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Talk Before Evening Program: Enjoy the bliss of God eve of Shri Krishna Puja
Yamuna Nagar
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
“Enjoy The Bliss Of God”, India Tour 1993, Yamuna Nagar, India I am sure you are all enjoying the cold of this place! You are not missing your country at all! I think you all have been enjoying the food. In Delhi I was enquiring and I was happy to know that you all were happy with the food and all the arrangements there. (applause) For the second part, it’s going to be not so cold. But in Dehradun maybe, it may be colder. Let’s see. So you can see this country has a varied type of climate, varied type of people, different languages. So many things are here and so many people have been accepted in this country: so many different cultures, so many different languages. But one thing is common is that they are dharmic people, they know what dharma is. I always praised you in Hindi language, that you didn’t know so many things about dharma, but the way you have taken to Sahaj is very remarkable, is very, very remarkable, and cannot be really explained. Because Sahaj dharma, in a way, was known to Indians better. But the way you have taken to it and so deep you have gone into it, they themselves are surprised, “Mother, how it has been achieved?” I have only one explanation to give: that in last life you have done lots of good things, many good things, and that’s why all those punyas that you have earned, you are cashing that in. Otherwise there’s no explanation. I never had such expectations myself. So it is a miracle as people say. For Indians it’s a miracle, the way you have taken to Sahaj life, the way you sing songs, the way you enjoy everything, and the way you are Sahaja Yogis. It’s a miracle. And this miracle when they see it, then they feel that, “Why shouldn’t we do this? Why shouldn’t we get this? Why can’t we have this? After all we have known about Sahaj, about Self-realisation so, after all, what wrong have we done that we should not get this?” It’s nothing but that they have taken everything for granted, I think. While for you it’s a new thing and so you have created this miracle. This time I am really thankful to people, all those who have come. But it’s going to be a really interested tour, extremely interesting; not too expensive. But in the beginning I was surprised that there was no money in the bank, and I had to take away CP’s money to come here. I went twice to London. On that point I have to request you that, next time I hope you won’t put me into trouble. Of course you don’t want me to be in trouble, but in this matter people are rather lethargic. And last minute decisions are not going to help us. So in the beginning of the tour I am just telling you that, next time please see that money is sent in advance, telegraphically. This time it has made me a little inconvenienced, and so I have to make a request to you that don’t blame anyone, neither blame yourself, but remember that you are to be responsible. You have to be responsible now. You’ve got all the powers, everything. Now you have been given, also, a beautiful throne in the Kingdom of God. But now we have to be responsible. You are very deep people no doubt, very deep, and you have really taken Sahaj in such a big way; but when you will be responsible, then you will really realise what powers you have, what you can do and what you have achieved. So you have to be responsible and involved in Sahaja Yoga. You should not be on the periphery: you are involved. You should see to it that this is done, that is done. As you know, these people have been working for the last 3, 4 months to achieve all this. So [when the] only thing is to send money it’s not much great trouble I think. That could be done in time. And I am sorry I had to say this, because we were about to cancel the tour, but it’s worked out. And it’s a very simple thing to do. You don’t have to organise anything else but just to organise the money. Another point [that] one has to understand is that Sahaja Yoga is nothing but joy. You have to just enjoy. You have to enjoy the bliss of God. And if you have complete faith in that bliss you can achieve so many results. I have seen it now with people who have faith, who just pray to me and they achieve it, something so unbelievable. So this faith has to be fully conferred on you. During this tour, of course I can’t say but, maybe, some people are there grudging for this and grudging for that - maybe. Or maybe that they are saying that, “This is not good. We could have had that, we could have had that.” Now you have come to India, not because I was born in India, but [because] India is the Yoga Bhoomi. Those people who went to America from Australia have gained nothing! On the contrary I heard that, in Australia, now they are not so collective. In the ashram, they have so many ashrams, but everybody has a separate room, they have separate televisions, VCRs, and also they cook separately. Because it is cheap to be in the ashram, that’s why they are in the ashram. So I have already told Stephen [Taylor] very clearly, that unless and until they move into one collectivity I am not going to come to Australia. What is the use of going to America? Still I don’t understand it. It’s no way a Yoga Bhoomi, it’s a horrible place. Maybe the materialism of America has touched them and within one year’s time they have changed themselves so much. It was very sad to hear, because Australia has shown such progress and we have such a nice leader like Stephen Taylor. Of course, there was some sort of misunderstanding, but for small, small things, if you can write to me [then] for such big things you should have written to me, I always feel. So when you go back to Australia, those who are here have to tell people that, “Why didn’t you write and ask Mother whether they could go to America?” It’s one of the worst places you can go! It’s hell! And all the Sahaja Yogis from America want to run away; while we should not have gone there. Whatever is good for us, that we should do. What will help us we should do, because now we are responsible, not [only] for ourselves, our countries, but for the whole universe! You have been chosen to do such things which are in your power, which you can do very well, you understand everything. I expect all that from you: such beautiful things. If there’s a light and it’s lost into some wilderness, what’s the use? It has to be there where it has to work out. So this thing should be treated, this tour, as a pilgrimage, pilgrimage to enjoy, pilgrimage to understand what Divine love is. Pilgrimage also to enjoy the nature. It’s all such beautiful things [that] you can only enjoy if you know that they are Divine. So many places where you went to they had lots of vibrations. I am sure all of you must have enjoyed them. I am also sure you must have enjoyed the people: they are very simple people and good hearted; dharmic. Though you are great Sahaja Yogis, I must say. And they are also very great Sahaja Yogis. So you have brothers and sisters in this place, so many of them, all over, and they are so happy to receive you. What they told us [is that] they feel so enamoured that they can serve these great Sahaja Yogis, such great saints who have to come to our country. I am very happy to hear that. So what one has to pick up in this country is wisdom: wisdom that we have to grow in Sahaja Yoga. There’s no other way out. That’s how we are going to grow and we are going to save this world. This is our job. And because you are all capable I am requesting you to introspect yourself, enjoy yourself, and all the time strive to find out how you can help people, how you can help this world. We are not secluded people. We are not exclusive. But we are here to grow ourselves and then to give shade to so many, like a big tree. I hope you’ll enjoy yourself and you will really create a new world for me. I am hoping to see that in this lifetime of mine and I know you can fulfil my desires. Thank you very much. Thank you. Now, I never eat food, you know, before a music programme, but today I have eaten because I thought you also won’t eat! So those who have eaten the food can sit here, those who have not can go down, get their food and come down and eat here, it’s all right. It’s a very jolly well party here, going on. No restrictions, nothing! You can walk about, go and get your food, have your food here. And also you can again go back and get it. No musicians will feel bad about it. All right? I think you should keep your heads covered, that’s better.
“Enjoy The Bliss Of God”, India Tour 1993, Yamuna Nagar, India I am sure you are all enjoying the cold of this place! You are not missing your country at all! I think you all have been enjoying the food. In Delhi I was enquiring and I was happy to know that you all were happy with the food and all the arrangements there. (applause) For the second part, it’s going to be not so cold. But in Dehradun maybe, it may be colder. Let’s see. So you can see this country has a varied type of climate, varied type of people, different languages. So many things are here and so many people have been accepted in this country: so many different cultures, so many different languages. But one thing is common is that they are dharmic people, they know what dharma is. I always praised you in Hindi language, that you didn’t know so many things about dharma, but the way you have taken to Sahaj is very remarkable, is very, very remarkable, and cannot be really explained. Because Sahaj dharma, in a way, was known to Indians better. But the way you have taken to it and so deep you have gone into it, they themselves are surprised, “Mother, how it has been achieved?” I have only one explanation to give: that in last life you have done lots of good things, many good things, and that’s why all those punyas that you have earned, you are cashing that in. Otherwise there’s no explanation. I never had such expectations myself. So it is a miracle as people say. For Indians it’s a miracle, the way you have taken to Sahaj life, the way you sing songs, the way you enjoy everything, and the way you are Sahaja Yogis. It’s a miracle. And this miracle when they see it, then they feel that, “Why shouldn’t we do this? Why shouldn’t we get this? Why can’t we have this? After all we have known about Sahaj, about Self-realisation so, after all, what wrong have we done that we should not get this?” It’s nothing but that they have taken everything for granted, I think. While for you it’s a new thing and so you have created this miracle. This time I am really thankful to people, all those who have come. But it’s going to be a really interested tour, extremely interesting; not too expensive. But in the beginning I was surprised that there was no money in the bank, and I had to take away CP’s money to come here. I went twice to London. On that point I have to request you that, next time I hope you won’t put me into trouble. Of course you don’t want me to be in trouble, but in this matter people are rather lethargic. And last minute decisions are not going to help us. So in the beginning of the tour I am just telling you that, next time please see that money is sent in advance, telegraphically. This time it has made me a little inconvenienced, and so I have to make a request to you that don’t blame anyone, neither blame yourself, but remember that you are to be responsible. You have to be responsible now. You’ve got all the powers, everything. Now you have been given, also, a beautiful throne in the Kingdom of God. But now we have to be responsible. You are very deep people no doubt, very deep, and you have really taken Sahaj in such a big way; but when you will be responsible, then you will really realise what powers you have, what you can do and what you have achieved. So you have to be responsible and involved in Sahaja Yoga. You should not be on the periphery: you are involved. You should see to it that this is done, that is done. As you know, these people have been working for the last 3, 4 months to achieve all this. So [when the] only thing is to send money it’s not much great trouble I think. That could be done in time. And I am sorry I had to say this, because we were about to cancel the tour, but it’s worked out. And it’s a very simple thing to do. You don’t have to organise anything else but just to organise the money. Another point [that] one has to understand is that Sahaja Yoga is nothing but joy. You have to just enjoy. You have to enjoy the bliss of God. And if you have complete faith in that bliss you can achieve so many results. I have seen it now with people who have faith, who just pray to me and they achieve it, something so unbelievable. So this faith has to be fully conferred on you. During this tour, of course I can’t say but, maybe, some people are there grudging for this and grudging for that - maybe. Or maybe that they are saying that, “This is not good. We could have had that, we could have had that.” Now you have come to India, not because I was born in India, but [because] India is the Yoga Bhoomi. Those people who went to America from Australia have gained nothing! On the contrary I heard that, in Australia, now they are not so collective. In the ashram, they have so many ashrams, but everybody has a separate room, they have separate televisions, VCRs, and also they cook separately. Because it is cheap to be in the ashram, that’s why they are in the ashram. So I have already told Stephen [Taylor] very clearly, that unless and until they move into one collectivity I am not going to come to Australia. What is the use of going to America? Still I don’t understand it. It’s no way a Yoga Bhoomi, it’s a horrible place. Maybe the materialism of America has touched them and within one year’s time they have changed themselves so much. It was very sad to hear, because Australia has shown such progress and we have such a nice leader like Stephen Taylor. Of course, there was some sort of misunderstanding, but for small, small things, if you can write to me [then] for such big things you should have written to me, I always feel. So when you go back to Australia, those who are here have to tell people that, “Why didn’t you write and ask Mother whether they could go to America?” It’s one of the worst places you can go! It’s hell! And all the Sahaja Yogis from America want to run away; while we should not have gone there. Whatever is good for us, that we should do. What will help us we should do, because now we are responsible, not [only] for ourselves, our countries, but for the whole universe! You have been chosen to do such things which are in your power, which you can do very well, you understand everything. I expect all that from you: such beautiful things. If there’s a light and it’s lost into some wilderness, what’s the use? It has to be there where it has to work out. So this thing should be treated, this tour, as a pilgrimage, pilgrimage to enjoy, pilgrimage to understand what Divine love is. Pilgrimage also to enjoy the nature. It’s all such beautiful things [that] you can only enjoy if you know that they are Divine. So many places where you went to they had lots of vibrations. I am sure all of you must have enjoyed them. I am also sure you must have enjoyed the people: they are very simple people and good hearted; dharmic. Though you are great Sahaja Yogis, I must say. And they are also very great Sahaja Yogis. So you have brothers and sisters in this place, so many of them, all over, and they are so happy to receive you. What they told us [is that] they feel so enamoured that they can serve these great Sahaja Yogis, such great saints who have to come to our country. I am very happy to hear that. So what one has to pick up in this country is wisdom: wisdom that we have to grow in Sahaja Yoga. There’s no other way out. That’s how we are going to grow and we are going to save this world. This is our job. And because you are all capable I am requesting you to introspect yourself, enjoy yourself, and all the time strive to find out how you can help people, how you can help this world. We are not secluded people. We are not exclusive. But we are here to grow ourselves and then to give shade to so many, like a big tree. I hope you’ll enjoy yourself and you will really create a new world for me. I am hoping to see that in this lifetime of mine and I know you can fulfil my desires. Thank you very much. Thank you. Now, I never eat food, you know, before a music programme, but today I have eaten because I thought you also won’t eat! So those who have eaten the food can sit here, those who have not can go down, get their food and come down and eat here, it’s all right. It’s a very jolly well party here, going on. No restrictions, nothing! You can walk about, go and get your food, have your food here. And also you can again go back and get it. No musicians will feel bad about it. All right? I think you should keep your heads covered, that’s better.
Public Program Guru ko Kaise Pahechane
Yamuna Nagar
Public Program
Shri Krishna Puja: River Yamuna and Shri Krishna’s life
Yamuna Nagar
Shri Krishna puja. Yamuna Nagar (India), 11 December 1993. Today we are going to have the puja of Shri Krishna. In Shri Krishna's life the river Yamuna has played a very great role. Yamuna River is a very deep river and the water has a blue colour, which they say Shri Krishna also had. While the River Ganges flows faster and much shallower than this. Next year, maybe, we might go to Allahabad, might be able to see the two rivers meet. The whole of Haryana has been a very, very historical, mythological place. You must have known about it that Pandavas and Khauravas fought in Kurukshetra and also, all this area has been used, since long, for meditation. Markandeya, whose name you have heard many a times, meditated in this area. First he was in Maharashtra, where you have seen the Saptashringi and, after that, he came down here and meditated and wrote his treatises. Everywhere you find a place of a pir [saint]. Also they are realised souls who have been respected till today. To begin with, we have to say that this is the area of great spirituality, because Shri Krishna lived here. And in those days there were no cars, not this transport, so He has vibrated all this land so beautifully. Very fond of playing near the river Yamuna. Of course, His childhood was not spent here, but later on, when He became the king, He used to visit this place many a times. We have to understand His character in a very special way. First we had the incarnation of Shri Rama. The Vishnu, as you know, took the birth of Shri Ram. But Shri Rama forgot His divinity. He was made to forget His divinity and He lived like an ordinary person, became a king, like Socrates has described -The Benevolent King. And He had to also sacrifice his wife. That's very symbolic, no doubt. The other part of North India, we'll be able to see His vibrated areas, where He moved, but Maharashtra He went without shoes, walked and walked and walked. Thus this whole country is really vibrated by great saints and by great incarnations. Shri Krishna's one side was that He was that He was like a child and He wanted to create an atmosphere of mirth, of joy, because at the time of Shri Rama, after Him, the religion was taken very seriously and people started doing very serious type of religion. The same incarnation again reappeared - Shri Krishna - and Shri Krishna wanted to show that spirituality is not serious (5.15), it’s leela, it’s a game that you have to play and in His lifetime He showed [that]. People don't understand Him at all because from Shri Rama's concept they cannot condescend to come down to the - sometimes - to the level of Shri Krishna, which was, I think, was much higher because He had to show that all this, all this world is just a joke, is maya and, beyond that, is Joy. His whole style was very interesting. That time they couldn't have such beautiful pendals, they couldn't have so many disciples, so He tried on his own style and his style was - when He was a child there were many milkmaids, whom they call gopis. They would be taking their bath in the River Yamuna, not here. He would just break their water pitcher and the water would flow on their back. This Yamuna River was vibrated by Radhaji. Ra - dha. 'Ra' means energy. „Dha“ means the one who sustains. Ra - dha. .... Ra - dha. And He didn't know how to tell them about Kundalini, so He used to throw stones, small stones at those pitchers and the water would flow down their backbone, thus giving them the blessings of the Kundalini. His style was extremely, extremely simple, playful, mirthful and nobody understood why He was doing all these things. Also, when He was a very small child there were ladies who were taking baths, so He was trying to raise their kundalini and He hid their clothes. He vibrated them. So, many people don't understand. A little child is so innocent. And He was teasing them and tried to show that life is nothing but joy. And he then, he gave them those clothes. Later on He grew up, then He became the king of Dwarika. In our country there are many westernized intellectuals and they try to say that there were two Shri Krishnas. I mean, they want to analyze everything without understanding spirituality, what is the subtle thing behind it. There was - He had sixteen thousand wives, as they say. They were His powers. You see, for men - I am a Mother. I can have thousands of children, boys, girls, men, women. Nobody can say anything about My Character. But for men, it is very difficult. So he got all His Powers born as women, who were married to some king - not married, actually He had abducted those women and put them in jail. So He saved them from there, brought them out and married them. Now the - if you see, the accent is on marriage. He married them. These were his sixteen thousand powers. As you know, He is sixteen petals and one thousand of the Sahasrara, sixteen thousand powers, which He married. Then He had five wives, for which people also have objection. Only Krishna can do like that. Five wives are the five elements. The essence of them, the essence of them, the causal of them came as his wives and He married them. But He was such a detached soul. There’s lot of stories about His detachment. There was one great rishi, [???] a saint, a sage, who had arrived on the other side of the River Yamuna. This was in Dwarika. And there was no Yamuna River, but there was also - there was [???]. And they wanted to go and serve the sage, so when they went near the river, they found that the river was all flooded. So they went back to Shri Krishna and said, „See, we are going to worship this sage and the river is all flooded.“ So He said, „All right, you go and tell the river the truth. By that truth it will go down. What's the truth? That Shri Krishna is a Brahmacharya, is a celibate person.“ He had five wives. They said, „How can we say this?“ "This is the truth,“ He said. „You go and tell him. Tell the river, and river will understand the truth, the power of truth will put down the floods.“ So they went and they said that, „Shri Krishna is a Brahmacharya.“ And the river went down and they were surprised. „How it can happen. This fellow is our husband and how can He say that He’s a Brahmacharya. So they served the sage, served him well, gave Him food, looked after him and when they came back there, they again saw the river was in floods. So they were quite worried how to cross the river now. So then went back to the sage and informed the sage and informed the sage that, see, we have to go back and there’s the river is in [???] and we don't know how to cross over. He said, „It’s very easy. If you want to go, it's very easy.“ They said, „How?“ „How did you come?“ They said, „Krishna told us like this to tell that ... I am celibate and the River, she is - Yamuna is also a celibate river.“ So the river went down. „All right, then you go and tell the river now that I didn't eat any food. Nothing I ate. I’m just fasting.“ They said, „This fellow ate like a glutton and telling us a lie like this. And how are we to believe this man? So they went to the river and to the river they said that „This sage didn't eat any food. He's on a fast and please go down.“ And the river went down. So they were surprised, „how this fellow has eaten everything and, despite that, when we told such a big lie, this river has listened to this lie.“ So they crossed over. The point is, those people who are at that level, even when they eat, they don't eat. Even they are married, they are celibate. It's a state. It's a state in which you are completely detached. Absolutely detached. You don't feel the attachment of the work you are doing or the life you are leading. I cannot say how one should become detached. Of course, with the Kundalini working out and you meditating, all that and fixing the Kundalini properly, it will work out. You'll be amazed how you’ll become detached about things and how you can manage things without feeling that you are doing it, how you can work out so many things without feeling even tired. It's a state and that is the state one has to achieve. Now for that, whether you are at that stage or not, first thing you must notice, how many times I use the word „I,“ „me.“ „How many times I said, ŚI saw this, I enjoyed this, I this, I that“ or „This is my child, this is my house“ - something like that. When you start using „I“ too much, then you are not detached. Try to introspect. „How many times I say, ŚI have got this work to be done, I've got to do this, I must furnish this, I must achieve this, this is the goal of my life?’“ These are all words of illusion. Once you get detached, it's a state again, I say. I wouldn’t say that by standing on your head you’ll get detached or anything like that. It's a state into which one has to grow. So Shri Krishna's message all his life was complete detachment. Even when He went with Arjuna for a war, He said, „I will be just the driver of your chariot, but I will not raise any weapons, I will not fight. I will be just your charioteer and if you agree to that condition, I’ll be there.“ Actually, when Arjuna had a question, „How can I kill? These are my relations. These are my gurus. These are my close people, my friends. How can I kill them?“ And he became very depressed. When he became depressed Krishna said that, „Do you know that they’re already dead? Anything that is born has to die. So you have to kill them.“ Now people can say that Krishna was preaching violence. No, not that, but what He said that those people, who are adharmis, who have no sense of dharma, who have been so cruel, who have been very much against the tradition of dharma, they have to be killed. Whether you kill them or not, they’re already dead because they have committed so many sins, they’re already dead. So you should not think that you are killing. But it's a Divine which is going to kill them, so-called killing. And so the war started. In the Gita also, people have very less understanding as to what He wanted to communicate. The first thing - I mean the war is on and He's talking about philosophy, can you imagine the detachment of a person. The first thing He told him, that you should take to ghyana [???]. „Ghyan“ means bhod [knowledge]. Bhod, as you know, is only possible through enlightenment. So He said you should take to ghyana, to bhod, which is enlightenment. But people don't understand ghyan. They think that by reading books, by reading all kinds of - there are so many criticisms of Gita, reading, all that, or understanding [???]. There are many in this country who are giving lectures on Shri Krishna. In their own lives, they are horrible. So, He first - He told the best thing to be done, that is the only thing to be done. He was a - not a businessman. The businessman will tell you first something which is not so good, then better, better, better [???]. But He said, outright, that that is the one by which you become Sthita Pragnya [???] - means Sahaj Yogi. He said clearly. But Arjuna said then, „If it is so, why do you want to me to go on war, to do this karma?“ That is also very much misunderstood. Only after realization, you can understand what He meant by doing karma. He has said it very clearly. That you do your work, karmas, your whatever you have to do, your action and put it at My Lotus Feet,“ which is an impossible situation, as long as you have the sense that you are doing something, [???] that due to ego, you might call it, as long as you have this feeling within you or maybe when there is still that "I" is existing within you, you may think that, „I’m putting it at the Lotus Feet of God,“ but you don't. Because Shri Krishna knew after Arjuna asked the question, that human nature is not straight forward, they won't understand in a straightforward way, so He was diplomatically, He told them, „All right, put everything at My Feet which you cannot do.“ So people tried that. Ages they have tried and they have found out, it doesn't work out that way. „Whatever we do, we feel responsible for it. So why should we think that we are putting at the Lotus Feet of Shri Krishna?“ For example, some people who were murderers, they would say, „All right, we have murdered, all right, but we have put it at the Lotus Feet of God.“ This kind of a delusion happened. I mean there were horrible people in this country who used to kill travellers in the name of Goddess. All these misunderstandings, we [???] them, they started doing it. So He said that, „Your karmas should be at My Lotus Feet.“ It's only possible after your realization, when you really feel that you’re not doing anything. We ask a Sahaja Yogi to give realization to somebody. He tells Me, „It's not going. It's not working.“ He talks like a third person. He becomes a third person. He never thinks that he is doing it. He is raising the kundalini himself with his own hand. He doesn't say, „I am doing it“ or he'll just say, „It doesn't work out, Mother. Doesn't work out.“ „What's the matter?“ He would just say, „This chakra is there. This problem is there,“ but he would never say that, „I am doing it.“ So this karma, this action becomes akharma, means non-action. Though you’re acting, doing everything, still you don't feel you are doing any. That's why he said - "Normally, people wouldn't take to Self-realisation, so better to give them this condition that whatever you do you put at the Lotus Feet of God.“ Then He asked about bhakti. So for bhakti, He said, „All right.“ Very clever. You know, I am not that clever as He was. I am telling you everything straightforward. Because He knew that human beings are too clever and if they had to be convinced, they cannot be convinced just by telling them straightforward things. So He says, „All right, whatever flower, water, fruit you give it to me, I'll accept.“ That's the bhakti part. But, this is now the trick, the bhakti is to be done when there is not the other - ananya. 'Ananya' means 'there’s nobody else. You and Me'. That means you should be connected to Me, then only you can do bhakti, but nobody understands, nobody understands the meaning of the word ananya or they don't want to understand. Ananya means 'where there's not the other', means you are a self-realised soul! That's the bhakti I will accept. When I get these Hari Rama people suffering from all kinds of troubles and they say, „Mother, how is it we are suffering from Shri Krishna's troubles?“ So I tell them you have no connection with Shri Krishna. You’re not connected. Supposing this is not connected. This won’t work. And there’s a protocol. Shri Krishna is an incarnation. Even if you have to meet the chief minister here and you go on calling his name, you'll be arrested. But He's almighty. How can you take His Name so cheaply, as if He belongs to you or He's in your pocket? So there’s a protocol. But they were told that you must take the name of Shri Krishna or of Shri Ram or the name of God. You must pray that you should not forget God. That’s the reason. But it's not the way. Like mad, people are going on with it. That's how the Kundalini gets spoilt. I’ve seen they have Vishuddhi problems and they never feel in their hands anything. They’ll go on telling you, „Mother, we don't feel anything, this, that.“ They’re Shri Krishna bhaktas. So their bhakti is also wrong. But Shri Krishna, whatever He’s told, you have to understand it, written in small lines, what He's trying to say. His mischiefs, his childlike pranks He used to play. All were so sweet and beautiful, you create a feeling for the innocence, respect. I mean, an Indian if He sees a child, he develops a kind of a feeling which [???]. Is a feeling of great love and affection and protection for children. But in the west, I am surprised the way they are under attack, children are so much under attack. I don't know why are they are doing it. There's no feeling of vattsalya [???] at all. It's something so cruel. I don't know if they’re possessed or there's kind of an influence of their previous lives or what it is. It's very common with them, the way they attack the innocence, small children. Impossible to understand how can human beings do that. So Shri Krishna's child-like behaviour, so beautiful, that that makes you feel that love and affection, protection for the little child... [interruption in recording] ...and she thought I might forget, you see. Shri Krishna had a sister, as you know, Vishnumaya and She's the electricity. We have seen in Cabella, in Canada the miracles of Vishnumaya. When I went to Canada, it was said by the aboriginal people, that when the Holy Mother will come the whole sky will become with lightning and the lightening started. Next day, even before it was daytime I saw the sky red like this, completely red. So many people saw. But there were sixteen thousand lightnings, sixteen thousand lightnings in the newspaper appeared It was going on - dum, dum, dum, the whole night. Then I said, now I'll go and sit in the bathroom so it will stop now. And then it stopped. Otherwise, going on like that. So this electricity.... [interruption in recording] *** Now there’s another thing where how He was connected with the Pandavas. Draupadi was also his sister. So Vishnumaya was born as Draupadi. Also His Mother was there, Yeshoda, and when Radhaji was the Mahalakshmi, Mother Mary, and She gave birth to Shri Ganesha, that was Lord Jesus Christ. In India nobody would doubt the Immaculate Conception, nobody would doubt. But for others it is too much to believe in the Immaculate Conception or they are all arguing and saying all kinds of nonsensical things. Because Ganesha was created like that and also Christ could be created like that. [???] Agnya. So Radha, She was Mother Mary and it is surprising, if you read the Devi Mahatmaya, in that, it’s clearly written who was Christ, that He was the support. He was Mahavishnu. He was the support. That's the Mooladhara. He was the Support of the Universe. All these were all related people, but we are stupidly fighting because we do not have the Knowledge of Reality. So Radhaji wanted to give him the name Irashoda [???]. So He called Him Jesu, in Hebrew it is Jesu, also in India, Yashoda is called just as Jashoda [???].Many people call it Jesu. That's how He became Jesus. You can verify what I'm saying on your vibrations. So they are all related to each other. And latest thing is they are Divine People. We cannot understand them, we cannot analyze them, we cannot pass remarks about them. Is a sign of human arrogance. Because his knowledge is so limited and, with that limited knowledge, he wants to talk about Divinity which is beyond the brains, beyond human intelligence. So only thing we can do is to be humble and to be surrendered. That's how Islam came, which means surrender. Where are they surrendering, God knows? Or Christians, where are they following Christ. Hindus, Where are they following the principle that everybody has the spirit in their heart? How can you have caste system if everybody has the spirit? Now, thank God, so many people in the whole world have become Sahaja Yogis. We are transcended all these artificial barriers in our divine life. How can Divine divide people? Some higher, some lower, cannot be. Only thing is, you have to achieve that state in which you see the whole world as a drama, as Shri Krishna has said and you are the witness, the sakshi of all that. I had to tell all the story about Shri Krishna because this River Yamuna reminds Me of all those beautiful things He did and also I was happy yesterday, they way you’re dancing, the way you’re enjoying, which is very, very significant. And the one's who did this before, were not saints. They were ordinary people whom Shri Krishna wanted to hold hand. They’re called raas. „Ra“ means energy. „Sa“ means with. They all were holding hands, so with the energy of Radhaji everybody was getting enlightened. All these things, as in all religions, have lost their own meaning, have lost their own form and they have become very corrupt. This is because it's a mental attitude. If you have a mental attitude, it has it's own limitations and, after some time, there’s always a decline of all these mental adventures that you take because there’s no strength of truth in it. That's how you find decline in arts, in music in everything, there’s a decline coming. But now you people have found the Truth, so please try and understand that the Truth is the one which is eternal and the Truth is Love. Truth is Divine Love and this Divine Love has no consequences. It doesn't blame anything, doesn't want anything, just wants to love. And when you see this All-Pervading Power being kind - everybody here has had some sort of a miracle and most of them have told Me so many miracles that „Mother, this happened, that happened, that happened. It's all done by this All-Pervading Power of Divine Love. And also to convince you it is doing so many things interesting of showing different types of my photographs, this and that, but the best was this time in Navaratri. I mean, my photograph I saw a background which was rather very different, like something round was there and there was a curtain and somebody peeking through that, like the sun peeping out. But when I went to Moscow, I was surprised the whole scene was behind Me there. So it was before it was even made or conceived. It was seen there in Navaratri Puja. That means all these things also that you are conceiving are suggested by the Divine. Otherwise, how can it be possible that one month before we got that kind of a photograph, which I was wondering, how can that be behind Me? And that was there when we went to Moscow everybody saw this. It's very surprising. So all kinds of tricks He's playing. Even when I'm not there, He shows that I’m there and it's working out in so many ways that one has to understand that what we think is miracle is a play of this All-Pervading Power. I hope you have enjoyed your stay here and we have still a big tour to go on. I hope more people are coming now, so you are all comfortable here. After realization, actually I have seen people don't care for physical comforts. They just care for the comforts of the spirit. People are very deep and you have met the people of India. They’re also very deep people, very good humble people. We are all part and parcel of One Body and that’s what one has to remember. I hope you’re all right, all of you and tomorrow, you don’t know, it's a very, very cold place they say. Let’s see. As the sun has come here, maybe the same sun will help us there. May God bless you.
Shri Krishna puja. Yamuna Nagar (India), 11 December 1993. Today we are going to have the puja of Shri Krishna. In Shri Krishna's life the river Yamuna has played a very great role. Yamuna River is a very deep river and the water has a blue colour, which they say Shri Krishna also had. While the River Ganges flows faster and much shallower than this. Next year, maybe, we might go to Allahabad, might be able to see the two rivers meet. The whole of Haryana has been a very, very historical, mythological place. You must have known about it that Pandavas and Khauravas fought in Kurukshetra and also, all this area has been used, since long, for meditation. Markandeya, whose name you have heard many a times, meditated in this area. First he was in Maharashtra, where you have seen the Saptashringi and, after that, he came down here and meditated and wrote his treatises. Everywhere you find a place of a pir [saint]. Also they are realised souls who have been respected till today. To begin with, we have to say that this is the area of great spirituality, because Shri Krishna lived here. And in those days there were no cars, not this transport, so He has vibrated all this land so beautifully. Very fond of playing near the river Yamuna. Of course, His childhood was not spent here, but later on, when He became the king, He used to visit this place many a times. We have to understand His character in a very special way. First we had the incarnation of Shri Rama. The Vishnu, as you know, took the birth of Shri Ram. But Shri Rama forgot His divinity. He was made to forget His divinity and He lived like an ordinary person, became a king, like Socrates has described -The Benevolent King. And He had to also sacrifice his wife. That's very symbolic, no doubt. The other part of North India, we'll be able to see His vibrated areas, where He moved, but Maharashtra He went without shoes, walked and walked and walked. Thus this whole country is really vibrated by great saints and by great incarnations. Shri Krishna's one side was that He was that He was like a child and He wanted to create an atmosphere of mirth, of joy, because at the time of Shri Rama, after Him, the religion was taken very seriously and people started doing very serious type of religion. The same incarnation again reappeared - Shri Krishna - and Shri Krishna wanted to show that spirituality is not serious (5.15), it’s leela, it’s a game that you have to play and in His lifetime He showed [that]. People don't understand Him at all because from Shri Rama's concept they cannot condescend to come down to the - sometimes - to the level of Shri Krishna, which was, I think, was much higher because He had to show that all this, all this world is just a joke, is maya and, beyond that, is Joy. His whole style was very interesting. That time they couldn't have such beautiful pendals, they couldn't have so many disciples, so He tried on his own style and his style was - when He was a child there were many milkmaids, whom they call gopis. They would be taking their bath in the River Yamuna, not here. He would just break their water pitcher and the water would flow on their back. This Yamuna River was vibrated by Radhaji. Ra - dha. 'Ra' means energy. „Dha“ means the one who sustains. Ra - dha. .... Ra - dha. And He didn't know how to tell them about Kundalini, so He used to throw stones, small stones at those pitchers and the water would flow down their backbone, thus giving them the blessings of the Kundalini. His style was extremely, extremely simple, playful, mirthful and nobody understood why He was doing all these things. Also, when He was a very small child there were ladies who were taking baths, so He was trying to raise their kundalini and He hid their clothes. He vibrated them. So, many people don't understand. A little child is so innocent. And He was teasing them and tried to show that life is nothing but joy. And he then, he gave them those clothes. Later on He grew up, then He became the king of Dwarika. In our country there are many westernized intellectuals and they try to say that there were two Shri Krishnas. I mean, they want to analyze everything without understanding spirituality, what is the subtle thing behind it. There was - He had sixteen thousand wives, as they say. They were His powers. You see, for men - I am a Mother. I can have thousands of children, boys, girls, men, women. Nobody can say anything about My Character. But for men, it is very difficult. So he got all His Powers born as women, who were married to some king - not married, actually He had abducted those women and put them in jail. So He saved them from there, brought them out and married them. Now the - if you see, the accent is on marriage. He married them. These were his sixteen thousand powers. As you know, He is sixteen petals and one thousand of the Sahasrara, sixteen thousand powers, which He married. Then He had five wives, for which people also have objection. Only Krishna can do like that. Five wives are the five elements. The essence of them, the essence of them, the causal of them came as his wives and He married them. But He was such a detached soul. There’s lot of stories about His detachment. There was one great rishi, [???] a saint, a sage, who had arrived on the other side of the River Yamuna. This was in Dwarika. And there was no Yamuna River, but there was also - there was [???]. And they wanted to go and serve the sage, so when they went near the river, they found that the river was all flooded. So they went back to Shri Krishna and said, „See, we are going to worship this sage and the river is all flooded.“ So He said, „All right, you go and tell the river the truth. By that truth it will go down. What's the truth? That Shri Krishna is a Brahmacharya, is a celibate person.“ He had five wives. They said, „How can we say this?“ "This is the truth,“ He said. „You go and tell him. Tell the river, and river will understand the truth, the power of truth will put down the floods.“ So they went and they said that, „Shri Krishna is a Brahmacharya.“ And the river went down and they were surprised. „How it can happen. This fellow is our husband and how can He say that He’s a Brahmacharya. So they served the sage, served him well, gave Him food, looked after him and when they came back there, they again saw the river was in floods. So they were quite worried how to cross the river now. So then went back to the sage and informed the sage and informed the sage that, see, we have to go back and there’s the river is in [???] and we don't know how to cross over. He said, „It’s very easy. If you want to go, it's very easy.“ They said, „How?“ „How did you come?“ They said, „Krishna told us like this to tell that ... I am celibate and the River, she is - Yamuna is also a celibate river.“ So the river went down. „All right, then you go and tell the river now that I didn't eat any food. Nothing I ate. I’m just fasting.“ They said, „This fellow ate like a glutton and telling us a lie like this. And how are we to believe this man? So they went to the river and to the river they said that „This sage didn't eat any food. He's on a fast and please go down.“ And the river went down. So they were surprised, „how this fellow has eaten everything and, despite that, when we told such a big lie, this river has listened to this lie.“ So they crossed over. The point is, those people who are at that level, even when they eat, they don't eat. Even they are married, they are celibate. It's a state. It's a state in which you are completely detached. Absolutely detached. You don't feel the attachment of the work you are doing or the life you are leading. I cannot say how one should become detached. Of course, with the Kundalini working out and you meditating, all that and fixing the Kundalini properly, it will work out. You'll be amazed how you’ll become detached about things and how you can manage things without feeling that you are doing it, how you can work out so many things without feeling even tired. It's a state and that is the state one has to achieve. Now for that, whether you are at that stage or not, first thing you must notice, how many times I use the word „I,“ „me.“ „How many times I said, ŚI saw this, I enjoyed this, I this, I that“ or „This is my child, this is my house“ - something like that. When you start using „I“ too much, then you are not detached. Try to introspect. „How many times I say, ŚI have got this work to be done, I've got to do this, I must furnish this, I must achieve this, this is the goal of my life?’“ These are all words of illusion. Once you get detached, it's a state again, I say. I wouldn’t say that by standing on your head you’ll get detached or anything like that. It's a state into which one has to grow. So Shri Krishna's message all his life was complete detachment. Even when He went with Arjuna for a war, He said, „I will be just the driver of your chariot, but I will not raise any weapons, I will not fight. I will be just your charioteer and if you agree to that condition, I’ll be there.“ Actually, when Arjuna had a question, „How can I kill? These are my relations. These are my gurus. These are my close people, my friends. How can I kill them?“ And he became very depressed. When he became depressed Krishna said that, „Do you know that they’re already dead? Anything that is born has to die. So you have to kill them.“ Now people can say that Krishna was preaching violence. No, not that, but what He said that those people, who are adharmis, who have no sense of dharma, who have been so cruel, who have been very much against the tradition of dharma, they have to be killed. Whether you kill them or not, they’re already dead because they have committed so many sins, they’re already dead. So you should not think that you are killing. But it's a Divine which is going to kill them, so-called killing. And so the war started. In the Gita also, people have very less understanding as to what He wanted to communicate. The first thing - I mean the war is on and He's talking about philosophy, can you imagine the detachment of a person. The first thing He told him, that you should take to ghyana [???]. „Ghyan“ means bhod [knowledge]. Bhod, as you know, is only possible through enlightenment. So He said you should take to ghyana, to bhod, which is enlightenment. But people don't understand ghyan. They think that by reading books, by reading all kinds of - there are so many criticisms of Gita, reading, all that, or understanding [???]. There are many in this country who are giving lectures on Shri Krishna. In their own lives, they are horrible. So, He first - He told the best thing to be done, that is the only thing to be done. He was a - not a businessman. The businessman will tell you first something which is not so good, then better, better, better [???]. But He said, outright, that that is the one by which you become Sthita Pragnya [???] - means Sahaj Yogi. He said clearly. But Arjuna said then, „If it is so, why do you want to me to go on war, to do this karma?“ That is also very much misunderstood. Only after realization, you can understand what He meant by doing karma. He has said it very clearly. That you do your work, karmas, your whatever you have to do, your action and put it at My Lotus Feet,“ which is an impossible situation, as long as you have the sense that you are doing something, [???] that due to ego, you might call it, as long as you have this feeling within you or maybe when there is still that "I" is existing within you, you may think that, „I’m putting it at the Lotus Feet of God,“ but you don't. Because Shri Krishna knew after Arjuna asked the question, that human nature is not straight forward, they won't understand in a straightforward way, so He was diplomatically, He told them, „All right, put everything at My Feet which you cannot do.“ So people tried that. Ages they have tried and they have found out, it doesn't work out that way. „Whatever we do, we feel responsible for it. So why should we think that we are putting at the Lotus Feet of Shri Krishna?“ For example, some people who were murderers, they would say, „All right, we have murdered, all right, but we have put it at the Lotus Feet of God.“ This kind of a delusion happened. I mean there were horrible people in this country who used to kill travellers in the name of Goddess. All these misunderstandings, we [???] them, they started doing it. So He said that, „Your karmas should be at My Lotus Feet.“ It's only possible after your realization, when you really feel that you’re not doing anything. We ask a Sahaja Yogi to give realization to somebody. He tells Me, „It's not going. It's not working.“ He talks like a third person. He becomes a third person. He never thinks that he is doing it. He is raising the kundalini himself with his own hand. He doesn't say, „I am doing it“ or he'll just say, „It doesn't work out, Mother. Doesn't work out.“ „What's the matter?“ He would just say, „This chakra is there. This problem is there,“ but he would never say that, „I am doing it.“ So this karma, this action becomes akharma, means non-action. Though you’re acting, doing everything, still you don't feel you are doing any. That's why he said - "Normally, people wouldn't take to Self-realisation, so better to give them this condition that whatever you do you put at the Lotus Feet of God.“ Then He asked about bhakti. So for bhakti, He said, „All right.“ Very clever. You know, I am not that clever as He was. I am telling you everything straightforward. Because He knew that human beings are too clever and if they had to be convinced, they cannot be convinced just by telling them straightforward things. So He says, „All right, whatever flower, water, fruit you give it to me, I'll accept.“ That's the bhakti part. But, this is now the trick, the bhakti is to be done when there is not the other - ananya. 'Ananya' means 'there’s nobody else. You and Me'. That means you should be connected to Me, then only you can do bhakti, but nobody understands, nobody understands the meaning of the word ananya or they don't want to understand. Ananya means 'where there's not the other', means you are a self-realised soul! That's the bhakti I will accept. When I get these Hari Rama people suffering from all kinds of troubles and they say, „Mother, how is it we are suffering from Shri Krishna's troubles?“ So I tell them you have no connection with Shri Krishna. You’re not connected. Supposing this is not connected. This won’t work. And there’s a protocol. Shri Krishna is an incarnation. Even if you have to meet the chief minister here and you go on calling his name, you'll be arrested. But He's almighty. How can you take His Name so cheaply, as if He belongs to you or He's in your pocket? So there’s a protocol. But they were told that you must take the name of Shri Krishna or of Shri Ram or the name of God. You must pray that you should not forget God. That’s the reason. But it's not the way. Like mad, people are going on with it. That's how the Kundalini gets spoilt. I’ve seen they have Vishuddhi problems and they never feel in their hands anything. They’ll go on telling you, „Mother, we don't feel anything, this, that.“ They’re Shri Krishna bhaktas. So their bhakti is also wrong. But Shri Krishna, whatever He’s told, you have to understand it, written in small lines, what He's trying to say. His mischiefs, his childlike pranks He used to play. All were so sweet and beautiful, you create a feeling for the innocence, respect. I mean, an Indian if He sees a child, he develops a kind of a feeling which [???]. Is a feeling of great love and affection and protection for children. But in the west, I am surprised the way they are under attack, children are so much under attack. I don't know why are they are doing it. There's no feeling of vattsalya [???] at all. It's something so cruel. I don't know if they’re possessed or there's kind of an influence of their previous lives or what it is. It's very common with them, the way they attack the innocence, small children. Impossible to understand how can human beings do that. So Shri Krishna's child-like behaviour, so beautiful, that that makes you feel that love and affection, protection for the little child... [interruption in recording] ...and she thought I might forget, you see. Shri Krishna had a sister, as you know, Vishnumaya and She's the electricity. We have seen in Cabella, in Canada the miracles of Vishnumaya. When I went to Canada, it was said by the aboriginal people, that when the Holy Mother will come the whole sky will become with lightning and the lightening started. Next day, even before it was daytime I saw the sky red like this, completely red. So many people saw. But there were sixteen thousand lightnings, sixteen thousand lightnings in the newspaper appeared It was going on - dum, dum, dum, the whole night. Then I said, now I'll go and sit in the bathroom so it will stop now. And then it stopped. Otherwise, going on like that. So this electricity.... [interruption in recording] *** Now there’s another thing where how He was connected with the Pandavas. Draupadi was also his sister. So Vishnumaya was born as Draupadi. Also His Mother was there, Yeshoda, and when Radhaji was the Mahalakshmi, Mother Mary, and She gave birth to Shri Ganesha, that was Lord Jesus Christ. In India nobody would doubt the Immaculate Conception, nobody would doubt. But for others it is too much to believe in the Immaculate Conception or they are all arguing and saying all kinds of nonsensical things. Because Ganesha was created like that and also Christ could be created like that. [???] Agnya. So Radha, She was Mother Mary and it is surprising, if you read the Devi Mahatmaya, in that, it’s clearly written who was Christ, that He was the support. He was Mahavishnu. He was the support. That's the Mooladhara. He was the Support of the Universe. All these were all related people, but we are stupidly fighting because we do not have the Knowledge of Reality. So Radhaji wanted to give him the name Irashoda [???]. So He called Him Jesu, in Hebrew it is Jesu, also in India, Yashoda is called just as Jashoda [???].Many people call it Jesu. That's how He became Jesus. You can verify what I'm saying on your vibrations. So they are all related to each other. And latest thing is they are Divine People. We cannot understand them, we cannot analyze them, we cannot pass remarks about them. Is a sign of human arrogance. Because his knowledge is so limited and, with that limited knowledge, he wants to talk about Divinity which is beyond the brains, beyond human intelligence. So only thing we can do is to be humble and to be surrendered. That's how Islam came, which means surrender. Where are they surrendering, God knows? Or Christians, where are they following Christ. Hindus, Where are they following the principle that everybody has the spirit in their heart? How can you have caste system if everybody has the spirit? Now, thank God, so many people in the whole world have become Sahaja Yogis. We are transcended all these artificial barriers in our divine life. How can Divine divide people? Some higher, some lower, cannot be. Only thing is, you have to achieve that state in which you see the whole world as a drama, as Shri Krishna has said and you are the witness, the sakshi of all that. I had to tell all the story about Shri Krishna because this River Yamuna reminds Me of all those beautiful things He did and also I was happy yesterday, they way you’re dancing, the way you’re enjoying, which is very, very significant. And the one's who did this before, were not saints. They were ordinary people whom Shri Krishna wanted to hold hand. They’re called raas. „Ra“ means energy. „Sa“ means with. They all were holding hands, so with the energy of Radhaji everybody was getting enlightened. All these things, as in all religions, have lost their own meaning, have lost their own form and they have become very corrupt. This is because it's a mental attitude. If you have a mental attitude, it has it's own limitations and, after some time, there’s always a decline of all these mental adventures that you take because there’s no strength of truth in it. That's how you find decline in arts, in music in everything, there’s a decline coming. But now you people have found the Truth, so please try and understand that the Truth is the one which is eternal and the Truth is Love. Truth is Divine Love and this Divine Love has no consequences. It doesn't blame anything, doesn't want anything, just wants to love. And when you see this All-Pervading Power being kind - everybody here has had some sort of a miracle and most of them have told Me so many miracles that „Mother, this happened, that happened, that happened. It's all done by this All-Pervading Power of Divine Love. And also to convince you it is doing so many things interesting of showing different types of my photographs, this and that, but the best was this time in Navaratri. I mean, my photograph I saw a background which was rather very different, like something round was there and there was a curtain and somebody peeking through that, like the sun peeping out. But when I went to Moscow, I was surprised the whole scene was behind Me there. So it was before it was even made or conceived. It was seen there in Navaratri Puja. That means all these things also that you are conceiving are suggested by the Divine. Otherwise, how can it be possible that one month before we got that kind of a photograph, which I was wondering, how can that be behind Me? And that was there when we went to Moscow everybody saw this. It's very surprising. So all kinds of tricks He's playing. Even when I'm not there, He shows that I’m there and it's working out in so many ways that one has to understand that what we think is miracle is a play of this All-Pervading Power. I hope you have enjoyed your stay here and we have still a big tour to go on. I hope more people are coming now, so you are all comfortable here. After realization, actually I have seen people don't care for physical comforts. They just care for the comforts of the spirit. People are very deep and you have met the people of India. They’re also very deep people, very good humble people. We are all part and parcel of One Body and that’s what one has to remember. I hope you’re all right, all of you and tomorrow, you don’t know, it's a very, very cold place they say. Let’s see. As the sun has come here, maybe the same sun will help us there. May God bless you.
Public Program Galat Guru evam paise ka chakkar
Public Program
Public Program Galat Guru evam paise ka chakkar, Dehradun (India) Date: 12 December 1993 Place: Dehradun, (India) Type: Public Program Speech language: English, Hindi Sahaja Yogis in background in chorus are saying ‘Shri Mataji ki Jai’. Sahaja Yogi announcing in background: Now Sri Arun Goyal will offer garlands to Her Holiness Shri Mataji on behalf of all the Sahaja Yogis of the world. (Claps in the background). Shri Mataji talking in Hindi in background: The light is so bright that it is not clearly seen. 01.06 secs (Youtube) Have you brought the water? [English translation from Hindi] If all of you sit down, it will be very nice. I bow down to all the seekers of truth. In this world we seek happiness, we seek joy and we do not know what the source of joy is. The truth is that this body, wisdom, ego, feelings and sacraments, are not all these titles. We are pure form of spirit. This is one truth, and the other truth is like what you see here is the decoration of beautiful flowers, I don’t know how many you have kept. These flowers are also a miracle that one seed you sow in this Earth such beautiful varieties of flowers bloom. We consider it as a miracle. If you ask the Doctor that ‘who works on our heart’, then he will say ‘it is an autonomous nervous system’, ‘self-driven.’ But what is this self-driven force? They cannot answer this question. You can go to a certain extent in science and that too on root things which have already been there. Whatever they discover has already been made, that they can. But science has its own limitations, and the bigger limitation it has is that they have not received only the truth and on this account, science to a certain extent is searching for it; then the second discovery will be made, then the third discovery of it and then they will disprove the first discovery, then they will disprove the second discovery. Other that this the biggest thing is that in Science there is no provision for morality, there is no thought about morality, it is immoral. So those people who rely only on science, as long as they do not know their spirit, the progress that they have made, and the huge form like a tree that is standing, till the time they do not search for its roots, it is possible that all of these will be in vain, will get destroyed and this type of doubt is being experienced by many people. The root of this may be found in India, In India, for many thousands of years, people have reflected on their spirit and many ideologies have emerged. Finally they understood that to attain the spirit is the main aim of the human life and as long as this is not achieved, we will not have any satisfaction, there will be no happiness. So the God Almighty’s the conscious creation that this is spread in all the four directions which does all the work and which we take for granted, this creation of joy is the love of God. In this era of Science, to even talk about the God Almighty is considered as bad. But whether you believe it or not, God Almighty is there, and he only protects this world. He is the creator and all the beautiful living work is done by the God Almighty. His powers which we call as the God Almighty’s conscious energy (‘chaitanya’) is known as ‘Brahma Chaitanya’. Till now you have not experienced all this, you still don’t know about it. Now the time has come when you all are able to know about it. In this, there is nothing special done by me. It is a matter of timely occurrence. Whatever work had to be done at those times were done by incarnations and in a similar manner many hermits (‘Sadhus’), saints (‘Sanths’) also have done it. But today, the time has come that at this time you get ‘Sahaja Yoga’. ‘Saha’ means ‘with you’ and ‘Ja’ means ‘born’, ‘Yoga’ means connecting with the God Almighty’s Brahma Shakti, becoming one with it and this is everyone’s right. This is your right which can be obtained easily because you are a human being and being a human being, you are superior to all other creations in the world like beast, animals, birds and any other creations. You are superior to all of them and you have got this greatness. Now you have to just travel a little more and you will obtain it thereafter. But India which is the land of yoga, we think that there is no other land of yoga, better than India. We first learnt many things from British people which we should not have learnt. Today seeing their present condition in their countries, I stay in their countries, I feel surprised that these people had led such magnificence and force in our country, they are such lost (‘gaye gujre’) people. You may be surprised that in countries like England, in a week, in the city of London alone, parents kill their two children. You have not yet been affected by the filth of that country till now, it is your good luck. But in these countries there is nothing Like a Mother or a Sister, there is no morality, and they are going towards total destruction in a hurried manner. It is said that in America, in the last ten years, sixty five percent (65%) of the people have been affected with various dirty diseases. Everyone is becoming hollow due to consumption of drugs and if Indians have been spared it is because of their faith within, their humility towards God and their innate sense of righteousness to discriminate that this is wrong and this is right. They (the foreigners) don’t know what is right and what is wrong, in spite of this I am surprised looking at them, the dirt in which they were stuck, I do not know from there how they stood up and today, they are glowing like beautiful lotus flower. It is a very surprising thing and Indians gets stuck a lot. I need to tell this to you clearly. Now I had gone to ‘Kurukshetra’, for the first time I had gone there. I thought that ‘Kurukshetra’ being the place of Sri Krishna, being the place of ‘Pandavas’ and here a big battle was fought, a lot of cleanliness must be there. From the whole program some 50 people came out, they were telling that ‘Mataji, what can we tell you. We have been going to false Gurus and we have caught up from them, and we are worried on account of that. How can we get vibrations now?’ I said you should keep on trying. A young person who had wrinkles all over his face as if from drinking alcohol was stricken, came sat down and said ‘Mother I have been going for the past 14 years to this ‘Radhaswami’ (a false guru) and now my state is that my hands are constantly shivering.’ I said ‘Brother why were you going there?’ He said he have him names, 5 names were given to him and he started shivering on account of that. I asked ‘If your Guru can not give you even good health, then what is the necessity of going to such gurus?’ He said ‘I have given a lot of money to him, and I have been looted.’ I asked him, ‘How did you give the money?’ he said, ‘There were number of big donation boxes (seva peti) kept and I put money in them.’ And the guru doesn’t say anything. But in this matter, people forget all Englishness, educated people, politicians, leaders, big-big surprisingly government officers go there and after being duped, they come to me. For about 14 - 15 years till they do not suffer, they do not get freed. Again somebody comes, again somebody, they are all ignorant people, they were badly affected, after seeing it, I was surprised. I asked ‘What were you doing?’ I was doing Siddhi Yoga.’ I asked ‘What is it?’ I knew it, but I wanted him to explain. He said ‘I was told that you need to stand in 3 feet water, you will remediate and then you can walk at 3 feet’. I said what was the necessity? Already there are so many motors (cars), what is the need to roam at 3 feet? Now in America, a person named I will tell his name, Praveen, I think it was Mehta (surname), no (it was) Chopra, Chopra. He was telling me ‘See the strength of the mind, it is such that, see this man is standing here, he has been given a pendulum. I will by the power of my mind, will move his pendulum.’ I asked, ‘Have you come to the world only for moving the pendulum? Is this what your duty is that you just go on moving the pendulum?’ There are thousands of people following this person and Indians. I understand Americans are foolish in all this, but I don’t understand why Indians want to move the pendulum? We all know that people indulge in black magic and other things to lure and mesmerise people, everybody knows about this. Now even after knowing about all this, we Indians keep coming into this web of these Gurus, I am not able to understand this till date. All the great hermits have said, Nanak Sahib has written one whole chapter, that how to find a real Guru. This problem is there in Dehradun also, because I could understand as soon as I came here that, oh God. So much negativity will come that tomorrow where your children will go, where will you go, what will be your situation, how will your business run? You do not think anything about all this. You are just after these tantrics. As a Mother, I get scared. You all are such good people, you are born in this country as a result of your good karmas of the previous birth. And now when you are seeking, you are going to such evil people about whom you don’t know anything. That is the reason I saw a dirty person like Rajneesh thrive in this Kurukshetra, who was such a horrible person, who did not have any morals, I know how he died. He himself died of AIDS. People run after such dirty people. This is something that one needs to understand. There have been real Gurus, like Gurunanak Sahib, he preached so many good things, and that no one paid attention at all. And there have been so many good gurus like Kabir. Even in Maharashtra, such good gurus, such great gurus, such eminent Gurus were there, you did not listen to any of them at all and you roam around such waste people who take money from you. Can you purchase God Almighty? Only on account of such things, I get frightened sometimes that India is in trouble. When such big people run after famous people (Gurus), who are famous, what will happen to this country and will this country be free of poverty? Where there is black magic, there will definitely be poverty. Now people have developed drinking habits, it is still better than this (black magic and false gurus). You can easily get rid of this habit. In Sahaja Yoga when you will achieve your spirit, you will understand how great you are, how glorious you are, you are of such high calibre. You did not know till now what you are. Now imagine you are taking a television to a jungle and you tell the people that inside this box, in this box they get to see miracles, and you can show movies in that. They will ask what sort of box have you brought and how can is this possible in the box? And as soon as the box gets connected with mains, they are able to see all the miracle in that. Similarly, when you get connected with the all-pervading power (‘Parama Chaitanya’), then you will be able to see as to what a great person (‘Kamaal’) you are, how much of power you have, and this happens in Sahaja manner. So many people of Radha Swami have issues with their heart. He himself died of heart attack and many of his followers die (of heart attack) as well. I want to say this very clearly. You should find out how many of their people dies of heart attack. Somebody should at least find this out. Many people went there with blind faith, because (thinking) that It is a very big organisation. So, I asked, ‘In that organisation what, how much money you got from that organisation? Why are you fighting for that organisation? What did you get?’ So the first thing is that you should think that any person who talks about a Guru, so Shri Nanak sahab had told very-very clearly ‘Guru is one who shows the God Almighty to you. You should meet the God Almighty.’ Means the one who helps you to meet the God Almighty is a Guru. Do not call anybody else a Guru. He had said this very-very clearly. But, it is surprising that these people earn a lot of money and based on the money, do not know how, they buy people. Like the newspaper (press) people, they have bought them. And also in the newspaper people, they do not have any kind of thought, no kindness, that they are damaging so many people. At least right something which is true. When they come to us, they will write that the carpet was laid, this was there, and that was there. But the carpet is mine, if I have a carpet, I will spread it. So what have I taken from you? And the one who gives money, he will be praised. People who bow down to money, this money which has put many countries into such trouble of recession that they are unable to stand up again. Can this money affair ever give happiness? It can never give. Can it give pleasure? For money there are fights, squabbles, this and that. It is a wrong perception that by collecting money we will become happier. I have never see anyone (becoming happier). But in something that you will get everything, why don’t we want to attain that spirit? Every type of blessing, all types (of blessings), you cannot count it all. When this can be received by everyone, why should you not believe in it and achieve it? And the biggest thing that I see is that the sensitivity that should be there towards God Almighty, which should be there towards spirituality has reduced a lot. Humans do not have the sensitivity, they cannot feel it that who is a fraudster and who is not a fraudster. They cannot understand. This is also a very surprising thing. Everything we have here about religion, God is there. Now see Russia, whoever has come. Where nobody talked about God Almighty also, honestly I am telling you, where there is no righteousness, where they have got nothing to do with anything, it is surprising there, I do not understand how, that they drove away all the Gurus from there, nobody could remain there, and for me they had arranged for a programme in a village where there were about 20 to 22 thousand Sahaja Yogis. How was this possible? Because there is no trouble of money, there is no materialism. They did not have time to think about all this. The opposite is with America. Now they have got money, so what should they do with it? Where to invest, what to do? Now one gentleman had gone to America. I am telling you so that you are not going to go there, even if you go there it is a wasteful place. He was a very rich person. He told me ‘Mother, please come home.’ He insisted a lot, so I agreed and I went. He started saying ‘I have got a lot of money. I have got this made, that made. He showed me all that. He said when you go to bathroom, please take care. I asked why? He said that there is a button which if you press will take you straight to the swimming pool. I said that is a bit too much, I said I do not want to use this kind of a bathroom. I want only something which is simple, I am a rural person. I do not want this. Another thing he invested money in about which he said was a cot, ‘If you want your legs will go up, head will go up.’ I asked, why, does your body not move? Why do you want such things which will make your head and leg up and down? I said I will sleep on the floor. I do not want this. This type of people invest money on all such things. Foolish, they are great fools, what to say about their foolishness? Very advanced fools. You must have heard of Elizabeth Taylor who got married 8 times. I would not like to see the face of such a woman. There were about 4 to 5 thousand people who reached there and her, they went there to see because she was going on her honeymoon to see that. She had married some poor labourer who was younger to her by 20 years. It was a very big work that she had done.. wah.. wah… wah.. So everyone reached there around 3 to 4 thousand people. And to see at the top there were 10 Helicopters roaming about, and there were people with camera coming down using a parachute. Some fell on trees, some fell on people. You will not see even 4 such fools in our place here. This much common sense we have. Common sense is a lot, but we should keep it and there is no need to learn from others. There, all the Gurus have made so much of money that don’t ask. You ask any of them, some are having 10 Crores and some have 50 crores, they have so much money. And when they died, they suffered a lot while dying. And now all their wrong doings are coming to light. Those who donated money to them, they are lying on the streets. Their children poor thing have been removed from their schools, they have nothing to eat, nothing to drink. Indian people who are there have so smart that they can fool others. And in our country there have been so many great people. Each one excelled, whose name to take and what to say. In 1942, I have also worked a lot, and till we got independence, we kept on fighting. And I saw everyone in my family, everybody at that time was like that. And today they are not there to see what we have done in our independence. This is connected with everything, our social life connected with that, our political life connected with that and is connected with all things. Because whatever questions are there in the World, whatever sufferings are there and all the calamities that are there, they are mainly due the people. Because if the people are alright there will be no questions, and if they get to know the one and only truth, then why will they fight? So where will be the question of a debate, argument? When everyone is seeing the same thing, now I am sitting before you, everyone is seeing it. Now will anybody fight that Mother is not there here. So when everybody is seeing the same thing with their eyes everybody with their eyes, then who will fight? But if you are seeing with your eyes one thing here and the other thing there and the third thing elsewhere, (and) start fighting. So till the time it doesn’t happen till then our fighting, squabbling will not leave us. The wars will not leave us, there will be talks about peace. I know many people who have got the peace awards, they are so hot tempered and they are such people with whom you should talk from a distance, don’t know when they will pounce upon you and catch you. It is just a thing to say that they have received the peace awards. One who does not have peace in their hearts, love in their hearts, how can that person take peace awards? But the most important thing to understand is that we are not yet capable. Many people want that this is wrong to say and should not be done, but they are unable to come out of it, because they do not have that power to stand with. Now the foreigners who are sitting here, it is good that they don’t understand our language, more than half of them were such who were badly alcoholic and used to take drugs, rich people. Whatever are the characteristic of the rich, they had. But one night, one night after getting their realisation, their lives changed. One of the examples to give is that we are a stubborn person and we have a snake in our hand and there is darkness and we think that it is a rope. And if you say to them that this is a snake and not a rope, they will not leave it, till the time it does not bite. But even if some light comes within us we will leave it immediately. This is how everything drops off, even problems drop off. All the miseries in the world. I have told you just now is because of human being and whatever questions that humans have or the difficulties they have is on account of their chakra position. We have said everything about Chakras, and you will be able to get this complete knowledge of the inside. I hope that you all get your self-realisation today. But you should get the full knowledge from this, and if any of your connections are loose, that should also get alright. That is the reason you should be in the collective. Now you will say I stay at home, how I can go there, it is a very small centre, then it is done. Now like if a nail gets cut, then that will not grow. Similarly if you are doing Sahaja Yoga sitting at home only, there will be no further progress in your ascent, there will be no growth. Hence it is required that you very humbly, go to any of our centres. But there also you do not have to give any money. The whole knowledge is yours which you will get. It is your own power that gets awakened what is there. What is there for me to give and take, nothing! If one light is lightened it can lighten many lamps. What is the favour the lamp has given in this? Now all you people are ready, you are seekers, it is your right to achieve it and it is very important that it should happen for you. And it could be some people from Kurukshetra, if they have not got their realisation tonight, can go to the centres and I say that there is no one who should not get it. All of you can get your self-realisation. I would say it is like a garden (‘Phoolwari’), now the spring has come, it is blossom time. I had never expected that thousands and thousands of people this would work out. And this has been happening for eternity, it is not anything new. But in the past only one Guru used to give it to only one student. Now in Sahaja Yoga, thousands of people are getting their Realisation collectively. But, how many of them will settle down is to be seen. Like Jesus Christ said that some seeds that sprouted, but they fell in the sand, and some other seeds dried on the mountains and were finished, but some seeds fell on fertile soil and became trees. Here you have a number of forests, there are some very big trees and everything is there. I will now request you to become big trees of Sahaja Yoga and enlighten a number of people. Many people have the desire and have been meditating, need to get them on the right track and get them to know the reality, and fill them with it. I am having a lot of hope in this country, if Sahaja Yoga spreads here, all the questions will drop off. Everything, including the question of money will also drop off. In London there is so much of unemployment that don’t ask, but there is no Sahaja Yogi there who does not have a job. Whoever comes to Sahaja Yoga gets a job, because the government of the all-pervading power is very tremendous. If you come into the Kingdom of God then each and every thing of yours will be taken care of so beautifully. Even the smallest of things are made so well that one would wonder how these things have been made. People who come to Dehradun say that the people here are quite I have a thing to say about the people here that they are quite English and that is the reason they cannot come to Sahaja Yoga. Now when they have come in England, why the Englishmen here have not come? Now many big people are here is what I think, is what I feel. So many big people are here you see, how many big people are sitting here, then why will you not come? From inside the heart, you are Indians. It is a matter of great respect, the time has come, and now in this time the work should be done. There is no hoarding of the brain here. You have to go beyond the brain, beyond the wisdom. If you ask why like this, like that, there is no answer for that. Now you tell me how this flower has been made? It is a life action, how will you explain this? Many Doctors can also be shown how many diseases can be cured with Sahaja Yoga. Many, your leader also knows about it. He was suffering from Blood cancer he has become alright. I have not done it. In a similar manner, your mental condition will be alright, your physical condition will be alright, social, political and more than anything else, the spiritual, from which the source of happiness and love, compassion, affection, compassion for all, it flows, it is joy giving. Then it gives so much happiness to people. He will become very beautiful from within because you can consider him to be like an angel. All of you are capable of it and today you will attain it. Please excuse me, this time I have come for one day only. Next time I will definitely come for you more number of days. Because last time, I was here for 3 days, but during all those days only sick people kept coming, no normal person came. I was wondering whether any person other than a sick person stays here or not. For 3 days they only had for sickness, cure this illness, cure that illness and after that they do not come in Sahaja. Now it is that there should be common sense as well that those lamps which will not lit at all, what is the use of curing them? Only those lamps which can be lit should only be cured. I wish, today I am seeing a lot of healthy people here and I am very happy that you people should achieve this and then if you people ask me what to do now, I will say now just enjoy yourselves. That is all. But you have to meditate for some time with which you will grow and what you need to do in meditation these people will tell you. As such I have given a thousands of lectures in Hindi and other languages, you will get the tapes off all those lectures. But first of all, you have to get settled. So the first state that you achieve is called ‘Nirvichar’, ‘Thoughtless Awareness’, which means you will not have any thoughts, you will be in the present. And the second stage is called as ‘Nirvikalpa’ in which you do not have any options, you know that you have the right to be self-realised, you have achieved it. Now both these states come for some people together, this is a result of their depth, depends on the good deeds of the past. But with trying, everybody gets the state of ‘Nirvikalpa’ and after that you see how it progresses. What all should I say about what all can happen and what all has happened? You might have heard of Amjad Ali Khan. He could not play his instrument properly before. Now you see how much famous he is. There is another person with him S Sinha (name is not very clear) who had a similar condition. Many are there, be it Hindus or Muslims many people have achieved this. Sufis have obtained it and in this manner, everybody has understood that we people who feel that we are different from each other, now realise that we are part and parcel of the same God Almighty. That is the reason that whatever new feelings that are coming within you, the new dimension that comes up is called as collective consciousness, meaning you can also know others and their chakras. You can feel your own vibrations on your fingers and also that of others. If you know how to clear your chakras and of others then you can help everyone. And to do that you do not have to have a lot of time. In a short time you can become your own Guru. You will realise which is good and which is bad, I do not have to tell you anything. I do not have to talk on any wasteful things. If you talk anything wasteful, more than half the people will get up and go in today’s times. That is the reason that you achieve the awakening of the Kundalini and later see what you are. Then you will experience so much of reverence, so much pride and so much respect comes for yourself that a person will not go on the wrong path. There is one more thing in this that you cannot force this on anybody, no force. Because God Almighty has given a lot of freedom. You can go either to hell or heaven, this is dependent on you. That I cannot give. That is the reason, there can be no forcing of any kind on this. Whosoever men or women do not want their self-realisation can please go away. They can please go from here and they need not sit and watch others. They may please go and it be of great help to us. I do not have to put a lot of effort with all of you, you will be surprised to know that. The only thing is that all of you should sit down. Now put both your hands towards me like this together drawn like this. I hope you are not wearing any shoes on your legs. Please remove your shoes. Keep both your hands straight towards me. Because these are the 5 chakras, 6 and 7 (Shri Mataji is pointing towards the fingers and the palm). This is sympathetic and para sympathetic on both the sides. And in this you need to achieve this, so keep both your hands like this (palm facing upwards). Now what you will feel, one is that from the top of your head at the fontanel bone area you will feel a cool or hot breeze. Kabirdas has said: ‘Shunya shikhar para anhad baje’ which means ‘At the Summit of Aloneness the Un-struck Anahad Sound Reverberates.’ Here wherever the kundalini throbs, the pulsation you feel on the top of the head and after it opens up you get cool-cool breeze. Sometimes it is hot as well. If you forgive everyone with your full heart then everything will be alright. If you forgive or not, you don’t do anything, but when you don’t forgive, then you start playing into negativity’s hands. You are troubling yourself from which you will get pain very easily. So you forgive everyone together. And the second is that I said that you should keep reverence towards yourself and love, and no one should not think that I am a big sinner, I have done this sin. Whoever tells you that, are themselves big sinners! You are humans, humans will only make mistakes, you are not God. But this all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of love, but more than anything is the ocean of forgiveness. Hence, if you have done any mistake, he will forgive it. Nothing will stop in front of this ocean. Hence you should not belittle yourself in any way and you should forgive everyone. Now put both your hands together in the way I have shown you, drawn like this. You should have faith in yourself, this is the biggest thing. People do not have faith in themselves, so keep faith in yourself. On now keep your eyes closed. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Put your hands towards me like this. Please close your eyes. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Now bow down your head. Now please open your eyes. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please open your eyes. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Please open your eyes. Now keep the right hand towards me. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please put your hand towards me. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: And bow your head and on the top of the fontanel bone area, top means it is called as slightly above the head (‘vishwadanti’), over the top. Keep your left hand over the top if the fontanel bone area. Your head should be bowed down. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please put your right hand towards me and your left hand on top of the fontanel bone area. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: And see that from within, from within your head, any cold or hot breeze is coming out or not. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please see that whether a hot or a cold breeze like energy is coming out of your fontanel bone area. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Bend your heads, heads. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please bend your heads, bend your heads. It is better to bend your heads. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Now put the left hand towards me. If you have gone to Gurus, there is nothing to worry, you all will also be cured. Do not worry at all. Keep your left hand towards me. Bow your heads and check with your right hand if from the fontanel bone area, again, now that area is called as ‘taalu’ if any cool breeze is coming or not. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please put the left hand towards me and with your right hand please see that there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Please don’t put your hand on the top of your head, but away from it. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Now again keep your right hand towards me and the last time bow your head on the fontanel bone area and check if any cool or hot breeze is coming out from your head only. For some it comes very near to the head for some others it comes far away from the head. Now rotate your hands and try moving your hands up and down. Yes. Now both your hands as shown in the picture, keep your hands towards the sky and pushing your head towards the back look towards the sky and ask the question ‘Mother is this the Brahma Chaitanya? Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please put both your hands towards the sky and your head also towards the sky. Now ask the question ‘Mother is this the all-pervading power of divine love? Ask this question. Three times. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Ask 3 times. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Ask 3 times. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Now keep your hands down. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please put your hands like this. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Now look at me and don’t just think anything. As you look at me don’t think. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please don’t think. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Some of you must be getting from below the palm, they could move the vibrations upwards like shown by Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Those who are getting below, put it up. It will come up like that. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Now whoever felt in the hand or the fingers or from the fontanel bone area cold or hot vibrations, all such people should put their hands up. Wow. The people who are sitting on the chairs didn’t get it or what. Wow.. The whole Dehradun, my namaskars to all of you and eternal blessings of your Mother. Now you should increase this, increase this and now us it for the benefit of others as well. You are all very big people those of you who have come here. It is because you all have lots of responsibilities and you have got this, this is also your earned blessings. You have to increase this and have to give it to others. Hence come in the collective, enjoy the collectivity with all. My eternal blessings to you all. Sahaja Yogis in background in chorus are saying ‘Bolo Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai’ ‘Jai’ ‘Jai’ ‘Jai’ ‘Ki Jai’ ‘Ki Jai’ ‘Ki Jai’ ‘Bolo Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai’ ‘Bolo Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai’ ‘Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai’. End of talk in Hindi End of talk [Second version of Hindi translation] Galat guru evam paise ka chakkar! False guru and running after money! Sahaji: I would request Shri Arun Goyal to offer garland to Her Holiness Shri Mataji on behalf of all the Sahaj Yogis of the world. Shri Mataji: It will be nice if you all people will sit. I bow to all the seekers of truth. We search for peace and happiness in this world but do not know where is the source of that happiness. Truth is that we are not this body, intelligence, ego, values, etc. We are pure spirit. This is one truth. And another truth is like you are seeing such beautiful flower decoration over here, you have put so many flowers over here. These flowers are also a miracle, that you sow one seed on this earth and so many beautiful colorful flowers grow. We see it as a miracle. When we ask doctors who are making our heart work, they call it the autonomous nervous system. It is auto. But who this auto is, they can't explain it. With science, you can go to a limit. The research on materialistic things and explain it. But science has its limitations. And the biggest limitation of science is that they have not achieved absolute truth. Because of this science keeps on searching, brings one theory, then another theory, then third theory, and then they discard the first theory. Then they will discard the second theory. Apart from that science does not think about morals. No thought about the morals. So the people who depend only on science, till they will not find the absolute truth, look at their spirit, those who have developed so much, those who are standing like a huge tree, till they will not find the roots, all of this will get destroyed. Everything will be destroyed. Many people are predicting this. Its roots are in your India. In India, people are researching spirit for thousands of years. Many theories came about it. But in the end, they understood that the ultimate aim of human beings is to be one with the spirit. Till we do not achieve this we cannot get any kind of satisfaction or happiness. So the vibrations of god which give us happiness and which we accept are the love of God. In times of science talking about god itself is difficult. But whether you believe it or not, God is there. He only protects the world, he has created it and it is him who does all the live processes around us. It is his powers which we know as Brahmachaitanya. Till now you have not known or experienced it. But today the time has come when you can know it. There is no specialty of mine in this. It is a matter of time. At right time many incarnations, saints, and various visionaries have done their work. But today the time has come when you all et Sahaja Yoga. Sah means with you and Ja means born. Yoga means to integrate with the vibrations of god. And it right of all you. It is your right that you get this because you are human beings. And Humans are the highest amongst all the beings in this world. You talk about animals, birds, or anything else, you are the highest and you have achieved this greatness. Now you have to travel a small distance and then you can achieve it. But India is such a big yoga land, we didn't have to learn anything from Britishers but we have learned a lot from them. Now I see their condition, I think these people used to live in our country with such high status, they forced themselves on us, not their condition is so bad. In a country like England you will be surprised to know that in one week, in a city like London, parents kill two children. Their dirt has not reached you but you shall understand there, there are no values, no recognition of mother or sister, they are moving forward towards doomsday. It has been estimated that in the next ten years 65% of people in America will suffer from dirty diseases. Everyone is becoming hollow from the inside. If we want to save Indians, then we will have to protect the faith, politeness, and dharma inside them. They should know what is right and what is wrong. People in other countries don't know what is right and what is wrong. Still, I am surprised to see that the dirt in which they were stuck, they have stood up and bloomed like a lotus. It is a surprise. And an Indian is stuck. I will tell you something. I went to Kurukshetra. I went there the first time. I thought it is a place of Lord Krishna, here a great battle of dharma was fought, here there will be cleanliness. But in the entire program around fifty people came out and told me that Mataji we went to the wrong gurus and caught from there. We are stressed because of that. Now how will we get vibrations? I said that you should try. One young man had a lot of wrinkles on his entire face. As if tired of drinking alcohol. He came there and sat and said that mother since last fourteen years I am going to Radhaswami, and he has brought me in this condition that now my hands shiver. I asked why you used to go? He said he gave me his name. He just gave him his name and he is shivering. If your guru cannot even give you good health then what is the point of going to such gurus. I gave him a lot of money. I am destroyed. I asked him how did you given money? He said there are big boxes in which we have to put. Guru doesn't speak anything. In such cases, people forget the entire western culture well educated people, politicians, leaders, and surprisingly government servants also go there. They get beaten over there and then come to me. For fourteen fifteen years, till they do not get beaten, they do not get freed from there. Then some others came, people following TM, they were in very bad condition. I was surprised to see them. I asked them what they used to do? They said we did Siddhi yoga. What is that? I knew about it. Poor people. They said that the guru committed that you will rise for three feet and till three feet you can walk. What is the need for it? You have enough motor cars, why do you need to move at these three feet. In America, there is a person, Praveen Mehta, or I think Chopra, who said that mental strength is so powerful that I have given a pendulum in his hand and I will bring back the pendulum with my mental strength. I said have you come in this world to move the pendulum. Is this only your skills to move the pendulum? Thousands of people follow him. And even Indians. Americans are fools I understand but I don’t understand why Indians want to move pendulums. We all know that people use black magic to attract others, mesmerize others. We all know this. Despite knowing all this why do Indians fall into this trap? In the trap of false gurus, I don’t understand. And it is told by many saints. Nanak Sahab has given one complete chapter about how to recognize the guru. There are a lot of negativities in Dehradun. I recognized it the moment I came here. Oh my god. If negativity will be so much then tomorrow where will your kids go, what will happen to you, how your business will work? You people don’t think about anything? You are running behind a black magician. As a mother, I feel anxious. You people are so nice. Because of so many good deeds of the past, you are born in this country. And now when you are searching, you go to such cunning people about whom you don’t know anything. I have seen a person like Rajneesh prospering in this Kurukshetra. He was such a bad person. He did not have any values. I know how he died. He was suffering from aids. People run after such bad people. It is something to be understood. The gurus who came, like guru Nanak Sahab, he has told so many things, you don’t listen to them. And there are so many other gurus like Kabir, In Maharashtra also there are so many great gurus, you don’t listen to any of them. And you run behind these useless people who take money from you. Can you buy god? I feel so anxious because of this, that all this will take India towards doom. When big people run behind the popular person, who is popular, then what will happen to this country? How poverty will go from here? Wherever there is black magic, their poverty will come. Now people have started drinking alcohol. It is better than false gurus. You can get rid of that. In Sahaja yoga when you will witness your spirit, you will realize how great, valuable, and the moral person you are. Right now you don’t know who you are. Just imagine you take television in a jungle. And tell them that it is a magic box and you can see movies on it. They will say what kind of box you have brought and how is it possible. The moment it is connected to the mains you see how amazing it is. In the same way, when you get connected to param Chaitanya, you realize how amazing you are. You will see how many powers you have. And you get all this in Sahaj. But the problem is that you want to go to such a place where you lose everything, where you lose your health. At Radhaswami so many people got trouble in their hearts. He died of a heart attack and his followers also die of heart attacks. First, find out how many of his followers have died due to heart attacks. Someone first finds out. You go there in blind faith. They say it is a big organization. So I asked who are you in that organization? Why are you fighting on their behalf? What did you get from there? The first thing you should think about is that a person who talks about the guru, Nanak Sahab has said it clearly, Guru is a person who connects you with the divine. ( Guru wahi jo sahib milai.) A person who makes you meet the god is the only guru, no one else. But, surprisingly, these people earn money and based on money, I don't know how they but people. Like they buy a newspaper. And people printing the newspaper do not have any shame or compassion that these people are cheating so many people, they should print some truth about them. And when they come to me, they will write that there was carpet spread and all such things. Is this my carpet? If I have carpet and I have spread it, so what I have taken yours? And someone who will give them money will write all the good things about them. This money has put other countries in such a recession that they cannot get up now. Can this money give you happiness or joy? You will fight for money. This is a very big misconception that if we get the money we will become happy. I haven't seen anyone. But the spirit which can give you everything, why not attain it. All kinds of blessings cannot be counted. When you get all this then why not accept it. But I have seen that sensitivity that should be there towards god or spirituality has decreased a lot. There is no sensitivity in human beings. He cannot feel anything that who is a fraud and who is not. He cannot understand. This is something amazing. We have so many religions and gods. Look at Russia, people have come here also. Where no one has ever taken the name of God, where there is no religion, they are not concerned about anything, they have done an amazing job. They have sent off all the fraud gurus from their country, but for me, in every village, there are 20 to 22 thousand Sahaj yogis. How does this happen? Because they do not run after money or materialism. They don't have time for all this. And America is just the opposite. They have money. Now they keep thinking about where to invest it. One person went to America, I am telling you this because you people will not go, even if you go it is not a good place. He was a very rich person. He said mother come to my house. He insisted so I went. Then he showed me that I have made this, that, and I have a lot of money. He said go carefully in the bathroom. There is a button which pressed, can directly take you inside the swimming pool. I said I am from a village I want to go to a simple bathroom. Then he said that this bed has buttons that will raise your legs or head. I asked why your body does not move or what? Why do you want this kind of bed? I will sleep on the floor; I don’t need this bed. People who spend their money like this are stupid. They are very advanced in stupidity. You must have learned about Elizabeth Tailor. She had done eight marriages. We would not have looked at the face of such a woman. 4000 to 5000 people reached there to see her as she was going on her honeymoon. She married a labor who was twenty years younger than her. She did a wonderful job. So three to four thousand people went there. And around ten helicopters were circling on the top and people were landing by parachutes with cameras in their hands. They were falling on trees or other people. We will not find four such stupid people in our country. We have that much wisdom. Even they have brains but they do not use their wisdom. These gurus have made a lot of money. Someone has ten crores, some have 50 crores. And how did they die if we ask then we will see they have suffered a lot while dying. Their secrets of fraud are out. People who have given them money are on road. Their children are thrown out of school. They don't have money to eat. Indians have that many brains whom to make their gurus. And in this country, we have so many great people. There are many great people. Whose name should I take and who's not. In 1942 I have also done a lot of work. We fought till we got independence. And every one of that time was like that only. And today they are not here to see what we have made out of our freedom. It is related to everything. With our social and political life. It is related to everything. Because all the problems and questions of the world are due to human beings. If human beings are alright then there will be no question at all. And if he finds the absolute truth then what will be the reason for argument or fight. When everyone is looking at one thing. Now I am sitting in front of you, then you all are seeing it. Who will fight that no mother is not here? When all are seeing one thing with one eye then who will fight. But with your eyes, you are seeing one thing over here, one thing there, then a fight will happen. It won't happen till realization does not take place. The wars will not get over. They will talk about peace. I know people who have got a peace award but they have so much temper that the moment you will say something to them they will attack you. It is just to say that they have got a peace award. People who do not have peace or love in their hearts, will they have peace. But one of the most important things which we need to understand is that we are not capable. Many people think that they come out of it, but they are not able to come out of it. Because they do not have that power by which they stand on their own feet. Many foreigners over here, thank god they do not understand our language, they used to drink a lot of alcohol and take drugs. Many rich people. They had symptoms of all the rich people. But in one night, after getting their realization they changed. They were so stubborn. It can be explained by an example, that if there is darkness and you have a snake in your hand, you think it is a rope. I tell you it is a snake but you will not leave it till it will bite us. But the moment we get a little bit of light inside us, we will leave it immediately. In the same way, we can leave everything, all the problems will also leave. All the problems in this world are due to human beings and all the problems of human beings are due to its chakras. You have been told about your chakras. And by these, you can get internal knowledge. I just hope you all get self-realization. All of you should get its knowledge, if some connections are lost it will get repaired. You need to become collective. Now you will say I live in y house, how should I go, there is a small center, then nothing will work. Like if a nail is cut, it won't grow big. In the same way, if you are doing Sahaj Yoga only in your house then you cannot progress. There will be no growth. So you need to become humble and go to your nearest center. But there also you don't need to give any money. All the knowledge is yours, you just need to attain it. It is your power that will get awakened. What I have to take in it. If one lamp lights, you can light many other lamps from it. That one lamp is not doing any favor. You people are ready now. You are seekers and it is your right to attain it. You need to happen. There are people from Kurukshetra, if you will not attain it tonight, you can go to the center. And I say no one cannot attain it. Everyone can get self-realization. It is a blossom time. And earlier gurus also used to give it to their followers. But one guru used to give to one disciple, but now in Sahaja Yoga thousands of people are getting their self-realization. Now we have to see how many of these people establish themselves. As Jesus had said, some seeds have sprouted but they fell on the sand, some dried on the mountains while some fell on fertile land and became tress. Here you have your forest and there are beautiful trees over here. I would like you, people, to help thousands of people. Many people have a pure desire, have worked for that, put them on the right path and show them a reality. I have a lot of expectations from this country, if Sahaja yoga spreads over here then all the questions will be solved at once. Even the problem of money will also be solved. In London, there is so much unemployment but there is no Sahaja yogi who does not have a job. Anyone who comes in Sahaja yoga gets a job. Because the government of these vibrations is just awesome, they will make everything associated with your so beautiful, even small things also workout so beautifully, you will say how it happened. About Dehradun, people say that people over here are quite British, they will not be able to establish themselves in Sahaja Yoga. But when Britishers in England have come to Sahaja Yoga then why the people over here will not be able to come. People say all men over here are high profile. Many high-profile men have come and they are sitting here. So why you people will not come, heart, you are Indian. It is a time of great pride, the time has come when you have to achieve it. You cannot do it by a lot of analysis. If you will say how this happened or that happened, there is no answer to that. If you say how this flower is made, can you tell how it is made? It is a live process, how will you explain. Many doctors know that by Sahaj yoga many diseases get cured. Your leader over here had blood cancer, he got cured. I didn't do it. In the same way, your mental condition stabilizes. Your intellectual condition improves, social, professional and the most important spiritual condition improves. It is the source of joy. You get love, compassion, empathy for all, it flows from you and you enjoy it so much. A person becomes so satisfied. He just becomes a messenger of God. All of you are capable of it and you all deserve it. Forgive me I have come for only one day this time. But next time I will come for a longer time. Last time I was here for three days, but all three days people came to get their diseases cured. They didn’t come for anything else. Not a single seeker came. I thought only sick people live here. And then they don’t establish in Sahaja Yoga. Now you should have common sense also. The lamps which will not light, what’s the point in repairing them. We should repair the lamps which will light. Today I am seeing many healthy people over here, so I am happy. Now what should they do after getting it, I would say just have fun. You should do meditation for some time every day. What to do in meditation, people over here can tell you. I have given thousands of lectures in Hindi and other languages. The first stage which you should achieve is thoughtless awareness. You become thoughtless, you don't have any thoughts. And the second stage is absolute awareness where you don't have any option. Wherever you go you deserve self-realization. At the time, some people due to their depth or good deeds of past, get both the conditions together at once. But by trying, anyone can et it. And see what happens after that. What shall I tell you, what can happen and what has happened? You must have heard the name of Amjad Ali Khan, he didn't use to play music nicely earlier, but now he is so popular. [name unclear] also was the same. There are many people, Hindus, Muslims, Sufis everyone has attained it. In this way, they have understood that we people think we are different but we are part of the same god. So the new dimension which you get is collective consciousness. In this way, you will know about the chakras of yourself as well as others. If you can heal your chakras and chakras of others, then you can help everyone. And you don't take a lot of time for that. In a small time, you will become your guru and realize what is good and bad. I don't say no to anything to anyone. The moment I will say no people will go. Who will listen in today's world? So you should awaken your kundalini and see how it is happening. Then you get so much pride and belief in yourself, that no one goes on the wrong path. One more thing is there in it, there can be no force in it. No one can force you. God has given you the freedom that you either go In heaven or hell. That I cannot take. There can be no force of any type in this. The ladies and gentlemen who do not want self-realization please go from here. They do not need to sit here and watch others. Just leave from here, that will be a big favor to me. Surprisingly, I don't need to work very hard with you people. You just sit down. Just keep your hands in front of me. Hope you are not wearing your shoes. Remove your shoes. Keep your hands straight in front of me. The five chakras, sixth and seventh are the endings of sympathy. And you have to attain in this. So keep your hand like this. Now, what will you feel? One is that you will feel a cool or warm breeze from your fontanelle bone. Kabeerdasji has said “shunya shikhar par anahad baje". First, the kundalini knocks over here so you feel the pulsation and after that, once the Sahasrara is open you feel the cool breeze. Sometimes you feel a warm breeze also. But if you forgive everyone with your heart then everything is sorted out. Whether you forgive or not, you do not do anything, but when you do not forgive you play in the wrong hands. You are harassing yourself, the other person is having fun. So you forgive everyone. The second thing is to have faith and love for yourself. Don't think I am a sinner and I have done a lot of sins. Don't think that. You are a human being. Humans do mistakes, you are not a god. This divine cool breeze is an ocean of knowledge, an ocean of love but the biggest of all it is an ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistake you do, just forgive yourself. Nobody will be left. Don’t pull yourself down in front of this ocean. And forgive others also. People should have faith in themselves. This is very important. People should have faith in themselves. Now you people close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Put your hands towards me like this and please close your eyes. Now bow down your heads. [Shri Mataji giving realization] Now please open your eyes. Now keep your right hand towards me. Bow down your head, and put your left hand two to three inches above your head. Please put your right hand towards me and your left hand on top of the fontanelle bone area. Please see if hot or cold breeze-like energy is coming from your fontanelle bone area. Please bend your heads. It is better to bend your head. Now put your left hand towards me. If you have been to gurus, even then there is no problem. It will be alright. Keep your left hands towards me. Now see from your right hand that from the fontanelle bone hot or cool breeze is coming or not. Keep your right hand two inches away from your head and see. Now again put your right hand towards me and see from your left hand. Some people get it near, some people can feel the breeze to a distance. Move your hands and feel. Not put both your hands and head towards the sky and ask the question, mother! Is this all-pervading power of divine love? Ask it three times. Now bring down your hands keep them like this. Look at me without any thoughts. Those who are feeling the breeze beneath the palms can pull it up like this. Now all those who have felt the hot or cool breeze in their hands or fontanelle bone, please raise their hands. Great! People sitting on the chairs did not feel it? Great! Entire Dehradun. Now you people spread it. You are great people who have come here. You have a lot of responsibilities. It is the wealth you have earned. So come in collective and enjoy it in collective. May God bless you all. Adi shakti mataji Shri Nirmala devi ki jai.
Public Program Galat Guru evam paise ka chakkar, Dehradun (India) Date: 12 December 1993 Place: Dehradun, (India) Type: Public Program Speech language: English, Hindi Sahaja Yogis in background in chorus are saying ‘Shri Mataji ki Jai’. Sahaja Yogi announcing in background: Now Sri Arun Goyal will offer garlands to Her Holiness Shri Mataji on behalf of all the Sahaja Yogis of the world. (Claps in the background). Shri Mataji talking in Hindi in background: The light is so bright that it is not clearly seen. 01.06 secs (Youtube) Have you brought the water? [English translation from Hindi] If all of you sit down, it will be very nice. I bow down to all the seekers of truth. In this world we seek happiness, we seek joy and we do not know what the source of joy is. The truth is that this body, wisdom, ego, feelings and sacraments, are not all these titles. We are pure form of spirit. This is one truth, and the other truth is like what you see here is the decoration of beautiful flowers, I don’t know how many you have kept. These flowers are also a miracle that one seed you sow in this Earth such beautiful varieties of flowers bloom. We consider it as a miracle. If you ask the Doctor that ‘who works on our heart’, then he will say ‘it is an autonomous nervous system’, ‘self-driven.’ But what is this self-driven force? They cannot answer this question. You can go to a certain extent in science and that too on root things which have already been there. Whatever they discover has already been made, that they can. But science has its own limitations, and the bigger limitation it has is that they have not received only the truth and on this account, science to a certain extent is searching for it; then the second discovery will be made, then the third discovery of it and then they will disprove the first discovery, then they will disprove the second discovery. Other that this the biggest thing is that in Science there is no provision for morality, there is no thought about morality, it is immoral. So those people who rely only on science, as long as they do not know their spirit, the progress that they have made, and the huge form like a tree that is standing, till the time they do not search for its roots, it is possible that all of these will be in vain, will get destroyed and this type of doubt is being experienced by many people. The root of this may be found in India, In India, for many thousands of years, people have reflected on their spirit and many ideologies have emerged. Finally they understood that to attain the spirit is the main aim of the human life and as long as this is not achieved, we will not have any satisfaction, there will be no happiness. So the God Almighty’s the conscious creation that this is spread in all the four directions which does all the work and which we take for granted, this creation of joy is the love of God. In this era of Science, to even talk about the God Almighty is considered as bad. But whether you believe it or not, God Almighty is there, and he only protects this world. He is the creator and all the beautiful living work is done by the God Almighty. His powers which we call as the God Almighty’s conscious energy (‘chaitanya’) is known as ‘Brahma Chaitanya’. Till now you have not experienced all this, you still don’t know about it. Now the time has come when you all are able to know about it. In this, there is nothing special done by me. It is a matter of timely occurrence. Whatever work had to be done at those times were done by incarnations and in a similar manner many hermits (‘Sadhus’), saints (‘Sanths’) also have done it. But today, the time has come that at this time you get ‘Sahaja Yoga’. ‘Saha’ means ‘with you’ and ‘Ja’ means ‘born’, ‘Yoga’ means connecting with the God Almighty’s Brahma Shakti, becoming one with it and this is everyone’s right. This is your right which can be obtained easily because you are a human being and being a human being, you are superior to all other creations in the world like beast, animals, birds and any other creations. You are superior to all of them and you have got this greatness. Now you have to just travel a little more and you will obtain it thereafter. But India which is the land of yoga, we think that there is no other land of yoga, better than India. We first learnt many things from British people which we should not have learnt. Today seeing their present condition in their countries, I stay in their countries, I feel surprised that these people had led such magnificence and force in our country, they are such lost (‘gaye gujre’) people. You may be surprised that in countries like England, in a week, in the city of London alone, parents kill their two children. You have not yet been affected by the filth of that country till now, it is your good luck. But in these countries there is nothing Like a Mother or a Sister, there is no morality, and they are going towards total destruction in a hurried manner. It is said that in America, in the last ten years, sixty five percent (65%) of the people have been affected with various dirty diseases. Everyone is becoming hollow due to consumption of drugs and if Indians have been spared it is because of their faith within, their humility towards God and their innate sense of righteousness to discriminate that this is wrong and this is right. They (the foreigners) don’t know what is right and what is wrong, in spite of this I am surprised looking at them, the dirt in which they were stuck, I do not know from there how they stood up and today, they are glowing like beautiful lotus flower. It is a very surprising thing and Indians gets stuck a lot. I need to tell this to you clearly. Now I had gone to ‘Kurukshetra’, for the first time I had gone there. I thought that ‘Kurukshetra’ being the place of Sri Krishna, being the place of ‘Pandavas’ and here a big battle was fought, a lot of cleanliness must be there. From the whole program some 50 people came out, they were telling that ‘Mataji, what can we tell you. We have been going to false Gurus and we have caught up from them, and we are worried on account of that. How can we get vibrations now?’ I said you should keep on trying. A young person who had wrinkles all over his face as if from drinking alcohol was stricken, came sat down and said ‘Mother I have been going for the past 14 years to this ‘Radhaswami’ (a false guru) and now my state is that my hands are constantly shivering.’ I said ‘Brother why were you going there?’ He said he have him names, 5 names were given to him and he started shivering on account of that. I asked ‘If your Guru can not give you even good health, then what is the necessity of going to such gurus?’ He said ‘I have given a lot of money to him, and I have been looted.’ I asked him, ‘How did you give the money?’ he said, ‘There were number of big donation boxes (seva peti) kept and I put money in them.’ And the guru doesn’t say anything. But in this matter, people forget all Englishness, educated people, politicians, leaders, big-big surprisingly government officers go there and after being duped, they come to me. For about 14 - 15 years till they do not suffer, they do not get freed. Again somebody comes, again somebody, they are all ignorant people, they were badly affected, after seeing it, I was surprised. I asked ‘What were you doing?’ I was doing Siddhi Yoga.’ I asked ‘What is it?’ I knew it, but I wanted him to explain. He said ‘I was told that you need to stand in 3 feet water, you will remediate and then you can walk at 3 feet’. I said what was the necessity? Already there are so many motors (cars), what is the need to roam at 3 feet? Now in America, a person named I will tell his name, Praveen, I think it was Mehta (surname), no (it was) Chopra, Chopra. He was telling me ‘See the strength of the mind, it is such that, see this man is standing here, he has been given a pendulum. I will by the power of my mind, will move his pendulum.’ I asked, ‘Have you come to the world only for moving the pendulum? Is this what your duty is that you just go on moving the pendulum?’ There are thousands of people following this person and Indians. I understand Americans are foolish in all this, but I don’t understand why Indians want to move the pendulum? We all know that people indulge in black magic and other things to lure and mesmerise people, everybody knows about this. Now even after knowing about all this, we Indians keep coming into this web of these Gurus, I am not able to understand this till date. All the great hermits have said, Nanak Sahib has written one whole chapter, that how to find a real Guru. This problem is there in Dehradun also, because I could understand as soon as I came here that, oh God. So much negativity will come that tomorrow where your children will go, where will you go, what will be your situation, how will your business run? You do not think anything about all this. You are just after these tantrics. As a Mother, I get scared. You all are such good people, you are born in this country as a result of your good karmas of the previous birth. And now when you are seeking, you are going to such evil people about whom you don’t know anything. That is the reason I saw a dirty person like Rajneesh thrive in this Kurukshetra, who was such a horrible person, who did not have any morals, I know how he died. He himself died of AIDS. People run after such dirty people. This is something that one needs to understand. There have been real Gurus, like Gurunanak Sahib, he preached so many good things, and that no one paid attention at all. And there have been so many good gurus like Kabir. Even in Maharashtra, such good gurus, such great gurus, such eminent Gurus were there, you did not listen to any of them at all and you roam around such waste people who take money from you. Can you purchase God Almighty? Only on account of such things, I get frightened sometimes that India is in trouble. When such big people run after famous people (Gurus), who are famous, what will happen to this country and will this country be free of poverty? Where there is black magic, there will definitely be poverty. Now people have developed drinking habits, it is still better than this (black magic and false gurus). You can easily get rid of this habit. In Sahaja Yoga when you will achieve your spirit, you will understand how great you are, how glorious you are, you are of such high calibre. You did not know till now what you are. Now imagine you are taking a television to a jungle and you tell the people that inside this box, in this box they get to see miracles, and you can show movies in that. They will ask what sort of box have you brought and how can is this possible in the box? And as soon as the box gets connected with mains, they are able to see all the miracle in that. Similarly, when you get connected with the all-pervading power (‘Parama Chaitanya’), then you will be able to see as to what a great person (‘Kamaal’) you are, how much of power you have, and this happens in Sahaja manner. So many people of Radha Swami have issues with their heart. He himself died of heart attack and many of his followers die (of heart attack) as well. I want to say this very clearly. You should find out how many of their people dies of heart attack. Somebody should at least find this out. Many people went there with blind faith, because (thinking) that It is a very big organisation. So, I asked, ‘In that organisation what, how much money you got from that organisation? Why are you fighting for that organisation? What did you get?’ So the first thing is that you should think that any person who talks about a Guru, so Shri Nanak sahab had told very-very clearly ‘Guru is one who shows the God Almighty to you. You should meet the God Almighty.’ Means the one who helps you to meet the God Almighty is a Guru. Do not call anybody else a Guru. He had said this very-very clearly. But, it is surprising that these people earn a lot of money and based on the money, do not know how, they buy people. Like the newspaper (press) people, they have bought them. And also in the newspaper people, they do not have any kind of thought, no kindness, that they are damaging so many people. At least right something which is true. When they come to us, they will write that the carpet was laid, this was there, and that was there. But the carpet is mine, if I have a carpet, I will spread it. So what have I taken from you? And the one who gives money, he will be praised. People who bow down to money, this money which has put many countries into such trouble of recession that they are unable to stand up again. Can this money affair ever give happiness? It can never give. Can it give pleasure? For money there are fights, squabbles, this and that. It is a wrong perception that by collecting money we will become happier. I have never see anyone (becoming happier). But in something that you will get everything, why don’t we want to attain that spirit? Every type of blessing, all types (of blessings), you cannot count it all. When this can be received by everyone, why should you not believe in it and achieve it? And the biggest thing that I see is that the sensitivity that should be there towards God Almighty, which should be there towards spirituality has reduced a lot. Humans do not have the sensitivity, they cannot feel it that who is a fraudster and who is not a fraudster. They cannot understand. This is also a very surprising thing. Everything we have here about religion, God is there. Now see Russia, whoever has come. Where nobody talked about God Almighty also, honestly I am telling you, where there is no righteousness, where they have got nothing to do with anything, it is surprising there, I do not understand how, that they drove away all the Gurus from there, nobody could remain there, and for me they had arranged for a programme in a village where there were about 20 to 22 thousand Sahaja Yogis. How was this possible? Because there is no trouble of money, there is no materialism. They did not have time to think about all this. The opposite is with America. Now they have got money, so what should they do with it? Where to invest, what to do? Now one gentleman had gone to America. I am telling you so that you are not going to go there, even if you go there it is a wasteful place. He was a very rich person. He told me ‘Mother, please come home.’ He insisted a lot, so I agreed and I went. He started saying ‘I have got a lot of money. I have got this made, that made. He showed me all that. He said when you go to bathroom, please take care. I asked why? He said that there is a button which if you press will take you straight to the swimming pool. I said that is a bit too much, I said I do not want to use this kind of a bathroom. I want only something which is simple, I am a rural person. I do not want this. Another thing he invested money in about which he said was a cot, ‘If you want your legs will go up, head will go up.’ I asked, why, does your body not move? Why do you want such things which will make your head and leg up and down? I said I will sleep on the floor. I do not want this. This type of people invest money on all such things. Foolish, they are great fools, what to say about their foolishness? Very advanced fools. You must have heard of Elizabeth Taylor who got married 8 times. I would not like to see the face of such a woman. There were about 4 to 5 thousand people who reached there and her, they went there to see because she was going on her honeymoon to see that. She had married some poor labourer who was younger to her by 20 years. It was a very big work that she had done.. wah.. wah… wah.. So everyone reached there around 3 to 4 thousand people. And to see at the top there were 10 Helicopters roaming about, and there were people with camera coming down using a parachute. Some fell on trees, some fell on people. You will not see even 4 such fools in our place here. This much common sense we have. Common sense is a lot, but we should keep it and there is no need to learn from others. There, all the Gurus have made so much of money that don’t ask. You ask any of them, some are having 10 Crores and some have 50 crores, they have so much money. And when they died, they suffered a lot while dying. And now all their wrong doings are coming to light. Those who donated money to them, they are lying on the streets. Their children poor thing have been removed from their schools, they have nothing to eat, nothing to drink. Indian people who are there have so smart that they can fool others. And in our country there have been so many great people. Each one excelled, whose name to take and what to say. In 1942, I have also worked a lot, and till we got independence, we kept on fighting. And I saw everyone in my family, everybody at that time was like that. And today they are not there to see what we have done in our independence. This is connected with everything, our social life connected with that, our political life connected with that and is connected with all things. Because whatever questions are there in the World, whatever sufferings are there and all the calamities that are there, they are mainly due the people. Because if the people are alright there will be no questions, and if they get to know the one and only truth, then why will they fight? So where will be the question of a debate, argument? When everyone is seeing the same thing, now I am sitting before you, everyone is seeing it. Now will anybody fight that Mother is not there here. So when everybody is seeing the same thing with their eyes everybody with their eyes, then who will fight? But if you are seeing with your eyes one thing here and the other thing there and the third thing elsewhere, (and) start fighting. So till the time it doesn’t happen till then our fighting, squabbling will not leave us. The wars will not leave us, there will be talks about peace. I know many people who have got the peace awards, they are so hot tempered and they are such people with whom you should talk from a distance, don’t know when they will pounce upon you and catch you. It is just a thing to say that they have received the peace awards. One who does not have peace in their hearts, love in their hearts, how can that person take peace awards? But the most important thing to understand is that we are not yet capable. Many people want that this is wrong to say and should not be done, but they are unable to come out of it, because they do not have that power to stand with. Now the foreigners who are sitting here, it is good that they don’t understand our language, more than half of them were such who were badly alcoholic and used to take drugs, rich people. Whatever are the characteristic of the rich, they had. But one night, one night after getting their realisation, their lives changed. One of the examples to give is that we are a stubborn person and we have a snake in our hand and there is darkness and we think that it is a rope. And if you say to them that this is a snake and not a rope, they will not leave it, till the time it does not bite. But even if some light comes within us we will leave it immediately. This is how everything drops off, even problems drop off. All the miseries in the world. I have told you just now is because of human being and whatever questions that humans have or the difficulties they have is on account of their chakra position. We have said everything about Chakras, and you will be able to get this complete knowledge of the inside. I hope that you all get your self-realisation today. But you should get the full knowledge from this, and if any of your connections are loose, that should also get alright. That is the reason you should be in the collective. Now you will say I stay at home, how I can go there, it is a very small centre, then it is done. Now like if a nail gets cut, then that will not grow. Similarly if you are doing Sahaja Yoga sitting at home only, there will be no further progress in your ascent, there will be no growth. Hence it is required that you very humbly, go to any of our centres. But there also you do not have to give any money. The whole knowledge is yours which you will get. It is your own power that gets awakened what is there. What is there for me to give and take, nothing! If one light is lightened it can lighten many lamps. What is the favour the lamp has given in this? Now all you people are ready, you are seekers, it is your right to achieve it and it is very important that it should happen for you. And it could be some people from Kurukshetra, if they have not got their realisation tonight, can go to the centres and I say that there is no one who should not get it. All of you can get your self-realisation. I would say it is like a garden (‘Phoolwari’), now the spring has come, it is blossom time. I had never expected that thousands and thousands of people this would work out. And this has been happening for eternity, it is not anything new. But in the past only one Guru used to give it to only one student. Now in Sahaja Yoga, thousands of people are getting their Realisation collectively. But, how many of them will settle down is to be seen. Like Jesus Christ said that some seeds that sprouted, but they fell in the sand, and some other seeds dried on the mountains and were finished, but some seeds fell on fertile soil and became trees. Here you have a number of forests, there are some very big trees and everything is there. I will now request you to become big trees of Sahaja Yoga and enlighten a number of people. Many people have the desire and have been meditating, need to get them on the right track and get them to know the reality, and fill them with it. I am having a lot of hope in this country, if Sahaja Yoga spreads here, all the questions will drop off. Everything, including the question of money will also drop off. In London there is so much of unemployment that don’t ask, but there is no Sahaja Yogi there who does not have a job. Whoever comes to Sahaja Yoga gets a job, because the government of the all-pervading power is very tremendous. If you come into the Kingdom of God then each and every thing of yours will be taken care of so beautifully. Even the smallest of things are made so well that one would wonder how these things have been made. People who come to Dehradun say that the people here are quite I have a thing to say about the people here that they are quite English and that is the reason they cannot come to Sahaja Yoga. Now when they have come in England, why the Englishmen here have not come? Now many big people are here is what I think, is what I feel. So many big people are here you see, how many big people are sitting here, then why will you not come? From inside the heart, you are Indians. It is a matter of great respect, the time has come, and now in this time the work should be done. There is no hoarding of the brain here. You have to go beyond the brain, beyond the wisdom. If you ask why like this, like that, there is no answer for that. Now you tell me how this flower has been made? It is a life action, how will you explain this? Many Doctors can also be shown how many diseases can be cured with Sahaja Yoga. Many, your leader also knows about it. He was suffering from Blood cancer he has become alright. I have not done it. In a similar manner, your mental condition will be alright, your physical condition will be alright, social, political and more than anything else, the spiritual, from which the source of happiness and love, compassion, affection, compassion for all, it flows, it is joy giving. Then it gives so much happiness to people. He will become very beautiful from within because you can consider him to be like an angel. All of you are capable of it and today you will attain it. Please excuse me, this time I have come for one day only. Next time I will definitely come for you more number of days. Because last time, I was here for 3 days, but during all those days only sick people kept coming, no normal person came. I was wondering whether any person other than a sick person stays here or not. For 3 days they only had for sickness, cure this illness, cure that illness and after that they do not come in Sahaja. Now it is that there should be common sense as well that those lamps which will not lit at all, what is the use of curing them? Only those lamps which can be lit should only be cured. I wish, today I am seeing a lot of healthy people here and I am very happy that you people should achieve this and then if you people ask me what to do now, I will say now just enjoy yourselves. That is all. But you have to meditate for some time with which you will grow and what you need to do in meditation these people will tell you. As such I have given a thousands of lectures in Hindi and other languages, you will get the tapes off all those lectures. But first of all, you have to get settled. So the first state that you achieve is called ‘Nirvichar’, ‘Thoughtless Awareness’, which means you will not have any thoughts, you will be in the present. And the second stage is called as ‘Nirvikalpa’ in which you do not have any options, you know that you have the right to be self-realised, you have achieved it. Now both these states come for some people together, this is a result of their depth, depends on the good deeds of the past. But with trying, everybody gets the state of ‘Nirvikalpa’ and after that you see how it progresses. What all should I say about what all can happen and what all has happened? You might have heard of Amjad Ali Khan. He could not play his instrument properly before. Now you see how much famous he is. There is another person with him S Sinha (name is not very clear) who had a similar condition. Many are there, be it Hindus or Muslims many people have achieved this. Sufis have obtained it and in this manner, everybody has understood that we people who feel that we are different from each other, now realise that we are part and parcel of the same God Almighty. That is the reason that whatever new feelings that are coming within you, the new dimension that comes up is called as collective consciousness, meaning you can also know others and their chakras. You can feel your own vibrations on your fingers and also that of others. If you know how to clear your chakras and of others then you can help everyone. And to do that you do not have to have a lot of time. In a short time you can become your own Guru. You will realise which is good and which is bad, I do not have to tell you anything. I do not have to talk on any wasteful things. If you talk anything wasteful, more than half the people will get up and go in today’s times. That is the reason that you achieve the awakening of the Kundalini and later see what you are. Then you will experience so much of reverence, so much pride and so much respect comes for yourself that a person will not go on the wrong path. There is one more thing in this that you cannot force this on anybody, no force. Because God Almighty has given a lot of freedom. You can go either to hell or heaven, this is dependent on you. That I cannot give. That is the reason, there can be no forcing of any kind on this. Whosoever men or women do not want their self-realisation can please go away. They can please go from here and they need not sit and watch others. They may please go and it be of great help to us. I do not have to put a lot of effort with all of you, you will be surprised to know that. The only thing is that all of you should sit down. Now put both your hands towards me like this together drawn like this. I hope you are not wearing any shoes on your legs. Please remove your shoes. Keep both your hands straight towards me. Because these are the 5 chakras, 6 and 7 (Shri Mataji is pointing towards the fingers and the palm). This is sympathetic and para sympathetic on both the sides. And in this you need to achieve this, so keep both your hands like this (palm facing upwards). Now what you will feel, one is that from the top of your head at the fontanel bone area you will feel a cool or hot breeze. Kabirdas has said: ‘Shunya shikhar para anhad baje’ which means ‘At the Summit of Aloneness the Un-struck Anahad Sound Reverberates.’ Here wherever the kundalini throbs, the pulsation you feel on the top of the head and after it opens up you get cool-cool breeze. Sometimes it is hot as well. If you forgive everyone with your full heart then everything will be alright. If you forgive or not, you don’t do anything, but when you don’t forgive, then you start playing into negativity’s hands. You are troubling yourself from which you will get pain very easily. So you forgive everyone together. And the second is that I said that you should keep reverence towards yourself and love, and no one should not think that I am a big sinner, I have done this sin. Whoever tells you that, are themselves big sinners! You are humans, humans will only make mistakes, you are not God. But this all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of love, but more than anything is the ocean of forgiveness. Hence, if you have done any mistake, he will forgive it. Nothing will stop in front of this ocean. Hence you should not belittle yourself in any way and you should forgive everyone. Now put both your hands together in the way I have shown you, drawn like this. You should have faith in yourself, this is the biggest thing. People do not have faith in themselves, so keep faith in yourself. On now keep your eyes closed. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Put your hands towards me like this. Please close your eyes. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Now bow down your head. Now please open your eyes. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please open your eyes. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Please open your eyes. Now keep the right hand towards me. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please put your hand towards me. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: And bow your head and on the top of the fontanel bone area, top means it is called as slightly above the head (‘vishwadanti’), over the top. Keep your left hand over the top if the fontanel bone area. Your head should be bowed down. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please put your right hand towards me and your left hand on top of the fontanel bone area. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: And see that from within, from within your head, any cold or hot breeze is coming out or not. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please see that whether a hot or a cold breeze like energy is coming out of your fontanel bone area. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Bend your heads, heads. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please bend your heads, bend your heads. It is better to bend your heads. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Now put the left hand towards me. If you have gone to Gurus, there is nothing to worry, you all will also be cured. Do not worry at all. Keep your left hand towards me. Bow your heads and check with your right hand if from the fontanel bone area, again, now that area is called as ‘taalu’ if any cool breeze is coming or not. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please put the left hand towards me and with your right hand please see that there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Please don’t put your hand on the top of your head, but away from it. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Now again keep your right hand towards me and the last time bow your head on the fontanel bone area and check if any cool or hot breeze is coming out from your head only. For some it comes very near to the head for some others it comes far away from the head. Now rotate your hands and try moving your hands up and down. Yes. Now both your hands as shown in the picture, keep your hands towards the sky and pushing your head towards the back look towards the sky and ask the question ‘Mother is this the Brahma Chaitanya? Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please put both your hands towards the sky and your head also towards the sky. Now ask the question ‘Mother is this the all-pervading power of divine love? Ask this question. Three times. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Ask 3 times. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Ask 3 times. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Now keep your hands down. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please put your hands like this. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Now look at me and don’t just think anything. As you look at me don’t think. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Please don’t think. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Some of you must be getting from below the palm, they could move the vibrations upwards like shown by Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji is speaking in English: Those who are getting below, put it up. It will come up like that. Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi: Now whoever felt in the hand or the fingers or from the fontanel bone area cold or hot vibrations, all such people should put their hands up. Wow. The people who are sitting on the chairs didn’t get it or what. Wow.. The whole Dehradun, my namaskars to all of you and eternal blessings of your Mother. Now you should increase this, increase this and now us it for the benefit of others as well. You are all very big people those of you who have come here. It is because you all have lots of responsibilities and you have got this, this is also your earned blessings. You have to increase this and have to give it to others. Hence come in the collective, enjoy the collectivity with all. My eternal blessings to you all. Sahaja Yogis in background in chorus are saying ‘Bolo Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai’ ‘Jai’ ‘Jai’ ‘Jai’ ‘Ki Jai’ ‘Ki Jai’ ‘Ki Jai’ ‘Bolo Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai’ ‘Bolo Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai’ ‘Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai’. End of talk in Hindi End of talk [Second version of Hindi translation] Galat guru evam paise ka chakkar! False guru and running after money! Sahaji: I would request Shri Arun Goyal to offer garland to Her Holiness Shri Mataji on behalf of all the Sahaj Yogis of the world. Shri Mataji: It will be nice if you all people will sit. I bow to all the seekers of truth. We search for peace and happiness in this world but do not know where is the source of that happiness. Truth is that we are not this body, intelligence, ego, values, etc. We are pure spirit. This is one truth. And another truth is like you are seeing such beautiful flower decoration over here, you have put so many flowers over here. These flowers are also a miracle, that you sow one seed on this earth and so many beautiful colorful flowers grow. We see it as a miracle. When we ask doctors who are making our heart work, they call it the autonomous nervous system. It is auto. But who this auto is, they can't explain it. With science, you can go to a limit. The research on materialistic things and explain it. But science has its limitations. And the biggest limitation of science is that they have not achieved absolute truth. Because of this science keeps on searching, brings one theory, then another theory, then third theory, and then they discard the first theory. Then they will discard the second theory. Apart from that science does not think about morals. No thought about the morals. So the people who depend only on science, till they will not find the absolute truth, look at their spirit, those who have developed so much, those who are standing like a huge tree, till they will not find the roots, all of this will get destroyed. Everything will be destroyed. Many people are predicting this. Its roots are in your India. In India, people are researching spirit for thousands of years. Many theories came about it. But in the end, they understood that the ultimate aim of human beings is to be one with the spirit. Till we do not achieve this we cannot get any kind of satisfaction or happiness. So the vibrations of god which give us happiness and which we accept are the love of God. In times of science talking about god itself is difficult. But whether you believe it or not, God is there. He only protects the world, he has created it and it is him who does all the live processes around us. It is his powers which we know as Brahmachaitanya. Till now you have not known or experienced it. But today the time has come when you can know it. There is no specialty of mine in this. It is a matter of time. At right time many incarnations, saints, and various visionaries have done their work. But today the time has come when you all et Sahaja Yoga. Sah means with you and Ja means born. Yoga means to integrate with the vibrations of god. And it right of all you. It is your right that you get this because you are human beings. And Humans are the highest amongst all the beings in this world. You talk about animals, birds, or anything else, you are the highest and you have achieved this greatness. Now you have to travel a small distance and then you can achieve it. But India is such a big yoga land, we didn't have to learn anything from Britishers but we have learned a lot from them. Now I see their condition, I think these people used to live in our country with such high status, they forced themselves on us, not their condition is so bad. In a country like England you will be surprised to know that in one week, in a city like London, parents kill two children. Their dirt has not reached you but you shall understand there, there are no values, no recognition of mother or sister, they are moving forward towards doomsday. It has been estimated that in the next ten years 65% of people in America will suffer from dirty diseases. Everyone is becoming hollow from the inside. If we want to save Indians, then we will have to protect the faith, politeness, and dharma inside them. They should know what is right and what is wrong. People in other countries don't know what is right and what is wrong. Still, I am surprised to see that the dirt in which they were stuck, they have stood up and bloomed like a lotus. It is a surprise. And an Indian is stuck. I will tell you something. I went to Kurukshetra. I went there the first time. I thought it is a place of Lord Krishna, here a great battle of dharma was fought, here there will be cleanliness. But in the entire program around fifty people came out and told me that Mataji we went to the wrong gurus and caught from there. We are stressed because of that. Now how will we get vibrations? I said that you should try. One young man had a lot of wrinkles on his entire face. As if tired of drinking alcohol. He came there and sat and said that mother since last fourteen years I am going to Radhaswami, and he has brought me in this condition that now my hands shiver. I asked why you used to go? He said he gave me his name. He just gave him his name and he is shivering. If your guru cannot even give you good health then what is the point of going to such gurus. I gave him a lot of money. I am destroyed. I asked him how did you given money? He said there are big boxes in which we have to put. Guru doesn't speak anything. In such cases, people forget the entire western culture well educated people, politicians, leaders, and surprisingly government servants also go there. They get beaten over there and then come to me. For fourteen fifteen years, till they do not get beaten, they do not get freed from there. Then some others came, people following TM, they were in very bad condition. I was surprised to see them. I asked them what they used to do? They said we did Siddhi yoga. What is that? I knew about it. Poor people. They said that the guru committed that you will rise for three feet and till three feet you can walk. What is the need for it? You have enough motor cars, why do you need to move at these three feet. In America, there is a person, Praveen Mehta, or I think Chopra, who said that mental strength is so powerful that I have given a pendulum in his hand and I will bring back the pendulum with my mental strength. I said have you come in this world to move the pendulum. Is this only your skills to move the pendulum? Thousands of people follow him. And even Indians. Americans are fools I understand but I don’t understand why Indians want to move pendulums. We all know that people use black magic to attract others, mesmerize others. We all know this. Despite knowing all this why do Indians fall into this trap? In the trap of false gurus, I don’t understand. And it is told by many saints. Nanak Sahab has given one complete chapter about how to recognize the guru. There are a lot of negativities in Dehradun. I recognized it the moment I came here. Oh my god. If negativity will be so much then tomorrow where will your kids go, what will happen to you, how your business will work? You people don’t think about anything? You are running behind a black magician. As a mother, I feel anxious. You people are so nice. Because of so many good deeds of the past, you are born in this country. And now when you are searching, you go to such cunning people about whom you don’t know anything. I have seen a person like Rajneesh prospering in this Kurukshetra. He was such a bad person. He did not have any values. I know how he died. He was suffering from aids. People run after such bad people. It is something to be understood. The gurus who came, like guru Nanak Sahab, he has told so many things, you don’t listen to them. And there are so many other gurus like Kabir, In Maharashtra also there are so many great gurus, you don’t listen to any of them. And you run behind these useless people who take money from you. Can you buy god? I feel so anxious because of this, that all this will take India towards doom. When big people run behind the popular person, who is popular, then what will happen to this country? How poverty will go from here? Wherever there is black magic, their poverty will come. Now people have started drinking alcohol. It is better than false gurus. You can get rid of that. In Sahaja yoga when you will witness your spirit, you will realize how great, valuable, and the moral person you are. Right now you don’t know who you are. Just imagine you take television in a jungle. And tell them that it is a magic box and you can see movies on it. They will say what kind of box you have brought and how is it possible. The moment it is connected to the mains you see how amazing it is. In the same way, when you get connected to param Chaitanya, you realize how amazing you are. You will see how many powers you have. And you get all this in Sahaj. But the problem is that you want to go to such a place where you lose everything, where you lose your health. At Radhaswami so many people got trouble in their hearts. He died of a heart attack and his followers also die of heart attacks. First, find out how many of his followers have died due to heart attacks. Someone first finds out. You go there in blind faith. They say it is a big organization. So I asked who are you in that organization? Why are you fighting on their behalf? What did you get from there? The first thing you should think about is that a person who talks about the guru, Nanak Sahab has said it clearly, Guru is a person who connects you with the divine. ( Guru wahi jo sahib milai.) A person who makes you meet the god is the only guru, no one else. But, surprisingly, these people earn money and based on money, I don't know how they but people. Like they buy a newspaper. And people printing the newspaper do not have any shame or compassion that these people are cheating so many people, they should print some truth about them. And when they come to me, they will write that there was carpet spread and all such things. Is this my carpet? If I have carpet and I have spread it, so what I have taken yours? And someone who will give them money will write all the good things about them. This money has put other countries in such a recession that they cannot get up now. Can this money give you happiness or joy? You will fight for money. This is a very big misconception that if we get the money we will become happy. I haven't seen anyone. But the spirit which can give you everything, why not attain it. All kinds of blessings cannot be counted. When you get all this then why not accept it. But I have seen that sensitivity that should be there towards god or spirituality has decreased a lot. There is no sensitivity in human beings. He cannot feel anything that who is a fraud and who is not. He cannot understand. This is something amazing. We have so many religions and gods. Look at Russia, people have come here also. Where no one has ever taken the name of God, where there is no religion, they are not concerned about anything, they have done an amazing job. They have sent off all the fraud gurus from their country, but for me, in every village, there are 20 to 22 thousand Sahaj yogis. How does this happen? Because they do not run after money or materialism. They don't have time for all this. And America is just the opposite. They have money. Now they keep thinking about where to invest it. One person went to America, I am telling you this because you people will not go, even if you go it is not a good place. He was a very rich person. He said mother come to my house. He insisted so I went. Then he showed me that I have made this, that, and I have a lot of money. He said go carefully in the bathroom. There is a button which pressed, can directly take you inside the swimming pool. I said I am from a village I want to go to a simple bathroom. Then he said that this bed has buttons that will raise your legs or head. I asked why your body does not move or what? Why do you want this kind of bed? I will sleep on the floor; I don’t need this bed. People who spend their money like this are stupid. They are very advanced in stupidity. You must have learned about Elizabeth Tailor. She had done eight marriages. We would not have looked at the face of such a woman. 4000 to 5000 people reached there to see her as she was going on her honeymoon. She married a labor who was twenty years younger than her. She did a wonderful job. So three to four thousand people went there. And around ten helicopters were circling on the top and people were landing by parachutes with cameras in their hands. They were falling on trees or other people. We will not find four such stupid people in our country. We have that much wisdom. Even they have brains but they do not use their wisdom. These gurus have made a lot of money. Someone has ten crores, some have 50 crores. And how did they die if we ask then we will see they have suffered a lot while dying. Their secrets of fraud are out. People who have given them money are on road. Their children are thrown out of school. They don't have money to eat. Indians have that many brains whom to make their gurus. And in this country, we have so many great people. There are many great people. Whose name should I take and who's not. In 1942 I have also done a lot of work. We fought till we got independence. And every one of that time was like that only. And today they are not here to see what we have made out of our freedom. It is related to everything. With our social and political life. It is related to everything. Because all the problems and questions of the world are due to human beings. If human beings are alright then there will be no question at all. And if he finds the absolute truth then what will be the reason for argument or fight. When everyone is looking at one thing. Now I am sitting in front of you, then you all are seeing it. Who will fight that no mother is not here? When all are seeing one thing with one eye then who will fight. But with your eyes, you are seeing one thing over here, one thing there, then a fight will happen. It won't happen till realization does not take place. The wars will not get over. They will talk about peace. I know people who have got a peace award but they have so much temper that the moment you will say something to them they will attack you. It is just to say that they have got a peace award. People who do not have peace or love in their hearts, will they have peace. But one of the most important things which we need to understand is that we are not capable. Many people think that they come out of it, but they are not able to come out of it. Because they do not have that power by which they stand on their own feet. Many foreigners over here, thank god they do not understand our language, they used to drink a lot of alcohol and take drugs. Many rich people. They had symptoms of all the rich people. But in one night, after getting their realization they changed. They were so stubborn. It can be explained by an example, that if there is darkness and you have a snake in your hand, you think it is a rope. I tell you it is a snake but you will not leave it till it will bite us. But the moment we get a little bit of light inside us, we will leave it immediately. In the same way, we can leave everything, all the problems will also leave. All the problems in this world are due to human beings and all the problems of human beings are due to its chakras. You have been told about your chakras. And by these, you can get internal knowledge. I just hope you all get self-realization. All of you should get its knowledge, if some connections are lost it will get repaired. You need to become collective. Now you will say I live in y house, how should I go, there is a small center, then nothing will work. Like if a nail is cut, it won't grow big. In the same way, if you are doing Sahaj Yoga only in your house then you cannot progress. There will be no growth. So you need to become humble and go to your nearest center. But there also you don't need to give any money. All the knowledge is yours, you just need to attain it. It is your power that will get awakened. What I have to take in it. If one lamp lights, you can light many other lamps from it. That one lamp is not doing any favor. You people are ready now. You are seekers and it is your right to attain it. You need to happen. There are people from Kurukshetra, if you will not attain it tonight, you can go to the center. And I say no one cannot attain it. Everyone can get self-realization. It is a blossom time. And earlier gurus also used to give it to their followers. But one guru used to give to one disciple, but now in Sahaja Yoga thousands of people are getting their self-realization. Now we have to see how many of these people establish themselves. As Jesus had said, some seeds have sprouted but they fell on the sand, some dried on the mountains while some fell on fertile land and became tress. Here you have your forest and there are beautiful trees over here. I would like you, people, to help thousands of people. Many people have a pure desire, have worked for that, put them on the right path and show them a reality. I have a lot of expectations from this country, if Sahaja yoga spreads over here then all the questions will be solved at once. Even the problem of money will also be solved. In London, there is so much unemployment but there is no Sahaja yogi who does not have a job. Anyone who comes in Sahaja yoga gets a job. Because the government of these vibrations is just awesome, they will make everything associated with your so beautiful, even small things also workout so beautifully, you will say how it happened. About Dehradun, people say that people over here are quite British, they will not be able to establish themselves in Sahaja Yoga. But when Britishers in England have come to Sahaja Yoga then why the people over here will not be able to come. People say all men over here are high profile. Many high-profile men have come and they are sitting here. So why you people will not come, heart, you are Indian. It is a time of great pride, the time has come when you have to achieve it. You cannot do it by a lot of analysis. If you will say how this happened or that happened, there is no answer to that. If you say how this flower is made, can you tell how it is made? It is a live process, how will you explain. Many doctors know that by Sahaj yoga many diseases get cured. Your leader over here had blood cancer, he got cured. I didn't do it. In the same way, your mental condition stabilizes. Your intellectual condition improves, social, professional and the most important spiritual condition improves. It is the source of joy. You get love, compassion, empathy for all, it flows from you and you enjoy it so much. A person becomes so satisfied. He just becomes a messenger of God. All of you are capable of it and you all deserve it. Forgive me I have come for only one day this time. But next time I will come for a longer time. Last time I was here for three days, but all three days people came to get their diseases cured. They didn’t come for anything else. Not a single seeker came. I thought only sick people live here. And then they don’t establish in Sahaja Yoga. Now you should have common sense also. The lamps which will not light, what’s the point in repairing them. We should repair the lamps which will light. Today I am seeing many healthy people over here, so I am happy. Now what should they do after getting it, I would say just have fun. You should do meditation for some time every day. What to do in meditation, people over here can tell you. I have given thousands of lectures in Hindi and other languages. The first stage which you should achieve is thoughtless awareness. You become thoughtless, you don't have any thoughts. And the second stage is absolute awareness where you don't have any option. Wherever you go you deserve self-realization. At the time, some people due to their depth or good deeds of past, get both the conditions together at once. But by trying, anyone can et it. And see what happens after that. What shall I tell you, what can happen and what has happened? You must have heard the name of Amjad Ali Khan, he didn't use to play music nicely earlier, but now he is so popular. [name unclear] also was the same. There are many people, Hindus, Muslims, Sufis everyone has attained it. In this way, they have understood that we people think we are different but we are part of the same god. So the new dimension which you get is collective consciousness. In this way, you will know about the chakras of yourself as well as others. If you can heal your chakras and chakras of others, then you can help everyone. And you don't take a lot of time for that. In a small time, you will become your guru and realize what is good and bad. I don't say no to anything to anyone. The moment I will say no people will go. Who will listen in today's world? So you should awaken your kundalini and see how it is happening. Then you get so much pride and belief in yourself, that no one goes on the wrong path. One more thing is there in it, there can be no force in it. No one can force you. God has given you the freedom that you either go In heaven or hell. That I cannot take. There can be no force of any type in this. The ladies and gentlemen who do not want self-realization please go from here. They do not need to sit here and watch others. Just leave from here, that will be a big favor to me. Surprisingly, I don't need to work very hard with you people. You just sit down. Just keep your hands in front of me. Hope you are not wearing your shoes. Remove your shoes. Keep your hands straight in front of me. The five chakras, sixth and seventh are the endings of sympathy. And you have to attain in this. So keep your hand like this. Now, what will you feel? One is that you will feel a cool or warm breeze from your fontanelle bone. Kabeerdasji has said “shunya shikhar par anahad baje". First, the kundalini knocks over here so you feel the pulsation and after that, once the Sahasrara is open you feel the cool breeze. Sometimes you feel a warm breeze also. But if you forgive everyone with your heart then everything is sorted out. Whether you forgive or not, you do not do anything, but when you do not forgive you play in the wrong hands. You are harassing yourself, the other person is having fun. So you forgive everyone. The second thing is to have faith and love for yourself. Don't think I am a sinner and I have done a lot of sins. Don't think that. You are a human being. Humans do mistakes, you are not a god. This divine cool breeze is an ocean of knowledge, an ocean of love but the biggest of all it is an ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistake you do, just forgive yourself. Nobody will be left. Don’t pull yourself down in front of this ocean. And forgive others also. People should have faith in themselves. This is very important. People should have faith in themselves. Now you people close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Put your hands towards me like this and please close your eyes. Now bow down your heads. [Shri Mataji giving realization] Now please open your eyes. Now keep your right hand towards me. Bow down your head, and put your left hand two to three inches above your head. Please put your right hand towards me and your left hand on top of the fontanelle bone area. Please see if hot or cold breeze-like energy is coming from your fontanelle bone area. Please bend your heads. It is better to bend your head. Now put your left hand towards me. If you have been to gurus, even then there is no problem. It will be alright. Keep your left hands towards me. Now see from your right hand that from the fontanelle bone hot or cool breeze is coming or not. Keep your right hand two inches away from your head and see. Now again put your right hand towards me and see from your left hand. Some people get it near, some people can feel the breeze to a distance. Move your hands and feel. Not put both your hands and head towards the sky and ask the question, mother! Is this all-pervading power of divine love? Ask it three times. Now bring down your hands keep them like this. Look at me without any thoughts. Those who are feeling the breeze beneath the palms can pull it up like this. Now all those who have felt the hot or cool breeze in their hands or fontanelle bone, please raise their hands. Great! People sitting on the chairs did not feel it? Great! Entire Dehradun. Now you people spread it. You are great people who have come here. You have a lot of responsibilities. It is the wealth you have earned. So come in collective and enjoy it in collective. May God bless you all. Adi shakti mataji Shri Nirmala devi ki jai.
