideas they live. And all these conferences, which I have myself also attended many, are just discussions and paper work but actually they cannot achieve because there is not collective opinion. It seems impossible, by discussions, by arguments, by compromising nothing works out. Because just on another plane I work, I think we should make human beings higher then what they are, they must be more, to that state where you become collective, become. We have within us that kind of a power which can be germinated and we have now thousands and thousands of people who have become collective. So we have to now become the Spirit and enter into a new dimension, the fourth dimension as you call it, where we are really collecive, to be frank we are really collective. There we are, it's potential you are, it's potential, but you just, you become a being which is a universal being. And in the West, in Russia especially, I was suprised, Russia and all others Eastern block countries it is very well working out. Of course, India is, because they know, it's not difficult in India, we have in thousands but even otherwise we have 65 nations which is working out. And it is something within us - the potential of our ascend. We have reached a pure human state but we have to little bit jump into a new awareness that Christ himself has said that "Know thyself". He talked of Spirit, that is there, and it automatically happens. Even in [?this] surprising Islam is written you see:"do not know yourelf, you'are like a beast", the Koran. And this is a special time because at this time it's chaotic, you don't know how to manage things. At this time is the best time things to happen because people are so frustrated. And in this state I feel the developing countries will become much faster than the western so called developed countries because they realize the value system of the West has lead them to nowhere. So, you see, if this happens so many blessings coming. First of all, it's a meta sciensce, it is above and to talk to people about it in the West is very difficult. You can't pay for it, you cannot organize like a church, or this or that - no, you cannot. And those who want only can have it, you cannot force it onto anyone. It is just the time, these are just ready those who are seekers. Even if the young people are taking drugs they are doing it in the seeking of truth. You see they are genuine and they are seeking something beyond because they are fed up. So you see this is very much connected with spirituality but you should not accept this blindfolded but let's try just to keep your minds open and see this as a hypothesis of reality. If it works out as honest people you have to accept it because that will solve all your human problems, all. I mean, we are all very glorious as human beings, we don't know how glorious we are but that potential has to be brought. Now see I've now got 73 years of age, now working so hard, I don't get tired, I don't get tension, I don't get stressed, nothing. And I travel like [?star] if you see my passport, have you got there, [UNCLEAR] you got? Such a big passport I have. So what I'm saying everybody has this potential and it has to be worked out, and is a process what you can call it a living process, this is the living process of evolution. Now as far as the physical side is concerned, definetely we have cured cancer, blood cancer very very surely blood cancer, because we deal with the basic status within us. [UNCLEAR] Sahaja yoga. So when you are dealing with the basics, if you correct the basics you are alright. For that you don't have to pay anything, you cannot pay for it because it's the divine love of God. You have to get connected with it. In the Bible it's called as the cool breeze of the Wholy Ghost [UNCLEAR] on your heads. Now we have built-in within us 7 main chakras, that means center of energy. And it is these determine our physical, emotional, mental and also the spiritual being. We go to Church, we go to Temple, we go to Mosque as we believe into everything blindly but the time has now come to prove that they are all correct. Also by that happening you transcend all these outside religions because all religions they are like flowers on one tree of spirituality, no exclusiveness about it, no exclusiveness. Even Mohammed sahab has talked about Abraham, Moses, Christ, even his mother, more than in the Bible. He said:"You dare not talk about Her Virginity, should be a sin.", Mohammed sahab has said it. But then later on these people, you see, formed exclusive regions just to fight. I think for democracy no exclusive religion can work out. So when we talk even about secularism still they're fighting, in the name of God, because they don't know they are all one, they don't know. So I felt that instead of doing patchwork here and there better to change the whole thing transforming the human beings, that's what is needed I felt and 25 years back I started my work. But in the West they call us a cult. We have no bombs, we have no weapons, nothing, no guns, not even a dagger. But so many [UNCLEAR], false cults, false gurus came, and even churches are, they are all money oriented or power oriented but nobody spiritually. So one has to transcend and see for themselves, it's just, it becomes evident on your central nervous system. Once they know they're all one there is no quarrel, there is just peace. So this whole thing that has been brought out is clearly explained, we have many scientists, doctors who're working with us. I've also done medicine but the main thing is this is beyond medicine. This is your own power cures you, this is your own, you are not obliged, can't pay, nothing. Then only you become really free. Otherwise there are conditionings you have, or you have Ego, we have so many shackles on our body still. You see in Sanskrit language they call a realized soul as "dvijaha" - twice born, and even a bird is called the same because the bird is first an egg and then it becomes bird. In the same way in the human beings also we are in our own shell. You rightly said that:"we are all individualistic". But in the real sense we are not. You see, some interpreneur starts some stupid production, everybody [UNCLEAR]. They haven't got their own personality. I don't know why they accept anything that is produced and start, especially in theWest society, in England, in England you find thousands and thousands of things coming up every year. Now these machines creat ecological problems. How can you stop the machine? You stop the source. The source in Sahaja yoga is that we mostly use things made by hand, like this one here, this (sari) is made by hand. Artistic things, your country's full of art. - Vaibhav, can you give one piece to show them? I've been buying art from your country to export it so that people develop a taste and you country gets economic help. In the developed countries people are aware, they're trying to buy things made by hand, very expensive having it, very. Because they are fed up of cement, they're fed up of artificial. They cannot make handmade things. Now the developing countries should make. This is from your country. And she was very happy, the artist, when I bought from her lots of things. So we have to make people respect art and see things. But all the junk from America is coming to Russia and they are full now of dollars, I don't know what's the matter with the Russians, they don't seek. All the junk, and also they have recession they cannot sell it. All their artificial nonsensical things normally they will put it in the sea, it's coming now to all the Eastern block, especially to Russia. Instead of that why don't sell your handmade things to America and get money from them. That's my idea. I'm trying to do that. So then we stop machinery by making people aware that you should use handmade things. Say in India in a household they will have about one plate for food, one person, one plate. In brass or sterling silver, silver is cheap in India, so we have one plate for one person and this is then given to the progeny also, same thing. But if you start taking plastic there is no end to it because it is "disposable". So we build up a mountain of this, mountains and mountains of this plastic, this is another problem to correct. Also ecological problems come from, as you know, in the [UNCLEAR] and all that, all the rivers fill with it and this and that. Now for that I would say that the industry must be moderated. And they will as soon as people start using handmade things the industry will go down automatically. It's already happening everywhere. May not be here but in England how many factories are closed, even ship buildings, many are closed, also in America. America is in a mess because as I told you they are full of that, and they just pay the interest. Also as a polarity action already all these overdeveloped countries are doing half [UNCLEAR] meaning they're facing recession. Automatically if you'd go with something beyond a certain limit you get reaction. But awareness to use handmade things, Mahatma Gandi insisted for all handmade things done. [UNCLEAR] covered ground [UNCLEAR], first handmade, another pradeshi - made in India, nothing from outside, nothing from outside. So English could do, I mean, you see all their Manchester industries, everything closed down. So that's kind of a movement has to be started. Really I was suprised to see in your shops so many things from abroad, especially from India also here coming. But in India you can't get one shop with foreign goods, not even one shop, nothing, you have to use only Indian way. Also we are facing this problem in the cities in India because see our government was so money oriented. And as soon as we get another government I'm sure it will reverse. These industrialists have already made so much money, they should settle down and retire now, close down their machinery. There is so much surplus produced already, surplus. In America there are shops and shops where they sell just the surplus. That must change now, that is showing the failure completely. So we can now start a movement, let us wear clothes which are made with hand and also other things, use that which are made with hand. Another I see that once you start exporting handmade things abroad their machinery will also fail. I'm trying to do that. Like from all these countries I buy and send it to, say America of all the places, and let them develop a taste, they do, they love it. [UNCLEAR] already knows what they would buy. Can you show them that piece from India, which I have bought from a very remote village, very remote. It's not old, not very old and it sells like hot cake so I can help those poor people there and they have things like this: plates and cups and saucers, everything, all from clay. So automatically the machinery will be stopped and the fashion also should start like that, you see, like an enterpreneur you have a fashion for a handmade thing. In your country I find linen is very well made. - What's a linen? - Tablecloth with fibers. And if you could find out, let them find out for me for linen, I've taken also from Russia, from everywhere wherever I travel, from the developing. So that you see.. - Not this one, the other one. - Bigger one? - Big one, yes, the one you gave me. You should explore and find out what we are making with hands and should be a proper export quality. - Not this one, the other one, the other one you gave me yesterday [UNCLEAR]. Men also have to learn a little bit of art. - They want to ask the questions. - Alright. ....the one with the imbroidery. - Alright, let's start. - What Mrs. Srivastava has just said is wonderful. - Ah, see this one, it'such a beauty, and that is gift and they will also give designs for you to make. See how beautiful, nowhere you'll find this, they appreciate this. Alright, what is this question? - Yes, we should be more practical about real life. It's a wonderful way to fight against machinery polluting nature. But how are we to overcome the problems of manufacture? How can we stop the industry that is kills the earth? - They are just here for money sake, enmass, enmass they make, these people they are multimilioners. Even if you stop their machinery their seven generations can live well. - The question is how to avoid the deadlock in which humanity is now? All that requires a lot of time and things are that bad we cannot wait. And you say there is more efficient way then appeals and demonstrations. - Absolutely right. The first point is that you have to become the Spirit and the second point is it takes no time, spontaneously, absolutely. In Russia 15.000, 18.000 people are there in one place and they all get it in no time. - I absolutely agree with you. - I'm not sure if we can make those who are in charge of the industry of West to feel their Spirit, how fast. - They will, automatically going on, automatically, and secondly Sahaja yoghis don't use anything like that, they are satisfied souls and they just don't use anything made by machines. And the machinery also is now in the West is also getting locked up, very fastly. If you get the statistics you'll be amazed how many in England, how many in America, how many even in France, just getting, just locked. Only they are getting prosperous in developing countries. You just checked the statistics, you will be shocked. Japan is also in a mess, absolutely. Then America is absolutely, yesterday they said it. Italy is again, Spain, but worse hit is France, percentage-wise, in ratio. But America so many. I know so many boys who went from India they are just getting [UNCLEAR]. Automatically it happens. But this way if they become more aware and respect this Mother Earth then it is kind of a fashion that starts. If Mahatma Gandhi could do it for crores of people, thousands and thousands, why not we do it? But he used patriotism as the mean, partriotism. What we have to use? Spirituality. It's not slow as you say, it is very fast. We don't know how to get halls for our programs anywhere and in Russia we had to go in the jungles near the Volga river because only in one center are 21.000 sahaja yoghis. Within five years I can tell you at least 20 percent Indians should become sahaja yoghis. We are getting very highly placed people also becoming sahaja yoghis. People like you who are so respectable, who are at the helm of affairs. If you take to this seriously it will work in no time because you yourself have this power, yourself will become powerfull. So my work is on another level and I think that these ecological problems can be only solved if human beings become wise and know what is good for them, what is benevolent. You have to select people who are very honest, who are dedicated and they know the job. For example we had one lady called Menacca Gandhi, she was very much for ecology. She is actually the daughter-in-law of Mrs. Gandhi, our Prime Minister. In India dynasty is very important whether there are brains or not. Now this lady what she said:"To protect your sea you must have all the buildings 500 metres away from the sea". And our Supreme Government, you will be amazed, agreed, Supreme Court actually. Then they sent a sort of application against it and I had to defend it myself, I'm not a laywer but I did. This lady has not travelled anywhere, she has not seen the world. I've seen two countries who have solved this problem. One is Australia, another is Tunisia, of all the places. What they do? They give the seashore area to some very responsible people like a hotel or to some institutions, something very responsible, just on the brink of the sea. And even the septic tanks are in the front side and then the buildings and then the sea. And they charge even throw of paper, they are charged such a heavy (money of Australia). You will be amazed, not a single paper there, ocean is very clean. - Prof. Alexandrov must leave now because he's got a meeting with the UN. - Alright. - Fifteen years ago I met Prof. Kaul, the uncle of Indira Gandhi. - Kaul, he's a Kashmiri. - We talked over different problems - economical, political, ecological and he said that the role of India is to tame the forces in the world. - How? - It seems with that respect that the role of Bulgaria is to tame again different forces but on the Balkans. - How? How does he suggest that? What is the solution? - The way India tames the rest of the countries.. - The great powers. ..that way Bulgaria would tame ...the different powers on the Balkans. - No,no, don't learn anything from India, don't learn anything from them, Mr. Kaul is wrong. They are in a mess, they in a mess now, understand. Don't follow them. - There are three civilizations known so far, agricultural civilization up until 17th century, second industrial civilization which is ongoing and the third one is communications which will enter in the 21st century. - Who told that? - This the theory of Toffler. - In India? - No,this is the theory of Toffler of the third wave. - Ah, global. - It's global. - All the issues are related to the issue of morality and it seems that each civilization should have different morality. - You said it, that's it. I didn't want to say it but you've said it. That's it. Agreed. But how do you bring in morality? By preaching, sermoning? No. Only hipocrisy will come. The other way is a fact - when you become the Spirit automatically you become moral, automatically. - It was a pleasure for me to participate in this meeting today but I think I have to leave it, this meeting, because I have an appointment with Ambassador Toshkov who is in charge of the Nature Consultations of the United Nations program. - Alright. But one thing I tell you about United Nations, one thing. We have to have one Committee on top of them which should be selected from the whole world, all men, and they should be something like your [UNCLEAR] to decide. This UN I know how much money they give. They give such a large payment actually I was ashamed that my husband got such a lot of money from them. You see it's something absolutely money orientaed and job oriented. So you can ask for another Committe on top of them. It's very dominated also by muslim countries. In short I say, in short, one sentence. In India they started with the education of the public and they started schools, you see, and all the money goes to the ministers, nothing done, nothing, they have become so corrupt in India. - The same problem is valid for lots of countries in the world, not only in India. - That's true, that's true. So morality is the point, morality is the point. - I hope to see you... (a conversation with the intepreter inviting her to sit confortably) - She will sit. This is also a part of the machinery. No, they'are, everybody cannot affort it so sit on the ground but don't buy artificial plastic chairs. If you can afford it get a nice chair. - I'd like to express my admiration to your reasoning and I'd like to point that the basical contradiction for our contemporary world today is the contradiction between talent and reasoning, talent and intelect. - Of course, mass realization. - The talent is the genious to invent things but there is not enough reasoning to control the inventions. My doubt was in effect that I'm not sure we have enough time to raize the intellect that will control the invention. - No, no, we have. We can, if you people help it can work out. The question of you people who are so important should try to help. If you help it will just blast out. But I'm still surprised, all the false gurus were helped, all the false people were helped and I can't understand. [UNCLEAR] who was a [UNCLEAR] Prime Minister officially went after a very false personality. Can you immagine? - Andreotti. - Also [UNCLEAR] I told you, through economic development and all that, you can have that but you should try to propagate that you all have to become Spirit. You can work it out, you already have got it, you already have got sitting down before Me. Now, raise your hands just like this, you can take out your shoes, [UNCLEAR]. - Is it possible that it works through [UNCLEAR]? - It even works with shoes but better without. You can sit confortably. Now just put your hands, without thoughts. [UNCLEAR]. You people plan too much, very futuristic, you have to be in the present. He's got it. - You feel the cool in the hands or the whole? - No. - Yes, I feel something. - You are alright. Even that gentleman [UNCLEAR]. - Do you feel now? - It's like current of air. - Not to doubt. - They feel like a current of air. - Yes, this is a cool breeze. Ask me a question, you can call me Mother, "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?", you ask in your heart three times:"Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?". - It will increase. Mmm. Alright? Now, you can feel it coming out of your head, this is actualization of baptism, you feel it on your head, it's coming now. They can feel it, [UNCLEAR]. Alright? And you'll feel very silent, [UNCLEAR], watch me without thinking, just watch me without thinking. Now you should only know how to use this power. See now, see, you feel very peaceful within. You have to have peace within, otherwise how can you create peace outside? See now, you will have experiences, health will improve, your concentration will improve, your wealth will increase. Now this is what you said that you need some help, you now have the help of the Divine, the protection of the Divine, take it from me. - We thank you. - Thank you very much, thank you for coming. - We also thank you and we are sorry if we've gone too far, if we have said something wrong towards you, we're sorry. - No, no, I was really enjoying. Everytime you stay with good people is something the most precious because they care for the benevolence of the whole world. Thank you very much. [Mother speaks aside, UNCLEAR]. - Our talks should continue, the communication should go on. - Of course, of course, we should, you are invited to Italy where I live normally and also for the conference we are having in Russia, I'll send them invitation. - I mean our projects, I would like to appoint you with some of our projects. - Let's see, I would like to see that also but to Italy you should come, to Russia we're having a very good conference on morality, health and all that. And Russian are organizing for people from all over the world. - When is the conference? - October. - September, 19th of September. They will arrange everything for their stay, everything. - We have an international conference in October. - This is in September. - They're talking about their initiative. - Of course, I'll come. Where is it? - It will be in Bulgaria, Shri Mataji, in Sofia. - I don't know where I'll be, but if I'm here I'd definitely come. - I see. - I've been travelling here, there, there, I don't know the timings. - So nice being here. Your shoes are here. - I got so moved that I forgot my shoes.
To get rid of the confusion you have to become the spirit
Public Program
Public Program I bow to all the seekers of the truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is . You cannot change it, you cannot transform it and you cannot pay for it. We are all seekers of truth. What are we seeking perhaps you do not know. Whatever I am going to tell you today you should not accept it blind folded. But you must keep your mind open like scientist and if it is proved then you better accept as honest people. Because it is for the benevolence of yourself, your family, your country and the whole world. We have become human beings at this level but still little more has to happen to us. In the evolutionary process we have to jump little more. All the problems of modern times are because we are confused. To get rid of the confusion you have to become the spirit. Christ has said “know thyself”. Also Mohammad Sahib has said “the one who does not know himself is still at an animal stage”. All these great incarnations and prophets has said “you have to be born again”. But that doesn't mean you just say that you are born again and put a sort of a sign board. Born again means actualisation of this experience firstly. Or else not only that but you have powers of your own which are manifested. We say that this is my house, this is my head, this is my body; all my my my my my. But who is the owner of this my. Who is this I . that is the spirit which has not yet manifested in our life. Is reflected in our heart and is watching us but yet not come into our attention to enlighten us. When you become the spirit then you know yourself what are you. Then you realise you are not this body, this mind this emotions, this ego or conditionings. But you are pure spirit. So now we have to be the spirit. Thats how you get your self knowledge. That is what is called as self realisation. It is the evolutionary process which is the living process. As we sow the seed in the mother it sprouts by itself spontaneously. In the same way it happens. We have evolved without doing anything. We didnt pay to anyone, we didn't join any organisation we just pick up. And these are special times. Because I call it as a blossom time. Because there are so many flowers so many seekers, and now they have to become the fruits. Now as it is you have seen here (somebody has talked about kundalini ?… alright). You have been already told about the subtle system within us. The left side channel that you see here looks after the left side sympathetic nervous system and right side looks after the right side system and the central one is the parasympathetic nervous system. We have chakras just like this. From the left and the right and you have the energy centres in between. There are seven energy centres, main ones. So this power you see down below as kundalini is the fifth power. Left side right side sympathetic nervous system, then parasympathetic nervous system and whatever we have achieved in our evolution is the fourth one which we call as central nervous system. Now the fifth one is this one which is in a dormant state. When it is awakened then it passes through our fontanelle bone area lastly and connects you to the all pervading power of divine love. We see these beautiful flowers but we never even think how they are created by mother earth. These beautiful flowers are there because the same all pervading power looks after them. Who runs our heart if you ask the doctor, they say it is autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto, who manages our digestion. So the answer is in becoming the spirit. All the religions have failed mainly because they are money oriented or power oriented. They are not spirit oriented. Money has nothing to do. God does not understand money. It is the human headache. He doesn't understand your banking. So we have to go into the realm of his kingdom. We live on the cusps of our thoughts which come to you from past or the future. But you cannot be in the present. But when these kundalini rises she makes this thoughts long like this and there is a space in between. There you become thoughtlessly aware. You are aware and there is no thought to bombard your head. That is how you achieve your piece. Many people have been awarded piece (award); I see they have no piece within themselves. How can you talk of piece when there is no piece within oneself. So when you get your self realisation the first thing happens to you that you become thoughtlessly aware. That means all these modern problems stress and strain just vanish and you just relax. You watch the whole drama like a witness. And once, you see, you can see your problems you can solve them much better. And also there is a divine help as blessings. Because we are not connected with the divine power we are like a kite which is lost its ???. But once you have the self realisation you understand that you are being glorious, very powerful. And your power is of love and compassion. Then the second thin happens to you is that you become collectively conscious. Because after self realisation your hand starts ??. Mohammad sahib has said that at the time of resurrection your hands will speak. So on your finger tips you know what centre you are catching what centres others are catching because you become collective, you become universal being. You know about yourself and you know about others. If you know how to correct yourself you can correct others also. See, all your physical, mental, emotional, I would say even financial, political all these problems are based upon these centres. When this kundalini rises she nourishes all these centres and you can get rid of your all the problems. Its so easy. Its your own power. You don't have to pay for it. No obligation. Only thing so far you have not known yourself. Then your attention also becomes also very powerful. Wherever you put your attention you can understand your problems. And in the light of that spirit your attention takes you into realm of complete purity. No use teaching about morality. It doesn't work out. On the contrary people can only become hypocritical. But, if you become the spirit, you become; I am saying again you become moral. Just you become moral. Nobody has to tell you anything. You will be amazed in England, overnight people gave up drugs. Overnight they give up drinking smoking. And the all destructive habits were given up. Its miraculous, its fantastic. But we are now working in 65 nations. And it is spreading so well because you when you get your realisation you can giver realisation to others. You can spread it. You can give to thousands of people one person. And that is how this power spreads. There is no end to my lecturing. I must have give 5000 lectures in english language alone and many more in other languages. Its just the mental act. Why we have to go beyond the mind. So the best thing is to take your realisation. If you have any questions as I know so many questions are there you may write to me and I love to answer that. You want to ask me some questions please. So far. What is it. Come here. You must ask me sensible question, alright. Q: How can you cure psycho diseases ? Shri Mataji: of course of course we can. See, all mental diseases are caused by the left side movement of this channel . If you can cure your left side you can cure all your mental problems. Its very simple. You don't have to be a doctor for that. Q: can we influence the criminal in the right direction? Shri Mataji: of course of course why not. But, why try criminals, why not this ordinary people. Even your genes also they change. All these tendencies come to us because of our genes. But when this kundalini rises she knows everything about every individual. She is your own mother. Your individual mother. She thinks and she understands and she can change your genes. That is how you are. Q: Shri Mataji I have a question. How do you start the serpent power kundalini slept at mooladhara chakra. Do you know anybody who has awakened kundalini. Shri Mataji:This question is nice. I was born with it. Thats why it is nothing creditable to me but creditable to you because you achieve it. Q: back in 1978 in s? California I met swami muktananda. He was may be one Shri Mataji:one thing you should know about all these gurus, one thing; that this muktananda had this six hundred crores worth of diamonds. And later on it came out in the newspaper that he used to rape 13 year old girls. ?? it is out , you see it was all published that in England and also america, I don't tell lies; and it was not circulated. Many people don't know even in India. But we are not here to discuss this horrible people. Forget it. Take your realisation. Thats all. Because. Its all right. It has no meaning. Translator: she is here because Osho ?? books Shri Mataji:Thats all. You see . Just a minute madam, what has he given you ? Do you have powers to give realisation to others ? Look at yourself, you are a liver patient. The least said about them is the best. He has confessed also, he has confessed. This is the trouble. They have made books and books and books and you are entangled in the words. Q: Did Christ apply Sahaja Yoga or something different and why was people surprised by his ability to cure. Did he practiced sahaja yoga. Shri Mataji:Christ was an incarnation. Christ himself was a born realised soul. He was an incarnation. He was a son of God and he did not need sahaja yoga. Because he didn't have to become. Q: What do you think about vegetarianism. And are you a vegetarian ? Shri Mataji:No, I am not. I am not vegetarian. You see this isms are wrong. For some people it suits to be a vegetarian but some people it does not. If intake of protein is less then this cholesterol problem starts. Whosoever needs proteins more or carbohydrates more has to eat according to the personality. You yourself will know what is good for you. But one should not eat meat of animals which are bigger like buffalo, like horses. Q: Cataract Shri Mataji:Cataract cannot be cured because it is a dead thing. But after operation you can ?? Q: when you relieve kundalini, how can you control kundalini prana Shri Mataji:No, this is all nonsense of kundalini prana and all that. It has nothing to do with kundalini prana. Kundalini itself is the power which knows everything. Is all nonsense thing. Money making prepositions were such that they make books that they made all this nonsense. They gave you nothing, accept for taking money from you. Moreover I must tell you that if you have been to these false gurus its difficult to give you realisation because they do something to your kundalini. So many seekers are lost. So many of them. This Rajnish (Osho), this one Osho fellow, he changed his name ten times; he made so much money, so much money that ?? big rolex watch. There is no evidence of anything good he has done so far. Q: Sai Baba (Sathya Sai Baba ) Shri Mataji:No good. Now he is exposed. Now he is exposed thank God. No, but Sai Nath (from Shirdi)who is the old one is alright. But this (Sathya Sai Baba) is horrible. He (Sathya Sai Baba) is exposed now very well. But the news doesn't circulate. Thats your language problem. There's so many questions. Is it important ? You see those who want the truth will have it. I say that if I have done the cooking, you are hungry, you will ask for food. You have to be humble. Q: ??? Shri Mataji:Just see what they have done. Why do you ask me what have they done. Instead of ?? money what have they done. You will be amazed in Russia we have in one program at least 18000 people. In one village, Togliatti, 21000 sahaja yogis. I never knew Russian were that sensitive; to such an extent that the University of ?, is the oldest University has given me an award, a special award which is only given to 10 people so far. One of them was Einstein. And I feel little shy about it, I say why do you want to give me. And they say that she has worked only on matter, ?? human beings. I must tell you, you don't like Russians I know but 65% of Russians are excellent people. They never followed any false gurus, never. Even now their government has thrown away all of them except for me. Surprise. There is mafia, there is everything, but still there is a sense to understand. So try to see that you should get your realisation, thats important. Thats very important. Alright. So now lets finish this and we deal with the main things. Now one thing you should know I cannot force it on you. Q: What is the role of Jesus Christ Shri Mataji:Greatest role was played by him. Without him I could not have worked. Not only that, he has talked about me. And then it is only his desire I am here. You have to recognise me after self realisation. You people follow Christ is alright but today I am before you not Christ. When Christ came they said what about Moses. And when Moses came they said what about Abraham. You have to live in the present thats what human being don't do. Because of that all religions have failed. We have to follow Christ in the true sense and know what work he has done. Christ is very important. Where does he reside, here, optic chasma, cross. But we don't follow him. Only the Christians are fighting with muslims are fighting with jews are fighting with hindus are fighting. They are just fighting. Thats all. Christ religion cannot be exclusive. Even Mohammad sahib's religion cannot be exclusive. Mohammad talk of Abraham, of Moses, of Christ and his mother much more than the Bible. There are so many things which you will understand how we are crucifying Christ everyday. One thing for sure, after self realisation what Christ has asked we will have it. He has said “though shall not have adulterous eyes”. I have not any one in the Christian country where they have pure eyes. There is no innocence. This will happen to you when you get your self realisation. I am here to fulfill his desires. And you will know much about him once you learn what you are. Whats happening, I am myself born in the christian family; and we find now the priests are having relationship with women, and they are printing what you call counterfeit money in Rome. They have no right to talk about Christ. There attention is not on the spirit. To think of Christ itself is so peaceful. But bible was changed because of Paul. He never respected women. And thats why in the west I find women have no respect. Then women become aggressive. But women are the potential power. In England Church ?? , they don't allow women to be the priest even catholics; is absurd, is unfair. Even Christ has said on the cross “behold the mother”. I am sorry for the women of the west. They have to always dress up in such a way that they should always look attractive to men, they have to please them all the time. Sometime ?? it to prostitution. Its a very sad affair the way they have interpreted christ. Now the time has come for you to put him up in his proper personality. I am sorry I have to talk so much of christ but all over the world in Sahaja yoga, people worship Christ, worship christ; whether they are muslims, jews, hindu, christians; they worship. I am happy that you are so enamoured by Christ, but now you better do what he has told you to know yourself. 55.10 You can take out your shoes if you want because the mother earth helps us a lot. Now, we have three conditions which are very simple. As I told you I cannot force on you, it cannot be forced. So you have to have pure desire to get your self realisation. The second condition is that you have to forgive everyone as Christ has told. Because whether you forgive or don't forgive, what do you do ? You do nothing. But when you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. You torture yourself for nothing at all. So first of all just say that “I forgive everyone “ in you heart, which is a myth. Then the third condition is that you have to forgive yourself. That we say in our Lord's prayer “forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”. So you have to forgive yourself as well as others. Just to say within your heart. These are the three simple conditions. Now we will show you how you can nourish your centres. We will show you and then you will have to close your eyes. The spirit resided in your heart. So please put your right hand on your heart. Right hand is for your action. Those who don't want to do should leave the hall please because you shouldn't disturb others. So put your left hand towards me which mean you have a desire to have your realisation. Put on your lap. Put both the feet on the ground straight and the left side is the power of desire, mundane desire. That is why you have to keep both the feet apart from each other. Now, he will show you, that first you put your hand on your heart. Here resides the spirit. Now, if you become the spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So now, you put your hand, we work on your left side. Now please put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on left hand side. Show them also on that side. Now surprisingly the pure knowledge of divine, for that the centre is here in the lower portion of your abdomen; which goes into jeopardy when you follow wrong masters. Lower portion. Now again raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Then raise it on your heart. Now please put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. This centre you catch when you feel guilty and you don't forgive yourself. This causes, this cases spondylitis and also it can give you a disease called angina of the heart. So why not forgive yourself at this moment. Now raise your right hand on top of your head, on the forehead and put down your head. Here you have to forgive others without thinking of any individual because it is headache. Bed your heads. Now please put the right hand backside of your head and push back your head. Here without counting your mistakes, without feeling guilty you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power just for your satisfaction. Now the most important is the last centre where you get your baptism, actualisation of baptism. Now please put your right hand, the palm of your right hand, on top of the fontanelle bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now bend your head as far as possible. Now stretch back your fingers. Put down your head please. Now you move your scalp not your head, push back your fingers, pressure, seven times, clockwise. Press it here. Now thats all we have to do with closing eyes. Now before closing eyes see that your feet are apart from each other. Please take down your hands. Now put left hand towards me and right hand on the heart. Here you have to ask a fundamental question about yourself after closing your eyes. Don't press your eyes, just close them as you do it when you sleep. Now here resides the spirit. So in your heart you ask me a question, you can call me Mother or Shri Mataji. Please ask “Mother am I the spirit “ as three times in your heart. Now I have already told you that if you become the spirit you become your own master, your own guide. So please put your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen and ask a question in your heart, it is a fundamental question so ask three times “Mother am I my own master “. I have already told you that self realisation cannot be forced on you. Nor the pure knowledge of the divine. You have to ask for it. So now please put your right hand in the lower portion of the abodomen on the left hand side and ask me 6 times “Mother please give me pure divine knowledge”. Now ask 6 times. As soon as you ask this question the kundalini rises. But you have to enlarge your higher with your self confidence. So please raise your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say ten times with full confidence “Mother I am my own master “. I have already told you about your spirit that you are the spirit. That unless and until you become the spirit you have not got your perfection, perfection in spirituality. Now raise your right hand on your heart and here you have to say twelve times with full confidence “Mother I am the pure spirit“. This all pervading power of divine love is the ocean of knowledge. It is the ocean of compassion and bliss. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved in this ocean of compassion. So now please forgive yourself. And please put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say sixteen times “Mother I am not guilty at all”. I have requested you that you have to forgive everyone in general, not thinking about them. Because whether you forgive or you don't forgive you don't do anything. At this moment if you don't forgive the centre of christ itself will not open, though so many of you believe in Christ you don't forgive. Thats why this centre is catching. So now please raise your right hand on top of your forehead across, and put down your head. Here you have to say only from your heart, not to count “Mother I forgive everyone in general”; from your heart. Also for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from this all pervading power. So now please put the right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power. So please say “Oh Divine Power, if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me. 1.16.19 Its again you have to say from your heart, not how many times. Now the last centre is very important through which the kundalini emerges out. She nourishes all the centres and she joins you to the all pervading power. So now stretch you palms fully and put the centre of the palm on top of your fontanelle bone are and now bend your head as much as you can. Now stretch your fingers, have a proper pressure. You have to move it seven times clockwise but, I cannot force self realization on you. You have to ask for it. So while moving your palm on the scalp please say “Mother please give a self realization” in all humility. You cannot get self realization if you are arrogant, one has to humble down. Now please bend your head. Now please take down your hands and open your eyes slowly. Now please put both the hands towards me. With the right hand towards me, you just bend your head and see for your self if there is cool or hot breeze like thing coming out on the fontanelle bone area, you have to move it you see, move forward, bend your head, it feels there. Now put your left hand towards me like this, again bend your head and see with the right hand. If there is hot breeze coming from your head then know that you have not forgive others and yourself. Please bend your head and see. Now again once more with the right hand, some might get it closer, some might away. Now please put both your hands towards the sky and bend back, bend your head put it back. Here you have to ask a question in your heart “Mother is this the cool breeze of the holy ghost “ or another question you can ask “Mother is this the all pervading power of the divine love?” or another question “Mother is this the paramachaitanya ?”. now take down your hands please. Both the hands towards me. Some people get it from here (back of hand/palm), they should bring it back like that. Now watch me without thinking, just watch me without thinking; you can do it. Now those who have felt cool breeze or hot breeze on their fingers or on their hands or out of the fontanelle bone area please raise both your hands. See all of you have got it except for very few. ?? . I bow to you because now all of you have become saints. Now only thing you have to know is how to use this power. Please put down the hands. May be somebody who is sick may not get, somebody is too much mental may not get. It is very few who didn’t get. So now a new life has started. In the Sanskrit language we call a realized soul as dwijah. Also a bird I called dwijah. Because the bird is twice born. First its an egg and then it becomes a bird. That’s how it has happened. Now you have become birds but still you have to meditate every night ten minutes to see that all shackles ??? . next year again I will try to come and I am sure it will work out. When I come all of you come but when I am not there all of you don’t come. There is no money to be offered or anything, but you have to give time. You have to give some time to yourself for your growth and that will help you a lot to be able to grow spiritually. We have some very good sahaja yogis and people are coming from some other countries here. See the Romanians have come all the way. Now a day should come when you all can go abroad. That should happen to all of you. May God bless you all, may God bless you. You got it I am very happy because Muktanandas…. Q : what about Swami Shivananda, they follow, white light society 6 years ago Shri Mataji:nonsense. This is divine love. You have to feel it. Actualisation, not talking, just actualization. Alright? Yes ! Shri Mataji: you see Indians are very clever and I don’t know they have made lots of money. Indians (sadhus/gurus) are very clever and can be very cunning. So be careful. If Indians are good, they are very very good and if they are bad they are horrid. And this false people have come to loot you. Understand it . They don’t live in India, they go abroad, just collecting money, that’s all.
Public Program I bow to all the seekers of the truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is . You cannot change it, you cannot transform it and you cannot pay for it. We are all seekers of truth. What are we seeking perhaps you do not know. Whatever I am going to tell you today you should not accept it blind folded. But you must keep your mind open like scientist and if it is proved then you better accept as honest people. Because it is for the benevolence of yourself, your family, your country and the whole world. We have become human beings at this level but still little more has to happen to us. In the evolutionary process we have to jump little more. All the problems of modern times are because we are confused. To get rid of the confusion you have to become the spirit. Christ has said “know thyself”. Also Mohammad Sahib has said “the one who does not know himself is still at an animal stage”. All these great incarnations and prophets has said “you have to be born again”. But that doesn't mean you just say that you are born again and put a sort of a sign board. Born again means actualisation of this experience firstly. Or else not only that but you have powers of your own which are manifested. We say that this is my house, this is my head, this is my body; all my my my my my. But who is the owner of this my. Who is this I . that is the spirit which has not yet manifested in our life. Is reflected in our heart and is watching us but yet not come into our attention to enlighten us. When you become the spirit then you know yourself what are you. Then you realise you are not this body, this mind this emotions, this ego or conditionings. But you are pure spirit. So now we have to be the spirit. Thats how you get your self knowledge. That is what is called as self realisation. It is the evolutionary process which is the living process. As we sow the seed in the mother it sprouts by itself spontaneously. In the same way it happens. We have evolved without doing anything. We didnt pay to anyone, we didn't join any organisation we just pick up. And these are special times. Because I call it as a blossom time. Because there are so many flowers so many seekers, and now they have to become the fruits. Now as it is you have seen here (somebody has talked about kundalini ?… alright). You have been already told about the subtle system within us. The left side channel that you see here looks after the left side sympathetic nervous system and right side looks after the right side system and the central one is the parasympathetic nervous system. We have chakras just like this. From the left and the right and you have the energy centres in between. There are seven energy centres, main ones. So this power you see down below as kundalini is the fifth power. Left side right side sympathetic nervous system, then parasympathetic nervous system and whatever we have achieved in our evolution is the fourth one which we call as central nervous system. Now the fifth one is this one which is in a dormant state. When it is awakened then it passes through our fontanelle bone area lastly and connects you to the all pervading power of divine love. We see these beautiful flowers but we never even think how they are created by mother earth. These beautiful flowers are there because the same all pervading power looks after them. Who runs our heart if you ask the doctor, they say it is autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto, who manages our digestion. So the answer is in becoming the spirit. All the religions have failed mainly because they are money oriented or power oriented. They are not spirit oriented. Money has nothing to do. God does not understand money. It is the human headache. He doesn't understand your banking. So we have to go into the realm of his kingdom. We live on the cusps of our thoughts which come to you from past or the future. But you cannot be in the present. But when these kundalini rises she makes this thoughts long like this and there is a space in between. There you become thoughtlessly aware. You are aware and there is no thought to bombard your head. That is how you achieve your piece. Many people have been awarded piece (award); I see they have no piece within themselves. How can you talk of piece when there is no piece within oneself. So when you get your self realisation the first thing happens to you that you become thoughtlessly aware. That means all these modern problems stress and strain just vanish and you just relax. You watch the whole drama like a witness. And once, you see, you can see your problems you can solve them much better. And also there is a divine help as blessings. Because we are not connected with the divine power we are like a kite which is lost its ???. But once you have the self realisation you understand that you are being glorious, very powerful. And your power is of love and compassion. Then the second thin happens to you is that you become collectively conscious. Because after self realisation your hand starts ??. Mohammad sahib has said that at the time of resurrection your hands will speak. So on your finger tips you know what centre you are catching what centres others are catching because you become collective, you become universal being. You know about yourself and you know about others. If you know how to correct yourself you can correct others also. See, all your physical, mental, emotional, I would say even financial, political all these problems are based upon these centres. When this kundalini rises she nourishes all these centres and you can get rid of your all the problems. Its so easy. Its your own power. You don't have to pay for it. No obligation. Only thing so far you have not known yourself. Then your attention also becomes also very powerful. Wherever you put your attention you can understand your problems. And in the light of that spirit your attention takes you into realm of complete purity. No use teaching about morality. It doesn't work out. On the contrary people can only become hypocritical. But, if you become the spirit, you become; I am saying again you become moral. Just you become moral. Nobody has to tell you anything. You will be amazed in England, overnight people gave up drugs. Overnight they give up drinking smoking. And the all destructive habits were given up. Its miraculous, its fantastic. But we are now working in 65 nations. And it is spreading so well because you when you get your realisation you can giver realisation to others. You can spread it. You can give to thousands of people one person. And that is how this power spreads. There is no end to my lecturing. I must have give 5000 lectures in english language alone and many more in other languages. Its just the mental act. Why we have to go beyond the mind. So the best thing is to take your realisation. If you have any questions as I know so many questions are there you may write to me and I love to answer that. You want to ask me some questions please. So far. What is it. Come here. You must ask me sensible question, alright. Q: How can you cure psycho diseases ? Shri Mataji: of course of course we can. See, all mental diseases are caused by the left side movement of this channel . If you can cure your left side you can cure all your mental problems. Its very simple. You don't have to be a doctor for that. Q: can we influence the criminal in the right direction? Shri Mataji: of course of course why not. But, why try criminals, why not this ordinary people. Even your genes also they change. All these tendencies come to us because of our genes. But when this kundalini rises she knows everything about every individual. She is your own mother. Your individual mother. She thinks and she understands and she can change your genes. That is how you are. Q: Shri Mataji I have a question. How do you start the serpent power kundalini slept at mooladhara chakra. Do you know anybody who has awakened kundalini. Shri Mataji:This question is nice. I was born with it. Thats why it is nothing creditable to me but creditable to you because you achieve it. Q: back in 1978 in s? California I met swami muktananda. He was may be one Shri Mataji:one thing you should know about all these gurus, one thing; that this muktananda had this six hundred crores worth of diamonds. And later on it came out in the newspaper that he used to rape 13 year old girls. ?? it is out , you see it was all published that in England and also america, I don't tell lies; and it was not circulated. Many people don't know even in India. But we are not here to discuss this horrible people. Forget it. Take your realisation. Thats all. Because. Its all right. It has no meaning. Translator: she is here because Osho ?? books Shri Mataji:Thats all. You see . Just a minute madam, what has he given you ? Do you have powers to give realisation to others ? Look at yourself, you are a liver patient. The least said about them is the best. He has confessed also, he has confessed. This is the trouble. They have made books and books and books and you are entangled in the words. Q: Did Christ apply Sahaja Yoga or something different and why was people surprised by his ability to cure. Did he practiced sahaja yoga. Shri Mataji:Christ was an incarnation. Christ himself was a born realised soul. He was an incarnation. He was a son of God and he did not need sahaja yoga. Because he didn't have to become. Q: What do you think about vegetarianism. And are you a vegetarian ? Shri Mataji:No, I am not. I am not vegetarian. You see this isms are wrong. For some people it suits to be a vegetarian but some people it does not. If intake of protein is less then this cholesterol problem starts. Whosoever needs proteins more or carbohydrates more has to eat according to the personality. You yourself will know what is good for you. But one should not eat meat of animals which are bigger like buffalo, like horses. Q: Cataract Shri Mataji:Cataract cannot be cured because it is a dead thing. But after operation you can ?? Q: when you relieve kundalini, how can you control kundalini prana Shri Mataji:No, this is all nonsense of kundalini prana and all that. It has nothing to do with kundalini prana. Kundalini itself is the power which knows everything. Is all nonsense thing. Money making prepositions were such that they make books that they made all this nonsense. They gave you nothing, accept for taking money from you. Moreover I must tell you that if you have been to these false gurus its difficult to give you realisation because they do something to your kundalini. So many seekers are lost. So many of them. This Rajnish (Osho), this one Osho fellow, he changed his name ten times; he made so much money, so much money that ?? big rolex watch. There is no evidence of anything good he has done so far. Q: Sai Baba (Sathya Sai Baba ) Shri Mataji:No good. Now he is exposed. Now he is exposed thank God. No, but Sai Nath (from Shirdi)who is the old one is alright. But this (Sathya Sai Baba) is horrible. He (Sathya Sai Baba) is exposed now very well. But the news doesn't circulate. Thats your language problem. There's so many questions. Is it important ? You see those who want the truth will have it. I say that if I have done the cooking, you are hungry, you will ask for food. You have to be humble. Q: ??? Shri Mataji:Just see what they have done. Why do you ask me what have they done. Instead of ?? money what have they done. You will be amazed in Russia we have in one program at least 18000 people. In one village, Togliatti, 21000 sahaja yogis. I never knew Russian were that sensitive; to such an extent that the University of ?, is the oldest University has given me an award, a special award which is only given to 10 people so far. One of them was Einstein. And I feel little shy about it, I say why do you want to give me. And they say that she has worked only on matter, ?? human beings. I must tell you, you don't like Russians I know but 65% of Russians are excellent people. They never followed any false gurus, never. Even now their government has thrown away all of them except for me. Surprise. There is mafia, there is everything, but still there is a sense to understand. So try to see that you should get your realisation, thats important. Thats very important. Alright. So now lets finish this and we deal with the main things. Now one thing you should know I cannot force it on you. Q: What is the role of Jesus Christ Shri Mataji:Greatest role was played by him. Without him I could not have worked. Not only that, he has talked about me. And then it is only his desire I am here. You have to recognise me after self realisation. You people follow Christ is alright but today I am before you not Christ. When Christ came they said what about Moses. And when Moses came they said what about Abraham. You have to live in the present thats what human being don't do. Because of that all religions have failed. We have to follow Christ in the true sense and know what work he has done. Christ is very important. Where does he reside, here, optic chasma, cross. But we don't follow him. Only the Christians are fighting with muslims are fighting with jews are fighting with hindus are fighting. They are just fighting. Thats all. Christ religion cannot be exclusive. Even Mohammad sahib's religion cannot be exclusive. Mohammad talk of Abraham, of Moses, of Christ and his mother much more than the Bible. There are so many things which you will understand how we are crucifying Christ everyday. One thing for sure, after self realisation what Christ has asked we will have it. He has said “though shall not have adulterous eyes”. I have not any one in the Christian country where they have pure eyes. There is no innocence. This will happen to you when you get your self realisation. I am here to fulfill his desires. And you will know much about him once you learn what you are. Whats happening, I am myself born in the christian family; and we find now the priests are having relationship with women, and they are printing what you call counterfeit money in Rome. They have no right to talk about Christ. There attention is not on the spirit. To think of Christ itself is so peaceful. But bible was changed because of Paul. He never respected women. And thats why in the west I find women have no respect. Then women become aggressive. But women are the potential power. In England Church ?? , they don't allow women to be the priest even catholics; is absurd, is unfair. Even Christ has said on the cross “behold the mother”. I am sorry for the women of the west. They have to always dress up in such a way that they should always look attractive to men, they have to please them all the time. Sometime ?? it to prostitution. Its a very sad affair the way they have interpreted christ. Now the time has come for you to put him up in his proper personality. I am sorry I have to talk so much of christ but all over the world in Sahaja yoga, people worship Christ, worship christ; whether they are muslims, jews, hindu, christians; they worship. I am happy that you are so enamoured by Christ, but now you better do what he has told you to know yourself. 55.10 You can take out your shoes if you want because the mother earth helps us a lot. Now, we have three conditions which are very simple. As I told you I cannot force on you, it cannot be forced. So you have to have pure desire to get your self realisation. The second condition is that you have to forgive everyone as Christ has told. Because whether you forgive or don't forgive, what do you do ? You do nothing. But when you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. You torture yourself for nothing at all. So first of all just say that “I forgive everyone “ in you heart, which is a myth. Then the third condition is that you have to forgive yourself. That we say in our Lord's prayer “forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”. So you have to forgive yourself as well as others. Just to say within your heart. These are the three simple conditions. Now we will show you how you can nourish your centres. We will show you and then you will have to close your eyes. The spirit resided in your heart. So please put your right hand on your heart. Right hand is for your action. Those who don't want to do should leave the hall please because you shouldn't disturb others. So put your left hand towards me which mean you have a desire to have your realisation. Put on your lap. Put both the feet on the ground straight and the left side is the power of desire, mundane desire. That is why you have to keep both the feet apart from each other. Now, he will show you, that first you put your hand on your heart. Here resides the spirit. Now, if you become the spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So now, you put your hand, we work on your left side. Now please put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on left hand side. Show them also on that side. Now surprisingly the pure knowledge of divine, for that the centre is here in the lower portion of your abdomen; which goes into jeopardy when you follow wrong masters. Lower portion. Now again raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Then raise it on your heart. Now please put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. This centre you catch when you feel guilty and you don't forgive yourself. This causes, this cases spondylitis and also it can give you a disease called angina of the heart. So why not forgive yourself at this moment. Now raise your right hand on top of your head, on the forehead and put down your head. Here you have to forgive others without thinking of any individual because it is headache. Bed your heads. Now please put the right hand backside of your head and push back your head. Here without counting your mistakes, without feeling guilty you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power just for your satisfaction. Now the most important is the last centre where you get your baptism, actualisation of baptism. Now please put your right hand, the palm of your right hand, on top of the fontanelle bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now bend your head as far as possible. Now stretch back your fingers. Put down your head please. Now you move your scalp not your head, push back your fingers, pressure, seven times, clockwise. Press it here. Now thats all we have to do with closing eyes. Now before closing eyes see that your feet are apart from each other. Please take down your hands. Now put left hand towards me and right hand on the heart. Here you have to ask a fundamental question about yourself after closing your eyes. Don't press your eyes, just close them as you do it when you sleep. Now here resides the spirit. So in your heart you ask me a question, you can call me Mother or Shri Mataji. Please ask “Mother am I the spirit “ as three times in your heart. Now I have already told you that if you become the spirit you become your own master, your own guide. So please put your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen and ask a question in your heart, it is a fundamental question so ask three times “Mother am I my own master “. I have already told you that self realisation cannot be forced on you. Nor the pure knowledge of the divine. You have to ask for it. So now please put your right hand in the lower portion of the abodomen on the left hand side and ask me 6 times “Mother please give me pure divine knowledge”. Now ask 6 times. As soon as you ask this question the kundalini rises. But you have to enlarge your higher with your self confidence. So please raise your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say ten times with full confidence “Mother I am my own master “. I have already told you about your spirit that you are the spirit. That unless and until you become the spirit you have not got your perfection, perfection in spirituality. Now raise your right hand on your heart and here you have to say twelve times with full confidence “Mother I am the pure spirit“. This all pervading power of divine love is the ocean of knowledge. It is the ocean of compassion and bliss. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved in this ocean of compassion. So now please forgive yourself. And please put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say sixteen times “Mother I am not guilty at all”. I have requested you that you have to forgive everyone in general, not thinking about them. Because whether you forgive or you don't forgive you don't do anything. At this moment if you don't forgive the centre of christ itself will not open, though so many of you believe in Christ you don't forgive. Thats why this centre is catching. So now please raise your right hand on top of your forehead across, and put down your head. Here you have to say only from your heart, not to count “Mother I forgive everyone in general”; from your heart. Also for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from this all pervading power. So now please put the right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power. So please say “Oh Divine Power, if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me. 1.16.19 Its again you have to say from your heart, not how many times. Now the last centre is very important through which the kundalini emerges out. She nourishes all the centres and she joins you to the all pervading power. So now stretch you palms fully and put the centre of the palm on top of your fontanelle bone are and now bend your head as much as you can. Now stretch your fingers, have a proper pressure. You have to move it seven times clockwise but, I cannot force self realization on you. You have to ask for it. So while moving your palm on the scalp please say “Mother please give a self realization” in all humility. You cannot get self realization if you are arrogant, one has to humble down. Now please bend your head. Now please take down your hands and open your eyes slowly. Now please put both the hands towards me. With the right hand towards me, you just bend your head and see for your self if there is cool or hot breeze like thing coming out on the fontanelle bone area, you have to move it you see, move forward, bend your head, it feels there. Now put your left hand towards me like this, again bend your head and see with the right hand. If there is hot breeze coming from your head then know that you have not forgive others and yourself. Please bend your head and see. Now again once more with the right hand, some might get it closer, some might away. Now please put both your hands towards the sky and bend back, bend your head put it back. Here you have to ask a question in your heart “Mother is this the cool breeze of the holy ghost “ or another question you can ask “Mother is this the all pervading power of the divine love?” or another question “Mother is this the paramachaitanya ?”. now take down your hands please. Both the hands towards me. Some people get it from here (back of hand/palm), they should bring it back like that. Now watch me without thinking, just watch me without thinking; you can do it. Now those who have felt cool breeze or hot breeze on their fingers or on their hands or out of the fontanelle bone area please raise both your hands. See all of you have got it except for very few. ?? . I bow to you because now all of you have become saints. Now only thing you have to know is how to use this power. Please put down the hands. May be somebody who is sick may not get, somebody is too much mental may not get. It is very few who didn’t get. So now a new life has started. In the Sanskrit language we call a realized soul as dwijah. Also a bird I called dwijah. Because the bird is twice born. First its an egg and then it becomes a bird. That’s how it has happened. Now you have become birds but still you have to meditate every night ten minutes to see that all shackles ??? . next year again I will try to come and I am sure it will work out. When I come all of you come but when I am not there all of you don’t come. There is no money to be offered or anything, but you have to give time. You have to give some time to yourself for your growth and that will help you a lot to be able to grow spiritually. We have some very good sahaja yogis and people are coming from some other countries here. See the Romanians have come all the way. Now a day should come when you all can go abroad. That should happen to all of you. May God bless you all, may God bless you. You got it I am very happy because Muktanandas…. Q : what about Swami Shivananda, they follow, white light society 6 years ago Shri Mataji:nonsense. This is divine love. You have to feel it. Actualisation, not talking, just actualization. Alright? Yes ! Shri Mataji: you see Indians are very clever and I don’t know they have made lots of money. Indians (sadhus/gurus) are very clever and can be very cunning. So be careful. If Indians are good, they are very very good and if they are bad they are horrid. And this false people have come to loot you. Understand it . They don’t live in India, they go abroad, just collecting money, that’s all.
How to Solve Ecological Problems
Public Program
Public Program. Sofia (Bulgaria), 26 July 1995. I bow to all of you, who have come to know, how to save humanity.It is not our problem only of Bulgaria, but of the whole World. Everyday all over the world there is awareness about ecological problems. But means that are adopted are not sufficient enough to stop our deterioration. Now I am here to tell you about some truths, which if we achieve, we can solve our ecological problem in a much better way. Outwardly we understand that we have to reduce the machinery. The industrialisation, the way it has gone out of proportion, has created lots of problems. If we go back about say 50 years in India, we were having our struggle for independence. Then Mahatma Gandhi suggested, “why not we use hand made things, handmade clothes, hand woven clothes, handmade things from the villages”. And it worked because we could stop the machinery of Manchester, who were selling us all these clothes from England. In the West, there is a big urge to use hand made things, is more expensive. I was surprised that Bulgaria is so much full of artists, there are so many artists, very beautiful. They do not only make, you can say, pictures and paintings but also they are very good hand at making things, which are functional with hand. Now to out rate the growth of industry, we have to take something simple life, by which, we do not use too many things. In India say for example every family will have one plate either of Brass or of Silver, depending on the status for each person that is all. But these days the plastics are created, which are disposable. In America even in the drawing room, they have a waste paper basket of big one like this for disposable things, they are always disposal. I think it is a labour saving, because such a lot of waste has been created. In America that they do not know what to do with it. If you fly to New York, you will be surprised to see that the whole sea is filled up with all kinds of rubbish. It spreads miles together. With all that kind of water, the fish cannot survive. And there are so many industries that their waste has to go into the Hudson River. There is a way of understanding that we have unnecessarily expanded our acquisition temperament. They say, it is for our individuality we have this one type of plates, plastic plates one has, another one has another kind of plastic. But plastic is not good for health. And the beauty of it is that it can penetrate into anything, it can penetrate into clothes, it can penetrate into [..]. Now this is a difficult thing it will take too much time to change the people of their awareness to understand. As you know there are all kinds of pollutions that are troubling us. They are using lots of cars, and all such vehicles which create pollution. But if you say that you should use bullock carts or you should use horses or donkeys, nobody will like that idea. Because this modern world has become very speedy and because of the speed people just want to do things much faster than that is required. There is a big slavery of the watches. This is what modern life is. All these things cannot be reversed very easily, I understand. And these factors which create pollution cannot be controlled very easily by just by protesting, or by shouting, or by doing all kinds of things. Now they said that there was bomb explosion in Paris railway station because it is suspected that the people are against Chirac, who planned a sort of atomic experiment in the South Pacific. This kind of violence also is not going to deter people from doing wrong things. Because of these, all these happenings and very aggressive people at the helm of affairs, what we find is that human being themselves have become very chaotic. They are very much confused. So to keep up the speed also we have these computers and all those things, but what it is doing to us we do not know. It is a money orientation of men, which is working out his whole life style. And nobody is worried about the future what is going to happen. They lack complete wisdom and balance. Once they start doing something they must go to the extremes. There is no moderation in anything; it is a kind of a desperation they take. So we have to now think, what should we do. In the evolutionary process, as you know, people developed immunity to different obstacles. Animals developed new type of limbs and things according to the atmosphere they have to face. Is there a possibility that we human beings in these modern times can develop immunity to this attack of ecological problems. If we could do that then there is a question of great survival of the person. The first is all kinds of new diseases that have come up. The latest one what you call as [Epis] disease you see, this is when the whole conscious mind becomes paralysed. When people go to the extreme of too much thinking and planning, they develop this disease. Now this is happening very much more in America and also in England. Very successful people become, what you can say, paralysed as far as their body is concerned. Their brain is working all right, but consciously they cannot do anything. Unconsciously they may do some things, but consciously they cannot even pick up a glass like this. They become like really like reptiles and you have to carry them like big fish on your body. But when they talk, they talk like a great scientist, great professionals. This is I think is the last word now as far as the checking of the nature is concerned about over activity. Also ecology, also this also, acts a problem with that. Because their breathing is very difficult and so in this polluted atmosphere, they cannot breathe properly. So we should probe into the matter to see is there a way out. If the science does not help, we should go beyond the science. The trouble with the science is that is amoral, it is amoral, there is no morality. And once it goes into the hands of people who are aggressive, it becomes very destructive. So today I am here to tell you about the solution. It is Meta science you can call. You should not accept me blind folded. We have had enough of problem of blind faith. But whatever I am telling you, you should accept it as a hypothesis, like scientists are. And please keep your mind open. Now if you find what I say can be proved and there is evidence you should believe, because it will solve ecological problems. It is benevolent for you, for your family, for your country, for the whole world. I am talking about the last breakthrough of our evolution. We have reached up to this human awareness. But still we are not perfect and we do not have absolute knowledge and we have not much immunity either. So let us find out if there is some other mechanism within us, which can work it out. Here is they have shown that mechanism that works it out within us - the immunity part. In the triangular bone, as you see, there is an energy, which is a residual energy, which is for this last breakthrough. This energy was sacred because Greeks knew about it, they called it Sacrum bone. Now this energy exists, we have evidence of that, and you can even see it pulsating at a certain stage of this process of evolution. Also as far as we know that we have three types of Autonomous Nervous System, Left-Right Sympathetic and the Para Sympathetic. And the fourth one is our Central Nervous System, which you can say is recording whatever happens in our evolution. So these three energies that are there are run by Autonomous Nervous System as the doctors call it. Now we should ask who is this auto? There are so many things science cannot answer. For example these flowers, we don’t know how they are created by Mother Earth. Because it is a living process. In the medical science there are many things they cannot answer. As a rule anything that is foreign in this body is thrown out. But when the foetus, the baby foetus is formed. It is not thrown out, it’s preserved, looked after, nourished and at the right time it is thrown out. There are other many things like there are two chemicals Acetylcholine and Adrenaline. They are chemicals but they act differently in the body. You cannot explain why it happens, that means we must explore much deeper within ourselves. Now according to Me, just take it as a hypothesis, there are seven centres, energy centres within us. And when this power, which I told you, is in the Sacrum Bone, rises through these centres it integrates it and also it nourishes it. Now I will tell you how cancer is caused. We have these centres from the Left and Right sympathetic nervous system in the Para sympathetic nervous system. Now if you are moving too much of your right side for physical and mental activity, when the energy from this centre is drawn out too much and if something happens on the left side it breaks. And it loses its connection with the main. And then the malignancy settles. There is no control of the brain on it. By this awakening I assure you, we have cured cancer in India all over. Without any medicines only through your own energy it has happened. There are so many other diseases especially I will tell you about the one, which one gets when he is over acting, when he thinks too much. Now this attack I am telling can come from ecological problems. I think it becomes mostly it comes. Now the one centre I will discuss with you today, because they said, “There will be some doctors sitting here”. Are there some doctors sitting here? Will you raise your hands, if you are doctors please? So this is for everyone. Whether they are doctors, or they are planners, or they are doing some sort of an enterprises, for all the people, we call it right sided people. Who think too much, who are spending too much time in making something or doing something, or you can say constructive so called. With these over activity what happens you should see, firstly over activity of human beings have created ecological problem. If they could little bid settle down, it would be less problem for us. For example one man starts a factory than he earns some money out of it than he starts another factory than another factory than another factory, or it could be somebody who, say studying for M.A., than he wants to do M. Phil., than he wants to do P. Hd. And go on just like that. Also the bureaucrats, who are planning too much, politicians, all the time intriguing using their limited brain energy. They all face this right side problem. According to us the right side channel is this one which is used for mental and physical work. And there are so many problems with that like stress and strain and this [epis] disease also. One of these seven centres, the second one as you see there we call it Swadishthana, which also looks after the Aortic Plexus in the Medical terminology. But it supplies energy for the grey cells in the brain. When you think too much it has to do this job is to supply energy for the grey cells of the brain. This one centre has to look after the Liver, the Pancreas, the Spleen, the Kidneys and Intestines, especially in the lower part of Intestines. Now when you are thinking too much, what happens first of all, the Liver goes out of order, the job of the Liver is to take out all that is poisonous in the body, in the form of heat and give it in the blood circulation. But when it is out of gear, than the heat is transferred upward and there is a minor centre there called at the right, right Heart we call it, it’s the one which gets affected, which looks after the lungs and then one gets asthma of a serious type. Also this ecological problem active because heat is created and that sort of coagulates the Lungs. The second problem comes, when young people play tennis, very heavy physical exercises also drink a lot and think a lot then they get a heart attack, heart is collapsed. Very massive heart attack, which is fatal. And very young people die; say from 18 to 25, there are many common cases like that. Also there is craze for people to go to the sea shore and take to heat. As it is their liver is out of order, which is giving a lot of heat, and then they want to go and sit in the sun so they get skin cancer. About 25 years back nobody knew about these horrible diseases. They didn’t ever go out, they sat in the house, talked to each other, but nobody knew that people went out to the holiday, spent all their money. But some entrepreneur came up with this smart idea and started this business. Some people say in England I have seen them from South to they will go to the North and North will come to the South. And the whole weekend they are plodding with their children up and down, whole weekend is just wasted in a very hectic life. They save all the money just for the holidays, and the women also try to get there body in such a way that they could expose it to the Sun. The second thing that happens to you is that your pancreas doesn’t get energy from this particular centre and becomes sick. And you develop a horrible disease called diabetes. Most people who are sitting and planning, planning, planning are the ones who get, they get diabetes. But not the people say in Indian villages, who just earn sufficient, eat their food and sleep off. They don’t bother. They don’t worry for tomorrow. There are no insurances and they eat such a lot of sugar that in a cup of tea the spoon must stand up to 90 degrees. And they were never known what is diabetes is. So by reducing sugar, we are not going to get rid of your diabetes. This pancreas has to be improved. Than we have another thing called spleen. Spleen is like a speedometer within us. If supposing you eat your food and suddenly you run you get a pain in the spleen. So this spleen is a speedometer, which has its own rhythm. But modern life is such that in the morning you must read newspaper. And they never publish anything that is good or peaceful but always so many bombs, so many died, so many killed. If you read it, if you are sensitive, you really feel so upset and at this spleen starts putting more RBCs out. Then in the car you find the jam and you get upset. Then in the office the boss is angry because you are late and the whole life is so hectic. You have to do this and you have to do that, you have to do that. So this poor spleen doesn’t know how to cope with the crazy manner this. So the whole rhythm changes and suddenly what you develop is blood cancer. I have seen 3 – 4 architects in India now are alright, they had horrible blood cancer. Also one of the leaders of some party in India, he also got cured. All such people, they cannot look after themselves, how can they help others? Then the kidneys, the kidneys also get coagulated with the heat. So you get kidney trouble. You are put on the dialysis artificially till you become bankrupt. And then you die. There was a doctor who came to see me who had this trouble, kidney trouble. He was doing dialysis. So he said Mother can you cure me? I said “I will try but, if you are cured promise Me that you will not do any more dialysis.” Luckily he got cured but he is still busy with the dialysis. Because he said “I have invested so much money, what I have to do?” Better sell it off. So this is what happens to kidneys. Now Intestines become also very constricted. All kinds of Intestinal problems start. Worst is permanent constipation. This is only in the lower part. In the upper part now even you may survive for some years, your heart is always under attack. And suddenly you just become a victim of a massive heart attack at any age can happen. Then also you can get your paralysis of the right side. But last not the least, is this [epis] disease. All these things happen only by one centre going into jeopardy. Now if even you can correct this centre and if your centres are cured than you become immune to ecology. Because, also, you get connected with the All Pervading Divine Power. Actually that does all the living work. I know all the religions have failed because, because they are money oriented or power oriented. But they are not spirit oriented. With this process, when it happens when you become the Spirit, you become immune. Because nothing can kill that spirit and that immunity you develop. Now I am running my 73rd year and I am practically travelling every third day and I am at peace with myself. And the whole things look like a drama to me. I have never been to a dentist, also glasses I started about 4 years back because of this light. Also because of this light which was on some times nine hours, ten hours, I developed little spots. But I have no […], no what you call other problems of the blood or anything nothing. Of course I have no time to exercise still I am normal. So what one should desire is to become the Spirit, so you develop immunity to this ecology. The first thing I find in the West, I don’t know about Bulgaria, but they are so sensitive to noise. They can’t bear any slightest noise. I am surprised, in these modern times you have to live on the Himalayas, if you want to avoid noise, isn’t it. But they are so sensitive to this kind of noise, any other noise but if there is horrible music going on dha-dha-dha, they don’t mind. Yesterday we were listening to the news and one old American lady, who is a tourist, was sleeping in another room. I mean mostly in America they travel when they are above 70 years like this. They are shaking with the sticks in their hands and I mean at this age why should you travel for nothing at all. They want to compete I think with the young people, so she complained that she cannot sleep with this news going on in our room, which was very faint. I think it’s ego but then they started some sort of disco down below. Till about 5 O’clock in the morning and who could she complain? But what is it that, we have to develop this immunity because we become a witness of the whole thing. And as a result you also get powers to make other people who are evolved fully. You know the absolute knowledge; you get the absolute knowledge on your fingertips. It is the Saint knowledge about yourself and because you become also collectively conscious, you get information about us. Now if you know how to cure yourself. You can cure others also. I am very thankful to this organisation, which has invited me and I could have spoken much more about the sea preservation and all that. Because I travel a lot and I see a lot. We can learn from Australia, from Tunisia, how they have made their sea all right safe, so much to be learnt from some people, but one must have wisdom and humility. It is a serious problem and we have to think about ecology. So I am thankful to this organisation which has invited me and because of that I could tell you about the immunity, how to develop within yourself. Some may say, it takes time, I think it does not. Because say in a country like Russia where I never expected in one program there are always more than sixteen thousand people. And they get their realisation without any trouble. I am amazed because I never thought that Russians would be so sensitive to this. May be they are so frustrated that they took to it. Of course India knows all about it so no problem but so many countries now 65 countries people, 65 countries have accepted Sahaja Yoga. Even Romania, which is hardly any distance, just imagine these people don’t know Hindi language, they don’t know our music system, which is very difficult. They have to, in India; they have to study for years to pick up these. But not only that they can sing very well, but also they understand what they are singing. People who were never used to Indian music are so appreciative of it, I just can’t believe it. Even to say one sentence of Sanskrit, was impossible for an Englishman, even ordinary Hindi words. How these people from all these countries, have picked up all kinds of languages, is very much surprising. We have many doctors, who are in Sahaja Yoga, I was thinking of having a conference of doctors here sometime. And they are going to bring all the evidence and all about. I am sorry, I have to leave you because this hall is only available for a short time and I hope you don’t mind. If you want to have your self-realisation, we have very good, very very good centres here, where you can go and do it. So I wish all the good luck to this organisation and all the help that is needed we are willing to do. Thank you very much.
Public Program. Sofia (Bulgaria), 26 July 1995. I bow to all of you, who have come to know, how to save humanity.It is not our problem only of Bulgaria, but of the whole World. Everyday all over the world there is awareness about ecological problems. But means that are adopted are not sufficient enough to stop our deterioration. Now I am here to tell you about some truths, which if we achieve, we can solve our ecological problem in a much better way. Outwardly we understand that we have to reduce the machinery. The industrialisation, the way it has gone out of proportion, has created lots of problems. If we go back about say 50 years in India, we were having our struggle for independence. Then Mahatma Gandhi suggested, “why not we use hand made things, handmade clothes, hand woven clothes, handmade things from the villages”. And it worked because we could stop the machinery of Manchester, who were selling us all these clothes from England. In the West, there is a big urge to use hand made things, is more expensive. I was surprised that Bulgaria is so much full of artists, there are so many artists, very beautiful. They do not only make, you can say, pictures and paintings but also they are very good hand at making things, which are functional with hand. Now to out rate the growth of industry, we have to take something simple life, by which, we do not use too many things. In India say for example every family will have one plate either of Brass or of Silver, depending on the status for each person that is all. But these days the plastics are created, which are disposable. In America even in the drawing room, they have a waste paper basket of big one like this for disposable things, they are always disposal. I think it is a labour saving, because such a lot of waste has been created. In America that they do not know what to do with it. If you fly to New York, you will be surprised to see that the whole sea is filled up with all kinds of rubbish. It spreads miles together. With all that kind of water, the fish cannot survive. And there are so many industries that their waste has to go into the Hudson River. There is a way of understanding that we have unnecessarily expanded our acquisition temperament. They say, it is for our individuality we have this one type of plates, plastic plates one has, another one has another kind of plastic. But plastic is not good for health. And the beauty of it is that it can penetrate into anything, it can penetrate into clothes, it can penetrate into [..]. Now this is a difficult thing it will take too much time to change the people of their awareness to understand. As you know there are all kinds of pollutions that are troubling us. They are using lots of cars, and all such vehicles which create pollution. But if you say that you should use bullock carts or you should use horses or donkeys, nobody will like that idea. Because this modern world has become very speedy and because of the speed people just want to do things much faster than that is required. There is a big slavery of the watches. This is what modern life is. All these things cannot be reversed very easily, I understand. And these factors which create pollution cannot be controlled very easily by just by protesting, or by shouting, or by doing all kinds of things. Now they said that there was bomb explosion in Paris railway station because it is suspected that the people are against Chirac, who planned a sort of atomic experiment in the South Pacific. This kind of violence also is not going to deter people from doing wrong things. Because of these, all these happenings and very aggressive people at the helm of affairs, what we find is that human being themselves have become very chaotic. They are very much confused. So to keep up the speed also we have these computers and all those things, but what it is doing to us we do not know. It is a money orientation of men, which is working out his whole life style. And nobody is worried about the future what is going to happen. They lack complete wisdom and balance. Once they start doing something they must go to the extremes. There is no moderation in anything; it is a kind of a desperation they take. So we have to now think, what should we do. In the evolutionary process, as you know, people developed immunity to different obstacles. Animals developed new type of limbs and things according to the atmosphere they have to face. Is there a possibility that we human beings in these modern times can develop immunity to this attack of ecological problems. If we could do that then there is a question of great survival of the person. The first is all kinds of new diseases that have come up. The latest one what you call as [Epis] disease you see, this is when the whole conscious mind becomes paralysed. When people go to the extreme of too much thinking and planning, they develop this disease. Now this is happening very much more in America and also in England. Very successful people become, what you can say, paralysed as far as their body is concerned. Their brain is working all right, but consciously they cannot do anything. Unconsciously they may do some things, but consciously they cannot even pick up a glass like this. They become like really like reptiles and you have to carry them like big fish on your body. But when they talk, they talk like a great scientist, great professionals. This is I think is the last word now as far as the checking of the nature is concerned about over activity. Also ecology, also this also, acts a problem with that. Because their breathing is very difficult and so in this polluted atmosphere, they cannot breathe properly. So we should probe into the matter to see is there a way out. If the science does not help, we should go beyond the science. The trouble with the science is that is amoral, it is amoral, there is no morality. And once it goes into the hands of people who are aggressive, it becomes very destructive. So today I am here to tell you about the solution. It is Meta science you can call. You should not accept me blind folded. We have had enough of problem of blind faith. But whatever I am telling you, you should accept it as a hypothesis, like scientists are. And please keep your mind open. Now if you find what I say can be proved and there is evidence you should believe, because it will solve ecological problems. It is benevolent for you, for your family, for your country, for the whole world. I am talking about the last breakthrough of our evolution. We have reached up to this human awareness. But still we are not perfect and we do not have absolute knowledge and we have not much immunity either. So let us find out if there is some other mechanism within us, which can work it out. Here is they have shown that mechanism that works it out within us - the immunity part. In the triangular bone, as you see, there is an energy, which is a residual energy, which is for this last breakthrough. This energy was sacred because Greeks knew about it, they called it Sacrum bone. Now this energy exists, we have evidence of that, and you can even see it pulsating at a certain stage of this process of evolution. Also as far as we know that we have three types of Autonomous Nervous System, Left-Right Sympathetic and the Para Sympathetic. And the fourth one is our Central Nervous System, which you can say is recording whatever happens in our evolution. So these three energies that are there are run by Autonomous Nervous System as the doctors call it. Now we should ask who is this auto? There are so many things science cannot answer. For example these flowers, we don’t know how they are created by Mother Earth. Because it is a living process. In the medical science there are many things they cannot answer. As a rule anything that is foreign in this body is thrown out. But when the foetus, the baby foetus is formed. It is not thrown out, it’s preserved, looked after, nourished and at the right time it is thrown out. There are other many things like there are two chemicals Acetylcholine and Adrenaline. They are chemicals but they act differently in the body. You cannot explain why it happens, that means we must explore much deeper within ourselves. Now according to Me, just take it as a hypothesis, there are seven centres, energy centres within us. And when this power, which I told you, is in the Sacrum Bone, rises through these centres it integrates it and also it nourishes it. Now I will tell you how cancer is caused. We have these centres from the Left and Right sympathetic nervous system in the Para sympathetic nervous system. Now if you are moving too much of your right side for physical and mental activity, when the energy from this centre is drawn out too much and if something happens on the left side it breaks. And it loses its connection with the main. And then the malignancy settles. There is no control of the brain on it. By this awakening I assure you, we have cured cancer in India all over. Without any medicines only through your own energy it has happened. There are so many other diseases especially I will tell you about the one, which one gets when he is over acting, when he thinks too much. Now this attack I am telling can come from ecological problems. I think it becomes mostly it comes. Now the one centre I will discuss with you today, because they said, “There will be some doctors sitting here”. Are there some doctors sitting here? Will you raise your hands, if you are doctors please? So this is for everyone. Whether they are doctors, or they are planners, or they are doing some sort of an enterprises, for all the people, we call it right sided people. Who think too much, who are spending too much time in making something or doing something, or you can say constructive so called. With these over activity what happens you should see, firstly over activity of human beings have created ecological problem. If they could little bid settle down, it would be less problem for us. For example one man starts a factory than he earns some money out of it than he starts another factory than another factory than another factory, or it could be somebody who, say studying for M.A., than he wants to do M. Phil., than he wants to do P. Hd. And go on just like that. Also the bureaucrats, who are planning too much, politicians, all the time intriguing using their limited brain energy. They all face this right side problem. According to us the right side channel is this one which is used for mental and physical work. And there are so many problems with that like stress and strain and this [epis] disease also. One of these seven centres, the second one as you see there we call it Swadishthana, which also looks after the Aortic Plexus in the Medical terminology. But it supplies energy for the grey cells in the brain. When you think too much it has to do this job is to supply energy for the grey cells of the brain. This one centre has to look after the Liver, the Pancreas, the Spleen, the Kidneys and Intestines, especially in the lower part of Intestines. Now when you are thinking too much, what happens first of all, the Liver goes out of order, the job of the Liver is to take out all that is poisonous in the body, in the form of heat and give it in the blood circulation. But when it is out of gear, than the heat is transferred upward and there is a minor centre there called at the right, right Heart we call it, it’s the one which gets affected, which looks after the lungs and then one gets asthma of a serious type. Also this ecological problem active because heat is created and that sort of coagulates the Lungs. The second problem comes, when young people play tennis, very heavy physical exercises also drink a lot and think a lot then they get a heart attack, heart is collapsed. Very massive heart attack, which is fatal. And very young people die; say from 18 to 25, there are many common cases like that. Also there is craze for people to go to the sea shore and take to heat. As it is their liver is out of order, which is giving a lot of heat, and then they want to go and sit in the sun so they get skin cancer. About 25 years back nobody knew about these horrible diseases. They didn’t ever go out, they sat in the house, talked to each other, but nobody knew that people went out to the holiday, spent all their money. But some entrepreneur came up with this smart idea and started this business. Some people say in England I have seen them from South to they will go to the North and North will come to the South. And the whole weekend they are plodding with their children up and down, whole weekend is just wasted in a very hectic life. They save all the money just for the holidays, and the women also try to get there body in such a way that they could expose it to the Sun. The second thing that happens to you is that your pancreas doesn’t get energy from this particular centre and becomes sick. And you develop a horrible disease called diabetes. Most people who are sitting and planning, planning, planning are the ones who get, they get diabetes. But not the people say in Indian villages, who just earn sufficient, eat their food and sleep off. They don’t bother. They don’t worry for tomorrow. There are no insurances and they eat such a lot of sugar that in a cup of tea the spoon must stand up to 90 degrees. And they were never known what is diabetes is. So by reducing sugar, we are not going to get rid of your diabetes. This pancreas has to be improved. Than we have another thing called spleen. Spleen is like a speedometer within us. If supposing you eat your food and suddenly you run you get a pain in the spleen. So this spleen is a speedometer, which has its own rhythm. But modern life is such that in the morning you must read newspaper. And they never publish anything that is good or peaceful but always so many bombs, so many died, so many killed. If you read it, if you are sensitive, you really feel so upset and at this spleen starts putting more RBCs out. Then in the car you find the jam and you get upset. Then in the office the boss is angry because you are late and the whole life is so hectic. You have to do this and you have to do that, you have to do that. So this poor spleen doesn’t know how to cope with the crazy manner this. So the whole rhythm changes and suddenly what you develop is blood cancer. I have seen 3 – 4 architects in India now are alright, they had horrible blood cancer. Also one of the leaders of some party in India, he also got cured. All such people, they cannot look after themselves, how can they help others? Then the kidneys, the kidneys also get coagulated with the heat. So you get kidney trouble. You are put on the dialysis artificially till you become bankrupt. And then you die. There was a doctor who came to see me who had this trouble, kidney trouble. He was doing dialysis. So he said Mother can you cure me? I said “I will try but, if you are cured promise Me that you will not do any more dialysis.” Luckily he got cured but he is still busy with the dialysis. Because he said “I have invested so much money, what I have to do?” Better sell it off. So this is what happens to kidneys. Now Intestines become also very constricted. All kinds of Intestinal problems start. Worst is permanent constipation. This is only in the lower part. In the upper part now even you may survive for some years, your heart is always under attack. And suddenly you just become a victim of a massive heart attack at any age can happen. Then also you can get your paralysis of the right side. But last not the least, is this [epis] disease. All these things happen only by one centre going into jeopardy. Now if even you can correct this centre and if your centres are cured than you become immune to ecology. Because, also, you get connected with the All Pervading Divine Power. Actually that does all the living work. I know all the religions have failed because, because they are money oriented or power oriented. But they are not spirit oriented. With this process, when it happens when you become the Spirit, you become immune. Because nothing can kill that spirit and that immunity you develop. Now I am running my 73rd year and I am practically travelling every third day and I am at peace with myself. And the whole things look like a drama to me. I have never been to a dentist, also glasses I started about 4 years back because of this light. Also because of this light which was on some times nine hours, ten hours, I developed little spots. But I have no […], no what you call other problems of the blood or anything nothing. Of course I have no time to exercise still I am normal. So what one should desire is to become the Spirit, so you develop immunity to this ecology. The first thing I find in the West, I don’t know about Bulgaria, but they are so sensitive to noise. They can’t bear any slightest noise. I am surprised, in these modern times you have to live on the Himalayas, if you want to avoid noise, isn’t it. But they are so sensitive to this kind of noise, any other noise but if there is horrible music going on dha-dha-dha, they don’t mind. Yesterday we were listening to the news and one old American lady, who is a tourist, was sleeping in another room. I mean mostly in America they travel when they are above 70 years like this. They are shaking with the sticks in their hands and I mean at this age why should you travel for nothing at all. They want to compete I think with the young people, so she complained that she cannot sleep with this news going on in our room, which was very faint. I think it’s ego but then they started some sort of disco down below. Till about 5 O’clock in the morning and who could she complain? But what is it that, we have to develop this immunity because we become a witness of the whole thing. And as a result you also get powers to make other people who are evolved fully. You know the absolute knowledge; you get the absolute knowledge on your fingertips. It is the Saint knowledge about yourself and because you become also collectively conscious, you get information about us. Now if you know how to cure yourself. You can cure others also. I am very thankful to this organisation, which has invited me and I could have spoken much more about the sea preservation and all that. Because I travel a lot and I see a lot. We can learn from Australia, from Tunisia, how they have made their sea all right safe, so much to be learnt from some people, but one must have wisdom and humility. It is a serious problem and we have to think about ecology. So I am thankful to this organisation which has invited me and because of that I could tell you about the immunity, how to develop within yourself. Some may say, it takes time, I think it does not. Because say in a country like Russia where I never expected in one program there are always more than sixteen thousand people. And they get their realisation without any trouble. I am amazed because I never thought that Russians would be so sensitive to this. May be they are so frustrated that they took to it. Of course India knows all about it so no problem but so many countries now 65 countries people, 65 countries have accepted Sahaja Yoga. Even Romania, which is hardly any distance, just imagine these people don’t know Hindi language, they don’t know our music system, which is very difficult. They have to, in India; they have to study for years to pick up these. But not only that they can sing very well, but also they understand what they are singing. People who were never used to Indian music are so appreciative of it, I just can’t believe it. Even to say one sentence of Sanskrit, was impossible for an Englishman, even ordinary Hindi words. How these people from all these countries, have picked up all kinds of languages, is very much surprising. We have many doctors, who are in Sahaja Yoga, I was thinking of having a conference of doctors here sometime. And they are going to bring all the evidence and all about. I am sorry, I have to leave you because this hall is only available for a short time and I hope you don’t mind. If you want to have your self-realisation, we have very good, very very good centres here, where you can go and do it. So I wish all the good luck to this organisation and all the help that is needed we are willing to do. Thank you very much.