Shri Ganesha Puja: All people are one
English, Hindi
Shri Ganesha Puja. Chhindwara (India), 18 December 1993. English Talk I’m sorry I was delayed. We’re supposed to see the collector and the thaisindar [tax officer?] as they call him. They have done so much for us, so much they have organized, all the way in the - officially they have done so well that I had to wait for them to thank them very much. I think it’s not very much hot for you. See the wind is blowing, can you imagine and, if you see, there’s no leaves - leaves are not moving. (Applause.) You always used to go and sit in the sun, so now here it is. You better have some of it. I hope you all enjoyed your stay in Jabalpur and the visit to Jabalpur. It was quite interesting. Some people have not yet arrived. I’m sorry to say they haven’t been able to arrive from Bombay. I think they are more Bombayites, not from the foreign countries, but otherwise I think all of you are here. It’s very unusual thing to happen like this, you see. This - My father built this house about eighty years back. He was very imaginative and fond of guests, so he also put up guest bedrooms and guest bathrooms, such, and it was a hill station. Now, of course, because of crowdedness , very cold and hill station, so people used to come. His friends used to come from Nagpur, so he had made arrangements for them. There were no hotels or anything, so they used to have [arrangements]. And people of this place are extremely hospitable, very hospitable. So, it was his idea that he should have a house here where his guests would be. His brother had a big house, but it was joined and he couldn’t receive his guests, so he thought it’s better to build the house here. And behind was a huge, big compound bigger than this, which I’ve seen. I was only four years of age when we went away from here, but I remember each and every thing about this house and everything about Chhindwara. You know, My memory is unusually very, very sharp. I mean, I remember even My birth, is to that extent. (Mother laughs - applause.) But I never knew that there will be so many saints coming to visit this place of My birth. I never expected that there would be so many people who will take to Sahaja Yoga in My lifetime because when I was born, I found people were so blind. I thought, "How will I talk about Sahaja Yoga? What will I do? How will it work out?" It’s very difficult. My father knew about My Mission and he told Me that, "You’d better find out a way by which you can give realization en masse" - that was important - "because even if you give realization, one person is of no use. Also you should not write anything because You don’t create another Bible, Gita, Koran because books also bind them. So best thing is that You should take to search of human beings, why they can’t get their en masse realization, because now You have come for that purpose." Somehow I worked it out and really it was surprising. I was really, was not thinking to open Sahasrara, but I was literally forced into it and it worked out. It’s working out. You can see all of you are here. It’s very amazing thing that can happen to someone like this that in the lifetime only you have come here to see this birthplace of Mine. It was such, such vibrations that My Sahasrara became completely jammed with vibrations. It’s so cold inside and outside was so hot, that I didn't know what was happening. So I’m happy all of you could come and see this place. And a very humble house it was, but in those days it was the most, I mean, well planned house as such and was very much appreciated by people. And after that four years I was here and then we went to Nagpur because we had -My father had a big practice in Nagpur. He had to go many times down, so they thought it is better to go. There also he had many houses and Babamama is going to take you round to see those houses. He says he’ll find out time to see wherever I have lived. But Nagpur also is very vibrated place. You can feel it. People are very quiet. It’s a very quiet place. So this is a very novel thing. I don't think it was happening in the lifetime of any one of the incarnations who came on this Earth. Even for Rama's janmabhumi [birthplace] they are fighting even today. So you can imagine. Thank God we have got this place in a way. It’s not yet ours, but in a way we are there and maybe with your good wishes we'll own it very soon. Today's puja I thought was best to have Shri Ganesha Puja in a short way because the first puja here and I was born here, so is better that we should have a Ganesha Puja. It would be a nice thing to start with. And we have a doctor here. They are all Sahaja Yogis and they are going to help us to do the curing. Actually, I always thought which is the place where people will get cured, so now we'll send all of them here to get cured. It was a jungle here. All around was jungles, hills, but I think all that’s finished and broken now. And we used to get tigers and things. A little far away from here is a place called Tamia where they could see tigers, but now they are there, no doubt, but they are saying that nobody’s now going that side. They all go to some reserve places which you have seen yourself, also Kanha Kisli. I hope you enjoyed. How did you enjoy Kanha Kisli? (Applause.) And the River Narmada I was told also you enjoyed very much. I’m happy this has happened. It was a little circuitous and quite different from all the tours we have had so far but I am happy you all have enjoyed it. I have said so many things about Shri Ganesh, I don't know what to say now, anymore. But all of you have seen that place. Now see this breeze is coming from where? I don't know. You are sending breeze to Me, instead of I doing it. (End of English portion of talk.) Translation from Hindi I am very happy to see all the people of this place, and also from all parts of the country. I am also happy that in My lifetime, this birthplace of Mine is being given so much importance. I am also happy that people from outside India, from 60 countries, have come to Chhindwara. Now, this Chhindwara of yours, is going to become a Heritage Site (Kshetra Sthan), and many more people will come here to visit, and to stay here. These are all now saints. They have become like saints, and their way of living has also become like sages and saints. They can live anywhere, they can sleep anywhere, they can eat anything, without any complaints. Whereas in their countries they live a lifestyle of comfort and luxury. But they have no demands here. They are happy in any situation. In the same way a lot of yogis have come from different cities of India. They have come from Madras, some have come from Hyderabad. Vishakapatnam is so far away, but from there also they have come. They have come from Mumbai, from Pune, and of course, from Delhi. Lots of yogis have come from Delhi, from Lucknow; from every possible place. Even from Punjab people have come. In this way, from this country also, people have come from many places, and they have all gathered here to perform a Puja. It is a very good thing if all the people of this country become united. There is a lot of fighting and misunderstanding going on between all of them. With this kind of collective gathering, we can have an end to all conflicts. And it is very necessary for this to happen. When you recognise your inner Dharma (religion) then you realise that all people are one. Here there is no Mutt (monastery), or like all the big gurus, organised establishments. We do not have all these trappings. Nor do we have any organisation with priests, and heads, or anything. Everything happens by itself in a very simple way. In this whole country, if we can have a situation where everybody becomes a saint, then there will be no problem of any kind. All the problems and troubles of our country will dissolve and disappear. These people have no problems. All their difficulties about jobs, money, health – both physical and mental, have all been removed. And they are endowed with so many blessings, that they are wondering, how did all this come about. There is nothing amazing; because the time has come for this to happen to everyone. It has to happen in Chhindwara, and it has to happen in every other place also. And it should be beneficial to everyone. We have started a Center over here. The people of Chhindwara should definitely come to this center, and become a part of the center; and they will find that it is not difficult to get their self realization. It can happen in one moment. All that was said by Kabir and Nanaka, all what was said by Christ and Mohammed Sahib, that will get actualized. Because the time has come, and everyone should take advantage of the present times. Especially since My birthplace is here. So for you this is a special place. I can only see vibrations, Chaitanya, all around. The whole firmament (sky) is covered with Chaitanya. You must try to understand this great happening, and accept it. There is no consideration of birth, caste or clan, or creed. Everyone is entitled to receive the joy of this blessing. My blessings to all of you.
Shri Ganesha Puja. Chhindwara (India), 18 December 1993. English Talk I’m sorry I was delayed. We’re supposed to see the collector and the thaisindar [tax officer?] as they call him. They have done so much for us, so much they have organized, all the way in the - officially they have done so well that I had to wait for them to thank them very much. I think it’s not very much hot for you. See the wind is blowing, can you imagine and, if you see, there’s no leaves - leaves are not moving. (Applause.) You always used to go and sit in the sun, so now here it is. You better have some of it. I hope you all enjoyed your stay in Jabalpur and the visit to Jabalpur. It was quite interesting. Some people have not yet arrived. I’m sorry to say they haven’t been able to arrive from Bombay. I think they are more Bombayites, not from the foreign countries, but otherwise I think all of you are here. It’s very unusual thing to happen like this, you see. This - My father built this house about eighty years back. He was very imaginative and fond of guests, so he also put up guest bedrooms and guest bathrooms, such, and it was a hill station. Now, of course, because of crowdedness , very cold and hill station, so people used to come. His friends used to come from Nagpur, so he had made arrangements for them. There were no hotels or anything, so they used to have [arrangements]. And people of this place are extremely hospitable, very hospitable. So, it was his idea that he should have a house here where his guests would be. His brother had a big house, but it was joined and he couldn’t receive his guests, so he thought it’s better to build the house here. And behind was a huge, big compound bigger than this, which I’ve seen. I was only four years of age when we went away from here, but I remember each and every thing about this house and everything about Chhindwara. You know, My memory is unusually very, very sharp. I mean, I remember even My birth, is to that extent. (Mother laughs - applause.) But I never knew that there will be so many saints coming to visit this place of My birth. I never expected that there would be so many people who will take to Sahaja Yoga in My lifetime because when I was born, I found people were so blind. I thought, "How will I talk about Sahaja Yoga? What will I do? How will it work out?" It’s very difficult. My father knew about My Mission and he told Me that, "You’d better find out a way by which you can give realization en masse" - that was important - "because even if you give realization, one person is of no use. Also you should not write anything because You don’t create another Bible, Gita, Koran because books also bind them. So best thing is that You should take to search of human beings, why they can’t get their en masse realization, because now You have come for that purpose." Somehow I worked it out and really it was surprising. I was really, was not thinking to open Sahasrara, but I was literally forced into it and it worked out. It’s working out. You can see all of you are here. It’s very amazing thing that can happen to someone like this that in the lifetime only you have come here to see this birthplace of Mine. It was such, such vibrations that My Sahasrara became completely jammed with vibrations. It’s so cold inside and outside was so hot, that I didn't know what was happening. So I’m happy all of you could come and see this place. And a very humble house it was, but in those days it was the most, I mean, well planned house as such and was very much appreciated by people. And after that four years I was here and then we went to Nagpur because we had -My father had a big practice in Nagpur. He had to go many times down, so they thought it is better to go. There also he had many houses and Babamama is going to take you round to see those houses. He says he’ll find out time to see wherever I have lived. But Nagpur also is very vibrated place. You can feel it. People are very quiet. It’s a very quiet place. So this is a very novel thing. I don't think it was happening in the lifetime of any one of the incarnations who came on this Earth. Even for Rama's janmabhumi [birthplace] they are fighting even today. So you can imagine. Thank God we have got this place in a way. It’s not yet ours, but in a way we are there and maybe with your good wishes we'll own it very soon. Today's puja I thought was best to have Shri Ganesha Puja in a short way because the first puja here and I was born here, so is better that we should have a Ganesha Puja. It would be a nice thing to start with. And we have a doctor here. They are all Sahaja Yogis and they are going to help us to do the curing. Actually, I always thought which is the place where people will get cured, so now we'll send all of them here to get cured. It was a jungle here. All around was jungles, hills, but I think all that’s finished and broken now. And we used to get tigers and things. A little far away from here is a place called Tamia where they could see tigers, but now they are there, no doubt, but they are saying that nobody’s now going that side. They all go to some reserve places which you have seen yourself, also Kanha Kisli. I hope you enjoyed. How did you enjoy Kanha Kisli? (Applause.) And the River Narmada I was told also you enjoyed very much. I’m happy this has happened. It was a little circuitous and quite different from all the tours we have had so far but I am happy you all have enjoyed it. I have said so many things about Shri Ganesh, I don't know what to say now, anymore. But all of you have seen that place. Now see this breeze is coming from where? I don't know. You are sending breeze to Me, instead of I doing it. (End of English portion of talk.) Translation from Hindi I am very happy to see all the people of this place, and also from all parts of the country. I am also happy that in My lifetime, this birthplace of Mine is being given so much importance. I am also happy that people from outside India, from 60 countries, have come to Chhindwara. Now, this Chhindwara of yours, is going to become a Heritage Site (Kshetra Sthan), and many more people will come here to visit, and to stay here. These are all now saints. They have become like saints, and their way of living has also become like sages and saints. They can live anywhere, they can sleep anywhere, they can eat anything, without any complaints. Whereas in their countries they live a lifestyle of comfort and luxury. But they have no demands here. They are happy in any situation. In the same way a lot of yogis have come from different cities of India. They have come from Madras, some have come from Hyderabad. Vishakapatnam is so far away, but from there also they have come. They have come from Mumbai, from Pune, and of course, from Delhi. Lots of yogis have come from Delhi, from Lucknow; from every possible place. Even from Punjab people have come. In this way, from this country also, people have come from many places, and they have all gathered here to perform a Puja. It is a very good thing if all the people of this country become united. There is a lot of fighting and misunderstanding going on between all of them. With this kind of collective gathering, we can have an end to all conflicts. And it is very necessary for this to happen. When you recognise your inner Dharma (religion) then you realise that all people are one. Here there is no Mutt (monastery), or like all the big gurus, organised establishments. We do not have all these trappings. Nor do we have any organisation with priests, and heads, or anything. Everything happens by itself in a very simple way. In this whole country, if we can have a situation where everybody becomes a saint, then there will be no problem of any kind. All the problems and troubles of our country will dissolve and disappear. These people have no problems. All their difficulties about jobs, money, health – both physical and mental, have all been removed. And they are endowed with so many blessings, that they are wondering, how did all this come about. There is nothing amazing; because the time has come for this to happen to everyone. It has to happen in Chhindwara, and it has to happen in every other place also. And it should be beneficial to everyone. We have started a Center over here. The people of Chhindwara should definitely come to this center, and become a part of the center; and they will find that it is not difficult to get their self realization. It can happen in one moment. All that was said by Kabir and Nanaka, all what was said by Christ and Mohammed Sahib, that will get actualized. Because the time has come, and everyone should take advantage of the present times. Especially since My birthplace is here. So for you this is a special place. I can only see vibrations, Chaitanya, all around. The whole firmament (sky) is covered with Chaitanya. You must try to understand this great happening, and accept it. There is no consideration of birth, caste or clan, or creed. Everyone is entitled to receive the joy of this blessing. My blessings to all of you.
Weddings Announcements
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Transcription of Wedding announcement program; 1993-1220, Pune, India (…) are unidentified words. Live music playing in the presence of H.H. Shree Mataji. 24:47 Crowd clapping.. 25:30 H.H. Shree Mataji speaks; 25: 27 “ Welcome to India. “ 25:37 “And welcome to Pratishtan” 26:13 “ I hope you enjoyed your sleep” 26:15 Crowd clapping. 26:28 “….., Gujrat because Shri Krishna was the ruler or the king of that place. While the Gujratis are not in Sahaja Yoga." 26: 43 “And I was happy to know there was 1000 people for the program and the program was quite successful but somehow rather gujratis are not so much in Sahaja Yoga and there have been calamities there.” 27:03 “So I thought if you all saints go there, it might help them …. their evolution.” 27:22 “Actually I wanted you to sit in the hall so that it would be cooler than this place but they said we have made this for you. I hope you are comfortable.” 27:57 “ Our trains are so much funny also. They take so much time. Sometimes they are 16 hours late. You had lots of problems because it was your own train but still because of traffic on the way.” 28:19 “On the whole, ( Mother speaks Hindi or marathi and is asking for something.) 28:50 “So the Pune people are going to give you a treat and the cooks have been there for the whole night working very hard, I don’t know. Only always be careful about water, I’ve told you, you shouldn’t take water anywhere. Any liquid of that kind. Try to be careful. Those days are gone that everybody who came to India used to have a liver trouble. I think they are better now, they are immuned. Or perhaps their livers are better.” 29:35 “Only another request is that, you should not form groups. Group forming is responsible for all our ……. You should not form a group that…” 30:42 “I'm sorry I can’t speak that loudly ].” 30:50 Shree Mataji asks something in Hindi or Marathi.. 31:28 “Our boys are very tall. 31:34 So those boys who are above 6:2 or 6:3 or … also are willing to marry short ladies, who are 5 or little above 5 or less than 5. Then we can organise. It is very …. what to do.” 32:01 “But it doesn’t matter in Sahaja Yoga isn’t it?…. Doesn’t matter.” 32:14 “So we were thinking of announcing certain marriages that we thought because height also I thought is important in a way but see my husband is so tall, I am not so tall.” 32:33 “But in my own times I was a tall person tall girl. But he was so exceptionally tall that they said has to marry any dutch girl or maybe from America. Which he was quite frightened of at that time. He said it doesn’t matter I … anything. I would not marry outside India. Now it’s different. Because Sahaja Yoga is different.” 33:05 “So those boys who have such heights. We are sorry, we couldn’t arrange their marriages. Neither the girls who are very short. Mostly the girls who are shorter Indian I think mostly, and the Western girls who are there are, I would say, age wise, are very much more. So I don’t know what to do. It’s a big…” 33:38 “Despite everything, they’ve worked hard and we’ll do it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow for two days but you can have a look at it you see.” 33:53 Shree Mataji talks to someone. 34:17 “Even the small things work you know.” 34:20 Croud laughs. 34:34 Calling of names of matched couples starts. 47:49 “Now, Antonio tells me that the tall boys are quite willing to marry shorter girls. 47:59 The reason is, they are all very young, 23, 24 but very tall. And girls of that age group are all short but he said they are very happy and they felt that I am so concerned about the heights you see. You can … the height by heels also sometimes ! “ 48:18 Croud laughs. 49:05 Sir CP talks 53:31 End
Transcription of Wedding announcement program; 1993-1220, Pune, India (…) are unidentified words. Live music playing in the presence of H.H. Shree Mataji. 24:47 Crowd clapping.. 25:30 H.H. Shree Mataji speaks; 25: 27 “ Welcome to India. “ 25:37 “And welcome to Pratishtan” 26:13 “ I hope you enjoyed your sleep” 26:15 Crowd clapping. 26:28 “….., Gujrat because Shri Krishna was the ruler or the king of that place. While the Gujratis are not in Sahaja Yoga." 26: 43 “And I was happy to know there was 1000 people for the program and the program was quite successful but somehow rather gujratis are not so much in Sahaja Yoga and there have been calamities there.” 27:03 “So I thought if you all saints go there, it might help them …. their evolution.” 27:22 “Actually I wanted you to sit in the hall so that it would be cooler than this place but they said we have made this for you. I hope you are comfortable.” 27:57 “ Our trains are so much funny also. They take so much time. Sometimes they are 16 hours late. You had lots of problems because it was your own train but still because of traffic on the way.” 28:19 “On the whole, ( Mother speaks Hindi or marathi and is asking for something.) 28:50 “So the Pune people are going to give you a treat and the cooks have been there for the whole night working very hard, I don’t know. Only always be careful about water, I’ve told you, you shouldn’t take water anywhere. Any liquid of that kind. Try to be careful. Those days are gone that everybody who came to India used to have a liver trouble. I think they are better now, they are immuned. Or perhaps their livers are better.” 29:35 “Only another request is that, you should not form groups. Group forming is responsible for all our ……. You should not form a group that…” 30:42 “I'm sorry I can’t speak that loudly ].” 30:50 Shree Mataji asks something in Hindi or Marathi.. 31:28 “Our boys are very tall. 31:34 So those boys who are above 6:2 or 6:3 or … also are willing to marry short ladies, who are 5 or little above 5 or less than 5. Then we can organise. It is very …. what to do.” 32:01 “But it doesn’t matter in Sahaja Yoga isn’t it?…. Doesn’t matter.” 32:14 “So we were thinking of announcing certain marriages that we thought because height also I thought is important in a way but see my husband is so tall, I am not so tall.” 32:33 “But in my own times I was a tall person tall girl. But he was so exceptionally tall that they said has to marry any dutch girl or maybe from America. Which he was quite frightened of at that time. He said it doesn’t matter I … anything. I would not marry outside India. Now it’s different. Because Sahaja Yoga is different.” 33:05 “So those boys who have such heights. We are sorry, we couldn’t arrange their marriages. Neither the girls who are very short. Mostly the girls who are shorter Indian I think mostly, and the Western girls who are there are, I would say, age wise, are very much more. So I don’t know what to do. It’s a big…” 33:38 “Despite everything, they’ve worked hard and we’ll do it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow for two days but you can have a look at it you see.” 33:53 Shree Mataji talks to someone. 34:17 “Even the small things work you know.” 34:20 Croud laughs. 34:34 Calling of names of matched couples starts. 47:49 “Now, Antonio tells me that the tall boys are quite willing to marry shorter girls. 47:59 The reason is, they are all very young, 23, 24 but very tall. And girls of that age group are all short but he said they are very happy and they felt that I am so concerned about the heights you see. You can … the height by heels also sometimes ! “ 48:18 Croud laughs. 49:05 Sir CP talks 53:31 End
Evening Program and Talk About Marriages
Evening Program
1993-12-24 India Tour: Talk About Marriages - After Music Program I was very happy to learn that this morning the meditation was done very well collectively. My attention was there on you. We are now going to announce the marriages, the remaining ones today. Before that, I've to say the same thing which I've said many times, that there is no compulsion for anyone, not at all, to marry a particular person who we have suggested. If you want, you can say no, completely, or you can say "Mother, change it". Whatever you say we'll try to do. We have big problems of hights, of education, of culture, and some people say: "We don't want to marry indians", or "we don't want to marry a foreigner", like that. Whatever it was, we have tried to comply with your desires. But of course we could not get all of you married because there were no proper matches for you, but in any case I'm sure by tomorrow we might be able to organize many more. So there is no compulsion about it, absolutely not, till the end. Till the marriages are being performed you have every right to say no, so I don't want you to get married now and later on create problems. Whatever it is, if you think I have done anything for you, or Sahaja Yoga has done for you, then please don't trouble us by thinking about it later on that "We don't want to marry, we didn't like, it was like that", which is more with the western people, I must say. Moreover in India if you marry some indian girls, you see it's very difficult to neutralize such marriages because the whole society will get after Sahaja Yoga, they'll get after My life. They have done so many thing like that, and for somebody who just gets kind of a king in the head and he decides that I will not marry this girl. This is the girl, he's with us, he knows us very well, and then suddenly after getting married he says: "No, no, no, no. I'm in love with somebody else", or something like that nonsensical. It's very difficult for indians to understand this kind of character. So first, you fully understand, know the person. There are still three, four days, meet the person. If you don't want to marry that person, please, please cancel the marriage. We have seen the vibrations, and we have seen other things also, superficial things like hight and education. But it sometimes it happens that it doesn't match because of maybe the age or because of maybe education, so we have adjusted so many cases like that. I must say it's all open. You are not to accept anything again and again, I'll tell you, and make later on somebody miserable, and hurt the person's feelings, or trouble Me. At least you should not trouble Me, that's all I want. You are all welcome to say no. I'm not going to feel bad, at all. It's perfectly alright, you are being honest. But not at the last minute you start cancelling when the girl is standing with the garland in her hands. [Laughs] Ah, they have done it, even after marriages they have done it. I need not tell this to indians because they understand this. Marriage in Sahaja Yoga is not a joke. You are very, very fortunate that these marriages are taking place in My presence in Sahaja Yoga. You must have done lots of punyas to have this marriage. Apart from that, the children you'll get, and the whole blessings you'll get will be very unique and you'll be surprised you'll always feel what Mother has done for you. Then even after marriage, some people try to torture the wife or the wife tortures the husband. This is not Sahaj. In the Sahaj state one should not torture anybody else who is a Sahaja Yogi. You are not allowed to say even a harsh word to somebody who is a Sahaja Yogi. Somebody who calls Me Mother, and later on tries to trouble Me, nothing happens to him, it goes on troubling, troubling, nothing will happen, but if he is not a sahaja yogui, inmediately this Chaitanya punishes. So I keep the maryadas of My love. In the same way, try to understand it's a very holy thing you are doing, and don't go about misbehaving in a manner that all the deities will be angry with you. You can never rise. But if you don't like something, please tell Me. That's much better because, see, there are so many conditionings you have got. We also have done it in a great hurry the whole thing, so maybe, I don't say that we could not have made mistakes. Could have been made some mistakes, in any case take a very, very relaxed attitude towards it. This is now what you'll hear, the names of the people who are remaining, most of them we have announced, some who were left behind we are telling. Unfortunately always the women are more than men. I find it difficult, so one should not feel disappointed. I'm sure it will work out later on. May God bless you.
1993-12-24 India Tour: Talk About Marriages - After Music Program I was very happy to learn that this morning the meditation was done very well collectively. My attention was there on you. We are now going to announce the marriages, the remaining ones today. Before that, I've to say the same thing which I've said many times, that there is no compulsion for anyone, not at all, to marry a particular person who we have suggested. If you want, you can say no, completely, or you can say "Mother, change it". Whatever you say we'll try to do. We have big problems of hights, of education, of culture, and some people say: "We don't want to marry indians", or "we don't want to marry a foreigner", like that. Whatever it was, we have tried to comply with your desires. But of course we could not get all of you married because there were no proper matches for you, but in any case I'm sure by tomorrow we might be able to organize many more. So there is no compulsion about it, absolutely not, till the end. Till the marriages are being performed you have every right to say no, so I don't want you to get married now and later on create problems. Whatever it is, if you think I have done anything for you, or Sahaja Yoga has done for you, then please don't trouble us by thinking about it later on that "We don't want to marry, we didn't like, it was like that", which is more with the western people, I must say. Moreover in India if you marry some indian girls, you see it's very difficult to neutralize such marriages because the whole society will get after Sahaja Yoga, they'll get after My life. They have done so many thing like that, and for somebody who just gets kind of a king in the head and he decides that I will not marry this girl. This is the girl, he's with us, he knows us very well, and then suddenly after getting married he says: "No, no, no, no. I'm in love with somebody else", or something like that nonsensical. It's very difficult for indians to understand this kind of character. So first, you fully understand, know the person. There are still three, four days, meet the person. If you don't want to marry that person, please, please cancel the marriage. We have seen the vibrations, and we have seen other things also, superficial things like hight and education. But it sometimes it happens that it doesn't match because of maybe the age or because of maybe education, so we have adjusted so many cases like that. I must say it's all open. You are not to accept anything again and again, I'll tell you, and make later on somebody miserable, and hurt the person's feelings, or trouble Me. At least you should not trouble Me, that's all I want. You are all welcome to say no. I'm not going to feel bad, at all. It's perfectly alright, you are being honest. But not at the last minute you start cancelling when the girl is standing with the garland in her hands. [Laughs] Ah, they have done it, even after marriages they have done it. I need not tell this to indians because they understand this. Marriage in Sahaja Yoga is not a joke. You are very, very fortunate that these marriages are taking place in My presence in Sahaja Yoga. You must have done lots of punyas to have this marriage. Apart from that, the children you'll get, and the whole blessings you'll get will be very unique and you'll be surprised you'll always feel what Mother has done for you. Then even after marriage, some people try to torture the wife or the wife tortures the husband. This is not Sahaj. In the Sahaj state one should not torture anybody else who is a Sahaja Yogi. You are not allowed to say even a harsh word to somebody who is a Sahaja Yogi. Somebody who calls Me Mother, and later on tries to trouble Me, nothing happens to him, it goes on troubling, troubling, nothing will happen, but if he is not a sahaja yogui, inmediately this Chaitanya punishes. So I keep the maryadas of My love. In the same way, try to understand it's a very holy thing you are doing, and don't go about misbehaving in a manner that all the deities will be angry with you. You can never rise. But if you don't like something, please tell Me. That's much better because, see, there are so many conditionings you have got. We also have done it in a great hurry the whole thing, so maybe, I don't say that we could not have made mistakes. Could have been made some mistakes, in any case take a very, very relaxed attitude towards it. This is now what you'll hear, the names of the people who are remaining, most of them we have announced, some who were left behind we are telling. Unfortunately always the women are more than men. I find it difficult, so one should not feel disappointed. I'm sure it will work out later on. May God bless you.
Evening Program After Christmas Puja
Evening Program
Christmas Puja: Rationality can never make you understand Divinity
Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule, India, 25 December 1993 Today we are going to celebrate the Birth of Christ. At a very crucial time we are doing that, because there are some anti-Christ who have become in charge of the Christian religion and are talking against the birth of Christ. They have no authority, they are not realized souls, they have no idea of the Divine, nothing, and they are saying that it is all falsehood that She was not a virgin and that Christ was not born that way. Who told them? Did Gabriel come and told them? What right they have got to talk these things? So because they are anti-Christ now they have become in charge of Christianity. Even Pope is like that. So in Satya Yuga they will be all exposed, have to be exposed. But some people who are here, can write to this man to ask, “What is your authority to say? Have you felt the all-pervading power of God’s love? Have you any divinity in you to challenge Christ like that?” There must be some incarnations of Paul, perhaps. They cannot understand Divine. They don’t know what Divine can do. They have no idea, at all, how miraculous it is. You all have felt the blessings of the Divine. You all know that it is a miracle. Every time there’s a miracle produced. I will narrate one simple example. In the Navaratri Puja we had some photographs. And behind the photograph some sort of a scene came which I was wondering what is this is supposed to be. The scene was that the Surya was moving a curtain. Eyes of the, there were eyes for the Surya, mouth, nose and He was smiling and moving a curtain like that. I said, “What is this? What this is indicative in the Navaratri Puja?” But when I went to Moscow, I was surprised, that they had painted the background just like this. Exactly like this there was the background. So Navaratri Puja, which took at least one and a half month before, the Paramchaitanya painted there. It’s very remarkable, how things work out miraculously. And there are thousand and one miracles we can talk about. When we were in the airplane, going to Moscow they said the temperature is minus twenty. We got down, they said it is minus fifteen. Next morning, they said it is coming down very fast, is touching about minus twelve. And after one day they said it is minus four. But next day it was plus ten. I mean as the time passes, it has to be cooler and cooler. This time My husband was going to Moscow. He said, “It’s very cold there now, minus twenty”. He sent word that… I said, “Don’t worry, it will put it right”. He said when he arrived it was only minus two. So all these things show that all the elements are helping us. All the other problems, minor, big, anything, get solved, in no time. You are sometimes amazed how things are done. So then they question, “Then why Christ had to be crucified? Why could You not save Him from crucifixion?” He was crucified because that was to be done in His case, that He had to pass through the Agnya, He had to establish Himself in Agnya, and the cross, He had to pass through that. So the message of His Life is never the cross, but the message is His Resurrection. He resurrected – that was one of the things He did very great – so that now you can be resurrected also. In every incarnation, in the evolution, every incarnation did something very, very unique. At the end of it, Christ, did the Resurrection part. And He did it because He had to die, otherwise how can you resurrect yourself? So there are lots of things which look mythical, which are not. Tomorrow they’ll say that Christ never resurrected Himself. And actually He died later on in Kashmir. There’s a proof of it. But still the people don’t want to believe, and they just wanted to spread Christianity, because they know that if you have majority of people then they can rule. The same trick now is tried by politicians. But this kind of a majority is not going to bring any solace or any benevolence for people. Christ’s Mother Herself has been challenged by this man and said all kinds of nonsense about Her. On the contrary Mohammad Sahib in Quran says, “nobody should challenge the chastity of the Holy Mother, of Christ’s Mother”. He has respected, while there is no respect shown to Mother Mary in the Bible, no respect. She’s called “a woman”. Because of Paul who was a horrible anti-Christ who came over, who took over Christianity, tried to spread Christianity and with that what he wanted, to put his own importance. And he used Peter who was the worst possible disciple of Christ, whom Christ has told that, “Satan will take you over”. So now, they are telling people that, “It’s impossible, how can it be that Christ was born to a virgin?” We Indians worship Shri Ganesh. Shri Ganesh is the same as Christ, and we believe that the Mother Herself created the Child without this, as a Virgin, as a Gauri. Not only believe but we, it’s our faith. While the faith in the West is all rationality. They go on thinking like that and they go on producing yarn of falsehood. What was the need for newspapers to publish this nonsense of this [Archbishop of] Durham fellow? And then he was honored, honored by the archbishop of Canterbury, who is another anti-Christ. He honored him and just after that, that church where he was honored, was completely burned by Vishnumaya. She was looming round it for one hour and then She burn it completely. Only the lower portion was left because there were also very beautiful paintings, maybe. Now the stupid fools are saying that, “it is God’s grace on us that they saved us, from this Vishnumaya, the lower portion of it”. But way did it burn? So you have to understand that rationality can never make you understand Divinity, can never. It is so limited, so conditioned, full of ego. How can the rationality tell you what is the truth about Christ’s life? But we have proof also, scientifically. So you must be knowing that I told them that if you see from right to the left you see a swastika. Because of carbon, the way it is made. If you see the carbon atom, you see a swastika from left to right. We have made a big model out of it. And then you put it in other way, means you see it from left to the right, then you see Omkara, no doubt. And then you see from down below, you see Alpha and Omega. Christ has said it that,” I am the Alpha and the Omega”. At that time I didn't know if these symbols were there or not. Whatever it is, He did say, “I am the Alpha and the Omega”. Also it has another meaning that “I am the beginning, I am the end”. But Alpha and Omega the way He said it, you can see it clearly, symbolically, clearly, if you see it from down upward. So, the Omkara on one side, swastika on another side join together when they ascend and incarnate, they become Alpha and Omega. But all these doesn’t go into the heads of these anti-Christs. They are all anti-Christ. And they cannot understand what Divinity can do. You got your Realization, your second birth, just sitting here. How did you manage? How did you get your second birth? And the way these people talk is definitely for their doom, for their complete destruction. It’s too much of daring, as you know that Shri Ganesha is a very powerful deity, same Christ. He has said, “If you say anything against the Holy Ghost, I will not tolerate”. And I also, against Christ I will not tolerate, a word even. Only on that point I’ll have to see to it, that all these horrible people, should be destroyed completely. On this occasion of His birthday we have to realize that Christ was born from same things as Shri Ganesh. So He was wisdom, source of wisdom. He said few things because they didn’t allow him to live long, at the most three of, three and a half years He could lecture to people. But whatever He said is so truthful, so correct and so wise. Of course they might have tried to dabble with that but still lots of truths are left in the Bible, no doubt about it. And His lifetime He spent in just telling them what is the truth is. He is the first one who talked so clearly about God. On His level we have three other people, in the area of tapa which is here. One is Buddha, another is Mahavira. Now, both Buddha and Mahavira were born at a time when they saw that ritualism is taking place the reality. So they said, “We’ll not talk of God, Anishwarwad. We’ll not talk of God”. First we’ll only talk about the Chaitanya. That everybody did. Even the Guru of Janaka, who was Ashtavakra, only talked about the vibrations. Even Nanaka did that. When Namadeva went down to Punjab, He told him, “Don’t talk about God, don’t talk about Hari, better talk about Paramachaitanya, first of all”, because one can reach only Paramachaitanya to begin with and then they will say, “Where is God after all”? But it’s only Christ who talked about God at that time when it was more, that they didn’t want to talk about God Almighty. He was a daring person, where never afraid of anything, no doubt. But His childhood has not been described anywhere, which is very sad. We have got the beautiful description of Shri Krishna’s childhood and also Shri Rama’s childhood. Except that once He was in argument with some Pharisees, and how clever He was, and they were all flabbergasted at His discussion. That’s all, nothing more. But later on, though they had shown no regard for Mary, the people couldn’t help it. They said, “There has to be some Devi, some Goddess. How can Christ take birth from Her?” So they named Her Madonna, and that’s how this Mother Mary was called as Madonna, means maiden, means virgin. And this Madonna was then started occupying the place of churches everywhere, and people regarded Her as a, as a Goddess. It is the people who said, not in the Bible, not in the Christianity but the people start calling Her, Madonna, and from that Madonna level that people starting seeing the Mother and the motherhood. She was Mahalakshmi, we know that very well and we worship Her as Mahalakshmi. She was Radha. Radha also had a Son and He was like an egg and a half of the egg was Christ and half of the egg was Shri Ganesh. But when this Child was born He started crying for His Father. Father was Shri Krishna. It’s in the… if you read Devi Mahatmyam it is there. So always He puts His hands like this, towards His Father. So one is, as you know, is Shri Krishna’s finger, another is Vishnu’s. And She was Radha. Ra means energy, dha means the one who has sustained the energy. And She is the One, who called Him Jesus. Actually in the Hebrew it is Yesu and also in the – thank God I read Bible in Marathi, which was directly translated from Hebrew – Yesu is the name. Yesu is the name of the Mother of Christ, Mother of Shri Krishna. Yesu, means as you call Her, Jesu or Yesu from Jesoda or Yeshoda. From that She called Him, and Christ word comes from Krishna. So She call Him Christ and Yesu or Jesus. We too call Yeshoda sometimes Jesu or Yesu. So She called Him by that name and that is how She put the link for us to understand how close He was to Shri Krishna. Shri Krisha came only, incarnated only in India, because He would have been too lenient person to be incarnated in America. As it is they have no limitations, they have no maryadas, they have no idea of dharma, they are very great adharmis. So only a person like Christ who is absolutely pure, wise, and does not believe in the leela part of Shri Krishna. Is Shri Krishna said that is this all leela to overcome the strictness of Shri Rama. But Christ did not say so and despite that, all over wherever Christianity is practiced, they think it’s all leela, adharma is leela, whatever wrong we do is leela, after all, all innocent. It’s surprising. Their logic is so funny I’ve never been able to understand their logic. All self-destructive, nonsensical logic they have. So, for us Indians, we should know that we have full idea of dharma. We know what is wrong and what is good. But more credit I would give to Christians, who are from such countries where they have no idea of Kundalini, have come up so much and have become such great Sahaja Yogis. Now is the blessing of God, because they were genuine, they were sincere. It is Christ who brought them to Sahaja Yoga. Without Him it would not have been possible. Here Shri Ganesha is just a symbol, sort of a thing. He resides in the stones. But there He incarnated and He told people what is dharma is, which they are supposed to follow, but they never follow. They never follow. They are extremely money-oriented people. Is very surprising what things they have done in the name of God. The most symbolic thing is His birth. He was born in a manger, just imagine, in a manger, full of straws assembled together this child was born, where there were other animals used to be. See the way this great incarnation took birth. He was not king, he was not a big rich man, He was born as a very poor person and in a place which is something very much below the human standard. This message is, that you don’t need palaces, you don’t need huge places to be born, you can be born anywhere, if you are a pure Spirit, if you are Christ. Such a great personality was born like that. Now the other way round people go. They are extremely money oriented, very materialistic. I mean to such a limit that you can’t understand what are they up to. They are destroying themselves with whatever money they have made, they have no sense, they have no proportion. This is what is happening in the West, and we are trying to follow them also. We are trying to follow their destructive methods and we are trying to think that we are very advanced. Advanced towards doom, that’s what they are. We have to be very careful with our children, with our relations, that we don’t go to their dirty things and take to their dirty ways, which they have created in the name of God, in the name of God. Now this group that we have here, is quite a large group, and we are Sahaja Yogis, we are all blessed people, we know what is Divinity is and we know what Christ is. Whether you are born Hindu or anything, makes no difference, because Christ is universal. He’s the support of universe, that’s what is written in Devi Mahatmyam ki (“that” in Hindi) He will be the support of the universe. So, one has to understand that we should never ridicule anybody, if he is following Christ and that we should worship Him with the same affection, with the same devotion, with the same surrendering, as we worship Shri Ganesh. Because I don’t think Christians have any faith about Christ, no faith. They are, “We believe in Christ, we believe in Christ. You cure my father, do this, do that”. But a Sahaja Yogi’s faith works. Your faith is enlightened faith and it works. But you must have faith in yourself, in Sahaja Yoga, and in the life you are leading. Unless and until this happens to you, you shouldn’t call yourself a Sahaja Yogi. I see, still there are people on the periphery. Then you don’t know what to do about it, you don’t understand in a mental way, but you just float into the immense love of God and you want to give this love to others. But still, materialism becomes subtler with some people. They are still materialistic. They are materialistic in the sense, they still think of earning in a bad way some money or something. Maybe, but that is not so common. But I feel they are now suddenly started getting attached to their children. This attachment is very wrong. You see, children belong to Sahaja Yoga. You have no right on them. Because they straight away wanted children to come back home and not to come to Ganapatipule. Mean they are children of Sahaja Yoga. They have to come to Ganapatipule, no question. But they wanted to take away their children directly. Everything is there, directly done. Is not, children are not here for that. They are here to grow in Sahaja Yoga. If you don’t want your children to grow in Sahaja Yoga, better take them away. But this is not the way to behave arbitrarily, to take the children away from the school, when everybody is coming to Ganapatipule. And I’m sure children don’t like it. They would love to be here. So, the materialism in the sense of children, also saving money part is working out. And this is, something shows the materialism, which Christ never, never clung to. He never wanted it. This one we have to understand. To pay respect to Christ, the best thing is to get out of this materialistic ideas. All right, you have materialistic ideas as far as I don’t say that you don’t go to Himalayas, I don’t say that you go to, you, you practice asceticism, I don’t say take away, give up your children, like Buddha did. Nothing of the kind. But your detachment should work. There’s a, say a bird is there, flying over the ocean of water. It will never drink the water of the ocean, because it is saltish. You are there, you are in this world, but you must develop your detachment. In the beginning it was all right, “my father is sick”, “my mother is sick”, “my child is like this”, all this nonsense was all right. But not now. Now the speed of Sahaja Yoga is very fast and those will be left behind, will be left behind. So be careful. Do not get entangled into these materialistic ideas. And for Indians especially, they don’t like to stay in ashrams. Indians want to have their homes, so they can dominate their wives, have their special type of food, this, that, and work out all their ugly tastes all the time. I would say that’s must be the reason people must have said that Indians must fast, to get rid of their tongue's desires. They will even when fast think about food, what’s the use? Christ fasted for forty days and Satan asked Him that “You should give up Your fast and do this and do that”. He never listened. So, materialism works out in two types. First of all, in the West now is the materialism is “my house”, “my wife”, “my children”, this that. And in the East is, “what sort of a food I eat”, “what sort of a house I should have”, “what sort of a family I should have?” All these things are still lingering. As your ascent has become subtler they are also becoming subtler and subtler. And they are holding you back. There are all kinds of things. For example, I know of Sahaja Yogis, who want to make business out of Sahaja Yoga, there are. Like these people here, outside, they want to sell their things to us and to make money out of this. There was a demand that there were no saris. I said, “All right, take saris. But you are not to buy from outside”. Also they will go to some shop here, and have something to drink, or something to eat, and then suffer from something. What is the need? Can you not control your thirst? Can you not control your appetite? It’s very easy. Did He not do it? Christ did it. You have come here to worship Him. Try to control these things are very important, and once it happens, it doesn’t matter if you get food, doesn’t matter, if you don’t get some good place to live in. You can live anywhere, anywhere. As far as I am concerned, you know that very well. I have no demands. I have, I mean My body doesn’t demand anything. Is such a good body. Never demands. And that’s why I have seen, that I never feel tired. I am here with you and in the same way I am anywhere. If you make Me sleep here I can sleep the whole night. My body never says anything. On the contrary I’ve seen the experience is very different. Once I travelled by train, I think from Pune to Hyderabad or something, and the train – I was on the wheel – and the thing was jumping, jumping, jumping all the time. I slept off and what I was thinking, I was feeling, that I am going from one star to another star, moving from the whole universe. I never felt the jump, I felt the other way round, that the whole thing is going, the body is moving from this star to that star, from there to there. I mean somebody would be absolutely angry for a thing like that. On the contrary, I was enjoying, nice jumping from here to there to go into this star and to that star and moving from one place to another. It was very interesting. So, the reaction is very different. Reaction is different. If there is say a crisis, suddenly I become thoughtless, completely thoughtless. And a kind of a tremendous peace starts pouring out of it. If there is a crisis. And this is what you all can achieve very simply, if you get detached. See, I have children, I have grandchildren. I never telephone to them. I’m not bothered. If they telephone, well and good. I never telephone to my husband also. I always think that it’s a waste of time of telephoning here and telephoning… I’ve got all telephones within Myself. I know everybody is all right so why to telephone to them. But unless and until you develop that kind of status it won’t [work]. Then another thing I’ve noticed about Sahaja Yogis that they become suddenly very violent and there are reports that some people were hit. That’s not being a Sahaja Yogi at all. I’ve never raise My hand against even My own children. Is not allowed. Nobody has to raise the hand or touch somebody’s body to be violent. It’s absolutely, such a person will fall very deep down, into Sahaja Yoga, without doing anything. You are not to get angry, you are not to shout. Nothing of the kind is going to help you. You have to be absolutely peaceful, calm, compassionate. If there is a wrong type of a man, just tell Me, I’ll manage. You don’t have to handle such situations and misbehave, because you are still attached, and that attachment will pull you down. So be careful, not to be angry. Look at Christ! He was angry with the people who were selling things near the church – you know, that time it was not the church, but they called it a tabernacle. And He was very angry, that in the temple of God, these people are selling things outside, and He took a big hunter and hit them hard. But He was Christ. But at the same time, when He was crucified, He said, “Oh God, My Father, please forgive them, because they don’t know what they are doing”. This is what is, one has to understand from Him. His character, how forgiving, how loving He was. How He looked after the people, how He helped people for their emancipation. In those days of complete chaos and anarchy, He stood up and talked about truth and about such things like Spirit, like ascent. I mean, they were all blind people. They didn’t know what it was He was talking about. And He talked about it. There is lot of myths that exist in the Bible, and one of them is that when the Resurrection time will come your bodies will come out of your graves. It is not only with Christianity, but also with the Muslims and also for the Jews. Now think of it, after so many years, what remains in the, in the graves? Few bones. And these few bones if they come out, how can you give them Realization? Think of it. It’s a big myth. One should understand, logically is not proper. So what is the thing is, I must say, Nal Damyanti Aakhayan in Indian philosophy they have given a clear-cut idea, that when this Kali Yuga will come, so many great seekers who are seeking God in the hills and dales, mountains, will be born again and they will be given their Self Realization. Their Kundalini will be awakened. This is what is said and that seems to be a very logical thing, because we are doing that. And today’s population growth is also because so many have taken birth. I don’t know how many will get their Self Realization; how many they are going to get it. But those who have got it have to establish themselves, establish themselves. And there also I find there’s some sort of a very subtle type of attachment with people. So for the time being I feel that you should all surrender yourself to the qualities of Christ, which are immense qualities. And the greatest is that He cannot tolerate anything against the Holy Ghost. That is the only time He is going to come out and work it. I tell you, if you are a Sahaja Yogi and if you misbehave, He allows you to some extent. But there’s one fellow in America wanted to talk to Me on the telephone and discuss about Sahaja Yoga, but he found Me a bit too much for him, perhaps, and he started talking to Sahaja Yogis and he wouldn’t, he didn’t talk to Me. And everybody was very angry. I said, “Forget it”. The other day I received a message that he was doing a program same type and he collapsed, because he got paralysis. So he is not a Sahaja Yogi. I am not responsible. But if somebody calls Me a Mother then the Paramchaitanya respects that way. And you have no business to hit anybody or to talk to anyone rudely, in any manner, those who are Sahaja Yogis. Of course if you want to tell somebody off there are ways how this should be done, like a Sahaja Yoga way and not like the violent things. It’s very, very wrong and I’m very upset to hear that people suddenly become violent, even now in Sahaja Yoga. This comes from liver, I know. You can go in for your liver treatment, improve yourself, but don’t think that you can get away with it. You cannot. Is better such people fast for two days and punish themselves. Temper is the worst thing and Shri Krishna has told that temper is the worst from where everything starts. So we must control our temper and understand that Christ was the embodiment of forgiveness, Embodiment. We are worshiping Him today. How He forgave people? Those who crucified were not the Jews actually. They were the Romans. The Roman authorities crucified Him. But Paul decided that we should try to condemn the Jews, “So the Jews have done it”. Jews have not done it. And they condemned Jews forever. With this kind of a attitude people hated Jews, and they troubled them and they were tortured. Then Jews also had a reaction. They are equally the same. So is not the Jews, because is never done that you ask a multitude, a magistrate asks the multitude, whether you should crucify a thief or this man. It’s never done. They have to take their own decisions. This is never done. So this is just to bring a curse on the Jews. This Paul has done the greatest harm. But now, thank God, may we have many Jews and we have also a center in Israel, is working out all over. We have lots of people from Iran who have come to America, who are also Jews and who are also Muslims, they all have taken to Sahaja Yoga. So it is something that’s happening and also the Sufi people from Turkey I hear, are joining us and also Sufi people from India, we’ll be able to get them. So thus it will work out and it will work out for everybody’s good. But first of all we should understand how Christ was and how His life was and how He loved the world. He came on this earth to be crucified. He knew He was to be crucified and He did it. The way they have given His picture is not correct. He was a very healthy, hefty, tall person. He had to carry that cross. Those people who paint Him, like a Tb patient, should know that they if they have to carry the cross, can they do it? So all sorts of things they have done to harm His personality, to assassinate His character. But you being Sahaja Yogis should know about Him, and must have full respect, full faith in Him. And He is your eldest brother. As Shri Ganesha is, He incarnates as your elder brother. He’s there to look after you in every trouble, in every kind of a turmoil. He is going to help us in every way, all the time, and only way is to surrender, to forgive. That is the quality of Christ we have to imbibe. May God bless you all! And those who have not done Puja. ...married last year. Seven western ladies who were married last year one from America, one from Europe one from Australia, one from South America and one from Africa. [Ha, le kin] seven from India. And seven married [Hindi or Marathi] [Hindi or Marathi] Those who have not done. Those who have not done the Puja before. [Hindi or Marathi] Shri Mataji, we all the Sahaja Yogis of the world, desire Your good health and long life. Shri Mataji, we all the Sahaja Yogis of the world, desire Your good health and long life. Shri Mataji, we all the Sahaja Yogis of the world, desire Your good health and long life.
Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule, India, 25 December 1993 Today we are going to celebrate the Birth of Christ. At a very crucial time we are doing that, because there are some anti-Christ who have become in charge of the Christian religion and are talking against the birth of Christ. They have no authority, they are not realized souls, they have no idea of the Divine, nothing, and they are saying that it is all falsehood that She was not a virgin and that Christ was not born that way. Who told them? Did Gabriel come and told them? What right they have got to talk these things? So because they are anti-Christ now they have become in charge of Christianity. Even Pope is like that. So in Satya Yuga they will be all exposed, have to be exposed. But some people who are here, can write to this man to ask, “What is your authority to say? Have you felt the all-pervading power of God’s love? Have you any divinity in you to challenge Christ like that?” There must be some incarnations of Paul, perhaps. They cannot understand Divine. They don’t know what Divine can do. They have no idea, at all, how miraculous it is. You all have felt the blessings of the Divine. You all know that it is a miracle. Every time there’s a miracle produced. I will narrate one simple example. In the Navaratri Puja we had some photographs. And behind the photograph some sort of a scene came which I was wondering what is this is supposed to be. The scene was that the Surya was moving a curtain. Eyes of the, there were eyes for the Surya, mouth, nose and He was smiling and moving a curtain like that. I said, “What is this? What this is indicative in the Navaratri Puja?” But when I went to Moscow, I was surprised, that they had painted the background just like this. Exactly like this there was the background. So Navaratri Puja, which took at least one and a half month before, the Paramchaitanya painted there. It’s very remarkable, how things work out miraculously. And there are thousand and one miracles we can talk about. When we were in the airplane, going to Moscow they said the temperature is minus twenty. We got down, they said it is minus fifteen. Next morning, they said it is coming down very fast, is touching about minus twelve. And after one day they said it is minus four. But next day it was plus ten. I mean as the time passes, it has to be cooler and cooler. This time My husband was going to Moscow. He said, “It’s very cold there now, minus twenty”. He sent word that… I said, “Don’t worry, it will put it right”. He said when he arrived it was only minus two. So all these things show that all the elements are helping us. All the other problems, minor, big, anything, get solved, in no time. You are sometimes amazed how things are done. So then they question, “Then why Christ had to be crucified? Why could You not save Him from crucifixion?” He was crucified because that was to be done in His case, that He had to pass through the Agnya, He had to establish Himself in Agnya, and the cross, He had to pass through that. So the message of His Life is never the cross, but the message is His Resurrection. He resurrected – that was one of the things He did very great – so that now you can be resurrected also. In every incarnation, in the evolution, every incarnation did something very, very unique. At the end of it, Christ, did the Resurrection part. And He did it because He had to die, otherwise how can you resurrect yourself? So there are lots of things which look mythical, which are not. Tomorrow they’ll say that Christ never resurrected Himself. And actually He died later on in Kashmir. There’s a proof of it. But still the people don’t want to believe, and they just wanted to spread Christianity, because they know that if you have majority of people then they can rule. The same trick now is tried by politicians. But this kind of a majority is not going to bring any solace or any benevolence for people. Christ’s Mother Herself has been challenged by this man and said all kinds of nonsense about Her. On the contrary Mohammad Sahib in Quran says, “nobody should challenge the chastity of the Holy Mother, of Christ’s Mother”. He has respected, while there is no respect shown to Mother Mary in the Bible, no respect. She’s called “a woman”. Because of Paul who was a horrible anti-Christ who came over, who took over Christianity, tried to spread Christianity and with that what he wanted, to put his own importance. And he used Peter who was the worst possible disciple of Christ, whom Christ has told that, “Satan will take you over”. So now, they are telling people that, “It’s impossible, how can it be that Christ was born to a virgin?” We Indians worship Shri Ganesh. Shri Ganesh is the same as Christ, and we believe that the Mother Herself created the Child without this, as a Virgin, as a Gauri. Not only believe but we, it’s our faith. While the faith in the West is all rationality. They go on thinking like that and they go on producing yarn of falsehood. What was the need for newspapers to publish this nonsense of this [Archbishop of] Durham fellow? And then he was honored, honored by the archbishop of Canterbury, who is another anti-Christ. He honored him and just after that, that church where he was honored, was completely burned by Vishnumaya. She was looming round it for one hour and then She burn it completely. Only the lower portion was left because there were also very beautiful paintings, maybe. Now the stupid fools are saying that, “it is God’s grace on us that they saved us, from this Vishnumaya, the lower portion of it”. But way did it burn? So you have to understand that rationality can never make you understand Divinity, can never. It is so limited, so conditioned, full of ego. How can the rationality tell you what is the truth about Christ’s life? But we have proof also, scientifically. So you must be knowing that I told them that if you see from right to the left you see a swastika. Because of carbon, the way it is made. If you see the carbon atom, you see a swastika from left to right. We have made a big model out of it. And then you put it in other way, means you see it from left to the right, then you see Omkara, no doubt. And then you see from down below, you see Alpha and Omega. Christ has said it that,” I am the Alpha and the Omega”. At that time I didn't know if these symbols were there or not. Whatever it is, He did say, “I am the Alpha and the Omega”. Also it has another meaning that “I am the beginning, I am the end”. But Alpha and Omega the way He said it, you can see it clearly, symbolically, clearly, if you see it from down upward. So, the Omkara on one side, swastika on another side join together when they ascend and incarnate, they become Alpha and Omega. But all these doesn’t go into the heads of these anti-Christs. They are all anti-Christ. And they cannot understand what Divinity can do. You got your Realization, your second birth, just sitting here. How did you manage? How did you get your second birth? And the way these people talk is definitely for their doom, for their complete destruction. It’s too much of daring, as you know that Shri Ganesha is a very powerful deity, same Christ. He has said, “If you say anything against the Holy Ghost, I will not tolerate”. And I also, against Christ I will not tolerate, a word even. Only on that point I’ll have to see to it, that all these horrible people, should be destroyed completely. On this occasion of His birthday we have to realize that Christ was born from same things as Shri Ganesh. So He was wisdom, source of wisdom. He said few things because they didn’t allow him to live long, at the most three of, three and a half years He could lecture to people. But whatever He said is so truthful, so correct and so wise. Of course they might have tried to dabble with that but still lots of truths are left in the Bible, no doubt about it. And His lifetime He spent in just telling them what is the truth is. He is the first one who talked so clearly about God. On His level we have three other people, in the area of tapa which is here. One is Buddha, another is Mahavira. Now, both Buddha and Mahavira were born at a time when they saw that ritualism is taking place the reality. So they said, “We’ll not talk of God, Anishwarwad. We’ll not talk of God”. First we’ll only talk about the Chaitanya. That everybody did. Even the Guru of Janaka, who was Ashtavakra, only talked about the vibrations. Even Nanaka did that. When Namadeva went down to Punjab, He told him, “Don’t talk about God, don’t talk about Hari, better talk about Paramachaitanya, first of all”, because one can reach only Paramachaitanya to begin with and then they will say, “Where is God after all”? But it’s only Christ who talked about God at that time when it was more, that they didn’t want to talk about God Almighty. He was a daring person, where never afraid of anything, no doubt. But His childhood has not been described anywhere, which is very sad. We have got the beautiful description of Shri Krishna’s childhood and also Shri Rama’s childhood. Except that once He was in argument with some Pharisees, and how clever He was, and they were all flabbergasted at His discussion. That’s all, nothing more. But later on, though they had shown no regard for Mary, the people couldn’t help it. They said, “There has to be some Devi, some Goddess. How can Christ take birth from Her?” So they named Her Madonna, and that’s how this Mother Mary was called as Madonna, means maiden, means virgin. And this Madonna was then started occupying the place of churches everywhere, and people regarded Her as a, as a Goddess. It is the people who said, not in the Bible, not in the Christianity but the people start calling Her, Madonna, and from that Madonna level that people starting seeing the Mother and the motherhood. She was Mahalakshmi, we know that very well and we worship Her as Mahalakshmi. She was Radha. Radha also had a Son and He was like an egg and a half of the egg was Christ and half of the egg was Shri Ganesh. But when this Child was born He started crying for His Father. Father was Shri Krishna. It’s in the… if you read Devi Mahatmyam it is there. So always He puts His hands like this, towards His Father. So one is, as you know, is Shri Krishna’s finger, another is Vishnu’s. And She was Radha. Ra means energy, dha means the one who has sustained the energy. And She is the One, who called Him Jesus. Actually in the Hebrew it is Yesu and also in the – thank God I read Bible in Marathi, which was directly translated from Hebrew – Yesu is the name. Yesu is the name of the Mother of Christ, Mother of Shri Krishna. Yesu, means as you call Her, Jesu or Yesu from Jesoda or Yeshoda. From that She called Him, and Christ word comes from Krishna. So She call Him Christ and Yesu or Jesus. We too call Yeshoda sometimes Jesu or Yesu. So She called Him by that name and that is how She put the link for us to understand how close He was to Shri Krishna. Shri Krisha came only, incarnated only in India, because He would have been too lenient person to be incarnated in America. As it is they have no limitations, they have no maryadas, they have no idea of dharma, they are very great adharmis. So only a person like Christ who is absolutely pure, wise, and does not believe in the leela part of Shri Krishna. Is Shri Krishna said that is this all leela to overcome the strictness of Shri Rama. But Christ did not say so and despite that, all over wherever Christianity is practiced, they think it’s all leela, adharma is leela, whatever wrong we do is leela, after all, all innocent. It’s surprising. Their logic is so funny I’ve never been able to understand their logic. All self-destructive, nonsensical logic they have. So, for us Indians, we should know that we have full idea of dharma. We know what is wrong and what is good. But more credit I would give to Christians, who are from such countries where they have no idea of Kundalini, have come up so much and have become such great Sahaja Yogis. Now is the blessing of God, because they were genuine, they were sincere. It is Christ who brought them to Sahaja Yoga. Without Him it would not have been possible. Here Shri Ganesha is just a symbol, sort of a thing. He resides in the stones. But there He incarnated and He told people what is dharma is, which they are supposed to follow, but they never follow. They never follow. They are extremely money-oriented people. Is very surprising what things they have done in the name of God. The most symbolic thing is His birth. He was born in a manger, just imagine, in a manger, full of straws assembled together this child was born, where there were other animals used to be. See the way this great incarnation took birth. He was not king, he was not a big rich man, He was born as a very poor person and in a place which is something very much below the human standard. This message is, that you don’t need palaces, you don’t need huge places to be born, you can be born anywhere, if you are a pure Spirit, if you are Christ. Such a great personality was born like that. Now the other way round people go. They are extremely money oriented, very materialistic. I mean to such a limit that you can’t understand what are they up to. They are destroying themselves with whatever money they have made, they have no sense, they have no proportion. This is what is happening in the West, and we are trying to follow them also. We are trying to follow their destructive methods and we are trying to think that we are very advanced. Advanced towards doom, that’s what they are. We have to be very careful with our children, with our relations, that we don’t go to their dirty things and take to their dirty ways, which they have created in the name of God, in the name of God. Now this group that we have here, is quite a large group, and we are Sahaja Yogis, we are all blessed people, we know what is Divinity is and we know what Christ is. Whether you are born Hindu or anything, makes no difference, because Christ is universal. He’s the support of universe, that’s what is written in Devi Mahatmyam ki (“that” in Hindi) He will be the support of the universe. So, one has to understand that we should never ridicule anybody, if he is following Christ and that we should worship Him with the same affection, with the same devotion, with the same surrendering, as we worship Shri Ganesh. Because I don’t think Christians have any faith about Christ, no faith. They are, “We believe in Christ, we believe in Christ. You cure my father, do this, do that”. But a Sahaja Yogi’s faith works. Your faith is enlightened faith and it works. But you must have faith in yourself, in Sahaja Yoga, and in the life you are leading. Unless and until this happens to you, you shouldn’t call yourself a Sahaja Yogi. I see, still there are people on the periphery. Then you don’t know what to do about it, you don’t understand in a mental way, but you just float into the immense love of God and you want to give this love to others. But still, materialism becomes subtler with some people. They are still materialistic. They are materialistic in the sense, they still think of earning in a bad way some money or something. Maybe, but that is not so common. But I feel they are now suddenly started getting attached to their children. This attachment is very wrong. You see, children belong to Sahaja Yoga. You have no right on them. Because they straight away wanted children to come back home and not to come to Ganapatipule. Mean they are children of Sahaja Yoga. They have to come to Ganapatipule, no question. But they wanted to take away their children directly. Everything is there, directly done. Is not, children are not here for that. They are here to grow in Sahaja Yoga. If you don’t want your children to grow in Sahaja Yoga, better take them away. But this is not the way to behave arbitrarily, to take the children away from the school, when everybody is coming to Ganapatipule. And I’m sure children don’t like it. They would love to be here. So, the materialism in the sense of children, also saving money part is working out. And this is, something shows the materialism, which Christ never, never clung to. He never wanted it. This one we have to understand. To pay respect to Christ, the best thing is to get out of this materialistic ideas. All right, you have materialistic ideas as far as I don’t say that you don’t go to Himalayas, I don’t say that you go to, you, you practice asceticism, I don’t say take away, give up your children, like Buddha did. Nothing of the kind. But your detachment should work. There’s a, say a bird is there, flying over the ocean of water. It will never drink the water of the ocean, because it is saltish. You are there, you are in this world, but you must develop your detachment. In the beginning it was all right, “my father is sick”, “my mother is sick”, “my child is like this”, all this nonsense was all right. But not now. Now the speed of Sahaja Yoga is very fast and those will be left behind, will be left behind. So be careful. Do not get entangled into these materialistic ideas. And for Indians especially, they don’t like to stay in ashrams. Indians want to have their homes, so they can dominate their wives, have their special type of food, this, that, and work out all their ugly tastes all the time. I would say that’s must be the reason people must have said that Indians must fast, to get rid of their tongue's desires. They will even when fast think about food, what’s the use? Christ fasted for forty days and Satan asked Him that “You should give up Your fast and do this and do that”. He never listened. So, materialism works out in two types. First of all, in the West now is the materialism is “my house”, “my wife”, “my children”, this that. And in the East is, “what sort of a food I eat”, “what sort of a house I should have”, “what sort of a family I should have?” All these things are still lingering. As your ascent has become subtler they are also becoming subtler and subtler. And they are holding you back. There are all kinds of things. For example, I know of Sahaja Yogis, who want to make business out of Sahaja Yoga, there are. Like these people here, outside, they want to sell their things to us and to make money out of this. There was a demand that there were no saris. I said, “All right, take saris. But you are not to buy from outside”. Also they will go to some shop here, and have something to drink, or something to eat, and then suffer from something. What is the need? Can you not control your thirst? Can you not control your appetite? It’s very easy. Did He not do it? Christ did it. You have come here to worship Him. Try to control these things are very important, and once it happens, it doesn’t matter if you get food, doesn’t matter, if you don’t get some good place to live in. You can live anywhere, anywhere. As far as I am concerned, you know that very well. I have no demands. I have, I mean My body doesn’t demand anything. Is such a good body. Never demands. And that’s why I have seen, that I never feel tired. I am here with you and in the same way I am anywhere. If you make Me sleep here I can sleep the whole night. My body never says anything. On the contrary I’ve seen the experience is very different. Once I travelled by train, I think from Pune to Hyderabad or something, and the train – I was on the wheel – and the thing was jumping, jumping, jumping all the time. I slept off and what I was thinking, I was feeling, that I am going from one star to another star, moving from the whole universe. I never felt the jump, I felt the other way round, that the whole thing is going, the body is moving from this star to that star, from there to there. I mean somebody would be absolutely angry for a thing like that. On the contrary, I was enjoying, nice jumping from here to there to go into this star and to that star and moving from one place to another. It was very interesting. So, the reaction is very different. Reaction is different. If there is say a crisis, suddenly I become thoughtless, completely thoughtless. And a kind of a tremendous peace starts pouring out of it. If there is a crisis. And this is what you all can achieve very simply, if you get detached. See, I have children, I have grandchildren. I never telephone to them. I’m not bothered. If they telephone, well and good. I never telephone to my husband also. I always think that it’s a waste of time of telephoning here and telephoning… I’ve got all telephones within Myself. I know everybody is all right so why to telephone to them. But unless and until you develop that kind of status it won’t [work]. Then another thing I’ve noticed about Sahaja Yogis that they become suddenly very violent and there are reports that some people were hit. That’s not being a Sahaja Yogi at all. I’ve never raise My hand against even My own children. Is not allowed. Nobody has to raise the hand or touch somebody’s body to be violent. It’s absolutely, such a person will fall very deep down, into Sahaja Yoga, without doing anything. You are not to get angry, you are not to shout. Nothing of the kind is going to help you. You have to be absolutely peaceful, calm, compassionate. If there is a wrong type of a man, just tell Me, I’ll manage. You don’t have to handle such situations and misbehave, because you are still attached, and that attachment will pull you down. So be careful, not to be angry. Look at Christ! He was angry with the people who were selling things near the church – you know, that time it was not the church, but they called it a tabernacle. And He was very angry, that in the temple of God, these people are selling things outside, and He took a big hunter and hit them hard. But He was Christ. But at the same time, when He was crucified, He said, “Oh God, My Father, please forgive them, because they don’t know what they are doing”. This is what is, one has to understand from Him. His character, how forgiving, how loving He was. How He looked after the people, how He helped people for their emancipation. In those days of complete chaos and anarchy, He stood up and talked about truth and about such things like Spirit, like ascent. I mean, they were all blind people. They didn’t know what it was He was talking about. And He talked about it. There is lot of myths that exist in the Bible, and one of them is that when the Resurrection time will come your bodies will come out of your graves. It is not only with Christianity, but also with the Muslims and also for the Jews. Now think of it, after so many years, what remains in the, in the graves? Few bones. And these few bones if they come out, how can you give them Realization? Think of it. It’s a big myth. One should understand, logically is not proper. So what is the thing is, I must say, Nal Damyanti Aakhayan in Indian philosophy they have given a clear-cut idea, that when this Kali Yuga will come, so many great seekers who are seeking God in the hills and dales, mountains, will be born again and they will be given their Self Realization. Their Kundalini will be awakened. This is what is said and that seems to be a very logical thing, because we are doing that. And today’s population growth is also because so many have taken birth. I don’t know how many will get their Self Realization; how many they are going to get it. But those who have got it have to establish themselves, establish themselves. And there also I find there’s some sort of a very subtle type of attachment with people. So for the time being I feel that you should all surrender yourself to the qualities of Christ, which are immense qualities. And the greatest is that He cannot tolerate anything against the Holy Ghost. That is the only time He is going to come out and work it. I tell you, if you are a Sahaja Yogi and if you misbehave, He allows you to some extent. But there’s one fellow in America wanted to talk to Me on the telephone and discuss about Sahaja Yoga, but he found Me a bit too much for him, perhaps, and he started talking to Sahaja Yogis and he wouldn’t, he didn’t talk to Me. And everybody was very angry. I said, “Forget it”. The other day I received a message that he was doing a program same type and he collapsed, because he got paralysis. So he is not a Sahaja Yogi. I am not responsible. But if somebody calls Me a Mother then the Paramchaitanya respects that way. And you have no business to hit anybody or to talk to anyone rudely, in any manner, those who are Sahaja Yogis. Of course if you want to tell somebody off there are ways how this should be done, like a Sahaja Yoga way and not like the violent things. It’s very, very wrong and I’m very upset to hear that people suddenly become violent, even now in Sahaja Yoga. This comes from liver, I know. You can go in for your liver treatment, improve yourself, but don’t think that you can get away with it. You cannot. Is better such people fast for two days and punish themselves. Temper is the worst thing and Shri Krishna has told that temper is the worst from where everything starts. So we must control our temper and understand that Christ was the embodiment of forgiveness, Embodiment. We are worshiping Him today. How He forgave people? Those who crucified were not the Jews actually. They were the Romans. The Roman authorities crucified Him. But Paul decided that we should try to condemn the Jews, “So the Jews have done it”. Jews have not done it. And they condemned Jews forever. With this kind of a attitude people hated Jews, and they troubled them and they were tortured. Then Jews also had a reaction. They are equally the same. So is not the Jews, because is never done that you ask a multitude, a magistrate asks the multitude, whether you should crucify a thief or this man. It’s never done. They have to take their own decisions. This is never done. So this is just to bring a curse on the Jews. This Paul has done the greatest harm. But now, thank God, may we have many Jews and we have also a center in Israel, is working out all over. We have lots of people from Iran who have come to America, who are also Jews and who are also Muslims, they all have taken to Sahaja Yoga. So it is something that’s happening and also the Sufi people from Turkey I hear, are joining us and also Sufi people from India, we’ll be able to get them. So thus it will work out and it will work out for everybody’s good. But first of all we should understand how Christ was and how His life was and how He loved the world. He came on this earth to be crucified. He knew He was to be crucified and He did it. The way they have given His picture is not correct. He was a very healthy, hefty, tall person. He had to carry that cross. Those people who paint Him, like a Tb patient, should know that they if they have to carry the cross, can they do it? So all sorts of things they have done to harm His personality, to assassinate His character. But you being Sahaja Yogis should know about Him, and must have full respect, full faith in Him. And He is your eldest brother. As Shri Ganesha is, He incarnates as your elder brother. He’s there to look after you in every trouble, in every kind of a turmoil. He is going to help us in every way, all the time, and only way is to surrender, to forgive. That is the quality of Christ we have to imbibe. May God bless you all! And those who have not done Puja. ...married last year. Seven western ladies who were married last year one from America, one from Europe one from Australia, one from South America and one from Africa. [Ha, le kin] seven from India. And seven married [Hindi or Marathi] [Hindi or Marathi] Those who have not done. Those who have not done the Puja before. [Hindi or Marathi] Shri Mataji, we all the Sahaja Yogis of the world, desire Your good health and long life. Shri Mataji, we all the Sahaja Yogis of the world, desire Your good health and long life. Shri Mataji, we all the Sahaja Yogis of the world, desire Your good health and long life.
Evening Program
Evening Program
Evening Program and Talk to Sahaja Yogis: Taking care of children
Evening Program
“Taking care of children”, India Tour, Ganapatipule (India), 27 December 1993. Today I am feeling rather sad [that] had to say something, hard things yesterday and you know [a] mother is like that (Mother is referring to a lecture in Marathi the previous day). You have to correct your children, you have to tell them something, but you don't like it and you have to really put up yourself to that point, that you can say something to your children. And the effect was good they said, but I didn't want them to cry or weep. I want them to be corrected, to understand the responsibility that they have. We have to understand that we have a responsibility towards Sahaja Yoga; and that is, if you understand the first responsibility, is that you have to be very good Sahaja Yogis to begin with; that’s the greatest. I have seen some very little girls also are very show-offs: they’ll be the first to sit further, they’ll be attracting my attention, doing these things. So they have to be told to behave themselves. There are so many things like that which are to be told to your children also. Like today so many leaders came and they also told me what is happening in India now, specially in Maharashtra - but I think it is all over - that they are taking to Western life, sitting before the mirror, all the time dressing up, thinking about their beauty, this, that. I mean, it was never done before. And the mothers allow them to do because they don't want to face them. And then they see bad pictures and bad films and things like that, and then they have a bad effect of these bad films and they try to follow: at the age of sixteen years they want to fall in love or something like that. All this nonsense is coming, I know that this filmmaking is a very dangerous thing these days. They are making all kinds of films to show that a sixteen year old girl and an eighteen year old boy run away from the house because they are ‘in love’. And what do they understand of it? No maturity of any kind to have a good married life. But for a born-realised children it is different. They are very different. Because I have seen the reaction of my own grandchildren, how they react. So, like one of them said to me, “Can you imagine grandma that in our gardens, one young man running, another young woman running after him, dancing in the garden and kissing. Is it possible? The stupid things they do in the films!” They make fun of all these things. The youngest one, he came once to Cabella and there was some film made, of one actress, ‘Mandakini’ or something. She’s a Muslim lady, but she calls herself ‘Mandakini’. “Never see her films!” he says, “very bad, very bad!” I said, “What happened?” “Do you know what she did? She went into the River Ganges with very thin clothes and she came out and she insulted all of us. We don't see her film.” I said, “Really? But must be, I said, the director.” “Yes, that horrible Raj Kapoor, he’s the worst. Thank God he’s dead now.” Imagine! Even when they were young their reactions were like this. Even I have seen my elder one. She was engaged. She was thinking she'll select her own. She wanted to marry somebody and she only stuck onto one fellow to see him, but to the end she was saying, “I don't want to get engaged till I see this man thoroughly. I have not seen him.” I mean she never gave in fully. So I was we are never bothered about it. Whenever they are they behave in such a manner. Like another one in Delhi I asked her, “Why do you wear these khadi clothes all the time? Can't you wear something better? What will people think, that we don't give you any money?” She said, “No, it's better. Nobody looks at you. It's a very good idea.” So this is a sign of a really born-realised. I have studied all of them, my grandson and three children. There's no question. They are so moral, so moral! And we never told them these things. We never told them that, “This is good,” or, “that good,” or, “you should not do this.” They, themselves [understand]. Then my sister's grandson the other day we met, he’s only a five year old boy, born-realised. So in Sahaja Yoga we don't eat paan, so my sister, another sister, he calls as all of us as ‘grandmas’, she ate the paan. He just started fighting, “Why do you eat paan? Dirty thing. Throw away! I will have nothing to do. I am kutti with you!” Means I am now finished with it. Five year old! He protested. And then he suddenly started crying. I said, “Why are you crying now?” “All of them are eating paan. They are all bad people. I don't want to have them here!” I mean in the marriage, they were eating paan! So, he said he made everybody throw away their paan! So I told him, “There are people who don't eat paan, don't take cigarettes and don't drink and they are with us. They are called Sahaja Yogis.” “I am a Sahaja Yogi!” he said. “I am a Sahaja Yogi! Well, why do you tolerate, grandma, all these people? Tell them off! They have no business to eat paan.” I was surprised [at] a five year old child. Maybe, you might say, it’s my relationship or my blood in them or whatever it is. They are really remarkably moral people, remarkably, for their age. Also they are moral not only for themselves, but also their friends and everyone, extremely moral. They don't like people sitting before the mirror for hours together, never. They said, “They must be bhoots.” “We had a lady who was working in our house.” She said, “She doesn't clean my bathroom, she’s just looking at the mirror and looking at herself!” I said, “Isn't she frightened of herself?” All kinds of things! They make such fun of all the films, such films you see. They have seen once there was one film which my daughters had seen five times, making fun of the whole thing. You know, they really make fun of all that. So once my husband had to see that film with other relations in Calcutta. He came back. He said, “Never see that film again! Never send those children to that film!” They had already seen it five times! But such a reaction, you know. They never take to modern ideas [like] answering back to parents and, “I’ll do what I like!” Why? Why don't they do it? And to me they are absolutely subservient. If I am having the bath, they’ll put on the radio. If I come out, they are sitting there with a towel and powder for my feet. All the time they are worried about me, why? Not about their parents, so much as they are worried about me. This is because they are born realised and the children who are not, these are half-way children, they are like that: they get impressed by this Western thing and all that. So the parents should see and tell them, “What is this nonsense?” So many things I can tell you about them. I have been studying them and I was worried that if these children were not born in my family, what would have happened to them? They don’t like to hear any funny songs - nothing. Once, early in the morning, my daughter was playing some ghazals. so she got up and came in the room. She said, “What's this going on, early in the morning, crying, crying? What is this?” So I said, “This is ghazal.” “What a puzzle, early in the morning, to make everyone weep!” You see, these Lucknow people and all those are very ghazalias: only in the mind. They never love their wives, never do anything for them, but they are romantic type. And these girls know about it. “And we Lucknowas. We don't want to marry these! They’re just romancing in their heads and they don't love their wives and the wives also don't love.” So this is what it is. I mean, they are so mature. These two were studying in Patna and they had only one chappal (sandal) left with them, which was half broken. So I told, “All right, come along with me to Delhi. I'll buy good chappals for you.” I took them there. They wouldn't buy another one. “One chappal is only. One chappal and one chappal.” I said, “Why you have come all the way just to buy only one chappal?” “Yes, when this will break we will buy another one.” And the clothes? Nothing! I forced on them their clothes. They wouldn't take it. They said, “No, no, no, no! There's no need to spend. Why do you want to spend? Already we have got so much loan on our head, of our parents. And why do you want to spend more money?” Even grandson. He said, “My school is so bad! All the girls want to talk to me.” And now he's head of the class, school also. They’re so wise, so sensible. And it’s an example, before you to see that your children don't take to stupid things of so called romance and all that. They don’t believe in all that. Today I have to tell you because I have got reports of some girls who have been misbehaving, sitting before the [mirror]. Why? Why so much? And I don't know, I can't face mirror for more than for two minutes at the most. Not because I think I have something wrong with me, but the vibrations start hitting me! I don't know how I look or what. Why should you worry so much? We should be confident, have self-respect. All is accepted, dirty, filthy, from the West. And in Sanskrit, as you know I have told you, they were called as mlecchas. Mleccha: mala-iccha. They want all dirt and filth, that’s what. Iccha is the desire; and they take to it. Even in the Muslim culture that is there, that’s why in Lucknow and all that, I used to get suffocated the way people were romantic. No sense of proportion. But, thank God now, Lucknow has changed so much. I am really amazed how these people just looking at women: every woman they must see, turn their head at every woman. I mean, their necks might break one day. But in the West, I have seen, all women look at the men! First I didn't understand what is going on. All the time like this, like this, like this. And then they end up in a lunatic asylum. What will happen otherwise also? We are Sahaja Yogis. We have our own traditions. We are people of very high families. Why should we take to these dirty things? So I would request you to tell your children not to be impressed by this dirty, horrible culture that has evolved. It was not so bad in the West. I tell you, it was not. It is now ruined; the whole place They have no idea as to how filthy it has become. If you are real Sahaja Yogis, you will be very quiet, unassuming, dignified, mature, as well as you will be very moral. You have to be very [moral]. And you should only like people who are moral. This is not to be taught, but to be shown to the children, how you yourself live. If the mother is all the time busy with her beauty and this and that, the child also takes it. All this filth and dirt should not settle down, at least in Sahaja Yoga. This is what today I wanted to tell you: [about] these people, really I got worried. They have no sense of music. They don't understand music. They have no sense of Sahaja Yoga, nothing. They are supposed to be your children! Tomorrow the same children will definitely cleanse the whole world, but what is your attention is? You are giving money to them to do what they like. You are not putting your any attention. Parents are there to correct their children. They have to. And if they argue, give them two tight slaps and they will be all right. In the West, also, the children are horrible, absolutely horrible children. They'll go on asking you questions, “Why? Why?” Once I was travelling with a child like that and the mother said, “What to do with this child?” I said, “You ask him: ‘Yesterday what I answered, do you remember that? Tell me what I answered you!’ ” Since that day he stopped [asking] ‘why’. Children shouldn't talk so much. They have no understanding of anything, still little babies. How are they to talk, as if they are wisdom personified? This is all Western new method of educating their children. “Let them be what they want, they are free. So what?” With this method, no artist has been produced, no musician has been produced, no composer has been produced. The whole quality has gone down. First you need some discipline in life to become something. But also it’s very money-oriented in the West, that if the boy has to clean the car, you pay him £2. No Sahaja Yogi should do that. He has to do that. He sits in the car, so why shouldn't he clean it? He should feel, “This is my responsibility.” And a very big problem you will face if your children turn out to be such horrible ones. Of course, I am trying to make a school here for the Sahaj children, but the parents should not spoil them. Same with the western people. Now they have got their children, they are so attached to their children. They think it is their own property, they can do what they like with them. We made the school. We paid for the school. We collected everything, did all that. They are very nicely coming here to take away their children to their own countries. They cannot think even that they are Sahaja Yogis [and] they have to be in Ganapatipule [even] if you are not. They are not going to be like you that, for some time, take all advantage of Sahaja Yoga and then just become the same stupid fools. So they decided to take away their children, this, that. I told Yogi, “Why are you sending the children [home]?” He said, “The parents are…” Who are the parents? Who are the parents? So this idea should not be there. Children are to be involved in the main stream. They should be in the main stream. They should be here. Otherwise, we have nothing to do with you and your children. Get out! Now, I have to take a strong view of the whole thing. I find, specially in Australia, they are becoming extremely secluded people. Some of them are having, in the ashram, their own rooms, their own television, their own this thing, their own cooking. This own business has to go away. Throw away all such people from the ashrams. I am surprised at Australians! They got out of the jail and again want to go into the same jail. Next time all the children have to come to Ganapatipule; next time, and nobody has to [say], “We have booked their seats. We have done that.” I told them, “Put them into trouble. Tell them we can't send the children. Let them pay for that then they will understand.” Now the last, and not the least, is the way still we are attached to money. Sahaja Yoga is free, agreed. Your Realisation is free. But this time, can you believe, [on] the sixteenth of November, I telephoned from Russia to find out how much money was collected and there was very little money there. And such a big programme, such a difficult programme and such an expensive programme we had done. At the right time they let me down! So I had to borrow money to have this programme. Can you believe it? They don’t feel responsible that they're troubling Mother like this! I was not sure how many are coming, how many are not coming. First they said only two hundred coming, then three hundred are coming, then I heard there were six hundred! Have you got a big bank account here that you can just do what you like? So they are not responsible. Next time if you do not pay money till the end of October, you are out of the tour! Anywhere! I cannot go on borrowing money like this every time. And then I have to return that money to my husband. It’s a fact! Everybody knows. [In] money matters, also, we have not yet been able to be real Sahaja Yogis. Now, this Shyamji, has bought these saris on a little concession and he thought that he will sell those and whatever concession he gets it, he will give to Sahaja Yoga. He’s a very honest man. But because some saris were a little less in price they were not [sold by] Sahaj Yogis, nothing, and they were artificial saris, people went and bought saris from him. And none of them bought saris from Shyamji. They are very vain type. Whatever is the little profit that he will have, he gives it to me. We have so much extra expenses. You have no idea! Same about presents. The money, you people, you gave me about the presents, also, is so delayed. Just now we have taken thirty-five thousand pounds, extra, for the musicians, which is not yet paid back. Here are [the] people, you can ask them, they are dealing in the bank. I have paid for this Chindwada house, four lakhs of rupees already, not a single pie (1/192 rupee) has been given so far, paid for. We have to do so many things. But so many Sahaja Yogis there are. I tell them all, “Don't give me any presents. I don’t want any presents from you.” But you must pay for all these expenses which are incurred. Today is the first day I am talking about it, because this time you really put me out completely. Absolutely, I was. I didn't know what will I do. I never borrow money. Partly I got from Italy and partly I borrowed: Partly, quite a lot. After all, everything needs money, you must understand. So, you see, next time if you do all these things I’ll cancel the tours. Please, by the end of October, remember all your money should be there. It’s not proper to say all these things to you, I know, but you should also know what trouble I am going through. For doing what? For your Realisation, for your tours, for your everything. I don’t need Sahaja Yoga do I? Also, the last thing is this, as I have said, money is needed just now, but maybe, might be, something might [be] worked out when you won't need so much money; may. It will only work out if you people are sincere. So many things are to be done here, also. Of course, I have given a lot of money here. In these four years, I have been able to save a lot of money, I must say; compared to previous years when you people were managing the money. Since then I have saved. Because money doesn’t have legs to walk out! If you don’t spend, it is there! “My children, my wife, my house, my everything.” What about “my Sahaj Yoga”? It’s your responsibility now: you need it, your family needs it, your country needs it. Everybody needs it. So it is your responsibility. Please understand that you have got Sahaja Yoga because you are special people. But the speciality is that you are responsible for the whole world. Spreading Sahaja Yoga is all right, but to be responsible. On the whole, of course, it has been really a very good working out, I agree, but still these are things that are missing which must be somehow or other corrected: by the leaders, by the world leaders, and coordinated. It should be done. After all, you know my age now. You don't want to trouble me. This is the only kindness I need: not to go on postponing things, not to go on being irresponsible, that’s all! I have been telling you for the last fifteen years [that] I don't want any presents! For presents, for saris, everybody’s anxious. Now this time every country wanted to give me [a] sari. Just imagine! I don’t need that. I don’t know what I will do with it. But full attention to yourself and to the collective work and to the global work. If I stop this work, it’s very easy, but you don't want that. Even few are coming, whatever it is. Definitely you tell me [that] so many are coming - finished! It’s hardly two, three years more, at the most it will continue. It cannot go on forever. We’ll have to think of something else. And my own style is that, whatever you give for my pujas, I keep it for Sahaja Yoga only: for the buying of silver, this, that. So much of silver I have given, so much gold that is here is my own. Everything, most of the ornaments are my own. Now what else I should do? Not that I want anything from you, but you should be responsible and understand. All of you should, please. If you can really think that this is so important. Twelve disciples of Christ worked out Christianity - only twelve. And they were fishermen: how they did it! All right, so everybody is telling me that, “Mother you must talk to them and tell them about it.” So I have told you. I have done my job. Now it is for you to think what is good and what should be done. Sahaja Yoga is your own: is for your children, is for your family, is for the country, not only [that, but] for the whole world, where you live. You are such a great people who are realised-souls. Where are the realised-souls here? So have self-esteem, then you will feel responsible, you know, “I am responsible.” Thank you very much. May God bless you.
“Taking care of children”, India Tour, Ganapatipule (India), 27 December 1993. Today I am feeling rather sad [that] had to say something, hard things yesterday and you know [a] mother is like that (Mother is referring to a lecture in Marathi the previous day). You have to correct your children, you have to tell them something, but you don't like it and you have to really put up yourself to that point, that you can say something to your children. And the effect was good they said, but I didn't want them to cry or weep. I want them to be corrected, to understand the responsibility that they have. We have to understand that we have a responsibility towards Sahaja Yoga; and that is, if you understand the first responsibility, is that you have to be very good Sahaja Yogis to begin with; that’s the greatest. I have seen some very little girls also are very show-offs: they’ll be the first to sit further, they’ll be attracting my attention, doing these things. So they have to be told to behave themselves. There are so many things like that which are to be told to your children also. Like today so many leaders came and they also told me what is happening in India now, specially in Maharashtra - but I think it is all over - that they are taking to Western life, sitting before the mirror, all the time dressing up, thinking about their beauty, this, that. I mean, it was never done before. And the mothers allow them to do because they don't want to face them. And then they see bad pictures and bad films and things like that, and then they have a bad effect of these bad films and they try to follow: at the age of sixteen years they want to fall in love or something like that. All this nonsense is coming, I know that this filmmaking is a very dangerous thing these days. They are making all kinds of films to show that a sixteen year old girl and an eighteen year old boy run away from the house because they are ‘in love’. And what do they understand of it? No maturity of any kind to have a good married life. But for a born-realised children it is different. They are very different. Because I have seen the reaction of my own grandchildren, how they react. So, like one of them said to me, “Can you imagine grandma that in our gardens, one young man running, another young woman running after him, dancing in the garden and kissing. Is it possible? The stupid things they do in the films!” They make fun of all these things. The youngest one, he came once to Cabella and there was some film made, of one actress, ‘Mandakini’ or something. She’s a Muslim lady, but she calls herself ‘Mandakini’. “Never see her films!” he says, “very bad, very bad!” I said, “What happened?” “Do you know what she did? She went into the River Ganges with very thin clothes and she came out and she insulted all of us. We don't see her film.” I said, “Really? But must be, I said, the director.” “Yes, that horrible Raj Kapoor, he’s the worst. Thank God he’s dead now.” Imagine! Even when they were young their reactions were like this. Even I have seen my elder one. She was engaged. She was thinking she'll select her own. She wanted to marry somebody and she only stuck onto one fellow to see him, but to the end she was saying, “I don't want to get engaged till I see this man thoroughly. I have not seen him.” I mean she never gave in fully. So I was we are never bothered about it. Whenever they are they behave in such a manner. Like another one in Delhi I asked her, “Why do you wear these khadi clothes all the time? Can't you wear something better? What will people think, that we don't give you any money?” She said, “No, it's better. Nobody looks at you. It's a very good idea.” So this is a sign of a really born-realised. I have studied all of them, my grandson and three children. There's no question. They are so moral, so moral! And we never told them these things. We never told them that, “This is good,” or, “that good,” or, “you should not do this.” They, themselves [understand]. Then my sister's grandson the other day we met, he’s only a five year old boy, born-realised. So in Sahaja Yoga we don't eat paan, so my sister, another sister, he calls as all of us as ‘grandmas’, she ate the paan. He just started fighting, “Why do you eat paan? Dirty thing. Throw away! I will have nothing to do. I am kutti with you!” Means I am now finished with it. Five year old! He protested. And then he suddenly started crying. I said, “Why are you crying now?” “All of them are eating paan. They are all bad people. I don't want to have them here!” I mean in the marriage, they were eating paan! So, he said he made everybody throw away their paan! So I told him, “There are people who don't eat paan, don't take cigarettes and don't drink and they are with us. They are called Sahaja Yogis.” “I am a Sahaja Yogi!” he said. “I am a Sahaja Yogi! Well, why do you tolerate, grandma, all these people? Tell them off! They have no business to eat paan.” I was surprised [at] a five year old child. Maybe, you might say, it’s my relationship or my blood in them or whatever it is. They are really remarkably moral people, remarkably, for their age. Also they are moral not only for themselves, but also their friends and everyone, extremely moral. They don't like people sitting before the mirror for hours together, never. They said, “They must be bhoots.” “We had a lady who was working in our house.” She said, “She doesn't clean my bathroom, she’s just looking at the mirror and looking at herself!” I said, “Isn't she frightened of herself?” All kinds of things! They make such fun of all the films, such films you see. They have seen once there was one film which my daughters had seen five times, making fun of the whole thing. You know, they really make fun of all that. So once my husband had to see that film with other relations in Calcutta. He came back. He said, “Never see that film again! Never send those children to that film!” They had already seen it five times! But such a reaction, you know. They never take to modern ideas [like] answering back to parents and, “I’ll do what I like!” Why? Why don't they do it? And to me they are absolutely subservient. If I am having the bath, they’ll put on the radio. If I come out, they are sitting there with a towel and powder for my feet. All the time they are worried about me, why? Not about their parents, so much as they are worried about me. This is because they are born realised and the children who are not, these are half-way children, they are like that: they get impressed by this Western thing and all that. So the parents should see and tell them, “What is this nonsense?” So many things I can tell you about them. I have been studying them and I was worried that if these children were not born in my family, what would have happened to them? They don’t like to hear any funny songs - nothing. Once, early in the morning, my daughter was playing some ghazals. so she got up and came in the room. She said, “What's this going on, early in the morning, crying, crying? What is this?” So I said, “This is ghazal.” “What a puzzle, early in the morning, to make everyone weep!” You see, these Lucknow people and all those are very ghazalias: only in the mind. They never love their wives, never do anything for them, but they are romantic type. And these girls know about it. “And we Lucknowas. We don't want to marry these! They’re just romancing in their heads and they don't love their wives and the wives also don't love.” So this is what it is. I mean, they are so mature. These two were studying in Patna and they had only one chappal (sandal) left with them, which was half broken. So I told, “All right, come along with me to Delhi. I'll buy good chappals for you.” I took them there. They wouldn't buy another one. “One chappal is only. One chappal and one chappal.” I said, “Why you have come all the way just to buy only one chappal?” “Yes, when this will break we will buy another one.” And the clothes? Nothing! I forced on them their clothes. They wouldn't take it. They said, “No, no, no, no! There's no need to spend. Why do you want to spend? Already we have got so much loan on our head, of our parents. And why do you want to spend more money?” Even grandson. He said, “My school is so bad! All the girls want to talk to me.” And now he's head of the class, school also. They’re so wise, so sensible. And it’s an example, before you to see that your children don't take to stupid things of so called romance and all that. They don’t believe in all that. Today I have to tell you because I have got reports of some girls who have been misbehaving, sitting before the [mirror]. Why? Why so much? And I don't know, I can't face mirror for more than for two minutes at the most. Not because I think I have something wrong with me, but the vibrations start hitting me! I don't know how I look or what. Why should you worry so much? We should be confident, have self-respect. All is accepted, dirty, filthy, from the West. And in Sanskrit, as you know I have told you, they were called as mlecchas. Mleccha: mala-iccha. They want all dirt and filth, that’s what. Iccha is the desire; and they take to it. Even in the Muslim culture that is there, that’s why in Lucknow and all that, I used to get suffocated the way people were romantic. No sense of proportion. But, thank God now, Lucknow has changed so much. I am really amazed how these people just looking at women: every woman they must see, turn their head at every woman. I mean, their necks might break one day. But in the West, I have seen, all women look at the men! First I didn't understand what is going on. All the time like this, like this, like this. And then they end up in a lunatic asylum. What will happen otherwise also? We are Sahaja Yogis. We have our own traditions. We are people of very high families. Why should we take to these dirty things? So I would request you to tell your children not to be impressed by this dirty, horrible culture that has evolved. It was not so bad in the West. I tell you, it was not. It is now ruined; the whole place They have no idea as to how filthy it has become. If you are real Sahaja Yogis, you will be very quiet, unassuming, dignified, mature, as well as you will be very moral. You have to be very [moral]. And you should only like people who are moral. This is not to be taught, but to be shown to the children, how you yourself live. If the mother is all the time busy with her beauty and this and that, the child also takes it. All this filth and dirt should not settle down, at least in Sahaja Yoga. This is what today I wanted to tell you: [about] these people, really I got worried. They have no sense of music. They don't understand music. They have no sense of Sahaja Yoga, nothing. They are supposed to be your children! Tomorrow the same children will definitely cleanse the whole world, but what is your attention is? You are giving money to them to do what they like. You are not putting your any attention. Parents are there to correct their children. They have to. And if they argue, give them two tight slaps and they will be all right. In the West, also, the children are horrible, absolutely horrible children. They'll go on asking you questions, “Why? Why?” Once I was travelling with a child like that and the mother said, “What to do with this child?” I said, “You ask him: ‘Yesterday what I answered, do you remember that? Tell me what I answered you!’ ” Since that day he stopped [asking] ‘why’. Children shouldn't talk so much. They have no understanding of anything, still little babies. How are they to talk, as if they are wisdom personified? This is all Western new method of educating their children. “Let them be what they want, they are free. So what?” With this method, no artist has been produced, no musician has been produced, no composer has been produced. The whole quality has gone down. First you need some discipline in life to become something. But also it’s very money-oriented in the West, that if the boy has to clean the car, you pay him £2. No Sahaja Yogi should do that. He has to do that. He sits in the car, so why shouldn't he clean it? He should feel, “This is my responsibility.” And a very big problem you will face if your children turn out to be such horrible ones. Of course, I am trying to make a school here for the Sahaj children, but the parents should not spoil them. Same with the western people. Now they have got their children, they are so attached to their children. They think it is their own property, they can do what they like with them. We made the school. We paid for the school. We collected everything, did all that. They are very nicely coming here to take away their children to their own countries. They cannot think even that they are Sahaja Yogis [and] they have to be in Ganapatipule [even] if you are not. They are not going to be like you that, for some time, take all advantage of Sahaja Yoga and then just become the same stupid fools. So they decided to take away their children, this, that. I told Yogi, “Why are you sending the children [home]?” He said, “The parents are…” Who are the parents? Who are the parents? So this idea should not be there. Children are to be involved in the main stream. They should be in the main stream. They should be here. Otherwise, we have nothing to do with you and your children. Get out! Now, I have to take a strong view of the whole thing. I find, specially in Australia, they are becoming extremely secluded people. Some of them are having, in the ashram, their own rooms, their own television, their own this thing, their own cooking. This own business has to go away. Throw away all such people from the ashrams. I am surprised at Australians! They got out of the jail and again want to go into the same jail. Next time all the children have to come to Ganapatipule; next time, and nobody has to [say], “We have booked their seats. We have done that.” I told them, “Put them into trouble. Tell them we can't send the children. Let them pay for that then they will understand.” Now the last, and not the least, is the way still we are attached to money. Sahaja Yoga is free, agreed. Your Realisation is free. But this time, can you believe, [on] the sixteenth of November, I telephoned from Russia to find out how much money was collected and there was very little money there. And such a big programme, such a difficult programme and such an expensive programme we had done. At the right time they let me down! So I had to borrow money to have this programme. Can you believe it? They don’t feel responsible that they're troubling Mother like this! I was not sure how many are coming, how many are not coming. First they said only two hundred coming, then three hundred are coming, then I heard there were six hundred! Have you got a big bank account here that you can just do what you like? So they are not responsible. Next time if you do not pay money till the end of October, you are out of the tour! Anywhere! I cannot go on borrowing money like this every time. And then I have to return that money to my husband. It’s a fact! Everybody knows. [In] money matters, also, we have not yet been able to be real Sahaja Yogis. Now, this Shyamji, has bought these saris on a little concession and he thought that he will sell those and whatever concession he gets it, he will give to Sahaja Yoga. He’s a very honest man. But because some saris were a little less in price they were not [sold by] Sahaj Yogis, nothing, and they were artificial saris, people went and bought saris from him. And none of them bought saris from Shyamji. They are very vain type. Whatever is the little profit that he will have, he gives it to me. We have so much extra expenses. You have no idea! Same about presents. The money, you people, you gave me about the presents, also, is so delayed. Just now we have taken thirty-five thousand pounds, extra, for the musicians, which is not yet paid back. Here are [the] people, you can ask them, they are dealing in the bank. I have paid for this Chindwada house, four lakhs of rupees already, not a single pie (1/192 rupee) has been given so far, paid for. We have to do so many things. But so many Sahaja Yogis there are. I tell them all, “Don't give me any presents. I don’t want any presents from you.” But you must pay for all these expenses which are incurred. Today is the first day I am talking about it, because this time you really put me out completely. Absolutely, I was. I didn't know what will I do. I never borrow money. Partly I got from Italy and partly I borrowed: Partly, quite a lot. After all, everything needs money, you must understand. So, you see, next time if you do all these things I’ll cancel the tours. Please, by the end of October, remember all your money should be there. It’s not proper to say all these things to you, I know, but you should also know what trouble I am going through. For doing what? For your Realisation, for your tours, for your everything. I don’t need Sahaja Yoga do I? Also, the last thing is this, as I have said, money is needed just now, but maybe, might be, something might [be] worked out when you won't need so much money; may. It will only work out if you people are sincere. So many things are to be done here, also. Of course, I have given a lot of money here. In these four years, I have been able to save a lot of money, I must say; compared to previous years when you people were managing the money. Since then I have saved. Because money doesn’t have legs to walk out! If you don’t spend, it is there! “My children, my wife, my house, my everything.” What about “my Sahaj Yoga”? It’s your responsibility now: you need it, your family needs it, your country needs it. Everybody needs it. So it is your responsibility. Please understand that you have got Sahaja Yoga because you are special people. But the speciality is that you are responsible for the whole world. Spreading Sahaja Yoga is all right, but to be responsible. On the whole, of course, it has been really a very good working out, I agree, but still these are things that are missing which must be somehow or other corrected: by the leaders, by the world leaders, and coordinated. It should be done. After all, you know my age now. You don't want to trouble me. This is the only kindness I need: not to go on postponing things, not to go on being irresponsible, that’s all! I have been telling you for the last fifteen years [that] I don't want any presents! For presents, for saris, everybody’s anxious. Now this time every country wanted to give me [a] sari. Just imagine! I don’t need that. I don’t know what I will do with it. But full attention to yourself and to the collective work and to the global work. If I stop this work, it’s very easy, but you don't want that. Even few are coming, whatever it is. Definitely you tell me [that] so many are coming - finished! It’s hardly two, three years more, at the most it will continue. It cannot go on forever. We’ll have to think of something else. And my own style is that, whatever you give for my pujas, I keep it for Sahaja Yoga only: for the buying of silver, this, that. So much of silver I have given, so much gold that is here is my own. Everything, most of the ornaments are my own. Now what else I should do? Not that I want anything from you, but you should be responsible and understand. All of you should, please. If you can really think that this is so important. Twelve disciples of Christ worked out Christianity - only twelve. And they were fishermen: how they did it! All right, so everybody is telling me that, “Mother you must talk to them and tell them about it.” So I have told you. I have done my job. Now it is for you to think what is good and what should be done. Sahaja Yoga is your own: is for your children, is for your family, is for the country, not only [that, but] for the whole world, where you live. You are such a great people who are realised-souls. Where are the realised-souls here? So have self-esteem, then you will feel responsible, you know, “I am responsible.” Thank you very much. May God bless you.
Weddings and Advice to Brides and Grooms
English, Hindi
Advice to Brides and Bridegrooms in Ganapatipule (India). 28 December 1993. Advice to Bridegrooms This time we have the maximum number of people who are getting married. Still I don't know the final number. At the last moment some people come to me that I should tie their dhotis. Different thing in Sahaja Yoga doesn't matter. Whatever it is, There is one thing I would first again ask. Those who don't want to get married with the people whom we have selected and you accepted should immediately tell me today. Now there's still time. If you have any doubts, any one. The purpose of these marriages is this, that we should have international understanding about human beings that after coming to Sahaja Yoga we transcend all the barriers, all the barriers of race, religion, ?? and nationality. We have to create this homogenous world and make it peaceful by removing this disease of national identification or racial identification. We are all created by God Almighty. Our differences are only skin deep. Culturally we are different little bit here and there but basically in ourselves we are all spiritual. And the religion that you have is innate built in within us which is an part and parcel of us. By these marriages we want to achieve a very happy and a very enjoyable married life. In the marriage one has to know, nobody should dominate anyone... that's a wrong idea. But we have two wheels of the chariot, one is big and one is small, then the chariot will never move forward, it will go round and round. Both are equally the same, equal sized, but they are not similar. The left cannot be the right and the right cannot be the left. So men and women have to be men and women in Sahaja Yoga. They cannot be unisex people. They cannot be. That's very important. The man has to protect the wife, love her, give her all the security that is needed. And woman has to nourish the husband and give him all the love and affection she has.So here we are on the threshold of entering into a new life where you have a companion of your own. She will be your wife. Not because only she is in Sahaja Yoga that you have married her but she's your own. So try to prove it to her that you love her very much and that she is your wife and you have all that is yours is for her. This is very important in the very beginning of it. Now there's another thing I have found out in my experience sometimes that they get married, I don't know what happens, they are swayed into it and they get married. And after they go back to their own country they start saying "Mother we know we cannot manage, we have to work it out. This, that" Marriages are now worked out. Spontaneously it happens.But in India you see we are all the time prepared for a good married life. The wife is told, the husband is told all the time. So normally when they get married they think this is what it is for us. They don't have love affairs before hand; they don't have friends and things.But even if you had your past, now it's finished. You don't discuss, don't tell, don't talk about it, do your best. That's absolutely wrong because the past doesn't exist, what exists is the present. So enjoy the present, forget it, forgive yourself. Many people also have this big problem that they cannot forget their past and go on telling their wives that I was like this. There is no need to confess anything. They think it is honest. There is no question of honesty or dishonesty at that time is but to enjoy full joyous mood of marriage. That's in the head. Otherwise what's the use of marrying and then telling stories.Or some people have very bad habit of telling him how bad the mother was, the father was or may be that how miserable he is or how he has gone through struggle... there's no need to talk of this. At this moment you are married, she is your wife, and you have to express all your love and all your attention to her so she feels secure and happy. This point please try to note. Nothing has to be talked about your past. Then we are Sahaja Yogis. I have seen some Sahaja Yogis, very great Sahaja Yogis who are married, very very ordinary men, very ordinary, ordinary looking superficially. Or can say some of them could be called as ugly. Some girls are like that, some men are like that. I mean from these norms that you have about beauty and all this nonsense. But when you see a person full of vibrations, she gives you such tranquility, such joy.Don't disturb it by having your pre-married ideas about your wife you see. The reality is this is your wife and you are her husband. Take the reality into consideration. Not some imaginary image you have about your wife. Your wife is before you, she's your wife. What's the use of having imaginary ideas you will never enjoy your married life, I mean if you have imagination, then you should not even marry: marry your imagination is a better way. Why to ruin somebody's life, why to make somebody miserable? They are all intelligent and good Sahaja yoginis. We have seen to it they are all very good Sahaja Yoginis.But once you try to misbehave with your wife or try to create problems for us, naturally we don't want you any more in Sahaja Yoga, because it is getting too much and you know as it is not easy to marry you, to get your visas, to take you down there its quite a lot of work one has to go into it.So now don't think that you have been forced into any marriage, you have been asked into any marriage, please. If you give up this kind of an imaginary ideas about this marriage, again and again I am telling to you today now and this time also, this present moment, all those who feel that way should immediately tell me, I will be extremely happy. There is another third thing that I have seen about the western people is that they are literally frightened of marriage, literally frightened.First is they may live with a woman for 10 days or 20 days or 10 years, but as soon as they get married they go for a divorce, very funny(??). For this I think the law is responsible, because the women think they will get money out of their husbands may be or the husbands think that they will get money out of their wives. In Sahaja Yoga if you want to take the divorce later on, which I don't like at all. We have only 1 % divorces, then I would not allow you to extract money from the other, never, and nor the girl should extract money from you.Last but not the least is important that, once you are married, now the girls may not be able to go immediately from their various places because of visa problems, but don't give them money to be sent to their families, that is not allowed in Sahaja Yoga. The girl should not send their money to their parents that's not allowed and trouble the husband for that. Sometimes if you want to send is alright, but there should not be regular remittance all the time and this is sometimes comes to my notice which I do not want to encourage. As far as that part is concerned you should not give any money for sending it to the relations of your wife otherwise it will become a money oriented marriage and people would marry because they can extract some money from it.All these things should be kept in to it, that we are now married, we are stupid if we want to have a divorce, stupid. and I don't like divorce at all. Though I allow because sometimes I find horrible things happening. But rarely I would allow anybody to have a divorce, rarely, so this idea should be given up and one should not be selfish...But from the very beginning if you try to be very kind and nice, I am sure things will work out. We have to prove to the world that marriage is a divine institution and by this divine institution if you have been put together it's also a divine plan. And through this divine plan many things are going to work out. So those who are getting married today are helping Sahaja Yoga very much.I have already told you there are many saints who want to be married. And nowadays that you see this world full of horrible people. We need so many saints to be born and so the saints will be born in case you have good married time, happy married life and enjoyable life. I think all this lecturing is of no use unless and until you start enjoying your married life. There are such sweet things I need not tell you. I was surprised that there is no book in English language which describes the romance after marriage, I was surprised, no book, can you imagine? and in India you won't find any books which describe the romance before the marriage.Nowadays they have started doing some sort of stupid things but normally no question. So now it is for you, enjoy your married life much more than you have enjoyed your childhood, your youth or any other times in college, schools, anywhere. So be prepared. Make yourself friendly, ??open it, open your heart. Don't try to find faults in your wife. I mean some things she doesn't know, some things you don't know. Doesn't matter. All the time trying to find faults makes you faulty. Don't find faults.If you see somebody doing something wrong, suppose if you find that person is trying to do something. All right, you just do it your self or don't tell. Gradually she will learn from you what is the right way is. And one should make fun of these moments, for example I don't know how to do any banking, write a cheque. I am very bad at many things you see, can't even open a television, I can't even the air conditioner. So many things I just can't do. Doesn't matter. My husband also equally the same. So we enjoy each other. All part and parcel of Sahaja Yoga. One unit here, one unit there, one unit there. But they are in the same ocean of spirituality. So any Sahaja Yogi who comes to your house or any one, especially Indian women you will find, they will look after the guests very well.And then there is some sort of a thing called jealousy comes out... it's very absurd. Indian women will not have anybody else as their husbands but their own. It is then worked out. So don't have these funny ideas that she is very friendly, she is looking after other people, this and that. This kind of a nonsense should not be there. In Sahaja Yoga we don't have those things, we have become very pure, their eyes are pure. So don't have any doubts about your wives. Same with the wives I will tell you. This will make your life very much more happier and confident. If you have any problem you can always write to me directly, need not even. tell through your leaders you can directly write to me if you really have problem. But I think you are all intelligent people, you should be able to sort out everything. Advice to Brides Now I have been already with your fiancés and I talked to them. I have praised you a lot. Now first thing we have to know that this marriage ceremony that we have organised with a purpose. The first purpose is that regard marriage is very essential for Sahaja Yoga. If somebody doesn't want to marry, we say alright you get out of Sahaja Yoga. It's alright. Now why marriage is important, because a marriage is like a big Yagnya, it's like a big Tapasya, you can call it, or it's a great experience. How to achieve balance, how to become a witness and how to become a spirit. It's very important.Now the first and foremost thing we have to know (is) that he is your husband and nobody else is your husband. Nobody is more important than he is. See men are very easy to be controlled. If you can make them feel they are the most important people for you, then you can manage them very well. But the first foremost ambition should be or the idea should be that I will make my married life extremely happy. Because if the married life is happy you will be happy.Now men have a habit of sometimes losing temper. Doesn't matter that's their habit. So you shouldn't immediately become the same type. But you can little bit in a womanly way try to put your sweet device of smiling it or laughing it out or little bit [showing you nice?] somehow. But not to make it serious. It's very important.So how to handle the men. Especially your husbands is an art and that art you will achieve gradually when you start seeing. But if you start finding faults with the men and start saying you can't do this, you can't do this, you don't know how to drive or how to do this, or this things. Then you are finished. You must say you are the best driver. You are the best. That's the way you have to deal with him. But not that you are befooling them. Because you say this because you love. And love is the basis between you and him. Nothing else. Not Money. Not what you have got for him or he has brought for you. Nothing of that.All these things are not materialistic. They have nothing to do with matter.Love is something which you can express also through matter, sometimes by giving some nice presents or nice food or something. But the most important thing is your heart. You should not cheat. In anyway you should not be hypocritical, and you should not try to do something that is not pure. So in Sahaja Yoga, the purpose of these marriages is to have you connected internationally. So you all transcend all the barriers of your nationality, the barriers of our racialism, barriers of caste, barriers of so much materialism.So you should not compare your husband with anyone. He is Your husband and you shouldn't expect too much from him. He's not given me this, he has not done that for me, he's like this. This is not necessary. You must always think what I have done for him.Also what's wrong with me? Now some people, especially in the west it's very common, that after marriage they think that they have to work out marriages, no working out. You see like they think that as you work out your kitchen or work out your things. It's not like this. Spontaneously between the two human beings who are realised souls. It is not that you are working out anything, but spontaneously you are going to enjoy, spontaneously.Now if you become extremely critical and try to show you are very brilliant and this. It's not going to work. To be humble. Keep quiet. Those who are really intelligent always keep quiet and watch things. But those who are not, are bumptious. The more you are in Sahaja Yoga, the more you will be respected by him and by everybody. Apart from that, there are so many saints who want to be born. Once you have very happy married life among yourselves, those saints will be born to you, and it will be such a blessing and joy for you. So try to understand not to boss your husband or try to put him right or do things and in a very. I have seen some ladies who are extremely tense, very tense type. They can never give joy. They are themselves not in joy, how can they give joy, are themselves not in joy. So the tension should not be there. At all of any kind. Be relaxed. You are the other side of Sahaja Yoga, which gives peace, joy, nourishment and also complete tranquillity. In the family you are responsible for tranquillity. Even if husband is angry, children are fighting, if the mother is tranquil, you can control all the situation. So the situation has to be controlled in a way that you make life happy for everyone. Sometimes women feel very angry when I tell them that first feed your children, your husband and then you eat yourself. Because that is the job of a woman. Like a man should go, earn living, do what he wants to do, job and all that. But the woman has to really look after the husband, look after the family, look after everything. Also you will find our Indian husbands not so good, as far as gardening is concerned, or you can say, they don't know how to mend anything like cars or your plumbing, they don't know. So doesn't matter, take it easy. Gradually they will pick up and they'll learn and they'll do it. But don't become impatient with them. Just make fun of it, you see, just make fun. That the best way to manage it and that don't expect too much, that they will do this nicely.Sometimes they cannot clean the utensils properly, they don't know how to do it. So all right. Just make fun of it and just enjoy it because they have [unclear]. You see in England or America I have seen anywhere, they have no servants at all. While we have servants here so all these boys are spoiled by the servants. So they are absolutely good for nothing as far as these things are concerned. But if you just try to teach them and help them, they will definitely go all out to do it. So the only thing you have to do is to love them with a clear heart. And all the time forgive and let them know that that she is the only one I have in the whole world apart from the Holy Mother. Of course, I'm not against divorce, but I'm not for it. In the sense that I don't like people when they divorce. But when things are impossible and difficult and one has to go in for such a thing, doesn't matter. Sometimes one has to do it. But it should be very rare. One should not think of a divorce at all. People think of divorce in the west mostly because of the laws, because the wife gets the money or the husband gets the money. But in SahajaYoga if you are marrying, all these things even if you are divorced, I will not support. Moreover, another thing is that the wives should not take money from the husband and send it to her relations. Never. It's a very very wrong thing, is to support your family through the money of their husband Absolutely not allowed. That should not be done. They.., you should not put the pressure of your family on your husband. You see there has to be a clear cut understanding for all of you. That you will not must keep your self respect. Don't ask for anything. If he gives you anything [unclear] well and good. But don't ask, don't demand. That means you are not a Sahaja Yogi. If you are a satisfied soul why should you ask for anything? Or somebody gets something, she has got this, she has ...Nothing of that kind. You be satisfied and this is how some girls nag the husbands very much. Most important thing is that you should not talk about your past, at all. Because past is finished. Now you are Sahaja Yogis. You are all realised souls. So you don't have to say a word about your past. Even if husband starts talking you just stop, and tell him we are to live in the present. Don't tell us about your past. I don't know why people think that they will look more attractive if they talk about all the past nonsense they did. Or say that my mother was so bad. All psychological nonsense. Not to put your parents into jeopardy by saying that they are very bad, they are no good. This, that.. Just forget the past and live in the present because in the present resides the reality and the reality is the ocean of joy. You should not nag him for anything. Supposing he didn't like something, you shouldn't do it. Whatever he doesn't like, small things, you know like, I was married in a family which was culturally very different, very different. And they don't wear flowers. You see, and in India all the married ladies, I mean down south, I'm saying in my community, all wear garlands around their buns and [unclear]. Always wear. My husband said no better not do it. Because you know here in our community only the bad women wear that to attract man. Since that day I have never worn it. Doesn't matter, not important. So, also you must understand now you have to take to the style of life of your husband. He is fond of entertaining, look after that. Women should be entertaining, they should look after. They should not mind if somebody comes to stay with them or lives with them. They should not try to show. On the contrary they should be happy they are able to look after someone who is a Sahaja Yogi. So, for the Sahaja Yogis, you must keep always your heart open, your house open. There are so many things which I would like to tell you but in this short time, I have to just say that it is the responsibility of the women to make their marriages happy. Depends on their intelligence and on their dedication to Sahaja Yoga. It's your responsibility. And if you see in a wider sense the responsibility of making a good society is that of a woman. Even if she has to suffer she can. She is like this mother Earth. She can suffer anything She never feels she suffers. She is so great. You are Shaktis. So as Shaktis if you have to suffer, you don't mind. And what you have to feel is that we are responsible for making our Sahaja Yoga society a perfect society. That's our responsibility. All your greed, all your ambitions, everything should be directed towards making a very very happy married life. I wish, I wish all, all of you, a very happy and prosperous married life.
Advice to Brides and Bridegrooms in Ganapatipule (India). 28 December 1993. Advice to Bridegrooms This time we have the maximum number of people who are getting married. Still I don't know the final number. At the last moment some people come to me that I should tie their dhotis. Different thing in Sahaja Yoga doesn't matter. Whatever it is, There is one thing I would first again ask. Those who don't want to get married with the people whom we have selected and you accepted should immediately tell me today. Now there's still time. If you have any doubts, any one. The purpose of these marriages is this, that we should have international understanding about human beings that after coming to Sahaja Yoga we transcend all the barriers, all the barriers of race, religion, ?? and nationality. We have to create this homogenous world and make it peaceful by removing this disease of national identification or racial identification. We are all created by God Almighty. Our differences are only skin deep. Culturally we are different little bit here and there but basically in ourselves we are all spiritual. And the religion that you have is innate built in within us which is an part and parcel of us. By these marriages we want to achieve a very happy and a very enjoyable married life. In the marriage one has to know, nobody should dominate anyone... that's a wrong idea. But we have two wheels of the chariot, one is big and one is small, then the chariot will never move forward, it will go round and round. Both are equally the same, equal sized, but they are not similar. The left cannot be the right and the right cannot be the left. So men and women have to be men and women in Sahaja Yoga. They cannot be unisex people. They cannot be. That's very important. The man has to protect the wife, love her, give her all the security that is needed. And woman has to nourish the husband and give him all the love and affection she has.So here we are on the threshold of entering into a new life where you have a companion of your own. She will be your wife. Not because only she is in Sahaja Yoga that you have married her but she's your own. So try to prove it to her that you love her very much and that she is your wife and you have all that is yours is for her. This is very important in the very beginning of it. Now there's another thing I have found out in my experience sometimes that they get married, I don't know what happens, they are swayed into it and they get married. And after they go back to their own country they start saying "Mother we know we cannot manage, we have to work it out. This, that" Marriages are now worked out. Spontaneously it happens.But in India you see we are all the time prepared for a good married life. The wife is told, the husband is told all the time. So normally when they get married they think this is what it is for us. They don't have love affairs before hand; they don't have friends and things.But even if you had your past, now it's finished. You don't discuss, don't tell, don't talk about it, do your best. That's absolutely wrong because the past doesn't exist, what exists is the present. So enjoy the present, forget it, forgive yourself. Many people also have this big problem that they cannot forget their past and go on telling their wives that I was like this. There is no need to confess anything. They think it is honest. There is no question of honesty or dishonesty at that time is but to enjoy full joyous mood of marriage. That's in the head. Otherwise what's the use of marrying and then telling stories.Or some people have very bad habit of telling him how bad the mother was, the father was or may be that how miserable he is or how he has gone through struggle... there's no need to talk of this. At this moment you are married, she is your wife, and you have to express all your love and all your attention to her so she feels secure and happy. This point please try to note. Nothing has to be talked about your past. Then we are Sahaja Yogis. I have seen some Sahaja Yogis, very great Sahaja Yogis who are married, very very ordinary men, very ordinary, ordinary looking superficially. Or can say some of them could be called as ugly. Some girls are like that, some men are like that. I mean from these norms that you have about beauty and all this nonsense. But when you see a person full of vibrations, she gives you such tranquility, such joy.Don't disturb it by having your pre-married ideas about your wife you see. The reality is this is your wife and you are her husband. Take the reality into consideration. Not some imaginary image you have about your wife. Your wife is before you, she's your wife. What's the use of having imaginary ideas you will never enjoy your married life, I mean if you have imagination, then you should not even marry: marry your imagination is a better way. Why to ruin somebody's life, why to make somebody miserable? They are all intelligent and good Sahaja yoginis. We have seen to it they are all very good Sahaja Yoginis.But once you try to misbehave with your wife or try to create problems for us, naturally we don't want you any more in Sahaja Yoga, because it is getting too much and you know as it is not easy to marry you, to get your visas, to take you down there its quite a lot of work one has to go into it.So now don't think that you have been forced into any marriage, you have been asked into any marriage, please. If you give up this kind of an imaginary ideas about this marriage, again and again I am telling to you today now and this time also, this present moment, all those who feel that way should immediately tell me, I will be extremely happy. There is another third thing that I have seen about the western people is that they are literally frightened of marriage, literally frightened.First is they may live with a woman for 10 days or 20 days or 10 years, but as soon as they get married they go for a divorce, very funny(??). For this I think the law is responsible, because the women think they will get money out of their husbands may be or the husbands think that they will get money out of their wives. In Sahaja Yoga if you want to take the divorce later on, which I don't like at all. We have only 1 % divorces, then I would not allow you to extract money from the other, never, and nor the girl should extract money from you.Last but not the least is important that, once you are married, now the girls may not be able to go immediately from their various places because of visa problems, but don't give them money to be sent to their families, that is not allowed in Sahaja Yoga. The girl should not send their money to their parents that's not allowed and trouble the husband for that. Sometimes if you want to send is alright, but there should not be regular remittance all the time and this is sometimes comes to my notice which I do not want to encourage. As far as that part is concerned you should not give any money for sending it to the relations of your wife otherwise it will become a money oriented marriage and people would marry because they can extract some money from it.All these things should be kept in to it, that we are now married, we are stupid if we want to have a divorce, stupid. and I don't like divorce at all. Though I allow because sometimes I find horrible things happening. But rarely I would allow anybody to have a divorce, rarely, so this idea should be given up and one should not be selfish...But from the very beginning if you try to be very kind and nice, I am sure things will work out. We have to prove to the world that marriage is a divine institution and by this divine institution if you have been put together it's also a divine plan. And through this divine plan many things are going to work out. So those who are getting married today are helping Sahaja Yoga very much.I have already told you there are many saints who want to be married. And nowadays that you see this world full of horrible people. We need so many saints to be born and so the saints will be born in case you have good married time, happy married life and enjoyable life. I think all this lecturing is of no use unless and until you start enjoying your married life. There are such sweet things I need not tell you. I was surprised that there is no book in English language which describes the romance after marriage, I was surprised, no book, can you imagine? and in India you won't find any books which describe the romance before the marriage.Nowadays they have started doing some sort of stupid things but normally no question. So now it is for you, enjoy your married life much more than you have enjoyed your childhood, your youth or any other times in college, schools, anywhere. So be prepared. Make yourself friendly, ??open it, open your heart. Don't try to find faults in your wife. I mean some things she doesn't know, some things you don't know. Doesn't matter. All the time trying to find faults makes you faulty. Don't find faults.If you see somebody doing something wrong, suppose if you find that person is trying to do something. All right, you just do it your self or don't tell. Gradually she will learn from you what is the right way is. And one should make fun of these moments, for example I don't know how to do any banking, write a cheque. I am very bad at many things you see, can't even open a television, I can't even the air conditioner. So many things I just can't do. Doesn't matter. My husband also equally the same. So we enjoy each other. All part and parcel of Sahaja Yoga. One unit here, one unit there, one unit there. But they are in the same ocean of spirituality. So any Sahaja Yogi who comes to your house or any one, especially Indian women you will find, they will look after the guests very well.And then there is some sort of a thing called jealousy comes out... it's very absurd. Indian women will not have anybody else as their husbands but their own. It is then worked out. So don't have these funny ideas that she is very friendly, she is looking after other people, this and that. This kind of a nonsense should not be there. In Sahaja Yoga we don't have those things, we have become very pure, their eyes are pure. So don't have any doubts about your wives. Same with the wives I will tell you. This will make your life very much more happier and confident. If you have any problem you can always write to me directly, need not even. tell through your leaders you can directly write to me if you really have problem. But I think you are all intelligent people, you should be able to sort out everything. Advice to Brides Now I have been already with your fiancés and I talked to them. I have praised you a lot. Now first thing we have to know that this marriage ceremony that we have organised with a purpose. The first purpose is that regard marriage is very essential for Sahaja Yoga. If somebody doesn't want to marry, we say alright you get out of Sahaja Yoga. It's alright. Now why marriage is important, because a marriage is like a big Yagnya, it's like a big Tapasya, you can call it, or it's a great experience. How to achieve balance, how to become a witness and how to become a spirit. It's very important.Now the first and foremost thing we have to know (is) that he is your husband and nobody else is your husband. Nobody is more important than he is. See men are very easy to be controlled. If you can make them feel they are the most important people for you, then you can manage them very well. But the first foremost ambition should be or the idea should be that I will make my married life extremely happy. Because if the married life is happy you will be happy.Now men have a habit of sometimes losing temper. Doesn't matter that's their habit. So you shouldn't immediately become the same type. But you can little bit in a womanly way try to put your sweet device of smiling it or laughing it out or little bit [showing you nice?] somehow. But not to make it serious. It's very important.So how to handle the men. Especially your husbands is an art and that art you will achieve gradually when you start seeing. But if you start finding faults with the men and start saying you can't do this, you can't do this, you don't know how to drive or how to do this, or this things. Then you are finished. You must say you are the best driver. You are the best. That's the way you have to deal with him. But not that you are befooling them. Because you say this because you love. And love is the basis between you and him. Nothing else. Not Money. Not what you have got for him or he has brought for you. Nothing of that.All these things are not materialistic. They have nothing to do with matter.Love is something which you can express also through matter, sometimes by giving some nice presents or nice food or something. But the most important thing is your heart. You should not cheat. In anyway you should not be hypocritical, and you should not try to do something that is not pure. So in Sahaja Yoga, the purpose of these marriages is to have you connected internationally. So you all transcend all the barriers of your nationality, the barriers of our racialism, barriers of caste, barriers of so much materialism.So you should not compare your husband with anyone. He is Your husband and you shouldn't expect too much from him. He's not given me this, he has not done that for me, he's like this. This is not necessary. You must always think what I have done for him.Also what's wrong with me? Now some people, especially in the west it's very common, that after marriage they think that they have to work out marriages, no working out. You see like they think that as you work out your kitchen or work out your things. It's not like this. Spontaneously between the two human beings who are realised souls. It is not that you are working out anything, but spontaneously you are going to enjoy, spontaneously.Now if you become extremely critical and try to show you are very brilliant and this. It's not going to work. To be humble. Keep quiet. Those who are really intelligent always keep quiet and watch things. But those who are not, are bumptious. The more you are in Sahaja Yoga, the more you will be respected by him and by everybody. Apart from that, there are so many saints who want to be born. Once you have very happy married life among yourselves, those saints will be born to you, and it will be such a blessing and joy for you. So try to understand not to boss your husband or try to put him right or do things and in a very. I have seen some ladies who are extremely tense, very tense type. They can never give joy. They are themselves not in joy, how can they give joy, are themselves not in joy. So the tension should not be there. At all of any kind. Be relaxed. You are the other side of Sahaja Yoga, which gives peace, joy, nourishment and also complete tranquillity. In the family you are responsible for tranquillity. Even if husband is angry, children are fighting, if the mother is tranquil, you can control all the situation. So the situation has to be controlled in a way that you make life happy for everyone. Sometimes women feel very angry when I tell them that first feed your children, your husband and then you eat yourself. Because that is the job of a woman. Like a man should go, earn living, do what he wants to do, job and all that. But the woman has to really look after the husband, look after the family, look after everything. Also you will find our Indian husbands not so good, as far as gardening is concerned, or you can say, they don't know how to mend anything like cars or your plumbing, they don't know. So doesn't matter, take it easy. Gradually they will pick up and they'll learn and they'll do it. But don't become impatient with them. Just make fun of it, you see, just make fun. That the best way to manage it and that don't expect too much, that they will do this nicely.Sometimes they cannot clean the utensils properly, they don't know how to do it. So all right. Just make fun of it and just enjoy it because they have [unclear]. You see in England or America I have seen anywhere, they have no servants at all. While we have servants here so all these boys are spoiled by the servants. So they are absolutely good for nothing as far as these things are concerned. But if you just try to teach them and help them, they will definitely go all out to do it. So the only thing you have to do is to love them with a clear heart. And all the time forgive and let them know that that she is the only one I have in the whole world apart from the Holy Mother. Of course, I'm not against divorce, but I'm not for it. In the sense that I don't like people when they divorce. But when things are impossible and difficult and one has to go in for such a thing, doesn't matter. Sometimes one has to do it. But it should be very rare. One should not think of a divorce at all. People think of divorce in the west mostly because of the laws, because the wife gets the money or the husband gets the money. But in SahajaYoga if you are marrying, all these things even if you are divorced, I will not support. Moreover, another thing is that the wives should not take money from the husband and send it to her relations. Never. It's a very very wrong thing, is to support your family through the money of their husband Absolutely not allowed. That should not be done. They.., you should not put the pressure of your family on your husband. You see there has to be a clear cut understanding for all of you. That you will not must keep your self respect. Don't ask for anything. If he gives you anything [unclear] well and good. But don't ask, don't demand. That means you are not a Sahaja Yogi. If you are a satisfied soul why should you ask for anything? Or somebody gets something, she has got this, she has ...Nothing of that kind. You be satisfied and this is how some girls nag the husbands very much. Most important thing is that you should not talk about your past, at all. Because past is finished. Now you are Sahaja Yogis. You are all realised souls. So you don't have to say a word about your past. Even if husband starts talking you just stop, and tell him we are to live in the present. Don't tell us about your past. I don't know why people think that they will look more attractive if they talk about all the past nonsense they did. Or say that my mother was so bad. All psychological nonsense. Not to put your parents into jeopardy by saying that they are very bad, they are no good. This, that.. Just forget the past and live in the present because in the present resides the reality and the reality is the ocean of joy. You should not nag him for anything. Supposing he didn't like something, you shouldn't do it. Whatever he doesn't like, small things, you know like, I was married in a family which was culturally very different, very different. And they don't wear flowers. You see, and in India all the married ladies, I mean down south, I'm saying in my community, all wear garlands around their buns and [unclear]. Always wear. My husband said no better not do it. Because you know here in our community only the bad women wear that to attract man. Since that day I have never worn it. Doesn't matter, not important. So, also you must understand now you have to take to the style of life of your husband. He is fond of entertaining, look after that. Women should be entertaining, they should look after. They should not mind if somebody comes to stay with them or lives with them. They should not try to show. On the contrary they should be happy they are able to look after someone who is a Sahaja Yogi. So, for the Sahaja Yogis, you must keep always your heart open, your house open. There are so many things which I would like to tell you but in this short time, I have to just say that it is the responsibility of the women to make their marriages happy. Depends on their intelligence and on their dedication to Sahaja Yoga. It's your responsibility. And if you see in a wider sense the responsibility of making a good society is that of a woman. Even if she has to suffer she can. She is like this mother Earth. She can suffer anything She never feels she suffers. She is so great. You are Shaktis. So as Shaktis if you have to suffer, you don't mind. And what you have to feel is that we are responsible for making our Sahaja Yoga society a perfect society. That's our responsibility. All your greed, all your ambitions, everything should be directed towards making a very very happy married life. I wish, I wish all, all of you, a very happy and prosperous married life.
Sufi Qawwalis
Evening Program
This is a very…I should say, whatIt is very symbolic song, written by Amīr Khusrau, which I heard (read) it a long time back.And it is very beautiful, and it says that:I have lost myself, by just looking at you.And it is very beautiful song, And it is a song, Which is being sung for years together.But people don´t understand the meaning.It looks romantic, but it means the, what should we say, the sufi style of saying things, the way they love God and that they love divinity.Very beautiful.
This is a very…I should say, whatIt is very symbolic song, written by Amīr Khusrau, which I heard (read) it a long time back.And it is very beautiful, and it says that:I have lost myself, by just looking at you.And it is very beautiful song, And it is a song, Which is being sung for years together.But people don´t understand the meaning.It looks romantic, but it means the, what should we say, the sufi style of saying things, the way they love God and that they love divinity.Very beautiful.
Shri Mahalakshmi Puja: The pangs of materialism
Mahalakshmi Puja in Kalwe, 1993-12-31, India Tour [Translated from Hindi] In today’s world we are facing so many difficulties and while facing all these difficulties, we are thinking that one day all the human race will disappear. It will not. And to think like that is quite normal as we are facing natural calamities all around. In Maharashtra, there was a very big earthquake and people were so afraid of that. Since last three years, I was telling them why they are drinking alcohol in front of Shri Ganesha, dancing dirty, misbehaving, etc. Shri Ganesha is very wrathful. I do not know why He tolerated this for three years. I told them very clearly that if you go on like this, you would face earthquake in Maharashtra. However, nobody listened to me and carried on with their misbehavior in front of Lord Ganesha. Alcohol is available everywhere in Maharashtra. Now, I see that there are two types of people in Maharashtra, one is alcoholic (mlechas) and other are pure and clean like Sahaj community. If you want to save your children and to give them good environment, then try to bring them in Sahaj culture and to accept it yourself. I am receiving everyday ten to fifteen letters from Sahaja Yogis how their difficulties disappeared, their children are behaving good, were saved from accidents, etc. So, I think that the benefits of Sahaja Yoga must reach to others also who are not Sahaja Yogis. Nowadays, many kind of people come to Sahaja Yoga, who have created so many problems in Sahaja Yoga, so we have to tell them slowly to go away from Sahaja Yoga.Sahaja Yoga is not an organization, here we have created community of “devdoot” (people of God) but if you are not going to give up your old habits and conditionings and behave the same way as non Sahaja Yogis, then people won’t believe in Sahaja Yoga. Nowadays, the most dangerous thing is materialism, which is coming from western culture and spreading all over. If you see the people from west, they are stupid and funny and all the time busy making money and money only. When we were young, the wealthy people used to utilize their money for social work, for the masses, to build temples, schools, universities, etc. Today we will have Shri Mahalakshmi Puja in this factory. People do not know how to do Puja of Shri Lakshmi. So, when we desire Lakshmi, we have to know about Her. First of all I want to tell you about the form of Lakshmi. She is wearing either pink saree or white saree. Pink means love and white means desireless. Mostly she is shown in pink saree but sometimes in white, too.Pink color means love, so only the person who loves othersdeserves to have Lakshmi. In all the others who get it, it becomes a-Lakshmi. She is holding lotus flowers, which are also pink, and the specialty of these lotus flowers is that even an uglybeetle, which has thorns, can reside in this lotus flower. So every wealthy person must have this quality of Shri Lakshmi. I have seen this quality in Rajesh Shah. I told him, “There are 400-500 Sahaja Yogis here and so many of them want to stay few more days, so please send them to Vashi”. But he said that there is no problem if they want to stay here. He can arrange the things for them. This is the quality of a “Lakshmi-pati” and this is the way one has to utilize the money. This is the first quality of a Lakshmi-pati, that he is very generous and he welcomes people,offering his hospitality. He has a heart like an ocean. Only then Shri Lakshmi resides there, otherwise She leaves.If the person is so miser, he will lose the money anyway. I have seen that in the money scams. Most of the investors are very miser and they lost their money. Second thing is, if a miser person becomes rich he will be more and more miserly and go on gathering money. After his death the children will fight for his money; or if a father is miser then his children will spend money like anything on stupid things.So, this is the problem if you don’t have quality of Shri Lakshmi, She goes away from you. If you give money to an alcoholic person, he will spend the money on drinking alcohol and nothing else. He will never think to do something good with that money, like helping others, etc. He won’t. He will use the money only on a wrong purpose. The reason it is that Lakshmi is Mahamaya. So the person without Lakshmi-tattwa will go on a wrong way. The quality of Lakshmi is to donate. However,while donating, one has to be very careful. If you donate to a false guru, he will spoil another ten people. So please be careful when you donate money. If someone donates money to “Hare Rama Hare Krishna” they will spoil another ten people with those money. So one must knowfor whatis donating the money. Even for these earthquake’s survivors people have donated so much money, but later on they found that the money those people haven’t got the money but they disappeared with the intermediaries. Another quality of Lakshmi is that She is giving “Ashray” (shelter). It means that you have to care for the people who work for you, at home, at farm, at factory, etc.,you have to treat them as human beings, with respect. “Ashray” means not only pay them but also respect them, treat them nicely.My husband, Sir C.P., was president of Shipping Corporation and once he had problems with Union of Labor of West Bengal. So he invited them for a lunch at home in Mumbai and after having the lunch cooked by Me, suddenly theirattitude was changed. They were so kind and polite and the problems were solved. After that, they invited Me for the inauguration of their office building. It is because they felt the love.They felt they were treated very well and with respect. But in case of Maharashtrian people it is different. Once I went to a Maharashtrian’s shop to buy “chandery” (saree) and he just replied ” No I don’t have” and asked Me to go away. Then I went to a Sindhi’s shop and he welcomed Me so nicely and sweetly, offered me chai, etc. I asked him about chanderi. He did not have. But he showed Me many other types. I bought them and left the shop. And if there is a Marvadi person, he won’t allow you to leave his shop without buying anything. They are very good in business. So in business you have to be very sweet, gentle, loving, respectful with others. Otherwise how will the business go on? In Lucknow, there is a Halwa shop (sweet’s shop) named “Ram Bharase”. Once I went to buy some sweets for my daughter. The owner welcomed Menicely, lovingly, offered Me to taste many kinds of sweets. Instead of buying few sweets, I bought 14 kg of sweets. I told him that my daughter is going by plane, so she can’t carry 14 kg of sweets, but he was so nice with us, very loving, and finally I bought so much. So the quality of Shri Lakshmi is love and sweetness. If there is no love,She goes away. There are some wealthy husband who treat their wives very badly, miserly, and suddenly they find themselves in business crises and they lose money. So one must understand the importance of “Lakshmi-tattwa”. It’s not materialism, it is love.Materialist people earn money for themselves only. They have their own life-style. Like I heard that women are spending hours together in front of the mirror, to look more and more beautiful. They do not want to have children as they won’t have time to go to beauty parlorsand to buy jewelry. To buy jewelry is o.k. as you can use them in difficult times. In India, to have children is more important for women than anything else. But in western countries, the mentality is very different and difficult. In some countries, they are making life insurance for children and parents are killing their own children to get the money from insurance. This is totally against “Lakshmi-tattwa”. In India, there is another extreme; whatever they are doing is for their children, like making money, ministers are involved in corruption, etc. Better is to love them, that is good. So “Lakshmi-tattwa” is love and materialism is destroying the love. In the west, husband and wife, both are thinking how to each other’s money? Nobody is thinking of love and care. It is only about money. They are very much money-oriented people. Before getting married, they will think what they will get out of that marriage or what they will get if they have children and so on. So the love is very important to destroy the materialism. People are coming to offer Me sarees and many other things. If I refuse them they will start crying. So I have to accept their gifts. My house is already full of gifts and now I am not accepting anymore. Like all the flower arrangements, pendal decorations, etc. are not necessary, but they did it to express their love for Me. In any festival they are doing so many things to express their love. When I was in Poland to purchase gifts for Sahaja Yogis, Polish people said that I am a very generous and noble person. It means that “Dan” (to give) is very important. I have seen this kind of people in India. There was a very rich man, his name was Lakshmi-Narayan and he had a daughter. Many men were planning to marry his daughter just for the sake of his money. But he told them that he donated all his money to schools, colleges and to universities, so he doesn’t haveany money left. So all of them ran away. Even he told them that is not going to marry his daughter with a person who is interested in his money.So, this is how the materialism is destroying us. When you have excess money, the materialism enters into your brain and destroys you. When I went to America, one gentleman invited Me to visit his house. Then he said that I should be careful whenI go to bathroom as there are so many switches and pressing the wrong button may send Me directly to swimming pool. So I said to give Mea simple one.Then in the bedroom also the same thing, pressing the wrong button can turn My head and legs upside down. So I said that I can sleep on the ground. He said that he has spent a lot of money to have this arrangement. I thankedhim very much and left the house. This is how people spendtheir money on stupid things, having no wisdom of Lakshmi-tattwa. Sharat Chandra Chatterjee (a Bengali well-known author), in one of his stories wrote abouta group of boys collecting funds for a library. So they crossed river Ganges and went to a wealthy person and told him about their project. He said that he needed to think about.Suddenly a widow came and asked him to return the 500 rupees that her husband gave himten or twelve years before. She was in need and she wanted them back. Immediately he asked his accountant to look into this matter, to check the records of twelve years before.They found out that the widow was telling truth. He returned the whole amount of money, with interest, to that widow. The boys were watching everything and when their turn came to ask for funds, they received just a very small amount (like 25 paise), from the wealthy man. However, they understood everything.The rich man could have refused to return the money to the woman as she did not have any legal document but he gave her all the money with interest. And this is the quality of Lakshmi-tattwa. I am also like him. If I have to return money to someone, I am thinking all the time about it and returning them as soon as possible. This is what every Sahaja Yogi should do if he takes money from someone. I will tell you about My father that every Sunday he used to donate blankets to needy people. But few of them used to come for two or three times to receive these things. So others told Him about it, and He said, “I am not the one who is donating, God is the one who is donating. I am just standing in betweenGod and them. So it is not my concern, if they are coming again and again”. This how one has to be. Donate the things without ego.Even doors and windows of our house use to be open all the time. Anybody could come in anytime. Even a thief could come in.Once we found out that our gramophone was stolen. My father was very sad because the thief has taken only the gramophone but norecords. So he was concerned that the thief must be fond of music but he will not have any records to listen.So My mother asked,“What shall we do now? Should we publish in the newspapers that the one who has stolen the gramophone, shouldcome and take records too?” But My father insisted that we should give him the disks also if he comes again. So I have seen such kind of people having great quality of Lakshmi-tattwa. My father was never bothered about the money. Once, Shri Vallabhbhai Patel asked him to apply for the election of Parliament of India but he refused any publicitybecause of money shortage. It was necessary to have 3.000 Rs for publicity and this and that. He said,“I am not going to spend any single rupee. People know me very well; they know about my social work. So if they want to vote me, they will vote me even without publicity. Why should the one who fought for freedom of India, spend any money on publicity? And he got elected as a member of Parliament. This is the truth and the truth is Lakshmi-tattwa. When Lakshmi-tattwa will be established in our country, we’ll have no problems. In this case I found Russians are very dignified. One Russian girl of 18 years came to India to learn music. I told her that I will marry her with an Indian boy, so it will be easier for her to live and learn music. She refused to have any conveniences, like marriage. She said she would stay in India only if she gets scholarshipotherwise she would go back to Russia. “Music is like “Aradhana” (tapasya) for me and I don’t like to have any conveniences for it. I was surprised of such a reply from a young girl.So where from did they get this Lakshmi-tattwa? It is because there is no materialism in Russia. Even their government wanted to give them possession of apartments but they refused to have any kind of possessions. So, thinking that “this is mine” is materialism. Russians are not bothered of anything. I asked them about political changes, coup d’état, the happenings in Russia. They said they don’t care, that they are in Sahaja Yoga, in the Kingdome of God and they are fine. Because of communism 70% of population is not materialistic.I have a very small house there and they are getting up early morning, at 5 a clock in such a cold weather, and they are coming there with their own food to plant flowers and trees. They told Me, “This materialism is destroying us”. They are very happy and satisfied, even if they have only four sarees. It is enough for them.Once, they wanted to offer Me a saree, so I said that I have so many sarees so it is not necessary. But they insisted to accept a saree from them. Very loving people.This kind of people still exist in this materialistic world.In America, because of materialistic society, family are destroyed and many diseases like AIDS are spreading up. I am going to write down in my book. Sahaja Yogis must feel the satisfaction, it is very important. You must feel that whatever you got it is enough. In Sahaja Yoga you will get everything you need, but if you are not happy and satisfied then what is the use? So, we must understand the Lakshmi-tattwa. One more thing is that Shri Lakshmi sits on a lotus flower. That means She is not putting pressure on others. In this society the rich people behave as if they are great and special people, showing attitudes and so on.They will show off anywhere they go saying, “I have this and that, I am such a such person”, without having any shame. Specially government officers and their wives are even more than that.Even a simple fourth class worker’s wife behaves as she is something great. They are so proud and egoistic. Longtime back only fourth class government servant used to take bribe, but nowadays big officers like district collector are involved in corruption charges. They are asking certain amount of money, otherwise they do not sign the papers. This is the situation and it is very bad, because money become like God for human beings. By hook or crook one has to make money, doesn’t matter how he does it. So, I want to say that if money has becomes everything then they can sell their wives and children too. In western countries women are ready for prostitution to earn money. Without any hesitation or shame they are ready for it, either it is a wife or a daughter.In London I saw on television that sixteen years old girl used to go in night clubs and dance naked to earn money and her parents said that they have no objection for that. If parents are not responsible for morality then who else is responsible for that? Government is not involved in it. They are interested in votes only, not in morality. So many bad things are allowed. Government is interested in taxes, not in morality. In England the most beautiful house in the countryside is the pub. Americans are coming to England to visit pubs. An American lady asked me to visit a pub and I asked her what is so special about it? She told me that one man died there and they kept his body there for 5 to 6 month. So the whole pub was stinking, spiders and cockroaches were everywhere. They removed his body but the whole pub is still stinking very badly. And it is the most expensive pub. This is the situation there, it’s very bad. Her elder sister told me that she has two children and she has given them freedom to drink alcohol (wine). After one year I heard that on their birthday party they were all drunk and somehow the house caught fire and they were found dead.In India no one will go to a pub like this, which is stinking of dead body, with spiders, etc. This is the situation and I just don’t understand it. And to visit a pub like that you have to make a reservation, you can’t go inside without reservation. One day one person died, and I refused to go to funeral as not having black clothes. There they told C.P. that they don’t cry one’s death but they drink alcohol. Sir C.P. is not drinking, so he refused it. I mean they are drinking on happy and sad occasions too. On funeral, on Christmas, on birthday, on any kind of occasion, they are just drinking alcohol. Even in the cemetery, they were just talking about lunch and champagne. Sir C.P. told them he was not feeling well and left the place. He came back home, took a bath and only after that He felt better. Very rich people were present on that funeral, and lunch was arranged in a very expensive restaurant and all of them were enjoying lunch on such a sad occasion without shame. This is madness, there is no love for each other, no dharma, it is all because of materialism. Nowadays, even in India, wealthy persons follow this kind of life. So, we Sahaja Yogis have this responsibility to spread Sahaja Yoga. Nowadays, this young generation is going to disco-bar, wearing funny clothes, piercings, log hair and boys even are wearing bangles like girls. So, if there is no nobility and gentlemanship (Sabhyata), then there is no Lakshmi-tattwa. The greatest jewelry of mankind is Sabhyata. It is very important. Our Indian culture is based on Sabhyata, it is established within us. In western society they don’t have Sabhyata. They will do anything without any shame or fear that you will be shocked. Such shameless people. Women are smoking and drinking and if women are like this then what to say about men? Women are the power of the society, so if they are shameless then what to do? So, we Sahaja Yogis have to spread Sahaja Yoga everywhere. Sahaja Yogis have to be very careful. In Ganapatipule, when marriages were announced, these couples (from western countries) went to the beach and to the garden and started romancing without any shame. So in Lakshmi-tattwa, if there is no “Lajja” (shame) then it’s of no use to have money. They behave as animals. So Sahaja Yogis have to be very careful about their behavior.Western people think that Indians are lucky that they are born in India. They are expecting lot of things from Indians. But if Indians start behaving like them, then I don’t know what to do. Like Indian Sahaja Yogis charging more money to the westerners, stealing from them, etc., it is not good and it’s very low level. Indians must show the greatness of Indian culture through their behaviour. In My house in Maharashtra, we have women as servants and they have never stolen anything from us. They are very poor people but for them honesty is very important. These days in Maharashtra people started drinking alcohol. It’s something I have never seen before. Since I came back from England I noticed this alcohol drinking and especially in the villages it is worst than ever. They are falling down like insects or bed bugs. They have become drunkards.So, you Sahaja Yogis have to stop them from the consumption of alcohol. Form an organization and ask government to ban the alcohol consumption. In factories, if workers are paid well they start drinking alcohol. So don’t pay salaries to workers who are drinking alcohol. Pay their salaries to their wives as their wives are very much in trouble because of their bad habit. So Maharashtrians must stop the consumption of alcohol. I have seen in other states of India, like U.P., Bihar, etc, they are not consuming alcohol like Maharashtrians. Maharashtrians have gone away from their dharma. I have seen many wealthy people in Noida, Gaziabad, Faridabad, but they are not consuming alcohol. Once, in Shere (a village very close to Pune) they decide to have my procession. In the beginning I refused but later I said “O.k., let’s do it”. After the procession, we came back and our car was having a problem. So I said to call the organizers to tell them the problem. So Sahaja Yogis went to his house and they saw that all 20 to 25 people were lying down because of excessive consumption of alcohol. This is the situation in Maharashtra. How can I spread Sahaja Yoga there? So then I decided to go to the North of India to spread Sahaja Yoga. Here in Maharashtra the situation is not good. People are drinking alcohol; after that they start fighting and beating each other. It is very bad. So if anyone comes in front of Shri Ganesha consuming alcohol, beat him nicely. It is your right to do it. One more thing is “chewing of tobacco” which is very much against Lakshmi-tattwa. Shri Krishna doesn’t like tobacco and by chewing it you are destroying your Vishuddhi chakra. One can get throat cancer doing that. I couldn’t understand why these poor villagers in Maharashtra have cancer. Now I know, it is because of tobacco. And they are chewing tobacco they even when they go to Pandharpur (place of Shri Krishna temple or Shri Vitthal temple). If not tobacco, they will smoke “bidi” (cigarette made in the villages). To get rid of all these bad habits give them Realization, especially to women in the villages. There is a place called Narayangaon where all Sahaja Yogis are women. So, form an organization of women and tell them about Sahaja Yoga. So, all these things are against Lakshmi-tattwa. There is a saying that “when the bottle of alcohol comes in, Lakshmi goes out”. Because of this many families are destroyed. To have a good Lakshmi-tattwa, one must have purity of soul and behavior. Even in case of Shri Ganesha, if Shri Ganesha principle is not good one cannot do anything over there. So the Maharashtrians, who are worshipping Shri Ganesha, don’t know what kind of a character one must have to worship Shri Ganesha? They don’t know the wrath of Shri Ganesha. He will punish you like anything. We have to worship Shri Lakshmi with full devotion and purity. So when we worship Shri Lakshmi, we have to worship Shri Ganesha first. Because without Him we can’t worship Shri Lakshmi. So one must understand that without having a moral and pure character, you are going to be destroyed. Either you or your children.Today I told you many things about Lakshmi-tattwa. So, one must understand that it doesn’t matter how much wealthy you are, because if there is no Lakshmi-tattwa, that family will be destroyed in the next 30 or 40 years. I have said it in Hindi so that you understand the importance of Lakshmi-tattwa.May God bless you [English] I told them only the pangs of materialism, how you people are suffering, and how everything is saleable, everything becomes saleable, chastity is salable, goodness is saleable, everything is saleable. Then, what happens is that you just have the money – so called – for a very short time. And actually people are bankrupt, health wise, mentally, they are really bankrupt. So, this materialism is to be understood in the Lakshmi principle, which is that you should have love. Lakshmi is the personification of love. She wears always a pink sari. Pink is the representative of Her loving character. So if you can turn everything to love, materialism will be finished because they are on opposite direction. That’s what I’ve tried to explain to them by many references here and there, how you can overcome materialism.I wish somebody could translate this and give it to the people so they can understand. But I think with vibrations it will work out better.May God bless you.
Mahalakshmi Puja in Kalwe, 1993-12-31, India Tour [Translated from Hindi] In today’s world we are facing so many difficulties and while facing all these difficulties, we are thinking that one day all the human race will disappear. It will not. And to think like that is quite normal as we are facing natural calamities all around. In Maharashtra, there was a very big earthquake and people were so afraid of that. Since last three years, I was telling them why they are drinking alcohol in front of Shri Ganesha, dancing dirty, misbehaving, etc. Shri Ganesha is very wrathful. I do not know why He tolerated this for three years. I told them very clearly that if you go on like this, you would face earthquake in Maharashtra. However, nobody listened to me and carried on with their misbehavior in front of Lord Ganesha. Alcohol is available everywhere in Maharashtra. Now, I see that there are two types of people in Maharashtra, one is alcoholic (mlechas) and other are pure and clean like Sahaj community. If you want to save your children and to give them good environment, then try to bring them in Sahaj culture and to accept it yourself. I am receiving everyday ten to fifteen letters from Sahaja Yogis how their difficulties disappeared, their children are behaving good, were saved from accidents, etc. So, I think that the benefits of Sahaja Yoga must reach to others also who are not Sahaja Yogis. Nowadays, many kind of people come to Sahaja Yoga, who have created so many problems in Sahaja Yoga, so we have to tell them slowly to go away from Sahaja Yoga.Sahaja Yoga is not an organization, here we have created community of “devdoot” (people of God) but if you are not going to give up your old habits and conditionings and behave the same way as non Sahaja Yogis, then people won’t believe in Sahaja Yoga. Nowadays, the most dangerous thing is materialism, which is coming from western culture and spreading all over. If you see the people from west, they are stupid and funny and all the time busy making money and money only. When we were young, the wealthy people used to utilize their money for social work, for the masses, to build temples, schools, universities, etc. Today we will have Shri Mahalakshmi Puja in this factory. People do not know how to do Puja of Shri Lakshmi. So, when we desire Lakshmi, we have to know about Her. First of all I want to tell you about the form of Lakshmi. She is wearing either pink saree or white saree. Pink means love and white means desireless. Mostly she is shown in pink saree but sometimes in white, too.Pink color means love, so only the person who loves othersdeserves to have Lakshmi. In all the others who get it, it becomes a-Lakshmi. She is holding lotus flowers, which are also pink, and the specialty of these lotus flowers is that even an uglybeetle, which has thorns, can reside in this lotus flower. So every wealthy person must have this quality of Shri Lakshmi. I have seen this quality in Rajesh Shah. I told him, “There are 400-500 Sahaja Yogis here and so many of them want to stay few more days, so please send them to Vashi”. But he said that there is no problem if they want to stay here. He can arrange the things for them. This is the quality of a “Lakshmi-pati” and this is the way one has to utilize the money. This is the first quality of a Lakshmi-pati, that he is very generous and he welcomes people,offering his hospitality. He has a heart like an ocean. Only then Shri Lakshmi resides there, otherwise She leaves.If the person is so miser, he will lose the money anyway. I have seen that in the money scams. Most of the investors are very miser and they lost their money. Second thing is, if a miser person becomes rich he will be more and more miserly and go on gathering money. After his death the children will fight for his money; or if a father is miser then his children will spend money like anything on stupid things.So, this is the problem if you don’t have quality of Shri Lakshmi, She goes away from you. If you give money to an alcoholic person, he will spend the money on drinking alcohol and nothing else. He will never think to do something good with that money, like helping others, etc. He won’t. He will use the money only on a wrong purpose. The reason it is that Lakshmi is Mahamaya. So the person without Lakshmi-tattwa will go on a wrong way. The quality of Lakshmi is to donate. However,while donating, one has to be very careful. If you donate to a false guru, he will spoil another ten people. So please be careful when you donate money. If someone donates money to “Hare Rama Hare Krishna” they will spoil another ten people with those money. So one must knowfor whatis donating the money. Even for these earthquake’s survivors people have donated so much money, but later on they found that the money those people haven’t got the money but they disappeared with the intermediaries. Another quality of Lakshmi is that She is giving “Ashray” (shelter). It means that you have to care for the people who work for you, at home, at farm, at factory, etc.,you have to treat them as human beings, with respect. “Ashray” means not only pay them but also respect them, treat them nicely.My husband, Sir C.P., was president of Shipping Corporation and once he had problems with Union of Labor of West Bengal. So he invited them for a lunch at home in Mumbai and after having the lunch cooked by Me, suddenly theirattitude was changed. They were so kind and polite and the problems were solved. After that, they invited Me for the inauguration of their office building. It is because they felt the love.They felt they were treated very well and with respect. But in case of Maharashtrian people it is different. Once I went to a Maharashtrian’s shop to buy “chandery” (saree) and he just replied ” No I don’t have” and asked Me to go away. Then I went to a Sindhi’s shop and he welcomed Me so nicely and sweetly, offered me chai, etc. I asked him about chanderi. He did not have. But he showed Me many other types. I bought them and left the shop. And if there is a Marvadi person, he won’t allow you to leave his shop without buying anything. They are very good in business. So in business you have to be very sweet, gentle, loving, respectful with others. Otherwise how will the business go on? In Lucknow, there is a Halwa shop (sweet’s shop) named “Ram Bharase”. Once I went to buy some sweets for my daughter. The owner welcomed Menicely, lovingly, offered Me to taste many kinds of sweets. Instead of buying few sweets, I bought 14 kg of sweets. I told him that my daughter is going by plane, so she can’t carry 14 kg of sweets, but he was so nice with us, very loving, and finally I bought so much. So the quality of Shri Lakshmi is love and sweetness. If there is no love,She goes away. There are some wealthy husband who treat their wives very badly, miserly, and suddenly they find themselves in business crises and they lose money. So one must understand the importance of “Lakshmi-tattwa”. It’s not materialism, it is love.Materialist people earn money for themselves only. They have their own life-style. Like I heard that women are spending hours together in front of the mirror, to look more and more beautiful. They do not want to have children as they won’t have time to go to beauty parlorsand to buy jewelry. To buy jewelry is o.k. as you can use them in difficult times. In India, to have children is more important for women than anything else. But in western countries, the mentality is very different and difficult. In some countries, they are making life insurance for children and parents are killing their own children to get the money from insurance. This is totally against “Lakshmi-tattwa”. In India, there is another extreme; whatever they are doing is for their children, like making money, ministers are involved in corruption, etc. Better is to love them, that is good. So “Lakshmi-tattwa” is love and materialism is destroying the love. In the west, husband and wife, both are thinking how to each other’s money? Nobody is thinking of love and care. It is only about money. They are very much money-oriented people. Before getting married, they will think what they will get out of that marriage or what they will get if they have children and so on. So the love is very important to destroy the materialism. People are coming to offer Me sarees and many other things. If I refuse them they will start crying. So I have to accept their gifts. My house is already full of gifts and now I am not accepting anymore. Like all the flower arrangements, pendal decorations, etc. are not necessary, but they did it to express their love for Me. In any festival they are doing so many things to express their love. When I was in Poland to purchase gifts for Sahaja Yogis, Polish people said that I am a very generous and noble person. It means that “Dan” (to give) is very important. I have seen this kind of people in India. There was a very rich man, his name was Lakshmi-Narayan and he had a daughter. Many men were planning to marry his daughter just for the sake of his money. But he told them that he donated all his money to schools, colleges and to universities, so he doesn’t haveany money left. So all of them ran away. Even he told them that is not going to marry his daughter with a person who is interested in his money.So, this is how the materialism is destroying us. When you have excess money, the materialism enters into your brain and destroys you. When I went to America, one gentleman invited Me to visit his house. Then he said that I should be careful whenI go to bathroom as there are so many switches and pressing the wrong button may send Me directly to swimming pool. So I said to give Mea simple one.Then in the bedroom also the same thing, pressing the wrong button can turn My head and legs upside down. So I said that I can sleep on the ground. He said that he has spent a lot of money to have this arrangement. I thankedhim very much and left the house. This is how people spendtheir money on stupid things, having no wisdom of Lakshmi-tattwa. Sharat Chandra Chatterjee (a Bengali well-known author), in one of his stories wrote abouta group of boys collecting funds for a library. So they crossed river Ganges and went to a wealthy person and told him about their project. He said that he needed to think about.Suddenly a widow came and asked him to return the 500 rupees that her husband gave himten or twelve years before. She was in need and she wanted them back. Immediately he asked his accountant to look into this matter, to check the records of twelve years before.They found out that the widow was telling truth. He returned the whole amount of money, with interest, to that widow. The boys were watching everything and when their turn came to ask for funds, they received just a very small amount (like 25 paise), from the wealthy man. However, they understood everything.The rich man could have refused to return the money to the woman as she did not have any legal document but he gave her all the money with interest. And this is the quality of Lakshmi-tattwa. I am also like him. If I have to return money to someone, I am thinking all the time about it and returning them as soon as possible. This is what every Sahaja Yogi should do if he takes money from someone. I will tell you about My father that every Sunday he used to donate blankets to needy people. But few of them used to come for two or three times to receive these things. So others told Him about it, and He said, “I am not the one who is donating, God is the one who is donating. I am just standing in betweenGod and them. So it is not my concern, if they are coming again and again”. This how one has to be. Donate the things without ego.Even doors and windows of our house use to be open all the time. Anybody could come in anytime. Even a thief could come in.Once we found out that our gramophone was stolen. My father was very sad because the thief has taken only the gramophone but norecords. So he was concerned that the thief must be fond of music but he will not have any records to listen.So My mother asked,“What shall we do now? Should we publish in the newspapers that the one who has stolen the gramophone, shouldcome and take records too?” But My father insisted that we should give him the disks also if he comes again. So I have seen such kind of people having great quality of Lakshmi-tattwa. My father was never bothered about the money. Once, Shri Vallabhbhai Patel asked him to apply for the election of Parliament of India but he refused any publicitybecause of money shortage. It was necessary to have 3.000 Rs for publicity and this and that. He said,“I am not going to spend any single rupee. People know me very well; they know about my social work. So if they want to vote me, they will vote me even without publicity. Why should the one who fought for freedom of India, spend any money on publicity? And he got elected as a member of Parliament. This is the truth and the truth is Lakshmi-tattwa. When Lakshmi-tattwa will be established in our country, we’ll have no problems. In this case I found Russians are very dignified. One Russian girl of 18 years came to India to learn music. I told her that I will marry her with an Indian boy, so it will be easier for her to live and learn music. She refused to have any conveniences, like marriage. She said she would stay in India only if she gets scholarshipotherwise she would go back to Russia. “Music is like “Aradhana” (tapasya) for me and I don’t like to have any conveniences for it. I was surprised of such a reply from a young girl.So where from did they get this Lakshmi-tattwa? It is because there is no materialism in Russia. Even their government wanted to give them possession of apartments but they refused to have any kind of possessions. So, thinking that “this is mine” is materialism. Russians are not bothered of anything. I asked them about political changes, coup d’état, the happenings in Russia. They said they don’t care, that they are in Sahaja Yoga, in the Kingdome of God and they are fine. Because of communism 70% of population is not materialistic.I have a very small house there and they are getting up early morning, at 5 a clock in such a cold weather, and they are coming there with their own food to plant flowers and trees. They told Me, “This materialism is destroying us”. They are very happy and satisfied, even if they have only four sarees. It is enough for them.Once, they wanted to offer Me a saree, so I said that I have so many sarees so it is not necessary. But they insisted to accept a saree from them. Very loving people.This kind of people still exist in this materialistic world.In America, because of materialistic society, family are destroyed and many diseases like AIDS are spreading up. I am going to write down in my book. Sahaja Yogis must feel the satisfaction, it is very important. You must feel that whatever you got it is enough. In Sahaja Yoga you will get everything you need, but if you are not happy and satisfied then what is the use? So, we must understand the Lakshmi-tattwa. One more thing is that Shri Lakshmi sits on a lotus flower. That means She is not putting pressure on others. In this society the rich people behave as if they are great and special people, showing attitudes and so on.They will show off anywhere they go saying, “I have this and that, I am such a such person”, without having any shame. Specially government officers and their wives are even more than that.Even a simple fourth class worker’s wife behaves as she is something great. They are so proud and egoistic. Longtime back only fourth class government servant used to take bribe, but nowadays big officers like district collector are involved in corruption charges. They are asking certain amount of money, otherwise they do not sign the papers. This is the situation and it is very bad, because money become like God for human beings. By hook or crook one has to make money, doesn’t matter how he does it. So, I want to say that if money has becomes everything then they can sell their wives and children too. In western countries women are ready for prostitution to earn money. Without any hesitation or shame they are ready for it, either it is a wife or a daughter.In London I saw on television that sixteen years old girl used to go in night clubs and dance naked to earn money and her parents said that they have no objection for that. If parents are not responsible for morality then who else is responsible for that? Government is not involved in it. They are interested in votes only, not in morality. So many bad things are allowed. Government is interested in taxes, not in morality. In England the most beautiful house in the countryside is the pub. Americans are coming to England to visit pubs. An American lady asked me to visit a pub and I asked her what is so special about it? She told me that one man died there and they kept his body there for 5 to 6 month. So the whole pub was stinking, spiders and cockroaches were everywhere. They removed his body but the whole pub is still stinking very badly. And it is the most expensive pub. This is the situation there, it’s very bad. Her elder sister told me that she has two children and she has given them freedom to drink alcohol (wine). After one year I heard that on their birthday party they were all drunk and somehow the house caught fire and they were found dead.In India no one will go to a pub like this, which is stinking of dead body, with spiders, etc. This is the situation and I just don’t understand it. And to visit a pub like that you have to make a reservation, you can’t go inside without reservation. One day one person died, and I refused to go to funeral as not having black clothes. There they told C.P. that they don’t cry one’s death but they drink alcohol. Sir C.P. is not drinking, so he refused it. I mean they are drinking on happy and sad occasions too. On funeral, on Christmas, on birthday, on any kind of occasion, they are just drinking alcohol. Even in the cemetery, they were just talking about lunch and champagne. Sir C.P. told them he was not feeling well and left the place. He came back home, took a bath and only after that He felt better. Very rich people were present on that funeral, and lunch was arranged in a very expensive restaurant and all of them were enjoying lunch on such a sad occasion without shame. This is madness, there is no love for each other, no dharma, it is all because of materialism. Nowadays, even in India, wealthy persons follow this kind of life. So, we Sahaja Yogis have this responsibility to spread Sahaja Yoga. Nowadays, this young generation is going to disco-bar, wearing funny clothes, piercings, log hair and boys even are wearing bangles like girls. So, if there is no nobility and gentlemanship (Sabhyata), then there is no Lakshmi-tattwa. The greatest jewelry of mankind is Sabhyata. It is very important. Our Indian culture is based on Sabhyata, it is established within us. In western society they don’t have Sabhyata. They will do anything without any shame or fear that you will be shocked. Such shameless people. Women are smoking and drinking and if women are like this then what to say about men? Women are the power of the society, so if they are shameless then what to do? So, we Sahaja Yogis have to spread Sahaja Yoga everywhere. Sahaja Yogis have to be very careful. In Ganapatipule, when marriages were announced, these couples (from western countries) went to the beach and to the garden and started romancing without any shame. So in Lakshmi-tattwa, if there is no “Lajja” (shame) then it’s of no use to have money. They behave as animals. So Sahaja Yogis have to be very careful about their behavior.Western people think that Indians are lucky that they are born in India. They are expecting lot of things from Indians. But if Indians start behaving like them, then I don’t know what to do. Like Indian Sahaja Yogis charging more money to the westerners, stealing from them, etc., it is not good and it’s very low level. Indians must show the greatness of Indian culture through their behaviour. In My house in Maharashtra, we have women as servants and they have never stolen anything from us. They are very poor people but for them honesty is very important. These days in Maharashtra people started drinking alcohol. It’s something I have never seen before. Since I came back from England I noticed this alcohol drinking and especially in the villages it is worst than ever. They are falling down like insects or bed bugs. They have become drunkards.So, you Sahaja Yogis have to stop them from the consumption of alcohol. Form an organization and ask government to ban the alcohol consumption. In factories, if workers are paid well they start drinking alcohol. So don’t pay salaries to workers who are drinking alcohol. Pay their salaries to their wives as their wives are very much in trouble because of their bad habit. So Maharashtrians must stop the consumption of alcohol. I have seen in other states of India, like U.P., Bihar, etc, they are not consuming alcohol like Maharashtrians. Maharashtrians have gone away from their dharma. I have seen many wealthy people in Noida, Gaziabad, Faridabad, but they are not consuming alcohol. Once, in Shere (a village very close to Pune) they decide to have my procession. In the beginning I refused but later I said “O.k., let’s do it”. After the procession, we came back and our car was having a problem. So I said to call the organizers to tell them the problem. So Sahaja Yogis went to his house and they saw that all 20 to 25 people were lying down because of excessive consumption of alcohol. This is the situation in Maharashtra. How can I spread Sahaja Yoga there? So then I decided to go to the North of India to spread Sahaja Yoga. Here in Maharashtra the situation is not good. People are drinking alcohol; after that they start fighting and beating each other. It is very bad. So if anyone comes in front of Shri Ganesha consuming alcohol, beat him nicely. It is your right to do it. One more thing is “chewing of tobacco” which is very much against Lakshmi-tattwa. Shri Krishna doesn’t like tobacco and by chewing it you are destroying your Vishuddhi chakra. One can get throat cancer doing that. I couldn’t understand why these poor villagers in Maharashtra have cancer. Now I know, it is because of tobacco. And they are chewing tobacco they even when they go to Pandharpur (place of Shri Krishna temple or Shri Vitthal temple). If not tobacco, they will smoke “bidi” (cigarette made in the villages). To get rid of all these bad habits give them Realization, especially to women in the villages. There is a place called Narayangaon where all Sahaja Yogis are women. So, form an organization of women and tell them about Sahaja Yoga. So, all these things are against Lakshmi-tattwa. There is a saying that “when the bottle of alcohol comes in, Lakshmi goes out”. Because of this many families are destroyed. To have a good Lakshmi-tattwa, one must have purity of soul and behavior. Even in case of Shri Ganesha, if Shri Ganesha principle is not good one cannot do anything over there. So the Maharashtrians, who are worshipping Shri Ganesha, don’t know what kind of a character one must have to worship Shri Ganesha? They don’t know the wrath of Shri Ganesha. He will punish you like anything. We have to worship Shri Lakshmi with full devotion and purity. So when we worship Shri Lakshmi, we have to worship Shri Ganesha first. Because without Him we can’t worship Shri Lakshmi. So one must understand that without having a moral and pure character, you are going to be destroyed. Either you or your children.Today I told you many things about Lakshmi-tattwa. So, one must understand that it doesn’t matter how much wealthy you are, because if there is no Lakshmi-tattwa, that family will be destroyed in the next 30 or 40 years. I have said it in Hindi so that you understand the importance of Lakshmi-tattwa.May God bless you [English] I told them only the pangs of materialism, how you people are suffering, and how everything is saleable, everything becomes saleable, chastity is salable, goodness is saleable, everything is saleable. Then, what happens is that you just have the money – so called – for a very short time. And actually people are bankrupt, health wise, mentally, they are really bankrupt. So, this materialism is to be understood in the Lakshmi principle, which is that you should have love. Lakshmi is the personification of love. She wears always a pink sari. Pink is the representative of Her loving character. So if you can turn everything to love, materialism will be finished because they are on opposite direction. That’s what I’ve tried to explain to them by many references here and there, how you can overcome materialism.I wish somebody could translate this and give it to the people so they can understand. But I think with vibrations it will work out better.May God bless you.
Ardha Matra Volume 2 Interview
City Unknown
Ardha Matra Volume 2 Interview Translation from Hindi Reporter: Through Kundalini awakening we can achieve our Self-realization. In various ancient scriptures too, it has been described. The founder of Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has given experience of self-realization through Kundalini awakening, to hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world. Sahaja yoga is gaining popularity in more than seven countries as of today. Ardha Matra had an exclusive meeting with Shri Mataji about the Kundalini power and Sahaja yoga. We are presenting excerpts from the same interview… Reporter: In Ramayana TV serial, we watched Sage Valmiki giving knowledge of Kundalini power to princes Luv and Kush. Kindly tell us in details about this happening and Kundalini power. Shri Mataji: Kundalini power does reside within us. If Valmiki told about this, then it must be true because he was a great man. He knew that no matter how much knowledge one attains but until unless self-realisation is achieved, one remains incomplete. Now about this power... in our country many people knew about this for ages and they were called Gurus..masters [sadguru]. These people had attained this knowledge through very hard penance. A power names as Kundalini resides in our triangular bone. And we call it Kundalini because it's sits in the shape of three and a half coil. It is very surprising it that even Greeks knew about this. Because the triangular bone where Kundalini resides, they call it “Sacrum” (means sacred) bone. It means there is this sacred bone within us. Not sure, if many of these things they adopted from us or they attained this knowledge themselves in Sahaja way. In our country, experimentations to achieve self-realisation have been going on for ages. In Maharashtra (India) there have been people belonging to Nath sect like Machinder Nath, Gorakh Nath etc. these people were all into this. On the other hand, we were into Vedas. Studying Vedas makes one “Vid”. It means to know ultimate knowledge [param gyan], on your central nervous system. One has to be “Vid”. It is mention in very first Shloka that if one does not attain state of “Vid”, studying Vedas is of no use. There was another path called Bhakti Marg [path of devoutness], through which people used to try to please many deities through their devotion [bhakti]. But amongst all these, the middle path was that of Sahaja Kundalini Awakening and people of Nath sect [Nath panthi] used to follow this. All this knowledge is scripted in Sanskrit language and all discussions were also done in same language. On this matter, in 12th century Gyaneshwar Ji requested his elder brother (who happened to be his Guru too) for his permission to write about this power within us in his book “Gyaneshwari”, the power which gives us our self-realization. As nobody had clearly documented this before. When his Guru granted permission, he narrated about Kundalini very clearly in sixth chapter of his book. Despite of this clear narration, later on when so called guards of religions laid their hands on this book they realized that Kundalini awakening is beyond their capability, so they prohibited this sixth chapter. This resulted in decline in awareness about Kundalini. Afterwards in 16th century there have been many saints in Maharashtra like Shri Ramdas Ji, who was the Guru of Shivaji Maharaj. Someone questioned him how Kundalini awakens? On this his response was, “It happens Spontaneously. But there has to be a deserving receiver [disciple] and an able granter [guru]” On the same lines, Namdev ji also narrated about Kundalini in his scripts. Likewise, many saints have talked about Kundalini. But later many people termed it as nonsense, a thing of illusion and as there is nothing like Kundalini in reality. Even today, people talk like this. Because, nowadays we are so much under influence of western countries that we want to learn and adopt things from them only. Reporter: What is actual meaning of Yoga? Shri Mataji: Kundalini awakening happens in Sahaja way. It’s just like a seed which has potential to grow into thousands of trees. When a seed is sowed in earth, it germinates in Sahaja way. Likewise, all these powers are there within us in potential state, which if awakened a human can become very powerful. When Kundalini awakens, it passes through 6 chakras, not 7. First chakra is placed under the Kundalini, which protects it and looks after it’s purity. A man who has lived a saintly life and even when his past life has been saintly, such a person’s Kundalini awakens very quickly. And after awakening she attains union with all pervading power of Chaitanya. This is called Yoga. Anything else, like bending your body, doing acrobat is not Yoga. Actually, it is the only spiritual yoga through which your Kundalini attains union with all pervading divine power [brahma shakti]. When this happens, first of all, one becomes thoughtless. You are completely aware but thoughtless. When we have thoughts, we are either in past or future, and not in present. On Kundalini awakening, the thoughts which come from past or future are completely stopped or vanish. And the time elapsed between two thoughts [vilamba] stretches and there we witness state of present. We are fully aware but still thoughtless and in this state only, we achieve our spiritual ascent. But this (awakening) has to happen within you. No use of going places, studying and attaining stuff all that. Nothing helps... Kundalini awakening is an event such that this power rises above from within your triangular bone, pierces through six plexuses (chakras) and comes out from brahma randhra (hole in fontanelle bone). Until this event takes place within you, sometimes it’s fruitless to talk about Dharma [Religion]. Because talks may perhaps make you a good human being but one cannot get self-realization. Unless self-realization is achieved, all powers within us cannot be expressed. Understand that it is final and ultimate goal of our evolution. When Kundalini is awakened, it pierces the Brahma Randhra [hole in fontanelle bone] but post this connection, the Yoga has to be established. Not for too long but meditation for a short while has to be practiced every day. In olden days, tradition of one Master - one disciple was common, when they use to grant realization to one disciple only. So, there were very few realized people and if someone talked about Kundalini, would be perceived as crazy. Like Kabirdas ji has mentioned in his poetry..”How do I explain, as this whole world is blind?” Reporter: What is the difference between Sahaja Yoga and other Yogic practices? Shri Mataji: You may call it modern Sahaja yoga. Its uniqueness is that we can give realization to enmass, in thousands together. In country like Russia, in a single village there are up to 21-22 thousand Sahaja Yogis. Because they are not so materialistic like us. They are very wise people. 70% of them are very wise, rest 30% may be after petty things like us. But 70% are wise and have good understanding. Now sure, how they have such a discrimination that they did not let anyone else establish other than me, rest all were turned back. Not sure how they understand that I am working so honestly. Here in Maharashtra (India) also a lot of things happened, many Gurus arrived on this land, taught people but don’t know why situation is so deteriorated here. Here seeking has declined in people and they are more inclined towards modernization. But I am surprised and I had never thought that in North India people will grasp Sahaja yoga so well. But it’s spreading like fire and people are receiving it and getting established well. So, it is such a thing that you don’t have to talk about this, it is an event. e.g. if you sow a seed in ground, it will germinate itself. For this, you don’t have to do any acrobat. Because there is a binding force in both the seed and the earth and when these bindings work together it just happens. It’s a living process. As we are at final stage of evolution, thousands of people can experience it. Though blossom days have arrived and these are such times that many flowers are here who have potential to become fruits but there are many others around too, who would not at all accept it, would not even try to get it. As last judgement time has come. It’s your wish to attain the Truth or leave it. Human beings can achieve a lot from this. First achievement is that we can feel this all-pervading power [param chaitanya] on your fingers and very soothing, settle cool (not very cold) breeze flows from your fontanelle bone area. Adi Shankracharya called it “Salilam Salilam…”. The vibrations that flow through your hands, he called it “Spand”. On your palm there are 7 sympathetic nerve endings. These are all 7 plexuses [chakras] on palm, through them you know which of your plexuses [chakras] have problem. You will know it on fingers. You will also know problems of others too because you are enlightened in collective consciousness. You enter into a new dimension through which a collective consciousness is awakened within you. You can feel chakras of another person too. So now you know about your own as well other’s Chakras. If you also learn how to correct chakras, you can correct your own chakras and help others too. This is called Shuddha Vidhya (pure knowledge). Second power that awakens with you is, you can also give self-realization to others. You can also raise other’s Kundalini. You can correct their physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual conditions too. Like this, we can help anyone whoever comes to Sahaja Yoga and wants to get self-realization. That’s how whole society can be reformed, not only this our country can be reformed, even whole world can be reformed. Another big change that happens is sense of Righteousness [Dharma] is awakened within us, it’s within and not without. For example, any Hindi, Muslim or Christian can commit any sin or do wrong deeds, his religion has no binding upon him. But it’s such a thing that once Dharma is awakened within, you can not commit anything illicit. Compassion, mercy etc. are awakened within you and despite this you become extremely energetic and dynamic. Whatever you keep doing, you won’t feel tired. You do your work in very loving and peaceful way. With this, you attain peace with you, become absolutely peaceful. A person who has very angry temperament becomes absolutely calm. Because whatever angularities you have within, become alright. All deformities within us are due to problems in plexuses [Chakras] and once these Chakras become alright, they get alright. I have seen many people have established big organizations of peace, got big awards etc. What peace they can give to others when they don’t have it in their heart itself? So, people become absolutely peaceful within. This work is going on in 7 countries. Thousands of people get together, but never ever there is any tussle. All live-in harmony together. Yes, sometimes they do tease each other but jokingly, in a friendly manner. You would not have seen such friendships otherwise. Whether this person is from Russia, England, Japan or anywhere they build a collective love amongst themselves. Because of this when true Religion [Dharma] is awakened within, they understand that all religions are one, understand totality of all religions. You don’t criticize any religion and worship all Dharma Pravartaka [who propagated religions]. Reporter: Shri Mataji, is it true that with Sahaja Yoga once can get rid of all many physical and mental disorders? Shri Mataji: Due to problems in Chakras, whatever Physical ailments are there e.g. Psychosomatic diseases, Cancers etc. which cannot be cured by Doctors are cured by Sahaja Yoga, there is no doubt in that. But first you must come in search of Truth not that you walk-in for treatment of all diseases. Seekers of Truth get rid of all diseases and they can help others too, but first of all one must seek. You can understand that God almighty has most wisdom, common sense. He sees that those, who are of no use and won’t give light to others even if put alright, why to treat such lamps. However even such lamps get alright… He wants to fix lamps which get enlightened and give light to others too, benefit others. That’s how Sahaja Yoga is going to spread. Sahaja means Sah (with you) + Ja (born). It’s such a Sahaja Vishawa (Global) Religion. When you achieve it, all petty things in our lives like Shad-Ripus i.e. six Demons within us [Kama - Lust, Krodha - Anger, Lobha- Greed, Mada - Arrogance, Moha - Attachment, Matsarya - Jealousy], just disappear somewhere. What you achieve is only Absolute Truth. If ten people are there, they will say the same thing. e.g. if you ask them what problem a particular person has? All will have the same answer. Diagnosis is also done. Everyone knows the single Truth, so there is no question of argument, automatically everyone arrives at same opinion. Sahaja Yoga is a great blessing. Because once you in shelter of Param Chaitanya, you are already in the court of God almighty. His government is very efficient and alert. On every step, you will see so many blessings from him that you would be surprised how all this is happening. Everyone sends letters to me asking mother, kindly tell how it has happened, this miracle has happened, that problem is solved. I amuse that you don’t even know where you are sitting. So the horizon we are living on, is all illusion [maya] and we must step into to the depth of reality. Once we get there, we feel that everything is happening itself and we are not doing anything, we witness everything happening right before you then what’s the need of putting in your efforts? And besides your attention becomes absolutely pure. As we saw that some boys especially from foreign countries they used to complain of wobbling eyes all the time and were tired of this, it would wander around on sight of a woman or anything around. I said it’s okay, doesn’t matter. After realization, I asked them to keep eyes on mother earth for some time. They started walking with their head down, by practicing it regularly their eyes have become so pure now, absolutely innocent. So, attention becomes absolutely pure, and not just pure it becomes such that if even it goes to someone slightly for a moment [kataksha], that person is endowed with his benevolence. If he goes to a house, peace gets established there. Wherever he stands brings peace. His sight becomes so powerful and pure, as he is full of selfless love. So, this attention acts wherever it reaches. If you want to know about someone, you would know through your vibrations. There is another Ether even more settler, that’s one which communicates all this. All these powers are there and all around us are supreme powers too. For example, if you see these beautiful flowers, you don’t even realize that it’s such a big miracle. Nobody thinks about it but it’s a living process. Just like this we have our heart. Nobody thinks about it as well that how it’s functioning. If you ask Doctors, they say it’s autonomous. Who is Auto? Science does not have answer for many things. Above all, science cannot explain why have to come in this world. You have come to enter into kingdom of almighty, enjoy and do benevolence of whole world. When they realize this, they keep engaged selflessly for no money. As you know we don’t change any money. Such a big work is going on and I don’t even have a secretary but everyone is my secretary. They do this work with full dedication, enjoy only this and keep talking about the same and nothing else. How to do good to others, how to solve other’s problems. Third and highest of all thing is that you are drowned into bliss [ananda]. Happiness and sorrow are merely two sides of our ego, just like a coin has two sides. When your ego gets very elated, you are happy and if its gets pricked a bit you become sad. But in Sahaja state you become blissful [anandamay]. There is no duality in bliss, you just keep watching everything and enjoy it. Means that you achieve state of witness. You look at everything like a drama. That’s how all kind of tensions and stress etc. of these days just disappear. Jokingly, I tell them that now you all got a hole on your heads and these problems will stream out of you through this [laughs]. What must be understood is that all this is within us, it’s just right time, everything is going to work out in these times, you don’t have to pay for this, but still people visit all those mischievous Gurus. Now what to do, no one can change their minds. So, one must understand what do we have to achieve? We have to achieve our complete maturity. And for this you don’t have to do anything or give anything. Only you have to give time, very little time. But when you step down in this, you find it to be ocean of knowledge, love and compassion and above of all its ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes one might have committed prior to realization, everything has to be forgotten in Sahaja Yoga, no need to feel guilty and you just forgive everyone. That’s all. This works out so quickly even for thousands of people that it just surprise everyone how it’s happening for so many together. They say that recently about One Hundred Thousand people came in Pune and everyone raised their hands to confirm that they felt it. But how many continue and grow in this, is the shortcoming. Reporter: Shri Mataji, in every public program you give experience of Kundalini awakening to thousands. Can you give same experience through this program to our viewers too? Shri Mataji: Not a problem. We did it in Hong Kong. We visited Hong Kong and there a TV Anchor who organized it, and many people sent letters afterwards. But nobody brought them together as collective. But now there in Hong Kong all of them have got together. So definitely it is possible. Reporter: So, can this be done now? Shri Mataji: Now? (Smiles…) Ok so whoever is watching it now, please take off your shoes and spectacles. Shoes have to be removed because this earth element absorbs all our problems, deformities.
Ardha Matra Volume 2 Interview Translation from Hindi Reporter: Through Kundalini awakening we can achieve our Self-realization. In various ancient scriptures too, it has been described. The founder of Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has given experience of self-realization through Kundalini awakening, to hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world. Sahaja yoga is gaining popularity in more than seven countries as of today. Ardha Matra had an exclusive meeting with Shri Mataji about the Kundalini power and Sahaja yoga. We are presenting excerpts from the same interview… Reporter: In Ramayana TV serial, we watched Sage Valmiki giving knowledge of Kundalini power to princes Luv and Kush. Kindly tell us in details about this happening and Kundalini power. Shri Mataji: Kundalini power does reside within us. If Valmiki told about this, then it must be true because he was a great man. He knew that no matter how much knowledge one attains but until unless self-realisation is achieved, one remains incomplete. Now about this power... in our country many people knew about this for ages and they were called Gurus..masters [sadguru]. These people had attained this knowledge through very hard penance. A power names as Kundalini resides in our triangular bone. And we call it Kundalini because it's sits in the shape of three and a half coil. It is very surprising it that even Greeks knew about this. Because the triangular bone where Kundalini resides, they call it “Sacrum” (means sacred) bone. It means there is this sacred bone within us. Not sure, if many of these things they adopted from us or they attained this knowledge themselves in Sahaja way. In our country, experimentations to achieve self-realisation have been going on for ages. In Maharashtra (India) there have been people belonging to Nath sect like Machinder Nath, Gorakh Nath etc. these people were all into this. On the other hand, we were into Vedas. Studying Vedas makes one “Vid”. It means to know ultimate knowledge [param gyan], on your central nervous system. One has to be “Vid”. It is mention in very first Shloka that if one does not attain state of “Vid”, studying Vedas is of no use. There was another path called Bhakti Marg [path of devoutness], through which people used to try to please many deities through their devotion [bhakti]. But amongst all these, the middle path was that of Sahaja Kundalini Awakening and people of Nath sect [Nath panthi] used to follow this. All this knowledge is scripted in Sanskrit language and all discussions were also done in same language. On this matter, in 12th century Gyaneshwar Ji requested his elder brother (who happened to be his Guru too) for his permission to write about this power within us in his book “Gyaneshwari”, the power which gives us our self-realization. As nobody had clearly documented this before. When his Guru granted permission, he narrated about Kundalini very clearly in sixth chapter of his book. Despite of this clear narration, later on when so called guards of religions laid their hands on this book they realized that Kundalini awakening is beyond their capability, so they prohibited this sixth chapter. This resulted in decline in awareness about Kundalini. Afterwards in 16th century there have been many saints in Maharashtra like Shri Ramdas Ji, who was the Guru of Shivaji Maharaj. Someone questioned him how Kundalini awakens? On this his response was, “It happens Spontaneously. But there has to be a deserving receiver [disciple] and an able granter [guru]” On the same lines, Namdev ji also narrated about Kundalini in his scripts. Likewise, many saints have talked about Kundalini. But later many people termed it as nonsense, a thing of illusion and as there is nothing like Kundalini in reality. Even today, people talk like this. Because, nowadays we are so much under influence of western countries that we want to learn and adopt things from them only. Reporter: What is actual meaning of Yoga? Shri Mataji: Kundalini awakening happens in Sahaja way. It’s just like a seed which has potential to grow into thousands of trees. When a seed is sowed in earth, it germinates in Sahaja way. Likewise, all these powers are there within us in potential state, which if awakened a human can become very powerful. When Kundalini awakens, it passes through 6 chakras, not 7. First chakra is placed under the Kundalini, which protects it and looks after it’s purity. A man who has lived a saintly life and even when his past life has been saintly, such a person’s Kundalini awakens very quickly. And after awakening she attains union with all pervading power of Chaitanya. This is called Yoga. Anything else, like bending your body, doing acrobat is not Yoga. Actually, it is the only spiritual yoga through which your Kundalini attains union with all pervading divine power [brahma shakti]. When this happens, first of all, one becomes thoughtless. You are completely aware but thoughtless. When we have thoughts, we are either in past or future, and not in present. On Kundalini awakening, the thoughts which come from past or future are completely stopped or vanish. And the time elapsed between two thoughts [vilamba] stretches and there we witness state of present. We are fully aware but still thoughtless and in this state only, we achieve our spiritual ascent. But this (awakening) has to happen within you. No use of going places, studying and attaining stuff all that. Nothing helps... Kundalini awakening is an event such that this power rises above from within your triangular bone, pierces through six plexuses (chakras) and comes out from brahma randhra (hole in fontanelle bone). Until this event takes place within you, sometimes it’s fruitless to talk about Dharma [Religion]. Because talks may perhaps make you a good human being but one cannot get self-realization. Unless self-realization is achieved, all powers within us cannot be expressed. Understand that it is final and ultimate goal of our evolution. When Kundalini is awakened, it pierces the Brahma Randhra [hole in fontanelle bone] but post this connection, the Yoga has to be established. Not for too long but meditation for a short while has to be practiced every day. In olden days, tradition of one Master - one disciple was common, when they use to grant realization to one disciple only. So, there were very few realized people and if someone talked about Kundalini, would be perceived as crazy. Like Kabirdas ji has mentioned in his poetry..”How do I explain, as this whole world is blind?” Reporter: What is the difference between Sahaja Yoga and other Yogic practices? Shri Mataji: You may call it modern Sahaja yoga. Its uniqueness is that we can give realization to enmass, in thousands together. In country like Russia, in a single village there are up to 21-22 thousand Sahaja Yogis. Because they are not so materialistic like us. They are very wise people. 70% of them are very wise, rest 30% may be after petty things like us. But 70% are wise and have good understanding. Now sure, how they have such a discrimination that they did not let anyone else establish other than me, rest all were turned back. Not sure how they understand that I am working so honestly. Here in Maharashtra (India) also a lot of things happened, many Gurus arrived on this land, taught people but don’t know why situation is so deteriorated here. Here seeking has declined in people and they are more inclined towards modernization. But I am surprised and I had never thought that in North India people will grasp Sahaja yoga so well. But it’s spreading like fire and people are receiving it and getting established well. So, it is such a thing that you don’t have to talk about this, it is an event. e.g. if you sow a seed in ground, it will germinate itself. For this, you don’t have to do any acrobat. Because there is a binding force in both the seed and the earth and when these bindings work together it just happens. It’s a living process. As we are at final stage of evolution, thousands of people can experience it. Though blossom days have arrived and these are such times that many flowers are here who have potential to become fruits but there are many others around too, who would not at all accept it, would not even try to get it. As last judgement time has come. It’s your wish to attain the Truth or leave it. Human beings can achieve a lot from this. First achievement is that we can feel this all-pervading power [param chaitanya] on your fingers and very soothing, settle cool (not very cold) breeze flows from your fontanelle bone area. Adi Shankracharya called it “Salilam Salilam…”. The vibrations that flow through your hands, he called it “Spand”. On your palm there are 7 sympathetic nerve endings. These are all 7 plexuses [chakras] on palm, through them you know which of your plexuses [chakras] have problem. You will know it on fingers. You will also know problems of others too because you are enlightened in collective consciousness. You enter into a new dimension through which a collective consciousness is awakened within you. You can feel chakras of another person too. So now you know about your own as well other’s Chakras. If you also learn how to correct chakras, you can correct your own chakras and help others too. This is called Shuddha Vidhya (pure knowledge). Second power that awakens with you is, you can also give self-realization to others. You can also raise other’s Kundalini. You can correct their physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual conditions too. Like this, we can help anyone whoever comes to Sahaja Yoga and wants to get self-realization. That’s how whole society can be reformed, not only this our country can be reformed, even whole world can be reformed. Another big change that happens is sense of Righteousness [Dharma] is awakened within us, it’s within and not without. For example, any Hindi, Muslim or Christian can commit any sin or do wrong deeds, his religion has no binding upon him. But it’s such a thing that once Dharma is awakened within, you can not commit anything illicit. Compassion, mercy etc. are awakened within you and despite this you become extremely energetic and dynamic. Whatever you keep doing, you won’t feel tired. You do your work in very loving and peaceful way. With this, you attain peace with you, become absolutely peaceful. A person who has very angry temperament becomes absolutely calm. Because whatever angularities you have within, become alright. All deformities within us are due to problems in plexuses [Chakras] and once these Chakras become alright, they get alright. I have seen many people have established big organizations of peace, got big awards etc. What peace they can give to others when they don’t have it in their heart itself? So, people become absolutely peaceful within. This work is going on in 7 countries. Thousands of people get together, but never ever there is any tussle. All live-in harmony together. Yes, sometimes they do tease each other but jokingly, in a friendly manner. You would not have seen such friendships otherwise. Whether this person is from Russia, England, Japan or anywhere they build a collective love amongst themselves. Because of this when true Religion [Dharma] is awakened within, they understand that all religions are one, understand totality of all religions. You don’t criticize any religion and worship all Dharma Pravartaka [who propagated religions]. Reporter: Shri Mataji, is it true that with Sahaja Yoga once can get rid of all many physical and mental disorders? Shri Mataji: Due to problems in Chakras, whatever Physical ailments are there e.g. Psychosomatic diseases, Cancers etc. which cannot be cured by Doctors are cured by Sahaja Yoga, there is no doubt in that. But first you must come in search of Truth not that you walk-in for treatment of all diseases. Seekers of Truth get rid of all diseases and they can help others too, but first of all one must seek. You can understand that God almighty has most wisdom, common sense. He sees that those, who are of no use and won’t give light to others even if put alright, why to treat such lamps. However even such lamps get alright… He wants to fix lamps which get enlightened and give light to others too, benefit others. That’s how Sahaja Yoga is going to spread. Sahaja means Sah (with you) + Ja (born). It’s such a Sahaja Vishawa (Global) Religion. When you achieve it, all petty things in our lives like Shad-Ripus i.e. six Demons within us [Kama - Lust, Krodha - Anger, Lobha- Greed, Mada - Arrogance, Moha - Attachment, Matsarya - Jealousy], just disappear somewhere. What you achieve is only Absolute Truth. If ten people are there, they will say the same thing. e.g. if you ask them what problem a particular person has? All will have the same answer. Diagnosis is also done. Everyone knows the single Truth, so there is no question of argument, automatically everyone arrives at same opinion. Sahaja Yoga is a great blessing. Because once you in shelter of Param Chaitanya, you are already in the court of God almighty. His government is very efficient and alert. On every step, you will see so many blessings from him that you would be surprised how all this is happening. Everyone sends letters to me asking mother, kindly tell how it has happened, this miracle has happened, that problem is solved. I amuse that you don’t even know where you are sitting. So the horizon we are living on, is all illusion [maya] and we must step into to the depth of reality. Once we get there, we feel that everything is happening itself and we are not doing anything, we witness everything happening right before you then what’s the need of putting in your efforts? And besides your attention becomes absolutely pure. As we saw that some boys especially from foreign countries they used to complain of wobbling eyes all the time and were tired of this, it would wander around on sight of a woman or anything around. I said it’s okay, doesn’t matter. After realization, I asked them to keep eyes on mother earth for some time. They started walking with their head down, by practicing it regularly their eyes have become so pure now, absolutely innocent. So, attention becomes absolutely pure, and not just pure it becomes such that if even it goes to someone slightly for a moment [kataksha], that person is endowed with his benevolence. If he goes to a house, peace gets established there. Wherever he stands brings peace. His sight becomes so powerful and pure, as he is full of selfless love. So, this attention acts wherever it reaches. If you want to know about someone, you would know through your vibrations. There is another Ether even more settler, that’s one which communicates all this. All these powers are there and all around us are supreme powers too. For example, if you see these beautiful flowers, you don’t even realize that it’s such a big miracle. Nobody thinks about it but it’s a living process. Just like this we have our heart. Nobody thinks about it as well that how it’s functioning. If you ask Doctors, they say it’s autonomous. Who is Auto? Science does not have answer for many things. Above all, science cannot explain why have to come in this world. You have come to enter into kingdom of almighty, enjoy and do benevolence of whole world. When they realize this, they keep engaged selflessly for no money. As you know we don’t change any money. Such a big work is going on and I don’t even have a secretary but everyone is my secretary. They do this work with full dedication, enjoy only this and keep talking about the same and nothing else. How to do good to others, how to solve other’s problems. Third and highest of all thing is that you are drowned into bliss [ananda]. Happiness and sorrow are merely two sides of our ego, just like a coin has two sides. When your ego gets very elated, you are happy and if its gets pricked a bit you become sad. But in Sahaja state you become blissful [anandamay]. There is no duality in bliss, you just keep watching everything and enjoy it. Means that you achieve state of witness. You look at everything like a drama. That’s how all kind of tensions and stress etc. of these days just disappear. Jokingly, I tell them that now you all got a hole on your heads and these problems will stream out of you through this [laughs]. What must be understood is that all this is within us, it’s just right time, everything is going to work out in these times, you don’t have to pay for this, but still people visit all those mischievous Gurus. Now what to do, no one can change their minds. So, one must understand what do we have to achieve? We have to achieve our complete maturity. And for this you don’t have to do anything or give anything. Only you have to give time, very little time. But when you step down in this, you find it to be ocean of knowledge, love and compassion and above of all its ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes one might have committed prior to realization, everything has to be forgotten in Sahaja Yoga, no need to feel guilty and you just forgive everyone. That’s all. This works out so quickly even for thousands of people that it just surprise everyone how it’s happening for so many together. They say that recently about One Hundred Thousand people came in Pune and everyone raised their hands to confirm that they felt it. But how many continue and grow in this, is the shortcoming. Reporter: Shri Mataji, in every public program you give experience of Kundalini awakening to thousands. Can you give same experience through this program to our viewers too? Shri Mataji: Not a problem. We did it in Hong Kong. We visited Hong Kong and there a TV Anchor who organized it, and many people sent letters afterwards. But nobody brought them together as collective. But now there in Hong Kong all of them have got together. So definitely it is possible. Reporter: So, can this be done now? Shri Mataji: Now? (Smiles…) Ok so whoever is watching it now, please take off your shoes and spectacles. Shoes have to be removed because this earth element absorbs all our problems, deformities.