The time has come to prove the existence of God
Public Program
Third Public Program, Istanbul, Turkey 1995-07-29 Interpreter: Do you hear the speech of Shri Mataji? Audience: Yes, Yes Shri Mataji: Can you hear me?Sahaja Yogis: yes. Shri Mataji: I bow to all seekers of truth! We have to know that the truth is what it is.You can not change it, you can not transform it, you can not describe it. And you can not pay for it. In every religion it is said that you have to find yourself, especially in Koran it’s written that if you do not know yourself, you are not a human being. All “Namaz” and all those prayers are just to ascend, to know yourself. In every religion, it is said so. But as you know the religions have become now power-oriented and money-oriented. And in the name of god they all are fighting.So people saying that there is no truth in God. But the time has come to prove the existence of God and oneness, unity of all the religions. There is nothing to fight in the name of God. Actually, they are not fighting for the truth but fighting for money, for land or for some power.Dr. Khan has already told you, what do we have within our self or also in Kuran, this Kundalini is described as Assas (The Foundation) and also this all-pervading power of divine love is described as “Ruh”. Names may be different but they all talk of the same thing. You can not call any religion, as exclusive. Mohammad sahib is the one who talked about Abraham, about Moses, about Christ and His mother. especially about Christ’s Mother, he said you should never challenge her chastity. Even in the bible, she is not so much respected as he respected. That shows that we must respect our women. Every religion has gone into some sort of a perversion and has become the fundamentalist. Where there are priests or everything or a kind of a “peer” and hatred for each other. If God is ‘Rahim’ (very merciful) and ‘Rahman’ (feel pity for every living thing) how can we have hatred. You must understand that the divine power is there to construct us, to guide us, and to lead us to patience. They are living in this modern world which is so Chaotic. And all over the world, you will find people are just trusted. All the truthful people are trying to find out the solution. In these special modern times also there is one blessing which is spreading that, people will know themselves. Which was the idea of Mohammad Sahib also. Especially, your country has been blessed by a very great soul like Atatürk Kemal Paşa. And in this country, you have had so many Sufis of very great evidence.Like Yunus Emre. If you read his poetry you will be amazed to know that your country has such beautiful poets and such truthful people. He was such a great spiritual soul, and the way he has described about the human beings is really so loving, so compassionate. He has talked of nothing but love. He says I have one enemy that is the hatred and I have one friend that is love. It is really remarkable, how such a great soul is in this country, Turkey and it’s blessings will always be with you. I was really very much attracted to your country because so many Sufis have been created here and their praises are sung even in India. There is nothing to learn from others. You have such trained people who have done so much service to your country as far as spirituality is concerned. When we say this is my hand, this is my body, this is my intelligence who is the owner of this. All this you see, these are the channels which look after your autonomous nervous system. As intelligent people, you should ask a question who is this “auto”. Science is very limited and also immoral. There is no morality about science. For example, they can make atom bombs, they can make all kinds of destructive weapons, there is no restrictive power in Science.And so you find that they have created machinery and the machines are creating lots of pollution. And the whole world today is afraid of this pollution which will come and can destroy our world.So is there a solution for this? For the protection of human beings. There is, a way of becoming the self, the spirit that you develop by divinity to all these circumstances that are around you.It is the becoming that is important, now in our evolutionary process.We have now reached the stage which we called as the human stage but this stage is not perfect. We do not have absolute knowledge, for example one think that capitalism is good, one think that communism is good, everybody has there own idea.Also, we have fixed ideas, like Hitler had the fixed idea that he was the one who has to kill the Jews. Also, he felt that the Germans were the highest race. As a result, he thought he is alright in thinking to arrest the rest of them. Even today there are people, many people, who are at the helm of affairs and have fixed ideas. But if you know what is the absolute truth and if you know there is a divine powerwhich guides our life, nourishes us, then the whole thing changes.Now, Sahaja Yoga is working in 65 nations. And we get people from these 65 nations, in India in thousands. Here also, people have also come from other countries to help other Sahaj yogis here. But there is no quarrel, no fight, nothing. They are enjoying their life. And they have a purpose in life now. All the bad habits, destructive habits like drugs, alcohol, all these things just drop out.One does not have to tell them, don’t do this, don’t do that. Automatically they drop.In the `light of your spirit, you see what is destructive for you and you just give up, you just give it out understanding that it is very, something very dangerous for you. Also, you get your powers, by which you give up everything that is wrong. You get powers to give self-realisations to others also. So one person can give realisation to 1000 people. Your health improves and all kinds of incurable diseases have been cured by Sahaja Yoga.There are 3 doctors in India who have got their M. D in Sahaja yoga for curing incurable diseases.For that, you don’t have to study medicine. On your fingertips, you can feel the centres who are in jeopardy. And you. If you know how to cure yourself you can also cure others. Because you develop the new dimension in your awareness. That we call as collective consciousness. Sitting down here you can feel the centres of other people all over the world. Also, those who are dead you can find out what sort of people they were. Most important thing is that, we have to become the spirit because that is something indistinguishable. All the problems of a human being can be solved. It’s very important that today we should take to our self-hood, to our self-knowledge, for which we don’t have to pay. You can not pay for it. You can not organize. You have no organisation as such. Individually you have to grow. So you rise above, the time, above all your defects and you become a supreme personality.Every day I am giving lectures, so my throat is out of order. This time alright!Our life today, seems to be in real jeopardy. Today for the first time I wanted to listen to the news in the morning. I never listen to the news in the morning. It’s horrible. And it was so shocking. Everywhere in the world, something is going on. you see. Which is really unbearable.And when you see all that you feel that there is something must be done about it and that is to be done by the people who achieve their self-realisation because you don’t know who you are? You are the epitome of the evolution. Interpreter: I don’t understand, sorry, The epitome of the human evolution means the highest. Now the last breakthrough is very simple. It’s your own power. It’s your own mother. She does it all. And when it happens you feel from the top of the head cool breeze like “Ruh” coming out and you become “Ruhani” (spirituel person). Nobody has to certify you know yourself and you are amazed that you yourself become so fantastic. But you are that! You are born to be that and it has to happen. There is no end to my lecture because I have been talking about it in every country I have been but it works and there is no end to your energy. You must be knowing that I am 73 years of age. I am 73 years old and praticly every third day I traveling a country but I feel very energetic and it works so well I have seen that people who are seekers some or other nature I think it’s all organised by this Ruhani power. Thus, you become religious, you become righteous. There is no hypocrisy about it. My husband told me that Turkish people are very capable people and I find that, they are such great artist,they are so creative, everything is there but the only thing this has to happen so that you become great Sufi’s. This is very simple and you can work it out just now. of course, I cannot force on you. You have to ask for it. If you do not desire, I can not force on you, because this is the power of pure desire. If you have the desire to become the self, it is very simple because only this power has to rise and pierce through your fontanel bone area become one with this all-pervading power.Sahaja means born with you. It’s the right that you become one with this all-pervading power. This is a union. This is yoga for which you don’t have to stand on your head do anything. It’s just there. So, the only thing it has to work out. Now, you see there are so many beautiful lights here, but only one switch to can put on the whole because they are just switches. In the same way, you can get your enlightenment because that’s the built-in system within you like this. In every country, they have talked about this. In every religion, they have talked about this. So one has to just get to it. It will not take more than 10 minutes but those who want to go, should leave the hall because it can not be forced and those who do not want should please leave because others should not be disturbed in receiving. Of course, There are very simple 3 conditions:First one is that you have to forgive yourself.You should not feel guilty about it at this moment.Because whatever wrong you have done is a past, so why you carry this myth on your head all the time. Actually, by feeling guilty this centre is caught up here very much. You all have it very much so that’s why I am coughing. But if this centre is very much caught up, then what happens is that you develop spondylitis. You can also have a disease called angina by which you get a heart attack or else you can also have a very lethargic organ. So why to feel guilty for nothing at all.So the second condition is to forgive others. You have to forgive others, because -whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. So the best is to forgive, not to carry this myth. So you forgive everyone, even without thinking about them that will really make you feel much lighter.Then the third condition is – that you have to take out your shoes which is not so difficult I think. In London, the first time when I told them that take out your shoe half of them walked out. Please take out your shoes.Some people feel that they are basically bad.Interpreter : She shouldn’t take photograf during the session.Shri Mataji: Now, this time, why don’t you take your realisation? That is the best. Now, we will show you, how we have to nourish your centres with your own hand. Left side that you have seen here, is what our mundane desires in day to day life.So please put your left hand on your lap or comfortably towards me. indicting that you desire it.Now believe me that you are all going to become the self, the spirit. Have faith yourself, like this. No No like this. Show it. Alright!And the right hand is for the action. So you put your right hand on your heart. Left hand towards Me and right hand on the heart. In the heart, resides your spirit. If you become the spirit, you are your own guide. You are your own master. So you put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side which is the centre of your mastery. Then you take your hand in the lower portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. Please keep your left hand straight like this. Now, this is the centre of pure knowledge that is divine. Even you people do it, because you see there is nothing to … attention, every person will realize. [unclear due to the mixing of voices]This is not to be repeated what I am saying. Alright! Can you do it or not?Let us seek your peace. It’s much better. Alright!So Now this is the centre of pure divine knowledge.Now you have to raise your right hand on top of the upper part of the abdomen on the left-hand side. You are nourishing your own centres. Now put your right hand on the top of your heart. Now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Now I have already told you about this centre will go out of order if you feel guilty. Now raise your right hand on the top of your forehead across and please put down your head. This is the centre where you have to forgive others in general.Now, take back your hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the centre where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading power. Now, stretch your palm fully and this the is the last centre where you have to put your hand is the fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now please push back your finger. This is very important. and put down your head. Now here, you have to move your scalp. Not your head, your scalp, carefully clockwise 7 times. Just bend your heads.That’s all we have to do. Now you have to close your eyes. Before that ,those who are sitting on the chair should put both the feet apart from each other. Those who are on the ground are alright.All of you take out your glasses. No, no, you are alright, you are alright, you don’t have to, those who are sitting on the chairs because there are two powers. Now please close your eyes and please don’t open them till I tell you. Now left hand towards Me and right hand on the heart on the lap.Now in your heart, you have to ask a question about yourself. a very fundamental one.You can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji, here you say, in your heart 3 times. Ask the question -Mother Am I the spirit?—-3 timesI have told you already that when you become the spirit. You become your master.So now put your right hand on top of your abdomen on the left-hand side in the upper part and press it. Here you have to ask another question which is fundamental. Mother, Am I my own master? Now I can not force the pure divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now please put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it and please ask 6 times -Mother please give me pure divine knowledge. Some of you are putting the left hand on the other way. Please put it like this. Some of you are putting wrong. Now Please ask six times -Mother please give me your pure divine knowledge. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. As soon as you ask for the divine knowledge this power starts rising within you, so you have to open higher centres with self-confidence. So, here you ask or you can say with full self-confidence 10 times –“Mother I am my own master”. I must tell you, that you are not this body this mind, these emotions, these egos, these conditionings, but you are your own spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and here, you have to say with full self-confidence, 12 times –“ Mother I am the pure spirit”. I have already told you that you should not feel guilty of your past. Because this all-pervading power of love is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you might have committed will be completely dissolved by this power of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself. And you rise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here now you have to say with full self-confidence 16 times –“Mother I am not guilty at all”. I have already told you that whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything but if you don’t forgive then you play in the wrong hands and you torture yourself, especially at this moment. It’s very important because the centre that is crossing of your optic chiasma is very constricted and if you don’t forgive, this power don’t rise through because this centre has to open. So, please take your right hand on the top of your forehead across and put down your head. Here you have to be humble and say from your heart – (not how many times ) “Mother I forgive everyone in general”. Now without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading power. So please take your right hand in the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here, you have to say (not how many times) but from your heart –“Oh Divine power! Oh, Ruhani power! Please forgive me if I have done anything wrong knowingly and unknowingly.” Now the last most important centre is on top of your head. Stretch your palm fully and press on the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please push back your fingers, it’s very important because you have to have good pressure on your scalp. Now Please bend your head. Here again I can not force self-realisation on you. so you have to ask for it. So move your scalp 7 times clockwise, saying –“Mother please give me my self-hood or self-realisation or my spirit.” Takedown your hand and slowly open your eyes. Now, please put both your hands towards me like this. Now, put your right hand like this, bent your head and with the left hand, you see on top of your head if there any cool breeze or a hot breeze coming out of your own head. Now please put your left hand. And see with your right hand, if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Higher not on the top of the head, it can be very much higher also. Just move and see. If you are have not forgiven yourself or not forgiven others. It will be hot here coming in. Now, Put the right hand towards me and again see with your left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now raise both the hands towards the sky and push back your head. Here now you have to ask one question 3 times:Is this the all-pervading power of divine love that is called as “Ruh”.3 times ask “Mother, is this the all-pervading power of divine love which is called as Ruh”.Push back your head. Now please take down your hand. Now put both the hands towards me like this. And watch me without thinking because this is what happens that you become thoughtlessly aware.You come to your present. You stand in your present. Please put both the hands. All those who have felt the cool or hot breeze on the fingers, on the palm or on the top of the fontanel bone area Please raise your both handsLook at that! The whole of the Turkey has got it!May God bless you !May God bless you !I bow you all, Now your saintly life has started. H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Third Public Program, Istanbul, Turkey 1995-07-29 Interpreter: Do you hear the speech of Shri Mataji? Audience: Yes, Yes Shri Mataji: Can you hear me?Sahaja Yogis: yes. Shri Mataji: I bow to all seekers of truth! We have to know that the truth is what it is.You can not change it, you can not transform it, you can not describe it. And you can not pay for it. In every religion it is said that you have to find yourself, especially in Koran it’s written that if you do not know yourself, you are not a human being. All “Namaz” and all those prayers are just to ascend, to know yourself. In every religion, it is said so. But as you know the religions have become now power-oriented and money-oriented. And in the name of god they all are fighting.So people saying that there is no truth in God. But the time has come to prove the existence of God and oneness, unity of all the religions. There is nothing to fight in the name of God. Actually, they are not fighting for the truth but fighting for money, for land or for some power.Dr. Khan has already told you, what do we have within our self or also in Kuran, this Kundalini is described as Assas (The Foundation) and also this all-pervading power of divine love is described as “Ruh”. Names may be different but they all talk of the same thing. You can not call any religion, as exclusive. Mohammad sahib is the one who talked about Abraham, about Moses, about Christ and His mother. especially about Christ’s Mother, he said you should never challenge her chastity. Even in the bible, she is not so much respected as he respected. That shows that we must respect our women. Every religion has gone into some sort of a perversion and has become the fundamentalist. Where there are priests or everything or a kind of a “peer” and hatred for each other. If God is ‘Rahim’ (very merciful) and ‘Rahman’ (feel pity for every living thing) how can we have hatred. You must understand that the divine power is there to construct us, to guide us, and to lead us to patience. They are living in this modern world which is so Chaotic. And all over the world, you will find people are just trusted. All the truthful people are trying to find out the solution. In these special modern times also there is one blessing which is spreading that, people will know themselves. Which was the idea of Mohammad Sahib also. Especially, your country has been blessed by a very great soul like Atatürk Kemal Paşa. And in this country, you have had so many Sufis of very great evidence.Like Yunus Emre. If you read his poetry you will be amazed to know that your country has such beautiful poets and such truthful people. He was such a great spiritual soul, and the way he has described about the human beings is really so loving, so compassionate. He has talked of nothing but love. He says I have one enemy that is the hatred and I have one friend that is love. It is really remarkable, how such a great soul is in this country, Turkey and it’s blessings will always be with you. I was really very much attracted to your country because so many Sufis have been created here and their praises are sung even in India. There is nothing to learn from others. You have such trained people who have done so much service to your country as far as spirituality is concerned. When we say this is my hand, this is my body, this is my intelligence who is the owner of this. All this you see, these are the channels which look after your autonomous nervous system. As intelligent people, you should ask a question who is this “auto”. Science is very limited and also immoral. There is no morality about science. For example, they can make atom bombs, they can make all kinds of destructive weapons, there is no restrictive power in Science.And so you find that they have created machinery and the machines are creating lots of pollution. And the whole world today is afraid of this pollution which will come and can destroy our world.So is there a solution for this? For the protection of human beings. There is, a way of becoming the self, the spirit that you develop by divinity to all these circumstances that are around you.It is the becoming that is important, now in our evolutionary process.We have now reached the stage which we called as the human stage but this stage is not perfect. We do not have absolute knowledge, for example one think that capitalism is good, one think that communism is good, everybody has there own idea.Also, we have fixed ideas, like Hitler had the fixed idea that he was the one who has to kill the Jews. Also, he felt that the Germans were the highest race. As a result, he thought he is alright in thinking to arrest the rest of them. Even today there are people, many people, who are at the helm of affairs and have fixed ideas. But if you know what is the absolute truth and if you know there is a divine powerwhich guides our life, nourishes us, then the whole thing changes.Now, Sahaja Yoga is working in 65 nations. And we get people from these 65 nations, in India in thousands. Here also, people have also come from other countries to help other Sahaj yogis here. But there is no quarrel, no fight, nothing. They are enjoying their life. And they have a purpose in life now. All the bad habits, destructive habits like drugs, alcohol, all these things just drop out.One does not have to tell them, don’t do this, don’t do that. Automatically they drop.In the `light of your spirit, you see what is destructive for you and you just give up, you just give it out understanding that it is very, something very dangerous for you. Also, you get your powers, by which you give up everything that is wrong. You get powers to give self-realisations to others also. So one person can give realisation to 1000 people. Your health improves and all kinds of incurable diseases have been cured by Sahaja Yoga.There are 3 doctors in India who have got their M. D in Sahaja yoga for curing incurable diseases.For that, you don’t have to study medicine. On your fingertips, you can feel the centres who are in jeopardy. And you. If you know how to cure yourself you can also cure others. Because you develop the new dimension in your awareness. That we call as collective consciousness. Sitting down here you can feel the centres of other people all over the world. Also, those who are dead you can find out what sort of people they were. Most important thing is that, we have to become the spirit because that is something indistinguishable. All the problems of a human being can be solved. It’s very important that today we should take to our self-hood, to our self-knowledge, for which we don’t have to pay. You can not pay for it. You can not organize. You have no organisation as such. Individually you have to grow. So you rise above, the time, above all your defects and you become a supreme personality.Every day I am giving lectures, so my throat is out of order. This time alright!Our life today, seems to be in real jeopardy. Today for the first time I wanted to listen to the news in the morning. I never listen to the news in the morning. It’s horrible. And it was so shocking. Everywhere in the world, something is going on. you see. Which is really unbearable.And when you see all that you feel that there is something must be done about it and that is to be done by the people who achieve their self-realisation because you don’t know who you are? You are the epitome of the evolution. Interpreter: I don’t understand, sorry, The epitome of the human evolution means the highest. Now the last breakthrough is very simple. It’s your own power. It’s your own mother. She does it all. And when it happens you feel from the top of the head cool breeze like “Ruh” coming out and you become “Ruhani” (spirituel person). Nobody has to certify you know yourself and you are amazed that you yourself become so fantastic. But you are that! You are born to be that and it has to happen. There is no end to my lecture because I have been talking about it in every country I have been but it works and there is no end to your energy. You must be knowing that I am 73 years of age. I am 73 years old and praticly every third day I traveling a country but I feel very energetic and it works so well I have seen that people who are seekers some or other nature I think it’s all organised by this Ruhani power. Thus, you become religious, you become righteous. There is no hypocrisy about it. My husband told me that Turkish people are very capable people and I find that, they are such great artist,they are so creative, everything is there but the only thing this has to happen so that you become great Sufi’s. This is very simple and you can work it out just now. of course, I cannot force on you. You have to ask for it. If you do not desire, I can not force on you, because this is the power of pure desire. If you have the desire to become the self, it is very simple because only this power has to rise and pierce through your fontanel bone area become one with this all-pervading power.Sahaja means born with you. It’s the right that you become one with this all-pervading power. This is a union. This is yoga for which you don’t have to stand on your head do anything. It’s just there. So, the only thing it has to work out. Now, you see there are so many beautiful lights here, but only one switch to can put on the whole because they are just switches. In the same way, you can get your enlightenment because that’s the built-in system within you like this. In every country, they have talked about this. In every religion, they have talked about this. So one has to just get to it. It will not take more than 10 minutes but those who want to go, should leave the hall because it can not be forced and those who do not want should please leave because others should not be disturbed in receiving. Of course, There are very simple 3 conditions:First one is that you have to forgive yourself.You should not feel guilty about it at this moment.Because whatever wrong you have done is a past, so why you carry this myth on your head all the time. Actually, by feeling guilty this centre is caught up here very much. You all have it very much so that’s why I am coughing. But if this centre is very much caught up, then what happens is that you develop spondylitis. You can also have a disease called angina by which you get a heart attack or else you can also have a very lethargic organ. So why to feel guilty for nothing at all.So the second condition is to forgive others. You have to forgive others, because -whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. So the best is to forgive, not to carry this myth. So you forgive everyone, even without thinking about them that will really make you feel much lighter.Then the third condition is – that you have to take out your shoes which is not so difficult I think. In London, the first time when I told them that take out your shoe half of them walked out. Please take out your shoes.Some people feel that they are basically bad.Interpreter : She shouldn’t take photograf during the session.Shri Mataji: Now, this time, why don’t you take your realisation? That is the best. Now, we will show you, how we have to nourish your centres with your own hand. Left side that you have seen here, is what our mundane desires in day to day life.So please put your left hand on your lap or comfortably towards me. indicting that you desire it.Now believe me that you are all going to become the self, the spirit. Have faith yourself, like this. No No like this. Show it. Alright!And the right hand is for the action. So you put your right hand on your heart. Left hand towards Me and right hand on the heart. In the heart, resides your spirit. If you become the spirit, you are your own guide. You are your own master. So you put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side which is the centre of your mastery. Then you take your hand in the lower portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. Please keep your left hand straight like this. Now, this is the centre of pure knowledge that is divine. Even you people do it, because you see there is nothing to … attention, every person will realize. [unclear due to the mixing of voices]This is not to be repeated what I am saying. Alright! Can you do it or not?Let us seek your peace. It’s much better. Alright!So Now this is the centre of pure divine knowledge.Now you have to raise your right hand on top of the upper part of the abdomen on the left-hand side. You are nourishing your own centres. Now put your right hand on the top of your heart. Now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Now I have already told you about this centre will go out of order if you feel guilty. Now raise your right hand on the top of your forehead across and please put down your head. This is the centre where you have to forgive others in general.Now, take back your hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the centre where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading power. Now, stretch your palm fully and this the is the last centre where you have to put your hand is the fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now please push back your finger. This is very important. and put down your head. Now here, you have to move your scalp. Not your head, your scalp, carefully clockwise 7 times. Just bend your heads.That’s all we have to do. Now you have to close your eyes. Before that ,those who are sitting on the chair should put both the feet apart from each other. Those who are on the ground are alright.All of you take out your glasses. No, no, you are alright, you are alright, you don’t have to, those who are sitting on the chairs because there are two powers. Now please close your eyes and please don’t open them till I tell you. Now left hand towards Me and right hand on the heart on the lap.Now in your heart, you have to ask a question about yourself. a very fundamental one.You can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji, here you say, in your heart 3 times. Ask the question -Mother Am I the spirit?—-3 timesI have told you already that when you become the spirit. You become your master.So now put your right hand on top of your abdomen on the left-hand side in the upper part and press it. Here you have to ask another question which is fundamental. Mother, Am I my own master? Now I can not force the pure divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now please put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it and please ask 6 times -Mother please give me pure divine knowledge. Some of you are putting the left hand on the other way. Please put it like this. Some of you are putting wrong. Now Please ask six times -Mother please give me your pure divine knowledge. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. As soon as you ask for the divine knowledge this power starts rising within you, so you have to open higher centres with self-confidence. So, here you ask or you can say with full self-confidence 10 times –“Mother I am my own master”. I must tell you, that you are not this body this mind, these emotions, these egos, these conditionings, but you are your own spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and here, you have to say with full self-confidence, 12 times –“ Mother I am the pure spirit”. I have already told you that you should not feel guilty of your past. Because this all-pervading power of love is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you might have committed will be completely dissolved by this power of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself. And you rise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here now you have to say with full self-confidence 16 times –“Mother I am not guilty at all”. I have already told you that whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything but if you don’t forgive then you play in the wrong hands and you torture yourself, especially at this moment. It’s very important because the centre that is crossing of your optic chiasma is very constricted and if you don’t forgive, this power don’t rise through because this centre has to open. So, please take your right hand on the top of your forehead across and put down your head. Here you have to be humble and say from your heart – (not how many times ) “Mother I forgive everyone in general”. Now without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading power. So please take your right hand in the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here, you have to say (not how many times) but from your heart –“Oh Divine power! Oh, Ruhani power! Please forgive me if I have done anything wrong knowingly and unknowingly.” Now the last most important centre is on top of your head. Stretch your palm fully and press on the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please push back your fingers, it’s very important because you have to have good pressure on your scalp. Now Please bend your head. Here again I can not force self-realisation on you. so you have to ask for it. So move your scalp 7 times clockwise, saying –“Mother please give me my self-hood or self-realisation or my spirit.” Takedown your hand and slowly open your eyes. Now, please put both your hands towards me like this. Now, put your right hand like this, bent your head and with the left hand, you see on top of your head if there any cool breeze or a hot breeze coming out of your own head. Now please put your left hand. And see with your right hand, if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Higher not on the top of the head, it can be very much higher also. Just move and see. If you are have not forgiven yourself or not forgiven others. It will be hot here coming in. Now, Put the right hand towards me and again see with your left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now raise both the hands towards the sky and push back your head. Here now you have to ask one question 3 times:Is this the all-pervading power of divine love that is called as “Ruh”.3 times ask “Mother, is this the all-pervading power of divine love which is called as Ruh”.Push back your head. Now please take down your hand. Now put both the hands towards me like this. And watch me without thinking because this is what happens that you become thoughtlessly aware.You come to your present. You stand in your present. Please put both the hands. All those who have felt the cool or hot breeze on the fingers, on the palm or on the top of the fontanel bone area Please raise your both handsLook at that! The whole of the Turkey has got it!May God bless you !May God bless you !I bow you all, Now your saintly life has started. H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Sahaja Yoga is the power of compassion and love of God Almighty
Public Program
Public Program. Bucharest (Romania), 1 August 1995. I bow to all the Sahaja Yogis and all the seekers of truth. It seems Romania is a special place where there are so many seekers of truth. And very deep and truthful they are about it. Sahaja Yoga is the power of compassion and love of God Almighty. But it's not just talk, just not giving you a lecture or a sermon, but it is actualization of the experience of this Divine Love. It is spirit-oriented, not money-oriented, nor is power-oriented. All the religions have failed outside because they are not Spirit-oriented. Now, of course, they are challenging us and saying all kinds of wrong things about us because they are frightened that they will be exposed. But truth will prevail now. The time has come for truth to prevail. It is surprising that people don't understand that truth is love and compassion. If you really love somebody, you know everything about that person, that is how the Divine Love is, which knows everything about everything. It is the knowledge that you get when you fall into the ocean of love, an ocean, you fall into the love's ocean. One has to know that truth is what truth is, you cannot change it, because it is absolute. You cannot transform it, you cannot sell it. You cannot pay for it. It has to be really understood that if you have to know the truth you will know because the time has come, and that you are the human beings at the epitome of evolution. So, this is how we are working out Sahaja Yoga in thousands. Sahaja, Saha means with, ja means born. Is born with you the right to achieve this union, this Yoga with the Divine. There is no obligation and there is no compulsion, it's all free, because it is your own power. It works spontaneously, sahaj, and also it is manifesting very fast. These are the centers which are within you and when they go into jeopardy, you get physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problem. No doubt, there are many people who are cured of incurable diseases without paying anything, without taking any medicine, with their own power. Many people have been gifted with the esthetics. See, these are Romanian boys and how well they sing Indian songs in different languages. It's not possible. Normally it is not possible because very difficult tunes and very difficult words. But it has worked and I see in every country which have no idea of Indian language or Sanskrit are now getting all this talent to express their love. Also, Indians are singing your song, Western song, I don't know how they picked up from you. Then their problems are solved. Even financial problems can be solved. It is very surprising how people get their attention absolutely becoming innocent, and the attention becomes very steady. This steady attention penetrates deeply into any enterprise you take up. Thus, you become very successful in your education, in your daily life. But the greatest success is that you become ocean, like the drop falling into an ocean dissolves. That means you become a universal being. Now Sahaja Yoga is working in 65 nations, and when they come together I've never seen them quarrelling, fighting, but they enjoy each other, whatever country, race or community they belong. Such brotherhood, such love, such oneness, unity you can see. Because who is the other? They have become part and parcel of that ocean of love, like the cells in one body. The best part of it is that when Kundalini rises She puts your genes in proper shape. So you develop Sahaj genes by which you become extremely righteous, extremely kind and honorable. You are that, no doubt, but, you see, maybe there is some sort of a problem with your genes, but once you are all right, you are great. You don't know how great you are, how fantastic you are. If you take a television in a remote village of India, those who have not seen anything like that, and tell the villagers that when it is connected you can see all sorts of things on the screen, so they will say that: "You are just telling us a story. How can that be? This looks like a little box." In the same way, we think we are little boxes, but once you are put to the mains, you discover how fantastic you are. The time has come for the whole world to change. Unless and until human beings are transformed you cannot solve the problems of this world. This is reality, one must understand. No use having big, big meetings, conferences, all kinds of things which bring forth nothing. Also, what has religion given us, outside religion? Nothing, but the idea to fight everyone thinking that yours is the best religion. What has science given us? Science is amoral, it has no morality about it. That's why they are creating atom bomb, hydrogen bomb, all these destructive things to kill their own fellowmen. There are no limitations of science, and it has reached such specialization, that you may have one doctor for one eye and another doctor for another eye. So there is no synthesis, no synthesis. All this makes people think there might be something beyond that can happen to us. So when this power, Kundalini, which is a residual power, raises through these six centers it nourishes those centers and integrates them and then pierces through your fontanel bone area and connects you to this All Pervading subtle power for the first time. You have to experience this power. Just, say, talk about it, it's nothing but web of words. So the Sahaja Yoga is actualization of your baptism. It is not some priest comes and put water on your head and says you are baptized. So one has to understand that there is our Creator who's very anxious that we all should enter into His Kingdom. Now the first thing that happens to you as a result of this awakening is that you become thoughtlessly aware. Thoughts come to us from our past and future and we are not in the present. In between the thoughts, there is the space which is the present. Past is finished, future doesn't exist. But when this Kundalini rises, She elongates these thoughts and we stand in the present. We are absolutely aware but thoughtless. This is called as thoughtless awareness state. Patanjali has called this Nirvichar Samadhi. Then the second state, where you become doubtlessly aware, when you yourself start using this power and giving Realizations to others. And you receive so many blessings that you are amazed how these miracles are taking place. Then you become doubtlessly aware, very powerful; at that stage, nobody can harm you. The Divine power looks after you and you settle in the Kingdom of God. The government of God is very efficient, alert and loving. It loves and looks after you. We have had many miracles in Sahaja Yoga. About a few months back there was a lady when I was in India, she wrote to me a letter saying that in her family there is some sort of a Mexican disease which everybody gets. It is a fatal disease but most of them get at the end of their life. But her son, who is young, studying in Harvard University, has got it, and that they are saying it's not curable and that he may die within one or two months. She wrote to Me three letters asking Me if she could come to India or meet Me anywhere I am. The fourth letter came saying that the son, when he went to the hospital, they found nothing wrong with him. It was really a very great miracle, I must say, the way she was doing this work for Sahaja Yoga, she is being blessed. She came to Cabella and about before at least two thousand people, she told this. This is what it is, that it is beyond human conception how this Divine Power could be compassionate and attending to our needs. Then, with your attention, you can know what's wrong with you: this is self-knowledge. You know about your chakras. You develop a right attitude towards yourself and you want to correct them. Also, you develop a new dimension in your awareness, which we call as collective consciousness, that is, you can feel the centers of others on your fingertips. If you can correct your chakras, your centers, you can correct others also and you can cure them without taking them to the hospital. There are three doctors in India who have got their M.D. in Sahaja Yoga for curing incurable diseases. On your fingertips, you know absolute truth. Like one fellow came and told Me: "I've been to church, I've seen these people have no faith in God, how can there be God and these people so bad?" I said: "All right, put your hand like this and ask a question: "Is there God? Ask three times."" And from his fingers he started feeling the cool breeze of the Divine Power, saying: "Yes, there is God." So the time has come to prove the existence of God Almighty, His Divine Love and our importance. Thus, you develop your identity. Then also, you know what is the purpose of your life, why you have come on this Earth, for what purpose the evolution took place. It is not something in the air but it is really actualization. I don't know but people in Romania really extremely sensitive for spirituality. In Sanskrit language, Raman means to enjoy. So now, above all you have to enjoy yourself, others and the Divine blessings. That's all you have to do, because this whole world looks like a drama, sometimes a tragedy, sometimes a comedy. But you are not involved, you just watch. And your watching with your attention is very helpful, it works out many things which normally very difficult, on a global level also. Actually you become absolutely peaceful within, the peace is within you. I've met many people who have got awards in peace and all that, but they are very hot tempered. All full of wrinkles, you can count them. How can they be peaceful, how can they get awards, I don't know. The source of energy is so great that you don't feel tired. As you know, I travel every third day and I'm so very old, about 73 years of age. And I am all right. So the life changes and you really enjoy human life which you [UNCLEAR could be DETESTED, or DESISTED] and also you were frustrated with it. So we create a new world of transformed people, who are innately pure, innately. You enjoy your virtues and you enjoy your Self. But there is no false pride or there is no Ego, nothing, is just enjoyment. For Sahaja Yogis, it's a festival every day. Even the children become so sweet and so beautiful. Of course, there will be people who are of false gurus and false religions and all that, they will talk against, doesn't matter. And thank you very much all of you. And My heart is full with such joy for all of you. Thank you very much! Now we'll have the session for Self-Realization, Kundalini awakening. And you should sit in a relaxed way, not to be tensed up about it. Of course, I cannot force Self-Realization on you and also is not meant for arrogant people or who want to just criticize us. It's not meant for idiots and stupid people. So those who do not want to have Self-Realization are welcome to leave the hall. They should leave because they should not disturb other people. To be civil to others is very important. It will hardly take ten to fifteen minutes, but one should not leave the hall when we have started this process of Self-Realization. So there are three conditions which are very simple. The first one is that you have to forgive yourself. At this moment, you forget your past. People say is difficult to forgive, but whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. At this juncture, when you cannot forgive, the center here on the optic chiasm is like this constricted. And at this important time if you don't forgive, the Kundalini won't be able to rise. So, why keep this myth and miss the point of your Realization? The second condition is that you have to forgive everyone and yourself. When you have to forgive everyone also, in the same way, if you don't forgive yourself you catch here, the center which we call as Left Vishuddhi. This is very dangerous because this can give you spondylitis, can give you angina which causes heart trouble or it may give you very lethargic organs. So we have to understand that we have to forgive ourselves. The third condition is also very simple, is that those who are wearing shoes have to take it out, because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Those who are sitting on the ground should also take out their shoes. But those who are sitting on a chair have to keep both the feet apart from each other like this, because there are two powers, left and right. Left is the power of our desire, mundane desire. Kundalini is the Power of pure desire. And the right side is the power of action. If you have pure desire, I'm sure it will work out. So you have to place both the feet apart from each other; on the ground, you are all right. Sit comfortably, that's all. Don't put strain on your body of bending back too much or slouching in front. You should be really pleasantly placed towards yourself. You are about to enter into the Kingdom of God. Now, somebody will show you how we'll nourish our centers. [UNCLEAR] we should say. Please, put your left hand towards Me, like this, on your lap, comfortably on your lap, indicating that you have desire to get Self-Realization. Now, please, put your right hand on your heart, where resides the Spirit. Now, if you become the Spirit, you become your own guide in the light of the Spirit. So now, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side. Here is the center of your mastery. Now, please, take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side. This is the center of pure Divine knowledge. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side. You are only working on the left-hand side. Now on your heart. Now, in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. I've already told you about this center, that when it is in jeopardy, you get diseases like angina and spondilytis. Now, take your hand on your forehead across and put it down. This is the center where you have to forgive everyone, without thinking about them, in general. Now take your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Now this is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from this All-Pervading Divine Power. Now the last center is very important, so stretch your palm fully, put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area. Now push back your fingers. Bend your head. You have to move your scalp seven times, slowly, clockwise. Bend your heads. Bend your heads. That's all we have to do. Now, see that your legs are apart from each other those who are sitting on a chair and the left hand towards Me. Now you have to close your eyes, so take out your spectacles. That will help. And, please, don't open your eyes till I tell you. Now. Put your right hand on your heart. Here resides the Spirit. Close you eyes and ask a fundamental question about yourself. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. So please ask three times: "Mother, am I the Spirit?" I've told you that when you become the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So now, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, and press it hard with your hand, with your fingers. Here you ask another fundamental question three times: "Mother, am I my own master?" I have to confess that I cannot force Divine Knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So, please, take your right hand to the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Here you have to ask six times: "Mother, please, give me pure divine knowledge." Six times, because this center has got six petals. As soon as you ask for pure divine knowledge, your Kundalini starts rising. So now, we have to nourish our upper centers with our full self-confidence. So raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Here you have to press it and say with full self-confidence: "Mother, I am my own master." I have to tell you that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intelligence, this ego or conditionings but you are the pure Spirit. So you have to say with full confidence, when you put your hand on your heart that: "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." Now you have to put your right hand on your heart and you have to really say with full confidence: "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." I have to tell you that this Divine Power of love is the ocean of bliss, is the ocean of knowledge, but above all, it is a ocean of forgiveness. So, whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So forget the past and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say with full self-confidence, 16 times: "Mother, I'm not guilty at all." I have already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But when you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Specially at this moment, it is important that you have to forgive. So now, raise your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head as far as possible. And here you have to say with full confidence again, not how many times, but from your heart: "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." And without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from the All-Pervading Divine Power, for your own satisfaction. So, please, take your right hand to the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to say, three times again, or maybe without counting, from your heart: "Oh, Divine Power, please forgive me if I've done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly." Say it from your heart. Say it from your heart. Now, the last center, as I told you, is the most important one. For that you have to stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now stretch back your fingers so that there is a proper pressure on your scalp. Here again I cannot force Self-Realization on you, you have to ask for it. So now bend your head and move your scalp seven times clockwise slowly saying: "Mother, please, give me Self-Realization." Bend your heads. [UNCLEAR] That's all. Now, please, take down your hands. Now, please, put both the hands towards Me like this, put the right hand towards Me like this, like this, not like this, like this. Now, push the right hand like this and see with your left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze like say vibrations are coming out of your fontanel bone area. Please bend your heads and see. Now, please, take your left hand like this towards Me again, projected like this and bend your head and see for yourself again, with your right hand, if there's a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations are coming out of your fontanel bone area. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven yourself or others. Some people get it far away and some closer but don't put your hand on top of your head. So forgive now, forgive yourself and forgive others. Now put the right hand towards Me and put down your head and see for your left if there's a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations are coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now raise your both your hands, push back your head and ask a question: "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost as described in the Bible?" Or, ask this question three times, or "Mother, is this the Divine Power of Love of God?" Or, "Is this the Paramachaitanya?" Anyone of these questions you ask three times. Now put down your hands. Put this hand like this towards Me and watch Me and don't think. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips, or on their palm, or out of their fontanel bone area, please, raise both your hands. That is Romania, I tell you. I bow to Romania and I bow to Romanians and to all the saints. It is very kind, really. Thank you very much! You can have a song and you can clap your hands. Once.
Public Program. Bucharest (Romania), 1 August 1995. I bow to all the Sahaja Yogis and all the seekers of truth. It seems Romania is a special place where there are so many seekers of truth. And very deep and truthful they are about it. Sahaja Yoga is the power of compassion and love of God Almighty. But it's not just talk, just not giving you a lecture or a sermon, but it is actualization of the experience of this Divine Love. It is spirit-oriented, not money-oriented, nor is power-oriented. All the religions have failed outside because they are not Spirit-oriented. Now, of course, they are challenging us and saying all kinds of wrong things about us because they are frightened that they will be exposed. But truth will prevail now. The time has come for truth to prevail. It is surprising that people don't understand that truth is love and compassion. If you really love somebody, you know everything about that person, that is how the Divine Love is, which knows everything about everything. It is the knowledge that you get when you fall into the ocean of love, an ocean, you fall into the love's ocean. One has to know that truth is what truth is, you cannot change it, because it is absolute. You cannot transform it, you cannot sell it. You cannot pay for it. It has to be really understood that if you have to know the truth you will know because the time has come, and that you are the human beings at the epitome of evolution. So, this is how we are working out Sahaja Yoga in thousands. Sahaja, Saha means with, ja means born. Is born with you the right to achieve this union, this Yoga with the Divine. There is no obligation and there is no compulsion, it's all free, because it is your own power. It works spontaneously, sahaj, and also it is manifesting very fast. These are the centers which are within you and when they go into jeopardy, you get physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problem. No doubt, there are many people who are cured of incurable diseases without paying anything, without taking any medicine, with their own power. Many people have been gifted with the esthetics. See, these are Romanian boys and how well they sing Indian songs in different languages. It's not possible. Normally it is not possible because very difficult tunes and very difficult words. But it has worked and I see in every country which have no idea of Indian language or Sanskrit are now getting all this talent to express their love. Also, Indians are singing your song, Western song, I don't know how they picked up from you. Then their problems are solved. Even financial problems can be solved. It is very surprising how people get their attention absolutely becoming innocent, and the attention becomes very steady. This steady attention penetrates deeply into any enterprise you take up. Thus, you become very successful in your education, in your daily life. But the greatest success is that you become ocean, like the drop falling into an ocean dissolves. That means you become a universal being. Now Sahaja Yoga is working in 65 nations, and when they come together I've never seen them quarrelling, fighting, but they enjoy each other, whatever country, race or community they belong. Such brotherhood, such love, such oneness, unity you can see. Because who is the other? They have become part and parcel of that ocean of love, like the cells in one body. The best part of it is that when Kundalini rises She puts your genes in proper shape. So you develop Sahaj genes by which you become extremely righteous, extremely kind and honorable. You are that, no doubt, but, you see, maybe there is some sort of a problem with your genes, but once you are all right, you are great. You don't know how great you are, how fantastic you are. If you take a television in a remote village of India, those who have not seen anything like that, and tell the villagers that when it is connected you can see all sorts of things on the screen, so they will say that: "You are just telling us a story. How can that be? This looks like a little box." In the same way, we think we are little boxes, but once you are put to the mains, you discover how fantastic you are. The time has come for the whole world to change. Unless and until human beings are transformed you cannot solve the problems of this world. This is reality, one must understand. No use having big, big meetings, conferences, all kinds of things which bring forth nothing. Also, what has religion given us, outside religion? Nothing, but the idea to fight everyone thinking that yours is the best religion. What has science given us? Science is amoral, it has no morality about it. That's why they are creating atom bomb, hydrogen bomb, all these destructive things to kill their own fellowmen. There are no limitations of science, and it has reached such specialization, that you may have one doctor for one eye and another doctor for another eye. So there is no synthesis, no synthesis. All this makes people think there might be something beyond that can happen to us. So when this power, Kundalini, which is a residual power, raises through these six centers it nourishes those centers and integrates them and then pierces through your fontanel bone area and connects you to this All Pervading subtle power for the first time. You have to experience this power. Just, say, talk about it, it's nothing but web of words. So the Sahaja Yoga is actualization of your baptism. It is not some priest comes and put water on your head and says you are baptized. So one has to understand that there is our Creator who's very anxious that we all should enter into His Kingdom. Now the first thing that happens to you as a result of this awakening is that you become thoughtlessly aware. Thoughts come to us from our past and future and we are not in the present. In between the thoughts, there is the space which is the present. Past is finished, future doesn't exist. But when this Kundalini rises, She elongates these thoughts and we stand in the present. We are absolutely aware but thoughtless. This is called as thoughtless awareness state. Patanjali has called this Nirvichar Samadhi. Then the second state, where you become doubtlessly aware, when you yourself start using this power and giving Realizations to others. And you receive so many blessings that you are amazed how these miracles are taking place. Then you become doubtlessly aware, very powerful; at that stage, nobody can harm you. The Divine power looks after you and you settle in the Kingdom of God. The government of God is very efficient, alert and loving. It loves and looks after you. We have had many miracles in Sahaja Yoga. About a few months back there was a lady when I was in India, she wrote to me a letter saying that in her family there is some sort of a Mexican disease which everybody gets. It is a fatal disease but most of them get at the end of their life. But her son, who is young, studying in Harvard University, has got it, and that they are saying it's not curable and that he may die within one or two months. She wrote to Me three letters asking Me if she could come to India or meet Me anywhere I am. The fourth letter came saying that the son, when he went to the hospital, they found nothing wrong with him. It was really a very great miracle, I must say, the way she was doing this work for Sahaja Yoga, she is being blessed. She came to Cabella and about before at least two thousand people, she told this. This is what it is, that it is beyond human conception how this Divine Power could be compassionate and attending to our needs. Then, with your attention, you can know what's wrong with you: this is self-knowledge. You know about your chakras. You develop a right attitude towards yourself and you want to correct them. Also, you develop a new dimension in your awareness, which we call as collective consciousness, that is, you can feel the centers of others on your fingertips. If you can correct your chakras, your centers, you can correct others also and you can cure them without taking them to the hospital. There are three doctors in India who have got their M.D. in Sahaja Yoga for curing incurable diseases. On your fingertips, you know absolute truth. Like one fellow came and told Me: "I've been to church, I've seen these people have no faith in God, how can there be God and these people so bad?" I said: "All right, put your hand like this and ask a question: "Is there God? Ask three times."" And from his fingers he started feeling the cool breeze of the Divine Power, saying: "Yes, there is God." So the time has come to prove the existence of God Almighty, His Divine Love and our importance. Thus, you develop your identity. Then also, you know what is the purpose of your life, why you have come on this Earth, for what purpose the evolution took place. It is not something in the air but it is really actualization. I don't know but people in Romania really extremely sensitive for spirituality. In Sanskrit language, Raman means to enjoy. So now, above all you have to enjoy yourself, others and the Divine blessings. That's all you have to do, because this whole world looks like a drama, sometimes a tragedy, sometimes a comedy. But you are not involved, you just watch. And your watching with your attention is very helpful, it works out many things which normally very difficult, on a global level also. Actually you become absolutely peaceful within, the peace is within you. I've met many people who have got awards in peace and all that, but they are very hot tempered. All full of wrinkles, you can count them. How can they be peaceful, how can they get awards, I don't know. The source of energy is so great that you don't feel tired. As you know, I travel every third day and I'm so very old, about 73 years of age. And I am all right. So the life changes and you really enjoy human life which you [UNCLEAR could be DETESTED, or DESISTED] and also you were frustrated with it. So we create a new world of transformed people, who are innately pure, innately. You enjoy your virtues and you enjoy your Self. But there is no false pride or there is no Ego, nothing, is just enjoyment. For Sahaja Yogis, it's a festival every day. Even the children become so sweet and so beautiful. Of course, there will be people who are of false gurus and false religions and all that, they will talk against, doesn't matter. And thank you very much all of you. And My heart is full with such joy for all of you. Thank you very much! Now we'll have the session for Self-Realization, Kundalini awakening. And you should sit in a relaxed way, not to be tensed up about it. Of course, I cannot force Self-Realization on you and also is not meant for arrogant people or who want to just criticize us. It's not meant for idiots and stupid people. So those who do not want to have Self-Realization are welcome to leave the hall. They should leave because they should not disturb other people. To be civil to others is very important. It will hardly take ten to fifteen minutes, but one should not leave the hall when we have started this process of Self-Realization. So there are three conditions which are very simple. The first one is that you have to forgive yourself. At this moment, you forget your past. People say is difficult to forgive, but whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. At this juncture, when you cannot forgive, the center here on the optic chiasm is like this constricted. And at this important time if you don't forgive, the Kundalini won't be able to rise. So, why keep this myth and miss the point of your Realization? The second condition is that you have to forgive everyone and yourself. When you have to forgive everyone also, in the same way, if you don't forgive yourself you catch here, the center which we call as Left Vishuddhi. This is very dangerous because this can give you spondylitis, can give you angina which causes heart trouble or it may give you very lethargic organs. So we have to understand that we have to forgive ourselves. The third condition is also very simple, is that those who are wearing shoes have to take it out, because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Those who are sitting on the ground should also take out their shoes. But those who are sitting on a chair have to keep both the feet apart from each other like this, because there are two powers, left and right. Left is the power of our desire, mundane desire. Kundalini is the Power of pure desire. And the right side is the power of action. If you have pure desire, I'm sure it will work out. So you have to place both the feet apart from each other; on the ground, you are all right. Sit comfortably, that's all. Don't put strain on your body of bending back too much or slouching in front. You should be really pleasantly placed towards yourself. You are about to enter into the Kingdom of God. Now, somebody will show you how we'll nourish our centers. [UNCLEAR] we should say. Please, put your left hand towards Me, like this, on your lap, comfortably on your lap, indicating that you have desire to get Self-Realization. Now, please, put your right hand on your heart, where resides the Spirit. Now, if you become the Spirit, you become your own guide in the light of the Spirit. So now, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side. Here is the center of your mastery. Now, please, take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side. This is the center of pure Divine knowledge. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side. You are only working on the left-hand side. Now on your heart. Now, in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. I've already told you about this center, that when it is in jeopardy, you get diseases like angina and spondilytis. Now, take your hand on your forehead across and put it down. This is the center where you have to forgive everyone, without thinking about them, in general. Now take your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Now this is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from this All-Pervading Divine Power. Now the last center is very important, so stretch your palm fully, put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area. Now push back your fingers. Bend your head. You have to move your scalp seven times, slowly, clockwise. Bend your heads. Bend your heads. That's all we have to do. Now, see that your legs are apart from each other those who are sitting on a chair and the left hand towards Me. Now you have to close your eyes, so take out your spectacles. That will help. And, please, don't open your eyes till I tell you. Now. Put your right hand on your heart. Here resides the Spirit. Close you eyes and ask a fundamental question about yourself. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. So please ask three times: "Mother, am I the Spirit?" I've told you that when you become the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So now, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, and press it hard with your hand, with your fingers. Here you ask another fundamental question three times: "Mother, am I my own master?" I have to confess that I cannot force Divine Knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So, please, take your right hand to the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Here you have to ask six times: "Mother, please, give me pure divine knowledge." Six times, because this center has got six petals. As soon as you ask for pure divine knowledge, your Kundalini starts rising. So now, we have to nourish our upper centers with our full self-confidence. So raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Here you have to press it and say with full self-confidence: "Mother, I am my own master." I have to tell you that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intelligence, this ego or conditionings but you are the pure Spirit. So you have to say with full confidence, when you put your hand on your heart that: "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." Now you have to put your right hand on your heart and you have to really say with full confidence: "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." I have to tell you that this Divine Power of love is the ocean of bliss, is the ocean of knowledge, but above all, it is a ocean of forgiveness. So, whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So forget the past and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say with full self-confidence, 16 times: "Mother, I'm not guilty at all." I have already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But when you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Specially at this moment, it is important that you have to forgive. So now, raise your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head as far as possible. And here you have to say with full confidence again, not how many times, but from your heart: "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." And without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from the All-Pervading Divine Power, for your own satisfaction. So, please, take your right hand to the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to say, three times again, or maybe without counting, from your heart: "Oh, Divine Power, please forgive me if I've done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly." Say it from your heart. Say it from your heart. Now, the last center, as I told you, is the most important one. For that you have to stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now stretch back your fingers so that there is a proper pressure on your scalp. Here again I cannot force Self-Realization on you, you have to ask for it. So now bend your head and move your scalp seven times clockwise slowly saying: "Mother, please, give me Self-Realization." Bend your heads. [UNCLEAR] That's all. Now, please, take down your hands. Now, please, put both the hands towards Me like this, put the right hand towards Me like this, like this, not like this, like this. Now, push the right hand like this and see with your left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze like say vibrations are coming out of your fontanel bone area. Please bend your heads and see. Now, please, take your left hand like this towards Me again, projected like this and bend your head and see for yourself again, with your right hand, if there's a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations are coming out of your fontanel bone area. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven yourself or others. Some people get it far away and some closer but don't put your hand on top of your head. So forgive now, forgive yourself and forgive others. Now put the right hand towards Me and put down your head and see for your left if there's a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations are coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now raise your both your hands, push back your head and ask a question: "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost as described in the Bible?" Or, ask this question three times, or "Mother, is this the Divine Power of Love of God?" Or, "Is this the Paramachaitanya?" Anyone of these questions you ask three times. Now put down your hands. Put this hand like this towards Me and watch Me and don't think. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips, or on their palm, or out of their fontanel bone area, please, raise both your hands. That is Romania, I tell you. I bow to Romania and I bow to Romanians and to all the saints. It is very kind, really. Thank you very much! You can have a song and you can clap your hands. Once.
Musical Evening
Evening Program
Musical Evening Speech, Bucharest (Romania), 2 August 1995. We have had such a nice music from our Romanian Sahaja Yogis. There's some sort of a musical atmosphere in Romania, I think. Because when you all sing also, you sing it in a very melodious tune. Like celestial music, that was sung long time back, I feel has come back to Romania. They used to say, that the music that was appealing to God was done by gandharvas and I find those gandharvas are in Romania only. If Nabhi Chakra is Black Sea and that in Greece Athena lived, then all this area must have been the area that is described as Heaven in India. And must have been the olden days when people of Romania or of Greece must be singing praise of God. It seems that these great gandharvas are born again in your country. Even people who came from India were surprised at the esthetic and the supreme mastery over all kinds of difficult songs by these musicians. Of course, everywhere people sing now Indian songs with great ease but the melodies that you people produce, is not effective by everyone. In Turkey we had invited some people from Hyderabad who were singing quawalli. But when they heard these young boys singing so well, they ran away. I asked: "Where are they gone? I can't see them." They said: "They have run away, Mataji. Because it was too much for them to bear that these boys from Romania who don't know our language, have mastered these quawalli so well. I have of course invited them now to India and they are going to go to the Music Academy. Also they are coming to attend the wedding of My granddaughter. You are also... You all are invited also for the wedding. I used to think, India is the only country where the classical music of such a level could be sung. Because it is quite innocence and also attention which is concentrated. One has to study this music from very childhood. But how these young people have picked it up so fast, I don't know; we may say it is due to Sahaja Yoga. And I don't know whether it is Sahaja Yoga or these prodigies who have taken birth on this land of Romania. Ramana word, in Sanskrit means those who enjoy the spiritual life. If Romania has come out of that word I can see clearly how you are enjoying spiritual life. Moreover you don't understand word by word of this music but the way you are enjoying it's very surprising. We have a very well-known musician in India, Hamzat Ali, who deliberately came to listen to their quawalli. And he was so enamored. He said: "What have You done to them? Have You completely transformed them?" I told him: "They are transformed, all of them are transformed by their own Kundalini. I've done nothing. Only thing, I think, My love, you see, runs after them". So, this was a very nice time we had together and really it was very successful all the programs. Now, you will be facing new people, who are very good, I felt that way. First thing in Sahaja Yoga is to respect each other and to respect all those who come to Sahaja Yoga. You know so much about Sahaja Yoga, they don't know, they have come for the first time, so be kind to them. And the second thing you have to do is to really love them. In the program, each one of them got Realization, very surprising, each one of them. I was amazed really, that not one person did not raised the hand, everyone. So it is going to be a pressure on you and you must look after them, no doubt. But I'm sure you can do it very well. Also you must go to other small villages and cities and see that you spread Sahaja Yoga. Now don't worry about Orthodox Church or anybody talking ill about Sahaja Yoga. They have no truth with them. And they are all fighting among themselves. So they have to say something against us because they are afraid. One day, they will all come to Sahaja Yoga. May not be the ones who are in charge but those who have been misled by them. From your life, from your behavior, people will realize that you are really saintly people. One thing I have to confess. (MISSING FROM THE RECORDED SPEECH) Moreover, there is a big problem of customs, they don't understand love of Mother. But somehow... So you know I have to go down to Hungary, to Czechoslovakia and also to Poland and then in Cabella we have Shri Krishna Puja. All these countries have not come up to your standards but I'm sure they will be very soon working it out. So I thank you very much all of you from My heart, for doing so much for Sahaja Yoga and for the whole world. You must know that you have to meditate every night before sleeping and maybe for five minutes in the morning. If you do not meditate then you will not grow in Sahaja Yoga, you will not grow in spirituality. Just for ten minutes you must give some time to yourself. I'm sure all of you will see how nice it is to meditate and to enjoy the peace and the bliss of the Divine. So many miracles are happening and also people are becoming very deep and enjoying their spirituality. They also have developed lots of powers. But you must use these powers. If you don't use these powers you may find that you loose them. So, you must try to give Realizations to others. But you can't force. So try to learn how to convince people without forcing. I bless you all from My heart. If you have any problem you can always write to Me. Thank you very much.
Musical Evening Speech, Bucharest (Romania), 2 August 1995. We have had such a nice music from our Romanian Sahaja Yogis. There's some sort of a musical atmosphere in Romania, I think. Because when you all sing also, you sing it in a very melodious tune. Like celestial music, that was sung long time back, I feel has come back to Romania. They used to say, that the music that was appealing to God was done by gandharvas and I find those gandharvas are in Romania only. If Nabhi Chakra is Black Sea and that in Greece Athena lived, then all this area must have been the area that is described as Heaven in India. And must have been the olden days when people of Romania or of Greece must be singing praise of God. It seems that these great gandharvas are born again in your country. Even people who came from India were surprised at the esthetic and the supreme mastery over all kinds of difficult songs by these musicians. Of course, everywhere people sing now Indian songs with great ease but the melodies that you people produce, is not effective by everyone. In Turkey we had invited some people from Hyderabad who were singing quawalli. But when they heard these young boys singing so well, they ran away. I asked: "Where are they gone? I can't see them." They said: "They have run away, Mataji. Because it was too much for them to bear that these boys from Romania who don't know our language, have mastered these quawalli so well. I have of course invited them now to India and they are going to go to the Music Academy. Also they are coming to attend the wedding of My granddaughter. You are also... You all are invited also for the wedding. I used to think, India is the only country where the classical music of such a level could be sung. Because it is quite innocence and also attention which is concentrated. One has to study this music from very childhood. But how these young people have picked it up so fast, I don't know; we may say it is due to Sahaja Yoga. And I don't know whether it is Sahaja Yoga or these prodigies who have taken birth on this land of Romania. Ramana word, in Sanskrit means those who enjoy the spiritual life. If Romania has come out of that word I can see clearly how you are enjoying spiritual life. Moreover you don't understand word by word of this music but the way you are enjoying it's very surprising. We have a very well-known musician in India, Hamzat Ali, who deliberately came to listen to their quawalli. And he was so enamored. He said: "What have You done to them? Have You completely transformed them?" I told him: "They are transformed, all of them are transformed by their own Kundalini. I've done nothing. Only thing, I think, My love, you see, runs after them". So, this was a very nice time we had together and really it was very successful all the programs. Now, you will be facing new people, who are very good, I felt that way. First thing in Sahaja Yoga is to respect each other and to respect all those who come to Sahaja Yoga. You know so much about Sahaja Yoga, they don't know, they have come for the first time, so be kind to them. And the second thing you have to do is to really love them. In the program, each one of them got Realization, very surprising, each one of them. I was amazed really, that not one person did not raised the hand, everyone. So it is going to be a pressure on you and you must look after them, no doubt. But I'm sure you can do it very well. Also you must go to other small villages and cities and see that you spread Sahaja Yoga. Now don't worry about Orthodox Church or anybody talking ill about Sahaja Yoga. They have no truth with them. And they are all fighting among themselves. So they have to say something against us because they are afraid. One day, they will all come to Sahaja Yoga. May not be the ones who are in charge but those who have been misled by them. From your life, from your behavior, people will realize that you are really saintly people. One thing I have to confess. (MISSING FROM THE RECORDED SPEECH) Moreover, there is a big problem of customs, they don't understand love of Mother. But somehow... So you know I have to go down to Hungary, to Czechoslovakia and also to Poland and then in Cabella we have Shri Krishna Puja. All these countries have not come up to your standards but I'm sure they will be very soon working it out. So I thank you very much all of you from My heart, for doing so much for Sahaja Yoga and for the whole world. You must know that you have to meditate every night before sleeping and maybe for five minutes in the morning. If you do not meditate then you will not grow in Sahaja Yoga, you will not grow in spirituality. Just for ten minutes you must give some time to yourself. I'm sure all of you will see how nice it is to meditate and to enjoy the peace and the bliss of the Divine. So many miracles are happening and also people are becoming very deep and enjoying their spirituality. They also have developed lots of powers. But you must use these powers. If you don't use these powers you may find that you loose them. So, you must try to give Realizations to others. But you can't force. So try to learn how to convince people without forcing. I bless you all from My heart. If you have any problem you can always write to Me. Thank you very much.
Medical Conference
Medical Conference, Ecological University of Bucharest (Romania), 2 August 1995. So all the professors, the Vice Chancellor who was so kind to invite Me here to talk to you about something which is very different, I would say in a way, very different from the medical science I have studied. I would not call it different but it is, I would say, it is the basis of our medicine. For example if you want to treat the tree for its sickness and you start applying things from outside it doesn't work out so well. It may have reactions also. But if you can somehow go to the roots, then the whole tree can be treated. Our medical science now, in the modern times, has become very specialized, to such an extent that you may have a doctor for one eye and another doctor for another eye and there is no synthesis. There's no treatment to the totality of the human being. This leads to problems and has created many kinds of reactions. So today I'm going to talk to you about the subtle system that is within us. You should not take Me for granted, there should not be any blind faith about it but if it is proved, this hypothesis that I put before you, then as scientists you must keep your minds open and then you can accept it as honest people because it is for the benevolence of yourself, your family, your country and the world at large. The fundamental thing about us is that we have these seven main centers of energy within us. We know about different plexuses which work on the physical side but the ones which supply energy to these plexuses on physical, mental, emotional side, also spiritual are these centers. Also I would like to tell you about a energy that resides in the triangular bone known as "sacrum". That means Greeks knew about this bone that they call it as "sacred" bone. Now, this energy is the fifth energy that we have, we should say. We have left and right sympathetic nervous system even autonomous nervous system. They are supplied by two subtle channels on the left and right side. Then we have parasympathetic nervous system in the center. Supposing you are afraid and you run fast in emergency, so your heart starts pumping more blood and you get higher rate of your pulses. As you know that this is done with sympathetic nervous system. But what brings it down is the parasympathetic, cools it down, is the parasympathetic. This parasympathetic nervous system is also supported by another channel. Now the fourth energy that we have is a energy by which whatever we achieve in our evolution is recorded, that is our central nervous system. This central nervous system has recorded whatever we have achieved up to this human awareness. We have so many types of higher awareness than animals. For example animals don't understand filth or dirt...they don't understand beauty, they don't understand colors. So many subtle things that we understand, animals don't understand. Of course they have many things built-in them, accordingly they behave. But human beings have freedom. Now this energy within us is the fifth energy as I call it. We call it as Kundalini in Sanskrit language. Kundalini, because it is in three and a half coils and a coil is called as kundala. It's called as Kundalini because it is a feminine coiled energy. This knowledge was known in India since long time, that this energy, if it is awakened it passes through six centers and pierces through your fontanel bone area which is the actualization of your baptism and connects you to the all-pervading Power of Divine Love. In Koran they call it "Ruh." In the Bible it's called as the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost or all-pervading Power of Divine Love, in Sanskrit it is called as Paramchaitanya. So when we see these beautiful flowers, we don't even see and never even think that what a miracle it is. If you ask a doctor who runs your heart he'll say the "autonomous nervous system." But who is this "auto"? That question if you ask they can't answer. There are many things in medical science that we cannot answer. For example anything foreign that goes in our body has to be thrown away, that's the nature of our body. But when the fetus is embedded in the womb it is kept there and nourished and is thrown out at the right time. So who does that? There are many questions science cannot answer. Because science is amoral, it has created lots of problems. It can produce hydrogen bomb, atomic bomb, anything and no one can control it. So we have to go to something deeper and find out if there's any solution within ourselves. Now as I have to talk to doctors, I would like to explain about one center, how it can create problems when it is in jeopardy. As you see, there is left and right, two sympathetic nervous systems. When I was studying medicine that time they didn't know that they have different functions. But they have absolutely two different functions. The left side caters to your emotional side, the psychology as you can call it and the right side caters to your physical and your mental, means your brain functions. English "mental" word it is ambiguous you know. I mean the activity of the brain and the physical activity. Now we can talk of the second center because in this short time, whatever is possible, I think I'll explain about one center. This is very useful for doctors, for bureaucrats, for people who plan, for politicians how one center when in jeopardy, how it can create problems. Now there's one thing yet not known to the medical science this time: when we think too much, what thing gives energy to our gray cells? We are using the energy of gray cells but who replaces it? According to Sahaja Yoga it is the second center within us, we call it Swadishthan, which replaces the energy in the brain cells. Now this working takes place like this we can say, the left and the right sympathetic nervous system meet like this and form the center, parasympathetic. And this center is the center of energy. In medical terminology we can say it looks after the aortic plexus. Now this center, when on the right side, it supplies energy to your brain cells when you think too much, or the conscious effort. Now, when you start using this power too much, you neglect other organs which are dependent on this center. The first and foremost is liver. Liver is affected by that. As you know, liver is responsible for taking out all the poison from the body as heat and put it in the circulation of blood. Now when the liver goes out, the heat accumulates in the liver. It starts passing upward. So we have another center which we call as right heart, which looks after the lungs. So you get asthma. Now in India, one doctor has done research on asthma, with Sahaja Yoga he has proved you can cure asthma completely. So then, this heat can also pass to the heart. Supposing a young man of say eighteen/nineteen, plays tennis, too much physical exertion, drinks a lot, thinks a lot, at that young age he might get a very massive heart attack which is fatal, always. But later on in age also it might accumulate and people can get massive heart attacks, not angina, massive heart attacks. Then it goes further still, that people can get paralysis of the right side. The latest is yuppie's disease, I don't know if you have heard about, yuppie's disease they call it in America, very common, where the conscious mind becomes absolutely paralyzed because you have used too much of your conscious mind. The brain is in working order, but not hands, feet, nothing, one becomes like a reptile. Very common now in America. And you have to carry the patient like a fish. But he speaks all right, his brain is all right, otherwise he cannot do any action, of walking or ... Now when this heat goes towards the left side of your abdomen it creates another problem -because of the pancreas, it gives you diabetes. Only people who sit on chairs and are futuristic, who are planning, politicians, this that, doctors also, they get diabetes. For example in India, we have farmers who earn their living and then sleep nicely, they are not worried about anything. They are not money oriented, they are not thinking of future, they don't insure anything and they drink in their tea at least four spoons, full spoons of sugar. But they don't get diabetes. Never. We have never heard of any case with these farmers getting diabetes. Then also because of too much attention for thinking, no energy is supplied to your spleen. Spleen is for our rhythm, a speedometer, for our rhythm of life. So these days the modern life is so chaotic. Early in the morning if you read the newspaper you are really shocked. Newspapers always describe horrible things, nothing else. Nothing to soothe you. So, you go into chaos. Then as you know that spleen produces RBC's when there is emergency. For example, if you are eating your food and just you start running you get pain in the spleen. So, in the morning, people don't take their even breakfast, just rush somehow or other, because they sleep very late and then they get into the car. In America, I'm told that they even brush their teeth in the car. They have no rhythm of life. Then they'll see the traffic jam and they are very upset and in their office now the boss is boiling at them. With all this, this poor speedometer doesn't understand, it becomes crazy. Of course, the other side how the cancer is caused, I've not told you but suddenly the movement goes to the left, some sort of a shock, accident, anything and you develop a very serious disease called blood cancer. With Sahaja Yoga we have cured many people of blood cancer. Then it goes to the kidneys and kidneys also go on late, with the heat and you stop urinating. Then you are put on the dialysis where you just become bankrupt and die. Ultimately you die. There's no way of saving such people. But with Sahaja Yoga you can. There was a doctor who was expert as he had lots of machines of dialysis. And he got kidney trouble. So he came to Me, I said, "You can be cured but on one promise, that you will not put people on dialysis anymore because you must admit dialysis cannot cure." He promised, he got cured but he's still using his machines. He told Me he has spent so much money that he has to make money somehow now. He's so much money oriented, you know. So, lastly is the worst is that lower part of your intestines, also intestines suffer a lot because you get constipation. But the worst type of constipation you can get, piles you can get. In Switzerland I was surprised that in the bread they put something we call as the cottonseed. And actually we give this in India only to buffalos. I was shocked. Why are they using such a hard thing? "Because," they said, "we suffer from constipation." And you know they may start eating grass after some time. So this is the situation with one center and so many diseases are caused, so if you can cure one of your centers, you can cure all these diseases. Of course about cancer also I would like to tell you in short. As this left and right side meet and form a center - now if you are very futuristic you are using right side too much like this and using the limited energy of your center too much. It could be anywhere, it could be in any center. So you go on using it too much, ultimately it happens that it's exhausted. And sometimes with some shock or anything it may just break. So there is no connection with the mains. As a result malignancy is formed. The cells become on their own, there's no connection of control. This I've told you in short but cancer is curable through Sahaja Yoga. Psychologically also many people have been cured. That is the left side. On the left side we have our subconscious of today, subconscious of yesterday, subconscious of our all lives. And we have beyond that is collective subconscious and this collective subconscious has everything that has been created. So many things have died in the evolutionary process, have gone out of the process of evolution. Like there might be some plants which we call as bacteria and all these viruses also, the same. So, once they enter into your conscious mind or conscious side, you get affected. So for cancer, doctors call it ...protein 53, 58..., they have given names like that. So in Sahaja Yoga your attention is pulled out from the left side brought into the center. As a result of that you become all right. Also, the highest type of left side affectation is lunacy. Also can be cured. In this short lecture I cannot give you the list of all the diseases that are curable. But if you have the knowledge of medical science it's much easier. But the best part of it that when you become the Spirit, when you become one with the Divine Power, then on your fingertips you can feel the centers. There are five, six and seven for the emotional side and again five and six and seven for your right side, meaning for your physical and your... not mental but brain activities. Also the stress and strain you have from these modern times, even ecological problems - you become quite immune to it. That's another subject, where you become just thoughtlessly aware. The thoughts rise and fall, another thought rises and falls and it comes from either from the future or the past. But when the Kundalini rises then She elongates these thoughts and you stay in the present. You are thoughtless but fully aware and then all the inspirations come in. The greatest thing is that the database of the genes are corrected with this. We have known many people who were called as very bad people, evil people are completely changed. All your habits which are destructive just drop out because you become the Spirit. Actually you are not this body, this mind, you are not these emotions, your intelligence, your ego or your conditionings, you are the pure Spirit. When you become that, in that light, you achieve tremendous powers. Like many people want to give up alcohol and drugs, they can't, but overnight they will give up. It's like this, supposing there is a snake in My hand and there's darkness and I'm very adamant and if you tell Me, " There's a snake." I'll say: "No, it's a rope," because I'm obstinate. But if there is little light I'll definitely throw it away. In the same way all habits which you cannot fight, just run away. Everything sounds so fantastic, I must say. But you are fantastic. Like in our country, in a remote village, if you take a television and say, "This box can show you so many things," they won't believe. They will say, "It is just a box." We also think we are just boxes. We have no identity. But when you put the television to the mains, then you see how fantastic it is. In the same way we are. We are built-in that way. But when we don't take to this natural breakthrough of the evolution, also there is ecological problem inside. Yes. Because I've seen people with cancer, when they suffer and they take to Sahaja Yoga, the whole room gets heated up without a heater. I mean, even if they are sick, if supposing. Supposing you are feeling any pain here and if with Sahaja Yoga you touch it, it's very hot. So this is the Cool Breeze, we can call it, has a cooling effect. Also in the western science there's nothing for cooling. In Ayurveda they have, some things, not many but we have so they go on heating up - and heated up and heated up, even the brain gets heated up, everybody gets heated up...even the nerves get heated up...and you have no strength left to fight any illness. But this is your own Power. There's no obligation at all. You feel much younger, very energetic. Now, I'm seventy-three years of age and I travel every third day and I enjoy. So it's very easy because it's your own. But medical studies helps you a lot to understand the physical help of Sahaja Yoga. You don't have to go for diagnosis, when the patient dies half-way when he's diagnosed - by the time. So is best is to diagnose a person on your fingers, which is absolute knowledge, absolute. Even if you have ten children and tie up their eyes and ask them, "What is this gentleman suffering from?" they will all say the same thing. Now supposing they show you this finger, so you ask the person, "Do you suffer from heart?" So he'll tell you, "Yes, very much, how do you know?" Now, if you know how to cure yourself, you can cure others also. You can feel the centers of others on your fingertips. They may be anywhere, might be dead even, you can feel. This is a very subtle subject and also very easy. The knowledge is all within yourself but after medical studies it relates to science very clearly. So it's very useful for doctors. And in a country where we are not so rich like Americans are, we need not waste too much money. It's a very large subject and I was telling your authorities that I'll send a doctor who was the Head of the Physiology, Dean of Physiology from Delhi University, who has written a book on Sahaja Yoga. His granddaughter was dying of kidney infection and she got cured in Sahaja Yoga and his wife had migraine, also she got cured in Sahaja Yoga. So then he started researching Sahaja Yoga. He's written a very good book and was inaugurated by our President in India. Of course I would like you to ask Me some questions if you have any. Q: I'd like to know, what is in Your opinion the spiritual mission of the Romanian people? Shri Mataji: Oh, they are wonderful. Oh, they are very sensitive. I must say they are the best in the Eastern bloc. They are very spiritual. I just don't know, we have now, I think, five thousand Sahaja Yogis and I have no words to... really I can't praise them enough. It's true. And they have grown too much. Q: You said that lunacy can be cured in Sahaja Yoga. What do You understand by lunacy: paranoia, schizophrenia, ...? Shri Mataji: All kinds. All kinds. But not always. You see, schizophrenia has been cured, lunatic personality has been cured, lunatic persons from the lunatic asylum. We have got three, four people from lunatic asylum in India who got cured. Yes, it's possible. Even AIDS. But these AIDS people are extremely aggressive. They think they are martyrs. So, with this martyrdom, you know, they think no end of themselves. They are very proud that... they think they are fighting a big cause. So we cured about six people in Australia, one was T.M. fellow, T.M., Transcendental Meditation, two, two of them...Transcendental...two of them. And they told Me that in the beginning in the T.M. you are not even supposed to talk to your wife. So they became homosexual. For years. Both of them. Then they got cured, but they fell back on the same habits and after five years they died. Then there was one who got cured, he's nine years now, he's still there. And two were married, a couple who were Catholics, I think, so they got a fright. I think the priests must have told them to be frightened so they also ran away. I don't know how they are. It's very difficult people, it's a world movement, you see, they think they're very great soldiers marching towards death. It's a psychological problem, very egoistical and they are not afraid of death they say. Their immune system is in trouble, which is curable through Sahaja Yoga. It is, sternum bone. Till the age of twelve years, we develop antibodies here and then the whole...they are distributed all over the body. So, whenever we are frightened, the sternum bone gives like a remote control, gives palpitations. So behind the sternum bone that guides it we call as the central heart. If you can cure this central heart then we can cure so many diseases, say like breast cancer and many others. Q: What do You think about a research study performed here in Bucharest on various patients to prove that Sahaja Yoga can cure and so to blast the medical world? Shri Mataji: Ideal. Ideal if you start. We already have a Center of Research in India, in a place called Vashi, close to Bombay. We have ...But you can see, it would be good idea if you want. [inaudible] Q: Isn't it dangerous to work on children? For instance there are many children sick of AIDS in Romania. Shri Mataji: No, that's the best thing. Children, it's harmless, absolutely harmless. Best for children! Because they're so innocent you can work very fast. Q: He's Doctor Damian Nicolae Sandu from Braila. He is a bit skeptical and he said that "Can't Sahaja Yoga degenerate into a sect and fanaticism?" Shri Mataji: You see, it depends on... some people who become fanatic, I agree, but they are corrected because they lose all vibrations. Very few. They are thrown out, automatically. The Rector: We can come to an end at our Conference and we thank Mrs. Shri Mataji Who's presented us very short form Her new medical theory. I [inaudible] for me it is a bit shocking because it does not come in any way close to my paradigm. But this does not mean anything. We are open, and what I admire in Her is Her optimism. Nothing is worse for a doctor than pessimism and to give up in front of illness. So that I congratulate Her, especially because She introduced this high note of optimism even for diseases that we consider nowadays incurable. Thank you very much. Another person from the University: Please, allow me, on behalf of the Senate of the University, to give the Diploma of Doctor in Cognitive Sciences to Mrs. Nirmala Shrivastava Who made us a great honor to be here today among us.
Medical Conference, Ecological University of Bucharest (Romania), 2 August 1995. So all the professors, the Vice Chancellor who was so kind to invite Me here to talk to you about something which is very different, I would say in a way, very different from the medical science I have studied. I would not call it different but it is, I would say, it is the basis of our medicine. For example if you want to treat the tree for its sickness and you start applying things from outside it doesn't work out so well. It may have reactions also. But if you can somehow go to the roots, then the whole tree can be treated. Our medical science now, in the modern times, has become very specialized, to such an extent that you may have a doctor for one eye and another doctor for another eye and there is no synthesis. There's no treatment to the totality of the human being. This leads to problems and has created many kinds of reactions. So today I'm going to talk to you about the subtle system that is within us. You should not take Me for granted, there should not be any blind faith about it but if it is proved, this hypothesis that I put before you, then as scientists you must keep your minds open and then you can accept it as honest people because it is for the benevolence of yourself, your family, your country and the world at large. The fundamental thing about us is that we have these seven main centers of energy within us. We know about different plexuses which work on the physical side but the ones which supply energy to these plexuses on physical, mental, emotional side, also spiritual are these centers. Also I would like to tell you about a energy that resides in the triangular bone known as "sacrum". That means Greeks knew about this bone that they call it as "sacred" bone. Now, this energy is the fifth energy that we have, we should say. We have left and right sympathetic nervous system even autonomous nervous system. They are supplied by two subtle channels on the left and right side. Then we have parasympathetic nervous system in the center. Supposing you are afraid and you run fast in emergency, so your heart starts pumping more blood and you get higher rate of your pulses. As you know that this is done with sympathetic nervous system. But what brings it down is the parasympathetic, cools it down, is the parasympathetic. This parasympathetic nervous system is also supported by another channel. Now the fourth energy that we have is a energy by which whatever we achieve in our evolution is recorded, that is our central nervous system. This central nervous system has recorded whatever we have achieved up to this human awareness. We have so many types of higher awareness than animals. For example animals don't understand filth or dirt...they don't understand beauty, they don't understand colors. So many subtle things that we understand, animals don't understand. Of course they have many things built-in them, accordingly they behave. But human beings have freedom. Now this energy within us is the fifth energy as I call it. We call it as Kundalini in Sanskrit language. Kundalini, because it is in three and a half coils and a coil is called as kundala. It's called as Kundalini because it is a feminine coiled energy. This knowledge was known in India since long time, that this energy, if it is awakened it passes through six centers and pierces through your fontanel bone area which is the actualization of your baptism and connects you to the all-pervading Power of Divine Love. In Koran they call it "Ruh." In the Bible it's called as the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost or all-pervading Power of Divine Love, in Sanskrit it is called as Paramchaitanya. So when we see these beautiful flowers, we don't even see and never even think that what a miracle it is. If you ask a doctor who runs your heart he'll say the "autonomous nervous system." But who is this "auto"? That question if you ask they can't answer. There are many things in medical science that we cannot answer. For example anything foreign that goes in our body has to be thrown away, that's the nature of our body. But when the fetus is embedded in the womb it is kept there and nourished and is thrown out at the right time. So who does that? There are many questions science cannot answer. Because science is amoral, it has created lots of problems. It can produce hydrogen bomb, atomic bomb, anything and no one can control it. So we have to go to something deeper and find out if there's any solution within ourselves. Now as I have to talk to doctors, I would like to explain about one center, how it can create problems when it is in jeopardy. As you see, there is left and right, two sympathetic nervous systems. When I was studying medicine that time they didn't know that they have different functions. But they have absolutely two different functions. The left side caters to your emotional side, the psychology as you can call it and the right side caters to your physical and your mental, means your brain functions. English "mental" word it is ambiguous you know. I mean the activity of the brain and the physical activity. Now we can talk of the second center because in this short time, whatever is possible, I think I'll explain about one center. This is very useful for doctors, for bureaucrats, for people who plan, for politicians how one center when in jeopardy, how it can create problems. Now there's one thing yet not known to the medical science this time: when we think too much, what thing gives energy to our gray cells? We are using the energy of gray cells but who replaces it? According to Sahaja Yoga it is the second center within us, we call it Swadishthan, which replaces the energy in the brain cells. Now this working takes place like this we can say, the left and the right sympathetic nervous system meet like this and form the center, parasympathetic. And this center is the center of energy. In medical terminology we can say it looks after the aortic plexus. Now this center, when on the right side, it supplies energy to your brain cells when you think too much, or the conscious effort. Now, when you start using this power too much, you neglect other organs which are dependent on this center. The first and foremost is liver. Liver is affected by that. As you know, liver is responsible for taking out all the poison from the body as heat and put it in the circulation of blood. Now when the liver goes out, the heat accumulates in the liver. It starts passing upward. So we have another center which we call as right heart, which looks after the lungs. So you get asthma. Now in India, one doctor has done research on asthma, with Sahaja Yoga he has proved you can cure asthma completely. So then, this heat can also pass to the heart. Supposing a young man of say eighteen/nineteen, plays tennis, too much physical exertion, drinks a lot, thinks a lot, at that young age he might get a very massive heart attack which is fatal, always. But later on in age also it might accumulate and people can get massive heart attacks, not angina, massive heart attacks. Then it goes further still, that people can get paralysis of the right side. The latest is yuppie's disease, I don't know if you have heard about, yuppie's disease they call it in America, very common, where the conscious mind becomes absolutely paralyzed because you have used too much of your conscious mind. The brain is in working order, but not hands, feet, nothing, one becomes like a reptile. Very common now in America. And you have to carry the patient like a fish. But he speaks all right, his brain is all right, otherwise he cannot do any action, of walking or ... Now when this heat goes towards the left side of your abdomen it creates another problem -because of the pancreas, it gives you diabetes. Only people who sit on chairs and are futuristic, who are planning, politicians, this that, doctors also, they get diabetes. For example in India, we have farmers who earn their living and then sleep nicely, they are not worried about anything. They are not money oriented, they are not thinking of future, they don't insure anything and they drink in their tea at least four spoons, full spoons of sugar. But they don't get diabetes. Never. We have never heard of any case with these farmers getting diabetes. Then also because of too much attention for thinking, no energy is supplied to your spleen. Spleen is for our rhythm, a speedometer, for our rhythm of life. So these days the modern life is so chaotic. Early in the morning if you read the newspaper you are really shocked. Newspapers always describe horrible things, nothing else. Nothing to soothe you. So, you go into chaos. Then as you know that spleen produces RBC's when there is emergency. For example, if you are eating your food and just you start running you get pain in the spleen. So, in the morning, people don't take their even breakfast, just rush somehow or other, because they sleep very late and then they get into the car. In America, I'm told that they even brush their teeth in the car. They have no rhythm of life. Then they'll see the traffic jam and they are very upset and in their office now the boss is boiling at them. With all this, this poor speedometer doesn't understand, it becomes crazy. Of course, the other side how the cancer is caused, I've not told you but suddenly the movement goes to the left, some sort of a shock, accident, anything and you develop a very serious disease called blood cancer. With Sahaja Yoga we have cured many people of blood cancer. Then it goes to the kidneys and kidneys also go on late, with the heat and you stop urinating. Then you are put on the dialysis where you just become bankrupt and die. Ultimately you die. There's no way of saving such people. But with Sahaja Yoga you can. There was a doctor who was expert as he had lots of machines of dialysis. And he got kidney trouble. So he came to Me, I said, "You can be cured but on one promise, that you will not put people on dialysis anymore because you must admit dialysis cannot cure." He promised, he got cured but he's still using his machines. He told Me he has spent so much money that he has to make money somehow now. He's so much money oriented, you know. So, lastly is the worst is that lower part of your intestines, also intestines suffer a lot because you get constipation. But the worst type of constipation you can get, piles you can get. In Switzerland I was surprised that in the bread they put something we call as the cottonseed. And actually we give this in India only to buffalos. I was shocked. Why are they using such a hard thing? "Because," they said, "we suffer from constipation." And you know they may start eating grass after some time. So this is the situation with one center and so many diseases are caused, so if you can cure one of your centers, you can cure all these diseases. Of course about cancer also I would like to tell you in short. As this left and right side meet and form a center - now if you are very futuristic you are using right side too much like this and using the limited energy of your center too much. It could be anywhere, it could be in any center. So you go on using it too much, ultimately it happens that it's exhausted. And sometimes with some shock or anything it may just break. So there is no connection with the mains. As a result malignancy is formed. The cells become on their own, there's no connection of control. This I've told you in short but cancer is curable through Sahaja Yoga. Psychologically also many people have been cured. That is the left side. On the left side we have our subconscious of today, subconscious of yesterday, subconscious of our all lives. And we have beyond that is collective subconscious and this collective subconscious has everything that has been created. So many things have died in the evolutionary process, have gone out of the process of evolution. Like there might be some plants which we call as bacteria and all these viruses also, the same. So, once they enter into your conscious mind or conscious side, you get affected. So for cancer, doctors call it ...protein 53, 58..., they have given names like that. So in Sahaja Yoga your attention is pulled out from the left side brought into the center. As a result of that you become all right. Also, the highest type of left side affectation is lunacy. Also can be cured. In this short lecture I cannot give you the list of all the diseases that are curable. But if you have the knowledge of medical science it's much easier. But the best part of it that when you become the Spirit, when you become one with the Divine Power, then on your fingertips you can feel the centers. There are five, six and seven for the emotional side and again five and six and seven for your right side, meaning for your physical and your... not mental but brain activities. Also the stress and strain you have from these modern times, even ecological problems - you become quite immune to it. That's another subject, where you become just thoughtlessly aware. The thoughts rise and fall, another thought rises and falls and it comes from either from the future or the past. But when the Kundalini rises then She elongates these thoughts and you stay in the present. You are thoughtless but fully aware and then all the inspirations come in. The greatest thing is that the database of the genes are corrected with this. We have known many people who were called as very bad people, evil people are completely changed. All your habits which are destructive just drop out because you become the Spirit. Actually you are not this body, this mind, you are not these emotions, your intelligence, your ego or your conditionings, you are the pure Spirit. When you become that, in that light, you achieve tremendous powers. Like many people want to give up alcohol and drugs, they can't, but overnight they will give up. It's like this, supposing there is a snake in My hand and there's darkness and I'm very adamant and if you tell Me, " There's a snake." I'll say: "No, it's a rope," because I'm obstinate. But if there is little light I'll definitely throw it away. In the same way all habits which you cannot fight, just run away. Everything sounds so fantastic, I must say. But you are fantastic. Like in our country, in a remote village, if you take a television and say, "This box can show you so many things," they won't believe. They will say, "It is just a box." We also think we are just boxes. We have no identity. But when you put the television to the mains, then you see how fantastic it is. In the same way we are. We are built-in that way. But when we don't take to this natural breakthrough of the evolution, also there is ecological problem inside. Yes. Because I've seen people with cancer, when they suffer and they take to Sahaja Yoga, the whole room gets heated up without a heater. I mean, even if they are sick, if supposing. Supposing you are feeling any pain here and if with Sahaja Yoga you touch it, it's very hot. So this is the Cool Breeze, we can call it, has a cooling effect. Also in the western science there's nothing for cooling. In Ayurveda they have, some things, not many but we have so they go on heating up - and heated up and heated up, even the brain gets heated up, everybody gets heated up...even the nerves get heated up...and you have no strength left to fight any illness. But this is your own Power. There's no obligation at all. You feel much younger, very energetic. Now, I'm seventy-three years of age and I travel every third day and I enjoy. So it's very easy because it's your own. But medical studies helps you a lot to understand the physical help of Sahaja Yoga. You don't have to go for diagnosis, when the patient dies half-way when he's diagnosed - by the time. So is best is to diagnose a person on your fingers, which is absolute knowledge, absolute. Even if you have ten children and tie up their eyes and ask them, "What is this gentleman suffering from?" they will all say the same thing. Now supposing they show you this finger, so you ask the person, "Do you suffer from heart?" So he'll tell you, "Yes, very much, how do you know?" Now, if you know how to cure yourself, you can cure others also. You can feel the centers of others on your fingertips. They may be anywhere, might be dead even, you can feel. This is a very subtle subject and also very easy. The knowledge is all within yourself but after medical studies it relates to science very clearly. So it's very useful for doctors. And in a country where we are not so rich like Americans are, we need not waste too much money. It's a very large subject and I was telling your authorities that I'll send a doctor who was the Head of the Physiology, Dean of Physiology from Delhi University, who has written a book on Sahaja Yoga. His granddaughter was dying of kidney infection and she got cured in Sahaja Yoga and his wife had migraine, also she got cured in Sahaja Yoga. So then he started researching Sahaja Yoga. He's written a very good book and was inaugurated by our President in India. Of course I would like you to ask Me some questions if you have any. Q: I'd like to know, what is in Your opinion the spiritual mission of the Romanian people? Shri Mataji: Oh, they are wonderful. Oh, they are very sensitive. I must say they are the best in the Eastern bloc. They are very spiritual. I just don't know, we have now, I think, five thousand Sahaja Yogis and I have no words to... really I can't praise them enough. It's true. And they have grown too much. Q: You said that lunacy can be cured in Sahaja Yoga. What do You understand by lunacy: paranoia, schizophrenia, ...? Shri Mataji: All kinds. All kinds. But not always. You see, schizophrenia has been cured, lunatic personality has been cured, lunatic persons from the lunatic asylum. We have got three, four people from lunatic asylum in India who got cured. Yes, it's possible. Even AIDS. But these AIDS people are extremely aggressive. They think they are martyrs. So, with this martyrdom, you know, they think no end of themselves. They are very proud that... they think they are fighting a big cause. So we cured about six people in Australia, one was T.M. fellow, T.M., Transcendental Meditation, two, two of them...Transcendental...two of them. And they told Me that in the beginning in the T.M. you are not even supposed to talk to your wife. So they became homosexual. For years. Both of them. Then they got cured, but they fell back on the same habits and after five years they died. Then there was one who got cured, he's nine years now, he's still there. And two were married, a couple who were Catholics, I think, so they got a fright. I think the priests must have told them to be frightened so they also ran away. I don't know how they are. It's very difficult people, it's a world movement, you see, they think they're very great soldiers marching towards death. It's a psychological problem, very egoistical and they are not afraid of death they say. Their immune system is in trouble, which is curable through Sahaja Yoga. It is, sternum bone. Till the age of twelve years, we develop antibodies here and then the whole...they are distributed all over the body. So, whenever we are frightened, the sternum bone gives like a remote control, gives palpitations. So behind the sternum bone that guides it we call as the central heart. If you can cure this central heart then we can cure so many diseases, say like breast cancer and many others. Q: What do You think about a research study performed here in Bucharest on various patients to prove that Sahaja Yoga can cure and so to blast the medical world? Shri Mataji: Ideal. Ideal if you start. We already have a Center of Research in India, in a place called Vashi, close to Bombay. We have ...But you can see, it would be good idea if you want. [inaudible] Q: Isn't it dangerous to work on children? For instance there are many children sick of AIDS in Romania. Shri Mataji: No, that's the best thing. Children, it's harmless, absolutely harmless. Best for children! Because they're so innocent you can work very fast. Q: He's Doctor Damian Nicolae Sandu from Braila. He is a bit skeptical and he said that "Can't Sahaja Yoga degenerate into a sect and fanaticism?" Shri Mataji: You see, it depends on... some people who become fanatic, I agree, but they are corrected because they lose all vibrations. Very few. They are thrown out, automatically. The Rector: We can come to an end at our Conference and we thank Mrs. Shri Mataji Who's presented us very short form Her new medical theory. I [inaudible] for me it is a bit shocking because it does not come in any way close to my paradigm. But this does not mean anything. We are open, and what I admire in Her is Her optimism. Nothing is worse for a doctor than pessimism and to give up in front of illness. So that I congratulate Her, especially because She introduced this high note of optimism even for diseases that we consider nowadays incurable. Thank you very much. Another person from the University: Please, allow me, on behalf of the Senate of the University, to give the Diploma of Doctor in Cognitive Sciences to Mrs. Nirmala Shrivastava Who made us a great honor to be here today among us.