Ardha Matra Volume 5 two interviews or talks in Hindi
City Unknown
It is question of you feeling it yourself experiencing it yourself
Public Program
Public Program, 1994-0115, India At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is, you cannot change it, you cannot transform it, you cannot describe it, unfortunately at this human [UNCLEAR] which is human awareness you cannot know it. [UNCLEAR] process [UNCLEAR] because if you have known the absolute truth there would have been no quarrels no fighting no [UNCLEAR] no arguments no war. But we don't know [UNCLEAR] and absolute truth that only we know through the last breakthrough of our evolutionary process this you have to understand. Of course I was told in Bangalore people are very ritualistic and they believe in the rituals. All these rituals are for what, why are we [UNCLEAR] going to temples going to [UNCLEAR] going to mosque and you just see, there must be some purpose but it is like the steps of this hall but if you have to come in the hall you have to give up the steps now that's enough and sufficient in you last lives that's why you are here. Now a special time I will call it as a blossom time is this modern times which is “ghor kalayuga” agree... And at these modern times we see such a decline into everything and we are surprised how such a [UNCLEAR] has come. All our advancement so far has been either we are [UNCLEAR] call it something very blindly or else its just a mental [UNCLEAR]. Human mind has all variations and when these mental projections are carried to far and they are not substantiated by reality it starts falling down and that's how we find [UNCLEAR] from reality from goodness and righteousness we start wondering why this happens. So now the time has come for people to know the absolute truth... the truth. Now what is the truth? I must tell you whatever I am going to tell you you need not accept [UNCLEAR]. But you have to keep your mind open like a scientist... absolutely an open mind, and what I say is proved that has honesty [UNCLEAR] because this is the solution for yourself for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your family, benevolence of your city, benevolence of the country and benevolence of the whole world at large. The truth is that you are not this body this mind all of you know this but i will tell you again truth is that you are not this body this mind this conditioning this ego these emotions but you are pure spirit. And the second truth is that there is a all-pervading power of divine love which is awake in subtle energy which is doing all the living work. So the first truth is that you are the pure spirit and the second truth is that there is a all-pervading power of divine love, truth is love and love is truth. This you see the beautiful flowers here and Bangalore is known as the city of flowers, we take them for granted, we don't even see how miraculous it is that they have come out of one seed such different varieties of [UNCLEAR] we just take them for granted. We see our heart running, who runs our heart? If you ask the Doctors they will say this is the autonomous nervous system but who is the auto, who is the driving force behind, we take all these things for granted and that is why we do not want to go in to the such find out who does all this living work, there are so many things I can tell you which nobody can explain through science, who does this? The one who does all these is this all-pervading power of divine love which we call as Brahma Chaitanya, Quran it is called as [UNCLEAR]. In every religion it is described and that you have to seek the union with that and this union is the real Yoga the Spiritual Yoga where you are connected to this all-pervading power We are ancient people, specially in this aspect of spiritual life we have really done lot of research because you don't know our country is so beautiful, forget the politics otherwise, it's a beautiful country because say if I am in London if I have to get ready it takes at least half an hour to get ready to face the horrible climate and the horrible rain of [UNCLEAR]. And the way the people are, they have no sense at all of what is purity, no sense. These people were once called as a [UNCLEAR] Shalivahana one of them met Christ in Kashmir, and he asked what's your name. Christ said my name is Esa, I come from a country where all are [UNCLEAR] so I have come here. So Shalivahana said you see why don't you go back and improve their [UNCLEAR] what are you going to do here and when he went back he was crucified [UNCLEAR], no sense of purity believe I have been there as you know we are operating in sixty countries or so they have no sense of purity of course they are not ritualistic also, they are not blind like us, but at least whatever blindly we believe in is something which keeps us clean inside and that is why in this country people knew about Kundalini since long. I don't know if you have read about Markendaya who [UNCLEAR] once about fourteen thousand years back in history and he has talked about Kundalini. Then we have [UNCLEAR] who were like [UNCLEAR] ghorknath ancient they have talked of Kundalini there where the ones who healed, used a separate or different type of a medicine which they called as Sahaj [UNCLEAR]. While we have other type of search like the Vedas even with Veda... Veda means to know on your central nervous system bodh also means to know on your central nervous system because whatever we know in evolutionary process we feel it on our central nervous system. So in this country Kundalini yoga was a great research work done, I have not done nothing special, I must tell you it's all from our heritage. Only thing if I have done anything is this that I found out a method by which a mass realization can be given, a mass, but that's nothing great I think because if you know the permutations and combinations of our various Chakras and why people suffer from it that's very easy to achieve that thing. That's why people think it's very easy, Sahaj means easy "Saha" means born "Ja" means with is this right to get this... to get this. It’s your right to get it, specially in this because I can tell you that we believe in the clean life, we believe it, people may do wrong they may go astray but they know in their heart's apart that they are doing wrong. Even you see young people, very young people these days, in India also they need to horrible things, but when come to me I ask them they said we know but we have to do it out of fashion we have to do it out of compulsion and once you start [UNCLEAR], it's very surprising that they know but in other places if you ask any English man or American or Russian, anyone, why you take drugs, he said why, who are you to ask me, what's wrong. They say what's wrong, they don't know it is wrong, even that we need to tell they do not know and what are [UNCLEAR] I don't understand. Because it is Indian we like everything foreign, so because it is Indian we have so far neglected such a beautiful thing what we call as self-realization, this will not only solve your problem as i told you but the whole world will come to you for this, they do they are coming, when they come to this country they will be surprised they kiss the slab... they kiss the slab and [UNCLEAR], it is very surprising that western people were never known to know Kundalini who don't know it, Russians specially you don't know how [UNCLEAR] they have just so much in to it why we Indians don't. We are so much used to kind of say for example today my lecture is there there is just another surrender lecture... guru shopping going on. Nobody understands what a great treasure we have in this country and how much we can achieve by establishing this self-realization. If every... the first question is financial for Indians always they are becoming now little materialistic i must say, but even that problem is gone with Kundalini, you will be surprised in a country like [UNCLEAR] we have so many unemployed, not one single Sahaja Yogis is unemployed because your attention becomes so sharp that whole system becomes so silent and so peaceful, all the natures are used that you just become very dynamic at the same time extremely compassionate. I myself I am surprised that the change that we see, overnight people have given drugs, for you Bangalore I am told [UNCLEAR] with drugs, it's very important for parents to bring children in Sahaja Yoga, overnight they have given up alcohol, drugs. There was a person who was known to be a rogue, they said he is a thief, he is this and that and so many [UNCLEAR] I don't know the story about it, and this fellow is now a saint, just like one week. It's all your own power, Kundalini is your own power she is your own mother, everybody likes this mother, individual mother, and this power is anxious to give you your second birth. I don't do anything it's just you can call me a catalyst or I don't know what you should call it but if you are enlightened person you can enlighten another person, once you get your enlightenment then you can enlighten other people. First we had only one person one family who was enlightened and today we have so many Sahaja Yogis, I am moving all over the world and I come only once a year but just see how they are achieving. So your own powers get enlightenment, so what happens I must tell you because this one lecturer, I am trying to tell you explain to you what happens to you. The first thing that happens is that you feel the Chaitanya on your fingertips as cool breeze, Adi Shankaracharya has called it "salilam salilam" by saying Shivoham you don't [UNCLEAR] but might become when you [UNCLEAR]. Just by reading books, just by saying mantras nothing can happen. It's the question of becoming, unless and until you are enlightened whatever you may try, Kabira has said [UNCLEAR] how come by reading people become [UNCLEAR]. I have met many they are supposed to be great masters... this... that. You talk to them they just start reciting everything nothing inside...all outside [UNCLEAR]. So the first thing you feel is the cool breeze as it... Christians would put it cool breeze of the holy ghost as in the Bible is explained. So this "salilam salilam" cool very soothing feeling you get and we call it vibrations... divine vibrations but Adi Shankaracharya has called it as [UNCLEAR] it starts cooling and then you will start feeling a complete relaxation, from your Sahasrara here is a place called "Brahma randra" which also opens out which was the "thalu" in your childhood and you start feeling the cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. You have to feel you don't have to deceive yourself, it’s no question of telling me I got it, it's question of you feeling it yourself experiencing it yourself. So the first thing is that you feel this all-pervading power, which is the mighty power which has made you a human being, which nourishes you looks after you so many things in us, it thinks, it understands and it blesses you, looks after you. So many things are there that unbelievable because we are believing in the realm of unreality but reality is so beautiful, it looks after you whatever you want it gives you [UNCLEAR] it is [UNCLEAR] such and such time will come and whatever you ask you will get it and people says that forests of realized souls all the forests will move from places to places giving realizations, it describes so clearly [UNCLEAR] I show you just now happened to all of you which is your own right to have it, you don't have to do anything as people think that you give up your family, not necessary, give up any money, you can't pay for it, how much did we pay to [UNCLEAR]. The mother earth has the capacity to create and there is a [UNCLEAR] capacity to the seeker [UNCLEAR] whom are we going to pay, you can’t pay for your self-realization for your ascent. Even Mohammed Sahib described it as "Quam" means the resurrection time at this time he said your hands will speak, exactly it is what happened, I mean people are believing that all kinds of things to all these prophets and all that leaders and we will see that, these mullas, maulvis and pandits and everyone, but in reality if you see that's what happens that your fingertips get enlightened because these are sympathetic endings and they tell you what’s wrong with which Chakra, so you get self-knowledge and know at once what is wrong with me, what is wrong with my Chakras, also you feel the center of others in collective consciousness. So your human awareness becomes collectively conscious a new dimension [UNCLEAR] you might be sitting next to a patient of cancer you would not know but if you are a realized soul sitting here you can know, you can feel the Chakras of another person. If you see the problems of this world they are mostly caused by human beings... mostly... mostly caused by human beings, and they are because of the problems of your Chakras, your centers. Somehow if you can correct your centers and correct the centers of others all our problems can be solved, other day somebody asked me mother how big there was an earthquake in Latur, Jalagaon, that's the one center I have never visited, in Pune all those people have problems they have the festival of sugar, they have a horrible festival when they have Shri Ganeshas, I have seen horrible things they do [UNCLEAR] women drink can you imagine and they are all in a very funny dress, they start doing disco dance and horrible dances they do before Shri Ganesha. In three public lectures I told them whats that happened to this punya patanam in the shastras this was the punya patanam, once that Rajneesh is settled down there and I don't know who is creating this discos and things before Shri Ganesha. I told you in that Shri Ganesha is not just an mental creation it is not such artificially the [UNCLEAR] great [UNCLEAR] so be careful, you better not do this, in all these three lectures I openly said that if you do like this there will be bhukamp (earthquake) this is the word I used, I told them so nobody would listen to me, nobody would listen and now the bhukamp (earthquake) has come and more will come if you insult Shri Ganesha. Most of these troubles come because of human mistakes, now these human mistakes have gone to the last [UNCLEAR] there on the fourteenth day that on the visarjan of Shri Ganesha and they came back home drank and all of them drank... was... they disappeared in the mother earth. You will be amazed though I not been to Latur not one Sahaja Yogi even his house whatever he was living in nothing was touched and our center at least quite a lot of land was just absolutely perfect, it’s a fact, this kind of [UNCLEAR] is the collectively, there are also many many individual things we do that is... that also I would say comes from our ignorance because we follow a [UNCLEAR] false gurus. So many years back I told the names of all these gurus.. what they are.. who is the Mahishsura and who is another asura I told all their names nobody liked it, they are still following one after another. I told them this Mahishasura will give you bad eyes and it is an heart attack, but nobody would listen to me, I gave the name of sixteen such people and four of... four women also but they are very well known all those sixteen people all over the world... very well known. So we are responsible for bringing curses upon over selves by worshiping all these asuras, so we must have a correct [UNCLEAR] about our [UNCLEAR]. Guru Nanak has said "sadguru wohi jo [UNCLEAR]" the one who makes you meets the sahil otherwise others are all nonsensical making money, that sanyasi why do they need money for, taking from the house wives all their ornaments, so what we get at the time the right concept the right idea it’s not even considered [UNCLEAR] it’s a [UNCLEAR], you can make out who is the genuine who is not, you can make out from vibrations what is real what is fake, immediately you will know that this man is fraud, you don't have to consult anybody else, you yourself know the absolute truth about [UNCLEAR]. There are some people who just get out of the jail [UNCLEAR] wear kashaya vastra and sit in the cross roads and become the gurus, I can understand this [UNCLEAR] but what about us, once we [UNCLEAR] we are not doing so [UNCLEAR] rest all of them are [UNCLEAR] that a good idea but still... still we have in every village everywhere there are gurus everywhere making money, then we have tantrikas. If you believe in such people you will have to suffer because they are not only negative but they are devils, immediately after realization you start understanding who is the guru who is the real person, who is the person who is a daemon... immediately, you are not [UNCLEAR] by a person who is a dressed up like a guru, who comes in a bhagwa vastra or who tries to show of gives big lectures, immediately you will understand he is not a guru, he is just a lecturer, he cannot give you self-realization, self-realization only can be given by a person who is an enlightened soul. I am not telling you something new is everybody knows that, I must say for example Kanchi Kamakoti this time who drive [UNCLEAR] he was the only Shankaracharya who was a realized soul, none other. I am telling you the fact when you will get your realization I don't need to have to tell you because you will know absolute truth about your [UNCLEAR], how, because you will know their Chakras, when you know the absolute truth then there is no quarrel like one day one fellow came and said Mother what is [UNCLEAR] what about your father what about your father, why aren't you all asking the same question, I said because the Chakra of right heart is catching that's why they are asking, I will ask you the same question. He was amazed that everybody is asking the same question, you put ten children who are realized and put something to cover their eyes and ask them what’s wrong with this gentleman they will raise... all of them will raise the same fingers to show what is the problem, it is not subjective... it is not subjective but it is something like you are sitting before you you can see in the same way you can feel, it's absolutely tangible absolutely tangible. If you grow in to it how you people can at the most one month you grow into it. So the first thing that happens to you is you reach a state which is called as Nirvachara Samadhi, Patanjali has described as [UNCLEAR], I say leave it out you just get Nirvachar, in the Nirvachar Samadhi that state just now [UNCLEAR] what happens that all the thoughts stop... become silent. What happens one thought raises and falls another thought raises and falls, we are living on the crest of this thoughts which come only from the past or from the future, we are not in the present either we live in the past or in the future but when you are in the present there is no thought and whatever comes to you is inspiration. So the first stage is that you become absolutely Nirvachar, that is you come in the present for that this happening [UNCLEAR] supposing we are all sitting here quietly something falls down we get [UNCLEAR] to attract the attention this happening of Kundalini awakening takes place and like this I would say like my saree is the attention and the Kundalini starts rising pulling the attention upward and that breaks, these are very simple... it's the simplest because it is so vital [UNCLEAR] we don't have to consult [UNCLEAR] for breathing otherwise [UNCLEAR] in the same way is the great simple thing that has to take place and that takes place when you feel it, it's not somebody has to tell you no no you must be feeling, no, you yourself yourself know it and then you understand that you have gone beyond your mind, once you are beyond your mind you start seeing your mind how it looks, you see your ego, you see everything that means you get separated from yourself become the spirit and you start seeing yourself, you see the travel of your own life then you see the whole thing as a drama you become the sakshi. I know many questions are there in your mind which you are thinking and I have to tell you one thing that I can answer all the questions I am quite an expert now, I have been doing this I know but there are some mental acrobat [UNCLEAR] is to know yourself and to know yourself you have to get your self-realization after that the question change, after that the whole idea of spirituality changes because you really become spiritual. For example you may be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim anything one can coming in any [UNCLEAR] nothing can prohibit you from connecting yourself, but after realization you [UNCLEAR], whatever is wrong you will not do, you will stand by people who are the poor you will stand by the truth you will be extremely compassion like Christ I have nothing to do with [UNCLEAR] such a courage you get, it’s a very different area into which you go, you enter into the kingdom of god... the kingdom of good is very different from all these kingdoms that you see, it is very kind, gentle, very helpful understanding also... very intelligent very quick I mean so many things that I cannot tell you in this little lecture of mine. But believe in yourself have faith in yourself that you all have to get realization to night only that much is required. As you see the kundalini itself is the pure desire, she is the reflection of the Adi Shakti, the primordial mother who is the power of god almighty. In Greece they called the "Athena" "Atha" in Sanskrit you know "Atha" means the primordial from that [UNCLEAR] and this triangular bone was called as sacrum... sacrum bone, so they knew about Kundalini everything, no doubt. But afterwards this orthodox Church came and they just abolished everything and they haven't now any... any understanding about their previous philosophies. But I went there they were amazed and I told that that this is what is the sacred bone and this is the Kundalini, actually the Athena has the Kundalini in her hand, now many people say that she is a serpent, actually Kundalini moves like this any energy moves like that, that's why they called it a sarpa (snake) but she is not a sarpa she moves like a sarpa and penetrates through your fontanel bone area, gives you no trouble nothing. There are descriptions of this Kundalini horrible once I have read which I have never seen so far, only sometimes you do feel little heat supposing you are a liver patient or you are a patient of some heat may be the heat little bit not much, but this description that I have read is so horrifying that your Kundalini in the stomach gives you blisters I have never seen anybody on the contrary if you have any troubles [UNCLEAR]. So physically you definitely [UNCLEAR], you feel very energetic very dynamic and [UNCLEAR], apart from that so many diseases have been cured in Sahaja Yoga... so many... we have got blood cancer patients, we have got all kinds of [UNCLEAR] disease, muscular disabilities, paralysis, heart... heart troubles, all kinds of diseases have been cured even aids have been cured but the problem with the aids is that the people who get aids are very aggressive or else they have given up complete faith in themselves and they are lost, so it's a difficult area. We are not here to cure people we are here to make you doctors i should say, the doctors should not feel angry with me for that because we will not touch the rich people, rich people never come normally... normally [UNCLEAR] and they can have their rich people with them we are here for the people who are seekers of truth. Christ has said that you can pass an animal through [UNCLEAR] but you cannot give realization to a rich man... he can never enter into the kingdom of God. Whatever it is I would say that some rich people will definitely come no doubt but mostly it is for people who are not materialistic and who are seeking the truth. And I was surprised also in the countries where I went very materialistic, they have got their realization very surprising they couldn't get what they wanted [UNCLEAR]. Third thing is about science, science is [UNCLEAR] and he does the answer many questions, why are we here on this earth, what is the purpose of life, it cannot answer but Sahaja Yoga does answer because you really know all your [UNCLEAR] and you know why are you on this earth and what is the purpose of your life. It is like when you have to enlighten one light it [UNCLEAR] but once you are enlightened it gives light automatically it happens and you know the purpose of your life and idealistic of your own personality. Because we don't know what great thing we are, what glorious thing a human being is specially in India, what we can do, its like if you take a television to a remote place somewhere in a village who have never seen a television and tell them that you will see some [UNCLEAR] in this... they say what this box... how can it give [UNCLEAR]. We do think we are all boxes they are not, when it is put to the mains then you see how fantastic it is. What I am telling you is not just a story to please you but to give the full confidence that you all can get your self-realization tonight. This power of Kundalini is the power of pure desire, as you know [UNCLEAR] desires or wants are not satiable in general, today you want to buy a saree tomorrow you want to buy a house then a car then a helicopter then a airplane and it goes on and on. Whatever you are striving for whenever you get it you are not satisfied you are going from there to higher and higher and higher, and never satisfied, not satiable in general, because these desires are not pure that is why. But once you get your self-realization the self-satisfaction even a small flower gives the satisfaction, aesthetics of very tender and [UNCLEAR], we have had some musicians, you must have heard about Amjad Ali, was a very ordinary player he came to Sahaja Yoga today he is [UNCLEAR] so many of them they are Muslims, I know of so many Hindus, you must have heard about [UNCLEAR] so many of them who came to Sahaja Yoga have become great musicians, great artists, we have also, some people who suddenly became great poets, somebody who was a chartered accountant became a great poet in Urdu language, Urdu he doesn't know a word, he became such a great poet. One cannot understand what powers we have within ourselves which we have never used, this brain also very few part of it we have used and we have not used the whole of it and what can we do about it, nothing, [UNCLEAR] do this do that it all becomes a joyless pursuit... a joyless pursuit. So the second thing happens to you is that, as I said first you know the absolute truth on your finger tips and then the second thing that happens to you that your attention becomes enlightened, such a person develops a very innocent [UNCLEAR], it’s much better in India but if you go to the west their eyes are always [UNCLEAR] they must see every women, man must see every women, women must see every man, it's a mad place don’t know why they do it, its a disease [UNCLEAR] then the eyes becomes straight, not only steady but they have a light in the heart and they are so innocent and the power of innocence is so great that wherever you puts his attention [UNCLEAR], so many things that happen because it gives peace, it gives balance, it raises the Kundalini, it makes you absolutely peaceful because when you come in your present [UNCLEAR] you may be [UNCLEAR] thoughtlessly aware Nirvachar Samadhi [UNCLEAR], peace is not outside is inside. I know some people who have got peace award I know that because of my husband's position i have met many they are one of the hottest people I have seen, if you have to approach them better take a [UNCLEAR], such horrible people have got peace award i don’t know from what angle they saw that, there is no peace with in then how come they give you peace, this peace comes to you because you attain a [UNCLEAR] we should say attain the [UNCLEAR], such a person wherever he goes [UNCLEAR] but this is not the saint where you are claim you are a saint, you are very wrong, you wear normal dresses you be normally you have a normal family everything absolutely normal the change with in you, you don't have to give a bit, nothing, so this peaceful character creates peace. Now we have program sometimes [UNCLEAR] a seminar in Russia, I think we must have had at least six thousand people from all over, they never quarrel they never fight but of course they have... leg pulling is there, humor is there, but such love with such love [UNCLEAR] how these people from different countries, some of them don't even know the language, how they are living here for seven eight days without any quarrel without any fight without any remorse as if this is their own and they have to enjoy it, it's something to be seen really such angelic life they live. Of course as the door of Sahaja Yoga is open to everyone on the periphery you have to be [UNCLEAR] who may not have come to that level, but if you really desire it works very fast, you can jump into that state which we call as Nirvakalp Samadhi, where you have no vilkapas no doubts then you can take realization you can love people you can sit in peace enjoy the whole drama, it’s a very different kind of personality with in you which comes up and you are not a [UNCLEAR] apart from that you have to talk, all the time everybody writes to me mother this is a miracle i had... that miracle... so many letters that come so i told somebody that why don’t you compile them, he said alright so he told them that if you have any miracles you write within one month she said mother already we have [UNCLEAR] now which one should I select and what should i ask, i said forget it I have no time to read and you don't know which one to write forget it. Such miracles unbelievable because this is parama chaitanya is the power of God’s love which looks after us, we believe in God this belief is so superficial [UNCLEAR] here you become the religious... you become righteous... its again I say is the becoming and you are amazed how I am becoming like this and to enjoy your virtues and virtues of others, i tell you a saint how he enjoys another person can seek how one of the brave beautiful couplets that Namadeva has written, Namadeva you know was a great saint was very much trained by Nanaka and he made him write in Punjabi language though he was a Maharashtrian, books... and it is big book like this full of his poems in Punjabi language. Namadeva once went to meet one [UNCLEAR] and the [UNCLEAR] was busy [UNCLEAR] so Nama deva [UNCLEAR] Maratha says "Nirguanacha [UNCLEAR] alo sagunachi" meaning I came to see Nirakara I came to see formless Nirgun means Chaitanya, but here he it is in person Sagun in form I see in you, only a saint can appreciate another saint otherwise you will go on pulling telling lies all kinds of bad stories, I mean that's human nature, if somebody is good just [UNCLEAR] specially our media is an expert on this. But the saint how he appreciates another saint, it’s so so sweet to see human beings [UNCLEAR] And the last but not the least is that you jump in to the ocean of joy, joy is freedom, it’s not happiness and unhappiness, if your ego is pampered you are happy, if it is hurt you are unhappy it's not like that. Joy is a state which is singular which is described in our books like many joys are there but at the Sahasrara it is iranand you are just nothing but anand. All your demands are finished, yonu forgive just you don't remember of [UNCLEAR], in Buddha's place [UNCLEAR] one man came and said all kinds of [UNCLEAR] then they said with whom did you say you know it was Buddha, what have you done, my god i said [UNCLEAR] he never said a word to me on protest, so he went to another village where Lord Buddha was there, he asked him, he said sir do you please forgive me, forgive you for what, whatever i said to you yesterday, where did you say, this and this village... ohh I was [UNCLEAR] its today i am here [UNCLEAR], just automatically you forgive, you don't have to tell yourself that I will forgive... forgive... no way you just forgive you dont just remember. There are many other things that happens is that relationship improves, we have eighty-five this year, every year we have eighty-five to ninety marriages international, many Indians are married abroad and they are married here. Only one percent they fail [UNCLEAR] alright if you don't like finished, but most of them are extremely successful marriage... extremely successful and they get children who are realized souls, the children are better than the parents, then when the parents sit down for meditation [UNCLEAR] sit down for meditation. So there are many great souls who want to be born, they don't want to be born to people who are not realized souls so we are getting lots of children now who are tremendous who are beautiful, very surprising the way i said it... i am really surprised that to the eastern [UNCLEAR] at Romania [UNCLEAR], they sing Indian Marathi, Sanskrit songs, Hindi songs, they compose and you won’t make out that they are singing Hindi songs. I will give westerners [UNCLEAR] one sentence of English for [UNCLEAR] and that's the worst, unless as somebody said that to God that [UNCLEAR] just don't write on my forehead that I have to tell about kavitha who is the poetry to an [UNCLEAR] a person who is [UNCLEAR] don't write that that’s ok. But I would say teach any one of our languages to the westerners [UNCLEAR] but the way they sing the way they compose, they go to Maharashtra [UNCLEAR] all those village songs and they sing exactly, you won’t be able to make out... what dialect. How is these east people who have never heard about kundalini who had no saints, we have saints and saints and saints all born in this country, of course we tortured them no doubt but now the time has come for us to become the saints, it is very surprising who are in India specially the south now not... imagine UP, Noida, this Dehradun, Haryana, Delhi is just like quiet and this Maharashtra there were so many saints were born is nothing but... i tell you [UNCLEAR] they all drink and today I told you they worship Shri Ganesha when I work so hard [UNCLEAR] I am amazed I just speak, also they are very ritualistic, they drink in the night morning again washing nicely have a bath and [UNCLEAR] go to the temple site there all this is there, there are gurus and gurus and gurus but drinking is so much in Maharashtra is no where you find in the villages they just come and like [UNCLEAR] they fall on the street. So I will hope at least in Bangalore, Karnataka, Sahaja Yoga will spread fast and will solve your problems, we have to first solve our problems on a public domain, then you shall not blame it rajakaran for politics, I said is you who are electing, once you are enlightened then you will know whom to elect and you will have courage to elect people who are of a right type. So far I was really amazed because only one person was here [UNCLEAR] we have ten people till last year and today we have so much Sahaja Yogis I am really surprised, something special about Bangalore. I hope you people will take your realization and not that but you will grow in it otherwise it will be like a [UNCLEAR] that so many seeds got sprouted and then thrown out on rocks, we have to respect our self-realization. Now self-realization is the collective happening it is not individual that in the house I will [UNCLEAR] nothing, of course in the house you have to meditate for about ten minutes at most to cleanse yourself, but collectively you must grow, say for example one of my nails I [UNCLEAR] it won’t grow, it’s a collective happening it’s a collective organism, all over the world you find [UNCLEAR] all over the world. Now as it is time and as I told you you all have some question with a short time and we not have covered all of them, but whatever it is I will say now in a [UNCLEAR] to get your self-realization which should not [UNCLEAR] but you may like to go [UNCLEAR] the main question is how to get self-realization which you don't have to [UNCLEAR], now only limitation is this that those people who do not want self-realization I cannot force, it cannot be forced. You have been given your freedom to choose if you want to go to hell alright, if you want to go to heaven it's your choice, it cannot be forced. Those who do not want should leave now please, all those who are just critical [UNCLEAR] should go, they think they are missing something alright [UNCLEAR] but those who really want self-realization have to humbly feel in their within themselves, pure desire to get your self-realization. If it works out I have to make another humble request that you must come to the "samuhik" to the collective and grow and master, within one month you will be masters, within one month, we don't have [UNCLEAR] we don't have hierarchies we don't have pujaris nothing, you will be surprised we don't even have any organization as such, everything is working out [UNCLEAR] it’s a living organism I have said, if something goes wrong with this hand this hand will tell [UNCLEAR], so one should not [UNCLEAR] official things at all but know that all of you are capable of taking realization. So I would request those who don't want to have should leave now, all you have to sit down, coming in the front... Food habits... Just now you don't worry, see food has nothing to do with all these okay...Thank you very much [UNCLEAR]. Food habits are nothing, you see if you need proteins you have to have proteins, if you need carbohydrates you have carbohydrates. See try to understand, if you try to save say chickens... can I give them realization but nothing compulsory. I will say that Indians eat much more proteins than the westeners but you can eat any type of proteins [UNCLEAR] whatever is needed for your body to give you a balance your food, but of course you should not eat meat of bigger animals because the muscles of the bigger animals [UNCLEAR]. But there is no compulsion you yourself will judge what is good for you and you eat whatever is good, it makes no difference, see if you are born as Jain you won’t eat anything like that but you may drink, you know Jains drink a lot i have seen, they drink but they won’t eat, it’s very surprising. So it has nothing to do with "aahar" (food) but it has something to do as far as the physical body is concerned, supposing you are suffering from liver then you have to eat the food which is not harmful to your liver, which is that? We have three types of liver disease one is right sided another is left sided and one is in the center. Right sided ones are the ones who suffer from pittas and the liver troubles and the left sided ones are the ones who are suffering from you can say [UNCLEAR] and the center ones are [UNCLEAR], but despite all these whatever you eat [UNCLEAR] whatever you get, I am amazed to see people can get their realization, this is all, just to get realization and after that they themselves, because in the light you will know what [UNCLEAR] what’s not isn't it. For example I am holding on to a snake and I [UNCLEAR] now you tell me that there is snake in your hand, I will say no its a rope, its darkness I can’t see so I say it’s a [UNCLEAR] it’s a rope but once there is little light I will throw it away, just like that, so all your [UNCLEAR] drops, once there is little light you become a very different person i never say let’s get the [UNCLEAR] don’t do that... don’t do that... i will never say that because half of you will leave but I [UNCLEAR] realization, once you take realization then I will see, then you yourself will give up and you will be amazed what has happened to me how i [UNCLEAR], because you have the power then, you have the light you have the insight then you see yourself whatever is destructive for you you will give up, you understand its destructive power you just give up, I don't have to say anything you become your own master you become your own guide, i [UNCLEAR] you anything Can you put off the fans, first you people start doubting that this cool breeze is coming from the fans there is no fan in your head but still if the cool breeze is coming from their head [UNCLEAR]. If I ask you to remove your spectacles, I have also removed mine [UNCLEAR], i never had this glasses but the way that reflects on my head all the time for nine...nine hours [UNCLEAR] Now please put both your hands towards me like this and those who are sitting on the chair put their feet apart from each other because as I told you these are two powers left and right. Now please put your left hand towards me on your lap [UNCLEAR], left hand towards me... and the right hand on top of your head over your Thalu... over... above, not on top of your head and now bend your head, don't push your attention don't tell any Mantras nothing just live it alone... Kundalini will work it out for you, some people get the cool breeze out of their fontanel bone area [UNCLEAR] but do not... please don't put the hands on top of your head away from it, see for yourself bend your head down. Now please put the right hand towards me now bend your heads that's important bend your heads and see with the left hand... please see with your left hand there is a cool or even a hot breeze coming out of your head... maybe there might be some hot breeze also. Now again with the left hand, put left hand towards me close your eyes and see bending your head there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head, you can move your hand if it is hot that means you have to forgive... you have to forgive everyone, please forgive everyone, now some people say it is difficult to forgive, now whether you forgive or you don't forgive you don't do anything, but if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself for nothing. So now at this moment you please forgive... please forgive everyone just say in your heart I forgive everyone in general, don't have to think about those who have tortured you who have troubled you, just see for yourself. Now you have to say in your heart I am the pure spirit, now please put again your hands like this, now you watch me without thinking let’s see if you can do this... without thinking... you have to forgive, that's very important that you should forgive because this Chakra of Agnya gets closed if you don't forgive, all your life you have tortured yourself and now at this moment... very important moment... you are by not forgiving stopping the Kundalini below the Agnya chakra. Now put up your hands like this, push back your head... push back your head and ask the question out of this three questions anyone of them, you can call me mother or even call me Shri Mataji whatever you feel like, one of these questions you have to ask three time, Mother is this the Brahma Chaitanya or Mother is this the power of divine love or Mother is this the rooh... push back your head, bring it down. Now the [UNCLEAR] I can feel the cool coming from you[UNCLEAR]. You can put on your glasses. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their finger tips or in their hands, palms or out of their fontanel bone area... all those... honestly should raise their hands, both the hands, all those who have felt, some of those who have not felt please... now those who have not felt please raise your hands, did you... if you had some guru... alright ask this question, now if you have a kulaswamini you can ask for some question Mother are you our kulaswamini ask that question, you can ask, and to give up your guru you have say Mother now you are our own guru or I am my own guru [UNCLEAR], say I am my own guru [UNCLEAR] gurus will drop off. Now again those who have felt the cool breeze please raise your hands or hot breeze... please all of you... please... may god bless you... may god bless you... so many of them, I know some people didn’t feel may be there are some physical problems but I would request all of you to come to the follow up please we don't have elaborate palaces for you for anything but wherever [UNCLEAR] we have organized please do come and master it, it is your own, you have to know about yourself fully, do not waste it, respect your self-realization, unless until you spend it unless until you use it you will know what you have got... what you have, so please I know some people didn't get doesn't matter it will all work out please come to our center, they all can work it out for you, you have to know that these people know a lot about Sahaja Yoga don't get angry with them if a younger person tells you something, they are very gentle they are very kind I know everything will be fine but please understand that tomorrow you will become like them also... All my blessings and love. Once you are there then you can get my speeches and everything but we don't want people to take tapes with the beginning because [UNCLEAR] that conditions the best thing is just to meditate and develop that, [UNCLEAR] some people gets just there to night but some need little bit fixing of the [UNCLEAR] little time so you shouldn't mind that there is something wrong in it
Public Program, 1994-0115, India At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is, you cannot change it, you cannot transform it, you cannot describe it, unfortunately at this human [UNCLEAR] which is human awareness you cannot know it. [UNCLEAR] process [UNCLEAR] because if you have known the absolute truth there would have been no quarrels no fighting no [UNCLEAR] no arguments no war. But we don't know [UNCLEAR] and absolute truth that only we know through the last breakthrough of our evolutionary process this you have to understand. Of course I was told in Bangalore people are very ritualistic and they believe in the rituals. All these rituals are for what, why are we [UNCLEAR] going to temples going to [UNCLEAR] going to mosque and you just see, there must be some purpose but it is like the steps of this hall but if you have to come in the hall you have to give up the steps now that's enough and sufficient in you last lives that's why you are here. Now a special time I will call it as a blossom time is this modern times which is “ghor kalayuga” agree... And at these modern times we see such a decline into everything and we are surprised how such a [UNCLEAR] has come. All our advancement so far has been either we are [UNCLEAR] call it something very blindly or else its just a mental [UNCLEAR]. Human mind has all variations and when these mental projections are carried to far and they are not substantiated by reality it starts falling down and that's how we find [UNCLEAR] from reality from goodness and righteousness we start wondering why this happens. So now the time has come for people to know the absolute truth... the truth. Now what is the truth? I must tell you whatever I am going to tell you you need not accept [UNCLEAR]. But you have to keep your mind open like a scientist... absolutely an open mind, and what I say is proved that has honesty [UNCLEAR] because this is the solution for yourself for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your family, benevolence of your city, benevolence of the country and benevolence of the whole world at large. The truth is that you are not this body this mind all of you know this but i will tell you again truth is that you are not this body this mind this conditioning this ego these emotions but you are pure spirit. And the second truth is that there is a all-pervading power of divine love which is awake in subtle energy which is doing all the living work. So the first truth is that you are the pure spirit and the second truth is that there is a all-pervading power of divine love, truth is love and love is truth. This you see the beautiful flowers here and Bangalore is known as the city of flowers, we take them for granted, we don't even see how miraculous it is that they have come out of one seed such different varieties of [UNCLEAR] we just take them for granted. We see our heart running, who runs our heart? If you ask the Doctors they will say this is the autonomous nervous system but who is the auto, who is the driving force behind, we take all these things for granted and that is why we do not want to go in to the such find out who does all this living work, there are so many things I can tell you which nobody can explain through science, who does this? The one who does all these is this all-pervading power of divine love which we call as Brahma Chaitanya, Quran it is called as [UNCLEAR]. In every religion it is described and that you have to seek the union with that and this union is the real Yoga the Spiritual Yoga where you are connected to this all-pervading power We are ancient people, specially in this aspect of spiritual life we have really done lot of research because you don't know our country is so beautiful, forget the politics otherwise, it's a beautiful country because say if I am in London if I have to get ready it takes at least half an hour to get ready to face the horrible climate and the horrible rain of [UNCLEAR]. And the way the people are, they have no sense at all of what is purity, no sense. These people were once called as a [UNCLEAR] Shalivahana one of them met Christ in Kashmir, and he asked what's your name. Christ said my name is Esa, I come from a country where all are [UNCLEAR] so I have come here. So Shalivahana said you see why don't you go back and improve their [UNCLEAR] what are you going to do here and when he went back he was crucified [UNCLEAR], no sense of purity believe I have been there as you know we are operating in sixty countries or so they have no sense of purity of course they are not ritualistic also, they are not blind like us, but at least whatever blindly we believe in is something which keeps us clean inside and that is why in this country people knew about Kundalini since long. I don't know if you have read about Markendaya who [UNCLEAR] once about fourteen thousand years back in history and he has talked about Kundalini. Then we have [UNCLEAR] who were like [UNCLEAR] ghorknath ancient they have talked of Kundalini there where the ones who healed, used a separate or different type of a medicine which they called as Sahaj [UNCLEAR]. While we have other type of search like the Vedas even with Veda... Veda means to know on your central nervous system bodh also means to know on your central nervous system because whatever we know in evolutionary process we feel it on our central nervous system. So in this country Kundalini yoga was a great research work done, I have not done nothing special, I must tell you it's all from our heritage. Only thing if I have done anything is this that I found out a method by which a mass realization can be given, a mass, but that's nothing great I think because if you know the permutations and combinations of our various Chakras and why people suffer from it that's very easy to achieve that thing. That's why people think it's very easy, Sahaj means easy "Saha" means born "Ja" means with is this right to get this... to get this. It’s your right to get it, specially in this because I can tell you that we believe in the clean life, we believe it, people may do wrong they may go astray but they know in their heart's apart that they are doing wrong. Even you see young people, very young people these days, in India also they need to horrible things, but when come to me I ask them they said we know but we have to do it out of fashion we have to do it out of compulsion and once you start [UNCLEAR], it's very surprising that they know but in other places if you ask any English man or American or Russian, anyone, why you take drugs, he said why, who are you to ask me, what's wrong. They say what's wrong, they don't know it is wrong, even that we need to tell they do not know and what are [UNCLEAR] I don't understand. Because it is Indian we like everything foreign, so because it is Indian we have so far neglected such a beautiful thing what we call as self-realization, this will not only solve your problem as i told you but the whole world will come to you for this, they do they are coming, when they come to this country they will be surprised they kiss the slab... they kiss the slab and [UNCLEAR], it is very surprising that western people were never known to know Kundalini who don't know it, Russians specially you don't know how [UNCLEAR] they have just so much in to it why we Indians don't. We are so much used to kind of say for example today my lecture is there there is just another surrender lecture... guru shopping going on. Nobody understands what a great treasure we have in this country and how much we can achieve by establishing this self-realization. If every... the first question is financial for Indians always they are becoming now little materialistic i must say, but even that problem is gone with Kundalini, you will be surprised in a country like [UNCLEAR] we have so many unemployed, not one single Sahaja Yogis is unemployed because your attention becomes so sharp that whole system becomes so silent and so peaceful, all the natures are used that you just become very dynamic at the same time extremely compassionate. I myself I am surprised that the change that we see, overnight people have given drugs, for you Bangalore I am told [UNCLEAR] with drugs, it's very important for parents to bring children in Sahaja Yoga, overnight they have given up alcohol, drugs. There was a person who was known to be a rogue, they said he is a thief, he is this and that and so many [UNCLEAR] I don't know the story about it, and this fellow is now a saint, just like one week. It's all your own power, Kundalini is your own power she is your own mother, everybody likes this mother, individual mother, and this power is anxious to give you your second birth. I don't do anything it's just you can call me a catalyst or I don't know what you should call it but if you are enlightened person you can enlighten another person, once you get your enlightenment then you can enlighten other people. First we had only one person one family who was enlightened and today we have so many Sahaja Yogis, I am moving all over the world and I come only once a year but just see how they are achieving. So your own powers get enlightenment, so what happens I must tell you because this one lecturer, I am trying to tell you explain to you what happens to you. The first thing that happens is that you feel the Chaitanya on your fingertips as cool breeze, Adi Shankaracharya has called it "salilam salilam" by saying Shivoham you don't [UNCLEAR] but might become when you [UNCLEAR]. Just by reading books, just by saying mantras nothing can happen. It's the question of becoming, unless and until you are enlightened whatever you may try, Kabira has said [UNCLEAR] how come by reading people become [UNCLEAR]. I have met many they are supposed to be great masters... this... that. You talk to them they just start reciting everything nothing inside...all outside [UNCLEAR]. So the first thing you feel is the cool breeze as it... Christians would put it cool breeze of the holy ghost as in the Bible is explained. So this "salilam salilam" cool very soothing feeling you get and we call it vibrations... divine vibrations but Adi Shankaracharya has called it as [UNCLEAR] it starts cooling and then you will start feeling a complete relaxation, from your Sahasrara here is a place called "Brahma randra" which also opens out which was the "thalu" in your childhood and you start feeling the cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. You have to feel you don't have to deceive yourself, it’s no question of telling me I got it, it's question of you feeling it yourself experiencing it yourself. So the first thing is that you feel this all-pervading power, which is the mighty power which has made you a human being, which nourishes you looks after you so many things in us, it thinks, it understands and it blesses you, looks after you. So many things are there that unbelievable because we are believing in the realm of unreality but reality is so beautiful, it looks after you whatever you want it gives you [UNCLEAR] it is [UNCLEAR] such and such time will come and whatever you ask you will get it and people says that forests of realized souls all the forests will move from places to places giving realizations, it describes so clearly [UNCLEAR] I show you just now happened to all of you which is your own right to have it, you don't have to do anything as people think that you give up your family, not necessary, give up any money, you can't pay for it, how much did we pay to [UNCLEAR]. The mother earth has the capacity to create and there is a [UNCLEAR] capacity to the seeker [UNCLEAR] whom are we going to pay, you can’t pay for your self-realization for your ascent. Even Mohammed Sahib described it as "Quam" means the resurrection time at this time he said your hands will speak, exactly it is what happened, I mean people are believing that all kinds of things to all these prophets and all that leaders and we will see that, these mullas, maulvis and pandits and everyone, but in reality if you see that's what happens that your fingertips get enlightened because these are sympathetic endings and they tell you what’s wrong with which Chakra, so you get self-knowledge and know at once what is wrong with me, what is wrong with my Chakras, also you feel the center of others in collective consciousness. So your human awareness becomes collectively conscious a new dimension [UNCLEAR] you might be sitting next to a patient of cancer you would not know but if you are a realized soul sitting here you can know, you can feel the Chakras of another person. If you see the problems of this world they are mostly caused by human beings... mostly... mostly caused by human beings, and they are because of the problems of your Chakras, your centers. Somehow if you can correct your centers and correct the centers of others all our problems can be solved, other day somebody asked me mother how big there was an earthquake in Latur, Jalagaon, that's the one center I have never visited, in Pune all those people have problems they have the festival of sugar, they have a horrible festival when they have Shri Ganeshas, I have seen horrible things they do [UNCLEAR] women drink can you imagine and they are all in a very funny dress, they start doing disco dance and horrible dances they do before Shri Ganesha. In three public lectures I told them whats that happened to this punya patanam in the shastras this was the punya patanam, once that Rajneesh is settled down there and I don't know who is creating this discos and things before Shri Ganesha. I told you in that Shri Ganesha is not just an mental creation it is not such artificially the [UNCLEAR] great [UNCLEAR] so be careful, you better not do this, in all these three lectures I openly said that if you do like this there will be bhukamp (earthquake) this is the word I used, I told them so nobody would listen to me, nobody would listen and now the bhukamp (earthquake) has come and more will come if you insult Shri Ganesha. Most of these troubles come because of human mistakes, now these human mistakes have gone to the last [UNCLEAR] there on the fourteenth day that on the visarjan of Shri Ganesha and they came back home drank and all of them drank... was... they disappeared in the mother earth. You will be amazed though I not been to Latur not one Sahaja Yogi even his house whatever he was living in nothing was touched and our center at least quite a lot of land was just absolutely perfect, it’s a fact, this kind of [UNCLEAR] is the collectively, there are also many many individual things we do that is... that also I would say comes from our ignorance because we follow a [UNCLEAR] false gurus. So many years back I told the names of all these gurus.. what they are.. who is the Mahishsura and who is another asura I told all their names nobody liked it, they are still following one after another. I told them this Mahishasura will give you bad eyes and it is an heart attack, but nobody would listen to me, I gave the name of sixteen such people and four of... four women also but they are very well known all those sixteen people all over the world... very well known. So we are responsible for bringing curses upon over selves by worshiping all these asuras, so we must have a correct [UNCLEAR] about our [UNCLEAR]. Guru Nanak has said "sadguru wohi jo [UNCLEAR]" the one who makes you meets the sahil otherwise others are all nonsensical making money, that sanyasi why do they need money for, taking from the house wives all their ornaments, so what we get at the time the right concept the right idea it’s not even considered [UNCLEAR] it’s a [UNCLEAR], you can make out who is the genuine who is not, you can make out from vibrations what is real what is fake, immediately you will know that this man is fraud, you don't have to consult anybody else, you yourself know the absolute truth about [UNCLEAR]. There are some people who just get out of the jail [UNCLEAR] wear kashaya vastra and sit in the cross roads and become the gurus, I can understand this [UNCLEAR] but what about us, once we [UNCLEAR] we are not doing so [UNCLEAR] rest all of them are [UNCLEAR] that a good idea but still... still we have in every village everywhere there are gurus everywhere making money, then we have tantrikas. If you believe in such people you will have to suffer because they are not only negative but they are devils, immediately after realization you start understanding who is the guru who is the real person, who is the person who is a daemon... immediately, you are not [UNCLEAR] by a person who is a dressed up like a guru, who comes in a bhagwa vastra or who tries to show of gives big lectures, immediately you will understand he is not a guru, he is just a lecturer, he cannot give you self-realization, self-realization only can be given by a person who is an enlightened soul. I am not telling you something new is everybody knows that, I must say for example Kanchi Kamakoti this time who drive [UNCLEAR] he was the only Shankaracharya who was a realized soul, none other. I am telling you the fact when you will get your realization I don't need to have to tell you because you will know absolute truth about your [UNCLEAR], how, because you will know their Chakras, when you know the absolute truth then there is no quarrel like one day one fellow came and said Mother what is [UNCLEAR] what about your father what about your father, why aren't you all asking the same question, I said because the Chakra of right heart is catching that's why they are asking, I will ask you the same question. He was amazed that everybody is asking the same question, you put ten children who are realized and put something to cover their eyes and ask them what’s wrong with this gentleman they will raise... all of them will raise the same fingers to show what is the problem, it is not subjective... it is not subjective but it is something like you are sitting before you you can see in the same way you can feel, it's absolutely tangible absolutely tangible. If you grow in to it how you people can at the most one month you grow into it. So the first thing that happens to you is you reach a state which is called as Nirvachara Samadhi, Patanjali has described as [UNCLEAR], I say leave it out you just get Nirvachar, in the Nirvachar Samadhi that state just now [UNCLEAR] what happens that all the thoughts stop... become silent. What happens one thought raises and falls another thought raises and falls, we are living on the crest of this thoughts which come only from the past or from the future, we are not in the present either we live in the past or in the future but when you are in the present there is no thought and whatever comes to you is inspiration. So the first stage is that you become absolutely Nirvachar, that is you come in the present for that this happening [UNCLEAR] supposing we are all sitting here quietly something falls down we get [UNCLEAR] to attract the attention this happening of Kundalini awakening takes place and like this I would say like my saree is the attention and the Kundalini starts rising pulling the attention upward and that breaks, these are very simple... it's the simplest because it is so vital [UNCLEAR] we don't have to consult [UNCLEAR] for breathing otherwise [UNCLEAR] in the same way is the great simple thing that has to take place and that takes place when you feel it, it's not somebody has to tell you no no you must be feeling, no, you yourself yourself know it and then you understand that you have gone beyond your mind, once you are beyond your mind you start seeing your mind how it looks, you see your ego, you see everything that means you get separated from yourself become the spirit and you start seeing yourself, you see the travel of your own life then you see the whole thing as a drama you become the sakshi. I know many questions are there in your mind which you are thinking and I have to tell you one thing that I can answer all the questions I am quite an expert now, I have been doing this I know but there are some mental acrobat [UNCLEAR] is to know yourself and to know yourself you have to get your self-realization after that the question change, after that the whole idea of spirituality changes because you really become spiritual. For example you may be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim anything one can coming in any [UNCLEAR] nothing can prohibit you from connecting yourself, but after realization you [UNCLEAR], whatever is wrong you will not do, you will stand by people who are the poor you will stand by the truth you will be extremely compassion like Christ I have nothing to do with [UNCLEAR] such a courage you get, it’s a very different area into which you go, you enter into the kingdom of god... the kingdom of good is very different from all these kingdoms that you see, it is very kind, gentle, very helpful understanding also... very intelligent very quick I mean so many things that I cannot tell you in this little lecture of mine. But believe in yourself have faith in yourself that you all have to get realization to night only that much is required. As you see the kundalini itself is the pure desire, she is the reflection of the Adi Shakti, the primordial mother who is the power of god almighty. In Greece they called the "Athena" "Atha" in Sanskrit you know "Atha" means the primordial from that [UNCLEAR] and this triangular bone was called as sacrum... sacrum bone, so they knew about Kundalini everything, no doubt. But afterwards this orthodox Church came and they just abolished everything and they haven't now any... any understanding about their previous philosophies. But I went there they were amazed and I told that that this is what is the sacred bone and this is the Kundalini, actually the Athena has the Kundalini in her hand, now many people say that she is a serpent, actually Kundalini moves like this any energy moves like that, that's why they called it a sarpa (snake) but she is not a sarpa she moves like a sarpa and penetrates through your fontanel bone area, gives you no trouble nothing. There are descriptions of this Kundalini horrible once I have read which I have never seen so far, only sometimes you do feel little heat supposing you are a liver patient or you are a patient of some heat may be the heat little bit not much, but this description that I have read is so horrifying that your Kundalini in the stomach gives you blisters I have never seen anybody on the contrary if you have any troubles [UNCLEAR]. So physically you definitely [UNCLEAR], you feel very energetic very dynamic and [UNCLEAR], apart from that so many diseases have been cured in Sahaja Yoga... so many... we have got blood cancer patients, we have got all kinds of [UNCLEAR] disease, muscular disabilities, paralysis, heart... heart troubles, all kinds of diseases have been cured even aids have been cured but the problem with the aids is that the people who get aids are very aggressive or else they have given up complete faith in themselves and they are lost, so it's a difficult area. We are not here to cure people we are here to make you doctors i should say, the doctors should not feel angry with me for that because we will not touch the rich people, rich people never come normally... normally [UNCLEAR] and they can have their rich people with them we are here for the people who are seekers of truth. Christ has said that you can pass an animal through [UNCLEAR] but you cannot give realization to a rich man... he can never enter into the kingdom of God. Whatever it is I would say that some rich people will definitely come no doubt but mostly it is for people who are not materialistic and who are seeking the truth. And I was surprised also in the countries where I went very materialistic, they have got their realization very surprising they couldn't get what they wanted [UNCLEAR]. Third thing is about science, science is [UNCLEAR] and he does the answer many questions, why are we here on this earth, what is the purpose of life, it cannot answer but Sahaja Yoga does answer because you really know all your [UNCLEAR] and you know why are you on this earth and what is the purpose of your life. It is like when you have to enlighten one light it [UNCLEAR] but once you are enlightened it gives light automatically it happens and you know the purpose of your life and idealistic of your own personality. Because we don't know what great thing we are, what glorious thing a human being is specially in India, what we can do, its like if you take a television to a remote place somewhere in a village who have never seen a television and tell them that you will see some [UNCLEAR] in this... they say what this box... how can it give [UNCLEAR]. We do think we are all boxes they are not, when it is put to the mains then you see how fantastic it is. What I am telling you is not just a story to please you but to give the full confidence that you all can get your self-realization tonight. This power of Kundalini is the power of pure desire, as you know [UNCLEAR] desires or wants are not satiable in general, today you want to buy a saree tomorrow you want to buy a house then a car then a helicopter then a airplane and it goes on and on. Whatever you are striving for whenever you get it you are not satisfied you are going from there to higher and higher and higher, and never satisfied, not satiable in general, because these desires are not pure that is why. But once you get your self-realization the self-satisfaction even a small flower gives the satisfaction, aesthetics of very tender and [UNCLEAR], we have had some musicians, you must have heard about Amjad Ali, was a very ordinary player he came to Sahaja Yoga today he is [UNCLEAR] so many of them they are Muslims, I know of so many Hindus, you must have heard about [UNCLEAR] so many of them who came to Sahaja Yoga have become great musicians, great artists, we have also, some people who suddenly became great poets, somebody who was a chartered accountant became a great poet in Urdu language, Urdu he doesn't know a word, he became such a great poet. One cannot understand what powers we have within ourselves which we have never used, this brain also very few part of it we have used and we have not used the whole of it and what can we do about it, nothing, [UNCLEAR] do this do that it all becomes a joyless pursuit... a joyless pursuit. So the second thing happens to you is that, as I said first you know the absolute truth on your finger tips and then the second thing that happens to you that your attention becomes enlightened, such a person develops a very innocent [UNCLEAR], it’s much better in India but if you go to the west their eyes are always [UNCLEAR] they must see every women, man must see every women, women must see every man, it's a mad place don’t know why they do it, its a disease [UNCLEAR] then the eyes becomes straight, not only steady but they have a light in the heart and they are so innocent and the power of innocence is so great that wherever you puts his attention [UNCLEAR], so many things that happen because it gives peace, it gives balance, it raises the Kundalini, it makes you absolutely peaceful because when you come in your present [UNCLEAR] you may be [UNCLEAR] thoughtlessly aware Nirvachar Samadhi [UNCLEAR], peace is not outside is inside. I know some people who have got peace award I know that because of my husband's position i have met many they are one of the hottest people I have seen, if you have to approach them better take a [UNCLEAR], such horrible people have got peace award i don’t know from what angle they saw that, there is no peace with in then how come they give you peace, this peace comes to you because you attain a [UNCLEAR] we should say attain the [UNCLEAR], such a person wherever he goes [UNCLEAR] but this is not the saint where you are claim you are a saint, you are very wrong, you wear normal dresses you be normally you have a normal family everything absolutely normal the change with in you, you don't have to give a bit, nothing, so this peaceful character creates peace. Now we have program sometimes [UNCLEAR] a seminar in Russia, I think we must have had at least six thousand people from all over, they never quarrel they never fight but of course they have... leg pulling is there, humor is there, but such love with such love [UNCLEAR] how these people from different countries, some of them don't even know the language, how they are living here for seven eight days without any quarrel without any fight without any remorse as if this is their own and they have to enjoy it, it's something to be seen really such angelic life they live. Of course as the door of Sahaja Yoga is open to everyone on the periphery you have to be [UNCLEAR] who may not have come to that level, but if you really desire it works very fast, you can jump into that state which we call as Nirvakalp Samadhi, where you have no vilkapas no doubts then you can take realization you can love people you can sit in peace enjoy the whole drama, it’s a very different kind of personality with in you which comes up and you are not a [UNCLEAR] apart from that you have to talk, all the time everybody writes to me mother this is a miracle i had... that miracle... so many letters that come so i told somebody that why don’t you compile them, he said alright so he told them that if you have any miracles you write within one month she said mother already we have [UNCLEAR] now which one should I select and what should i ask, i said forget it I have no time to read and you don't know which one to write forget it. Such miracles unbelievable because this is parama chaitanya is the power of God’s love which looks after us, we believe in God this belief is so superficial [UNCLEAR] here you become the religious... you become righteous... its again I say is the becoming and you are amazed how I am becoming like this and to enjoy your virtues and virtues of others, i tell you a saint how he enjoys another person can seek how one of the brave beautiful couplets that Namadeva has written, Namadeva you know was a great saint was very much trained by Nanaka and he made him write in Punjabi language though he was a Maharashtrian, books... and it is big book like this full of his poems in Punjabi language. Namadeva once went to meet one [UNCLEAR] and the [UNCLEAR] was busy [UNCLEAR] so Nama deva [UNCLEAR] Maratha says "Nirguanacha [UNCLEAR] alo sagunachi" meaning I came to see Nirakara I came to see formless Nirgun means Chaitanya, but here he it is in person Sagun in form I see in you, only a saint can appreciate another saint otherwise you will go on pulling telling lies all kinds of bad stories, I mean that's human nature, if somebody is good just [UNCLEAR] specially our media is an expert on this. But the saint how he appreciates another saint, it’s so so sweet to see human beings [UNCLEAR] And the last but not the least is that you jump in to the ocean of joy, joy is freedom, it’s not happiness and unhappiness, if your ego is pampered you are happy, if it is hurt you are unhappy it's not like that. Joy is a state which is singular which is described in our books like many joys are there but at the Sahasrara it is iranand you are just nothing but anand. All your demands are finished, yonu forgive just you don't remember of [UNCLEAR], in Buddha's place [UNCLEAR] one man came and said all kinds of [UNCLEAR] then they said with whom did you say you know it was Buddha, what have you done, my god i said [UNCLEAR] he never said a word to me on protest, so he went to another village where Lord Buddha was there, he asked him, he said sir do you please forgive me, forgive you for what, whatever i said to you yesterday, where did you say, this and this village... ohh I was [UNCLEAR] its today i am here [UNCLEAR], just automatically you forgive, you don't have to tell yourself that I will forgive... forgive... no way you just forgive you dont just remember. There are many other things that happens is that relationship improves, we have eighty-five this year, every year we have eighty-five to ninety marriages international, many Indians are married abroad and they are married here. Only one percent they fail [UNCLEAR] alright if you don't like finished, but most of them are extremely successful marriage... extremely successful and they get children who are realized souls, the children are better than the parents, then when the parents sit down for meditation [UNCLEAR] sit down for meditation. So there are many great souls who want to be born, they don't want to be born to people who are not realized souls so we are getting lots of children now who are tremendous who are beautiful, very surprising the way i said it... i am really surprised that to the eastern [UNCLEAR] at Romania [UNCLEAR], they sing Indian Marathi, Sanskrit songs, Hindi songs, they compose and you won’t make out that they are singing Hindi songs. I will give westerners [UNCLEAR] one sentence of English for [UNCLEAR] and that's the worst, unless as somebody said that to God that [UNCLEAR] just don't write on my forehead that I have to tell about kavitha who is the poetry to an [UNCLEAR] a person who is [UNCLEAR] don't write that that’s ok. But I would say teach any one of our languages to the westerners [UNCLEAR] but the way they sing the way they compose, they go to Maharashtra [UNCLEAR] all those village songs and they sing exactly, you won’t be able to make out... what dialect. How is these east people who have never heard about kundalini who had no saints, we have saints and saints and saints all born in this country, of course we tortured them no doubt but now the time has come for us to become the saints, it is very surprising who are in India specially the south now not... imagine UP, Noida, this Dehradun, Haryana, Delhi is just like quiet and this Maharashtra there were so many saints were born is nothing but... i tell you [UNCLEAR] they all drink and today I told you they worship Shri Ganesha when I work so hard [UNCLEAR] I am amazed I just speak, also they are very ritualistic, they drink in the night morning again washing nicely have a bath and [UNCLEAR] go to the temple site there all this is there, there are gurus and gurus and gurus but drinking is so much in Maharashtra is no where you find in the villages they just come and like [UNCLEAR] they fall on the street. So I will hope at least in Bangalore, Karnataka, Sahaja Yoga will spread fast and will solve your problems, we have to first solve our problems on a public domain, then you shall not blame it rajakaran for politics, I said is you who are electing, once you are enlightened then you will know whom to elect and you will have courage to elect people who are of a right type. So far I was really amazed because only one person was here [UNCLEAR] we have ten people till last year and today we have so much Sahaja Yogis I am really surprised, something special about Bangalore. I hope you people will take your realization and not that but you will grow in it otherwise it will be like a [UNCLEAR] that so many seeds got sprouted and then thrown out on rocks, we have to respect our self-realization. Now self-realization is the collective happening it is not individual that in the house I will [UNCLEAR] nothing, of course in the house you have to meditate for about ten minutes at most to cleanse yourself, but collectively you must grow, say for example one of my nails I [UNCLEAR] it won’t grow, it’s a collective happening it’s a collective organism, all over the world you find [UNCLEAR] all over the world. Now as it is time and as I told you you all have some question with a short time and we not have covered all of them, but whatever it is I will say now in a [UNCLEAR] to get your self-realization which should not [UNCLEAR] but you may like to go [UNCLEAR] the main question is how to get self-realization which you don't have to [UNCLEAR], now only limitation is this that those people who do not want self-realization I cannot force, it cannot be forced. You have been given your freedom to choose if you want to go to hell alright, if you want to go to heaven it's your choice, it cannot be forced. Those who do not want should leave now please, all those who are just critical [UNCLEAR] should go, they think they are missing something alright [UNCLEAR] but those who really want self-realization have to humbly feel in their within themselves, pure desire to get your self-realization. If it works out I have to make another humble request that you must come to the "samuhik" to the collective and grow and master, within one month you will be masters, within one month, we don't have [UNCLEAR] we don't have hierarchies we don't have pujaris nothing, you will be surprised we don't even have any organization as such, everything is working out [UNCLEAR] it’s a living organism I have said, if something goes wrong with this hand this hand will tell [UNCLEAR], so one should not [UNCLEAR] official things at all but know that all of you are capable of taking realization. So I would request those who don't want to have should leave now, all you have to sit down, coming in the front... Food habits... Just now you don't worry, see food has nothing to do with all these okay...Thank you very much [UNCLEAR]. Food habits are nothing, you see if you need proteins you have to have proteins, if you need carbohydrates you have carbohydrates. See try to understand, if you try to save say chickens... can I give them realization but nothing compulsory. I will say that Indians eat much more proteins than the westeners but you can eat any type of proteins [UNCLEAR] whatever is needed for your body to give you a balance your food, but of course you should not eat meat of bigger animals because the muscles of the bigger animals [UNCLEAR]. But there is no compulsion you yourself will judge what is good for you and you eat whatever is good, it makes no difference, see if you are born as Jain you won’t eat anything like that but you may drink, you know Jains drink a lot i have seen, they drink but they won’t eat, it’s very surprising. So it has nothing to do with "aahar" (food) but it has something to do as far as the physical body is concerned, supposing you are suffering from liver then you have to eat the food which is not harmful to your liver, which is that? We have three types of liver disease one is right sided another is left sided and one is in the center. Right sided ones are the ones who suffer from pittas and the liver troubles and the left sided ones are the ones who are suffering from you can say [UNCLEAR] and the center ones are [UNCLEAR], but despite all these whatever you eat [UNCLEAR] whatever you get, I am amazed to see people can get their realization, this is all, just to get realization and after that they themselves, because in the light you will know what [UNCLEAR] what’s not isn't it. For example I am holding on to a snake and I [UNCLEAR] now you tell me that there is snake in your hand, I will say no its a rope, its darkness I can’t see so I say it’s a [UNCLEAR] it’s a rope but once there is little light I will throw it away, just like that, so all your [UNCLEAR] drops, once there is little light you become a very different person i never say let’s get the [UNCLEAR] don’t do that... don’t do that... i will never say that because half of you will leave but I [UNCLEAR] realization, once you take realization then I will see, then you yourself will give up and you will be amazed what has happened to me how i [UNCLEAR], because you have the power then, you have the light you have the insight then you see yourself whatever is destructive for you you will give up, you understand its destructive power you just give up, I don't have to say anything you become your own master you become your own guide, i [UNCLEAR] you anything Can you put off the fans, first you people start doubting that this cool breeze is coming from the fans there is no fan in your head but still if the cool breeze is coming from their head [UNCLEAR]. If I ask you to remove your spectacles, I have also removed mine [UNCLEAR], i never had this glasses but the way that reflects on my head all the time for nine...nine hours [UNCLEAR] Now please put both your hands towards me like this and those who are sitting on the chair put their feet apart from each other because as I told you these are two powers left and right. Now please put your left hand towards me on your lap [UNCLEAR], left hand towards me... and the right hand on top of your head over your Thalu... over... above, not on top of your head and now bend your head, don't push your attention don't tell any Mantras nothing just live it alone... Kundalini will work it out for you, some people get the cool breeze out of their fontanel bone area [UNCLEAR] but do not... please don't put the hands on top of your head away from it, see for yourself bend your head down. Now please put the right hand towards me now bend your heads that's important bend your heads and see with the left hand... please see with your left hand there is a cool or even a hot breeze coming out of your head... maybe there might be some hot breeze also. Now again with the left hand, put left hand towards me close your eyes and see bending your head there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head, you can move your hand if it is hot that means you have to forgive... you have to forgive everyone, please forgive everyone, now some people say it is difficult to forgive, now whether you forgive or you don't forgive you don't do anything, but if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself for nothing. So now at this moment you please forgive... please forgive everyone just say in your heart I forgive everyone in general, don't have to think about those who have tortured you who have troubled you, just see for yourself. Now you have to say in your heart I am the pure spirit, now please put again your hands like this, now you watch me without thinking let’s see if you can do this... without thinking... you have to forgive, that's very important that you should forgive because this Chakra of Agnya gets closed if you don't forgive, all your life you have tortured yourself and now at this moment... very important moment... you are by not forgiving stopping the Kundalini below the Agnya chakra. Now put up your hands like this, push back your head... push back your head and ask the question out of this three questions anyone of them, you can call me mother or even call me Shri Mataji whatever you feel like, one of these questions you have to ask three time, Mother is this the Brahma Chaitanya or Mother is this the power of divine love or Mother is this the rooh... push back your head, bring it down. Now the [UNCLEAR] I can feel the cool coming from you[UNCLEAR]. You can put on your glasses. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their finger tips or in their hands, palms or out of their fontanel bone area... all those... honestly should raise their hands, both the hands, all those who have felt, some of those who have not felt please... now those who have not felt please raise your hands, did you... if you had some guru... alright ask this question, now if you have a kulaswamini you can ask for some question Mother are you our kulaswamini ask that question, you can ask, and to give up your guru you have say Mother now you are our own guru or I am my own guru [UNCLEAR], say I am my own guru [UNCLEAR] gurus will drop off. Now again those who have felt the cool breeze please raise your hands or hot breeze... please all of you... please... may god bless you... may god bless you... so many of them, I know some people didn’t feel may be there are some physical problems but I would request all of you to come to the follow up please we don't have elaborate palaces for you for anything but wherever [UNCLEAR] we have organized please do come and master it, it is your own, you have to know about yourself fully, do not waste it, respect your self-realization, unless until you spend it unless until you use it you will know what you have got... what you have, so please I know some people didn't get doesn't matter it will all work out please come to our center, they all can work it out for you, you have to know that these people know a lot about Sahaja Yoga don't get angry with them if a younger person tells you something, they are very gentle they are very kind I know everything will be fine but please understand that tomorrow you will become like them also... All my blessings and love. Once you are there then you can get my speeches and everything but we don't want people to take tapes with the beginning because [UNCLEAR] that conditions the best thing is just to meditate and develop that, [UNCLEAR] some people gets just there to night but some need little bit fixing of the [UNCLEAR] little time so you shouldn't mind that there is something wrong in it
Talk To Sahaja Yogis
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Madras 17-01-1994 [Transcript Scanned from Divine Cool Breeze] I’m so very happy that there are so many people that are interested in Sahaja Yoga in Madras. I’ve been coming here quite often and I felt that if people from Madras once understand Sahaj Yog they will realise that all these years whatever they have been seeking, whatever they have been doing, in the name of God, in the name of religion, now is the time for them to get the results. The people in Madras I know are very religious, but they are religious in a way that’s just as Adi Shankaracharya has said it Shabad Jalam. That we are lost in Shabad Jalam. We say mantras, we read books, there are Shaivaites and also there are people who are Vaishnavities. All these things to us have been important also because we thought by following these methods, we will achieve our moksha, we’ll achieve our last goal. This way I must say that Indians are very alert and basically spiritually minded. They also know what is wrong and what is good. They also know what is dharma and what is not Dharma They will do wrong things. They may take to things which are absolutely against their spiritual life, but in their heart of hearts they all know that this is wrong, but they can’t help it. Now we have to understand that we are specially blessed by people who were our forefathers who were great seers, saints and incarnations and who gave so much time for the emancipation of our spiritual life. To them material life was not so important. Specially in the South I feel that people are deeply rooted into Dharma. I read about Shalivahana who met Christ once in Kashmir and Christ told him that ‘I come from the Country of Malekshas. (Mal-iccha) [Tape seems to skip here or is corrupted] means desire for filth. Their desire is towards (matter) not towards purity and I have come here because you people are absolutely Nirmal – Pure. Shalivahan told him ‘Why do you want to come here. You should go and work for those people who are malekshas’. We are different type of people even today Even in this Ghor kaliyuga at least 70 percent people believe in God, have faith and fear of God. All this that we have is nothing but a kind of awe. A fear of the unknown. We don’t know that God almighty is the ocean of compassion and love. We human beings have to achieve a state to know Him. We don’t know God. We don’t know ourselves. First, we have to know ourselves. Once we know ourselves, then only we will know God. [Tape resumes here] I have seen ritualistic behaviour in the South very much. I was surprised how people were doing everything with their heart, but they did not know why they were doing it. They have such Bhakti but such a blind Bhakti that it will lead them nowhere. I used to think that when will I be able to tell them to be beyond this. You have to have Shraddha and Shraddha is enlightened Bhakti. Unless and until you have your enlightenment, the Bhakti has no meaning. Like this mike if it is not connected to the mains it has no meaning. Unless and until you connect it to this all-pervading power of Divine Love which we call as Brahm-Chaitanya Our Bhakti has no meaning because there is no connection like telephoning to someone without the connection. The simple thing is that this connection, this Yoga has to take place. You might have read lots of books or may know so many things like Vedas. So what? It’s like you have a headache and the doctor suggests a medicine He writes the name of the medicine. You are reading the name of the medicine but are not taking the medicine. When are you going to take it? Unless and until you take that you are not going to achieve by any chance whatever is promised to you because it is such a deep ignorance about all these ideas we have learnt and has penetrated into us. Such a lot of ignorance. That ignorance is really like a ditch of no return. I have seen people who have read books after books. There are people who do one lakh mantras, fasting and reach nowhere. They are the most hot-tempered people or they have no joy in their heart. They leave their families come out of it and think that they have done a great sacrifice. God does not want all this non-sense. Why will God who is your father who is so compassionate and loving personality want you to suffer? Why should you suffer? By suffering how will you gain moksha is beyond me. If you take it the other way as Kabir has said. ‘By starving if you are going to achieve your moksha then already there are many people who are starving in this country so they will all get their mokshas. He says if by shaving your head you are going to get moksha then the sheep which is shaved every year should be there before you are there’. They all have made fun of them. They have all said all kinds of things for you to know that all these outside things are of no help. Of course you do it genuinely, because you want to have your liberation, your enlightenment. As a mother, I tell you, you don’t have to do all this. Please don’t do it. First of all, if you want to upset your mother you always say I will not have any food. So why do you want to do it. There is no need. So much importance is given to food. You get up at 4 am and go on chanting something and the whole house is up. (8.58) Somebody might have slept at 1 0’clock, your doing your (…..) and making noise, and everybody is fast asleep, disturbing everybody. Then also the food part, you won’t eat, you will eat this/that. Once we had a lady, a friend, supposed to be, who was a vegetarian, So she said I’m coming to your house for 15 days and I will stay with you but I will not eat my food cooked in your utensils, you’ll have to get me utensils. So we got the new utensils. She said the cook has to be a Brahmin, so I got one Brahmin. We all stopped eating because with this we were going to hotels and eating. This lady was (…) then she said no, I do not take this water which has come from the tap, I’ll take it from the well. So, the well was in a far-fetched place, everyday the driver used to go and get the water. Then she said no, it should be brought by (completely drenched, we call it ….? Completely drenched) The driver has to be all right, this cook has to be completely drenched with water. We said all right, this lady is staying 15 days, let us manage. So, we sent the cook, who was completely drenched, who had to take water with a drenched body and within 3 days he got pneumonia and fourth day he died. I said now how many Brahmins is this lady going to kill? But she could never understand, she said I do the same when I am there, maybe there are possibilities first, you have facilities you should do. Like that she was torturing us for 15 days. My children went to one of my friends house, they were staying there, from there they were going to college. This lady would get up at 4 o’clock, I don’t know what sort of thing she used to do. She had brought all her deities, everything and she said I have to do pujas of all these things but she had no realisation. Ultimately she died of cancer. Now I told her that I can treat you, she said no I cannot take water from your hand. Alright she will not take water from my hand, she said no, at the most you can blow into it, but you don’t touch it, if you touch it with hand I will not. So, I didn’t know how to vibrate it and I could not give her realisation, I could not cure her of cancer, nothing. But she was so busy with all this orthodoxy. So stupidly busy that my husband said I’m going to the station now, if this lady is going to stay. Now only myself and husband left, everybody else, my children were staying with somebody. We don’t know how we spent these 15 days with this great lady and ultimately, she died of cancer. Her children were also, poor things they came to my house they said “could we touch this? Could we touch that? Could we touch the water? I said are you mad? What is it, all the time asking, and should we go into the kitchen? The children were really mad, the way they were tortured, couldn’t even study or do anything, all the time busy, should we touch this or not? Should we sit on this or not? With all these restrictions what did she achieve? And there was no joy. No joy in her life, no joy in the life of the children. She never made anyone happy and I was very sorry for her. I mean all this in the name of God, where is she? So, this kind of ritualism is very much in the south, while in the north, they are absolutely, they don’t know anything. They don’t know who’s Dattatreya. Ganesha they know little bit; I mean here and there. They don’t know Kartikeya at all, they don’t know who was Kartikeya is, they don’t know. (Unclear…………….) Quite abandoned! But I was surprised when I started Sahaja Yoga, it spread like fire. It spread like fire, with all this knowledge it would not work out in Madras or in Bangalore and I don’t know about (unclear) there’s another mad place where they bury their own forefathers in their own houses. Then when I went, we had another type of people, intellectuals and communist and they wrote against me saying that this lady, I was invited by these tourist people. And in their hotel, I was addressing them, they said there was a carpet, a wall to wall carpet, it was not mine by any chance and that she was sitting in a sofa, that was not mine either. All kinds of things they said about me were so stupid. I said what stupid superficial intellectuals these are. I am going to tell them about something so deep and they are just judging me on these kinds of things. So, they lack superficiality? Completely kills them, they lack complete understanding about spirituality. It was a beautiful carpet, this was very nicely done and she was wearing a watch, after all I’m a married woman. They expect me to dress up like a sanyasi baba. Otherwise for intellectuals, so on one side there are intellectuals of the south who expect every woman who thinks she has something to do with spirituality should not wear any ornaments, I mean I’m a married woman. She should not even wear bangles; she should have no relationship with her husband. All kinds of absurd things they have made out of a lady who has to do something in Sahaja Yoga or you can call it spirituality. Another side are ritualistic. I know Sahaja Yogis are the ones who are in the center. They have to be in the center and these Sahaja Yogis can see clearly that what is needed to achieve your realisation is pure desire. Not all this nonsense, neither this way or that way. Pure desire, achieve your realisation. Maharastra is another gone case now because suddenly they have started doing (unclear) during the reign of Indra Ghandi they were given lots of alcohol for free I think, so now they are only drinking. We had three public meetings in Puna, I have seen the way they drink in front of Ganesha and do all kinds of dirty things and use very abusive language. The women also drink and they dance with disco and all kinds of things. I have seen it; I was so shocked. So, I told them. You’re doing this in the presents of Shi Ganesha, for 14 days they do like that. But do you know that this deity is such a powerful deity (unclear) and if you go on like this, it will definitely create problems for you and will combust, means earthquakes. I told them. In three public meetings it is on my tape and fourth time (unclear). Whether you believe it or not, if you do all kinds of nonsensical things like this in these modern times, it will have an effect. Apart from that the other influences are of false Gurus. Madras is full of them, everybody seems to be some sort of Guru slave. But worse than you is Calcutta. Everybody is a dikhit somebody sitting in the corner there (19.33) (got diksha from a guru) and tantrikas, very much more in Calcutta of course here also you have. When you have these bad Gurus, they create such negativity that you cannot prosper. The Laxmi Tattwa goes out. Because of that the poverty will never go. Unless and until you get rid of all these horrible Gurus. We have them everywhere in India. But here the people are too simple and hero worshippers. The other day we were in Bangor and there is some birthday of some cinema actor. Thousands of them were sitting on the road, sitting somewhere, I said what’s the matter? So today is the birthday of such and such artist, cinema artist and so they are garlanding the figure of that man. Garlanding him, so many were there to see, so I said no where in the world will people do like that. This is idiotic, absolutely idiotic. You can say Americans and equally the same. Because like that lady Elizabeth Taylor, she got married 8th time, 9th time. Imagine we would not even see such an inauspicious face. There were 4-5000 people, when she was going for her honeymoon, 5000 people were there to see her off, and she had married some carpenter or somebody much lower than her and much younger than her. To see her there were at least 4000 people, can you imagine. And then on top of that there were these helicopters hovering who were dropping people with their cameras to take a photograph. This is only possible in America, even this will not be possible in Madras or even in Bangalore, even if you drop off someone who is a cinema actor. This I can’t understand. If somebody acts like a cinema actor, say he acts like Sri Rama, he becomes Sri Rama even, what is happening to the intelligence of people? He may drink, he may smoke, he may have ten wives, doesn’t matter, he acted as Sri Rama and Sri Rama is to be worshipped. Even in the picture or cinema star screen. This is going too far with your simplicity. And it’s not only the religious that do it but there were all kinds of people standing. I was once going to and the same fellows car passed through, I was standing on the street, so they took the dust of the street, where the mark of the car of this gentleman’s car had been and put it on their heads. I was just…what is this idiocy, and continuous it was. Very serious, very serious. They’ll shave their hair, go near a temple, somebody will pour water on a woman, she’s poor thing rolling around. Very seriously. I feel like crying really. How can they torture a woman like this? All kinds of stupid things we do, and in the temple, in the name of God. I think it’s the same as the Muslims are having Jehad, we are having Jehad against ourselves. They are having against others. We are killing ourselves, don’t eat food, don’t do this, do that all the time after our lives. God has created this world for your comfort and enjoyment. Why did he create this world if you had to go through such hell? In Sahaj Yoga you know your identity. You understand how glorious you are once you are connected to the mains you know what powers you have. How beautiful you are within and you start respecting yourself. You don’t have ego but you have a right idea about yourself. I’m so happy, I see so many people here from Madras who are willing to take to Sahaj Yoga, who are in Sahaj yoga. Of course, it cures people, it has cured many people. Apart from that it also gives you mental peace, complete peace. Emotionally you become a very balanced person, but above all you get the power to give realization to others. First you get your Nirvichar samadhi and then you get your Nirvikalpa samadhi. You all get it as soon as you are connected to the mains. It’s a very remarkable thing. A Sahaja Yogi in Bangalore told me he was doing tissue culture. Only 50% is successful. But I am a Sahaja Yogi. I just stand here and give vibrations; they pass through the bottles and my success is 100%. He is a farmer he does not know even English but he says, ‘Mother, there is such knowledge within myself I can feel it’. This is what one has to know that what you are not today, you will be by this evening. You have to become the spirit. This is very important to understand that we are not ordinary human beings. First of all, you have come to this programme because you are seekers. You are special human beings. Then you get your realization. You get all your powers. You need not be a P.H.D. etc. You need not be a big successful person. Those who think they are very successful will never get realization, because they are lost to normal common sense, like bureaucrats, ministers, are very difficult or impossible. So how do they get it? They get it when they have from inside innately this desire to achieve it. Just to feel that way. It is a such a remarkable thing that everything is tangible. Even the small children can tell you what’s wrong with you, which chakra is bad. It’s such a great discovery which we don’t realize, may be because we have no sense of our spirituality. When I went to Russia, the oldest University in Leningrad, St. Petersburg University gave me a big award. They made me one of the 10 members of the University - I looked at the award and said ‘I’m just a housewife I’m not a Scientist’. One of the recipients of this award was Einstein. They said ‘What has Einstein done. He has just managed the material side. He worked on matter, while you have worked on human beings’ Things are going to work out. You should all move out from all this kind of darkness and get into the light. See for yourself. What you are. First of all, to be born in this country means you have really something special. Such a blessing, it is you have no idea. This mother earth, nowhere you will find such a mother earth in the whole world. But you have to have your realisation otherwise you cannot value it. That is why I want you to understand that even if you get your realisation, try to understand that you have achieved something exceptionally in life which you could not have had. Its tangible, you can find out on your finger tips about anyone, or yourself, theirs and your chakras. Such a big gift is there and I would request that you should utilize this gift by gifting it to others who have not received it. That’s the greatest thing you are to do and you will be joining into a very very big global group which is the living organisation of Sahaj Yoga. All over the world you will have friends. All over the World they will know you. There is so much I can say about Sahaja Yoga but in this short time whatever was possible I have tried to bring to your notice what Sahaja Yoga can do for you. Only thing is that you should attend our programmes they have for you. Very important, without that you will never grow. Like if a nail is cut it has to grow with the help of the body. In the same way you have to belong, you have to be a member, you have to be there, otherwise you’ll not grow. As you know we have no membership, we have no higher, we have no priest, nothing, we don’t believe because you all have to become your own masters. Now as you are here in Sahaj Yoga you have to understand that all your customs, relations anything is respected. Nobody will say don’t do this or don’t do that. But you yourself will become your own Guru, because there is light in your attention. May God Bless You.
Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Madras 17-01-1994 [Transcript Scanned from Divine Cool Breeze] I’m so very happy that there are so many people that are interested in Sahaja Yoga in Madras. I’ve been coming here quite often and I felt that if people from Madras once understand Sahaj Yog they will realise that all these years whatever they have been seeking, whatever they have been doing, in the name of God, in the name of religion, now is the time for them to get the results. The people in Madras I know are very religious, but they are religious in a way that’s just as Adi Shankaracharya has said it Shabad Jalam. That we are lost in Shabad Jalam. We say mantras, we read books, there are Shaivaites and also there are people who are Vaishnavities. All these things to us have been important also because we thought by following these methods, we will achieve our moksha, we’ll achieve our last goal. This way I must say that Indians are very alert and basically spiritually minded. They also know what is wrong and what is good. They also know what is dharma and what is not Dharma They will do wrong things. They may take to things which are absolutely against their spiritual life, but in their heart of hearts they all know that this is wrong, but they can’t help it. Now we have to understand that we are specially blessed by people who were our forefathers who were great seers, saints and incarnations and who gave so much time for the emancipation of our spiritual life. To them material life was not so important. Specially in the South I feel that people are deeply rooted into Dharma. I read about Shalivahana who met Christ once in Kashmir and Christ told him that ‘I come from the Country of Malekshas. (Mal-iccha) [Tape seems to skip here or is corrupted] means desire for filth. Their desire is towards (matter) not towards purity and I have come here because you people are absolutely Nirmal – Pure. Shalivahan told him ‘Why do you want to come here. You should go and work for those people who are malekshas’. We are different type of people even today Even in this Ghor kaliyuga at least 70 percent people believe in God, have faith and fear of God. All this that we have is nothing but a kind of awe. A fear of the unknown. We don’t know that God almighty is the ocean of compassion and love. We human beings have to achieve a state to know Him. We don’t know God. We don’t know ourselves. First, we have to know ourselves. Once we know ourselves, then only we will know God. [Tape resumes here] I have seen ritualistic behaviour in the South very much. I was surprised how people were doing everything with their heart, but they did not know why they were doing it. They have such Bhakti but such a blind Bhakti that it will lead them nowhere. I used to think that when will I be able to tell them to be beyond this. You have to have Shraddha and Shraddha is enlightened Bhakti. Unless and until you have your enlightenment, the Bhakti has no meaning. Like this mike if it is not connected to the mains it has no meaning. Unless and until you connect it to this all-pervading power of Divine Love which we call as Brahm-Chaitanya Our Bhakti has no meaning because there is no connection like telephoning to someone without the connection. The simple thing is that this connection, this Yoga has to take place. You might have read lots of books or may know so many things like Vedas. So what? It’s like you have a headache and the doctor suggests a medicine He writes the name of the medicine. You are reading the name of the medicine but are not taking the medicine. When are you going to take it? Unless and until you take that you are not going to achieve by any chance whatever is promised to you because it is such a deep ignorance about all these ideas we have learnt and has penetrated into us. Such a lot of ignorance. That ignorance is really like a ditch of no return. I have seen people who have read books after books. There are people who do one lakh mantras, fasting and reach nowhere. They are the most hot-tempered people or they have no joy in their heart. They leave their families come out of it and think that they have done a great sacrifice. God does not want all this non-sense. Why will God who is your father who is so compassionate and loving personality want you to suffer? Why should you suffer? By suffering how will you gain moksha is beyond me. If you take it the other way as Kabir has said. ‘By starving if you are going to achieve your moksha then already there are many people who are starving in this country so they will all get their mokshas. He says if by shaving your head you are going to get moksha then the sheep which is shaved every year should be there before you are there’. They all have made fun of them. They have all said all kinds of things for you to know that all these outside things are of no help. Of course you do it genuinely, because you want to have your liberation, your enlightenment. As a mother, I tell you, you don’t have to do all this. Please don’t do it. First of all, if you want to upset your mother you always say I will not have any food. So why do you want to do it. There is no need. So much importance is given to food. You get up at 4 am and go on chanting something and the whole house is up. (8.58) Somebody might have slept at 1 0’clock, your doing your (…..) and making noise, and everybody is fast asleep, disturbing everybody. Then also the food part, you won’t eat, you will eat this/that. Once we had a lady, a friend, supposed to be, who was a vegetarian, So she said I’m coming to your house for 15 days and I will stay with you but I will not eat my food cooked in your utensils, you’ll have to get me utensils. So we got the new utensils. She said the cook has to be a Brahmin, so I got one Brahmin. We all stopped eating because with this we were going to hotels and eating. This lady was (…) then she said no, I do not take this water which has come from the tap, I’ll take it from the well. So, the well was in a far-fetched place, everyday the driver used to go and get the water. Then she said no, it should be brought by (completely drenched, we call it ….? Completely drenched) The driver has to be all right, this cook has to be completely drenched with water. We said all right, this lady is staying 15 days, let us manage. So, we sent the cook, who was completely drenched, who had to take water with a drenched body and within 3 days he got pneumonia and fourth day he died. I said now how many Brahmins is this lady going to kill? But she could never understand, she said I do the same when I am there, maybe there are possibilities first, you have facilities you should do. Like that she was torturing us for 15 days. My children went to one of my friends house, they were staying there, from there they were going to college. This lady would get up at 4 o’clock, I don’t know what sort of thing she used to do. She had brought all her deities, everything and she said I have to do pujas of all these things but she had no realisation. Ultimately she died of cancer. Now I told her that I can treat you, she said no I cannot take water from your hand. Alright she will not take water from my hand, she said no, at the most you can blow into it, but you don’t touch it, if you touch it with hand I will not. So, I didn’t know how to vibrate it and I could not give her realisation, I could not cure her of cancer, nothing. But she was so busy with all this orthodoxy. So stupidly busy that my husband said I’m going to the station now, if this lady is going to stay. Now only myself and husband left, everybody else, my children were staying with somebody. We don’t know how we spent these 15 days with this great lady and ultimately, she died of cancer. Her children were also, poor things they came to my house they said “could we touch this? Could we touch that? Could we touch the water? I said are you mad? What is it, all the time asking, and should we go into the kitchen? The children were really mad, the way they were tortured, couldn’t even study or do anything, all the time busy, should we touch this or not? Should we sit on this or not? With all these restrictions what did she achieve? And there was no joy. No joy in her life, no joy in the life of the children. She never made anyone happy and I was very sorry for her. I mean all this in the name of God, where is she? So, this kind of ritualism is very much in the south, while in the north, they are absolutely, they don’t know anything. They don’t know who’s Dattatreya. Ganesha they know little bit; I mean here and there. They don’t know Kartikeya at all, they don’t know who was Kartikeya is, they don’t know. (Unclear…………….) Quite abandoned! But I was surprised when I started Sahaja Yoga, it spread like fire. It spread like fire, with all this knowledge it would not work out in Madras or in Bangalore and I don’t know about (unclear) there’s another mad place where they bury their own forefathers in their own houses. Then when I went, we had another type of people, intellectuals and communist and they wrote against me saying that this lady, I was invited by these tourist people. And in their hotel, I was addressing them, they said there was a carpet, a wall to wall carpet, it was not mine by any chance and that she was sitting in a sofa, that was not mine either. All kinds of things they said about me were so stupid. I said what stupid superficial intellectuals these are. I am going to tell them about something so deep and they are just judging me on these kinds of things. So, they lack superficiality? Completely kills them, they lack complete understanding about spirituality. It was a beautiful carpet, this was very nicely done and she was wearing a watch, after all I’m a married woman. They expect me to dress up like a sanyasi baba. Otherwise for intellectuals, so on one side there are intellectuals of the south who expect every woman who thinks she has something to do with spirituality should not wear any ornaments, I mean I’m a married woman. She should not even wear bangles; she should have no relationship with her husband. All kinds of absurd things they have made out of a lady who has to do something in Sahaja Yoga or you can call it spirituality. Another side are ritualistic. I know Sahaja Yogis are the ones who are in the center. They have to be in the center and these Sahaja Yogis can see clearly that what is needed to achieve your realisation is pure desire. Not all this nonsense, neither this way or that way. Pure desire, achieve your realisation. Maharastra is another gone case now because suddenly they have started doing (unclear) during the reign of Indra Ghandi they were given lots of alcohol for free I think, so now they are only drinking. We had three public meetings in Puna, I have seen the way they drink in front of Ganesha and do all kinds of dirty things and use very abusive language. The women also drink and they dance with disco and all kinds of things. I have seen it; I was so shocked. So, I told them. You’re doing this in the presents of Shi Ganesha, for 14 days they do like that. But do you know that this deity is such a powerful deity (unclear) and if you go on like this, it will definitely create problems for you and will combust, means earthquakes. I told them. In three public meetings it is on my tape and fourth time (unclear). Whether you believe it or not, if you do all kinds of nonsensical things like this in these modern times, it will have an effect. Apart from that the other influences are of false Gurus. Madras is full of them, everybody seems to be some sort of Guru slave. But worse than you is Calcutta. Everybody is a dikhit somebody sitting in the corner there (19.33) (got diksha from a guru) and tantrikas, very much more in Calcutta of course here also you have. When you have these bad Gurus, they create such negativity that you cannot prosper. The Laxmi Tattwa goes out. Because of that the poverty will never go. Unless and until you get rid of all these horrible Gurus. We have them everywhere in India. But here the people are too simple and hero worshippers. The other day we were in Bangor and there is some birthday of some cinema actor. Thousands of them were sitting on the road, sitting somewhere, I said what’s the matter? So today is the birthday of such and such artist, cinema artist and so they are garlanding the figure of that man. Garlanding him, so many were there to see, so I said no where in the world will people do like that. This is idiotic, absolutely idiotic. You can say Americans and equally the same. Because like that lady Elizabeth Taylor, she got married 8th time, 9th time. Imagine we would not even see such an inauspicious face. There were 4-5000 people, when she was going for her honeymoon, 5000 people were there to see her off, and she had married some carpenter or somebody much lower than her and much younger than her. To see her there were at least 4000 people, can you imagine. And then on top of that there were these helicopters hovering who were dropping people with their cameras to take a photograph. This is only possible in America, even this will not be possible in Madras or even in Bangalore, even if you drop off someone who is a cinema actor. This I can’t understand. If somebody acts like a cinema actor, say he acts like Sri Rama, he becomes Sri Rama even, what is happening to the intelligence of people? He may drink, he may smoke, he may have ten wives, doesn’t matter, he acted as Sri Rama and Sri Rama is to be worshipped. Even in the picture or cinema star screen. This is going too far with your simplicity. And it’s not only the religious that do it but there were all kinds of people standing. I was once going to and the same fellows car passed through, I was standing on the street, so they took the dust of the street, where the mark of the car of this gentleman’s car had been and put it on their heads. I was just…what is this idiocy, and continuous it was. Very serious, very serious. They’ll shave their hair, go near a temple, somebody will pour water on a woman, she’s poor thing rolling around. Very seriously. I feel like crying really. How can they torture a woman like this? All kinds of stupid things we do, and in the temple, in the name of God. I think it’s the same as the Muslims are having Jehad, we are having Jehad against ourselves. They are having against others. We are killing ourselves, don’t eat food, don’t do this, do that all the time after our lives. God has created this world for your comfort and enjoyment. Why did he create this world if you had to go through such hell? In Sahaj Yoga you know your identity. You understand how glorious you are once you are connected to the mains you know what powers you have. How beautiful you are within and you start respecting yourself. You don’t have ego but you have a right idea about yourself. I’m so happy, I see so many people here from Madras who are willing to take to Sahaj Yoga, who are in Sahaj yoga. Of course, it cures people, it has cured many people. Apart from that it also gives you mental peace, complete peace. Emotionally you become a very balanced person, but above all you get the power to give realization to others. First you get your Nirvichar samadhi and then you get your Nirvikalpa samadhi. You all get it as soon as you are connected to the mains. It’s a very remarkable thing. A Sahaja Yogi in Bangalore told me he was doing tissue culture. Only 50% is successful. But I am a Sahaja Yogi. I just stand here and give vibrations; they pass through the bottles and my success is 100%. He is a farmer he does not know even English but he says, ‘Mother, there is such knowledge within myself I can feel it’. This is what one has to know that what you are not today, you will be by this evening. You have to become the spirit. This is very important to understand that we are not ordinary human beings. First of all, you have come to this programme because you are seekers. You are special human beings. Then you get your realization. You get all your powers. You need not be a P.H.D. etc. You need not be a big successful person. Those who think they are very successful will never get realization, because they are lost to normal common sense, like bureaucrats, ministers, are very difficult or impossible. So how do they get it? They get it when they have from inside innately this desire to achieve it. Just to feel that way. It is a such a remarkable thing that everything is tangible. Even the small children can tell you what’s wrong with you, which chakra is bad. It’s such a great discovery which we don’t realize, may be because we have no sense of our spirituality. When I went to Russia, the oldest University in Leningrad, St. Petersburg University gave me a big award. They made me one of the 10 members of the University - I looked at the award and said ‘I’m just a housewife I’m not a Scientist’. One of the recipients of this award was Einstein. They said ‘What has Einstein done. He has just managed the material side. He worked on matter, while you have worked on human beings’ Things are going to work out. You should all move out from all this kind of darkness and get into the light. See for yourself. What you are. First of all, to be born in this country means you have really something special. Such a blessing, it is you have no idea. This mother earth, nowhere you will find such a mother earth in the whole world. But you have to have your realisation otherwise you cannot value it. That is why I want you to understand that even if you get your realisation, try to understand that you have achieved something exceptionally in life which you could not have had. Its tangible, you can find out on your finger tips about anyone, or yourself, theirs and your chakras. Such a big gift is there and I would request that you should utilize this gift by gifting it to others who have not received it. That’s the greatest thing you are to do and you will be joining into a very very big global group which is the living organisation of Sahaj Yoga. All over the world you will have friends. All over the World they will know you. There is so much I can say about Sahaja Yoga but in this short time whatever was possible I have tried to bring to your notice what Sahaja Yoga can do for you. Only thing is that you should attend our programmes they have for you. Very important, without that you will never grow. Like if a nail is cut it has to grow with the help of the body. In the same way you have to belong, you have to be a member, you have to be there, otherwise you’ll not grow. As you know we have no membership, we have no higher, we have no priest, nothing, we don’t believe because you all have to become your own masters. Now as you are here in Sahaj Yoga you have to understand that all your customs, relations anything is respected. Nobody will say don’t do this or don’t do that. But you yourself will become your own Guru, because there is light in your attention. May God Bless You.
Shri Raja Rajeshwari Puja: The aspect of Adi Shakti at Nabhi chakra
Raja Rajeshwari
Shri Raja Rajeshwari Puja (Hindi). Hyderabad (India), 20 January 1994. [Translation from Hindi to English] Today we are going to perform the Puja of Shri Raja Rajeshwari. Especially in the south of India, the Devi is recognized in many forms. The reason is that here there were many Devi bhaktas (devotees of the Goddess), like Adi Shankaracharya, and they established the religion of Shakta Dharma. Shakta Dharma means the religion of Shakti (God's power). Two kinds of religions started simultaneously. Ramanujacharya established the Vaishnav religion, and while following two kinds of religions, people got separated. The one who is truly Vaishnav (following the Vaishnav religion), his work is of Mahalakshmi. And Mahalakshmi ji who has many forms, assimilates all those forms within Herself; like Dharma, establishing the Dharma and being in the middle path, going neither to the left nor to the right, but being in the center. Such people are called Vaishnavas. As time passed, Vaishnava Dharma spread in Gujarat and other (states of India). When one goes through the Vaishnav path, through Kundalini, then at the end you reach Sahasrara, but at Sahasrara, at the Brahmarandra, is the seat of Sadashiva. So by following Vaishnava Dharma, at the end, one reaches Sadashiva, who is also the goal of Shakta Dharma. But one must understand that the power of Kundalini, Kundalini Shakti, passes through the central path. So how can you separate the two (Shakta and Vaishnava Dharma)? The path of Shakti is the central path. Both the things which were interwoven together were separated, the reason being that in those days the ascent of Kundalini didn't take place. In Maharashtra, in Kolhapur there is a temple of Mahalakshmi, where She is awakened. There people sing, "Uday uday Ambe." Amba is the Shakti. Kundalini is called Amba. So in that temple of Mahalakshmi they sing about awakening the Shakti. They don't know why they sing this (bhajan). So the Vaishnavas make their path (of evolution), make the route, the path, and when that path is ready, then the Kundalini rises through it. We also do the same in Sahaja Yoga. When you all put your hands towards Me, then slowly all your seven chakras get all right, which means that you become a Vaishnav. From extremes you come to the central path, and your chakras settle down properly. When your chakras are corrected, only then Kundalini is awakened. So that’s why initially you become Vaishnav and then you become Shakta. So, both of them are one (Vaishnav and Shakta religion). But in the south (of India) many aspects of the Devi are recognized, and out of these (aspects), Raj Rajeshwari is worshipped a lot. The Lakshmi is on the Vaishnav path, on the path of Vishnu, wife of Vishnu, and that’s why this aspect of Lakshmi was explained, which is an aspect of Shakti itself. Raja Rajeshwari means that Kundalini comes to Nabhi. When Kundalini reaches the Nabhi chakra, it acquires the form of Lakshmi, or gets the reflection of Lakshmi on it. When this Kundalini reaches the Nabhi chakra, then She takes the form of Lakshmi, It takes the form of many kinds of Lakshmi: Gruha Lakshmi, Raja Lakshmi. There are many Lakshmis, but Lakshmi takes these forms when it gets the Shakti of Kundalini. They are enlightened only through the union with Kundalini Shakti. So though Raj Rajeshwari is the power of Kundalini only, it takes this form when Kundalini reaches Nabhi chakra. Then Kundalini itself is recognized as Raj Rajeshwari. Or we can say that the aspect of Adi Shakti at Nabhi chakra is called Raja Rajeshwari. Now the person who has at Nabhi chakra the principle of Raja Rajeshwari established, means that he has Gruha Lakshmi established on the left side and Raj Rajeshwari on the right side. The highest state of Raja Lakshmi is considered to be Raja Rajeshwari. Now at the last stage of Raj Rajeshwari, how should a Sahaj Yogi be? The blessings of Lakshmi have to be there, at this stage. After Kundalini awakening, a person receives the blessings of Lakshmi. They have to come definitely. All the Sahaj Yogis receive the blessings of Lakshmi, and sometimes this Lakshmi can increase a lot, unexpectedly. And even if it does not increase, such a man gets the attiutude of a king. Until your attitude becomes like that (attitude of a king), you must understand that the Kundalini is still lost at Nabhi. The temperament changes! The biggest miracle which happens after coming to Sahaj Yoga is that a person's temperament changes, his nature changes. A man who is full of a-Lakshmi, within whom Lakshmi is not visible, - means there are many rich people also, who are miserly. So they cannot be called as Lakshmi-pati. There is no form of Lakshmi visible in them. They live like beggars, all the time crying for money. It's very difficult for them to give some money to others. In such miserly people, Kundalini has not yet awakened. They die of miserliness. They are so miserly, and think so much about money that their liver can also get destroyed. Their face will be just like a beggar. So just to achieve the Lakshmi (material wellbeing) is not the work of Kundalini. To establish the essence of Lakshmi within is the work of Kundalini. So Raja Rajeshwari is that power of Kundalini which establishes within you. The essence of Lakshmi-pati is Raja Rajeshwari. It doesn’t mean that you should get lots of money, but should become generous, as if you are a king. Raja Rajeshwari means that you develop the temperament of a king. Here even the kings are like beggars, and they are miserly, they are liars, they take bribes, and do all such things. But here we are talking about the pure form. The one who worships Raj Rajeshwari, and the one who has achieves it, has so many qualities that they maybe cannot be described in today's lecture. But the biggest thing which happens is that one develops generosity, he becomes generous, knowing that he is nourished by the power of Raj Rajeshwari. "I will never have any shortage of money or anything else. So why not just enjoy! Why not make myself happy by giving to others?" In olden times, when kings were pleased, then they would give the most precious things to those near them. The man who does not have generosity, his (life's) meaning is incomplete. The most important thing is that no king begs in front of anyone, ever! He might get poor, and maybe even his entire property is lost, but he will not go and beg in front of anyone. He might die, but he will not beg. So Sahaja Yogis develop a temperament of a king. Even their lifestyle is king's like. He does not go about wearing torn clothes, like these people from Hare Rama. They take the name of Shri Ram and Shri Krishna, and Krishna is Himself Kubera, but as people of His kingdom, they roam about like beggars. By no means they know the essence of Krishna. But Sahaja Yogis should know that according to your temperament, Paramchaitanya will create your situation. A man who is always crying for money will be in such a situation only - a man who is always calculating the money and who is always busy to make more money. There are even people who want to make money out of Sahaja Yoga. These people are completely gone cases! No one is worse than them. Once King Akbar asked Birbal (his minister), "Who are the most downtrodden people?" So he said, "Those who beg from people in the temple of God". When God is sitting here, why are you begging from people? Similarly, there are such people also in Sahaja Yoga - very few, but there are some - who think that they have to make money somehow in Sahaja Yoga. Someone told me that in Ganapatipule Sahaja Yogis brought some things and were selling them. There was one person who took My permission and sold things, and whatever profit he had, he gave it to Sahaja Yoga. But even this shouldn't be done. But they say that it's convenient for people to get sarees and so on. But such a person who only wants to earn money in Sahaja Yoga, is not worthy of being called Sahaja Yogi. You cannot understand the power of Raja Rajeshwari through him. With Raja Rajeshwari power, whether a man has money or not, there is no fear in him. There is no feeling of any shortage, that, "I have a scarcity of this". He feels, "I am totally complete. What else should I do? What else do I need? Why should I be scared? Wherever I am, I will have prosperity. I can achieve everything there." And such a man lives his life in a very majestical way. His temperament is like a very magnificent and great human being. He enjoys only giving, not accepting. If someone is rich, then he is rich only for himself, and if someone is poor, then also he is poor only for himself. But for a Sahaja Yogi, whether a person is rich or poor, for him it's (not important), he will be completely ready to help that person. There are also such people in Sahaja Yoga who do a lot for asahaj people, but if some poor Sahaja Yogi come, they don't even offer him a chair to sit on. So by looking at the exterior grandeur (of people) many people give them a lot of importance. “He is very great", "he has so many cars", or "he is a very famous actor", or "a famous doctor", "architect", "a very great man”. These titles are very outward things, and they are given importance. But if someone thinks that, “The power is flowing through this man, such powerful vibrations are flowing through him. Who is this great saint?" Such a person possess a temperament like a king, we can say. There are many such people in our country. We have the special example of Shivaji Maharaj. He was a great saint, a realized soul and a very ideal person, but his behavior towards saints was extremely beautiful and polite. Once his guru, Shri Ramdas arrived and he called on Shivaji. Shivaji Maharaj wrote a letter and put it in his bag. In that letter it was written, "Guru, O my Guru, All of my power, my kingdom everything, I am giving to you." After reading that letter, Guru Ramdas laughed and said, "Son, I am an ascetic. What will I do with your kingdom? You are the king, and this is your duty (to rule the kingdom). But yes, if you think, that you should rule this kingdom with bhakti, then you can make its flag, triangular and the same color as my robe. With that flag, people will understand that you are ruling with a saintly attitude. You don’t have any attraction or attachment for it. You are the king, but still you do not have the consciousness of this fact." Those people who are boasting that they are the king and go about madly saying this, that "I am this", actually they are not that. And those who are, they never say so. You will see many such people. Once I was traveling in London. There was a gentlemen sitting far who started talking to Me. (Men) usually don’t talk to women, they talk amongst themselves. But he asked a lot about India. "How is this? How is that?" So I asked, "Did you go to India?" He said, "Yes, I was in India for many years." And he did not say anything about himself, who he was. Then he disembarked and left and I also left. Later, one day, I was traveling with My husband and we met him again in the train. So he invited us to his house to discuss about India. So when we reached, we found that he had a very big house. We found out he was the Viceroy in India! But he never said it himself! We didn’t even know that he was the Viceroy. In earlier times, people could not even meet the Viceroy. And he talked to us with so much humility, "If you have any problem, let me know". Being a lady, I was thinking, "Why is he giving Me so much importance?" "Are You having any problem? People here are a bit stubborn", all these kind of talks! "They are not like Indians. They are not dharmic." All these kind of talks. But he never said that he was a Viceroy! And he had so much respect for Indians. He was talking about them with so much love. In our country, if someone is a minister's assistant, even that makes him crazy. There is a story that when some people went to meet the minister, there was a man who was shouting a lot. So they asked, "Why are you so angry?" He said, "Don’t you know? I am the P.A. (drunk in Hindi)". If people get even a little bit, their minds get damaged, and this is not a symptom of a king. The first quality of a king is that he is extremely polite. Arrogance comes in a man because he thinks, "I am so wealthy. I can scold everyone, shout at everyone". Or if he is highly educated, has a high position, or is the son of an important father, he gets more arrogant. You can't even talk to him! I have noticed that even common men - like in My husband's office, they would answer rudely on the phone. So once he asked, "Who is speaking?" and he found it was Me. He was very scared! "In the beginning why did you talk so rudely?" He said, "Don’t tell Sir about it. Please forgive me!" I said, "Why would I tell him? But why did you talk like this in the beginning?" Water always spills out from a vessel which is half full. The person who is complete is extremely polite and simple. You will understand that. Until you are complete, you will have a false ego, false anger, and you acquire a strange type of personality, so that anyone who hears your name runs away! One type are like beggars. When they come, you know they have come to ask for something. "This has happened to me, my father, my mother. I don’t have money. I want this". Always like a beggar! And another type are always shouting. So first we have to become Vaishnav, to come to the center. You can gain the power of Raja Rajeshwari only coming to the center. Otherwise it will not work within you! Like there is no point in watering a plastic plant. Similarly, in these people there is a kind of false show. Recently I was coming from London. There was a lady with Me. She was wearing many diamonds, in her ears, nose, hands, everywhere. So she said, "I believe in simple living and high thinking. Live with simplicity and have high thoughts." So I said, "Good, very good. Have a seat, please". She said, "I don’t wear this kind of colored clothes. So, I am very simple." I said, "Very good!" Before arriving to India, she came to Me, "I have a problem. Please help me out. The customs officers respect you a lot, and I am wearing 650,0000 Rupees worth of jewelries, so please take me through customs." So I said, "You believe in simple living. So why don't you tell customs that you believe in simple living? They will release you, just like that!" She came behind Me, and the customs people did namaskar to Me and also to her, and she passed through. Another thing in a man is greed. Greed is a very dirty and bad thing. Very low people have greed for others' things. As soon as they come from someone's house they start, "Let's also get the thing which was in their house". Bring this thing, then another thing. There is no end to that! And greed continues. What is the antidote to this greed? The antidote is to know what a headache is to own something. For example, here is a nice carpet, and I start having greed for it, "I want to get this carpet". I can even steal it, and if I don't steel it, then all the time the thoughts will be, "Where did this carpet come from? When?" and so on. So Puja is on one side, and if that carpet is brought and it's laid down here, you'll think, "Oh, this carpet will be spoilt. This will happen to it" and so on. It's better if you understand that this is not your carpet. "It belongs to someone else. God save me!" That’s all. No more trouble! "If it belongs to someone else, then why should I have the headache, get it insured, do this, go to the bank. Why should I do it? It doesn’t belong to Me. Leave it. Do you want to take it? Take it! Do you want more? There is more. Very good!" This way, the madness of greed is completely destroyed. And it's a very big problem for Sahaja Yogis because on one side they are Sahaja Yogis, and on the other side their foot is in the mouth of a crocodile called greed. So how will they come into the boat? Their foot is stuck there. If we have greed for anything then we must realize that Raja Rajeshwari has left us. And those who have a temperament of Raj Rajeshwari start enjoying even small things! They never have a shortage of anything. Once I went to Palitana. It's a two and a half hour climb journey. There, outside, was a temple made of sangamarmar, what we call as marble. So all those people who were with Me, laid down. When I saw what was above, I said, "Look up. So many elephants carved and they all have their tails made in a different way." They said, "Mummy, we are so tired. How can You see tails of elephants?" I said, "See there. You are not looking at them". They said, "Aren't You tired?" I said, "No, after seeing this art, all My tiredness ran away!" So we start to enjoy small, small things start to enjoy them and feel the satisfaction. Like, Shri Ram was so satisfied after eating the berries of Shabri. When you start to understand this thing, then you can say that you are nourished by the power of Raj Rajeshwari. If someone gives a small thing with love, even a small thing like a betel nut given with love, even if I don’t eat betel nut usually, that one I will surely eat, to make that other person happy. He doesn’t know that I don’t eat betel nut. It means that for any object in this world, if you put on, for example on the glass, if you put mercury, any ordinary glass which is transparent, if you put mercury, then it becomes a mirror in which you can see your reflection. On any object, if you add love that object becomes so beautiful. Then you want to give it to someone. Like when you go to the market, you will feel that, "Yes, this is good for him, this is good for her". What is good for yourself, this thought shouldn’t even come. If this thought comes, "What do I want? What do I like?", finished! It means that the All-pervading Power has not yet come within you. If the All-pervading Power comes within you, then you will become very wise and will know what is the need of everybody. Like if you go somewhere and you see that there is a very beautiful lamp, you think, "Yes, I stayed in their house and they didn’t have this lamp. So I should get it for them." You start to understand everyone’s needs, when your own needs disappear. You remember everyone's problems. Someone is sick, someone needs something, someone doesn’t have a tape recorder and he wants to hear My speech, all this you know. And when you give him that thing, he says, "Mother, how did you find out that I need it?" What do you mean? I don’t know how. That's why love is called knowledge. Knowledge is only pure love, because when you have pure love for anybody, then you have all the knowledge about him, and it happens. Even if She is Mahamaya, you can know, but you must have pure love. The pure love gives you all the knowledge - any kind of knowledge, any type. For example, if you look with pure love to something - like in Madras I have seen a lot of poverty and suffering. So the thought arose in my mind that in this heat there are small small children, old people, everyone standing and waiting for the bus for a long time and I am sitting in a nice car moving around. So I started worrying. "What should I do about it?" I said, "Why don’t they arrange a private transport? At least some of their misery will be lessened." And this is what is staying in My mind, that somehow this transport should be organized. So when you get Realization, then you are bound by the brotherhood of the entire world. It's such a great work of Shri Raja Rajeshwari, that you can think about everybody! Like the queen of a king will look at the problems of her people and will remove their problems. She will not sit down counting how many jewelries she has, how many diamonds she has. She will see, "How many people in my kingdom are suffering? What small things even do they need?" Similarly, your temperament also becomes like this. Until you raise to a higher state, how can you be a worshipper of Vishwa Nirmal Dharma? And Vishwa Nirmal Dharma is not something outward, like, "I am Hindu, or Muslim or Christian." It's not like this. This is an internal light, and in this light a human being comes out with a very majestic personality. He doesn’t think, "What am I getting? What have I achieved?" He only thinks, "What can I do for others? I have done very less. Oh Mother! I could give Realization to only 100 people. I couldn’t do anything more!" When one starts thinking like this, then he must understand that the power of Raja Rajeshwari is overflowing within him. It's shining. It's troubling him that, "What are you doing? You have so much power. Why are you not giving it to others?" This cannot be measured by money or anything else. Like today I was late. There was a phone call from Russia so I was delayed. So on the way I asked, "Where is everyone sitting?" They said, "In the open." So I said, "Did you put up some shade for them?" They didn’t know. They said, "Mother, may not be a roof, but cool breeze is blowing!" I said, "But a roof should be there. I won't like to have a roof only above Me and not above others." So they said, "It's like this, with roof only above You." "This is not correct". Finally when I saw they all had a roof above them, I was very happy. Similarly, in Chinddwara also it was very hot and everyone was sitting in the open. All the time I was worried about what was happening, and everyone was saying, "Mother, we were feeling cold from inside". Although they were sitting in so much heat, they were feeling cold! This power of Raja Rajeshwari is benevolent for everyone, everywhere. It is much more than benevolence, it gives everyone rest, it gives everyone happiness and joy. And the same power you have within yourself. If you want, you can take it to a very high level. The work which can be accomplished with just one paisa cannot be accomplished with 1000 rupees. But the power of giving should be great. I will say again that Shri Krishna went to Vidura's house and ate with him, and didn’t eat the delicacies of Duryodhana. There is a very important message and the message is that, if something is filled with love, you cannot measure its worth. So firstly, Vaishnavas need to clean their Lakshmi chakra. "First of all I don’t have any needs. Others have needs, and that's why I have come to Sahaja Yoga." You should come with such thoughts. You will be surprised that yesterday, so many people came after the program, and I was very happy. But suddenly, My right heart was caught up. I didn’t understand why right heart catches so much here. It has never happened before. Then this power gave some indication. Then I asked, "What is the position of Gruha Lakshmis here? How do people treat Gruha Lakshmis in Hyderabad?" So I found out that they treat them very badly. There is no respect for them at all, and they are scolding them all the time. They respect their mother but don’t respect their wife at all. And they said, "This is the Muslim influence here". You don’t know, even Muslims how much they talked about respecting the women in Koran, but they don’t do it. It's a stupidity! Respect for women is written there (in Koran) but is nowhere else. Then I understood. Where women are worshipped, there reside the Devtas. Where the women of the house are not respected, there the Devtas never rule. Of course, the simple idea is that if you respect you wife completely, then children will also respect you and respect themselves. This is true. But if the woman herself is not worthy of being worshipped, and she does such things which are not worthy of being worshipped, then she must be corrected. But if she is a good woman, and she takes care of the children of the house and takes care of the household with love, this kind of a woman should be respected, not only in the house but also in the society. But think about that My entire right heart got caught up, and for half an hour I was suffering. All the suffering which you give to your wives, all that suffering came inside Me! Now, it's possible that a woman may not understand Sahaja Yoga very well with her mind, but with her heart she understands. A woman understands things with her heart, and a man understands with his mind. But it's a very big thing to understand with one's heart, and women are always considered as a form of Shakti. In a house where a woman is not respected, nothing will work out properly. The reason is, if woman only is the power - for example, if this does not have power, then what is the use of My talking? This big thing is kept here, but it's of no use if it does not have electricity. If you suppress the woman of the house like this, and she is not respected, the power cannot work within you. This is a very big fault. I don't know why, it never happened before but yesterday, after the program, the entire right heart was caught up so badly. I used to think that these things happen more in North India, but I see they are more in South India. North Indians don’t do it so much. If Indians have a shortcoming, it's only this one, that they don’t give respect for the women's power. The biggest shortcoming! On one side they will worship the Goddess, will recognize Her as innocent Goddess, will recognize Her in all Her forms, but not as Gruha Lakshmi. That’s why today I want to say clearly that if you are Sahaja Yogis, then keep your respect towards your women. I have heard that openly you are scolding them. Then openly you will also be insulted. A man has no right to insult a woman, for no reason. I think that if this thing can get right, then the powers of Raja Rajeshwari will be definitely activated. You should understand completely that husband and wife are the two wheels of a chariot, one on the left, and the other on the right. Left one cannot come to the right, right cannot come to the left. Both have to keep their place. Both of them are similar but their places are different. It means no place is higher or lower. If one wheel gets lower, the chariot will not move forward. It will keep rotating in one place. Children also learn these things from you. If children cannot respect their mother, what can they do then in this world? How can they respect Me? That’s why I have a request from everybody, that from today don’t insult anymore the women in your house. Don't make them look smaller in any way. Their power is very important for you. Similarly, women should also go deeper in Sahaj and should assume their powers, should achieve their powers. Today, so many people have come for the Puja. They have come from the whole of India. I did not expect that. Now Sahaja Yoga is indeed getting very integrated and things are happening with so much love. Everywhere, wherever I look, it looks like Sahaja Yoga is spreading with great speed. But we must understand one thing, how deep we have gone. It is very important. The number is increasing, but there is no advantage in a big quantity. Until the time the values of Sahaja Yoga come within you, the quality will not be achieved. If you respect Raja Rajeshwari, then Her powers increase within you. Its manifestation should be within you. If not, then it's all right also. You have taken off one robe and put on another one. It's all outward thing. Nothing happened inside. This is an innate power and it should be visible in your behavior, conversation, everything. Unlimited blessings to you all.
Shri Raja Rajeshwari Puja (Hindi). Hyderabad (India), 20 January 1994. [Translation from Hindi to English] Today we are going to perform the Puja of Shri Raja Rajeshwari. Especially in the south of India, the Devi is recognized in many forms. The reason is that here there were many Devi bhaktas (devotees of the Goddess), like Adi Shankaracharya, and they established the religion of Shakta Dharma. Shakta Dharma means the religion of Shakti (God's power). Two kinds of religions started simultaneously. Ramanujacharya established the Vaishnav religion, and while following two kinds of religions, people got separated. The one who is truly Vaishnav (following the Vaishnav religion), his work is of Mahalakshmi. And Mahalakshmi ji who has many forms, assimilates all those forms within Herself; like Dharma, establishing the Dharma and being in the middle path, going neither to the left nor to the right, but being in the center. Such people are called Vaishnavas. As time passed, Vaishnava Dharma spread in Gujarat and other (states of India). When one goes through the Vaishnav path, through Kundalini, then at the end you reach Sahasrara, but at Sahasrara, at the Brahmarandra, is the seat of Sadashiva. So by following Vaishnava Dharma, at the end, one reaches Sadashiva, who is also the goal of Shakta Dharma. But one must understand that the power of Kundalini, Kundalini Shakti, passes through the central path. So how can you separate the two (Shakta and Vaishnava Dharma)? The path of Shakti is the central path. Both the things which were interwoven together were separated, the reason being that in those days the ascent of Kundalini didn't take place. In Maharashtra, in Kolhapur there is a temple of Mahalakshmi, where She is awakened. There people sing, "Uday uday Ambe." Amba is the Shakti. Kundalini is called Amba. So in that temple of Mahalakshmi they sing about awakening the Shakti. They don't know why they sing this (bhajan). So the Vaishnavas make their path (of evolution), make the route, the path, and when that path is ready, then the Kundalini rises through it. We also do the same in Sahaja Yoga. When you all put your hands towards Me, then slowly all your seven chakras get all right, which means that you become a Vaishnav. From extremes you come to the central path, and your chakras settle down properly. When your chakras are corrected, only then Kundalini is awakened. So that’s why initially you become Vaishnav and then you become Shakta. So, both of them are one (Vaishnav and Shakta religion). But in the south (of India) many aspects of the Devi are recognized, and out of these (aspects), Raj Rajeshwari is worshipped a lot. The Lakshmi is on the Vaishnav path, on the path of Vishnu, wife of Vishnu, and that’s why this aspect of Lakshmi was explained, which is an aspect of Shakti itself. Raja Rajeshwari means that Kundalini comes to Nabhi. When Kundalini reaches the Nabhi chakra, it acquires the form of Lakshmi, or gets the reflection of Lakshmi on it. When this Kundalini reaches the Nabhi chakra, then She takes the form of Lakshmi, It takes the form of many kinds of Lakshmi: Gruha Lakshmi, Raja Lakshmi. There are many Lakshmis, but Lakshmi takes these forms when it gets the Shakti of Kundalini. They are enlightened only through the union with Kundalini Shakti. So though Raj Rajeshwari is the power of Kundalini only, it takes this form when Kundalini reaches Nabhi chakra. Then Kundalini itself is recognized as Raj Rajeshwari. Or we can say that the aspect of Adi Shakti at Nabhi chakra is called Raja Rajeshwari. Now the person who has at Nabhi chakra the principle of Raja Rajeshwari established, means that he has Gruha Lakshmi established on the left side and Raj Rajeshwari on the right side. The highest state of Raja Lakshmi is considered to be Raja Rajeshwari. Now at the last stage of Raj Rajeshwari, how should a Sahaj Yogi be? The blessings of Lakshmi have to be there, at this stage. After Kundalini awakening, a person receives the blessings of Lakshmi. They have to come definitely. All the Sahaj Yogis receive the blessings of Lakshmi, and sometimes this Lakshmi can increase a lot, unexpectedly. And even if it does not increase, such a man gets the attiutude of a king. Until your attitude becomes like that (attitude of a king), you must understand that the Kundalini is still lost at Nabhi. The temperament changes! The biggest miracle which happens after coming to Sahaj Yoga is that a person's temperament changes, his nature changes. A man who is full of a-Lakshmi, within whom Lakshmi is not visible, - means there are many rich people also, who are miserly. So they cannot be called as Lakshmi-pati. There is no form of Lakshmi visible in them. They live like beggars, all the time crying for money. It's very difficult for them to give some money to others. In such miserly people, Kundalini has not yet awakened. They die of miserliness. They are so miserly, and think so much about money that their liver can also get destroyed. Their face will be just like a beggar. So just to achieve the Lakshmi (material wellbeing) is not the work of Kundalini. To establish the essence of Lakshmi within is the work of Kundalini. So Raja Rajeshwari is that power of Kundalini which establishes within you. The essence of Lakshmi-pati is Raja Rajeshwari. It doesn’t mean that you should get lots of money, but should become generous, as if you are a king. Raja Rajeshwari means that you develop the temperament of a king. Here even the kings are like beggars, and they are miserly, they are liars, they take bribes, and do all such things. But here we are talking about the pure form. The one who worships Raj Rajeshwari, and the one who has achieves it, has so many qualities that they maybe cannot be described in today's lecture. But the biggest thing which happens is that one develops generosity, he becomes generous, knowing that he is nourished by the power of Raj Rajeshwari. "I will never have any shortage of money or anything else. So why not just enjoy! Why not make myself happy by giving to others?" In olden times, when kings were pleased, then they would give the most precious things to those near them. The man who does not have generosity, his (life's) meaning is incomplete. The most important thing is that no king begs in front of anyone, ever! He might get poor, and maybe even his entire property is lost, but he will not go and beg in front of anyone. He might die, but he will not beg. So Sahaja Yogis develop a temperament of a king. Even their lifestyle is king's like. He does not go about wearing torn clothes, like these people from Hare Rama. They take the name of Shri Ram and Shri Krishna, and Krishna is Himself Kubera, but as people of His kingdom, they roam about like beggars. By no means they know the essence of Krishna. But Sahaja Yogis should know that according to your temperament, Paramchaitanya will create your situation. A man who is always crying for money will be in such a situation only - a man who is always calculating the money and who is always busy to make more money. There are even people who want to make money out of Sahaja Yoga. These people are completely gone cases! No one is worse than them. Once King Akbar asked Birbal (his minister), "Who are the most downtrodden people?" So he said, "Those who beg from people in the temple of God". When God is sitting here, why are you begging from people? Similarly, there are such people also in Sahaja Yoga - very few, but there are some - who think that they have to make money somehow in Sahaja Yoga. Someone told me that in Ganapatipule Sahaja Yogis brought some things and were selling them. There was one person who took My permission and sold things, and whatever profit he had, he gave it to Sahaja Yoga. But even this shouldn't be done. But they say that it's convenient for people to get sarees and so on. But such a person who only wants to earn money in Sahaja Yoga, is not worthy of being called Sahaja Yogi. You cannot understand the power of Raja Rajeshwari through him. With Raja Rajeshwari power, whether a man has money or not, there is no fear in him. There is no feeling of any shortage, that, "I have a scarcity of this". He feels, "I am totally complete. What else should I do? What else do I need? Why should I be scared? Wherever I am, I will have prosperity. I can achieve everything there." And such a man lives his life in a very majestical way. His temperament is like a very magnificent and great human being. He enjoys only giving, not accepting. If someone is rich, then he is rich only for himself, and if someone is poor, then also he is poor only for himself. But for a Sahaja Yogi, whether a person is rich or poor, for him it's (not important), he will be completely ready to help that person. There are also such people in Sahaja Yoga who do a lot for asahaj people, but if some poor Sahaja Yogi come, they don't even offer him a chair to sit on. So by looking at the exterior grandeur (of people) many people give them a lot of importance. “He is very great", "he has so many cars", or "he is a very famous actor", or "a famous doctor", "architect", "a very great man”. These titles are very outward things, and they are given importance. But if someone thinks that, “The power is flowing through this man, such powerful vibrations are flowing through him. Who is this great saint?" Such a person possess a temperament like a king, we can say. There are many such people in our country. We have the special example of Shivaji Maharaj. He was a great saint, a realized soul and a very ideal person, but his behavior towards saints was extremely beautiful and polite. Once his guru, Shri Ramdas arrived and he called on Shivaji. Shivaji Maharaj wrote a letter and put it in his bag. In that letter it was written, "Guru, O my Guru, All of my power, my kingdom everything, I am giving to you." After reading that letter, Guru Ramdas laughed and said, "Son, I am an ascetic. What will I do with your kingdom? You are the king, and this is your duty (to rule the kingdom). But yes, if you think, that you should rule this kingdom with bhakti, then you can make its flag, triangular and the same color as my robe. With that flag, people will understand that you are ruling with a saintly attitude. You don’t have any attraction or attachment for it. You are the king, but still you do not have the consciousness of this fact." Those people who are boasting that they are the king and go about madly saying this, that "I am this", actually they are not that. And those who are, they never say so. You will see many such people. Once I was traveling in London. There was a gentlemen sitting far who started talking to Me. (Men) usually don’t talk to women, they talk amongst themselves. But he asked a lot about India. "How is this? How is that?" So I asked, "Did you go to India?" He said, "Yes, I was in India for many years." And he did not say anything about himself, who he was. Then he disembarked and left and I also left. Later, one day, I was traveling with My husband and we met him again in the train. So he invited us to his house to discuss about India. So when we reached, we found that he had a very big house. We found out he was the Viceroy in India! But he never said it himself! We didn’t even know that he was the Viceroy. In earlier times, people could not even meet the Viceroy. And he talked to us with so much humility, "If you have any problem, let me know". Being a lady, I was thinking, "Why is he giving Me so much importance?" "Are You having any problem? People here are a bit stubborn", all these kind of talks! "They are not like Indians. They are not dharmic." All these kind of talks. But he never said that he was a Viceroy! And he had so much respect for Indians. He was talking about them with so much love. In our country, if someone is a minister's assistant, even that makes him crazy. There is a story that when some people went to meet the minister, there was a man who was shouting a lot. So they asked, "Why are you so angry?" He said, "Don’t you know? I am the P.A. (drunk in Hindi)". If people get even a little bit, their minds get damaged, and this is not a symptom of a king. The first quality of a king is that he is extremely polite. Arrogance comes in a man because he thinks, "I am so wealthy. I can scold everyone, shout at everyone". Or if he is highly educated, has a high position, or is the son of an important father, he gets more arrogant. You can't even talk to him! I have noticed that even common men - like in My husband's office, they would answer rudely on the phone. So once he asked, "Who is speaking?" and he found it was Me. He was very scared! "In the beginning why did you talk so rudely?" He said, "Don’t tell Sir about it. Please forgive me!" I said, "Why would I tell him? But why did you talk like this in the beginning?" Water always spills out from a vessel which is half full. The person who is complete is extremely polite and simple. You will understand that. Until you are complete, you will have a false ego, false anger, and you acquire a strange type of personality, so that anyone who hears your name runs away! One type are like beggars. When they come, you know they have come to ask for something. "This has happened to me, my father, my mother. I don’t have money. I want this". Always like a beggar! And another type are always shouting. So first we have to become Vaishnav, to come to the center. You can gain the power of Raja Rajeshwari only coming to the center. Otherwise it will not work within you! Like there is no point in watering a plastic plant. Similarly, in these people there is a kind of false show. Recently I was coming from London. There was a lady with Me. She was wearing many diamonds, in her ears, nose, hands, everywhere. So she said, "I believe in simple living and high thinking. Live with simplicity and have high thoughts." So I said, "Good, very good. Have a seat, please". She said, "I don’t wear this kind of colored clothes. So, I am very simple." I said, "Very good!" Before arriving to India, she came to Me, "I have a problem. Please help me out. The customs officers respect you a lot, and I am wearing 650,0000 Rupees worth of jewelries, so please take me through customs." So I said, "You believe in simple living. So why don't you tell customs that you believe in simple living? They will release you, just like that!" She came behind Me, and the customs people did namaskar to Me and also to her, and she passed through. Another thing in a man is greed. Greed is a very dirty and bad thing. Very low people have greed for others' things. As soon as they come from someone's house they start, "Let's also get the thing which was in their house". Bring this thing, then another thing. There is no end to that! And greed continues. What is the antidote to this greed? The antidote is to know what a headache is to own something. For example, here is a nice carpet, and I start having greed for it, "I want to get this carpet". I can even steal it, and if I don't steel it, then all the time the thoughts will be, "Where did this carpet come from? When?" and so on. So Puja is on one side, and if that carpet is brought and it's laid down here, you'll think, "Oh, this carpet will be spoilt. This will happen to it" and so on. It's better if you understand that this is not your carpet. "It belongs to someone else. God save me!" That’s all. No more trouble! "If it belongs to someone else, then why should I have the headache, get it insured, do this, go to the bank. Why should I do it? It doesn’t belong to Me. Leave it. Do you want to take it? Take it! Do you want more? There is more. Very good!" This way, the madness of greed is completely destroyed. And it's a very big problem for Sahaja Yogis because on one side they are Sahaja Yogis, and on the other side their foot is in the mouth of a crocodile called greed. So how will they come into the boat? Their foot is stuck there. If we have greed for anything then we must realize that Raja Rajeshwari has left us. And those who have a temperament of Raj Rajeshwari start enjoying even small things! They never have a shortage of anything. Once I went to Palitana. It's a two and a half hour climb journey. There, outside, was a temple made of sangamarmar, what we call as marble. So all those people who were with Me, laid down. When I saw what was above, I said, "Look up. So many elephants carved and they all have their tails made in a different way." They said, "Mummy, we are so tired. How can You see tails of elephants?" I said, "See there. You are not looking at them". They said, "Aren't You tired?" I said, "No, after seeing this art, all My tiredness ran away!" So we start to enjoy small, small things start to enjoy them and feel the satisfaction. Like, Shri Ram was so satisfied after eating the berries of Shabri. When you start to understand this thing, then you can say that you are nourished by the power of Raj Rajeshwari. If someone gives a small thing with love, even a small thing like a betel nut given with love, even if I don’t eat betel nut usually, that one I will surely eat, to make that other person happy. He doesn’t know that I don’t eat betel nut. It means that for any object in this world, if you put on, for example on the glass, if you put mercury, any ordinary glass which is transparent, if you put mercury, then it becomes a mirror in which you can see your reflection. On any object, if you add love that object becomes so beautiful. Then you want to give it to someone. Like when you go to the market, you will feel that, "Yes, this is good for him, this is good for her". What is good for yourself, this thought shouldn’t even come. If this thought comes, "What do I want? What do I like?", finished! It means that the All-pervading Power has not yet come within you. If the All-pervading Power comes within you, then you will become very wise and will know what is the need of everybody. Like if you go somewhere and you see that there is a very beautiful lamp, you think, "Yes, I stayed in their house and they didn’t have this lamp. So I should get it for them." You start to understand everyone’s needs, when your own needs disappear. You remember everyone's problems. Someone is sick, someone needs something, someone doesn’t have a tape recorder and he wants to hear My speech, all this you know. And when you give him that thing, he says, "Mother, how did you find out that I need it?" What do you mean? I don’t know how. That's why love is called knowledge. Knowledge is only pure love, because when you have pure love for anybody, then you have all the knowledge about him, and it happens. Even if She is Mahamaya, you can know, but you must have pure love. The pure love gives you all the knowledge - any kind of knowledge, any type. For example, if you look with pure love to something - like in Madras I have seen a lot of poverty and suffering. So the thought arose in my mind that in this heat there are small small children, old people, everyone standing and waiting for the bus for a long time and I am sitting in a nice car moving around. So I started worrying. "What should I do about it?" I said, "Why don’t they arrange a private transport? At least some of their misery will be lessened." And this is what is staying in My mind, that somehow this transport should be organized. So when you get Realization, then you are bound by the brotherhood of the entire world. It's such a great work of Shri Raja Rajeshwari, that you can think about everybody! Like the queen of a king will look at the problems of her people and will remove their problems. She will not sit down counting how many jewelries she has, how many diamonds she has. She will see, "How many people in my kingdom are suffering? What small things even do they need?" Similarly, your temperament also becomes like this. Until you raise to a higher state, how can you be a worshipper of Vishwa Nirmal Dharma? And Vishwa Nirmal Dharma is not something outward, like, "I am Hindu, or Muslim or Christian." It's not like this. This is an internal light, and in this light a human being comes out with a very majestic personality. He doesn’t think, "What am I getting? What have I achieved?" He only thinks, "What can I do for others? I have done very less. Oh Mother! I could give Realization to only 100 people. I couldn’t do anything more!" When one starts thinking like this, then he must understand that the power of Raja Rajeshwari is overflowing within him. It's shining. It's troubling him that, "What are you doing? You have so much power. Why are you not giving it to others?" This cannot be measured by money or anything else. Like today I was late. There was a phone call from Russia so I was delayed. So on the way I asked, "Where is everyone sitting?" They said, "In the open." So I said, "Did you put up some shade for them?" They didn’t know. They said, "Mother, may not be a roof, but cool breeze is blowing!" I said, "But a roof should be there. I won't like to have a roof only above Me and not above others." So they said, "It's like this, with roof only above You." "This is not correct". Finally when I saw they all had a roof above them, I was very happy. Similarly, in Chinddwara also it was very hot and everyone was sitting in the open. All the time I was worried about what was happening, and everyone was saying, "Mother, we were feeling cold from inside". Although they were sitting in so much heat, they were feeling cold! This power of Raja Rajeshwari is benevolent for everyone, everywhere. It is much more than benevolence, it gives everyone rest, it gives everyone happiness and joy. And the same power you have within yourself. If you want, you can take it to a very high level. The work which can be accomplished with just one paisa cannot be accomplished with 1000 rupees. But the power of giving should be great. I will say again that Shri Krishna went to Vidura's house and ate with him, and didn’t eat the delicacies of Duryodhana. There is a very important message and the message is that, if something is filled with love, you cannot measure its worth. So firstly, Vaishnavas need to clean their Lakshmi chakra. "First of all I don’t have any needs. Others have needs, and that's why I have come to Sahaja Yoga." You should come with such thoughts. You will be surprised that yesterday, so many people came after the program, and I was very happy. But suddenly, My right heart was caught up. I didn’t understand why right heart catches so much here. It has never happened before. Then this power gave some indication. Then I asked, "What is the position of Gruha Lakshmis here? How do people treat Gruha Lakshmis in Hyderabad?" So I found out that they treat them very badly. There is no respect for them at all, and they are scolding them all the time. They respect their mother but don’t respect their wife at all. And they said, "This is the Muslim influence here". You don’t know, even Muslims how much they talked about respecting the women in Koran, but they don’t do it. It's a stupidity! Respect for women is written there (in Koran) but is nowhere else. Then I understood. Where women are worshipped, there reside the Devtas. Where the women of the house are not respected, there the Devtas never rule. Of course, the simple idea is that if you respect you wife completely, then children will also respect you and respect themselves. This is true. But if the woman herself is not worthy of being worshipped, and she does such things which are not worthy of being worshipped, then she must be corrected. But if she is a good woman, and she takes care of the children of the house and takes care of the household with love, this kind of a woman should be respected, not only in the house but also in the society. But think about that My entire right heart got caught up, and for half an hour I was suffering. All the suffering which you give to your wives, all that suffering came inside Me! Now, it's possible that a woman may not understand Sahaja Yoga very well with her mind, but with her heart she understands. A woman understands things with her heart, and a man understands with his mind. But it's a very big thing to understand with one's heart, and women are always considered as a form of Shakti. In a house where a woman is not respected, nothing will work out properly. The reason is, if woman only is the power - for example, if this does not have power, then what is the use of My talking? This big thing is kept here, but it's of no use if it does not have electricity. If you suppress the woman of the house like this, and she is not respected, the power cannot work within you. This is a very big fault. I don't know why, it never happened before but yesterday, after the program, the entire right heart was caught up so badly. I used to think that these things happen more in North India, but I see they are more in South India. North Indians don’t do it so much. If Indians have a shortcoming, it's only this one, that they don’t give respect for the women's power. The biggest shortcoming! On one side they will worship the Goddess, will recognize Her as innocent Goddess, will recognize Her in all Her forms, but not as Gruha Lakshmi. That’s why today I want to say clearly that if you are Sahaja Yogis, then keep your respect towards your women. I have heard that openly you are scolding them. Then openly you will also be insulted. A man has no right to insult a woman, for no reason. I think that if this thing can get right, then the powers of Raja Rajeshwari will be definitely activated. You should understand completely that husband and wife are the two wheels of a chariot, one on the left, and the other on the right. Left one cannot come to the right, right cannot come to the left. Both have to keep their place. Both of them are similar but their places are different. It means no place is higher or lower. If one wheel gets lower, the chariot will not move forward. It will keep rotating in one place. Children also learn these things from you. If children cannot respect their mother, what can they do then in this world? How can they respect Me? That’s why I have a request from everybody, that from today don’t insult anymore the women in your house. Don't make them look smaller in any way. Their power is very important for you. Similarly, women should also go deeper in Sahaj and should assume their powers, should achieve their powers. Today, so many people have come for the Puja. They have come from the whole of India. I did not expect that. Now Sahaja Yoga is indeed getting very integrated and things are happening with so much love. Everywhere, wherever I look, it looks like Sahaja Yoga is spreading with great speed. But we must understand one thing, how deep we have gone. It is very important. The number is increasing, but there is no advantage in a big quantity. Until the time the values of Sahaja Yoga come within you, the quality will not be achieved. If you respect Raja Rajeshwari, then Her powers increase within you. Its manifestation should be within you. If not, then it's all right also. You have taken off one robe and put on another one. It's all outward thing. Nothing happened inside. This is an innate power and it should be visible in your behavior, conversation, everything. Unlimited blessings to you all.
Public Program
Public Program
Public Program
Public Program
Quawwali – Baba Zaheer
Evening Program
Surabhi TV Report
City Unknown
English, Hindi
Surabhi, TV report on Sahaja Yoga 17-02-1994 Hindi: Anadil kaal se Maanam satya ki khoj mei parvato ki barfili chotiyo se lekar sadan vano mei kathin parishram karta raha , Bharat ki paawan bhumi satya saadhko ki yog bhumi rahi hai. Unhone paya ki saare Bhrahmaan ko chalane wali aganit shaktiya ek para shakti ka ansh hia is parashakti ko unhone Adi Shakti ka naam dia. Adi Shakt Prabhu ke prem ki aseem shakti hai jise maanav apne jeeevan mei har pal mehsus karta hai. Prabhu ke prem mei aatma vibor hokar , maanav prabhu ke prati purna tarah samarpit ho jata hia .Prabhu ke saath ekaarita ko hi yog kehte hia. Nichiketa tatha Markhende ne kathin tap kar es divya gyaan ko balyakaal mei praapt kia.Yog ke har vidha par diya gaya Bhagwaan Shri Krishna ka gyaan aaj bhi maanav ko staya ki saadhna karne ko prerit karta hai. Manav jis anand evam shanti ke khoj mei laga hai wo satya use kewal saatvik shradha se ki praapt ho sakta hai. Es baat se kadhapi inkaar nhi kia ja sakta ki Prithvi par jitne bhi avtaran hue jitne bhi dharm bane panth bane jitne bhi sant peer hue wo ve matra sathvik shrada ke avishkaar the. Karmkaand se pare , riti riwajo se hath ke avam ruriyo se uth kar in sab ki seekh jis shakti ki aur sanket karti hai wo shakti keval mavata ka pratik hai Yahi mul tatva hai jo har dharm granth mei ,sant sahitya mei ,guru vaniyo mei bhara pada hai. Maharashtra ke mahaan sant Gyaaneshwarji ne gyanneshwari ke 6th adhyaay mei divya gyaan ko saral evam sundar Marathi bhasha mei vyakha karke jan jan tak pahuchane ka mahan karya kia tha. Hridhay mei divya gyaan ki jyoti jalne par maanav ka bahurangi vikaas hota hai, maanav ke antarik tatha bhay vikas ke santulit yog ko aaj ki duniya chahe asambhav mane parantu guruvar Rabindranath Tagur ka svapn bharat ke pashyami sagar tak swakar hua hai Shri Mataji: There is a big inner revolution coming up, which is silent, joyous, and is going to change the whole humanity. Hindi: Adiguru Shrankaryacharya jis jivant karya ka varnan soundarya lehari mei kia hai uska anubhav sarva sadharan ko sahaj hi ho raha hai. Vishva ke anek desho mei Doctor is gyaan ka prayog asaadhya logo ke upchar mei kar rahe hai Doctor: I have been involved with Sahaj yoga the work of Shri Mataji for about the past 10 years , during that time I have seen a lot of people who have had a whole variety of problems. A lot of them psychosomatic by [UNCLEAR ]means all some illness that we would normally regard as purely physical. And I have seen many cures I am talking to strong word and certainly on the whole ,people who practice sahaj yoga do report very mart increase in their general health and wealth being . Hindi: Sveyam anpe hi desh mei anek doctor is gyaan stroth k sadpuyog kar rahe hai. Russe mei is gyaan ko vigyan ke pare ka gyaan mana gaya hai Shri Mataji: So, everything is so balanced in nature. And the Almighty has created only one world. Only we human beings have divided it and move like criminals with our passport in our hands. Hindi: aaj yah gyaan desh ,dharam,bhasha avem jati ki seema ko laang kar vishv ke 56 desho mei apni surbhi phela raha hai.
Surabhi, TV report on Sahaja Yoga 17-02-1994 Hindi: Anadil kaal se Maanam satya ki khoj mei parvato ki barfili chotiyo se lekar sadan vano mei kathin parishram karta raha , Bharat ki paawan bhumi satya saadhko ki yog bhumi rahi hai. Unhone paya ki saare Bhrahmaan ko chalane wali aganit shaktiya ek para shakti ka ansh hia is parashakti ko unhone Adi Shakti ka naam dia. Adi Shakt Prabhu ke prem ki aseem shakti hai jise maanav apne jeeevan mei har pal mehsus karta hai. Prabhu ke prem mei aatma vibor hokar , maanav prabhu ke prati purna tarah samarpit ho jata hia .Prabhu ke saath ekaarita ko hi yog kehte hia. Nichiketa tatha Markhende ne kathin tap kar es divya gyaan ko balyakaal mei praapt kia.Yog ke har vidha par diya gaya Bhagwaan Shri Krishna ka gyaan aaj bhi maanav ko staya ki saadhna karne ko prerit karta hai. Manav jis anand evam shanti ke khoj mei laga hai wo satya use kewal saatvik shradha se ki praapt ho sakta hai. Es baat se kadhapi inkaar nhi kia ja sakta ki Prithvi par jitne bhi avtaran hue jitne bhi dharm bane panth bane jitne bhi sant peer hue wo ve matra sathvik shrada ke avishkaar the. Karmkaand se pare , riti riwajo se hath ke avam ruriyo se uth kar in sab ki seekh jis shakti ki aur sanket karti hai wo shakti keval mavata ka pratik hai Yahi mul tatva hai jo har dharm granth mei ,sant sahitya mei ,guru vaniyo mei bhara pada hai. Maharashtra ke mahaan sant Gyaaneshwarji ne gyanneshwari ke 6th adhyaay mei divya gyaan ko saral evam sundar Marathi bhasha mei vyakha karke jan jan tak pahuchane ka mahan karya kia tha. Hridhay mei divya gyaan ki jyoti jalne par maanav ka bahurangi vikaas hota hai, maanav ke antarik tatha bhay vikas ke santulit yog ko aaj ki duniya chahe asambhav mane parantu guruvar Rabindranath Tagur ka svapn bharat ke pashyami sagar tak swakar hua hai Shri Mataji: There is a big inner revolution coming up, which is silent, joyous, and is going to change the whole humanity. Hindi: Adiguru Shrankaryacharya jis jivant karya ka varnan soundarya lehari mei kia hai uska anubhav sarva sadharan ko sahaj hi ho raha hai. Vishva ke anek desho mei Doctor is gyaan ka prayog asaadhya logo ke upchar mei kar rahe hai Doctor: I have been involved with Sahaj yoga the work of Shri Mataji for about the past 10 years , during that time I have seen a lot of people who have had a whole variety of problems. A lot of them psychosomatic by [UNCLEAR ]means all some illness that we would normally regard as purely physical. And I have seen many cures I am talking to strong word and certainly on the whole ,people who practice sahaj yoga do report very mart increase in their general health and wealth being . Hindi: Sveyam anpe hi desh mei anek doctor is gyaan stroth k sadpuyog kar rahe hai. Russe mei is gyaan ko vigyan ke pare ka gyaan mana gaya hai Shri Mataji: So, everything is so balanced in nature. And the Almighty has created only one world. Only we human beings have divided it and move like criminals with our passport in our hands. Hindi: aaj yah gyaan desh ,dharam,bhasha avem jati ki seema ko laang kar vishv ke 56 desho mei apni surbhi phela raha hai.