If you can cure yourself, you can also cure others
Public Program
1995-08-04 Public Program, Hungary [beginning missing - tape overwrite] [recording starts at 7.24] All this living work is done by this all-pervading divine power, but we have never felt it before. When this kundalini rises and pierces through the fontanelle bone area then you can feel this power, as cool breeze of Holy Ghost. For the first time, you feel it and you are amazed how we never had this experience before. Once it happens, then you are amazed at yourself because you become really very compassionate and very dynamic. You can see your problems clearly and when you can see them, you can solve them much better. Then you realise what is divine discretion. Not only that you know yourself, but you also know others on their centres. Because you develop a new awareness; a new dimension in this human awareness which we call as collective consciousness, where you can feel others on your fingertips. These centres tell you what’s wrong with others also. If you can cure yourself, you can also cure others. In India, three doctors got their M.D. when they cured people with Sahaja Yoga. Many incurable diseases can be cured by you yourself, with your own power. But we have to believe in ourselves, we have to have self-confidence. If this instrument [mic] was not connected to the mains, it has no identity, it has no meaning. In the same way, if you are not connected to this all-pervading power, we have no identity. So, people start searching, they get into some sort of fads or they get into some cults or some sort of a nonsense they do. All kinds of ideas are poured for such people who are seekers. As you must have heard about what happened in Japan or in America, where they declared that World is coming to an end and to finish the whole World. This is absurd, because the World is not coming to an end. In Sahaja Yoga, we don’t have any weapons, we don’t even have a dagger with anyone. [repeats for translator] But this is what is misleading point and people take to it very easily. This is very surprising, how people take to such stupid things. Also, I don’t understand how after knowing so much about these religious institutions, still they stick on to them. One must use one’s intelligence to judge whether the person who is talking of religion or anything, how far they are truthful. Last of all, you have to know that you reach a state of complete joy. Joy is not like happiness and unhappiness, but it is absolute. As you know absolute knowledge on your fingertips, you also get absolute joy. Thus, we get rid of all nonsensical things and ascend above all these stupid ideas that are prevalent. This is your own, your own idea, and you should get it without any trouble. But I have seen people who are still stuck into stupid ideas and cannot understand they have to achieve the truth. So, we have to understand that it is high time that we get to absolute truth. For which, you don’t have to pay, there is no obligation of any kind. Only thing, you must have self-confidence. Another thing is that I cannot force self-realisation on you. You have to actually ask for it. It is your freedom, I respect. If you want to have, you can have it. But if you don’t want to have, how can I force? As I told you, that this is a living process, last breakthrough of your evolution. For which, you have to have pure desire. Because this kundalini is the power of pure desire. It will hardly take 10-15 minutes to achieve that. But if you don’t want it, I cannot force on you. So, all those who don’t want, please leave the hall. How many people are Hungarian here? Quite a lot. [inaudible] So, there are three conditions which are very simple. The first one is that you have to forgive yourself. You must have full confidence in yourself. I think it’s a fashion also, to feel guilty all the time. But when you feel guilty, then you catch on the centre [showing left vishuddhi] on this left-hand side. As a result, you develop a disease called spondylitis. Also, angina. Also, your organs become lethargic. When you make mistakes, you must face it at that moment. But, what’s the use of feeling guilty about it. At the most, you can decide I will not commit such a mistake again. But, why to condemn yourself all your life and ruin your centre here [showing left vishuddhi]? It seems in Hungary is quite a lot. This [left vishuddhi] centre is very bad here. Alright, the second point, second condition is that you have to forgive everyone. Forgive everyone without even thinking about them. Because, whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. When you don’t forgive, then of course you play into wrong hands. And torture yourself for nothing at all. While the person whom has troubled you, whom you are not forgiving, is enjoying life nicely. So, why carry on with this myth? Specially at this moment, is very important that you forgive everyone without thinking about them. Because thinking about them also causes headache. Moreover, at this important moment, the centre on the optic-chasma is constricted like this, absolutely. And if you don’t forgive, it won’t open [shows cross with fingers closed and then square-shaped opening]. And, how will this kundalini then go through it? So please, just say in your heart that ‘I forgive everyone’ without even thinking about them[?], in general. I have already told you that you have to have full self-confidence that you all will get your realisation here, tonight. Also, if you don’t mind, please take out your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Some people are even attached to their shoes, you know [laughs]. [self-realisation starts]
1995-08-04 Public Program, Hungary [beginning missing - tape overwrite] [recording starts at 7.24] All this living work is done by this all-pervading divine power, but we have never felt it before. When this kundalini rises and pierces through the fontanelle bone area then you can feel this power, as cool breeze of Holy Ghost. For the first time, you feel it and you are amazed how we never had this experience before. Once it happens, then you are amazed at yourself because you become really very compassionate and very dynamic. You can see your problems clearly and when you can see them, you can solve them much better. Then you realise what is divine discretion. Not only that you know yourself, but you also know others on their centres. Because you develop a new awareness; a new dimension in this human awareness which we call as collective consciousness, where you can feel others on your fingertips. These centres tell you what’s wrong with others also. If you can cure yourself, you can also cure others. In India, three doctors got their M.D. when they cured people with Sahaja Yoga. Many incurable diseases can be cured by you yourself, with your own power. But we have to believe in ourselves, we have to have self-confidence. If this instrument [mic] was not connected to the mains, it has no identity, it has no meaning. In the same way, if you are not connected to this all-pervading power, we have no identity. So, people start searching, they get into some sort of fads or they get into some cults or some sort of a nonsense they do. All kinds of ideas are poured for such people who are seekers. As you must have heard about what happened in Japan or in America, where they declared that World is coming to an end and to finish the whole World. This is absurd, because the World is not coming to an end. In Sahaja Yoga, we don’t have any weapons, we don’t even have a dagger with anyone. [repeats for translator] But this is what is misleading point and people take to it very easily. This is very surprising, how people take to such stupid things. Also, I don’t understand how after knowing so much about these religious institutions, still they stick on to them. One must use one’s intelligence to judge whether the person who is talking of religion or anything, how far they are truthful. Last of all, you have to know that you reach a state of complete joy. Joy is not like happiness and unhappiness, but it is absolute. As you know absolute knowledge on your fingertips, you also get absolute joy. Thus, we get rid of all nonsensical things and ascend above all these stupid ideas that are prevalent. This is your own, your own idea, and you should get it without any trouble. But I have seen people who are still stuck into stupid ideas and cannot understand they have to achieve the truth. So, we have to understand that it is high time that we get to absolute truth. For which, you don’t have to pay, there is no obligation of any kind. Only thing, you must have self-confidence. Another thing is that I cannot force self-realisation on you. You have to actually ask for it. It is your freedom, I respect. If you want to have, you can have it. But if you don’t want to have, how can I force? As I told you, that this is a living process, last breakthrough of your evolution. For which, you have to have pure desire. Because this kundalini is the power of pure desire. It will hardly take 10-15 minutes to achieve that. But if you don’t want it, I cannot force on you. So, all those who don’t want, please leave the hall. How many people are Hungarian here? Quite a lot. [inaudible] So, there are three conditions which are very simple. The first one is that you have to forgive yourself. You must have full confidence in yourself. I think it’s a fashion also, to feel guilty all the time. But when you feel guilty, then you catch on the centre [showing left vishuddhi] on this left-hand side. As a result, you develop a disease called spondylitis. Also, angina. Also, your organs become lethargic. When you make mistakes, you must face it at that moment. But, what’s the use of feeling guilty about it. At the most, you can decide I will not commit such a mistake again. But, why to condemn yourself all your life and ruin your centre here [showing left vishuddhi]? It seems in Hungary is quite a lot. This [left vishuddhi] centre is very bad here. Alright, the second point, second condition is that you have to forgive everyone. Forgive everyone without even thinking about them. Because, whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. When you don’t forgive, then of course you play into wrong hands. And torture yourself for nothing at all. While the person whom has troubled you, whom you are not forgiving, is enjoying life nicely. So, why carry on with this myth? Specially at this moment, is very important that you forgive everyone without thinking about them. Because thinking about them also causes headache. Moreover, at this important moment, the centre on the optic-chasma is constricted like this, absolutely. And if you don’t forgive, it won’t open [shows cross with fingers closed and then square-shaped opening]. And, how will this kundalini then go through it? So please, just say in your heart that ‘I forgive everyone’ without even thinking about them[?], in general. I have already told you that you have to have full self-confidence that you all will get your realisation here, tonight. Also, if you don’t mind, please take out your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Some people are even attached to their shoes, you know [laughs]. [self-realisation starts]
Evening Program, Sahaja Yogis are the highest human beings
Evening Program
1995-08-05 Evening Program, Hungary Speech starts at 49.20 So today, I have thought of, because yesterday this lady came and she was going into spasms. And she has been to some, uh, I don’t know what sort of a cult it is. But she said that she has discovered that they are all false, so now she has given them up but she is very much possessed. Now, after seeing her, I felt that still in Sahaja Yoga we will get people who will be coming from such problems. And they will tell you about what has happened to them or how they got into it and how much money they had to pay, all these things. Of course, they are anxious to get well and they will request you to cure them. So what you have to do is to take a bandhan and tell them that you can cure yourself, you need not, we need not cure you. You can give them the photograph and you can tell them how to use it on the left hand side. But out of sympathy you just don’t become extremely kind to them and get the possession into yourself. It’s very important because in the beginning always I have seen many people get caught up and then they leave Sahaja Yoga, then they want to come back again. And they are then very caught up. As far as possible, you should not really try to treat anyone. You can ask them, you can give them the photograph, and tell them what you talked[?] at home so they develop a kind of recognition of me and also you do not get affected by them. You have to be careful, very careful in the beginning, that you don’t try to sort of cure those people or try to give them realisation who are already possessed. The first thing that happens to these possessed people that before my photograph they start shaking their hands, shaking their body, and they getting some sort of a suffocation. Also, they are people who are full of ego here and sometimes you catch from them. So, best thing is first of all to take your bandhan nicely and then test the person. Instead of telling the person that you have ego, is better to tell that you are very right sided. And if you understand what is wrong with the person, then only you should tell otherwise you should keep quiet. There are lots of also miraculous happening, like these Romanians now singing this song, this absolutely they don’t know anything about Indian music, nothing, suddenly how they have become. There are some artists also who have suddenly become very great artists. Now, it can happen, anything can happen, you can become great orator, you can become a writer, you can become a poet. My own brother as you know he is a chartered accountant, very good at mathematics. Because my mother was a mathematician. He didn’t know anything about literature and I use to write his essays [inaudible]. He could not never write an essay also, in Marathi or in English. Now suddenly he become a great poet. He knows so much of Urdu, Marathi, Hindi, and English; I just don’t understand. He has started composing poems in all kinds of languages but now he realises it’s a blessing of Sahaja Yoga. Now, one thing is important that if you have some sickness or if you have some trouble, you can cure yourself. You don’t ask anybody else to do it. Just tell another person how it can help but it might hurt another one if you tell you got ego, this is wrong, that is wrong, just say you are right-sided or left-sided. Everyone can get blessings of the divine in different different manner, but we have to deserve also. For that, first thing is dedication. And second thing is determination. First thing is dedication and the second this is determination. If you have dedication in Sahaja Yoga, then the blessings come in without any difficulties. But you must also have dedication with determination that you will express yourself in whatever blessings you have. Yesterday, I saw lots of people from your country, who were there, they just got realisation yesterday. Now, you have to be very gentle with them. You should never tell them that you are a egotistical fellow or you are a bhoot or you are depressed. But you have to say that you are say left-sided, right-sided, you need a balance. And you can give them a balance by proper movement of your hand. But before doing anything, you must take yourself a bandhan. And you should never by any chance let them feel that they are no good. The power of Sahaja Yoga is love and compassion. And with vibrations, you will know discretion. As you know that these people from the church or from these muslim fundamentalists, they are all opposed to Sahaja Yoga because they are fundamentalist. Even the Christians can be very fanatic. So, best thing is to understand that you do not become fanatic in Sahaja Yoga. Like some megalomania. Thinking that, there are people who started thinking that they have become Paul, they have become this, all nonsense. Some of them started another group of people, telling them something nonsensical. So, one has to be careful not to become that and others have to become careful not to fall into their traps. There is one thing I expect you to learn English language because how many languages can understand me. Is the easiest language, English is the easiest language, I can tell you. I have never studied English in school, college, much. But it can be easily mastered, it’s very simple language. Because, you know, it has one word can describe three things. For example, the spirit, now spirit can be alcohol, it can also mean a dead body - a dead spirit, also it means the spirit in the heart - atma. Shri Mataji asks translator: I don’t know in your language [Hungarian] are there, is there only one word for three things? Translator: yes, sometimes it happens. [Shri Mataji laughs] Such languages are very easy. I would say Marathi is a difficult language. I would not ask you to learn Marathi, English is easier. But Marathi is very precise, for every colour, for every hue, for every behaviour there is word. For every kind of character also there is a proverb. For example, somebody becomes very vague out of something that you marry somebody good or somebody your husband is better off or the wife is better off or something, so they will say that person has got the ‘badha of gher’ [?]. Gher means false pride. On the face they will say it, now you got badha of gher, finished! [laughs] On the face they will say it you have got the badha of gher, on the face. Supposing somebody talks big about oneself, you see, I am this, I am that, then they will say that you are climbing on the little shrub of this [unsure], such a little shrub, you are climbing on that! On the face only! If they have said this to Hitler, it would have been alright. All such, there are proverbs, there are words by which you can really correct the society. If somebody has an attention that he starts looking at every woman or looking at everything they call it ‘madhya’, the name - madhya, which means he goes on to it. So, it is condemned. [corrects translator] And that is how they correct. Once an Indian was married in America, and he told me a few things about Americans that was very useful. He said in Marathi they are antipodes, you see their legs are toward us you see, their heads are towards the other side – antipodes. [translator yogi doesn’t understand, everyone laughs, Shri Mataji explains] So, they do everything opposite. Like he said, that if you see a man with a big tail or a big...uh… [asks for Marathi translation and description] plaited thing. What you call this, when you tie the hair? [plaited/braided hair, laughs] So, if you have, if you see anyone from the back know that it is a man not a woman! And if it is a crew cut from the back, then it’s a woman! They were quite shocked these Indians who went there, and they couldn’t understand. He said they are [inaudible], means they run after their own whims. He said that I gave some money to my wife to buy a shirt for me and she came back with lots of skirts. So, he said, ‘Why did you buy these skirts? You have so many.’ [wife replied] ‘I like so I bought!’ So, it is a…you have to be down to Earth, you should be wise and down to Earth in Sahaja Yoga. I mean whatever is clumsy or wrong, or absurd from your country you should give it up! Also, in India we have lots of clumsy nonsensical things, you see people are on the whole are traditionally very wise. I ask you to learn English but I don’t think English are very wise people. [laughs] They may be wise but very lethargic. Once upon a time, they [inaudible] conquered the whole World and now they want to sleep. You can make out an English Sahaja Yogi after 12’oclock at night. They ask me, ‘Mother, how do you keep awake, after 12?’ So, that is how it is but I would request you to understand me is better you people learn little English, may be better. Because I can’t learn all these languages, it’s very difficult for me, say German and another is Italian, so difficult. They tried to teach me but I couldn’t manage. Worse is this French; because they write something, and they spell something, and they say something. They can make it quite universal, at least European languages, but they want to have their exclusiveness. In Sahaja Yoga, we have no exclusiveness; we encompass all the religions, all the races, all the communities. There is no exclusiveness of any in Sahaja Yoga, except that we don’t like people who are not spiritual. Minimum of minimum, a Sahaja Yogi has to be spiritual-minded, not money-orientated, or material-orientated. They told me that in Hungary people are becoming very materialistic that’s why they don’t come to Sahaja Yoga. Matter is for what, is just for our joy. It doesn’t give you joy at all. It only gives you joy when you are generous and try to express your love through any matter. It is a myth in the West that if you are very materially off then you are very happy and joyous, you are not. All the people who have too much money spend it on destroying themselves. The other day I read in newspaper that in Russia these mafia people have earned so much of money and they are wasting now, look at them in [inaudible], which very horrible and very vulgar. So for money, material things they become mafia and they waste money like this, what’s the use? We are Sahaja Yogis of a very high level human beings. We cannot become like these ordinary people, who might go to hell because they don’t ascend. This is the choice before you, to ascend, to ascend beyond the mind. But if that is not there, then you go on all the time floating in the air with funny ideas about yourself. While you should be in reality, that’s very important because Sahaja Yogis have to play a very important role in this World. You are the highest human beings, of highest level. And you cannot stoop down the level of other stupid people. When these new people come in, don’t argue with them. Just say to that there is no argument, first take your realisation, settle down. It is your own behaviour, your own character, and your own joyous nature will convince them that you are something special. I am so very happy to see so many people from now Hungaria coming to Sahaja Yoga. If you have any difficulties, you can write to me. But every individual, you people can give realization to so many. But first, you have to mature yourself and evolve yourself. As soon as you are evolved, you meditate, I know who is evolved and who is not yet evolved. Also, it’s a wrong thing to attack your leaders. If I find that not alright, I’ll ask them to get out of Sahaja Yoga or at least step down. We have had problems with some leaders but they had to leave Sahaja Yoga. First of all, you must get the full knowledge of Sahaja Yoga, about chakras, about kundalini, about the three channels, everything. Also, you must meditate every night before sleeping. Try to meditate in thoughtless awareness, really very good. Then, you really become doubtlessly aware. Sahaja Yogis have to be always smiling and enjoying their relaxed mode. You should witness the drama, not get upset but witness the drama. There are so many things I can say but in this little talk what can I tell you that I am very happy that you have become good Sahaja Yogis. Thank you very much.
1995-08-05 Evening Program, Hungary Speech starts at 49.20 So today, I have thought of, because yesterday this lady came and she was going into spasms. And she has been to some, uh, I don’t know what sort of a cult it is. But she said that she has discovered that they are all false, so now she has given them up but she is very much possessed. Now, after seeing her, I felt that still in Sahaja Yoga we will get people who will be coming from such problems. And they will tell you about what has happened to them or how they got into it and how much money they had to pay, all these things. Of course, they are anxious to get well and they will request you to cure them. So what you have to do is to take a bandhan and tell them that you can cure yourself, you need not, we need not cure you. You can give them the photograph and you can tell them how to use it on the left hand side. But out of sympathy you just don’t become extremely kind to them and get the possession into yourself. It’s very important because in the beginning always I have seen many people get caught up and then they leave Sahaja Yoga, then they want to come back again. And they are then very caught up. As far as possible, you should not really try to treat anyone. You can ask them, you can give them the photograph, and tell them what you talked[?] at home so they develop a kind of recognition of me and also you do not get affected by them. You have to be careful, very careful in the beginning, that you don’t try to sort of cure those people or try to give them realisation who are already possessed. The first thing that happens to these possessed people that before my photograph they start shaking their hands, shaking their body, and they getting some sort of a suffocation. Also, they are people who are full of ego here and sometimes you catch from them. So, best thing is first of all to take your bandhan nicely and then test the person. Instead of telling the person that you have ego, is better to tell that you are very right sided. And if you understand what is wrong with the person, then only you should tell otherwise you should keep quiet. There are lots of also miraculous happening, like these Romanians now singing this song, this absolutely they don’t know anything about Indian music, nothing, suddenly how they have become. There are some artists also who have suddenly become very great artists. Now, it can happen, anything can happen, you can become great orator, you can become a writer, you can become a poet. My own brother as you know he is a chartered accountant, very good at mathematics. Because my mother was a mathematician. He didn’t know anything about literature and I use to write his essays [inaudible]. He could not never write an essay also, in Marathi or in English. Now suddenly he become a great poet. He knows so much of Urdu, Marathi, Hindi, and English; I just don’t understand. He has started composing poems in all kinds of languages but now he realises it’s a blessing of Sahaja Yoga. Now, one thing is important that if you have some sickness or if you have some trouble, you can cure yourself. You don’t ask anybody else to do it. Just tell another person how it can help but it might hurt another one if you tell you got ego, this is wrong, that is wrong, just say you are right-sided or left-sided. Everyone can get blessings of the divine in different different manner, but we have to deserve also. For that, first thing is dedication. And second thing is determination. First thing is dedication and the second this is determination. If you have dedication in Sahaja Yoga, then the blessings come in without any difficulties. But you must also have dedication with determination that you will express yourself in whatever blessings you have. Yesterday, I saw lots of people from your country, who were there, they just got realisation yesterday. Now, you have to be very gentle with them. You should never tell them that you are a egotistical fellow or you are a bhoot or you are depressed. But you have to say that you are say left-sided, right-sided, you need a balance. And you can give them a balance by proper movement of your hand. But before doing anything, you must take yourself a bandhan. And you should never by any chance let them feel that they are no good. The power of Sahaja Yoga is love and compassion. And with vibrations, you will know discretion. As you know that these people from the church or from these muslim fundamentalists, they are all opposed to Sahaja Yoga because they are fundamentalist. Even the Christians can be very fanatic. So, best thing is to understand that you do not become fanatic in Sahaja Yoga. Like some megalomania. Thinking that, there are people who started thinking that they have become Paul, they have become this, all nonsense. Some of them started another group of people, telling them something nonsensical. So, one has to be careful not to become that and others have to become careful not to fall into their traps. There is one thing I expect you to learn English language because how many languages can understand me. Is the easiest language, English is the easiest language, I can tell you. I have never studied English in school, college, much. But it can be easily mastered, it’s very simple language. Because, you know, it has one word can describe three things. For example, the spirit, now spirit can be alcohol, it can also mean a dead body - a dead spirit, also it means the spirit in the heart - atma. Shri Mataji asks translator: I don’t know in your language [Hungarian] are there, is there only one word for three things? Translator: yes, sometimes it happens. [Shri Mataji laughs] Such languages are very easy. I would say Marathi is a difficult language. I would not ask you to learn Marathi, English is easier. But Marathi is very precise, for every colour, for every hue, for every behaviour there is word. For every kind of character also there is a proverb. For example, somebody becomes very vague out of something that you marry somebody good or somebody your husband is better off or the wife is better off or something, so they will say that person has got the ‘badha of gher’ [?]. Gher means false pride. On the face they will say it, now you got badha of gher, finished! [laughs] On the face they will say it you have got the badha of gher, on the face. Supposing somebody talks big about oneself, you see, I am this, I am that, then they will say that you are climbing on the little shrub of this [unsure], such a little shrub, you are climbing on that! On the face only! If they have said this to Hitler, it would have been alright. All such, there are proverbs, there are words by which you can really correct the society. If somebody has an attention that he starts looking at every woman or looking at everything they call it ‘madhya’, the name - madhya, which means he goes on to it. So, it is condemned. [corrects translator] And that is how they correct. Once an Indian was married in America, and he told me a few things about Americans that was very useful. He said in Marathi they are antipodes, you see their legs are toward us you see, their heads are towards the other side – antipodes. [translator yogi doesn’t understand, everyone laughs, Shri Mataji explains] So, they do everything opposite. Like he said, that if you see a man with a big tail or a big...uh… [asks for Marathi translation and description] plaited thing. What you call this, when you tie the hair? [plaited/braided hair, laughs] So, if you have, if you see anyone from the back know that it is a man not a woman! And if it is a crew cut from the back, then it’s a woman! They were quite shocked these Indians who went there, and they couldn’t understand. He said they are [inaudible], means they run after their own whims. He said that I gave some money to my wife to buy a shirt for me and she came back with lots of skirts. So, he said, ‘Why did you buy these skirts? You have so many.’ [wife replied] ‘I like so I bought!’ So, it is a…you have to be down to Earth, you should be wise and down to Earth in Sahaja Yoga. I mean whatever is clumsy or wrong, or absurd from your country you should give it up! Also, in India we have lots of clumsy nonsensical things, you see people are on the whole are traditionally very wise. I ask you to learn English but I don’t think English are very wise people. [laughs] They may be wise but very lethargic. Once upon a time, they [inaudible] conquered the whole World and now they want to sleep. You can make out an English Sahaja Yogi after 12’oclock at night. They ask me, ‘Mother, how do you keep awake, after 12?’ So, that is how it is but I would request you to understand me is better you people learn little English, may be better. Because I can’t learn all these languages, it’s very difficult for me, say German and another is Italian, so difficult. They tried to teach me but I couldn’t manage. Worse is this French; because they write something, and they spell something, and they say something. They can make it quite universal, at least European languages, but they want to have their exclusiveness. In Sahaja Yoga, we have no exclusiveness; we encompass all the religions, all the races, all the communities. There is no exclusiveness of any in Sahaja Yoga, except that we don’t like people who are not spiritual. Minimum of minimum, a Sahaja Yogi has to be spiritual-minded, not money-orientated, or material-orientated. They told me that in Hungary people are becoming very materialistic that’s why they don’t come to Sahaja Yoga. Matter is for what, is just for our joy. It doesn’t give you joy at all. It only gives you joy when you are generous and try to express your love through any matter. It is a myth in the West that if you are very materially off then you are very happy and joyous, you are not. All the people who have too much money spend it on destroying themselves. The other day I read in newspaper that in Russia these mafia people have earned so much of money and they are wasting now, look at them in [inaudible], which very horrible and very vulgar. So for money, material things they become mafia and they waste money like this, what’s the use? We are Sahaja Yogis of a very high level human beings. We cannot become like these ordinary people, who might go to hell because they don’t ascend. This is the choice before you, to ascend, to ascend beyond the mind. But if that is not there, then you go on all the time floating in the air with funny ideas about yourself. While you should be in reality, that’s very important because Sahaja Yogis have to play a very important role in this World. You are the highest human beings, of highest level. And you cannot stoop down the level of other stupid people. When these new people come in, don’t argue with them. Just say to that there is no argument, first take your realisation, settle down. It is your own behaviour, your own character, and your own joyous nature will convince them that you are something special. I am so very happy to see so many people from now Hungaria coming to Sahaja Yoga. If you have any difficulties, you can write to me. But every individual, you people can give realization to so many. But first, you have to mature yourself and evolve yourself. As soon as you are evolved, you meditate, I know who is evolved and who is not yet evolved. Also, it’s a wrong thing to attack your leaders. If I find that not alright, I’ll ask them to get out of Sahaja Yoga or at least step down. We have had problems with some leaders but they had to leave Sahaja Yoga. First of all, you must get the full knowledge of Sahaja Yoga, about chakras, about kundalini, about the three channels, everything. Also, you must meditate every night before sleeping. Try to meditate in thoughtless awareness, really very good. Then, you really become doubtlessly aware. Sahaja Yogis have to be always smiling and enjoying their relaxed mode. You should witness the drama, not get upset but witness the drama. There are so many things I can say but in this little talk what can I tell you that I am very happy that you have become good Sahaja Yogis. Thank you very much.
Evening, Eve Of Shri Krishna Puja
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Evening before Shri Krishna Puja. Cabella (Italy), 19 August 1995. It was really a surprise to see this combination of two great artists. they come from 2 different religions as we call them gharanas. That shows that Indian music is such a harmonious thing, built in the oneness, the unity of understanding that, whatever tradition they come in, they can play together so well, support each other, and melodies can be mixed up so beautifully. I'm happy that you understand this music and enjoy it very much. I saw you all absolutely engrossed. There's a saying that when Krishna used to play his flute, then it's said that (chitra ....), everybody was like a picture, eyes were not moving, hands were not moving, nothing, just chitra. Like that I saw today, all of you so much engrossed and I'm so thankful to all of these artists for bringing out the beauty of this great art of music. Now also you can see that it's a combination of east and west because this bansuri, flute, is from the east and the violin is from the west. But the way it combined together shows that there is a harmony even in the instruments, the way we play and the way we manifest the beauty of music. Music is very important for Sahaja yoga as you know that, through music the vibrations spread very well and one can go very deep into your own meditation through music. I am very happy that they have taken out a CD now, both of them, and we have got those now, those who want to buy can buy from Guido. It's a nice thing, I appreciate, because they are very young, very young people coming up in Sahaja Yoga gives me such a great hope, that, one day, these artists will rise so much higher and that this music will spread all over the world. It's very important that young people should take to music because the older Johnnies are now practically...none of them are willing to come, even to Cabella I think, it's too far for them. But we have these second generation which is doing so well and learning music even from their mother and father, and also from very old artists of India. It's a very traditional art, no doubt, but it has so much of Eternal Joy that it cannot be called as something of the past or of the present but it is also of the future. I think you all have appreciated very much and I must thank Americans for organising this programme in their own understanding of the music. America is taking to music now, Indian music also, and are coming up into a proper shape I think in rendering something that is extremely spiritual. Though sometimes I find it's very noisy, but somehow or other they are taking to harmony and to a question of rapport with the people who are going to listen. I mean if they are just going to jump and dance and not to listen to the music then how is it music? I can't understand. If you have to just jump to the tune all the time in a particular manner so it cannot be music. Music has to be listened to, otherwise it goes in the skin I think. It works the other way round. So, I'm just saying because the American music is now taking over, I think.
Evening before Shri Krishna Puja. Cabella (Italy), 19 August 1995. It was really a surprise to see this combination of two great artists. they come from 2 different religions as we call them gharanas. That shows that Indian music is such a harmonious thing, built in the oneness, the unity of understanding that, whatever tradition they come in, they can play together so well, support each other, and melodies can be mixed up so beautifully. I'm happy that you understand this music and enjoy it very much. I saw you all absolutely engrossed. There's a saying that when Krishna used to play his flute, then it's said that (chitra ....), everybody was like a picture, eyes were not moving, hands were not moving, nothing, just chitra. Like that I saw today, all of you so much engrossed and I'm so thankful to all of these artists for bringing out the beauty of this great art of music. Now also you can see that it's a combination of east and west because this bansuri, flute, is from the east and the violin is from the west. But the way it combined together shows that there is a harmony even in the instruments, the way we play and the way we manifest the beauty of music. Music is very important for Sahaja yoga as you know that, through music the vibrations spread very well and one can go very deep into your own meditation through music. I am very happy that they have taken out a CD now, both of them, and we have got those now, those who want to buy can buy from Guido. It's a nice thing, I appreciate, because they are very young, very young people coming up in Sahaja Yoga gives me such a great hope, that, one day, these artists will rise so much higher and that this music will spread all over the world. It's very important that young people should take to music because the older Johnnies are now practically...none of them are willing to come, even to Cabella I think, it's too far for them. But we have these second generation which is doing so well and learning music even from their mother and father, and also from very old artists of India. It's a very traditional art, no doubt, but it has so much of Eternal Joy that it cannot be called as something of the past or of the present but it is also of the future. I think you all have appreciated very much and I must thank Americans for organising this programme in their own understanding of the music. America is taking to music now, Indian music also, and are coming up into a proper shape I think in rendering something that is extremely spiritual. Though sometimes I find it's very noisy, but somehow or other they are taking to harmony and to a question of rapport with the people who are going to listen. I mean if they are just going to jump and dance and not to listen to the music then how is it music? I can't understand. If you have to just jump to the tune all the time in a particular manner so it cannot be music. Music has to be listened to, otherwise it goes in the skin I think. It works the other way round. So, I'm just saying because the American music is now taking over, I think.
Shri Krishna Puja: You Have To Be Festive
Cabella Ligure
Shri Krishna Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 20 August 1995. Today we are going to worship Radha and Krishna. It's a very festive feeling because Shri Krishna came on this earth at a time when people had become extremely serious about religion, about spirituality, and that made the whole aspect of religion as a joyless achievement. And that's how people became very serious; also the attention of people was diverted into a kind of a drama, which created aloofness from the society. People became individualistic, secretive and all such people's children also became the same style because a kind of a fear, perhaps, developed among the people who were in pursuit of religion and truth. Now the family does make a difference and has a big influence on the personality of the people. So they got it from their parents and then their grandchildren also got the same type of a feeling. So, for 2,000 years after Shri Rama went away, the whole situation became a very separate pursuit, and they would not tell each other what they have found. They did not tell even their parents what they are seeking - what they wanted. In this secretiveness they got lost and that's how there were lots of false gurus and false type of paths, were discovered. Still it was not so bad, but this aloofness made the society look so disintegrated. The collectivity was thus - even in the family it was not there. The father wouldn't talk to the son, he wouldn't talk to his wife or maybe the wife may not talk to her children. They religiously followed - in India especially - followed the dharma part. But they went to the right side - I would say. In such an austere manner they followed Gita without seeing through the lines what was written there. As I've told you many a times - that when he talked of Karma Yoga - he said that action should become non-action - Akar. How, he said, put everything at the Lotus Feet of Shri Krishna, but that never happened. You see because, unless and until you get your self-realization, you always think you're doing something, you're achieving something and when you start doing like that, then you also start sometimes overpowering others, dominating others. And there is another group that starts thinking that, I'm being aggressed, I'm so much in pain, in trouble. So there, two types of people developed - one aggressive type and another were the people who were absolutely crying and weeping. In those days, of course after Krishna - before Krishna came - all these things were such. So, Krishna started talking about the quality of a Sahaja Yogi. He said that a Sahaja Yogi is a balanced person. For him, happiness and unhappiness has no meaning - whatever he does he feels it's all done by God Almighty - but you have to be a Sahaja Yogi to be that way. Though he described a Sahaja Yogi, there were no Sahaja Yogis at that time. Mostly people were extremely austere, they went to Himalayas and all the places for seeking truth - what Gita had told, they followed it. So, the another thing started was a bhakti cult. In the bhakti cult, I mean when they moved in a collective. See they thought we should have a bhakti of Shri Rama. And in that bhakti also, they were secretive, they wouldn't tell anybody what they were doing and what was it. But, Shri Krishna came and he talked about bhakti, that - he said that - you have to have bhakti when it is absolutely surrendered to God - Ananya. Means that "you are not the other" - you become one - and this is what people missed, because they thought Ananya means complete, full, from the heart - it was not so. So, Shri Krishna was also misunderstood by these people and they went to another extreme with this Ananya Bhakti. You know now a big wave started in Bengal only and people used to run on the street - Hare Rama, Hare Krishna, and used to do all kinds of things all over without understanding what he said about bhakti - how to have bhakti without connection - there is no bhakti according to him. So, some people got lost into that kind of a bhakti, which was not at all meant for your ascent, for your evolution. But with that, you see also, so many saints who came; they didn't know what to tell people about because they couldn't give them realization. So, they said you should remember God. You should remember the name of Shri Ram, Shri Krishna and all that. Especially in Maharashtra there were many saints who said that - that try to remember the name of God. But it didn't mean, just remember means, just all the time to say - Oh, do whatever you like and say "I remember God." So, you see, they also have failed that way - I should say. Because they never understood what sort of human beings they were facing. Also, the saints became very intimidated by other priests and other people. So, in that, we have two types of saints where we have people who are talking of "Birahar" means, separation from God. Even Ravindranath was like that to begin with. And then they start talking about the meeting of God. So, this another type of saints were the real saints who talked about it, but very few people really showed any interest in becoming that. They would say, we have regard for this, we respect this, we believe in this, we believe in Shri Krishna. They used to go to a place called Pandapur in Maharashtra. Everywhere you go you will find Shri Krishna's thing all over the country. Especially in Gujarat, because Shri Krishna ruled there, so they are all believers of Shri Krishna. What he came for was forgotten. He was talking about realization, he was talking about connection. So in all these preachings they could not read between the lines and they started doing on their own. In our - I mean - history, we have horrible things done in the name of Shri Krishna. Not only Hare Rama, Hare Krishna, but we have a temple of Shri Nath Ji - and that temple was created for a deity which was very vibrated, was the deity of Shri Krishna, when he ran away from the field of battle - Ranchordas. Now, when he ran away from the field of battle it was because he wanted to deceive one monster and to get him killed. So, this Ranchordas state was very important because how he tricked this horrible monster and how he managed to take him to a cave where a saint was sleeping and who was given a sort of a boon - that anybody who tries to wake you up, you can open your third eye and kill him. So, Shri Krishna played a trick, he ran into his cave and this monster also ran after him, running away from the battle field, and he put his shawl on top of this saint who was sleeping - so the monster came behind him, he said "so now, you are tired (from) running and sleeping here” and he pulled the shawl, and as soon as he pulled the shawl this saint got up and he burnt him. And that's how he killed this rakshasa, the devil. So, the life style of Shri Krishna was very different from that of Rama. Rama was the one who accepted everything, he went in the exile and he also spent 14 years, then he went out in search of his wife and also his children did not accept him much. Now, the aspect of Shri Krishna's life was very different. First thing, he came to know about human beings that they are very cunning people and if you tell them about God or anything, they will never accept. They will do the way they think about it. So he said, let us try the other way round. So, he played a trick with his preaching - that you have to do your Karmas or your actions - which become non-actions - which is an impossible situation - and the second one that your devotion should be Ananya - when you are connected. Now, these two conditions, nobody could fulfil, he knew. So, they’ll go on working on this and at the time of Sahaja Yoga, they'll come round knowing that they have not achieved anything by practicing all those things, whatever Shri Krishna has said. But his life style was different. When he came as a little boy, he first tried to kill all the monsters who were invading the Gokul, the place where he was living. In a different, different manner he killed Putana, who was a horrible woman, she was a rakshasi, whom he killed just by sucking her breast because she wanted to poison him with her poison and that's how he did it. So this shows you see, that the first thing he took to was extreme aggressiveness against all the negative forces that were working, which Rama did not do. Rama succumbed to everything, whatever was happening to begin with, later on then he killed Ravanna. But as a child, he was a sweet little child, and lots of descriptions are there about him. So, from very childhood, the attitude of Shri Krishna was more action as far as the negativity’s concerned and he killed many rakshasas until he killed Kamsa. So, the first part was killing these people. Because they were very aggressive and they were sucking the energy of the people and they were also becoming like a megalomaniac, as you call that, they used to think no end of themselves, so there, you see, he killed their ego, he killed them, so many of them, and then he helped the Pandavas to establish the truth. To help the people who are truthful, who are for truth. But he could not give them realization, he didn't give them realization. Up to a point he brought them to understand that always the truth wins. They call it "Satyamewajyati" - truth wins. This happened at the time when it was very important to show that those negative forces cannot overpower. To show how useless they were, to show how they had been active and have been dominating and everybody had fear but all of them were neutralized by him. That he can kill all these negative forces. This is one of his styles which is very important for modern times. Now, in America, as you see, there are so many negative forces that have come up. They are in a different form, they are not like monsters. But they are by temperament, are monsters. The collectivity that he preached through Rasadena and all that, that he brought in his, I should say adolescent age, was also remarkable. That he made people dance together, pray together, to be festive and to know that you are a witness, you are not a slave of religion or of your meditation, but you have to be festive. And he got this introduction of Holi festivals and many others, like Rakhibandhan, all these he brought in because he thought this is how the society will be cleansed and also they will have a lot of enjoyment. So the idea of enjoyment he brought it into the lives of people. In the little childish pranks he used to play on people just to teach them and make them turn to something that was a very great enjoyment. Now, his enjoyment was enjoyment of the spirit, the enjoyment, pure enjoyment. You see all these things reflected in the American life today - but in a perverted way. Now, the sense of enjoyment in American life is absolutely perverted, because it is self-destructive. Whatever they take to is self-destructive. You tell them anything they’ll say "what's wrong". Why all these gurus prospered there because they pampered the ego of Americans and said "it's alright, you can do whatever you like, as long as you give us money". And this suited them very well and they started doing all these things of - a sort of - in a way going into perversion. Like Rajaneesh now. Rajaneesh came to America and how people liked him. He had a Rajaneesh “Hindi word” this, that and he established there thousands and thousands of people. But then again Shri Krishna's power worked on him and he was defeated then. Everywhere you find there are so many gurus like that. They all were defeated, really, by Shri Krishna's power, because he has all the tricks of the trade. He knows how to make a fool out of them. Just imagine, this Rajaneesh was so powerful and an idea came into his head that he can become the lord of that place - or whatever it is, and they conspired, but its over - it's finished. One must know also how much also we have achieved. Then there was another one, Muktananda, and this 16-year-old fellow - so many of them. One by one all of them are finished, I would say that it is Shri Krishna's power that has worked. Because his lifestyle was, from the very beginning like that was, that to kill all those who were negative. Now, if you see in America, I think, except for one or two leftovers, most of them are finished. Now, there is one more who will be finished also I'm sure, within no time, and you will see that the influence of these people, negative people, will be finished. As a result of that, as a result of all that, what has happened that people have lost faith in anyone. They have no faith in anyone. They think if these people could deceive us like that, take away our money, we have no money even to educate our children, we have sold our houses, so all these things, you see, made them absolutely flabbergasted and they decided not to have anything to do with the gurus who are coming from India - and that goes against us, in a way. But all of them, you see, what they did, we should find out, is that, to make a very absurd, queer type of organization. We are not, we are very normal, absolutely normal people. We haven't made any absurd type of religion or absurd type of following or absurd type of meditation like you’ll fly in the air and all sorts of things. But the people of America are not so matured to understand, otherwise they would not have fallen to these horrible gurus. So, on one side we have people who are very much affected by these gurus, on the other side we have people who think that I must be also one of them and on the third aspect is this, that the people are extremely simple, and extremely, I should say immature - they are like children. So many Americans also told me they are like children and to approach them you have to say that a Mother's love can only put them right. Now, as far as I'm concerned, that was the first country, I should say, I visited for any programme. In 1971, I went there. So you can imagine, we got realization on this Sahasrara Day in 1970 and went to America in 1971 and I gave realization to people - no doubt, to many - but what I felt was, that they didn't care for deeper things, firstly. So we lost many Sahaja Yogis like that. Then there were some people who were sick they wanted their treatment that's all - nothing more. Then came some people who were taken away, I should say, by other bombastic gurus who told them lots of stories and they claimed so much, so, so many joined them. Like that it was, I found that the people were absolutely not prepared for Sahaja Yoga. They were seekers, no doubt, no doubt they were seekers, and they had that restlessness of a seeker, no doubt. But they were not for Sahaja Yoga - they didn't know what to seek, what to get. That was the part where I felt they were very immature. So I, after that I didn't go for 9 years, because I thought, better to devote your time to something else till these people mature and understand what's wrong with them. Now, they have been to gurus and they are lost, there are some who have this restlessness still. I see in many things, the articles they write, sometimes the books they write, that there is this kind of a restlessness - which is very important for Sahaja Yogis. Most of you have been seekers in your last lives and you had this restlessness within you. But with this restlessness we didn't know what to do, where to go and with that restlessness some people went even up to Japan, some Australians came up to America, and all kinds of things happened. That restlessness you cannot describe, but these gurus found a good market so they came down and tried to overpower them. With this restlessness you see, it was very reasonable, logical, to see that if you go to somebody - Do you get rid of your restlessness or not? - minimum of minimum - but that never happened. So when it never happened, you see, they thought that this is missing, somebody said, "no you have to have another programme or you have to go through another course" - this, that. So they went on falling more and more and more. At the same time, at the same time, negativity of immorality took place. Though if you read the constitution of America you will be amazed. In very subtle ways it has just supported complete morality. I mean, I was surprised, there's a law that when you go out of the house you cannot wear funny dresses, when you are in the swimming suit - also that is regulated, and nobody can be absolutely nude - like in Italy, you can find on television such things. So, you see, the constitution was made with great idea of morality - I mean the whole basis was, people have to become moral. But always if you make any law, human beings have a capacity just to sort of blast it, to say: “Why this law? I don't want anything”. And that's how the idea of control started. How can you control? How can you say one should not do like this? Now, the whole this explosion started in the family also and the children started disobeying the parents. The parents themselves were the same style. Then the children become the same style, now the whole thing started exploding and they thought - there's no freedom. Those who don't know how to use freedom - should not get any freedom - I think. They must know what is freedom is, those who respect freedom and understand freedom can only be free people. So in that freedom, with this explosion, they were thrown away and they started taking to lives which are really absolutely absurd, calling it most reasonable, most logical. So, the people became homosexuals - it's absurd, it's not natural at all, it is absolutely absurd. But when this idea of freedom exploded in them, then all the bhoots came - took over their freedom. And its from the bhoots they got these ideas. And in such a large scale they are taking to it - it's very surprising. Such a large scale these bhoots are affecting, and people are getting into it. As a result of that they started getting all these diseases and all. The worst was, I would say, that at that same moment, the most negative personality from Austria - was Freud. He was a Jew and he was not respected by the people of America’s at that time. So he got hold of some Jews and all that, and then he made up this story about the mother and all that. And he's the one who ruined their lives, because as soon as they became free they thought, anybody who writes anything black and white is the bible. They started following this fellow and some others also from France and just it's a sign of complete immaturity - a mature person won't take to this or won't take to that. I've talked to some Americans, at that time, and they were, I mean, they were not Sahaja Yogis, not seekers, I think. They said "we enjoy every part of life, see, we never have any problems - we enjoy everything, we do this, we do that. The enjoyment is important, 100% of our life is full of enjoyment". Now, after that phase - I think this was so when they came to India about 1960's or 50's, they were talking like that. Now, they are talking about all the problems they are facing out of these enjoyments. They say that 65% people might become schizophrenic, 30% will become lunatic. Means who are left, no more then, I can't understand. All kinds of statistics you see - you are shocked. How could such a big number of human beings get into trouble of this kind? And the diseases they have is also very funny, that they have most of the diseases of Mooladhara, where the constitution is based on Mooladhara. England has no constitution, no constitution at all, but they believe more in Mooladhar than the people in America. So there, because when I was like, you see, a wife of a diplomat and all that, I found such a wretched temperament these ambassadors and all these diplomatic people had. I couldn't believe, how could they be at the helm of affairs and from America, especially you know, they would wink at every woman and they would twitch on their faces - and the way they would talk about women was so degrading so demeaning and also women would talk about men. I told you the story of the one who came to England and she wanted to see a pub and she told me, "Have you visited this particular pub?" I said, what? And then her two sons, when she went back… she told me, "we are very free, we have given all freedom to the children - do what you like". And they were celebrating, these two children, were celebrating their birthday and they had a party with lots of drinks and the whole house got burnt, the children were dead and the parents were dead – She went to see the pub and she had a list of the interesting pubs that there are in England. I mean this interest in the pub itself shows what sort of a personality she was. She had two children, she had a husband - her husband was a very big man of a very high repute and all that - and his wife was like that. He also used to join her - yes, we gave all freedom to our children, we asked them to do what they like, but they must enjoy life. Now enjoyment at what point? Where do you enjoy? You enjoy in your heart, you can enjoy in your Sahasrara, but with Mooladhara there's no question, because if you go on like this there is no end to it and that has created now tremendous problems in America. I know, I feel very sorry, that was the first country I went to because I could see that there are lots of seekers, but all of them were not there, some had gone to this guru, some had gone to that guru. And there is one lady, actress - she came to my programme, and she noted down what I was saying and she used it for her own purpose and she started teaching Sahaja Yoga there. Is beyond me, how they are also very money oriented. To them, money is success, money is joy, money is everything. Now, this third quality, from where did it come I can't say but at the time of Shri Krishna, people were very money oriented. In the sense that they used to take their milk to sell, milk and butter and everything, to sell in the Kingdom of Kamsa, who was a devil. So he used to break their pitchers, so that they did not pay. But just to make money they would starve their children, but to make money, they used to take this to the monsters because he had lots of armies and things and they needed milk. So these women would not give milk to their own children, would not give them butter, but would take all that for these horrible people. So that money orientation you see now - I mean it is like a shadow and a light. If light is Shri Krishna, see what you find in the shadow. It's just the other way around, people behave. He was such a detached person, such a detached person, that he can never commit any wrongs, he could not do any immoral things. Whatever he did was absolutely moral. Because if you are detached and you are doing something, then nothing touches you. He brought in this idea of Leela, of this play, the play of the Divine. Now we see in our lives also how the play of Divine works. The Sahaja Yogis first when they come they are really restless and they go on asking me a hundred questions or they start also dominating others, doing all kinds of things. But once they get the experience of the Divine power then they start settling down. Now then they see that there are so many coincidences that happen, so many miracles that happen, then they start understanding that there is some power which is looking after us, which is guiding us, which is taking us to the right path. So, unless and until this happens, that this understanding, even before realization, if people start getting this realization that there is a power that is helping us, something beyond what we know, then things will start changing. Now, we have to work out in America, we have to tell them, and we have to tell that, this is the power that is beyond, is wanting to transform you. There is going to be a global transformation, I can see it so clearly now, in every country I go I see this, that it works, it works - whether it is a Turkish country, or it is Tunisia or if it is Russia - any country I go to, all those people who come, it works, this global transformation - I never thought I’ll be able to see it in my lifetime. But has really reached it's highest - I would say I think so - is the highest point of development. So you are all transformed, this was predicted, long time back in India, and also I must say, it must have (been) predicted somewhere else also. Now when you start feeling the vibrations and you start using it, then you understand that there is this power, it works, now then you start seeing energy centres of Swayambu's and all that - then you start understanding this. Goes on, your understanding increasing. But first thing is that they have to believe that there is a power beyond. They may not believe in Kundalini, it doesn't matter, but once you know that there is a power beyond then they'll try to work it out. And this is what is very, very difficult to convince people, that there is a power behind. Because they are so conditioned by Science, also by their family traditions, also all nonsensical ideas about ego, that they cannot see, that's the point is, that the nature is helping. Now, why America is such a rich country, why? They never ask such a question - Why is it so rich? What have they done? What are their punyas? Now, one of the reasons is that Shri Krishna is Kubera. He's doing his job, I should say, he's working it out. But people not understanding that this is a Divine blessing they think that this is their right to have it and they boast about it, they are very boastful people, they talk about their own wealth, they'll talk about everything, it's a very different situation and a culture. For an Indian, if somebody starts boasting about his wealth, they would think he must be mad coming from a lunatic asylum because it is regarded as bad manners. So there is nothing like bad manners, you see, in the west as it is, but the worst is in America. I mean they can abuse their father with a very dirty word, all the time they are using, even the judges. I saw one film in which a judge used a dirty word, I did not know much of that meaning, but it was not a good word that he used. So they become sort of, what's wrong, type of people, with this arrogance I don't know how we are going to convince them about Sahaja Yoga. I'm going to try also something like approaching these top class people to talk to them about it. Maybe, you see, they might feel influenced that these top class people have taken to it, so there must be something about Sahaja Yoga. I wonder if they would talk about us so much - what is Sahaja Yoga is, what it can do to this country. Because we have to save, really save this country. It is from all the sides, is under attack - from all the sides. You take morality part, it is under attack, you take from the artist’s point of view, it is under attack. They are not creating many artists there, I went to see their paintings there, their latest paintings with modern painting and all that - they haven't got the depth at all. It's all full of filthy things about it and they talk about absolutely filthy things. There is one artist from India, he went to America, and when I saw his paintings I was surprised. I said "What are you doing?", he said "This is what sells here". I said "And what about India?", he said "No, no, they will never touch it, it's horrible". He himself knows, but he said this will sell here, so he has made it like that. It's a point of judgement, whether you think it is worth selling or not is the point. Now whom do you sell to these people who are not mature enough, who are so much enticed by the Mooladhara problem, how can you help them? How can you bring them around? It is a question of people maturing for which of course this Paramchaitanya will help, I am sure, the way yesterday you felt it, I'm sure, Paramchaitanya has to do something about it, it has to work it out, it has to enter into different dimensions in human beings to understand. Like creating coincidences and all that and then bringing them down to Sahaja Yoga. Can work out, no doubt. Also Sahaja Yogis must work there, I know they are very few, and that's why they were upset about it because they were really working very hard and it didn't work out there so they feel that there is something basically wrong. I have told you already what is wrong with them, is this, that they lack maturity as far as evolution is concerned. Even those who have come now to Sahaja Yoga have done very well. There are, of course, some who I would say not yet so much of it. So what you have to do is to get to reality, to know what’s the problem is really and what we can do about it. Now, so many European leaders, or we can say European Sahaja Yogis are free because I am not going there to Europe, so they should take charge also and can go sometimes and have some sort of a programme, conference, whatever you want - and get in contact with them and talk to them in such a manner that they do feel that this is something very remarkable. Something very much what they wanted, something that is the future of the whole world. So this global transformation is taking place and you have to talk on those lines little strongly. But with media we had very bad experiences because we arranged a hall and we spent a lot of money there and not one person came from media, not one. So we did not know what to do, we had prepared so much food, everything, and everything was wasted, not one person from the media came. So also we can start a kind of a newspaper, could be, could be some sort of a media of having cable TV or something like that by which we can propagate Sahaja Yoga and tell them what good it has done and what it can do. It's quite a mad place because they have so many books, everything is so much, every number is so much, that if you write a book also I do not know where it will be lost. Now for today, I have to announce that my book is ready now, I have done it and I would like to publish it now so that it will be available to you and I'm sure you will enjoy it. Not only that but it will help you to understand the problems of the west. I have not dealt in that the problems of the east but I have dealt in that with the problems of the west, what problems they have and how to tackle them. So this book they will be bringing now and showing you. We’ll see how it is published and how people like it, that part I will do. I would say I would not have liked to write a book like that, to be very frank, because for a person like me I should only write all the splendour of spirituality, all the beauty of heavens, everything, all poetic things, but I thought reality is very different and people must be told what is the reality. So, I have ventured to write this, otherwise I would have liked to write something like Amrutananya written by Jyaneshwara, but there's no controversy, nothing, just sweetness and just overflowing compassion, I would have been very happy, but that doesn't work out you see, it will float in the air I think. So I thought first I must write this book and point out where are we wrong and to make you aware of it. Then what we can do is to have another book, I could have, with all my experiences with Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoga. It would be another interesting thing. One of the defects of these incarnations that they never wrote a book themselves. You see Christ never wrote any book, Krishna never wrote any book, Rama never wrote any book. They knew how to read and write but they never wrote. And then we have people; like Nanaka, who has written, not himself so much as he has compiled all the great literature of the realized souls. Alright, then still what happens is something that they just read it word by word then they have to finish it in 2½ days the whole thing. So one person reads it puts the finger at one point, finished, then another one comes, starts from there, puts the finger here, it is finished. Nothing goes in the head, you see that's the problem is. Same with Mohammed Sahib, he never wrote the book. If he had himself written the book it would have been very different but somebody else in the 5th calipher, who was a very cruel and a bad man, who wrote it. The same thing has happened with bible. So you see it's like such a great diamond is put in the mud and everywhere there are complications because of this. You cannot blame these great people, but only thing that is happening is all bad name is coming to them. They are not the ones who wrote anything wrong, they are not the ones who would say anything wrong, but if the book falls into the hands of some people who are absolutely adharmic, who are cruel, then this is what happens. Now, you see what's happening with Catholic Church, you see what's happening with Moslems. Everywhere you find there is violence, there's corruption and there's fighting - this is no religion, nobody could have preached that thing - but it is doing that way. So now you all stand out, out of all this where you love each other, you care for each other, you enjoy everything, despite that, your enjoyment is absolutely pure. And this is what is to be seen by others and it can work out. I'm sure, one day in America, we will be there very successful. May God bless you. (Presentation of the book “Meta Modern Era” after the cerimony) This is the book. It looks big, but it wouldn’t be that big when it is printed. Is going to offer to all the Sahaja Yogis so that they read and find out what's wrong and what we have to do. (Hindi) In the preface I have written: “Actually, I did not want to write a book of this kind. I am a person who is in complete joy of Divinity. This is all pervading joy of Divine love and I wanted everybody to enjoy it. Especially in the West, I saw there are many seekers of Truth. There are many scientists who have written voluminous books about consciousness, about awareness. One can give a list of them. But all these books really weary you completely, because they do not emit any knowledge of the ultimate truth. I don’t want to criticise them; after all, whatever they are doing constitutes honest research. But why not also give a chance to this new discovery which is being made? Why not humble down to see what is beyond this mind which gives you all this artificial intelligence? (Applause) It is extremely difficult for me to write about the problems of Western life. It is like a tree which has grown outside. This is now to be pushed towards the roots and made to grow inside. It is only by going deep inside that we can find out what the problems of the Western civilisation are. This book is especially meant for the Western people, but unfortunately, I have never studied any Western language before. English is one of the blessings of the British given to India when they ruled our country. But there too, unfortunately, I studied in a vernacular school and later on in a medical college, where there is no question of learning this language - English - which is today universally accepted, especially in the West, especially in the West. This book is no way to show any flowery language or to show any literary talent of mine. It is just a straightforward statement of facts which I know and which I want to communicate with the Western world. I would request people not to waste their time in finding faults with my English, because that is not my Mother tongue and I never studied it. Unfortunately, I could not get anybody else to write for me, because it had to be written by me personally. The most difficult part is to convince a human being that in the entire creation, he is the most highly evolved being; that he is capable of becoming a glorious personality, a beautiful, peaceful angel. To tell him about the problems of modern times is not a very good way of convincing him about what the human beings truly are. There has been so much demeaning of human beings, so much of degradation in their value system that I thought that unless I go to the root of the problems, it won’t be easy to explain why they should break away from their present shackles in order to evolve and ascend. One has to tell frankly what the problems are and what the real solutions are. Frankly, there is no peace within human beings nor without. The poor and the rich alike are unhappy. Everywhere people are groping for solutions. At the artifical level, the intellectual can work out certain problems about things that we see around us in jeopardy. But while a few problems may be resolved in this way, others arise. [The] true solution lies not in the material circumstances outside human beings but inside the human beings, inside the human beings themselves. True and lasting solution to present ills can be found only by inner, collective transformation of human beings. This is not an impossibility. In fact, it has already happened. There are so many thousands and thousands... There are so many - thousands and thousands who have actually achieved this state. (Hindi) The reality of en-masse inner transformation of human beings by Self-realisation is the most revolutionary discovery of the present age. But so far, very few governments have accepted this discovery, especially in America, England, France, Italy or Germany. The Pope, who himself is supposed to be in charge of religion, meets false gurus, but he will never meet me or talk to me, though I have met him before he was elected to this job of a Pope. This is not my job, this is not my work, but it is a spontaneous desire of the Divine that this should be brought in full - in full swing, so that human beings are raised to a higher state of consciousness by which they can realise what they are, so that they can appreciate and glorify themselves. To me, human beings are like the deities who are still in stone form and who can be transformed, with Kundalini awakening, into angels. I wish with this book I will not hurt people. On the contrary, I hope to be able to get many more people for this great work of Sahaja Yoga, by which they can achieve their ultimate. I have to use humour, because by nature I am very humourous and I see humour in every kind of incident, which people sometimes take very seriously. It is too much for a Mother to talk about the ills of her children, but unless and until that is faced, I don’t think the children can ever get their benevolence and can reach their ultimate goal, which is their Self-realisation. So, I would ask all of you not to get angry with me, but to understand that out of my tremendous compassion and love, I have written this book for the benevolence of the people, with whatever English I can use, with whatever literature I can use, with whatever style I could adopt.” (Applause) Ah, thank you very much. This is just the preface...(laughter), I would... (She laughs, laughter). Just to introduce this book I thought better be apologetic so that nobody gets angry, to begin with. All right. But the book has come out well, I think, and we are thinking of printing it somewhere and getting it done in a proper way. So, I think, it might be ready by one or two months time and may be that in Diwali Puja, I can't say when, depends on how they print it. The first edition will be only for Sahaja Yogis. May God bless you. (Applause) (Hindi) The title of the book is: (Hindi) What's the title? (She laughs, laughter) Modern... Modern Era - Meta Modern Era. (Yogi: “Meta Modern Era.”). It is called as "Meta Modern Era" - "Meta Modern Era". (Applause)
Shri Krishna Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 20 August 1995. Today we are going to worship Radha and Krishna. It's a very festive feeling because Shri Krishna came on this earth at a time when people had become extremely serious about religion, about spirituality, and that made the whole aspect of religion as a joyless achievement. And that's how people became very serious; also the attention of people was diverted into a kind of a drama, which created aloofness from the society. People became individualistic, secretive and all such people's children also became the same style because a kind of a fear, perhaps, developed among the people who were in pursuit of religion and truth. Now the family does make a difference and has a big influence on the personality of the people. So they got it from their parents and then their grandchildren also got the same type of a feeling. So, for 2,000 years after Shri Rama went away, the whole situation became a very separate pursuit, and they would not tell each other what they have found. They did not tell even their parents what they are seeking - what they wanted. In this secretiveness they got lost and that's how there were lots of false gurus and false type of paths, were discovered. Still it was not so bad, but this aloofness made the society look so disintegrated. The collectivity was thus - even in the family it was not there. The father wouldn't talk to the son, he wouldn't talk to his wife or maybe the wife may not talk to her children. They religiously followed - in India especially - followed the dharma part. But they went to the right side - I would say. In such an austere manner they followed Gita without seeing through the lines what was written there. As I've told you many a times - that when he talked of Karma Yoga - he said that action should become non-action - Akar. How, he said, put everything at the Lotus Feet of Shri Krishna, but that never happened. You see because, unless and until you get your self-realization, you always think you're doing something, you're achieving something and when you start doing like that, then you also start sometimes overpowering others, dominating others. And there is another group that starts thinking that, I'm being aggressed, I'm so much in pain, in trouble. So there, two types of people developed - one aggressive type and another were the people who were absolutely crying and weeping. In those days, of course after Krishna - before Krishna came - all these things were such. So, Krishna started talking about the quality of a Sahaja Yogi. He said that a Sahaja Yogi is a balanced person. For him, happiness and unhappiness has no meaning - whatever he does he feels it's all done by God Almighty - but you have to be a Sahaja Yogi to be that way. Though he described a Sahaja Yogi, there were no Sahaja Yogis at that time. Mostly people were extremely austere, they went to Himalayas and all the places for seeking truth - what Gita had told, they followed it. So, the another thing started was a bhakti cult. In the bhakti cult, I mean when they moved in a collective. See they thought we should have a bhakti of Shri Rama. And in that bhakti also, they were secretive, they wouldn't tell anybody what they were doing and what was it. But, Shri Krishna came and he talked about bhakti, that - he said that - you have to have bhakti when it is absolutely surrendered to God - Ananya. Means that "you are not the other" - you become one - and this is what people missed, because they thought Ananya means complete, full, from the heart - it was not so. So, Shri Krishna was also misunderstood by these people and they went to another extreme with this Ananya Bhakti. You know now a big wave started in Bengal only and people used to run on the street - Hare Rama, Hare Krishna, and used to do all kinds of things all over without understanding what he said about bhakti - how to have bhakti without connection - there is no bhakti according to him. So, some people got lost into that kind of a bhakti, which was not at all meant for your ascent, for your evolution. But with that, you see also, so many saints who came; they didn't know what to tell people about because they couldn't give them realization. So, they said you should remember God. You should remember the name of Shri Ram, Shri Krishna and all that. Especially in Maharashtra there were many saints who said that - that try to remember the name of God. But it didn't mean, just remember means, just all the time to say - Oh, do whatever you like and say "I remember God." So, you see, they also have failed that way - I should say. Because they never understood what sort of human beings they were facing. Also, the saints became very intimidated by other priests and other people. So, in that, we have two types of saints where we have people who are talking of "Birahar" means, separation from God. Even Ravindranath was like that to begin with. And then they start talking about the meeting of God. So, this another type of saints were the real saints who talked about it, but very few people really showed any interest in becoming that. They would say, we have regard for this, we respect this, we believe in this, we believe in Shri Krishna. They used to go to a place called Pandapur in Maharashtra. Everywhere you go you will find Shri Krishna's thing all over the country. Especially in Gujarat, because Shri Krishna ruled there, so they are all believers of Shri Krishna. What he came for was forgotten. He was talking about realization, he was talking about connection. So in all these preachings they could not read between the lines and they started doing on their own. In our - I mean - history, we have horrible things done in the name of Shri Krishna. Not only Hare Rama, Hare Krishna, but we have a temple of Shri Nath Ji - and that temple was created for a deity which was very vibrated, was the deity of Shri Krishna, when he ran away from the field of battle - Ranchordas. Now, when he ran away from the field of battle it was because he wanted to deceive one monster and to get him killed. So, this Ranchordas state was very important because how he tricked this horrible monster and how he managed to take him to a cave where a saint was sleeping and who was given a sort of a boon - that anybody who tries to wake you up, you can open your third eye and kill him. So, Shri Krishna played a trick, he ran into his cave and this monster also ran after him, running away from the battle field, and he put his shawl on top of this saint who was sleeping - so the monster came behind him, he said "so now, you are tired (from) running and sleeping here” and he pulled the shawl, and as soon as he pulled the shawl this saint got up and he burnt him. And that's how he killed this rakshasa, the devil. So, the life style of Shri Krishna was very different from that of Rama. Rama was the one who accepted everything, he went in the exile and he also spent 14 years, then he went out in search of his wife and also his children did not accept him much. Now, the aspect of Shri Krishna's life was very different. First thing, he came to know about human beings that they are very cunning people and if you tell them about God or anything, they will never accept. They will do the way they think about it. So he said, let us try the other way round. So, he played a trick with his preaching - that you have to do your Karmas or your actions - which become non-actions - which is an impossible situation - and the second one that your devotion should be Ananya - when you are connected. Now, these two conditions, nobody could fulfil, he knew. So, they’ll go on working on this and at the time of Sahaja Yoga, they'll come round knowing that they have not achieved anything by practicing all those things, whatever Shri Krishna has said. But his life style was different. When he came as a little boy, he first tried to kill all the monsters who were invading the Gokul, the place where he was living. In a different, different manner he killed Putana, who was a horrible woman, she was a rakshasi, whom he killed just by sucking her breast because she wanted to poison him with her poison and that's how he did it. So this shows you see, that the first thing he took to was extreme aggressiveness against all the negative forces that were working, which Rama did not do. Rama succumbed to everything, whatever was happening to begin with, later on then he killed Ravanna. But as a child, he was a sweet little child, and lots of descriptions are there about him. So, from very childhood, the attitude of Shri Krishna was more action as far as the negativity’s concerned and he killed many rakshasas until he killed Kamsa. So, the first part was killing these people. Because they were very aggressive and they were sucking the energy of the people and they were also becoming like a megalomaniac, as you call that, they used to think no end of themselves, so there, you see, he killed their ego, he killed them, so many of them, and then he helped the Pandavas to establish the truth. To help the people who are truthful, who are for truth. But he could not give them realization, he didn't give them realization. Up to a point he brought them to understand that always the truth wins. They call it "Satyamewajyati" - truth wins. This happened at the time when it was very important to show that those negative forces cannot overpower. To show how useless they were, to show how they had been active and have been dominating and everybody had fear but all of them were neutralized by him. That he can kill all these negative forces. This is one of his styles which is very important for modern times. Now, in America, as you see, there are so many negative forces that have come up. They are in a different form, they are not like monsters. But they are by temperament, are monsters. The collectivity that he preached through Rasadena and all that, that he brought in his, I should say adolescent age, was also remarkable. That he made people dance together, pray together, to be festive and to know that you are a witness, you are not a slave of religion or of your meditation, but you have to be festive. And he got this introduction of Holi festivals and many others, like Rakhibandhan, all these he brought in because he thought this is how the society will be cleansed and also they will have a lot of enjoyment. So the idea of enjoyment he brought it into the lives of people. In the little childish pranks he used to play on people just to teach them and make them turn to something that was a very great enjoyment. Now, his enjoyment was enjoyment of the spirit, the enjoyment, pure enjoyment. You see all these things reflected in the American life today - but in a perverted way. Now, the sense of enjoyment in American life is absolutely perverted, because it is self-destructive. Whatever they take to is self-destructive. You tell them anything they’ll say "what's wrong". Why all these gurus prospered there because they pampered the ego of Americans and said "it's alright, you can do whatever you like, as long as you give us money". And this suited them very well and they started doing all these things of - a sort of - in a way going into perversion. Like Rajaneesh now. Rajaneesh came to America and how people liked him. He had a Rajaneesh “Hindi word” this, that and he established there thousands and thousands of people. But then again Shri Krishna's power worked on him and he was defeated then. Everywhere you find there are so many gurus like that. They all were defeated, really, by Shri Krishna's power, because he has all the tricks of the trade. He knows how to make a fool out of them. Just imagine, this Rajaneesh was so powerful and an idea came into his head that he can become the lord of that place - or whatever it is, and they conspired, but its over - it's finished. One must know also how much also we have achieved. Then there was another one, Muktananda, and this 16-year-old fellow - so many of them. One by one all of them are finished, I would say that it is Shri Krishna's power that has worked. Because his lifestyle was, from the very beginning like that was, that to kill all those who were negative. Now, if you see in America, I think, except for one or two leftovers, most of them are finished. Now, there is one more who will be finished also I'm sure, within no time, and you will see that the influence of these people, negative people, will be finished. As a result of that, as a result of all that, what has happened that people have lost faith in anyone. They have no faith in anyone. They think if these people could deceive us like that, take away our money, we have no money even to educate our children, we have sold our houses, so all these things, you see, made them absolutely flabbergasted and they decided not to have anything to do with the gurus who are coming from India - and that goes against us, in a way. But all of them, you see, what they did, we should find out, is that, to make a very absurd, queer type of organization. We are not, we are very normal, absolutely normal people. We haven't made any absurd type of religion or absurd type of following or absurd type of meditation like you’ll fly in the air and all sorts of things. But the people of America are not so matured to understand, otherwise they would not have fallen to these horrible gurus. So, on one side we have people who are very much affected by these gurus, on the other side we have people who think that I must be also one of them and on the third aspect is this, that the people are extremely simple, and extremely, I should say immature - they are like children. So many Americans also told me they are like children and to approach them you have to say that a Mother's love can only put them right. Now, as far as I'm concerned, that was the first country, I should say, I visited for any programme. In 1971, I went there. So you can imagine, we got realization on this Sahasrara Day in 1970 and went to America in 1971 and I gave realization to people - no doubt, to many - but what I felt was, that they didn't care for deeper things, firstly. So we lost many Sahaja Yogis like that. Then there were some people who were sick they wanted their treatment that's all - nothing more. Then came some people who were taken away, I should say, by other bombastic gurus who told them lots of stories and they claimed so much, so, so many joined them. Like that it was, I found that the people were absolutely not prepared for Sahaja Yoga. They were seekers, no doubt, no doubt they were seekers, and they had that restlessness of a seeker, no doubt. But they were not for Sahaja Yoga - they didn't know what to seek, what to get. That was the part where I felt they were very immature. So I, after that I didn't go for 9 years, because I thought, better to devote your time to something else till these people mature and understand what's wrong with them. Now, they have been to gurus and they are lost, there are some who have this restlessness still. I see in many things, the articles they write, sometimes the books they write, that there is this kind of a restlessness - which is very important for Sahaja Yogis. Most of you have been seekers in your last lives and you had this restlessness within you. But with this restlessness we didn't know what to do, where to go and with that restlessness some people went even up to Japan, some Australians came up to America, and all kinds of things happened. That restlessness you cannot describe, but these gurus found a good market so they came down and tried to overpower them. With this restlessness you see, it was very reasonable, logical, to see that if you go to somebody - Do you get rid of your restlessness or not? - minimum of minimum - but that never happened. So when it never happened, you see, they thought that this is missing, somebody said, "no you have to have another programme or you have to go through another course" - this, that. So they went on falling more and more and more. At the same time, at the same time, negativity of immorality took place. Though if you read the constitution of America you will be amazed. In very subtle ways it has just supported complete morality. I mean, I was surprised, there's a law that when you go out of the house you cannot wear funny dresses, when you are in the swimming suit - also that is regulated, and nobody can be absolutely nude - like in Italy, you can find on television such things. So, you see, the constitution was made with great idea of morality - I mean the whole basis was, people have to become moral. But always if you make any law, human beings have a capacity just to sort of blast it, to say: “Why this law? I don't want anything”. And that's how the idea of control started. How can you control? How can you say one should not do like this? Now, the whole this explosion started in the family also and the children started disobeying the parents. The parents themselves were the same style. Then the children become the same style, now the whole thing started exploding and they thought - there's no freedom. Those who don't know how to use freedom - should not get any freedom - I think. They must know what is freedom is, those who respect freedom and understand freedom can only be free people. So in that freedom, with this explosion, they were thrown away and they started taking to lives which are really absolutely absurd, calling it most reasonable, most logical. So, the people became homosexuals - it's absurd, it's not natural at all, it is absolutely absurd. But when this idea of freedom exploded in them, then all the bhoots came - took over their freedom. And its from the bhoots they got these ideas. And in such a large scale they are taking to it - it's very surprising. Such a large scale these bhoots are affecting, and people are getting into it. As a result of that they started getting all these diseases and all. The worst was, I would say, that at that same moment, the most negative personality from Austria - was Freud. He was a Jew and he was not respected by the people of America’s at that time. So he got hold of some Jews and all that, and then he made up this story about the mother and all that. And he's the one who ruined their lives, because as soon as they became free they thought, anybody who writes anything black and white is the bible. They started following this fellow and some others also from France and just it's a sign of complete immaturity - a mature person won't take to this or won't take to that. I've talked to some Americans, at that time, and they were, I mean, they were not Sahaja Yogis, not seekers, I think. They said "we enjoy every part of life, see, we never have any problems - we enjoy everything, we do this, we do that. The enjoyment is important, 100% of our life is full of enjoyment". Now, after that phase - I think this was so when they came to India about 1960's or 50's, they were talking like that. Now, they are talking about all the problems they are facing out of these enjoyments. They say that 65% people might become schizophrenic, 30% will become lunatic. Means who are left, no more then, I can't understand. All kinds of statistics you see - you are shocked. How could such a big number of human beings get into trouble of this kind? And the diseases they have is also very funny, that they have most of the diseases of Mooladhara, where the constitution is based on Mooladhara. England has no constitution, no constitution at all, but they believe more in Mooladhar than the people in America. So there, because when I was like, you see, a wife of a diplomat and all that, I found such a wretched temperament these ambassadors and all these diplomatic people had. I couldn't believe, how could they be at the helm of affairs and from America, especially you know, they would wink at every woman and they would twitch on their faces - and the way they would talk about women was so degrading so demeaning and also women would talk about men. I told you the story of the one who came to England and she wanted to see a pub and she told me, "Have you visited this particular pub?" I said, what? And then her two sons, when she went back… she told me, "we are very free, we have given all freedom to the children - do what you like". And they were celebrating, these two children, were celebrating their birthday and they had a party with lots of drinks and the whole house got burnt, the children were dead and the parents were dead – She went to see the pub and she had a list of the interesting pubs that there are in England. I mean this interest in the pub itself shows what sort of a personality she was. She had two children, she had a husband - her husband was a very big man of a very high repute and all that - and his wife was like that. He also used to join her - yes, we gave all freedom to our children, we asked them to do what they like, but they must enjoy life. Now enjoyment at what point? Where do you enjoy? You enjoy in your heart, you can enjoy in your Sahasrara, but with Mooladhara there's no question, because if you go on like this there is no end to it and that has created now tremendous problems in America. I know, I feel very sorry, that was the first country I went to because I could see that there are lots of seekers, but all of them were not there, some had gone to this guru, some had gone to that guru. And there is one lady, actress - she came to my programme, and she noted down what I was saying and she used it for her own purpose and she started teaching Sahaja Yoga there. Is beyond me, how they are also very money oriented. To them, money is success, money is joy, money is everything. Now, this third quality, from where did it come I can't say but at the time of Shri Krishna, people were very money oriented. In the sense that they used to take their milk to sell, milk and butter and everything, to sell in the Kingdom of Kamsa, who was a devil. So he used to break their pitchers, so that they did not pay. But just to make money they would starve their children, but to make money, they used to take this to the monsters because he had lots of armies and things and they needed milk. So these women would not give milk to their own children, would not give them butter, but would take all that for these horrible people. So that money orientation you see now - I mean it is like a shadow and a light. If light is Shri Krishna, see what you find in the shadow. It's just the other way around, people behave. He was such a detached person, such a detached person, that he can never commit any wrongs, he could not do any immoral things. Whatever he did was absolutely moral. Because if you are detached and you are doing something, then nothing touches you. He brought in this idea of Leela, of this play, the play of the Divine. Now we see in our lives also how the play of Divine works. The Sahaja Yogis first when they come they are really restless and they go on asking me a hundred questions or they start also dominating others, doing all kinds of things. But once they get the experience of the Divine power then they start settling down. Now then they see that there are so many coincidences that happen, so many miracles that happen, then they start understanding that there is some power which is looking after us, which is guiding us, which is taking us to the right path. So, unless and until this happens, that this understanding, even before realization, if people start getting this realization that there is a power that is helping us, something beyond what we know, then things will start changing. Now, we have to work out in America, we have to tell them, and we have to tell that, this is the power that is beyond, is wanting to transform you. There is going to be a global transformation, I can see it so clearly now, in every country I go I see this, that it works, it works - whether it is a Turkish country, or it is Tunisia or if it is Russia - any country I go to, all those people who come, it works, this global transformation - I never thought I’ll be able to see it in my lifetime. But has really reached it's highest - I would say I think so - is the highest point of development. So you are all transformed, this was predicted, long time back in India, and also I must say, it must have (been) predicted somewhere else also. Now when you start feeling the vibrations and you start using it, then you understand that there is this power, it works, now then you start seeing energy centres of Swayambu's and all that - then you start understanding this. Goes on, your understanding increasing. But first thing is that they have to believe that there is a power beyond. They may not believe in Kundalini, it doesn't matter, but once you know that there is a power beyond then they'll try to work it out. And this is what is very, very difficult to convince people, that there is a power behind. Because they are so conditioned by Science, also by their family traditions, also all nonsensical ideas about ego, that they cannot see, that's the point is, that the nature is helping. Now, why America is such a rich country, why? They never ask such a question - Why is it so rich? What have they done? What are their punyas? Now, one of the reasons is that Shri Krishna is Kubera. He's doing his job, I should say, he's working it out. But people not understanding that this is a Divine blessing they think that this is their right to have it and they boast about it, they are very boastful people, they talk about their own wealth, they'll talk about everything, it's a very different situation and a culture. For an Indian, if somebody starts boasting about his wealth, they would think he must be mad coming from a lunatic asylum because it is regarded as bad manners. So there is nothing like bad manners, you see, in the west as it is, but the worst is in America. I mean they can abuse their father with a very dirty word, all the time they are using, even the judges. I saw one film in which a judge used a dirty word, I did not know much of that meaning, but it was not a good word that he used. So they become sort of, what's wrong, type of people, with this arrogance I don't know how we are going to convince them about Sahaja Yoga. I'm going to try also something like approaching these top class people to talk to them about it. Maybe, you see, they might feel influenced that these top class people have taken to it, so there must be something about Sahaja Yoga. I wonder if they would talk about us so much - what is Sahaja Yoga is, what it can do to this country. Because we have to save, really save this country. It is from all the sides, is under attack - from all the sides. You take morality part, it is under attack, you take from the artist’s point of view, it is under attack. They are not creating many artists there, I went to see their paintings there, their latest paintings with modern painting and all that - they haven't got the depth at all. It's all full of filthy things about it and they talk about absolutely filthy things. There is one artist from India, he went to America, and when I saw his paintings I was surprised. I said "What are you doing?", he said "This is what sells here". I said "And what about India?", he said "No, no, they will never touch it, it's horrible". He himself knows, but he said this will sell here, so he has made it like that. It's a point of judgement, whether you think it is worth selling or not is the point. Now whom do you sell to these people who are not mature enough, who are so much enticed by the Mooladhara problem, how can you help them? How can you bring them around? It is a question of people maturing for which of course this Paramchaitanya will help, I am sure, the way yesterday you felt it, I'm sure, Paramchaitanya has to do something about it, it has to work it out, it has to enter into different dimensions in human beings to understand. Like creating coincidences and all that and then bringing them down to Sahaja Yoga. Can work out, no doubt. Also Sahaja Yogis must work there, I know they are very few, and that's why they were upset about it because they were really working very hard and it didn't work out there so they feel that there is something basically wrong. I have told you already what is wrong with them, is this, that they lack maturity as far as evolution is concerned. Even those who have come now to Sahaja Yoga have done very well. There are, of course, some who I would say not yet so much of it. So what you have to do is to get to reality, to know what’s the problem is really and what we can do about it. Now, so many European leaders, or we can say European Sahaja Yogis are free because I am not going there to Europe, so they should take charge also and can go sometimes and have some sort of a programme, conference, whatever you want - and get in contact with them and talk to them in such a manner that they do feel that this is something very remarkable. Something very much what they wanted, something that is the future of the whole world. So this global transformation is taking place and you have to talk on those lines little strongly. But with media we had very bad experiences because we arranged a hall and we spent a lot of money there and not one person came from media, not one. So we did not know what to do, we had prepared so much food, everything, and everything was wasted, not one person from the media came. So also we can start a kind of a newspaper, could be, could be some sort of a media of having cable TV or something like that by which we can propagate Sahaja Yoga and tell them what good it has done and what it can do. It's quite a mad place because they have so many books, everything is so much, every number is so much, that if you write a book also I do not know where it will be lost. Now for today, I have to announce that my book is ready now, I have done it and I would like to publish it now so that it will be available to you and I'm sure you will enjoy it. Not only that but it will help you to understand the problems of the west. I have not dealt in that the problems of the east but I have dealt in that with the problems of the west, what problems they have and how to tackle them. So this book they will be bringing now and showing you. We’ll see how it is published and how people like it, that part I will do. I would say I would not have liked to write a book like that, to be very frank, because for a person like me I should only write all the splendour of spirituality, all the beauty of heavens, everything, all poetic things, but I thought reality is very different and people must be told what is the reality. So, I have ventured to write this, otherwise I would have liked to write something like Amrutananya written by Jyaneshwara, but there's no controversy, nothing, just sweetness and just overflowing compassion, I would have been very happy, but that doesn't work out you see, it will float in the air I think. So I thought first I must write this book and point out where are we wrong and to make you aware of it. Then what we can do is to have another book, I could have, with all my experiences with Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoga. It would be another interesting thing. One of the defects of these incarnations that they never wrote a book themselves. You see Christ never wrote any book, Krishna never wrote any book, Rama never wrote any book. They knew how to read and write but they never wrote. And then we have people; like Nanaka, who has written, not himself so much as he has compiled all the great literature of the realized souls. Alright, then still what happens is something that they just read it word by word then they have to finish it in 2½ days the whole thing. So one person reads it puts the finger at one point, finished, then another one comes, starts from there, puts the finger here, it is finished. Nothing goes in the head, you see that's the problem is. Same with Mohammed Sahib, he never wrote the book. If he had himself written the book it would have been very different but somebody else in the 5th calipher, who was a very cruel and a bad man, who wrote it. The same thing has happened with bible. So you see it's like such a great diamond is put in the mud and everywhere there are complications because of this. You cannot blame these great people, but only thing that is happening is all bad name is coming to them. They are not the ones who wrote anything wrong, they are not the ones who would say anything wrong, but if the book falls into the hands of some people who are absolutely adharmic, who are cruel, then this is what happens. Now, you see what's happening with Catholic Church, you see what's happening with Moslems. Everywhere you find there is violence, there's corruption and there's fighting - this is no religion, nobody could have preached that thing - but it is doing that way. So now you all stand out, out of all this where you love each other, you care for each other, you enjoy everything, despite that, your enjoyment is absolutely pure. And this is what is to be seen by others and it can work out. I'm sure, one day in America, we will be there very successful. May God bless you. (Presentation of the book “Meta Modern Era” after the cerimony) This is the book. It looks big, but it wouldn’t be that big when it is printed. Is going to offer to all the Sahaja Yogis so that they read and find out what's wrong and what we have to do. (Hindi) In the preface I have written: “Actually, I did not want to write a book of this kind. I am a person who is in complete joy of Divinity. This is all pervading joy of Divine love and I wanted everybody to enjoy it. Especially in the West, I saw there are many seekers of Truth. There are many scientists who have written voluminous books about consciousness, about awareness. One can give a list of them. But all these books really weary you completely, because they do not emit any knowledge of the ultimate truth. I don’t want to criticise them; after all, whatever they are doing constitutes honest research. But why not also give a chance to this new discovery which is being made? Why not humble down to see what is beyond this mind which gives you all this artificial intelligence? (Applause) It is extremely difficult for me to write about the problems of Western life. It is like a tree which has grown outside. This is now to be pushed towards the roots and made to grow inside. It is only by going deep inside that we can find out what the problems of the Western civilisation are. This book is especially meant for the Western people, but unfortunately, I have never studied any Western language before. English is one of the blessings of the British given to India when they ruled our country. But there too, unfortunately, I studied in a vernacular school and later on in a medical college, where there is no question of learning this language - English - which is today universally accepted, especially in the West, especially in the West. This book is no way to show any flowery language or to show any literary talent of mine. It is just a straightforward statement of facts which I know and which I want to communicate with the Western world. I would request people not to waste their time in finding faults with my English, because that is not my Mother tongue and I never studied it. Unfortunately, I could not get anybody else to write for me, because it had to be written by me personally. The most difficult part is to convince a human being that in the entire creation, he is the most highly evolved being; that he is capable of becoming a glorious personality, a beautiful, peaceful angel. To tell him about the problems of modern times is not a very good way of convincing him about what the human beings truly are. There has been so much demeaning of human beings, so much of degradation in their value system that I thought that unless I go to the root of the problems, it won’t be easy to explain why they should break away from their present shackles in order to evolve and ascend. One has to tell frankly what the problems are and what the real solutions are. Frankly, there is no peace within human beings nor without. The poor and the rich alike are unhappy. Everywhere people are groping for solutions. At the artifical level, the intellectual can work out certain problems about things that we see around us in jeopardy. But while a few problems may be resolved in this way, others arise. [The] true solution lies not in the material circumstances outside human beings but inside the human beings, inside the human beings themselves. True and lasting solution to present ills can be found only by inner, collective transformation of human beings. This is not an impossibility. In fact, it has already happened. There are so many thousands and thousands... There are so many - thousands and thousands who have actually achieved this state. (Hindi) The reality of en-masse inner transformation of human beings by Self-realisation is the most revolutionary discovery of the present age. But so far, very few governments have accepted this discovery, especially in America, England, France, Italy or Germany. The Pope, who himself is supposed to be in charge of religion, meets false gurus, but he will never meet me or talk to me, though I have met him before he was elected to this job of a Pope. This is not my job, this is not my work, but it is a spontaneous desire of the Divine that this should be brought in full - in full swing, so that human beings are raised to a higher state of consciousness by which they can realise what they are, so that they can appreciate and glorify themselves. To me, human beings are like the deities who are still in stone form and who can be transformed, with Kundalini awakening, into angels. I wish with this book I will not hurt people. On the contrary, I hope to be able to get many more people for this great work of Sahaja Yoga, by which they can achieve their ultimate. I have to use humour, because by nature I am very humourous and I see humour in every kind of incident, which people sometimes take very seriously. It is too much for a Mother to talk about the ills of her children, but unless and until that is faced, I don’t think the children can ever get their benevolence and can reach their ultimate goal, which is their Self-realisation. So, I would ask all of you not to get angry with me, but to understand that out of my tremendous compassion and love, I have written this book for the benevolence of the people, with whatever English I can use, with whatever literature I can use, with whatever style I could adopt.” (Applause) Ah, thank you very much. This is just the preface...(laughter), I would... (She laughs, laughter). Just to introduce this book I thought better be apologetic so that nobody gets angry, to begin with. All right. But the book has come out well, I think, and we are thinking of printing it somewhere and getting it done in a proper way. So, I think, it might be ready by one or two months time and may be that in Diwali Puja, I can't say when, depends on how they print it. The first edition will be only for Sahaja Yogis. May God bless you. (Applause) (Hindi) The title of the book is: (Hindi) What's the title? (She laughs, laughter) Modern... Modern Era - Meta Modern Era. (Yogi: “Meta Modern Era.”). It is called as "Meta Modern Era" - "Meta Modern Era". (Applause)
Forcing people to take to morality doesn’t work out at all
Rio de Janeiro
Public Program
1995-08-24 Public Program, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 72 I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to say truth is what it is. You cannot change it; you cannot transform it. You cannot describe it, but you have to experience it. Whatever I am going to tell you here today, you need not take it for granted. We have had lots of problems with blind faith. So, whatever I am saying, if it is proved then you have to accept it. Because it is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of the family, benevolence of your country and benevolence of the whole World. If you see in modern times, people are very restless. And there is no peace within. This restlessness starts when your try to find the truth. You may not be aware of it. But it exists. I am very happy to see so many people here in Brazil, in Rio, who are seeking the truth. At the very outset, again, I would like to tell you what is the truth. The first thing is when you say this is my body, these are my hands, this is my intelligence, we talk of ‘my my my!’ But who is the owner of this ‘I’. This owner is your spirit. Actually, you are not this body, this mind, you are not your emotions, your intelligence, you are not your ego and your conditionings but you are pure spirit. Unless and until you become, unless and until you become the spirit, you are going to be restless. That is what Christ has said, that you have to be born again. It is not like branding yourself I am born again but it’s an experience. And you become the spirit. And you get all the powers of the spirit. There is another clue, which we have to know about. You see all this beautiful flowers, it’s a miracle. But they take it, take them for granted, you take them for granted. And we never think how they have been created. We don’t know anything about the living process. For example, if you ask a doctor who works your heart, he’ll say it is an autonomous nervous system. So, you can ask who is this auto? In the same way, I have to tell you that there is all pervading power of divine love, which is a subtle energy. Which does all the living work. It has also done our evolution and we have come to this human level. But at this human level, we live in a world which is relative, it is not absolute. Why we have to know the absolute truth? Once we have an absolute truth, then there will be no quarrel, no fights, no wars. And all of them, all of you, will know the same truth. This is what has happened so far that everybody thinks this is the truth and another one thinks this is the truth, and they are just fighting. No religion is exclusive; you should understand this point. When Christ came, he talked about Abraham and about Moses. So it was not exclusively written, he established. Then came Mohammed Sahib, he talked about Abraham, about Moses, about Christ, also about the mother of Christ with great respect. So, Islam is also not an exclusive religion. The growth of spiritual life is described in every incarnation like that. But now we are fighting in the name of God. Not only that; but among the Christians, among the Muslims, among the Jews, they are fighting among each other. But once you know the absolute truth, then you realize that all these religions came on this Earth. [Inaudible] at different times. And now we have plucked the flowers and fighting with the dead flowers, bringing bad name to all those great incarnations who came on this Earth to save us. So, as it is, [inaudible] you have been already described about the subtle system we have within ourselves. That works out this ascent. This triangular bone is called as the sacrum, where this power of Kundalini resides. That means the Greeks knew it was a sacred bone. Now, this resides in every individual. She is your own individual mother. She knows everything about you. Like a tape recorder, she has taped all that you have aspired, all that was your past. So, it’s your own power, which is to be awakened. It is like a seed which is put in the Mother Earth and sprouts by itself. Now, the problem is that you have to understand that what life we are having today is extremely chaotic. Chaotic. You don’t know about your children, what drugs they will take. You don’t know about anyone; what wrong life they have lived. By forcing people to take to morality doesn’t work out at all. So something more has to happen to us that we develop our own personality. That we have our own identity. That we know why are we on this Earth. So, I was telling you about the second proof that there’s an all pervading power of divine love. In the Bible, it is said ‘Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost’, is called as. In the Quran, it is called as ‘Ruh’. And in the Indian scripture it is called as ‘Paramchaitanya’. Whatever you may call it, it exists. It thinks, it organizes, understands, it works out, controls the nature, ultimately it loves. So you might find many coincides happening in your life, which you cannot explain. And you are surprised, these coincides happen because of the guidance of this all-pervading power of divine love. So, when this power rises within us into six centres, it pierces through our fontanelle bone area and becomes one with the all-pervading power. This union is the yoga, where you become one with this power and from your hands cool breeze like vibrations start flowing. In…with these vibrations you can know what’s wrong with your centres, you know about yourself, that means this is self-knowledge. Then you can know about others also, because you become collectively conscious. Your awareness gets a new dimension that you can feel the centres of others. These centres, are there which cater to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When they get exhausted or weaken; then you develop all kinds of physical, mental, emotional diseases. So when the Kundalini rises she nourishes all these centres and connects them, and connects you to that all-pervading power, the source of vital energy. If it’s so, you get rid of your diseases and you become healthy person. In India, we have got four doctors now, who have got MD for curing people with Sahaja Yoga of their diseases, which are incurable. So, you know how to cure others, you know how to cure yourself, you become extremely dynamic with this force also extremely compassionate. Many children who were very bad students have suddenly become extremely intelligent and successful. Thus all your problems even financial problems are solved. It is fantastic, the way I am saying things to you, you might think that is something out of the blue, but you don’t know you are fantastic, you are glorious. You are glorious. But unless and until, you are connected to the mains, you don’t know yourself. Supposing this thing [pointing to the mic] is not connected to the mains, it has no identity. Moreover, you give up all that is destructive. We have in America, if you see people ideas that you should enjoy every moment of your life. And all their enjoyments are self-destructive. They are saying that within ten years’ time, 65% of Americans will be mad or schizophrenic. Or, they will have other horrible diseases which are incurable. Because their lifestyle is absolutely unwise, immature. But if I say that, they won’t listen to me. If I tell them, they won’t listen to me. But if they get connected and the light of the spirit comes in their attention, then they are completely transformed. I am talking of global transformation. Sahaja Yoga is working in 65 nations. In Russia, in one program you cannot get less than 16,000 people. On the whole, they are not so materialistic. And at least, I would say 60% people are extremely spiritual. I just don’t understand how they have such deep spirituality. All other false gurus have been banned. That’s also very wise thing to do…that’s also very wise thing to do. Because there are so many seekers and they fall into traps of these people who just want to make money. You cannot pay for God or for spirituality. What do we pay to this Mother Earth? Which gives us such beautiful flowers. It is all built-in within you. And it just works spontaneously, Sahaja, you don’t have to pay for it. It is something so invaluable. As a result of this happening, you become enlightened. Your attention becomes enlightened. And if you pay attention to anything, you can solve the problem. You must know that this all- pervading power is full of blessings. It guides you, and it protects you. It is to be in the Kingdom of God. And the government of God is extremely alert and is very efficient. You jump into the ocean of joy. And you feel extremely secure. Once Sahaja Yogis meet together they have nothing but pure love. There is no greed and there is no lust. Sahaja Yoga has created many beautiful families. And also the children are very beautiful. So, this is the judgement time. You have to judge, yourself. And you will know whether you want the truth or falsehood. It’s working out everywhere and I am happy now in Brasil, in Rio, there are so many people who are seeking. So we have today here, tonight, the experience. But, you must have a pure desire to get it. That’s all is needed. And it will work for all of you, I promise. But if you are rude, adamant, and don’t want it, it cannot be forced. It will take hardly ten minutes. But I request that nobody should walk out during that time. I have already told you that I cannot force it on you. Actually you have to ask for it. If you want, you will get it. So for ten minutes you have to keep quiet and if you do not want to have it, you should leave the hall. I have already told you it is your own power, there is no obligation. If you can all be seated, it would be better. There are very simple three conditions. The first one is that all of you have to be very confident about it, that means you must forgive yourself, you should not feel guilty at all. At this moment, please remember that this all-pervading power is the ocean of forgiveness. And you cannot do anything that cannot be completely dissolved by the power of this ocean of love. So, please forgive yourself. Don feel guilty [Inaudible]. Because if you feel guilty, then the centre on the left hand side [points to the Left Vishuddhi] catches [inaudible]. And physically you are hurt, you get what you call Angina as one of the diseases. Or you might get Spondylitis. Or you might get what you call the lethargic organs. So why have this guilt? Actually you have to respect yourself. Third condition is you have to forgive everyone. Whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you fall into bad hands because you tortured yourself. While the person who has troubled you is a happy person. So don’t also think about them, because it’s a headache. And you will feel very relaxed with that. So again, these are the three simple conditions that you have to follow. It will help if you can take out the shoes. [Self-realisation starts]
1995-08-24 Public Program, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 72 I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to say truth is what it is. You cannot change it; you cannot transform it. You cannot describe it, but you have to experience it. Whatever I am going to tell you here today, you need not take it for granted. We have had lots of problems with blind faith. So, whatever I am saying, if it is proved then you have to accept it. Because it is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of the family, benevolence of your country and benevolence of the whole World. If you see in modern times, people are very restless. And there is no peace within. This restlessness starts when your try to find the truth. You may not be aware of it. But it exists. I am very happy to see so many people here in Brazil, in Rio, who are seeking the truth. At the very outset, again, I would like to tell you what is the truth. The first thing is when you say this is my body, these are my hands, this is my intelligence, we talk of ‘my my my!’ But who is the owner of this ‘I’. This owner is your spirit. Actually, you are not this body, this mind, you are not your emotions, your intelligence, you are not your ego and your conditionings but you are pure spirit. Unless and until you become, unless and until you become the spirit, you are going to be restless. That is what Christ has said, that you have to be born again. It is not like branding yourself I am born again but it’s an experience. And you become the spirit. And you get all the powers of the spirit. There is another clue, which we have to know about. You see all this beautiful flowers, it’s a miracle. But they take it, take them for granted, you take them for granted. And we never think how they have been created. We don’t know anything about the living process. For example, if you ask a doctor who works your heart, he’ll say it is an autonomous nervous system. So, you can ask who is this auto? In the same way, I have to tell you that there is all pervading power of divine love, which is a subtle energy. Which does all the living work. It has also done our evolution and we have come to this human level. But at this human level, we live in a world which is relative, it is not absolute. Why we have to know the absolute truth? Once we have an absolute truth, then there will be no quarrel, no fights, no wars. And all of them, all of you, will know the same truth. This is what has happened so far that everybody thinks this is the truth and another one thinks this is the truth, and they are just fighting. No religion is exclusive; you should understand this point. When Christ came, he talked about Abraham and about Moses. So it was not exclusively written, he established. Then came Mohammed Sahib, he talked about Abraham, about Moses, about Christ, also about the mother of Christ with great respect. So, Islam is also not an exclusive religion. The growth of spiritual life is described in every incarnation like that. But now we are fighting in the name of God. Not only that; but among the Christians, among the Muslims, among the Jews, they are fighting among each other. But once you know the absolute truth, then you realize that all these religions came on this Earth. [Inaudible] at different times. And now we have plucked the flowers and fighting with the dead flowers, bringing bad name to all those great incarnations who came on this Earth to save us. So, as it is, [inaudible] you have been already described about the subtle system we have within ourselves. That works out this ascent. This triangular bone is called as the sacrum, where this power of Kundalini resides. That means the Greeks knew it was a sacred bone. Now, this resides in every individual. She is your own individual mother. She knows everything about you. Like a tape recorder, she has taped all that you have aspired, all that was your past. So, it’s your own power, which is to be awakened. It is like a seed which is put in the Mother Earth and sprouts by itself. Now, the problem is that you have to understand that what life we are having today is extremely chaotic. Chaotic. You don’t know about your children, what drugs they will take. You don’t know about anyone; what wrong life they have lived. By forcing people to take to morality doesn’t work out at all. So something more has to happen to us that we develop our own personality. That we have our own identity. That we know why are we on this Earth. So, I was telling you about the second proof that there’s an all pervading power of divine love. In the Bible, it is said ‘Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost’, is called as. In the Quran, it is called as ‘Ruh’. And in the Indian scripture it is called as ‘Paramchaitanya’. Whatever you may call it, it exists. It thinks, it organizes, understands, it works out, controls the nature, ultimately it loves. So you might find many coincides happening in your life, which you cannot explain. And you are surprised, these coincides happen because of the guidance of this all-pervading power of divine love. So, when this power rises within us into six centres, it pierces through our fontanelle bone area and becomes one with the all-pervading power. This union is the yoga, where you become one with this power and from your hands cool breeze like vibrations start flowing. In…with these vibrations you can know what’s wrong with your centres, you know about yourself, that means this is self-knowledge. Then you can know about others also, because you become collectively conscious. Your awareness gets a new dimension that you can feel the centres of others. These centres, are there which cater to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When they get exhausted or weaken; then you develop all kinds of physical, mental, emotional diseases. So when the Kundalini rises she nourishes all these centres and connects them, and connects you to that all-pervading power, the source of vital energy. If it’s so, you get rid of your diseases and you become healthy person. In India, we have got four doctors now, who have got MD for curing people with Sahaja Yoga of their diseases, which are incurable. So, you know how to cure others, you know how to cure yourself, you become extremely dynamic with this force also extremely compassionate. Many children who were very bad students have suddenly become extremely intelligent and successful. Thus all your problems even financial problems are solved. It is fantastic, the way I am saying things to you, you might think that is something out of the blue, but you don’t know you are fantastic, you are glorious. You are glorious. But unless and until, you are connected to the mains, you don’t know yourself. Supposing this thing [pointing to the mic] is not connected to the mains, it has no identity. Moreover, you give up all that is destructive. We have in America, if you see people ideas that you should enjoy every moment of your life. And all their enjoyments are self-destructive. They are saying that within ten years’ time, 65% of Americans will be mad or schizophrenic. Or, they will have other horrible diseases which are incurable. Because their lifestyle is absolutely unwise, immature. But if I say that, they won’t listen to me. If I tell them, they won’t listen to me. But if they get connected and the light of the spirit comes in their attention, then they are completely transformed. I am talking of global transformation. Sahaja Yoga is working in 65 nations. In Russia, in one program you cannot get less than 16,000 people. On the whole, they are not so materialistic. And at least, I would say 60% people are extremely spiritual. I just don’t understand how they have such deep spirituality. All other false gurus have been banned. That’s also very wise thing to do…that’s also very wise thing to do. Because there are so many seekers and they fall into traps of these people who just want to make money. You cannot pay for God or for spirituality. What do we pay to this Mother Earth? Which gives us such beautiful flowers. It is all built-in within you. And it just works spontaneously, Sahaja, you don’t have to pay for it. It is something so invaluable. As a result of this happening, you become enlightened. Your attention becomes enlightened. And if you pay attention to anything, you can solve the problem. You must know that this all- pervading power is full of blessings. It guides you, and it protects you. It is to be in the Kingdom of God. And the government of God is extremely alert and is very efficient. You jump into the ocean of joy. And you feel extremely secure. Once Sahaja Yogis meet together they have nothing but pure love. There is no greed and there is no lust. Sahaja Yoga has created many beautiful families. And also the children are very beautiful. So, this is the judgement time. You have to judge, yourself. And you will know whether you want the truth or falsehood. It’s working out everywhere and I am happy now in Brasil, in Rio, there are so many people who are seeking. So we have today here, tonight, the experience. But, you must have a pure desire to get it. That’s all is needed. And it will work for all of you, I promise. But if you are rude, adamant, and don’t want it, it cannot be forced. It will take hardly ten minutes. But I request that nobody should walk out during that time. I have already told you that I cannot force it on you. Actually you have to ask for it. If you want, you will get it. So for ten minutes you have to keep quiet and if you do not want to have it, you should leave the hall. I have already told you it is your own power, there is no obligation. If you can all be seated, it would be better. There are very simple three conditions. The first one is that all of you have to be very confident about it, that means you must forgive yourself, you should not feel guilty at all. At this moment, please remember that this all-pervading power is the ocean of forgiveness. And you cannot do anything that cannot be completely dissolved by the power of this ocean of love. So, please forgive yourself. Don feel guilty [Inaudible]. Because if you feel guilty, then the centre on the left hand side [points to the Left Vishuddhi] catches [inaudible]. And physically you are hurt, you get what you call Angina as one of the diseases. Or you might get Spondylitis. Or you might get what you call the lethargic organs. So why have this guilt? Actually you have to respect yourself. Third condition is you have to forgive everyone. Whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you fall into bad hands because you tortured yourself. While the person who has troubled you is a happy person. So don’t also think about them, because it’s a headache. And you will feel very relaxed with that. So again, these are the three simple conditions that you have to follow. It will help if you can take out the shoes. [Self-realisation starts]
Public Program
In Progress, NEEDED
Public Program
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Buenos Aires
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk to Yogis, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1995-08-28 Shri Mataji: I never expected so many Sahaj Yogis to be there at the airport to welcome me. (Spanish interpretation). Some of you I have not even met and not even see you and I felt very happy to see you all. (Spanish interpretation). Specially yesterday when we began was tremendous we had so many people and all of them got realisation Shri Mataji: That shows that in this country we have a great potential. (Spanish interpretation). And that if you really, properly have this Sahaja Yoga, we can have many many, many, many more Sahaj yogis. (Spanish interpretation). First of all, one has to know that we have to be extremely kind and gentle with the new Sahaja Yogis. (Spanish interpretation). They will see you and form their ideas about Sahaja Yoga. (Spanish interpretation). I have seen many a times new Sahaja Yoga come and just disappear because people don’t handle them with care. (Spanish interpretation). Now we are sort of a stage, in a building stage here and we have to be really very careful that you are the foundation and that you have to bear the whole load upon yourself. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji: I also heard that there are many girls and boys who want to get married. (Spanish interpretation). That is a very good idea. (Spanish interpretation). But first of all who have married, who have come all the way, should give certificate that the people are all right. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji: Actually the Spanish girls have very bad reputation. (Spanish interpretation). That they are extremely dominating and they don’t understand what they have got in Sahaj Yoga. (Spanish interpretation). They are very ordinary looking, ordinarily educated and they think that they are the Queens of Spain. (Spanish interpretation). So I asked the leader of Spain, “What’s the matter with these women here? Why do they behave like that?” Because Sahaja Yogis leaders have told me, “Mother, don’t marry these Spanish girls they are horrible, they can’t be quiet nice” So I asked the leader and he said that Mother, nowadays they are trying to become Matadors to fight the bull. (Spanish interpretation). They are no more women but have become more than men. (Spanish interpretation). I have to send back so many women I must stay to their countries. (Spanish interpretation). And now they are black listed they are not allowed in Sahaja Yoga. (Spanish interpretation). Because nobody has business to make anybody miserable. (Spanish interpretation). If you think too much of yourself, you should not marry. (Spanish interpretation). And bring bad name to Sahaja Yoga. (Spanish interpretation). It’s very dangerous to do like that. (Spanish interpretation). And it can end up into anything. (Spanish interpretation). So to be a good housewife is very important for a Sahaja Yogini. (Spanish interpretation). I am myself a woman and I am surprised how the women in Sahaja Yoga are not upto the point. (Spanish interpretation). I have given many lectures about it. (Spanish interpretation). That you are a woman, you are the pillar of the society of Sahaja Yogis. (Spanish interpretation). You must respect your husband otherwise nobody will respect you. (Spanish interpretation). And your children won’t respect you either. (Spanish interpretation). So all these kind of stupidity will just take back the Spanish women. (Spanish interpretation). My lecture has worked no doubt. And they are much better. (Spanish interpretation). They are good wives and very good mothers. (Spanish interpretation). But one of the reason I think in Spain, Sahaj Yoga doesn’t spread because the women as they are, they were. (Spanish interpretation). When I go to Spain lots of people come in but they drop out. (Spanish interpretation). Because the Sahaja Yogi must give pure love to them. (Spanish interpretation). I am sure we had so many people yesterday, they will all come and they would like to go. (Spanish interpretation). They might be in great number. (Spanish interpretation). But when they start seeing Sahaja Yogis how they gave, how they talk together, all these things work on their mind. (Spanish interpretation). So these kindness and this compassion and this love is to be absolutely fully expressed in Sahaja Yoga. (Spanish interpretation). So that others who come see this and they feel happy about it. (Spanish interpretation). There’s nothing to learn from American women. (Spanish interpretation). They are really mad. (Spanish interpretation). They have ruined their lives. (Spanish interpretation). They have ruined their children, their families by fighting with each other. (Spanish interpretation). Our Sahaja culture is different. (Spanish interpretation). We believe in having beautiful families. (Spanish interpretation). And also we believe that we should have such beautiful relationship of husbands and wife that the saints want to take birth, to be born in our families. (Spanish interpretation). You must understand that you are not like ordinary men or women. (Spanish interpretation). You are special (Spanish interpretation). Selected because of your speciality. Because you are seeking. (Spanish interpretation). So now when the new people are coming, please be very careful. (Spanish interpretation). So that others see and feel enamoured by Sahaja Yoga. (Spanish interpretation). And I am sorry I am saying this because I have seen many a times, people coming in thousands to my lecture and afterwards there are hardly very few. (Spanish interpretation). After all we are all Sahaja Yogis. (Spanish interpretation). You are my children. (Spanish interpretation). Understand your importance is the only thing that you have to do. (Spanish interpretation). You cannot be cheap you cannot be cheap and frivolous. (Spanish interpretation). But I have seen now in Argentina people are doing very well and working out everything. (Spanish interpretation). Everything was so first class. I enjoyed my stay thoroughly. (Spanish interpretation). I thank you very much really for looking after every arrangement so beautifully, so capably. (Spanish interpretation). In the same way you have to look after the new people who are coming, with love and respect. (Spanish interpretation). Don’t have any trouble there, just enjoy their company. (Spanish interpretation). Anything you need, anything you want, anything that troubles you, you can always write to me. (Spanish interpretation). I am your Own, you can always call Me. (Spanish interpretation). Now we have brought some presents, some very few for the ladies only because we didn’t know what to get for men. (Spanish interpretation) Thank you very much! Shri Mataji: Now the list of ladies. Shri Mataji conversing with local coordinator and Indian Sahaja Yogi. Shri Mataji in Hindi: What have you brought? Sahaja Yogi: Brought Your Pooja photographs. Shri Mataji in Hindi: What is it? Sahaja Yogi in Hindi: Your Pooja photographs, many are there Indian Sahaja Yogi explaining to Shri Mataji about the photos from Pooja being brought. Shri Mataji in Hindi: Have they come? Sahaja Yogi in Hindi: Last year Pooja that happened in America, these are those photos Shri Mataji in Hindi: Are you giving these as presents? How many are there? Sahaja Yogi: Many are there. Shri Mataji in Hindi : These are only inside. It took long time to come. Shri Mataji to the Sahaja Yogis: There are photographs for the presents, somebody can distribute to the men again. These are of American Pooja …[16:30] And also keep some of them for those who need them We have more for others but first….[17:53] Mataji distributing presents to the ladies who are called out one by one by the local Sahaja Yogi. Shri Mataji to local Sahaja Yogi: These are the ladies from Columbia….. [21:01] (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji: I have given you, no? Come. And She presents the gift to one more Sahaj yogini. Presents distribution is completed and Shri Mataji again starts talking to the Sahajis. Shri Mataji: I have given this to take it because it is to first understand the responsibilities. (Spanish interpretation). We have some very great Sahaja Yogis in the world. (Spanish interpretation). And I want all of you, all the ladies of Columbia, Bolivia, Peru, Uruguay and also from your country to be good ladies. (Spanish interpretation). With sweet and nice and sensible, wise. (Spanish interpretation). Best way is to be smiling. (Spanish interpretation). Thank you! (Spanish interpretation) Shri Mataji then receives the presents brought by the Sahaja Yogis. She is presented a necklace by one of the Sahaja Yogini. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji while admiring the necklace and appreciating it: How many things you brought? Thank You. Another Sahaja Yogini presents a beautiful painting. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji while looking at the painting: Thank you very much. Other Sahaja Yogis offering a shawl to Shri Mataji and one more present. Shri Mataji: Yes, I know. (Spanish interpretation). And everyone starts laughing. Local Sahaj Yogi: She is Mariana from [..35:17] Another Sahaja Yogi brings table cloth. Shri Mataji: You have done it? Sahaja Yogini: No my aunt. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji opens the cloth and looks at it. One more Sahaja Yogi comes forward and gifts Her a statue. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji looking at the statue: Very good I must say. Done very well. They are all artist (Spanish interpretation) .[36:05] May God Bless you. Shri Mataji in Marathi to her assistant Yogi: Its done very beautifully. Sahaja Yogi explaining one more present given to Shri Mataji: This is piece of art done with paraffin. Shri Mataji: Honeycomb Laughter all around. Shri Mataji: Thank you! Shri Mataji receives one more fur cloth piece and looks at it turning around: Thank you very much! Thank you, Aasan.. In Sanskrit we call Aasan. We use for seat. Sahaja Yogi translates for all in Spanish about meaning of Aasan. (Spanish interpretation). Another Sahaja Yogi opens a present of a delicate thread work table cloth at the Lotus feet of Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji looks forward and bends and picks it with admiration Shri Mataji: Ooh! Sahaja Yogi : Her grandmother made it Shri Mataji while looking at it all around and the details of hand work: Very pretty. Thank you very much. Thank you. One more Sahaja Yogi comes forward and gives a shawl. (Spanish interpretation). Sahaja Yogi: She made it Shri Mataji smells the cloth and ask the coordinator to smell it as well. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji sees the cloth all around and over. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji: She didn’t put any scent? It has good smell. (Spanish interpretation) Local Sahaja Yogi: It’s a table cloth….[39:26] Sahaja Yogi in Hindi: It’s the body perfume. Sahaja Yogis start singing songs for Shri Mataji in Spanish. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji claps at the end of the song with all other Sahaja Yogis. Shri Mataji: I am thinking of having a group of Sahaja Yogis from a kind of a (asking in Marathi to an Indian Sahaja Yogi, what is called?) troupe on the stage. Local Sahaja Yogi: In America? Shri Mataji nods Her Head: In America Sahaja Yogi: He is coming to America in January with entire choir Shri Mataji: I am going now Sahaja Yogi: No he is coming in January Shri Mataji: That’s all right. But I will tell them about it. (Spanish interpretation). If you come and stay for some days it is better. I am going to America(Spanish interpretation Shri Mataji: After the…. (Spanish interpretation). [43:11] Argentina Sahaja Yogis start the music. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji in Marathi to the Indian Sahaja Yogi : He plays instruments very beautifully. (Spanish interpretation). Sahaja Yogi after completing the Spanish song: One song in English Shri Mataji nods her Head in approval. Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji I can, Shri Mataji (laughter all around), I will first say the words of this song and then sing. The song says, “There is something, I want to say and I hope that you can feel it. There is a Universe within lying in every human being just waiting to arise. (Spanish interpretation). If you are searching Eternity and you want to get it in reality, then you are a special man who has come on the right time to be born again. There is a birth of evolution. And today is the day of revolution. The revolution from inside and all the mysteries of life today you reveal. And then he says, you may ask me How this is possible? You may ask me why today? this is Heaven on Earth, you will feel it for yourself. Then the songs start with Shri Mataji listening to it with concentration. Singer starts singing: “There is something, I want to say and I hope that you can feel it. There is a Universe within lying in every human being just waiting to arise. If you are searching Eternity and you want to get it in reality Then you are a special man who has come on the right time to be born again. There is a birth of evolution. And today is the day of revolution. Revolution from inside and all the mysteries of life today you reveal. (You may ask me how this is possible? You may ask me why today? This is the Heaven on Earth, you will feel it for yourself).X 2 [Song Repeats twice]. Video Ends.
Talk to Yogis, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1995-08-28 Shri Mataji: I never expected so many Sahaj Yogis to be there at the airport to welcome me. (Spanish interpretation). Some of you I have not even met and not even see you and I felt very happy to see you all. (Spanish interpretation). Specially yesterday when we began was tremendous we had so many people and all of them got realisation Shri Mataji: That shows that in this country we have a great potential. (Spanish interpretation). And that if you really, properly have this Sahaja Yoga, we can have many many, many, many more Sahaj yogis. (Spanish interpretation). First of all, one has to know that we have to be extremely kind and gentle with the new Sahaja Yogis. (Spanish interpretation). They will see you and form their ideas about Sahaja Yoga. (Spanish interpretation). I have seen many a times new Sahaja Yoga come and just disappear because people don’t handle them with care. (Spanish interpretation). Now we are sort of a stage, in a building stage here and we have to be really very careful that you are the foundation and that you have to bear the whole load upon yourself. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji: I also heard that there are many girls and boys who want to get married. (Spanish interpretation). That is a very good idea. (Spanish interpretation). But first of all who have married, who have come all the way, should give certificate that the people are all right. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji: Actually the Spanish girls have very bad reputation. (Spanish interpretation). That they are extremely dominating and they don’t understand what they have got in Sahaj Yoga. (Spanish interpretation). They are very ordinary looking, ordinarily educated and they think that they are the Queens of Spain. (Spanish interpretation). So I asked the leader of Spain, “What’s the matter with these women here? Why do they behave like that?” Because Sahaja Yogis leaders have told me, “Mother, don’t marry these Spanish girls they are horrible, they can’t be quiet nice” So I asked the leader and he said that Mother, nowadays they are trying to become Matadors to fight the bull. (Spanish interpretation). They are no more women but have become more than men. (Spanish interpretation). I have to send back so many women I must stay to their countries. (Spanish interpretation). And now they are black listed they are not allowed in Sahaja Yoga. (Spanish interpretation). Because nobody has business to make anybody miserable. (Spanish interpretation). If you think too much of yourself, you should not marry. (Spanish interpretation). And bring bad name to Sahaja Yoga. (Spanish interpretation). It’s very dangerous to do like that. (Spanish interpretation). And it can end up into anything. (Spanish interpretation). So to be a good housewife is very important for a Sahaja Yogini. (Spanish interpretation). I am myself a woman and I am surprised how the women in Sahaja Yoga are not upto the point. (Spanish interpretation). I have given many lectures about it. (Spanish interpretation). That you are a woman, you are the pillar of the society of Sahaja Yogis. (Spanish interpretation). You must respect your husband otherwise nobody will respect you. (Spanish interpretation). And your children won’t respect you either. (Spanish interpretation). So all these kind of stupidity will just take back the Spanish women. (Spanish interpretation). My lecture has worked no doubt. And they are much better. (Spanish interpretation). They are good wives and very good mothers. (Spanish interpretation). But one of the reason I think in Spain, Sahaj Yoga doesn’t spread because the women as they are, they were. (Spanish interpretation). When I go to Spain lots of people come in but they drop out. (Spanish interpretation). Because the Sahaja Yogi must give pure love to them. (Spanish interpretation). I am sure we had so many people yesterday, they will all come and they would like to go. (Spanish interpretation). They might be in great number. (Spanish interpretation). But when they start seeing Sahaja Yogis how they gave, how they talk together, all these things work on their mind. (Spanish interpretation). So these kindness and this compassion and this love is to be absolutely fully expressed in Sahaja Yoga. (Spanish interpretation). So that others who come see this and they feel happy about it. (Spanish interpretation). There’s nothing to learn from American women. (Spanish interpretation). They are really mad. (Spanish interpretation). They have ruined their lives. (Spanish interpretation). They have ruined their children, their families by fighting with each other. (Spanish interpretation). Our Sahaja culture is different. (Spanish interpretation). We believe in having beautiful families. (Spanish interpretation). And also we believe that we should have such beautiful relationship of husbands and wife that the saints want to take birth, to be born in our families. (Spanish interpretation). You must understand that you are not like ordinary men or women. (Spanish interpretation). You are special (Spanish interpretation). Selected because of your speciality. Because you are seeking. (Spanish interpretation). So now when the new people are coming, please be very careful. (Spanish interpretation). So that others see and feel enamoured by Sahaja Yoga. (Spanish interpretation). And I am sorry I am saying this because I have seen many a times, people coming in thousands to my lecture and afterwards there are hardly very few. (Spanish interpretation). After all we are all Sahaja Yogis. (Spanish interpretation). You are my children. (Spanish interpretation). Understand your importance is the only thing that you have to do. (Spanish interpretation). You cannot be cheap you cannot be cheap and frivolous. (Spanish interpretation). But I have seen now in Argentina people are doing very well and working out everything. (Spanish interpretation). Everything was so first class. I enjoyed my stay thoroughly. (Spanish interpretation). I thank you very much really for looking after every arrangement so beautifully, so capably. (Spanish interpretation). In the same way you have to look after the new people who are coming, with love and respect. (Spanish interpretation). Don’t have any trouble there, just enjoy their company. (Spanish interpretation). Anything you need, anything you want, anything that troubles you, you can always write to me. (Spanish interpretation). I am your Own, you can always call Me. (Spanish interpretation). Now we have brought some presents, some very few for the ladies only because we didn’t know what to get for men. (Spanish interpretation) Thank you very much! Shri Mataji: Now the list of ladies. Shri Mataji conversing with local coordinator and Indian Sahaja Yogi. Shri Mataji in Hindi: What have you brought? Sahaja Yogi: Brought Your Pooja photographs. Shri Mataji in Hindi: What is it? Sahaja Yogi in Hindi: Your Pooja photographs, many are there Indian Sahaja Yogi explaining to Shri Mataji about the photos from Pooja being brought. Shri Mataji in Hindi: Have they come? Sahaja Yogi in Hindi: Last year Pooja that happened in America, these are those photos Shri Mataji in Hindi: Are you giving these as presents? How many are there? Sahaja Yogi: Many are there. Shri Mataji in Hindi : These are only inside. It took long time to come. Shri Mataji to the Sahaja Yogis: There are photographs for the presents, somebody can distribute to the men again. These are of American Pooja …[16:30] And also keep some of them for those who need them We have more for others but first….[17:53] Mataji distributing presents to the ladies who are called out one by one by the local Sahaja Yogi. Shri Mataji to local Sahaja Yogi: These are the ladies from Columbia….. [21:01] (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji: I have given you, no? Come. And She presents the gift to one more Sahaj yogini. Presents distribution is completed and Shri Mataji again starts talking to the Sahajis. Shri Mataji: I have given this to take it because it is to first understand the responsibilities. (Spanish interpretation). We have some very great Sahaja Yogis in the world. (Spanish interpretation). And I want all of you, all the ladies of Columbia, Bolivia, Peru, Uruguay and also from your country to be good ladies. (Spanish interpretation). With sweet and nice and sensible, wise. (Spanish interpretation). Best way is to be smiling. (Spanish interpretation). Thank you! (Spanish interpretation) Shri Mataji then receives the presents brought by the Sahaja Yogis. She is presented a necklace by one of the Sahaja Yogini. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji while admiring the necklace and appreciating it: How many things you brought? Thank You. Another Sahaja Yogini presents a beautiful painting. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji while looking at the painting: Thank you very much. Other Sahaja Yogis offering a shawl to Shri Mataji and one more present. Shri Mataji: Yes, I know. (Spanish interpretation). And everyone starts laughing. Local Sahaj Yogi: She is Mariana from [..35:17] Another Sahaja Yogi brings table cloth. Shri Mataji: You have done it? Sahaja Yogini: No my aunt. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji opens the cloth and looks at it. One more Sahaja Yogi comes forward and gifts Her a statue. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji looking at the statue: Very good I must say. Done very well. They are all artist (Spanish interpretation) .[36:05] May God Bless you. Shri Mataji in Marathi to her assistant Yogi: Its done very beautifully. Sahaja Yogi explaining one more present given to Shri Mataji: This is piece of art done with paraffin. Shri Mataji: Honeycomb Laughter all around. Shri Mataji: Thank you! Shri Mataji receives one more fur cloth piece and looks at it turning around: Thank you very much! Thank you, Aasan.. In Sanskrit we call Aasan. We use for seat. Sahaja Yogi translates for all in Spanish about meaning of Aasan. (Spanish interpretation). Another Sahaja Yogi opens a present of a delicate thread work table cloth at the Lotus feet of Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji looks forward and bends and picks it with admiration Shri Mataji: Ooh! Sahaja Yogi : Her grandmother made it Shri Mataji while looking at it all around and the details of hand work: Very pretty. Thank you very much. Thank you. One more Sahaja Yogi comes forward and gives a shawl. (Spanish interpretation). Sahaja Yogi: She made it Shri Mataji smells the cloth and ask the coordinator to smell it as well. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji sees the cloth all around and over. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji: She didn’t put any scent? It has good smell. (Spanish interpretation) Local Sahaja Yogi: It’s a table cloth….[39:26] Sahaja Yogi in Hindi: It’s the body perfume. Sahaja Yogis start singing songs for Shri Mataji in Spanish. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji claps at the end of the song with all other Sahaja Yogis. Shri Mataji: I am thinking of having a group of Sahaja Yogis from a kind of a (asking in Marathi to an Indian Sahaja Yogi, what is called?) troupe on the stage. Local Sahaja Yogi: In America? Shri Mataji nods Her Head: In America Sahaja Yogi: He is coming to America in January with entire choir Shri Mataji: I am going now Sahaja Yogi: No he is coming in January Shri Mataji: That’s all right. But I will tell them about it. (Spanish interpretation). If you come and stay for some days it is better. I am going to America(Spanish interpretation Shri Mataji: After the…. (Spanish interpretation). [43:11] Argentina Sahaja Yogis start the music. (Spanish interpretation). Shri Mataji in Marathi to the Indian Sahaja Yogi : He plays instruments very beautifully. (Spanish interpretation). Sahaja Yogi after completing the Spanish song: One song in English Shri Mataji nods her Head in approval. Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji I can, Shri Mataji (laughter all around), I will first say the words of this song and then sing. The song says, “There is something, I want to say and I hope that you can feel it. There is a Universe within lying in every human being just waiting to arise. (Spanish interpretation). If you are searching Eternity and you want to get it in reality, then you are a special man who has come on the right time to be born again. There is a birth of evolution. And today is the day of revolution. The revolution from inside and all the mysteries of life today you reveal. And then he says, you may ask me How this is possible? You may ask me why today? this is Heaven on Earth, you will feel it for yourself. Then the songs start with Shri Mataji listening to it with concentration. Singer starts singing: “There is something, I want to say and I hope that you can feel it. There is a Universe within lying in every human being just waiting to arise. If you are searching Eternity and you want to get it in reality Then you are a special man who has come on the right time to be born again. There is a birth of evolution. And today is the day of revolution. Revolution from inside and all the mysteries of life today you reveal. (You may ask me how this is possible? You may ask me why today? This is the Heaven on Earth, you will feel it for yourself).X 2 [Song Repeats twice]. Video Ends.
In the triangular bone there is a power called Kundalini
Buenos Aires
Public Program
Public Program, 1995-0829, Teatro Avenida, Buenos Aires (Argentina) 1:01:30I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to tell you that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot describe it. It is, it has been, it will be.Now we have to understand that in these modern times human beings have become very restless. This restlessness may say that we cannot adjust ourselves to the speed of the modern times. But actually it is not that. In a very subtle way we are searching the truth. These are the special times when we are not satisfied with what we have and we are searching for something beyond. And also in our lives we find there are certain things happen to us like coincidences which we cannot explain. The reason for all this we try to find out. But the seeking is so strong in modern times and so evident that people have taken advantage of it. Many false people have come as masters of spirituality and they are selling God, selling spirituality, marketing it all over. Actually spirituality cannot be marketed. You cannot pay for God. Because God doesn’t understand money, he doesn’t have any banking. His spiritual property he wants to give you. Now whatever I am going to tell you I please request you not to have blind faith about it, do not take me for granted. But whatever I am saying is being proved then as honest people you have to believe in it. Because it is for the benevolence of your being. It is for the benevolence of your country. It is for the benevolence of the whole world. Because this is the last breakthrough of your evolution. You have become human beings through your evolution, but, at this human awareness you have problems. And the problems you have are of a very serious nature because you do not know the absolute truth. Everybody has different ideas about truth and they differ collectively also. But if you know the absolute truth you will no quarrel, you will not fight, you will not argue. And there will no wars at all. There will be complete peace. But to know the something has to happen within yourself. We have within ourselves this (pointing towards chart) mechanism built in. By this awakening you become the spirit. You are not this body this mind, you are not this intellect, this intelligence or this emotions; but you are the pure spirit. You are not this ego and You are not these conditionings. So one has to become the spirit. You say this is my hand, this is my body; who is the owner of this ‘my’. If you ask a doctor “Who runs your heart?”, he will say its a autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? That a doctor cannot answer. The second truth is that there is a all-pervading power of divine love which does all the living work. We see this beautiful flowers here, we take them for granted but its a miracle. All this beautiful things, living works are done by this all-pervading divine power. In the bible it is also mentioned as the cool breeze of the holy ghost. In the Quran it is described as ruah. And in the Indian scripture it is called as paramachaitanya. Patanjali has called it as Ritambhara PrAgnya, means the enlightened spirit that makes the season. So now we have to know how we have to become the spirit. It is a living process. We take the seed, put it in the mother earth and it sprouts by itself. We don’t have to do anything. It is spontaneous because the seed has got the built-in quality to germinate and the mother earth has also the built-in quality to germinate it. In the same way our evolution has been spontaneous. And the last breakthrough is also going to be spontaneous, that is Sahaja. Saha means with, ja means born. Born with you is the right to become one yoga with this all-pervading power of divine love. Again you cannot pay for it. It is spontaneous, its your right to have self realisation. Now in the triangular bone called as sacrum, there is a power called Kundalini. I was surprised in Colombia people had this symbol of kundalini in the ancient time about 3000 years back before Christ. Also in Africa they had this symbol used. Now this power is in the sacrum bone, which is a sacred bone according to the Greeks. Now, this is the power which connects you to the all-pervading power. This instrument (mike) if it is not connected to the mains, it has no identity, it has no meaning. In the same way if we are not connected to the mains we have no identity. These are the centres as have been told that they cater for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. All our personal problems are there because these centres are in jeopardy. When this kundalini rises, through this centres it passes and ultimately breaks through the fontanelle bone area. And thus it connects it to the mains, to the all-pervading power. This is the actualisation of baptism. It is not like some priest putting the hands on your head and you are baptised. So the first thing happens to you that physically you get connected. In India four doctors have got MD degree for curing people of incurable diseases. As a result we find that there is the solution within our own body to correct ourselves. Also mentally it corrects your depression, schizophrenia, up to lunacy. Actually it gives you a balance between your emotions and your thinking. Complete integration takes place. Actually we are never living in the present. We think of the past or of the future. And we are jumping on the cusps of this thoughts which rises fall and rise and fall. But when this kundalini rises she elongates those thoughts and there is a space in between. Then you become thoughtlessly aware. You are fully aware but thoughtless. That time you become like a witness of the whole drama. That is the time you achieve your peace within. It is not possible to achieve peace by having conferences, by giving awards to people. I have known many people who have got peace awards are extremely hot-tempered. There is no peace within. Once you become peaceful, the peace spreads all over. Your attention becomes steady, and your attention acts. Wherever you pay attention it creates peace, it creates harmony, it creates well being. Actually you become a great saints. You enter into the kingdom of God. Now apart from this the greatest thing happens to you that you become collectively conscious. You start feeling on your fingertips this cool breeze of the holy ghost and your centres are enlightened, which are as 5, 6 and 7 (pointing to fingers on hand). You can feel your own centres and correct them. And you can feel the centres of others also and can correct it. Sitting down here you can feel the centres of anyone wherever you pay attention. Actually you become a universal being. I am talking about a global transformation. 1.22.11 With this global transformation, all our problems of this chaotic modern world will be solved. In the light of the spirit, you become absolutely righteous. Nobody has to tell you don’t do this don’t do that. You follow all the 10 commandments by yourself. You become your own master. And, as in modern times, the idea is to enjoy every moment of life, but, they don’t know this enjoyment is self-destructive. It is destroying so many countries. But to achieve the real pure joy. This pure joy is not a duality. It is not like happiness and unhappiness. But it is singular. And because of this joy, you drop all the ideas of nonsensical enjoyment which is destructive. And also you develop a great sense of self-respect. I have seen people giving up drugs overnight after they got their realisation. You don’t have to tell them, it just happens. It is so simple as that. Ultimately you swim in the ocean of joy. Like a drop becomes the ocean. You transcend all these very frivolous ideologies of racialism, of hatred, everything. Now Sahaja yoga is working in 65 nations and in some places in a big way. I was in Brazil and I was surprised to see very high people at the helm of affairs wanted to get their realisation. Like the president of the supreme court, minister of justice, also we had the minister of economic affairs. In India also we have very highly placed people who want to have their realisation and it worked. We cannot force it on you. You have to ask for it. It is not of course for people who are arrogant and for people who are critical of spirituality. Of course not for idiots and stupid people. But it works. It has worked in thousands and thousands. The time has come; this is the last judgment. You will judge yourself by your fingertips. Mohammad Sahab has said, “your finger will give witness against you at the time of judgment”. So this is a special time and I hope all of you will get your realisation tonight. But one thing you must know, that once the seed is sprouted in the parable of “Seeds of Christ”, you should not waste it. But you should respect your spirituality and your higher being and grow in it. For which you don’t have to pay anything. Again and again, I say “God doesn’t understand money”. So you can make out easily who are false and who are real. Its said that know thyself and that you should be born again. But it is not the band you can wear. It is not a brand. But when it happens to you, you get all the powers. You become extremely dynamics at the same time extremely compassionate. I am now 73 years of age and I am travelling every third day. Only when I see people get self-realisation, that is my complete satisfaction. That is my complete joy. This is the one of compassion and love. We have never used the power of love so far; only of hatred. But if you use the power of love you will understand that you are a glorious personality. That you are fantastic and there are so many powers within you which you can use to change the world. Only thing I have to request you to have full confidence within yourself that you will all get your realisation here, tonight. Again those who don’t want to have it have to leave the hall. It will take hardly 10 minutes. Because I respect your freedom and I cannot force it on you. After realisation when you will come to our centres and grow, you can ask any number of questions; and I am sure people would be able to answer it with love. Now there are three conditions very simple. The first one I have already told you that you have to have full confidence within yourself. That means you should not feel guilty at all. Whatever has happened has happened in the past. Just now you are here where this all-pervading power is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes you have committed you should have faced them at that time. No use feeling guilty now. Those people who will tell you “you are sinners”, must be sinners themselves. So don’t believe them. Just now remember don’t feel guilty. Because when you feel guilty, its a fashion also, this centre on left-hand side catches very badly. As a result, you get spondylitis. Or if you don’t get spondylitis, you might get angina. It is a heart trouble. Now also your organs become very lethargic. So why to feel guilty for nothing at all. The second condition is as you forgive yourself, you have to forgive everyone. Forgive everyone even without thinking about them. Because whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. It is just a mental acrobat. But by doing that you are torturing yourself all your life. Especially at this moment. This optic chasma has the centre just like this. Very constructive. And if you don’t forgive it wouldn’t open. And how will the kundalini rise? So, just forgive in your mind and it will open like this. I promise you, you will feel much lighter. Now the two conditions I have told you of forgiving others, forgiving yourself and the third one having confidence.To begin with we have to take out our shoes if you don’t mind. I am saying this because the first time in England when I said “take out your shoes”, half of them walked away. They are so much attached to their shoes you know. So you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. As love you, you have to love yourself. Now a very simple thing is for people who are sitting on the chair have to keep their both the feet apart from each other, because these are two powers left and right. The left is the power of mundane desire and the right is the power of action. So you, please. It is all right for sitting down, need not worry about. They can sit the way they like. 1.38.32 Please be seated. You all have to be seated comfortably. You need not slouch, or you need not put yourself in too much of strain or too much of strain or slouch in front. Be comfortable. Don’t have to go to the Himalayas and you don’t have to starve yourself. Because it is something inside that has to work out. Now put your left hand on top of your left lap. Which is symbolic that you want your self-realisation. Sit comfortably without any asan. Just sahaja asan. Comfortably. You know what is sahaja asan is just relaxed way. You are not force anything, you are not to say any mantra, nothing. It just works. Now please put your left hand on left lap and right hand on the heart. Right side is the significant of action. And we are working only on left side. So now please put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the spirit. If you become the spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So now bring right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the centre of your mastery. Now please bring your right hand on to the lower portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. Surprisingly this is the centre of pure divine knowledge. Now, raise your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. Now on your heart. Now in the corner of our neck and our shoulder and turn your head to your right. I have told you about this centre. Now, raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and bend your head as far as possible. This is the centre where when you do not forgive it go into jeopardy. Now please take your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the centre where without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading divine power. Now stretch your palm fully. Put the centre of the palm on the fontanelle bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now important is to stretch back your fingers. And put down your head as far as possible. Now press your scalp and move your scalp slowly seven times clockwise. That’s all you have to do. Now again you have to close our eyes, but, before closing your eyes you take out your spectacles and put a left hand towards me and right hand on heart with both the legs apart from each other. Now don’t open your eyes till I tell you. And shut them when you sleep like that but not with the strain. Shut your eyes gently as you do when you sleep. Now on the heart centre, you have to ask me a very fundamental question about your self. You may call me a mother or Shri Mataji and ask the question three times, “Mother Am I the spirit.” I have told you that if you become the spirit, you become your guide, your own master. Now please put your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen and press it hard. Here you have to ask another fundamental question about yourself. Here you ask three times; “Mother am I, my own master?” Now I must confess I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure divine knowledge on you. So you have to ask for it. Now take down your right hand in the lower portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side and ask me six times because this centre has got 6 petals. Here you ask “Mother please give me pure divine knowledge” please say it 6 times. As soon as you ask pure divine knowledge, the kundalini starts rising, so you have to enrich your higher centres with your full self-confidence. Now, raise your right hand on top of the left side of the abdomen on the left-hand side in the upper part. Here you have to say 10 times with full confidence “Mother I am my own master”. I have already told you that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intellect, this ego or conditionings; but you are the pure spirit. So please raise your right hand on top of your heart and say 12 times with full confidence “Mother I am the pure spirit”. This all-pervading power of divine love is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of bliss and of compassion. It is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes you have committed can be easily dissolved into this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself. Now please raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right and say 16 times with full confidence “Mother I am not guilty at all”. I have already explained to you whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you do not do anything. But, if at this moment if you don’t forgive the centre of optic chasma wouldn’t open. And you will miss the chance, such a great chance of self-realisation. So please now raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to say with full confidence, not how many times but from your heart “Mother I forgive everyone in general.” Now without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading power. So now raise your right hand, put it at the back side of your head and push back your head. Here again from your heart, you have to say, don’t count “Oh divine power if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me. Now the last centre is very important for which you to stretch your palm fully and put the centre of the palm on top of your fontanelle bone area. Now here most important is to push back your fingers and put down your head so there is a good pressure on your scalp. Here again, I cannot force self-realisation on you. You have to ask for it. So please move your scalp seven times clockwise slowly saying “Mother please give me my self-realisation”. Alright. Please put down your hands. Put on your glasses. Put both the hands towards me like this. put down your head again and see with your left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations coming out of your own brain, out of your own head. Now if it is hot, means you have not yet forgiven yourself or others. So please forgive now. Some people get it close to their head, some away. So move your hand and see for yourself. Now put your left hand towards me like this again and bend your head and see with your right hand if there’s a hot or cool breeze like vibrations coming out of your own head. Now again for the last time with the right hand, right hand towards me and see with your left hand again bending your head if you are getting a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations from your own head. Now raise your hands towards the sky like this and push back your head and ask any one of this three questions three times. The first question is “Mother is this the cool breeze of the holy ghost ?”, the second question is “Mother is this the all-pervading power of Divine love?” , and the third one is “Mother is this the Parama Chaitanya?” ask any one of these questions three times, any one of them. Now please bring down hands. All have got it. Now put your hands towards me like this, please. Please. Like this. Now watch me without thinking. This is thoughtless awareness, which is the first stage. And second is doubtless awareness, in which you become the master. Now, all those who have felt a cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or on the palm or out of the fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. Oh my God! May God bless you! All of you have got it. I bow to you all saints. Argentina, I never expected. May God bless you! But you must grow. Don’t waste it. Respect your self-realization. You need little time that’s all every day. You meditate hardly 5 minutes. And you have to go to the centre once a week. Just it’s very simple. You have now entered into the kingdom of God; I promise you. And you will meet so many blissful things and miracles. But you must respect ??, That is very important. May God bless you.2:04:10
Public Program, 1995-0829, Teatro Avenida, Buenos Aires (Argentina) 1:01:30I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to tell you that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot describe it. It is, it has been, it will be.Now we have to understand that in these modern times human beings have become very restless. This restlessness may say that we cannot adjust ourselves to the speed of the modern times. But actually it is not that. In a very subtle way we are searching the truth. These are the special times when we are not satisfied with what we have and we are searching for something beyond. And also in our lives we find there are certain things happen to us like coincidences which we cannot explain. The reason for all this we try to find out. But the seeking is so strong in modern times and so evident that people have taken advantage of it. Many false people have come as masters of spirituality and they are selling God, selling spirituality, marketing it all over. Actually spirituality cannot be marketed. You cannot pay for God. Because God doesn’t understand money, he doesn’t have any banking. His spiritual property he wants to give you. Now whatever I am going to tell you I please request you not to have blind faith about it, do not take me for granted. But whatever I am saying is being proved then as honest people you have to believe in it. Because it is for the benevolence of your being. It is for the benevolence of your country. It is for the benevolence of the whole world. Because this is the last breakthrough of your evolution. You have become human beings through your evolution, but, at this human awareness you have problems. And the problems you have are of a very serious nature because you do not know the absolute truth. Everybody has different ideas about truth and they differ collectively also. But if you know the absolute truth you will no quarrel, you will not fight, you will not argue. And there will no wars at all. There will be complete peace. But to know the something has to happen within yourself. We have within ourselves this (pointing towards chart) mechanism built in. By this awakening you become the spirit. You are not this body this mind, you are not this intellect, this intelligence or this emotions; but you are the pure spirit. You are not this ego and You are not these conditionings. So one has to become the spirit. You say this is my hand, this is my body; who is the owner of this ‘my’. If you ask a doctor “Who runs your heart?”, he will say its a autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? That a doctor cannot answer. The second truth is that there is a all-pervading power of divine love which does all the living work. We see this beautiful flowers here, we take them for granted but its a miracle. All this beautiful things, living works are done by this all-pervading divine power. In the bible it is also mentioned as the cool breeze of the holy ghost. In the Quran it is described as ruah. And in the Indian scripture it is called as paramachaitanya. Patanjali has called it as Ritambhara PrAgnya, means the enlightened spirit that makes the season. So now we have to know how we have to become the spirit. It is a living process. We take the seed, put it in the mother earth and it sprouts by itself. We don’t have to do anything. It is spontaneous because the seed has got the built-in quality to germinate and the mother earth has also the built-in quality to germinate it. In the same way our evolution has been spontaneous. And the last breakthrough is also going to be spontaneous, that is Sahaja. Saha means with, ja means born. Born with you is the right to become one yoga with this all-pervading power of divine love. Again you cannot pay for it. It is spontaneous, its your right to have self realisation. Now in the triangular bone called as sacrum, there is a power called Kundalini. I was surprised in Colombia people had this symbol of kundalini in the ancient time about 3000 years back before Christ. Also in Africa they had this symbol used. Now this power is in the sacrum bone, which is a sacred bone according to the Greeks. Now, this is the power which connects you to the all-pervading power. This instrument (mike) if it is not connected to the mains, it has no identity, it has no meaning. In the same way if we are not connected to the mains we have no identity. These are the centres as have been told that they cater for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. All our personal problems are there because these centres are in jeopardy. When this kundalini rises, through this centres it passes and ultimately breaks through the fontanelle bone area. And thus it connects it to the mains, to the all-pervading power. This is the actualisation of baptism. It is not like some priest putting the hands on your head and you are baptised. So the first thing happens to you that physically you get connected. In India four doctors have got MD degree for curing people of incurable diseases. As a result we find that there is the solution within our own body to correct ourselves. Also mentally it corrects your depression, schizophrenia, up to lunacy. Actually it gives you a balance between your emotions and your thinking. Complete integration takes place. Actually we are never living in the present. We think of the past or of the future. And we are jumping on the cusps of this thoughts which rises fall and rise and fall. But when this kundalini rises she elongates those thoughts and there is a space in between. Then you become thoughtlessly aware. You are fully aware but thoughtless. That time you become like a witness of the whole drama. That is the time you achieve your peace within. It is not possible to achieve peace by having conferences, by giving awards to people. I have known many people who have got peace awards are extremely hot-tempered. There is no peace within. Once you become peaceful, the peace spreads all over. Your attention becomes steady, and your attention acts. Wherever you pay attention it creates peace, it creates harmony, it creates well being. Actually you become a great saints. You enter into the kingdom of God. Now apart from this the greatest thing happens to you that you become collectively conscious. You start feeling on your fingertips this cool breeze of the holy ghost and your centres are enlightened, which are as 5, 6 and 7 (pointing to fingers on hand). You can feel your own centres and correct them. And you can feel the centres of others also and can correct it. Sitting down here you can feel the centres of anyone wherever you pay attention. Actually you become a universal being. I am talking about a global transformation. 1.22.11 With this global transformation, all our problems of this chaotic modern world will be solved. In the light of the spirit, you become absolutely righteous. Nobody has to tell you don’t do this don’t do that. You follow all the 10 commandments by yourself. You become your own master. And, as in modern times, the idea is to enjoy every moment of life, but, they don’t know this enjoyment is self-destructive. It is destroying so many countries. But to achieve the real pure joy. This pure joy is not a duality. It is not like happiness and unhappiness. But it is singular. And because of this joy, you drop all the ideas of nonsensical enjoyment which is destructive. And also you develop a great sense of self-respect. I have seen people giving up drugs overnight after they got their realisation. You don’t have to tell them, it just happens. It is so simple as that. Ultimately you swim in the ocean of joy. Like a drop becomes the ocean. You transcend all these very frivolous ideologies of racialism, of hatred, everything. Now Sahaja yoga is working in 65 nations and in some places in a big way. I was in Brazil and I was surprised to see very high people at the helm of affairs wanted to get their realisation. Like the president of the supreme court, minister of justice, also we had the minister of economic affairs. In India also we have very highly placed people who want to have their realisation and it worked. We cannot force it on you. You have to ask for it. It is not of course for people who are arrogant and for people who are critical of spirituality. Of course not for idiots and stupid people. But it works. It has worked in thousands and thousands. The time has come; this is the last judgment. You will judge yourself by your fingertips. Mohammad Sahab has said, “your finger will give witness against you at the time of judgment”. So this is a special time and I hope all of you will get your realisation tonight. But one thing you must know, that once the seed is sprouted in the parable of “Seeds of Christ”, you should not waste it. But you should respect your spirituality and your higher being and grow in it. For which you don’t have to pay anything. Again and again, I say “God doesn’t understand money”. So you can make out easily who are false and who are real. Its said that know thyself and that you should be born again. But it is not the band you can wear. It is not a brand. But when it happens to you, you get all the powers. You become extremely dynamics at the same time extremely compassionate. I am now 73 years of age and I am travelling every third day. Only when I see people get self-realisation, that is my complete satisfaction. That is my complete joy. This is the one of compassion and love. We have never used the power of love so far; only of hatred. But if you use the power of love you will understand that you are a glorious personality. That you are fantastic and there are so many powers within you which you can use to change the world. Only thing I have to request you to have full confidence within yourself that you will all get your realisation here, tonight. Again those who don’t want to have it have to leave the hall. It will take hardly 10 minutes. Because I respect your freedom and I cannot force it on you. After realisation when you will come to our centres and grow, you can ask any number of questions; and I am sure people would be able to answer it with love. Now there are three conditions very simple. The first one I have already told you that you have to have full confidence within yourself. That means you should not feel guilty at all. Whatever has happened has happened in the past. Just now you are here where this all-pervading power is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes you have committed you should have faced them at that time. No use feeling guilty now. Those people who will tell you “you are sinners”, must be sinners themselves. So don’t believe them. Just now remember don’t feel guilty. Because when you feel guilty, its a fashion also, this centre on left-hand side catches very badly. As a result, you get spondylitis. Or if you don’t get spondylitis, you might get angina. It is a heart trouble. Now also your organs become very lethargic. So why to feel guilty for nothing at all. The second condition is as you forgive yourself, you have to forgive everyone. Forgive everyone even without thinking about them. Because whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. It is just a mental acrobat. But by doing that you are torturing yourself all your life. Especially at this moment. This optic chasma has the centre just like this. Very constructive. And if you don’t forgive it wouldn’t open. And how will the kundalini rise? So, just forgive in your mind and it will open like this. I promise you, you will feel much lighter. Now the two conditions I have told you of forgiving others, forgiving yourself and the third one having confidence.To begin with we have to take out our shoes if you don’t mind. I am saying this because the first time in England when I said “take out your shoes”, half of them walked away. They are so much attached to their shoes you know. So you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. As love you, you have to love yourself. Now a very simple thing is for people who are sitting on the chair have to keep their both the feet apart from each other, because these are two powers left and right. The left is the power of mundane desire and the right is the power of action. So you, please. It is all right for sitting down, need not worry about. They can sit the way they like. 1.38.32 Please be seated. You all have to be seated comfortably. You need not slouch, or you need not put yourself in too much of strain or too much of strain or slouch in front. Be comfortable. Don’t have to go to the Himalayas and you don’t have to starve yourself. Because it is something inside that has to work out. Now put your left hand on top of your left lap. Which is symbolic that you want your self-realisation. Sit comfortably without any asan. Just sahaja asan. Comfortably. You know what is sahaja asan is just relaxed way. You are not force anything, you are not to say any mantra, nothing. It just works. Now please put your left hand on left lap and right hand on the heart. Right side is the significant of action. And we are working only on left side. So now please put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the spirit. If you become the spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So now bring right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the centre of your mastery. Now please bring your right hand on to the lower portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. Surprisingly this is the centre of pure divine knowledge. Now, raise your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. Now on your heart. Now in the corner of our neck and our shoulder and turn your head to your right. I have told you about this centre. Now, raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and bend your head as far as possible. This is the centre where when you do not forgive it go into jeopardy. Now please take your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the centre where without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading divine power. Now stretch your palm fully. Put the centre of the palm on the fontanelle bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now important is to stretch back your fingers. And put down your head as far as possible. Now press your scalp and move your scalp slowly seven times clockwise. That’s all you have to do. Now again you have to close our eyes, but, before closing your eyes you take out your spectacles and put a left hand towards me and right hand on heart with both the legs apart from each other. Now don’t open your eyes till I tell you. And shut them when you sleep like that but not with the strain. Shut your eyes gently as you do when you sleep. Now on the heart centre, you have to ask me a very fundamental question about your self. You may call me a mother or Shri Mataji and ask the question three times, “Mother Am I the spirit.” I have told you that if you become the spirit, you become your guide, your own master. Now please put your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen and press it hard. Here you have to ask another fundamental question about yourself. Here you ask three times; “Mother am I, my own master?” Now I must confess I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure divine knowledge on you. So you have to ask for it. Now take down your right hand in the lower portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side and ask me six times because this centre has got 6 petals. Here you ask “Mother please give me pure divine knowledge” please say it 6 times. As soon as you ask pure divine knowledge, the kundalini starts rising, so you have to enrich your higher centres with your full self-confidence. Now, raise your right hand on top of the left side of the abdomen on the left-hand side in the upper part. Here you have to say 10 times with full confidence “Mother I am my own master”. I have already told you that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intellect, this ego or conditionings; but you are the pure spirit. So please raise your right hand on top of your heart and say 12 times with full confidence “Mother I am the pure spirit”. This all-pervading power of divine love is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of bliss and of compassion. It is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes you have committed can be easily dissolved into this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself. Now please raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right and say 16 times with full confidence “Mother I am not guilty at all”. I have already explained to you whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you do not do anything. But, if at this moment if you don’t forgive the centre of optic chasma wouldn’t open. And you will miss the chance, such a great chance of self-realisation. So please now raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to say with full confidence, not how many times but from your heart “Mother I forgive everyone in general.” Now without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading power. So now raise your right hand, put it at the back side of your head and push back your head. Here again from your heart, you have to say, don’t count “Oh divine power if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me. Now the last centre is very important for which you to stretch your palm fully and put the centre of the palm on top of your fontanelle bone area. Now here most important is to push back your fingers and put down your head so there is a good pressure on your scalp. Here again, I cannot force self-realisation on you. You have to ask for it. So please move your scalp seven times clockwise slowly saying “Mother please give me my self-realisation”. Alright. Please put down your hands. Put on your glasses. Put both the hands towards me like this. put down your head again and see with your left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations coming out of your own brain, out of your own head. Now if it is hot, means you have not yet forgiven yourself or others. So please forgive now. Some people get it close to their head, some away. So move your hand and see for yourself. Now put your left hand towards me like this again and bend your head and see with your right hand if there’s a hot or cool breeze like vibrations coming out of your own head. Now again for the last time with the right hand, right hand towards me and see with your left hand again bending your head if you are getting a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations from your own head. Now raise your hands towards the sky like this and push back your head and ask any one of this three questions three times. The first question is “Mother is this the cool breeze of the holy ghost ?”, the second question is “Mother is this the all-pervading power of Divine love?” , and the third one is “Mother is this the Parama Chaitanya?” ask any one of these questions three times, any one of them. Now please bring down hands. All have got it. Now put your hands towards me like this, please. Please. Like this. Now watch me without thinking. This is thoughtless awareness, which is the first stage. And second is doubtless awareness, in which you become the master. Now, all those who have felt a cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or on the palm or out of the fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. Oh my God! May God bless you! All of you have got it. I bow to you all saints. Argentina, I never expected. May God bless you! But you must grow. Don’t waste it. Respect your self-realization. You need little time that’s all every day. You meditate hardly 5 minutes. And you have to go to the centre once a week. Just it’s very simple. You have now entered into the kingdom of God; I promise you. And you will meet so many blissful things and miracles. But you must respect ??, That is very important. May God bless you.2:04:10
TV interview by Santo Biasatti
Buenos Aires
TV interview by Santo Biasatti Interviewer: It is difficult on this time to talk about the spirit? Shri Mataji: That’s most essential at this time. We are in a chaotic world, because we don’t know that we are the spirit. All this restlessness is because we have to still become the spirit. Without that we are still at the human level. And we live in a relative world while we have to be in the absolute. Now this work I have been doing for the last 25 years. And I feel that a global transformation has started. Once you become the spirit. In the light of the spirit you can solve all the problems. So most essential thing today is to become the spirit. Because with these mental projections you cannot solve the problems. Mental projection is linear and after some time it recoils. And effects the person or the society or the collectivity, everything is effected. All over everybody has different ideas which are fixed. But when you become the spirit it radiates on all sides. And you become a subtler personality. And you develop a new dimension called as collective consciousness. Then you can feel another person on your fingertips. All our problems comes to us through our energy center within us in a subtle. So you would call mental, emotional, spiritual. But in us is placed an energy, which is in the triangular bone of which we are not aware. But its a very ancient secret knowledge of Indian scriptures. They knew about it. Even the bone is called sacrum, the triangular bone. That was the Greeks knew it was a sacred bone. Also in Colombia I have seen in the very old antique pieces of say 3000 BC Christ. They have the emblem of this Kundalini of three and a half. This purpose done in India till the 12th century in a way that it was done only one person was giving self realization to only one person. That was the tradition. But in the 16th century even in India we had lots of saints. They talked about these times. And at this time they said is the last judgement where many people will get their self realization. Any poets even in England have talked about it. I am sure also in your country there must have been some poets who must have predicted. The problem of modern times is such that people are restless for some reason or other. And they don’t know what it is. Another modern idea specially American is that we must enjoy every moment of our life. But this enjoyment is self destructive. It leads you to incurable diseases.It leads you, the destruction of families, destruction of what is real pure joy. But when this power rises through this six centers then she pierces through your Fontanelle bone area. And connects you to this all pervading power of divine love. You see this beautiful flowers here I will take it for granted, its a miracle. Who does this work? In the Bible is described as the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. In the Koran as Ruach and in our scriptures as Paramachaitanya. They have all talked about this allpervading power the subtle power that does all the living work. But talk has been talk. Now the time has come to get this self realization in a very spontaneous manner. If I have done any work is this that I found out the method by which en-Masse realization could be. For example yesterday in that beautiful hall it was full, absolutely full. And they all raised their both the hands saying that they have felt this cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. I was really surprised, because you see people are really so worried nowadays here with political problems, this problem, but they got it. By this ascent firstly your physical problems are solved without going to the doctors by your own power. Then secondly I mean like I can tell you in India four doctors have got their MD in curing incurable deceases. Because these centers are the basis. And when this power rises through them she nourishes them and integrates them. And then connects you to this allpervading power which is a spiritual Yoga. So our human powers become unlimited. Interviewer: Which one of these six centers are, which one are the six centers? Shri Mataji: six centers are: First one is, actually there are altogether seven. But the first one is the Mooladhara, which deals with all the excretion including sex. It is below the Kundalini. So sex does not play any part in our ascent. It is very immoral to say such thing. Then the second one is called Swadishthana which caters for our physical and mental activities. Interviewer: Nabhi Shri Mataji: is the solar. So which establishes within us Interviewer: Vishuddhi Shri Mataji: This is Center is for collectivity, for communication. Then we have a center on the optic chasma. Like this in the center here, in the brain. Then the last center is a 1000 petal center. When we are doing some work or thinking too much or if you are conditioned then there are 2 organizations or you can call balloon like things which are placed over our lymbic area. So this side it crosses over so this is the side for mental and physical happening, the Ego develops. And from the left side our condition, Super Ego or conditionings develop. To the right side. So that’s how we are closed. Now when this Kundalini rises she sucks them like this. And opens you to this allpervading power. And that energy starts flowing through. And on your fingertips you can feel your own centers and you can feel the centers of others. Now if you know how to correct your centers you solve your problems. And if you know how to correct the centers of others you solve their problem. See but actually we live in the past or in the future. We cannot be in the present. One thought rises falls off another thought rises, falls off. Either from the past or from the future. We cannot be in the present. So when this Kundalini rises she elongates those thoughts. And a space is created in between, that is the present. In that state you become thoughtlessly aware. Is your aware but you are thoughtless without any thoughts. But you get inspirations. And like that. That is how you come to the present and the present is the reality. And because there is no bombardment of thoughts you become absolutely peaceful. If you don’t have peace within how can you spread peace outside? Like I have seen many people who have got awards in peace. They are horrible people. I mean they are very hot tempered. But they have got awards, alright. So this makes a person extremely peaceful and it spread to the collective. And you become absolutely relaxed. All the stress everything disappears. Interviewer: He says since 25 years you are working, but what happened before that? Shri Mataji: I was finding out what’s the problem with human beings. Why can’t they get en-mass realization. That one was my, I should say my work. Because unless and until any discovery is not meant for everyone it is useless. Because so many saints where there but they also failed, real saints. Because nobody understood them. Now with this thing so many are getting realization. And so many saintly children are being born today. This is very important. This transformation is extremely important. Not for one person, for the family but for the whole world. Interviewer: About your knowledge of the human body, because when you explain the things your knowledge is not a normal common knowledge. It is very very deep. Shri Mataji: I did my medicine also just to understand what doctors call it. And also I tried to study psychology because I have to talk to phycologist also in their terminology. So that one can convince these scientist they are very conditioned people. Interviewer: When you speak about fix ideas that prevent people to achieve a higher goal you are referring to ideologist? Shri Mataji: Yes. So called. There are no ideals in it. Ideologies without any ideals. Because these are relatively made. Unless and until you have the absolute knowledge you can’t create any idea. Like Hitler believed that he was a very Germans were the, what you call, the highest people. That’s not true. Absolutely false. Shri Mataji: No technique. It’s a spontaneous thing. It’s a living process. Now what is the technique when you put a seed in the earth it sprouts. Because is built in the seed to germinate and in the Mother Earth to germinate it. So it is all built in. Already. Through your evolutionary process all these centers everything are within you.
TV interview by Santo Biasatti Interviewer: It is difficult on this time to talk about the spirit? Shri Mataji: That’s most essential at this time. We are in a chaotic world, because we don’t know that we are the spirit. All this restlessness is because we have to still become the spirit. Without that we are still at the human level. And we live in a relative world while we have to be in the absolute. Now this work I have been doing for the last 25 years. And I feel that a global transformation has started. Once you become the spirit. In the light of the spirit you can solve all the problems. So most essential thing today is to become the spirit. Because with these mental projections you cannot solve the problems. Mental projection is linear and after some time it recoils. And effects the person or the society or the collectivity, everything is effected. All over everybody has different ideas which are fixed. But when you become the spirit it radiates on all sides. And you become a subtler personality. And you develop a new dimension called as collective consciousness. Then you can feel another person on your fingertips. All our problems comes to us through our energy center within us in a subtle. So you would call mental, emotional, spiritual. But in us is placed an energy, which is in the triangular bone of which we are not aware. But its a very ancient secret knowledge of Indian scriptures. They knew about it. Even the bone is called sacrum, the triangular bone. That was the Greeks knew it was a sacred bone. Also in Colombia I have seen in the very old antique pieces of say 3000 BC Christ. They have the emblem of this Kundalini of three and a half. This purpose done in India till the 12th century in a way that it was done only one person was giving self realization to only one person. That was the tradition. But in the 16th century even in India we had lots of saints. They talked about these times. And at this time they said is the last judgement where many people will get their self realization. Any poets even in England have talked about it. I am sure also in your country there must have been some poets who must have predicted. The problem of modern times is such that people are restless for some reason or other. And they don’t know what it is. Another modern idea specially American is that we must enjoy every moment of our life. But this enjoyment is self destructive. It leads you to incurable diseases.It leads you, the destruction of families, destruction of what is real pure joy. But when this power rises through this six centers then she pierces through your Fontanelle bone area. And connects you to this all pervading power of divine love. You see this beautiful flowers here I will take it for granted, its a miracle. Who does this work? In the Bible is described as the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. In the Koran as Ruach and in our scriptures as Paramachaitanya. They have all talked about this allpervading power the subtle power that does all the living work. But talk has been talk. Now the time has come to get this self realization in a very spontaneous manner. If I have done any work is this that I found out the method by which en-Masse realization could be. For example yesterday in that beautiful hall it was full, absolutely full. And they all raised their both the hands saying that they have felt this cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. I was really surprised, because you see people are really so worried nowadays here with political problems, this problem, but they got it. By this ascent firstly your physical problems are solved without going to the doctors by your own power. Then secondly I mean like I can tell you in India four doctors have got their MD in curing incurable deceases. Because these centers are the basis. And when this power rises through them she nourishes them and integrates them. And then connects you to this allpervading power which is a spiritual Yoga. So our human powers become unlimited. Interviewer: Which one of these six centers are, which one are the six centers? Shri Mataji: six centers are: First one is, actually there are altogether seven. But the first one is the Mooladhara, which deals with all the excretion including sex. It is below the Kundalini. So sex does not play any part in our ascent. It is very immoral to say such thing. Then the second one is called Swadishthana which caters for our physical and mental activities. Interviewer: Nabhi Shri Mataji: is the solar. So which establishes within us Interviewer: Vishuddhi Shri Mataji: This is Center is for collectivity, for communication. Then we have a center on the optic chasma. Like this in the center here, in the brain. Then the last center is a 1000 petal center. When we are doing some work or thinking too much or if you are conditioned then there are 2 organizations or you can call balloon like things which are placed over our lymbic area. So this side it crosses over so this is the side for mental and physical happening, the Ego develops. And from the left side our condition, Super Ego or conditionings develop. To the right side. So that’s how we are closed. Now when this Kundalini rises she sucks them like this. And opens you to this allpervading power. And that energy starts flowing through. And on your fingertips you can feel your own centers and you can feel the centers of others. Now if you know how to correct your centers you solve your problems. And if you know how to correct the centers of others you solve their problem. See but actually we live in the past or in the future. We cannot be in the present. One thought rises falls off another thought rises, falls off. Either from the past or from the future. We cannot be in the present. So when this Kundalini rises she elongates those thoughts. And a space is created in between, that is the present. In that state you become thoughtlessly aware. Is your aware but you are thoughtless without any thoughts. But you get inspirations. And like that. That is how you come to the present and the present is the reality. And because there is no bombardment of thoughts you become absolutely peaceful. If you don’t have peace within how can you spread peace outside? Like I have seen many people who have got awards in peace. They are horrible people. I mean they are very hot tempered. But they have got awards, alright. So this makes a person extremely peaceful and it spread to the collective. And you become absolutely relaxed. All the stress everything disappears. Interviewer: He says since 25 years you are working, but what happened before that? Shri Mataji: I was finding out what’s the problem with human beings. Why can’t they get en-mass realization. That one was my, I should say my work. Because unless and until any discovery is not meant for everyone it is useless. Because so many saints where there but they also failed, real saints. Because nobody understood them. Now with this thing so many are getting realization. And so many saintly children are being born today. This is very important. This transformation is extremely important. Not for one person, for the family but for the whole world. Interviewer: About your knowledge of the human body, because when you explain the things your knowledge is not a normal common knowledge. It is very very deep. Shri Mataji: I did my medicine also just to understand what doctors call it. And also I tried to study psychology because I have to talk to phycologist also in their terminology. So that one can convince these scientist they are very conditioned people. Interviewer: When you speak about fix ideas that prevent people to achieve a higher goal you are referring to ideologist? Shri Mataji: Yes. So called. There are no ideals in it. Ideologies without any ideals. Because these are relatively made. Unless and until you have the absolute knowledge you can’t create any idea. Like Hitler believed that he was a very Germans were the, what you call, the highest people. That’s not true. Absolutely false. Shri Mataji: No technique. It’s a spontaneous thing. It’s a living process. Now what is the technique when you put a seed in the earth it sprouts. Because is built in the seed to germinate and in the Mother Earth to germinate it. So it is all built in. Already. Through your evolutionary process all these centers everything are within you.