Introduction to Sahaja Yoga
Public Program
Mahashivaratri Puja: Surrender
New Delhi
English, Hindi
Mahashivaratri Puja. Delhi (India), 14 March 1994. English Transcript It's a great pleasure that from all over the world people have gathered to worship Shiva. Actually we should say it is Sadashiva that we are going to worship today. As you know the difference between Sadashiva and Shri Shiva. Sadashiva is the God Almighty and He is a witness of the play of the Primordial Mother. The combination between Sadashiva and the Primordial Mother Adi Shakti is just like a Moon and the moonlight or the Sun and the sunlight. We cannot understand such relationship in human being, among human marriages or among human relationships. So, whatever the Adi Shakti's creating, which is the desire of Sadashiva, is being witnessed by Him. And when He is watching this creation He is witnessing all of it into all details. He witnesses the whole universe and He also witnesses this Mother Earth, all the creation that is done by the Adi Shakti. His power is of witnessing and the power of Adi Shakti is this All-pervading Power of love. So, the God Almighty, the Father, the Primordial Father we can say, expresses his desire, his Iccha Shakti [shakti of his desire] as the Primordial Mother and She expresses her power as love. So, the relationship between the two is extremely understanding, very deep. And whatever She's creating, if She finds- if He finds there is some problem or there are people, human beings specially who are trying to obstruct her work, or even the Gods who are not the deities are trying to express their egos, He is the one who brings forth their destruction. So He is the one who is responsible for the destructive power. He is reflected in the hearts of human beings, among all the creations. He pulsates but that pulsation is the energy of the Primordial Mother. And He can destroy anything that goes against the plans of the Adi Shakti. Adi Shakti is love, She forgives and She loves. She loves her creation. She wants the creation to prosper, to go up to the same level for which it was created. She wants human beings to go to that level where they enter into the Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Sadashiva where there is bliss, there is forgiveness, there is joy. All this is only possible if you have seeking, that you have also a innate desire to be there. This desire within us is reflected as the reflection of the Primordial Mother [Kundalini]. Now this desire is there and other mundane desires are also there which stop the progress of your ascent. In Sahaja Yoga, we have never tried to overcome the desires by taking "sanyasa" or running away from the house or for all kinds of things that has been suggested. The first thing that is done is that you get the light of your Spirit. Spirit is the reflection of Sadashiva. In that light, He shows, He is just showing the path. The Spirit is just like a light which is burning and which is showing the path. In that path, you yourself become so wise that you walk in the light of wisdom, that you walk in the light of righteousness, because whatever is destructive is seen through the light of your Spirit. You start giving up all that is destructive. Nobody has to tell you that: “Give up this, give up that.” You yourself realize that: “This is wrong and we should give up.” This was, I should say, my own understanding of human beings. Because these are the days where people are in complete illusions. They are in a conflict all the time struggling even to exist. Under these circumstances, everything would have failed if you had started with taking a sanyasa and then going to Himalayas and all that. If you have to do this for the masses, something has to be done radical and luckily I’ve been able to find out a way by which you can get your sprouting, your Realization. Now some people who get Realization have to understand certain things because as you know there are many people who have got Realization. I don’t know how many, I don’t keep count. But what is lacking in them is surrendering. It’s embarrassing to say but is a fact. This is the only condition of modern Sahaja Yoga that you have to really surrender. If you start using your brain, if you start using other methods to understand Sahaja Yoga, you cannot. You must surrender and - as Islam is nothing but surrender, Islam means surrender - and if that surrender is not there it is impossible to establish anyone in the Kingdom of God. Surrender is not that you should give up your family, give up your children, or give up your houses and homes and your properties. Surrendering is here: give up your ego to begin with and then give up your conditionings. For example, the other day I met one gentleman and he is suffering a lot. So I asked him: “Who is your Guru?”, so he gave Me one name of a guru. I said: “He’s not done any good to you, will you give him up?” He said: “Tomorrow.” I said: “Why not today?” He said: “Today, but I have to throw away all his things. So tomorrow morning I will do it.” I said: “All right, do it.” “What should I throw away Mother?” I said: “Then all the things with which you worshipped him, throw away, throw away.” Then he went around the whole house, found out whatever was there which was used for worshipping him, everything he gathered together, threw in the sea. And then he told the sea that: “I am sorry. I have suffered a lot because of this man, now you please don’t suffer.” So this kind of a very penetrating intelligence if you don’t have, you cannot give up. One sticks to that. I know of so many who find it so difficult to get rid of their conditionings. That’s more difficult than ego. Mundane conditionings and condition schemes that you have. We have first conditioning that supposing you are born in India or England or any place. After Sahaja Yoga I’ve seen most of the people they suddenly start seeing what’s wrong with their countrymen, what’s wrong with their country, what’s wrong with their religion, what’s wrong with the books they were reading. Immediately they start seeing it clearly, that this was the mistake, this is wrong. They all make fun of them. I’ve seen people all over the world. Nobody says that ‘No, no, no, no, because we are English we are the best, we are Russians so we are the best, or we are Indians we are the best’. Immediately they find out what’s wrong with them and why these people are not getting Realization.On the other hand they feel such compassion that ‘Mother so many people haven’t got their Realization. Why shouldn’t we try to give them Realization?’ This is the double action of this light. Firstly, you know that there is light and that you have become the light. So, wherever your attention goes you start seeing the reality and then you understand that this has been the conditioning of our country, of our society. And then they abhor all that is wrong, they never identify with it. But first thing as I said, is surrendering. In surrendering actually, you develop a kind of a state where I would say, you become a sanyasi from within. That means nothing can dominate you, what is a sanyasi is a person who is above everything else. Nothing can stick to him. He just, looks at things and he knows what it is. He may not say, he knows everything and he doesn’t do whatever is wrong. He’s so detached, that in that detachment only he can see what’s wrong with people. He starts seeing his family people, he starts seeing other surroundings, everywhere he starts seeing what’s wrong. And he does not identify with them, is very surprising. I have seen it, I mean, I went to Turkey. In Turkey I met one gentleman who was running a big Swiss hotel and he came himself to Me and said Mother give me Realization. I was surprised because I didn't see this in Switzerland such a anxious personality would ask for Realization. Very surprising that in Turkey he should ask for Realization. And I gave him Realization and immediately he said, "I am not going to go back to Switzerland." Just imagine! It's, you see, it is so clear-cut that this light definitely gives you tremendous wisdom and balance. Supposing you are walking and you can't see the road, you may fall down. But if there's little light also you can see it. And this is what Sahaja Yoga has done, it's given you very little light. That little light itself has been sufficient for you to give up so many things. Now the other side of it is the ego part. Ego is very subtle stuff with human beings. I don't know how they gather it, but they do and some of them have such a gullible ego that with the slightest thing it shoots off. And they get very angry for small things or if they find somebody whom they can dominate, they can dominate also that person. Now this ego when you start seeing it, you just start laughing at yourself and think that, "What's wrong with me?" Ego is not like conditioning which is coming from outside but ego is something that comes from within. It can come from anything. Human beings have ego of all kinds of nonsensical things. One day I met one lady and she was very proud and was not even smiling. I said, "What's the matter with this lady, what is she?" So they told Me, "She knows how to make dolls that's why she's so proud." I said, "Eh, to make dolls, she's so proud!" "Yes, you know, she can make dolls, so she's so proud." I said, "What is there, anybody can make dolls, so what is so great?" "No, but she thinks she is very great because she makes dolls." So, a man becomes stupid and stupid. That is first sign of a egoistical person. He is so stupid that when you are talking to him, you just get flabbergasted that without paying anything you have got a buffoon before you who is showing all joke- jokes of his buffoonery. This is something very surprising, I mean, you meet any egoistical person and you just watch him: "I did this, I am, I, I, I ..." Then you start seeing the person, what's the matter, he's not even ashamed to say things that should not be said. Then it goes even to the sinful life they lead. They lead a very sinful life, they're fond of women, they drink and this and that. Then they start boasting about that also: "I drank that day so much! I had five women around me." They start boasting of that also. So, for a egoistical man there is nothing like shame. He'll go on telling about his nonsensical things and everybody will say, "Oh, my God with whom are we talking?" And then, whatever they do they justify. I asked one fellow, "You had such a bad heart attack why do you drink now, give up drinking." He said, "But even this person Kirloskar" - we have one in Poona who is now, I think, 95 - "he drinks". So, I said, "You are not Kirloskar, and even if he drinks, what's the use? What is he gaining by that?" "No, no, you see, he's very good, because, see, he drinks and he's so successful." "Is he successful without, because of drinking?" But even ordinary reasoning is not there, ordinary reasoning. And in the general way if you see, even if you see the greatest drunkard countries, I have never seen a statue of a man who died of drinking, never. I've not seen in any country people are praising a man because he had ten women or he died of drinking. So far! I don't know how far human beings can go in their ego. Now this ego is spreading very much in modern times where they start saying, "I like this, I don't like this". "What, what you don't like?" "I don't like this kind of a sari, I don't like this kind of clothes, I don't like this." But who are you? You are not going to see yourself others are going to see. So, what difference does it make whether you like it or not? But it's very common with young people to talk like that, "I like." And this is a sign of complete destruction. Because ego is not only, is, makes you stupid, you see all these days the way people dress up and we find they are very stupid because "I like it, so what?" Anything they like it, you know, if they want to walk on their heads "I like it, what's wrong?" All kinds of stupidity can be explained through ego. So those who get Realization somehow or other, thank God, see it: "This is my ego talking". Then they start laughing at themselves, making fun of themselves: "This was my ego". But also in Sahaja Yoga there are people, I said, "Why don't you go and organize?" "Mother because my ego will come up." I said, "What's this?" "My ego will come up so I don't want to organize." How can your ego come up? If you see your ego, supposing you see, er, something is burning, you see it there. How can you get that burning onto yourself? But this is a very subtle type of, er, avoiding work of Sahaja Yoga to say that "No, I'll get into ego." I said, "All right, you get into ego, I'll see to it. You get it, what happens?" So, all kinds of things there are which makes a person quite idiotic and stupid. I mean, I don't know how many things I can tell you today. But also I've seen in marriages this is very common. They'll say that, 'Mother, I married this girl at that time but now I don't think I should have been married.' Bah, bah, what, that time, what had happened to you, why didn't you marry at that time? I have to tell you these things because I've been facing all kinds of problems of this stupid, idiotic ego. One has to see it clearly, how this ego is working in me and how it is keeping me down. So, when we talk of ascent, we talk of a higher life. We have to become sanyasi like the lotus that comes out of the pond and no water can stay on them. Even the leaves of lotus, no water can stay on them. Just like that we have to become. We don't have to wear Sanyasis dresses, nothing of that. But from inside, a kind of a detached attention is there which immediately locates the problem, within you and without. And also in Sahaja Yoga, you know how to overcome that. It's a very effective, efficient system. But for that again, to achieve that you have to become Shiva within, means detached. As Shiva is completely detached, you have to be detached. And that detachment will give you the same wisdom as Shiva has. Shiva sees, we should say, Sadashiva sees the work of Adi Shakti, silently. He doesn't get proud, he doesn't develop a kind of a ego 'Let me see now what my Iccha Shakti is doing', nothing, he's just watching. But when it comes to destruction, he sees that this part is going to destroy the work, immediately he destroys, removes that portion. In the same way we have to be, we have to see our life itself is a big field. How do we consider ourselves to be? I have seen people talk, "Oh, so what, I am a Sahaja Yogi!" You can't talk like that if you are a Sahaja Yogi. With folded hands you have to say, "I am a Sahaja Yogi". In your behavior, in your talk, in everything, you have to be a person who is extremely humble. If that is not so that means Sahaja Yoga has given you double ego. As it is you know that Shiva is known for his innocence, for his simplicity, his forgiveness. He forgives. He forgives rakshasas; he'll forgive everyone that is his quality. But anybody who goes against the Primordial Mother, he doesn't spare. So, this is his, the quality one has to understand, surrendering doesn't mean outside things to be surrendered. What is there? These are all stones, what are you surrendering? Surrendering means cleansing yourself completely, getting completely detached. Detachment is the only way you can rise. Some people get sick, they make such an ado out of it: "I am sick, the whole world should know I am sick, sick, sick, sick, sick." But if you are a Sahaja Yogi, if you just watch, how so, I am sick, all right, let's see. Just like a spot. Just watch. I am sick. So, what's happening now? The temperature is coming nicely, now is going down, just sort of a playful, mirthful attention. Ah, when I came I had temperature, but nobody believes I had temperature. I was so tired in the marriage they said, "You don't look tired." I said, "All right, I'm not tired." In the same way, life also is to be played. It's just a play, and that play has to be seen through the light of wisdom. Nothing is so serious, for Sahaja Yogis nothing is so serious. But he becomes very serious and he makes too much ado about himself. There are lots of things which we have to learn. When we worship Shiva, we praise him. You are this you are that, you are that. When you worship Me also you praise Me, you are this. I am not aware of all that that you say. But you say all right, if you say so, it's all right. You are this you are that, the thousand names of Shiva, thousand names of the Goddess, thousand names of Vishnu. These are their names you are worshipping, what about you people? How many names you can have? Actually, in the puja when you take the names of these Shaktis they also get awakened within, no doubt. After puja you do feel that way but you don't utilize them. So many people I've seen have come in the puja and they have got that power within themselves, same powers. But by the time they are out, it's finished, it's gone. So, surrendering has another side: assumption. Assumption that I am a Sahaja Yogi and I can absorb all these powers within myself. So, one side is surrendering. Why to surrender? To absorb. Automatically when you are surrendered you absorb. But once you have absorbed, then you should retain and assume within yourself. Know that you have these powers. There, where Sahaja Yogis fail more. First time it happened, no Sahaja Yogi would touch anybody raise anybody's Kundalini, this thing, that thing. We had at least fifty Sahaja Yogis by then. I said, "Now what to do, I have prepared these channels and nobody is even raising their fingers. How am I going to work it out?" Very difficult! But once it happened, we had a program in Nasik Road and I was staying in Nasik. It's about, I think, thirty miles from there. So, we reached halfway and our car failed and nobody no other car was coming, nothing, no support, nothing. I didn't know what to do. But these, all the Sahaja Yogis had arrived there, and such a big crowd. They started saying, "When is Mataji coming? When is Mataji coming?" Such a pressure! So they said, "It's all right, we'll give you Realization, sit down." And they gave Realization. That's the first time the Sahaja Yogis started knowing that they can give Realization, they can do this, they can do that. They all started after that. So assumption should be there, that I have these powers, I am not going to waste them, I am going to use them, I am going to look after others, I am not going to just keep to myself. This assumption has to come. Once I was traveling by ship and one fellow got caught up in the freeze room and he got pneumonia. So the captain came to Me ‘That see this boy has got pneumonia, we have to get some doctor by helicopter.’ I said, “Captain, I’ve given you Realization, you are a doctor.” He said “Who, I?” “Yes, you.” “If you want, I can go down.” “No, no, no, but tell me what to be done.” I said “Just go and put your hand on his heart, finished.” “I?” he said. “Yes, you!” Went down and put his hand and the fellow got all right. He was amazed. He met Me now in the wedding – and he was amazed at himself. “This I can do to anyone?” “Yes, yes, you can!” But if you do not assume, and just sit down meditating, meditating, surrendering … what’s the use? So, you have to do, now after achieving Shiva state you have to start doing the work of Adi Shakti. You should get this desire that we should spread Sahaja Yoga, we have to work it out. But be careful sometimes you might be conditioned, you might be egotistical, watch yourself. With watching you can, I’m sure, you can achieve a lot. We have done, some people who have taken it upon themselves have done it, everywhere, in every country. So, the first thing of surrendering is important to reach the state of your Spirit, of Shiva and Sadashiva. But the second state is that you have to now think of others. First it is as they say in Sanskrit is "vyashti" [success; individuality], means individual gain, you get the individual gain. And then it becomes "samashti" [attainment; collectiveness] , means the collective. You have to work it out on collective. People who never even got Realization - nothing of the kind - have been doing so much organization and this and that while you have got it within. So, now it is important that you should now extend this light to others. [Shri Mataji speaks now in Hindi.] Translation from Hindi: Forgive Me. I had to speak in English. Many people have come from outside for the puja to Shivaji. This has never happened before. You people know a lot about Shiva, and you also know lots of stories connected with Shiva. But what is the essence, what is the tattwa (basic principle). What is Shivaji’s principle. That is what we have got to know. So this deity Shivaji, nothing touches Him. If anyone says something wrong to Him, and then goes and asks for forgiveness, He just forgives. Things like respect and disrespect, happiness and sorrow – nothing affects Him. That is Shivji. Far removed from such things. Free. It was about Him that Shankaracharya sang Shivoham! Shivoham! (I am Shiva! I am Shiva!). Once during the lifetime of Shankaracharya, the topic of Shiva came up. It was being discussed that it is alright to say I Am Shiva. It is a state. But to attain this state, this becomes possible only with conscious effort and exertion. And after that, there is a second state, like where Adi Shakti is effective and operative. That is the way you have to function. Otherwise, if these two states do not function side by side, then what is the use of achieving the state of Shiva. He is just sitting. If Shiva could do everything, then why did He create Adi Shakti. And why did He tell Adi Shakti that You accomplish the entire creation. Do this. Do that. He would have done it Himself. But no. He said that one state is Shiv padh (state). After reaching and achieving that state, we become completely "niriccha" (desireless). After that you go into the second stage or state. Now in Sahaja Yoga some say that Shri Mataji there is one person who is eating money. I could not understand this. After coming into Sahaj, how is he eating money. He is eating money? Some one is showing his ego, another is showing off his intelligence or qualifications. Everyone is indulging into some madness or the other. And all this, after coming into Sahaja Yoga! So something must be still sticking on to them. It happens. Only then this kind of thing can happen to them. But this should be got rid of. All these things. Because, if you have come into Sahaja Yoga, then first of all you should achieve the Shiva Padh (state). Means a state in which you are in complete desirelessness. For that there should be complete samarpan (dedication). Dedication and surrender in every possible thing. Only after that you come into the state of Shiva-Shakti. The Shakti (energy) of Shiva is that He is completely without desire. Nothing affects or disturbs Him. Neither does He have aham (ego), nor is there any kind of samskara (conditioning) in Him. Now, He came for His own wedding, sitting on a bull, with both legs spread on either side of the bull. The bull moved at will, and at his own speed, and somehow He held on and rode him. And when He reached, even Shri Parvati was feeling shy, that what is this aspect in which My Bridegroom has arrived for the wedding. Because He was absolutely centred within Himself. What is there for Him to be conscious of. Not for Him the formal Baraat (Bridegroom’s procession), sitting on a horse, accompanied by a band playing music, and bridegroom’s party. His attendants were people with missing limbs, some with one eye, some without teeth. All these people were welcome to join, and constituted the Bridegroom’s party. He came, accompanied by all of them, and never felt conscious that who was who, what they wore, whether one had one eye or two; whether they were in proper dress, or whether the whole thing looked crazy, or whether it appeared that some stupid people were in that procession. Because He is just not conscious or bothered about these outward things. These things just don’t matter to Him. He is just sitting in desireless state. His principle is that whatever you are, in whatever state you are, come in and join. Who ever He met along the way, He welcomed them to join the party. Now as far as we are concerned if we are going to be part of a marriage party, we have to have a certain kind of dress, we have to look like this, or like that; we have to go mounted on a caparisoned horse; like this, like that. And if there is any shortcoming in the arrangements, then there is a lot of distress. It was not like this. He just went as He was. Whatever the condition, He just went. This is the mark of Niricchita (state of no desire). He was also Bhole (simple). Simple and innocent in this way, that unimportant and unnecessary things never entered His attention. Any man who is simple, such things do not enter his head. I have seen many people, when they go visiting anyone’s home, they will click their tongue and say, What a kind of carpet they had spread on the floor”. Did you come to meet their carpet, or to meet the people. If they see any lady, they will comment, “What a funny kind of saree she was wearing”. If you have come to meet a person, you must come into their essence. Come into their tattwa (core). Try to experience the nature of the person. That is left aside, and the attention is only on what kind of clothes they were wearing, or what things they had in their house, and what did they have, and what did they not. It is like that. The vision is so superficial. This way of looking at things and judging, is not the style of Shiva. His style is to be completely detached, and go and sit in the Himalayas. He is not bothered about anything, that what will people say about Me, or what is the proper style in which I should live. I should have this, I should have that. Nothing of the kind. When His first wife died, He just picked up Her body and put it over His shoulder and went. Who will do such a thing? No one. But He did. All His ways are unique and unprecedented. Because He is unique. In any situation He is not particular that it has to be done in this way or that way. Or it has to be like that. But when you look at the essence of it, whatever He thinks is right, He considers that to be right. And whatever He feels is wrong, then that for Him is wrong. His steadfastness does not change. At one time He gave His Wife to Ravana. Now people will say is this some kind of joke? He handed His Wife over to Ravana. He was well aware that His Wife is verily the Devi Herself. What could Ravana do to Her! She could be given to anyone. She is "sakshat" (verily) the Devi. She will put Ravana in his place. But this tendency within us is to look at all outward things. As this outward vision reduces, the inner eye will open. Whatever the kind of human being, we should see that we are in a good state, and should keep ourselves in good condition, and whosoever we come in to contact with, we should speak nicely to them and be good to them. Whatever kind of person we meet, we should try and feel his tattwa (essence), to understand what state he is from within. Now there are some rustic people who may speak roughly. Some people’s language is like this, some are like that; and we get upset and angry with them. We should tell ourselves that this is how he is, and this is his way of speaking. We should not get upset with him. Sometimes very cultured and educated people will come, and in their artificial behaviour we get carried away by their superficiality. Later we discover that we have lost everything to them. So anything that looks beautiful superficially, is done to deceive us. That is why it is not advisable to get impressed with outward appearances. Nowadays we can see what kind of superficiality is prevalent. Especially in our country all the culture which has come to us from outside, we can see how much the expression and impression is there, of superficiality. If it were not so, our condition would not be what it is. Gandhiji who, was a simple person; he reached the outside world dressed in a dhoti (single cloth to gird the loins). Now people will say that in London you have to be dressed in a three-piece suit. How did he manage. He managed! Let anyone say what they wished. Now the motive for this can be, that some people do it for sensationalism. But when a person is completely detached, from within, he does not pay attention or give importance to what people think. He is standing on the truth. He is so genuine. And this is the tattwa (essence) of Shivji that we need to achieve. Only when you reach the state of Shivji, you can start functioning for Adi Shakti. Now you have started Her work, but you have not attained Shiva Tattwa, so who is going to get impressed with you. When you are verily Shiva, then how much beauty will shine through your work! If anyone says anything, does anything, even abuses you, so what! For the person, whose description and state, in the words of Shri Krishna, is Stith Pragnya (firm and resolute), the State of Shiva, whatever is happening, let it happen. What does it matter what anyone says. But the tattwa (essence) that is inside, that should be clean. The tattwa inside should not be spoiled. And if it is spoiled within others, does not matter. You can correct them. If you call others bad, but do not see yourself as bad; then you can never become alright. The meaning of becoming Sharanagat, (under divine protection), is that all the things within you that are bad, you should start renouncing them, one by one. Renounce. Renounce. In the end, the clean, pure form that remains, is your Atma, and just by beholding it, you will experience joy. And that will make you so completely, completely Samarth (adequate, capable). So Samarth that you will be amazed that how did so much capacity come within me. Today we should have the puja of Shivaji, and it is going to be performed. All of you should be fully Samarth, and sit in that state to perform the Puja. And the other part of it is Samarpan (dedication), that I have received this great gift that I am a Realised soul. I am one in a million. This has been bestowed on me, a blessing has been bestowed, and how much yogdaan (expressing gratitude) do I give back. How much do I do. We should take stock of this also. Actually, you all have gone beyond My imagination, because I never thought that so much change and transformation can come in a human being. Never thought that this would be possible. Taking that into consideration, so much has been accomplished in the whole world, that I am amazed. And it is a matter for deep appreciation, that people who were standing on a very wrong path, who were heading towards destruction, they have arisen and they are with Me today. It is such a wonderful happening that the gift bestowed on us by Shiva, which is within us as his Reflection in the form of Atma, is his blessing on us. And you are immersed and drenched in those blessings. Now you have to make this grow. With dedication you have to expand it, and distribute it to others. This is not for one human being. It is not for one, single, ascent. It is for a Collective ascent. Today the world is standing on the brink of destruction, and we have to rescue it from that. We have to save the complete world, and this is your responsibility. Those who are Sahaja Yogis. Who should be able to see Sahaja Yoga in every part of himself, and his blessings. My eternal blessings to all. Translation from Hindi (version 1) Forgive Me. I had to speak in English. Many people have come from outside for the puja to Shivaji. This has never happened before. You people know a lot about Shiva, and you also know lots of stories connected with Shiva. But what is the essence, what is the tattwa [basic principle]. What is Shivaji’s principle. That is what we have got to know. So, this deity Shivaji, nothing touches Him. If anyone says something wrong to Him, and then goes and asks for forgiveness, He just forgives. Things like respect and disrespect, happiness and sorrow – nothing affects Him. That is Shivaji. Far removed from such things. Free. It was about Him that Shankaracharya sang Shivoham! Shivoham! [I am Shiva! I am Shiva!]. Once during the lifetime of Shankaracharya, the topic of Shiva came up. It was being discussed that it is alright to say I Am Shiva. It is a state. But to attain this state, this becomes possible only with conscious effort and exertion. And after that, there is a second state, like where Adi Shakti is effective and operative. That is the way you have to function. Otherwise, if these two states do not function side by side, then what is the use of achieving the state of Shiva. He is just sitting. If Shiva could do everything, then why did He create Adi Shakti. And why did He tell Adi Shakti that You accomplish the entire creation. Do this. Do that. He would have done it Himself. But no. He said that one state is Shiv padh [state]. After reaching and achieving that state, we become completely “niriccha” [desireless]. After that you go into the second stage or state. Now in Sahaja Yoga some say that Shri Mataji there is one person who is eating money. I could not understand this. After coming into Sahaj, how is he eating money. He is eating money? Someone is showing his ego, another is showing off his intelligence or qualifications. Everyone is indulging into some madness or the other. And all this, after coming into Sahaja Yoga! So, something must be still sticking on to them. It happens. Only then this kind of thing can happen to them. But this should be got rid of. All these things. Because, if you have come into Sahaja Yoga, then first of all you should achieve the "Shiva Padh" [state]. Means a state in which you are in complete desirelessness. For that there should be complete "samarpan" [dedication]. Dedication and surrender in every possible thing. Only after that you come into the state of Shiva-Shakti. The Shakti of Shiva is that He is completely without desire. Nothing affects or disturbs Him. Neither does He have "aham" [ego], nor is there any kind of "samskara" [conditioning] in Him. Now, He came for His own wedding, sitting on a bull, with both legs spread on either side of the bull. The bull moved at will, and at his own speed, and somehow, He held on and rode him. And when He reached, even Shri Parvati was feeling shy, that what is this aspect in which My Bridegroom has arrived for the wedding. Because He was absolutely centred within Himself. What is there for Him to be conscious of? Not for Him the formal Baraat [Bridegroom’s procession], sitting on a horse, accompanied by a band playing music, and bridegroom’s party. His attendants were people with missing limbs, some with one eye, some without teeth. All these people were welcome to join, and constituted the Bridegroom’s party. He came, accompanied by all of them, and never felt conscious that who was who, what they wore, whether one had one eye or two; whether they were in proper dress, or whether the whole thing looked crazy, or whether it appeared that some stupid people were in that procession. Because He is just not conscious or bothered about these outward things. These things just don’t matter to Him. He is just sitting in desireless state. His principle is that whatever you are, in whatever state you are, come in and join. Whoever He met along the way, He welcomed them to join the party. Now as far as we are concerned if we are going to be part of a marriage party, we have to have a certain kind of dress, we have to look like this, or like that; we have to go mounted on a caparisoned horse; like this, like that. And if there is any shortcoming in the arrangements, then there is a lot of distress. It was not like this. He just went as He was. Whatever the condition, He just went. This is the mark of "niricchita" [state of no desire]. He was also "bhole" [simple]. Simple and innocent in this way, that unimportant and unnecessary things never entered His attention. Any man who is simple, such things do not enter his head. I have seen many people, when they go visiting anyone’s home, they will click their tongue and say, What a kind of carpet they had spread on the floor”. Did you come to meet their carpet, or to meet the people. If they see any lady, they will comment, “What a funny kind of sari she was wearing”. If you have come to meet a person, you must come into their essence. Come into their tattva. Try to experience the nature of the person. That is left aside, and the attention is only on what kind of clothes they were wearing, or what things they had in their house, and what did they have, and what did they not. It is like that. The vision is so superficial. This way of looking at things and judging, is not the style of Shiva. His style is to be completely detached, and go and sit in the Himalayas. He is not bothered about anything, that what will people say about Me, or what is the proper style in which I should live. I should have this, I should have that. Nothing of the kind. When His first wife died, He just picked up Her body and put it over His shoulder and went. Who will do such a thing? No one. But He did. All His ways are unique and unprecedented. Because He is unique. In any situation He is not particular that it has to be done in this way or that way. Or it has to be like that. But when you look at the essence of it, whatever He thinks is right, He considers that to be right. And whatever He feels is wrong, then that for Him is wrong. His steadfastness does not change. At one time He gave His Wife to Ravana. Now people will say is this some kind of joke? He handed His Wife over to Ravana. He was well aware that His Wife is verily the Devi Herself. What could Ravana do to Her! She could be given to anyone. She is "sakshat" [verily] the Devi. She will put Ravana in his place. But this tendency within us is to look at all outward things. As this outward vision reduces, the inner eye will open. Whatever the kind of human being, we should see that we are in a good state, and should keep ourselves in good condition, and whosoever we come in to contact with, we should speak nicely to them and be good to them. Whatever kind of person we meet, we should try and feel his tattva to understand what state he is from within. Now there are some rustic people who may speak roughly. Some people’s language is like this, some are like that; and we get upset and angry with them. We should tell ourselves that this is how he is, and this is his way of speaking. We should not get upset with him. Sometimes very cultured and educated people will come, and in their artificial behaviour we get carried away by their superficiality. Later we discover that we have lost everything to them. So anything that looks beautiful superficially, is done to deceive us. That is why it is not advisable to get impressed with outward appearances. Nowadays we can see what kind of superficiality is prevalent. Especially in our country all the culture which has come to us from outside, we can see how much the expression and impression is there, of superficiality. If it were not so, our condition would not be what it is. Gandhiji, who was a simple person, he reached the outside world dressed in a dhoti [single cloth to gird the loins]. Now people will say that in London you have to be dressed in a three-piece suit. How did he manage. He managed! Let anyone say what they wished. Now the motive for this can be, that some people do it for sensationalism. But when a person is completely detached, from within, he does not pay attention or give importance to what people think. He is standing on the truth. He is so genuine. And this is the tattva of Shivaji that we need to achieve. Only when you reach the state of Shivaji, you can start functioning for Adi Shakti. Now you have started Her work, but you have not attained Shiva Tattva, so who is going to get impressed with you. When you are verily Shiva, then how much beauty will shine through your work! If anyone says anything, does anything, even abuses you, so what! For the person, whose description and state, in the words of Shri Krishna, is "Stitha Pragnya" [firm and resolute], the State of Shiva, whatever is happening, let it happen. What does it matter what anyone says. But the tattva that is inside, that should be clean. The tattva inside should not be spoiled. And if it is spoiled within others, does not matter. You can correct them. If you call others bad, but do not see yourself as bad; then you can never become alright. The meaning of becoming "sharanagat" [under divine protection], is that all the things within you that are bad, you should start renouncing them, one by one. Renounce. Renounce. In the end, the clean, pure form that remains, is your Atma, and just by beholding it, you will experience joy. And that will make you so completely, completely "samartha" [adequate, capable]. So "samartha" that you will be amazed that how did so much capacity come within me. Today we should have the puja of Shivaji, and it is going to be performed. All of you should be fully Samarth, and sit in that state to perform the Puja. And the other part of it is "samarpan" [dedication], that I have received this great gift that I am a Realised soul. I am one in a million. This has been bestowed on me, a blessing has been bestowed, and how much "yogdaan" [expressing gratitude] do I give back. How much do I do. We should take stock of this also. Actually, you all have gone beyond My imagination, because I never thought that so much change and transformation can come in a human being. Never thought that this would be possible. Taking that into consideration, so much has been accomplished in the whole world, that I am amazed. And it is a matter for deep appreciation, that people who were standing on a very wrong path, who were heading towards destruction, they have arisen and they are with Me today. It is such a wonderful happening that the gift bestowed on us by Shiva, which is within us as His Reflection in the form of Atma, is His blessing on us. And you are immersed and drenched in those blessings. Now you have to make this grow. With dedication you have to expand it, and distribute it to others. This is not for one human being. It is not for one, single, ascent. It is for a Collective ascent. Today the world is standing on the brink of destruction, and we have to rescue it from that. We have to save the complete world, and this is your responsibility. Those who are Sahaja Yogis. Who should be able to see Sahaja Yoga in every part of himself, and his blessings. My eternal blessings to all. Translation from Hindi (version 2) Forgive Me, I had to speak in English here. Many people have come from outside for Shivaji puja, it has never happened before. And about Shivaji – you people know a lot. And all His stories also, you all know. But what is the substance? What is the essence? What is the essence of Shivaji – you should know. About Shivaji, nothing touches Him. If someone says anything to Him and then apologizes to Him, He’ll say, “Alright go, you are forgiven”. Nothing touches Him. Praise/insult, happiness/ sorrow – nothing touches Him. He is Shivaji, completely detached from everything – free. Like Adi Shankaracharya has told, ‘Shivoham, Shivoham’ [I am Shiva, I am Shiva]. So, first during the time of Adi Shankaracharya ‘Shivoham’ [I am Shiva] was talked about. It was being said, ‘I am Shiva’, alright. To reach that state, it happens through individual endeavor. And after that the other state – the way Adi Shakti is working, like that you have to work. Otherwise if these two things don’t take place simultaneously, then what is the use of attaining Shiva’s state? They are sitting. If Shiva could do everything, then why did He create Adi Shakti? Why did He tell Adi Shakti, ‘You create everything. You do that, you do this’? He could do everything, but no. He told, ‘there is one state – ‘Shiva’s state’. On reaching the Shiva’s state you become completely desire less’. Then whatever you do; now I see that some people say, “Mother there is one person in Sahaja Yoga and he is laundering money”. I don’t understand, “After coming to Sahaja Yoga, how are they laundering money?” Someone is there who is showing his ego, his position. Some or the other crazy things, even after coming to Sahaja Yoga, they are continue doing. Something must be stuck to them, it’s possible. But they should get rid of it. So, when you have come to Sahaja Yoga first you attain Shiva’s state. Meaning in which you are completely desire less. For that surrender, after complete surrendering you can come in Shiva Shakti. Shiva’s Shakti is that He is absolutely detached. Nothing influences Him. He neither has ego, nor does He have refinement. He came for His wedding sitting on a Bull. He is spreading His legs and sitting and the Bull is running and He is just holding one to it somehow and coming. On reaching there, even Parvathi was feeling shy, ‘What is this? My Groom is arriving like this?’ Because He is joyous. What difference does it make to Him? He doesn’t want that He sits on a horse and goes in a ‘Baraat’ [marriage procession] proceeding Him. In the ‘Baraat’ [marriage procession of the groom] someone has one eye, someone’s teeth have fallen. He is taking such people and going. For Him, he doesn’t even realize these things – who is what? Who is wearing what clothes? Whose eye is where? How a person is accompanying dumbly, some stupid person is accompanying, some half-naked person is walking along – these things don’t matter to Him. He is desire less, however you are come along. Whoever is coming along can. Otherwise when we go in a ‘baraat’ we have to wear such and such clothes, we have to go like this, have to sit on a horse etc. etc. And if there is ever a small short fall, then it causes lot of unpleasantness. He’s not like that. He is going in His Baraat accompanied by people however they are. Because this is the sign of desirelessness and He is innocent. Innocent because unwanted things don’t come in His head. A person who is innocent doesn’t understand these things. I have seen that many people when they go to someone’s place – ‘what carpet has been laid?’ Have you gone to meet the carpet or the person? Some lady comes – ‘what saree was she wearing?’ You have come to meet the person, you go to the substance, go to the essence and understand what the person is. That part is ignored. Just what they were wearing? What is in their house? It was like this, like that. This kind of sight – just looking at things superficially is not Shiva’s way. Now just see Him in His own life – He went and sat in the Himalaya. He is not bothered about anything – ‘What if someone says something, I have to be like this, I have to have this thing or that thing’ – nothing. When His first wife died, He carried Her body on His back and went. Who will do that? No one will do that. All His methods are special, exceptional. Because He is exceptional. About anything He doesn’t have a fixed criteria that it has to be like this only or like that only. But if you look at the essence then what according to Him is right, only that He feels is right. What according to Him is wrong, is wrong. These convictions of His does not change. He even gave His wife to Ravana. Now people will say, ‘What is this drama – giving away His wife to Ravana?’ He knows His wife is a Devi, what can Ravana do? To whomever He gives, She is Sakshat Devi. She will set Him right – Ravana. Our character of seeing everything externally; as the external ‘eye’ [seeing] decreases, the inner ‘eye’ [seeing] opens. However, the person is. For ourselves it is alright that we behave properly, that we talk properly. But however, is the other person, understand his essence. How is the inside of the person? Some rural people are there, while talking they talk roughly. Someone’s speech is like, someone is like this. We get angry on them. We should think ‘that is his way, alright that is also fine, there is nothing to feel bad about’. When civilized people come and you get carried away by etiquette and realize we have lost everything with them. So, whatever is made beautiful on the outside is only for cheating. That’s why regarding any exterior stuff, getting attached to it, seeing it, is wrong. Now the kind of things happening in the world, especially in our country. The outside culture that is coming in, so much of external appearance. If it was not there, people would not be like this. Gandhiji was there – poor man, he wore a dhoti and went to London. Now someone tells him ‘in London you have to wear 3-piece suit and go, how did you come like this?’ He went. Let people say whatever they want to. Only thing you need to pay attention is that if someone is dressing up like that for fun then it’s something else. But once the person is free from inside, then he does not find anything significant other than the reality. He will accept the reality – this is essence of Shivaji you should first achieve. Only when you achieve Shivaji’s essence, only then you can do the work of Adi Shakti. Now you start working out but have not achieved Shivaji’s essence. Then who will be influenced by it? You yourself are ‘Shiva’ and then the work being done by you, it can be so wonderful. Someone says something, even hurls abuses, did something – so what? The word for this is as told by Shri Krishna – ‘Sthita Pragnya’ [steady in awareness]. Whatever is happening, let it happen. Just because someone says something, so what? But the essence that is within, has to be clean. The essence inside should not be spoiled. And in others if it is spoiled, it’s not a problem, it can be set right. If you tell bad things about others but not about yourself, then you cannot become alright. The meaning of surrendering is that whatever such things are there within us – forsake them, forsake them, forsake them. In the end the cleanliness and purity within you which is your Spirit, just by seeing it you will be joyous. And that will make you completely capable that you will be astonished, ‘from where did I get this ability?’ Today Shivaji’s puja has to take place and it is taking place and you people are also completely surrendered. The other side of surrendering is that the way we have received it, we are Self-realized. We are one in a million who have been given this blessing. ‘How much can we work towards it? How much can we achieve?” – you should think like that. As it is you people are beyond My imagination. I had never thought so much of change can come in people. Never had I thought. As per that, so much of work has happened in the whole world that I am surprised. And it needs to be understood that people who were in the wrong path, who were going towards their destruction, they have come up and today they are with us. It’s such a big thing that the reflection of Shiva in you which is in the form of Atma, this is a great blessing of it. All of you are flooded with this blessing, you just have to spread it. Spread it by surrendering and collectively spread it. It is not for one person, nor for one rising but for everyone’s upliftment. The brink at which our world is standing now, we have to save it. We have to save it completely and this is your responsibility – those who are Sahaja Yogis. Who in their life, within them, in their behaviour, in everything, should know how to look for ‘Sahaja’. Many blessings to all of you.
Mahashivaratri Puja. Delhi (India), 14 March 1994. English Transcript It's a great pleasure that from all over the world people have gathered to worship Shiva. Actually we should say it is Sadashiva that we are going to worship today. As you know the difference between Sadashiva and Shri Shiva. Sadashiva is the God Almighty and He is a witness of the play of the Primordial Mother. The combination between Sadashiva and the Primordial Mother Adi Shakti is just like a Moon and the moonlight or the Sun and the sunlight. We cannot understand such relationship in human being, among human marriages or among human relationships. So, whatever the Adi Shakti's creating, which is the desire of Sadashiva, is being witnessed by Him. And when He is watching this creation He is witnessing all of it into all details. He witnesses the whole universe and He also witnesses this Mother Earth, all the creation that is done by the Adi Shakti. His power is of witnessing and the power of Adi Shakti is this All-pervading Power of love. So, the God Almighty, the Father, the Primordial Father we can say, expresses his desire, his Iccha Shakti [shakti of his desire] as the Primordial Mother and She expresses her power as love. So, the relationship between the two is extremely understanding, very deep. And whatever She's creating, if She finds- if He finds there is some problem or there are people, human beings specially who are trying to obstruct her work, or even the Gods who are not the deities are trying to express their egos, He is the one who brings forth their destruction. So He is the one who is responsible for the destructive power. He is reflected in the hearts of human beings, among all the creations. He pulsates but that pulsation is the energy of the Primordial Mother. And He can destroy anything that goes against the plans of the Adi Shakti. Adi Shakti is love, She forgives and She loves. She loves her creation. She wants the creation to prosper, to go up to the same level for which it was created. She wants human beings to go to that level where they enter into the Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Sadashiva where there is bliss, there is forgiveness, there is joy. All this is only possible if you have seeking, that you have also a innate desire to be there. This desire within us is reflected as the reflection of the Primordial Mother [Kundalini]. Now this desire is there and other mundane desires are also there which stop the progress of your ascent. In Sahaja Yoga, we have never tried to overcome the desires by taking "sanyasa" or running away from the house or for all kinds of things that has been suggested. The first thing that is done is that you get the light of your Spirit. Spirit is the reflection of Sadashiva. In that light, He shows, He is just showing the path. The Spirit is just like a light which is burning and which is showing the path. In that path, you yourself become so wise that you walk in the light of wisdom, that you walk in the light of righteousness, because whatever is destructive is seen through the light of your Spirit. You start giving up all that is destructive. Nobody has to tell you that: “Give up this, give up that.” You yourself realize that: “This is wrong and we should give up.” This was, I should say, my own understanding of human beings. Because these are the days where people are in complete illusions. They are in a conflict all the time struggling even to exist. Under these circumstances, everything would have failed if you had started with taking a sanyasa and then going to Himalayas and all that. If you have to do this for the masses, something has to be done radical and luckily I’ve been able to find out a way by which you can get your sprouting, your Realization. Now some people who get Realization have to understand certain things because as you know there are many people who have got Realization. I don’t know how many, I don’t keep count. But what is lacking in them is surrendering. It’s embarrassing to say but is a fact. This is the only condition of modern Sahaja Yoga that you have to really surrender. If you start using your brain, if you start using other methods to understand Sahaja Yoga, you cannot. You must surrender and - as Islam is nothing but surrender, Islam means surrender - and if that surrender is not there it is impossible to establish anyone in the Kingdom of God. Surrender is not that you should give up your family, give up your children, or give up your houses and homes and your properties. Surrendering is here: give up your ego to begin with and then give up your conditionings. For example, the other day I met one gentleman and he is suffering a lot. So I asked him: “Who is your Guru?”, so he gave Me one name of a guru. I said: “He’s not done any good to you, will you give him up?” He said: “Tomorrow.” I said: “Why not today?” He said: “Today, but I have to throw away all his things. So tomorrow morning I will do it.” I said: “All right, do it.” “What should I throw away Mother?” I said: “Then all the things with which you worshipped him, throw away, throw away.” Then he went around the whole house, found out whatever was there which was used for worshipping him, everything he gathered together, threw in the sea. And then he told the sea that: “I am sorry. I have suffered a lot because of this man, now you please don’t suffer.” So this kind of a very penetrating intelligence if you don’t have, you cannot give up. One sticks to that. I know of so many who find it so difficult to get rid of their conditionings. That’s more difficult than ego. Mundane conditionings and condition schemes that you have. We have first conditioning that supposing you are born in India or England or any place. After Sahaja Yoga I’ve seen most of the people they suddenly start seeing what’s wrong with their countrymen, what’s wrong with their country, what’s wrong with their religion, what’s wrong with the books they were reading. Immediately they start seeing it clearly, that this was the mistake, this is wrong. They all make fun of them. I’ve seen people all over the world. Nobody says that ‘No, no, no, no, because we are English we are the best, we are Russians so we are the best, or we are Indians we are the best’. Immediately they find out what’s wrong with them and why these people are not getting Realization.On the other hand they feel such compassion that ‘Mother so many people haven’t got their Realization. Why shouldn’t we try to give them Realization?’ This is the double action of this light. Firstly, you know that there is light and that you have become the light. So, wherever your attention goes you start seeing the reality and then you understand that this has been the conditioning of our country, of our society. And then they abhor all that is wrong, they never identify with it. But first thing as I said, is surrendering. In surrendering actually, you develop a kind of a state where I would say, you become a sanyasi from within. That means nothing can dominate you, what is a sanyasi is a person who is above everything else. Nothing can stick to him. He just, looks at things and he knows what it is. He may not say, he knows everything and he doesn’t do whatever is wrong. He’s so detached, that in that detachment only he can see what’s wrong with people. He starts seeing his family people, he starts seeing other surroundings, everywhere he starts seeing what’s wrong. And he does not identify with them, is very surprising. I have seen it, I mean, I went to Turkey. In Turkey I met one gentleman who was running a big Swiss hotel and he came himself to Me and said Mother give me Realization. I was surprised because I didn't see this in Switzerland such a anxious personality would ask for Realization. Very surprising that in Turkey he should ask for Realization. And I gave him Realization and immediately he said, "I am not going to go back to Switzerland." Just imagine! It's, you see, it is so clear-cut that this light definitely gives you tremendous wisdom and balance. Supposing you are walking and you can't see the road, you may fall down. But if there's little light also you can see it. And this is what Sahaja Yoga has done, it's given you very little light. That little light itself has been sufficient for you to give up so many things. Now the other side of it is the ego part. Ego is very subtle stuff with human beings. I don't know how they gather it, but they do and some of them have such a gullible ego that with the slightest thing it shoots off. And they get very angry for small things or if they find somebody whom they can dominate, they can dominate also that person. Now this ego when you start seeing it, you just start laughing at yourself and think that, "What's wrong with me?" Ego is not like conditioning which is coming from outside but ego is something that comes from within. It can come from anything. Human beings have ego of all kinds of nonsensical things. One day I met one lady and she was very proud and was not even smiling. I said, "What's the matter with this lady, what is she?" So they told Me, "She knows how to make dolls that's why she's so proud." I said, "Eh, to make dolls, she's so proud!" "Yes, you know, she can make dolls, so she's so proud." I said, "What is there, anybody can make dolls, so what is so great?" "No, but she thinks she is very great because she makes dolls." So, a man becomes stupid and stupid. That is first sign of a egoistical person. He is so stupid that when you are talking to him, you just get flabbergasted that without paying anything you have got a buffoon before you who is showing all joke- jokes of his buffoonery. This is something very surprising, I mean, you meet any egoistical person and you just watch him: "I did this, I am, I, I, I ..." Then you start seeing the person, what's the matter, he's not even ashamed to say things that should not be said. Then it goes even to the sinful life they lead. They lead a very sinful life, they're fond of women, they drink and this and that. Then they start boasting about that also: "I drank that day so much! I had five women around me." They start boasting of that also. So, for a egoistical man there is nothing like shame. He'll go on telling about his nonsensical things and everybody will say, "Oh, my God with whom are we talking?" And then, whatever they do they justify. I asked one fellow, "You had such a bad heart attack why do you drink now, give up drinking." He said, "But even this person Kirloskar" - we have one in Poona who is now, I think, 95 - "he drinks". So, I said, "You are not Kirloskar, and even if he drinks, what's the use? What is he gaining by that?" "No, no, you see, he's very good, because, see, he drinks and he's so successful." "Is he successful without, because of drinking?" But even ordinary reasoning is not there, ordinary reasoning. And in the general way if you see, even if you see the greatest drunkard countries, I have never seen a statue of a man who died of drinking, never. I've not seen in any country people are praising a man because he had ten women or he died of drinking. So far! I don't know how far human beings can go in their ego. Now this ego is spreading very much in modern times where they start saying, "I like this, I don't like this". "What, what you don't like?" "I don't like this kind of a sari, I don't like this kind of clothes, I don't like this." But who are you? You are not going to see yourself others are going to see. So, what difference does it make whether you like it or not? But it's very common with young people to talk like that, "I like." And this is a sign of complete destruction. Because ego is not only, is, makes you stupid, you see all these days the way people dress up and we find they are very stupid because "I like it, so what?" Anything they like it, you know, if they want to walk on their heads "I like it, what's wrong?" All kinds of stupidity can be explained through ego. So those who get Realization somehow or other, thank God, see it: "This is my ego talking". Then they start laughing at themselves, making fun of themselves: "This was my ego". But also in Sahaja Yoga there are people, I said, "Why don't you go and organize?" "Mother because my ego will come up." I said, "What's this?" "My ego will come up so I don't want to organize." How can your ego come up? If you see your ego, supposing you see, er, something is burning, you see it there. How can you get that burning onto yourself? But this is a very subtle type of, er, avoiding work of Sahaja Yoga to say that "No, I'll get into ego." I said, "All right, you get into ego, I'll see to it. You get it, what happens?" So, all kinds of things there are which makes a person quite idiotic and stupid. I mean, I don't know how many things I can tell you today. But also I've seen in marriages this is very common. They'll say that, 'Mother, I married this girl at that time but now I don't think I should have been married.' Bah, bah, what, that time, what had happened to you, why didn't you marry at that time? I have to tell you these things because I've been facing all kinds of problems of this stupid, idiotic ego. One has to see it clearly, how this ego is working in me and how it is keeping me down. So, when we talk of ascent, we talk of a higher life. We have to become sanyasi like the lotus that comes out of the pond and no water can stay on them. Even the leaves of lotus, no water can stay on them. Just like that we have to become. We don't have to wear Sanyasis dresses, nothing of that. But from inside, a kind of a detached attention is there which immediately locates the problem, within you and without. And also in Sahaja Yoga, you know how to overcome that. It's a very effective, efficient system. But for that again, to achieve that you have to become Shiva within, means detached. As Shiva is completely detached, you have to be detached. And that detachment will give you the same wisdom as Shiva has. Shiva sees, we should say, Sadashiva sees the work of Adi Shakti, silently. He doesn't get proud, he doesn't develop a kind of a ego 'Let me see now what my Iccha Shakti is doing', nothing, he's just watching. But when it comes to destruction, he sees that this part is going to destroy the work, immediately he destroys, removes that portion. In the same way we have to be, we have to see our life itself is a big field. How do we consider ourselves to be? I have seen people talk, "Oh, so what, I am a Sahaja Yogi!" You can't talk like that if you are a Sahaja Yogi. With folded hands you have to say, "I am a Sahaja Yogi". In your behavior, in your talk, in everything, you have to be a person who is extremely humble. If that is not so that means Sahaja Yoga has given you double ego. As it is you know that Shiva is known for his innocence, for his simplicity, his forgiveness. He forgives. He forgives rakshasas; he'll forgive everyone that is his quality. But anybody who goes against the Primordial Mother, he doesn't spare. So, this is his, the quality one has to understand, surrendering doesn't mean outside things to be surrendered. What is there? These are all stones, what are you surrendering? Surrendering means cleansing yourself completely, getting completely detached. Detachment is the only way you can rise. Some people get sick, they make such an ado out of it: "I am sick, the whole world should know I am sick, sick, sick, sick, sick." But if you are a Sahaja Yogi, if you just watch, how so, I am sick, all right, let's see. Just like a spot. Just watch. I am sick. So, what's happening now? The temperature is coming nicely, now is going down, just sort of a playful, mirthful attention. Ah, when I came I had temperature, but nobody believes I had temperature. I was so tired in the marriage they said, "You don't look tired." I said, "All right, I'm not tired." In the same way, life also is to be played. It's just a play, and that play has to be seen through the light of wisdom. Nothing is so serious, for Sahaja Yogis nothing is so serious. But he becomes very serious and he makes too much ado about himself. There are lots of things which we have to learn. When we worship Shiva, we praise him. You are this you are that, you are that. When you worship Me also you praise Me, you are this. I am not aware of all that that you say. But you say all right, if you say so, it's all right. You are this you are that, the thousand names of Shiva, thousand names of the Goddess, thousand names of Vishnu. These are their names you are worshipping, what about you people? How many names you can have? Actually, in the puja when you take the names of these Shaktis they also get awakened within, no doubt. After puja you do feel that way but you don't utilize them. So many people I've seen have come in the puja and they have got that power within themselves, same powers. But by the time they are out, it's finished, it's gone. So, surrendering has another side: assumption. Assumption that I am a Sahaja Yogi and I can absorb all these powers within myself. So, one side is surrendering. Why to surrender? To absorb. Automatically when you are surrendered you absorb. But once you have absorbed, then you should retain and assume within yourself. Know that you have these powers. There, where Sahaja Yogis fail more. First time it happened, no Sahaja Yogi would touch anybody raise anybody's Kundalini, this thing, that thing. We had at least fifty Sahaja Yogis by then. I said, "Now what to do, I have prepared these channels and nobody is even raising their fingers. How am I going to work it out?" Very difficult! But once it happened, we had a program in Nasik Road and I was staying in Nasik. It's about, I think, thirty miles from there. So, we reached halfway and our car failed and nobody no other car was coming, nothing, no support, nothing. I didn't know what to do. But these, all the Sahaja Yogis had arrived there, and such a big crowd. They started saying, "When is Mataji coming? When is Mataji coming?" Such a pressure! So they said, "It's all right, we'll give you Realization, sit down." And they gave Realization. That's the first time the Sahaja Yogis started knowing that they can give Realization, they can do this, they can do that. They all started after that. So assumption should be there, that I have these powers, I am not going to waste them, I am going to use them, I am going to look after others, I am not going to just keep to myself. This assumption has to come. Once I was traveling by ship and one fellow got caught up in the freeze room and he got pneumonia. So the captain came to Me ‘That see this boy has got pneumonia, we have to get some doctor by helicopter.’ I said, “Captain, I’ve given you Realization, you are a doctor.” He said “Who, I?” “Yes, you.” “If you want, I can go down.” “No, no, no, but tell me what to be done.” I said “Just go and put your hand on his heart, finished.” “I?” he said. “Yes, you!” Went down and put his hand and the fellow got all right. He was amazed. He met Me now in the wedding – and he was amazed at himself. “This I can do to anyone?” “Yes, yes, you can!” But if you do not assume, and just sit down meditating, meditating, surrendering … what’s the use? So, you have to do, now after achieving Shiva state you have to start doing the work of Adi Shakti. You should get this desire that we should spread Sahaja Yoga, we have to work it out. But be careful sometimes you might be conditioned, you might be egotistical, watch yourself. With watching you can, I’m sure, you can achieve a lot. We have done, some people who have taken it upon themselves have done it, everywhere, in every country. So, the first thing of surrendering is important to reach the state of your Spirit, of Shiva and Sadashiva. But the second state is that you have to now think of others. First it is as they say in Sanskrit is "vyashti" [success; individuality], means individual gain, you get the individual gain. And then it becomes "samashti" [attainment; collectiveness] , means the collective. You have to work it out on collective. People who never even got Realization - nothing of the kind - have been doing so much organization and this and that while you have got it within. So, now it is important that you should now extend this light to others. [Shri Mataji speaks now in Hindi.] Translation from Hindi: Forgive Me. I had to speak in English. Many people have come from outside for the puja to Shivaji. This has never happened before. You people know a lot about Shiva, and you also know lots of stories connected with Shiva. But what is the essence, what is the tattwa (basic principle). What is Shivaji’s principle. That is what we have got to know. So this deity Shivaji, nothing touches Him. If anyone says something wrong to Him, and then goes and asks for forgiveness, He just forgives. Things like respect and disrespect, happiness and sorrow – nothing affects Him. That is Shivji. Far removed from such things. Free. It was about Him that Shankaracharya sang Shivoham! Shivoham! (I am Shiva! I am Shiva!). Once during the lifetime of Shankaracharya, the topic of Shiva came up. It was being discussed that it is alright to say I Am Shiva. It is a state. But to attain this state, this becomes possible only with conscious effort and exertion. And after that, there is a second state, like where Adi Shakti is effective and operative. That is the way you have to function. Otherwise, if these two states do not function side by side, then what is the use of achieving the state of Shiva. He is just sitting. If Shiva could do everything, then why did He create Adi Shakti. And why did He tell Adi Shakti that You accomplish the entire creation. Do this. Do that. He would have done it Himself. But no. He said that one state is Shiv padh (state). After reaching and achieving that state, we become completely "niriccha" (desireless). After that you go into the second stage or state. Now in Sahaja Yoga some say that Shri Mataji there is one person who is eating money. I could not understand this. After coming into Sahaj, how is he eating money. He is eating money? Some one is showing his ego, another is showing off his intelligence or qualifications. Everyone is indulging into some madness or the other. And all this, after coming into Sahaja Yoga! So something must be still sticking on to them. It happens. Only then this kind of thing can happen to them. But this should be got rid of. All these things. Because, if you have come into Sahaja Yoga, then first of all you should achieve the Shiva Padh (state). Means a state in which you are in complete desirelessness. For that there should be complete samarpan (dedication). Dedication and surrender in every possible thing. Only after that you come into the state of Shiva-Shakti. The Shakti (energy) of Shiva is that He is completely without desire. Nothing affects or disturbs Him. Neither does He have aham (ego), nor is there any kind of samskara (conditioning) in Him. Now, He came for His own wedding, sitting on a bull, with both legs spread on either side of the bull. The bull moved at will, and at his own speed, and somehow He held on and rode him. And when He reached, even Shri Parvati was feeling shy, that what is this aspect in which My Bridegroom has arrived for the wedding. Because He was absolutely centred within Himself. What is there for Him to be conscious of. Not for Him the formal Baraat (Bridegroom’s procession), sitting on a horse, accompanied by a band playing music, and bridegroom’s party. His attendants were people with missing limbs, some with one eye, some without teeth. All these people were welcome to join, and constituted the Bridegroom’s party. He came, accompanied by all of them, and never felt conscious that who was who, what they wore, whether one had one eye or two; whether they were in proper dress, or whether the whole thing looked crazy, or whether it appeared that some stupid people were in that procession. Because He is just not conscious or bothered about these outward things. These things just don’t matter to Him. He is just sitting in desireless state. His principle is that whatever you are, in whatever state you are, come in and join. Who ever He met along the way, He welcomed them to join the party. Now as far as we are concerned if we are going to be part of a marriage party, we have to have a certain kind of dress, we have to look like this, or like that; we have to go mounted on a caparisoned horse; like this, like that. And if there is any shortcoming in the arrangements, then there is a lot of distress. It was not like this. He just went as He was. Whatever the condition, He just went. This is the mark of Niricchita (state of no desire). He was also Bhole (simple). Simple and innocent in this way, that unimportant and unnecessary things never entered His attention. Any man who is simple, such things do not enter his head. I have seen many people, when they go visiting anyone’s home, they will click their tongue and say, What a kind of carpet they had spread on the floor”. Did you come to meet their carpet, or to meet the people. If they see any lady, they will comment, “What a funny kind of saree she was wearing”. If you have come to meet a person, you must come into their essence. Come into their tattwa (core). Try to experience the nature of the person. That is left aside, and the attention is only on what kind of clothes they were wearing, or what things they had in their house, and what did they have, and what did they not. It is like that. The vision is so superficial. This way of looking at things and judging, is not the style of Shiva. His style is to be completely detached, and go and sit in the Himalayas. He is not bothered about anything, that what will people say about Me, or what is the proper style in which I should live. I should have this, I should have that. Nothing of the kind. When His first wife died, He just picked up Her body and put it over His shoulder and went. Who will do such a thing? No one. But He did. All His ways are unique and unprecedented. Because He is unique. In any situation He is not particular that it has to be done in this way or that way. Or it has to be like that. But when you look at the essence of it, whatever He thinks is right, He considers that to be right. And whatever He feels is wrong, then that for Him is wrong. His steadfastness does not change. At one time He gave His Wife to Ravana. Now people will say is this some kind of joke? He handed His Wife over to Ravana. He was well aware that His Wife is verily the Devi Herself. What could Ravana do to Her! She could be given to anyone. She is "sakshat" (verily) the Devi. She will put Ravana in his place. But this tendency within us is to look at all outward things. As this outward vision reduces, the inner eye will open. Whatever the kind of human being, we should see that we are in a good state, and should keep ourselves in good condition, and whosoever we come in to contact with, we should speak nicely to them and be good to them. Whatever kind of person we meet, we should try and feel his tattwa (essence), to understand what state he is from within. Now there are some rustic people who may speak roughly. Some people’s language is like this, some are like that; and we get upset and angry with them. We should tell ourselves that this is how he is, and this is his way of speaking. We should not get upset with him. Sometimes very cultured and educated people will come, and in their artificial behaviour we get carried away by their superficiality. Later we discover that we have lost everything to them. So anything that looks beautiful superficially, is done to deceive us. That is why it is not advisable to get impressed with outward appearances. Nowadays we can see what kind of superficiality is prevalent. Especially in our country all the culture which has come to us from outside, we can see how much the expression and impression is there, of superficiality. If it were not so, our condition would not be what it is. Gandhiji who, was a simple person; he reached the outside world dressed in a dhoti (single cloth to gird the loins). Now people will say that in London you have to be dressed in a three-piece suit. How did he manage. He managed! Let anyone say what they wished. Now the motive for this can be, that some people do it for sensationalism. But when a person is completely detached, from within, he does not pay attention or give importance to what people think. He is standing on the truth. He is so genuine. And this is the tattwa (essence) of Shivji that we need to achieve. Only when you reach the state of Shivji, you can start functioning for Adi Shakti. Now you have started Her work, but you have not attained Shiva Tattwa, so who is going to get impressed with you. When you are verily Shiva, then how much beauty will shine through your work! If anyone says anything, does anything, even abuses you, so what! For the person, whose description and state, in the words of Shri Krishna, is Stith Pragnya (firm and resolute), the State of Shiva, whatever is happening, let it happen. What does it matter what anyone says. But the tattwa (essence) that is inside, that should be clean. The tattwa inside should not be spoiled. And if it is spoiled within others, does not matter. You can correct them. If you call others bad, but do not see yourself as bad; then you can never become alright. The meaning of becoming Sharanagat, (under divine protection), is that all the things within you that are bad, you should start renouncing them, one by one. Renounce. Renounce. In the end, the clean, pure form that remains, is your Atma, and just by beholding it, you will experience joy. And that will make you so completely, completely Samarth (adequate, capable). So Samarth that you will be amazed that how did so much capacity come within me. Today we should have the puja of Shivaji, and it is going to be performed. All of you should be fully Samarth, and sit in that state to perform the Puja. And the other part of it is Samarpan (dedication), that I have received this great gift that I am a Realised soul. I am one in a million. This has been bestowed on me, a blessing has been bestowed, and how much yogdaan (expressing gratitude) do I give back. How much do I do. We should take stock of this also. Actually, you all have gone beyond My imagination, because I never thought that so much change and transformation can come in a human being. Never thought that this would be possible. Taking that into consideration, so much has been accomplished in the whole world, that I am amazed. And it is a matter for deep appreciation, that people who were standing on a very wrong path, who were heading towards destruction, they have arisen and they are with Me today. It is such a wonderful happening that the gift bestowed on us by Shiva, which is within us as his Reflection in the form of Atma, is his blessing on us. And you are immersed and drenched in those blessings. Now you have to make this grow. With dedication you have to expand it, and distribute it to others. This is not for one human being. It is not for one, single, ascent. It is for a Collective ascent. Today the world is standing on the brink of destruction, and we have to rescue it from that. We have to save the complete world, and this is your responsibility. Those who are Sahaja Yogis. Who should be able to see Sahaja Yoga in every part of himself, and his blessings. My eternal blessings to all. Translation from Hindi (version 1) Forgive Me. I had to speak in English. Many people have come from outside for the puja to Shivaji. This has never happened before. You people know a lot about Shiva, and you also know lots of stories connected with Shiva. But what is the essence, what is the tattwa [basic principle]. What is Shivaji’s principle. That is what we have got to know. So, this deity Shivaji, nothing touches Him. If anyone says something wrong to Him, and then goes and asks for forgiveness, He just forgives. Things like respect and disrespect, happiness and sorrow – nothing affects Him. That is Shivaji. Far removed from such things. Free. It was about Him that Shankaracharya sang Shivoham! Shivoham! [I am Shiva! I am Shiva!]. Once during the lifetime of Shankaracharya, the topic of Shiva came up. It was being discussed that it is alright to say I Am Shiva. It is a state. But to attain this state, this becomes possible only with conscious effort and exertion. And after that, there is a second state, like where Adi Shakti is effective and operative. That is the way you have to function. Otherwise, if these two states do not function side by side, then what is the use of achieving the state of Shiva. He is just sitting. If Shiva could do everything, then why did He create Adi Shakti. And why did He tell Adi Shakti that You accomplish the entire creation. Do this. Do that. He would have done it Himself. But no. He said that one state is Shiv padh [state]. After reaching and achieving that state, we become completely “niriccha” [desireless]. After that you go into the second stage or state. Now in Sahaja Yoga some say that Shri Mataji there is one person who is eating money. I could not understand this. After coming into Sahaj, how is he eating money. He is eating money? Someone is showing his ego, another is showing off his intelligence or qualifications. Everyone is indulging into some madness or the other. And all this, after coming into Sahaja Yoga! So, something must be still sticking on to them. It happens. Only then this kind of thing can happen to them. But this should be got rid of. All these things. Because, if you have come into Sahaja Yoga, then first of all you should achieve the "Shiva Padh" [state]. Means a state in which you are in complete desirelessness. For that there should be complete "samarpan" [dedication]. Dedication and surrender in every possible thing. Only after that you come into the state of Shiva-Shakti. The Shakti of Shiva is that He is completely without desire. Nothing affects or disturbs Him. Neither does He have "aham" [ego], nor is there any kind of "samskara" [conditioning] in Him. Now, He came for His own wedding, sitting on a bull, with both legs spread on either side of the bull. The bull moved at will, and at his own speed, and somehow, He held on and rode him. And when He reached, even Shri Parvati was feeling shy, that what is this aspect in which My Bridegroom has arrived for the wedding. Because He was absolutely centred within Himself. What is there for Him to be conscious of? Not for Him the formal Baraat [Bridegroom’s procession], sitting on a horse, accompanied by a band playing music, and bridegroom’s party. His attendants were people with missing limbs, some with one eye, some without teeth. All these people were welcome to join, and constituted the Bridegroom’s party. He came, accompanied by all of them, and never felt conscious that who was who, what they wore, whether one had one eye or two; whether they were in proper dress, or whether the whole thing looked crazy, or whether it appeared that some stupid people were in that procession. Because He is just not conscious or bothered about these outward things. These things just don’t matter to Him. He is just sitting in desireless state. His principle is that whatever you are, in whatever state you are, come in and join. Whoever He met along the way, He welcomed them to join the party. Now as far as we are concerned if we are going to be part of a marriage party, we have to have a certain kind of dress, we have to look like this, or like that; we have to go mounted on a caparisoned horse; like this, like that. And if there is any shortcoming in the arrangements, then there is a lot of distress. It was not like this. He just went as He was. Whatever the condition, He just went. This is the mark of "niricchita" [state of no desire]. He was also "bhole" [simple]. Simple and innocent in this way, that unimportant and unnecessary things never entered His attention. Any man who is simple, such things do not enter his head. I have seen many people, when they go visiting anyone’s home, they will click their tongue and say, What a kind of carpet they had spread on the floor”. Did you come to meet their carpet, or to meet the people. If they see any lady, they will comment, “What a funny kind of sari she was wearing”. If you have come to meet a person, you must come into their essence. Come into their tattva. Try to experience the nature of the person. That is left aside, and the attention is only on what kind of clothes they were wearing, or what things they had in their house, and what did they have, and what did they not. It is like that. The vision is so superficial. This way of looking at things and judging, is not the style of Shiva. His style is to be completely detached, and go and sit in the Himalayas. He is not bothered about anything, that what will people say about Me, or what is the proper style in which I should live. I should have this, I should have that. Nothing of the kind. When His first wife died, He just picked up Her body and put it over His shoulder and went. Who will do such a thing? No one. But He did. All His ways are unique and unprecedented. Because He is unique. In any situation He is not particular that it has to be done in this way or that way. Or it has to be like that. But when you look at the essence of it, whatever He thinks is right, He considers that to be right. And whatever He feels is wrong, then that for Him is wrong. His steadfastness does not change. At one time He gave His Wife to Ravana. Now people will say is this some kind of joke? He handed His Wife over to Ravana. He was well aware that His Wife is verily the Devi Herself. What could Ravana do to Her! She could be given to anyone. She is "sakshat" [verily] the Devi. She will put Ravana in his place. But this tendency within us is to look at all outward things. As this outward vision reduces, the inner eye will open. Whatever the kind of human being, we should see that we are in a good state, and should keep ourselves in good condition, and whosoever we come in to contact with, we should speak nicely to them and be good to them. Whatever kind of person we meet, we should try and feel his tattva to understand what state he is from within. Now there are some rustic people who may speak roughly. Some people’s language is like this, some are like that; and we get upset and angry with them. We should tell ourselves that this is how he is, and this is his way of speaking. We should not get upset with him. Sometimes very cultured and educated people will come, and in their artificial behaviour we get carried away by their superficiality. Later we discover that we have lost everything to them. So anything that looks beautiful superficially, is done to deceive us. That is why it is not advisable to get impressed with outward appearances. Nowadays we can see what kind of superficiality is prevalent. Especially in our country all the culture which has come to us from outside, we can see how much the expression and impression is there, of superficiality. If it were not so, our condition would not be what it is. Gandhiji, who was a simple person, he reached the outside world dressed in a dhoti [single cloth to gird the loins]. Now people will say that in London you have to be dressed in a three-piece suit. How did he manage. He managed! Let anyone say what they wished. Now the motive for this can be, that some people do it for sensationalism. But when a person is completely detached, from within, he does not pay attention or give importance to what people think. He is standing on the truth. He is so genuine. And this is the tattva of Shivaji that we need to achieve. Only when you reach the state of Shivaji, you can start functioning for Adi Shakti. Now you have started Her work, but you have not attained Shiva Tattva, so who is going to get impressed with you. When you are verily Shiva, then how much beauty will shine through your work! If anyone says anything, does anything, even abuses you, so what! For the person, whose description and state, in the words of Shri Krishna, is "Stitha Pragnya" [firm and resolute], the State of Shiva, whatever is happening, let it happen. What does it matter what anyone says. But the tattva that is inside, that should be clean. The tattva inside should not be spoiled. And if it is spoiled within others, does not matter. You can correct them. If you call others bad, but do not see yourself as bad; then you can never become alright. The meaning of becoming "sharanagat" [under divine protection], is that all the things within you that are bad, you should start renouncing them, one by one. Renounce. Renounce. In the end, the clean, pure form that remains, is your Atma, and just by beholding it, you will experience joy. And that will make you so completely, completely "samartha" [adequate, capable]. So "samartha" that you will be amazed that how did so much capacity come within me. Today we should have the puja of Shivaji, and it is going to be performed. All of you should be fully Samarth, and sit in that state to perform the Puja. And the other part of it is "samarpan" [dedication], that I have received this great gift that I am a Realised soul. I am one in a million. This has been bestowed on me, a blessing has been bestowed, and how much "yogdaan" [expressing gratitude] do I give back. How much do I do. We should take stock of this also. Actually, you all have gone beyond My imagination, because I never thought that so much change and transformation can come in a human being. Never thought that this would be possible. Taking that into consideration, so much has been accomplished in the whole world, that I am amazed. And it is a matter for deep appreciation, that people who were standing on a very wrong path, who were heading towards destruction, they have arisen and they are with Me today. It is such a wonderful happening that the gift bestowed on us by Shiva, which is within us as His Reflection in the form of Atma, is His blessing on us. And you are immersed and drenched in those blessings. Now you have to make this grow. With dedication you have to expand it, and distribute it to others. This is not for one human being. It is not for one, single, ascent. It is for a Collective ascent. Today the world is standing on the brink of destruction, and we have to rescue it from that. We have to save the complete world, and this is your responsibility. Those who are Sahaja Yogis. Who should be able to see Sahaja Yoga in every part of himself, and his blessings. My eternal blessings to all. Translation from Hindi (version 2) Forgive Me, I had to speak in English here. Many people have come from outside for Shivaji puja, it has never happened before. And about Shivaji – you people know a lot. And all His stories also, you all know. But what is the substance? What is the essence? What is the essence of Shivaji – you should know. About Shivaji, nothing touches Him. If someone says anything to Him and then apologizes to Him, He’ll say, “Alright go, you are forgiven”. Nothing touches Him. Praise/insult, happiness/ sorrow – nothing touches Him. He is Shivaji, completely detached from everything – free. Like Adi Shankaracharya has told, ‘Shivoham, Shivoham’ [I am Shiva, I am Shiva]. So, first during the time of Adi Shankaracharya ‘Shivoham’ [I am Shiva] was talked about. It was being said, ‘I am Shiva’, alright. To reach that state, it happens through individual endeavor. And after that the other state – the way Adi Shakti is working, like that you have to work. Otherwise if these two things don’t take place simultaneously, then what is the use of attaining Shiva’s state? They are sitting. If Shiva could do everything, then why did He create Adi Shakti? Why did He tell Adi Shakti, ‘You create everything. You do that, you do this’? He could do everything, but no. He told, ‘there is one state – ‘Shiva’s state’. On reaching the Shiva’s state you become completely desire less’. Then whatever you do; now I see that some people say, “Mother there is one person in Sahaja Yoga and he is laundering money”. I don’t understand, “After coming to Sahaja Yoga, how are they laundering money?” Someone is there who is showing his ego, his position. Some or the other crazy things, even after coming to Sahaja Yoga, they are continue doing. Something must be stuck to them, it’s possible. But they should get rid of it. So, when you have come to Sahaja Yoga first you attain Shiva’s state. Meaning in which you are completely desire less. For that surrender, after complete surrendering you can come in Shiva Shakti. Shiva’s Shakti is that He is absolutely detached. Nothing influences Him. He neither has ego, nor does He have refinement. He came for His wedding sitting on a Bull. He is spreading His legs and sitting and the Bull is running and He is just holding one to it somehow and coming. On reaching there, even Parvathi was feeling shy, ‘What is this? My Groom is arriving like this?’ Because He is joyous. What difference does it make to Him? He doesn’t want that He sits on a horse and goes in a ‘Baraat’ [marriage procession] proceeding Him. In the ‘Baraat’ [marriage procession of the groom] someone has one eye, someone’s teeth have fallen. He is taking such people and going. For Him, he doesn’t even realize these things – who is what? Who is wearing what clothes? Whose eye is where? How a person is accompanying dumbly, some stupid person is accompanying, some half-naked person is walking along – these things don’t matter to Him. He is desire less, however you are come along. Whoever is coming along can. Otherwise when we go in a ‘baraat’ we have to wear such and such clothes, we have to go like this, have to sit on a horse etc. etc. And if there is ever a small short fall, then it causes lot of unpleasantness. He’s not like that. He is going in His Baraat accompanied by people however they are. Because this is the sign of desirelessness and He is innocent. Innocent because unwanted things don’t come in His head. A person who is innocent doesn’t understand these things. I have seen that many people when they go to someone’s place – ‘what carpet has been laid?’ Have you gone to meet the carpet or the person? Some lady comes – ‘what saree was she wearing?’ You have come to meet the person, you go to the substance, go to the essence and understand what the person is. That part is ignored. Just what they were wearing? What is in their house? It was like this, like that. This kind of sight – just looking at things superficially is not Shiva’s way. Now just see Him in His own life – He went and sat in the Himalaya. He is not bothered about anything – ‘What if someone says something, I have to be like this, I have to have this thing or that thing’ – nothing. When His first wife died, He carried Her body on His back and went. Who will do that? No one will do that. All His methods are special, exceptional. Because He is exceptional. About anything He doesn’t have a fixed criteria that it has to be like this only or like that only. But if you look at the essence then what according to Him is right, only that He feels is right. What according to Him is wrong, is wrong. These convictions of His does not change. He even gave His wife to Ravana. Now people will say, ‘What is this drama – giving away His wife to Ravana?’ He knows His wife is a Devi, what can Ravana do? To whomever He gives, She is Sakshat Devi. She will set Him right – Ravana. Our character of seeing everything externally; as the external ‘eye’ [seeing] decreases, the inner ‘eye’ [seeing] opens. However, the person is. For ourselves it is alright that we behave properly, that we talk properly. But however, is the other person, understand his essence. How is the inside of the person? Some rural people are there, while talking they talk roughly. Someone’s speech is like, someone is like this. We get angry on them. We should think ‘that is his way, alright that is also fine, there is nothing to feel bad about’. When civilized people come and you get carried away by etiquette and realize we have lost everything with them. So, whatever is made beautiful on the outside is only for cheating. That’s why regarding any exterior stuff, getting attached to it, seeing it, is wrong. Now the kind of things happening in the world, especially in our country. The outside culture that is coming in, so much of external appearance. If it was not there, people would not be like this. Gandhiji was there – poor man, he wore a dhoti and went to London. Now someone tells him ‘in London you have to wear 3-piece suit and go, how did you come like this?’ He went. Let people say whatever they want to. Only thing you need to pay attention is that if someone is dressing up like that for fun then it’s something else. But once the person is free from inside, then he does not find anything significant other than the reality. He will accept the reality – this is essence of Shivaji you should first achieve. Only when you achieve Shivaji’s essence, only then you can do the work of Adi Shakti. Now you start working out but have not achieved Shivaji’s essence. Then who will be influenced by it? You yourself are ‘Shiva’ and then the work being done by you, it can be so wonderful. Someone says something, even hurls abuses, did something – so what? The word for this is as told by Shri Krishna – ‘Sthita Pragnya’ [steady in awareness]. Whatever is happening, let it happen. Just because someone says something, so what? But the essence that is within, has to be clean. The essence inside should not be spoiled. And in others if it is spoiled, it’s not a problem, it can be set right. If you tell bad things about others but not about yourself, then you cannot become alright. The meaning of surrendering is that whatever such things are there within us – forsake them, forsake them, forsake them. In the end the cleanliness and purity within you which is your Spirit, just by seeing it you will be joyous. And that will make you completely capable that you will be astonished, ‘from where did I get this ability?’ Today Shivaji’s puja has to take place and it is taking place and you people are also completely surrendered. The other side of surrendering is that the way we have received it, we are Self-realized. We are one in a million who have been given this blessing. ‘How much can we work towards it? How much can we achieve?” – you should think like that. As it is you people are beyond My imagination. I had never thought so much of change can come in people. Never had I thought. As per that, so much of work has happened in the whole world that I am surprised. And it needs to be understood that people who were in the wrong path, who were going towards their destruction, they have come up and today they are with us. It’s such a big thing that the reflection of Shiva in you which is in the form of Atma, this is a great blessing of it. All of you are flooded with this blessing, you just have to spread it. Spread it by surrendering and collectively spread it. It is not for one person, nor for one rising but for everyone’s upliftment. The brink at which our world is standing now, we have to save it. We have to save it completely and this is your responsibility – those who are Sahaja Yogis. Who in their life, within them, in their behaviour, in everything, should know how to look for ‘Sahaja’. Many blessings to all of you.
Birthday Felicitations
Birthday Felicitations
Birthday Felicitations, Kolkata (India), 19/03/1993 I’m very much thankful to Anandhata Kala sangam President. Today, he told Me, in the play, about us, that shraddha we have, which is so much needed in our life.And I know it is in Bengal, people are going to really give you something great about art. Somehow or other, here, where River Ganges makes this great scene, there has been such a big manifestation of artists and art of Indian heritage.Firstly, the models are extremely devotional, lovable, loving. They are not materialists; they care more for human beings and for the human feelings.As I’ve told you always, the greatest novelist that I've ever known was Shakti Nitamudhin [unsure] who was the one who would just catch your heart and make you understand in every subject he has dealt and his art of writing is so beautiful as if he understand human being and their problems and how with love you can solve them. Sahaja, it is very close absolutely there, with the art, any of it, because it is the expression of the heart. When the imagination of an artist reaches the reality, then that artist becomes sahaj, automatically. We have had many artists like that, poets, who have through their imagination reached the reality, the depth of reality. And that has brought all the releases [unsure] by which they can cure many things which you cannot cure with analyses: social problems, politic problems, any kind of problems of creativity or Indian gurdate [unsure] which look so formidable, have shown their delicate brush, or we can call it, their delicate writings. You can solve these problems and the solutions that have come through various arts, it’s something very remarkable. Of course, drama plays a very big part in our cultural life. It’s coming from ancient times I mean, they say that the drama and acting has started in India. When Arjuna was going for a war, his wife asked him to be a [??] means what you do is a – I don’t know in English how to say it but a- you can call [?] of an artist which acts, with the text sometimes or some other mechanism. So this is the first sign that there were, in this country, great artists who used to act sometimes like, sometimes like pantomimes or sometimes like a dramatist [?] at the time of Arjuna. So this acting culture started in our country long time back. The greatest thing about an artist for which I have always praised about their nature, apart from they will catch your heart, that they are bred Indian, cultured Indians, they cannot take to any other culture ritualism- where the women are respected, it doesn’t matter, even the little girls are [??].So it is seldom that it comes here, it’s really a great privilege [??] for the upliftment of our art. Otherwise, we are getting a very cheap type of artists in the pictures in our country.We have taken to something that requires no art, some sort of a- we can call- an acrobatic show that we have on the stage by which we think that we are great [??] who act. All this kind of nonsense has come and is still coming in our main cities, also in our films, and this nonsense has to be outwitted by real art. And I’m very happy that we have this [??] here which will definitely invite this scholarship [??] a real sense of expression of their manifestation of joy, of happiness, unhappiness, and all the things that they have been facing. It’s a kind of emotion, it is a thing, that, I would say, suggests a work is [inaudible] rightly,Rama, first of all, who was such a mighty person. But he went in the forest to save Sitaji. If you call it an epic or drama whatever it is, his way expresses a person who believes in truth, believes in honesty, believes in the respect of the women, who fights, such a man – because he knew he would be lost because he’s so mighty he can destroy them, but he fights and in that fight, he gets very badly injured. For example, that injury was there till Shri Rama came and he gives him the moksha to show that all his sufferings were finished once he got the moksha.In this world, you won’t have to work, don't have to get injured, don’t have to fight. But in a way, there is a big fight within yourselves. And that fight is that when we try to see ourselves as something very great, very egoistical, and then we start fighting with our ego, what will help you is the feeling of righteousness. This righteousness gets injured many times no doubt.Now Sahaja Yoga has come to show that you don’t have to fight, you have just to ask for your Realization. It is the time that has brought this for you. I know I should have [inaudible] anybody could have done who [inaudible].So it has happened and so you have already got the moksha, so many Sahaja Yogis have achieved it and enjoy the drama much more than any thing else. Because they will realize that they have that, they have struggled with themselves for their seeking. And ultimately they got their Realization. And this will definitely give you a greater hope that we can spread Sahaja Yoga all over. Art is a part and parcel of a human being, it’s the potential of a human being. We have to develop art because Sahaja Yoga is nothing but to be enjoyed in the realm of God. And if you do not have art, what will you enjoy? But it has to be pure art. Purity is important and as you will see today, art in India has such purity and respect for [inaudible] even it will heal. I hope in the country where you get born for the Spirit and that culture can be evolved. It has come here all the way from Kolkata and you can become very good [inaudible] of true artists of true types.I’m sure you’ll enjoy. I’m thankful to both of them for organizing this beautiful drama for all of you to see and enjoy. As the mantra for tonight is that you all enjoy, that’s what it is.May God bless you all10:10[Applause]End
Birthday Felicitations, Kolkata (India), 19/03/1993 I’m very much thankful to Anandhata Kala sangam President. Today, he told Me, in the play, about us, that shraddha we have, which is so much needed in our life.And I know it is in Bengal, people are going to really give you something great about art. Somehow or other, here, where River Ganges makes this great scene, there has been such a big manifestation of artists and art of Indian heritage.Firstly, the models are extremely devotional, lovable, loving. They are not materialists; they care more for human beings and for the human feelings.As I’ve told you always, the greatest novelist that I've ever known was Shakti Nitamudhin [unsure] who was the one who would just catch your heart and make you understand in every subject he has dealt and his art of writing is so beautiful as if he understand human being and their problems and how with love you can solve them. Sahaja, it is very close absolutely there, with the art, any of it, because it is the expression of the heart. When the imagination of an artist reaches the reality, then that artist becomes sahaj, automatically. We have had many artists like that, poets, who have through their imagination reached the reality, the depth of reality. And that has brought all the releases [unsure] by which they can cure many things which you cannot cure with analyses: social problems, politic problems, any kind of problems of creativity or Indian gurdate [unsure] which look so formidable, have shown their delicate brush, or we can call it, their delicate writings. You can solve these problems and the solutions that have come through various arts, it’s something very remarkable. Of course, drama plays a very big part in our cultural life. It’s coming from ancient times I mean, they say that the drama and acting has started in India. When Arjuna was going for a war, his wife asked him to be a [??] means what you do is a – I don’t know in English how to say it but a- you can call [?] of an artist which acts, with the text sometimes or some other mechanism. So this is the first sign that there were, in this country, great artists who used to act sometimes like, sometimes like pantomimes or sometimes like a dramatist [?] at the time of Arjuna. So this acting culture started in our country long time back. The greatest thing about an artist for which I have always praised about their nature, apart from they will catch your heart, that they are bred Indian, cultured Indians, they cannot take to any other culture ritualism- where the women are respected, it doesn’t matter, even the little girls are [??].So it is seldom that it comes here, it’s really a great privilege [??] for the upliftment of our art. Otherwise, we are getting a very cheap type of artists in the pictures in our country.We have taken to something that requires no art, some sort of a- we can call- an acrobatic show that we have on the stage by which we think that we are great [??] who act. All this kind of nonsense has come and is still coming in our main cities, also in our films, and this nonsense has to be outwitted by real art. And I’m very happy that we have this [??] here which will definitely invite this scholarship [??] a real sense of expression of their manifestation of joy, of happiness, unhappiness, and all the things that they have been facing. It’s a kind of emotion, it is a thing, that, I would say, suggests a work is [inaudible] rightly,Rama, first of all, who was such a mighty person. But he went in the forest to save Sitaji. If you call it an epic or drama whatever it is, his way expresses a person who believes in truth, believes in honesty, believes in the respect of the women, who fights, such a man – because he knew he would be lost because he’s so mighty he can destroy them, but he fights and in that fight, he gets very badly injured. For example, that injury was there till Shri Rama came and he gives him the moksha to show that all his sufferings were finished once he got the moksha.In this world, you won’t have to work, don't have to get injured, don’t have to fight. But in a way, there is a big fight within yourselves. And that fight is that when we try to see ourselves as something very great, very egoistical, and then we start fighting with our ego, what will help you is the feeling of righteousness. This righteousness gets injured many times no doubt.Now Sahaja Yoga has come to show that you don’t have to fight, you have just to ask for your Realization. It is the time that has brought this for you. I know I should have [inaudible] anybody could have done who [inaudible].So it has happened and so you have already got the moksha, so many Sahaja Yogis have achieved it and enjoy the drama much more than any thing else. Because they will realize that they have that, they have struggled with themselves for their seeking. And ultimately they got their Realization. And this will definitely give you a greater hope that we can spread Sahaja Yoga all over. Art is a part and parcel of a human being, it’s the potential of a human being. We have to develop art because Sahaja Yoga is nothing but to be enjoyed in the realm of God. And if you do not have art, what will you enjoy? But it has to be pure art. Purity is important and as you will see today, art in India has such purity and respect for [inaudible] even it will heal. I hope in the country where you get born for the Spirit and that culture can be evolved. It has come here all the way from Kolkata and you can become very good [inaudible] of true artists of true types.I’m sure you’ll enjoy. I’m thankful to both of them for organizing this beautiful drama for all of you to see and enjoy. As the mantra for tonight is that you all enjoy, that’s what it is.May God bless you all10:10[Applause]End
Birthday Felicitations
Birthday Felicitations
After Birthday Felicitations, Calcutta (India), 20 March 1994. This was a song composed by Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, so many years back, when he had a vision of our Ganapatipule seminars, where he describes that people from all the world will come, from different countries will come. Also, the Hindus, the Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and all kinds of communities will get their awakening on the bank of the sea, 'sagar'. 'Sagar' is the sea. So beautifully every detail he has described. He was a seer and he could see the future where many people, who are seekers, to become 'mahamanav' they come. And it's very surprising how these seers have seen the future. Like, as you know, C. S. Lewis is there and also we have got William Blake, so many others. And I feel today, in Bengal, when I have come here in Calcutta, that his dreams are fulfilled. His Spirit would be so happy to know- [applause]. So, as you know that we get all kinds of people, all races, all religions together in Ganapatipule and where you all enjoy the bliss of God, where you feel that there's an awakening. Also, he says that the great Mother has now risen, and She is awakened and She is going to awaken you. So, clearly, he has seen the whole thing. It's remarkable how these seers can see things and reveal, to our amazement. I am very happy that we have such nice company of Baba Zaheer and his other brothers, who are qawwals, and his sons also, who are qawwals. So, this is such a great thing to understand that these people have felt the same awakening within them as you have, and that they have really become Sahaja Yogis now and they sing from their heart. Some of these poems, I think they made later on, after going from Bombay. Because I see that they are all new songs. And, they are singing what you would like to say; they are singing what you would like to express. And that's why you feel so joyous and happy that you are saying what we wanted to say all these days. It's remarkable how in the collectivity the though– [Hindi]. Tongue works in a very different manner - that we all want to say the same thing. For everyone, that is the truth and you all feel so joyous about it and so happy about it. It is something, a kind of a rapport between one Realized soul and another Realized soul. Only a Realized soul can understand the bliss and the joy of this expression. Of course, so many things have been said about Me, that's quite embarrassing. I don't know what I do. I really, I don't think I do anything. It's all working out, it's all grace of the, this All-pervading Power which is working out everything so well. Today is the concluding day for us and to have such a nice program of qawwali here was really remarkable. I am sorry that half of the people have left because they didn't know there was a program. Today we had to make some arrangements, in that it was lost. Doesn't matter. Those who are lucky have listened to them and have enjoyed them thoroughly. [Applause]. I bless those qawwals from my heart, and I always think there will be more people who will appreciate their music and understand and so many Muslims- as yesterday, Ilal said, "Mother, when will the Muslims know about You?" So, these are the people who can spread the news all over and can tell that now the time has come of 'Qiyama' where you will have to get your Self-realization. They're very important, I am so concerned about the Muslims now. Because they are in quite darkness, and the way they are killing people because they are Muslims and they are killed in so many places, while they also kill. It's a very violent, nonsensical thing, which was never preached by Mohammed Sahib. He was the one who was for love and love and love. He is the one who had to fight because they were so aggressive on Him. But otherwise, if you read Koran you'll be surprised how much He has praised the love of God. And that's what is so misleading these days that we don't understand. I am happy at least the Sahaja Yogis understand Koran and understand Mohammed Sahib and are in devotion to Mohammed Sahib as they are to any other Guru. It's very creditable for you people to accept. Because you have seen on your vibrations that Mohammed Sahib was an Incarnation of a Master - so you cannot deny it. And these conditionings have gone into complete negligence now, and most of the Sahaja Yogis have such a respect for Mohammed Sahib and for Koran. I wish all the luck to these people that they propagate this idea and try to bring peace on this earth by telling people that what Mohammed Sahib has said and what are we doing. In the same way, for all of us - to whatever religion we may belong - we have so many conditionings and wrong ideas. So, we should try to correct them and see for ourselves that all of them came to spread spirituality. As I always said, they were like flowers on a tree - same tree of spirituality they came. And whatever they had to do at that time, "samayachar", they did it. But we have plucked the flowers, and now fighting with the dead flowers. So, as Sahaja Yogis, when you are awakened in knowledge, and you know what knowledge is, then you have to really understand that we are all on the same path of spirituality. There's no difference at all.May God bless you all for enjoying this qawwali and for coming all the way to Calcutta. It has been really a tremendous task, I must say. All My thanks are to these great organizers who have organized such a big thing in this place and we had, yesterday, the whole thing filled up, you see. And the way it was conducted and worked out was so remarkable. All the leaders who came here were amazed at their organizing capacity. And they told Me, "Mother, we have to learn a lot from them. We can, of course, not surpass them. But whatever they have done is such a eye-opener that we have to now dedicate ourselves fully to proper understanding of Sahaja Yoga, its spreading and all the organizing should be our first priority. Unless and until people take interest in that, we cannot achieve what these people have achieved." The collectivity of the Bengali people and Marwaris and all types of people who are here from every part of our country, is so remarkable. There's no quarrelling, no discussion, no argument, it's done so beautifully. Unbelievable how they have worked it out! So, we have to remember that we are one part and parcel of one being. And once we really realize that, we'll enjoy each other's company very much. All Sahaja Yogis enjoy each other's company. And also, all of you from the whole world, who have come here, have seen how marvellously they have organized everything. I am thankful to you for coming here to celebrate My birthday, and I don't know what to say now because every birthday you discover such nice things and such nice people. This birthday was really remarkable for its all organization and the way it was worked out so smoothly. I wish we all learn from this. We are all thankful to the organization of Calcutta, for organizing this so well. Give them a hand. [Applause]. [Cut in the video] I know it's so overwhelming that we cannot even stop clapping. Also, we have to again and again thank these qawwals, [Applause]. And now the way they feel confident about life, as you people all feel confident. In the kingdom of God, there's nothing to worry [cut] last, but to enjoy the present. And that's what they are doing and you were doing too. I enjoyed, I enjoyed the rapport that existed between you. Thank you very much. May God bless you.
After Birthday Felicitations, Calcutta (India), 20 March 1994. This was a song composed by Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, so many years back, when he had a vision of our Ganapatipule seminars, where he describes that people from all the world will come, from different countries will come. Also, the Hindus, the Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and all kinds of communities will get their awakening on the bank of the sea, 'sagar'. 'Sagar' is the sea. So beautifully every detail he has described. He was a seer and he could see the future where many people, who are seekers, to become 'mahamanav' they come. And it's very surprising how these seers have seen the future. Like, as you know, C. S. Lewis is there and also we have got William Blake, so many others. And I feel today, in Bengal, when I have come here in Calcutta, that his dreams are fulfilled. His Spirit would be so happy to know- [applause]. So, as you know that we get all kinds of people, all races, all religions together in Ganapatipule and where you all enjoy the bliss of God, where you feel that there's an awakening. Also, he says that the great Mother has now risen, and She is awakened and She is going to awaken you. So, clearly, he has seen the whole thing. It's remarkable how these seers can see things and reveal, to our amazement. I am very happy that we have such nice company of Baba Zaheer and his other brothers, who are qawwals, and his sons also, who are qawwals. So, this is such a great thing to understand that these people have felt the same awakening within them as you have, and that they have really become Sahaja Yogis now and they sing from their heart. Some of these poems, I think they made later on, after going from Bombay. Because I see that they are all new songs. And, they are singing what you would like to say; they are singing what you would like to express. And that's why you feel so joyous and happy that you are saying what we wanted to say all these days. It's remarkable how in the collectivity the though– [Hindi]. Tongue works in a very different manner - that we all want to say the same thing. For everyone, that is the truth and you all feel so joyous about it and so happy about it. It is something, a kind of a rapport between one Realized soul and another Realized soul. Only a Realized soul can understand the bliss and the joy of this expression. Of course, so many things have been said about Me, that's quite embarrassing. I don't know what I do. I really, I don't think I do anything. It's all working out, it's all grace of the, this All-pervading Power which is working out everything so well. Today is the concluding day for us and to have such a nice program of qawwali here was really remarkable. I am sorry that half of the people have left because they didn't know there was a program. Today we had to make some arrangements, in that it was lost. Doesn't matter. Those who are lucky have listened to them and have enjoyed them thoroughly. [Applause]. I bless those qawwals from my heart, and I always think there will be more people who will appreciate their music and understand and so many Muslims- as yesterday, Ilal said, "Mother, when will the Muslims know about You?" So, these are the people who can spread the news all over and can tell that now the time has come of 'Qiyama' where you will have to get your Self-realization. They're very important, I am so concerned about the Muslims now. Because they are in quite darkness, and the way they are killing people because they are Muslims and they are killed in so many places, while they also kill. It's a very violent, nonsensical thing, which was never preached by Mohammed Sahib. He was the one who was for love and love and love. He is the one who had to fight because they were so aggressive on Him. But otherwise, if you read Koran you'll be surprised how much He has praised the love of God. And that's what is so misleading these days that we don't understand. I am happy at least the Sahaja Yogis understand Koran and understand Mohammed Sahib and are in devotion to Mohammed Sahib as they are to any other Guru. It's very creditable for you people to accept. Because you have seen on your vibrations that Mohammed Sahib was an Incarnation of a Master - so you cannot deny it. And these conditionings have gone into complete negligence now, and most of the Sahaja Yogis have such a respect for Mohammed Sahib and for Koran. I wish all the luck to these people that they propagate this idea and try to bring peace on this earth by telling people that what Mohammed Sahib has said and what are we doing. In the same way, for all of us - to whatever religion we may belong - we have so many conditionings and wrong ideas. So, we should try to correct them and see for ourselves that all of them came to spread spirituality. As I always said, they were like flowers on a tree - same tree of spirituality they came. And whatever they had to do at that time, "samayachar", they did it. But we have plucked the flowers, and now fighting with the dead flowers. So, as Sahaja Yogis, when you are awakened in knowledge, and you know what knowledge is, then you have to really understand that we are all on the same path of spirituality. There's no difference at all.May God bless you all for enjoying this qawwali and for coming all the way to Calcutta. It has been really a tremendous task, I must say. All My thanks are to these great organizers who have organized such a big thing in this place and we had, yesterday, the whole thing filled up, you see. And the way it was conducted and worked out was so remarkable. All the leaders who came here were amazed at their organizing capacity. And they told Me, "Mother, we have to learn a lot from them. We can, of course, not surpass them. But whatever they have done is such a eye-opener that we have to now dedicate ourselves fully to proper understanding of Sahaja Yoga, its spreading and all the organizing should be our first priority. Unless and until people take interest in that, we cannot achieve what these people have achieved." The collectivity of the Bengali people and Marwaris and all types of people who are here from every part of our country, is so remarkable. There's no quarrelling, no discussion, no argument, it's done so beautifully. Unbelievable how they have worked it out! So, we have to remember that we are one part and parcel of one being. And once we really realize that, we'll enjoy each other's company very much. All Sahaja Yogis enjoy each other's company. And also, all of you from the whole world, who have come here, have seen how marvellously they have organized everything. I am thankful to you for coming here to celebrate My birthday, and I don't know what to say now because every birthday you discover such nice things and such nice people. This birthday was really remarkable for its all organization and the way it was worked out so smoothly. I wish we all learn from this. We are all thankful to the organization of Calcutta, for organizing this so well. Give them a hand. [Applause]. [Cut in the video] I know it's so overwhelming that we cannot even stop clapping. Also, we have to again and again thank these qawwals, [Applause]. And now the way they feel confident about life, as you people all feel confident. In the kingdom of God, there's nothing to worry [cut] last, but to enjoy the present. And that's what they are doing and you were doing too. I enjoyed, I enjoyed the rapport that existed between you. Thank you very much. May God bless you.
Birthday Puja: Power of Attention
Birthday Puja. Calcutta (India), 21 March 1994. Every year we have birthdays of various people, and every year we make a vow that, “This year I will not do this or I will not do that.” This is a very good way of seeing how far we have come in life. Many people who really have achieved a very great height in their spiritual life did not need a birthday. But every day they felt it’s a birthday to start, to go ahead, to understand, to learn. Every day is a New Year for them. In our own life we see that our surroundings change very slowly. Sometimes it is shocking; sometimes you are surprised how the surroundings are not changing. But, in a subtle way, there is a tremendous change that is happening within us and without. The whole atmosphere today is governed by human beings. I don’t know how far Paramchaitanya works it out, but it is for us to open ourselves to new dimensions in our lives. For example, if we find we still have, through our introspection, we locate that we have these old, subtle, nonsensical things still hanging around us, we don’t have to vow for it. You have to just witness it, and the destructive path it is taking you to. Immediately you will give up. You don’t have to worry as to put a vow upon yourself, because now you are “samartha” [capable], meaning now you are absolutely empowered. Whatever you think is wrong, your attention itself on it will slowly, gradually remove the doubts about having those problems, those connections, conditions and ego that are lingering still. Definitely you will drop them. With your attention it will run away. Then you will realise that every day your attention is getting purified, getting powerful, getting compassionate. Normally, whatever reaction you have in your attention just disappears, and you start witnessing the whole thing, and your power of attention, through that witnessing force, acts and it works. It works not only on you, but on everything that surrounds you. Firstly, through your meditation, in that state of meditation, you expand within yourself. You stay in the present. The other day, somebody asked me, “Where was Your last birthday?” I just forgot where it was. Otherwise, my memory is very good, like an elephant. But this I forgot. Perhaps, every time, every day, you live in the present and you grow, so you forget when and where this growth has taken place. My own growth has been like this that every time I go to a place, I find very nice new people coming in and some of the horrible ones from the old lot disappearing. It’s something like, when the tree grows, the leaves go on falling and new leaves start coming. But in Sahaja Yoga, it’s something different I find, that on the tree of Sahaja Yoga very few, very, very few leaves fall off, and you sometimes face a lush garden of beautiful people. To me, it’s like a miraculous firework. It starts like a small line and then opens up into several beautiful patterns. It is impossible to envisage or to visualise what will happen to us, to Sahaja Yoga and to all of you. I have never learned to imagine things, but the vision that you see is really remarkable, it’s very remarkable, that I see all Sahaja Yogis drenched in Divine Love and expressing themselves in a very beautiful and very deep manner. This, when comes in, that really makes your attention absolutely enwrapped in such Divine Bliss that you forget that moment. One of those moments are when you celebrate my birthday. I even forget how many years I have lived on this Earth. Sometimes I say I am seventy-three, sometimes I say I am seventy - I just don’t know. Because, as I told you, it does not leave any mark of time, of date, of years, in that blissful state. As if sometimes you can think that you went to see something very beautiful, like Taj Mahal, without knowing what it is, and suddenly you find such a beautiful building unexpectedly. You just get blindfolded, as they say. In Hindi say “avakka” [speechless]. You don’t know how to express, you become speechless. And invariably you’ll find, that time you’ll forget the time. You will forget how you came there. All the story behind all that finishes off as soon as you see the reality of the vision. This reality of the vision is something beyond even my thinking and imagination. I cannot, even now sometimes, believe that there are so many Sahaja Yogis who have got this subtle knowledge. I never knew that there are so many seekers, to begin with. I never knew that there are such subtle people on this Earth. All over the world, wherever I went, whether I went to Nepal or to Brazil, suddenly I find facing so many beautiful seekers. If you ask me, “When did You go to Brazil?”, I won’t be able to tell you the dates. I have very bad memory for dates for the same reason, I think, because every time I see a vision. And the time also just stops for that moment. It doesn’t express itself, nothing is recorded, except for the experience. And this experience is in an abstract form. You cannot describe it. It is beyond words and beyond any description. At that time you really become thoughtless, and that is the time we have to really enjoy. The greatest curse of modern times is the watch, all the time that we keep. And all the time we are just seeing the time, what time it is now, and after two seconds again also you want to see what is the time. We have crossed the limits of time - "kalatit". Try to understand why we have crossed, because time moves according to us. You can experience it. The other day I was coming from Delhi, and in my household everybody seems to be very particular about time. So they were after my life, “Come along, come along. Getting late, getting late. Now, you just can’t get into the plane,” this, that. All right. And when I reached there, they said that, “The plane is still waiting. It’s not… it’s not necessary for you to hurry up. It will take at least fifteen, twenty minutes for you to go.” So, also this name of ‘airport’ makes people really jumpy, I should say. They have to go to the aeroplane means as if some war is there or I don’t know what it is. So far, luckily, I have never missed a plane, never missed a train in my lifetime. Though I travel, I think, quite a lot. I have every time found, invariably, that the plane itself is waiting for me, it won’t leave. Like, I’ll give you a very interesting example today, if you are relaxed. We were in Prague, and we were supposed to go to Poland via… again same thing happens to me with experience I had… via Vienna. And we had a very great Sahaja Yogi with us who told me that the plane will be leaving at eleven o’clock. And from the airport he rings me up, “No, the plane is leaving at 9:30.” If I want, I can be ready in five minutes or I can take two hours, depends on. So I was ready, I just jumped into the car. We reached the airport, but we were late by fifteen minutes, and the ground lady started shouting at me at the top of her voice, “You people, you are VIPs, you are this, you are that.” All kinds of things she said to me. And this Sahaja Yogi could not bear it and he felt that it was his mistake (that) he told me a wrong time, “That’s why this lady is shouting at my Mother.” He couldn’t bear it. He was very unhappy. [Aside to somebody: “You can turn it round. Turn it.”] So, we went into the aeroplane with this lady shouting behind, and we saw that the pilot and engineers, they were busy with some correction of the machinery. They said, “It is little bit out of order, it will be ready.” So we sat down. Now this Sahaja Yogi could not bear it, and his tears started rolling down his eyes. Then another Sahaja Yogini, she said, “Brother, it’s all right. Don’t cry.” They were sitting behind me, I just turned round. I said, “It’s all right. Don’t worry.” He said, “No Mother, because of me she could say all these things, you know, I can’t bear it.” And he couldn’t stop crying. Within one minute, the sky, which was absolutely open, was covered with big clouds like huge, big elephants walking into the whole area - very big. All the Sahaja Yogis who were standing also on the other side, on top of the airport, saw it happening. The whole thing became absolutely jet-black. “Oh, my God,” I said, “see, the tears of this gentleman has such powers.” And then the airport people told us that this plane is out of order, so we have to get down. So, we got down, we came back. Then he went to this ground hostess and told her, “Now, whom should we shout at? Now the plane is not going, should we shout at you? How dare you shout at my Mother and all those things?” But all the people there at the airport, who were still in… under the same regime style, got such a fright. The manager himself walked to me. He said, “For your plane there’s still five hours and if you want out we can give you permission, all of you can go out.” And he took me by a special way. I couldn’t understand this reaction though. So I went out and we did some shopping or something, and when we came back, we were surprised. All the airport was rather stunned by us. And when I walked, that was the only plane that was leaving. All the traffic had stopped except for this plane. And when we walked down to board the plane, the gentleman who was there said, “Mother, can you help me?” I said, “How?” “I have got a terrible back pain.” I said, “How can I do it?” Then one lady walked in to say, “Mother, please, I have pain in my shoulder. Can you put Your hand on that?” I just put my hand on her shoulder and she said, “I am feeling all right.” She started lifting her arm. Then I went. I thought I’d better now take to the aeroplane. When I was walking, the same gentleman came to me, he said, “Why not put hand on my back?” I said, “I have to board the plane.” He said, “I’ll walk with You. You just put Your hand on my back. I’m sure I’ll be all right.” And we walked together about two minutes or so, he said, “I’m all right.” The whole atmosphere changed. It was such a tremendous effect on these people who have been under a regime and have been really military-like, and the whole treatment was so funny. The whole thing changed in such a short time, and I was amazed how the tears of this Sahaja Yogi has worked this wonder. Now, imagine a moment when tears started rolling his eyes, that moment just manifested a big drama. And, ultimately, what you find is that the people at the airport became extremely humble and respectful. So, when we start thinking of time and time and time, we have to understand that time is our slave; we are not slaves of the time. There are thousand and one stories I can tell you how, by delaying in a place, by getting late in a place, by not caring for the time, I have seen such beautiful manifestations, such beautiful dramas - the art of the Divine Power - that I was amazed how people worry so much about the time. If time is really necessary, if we are all watching our time every year, as our birthday, and if you think that time is very important, it is in a way. In these modern times, we really need the time for meditation, for collective meetings and for Sahaja Yoga. I know when there was the war of independence in this country, where my parents fought with all their ‘tana’ [body], ‘mana’ [mind], ‘dhana’ [wealth]. That time I remember how they never cared for anything. They went all out, because it was very important to get this country freed from the clutches of the Empire. And this was so important. They had to meet somebody at such a point. That man, supposing, is escaping from the jail, or there’s some sort of a thing on, they could not afford to miss the time. They could not afford to just neglect that important time, important meeting, important discussion, because everything had become an emergency. For them, nobody told them, nobody gave them lectures, but for them, from inside. They were all legendary people, I should say, the way they fought for their freedom. This is, today, the same situation. It is an emergency, a very subtle emergency that nothing is more important than spreading Sahaja Yoga. If some people will miss it, will not know about it, we will be responsible for that. At the time of Christ, Buddha, Mahavira or anyone of them, there were no aeroplanes to travel. There were not these loudspeakers, also other communications and televisions and all those things. All these things have come now. That has been manifested now. It is the work of Paramachaitanya. Through scientists, through other knowledge, all this manifestation has taken place. Also, these people didn't have to face people, so many, nor did they… were supposed to give realisation to people in such a big number. So, all these inventions, all that you see today as modern ventures which we have got, they are all for Sahaja Yoga. Without Sahaja Yoga, you cannot imagine what would happen to this world. The first and foremost thing is we have no peace within our hearts. We talk of peace. I know of people who have got awards in peace, have no peace within their heart, no peace at all. Unless and until we human beings have peace, there cannot be peace in the whole world. It is we who create wars. It is we who do all kinds of violence. It is we, we ruin the possibility of people getting into the Kingdom of God. So, peace can be only achieved by establishing peace in the hearts of the people. And that is only possible, that you achieve the state of thoughtless awareness. You remain in the present. And there, where you’ll be amazed, you will be standing like a rock, because you will have reality in your hand. You can work out the way you like. Actually, I don’t work out anything whatsoever, really. You may say, “You do this and You do that,” I don’t. It’s the Paramachaitanya, which works it. In the same way, it will work for you also. But you must have faith in yourself and absolute faith in Sahaja Yoga. Absolute. That’s the only way we can achieve this, that many, many, many people, most of the people of the world - I wouldn’t say all of them, rather difficult to say that but may be possible - should enter into the Kingdom of God with us. That’s the most important thing, more than all these worldly things, and more than all these nonsensical things. So the attention should be how many people we are going to bring to Sahaja Yoga, how many we are going to save, what are we going to do about it. When you have to think about it every morning, how can you remember the time and date? When you are in emergency now, and you know that this emergency has to be fulfilled, then how can you just pay attention to all worldly things, all worldly achievements? That will take its own course. You don’t have to worry. That works out automatically. Only thing where you really need your own diversion, or your own focusing, is Sahaja Yoga, in and out. If we really want peace on this Earth, if we want really progress for ourselves, if we want all kinds of physical, mental and emotional problems being solved, all for our good, why not we come to Sahaj Yoga, where we don’t have to do anything except for raising our Kundalini, except for meditating for it for very little time and to achieve that state of joy? Today my feelings are really full of joy, full of joy, because now I can see how things are happening, how one person can produce thousands and thousands of Sahaja Yogis. I saw one miracle, I told once that one seed has all the thousand trees it is going to produce and when I saw a new technique of tissue culture, I was amazed that on one little seed there were so many little, little primules who had come out. In the same way, you are all capable, and you all can do it, but what is needed is faith in yourself and also complete sincerity about Sahaja Yoga. If that happens today, you have really celebrated my birthday. If you think that my birthday is important, that for me very important is that everybody gets their spiritual birthday. May God bless you. [Applause]
Birthday Puja. Calcutta (India), 21 March 1994. Every year we have birthdays of various people, and every year we make a vow that, “This year I will not do this or I will not do that.” This is a very good way of seeing how far we have come in life. Many people who really have achieved a very great height in their spiritual life did not need a birthday. But every day they felt it’s a birthday to start, to go ahead, to understand, to learn. Every day is a New Year for them. In our own life we see that our surroundings change very slowly. Sometimes it is shocking; sometimes you are surprised how the surroundings are not changing. But, in a subtle way, there is a tremendous change that is happening within us and without. The whole atmosphere today is governed by human beings. I don’t know how far Paramchaitanya works it out, but it is for us to open ourselves to new dimensions in our lives. For example, if we find we still have, through our introspection, we locate that we have these old, subtle, nonsensical things still hanging around us, we don’t have to vow for it. You have to just witness it, and the destructive path it is taking you to. Immediately you will give up. You don’t have to worry as to put a vow upon yourself, because now you are “samartha” [capable], meaning now you are absolutely empowered. Whatever you think is wrong, your attention itself on it will slowly, gradually remove the doubts about having those problems, those connections, conditions and ego that are lingering still. Definitely you will drop them. With your attention it will run away. Then you will realise that every day your attention is getting purified, getting powerful, getting compassionate. Normally, whatever reaction you have in your attention just disappears, and you start witnessing the whole thing, and your power of attention, through that witnessing force, acts and it works. It works not only on you, but on everything that surrounds you. Firstly, through your meditation, in that state of meditation, you expand within yourself. You stay in the present. The other day, somebody asked me, “Where was Your last birthday?” I just forgot where it was. Otherwise, my memory is very good, like an elephant. But this I forgot. Perhaps, every time, every day, you live in the present and you grow, so you forget when and where this growth has taken place. My own growth has been like this that every time I go to a place, I find very nice new people coming in and some of the horrible ones from the old lot disappearing. It’s something like, when the tree grows, the leaves go on falling and new leaves start coming. But in Sahaja Yoga, it’s something different I find, that on the tree of Sahaja Yoga very few, very, very few leaves fall off, and you sometimes face a lush garden of beautiful people. To me, it’s like a miraculous firework. It starts like a small line and then opens up into several beautiful patterns. It is impossible to envisage or to visualise what will happen to us, to Sahaja Yoga and to all of you. I have never learned to imagine things, but the vision that you see is really remarkable, it’s very remarkable, that I see all Sahaja Yogis drenched in Divine Love and expressing themselves in a very beautiful and very deep manner. This, when comes in, that really makes your attention absolutely enwrapped in such Divine Bliss that you forget that moment. One of those moments are when you celebrate my birthday. I even forget how many years I have lived on this Earth. Sometimes I say I am seventy-three, sometimes I say I am seventy - I just don’t know. Because, as I told you, it does not leave any mark of time, of date, of years, in that blissful state. As if sometimes you can think that you went to see something very beautiful, like Taj Mahal, without knowing what it is, and suddenly you find such a beautiful building unexpectedly. You just get blindfolded, as they say. In Hindi say “avakka” [speechless]. You don’t know how to express, you become speechless. And invariably you’ll find, that time you’ll forget the time. You will forget how you came there. All the story behind all that finishes off as soon as you see the reality of the vision. This reality of the vision is something beyond even my thinking and imagination. I cannot, even now sometimes, believe that there are so many Sahaja Yogis who have got this subtle knowledge. I never knew that there are so many seekers, to begin with. I never knew that there are such subtle people on this Earth. All over the world, wherever I went, whether I went to Nepal or to Brazil, suddenly I find facing so many beautiful seekers. If you ask me, “When did You go to Brazil?”, I won’t be able to tell you the dates. I have very bad memory for dates for the same reason, I think, because every time I see a vision. And the time also just stops for that moment. It doesn’t express itself, nothing is recorded, except for the experience. And this experience is in an abstract form. You cannot describe it. It is beyond words and beyond any description. At that time you really become thoughtless, and that is the time we have to really enjoy. The greatest curse of modern times is the watch, all the time that we keep. And all the time we are just seeing the time, what time it is now, and after two seconds again also you want to see what is the time. We have crossed the limits of time - "kalatit". Try to understand why we have crossed, because time moves according to us. You can experience it. The other day I was coming from Delhi, and in my household everybody seems to be very particular about time. So they were after my life, “Come along, come along. Getting late, getting late. Now, you just can’t get into the plane,” this, that. All right. And when I reached there, they said that, “The plane is still waiting. It’s not… it’s not necessary for you to hurry up. It will take at least fifteen, twenty minutes for you to go.” So, also this name of ‘airport’ makes people really jumpy, I should say. They have to go to the aeroplane means as if some war is there or I don’t know what it is. So far, luckily, I have never missed a plane, never missed a train in my lifetime. Though I travel, I think, quite a lot. I have every time found, invariably, that the plane itself is waiting for me, it won’t leave. Like, I’ll give you a very interesting example today, if you are relaxed. We were in Prague, and we were supposed to go to Poland via… again same thing happens to me with experience I had… via Vienna. And we had a very great Sahaja Yogi with us who told me that the plane will be leaving at eleven o’clock. And from the airport he rings me up, “No, the plane is leaving at 9:30.” If I want, I can be ready in five minutes or I can take two hours, depends on. So I was ready, I just jumped into the car. We reached the airport, but we were late by fifteen minutes, and the ground lady started shouting at me at the top of her voice, “You people, you are VIPs, you are this, you are that.” All kinds of things she said to me. And this Sahaja Yogi could not bear it and he felt that it was his mistake (that) he told me a wrong time, “That’s why this lady is shouting at my Mother.” He couldn’t bear it. He was very unhappy. [Aside to somebody: “You can turn it round. Turn it.”] So, we went into the aeroplane with this lady shouting behind, and we saw that the pilot and engineers, they were busy with some correction of the machinery. They said, “It is little bit out of order, it will be ready.” So we sat down. Now this Sahaja Yogi could not bear it, and his tears started rolling down his eyes. Then another Sahaja Yogini, she said, “Brother, it’s all right. Don’t cry.” They were sitting behind me, I just turned round. I said, “It’s all right. Don’t worry.” He said, “No Mother, because of me she could say all these things, you know, I can’t bear it.” And he couldn’t stop crying. Within one minute, the sky, which was absolutely open, was covered with big clouds like huge, big elephants walking into the whole area - very big. All the Sahaja Yogis who were standing also on the other side, on top of the airport, saw it happening. The whole thing became absolutely jet-black. “Oh, my God,” I said, “see, the tears of this gentleman has such powers.” And then the airport people told us that this plane is out of order, so we have to get down. So, we got down, we came back. Then he went to this ground hostess and told her, “Now, whom should we shout at? Now the plane is not going, should we shout at you? How dare you shout at my Mother and all those things?” But all the people there at the airport, who were still in… under the same regime style, got such a fright. The manager himself walked to me. He said, “For your plane there’s still five hours and if you want out we can give you permission, all of you can go out.” And he took me by a special way. I couldn’t understand this reaction though. So I went out and we did some shopping or something, and when we came back, we were surprised. All the airport was rather stunned by us. And when I walked, that was the only plane that was leaving. All the traffic had stopped except for this plane. And when we walked down to board the plane, the gentleman who was there said, “Mother, can you help me?” I said, “How?” “I have got a terrible back pain.” I said, “How can I do it?” Then one lady walked in to say, “Mother, please, I have pain in my shoulder. Can you put Your hand on that?” I just put my hand on her shoulder and she said, “I am feeling all right.” She started lifting her arm. Then I went. I thought I’d better now take to the aeroplane. When I was walking, the same gentleman came to me, he said, “Why not put hand on my back?” I said, “I have to board the plane.” He said, “I’ll walk with You. You just put Your hand on my back. I’m sure I’ll be all right.” And we walked together about two minutes or so, he said, “I’m all right.” The whole atmosphere changed. It was such a tremendous effect on these people who have been under a regime and have been really military-like, and the whole treatment was so funny. The whole thing changed in such a short time, and I was amazed how the tears of this Sahaja Yogi has worked this wonder. Now, imagine a moment when tears started rolling his eyes, that moment just manifested a big drama. And, ultimately, what you find is that the people at the airport became extremely humble and respectful. So, when we start thinking of time and time and time, we have to understand that time is our slave; we are not slaves of the time. There are thousand and one stories I can tell you how, by delaying in a place, by getting late in a place, by not caring for the time, I have seen such beautiful manifestations, such beautiful dramas - the art of the Divine Power - that I was amazed how people worry so much about the time. If time is really necessary, if we are all watching our time every year, as our birthday, and if you think that time is very important, it is in a way. In these modern times, we really need the time for meditation, for collective meetings and for Sahaja Yoga. I know when there was the war of independence in this country, where my parents fought with all their ‘tana’ [body], ‘mana’ [mind], ‘dhana’ [wealth]. That time I remember how they never cared for anything. They went all out, because it was very important to get this country freed from the clutches of the Empire. And this was so important. They had to meet somebody at such a point. That man, supposing, is escaping from the jail, or there’s some sort of a thing on, they could not afford to miss the time. They could not afford to just neglect that important time, important meeting, important discussion, because everything had become an emergency. For them, nobody told them, nobody gave them lectures, but for them, from inside. They were all legendary people, I should say, the way they fought for their freedom. This is, today, the same situation. It is an emergency, a very subtle emergency that nothing is more important than spreading Sahaja Yoga. If some people will miss it, will not know about it, we will be responsible for that. At the time of Christ, Buddha, Mahavira or anyone of them, there were no aeroplanes to travel. There were not these loudspeakers, also other communications and televisions and all those things. All these things have come now. That has been manifested now. It is the work of Paramachaitanya. Through scientists, through other knowledge, all this manifestation has taken place. Also, these people didn't have to face people, so many, nor did they… were supposed to give realisation to people in such a big number. So, all these inventions, all that you see today as modern ventures which we have got, they are all for Sahaja Yoga. Without Sahaja Yoga, you cannot imagine what would happen to this world. The first and foremost thing is we have no peace within our hearts. We talk of peace. I know of people who have got awards in peace, have no peace within their heart, no peace at all. Unless and until we human beings have peace, there cannot be peace in the whole world. It is we who create wars. It is we who do all kinds of violence. It is we, we ruin the possibility of people getting into the Kingdom of God. So, peace can be only achieved by establishing peace in the hearts of the people. And that is only possible, that you achieve the state of thoughtless awareness. You remain in the present. And there, where you’ll be amazed, you will be standing like a rock, because you will have reality in your hand. You can work out the way you like. Actually, I don’t work out anything whatsoever, really. You may say, “You do this and You do that,” I don’t. It’s the Paramachaitanya, which works it. In the same way, it will work for you also. But you must have faith in yourself and absolute faith in Sahaja Yoga. Absolute. That’s the only way we can achieve this, that many, many, many people, most of the people of the world - I wouldn’t say all of them, rather difficult to say that but may be possible - should enter into the Kingdom of God with us. That’s the most important thing, more than all these worldly things, and more than all these nonsensical things. So the attention should be how many people we are going to bring to Sahaja Yoga, how many we are going to save, what are we going to do about it. When you have to think about it every morning, how can you remember the time and date? When you are in emergency now, and you know that this emergency has to be fulfilled, then how can you just pay attention to all worldly things, all worldly achievements? That will take its own course. You don’t have to worry. That works out automatically. Only thing where you really need your own diversion, or your own focusing, is Sahaja Yoga, in and out. If we really want peace on this Earth, if we want really progress for ourselves, if we want all kinds of physical, mental and emotional problems being solved, all for our good, why not we come to Sahaj Yoga, where we don’t have to do anything except for raising our Kundalini, except for meditating for it for very little time and to achieve that state of joy? Today my feelings are really full of joy, full of joy, because now I can see how things are happening, how one person can produce thousands and thousands of Sahaja Yogis. I saw one miracle, I told once that one seed has all the thousand trees it is going to produce and when I saw a new technique of tissue culture, I was amazed that on one little seed there were so many little, little primules who had come out. In the same way, you are all capable, and you all can do it, but what is needed is faith in yourself and also complete sincerity about Sahaja Yoga. If that happens today, you have really celebrated my birthday. If you think that my birthday is important, that for me very important is that everybody gets their spiritual birthday. May God bless you. [Applause]
1994-03-21 Interview with H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Question: The first question i want to ask you is what is your concept of meditation? Shri Mataji: Meditation you cannot do, you have to be in meditation, it's a state of meditation. Like some people say that you can sit like this prink like this and with that you will go into meditative state, you cannot, because always your mind is jumping on the crests of your thoughts, they come from the future and the past, and you cannot think of the present, you cannot come to the present, and when you are in meditation then you are in present you don't think, it's called as "Nirvachara Samadhi" Question: This concept which you have evolved, what is the kind of response that you have received to this? Shri Mataji: You see the world is full of, these day, full of strife and all kinds of problems, and this is the time predicted already that people will start seeking the truth and there are seekers all over the world who are trying to seek their peace with in themselves. Now the problem is that there are many other institutions, organizations and individuals who have claimed that they can give you peace and you can get this type of [UNCLEAR], see that's the big problem. But actually within us is a power which if it is awakened it connects you to the all-pervading power of divine love, which we call as "Brahma Chaitanya". You can call it by other names also, like in the Quran it is called as "Ruh", it is called as the “Cool breeze of the holy ghosh” in the bible, also it is called as "Ritam Bhara Pragnya" by Patanjali. So this subtle power which does all the living work, which is the vital power, and once you are connected to it through this awakening then these thoughts become elongated and the space between them is the present, then you become thoughtlessly aware, this is the first step, then you don't think just watch, if you want to think you can think, mostly it is inspiration then, but normally if you see anything nice something good, anything, you just become thoughtless, that is to be in mediation. Then the second state is called as "Nirvakalpa Samadhi" means doubtless awareness, is a hard state when you can give realization to others, you can cure people, you can do all these things. So unless and until you have knowledge of yourself, you cannot be in meditation. But this knowledge is not mental... not mental... that you can read in the book but it's a state, like we are human beings so we are in a state to know so many things like we understand beauty, we understand color, we understand that this is dirty this is clean, animals don't understand. So in our awareness on our central nervous system we feel the presence of this all-pervading power as cool breeze, so it is on the central nervous system in your evolutionary process you have to achieve this state of mind. Question: You said just now that there is lot of strife in this world, restlessness, i would add that there is also poverty. Do you think there is any solution to these problems? Shri Mataji: Of course there is very much solution to all of these because when this power is awakened which we call as Kundalini she passes through six centers, these are the energy centers, these centers are on our spinal cord and also inside the brain, these are six [UNCLEAR] process, the seventh one is below the triangular bone. So because these are fundamental vital power centers and when they are awakened and also enlightened and also enriched then our problems get solved. All our problems come mostly from [UNCLEAR]. Poverty for example comes to us because we are as a whole as a country we do not understand how to live collective, one point, but you become collective after this, then you become compassionate, but this first has to happen in the middle class, middle path. Very rich people don't come to Sahaja Yoga and very poor also cannot come, but like the river it flows and then expands to the sides to cover. Now in our country the main problem is agriculture that can be helped very much with Sahaja Yoga because once you get these vibrations of the divine, this is such a vital power that you give it to your plants to your crops your domestic animals to anyone, like i produced a sunflower which was about two feet, one person couldn't lift it, i had so many of them. We gave it in the newspaper did everything nobody took note of it. So one has to also take to it, now agriculture can be even times more than what it is. We have shown all these results, we have three four doctors of agriculture, one is from Austria, he was an adviser to the UN for agriculture but nobody listens to him also. So you see this power which creates all that is limit, which protects, looks after, grows and nourishes close to us, so we can handle it, channelize it use it where ever we want. Question: How do you view religion? What is your opinion of religion? Shri Mataji: Religion is something which is very innate, it's not outside. Innate religion is where a person becomes himself a righteousness, don't have to tell don't do like this don't do that. Because whether you are a Christian, Hindu, Muslim or anything you can commit any sin, isn't it, it's all outside just for fighting which has no meaning inside. So to have that innate religion awakened also this power helps, because there is a center here which it enlightens, with that a person understand the essence of religion, understands that all religions are flowers on the same tree that they have plucked it out and now they are fighting with the dead flowers [UNCLEAR]. So you go beyond all these barriers of religion and you become really a righteous person. So in Sahaja Yoga you call it, you achieve a religion which we call as "Vishwa Nirmal Dharm" which is innate, absolutely innate. Thank you very much. Thank you
1994-03-21 Interview with H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Question: The first question i want to ask you is what is your concept of meditation? Shri Mataji: Meditation you cannot do, you have to be in meditation, it's a state of meditation. Like some people say that you can sit like this prink like this and with that you will go into meditative state, you cannot, because always your mind is jumping on the crests of your thoughts, they come from the future and the past, and you cannot think of the present, you cannot come to the present, and when you are in meditation then you are in present you don't think, it's called as "Nirvachara Samadhi" Question: This concept which you have evolved, what is the kind of response that you have received to this? Shri Mataji: You see the world is full of, these day, full of strife and all kinds of problems, and this is the time predicted already that people will start seeking the truth and there are seekers all over the world who are trying to seek their peace with in themselves. Now the problem is that there are many other institutions, organizations and individuals who have claimed that they can give you peace and you can get this type of [UNCLEAR], see that's the big problem. But actually within us is a power which if it is awakened it connects you to the all-pervading power of divine love, which we call as "Brahma Chaitanya". You can call it by other names also, like in the Quran it is called as "Ruh", it is called as the “Cool breeze of the holy ghosh” in the bible, also it is called as "Ritam Bhara Pragnya" by Patanjali. So this subtle power which does all the living work, which is the vital power, and once you are connected to it through this awakening then these thoughts become elongated and the space between them is the present, then you become thoughtlessly aware, this is the first step, then you don't think just watch, if you want to think you can think, mostly it is inspiration then, but normally if you see anything nice something good, anything, you just become thoughtless, that is to be in mediation. Then the second state is called as "Nirvakalpa Samadhi" means doubtless awareness, is a hard state when you can give realization to others, you can cure people, you can do all these things. So unless and until you have knowledge of yourself, you cannot be in meditation. But this knowledge is not mental... not mental... that you can read in the book but it's a state, like we are human beings so we are in a state to know so many things like we understand beauty, we understand color, we understand that this is dirty this is clean, animals don't understand. So in our awareness on our central nervous system we feel the presence of this all-pervading power as cool breeze, so it is on the central nervous system in your evolutionary process you have to achieve this state of mind. Question: You said just now that there is lot of strife in this world, restlessness, i would add that there is also poverty. Do you think there is any solution to these problems? Shri Mataji: Of course there is very much solution to all of these because when this power is awakened which we call as Kundalini she passes through six centers, these are the energy centers, these centers are on our spinal cord and also inside the brain, these are six [UNCLEAR] process, the seventh one is below the triangular bone. So because these are fundamental vital power centers and when they are awakened and also enlightened and also enriched then our problems get solved. All our problems come mostly from [UNCLEAR]. Poverty for example comes to us because we are as a whole as a country we do not understand how to live collective, one point, but you become collective after this, then you become compassionate, but this first has to happen in the middle class, middle path. Very rich people don't come to Sahaja Yoga and very poor also cannot come, but like the river it flows and then expands to the sides to cover. Now in our country the main problem is agriculture that can be helped very much with Sahaja Yoga because once you get these vibrations of the divine, this is such a vital power that you give it to your plants to your crops your domestic animals to anyone, like i produced a sunflower which was about two feet, one person couldn't lift it, i had so many of them. We gave it in the newspaper did everything nobody took note of it. So one has to also take to it, now agriculture can be even times more than what it is. We have shown all these results, we have three four doctors of agriculture, one is from Austria, he was an adviser to the UN for agriculture but nobody listens to him also. So you see this power which creates all that is limit, which protects, looks after, grows and nourishes close to us, so we can handle it, channelize it use it where ever we want. Question: How do you view religion? What is your opinion of religion? Shri Mataji: Religion is something which is very innate, it's not outside. Innate religion is where a person becomes himself a righteousness, don't have to tell don't do like this don't do that. Because whether you are a Christian, Hindu, Muslim or anything you can commit any sin, isn't it, it's all outside just for fighting which has no meaning inside. So to have that innate religion awakened also this power helps, because there is a center here which it enlightens, with that a person understand the essence of religion, understands that all religions are flowers on the same tree that they have plucked it out and now they are fighting with the dead flowers [UNCLEAR]. So you go beyond all these barriers of religion and you become really a righteous person. So in Sahaja Yoga you call it, you achieve a religion which we call as "Vishwa Nirmal Dharm" which is innate, absolutely innate. Thank you very much. Thank you
The Primordial Mother is with you
Public Program
Public Program, Perth (Australia). 27 March 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth.At the very outset I have to say that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot describe it and you cannot conceptualize it. It is, it has been and it will be. Now whatever I'm going to tell you today, you need not accept it blindfolded. We have had enough of trouble with blind faiths, but you must keep your mind open, like a scientist and if it proves to be alright, if it proves what I am saying, as honest people you must accept it, because it is for the benevolence of your being, for the benevolence of your city, of your country, of the whole world. Now, I would like to tell you what is the truth. The truth is, that you're not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, you're not that. But you are the pure spirit. This is the first truth about you. And the second truth is, that there is a all-pervading power of Divine Love. I hope you are all hearing me alright. Are you alright? There's a all- pervading power of Divine love. Is called by various names in the scriptures. For example in the Bible it's called as the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost, also all-pervading power of Divine Love. Is called as 'ruhx' in Koran, in Sanskrit it is called as 'Brahma Chaitanya' or 'Ritambhara PrAgnya', by Patanjali Yoga Shastra. Names can be anything. Means the same thing. That there is a subtle power, very dynamic power of Divine Love which does all living work. For example see these beautiful flowers here. It's a miracle, these flowers have come out of a small plant and the plant has come out of a little seed and every flower is different, every type of a flower is different. Then who runs our heart? We never ask this question. It's a living process. Who runs our heart? The doctors will say it's an autonomous nervous system. But what is this autonomous nervous system? Who is the auto behind it? Everything that is living we take it for granted. Even the scientists don't enter that area, because they know they can't find anything there. So how this living process is done, is a very miraculous thing which we accept without knowing about it, but is this all-pervading power, which is very subtle and does this. In every living action it is there. Also it acts on the matter, in a way, like vibrations we know isometric, symmetric, all these vibrations are there. Now to say that God doesn't exist is very easy. To say that. But it's not proper, it's not scientific, because you have not found out if there is God or not God. Without seeing that without finding it, if we just say that there is no God, then I think is not proper. There is a way to find it out. Very simple way is as Stephen has already told you, we have this kind of a mechanism within us built in, during our evolutionary process. In the evolutionary process we have become human beings. But we do not know the absolute truth. We don't know. That's why the problem. Some say communism is good, some say capitalism is good, some say Christianity is good, some say Islamic is good. All kinds of things people talk. That means everybody has a yarn in the head, which they start putting before us. It's just a mental projection. It is nothing to do with the Absolute. If it was absolute [EVERY WOULD HAVE...del.] everybody would have agreed to it or accepted it. Now, I am sitting before you. Is a fact. You know it for truth, so nobody's going to say that I am not sitting here. In the same way if you know the absolute truth, then there cannot be any quarrel, fights, any arguments, no wars. This is the state we have to reach now where we all know the absolute truth. And this is the absolute truth which I have told you already - what you are. As a result of this happening, when you get connected through the awakening of this Kundalini, this power is called Kundalini because 'kundal' means a coil. It's a Primordial Mother, expressing Herself as a reflection. We have a concept of a Father, alright. We have a concept of a Son, alright. But we have no Mother. That's the Holy Ghost. Has to be. But in all other religions except for Islam and you can say the Jews. Jews also have the concept of the Primordial Mother. They have Motherhood but they, I don't know why they evaded the problem of talking about the Mother, the Primordial Mother. So this is the reflection of the Primordial Mother in your triangular bone which is called as sacrum. That means the Greeks knew that it was a sacred bone why would they call it sacrum of all the things? And I found out it was so. Now, the whole religion also the concept of religion becoming mental, it has gone astray.Religion is within. You may be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim anything, you can commit any sin. If religion had anything in it, everyone who follows a particular religion would have been sinless. But they are not. So that means that religion has to be awakened within us. It has to be an innate religion. Whatever religion it is it should be innate, which is not innate. And that's why whatever religion we may follow, we do not fall into line with what is said in the religion. Now, Sahaja Yoga, he must have told you 'saha' means 'with' and 'ja' is 'born with you' - this right to become one with this all-pervading power. We have no idea at all how glorious we are, what properties we have, what powers we have, what is in us, we have no idea at all I would say, what we are capable of. Because we are still not one with that all-pervading power. Once this is awakened it passes through all these six centers, nourishing them. Now the centers, the energy centres are our fundamentals. The problems of the world if you see most of them come from human beings. Those who have no peace within how can they have peace without? In the same way there are so many things which are said, which are not there. We know about priests in every religion are, about immoral, about. Some are less some are more. How can you be? You are a priest, you are teaching something nice and inside you are immoral. It is in every religion. It's nothing new. That means they are just preaching, it's just like a radio, something coming out but nothing inside. And that's why many people feel that religion is useless, God is useless. That's what they felt in communistic countries. When we don't know ourselves how can we talk about anything? Like we say this is my house, this is my car, this is my wife, this is my husband. Everything 'my' but where is this 'I' to which all this belongs? So we have to go within, and how can we go within, is the point. To go within is impossible. If I say that: 'Please take your attention inside,' you cannot take it. So this happening takes place that this Kundalini rises. By that happening your attention is pulled inside and when She rises, She pierces through this fontanel bone area, and you are in contact with this all pervading power. First thing happens that you start feeling cool breeze coming on your fingertips. You start feeling cool breeze coming out of your own head. You are amazed at it but the experience is very peaceful. You feel extremely relaxed, and the eyes start sparkling. As a result of this happening the first thing happens to you that you become peaceful. Absolutely. How? See actually we are thinking, all the time our thoughts rise fall, rise fall. In between these thoughts there's a little space. When we are thinking we are thinking about the future or about the past, not about the present, we cannot think. So when this Kundalini rises then these thoughts get elongated, and this space increases, and that's the place where you become thoughtlessly aware. You are aware but you are thoughtless. That's the place, where you are in the present, and you are peaceful. And that's the state where you grow spiritually. You cannot do meditation, you have to be in meditation. Of course, you can't pay for all this, is something, I don't know how many times I've told people, you can't pay for your living process. How much did we pay for our evolution? How much, do we pay to Mother Earth for sprouting the seeds? So you can't pay for it and it has been so. I don't know why people were so enamoured by people who were taking money. I went to America, they said: 'You don't take money so we don't believe you.' I was surprised. What sort of a logic is this? 'How much should you pay me?' I said. The whole concept is that, everything is money, God is money, even your ascent is money, everything you must pay. And such funny ideas they had that, we are what we are giving him metal or something, we are giving him nothing but a Rolls Royce. But he gives us the spirit. What spirit is he giving you? He is mesmerizing you. That's what he's doing. You are not free. You are mesmerized and under mesmerism you don't understand what he's doing to you. And now thank God, ninety-nine percent of them are getting exposed. But now new are coming up like mushrooms but still, if you understand that you can't pay for your evolutionary process, you have understood me very well. Now what happens when you get your realization as I told you, the first thing happens that you become thoughtlessly aware. Is a state. In Sanskrit called as nirvichara samadhi. The second state is doubtless awareness. When this connection is in the beginning little loose, so, you have to work it out a little bit. Once you have worked it out and the connection becomes really, permanent, then what you find is a complete flow of that power within you. A new state another a new dimension in your awareness comes in. That on your fingertips you can feel your centers, means self knowledge. You know where what's the problem is. And on the same way, on the same fingers you can feel the centres of others. So you are collectively conscious. You know about others. You don't know what sort of dress they are wearing, what sort of complexion they have, what race they come from, but what you know is what's wrong with their centre, which centre is in jeopardy. Now, if you know how to correct those centers, your problem is solved and the problem of others also you can solve. In that enlightenment, what do you see? You see yourself away from yourself in the sense that you start seeing, yourself as sometimes as a stupid fellow. Sometimes could be you might think, see that you are doing such wrong things to yourself. You are destroying yourself. In Sahaja Yoga we never say: 'Don't do.' We never say because half of the people will run away. So we say that alright let's have the awakening. Once you have the awakening then in that light you see. I'll give an example. Supposing I'm very obstinate, and think no end of myself, and is carrying the snake in my hand. It's darkness and somebody tells me that this is a snake and it will bite you. I say: 'No. [WHAT'S THE...del.] What's wrong? Let me have, but it's a rope.' They said: 'No, it's a snake, please throw it away.' No. Nobody will listen. But if little light comes [IN THAT...del.] in that room or in that hall or wherever it is immediately you throw away that snake. So you become your own guide, and you understand yourself and you just give up all these things. Without doing anything you just give it up. In England we had great experiences of very terrible drug addicts. Overnight they gave up. Overnight. It's very surprising. All these problems, in the world today are because of ignorance. Once you have the light you just give up all these things, without any difficulty, because you find they're destructive. One doesn't have to tell you don't do it don't do it. It just happens. You are empowered. That you can control yourself and you know how to be with yourself. But in the same way you can have an effect on others. Supposing two persons are quarreling and a third person who's a realized soul goes there, suddenly the peace descends on them and suddenly they give up fighting. So the power that is all-pervading you should understand, is such a dynamic power, is the ocean of compassion, is the ocean of knowledge, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So, when we feel very guilty, after realization you get rid of all these troubles. People have all kinds of problems incurred upon themselves. But in this light you see it so clearly and it manages. It just disappears. Now what is our problem now of this world is? A scientist came to argue with me. I said: 'Answer only one question. Why are you on this earth?' He didn't know what to say. Madly he is finding out one thing, then another thing and another thing. But I said: 'Why are you here? Just to find these things or is there something more?' Couldn't understand. I said: 'If I tell you, you'll be happy to know, you have to enter into the Kingdom of God, to enjoy His bliss, to enjoy His love, to enjoy His bounties. This is why you are on this Earth.' This is what it is, it answers this question this way. The second thing that happens to you. That you know Absolute Truth. Now supposing, somebody comes from India from jail. And wears a cloth of saffron color and starts saying some sort of Sanskrit words. He'll become a big guru anywhere. Because he shows off like that you see, carries a drum of that kind. He'll become a big guru. How will you know whether he's a thief or not? What you have to do is to just put your hands if you are realised souls. Immediately you will feel, the burning of this fellow. Immediately you'll know what sort of chakras he is. How cunning he is. Immediately. And after some times you don't even have to put your hands towards him. Immediately you'll know what sort of person he is, what are his centers in danger, what is happening to him. Thus you can cure also physical ailments of yourself and of others. You are so relaxed. Now see, I'm seventy-one years of age. I've been coming to Perth, I don't know how many years I've been coming here. And I'm travelling like this, I'm quite all right. Because, you don't worry. You are so relaxed. I mean people say: 'Mother, you are traveling so much.' I say: 'I never travel, I'm just sitting in the aeroplane, that's all I know.' If I start thinking: 'I'm traveling, I'm this.' I never travel. I'm just sitting nicely, I'm sitting here in the same, in the drawing room, I'm sitting there. What is there like travelling? What's so special. Like that you see you become so relaxed, in your peace, that you don't feel, your age, you become so dynamic, and you become so compassionate. You become extremely compassionate. You become a very different person, very beautiful person. I've seen who are married in Sahaja Yoga, people, are such good husband and wife. Hardly any divorce. One per cent maybe. And they have beautiful children, who are born realised. In your Perth also you have some of them. You should meet them, you'll be happy to meet them. And so many problems which are so superficial also pass out. Children become so dynamic. I know one of my relations had some problems so he came to see Me. And he got cured. When he went back he told his son that I got cured because of this. So he said: 'Alright, now I'm going to do Sahaja Yoga.' That boy, they had complained he's not good for studies and he stood first in the whole of Uttar Pradesh State, such a huge place, millions and millions appear for that matriculation of theirs. He stood first. In our whole family nobody has come first. We have first class, first many. But not in the whole of UP, something so remarkable. And the parents are surprised this boy never used to study much. Now he's taken life so well, he's so matured, he's so sensible. This shows that all your capacities get enlightenment. I've known, of very great artists coming out of Sahaja Yoga. In your Sydney also you have one girl who's gained a very big name out. Then there are musicians, small children who are becoming great musicians. There are artists, there are musicians, there are poets, orators, authors. Suddenly, all their capacities start expressing themselves. There's a fellow who is a chartered accountant, he said I've never know any language very well. I'm a mathematician. He writes such beautiful poems. That is surprising. How does he write? Now the last song that they sung was written in the sixteenth century by a tailor, who got his realization and is the song says: 'Oh Mother, give my yoga' - means this union with the Divine. They are singing in the villages, everywhere in India, but nobody knows what it means. They don't know what it means. Because of Western education we have given up all that is our, old knowledge, everything. And we never bothered, to know what we have in our country. This Western life has increased so much, it has grown so big. Like a tree that becomes very big. But it should seek its own roots, and it must gets its nourishment. If this is the knowledge of the roots, why should we deny it. Is very important. As we learn science, from the West, the West must learn, the knowledge of the roots. And if it can be proved then why not? Now there are three doctors who have got MD degrees for Sahaja Yoga. One has done on epilepsy, another has done on physical fitness, third one has done on cancer or something. So now they have got MDs. And there's the fourth one who's doing some other research. Asthma. And they are very successful. You don't have to pay anything. No medicine, nothing. Just it works through your own powers. About which you have no knowledge. You don't know what this power is like. What it can give you. So your attention itself becomes enlightened. You pay attention to anyone after you have achieved the state of thoughtless awareness, doubtless awareness, then you will know what's wrong with that person. Even of the dead, you will know what's wrong with that person. Physically you will find out what's wrong. Mentally you will find out and spiritually you can find out. And all these three dimensions in us can found out by ourselves and can be improved. In the same way we can improve others through our attention. So dynamic, are our powers within ourselves. And that's what I'm saying we have to know our glory. For example this instrument, if it is not connected to the mains it has no identity, it has no meaning. In the same way if we are not connected to this, all-pervading power we have no meaning to our life. So people are trying to find identification by coloring [COLORING...del.] their hair, doing all kinds of things they do for identification. Thank God it's over now, all those. Most of the fads are over. Otherwise they used to always say one mantra: 'What's wrong? What's wrong?' When you are wasting your energy, time: 'What's wrong?' Thank God recession has put them down a little bit and they are not doing all these horrible things they used to do. So now the attention is more introspective. I think so. Of the young people especially I was shocked the way some of the young people in England were doing this, what do you call that I've forgotten, with the red hair business and wasting fifty pounds for that kind of a hairdress which was quite funny you know and, they started becoming blind. So I said: 'Why do you want to put this horrible color, you are becoming blind?' So they said: 'What's wrong? Nothing wrong.' Even if you say they are going to die: 'So what's wrong? In any way we have to die.' I mean the whole brain had taken a recession into itself. It would not understand anything sensible. But now somehow or other, people are maturing and trying to understand that identity is within ourselves. Like now take a say a good television set and take it to some remote village in India, where they have never seen electricity. And you tell them that from this you can see films and things they'll say: 'Oh, now you are telling us stories. It's just a box.' That's how we think we are just a box. Unless and until we are connected, we cannot know how great we are. And that's how we start condemning ourselves, suffering from depression, this, that frustration. These are all artificial. And they just drop out once you know what you are, what is your capacity, what you can do, what are your powers. So that, you get awakened and you can awaken others also. This is another power you get that you can awaken other people. You don't have to ask Me to do that. Anybody who is enlightened can do it. Like one candle which is enlightened can enlighten hundred candles. In the same way you can also do it. And once you start doing it the joy is tremendous. Here in Perth we have many people who are Sahaja Yogis and they are doing this work here. When I come only once a year here. But I find that gradually they are maturing very well. And they have all the knowledge. All the knowledge about yourself, about your antaratma is called, the inside. You should know everything about yourselves and about others. Not the outside. But the inside of it. What is it? Why? Why do I behave like this? Why do I accept this? Why I don't accept like that? You see your ego, you see all your conditionings, you see everything clearly and you understand what is good for you and you have power to give up what you want to give up. You are not powerless. You are not under any habit. All the habits drop out. The best part of it, best part of it I would say that you know absolute truth. Also you can help others because in collective consciousness you are there. Your attention is enlightened. But the best is that you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is singular. It is not like happiness and unhappiness. Supposing somebody pampers our ego we are very happy you see. Somebody punctures it we are very unhappy. But with joy you become a witness. You see the whole thing as a witness. And you are in a state where just you enjoy everything. Everything is so enjoyable, only thing little bit, your vision is marred. Once you get that, that joy, then nothing can make you miserable. If you see a problem of course you face it. You face it bravely. And you are not bothered. And you are surprised that how you are helped by so many blessings. If you have to believe in yourself the blessings come to you. But you have to have faith in yourself. Because also there's a tendency: 'Oh Mother, I'm a sinner. I'm this that.' You see there's nothing like that. It's all nonsense, people talk about sin, sin, sin, sin. After all you're human beings. You are not gods. If you have done mistakes, so what? What does it matter? After all, this great power is there, which is the ocean of forgiveness. Ocean of forgiveness. You don't have to really torture yourself, and go on saying as this is wrong with me that is wrong with me. Just have faith in yourself I'm telling you and I'm sure this will work out tonight. Of course I must say, that I respect your freedom. It cannot be forced on you. It cannot be. I respect your freedom. And as a result it is you who has to say yes. I cannot force on you. So those who don't want to have their realization have to go away. It helps you physically, mentally, emotionally. I assure you it does. Also spiritually it helps you a lot. It works. It's your own power. No doubt. And there's no complication with it, at all. No complication of any kind. But if you don't want to have it, how can I force it on you? It cannot be forced. It's a living process, of your choice, the last breakthrough of your evolution. That's what I request you, that you should just decide on this point yourself. All religions have talked about it. Christ has said: 'Know thyself.' In the Bible it is: 'I'll appear before you like flames, like silent flames.' You do see those chakras like that. Every...Buddha has said it, everyone has said the same thing. Even in the Koran it is written that: 'At the time of resurrection, kiama, your hands will speak and they'll give witness against you.' I mean He has said it, much more clearly than anybody else. So all the religions have said that you have to know yourself. No doubt about it. But no [RELIGION HAS ...del.] outside religion has tried that. Nobody has tried to tell people you have to know yourself. They all have become either power oriented or money oriented, not spirit oriented. That's the problem is. So I would request people who don't want to have realization to go away, because it won't work out. If you are not there it won't. It doesn't work for people who are adamant, who are arrogant, also for people who are idiots you see, it doesn't work out. I'm sorry to say. If you have some problem, physical, mental, emotional, even spiritual then maybe, it might be delayed but everybody gets it. So far I've seen anybody who has come to Sahaja Yoga has got it. And got it very well. So, I would request you ... I know you all have some questions also. To be asked. But I would say that, it is better that you write them and send it over to Me. Because just now the whole atmosphere is built in and I think people should get their realization first. Then you'll have no questions. Because questions you see now, I've been working for about twenty-three years, I know all these mental acrobats, I know. I can answer every question very well. Make you laugh also. But, the main thing is realization and if you have this mental diversion then perhaps maybe, you might miss the point. So the best thing is that you get your realization which is your right and then, we'll talk about it. Now what one has to do is to take out the shoes that's all. It's not a too much of a thing doing this. Because this Mother Earth takes away our problems. So now we are on our way, to know how fantastic we are and to enter into the Kingdom of God. So we have to be very kind to ourselves. See actually, I think, we must really have respect for ourselves. Very important. There are three conditions. The first one is, that, you have to forgive yourself. Just forgive yourself. Means you should not feel guilty, at all. Perhaps you don't know if you feel guilty what happens is on the left side this centre catches and that gives you spondylitis. It might also give you angina and maybe lethargic organs. It's a terrible thing to have this centre caught up. So what's the need to feel guilty? I mean in anyway you are punishing yourself for nothing at all. So please don't feel guilty. I mean people feel guilty for all kinds of nonsensical things. Like somebody spilled, say coffee. Finished. All his life he'll remember: 'Oh my God, I spilled the coffee on the carpet.' It's nothing important. So please don't feel guilty. That's one point. That's very important because if this centre is caught up the Kundalini won't rise. Now the second condition is, that you have to forgive everyone. Now some say it's very difficult to forgive anyone. Logically whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. What do you do? Nothing. But actually you play into wrong hands. The persons who have harmed you or troubled you or made you unhappy, are happy. While you are torturing yourself. Logically. So why torture yourself for nothing at all? Don't even think about them. To just say in general: 'Mother, I forgive everyone.' Just say it. And it will be done. You'll feel much lighter, I tell you. Must forgive. There's a way to understand that, at this moment you have to be free from all this nonsense. Why? Because this center is, like this - agnya. The optic chiasma goes like this. [SHRI MATAJI DEMONSTRATES] Like that it is. If you don't forgive it won't open. Now, it has to open like this, if the Kundalini has to pass through it. Now if you don't forgive, this will remain like this. All your life you have tortured yourself and at this moment you'll miss the point. So why not forgive? Just forgive. Forgive everyone. And third. The most important. Is the condition that you all should have confidence that you all can get your realization. Whether you belong to Australia, India or Timbuktu. You all can get your realization tonight. This is very important. Have confidence in yourself. Moreover, you have to know that this is not an individual happening. It's not that you are getting your realization and another isn't. It's 'en masse'. That's the new thing is an 'en masse' realization. Say in Russia sixteen thousand people get realization. How it has worked out? We should say God alone knows. But it has worked out. Now, once it happens, to you, you cannot sit at home and say: 'Oh yes Mother, I'm meditating.' No, no. You have to come to the collective. You don't have to pay anything. No, no, no. It's not that this is introduction letter and then your purses are polished off. It's not like that. It is, it is just you have to attend. You have to go for meditation with others, collectively. It's a collective happening. Supposing a nail is taken out of your finger. It will never grow. In the same way it's a collective happening. And Sahaja Yoga is working in sixty nations. And the thousands and thousands of people who are self realized. They are all your part and parcel. If one person gets into trouble in any place, all of them will jump at it and try to see that that person is saved. So you have so many brothers and sisters. Real brothers and sisters I should say. They are not only blood relations but they are spirit relations. So, I have to request, that please don't finish it here. Stephen told me he has a funny experience of the Australians but it's common with everyone I must say. That some people get it a very high experience so they forget it. They just enjoy it for while, til after one year they come down when You are here and they are not bothered. But those who get little bit they just come and say now what's in it. I'm getting burning here. I'm doing this. Why? But those who get it in a big way should, become easily doubtlessly aware people and they have so many powers. And they should do a lot. Why? They should help others who are feeling little bit less. So it is something, human nature I think, the way it acts. But it's not Divine nature. Divine nature is when you become Divine, then you want to give. You have the light. You want to give. Till this candle was not enlightened it was alright, it was trying to get enlightened. Once it was enlightened it is giving light. When you have the light you have to give it to others. And that's what is the most enjoyable thing. For that you don't have to pay, again. But you have to give some time to yourself, some respect to yourself, and some meaning to your life. You'll be amazed how it will give you such a joy that you can do all these things. May God Bless You. Now, I've told you again three conditions. And I hope you have understood my three conditions are very simple if you look at it because all these things are there because of a myth. It's a myth. That to feel guilty is a myth. Not to forgive others is a myth. And not to have confidence is another myth. So we should get out of this and we should have full confidence that we'll get our realization. You all can get it I promise you. All of you. I hope you have taken out your shoes. As Stephen has already told you there are two powers, left and right, we have to put both our feet like this on the Mother Earth. Alright. Now, please take out your shoes that's all. Now you have to put both the hands towards Me like that. Keep your eyes open. For the time being. You should be comfortable. Very comfortable. There should be no discomfort in your body. Now please put your left hand towards me - on your lap you can put it or sideways wherever you feel comfortable and the right hand on your heart. Keep your eyes open because just now I'll tell you what is to be done. This we have just to do that you should know how we are clearing your centers. Now we are working only on the left side with your right hand and the left hand is towards Me which indicates that you have a desire because this is the power of desire, that you have a desire that you get your realization. So please put your right hand on your heart now. In the heart resides the spirit. Now you take your right hand upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it. If you are the spirit you become your own master and this is the centre of your mastery which is created by great masters, and prophets. Now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre of pure knowledge. Means the knowledge about the laws which are Divine. Surprisingly the center is so low as that. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen again. Then onto your heart. Now raise your right hand in the corner of your shoulder and your neck and put your head to your right. This is the center I've told you when you feel guilty gets into jeopardy. Now please take your right hand on top of your forehead across, and put down your head. This is the center where we have to forgive everyone which we'll do later on. I'm just telling you now. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Just for your satisfaction, here you have to ask for forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now the last center. Is very important. Stretch your hand fully and put the center of your hand on top of the fontanel bone area which was the soft bone on our head. So now put down your head a little bit. As far as possible if you can put it would be nice. Now press it hard by pushing back your fingers and move your scalp. Move your scalp more, clockwise. Seven times. Please move your clockwise hand to move the scalp - seven times. Put down your head please. That's all you have to do. That's all. More than sufficient. Now, you can call Me Shri Mataji or Mother, whatever suits you. Take out your spectacles will be better because, it might help your eyesight also. Now close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Put left hand towards Me, right hand on the heart and put both the feet apart from each other. Be comfortable. Now, here you have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself. Ask a question: 'Mother am I the spirit?' Ask the question in your heart. 'Mother am I the spirit?' Ask three times. Now, as I told you if you are the spirit you become your own master. Now please take your right hand, on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it and here you ask another question three times: 'Mother, am I my own master?' I've told you that I respect your freedom and you have to ask for pure knowledge. I cannot force it on you. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here now press it hard and ask another question: Again six times because, this center has got six petals. Ask six times for, pure knowledge: 'Mother please give me pure knowledge.' Ask six times. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge the kundalini starts rising. So, we have to open our upper centers with full confidence. Have full confidence in yourself. Now please raise your right hand the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side. Here, with full confidence you have to say ten times: 'Mother, I am my own master.' Please say this ten times. 'Mother, I am my own master.' With full confidence. I have already told you that you are the pure spirit. You are not this body, mind, emotions, egos, conditionings. But you are the pure spirit. So now please put your right hand on your heart and with full confidence you have to say, twelve times in your heart: 'Mother I am the pure spirit.' Please say it, with full confidence. I have already told you that this all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of blessings but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself and raise your hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and, on the left-hand side and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say with full confidence: 'Mother I am not guilty, Mother I am not guilty.' Please say it, sixteen times. I have already told you, if you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then, you play into wrong hands and at this moment it's very important that you forgive because this center of agnya is very constricted and has to be opened out. So please help yourself. Now, raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head as far as possible. Here, it's not how many times, but from your heart you have to say: 'Mother I forgive everyone.' Not how many times but from your heart: 'Mother I forgive everyone.' In general. You don't remember each and every person. You don't have to think about any one of them. Just say in general from your heart. This is very important. Now, only for your satisfaction, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, please put your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here, again you have to say from your heart, not how many times: 'Oh Divine Power, if I have done any mistakes please forgive me.' Just say that for your satisfaction. Don't feel guilty about it. From your heart please say: 'Oh Divine Power, if I have done any mistake knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me.' Please push back your head. Now the last center. Please stretch your hand fully, your palm specially and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now, push back your fingers - very important, that will give a nice pressure, now put down your head. Here again I cannot, cross over your freedom. You have to ask for your self-realization. I cannot force it on you. So please try to move your hand clockwise, seven times so that the scalp moves, nicely, with the pressure and here you have to say, seven times: 'Mother, please give me my self-realization.' [SHRI MATAJI BREATHES INTO THE MICROPHONE] Now please take down your hands. Open your eyes slowly and put both the hands towards Me like that. Now, put the right hand towards Me and put down your head and see with your left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Don't put it on top - above, above it. Some people get it close and some people get it very far. So just try to see if there's a hot or a cold breeze coming out of your head. This is the heat coming out of you. If you have not forgiven the heat will be there so please try to forgive now. Now please put left hand towards Me. Now bend your head again and see for yourself. You have to see yourself, nobody's going to certify. Please see if there's a hot or a cool breeze coming out of your head. Again I would request you to forgive everyone so that heat goes away. Ultimately it will become cool, very cool. Now lastly, with the right hand. Now raise your both the hands towards the sky. Push back your head and ask one question, one of these questions three times. You can ask: 'Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?' 'Mother is this the all-pervading power of Divine Love?' Otherwise: 'Mother is this the ruhx, is this the paramachaitanya?' Ask any one of these questions three times - any one. Now put down your hands, please. Now put your hands like this towards Me. You can wear your glasses also. Put your hands like this. And don't think, just don't think. Watch Me, don't think. You can do it. All those who have felt the cool breeze in their hands please raise both your hands.Just raise it like that, otherwise I can't see. It's very good. Imagine. Perth. I bow to you all. Really. Bow to you. You've received your connection. No doubt. I'm getting cool breeze from you. And now only thing is you have to grow. Some people haven't got it so we'll have to look at them, what's the problem is. May be some problem there. But most of you have got it. Those who have got it or not got it, please you must come and attend our follow-up places. They have got some sort of a program after this where they will explain to you everything. And you will achieve your ultimate goal, is to know everything about it. Everything. I promise you, you will get it. But give some time to yourself. [TAPE ENDS]
Public Program, Perth (Australia). 27 March 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth.At the very outset I have to say that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot describe it and you cannot conceptualize it. It is, it has been and it will be. Now whatever I'm going to tell you today, you need not accept it blindfolded. We have had enough of trouble with blind faiths, but you must keep your mind open, like a scientist and if it proves to be alright, if it proves what I am saying, as honest people you must accept it, because it is for the benevolence of your being, for the benevolence of your city, of your country, of the whole world. Now, I would like to tell you what is the truth. The truth is, that you're not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, you're not that. But you are the pure spirit. This is the first truth about you. And the second truth is, that there is a all-pervading power of Divine Love. I hope you are all hearing me alright. Are you alright? There's a all- pervading power of Divine love. Is called by various names in the scriptures. For example in the Bible it's called as the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost, also all-pervading power of Divine Love. Is called as 'ruhx' in Koran, in Sanskrit it is called as 'Brahma Chaitanya' or 'Ritambhara PrAgnya', by Patanjali Yoga Shastra. Names can be anything. Means the same thing. That there is a subtle power, very dynamic power of Divine Love which does all living work. For example see these beautiful flowers here. It's a miracle, these flowers have come out of a small plant and the plant has come out of a little seed and every flower is different, every type of a flower is different. Then who runs our heart? We never ask this question. It's a living process. Who runs our heart? The doctors will say it's an autonomous nervous system. But what is this autonomous nervous system? Who is the auto behind it? Everything that is living we take it for granted. Even the scientists don't enter that area, because they know they can't find anything there. So how this living process is done, is a very miraculous thing which we accept without knowing about it, but is this all-pervading power, which is very subtle and does this. In every living action it is there. Also it acts on the matter, in a way, like vibrations we know isometric, symmetric, all these vibrations are there. Now to say that God doesn't exist is very easy. To say that. But it's not proper, it's not scientific, because you have not found out if there is God or not God. Without seeing that without finding it, if we just say that there is no God, then I think is not proper. There is a way to find it out. Very simple way is as Stephen has already told you, we have this kind of a mechanism within us built in, during our evolutionary process. In the evolutionary process we have become human beings. But we do not know the absolute truth. We don't know. That's why the problem. Some say communism is good, some say capitalism is good, some say Christianity is good, some say Islamic is good. All kinds of things people talk. That means everybody has a yarn in the head, which they start putting before us. It's just a mental projection. It is nothing to do with the Absolute. If it was absolute [EVERY WOULD HAVE...del.] everybody would have agreed to it or accepted it. Now, I am sitting before you. Is a fact. You know it for truth, so nobody's going to say that I am not sitting here. In the same way if you know the absolute truth, then there cannot be any quarrel, fights, any arguments, no wars. This is the state we have to reach now where we all know the absolute truth. And this is the absolute truth which I have told you already - what you are. As a result of this happening, when you get connected through the awakening of this Kundalini, this power is called Kundalini because 'kundal' means a coil. It's a Primordial Mother, expressing Herself as a reflection. We have a concept of a Father, alright. We have a concept of a Son, alright. But we have no Mother. That's the Holy Ghost. Has to be. But in all other religions except for Islam and you can say the Jews. Jews also have the concept of the Primordial Mother. They have Motherhood but they, I don't know why they evaded the problem of talking about the Mother, the Primordial Mother. So this is the reflection of the Primordial Mother in your triangular bone which is called as sacrum. That means the Greeks knew that it was a sacred bone why would they call it sacrum of all the things? And I found out it was so. Now, the whole religion also the concept of religion becoming mental, it has gone astray.Religion is within. You may be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim anything, you can commit any sin. If religion had anything in it, everyone who follows a particular religion would have been sinless. But they are not. So that means that religion has to be awakened within us. It has to be an innate religion. Whatever religion it is it should be innate, which is not innate. And that's why whatever religion we may follow, we do not fall into line with what is said in the religion. Now, Sahaja Yoga, he must have told you 'saha' means 'with' and 'ja' is 'born with you' - this right to become one with this all-pervading power. We have no idea at all how glorious we are, what properties we have, what powers we have, what is in us, we have no idea at all I would say, what we are capable of. Because we are still not one with that all-pervading power. Once this is awakened it passes through all these six centers, nourishing them. Now the centers, the energy centres are our fundamentals. The problems of the world if you see most of them come from human beings. Those who have no peace within how can they have peace without? In the same way there are so many things which are said, which are not there. We know about priests in every religion are, about immoral, about. Some are less some are more. How can you be? You are a priest, you are teaching something nice and inside you are immoral. It is in every religion. It's nothing new. That means they are just preaching, it's just like a radio, something coming out but nothing inside. And that's why many people feel that religion is useless, God is useless. That's what they felt in communistic countries. When we don't know ourselves how can we talk about anything? Like we say this is my house, this is my car, this is my wife, this is my husband. Everything 'my' but where is this 'I' to which all this belongs? So we have to go within, and how can we go within, is the point. To go within is impossible. If I say that: 'Please take your attention inside,' you cannot take it. So this happening takes place that this Kundalini rises. By that happening your attention is pulled inside and when She rises, She pierces through this fontanel bone area, and you are in contact with this all pervading power. First thing happens that you start feeling cool breeze coming on your fingertips. You start feeling cool breeze coming out of your own head. You are amazed at it but the experience is very peaceful. You feel extremely relaxed, and the eyes start sparkling. As a result of this happening the first thing happens to you that you become peaceful. Absolutely. How? See actually we are thinking, all the time our thoughts rise fall, rise fall. In between these thoughts there's a little space. When we are thinking we are thinking about the future or about the past, not about the present, we cannot think. So when this Kundalini rises then these thoughts get elongated, and this space increases, and that's the place where you become thoughtlessly aware. You are aware but you are thoughtless. That's the place, where you are in the present, and you are peaceful. And that's the state where you grow spiritually. You cannot do meditation, you have to be in meditation. Of course, you can't pay for all this, is something, I don't know how many times I've told people, you can't pay for your living process. How much did we pay for our evolution? How much, do we pay to Mother Earth for sprouting the seeds? So you can't pay for it and it has been so. I don't know why people were so enamoured by people who were taking money. I went to America, they said: 'You don't take money so we don't believe you.' I was surprised. What sort of a logic is this? 'How much should you pay me?' I said. The whole concept is that, everything is money, God is money, even your ascent is money, everything you must pay. And such funny ideas they had that, we are what we are giving him metal or something, we are giving him nothing but a Rolls Royce. But he gives us the spirit. What spirit is he giving you? He is mesmerizing you. That's what he's doing. You are not free. You are mesmerized and under mesmerism you don't understand what he's doing to you. And now thank God, ninety-nine percent of them are getting exposed. But now new are coming up like mushrooms but still, if you understand that you can't pay for your evolutionary process, you have understood me very well. Now what happens when you get your realization as I told you, the first thing happens that you become thoughtlessly aware. Is a state. In Sanskrit called as nirvichara samadhi. The second state is doubtless awareness. When this connection is in the beginning little loose, so, you have to work it out a little bit. Once you have worked it out and the connection becomes really, permanent, then what you find is a complete flow of that power within you. A new state another a new dimension in your awareness comes in. That on your fingertips you can feel your centers, means self knowledge. You know where what's the problem is. And on the same way, on the same fingers you can feel the centres of others. So you are collectively conscious. You know about others. You don't know what sort of dress they are wearing, what sort of complexion they have, what race they come from, but what you know is what's wrong with their centre, which centre is in jeopardy. Now, if you know how to correct those centers, your problem is solved and the problem of others also you can solve. In that enlightenment, what do you see? You see yourself away from yourself in the sense that you start seeing, yourself as sometimes as a stupid fellow. Sometimes could be you might think, see that you are doing such wrong things to yourself. You are destroying yourself. In Sahaja Yoga we never say: 'Don't do.' We never say because half of the people will run away. So we say that alright let's have the awakening. Once you have the awakening then in that light you see. I'll give an example. Supposing I'm very obstinate, and think no end of myself, and is carrying the snake in my hand. It's darkness and somebody tells me that this is a snake and it will bite you. I say: 'No. [WHAT'S THE...del.] What's wrong? Let me have, but it's a rope.' They said: 'No, it's a snake, please throw it away.' No. Nobody will listen. But if little light comes [IN THAT...del.] in that room or in that hall or wherever it is immediately you throw away that snake. So you become your own guide, and you understand yourself and you just give up all these things. Without doing anything you just give it up. In England we had great experiences of very terrible drug addicts. Overnight they gave up. Overnight. It's very surprising. All these problems, in the world today are because of ignorance. Once you have the light you just give up all these things, without any difficulty, because you find they're destructive. One doesn't have to tell you don't do it don't do it. It just happens. You are empowered. That you can control yourself and you know how to be with yourself. But in the same way you can have an effect on others. Supposing two persons are quarreling and a third person who's a realized soul goes there, suddenly the peace descends on them and suddenly they give up fighting. So the power that is all-pervading you should understand, is such a dynamic power, is the ocean of compassion, is the ocean of knowledge, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So, when we feel very guilty, after realization you get rid of all these troubles. People have all kinds of problems incurred upon themselves. But in this light you see it so clearly and it manages. It just disappears. Now what is our problem now of this world is? A scientist came to argue with me. I said: 'Answer only one question. Why are you on this earth?' He didn't know what to say. Madly he is finding out one thing, then another thing and another thing. But I said: 'Why are you here? Just to find these things or is there something more?' Couldn't understand. I said: 'If I tell you, you'll be happy to know, you have to enter into the Kingdom of God, to enjoy His bliss, to enjoy His love, to enjoy His bounties. This is why you are on this Earth.' This is what it is, it answers this question this way. The second thing that happens to you. That you know Absolute Truth. Now supposing, somebody comes from India from jail. And wears a cloth of saffron color and starts saying some sort of Sanskrit words. He'll become a big guru anywhere. Because he shows off like that you see, carries a drum of that kind. He'll become a big guru. How will you know whether he's a thief or not? What you have to do is to just put your hands if you are realised souls. Immediately you will feel, the burning of this fellow. Immediately you'll know what sort of chakras he is. How cunning he is. Immediately. And after some times you don't even have to put your hands towards him. Immediately you'll know what sort of person he is, what are his centers in danger, what is happening to him. Thus you can cure also physical ailments of yourself and of others. You are so relaxed. Now see, I'm seventy-one years of age. I've been coming to Perth, I don't know how many years I've been coming here. And I'm travelling like this, I'm quite all right. Because, you don't worry. You are so relaxed. I mean people say: 'Mother, you are traveling so much.' I say: 'I never travel, I'm just sitting in the aeroplane, that's all I know.' If I start thinking: 'I'm traveling, I'm this.' I never travel. I'm just sitting nicely, I'm sitting here in the same, in the drawing room, I'm sitting there. What is there like travelling? What's so special. Like that you see you become so relaxed, in your peace, that you don't feel, your age, you become so dynamic, and you become so compassionate. You become extremely compassionate. You become a very different person, very beautiful person. I've seen who are married in Sahaja Yoga, people, are such good husband and wife. Hardly any divorce. One per cent maybe. And they have beautiful children, who are born realised. In your Perth also you have some of them. You should meet them, you'll be happy to meet them. And so many problems which are so superficial also pass out. Children become so dynamic. I know one of my relations had some problems so he came to see Me. And he got cured. When he went back he told his son that I got cured because of this. So he said: 'Alright, now I'm going to do Sahaja Yoga.' That boy, they had complained he's not good for studies and he stood first in the whole of Uttar Pradesh State, such a huge place, millions and millions appear for that matriculation of theirs. He stood first. In our whole family nobody has come first. We have first class, first many. But not in the whole of UP, something so remarkable. And the parents are surprised this boy never used to study much. Now he's taken life so well, he's so matured, he's so sensible. This shows that all your capacities get enlightenment. I've known, of very great artists coming out of Sahaja Yoga. In your Sydney also you have one girl who's gained a very big name out. Then there are musicians, small children who are becoming great musicians. There are artists, there are musicians, there are poets, orators, authors. Suddenly, all their capacities start expressing themselves. There's a fellow who is a chartered accountant, he said I've never know any language very well. I'm a mathematician. He writes such beautiful poems. That is surprising. How does he write? Now the last song that they sung was written in the sixteenth century by a tailor, who got his realization and is the song says: 'Oh Mother, give my yoga' - means this union with the Divine. They are singing in the villages, everywhere in India, but nobody knows what it means. They don't know what it means. Because of Western education we have given up all that is our, old knowledge, everything. And we never bothered, to know what we have in our country. This Western life has increased so much, it has grown so big. Like a tree that becomes very big. But it should seek its own roots, and it must gets its nourishment. If this is the knowledge of the roots, why should we deny it. Is very important. As we learn science, from the West, the West must learn, the knowledge of the roots. And if it can be proved then why not? Now there are three doctors who have got MD degrees for Sahaja Yoga. One has done on epilepsy, another has done on physical fitness, third one has done on cancer or something. So now they have got MDs. And there's the fourth one who's doing some other research. Asthma. And they are very successful. You don't have to pay anything. No medicine, nothing. Just it works through your own powers. About which you have no knowledge. You don't know what this power is like. What it can give you. So your attention itself becomes enlightened. You pay attention to anyone after you have achieved the state of thoughtless awareness, doubtless awareness, then you will know what's wrong with that person. Even of the dead, you will know what's wrong with that person. Physically you will find out what's wrong. Mentally you will find out and spiritually you can find out. And all these three dimensions in us can found out by ourselves and can be improved. In the same way we can improve others through our attention. So dynamic, are our powers within ourselves. And that's what I'm saying we have to know our glory. For example this instrument, if it is not connected to the mains it has no identity, it has no meaning. In the same way if we are not connected to this, all-pervading power we have no meaning to our life. So people are trying to find identification by coloring [COLORING...del.] their hair, doing all kinds of things they do for identification. Thank God it's over now, all those. Most of the fads are over. Otherwise they used to always say one mantra: 'What's wrong? What's wrong?' When you are wasting your energy, time: 'What's wrong?' Thank God recession has put them down a little bit and they are not doing all these horrible things they used to do. So now the attention is more introspective. I think so. Of the young people especially I was shocked the way some of the young people in England were doing this, what do you call that I've forgotten, with the red hair business and wasting fifty pounds for that kind of a hairdress which was quite funny you know and, they started becoming blind. So I said: 'Why do you want to put this horrible color, you are becoming blind?' So they said: 'What's wrong? Nothing wrong.' Even if you say they are going to die: 'So what's wrong? In any way we have to die.' I mean the whole brain had taken a recession into itself. It would not understand anything sensible. But now somehow or other, people are maturing and trying to understand that identity is within ourselves. Like now take a say a good television set and take it to some remote village in India, where they have never seen electricity. And you tell them that from this you can see films and things they'll say: 'Oh, now you are telling us stories. It's just a box.' That's how we think we are just a box. Unless and until we are connected, we cannot know how great we are. And that's how we start condemning ourselves, suffering from depression, this, that frustration. These are all artificial. And they just drop out once you know what you are, what is your capacity, what you can do, what are your powers. So that, you get awakened and you can awaken others also. This is another power you get that you can awaken other people. You don't have to ask Me to do that. Anybody who is enlightened can do it. Like one candle which is enlightened can enlighten hundred candles. In the same way you can also do it. And once you start doing it the joy is tremendous. Here in Perth we have many people who are Sahaja Yogis and they are doing this work here. When I come only once a year here. But I find that gradually they are maturing very well. And they have all the knowledge. All the knowledge about yourself, about your antaratma is called, the inside. You should know everything about yourselves and about others. Not the outside. But the inside of it. What is it? Why? Why do I behave like this? Why do I accept this? Why I don't accept like that? You see your ego, you see all your conditionings, you see everything clearly and you understand what is good for you and you have power to give up what you want to give up. You are not powerless. You are not under any habit. All the habits drop out. The best part of it, best part of it I would say that you know absolute truth. Also you can help others because in collective consciousness you are there. Your attention is enlightened. But the best is that you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is singular. It is not like happiness and unhappiness. Supposing somebody pampers our ego we are very happy you see. Somebody punctures it we are very unhappy. But with joy you become a witness. You see the whole thing as a witness. And you are in a state where just you enjoy everything. Everything is so enjoyable, only thing little bit, your vision is marred. Once you get that, that joy, then nothing can make you miserable. If you see a problem of course you face it. You face it bravely. And you are not bothered. And you are surprised that how you are helped by so many blessings. If you have to believe in yourself the blessings come to you. But you have to have faith in yourself. Because also there's a tendency: 'Oh Mother, I'm a sinner. I'm this that.' You see there's nothing like that. It's all nonsense, people talk about sin, sin, sin, sin. After all you're human beings. You are not gods. If you have done mistakes, so what? What does it matter? After all, this great power is there, which is the ocean of forgiveness. Ocean of forgiveness. You don't have to really torture yourself, and go on saying as this is wrong with me that is wrong with me. Just have faith in yourself I'm telling you and I'm sure this will work out tonight. Of course I must say, that I respect your freedom. It cannot be forced on you. It cannot be. I respect your freedom. And as a result it is you who has to say yes. I cannot force on you. So those who don't want to have their realization have to go away. It helps you physically, mentally, emotionally. I assure you it does. Also spiritually it helps you a lot. It works. It's your own power. No doubt. And there's no complication with it, at all. No complication of any kind. But if you don't want to have it, how can I force it on you? It cannot be forced. It's a living process, of your choice, the last breakthrough of your evolution. That's what I request you, that you should just decide on this point yourself. All religions have talked about it. Christ has said: 'Know thyself.' In the Bible it is: 'I'll appear before you like flames, like silent flames.' You do see those chakras like that. Every...Buddha has said it, everyone has said the same thing. Even in the Koran it is written that: 'At the time of resurrection, kiama, your hands will speak and they'll give witness against you.' I mean He has said it, much more clearly than anybody else. So all the religions have said that you have to know yourself. No doubt about it. But no [RELIGION HAS ...del.] outside religion has tried that. Nobody has tried to tell people you have to know yourself. They all have become either power oriented or money oriented, not spirit oriented. That's the problem is. So I would request people who don't want to have realization to go away, because it won't work out. If you are not there it won't. It doesn't work for people who are adamant, who are arrogant, also for people who are idiots you see, it doesn't work out. I'm sorry to say. If you have some problem, physical, mental, emotional, even spiritual then maybe, it might be delayed but everybody gets it. So far I've seen anybody who has come to Sahaja Yoga has got it. And got it very well. So, I would request you ... I know you all have some questions also. To be asked. But I would say that, it is better that you write them and send it over to Me. Because just now the whole atmosphere is built in and I think people should get their realization first. Then you'll have no questions. Because questions you see now, I've been working for about twenty-three years, I know all these mental acrobats, I know. I can answer every question very well. Make you laugh also. But, the main thing is realization and if you have this mental diversion then perhaps maybe, you might miss the point. So the best thing is that you get your realization which is your right and then, we'll talk about it. Now what one has to do is to take out the shoes that's all. It's not a too much of a thing doing this. Because this Mother Earth takes away our problems. So now we are on our way, to know how fantastic we are and to enter into the Kingdom of God. So we have to be very kind to ourselves. See actually, I think, we must really have respect for ourselves. Very important. There are three conditions. The first one is, that, you have to forgive yourself. Just forgive yourself. Means you should not feel guilty, at all. Perhaps you don't know if you feel guilty what happens is on the left side this centre catches and that gives you spondylitis. It might also give you angina and maybe lethargic organs. It's a terrible thing to have this centre caught up. So what's the need to feel guilty? I mean in anyway you are punishing yourself for nothing at all. So please don't feel guilty. I mean people feel guilty for all kinds of nonsensical things. Like somebody spilled, say coffee. Finished. All his life he'll remember: 'Oh my God, I spilled the coffee on the carpet.' It's nothing important. So please don't feel guilty. That's one point. That's very important because if this centre is caught up the Kundalini won't rise. Now the second condition is, that you have to forgive everyone. Now some say it's very difficult to forgive anyone. Logically whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. What do you do? Nothing. But actually you play into wrong hands. The persons who have harmed you or troubled you or made you unhappy, are happy. While you are torturing yourself. Logically. So why torture yourself for nothing at all? Don't even think about them. To just say in general: 'Mother, I forgive everyone.' Just say it. And it will be done. You'll feel much lighter, I tell you. Must forgive. There's a way to understand that, at this moment you have to be free from all this nonsense. Why? Because this center is, like this - agnya. The optic chiasma goes like this. [SHRI MATAJI DEMONSTRATES] Like that it is. If you don't forgive it won't open. Now, it has to open like this, if the Kundalini has to pass through it. Now if you don't forgive, this will remain like this. All your life you have tortured yourself and at this moment you'll miss the point. So why not forgive? Just forgive. Forgive everyone. And third. The most important. Is the condition that you all should have confidence that you all can get your realization. Whether you belong to Australia, India or Timbuktu. You all can get your realization tonight. This is very important. Have confidence in yourself. Moreover, you have to know that this is not an individual happening. It's not that you are getting your realization and another isn't. It's 'en masse'. That's the new thing is an 'en masse' realization. Say in Russia sixteen thousand people get realization. How it has worked out? We should say God alone knows. But it has worked out. Now, once it happens, to you, you cannot sit at home and say: 'Oh yes Mother, I'm meditating.' No, no. You have to come to the collective. You don't have to pay anything. No, no, no. It's not that this is introduction letter and then your purses are polished off. It's not like that. It is, it is just you have to attend. You have to go for meditation with others, collectively. It's a collective happening. Supposing a nail is taken out of your finger. It will never grow. In the same way it's a collective happening. And Sahaja Yoga is working in sixty nations. And the thousands and thousands of people who are self realized. They are all your part and parcel. If one person gets into trouble in any place, all of them will jump at it and try to see that that person is saved. So you have so many brothers and sisters. Real brothers and sisters I should say. They are not only blood relations but they are spirit relations. So, I have to request, that please don't finish it here. Stephen told me he has a funny experience of the Australians but it's common with everyone I must say. That some people get it a very high experience so they forget it. They just enjoy it for while, til after one year they come down when You are here and they are not bothered. But those who get little bit they just come and say now what's in it. I'm getting burning here. I'm doing this. Why? But those who get it in a big way should, become easily doubtlessly aware people and they have so many powers. And they should do a lot. Why? They should help others who are feeling little bit less. So it is something, human nature I think, the way it acts. But it's not Divine nature. Divine nature is when you become Divine, then you want to give. You have the light. You want to give. Till this candle was not enlightened it was alright, it was trying to get enlightened. Once it was enlightened it is giving light. When you have the light you have to give it to others. And that's what is the most enjoyable thing. For that you don't have to pay, again. But you have to give some time to yourself, some respect to yourself, and some meaning to your life. You'll be amazed how it will give you such a joy that you can do all these things. May God Bless You. Now, I've told you again three conditions. And I hope you have understood my three conditions are very simple if you look at it because all these things are there because of a myth. It's a myth. That to feel guilty is a myth. Not to forgive others is a myth. And not to have confidence is another myth. So we should get out of this and we should have full confidence that we'll get our realization. You all can get it I promise you. All of you. I hope you have taken out your shoes. As Stephen has already told you there are two powers, left and right, we have to put both our feet like this on the Mother Earth. Alright. Now, please take out your shoes that's all. Now you have to put both the hands towards Me like that. Keep your eyes open. For the time being. You should be comfortable. Very comfortable. There should be no discomfort in your body. Now please put your left hand towards me - on your lap you can put it or sideways wherever you feel comfortable and the right hand on your heart. Keep your eyes open because just now I'll tell you what is to be done. This we have just to do that you should know how we are clearing your centers. Now we are working only on the left side with your right hand and the left hand is towards Me which indicates that you have a desire because this is the power of desire, that you have a desire that you get your realization. So please put your right hand on your heart now. In the heart resides the spirit. Now you take your right hand upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it. If you are the spirit you become your own master and this is the centre of your mastery which is created by great masters, and prophets. Now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre of pure knowledge. Means the knowledge about the laws which are Divine. Surprisingly the center is so low as that. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen again. Then onto your heart. Now raise your right hand in the corner of your shoulder and your neck and put your head to your right. This is the center I've told you when you feel guilty gets into jeopardy. Now please take your right hand on top of your forehead across, and put down your head. This is the center where we have to forgive everyone which we'll do later on. I'm just telling you now. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Just for your satisfaction, here you have to ask for forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now the last center. Is very important. Stretch your hand fully and put the center of your hand on top of the fontanel bone area which was the soft bone on our head. So now put down your head a little bit. As far as possible if you can put it would be nice. Now press it hard by pushing back your fingers and move your scalp. Move your scalp more, clockwise. Seven times. Please move your clockwise hand to move the scalp - seven times. Put down your head please. That's all you have to do. That's all. More than sufficient. Now, you can call Me Shri Mataji or Mother, whatever suits you. Take out your spectacles will be better because, it might help your eyesight also. Now close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Put left hand towards Me, right hand on the heart and put both the feet apart from each other. Be comfortable. Now, here you have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself. Ask a question: 'Mother am I the spirit?' Ask the question in your heart. 'Mother am I the spirit?' Ask three times. Now, as I told you if you are the spirit you become your own master. Now please take your right hand, on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it and here you ask another question three times: 'Mother, am I my own master?' I've told you that I respect your freedom and you have to ask for pure knowledge. I cannot force it on you. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here now press it hard and ask another question: Again six times because, this center has got six petals. Ask six times for, pure knowledge: 'Mother please give me pure knowledge.' Ask six times. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge the kundalini starts rising. So, we have to open our upper centers with full confidence. Have full confidence in yourself. Now please raise your right hand the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side. Here, with full confidence you have to say ten times: 'Mother, I am my own master.' Please say this ten times. 'Mother, I am my own master.' With full confidence. I have already told you that you are the pure spirit. You are not this body, mind, emotions, egos, conditionings. But you are the pure spirit. So now please put your right hand on your heart and with full confidence you have to say, twelve times in your heart: 'Mother I am the pure spirit.' Please say it, with full confidence. I have already told you that this all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of blessings but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself and raise your hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and, on the left-hand side and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say with full confidence: 'Mother I am not guilty, Mother I am not guilty.' Please say it, sixteen times. I have already told you, if you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then, you play into wrong hands and at this moment it's very important that you forgive because this center of agnya is very constricted and has to be opened out. So please help yourself. Now, raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head as far as possible. Here, it's not how many times, but from your heart you have to say: 'Mother I forgive everyone.' Not how many times but from your heart: 'Mother I forgive everyone.' In general. You don't remember each and every person. You don't have to think about any one of them. Just say in general from your heart. This is very important. Now, only for your satisfaction, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, please put your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here, again you have to say from your heart, not how many times: 'Oh Divine Power, if I have done any mistakes please forgive me.' Just say that for your satisfaction. Don't feel guilty about it. From your heart please say: 'Oh Divine Power, if I have done any mistake knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me.' Please push back your head. Now the last center. Please stretch your hand fully, your palm specially and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now, push back your fingers - very important, that will give a nice pressure, now put down your head. Here again I cannot, cross over your freedom. You have to ask for your self-realization. I cannot force it on you. So please try to move your hand clockwise, seven times so that the scalp moves, nicely, with the pressure and here you have to say, seven times: 'Mother, please give me my self-realization.' [SHRI MATAJI BREATHES INTO THE MICROPHONE] Now please take down your hands. Open your eyes slowly and put both the hands towards Me like that. Now, put the right hand towards Me and put down your head and see with your left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Don't put it on top - above, above it. Some people get it close and some people get it very far. So just try to see if there's a hot or a cold breeze coming out of your head. This is the heat coming out of you. If you have not forgiven the heat will be there so please try to forgive now. Now please put left hand towards Me. Now bend your head again and see for yourself. You have to see yourself, nobody's going to certify. Please see if there's a hot or a cool breeze coming out of your head. Again I would request you to forgive everyone so that heat goes away. Ultimately it will become cool, very cool. Now lastly, with the right hand. Now raise your both the hands towards the sky. Push back your head and ask one question, one of these questions three times. You can ask: 'Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?' 'Mother is this the all-pervading power of Divine Love?' Otherwise: 'Mother is this the ruhx, is this the paramachaitanya?' Ask any one of these questions three times - any one. Now put down your hands, please. Now put your hands like this towards Me. You can wear your glasses also. Put your hands like this. And don't think, just don't think. Watch Me, don't think. You can do it. All those who have felt the cool breeze in their hands please raise both your hands.Just raise it like that, otherwise I can't see. It's very good. Imagine. Perth. I bow to you all. Really. Bow to you. You've received your connection. No doubt. I'm getting cool breeze from you. And now only thing is you have to grow. Some people haven't got it so we'll have to look at them, what's the problem is. May be some problem there. But most of you have got it. Those who have got it or not got it, please you must come and attend our follow-up places. They have got some sort of a program after this where they will explain to you everything. And you will achieve your ultimate goal, is to know everything about it. Everything. I promise you, you will get it. But give some time to yourself. [TAPE ENDS]
Talk to Sahaja Yogis: About Christians habits
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Informal Talk Perth (Australia), 28 March 1994. Yesterday I was really enamored there are so many people you see and all very deep and sensible people. First time I see such a group, all of them, and none of them was making any fun or funny remarks, nothing. Except for all those who came on the stage most of them had agnya. I was quite surprised because when I asked them they said we are Christians and I said how can you have agnya, I said to have agnya for Christians? But maybe after thinking I feel that when we do against the teachings of Christ and claim to be Christians then Christ himself gets angry with us, thats very important to understand for him character was the biggest "Shila"(*). "Shila" as they call it in Buddhas philosophy it was called as "Shila" and also we have Mahavira on the same level who talked about it, so at this level what is the level of tapasia, the level where you have to go through penance, this area important thing is "Shila" is your character how you build it, your moral sense how you develop it. This is very important to understand that Christ stood for moral sense much more than all the prophets. They talked about dharma, they said you must have, you shouldn't do this, you shouldn't do that, all those things, but Christ made it subtler, and he said you must have innately built in "Shila" is character, and when you find that is missing or something going wrong with you on that point then I think this agnya catches though they are Christians. I mean in India Hindus are not Christians, they'll catch on nabhis, they catch on other things but they never catch on agnya, I see this is very surprising they follow Christ in a way better, and you follow Moses in a way because Moses didn't talk so much about "Shila" as Character but don't do this, don't do that. His style was created out of the franticness he had, he saw the people were so decadent absolutely ruined, so he had to take a very strong measure and he is the one who has given this Shariat. Now this Shariat surprisingly is followed by Muslims and not by Christians, or who we can say the Jews for whom it was given, it is the Muslims who are following the Shariat. So it shows that Muslims also took over many things from others, and the worst is that they have taken this from Paul which is responsible for todays fanaticism everywhere. I met a Muslim from Bosnia and I asked him why are you mad? Why are you trying to kill yourself like this, forget about the land, your life is more important. He said "no it is written in Koran" I don't think is written but he said so, today I have not seen that, that if you die in the name of God then you get your resurrection, same the Hindus follow the same, same the Jews follow and the same the Christians follow. I don't know if St Paul has done this question that if you die in the name of your religion and buried, not burnt, buried, then after your body comes out 500 years or 1000 years and that gets resurrection what comes out of the grave, after 500 years what comes out of the grave is nothing but what you can say some bones maybe some skull if everything is not eaten up by the worms. So how can you give resurrection to these bones. But in the "?????" Indian philosophy you can call it given up a much better explanation. That all those souls which are searching God in the hills and dales will be born again with others because a last judgement will come and people will get their resurrection. They will find God. The soul is alright because the soul never dies, but the body can be buried just because out of the body, the, I don't know what will come out which will get resurrection. But this kind of a nonsensical idea started by I think Paul must have been taken over by Muslims and might be the Jews have also said something of this kind because they had no idea of what happens when a person dies and you bury him. This is the reason so many people think that they must die in the name of God so that they get resurrection, never, how can they get it, nothing will be left out of their body. What they have to have is the soul and that is what Christ has very clearly said, that the soul must be saved. Mohammed Sahib has said it much more clearly. I should say because he came later and they explain more and more. Like after Mohammed Sahib came Guru Nanaka, he talked actually about Kundalini, he gave the name of the Kundalini, he said there are three channels, everything. So they started saying more elaborating, explaining because people had improved a lot in their understanding. And now today what we find people are much more easy so you can talk to them about this subtle subject in a very clear cut manner. Its very very clear cut, you don't have to sort of go into explanations and things, you just see clearly and everything is tangible and whatever we say in Sahaja Yoga is tangible. This is a very big thing. And yesterday the experience I felt that we always try to follow the religion in the opposite way, for example now yesterdays stage showed that they are not following Christ at all they have caught agnyas. Now the Hindus are told that in everybody resides the spirit then how can you have a caste system? This is something, it is so surprising like the Jains were told that clothes you should not pay so much attention to, but in India cloth merchants are also and their women are very particular about their dress, their matching and all that. So I cant understand all that. Same about Buddhists, Buddhists were told to be non violent and to have character, now if you go to Japan you will be shocked, they don't have character and they are absolutely joyless people by nature. Even Chinese are, I wouldn't call them anywhere near Buddhists, so this shows that people instead of following the religion they just move in the opposite direction, so in the same way Sahaja Yoga should not. In Sahaja Yoga you have to be Sahaja, everything should be done in a Sahaja manner, not to force something, not to be hasty, not to be you can say expecting something, whatever happens happens for good because you are in the kingdom of God. This faith must be completely embedded in your heart that now you are in the Kingdom of God. Of course you can't do anything wrong, you cannot do anything bad, that goes without saying because now that Gods religion has been enlightened within you, but at the same time you have to be very compassionate and relaxed and give up all this greedy atmosphere that we have created in the West. The culture, the Sahaja culture is very beautiful, and I see now how you people have taken to it so easily, because it is very akin very close to our nature, and Sahaja Yogis are so happy so joyous that shows that there is something about this Sahaja Culture. You don't have to be so externally alert but internally alert it is better, gradually I am sure we will work out for the better. So I wish luck for this place to be built, I don't know, we miscalculated or something like this, but it is alright in Sahaja Way it will all come out I am sure, we will be able to do something. So thank you very much for organizing this and I am very happy to see yesterdays response. But you look after them in a Sahaja manner means you don't tell them 'don't do this, don't do, you are a bhoot, you are this, nothing of the kind, we were all bhoots before we entered into the Kingdom of God. But you should not shock them by any chance but sooth them, Sahaja means sooth, and speak to them very sweetly, smilingly and they should know you that you are very happy people and they can also become very happy. Thank you very much for everything, whats that? (Yogi handing Shri Mataji a present) Oh he's going to.....? Its my birthday or what? (Problem with a candle or something) I am sorry it has burnt out or something, Oh whats that, Oh my God, Its so sweet, alright you can keep it with me and should I see it now? (yogi says something inaudible), I'll go and see them nicely because your artists are to be respected, (muffled next bit) I had a very big birthday already, and in one year how many birthdays you can have? (*)Shila=शील (śīla) good conduct
Informal Talk Perth (Australia), 28 March 1994. Yesterday I was really enamored there are so many people you see and all very deep and sensible people. First time I see such a group, all of them, and none of them was making any fun or funny remarks, nothing. Except for all those who came on the stage most of them had agnya. I was quite surprised because when I asked them they said we are Christians and I said how can you have agnya, I said to have agnya for Christians? But maybe after thinking I feel that when we do against the teachings of Christ and claim to be Christians then Christ himself gets angry with us, thats very important to understand for him character was the biggest "Shila"(*). "Shila" as they call it in Buddhas philosophy it was called as "Shila" and also we have Mahavira on the same level who talked about it, so at this level what is the level of tapasia, the level where you have to go through penance, this area important thing is "Shila" is your character how you build it, your moral sense how you develop it. This is very important to understand that Christ stood for moral sense much more than all the prophets. They talked about dharma, they said you must have, you shouldn't do this, you shouldn't do that, all those things, but Christ made it subtler, and he said you must have innately built in "Shila" is character, and when you find that is missing or something going wrong with you on that point then I think this agnya catches though they are Christians. I mean in India Hindus are not Christians, they'll catch on nabhis, they catch on other things but they never catch on agnya, I see this is very surprising they follow Christ in a way better, and you follow Moses in a way because Moses didn't talk so much about "Shila" as Character but don't do this, don't do that. His style was created out of the franticness he had, he saw the people were so decadent absolutely ruined, so he had to take a very strong measure and he is the one who has given this Shariat. Now this Shariat surprisingly is followed by Muslims and not by Christians, or who we can say the Jews for whom it was given, it is the Muslims who are following the Shariat. So it shows that Muslims also took over many things from others, and the worst is that they have taken this from Paul which is responsible for todays fanaticism everywhere. I met a Muslim from Bosnia and I asked him why are you mad? Why are you trying to kill yourself like this, forget about the land, your life is more important. He said "no it is written in Koran" I don't think is written but he said so, today I have not seen that, that if you die in the name of God then you get your resurrection, same the Hindus follow the same, same the Jews follow and the same the Christians follow. I don't know if St Paul has done this question that if you die in the name of your religion and buried, not burnt, buried, then after your body comes out 500 years or 1000 years and that gets resurrection what comes out of the grave, after 500 years what comes out of the grave is nothing but what you can say some bones maybe some skull if everything is not eaten up by the worms. So how can you give resurrection to these bones. But in the "?????" Indian philosophy you can call it given up a much better explanation. That all those souls which are searching God in the hills and dales will be born again with others because a last judgement will come and people will get their resurrection. They will find God. The soul is alright because the soul never dies, but the body can be buried just because out of the body, the, I don't know what will come out which will get resurrection. But this kind of a nonsensical idea started by I think Paul must have been taken over by Muslims and might be the Jews have also said something of this kind because they had no idea of what happens when a person dies and you bury him. This is the reason so many people think that they must die in the name of God so that they get resurrection, never, how can they get it, nothing will be left out of their body. What they have to have is the soul and that is what Christ has very clearly said, that the soul must be saved. Mohammed Sahib has said it much more clearly. I should say because he came later and they explain more and more. Like after Mohammed Sahib came Guru Nanaka, he talked actually about Kundalini, he gave the name of the Kundalini, he said there are three channels, everything. So they started saying more elaborating, explaining because people had improved a lot in their understanding. And now today what we find people are much more easy so you can talk to them about this subtle subject in a very clear cut manner. Its very very clear cut, you don't have to sort of go into explanations and things, you just see clearly and everything is tangible and whatever we say in Sahaja Yoga is tangible. This is a very big thing. And yesterday the experience I felt that we always try to follow the religion in the opposite way, for example now yesterdays stage showed that they are not following Christ at all they have caught agnyas. Now the Hindus are told that in everybody resides the spirit then how can you have a caste system? This is something, it is so surprising like the Jains were told that clothes you should not pay so much attention to, but in India cloth merchants are also and their women are very particular about their dress, their matching and all that. So I cant understand all that. Same about Buddhists, Buddhists were told to be non violent and to have character, now if you go to Japan you will be shocked, they don't have character and they are absolutely joyless people by nature. Even Chinese are, I wouldn't call them anywhere near Buddhists, so this shows that people instead of following the religion they just move in the opposite direction, so in the same way Sahaja Yoga should not. In Sahaja Yoga you have to be Sahaja, everything should be done in a Sahaja manner, not to force something, not to be hasty, not to be you can say expecting something, whatever happens happens for good because you are in the kingdom of God. This faith must be completely embedded in your heart that now you are in the Kingdom of God. Of course you can't do anything wrong, you cannot do anything bad, that goes without saying because now that Gods religion has been enlightened within you, but at the same time you have to be very compassionate and relaxed and give up all this greedy atmosphere that we have created in the West. The culture, the Sahaja culture is very beautiful, and I see now how you people have taken to it so easily, because it is very akin very close to our nature, and Sahaja Yogis are so happy so joyous that shows that there is something about this Sahaja Culture. You don't have to be so externally alert but internally alert it is better, gradually I am sure we will work out for the better. So I wish luck for this place to be built, I don't know, we miscalculated or something like this, but it is alright in Sahaja Way it will all come out I am sure, we will be able to do something. So thank you very much for organizing this and I am very happy to see yesterdays response. But you look after them in a Sahaja manner means you don't tell them 'don't do this, don't do, you are a bhoot, you are this, nothing of the kind, we were all bhoots before we entered into the Kingdom of God. But you should not shock them by any chance but sooth them, Sahaja means sooth, and speak to them very sweetly, smilingly and they should know you that you are very happy people and they can also become very happy. Thank you very much for everything, whats that? (Yogi handing Shri Mataji a present) Oh he's going to.....? Its my birthday or what? (Problem with a candle or something) I am sorry it has burnt out or something, Oh whats that, Oh my God, Its so sweet, alright you can keep it with me and should I see it now? (yogi says something inaudible), I'll go and see them nicely because your artists are to be respected, (muffled next bit) I had a very big birthday already, and in one year how many birthdays you can have? (*)Shila=शील (śīla) good conduct
Know your inner self fully
Public Program
Public Program, Melbourne (Australia). 30 March 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to tell you that truth is what it is. You cannot change it; you cannot transform it; you cannot conceptualize it. It is what it is; it was what it was and it will be what it will be. Whatever, I want to tell you today, I have to request you, to keep your mind open, like scientist. You need not believe into what I say. We have had enough of problems with blind faith. But keep your minds open in case this proves; then you have to believe, believe in it. If you are honest people, you have to believe in it. Because it is for the benevolence of your individual self, for the benevolence of your city, your country and world at large. Most of the problems of this world come from human beings; humbly we must admit. There something wrong somewhere that we create problems. And these problems come to human beings when there is a problem with these centres here as explained to you. Now these centres do exist. These are energy centres within you. And when they are, (Mother speaks aside, Thank you, (Lawrence?) thank you, its cold, I don't like, I like, just ordinary (glass of water)) these centres, when they go into jeopardy, we have this problem of human beings behaving in funny manners. When this power, which is within us, which is in three and a half coils; that's why it is called as kundalini; "kundalini" means a coil. It's a mathematical thing. It rises like a primule in a seed and rises upward against the gravity, and pierces through your fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. (Mother speaks aside, Thank you very much, (referring to glass of water) thank you) Now the truth is that you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this ego, you are not these conditionings. What we say, "This is my house, this is my car, this is my wife, this is my husband, my children" but who is this 'my' which owns it? So that 'my' which owns it is the 'I' the "self"; is the 'pure spirit' within you. The second truth is, that there is all-pervading power of Divine Love, of love, which does all the living work. Now you see beautiful flowers all over since I've come to Australia. I've been seeing all kinds of flowers, beautiful flowers. Who does this miracle? They're different, of a different shape, different colour. "Who" does that? Who runs our heart, we never ask this question to ourselves. We take all living work for granted. We never bother to find out who does that. The third question that should come to us really, which cannot be answered by anyone: "Why are we on this Earth? What is our purpose of coming to this Earth, to be born as human beings, to be evolved as human beings, what is the purpose?" Is it just to insure our self and die? Is that? What is the purpose of life? What is our identity? And when we start asking these questions, we find that nobody has been able to answer this question. Science cannot answer this question. Science has its own limitations. So this all-pervading power, which does all the living work, we have never felt it. We have read it in Scriptures that there is all-pervading power of God's love, there's the 'Ruh', is there. They call it Paramchaitanya or also they say it is the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost. But where is that? Nobody has felt it, nobody has known about it. Another problem is this that our civilizations grew too big in the West, even in Australia, everywhere. Like a big tree but what about the roots? If you do not find the roots, the result is as you have now recession; this problem, that problem. So where are the roots? If the knowledge of Science comes from West, this knowledge comes to you, say from India, or from East, what's the harm. Because it is important that we should know our roots. And these are the roots, this is the knowledge of the roots that is within us. When there is problem outwardly, we should know there must be some problem inside us and we don't know anything about ourselves; nothing. What we know; about outside. But we don't know what's wrong with us; where do we go wrong? So it is very important to understand that if there is a way of going through the last breakthrough of our evolution, if there's a way that we can find out our identity, if there's a way we can know our inner self fully, why not do it? For which you don't have to pay. You can't pay; it's an evolutionary process. It's a living process! For example, how much do we pay for these flowers to Mother Earth? Who's done the job? It's built-in in a seed, to germinate and built-in in the Mother Land that it will germinate. We don't pay for that. It's already built-in there. In the same way if it is built-in within you, you can't pay for it. One thing, if you realize that you can't pay for your evolutionary process, for anything that is Divinity, for anything that is pure; half of the problems will be solved of this guru shopping that you have been doing all these days. Because if you are not going to pay for it, and these people are asking for money, that means something wrong with them! You cannot market it! Thus, we reach a point where we realize that something spontaneous living process has to take place. And that has become very, very easy in modern times. Because it is described already, prophesized in the Bible, it is the Last Judgment and otherwise in the Koran it is "Qiyamah", means the Resurrection. Even in Indian scriptures they have described about these special times when people who will get so much disillusioned in the illusion, they will be born and they will be disillusioned that they take to reality, and this thing will happen. It's already predicted and this is the time, such a fortunate time when we are all born. And it has to work out. It is your own power. It's your own Mother, it's your individual Mother, and She knows everything about you. It's all tape-recorded. And She is anxious to give you this Second Birth. She is anxious. And She does it very beautifully. I've read some books which says that Kundalini Awakening is very dangerous and all that. I can't understand! It has never happened before like that. I've been working like this for the last, I think, I don't know how many years now; at least twenty-five years and I've never seen anybody being harmed. On the contrary, everybody's helped; physically, mentally, emotionally. Now there are three doctors who have got M.D. in Delhi University for Sahaja Yoga, in various subjects. Now there's a fourth doctor who is trying on blood cancer and all that. For medical science, if you ask them who does all these things they will say "autonomous nervous system". But who is this "auto", who is this "auto" that does this work? They can't answer; they're honest; they can't answer. So this autonomous nervous system, which is parasympathetic and sympathetic, the parasympathetic nervous system will take over and we can control our parasympathetic through this. Of course, I don't know how far the doctors here are sensitive to a subject like that but in Russia I was surprised. There are two hundred doctors who are practicing Sahaja Yoga in Russia. Russian people are not so materialistic because they have never known materialism much. About 30% of them are funny type. They'll ask for Marlboro cigarettes but 70% are so sensitive to Sahaja Yoga. I was amazed the way they took to me and threw away all absurd gurus from them. Not one person could prosper. And no religion is allowed to be practiced there where they have now started taking to Sahaja Yoga. It's very amazing how these people who don't know even English, who don't know about God; they were not supposed to know about any religion, they're so clean, like a clean slate and they have taken to Sahaja in such a big manner; I'm surprised. In thousands and thousands of people, so sensitive, so open-minded and scientifically so equipped. There were 300 scientists, I think maybe more, who invited me. Started telling them about I...I thought, better start from science. So they said, "Mother, no, don't tell us science; we know everything about science. No we don't, You tell us the science of God." Such eager, intelligent, educated people. Now, this democracy of ours 'so-called', today also in the newspaper. I read the same thing: "so-called democracy". Because it looks sometimes like a demonocracy you see, like you go to America; you can't even wear your wedding ring. They might take away your wedding ring also and kill you for that. That's supposed to be democracy! You have to be extremely careful. I was surprised in Perth. We were going in the night for about thirty-five kilometres. No gangsterism on the way, I was surprised. How this country is still saved. But it happens that this kind of democracy without being in connection with that all-pervading power can take you to anything. Same with religions. You take any religion, whether you are Hindu, Christian, Muslim, anything. One can commit any sin. What's the use of denouncing others; everybody does the same I thing; no difference. All are only convinced they are something excellent but they are not, in no way! And so many things like this, when we start seeing, we get disillusioned and we start thinking, "Where is the truth, where is the reality, what are we doing?" At this time, I see; I call them 'the seekers of truth'. These are special category of people, as described by so many poets. And when it works out, they are the ones who jump into themselves. Jump into this beautiful era, of what we call the New Age. It's a happening. It's not just branding yourself New Age; somebody calls themselves by some other name, it's not that. It's another Christian, Hindu, Muslim branding. But something that has to happen and that happening is awakening of the kundalini. William Blake has said that men of God will be born in those days, men of God. And they will become divine and they will have powers to make others divine, exactly that is Sahaja Yoga. Moreover it's such an internal happening that, all outside things are not needed. For example, some people go to Himalayas, stand on their heads. Or they starve themselves, fast, do all kinds of things. And they find nothing. They can't understand how it happens. They go on telling me; Mother we did this, we did that and we never found anything within ourselves. So first you are to be connected to that all pervading power, this is the power that's extremely dynamic no doubt, but it's the power of compassion. So you also become very dynamic. I know poor people becoming very rich suddenly. I have seen people who are sick becoming all right. We have a very nice place in Perth, where a boy who was already married, had children, two children. He was in an accident and whole his brain as if came out; a terrible condition. And doctors gave it up that he will die. Not that he was saved, but he is absolutely normal now. I was in tears to see him so beautifully cured. So this all-pervading power, which is the Ocean of Bliss, Ocean of Knowledge, Ocean of Compassion, is the Ocean of Forgiveness. This power starts flowing through you. You become a vehicle of that power. And once you learn how to make others the same way, how to raise their kundalini, you can create thousands of people who are self-realized. Surprisingly, in Australia many children are born who are realized souls, very surprising. Maybe because in other European countries children are killed by the parents. So maybe they are taking to you people who are kind to children and your government is also very kind to them. And these children are not understood by parents sometimes because they're very different. And they are very moral. So all the problems that we have created out of our ideas of sort of modernism or any kind of thing. And that we see that our children are going to dogs is all stopped through this awakening. It's like this, that if I tell some children don't take to drugs, they'll never listen to me. If, supposing I'm carrying a snake in my hand and there's darkness all over, I can't see anything and somebody says, "you have a snake in your hand", I'll never give up if I'm very obstinate, I will never give up. I'll say, "No, it's just a rope." But when there's little light I will myself give it up. In the same way it happens; it works this way that you yourself become powerful. Throw away all that is destructive, all that is to be given up. I don't have to say "Don't do this; the Ten Commandments we don't talk about in Sahaja Yoga, but only in you, the religion is born. The innate religion, which keeps you religious, righteous, compassionate and dynamic. You don't have to change your dress, you don't have to change your lifestyle, you don't have to give up your wives and children, but you get it just where you are. It's so simple, made so simple. I would say, if you are hungry, you can have it. Like, if I've done the cooking, and if you are hungry and you will say otherwise "mother just lets have the food." But if you are not, then you will go on discussing, arguing, this, that. These are all mental feats. I mean if you want to ask me a question, you can ask me any number and I am quite an expert now 25 years I have been facing all of you and I can answer you, but its all a mental feat. It doesn't give you realization. You are here for your realization, by which you are helped so much that physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually you become all right. Firstly, you become peaceful, absolutely peaceful. The peace within you, you achieve. How? You live with your thoughts. The thoughts rise, fall, rise, fall and in between these thoughts, there's a little space. Mostly, you are thinking about the future or the past. You cannot be in the present. In the present, there is no thought. You are with reality. So when the kundalini rises, these thoughts elongate and the space in between, of the present is established. When that space is established, you become peaceful, absolutely peaceful within yourself. I have met many people, elite people, I should say, very elite, who have got Peace Prizes. They're so hot-tempered people, I tell you, that you have to touch them with a barge pole. I mean you cannot go near them. It is horribly hot-tempered people, and they have got peace awards I don't know how. No peace within. At the slightest thing, they just shoot off. No patience, nothing. And then I realize that it's so outside; the whole thing is. They don't understand if you don't have peace within, how can have a Peace Award? Well you can. That is our life. Now this peace is established within you and you become, it's a new dimension of existence, where you become "thoughtlessly aware". You are absolutely aware, but no thoughts. Just in peace. But you are aware; you are not fainted down or you are not in some sort of a trance. You are absolutely aware and very much more aware because, you are in Reality. Then the second dimension you achieve is that you start feeling on your fingertips this cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. Sometimes you feel it hot, also. On these fingertips are your sympathetic centres. And these Sympathetic Centres are from left and right. They join together to make the Parasympathetic. So we have the left side and the right side within us, and these left and right side, indicates on our right and left side. On the left side we get our emotional and the right side our mental. I mean English Language, "mental" means something different, but I mean whatever we do with our brain. And also you receive your physical problems on the right hand side. These problems are indicative on your fingertips. Said it by Hazrat Mohammed that at the time of Qiyamah your hands will speak and will give witness against you; means they will tell you what's wrong with you. But not only that; they also tell you what's wrong with others. Now somehow if you know how to correct these centres, you're all right, and correct the centres of others you can also make them all right. It's so simple, it's all within you, all the mechanism is within you. It's all there. Only thing you have to understand the importance of it. Without that you can never be happy. This power, which is there, is the power of pure desire. All other desires are not pure. Today we want to have say; some flowers. Tomorrow we want to have a house; the day after tomorrow we want to have helicopter. I don't know; we go on and on. So every desire, which is fulfilled, is never satisfied! Once we get it, it's finished. Then again of course, it's a law of economics also, that in general, wants are not satiable. It's a fact. But this desire, whether you know it or not, is within you. Whether you are aware of it or not, is the desire to be one with this all-pervading power. And all the powers that you have within you start manifesting. You have no idea at all what powers you have. I always say about a television taken to a very remote village in India where they have never seen electricity. And if you tell them that in this box you can see some films, they'll say, "What, this is just a box! What are you telling us stories?" We also feel we are just a box, nothing more than a box. But do you know what powers you have within yourself? What you can do for this world? What can you do for yourself, to your family, to your children? How you can really be a great force of reforms and transformation without troubling anybody? Because, after this you know the absolute truth. You know them on your fingertips. If a man from India comes from the jail, he'll directly come either to Australia or he will go to America, wear a dress of a what you call this saddhu baba dress in saffron colour, and go and sit in any place and become a big guru. Earn a lot of money. How will you know if this fellow has been to jail, or is he a real person or not? So on your fingertips you can find out the absolute truth. A new dimension in you, that on your fingertips you know not only your centres, but the centres of others. Everybody feels the same way, knows the same way. Then where is the quarrel, where is the argument, where is the war? Now we have in India sometimes, people coming from sixty nations because Sahaja Yoga is now practised in sixty nations. I've never seen them quarrelling, fighting, of course they pull each other's leg and have a little humor about it, but never have I seen fighting, never! No question, no question of argument. Because, you do not know the absolute truth, so somebody says that Christianity is good, somebody says this Islam is good, somebody says that is good or democracy is good, or communism is good. How? How do you know that? Because you have got yarn in your heads, and that's how you're formed your own ideas and you're all fighting with each other. It's all mental, which is all limited. But, with this, you know the Absolute and is tangible. You can diagnose people. One fellow went to Huston and he said "Mother, I was half dead with diagnosis only. But I said, "You don't have to do anything in Sahaja Yoga like that. You can diagnose about yourself, you can diagnose about others. There's no need to go through all that. This is what it is that you have to have your own powers manifesting. And you must have the full knowledge about it. It should not be half way. Your attention becomes extremely innocent and powerful. The attention, when it is diverted everywhere; you see you get confused and people get schizophrenia, this, that; all that. But here the attention is very innocent and such a person, even if he radiates or even if he looks at or glances at somebody; he can give peace; he can give redemption; he can do so many things, he can do, because his attention has become enlightened. Sitting down here you can know about anybody you want to know. You can know about the people who are dead, or the people who are very far away. You can find out sitting down. This is what we can call as "collective consciousness". A new dimension of consciousness comes to you about which Jung has written, collective consciousness. So you develop this collective consciousness within yourself. For that you don't need any education, you don't need anything. Even villagers can do it. Even small little children can do it, because they know this power. As all of us have the power to see something, as you all can see me sitting down here, in the same way you can know about others; know about yourself; without doing any acrobats. So simple as that, all these powers are your. But above all, you jump in the Sea Of Joy. The whole problem is taken over by this all-pervading power of God. We say we leave it to God, all right, leave it to God. But you are not connected. When we pray also we are not connected. You know a telephone, which is not connected, you go on moving it, it will get spoiled but you are not connected. After realization, even to, just a problem comes to you and it gets solved, because you get out of your problem and you can see it clearly and the Divine helps you. There have been so many blissful miracles of Sahaja Yogis that now we have given up. We wanted to print them, but in one month they became so much high and we didn't know what to do. So, all over we have to not believe in God, but you have to feel the bliss of God; how He looks after you. It's not just a talk or a sermon, but it's a happening and the happening has to take place; otherwise our attention, which is outside, will not be taken inside. It's a question of understanding our own value, respecting ourselves. And it works. As you all are here I know you are all seekers. Otherwise you would not be here. And it is your right to get this realization. Sahaja means "born": 'sah' is with you; 'jah' is "born". "With you" is "born". This right to get to this yoga, means the union with the Divine. And is your right and you should assert and all those who will ask for it have to have it. It is their right. The whole thing has built in our evolutionary process. And now, the last bit has to happen and it will work out. I have to tell you one thing more; that it is not an individual happening. It's a collective happening. It works better when there are many people. Also when you have to know about it, learn about it, take advantage of it, you have to come to the collective. It's not like other organizations where they have an introductory lecture and after that they start marketing it. You cannot market it. For definite, you cannot market it. It is divine love. And love you can never market. In the same way this is Divine Love; how can you market it? So, if you have respect for yourself, if you really love yourself, and you care for yourself, you are not self-centered because after all, you are a human being; epitome of evolution. So, only thing you have to give some time and come to the collective and progress in Sahaja Yoga. It's not difficult at all. Nothing is to be done as I told you; it's not to stand on your head or anything. Just wherever you are, you'll get it. It's so simple. Because the time has come. And you are not obliged to me buying for anything. It's just happening, happening all over and happens to everyone. So I would request you to pay attention to it. And once you get your realization, you should really come to the collective because it would be like what Christ has described as sprouted, seeds which were thrown somewhere and were lost, so you have to grow, and that growth is important. Once it happens, if you have any concern for your country, for yourself and for the world, you should try to keep to it and understand. It's as simple as that. So the last thing as I told you, jump in the ocean of joy. That is, when your ego is pampered you feel happy and when the ego is punctured, you feel unhappy. It is joy, has no duality. It's just a witness state in which you witness everything like a drama. And you lose your age very much. You feel very dynamic; at the same time very compassionate. As you know I'm seventy-one years of age and I'm traveling practically every third day. And it's all right. People said "Mother, don't you feel you are traveling too much?" I said, "I'm not traveling, I'm just sitting everywhere. Where am I traveling?" In the same way, it happens to you. And the ageing and all that never comes into your mind. You just live; live in the present. And you just enjoy life; enjoy the company of all other realized souls. All over the world you have relations. Wherever you go they'll be all there to help you, to look after you. Something happens to one person, all over the world they will try to help, the doctors will run to that place, people will pray, and I mean they will see to it that the person is saved. It's such a big family, such a beautiful family into which I would request you to join. May God bless you! Now, I cannot force self realization, cannot be done, because I respect your freedom. You are given freedom at a human level because you have to ascent with your own, with your own desire, I cannot force on you anything. As you have to accept it that you want to have it. I would request people who don't want to have it, they should leave the hall and leave others, but those who want to have it are very welcome, and they can have it. Even the knowledge they can have it without any difficulties. So all those who want to go away should leave the hall, please, I will be very thankful, because it cannot work on people who do not want it. On the contrary it doesn't help others also to have such people among you who don't want to have it. It will take hardly ten minutes and I would request you not to disturb others when we are in the process of it. Actually it happens spontaneously without anything but as there are little problems on the centers, you have to nourish your centers yourself as I'll tell you, its very simple and will show you how we do it.
Public Program, Melbourne (Australia). 30 March 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to tell you that truth is what it is. You cannot change it; you cannot transform it; you cannot conceptualize it. It is what it is; it was what it was and it will be what it will be. Whatever, I want to tell you today, I have to request you, to keep your mind open, like scientist. You need not believe into what I say. We have had enough of problems with blind faith. But keep your minds open in case this proves; then you have to believe, believe in it. If you are honest people, you have to believe in it. Because it is for the benevolence of your individual self, for the benevolence of your city, your country and world at large. Most of the problems of this world come from human beings; humbly we must admit. There something wrong somewhere that we create problems. And these problems come to human beings when there is a problem with these centres here as explained to you. Now these centres do exist. These are energy centres within you. And when they are, (Mother speaks aside, Thank you, (Lawrence?) thank you, its cold, I don't like, I like, just ordinary (glass of water)) these centres, when they go into jeopardy, we have this problem of human beings behaving in funny manners. When this power, which is within us, which is in three and a half coils; that's why it is called as kundalini; "kundalini" means a coil. It's a mathematical thing. It rises like a primule in a seed and rises upward against the gravity, and pierces through your fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. (Mother speaks aside, Thank you very much, (referring to glass of water) thank you) Now the truth is that you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this ego, you are not these conditionings. What we say, "This is my house, this is my car, this is my wife, this is my husband, my children" but who is this 'my' which owns it? So that 'my' which owns it is the 'I' the "self"; is the 'pure spirit' within you. The second truth is, that there is all-pervading power of Divine Love, of love, which does all the living work. Now you see beautiful flowers all over since I've come to Australia. I've been seeing all kinds of flowers, beautiful flowers. Who does this miracle? They're different, of a different shape, different colour. "Who" does that? Who runs our heart, we never ask this question to ourselves. We take all living work for granted. We never bother to find out who does that. The third question that should come to us really, which cannot be answered by anyone: "Why are we on this Earth? What is our purpose of coming to this Earth, to be born as human beings, to be evolved as human beings, what is the purpose?" Is it just to insure our self and die? Is that? What is the purpose of life? What is our identity? And when we start asking these questions, we find that nobody has been able to answer this question. Science cannot answer this question. Science has its own limitations. So this all-pervading power, which does all the living work, we have never felt it. We have read it in Scriptures that there is all-pervading power of God's love, there's the 'Ruh', is there. They call it Paramchaitanya or also they say it is the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost. But where is that? Nobody has felt it, nobody has known about it. Another problem is this that our civilizations grew too big in the West, even in Australia, everywhere. Like a big tree but what about the roots? If you do not find the roots, the result is as you have now recession; this problem, that problem. So where are the roots? If the knowledge of Science comes from West, this knowledge comes to you, say from India, or from East, what's the harm. Because it is important that we should know our roots. And these are the roots, this is the knowledge of the roots that is within us. When there is problem outwardly, we should know there must be some problem inside us and we don't know anything about ourselves; nothing. What we know; about outside. But we don't know what's wrong with us; where do we go wrong? So it is very important to understand that if there is a way of going through the last breakthrough of our evolution, if there's a way that we can find out our identity, if there's a way we can know our inner self fully, why not do it? For which you don't have to pay. You can't pay; it's an evolutionary process. It's a living process! For example, how much do we pay for these flowers to Mother Earth? Who's done the job? It's built-in in a seed, to germinate and built-in in the Mother Land that it will germinate. We don't pay for that. It's already built-in there. In the same way if it is built-in within you, you can't pay for it. One thing, if you realize that you can't pay for your evolutionary process, for anything that is Divinity, for anything that is pure; half of the problems will be solved of this guru shopping that you have been doing all these days. Because if you are not going to pay for it, and these people are asking for money, that means something wrong with them! You cannot market it! Thus, we reach a point where we realize that something spontaneous living process has to take place. And that has become very, very easy in modern times. Because it is described already, prophesized in the Bible, it is the Last Judgment and otherwise in the Koran it is "Qiyamah", means the Resurrection. Even in Indian scriptures they have described about these special times when people who will get so much disillusioned in the illusion, they will be born and they will be disillusioned that they take to reality, and this thing will happen. It's already predicted and this is the time, such a fortunate time when we are all born. And it has to work out. It is your own power. It's your own Mother, it's your individual Mother, and She knows everything about you. It's all tape-recorded. And She is anxious to give you this Second Birth. She is anxious. And She does it very beautifully. I've read some books which says that Kundalini Awakening is very dangerous and all that. I can't understand! It has never happened before like that. I've been working like this for the last, I think, I don't know how many years now; at least twenty-five years and I've never seen anybody being harmed. On the contrary, everybody's helped; physically, mentally, emotionally. Now there are three doctors who have got M.D. in Delhi University for Sahaja Yoga, in various subjects. Now there's a fourth doctor who is trying on blood cancer and all that. For medical science, if you ask them who does all these things they will say "autonomous nervous system". But who is this "auto", who is this "auto" that does this work? They can't answer; they're honest; they can't answer. So this autonomous nervous system, which is parasympathetic and sympathetic, the parasympathetic nervous system will take over and we can control our parasympathetic through this. Of course, I don't know how far the doctors here are sensitive to a subject like that but in Russia I was surprised. There are two hundred doctors who are practicing Sahaja Yoga in Russia. Russian people are not so materialistic because they have never known materialism much. About 30% of them are funny type. They'll ask for Marlboro cigarettes but 70% are so sensitive to Sahaja Yoga. I was amazed the way they took to me and threw away all absurd gurus from them. Not one person could prosper. And no religion is allowed to be practiced there where they have now started taking to Sahaja Yoga. It's very amazing how these people who don't know even English, who don't know about God; they were not supposed to know about any religion, they're so clean, like a clean slate and they have taken to Sahaja in such a big manner; I'm surprised. In thousands and thousands of people, so sensitive, so open-minded and scientifically so equipped. There were 300 scientists, I think maybe more, who invited me. Started telling them about I...I thought, better start from science. So they said, "Mother, no, don't tell us science; we know everything about science. No we don't, You tell us the science of God." Such eager, intelligent, educated people. Now, this democracy of ours 'so-called', today also in the newspaper. I read the same thing: "so-called democracy". Because it looks sometimes like a demonocracy you see, like you go to America; you can't even wear your wedding ring. They might take away your wedding ring also and kill you for that. That's supposed to be democracy! You have to be extremely careful. I was surprised in Perth. We were going in the night for about thirty-five kilometres. No gangsterism on the way, I was surprised. How this country is still saved. But it happens that this kind of democracy without being in connection with that all-pervading power can take you to anything. Same with religions. You take any religion, whether you are Hindu, Christian, Muslim, anything. One can commit any sin. What's the use of denouncing others; everybody does the same I thing; no difference. All are only convinced they are something excellent but they are not, in no way! And so many things like this, when we start seeing, we get disillusioned and we start thinking, "Where is the truth, where is the reality, what are we doing?" At this time, I see; I call them 'the seekers of truth'. These are special category of people, as described by so many poets. And when it works out, they are the ones who jump into themselves. Jump into this beautiful era, of what we call the New Age. It's a happening. It's not just branding yourself New Age; somebody calls themselves by some other name, it's not that. It's another Christian, Hindu, Muslim branding. But something that has to happen and that happening is awakening of the kundalini. William Blake has said that men of God will be born in those days, men of God. And they will become divine and they will have powers to make others divine, exactly that is Sahaja Yoga. Moreover it's such an internal happening that, all outside things are not needed. For example, some people go to Himalayas, stand on their heads. Or they starve themselves, fast, do all kinds of things. And they find nothing. They can't understand how it happens. They go on telling me; Mother we did this, we did that and we never found anything within ourselves. So first you are to be connected to that all pervading power, this is the power that's extremely dynamic no doubt, but it's the power of compassion. So you also become very dynamic. I know poor people becoming very rich suddenly. I have seen people who are sick becoming all right. We have a very nice place in Perth, where a boy who was already married, had children, two children. He was in an accident and whole his brain as if came out; a terrible condition. And doctors gave it up that he will die. Not that he was saved, but he is absolutely normal now. I was in tears to see him so beautifully cured. So this all-pervading power, which is the Ocean of Bliss, Ocean of Knowledge, Ocean of Compassion, is the Ocean of Forgiveness. This power starts flowing through you. You become a vehicle of that power. And once you learn how to make others the same way, how to raise their kundalini, you can create thousands of people who are self-realized. Surprisingly, in Australia many children are born who are realized souls, very surprising. Maybe because in other European countries children are killed by the parents. So maybe they are taking to you people who are kind to children and your government is also very kind to them. And these children are not understood by parents sometimes because they're very different. And they are very moral. So all the problems that we have created out of our ideas of sort of modernism or any kind of thing. And that we see that our children are going to dogs is all stopped through this awakening. It's like this, that if I tell some children don't take to drugs, they'll never listen to me. If, supposing I'm carrying a snake in my hand and there's darkness all over, I can't see anything and somebody says, "you have a snake in your hand", I'll never give up if I'm very obstinate, I will never give up. I'll say, "No, it's just a rope." But when there's little light I will myself give it up. In the same way it happens; it works this way that you yourself become powerful. Throw away all that is destructive, all that is to be given up. I don't have to say "Don't do this; the Ten Commandments we don't talk about in Sahaja Yoga, but only in you, the religion is born. The innate religion, which keeps you religious, righteous, compassionate and dynamic. You don't have to change your dress, you don't have to change your lifestyle, you don't have to give up your wives and children, but you get it just where you are. It's so simple, made so simple. I would say, if you are hungry, you can have it. Like, if I've done the cooking, and if you are hungry and you will say otherwise "mother just lets have the food." But if you are not, then you will go on discussing, arguing, this, that. These are all mental feats. I mean if you want to ask me a question, you can ask me any number and I am quite an expert now 25 years I have been facing all of you and I can answer you, but its all a mental feat. It doesn't give you realization. You are here for your realization, by which you are helped so much that physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually you become all right. Firstly, you become peaceful, absolutely peaceful. The peace within you, you achieve. How? You live with your thoughts. The thoughts rise, fall, rise, fall and in between these thoughts, there's a little space. Mostly, you are thinking about the future or the past. You cannot be in the present. In the present, there is no thought. You are with reality. So when the kundalini rises, these thoughts elongate and the space in between, of the present is established. When that space is established, you become peaceful, absolutely peaceful within yourself. I have met many people, elite people, I should say, very elite, who have got Peace Prizes. They're so hot-tempered people, I tell you, that you have to touch them with a barge pole. I mean you cannot go near them. It is horribly hot-tempered people, and they have got peace awards I don't know how. No peace within. At the slightest thing, they just shoot off. No patience, nothing. And then I realize that it's so outside; the whole thing is. They don't understand if you don't have peace within, how can have a Peace Award? Well you can. That is our life. Now this peace is established within you and you become, it's a new dimension of existence, where you become "thoughtlessly aware". You are absolutely aware, but no thoughts. Just in peace. But you are aware; you are not fainted down or you are not in some sort of a trance. You are absolutely aware and very much more aware because, you are in Reality. Then the second dimension you achieve is that you start feeling on your fingertips this cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. Sometimes you feel it hot, also. On these fingertips are your sympathetic centres. And these Sympathetic Centres are from left and right. They join together to make the Parasympathetic. So we have the left side and the right side within us, and these left and right side, indicates on our right and left side. On the left side we get our emotional and the right side our mental. I mean English Language, "mental" means something different, but I mean whatever we do with our brain. And also you receive your physical problems on the right hand side. These problems are indicative on your fingertips. Said it by Hazrat Mohammed that at the time of Qiyamah your hands will speak and will give witness against you; means they will tell you what's wrong with you. But not only that; they also tell you what's wrong with others. Now somehow if you know how to correct these centres, you're all right, and correct the centres of others you can also make them all right. It's so simple, it's all within you, all the mechanism is within you. It's all there. Only thing you have to understand the importance of it. Without that you can never be happy. This power, which is there, is the power of pure desire. All other desires are not pure. Today we want to have say; some flowers. Tomorrow we want to have a house; the day after tomorrow we want to have helicopter. I don't know; we go on and on. So every desire, which is fulfilled, is never satisfied! Once we get it, it's finished. Then again of course, it's a law of economics also, that in general, wants are not satiable. It's a fact. But this desire, whether you know it or not, is within you. Whether you are aware of it or not, is the desire to be one with this all-pervading power. And all the powers that you have within you start manifesting. You have no idea at all what powers you have. I always say about a television taken to a very remote village in India where they have never seen electricity. And if you tell them that in this box you can see some films, they'll say, "What, this is just a box! What are you telling us stories?" We also feel we are just a box, nothing more than a box. But do you know what powers you have within yourself? What you can do for this world? What can you do for yourself, to your family, to your children? How you can really be a great force of reforms and transformation without troubling anybody? Because, after this you know the absolute truth. You know them on your fingertips. If a man from India comes from the jail, he'll directly come either to Australia or he will go to America, wear a dress of a what you call this saddhu baba dress in saffron colour, and go and sit in any place and become a big guru. Earn a lot of money. How will you know if this fellow has been to jail, or is he a real person or not? So on your fingertips you can find out the absolute truth. A new dimension in you, that on your fingertips you know not only your centres, but the centres of others. Everybody feels the same way, knows the same way. Then where is the quarrel, where is the argument, where is the war? Now we have in India sometimes, people coming from sixty nations because Sahaja Yoga is now practised in sixty nations. I've never seen them quarrelling, fighting, of course they pull each other's leg and have a little humor about it, but never have I seen fighting, never! No question, no question of argument. Because, you do not know the absolute truth, so somebody says that Christianity is good, somebody says this Islam is good, somebody says that is good or democracy is good, or communism is good. How? How do you know that? Because you have got yarn in your heads, and that's how you're formed your own ideas and you're all fighting with each other. It's all mental, which is all limited. But, with this, you know the Absolute and is tangible. You can diagnose people. One fellow went to Huston and he said "Mother, I was half dead with diagnosis only. But I said, "You don't have to do anything in Sahaja Yoga like that. You can diagnose about yourself, you can diagnose about others. There's no need to go through all that. This is what it is that you have to have your own powers manifesting. And you must have the full knowledge about it. It should not be half way. Your attention becomes extremely innocent and powerful. The attention, when it is diverted everywhere; you see you get confused and people get schizophrenia, this, that; all that. But here the attention is very innocent and such a person, even if he radiates or even if he looks at or glances at somebody; he can give peace; he can give redemption; he can do so many things, he can do, because his attention has become enlightened. Sitting down here you can know about anybody you want to know. You can know about the people who are dead, or the people who are very far away. You can find out sitting down. This is what we can call as "collective consciousness". A new dimension of consciousness comes to you about which Jung has written, collective consciousness. So you develop this collective consciousness within yourself. For that you don't need any education, you don't need anything. Even villagers can do it. Even small little children can do it, because they know this power. As all of us have the power to see something, as you all can see me sitting down here, in the same way you can know about others; know about yourself; without doing any acrobats. So simple as that, all these powers are your. But above all, you jump in the Sea Of Joy. The whole problem is taken over by this all-pervading power of God. We say we leave it to God, all right, leave it to God. But you are not connected. When we pray also we are not connected. You know a telephone, which is not connected, you go on moving it, it will get spoiled but you are not connected. After realization, even to, just a problem comes to you and it gets solved, because you get out of your problem and you can see it clearly and the Divine helps you. There have been so many blissful miracles of Sahaja Yogis that now we have given up. We wanted to print them, but in one month they became so much high and we didn't know what to do. So, all over we have to not believe in God, but you have to feel the bliss of God; how He looks after you. It's not just a talk or a sermon, but it's a happening and the happening has to take place; otherwise our attention, which is outside, will not be taken inside. It's a question of understanding our own value, respecting ourselves. And it works. As you all are here I know you are all seekers. Otherwise you would not be here. And it is your right to get this realization. Sahaja means "born": 'sah' is with you; 'jah' is "born". "With you" is "born". This right to get to this yoga, means the union with the Divine. And is your right and you should assert and all those who will ask for it have to have it. It is their right. The whole thing has built in our evolutionary process. And now, the last bit has to happen and it will work out. I have to tell you one thing more; that it is not an individual happening. It's a collective happening. It works better when there are many people. Also when you have to know about it, learn about it, take advantage of it, you have to come to the collective. It's not like other organizations where they have an introductory lecture and after that they start marketing it. You cannot market it. For definite, you cannot market it. It is divine love. And love you can never market. In the same way this is Divine Love; how can you market it? So, if you have respect for yourself, if you really love yourself, and you care for yourself, you are not self-centered because after all, you are a human being; epitome of evolution. So, only thing you have to give some time and come to the collective and progress in Sahaja Yoga. It's not difficult at all. Nothing is to be done as I told you; it's not to stand on your head or anything. Just wherever you are, you'll get it. It's so simple. Because the time has come. And you are not obliged to me buying for anything. It's just happening, happening all over and happens to everyone. So I would request you to pay attention to it. And once you get your realization, you should really come to the collective because it would be like what Christ has described as sprouted, seeds which were thrown somewhere and were lost, so you have to grow, and that growth is important. Once it happens, if you have any concern for your country, for yourself and for the world, you should try to keep to it and understand. It's as simple as that. So the last thing as I told you, jump in the ocean of joy. That is, when your ego is pampered you feel happy and when the ego is punctured, you feel unhappy. It is joy, has no duality. It's just a witness state in which you witness everything like a drama. And you lose your age very much. You feel very dynamic; at the same time very compassionate. As you know I'm seventy-one years of age and I'm traveling practically every third day. And it's all right. People said "Mother, don't you feel you are traveling too much?" I said, "I'm not traveling, I'm just sitting everywhere. Where am I traveling?" In the same way, it happens to you. And the ageing and all that never comes into your mind. You just live; live in the present. And you just enjoy life; enjoy the company of all other realized souls. All over the world you have relations. Wherever you go they'll be all there to help you, to look after you. Something happens to one person, all over the world they will try to help, the doctors will run to that place, people will pray, and I mean they will see to it that the person is saved. It's such a big family, such a beautiful family into which I would request you to join. May God bless you! Now, I cannot force self realization, cannot be done, because I respect your freedom. You are given freedom at a human level because you have to ascent with your own, with your own desire, I cannot force on you anything. As you have to accept it that you want to have it. I would request people who don't want to have it, they should leave the hall and leave others, but those who want to have it are very welcome, and they can have it. Even the knowledge they can have it without any difficulties. So all those who want to go away should leave the hall, please, I will be very thankful, because it cannot work on people who do not want it. On the contrary it doesn't help others also to have such people among you who don't want to have it. It will take hardly ten minutes and I would request you not to disturb others when we are in the process of it. Actually it happens spontaneously without anything but as there are little problems on the centers, you have to nourish your centers yourself as I'll tell you, its very simple and will show you how we do it.
Picnic , Maroondah Dam, Melbourne (Australia) 31-3-1994 That time I used to be so happy that you people all have joined together, the collectivity is good and that you are helping the leader, who is very capable, I must say, you are so lucky to have such a leader who is so capable, educated, wise and I can't understand how people do not enjoy his leadership. If you have any problems, tell Me - no harm. You see, from Australia I get such thick letters always [UNCLEAR - WHEN THEY WRITE?] but the main thing they never write. Like, I never wanted them to go to America because America is a Hell, you see. I didn't want them, they'll lose their vibrations - I mean, it's not a place to go to and without asking Me they all went. Otherwise for a small thing like putting a WC somewhere, they'll write to Me but for going to America no body wrote, I never knew, I was surprised to see thirty five people coming on top of these few four, five sahaja yogis there. And the way they talked to these people also shocked [ASIDE - Paani Dena (Give Water)] They are actually very, very good sahaja yogis; They are few, very few but one better than the other - wonderful people they are! And gradually they are spreading sahaja yoga in a very good way. So, they told Me that some of the sahaja yogis who went from America, they said, "You are not supposed, you see, have a common room for television. You can have your own television and you can sit in your room. We even cook separately but it's supposed to be an ashram," and the Americans were surprised. They said, "Mother, how can that be?" I said, "Maybe, I can't say, I've not heard of it." I asked Steven. Steven said, "I've never heard of such a thing that they have a separate room of their own and they cook food there and they have their television, they don't even talk to each other for days together." I said, "This is something Australian style. I don't know how they have got it this in their head." So you have to be collective - it's very important. There's nothing to sacrifice. Actually, those who try to have separate houses are writing to Me, "Mother, please tell the ashrams to take us back because we are suffering." Their wives are pregnant and they can't drive, they can't do anything and these are Indians who are good for nothing. They don't know anything to work it out. They don't know how to cook, they don't know how to even have a gardener how - nothing - so they said that, "Mother, we want to go back to the ashram because these are useless people here and they are making us do every work and now we are pregnant we can't do it so, can't You arrange that we go back?" The ashramites said, "There is no room for them." Poor girls are suffering so, no use having separate houses. The second point was brought out that they all are studying here. They come for sahaja yoga. Some gentleman is studying for ten years and his wife is earning - that's not proper. Studying, he didn't come here to study and because of studies he has no time for sahaja yoga or anything. He's taking advantage of something so great, so that one should not do. Of course you can study also but first thing is sahaja yog. You have come all the way, you have to first of all, spread sahaja yog otherwise you'll be failing God, you'll be failing Me and every way it shows a very mediocre effort for anything and whatever success you might get also will be very limited and will not give you real pleasure while if you're doing sahaja yoga, you can achieve a lot even in your studies. I know of a child, whose father was sick, who came to see Me and I cured him. When he went back he told his son about his cure so the son started meditating and when he was meditating, the son gradually - he was supposed to be a bad student - and when he started meditating, you won't believe, he stood first in the whole of U.P. that is, a, I don't know, how many million people live in that Province; In the whole, in Matriculation. It has not happened in My family with anybody - I was surprised how this boy could be so highly placed. We had first class and all that but never the one who can top the whole list of millions of students. And this boy just, he had never met Me, just meditated - who was supposed to be a bad student - has done so well. So, your faith in meditation should not be lost, firstly and also correcting yourself every time you find something wrong - please be humble about it - try to find out. Rather worried about these children you see going down there - stream. Is it a very big stream or an ordinary? - Very small. - Is it very deep? - It's not very deep, Mother - Shri Mataji - Shallow, it's alright. But somebody should be with them. A little child going that side. - Can somebody go? - There's somebody with them. - Mother, unka parivaar hai. (Their family is with them) - Go from that side, I think. Their mummy is there. - Unka parivaar hai,[ THEIR FAMILY IS THERE] Shri Mataji. - Is it their family or our? - Unka parivaar hai [THEIR FAMILY IS THERE] [HINDI - Sab unka nahin kuch apna bhi hai Mere khayal se] Not all theirs, some of ours is also there, I think. There's a lady with them, haan. I think, if you all manage your own children, there won't be problem. Every time I see a child going; Look at that girl. - Unka parivaar hai? [ Is it their family?] - Ji Shri Mataji, sab unhi ka hai. Yeh moti waali ja rahin peeche [Yes Shri Mataji, all their family. That fat lady going behind] Annh The elder brother has to look after the little baby - that's good, that's very good. So, to come to a very happy note we have to say that with all this happening, I'm sure, you all sahaja yogis will move very fast and develop your sensitivity. This time also another problem came up because Baba mama made a very big program for you to come down to India. Until the last minute nothing had happened and I didn't know what to do also. It was a very, very interesting program. Have you been through the whole program any one of you, annh? [UNCLEAR] you've been through? How did you enjoy? It's such a nice thing and we got it on a concession also - whole thing - and people saw tigers and they also saw that river. It was very nice. You also came to Chhindwara? Good. So with, see, you should understand that if you have to come, you should decide beforehand - last minute is a big problem. And we know exactly how many are coming - I'm just giving you a practical difficulty - but we have to inform the Railways, we have to inform the buses, we have to cook, I mean, everything has to be done - the food and every way. If we don't know how many people are coming, it's very difficult. And you don't have to do anything, you just have to pay money but the rest of the people who have to receive you, the rest of the people who have to organize everything, it's very difficult. Still I don't know how, this time, we managed everything. I was quite apprehensive because we couldn't understand how many were coming, how they'll be arriving; Some came directly from Bombay to Chhindwara, some came up to only to Poona - they stayed only in Poona. So all these haphazard things despite uh.. all kinds of miscalculations, it all worked out. But still, it not so good as it should have been because it's better to have a peaceful, proper, thorough working out of these outside things so at least, then you are much more peaceful within yourself and to enjoy the whole thing. But all the time if everybody is trying to put you up there and put you up there, it's very difficult. When you don't have to do anything - is the point - you see, you have to just arrive so, it's better that you decide beforehand. But this time I don't know, what has happened about the mess of the whole thing - is the money part and all that. It's very difficult. We've been trying to calculate it and - some people brought the money recently in Calcutta about half the amount they paid. I mean, this sort of, so, you see, actually what I feel is that at least you should know what you're going to do, what you want to do. How can it be last minute you decide? That I can't understand the person. You know, I don't have a secretariat or I don't even have a secretary. Under these circumstances, you are all people who are the secretaries, you are the ones who are organizing. It's not that you are just coming there like guests and the rest are just looking after you. This time I would like you all come and help the Indians when they are organizing, when they are doing anything - you must help them. That would be much better than to just come like great guests there and at the last minute to arrive, "Now, here we are - now do what you like." [UNCLEAR - IT'S TYPICAL?] And you are getting shocks after shocks. This time specially, I don't know, what had gone wrong, maybe the American trip might have clicked otherwise, the best are the Australians, as far as, coming is concerned. They are very systematic but this time it was so difficult to organize because they came at random, absolutely at random. So, I have to make a request on that point, that a month ahead means a beginning of November, if you could deposit the money and let us know that you are coming, it's alright but otherwise we'll have to say no, which you should understand, that's very difficult to manage things there. Specially in London, they are very fed up with the people who are sending money, like this, in a haphazard way. So, they, Dr. Spiro wrote a very strong letter for all the leaders that, "What are you doing, why can't you organize it properly and all," but I told him "It's too strong, better not write like this, they'll be alright." "The next time Mother we will not do all this banking business." I said, "I don't know any accounting, how can I do it. You have to do the banking." He said, "But this is not the way, they should come, we don't know how to manage." So, you see, that part also one should see that one has to be more practical, you see. If you are Divine, you cannot live in some cloudy atmosphere. You must understand what you have to do. Now, we have covered most of the things but I'm also worried about the children here. We had a very nice school which was finished without telling Me arbitrarily. I wish that school was here but your leader has kindly accepted that he will see that the school is established for children because you are going for work and the children are left at home sometimes or in schools where they can get spoilt and they may not have the same culture that you have in sahaja yoga. So, if such a school - all of you should support and help and you can all build it up also; Some labour is to be given and you can work it out. So, if it works out well, I'm sure, your children will have a proper place to go. Another thing is about our school in India. We're trying to do our level best to make the school absolutely streamlined but we have one problem. There are some children, very few, they are very dull; Most of the children are very intelligent, very good and the standard in India is much higher. Now these dull children are left behind and we really don't know how to cope with them, what to do because we don't want them to suffer also. Now, if you send them back, there will be a problem. But in India the system is like this - say, in the fourth class the children fail, then they are sent according to their aptitude to, some sort of a, farmer school or something. If they fail in a higher class, then again they are taken out - like that.Till the matriculation they go on diverting all such children - so they have some place in life. But I don't know how to do because our school is only academic and I don't know how to put these children into various other schools where they can learn some sort of a craft or maybe, something else. So, is a very, very big problem and I don't know how to solve it with the children who are dull. But I think, the parents are responsible for that and please see to it that your children are studying alright. You can see their books and see how much they have achieved in their education or not. Because individually you cannot pay attention to a person who is very low in understanding. This is the job of the parents here. Whatever you say, we are willing to do. We can put them in some other schools in India or we can work out something else for them but if they are dull, we don't know what to force them on them, how to work it out and that, wish the blame should not come on our schools but more on the upbringing of the child, perhaps, maybe or maybe, some sort of circumstances which has made him like that. We have to be sympathetic about these children but we should find out something which is very, very congenial to them and which they can work it out better. This is another concern I have about our children there. Maximum number of children come from Australia. This time we had to increase the fees - it's not much. It's thousand rupees is hardly fifty dollars. Fifty dollars is nothing here. I mean, for a shoe you pay much more than that. So, one should not object because if you want us to improve the teaching, you want us to improve all kinds of things like we are going to have music, we're going to teach them horse-riding, uh.. house building so many other things they are being taught and we are getting six specialist teachers now from this year - they are going to work it out very much with them, children then you must understand, if you want to educate them very well, then you need more money. To think that India is cheap, is also wrong idea, absolutely wrong idea because this time I was surprised how the prices have gone up. About the same as your country. They are about the same. Apart from that, you see, the education in English schools - like My grandson is going to one English school there. He's paying seven thousand rupees, seven thousand rupees as a day scholar; So the school doesn't pay for his food or anything. He's paying seven thousand as a day scholar and seventy-five thousand for admission. So compared to that, it's much cheaper for you just but if you send somebody to a very ordinary school in India, it might be cheaper. But for a special school or a school where English or a Cambridge University is interested, it's very, very expensive. So, Cambridge University has accepted that they will allow our children to appear for Cambridge education also. If they want, they can study further. So all these things I have to communicate to all of you. They are working very hard to see that the whole thing is streamlined and they are provided with everything, very artistic things around them. Only problem which is between the parents and the teachers, is this that lot of home-work is given to the children to go home and study. One of the reasons is that, if you allow three months the children complete abandoned life, as you have in the West, they will go into problems - they cannot come back to normal then. So, there should be some uh.. some way that you put them for studying something so their mind is in the studies because once they come here - you see, the children are like that that they're not so career oriented, so they don't want to study. They say, the first thing I met the children, they said, "Mother, we don't want to study, " so I said, "Then why are you here?" With Me they are very frank. "We don't want to study, Mother, " so but then, "What are you going to do here?" "We are going to play." [LAUGHTER] "Can you imagine, so very frank!" But that's what I say that the tendency of the Western children, is not career oriented while our children, if you tell them that, "We are going to stop your school," - finished, I mean, they'll be so disturbed so they'll have to work very hard. The, on the contrary, the, here the tendency is to be playful and to be enjoying everything. So that has to change also; You have to tell them the value of their life. Mostly they are realized souls and very intelligent but they are sometimes too intelligent and they want to outwit even the teachers. So, I've brought everything to your notice now that you can see for yourself how you'll work it out with the children, how you'll explain and also try to spend some time with them teaching them because they must come up to the same level - it's very difficult, it's a very, very big problem for us and if you can find a solution, please let Me know. Now, we are having a, again a program, this time, of Ganapatipule and all these people who want to marry, should really, give the forms and things much before time so that your leaders can read it and find out. Some of the marriages, very few, have utterly failed. i would there blame the leaders also that they should have studied the person what sort of person that is, what is the temperament, how it will work out. Say, the temperament is not alright or their professions are diagonally against each other, then it will not work out and this is where, I sometimes tell the leaders that they should scan completely the nature and the whole attitude of the candidates who want to get married and they should do at least for two years of sahaja yoga. If you have a very dominating woman who wants to marry, it's better is not to have her or a dominating husband, better not have him. It's not important how many numbers we have for the marriage. What is important, how many marriages are successful quality-wise. So, from that angle you should give a complete idea about the girl and a complete idea about the boy. It's done in one month's time, it's such a vast work, I should say but despite that so many marriages are successful, luckily because of vibrations, but sometimes, you see, in a hurry and scurry, you can't just feel any vibrations and it's too difficult. So, it's the duty of the leader, no doubt, but also if you know something about the person, you should come and tell the leader that this is the situation is and that just now such a, the person is feeling like doing it but may not be able to carry on because temperamently such a person is not fit at all. So that advice will be nice. Specially also, just before getting married, if anybody thinks that has heard something from the boy or from the girl, which shows less confidence, you should come and tell on your own that, "Mother, there's such and such problem, You just verify," because this is eternal relationship for which there should not be any problem, I think and people should know that it is very important. So, if you know or if you find something, you must let us know about that couple that, "Mother, this was or whatever the problem is or they are talking, like this, among themselves." That will solve the problem because when the marriages fail, it has a very, very I [UNCLEAR], very, very deep damage done to children, done to them, done to the name of sahaja yoga. So, I wish all the luck for the marriages but still I would say, that whatever is done should be done with clear-cut understanding. Definitely we are working out well because out of all these marriages one in a while fails, so there's nothing wrong. May God bless you! [HINDI - Ghar pe hi khana khayeinge] Will eat food at home only. - Ji Shri Mataji. [HINDI- Thoda sa kuch dena chahte hain] Would like to give something. - [HINDI- Yeh kya hai] What is it? Every time [UNCLEAR] - [UNCLEAR] - Annh? - [UNCLEAR] - You've already given Me. - [UNCLEAR] Ohh, very good! - [UNCLEAR] - Beautiful! - [UNCLEAR - LIKE THAT?] - Absolutely, You may have seen but - The other way round, I think - [UNCLEAR] Ahhh! So many [UNCLEAR - CUPS?] So thoughtful of you! You see, I wanted to buy for that - should not have wasted so much money. I hope this is made in Australia [LAUGHTER] - A lot of it [UNCLEAR] Australia - Is it? - Yes - Then it's nice. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. So sweet of you but I don't think there's any need to do all that. Oh, I'm sorry, I should have helped her. It's good. You bring it along. Thank you very much. From your this thing? - Yes. You don't get as sweet as [UNCLEAR] in Melbourne. - Had You been here a little later, they would have been sweeter still - It's quite good. - Thank You. - It has a special taste - very - [HINDI - Khatta hai] It's sour - [UNCLEAR] - Annh? Little sour. Thank you so. - Well - [UNCLEAR] - Where? - I [UNCLEAR] in the Pooja - [UNCLEAR] Shri Ganesha's little hand after the pooja - Then there are eyes - The last of few moments after they sing aarti, then this just came. Shri Ganesha is always protecting you. - This is His form - This is His form. His tusk is here, His head is [UNCLEAR] Beautiful! - Shri Mother, we need to [UNCLEAR] - It's nice. - [UNCLEAR] So, how many are for marriages this time [LAUGHTER] If we could get the list, ahead of time, would be better - isn't it? At least we start our this thing in the end of, say, end of November So, in October if you can get this and also money should start in October so that by the time - last time till the 15th of November there was no money so, - it created a problem for us quite a lot - We can make [UNCLEAR] in the beginning of November Mother - Ah, better is beginning of the November but the marriage list also should follow because then we can the sit down and do it. Last minute when you are running from one place to another, you have to do it - that's not the way to do. - We go now. - Ji, Shri Mataji - Now enjoy your picnic. - [Hindi - Kaise ho? ]How are you? - [UNCLEAR] Wow! Which one is this? - Annh! - [Hindi - Bole jaise hi Aap aaye woh phoolne laga season mein] They're saying as soon as You came, it started flowering. Thank you. - Annh? - [INAUDIBLE] - Can't hear. - [ Hindi - Batein karna chahti hain Aapse. ]She wants to talk to You. [UNCLEAR N INAUDIBLE] - Tonight, I'll see them. Busy. Ah! - [UNCLEAR - AVI?] Swaroop? - She's very good Shri Mataji - She's here? - She's here. - Isabel you're going? She's, Elizabeth hai nahin? You're going to.. - To? Sydney - Sydney? - Sydney. Yes Shri Mataji. May God bless you. [MARATHI] [MARATHI CONVERSATION]] [MARATHI CONVERSATION] [MARATHI CONVERSATION] [MARATHI CONVERSATION] You come. I would love to see people who are really in problem and have some [UNCLEAR]. Nice, is it? Different taste - isn't it? - [UNCLEAR] - Jai Shri Mataji You didn't do this, it's just This one? But even the ears You are a sahaja yogi, that's why - remarkable! This, this thing is [UNCLEAR] quite a lot Unnh? [UNCLEAR] They will never believe if you tell them. It's a fact there, it's reality; Difficult for people to understand this but it's a fact. Done it very well with such a feeling. Only in this photograph it has come? Only? [HINDI - Dekho yeh sar ke upar aur yeh kaan mein] See this above the head and in the ears. - Sahaja yoga is so remarkable! - Yes. - Surprised. May God bless you! Must ask for miraculous photographs all of you - that's very important. I don't know, if it is convincing to other people but at least [UNCLEAR] What's the matter? - What happened to you? Annh? Kya keh rahe? - Cancer hai. - Cancer. Of what? Cancer of? bone? Backbone? Backbone has got the cancer? Where? On the back side? They removed it? -[UNCLEAR] - Annh? -[UNCLEAR] - [UNCLEAR] - there breast cancer to begin. Hmm. You have to give a three candle treatment - let's see how it works out. She might feel better. Did you feel the cool breeze in the hand? What were you doing before you were a house-wife? What work you were doing? Hunh? - [UNCLEAR] - Accountant? - [UNCLEAR] in a shop Very right problem is there. Doesn't matter. You try three candle to begin with and then we'll see. The doctors are saying it's gone in the backbone? The whole of it? [UNCLEAR] - Just see on her head. Take a bandhan and see on her head. Take a bandhan - You should take a bandhan first and then see - Felt. - On her head? - On her head. - Hot? One hand towards Me. Hot? - Quite hot? Very hot. - Center heart Hold you breath, hold your breath. Leave it. Please hold your breath again. Now, leave it. Once again hold your breath Leave it. - What? - Very sorry [UNCLEAR] but as soon as [UNCLEAR] situation and I can get it and she will be better. - [HINDI - Kya cheez?] Which thing? [HINDI - Homeopathic ki davai milti hai, usse theek hoti hain. ]She gets better with homeopathic medicine. - That's not [UNCLEAR] - To get it there at the system but… - It's very much deep in her. - Yeah. - Better try three candle plus homeopathic you want to. - Yeah. Starts with the center heart, that's why. Alright, May God bless you! [HINDI - Saara sir garam kar diya] Whole head has become hot. - Yeah - [UNCLEAR] - What? [UNCLEAR] - she's had an accident and she's in hospital [UNCLEAR] - What are you telling? - She's a sahaja yogi and she fell from a horse and she has [UNCLEAR] - Fell from the horse? - Yeah - from the horse - and she has a weak [UNCLEAR] - She's also sahaja yogini? - No and she was [UNCLEAR] realization - Annh? - We gave her vibrations, all the yogis - [UNCLEAR] we could felt the Kundalini, Mother - See, how she's dressed - Yes - so, she's not very respectable woman - [UNCLEAR] gave her realization, we the sahaja yogis - Left Nabhi she has - Yes, left Nabhi, left Swadishthan also - Fell down? - Yes, she fell down on the left side that's why it is come - but Kundalini is - Annh? - Kundalini is up. She [UNCLEAR] Kundalini trying to - She's in coma? - Yes. Let's see. I don't know What's the need of a such a big woman to sit on a horse? [LAUGHTER] She did not understand, mad - she's a grown up woman with children, everything - and she didn't even know how to ride a horse - Annh? - First time - She didn't even know how to ride the horse - She did not know at this age she started - No - At this age she started - First time Stupidity personified at this age! Her husband should have told her - extrovert! Alright. May God bless you! There's no wisdom in this kind of thing. I know of a lady - some Lord's wife - and she was 83 years of age. We had dinner with her previous night. Second day we read in the newspaper, she's fallen from the horse and dead. 83 years - what was the need for this 83 year old woman to jump on the horse. They don't mature - cheapish, childish people. I mean, there should be some dignity of age, of some understanding. - Not understandable, Mother. - Can't help it, forget it. There's no wisdom - but this is an English lady I'm telling you about. American ladies, the worst; There's nothing in their heads, I think. They don't understand value of their life. Alright, May God bless you! They do it After sahaja yoga, one can see the wisdom of all this nonsense. May God bless you! Hello! She's going [LAUGHTER] So, you all have to sing a song for Me - all the little children. Alright? - Mother, this is about [UNCLEAR] photos - Alright, thank you. - You're [UNCLEAR] London. You were there? - India last year for your birthday, Shri Mataji. - Ahh! [UNCLEAR] Are you feeling better? Bolo Shri Adishakti Shri Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai! Ki Jai! Ki Jai! Thank You Mother.