Evening Program eve of Shri Ganesha Puja
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Shri Ganesha Puja: Project your innocence to others
Cabella Ligure
Shri Ganesha Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 10 September 1995. With all the Ganapatis sitting around Me and you, all the ganas, sitting in front of Me, I don’t know what to say. It’s remarkable, very remarkable, because most of you come from a culture which has never shown any respect of Shri Ganesha. They never realized how important it was, that without Shri Ganesha’s qualities, we cannot achieve anything in our life. The idea of everyday, moment-to-moment enjoyment has destroyed them. And also, the desire to know the Divine vanishes also in the thin air because you get lost into this moment-to-moment enjoyment till you get destructive, completely destroyed. But I really don’t understand how you have achieved this state where you see the purity is so important to life; that Ganesha’s qualities, His value system, and His innocence [are] to be imbibed. I feel very gratified that such a thing has happened now in your lives and you all are so much in praise for Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha is there from our childhood. Yesterday you saw the children, how they were so beautiful and entertained us the most. Everybody had a smile on their face, and I said, “Don’t laugh, because if you laugh, they feel a little offended and they think that you are laughing at them.” The enjoyment that we had from that drama of the children was more than what one would expect from adults doing that kind of a drama just to entertain us. It might be some sort of a very subtle joy of Shri Ganesha that made us so happy. We all have Shri Ganesh settled very nicely within ourselves and in you, awakened. Awakened in such a manner that in your free will also, you do not want to do things that will go against Shri Ganesha. His manifestation within you is so evident. You see your faces, they are so beautifully shining, so very different from other people. One day, I was travelling from London and there was one Indian lady who came to see Me and she said, “I was surprised to see your disciples. Their faces were shining with such light. I have never seen any disciples like that.” I asked her, “Who are you?” She said, “I am married in Guru Nanak’s family and all the people in his family are just the opposite [of] what Guru Nanaka was.” So I said, “Because they worship Shri Ganesha.” So she said that, “In our family nobody worships Shri Ganesh.” I said, “It cannot be possible. How is it?” “No, we will – they believe in nirakar, in the formless God, of chaitanya.” I said, “But who is the source of that chaitanya? Why don’t they find out who is the source?” So they said that Nanaka has only talked up to this point. He’s not talked about the source. I said, “Better find out, because in this book maybe some things have been taken away.” And then somebody gave Me a passage where he had described the innocence, the Deity of Shri Ganesha also. He had described that the whole creation was done by the Mother and not by the Father. It’s very surprising, because Nirakaris, those people who don’t believe in the forms of God, always talk of Father, not of the Mother. It is true also about Christianity, also about Islam, also about the Jews. All of them, they talk of the Father and not of the Mother, nor about Shri Ganesh. It seems in the ancient times they believed in the child God, even in China, even in Greece, and also in many other countries who were supposed to be primitive. But they all believed in the child God. So now, when we deal with our children, we should know that they are just like Shri Ganesh: they are very innocent, very simple. Except in cases sometimes they are affected by some things and they lose their moorings. But Shri Ganesha’s greatest contribution to Sahaja Yoga is that He makes you feel My vibrations. He makes you feel the beauty of purity and simplicity. [This is] only possible if Shri Ganesha is awakened within you. Also the Kundalini won’t rise without the sanction of this chancellor. He’s the one sitting on Mooladhara. But you should know He is on every chakra. Innocence cures all the maladies – physical, mental, emotional, especially the spiritual one. But Shri Ganesha’s quality, the most important, is that He believes in emitting vibrations. He believes in projecting His vibrations to everyone. That is the quality now, I feel, all of you as Sahaja Yogis can use. You got your realization without any effort, I should say. It was Sahaj. The life before Self-Realization was different. You got your transformation and you have jumped into the new era of meta science. But here now we have to see: whatever we have got, what are we to do with it? You of course know that you have to give realizations to others, you have to cure people, you have to love them, and you have to be compassionate. But apart from that, now the deliberations about yourself have to start. That is through Shri Ganesha’s powers that are within you. You should see that you can emit your powers, your energy to others. You can project it to others. Now for example, if somebody comes to you, meets you, if you know how to deliberately project your energy. This is a new type of meditation you have to practise: that to emit your energy, project your energy to others. You don’t have to say anything, you don’t have to talk, but just feel deliberately. Again I say deliberately—it’s not Sahaj, it’s not spontaneous. This is what you have to practise, is to emit your energy of your innocence of Shri Ganesha to others, so when they see you, their innocence would be awakened. Now for example, say, we had some problems in London and Sahaj Yogis told Me, “Mother, there are still some men are looking at us.” And some said that “there are many women who are looking at us.” It was a mutual sort of a thing going on. I said, “You can project your energy in such a manner that that projection will stop all this kind of stupid behaviour of other people and also make them understand, respect you and feel your dignity.” Not very difficult. But on the contrary, as the culture is to attract men and attract women, it will diminish. The energy will diminish. When you feel your own dignity and serenity and that you are now Self-Realized people – you are not ordinary people – a kind of majestic personality develops within you. That majestic personality really can have a tremendous effect on the surrounding people. Tremendous. It’s a kind of a deliberate projection you should start. I don’t know that side, that how to project it or how to deliberately do this. It’s just spontaneous with Me, it just happens. But you can achieve it yourself with a little practice. Try to face such people, not with disdain or contempt, but just your majestic personality. This personality is here now, you see, is sitting in such a majestic manner and is also giving the vibrations to others. The whole figure is doing something suddenly to people. To expect that the whole world will change spontaneously, I don’t think is all right. Because, you know, the world is so chaotic, full of so much chaos, so much ego, so much conditioning. But something within you can rise above others with your sense of dignity, with your complete Selfhood, where you stand with yourself. You are not to be rude, you are not to be egoistical. You need not say things if you don’t want to say anything. Just that silent personality can emit such beautiful vibrations, which you have. You have stored up a lot of vibrations within yourself. And this storing up is showing on your faces, which I said are shining. But the innocence that you have, you have to be proud of it, very much proud of it. Even now sometimes you feel that people will say you are not properly dressed up or maybe you are ugly-looking or all kinds of things that they expect every other person to be. It’s a funny thing that in this world all human beings expect others to be very good. Everybody should be a hero or something. What about themselves, they never think. So now you have become heroes, in the sense that spiritually you are much higher than all of them. So this projection, when it starts – I am saying again deliberate – then, you should not be afraid that “I will develop my ego.” You should not be afraid that “I’ll get some conditionings.” But just, in a way, with the understanding that you have these powers within you, beautifully expressing themselves, as a child does. If there is one child, it can entertain at least hundred people. What is so sweet about the child is the innocence: the way he speaks, the way he talks, the way he behaves, the way he expresses his love. It’s so simple, but it has something in the essence—this innocence of Shri Ganesha. Anywhere there’s a question of children, the whole world gets worried about it, the whole world wants to solve the problem. If a child is in trouble anywhere, all over the world it will be circulated that such and such a thing is happening to such a child. And everybody will be worried. If they see a child anywhere, the faces change, if you see the faces. The expression changes, automatically. Because that child is emitting that innocence – without any deliberations, without any special way of doing it, but just spontaneously. But then you grow. You start growing, growing with others who are also not innocent. You have to meet them. You can’t run away from the society. You start getting all the rapport with such people who are talking about things – actually, those who are criticizing Shri Ganesha. Gradually, your innocence starts dying out and you feel sometimes inferior to all those who are supposed to be very great warriors against innocence. In the sense that – when I was in London, I saw they all used to laugh at Me because I had this kumkum. But I used to think they don’t know why I am wearing it. So, it’s so ignorant they are. Very ignorant people, that they don’t know that in India all the married women have to wear this. Even the Muslims wear that. They also wear mangal sutra. So I said that, “This is just written down, on My head, that I am a married woman.” It’s just to tell people, “Don’t bother Me. I have got My husband behind Me and he can take you to task.” This kind of ignorance is so much in the West, and still they think they are a higher race, they are greater people. They don’t know even small, small things about life. For the innocence, I think they have lost any knowledge about it, long time back. And that’s how it is a society today which has absolutely lost its own moorings. Every individual is separate, every individual is doing something, and they don’t know each other. Without innocence, you cannot have a rapport with other people. Because that means you have some sort of a lust or greed behind the whole thing. So much so now, it’s become so boring the whole thing, that even once I told a Sahaj Yogi that, “If you are going there, there’s a family and they have a daughter, so just give this present to her,” a simple thing. Now this yogi was quite an elderly person, not a young boy. He said, “Mother, I’d better not go.” I said, “Why?” “Because they will misunderstand me.”“What will they misunderstand?”“Why I am giving a present to this girl.”I said, “But it’s I am giving. What is the harm?”“No.” That’s the psychology. He was himself a psychologist. That’s the psychology. “So I cannot take this present for that girl.” I mean, I was – for Indians, you don’t understand this kind of a fear. But then I noticed it’s too much that they don’t want to be with any woman, they don’t want to be alone with any woman. And they said Mother, “You don’t know these women. They will make a rape case against us.”“But how?”“They do.” So the whole idea is to challenge the innocence of people. For that, I must say, they made this Freud into a god, because of his writings. I don’t know how they accept also such writings. I just can’t understand how they accept. Because I think they have no idea as to what they are. Somebody asked Me about Freud, “Then what did he say? Why are people so much against him? Why are you so against?” I said, “He said that there’s a bad relationship between the mother and the son.” He just jumped. “He said so? My goodness! Thank God he never came to India, otherwise we would have cut him into pieces and put them in the Indian Sea.” I said, “But why spoil the purity of the Indian Sea also?” He was so annoyed and angry, he said, “How could they tolerate such a nonsense? How could they accept such nonsense against the mother? They have no purity?” I said, “That’s the trouble with them.” Now the trouble is that the brain developed too much, ego developed too much, and any such stupid idea – it’s much worse than stupid – was accepted. And that is how I find it’s so boring: every time, anywhere you go it’s nothing but this sex business. It’s too much. I can’t understand how people go on tolerating. It’s all right, at the most, in some adult films you might show some nonsense, but every time you see something you find suddenly this kind of nonsensical scene is coming, these bedroom scenes, these scenes. And people like it. They pay for it. They want to have all aspects of it. It is such a natural thing. What is there to talk about it all the time? I don’t understand. It’s only the development of the brain, of such a manner, that every kind of nonsense it wants to accept: “So what? What’s wrong?” “Well, you’re mad. That’s what. You will go to the lunatic asylum.” Lunatics also talk like that: “So what? What’s wrong?” Same way. Because of such acceptance, they don’t know how much people have ruined their family life, their children’s life. In every way, we find the whole society is full of this nonsense and especially in the television – Italy especially. I mean, certain buttons you should not press, you should be very careful, otherwise you don’t know what you face and you go for vomiting. You see, as Indians, the first reaction is to vomit. But for people who have not yet realized the value of this innocence, [they] can be easily taken up by this kind of nonsense that’s going on. Whatever it is, through the blessings of Shri Ganesha, you are all transformed. You are on a different line. Yesterday these two musicians were surprised how you were praising Ganesha. They couldn’t believe it, how you could praise Shri Ganesh, because you haven’t even heard the name of Shri Ganesha before. I said, “They see what Shri Ganesha has done to them, how He has made their attention so beautiful that they enjoy all the beautiful things of the world, all the innocent things of the world.” And there are many people like them, I can tell you, who are struggling. Not that all the society has accepted this nonsense. There are many who are struggling, because I know in England they published a book about what children have to say about the politicians – very sweet, sweet things. Very sweet. And those books [that] were published were five thousand books, because if you publish five thousand you get it cheaper or something like that. And in one day all the books were sold out. In one day. That shows that there are so many people still who are respecting their innocence, and they want to be innocent and they want to enjoy it. But a society has to be created of that kind. For that, you must have a kind of a personality. You know that I was in London and once I went to Greece. And the ministers’ wives also came to meet Me. I was surprised; normally they don’t do. So they said, “You see, our husbands told us if you want to see serenity personified, then you must see Mrs. Shrivastava.” I was surprised: in Greece they are talking of serenity. In these modern times, anybody talking about purity! I just couldn’t understand, but I felt that at the back of their mind, their tradition, whatever it is, these men could see that simple thing in Me and they went and told them. And they all enjoyed My company very much. I was making them laugh and telling them things and all that. And one of them then turned around and said, “Mrs. Shrivastava, you are just like a child.” “I said, “Really?” “No, we enjoyed your company so much.” And when I was coming, they were in tears. So what I am saying, that whatever innocent personality you have, you have to project now, to project towards others. Say, somebody is trying to be funny with you, just with one glance you can put that person right, that you don’t like it—just to say you don’t like it. In a way that’s a projection. Around your society, around where you are working, you will also find people who have no sense of innocence. And it’s disgusting to be with them. But as you have powers, you must use [them] – is to project. I see with Sahaja Yogis, they don’t even cure people. They’ll tell Me, “Mother, he is to be cured. That is to be done.” But you are so many, why do you need Me to do that now? You all can cure a patient. You can help the patient. Why can’t you do it? What is the need for Me to do it? You have those qualities within you because potentially you had them before, and now they are enlightened through the grace of Shri Ganesha. Now, what you have to do is to assert them. In that, of course, you must remember not to use your ego, not to use your mind. So somebody would say that, “Mother, without the mind, how can you impress others? How can you have a rapport with others?” It’s very simple: just go thoughtless. Once you are thoughtless, you are in the realm of the Divine, and then the Divine takes charge. And it will start emitting such beautiful vibrations that you will be amazed at yourself, how things are working out. It is not a coincidence we should say. Like once I was going somewhere and they told Me that, “You have to be very careful.” I said, “Why?” “Because in the night, you see, these Naxalites [Indian communist group] are here and they might just kill you.” I said, “It’s all right.” He said, “No, it’s very late. You be careful.” So, the gentleman with Me was very much worried. He said, “You take out your ornaments, everything.” He put them under the seat and did all that. So as soon as we reached that place, where many Naxalites were standing with their lanterns and with their sticks, so I told the driver that “for one minute you stop the car.” He said, “No, I will not.” “No, you stop.” I looked at them and I don’t know what happened – they just moved on. I said, “Now speed up the car.” You see, it is the power that you have. Unless and until you use this power of love and compassion, you will not know what you have got. And that comes from your Shri Ganesh. You see how children understand love. If you are nice to them, how they react. Maybe sometimes they do not, but ninety-nine percent of children I have seen, they really react to love. In our school in Dharamsala, there were two children and they were very troublesome to begin with, and the parents were worried about them. They sent them to Dharamsala and otherwise they were very demanding, as the modern children are: “You buy this. You buy that. Go here. We want McDonald’s,” this, that, was going on. When they went to the school for one year, they came back and the parents asked them, “Now, what do you want?” They said, “We don’t want anything.” “You don’t want anything? You want to go to McDonald’s?” – they were American – “No, no, we don’t want to go to McDonald’s. We want to sit here and watch Mother’s videos.” They said, “Suddenly, what has happened to them? They were so troublesome. Why are they now so much changed? What’s the matter with them?” So then they said, “What about food?” “Whatever you cook, we’ll eat. We are not bothered.” They were amazed how these children had changed! But then they said, “We must go out somewhere. We must see the river, we must see the mountain.” “All right, that we’ll do.” Then again they came home: no demands, nothing. They didn’t want to go for any shopping or asking for any shirts or blouses. Nothing. Very much satisfied, dignified. So they said, “What’s the matter with you? You don’t want anything?” “No we want something but we don’t know how to tell you.”“What is it?”“Because you don’t have that. You can’t get it in the market.”“Well, what is it?” They said, “Can you get us a pendant of Shri Mataji?” So sweetly, you know, they said. That’s all. But they said, “You don’t have?”“No, we don’t have any. So you just get us the pendant of Shri Mataji, that’s all.” I mean, so deep expression. You don’t want anything else. I mean, I know the children, I have met them, but I have not been with them for a long time, I have never been so close to them, nothing, but look at the love that they have. And they were telling Me in the school in the beginning that, “Anybody goes to trouble us, we said, ‘Now we are going to inform Shri Mataji.’” “No, no, no, don’t inform Her.” “Why?” “Because She will not love me anymore.” Can you imagine? The value of My love is so much understood by these little, little children, and so much they admire, they want it. It has no material gain by that, nothing. All this really shows that Christ as He has said it, that, “You have to be like small children to enter into the Kingdom of God.” Without that, you cannot enjoy anything. Like, yesterday’s program was really, I must say – these Swiss have worked very hard. They are very hard-working, I know, but not to this extent. That, they started singing Indian music so well in such a combination and we enjoyed all that very much. Now imagine these Swiss, who are overactive, always working, they have no time to think about creating something innocent, creating something sweet of this kind. And the way they did it shows, really, that they love Shri Ganesha and they understand the value of Shri Ganesha’s manifestation in them. I was really surprised how they could learn all this Indian music, and so many sitting together and singing that song. And there were some Indians, I said, “Can you sing like this?” They said, “No.” I said, “Look at these Swiss.” This is the power of Shri Ganesha’s love. Because they were to celebrate Shri Ganesha’s birthday, so they got equipped from within. But if they had not projected it, there would have been nothing. So whatever He is giving you, whatever He is creating in you – this beautiful innocence, this beautiful fragrance of your living – every moment, when you are enjoying it, also know that we have to give it to others. We have to pour this into others. And it will work out, I know it will work out. It is so tremendous. His powers are so tremendous. Yesterday you saw that in the children’s program that nobody could beat Him, even Shiva, or anyone. And Shiva had to cut His head because He didn’t know how to overpower Him otherwise. This is what we have to understand, that if you are innocent, nobody can cheat us, nobody can trouble us. Because in innocence, you become a person who doesn’t care for what is happening to you. You become a person who tolerates everything, thinking these are – you don’t even think; you feel they are something stupid people, that’s all. It is a story about a king in China, as I am going to China. There was a king in China. They are very wise people, I must say, Chinese are extremely wise. And he decided to win a cocks’ fight. It’s a cocks’ fight. Imagine the king, thinking like that. But it’s all child’s play. So he went to one great saint and told him that, “How will you train a cock to fight the other cocks?” He said, “Leave the cock with me.” So he left the cock there. And he trained him very well, because when the king arrived after one month before the fight, he said, “See now, take this cock, it’s your one.” He said, “This one? This one is not doing anything, just standing straight.” He said, “Yes, yes. That’s it. You take it.” So he took that cock and put him in that contest. So all the cocks were together. They started troubling this cock, which was just standing like this as if: “some stupid people are trying to trouble me.” He wouldn’t touch them, he wouldn’t react, nothing of the kind, he was just standing straight. So all the cocks were surprised that, “This one is not protesting. He’s just bearing up everything and he’s not bothered as to what we are doing.” One by one, all the cocks disappeared from the field where they were having these fights. And this was the only cock which stood up. So the king was surprised. He took him to the saint and he said, “This one has become a saint now. So it’s better you keep it with you.” He’s such a saint that they were all trying to trouble him and he was least bothered. He was looking like this, left side, right side, both sides. He thought, “What’s going on with these people? Why are they behaving like this?” So this is what I have to tell you, that your personality itself is made like that. And now you worship Him so much, He’s within you. And any kind of problems that you have will be really solved very easily if you take to your innocence. And that will create coincidences, as they call it. But I would say it’s not coincidence, it’s the vibrations. That you’ll be amazed how things are solved. They’ll say, “Mother, this had happened, that had happened.” Now see, the other day it rained so much. It rained so much so that they said, “It has become knee-deep mud here and Mother what are we to do?” I said, “It’s all right. Leave it to Him.” Next day, it was very hot. Imagine, underneath these things, the whole thing got dried out and today you are here for the puja. It’s an impossible thing that there could be such a change in the weather that one day it rains so heavily and the second day the whole thing gets absolutely dried out. It’s His work. Because He’s so much powerful. You have come to worship Him, so first of all cleansing has to be done, and He did the cleansing by putting the rain. Here, it is [such] heavy rains, and some of the part of the rains which came near this Palazzo Dorio they turned into ice [hail]. I don’t know what the English word is for that. So they all started and the whole thing went round the house. They were all forming into little, little ice-balls, falling nearby. Now it is something unbelievable that all over it has just rained, [and] only near our house it is the ice-balls are coming. We can call it miracles, we can call it anything, but it is Shri Ganesha’s, we should say, sensitivity that He thought that, “Now this rain is going near My Mother’s house, so let us make some sort of a beautiful ice-balls.” And I went out and I saw, and I was amazed how it was all around My house there were ice-balls. What He can do, what He’s capable [of] is absolutely unbelievable. How He guides you and how He helps you. How He takes you to the right path. Not only that [but] how He protects you. All the time He is with you because you have become His ganas now. You are His ganas, so He protects you, looks after you, gives you all the guidance. He takes you to the right path. He takes you to the righteous road. He gives you all that is dharmic to enjoy. You always meet friends here and there. You think it’s a coincidence – it is not. And that is how He works. He works with all His beautiful, sweet, loving attention on you, because you are His ganas. But the ganas have to work. As I say, that in our body there are ganas and they fight the disease, they fight the problems that are in the body – those antibodies which are the ganas of Shri Ganesha. In the same way, you are also His ganas. He does all this for you. He protects you, He loves you, He gives you all the good times. Then what are we doing about it? It should not be one-sided. When He does all this for you, then what should we do about Shri Ganesh? What can we do as antibodies? You don’t have to fight the enemies with any sword or any kind of a weapon. The enemies you can conquer by two simple methods. One is, try your love, your pure love on them. Try that. You may melt away many people. Or else, if that is not working, then what should you do is to sit down and meditate and give bandhans. There are ways of giving bandhans. The bandhan works so fast and so beautifully that you are amazed how it has worked. Because you are so powerful. The way you give bandhan; anybody else can give, it is not going to work. It’s only you, the Sahaj Yogis, can give bandhan. There are different types of bandhans you have to give. And all that works out so well. So we have to have now faith in our own powers, and we have to know that we are now empowered by Shri Ganesha to do the work of Sahaja Yoga. To do the work of Sahaja Yoga is not to feel that you are doing it, but it is Shri Ganesh who is doing it. You will be surprised: giving realizations to people is the greatest joy Sahaja Yogis can have. And then you don’t have to think that you have done it – then it is the best – but if you think you have done it, then: “I am very tired,” or “I have done this.” Many people come and tell Me, “Mother, we have done this, we have done that.” That means they are just feeling the strain of doing any work. But you are not to feel any strain. His powers are within you, you can see it. Believe Me. Believe in yourself. Have confidence in yourself – confidence and faith in yourself. And [know] that you are a storehouse of innocence, which is nothing but compassion and love. If you have that faith, you will definitely develop a beautiful way of talking to others, of having relationships with others. It is something that is really a gift of Shri Ganesh. I don’t think I ever shouted at anyone. Even [at] My children, I have never shouted. Never. I have never gotten into a fury or a temper, because I think I can manage without it. Of course, I had to correct, I had to tell people. But one thing I have seen, that everybody has been afraid of one thing: that somehow I should never drive out somebody from Sahaja Yoga. Because Sahaja Yoga is such a joy, it is such an energy-giving thing, it is such a light that you feel absolutely confident about yourself. So to ask you to leave Sahaja Yoga is the greatest punishment, because you can’t leave Me now. It’s difficult. You just can’t leave Me. It’s impossible. And that is what it is, that you also develop those qualities that you can’t leave. See, a child, if it is lost, I mean, the parents just go off, they don’t know how the child is lost. But supposing, some son of theirs is a very bad boy, is misbehaving, is doing all kinds of wrong things, they don’t mind. But when they are young, they are innocent. It’s some sort of a tremendous attachment to them and understanding that, “They are our children, we have to look after them.” So [it is] this innocence that attracts you, that keeps you wondering about your children, about other children. And I was very happy the way you gave a present to Guido, because he’s doing a very difficult task, I must say. And this appreciation shows that to you it’s very valuable that your children are looked after. But you are also a child of your Mother. As a result, you have all these powers within yourself. But you must know how to smile. You must know how to win over people. Still there are some Sahaj Yogis and some Sahaj Yoginis who are still rather stiff. I find them a little stiff type, and they can’t give up their stiffness. Maybe they think no end of themselves or whatever it is. Then they will not enjoy Sahaja Yoga. Of course, mentally of course they understand Sahaj Yoga and all that, but they cannot enjoy fully Sahaj Yoga and all its mirth, its joyous moments. Today is to celebrate His birth, and He was the first God that was created on this Earth, because He is also auspiciousness, He is also Holiness. So the Primordial Mother didn’t want to create this world without first creating the holiness, the auspiciousness, the purity. And that’s why He was first created. Created on this Earth with vibrations, just a bundle of vibrations, so that He can look after all the people who are going to come from ages to ages, to guide them always on the right path. So He is supposed to be in charge of our conscience, the conscience that eats you up sometimes, that says: “This is not all right. This I should not have done. That I should have not done.” But one should try to take very great pride in it. Like, there was one gentleman, an Indian – Indians can be exceptionally innocent sometimes, exceptionally, you can’t understand them – so I told him, “Why did you give up your land?” He said, “Mother, I thought that later on, when my children will grow, I might become greedy and I may not give this land to my brother, who deserves it. Because I’m too clever, I can cheat him, so I thought it’s better to give up. So I gave up the land to my brother.” And he so innocently was telling Me that, “I should not become greedy because maybe that my children will grow up and I will feel that I must give all this to my children, so I decided to give up the land just now to my own brother.” But I said, “What about your brother?” He said, “He deserves, he needs. I don’t need so much land. I am doing very well in life. That’s why I have given.” “But legally?” “Legally,” he said, “it was not in his name, but I thought it’s better that I give it to him now. Later on I might become a bad man.” So the innocence works out in such a manner. And very sweet, sweet stories I have got to tell you. There’s one Sahaj Yogi who was a little boy, say about sixteen years old, he came to Me and he said, “My mother has some badhas and the father, too. I don’t know what to do. Now supposing I leave my father and mother, then will the badhas also leave me?” I said, “May be. May not be. Depends.” “Then what is the need for people to leave their parents when they are eighteen years of age? Why do people leave their parents at eighteen years of age? Because, you see, it will be a big loss.” I said, “Why?” “Firstly, if I start smoking, who will stop me?” Such an innocent thing. “If I start smoking, only my father can slap me on the face, nobody else. So he can save me from the smoking.” I was amazed at his innocence, the way he was saying that “I want my father to be there to slap me.” And then he said, “And then my mother, she’s the one who corrects me [on] every point; so if she goes away, if I am not with her, who will correct me? Who will tell me don’t do this and don’t do that?” I never understood, that look at this boy of sixteen years – he’s an Indian – telling me that his parents’ utility is that they are the only people who can stop him from doing wrong things. Because he was a born-realized [soul] and he could see that “if I try to do something wrong, it’s only my parents can tell me.” So this innocence always seeks virtuous life, this better life, and it doesn’t assert on others. But it’s, somehow or other, when there is innocence – just like you people are now Self-Realized people – in the light of your Self, you don’t want to do something that is not innocent, that is not simple. For example, I have never seen such honest people as we have in Sahaja Yoga. Absolutely honest. I mean, they don’t want to take even a single pie [unit of currency in India] out of things. Of course, there have been some horrible people, also, who made lots of money out of Sahaj Yoga – doesn’t matter – but most of you have become so honest. I mean there’s so much corruption in this world and to see people who are so honest. Now the greatest quality, as you know, of Shri Ganesha’s was told yesterday, that for them their Mother is the most important. What Mother says and what Mother does, that’s the most important thing. I mean, it is so much that I really can’t understand how you people are so much fond of Me. Because I think that whatever you think about Me mentally is nothing compared to what you have within yourself, and that is Shri Ganesha’s, again, the quality. Because He’s so attached to Me that he will fight his Father, he will fight everybody. That’s what you are. Anything against Me, you cannot tolerate, anything wrong said against Me, you cannot follow. I have seen people getting furious if somebody said a word against Me. So this quality of love for Me is coming from Shri Ganesha within you. But another quality, as I said, is that He makes the ganas work, and so you have to work it out. Yesterday’s thing has shown Me how this collectivity of Switzerland has come up so well. So well. And it was really showing how we can progress. You all have talents. Not that only the Swiss have. You all have talents. You all have understanding. You are all intelligent. All of you are special people and you have to work out in a collective way and also an individual way to show your quality of Shri Ganesh, the way He has the rhythm within Him. He’s very rhythmic, and yesterday those two big musicians sitting, he said, “Mother, they are so rhythmically clapping, they are rhythmic. There’s no, ‘ha, ha, hoo, hoo,’ just clapping and so rhythmic. Nobody makes a mistake.” Then they said, “When they sing, also, nobody’s out of tune.” Normally, if ten people are singing, without proper training, then these are in alto, tenor, bass, everything, they go on. And you don’t know on what swar [note] they have taken, on what note they are singing. But they were yesterday very amazed that all of you were singing on the same note; you wouldn’t leave the note and come onto another note. That shows that the rhythm of Shri Ganesha is working in you and His understanding of music, which is one of His qualities, that He dances on the music of which Nataraja, the Father, Shiva, has taught Him. It’s very rhythmic. That part, I think, a little bit, Sahaja Yogis are missing: that when they dance, they need not be all of them in a very rhythmic pattern. They’re all right, but still one has to learn a little more rhythmic pattern, would be a good idea. As the Shri Ganesha, which is such a big stomach that He has, He dances so well, so lightly He lifts his body and the way He works it out, it’s amazing. How does He do it with such – and a short person – with such thick legs? He is very light and the lightness comes because of innocence – Mooladhar. If the Mooladhara is all right, then lightness is there. You have seen in Maharashtra how these people were playing the Lezim [type of dance] with such speed and with such lightness: they were lifting their legs and hand. It was really amazing how they were doing it. And it is only the innocence of these people of the villages, that they don’t understand much of this nonsense. They don’t know what is going on with all these things. They earn their living, they are farmers, and then in the evening they just sleep off in complete innocence. They do not plan, they do not sit down and find out how to kill somebody – maybe, something, how to rob somebody – or other bad things that people think, the bad action that comes into their minds. There is no time for that. They work the whole day. In the evening, nicely they sleep. Or else they will have a bhajan mandeley where they will all sing together in a very beautiful manner. So it’s a real Sahaj style where we don’t have to think about killing anybody or to murder anybody. Like all these cults, they have weapons with them! I can’t understand. Even I was told that in Poland, our pope maharaj sent lots of weapons there. What is the need for anybody who is spiritual to have weapons around, and think of violence and killing people? Because there is no innocence at all. You can see that. If you are innocent, your power is your innocence. You don’t have to have weapons and guns and things. All these religions, so-called, are using nothing but weapons and guns and all kinds of killing objects, and they are also killed. It’s a funny thing going on in the name of God, in the name of Shri Ganesh. There is no need for us to fight. There is no need for us to think that we’ll kill this man or kill that one. Only you have to just desire, project your energy, and you will see the person will disappear. He’ll either become a transformed person or he will not be there to trouble you. So, one thing I have to again stress is that we must know our qualities and our powers. Many people I know could never come on the stage and speak also. I said, “You get along. Finished. Start.” It worked out. Anything, you just project. “I can do it. Why can’t I do it?” To say, “I can’t. I am sorry.” This “sorry” is so common now. On the telephone also people will say “sorry.” I said, “What ‘sorry’?” All the time, “sorry, sorry, sorry.” We used to say, “I beg your pardon” – was sensible. But the way people are: “Poor me,” you know. “How can I do it?” All such people are not yet aware of their powers that they have. You can do it, everything. You can. Everything can be managed. After all, you have the power. In that power, you must know that you are not going to do something indiscreet, you are not going to spoil anybody. But your power itself will show that this power is really of love, affection, compassion for the transformation of the whole world. I am thinking of the complete global transformation, which is, I know, is a mad dream, but still I think like that. Because I see you all, then I think you all can do it, and when I see the Shri Ganesha in you, I am sure it will work out. So, in My lifetime I have seen so many Sahaj Yogis, all over. How things have worked out, you have heard about, in Brazil and also in Argentina – most unexpected. The people came to a program from twelve o’clock in the morning when we were going to have the program at seven o’clock! I reached there at about eight, as usual, and they said, “Mother, You won’t believe, there was a big drama here.” I said, “What drama?” “They were sitting here from twelve o’clock, so all those who had come earlier got inside, but those who came at the last minute, they would not be allowed and they are sitting there and fighting: ‘No, we are going to come inside somehow.’” So then one of the Sahaja Yogis sensibly went and talked to the manager and told [the manager], “Baba, let them come. There is room.” So there were four tiers. One was the ground, then one more, one more, one more. When I came, I saw: “What’s this?” All over, the whole thing was filled with these people. I had never seen them before, but they were there, and so respectful, so much absorbing the vibrations. And I found it difficult to control My tears out of a real feeling of such gratitude for Shri Ganesh. He’s the one who worked it out. That’s why they say always, “First worship Shri Ganesh before starting any work,” because then it gives you that peace, that tremendous powerful peace which works out so many things that you never thought it would. So we have to request Shri Ganesha, that all the problems of our land-owning should be solved by Him and by your Shri Ganesh power. We are still hoping to get the land, and I want to install this properly for you because every time I don’t want you to suffer like this. It’s a pilgrimage, but rather difficult this time you all had, but you managed it very nicely and you never showed any kind of a reluctance to accept this challenge. Shri Ganesha was testing you I think, also, a little bit. But all that has worked out so well and now we are here to do the puja of Shri Ganesh. May God Bless you.
Shri Ganesha Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 10 September 1995. With all the Ganapatis sitting around Me and you, all the ganas, sitting in front of Me, I don’t know what to say. It’s remarkable, very remarkable, because most of you come from a culture which has never shown any respect of Shri Ganesha. They never realized how important it was, that without Shri Ganesha’s qualities, we cannot achieve anything in our life. The idea of everyday, moment-to-moment enjoyment has destroyed them. And also, the desire to know the Divine vanishes also in the thin air because you get lost into this moment-to-moment enjoyment till you get destructive, completely destroyed. But I really don’t understand how you have achieved this state where you see the purity is so important to life; that Ganesha’s qualities, His value system, and His innocence [are] to be imbibed. I feel very gratified that such a thing has happened now in your lives and you all are so much in praise for Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha is there from our childhood. Yesterday you saw the children, how they were so beautiful and entertained us the most. Everybody had a smile on their face, and I said, “Don’t laugh, because if you laugh, they feel a little offended and they think that you are laughing at them.” The enjoyment that we had from that drama of the children was more than what one would expect from adults doing that kind of a drama just to entertain us. It might be some sort of a very subtle joy of Shri Ganesha that made us so happy. We all have Shri Ganesh settled very nicely within ourselves and in you, awakened. Awakened in such a manner that in your free will also, you do not want to do things that will go against Shri Ganesha. His manifestation within you is so evident. You see your faces, they are so beautifully shining, so very different from other people. One day, I was travelling from London and there was one Indian lady who came to see Me and she said, “I was surprised to see your disciples. Their faces were shining with such light. I have never seen any disciples like that.” I asked her, “Who are you?” She said, “I am married in Guru Nanak’s family and all the people in his family are just the opposite [of] what Guru Nanaka was.” So I said, “Because they worship Shri Ganesha.” So she said that, “In our family nobody worships Shri Ganesh.” I said, “It cannot be possible. How is it?” “No, we will – they believe in nirakar, in the formless God, of chaitanya.” I said, “But who is the source of that chaitanya? Why don’t they find out who is the source?” So they said that Nanaka has only talked up to this point. He’s not talked about the source. I said, “Better find out, because in this book maybe some things have been taken away.” And then somebody gave Me a passage where he had described the innocence, the Deity of Shri Ganesha also. He had described that the whole creation was done by the Mother and not by the Father. It’s very surprising, because Nirakaris, those people who don’t believe in the forms of God, always talk of Father, not of the Mother. It is true also about Christianity, also about Islam, also about the Jews. All of them, they talk of the Father and not of the Mother, nor about Shri Ganesh. It seems in the ancient times they believed in the child God, even in China, even in Greece, and also in many other countries who were supposed to be primitive. But they all believed in the child God. So now, when we deal with our children, we should know that they are just like Shri Ganesh: they are very innocent, very simple. Except in cases sometimes they are affected by some things and they lose their moorings. But Shri Ganesha’s greatest contribution to Sahaja Yoga is that He makes you feel My vibrations. He makes you feel the beauty of purity and simplicity. [This is] only possible if Shri Ganesha is awakened within you. Also the Kundalini won’t rise without the sanction of this chancellor. He’s the one sitting on Mooladhara. But you should know He is on every chakra. Innocence cures all the maladies – physical, mental, emotional, especially the spiritual one. But Shri Ganesha’s quality, the most important, is that He believes in emitting vibrations. He believes in projecting His vibrations to everyone. That is the quality now, I feel, all of you as Sahaja Yogis can use. You got your realization without any effort, I should say. It was Sahaj. The life before Self-Realization was different. You got your transformation and you have jumped into the new era of meta science. But here now we have to see: whatever we have got, what are we to do with it? You of course know that you have to give realizations to others, you have to cure people, you have to love them, and you have to be compassionate. But apart from that, now the deliberations about yourself have to start. That is through Shri Ganesha’s powers that are within you. You should see that you can emit your powers, your energy to others. You can project it to others. Now for example, if somebody comes to you, meets you, if you know how to deliberately project your energy. This is a new type of meditation you have to practise: that to emit your energy, project your energy to others. You don’t have to say anything, you don’t have to talk, but just feel deliberately. Again I say deliberately—it’s not Sahaj, it’s not spontaneous. This is what you have to practise, is to emit your energy of your innocence of Shri Ganesha to others, so when they see you, their innocence would be awakened. Now for example, say, we had some problems in London and Sahaj Yogis told Me, “Mother, there are still some men are looking at us.” And some said that “there are many women who are looking at us.” It was a mutual sort of a thing going on. I said, “You can project your energy in such a manner that that projection will stop all this kind of stupid behaviour of other people and also make them understand, respect you and feel your dignity.” Not very difficult. But on the contrary, as the culture is to attract men and attract women, it will diminish. The energy will diminish. When you feel your own dignity and serenity and that you are now Self-Realized people – you are not ordinary people – a kind of majestic personality develops within you. That majestic personality really can have a tremendous effect on the surrounding people. Tremendous. It’s a kind of a deliberate projection you should start. I don’t know that side, that how to project it or how to deliberately do this. It’s just spontaneous with Me, it just happens. But you can achieve it yourself with a little practice. Try to face such people, not with disdain or contempt, but just your majestic personality. This personality is here now, you see, is sitting in such a majestic manner and is also giving the vibrations to others. The whole figure is doing something suddenly to people. To expect that the whole world will change spontaneously, I don’t think is all right. Because, you know, the world is so chaotic, full of so much chaos, so much ego, so much conditioning. But something within you can rise above others with your sense of dignity, with your complete Selfhood, where you stand with yourself. You are not to be rude, you are not to be egoistical. You need not say things if you don’t want to say anything. Just that silent personality can emit such beautiful vibrations, which you have. You have stored up a lot of vibrations within yourself. And this storing up is showing on your faces, which I said are shining. But the innocence that you have, you have to be proud of it, very much proud of it. Even now sometimes you feel that people will say you are not properly dressed up or maybe you are ugly-looking or all kinds of things that they expect every other person to be. It’s a funny thing that in this world all human beings expect others to be very good. Everybody should be a hero or something. What about themselves, they never think. So now you have become heroes, in the sense that spiritually you are much higher than all of them. So this projection, when it starts – I am saying again deliberate – then, you should not be afraid that “I will develop my ego.” You should not be afraid that “I’ll get some conditionings.” But just, in a way, with the understanding that you have these powers within you, beautifully expressing themselves, as a child does. If there is one child, it can entertain at least hundred people. What is so sweet about the child is the innocence: the way he speaks, the way he talks, the way he behaves, the way he expresses his love. It’s so simple, but it has something in the essence—this innocence of Shri Ganesha. Anywhere there’s a question of children, the whole world gets worried about it, the whole world wants to solve the problem. If a child is in trouble anywhere, all over the world it will be circulated that such and such a thing is happening to such a child. And everybody will be worried. If they see a child anywhere, the faces change, if you see the faces. The expression changes, automatically. Because that child is emitting that innocence – without any deliberations, without any special way of doing it, but just spontaneously. But then you grow. You start growing, growing with others who are also not innocent. You have to meet them. You can’t run away from the society. You start getting all the rapport with such people who are talking about things – actually, those who are criticizing Shri Ganesha. Gradually, your innocence starts dying out and you feel sometimes inferior to all those who are supposed to be very great warriors against innocence. In the sense that – when I was in London, I saw they all used to laugh at Me because I had this kumkum. But I used to think they don’t know why I am wearing it. So, it’s so ignorant they are. Very ignorant people, that they don’t know that in India all the married women have to wear this. Even the Muslims wear that. They also wear mangal sutra. So I said that, “This is just written down, on My head, that I am a married woman.” It’s just to tell people, “Don’t bother Me. I have got My husband behind Me and he can take you to task.” This kind of ignorance is so much in the West, and still they think they are a higher race, they are greater people. They don’t know even small, small things about life. For the innocence, I think they have lost any knowledge about it, long time back. And that’s how it is a society today which has absolutely lost its own moorings. Every individual is separate, every individual is doing something, and they don’t know each other. Without innocence, you cannot have a rapport with other people. Because that means you have some sort of a lust or greed behind the whole thing. So much so now, it’s become so boring the whole thing, that even once I told a Sahaj Yogi that, “If you are going there, there’s a family and they have a daughter, so just give this present to her,” a simple thing. Now this yogi was quite an elderly person, not a young boy. He said, “Mother, I’d better not go.” I said, “Why?” “Because they will misunderstand me.”“What will they misunderstand?”“Why I am giving a present to this girl.”I said, “But it’s I am giving. What is the harm?”“No.” That’s the psychology. He was himself a psychologist. That’s the psychology. “So I cannot take this present for that girl.” I mean, I was – for Indians, you don’t understand this kind of a fear. But then I noticed it’s too much that they don’t want to be with any woman, they don’t want to be alone with any woman. And they said Mother, “You don’t know these women. They will make a rape case against us.”“But how?”“They do.” So the whole idea is to challenge the innocence of people. For that, I must say, they made this Freud into a god, because of his writings. I don’t know how they accept also such writings. I just can’t understand how they accept. Because I think they have no idea as to what they are. Somebody asked Me about Freud, “Then what did he say? Why are people so much against him? Why are you so against?” I said, “He said that there’s a bad relationship between the mother and the son.” He just jumped. “He said so? My goodness! Thank God he never came to India, otherwise we would have cut him into pieces and put them in the Indian Sea.” I said, “But why spoil the purity of the Indian Sea also?” He was so annoyed and angry, he said, “How could they tolerate such a nonsense? How could they accept such nonsense against the mother? They have no purity?” I said, “That’s the trouble with them.” Now the trouble is that the brain developed too much, ego developed too much, and any such stupid idea – it’s much worse than stupid – was accepted. And that is how I find it’s so boring: every time, anywhere you go it’s nothing but this sex business. It’s too much. I can’t understand how people go on tolerating. It’s all right, at the most, in some adult films you might show some nonsense, but every time you see something you find suddenly this kind of nonsensical scene is coming, these bedroom scenes, these scenes. And people like it. They pay for it. They want to have all aspects of it. It is such a natural thing. What is there to talk about it all the time? I don’t understand. It’s only the development of the brain, of such a manner, that every kind of nonsense it wants to accept: “So what? What’s wrong?” “Well, you’re mad. That’s what. You will go to the lunatic asylum.” Lunatics also talk like that: “So what? What’s wrong?” Same way. Because of such acceptance, they don’t know how much people have ruined their family life, their children’s life. In every way, we find the whole society is full of this nonsense and especially in the television – Italy especially. I mean, certain buttons you should not press, you should be very careful, otherwise you don’t know what you face and you go for vomiting. You see, as Indians, the first reaction is to vomit. But for people who have not yet realized the value of this innocence, [they] can be easily taken up by this kind of nonsense that’s going on. Whatever it is, through the blessings of Shri Ganesha, you are all transformed. You are on a different line. Yesterday these two musicians were surprised how you were praising Ganesha. They couldn’t believe it, how you could praise Shri Ganesh, because you haven’t even heard the name of Shri Ganesha before. I said, “They see what Shri Ganesha has done to them, how He has made their attention so beautiful that they enjoy all the beautiful things of the world, all the innocent things of the world.” And there are many people like them, I can tell you, who are struggling. Not that all the society has accepted this nonsense. There are many who are struggling, because I know in England they published a book about what children have to say about the politicians – very sweet, sweet things. Very sweet. And those books [that] were published were five thousand books, because if you publish five thousand you get it cheaper or something like that. And in one day all the books were sold out. In one day. That shows that there are so many people still who are respecting their innocence, and they want to be innocent and they want to enjoy it. But a society has to be created of that kind. For that, you must have a kind of a personality. You know that I was in London and once I went to Greece. And the ministers’ wives also came to meet Me. I was surprised; normally they don’t do. So they said, “You see, our husbands told us if you want to see serenity personified, then you must see Mrs. Shrivastava.” I was surprised: in Greece they are talking of serenity. In these modern times, anybody talking about purity! I just couldn’t understand, but I felt that at the back of their mind, their tradition, whatever it is, these men could see that simple thing in Me and they went and told them. And they all enjoyed My company very much. I was making them laugh and telling them things and all that. And one of them then turned around and said, “Mrs. Shrivastava, you are just like a child.” “I said, “Really?” “No, we enjoyed your company so much.” And when I was coming, they were in tears. So what I am saying, that whatever innocent personality you have, you have to project now, to project towards others. Say, somebody is trying to be funny with you, just with one glance you can put that person right, that you don’t like it—just to say you don’t like it. In a way that’s a projection. Around your society, around where you are working, you will also find people who have no sense of innocence. And it’s disgusting to be with them. But as you have powers, you must use [them] – is to project. I see with Sahaja Yogis, they don’t even cure people. They’ll tell Me, “Mother, he is to be cured. That is to be done.” But you are so many, why do you need Me to do that now? You all can cure a patient. You can help the patient. Why can’t you do it? What is the need for Me to do it? You have those qualities within you because potentially you had them before, and now they are enlightened through the grace of Shri Ganesha. Now, what you have to do is to assert them. In that, of course, you must remember not to use your ego, not to use your mind. So somebody would say that, “Mother, without the mind, how can you impress others? How can you have a rapport with others?” It’s very simple: just go thoughtless. Once you are thoughtless, you are in the realm of the Divine, and then the Divine takes charge. And it will start emitting such beautiful vibrations that you will be amazed at yourself, how things are working out. It is not a coincidence we should say. Like once I was going somewhere and they told Me that, “You have to be very careful.” I said, “Why?” “Because in the night, you see, these Naxalites [Indian communist group] are here and they might just kill you.” I said, “It’s all right.” He said, “No, it’s very late. You be careful.” So, the gentleman with Me was very much worried. He said, “You take out your ornaments, everything.” He put them under the seat and did all that. So as soon as we reached that place, where many Naxalites were standing with their lanterns and with their sticks, so I told the driver that “for one minute you stop the car.” He said, “No, I will not.” “No, you stop.” I looked at them and I don’t know what happened – they just moved on. I said, “Now speed up the car.” You see, it is the power that you have. Unless and until you use this power of love and compassion, you will not know what you have got. And that comes from your Shri Ganesh. You see how children understand love. If you are nice to them, how they react. Maybe sometimes they do not, but ninety-nine percent of children I have seen, they really react to love. In our school in Dharamsala, there were two children and they were very troublesome to begin with, and the parents were worried about them. They sent them to Dharamsala and otherwise they were very demanding, as the modern children are: “You buy this. You buy that. Go here. We want McDonald’s,” this, that, was going on. When they went to the school for one year, they came back and the parents asked them, “Now, what do you want?” They said, “We don’t want anything.” “You don’t want anything? You want to go to McDonald’s?” – they were American – “No, no, we don’t want to go to McDonald’s. We want to sit here and watch Mother’s videos.” They said, “Suddenly, what has happened to them? They were so troublesome. Why are they now so much changed? What’s the matter with them?” So then they said, “What about food?” “Whatever you cook, we’ll eat. We are not bothered.” They were amazed how these children had changed! But then they said, “We must go out somewhere. We must see the river, we must see the mountain.” “All right, that we’ll do.” Then again they came home: no demands, nothing. They didn’t want to go for any shopping or asking for any shirts or blouses. Nothing. Very much satisfied, dignified. So they said, “What’s the matter with you? You don’t want anything?” “No we want something but we don’t know how to tell you.”“What is it?”“Because you don’t have that. You can’t get it in the market.”“Well, what is it?” They said, “Can you get us a pendant of Shri Mataji?” So sweetly, you know, they said. That’s all. But they said, “You don’t have?”“No, we don’t have any. So you just get us the pendant of Shri Mataji, that’s all.” I mean, so deep expression. You don’t want anything else. I mean, I know the children, I have met them, but I have not been with them for a long time, I have never been so close to them, nothing, but look at the love that they have. And they were telling Me in the school in the beginning that, “Anybody goes to trouble us, we said, ‘Now we are going to inform Shri Mataji.’” “No, no, no, don’t inform Her.” “Why?” “Because She will not love me anymore.” Can you imagine? The value of My love is so much understood by these little, little children, and so much they admire, they want it. It has no material gain by that, nothing. All this really shows that Christ as He has said it, that, “You have to be like small children to enter into the Kingdom of God.” Without that, you cannot enjoy anything. Like, yesterday’s program was really, I must say – these Swiss have worked very hard. They are very hard-working, I know, but not to this extent. That, they started singing Indian music so well in such a combination and we enjoyed all that very much. Now imagine these Swiss, who are overactive, always working, they have no time to think about creating something innocent, creating something sweet of this kind. And the way they did it shows, really, that they love Shri Ganesha and they understand the value of Shri Ganesha’s manifestation in them. I was really surprised how they could learn all this Indian music, and so many sitting together and singing that song. And there were some Indians, I said, “Can you sing like this?” They said, “No.” I said, “Look at these Swiss.” This is the power of Shri Ganesha’s love. Because they were to celebrate Shri Ganesha’s birthday, so they got equipped from within. But if they had not projected it, there would have been nothing. So whatever He is giving you, whatever He is creating in you – this beautiful innocence, this beautiful fragrance of your living – every moment, when you are enjoying it, also know that we have to give it to others. We have to pour this into others. And it will work out, I know it will work out. It is so tremendous. His powers are so tremendous. Yesterday you saw that in the children’s program that nobody could beat Him, even Shiva, or anyone. And Shiva had to cut His head because He didn’t know how to overpower Him otherwise. This is what we have to understand, that if you are innocent, nobody can cheat us, nobody can trouble us. Because in innocence, you become a person who doesn’t care for what is happening to you. You become a person who tolerates everything, thinking these are – you don’t even think; you feel they are something stupid people, that’s all. It is a story about a king in China, as I am going to China. There was a king in China. They are very wise people, I must say, Chinese are extremely wise. And he decided to win a cocks’ fight. It’s a cocks’ fight. Imagine the king, thinking like that. But it’s all child’s play. So he went to one great saint and told him that, “How will you train a cock to fight the other cocks?” He said, “Leave the cock with me.” So he left the cock there. And he trained him very well, because when the king arrived after one month before the fight, he said, “See now, take this cock, it’s your one.” He said, “This one? This one is not doing anything, just standing straight.” He said, “Yes, yes. That’s it. You take it.” So he took that cock and put him in that contest. So all the cocks were together. They started troubling this cock, which was just standing like this as if: “some stupid people are trying to trouble me.” He wouldn’t touch them, he wouldn’t react, nothing of the kind, he was just standing straight. So all the cocks were surprised that, “This one is not protesting. He’s just bearing up everything and he’s not bothered as to what we are doing.” One by one, all the cocks disappeared from the field where they were having these fights. And this was the only cock which stood up. So the king was surprised. He took him to the saint and he said, “This one has become a saint now. So it’s better you keep it with you.” He’s such a saint that they were all trying to trouble him and he was least bothered. He was looking like this, left side, right side, both sides. He thought, “What’s going on with these people? Why are they behaving like this?” So this is what I have to tell you, that your personality itself is made like that. And now you worship Him so much, He’s within you. And any kind of problems that you have will be really solved very easily if you take to your innocence. And that will create coincidences, as they call it. But I would say it’s not coincidence, it’s the vibrations. That you’ll be amazed how things are solved. They’ll say, “Mother, this had happened, that had happened.” Now see, the other day it rained so much. It rained so much so that they said, “It has become knee-deep mud here and Mother what are we to do?” I said, “It’s all right. Leave it to Him.” Next day, it was very hot. Imagine, underneath these things, the whole thing got dried out and today you are here for the puja. It’s an impossible thing that there could be such a change in the weather that one day it rains so heavily and the second day the whole thing gets absolutely dried out. It’s His work. Because He’s so much powerful. You have come to worship Him, so first of all cleansing has to be done, and He did the cleansing by putting the rain. Here, it is [such] heavy rains, and some of the part of the rains which came near this Palazzo Dorio they turned into ice [hail]. I don’t know what the English word is for that. So they all started and the whole thing went round the house. They were all forming into little, little ice-balls, falling nearby. Now it is something unbelievable that all over it has just rained, [and] only near our house it is the ice-balls are coming. We can call it miracles, we can call it anything, but it is Shri Ganesha’s, we should say, sensitivity that He thought that, “Now this rain is going near My Mother’s house, so let us make some sort of a beautiful ice-balls.” And I went out and I saw, and I was amazed how it was all around My house there were ice-balls. What He can do, what He’s capable [of] is absolutely unbelievable. How He guides you and how He helps you. How He takes you to the right path. Not only that [but] how He protects you. All the time He is with you because you have become His ganas now. You are His ganas, so He protects you, looks after you, gives you all the guidance. He takes you to the right path. He takes you to the righteous road. He gives you all that is dharmic to enjoy. You always meet friends here and there. You think it’s a coincidence – it is not. And that is how He works. He works with all His beautiful, sweet, loving attention on you, because you are His ganas. But the ganas have to work. As I say, that in our body there are ganas and they fight the disease, they fight the problems that are in the body – those antibodies which are the ganas of Shri Ganesha. In the same way, you are also His ganas. He does all this for you. He protects you, He loves you, He gives you all the good times. Then what are we doing about it? It should not be one-sided. When He does all this for you, then what should we do about Shri Ganesh? What can we do as antibodies? You don’t have to fight the enemies with any sword or any kind of a weapon. The enemies you can conquer by two simple methods. One is, try your love, your pure love on them. Try that. You may melt away many people. Or else, if that is not working, then what should you do is to sit down and meditate and give bandhans. There are ways of giving bandhans. The bandhan works so fast and so beautifully that you are amazed how it has worked. Because you are so powerful. The way you give bandhan; anybody else can give, it is not going to work. It’s only you, the Sahaj Yogis, can give bandhan. There are different types of bandhans you have to give. And all that works out so well. So we have to have now faith in our own powers, and we have to know that we are now empowered by Shri Ganesha to do the work of Sahaja Yoga. To do the work of Sahaja Yoga is not to feel that you are doing it, but it is Shri Ganesh who is doing it. You will be surprised: giving realizations to people is the greatest joy Sahaja Yogis can have. And then you don’t have to think that you have done it – then it is the best – but if you think you have done it, then: “I am very tired,” or “I have done this.” Many people come and tell Me, “Mother, we have done this, we have done that.” That means they are just feeling the strain of doing any work. But you are not to feel any strain. His powers are within you, you can see it. Believe Me. Believe in yourself. Have confidence in yourself – confidence and faith in yourself. And [know] that you are a storehouse of innocence, which is nothing but compassion and love. If you have that faith, you will definitely develop a beautiful way of talking to others, of having relationships with others. It is something that is really a gift of Shri Ganesh. I don’t think I ever shouted at anyone. Even [at] My children, I have never shouted. Never. I have never gotten into a fury or a temper, because I think I can manage without it. Of course, I had to correct, I had to tell people. But one thing I have seen, that everybody has been afraid of one thing: that somehow I should never drive out somebody from Sahaja Yoga. Because Sahaja Yoga is such a joy, it is such an energy-giving thing, it is such a light that you feel absolutely confident about yourself. So to ask you to leave Sahaja Yoga is the greatest punishment, because you can’t leave Me now. It’s difficult. You just can’t leave Me. It’s impossible. And that is what it is, that you also develop those qualities that you can’t leave. See, a child, if it is lost, I mean, the parents just go off, they don’t know how the child is lost. But supposing, some son of theirs is a very bad boy, is misbehaving, is doing all kinds of wrong things, they don’t mind. But when they are young, they are innocent. It’s some sort of a tremendous attachment to them and understanding that, “They are our children, we have to look after them.” So [it is] this innocence that attracts you, that keeps you wondering about your children, about other children. And I was very happy the way you gave a present to Guido, because he’s doing a very difficult task, I must say. And this appreciation shows that to you it’s very valuable that your children are looked after. But you are also a child of your Mother. As a result, you have all these powers within yourself. But you must know how to smile. You must know how to win over people. Still there are some Sahaj Yogis and some Sahaj Yoginis who are still rather stiff. I find them a little stiff type, and they can’t give up their stiffness. Maybe they think no end of themselves or whatever it is. Then they will not enjoy Sahaja Yoga. Of course, mentally of course they understand Sahaj Yoga and all that, but they cannot enjoy fully Sahaj Yoga and all its mirth, its joyous moments. Today is to celebrate His birth, and He was the first God that was created on this Earth, because He is also auspiciousness, He is also Holiness. So the Primordial Mother didn’t want to create this world without first creating the holiness, the auspiciousness, the purity. And that’s why He was first created. Created on this Earth with vibrations, just a bundle of vibrations, so that He can look after all the people who are going to come from ages to ages, to guide them always on the right path. So He is supposed to be in charge of our conscience, the conscience that eats you up sometimes, that says: “This is not all right. This I should not have done. That I should have not done.” But one should try to take very great pride in it. Like, there was one gentleman, an Indian – Indians can be exceptionally innocent sometimes, exceptionally, you can’t understand them – so I told him, “Why did you give up your land?” He said, “Mother, I thought that later on, when my children will grow, I might become greedy and I may not give this land to my brother, who deserves it. Because I’m too clever, I can cheat him, so I thought it’s better to give up. So I gave up the land to my brother.” And he so innocently was telling Me that, “I should not become greedy because maybe that my children will grow up and I will feel that I must give all this to my children, so I decided to give up the land just now to my own brother.” But I said, “What about your brother?” He said, “He deserves, he needs. I don’t need so much land. I am doing very well in life. That’s why I have given.” “But legally?” “Legally,” he said, “it was not in his name, but I thought it’s better that I give it to him now. Later on I might become a bad man.” So the innocence works out in such a manner. And very sweet, sweet stories I have got to tell you. There’s one Sahaj Yogi who was a little boy, say about sixteen years old, he came to Me and he said, “My mother has some badhas and the father, too. I don’t know what to do. Now supposing I leave my father and mother, then will the badhas also leave me?” I said, “May be. May not be. Depends.” “Then what is the need for people to leave their parents when they are eighteen years of age? Why do people leave their parents at eighteen years of age? Because, you see, it will be a big loss.” I said, “Why?” “Firstly, if I start smoking, who will stop me?” Such an innocent thing. “If I start smoking, only my father can slap me on the face, nobody else. So he can save me from the smoking.” I was amazed at his innocence, the way he was saying that “I want my father to be there to slap me.” And then he said, “And then my mother, she’s the one who corrects me [on] every point; so if she goes away, if I am not with her, who will correct me? Who will tell me don’t do this and don’t do that?” I never understood, that look at this boy of sixteen years – he’s an Indian – telling me that his parents’ utility is that they are the only people who can stop him from doing wrong things. Because he was a born-realized [soul] and he could see that “if I try to do something wrong, it’s only my parents can tell me.” So this innocence always seeks virtuous life, this better life, and it doesn’t assert on others. But it’s, somehow or other, when there is innocence – just like you people are now Self-Realized people – in the light of your Self, you don’t want to do something that is not innocent, that is not simple. For example, I have never seen such honest people as we have in Sahaja Yoga. Absolutely honest. I mean, they don’t want to take even a single pie [unit of currency in India] out of things. Of course, there have been some horrible people, also, who made lots of money out of Sahaj Yoga – doesn’t matter – but most of you have become so honest. I mean there’s so much corruption in this world and to see people who are so honest. Now the greatest quality, as you know, of Shri Ganesha’s was told yesterday, that for them their Mother is the most important. What Mother says and what Mother does, that’s the most important thing. I mean, it is so much that I really can’t understand how you people are so much fond of Me. Because I think that whatever you think about Me mentally is nothing compared to what you have within yourself, and that is Shri Ganesha’s, again, the quality. Because He’s so attached to Me that he will fight his Father, he will fight everybody. That’s what you are. Anything against Me, you cannot tolerate, anything wrong said against Me, you cannot follow. I have seen people getting furious if somebody said a word against Me. So this quality of love for Me is coming from Shri Ganesha within you. But another quality, as I said, is that He makes the ganas work, and so you have to work it out. Yesterday’s thing has shown Me how this collectivity of Switzerland has come up so well. So well. And it was really showing how we can progress. You all have talents. Not that only the Swiss have. You all have talents. You all have understanding. You are all intelligent. All of you are special people and you have to work out in a collective way and also an individual way to show your quality of Shri Ganesh, the way He has the rhythm within Him. He’s very rhythmic, and yesterday those two big musicians sitting, he said, “Mother, they are so rhythmically clapping, they are rhythmic. There’s no, ‘ha, ha, hoo, hoo,’ just clapping and so rhythmic. Nobody makes a mistake.” Then they said, “When they sing, also, nobody’s out of tune.” Normally, if ten people are singing, without proper training, then these are in alto, tenor, bass, everything, they go on. And you don’t know on what swar [note] they have taken, on what note they are singing. But they were yesterday very amazed that all of you were singing on the same note; you wouldn’t leave the note and come onto another note. That shows that the rhythm of Shri Ganesha is working in you and His understanding of music, which is one of His qualities, that He dances on the music of which Nataraja, the Father, Shiva, has taught Him. It’s very rhythmic. That part, I think, a little bit, Sahaja Yogis are missing: that when they dance, they need not be all of them in a very rhythmic pattern. They’re all right, but still one has to learn a little more rhythmic pattern, would be a good idea. As the Shri Ganesha, which is such a big stomach that He has, He dances so well, so lightly He lifts his body and the way He works it out, it’s amazing. How does He do it with such – and a short person – with such thick legs? He is very light and the lightness comes because of innocence – Mooladhar. If the Mooladhara is all right, then lightness is there. You have seen in Maharashtra how these people were playing the Lezim [type of dance] with such speed and with such lightness: they were lifting their legs and hand. It was really amazing how they were doing it. And it is only the innocence of these people of the villages, that they don’t understand much of this nonsense. They don’t know what is going on with all these things. They earn their living, they are farmers, and then in the evening they just sleep off in complete innocence. They do not plan, they do not sit down and find out how to kill somebody – maybe, something, how to rob somebody – or other bad things that people think, the bad action that comes into their minds. There is no time for that. They work the whole day. In the evening, nicely they sleep. Or else they will have a bhajan mandeley where they will all sing together in a very beautiful manner. So it’s a real Sahaj style where we don’t have to think about killing anybody or to murder anybody. Like all these cults, they have weapons with them! I can’t understand. Even I was told that in Poland, our pope maharaj sent lots of weapons there. What is the need for anybody who is spiritual to have weapons around, and think of violence and killing people? Because there is no innocence at all. You can see that. If you are innocent, your power is your innocence. You don’t have to have weapons and guns and things. All these religions, so-called, are using nothing but weapons and guns and all kinds of killing objects, and they are also killed. It’s a funny thing going on in the name of God, in the name of Shri Ganesh. There is no need for us to fight. There is no need for us to think that we’ll kill this man or kill that one. Only you have to just desire, project your energy, and you will see the person will disappear. He’ll either become a transformed person or he will not be there to trouble you. So, one thing I have to again stress is that we must know our qualities and our powers. Many people I know could never come on the stage and speak also. I said, “You get along. Finished. Start.” It worked out. Anything, you just project. “I can do it. Why can’t I do it?” To say, “I can’t. I am sorry.” This “sorry” is so common now. On the telephone also people will say “sorry.” I said, “What ‘sorry’?” All the time, “sorry, sorry, sorry.” We used to say, “I beg your pardon” – was sensible. But the way people are: “Poor me,” you know. “How can I do it?” All such people are not yet aware of their powers that they have. You can do it, everything. You can. Everything can be managed. After all, you have the power. In that power, you must know that you are not going to do something indiscreet, you are not going to spoil anybody. But your power itself will show that this power is really of love, affection, compassion for the transformation of the whole world. I am thinking of the complete global transformation, which is, I know, is a mad dream, but still I think like that. Because I see you all, then I think you all can do it, and when I see the Shri Ganesha in you, I am sure it will work out. So, in My lifetime I have seen so many Sahaj Yogis, all over. How things have worked out, you have heard about, in Brazil and also in Argentina – most unexpected. The people came to a program from twelve o’clock in the morning when we were going to have the program at seven o’clock! I reached there at about eight, as usual, and they said, “Mother, You won’t believe, there was a big drama here.” I said, “What drama?” “They were sitting here from twelve o’clock, so all those who had come earlier got inside, but those who came at the last minute, they would not be allowed and they are sitting there and fighting: ‘No, we are going to come inside somehow.’” So then one of the Sahaja Yogis sensibly went and talked to the manager and told [the manager], “Baba, let them come. There is room.” So there were four tiers. One was the ground, then one more, one more, one more. When I came, I saw: “What’s this?” All over, the whole thing was filled with these people. I had never seen them before, but they were there, and so respectful, so much absorbing the vibrations. And I found it difficult to control My tears out of a real feeling of such gratitude for Shri Ganesh. He’s the one who worked it out. That’s why they say always, “First worship Shri Ganesh before starting any work,” because then it gives you that peace, that tremendous powerful peace which works out so many things that you never thought it would. So we have to request Shri Ganesha, that all the problems of our land-owning should be solved by Him and by your Shri Ganesh power. We are still hoping to get the land, and I want to install this properly for you because every time I don’t want you to suffer like this. It’s a pilgrimage, but rather difficult this time you all had, but you managed it very nicely and you never showed any kind of a reluctance to accept this challenge. Shri Ganesha was testing you I think, also, a little bit. But all that has worked out so well and now we are here to do the puja of Shri Ganesh. May God Bless you.
Fourth World Conference on Women
Fourth World Conference on Women, "On the Global Problems Facing Women, Inter-Regional Round Table". Commodity Exchange Tower, Beijing (China) 13 September 1995. Moderator: Dear Mother Shrivastava, Who is a spiritual Mother and the present head of Sahaja Yoga, which I'm very much looking forward to hearing what You have to say, because I'm sure that You have such desires for many women around the world. I'm looking forward to being touched by You today. H.H. Shri Mataji: Brothers and Sisters of the World, It is a great honor for Me to talk about global problems of women in front of this distinguished assembly. First of all, I would like to offer My profound gratitude to the government and people of our host country, the People's Republic of China. I have had a privilege of visiting China on two previous occasions, and I am a great admirer of the wisdom and culture of this great nation that I have visited. This is beyond My imagination the most glorious time in the history of the world, that at this time we are so much aware of the problems of women. Women as a whole have definitely suffered over the ages, as the previous lady has told you, because we have not realized what their importance is and what their proper role is in human society. Society itself, which is her creation, tries to control or put down the womanhood. In the East, we can say, that due to fundamentalist influence women have been under great pressure and their morality is based on fear rather than freedom. In the West they have fought for their freedom, but what they have attained is spurious freedom. The women in the West have freedom to abandon all social and moral values. Thus in the East, we can say, that most of the women are timid, oppressed and cannot express themselves, while in the West we find most of the women are reduced to a sex symbol. They are keen to expose their bodies. Their anxiety is to appear in fashion advertisements and very cheap popularity. Most of them accepted this position because otherwise they could not have survived in that chaotic world of the West. What most of the women in the East would regard as very humiliating and degrading is regarded as something very glorifying in the West. I have seen both the worlds very deeply and I feel that unless and until you bring a new culture by which women from the East and West can both rise in their own esteem and express themselves in such a way that they create high moral standards for their society, women neither in the East nor in the West will rise to their full stature of feminine speciality. The speciality is that if women are respected for their womanhood, understanding what they are capable of and how they can empower themselves with all the education needed, all the security will be provided to them and they will provide security to the society. All the fundamentalists who talk of religion expect women to be absolutely moral and the men can do whatever they like. I feel we have to educate men more than women, because the idea of war comes also only from the men, in the beginning. I must admit it is not difficult to collect money for poor women in the developing countries and help them to get out of their poverty, but unfortunately My knowledge is that the money we are collecting may not reach the poor women but may end up into the pockets of the corrupt ministers, bureaucrats and other people in charge, and ultimately it will end up in the Swiss Bank. I do not want to criticize any UN organization because I know they are very honest in their purpose, but they must be made aware of what is happening under the table. [Applause] We in India have two very big states called as Uttar Pradesh and Bihar which are very much helped by UNICEF as well as the World Health Organization. UNICEF started a project called Angan, meaning "courtyard", where the children were to be educated and brought up in a proper shape. This project is not working at all for the children, but all the money goes into the pockets of all the corrupt people who are in charge of that project and the children do not even get two percent of what is being sent for them. Same with the World Health Organization, which is sending medicines and equipment to India. These medicines are sold in the market and are completely used by the recipients for their own gains. The same happens to W.H.O. equipment. So the poor people never get any benefit and they remain all the time helpless. All this money is called dirty money but goes to the clean Swiss bank. A large part of the loans which the World Bank gives to the developing country is also siphoned back to the personal account of the corrupt officials maintained in Swiss Bank. Thus all the developing countries are indebted to the World Bank but have no money. The money is in the Swiss Bank. So I would request you all to take this up with the Swiss Bank and request them to return all such money which has been siphoned in the Swiss Bank [Applause] by very corrupt people and give this money to the UN so that the UN can utilize it for the education of women and other purposes as well as what is to be given to people under very effective vigilance. One has to have a very good network of people, especially women, who are involved and who are honest, compassionate and who would like to make the best out of this money, helping the women who have to achieve social equality. The main work of womanhood is to create a good society that would enjoy peace better. Immorality, corruption and violence are the two horrible monsters which are eating up our society. I would blame the mothers of these corrupt and immoral persons because they failed in their duty as mothers in their childhood. The loving training of the mother is the first and most effective influence in shaping the children into beautiful citizens. Mothers who never tried to guide with great concern and love, or the wives or the daughters who are falling into the fear of the men or of the destructive culture, have not done their duty as integral members of the family to strengthen the moral fiber of the men. It is important also to see how children are treated in these two cultures of East and West. What we see in the East is that the children would listen to their mothers if they are not under fundamentalist culture. This culture relegates women to the level of an inferior human being, fit to be dominated by men and children. In the West also the same thing happens. Children don't respect their mothers, neither do they listen to them. I feel this is because, generally, the Western women spend more time looking after their bodies and looks than on looking after and loving their children. The nexus between the mother and children weakens and then it is for this reason that many children become street urchins and violent. Fortunately there are still many families in the East and some in the West who deeply defy the corrupting influence of today and look after their children and bring them up properly. But still I must say that the children in the East are not that much ruined as they are in the West. The reason, also, is that in the East there are many people who have not taken to fundamentalist culture or to the Western culture and have a very good society and produce children who are exceptionally good, though this number may not be very great. But whatever culture they have inherited, since long, traditionally, is very much ingrained in them and to them the moral value system is the highest, more than money or power. The West is full of problems. Though they have money, they don't have peace within themselves. The truth is that women are the potential power of every civilization and every country. It is evident that women are the creators and the preservers of the entire humankind. This is the role which the almighty God has given, assigned to them. Seeds cannot create anything by themselves. It is the Mother Earth which provides the flowers and the fruits and other bounties. Similarly, it is the woman who create the child, who nurtures the baby and eventually brings up the citizen of tomorrow. Women must therefore rank with Mother Earth as the edifice of the entire humanity. Unfortunately, men have utilized muscle power to gain a dominating position over women. They have not recognized that women are complementary and equal, but not similar partners in human endeavors. A society that does (not) recognize this fundamental truth and does not give to women their rightful role is not a civilized society. In My own country there is a saying in Sanskrit, "Yatra narya pujyante tatra ramante devata", which means that "Where the women are respected and respectable, there resides the gods of our well-being." So it is for us, at this moment, to understand the value of this great power that is given to us by our Creator. But what do we find? Whether in the East or in the West, women have not been able to give a full manifestation of their greatness. I am not suggesting at all that the only role of women in human society is that of the mother, the procreator and preserver of children, or that of a wife, or a sister. Women have a full right to participate as equal partners in every aspect of life - social, cultural, educational, political, economical, administrative and the rest. In order to prepare themselves for this all-pervading role, they must have the right to education in all branches of knowledge. But if they are mothers, they have a great responsibility towards their children as well as their society. Men are responsible for politics and economics of the country, but women are responsible for the society. Women can also support men and they can take a leading part, of course, in any post, but it is very important that they should not forget they are women who have to manifest deep motherly concern and love. If they become manly and aggressive, the balance of the society cannot be maintained. At the same time I must submit that, while we ask for the rights of women, we must also stress the fundamental duties of women to the human society. The women in the West, or those who are educated in the West, also some others I have seen, have gone to the other extreme when they are taking to political, economical or administrative roles. To compete with men they have become much too self-willed, self-centered and ambitious. They have no more their soothing, pleasing qualities which can bring peace and balance. On the contrary, they become dominating, pleasure-seeking individuals. They are far more worried about their physical attractions than about having a pleasing, sweet and dignified personality. They give into their baser self much faster than men, wittingly or unwittingly. All this leads to chaotic societies and children grow up into street urchins, preparing for wars. What we need is a balance between the two extremes. We need women as equal but not similar partners with men, but with a subtle understanding of the nature of men and how to bring them into the center with their inner balance. We need balanced women in order to have a balanced human race with peace within itself. You might say all this is excellent in thought, but how do we achieve this state of balance? How do we stem the tide of diseases, corruption, immorality, immaturity and violence? How do we end the present state of conflict and confusion? How do we bring about peace within every mind and heart? I very humbly submit that there is an answer to these questions. There is a new way... Shri Mataji to Moderator: Do you want Me to tell the new way? Moderator: Just tell them. You have three minutes. Whatever I am going to tell you now is not be taken for granted. You should, of course, have your minds open like scientists and treat whatever I am stating as a hypothesis. If this hypothesis can be proved, then you have to accept it as honest persons as the absolute truth because it is for your benevolence. It is for the benevolence of your family. It is for the benevolence of your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. I am here to tell you about the last breakthrough of our evolution. This breakthrough of our evolution in our awareness has to happen in these modern times and has been, moreover, recorded in the writings of many seers. These are the times called as the "Decadent Times", last called by the great saint Vyasa who has written the Gita, and it is the decadence of humanity that we see around in every way possible, and unless and until we improve that, war cannot be avoided. Now I would like to tell the secret knowledge of our inner being which was known in India thousands of years back. For our evolution and spiritual ascent there is a residual power within us which is located in the triangular bone at the base of our spine. This residual power is known as Kundalini. Though the knowledge of this power was available thousands of years back in India, the awakening of the Kundalini was done, traditionally, on an individual basis only. One guru would give awakening to one disciple. As a result of that awakening, what happens is that you achieve your Self Realization, your Selfhood. Secondly, when this power is awakened, it rises and passes through six subtle energy centers in your body, nourishing them and integrating them. Ultimately, this power breaks through the fontanel bone area called as the Taloo or the Brahmarandra and connects you to the all-pervading power of Divine love, which is described in the Bible also as the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost also in the Koran as Ruh and also in the Indian scriptures as Paramchaitanya. Patanjali has called it as Ritambhara PrAgnya. Whatever the name, this is a power which is all-pervading, which does all the subtle works of living process, of evolutionary process. The existence of this all-pervading energy is not felt before Realization, but after Self Realization you can feel it on your fingertips or at the center of your palm or above the fontanel bone area. Moreover, this process has to be spontaneous, Sahaja. Saha means with and ja means born. That means the right to get this union with the all-pervading power of Divine love is the birthright of every human being. Our mental energies are limited. Our limited mental energy, which is linear in movement and has no sustenance of reality, reaches a point and stops. From there it boomerangs and all mental, linear movement comes back to us as a punishment sometimes. So now we need more energy, higher energy, deeper energy and for that this happening has to take place if we don't want to have another war. I must say that in the West, I have met many people who are true seekers of Truth and are fed up of artificiality of the Western life. Also they didn't know what they were seeking sometimes and they have made lots of mistakes. They have gone to false gurus who have taken lots of money and the people have become bankrupts and mentally and physically handicapped. The one thing you must note that the awakening of the Kundalini and thus achieving Self-Realization is a living process of evolution for which we cannot pay anything. It is like putting a seed in the Mother Earth. It sprouts because Mother Earth has the power to sprout it. Which shows - in the same way we have this germinating power in the triangular bone which Greeks called as Sacrum which is a three and a half coiled energy which shows that the Greeks knew that this was a sacred bone and hence they gave the same name, Sacrum. Actually in some people you can see this triangular bone pulsating and the Kundalini very slowly rising, but there are many who have got Self Realization. Now this Sahaja Yoga is working in 85 nations, and they have all become extremely peaceful with each other. In their hearts, they're integrated and they have become extremely loving and compassionate. I'm sorry I can't tell you more, but the time is over. I hope you don't mind. Thank you very much. Moderator: Thank You very much. I'm so sorry You had to rush over the method ...There are copies of this paper that we can all have and I think the beauty of it is that it points to a method that we can all use for Self Realization that we can also become peaceful people and have peaceful relationships with others. That's what I gleaned so far from what You said. I hope I got the right message. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. Moderator: Thank You very much. Note: Shri Mataji had prepared a longer talk to be delivered at the conference. However, due to time constraints, She was not able to read the entire talk. The following is a transcript of the prepared talk. Brothers and Sisters of the World, It is a great honor for Me to talk about global problems of women in front of this distinguished assembly. First of all I would like to offer My profound gratitude to the government and people of our host country, the People's Republic of China. I have had the privilege of visiting China on two previous occasions and I am a great admirer of the wisdom and culture of this great nation that I have visited. This is, beyond My imagination, the most glorious time in the history of the world that at this time we are so much aware of the problems of women. Women as a whole have definitely suffered over the ages as the previous lady has told you because we have not realized what their importance is and what their proper role is in human society. Society itself, which is her creation, tries to control or put down the womanhood. In the East, we can say, that due to fundamentalist influence women have been under great pressure and their morality is based on fear rather than freedom. In the West they have fought for their freedom, but what they have attained is spurious freedom. The women in the West have freedom to abandon all social and moral values. Thus in the East, we can say, that most of the women are timid, oppressed and cannot express themselves, while in the West we find most of the women are reduced to a sex symbol. They are keen to expose their body. Their anxiety is to appear in fashion advertisements and very cheap popularity. Most of them accepted this position because otherwise they could not have survived in that chaotic world of the West. What most of the women in the East would regard as very humiliating and degrading is regarded as something very glorifying in the West. I have seen both the worlds very deeply and I feel that unless and until you bring a new culture by which women from the East and West can both rise in their own esteem and express themselves in such a way that they create high moral standards for their society, women neither in the East nor in the West will rise to their full stature of feminine speciality. The speciality is that if women are respected for their womanhood, understanding what they are capable of and how they can empower themselves with all the education needed, all the security will be provided to them and they will provide security to the society. All the fundamentalists who talk of religion expect women to be absolutely moral and the men can do whatever they like. I feel we have to educate men more than women, because the idea of war comes only from the men. I must admit it is not difficult to collect money for poor women in the developing countries and help them to get out of their poverty, but unfortunately, my knowledge is that the money we are collecting may not reach the poor women but may end up into the pockets of the corrupt ministers, bureaucrats and other people in charge and ultimately will end up in the Swiss Bank. I do not want to criticize any UN organization because I know they are very honest in their purpose, but they must be made aware of what is happening under the table. We in India have two very big states called as Uttar Pradesh and Bihar which are very much helped by UNICEF as well as the World Health Organization. UNICEF started a project called Angan, meaning Courtyard, where the children were to be educated and brought up in a proper shape. This project is not at all working for the children but all the money goes into the pockets of all the corrupt people who are in charge of that project and the children do not get even two percent of what is being sent for them. Same with the World Health Organization, which is sending medicines and equipment to India. These medicines are sold in the market and are completely used by the recipients for their own gains. The same happens to W.H.O. equipment. So the poor people never get any benefit and they remain all the time helpless. One has to have a very good network of people, especially women, who are involved and who are honest, compassionate and who would like to make the best out of this money, helping the women to achieve social equality. The main work of womanhood is to create a good society. Immorality and corruption are the two horrible monsters which are eating up our society. I would blame the mothers of these immoral and corrupt persons because they failed in their duty as mothers in their childhood. The loving training of the mother is the first and most effective influence in shaping the children into beautiful citizens. Mothers who have never tried to guide with great concern and love, or the wives or the daughters who are falling into the fear of the men or of the destructive culture, have not done their duty as integral members of the family to strengthen the moral fiber of the men. It is important also to see how children are treated in these two cultures of East and West. What we see in the East is that children would listen to their mothers if they are not under fundamentalist culture. This culture relegates women to the level of an inferior human being, fit to be dominated by men and children. In the West also the same thing happens. Children don't respect their mothers neither do they listen to them. I feel this is because, generally, the Western women spend more time looking after their body and looks than on looking after and loving their children. The nexus between the mother and children weakens and breaks. It is for this reason that many children become street urchins. Fortunately there are still many families in the East and some in the West who deeply defy the corrupting trends of today and look after their children and bring them up properly. But still I must say that the children in the East are not that much ruined as they are in the West. The reason, also, is that in the East there are many people who have not taken to fundamentalist culture or to the Western culture and have a very good society and produce children who are exceptionally good although this number may not be very great. But whatever culture they have inherited, since long, traditionally, is very much ingrained in them and to them the moral value system is the highest, more than money or power. The West is now full of problems. Though they have money, they don't have peace within and without. The truth is that women are the potential power of every civilization and every country. It is evident that women are the creators and the preservers of the entire humankind. This is the role that the almighty God has assigned to them. Seeds cannot create anything by themselves. It is the Mother Earth which provides the flowers and the fruits and other bounties. Similarly, it is the woman who creates the child, who nurtures the baby and eventually brings up the citizen of tomorrow. Women must therefore rank with Mother Earth as the edifice of the entire humanity. Unfortunately, men have utilized muscle power to gain a dominating position over women. They have not recognized that women are complementary and equal but not similar partners in human endeavors. A society that does recognize this fundamental truth and does not given to women their rightful role is not a civilized society. In my own country there is a saying in Sanskrit, "Yatra nayra pujyante tatra ramante devata", which means that "Where the women are respected and respectable, there resides the Gods of our well-being". So it is for us, at this moment, to recognize the value of this great power that is given to us by our Creator. But what do we find? Whether in the East or in the West, women have not been able to give a full manifestation of their greatness. I am not suggesting at all that the only role of women in society is that of the Mother, the pro-creator and preserver of children, or that of a wife, or a sister. Women have a full right to participate as equal partners in every aspect of life - social, cultural, educational, political, economical, administrative and the rest. In order to prepare themselves for this all-pervading role, they must have the right to education in all branches of knowledge. But if they are mothers, they have a great responsibility towards their children as well as their society. Men are responsible for the politics and economics of the country but women are responsible for the society. Women can also support men and they can take a leading part, of course, in any position but, it is very important that they should not forget that they are women who have to manifest deep motherly concern and love. If they become manly and aggressive the balance of society cannot be maintained. At the same time I must submit that, while we ask for the rights of women, we must also stress the fundamental duties of women to the human society. The women in the West, or those who are educated in the West, have gone to the other extreme when they are taking to political, economical or administrative roles. To compete with men they have become much too self-willed, self-centered and ambitious. They have no more their soothing and pleasing qualities which can keep the balance. On the contrary, they become dominating, pleasure-seeking individuals. They are far more worried about their physical attractions than having a pleasing, sweet and dignified personality. They give into their baser self much faster than men, wittingly or unwittingly. All this leads to chaotic societies and children grow up into street urchins, thieves and even murderers, as we read everyday in the paper. What we need is a balance between the two extremes. We need women as equal but not similar partners with men, but with a subtle understanding of the nature of men and how to bring them into the center with inner balance. We need balanced women in order to have a balanced human race with peace within itself. You might say all this is excellent in thought, but how do we achieve this state of balance? How do we stem the tide of diseases, corruption, immorality and immaturity? How do we end the present state of conflict and confusion? How do we bring about peace within every mind and heart? I very humbly submit that there is an answer to these questions. There is a new way... Whatever I am going to tell you now is not be taken for granted. You should, of course, have your minds open like scientists and treat whatever I am stating as a hypothesis. If this hypothesis can be proved, then you have to accept it as honest persons as the absolute truth because it is for your benevolence. It is for the benevolence of your family. It is for the benevolence of your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. I am here to tell you about the last breakthrough of our evolution. This breakthrough of our evolution in our awareness has to happen in these modern times and has been, moreover, recorded in the writings of many seers. These are the times called as the "Decadent Times", last called by the great saint Vyasa who has written the Gita, and it is the decadence of humanity that we see around in every way possible. Now I would like to tell the secret knowledge of our inner being which was known in India thousands of years back. For our evolution and spiritual ascent there is a residual power within us which is located in the triangular bone at the base of our spine. This residual power is known as Kundalini. Though the knowledge of this power was available thousands of years back in India, the awakening of the Kundalini was done, traditionally, on an individual basis only. One guru would give awakening to one disciple. As a result of that awakening, what happens is that you achieve your Self-Realization, your Self-hood. Secondly, when this power is awakened, it rises and passes through six subtle energy centers in your body, nourishing them and integrating them. Ultimately, this power breaks through the fontanel bone area called as the Taloo or the Brahmarandra and connects you to the all-pervading power of Divine love, which is described in the bible also as the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost also in the Koran as Ruh and also in the Indian scriptures as Paramchaitanya. Patanjali has called it as Ritambhara PrAgnya. Whatever the name, this is a power which is all-pervading, which does all the subtle works of living process, of evolutionary process. The existence of this all-pervading energy is not felt before Realization but after Self-Realization you can feel it on your fingertips or at the center of your palm or above the fontanel bone area. Moreover, this process has to be spontaneous, Sahaja. Saha means with and ja means born. That means the right to get this union with the all-pervading power of Divine love is the birthright of every human being. Our mental energies are limited. Our limited mental energy, which is linear in movement and has not sustenance of reality, reaches a point and stops. From there it boomerangs and all that mental, linear movement comes back to us as a punishment sometimes. So now we need more energy, higher energy, deeper energy and for that this happening has to take place. I must say that in the West, I have met many people who are true Seekers of Truth and are fed up of artificiality of the Western life. Also they didn't know what they were seeking sometimes and they have made lots of mistakes. They have gone to false gurus who have taken lots of money and the people have become bankrupts and mentally and physically handicapped. The one thing you must note is that the awakening of the Kundalini and thus achieving Self-Realization is a living process of evolution for which we cannot pay anything. It is like putting a seed in the Mother Earth. It sprouts because Mother Earth has the power to sprout it and the seed has an in-built germinating quality within it. In the same way we have this germinating power in the triangular bone which Greeks called as Sacrum. Actually in some people you can see this triangular bone pulsating and the Kundalini very slowly rising, but where there are no obstructions and if the person is a balanced being, the Kundalini rises from the Sacrum just like a jet and passes through the fontanel bone area to become one with the all-pervading power. This Kundalini is the spiritual mother of every individual and She knows or has recorded all the past aspirations of Her child. She is anxious to give second birth to Her child and, during Her ascent, She nourishes six energy centers. When a person is not connected to the all pervading power, he is like an instrument which is not connected to the mains and has no identity, has no meaning, has no purpose. As soon as it is connected, all that is built in inside this instrument starts working and manifesting itself. When this Kundalini rises it connects you to the all pervading power, which is vital and which is an ocean of knowledge as well as an ocean of bliss. After the awakening of Kundalini, you experience many coincidences which are miraculous and extremely blissful. Above all Kundalini is the ocean of forgiveness. So what ever mistakes you have committed in the past are forgiven and instead you get your self-realization as a blessing. The consequences of the awakening of the Kundalini and thereby the attainment of Self-Realization are numerous. First and foremost, such a person is constantly in contact with or is in fact a part of the all pervading Divine power. He seeks the truth by using his new awareness. And truth is one. All self-realized persons see this same truth. Thus conflicts are avoided. Purely mental activity without Self-Realization, leads to conflicting ideas and even wars. All this is avoided after Self-Realization. Now, let us see how many other things happen in a person who gets realization. Firstly you start feeling the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost on your fingertips, which represent the subtle energy centers. Thus you know the truth on your fingertips. You transcend all the limitations of race, religion and other ideas and you go beyond your mind to see and feel the reality and understand it. he next thing that happens is that you become thoughtlessly aware. We live in the future and the past through our thoughts. They come to us from these two areas of time but we cannot be in the present. While these thoughts are rising and falling we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts. But when Kundalini rises She elongates these thoughts and thereby creates some space in-between, which is the present, which is the reality. So the past is over and the future doesn't exist. At that time you have no thoughts. You reach a new state as you become thoughtlessly aware about which Jung has written clearly. At this moment whatsoever happens is recorded in your memory well and you enjoy every moment of this in reality. When you become thoughtlessly aware then you become completely peaceful within yourself. A person who has achieved this peace also emits peace and creates a peaceful atmosphere around himself. This peace is very important. Unless and until we have this peace we will never truly understand whatever our ideas are, whether universal or just limited. You can feel your own seven centers on your fingertips. Also you can feel the centers of others because you develop a new level of awareness which is called as Collective Consciousness. When such new awareness is established into you, you start feeling also the centers of others. I must tell you that these centers are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing and when they are affected or they are in jeopardy, people suffer from one disease or another. As a result of the awakening of the Kundalini and the nourishment of these centers, an important development would be that you will feel an inner balance and you will enjoy good health. Many diseases, even some incurable ones, have been cured by the awakening of the Kundalini. Even the database of the inherited genes may be restructured after self-realization through the awakening of the Kundalini. As a result, a person who might have inherited genes indicating criminal tendency might become a good man. Our attention also becomes very pure. In the light of the spirit we can see things much more clearly than when we were blind. For example, a person who goes with his blind eyes and feels an elephant and then another comes in and a third comes in - all of them have different ideas about the elephant, depending on whichever part of the elephant they have touched. But if they open their eyes then they can all see the same thing, the reality, and there will be no quarrel and fights. A self-realized person can feel the absolute knowledge on the fingertips. Supposing someone doesn't believe in God. A self-realized person can suggest to the non-believer that he should ask the question: "Is there God?" The questioner will get, you will find, a very nice cool breeze coming into his being. He may not believe in God but there is God. Unfortunately, so many of those who believe in God are also absurd, hypocritical, cruel, weird and so immoral that people have lost faith in God. But while those who represent God may be wrong, God himself exists and his power also exists which we call as the all-pervading power of Divine love. This is the power of love and compassion and not of aggression and destruction when it is imbibed in a yogi or in a self-realized person, it works in a very different way, like an angel. Such people can cure others and cure themselves. Even mental cases have been cured. Not only that. Even those who have been to wrong gurus in their search of truth have achieved their spiritual stability, after leaving the false gurus and coming to the path of self-realization. In the next stage, you become thoughtlessly aware, when your Kundalini is stabilized and you know undoubtedly that you have achieved your self-realization, that you have attained all the powers that can be utilized. You become very powerful because you can raise the Kundalini of others. You become very active and you don't feel tired easily. For example, I am seventy three years of age and I am traveling about every third day, but I am quite all right. This energy flows into you and fills you up with vitality. You become extremely dynamic and at the same time extremely compassionate, kind and mild. You feel that you are protected and thus you are confident but not egotistical. Your whole personality changes. This is the kind of global transformation which is taking place with such a speed all over that I, myself, am surprised at how it is working out so fast. Actually, this knowledge existed a long time back but my contribution, if there is any, is that we can now achieve en-masse realization. Thousands can achieve mass realization. It is a gift of this time where it was predicted that such a global transformation will take place. In as many as 65 countries, thousands of people have attained their Self-Realization through Sahaja Yoga. The power of Kundalini is the pure desire of attaining your self-hood. If someone doesn't want to have it, you cannot force him because the Divine respects the freedom of that person. If he wants to go to heaven, he can go there, or if he wants to go to hell, he can go to hell. Self-realization can be attained easily if the people have a sincere and pure desire to get their self-realization. But if they stick to some of their ideas, which are fixed, the Kundalini won't rise. Also it cannot work for idiots or for immature people. It works for people who are wise, who are more in the center, and it works very fast. I was amazed to see that it has worked even on people who were drug addicts, who were alcoholics and who were very immoral. But they all had an intense and pure desire to secure self-improvement, self-realization. So many of such people achieved their goal of self-realization. Overnight, they gave up their drugs, their alcoholism . Thus you become very powerful and at the same time you understand that you are now glorified and you start behaving in a very dignified and a very sensible manner. This is how a new culture is born and this new culture takes you, in a way, into a new style of life where you become innately, I say innately, righteous. Nobody has to tell you: "Don't do this" and "Don't do that". It is all achieved through your enlightened attention. This enlightened attention is also full of power. Wherever you put your attention it works, it creates peace, it creates harmony and also it creates a new dimension of collective consciousness. So to blame your genes for your mistakes is not going to work out anymore because these genes can be changes in their database and can be brough to the level of a very righteous, angelic personality. The ego and the conditioning of a person gets dissolves by the ascent of the Kundalini and he becomes really a free bird. Absolute freedom is achieved in reality and his behaviour changes tremendously with great faith in himself. He becomes a witness of the whole drama of life. When you are in the water you are afraid of getting drowned, but supposing you get into a boat, you can watch the same waters with enjoyment. But if you learn how to jump in the water and save others then it is even a higher situation and so we have a higher awareness which we call as doubtless awareness. Above all, we fall into the ocean of joy. Joy is absolute. It doesn't have duality. It is not like happiness and unhappiness. It is a singular thing and once you jump into it you learn easily how to enjoy everything, whether it is beautiful or ridiculous. In one case you see the beauty; in the other you see the humour as to how people are ridiculous. The remarkable thing is that Sahaja Yogis have become great musicians, great writers, great speakers, great administrators. In every way they have risen very high, specially in their attitude towards others. They respect everyone and they know what is wrong with other people so that this person who has these problems can be easily evolved and become a self-realised soul. It is like one candle lighting another candle. This work is going on all over the world and there is great hope that it will also start in China. Before this, somehow, I could not start my work but the Divine coincidence has given a chance to me by this conference to talk to Chinese people, whom I find very wise and sensitive, about the great treasure of spirituality. This is not a coincidence. It was inevitable and has been brought about by this all-pervading power. In your life also you will notice lots of coincidences but you will not know how to connect them to something that is Divine unless and until you get connected to like Divine power. Confucius has taught the humanity how we can improve our relations with other human beings. But Lao Tse in Chine has very beautifully described TAO, meaning the Kundalini. And I have had a voyage through the Yangtze River through which Lao Tse had gone many times. I know he was trying to show that river, which is the Kundalini, is flowing towards the sea and one should not be tempted by the nature that is around. The nature around the Yangtze River is very, very beautiful, no doubt, but one has to go through the river. Also there are lots of currents which flow and can be quite dangerous and we need a good navigator who should take his ship across to the point where it is nearer the sea. At that stage it becomes very silent and extremely simple in its flow. This country has been endowed with great philosophers, I would say the greatest was Lao Tse, because humanism was for the preparation of human beings for their ascent about which Lao Tse had spoken. But because of the subtle subject it was not described in such a clear-cut manner as I am talking to you. It is such a pleasure for me to talk to this august gathering here. After traveling all over the world, I realize that China is one of the best countries as far as spirituality is concerned. May the Divine bless you all.