Picnic , Maroondah Dam, Melbourne (Australia) 31-3-1994 That time I used to be so happy that you people all have joined together, the collectivity is good and that you are helping the leader, who is very capable, I must say, you are so lucky to have such a leader who is so capable, educated, wise and I can't understand how people do not enjoy his leadership. If you have any problems, tell Me - no harm. You see, from Australia I get such thick letters always [UNCLEAR - WHEN THEY WRITE?] but the main thing they never write. Like, I never wanted them to go to America because America is a Hell, you see. I didn't want them, they'll lose their vibrations - I mean, it's not a place to go to and without asking Me they all went. Otherwise for a small thing like putting a WC somewhere, they'll write to Me but for going to America no body wrote, I never knew, I was surprised to see thirty five people coming on top of these few four, five sahaja yogis there. And the way they talked to these people also shocked [ASIDE - Paani Dena (Give Water)] They are actually very, very good sahaja yogis; They are few, very few but one better than the other - wonderful people they are! And gradually they are spreading sahaja yoga in a very good way. So, they told Me that some of the sahaja yogis who went from America, they said, "You are not supposed, you see, have a common room for television. You can have your own television and you can sit in your room. We even cook separately but it's supposed to be an ashram," and the Americans were surprised. They said, "Mother, how can that be?" I said, "Maybe, I can't say, I've not heard of it." I asked Steven. Steven said, "I've never heard of such a thing that they have a separate room of their own and they cook food there and they have their television, they don't even talk to each other for days together." I said, "This is something Australian style. I don't know how they have got it this in their head." So you have to be collective - it's very important. There's nothing to sacrifice. Actually, those who try to have separate houses are writing to Me, "Mother, please tell the ashrams to take us back because we are suffering." Their wives are pregnant and they can't drive, they can't do anything and these are Indians who are good for nothing. They don't know anything to work it out. They don't know how to cook, they don't know how to even have a gardener how - nothing - so they said that, "Mother, we want to go back to the ashram because these are useless people here and they are making us do every work and now we are pregnant we can't do it so, can't You arrange that we go back?" The ashramites said, "There is no room for them." Poor girls are suffering so, no use having separate houses. The second point was brought out that they all are studying here. They come for sahaja yoga. Some gentleman is studying for ten years and his wife is earning - that's not proper. Studying, he didn't come here to study and because of studies he has no time for sahaja yoga or anything. He's taking advantage of something so great, so that one should not do. Of course you can study also but first thing is sahaja yog. You have come all the way, you have to first of all, spread sahaja yog otherwise you'll be failing God, you'll be failing Me and every way it shows a very mediocre effort for anything and whatever success you might get also will be very limited and will not give you real pleasure while if you're doing sahaja yoga, you can achieve a lot even in your studies. I know of a child, whose father was sick, who came to see Me and I cured him. When he went back he told his son about his cure so the son started meditating and when he was meditating, the son gradually - he was supposed to be a bad student - and when he started meditating, you won't believe, he stood first in the whole of U.P. that is, a, I don't know, how many million people live in that Province; In the whole, in Matriculation. It has not happened in My family with anybody - I was surprised how this boy could be so highly placed. We had first class and all that but never the one who can top the whole list of millions of students. And this boy just, he had never met Me, just meditated - who was supposed to be a bad student - has done so well. So, your faith in meditation should not be lost, firstly and also correcting yourself every time you find something wrong - please be humble about it - try to find out. Rather worried about these children you see going down there - stream. Is it a very big stream or an ordinary? - Very small. - Is it very deep? - It's not very deep, Mother - Shri Mataji - Shallow, it's alright. But somebody should be with them. A little child going that side. - Can somebody go? - There's somebody with them. - Mother, unka parivaar hai. (Their family is with them) - Go from that side, I think. Their mummy is there. - Unka parivaar hai,[ THEIR FAMILY IS THERE] Shri Mataji. - Is it their family or our? - Unka parivaar hai [THEIR FAMILY IS THERE] [HINDI - Sab unka nahin kuch apna bhi hai Mere khayal se] Not all theirs, some of ours is also there, I think. There's a lady with them, haan. I think, if you all manage your own children, there won't be problem. Every time I see a child going; Look at that girl. - Unka parivaar hai? [ Is it their family?] - Ji Shri Mataji, sab unhi ka hai. Yeh moti waali ja rahin peeche [Yes Shri Mataji, all their family. That fat lady going behind] Annh The elder brother has to look after the little baby - that's good, that's very good. So, to come to a very happy note we have to say that with all this happening, I'm sure, you all sahaja yogis will move very fast and develop your sensitivity. This time also another problem came up because Baba mama made a very big program for you to come down to India. Until the last minute nothing had happened and I didn't know what to do also. It was a very, very interesting program. Have you been through the whole program any one of you, annh? [UNCLEAR] you've been through? How did you enjoy? It's such a nice thing and we got it on a concession also - whole thing - and people saw tigers and they also saw that river. It was very nice. You also came to Chhindwara? Good. So with, see, you should understand that if you have to come, you should decide beforehand - last minute is a big problem. And we know exactly how many are coming - I'm just giving you a practical difficulty - but we have to inform the Railways, we have to inform the buses, we have to cook, I mean, everything has to be done - the food and every way. If we don't know how many people are coming, it's very difficult. And you don't have to do anything, you just have to pay money but the rest of the people who have to receive you, the rest of the people who have to organize everything, it's very difficult. Still I don't know how, this time, we managed everything. I was quite apprehensive because we couldn't understand how many were coming, how they'll be arriving; Some came directly from Bombay to Chhindwara, some came up to only to Poona - they stayed only in Poona. So all these haphazard things despite uh.. all kinds of miscalculations, it all worked out. But still, it not so good as it should have been because it's better to have a peaceful, proper, thorough working out of these outside things so at least, then you are much more peaceful within yourself and to enjoy the whole thing. But all the time if everybody is trying to put you up there and put you up there, it's very difficult. When you don't have to do anything - is the point - you see, you have to just arrive so, it's better that you decide beforehand. But this time I don't know, what has happened about the mess of the whole thing - is the money part and all that. It's very difficult. We've been trying to calculate it and - some people brought the money recently in Calcutta about half the amount they paid. I mean, this sort of, so, you see, actually what I feel is that at least you should know what you're going to do, what you want to do. How can it be last minute you decide? That I can't understand the person. You know, I don't have a secretariat or I don't even have a secretary. Under these circumstances, you are all people who are the secretaries, you are the ones who are organizing. It's not that you are just coming there like guests and the rest are just looking after you. This time I would like you all come and help the Indians when they are organizing, when they are doing anything - you must help them. That would be much better than to just come like great guests there and at the last minute to arrive, "Now, here we are - now do what you like." [UNCLEAR - IT'S TYPICAL?] And you are getting shocks after shocks. This time specially, I don't know, what had gone wrong, maybe the American trip might have clicked otherwise, the best are the Australians, as far as, coming is concerned. They are very systematic but this time it was so difficult to organize because they came at random, absolutely at random. So, I have to make a request on that point, that a month ahead means a beginning of November, if you could deposit the money and let us know that you are coming, it's alright but otherwise we'll have to say no, which you should understand, that's very difficult to manage things there. Specially in London, they are very fed up with the people who are sending money, like this, in a haphazard way. So, they, Dr. Spiro wrote a very strong letter for all the leaders that, "What are you doing, why can't you organize it properly and all," but I told him "It's too strong, better not write like this, they'll be alright." "The next time Mother we will not do all this banking business." I said, "I don't know any accounting, how can I do it. You have to do the banking." He said, "But this is not the way, they should come, we don't know how to manage." So, you see, that part also one should see that one has to be more practical, you see. If you are Divine, you cannot live in some cloudy atmosphere. You must understand what you have to do. Now, we have covered most of the things but I'm also worried about the children here. We had a very nice school which was finished without telling Me arbitrarily. I wish that school was here but your leader has kindly accepted that he will see that the school is established for children because you are going for work and the children are left at home sometimes or in schools where they can get spoilt and they may not have the same culture that you have in sahaja yoga. So, if such a school - all of you should support and help and you can all build it up also; Some labour is to be given and you can work it out. So, if it works out well, I'm sure, your children will have a proper place to go. Another thing is about our school in India. We're trying to do our level best to make the school absolutely streamlined but we have one problem. There are some children, very few, they are very dull; Most of the children are very intelligent, very good and the standard in India is much higher. Now these dull children are left behind and we really don't know how to cope with them, what to do because we don't want them to suffer also. Now, if you send them back, there will be a problem. But in India the system is like this - say, in the fourth class the children fail, then they are sent according to their aptitude to, some sort of a, farmer school or something. If they fail in a higher class, then again they are taken out - like that.Till the matriculation they go on diverting all such children - so they have some place in life. But I don't know how to do because our school is only academic and I don't know how to put these children into various other schools where they can learn some sort of a craft or maybe, something else. So, is a very, very big problem and I don't know how to solve it with the children who are dull. But I think, the parents are responsible for that and please see to it that your children are studying alright. You can see their books and see how much they have achieved in their education or not. Because individually you cannot pay attention to a person who is very low in understanding. This is the job of the parents here. Whatever you say, we are willing to do. We can put them in some other schools in India or we can work out something else for them but if they are dull, we don't know what to force them on them, how to work it out and that, wish the blame should not come on our schools but more on the upbringing of the child, perhaps, maybe or maybe, some sort of circumstances which has made him like that. We have to be sympathetic about these children but we should find out something which is very, very congenial to them and which they can work it out better. This is another concern I have about our children there. Maximum number of children come from Australia. This time we had to increase the fees - it's not much. It's thousand rupees is hardly fifty dollars. Fifty dollars is nothing here. I mean, for a shoe you pay much more than that. So, one should not object because if you want us to improve the teaching, you want us to improve all kinds of things like we are going to have music, we're going to teach them horse-riding, uh.. house building so many other things they are being taught and we are getting six specialist teachers now from this year - they are going to work it out very much with them, children then you must understand, if you want to educate them very well, then you need more money. To think that India is cheap, is also wrong idea, absolutely wrong idea because this time I was surprised how the prices have gone up. About the same as your country. They are about the same. Apart from that, you see, the education in English schools - like My grandson is going to one English school there. He's paying seven thousand rupees, seven thousand rupees as a day scholar; So the school doesn't pay for his food or anything. He's paying seven thousand as a day scholar and seventy-five thousand for admission. So compared to that, it's much cheaper for you just but if you send somebody to a very ordinary school in India, it might be cheaper. But for a special school or a school where English or a Cambridge University is interested, it's very, very expensive. So, Cambridge University has accepted that they will allow our children to appear for Cambridge education also. If they want, they can study further. So all these things I have to communicate to all of you. They are working very hard to see that the whole thing is streamlined and they are provided with everything, very artistic things around them. Only problem which is between the parents and the teachers, is this that lot of home-work is given to the children to go home and study. One of the reasons is that, if you allow three months the children complete abandoned life, as you have in the West, they will go into problems - they cannot come back to normal then. So, there should be some uh.. some way that you put them for studying something so their mind is in the studies because once they come here - you see, the children are like that that they're not so career oriented, so they don't want to study. They say, the first thing I met the children, they said, "Mother, we don't want to study, " so I said, "Then why are you here?" With Me they are very frank. "We don't want to study, Mother, " so but then, "What are you going to do here?" "We are going to play." [LAUGHTER] "Can you imagine, so very frank!" But that's what I say that the tendency of the Western children, is not career oriented while our children, if you tell them that, "We are going to stop your school," - finished, I mean, they'll be so disturbed so they'll have to work very hard. The, on the contrary, the, here the tendency is to be playful and to be enjoying everything. So that has to change also; You have to tell them the value of their life. Mostly they are realized souls and very intelligent but they are sometimes too intelligent and they want to outwit even the teachers. So, I've brought everything to your notice now that you can see for yourself how you'll work it out with the children, how you'll explain and also try to spend some time with them teaching them because they must come up to the same level - it's very difficult, it's a very, very big problem for us and if you can find a solution, please let Me know. Now, we are having a, again a program, this time, of Ganapatipule and all these people who want to marry, should really, give the forms and things much before time so that your leaders can read it and find out. Some of the marriages, very few, have utterly failed. i would there blame the leaders also that they should have studied the person what sort of person that is, what is the temperament, how it will work out. Say, the temperament is not alright or their professions are diagonally against each other, then it will not work out and this is where, I sometimes tell the leaders that they should scan completely the nature and the whole attitude of the candidates who want to get married and they should do at least for two years of sahaja yoga. If you have a very dominating woman who wants to marry, it's better is not to have her or a dominating husband, better not have him. It's not important how many numbers we have for the marriage. What is important, how many marriages are successful quality-wise. So, from that angle you should give a complete idea about the girl and a complete idea about the boy. It's done in one month's time, it's such a vast work, I should say but despite that so many marriages are successful, luckily because of vibrations, but sometimes, you see, in a hurry and scurry, you can't just feel any vibrations and it's too difficult. So, it's the duty of the leader, no doubt, but also if you know something about the person, you should come and tell the leader that this is the situation is and that just now such a, the person is feeling like doing it but may not be able to carry on because temperamently such a person is not fit at all. So that advice will be nice. Specially also, just before getting married, if anybody thinks that has heard something from the boy or from the girl, which shows less confidence, you should come and tell on your own that, "Mother, there's such and such problem, You just verify," because this is eternal relationship for which there should not be any problem, I think and people should know that it is very important. So, if you know or if you find something, you must let us know about that couple that, "Mother, this was or whatever the problem is or they are talking, like this, among themselves." That will solve the problem because when the marriages fail, it has a very, very I [UNCLEAR], very, very deep damage done to children, done to them, done to the name of sahaja yoga. So, I wish all the luck for the marriages but still I would say, that whatever is done should be done with clear-cut understanding. Definitely we are working out well because out of all these marriages one in a while fails, so there's nothing wrong. May God bless you! [HINDI - Ghar pe hi khana khayeinge] Will eat food at home only. - Ji Shri Mataji. [HINDI- Thoda sa kuch dena chahte hain] Would like to give something. - [HINDI- Yeh kya hai] What is it? Every time [UNCLEAR] - [UNCLEAR] - Annh? - [UNCLEAR] - You've already given Me. - [UNCLEAR] Ohh, very good! - [UNCLEAR] - Beautiful! - [UNCLEAR - LIKE THAT?] - Absolutely, You may have seen but - The other way round, I think - [UNCLEAR] Ahhh! So many [UNCLEAR - CUPS?] So thoughtful of you! You see, I wanted to buy for that - should not have wasted so much money. I hope this is made in Australia [LAUGHTER] - A lot of it [UNCLEAR] Australia - Is it? - Yes - Then it's nice. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. So sweet of you but I don't think there's any need to do all that. Oh, I'm sorry, I should have helped her. It's good. You bring it along. Thank you very much. From your this thing? - Yes. You don't get as sweet as [UNCLEAR] in Melbourne. - Had You been here a little later, they would have been sweeter still - It's quite good. - Thank You. - It has a special taste - very - [HINDI - Khatta hai] It's sour - [UNCLEAR] - Annh? Little sour. Thank you so. - Well - [UNCLEAR] - Where? - I [UNCLEAR] in the Pooja - [UNCLEAR] Shri Ganesha's little hand after the pooja - Then there are eyes - The last of few moments after they sing aarti, then this just came. Shri Ganesha is always protecting you. - This is His form - This is His form. His tusk is here, His head is [UNCLEAR] Beautiful! - Shri Mother, we need to [UNCLEAR] - It's nice. - [UNCLEAR] So, how many are for marriages this time [LAUGHTER] If we could get the list, ahead of time, would be better - isn't it? At least we start our this thing in the end of, say, end of November So, in October if you can get this and also money should start in October so that by the time - last time till the 15th of November there was no money so, - it created a problem for us quite a lot - We can make [UNCLEAR] in the beginning of November Mother - Ah, better is beginning of the November but the marriage list also should follow because then we can the sit down and do it. Last minute when you are running from one place to another, you have to do it - that's not the way to do. - We go now. - Ji, Shri Mataji - Now enjoy your picnic. - [Hindi - Kaise ho? ]How are you? - [UNCLEAR] Wow! Which one is this? - Annh! - [Hindi - Bole jaise hi Aap aaye woh phoolne laga season mein] They're saying as soon as You came, it started flowering. Thank you. - Annh? - [INAUDIBLE] - Can't hear. - [ Hindi - Batein karna chahti hain Aapse. ]She wants to talk to You. [UNCLEAR N INAUDIBLE] - Tonight, I'll see them. Busy. Ah! - [UNCLEAR - AVI?] Swaroop? - She's very good Shri Mataji - She's here? - She's here. - Isabel you're going? She's, Elizabeth hai nahin? You're going to.. - To? Sydney - Sydney? - Sydney. Yes Shri Mataji. May God bless you. [MARATHI] [MARATHI CONVERSATION]] [MARATHI CONVERSATION] [MARATHI CONVERSATION] [MARATHI CONVERSATION] You come. I would love to see people who are really in problem and have some [UNCLEAR]. Nice, is it? Different taste - isn't it? - [UNCLEAR] - Jai Shri Mataji You didn't do this, it's just This one? But even the ears You are a sahaja yogi, that's why - remarkable! This, this thing is [UNCLEAR] quite a lot Unnh? [UNCLEAR] They will never believe if you tell them. It's a fact there, it's reality; Difficult for people to understand this but it's a fact. Done it very well with such a feeling. Only in this photograph it has come? Only? [HINDI - Dekho yeh sar ke upar aur yeh kaan mein] See this above the head and in the ears. - Sahaja yoga is so remarkable! - Yes. - Surprised. May God bless you! Must ask for miraculous photographs all of you - that's very important. I don't know, if it is convincing to other people but at least [UNCLEAR] What's the matter? - What happened to you? Annh? Kya keh rahe? - Cancer hai. - Cancer. Of what? Cancer of? bone? Backbone? Backbone has got the cancer? Where? On the back side? They removed it? -[UNCLEAR] - Annh? -[UNCLEAR] - [UNCLEAR] - there breast cancer to begin. Hmm. You have to give a three candle treatment - let's see how it works out. She might feel better. Did you feel the cool breeze in the hand? What were you doing before you were a house-wife? What work you were doing? Hunh? - [UNCLEAR] - Accountant? - [UNCLEAR] in a shop Very right problem is there. Doesn't matter. You try three candle to begin with and then we'll see. The doctors are saying it's gone in the backbone? The whole of it? [UNCLEAR] - Just see on her head. Take a bandhan and see on her head. Take a bandhan - You should take a bandhan first and then see - Felt. - On her head? - On her head. - Hot? One hand towards Me. Hot? - Quite hot? Very hot. - Center heart Hold you breath, hold your breath. Leave it. Please hold your breath again. Now, leave it. Once again hold your breath Leave it. - What? - Very sorry [UNCLEAR] but as soon as [UNCLEAR] situation and I can get it and she will be better. - [HINDI - Kya cheez?] Which thing? [HINDI - Homeopathic ki davai milti hai, usse theek hoti hain. ]She gets better with homeopathic medicine. - That's not [UNCLEAR] - To get it there at the system but… - It's very much deep in her. - Yeah. - Better try three candle plus homeopathic you want to. - Yeah. Starts with the center heart, that's why. Alright, May God bless you! [HINDI - Saara sir garam kar diya] Whole head has become hot. - Yeah - [UNCLEAR] - What? [UNCLEAR] - she's had an accident and she's in hospital [UNCLEAR] - What are you telling? - She's a sahaja yogi and she fell from a horse and she has [UNCLEAR] - Fell from the horse? - Yeah - from the horse - and she has a weak [UNCLEAR] - She's also sahaja yogini? - No and she was [UNCLEAR] realization - Annh? - We gave her vibrations, all the yogis - [UNCLEAR] we could felt the Kundalini, Mother - See, how she's dressed - Yes - so, she's not very respectable woman - [UNCLEAR] gave her realization, we the sahaja yogis - Left Nabhi she has - Yes, left Nabhi, left Swadishthan also - Fell down? - Yes, she fell down on the left side that's why it is come - but Kundalini is - Annh? - Kundalini is up. She [UNCLEAR] Kundalini trying to - She's in coma? - Yes. Let's see. I don't know What's the need of a such a big woman to sit on a horse? [LAUGHTER] She did not understand, mad - she's a grown up woman with children, everything - and she didn't even know how to ride a horse - Annh? - First time - She didn't even know how to ride the horse - She did not know at this age she started - No - At this age she started - First time Stupidity personified at this age! Her husband should have told her - extrovert! Alright. May God bless you! There's no wisdom in this kind of thing. I know of a lady - some Lord's wife - and she was 83 years of age. We had dinner with her previous night. Second day we read in the newspaper, she's fallen from the horse and dead. 83 years - what was the need for this 83 year old woman to jump on the horse. They don't mature - cheapish, childish people. I mean, there should be some dignity of age, of some understanding. - Not understandable, Mother. - Can't help it, forget it. There's no wisdom - but this is an English lady I'm telling you about. American ladies, the worst; There's nothing in their heads, I think. They don't understand value of their life. Alright, May God bless you! They do it After sahaja yoga, one can see the wisdom of all this nonsense. May God bless you! Hello! She's going [LAUGHTER] So, you all have to sing a song for Me - all the little children. Alright? - Mother, this is about [UNCLEAR] photos - Alright, thank you. - You're [UNCLEAR] London. You were there? - India last year for your birthday, Shri Mataji. - Ahh! [UNCLEAR] Are you feeling better? Bolo Shri Adishakti Shri Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai! Ki Jai! Ki Jai! Thank You Mother.
Departure and Conversation (poor audio)
Talk, Money in Sahaja Yoga, Eve Of Easter Puja
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk before Concert at Bundilla Camp. Sydney (Australia), 2 April 1994. I’m very happy to see all of you here and that now we have so many Sahaja Yogis in Australia. I think Australia has got the second position in Sahaja Yoga. Of course the first position if you exclude [interruption in recording] in the sense that if you exclude Russia and the Eastern bloc, then I would say maximum number of Sahaja Yogis we have now in Austria and the second is in Australia. Today I was late because a phone had (Shri Mataji corrects herself) phone call had come from Austria and they were trying to talk to Me and I was just wondering how it’s such a coincidence. Now, we have started in a very bumpy way, I should say to begin with Australian Sahaja Yoga - we had funny leaders and lots of problems were there. But somehow or other, now we are settling down and we have a very nice group here and that people understand the value of Sahaja Yoga. One thing about Australia is that it’s a very far off place, a very exclusive place and it was surprising to Me that how Sahaja Yoga prospered here so fast and so easily. Perhaps maybe one of the reasons that you are little far away, sometimes I don’t know something that I should know, and I know something I need not know. So the Australians always write very, very long letters (Shri Mataji laughs), so long that I cannot really read the whole of it. As you know, your Mother has (Shri Mataji corrects Herself) is very, very busy, so-called and since morning I start reading, it doesn’t finish till the lunch time. So one thing I have to tell you, that whatever you have to say, you should say in short. (Laughter, Shri Mataji laughs) Even then you make it long or short, I can understand it, what’s the problem is, even with vibrations I can. Moreover, most of them are concerning themselves, all the time concerning themselves like “I’m sick, my daughter is like this, my father is like this, brother is like this”. (Shri Mataji laughs) All regarding themselves. Very exclusive again. Now, I would like to know more about what you think of doing Sahaja Yoga, how you would like to go, how you would like to proceed, what is the best way of doing it. In that case also sometimes I find people mostly write about what schemes they are have to make money, how they want to involve Sahaja Yogis into that money-making propositions, this that. So I’m surprised that Sahaja Yoga is very different thing and one has to realize that we don’t have to make money out of Sahaja Yogis or their collectivity or anything. Of course, you need money very well, but it should be done on a collective basis and not on an individual basis. So we are trying to plan out something for you. Maybe work (Shri Mataji corrects herself) may work out later on, that you might be able to sell some things here and make some money or if you need some. But actually in Sahaja Yoga, I’ve found, we don’t need much money. If all of you, who are so many - they said there are thousand Sahaja Yogis in Australia. Thousand is a very big number. With a thousand Sahaja Yogis, I was discussing that why do you have problem of money. You should not have any problem of money. So maximum how much do you spend? They said, “Maximum we spend twenty-five thousand for the tour and all organizing” and all together - they said - we spend about sixty thousand.” It’s very simple. I said, “Everybody, if they pay six dollars per year, you can work it out.” Sixty dollars, I’m sorry, per year. So not much, it’s about five dollars per month. And I said, ‘Is it too much, five dollars?’ I mean, I’ve seen here the flowers cost you so much. So on this point, they said some are very generous, but some do not pay a single pai. This is going too far. You see, also it’s a Lakshmi Principle, must understand. If you try to save such a little amount as that, how can you expect Shri Lakshmi Principle to work out in you. You see, you must know what a unique thing is Sahaja Yoga, how it has redeemed you, how you have transformed you and you have landed into such a beautiful area of God’s kingdom. Now this money is not for something that we use, say, for absurd things, but is for propagation. I come here nowaday, now I’ve decided to come every second year, so even this is too much for you to arrange My tour, then I will give up, if you think it is too much. Some of the people are like that, very miserly; and there’s a reputation I don’t know why about Australians they’re a very miserly people. They’re not. On the whole they are not. On the whole, some of them are extremely generous and some of them are very miserly; who somehow or other confront other people and a very bad reputation is established. So all of you have to be little generous, otherwise you, others who are generous suffer the consequence. As a Mother, I have to tell you that you have to be generous. You know, in the beginning I was paying all the money for everything, because My husband also realized that he should really contribute to this noble work so that he is blessed. And this is where I think Australians are failing compared to all others though they are very many in number. Now count your blessings. First count your blessings and try to understand that what you are doing is no good for Sahaja Yoga in Australia. Those who don’t pay at all are really people who have not understood Sahaja Yoga. In Sahaja Yoga of course I don’t need any money, I don’t want any money. And also somebody told Me that the money was misplaced in Australia before, that’s why people are afraid. That’s no reason. You know that now we are handling the money ourselves. There’s nothing like that and we’ve done a lot of work since I have taken over. So one has to understand that this is a very low-level behavior towards Sahaja Yoga; because Sahaja Yoga has given you so much, so much, and you just count what Sahaja Yoga has given you, then it looks very low-level that you can’t even contribute six pounds or five pounds, or five dollars, I’m sorry five dollars, that too Australia. For your recession, who is responsible? How will you progress? This is a very delicate subject. I didn’t want to talk about it, but if Australians are known to be like that, I think it’s better to have a proper image. Actually the main, heavy things that are paid like building ashrams, building schools and all that do not come from your money at all, not a single pai, from your money nothing comes out. It comes out of International Funds, out of people who are extremely generous and also partly from Me and if some money is left over with the tour. So this one I had to talk to you today. Saturday is all right, not on Easter Day I wouldn’t talk all these things, but today is the day when you should know that Christ was suffering, and this is the time we have to understand that you are not in the suffering any more, you have come out. But the way you treat Sahaja Yoga is just a side issue, like buying a magazine sort of a thing. It’s not good. You are not paying due respect to Sahaja Yoga. It’s of course your dedication is important, meditation is much more important, but little money you must keep for Sahaja Yoga. There is no need for you to pay like the way you pay for these gurus and all that, nothing of the kind. But a little money you should learn to take it out with respect, with dedication because after all we have to pay in some places. I should not talk about these things, and I have told Steven to circulate a letter of requesting them, telling them what’s the problem is. It is a, I mean in India, they are anxious to pay for Sahaja Yoga, and in every country I’ve seen they are anxious to pay. So this kind of an atmosphere and this kind of a beautiful gathering that we have, we should also think what we can do for Sahaja Yoga. The second thing you have to do that as you have got your Realization, others also should get it. So you have to form groups, go round the cities, go round to the smaller places and try to spread it. Some people do it. Definitely, some people do it, but there are thousand Sahaja Yogis, if they do it every year they can increase and multiply like anything. If you can really always think that we have to do something for Sahaja Yoga, you can go out on Saturdays, Sundays, form your music groups or anything and try to establish Sahaja Yoga outside. You are duty-bound to do it. Like when this light was not there, it was all right, but when it has got the light, it has to give the light, that is the duty of the light, it’s the nature of the light. That’s what you have to do, is to spread Sahaja Yoga as much as possible. The third thing I feel, that I should point it out, that when it came to going to America nobody wrote to Me. Nobody told Me that people are going to America. It’s very wrong, because in America Sahaja Yoga is not at all established. There are very few Sahaja Yogis. Secondly, you just went there for a holiday or some sort of a thing I don’t know what. I have already told you that America is hell. Why do you want to go to America? There are other places you could have gone. You could have worked there, but you put pressure on those people who were there. Not only that, but you caught all kinds of funny things from that horrible land of America. Americans as you know are very, very immature. They don’t understand Sahaja Yoga. All kinds of gurus are there. There are witchcraft, legally accepted things like that. Of all the places why should you go to America, I can’t understand. And people just went there to America, was a very wrong thing to do - without even telling Me, without even informing Me, they went there, otherwise I would have stopped it. The another difficulty came up for Me very much, that because you had not decided to go for a India tour, this is the last time we’ll have such a tour which was so expensive. But it was all thought that all Sahaja Yogis will enjoy in the same amount that you have been paying. We started this idea, everybody knew about it, but at the last moment when I went to England, to find out there was no money at all. So I had to borrow money and do the business. This is very, very troublesome and you don’t want your Mother to be troubled for nothing at all. And then suddenly so many came. You see, how you understand that supposing you have to take this place, you cannot just last moment come and say, ‘Oh no, we want to take this place.’ You have to organize all your travel by train, by buses, by this, by that. How much Indians work. They organize everything throughout. This time they really got absolutely upset because some people just came to Delhi, some people came through the Hariyana tour, some went to another part. But the worst is some of them just came after Poona. They said, ‘We’ll do half.’ You better not come. If you have no money, you need not come. ‘Mother, give us half,’ then one-fourth, then one-fifth. I mean, there’s no bargain about it. The money that you give is for the full tour because we have to organize it on that premises. For example, you go anywhere now. There’s a, they’ll say, ‘Now, there is a train available if you have five hundred passengers.’ So we take the whole train. All right, now you only, say, three hundred people pay, then all the two hundred who is going to pay? It is something you are away from the rest of the world, sitting down here, enjoying Sahaja Yoga. You don’t understand that all these things have caused lot of problems and a deficit, big deficit. I don’t know what has happened, I’m now going back to Cabella to sit down and find out about the accounts, which I am very bad at it. And the more you only care for such things, the worse it will be. I have to tell you that it’s - there’s no planning needed as such, but anywhere in modern times, if you have to go, you have to do it beforehand. It’s not just you reach there and say: “All right, Mother, we are here now”. Do what you like. All these things have really upset the Sahaja Yogis in New Delhi and in Bombay. And they have sent Me word that ‘Mother, please tell all the Sahaja Yogis all over the world, specially, specially Australians that they should take a decision before at least a month.’ So if you could decide in October it would be better. And send over the money because if you borrow the money from the bank, you know you have to pay interest also. So, I know children sometimes don’t behave properly, but you don’t want Me to have trouble of this kind and a Mother has to tell the children what are her problems are. On the whole, there are some Sahaja Yogis in Australia who are tremendous. They are doing so well. They send such beautiful cards to Me. They write such beautiful poems that really I don’t know how to thank them. But first of all you have a duty to spread Sahaja Yoga. Secondly, it is for you to enjoy Sahaja Yoga, but also to see that by your behavior you don’t trouble other Sahaja Yogis all over the world. Sahaja Yoga has so much progressed here. It’s a very, very surprising thing. We had a very bumpy start, I told you. I used to think that Sahaja Yoga in Australia will be disappearing into Indian Sea or something, but we have now people who understand what is Sahaja Yoga and also you have very, very good leaders practically everywhere. Also they understand Sahaja Yoga very well and they think it’s a very important thing and try to think how important is Sahaja Yoga. With all those things, you see, a very, very simple understanding should be there that we belong to one family. When I come here I feel a joy of a Mother who has come to meet all Her children, Her family and, if we are in a family, we bear a responsibility. I don’t want to put any pressure on you, on money, which is not reasonable. But you should be also reasonable about it and try to think in a serious manner that whatever Mother is doing, whatever She’s trying, we should not put a burden on Her. So for one thing I must congratulate you that all the collectivity has come back to normal. Even in Melbourne I was surprised how the collectivity has come back and is helping everyone. Leaders, all of Australia I talked to them one by one and they only say that “They are all right, for Pujas, they are very good. They are good for other collective things we do. But as far as working for Sahaja Yoga, you’ll get handful of [Interruption in recording]”. When it comes to working for Sahaja Yoga, very few will be available. Most of them think it’s a sort of a by-the-way job. “I’m busy with this. I’m busy with that.” But that is not the way. You are really showing your sense of gratitude. If you want to show the sense of your gratitude, then you must run to ask, ‘What do you want me to do? What should I do?’ Now, in Poona when I went, I was so surprised, the Yuva Shakti, the young Sahaja Yogis, they came to receive Me, six of them, all in a turban and in a very classical dresses with a big bugle and all kinds of things to receive Me. All the way on the road, they had built about twenty-five to thirty big gates for Me on the way, and also had advertised all over, all over Poona. And I was amazed we had a hundred thousand people for the program. Can you believe it? And then second time, when I went to Bombay, I was surprised really. We have a park called Shivaji Park and there always had been big meetings of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, this, that. And I was amazed that they all said, ‘There has been never such a big number of at least 125,000 people.’ All done by the people, everybody working out, anybody who knew this one, he brought this, he brought that and, by doing that, you see the expenses were much less and they never put a pressure on Me for money. Never. I have never seen these people. They are not so rich as you are. You are very rich people. But they have never put any pressure on Me. To them Sahaja Yoga is their life, Sahaja Yoga is their aim and Sahaja Yoga is totality. So with all this, I have to tell you that your … I’ve told the leaders to make a list of people who do not pay money, also to make a list of people who do not help in the work; not the ones who help, but those who do not help, so I’ll put a bandhan on them and let them feel that it is important what we have to do. Last but not the least the problem of certain marriages which crop up very much here, I am surprised. Men, you are to be married, you are given full chance to decide whom do you want to marry. And after marriage it goes off. Mostly it is the mistake of the women here, I’m very surprised, because always it’s the woman who dominates, see she wants this, she wants that, like that. Now, you have to know that women are very important for society. Your problem is not so much of political problems or economic problems, as such. It is always common like that in every Western country. But the main problem you are facing is your society. You know what’s happening in your society, what a terrible society it is, how the children are harmed, how the women are tortured, how so many things are happening in our society and all kinds of filthy things are happening which cannot be called as anywhere near advancement. All these things we see around us and we see our children suffer with that. So what - who is responsible for the society? Women. Women are responsible for the society. They have to do it. I’m also a woman and I understand that to Me society is so important. I should not Myself do something that is wrong. I should not allow My children to do something wrong. Now, if children are not meditating, they are not footsoaking - I was told that nobody can corrected anybody else’s child. If somebody says something to somebody’s child, they’ll be angry. Even Indian ladies, I was surprised, don’t like anybody correcting their child. It’s not in India. Never. If one woman does that, she’ll be discarded from the society. Anybody can correct you and parents thank that person. Say, when we were young, supposing on the road we are laughing, say that could be a joke, we are walking. And somebody informed My mother, she would shout at us, ‘What business you had to make jokes on the street and laugh like that? It’s very cheapish.’ But she would never shout at the person who reported. That was not done. So this is another thing I want to tell you very frankly, that no parents should feel bad if somebody corrects the child. Should thank that person because your children need too much of correction, you have no idea. When we started the school, just after two month they gave up, said ‘These are not children. These are coming from some jungles and they bite us, and they hit us, and they take out all our belongings and throw them.’ They were so horrible hooligans. For two months they tried and they gave up. They said, “Close this school. We can’t have. We’ll have Indian children.” I told them - I gave them one ebony rod, so big as that, black. Said, ‘You show them this. Say that this Mother has given. Anybody who tries to misbehave, we’ll touch that person with this”. And they were all right. (Laughter, Shri Mataji laughs). They started behaving all right. Otherwise this school would not have been there. You don’t know how terrible they were. They were used, they used to threaten that ‘We’ll jump down the cliff’ or they used to climb over the trees or on top of the roof also, like monkeys. Just like monkeys, without any discipline, without anything. So your children need much more correction than anybody else. Not only Australia, I mean any one of the foreigners, they need. So it’s better that you allow others to correct your children. And I’m surprised at Indian ladies objecting to it. They are also learning bad things from here I think. This is never in India. Nobody does that and that’s why Indian children are much better. You will not - you have, you must have noticed Indian children in a group there, how they behave, how quiet they are, how sweetly they are listening to everything. Very nice. The reason is they are disciplined not only by parents, but by the whole society. And the idea is that everybody loves your children. They are the children of the whole society. We live collectively. We are not individualistic. And if they find anything wrong with the child, they should correct. Of course if you find somebody who is doing it just to show their anger or temper, then you can report to the leader, but normally it should be treated… After all, you are all parents and you know what is good for children. I was amazed that children are not allowed at all to be corrected by anybody else because, you see, a child, you must know, is a big responsibility and only the mother cannot control, only the father cannot control. The whole society has to control and discipline the child. So the idea of good mannerism - this is not good manners. These are not good manners. You see, we should know, these are not good manners. One should feel very shy about it. I remember once my grand-daughter we had taken her to Brighton and she wanted to go on a ride on a - they have what small, small trains. So they went round and came back. Still she wanted to do it again and I said, “No, no, you can’t do it. We have to go now.” Then she looked at her mother and started crying. Mother said, ‘Whether you cry or anything, you are not to go again. That’s what it is.’ She must have cried for about, say, five minutes and then she felt so ashamed she put both the hands on her face. So she was very young, so must be about four years. I said, “Why are you hiding your face?” ‘Because I misbehaved.’ These are not good manners. From very childhood, you must tell your children what are bad manners and what is their position. They are Sahaja Yogis. Put them up. Tell them what is their dignity, how they are, they - how special they are, how much God’s work they are going to do, they are in the kingdom of God, they can’t behave like this. Anybody who tells you should not mind because it’s all for their good. It doesn’t, in no way harm your child, but this shows your, what you call, mamat where you say that you are attached, “It’s my child. That’s his child. That’s his child.” Nothing like that. In Sahaja Yoga every child belongs to everyone and that is what we have to show in our life. Even our things in the West I have seen, people if they think belongs to somebody else, they’ll just spoil it. If it is theirs, then they’ll keep it very carefully, not to be touched. That’s not Sahaj culture. Sahaj culture, I’ll tell you what, like supposing if there’s a spoon from somebody’s family has come in the house, everybody will be telling us, ‘Is it there or not? Have you returned it (or) not?’ Even a spoon, they’ll eat us off. I tell you this not only with Me but any Indian family. Not that all Indian culture is all right, but quite a lot is needed to compensate for this kind of a culture where everybody is free, do what you like, live as you like. So also you have to train them up, how they should live, how they should keep their things. For example, in Cabella we had children and we had parents and they were putting them in their own rooms. I said, “No, there’s no need you to - there’s so many rooms. We make one room for the children. And let them feel that this is their room, they have to look after it.” I was so surprised. The same children who were spoiling their parents’ rooms all the time started with their little, little hands carrying their blankets, little blankets and everything and putting it up nicely, keeping it clean and “Mother is going to come”, so they put up some flowers. I said “So sweet”. I said, “The same children about whom parents were saying, ‘Mother, they’re hopeless. Every day we have to spend so much time on their thing, they put this thing here and put there’.” So to make them responsible. And so sweetly they did it. They are all below five years, from two years to five years, imagine. So sweetly they did it and for Me also they made a seat and wouldn’t allow the adults to do anything. So I was surprised, the same children how they have changed. Only by getting a dignified place for themselves and an understanding that they have to do something. So too much of protectiveness is not needed, and abandonment is also not. You have to be in the centre, tell your children how to behave and what is the good manners are. They should know, “These are bad manners. We just can’t do it. We just can’t do it. Bad manners.” And this, if you tell, they will understand, because we must face our children. We have to tell them. Whatever is wrong we have to tell them. I’m sorry today I took too much time and I hope your leader will forgive Me for this (Shri Mataji laughs, laughter)… because… (Shri Mataji laughs, laughter)… I’m just trying to use this time for something really very much needed. I never get a chance to talk to Sahaja Yogis in this way. When it’s a Puja time, it’s so auspicious that You don’t want to say anything that will make people little unhappy. So I have a feeling of a Mother who loves Her children very much and who wants Her children to enjoy life fully in the Kingdom of God. So I hope you don’t mind whatever I have said and whatever I have done is all for our good. May God bless you. SHRI MATAJI CONTINUES AFTER THE TALK HERE: There’s some more time can you give Me – the leaders? (Laughter). This is the first time I saw everything so organized according to time and this is the first time I’ve let you down (Laughter). It’s a - you know because of your customs, you know what is the situation is, you can’t bring too many things but whatever I could I’ve got it for the leaders and all that, so I’ll just now read the names and then you can collect it from Vinay. This is for all the leaders here (Shri Mataji reads the names: “Mr Steven and then John, then Michael, Ben, Hugh - what’s the name? Albert. - Albert, then John Henshaw, and who? Robin, Robin Reed”). Then also for ladies, according to the leadership, leaders’ wives is (Shri Mataji reads names “Marylin? Marylin, and we have Sue, Jo, Savita – Brisbane, who is from Brisbane, Albert’s wife – and Jennie, and Gulsha (?) what’s kind of a name?”). So this is, these are the names of the people who are leaders, Savita because she really worked very hard for Me. So that’s how we have presents for them, very small presents, I hope you all can take it from Vinay. I have already touched them, blessed them, so it’s alright (laughter), we can save some time (applause). Also they wanted Me to bring some sarees… (Yogi says in Hindi, “Sold it”). Sold it! (Yogi: Yes) I hoped you liked them. (Laughter and applause)
Talk before Concert at Bundilla Camp. Sydney (Australia), 2 April 1994. I’m very happy to see all of you here and that now we have so many Sahaja Yogis in Australia. I think Australia has got the second position in Sahaja Yoga. Of course the first position if you exclude [interruption in recording] in the sense that if you exclude Russia and the Eastern bloc, then I would say maximum number of Sahaja Yogis we have now in Austria and the second is in Australia. Today I was late because a phone had (Shri Mataji corrects herself) phone call had come from Austria and they were trying to talk to Me and I was just wondering how it’s such a coincidence. Now, we have started in a very bumpy way, I should say to begin with Australian Sahaja Yoga - we had funny leaders and lots of problems were there. But somehow or other, now we are settling down and we have a very nice group here and that people understand the value of Sahaja Yoga. One thing about Australia is that it’s a very far off place, a very exclusive place and it was surprising to Me that how Sahaja Yoga prospered here so fast and so easily. Perhaps maybe one of the reasons that you are little far away, sometimes I don’t know something that I should know, and I know something I need not know. So the Australians always write very, very long letters (Shri Mataji laughs), so long that I cannot really read the whole of it. As you know, your Mother has (Shri Mataji corrects Herself) is very, very busy, so-called and since morning I start reading, it doesn’t finish till the lunch time. So one thing I have to tell you, that whatever you have to say, you should say in short. (Laughter, Shri Mataji laughs) Even then you make it long or short, I can understand it, what’s the problem is, even with vibrations I can. Moreover, most of them are concerning themselves, all the time concerning themselves like “I’m sick, my daughter is like this, my father is like this, brother is like this”. (Shri Mataji laughs) All regarding themselves. Very exclusive again. Now, I would like to know more about what you think of doing Sahaja Yoga, how you would like to go, how you would like to proceed, what is the best way of doing it. In that case also sometimes I find people mostly write about what schemes they are have to make money, how they want to involve Sahaja Yogis into that money-making propositions, this that. So I’m surprised that Sahaja Yoga is very different thing and one has to realize that we don’t have to make money out of Sahaja Yogis or their collectivity or anything. Of course, you need money very well, but it should be done on a collective basis and not on an individual basis. So we are trying to plan out something for you. Maybe work (Shri Mataji corrects herself) may work out later on, that you might be able to sell some things here and make some money or if you need some. But actually in Sahaja Yoga, I’ve found, we don’t need much money. If all of you, who are so many - they said there are thousand Sahaja Yogis in Australia. Thousand is a very big number. With a thousand Sahaja Yogis, I was discussing that why do you have problem of money. You should not have any problem of money. So maximum how much do you spend? They said, “Maximum we spend twenty-five thousand for the tour and all organizing” and all together - they said - we spend about sixty thousand.” It’s very simple. I said, “Everybody, if they pay six dollars per year, you can work it out.” Sixty dollars, I’m sorry, per year. So not much, it’s about five dollars per month. And I said, ‘Is it too much, five dollars?’ I mean, I’ve seen here the flowers cost you so much. So on this point, they said some are very generous, but some do not pay a single pai. This is going too far. You see, also it’s a Lakshmi Principle, must understand. If you try to save such a little amount as that, how can you expect Shri Lakshmi Principle to work out in you. You see, you must know what a unique thing is Sahaja Yoga, how it has redeemed you, how you have transformed you and you have landed into such a beautiful area of God’s kingdom. Now this money is not for something that we use, say, for absurd things, but is for propagation. I come here nowaday, now I’ve decided to come every second year, so even this is too much for you to arrange My tour, then I will give up, if you think it is too much. Some of the people are like that, very miserly; and there’s a reputation I don’t know why about Australians they’re a very miserly people. They’re not. On the whole they are not. On the whole, some of them are extremely generous and some of them are very miserly; who somehow or other confront other people and a very bad reputation is established. So all of you have to be little generous, otherwise you, others who are generous suffer the consequence. As a Mother, I have to tell you that you have to be generous. You know, in the beginning I was paying all the money for everything, because My husband also realized that he should really contribute to this noble work so that he is blessed. And this is where I think Australians are failing compared to all others though they are very many in number. Now count your blessings. First count your blessings and try to understand that what you are doing is no good for Sahaja Yoga in Australia. Those who don’t pay at all are really people who have not understood Sahaja Yoga. In Sahaja Yoga of course I don’t need any money, I don’t want any money. And also somebody told Me that the money was misplaced in Australia before, that’s why people are afraid. That’s no reason. You know that now we are handling the money ourselves. There’s nothing like that and we’ve done a lot of work since I have taken over. So one has to understand that this is a very low-level behavior towards Sahaja Yoga; because Sahaja Yoga has given you so much, so much, and you just count what Sahaja Yoga has given you, then it looks very low-level that you can’t even contribute six pounds or five pounds, or five dollars, I’m sorry five dollars, that too Australia. For your recession, who is responsible? How will you progress? This is a very delicate subject. I didn’t want to talk about it, but if Australians are known to be like that, I think it’s better to have a proper image. Actually the main, heavy things that are paid like building ashrams, building schools and all that do not come from your money at all, not a single pai, from your money nothing comes out. It comes out of International Funds, out of people who are extremely generous and also partly from Me and if some money is left over with the tour. So this one I had to talk to you today. Saturday is all right, not on Easter Day I wouldn’t talk all these things, but today is the day when you should know that Christ was suffering, and this is the time we have to understand that you are not in the suffering any more, you have come out. But the way you treat Sahaja Yoga is just a side issue, like buying a magazine sort of a thing. It’s not good. You are not paying due respect to Sahaja Yoga. It’s of course your dedication is important, meditation is much more important, but little money you must keep for Sahaja Yoga. There is no need for you to pay like the way you pay for these gurus and all that, nothing of the kind. But a little money you should learn to take it out with respect, with dedication because after all we have to pay in some places. I should not talk about these things, and I have told Steven to circulate a letter of requesting them, telling them what’s the problem is. It is a, I mean in India, they are anxious to pay for Sahaja Yoga, and in every country I’ve seen they are anxious to pay. So this kind of an atmosphere and this kind of a beautiful gathering that we have, we should also think what we can do for Sahaja Yoga. The second thing you have to do that as you have got your Realization, others also should get it. So you have to form groups, go round the cities, go round to the smaller places and try to spread it. Some people do it. Definitely, some people do it, but there are thousand Sahaja Yogis, if they do it every year they can increase and multiply like anything. If you can really always think that we have to do something for Sahaja Yoga, you can go out on Saturdays, Sundays, form your music groups or anything and try to establish Sahaja Yoga outside. You are duty-bound to do it. Like when this light was not there, it was all right, but when it has got the light, it has to give the light, that is the duty of the light, it’s the nature of the light. That’s what you have to do, is to spread Sahaja Yoga as much as possible. The third thing I feel, that I should point it out, that when it came to going to America nobody wrote to Me. Nobody told Me that people are going to America. It’s very wrong, because in America Sahaja Yoga is not at all established. There are very few Sahaja Yogis. Secondly, you just went there for a holiday or some sort of a thing I don’t know what. I have already told you that America is hell. Why do you want to go to America? There are other places you could have gone. You could have worked there, but you put pressure on those people who were there. Not only that, but you caught all kinds of funny things from that horrible land of America. Americans as you know are very, very immature. They don’t understand Sahaja Yoga. All kinds of gurus are there. There are witchcraft, legally accepted things like that. Of all the places why should you go to America, I can’t understand. And people just went there to America, was a very wrong thing to do - without even telling Me, without even informing Me, they went there, otherwise I would have stopped it. The another difficulty came up for Me very much, that because you had not decided to go for a India tour, this is the last time we’ll have such a tour which was so expensive. But it was all thought that all Sahaja Yogis will enjoy in the same amount that you have been paying. We started this idea, everybody knew about it, but at the last moment when I went to England, to find out there was no money at all. So I had to borrow money and do the business. This is very, very troublesome and you don’t want your Mother to be troubled for nothing at all. And then suddenly so many came. You see, how you understand that supposing you have to take this place, you cannot just last moment come and say, ‘Oh no, we want to take this place.’ You have to organize all your travel by train, by buses, by this, by that. How much Indians work. They organize everything throughout. This time they really got absolutely upset because some people just came to Delhi, some people came through the Hariyana tour, some went to another part. But the worst is some of them just came after Poona. They said, ‘We’ll do half.’ You better not come. If you have no money, you need not come. ‘Mother, give us half,’ then one-fourth, then one-fifth. I mean, there’s no bargain about it. The money that you give is for the full tour because we have to organize it on that premises. For example, you go anywhere now. There’s a, they’ll say, ‘Now, there is a train available if you have five hundred passengers.’ So we take the whole train. All right, now you only, say, three hundred people pay, then all the two hundred who is going to pay? It is something you are away from the rest of the world, sitting down here, enjoying Sahaja Yoga. You don’t understand that all these things have caused lot of problems and a deficit, big deficit. I don’t know what has happened, I’m now going back to Cabella to sit down and find out about the accounts, which I am very bad at it. And the more you only care for such things, the worse it will be. I have to tell you that it’s - there’s no planning needed as such, but anywhere in modern times, if you have to go, you have to do it beforehand. It’s not just you reach there and say: “All right, Mother, we are here now”. Do what you like. All these things have really upset the Sahaja Yogis in New Delhi and in Bombay. And they have sent Me word that ‘Mother, please tell all the Sahaja Yogis all over the world, specially, specially Australians that they should take a decision before at least a month.’ So if you could decide in October it would be better. And send over the money because if you borrow the money from the bank, you know you have to pay interest also. So, I know children sometimes don’t behave properly, but you don’t want Me to have trouble of this kind and a Mother has to tell the children what are her problems are. On the whole, there are some Sahaja Yogis in Australia who are tremendous. They are doing so well. They send such beautiful cards to Me. They write such beautiful poems that really I don’t know how to thank them. But first of all you have a duty to spread Sahaja Yoga. Secondly, it is for you to enjoy Sahaja Yoga, but also to see that by your behavior you don’t trouble other Sahaja Yogis all over the world. Sahaja Yoga has so much progressed here. It’s a very, very surprising thing. We had a very bumpy start, I told you. I used to think that Sahaja Yoga in Australia will be disappearing into Indian Sea or something, but we have now people who understand what is Sahaja Yoga and also you have very, very good leaders practically everywhere. Also they understand Sahaja Yoga very well and they think it’s a very important thing and try to think how important is Sahaja Yoga. With all those things, you see, a very, very simple understanding should be there that we belong to one family. When I come here I feel a joy of a Mother who has come to meet all Her children, Her family and, if we are in a family, we bear a responsibility. I don’t want to put any pressure on you, on money, which is not reasonable. But you should be also reasonable about it and try to think in a serious manner that whatever Mother is doing, whatever She’s trying, we should not put a burden on Her. So for one thing I must congratulate you that all the collectivity has come back to normal. Even in Melbourne I was surprised how the collectivity has come back and is helping everyone. Leaders, all of Australia I talked to them one by one and they only say that “They are all right, for Pujas, they are very good. They are good for other collective things we do. But as far as working for Sahaja Yoga, you’ll get handful of [Interruption in recording]”. When it comes to working for Sahaja Yoga, very few will be available. Most of them think it’s a sort of a by-the-way job. “I’m busy with this. I’m busy with that.” But that is not the way. You are really showing your sense of gratitude. If you want to show the sense of your gratitude, then you must run to ask, ‘What do you want me to do? What should I do?’ Now, in Poona when I went, I was so surprised, the Yuva Shakti, the young Sahaja Yogis, they came to receive Me, six of them, all in a turban and in a very classical dresses with a big bugle and all kinds of things to receive Me. All the way on the road, they had built about twenty-five to thirty big gates for Me on the way, and also had advertised all over, all over Poona. And I was amazed we had a hundred thousand people for the program. Can you believe it? And then second time, when I went to Bombay, I was surprised really. We have a park called Shivaji Park and there always had been big meetings of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, this, that. And I was amazed that they all said, ‘There has been never such a big number of at least 125,000 people.’ All done by the people, everybody working out, anybody who knew this one, he brought this, he brought that and, by doing that, you see the expenses were much less and they never put a pressure on Me for money. Never. I have never seen these people. They are not so rich as you are. You are very rich people. But they have never put any pressure on Me. To them Sahaja Yoga is their life, Sahaja Yoga is their aim and Sahaja Yoga is totality. So with all this, I have to tell you that your … I’ve told the leaders to make a list of people who do not pay money, also to make a list of people who do not help in the work; not the ones who help, but those who do not help, so I’ll put a bandhan on them and let them feel that it is important what we have to do. Last but not the least the problem of certain marriages which crop up very much here, I am surprised. Men, you are to be married, you are given full chance to decide whom do you want to marry. And after marriage it goes off. Mostly it is the mistake of the women here, I’m very surprised, because always it’s the woman who dominates, see she wants this, she wants that, like that. Now, you have to know that women are very important for society. Your problem is not so much of political problems or economic problems, as such. It is always common like that in every Western country. But the main problem you are facing is your society. You know what’s happening in your society, what a terrible society it is, how the children are harmed, how the women are tortured, how so many things are happening in our society and all kinds of filthy things are happening which cannot be called as anywhere near advancement. All these things we see around us and we see our children suffer with that. So what - who is responsible for the society? Women. Women are responsible for the society. They have to do it. I’m also a woman and I understand that to Me society is so important. I should not Myself do something that is wrong. I should not allow My children to do something wrong. Now, if children are not meditating, they are not footsoaking - I was told that nobody can corrected anybody else’s child. If somebody says something to somebody’s child, they’ll be angry. Even Indian ladies, I was surprised, don’t like anybody correcting their child. It’s not in India. Never. If one woman does that, she’ll be discarded from the society. Anybody can correct you and parents thank that person. Say, when we were young, supposing on the road we are laughing, say that could be a joke, we are walking. And somebody informed My mother, she would shout at us, ‘What business you had to make jokes on the street and laugh like that? It’s very cheapish.’ But she would never shout at the person who reported. That was not done. So this is another thing I want to tell you very frankly, that no parents should feel bad if somebody corrects the child. Should thank that person because your children need too much of correction, you have no idea. When we started the school, just after two month they gave up, said ‘These are not children. These are coming from some jungles and they bite us, and they hit us, and they take out all our belongings and throw them.’ They were so horrible hooligans. For two months they tried and they gave up. They said, “Close this school. We can’t have. We’ll have Indian children.” I told them - I gave them one ebony rod, so big as that, black. Said, ‘You show them this. Say that this Mother has given. Anybody who tries to misbehave, we’ll touch that person with this”. And they were all right. (Laughter, Shri Mataji laughs). They started behaving all right. Otherwise this school would not have been there. You don’t know how terrible they were. They were used, they used to threaten that ‘We’ll jump down the cliff’ or they used to climb over the trees or on top of the roof also, like monkeys. Just like monkeys, without any discipline, without anything. So your children need much more correction than anybody else. Not only Australia, I mean any one of the foreigners, they need. So it’s better that you allow others to correct your children. And I’m surprised at Indian ladies objecting to it. They are also learning bad things from here I think. This is never in India. Nobody does that and that’s why Indian children are much better. You will not - you have, you must have noticed Indian children in a group there, how they behave, how quiet they are, how sweetly they are listening to everything. Very nice. The reason is they are disciplined not only by parents, but by the whole society. And the idea is that everybody loves your children. They are the children of the whole society. We live collectively. We are not individualistic. And if they find anything wrong with the child, they should correct. Of course if you find somebody who is doing it just to show their anger or temper, then you can report to the leader, but normally it should be treated… After all, you are all parents and you know what is good for children. I was amazed that children are not allowed at all to be corrected by anybody else because, you see, a child, you must know, is a big responsibility and only the mother cannot control, only the father cannot control. The whole society has to control and discipline the child. So the idea of good mannerism - this is not good manners. These are not good manners. You see, we should know, these are not good manners. One should feel very shy about it. I remember once my grand-daughter we had taken her to Brighton and she wanted to go on a ride on a - they have what small, small trains. So they went round and came back. Still she wanted to do it again and I said, “No, no, you can’t do it. We have to go now.” Then she looked at her mother and started crying. Mother said, ‘Whether you cry or anything, you are not to go again. That’s what it is.’ She must have cried for about, say, five minutes and then she felt so ashamed she put both the hands on her face. So she was very young, so must be about four years. I said, “Why are you hiding your face?” ‘Because I misbehaved.’ These are not good manners. From very childhood, you must tell your children what are bad manners and what is their position. They are Sahaja Yogis. Put them up. Tell them what is their dignity, how they are, they - how special they are, how much God’s work they are going to do, they are in the kingdom of God, they can’t behave like this. Anybody who tells you should not mind because it’s all for their good. It doesn’t, in no way harm your child, but this shows your, what you call, mamat where you say that you are attached, “It’s my child. That’s his child. That’s his child.” Nothing like that. In Sahaja Yoga every child belongs to everyone and that is what we have to show in our life. Even our things in the West I have seen, people if they think belongs to somebody else, they’ll just spoil it. If it is theirs, then they’ll keep it very carefully, not to be touched. That’s not Sahaj culture. Sahaj culture, I’ll tell you what, like supposing if there’s a spoon from somebody’s family has come in the house, everybody will be telling us, ‘Is it there or not? Have you returned it (or) not?’ Even a spoon, they’ll eat us off. I tell you this not only with Me but any Indian family. Not that all Indian culture is all right, but quite a lot is needed to compensate for this kind of a culture where everybody is free, do what you like, live as you like. So also you have to train them up, how they should live, how they should keep their things. For example, in Cabella we had children and we had parents and they were putting them in their own rooms. I said, “No, there’s no need you to - there’s so many rooms. We make one room for the children. And let them feel that this is their room, they have to look after it.” I was so surprised. The same children who were spoiling their parents’ rooms all the time started with their little, little hands carrying their blankets, little blankets and everything and putting it up nicely, keeping it clean and “Mother is going to come”, so they put up some flowers. I said “So sweet”. I said, “The same children about whom parents were saying, ‘Mother, they’re hopeless. Every day we have to spend so much time on their thing, they put this thing here and put there’.” So to make them responsible. And so sweetly they did it. They are all below five years, from two years to five years, imagine. So sweetly they did it and for Me also they made a seat and wouldn’t allow the adults to do anything. So I was surprised, the same children how they have changed. Only by getting a dignified place for themselves and an understanding that they have to do something. So too much of protectiveness is not needed, and abandonment is also not. You have to be in the centre, tell your children how to behave and what is the good manners are. They should know, “These are bad manners. We just can’t do it. We just can’t do it. Bad manners.” And this, if you tell, they will understand, because we must face our children. We have to tell them. Whatever is wrong we have to tell them. I’m sorry today I took too much time and I hope your leader will forgive Me for this (Shri Mataji laughs, laughter)… because… (Shri Mataji laughs, laughter)… I’m just trying to use this time for something really very much needed. I never get a chance to talk to Sahaja Yogis in this way. When it’s a Puja time, it’s so auspicious that You don’t want to say anything that will make people little unhappy. So I have a feeling of a Mother who loves Her children very much and who wants Her children to enjoy life fully in the Kingdom of God. So I hope you don’t mind whatever I have said and whatever I have done is all for our good. May God bless you. SHRI MATAJI CONTINUES AFTER THE TALK HERE: There’s some more time can you give Me – the leaders? (Laughter). This is the first time I saw everything so organized according to time and this is the first time I’ve let you down (Laughter). It’s a - you know because of your customs, you know what is the situation is, you can’t bring too many things but whatever I could I’ve got it for the leaders and all that, so I’ll just now read the names and then you can collect it from Vinay. This is for all the leaders here (Shri Mataji reads the names: “Mr Steven and then John, then Michael, Ben, Hugh - what’s the name? Albert. - Albert, then John Henshaw, and who? Robin, Robin Reed”). Then also for ladies, according to the leadership, leaders’ wives is (Shri Mataji reads names “Marylin? Marylin, and we have Sue, Jo, Savita – Brisbane, who is from Brisbane, Albert’s wife – and Jennie, and Gulsha (?) what’s kind of a name?”). So this is, these are the names of the people who are leaders, Savita because she really worked very hard for Me. So that’s how we have presents for them, very small presents, I hope you all can take it from Vinay. I have already touched them, blessed them, so it’s alright (laughter), we can save some time (applause). Also they wanted Me to bring some sarees… (Yogi says in Hindi, “Sold it”). Sold it! (Yogi: Yes) I hoped you liked them. (Laughter and applause)
Easter Puja: The responsibility on you is much more than on Christ
Easter Puja. Sydney (Australia), 3 April 1994. I’m happy to know so many of you have come here - and I feel this is a very important Puja, not only for Australia but for the whole world, because it has the greatest message which we have actualised now in Sahaja Yoga. We have to understand the message of Christ. There are many people in this world who try to show off that they are very great rationalists and that they have a right to pass any remark they like about Christ. I was reading the newspapers today, I was surprised where they are all saying one by one that, “I reject this part of Christ that He was born with Immaculate Conception. I reject that He was resurrected. I reject this and I reject that.” Who are you? Because you can write, because you have a flair, how can you say such things? Just without finding out. You are a scholar, maybe you are very well read, maybe that you think you are capable of saying whatever you like about any subject, but the subject of spirituality cannot be dealt by people who are not even Self Realised. Because it’s a very divine life, it’s a very different life. It’s an area where your mind cannot enter. It is beyond the mind. And so the poets or artists, all of them who have worked on Christ’s life and have tried to say things about him, mostly were realised souls and, if they were not, they could not do any justice to His life. It’s very surprising that I should be celebrating His resurrection in Australia. You know this is the country of Mooladhara and Mooladhara itself then expresses itself or manifests in the Agnya. So such a great connection you have that first of all it’s the country where Mooladhara is established, was established I should say, and later on that it was manifested in the life of Christ on the Agnya centre. I must say that you have really created some very great people signifying this beautiful manifestation because, as you have Dr. Bogdan who is an Australian, in the sense that he lived here and then he went back to Russia which is the right Agnya, where he worked. In the same way, as Sahaja Yoga has prospered here to begin with, among all the European countries, or we can say among all the countries which were not Indian, maximum growth took place in Australia. And the maximum growth now first took place in the Eastern bloc, in Russia. Now the other part of the Agnya is China and it is you people only, out of you only some people have to look after that. And as it is you are all looking after Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand. All these are Chinese races. Apart from that, they worship Buddha. It’s very interesting. Buddha, as you know, is on the left side of your medha, as they call it, this is the medha plate, is the lower plate of the brain. So the Christ is in the centre and we have got Buddha on the left side - or you also are looking after the countries which are influenced by Buddha. It’s all working out like a plan. Perhaps you are not aware of it, that we are all people belonging to one Virata and that our needs or our work, all of them have great significance and connection. About Australia, there’s a myth in India that there was a big saint and he was very good, but somehow he made some mistakes or maybe lots of mistakes. So God cursed him and said: “You better go away from India”. It was connecting India and Africa. So the land was brought down to this point. He gave him the land, God, and He said “Now you resurrect this land and make something out of it.” And this star is called as this Trishanku, which is your Southern Cross. This Southern Cross is called as Trishanku, as is mentioned in our Puranas as this saint who became like that and God made him into a star which is hanging. Trishanku is hanging on top of this land and is working out the building up of this country. He was told that “You go there and make a heaven for the human beings”. This has so many mythological and historical backgrounds. And there are some very good points also I have seen about Australia, which are very surprising because they believe in the multi-racial society and they preserve it. They try to help the people through justice if some people are troubled and tortured. It’s a very bold attitude towards progress that we should have multicultural society. And this comes, again I would say, after resurrection of political thought. America is multicultural society, full of it, and as a result of that, as a result of that, they have progressed very much financially. But they didn’t learn anything from the multicultural society. For example, Spanish went there. Spanish, as you know, are bullfighters. They went and destroyed all the cultures of the ancient times. And the new people who have gone they don’t have any rapport with them. Like Indians have a separate identity, then we have other cultures like Islamic and all that, so they don’t keep any connection with them. The original aboriginals are also kept out as something very low-level. But here I find people have a curiosity and also knowledge about the other cultures which are around them. That shows the sense of collectivity is within your genes, we can say, that it is working out in such a way that this country believes still in the multicultural society. All these are manifestation of Shri Ganesha’s quality. See, if you have, say, a group of even ten people with husband and wife, and they don’t have the purity of Shri Ganesha they cannot exist because there will be always a very great conflict between husband and wife, also not only the conflict part, but people will become extremely superficial. Like in America a woman would marry a man because he wears such and such dress, or a woman is appreciated because she has a particular type of hairstyle. If the hairstyle changes the man can ask for a divorce. So superficial they are. The fight is with the husband that, “You didn’t buy a particular coat which I liked”, so there’s a divorce. It’s so superficial. So the relationship between husband and wife is established by Shri Ganesh and He gives you the pure idea about how to enjoy your married life. Why people like Freud become so important, they start replacing Christ and people become enamoured by that. Because human beings, if they know that in potential state they are all divine, they all have to become divine and not to go down to the level of animals, even worse than that. If they realise it that their main object of life is resurrection, that they have to rise above all these so-called temptations of life. If they know this potential, then they have to believe in it also, so that they do not have these absurd ideas about life. As a human being, Christ came. He came as a human being, but he was not a human being. He was divine. Absolutely, He was nothing but Omkara. That’s why He could walk on the water. There was nothing materialistic in Him, you can say, no matter in Him. If there was any matter, He could not have walked on the water. But if people start discarding all these facts, about His birth, about His walking on the water and all that, then what is left of Christ, I can’t understand. Now this message of His resurrection is very important, but what you find that, as you get three days holidays, people are just doing what one should not do. They have gone to some places, maybe with their wives, may not be with their wives, with anybody, into some sort of a rubbish and they enjoy things which cannot be enjoyed by anybody who is a realised soul. So we have to know ourselves that now we have got our realisation. You got it. Not that it is in a potential state, but it is in a kinetic state. So, for us, Christ should be a model, what kind of life we should live. In those days of Christ, there were no aeroplanes, there were no cars, nothing. But He went from places to places and talked to them about spiritual life. The people were not yet evolved. They were not mature enough. So He could not give them realisation, but He talked about dharmic life. He went to the extreme of the ten commandments, that He said not only that you should not do adultery, but you should not even have adulterous eyes. Pure eyes. Now, how is it possible? When you see Christians and Christian nations, they suffer from this disease of not having at all clean eyes. There’s a kind of a lust and greed in the eye and they are not ashamed of it. Thank God, Sahaja Yogis all over the world have changed so much, transformed so much. They have become so beautiful that this problem we don’t have. And if somebody has it, we want that person to get out of Sahaja Yoga till they cure themselves and come to normal. The main problem of the Christian nation is that they have become too much mental. Even sex they do mentally, in the sense they flirt. The eyes are so much all the time looking at something and reacting to it. They cannot witness anything. Anything they’ll see they start thinking about it, react to it. Then the reaction, because they are not evolved, can take them to any level of bestiality. Worse than beasts. For example, an innocent person sees something, he goes into thoughtless awareness and he just enjoys the beauty of that, but a person who is full of lust and greed can never enjoy anything. On the contrary, he would like to possess that thing or would go beyond the limits of his authority and enjoy somebody else’s wife, somebody else’s husband. It’s a very subtle thing which we should understand when we make friendship with others, what do we enjoy in the friendship, what do we see in that friendship, as realised soul, how your friendship should be. The friendship should be pure — nirvaj. That is, you are friendly with somebody because just you enjoy the pure friendship, where there’s no sense of possession or also the sense of destruction. Such a friendship is a Sahaj friendship. I have seen people all over the world, when they come to Ganapatipule, the way they laugh, the way they enjoy, and I feel so happy there’s this new world of such innocent people has been created on this Earth in My lifetime. You should also realise that you belong now to a very higher type of people, very higher type. There’s no justification for any Sahaja Yogi to indulge into such dirty stuff because he is beyond it. He has developed a new sense of beauty and cleanliness. He cannot bear anything which makes him look like a person who goes towards all kinds of filthy things. This is a speciality which you have got it, which was potentially within you and despite the atmosphere in which you lived and you saw, you just got out of it and became like beautiful lotuses in the pond of filth. And these lotuses themselves can give such beautiful fragrance to others that they can make the whole pond fragrant and beautiful. So the responsibility on you is much more than, I would say, on Christ because Christ was divine. I was asking them to get Devi Mahatmyam if possible, in that He’s described as the son of Lord Krishna and Radhaji and that He has been given a special power and He is called as the Support of the Universe. Just imagine. Mooladhar. He is the Support of the Universe. And the birth is described in a beautiful way, that first He was created like an egg. This purity, this auspiciousness was made into an egg. That’s why during Easter you people give eggs to friends. Now this egg was nicely also kept for ages and then it was broken into two. The first one became Shri Ganesha and the second one, which evolved fully like an egg when it is evolved and is fully mature, the second one was Christ. You may say that how is it one egg has two forms? I must say these are divine happenings. They are very different from what we see in the mundane world. Now, this egg, the second part of it, became a child and He was crying for his father. All His life Christ talked for His father and when He knew He was - will be crucified, He prayed to His father saying that “Oh, Father, save Me from this cup of crucifixion”. He prayed. And if you see His two fingers, these two fingers are always out, expression of His blessing. This is the one which stands, as you know very well, for Shri Krishna, and this one for Vishnu. So always He showed these two fingers. There are so many things by which we can, as Sahaja Yogis, find out how Christ has been ruling throughout. He is not dead. His body might have been perished in Kashmir, as they say, but He was the Spirit and the Spirit that was in him was a living, eternally living, great personality. We may say that He might have had little bit of, we can say the human aspect to camouflage Himself, after all Spirit just cannot come in, and that might have been dead, that part, that camouflage that he was using. In Divinity, as Ganesha is pure, He is absolutely beyond any kind of contamination. Other incarnations who came on this Earth, they had to do many things, like Shri Krishna had to go in the war of Mahabharata, Rama had to go in the jungle to deal with people, same with Christ, we can say, that He did go to all these places, but He never behaved like a human being. Others did. Shri Rama cried a lot, wept a lot for His wife. Then Shri Krishna married so many times because they were His powers so He married them. So, though they were incarnations, they had to very much do the things which human beings do. Christ was never married. He never wept, as far as we know, except when He was praying to His Father. He just asked that, “If You could remove this cup from my mouth I’ll be very happy”. So it’s shown in His character that He came on this Earth as a divine Personality, lived as a divine Personality and died as a divine Personality. I think that way it is much easier to be because you are a divine Person, you come, give some sermons, lectures, this, that and just go away. He didn’t take the responsibility of giving realisation to people, which is the greatest headache I think, to give realisations to people. Because, if you give them the resurrection, if they get their realisation — Christ accepted His resurrection as a natural thing because He knew all about it and that He didn’t have to change, He didn’t have to transform Himself. He was the same as He was because He did not need any resurrection. He just tried to show in His life that we, human beings can have our realisation and we can be resurrected. His message is not the cross but the resurrection and this resurrection, if you understand, then one can understand also one more thing, that we are now resurrected from ordinary human beings to the divine level. It was easier for Christ because He didn’t have to face any problems, while you are coming out of that human life to a such a higher life. Suddenly, it is too much, I agree. It is too much to accept. But, because you go beyond your mind, it’s not difficult because your mind stops thinking. Otherwise, normally people would have been thinking, “Now, I am resurrected. All right. So what should I do? What should I drop out? What things should go away? What is the goal?”. All these ideas of human beings would have followed you slowly. But no. You just felt, “We are there. Now what to do? We are there.” You became conscious of your qualities, of your virtues, of your greatness, and those who were conscious became very confident that we have these values already existing within us, we have these powers which are manifesting and these powers are flowing through us. Nobody doubted it. Some did, but very few. As you grew up, immediately you knew that the Divine is acting through you. Is there. Everything is tangible. You know everything about your inner being. Gradually, you start spreading out yourself, spreading out your personality. And then you don’t have the weaknesses as human beings have. We had some funny people, no doubt, I know, that people start thinking about how to make money out of Sahaja Yoga, and that’s still a human nonsense going on - or how to show your powers, how to show how your powers can assert, how to sort of use your ego to put down people. All these are human style of lives and it existed for some time, but now I find you all are washed as if through this Kundalini has just washed you completely. You all have become very beautiful people, extremely beautiful, and even people, they see you at the airport and they think that “These are some unique people”. Even in this area when we came, they were telling Me that the gentleman who is a caretaker was saying he has never seen such a group! “They don’t fight, they don’t argue, they don’t make money, the children are so sweet. It’s remarkable, such a society in these modern times, never existed anywhere and how is it, it is existing here?”. They were quite surprised as, also you should be, that you have achieved this without any much effort or any penance or going to Himalayas. You got it here because it was all there. It was all there and you found it. Our marriages are, ninety percent are successful. We have problems from the parents sometimes, from the society, but it’s too little to be mentioned. And it makes one sense to Me, that we can really change this world. No doubt about it. If you remember that the message of Christ is resurrection, that has already happened. Now after resurrection what? Your attention should be there. If it is still on your job, on your money, on your car, or your house, this, that, then you are still a human being. You have not yet lost that attachment. Or on your children and your spouses and all. That is all being still absolutely human. But a person who is divine has all the relations but doesn’t get attached and involved into. I’ve given many-a-time a very good example of the trees. See in the tree the sap rises, goes to various parts of the tree, either it is evaporated or it goes back to Mother Earth. It never gets attached to anything. As long [as] you are attached to your children, attached to this, attached to that, then try to understand that divinity has not fully manifested. That detachment is not neglect. Never. On the contrary, it is the most pure detachment which really nourishes every area of your life. Wherever you go it nourishes. So you have to test yourself. Nobody else has to do it. “How far I have been kind to others, how far I have been helpful to others, how far I have been collective? I have seen glimpses of this many-a-times and it has given Me great joy. Like once we had a program of Sahaja Yogis and the gentleman had invited Me alone for dinner. So the program was there and I just thought that how can all these people eat in his house, you see? So I waited till they disappeared, all the Sahaja Yogis disappeared. This gentleman came to say: “Mother, why did you ask them to go? I had cooked for all of them”. See this made Me so happy. He had a small house. I don’t know how he cooked for all of them. And so much food he had cooked already, and he was waiting all of them to have some food, and I just thought that it is too much for him to feed so many people. In the same way, we have to have this feeling that we are all collective and we have to help each other. It is, say in the body, if I have any problem in any finger, any hand, anywhere, the whole body runs for it, the whole body suffers for it, whole body knows about it. In the same way in Sahaja Yoga there should be a common feeling all over the world. If something happens here, one person is affected, the whole world should know. Not only that know, but they should make efforts. If one person is suffering the whole world will suffer for that, and this is what is the culmination of our collectivity. Those who try to keep out of it, you see, in the collectivity cannot grow also. About many things I have to say, but specially I would say that when we see somebody in difficulties, say financial difficulties, at that time we should try to suggest or try to help that person as just a part and parcel of the whole. Then that person will realise that, “I have so many people here. I am not alone”. Somebody might get more, somebody might get less, makes no difference. But the activity of the collective should be such that you should feel that oneness, that innate feeling for another person, innate. You not have to think about it, but is innately you should feel attached to that person and you should feel that you have to do something about it. “After all, why should he not have the same joy as I have?”. So the first thing that you will do, of such people is normally, is to help him in his chakras, help him in his endeavours. It is very easy now to do Sahaja Yoga. In the olden times it was very difficult. If you had tried Sahaja Yoga, say, in the early time of Christ you all might have been crucified. Could be. What did Christ do after all? Why was he crucified? But nowadays that’s not so. Then you, like others saints and people in India, “Thousands of years,” they said, “we have been meditating. We started our meditation when we were nothing, and now years after years our different births after births, we have worked hard to get to this situation, that now we have got realization”. You don’t have that problem. There’s no problem at all, except for one, that you have to have full assessment of yourself, that you are the pure Spirit and that you are in the Kingdom of God. Just like Christ, it did not matter to Him. He had to oppose something that was wrong, he did it. When He had to support something was destroyed and saved, He did it. He had nothing to do with Mary Magdalene, but when people started stoning her, He went and stood before her and He said, “Those who have not committed any sin, can throw stone at her.” See this courage, this confidence was in Him because He was a divine Personality, because of divinity, but you have become divine. In a way, you know better about life than He knew, because He never touched all these points that you have touched, from what problems you have come out. So, you should have much more understanding for people who are not in Sahaja Yoga or who want to come to Sahaj Yoga. Like, as soon as they come to any program, you should not start saying “You are a bhoot, you are that”. You were a bhoot before you came here (laughter). Quite a big bhoot, if you ask Me I can tell you (laughter, She laughs). But when you realise what is your importance - now you have become qualified. You know everything about it. When you know that this has happened, then try just to follow few rules about Sahaja Yoga. It’s very easy for you to follow because you are divine. No problem. No problem. You can follow it very well, but don’t yield to human pressures that still linger in you or may be in the society. You keep to your own style, to your own behaviour and you’ll be amazed that the rest of the world will worship you — not hang you, but worship you. In your lifetime it’s going to happen, but try to understand that you are [may that mean “have”?] been resurrected for a purpose, and that purpose is to transform this world into a beautiful place for which all of you should with full attention, with full understanding about yourself, about your responsibilities, should jump into it. Australia has a special responsibility, as I told you some are so over-responsible and some are not at all. I can’t understand why it is so, why is it happening like that. I see people who are so attentive and some whose attention is still not all right, moving like this, moving like that. So you should try to follow people who have reached a certain height. Try to follow their life, their lifestyle, and then you will be amazed that you can do it very easily because you are mature. It’s like, I have said that we are like an egg and it has to be hatched once you are mature, but some chicks come out and just start walking nicely, with little, little legs you see them very nicely walking towards the mother (laughter). And the others are still there covered with all kinds of filth on them and not able to walk; and then these ones who can walk just bring them, you see, they poke them with their beaks and say, “Come along, come along, come along”, and they bring it to the mother (laughter). It’s very interesting. You must watch them. This Easter has a great meaning that we are now newly-born chicks and we have to now follow a new path. It’s a very simple path, but still we are conditioned so we are afraid maybe, or we have an ego, whatever it is. So drop out all these things. Just humble down and just start walking on this path of Sahaj and one day Australia should be able to cover the whole world, I can’t see why not, after all you are the Mooladhara and the Mooladhara must play its own role as the wisest people. Wisdom is the power that you get from Shri Ganesha. So you have to be wise, absolutely wise and know that you have been seekers. You didn’t get it because I asked you or we paid you or anything, but you were seekers struggling to know the truth and that’s how you got it, and once you have got it, you should establish it fully in your life and also in the lives of others. Let others also feel, “See, this gentleman is very unique, or this lady is very unique, she’s very different, she’s not selfish, she’s not cunning, she doesn’t manipulate, but somehow by her character, by her nature she is trying to create light for us and enlighten our path, enlighten the path of others. May God bless you all. Of course, today we must have Shri Ganesha’s Puja for doubly reasons: because of Australia, and because of Christ. It’s very important that our Ganesha must be beautifully fixed, and that His light should really emit in our day-to-day lifestyle and also it shows on our face, in our eyes because you know the eyes are governed by Christ himself; and where the light comes in, you see, when you get your realisation, the tingling (may this mean “twinkling”) in the eye comes because of His awakening within us. So, we have to today really pray that we should have that magnificent character of Christ which was expressing Ganesha’s or manifesting Ganesha’s qualities. [ASIDE: Attharvasheesh karna chahiye. To per dhulva do (MEANS Let's do Ganesha Attharvasheesha. So get the feet washed)] Now children have to come up here: I think, say 5 to 10, the children can come up. [Shri Ganesha’s mantra is recited] Yogi: Say the Ganesha Atharva Sheersha. [Ganesha Atharva Sheersha is recited. Then “Ganesha Sthuti”. “Jai Ganesha Deva”] Yogis: Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. [Ladies go on stage to perform Devi Puja. Bhajans: “Namo Namo Maria”, “Polorum Regina”.] Yogi: Sanskrit songs page 8. “Mahalakshmi Stotram”… Yogi: Marathi page 36. “Tujhya Pujani”. Hindi page 63. “Jago Savera Aya Hai”. Hindi page 67. “Vishwa Vandita” Yogi: Bolo Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki! Yogis: Jai! Ki Jai! Ki Jai! Yogi. All the intrastate leaders and any foreign leaders please come to the stage. Any foreign representatives. Shri Mataji: It’s alright. [Aarti, then Mahamantras are recited.] Yogi: Bolo Shri Bhagavati Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki! Jai! Ki Jai! Ki Jai! Yogi: Should take the prayer for Mother’s good health. Yogis: Shri Mataji, we all the sahaja yogis of the world, desire Your good health and long life. Shri Mataji, we all the sahaja yogis of the world, desire Your good health and long life. Shri Mataji, we all the sahaja yogis of the world, desire Your good health and long life. Jai Shri Mataji! Shri Mataji: May God bless you all. May God bless you all. May God bless you all.
Easter Puja. Sydney (Australia), 3 April 1994. I’m happy to know so many of you have come here - and I feel this is a very important Puja, not only for Australia but for the whole world, because it has the greatest message which we have actualised now in Sahaja Yoga. We have to understand the message of Christ. There are many people in this world who try to show off that they are very great rationalists and that they have a right to pass any remark they like about Christ. I was reading the newspapers today, I was surprised where they are all saying one by one that, “I reject this part of Christ that He was born with Immaculate Conception. I reject that He was resurrected. I reject this and I reject that.” Who are you? Because you can write, because you have a flair, how can you say such things? Just without finding out. You are a scholar, maybe you are very well read, maybe that you think you are capable of saying whatever you like about any subject, but the subject of spirituality cannot be dealt by people who are not even Self Realised. Because it’s a very divine life, it’s a very different life. It’s an area where your mind cannot enter. It is beyond the mind. And so the poets or artists, all of them who have worked on Christ’s life and have tried to say things about him, mostly were realised souls and, if they were not, they could not do any justice to His life. It’s very surprising that I should be celebrating His resurrection in Australia. You know this is the country of Mooladhara and Mooladhara itself then expresses itself or manifests in the Agnya. So such a great connection you have that first of all it’s the country where Mooladhara is established, was established I should say, and later on that it was manifested in the life of Christ on the Agnya centre. I must say that you have really created some very great people signifying this beautiful manifestation because, as you have Dr. Bogdan who is an Australian, in the sense that he lived here and then he went back to Russia which is the right Agnya, where he worked. In the same way, as Sahaja Yoga has prospered here to begin with, among all the European countries, or we can say among all the countries which were not Indian, maximum growth took place in Australia. And the maximum growth now first took place in the Eastern bloc, in Russia. Now the other part of the Agnya is China and it is you people only, out of you only some people have to look after that. And as it is you are all looking after Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand. All these are Chinese races. Apart from that, they worship Buddha. It’s very interesting. Buddha, as you know, is on the left side of your medha, as they call it, this is the medha plate, is the lower plate of the brain. So the Christ is in the centre and we have got Buddha on the left side - or you also are looking after the countries which are influenced by Buddha. It’s all working out like a plan. Perhaps you are not aware of it, that we are all people belonging to one Virata and that our needs or our work, all of them have great significance and connection. About Australia, there’s a myth in India that there was a big saint and he was very good, but somehow he made some mistakes or maybe lots of mistakes. So God cursed him and said: “You better go away from India”. It was connecting India and Africa. So the land was brought down to this point. He gave him the land, God, and He said “Now you resurrect this land and make something out of it.” And this star is called as this Trishanku, which is your Southern Cross. This Southern Cross is called as Trishanku, as is mentioned in our Puranas as this saint who became like that and God made him into a star which is hanging. Trishanku is hanging on top of this land and is working out the building up of this country. He was told that “You go there and make a heaven for the human beings”. This has so many mythological and historical backgrounds. And there are some very good points also I have seen about Australia, which are very surprising because they believe in the multi-racial society and they preserve it. They try to help the people through justice if some people are troubled and tortured. It’s a very bold attitude towards progress that we should have multicultural society. And this comes, again I would say, after resurrection of political thought. America is multicultural society, full of it, and as a result of that, as a result of that, they have progressed very much financially. But they didn’t learn anything from the multicultural society. For example, Spanish went there. Spanish, as you know, are bullfighters. They went and destroyed all the cultures of the ancient times. And the new people who have gone they don’t have any rapport with them. Like Indians have a separate identity, then we have other cultures like Islamic and all that, so they don’t keep any connection with them. The original aboriginals are also kept out as something very low-level. But here I find people have a curiosity and also knowledge about the other cultures which are around them. That shows the sense of collectivity is within your genes, we can say, that it is working out in such a way that this country believes still in the multicultural society. All these are manifestation of Shri Ganesha’s quality. See, if you have, say, a group of even ten people with husband and wife, and they don’t have the purity of Shri Ganesha they cannot exist because there will be always a very great conflict between husband and wife, also not only the conflict part, but people will become extremely superficial. Like in America a woman would marry a man because he wears such and such dress, or a woman is appreciated because she has a particular type of hairstyle. If the hairstyle changes the man can ask for a divorce. So superficial they are. The fight is with the husband that, “You didn’t buy a particular coat which I liked”, so there’s a divorce. It’s so superficial. So the relationship between husband and wife is established by Shri Ganesh and He gives you the pure idea about how to enjoy your married life. Why people like Freud become so important, they start replacing Christ and people become enamoured by that. Because human beings, if they know that in potential state they are all divine, they all have to become divine and not to go down to the level of animals, even worse than that. If they realise it that their main object of life is resurrection, that they have to rise above all these so-called temptations of life. If they know this potential, then they have to believe in it also, so that they do not have these absurd ideas about life. As a human being, Christ came. He came as a human being, but he was not a human being. He was divine. Absolutely, He was nothing but Omkara. That’s why He could walk on the water. There was nothing materialistic in Him, you can say, no matter in Him. If there was any matter, He could not have walked on the water. But if people start discarding all these facts, about His birth, about His walking on the water and all that, then what is left of Christ, I can’t understand. Now this message of His resurrection is very important, but what you find that, as you get three days holidays, people are just doing what one should not do. They have gone to some places, maybe with their wives, may not be with their wives, with anybody, into some sort of a rubbish and they enjoy things which cannot be enjoyed by anybody who is a realised soul. So we have to know ourselves that now we have got our realisation. You got it. Not that it is in a potential state, but it is in a kinetic state. So, for us, Christ should be a model, what kind of life we should live. In those days of Christ, there were no aeroplanes, there were no cars, nothing. But He went from places to places and talked to them about spiritual life. The people were not yet evolved. They were not mature enough. So He could not give them realisation, but He talked about dharmic life. He went to the extreme of the ten commandments, that He said not only that you should not do adultery, but you should not even have adulterous eyes. Pure eyes. Now, how is it possible? When you see Christians and Christian nations, they suffer from this disease of not having at all clean eyes. There’s a kind of a lust and greed in the eye and they are not ashamed of it. Thank God, Sahaja Yogis all over the world have changed so much, transformed so much. They have become so beautiful that this problem we don’t have. And if somebody has it, we want that person to get out of Sahaja Yoga till they cure themselves and come to normal. The main problem of the Christian nation is that they have become too much mental. Even sex they do mentally, in the sense they flirt. The eyes are so much all the time looking at something and reacting to it. They cannot witness anything. Anything they’ll see they start thinking about it, react to it. Then the reaction, because they are not evolved, can take them to any level of bestiality. Worse than beasts. For example, an innocent person sees something, he goes into thoughtless awareness and he just enjoys the beauty of that, but a person who is full of lust and greed can never enjoy anything. On the contrary, he would like to possess that thing or would go beyond the limits of his authority and enjoy somebody else’s wife, somebody else’s husband. It’s a very subtle thing which we should understand when we make friendship with others, what do we enjoy in the friendship, what do we see in that friendship, as realised soul, how your friendship should be. The friendship should be pure — nirvaj. That is, you are friendly with somebody because just you enjoy the pure friendship, where there’s no sense of possession or also the sense of destruction. Such a friendship is a Sahaj friendship. I have seen people all over the world, when they come to Ganapatipule, the way they laugh, the way they enjoy, and I feel so happy there’s this new world of such innocent people has been created on this Earth in My lifetime. You should also realise that you belong now to a very higher type of people, very higher type. There’s no justification for any Sahaja Yogi to indulge into such dirty stuff because he is beyond it. He has developed a new sense of beauty and cleanliness. He cannot bear anything which makes him look like a person who goes towards all kinds of filthy things. This is a speciality which you have got it, which was potentially within you and despite the atmosphere in which you lived and you saw, you just got out of it and became like beautiful lotuses in the pond of filth. And these lotuses themselves can give such beautiful fragrance to others that they can make the whole pond fragrant and beautiful. So the responsibility on you is much more than, I would say, on Christ because Christ was divine. I was asking them to get Devi Mahatmyam if possible, in that He’s described as the son of Lord Krishna and Radhaji and that He has been given a special power and He is called as the Support of the Universe. Just imagine. Mooladhar. He is the Support of the Universe. And the birth is described in a beautiful way, that first He was created like an egg. This purity, this auspiciousness was made into an egg. That’s why during Easter you people give eggs to friends. Now this egg was nicely also kept for ages and then it was broken into two. The first one became Shri Ganesha and the second one, which evolved fully like an egg when it is evolved and is fully mature, the second one was Christ. You may say that how is it one egg has two forms? I must say these are divine happenings. They are very different from what we see in the mundane world. Now, this egg, the second part of it, became a child and He was crying for his father. All His life Christ talked for His father and when He knew He was - will be crucified, He prayed to His father saying that “Oh, Father, save Me from this cup of crucifixion”. He prayed. And if you see His two fingers, these two fingers are always out, expression of His blessing. This is the one which stands, as you know very well, for Shri Krishna, and this one for Vishnu. So always He showed these two fingers. There are so many things by which we can, as Sahaja Yogis, find out how Christ has been ruling throughout. He is not dead. His body might have been perished in Kashmir, as they say, but He was the Spirit and the Spirit that was in him was a living, eternally living, great personality. We may say that He might have had little bit of, we can say the human aspect to camouflage Himself, after all Spirit just cannot come in, and that might have been dead, that part, that camouflage that he was using. In Divinity, as Ganesha is pure, He is absolutely beyond any kind of contamination. Other incarnations who came on this Earth, they had to do many things, like Shri Krishna had to go in the war of Mahabharata, Rama had to go in the jungle to deal with people, same with Christ, we can say, that He did go to all these places, but He never behaved like a human being. Others did. Shri Rama cried a lot, wept a lot for His wife. Then Shri Krishna married so many times because they were His powers so He married them. So, though they were incarnations, they had to very much do the things which human beings do. Christ was never married. He never wept, as far as we know, except when He was praying to His Father. He just asked that, “If You could remove this cup from my mouth I’ll be very happy”. So it’s shown in His character that He came on this Earth as a divine Personality, lived as a divine Personality and died as a divine Personality. I think that way it is much easier to be because you are a divine Person, you come, give some sermons, lectures, this, that and just go away. He didn’t take the responsibility of giving realisation to people, which is the greatest headache I think, to give realisations to people. Because, if you give them the resurrection, if they get their realisation — Christ accepted His resurrection as a natural thing because He knew all about it and that He didn’t have to change, He didn’t have to transform Himself. He was the same as He was because He did not need any resurrection. He just tried to show in His life that we, human beings can have our realisation and we can be resurrected. His message is not the cross but the resurrection and this resurrection, if you understand, then one can understand also one more thing, that we are now resurrected from ordinary human beings to the divine level. It was easier for Christ because He didn’t have to face any problems, while you are coming out of that human life to a such a higher life. Suddenly, it is too much, I agree. It is too much to accept. But, because you go beyond your mind, it’s not difficult because your mind stops thinking. Otherwise, normally people would have been thinking, “Now, I am resurrected. All right. So what should I do? What should I drop out? What things should go away? What is the goal?”. All these ideas of human beings would have followed you slowly. But no. You just felt, “We are there. Now what to do? We are there.” You became conscious of your qualities, of your virtues, of your greatness, and those who were conscious became very confident that we have these values already existing within us, we have these powers which are manifesting and these powers are flowing through us. Nobody doubted it. Some did, but very few. As you grew up, immediately you knew that the Divine is acting through you. Is there. Everything is tangible. You know everything about your inner being. Gradually, you start spreading out yourself, spreading out your personality. And then you don’t have the weaknesses as human beings have. We had some funny people, no doubt, I know, that people start thinking about how to make money out of Sahaja Yoga, and that’s still a human nonsense going on - or how to show your powers, how to show how your powers can assert, how to sort of use your ego to put down people. All these are human style of lives and it existed for some time, but now I find you all are washed as if through this Kundalini has just washed you completely. You all have become very beautiful people, extremely beautiful, and even people, they see you at the airport and they think that “These are some unique people”. Even in this area when we came, they were telling Me that the gentleman who is a caretaker was saying he has never seen such a group! “They don’t fight, they don’t argue, they don’t make money, the children are so sweet. It’s remarkable, such a society in these modern times, never existed anywhere and how is it, it is existing here?”. They were quite surprised as, also you should be, that you have achieved this without any much effort or any penance or going to Himalayas. You got it here because it was all there. It was all there and you found it. Our marriages are, ninety percent are successful. We have problems from the parents sometimes, from the society, but it’s too little to be mentioned. And it makes one sense to Me, that we can really change this world. No doubt about it. If you remember that the message of Christ is resurrection, that has already happened. Now after resurrection what? Your attention should be there. If it is still on your job, on your money, on your car, or your house, this, that, then you are still a human being. You have not yet lost that attachment. Or on your children and your spouses and all. That is all being still absolutely human. But a person who is divine has all the relations but doesn’t get attached and involved into. I’ve given many-a-time a very good example of the trees. See in the tree the sap rises, goes to various parts of the tree, either it is evaporated or it goes back to Mother Earth. It never gets attached to anything. As long [as] you are attached to your children, attached to this, attached to that, then try to understand that divinity has not fully manifested. That detachment is not neglect. Never. On the contrary, it is the most pure detachment which really nourishes every area of your life. Wherever you go it nourishes. So you have to test yourself. Nobody else has to do it. “How far I have been kind to others, how far I have been helpful to others, how far I have been collective? I have seen glimpses of this many-a-times and it has given Me great joy. Like once we had a program of Sahaja Yogis and the gentleman had invited Me alone for dinner. So the program was there and I just thought that how can all these people eat in his house, you see? So I waited till they disappeared, all the Sahaja Yogis disappeared. This gentleman came to say: “Mother, why did you ask them to go? I had cooked for all of them”. See this made Me so happy. He had a small house. I don’t know how he cooked for all of them. And so much food he had cooked already, and he was waiting all of them to have some food, and I just thought that it is too much for him to feed so many people. In the same way, we have to have this feeling that we are all collective and we have to help each other. It is, say in the body, if I have any problem in any finger, any hand, anywhere, the whole body runs for it, the whole body suffers for it, whole body knows about it. In the same way in Sahaja Yoga there should be a common feeling all over the world. If something happens here, one person is affected, the whole world should know. Not only that know, but they should make efforts. If one person is suffering the whole world will suffer for that, and this is what is the culmination of our collectivity. Those who try to keep out of it, you see, in the collectivity cannot grow also. About many things I have to say, but specially I would say that when we see somebody in difficulties, say financial difficulties, at that time we should try to suggest or try to help that person as just a part and parcel of the whole. Then that person will realise that, “I have so many people here. I am not alone”. Somebody might get more, somebody might get less, makes no difference. But the activity of the collective should be such that you should feel that oneness, that innate feeling for another person, innate. You not have to think about it, but is innately you should feel attached to that person and you should feel that you have to do something about it. “After all, why should he not have the same joy as I have?”. So the first thing that you will do, of such people is normally, is to help him in his chakras, help him in his endeavours. It is very easy now to do Sahaja Yoga. In the olden times it was very difficult. If you had tried Sahaja Yoga, say, in the early time of Christ you all might have been crucified. Could be. What did Christ do after all? Why was he crucified? But nowadays that’s not so. Then you, like others saints and people in India, “Thousands of years,” they said, “we have been meditating. We started our meditation when we were nothing, and now years after years our different births after births, we have worked hard to get to this situation, that now we have got realization”. You don’t have that problem. There’s no problem at all, except for one, that you have to have full assessment of yourself, that you are the pure Spirit and that you are in the Kingdom of God. Just like Christ, it did not matter to Him. He had to oppose something that was wrong, he did it. When He had to support something was destroyed and saved, He did it. He had nothing to do with Mary Magdalene, but when people started stoning her, He went and stood before her and He said, “Those who have not committed any sin, can throw stone at her.” See this courage, this confidence was in Him because He was a divine Personality, because of divinity, but you have become divine. In a way, you know better about life than He knew, because He never touched all these points that you have touched, from what problems you have come out. So, you should have much more understanding for people who are not in Sahaja Yoga or who want to come to Sahaj Yoga. Like, as soon as they come to any program, you should not start saying “You are a bhoot, you are that”. You were a bhoot before you came here (laughter). Quite a big bhoot, if you ask Me I can tell you (laughter, She laughs). But when you realise what is your importance - now you have become qualified. You know everything about it. When you know that this has happened, then try just to follow few rules about Sahaja Yoga. It’s very easy for you to follow because you are divine. No problem. No problem. You can follow it very well, but don’t yield to human pressures that still linger in you or may be in the society. You keep to your own style, to your own behaviour and you’ll be amazed that the rest of the world will worship you — not hang you, but worship you. In your lifetime it’s going to happen, but try to understand that you are [may that mean “have”?] been resurrected for a purpose, and that purpose is to transform this world into a beautiful place for which all of you should with full attention, with full understanding about yourself, about your responsibilities, should jump into it. Australia has a special responsibility, as I told you some are so over-responsible and some are not at all. I can’t understand why it is so, why is it happening like that. I see people who are so attentive and some whose attention is still not all right, moving like this, moving like that. So you should try to follow people who have reached a certain height. Try to follow their life, their lifestyle, and then you will be amazed that you can do it very easily because you are mature. It’s like, I have said that we are like an egg and it has to be hatched once you are mature, but some chicks come out and just start walking nicely, with little, little legs you see them very nicely walking towards the mother (laughter). And the others are still there covered with all kinds of filth on them and not able to walk; and then these ones who can walk just bring them, you see, they poke them with their beaks and say, “Come along, come along, come along”, and they bring it to the mother (laughter). It’s very interesting. You must watch them. This Easter has a great meaning that we are now newly-born chicks and we have to now follow a new path. It’s a very simple path, but still we are conditioned so we are afraid maybe, or we have an ego, whatever it is. So drop out all these things. Just humble down and just start walking on this path of Sahaj and one day Australia should be able to cover the whole world, I can’t see why not, after all you are the Mooladhara and the Mooladhara must play its own role as the wisest people. Wisdom is the power that you get from Shri Ganesha. So you have to be wise, absolutely wise and know that you have been seekers. You didn’t get it because I asked you or we paid you or anything, but you were seekers struggling to know the truth and that’s how you got it, and once you have got it, you should establish it fully in your life and also in the lives of others. Let others also feel, “See, this gentleman is very unique, or this lady is very unique, she’s very different, she’s not selfish, she’s not cunning, she doesn’t manipulate, but somehow by her character, by her nature she is trying to create light for us and enlighten our path, enlighten the path of others. May God bless you all. Of course, today we must have Shri Ganesha’s Puja for doubly reasons: because of Australia, and because of Christ. It’s very important that our Ganesha must be beautifully fixed, and that His light should really emit in our day-to-day lifestyle and also it shows on our face, in our eyes because you know the eyes are governed by Christ himself; and where the light comes in, you see, when you get your realisation, the tingling (may this mean “twinkling”) in the eye comes because of His awakening within us. So, we have to today really pray that we should have that magnificent character of Christ which was expressing Ganesha’s or manifesting Ganesha’s qualities. [ASIDE: Attharvasheesh karna chahiye. To per dhulva do (MEANS Let's do Ganesha Attharvasheesha. So get the feet washed)] Now children have to come up here: I think, say 5 to 10, the children can come up. [Shri Ganesha’s mantra is recited] Yogi: Say the Ganesha Atharva Sheersha. [Ganesha Atharva Sheersha is recited. Then “Ganesha Sthuti”. “Jai Ganesha Deva”] Yogis: Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. [Ladies go on stage to perform Devi Puja. Bhajans: “Namo Namo Maria”, “Polorum Regina”.] Yogi: Sanskrit songs page 8. “Mahalakshmi Stotram”… Yogi: Marathi page 36. “Tujhya Pujani”. Hindi page 63. “Jago Savera Aya Hai”. Hindi page 67. “Vishwa Vandita” Yogi: Bolo Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki! Yogis: Jai! Ki Jai! Ki Jai! Yogi. All the intrastate leaders and any foreign leaders please come to the stage. Any foreign representatives. Shri Mataji: It’s alright. [Aarti, then Mahamantras are recited.] Yogi: Bolo Shri Bhagavati Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki! Jai! Ki Jai! Ki Jai! Yogi: Should take the prayer for Mother’s good health. Yogis: Shri Mataji, we all the sahaja yogis of the world, desire Your good health and long life. Shri Mataji, we all the sahaja yogis of the world, desire Your good health and long life. Shri Mataji, we all the sahaja yogis of the world, desire Your good health and long life. Jai Shri Mataji! Shri Mataji: May God bless you all. May God bless you all. May God bless you all.