Fourth World Conference on Women, "On the Global Problems Facing Women, Inter-Regional Round Table". Commodity Exchange Tower, Beijing (China) 13 September 1995. Moderator: Dear Mother Shrivastava, Who is a spiritual Mother and the present head of Sahaja Yoga, which I'm very much looking forward to hearing what You have to say, because I'm sure that You have such desires for many women around the world. I'm looking forward to being touched by You today. H.H. Shri Mataji: Brothers and Sisters of the World, It is a great honor for Me to talk about global problems of women in front of this distinguished assembly. First of all, I would like to offer My profound gratitude to the government and people of our host country, the People's Republic of China. I have had a privilege of visiting China on two previous occasions, and I am a great admirer of the wisdom and culture of this great nation that I have visited. This is beyond My imagination the most glorious time in the history of the world, that at this time we are so much aware of the problems of women. Women as a whole have definitely suffered over the ages, as the previous lady has told you, because we have not realized what their importance is and what their proper role is in human society. Society itself, which is her creation, tries to control or put down the womanhood. In the East, we can say, that due to fundamentalist influence women have been under great pressure and their morality is based on fear rather than freedom. In the West they have fought for their freedom, but what they have attained is spurious freedom. The women in the West have freedom to abandon all social and moral values. Thus in the East, we can say, that most of the women are timid, oppressed and cannot express themselves, while in the West we find most of the women are reduced to a sex symbol. They are keen to expose their bodies. Their anxiety is to appear in fashion advertisements and very cheap popularity. Most of them accepted this position because otherwise they could not have survived in that chaotic world of the West. What most of the women in the East would regard as very humiliating and degrading is regarded as something very glorifying in the West. I have seen both the worlds very deeply and I feel that unless and until you bring a new culture by which women from the East and West can both rise in their own esteem and express themselves in such a way that they create high moral standards for their society, women neither in the East nor in the West will rise to their full stature of feminine speciality. The speciality is that if women are respected for their womanhood, understanding what they are capable of and how they can empower themselves with all the education needed, all the security will be provided to them and they will provide security to the society. All the fundamentalists who talk of religion expect women to be absolutely moral and the men can do whatever they like. I feel we have to educate men more than women, because the idea of war comes also only from the men, in the beginning. I must admit it is not difficult to collect money for poor women in the developing countries and help them to get out of their poverty, but unfortunately My knowledge is that the money we are collecting may not reach the poor women but may end up into the pockets of the corrupt ministers, bureaucrats and other people in charge, and ultimately it will end up in the Swiss Bank. I do not want to criticize any UN organization because I know they are very honest in their purpose, but they must be made aware of what is happening under the table. [Applause] We in India have two very big states called as Uttar Pradesh and Bihar which are very much helped by UNICEF as well as the World Health Organization. UNICEF started a project called Angan, meaning "courtyard", where the children were to be educated and brought up in a proper shape. This project is not working at all for the children, but all the money goes into the pockets of all the corrupt people who are in charge of that project and the children do not even get two percent of what is being sent for them. Same with the World Health Organization, which is sending medicines and equipment to India. These medicines are sold in the market and are completely used by the recipients for their own gains. The same happens to W.H.O. equipment. So the poor people never get any benefit and they remain all the time helpless. All this money is called dirty money but goes to the clean Swiss bank. A large part of the loans which the World Bank gives to the developing country is also siphoned back to the personal account of the corrupt officials maintained in Swiss Bank. Thus all the developing countries are indebted to the World Bank but have no money. The money is in the Swiss Bank. So I would request you all to take this up with the Swiss Bank and request them to return all such money which has been siphoned in the Swiss Bank [Applause] by very corrupt people and give this money to the UN so that the UN can utilize it for the education of women and other purposes as well as what is to be given to people under very effective vigilance. One has to have a very good network of people, especially women, who are involved and who are honest, compassionate and who would like to make the best out of this money, helping the women who have to achieve social equality. The main work of womanhood is to create a good society that would enjoy peace better. Immorality, corruption and violence are the two horrible monsters which are eating up our society. I would blame the mothers of these corrupt and immoral persons because they failed in their duty as mothers in their childhood. The loving training of the mother is the first and most effective influence in shaping the children into beautiful citizens. Mothers who never tried to guide with great concern and love, or the wives or the daughters who are falling into the fear of the men or of the destructive culture, have not done their duty as integral members of the family to strengthen the moral fiber of the men. It is important also to see how children are treated in these two cultures of East and West. What we see in the East is that the children would listen to their mothers if they are not under fundamentalist culture. This culture relegates women to the level of an inferior human being, fit to be dominated by men and children. In the West also the same thing happens. Children don't respect their mothers, neither do they listen to them. I feel this is because, generally, the Western women spend more time looking after their bodies and looks than on looking after and loving their children. The nexus between the mother and children weakens and then it is for this reason that many children become street urchins and violent. Fortunately there are still many families in the East and some in the West who deeply defy the corrupting influence of today and look after their children and bring them up properly. But still I must say that the children in the East are not that much ruined as they are in the West. The reason, also, is that in the East there are many people who have not taken to fundamentalist culture or to the Western culture and have a very good society and produce children who are exceptionally good, though this number may not be very great. But whatever culture they have inherited, since long, traditionally, is very much ingrained in them and to them the moral value system is the highest, more than money or power. The West is full of problems. Though they have money, they don't have peace within themselves. The truth is that women are the potential power of every civilization and every country. It is evident that women are the creators and the preservers of the entire humankind. This is the role which the almighty God has given, assigned to them. Seeds cannot create anything by themselves. It is the Mother Earth which provides the flowers and the fruits and other bounties. Similarly, it is the woman who create the child, who nurtures the baby and eventually brings up the citizen of tomorrow. Women must therefore rank with Mother Earth as the edifice of the entire humanity. Unfortunately, men have utilized muscle power to gain a dominating position over women. They have not recognized that women are complementary and equal, but not similar partners in human endeavors. A society that does (not) recognize this fundamental truth and does not give to women their rightful role is not a civilized society. In My own country there is a saying in Sanskrit, "Yatra narya pujyante tatra ramante devata", which means that "Where the women are respected and respectable, there resides the gods of our well-being." So it is for us, at this moment, to understand the value of this great power that is given to us by our Creator. But what do we find? Whether in the East or in the West, women have not been able to give a full manifestation of their greatness. I am not suggesting at all that the only role of women in human society is that of the mother, the procreator and preserver of children, or that of a wife, or a sister. Women have a full right to participate as equal partners in every aspect of life - social, cultural, educational, political, economical, administrative and the rest. In order to prepare themselves for this all-pervading role, they must have the right to education in all branches of knowledge. But if they are mothers, they have a great responsibility towards their children as well as their society. Men are responsible for politics and economics of the country, but women are responsible for the society. Women can also support men and they can take a leading part, of course, in any post, but it is very important that they should not forget they are women who have to manifest deep motherly concern and love. If they become manly and aggressive, the balance of the society cannot be maintained. At the same time I must submit that, while we ask for the rights of women, we must also stress the fundamental duties of women to the human society. The women in the West, or those who are educated in the West, also some others I have seen, have gone to the other extreme when they are taking to political, economical or administrative roles. To compete with men they have become much too self-willed, self-centered and ambitious. They have no more their soothing, pleasing qualities which can bring peace and balance. On the contrary, they become dominating, pleasure-seeking individuals. They are far more worried about their physical attractions than about having a pleasing, sweet and dignified personality. They give into their baser self much faster than men, wittingly or unwittingly. All this leads to chaotic societies and children grow up into street urchins, preparing for wars. What we need is a balance between the two extremes. We need women as equal but not similar partners with men, but with a subtle understanding of the nature of men and how to bring them into the center with their inner balance. We need balanced women in order to have a balanced human race with peace within itself. You might say all this is excellent in thought, but how do we achieve this state of balance? How do we stem the tide of diseases, corruption, immorality, immaturity and violence? How do we end the present state of conflict and confusion? How do we bring about peace within every mind and heart? I very humbly submit that there is an answer to these questions. There is a new way... Shri Mataji to Moderator: Do you want Me to tell the new way? Moderator: Just tell them. You have three minutes. Whatever I am going to tell you now is not be taken for granted. You should, of course, have your minds open like scientists and treat whatever I am stating as a hypothesis. If this hypothesis can be proved, then you have to accept it as honest persons as the absolute truth because it is for your benevolence. It is for the benevolence of your family. It is for the benevolence of your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. I am here to tell you about the last breakthrough of our evolution. This breakthrough of our evolution in our awareness has to happen in these modern times and has been, moreover, recorded in the writings of many seers. These are the times called as the "Decadent Times", last called by the great saint Vyasa who has written the Gita, and it is the decadence of humanity that we see around in every way possible, and unless and until we improve that, war cannot be avoided. Now I would like to tell the secret knowledge of our inner being which was known in India thousands of years back. For our evolution and spiritual ascent there is a residual power within us which is located in the triangular bone at the base of our spine. This residual power is known as Kundalini. Though the knowledge of this power was available thousands of years back in India, the awakening of the Kundalini was done, traditionally, on an individual basis only. One guru would give awakening to one disciple. As a result of that awakening, what happens is that you achieve your Self Realization, your Selfhood. Secondly, when this power is awakened, it rises and passes through six subtle energy centers in your body, nourishing them and integrating them. Ultimately, this power breaks through the fontanel bone area called as the Taloo or the Brahmarandra and connects you to the all-pervading power of Divine love, which is described in the Bible also as the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost also in the Koran as Ruh and also in the Indian scriptures as Paramchaitanya. Patanjali has called it as Ritambhara PrAgnya. Whatever the name, this is a power which is all-pervading, which does all the subtle works of living process, of evolutionary process. The existence of this all-pervading energy is not felt before Realization, but after Self Realization you can feel it on your fingertips or at the center of your palm or above the fontanel bone area. Moreover, this process has to be spontaneous, Sahaja. Saha means with and ja means born. That means the right to get this union with the all-pervading power of Divine love is the birthright of every human being. Our mental energies are limited. Our limited mental energy, which is linear in movement and has no sustenance of reality, reaches a point and stops. From there it boomerangs and all mental, linear movement comes back to us as a punishment sometimes. So now we need more energy, higher energy, deeper energy and for that this happening has to take place if we don't want to have another war. I must say that in the West, I have met many people who are true seekers of Truth and are fed up of artificiality of the Western life. Also they didn't know what they were seeking sometimes and they have made lots of mistakes. They have gone to false gurus who have taken lots of money and the people have become bankrupts and mentally and physically handicapped. The one thing you must note that the awakening of the Kundalini and thus achieving Self-Realization is a living process of evolution for which we cannot pay anything. It is like putting a seed in the Mother Earth. It sprouts because Mother Earth has the power to sprout it. Which shows - in the same way we have this germinating power in the triangular bone which Greeks called as Sacrum which is a three and a half coiled energy which shows that the Greeks knew that this was a sacred bone and hence they gave the same name, Sacrum. Actually in some people you can see this triangular bone pulsating and the Kundalini very slowly rising, but there are many who have got Self Realization. Now this Sahaja Yoga is working in 85 nations, and they have all become extremely peaceful with each other. In their hearts, they're integrated and they have become extremely loving and compassionate. I'm sorry I can't tell you more, but the time is over. I hope you don't mind. Thank you very much. Moderator: Thank You very much. I'm so sorry You had to rush over the method ...There are copies of this paper that we can all have and I think the beauty of it is that it points to a method that we can all use for Self Realization that we can also become peaceful people and have peaceful relationships with others. That's what I gleaned so far from what You said. I hope I got the right message. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. Moderator: Thank You very much. Note: Shri Mataji had prepared a longer talk to be delivered at the conference. However, due to time constraints, She was not able to read the entire talk. The following is a transcript of the prepared talk. Brothers and Sisters of the World, It is a great honor for Me to talk about global problems of women in front of this distinguished assembly. First of all I would like to offer My profound gratitude to the government and people of our host country, the People's Republic of China. I have had the privilege of visiting China on two previous occasions and I am a great admirer of the wisdom and culture of this great nation that I have visited. This is, beyond My imagination, the most glorious time in the history of the world that at this time we are so much aware of the problems of women. Women as a whole have definitely suffered over the ages as the previous lady has told you because we have not realized what their importance is and what their proper role is in human society. Society itself, which is her creation, tries to control or put down the womanhood. In the East, we can say, that due to fundamentalist influence women have been under great pressure and their morality is based on fear rather than freedom. In the West they have fought for their freedom, but what they have attained is spurious freedom. The women in the West have freedom to abandon all social and moral values. Thus in the East, we can say, that most of the women are timid, oppressed and cannot express themselves, while in the West we find most of the women are reduced to a sex symbol. They are keen to expose their body. Their anxiety is to appear in fashion advertisements and very cheap popularity. Most of them accepted this position because otherwise they could not have survived in that chaotic world of the West. What most of the women in the East would regard as very humiliating and degrading is regarded as something very glorifying in the West. I have seen both the worlds very deeply and I feel that unless and until you bring a new culture by which women from the East and West can both rise in their own esteem and express themselves in such a way that they create high moral standards for their society, women neither in the East nor in the West will rise to their full stature of feminine speciality. The speciality is that if women are respected for their womanhood, understanding what they are capable of and how they can empower themselves with all the education needed, all the security will be provided to them and they will provide security to the society. All the fundamentalists who talk of religion expect women to be absolutely moral and the men can do whatever they like. I feel we have to educate men more than women, because the idea of war comes only from the men. I must admit it is not difficult to collect money for poor women in the developing countries and help them to get out of their poverty, but unfortunately, my knowledge is that the money we are collecting may not reach the poor women but may end up into the pockets of the corrupt ministers, bureaucrats and other people in charge and ultimately will end up in the Swiss Bank. I do not want to criticize any UN organization because I know they are very honest in their purpose, but they must be made aware of what is happening under the table. We in India have two very big states called as Uttar Pradesh and Bihar which are very much helped by UNICEF as well as the World Health Organization. UNICEF started a project called Angan, meaning Courtyard, where the children were to be educated and brought up in a proper shape. This project is not at all working for the children but all the money goes into the pockets of all the corrupt people who are in charge of that project and the children do not get even two percent of what is being sent for them. Same with the World Health Organization, which is sending medicines and equipment to India. These medicines are sold in the market and are completely used by the recipients for their own gains. The same happens to W.H.O. equipment. So the poor people never get any benefit and they remain all the time helpless. One has to have a very good network of people, especially women, who are involved and who are honest, compassionate and who would like to make the best out of this money, helping the women to achieve social equality. The main work of womanhood is to create a good society. Immorality and corruption are the two horrible monsters which are eating up our society. I would blame the mothers of these immoral and corrupt persons because they failed in their duty as mothers in their childhood. The loving training of the mother is the first and most effective influence in shaping the children into beautiful citizens. Mothers who have never tried to guide with great concern and love, or the wives or the daughters who are falling into the fear of the men or of the destructive culture, have not done their duty as integral members of the family to strengthen the moral fiber of the men. It is important also to see how children are treated in these two cultures of East and West. What we see in the East is that children would listen to their mothers if they are not under fundamentalist culture. This culture relegates women to the level of an inferior human being, fit to be dominated by men and children. In the West also the same thing happens. Children don't respect their mothers neither do they listen to them. I feel this is because, generally, the Western women spend more time looking after their body and looks than on looking after and loving their children. The nexus between the mother and children weakens and breaks. It is for this reason that many children become street urchins. Fortunately there are still many families in the East and some in the West who deeply defy the corrupting trends of today and look after their children and bring them up properly. But still I must say that the children in the East are not that much ruined as they are in the West. The reason, also, is that in the East there are many people who have not taken to fundamentalist culture or to the Western culture and have a very good society and produce children who are exceptionally good although this number may not be very great. But whatever culture they have inherited, since long, traditionally, is very much ingrained in them and to them the moral value system is the highest, more than money or power. The West is now full of problems. Though they have money, they don't have peace within and without. The truth is that women are the potential power of every civilization and every country. It is evident that women are the creators and the preservers of the entire humankind. This is the role that the almighty God has assigned to them. Seeds cannot create anything by themselves. It is the Mother Earth which provides the flowers and the fruits and other bounties. Similarly, it is the woman who creates the child, who nurtures the baby and eventually brings up the citizen of tomorrow. Women must therefore rank with Mother Earth as the edifice of the entire humanity. Unfortunately, men have utilized muscle power to gain a dominating position over women. They have not recognized that women are complementary and equal but not similar partners in human endeavors. A society that does recognize this fundamental truth and does not given to women their rightful role is not a civilized society. In my own country there is a saying in Sanskrit, "Yatra nayra pujyante tatra ramante devata", which means that "Where the women are respected and respectable, there resides the Gods of our well-being". So it is for us, at this moment, to recognize the value of this great power that is given to us by our Creator. But what do we find? Whether in the East or in the West, women have not been able to give a full manifestation of their greatness. I am not suggesting at all that the only role of women in society is that of the Mother, the pro-creator and preserver of children, or that of a wife, or a sister. Women have a full right to participate as equal partners in every aspect of life - social, cultural, educational, political, economical, administrative and the rest. In order to prepare themselves for this all-pervading role, they must have the right to education in all branches of knowledge. But if they are mothers, they have a great responsibility towards their children as well as their society. Men are responsible for the politics and economics of the country but women are responsible for the society. Women can also support men and they can take a leading part, of course, in any position but, it is very important that they should not forget that they are women who have to manifest deep motherly concern and love. If they become manly and aggressive the balance of society cannot be maintained. At the same time I must submit that, while we ask for the rights of women, we must also stress the fundamental duties of women to the human society. The women in the West, or those who are educated in the West, have gone to the other extreme when they are taking to political, economical or administrative roles. To compete with men they have become much too self-willed, self-centered and ambitious. They have no more their soothing and pleasing qualities which can keep the balance. On the contrary, they become dominating, pleasure-seeking individuals. They are far more worried about their physical attractions than having a pleasing, sweet and dignified personality. They give into their baser self much faster than men, wittingly or unwittingly. All this leads to chaotic societies and children grow up into street urchins, thieves and even murderers, as we read everyday in the paper. What we need is a balance between the two extremes. We need women as equal but not similar partners with men, but with a subtle understanding of the nature of men and how to bring them into the center with inner balance. We need balanced women in order to have a balanced human race with peace within itself. You might say all this is excellent in thought, but how do we achieve this state of balance? How do we stem the tide of diseases, corruption, immorality and immaturity? How do we end the present state of conflict and confusion? How do we bring about peace within every mind and heart? I very humbly submit that there is an answer to these questions. There is a new way... Whatever I am going to tell you now is not be taken for granted. You should, of course, have your minds open like scientists and treat whatever I am stating as a hypothesis. If this hypothesis can be proved, then you have to accept it as honest persons as the absolute truth because it is for your benevolence. It is for the benevolence of your family. It is for the benevolence of your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. I am here to tell you about the last breakthrough of our evolution. This breakthrough of our evolution in our awareness has to happen in these modern times and has been, moreover, recorded in the writings of many seers. These are the times called as the "Decadent Times", last called by the great saint Vyasa who has written the Gita, and it is the decadence of humanity that we see around in every way possible. Now I would like to tell the secret knowledge of our inner being which was known in India thousands of years back. For our evolution and spiritual ascent there is a residual power within us which is located in the triangular bone at the base of our spine. This residual power is known as Kundalini. Though the knowledge of this power was available thousands of years back in India, the awakening of the Kundalini was done, traditionally, on an individual basis only. One guru would give awakening to one disciple. As a result of that awakening, what happens is that you achieve your Self-Realization, your Self-hood. Secondly, when this power is awakened, it rises and passes through six subtle energy centers in your body, nourishing them and integrating them. Ultimately, this power breaks through the fontanel bone area called as the Taloo or the Brahmarandra and connects you to the all-pervading power of Divine love, which is described in the bible also as the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost also in the Koran as Ruh and also in the Indian scriptures as Paramchaitanya. Patanjali has called it as Ritambhara PrAgnya. Whatever the name, this is a power which is all-pervading, which does all the subtle works of living process, of evolutionary process. The existence of this all-pervading energy is not felt before Realization but after Self-Realization you can feel it on your fingertips or at the center of your palm or above the fontanel bone area. Moreover, this process has to be spontaneous, Sahaja. Saha means with and ja means born. That means the right to get this union with the all-pervading power of Divine love is the birthright of every human being. Our mental energies are limited. Our limited mental energy, which is linear in movement and has not sustenance of reality, reaches a point and stops. From there it boomerangs and all that mental, linear movement comes back to us as a punishment sometimes. So now we need more energy, higher energy, deeper energy and for that this happening has to take place. I must say that in the West, I have met many people who are true Seekers of Truth and are fed up of artificiality of the Western life. Also they didn't know what they were seeking sometimes and they have made lots of mistakes. They have gone to false gurus who have taken lots of money and the people have become bankrupts and mentally and physically handicapped. The one thing you must note is that the awakening of the Kundalini and thus achieving Self-Realization is a living process of evolution for which we cannot pay anything. It is like putting a seed in the Mother Earth. It sprouts because Mother Earth has the power to sprout it and the seed has an in-built germinating quality within it. In the same way we have this germinating power in the triangular bone which Greeks called as Sacrum. Actually in some people you can see this triangular bone pulsating and the Kundalini very slowly rising, but where there are no obstructions and if the person is a balanced being, the Kundalini rises from the Sacrum just like a jet and passes through the fontanel bone area to become one with the all-pervading power. This Kundalini is the spiritual mother of every individual and She knows or has recorded all the past aspirations of Her child. She is anxious to give second birth to Her child and, during Her ascent, She nourishes six energy centers. When a person is not connected to the all pervading power, he is like an instrument which is not connected to the mains and has no identity, has no meaning, has no purpose. As soon as it is connected, all that is built in inside this instrument starts working and manifesting itself. When this Kundalini rises it connects you to the all pervading power, which is vital and which is an ocean of knowledge as well as an ocean of bliss. After the awakening of Kundalini, you experience many coincidences which are miraculous and extremely blissful. Above all Kundalini is the ocean of forgiveness. So what ever mistakes you have committed in the past are forgiven and instead you get your self-realization as a blessing. The consequences of the awakening of the Kundalini and thereby the attainment of Self-Realization are numerous. First and foremost, such a person is constantly in contact with or is in fact a part of the all pervading Divine power. He seeks the truth by using his new awareness. And truth is one. All self-realized persons see this same truth. Thus conflicts are avoided. Purely mental activity without Self-Realization, leads to conflicting ideas and even wars. All this is avoided after Self-Realization. Now, let us see how many other things happen in a person who gets realization. Firstly you start feeling the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost on your fingertips, which represent the subtle energy centers. Thus you know the truth on your fingertips. You transcend all the limitations of race, religion and other ideas and you go beyond your mind to see and feel the reality and understand it. he next thing that happens is that you become thoughtlessly aware. We live in the future and the past through our thoughts. They come to us from these two areas of time but we cannot be in the present. While these thoughts are rising and falling we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts. But when Kundalini rises She elongates these thoughts and thereby creates some space in-between, which is the present, which is the reality. So the past is over and the future doesn't exist. At that time you have no thoughts. You reach a new state as you become thoughtlessly aware about which Jung has written clearly. At this moment whatsoever happens is recorded in your memory well and you enjoy every moment of this in reality. When you become thoughtlessly aware then you become completely peaceful within yourself. A person who has achieved this peace also emits peace and creates a peaceful atmosphere around himself. This peace is very important. Unless and until we have this peace we will never truly understand whatever our ideas are, whether universal or just limited. You can feel your own seven centers on your fingertips. Also you can feel the centers of others because you develop a new level of awareness which is called as Collective Consciousness. When such new awareness is established into you, you start feeling also the centers of others. I must tell you that these centers are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing and when they are affected or they are in jeopardy, people suffer from one disease or another. As a result of the awakening of the Kundalini and the nourishment of these centers, an important development would be that you will feel an inner balance and you will enjoy good health. Many diseases, even some incurable ones, have been cured by the awakening of the Kundalini. Even the database of the inherited genes may be restructured after self-realization through the awakening of the Kundalini. As a result, a person who might have inherited genes indicating criminal tendency might become a good man. Our attention also becomes very pure. In the light of the spirit we can see things much more clearly than when we were blind. For example, a person who goes with his blind eyes and feels an elephant and then another comes in and a third comes in - all of them have different ideas about the elephant, depending on whichever part of the elephant they have touched. But if they open their eyes then they can all see the same thing, the reality, and there will be no quarrel and fights. A self-realized person can feel the absolute knowledge on the fingertips. Supposing someone doesn't believe in God. A self-realized person can suggest to the non-believer that he should ask the question: "Is there God?" The questioner will get, you will find, a very nice cool breeze coming into his being. He may not believe in God but there is God. Unfortunately, so many of those who believe in God are also absurd, hypocritical, cruel, weird and so immoral that people have lost faith in God. But while those who represent God may be wrong, God himself exists and his power also exists which we call as the all-pervading power of Divine love. This is the power of love and compassion and not of aggression and destruction when it is imbibed in a yogi or in a self-realized person, it works in a very different way, like an angel. Such people can cure others and cure themselves. Even mental cases have been cured. Not only that. Even those who have been to wrong gurus in their search of truth have achieved their spiritual stability, after leaving the false gurus and coming to the path of self-realization. In the next stage, you become thoughtlessly aware, when your Kundalini is stabilized and you know undoubtedly that you have achieved your self-realization, that you have attained all the powers that can be utilized. You become very powerful because you can raise the Kundalini of others. You become very active and you don't feel tired easily. For example, I am seventy three years of age and I am traveling about every third day, but I am quite all right. This energy flows into you and fills you up with vitality. You become extremely dynamic and at the same time extremely compassionate, kind and mild. You feel that you are protected and thus you are confident but not egotistical. Your whole personality changes. This is the kind of global transformation which is taking place with such a speed all over that I, myself, am surprised at how it is working out so fast. Actually, this knowledge existed a long time back but my contribution, if there is any, is that we can now achieve en-masse realization. Thousands can achieve mass realization. It is a gift of this time where it was predicted that such a global transformation will take place. In as many as 65 countries, thousands of people have attained their Self-Realization through Sahaja Yoga. The power of Kundalini is the pure desire of attaining your self-hood. If someone doesn't want to have it, you cannot force him because the Divine respects the freedom of that person. If he wants to go to heaven, he can go there, or if he wants to go to hell, he can go to hell. Self-realization can be attained easily if the people have a sincere and pure desire to get their self-realization. But if they stick to some of their ideas, which are fixed, the Kundalini won't rise. Also it cannot work for idiots or for immature people. It works for people who are wise, who are more in the center, and it works very fast. I was amazed to see that it has worked even on people who were drug addicts, who were alcoholics and who were very immoral. But they all had an intense and pure desire to secure self-improvement, self-realization. So many of such people achieved their goal of self-realization. Overnight, they gave up their drugs, their alcoholism . Thus you become very powerful and at the same time you understand that you are now glorified and you start behaving in a very dignified and a very sensible manner. This is how a new culture is born and this new culture takes you, in a way, into a new style of life where you become innately, I say innately, righteous. Nobody has to tell you: "Don't do this" and "Don't do that". It is all achieved through your enlightened attention. This enlightened attention is also full of power. Wherever you put your attention it works, it creates peace, it creates harmony and also it creates a new dimension of collective consciousness. So to blame your genes for your mistakes is not going to work out anymore because these genes can be changes in their database and can be brough to the level of a very righteous, angelic personality. The ego and the conditioning of a person gets dissolves by the ascent of the Kundalini and he becomes really a free bird. Absolute freedom is achieved in reality and his behaviour changes tremendously with great faith in himself. He becomes a witness of the whole drama of life. When you are in the water you are afraid of getting drowned, but supposing you get into a boat, you can watch the same waters with enjoyment. But if you learn how to jump in the water and save others then it is even a higher situation and so we have a higher awareness which we call as doubtless awareness. Above all, we fall into the ocean of joy. Joy is absolute. It doesn't have duality. It is not like happiness and unhappiness. It is a singular thing and once you jump into it you learn easily how to enjoy everything, whether it is beautiful or ridiculous. In one case you see the beauty; in the other you see the humour as to how people are ridiculous. The remarkable thing is that Sahaja Yogis have become great musicians, great writers, great speakers, great administrators. In every way they have risen very high, specially in their attitude towards others. They respect everyone and they know what is wrong with other people so that this person who has these problems can be easily evolved and become a self-realised soul. It is like one candle lighting another candle. This work is going on all over the world and there is great hope that it will also start in China. Before this, somehow, I could not start my work but the Divine coincidence has given a chance to me by this conference to talk to Chinese people, whom I find very wise and sensitive, about the great treasure of spirituality. This is not a coincidence. It was inevitable and has been brought about by this all-pervading power. In your life also you will notice lots of coincidences but you will not know how to connect them to something that is Divine unless and until you get connected to like Divine power. Confucius has taught the humanity how we can improve our relations with other human beings. But Lao Tse in Chine has very beautifully described TAO, meaning the Kundalini. And I have had a voyage through the Yangtze River through which Lao Tse had gone many times. I know he was trying to show that river, which is the Kundalini, is flowing towards the sea and one should not be tempted by the nature that is around. The nature around the Yangtze River is very, very beautiful, no doubt, but one has to go through the river. Also there are lots of currents which flow and can be quite dangerous and we need a good navigator who should take his ship across to the point where it is nearer the sea. At that stage it becomes very silent and extremely simple in its flow. This country has been endowed with great philosophers, I would say the greatest was Lao Tse, because humanism was for the preparation of human beings for their ascent about which Lao Tse had spoken. But because of the subtle subject it was not described in such a clear-cut manner as I am talking to you. It is such a pleasure for me to talk to this august gathering here. After traveling all over the world, I realize that China is one of the best countries as far as spirituality is concerned. May the Divine bless you all.
How far you are evolved within?
Public Program
Public Program. Beijing (China), 13 September 1995. Very much enamored to know that you all are very much interested in Sahaja Yoga. The first person who is sitting here and who had the honor to meet in Austria, and I was surprised how he was know all about Sahaja Yoga. In your country you had very great philosophers once upon a time. Of course you believe in humanism; but there was another great, great philosopher who was called as Lao-Tse, of a very high spirituality like a great incarnation of a Master. What He has written about, described about Yangtze River is very interesting, because I went through the Yangtze River Myself. And He calls it Tao. Tao. Is actually He is talking about Kundalini. He was a poet, so whatever He has described is rather subtle. And maybe they must have thought that it's better to understand other people than Tao written by Lao-Tse. But all over the world you will find it is Tao which people respect very much, and they like to always interpret the meaning of the word "Tao." Really symbolically He has described that this river Yangtze is a difficult river to go through. And the surroundings, the banks of this river, are extremely beautiful. You won't believe for twelve hours I was sitting outside watching the beauty of the banks. I've never seen such beautiful mountains, trees, and the whole movement of nature is like an artist painting something. And all your paintings, most of them, I think are impressed by that kind of banks that I saw, because I have studied your art and I felt that the way you have shown in your art that is mostly paintings of Yangtze River. But the symbolic thing is this: that in the beginning it's a very difficult river, there are lots of currents, they form lots of circles, very heavy type, and is very difficult to climb. It is for quite some time you have to pass very carefully. Just about few hours when it reaches the sea, it becomes calm, absolutely calm. In the same way, the Tao that He describes is, in the beginning, according to Him, is rather difficult. But when it reaches near the sea, it calms down. It is a remarkable thing that how He could see the Kundalini so much well defined as this Yangtze River. It is an extremely, very artistic, subtle idea. Shows what a poet He must have been, and how highly developed spiritually He was. Confucius is all right, "But for what we should become good?" is the point people will ask. "Why should we be good people?", people can ask such a question. "What is the need to be good, to be balanced?" We too had many like this who talked that, "We have to be in balance, we have to be moral and we have to be righteous people." But for what is this balance we have to find out. This balance is for the ultimate ascent. And unless and until we achieve that ascent, nothing can satisfy us. The fundamental question that we have all over the world, we should say, "Why are we on this earth?" Is it just to be born, to live and die? All our life to struggle, to worry and also to lead a life which is painful? Then the people think that it would be that if you get lots of money, we'll be happy. But you should know that those people who have lots of money are not at all happy; on the contrary, much more unhappy than the people who don't have much money. Because they have greed, and greed never satisfies them. Then another type are they think if they have some powers, you see, political or economic powers, they'll be very happy. But they are also not happy. If a person is sensitive, he doesn't feel satisfied with what he sees around. And then he becomes restless. All over the world you'll find these days thousands and thousands of people who are restless. But they don't understand why they are restless, and they think they have to seek the peace within us so that they become at least joyous. I think in this whole world these days there are numberless people who are seekers of Truth. Because normally we live in a relative world. We don't live in the absolute world. Because of that, we have problems. For example, one man thinks something is very good, he has a fixed idea. Another man thinks that something else is good, and he has another fixed idea. But they are not satisfied because they have to find out the absolute Truth. For that, in our whole creation through the evolutionary process, there's a built-in mechanism within us, which is the Tao. This - I think in those days it must have been hard to say something very openly, so He took this name Tao and described the Yangtse River. I have to tell you that now the time has come, a special time, I call it a blossom time. It is all repeated in so many scriptures that such a time is going to come. And it is evident, very evident to Me, that there are thousands and thousands of seekers of Truth. They may not know what they are seeking. So after a person feels restless, he starts finding there are so many coincidences which he cannot explain. For example, I met your Premier with My husband here - it was not a coincidence, I know. I could feel that he was a very sensitive person. And he asked Me about the spirituality. Though he did not know that I was doing any spiritual work, but somehow he felt and he asked Me. Then I met many Chinese people also, and I found them to be extremely wise, very balanced, very humble, very sweet and it was such a pleasure to be with them. I met the Ambassador's wife in London, and I was amazed, her ideas about culture were same as we have in India. I have greatest desire to come to China, really. Because I felt Chinese are the fit people to get their Self Realization. They are very deep, they are very wise and very serene. Their style is very much like Indian style, I should say - the real Indians who are very simple. And today I feel the coincidence has worked that I met this gentleman in Austria and this whole thing was arranged so well. I was in Hong Kong, and the people in Hong Kong who got Realization, they wanted Me to go to the Main Land. It is something that in some countries I find people are extremely evolved. I don't want to criticize but compared to you people, Americans are babies, not yet matured. It's very difficult to talk to them. I'll give you one example. It is not such a decent one, but that's how you'll know how stupid they are. Now this gentleman is not there. He was Chairman of the International Jung Society. Jung is the one who fought his teacher and started talking about the Realization. That time I was about sixty years of age and this gentleman must have been eighty years. So, after the program when I told them how Jung has not understood certain things, they were very much impressed. So he said, "I would like to see You for some private work." And he tried to know My address. He came to My house and I asked him what the problem was. Now such an old man, eighty-year-old person, started telling Me about his own life. So he said, "I had a keep, and I am a Catholic so I could not marry her, and I didn't even tell my wife." "Now my wife is dead, so I asked this lady to marry me. And she does not want to marry me. Can You do something with Your spiritual powers to make her agree to marry me." I said, "What is the age of your keep?" So he said, "It's only thirty-five years." I said, "What am I to tell this old man of eighty years shaking and asking such a stupid thing, you know." But in America you'll find many like this. There's no - no surprise now to Me. Also about spirituality they don't have much idea. Like once I was traveling, an American lady tells Me that, "Do You know this gentleman who is a guru from India?" "So what does he do?", I said. "What is his speciality?" So, "He takes out some watches and things, and also diamonds - he gives you diamonds." So I said, "But why do you follow him? Do you want diamonds?" "No, no, this time he is giving us a bargain price. So why not make use of that?" So to them spirituality is marketing. And there are many like these who are selling spirituality in America. But they cannot work out in China, I know sure. Another one started a funny sort of thing that you can fly up to three feet. For that people have to pay six thousand pounds. Most of the Americans were there. I don't think any Chinese would have accepted. And not Indians, because they got exported to America because Indians are also very wise. Now I asked them, because they sold out their houses, took back their children from the schools and they were all bankrupts. I said, "Why do you want to fly at three feet, already we have jams on the way. Why do you want to fly at three feet?" They said, "It's a very great achievement, you know, that you can fly at that height." And their practices, they broke their bottoms also, so they paid the money and this fellow had to jolly well pay them. So perhaps Indians are also very clever. They must have realized, "You can cash on these stupid people", so they all went to America. First time I went to America and I said, "Nothing doing with these stupid people." For nine years I never went and all these gurus nicely prospered, had lots of money. But one should understand that you cannot pay for your evolution. It is a living process. For that you need wisdom, because if you are so stupid, I mean you just can't explain. Maybe China and India both are very ancient countries, perhaps maybe because of that we've developed that maturity. Now what I feel that these Americans, or Europeans also, they all are trying to put their culture on us. And this Women's Conference, you see, these were saying that "We should become very free and we have this right, we have that right." I have been all over the world, as you know Sahaja Yoga is now working in sixty-five countries. And if you see what freedom these women have achieved - it's nonsense. They have just freedom to fight, freedom to wear funny dresses, exposing their body. In no way they are free. There was one American lady who came to a conference of My husband - very highly placed. And she started boasting that, "We are very free people; we give all the freedom to the children." And she asked Me if I'd seen all the pubs of London. And she had a complete list of all the pubs. She told Me, "That's a very great tourist attraction for London. "But," she said, "the best I liked was called as the Hermit's Pub." I thought, "In England, how could there be a hermit?" So she said that, "One fellow was living in a dingy room. He died there. Nobody knew about it, and it was all very smelly, and there were lots of cob webs that developed. And that is the best place where you really feel so much beyond this world. And all these tourists are dying to go to that place, you see, because it's such a small, little room, like a den and they cannot enter in." I said, "I'm sorry, I've not seen all these place." But then I heard about her something. Was very shocking. She was actually condemning Indians and boasting that, "See, you give all the freedom to your children, and - you never give any freedom to your children but we give full freedom to our children. "We give them everything to drink. Whatever we drink, we give it to our children. We want them to enjoy. One is a fourteen-year-old, another is twelve-year-old." The news we got was that the twelve-year-old was having his birthday, and they drank so much. And the whole house got caught up with a fire with which they were playing, and the husband, wife and both the children died. So their idea of freedom is absolutely complete bondage. Now, freedom is where a person is beyond all the habits, all the destructive cultures. Now the problem of the West is that they believe that every moment should be enjoyed. And their enjoyments are all very self-destructive. They have this Grand Prix in which a person has to die. They have all kinds of self-destructive enjoyments, every enjoyment is nothing but is to kill yourself. With this stupid ideas about enjoyment, they are losing completely themselves. Now this Mrs. Clinton, Hillary Clinton, came here and said that - they always interfere with government so they think they are right to say whatever they like. Instead of thanking the Chinese government for arranging such a nice conference, she just tried to show off. And what she said that you should not force women to have less children; and they should have right, you see, to have as many children as they like. Because it's all right in America where to these white people, white skinned people, children are not born, they don't want to be born. Because children are wise. Why will they be born in such a stupid country where children are killed by parents, by everybody? They are after the lives of poor children. So you Chinese and we Indians have to bear the brunt. Because all the children want to be born with us. So what she talks, you see, she doesn't know the world. But, you see, her remark has been everywhere criticized. And in all the newspapers they said, "All right, let the Chinese produce lots of children and send all of them to America." But I felt, "Why punish the poor children?" Even the little girls are not safe with the father. Can you imagine such a thing? Everyday there is news about these people, and they think it is sensational - so, so shameful it is! There are so many things which can be told to you, but you are people who have been endowed with great wisdom. And when I am telling you this, you are all with Me. But if I tell this to Americans, they'll say, "What's wrong? That's our right to do what we like." So, you will realize in Sahaja Yoga, there is nothing to learn from these Americans, or these Western people. Actually, you see, they are so much after perfection and progress that they don't know what to do actually to achieve progress. For example, now if you go to America you find a person with a big pony tail from the back. So know that is a man; it's not a woman. And if it's a crew cut, it's a woman. And you cannot make out who's a man, who is a woman. Can you imagine? They are all becoming man or woman, I don't know. One story I'll tell you, interesting - because I'm in a great, very happy mood. There was at the airport one gentleman was standing and he saw a girl dressed up just like a man. And he told another gentleman who's standing there, "I don't like the way the girls are dressed like this, like men." So this gentleman said, "What's wrong? She is my daughter." He said, "I didn't know you were the father." "No, I'm the mother." I mean, what is so great in doing this kind of nonsense? They all find out nonsensical things all the time and say, "What's wrong?" Once upon a time people used to say, "When China will rise, the tiger will start roaring." And that's why you see today. Let them criticize. Let them do what they like. Everybody knows how far they are. Now this Mr. Lopain from France - this one, Mr. Lopain from France and he is criticizing this conference. He says that we should not criticize Mr. Chiraq for putting the bomb in the Pacific but criticize these Chinese for making this conference and this kind of a artificial thing, according to them. Because in the conference they are discussing morality. And French don't want to hear about it. Though it is called that the French are, France is the eldest daughter of Catholic Church. But there is an unwritten law that a housewife could be a prostitute. How can they like Chinese, or how can they like Indians whose basis of life is morality? So this is how, you should know how you are placed in a very, very high position as far as morality and spirituality is concerned. There have been some sort of misunderstanding between India and China. But, it will all pass over because I know basically we are the same. And Indians have great, great love and respect for Chinese. Our Commander-in-Chief, Mr. Joshi, who was a Sahaja Yogi and who talked to Me about the Chinese and I gave him the full idea that we have done lots of mistakes, they have done some mistakes. And he admitted that, and when he came here he said, "They gave me a red carpet treatment." So what we have to understand that already basically we have a very big foundation here of spirituality in this country. It has nothing to do what kind of political ... what you can call a political sort of, like this is communism, that is so-called democracy, all that. It's nothing to do with you. It is something outside. What is democracy is all you can call them demonocracy. So what is important is: how far you are evolved within, not what you have got outside, so-called. I personally think that this inner evolution has taken place in a very greater way in this great country of China. As long as you don't interfere with the government, you're all right. So we don't have to be in any way curbed because we are democratics or we are socialists or we are communists - makes no difference to us. Because I told you all these stories to show: those who think they are very free are absolutely absurd people. Now, My own experience of Chinese has been really very great. I don't know now, but when I came I was surprised how honest they were, absolutely honest. And they were so sensitive about Me, that wherever My husband went, whatever office, they used to invite Me there. I mean, I was just a housewife, but they showed such respect for Me, I was amazed. We were here in this city and in a hotel, very good hotel, and My toe ring - which was silver only - fell down somewhere. Then we went to Tachai, all kinds of places, ultimately we reached Shanghai. And I was amazed that this toe ring was sent to Me, very carefully wrapped, so sweetly. I couldn't understand why they took so much trouble. And it really touched My heart, shows how much they loved Me. Because nothing was special about Me that time. So I found that extremely compassionate and loving people. And some sort of a idea of spirituality, of sensitivity to it. Because the way they behaved towards Me, not for a housewife - they would never behave like this for a housewife. I know once in London there was an exhibition which I could not attend because I was out of station so they extended the exhibition for two days for Me. The whole transition also took place because of wisdom. But people who are not wise, who are not evolved, cannot understand there has to be transformation. Now I am talking of global transformation, of global transformation. This is the time for global transformation. When this Kundalini rises, She passes through six centers which are for our physical, mental, emotional being. And these subtle centers are very important because they are the foundation of our being. This Kundalini, we can call It as a residual energy which is the fifth energy we have got. Now, we have limited energy of our mind, of our mind. So we have to have more energy, extra energy if it is available. So far we have seen that the man who starts thinking about the future and the past all the time is in trouble. One thought rises, falls off. Another thought rises, falls off. And we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts all the time like mad. But when this Kundalini, this power rises She elongates those thoughts and then the space in between. It's a living process; it has to happen; it's spontaneous. And in the center of these thoughts, then there is a space created. This is present. This is where you become thoughtlessly aware. You're thoughtless, but you're aware. There's no thought. This is the seed of our peace. This is what I said today that if you don't have peace within, how can you have peace without? I have met many people who have got peace awards. But they are so hot tempered that if you have to talk to them, have a barge pole in between. I don't know how they give them peace awards, for what? This is what, we talk of "peace, peace, peace." It's just a talk. Unless you have peace within yourself you cannot create peace outside. I must tell you about Sahaja Yogis from Moscow. You'll be surprised how much they are changed. When they were having this coup, I was there in Moscow and I asked them, "Aren't you troubled with this that is happening in this country of yours?" They said, "Mother, why should we worry? We are in the kingdom of Divine. Why should we worry about what's happening here?" That was really surprising for Russians to say that. Of course, thirty-five to forty percent people are for Marlboro cigarette, but in China, I'm sure, there is a very big percentage of people who are quite evolved. In short, I tell you what can happen once you get this global transformation. Firstly, you get cured. You get all physical problems are solved. Now we have four doctors in Delhi who have achieved MD in Sahaja Yoga. It is a meta science I am talking about; it's a meta science. Even if you may not be a doctor, you can cure yourself and you can cure others without paying any money whatsoever. Because you get the light of the Spirit in your consciousness, in your attention. Because we are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intelligence, ego or conditioning. We are the pure Spirit. So unless and until we get our Selfhood, we don't know what we are. Like this instrument, if it is not connected to the mains, it has no meaning, it has no identity. In the same way, we are to be connected to the mains for this All Pervading Power of Spirituality or Divine Power of Love. Once that happens, you start getting that vital energy within you. You become absolutely dynamic. At the same time you become extremely compassionate. Now, see, I'm seventy-three years of age and I'm traveling every third day. I came from Frankfurt all the way traveling for nine, ten hours and they took Me straight to the hall where I had to speak about peace. Because you don't worry. You are in the center; you are in the reality; you are in the present. And then this All Pervading Power of Divine Love looks after you. It takes over. Such coincidences will take place that you will feel that you are being looked after by somebody. You are protected; you're helped; you're blessed. Also you drop out all your bad habits. I have seen even Americans giving up their addictions to drugs, overnight. Now also what happens to you that your attention becomes enlightened. So wherever you pay attention, this attention works, and so many miraculous things happen that you can't believe it. Once you will start growing in Sahaja Yoga, they will tell you about the miracles that can happen. Even you will write to Me about many miracles. Now we have such a lot of collection of these miracles and we don't know what to do with them. So life becomes really a blissful, peaceful existence. You also get powers to raise the Kundalini of others. You have so many powers - your intellectual powers, your perception, everything becomes really so dynamic, you'll be amazed at it. And you take to righteous ways of life, automatically. Nobody has to tell you, "Don't do this, don't do that", you become that way. So many qualities develop that in this lecture I cannot tell you all that, but you'll be amazed at yourself. I have seen people solve their problems very well. They lose the sense of greed and lust and they automatically become moral - automatically. Now the greatest thing about this is that you become a universal being. Like a drop becomes the ocean. Lao-Tse has described this. In ways He has described, and I'm sure that you all will achieve it and you'll grow into it and you'll enjoy yourself. The best part of it that you jump into the Ocean of Joy. Joy is absolute, it is not a double coin like happiness and unhappiness. Such love, such understanding exists. Now see here we have people from all the countries. I said, "Now this is the United Nations." This changes your database of your genes. It is very surprising that we are not aware about our greatness, our growth. But we must respect ourselves because we are human beings at the epitome of evolution. Now the time has come to know yourself and understand how powerful you are. Thank you very much. I'm so happy, you don't know, that somehow we have entered into China. Thank you very much. Thank you. If you have any questions, I don't mind answering them.
Public Program. Beijing (China), 13 September 1995. Very much enamored to know that you all are very much interested in Sahaja Yoga. The first person who is sitting here and who had the honor to meet in Austria, and I was surprised how he was know all about Sahaja Yoga. In your country you had very great philosophers once upon a time. Of course you believe in humanism; but there was another great, great philosopher who was called as Lao-Tse, of a very high spirituality like a great incarnation of a Master. What He has written about, described about Yangtze River is very interesting, because I went through the Yangtze River Myself. And He calls it Tao. Tao. Is actually He is talking about Kundalini. He was a poet, so whatever He has described is rather subtle. And maybe they must have thought that it's better to understand other people than Tao written by Lao-Tse. But all over the world you will find it is Tao which people respect very much, and they like to always interpret the meaning of the word "Tao." Really symbolically He has described that this river Yangtze is a difficult river to go through. And the surroundings, the banks of this river, are extremely beautiful. You won't believe for twelve hours I was sitting outside watching the beauty of the banks. I've never seen such beautiful mountains, trees, and the whole movement of nature is like an artist painting something. And all your paintings, most of them, I think are impressed by that kind of banks that I saw, because I have studied your art and I felt that the way you have shown in your art that is mostly paintings of Yangtze River. But the symbolic thing is this: that in the beginning it's a very difficult river, there are lots of currents, they form lots of circles, very heavy type, and is very difficult to climb. It is for quite some time you have to pass very carefully. Just about few hours when it reaches the sea, it becomes calm, absolutely calm. In the same way, the Tao that He describes is, in the beginning, according to Him, is rather difficult. But when it reaches near the sea, it calms down. It is a remarkable thing that how He could see the Kundalini so much well defined as this Yangtze River. It is an extremely, very artistic, subtle idea. Shows what a poet He must have been, and how highly developed spiritually He was. Confucius is all right, "But for what we should become good?" is the point people will ask. "Why should we be good people?", people can ask such a question. "What is the need to be good, to be balanced?" We too had many like this who talked that, "We have to be in balance, we have to be moral and we have to be righteous people." But for what is this balance we have to find out. This balance is for the ultimate ascent. And unless and until we achieve that ascent, nothing can satisfy us. The fundamental question that we have all over the world, we should say, "Why are we on this earth?" Is it just to be born, to live and die? All our life to struggle, to worry and also to lead a life which is painful? Then the people think that it would be that if you get lots of money, we'll be happy. But you should know that those people who have lots of money are not at all happy; on the contrary, much more unhappy than the people who don't have much money. Because they have greed, and greed never satisfies them. Then another type are they think if they have some powers, you see, political or economic powers, they'll be very happy. But they are also not happy. If a person is sensitive, he doesn't feel satisfied with what he sees around. And then he becomes restless. All over the world you'll find these days thousands and thousands of people who are restless. But they don't understand why they are restless, and they think they have to seek the peace within us so that they become at least joyous. I think in this whole world these days there are numberless people who are seekers of Truth. Because normally we live in a relative world. We don't live in the absolute world. Because of that, we have problems. For example, one man thinks something is very good, he has a fixed idea. Another man thinks that something else is good, and he has another fixed idea. But they are not satisfied because they have to find out the absolute Truth. For that, in our whole creation through the evolutionary process, there's a built-in mechanism within us, which is the Tao. This - I think in those days it must have been hard to say something very openly, so He took this name Tao and described the Yangtse River. I have to tell you that now the time has come, a special time, I call it a blossom time. It is all repeated in so many scriptures that such a time is going to come. And it is evident, very evident to Me, that there are thousands and thousands of seekers of Truth. They may not know what they are seeking. So after a person feels restless, he starts finding there are so many coincidences which he cannot explain. For example, I met your Premier with My husband here - it was not a coincidence, I know. I could feel that he was a very sensitive person. And he asked Me about the spirituality. Though he did not know that I was doing any spiritual work, but somehow he felt and he asked Me. Then I met many Chinese people also, and I found them to be extremely wise, very balanced, very humble, very sweet and it was such a pleasure to be with them. I met the Ambassador's wife in London, and I was amazed, her ideas about culture were same as we have in India. I have greatest desire to come to China, really. Because I felt Chinese are the fit people to get their Self Realization. They are very deep, they are very wise and very serene. Their style is very much like Indian style, I should say - the real Indians who are very simple. And today I feel the coincidence has worked that I met this gentleman in Austria and this whole thing was arranged so well. I was in Hong Kong, and the people in Hong Kong who got Realization, they wanted Me to go to the Main Land. It is something that in some countries I find people are extremely evolved. I don't want to criticize but compared to you people, Americans are babies, not yet matured. It's very difficult to talk to them. I'll give you one example. It is not such a decent one, but that's how you'll know how stupid they are. Now this gentleman is not there. He was Chairman of the International Jung Society. Jung is the one who fought his teacher and started talking about the Realization. That time I was about sixty years of age and this gentleman must have been eighty years. So, after the program when I told them how Jung has not understood certain things, they were very much impressed. So he said, "I would like to see You for some private work." And he tried to know My address. He came to My house and I asked him what the problem was. Now such an old man, eighty-year-old person, started telling Me about his own life. So he said, "I had a keep, and I am a Catholic so I could not marry her, and I didn't even tell my wife." "Now my wife is dead, so I asked this lady to marry me. And she does not want to marry me. Can You do something with Your spiritual powers to make her agree to marry me." I said, "What is the age of your keep?" So he said, "It's only thirty-five years." I said, "What am I to tell this old man of eighty years shaking and asking such a stupid thing, you know." But in America you'll find many like this. There's no - no surprise now to Me. Also about spirituality they don't have much idea. Like once I was traveling, an American lady tells Me that, "Do You know this gentleman who is a guru from India?" "So what does he do?", I said. "What is his speciality?" So, "He takes out some watches and things, and also diamonds - he gives you diamonds." So I said, "But why do you follow him? Do you want diamonds?" "No, no, this time he is giving us a bargain price. So why not make use of that?" So to them spirituality is marketing. And there are many like these who are selling spirituality in America. But they cannot work out in China, I know sure. Another one started a funny sort of thing that you can fly up to three feet. For that people have to pay six thousand pounds. Most of the Americans were there. I don't think any Chinese would have accepted. And not Indians, because they got exported to America because Indians are also very wise. Now I asked them, because they sold out their houses, took back their children from the schools and they were all bankrupts. I said, "Why do you want to fly at three feet, already we have jams on the way. Why do you want to fly at three feet?" They said, "It's a very great achievement, you know, that you can fly at that height." And their practices, they broke their bottoms also, so they paid the money and this fellow had to jolly well pay them. So perhaps Indians are also very clever. They must have realized, "You can cash on these stupid people", so they all went to America. First time I went to America and I said, "Nothing doing with these stupid people." For nine years I never went and all these gurus nicely prospered, had lots of money. But one should understand that you cannot pay for your evolution. It is a living process. For that you need wisdom, because if you are so stupid, I mean you just can't explain. Maybe China and India both are very ancient countries, perhaps maybe because of that we've developed that maturity. Now what I feel that these Americans, or Europeans also, they all are trying to put their culture on us. And this Women's Conference, you see, these were saying that "We should become very free and we have this right, we have that right." I have been all over the world, as you know Sahaja Yoga is now working in sixty-five countries. And if you see what freedom these women have achieved - it's nonsense. They have just freedom to fight, freedom to wear funny dresses, exposing their body. In no way they are free. There was one American lady who came to a conference of My husband - very highly placed. And she started boasting that, "We are very free people; we give all the freedom to the children." And she asked Me if I'd seen all the pubs of London. And she had a complete list of all the pubs. She told Me, "That's a very great tourist attraction for London. "But," she said, "the best I liked was called as the Hermit's Pub." I thought, "In England, how could there be a hermit?" So she said that, "One fellow was living in a dingy room. He died there. Nobody knew about it, and it was all very smelly, and there were lots of cob webs that developed. And that is the best place where you really feel so much beyond this world. And all these tourists are dying to go to that place, you see, because it's such a small, little room, like a den and they cannot enter in." I said, "I'm sorry, I've not seen all these place." But then I heard about her something. Was very shocking. She was actually condemning Indians and boasting that, "See, you give all the freedom to your children, and - you never give any freedom to your children but we give full freedom to our children. "We give them everything to drink. Whatever we drink, we give it to our children. We want them to enjoy. One is a fourteen-year-old, another is twelve-year-old." The news we got was that the twelve-year-old was having his birthday, and they drank so much. And the whole house got caught up with a fire with which they were playing, and the husband, wife and both the children died. So their idea of freedom is absolutely complete bondage. Now, freedom is where a person is beyond all the habits, all the destructive cultures. Now the problem of the West is that they believe that every moment should be enjoyed. And their enjoyments are all very self-destructive. They have this Grand Prix in which a person has to die. They have all kinds of self-destructive enjoyments, every enjoyment is nothing but is to kill yourself. With this stupid ideas about enjoyment, they are losing completely themselves. Now this Mrs. Clinton, Hillary Clinton, came here and said that - they always interfere with government so they think they are right to say whatever they like. Instead of thanking the Chinese government for arranging such a nice conference, she just tried to show off. And what she said that you should not force women to have less children; and they should have right, you see, to have as many children as they like. Because it's all right in America where to these white people, white skinned people, children are not born, they don't want to be born. Because children are wise. Why will they be born in such a stupid country where children are killed by parents, by everybody? They are after the lives of poor children. So you Chinese and we Indians have to bear the brunt. Because all the children want to be born with us. So what she talks, you see, she doesn't know the world. But, you see, her remark has been everywhere criticized. And in all the newspapers they said, "All right, let the Chinese produce lots of children and send all of them to America." But I felt, "Why punish the poor children?" Even the little girls are not safe with the father. Can you imagine such a thing? Everyday there is news about these people, and they think it is sensational - so, so shameful it is! There are so many things which can be told to you, but you are people who have been endowed with great wisdom. And when I am telling you this, you are all with Me. But if I tell this to Americans, they'll say, "What's wrong? That's our right to do what we like." So, you will realize in Sahaja Yoga, there is nothing to learn from these Americans, or these Western people. Actually, you see, they are so much after perfection and progress that they don't know what to do actually to achieve progress. For example, now if you go to America you find a person with a big pony tail from the back. So know that is a man; it's not a woman. And if it's a crew cut, it's a woman. And you cannot make out who's a man, who is a woman. Can you imagine? They are all becoming man or woman, I don't know. One story I'll tell you, interesting - because I'm in a great, very happy mood. There was at the airport one gentleman was standing and he saw a girl dressed up just like a man. And he told another gentleman who's standing there, "I don't like the way the girls are dressed like this, like men." So this gentleman said, "What's wrong? She is my daughter." He said, "I didn't know you were the father." "No, I'm the mother." I mean, what is so great in doing this kind of nonsense? They all find out nonsensical things all the time and say, "What's wrong?" Once upon a time people used to say, "When China will rise, the tiger will start roaring." And that's why you see today. Let them criticize. Let them do what they like. Everybody knows how far they are. Now this Mr. Lopain from France - this one, Mr. Lopain from France and he is criticizing this conference. He says that we should not criticize Mr. Chiraq for putting the bomb in the Pacific but criticize these Chinese for making this conference and this kind of a artificial thing, according to them. Because in the conference they are discussing morality. And French don't want to hear about it. Though it is called that the French are, France is the eldest daughter of Catholic Church. But there is an unwritten law that a housewife could be a prostitute. How can they like Chinese, or how can they like Indians whose basis of life is morality? So this is how, you should know how you are placed in a very, very high position as far as morality and spirituality is concerned. There have been some sort of misunderstanding between India and China. But, it will all pass over because I know basically we are the same. And Indians have great, great love and respect for Chinese. Our Commander-in-Chief, Mr. Joshi, who was a Sahaja Yogi and who talked to Me about the Chinese and I gave him the full idea that we have done lots of mistakes, they have done some mistakes. And he admitted that, and when he came here he said, "They gave me a red carpet treatment." So what we have to understand that already basically we have a very big foundation here of spirituality in this country. It has nothing to do what kind of political ... what you can call a political sort of, like this is communism, that is so-called democracy, all that. It's nothing to do with you. It is something outside. What is democracy is all you can call them demonocracy. So what is important is: how far you are evolved within, not what you have got outside, so-called. I personally think that this inner evolution has taken place in a very greater way in this great country of China. As long as you don't interfere with the government, you're all right. So we don't have to be in any way curbed because we are democratics or we are socialists or we are communists - makes no difference to us. Because I told you all these stories to show: those who think they are very free are absolutely absurd people. Now, My own experience of Chinese has been really very great. I don't know now, but when I came I was surprised how honest they were, absolutely honest. And they were so sensitive about Me, that wherever My husband went, whatever office, they used to invite Me there. I mean, I was just a housewife, but they showed such respect for Me, I was amazed. We were here in this city and in a hotel, very good hotel, and My toe ring - which was silver only - fell down somewhere. Then we went to Tachai, all kinds of places, ultimately we reached Shanghai. And I was amazed that this toe ring was sent to Me, very carefully wrapped, so sweetly. I couldn't understand why they took so much trouble. And it really touched My heart, shows how much they loved Me. Because nothing was special about Me that time. So I found that extremely compassionate and loving people. And some sort of a idea of spirituality, of sensitivity to it. Because the way they behaved towards Me, not for a housewife - they would never behave like this for a housewife. I know once in London there was an exhibition which I could not attend because I was out of station so they extended the exhibition for two days for Me. The whole transition also took place because of wisdom. But people who are not wise, who are not evolved, cannot understand there has to be transformation. Now I am talking of global transformation, of global transformation. This is the time for global transformation. When this Kundalini rises, She passes through six centers which are for our physical, mental, emotional being. And these subtle centers are very important because they are the foundation of our being. This Kundalini, we can call It as a residual energy which is the fifth energy we have got. Now, we have limited energy of our mind, of our mind. So we have to have more energy, extra energy if it is available. So far we have seen that the man who starts thinking about the future and the past all the time is in trouble. One thought rises, falls off. Another thought rises, falls off. And we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts all the time like mad. But when this Kundalini, this power rises She elongates those thoughts and then the space in between. It's a living process; it has to happen; it's spontaneous. And in the center of these thoughts, then there is a space created. This is present. This is where you become thoughtlessly aware. You're thoughtless, but you're aware. There's no thought. This is the seed of our peace. This is what I said today that if you don't have peace within, how can you have peace without? I have met many people who have got peace awards. But they are so hot tempered that if you have to talk to them, have a barge pole in between. I don't know how they give them peace awards, for what? This is what, we talk of "peace, peace, peace." It's just a talk. Unless you have peace within yourself you cannot create peace outside. I must tell you about Sahaja Yogis from Moscow. You'll be surprised how much they are changed. When they were having this coup, I was there in Moscow and I asked them, "Aren't you troubled with this that is happening in this country of yours?" They said, "Mother, why should we worry? We are in the kingdom of Divine. Why should we worry about what's happening here?" That was really surprising for Russians to say that. Of course, thirty-five to forty percent people are for Marlboro cigarette, but in China, I'm sure, there is a very big percentage of people who are quite evolved. In short, I tell you what can happen once you get this global transformation. Firstly, you get cured. You get all physical problems are solved. Now we have four doctors in Delhi who have achieved MD in Sahaja Yoga. It is a meta science I am talking about; it's a meta science. Even if you may not be a doctor, you can cure yourself and you can cure others without paying any money whatsoever. Because you get the light of the Spirit in your consciousness, in your attention. Because we are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intelligence, ego or conditioning. We are the pure Spirit. So unless and until we get our Selfhood, we don't know what we are. Like this instrument, if it is not connected to the mains, it has no meaning, it has no identity. In the same way, we are to be connected to the mains for this All Pervading Power of Spirituality or Divine Power of Love. Once that happens, you start getting that vital energy within you. You become absolutely dynamic. At the same time you become extremely compassionate. Now, see, I'm seventy-three years of age and I'm traveling every third day. I came from Frankfurt all the way traveling for nine, ten hours and they took Me straight to the hall where I had to speak about peace. Because you don't worry. You are in the center; you are in the reality; you are in the present. And then this All Pervading Power of Divine Love looks after you. It takes over. Such coincidences will take place that you will feel that you are being looked after by somebody. You are protected; you're helped; you're blessed. Also you drop out all your bad habits. I have seen even Americans giving up their addictions to drugs, overnight. Now also what happens to you that your attention becomes enlightened. So wherever you pay attention, this attention works, and so many miraculous things happen that you can't believe it. Once you will start growing in Sahaja Yoga, they will tell you about the miracles that can happen. Even you will write to Me about many miracles. Now we have such a lot of collection of these miracles and we don't know what to do with them. So life becomes really a blissful, peaceful existence. You also get powers to raise the Kundalini of others. You have so many powers - your intellectual powers, your perception, everything becomes really so dynamic, you'll be amazed at it. And you take to righteous ways of life, automatically. Nobody has to tell you, "Don't do this, don't do that", you become that way. So many qualities develop that in this lecture I cannot tell you all that, but you'll be amazed at yourself. I have seen people solve their problems very well. They lose the sense of greed and lust and they automatically become moral - automatically. Now the greatest thing about this is that you become a universal being. Like a drop becomes the ocean. Lao-Tse has described this. In ways He has described, and I'm sure that you all will achieve it and you'll grow into it and you'll enjoy yourself. The best part of it that you jump into the Ocean of Joy. Joy is absolute, it is not a double coin like happiness and unhappiness. Such love, such understanding exists. Now see here we have people from all the countries. I said, "Now this is the United Nations." This changes your database of your genes. It is very surprising that we are not aware about our greatness, our growth. But we must respect ourselves because we are human beings at the epitome of evolution. Now the time has come to know yourself and understand how powerful you are. Thank you very much. I'm so happy, you don't know, that somehow we have entered into China. Thank you very much. Thank you. If you have any questions, I don't mind answering them.
Understand what is wrong in your country
Public Program
Understand what is wrong in your country, Public Program, Moscow 16-09-1995 I bow to all seekers of truth. (so many Sahaja Yogis are sitting here). At the very outset one has to understand that the truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot describe it and we cannot transform it. Today we are living in a chaotic world. We don’t know how the things are working out in a manner that is not good to us, not good for ourselves, not good for our children and as a whole it’s not good for anyone. Everybody feels insecure whether you are in Russia, China or America. The reason is we are not allowed to stand on the principle of truth. Whatever is our human energy, we find it is difficult to survive in this conflicting world and we get very upset and disturbed. We don’t feel peace in our heart. All the time we are worried and we don’t know what is going to happen for our future. At this point it is being predicted that something is going to happen to human beings that it would achieve the global transformation. In every field we find there is a big misunderstanding, supposing you follow one religion if you are a Christian you don’t understand how could the people who talk about Christianity have anything to do with God. If you talk of Islam also you are surprised the way people are behaving. Because Christ has said something very great about morality. He said that thou shall not have adulterous eyes. Have been to most of the western Christian nations and I find they are not their eyes adulterous but the whole being is adulterous, (they are) their priests are immoral, bishops are immoral, pope is immoral, they are only immoral how do they call themselves Christians; they are anti Christians. The second ones are these Muslims. Islam means surrendering to the will of God. They believe in the Formless God and why are they fighting for lands? Everywhere they are fighting, everywhere they are creating problems. Actually, the problem is like this that Christ never wrote Bible, it was Paul, who was a very bad man, who wrote Bible. He got Peter who was the weakest of weak person as a disciple of Christ. In the Bible it was written, it was written very clearly in the Bible that Peter will be caught by some satan and that one was Paul. This Paul is the one who hated women, he was epileptic. According to Sahaja Yoga, any man is epileptic is possessed by a devil, devil or a ghost. Second thing is Koran was never never written by Muhammad Sahib. He did not know how to read and write. He actually told his friends who also did not know how to read and write about his revelation. These people had their grandchildren who got educated and after forty years a very nasty fellow called [Abu Bakr] he wrote Koran. All right, this fellow became the fifth Khalifa, he became the fifth Khalifa. The first one was Abu Bakr, I mean you should say the second because first one was Muhammad Sahib. No, first was Abu Bakr. The second one was Ali, Hazrat Ali, whom this fellow, Muwaiyah, killed, he killed his sons. Then the third one also he killed and the fourth one also he killed and his mother ate the liver of this fourth Khalifa and the fourth Khalifa’s liver was eaten by the mother of this Muawiyah. Such a horrible man and he is the one who wrote Koran. He asked the grandsons after forty years the death of Hazrat Muhammad and he wrote this Koran from them. Can you remember, those who are Sahaja Yogis here, even one of my lectures by heart? So, for forty years can you imagine somebody remembering what Muhammad Sahib had said. He was also hater of women, maybe he might be Paul and that’s why all these books have condemned women. Then the Jews also had their own book. Actually, you can see that Muhammad Sahib never had exclusive religion. He talked of Abraham, he talked of Moses, he talked of Christ specially of his mother and he said nobody dare say a words against that the Holy women. Despite all efforts of Mr. Muttaiyah, it’s in the Koran. Another thing he has said, "That the one who does know himself is like a beast" also that is there. So it’s not an exclusive religion, he gave all the different stages of evolution of religion. Same with Christ he talked of Abraham, he talked of Moses so how can you talk Christianity an exclusive religion and these books as authentic? I am telling you the truth and if you have any intelligence try to understand the way they are fighting in the name of god, they are bringing bad name to God. The way they are fighting in the name of Christ or in the name of Mohammad Sahab or Abraham, Moses they are maligning their names. Christ has said know thy self. He also said you are to be born again. This kind of religion can be only be followed by stupid and idiotic people. What could has this religion has done to the priest themselves and what is it going to do good to us. In England there was, there is a priest a very high priest called Bishop who was adulterous. So he says what can I do? my genes are bad, if so why are you priest? You better go into jail and stay there. Religion cannot come into us unless and until we become enlightened people. In the evolutionary (people) process we have reached the state where we are human beings. But we have no absolute truth with us. Some say democracy is good; some say communism is good; some say anarchy is good because we live in relative world. We don’t live with the absolute truth. As long as we live with this kind of relative world we can never have peace, never can have joy. That is how a new generation, a new type of people race is born today. I call them as seekers of truth. They are feeling extremely restless. They cannot accept relative truth; they are very disturbed and frustrated. Not in only Russia, China, America, England, Spain everywhere. These are the people who are seeking the truth. But when the crooks discovered they thought it’s a good market you see. This is also described in the Bible luckily that all these false, nonsensical people will come on this earth to exploit you. Thank God some or other most of have run away from Russia. You cannot pay for your ascent. If you tell these false people we can’t pay you they will run away; they just want money. Then this restlessness comes then they are start seeing there are some coincidences happening. Despite these false people, despite these wrong people who are claiming God and all that, they come with coincidences they realised that there must be truth somewhere. When I first came to Leningrad nobody knew who I was and the whole hall there were 2000, already filled in, and 2000 were outside. They asked me, "What about us Mother?" I said, "Let me finish the program then will see". They all stayed outside. When I came back I say, "All right, tomorrow morning we have it at open ground". And I was amazed 2000 from inside, 2000 from outside and 1000 more like 5-6000 people there for program. So, I asked them, "How is it you believe me? I may be a thief; I may be cheating you". They said,"Mother we don’t want money, we don’t want money. We haven’t met anybody whether from the church or from the mosque or form the gurus who doesn’t want money at all". So, I just laughed I said, "Look at the wisdom of these Russians!" So, Russians are very wise no doubt but they must understand what’s wrong in their own country. Don’t blame the government, everywhere the governments are like this but firstly you all should get your Self-realization and enter into the kingdom of God. You become the citizens of kingdom of God then you will realise in your wisdom what you have to do. I see here all these shops which are junks from America or England or Spain. They cannot sell this junk in their own country so they have sent here to exploit you. There is nothing to learn from the West; there is complete decadence there, they are all going to hell. They will give you Marlboro cigarettes or they will give you these jeans and take you with them to a hell. You have to be patriotic. In India you cannot get even a tie which is made abroad. Mahatma Gandhi told don’t buy anything from abroad, buy everything that is made in your country. If you buy anything from abroad you are selling your country to other people. What I find here that alcohols from Scotland, from Holland, from all over the places specially France is selling on the streets. They told me that they think they become French if they take French wine, what is so great about French, they are stupidest people ever living, very immoral they said there is unwritten law that house wife could be a prostitute, how does it appeal to you to take these things and buy these horrible things, these junky things out of your precious rubles. All over on the road what you see alcohols by taking alcohol are you going to become a great people. I have seen so many statues in Moscow not one of a drunkard, nobody praises a drunkard. In London I had a house always unfortunately near a pub, most surprising thing was that the people were coming out of the pub and falling on the road and those who were nicely standing were queuing up for going inside to come back falling. They couldn’t see the stupidity of these people going in spending all their money and coming out and falling on the street. In the western countries drinking is regarded as a part human endeavor. Animals don’t drink why should human beings drink I don’t understand because they are restless. Once you start this bad habit, goes on and on and on. So what something should be done about it; there are so many divorces; there are children who are taking drugs, all kinds of immoral things are happening. In the west the theory is: every moment must be enjoyed. But all these enjoyments are self destructive, you don’t know yourself then you do all these things, isn’t it. So you have to know yourself and to know yourself there is a mechanism within you as shown here. This mechanism is already built in within you and when this power rises and breaks through your fontanel bone area you get actualisation of baptism. Then your genes change they get transformed in the light of the Spirit you know what is good for you, what is destructive and you have the strength to give up everything nonsensical. You become very dynamic as well as extremely compassionate. What we need is love and compassion whether we confess it or not. We need pure love without greed, without lust. We have all the capacities and capabilities within us. We are glorious, we have to know ourself. There is a mechanism within us which spontaneously does your awakening as a result what you get is first of all the absolute knowledge on your fingertips. Then your attention becomes enlightened. You see everything clearly and totally. You come in the present in the reality. You yourself develop powers to cure others to raise their kundalini. Of course, your physical being, emotional being, spiritual being, mental being all gets enlightened. All your incurable diseases are cured. So, this peace comes into your heart. Many people gets peace awards, there is no peace in their hearts. They are very hot tempered. If you have to meet them be careful. So we find ourselves to be a universal being. So, we transcend all the barriers of religions, barriers of nations, barriers of all fixed ideas. All this is available to you and it can work out. So, today you know I have to go Leningrad and in this short lecture I have already told that you can have your Self-realization tonight. Only thing is you must have desire to do it because I respect your freedom, I cannot force it on you. You have to ask for it and secondly you must have full self confidence that you’ll get it. Another condition is that you should know that you are not guilty of anything because when you will discover this divine power you will be amazed that it’s an ocean of forgiveness. It just cleanses you completely and you become a pure personality like the lotus that comes out of mud and once its bloom it so fragrant and so beautiful. So, the truth is you are not this body, this mind, this emotions, this intelligence, this ego, this conditionings but you are the pure spirit and another great truth is that there is a All-pervading Power of Divine love which is subtle, we cannot feel it. It does the all the living work. After Self-realization you can feel it and then you will feel that you are a special person chosen by God Almighty. You get completely transformed. It is the actualisation of your baptism. It is not some stupid priest puts his hand, dirty hand on your head. This is what is enlightenment. It acts very easily ‘Sahaja.’ ‘Saha’ means with ‘ja’ means born, with you is the right to have self-realization at this time. It will hardly take 10 minutes but those who want to go should go before we start our process. It will work very fast but you have to forgive yourself as well as others. Whether you forgive or you don’t forgive you don’t do anything but if you do not forgive then you play into wrong hands and torture your life. In that your centre on the optic chiasma gets completely closed. So please forgive others so that it will open. If you don’t forgive then this centre here on the left catches. You might get diseases like angina, spondylitis because of that, so better forgive yourself and others because this is a very important moment when you have to have yourself Self-realization. It might work very quickly as it works in India very quickly, if you just co-operate. (I think, if you just ask them to put their hands) All right. So, now just put your hands towards me. Those who are seating on the chair should take out their shoes please and put both the feet apart from each other. Those who are seating on the ground can take out their shoes, just put your hands. All those who are feeling cool breeze on their fingertips or on the palm or out of the fontanel bone area like this, just see(the), feel it. Now please put right hand towards me and feel it. You’ll feel cool or hot breeze coming out of your head. If it is hot then that means you have not forgiven yourself or others, so please forgive. Now please put the left hand towards me and see with your right hand, bend your head. Now with right hand again once more, again put your hands like this towards me and watch me without thinking because this is the first stage you achieve is of thoughtless awareness. You are aware but you are thoughtless. Our thoughts comes to us either from the future or the past and we are jumping on the cusp of those thoughts but when the kundalini rises these thought elongates all right, and in between is the present where there is no thought, that is our peace within. Now all those who have felt cool or hot breeze on the left hand or the right hand, please raise your hands. That’s Russia. May God bless you. You all are very great, I love you very much. You must also love yourself and look after your Self-realization and grow into it and I am very proud of you. It only works this way in Russia and in India nowhere else. You are specially blessed with spirituality. Now enjoy yourself, enjoy your spirit. You have to be collective; you have to understand what you have got. Like the drop has become the ocean. All your problems will be solved. May God bless you. So fast. Thank you.
Understand what is wrong in your country, Public Program, Moscow 16-09-1995 I bow to all seekers of truth. (so many Sahaja Yogis are sitting here). At the very outset one has to understand that the truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot describe it and we cannot transform it. Today we are living in a chaotic world. We don’t know how the things are working out in a manner that is not good to us, not good for ourselves, not good for our children and as a whole it’s not good for anyone. Everybody feels insecure whether you are in Russia, China or America. The reason is we are not allowed to stand on the principle of truth. Whatever is our human energy, we find it is difficult to survive in this conflicting world and we get very upset and disturbed. We don’t feel peace in our heart. All the time we are worried and we don’t know what is going to happen for our future. At this point it is being predicted that something is going to happen to human beings that it would achieve the global transformation. In every field we find there is a big misunderstanding, supposing you follow one religion if you are a Christian you don’t understand how could the people who talk about Christianity have anything to do with God. If you talk of Islam also you are surprised the way people are behaving. Because Christ has said something very great about morality. He said that thou shall not have adulterous eyes. Have been to most of the western Christian nations and I find they are not their eyes adulterous but the whole being is adulterous, (they are) their priests are immoral, bishops are immoral, pope is immoral, they are only immoral how do they call themselves Christians; they are anti Christians. The second ones are these Muslims. Islam means surrendering to the will of God. They believe in the Formless God and why are they fighting for lands? Everywhere they are fighting, everywhere they are creating problems. Actually, the problem is like this that Christ never wrote Bible, it was Paul, who was a very bad man, who wrote Bible. He got Peter who was the weakest of weak person as a disciple of Christ. In the Bible it was written, it was written very clearly in the Bible that Peter will be caught by some satan and that one was Paul. This Paul is the one who hated women, he was epileptic. According to Sahaja Yoga, any man is epileptic is possessed by a devil, devil or a ghost. Second thing is Koran was never never written by Muhammad Sahib. He did not know how to read and write. He actually told his friends who also did not know how to read and write about his revelation. These people had their grandchildren who got educated and after forty years a very nasty fellow called [Abu Bakr] he wrote Koran. All right, this fellow became the fifth Khalifa, he became the fifth Khalifa. The first one was Abu Bakr, I mean you should say the second because first one was Muhammad Sahib. No, first was Abu Bakr. The second one was Ali, Hazrat Ali, whom this fellow, Muwaiyah, killed, he killed his sons. Then the third one also he killed and the fourth one also he killed and his mother ate the liver of this fourth Khalifa and the fourth Khalifa’s liver was eaten by the mother of this Muawiyah. Such a horrible man and he is the one who wrote Koran. He asked the grandsons after forty years the death of Hazrat Muhammad and he wrote this Koran from them. Can you remember, those who are Sahaja Yogis here, even one of my lectures by heart? So, for forty years can you imagine somebody remembering what Muhammad Sahib had said. He was also hater of women, maybe he might be Paul and that’s why all these books have condemned women. Then the Jews also had their own book. Actually, you can see that Muhammad Sahib never had exclusive religion. He talked of Abraham, he talked of Moses, he talked of Christ specially of his mother and he said nobody dare say a words against that the Holy women. Despite all efforts of Mr. Muttaiyah, it’s in the Koran. Another thing he has said, "That the one who does know himself is like a beast" also that is there. So it’s not an exclusive religion, he gave all the different stages of evolution of religion. Same with Christ he talked of Abraham, he talked of Moses so how can you talk Christianity an exclusive religion and these books as authentic? I am telling you the truth and if you have any intelligence try to understand the way they are fighting in the name of god, they are bringing bad name to God. The way they are fighting in the name of Christ or in the name of Mohammad Sahab or Abraham, Moses they are maligning their names. Christ has said know thy self. He also said you are to be born again. This kind of religion can be only be followed by stupid and idiotic people. What could has this religion has done to the priest themselves and what is it going to do good to us. In England there was, there is a priest a very high priest called Bishop who was adulterous. So he says what can I do? my genes are bad, if so why are you priest? You better go into jail and stay there. Religion cannot come into us unless and until we become enlightened people. In the evolutionary (people) process we have reached the state where we are human beings. But we have no absolute truth with us. Some say democracy is good; some say communism is good; some say anarchy is good because we live in relative world. We don’t live with the absolute truth. As long as we live with this kind of relative world we can never have peace, never can have joy. That is how a new generation, a new type of people race is born today. I call them as seekers of truth. They are feeling extremely restless. They cannot accept relative truth; they are very disturbed and frustrated. Not in only Russia, China, America, England, Spain everywhere. These are the people who are seeking the truth. But when the crooks discovered they thought it’s a good market you see. This is also described in the Bible luckily that all these false, nonsensical people will come on this earth to exploit you. Thank God some or other most of have run away from Russia. You cannot pay for your ascent. If you tell these false people we can’t pay you they will run away; they just want money. Then this restlessness comes then they are start seeing there are some coincidences happening. Despite these false people, despite these wrong people who are claiming God and all that, they come with coincidences they realised that there must be truth somewhere. When I first came to Leningrad nobody knew who I was and the whole hall there were 2000, already filled in, and 2000 were outside. They asked me, "What about us Mother?" I said, "Let me finish the program then will see". They all stayed outside. When I came back I say, "All right, tomorrow morning we have it at open ground". And I was amazed 2000 from inside, 2000 from outside and 1000 more like 5-6000 people there for program. So, I asked them, "How is it you believe me? I may be a thief; I may be cheating you". They said,"Mother we don’t want money, we don’t want money. We haven’t met anybody whether from the church or from the mosque or form the gurus who doesn’t want money at all". So, I just laughed I said, "Look at the wisdom of these Russians!" So, Russians are very wise no doubt but they must understand what’s wrong in their own country. Don’t blame the government, everywhere the governments are like this but firstly you all should get your Self-realization and enter into the kingdom of God. You become the citizens of kingdom of God then you will realise in your wisdom what you have to do. I see here all these shops which are junks from America or England or Spain. They cannot sell this junk in their own country so they have sent here to exploit you. There is nothing to learn from the West; there is complete decadence there, they are all going to hell. They will give you Marlboro cigarettes or they will give you these jeans and take you with them to a hell. You have to be patriotic. In India you cannot get even a tie which is made abroad. Mahatma Gandhi told don’t buy anything from abroad, buy everything that is made in your country. If you buy anything from abroad you are selling your country to other people. What I find here that alcohols from Scotland, from Holland, from all over the places specially France is selling on the streets. They told me that they think they become French if they take French wine, what is so great about French, they are stupidest people ever living, very immoral they said there is unwritten law that house wife could be a prostitute, how does it appeal to you to take these things and buy these horrible things, these junky things out of your precious rubles. All over on the road what you see alcohols by taking alcohol are you going to become a great people. I have seen so many statues in Moscow not one of a drunkard, nobody praises a drunkard. In London I had a house always unfortunately near a pub, most surprising thing was that the people were coming out of the pub and falling on the road and those who were nicely standing were queuing up for going inside to come back falling. They couldn’t see the stupidity of these people going in spending all their money and coming out and falling on the street. In the western countries drinking is regarded as a part human endeavor. Animals don’t drink why should human beings drink I don’t understand because they are restless. Once you start this bad habit, goes on and on and on. So what something should be done about it; there are so many divorces; there are children who are taking drugs, all kinds of immoral things are happening. In the west the theory is: every moment must be enjoyed. But all these enjoyments are self destructive, you don’t know yourself then you do all these things, isn’t it. So you have to know yourself and to know yourself there is a mechanism within you as shown here. This mechanism is already built in within you and when this power rises and breaks through your fontanel bone area you get actualisation of baptism. Then your genes change they get transformed in the light of the Spirit you know what is good for you, what is destructive and you have the strength to give up everything nonsensical. You become very dynamic as well as extremely compassionate. What we need is love and compassion whether we confess it or not. We need pure love without greed, without lust. We have all the capacities and capabilities within us. We are glorious, we have to know ourself. There is a mechanism within us which spontaneously does your awakening as a result what you get is first of all the absolute knowledge on your fingertips. Then your attention becomes enlightened. You see everything clearly and totally. You come in the present in the reality. You yourself develop powers to cure others to raise their kundalini. Of course, your physical being, emotional being, spiritual being, mental being all gets enlightened. All your incurable diseases are cured. So, this peace comes into your heart. Many people gets peace awards, there is no peace in their hearts. They are very hot tempered. If you have to meet them be careful. So we find ourselves to be a universal being. So, we transcend all the barriers of religions, barriers of nations, barriers of all fixed ideas. All this is available to you and it can work out. So, today you know I have to go Leningrad and in this short lecture I have already told that you can have your Self-realization tonight. Only thing is you must have desire to do it because I respect your freedom, I cannot force it on you. You have to ask for it and secondly you must have full self confidence that you’ll get it. Another condition is that you should know that you are not guilty of anything because when you will discover this divine power you will be amazed that it’s an ocean of forgiveness. It just cleanses you completely and you become a pure personality like the lotus that comes out of mud and once its bloom it so fragrant and so beautiful. So, the truth is you are not this body, this mind, this emotions, this intelligence, this ego, this conditionings but you are the pure spirit and another great truth is that there is a All-pervading Power of Divine love which is subtle, we cannot feel it. It does the all the living work. After Self-realization you can feel it and then you will feel that you are a special person chosen by God Almighty. You get completely transformed. It is the actualisation of your baptism. It is not some stupid priest puts his hand, dirty hand on your head. This is what is enlightenment. It acts very easily ‘Sahaja.’ ‘Saha’ means with ‘ja’ means born, with you is the right to have self-realization at this time. It will hardly take 10 minutes but those who want to go should go before we start our process. It will work very fast but you have to forgive yourself as well as others. Whether you forgive or you don’t forgive you don’t do anything but if you do not forgive then you play into wrong hands and torture your life. In that your centre on the optic chiasma gets completely closed. So please forgive others so that it will open. If you don’t forgive then this centre here on the left catches. You might get diseases like angina, spondylitis because of that, so better forgive yourself and others because this is a very important moment when you have to have yourself Self-realization. It might work very quickly as it works in India very quickly, if you just co-operate. (I think, if you just ask them to put their hands) All right. So, now just put your hands towards me. Those who are seating on the chair should take out their shoes please and put both the feet apart from each other. Those who are seating on the ground can take out their shoes, just put your hands. All those who are feeling cool breeze on their fingertips or on the palm or out of the fontanel bone area like this, just see(the), feel it. Now please put right hand towards me and feel it. You’ll feel cool or hot breeze coming out of your head. If it is hot then that means you have not forgiven yourself or others, so please forgive. Now please put the left hand towards me and see with your right hand, bend your head. Now with right hand again once more, again put your hands like this towards me and watch me without thinking because this is the first stage you achieve is of thoughtless awareness. You are aware but you are thoughtless. Our thoughts comes to us either from the future or the past and we are jumping on the cusp of those thoughts but when the kundalini rises these thought elongates all right, and in between is the present where there is no thought, that is our peace within. Now all those who have felt cool or hot breeze on the left hand or the right hand, please raise your hands. That’s Russia. May God bless you. You all are very great, I love you very much. You must also love yourself and look after your Self-realization and grow into it and I am very proud of you. It only works this way in Russia and in India nowhere else. You are specially blessed with spirituality. Now enjoy yourself, enjoy your spirit. You have to be collective; you have to understand what you have got. Like the drop has become the ocean. All your problems will be solved. May God bless you. So fast. Thank you.
Arrival in Russia
Devi Puja
Shakti Devi Puja. Moscow (Russia), 17 September 1995. I am sorry, I was little late today, but I am sure you must have enjoyed each other. Enjoyment of collectivity is very great. Once it happened, I was going to some place and the plane was very late and I was little worried that I’ll be reaching late there. But actually the plane was so late that I reached after seven hours more. And all the people were waiting for that time at the airport. That was in Delhi, and when I reached there, they looked so fresh and nice, I was surprised. I said, “Did you go home?” “No, no, we were waiting here only for You at the airport.” All singing, dancing nicely the whole night. It’s something about Sahaja yoga that every moment we can enjoy. We can enjoy for our benefit. Modern ideas are, as in the west is, especially in America, that we must enjoy every moment of our life. But actually all these enjoyments that they have are self destructive. The kind of things they do, like drinking or they go to places where they start fighting or else they do all other hopeless things that should not be done. And thus their collectivity becomes very dangerous. So much so that they are smuggling or they are killing. They all become collective to do something very harmful to themselves or to their nation. But Sahaja yogis don’t know this kind of enjoyment. Every moment is filled with such joy for them when they are in collective. I could see that yesterday when you had gathered at the airport and were waiting for Me. When I came I saw your faces all shining with joy. Today we have decided to have a puja of the Devi, of the Goddess, in the form which I am in. Many a times, She has taken birth to protect human beings from the evil forces and to give them sense of security. But I don’t think in any one of Her lives, She did self realization . This is the most interesting, most lovable job. She had to fight all kinds of evil people and protect the Gods, the people who were good people, also, who were suffering for their innocence and simplicity. All this was long time back. But these are special blossom times where all of you have to become fruits. So many flowers were there on this earth and you have to now become the fruits. It is very heartening to see that in Russia and Ukraine, people are so spiritually sensitive. It is very, very blissful for all of you to be realized souls. All this collective happening is definitely going to bring very great emancipation for the whole world. There are problems in our country, but now I am telling all the Sahaja yogis that whatever you have got, you must project that power of the Goddess, deliberately. It is very enjoyable to be a Sahaja yogi. Also, you are spreading Sahaja yoga very fast, just like fire. Because this land surprisingly, these both the countries, are so much sensitive to spirituality. But this power of the Goddess that you have got within yourself has now to be deliberately projected. For example when I, once I came here when you were having a coup, very difficult time and perhaps, I managed it. But now you all can manage, you all can project. For example, now I find the problem here is more of financial type. Now if you all project your mind to this problem, you will realize what’s the cause of it. The devotion you have for Me is very gratifying. I am your Mother and I am also Mother of the Ukraine people but I am also the Mother of Russia and the whole of Ukraine. I will be only satisfied when all the problems of this country and of Ukraine will be solved by you. You don’t have to depend on your government for that. I have been telling you that I have noticed why this country is going down. So this power of the Goddess that you have within yourself, will give you so much of understanding through the enlightened intelligence that you can really solve the problem. Now first thing I’ve noticed in this country: that people think that the whole western world is like painted with gold. It is not painted with gold. They are not at all full of joy as you are. They don’t have the kind of faces you have, full of beauty, full of satisfaction. But if you see it minutely, they are having little problem even with the finances. Now the problem in this country is because all kinds of foreign goods have come from these western countries. There is a complete recession in those countries, nothing sells. And this is all junk, useless things they are sending to your country, to Ukraine and to all the eastern block people. Whatever rubles you have, you have spent, you are wasting on these junky things. When in My country, there was a struggle of independence then Mahatma Gandhi said, “We’ll not buy a single thing from abroad.” And then he said that, “If we don’t buy anything from foreign then our industries, our handicrafts will come up.” And he changed the lifestyle of our country. Everybody had to wear hand-woven, hand-spun clothes or which are made only in India. Even today in India, you can not get anything imported in the market. And if anybody tried to sell anything, the young volunteers, like students and young people, used to go and stand before the shops and used to say don’t buy foreign things. And that time there were Britishers ruling us, so they would arrest, doesn’t matter. So, all the import was stopped. Now even today we can not buy anything imported in the market. Of course, there are some stupid people who smuggle and some stupid people want to take to that kind of a culture. But they are very few and they are all getting exposed due to the power of the Goddess in that country. So you are duty bound to your own country. This is the Mother Earth which has given you a place, has given you the birth and as such you have to looked after the prestige and the well being of this country. I am amazed to see so many junky shops brought in here by these Americans and all the people wasting their precious money on this junk. But once you stop completely buying what all these things coming from the foreign countries, then you’ll be amazed, what will they do here? They are all against the divine power of love because they want to exploit. If you love somebody you can not exploit others. This is not a very nourishing thing for your country. All their styles, if you want to see what they are doing in the west, you’ll be shocked. They have destroyed everything that was beautiful given to them by the Goddess. They have no sense of a pious life. They have no sense of spirituality. They just know money, money, money. They have no sense of morality. Without morality how can you please the Goddess? So you have to understand that if you are Sahaja yogis, what will please the Goddess. Unless and until you can please the Goddess, you can never be joyous; you can never be good Sahaja yogis. For that, you must have wisdom to understand what will please the Goddess. I don’t think western people have even half of wisdom that you have, except for Sahaja yogis, of course. Because they think of these temporary pleasures all the time and they get into immoral lifestyle which is against the power of the Goddess. They are suffering from horrible, incurable diseases. They kill their parents. They kill their children. There is no question of love. The power of the Goddess is of love. Whatever She does with the whole world is through Her compassion and love. The whole body, the whole being of the Goddess is made of compassion and love and nothing else. This power gives full understanding of the reality and also this enlightens inside and outside. For example, if you love somebody, you know everything about that person. It has nothing to do with money. It’s the highest, most valuable, very important powers that you have. Even when you think about something noble, something benevolent, this power is filled into that thought and then this thought fills in, into the universe, into your country, into individuals. The aim of this compassion and love is only one, to see everyone joyous, that’s all, joyous in the real sense of the word. This power cares for the collective as well as for the individual. It cares for the whole world as well as particular nation. All the time this power works, specially in modern times, to better the lives of people of the whole world. But unfortunately, not there are many countries like you, who have heart to feel the love of their Mother Goddess. So it’s like an ocean of love and compassion that wants to touch every shore. It wants to touch every heart, but some are just like stones. Russia has a very great heart as well as Ukraine. Also, I find in the eastern block, I don’t know how they have developed, this great noble heart. We are not to think them to be low because they, they are not so rich. What’s the use of the riches where you can not even trust your own children and children can not trust their own parents. They kill each other for money. Of course this effect also is there that there are people who want money at any cost. I promise that all such mafias will be finished in no time. [Clapping] If you all decide that you are not going to be afraid of them and if you all in your meditation ask that they should be finished, it will be done. You should, as yesterday asked for My good health, you ask for the betterment of your country. These are the deliberations of your thoughts. Your intelligence will sharpen so much, this is I call as a supreme intelligence by which you will see the point and you will be able to solve these problems. So first you have to be patriotic. I must say, when I went to China, I was amazed, though they are communist, they are very patriotic. They are very moral also. I found that the way they have grown in their finances, it is because all the people who have gone out of China are sending money in China to develop. For this conference, when I went there, I was amazed how the volunteers, who were just students, offered their services free. They were at the airport, they were in the hotels, they were in the markets, everywhere they were standing to see that this conference becomes successful. Otherwise Chinese are very fond of food, but they would not even take their food the whole day. For example, they were very kind to Me and when we went out, the whole day we were out, the driver never complained that he had no food, nothing. They are not realized souls, but when I came out to go in the car, they all would come and put a hand on the entrance of the car so that I should not hit. And they looked after all the people who were not so healthy, old or those who could not walk, they carried their chair up to the Great Wall of China. I mean, so much so that I saw on the television that people who had come there, even Americans, were crying to go back. And the Americans, such stone hearted people, also were saying that we miss this love in our country. It was so touching and so obvious in these modern times when people are so dry and so money oriented. These people worked without any money, they wouldn’t take any tips or anything. We went for shopping and we gave realization to so many, there in the shop, went to the bazaar, we gave realization. They were all getting realized very fast. I told them one thing when they asked, I said, “Russians do not like because Chinese go there and marry, you see, Russian women and then they give up and bring their own wives.” So they told Me, the reason is see Russian women are very good for divorce. They take to divorce very fast and very dominating, not Sahaja yogis, not Sahaja yogis. But the Chinese women are not like that, they are very wise. They know their role is very important and that their children are to be created who should be very good Chinese. Normally they don’t want to go out of the family and neglect the children, not at all. But if they have a grandmother or somebody then they leave the children with them, who are also very, very affectionate and kind and then they go out to work. But I was amazed, they were doing all kinds of work as Russians do. They may not drive trains, may not be big industries, because you know the Chinese women are so short and so dainty. While by God’s grace, God has given you people a better health and better height. And they really appreciate saying that see, they are like giants, what are we, we are pygmies. I was surprised because they did not criticize anyone but for everybody they knew what to praise. Very surprising that also for American people who were there, they said, “They are still childish. They have to still grow.” Surprising, I thought that these were so insulting there, trying to show off, everything. They said, “They are childish.” I don’t bother about the kind of government they have or you have but what is most important is what sort of people we are. I was surprised at them, they’re very much concerned about their children, how they behave, how they talk, how they are related to others. They teach their children that you must share your things, doesn’t belong to you, it belongs to all the children. It’s just like Sahaja that we want all the people to enjoy everything together. Also, the way they respect the art of their country. I was amazed, they know all about their artist in their country, such a big country. They also know what sort of art is produced in this part or that part or any part, I was really amazed, specially the men! In India, our men are hopeless. They are not bothered about art at all. They don’t know anything. They don’t know how to even clean the house or clean the utensils, nothing. Of course, they don’t know even how to cook. They are another children, I must say, they have to learn a lot. I think in this women play a part because women do everything and keep the men absolutely ignorant. So the man is completely under the hand of the woman. They don’t know the roads. They don’t know the cities, nothing, the woman knows. Now if you ask them, “What is this carpet, from what country?” They’ll say, “We don’t know from where it is.” It is very important for you to know your country, to love your country. If you don’t know your country, how will you love? If you don’t know your Mother, how will you love? Is a very great power working there and I am sure one day these Chinese also will join your group completely. With love comes another thing which is the respect. As you people are here of different places, of different qualities and capabilities but you love each other. You don’t disrespect anyone because somebody is dark-colored or a fair-colored person. Because your love has given those special subtle inner eyes which sees the inner beauty. You enjoy each other because you know the value of love. As I said, love is the most important, the most valuable thing. But this love has to be absolutely pure love without lust and greed. You should not love somebody because you want to take advantage of that person or because that person has money or some sort of a attraction. This love doesn’t identify with anyone .It just feels love or love sake, Thus you realize what powers you have for example yesterday when I came they have locked up all the doors With computers. I don’t know why you have taken to computer which doesn’t understand love, So many Planes were coming it was all piled up thousands and thousands, They can’t get out because the doors are locked with computer. What is the need to have computer for doors? You have so many Human beings, Why not ask them to do the job? As we did in China. There’s no chaos, no piling up anybody thousands, Ten Thousands, Twenty Thousands people were there all went through proper channels because of love and respect. Nowhere in the world I have seen gates getting locked by computer. Why should Russia try to become so modern and mechanized, I can’t understand. So one has to know that if you take to this mechanization too much, you loose the power of love. This industrialization in the west has ruined these people, they have no hearts. The power of the Goddess can not work through robots, can it? As far as possible, you don’t need any mechanization. It happened once in Ganapatipule, that mic failed completely and the music, we could not start. So somebody came from Delhi organization and told me, “Mother, we have people from Noida who don’t require mics.” I had never heard about that group. I had never known there is such group. They were never given a chance to sing even because they might be called as rustic people, may be the village. So immediately I said, “Alright, let them come on the stage.” And even today you will know that all of us know about Noida music. They sang with love, with such a big voice, that all over the world now you can hear the music of Noida, the rustic poetry of Noida. For love you don’t require sophistication. If you have real love, you become so gentle, so sweet. It is the greatest blessings of the Goddess. But love doesn’t make you mad. Some people think that if you are in love with somebody, you can kill anybody you like if you can not get that love. They are doing it everywhere. Love is something so pure that is very powerful and it acts. Just as I was telling yesterday, they were all locked up there and] all of them were worried, you see, trying to tell them that I should be allowed to come out. They were not willing to listen to anyone. [“They were not willing to listen to anyoneJust I said “you all forget, let Me handle it.” I just went and stood before that gentleman, immediately he took My passport and stamped, without argument, without any problem. Because it is silent, but it acts in such a beautiful way. It is also very intelligent. It gives you solutions. It is down to earth because it wants to manifest. It will not harm anyone. It will not trouble anyone. I always give the example of the intelligent cell which is at the end of a root. This root starts growing and this little cell, very little, it knows how to go in the Mother Earth. Now supposing it meets a stone, alright it goes round the stone, nicely binds it. The manifestation is that when the big tree will come, it will be supported by these stones. So this simple love that it puts round the stone ultimately manifests. Thus this love is power of the Goddess, is very subtle, silent, but it manifests. All these manifestations you call them as miracles. You may call them by any name. It is this Goddess which is ruling this universe, which is in your center heart, which looks after you and looks after the whole universe, is nothing but pure desire of love. It knows how to express. It knows how to act. You don’t have to do anything. It’s spontaneous. What goes against is your mental activity because the mental activity will say, “Oh my! How can you love somebody like this? It’s no use.” It’s a mental activity which gives you funny ideas. The mental activity is limited and linear. Everybody has different fixed ideas, that’s why they are fighting, that’s why they are having wars. But this power that is of love gives you the absolute truth. Then how can you fight? So what we need is this power because our power is very limited. I know you all love Me very much. But you must love each other. You must respect each other. Then only I will feel that there has been manifestation of this love. We were in one Sahaja yogi’s house and he had called other Sahaja Yogis, also, to meet Me. I had to take dinner in his house, it was decided before. I didn’t know that he had cooked for all the people who had come. So I told them now like, “The session is over. You can go home.” because I thought this man can not cook for so many people. So as they were going down, he came, “Mother! What have you done? I have cooked for all of them.” “Really? Now where are they gone? They are on the street.” So, I went down the staircase, running up to the stairs. Come back, come back, come back. We have to have dinner. And they really laughed and this gentleman who had cooked for them, Sahaja yogi, was so overjoyed. And we all enjoyed the food very much that night. There is a very sweet story in the Ramayana, I must tell you about this love. When Shri Rama went to jungle, went into jungle in His exile, that time there was an very old lady, who had few teeth left, who was a great devotee of Shri Rama. Her, see, whole life was dreaming about seeing Shri Rama sometime and when she saw Shri Ram, she absolutely was full of joy. She was rustic, from aboriginal tribe, which in India according to caste system is very low. But she had gathered some rustic thing called ber, which is a, what you call is, what you call here I don’t know, a little, little berries. And she went and told Shri Rama that, “This, I have seen, because You don’t like sour things, I have tested all of them with my teeth and that’s how I selected for You.” In India, nobody will eat if somebody else touched that with the mouth, nobody eats, you know, it’s very unhygienic according to Indian standards of hygiene. Only the Goddess, if She eats some food and if She touches something, food, that’s regarded as very holy. This was the other way round. She was offering to an incarnation, something tasted by her, spoiled completely. So Shri Rama, He had the same power of the Goddess, He immediately took those from her, all the fruits, started eating and He said, “I have never seen such fruits, full of ambrosia, amrut phal.” So His wife said, “Can I have some also?” But the brother was very furious, he said, he thought, this woman is, has not been at all protocolish and he wanted to hit her. But when the wife of Shri Rama asked for the fruit, he was, he kept quiet. When the wife Sita, She ate it and She said, “Oh really! What fruits these are? I have never eaten such fruits of ambrosia.” Then the brother started thinking that, “These two persons having all the ambrosia, what about me?” So he asked his sister-in-law, “Can I have some of these fruits?” She said, “No, no, because you were angry. Now why do you want to have the fruits?” He said, “Please, please let me have some.” So he was given some fruits and when he ate it, he said, “My goodness! It has the essence of the best fruits.” That is how, above all, above all sophistication, above all these mechanical things is this dynamic power of love which is given to you as it was given to Shri Ganesh. And you should be assuming that, assume. Once you have the assumption then you can project, individually or collectively. Even if you want to win over somebody, in your heart you should say, “Alright, the Goddess Mother, please act on this fellow. Let my pure love act on him.” And you’ll be surprised, how you’ll win over. 99 percent people will come into the complete control of this pure love. At the same time, this pure love ruins, destroys completely any negative force that is trying to harm you. It is just you have to understand a complete picture of reality, because it is the light which enlightens all darkness within and without. When you have that love, you are peaceful within and your peace manifests. May God bless you all.
Shakti Devi Puja. Moscow (Russia), 17 September 1995. I am sorry, I was little late today, but I am sure you must have enjoyed each other. Enjoyment of collectivity is very great. Once it happened, I was going to some place and the plane was very late and I was little worried that I’ll be reaching late there. But actually the plane was so late that I reached after seven hours more. And all the people were waiting for that time at the airport. That was in Delhi, and when I reached there, they looked so fresh and nice, I was surprised. I said, “Did you go home?” “No, no, we were waiting here only for You at the airport.” All singing, dancing nicely the whole night. It’s something about Sahaja yoga that every moment we can enjoy. We can enjoy for our benefit. Modern ideas are, as in the west is, especially in America, that we must enjoy every moment of our life. But actually all these enjoyments that they have are self destructive. The kind of things they do, like drinking or they go to places where they start fighting or else they do all other hopeless things that should not be done. And thus their collectivity becomes very dangerous. So much so that they are smuggling or they are killing. They all become collective to do something very harmful to themselves or to their nation. But Sahaja yogis don’t know this kind of enjoyment. Every moment is filled with such joy for them when they are in collective. I could see that yesterday when you had gathered at the airport and were waiting for Me. When I came I saw your faces all shining with joy. Today we have decided to have a puja of the Devi, of the Goddess, in the form which I am in. Many a times, She has taken birth to protect human beings from the evil forces and to give them sense of security. But I don’t think in any one of Her lives, She did self realization . This is the most interesting, most lovable job. She had to fight all kinds of evil people and protect the Gods, the people who were good people, also, who were suffering for their innocence and simplicity. All this was long time back. But these are special blossom times where all of you have to become fruits. So many flowers were there on this earth and you have to now become the fruits. It is very heartening to see that in Russia and Ukraine, people are so spiritually sensitive. It is very, very blissful for all of you to be realized souls. All this collective happening is definitely going to bring very great emancipation for the whole world. There are problems in our country, but now I am telling all the Sahaja yogis that whatever you have got, you must project that power of the Goddess, deliberately. It is very enjoyable to be a Sahaja yogi. Also, you are spreading Sahaja yoga very fast, just like fire. Because this land surprisingly, these both the countries, are so much sensitive to spirituality. But this power of the Goddess that you have got within yourself has now to be deliberately projected. For example when I, once I came here when you were having a coup, very difficult time and perhaps, I managed it. But now you all can manage, you all can project. For example, now I find the problem here is more of financial type. Now if you all project your mind to this problem, you will realize what’s the cause of it. The devotion you have for Me is very gratifying. I am your Mother and I am also Mother of the Ukraine people but I am also the Mother of Russia and the whole of Ukraine. I will be only satisfied when all the problems of this country and of Ukraine will be solved by you. You don’t have to depend on your government for that. I have been telling you that I have noticed why this country is going down. So this power of the Goddess that you have within yourself, will give you so much of understanding through the enlightened intelligence that you can really solve the problem. Now first thing I’ve noticed in this country: that people think that the whole western world is like painted with gold. It is not painted with gold. They are not at all full of joy as you are. They don’t have the kind of faces you have, full of beauty, full of satisfaction. But if you see it minutely, they are having little problem even with the finances. Now the problem in this country is because all kinds of foreign goods have come from these western countries. There is a complete recession in those countries, nothing sells. And this is all junk, useless things they are sending to your country, to Ukraine and to all the eastern block people. Whatever rubles you have, you have spent, you are wasting on these junky things. When in My country, there was a struggle of independence then Mahatma Gandhi said, “We’ll not buy a single thing from abroad.” And then he said that, “If we don’t buy anything from foreign then our industries, our handicrafts will come up.” And he changed the lifestyle of our country. Everybody had to wear hand-woven, hand-spun clothes or which are made only in India. Even today in India, you can not get anything imported in the market. And if anybody tried to sell anything, the young volunteers, like students and young people, used to go and stand before the shops and used to say don’t buy foreign things. And that time there were Britishers ruling us, so they would arrest, doesn’t matter. So, all the import was stopped. Now even today we can not buy anything imported in the market. Of course, there are some stupid people who smuggle and some stupid people want to take to that kind of a culture. But they are very few and they are all getting exposed due to the power of the Goddess in that country. So you are duty bound to your own country. This is the Mother Earth which has given you a place, has given you the birth and as such you have to looked after the prestige and the well being of this country. I am amazed to see so many junky shops brought in here by these Americans and all the people wasting their precious money on this junk. But once you stop completely buying what all these things coming from the foreign countries, then you’ll be amazed, what will they do here? They are all against the divine power of love because they want to exploit. If you love somebody you can not exploit others. This is not a very nourishing thing for your country. All their styles, if you want to see what they are doing in the west, you’ll be shocked. They have destroyed everything that was beautiful given to them by the Goddess. They have no sense of a pious life. They have no sense of spirituality. They just know money, money, money. They have no sense of morality. Without morality how can you please the Goddess? So you have to understand that if you are Sahaja yogis, what will please the Goddess. Unless and until you can please the Goddess, you can never be joyous; you can never be good Sahaja yogis. For that, you must have wisdom to understand what will please the Goddess. I don’t think western people have even half of wisdom that you have, except for Sahaja yogis, of course. Because they think of these temporary pleasures all the time and they get into immoral lifestyle which is against the power of the Goddess. They are suffering from horrible, incurable diseases. They kill their parents. They kill their children. There is no question of love. The power of the Goddess is of love. Whatever She does with the whole world is through Her compassion and love. The whole body, the whole being of the Goddess is made of compassion and love and nothing else. This power gives full understanding of the reality and also this enlightens inside and outside. For example, if you love somebody, you know everything about that person. It has nothing to do with money. It’s the highest, most valuable, very important powers that you have. Even when you think about something noble, something benevolent, this power is filled into that thought and then this thought fills in, into the universe, into your country, into individuals. The aim of this compassion and love is only one, to see everyone joyous, that’s all, joyous in the real sense of the word. This power cares for the collective as well as for the individual. It cares for the whole world as well as particular nation. All the time this power works, specially in modern times, to better the lives of people of the whole world. But unfortunately, not there are many countries like you, who have heart to feel the love of their Mother Goddess. So it’s like an ocean of love and compassion that wants to touch every shore. It wants to touch every heart, but some are just like stones. Russia has a very great heart as well as Ukraine. Also, I find in the eastern block, I don’t know how they have developed, this great noble heart. We are not to think them to be low because they, they are not so rich. What’s the use of the riches where you can not even trust your own children and children can not trust their own parents. They kill each other for money. Of course this effect also is there that there are people who want money at any cost. I promise that all such mafias will be finished in no time. [Clapping] If you all decide that you are not going to be afraid of them and if you all in your meditation ask that they should be finished, it will be done. You should, as yesterday asked for My good health, you ask for the betterment of your country. These are the deliberations of your thoughts. Your intelligence will sharpen so much, this is I call as a supreme intelligence by which you will see the point and you will be able to solve these problems. So first you have to be patriotic. I must say, when I went to China, I was amazed, though they are communist, they are very patriotic. They are very moral also. I found that the way they have grown in their finances, it is because all the people who have gone out of China are sending money in China to develop. For this conference, when I went there, I was amazed how the volunteers, who were just students, offered their services free. They were at the airport, they were in the hotels, they were in the markets, everywhere they were standing to see that this conference becomes successful. Otherwise Chinese are very fond of food, but they would not even take their food the whole day. For example, they were very kind to Me and when we went out, the whole day we were out, the driver never complained that he had no food, nothing. They are not realized souls, but when I came out to go in the car, they all would come and put a hand on the entrance of the car so that I should not hit. And they looked after all the people who were not so healthy, old or those who could not walk, they carried their chair up to the Great Wall of China. I mean, so much so that I saw on the television that people who had come there, even Americans, were crying to go back. And the Americans, such stone hearted people, also were saying that we miss this love in our country. It was so touching and so obvious in these modern times when people are so dry and so money oriented. These people worked without any money, they wouldn’t take any tips or anything. We went for shopping and we gave realization to so many, there in the shop, went to the bazaar, we gave realization. They were all getting realized very fast. I told them one thing when they asked, I said, “Russians do not like because Chinese go there and marry, you see, Russian women and then they give up and bring their own wives.” So they told Me, the reason is see Russian women are very good for divorce. They take to divorce very fast and very dominating, not Sahaja yogis, not Sahaja yogis. But the Chinese women are not like that, they are very wise. They know their role is very important and that their children are to be created who should be very good Chinese. Normally they don’t want to go out of the family and neglect the children, not at all. But if they have a grandmother or somebody then they leave the children with them, who are also very, very affectionate and kind and then they go out to work. But I was amazed, they were doing all kinds of work as Russians do. They may not drive trains, may not be big industries, because you know the Chinese women are so short and so dainty. While by God’s grace, God has given you people a better health and better height. And they really appreciate saying that see, they are like giants, what are we, we are pygmies. I was surprised because they did not criticize anyone but for everybody they knew what to praise. Very surprising that also for American people who were there, they said, “They are still childish. They have to still grow.” Surprising, I thought that these were so insulting there, trying to show off, everything. They said, “They are childish.” I don’t bother about the kind of government they have or you have but what is most important is what sort of people we are. I was surprised at them, they’re very much concerned about their children, how they behave, how they talk, how they are related to others. They teach their children that you must share your things, doesn’t belong to you, it belongs to all the children. It’s just like Sahaja that we want all the people to enjoy everything together. Also, the way they respect the art of their country. I was amazed, they know all about their artist in their country, such a big country. They also know what sort of art is produced in this part or that part or any part, I was really amazed, specially the men! In India, our men are hopeless. They are not bothered about art at all. They don’t know anything. They don’t know how to even clean the house or clean the utensils, nothing. Of course, they don’t know even how to cook. They are another children, I must say, they have to learn a lot. I think in this women play a part because women do everything and keep the men absolutely ignorant. So the man is completely under the hand of the woman. They don’t know the roads. They don’t know the cities, nothing, the woman knows. Now if you ask them, “What is this carpet, from what country?” They’ll say, “We don’t know from where it is.” It is very important for you to know your country, to love your country. If you don’t know your country, how will you love? If you don’t know your Mother, how will you love? Is a very great power working there and I am sure one day these Chinese also will join your group completely. With love comes another thing which is the respect. As you people are here of different places, of different qualities and capabilities but you love each other. You don’t disrespect anyone because somebody is dark-colored or a fair-colored person. Because your love has given those special subtle inner eyes which sees the inner beauty. You enjoy each other because you know the value of love. As I said, love is the most important, the most valuable thing. But this love has to be absolutely pure love without lust and greed. You should not love somebody because you want to take advantage of that person or because that person has money or some sort of a attraction. This love doesn’t identify with anyone .It just feels love or love sake, Thus you realize what powers you have for example yesterday when I came they have locked up all the doors With computers. I don’t know why you have taken to computer which doesn’t understand love, So many Planes were coming it was all piled up thousands and thousands, They can’t get out because the doors are locked with computer. What is the need to have computer for doors? You have so many Human beings, Why not ask them to do the job? As we did in China. There’s no chaos, no piling up anybody thousands, Ten Thousands, Twenty Thousands people were there all went through proper channels because of love and respect. Nowhere in the world I have seen gates getting locked by computer. Why should Russia try to become so modern and mechanized, I can’t understand. So one has to know that if you take to this mechanization too much, you loose the power of love. This industrialization in the west has ruined these people, they have no hearts. The power of the Goddess can not work through robots, can it? As far as possible, you don’t need any mechanization. It happened once in Ganapatipule, that mic failed completely and the music, we could not start. So somebody came from Delhi organization and told me, “Mother, we have people from Noida who don’t require mics.” I had never heard about that group. I had never known there is such group. They were never given a chance to sing even because they might be called as rustic people, may be the village. So immediately I said, “Alright, let them come on the stage.” And even today you will know that all of us know about Noida music. They sang with love, with such a big voice, that all over the world now you can hear the music of Noida, the rustic poetry of Noida. For love you don’t require sophistication. If you have real love, you become so gentle, so sweet. It is the greatest blessings of the Goddess. But love doesn’t make you mad. Some people think that if you are in love with somebody, you can kill anybody you like if you can not get that love. They are doing it everywhere. Love is something so pure that is very powerful and it acts. Just as I was telling yesterday, they were all locked up there and] all of them were worried, you see, trying to tell them that I should be allowed to come out. They were not willing to listen to anyone. [“They were not willing to listen to anyoneJust I said “you all forget, let Me handle it.” I just went and stood before that gentleman, immediately he took My passport and stamped, without argument, without any problem. Because it is silent, but it acts in such a beautiful way. It is also very intelligent. It gives you solutions. It is down to earth because it wants to manifest. It will not harm anyone. It will not trouble anyone. I always give the example of the intelligent cell which is at the end of a root. This root starts growing and this little cell, very little, it knows how to go in the Mother Earth. Now supposing it meets a stone, alright it goes round the stone, nicely binds it. The manifestation is that when the big tree will come, it will be supported by these stones. So this simple love that it puts round the stone ultimately manifests. Thus this love is power of the Goddess, is very subtle, silent, but it manifests. All these manifestations you call them as miracles. You may call them by any name. It is this Goddess which is ruling this universe, which is in your center heart, which looks after you and looks after the whole universe, is nothing but pure desire of love. It knows how to express. It knows how to act. You don’t have to do anything. It’s spontaneous. What goes against is your mental activity because the mental activity will say, “Oh my! How can you love somebody like this? It’s no use.” It’s a mental activity which gives you funny ideas. The mental activity is limited and linear. Everybody has different fixed ideas, that’s why they are fighting, that’s why they are having wars. But this power that is of love gives you the absolute truth. Then how can you fight? So what we need is this power because our power is very limited. I know you all love Me very much. But you must love each other. You must respect each other. Then only I will feel that there has been manifestation of this love. We were in one Sahaja yogi’s house and he had called other Sahaja Yogis, also, to meet Me. I had to take dinner in his house, it was decided before. I didn’t know that he had cooked for all the people who had come. So I told them now like, “The session is over. You can go home.” because I thought this man can not cook for so many people. So as they were going down, he came, “Mother! What have you done? I have cooked for all of them.” “Really? Now where are they gone? They are on the street.” So, I went down the staircase, running up to the stairs. Come back, come back, come back. We have to have dinner. And they really laughed and this gentleman who had cooked for them, Sahaja yogi, was so overjoyed. And we all enjoyed the food very much that night. There is a very sweet story in the Ramayana, I must tell you about this love. When Shri Rama went to jungle, went into jungle in His exile, that time there was an very old lady, who had few teeth left, who was a great devotee of Shri Rama. Her, see, whole life was dreaming about seeing Shri Rama sometime and when she saw Shri Ram, she absolutely was full of joy. She was rustic, from aboriginal tribe, which in India according to caste system is very low. But she had gathered some rustic thing called ber, which is a, what you call is, what you call here I don’t know, a little, little berries. And she went and told Shri Rama that, “This, I have seen, because You don’t like sour things, I have tested all of them with my teeth and that’s how I selected for You.” In India, nobody will eat if somebody else touched that with the mouth, nobody eats, you know, it’s very unhygienic according to Indian standards of hygiene. Only the Goddess, if She eats some food and if She touches something, food, that’s regarded as very holy. This was the other way round. She was offering to an incarnation, something tasted by her, spoiled completely. So Shri Rama, He had the same power of the Goddess, He immediately took those from her, all the fruits, started eating and He said, “I have never seen such fruits, full of ambrosia, amrut phal.” So His wife said, “Can I have some also?” But the brother was very furious, he said, he thought, this woman is, has not been at all protocolish and he wanted to hit her. But when the wife of Shri Rama asked for the fruit, he was, he kept quiet. When the wife Sita, She ate it and She said, “Oh really! What fruits these are? I have never eaten such fruits of ambrosia.” Then the brother started thinking that, “These two persons having all the ambrosia, what about me?” So he asked his sister-in-law, “Can I have some of these fruits?” She said, “No, no, because you were angry. Now why do you want to have the fruits?” He said, “Please, please let me have some.” So he was given some fruits and when he ate it, he said, “My goodness! It has the essence of the best fruits.” That is how, above all, above all sophistication, above all these mechanical things is this dynamic power of love which is given to you as it was given to Shri Ganesh. And you should be assuming that, assume. Once you have the assumption then you can project, individually or collectively. Even if you want to win over somebody, in your heart you should say, “Alright, the Goddess Mother, please act on this fellow. Let my pure love act on him.” And you’ll be surprised, how you’ll win over. 99 percent people will come into the complete control of this pure love. At the same time, this pure love ruins, destroys completely any negative force that is trying to harm you. It is just you have to understand a complete picture of reality, because it is the light which enlightens all darkness within and without. When you have that love, you are peaceful within and your peace manifests. May God bless you all.
Medical Conference
St. Petersburg
Medical Conference, St. Petersburg (Russia), 20 September 1995. I bow to all the people who are seeking peace from their heart. If it is superficial, then I can not help. But when we realize that all these wars have brought such a calamity on your nation and all the nations concerned, we should now really think seriously about peace. I'm against no religion. All the religions came on this Earth as flowers on the same tree of spirituality. And then it so happened that people plucked these flowers and now are fighting with the dead flowers, "This is mine, this is mine." After the Second World War a new style of war has started in the name of God. How can you fight if you believe in one God? So it is just a mental idea they have. It's not the real faith in the heart. No religion teaches you to hate, but the situation is just the opposite. I know in the beginning all these religions came in the purest form and tried to bring love, peace and unity in this world, but some people became in charge of the religion. They were also nice, but gradually they started separating from each other. Not only it was among religions, but among every religion there were different, different sects. Whatever they have done, at least they have created the feeling of righteousness among people. They have talked of morality. They have talked of love and compassion. They have built many organizations to express that feeling, but all that has been very superficial. You see anybody who says he's a Christian or a Muslim or a Hindu, is he really that? Is he really a Christian? Christ has said, "Thou shall not have adulterous eyes." Have you met any Christians who doesn't have adulterous eyes or who never had? Mohammed-sahib has said that "Unless and until you know yourself, you will not know God." Self means the Spirit. How many have tried that? All these Muslims, are they trying to be spirit-oriented? They are just fighting, fighting, fighting everywhere. I feel so sorry for them because thousands are killed in this and they're made to have wars, they're encouraged to have wars and so many are killed stupidly. They have been completely butchered. I asked a Russian, "Why do you have this Chechnya war?" He says that "We are a democratic country and in a democratic country how can you have a nation which is based on religion?" which is very reasonable and logical. But do you know in England there's only one religion. That is Church of England. They say that Catholic Church's eldest daughter is France. In Spain they have nothing but Catholic Church. Here you have nothing but Orthodox. Whatever good they have done is neutralized by this because those who don't follow their religion according to them, they are heathens. If you want to know about the Muslims, go and ask the Jews. If you want to know about the Jews, so go and ask Christians. And if you want to know about Christians, better go to America and see what they are doing. Openly, Christians are extremely immoral people. Today I saw a little glimpse of the Russian film. It was worst than an American film. One girl, who was absolutely quite nude, was there just like an American girl, without any shame, without any morality. Did Christ preach immorality? Did He talk of prostitution? In the West even the housewives behave like prostitutes because I have seen it. They have no respect of their chastity. And very nicely all the junk from America is coming here because they can not sell it. And you are all buying that junk without thinking. And you are taking to all the immoral ways of the West. So how are you Christians? Same about the Muslims. They talk of Islam, which was such a great, I should say, a religion which professed morality, which talked of morality. Mohammed-sahib even talked about Christ and His Mother's chastity, but if you see that Muslims, they are sometimes worse than Christians. Once I was traveling from Riyadh to London and I went off to sleep. When I got up all those people, women and men who were wearing all Arabic dresses and bouka went with Me in the plane. When I got up what I find, they were all wearing fashionable, new types of dresses, the women were wearing - absolutely shameful. And the men were wearing also horrible dresses like clowns. They were all drinking, smoking and doing disco dance in the plane. So I asked the air hostess, who had covered her face because she was an air hostess, I said, "Did we go somewhere else in between in our travel?" She said, "No, no, no, no, nowhere." So I said, "What these people?" "They're the same?" "How are they changed?" They said, "You go and see them in London, you will know." They drink more than Scotsmen. We have been to many parties because of my husband's job and they use to call my husband Muslim because he did not drink. All the rest used to drink nicely. Christianity has failed. Islam has failed, no doubt. By forcing, you cannot bring morality. This I could see. I met some Englishman. I said, "Why are you all the time looking at woman like this. Why?" They said, "We enjoy." But I said, "What about Christ?" They said, "We do this even in the church. Should we fix our eyes with something?" I said, "You can. There is a way. You are not Christians. You are not Muslims. You are not Jews. You are all hopelessly bad people." They said, "Then, Mother, what should we do?" "Are you seekers of truth?" I asked him, "Or you want to live with your fixed old ideas and also dwell upon something that 'we are Christians, saved, we are Islam, we are saved people, we are Jews, we are saved people.'?" Frankly, I will tell you, most of you will go to hell." They said, "Why?" "Because you are hypocrites." Reality is that you don't follow your religion. You just have a label here. I've seen people fighting in the church, fighting in the mosque and fighting in the synagogues. Just imagine, from Abraham to Moses, Moses then to Christ, then to Mohammed-sahib, it's a regular step by step forward movement. Even the Sharia that Muslims are using doesn't belong to them, was not given by Koran, but it is in the Bible, in the Jeremiah that Moses gave it to Jews. And the Jews said, "No, no. We'll not have this one. It's too much." Then the Christians said, "Oh, we can't have." But the Muslims said, "All right, we'll have it." It's meant for Jews at the time Moses found them to be absolutely decadent. But does it help anyone? Now, if they believe in the abstract God, in the formless God, specially the Muslims, why should they fight for any country or any land? God is everywhere. It is necessary that in every countries, like Russia, anyone, you have to know you are Russians first. Those who will think they are Muslim first or Christian first, they will fight because they are political minded, they're not spiritual minded people. You have to be spiritual minded, otherwise you should say you don't believe in God. If you believe in God, then you have to be spiritual minded. I've seen much more perhaps anyone of you could have seen. Now the quarrel is between the Western culture and the culture of fundamentalists. The fundamentalists are saying that you should take to very strict culture. They're forcing it. In Algeria thousands of people were killed because they were dressed up like Westerners. They're throwing bombs in Paris. All kinds of violence they take to, these fundamentalists. Mohammed-sahib has talked about rahim, rehamat - compassion and there is no equality at all among Islamic people. They ill treat their women. One woman goes on producing children, eight to ten children, and then they throw her away as talak. In India we have thousands and thousands of such women and children who are the poorest in our country. He said, that you can marry four women, but women should not become prostitutes. That was the time. So now, they are mostly prostitutes. How are they to live? They should starve in the name of Islam? And also kill their children? What has Christianity done or Muslims or Jews, what have they done, what good. I know the people in charge of religion are working very hard to do their level best, but they must face the reality. They have not achieved anything that Christ asked for, Mohammed asked for or Moses asked for. On the contrary, because of their blindness, they have brought such a bad name to all these great founders of these great religions of one tree, spirituality. As you know, these days Americans are the rulers because money has become the God, so their culture is the God's culture. They're exploiting your country, you people don't know, you don't understand. I saw advertisement of imported goods in your television. Are you mad? All your money you are spending on this junks here which are not sold anywhere in the West or in America. All your learned people are going to America to become dishwashers. There is no sense of patriotism and sacrifice. In my country, I must say very proudly that you can not get even a tie which is imported thanks to Gandhiji. He said, "Don't buy anything from abroad. You can buy hand-woven, hand-spun cloth, which is course, doesn't matter." My parents sacrificed everything for the country because they were patriotic. And I'm also patriotic and I want all of you to be patriotic. It's only possible through Sahaj Yog. Not by saying I'm Islam, I am Christian, no, no, no. You have to first say you are a Russian. You can follow any path you like, but first of all know what you want. Another thing which is such a sinister, illegal thing which has been accepted, called as Swiss bank. Nobody says anything about it. They accepted it. Three fourths of our country, my country, is locked up in Swiss bank and I don't know how much Russian mafia is there or any other mafia is there. Through your legal forces you must attack because they are illegal. This is the money was to go to the poor, to the sick, to the lepers. They have taken up all that money, these Swiss banks. When I addressed World Conference of Women, I said you all should attack Swiss bank. They have no legal right to exist. For example, I'll tell you in my country what happened. India was a country with great potential, but three hundred years very nicely the British came and stayed in our country without any visa. They looted us and then now the situation is such if one Indian wants to go to England they will thoroughly examine him. They took away all our gold, our diamonds, our silver, all the precious things we had they took away, just like a highway robbery. And they call themselves Christians, all right. Their label doesn't go out. Now, before going they created problem between Muslims and Indians - not Hindus, because of Buddhists, Jainists, everybody. So the Muslims said we'll have our own land, as usual. They're very attached to land. Muslims are very attached. I don't know why. So they took Pakistan and Bangladesh. Bangladesh is the poorest country in the whole world, much worst than even Ukraine. Now they are smuggling themselves to come back. To India, they are somehow or another managing to come back and Chinese are giving them weapons to fight us. But Pakistan is much worse because the people from India who opted for Pakistan, they thought they'd become very rich and they will have big positions. And what happened to them that they were treated just like slaves. Indians are very cunning and clever. They found themselves near Karachi, which is the most important port. Now they are saying, "Give us this land to us because here we are the majority." In one interview this gentleman, who is the leader of those people, said that this Prime Minister is like Hitler and she's killing everyday fourteen to sixteen people to reduce the majority. So now that Muslims are fighting with Muslims. Saddam Hussein is fighting these rich Muslims. Kurds are fighting Turkish. Is this Islam? Is this the way to enshrine Mohammed-sahib? Because they have not found themselves, they don't know about God. Sahaja Yoga is the only way by which you can get your Self Realization, self-knowledge. We have had people from all religions, from all races, from all the false gurus. And all of them have told us that Sahaja Yoga is the only way by which we got our peace. If you have no peace within, how can you give peace to others. People who have been given awards of peace are horrible, hot-tempered people. They never even smile, as if there is a revolver behind them. They are so tense. How can they give peace to anyone? So the first we must achieve the peace within. This is my work for the last twenty-five years, not only that you get peace, but you get citizenship of the Kingdom of God. Last time when I came to Russia there was a coup and I saw the Sahaja Yogis absolutely peaceful and I asked one, "Are you not worried about what's happening around?" They said, "Mother, we are in the Kingdom of God. Why should we worry. These governments will come and go, but we have entered into eternal life." You could see it from their faces. It was no hypocrisy. Sahaja Yoga is the one that gives you the absolute knowledge, not relative knowledge. Relative knowledge is that "Because I am Christian, I am higher than Muslims." And "I'm Muslin so I'm higher than Christians." Like that you see, competitive. With some fixed idea because you are born a Muslim, you are born a Christian - it's a fixed idea in that. Hitler was the climax of that. He said that he is a superior race. A superior race. They killed children in the gas chamber and they enjoyed. How can they be superior race? Whom do we consider superior are the Saints who have compassion and love. So we have those ideas stuck into our head and we have no freedom, no courage to get out of those ideas which limit us. Moreover, our human energies are limited. Mental energies are limited. As all of them have said, "If I say there's a power which is all-pervading, why should we not try to get it? Why should we think that we are Christians or Muslims or whatever it is? But why not we get that energy which is described by Mohammed-sahib, by Christ, by Moses?" What is the harm? If you can get something, why not have it. Also it is free. You don't have to pay. Actually, I don't need anything from you. I am sufficient in Myself. I also don't need Sahaja Yog. But why am I running everywhere? Because this love, this compassion within Me makes Me do all this because people are blind, they can't see. I don't need to have anymore churches, anymore mosques, anymore synagogues. No need in these buildings. But in the heart of the human beings is the Spirit. In the heart we have to create the peace. Now all this God has built [speaks aside] - built in this whole mechanism of Kundalini, God has made, not Me. Why has He made it? For the last breakthrough. It is your own Mother. She is going to do it. It's there. It's your own power. It's your own Mother. You have a right to get this. You have every right to become one with that Divine Power, to tap it. We have this instrument. Supposing God has made us an instrument, but we don't want to connect it to the mains. Then what are you? What is your identity? Why are you born? Why are you born? Now come to science. Science has its own limitations. Whatever they can discover is science. But can they say why human beings have come on this Earth? Can they say why evolution took place? Can they say what is the aim of human beings? They can not answer many, many questions. Say for doctors, you ask them who runs your heart? They'll say autonomous nervous system. Who is this auto? They have no answer. Now, in the body, there are acetylcholine and adrenaline, two chemicals. One augments, one relaxes. But in the body it acts arbitrary. Nobody knows why. The one which has to augment, contract, relaxes. Why? Can they explain? Now anything foreign goes in the body has to be thrown out immediately by the body. All right, but when the fetus is formed, it's not thrown out. It is kept, nourished, developed up to the right timing and then it is thrown away. Who does this discrimination? Can doctors answer this question? They can not say what is the purpose of our life. We can take any of these sciences which are everyday bringing out new hypothesis and new discoveries. There's a big competition between the scientists. There's a big fight going on and then what have they produced? Atom bomb, hydrogen bomb. Because science is amoral, there is no morality for scientists. They can become spies. They can become killers. They can be scientists also. They can be drunkards. They can be adulterers. Just like any priest, no difference. What's wrong with them? They are so highly praised. They have so many awards, this, that and here you find they are so low level in morality, because they do not respect themselves. They do not respect themselves because they do not know what they are. They do not know how great they are. That's the trouble with all the human beings. We don't know what we are. We are not this body, this mind. We are not this intelligence and emotions. We are not this ego and conditioning of religions or anything, but we are pure Spirit. So now, I tell you exactly, become the Spirit, what happens. I don't think anybody should object to that because it is for your benevolence, it is for benevolence of your family, for the benevolence of your nation, for the benevolence of the whole world. So please listen to Me carefully. We have this power of Kundalini within us. It's a very ancient science from India. In the Koran also is written "Asas." In the Bible it is said that "I will appear before you like tongues of flames." Now the reality is that you must experience. You not blindly have faith in Me. We have had enough problems of blind faiths on and off. But experience, experiencing that this Kundalini rises and pierces through your fontanelle bone area. And the result, you get connected with this all-pervading power of Divine Love. It is no lecture. It is no sermon. This is the actualization of your baptism. If you are wise, you will understand that we are not living in a very peaceful world. So first thing happens to you is that you become thoughtlessly aware. When we are thinking, we are thinking of the future or the past, but not of the present. Present is the reality. Past is finished. Future doesn't exist. But we can not be in the present, is a fact. So now, one thought rises, falls, another thought rises and falls and we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts of the past and future. But when Kundalini rises, she elongates these thoughts and there is a space created in-between. That is the present, when you don't have a reflecting mind, you are absolutely at peace with yourself. You're aware, absolutely aware, but you are thoughtless. Jung has talked about it, Jung, little bit. I don't call him a full fledged Sahaja Yogi, but he did oppose this Freud, horrible fellow. All right, so you become absolutely peaceful and when you get connected with this all-pervading power, which is peace, absolute peace, no conflict. Bliss starts pouring into you and the peace spreads around. You make others peaceful. All ideas which are not truthful drop out. So you know one thing - that God is the source of peace. That's how you can spread peace. In Sahaja Yoga you'll find this peace among thousands and thousands sitting here. They may belong to any country, they may belong to any race, but, when they are together, they are like one ocean. It's not imagination because with this you become part and parcel of the whole because the drop becomes the ocean. They enjoy each other. They never fight because they are pure Spirit. Another good thing happens to you is that your attention becomes enlightened. You might be all of you younger than Me, I don't know. I'm seventy-three now. I'll be seventy-four very soon. And most of the people at this age become senile.. [speaks aside]... because attention becomes like this. It's difficult to change them also. But your attention will become enlightened. In that enlightened attention, firstly, you see the totality of the whole. It is enlightened with love and compassion. You see the good points of others and try to help who need your help. I must tell you an experience of Mine that first time I came to Russia, I didn't know any Russian language either and who came to help Me? There were Germans, twenty-five of them. German Sahaja Yogis came here first time to help Me. Tears came into My eyes. I said, "How are you here?" They said, "Mother, Germans have killed these Russians, so many Russians, we are duty bound to come here." See this kind of love, so genuine, is only possible when you become the Spirit. It's not talking, giving sermons and lectures. Then second thing happens to your attention, that this enlightened attention gives you the right path, righteous path. Overnight, overnight, people have given up drugs, alcohol, all destructive things. In the West, idea is we must enjoy every moment of our life, but every enjoyment is self-destructive. With Sahaja Yog you enjoy without getting into destruction. You enjoy all the nature. You enjoy all the human beings. You enjoy all the innate religion - innate, again I say innate, not superficial. All this is available to you, is your own, which you have to have. Now this attention is also powerful. Yesterday they told Me, "Mother, it will be cold, very cold in Leningrad." I told Sahaja Yogis, "You just pay attention, the sun will be there at your service." It was sunny yesterday. [speaks aside] So you can order it, all the nature to be at your lotus feet because now you have become one with this Divine Power. This Divine Power is the one which creates seasons, which creates everything. It has created you. It has created all of you - and you, whatever is good for you, it will do, not something bad. If you think that somebody should be killed, it won't work out. But after Realization, after becoming the Spirit, you don't think of bad things. Then the another very important thing happens to you, that wherever you put your attention, you can even give Realization to people. Like one candle is enlightened, can enlighten many candles, thousands and thousands. I've not been to Africa and there are so many Sahaja Yogis in South Africa, in Cameroon, so many places. I've not been to Siberia. There have been so many who are in Siberia. It is spreading. Those who will be against it will be dropped out very soon. People will know that they're hypocrites. We don't have to worry about it. Automatically they will be found out. We should not think bad of anyone. We should not curse anybody. They don't kill anybody. Sahaja Yogis can not kill any one. I was told in Brazil that Sahaja Yogis have become extremely honest. So then, after you start giving Realizations to others, you become another state is doubtless aware, where you have no doubts about Sahaj Yoga, about Me, about the workings of Sahaja Yoga - also doubts about yourself. That level, once you have to achieve. Many have achieved in your country. Among all the Western people or the white skinned people, Russians are the most sensitive to Spirituality. They are not like Americans. Americans, I find them quite stupid. I mean you can't understand them. They're very stupid. I'll give you an example. There was the president of the Jungian Society. He was at least twenty years older than Me. I was about sixty years. So he said, "I told them about Jung, what mistake he had committed and they were very impressed." He came to Me, shaking with a stick. And he said, "I have a private problem." I said, "What is your problem?" He said, "I'm a Catholic and I had a keep. I could not marry her because I was a Catholic. I couldn't get a divorce." He said, "Catholics are allowed to have keeps, but they can't divorce." And he never told his wife who died. Now he wants to marry this lady. I said, "What is the age of your keep?" He said, "Only thirty-five." I was shocked. I mean she was the age of his granddaughter. I said, "What do you want Me to do, sir?" He said, "You please put in her heart feeling for me that she should marry me." I said this eighty year fellow, shaking, asking Me of all the things, such a blessing. I told, "Sir, sorry I can't do this job for you." He was the president of the International Jungian Society. I mean such a stupid thing, you know. Any old man there wants to see Me, I said, "I'm sorry." Younger people are better because these old Johnnys, who still have stupid ideas in their head, want Me to do their stupid things. I tell you, if they had gone to Christ, He would have beaten them with hunters. If they had gone to Mohammed-sahib, He would have slapped them. It's impossible, these stupid people are trying to rule the whole world. So you Russians are wise people. You have a great tradition. India has never invaded any country so far. Genghis Khan invaded us. Every type of invasion we had, every type of invasion, but in spirituality Indians know a lot. They know about Kundalini. They don't want material things. They want their moksha, their Self Realization. Of course, we also have some culprits, but everybody knows who is who. But I have great respect for Russians and very great love because they never even had heard the name of Kundalini. How did they accept it so fast? What was in them that it was seeking? What love, what understanding of this subtle subject. Very few people in the world are like you. Now, this is the last judgment and those who miss will miss in any case. Christ has said, "You'll be calling Me, 'Christ, Christ,' but I will not recognize you." So understand, you have to become the Spirit. As Christ has said that "You are to be born again." You may have faith in Me or not, doesn't matter. You must have faith in yourself to begin with. But, when you will grow spiritually, you will know better. I'll not tell you what I am. I will never tell you what I am. Christ was the Son of God. You may deny it, but He was. But when He said that they crucified Him, stupid people. I don't want to get crucified, so I will not tell you what I am, but I must be something, no doubt. It makes no difference to Me. Whatever I am, I am. But I'm not going to tell you. You have to rise in your Spirit and realize it and understand it. Why? Because you have to do good to others. With your ignorance, you will stop the progress of others. What a responsibility, what a beautiful responsibility you have. And last of all, you enter into the Kingdom of God and then drown into the Ocean of Joy. Joy has not got a double coil like happiness or unhappiness. It is singular. You lose all your lust and greed and you become detached and see yourself. You don't have to become an ascetic. You don't have to go to Himalayas. You don't have to fast. It is something internal - nothing to change outside. I know there is going to be global transformation in the world. Even the database of your genes change. All kinds of people have come to Sahaja Yoga, have got transformation. So many people have been cured, have been cured of incurable diseases without paying anything, by their own powers, so easily Sahaj, spontaneous. Even the animals, if you give them these divine vibrations, even the crops and things grow ten times better. So, in this last judgment, a new race of great people is created. It is your own. It is your own power. Only to know how glorious you are, how great you are, absolutely free because you get that superior intelligence. In the light of Spirit ,you know what is constructive for you. You know absolute knowledge. So many things are in this small lecture, I can't tell you. Only thing I want to request all the people who are suppose to be in charge of religion, now they have brought people up to a point. Like different steps, they have crossed. For what? Why to have the religion? It is to ascend. They must ascend. The balance has to be established through religion. Like we have airplanes fixed in different, different shops, or you can call them - what is it called? - workshops, to get the balance because they have to fly. What's the use of just balancing without any flight. So you have to fly. All the freedom of the Spirit you don't have to say, "Don't do this, don't do that." Nothing of the kind. You are ready to fly. Now enjoy your full freedom. In this little lecture, whatever it is, I tried to express My Heart. Everybody thinks it is a miracle the way Sahaja Yoga has worked in this country and how they have solved their problems, even material problems. So may God bless you all. What about asking the questions? [speaks aside] I'm also a communist. [Question: "Are you the Holy Spirit?"] Write it down and give it Me please. [.Are you Holy Spirit...?] Now, I've already told you that I'm not going to say anything about it. I've already told. Now, if I say, why should you believe - blind faith? After Realization you'll know everything. I don't want to get crucified. [aside] You see, let them discover, it's the point. You can not force anything. Only thing you have to be honest people. [aside] Thank you, thank you very much. [aside] There was one question, "What is the purpose of human life?" The purpose of human life is to enter into the Kingdom of God. Is to enjoy the bounties of God Almighty. The purpose is to become the Spirit so that there is complete peace, harmony and pure joy. That is the role of God also. This another question. Mr. Roerich [a famous Russian painter who lived in India] went to, definitely he went to this gentleman to get some kind of a Buddhism. He was, himself, a very good man, but I don't know why he got allurement with this kind of a Buddhism. Is another kind of religion, which has not helped anyone. Buddha has talked about compassion, compassion and compassion. And the Japanese are the greatest Buddhists. So you can see what sense is it. Compassion - Japanese are only doing their business. Buddhism has not entered into their mind. Like any other religion, only after knowing yourself it will happen. We have horrible cults in Japan under the name of Buddha. I went to Canada and there was one fellow who came in the orange dress and I asked him, "Why are you wearing this orange dress?" So he said that "This is the only dress left now to me. I was a very rich man. All other money, everything is gone to Mr. Dalai Lama." He's a great beggar and I was surprised that in the West people like if you beg money from them. In Boston they asked. "Many, how many Rolls Royces I had?" I said, "I have none. I only have one car that my husband has." So they said, "You are not in the business?" I said, "No." They said, "We don't care for you. Get out." That's American style. So this Dalai Lama has accumulated so much money. He has come in our country. No one likes him, but he is sitting on our heads. He's very fond of gold. He tells people, "You take sanyasa. You become ascetic. Give all your money to me", like all other false gurus. Buddha has failed, Christ has failed, Mohammed-sahib has failed because people never understood them. They were too great for human mind. So the first thing I did was to study human beings for about forty-seven years of My age and I saw how complicated they were and then I found out this method of en masse Realization. There were many Sufis who got Realization. There were many Saints in India who got Realization, but very, very few. Also, among Christians, there were some who got Realization - Kahlil Gibran. But they were all tortured. So we have to say now, to understand them also, you have to have your self knowledge. They're all making money in the name of these great founders of religion or they're spreading poison. In Mecca there were thousands and thousands of Muslims and there was one fellow from Sudan. He was black, absolutely jet black, and he was spreading poison in the name of Mohammed-sahib. I had somebody close to Me who knew Arabic and I was shocked. And just after that, there was a stampede and thirty-two people, innocent people who had gone for Haj, died in the stampede. You can't spread a poison in the name of divine people. It is sinful. Also this gentleman, this painter and his wife, both suffered a lot from physical health. ["How can achieve good attention?] You don't have to do anything because whatever you will do, you'll do through your mental activity. Mental activity is linear. There's no truth in it. It goes up to a point, recoils back on it. But the power of Spirit spreads on all sides. [speaks aside] Now they're asking about attention. It's very simple, when the Kundalini rises, the attention which is spread out here goes up like this, up. It is brought in the centre. And, at this Sahasrara, it breaks. When it breaks, you see, this whole attention is filled with enlightenment. You don't have to do anything, but you have to go on raising your Kundalini like this yourself. That's all. When you watch something, watch something without thinking. Can you watch Me without thinking? Now you can feel the all pervading power in your hands, you'll see that. This is the namaz, but Muslims don't know anything. You will feel the cool breeze. This is the all pervading power and on your fingertips you will know about your centers and about the centers of others. All those who have felt cool breeze or hot breeze on their hands or out of their fontanelle bone area raise your hands. So, all of you have felt it. So simple because you are ready and because you're Russians. May God bless you. Now we have centers here and we have doctors and we have people here who know how to cure you. You can go to these centers [tell them] and get cured and you can also cure others. One thing I've seen, Russians in a huge crowd of sixteen, eighteen thousand people, they told Me they got cured in the program. Only possible in Russia, not even in India. I respect you very much. I don't know of what metal you are made. ["There is a central charity Christian Orthodox fund, Shri Mataji. They want to cooperate with Sahaja Yoga.] Oh, I'm very happy. Now Central Charity Christian Orthodox Fund wants to cooperate with Sahaja Yoga. Thank you very much. Thank you. That's what I said they are wise. They are very wise people in this country. They will not stand in the way where they see that people are helped. For no rhyme and reason they will object to Sahaja Yoga. Thank you very much. I would like to thank. [aside] Some Sahaja Yogini has written to Me. 'llI go home and read the whole thing and I'll answer them.... answer them in the program, all right. It's a very big question. ["Shri Mataji, do you have a good opinion about Mikhail Gorbachev? What do you think about him now?] It's all again political business. I don't want to say anything about Gorbachev. I think he fell into the trap of these Americans or something. I don't know what to say. I have all respect for him. But somehow he never wanted to meet Me. I tried. It's all right. ["What is the attitude to the husband?"] The question is there about the women, they want to know my attitude towards the husband. ["Sorry, Shri Mataji, Moonies" - unclear] What a question. My goodness. You please don't ask Me about devils. ["If each and every person could be a Sahaja Yogi?"] The question is if each and every person could be a Sahaja Yogi. Yes, of course. But say he's an idiot. He's stupid. He has fixed ideas. What else - who's arrogant. You see if your one foot is in the mouth of the crocodile and put one foot in the boat, what should we do? ["Shri Mataji, please say how to tell about sects, about false gurus. How we Sahaja Yogis have to talk about sects?"] Sahaja Yogis have to talk about how they should talk about the false gurus. You see those people who have been to false gurus are already suffering. They could be even quite mad. For example, I went to Chicago and there was one fellow of the Hare Rama Hare Krishna. He was the Chairman of Chicago Hare Rama Hare Krishna. It was very cold and he was wearing the dhoti you know this common in India, very thin. And he had shaved his hair and with a pony tail, a little bit like that coming out. I said, "Sir, I'm a Mother, why are you wearing this dhoti in this cold weather? It's very cold you know, I'm shivering." He said, "My guru has told me that if you wear a dhoti, you'll get moksha, nirvana." I said, "What? In My country eighty percent wear this thing, so they'd be there already." He had shaved his hair. I said, "Why did you shave your hair?" He said, "That my guru has told me that that's the station to get into the heaven." He was American, you see. I said, "There is Kabir, a great poet in India, said that by shaving your head if you can get your place in heavens, then what about the sheep that is shaved two times every year. Those sheep must be already there. Where will you have the place?" So he got very angry with Me. "You're talking against my guru." I said, "See, you need not be angry with Me. Do what you like, your guru has said, but tomorrow if you get sick with this dhoti don't come to Me." This "Hare Rama Hare Krishna" we say everyday in India. We don't say good morning like the English. We say, "Hare Ram," just like the Muslims say something, "Allah." So we say the same way. It's just a lip service. How can you go to heaven. He got angry but then he developed varicose veins. Next year he came to Me. So, to deal with them, you have to be careful. Firstly, they are slaves of their gurus. They have fixed ideas. Some of them just start shaking before Me. They fall in the ground. But most of them now are finished. First thing they mesmerize. We have one in India who used to mesmerize and bring out Swiss watches to give to people. Lastly, there were very great people from India went to see him. There were four cameras. He could not mesmerize the camera. So the cameras clearly showed how he brought a necklace and passed it on. And also our rich people in India are so stupid - rich not the poor. They used to go to him to get diamonds, can you imagine. I mean all kinds of tricks he did. But he was exposed by newspapers now. They're all getting exposed by God's grace. All falsehood will get exposed. Firstly if you tell them that you don't have to pay any money to the guru, all the gurus will jump in the sea. ["Is it possible for people who are not realized to feel the vibrations in your presence?"] You see those who are not realized can not feel any vibrations, even in My presence. [Answering a written question:] Then she's saying that how is it that the people do not accept or recognize that it is You and only You who is the Holy Ghost? They are asking Me again and again the same question. But I must tell you about Russians. First time, when I came to Leningrad nobody had heard about Me. Nobody had seen Me. There were only some advertisements in the newspaper with My face. I also look like Russians sometimes and, you know, they saw only My face in the newspaper and when I went for the program the whole place was filled already, two thousand people and two thousand were waiting outside. I was surprised. I went inside and people got their Realization and when I came out they were still sitting. They said, "Mother, what about us?" I said, "All right, you come tomorrow. We'll sit outside in the open." It was very sunny and there were two thousand from outside and two thousand from inside and two thousand more, six thousand people. I was amazed. They all got their Realization. I said, "How did you come to My program?" They were not realized souls. They said, "Mother, Your face, it's absolutely evident. We know who You are." I was surprised. That's why I praise Russians very much. They are sensitive to truth. They are sensitive to spirituality. Maybe last lives they must have done lot of good things. I just don't know, but I find Russians extremely sensitive. Another are Romanians, compared to all other Western countries. I'll tell you a joke. In Togliatti there was a joke that a Togliatti fellow asked an American, "How many Sahaj Yogis you have in America?" So he said, "Fifty-six." He said, "You have Fifty-six thousand. We have only twenty-one thousand in Togliatti." We had to hold the meeting in jungles near Volga River, because there were so many. Very sweet, very sweet, very sweet, I don't know how to express Myself for your love and understanding. Here I talked to scientists. There were two hundred fifty scientists sitting. They said, "Don't tell us about science. Tell us about God's science. We have had enough of science." Just think of it, such beautiful people like the flowers about to become the fruits. No credit for Me. I go to all the countries, sixty-five countries. Among all of them, you are so special. I don't know, when I leave you I feel somebody is wrenching My Heart. May God bless you. ["If there are chakras above Sahasrara?"] There are chakras above Sahasrara, but first of all establish yourself. Gradually everything will work out. ["What is to be attitude to the members of the family who are not Sahaja Yogis?"] My family members were not Sahaja Yogis to begin with. My husband used to say, "I know You are a Saint, but You can not transform others. You are moral, but You can't make others moral." Now he's changed. He said, "I've seen all this happening. You've made them into angels. I have to be honest that You have done the job." Even now, My daughters, My grandchildren, everyone in My family, husband's family, My mother's family, they believe in Sahaja Yoga. But I would say that I showed all compassion, love and patience. But I would say they are not great Sahaja Yogis like Russians, but they will be. Also it's better to keep them out because Sahaja Yogis make such a fuss out of them which will spoil their chances. They should come to Sahaja Yoga like ordinary people, otherwise it will be like nepotism I don't want that. ["Mother, please tell us how to overcome the daily suffering of how making enough money to pay for the food."] Now she's asking how to make sufficient money to have the food. After coming to Sahaja Yoga, many people have solved their financial problems completely. How? First their attention becomes so good, that they can do many things which they could never do before and the blessings of the Divine start pouring on them. You have to have faith in yourself that you are Sahaja Yogis and you'll be amazed so many things will happen. Such coincidences that you'll be amazed at yourself. I give you two examples of a miracle. There was a girl, young girl, who got frustrated because she didn't do well or something and she shot herself on the stomach on the left hand side and the bullet came out from here from the right arm. Also there was some blood, but she was quite conscious. So they took her to the hospital. Doctors were surprised. They x-rayed her, did everything and found that the bullet did not touch any nerve, any muscle, anything. Doctors said as if the bullet had a stroll around. Nobody could explain it. She came out of hospital second day. Another miracle, recent, I mean recent one, there was a lady who's son was in America and who got into a horrible disease which is in her family at a very young age. Normally, they get it in the old age. She was working in the UN. She wrote to Me three letters praying that, "Mother, please cure my son. He's so young and he'll die within a month's time." And the fourth letter came from her, that he's all right, nothing is wrong with him. I didn't do anything - this All Pervading Power. Another is another Sahaja Yogini in Turkey was thinking that her husband is not well employed in Turkey as a pilot and just out of the blue he got a job in Germany and now in America, a very big job. I don't do anything. I am the laziest person. ["What can save Russia?"] I've already told you, you have to be patriotic. This is another revolution. You have to sacrifice and you have to understand not to waste your money on these Western nonsensical things. And Divine help will come to you. So many Sahaja Yogis who dare touch you, you're all protected by the Divine. What else? ["Shri Mataji, one of the symbols with Denmark is the elephant. Will Sahaja Yoga be established in Denmark?"] If they're asking if Sahaja Yoga will go to Denmark because the symbol is the, what you call, the elephant. Sahaja Yoga in Denmark will move likes elephant only, I think. ["Will there be other incarnations on the Earth?"] They're asking about incarnations, will there be incarnations and all of that. Why do you worry about all these things. I can't tell you. ["I want to know about these big problems .... China" He wants to know about China? You shouldn't mind if I say that we couldn't start Sahaja Yoga there in that way because still they're communists. But I'm sure the government of China will accept it very soon and then we can start Sahaja Yoga in a big way. Chinese are other very ancient people, very wise. Culturally, they are like Indians. They have morality in them. One thing I noticed, they were extremely hospitable, kind and gentle. You saw people there who were from Germany, from Africa, from America. They looked so gross. But Chinese, you know, they had arranged, through their students, the volunteers, very well trained girls and boys and so gentle. They were paid nothing. They are very patriotic people one has to learn from them. I wish Indians were like that. They are very dignified, very well mannered. Of course, if you insult them, they don't like. I must admit that Indians did that, insult them. And art, what art they have. Their government doesn't allow much to come inside China. They also don't care much for the Western culture. They dress up just like Chinese, most of them. Moreover, they're very learned. They had two great philosophers, but the greatest was Lao Tze, who talked about Kundalini, Realization, everything. Confucius talked about humanity. So they believe in Confucius because it suits communism. In Hong Kong there are many Chinese and I asked them what will you do when the Hong Kong goes to the China, mainland China? They said, "We are Chinese and we'll be with mainland China. What does it matter? We're not going to run away." And do you know how they became rich? So many Chinese have gone abroad. And after this episode of killing the young students they were angry, but when it was explained that how can you suddenly give freedom to these young boys, students. One can do it gradually. Otherwise, like Russia, there will be problem of mafia. They are very wise. So the Chinese who are abroad understood and the Chinese abroad send fifty to sixty percent of their income to their government. They are not attached to money. That's how they have become rich, very dedicated. Thousands and thousands of people are there, but the system that they have built, so beautiful that nobody will start playing. I was amazed that while working nobody drank anything, even a drop, so very alert. But when we were coming by that plane first class all the ladies and men were drinking vodka, vodka, bottles after bottles. I got a headache. Chinese are ashamed to do such a thing. Also they have told Me that the Chinese men marry Russian women and then give it up and call the Chinese women. I tell you, Chinese women are really very sweet. They don't compete with men. They are very sweet and they win over men with their sweetness. I also know they are very sensitive to spirituality. Even their prime minister asked Me about spirituality when I went with my husband. And I'm sure one day you'll find your brothers and sister very closely in China. I hope I've been able to answer most of your questions. I thank the organizers of this conference from My Heart. ["Many questions about how to give up drinking Shri Mataji?"] When you get your Self-Realization, in the light of Spirit, you give up everything which is destructive. How? I'll give an example. Supposing I'm very obstinate and I have a snake in my hand and there is darkness and you tell Me there is snake in your hand. I will say, "No, it's a rope." But when the light will come, immediately I will throw it away. In the same way, not only you give up drinking, that's not the only thing you do, but you give up everything that is bad for you. Because you also become very strong and free. Nothing can attack you, no habits. All drop out.
Medical Conference, St. Petersburg (Russia), 20 September 1995. I bow to all the people who are seeking peace from their heart. If it is superficial, then I can not help. But when we realize that all these wars have brought such a calamity on your nation and all the nations concerned, we should now really think seriously about peace. I'm against no religion. All the religions came on this Earth as flowers on the same tree of spirituality. And then it so happened that people plucked these flowers and now are fighting with the dead flowers, "This is mine, this is mine." After the Second World War a new style of war has started in the name of God. How can you fight if you believe in one God? So it is just a mental idea they have. It's not the real faith in the heart. No religion teaches you to hate, but the situation is just the opposite. I know in the beginning all these religions came in the purest form and tried to bring love, peace and unity in this world, but some people became in charge of the religion. They were also nice, but gradually they started separating from each other. Not only it was among religions, but among every religion there were different, different sects. Whatever they have done, at least they have created the feeling of righteousness among people. They have talked of morality. They have talked of love and compassion. They have built many organizations to express that feeling, but all that has been very superficial. You see anybody who says he's a Christian or a Muslim or a Hindu, is he really that? Is he really a Christian? Christ has said, "Thou shall not have adulterous eyes." Have you met any Christians who doesn't have adulterous eyes or who never had? Mohammed-sahib has said that "Unless and until you know yourself, you will not know God." Self means the Spirit. How many have tried that? All these Muslims, are they trying to be spirit-oriented? They are just fighting, fighting, fighting everywhere. I feel so sorry for them because thousands are killed in this and they're made to have wars, they're encouraged to have wars and so many are killed stupidly. They have been completely butchered. I asked a Russian, "Why do you have this Chechnya war?" He says that "We are a democratic country and in a democratic country how can you have a nation which is based on religion?" which is very reasonable and logical. But do you know in England there's only one religion. That is Church of England. They say that Catholic Church's eldest daughter is France. In Spain they have nothing but Catholic Church. Here you have nothing but Orthodox. Whatever good they have done is neutralized by this because those who don't follow their religion according to them, they are heathens. If you want to know about the Muslims, go and ask the Jews. If you want to know about the Jews, so go and ask Christians. And if you want to know about Christians, better go to America and see what they are doing. Openly, Christians are extremely immoral people. Today I saw a little glimpse of the Russian film. It was worst than an American film. One girl, who was absolutely quite nude, was there just like an American girl, without any shame, without any morality. Did Christ preach immorality? Did He talk of prostitution? In the West even the housewives behave like prostitutes because I have seen it. They have no respect of their chastity. And very nicely all the junk from America is coming here because they can not sell it. And you are all buying that junk without thinking. And you are taking to all the immoral ways of the West. So how are you Christians? Same about the Muslims. They talk of Islam, which was such a great, I should say, a religion which professed morality, which talked of morality. Mohammed-sahib even talked about Christ and His Mother's chastity, but if you see that Muslims, they are sometimes worse than Christians. Once I was traveling from Riyadh to London and I went off to sleep. When I got up all those people, women and men who were wearing all Arabic dresses and bouka went with Me in the plane. When I got up what I find, they were all wearing fashionable, new types of dresses, the women were wearing - absolutely shameful. And the men were wearing also horrible dresses like clowns. They were all drinking, smoking and doing disco dance in the plane. So I asked the air hostess, who had covered her face because she was an air hostess, I said, "Did we go somewhere else in between in our travel?" She said, "No, no, no, no, nowhere." So I said, "What these people?" "They're the same?" "How are they changed?" They said, "You go and see them in London, you will know." They drink more than Scotsmen. We have been to many parties because of my husband's job and they use to call my husband Muslim because he did not drink. All the rest used to drink nicely. Christianity has failed. Islam has failed, no doubt. By forcing, you cannot bring morality. This I could see. I met some Englishman. I said, "Why are you all the time looking at woman like this. Why?" They said, "We enjoy." But I said, "What about Christ?" They said, "We do this even in the church. Should we fix our eyes with something?" I said, "You can. There is a way. You are not Christians. You are not Muslims. You are not Jews. You are all hopelessly bad people." They said, "Then, Mother, what should we do?" "Are you seekers of truth?" I asked him, "Or you want to live with your fixed old ideas and also dwell upon something that 'we are Christians, saved, we are Islam, we are saved people, we are Jews, we are saved people.'?" Frankly, I will tell you, most of you will go to hell." They said, "Why?" "Because you are hypocrites." Reality is that you don't follow your religion. You just have a label here. I've seen people fighting in the church, fighting in the mosque and fighting in the synagogues. Just imagine, from Abraham to Moses, Moses then to Christ, then to Mohammed-sahib, it's a regular step by step forward movement. Even the Sharia that Muslims are using doesn't belong to them, was not given by Koran, but it is in the Bible, in the Jeremiah that Moses gave it to Jews. And the Jews said, "No, no. We'll not have this one. It's too much." Then the Christians said, "Oh, we can't have." But the Muslims said, "All right, we'll have it." It's meant for Jews at the time Moses found them to be absolutely decadent. But does it help anyone? Now, if they believe in the abstract God, in the formless God, specially the Muslims, why should they fight for any country or any land? God is everywhere. It is necessary that in every countries, like Russia, anyone, you have to know you are Russians first. Those who will think they are Muslim first or Christian first, they will fight because they are political minded, they're not spiritual minded people. You have to be spiritual minded, otherwise you should say you don't believe in God. If you believe in God, then you have to be spiritual minded. I've seen much more perhaps anyone of you could have seen. Now the quarrel is between the Western culture and the culture of fundamentalists. The fundamentalists are saying that you should take to very strict culture. They're forcing it. In Algeria thousands of people were killed because they were dressed up like Westerners. They're throwing bombs in Paris. All kinds of violence they take to, these fundamentalists. Mohammed-sahib has talked about rahim, rehamat - compassion and there is no equality at all among Islamic people. They ill treat their women. One woman goes on producing children, eight to ten children, and then they throw her away as talak. In India we have thousands and thousands of such women and children who are the poorest in our country. He said, that you can marry four women, but women should not become prostitutes. That was the time. So now, they are mostly prostitutes. How are they to live? They should starve in the name of Islam? And also kill their children? What has Christianity done or Muslims or Jews, what have they done, what good. I know the people in charge of religion are working very hard to do their level best, but they must face the reality. They have not achieved anything that Christ asked for, Mohammed asked for or Moses asked for. On the contrary, because of their blindness, they have brought such a bad name to all these great founders of these great religions of one tree, spirituality. As you know, these days Americans are the rulers because money has become the God, so their culture is the God's culture. They're exploiting your country, you people don't know, you don't understand. I saw advertisement of imported goods in your television. Are you mad? All your money you are spending on this junks here which are not sold anywhere in the West or in America. All your learned people are going to America to become dishwashers. There is no sense of patriotism and sacrifice. In my country, I must say very proudly that you can not get even a tie which is imported thanks to Gandhiji. He said, "Don't buy anything from abroad. You can buy hand-woven, hand-spun cloth, which is course, doesn't matter." My parents sacrificed everything for the country because they were patriotic. And I'm also patriotic and I want all of you to be patriotic. It's only possible through Sahaj Yog. Not by saying I'm Islam, I am Christian, no, no, no. You have to first say you are a Russian. You can follow any path you like, but first of all know what you want. Another thing which is such a sinister, illegal thing which has been accepted, called as Swiss bank. Nobody says anything about it. They accepted it. Three fourths of our country, my country, is locked up in Swiss bank and I don't know how much Russian mafia is there or any other mafia is there. Through your legal forces you must attack because they are illegal. This is the money was to go to the poor, to the sick, to the lepers. They have taken up all that money, these Swiss banks. When I addressed World Conference of Women, I said you all should attack Swiss bank. They have no legal right to exist. For example, I'll tell you in my country what happened. India was a country with great potential, but three hundred years very nicely the British came and stayed in our country without any visa. They looted us and then now the situation is such if one Indian wants to go to England they will thoroughly examine him. They took away all our gold, our diamonds, our silver, all the precious things we had they took away, just like a highway robbery. And they call themselves Christians, all right. Their label doesn't go out. Now, before going they created problem between Muslims and Indians - not Hindus, because of Buddhists, Jainists, everybody. So the Muslims said we'll have our own land, as usual. They're very attached to land. Muslims are very attached. I don't know why. So they took Pakistan and Bangladesh. Bangladesh is the poorest country in the whole world, much worst than even Ukraine. Now they are smuggling themselves to come back. To India, they are somehow or another managing to come back and Chinese are giving them weapons to fight us. But Pakistan is much worse because the people from India who opted for Pakistan, they thought they'd become very rich and they will have big positions. And what happened to them that they were treated just like slaves. Indians are very cunning and clever. They found themselves near Karachi, which is the most important port. Now they are saying, "Give us this land to us because here we are the majority." In one interview this gentleman, who is the leader of those people, said that this Prime Minister is like Hitler and she's killing everyday fourteen to sixteen people to reduce the majority. So now that Muslims are fighting with Muslims. Saddam Hussein is fighting these rich Muslims. Kurds are fighting Turkish. Is this Islam? Is this the way to enshrine Mohammed-sahib? Because they have not found themselves, they don't know about God. Sahaja Yoga is the only way by which you can get your Self Realization, self-knowledge. We have had people from all religions, from all races, from all the false gurus. And all of them have told us that Sahaja Yoga is the only way by which we got our peace. If you have no peace within, how can you give peace to others. People who have been given awards of peace are horrible, hot-tempered people. They never even smile, as if there is a revolver behind them. They are so tense. How can they give peace to anyone? So the first we must achieve the peace within. This is my work for the last twenty-five years, not only that you get peace, but you get citizenship of the Kingdom of God. Last time when I came to Russia there was a coup and I saw the Sahaja Yogis absolutely peaceful and I asked one, "Are you not worried about what's happening around?" They said, "Mother, we are in the Kingdom of God. Why should we worry. These governments will come and go, but we have entered into eternal life." You could see it from their faces. It was no hypocrisy. Sahaja Yoga is the one that gives you the absolute knowledge, not relative knowledge. Relative knowledge is that "Because I am Christian, I am higher than Muslims." And "I'm Muslin so I'm higher than Christians." Like that you see, competitive. With some fixed idea because you are born a Muslim, you are born a Christian - it's a fixed idea in that. Hitler was the climax of that. He said that he is a superior race. A superior race. They killed children in the gas chamber and they enjoyed. How can they be superior race? Whom do we consider superior are the Saints who have compassion and love. So we have those ideas stuck into our head and we have no freedom, no courage to get out of those ideas which limit us. Moreover, our human energies are limited. Mental energies are limited. As all of them have said, "If I say there's a power which is all-pervading, why should we not try to get it? Why should we think that we are Christians or Muslims or whatever it is? But why not we get that energy which is described by Mohammed-sahib, by Christ, by Moses?" What is the harm? If you can get something, why not have it. Also it is free. You don't have to pay. Actually, I don't need anything from you. I am sufficient in Myself. I also don't need Sahaja Yog. But why am I running everywhere? Because this love, this compassion within Me makes Me do all this because people are blind, they can't see. I don't need to have anymore churches, anymore mosques, anymore synagogues. No need in these buildings. But in the heart of the human beings is the Spirit. In the heart we have to create the peace. Now all this God has built [speaks aside] - built in this whole mechanism of Kundalini, God has made, not Me. Why has He made it? For the last breakthrough. It is your own Mother. She is going to do it. It's there. It's your own power. It's your own Mother. You have a right to get this. You have every right to become one with that Divine Power, to tap it. We have this instrument. Supposing God has made us an instrument, but we don't want to connect it to the mains. Then what are you? What is your identity? Why are you born? Why are you born? Now come to science. Science has its own limitations. Whatever they can discover is science. But can they say why human beings have come on this Earth? Can they say why evolution took place? Can they say what is the aim of human beings? They can not answer many, many questions. Say for doctors, you ask them who runs your heart? They'll say autonomous nervous system. Who is this auto? They have no answer. Now, in the body, there are acetylcholine and adrenaline, two chemicals. One augments, one relaxes. But in the body it acts arbitrary. Nobody knows why. The one which has to augment, contract, relaxes. Why? Can they explain? Now anything foreign goes in the body has to be thrown out immediately by the body. All right, but when the fetus is formed, it's not thrown out. It is kept, nourished, developed up to the right timing and then it is thrown away. Who does this discrimination? Can doctors answer this question? They can not say what is the purpose of our life. We can take any of these sciences which are everyday bringing out new hypothesis and new discoveries. There's a big competition between the scientists. There's a big fight going on and then what have they produced? Atom bomb, hydrogen bomb. Because science is amoral, there is no morality for scientists. They can become spies. They can become killers. They can be scientists also. They can be drunkards. They can be adulterers. Just like any priest, no difference. What's wrong with them? They are so highly praised. They have so many awards, this, that and here you find they are so low level in morality, because they do not respect themselves. They do not respect themselves because they do not know what they are. They do not know how great they are. That's the trouble with all the human beings. We don't know what we are. We are not this body, this mind. We are not this intelligence and emotions. We are not this ego and conditioning of religions or anything, but we are pure Spirit. So now, I tell you exactly, become the Spirit, what happens. I don't think anybody should object to that because it is for your benevolence, it is for benevolence of your family, for the benevolence of your nation, for the benevolence of the whole world. So please listen to Me carefully. We have this power of Kundalini within us. It's a very ancient science from India. In the Koran also is written "Asas." In the Bible it is said that "I will appear before you like tongues of flames." Now the reality is that you must experience. You not blindly have faith in Me. We have had enough problems of blind faiths on and off. But experience, experiencing that this Kundalini rises and pierces through your fontanelle bone area. And the result, you get connected with this all-pervading power of Divine Love. It is no lecture. It is no sermon. This is the actualization of your baptism. If you are wise, you will understand that we are not living in a very peaceful world. So first thing happens to you is that you become thoughtlessly aware. When we are thinking, we are thinking of the future or the past, but not of the present. Present is the reality. Past is finished. Future doesn't exist. But we can not be in the present, is a fact. So now, one thought rises, falls, another thought rises and falls and we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts of the past and future. But when Kundalini rises, she elongates these thoughts and there is a space created in-between. That is the present, when you don't have a reflecting mind, you are absolutely at peace with yourself. You're aware, absolutely aware, but you are thoughtless. Jung has talked about it, Jung, little bit. I don't call him a full fledged Sahaja Yogi, but he did oppose this Freud, horrible fellow. All right, so you become absolutely peaceful and when you get connected with this all-pervading power, which is peace, absolute peace, no conflict. Bliss starts pouring into you and the peace spreads around. You make others peaceful. All ideas which are not truthful drop out. So you know one thing - that God is the source of peace. That's how you can spread peace. In Sahaja Yoga you'll find this peace among thousands and thousands sitting here. They may belong to any country, they may belong to any race, but, when they are together, they are like one ocean. It's not imagination because with this you become part and parcel of the whole because the drop becomes the ocean. They enjoy each other. They never fight because they are pure Spirit. Another good thing happens to you is that your attention becomes enlightened. You might be all of you younger than Me, I don't know. I'm seventy-three now. I'll be seventy-four very soon. And most of the people at this age become senile.. [speaks aside]... because attention becomes like this. It's difficult to change them also. But your attention will become enlightened. In that enlightened attention, firstly, you see the totality of the whole. It is enlightened with love and compassion. You see the good points of others and try to help who need your help. I must tell you an experience of Mine that first time I came to Russia, I didn't know any Russian language either and who came to help Me? There were Germans, twenty-five of them. German Sahaja Yogis came here first time to help Me. Tears came into My eyes. I said, "How are you here?" They said, "Mother, Germans have killed these Russians, so many Russians, we are duty bound to come here." See this kind of love, so genuine, is only possible when you become the Spirit. It's not talking, giving sermons and lectures. Then second thing happens to your attention, that this enlightened attention gives you the right path, righteous path. Overnight, overnight, people have given up drugs, alcohol, all destructive things. In the West, idea is we must enjoy every moment of our life, but every enjoyment is self-destructive. With Sahaja Yog you enjoy without getting into destruction. You enjoy all the nature. You enjoy all the human beings. You enjoy all the innate religion - innate, again I say innate, not superficial. All this is available to you, is your own, which you have to have. Now this attention is also powerful. Yesterday they told Me, "Mother, it will be cold, very cold in Leningrad." I told Sahaja Yogis, "You just pay attention, the sun will be there at your service." It was sunny yesterday. [speaks aside] So you can order it, all the nature to be at your lotus feet because now you have become one with this Divine Power. This Divine Power is the one which creates seasons, which creates everything. It has created you. It has created all of you - and you, whatever is good for you, it will do, not something bad. If you think that somebody should be killed, it won't work out. But after Realization, after becoming the Spirit, you don't think of bad things. Then the another very important thing happens to you, that wherever you put your attention, you can even give Realization to people. Like one candle is enlightened, can enlighten many candles, thousands and thousands. I've not been to Africa and there are so many Sahaja Yogis in South Africa, in Cameroon, so many places. I've not been to Siberia. There have been so many who are in Siberia. It is spreading. Those who will be against it will be dropped out very soon. People will know that they're hypocrites. We don't have to worry about it. Automatically they will be found out. We should not think bad of anyone. We should not curse anybody. They don't kill anybody. Sahaja Yogis can not kill any one. I was told in Brazil that Sahaja Yogis have become extremely honest. So then, after you start giving Realizations to others, you become another state is doubtless aware, where you have no doubts about Sahaj Yoga, about Me, about the workings of Sahaja Yoga - also doubts about yourself. That level, once you have to achieve. Many have achieved in your country. Among all the Western people or the white skinned people, Russians are the most sensitive to Spirituality. They are not like Americans. Americans, I find them quite stupid. I mean you can't understand them. They're very stupid. I'll give you an example. There was the president of the Jungian Society. He was at least twenty years older than Me. I was about sixty years. So he said, "I told them about Jung, what mistake he had committed and they were very impressed." He came to Me, shaking with a stick. And he said, "I have a private problem." I said, "What is your problem?" He said, "I'm a Catholic and I had a keep. I could not marry her because I was a Catholic. I couldn't get a divorce." He said, "Catholics are allowed to have keeps, but they can't divorce." And he never told his wife who died. Now he wants to marry this lady. I said, "What is the age of your keep?" He said, "Only thirty-five." I was shocked. I mean she was the age of his granddaughter. I said, "What do you want Me to do, sir?" He said, "You please put in her heart feeling for me that she should marry me." I said this eighty year fellow, shaking, asking Me of all the things, such a blessing. I told, "Sir, sorry I can't do this job for you." He was the president of the International Jungian Society. I mean such a stupid thing, you know. Any old man there wants to see Me, I said, "I'm sorry." Younger people are better because these old Johnnys, who still have stupid ideas in their head, want Me to do their stupid things. I tell you, if they had gone to Christ, He would have beaten them with hunters. If they had gone to Mohammed-sahib, He would have slapped them. It's impossible, these stupid people are trying to rule the whole world. So you Russians are wise people. You have a great tradition. India has never invaded any country so far. Genghis Khan invaded us. Every type of invasion we had, every type of invasion, but in spirituality Indians know a lot. They know about Kundalini. They don't want material things. They want their moksha, their Self Realization. Of course, we also have some culprits, but everybody knows who is who. But I have great respect for Russians and very great love because they never even had heard the name of Kundalini. How did they accept it so fast? What was in them that it was seeking? What love, what understanding of this subtle subject. Very few people in the world are like you. Now, this is the last judgment and those who miss will miss in any case. Christ has said, "You'll be calling Me, 'Christ, Christ,' but I will not recognize you." So understand, you have to become the Spirit. As Christ has said that "You are to be born again." You may have faith in Me or not, doesn't matter. You must have faith in yourself to begin with. But, when you will grow spiritually, you will know better. I'll not tell you what I am. I will never tell you what I am. Christ was the Son of God. You may deny it, but He was. But when He said that they crucified Him, stupid people. I don't want to get crucified, so I will not tell you what I am, but I must be something, no doubt. It makes no difference to Me. Whatever I am, I am. But I'm not going to tell you. You have to rise in your Spirit and realize it and understand it. Why? Because you have to do good to others. With your ignorance, you will stop the progress of others. What a responsibility, what a beautiful responsibility you have. And last of all, you enter into the Kingdom of God and then drown into the Ocean of Joy. Joy has not got a double coil like happiness or unhappiness. It is singular. You lose all your lust and greed and you become detached and see yourself. You don't have to become an ascetic. You don't have to go to Himalayas. You don't have to fast. It is something internal - nothing to change outside. I know there is going to be global transformation in the world. Even the database of your genes change. All kinds of people have come to Sahaja Yoga, have got transformation. So many people have been cured, have been cured of incurable diseases without paying anything, by their own powers, so easily Sahaj, spontaneous. Even the animals, if you give them these divine vibrations, even the crops and things grow ten times better. So, in this last judgment, a new race of great people is created. It is your own. It is your own power. Only to know how glorious you are, how great you are, absolutely free because you get that superior intelligence. In the light of Spirit ,you know what is constructive for you. You know absolute knowledge. So many things are in this small lecture, I can't tell you. Only thing I want to request all the people who are suppose to be in charge of religion, now they have brought people up to a point. Like different steps, they have crossed. For what? Why to have the religion? It is to ascend. They must ascend. The balance has to be established through religion. Like we have airplanes fixed in different, different shops, or you can call them - what is it called? - workshops, to get the balance because they have to fly. What's the use of just balancing without any flight. So you have to fly. All the freedom of the Spirit you don't have to say, "Don't do this, don't do that." Nothing of the kind. You are ready to fly. Now enjoy your full freedom. In this little lecture, whatever it is, I tried to express My Heart. Everybody thinks it is a miracle the way Sahaja Yoga has worked in this country and how they have solved their problems, even material problems. So may God bless you all. What about asking the questions? [speaks aside] I'm also a communist. [Question: "Are you the Holy Spirit?"] Write it down and give it Me please. [.Are you Holy Spirit...?] Now, I've already told you that I'm not going to say anything about it. I've already told. Now, if I say, why should you believe - blind faith? After Realization you'll know everything. I don't want to get crucified. [aside] You see, let them discover, it's the point. You can not force anything. Only thing you have to be honest people. [aside] Thank you, thank you very much. [aside] There was one question, "What is the purpose of human life?" The purpose of human life is to enter into the Kingdom of God. Is to enjoy the bounties of God Almighty. The purpose is to become the Spirit so that there is complete peace, harmony and pure joy. That is the role of God also. This another question. Mr. Roerich [a famous Russian painter who lived in India] went to, definitely he went to this gentleman to get some kind of a Buddhism. He was, himself, a very good man, but I don't know why he got allurement with this kind of a Buddhism. Is another kind of religion, which has not helped anyone. Buddha has talked about compassion, compassion and compassion. And the Japanese are the greatest Buddhists. So you can see what sense is it. Compassion - Japanese are only doing their business. Buddhism has not entered into their mind. Like any other religion, only after knowing yourself it will happen. We have horrible cults in Japan under the name of Buddha. I went to Canada and there was one fellow who came in the orange dress and I asked him, "Why are you wearing this orange dress?" So he said that "This is the only dress left now to me. I was a very rich man. All other money, everything is gone to Mr. Dalai Lama." He's a great beggar and I was surprised that in the West people like if you beg money from them. In Boston they asked. "Many, how many Rolls Royces I had?" I said, "I have none. I only have one car that my husband has." So they said, "You are not in the business?" I said, "No." They said, "We don't care for you. Get out." That's American style. So this Dalai Lama has accumulated so much money. He has come in our country. No one likes him, but he is sitting on our heads. He's very fond of gold. He tells people, "You take sanyasa. You become ascetic. Give all your money to me", like all other false gurus. Buddha has failed, Christ has failed, Mohammed-sahib has failed because people never understood them. They were too great for human mind. So the first thing I did was to study human beings for about forty-seven years of My age and I saw how complicated they were and then I found out this method of en masse Realization. There were many Sufis who got Realization. There were many Saints in India who got Realization, but very, very few. Also, among Christians, there were some who got Realization - Kahlil Gibran. But they were all tortured. So we have to say now, to understand them also, you have to have your self knowledge. They're all making money in the name of these great founders of religion or they're spreading poison. In Mecca there were thousands and thousands of Muslims and there was one fellow from Sudan. He was black, absolutely jet black, and he was spreading poison in the name of Mohammed-sahib. I had somebody close to Me who knew Arabic and I was shocked. And just after that, there was a stampede and thirty-two people, innocent people who had gone for Haj, died in the stampede. You can't spread a poison in the name of divine people. It is sinful. Also this gentleman, this painter and his wife, both suffered a lot from physical health. ["How can achieve good attention?] You don't have to do anything because whatever you will do, you'll do through your mental activity. Mental activity is linear. There's no truth in it. It goes up to a point, recoils back on it. But the power of Spirit spreads on all sides. [speaks aside] Now they're asking about attention. It's very simple, when the Kundalini rises, the attention which is spread out here goes up like this, up. It is brought in the centre. And, at this Sahasrara, it breaks. When it breaks, you see, this whole attention is filled with enlightenment. You don't have to do anything, but you have to go on raising your Kundalini like this yourself. That's all. When you watch something, watch something without thinking. Can you watch Me without thinking? Now you can feel the all pervading power in your hands, you'll see that. This is the namaz, but Muslims don't know anything. You will feel the cool breeze. This is the all pervading power and on your fingertips you will know about your centers and about the centers of others. All those who have felt cool breeze or hot breeze on their hands or out of their fontanelle bone area raise your hands. So, all of you have felt it. So simple because you are ready and because you're Russians. May God bless you. Now we have centers here and we have doctors and we have people here who know how to cure you. You can go to these centers [tell them] and get cured and you can also cure others. One thing I've seen, Russians in a huge crowd of sixteen, eighteen thousand people, they told Me they got cured in the program. Only possible in Russia, not even in India. I respect you very much. I don't know of what metal you are made. ["There is a central charity Christian Orthodox fund, Shri Mataji. They want to cooperate with Sahaja Yoga.] Oh, I'm very happy. Now Central Charity Christian Orthodox Fund wants to cooperate with Sahaja Yoga. Thank you very much. Thank you. That's what I said they are wise. They are very wise people in this country. They will not stand in the way where they see that people are helped. For no rhyme and reason they will object to Sahaja Yoga. Thank you very much. I would like to thank. [aside] Some Sahaja Yogini has written to Me. 'llI go home and read the whole thing and I'll answer them.... answer them in the program, all right. It's a very big question. ["Shri Mataji, do you have a good opinion about Mikhail Gorbachev? What do you think about him now?] It's all again political business. I don't want to say anything about Gorbachev. I think he fell into the trap of these Americans or something. I don't know what to say. I have all respect for him. But somehow he never wanted to meet Me. I tried. It's all right. ["What is the attitude to the husband?"] The question is there about the women, they want to know my attitude towards the husband. ["Sorry, Shri Mataji, Moonies" - unclear] What a question. My goodness. You please don't ask Me about devils. ["If each and every person could be a Sahaja Yogi?"] The question is if each and every person could be a Sahaja Yogi. Yes, of course. But say he's an idiot. He's stupid. He has fixed ideas. What else - who's arrogant. You see if your one foot is in the mouth of the crocodile and put one foot in the boat, what should we do? ["Shri Mataji, please say how to tell about sects, about false gurus. How we Sahaja Yogis have to talk about sects?"] Sahaja Yogis have to talk about how they should talk about the false gurus. You see those people who have been to false gurus are already suffering. They could be even quite mad. For example, I went to Chicago and there was one fellow of the Hare Rama Hare Krishna. He was the Chairman of Chicago Hare Rama Hare Krishna. It was very cold and he was wearing the dhoti you know this common in India, very thin. And he had shaved his hair and with a pony tail, a little bit like that coming out. I said, "Sir, I'm a Mother, why are you wearing this dhoti in this cold weather? It's very cold you know, I'm shivering." He said, "My guru has told me that if you wear a dhoti, you'll get moksha, nirvana." I said, "What? In My country eighty percent wear this thing, so they'd be there already." He had shaved his hair. I said, "Why did you shave your hair?" He said, "That my guru has told me that that's the station to get into the heaven." He was American, you see. I said, "There is Kabir, a great poet in India, said that by shaving your head if you can get your place in heavens, then what about the sheep that is shaved two times every year. Those sheep must be already there. Where will you have the place?" So he got very angry with Me. "You're talking against my guru." I said, "See, you need not be angry with Me. Do what you like, your guru has said, but tomorrow if you get sick with this dhoti don't come to Me." This "Hare Rama Hare Krishna" we say everyday in India. We don't say good morning like the English. We say, "Hare Ram," just like the Muslims say something, "Allah." So we say the same way. It's just a lip service. How can you go to heaven. He got angry but then he developed varicose veins. Next year he came to Me. So, to deal with them, you have to be careful. Firstly, they are slaves of their gurus. They have fixed ideas. Some of them just start shaking before Me. They fall in the ground. But most of them now are finished. First thing they mesmerize. We have one in India who used to mesmerize and bring out Swiss watches to give to people. Lastly, there were very great people from India went to see him. There were four cameras. He could not mesmerize the camera. So the cameras clearly showed how he brought a necklace and passed it on. And also our rich people in India are so stupid - rich not the poor. They used to go to him to get diamonds, can you imagine. I mean all kinds of tricks he did. But he was exposed by newspapers now. They're all getting exposed by God's grace. All falsehood will get exposed. Firstly if you tell them that you don't have to pay any money to the guru, all the gurus will jump in the sea. ["Is it possible for people who are not realized to feel the vibrations in your presence?"] You see those who are not realized can not feel any vibrations, even in My presence. [Answering a written question:] Then she's saying that how is it that the people do not accept or recognize that it is You and only You who is the Holy Ghost? They are asking Me again and again the same question. But I must tell you about Russians. First time, when I came to Leningrad nobody had heard about Me. Nobody had seen Me. There were only some advertisements in the newspaper with My face. I also look like Russians sometimes and, you know, they saw only My face in the newspaper and when I went for the program the whole place was filled already, two thousand people and two thousand were waiting outside. I was surprised. I went inside and people got their Realization and when I came out they were still sitting. They said, "Mother, what about us?" I said, "All right, you come tomorrow. We'll sit outside in the open." It was very sunny and there were two thousand from outside and two thousand from inside and two thousand more, six thousand people. I was amazed. They all got their Realization. I said, "How did you come to My program?" They were not realized souls. They said, "Mother, Your face, it's absolutely evident. We know who You are." I was surprised. That's why I praise Russians very much. They are sensitive to truth. They are sensitive to spirituality. Maybe last lives they must have done lot of good things. I just don't know, but I find Russians extremely sensitive. Another are Romanians, compared to all other Western countries. I'll tell you a joke. In Togliatti there was a joke that a Togliatti fellow asked an American, "How many Sahaj Yogis you have in America?" So he said, "Fifty-six." He said, "You have Fifty-six thousand. We have only twenty-one thousand in Togliatti." We had to hold the meeting in jungles near Volga River, because there were so many. Very sweet, very sweet, very sweet, I don't know how to express Myself for your love and understanding. Here I talked to scientists. There were two hundred fifty scientists sitting. They said, "Don't tell us about science. Tell us about God's science. We have had enough of science." Just think of it, such beautiful people like the flowers about to become the fruits. No credit for Me. I go to all the countries, sixty-five countries. Among all of them, you are so special. I don't know, when I leave you I feel somebody is wrenching My Heart. May God bless you. ["If there are chakras above Sahasrara?"] There are chakras above Sahasrara, but first of all establish yourself. Gradually everything will work out. ["What is to be attitude to the members of the family who are not Sahaja Yogis?"] My family members were not Sahaja Yogis to begin with. My husband used to say, "I know You are a Saint, but You can not transform others. You are moral, but You can't make others moral." Now he's changed. He said, "I've seen all this happening. You've made them into angels. I have to be honest that You have done the job." Even now, My daughters, My grandchildren, everyone in My family, husband's family, My mother's family, they believe in Sahaja Yoga. But I would say that I showed all compassion, love and patience. But I would say they are not great Sahaja Yogis like Russians, but they will be. Also it's better to keep them out because Sahaja Yogis make such a fuss out of them which will spoil their chances. They should come to Sahaja Yoga like ordinary people, otherwise it will be like nepotism I don't want that. ["Mother, please tell us how to overcome the daily suffering of how making enough money to pay for the food."] Now she's asking how to make sufficient money to have the food. After coming to Sahaja Yoga, many people have solved their financial problems completely. How? First their attention becomes so good, that they can do many things which they could never do before and the blessings of the Divine start pouring on them. You have to have faith in yourself that you are Sahaja Yogis and you'll be amazed so many things will happen. Such coincidences that you'll be amazed at yourself. I give you two examples of a miracle. There was a girl, young girl, who got frustrated because she didn't do well or something and she shot herself on the stomach on the left hand side and the bullet came out from here from the right arm. Also there was some blood, but she was quite conscious. So they took her to the hospital. Doctors were surprised. They x-rayed her, did everything and found that the bullet did not touch any nerve, any muscle, anything. Doctors said as if the bullet had a stroll around. Nobody could explain it. She came out of hospital second day. Another miracle, recent, I mean recent one, there was a lady who's son was in America and who got into a horrible disease which is in her family at a very young age. Normally, they get it in the old age. She was working in the UN. She wrote to Me three letters praying that, "Mother, please cure my son. He's so young and he'll die within a month's time." And the fourth letter came from her, that he's all right, nothing is wrong with him. I didn't do anything - this All Pervading Power. Another is another Sahaja Yogini in Turkey was thinking that her husband is not well employed in Turkey as a pilot and just out of the blue he got a job in Germany and now in America, a very big job. I don't do anything. I am the laziest person. ["What can save Russia?"] I've already told you, you have to be patriotic. This is another revolution. You have to sacrifice and you have to understand not to waste your money on these Western nonsensical things. And Divine help will come to you. So many Sahaja Yogis who dare touch you, you're all protected by the Divine. What else? ["Shri Mataji, one of the symbols with Denmark is the elephant. Will Sahaja Yoga be established in Denmark?"] If they're asking if Sahaja Yoga will go to Denmark because the symbol is the, what you call, the elephant. Sahaja Yoga in Denmark will move likes elephant only, I think. ["Will there be other incarnations on the Earth?"] They're asking about incarnations, will there be incarnations and all of that. Why do you worry about all these things. I can't tell you. ["I want to know about these big problems .... China" He wants to know about China? You shouldn't mind if I say that we couldn't start Sahaja Yoga there in that way because still they're communists. But I'm sure the government of China will accept it very soon and then we can start Sahaja Yoga in a big way. Chinese are other very ancient people, very wise. Culturally, they are like Indians. They have morality in them. One thing I noticed, they were extremely hospitable, kind and gentle. You saw people there who were from Germany, from Africa, from America. They looked so gross. But Chinese, you know, they had arranged, through their students, the volunteers, very well trained girls and boys and so gentle. They were paid nothing. They are very patriotic people one has to learn from them. I wish Indians were like that. They are very dignified, very well mannered. Of course, if you insult them, they don't like. I must admit that Indians did that, insult them. And art, what art they have. Their government doesn't allow much to come inside China. They also don't care much for the Western culture. They dress up just like Chinese, most of them. Moreover, they're very learned. They had two great philosophers, but the greatest was Lao Tze, who talked about Kundalini, Realization, everything. Confucius talked about humanity. So they believe in Confucius because it suits communism. In Hong Kong there are many Chinese and I asked them what will you do when the Hong Kong goes to the China, mainland China? They said, "We are Chinese and we'll be with mainland China. What does it matter? We're not going to run away." And do you know how they became rich? So many Chinese have gone abroad. And after this episode of killing the young students they were angry, but when it was explained that how can you suddenly give freedom to these young boys, students. One can do it gradually. Otherwise, like Russia, there will be problem of mafia. They are very wise. So the Chinese who are abroad understood and the Chinese abroad send fifty to sixty percent of their income to their government. They are not attached to money. That's how they have become rich, very dedicated. Thousands and thousands of people are there, but the system that they have built, so beautiful that nobody will start playing. I was amazed that while working nobody drank anything, even a drop, so very alert. But when we were coming by that plane first class all the ladies and men were drinking vodka, vodka, bottles after bottles. I got a headache. Chinese are ashamed to do such a thing. Also they have told Me that the Chinese men marry Russian women and then give it up and call the Chinese women. I tell you, Chinese women are really very sweet. They don't compete with men. They are very sweet and they win over men with their sweetness. I also know they are very sensitive to spirituality. Even their prime minister asked Me about spirituality when I went with my husband. And I'm sure one day you'll find your brothers and sister very closely in China. I hope I've been able to answer most of your questions. I thank the organizers of this conference from My Heart. ["Many questions about how to give up drinking Shri Mataji?"] When you get your Self-Realization, in the light of Spirit, you give up everything which is destructive. How? I'll give an example. Supposing I'm very obstinate and I have a snake in my hand and there is darkness and you tell Me there is snake in your hand. I will say, "No, it's a rope." But when the light will come, immediately I will throw it away. In the same way, not only you give up drinking, that's not the only thing you do, but you give up everything that is bad for you. Because you also become very strong and free. Nothing can attack you, no habits. All drop out.
How to be innately religious?
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Evening Program
Arrival in Tolyatti
Kurumoch International Airport, Samara (Russia) 1995-09-22 Курумоч международный аэропорт, Самара (Россия), 22 сентября, 1995 Shri Mataji: Hello, How are you? A lady with a microphone: Шри Матаджи, все сахаджа-йоги, все жители Тольятти рады приветствовать Вас на нашей Земле! Bogdan: All the Togliatti people including sahaja yogis are so very happy to welcome You again, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Than you very much. Thank you ! Bogdan: Благодарим вас. A lady with a microphone: Шри Матаджи, что бы Вы хотели сказать всем жителям Тольятти, всем сахаджа-йогам? Bogdan: Shri Mataji what would you like to tell to all the people living in Togliatti and all the Sahaja Yogis? Shri Mataji: Once you establish in Sahaja Yoga blessings of Divine will come on you. And all your problems will be solved. Bogdan: Вы приняли Сахаджа Йогу и самореализацию, все благодати божественности придут к вам. [correct translation: Когда вы утвердитесь в Сахаджа Йоге на Вас снизойдут божественные благословения и все ваши проблемы разрешатся] A lady with a microphone: Thank You very much. A lady with a microphone: Шри Матаджи Вы все можете и все знаете, скажите, когда Россия наша, наконец, стабилизируется в политическом и экономическом плане? Bogdan: Shri Mataji You do everything and You know everything. Can you tell us when will Russia finally stabilize in economical and political field? Shri Mataji: First stabilize in spirituality. Bogdan: Сначала стабилизируйтесь в духовности. Shri Mataji: And you should become patriotic. Bogdan: И вы должны стать патриотами. Shri Mataji: Don’t buy anything from the West. Bogdan: Ничего не покупайте с Запада. Shri Mataji: Only buy things from your country. Bogdan: Покупайте только то, что произведено здесь, в вашей стране. Shri Mataji: Also one has to work hard. Bogdan: Также вы должны работать творчески, созидательно. [correct translation: Вам нужно тяжело трудиться] Shri Mataji: And everything will be alright. Bogdan: И все встанет на свои места. A lady with a microphone: Спасибо. Thank you very much. Добро Пожаловать, Шри Матаджи ! Shri Mataji: Thank you. Thank you! Bogdan: This is your welcome Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Rays of sun touching it now. Bogdan: Лучи солнца прикасаются к земле. A lady with a microphone: Радуга. Радуга. Радуга появилась. A lady with a microphone: Шри Матаджи, радуга появилась и солнце. У нас было очень туманно, была очень плохая погода, Шри Матаджи, вы привезли нам хорошую погоду и солнце. Bogdan: Shri Mataji, the weather here was being foggy and murky but You have brought us sun Shri Mataji ! Shri Mataji: Also the same thing happened when we were in Moscow and Leningrad. Bogdan: (Шри Матаджи смеется). Так произошло и в Москве, и в Ленинграде. A lady with a microphone: Так всегда происходит. Bogdan: It always happens this way Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Alright A lady with a microphone: Добро пожаловать, Шри Матаджи. Shri Mataji: See the rain ! Hello. The rain is coming down to the Earth now. Bogdan: Солнце прикасается. Shri Mataji: So beautiful. Шри Матаджи преподносится хлеб-соль. Мать отламывает и съедает кусочек. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. Spasibo ! Shri Mataji: Very happy to meet you all again. Bogdan: Рада вас видеть снова. [correct translation: Рада снова с вами встретиться] Shri Mataji: And to see you again Bogdan: И опять вас видеть Shri Mataji: I hope you are doing well and happy in Sahaja Yoga Bogdan: Надеюсь, что вы все здоровы и в радости в Сахаджа Йоге. Shri Mataji: We go down, doctor? Bogdan: Jai Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: (taking off the garland) Bring them to collect the flowers. Bogdan: Пожалуйста заберите цветы. Shri Mataji: Let them sing one more song. Bogdan: Еще одну песню пожалуйста! Shri Mataji: Nice! Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. Thank you! Bogdan: Благодарю вас. Bogdan: Shri Mataji see the seeds from Siberia, a lady from Siberia A lady: Из сибирской тайги. Bogdan: From the siberian Taiga, Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: Pine pods. A lady: Кедровые есть шишки. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much ! A lady: Из сибирской Тайги. Thank you, Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: Beautiful aren’t these? Shri Mataji: Hello (to a little boy) He keeps the protocol. Bogdan: Он соблюдает протокол. (laughter) Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. What a welcome !! Bogdan: Какое пожелание мне? какое приветствие? (what do you wish Me?) [correct translation: Какое замечательное приветствие!] People: Мы сахаджа йоги всего мира желаем Вам крепкого здоровья и долгих лет жизни! Джей Шри Матаджи! [We sahaja yogis of the world wish you good health and long life! Jai Shri Mataji ] Спасибо Вам за все, что Вы нам сделали ! [Thank You for all that You have done for us] Time lapse Shri Mataji: They have already arrived? Bogdan: Yes, Shri Mataji, faster than we. How did they do it? Shri Mataji: Please, collect the flowers. Bogdan: соберите цветы
Kurumoch International Airport, Samara (Russia) 1995-09-22 Курумоч международный аэропорт, Самара (Россия), 22 сентября, 1995 Shri Mataji: Hello, How are you? A lady with a microphone: Шри Матаджи, все сахаджа-йоги, все жители Тольятти рады приветствовать Вас на нашей Земле! Bogdan: All the Togliatti people including sahaja yogis are so very happy to welcome You again, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Than you very much. Thank you ! Bogdan: Благодарим вас. A lady with a microphone: Шри Матаджи, что бы Вы хотели сказать всем жителям Тольятти, всем сахаджа-йогам? Bogdan: Shri Mataji what would you like to tell to all the people living in Togliatti and all the Sahaja Yogis? Shri Mataji: Once you establish in Sahaja Yoga blessings of Divine will come on you. And all your problems will be solved. Bogdan: Вы приняли Сахаджа Йогу и самореализацию, все благодати божественности придут к вам. [correct translation: Когда вы утвердитесь в Сахаджа Йоге на Вас снизойдут божественные благословения и все ваши проблемы разрешатся] A lady with a microphone: Thank You very much. A lady with a microphone: Шри Матаджи Вы все можете и все знаете, скажите, когда Россия наша, наконец, стабилизируется в политическом и экономическом плане? Bogdan: Shri Mataji You do everything and You know everything. Can you tell us when will Russia finally stabilize in economical and political field? Shri Mataji: First stabilize in spirituality. Bogdan: Сначала стабилизируйтесь в духовности. Shri Mataji: And you should become patriotic. Bogdan: И вы должны стать патриотами. Shri Mataji: Don’t buy anything from the West. Bogdan: Ничего не покупайте с Запада. Shri Mataji: Only buy things from your country. Bogdan: Покупайте только то, что произведено здесь, в вашей стране. Shri Mataji: Also one has to work hard. Bogdan: Также вы должны работать творчески, созидательно. [correct translation: Вам нужно тяжело трудиться] Shri Mataji: And everything will be alright. Bogdan: И все встанет на свои места. A lady with a microphone: Спасибо. Thank you very much. Добро Пожаловать, Шри Матаджи ! Shri Mataji: Thank you. Thank you! Bogdan: This is your welcome Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Rays of sun touching it now. Bogdan: Лучи солнца прикасаются к земле. A lady with a microphone: Радуга. Радуга. Радуга появилась. A lady with a microphone: Шри Матаджи, радуга появилась и солнце. У нас было очень туманно, была очень плохая погода, Шри Матаджи, вы привезли нам хорошую погоду и солнце. Bogdan: Shri Mataji, the weather here was being foggy and murky but You have brought us sun Shri Mataji ! Shri Mataji: Also the same thing happened when we were in Moscow and Leningrad. Bogdan: (Шри Матаджи смеется). Так произошло и в Москве, и в Ленинграде. A lady with a microphone: Так всегда происходит. Bogdan: It always happens this way Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Alright A lady with a microphone: Добро пожаловать, Шри Матаджи. Shri Mataji: See the rain ! Hello. The rain is coming down to the Earth now. Bogdan: Солнце прикасается. Shri Mataji: So beautiful. Шри Матаджи преподносится хлеб-соль. Мать отламывает и съедает кусочек. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. Spasibo ! Shri Mataji: Very happy to meet you all again. Bogdan: Рада вас видеть снова. [correct translation: Рада снова с вами встретиться] Shri Mataji: And to see you again Bogdan: И опять вас видеть Shri Mataji: I hope you are doing well and happy in Sahaja Yoga Bogdan: Надеюсь, что вы все здоровы и в радости в Сахаджа Йоге. Shri Mataji: We go down, doctor? Bogdan: Jai Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: (taking off the garland) Bring them to collect the flowers. Bogdan: Пожалуйста заберите цветы. Shri Mataji: Let them sing one more song. Bogdan: Еще одну песню пожалуйста! Shri Mataji: Nice! Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. Thank you! Bogdan: Благодарю вас. Bogdan: Shri Mataji see the seeds from Siberia, a lady from Siberia A lady: Из сибирской тайги. Bogdan: From the siberian Taiga, Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: Pine pods. A lady: Кедровые есть шишки. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much ! A lady: Из сибирской Тайги. Thank you, Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: Beautiful aren’t these? Shri Mataji: Hello (to a little boy) He keeps the protocol. Bogdan: Он соблюдает протокол. (laughter) Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. What a welcome !! Bogdan: Какое пожелание мне? какое приветствие? (what do you wish Me?) [correct translation: Какое замечательное приветствие!] People: Мы сахаджа йоги всего мира желаем Вам крепкого здоровья и долгих лет жизни! Джей Шри Матаджи! [We sahaja yogis of the world wish you good health and long life! Jai Shri Mataji ] Спасибо Вам за все, что Вы нам сделали ! [Thank You for all that You have done for us] Time lapse Shri Mataji: They have already arrived? Bogdan: Yes, Shri Mataji, faster than we. How did they do it? Shri Mataji: Please, collect the flowers. Bogdan: соберите цветы
Conference, TV interview
TV interview. Togliatti (Russia), 23 September 1995. The Interviewer: Уважаемая Shri Mataji, скажите пожалуйста о цели своего сегодняшнего визита в Тольятти. Translator: Much respected Shri Mataji, can You please tell us about the goal of your current visit to Togliatti? Shri Mataji: I think Togliatti is... some very spiritual place Translator (Vasiliev): Я думаю, что Тольятти - одно из самых важных духовных мест. Shri Mataji: Because I found though it’s an industrial town… people are very very spiritual Vasiliev: Потому что, хотя и говорят, что это индустриальный город, но люди весьма весьма духовны в нём. The Interviewer: Это очень приятно слышать, спасибо Вам большое за это. Translator: We are very pleased to hear that Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: Also in the whole of Russia. Vasiliev: А также во всей России Shri Mataji: May be the river Volga or whatever it is, these beautiful forests. People are here are very very… God-oriented Vasiliev: Я не знаю из-за чего, может из-за реки Волги, возможно из-за этих прекрасных лесов, которые вас окружают, но люди здесь весьма весьма ориентированы на Бога. Shri Mataji: they do not have fixed ideas about anything Vasiliev: У них нет каких-то фиксированных идей в отношении религии. Shri Mataji: It’s easy to talk with them. Vasiliev: С ними очень легко говорить. Shri Mataji: There are (many) places, but Togliatti is very famous now in the whole world. Vasiliev: Есть много мест, но Тольятти одно из самых известных сейчас во всём мире. Shri Mataji: India is all right, because from ancient times people have been talking about spirituality. Vasiliev: Конечно, Индия всем хорошо известна и там люди с древних времён говорили о духовности. Shri Mataji: The goal of their life is to achieve liberation through self-realization. Vasiliev: Целью жизни являлось получить свободу через получение самореализации. Shri Mataji: But in this place, I am really surprised, because 70 years they did know anything about God. Vasiliev: В отношении этого места Я просто удивлена, потому что в течение 70 лет они ничего не знали о Боге. Shri Mataji: Only when you know yourself, you can know God. Vasiliev: Только лишь познав себя, вы можете познать Бога. Shri Mataji: Otherwise, it is just talk talk talk Vasiliev: А иначе это просто разговоры.. Lady with a microphone: это был задан вопрос корреспондентом газеты “Тольятти сегодня”. Bogdan: This question was given by the newspaper “Togliatti today” Shri Mataji Question to Shri Mataji: Shri Mataji, скажите, а будущее этих мест, будущее Тольятти..какое оно? Bogdan: Can You tell us about the future of Togliatti, about the future of this place Shri Mataji: It’s great! Vasiliev: Оно велико. Это будет великое будущее. Shri Mataji: They will have a lot of creativity, they will create lots of things, financially they’ll be better off, no doubt. Vasiliev: Конечно же, они получат очень большое развитие творческих способностей, и в финансовом отношении их положение намного улучшится, без сомнений. Shri Mataji: Also a children are so beautiful…like angels Vasiliev: А также дети, они настолько прекрасны, они просто подобны ангелам. Shri Mataji: It is... some sort of pilgrimage, one feels Vasiliev: Это просто как паломничество, которое вы можете здесь наблюдать. Shri Mataji: So it is not how many temples you build, mosques you build or churches you build Vasiliev: Поэтому вопрос не в том, сколь много храмов, сколь много мечетей, сколь много церквей вы построите. Shri Mataji: How many human beings you build its the point Vasiliev:Вопрос в том, как много людей вы построите. Shri Mataji: Because one thing that is coming up here is materialism Vasiliev: Потому что то, что здесь сейчас проявляется широко - это материализм. Shri Mataji: That to american style Vasiliev: Это американский стиль. Shri Mataji: Which is very dangerous... Vasiliev: Который очень очень опасен. Shri Mataji: You have to go to America to see what is happening to that country Vasiliev: Вам нужно поехать в Америку и посмотреть что происходит там. Shri Mataji: White skin people they do not produce children. Vasiliev: Белокожие люди не могут больше рожать детей. Shri Mataji: The mothers, the fathers, the relations, the whole society goes on killing children Vasiliev: Матери, отцы, всё общество убивает детей. Shri Mataji: They have no love for their children. Vasiliev: У них нет любви к своим детям. Shri Mataji: They have no respect for their own body. Vasiliev: Они не уважают своё собственное тело. Shri Mataji: Women try to become prostitutes. Vasiliev: Женщины стараются быть проститутками. Shri Mataji: They are married women but they expose their bodies and they do all kinds of dirty things. Vasiliev:Они замужние женщины, но они выставляют на показ свои тела и делают всевозможные непристойные вещи. Shri Mataji: They divorce their husband for a small thing very small things. Vasiliev: Они разводятся со своими мужьями из-за совершенных пустяков. Shri Mataji: And some women marry 8 times and they very much advertise sort of treated as heroines. Vasiliev: А некоторые женщины выходят замуж восемь раз, и они ещё получают широкую огласку, рекламу, что они великие героини. Shri Mataji: The family is breaking down. Vasiliev: Сейчас семья разрушается. Shri Mataji: And they try to interfere with everyone. Vasiliev: И они пытаются вмешиваться во всё. Shri Mataji: I don’t know perhaps russians have a very wrong idea about americans. Vasiliev: Я не знаю, возможно, у русских очень неправильное представление об Америке. Shri Mataji: They are the people who are suffering now. Vasiliev: Это те люди, которые страдают сейчас. Shri Mataji: With all kinds of diseases. Vasiliev: От всевозможных болезней. Shri Mataji: They say that about 65% of the white skins Vasiliev: Говорят, что 65% белокожих американцев Shri Mataji: will get incurable diseases Vasiliev: получат неизлечимые болезни. Shri Mataji: and also diseases that come from their lifestyle. Vasiliev: А также те болезни, которые появляются из-за их стиля жизни. Shri Mataji: There is no culture. American culture is absolutely a mad thing. Vasiliev: У них нет культуры, Американская культура абсолютно безумная вещь. Shri Mataji: Their music is such that it bombards your brain and you develop problems. Vasiliev: Их музыка такая, что буквально бомбардирует ваш мозг, и из-за этого у вас развиваются проблемы. Shri Mataji: There is nothing to learn from them. Vasiliev: У них нечему учиться. Shri Mataji: You are a great old country have a great history. Vasiliev: Вы - великая древняя страна, которая имеет великую историю. Shri Mataji: While this is a new country trying to be bumptious. Vasiliev: Хотя, эта новая страна пытается быть напыщенной. Shri Mataji: The wisdom you people have they do not have. They are very immature. Vasiliev: Той мудрости, которой обладаете вы, у них нет. Они очень не зрелые. Shri Mataji: They are very stupid. Vasiliev: Они очень глупые. Shri Mataji: And also well spoilt by horrible writers like Freud. Vasiliev: Так же они были испорчены ужасными людьми, такими как Фрейд. Shri Mataji: They believe that every moment of their life is to be enjoyed. Vasiliev: Они верят, что каждый момент жизни они должны наслаждаться. Shri Mataji: And this enjoyment is self destructive Vasiliev: и это саморазрушающее наслаждение. Shri Mataji: It goes on destroying Vasiliev: Это разрушает их. Shri Mataji: I do not know when will they understand that the role in life is not to waste it. Vasiliev: Я не знаю когда они поймут, что нельзя попусту растрачивать свою роль в жизни. Shri Mataji: And they are very much impressed by false gurus. Vasiliev: И они под очень большим впечатлением от лжегуру. Shri Mataji: All the false gurus have made money there Vasiliev: Все лжегуру делают там деньги. Shri Mataji: And now they are thrown away most of them. Vasiliev: И сейчас большинство из них выбрасываются оттуда. Shri Mataji: Because they lack wisdom. Vasiliev: Потому что у них отсутствует мудрость. Shri Mataji: These gurus wanted to make money. Vasiliev: Эти гуру хотят делать деньги, и они идут туда. Shri Mataji: So they went there. Vasiliev: Потому что, всё таки, американцы очень глупые. Shri Mataji: Because also americans were very stupid. Vasiliev: Конечно, сейчас уже пришло время воскрешения. Shri Mataji: Of course the time has come for the resurrection. Vasiliev: Это последний суд. Shri Mataji: This is the last judgement. Vasiliev: Поэтому вы должны решить, Shri Mataji: This is how you have to decide. Vasiliev: Хотите вы идти в ад, или вы хотите идти в рай. Shri Mataji: Where you want to go to Heaven or to hell. Vasiliev: И я вижу, что люди в Тольятти исключительно мудрые и невинные. Shri Mataji: And I find Togliatti people extremely innocent and extremely wise. Vasiliev: И Я нахожу, что тольяттинские люди исключительно мудрые и исключительно чувствительные.[невинные и мудрые] Shri Mataji: Also very deep. Vasiliev: А также очень глубокие. Question: Шри Матаджи, Вы очень много делаете для сближения религий. По созданию Вселенской религии. Сейчас даже Папа римский хочет объединить религии. В каком состоянии сейчас находится эта Ваша работа? И какие взаимоотношения Сахаджа Йогов с другими религиями? Bogdan: Shri Mataji, at this point in time you are doing quite a lot to bring the religions together, to create a universal religion. The Pope of Rome is trying to do similar. What is your feeling and what are You trying to do to bring all the religions together? Shri Mataji: You see they all believe in exclusive religions. Vasiliev: Понимаете, все верят в исключительные религии. Shri Mataji: They think Christianity is exclusive, Islam is exclusive, Judaism is exclusive. Vasiliev: Они верят, что христианство исключительно, ислам исключительный, иудаизм исключительный. Shri Mataji: But they are not at all. Vasiliev: Но они не являются таковыми. Shri Mataji: Because Moses wrote about Abraham, Christ told about Moses and Moumatsa wrote about Christ and his Mother. Vasiliev: Потому что Моисей писал об Аврааме, Христос писал о Моисее и Мохаммед Сахеб писал о Христе. Shri Mataji: But in all those religions it is written that the time is going to come for you resurrection. Vasiliev: Но во всех религиях написано, что придёт время вашего воскрешения. Shri Mataji: And at the time when the resurrection takes place then you will understand that all these religions are the flowers on the same tree of spirituality. Vasiliev: Также говорится, что когда придёт время воскрешения, то вы все осознаете, что все религии являются просто цветами на этом древе духовности. Shri Mataji: We do not theorise We don’t put it as mental aspect. Vasiliev: Мы это не теоретизируем, не пытаемся превратить в какие то умственные построения. Shri Mataji: But we show it as a reality. Vasiliev: Но мы показываем это как реальность. Shri Mataji: That all these great incarnations came on this Earth to establish balance. Vasiliev: Что все эти великие инкарнации приходили на Землю чтобы установить равновесие. Shri Mataji: But balance to ascend. Vasiliev: ..Равновесие для того, чтобы восходить. Shri Mataji: Mentally you can not unite. Vasiliev: Ментально вы не можете объединить их. Shri Mataji: You have to go beyond the mind. Vasiliev: Вы должны выйти за пределы разума. Shri Mataji: And feel this all-pervading power which is described in all the scriptures. Vasiliev: И почувствовать эту все проникающую силу, которая описана во всех писаниях. Shri Mataji: This talk is not going to help. Vasiliev: И простой разговор здесь не поможет. Shri Mataji: There should be an actualisation. Vasiliev: Это должно произойти на самом деле. Shri Mataji: Of the experience. Vasiliev: В рамках опыта. Shri Mataji: In your heart. Vasiliev: В вашем сердце. Shri Mataji: So that you know it as the truth. Vasiliev: Так, чтобы вы знали, что это истина. Shri Mataji: But not just a sermon, lecture or the theory Vasiliev: Но не просто, что это какая-то теория, проповедь или лекция. Shri Mataji: Nobody will unite together Vasiliev: Никто не объединит их вместе. Shri Mataji: Because nowadays religion is not spirit-oriented Vasiliev: Потому что в наши дни религия не ориентирована на духовность. Shri Mataji: It is either money-oriented or power-oriented Vasiliev: Она ориентирована либо на деньги, либо на власть. Shri Mataji: How can they leave their old domain? Vasiliev: Как они могут оставить своё собственное царство.. Bogdan: Shri Mataji You were just talking about balance Russian finds itself to be western and eastern country you just talked about America let's say with some disenchantment. Which way should Russian lean? To the east or to the west? Вопрос:Шри Матаджи, Россия находится между Западом и Востоком, Вы только что говорили о разрушительности Америки. Каким путём идти России? Западным или восточным? Shri Mataji: According to russian culture. Vasiliev: В соответствии с российской культурой. Shri Mataji: You have very good culture. Vasiliev: У вас очень хорошая культура. Shri Mataji: I saw today some children doing some dance Vasiliev: Я видела сегодня как ваши дети танцевали и пели. Shri Mataji: But sahaja culture is the one that comes autonomously spontaneously and creates complete morality within you. Vasiliev: Но сахадж культура возникает абсолютно спонтанно и создаёт мораль внутри вас. Shri Mataji: What we need is pure morality. Vasiliev: Что нам нужно, так это чистая нравственность. Shri Mataji: Honesty Vasiliev: Честность. Shri Mataji: Patriotism Vasiliev: Патриотизм. Shri Mataji: All this comes to you once you become the spirit Vasiliev: Всё это приходит к вам как только вы становитесь духом. Shri Mataji: Then we have now Sahaja Yoga in 65 nations Vasiliev: Сейчас Сахаджа Йога есть в 65 странах. Shri Mataji: They all are together never fight never quarrel. Nothing. Vasiliev: Они сейчас вместе, никогда не дерутся, никогда не спорят. Ничего такого. Shri Mataji: There are many who have come to Togliatti even from America Vasiliev: Многие сейчас приехали в Тольятти, даже из Америки. Shri Mataji: From England Vasiliev: Из Англии. Shri Mataji: From Italy Vasiliev: Из Италии. Shri Mataji: From all over Vasiliev: Отовсюду. Shri Mataji: To visit this pilgrimage Vasiliev: Чтобы участвовать в этом паломничестве. Bogdan: Shri Mataji this may not be correct and protocolish question but this is the reality in this world at present. How what is your feelings and opinion about the sect Om Senrike? This japanese... Вопрос: Возможно, это несколько не корректный вопрос. Но это присутствует сегодня в реальной жизни. Каково Ваше отношение к секте Аум Сенрикё? Shri Mataji: Horrible Vasiliev: Это ужасно! Shri Mataji: You see anybody who says that this world is going to be destroyed is false Vasiliev: Понимаете, любой, кто говорит, что этот мир будет разрушен, лжец. Shri Mataji: Anybody who teached violence in the name of God is nonsense Vasiliev: Любой призыв к насилию во имя Бога - нонсенс. Shri Mataji: Religion should bring peace and joy Vasiliev: Религия должна нести мир и радость. Shri Mataji: Horrible these people are and there were many like this before also Vasiliev: Это ужасные люди, было много подобных ранее. Shri Mataji: Absolutely falsehood Vasiliev: Абсолютно лживые. Shri Mataji: But it is. Now is the time for Truth to manifest Vasiliev: Но сейчас настало время, когда истина должна проявиться. Shri Mataji: So they all get exposed Vasiliev: Поэтому они все разоблачаются. Shri Mataji: Not only this cult there are many others.. stupid Vasiliev: Не только этот культ, есть много других, очень глупых. Shri Mataji: Even from India Vasiliev: Даже в Индии. Shri Mataji: One of them Hari-Rama Hari-Krishna Vasiliev: Одни из них: Харе Рама, Харе Кришна. Shri Mataji: I went to Chicago and the leader of this sect was there. He came and saw Me. Vasiliev: Как-то Я была в Чикаго, и лидер этой секты пришёл встретиться со Мной Shri Mataji: It was very cold and he was wearing a very thin dhoti, you know, of cotton Vasiliev: Было очень холодно, а он пришёл в очень тонком дхоти. Shri Mataji: So I said why are you wearing this dhoti in this cold? Vasiliev: И Я спросила: “Почему вы носите это дхоти в такой холод?” Shri Mataji: As a Mother I am concerned Vasiliev: Как Мать я проявляю заботу. Shri Mataji: He said my guru told me that if you wear dhoti then you will get your moksha or nirvana Vasiliev: Он сказал: “Мой гуру сказал мне, что если ты будешь носить дхоти, ты получишь мокшу, или нирвану. Shri Mataji: I said in my country 80% of people wear dhoti. Are they going to get their Nirvana? Vasiliev: Я сказала: “В Моей стране 80% людей носят дхоти, они что - все достигли нирваны?” Shri Mataji: And his head was shaved with a little ponytail behind. Vasiliev: И его голова была выбрита, и только маленьких хвостик торчал сзади. Video interrupts..
TV interview. Togliatti (Russia), 23 September 1995. The Interviewer: Уважаемая Shri Mataji, скажите пожалуйста о цели своего сегодняшнего визита в Тольятти. Translator: Much respected Shri Mataji, can You please tell us about the goal of your current visit to Togliatti? Shri Mataji: I think Togliatti is... some very spiritual place Translator (Vasiliev): Я думаю, что Тольятти - одно из самых важных духовных мест. Shri Mataji: Because I found though it’s an industrial town… people are very very spiritual Vasiliev: Потому что, хотя и говорят, что это индустриальный город, но люди весьма весьма духовны в нём. The Interviewer: Это очень приятно слышать, спасибо Вам большое за это. Translator: We are very pleased to hear that Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: Also in the whole of Russia. Vasiliev: А также во всей России Shri Mataji: May be the river Volga or whatever it is, these beautiful forests. People are here are very very… God-oriented Vasiliev: Я не знаю из-за чего, может из-за реки Волги, возможно из-за этих прекрасных лесов, которые вас окружают, но люди здесь весьма весьма ориентированы на Бога. Shri Mataji: they do not have fixed ideas about anything Vasiliev: У них нет каких-то фиксированных идей в отношении религии. Shri Mataji: It’s easy to talk with them. Vasiliev: С ними очень легко говорить. Shri Mataji: There are (many) places, but Togliatti is very famous now in the whole world. Vasiliev: Есть много мест, но Тольятти одно из самых известных сейчас во всём мире. Shri Mataji: India is all right, because from ancient times people have been talking about spirituality. Vasiliev: Конечно, Индия всем хорошо известна и там люди с древних времён говорили о духовности. Shri Mataji: The goal of their life is to achieve liberation through self-realization. Vasiliev: Целью жизни являлось получить свободу через получение самореализации. Shri Mataji: But in this place, I am really surprised, because 70 years they did know anything about God. Vasiliev: В отношении этого места Я просто удивлена, потому что в течение 70 лет они ничего не знали о Боге. Shri Mataji: Only when you know yourself, you can know God. Vasiliev: Только лишь познав себя, вы можете познать Бога. Shri Mataji: Otherwise, it is just talk talk talk Vasiliev: А иначе это просто разговоры.. Lady with a microphone: это был задан вопрос корреспондентом газеты “Тольятти сегодня”. Bogdan: This question was given by the newspaper “Togliatti today” Shri Mataji Question to Shri Mataji: Shri Mataji, скажите, а будущее этих мест, будущее Тольятти..какое оно? Bogdan: Can You tell us about the future of Togliatti, about the future of this place Shri Mataji: It’s great! Vasiliev: Оно велико. Это будет великое будущее. Shri Mataji: They will have a lot of creativity, they will create lots of things, financially they’ll be better off, no doubt. Vasiliev: Конечно же, они получат очень большое развитие творческих способностей, и в финансовом отношении их положение намного улучшится, без сомнений. Shri Mataji: Also a children are so beautiful…like angels Vasiliev: А также дети, они настолько прекрасны, они просто подобны ангелам. Shri Mataji: It is... some sort of pilgrimage, one feels Vasiliev: Это просто как паломничество, которое вы можете здесь наблюдать. Shri Mataji: So it is not how many temples you build, mosques you build or churches you build Vasiliev: Поэтому вопрос не в том, сколь много храмов, сколь много мечетей, сколь много церквей вы построите. Shri Mataji: How many human beings you build its the point Vasiliev:Вопрос в том, как много людей вы построите. Shri Mataji: Because one thing that is coming up here is materialism Vasiliev: Потому что то, что здесь сейчас проявляется широко - это материализм. Shri Mataji: That to american style Vasiliev: Это американский стиль. Shri Mataji: Which is very dangerous... Vasiliev: Который очень очень опасен. Shri Mataji: You have to go to America to see what is happening to that country Vasiliev: Вам нужно поехать в Америку и посмотреть что происходит там. Shri Mataji: White skin people they do not produce children. Vasiliev: Белокожие люди не могут больше рожать детей. Shri Mataji: The mothers, the fathers, the relations, the whole society goes on killing children Vasiliev: Матери, отцы, всё общество убивает детей. Shri Mataji: They have no love for their children. Vasiliev: У них нет любви к своим детям. Shri Mataji: They have no respect for their own body. Vasiliev: Они не уважают своё собственное тело. Shri Mataji: Women try to become prostitutes. Vasiliev: Женщины стараются быть проститутками. Shri Mataji: They are married women but they expose their bodies and they do all kinds of dirty things. Vasiliev:Они замужние женщины, но они выставляют на показ свои тела и делают всевозможные непристойные вещи. Shri Mataji: They divorce their husband for a small thing very small things. Vasiliev: Они разводятся со своими мужьями из-за совершенных пустяков. Shri Mataji: And some women marry 8 times and they very much advertise sort of treated as heroines. Vasiliev: А некоторые женщины выходят замуж восемь раз, и они ещё получают широкую огласку, рекламу, что они великие героини. Shri Mataji: The family is breaking down. Vasiliev: Сейчас семья разрушается. Shri Mataji: And they try to interfere with everyone. Vasiliev: И они пытаются вмешиваться во всё. Shri Mataji: I don’t know perhaps russians have a very wrong idea about americans. Vasiliev: Я не знаю, возможно, у русских очень неправильное представление об Америке. Shri Mataji: They are the people who are suffering now. Vasiliev: Это те люди, которые страдают сейчас. Shri Mataji: With all kinds of diseases. Vasiliev: От всевозможных болезней. Shri Mataji: They say that about 65% of the white skins Vasiliev: Говорят, что 65% белокожих американцев Shri Mataji: will get incurable diseases Vasiliev: получат неизлечимые болезни. Shri Mataji: and also diseases that come from their lifestyle. Vasiliev: А также те болезни, которые появляются из-за их стиля жизни. Shri Mataji: There is no culture. American culture is absolutely a mad thing. Vasiliev: У них нет культуры, Американская культура абсолютно безумная вещь. Shri Mataji: Their music is such that it bombards your brain and you develop problems. Vasiliev: Их музыка такая, что буквально бомбардирует ваш мозг, и из-за этого у вас развиваются проблемы. Shri Mataji: There is nothing to learn from them. Vasiliev: У них нечему учиться. Shri Mataji: You are a great old country have a great history. Vasiliev: Вы - великая древняя страна, которая имеет великую историю. Shri Mataji: While this is a new country trying to be bumptious. Vasiliev: Хотя, эта новая страна пытается быть напыщенной. Shri Mataji: The wisdom you people have they do not have. They are very immature. Vasiliev: Той мудрости, которой обладаете вы, у них нет. Они очень не зрелые. Shri Mataji: They are very stupid. Vasiliev: Они очень глупые. Shri Mataji: And also well spoilt by horrible writers like Freud. Vasiliev: Так же они были испорчены ужасными людьми, такими как Фрейд. Shri Mataji: They believe that every moment of their life is to be enjoyed. Vasiliev: Они верят, что каждый момент жизни они должны наслаждаться. Shri Mataji: And this enjoyment is self destructive Vasiliev: и это саморазрушающее наслаждение. Shri Mataji: It goes on destroying Vasiliev: Это разрушает их. Shri Mataji: I do not know when will they understand that the role in life is not to waste it. Vasiliev: Я не знаю когда они поймут, что нельзя попусту растрачивать свою роль в жизни. Shri Mataji: And they are very much impressed by false gurus. Vasiliev: И они под очень большим впечатлением от лжегуру. Shri Mataji: All the false gurus have made money there Vasiliev: Все лжегуру делают там деньги. Shri Mataji: And now they are thrown away most of them. Vasiliev: И сейчас большинство из них выбрасываются оттуда. Shri Mataji: Because they lack wisdom. Vasiliev: Потому что у них отсутствует мудрость. Shri Mataji: These gurus wanted to make money. Vasiliev: Эти гуру хотят делать деньги, и они идут туда. Shri Mataji: So they went there. Vasiliev: Потому что, всё таки, американцы очень глупые. Shri Mataji: Because also americans were very stupid. Vasiliev: Конечно, сейчас уже пришло время воскрешения. Shri Mataji: Of course the time has come for the resurrection. Vasiliev: Это последний суд. Shri Mataji: This is the last judgement. Vasiliev: Поэтому вы должны решить, Shri Mataji: This is how you have to decide. Vasiliev: Хотите вы идти в ад, или вы хотите идти в рай. Shri Mataji: Where you want to go to Heaven or to hell. Vasiliev: И я вижу, что люди в Тольятти исключительно мудрые и невинные. Shri Mataji: And I find Togliatti people extremely innocent and extremely wise. Vasiliev: И Я нахожу, что тольяттинские люди исключительно мудрые и исключительно чувствительные.[невинные и мудрые] Shri Mataji: Also very deep. Vasiliev: А также очень глубокие. Question: Шри Матаджи, Вы очень много делаете для сближения религий. По созданию Вселенской религии. Сейчас даже Папа римский хочет объединить религии. В каком состоянии сейчас находится эта Ваша работа? И какие взаимоотношения Сахаджа Йогов с другими религиями? Bogdan: Shri Mataji, at this point in time you are doing quite a lot to bring the religions together, to create a universal religion. The Pope of Rome is trying to do similar. What is your feeling and what are You trying to do to bring all the religions together? Shri Mataji: You see they all believe in exclusive religions. Vasiliev: Понимаете, все верят в исключительные религии. Shri Mataji: They think Christianity is exclusive, Islam is exclusive, Judaism is exclusive. Vasiliev: Они верят, что христианство исключительно, ислам исключительный, иудаизм исключительный. Shri Mataji: But they are not at all. Vasiliev: Но они не являются таковыми. Shri Mataji: Because Moses wrote about Abraham, Christ told about Moses and Moumatsa wrote about Christ and his Mother. Vasiliev: Потому что Моисей писал об Аврааме, Христос писал о Моисее и Мохаммед Сахеб писал о Христе. Shri Mataji: But in all those religions it is written that the time is going to come for you resurrection. Vasiliev: Но во всех религиях написано, что придёт время вашего воскрешения. Shri Mataji: And at the time when the resurrection takes place then you will understand that all these religions are the flowers on the same tree of spirituality. Vasiliev: Также говорится, что когда придёт время воскрешения, то вы все осознаете, что все религии являются просто цветами на этом древе духовности. Shri Mataji: We do not theorise We don’t put it as mental aspect. Vasiliev: Мы это не теоретизируем, не пытаемся превратить в какие то умственные построения. Shri Mataji: But we show it as a reality. Vasiliev: Но мы показываем это как реальность. Shri Mataji: That all these great incarnations came on this Earth to establish balance. Vasiliev: Что все эти великие инкарнации приходили на Землю чтобы установить равновесие. Shri Mataji: But balance to ascend. Vasiliev: ..Равновесие для того, чтобы восходить. Shri Mataji: Mentally you can not unite. Vasiliev: Ментально вы не можете объединить их. Shri Mataji: You have to go beyond the mind. Vasiliev: Вы должны выйти за пределы разума. Shri Mataji: And feel this all-pervading power which is described in all the scriptures. Vasiliev: И почувствовать эту все проникающую силу, которая описана во всех писаниях. Shri Mataji: This talk is not going to help. Vasiliev: И простой разговор здесь не поможет. Shri Mataji: There should be an actualisation. Vasiliev: Это должно произойти на самом деле. Shri Mataji: Of the experience. Vasiliev: В рамках опыта. Shri Mataji: In your heart. Vasiliev: В вашем сердце. Shri Mataji: So that you know it as the truth. Vasiliev: Так, чтобы вы знали, что это истина. Shri Mataji: But not just a sermon, lecture or the theory Vasiliev: Но не просто, что это какая-то теория, проповедь или лекция. Shri Mataji: Nobody will unite together Vasiliev: Никто не объединит их вместе. Shri Mataji: Because nowadays religion is not spirit-oriented Vasiliev: Потому что в наши дни религия не ориентирована на духовность. Shri Mataji: It is either money-oriented or power-oriented Vasiliev: Она ориентирована либо на деньги, либо на власть. Shri Mataji: How can they leave their old domain? Vasiliev: Как они могут оставить своё собственное царство.. Bogdan: Shri Mataji You were just talking about balance Russian finds itself to be western and eastern country you just talked about America let's say with some disenchantment. Which way should Russian lean? To the east or to the west? Вопрос:Шри Матаджи, Россия находится между Западом и Востоком, Вы только что говорили о разрушительности Америки. Каким путём идти России? Западным или восточным? Shri Mataji: According to russian culture. Vasiliev: В соответствии с российской культурой. Shri Mataji: You have very good culture. Vasiliev: У вас очень хорошая культура. Shri Mataji: I saw today some children doing some dance Vasiliev: Я видела сегодня как ваши дети танцевали и пели. Shri Mataji: But sahaja culture is the one that comes autonomously spontaneously and creates complete morality within you. Vasiliev: Но сахадж культура возникает абсолютно спонтанно и создаёт мораль внутри вас. Shri Mataji: What we need is pure morality. Vasiliev: Что нам нужно, так это чистая нравственность. Shri Mataji: Honesty Vasiliev: Честность. Shri Mataji: Patriotism Vasiliev: Патриотизм. Shri Mataji: All this comes to you once you become the spirit Vasiliev: Всё это приходит к вам как только вы становитесь духом. Shri Mataji: Then we have now Sahaja Yoga in 65 nations Vasiliev: Сейчас Сахаджа Йога есть в 65 странах. Shri Mataji: They all are together never fight never quarrel. Nothing. Vasiliev: Они сейчас вместе, никогда не дерутся, никогда не спорят. Ничего такого. Shri Mataji: There are many who have come to Togliatti even from America Vasiliev: Многие сейчас приехали в Тольятти, даже из Америки. Shri Mataji: From England Vasiliev: Из Англии. Shri Mataji: From Italy Vasiliev: Из Италии. Shri Mataji: From all over Vasiliev: Отовсюду. Shri Mataji: To visit this pilgrimage Vasiliev: Чтобы участвовать в этом паломничестве. Bogdan: Shri Mataji this may not be correct and protocolish question but this is the reality in this world at present. How what is your feelings and opinion about the sect Om Senrike? This japanese... Вопрос: Возможно, это несколько не корректный вопрос. Но это присутствует сегодня в реальной жизни. Каково Ваше отношение к секте Аум Сенрикё? Shri Mataji: Horrible Vasiliev: Это ужасно! Shri Mataji: You see anybody who says that this world is going to be destroyed is false Vasiliev: Понимаете, любой, кто говорит, что этот мир будет разрушен, лжец. Shri Mataji: Anybody who teached violence in the name of God is nonsense Vasiliev: Любой призыв к насилию во имя Бога - нонсенс. Shri Mataji: Religion should bring peace and joy Vasiliev: Религия должна нести мир и радость. Shri Mataji: Horrible these people are and there were many like this before also Vasiliev: Это ужасные люди, было много подобных ранее. Shri Mataji: Absolutely falsehood Vasiliev: Абсолютно лживые. Shri Mataji: But it is. Now is the time for Truth to manifest Vasiliev: Но сейчас настало время, когда истина должна проявиться. Shri Mataji: So they all get exposed Vasiliev: Поэтому они все разоблачаются. Shri Mataji: Not only this cult there are many others.. stupid Vasiliev: Не только этот культ, есть много других, очень глупых. Shri Mataji: Even from India Vasiliev: Даже в Индии. Shri Mataji: One of them Hari-Rama Hari-Krishna Vasiliev: Одни из них: Харе Рама, Харе Кришна. Shri Mataji: I went to Chicago and the leader of this sect was there. He came and saw Me. Vasiliev: Как-то Я была в Чикаго, и лидер этой секты пришёл встретиться со Мной Shri Mataji: It was very cold and he was wearing a very thin dhoti, you know, of cotton Vasiliev: Было очень холодно, а он пришёл в очень тонком дхоти. Shri Mataji: So I said why are you wearing this dhoti in this cold? Vasiliev: И Я спросила: “Почему вы носите это дхоти в такой холод?” Shri Mataji: As a Mother I am concerned Vasiliev: Как Мать я проявляю заботу. Shri Mataji: He said my guru told me that if you wear dhoti then you will get your moksha or nirvana Vasiliev: Он сказал: “Мой гуру сказал мне, что если ты будешь носить дхоти, ты получишь мокшу, или нирвану. Shri Mataji: I said in my country 80% of people wear dhoti. Are they going to get their Nirvana? Vasiliev: Я сказала: “В Моей стране 80% людей носят дхоти, они что - все достигли нирваны?” Shri Mataji: And his head was shaved with a little ponytail behind. Vasiliev: И его голова была выбрита, и только маленьких хвостик торчал сзади. Video interrupts..
Public Program
Public Program
Arrival in Ukraine and Talk
Talk on arrival in Kyiv, Borispol Airport, Kyiv, Ukraine, Sept. 24, 1995 I really don’t know how to thank you for this surprise. [Applause]It’s very kind. All and your children have come down here. I have a very great concern for Ukraine. [Applause and laughter]While coming in the plane, I was looking at your beautiful land near the river Dnieper. Aside: It’s good now.And I felt such a good land you have here and I also know that once upon a time, this was a very rich country where the wheat and all this produce were supplied to whole of Europe. So I was asking about, “What has happened to this country? It was very reach country just before separation. So they said that this land is now doesn’t belong to anybody and the government does all the [unclear] and agriculture. In the- in My country also, we had same problem that land produce was very little, because few people were doing only for themselves. But then they formed cooperatives and gave the land to people for cooperatives and it was called as the ‘Green Revolution’. And thus our problem was solved, our problem of food, everything. So, if Sahaja Yogis can ask for no war anymore, so they can help their government to solve the problem. Because Ukrainian Sahaja Yogis are very deep and are very good people. We had one problem because of this Chernobyl problem. But it seems you people look very much now all right and healthy. [Shri Mataji smiles] [Applause and laughter]. With Sahaja Yoga, all these problems which are minor can be easily solved. But one thing is that you must work in unison as one person, as part and parcel of one Human being. And also try to understand how you can solve the problems. He’s just told me that you don’t have oil [inaudible] – doesn’t matter. You are such great artists and you are producing beautiful things out of your hands. And do you know in the West they don’t know now anymore how to do handmade things. So, you can really sell all that out and can really solve your problems. There are so many things you can think of because you are now Realized souls. Because there is a help of the Divine as well as you yourselves become very alert. I found, in Russia, that Americans are taking over. They have brought all their dirty culture to Russia and people are taking to it. If you go to America, you will know that they are really living in Hell because they believe in a joy at every minute. But what they are doing is nothing but self-destruction. Their music, their everything shows that they are extremely frustrated. With all the money they have, they are committing suicides. The mothers kill their children, the father kills the wife. It goes on those like this: killing. So, you should keep to your own culture and this horrible culture should not be allowed to come. Most of the women are nothing but they are like prostitutes. All children are drug addicts. Or alcoholic, the men are. They are not normal people. So, Sahaja Yogis have to produce our Sahaj culture, which brings peace, which brings joy and is based on innate morality. I think this awakening is coming now to people in Russia. I’ve been there for a conference and in the conference, the subject was ‘Health, Morality and Peace’. So, these are very important points to make a nation solid. Not money, that comes automatically. So I told them that, “Don’t buy anything that comes from abroad”. Nothing imported we bought. You’ll be amazed in India, you can’t buy even a pin from abroad. There’s no shop like that. Our Mahatma Gandhi told that, “Don’t get anything from abroad”. And so we have come up. Three hundred years, these British ruled us. They take away our gold, they take away our all-precious stones, everything. But now, India has come up by becoming Indians, that means by becoming patriotic, that will really give your children a very nice time. I wish I could come for more time here. But somehow, I’ll go back. I wish that I am not running from place to place. May God bless you all.
Talk on arrival in Kyiv, Borispol Airport, Kyiv, Ukraine, Sept. 24, 1995 I really don’t know how to thank you for this surprise. [Applause]It’s very kind. All and your children have come down here. I have a very great concern for Ukraine. [Applause and laughter]While coming in the plane, I was looking at your beautiful land near the river Dnieper. Aside: It’s good now.And I felt such a good land you have here and I also know that once upon a time, this was a very rich country where the wheat and all this produce were supplied to whole of Europe. So I was asking about, “What has happened to this country? It was very reach country just before separation. So they said that this land is now doesn’t belong to anybody and the government does all the [unclear] and agriculture. In the- in My country also, we had same problem that land produce was very little, because few people were doing only for themselves. But then they formed cooperatives and gave the land to people for cooperatives and it was called as the ‘Green Revolution’. And thus our problem was solved, our problem of food, everything. So, if Sahaja Yogis can ask for no war anymore, so they can help their government to solve the problem. Because Ukrainian Sahaja Yogis are very deep and are very good people. We had one problem because of this Chernobyl problem. But it seems you people look very much now all right and healthy. [Shri Mataji smiles] [Applause and laughter]. With Sahaja Yoga, all these problems which are minor can be easily solved. But one thing is that you must work in unison as one person, as part and parcel of one Human being. And also try to understand how you can solve the problems. He’s just told me that you don’t have oil [inaudible] – doesn’t matter. You are such great artists and you are producing beautiful things out of your hands. And do you know in the West they don’t know now anymore how to do handmade things. So, you can really sell all that out and can really solve your problems. There are so many things you can think of because you are now Realized souls. Because there is a help of the Divine as well as you yourselves become very alert. I found, in Russia, that Americans are taking over. They have brought all their dirty culture to Russia and people are taking to it. If you go to America, you will know that they are really living in Hell because they believe in a joy at every minute. But what they are doing is nothing but self-destruction. Their music, their everything shows that they are extremely frustrated. With all the money they have, they are committing suicides. The mothers kill their children, the father kills the wife. It goes on those like this: killing. So, you should keep to your own culture and this horrible culture should not be allowed to come. Most of the women are nothing but they are like prostitutes. All children are drug addicts. Or alcoholic, the men are. They are not normal people. So, Sahaja Yogis have to produce our Sahaj culture, which brings peace, which brings joy and is based on innate morality. I think this awakening is coming now to people in Russia. I’ve been there for a conference and in the conference, the subject was ‘Health, Morality and Peace’. So, these are very important points to make a nation solid. Not money, that comes automatically. So I told them that, “Don’t buy anything that comes from abroad”. Nothing imported we bought. You’ll be amazed in India, you can’t buy even a pin from abroad. There’s no shop like that. Our Mahatma Gandhi told that, “Don’t get anything from abroad”. And so we have come up. Three hundred years, these British ruled us. They take away our gold, they take away our all-precious stones, everything. But now, India has come up by becoming Indians, that means by becoming patriotic, that will really give your children a very nice time. I wish I could come for more time here. But somehow, I’ll go back. I wish that I am not running from place to place. May God bless you all.
Departure for Ukraine
Within you is already placed the great instrument by our Creator
Public Program
Public Program, October Palace, Kyiv, Ukraine, Sept. 25, 1995 I bow to all the seekers of truth. We have to know at the very outset that Truth is what it is. You can not change it, you can not describe it, you can not transform it. Whatever I’m going to tell you tonight you should not take it for granted. Blind faith has harmed us the most. So it is important that you should keep your minds open like scientist. And then what I’m telling you should be treated like a hypothesis. If it is proved then as honest people you have to accept it. Because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your family, benevolence of your city, your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. At this juncture when we are facing problems all over the world it is important to understand why do we have problems. The problems are there because we do not know the absolute Truth. You don’t know about your physical, emotional, mental being. And it is said that if you don’t know yourself, you can not know God or Divinity. We say, “This is my hand, this is my head, my…”, but who is this “My”? So what is the truth? – That you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this emotions, you are not this intelligence. You are not this ego or your conditionings. But you are the pure Spirit. For example if I am born in a Christian family or a Hindu family or a Muslim family, immediately I accept the conditionings. Without understanding what good it has done to the world or to yourself. And thus we start living in a hanging condition. So the second Truth is that there is the All Pervading Power of Divine Love, which does all the living work. You see here such beautiful flowers. It’s a miracle. We never know how it comes out of one seed, one bulb of these beautiful flowers. We take all these for granted. If you ask a doctor, “Who runs your heart?”, he will say, “It’s an autonomous nervous system”. But who is this “Auto”? Who looks after us? This is what one has to understand that there is a superior Power beyond us, which does all these things. I find the people of Russia and Ukraine too much impressed by the Americans. I just don’t understand because compare to you Americans are just stupid people. They have no wisdom. Compare to you they don’t understand life. To them every moment must be spent in enjoyment. And every enjoyment they discover is self-destructive. It has destroyed their body with horrible diseases. It has destroyed their mind with perversion and schizophrenia. It has destroyed the whole society, the family, everything by their own idea of this enjoyment. You people living here must be thinking that the whole country is paved with gold. It is such a violent country that every individual is a Mafia. When I go to America I’ve to take out all these ornaments, which I supposed to wear from My family. Their music is maddening. There was one fellow who was really mad while singing, mad. That was no music but it was just like a shouting noise. And then he used to take out the whole of his trot out as if. Itself the singing was horrifying. And he called his group as ‘Nirvana’, meaning the liberation, ultimate spiritual liberation. And ultimately though he used to drink, smoke, take drugs, ultimately committed suicide. I think is important you must see some of them and know about what sort of a country it is. So God has given you this wisdom. Because you have been ancient people. Do you know about your ancient history? I was so surprised to read about it. You have a great relationship with Indians. They say the Ukraine name came from a king called Kuru. He was the forefather of Pandavas and Kauravas in India. Also it was said that Shri Rama came here and built this place – Kyiv. Before the Christian religion came in there were such beautiful faiths in this Kundalini. (Shri Mataji speaks aside) Is it now Kundalini? They have put it there. All right. All right. In the... I studied the paintings and the museum pieces where it is absolutely shown this Kundalini there, see now. They’ve shown the Primordial Mother and Her Kundalini they have shown in the paintings. And the lowest Chakra that is the called Mooladhara that has got like a swastika frame. Is all there in the paintings. Everything, all these Chakras, everything there. And you don’t know what were your forefathers. They were all very spiritual. This spirituality has given such fertile land to you. I was amazed the way in this country spirituality was thriving at that time. Now I know why you people and Russians are so sensitive to spirituality. Is in your blood. You can’t help it. You will be never satisfied with something artificial. For the time maybe impressed by America. But you will realize its stupidity. And you’ll come back to your original culture. I was amazed how these people in those days. They called themselves Aryans and also they came to India and so many from India came here. For a normal Indian the goal of life is to get Self-Realization. As also Christ has said that, “Know thy Self” and also Mohammed Sahib has said, “The one who does not know himself is not a complete person and he can not know about Divinity”. With all these sayings and understanding one knows the goal of his life. And from ancient times, three thousand before Christ in this country people knew their goal. Not drinking, not other dirty things they do in America. Only the false people can impress them. They only understand money. How can a spiritual person be money oriented? Those who are money oriented can not be near God. But as a blessing of God all kind of prosperities come. You don’t have to run after prosperity, the prosperity runs after you. So within you (Shri Mataji asks the interpreter, “Somebody has told them about Kundalini?” He answers, “Yes, yes, Shri Mataji”). So within you is already placed this great instrument by our Creator. All of you have this within you. This is your own Mother. Everybody has an individual Mother. It’s like a tape recorder of your past and your aspirations. She knows everything about you. And She’s anxious to give you your second birth. This is all your own. Now we have become humane beings in the evolutionary process, which is the living process. And now there’s going to be one more break through by which this Kundalini rises like a primula in the seed and passes through you fontanel bone area, becomes one with the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. Just like this instrument (Shri Mataji indicates to the microphone), if it is not connected to the mains, has no meaning, we have no meaning. We have no personality. We go on drifting from here to there. When this happens then you are connected with this All Pervading Power and this Power starts flowing through you on your fingertips. So you can feel the Absolute Truth on your fingertips because you know what Chakras are in trouble. Also you know about others because you get connected with this All Pervading Power, you develop a new dimension called as ‘collective consciousness’. With this new awareness you can know the centers of others. All your problems are there because your centers are in jeopardy. Through this awakening of the Kundalini there have been thousands and thousands of cures of incurable diseases. If you remember first time when I came here there were so many people sick of Chernobyl this thing. And with the Kundalini awakening they got cured. All their problems solved. None of them died. They must be some people sitting here. That’s the minimum. There are four doctors in India who have got now MD in Sahaja Yoga. In Russia there are about I think two hundred doctors were following Sahaja Yoga and curing people for no money at all. So money is not so important. The second thing that happens to you that you become mentally absolutely peaceful. Like our thoughts rise and fall, rise and fall and they come to us from our past and from the future. And our mind is jumping on the cusp of the thoughts. If I say, “Now, come to your present”, you can not. But when this Kundalini rises she separates the thoughts and elongates them and you become thoughtlessly aware. You are aware but you are thoughtless. That is the present. Thus your memory becomes just photogenic. Now for example this carpet is not Mine, is very beautiful. Normally I would think how much to pay, how much to buy. If it is Mine also I would think it should not get spoiled. But when I see in thoughtless awareness all the joy that is putting to it to make it starts pouring on Me as soothing current. In the present if you want you can think and if you don’t want you don’t think. You become absolutely peaceful. And then you start emitting peace to others. Wherever you go you can create peace. Not by giving awards people have peace. On the contrary I’ve seen this people are very hot tempered. They have Peace Award, but you can’t talk to them, they jump on you. So one has to understand that there is a space within us for peace, which not only makes you peaceful but makes others also peaceful. The third thing that happens to you that your attention becomes enlightened. Christ has said, “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes”. But your attention becomes moral, becomes. I don’t have to say, “Don’t do this, don’t do that”. Only in the light of Spirit you yourself become absolutely moral. We can say, like angels. So this is within you, which works out. I’ve seen some criminals becoming angels because the data base of their genes change also. It is so fantastic! But you are fantastic you are glorious. Only thing you have to get connected. Now one has to know that this All Pervading Power of Divine Love is the Ocean of compassion and love. It is the Ocean of knowledge. All the real knowledge you know, not from the books, not from the words, but the real knowledge about Reality. It is the Ocean of so many miracles and so many blessings. But above all it is the Ocean of forgiveness. Whatever wrong you might have done, whatever mistakes you might have committed, all are forgiven by this Divine Power of Love. Truth is love, love is peace, and all of them are one. You become the master of it. You don’t dominate others, don’t torture others, but you love. And this love is without any lust or greed. Above all this Ocean of Love is the Ocean of Joy. You become joyous. Joy is not like happiness or unhappiness. It is singular. You enjoy yourself, you enjoy the nature, you enjoy everything. It is such a remarkable thing that is going to happen. We can say now there is a global transformation. So there will be no wars, no arguments, no discussions. Because everybody will know the same truth. No fixed ideas, it is just Reality. I was so impressed by your forefathers who have done so much already for spirituality. And I’m sure you all have a special right to become one with this Divine Power. It’s like you put a seed in the Mother Earth and it sprouts by itself. And your forefathers believed in the Mother Earth as the Primordial made of the Primordial Mother, She has made it. Imagine they have Kundalini depicted. How many people in the world knew about Kundalini except for Indians? But surprisingly the Colombians also, the ancient Colombians knew about Kundalini. That was their faith. They might have seen it, they might have felt it. So you have such blessings of your forefathers. It’s going to work out, I know all of you are going to get your Self-Realization tonight. Only thing you must have faith in yourself. You should not feel guilty about anything. You don’t have to confess anything to Me, you don’t have to change your dress or change your hair style, nothing of the kind. It is not superficial, it is within. But you must have full self-confidence in you. You must know that you are going to get it and that you have to forgive yourself. If you have committed some mistakes, finished. What’s the use of feeling guilty? Another thing is – you have to forgive everyone from your heart. Only thing is that as the Mother Earth has the power to germinate, the seed has built-in power to get germinated, you also get your Realization in the sense the awakening of the Kundalini. But you must look after your Self-Realization. We have some very good Sahaja Yogis here who can guide you how to meditate only for ten minutes in the evening. But you should not leave it in the middle (Shri Mataji laughs). It would be like the parable of Christ that some seeds cast to germinated and were thrown in the marsh, you see, that’s will be something like that. If you respect yourself then this Self-knowledge should grow. It’s for free, you can not pay for Divine love. Many people don’t understand how much do we pay to this Mother Earth for this flowers? Because this is your own, your own right to have your Self-Realization. So time is there, we have to have our experience of Self-Realization. And we have to feel this All Pervading Power for the first time. So I would request you, all of you, first of all to have full self-confidence. Then to forgive yourself and to forgive others. Now you might say (Shri Mataji speaks to the interpreter, “Tell him afterwards, all right?”), you, you might say that is difficult to forgive. But just think logically whether you forgive or don’t forgive what do you do? So you don’t do anything. But you torture yourself for nothing at all. All your life you torture yourself like that. But at this moment is very important that there is a center what we call the optic chiasma in the brain where is this center. And this center is like this constricted. It won’t open unless and until you forgive everyone. So how will the Kundalini come up? Now when you don’t forgive and feel guilty this center catches here on the left very badly. Physically also you might develop a disease called as angina for the heart. Also spondylitis and lethargic organs. So please forgive yourself. At this moment is very important that this center should open and this center should open so the Kundalini will rise. You go beyond the mind into Reality. When we have the power of our mind we just moves in a linear way. And it then recoils because no truth in it and harms you. Can harm the society like Freud. He had some funny ideas, he has harmed Americans completely, like Hitler. So many of them. But if it is the light of the Spirit it moves in all the sides. It penetrates into all subtle things and never recoils. So you have to develop your spiritual awareness. When I come I know there are thousands and thousands, but when I go away that doesn’t mean you should not grow. So when I come there is a kind of a periodic sort of understanding. But it’s a living process, you have to look after it and you have to grow into it. Once you achieved the second state, which we call as doubtless awareness, you will know how great you are, what powers you have. I’ve seen people becoming great scientist, great artist and great musicians through Sahaja Yoga. Even the children become very-very intelligent, alert and obedient and moral. Overnight I’ve seen people giving up drugs, alcoholism, all these destructive things. Now I am seventy-three years of age Myself and I’m traveling every third day and I don’t feel tired. Because humane energy is limited. But if he gets this Divine energy then what does it matter? So to make it flow into you, you must grow into it. This is My request as a Mother. So it will take hardly about five-ten minutes for you to feel your Realization through this All Pervading Power. I would request you not to disturb at that time. If you want you can go away before we start it so that people are not disturbed. One thing, I can not force it on you because I respect your freedom. And in your freedom you have to ask for it. You must have pure desire to have it. Because this Kundalini is the power of pure desire. So I’ll wait for one minute, if somebody wants to leave, can leave. (Shri Mataji speaks to the interpreter, “No one. Great people”.) All right (Shri Mataji laughs). All right. (Shri Mataji speaks to the interpreter, “Might just get it like that. All right.”) First I’ll try a very short method (Shri Mataji laughs), which has worked in Russia. All right. Now please put your hands like this towards Me. Don’t close your eyes. Now please put your left hand towards Me like this and now bend your head and now see for yourself if there’s a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. (Shri Mataji blows 7 times in the microphone.) Now, please now put your right hand towards Me. Now again bend your head and please see with your left hand if you are feeling cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. It is hot because you have not forgiven yourself and you have not forgiven others. Now, take the left hand now. All of you must do, please do. Now bend your head again and put your right hand and see if there’s a cool or hot breeze coming out of your own head. Sometimes it comes nearer the head, sometimes little away. But don’t touch your head. Above the head, above. Now, please now put both your hands towards Me like that and watch Me without thinking. Now, please put both your hands towards the sky like this and ask a question, one of them in your heart. Put up your head and say, “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” Ask three times in your heart. Otherwise you can ask, “Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of Divine Love?” Again three times. Or else you can ask, “Mother, is this the Parama Chaitanya?” Again three times in your heart. Now bring down your hands. All those who have felt cool breeze or hot breeze on their fingertips or on their palm or out of their fontanel bone area, have to raise their hands. (Shri Mataji laughs) See? Quite all. May God bless you all. See, this is the first time you are feeling this breeze. I told you that this is a country of very spiritual people. This is a proof. All of you have felt it. But I again request you that please try to continue to grow till I come next year. Another simple thing you can see these are Ukrainian people singing so well Hindi songs, Marathi songs, Sanskrit songs. If you don’t see them you will think they are Indians singing it. (Shri Mataji laughs.) It’s very difficult. But how they have managed that I don’t know. So let them sing one song I would like also to hear. Which one – “Anadi Nirguni”? ‘Jogawa’? You’ll sing ‘Jogawa’? Ah, this is the song written in the sixteen century by a saint in India in Maharashtra, My state, in a Marathi language. He is saying, “Oh, Mother, give me this Yoga, this union with the Divine”. And then he says, “I will give up all that is bad, all that is wrong, I’ll do everything but give me this Yoga”. And all the people in the villages sing this, they don’t know what it is. It is now the other way out. You don’t have to give up anything. You don’t have to go to Himalayas. Here, sitting here, you can get your Yoga, your union with the Divine. (Yogis are singing the song.) May God bless you all. Please respect your Self-Realization, respect yourself. All My love. I’ll come next year again to meet you all. Ah, if you have any problem you can write to Me through the leaders here. Thank you.
Public Program, October Palace, Kyiv, Ukraine, Sept. 25, 1995 I bow to all the seekers of truth. We have to know at the very outset that Truth is what it is. You can not change it, you can not describe it, you can not transform it. Whatever I’m going to tell you tonight you should not take it for granted. Blind faith has harmed us the most. So it is important that you should keep your minds open like scientist. And then what I’m telling you should be treated like a hypothesis. If it is proved then as honest people you have to accept it. Because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your family, benevolence of your city, your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. At this juncture when we are facing problems all over the world it is important to understand why do we have problems. The problems are there because we do not know the absolute Truth. You don’t know about your physical, emotional, mental being. And it is said that if you don’t know yourself, you can not know God or Divinity. We say, “This is my hand, this is my head, my…”, but who is this “My”? So what is the truth? – That you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this emotions, you are not this intelligence. You are not this ego or your conditionings. But you are the pure Spirit. For example if I am born in a Christian family or a Hindu family or a Muslim family, immediately I accept the conditionings. Without understanding what good it has done to the world or to yourself. And thus we start living in a hanging condition. So the second Truth is that there is the All Pervading Power of Divine Love, which does all the living work. You see here such beautiful flowers. It’s a miracle. We never know how it comes out of one seed, one bulb of these beautiful flowers. We take all these for granted. If you ask a doctor, “Who runs your heart?”, he will say, “It’s an autonomous nervous system”. But who is this “Auto”? Who looks after us? This is what one has to understand that there is a superior Power beyond us, which does all these things. I find the people of Russia and Ukraine too much impressed by the Americans. I just don’t understand because compare to you Americans are just stupid people. They have no wisdom. Compare to you they don’t understand life. To them every moment must be spent in enjoyment. And every enjoyment they discover is self-destructive. It has destroyed their body with horrible diseases. It has destroyed their mind with perversion and schizophrenia. It has destroyed the whole society, the family, everything by their own idea of this enjoyment. You people living here must be thinking that the whole country is paved with gold. It is such a violent country that every individual is a Mafia. When I go to America I’ve to take out all these ornaments, which I supposed to wear from My family. Their music is maddening. There was one fellow who was really mad while singing, mad. That was no music but it was just like a shouting noise. And then he used to take out the whole of his trot out as if. Itself the singing was horrifying. And he called his group as ‘Nirvana’, meaning the liberation, ultimate spiritual liberation. And ultimately though he used to drink, smoke, take drugs, ultimately committed suicide. I think is important you must see some of them and know about what sort of a country it is. So God has given you this wisdom. Because you have been ancient people. Do you know about your ancient history? I was so surprised to read about it. You have a great relationship with Indians. They say the Ukraine name came from a king called Kuru. He was the forefather of Pandavas and Kauravas in India. Also it was said that Shri Rama came here and built this place – Kyiv. Before the Christian religion came in there were such beautiful faiths in this Kundalini. (Shri Mataji speaks aside) Is it now Kundalini? They have put it there. All right. All right. In the... I studied the paintings and the museum pieces where it is absolutely shown this Kundalini there, see now. They’ve shown the Primordial Mother and Her Kundalini they have shown in the paintings. And the lowest Chakra that is the called Mooladhara that has got like a swastika frame. Is all there in the paintings. Everything, all these Chakras, everything there. And you don’t know what were your forefathers. They were all very spiritual. This spirituality has given such fertile land to you. I was amazed the way in this country spirituality was thriving at that time. Now I know why you people and Russians are so sensitive to spirituality. Is in your blood. You can’t help it. You will be never satisfied with something artificial. For the time maybe impressed by America. But you will realize its stupidity. And you’ll come back to your original culture. I was amazed how these people in those days. They called themselves Aryans and also they came to India and so many from India came here. For a normal Indian the goal of life is to get Self-Realization. As also Christ has said that, “Know thy Self” and also Mohammed Sahib has said, “The one who does not know himself is not a complete person and he can not know about Divinity”. With all these sayings and understanding one knows the goal of his life. And from ancient times, three thousand before Christ in this country people knew their goal. Not drinking, not other dirty things they do in America. Only the false people can impress them. They only understand money. How can a spiritual person be money oriented? Those who are money oriented can not be near God. But as a blessing of God all kind of prosperities come. You don’t have to run after prosperity, the prosperity runs after you. So within you (Shri Mataji asks the interpreter, “Somebody has told them about Kundalini?” He answers, “Yes, yes, Shri Mataji”). So within you is already placed this great instrument by our Creator. All of you have this within you. This is your own Mother. Everybody has an individual Mother. It’s like a tape recorder of your past and your aspirations. She knows everything about you. And She’s anxious to give you your second birth. This is all your own. Now we have become humane beings in the evolutionary process, which is the living process. And now there’s going to be one more break through by which this Kundalini rises like a primula in the seed and passes through you fontanel bone area, becomes one with the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. Just like this instrument (Shri Mataji indicates to the microphone), if it is not connected to the mains, has no meaning, we have no meaning. We have no personality. We go on drifting from here to there. When this happens then you are connected with this All Pervading Power and this Power starts flowing through you on your fingertips. So you can feel the Absolute Truth on your fingertips because you know what Chakras are in trouble. Also you know about others because you get connected with this All Pervading Power, you develop a new dimension called as ‘collective consciousness’. With this new awareness you can know the centers of others. All your problems are there because your centers are in jeopardy. Through this awakening of the Kundalini there have been thousands and thousands of cures of incurable diseases. If you remember first time when I came here there were so many people sick of Chernobyl this thing. And with the Kundalini awakening they got cured. All their problems solved. None of them died. They must be some people sitting here. That’s the minimum. There are four doctors in India who have got now MD in Sahaja Yoga. In Russia there are about I think two hundred doctors were following Sahaja Yoga and curing people for no money at all. So money is not so important. The second thing that happens to you that you become mentally absolutely peaceful. Like our thoughts rise and fall, rise and fall and they come to us from our past and from the future. And our mind is jumping on the cusp of the thoughts. If I say, “Now, come to your present”, you can not. But when this Kundalini rises she separates the thoughts and elongates them and you become thoughtlessly aware. You are aware but you are thoughtless. That is the present. Thus your memory becomes just photogenic. Now for example this carpet is not Mine, is very beautiful. Normally I would think how much to pay, how much to buy. If it is Mine also I would think it should not get spoiled. But when I see in thoughtless awareness all the joy that is putting to it to make it starts pouring on Me as soothing current. In the present if you want you can think and if you don’t want you don’t think. You become absolutely peaceful. And then you start emitting peace to others. Wherever you go you can create peace. Not by giving awards people have peace. On the contrary I’ve seen this people are very hot tempered. They have Peace Award, but you can’t talk to them, they jump on you. So one has to understand that there is a space within us for peace, which not only makes you peaceful but makes others also peaceful. The third thing that happens to you that your attention becomes enlightened. Christ has said, “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes”. But your attention becomes moral, becomes. I don’t have to say, “Don’t do this, don’t do that”. Only in the light of Spirit you yourself become absolutely moral. We can say, like angels. So this is within you, which works out. I’ve seen some criminals becoming angels because the data base of their genes change also. It is so fantastic! But you are fantastic you are glorious. Only thing you have to get connected. Now one has to know that this All Pervading Power of Divine Love is the Ocean of compassion and love. It is the Ocean of knowledge. All the real knowledge you know, not from the books, not from the words, but the real knowledge about Reality. It is the Ocean of so many miracles and so many blessings. But above all it is the Ocean of forgiveness. Whatever wrong you might have done, whatever mistakes you might have committed, all are forgiven by this Divine Power of Love. Truth is love, love is peace, and all of them are one. You become the master of it. You don’t dominate others, don’t torture others, but you love. And this love is without any lust or greed. Above all this Ocean of Love is the Ocean of Joy. You become joyous. Joy is not like happiness or unhappiness. It is singular. You enjoy yourself, you enjoy the nature, you enjoy everything. It is such a remarkable thing that is going to happen. We can say now there is a global transformation. So there will be no wars, no arguments, no discussions. Because everybody will know the same truth. No fixed ideas, it is just Reality. I was so impressed by your forefathers who have done so much already for spirituality. And I’m sure you all have a special right to become one with this Divine Power. It’s like you put a seed in the Mother Earth and it sprouts by itself. And your forefathers believed in the Mother Earth as the Primordial made of the Primordial Mother, She has made it. Imagine they have Kundalini depicted. How many people in the world knew about Kundalini except for Indians? But surprisingly the Colombians also, the ancient Colombians knew about Kundalini. That was their faith. They might have seen it, they might have felt it. So you have such blessings of your forefathers. It’s going to work out, I know all of you are going to get your Self-Realization tonight. Only thing you must have faith in yourself. You should not feel guilty about anything. You don’t have to confess anything to Me, you don’t have to change your dress or change your hair style, nothing of the kind. It is not superficial, it is within. But you must have full self-confidence in you. You must know that you are going to get it and that you have to forgive yourself. If you have committed some mistakes, finished. What’s the use of feeling guilty? Another thing is – you have to forgive everyone from your heart. Only thing is that as the Mother Earth has the power to germinate, the seed has built-in power to get germinated, you also get your Realization in the sense the awakening of the Kundalini. But you must look after your Self-Realization. We have some very good Sahaja Yogis here who can guide you how to meditate only for ten minutes in the evening. But you should not leave it in the middle (Shri Mataji laughs). It would be like the parable of Christ that some seeds cast to germinated and were thrown in the marsh, you see, that’s will be something like that. If you respect yourself then this Self-knowledge should grow. It’s for free, you can not pay for Divine love. Many people don’t understand how much do we pay to this Mother Earth for this flowers? Because this is your own, your own right to have your Self-Realization. So time is there, we have to have our experience of Self-Realization. And we have to feel this All Pervading Power for the first time. So I would request you, all of you, first of all to have full self-confidence. Then to forgive yourself and to forgive others. Now you might say (Shri Mataji speaks to the interpreter, “Tell him afterwards, all right?”), you, you might say that is difficult to forgive. But just think logically whether you forgive or don’t forgive what do you do? So you don’t do anything. But you torture yourself for nothing at all. All your life you torture yourself like that. But at this moment is very important that there is a center what we call the optic chiasma in the brain where is this center. And this center is like this constricted. It won’t open unless and until you forgive everyone. So how will the Kundalini come up? Now when you don’t forgive and feel guilty this center catches here on the left very badly. Physically also you might develop a disease called as angina for the heart. Also spondylitis and lethargic organs. So please forgive yourself. At this moment is very important that this center should open and this center should open so the Kundalini will rise. You go beyond the mind into Reality. When we have the power of our mind we just moves in a linear way. And it then recoils because no truth in it and harms you. Can harm the society like Freud. He had some funny ideas, he has harmed Americans completely, like Hitler. So many of them. But if it is the light of the Spirit it moves in all the sides. It penetrates into all subtle things and never recoils. So you have to develop your spiritual awareness. When I come I know there are thousands and thousands, but when I go away that doesn’t mean you should not grow. So when I come there is a kind of a periodic sort of understanding. But it’s a living process, you have to look after it and you have to grow into it. Once you achieved the second state, which we call as doubtless awareness, you will know how great you are, what powers you have. I’ve seen people becoming great scientist, great artist and great musicians through Sahaja Yoga. Even the children become very-very intelligent, alert and obedient and moral. Overnight I’ve seen people giving up drugs, alcoholism, all these destructive things. Now I am seventy-three years of age Myself and I’m traveling every third day and I don’t feel tired. Because humane energy is limited. But if he gets this Divine energy then what does it matter? So to make it flow into you, you must grow into it. This is My request as a Mother. So it will take hardly about five-ten minutes for you to feel your Realization through this All Pervading Power. I would request you not to disturb at that time. If you want you can go away before we start it so that people are not disturbed. One thing, I can not force it on you because I respect your freedom. And in your freedom you have to ask for it. You must have pure desire to have it. Because this Kundalini is the power of pure desire. So I’ll wait for one minute, if somebody wants to leave, can leave. (Shri Mataji speaks to the interpreter, “No one. Great people”.) All right (Shri Mataji laughs). All right. (Shri Mataji speaks to the interpreter, “Might just get it like that. All right.”) First I’ll try a very short method (Shri Mataji laughs), which has worked in Russia. All right. Now please put your hands like this towards Me. Don’t close your eyes. Now please put your left hand towards Me like this and now bend your head and now see for yourself if there’s a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. (Shri Mataji blows 7 times in the microphone.) Now, please now put your right hand towards Me. Now again bend your head and please see with your left hand if you are feeling cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. It is hot because you have not forgiven yourself and you have not forgiven others. Now, take the left hand now. All of you must do, please do. Now bend your head again and put your right hand and see if there’s a cool or hot breeze coming out of your own head. Sometimes it comes nearer the head, sometimes little away. But don’t touch your head. Above the head, above. Now, please now put both your hands towards Me like that and watch Me without thinking. Now, please put both your hands towards the sky like this and ask a question, one of them in your heart. Put up your head and say, “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” Ask three times in your heart. Otherwise you can ask, “Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of Divine Love?” Again three times. Or else you can ask, “Mother, is this the Parama Chaitanya?” Again three times in your heart. Now bring down your hands. All those who have felt cool breeze or hot breeze on their fingertips or on their palm or out of their fontanel bone area, have to raise their hands. (Shri Mataji laughs) See? Quite all. May God bless you all. See, this is the first time you are feeling this breeze. I told you that this is a country of very spiritual people. This is a proof. All of you have felt it. But I again request you that please try to continue to grow till I come next year. Another simple thing you can see these are Ukrainian people singing so well Hindi songs, Marathi songs, Sanskrit songs. If you don’t see them you will think they are Indians singing it. (Shri Mataji laughs.) It’s very difficult. But how they have managed that I don’t know. So let them sing one song I would like also to hear. Which one – “Anadi Nirguni”? ‘Jogawa’? You’ll sing ‘Jogawa’? Ah, this is the song written in the sixteen century by a saint in India in Maharashtra, My state, in a Marathi language. He is saying, “Oh, Mother, give me this Yoga, this union with the Divine”. And then he says, “I will give up all that is bad, all that is wrong, I’ll do everything but give me this Yoga”. And all the people in the villages sing this, they don’t know what it is. It is now the other way out. You don’t have to give up anything. You don’t have to go to Himalayas. Here, sitting here, you can get your Yoga, your union with the Divine. (Yogis are singing the song.) May God bless you all. Please respect your Self-Realization, respect yourself. All My love. I’ll come next year again to meet you all. Ah, if you have any problem you can write to Me through the leaders here. Thank you.