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Lane Talk at Lane Cove National Park, near Sydney, Australia. 5 April 1994. What a beautiful place to come to, isn’t it? I have been here before also. You have such nice places on the outskirts. On the outskirts you have really very nice places in Sydney and this picnicking has helped you to make your collectivity better. That’s how they started having picnics and in the picnics they developed the collectivity, which is very beautiful to be one with the nature, see the bounty of the nature and the variety that they have. Is a innate feeling inside always that you should be one with the nature, that you should enjoy the nature. I mean, it’s maybe because they say we have evolved from animals so we like nature, you see [Shri Mataji laughs]. But it’s so much round, so much your temperament, everything when you see the nature and start seeing it, how it obeys the laws which govern it. Now see, if you see every leaf, any leaf, is not comparable with another leaf, if you put it under microscope they’ll be all differently made. So the variety’s so much in the nature, but still how they abide together. And the greatest thing they have is that always the desire to get the sunlight. And every leaf, every branch tries to give chance to another leaf and another branch, that they all get the sunlight. If you have to see collectivity, really you see in a jungle or in a place like this. How they live together and with such happiness, with such unity. They are all under the complete control of the Divine laws, no doubt, and they are so much enjoying. It’s only the human beings who have got this freedom, the will, “free will” as they call it. If you want to go to heaven, you can go to heaven. If you want, you can go to hell. And that is what we are facing now in modern times, that if we do not take course to sensible things we may be all wiped out of the surface of the Earth. I’ve been telling since long that it affects our genes. Supposing a father is an alcoholic, the son also gets it in his genes. So many things, most of the vulnerability that you have or what you can call the susceptibility is coming from these genes. Now the susceptibility to do something wrong, always to take to something bad, whatever is destructive, comes from the genes; and it was said that the Asians have two genes which protects them, bars them for doing something wrong. Might be a culture research, I don’t know. And the Aboriginals and the people who have lived in the nature have only one gene that protects. But for white skin, there’s no gene to protect. Can you imagine? They are left to winds. Whichever way the wind blows, they start blowing. So, it’s such a big problem with the white skin. Also they think they are the higher race, but they are not according to the biological process, you can say. You can see the Germans, what they did. I mean, killing children in the gas... How could they do it? I mean, I just – unimaginable. The way they have killed people in all the African countries also, specially in America, the Spanish. Unimaginable. The way they have treated other people everywhere. Cruelty comes to them first. Very easily they can become cruel. They take to bad things very easily. There are some Sahaja Yogis who came to Sahaja Yoga, stayed in Sahaja Yoga for so much and again they have taken to their bad life. So now it is very much to be understood that you have to be very careful and cautious. The bhoots will first catch you. That’s why so much schizophrenia everywhere. If you – schizophrenia is so much true in America. So much. All kinds of horrible diseases they have. But I can’t understand how they got it. So one has to be very careful that after coming to Sahaja Yoga you must stick on to your sublime Self, to your glorious Self, otherwise it is dangerous. When one thing about Sahaja Yoga I was amazed that how it cleanses the genes. Actually, gene in a Persian language is called like a “bhoot,” you know Jin, but this whole theory is now showing that white-skinned people are more vulnerable to all kinds of things. And I think they are the ones who have suffered a lot because there must have been a big fight within, that ‘What is this nonsense we are doing? Why should we do it?’ And that’s why so many of them started seeking, so many of them. The seeking is so much suggested in Indian culture, everything, but nobody did that the way you people were seeking, it’s creditable; because you realized, perhaps, that this is a terrible life you are into. ‘Why are we here, so unprotected?’. And that’s why so much of – we have so many Sahaja Yogis all over the world who have taken to Sahaja Yoga, and are steadying themselves and are progressing beautifully. That means the genes which were not protecting have become protective now, one thing, and those genes which make you vulnerable to things also become clean and you cannot get to those things. They said the people who get AIDS are the ones who have genes like that, they are vulnerable to AIDS. So, this new dimension that the science has exposed before us tells us two things, that by living like a white country, people saw the hell itself and that’s why they have taken now, with such a big jump, to Sahaja Yoga. And your duty is to see that you get more out of all that hell. Around you, if you see – I mean, when you read the newspaper you are shocked. It’s not the accident by which people die, but all kinds of diseases, murders, this, that going on. God knows, such violence. Specially in America, you’ll be surprised that I can’t even wear my wedding ring there. My husband doesn’t allow Me to wear My wedding ring, even mangal sutra. And what goes wrong with them, I don’t know, that they take to violence without any difficulties. We had one gentleman who came from America. He had already murdered his brother and murdered his mother also – mother and brother, both. I said, “How could you do that?” And so many you will find in England who have killed their children. And the children, when you see them, nothing but – you develop a kind of a special sweet feeling, isn’t it – very sweet. It’s a - in Sanskrit called as “Vatsalya.” In our all Indian languages we use that word, Vatsalya, when the feeling that you get when you see a little child. They have described Shri Krishna as a little child. They have described Shri Rama as a little child. Also Christ as a little child has been described in the Indian churches. Beautiful, very beautifully He has been described. One song, one poem was there, written very beautifully that Christ as a child, who can turn the whole universe with His own finger, was putting His own finger in the mouth as a child. Such beautiful poetry is written about children, how they behave, but not so much in the English language, Spanish language. They go more for these love affairs and things like that. But what about children? They never describe children, how beautiful they are. I think I have read hardly about ten or twelve poems. One of them I remember is “The Toys.” There’s such Poet says that he got very angry with his child and he beat him, and the child was crying, and then the child went off to sleep with a little doll, maybe, or something. And when he saw him sleeping like that, he says to God that, “Maybe I might do lots of mistakes and You might punish me, but when I’m dying, then You must forgive me as I have forgiven my son”. That is a very beautiful song was written by him. But still, the description of a child, how when he runs - when he runs, when he jumps, when he walks, it’s a beautiful songs about Shri Rama. Thumko atta hai vaha – Thumak Chalat Ram Chandra, atta hai kya? [Mother says in Hindi “Do you know the song Thumak Chalat Ram Chandra?”] Yes. Now these words are such that we cannot explain in English, but - when they walk, you know, with – started walking, so their body, you know, moves in a way that’s called “thumakna” in Hindi language. So described by Tulsidasa, that Shri Rama is walking in that way: Thumak Chalat Ram Chandra. And His anklets are singing and then He is looking round and every pebble on which He is walking is reflecting Him, like the souls in which He is reflected. Even Shri Krishna’s childhood is described very well, His mischiefs, everything. All these things have been described and this is called as one of the moods. As we have, you see, nine moods described, one of the moods is vatsalya, vatsalya ras. Or “rasa” means the - kya kahengey usko [Mother speaks in Hindi and It Means what we will call that?] rasa means the essence of a poetry where that gives you a feeling, is rasa. This is not there in the Western idea, you see, because they just think of romance only, nothing else. So [Shri Mataji laughs] they don’t have rasa in their mind. We have nine rasas, out of which this vatsalya ras is the best. We have bhakti ras when you have bhakti for someone. Also we have shringar, but shringar is only between husband and wife and also just before marriage, once marriage is settled or you know you are going to marry some and some. That’s a shringar rasa. Like that, we have also vibhatsa, means grotesque. You see something very ugly, describe the death or something you describe the vultures eating, eating the corpses. All this is also described as Vibhatsa. So we have nine ragas [Mother corrects] - nine rasas, and these rasas are – you must have seen in some dances they must have shown. One is also of anger, and when a person gets anger, you see, how his anger is expressed and – in words. But then later on this thing, this anger is also depicted and all these rasas are depicted in the form of dancing – dancing also which is a very… very fast, we can say, fast movement. And these fast movements are also shown very – these all nine rasas can be shown in one dance, see how one changes from one to another and then to another. So it is a very deep understanding of human beings. But as far as the children are concerned, I think Indians love them the most. They love them, but, on the, though because of their love, they discipline. If you love your children, you must discipline them. Today I just wanted to tell you that the children are to be brought up in a proper way. That means you shouldn’t spoil them, firstly. Now, we have problems of children who came to see Me and they are telling that these children cannot fit into the pattern of our Sahaja Yoga school in Dharamsala. So one child is a very adamant child, extremely adamant and you tell him something he goes on more doing the same thing. And if you say, ‘I’ll punish you.’ ‘All right, don’t give me food. Don’t do this.’ He is so adamant and he’s developed this kind of a funny situation. Now definitely such a child, we should say, is possessed. He’s not a normal child, he’s a possessed child and one has to deal with that child in that manner. Another child could be who is a back-number in the class, can be. Now the back-number child is a child which, which is also possessed, maybe in some depressive mood he must have felt something, he lost his brother or something. So he’s become depressive. He is depressed and when he is depressed then what he is doing that he is always sulking and he cannot pay attention to his work, and he is not so good. Thirdly, there are children who are not disciplined at all. Maybe the father is not disciplined, the mother is not disciplined. But they are not at all disciplined and you cannot discipline them. It’s very troublesome and they make such problems. They go on answering. The fourth category of children that they have reported are really very violent type, extremely violent. They want to bash this, break that and every sort of thing. It is impossible to understand why they do it, but My own theory is this: that if the children are told all the time that this is very important, carpet is important, ‘Don’t spoil this,’ all material nonsense we talk to them, then these children sort of develop a kind of an antagonistic, you can say, or a kind of a opposition to that kind of a suppression, and then they want to destroy everything that they see as a possession. So how should we manage these things is a big problem. The last and the least is the most horrifying thing is that they start taking to sex life very early, very early. They’ll enter into the teacher’s bed or into some friend’s beds and that’s horrible. And for this, I don’t know whom to blame, but maybe that, again we can say genes; but the newspapers, the media, all those things are teaching children all these things. Horrible films we have. I mean, they are, they come into hell, born into hell. So they learn these things sometimes, I don’t know how, and it’s very difficult to get these things out of their mind. There’s no innocence at all. At a very, very young age they do it. Some people say that because children are sometimes molested or something, so they develop this in their childhood and they go on developing it more and more and more. But still, I just don’t know what is child molestation is supposed to be. Why such stupid feelings come into people’s mind? They also ruin their own children! So if you see the whole thing is, there’s one point is missing, and that is, we don’t love our children as we should. We should punish them in case we find they are not all right. It is our duty to teach them discipline, not only for their good, for the good of the whole society. There’s a story in India that there was one thief and then he murdered people, he did this and he did that. So he was to be hanged. They asked him, ‘Have you any desire before being hanged?’ He said, ‘Only one. Please call my mother.’ So they called the mother and he went and bit her hard on her hand. Say, ‘Why are you doing this?’ He said, ‘Because when I did the first crime, you didn’t say anything to me. You tried to hide it and you didn’t do anything to me. That’s why now I am being hanged. So it was your duty to correct me at that time, whichever way it was possible, but you did not do it.’ So, the love of a person should not be such that it should spoil people. Say now, if I’m your Mother, I love you very much, you know that very well and you also love Me, but if I have to correct you, I must have courage to correct you and tell you what I want you to do. You need not get into temper or anger. I seldom, I think, very seldom, I really get angry with people. But you have to tell them. So you start now as you are Sahaja Yogis, your children are born realized and Sahaja Yogis the other way round people - that ‘You are all Sahaja Yogis,’ you tell your children, ‘you can’t behave like that.’ Put the dignity into their mind. Tell them that this is the way you have to behave, otherwise you are not Sahaja Yogis. Give them the credentials, I would say, of Sahaja Yoga, that you are Sahaja Yogi, you are born realized, you cannot behave like that. But I have seen some people try to fight with others for their own children, which is absolutely wrong and immature behaviour. If somebody says something to your child, it’s all right, and you should try to accept it very well. See that at least somebody has told you about your child and you must correct. Is a real loving father or mother who are concerned about it, not only to protect him and protect all the vices he is developing. Now as it is, in the Western life there’s such an attack on innocence, I can see this, such a lot, because why should they kill their children? Well, I’ve never heard of such a thing in India, that anybody’s killing their children. I had a washerwoman. She was staying in our house, in our - we had quarters for them. And she had eleven children. And I had gone away to Lucknow, I was building a house, and in the meanwhile, you see, these people they cook – what do you call that? – starch in the house. And in a big pot they cook it. And this, by mistake you see, that she had so many children - this child crawled up to it and died in that. I mean, he got into it and he died. This lady had ten children left. She was like a madwoman – she was crying, weeping, not eating. When I went back she had not had her food for twenty days. She had not even taken water or anything, so much she was crying. I told her, “There are ten children you have got. Now one child God has taken away, so why are you crying for that child?” But she couldn’t get over it. She - it took her months to get over it, that she has lost one child out of the eleven. But when I hear of people who kill their two children who are there and – now the children are killing the parents. Can you imagine? There was recently a case in England, two boys, I think eight and ten, got hold of one little child in the supermarket and killed him and put him under the railway track. Imagine! This sweet age of eight and twelve, what nice things children can do. What nice things they can do to you. Instead of (that) they went and killed one child! Why? We should introspect, we should find out. I wouldn’t blame anybody here, but I would say that we should understand why children do like that. Firstly, they must get affection. They must know somebody loves them very much and dearly and, secondly, the respect. They should know that they are very much respected and they have to be respectable. Thirdly, they should know also that they belong to a very prestigious family of Sahaja Yogis. They can’t do all this. Their attention also is to be such that they understand what they are doing. In the West children don’t have that attention, I tell you. Normally, what attention we have in the East, we don’t find it, that children, even if they are realized souls, they have the same attention. It has to be brought in. I remember My Mother always used to say, “Where is your attention?”, all the time [Shri Mataji laughs]. She said, “Where is Your attention?” I was quite a philosopher, you know, so I used to go into meditation [Shri Mataji laughs, laughter]. So she used to say, “Where is Your attention?” I said, “Inside”. “It’s all right” [laughter, Shri Mataji laughs] But I never minded. Nobody minded it, when she said, “Where is Your attention?” Attention is very important thing, where it goes, what it says. So when, say children are describing something, tell you something, they’re very sweet. You should ask them questions. You must see that you ask them questions and they answer you, very sweet sweet things they answer. But in that, you should see where is their attention, what they are describing and what they are saying to you. Because they are realized children, and the realized children always talk in a third person also. Like you tell them, ‘Now, you better go home.’ So they’ll say, ‘This boy will not go. I tell you, he doesn’t want to go home. This boy will not go,’ meaning this boy is different from the one which is speaking, you know. So they speak like that. And the way they speak and the way things they say, it’s beautiful things they say. And one lady tried to write down certain things the children had to say about politics, about politicians, and then she wrote a book; and the book was sold within one week’s time. It was so sweet. I mean, innately, all of us have the same type of sweetness for our children, except for some, I don’t know, what sort of people are they who have a different reaction. But for Sahaja Yogis, you see, in collectivity, you must try to bring your child in a manner that he doesn’t feel that he belongs to you only. There should be no competition. You should also praise other children, you should, and never try to praise your child. It’s not good manners, I tell you. It’s not good manners to praise your child, ‘My child is like this. My, my.’ Nothing. But you praise others’ children first and the child will see that also, and he’ll also praise other parents, not his own. If he learns that, then the collectivity improves, that you start seeing good things in everything. And now, as I was telling you, it’s a very dangerous situation when you [know], I read about the genes and the no protective genes; because I remember once, one student who had gone to Cambridge. He came back and he said, ‘What surprises me, he – they take to drugs like a venture. They take to anything bad like a venture, while for us, we are frightened, you know, we think this is wrong. All throughout, we know it is wrong and we are doing wrong, knowingly.’ So he said, ‘I don’t’, he told Me, ‘I don’t know how they get over this protectiveness.’ They just go headlong into it, anything, you know, a love affair with any unknown girl, they’ll sleep with anyone. How can they do it? They don’t even think whether it is right or wrong. That’s what is true, that to introspect and see for yourself whether it is good or bad, is very important. Now also we have some national problems. Different nationality has different problems. But in Sahaja Yoga I think we are washed of all these things. I’ve known some people who were drug addicts. The first seven who came to Me, out of them four were drug addicts and they told Me they couldn’t see Me. They were just seeing lights coming out of Me, that’s all. Some sort of a miraculous photographs they had become, I think, and they couldn’t see Me in one person. And one came and just was there like a coma, she was sitting like this. So difficult. And one of them was a professor of physics from Australia. I don’t know where he has disappeared. This fellow, he was a professor of physics from Cambridge and so much in the drug that I asked him, I said, “What’s your name?” So he went on, ‘Ah, ah.’ I said, “I asked you what’s your name.” ‘Ah, you asked me my name?’ I said, “I did ask you your name.” [Laughter] ‘My name, You said what is my name?’ I said, “Yes, I did say what is your name.” [Laughter] Went on for five minutes. He could not come to terms with his name even. I said, “What sort of this drug addiction is there?” It was too much. But then he got all right. He improved a lot - and he was just dying with liver, but he got all right. I took him home, treated him. He was all right. So, you see, with such dull brains, you… because this drug definitely harms, really definitely harms the brain cells because the way I have seen, after coming to Sahaja Yoga, they got Realization, very intelligent people. Some were PhDs. I call them PHD-MADs, you see (laughter). And all of them, these PhDs and MADs (laughter), were so much harmed, so much harmed. I asked them, “You are such intelligent, educated people, why did you take to drugs – for experience of what?” ‘Experience of spirituality.’ I said, “Who told you?” Some guru told them or somebody told them, but I said, “In India nobody would think that these drugs can give you spirituality.” He said, ‘No. Such and such guru came from there and he told us that you take to drugs and you will be spiritual.’ I mean, people like Rajneesh who thrive – means all these gurus knew that if you tell them something that are the weaknesses of human beings they’ll take to it, easily. Not in India. If Freud had come to India – I tell you, I don’t know. He would have been cut into pieces perhaps. Nobody would have tolerated a nonsense like that, the way he was talking about the mother’s love. So all such people have been accepted blindly, all over. See you, not only in America, but also in this thing, U.K., there was one boy who came to Me who was the disciple of this fourteen year old gentleman, Guru Maharaji, and he was actually on potato diets. So I said, “Why are you on potato diet?” ‘Because my guruji has said that if you give me a Rolls Royce, then only I’ll come to England.’ He already had, I think, fifty-three or something. ‘So we have to give him a Rolls Royce, so we are on a potato diet. We are saving money.’ I said [Shri Mataji laughs], “Why are you doing that – saving money for potatoes? Out of potatoes, how much are you saving?” He said, ‘We are saving quite a lot and we are sure by the end of this year we’ll have lots of money to buy a Rolls Royce.’ Ba – ba. But I said, “Why are you doing it? You see, why do you want to give him money? Why do you want to give him a Rolls Royce?” He said, ‘Because, you see, this Rolls Royce is just metal, but he is going to give us the Spirit.’ “Which spirit?” [Laughter, Shri Mataji laughs] And really – this fellow was, ultimately he died, you see. This one died because I don’t know what harm they do to people. But Rajneesh was using all kinds of dirty tricks and people took to it and that is why I want to tell you that you should all be very careful. Also among Sahaja Yogis we had some problem in Melbourne. Somebody came from Portugal and he learned certain things from Nepal and he did some tricks there. So, among us also, maybe somebody who thinks that he should show that he is a great Sahaja Yogi, take to some so-called spiritual life and try to create problems. So we should not have groups. We should have no groups. Nothing should be a secret. Everybody should know what everybody is doing. That is how collectively we’ll be all right. Because supposing somebody comes and tells you, ‘All right, I’ll make you something special, and for that this is to be done.’ It has happened before with your leaders also, that they used to tell them in their ears that, ‘Mother has told me to do this. Mother has told me to do this.’ Never listen to such people. You’ve got leaders whom you can ask what is good and what is bad. If not, you can even write to Me, but don’t listen to such people who are telling you things just to destroy – destroy Sahaja Yoga, destroy the only hope for the whole world. You have to be very, very careful about it. And if you are careful, I am sure, you have now the insight, you have now the powers, you have now the authority. Everything is there, no doubt, but vulnerability is the problem I sometimes feel. For that you have to be very, very careful because now, as you see in Sydney, it started in a very bad way, and now we are so many sensible people sitting here who are My children of whom I’m very proud, very proud. But, at the same time, please try to understand that you are surrounded by vultures actually, and the whole atmosphere is full of such things because I see your newspapers, I see your media and I am really shocked. Is much worse than you could see in India, though in India also these things have come now. The Western life is coming there and many people are taking to it, no doubt, but only in big cities and very few people who’re supposed to be very rich or elite, they try to do all this. This will all go away, I’m sure, one day. Then another point is, apart from your family, your children, where normally people are glued into, you are Sahaja Yogis. You are not only for your family, for your country, but for the whole world. Then attention should be on all such things. For example, I read about what is happening in Johannesburg or in Natal and how the people are massacred there and what they are doing there. I was very disturbed, couldn’t sleep – very disturbed – and I decided this year I must go to South Africa. [Applause] Also Yugoslav is another problem where these stupid Muslims are killing themselves. All their funny ideas are working out in such a disastrous way that they must die now in the name of God, so after the Qiyamah comes in, the Resurrection time comes in, they’ll come out of their graves and they’ll get Resurrection. Such stupid ideas are also for Christians, for Muslims and also for Jews [Shri Mataji laughs]. Now, imagine those who died five hundred years back, what will come out of their graves? [Laughter, Shri Mataji laughs] But the sensible idea is from Nal-Damayanti-akhyan that all the souls will be born again and there will be population problem. But they’ll be born again, souls will take forms and they will seek their Realization and many will get Realization, which is a very sensible thing to say that the souls, not the body, from the graves. And that’s why they were occupying such a lot of land all over, that in Spain, what they do is to put the dead bodies in rocks like this. They cut a piece and push it there, one after another. They go on pushing all these coffins inside a rock like that, all over. I was wondering what is this made like this, like a drawers, you know [laughter]. In these drawers they put it and they push it in. They are all there and they are all going to come out when there will be Resurrection time and all of them are going to get their Realization. That’s why these people, Muslims in sari jagaha [Mother speaks in Hindi means “everywhere”], or you can call it the Yugoslav, Yugoslavia, they are killing themselves, stupidly. Also they have no wisdom to see that this is wrong. How can it be that our dead bodies will come out? [Mother speak aside: “There’s a ship coming and the children are – so very sweet, ah, really. They are for private owners, or… Very sweet. It just crawls or… in the water?”]. So now our attention should be global. If Sahaja Yogis put their attentions, you see, global, you don’t know your powers, how important it is. Just put your attention now, say, to South Africa, what the Natal, where they are having all these problems of suppression. It will help, very much help, you don’t know. Things will subside, because through you this all-pervading power, Paramchaitanya, will focus itself there. You are the one who can focus. You should have your global attention there and you should see for yourself where is serious problem. I’m doing on My Own whatever is possible. For that you must read newspapers, but not all the nonsense of the newspaper, but see where is the problem is, what is happening. Because you are in Sydney, but you are responsible for the whole world. Wherever you are, you are responsible for the whole world. Now there’s a very good thing that has happened in Russia. I don’t know if you have that paper with you? Russian paper? Yogi: No. Shri Mataji: No. Yogi 2: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: You have that? Yogi 3: Yes, we’ve got this. Yes, Shri Mataji. Yogi 4: Jai Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: And see, the Russian University of St. Petersburg which is the oldest in Asia, perhaps oldest in the whole world, has got now only ten people as member of their Academy and one of them is Me, I’m surprised. So - [applause]. So when they applied – you see, they applied for My membership, they wrote – I can’t read it, it’s too much for Me [Shri Mataji laughs, laughter]. They wrote, you see, this application and why, I mean, saying that I should be appointed as one of the members. Einstein is one of the members, can you imagine. I was surprised that they had put Me with Einstein [laughter]. And I was quite ashamed, though it was done. So they said, ‘What? What is Einstein? What has he done? He is just working with the matter, but You have worked with human beings, You see.’ So, can you read it out? Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Just see their attention. I mean, this is the vice-president of that Academy who applied for Me. I think you talk on this, and will be better. Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, shall I read the whole of it? That’s the whole… Shri Mataji: Yes, yes. Read how they had applied. Yes. They’ll be happy to know about their Mother also. [A yogi reads the letter:] ‘This is addressed to the Presidium of Peter’s Academy of Arts and Sciences. It’s the official presentation of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi for election as an Honored Member of the Academy. Mrs. Nirmala Shrivastava, Doctor of Philosophy and Medicine, a Distinguished Authority on the fields of Religion, Philosophy and Science, by Her noble activity does very much to promote happiness and friendship of Indian and Russian peoples and all the nations of the world. She was always regarding our land as a center of the world’s spirituality and morality, center of rapprochement, people of West and Orient, the centre of the revival of sublime ideals which have been put forth by Russians and many other nations of Russia. Being the founder of the elevating teaching of Sahaja Yoga, Mrs. Nirmala Devi Shrivastava absolutely reliably connects physical and psychic health of a man with the mode of his life and morality. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was born in 1923 on the 23rd of March [Shri Mataji says laughing: “That’s wrong”] in Chhindwara, central part of India in a noble Christian family. Having revealed Her extraordinary abilities already in childhood, later She got the high medical education and took an active part in the struggle for the National Independence of India. In 1947 She married Mr. Shrivastava and now they have two daughters. Sir C.P. Shrivastava for sixteen years occupied the post of General Secretary of the International Naval Organization of the United Nations, having been unanimously elected for this post three times in succession, now he is the honored General Secretary of this agency. During the elections to the Prime Minister of India, Sir Shrivastava held office of General Secretary. He was rewarded by thirty-four awards of different countries. The Queen of England marked his retirement, granting him honorary title of Knight-Commander of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. Mrs. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and Mr. C.P. Shrivastava, considering the Russian people to be spiritual and pure, see in our Motherland the center of spiritual revival of the world. Being absolutely sincere from the bottom of my heart, I recommend to the Presidium of Peter’s Academy of Arts and Sciences to elect Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to be an Honored Member of our Academy.’ “And this was spoken by the Vice-President of Peter’s Academy of Arts and Sciences, Mr. Voronov.” Shri Mataji: Very nice man. Sahaja Yogi. Jai Shri Mataji! [Applause] Shri Mataji: He even came to My Puja. Can you imagine? He did the Puja and gave Me some very nice present also; and I told him that I have never graduated in science or philosophy or anything, so he said, ‘That’s why You are so great.’ I said, “Why?” ‘Because none of the discoverers have ever been to colleges [Shri Mataji laughs, laughter], or university.’ Very nice person, very nice and he is willing to come to India any time you want. Then I met another personality who is called as Ayatollah, means person in charge of Religion. His name was Rohani Ayatollah and Rohani Ayatollah is a gentleman – Ruhani. “Ruha” means this all-pervading power or spiritual. So he was in charge of Religion when the – there was this rule of the King and afterwards he had to run away from there and he came to Paris and settled down there. Now, his younger brother is also an Irani, is voted for becoming the new President of Iran. So this old one, the one who is a very strict and, you can say, a very fundamentalist type, he arrested those six families which supported him and took a affidavit from them saying that ‘No, they are not going to support him.’ But, if you all put your attention to it, he might be, he might be elected. And if he is elected that’s the saving of the Muslims there because they are Shia people and this Rohani gentleman is so wonderful. He touched My Feet and he danced when he got his Realization. I mean, some things are happening which are so much of a joy. Even in My country I find – India – that there’s a big recognition of Sahaja Yoga and which is so obvious that people are recognizing the purity of Sahaj Yoga. Let us see how far we can go. But in Brazil also they have – the President of the Senate called Me, got his Realization, he was very happy. He called his secretary, everybody, asked them to get their Realization. And then they sent – you see, they said that Brasilia is that they have selected, is the one is depicted by some philosophers as the center of spirituality. And when they came, he called all other people also and their Vice-President was there. The President was already impeached. So this Vice-President, I never liked him. I said, “Funny person he is.” And then he was arrested. So, so many things – like Italy also – lots of things are happening. Maybe all this might just change the atmosphere. You know about Marcus who was in Vienna, who troubled us so much, did so much against us in the newspaper and all that? This Marcus fellow, I don’t know what has gone wrong with him or he’s come round. Now, he’s saying that you can live in this Ashram for two years without paying any rent. I’ll also give you money that you can purchase a land. Afterwards, you can leave the house. And he says, ‘The maya was too much for me and I got lost. I hope I’ll be back again in Ganapatipule.’ [Laughter] Can you imagine. [Applause] So all such things are happening and it’s tremendous because you can’t expect a person like Marcus coming around like that, you see. So Sahaja Yoga is showing its own success and you all can add to it. You have seen among, among yourselves only, there are so many beautiful people who come out of lot of troubles. All troubles can be overcome. There’s no problem about it. Only thing, one has to be sincere and attached to Sahaja Yoga. You may be a family man, you might be a father, mother, anything, but first and foremost thing, you are a Sahaja Yogi. I tell you about Myself also. You know I have a family. I have My husband and all that, and whenever, you see, it was needed, I always said, “Sahaja Yoga first.” Even money-wise, I would say that, if you have to spend any money, then spend on Sahaj Yoga. So the first thing was Sahaja Yoga. All these are secondary, all your art, all your business, all your music or whatever line of life you take, is a secondary. The first and foremost thing is Sahaja Yoga. And you get in that everything. But you should do it very sincerely, respectfully. If you think you are not in it, then you better understand that if you are not in it, you cannot be there. You have to be fully into it, you see. So either you are in the sea or you are outside. It’s like that. And this will give you the greatest pleasure, the greatest fulfillment of life. I can see that’s happening now and I’m very happy and, as I said, I’m very proud of you. It should happen everywhere, and with all My love I bless you that you all should really become great Sahaja Yogis, very, very great Sahaja Yogis and you’ll be all known all over the world. May God bless you. So thank you very much.
Lane Talk at Lane Cove National Park, near Sydney, Australia. 5 April 1994. What a beautiful place to come to, isn’t it? I have been here before also. You have such nice places on the outskirts. On the outskirts you have really very nice places in Sydney and this picnicking has helped you to make your collectivity better. That’s how they started having picnics and in the picnics they developed the collectivity, which is very beautiful to be one with the nature, see the bounty of the nature and the variety that they have. Is a innate feeling inside always that you should be one with the nature, that you should enjoy the nature. I mean, it’s maybe because they say we have evolved from animals so we like nature, you see [Shri Mataji laughs]. But it’s so much round, so much your temperament, everything when you see the nature and start seeing it, how it obeys the laws which govern it. Now see, if you see every leaf, any leaf, is not comparable with another leaf, if you put it under microscope they’ll be all differently made. So the variety’s so much in the nature, but still how they abide together. And the greatest thing they have is that always the desire to get the sunlight. And every leaf, every branch tries to give chance to another leaf and another branch, that they all get the sunlight. If you have to see collectivity, really you see in a jungle or in a place like this. How they live together and with such happiness, with such unity. They are all under the complete control of the Divine laws, no doubt, and they are so much enjoying. It’s only the human beings who have got this freedom, the will, “free will” as they call it. If you want to go to heaven, you can go to heaven. If you want, you can go to hell. And that is what we are facing now in modern times, that if we do not take course to sensible things we may be all wiped out of the surface of the Earth. I’ve been telling since long that it affects our genes. Supposing a father is an alcoholic, the son also gets it in his genes. So many things, most of the vulnerability that you have or what you can call the susceptibility is coming from these genes. Now the susceptibility to do something wrong, always to take to something bad, whatever is destructive, comes from the genes; and it was said that the Asians have two genes which protects them, bars them for doing something wrong. Might be a culture research, I don’t know. And the Aboriginals and the people who have lived in the nature have only one gene that protects. But for white skin, there’s no gene to protect. Can you imagine? They are left to winds. Whichever way the wind blows, they start blowing. So, it’s such a big problem with the white skin. Also they think they are the higher race, but they are not according to the biological process, you can say. You can see the Germans, what they did. I mean, killing children in the gas... How could they do it? I mean, I just – unimaginable. The way they have killed people in all the African countries also, specially in America, the Spanish. Unimaginable. The way they have treated other people everywhere. Cruelty comes to them first. Very easily they can become cruel. They take to bad things very easily. There are some Sahaja Yogis who came to Sahaja Yoga, stayed in Sahaja Yoga for so much and again they have taken to their bad life. So now it is very much to be understood that you have to be very careful and cautious. The bhoots will first catch you. That’s why so much schizophrenia everywhere. If you – schizophrenia is so much true in America. So much. All kinds of horrible diseases they have. But I can’t understand how they got it. So one has to be very careful that after coming to Sahaja Yoga you must stick on to your sublime Self, to your glorious Self, otherwise it is dangerous. When one thing about Sahaja Yoga I was amazed that how it cleanses the genes. Actually, gene in a Persian language is called like a “bhoot,” you know Jin, but this whole theory is now showing that white-skinned people are more vulnerable to all kinds of things. And I think they are the ones who have suffered a lot because there must have been a big fight within, that ‘What is this nonsense we are doing? Why should we do it?’ And that’s why so many of them started seeking, so many of them. The seeking is so much suggested in Indian culture, everything, but nobody did that the way you people were seeking, it’s creditable; because you realized, perhaps, that this is a terrible life you are into. ‘Why are we here, so unprotected?’. And that’s why so much of – we have so many Sahaja Yogis all over the world who have taken to Sahaja Yoga, and are steadying themselves and are progressing beautifully. That means the genes which were not protecting have become protective now, one thing, and those genes which make you vulnerable to things also become clean and you cannot get to those things. They said the people who get AIDS are the ones who have genes like that, they are vulnerable to AIDS. So, this new dimension that the science has exposed before us tells us two things, that by living like a white country, people saw the hell itself and that’s why they have taken now, with such a big jump, to Sahaja Yoga. And your duty is to see that you get more out of all that hell. Around you, if you see – I mean, when you read the newspaper you are shocked. It’s not the accident by which people die, but all kinds of diseases, murders, this, that going on. God knows, such violence. Specially in America, you’ll be surprised that I can’t even wear my wedding ring there. My husband doesn’t allow Me to wear My wedding ring, even mangal sutra. And what goes wrong with them, I don’t know, that they take to violence without any difficulties. We had one gentleman who came from America. He had already murdered his brother and murdered his mother also – mother and brother, both. I said, “How could you do that?” And so many you will find in England who have killed their children. And the children, when you see them, nothing but – you develop a kind of a special sweet feeling, isn’t it – very sweet. It’s a - in Sanskrit called as “Vatsalya.” In our all Indian languages we use that word, Vatsalya, when the feeling that you get when you see a little child. They have described Shri Krishna as a little child. They have described Shri Rama as a little child. Also Christ as a little child has been described in the Indian churches. Beautiful, very beautifully He has been described. One song, one poem was there, written very beautifully that Christ as a child, who can turn the whole universe with His own finger, was putting His own finger in the mouth as a child. Such beautiful poetry is written about children, how they behave, but not so much in the English language, Spanish language. They go more for these love affairs and things like that. But what about children? They never describe children, how beautiful they are. I think I have read hardly about ten or twelve poems. One of them I remember is “The Toys.” There’s such Poet says that he got very angry with his child and he beat him, and the child was crying, and then the child went off to sleep with a little doll, maybe, or something. And when he saw him sleeping like that, he says to God that, “Maybe I might do lots of mistakes and You might punish me, but when I’m dying, then You must forgive me as I have forgiven my son”. That is a very beautiful song was written by him. But still, the description of a child, how when he runs - when he runs, when he jumps, when he walks, it’s a beautiful songs about Shri Rama. Thumko atta hai vaha – Thumak Chalat Ram Chandra, atta hai kya? [Mother says in Hindi “Do you know the song Thumak Chalat Ram Chandra?”] Yes. Now these words are such that we cannot explain in English, but - when they walk, you know, with – started walking, so their body, you know, moves in a way that’s called “thumakna” in Hindi language. So described by Tulsidasa, that Shri Rama is walking in that way: Thumak Chalat Ram Chandra. And His anklets are singing and then He is looking round and every pebble on which He is walking is reflecting Him, like the souls in which He is reflected. Even Shri Krishna’s childhood is described very well, His mischiefs, everything. All these things have been described and this is called as one of the moods. As we have, you see, nine moods described, one of the moods is vatsalya, vatsalya ras. Or “rasa” means the - kya kahengey usko [Mother speaks in Hindi and It Means what we will call that?] rasa means the essence of a poetry where that gives you a feeling, is rasa. This is not there in the Western idea, you see, because they just think of romance only, nothing else. So [Shri Mataji laughs] they don’t have rasa in their mind. We have nine rasas, out of which this vatsalya ras is the best. We have bhakti ras when you have bhakti for someone. Also we have shringar, but shringar is only between husband and wife and also just before marriage, once marriage is settled or you know you are going to marry some and some. That’s a shringar rasa. Like that, we have also vibhatsa, means grotesque. You see something very ugly, describe the death or something you describe the vultures eating, eating the corpses. All this is also described as Vibhatsa. So we have nine ragas [Mother corrects] - nine rasas, and these rasas are – you must have seen in some dances they must have shown. One is also of anger, and when a person gets anger, you see, how his anger is expressed and – in words. But then later on this thing, this anger is also depicted and all these rasas are depicted in the form of dancing – dancing also which is a very… very fast, we can say, fast movement. And these fast movements are also shown very – these all nine rasas can be shown in one dance, see how one changes from one to another and then to another. So it is a very deep understanding of human beings. But as far as the children are concerned, I think Indians love them the most. They love them, but, on the, though because of their love, they discipline. If you love your children, you must discipline them. Today I just wanted to tell you that the children are to be brought up in a proper way. That means you shouldn’t spoil them, firstly. Now, we have problems of children who came to see Me and they are telling that these children cannot fit into the pattern of our Sahaja Yoga school in Dharamsala. So one child is a very adamant child, extremely adamant and you tell him something he goes on more doing the same thing. And if you say, ‘I’ll punish you.’ ‘All right, don’t give me food. Don’t do this.’ He is so adamant and he’s developed this kind of a funny situation. Now definitely such a child, we should say, is possessed. He’s not a normal child, he’s a possessed child and one has to deal with that child in that manner. Another child could be who is a back-number in the class, can be. Now the back-number child is a child which, which is also possessed, maybe in some depressive mood he must have felt something, he lost his brother or something. So he’s become depressive. He is depressed and when he is depressed then what he is doing that he is always sulking and he cannot pay attention to his work, and he is not so good. Thirdly, there are children who are not disciplined at all. Maybe the father is not disciplined, the mother is not disciplined. But they are not at all disciplined and you cannot discipline them. It’s very troublesome and they make such problems. They go on answering. The fourth category of children that they have reported are really very violent type, extremely violent. They want to bash this, break that and every sort of thing. It is impossible to understand why they do it, but My own theory is this: that if the children are told all the time that this is very important, carpet is important, ‘Don’t spoil this,’ all material nonsense we talk to them, then these children sort of develop a kind of an antagonistic, you can say, or a kind of a opposition to that kind of a suppression, and then they want to destroy everything that they see as a possession. So how should we manage these things is a big problem. The last and the least is the most horrifying thing is that they start taking to sex life very early, very early. They’ll enter into the teacher’s bed or into some friend’s beds and that’s horrible. And for this, I don’t know whom to blame, but maybe that, again we can say genes; but the newspapers, the media, all those things are teaching children all these things. Horrible films we have. I mean, they are, they come into hell, born into hell. So they learn these things sometimes, I don’t know how, and it’s very difficult to get these things out of their mind. There’s no innocence at all. At a very, very young age they do it. Some people say that because children are sometimes molested or something, so they develop this in their childhood and they go on developing it more and more and more. But still, I just don’t know what is child molestation is supposed to be. Why such stupid feelings come into people’s mind? They also ruin their own children! So if you see the whole thing is, there’s one point is missing, and that is, we don’t love our children as we should. We should punish them in case we find they are not all right. It is our duty to teach them discipline, not only for their good, for the good of the whole society. There’s a story in India that there was one thief and then he murdered people, he did this and he did that. So he was to be hanged. They asked him, ‘Have you any desire before being hanged?’ He said, ‘Only one. Please call my mother.’ So they called the mother and he went and bit her hard on her hand. Say, ‘Why are you doing this?’ He said, ‘Because when I did the first crime, you didn’t say anything to me. You tried to hide it and you didn’t do anything to me. That’s why now I am being hanged. So it was your duty to correct me at that time, whichever way it was possible, but you did not do it.’ So, the love of a person should not be such that it should spoil people. Say now, if I’m your Mother, I love you very much, you know that very well and you also love Me, but if I have to correct you, I must have courage to correct you and tell you what I want you to do. You need not get into temper or anger. I seldom, I think, very seldom, I really get angry with people. But you have to tell them. So you start now as you are Sahaja Yogis, your children are born realized and Sahaja Yogis the other way round people - that ‘You are all Sahaja Yogis,’ you tell your children, ‘you can’t behave like that.’ Put the dignity into their mind. Tell them that this is the way you have to behave, otherwise you are not Sahaja Yogis. Give them the credentials, I would say, of Sahaja Yoga, that you are Sahaja Yogi, you are born realized, you cannot behave like that. But I have seen some people try to fight with others for their own children, which is absolutely wrong and immature behaviour. If somebody says something to your child, it’s all right, and you should try to accept it very well. See that at least somebody has told you about your child and you must correct. Is a real loving father or mother who are concerned about it, not only to protect him and protect all the vices he is developing. Now as it is, in the Western life there’s such an attack on innocence, I can see this, such a lot, because why should they kill their children? Well, I’ve never heard of such a thing in India, that anybody’s killing their children. I had a washerwoman. She was staying in our house, in our - we had quarters for them. And she had eleven children. And I had gone away to Lucknow, I was building a house, and in the meanwhile, you see, these people they cook – what do you call that? – starch in the house. And in a big pot they cook it. And this, by mistake you see, that she had so many children - this child crawled up to it and died in that. I mean, he got into it and he died. This lady had ten children left. She was like a madwoman – she was crying, weeping, not eating. When I went back she had not had her food for twenty days. She had not even taken water or anything, so much she was crying. I told her, “There are ten children you have got. Now one child God has taken away, so why are you crying for that child?” But she couldn’t get over it. She - it took her months to get over it, that she has lost one child out of the eleven. But when I hear of people who kill their two children who are there and – now the children are killing the parents. Can you imagine? There was recently a case in England, two boys, I think eight and ten, got hold of one little child in the supermarket and killed him and put him under the railway track. Imagine! This sweet age of eight and twelve, what nice things children can do. What nice things they can do to you. Instead of (that) they went and killed one child! Why? We should introspect, we should find out. I wouldn’t blame anybody here, but I would say that we should understand why children do like that. Firstly, they must get affection. They must know somebody loves them very much and dearly and, secondly, the respect. They should know that they are very much respected and they have to be respectable. Thirdly, they should know also that they belong to a very prestigious family of Sahaja Yogis. They can’t do all this. Their attention also is to be such that they understand what they are doing. In the West children don’t have that attention, I tell you. Normally, what attention we have in the East, we don’t find it, that children, even if they are realized souls, they have the same attention. It has to be brought in. I remember My Mother always used to say, “Where is your attention?”, all the time [Shri Mataji laughs]. She said, “Where is Your attention?” I was quite a philosopher, you know, so I used to go into meditation [Shri Mataji laughs, laughter]. So she used to say, “Where is Your attention?” I said, “Inside”. “It’s all right” [laughter, Shri Mataji laughs] But I never minded. Nobody minded it, when she said, “Where is Your attention?” Attention is very important thing, where it goes, what it says. So when, say children are describing something, tell you something, they’re very sweet. You should ask them questions. You must see that you ask them questions and they answer you, very sweet sweet things they answer. But in that, you should see where is their attention, what they are describing and what they are saying to you. Because they are realized children, and the realized children always talk in a third person also. Like you tell them, ‘Now, you better go home.’ So they’ll say, ‘This boy will not go. I tell you, he doesn’t want to go home. This boy will not go,’ meaning this boy is different from the one which is speaking, you know. So they speak like that. And the way they speak and the way things they say, it’s beautiful things they say. And one lady tried to write down certain things the children had to say about politics, about politicians, and then she wrote a book; and the book was sold within one week’s time. It was so sweet. I mean, innately, all of us have the same type of sweetness for our children, except for some, I don’t know, what sort of people are they who have a different reaction. But for Sahaja Yogis, you see, in collectivity, you must try to bring your child in a manner that he doesn’t feel that he belongs to you only. There should be no competition. You should also praise other children, you should, and never try to praise your child. It’s not good manners, I tell you. It’s not good manners to praise your child, ‘My child is like this. My, my.’ Nothing. But you praise others’ children first and the child will see that also, and he’ll also praise other parents, not his own. If he learns that, then the collectivity improves, that you start seeing good things in everything. And now, as I was telling you, it’s a very dangerous situation when you [know], I read about the genes and the no protective genes; because I remember once, one student who had gone to Cambridge. He came back and he said, ‘What surprises me, he – they take to drugs like a venture. They take to anything bad like a venture, while for us, we are frightened, you know, we think this is wrong. All throughout, we know it is wrong and we are doing wrong, knowingly.’ So he said, ‘I don’t’, he told Me, ‘I don’t know how they get over this protectiveness.’ They just go headlong into it, anything, you know, a love affair with any unknown girl, they’ll sleep with anyone. How can they do it? They don’t even think whether it is right or wrong. That’s what is true, that to introspect and see for yourself whether it is good or bad, is very important. Now also we have some national problems. Different nationality has different problems. But in Sahaja Yoga I think we are washed of all these things. I’ve known some people who were drug addicts. The first seven who came to Me, out of them four were drug addicts and they told Me they couldn’t see Me. They were just seeing lights coming out of Me, that’s all. Some sort of a miraculous photographs they had become, I think, and they couldn’t see Me in one person. And one came and just was there like a coma, she was sitting like this. So difficult. And one of them was a professor of physics from Australia. I don’t know where he has disappeared. This fellow, he was a professor of physics from Cambridge and so much in the drug that I asked him, I said, “What’s your name?” So he went on, ‘Ah, ah.’ I said, “I asked you what’s your name.” ‘Ah, you asked me my name?’ I said, “I did ask you your name.” [Laughter] ‘My name, You said what is my name?’ I said, “Yes, I did say what is your name.” [Laughter] Went on for five minutes. He could not come to terms with his name even. I said, “What sort of this drug addiction is there?” It was too much. But then he got all right. He improved a lot - and he was just dying with liver, but he got all right. I took him home, treated him. He was all right. So, you see, with such dull brains, you… because this drug definitely harms, really definitely harms the brain cells because the way I have seen, after coming to Sahaja Yoga, they got Realization, very intelligent people. Some were PhDs. I call them PHD-MADs, you see (laughter). And all of them, these PhDs and MADs (laughter), were so much harmed, so much harmed. I asked them, “You are such intelligent, educated people, why did you take to drugs – for experience of what?” ‘Experience of spirituality.’ I said, “Who told you?” Some guru told them or somebody told them, but I said, “In India nobody would think that these drugs can give you spirituality.” He said, ‘No. Such and such guru came from there and he told us that you take to drugs and you will be spiritual.’ I mean, people like Rajneesh who thrive – means all these gurus knew that if you tell them something that are the weaknesses of human beings they’ll take to it, easily. Not in India. If Freud had come to India – I tell you, I don’t know. He would have been cut into pieces perhaps. Nobody would have tolerated a nonsense like that, the way he was talking about the mother’s love. So all such people have been accepted blindly, all over. See you, not only in America, but also in this thing, U.K., there was one boy who came to Me who was the disciple of this fourteen year old gentleman, Guru Maharaji, and he was actually on potato diets. So I said, “Why are you on potato diet?” ‘Because my guruji has said that if you give me a Rolls Royce, then only I’ll come to England.’ He already had, I think, fifty-three or something. ‘So we have to give him a Rolls Royce, so we are on a potato diet. We are saving money.’ I said [Shri Mataji laughs], “Why are you doing that – saving money for potatoes? Out of potatoes, how much are you saving?” He said, ‘We are saving quite a lot and we are sure by the end of this year we’ll have lots of money to buy a Rolls Royce.’ Ba – ba. But I said, “Why are you doing it? You see, why do you want to give him money? Why do you want to give him a Rolls Royce?” He said, ‘Because, you see, this Rolls Royce is just metal, but he is going to give us the Spirit.’ “Which spirit?” [Laughter, Shri Mataji laughs] And really – this fellow was, ultimately he died, you see. This one died because I don’t know what harm they do to people. But Rajneesh was using all kinds of dirty tricks and people took to it and that is why I want to tell you that you should all be very careful. Also among Sahaja Yogis we had some problem in Melbourne. Somebody came from Portugal and he learned certain things from Nepal and he did some tricks there. So, among us also, maybe somebody who thinks that he should show that he is a great Sahaja Yogi, take to some so-called spiritual life and try to create problems. So we should not have groups. We should have no groups. Nothing should be a secret. Everybody should know what everybody is doing. That is how collectively we’ll be all right. Because supposing somebody comes and tells you, ‘All right, I’ll make you something special, and for that this is to be done.’ It has happened before with your leaders also, that they used to tell them in their ears that, ‘Mother has told me to do this. Mother has told me to do this.’ Never listen to such people. You’ve got leaders whom you can ask what is good and what is bad. If not, you can even write to Me, but don’t listen to such people who are telling you things just to destroy – destroy Sahaja Yoga, destroy the only hope for the whole world. You have to be very, very careful about it. And if you are careful, I am sure, you have now the insight, you have now the powers, you have now the authority. Everything is there, no doubt, but vulnerability is the problem I sometimes feel. For that you have to be very, very careful because now, as you see in Sydney, it started in a very bad way, and now we are so many sensible people sitting here who are My children of whom I’m very proud, very proud. But, at the same time, please try to understand that you are surrounded by vultures actually, and the whole atmosphere is full of such things because I see your newspapers, I see your media and I am really shocked. Is much worse than you could see in India, though in India also these things have come now. The Western life is coming there and many people are taking to it, no doubt, but only in big cities and very few people who’re supposed to be very rich or elite, they try to do all this. This will all go away, I’m sure, one day. Then another point is, apart from your family, your children, where normally people are glued into, you are Sahaja Yogis. You are not only for your family, for your country, but for the whole world. Then attention should be on all such things. For example, I read about what is happening in Johannesburg or in Natal and how the people are massacred there and what they are doing there. I was very disturbed, couldn’t sleep – very disturbed – and I decided this year I must go to South Africa. [Applause] Also Yugoslav is another problem where these stupid Muslims are killing themselves. All their funny ideas are working out in such a disastrous way that they must die now in the name of God, so after the Qiyamah comes in, the Resurrection time comes in, they’ll come out of their graves and they’ll get Resurrection. Such stupid ideas are also for Christians, for Muslims and also for Jews [Shri Mataji laughs]. Now, imagine those who died five hundred years back, what will come out of their graves? [Laughter, Shri Mataji laughs] But the sensible idea is from Nal-Damayanti-akhyan that all the souls will be born again and there will be population problem. But they’ll be born again, souls will take forms and they will seek their Realization and many will get Realization, which is a very sensible thing to say that the souls, not the body, from the graves. And that’s why they were occupying such a lot of land all over, that in Spain, what they do is to put the dead bodies in rocks like this. They cut a piece and push it there, one after another. They go on pushing all these coffins inside a rock like that, all over. I was wondering what is this made like this, like a drawers, you know [laughter]. In these drawers they put it and they push it in. They are all there and they are all going to come out when there will be Resurrection time and all of them are going to get their Realization. That’s why these people, Muslims in sari jagaha [Mother speaks in Hindi means “everywhere”], or you can call it the Yugoslav, Yugoslavia, they are killing themselves, stupidly. Also they have no wisdom to see that this is wrong. How can it be that our dead bodies will come out? [Mother speak aside: “There’s a ship coming and the children are – so very sweet, ah, really. They are for private owners, or… Very sweet. It just crawls or… in the water?”]. So now our attention should be global. If Sahaja Yogis put their attentions, you see, global, you don’t know your powers, how important it is. Just put your attention now, say, to South Africa, what the Natal, where they are having all these problems of suppression. It will help, very much help, you don’t know. Things will subside, because through you this all-pervading power, Paramchaitanya, will focus itself there. You are the one who can focus. You should have your global attention there and you should see for yourself where is serious problem. I’m doing on My Own whatever is possible. For that you must read newspapers, but not all the nonsense of the newspaper, but see where is the problem is, what is happening. Because you are in Sydney, but you are responsible for the whole world. Wherever you are, you are responsible for the whole world. Now there’s a very good thing that has happened in Russia. I don’t know if you have that paper with you? Russian paper? Yogi: No. Shri Mataji: No. Yogi 2: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: You have that? Yogi 3: Yes, we’ve got this. Yes, Shri Mataji. Yogi 4: Jai Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: And see, the Russian University of St. Petersburg which is the oldest in Asia, perhaps oldest in the whole world, has got now only ten people as member of their Academy and one of them is Me, I’m surprised. So - [applause]. So when they applied – you see, they applied for My membership, they wrote – I can’t read it, it’s too much for Me [Shri Mataji laughs, laughter]. They wrote, you see, this application and why, I mean, saying that I should be appointed as one of the members. Einstein is one of the members, can you imagine. I was surprised that they had put Me with Einstein [laughter]. And I was quite ashamed, though it was done. So they said, ‘What? What is Einstein? What has he done? He is just working with the matter, but You have worked with human beings, You see.’ So, can you read it out? Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Just see their attention. I mean, this is the vice-president of that Academy who applied for Me. I think you talk on this, and will be better. Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, shall I read the whole of it? That’s the whole… Shri Mataji: Yes, yes. Read how they had applied. Yes. They’ll be happy to know about their Mother also. [A yogi reads the letter:] ‘This is addressed to the Presidium of Peter’s Academy of Arts and Sciences. It’s the official presentation of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi for election as an Honored Member of the Academy. Mrs. Nirmala Shrivastava, Doctor of Philosophy and Medicine, a Distinguished Authority on the fields of Religion, Philosophy and Science, by Her noble activity does very much to promote happiness and friendship of Indian and Russian peoples and all the nations of the world. She was always regarding our land as a center of the world’s spirituality and morality, center of rapprochement, people of West and Orient, the centre of the revival of sublime ideals which have been put forth by Russians and many other nations of Russia. Being the founder of the elevating teaching of Sahaja Yoga, Mrs. Nirmala Devi Shrivastava absolutely reliably connects physical and psychic health of a man with the mode of his life and morality. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was born in 1923 on the 23rd of March [Shri Mataji says laughing: “That’s wrong”] in Chhindwara, central part of India in a noble Christian family. Having revealed Her extraordinary abilities already in childhood, later She got the high medical education and took an active part in the struggle for the National Independence of India. In 1947 She married Mr. Shrivastava and now they have two daughters. Sir C.P. Shrivastava for sixteen years occupied the post of General Secretary of the International Naval Organization of the United Nations, having been unanimously elected for this post three times in succession, now he is the honored General Secretary of this agency. During the elections to the Prime Minister of India, Sir Shrivastava held office of General Secretary. He was rewarded by thirty-four awards of different countries. The Queen of England marked his retirement, granting him honorary title of Knight-Commander of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. Mrs. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and Mr. C.P. Shrivastava, considering the Russian people to be spiritual and pure, see in our Motherland the center of spiritual revival of the world. Being absolutely sincere from the bottom of my heart, I recommend to the Presidium of Peter’s Academy of Arts and Sciences to elect Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to be an Honored Member of our Academy.’ “And this was spoken by the Vice-President of Peter’s Academy of Arts and Sciences, Mr. Voronov.” Shri Mataji: Very nice man. Sahaja Yogi. Jai Shri Mataji! [Applause] Shri Mataji: He even came to My Puja. Can you imagine? He did the Puja and gave Me some very nice present also; and I told him that I have never graduated in science or philosophy or anything, so he said, ‘That’s why You are so great.’ I said, “Why?” ‘Because none of the discoverers have ever been to colleges [Shri Mataji laughs, laughter], or university.’ Very nice person, very nice and he is willing to come to India any time you want. Then I met another personality who is called as Ayatollah, means person in charge of Religion. His name was Rohani Ayatollah and Rohani Ayatollah is a gentleman – Ruhani. “Ruha” means this all-pervading power or spiritual. So he was in charge of Religion when the – there was this rule of the King and afterwards he had to run away from there and he came to Paris and settled down there. Now, his younger brother is also an Irani, is voted for becoming the new President of Iran. So this old one, the one who is a very strict and, you can say, a very fundamentalist type, he arrested those six families which supported him and took a affidavit from them saying that ‘No, they are not going to support him.’ But, if you all put your attention to it, he might be, he might be elected. And if he is elected that’s the saving of the Muslims there because they are Shia people and this Rohani gentleman is so wonderful. He touched My Feet and he danced when he got his Realization. I mean, some things are happening which are so much of a joy. Even in My country I find – India – that there’s a big recognition of Sahaja Yoga and which is so obvious that people are recognizing the purity of Sahaj Yoga. Let us see how far we can go. But in Brazil also they have – the President of the Senate called Me, got his Realization, he was very happy. He called his secretary, everybody, asked them to get their Realization. And then they sent – you see, they said that Brasilia is that they have selected, is the one is depicted by some philosophers as the center of spirituality. And when they came, he called all other people also and their Vice-President was there. The President was already impeached. So this Vice-President, I never liked him. I said, “Funny person he is.” And then he was arrested. So, so many things – like Italy also – lots of things are happening. Maybe all this might just change the atmosphere. You know about Marcus who was in Vienna, who troubled us so much, did so much against us in the newspaper and all that? This Marcus fellow, I don’t know what has gone wrong with him or he’s come round. Now, he’s saying that you can live in this Ashram for two years without paying any rent. I’ll also give you money that you can purchase a land. Afterwards, you can leave the house. And he says, ‘The maya was too much for me and I got lost. I hope I’ll be back again in Ganapatipule.’ [Laughter] Can you imagine. [Applause] So all such things are happening and it’s tremendous because you can’t expect a person like Marcus coming around like that, you see. So Sahaja Yoga is showing its own success and you all can add to it. You have seen among, among yourselves only, there are so many beautiful people who come out of lot of troubles. All troubles can be overcome. There’s no problem about it. Only thing, one has to be sincere and attached to Sahaja Yoga. You may be a family man, you might be a father, mother, anything, but first and foremost thing, you are a Sahaja Yogi. I tell you about Myself also. You know I have a family. I have My husband and all that, and whenever, you see, it was needed, I always said, “Sahaja Yoga first.” Even money-wise, I would say that, if you have to spend any money, then spend on Sahaj Yoga. So the first thing was Sahaja Yoga. All these are secondary, all your art, all your business, all your music or whatever line of life you take, is a secondary. The first and foremost thing is Sahaja Yoga. And you get in that everything. But you should do it very sincerely, respectfully. If you think you are not in it, then you better understand that if you are not in it, you cannot be there. You have to be fully into it, you see. So either you are in the sea or you are outside. It’s like that. And this will give you the greatest pleasure, the greatest fulfillment of life. I can see that’s happening now and I’m very happy and, as I said, I’m very proud of you. It should happen everywhere, and with all My love I bless you that you all should really become great Sahaja Yogis, very, very great Sahaja Yogis and you’ll be all known all over the world. May God bless you. So thank you very much.
An Ancient Knowledge
Public Program
Public Program. Sydney (Australia), 6 April 1994.1I bow to all the Seekers of TruthI am very thankful to Mr Henry Tsang, for addressing you and introducing me to you, that’s verykind of him. It is the one the very rare occasions, where I have seen people in authority haveunderstood my work and have tried to help me.Whatever he said is really very remarkable, that all these greater people like Lao-Tse, who startedTaoism, Buddha, who was teaching Buddhism, all of them talked about the oneness of HumanBeing with the nature. And if you cannot combine nature with yourself, then you cannot be calledas an evolved soul.In that thing I was telling him about Yangtze river where he comes from same state Yangtze. ThatYangtze river I travelled through with my husband and it’s the one Lao-Tse has used for describinga human ascent. It’s a river which goes in different angles and makes lots of currents and it’s verydangerous to ply through that, but they are having an… now a tourist arrangement to go throughthat and my husband as he was in marine time, they invited us to see them.So in that the message was that, you see, you are passing through a very beautiful land. You seeacross the banks, beautiful trees and very beautiful mountains, which you see in the paintings ofChinese. They are really like that, but you should not get lost. You have to go further, you can watchthese.. all these beautiful scenes, sit down there, enjoy yourself, but still you have to go with thestream.Then you go further and further, it’s described it very well in his Tao. Tao means, ‘that it is’ and itstarted showing such beautiful scenes sometimes that I really felt that I should get out of the boatand sit down there. But he was meaning that in your meditation when you are moving, you shouldnot get tempted by this outward fascination of nature also, but you enjoy, be one with it, you just seeit, enjoy it and then he says that the river flows closer to the sea, that is the ultimate aim of the river,then she becomes absolutely silent and she spreads out and then gradually she moves towards thesea. It’s such a beautiful description and I have seen it myself and I can understand the poet how hewanted to communicate, that how the nature should teach us, how to be meditative within ourselves.Buddha always talked about the Central Path and also he always said that our character is themainstay. If you don’t have good character, then it is very difficult to ascend. These were the dayswhen really this was the position. In India there were horrible, cruel kings and then they werekilling people just for land or something. This was so much in India that Buddha, if he had notcome it would have not stopped and gradually when the awakening came within them,, that this issomething wrong they are doing. They should not kill human beings for just getting some land.What is the use of this thing? Ultimately one king, saw the blood flowing through one river and hegot such a repentance about what he had done, that he went to Buddha and told him that, “Sir pleasesave me and I am very guilty about what I have been doing and I don’t think I can live any longerwith this guilt.” So Buddha pacified him and he became a Buddhist.Now in Sahaja Yoga we have a way by which we become one with reality, one with this AllPervading Power. So the first point, if is the truth, is this, that you are not this body, this mind, orthis ego or your conditionings, but what you are, you are a pure Spirit, which is said by Christ, saidby all these great prophets. Everybody has said that and then second truth is that there is an AllPervading Power of Divine Love. You see the flowers of Sydney is so beautiful, one better than theother. See how they have grown. We never think that there is something miracle about them. It is amiracle, the way they have grown out of the Mother Earth with such a beauty. After all we cannotdo that. Mother Earth has done it and we take all those living works for granted. We don’t eventhink who runs our heart. We don’t even think who digests our food. What is that energy which doesall these things, which controls our heights and everything else that is living?So there is a power of All-Pervading Love and that is the one, which really has created us and thatis the one which is going to give us our Realisation. This energy that is within us is what we call asthe Kundalini. He must have told you about it, is the reflection of this all pervading power which issettled in our sacrum bone. Sacrum as you know is called ‘Sacred’ by the people who were Greeks.They were not Indians and they called this ‘Sacred Bone’. I asked the curator, “Why you call it assacrum?” He said “We were told, it’s a sacred bone and there is energy of the Mother inside it.” Iwas amazed that these Greeks knew about it. And it’s so surprising, that for ancient times we knewabout in India, about this energy that is within us .. but somehow or other it was tradition, not to notto talk about it or give Self-Realisation to people en masse.One teacher will have only one student. One guru will have one disciple, that’s all and he would justselect one out of thousands and give Realisation to one and tell him the secret of Kundalini. It wasgoing on for ages together till the 12th Century there was a big poet. We had a very great poet whoat the age of 31 years wrote tremendous secrets about spiritual life. I mean it’s unbelievable at thisyoung age, because he died after that and then he is one who wrote in his book, after takingpermission from his guru, that this Kundalini is one she does all the job. But people who were incharge of Hindu religion at the time, were just like priest every where. They said this chapter is nogood this is ‘Nishidh’. We are not to deal with this. It is to be avoided. So no body paid attention tothat fact, but in the 16th century we had lots of poets in our country, who have sang the praise ofthis Kundalini. Also in Bible, there is that, “I will appear before you like tongues of flames.” Andthese chakras look like that. Inside, they are very mild tongues of flames.So all these things though little bit described in the Bible, described in the Koran, everywhere, butthere was no proper, intelligible knowledge about Kundalini I would say, though in India they had.There was a kind of a …you can call religious experiments, which were called as NathPanthis.These people are the same, who had only one disciple, one guru sort of thing, but later on it justspread out and we had lots of people in the 16th century who started talking about Kundalini andsaying about it. So that’s how we have this knowledge in that county since long. But after theBritish came, it all became nonsense and nobody bothered for 300 hundred years and all thisknowledge has gone into kind of a cupboard from where it came out.Now, I knew about it myself, but I wanted to find out a method by which we could give Realisationen masse, not to one person. If you give to one person, everybody will get after him or crucify him,or kill him, or give poison, or get out. Now the time also has also come, this is the time that we sayin the Bible is the judgement, the last judgement but in Koran it’s very clearly written. See how allthe truths are the same everywhere. The Koran it is written that at this time, which they callQiyamah, the resurrection time, “Your hands will speak and they will witness against you.” Soactually when you get your Realisation, you start feeling the energy in your hand and you canverify, you can verify what centres are catching and it’s tangible.As you know, that in Delhi there are three doctors who have already got MD for curing incurablediseases, through Sahaja Yoga. Now for diagnosis you don’t have to go in to that horrible, gruellingexperience of diagnosis. Just you feel it on your fingertips. You can know what is wrong with youand it’s absolutely curable. I tell you frankly, that definitely people have been cured of bloodcancers. They have been cured about 9-10 years back. They are still living and they are quite haleand hearty. We have seen that people who are suffering from all kind of incurable diseases arecured, but they have to enter into a new state of awareness that is what we call is the Sahaja Yogastate, where you become one with this Divine Power. Then this power starts flowing through you.Most of the world’s problems, if you see come from human beings not from nature, more fromhuman beings and the nature reacts to it. Now when you get these problems, you start running abouthere and there and trying to find out solutions. The solution is within. Within our centres, whenthese centres are in jeopardy, you get all these physical, mental, emotional problems for your selfand for the whole society for the whole world.So now what should we do? Is to correct these centres by the awakening of this Kundalini whichpasses through six centres. These centres get enlightened and that enlightenment cures them,nourishes them and integrates them. Then you are completely one with this All-Pervading Powerand the correction becomes permanent. At that time they say that it starts flowing through you, youcan feel it on your fingertips and by that you develop all your potential powers which are so many,so many that in this small lecture I may not be able to tell you the whole, but some of them I will beable to tell you, that the first thing happens to you that you achieve a state of peace. You arethinking of tomorrow, or of yesterday past and future, but present we not there. Present is notknown to us and reality is in the present. So when you are thinking of the past and future, you arejumping on the cusp of those thoughts. In between these thoughts, there is space which we call asVilamb in Sanskrit is the pause and that is the time when you are in present, which is very short andthat’s why you can never be in the present.So, when the Kundalini rises, your attention is driven inside and these thoughts expand, in the sensethat they elongate and there is the space in between is quite big. Thus you establish yourself into anew state and a new dimension of your awareness, which we call as Thoughtless Awareness. That isthe meditation. You cannot do meditation you have to be in meditation is a state then there is nothought but you are fully aware. Whatever you see is recorded like a picture in your mind and suchtremendous changes take place in human beings they are surprised like very ordinary person, whowas playing once a instrument before me was very boring to begin with and suddenly I don’t knowwhat happened to him. His Kundalini was awakened and he was playing such beautiful music andtoday he is a world famous man.There are very powerful Sahaja Yogis in the world now and I am so very happy that this hashappened to people, that they have felt their own energy and they have felt their own peace. Thesecond state which you achieve, what we call, this is the Thoughtless Awareness and the second oneis called as the Doubtless Awareness. Patanjali in his yoga as said called them as Nirvichar Samadhiand Nirvikalap Samadhi. Now these two states if you have achieved, then all your powers you knowwhat you have. You know all your inner being. You know your chakras and you know all threeautonomous nerves system like para-sympathetic, sympathetic systems everything you know, andyou know how to control them, how to improve them, how to work them. So you become your ownmaster. There are very powerful Sahaja Yogis in the world now and I am so very happy that this hashappened to people, that they have felt their own energy and they have felt their own peace.The second state that you achieve, what we call, this is the thoughtless awareness and the secondone is called the doubtless awareness. Patanjali in his yoga as said called them as NirvicharSamadhi and Nirvikalap Samadhi. Now these two states if you have achieved, then all your powersyou know what you have. You know all your inner being. You know your chakras and you know allthe three… What should I say? The Autonomous Nervous System: like para-sympathetic,sympathetic systems everything you know, and you know how to control them, how to improvethem, how to work them out. So you become your own master.Firstly, when you are awakened firstly what you get is all your talents. For example: I seeAustralians are great artists. I have seen people who have come to Sahaja Yoga become such deepartist and such beautiful artist, aesthetically so rich. It is because whatever you know is very littleand the whole dynamism of your creativity just explodes and you start producing things which arevery soothing, which are very beautiful, which makes every one so happy. It’s not some sort ofnonsensical thing you do some queer thing just to please the people and show off that you are agreat designer and this and that. No! You do it natural, honest reproduction of what you feel and thatfeeling is absolutely divine and thus you produce really classical, beautiful things, which is verysurprising how these modern children have taken to it. Normally the Modern Art, as you know ismostly understood by the artist himself. Nobody else can understand it, because they just go madand do all kinds of things.In this also you may do Modern Art means in the sense that you break all the lines and everything,but, what you find that whatever you do is extremely soothing and natural, one with the nature andanybody who sees that will say, “Who has made this sort of an expression of the true feeling fromwithin; nothing artificial, nothing vulgar, nothing nonsensical.”In the same way musicians and other things in every art… I was, I have been really amazed howSahaja Yoga has helped. I have seen this Sydney Sahaja Yogis singing to you this Marathi andSanskrit songs and Hindi songs, which not even Indians can sing. They cannot sing so well, I meanif you hear them from outside, nobody will know they are people from Australia. They areAustralians, as if some Indians are singing, it’s very difficult. Indian singing is extremely difficult,people practice for years together to achieve this. Not only that they know it, but also so many ofthem know it by heart and I don’t know how they have picked it up, this I just don’t understand.Then they come and sing in India. Even so many artists have said, “Now we are ashamed the waythese people are doing. At such young age, how they have picked it so well. They sing in suchbeautiful unison.” All these things happen to you.Secondly it happens, that so-called religions that you have, you follow. Somebody will say, “I am aBuddhist.” Somebody will say, “I am Christian, I am Hindu, Muslim,” anything. They can commitany sins, it’s outward. It’s just a label. Like one girl met me and she was saying, “I am born again.”I said, “You are not. You just label yourself as ‘Born Again’, you are not. Unless and until you getyour Realisation, you cannot be born again and once you are born again, you get the quality of apersonality, who is born again has so many powers, so compassionate, so peaceful. You are not.” Isaid, “You are in a delusion,” She asked me, “Are you born again?” I said, “I am, of course I amand you can be also if you want to, but if you want to carry on with artificial levels, what can youdo? What good have they done to anyone?” So the artificiality drops out and your real personalitystarts expressing itself. As far as the religion is concerned, you become absolutely righteous.The other day, I was reading about the genes and I was amazed to hear that the Asians have twogenes to protect them, but the western people have none. Now the two genes are that within us, oneis, I would say, comes from the mother, may be with the father, or the society, or whatever it is, butone we call in Sahaja Yoga, ‘sin against the Mother’ and ‘sin against the Father,’ out of which theleft side, when we are there, we are sinning against the Mother, means we become immoral. Wedon’t know what is morality. We start playing with things, which we should not. Then we get intotrouble, we get diseases, this, that, all sorts of problems, because there is no protection. So we arevery vulnerable. All kinds of indulgences and all kinds of habits, that we form, which are selfdestructive, is sin against the Mother.The another gene is the one that protects you against the sin against the father and sin against thefather is to be dishonest, to be corrupt, not to believe that God is your Father. Why should we do allthis thing? So this kind of a sin, also we start doing. Both these genes that are protective are createdafter Sahaja Yoga within you and you just don’t do wrong things. I have seen people from West,how they were. They give up all kinds of nonsense. We never have the problems of somebody’swife running away with somebody and somebody’s daughter running away with somebody. Somerape and all that, it’s out of question. We have thousands and thousands of Sahaja Yogis and theycome together many a times. I have never seen them quarrelling, fighting have any violence oranything.So this, the sin against the Father and sin against the Mother, just is sort of established, that they justdon’t do. it. They dress up properly. They live properly. They don’t take to drugs. They don’t takeall these things. Now you know the progeny, how it is facing the effects of this modern life. Likeyou see, the children are left to dogs, they become so horrible. I have seen in Miami with my owneyes, children who were only 12 years of age, were carrying revolvers and were selling drugs,because the law is such, that they do not punish 12 years old children in the jail, so people aretaking advantage of these children and they are behaving like this. There are children who arekilling their parents. There are parents who are killing their children. This kind of a violence is thesin against the Father.So both ways you see, if there is sort of an attack. What will happen to such a society? Is importantone has to take to spiritual life and the spiritual life of not outside, that you just go to church, singsome hymn numbers, this and that and come home. This is not that, it has to be innate, withinyourself. You have to be honest. You have to be integrated with yourself and then this innatereligion will tell you, that you belong to the religion, which is a universal religion, whichencompasses all the religions, which respects all the great incarnations, all the prophets, every one.Every religion is a flower on the tree of life of spirituality, but you have taken away that flower andyou are fighting with the dead flower. “This is mine.” “This mine.” You have no claims and is thedead flower which is now petrified and that’s how you see in every religion what problems arecoming. How people are suffering. How they are fighting. All kinds of things happen. So peoplebecome… they say, “We don’t believe in God.” They become atheist. When they become atheistalso, they are doing the wrong thing and those who believe in God, in such a way, are also wrong.It’s a blind faith.With Sahaja Yoga, I must tell you one thing, you shouldn’t have blind faith. If you feel theexperience of Realisation, then of course as honest people, you must accept, respect it and go-aheadwith it and grow. But if you don’t feel the experience, you shouldn’t tell lies. You should comeagain and again. See that you get your Realisation.There are so many things, as I told you, I could tell you, but only the attention part I have told you,that attention gets enlightened and wherever you put your attention it works. It helps. So in a wayyou start living collectively. You start feeling that you are part and parcel of one whole being. Themicrocosm becomes the macrocosm, a drops becomes the ocean and that’s how the whole worldcan become one, one day and all these problems and things will go away, because through SahajaYoga you know absolute truth. Everybody knows the same truth, no quarrel, as you are watchingme, I am sitting down here. All of you feel the same about everything. So there are no discussions,no arguments, no fightings nothing and you really become a peaceful personality. You emit peace,as I told you.So the highest thing is that you enter into to the Kingdom of the God. Somebody told me today,“Mother, they… people don’t know what is Kingdom of God.” So I said, “They have to enter in tosee.” Unless and until I enter into this hall, how will I know what this hall is like.” So once theyenter into it, they write to me, that Mother we are now in the Kingdom of God, because you startdrowned into you feel you are drowned into the ocean of joy and joy is not double like happinessand unhappiness.Supposing you have your ego is pampered. You feel very happy, that I am such and such. I have gotthis and if any is punctured you feel unhappy, but joy is singular, it’s in that state, from where youwitness your life.In a one lecture, program, I don’t think I will able tell you all about it. I must have given at leastfour thousand lectures in only English language. So I have to tell one thing, that today whatever ishappening in Sahaja Yoga is the culmination of your evolution, culmination of all spiritual work,that people have done, all the saints, prophets and incarnations and is the last judgement for you, sothat you enter into the Kingdom of God.Sahaja means ‘born with you’. ‘Saha’ is ‘with’. ‘Ja’ is’born.’ Born with you is the right to becomeunited, which means yoga, with this All-Pervading Power. It is your birth right, because you areborn at this time and this should happen, but after that please remember that you might feel verygreat about it and you may just enjoy it individually, but it’s not an individual growth. You have tocome to our centres. You don’t have to pay for it.Some people think that this is an introduction lecture so there’s no payment. You cannot pay forliving thing. How can you pay? How can pay for the seed which is planted in the Mother Earth?How can you pay to the Mother Earth or to the seed? It’s all built in. In the same way, it’s built intoyou. Of course for formally I use to come Australia with my own money and all that, but now wehave so many Sahaja Yogis, that they want pay for my travel, may be for this hall they might havepaid, but you don’t have to pay for your Self-Realisation and all the knowledge of your being, innerbeing, your powers and everything, for that you don’t have to pay. All these little expenses, which isvery little, partly I should say, are taken over by so many Sahaja Yogis that you have.In Sydney itself, you have lots of Sahaja Yogis they told me there are 22 centres in Sydney. So youall can take full advantage of it, but you must respect yourself, you must respect your SelfRealisation. After all, you must be something special to get it. So please don’t neglect it. There is nomesmerism to keep you attached to Sahaja Yoga. There is no other temptations, but one that youhave to be one with this All-Pervading Power and this Kundalini is the pure desire, the power ofpure desire. You are aware of if it, or you may not be aware of it, that you have only one pure desireis to be one with all this All-Pervading Power, because all other desires if you see, once they arefulfilled they are of no importance to you.So it is said that, in general wants are not satiable. You never feel satisfied, but after this completesatisfaction comes in to you and you start enjoying everything, enjoying other people, enjoyingyour own relations, enjoying the whole world. This is such a blissful time, that you are born. Takefull advantage of it and pay full attention to yourself and understand that just by labelling yourselfas something, you do not become that. Do not fight for something that is artificial, but achievesomething that is real.Thank you very much. I hope after one year again I will come back here and meet you. By that timeall of you will grow up like big trees of spirituality, giving such vibrations and realisation thatpower you will have, that you can give Realisation, you can cure people, you can help people. Somepeople, who have never been orators, have become great orators of Sahaja Yoga and all over theworld you have brothers and sisters who are sincerely yours.May God Bless you. Thank you very much (Clapping from audience) Can you ask them to put offthe light so that I can see the people.There is one thing more that I cannot force Self-Realization on you. All of you can get it. Must justhave confidence. All can get it, but if you don’t want to have it, I cannot force on you. I respect yourfreedom and I have to request people, if they don’t want to have it, they should leave the hall. That’smuch better and otherwise I am sure it will work out for all of you.Shri Mataji speaks to the Yogis: Can you ask them to reduce the light a little bit? Put the light, thatside. It’s too much. Also reduce this one, it’s too much light on me? Can’t see anyone.Till I give Realisation please reduce this is too much. I never used to wear these glasses, but forthese kind of things.Shri Mataji to Yogis: No, no, no these big things. I want to see them.Yogi: We need to douse these overheads. Thank you.Shri Mataji: Ah, that proves one thing, that if you are blinded by something like that, you can notsee anything else, you see, so one has to…So again, I would request those who want to go should leave, will be good idea. It takes 10-15minutes, not more than that, but its… You go beyond your mind. You just go on thinking about it,this, that, then it won’t work out ………………….So nice! Left Nabhi is there.So, before we start I have to tell you there are three conditions, which are very simple conditions.The first one is, that you have to be fully confident, that you all will get your Self-Realisation. So itfollows the second condition, that you should in no way feel guilty about anything. It’s a fashionalso, to feel guilty all the time, saying “Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.” Even on the phone we use to say,“I beg your pardon,” but people say, “Sorry, sorry, sorry.” It’s a fashion. To feel guilty is really afashion. If you have done anything wrong just face it that moment and just leave it. But you carryon with it and that works on left Vishuddhi here, which is a very…very, very important thing,because if your left Vishuddhi is caught up, then you can get spondylitis, which is a very horribledisease, or another one which is called, angina, or you may get very lethargic organs. So this is suchan important centre, which you are spoiling, just with your imaginary… imaginary style of thinking,that you are guilty, that you have done this wrong. You should not have done that wrong and youfeel guilty.Of course everybody has right to feel guilty. I cannot challenge that. They can feel. Everybody hasright, even to cut their throat. But as a mother, I am saying, “Better not.” Why to do somethingwhich is injurious to us, good for nothing? And at this moment, when you are about to get yourRealisation, you miss the point.This is the greatest thing that you are going to you have. All your powers are going to expressthemselves. All your glory you are going to know. At this time what is the use of feel guilty andcondemning yourself? So just what you have to say in your heart is that, “Mother I am not guilty atall.” That’s all. You don’t have to do anything, but in your heart ,please say, just now in your heartthat, “Mother I am not guilty at all.” Second point! So now two conditions I have told you.The third condition is very simple. The third condition is that you have to forgive everyone.According to some people it’s very difficult. They cannot forgive, but logically try to understand. Ifyou forgive or don’t forgive, what do you do? Nothing. Both ways you do nothing. You just think,“I cannot forgive, I cannot forgive.” But if you don’t forgive, then you play in to wrong hands. Ifyou don’t forgive, then you play in to wrong hands definitely, because the person who has harmedyou, or troubled you, will always try to deviate the matter. He wouldn’t bother to see that I havetrouble that person or anything, but you are the one, who will be troubling yourself and all the timetorturing yourself. All the time saying that. “I cannot forgive this man. I cannot forgive man.” Thatperson might have even forgotten you all. So there is no logic in it, but more over, when you do notforgive then, the centre, Agnya, which is on the optic chiasma, is like this, constructed like this,absolutely like this and to open this you have to forgive, otherwise how will the kundalini pass. Ithas to open, only by forgiving every one. You don’t have to think about whom you have to forgive,what they have given, how to forgive, how to do it, just say that, “I forgive everyone in general.”Don’t have to think about them. At this moment, if you say that, you’ll feel much lighter.So these are the three conditions we have and I think it’s not difficult to do it if you see the logicbehind it…Now as I told it takes about 10-15 minutes that’s all…. All those who want to do it can do it. Thosewho don’t want it. I cannot force, so they should leave. There are very simple things, for whichpeople object. Now I don’t know if it’s too much to do, but if you can take out your shoes, it helps alot. This Mother Earth helps us. She is a living body and she sucks in our problems. She sucks inour heat. So I will be thankful, if you could take out your shoes and keep them away. Even thiscould be a too much condition for the Western people sometimes in England.It’s not so cold also, you can keep your socks on. Now! You are quite comfortable and sitcomfortably. You don’t have to stand on your heads. You don’t have to go to Himalayas, nothing.No starvation, no fasting, nothing, it’s something inside. It has nothing to do with your outsidebehaviour and surprisingly it’s all there, intact. If of course if you are suffering from some disease,may be you have been to some guru, who has harmed you, or something, then maybe it may notwork out, but that’s one percent. But even those, who do not get Realisation, can get it later on andthere are Sahaja Yogis who can give you Realisation. There is no problem on that. You are heremeans, you have already entered in to the Kingdom of the God, that you desire to have your SelfRealisation is the biggest thing.Now, what we have to do, is to put both the hands like this towards me, comfortably, again verycomfortably, you can if you have the hand rest, you can put it on the hand rest, or like this bothhands towards me. Now, these are two powers, (Shri Mataji to Sahaja Yogi – alright now, will yougo ahead a little bit there and show them, because everybody should see. I think it’s better now.)Can you see him all of you? Alright, (So ha …now better.)Now you put both the hands like this, as these two powers are different, we have put both the feetapart from each other. Now please put your right hand on your heart. And we will now show you,what we will have to do.In the heart resides the Spirit, that’s the reflection of God Almighty. If you become the Spirit youbecome your own Master. So you take down your right hand on the lower portion of the abdomen,on the left hand side. We are just working on the left hand side and here is the centre of yourMastery, which is created by great masters and prophets, which you have to awaken.Now please take your right hand, on the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left side again.Surprisingly, this is the centre of Pure Divine Knowledge. You’ll later on know how it works. It’svery interesting.Now raise your hand again, in the upper portion of your abdomen. Please. And then, raise your righthand on your heart again. Now put right your hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder andturn head to the your right. This is the centre, I have told you, when you are guilty it is caught andhow it is dangerous.Now, take your right hand on top of your forehead, across and put down your head. This is thecentre for forgiving others. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head. Pushback your head. These are all the centres. Now this centre is very important, without feeling guilty,without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction, you will have to ask for forgiveness from thisAll-Pervading Power.Then, please stretch your palm fully, stretch your palm. It’s the last centre, which is on the fontanelbone area. So put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which may be hot, whichmay be cool. Now push back your fingers. This is important. Please push back your fingers, so thereis good pressure on your scalp. Please bend your head as far as possible and now move your righthand fully, moving the scalp with the pressure seven times. Please bend your head that’s important.That’s all we have to do. Now again please close your eyes and you will have to open them till I tellyou. But before that, see that your both the legs or feet are apart from each other. Left hand is onyour lap or comfortably put toward me like this. And now put your right hand on your heart. Youcan take out your spectacles. it will help you, moreover, till I tell you, please don’t open your eyes.Now close your eyes, slowly, not with pressure, but slowly, delicately. Now, don’t worry aboutwhere your thoughts are, what you have to do, concentrate, nothing. Kundalini will do all the job.You just leave it alone.Now here is the centre of your Spirit, so here you have to ask a fundamental question about yourselfto me. You can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji. So please ask a question, “Mother,am I the Spirit?” Please ask the question in your heart “Mother, am I the Spirit?” Three times! Ihave told you, that if you become the Spirit, you become your Master, because in the light of yourSpirit, you know what is to be done. Your Spirit guides you.So now please take your right hand on the left-hand side of your abdomen in the upper part andpress it. Here you ask me another question about yourself, three times in your heart, “Mother, am Imy own Master?” “Mother, am I my own Master?”I have already told you, that I respect your freedom and this Pure Knowledge cannot be given toyou, with force, so you have to ask for it. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of yourabdomen on the left hand side and ask six times, because this centre has got six petals. “Mother,please give me Pure Divine Knowledge.” You have to ask for it. I cannot force on you. Please asksix times.As soon as you ask for Pure Knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising like a plumule in a seed and isgoing upward now, so we have to help the higher chakras with our self confidence. So now pleaseput your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and here you have tosay with full confidence, because this is the centre of your Mastery. “Mother, I am my own Master.”Please say it ten times, “Mother, I am my own Master.”Now, please raise your right hand on the heart. I have already told you, that you are the Pure Spirit.You are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, these emotions, but you are the PureSpirit. So now here you ask twelve times. You have to say with full confidence, twelve times“Mother, I am the Pure Spirit” “Mother, I am the Pure Spirit.”I have already told you, that if you feel guilty and you don’t forgive yourself, you develop aproblem for your left Vishuddhi, which is very dangerous for your health, as well as for your SelfRealisation. So at this moment, you have to forgive yourself fully. So now raise your right hand inthe left corner of your neck and shoulder and put your head to your right. Here you have to saysixteen times, with full confidence in yourself. “Mother, I am not guilty at all.” Please say it sixteentimes. Have faith in yourself, just say I tell you are not guilty, you are human beings and humanbeings can commit mistakes. You are not gods, so please say it with full confidence sixteen times.Most intricate part is that, you have to forgive every one without thinking about them, in general. Ifyou don’t forgive, then this chakra will be completely constricted and the Kundalini won’t rise. Allyour life you have tortured yourself, by not forgiving others and now at this moment, if you don’tforgive this centre won’t open at all, so you will miss again your Self-Realisation. You have to askforgiveness from this All-Pervading Power, just for your satisfaction. Don’t count your mistakesplease. Don’t feel guilty in any way.Now put your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possibleand here you have to say, “Oh Divine Power, if I have done anything knowingly or unknowingly,something that is wrong, please forgive me.” This also you have to say from your heart, not howmany times counting or anything, but from your heart you have to say.Some people find it difficult to forgive themselves and some people find it difficult to forgive others.Now stretch your palm fully, put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area and pushback your fingers. Now, please bend your head. Again at this centre, I cannot force Self-Realisationon you. You have ask for it. So, please move you hands seven times. Please put down your head.Please put down your head. Please move your scalp with your hand, with pressure, because youhave pushed back your fingers, seven times, slowly, clock wise, saying, “Mother please give meSelf-Realisation.” You have to say it, unless or until you ask for it, I cannot force it on you, soplease say it.(Shri Mataji blows into the microphone)Now please take down your hands. Please open your eyes, slowly. Put both the hands towards me,like this.Now put your right hand towards me like this and with the left hand, you bend your head and seefor yourself, if there is cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Could be hot if you have notforgiven. Don’t put the hand on top of your head. So away from it and move your hand. Sometimesit can be very close, or it can be far away. So please bend your head and see for yourself if there is acool, or a hot breeze like sensation coming from the fontanel bone area and don’t doubt. May beyou might think it’s air conditioning and all that, but there is no air conditioning in your head. So,see it if for yourself, nicely.Now, please put your left hand towards me and put the right hand… now you see if there is coolbreeze or a hot breeze like sensation, coming out of your head. Now, turn your hand on all the sides.You can also see if some people get it very far. Some people get it like a jet out. Some it is closer tothe head. It depends on the personality of a person. Alright. Now have another one, right one, righthand last lastly. Please put your left hand, now bend your head and see for yourself, there is a coolor a hot breeze coming out of your head. It’s little further also you can see clearly, if there is.Now please put both the hands towards the sky and push back your head and here you have to ask aquestion. Any one of these questions, you can ask three times. The first question is, you can say is,“Is this the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love?” “Mother is this is the All-Pervading Power ofDivine Love?” Second question could be, “Is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” Thirdquestion could be, “Mother is this the Brahma Chaitanya?” Ask any one of these questions threetimes. Now bring down the hands and put both hands towards me and watch me without thinking.All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips, or on their palms, or out of theirfontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in childhood, please raise both your hands.Every one of you!May God bless you Sydney people. I am so happy. May God bless you. Now keep it up. You haveto come to the collective and keep it up, and know the knowledge, all of it.Can I see this side? All of you got it? Oh my God! It’s remarkable. This side also? (laughs) It’sreally remarkable.May God bless you. It’s tremendous. Some didn’t get, very, very few. One here, one there, so theycan also come later on, on the stage and Sahaja yogis will give them Realisation. No problem, butwe will have one song just before I leave. I hope you will keep sitting till then and you can alsoclap, so your hands become more active. Some song that will give you nice clapping rhythm, whichone?(Hindi & Marathi conversation with Sahaja Yogis)You put your hand like this. It will increase with the song. You’ll feel the Cool Breeze increase withthe songs.You put your hand like this it will increase with the song it will definitely increase withthe songs.(After the Song)Now just feel your vibrations just feel with this clapping, how they have improved or not. Alright?It’s much better, the flow. Also you can see on your head, you’re much better. As the lady had seen,the one describe by Lord Mayor you can see on other’s head also, if it is there or not. With theneighbours you can see. It’s there. Not on top, here little. It’s open now.
Public Program. Sydney (Australia), 6 April 1994.1I bow to all the Seekers of TruthI am very thankful to Mr Henry Tsang, for addressing you and introducing me to you, that’s verykind of him. It is the one the very rare occasions, where I have seen people in authority haveunderstood my work and have tried to help me.Whatever he said is really very remarkable, that all these greater people like Lao-Tse, who startedTaoism, Buddha, who was teaching Buddhism, all of them talked about the oneness of HumanBeing with the nature. And if you cannot combine nature with yourself, then you cannot be calledas an evolved soul.In that thing I was telling him about Yangtze river where he comes from same state Yangtze. ThatYangtze river I travelled through with my husband and it’s the one Lao-Tse has used for describinga human ascent. It’s a river which goes in different angles and makes lots of currents and it’s verydangerous to ply through that, but they are having an… now a tourist arrangement to go throughthat and my husband as he was in marine time, they invited us to see them.So in that the message was that, you see, you are passing through a very beautiful land. You seeacross the banks, beautiful trees and very beautiful mountains, which you see in the paintings ofChinese. They are really like that, but you should not get lost. You have to go further, you can watchthese.. all these beautiful scenes, sit down there, enjoy yourself, but still you have to go with thestream.Then you go further and further, it’s described it very well in his Tao. Tao means, ‘that it is’ and itstarted showing such beautiful scenes sometimes that I really felt that I should get out of the boatand sit down there. But he was meaning that in your meditation when you are moving, you shouldnot get tempted by this outward fascination of nature also, but you enjoy, be one with it, you just seeit, enjoy it and then he says that the river flows closer to the sea, that is the ultimate aim of the river,then she becomes absolutely silent and she spreads out and then gradually she moves towards thesea. It’s such a beautiful description and I have seen it myself and I can understand the poet how hewanted to communicate, that how the nature should teach us, how to be meditative within ourselves.Buddha always talked about the Central Path and also he always said that our character is themainstay. If you don’t have good character, then it is very difficult to ascend. These were the dayswhen really this was the position. In India there were horrible, cruel kings and then they werekilling people just for land or something. This was so much in India that Buddha, if he had notcome it would have not stopped and gradually when the awakening came within them,, that this issomething wrong they are doing. They should not kill human beings for just getting some land.What is the use of this thing? Ultimately one king, saw the blood flowing through one river and hegot such a repentance about what he had done, that he went to Buddha and told him that, “Sir pleasesave me and I am very guilty about what I have been doing and I don’t think I can live any longerwith this guilt.” So Buddha pacified him and he became a Buddhist.Now in Sahaja Yoga we have a way by which we become one with reality, one with this AllPervading Power. So the first point, if is the truth, is this, that you are not this body, this mind, orthis ego or your conditionings, but what you are, you are a pure Spirit, which is said by Christ, saidby all these great prophets. Everybody has said that and then second truth is that there is an AllPervading Power of Divine Love. You see the flowers of Sydney is so beautiful, one better than theother. See how they have grown. We never think that there is something miracle about them. It is amiracle, the way they have grown out of the Mother Earth with such a beauty. After all we cannotdo that. Mother Earth has done it and we take all those living works for granted. We don’t eventhink who runs our heart. We don’t even think who digests our food. What is that energy which doesall these things, which controls our heights and everything else that is living?So there is a power of All-Pervading Love and that is the one, which really has created us and thatis the one which is going to give us our Realisation. This energy that is within us is what we call asthe Kundalini. He must have told you about it, is the reflection of this all pervading power which issettled in our sacrum bone. Sacrum as you know is called ‘Sacred’ by the people who were Greeks.They were not Indians and they called this ‘Sacred Bone’. I asked the curator, “Why you call it assacrum?” He said “We were told, it’s a sacred bone and there is energy of the Mother inside it.” Iwas amazed that these Greeks knew about it. And it’s so surprising, that for ancient times we knewabout in India, about this energy that is within us .. but somehow or other it was tradition, not to notto talk about it or give Self-Realisation to people en masse.One teacher will have only one student. One guru will have one disciple, that’s all and he would justselect one out of thousands and give Realisation to one and tell him the secret of Kundalini. It wasgoing on for ages together till the 12th Century there was a big poet. We had a very great poet whoat the age of 31 years wrote tremendous secrets about spiritual life. I mean it’s unbelievable at thisyoung age, because he died after that and then he is one who wrote in his book, after takingpermission from his guru, that this Kundalini is one she does all the job. But people who were incharge of Hindu religion at the time, were just like priest every where. They said this chapter is nogood this is ‘Nishidh’. We are not to deal with this. It is to be avoided. So no body paid attention tothat fact, but in the 16th century we had lots of poets in our country, who have sang the praise ofthis Kundalini. Also in Bible, there is that, “I will appear before you like tongues of flames.” Andthese chakras look like that. Inside, they are very mild tongues of flames.So all these things though little bit described in the Bible, described in the Koran, everywhere, butthere was no proper, intelligible knowledge about Kundalini I would say, though in India they had.There was a kind of a …you can call religious experiments, which were called as NathPanthis.These people are the same, who had only one disciple, one guru sort of thing, but later on it justspread out and we had lots of people in the 16th century who started talking about Kundalini andsaying about it. So that’s how we have this knowledge in that county since long. But after theBritish came, it all became nonsense and nobody bothered for 300 hundred years and all thisknowledge has gone into kind of a cupboard from where it came out.Now, I knew about it myself, but I wanted to find out a method by which we could give Realisationen masse, not to one person. If you give to one person, everybody will get after him or crucify him,or kill him, or give poison, or get out. Now the time also has also come, this is the time that we sayin the Bible is the judgement, the last judgement but in Koran it’s very clearly written. See how allthe truths are the same everywhere. The Koran it is written that at this time, which they callQiyamah, the resurrection time, “Your hands will speak and they will witness against you.” Soactually when you get your Realisation, you start feeling the energy in your hand and you canverify, you can verify what centres are catching and it’s tangible.As you know, that in Delhi there are three doctors who have already got MD for curing incurablediseases, through Sahaja Yoga. Now for diagnosis you don’t have to go in to that horrible, gruellingexperience of diagnosis. Just you feel it on your fingertips. You can know what is wrong with youand it’s absolutely curable. I tell you frankly, that definitely people have been cured of bloodcancers. They have been cured about 9-10 years back. They are still living and they are quite haleand hearty. We have seen that people who are suffering from all kind of incurable diseases arecured, but they have to enter into a new state of awareness that is what we call is the Sahaja Yogastate, where you become one with this Divine Power. Then this power starts flowing through you.Most of the world’s problems, if you see come from human beings not from nature, more fromhuman beings and the nature reacts to it. Now when you get these problems, you start running abouthere and there and trying to find out solutions. The solution is within. Within our centres, whenthese centres are in jeopardy, you get all these physical, mental, emotional problems for your selfand for the whole society for the whole world.So now what should we do? Is to correct these centres by the awakening of this Kundalini whichpasses through six centres. These centres get enlightened and that enlightenment cures them,nourishes them and integrates them. Then you are completely one with this All-Pervading Powerand the correction becomes permanent. At that time they say that it starts flowing through you, youcan feel it on your fingertips and by that you develop all your potential powers which are so many,so many that in this small lecture I may not be able to tell you the whole, but some of them I will beable to tell you, that the first thing happens to you that you achieve a state of peace. You arethinking of tomorrow, or of yesterday past and future, but present we not there. Present is notknown to us and reality is in the present. So when you are thinking of the past and future, you arejumping on the cusp of those thoughts. In between these thoughts, there is space which we call asVilamb in Sanskrit is the pause and that is the time when you are in present, which is very short andthat’s why you can never be in the present.So, when the Kundalini rises, your attention is driven inside and these thoughts expand, in the sensethat they elongate and there is the space in between is quite big. Thus you establish yourself into anew state and a new dimension of your awareness, which we call as Thoughtless Awareness. That isthe meditation. You cannot do meditation you have to be in meditation is a state then there is nothought but you are fully aware. Whatever you see is recorded like a picture in your mind and suchtremendous changes take place in human beings they are surprised like very ordinary person, whowas playing once a instrument before me was very boring to begin with and suddenly I don’t knowwhat happened to him. His Kundalini was awakened and he was playing such beautiful music andtoday he is a world famous man.There are very powerful Sahaja Yogis in the world now and I am so very happy that this hashappened to people, that they have felt their own energy and they have felt their own peace. Thesecond state which you achieve, what we call, this is the Thoughtless Awareness and the second oneis called as the Doubtless Awareness. Patanjali in his yoga as said called them as Nirvichar Samadhiand Nirvikalap Samadhi. Now these two states if you have achieved, then all your powers you knowwhat you have. You know all your inner being. You know your chakras and you know all threeautonomous nerves system like para-sympathetic, sympathetic systems everything you know, andyou know how to control them, how to improve them, how to work them. So you become your ownmaster. There are very powerful Sahaja Yogis in the world now and I am so very happy that this hashappened to people, that they have felt their own energy and they have felt their own peace.The second state that you achieve, what we call, this is the thoughtless awareness and the secondone is called the doubtless awareness. Patanjali in his yoga as said called them as NirvicharSamadhi and Nirvikalap Samadhi. Now these two states if you have achieved, then all your powersyou know what you have. You know all your inner being. You know your chakras and you know allthe three… What should I say? The Autonomous Nervous System: like para-sympathetic,sympathetic systems everything you know, and you know how to control them, how to improvethem, how to work them out. So you become your own master.Firstly, when you are awakened firstly what you get is all your talents. For example: I seeAustralians are great artists. I have seen people who have come to Sahaja Yoga become such deepartist and such beautiful artist, aesthetically so rich. It is because whatever you know is very littleand the whole dynamism of your creativity just explodes and you start producing things which arevery soothing, which are very beautiful, which makes every one so happy. It’s not some sort ofnonsensical thing you do some queer thing just to please the people and show off that you are agreat designer and this and that. No! You do it natural, honest reproduction of what you feel and thatfeeling is absolutely divine and thus you produce really classical, beautiful things, which is verysurprising how these modern children have taken to it. Normally the Modern Art, as you know ismostly understood by the artist himself. Nobody else can understand it, because they just go madand do all kinds of things.In this also you may do Modern Art means in the sense that you break all the lines and everything,but, what you find that whatever you do is extremely soothing and natural, one with the nature andanybody who sees that will say, “Who has made this sort of an expression of the true feeling fromwithin; nothing artificial, nothing vulgar, nothing nonsensical.”In the same way musicians and other things in every art… I was, I have been really amazed howSahaja Yoga has helped. I have seen this Sydney Sahaja Yogis singing to you this Marathi andSanskrit songs and Hindi songs, which not even Indians can sing. They cannot sing so well, I meanif you hear them from outside, nobody will know they are people from Australia. They areAustralians, as if some Indians are singing, it’s very difficult. Indian singing is extremely difficult,people practice for years together to achieve this. Not only that they know it, but also so many ofthem know it by heart and I don’t know how they have picked it up, this I just don’t understand.Then they come and sing in India. Even so many artists have said, “Now we are ashamed the waythese people are doing. At such young age, how they have picked it so well. They sing in suchbeautiful unison.” All these things happen to you.Secondly it happens, that so-called religions that you have, you follow. Somebody will say, “I am aBuddhist.” Somebody will say, “I am Christian, I am Hindu, Muslim,” anything. They can commitany sins, it’s outward. It’s just a label. Like one girl met me and she was saying, “I am born again.”I said, “You are not. You just label yourself as ‘Born Again’, you are not. Unless and until you getyour Realisation, you cannot be born again and once you are born again, you get the quality of apersonality, who is born again has so many powers, so compassionate, so peaceful. You are not.” Isaid, “You are in a delusion,” She asked me, “Are you born again?” I said, “I am, of course I amand you can be also if you want to, but if you want to carry on with artificial levels, what can youdo? What good have they done to anyone?” So the artificiality drops out and your real personalitystarts expressing itself. As far as the religion is concerned, you become absolutely righteous.The other day, I was reading about the genes and I was amazed to hear that the Asians have twogenes to protect them, but the western people have none. Now the two genes are that within us, oneis, I would say, comes from the mother, may be with the father, or the society, or whatever it is, butone we call in Sahaja Yoga, ‘sin against the Mother’ and ‘sin against the Father,’ out of which theleft side, when we are there, we are sinning against the Mother, means we become immoral. Wedon’t know what is morality. We start playing with things, which we should not. Then we get intotrouble, we get diseases, this, that, all sorts of problems, because there is no protection. So we arevery vulnerable. All kinds of indulgences and all kinds of habits, that we form, which are selfdestructive, is sin against the Mother.The another gene is the one that protects you against the sin against the father and sin against thefather is to be dishonest, to be corrupt, not to believe that God is your Father. Why should we do allthis thing? So this kind of a sin, also we start doing. Both these genes that are protective are createdafter Sahaja Yoga within you and you just don’t do wrong things. I have seen people from West,how they were. They give up all kinds of nonsense. We never have the problems of somebody’swife running away with somebody and somebody’s daughter running away with somebody. Somerape and all that, it’s out of question. We have thousands and thousands of Sahaja Yogis and theycome together many a times. I have never seen them quarrelling, fighting have any violence oranything.So this, the sin against the Father and sin against the Mother, just is sort of established, that they justdon’t do. it. They dress up properly. They live properly. They don’t take to drugs. They don’t takeall these things. Now you know the progeny, how it is facing the effects of this modern life. Likeyou see, the children are left to dogs, they become so horrible. I have seen in Miami with my owneyes, children who were only 12 years of age, were carrying revolvers and were selling drugs,because the law is such, that they do not punish 12 years old children in the jail, so people aretaking advantage of these children and they are behaving like this. There are children who arekilling their parents. There are parents who are killing their children. This kind of a violence is thesin against the Father.So both ways you see, if there is sort of an attack. What will happen to such a society? Is importantone has to take to spiritual life and the spiritual life of not outside, that you just go to church, singsome hymn numbers, this and that and come home. This is not that, it has to be innate, withinyourself. You have to be honest. You have to be integrated with yourself and then this innatereligion will tell you, that you belong to the religion, which is a universal religion, whichencompasses all the religions, which respects all the great incarnations, all the prophets, every one.Every religion is a flower on the tree of life of spirituality, but you have taken away that flower andyou are fighting with the dead flower. “This is mine.” “This mine.” You have no claims and is thedead flower which is now petrified and that’s how you see in every religion what problems arecoming. How people are suffering. How they are fighting. All kinds of things happen. So peoplebecome… they say, “We don’t believe in God.” They become atheist. When they become atheistalso, they are doing the wrong thing and those who believe in God, in such a way, are also wrong.It’s a blind faith.With Sahaja Yoga, I must tell you one thing, you shouldn’t have blind faith. If you feel theexperience of Realisation, then of course as honest people, you must accept, respect it and go-aheadwith it and grow. But if you don’t feel the experience, you shouldn’t tell lies. You should comeagain and again. See that you get your Realisation.There are so many things, as I told you, I could tell you, but only the attention part I have told you,that attention gets enlightened and wherever you put your attention it works. It helps. So in a wayyou start living collectively. You start feeling that you are part and parcel of one whole being. Themicrocosm becomes the macrocosm, a drops becomes the ocean and that’s how the whole worldcan become one, one day and all these problems and things will go away, because through SahajaYoga you know absolute truth. Everybody knows the same truth, no quarrel, as you are watchingme, I am sitting down here. All of you feel the same about everything. So there are no discussions,no arguments, no fightings nothing and you really become a peaceful personality. You emit peace,as I told you.So the highest thing is that you enter into to the Kingdom of the God. Somebody told me today,“Mother, they… people don’t know what is Kingdom of God.” So I said, “They have to enter in tosee.” Unless and until I enter into this hall, how will I know what this hall is like.” So once theyenter into it, they write to me, that Mother we are now in the Kingdom of God, because you startdrowned into you feel you are drowned into the ocean of joy and joy is not double like happinessand unhappiness.Supposing you have your ego is pampered. You feel very happy, that I am such and such. I have gotthis and if any is punctured you feel unhappy, but joy is singular, it’s in that state, from where youwitness your life.In a one lecture, program, I don’t think I will able tell you all about it. I must have given at leastfour thousand lectures in only English language. So I have to tell one thing, that today whatever ishappening in Sahaja Yoga is the culmination of your evolution, culmination of all spiritual work,that people have done, all the saints, prophets and incarnations and is the last judgement for you, sothat you enter into the Kingdom of God.Sahaja means ‘born with you’. ‘Saha’ is ‘with’. ‘Ja’ is’born.’ Born with you is the right to becomeunited, which means yoga, with this All-Pervading Power. It is your birth right, because you areborn at this time and this should happen, but after that please remember that you might feel verygreat about it and you may just enjoy it individually, but it’s not an individual growth. You have tocome to our centres. You don’t have to pay for it.Some people think that this is an introduction lecture so there’s no payment. You cannot pay forliving thing. How can you pay? How can pay for the seed which is planted in the Mother Earth?How can you pay to the Mother Earth or to the seed? It’s all built in. In the same way, it’s built intoyou. Of course for formally I use to come Australia with my own money and all that, but now wehave so many Sahaja Yogis, that they want pay for my travel, may be for this hall they might havepaid, but you don’t have to pay for your Self-Realisation and all the knowledge of your being, innerbeing, your powers and everything, for that you don’t have to pay. All these little expenses, which isvery little, partly I should say, are taken over by so many Sahaja Yogis that you have.In Sydney itself, you have lots of Sahaja Yogis they told me there are 22 centres in Sydney. So youall can take full advantage of it, but you must respect yourself, you must respect your SelfRealisation. After all, you must be something special to get it. So please don’t neglect it. There is nomesmerism to keep you attached to Sahaja Yoga. There is no other temptations, but one that youhave to be one with this All-Pervading Power and this Kundalini is the pure desire, the power ofpure desire. You are aware of if it, or you may not be aware of it, that you have only one pure desireis to be one with all this All-Pervading Power, because all other desires if you see, once they arefulfilled they are of no importance to you.So it is said that, in general wants are not satiable. You never feel satisfied, but after this completesatisfaction comes in to you and you start enjoying everything, enjoying other people, enjoyingyour own relations, enjoying the whole world. This is such a blissful time, that you are born. Takefull advantage of it and pay full attention to yourself and understand that just by labelling yourselfas something, you do not become that. Do not fight for something that is artificial, but achievesomething that is real.Thank you very much. I hope after one year again I will come back here and meet you. By that timeall of you will grow up like big trees of spirituality, giving such vibrations and realisation thatpower you will have, that you can give Realisation, you can cure people, you can help people. Somepeople, who have never been orators, have become great orators of Sahaja Yoga and all over theworld you have brothers and sisters who are sincerely yours.May God Bless you. Thank you very much (Clapping from audience) Can you ask them to put offthe light so that I can see the people.There is one thing more that I cannot force Self-Realization on you. All of you can get it. Must justhave confidence. All can get it, but if you don’t want to have it, I cannot force on you. I respect yourfreedom and I have to request people, if they don’t want to have it, they should leave the hall. That’smuch better and otherwise I am sure it will work out for all of you.Shri Mataji speaks to the Yogis: Can you ask them to reduce the light a little bit? Put the light, thatside. It’s too much. Also reduce this one, it’s too much light on me? Can’t see anyone.Till I give Realisation please reduce this is too much. I never used to wear these glasses, but forthese kind of things.Shri Mataji to Yogis: No, no, no these big things. I want to see them.Yogi: We need to douse these overheads. Thank you.Shri Mataji: Ah, that proves one thing, that if you are blinded by something like that, you can notsee anything else, you see, so one has to…So again, I would request those who want to go should leave, will be good idea. It takes 10-15minutes, not more than that, but its… You go beyond your mind. You just go on thinking about it,this, that, then it won’t work out ………………….So nice! Left Nabhi is there.So, before we start I have to tell you there are three conditions, which are very simple conditions.The first one is, that you have to be fully confident, that you all will get your Self-Realisation. So itfollows the second condition, that you should in no way feel guilty about anything. It’s a fashionalso, to feel guilty all the time, saying “Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.” Even on the phone we use to say,“I beg your pardon,” but people say, “Sorry, sorry, sorry.” It’s a fashion. To feel guilty is really afashion. If you have done anything wrong just face it that moment and just leave it. But you carryon with it and that works on left Vishuddhi here, which is a very…very, very important thing,because if your left Vishuddhi is caught up, then you can get spondylitis, which is a very horribledisease, or another one which is called, angina, or you may get very lethargic organs. So this is suchan important centre, which you are spoiling, just with your imaginary… imaginary style of thinking,that you are guilty, that you have done this wrong. You should not have done that wrong and youfeel guilty.Of course everybody has right to feel guilty. I cannot challenge that. They can feel. Everybody hasright, even to cut their throat. But as a mother, I am saying, “Better not.” Why to do somethingwhich is injurious to us, good for nothing? And at this moment, when you are about to get yourRealisation, you miss the point.This is the greatest thing that you are going to you have. All your powers are going to expressthemselves. All your glory you are going to know. At this time what is the use of feel guilty andcondemning yourself? So just what you have to say in your heart is that, “Mother I am not guilty atall.” That’s all. You don’t have to do anything, but in your heart ,please say, just now in your heartthat, “Mother I am not guilty at all.” Second point! So now two conditions I have told you.The third condition is very simple. The third condition is that you have to forgive everyone.According to some people it’s very difficult. They cannot forgive, but logically try to understand. Ifyou forgive or don’t forgive, what do you do? Nothing. Both ways you do nothing. You just think,“I cannot forgive, I cannot forgive.” But if you don’t forgive, then you play in to wrong hands. Ifyou don’t forgive, then you play in to wrong hands definitely, because the person who has harmedyou, or troubled you, will always try to deviate the matter. He wouldn’t bother to see that I havetrouble that person or anything, but you are the one, who will be troubling yourself and all the timetorturing yourself. All the time saying that. “I cannot forgive this man. I cannot forgive man.” Thatperson might have even forgotten you all. So there is no logic in it, but more over, when you do notforgive then, the centre, Agnya, which is on the optic chiasma, is like this, constructed like this,absolutely like this and to open this you have to forgive, otherwise how will the kundalini pass. Ithas to open, only by forgiving every one. You don’t have to think about whom you have to forgive,what they have given, how to forgive, how to do it, just say that, “I forgive everyone in general.”Don’t have to think about them. At this moment, if you say that, you’ll feel much lighter.So these are the three conditions we have and I think it’s not difficult to do it if you see the logicbehind it…Now as I told it takes about 10-15 minutes that’s all…. All those who want to do it can do it. Thosewho don’t want it. I cannot force, so they should leave. There are very simple things, for whichpeople object. Now I don’t know if it’s too much to do, but if you can take out your shoes, it helps alot. This Mother Earth helps us. She is a living body and she sucks in our problems. She sucks inour heat. So I will be thankful, if you could take out your shoes and keep them away. Even thiscould be a too much condition for the Western people sometimes in England.It’s not so cold also, you can keep your socks on. Now! You are quite comfortable and sitcomfortably. You don’t have to stand on your heads. You don’t have to go to Himalayas, nothing.No starvation, no fasting, nothing, it’s something inside. It has nothing to do with your outsidebehaviour and surprisingly it’s all there, intact. If of course if you are suffering from some disease,may be you have been to some guru, who has harmed you, or something, then maybe it may notwork out, but that’s one percent. But even those, who do not get Realisation, can get it later on andthere are Sahaja Yogis who can give you Realisation. There is no problem on that. You are heremeans, you have already entered in to the Kingdom of the God, that you desire to have your SelfRealisation is the biggest thing.Now, what we have to do, is to put both the hands like this towards me, comfortably, again verycomfortably, you can if you have the hand rest, you can put it on the hand rest, or like this bothhands towards me. Now, these are two powers, (Shri Mataji to Sahaja Yogi – alright now, will yougo ahead a little bit there and show them, because everybody should see. I think it’s better now.)Can you see him all of you? Alright, (So ha …now better.)Now you put both the hands like this, as these two powers are different, we have put both the feetapart from each other. Now please put your right hand on your heart. And we will now show you,what we will have to do.In the heart resides the Spirit, that’s the reflection of God Almighty. If you become the Spirit youbecome your own Master. So you take down your right hand on the lower portion of the abdomen,on the left hand side. We are just working on the left hand side and here is the centre of yourMastery, which is created by great masters and prophets, which you have to awaken.Now please take your right hand, on the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left side again.Surprisingly, this is the centre of Pure Divine Knowledge. You’ll later on know how it works. It’svery interesting.Now raise your hand again, in the upper portion of your abdomen. Please. And then, raise your righthand on your heart again. Now put right your hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder andturn head to the your right. This is the centre, I have told you, when you are guilty it is caught andhow it is dangerous.Now, take your right hand on top of your forehead, across and put down your head. This is thecentre for forgiving others. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head. Pushback your head. These are all the centres. Now this centre is very important, without feeling guilty,without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction, you will have to ask for forgiveness from thisAll-Pervading Power.Then, please stretch your palm fully, stretch your palm. It’s the last centre, which is on the fontanelbone area. So put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which may be hot, whichmay be cool. Now push back your fingers. This is important. Please push back your fingers, so thereis good pressure on your scalp. Please bend your head as far as possible and now move your righthand fully, moving the scalp with the pressure seven times. Please bend your head that’s important.That’s all we have to do. Now again please close your eyes and you will have to open them till I tellyou. But before that, see that your both the legs or feet are apart from each other. Left hand is onyour lap or comfortably put toward me like this. And now put your right hand on your heart. Youcan take out your spectacles. it will help you, moreover, till I tell you, please don’t open your eyes.Now close your eyes, slowly, not with pressure, but slowly, delicately. Now, don’t worry aboutwhere your thoughts are, what you have to do, concentrate, nothing. Kundalini will do all the job.You just leave it alone.Now here is the centre of your Spirit, so here you have to ask a fundamental question about yourselfto me. You can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji. So please ask a question, “Mother,am I the Spirit?” Please ask the question in your heart “Mother, am I the Spirit?” Three times! Ihave told you, that if you become the Spirit, you become your Master, because in the light of yourSpirit, you know what is to be done. Your Spirit guides you.So now please take your right hand on the left-hand side of your abdomen in the upper part andpress it. Here you ask me another question about yourself, three times in your heart, “Mother, am Imy own Master?” “Mother, am I my own Master?”I have already told you, that I respect your freedom and this Pure Knowledge cannot be given toyou, with force, so you have to ask for it. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of yourabdomen on the left hand side and ask six times, because this centre has got six petals. “Mother,please give me Pure Divine Knowledge.” You have to ask for it. I cannot force on you. Please asksix times.As soon as you ask for Pure Knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising like a plumule in a seed and isgoing upward now, so we have to help the higher chakras with our self confidence. So now pleaseput your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and here you have tosay with full confidence, because this is the centre of your Mastery. “Mother, I am my own Master.”Please say it ten times, “Mother, I am my own Master.”Now, please raise your right hand on the heart. I have already told you, that you are the Pure Spirit.You are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, these emotions, but you are the PureSpirit. So now here you ask twelve times. You have to say with full confidence, twelve times“Mother, I am the Pure Spirit” “Mother, I am the Pure Spirit.”I have already told you, that if you feel guilty and you don’t forgive yourself, you develop aproblem for your left Vishuddhi, which is very dangerous for your health, as well as for your SelfRealisation. So at this moment, you have to forgive yourself fully. So now raise your right hand inthe left corner of your neck and shoulder and put your head to your right. Here you have to saysixteen times, with full confidence in yourself. “Mother, I am not guilty at all.” Please say it sixteentimes. Have faith in yourself, just say I tell you are not guilty, you are human beings and humanbeings can commit mistakes. You are not gods, so please say it with full confidence sixteen times.Most intricate part is that, you have to forgive every one without thinking about them, in general. Ifyou don’t forgive, then this chakra will be completely constricted and the Kundalini won’t rise. Allyour life you have tortured yourself, by not forgiving others and now at this moment, if you don’tforgive this centre won’t open at all, so you will miss again your Self-Realisation. You have to askforgiveness from this All-Pervading Power, just for your satisfaction. Don’t count your mistakesplease. Don’t feel guilty in any way.Now put your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possibleand here you have to say, “Oh Divine Power, if I have done anything knowingly or unknowingly,something that is wrong, please forgive me.” This also you have to say from your heart, not howmany times counting or anything, but from your heart you have to say.Some people find it difficult to forgive themselves and some people find it difficult to forgive others.Now stretch your palm fully, put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area and pushback your fingers. Now, please bend your head. Again at this centre, I cannot force Self-Realisationon you. You have ask for it. So, please move you hands seven times. Please put down your head.Please put down your head. Please move your scalp with your hand, with pressure, because youhave pushed back your fingers, seven times, slowly, clock wise, saying, “Mother please give meSelf-Realisation.” You have to say it, unless or until you ask for it, I cannot force it on you, soplease say it.(Shri Mataji blows into the microphone)Now please take down your hands. Please open your eyes, slowly. Put both the hands towards me,like this.Now put your right hand towards me like this and with the left hand, you bend your head and seefor yourself, if there is cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Could be hot if you have notforgiven. Don’t put the hand on top of your head. So away from it and move your hand. Sometimesit can be very close, or it can be far away. So please bend your head and see for yourself if there is acool, or a hot breeze like sensation coming from the fontanel bone area and don’t doubt. May beyou might think it’s air conditioning and all that, but there is no air conditioning in your head. So,see it if for yourself, nicely.Now, please put your left hand towards me and put the right hand… now you see if there is coolbreeze or a hot breeze like sensation, coming out of your head. Now, turn your hand on all the sides.You can also see if some people get it very far. Some people get it like a jet out. Some it is closer tothe head. It depends on the personality of a person. Alright. Now have another one, right one, righthand last lastly. Please put your left hand, now bend your head and see for yourself, there is a coolor a hot breeze coming out of your head. It’s little further also you can see clearly, if there is.Now please put both the hands towards the sky and push back your head and here you have to ask aquestion. Any one of these questions, you can ask three times. The first question is, you can say is,“Is this the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love?” “Mother is this is the All-Pervading Power ofDivine Love?” Second question could be, “Is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” Thirdquestion could be, “Mother is this the Brahma Chaitanya?” Ask any one of these questions threetimes. Now bring down the hands and put both hands towards me and watch me without thinking.All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips, or on their palms, or out of theirfontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in childhood, please raise both your hands.Every one of you!May God bless you Sydney people. I am so happy. May God bless you. Now keep it up. You haveto come to the collective and keep it up, and know the knowledge, all of it.Can I see this side? All of you got it? Oh my God! It’s remarkable. This side also? (laughs) It’sreally remarkable.May God bless you. It’s tremendous. Some didn’t get, very, very few. One here, one there, so theycan also come later on, on the stage and Sahaja yogis will give them Realisation. No problem, butwe will have one song just before I leave. I hope you will keep sitting till then and you can alsoclap, so your hands become more active. Some song that will give you nice clapping rhythm, whichone?(Hindi & Marathi conversation with Sahaja Yogis)You put your hand like this. It will increase with the song. You’ll feel the Cool Breeze increase withthe songs.You put your hand like this it will increase with the song it will definitely increase withthe songs.(After the Song)Now just feel your vibrations just feel with this clapping, how they have improved or not. Alright?It’s much better, the flow. Also you can see on your head, you’re much better. As the lady had seen,the one describe by Lord Mayor you can see on other’s head also, if it is there or not. With theneighbours you can see. It’s there. Not on top, here little. It’s open now.
Talk to Sahaja Yogis: Listen to Me and also try to follow what I say
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Farewell Talk. Burwood Ashram, Sydney (Australia). 7 April 1994. So, thank you very much for the greetings on this day. It was a Easter Monday when I got married that day, and also My baptism took place on Easter Monday. But you know our Easter Monday always changes according to the Monday it comes. So it was quite a big venture for Me to marry. Actually, I did not need it at all. But as you know in India, they won’t spare any girl from marriage, and they have been after My life since I was about eighteen years of age. So somehow I managed. But I was in the medical college Lahore, and suddenly the disturbances broke out there, of a very serious nature. And I came back, and there was no possibility of My going back. Then the whole thing – planned, I think Divine planned it for My marriage, because I had to accept them. And as My husband was there, there were many proposals also, which they chose this one, and I was married. In a way arranged, because I had never talked to him about it, he had not talked to Me, but he had seen Me once before. So, for Me it was all right because everybody’s so much worried in My family about My marriage all the time. But all throughout I feel that I looked after My husband’s relations, family, though he had none. He had only one sister whose grandson is Vinay. And all the rest of the family, all those relations of his, I really looked after them. And he was counting, he said, “You have looked after thirty-five nephews,” only nephews and how many nieces and how many … Because it was nature, you see, of compassion, which all they were this time, worried about all these people. My mother’s family was always well off. They didn’t need any help anywhere. These people were big landlords, once upon a time, all My husband’s relationship, and suddenly this was removed, all landlordship was removed from them, suddenly. And they became absolutely lost, their children became lost, you see, because they were used to such luxuries, this, that, and they had silver, gold, everything. And as soon as they lost their lands, they lost, only fifty acres were allowed for every family. So they had to sell out all their silvers and everything, and they had to be really adjusted now to a much poorer strata. The whole situation came as a very big shock to all of us, and it was My husband only who was well placed in life because he had never bothered about his lands and things. So he was well placed, he was in the government. So I took the responsibility of all these people and tried to help them in their education, in their finding jobs and things like that. It’s all worked, and they are all very well off now. So very happy to see them. They all came for the wedding of My granddaughter, and also of My daughters, and showed their gratitude. Out of them very few have come to Sahaja Yoga. Actually, the relations are always like that. They are so close that I tell them there’s a black point, you know, where everything dissolves into zero. So they are so close that they cannot see what is Sahaja Yoga. They have tremendous regard for Me. They have tremendous respect for Me. They’ll do anything, specially My husband has spent lot of money in the beginning of Sahaja Yoga, quite a lot. And doesn’t ask for it; or never mentioned it also. And we have spent so much of his money because we had a joint account; he never questioned Me, nothing of the kind. Very sweet of him. [Suddenly it comes up, I don’t know why. I’ve been talking too much.] So the situation is better now. They have faith in Sahaja Yoga. They try to meditate also. But they are not seekers, in a way, because they are so close to Me. As you people have an advantage, great advantage you have – that firstly you are seekers from ages, and you understand how important it is to get your Self-realization, because you feel lost without it. You think that if you don’t get your Self-realization, you should commit suicide, and there are many letters I have got saying that “We were mad. We were seeking, going to this person, going to that person.” Such big, big letters I got from them how they were cheated, how they were tortured, and how they were … spent money and how they were completely lynched by these gurus. Some of them had to sell their houses, and children were removed from schools, and everybody became extremely poor. So this was in London much worse. Later on I found that every country has this problem, they became drug addicts and all that. Despite all that now we have so many people who are Sahaja yogis all over the world, not only in Australia. But Australia has quite a lot of Sahaja yogis, I must say. And quantity is very, very large and good, and people are nice, but we have had, as I told you, a very bumpy start. Because of that, certain conditionings are built up in people. But now we have to see that our quality has to improve. Quality has to improve, and the test of quality, I think, is that they are very anxious to do whatever is possible for Sahaja Yoga. Whenever it’s possible, whatever is possible, they are anxious to do it. And also, they run a very good family, children, household. This is the sign that you have really developed in Sahaja Yoga. But if that is not so, then you will never enjoy the progress Sahaja Yoga is making. I have seen people, one person can give realization to one thousand. But there’s one person who has been in Sahaja Yoga, say, about twenty years, has not given realization to even one person. So we have two types, two extremes, I should – two extremes, from one to another. Now some people believe that they are very old Sahaja yogis. This is another mistake we commit. They believe, “We are the senior.” There’s nothing like seniority, juniority in Sahaja Yoga. I find sometimes very new people are such great Sahaja yogis. Very new. They just go down, absolutely, into the essence of themselves and of Sahaja Yoga. Maybe their previous lives must have been so great, possibly, or maybe this life they have achieved something great maybe from the parents or from somebody. But some of them are really very, very deep. One of the things I have seen in, mostly in Sahaja Yoga, that they are more concerned about themselves, about their families, about their children, at the most. But look at Me, I’m not ... I never bother about My health. If anybody asks Me, “How are You?” I said, “I am first class.” I never bother about Myself for anything, for My comfort, or for anything, food, anything. I have no sense at all to divert My attention inward. But if somebody else, say, is in trouble or has something, I just, just feel I must help that person. I must do something about him, I’m very concerned. Sometimes also, My family people said that “Even if You have one thousand concerns that You have for others, You’ll be better off.” But that’s why nothing, nothing can harm Me because I am always worried about your progress, about your problems, about your quarrels and fights, and this and that. It’s such a tremendous concern it is, such a full-throated, you can say – absolutely all My attention just goes focused on these problems. As soon as I see person, I know what the problem the person has, why is he not progressing, what is the problem he has with others. Everything I know in no time. But even if I know, I need not bother; but I really get very much bothered about them, as if – they are, as it is you know, part and parcel of My body – but the amount I worry about them, sometimes. People have always remarked about Me sometimes that “Mother, You need not worry so much about them. Why are You worried? Let them go to hell. Let them.” If you have once called Me “Mother,” then I really forgive. I’ve forgiven all the people who have troubled Me and have insulted Me, and given trouble in Sahaja Yoga. I’ve forgiven all of them. I have no time to worry about not forgiving. I should be an example for you, for you to understand that the more attention we pay to others, not finding their faults or criticizing them, but doing things for others; small, small nice things if you start doing for others, immediately, you will be surprised, your attention will sharpen. It will have a very great effect. Sahaja Yoga will spread through you and you will, yourself, will be very different person. You won’t criticize other Sahaja yogis, you won’t criticize this, that. I mean fundamental things, if there’s something wrong, you have to tell Me. That’s different. But that seldom people tell Me. So first we must extend our attention outside, towards others, not towards ourselves. Then the same about our children, our house, our this, that. Just extend your attention outside. Now see, I am a housewife. The last twenty-four years I have been traveling. And in a way you can say I am neglecting My family. But if you ask My family people, they’ll say – today they telephoned to Me to thank Me that I have completely built up this family. I don’t know when did I give time to them, but they feel that way, very much. And everybody thanked Me, every one of them said, “This family has been built up only by You, without You nothing could have been possible.” Because of My attention outside is so easy to work out anything that is needed to be done. Whatever needed to be done is done. I’ll give an example. You may call it a miracle. My grandson wanted to go to a university, good university in America. But they said, “You have to appear for SAT, and after that only we’ll admit,” and he would lose one year for that. I didn’t want him to go to America before doing SAT, because I thought that, see for six, seven days he goes there, he won’t be able to do much. And we left it at that. All right, he was preparing for SAT. I had told one Sahaja yogi there, Paul, that “You see if you can help us.” But nobody would talk to him in the university, when he went there, they wouldn’t even say if they have received the form of My grandson. The other day they rang up to say that he’s got admission already. How? God knows. The information has come that he’s got admission. Nobody in America can be admitted without SAT exams. Without any condition he got admission, and they told Me. I said, “Maybe Paul must have done something.” So I telephoned to Paul. He said, “Mother I did not go to that university. I didn’t ask anybody, they wouldn’t talk to me. They said you better not ring here, get lost.” And somehow, they don’t know how, they admitted him. And he was a last minute person who sent the form to this. But only thing, one thing had happened, he told Me that “If I don’t get admission in a good university, I will not go to America. It’s too much waste of money.” Very wise boy. I said, “All right.” That’s the only time I gave bandhan. And see now, he’s got his admission. His elder sister also got admission in John Hopkins Institute without any condition. Though when she went there, she found the atmosphere was no good for her, she ran away. But on the whole, that unconditional, they are saying, Gregoire told Me, “Mother, not possible. How can she get it?” I said, “There’s a letter.” Without putting any pressure, without doing anything, it happens. It’s a miracle. I must say it’s a miracle. But something works, and that is this all-pervading power. With one idea if you go about, it will not help you. If you want … Someone said, “Mother, we wanted to get this house, we couldn’t get it.” Because you had only one idea, to get the house. But if you had the whole idea that if we get the house, then we’ll do these things, we can work it out better, this, that, then you get it. So, you should project yourself towards other things which are more important than yourself. Then suddenly you will start growing. It’s like some trees grow higher, some do not. Why? Because they aspire the sun’s light and they want to be more nearer to sun. But that’s not possible, you cannot be nearer the sun by just growing few feet. But they aspire. So they are taller than others. In the same group, you’ll find, some trees grow taller, some don’t. So, one aspect is that you have to meditate, no doubt. So, one thing is to develop quality you have to meditate. That I said. But you must know what is your problem. You are right-sided or left-sided. It’s very important to know whether you are right-sided or left-sided. Now some people have problems which are left-sided. All right, they start doing water treatment. There was doctor in Delhi, Dr. Nigam, you must be knowing him. He had, I had cured his paralysis. I was surprised that his left hand was still not working out properly. So I asked him, “What sort of a meditation you do?” He said, “With the light and with the water.” I said, “What? You are doing both?” “Yes.” I said, “What, what’s wrong with you is right side [Shri Mataji corrects] – left side. So you should just do candle treatment. Just drop it.” I said it to him. Just when I said it to him, his hand started opening out. I said it only; becomes like a mantra I think. Started opening, he has opened his hand. So about treatment also you must understand what treatment you must take. Now some people are left-sided. They should take left side treatment only. There should be no confusion. So I said, “Who told you this?” He said, “Everybody said the same thing.” I said, “What did they say?” “That you can take this.” In Sahaja Yoga there are certain rules and regulations of the Divine. So now if you are suffering from the left, you just take treatment for left. No water treatment, at all. Now you are suffering from the right, then don’t take the candle treatment at all, at all. These are two sides which are to be corrected, then you are in the center. When you feel you are in center, you can use both the things. But that is normally very few, I’ve seen. Normally you find very few people who have this central point. If they have, they should do this treatment. But there is no need to do treatment once you are in the center. But you have to meditate. So you can sit before the photograph. But to take out all your conditionings and things, or may be the day’s problem, you can sit before the photograph with a candle as well as water. But the ones who are not, should not. And one should not feel also bad if the leaders tell them, “You are left-sided or right-sided.” The problem is that in Sahaja Yoga there are leaders. It’s a myth. It’s a myth. It’s not something so seriously to be taken. But these leaders are there because I cannot communicate with all of you. So, they are there. When it came to talk about the leaders, nobody told Me anything. Very surprising. Never they told Me the leaders are doing like this. I had to discover it every time I came here. You should have written to Me earlier that our leader is like this or it’s happening here. There’s no harm in writing that. But they did not, none of them. Till I came here, I discovered the kind of people they were. Actually, they dis … I discovered them only in Europe. I did not know that they were doing all these things. Then they were developing also some funds and raising some sort of a money, nobody told Me. Even when they came to India they collected money. But nobody told Me that they were collecting money for this or that. I mean, at least you should have told Me. Somebody should have told Me. That’s how they became sort of absolutely fascists. They thought, “We are the lords, we can do whatever we like.” But for other nonsensical things they’ll write such letters, but never about something which is very, very good, essential and needed. And anybody who writes Me like that, I’m very much thankful to that person. Not just to criticize but to give exact trouble, or exact problem that is facing. I’ll be very happy if you people write to Me truthfully, not what is troubling you, but what is troubling everyone. So I can solve the problem much better, isn’t it? Now the another thing we had to tell about, that what should be the relationships of husband and wife. Now I’ve already had many occasions to talk to them. Now you are married by Me. It was not such an arranged ma … arranged marriage, you were given time to find out till the end. And even if you did not like the person, you could have told Me and we would have finished the marriage. But even when it is registered, you’ve stayed with the lady for so many years, or with the man for so many years, you have had children and after that suddenly you come up that “Mother we cannot cope.” But this is going too far with yourself and with the whole society of Sahaja Yoga. If you don’t like somebody, if there’s a problem you should find out in the beginning. I’ll be the last person to force you to marry anyone. Even if you are married, and just after say three, four months you let Me know, the marriage can be broken. And I have told Yogi now not to register them for about three months and see for yourself. Now you must understand that marriage is not an institution well-practiced in the West. Till they are married, they are happy. As soon as they are married there’s something goes wrong in their heads. Maybe the reason is there’s a legal bondage in the marriage. If you are married to somebody, you see, your money will be shared or anything, that kind of a fear is there. For the same reason I have asked so many times that you don’t get married to somebody till you are normal. But many people who are sick, have diseases, have problems, have some sort of funny ideas, just they marry, as the Americans say, for the heck of it. And then it’s such a troublesome thing for Me. Firstly I get concerned, secondly it’s a very bad example for other Sahaja yogis, and brings a bad name for all of us. It’s not difficult to enjoy your marriage because mostly we really examine and find out properly what’s the matter with what, and who is capable of carrying on with whom. We, we try our level best, but there are sometimes four hundred, five hundred applications of various types. Sometimes you do miss, do miss certain points. But you people can understand that, sometimes, and you should try to help Me by understanding that what is it after all? What is so important? There was a Sahaja yogi, very good Sahaja yogi from England. He had a wife who was really beautiful wife, very well educated, this, that, very smart. He came to Me, he said, “Mother I want absolutely to divorce this woman.” I said, “Why? She is so good looking.” He said, “No I don’t want. I want to divorce.” He was after Me. Then I talked to her. She said, “I also want to divorce.” “All right, divorce. Divorce is allowed in Sahaja Yoga.” So they divorced each other. Then, we were showing him different photographs and things that “Now tell Me, which one would you like to marry?” So he chose a girl who is not well educated, who is not by any means good looking. She is very dark with very thick lips and all that. But I love her very much. I like her very much. She is very lovable person, extremely sweet. So, he chose her. I was surprised. I said, “What?” “Yes Mother. See her vibrations.” Still I said, “You see her first.” So when we went to Ganapatipule, “Yes,” he said. “This is the one I want to marry.” I was surprised, you see, with all that how could he say that “I want to marry this girl”? I said, “Be sure.” “Yes, yes, I’m very sure, I want to marry.” What he told Me that “She’s tranquility personified. I feel so tranquil.” She is full of vibrations, like bag of vibrations. I know that. But I didn’t know how this fellow has felt it. He has just fallen in love with her, I tell you. And he says, “She is the most beautiful person I have met.” He doesn’t see anything else that is outside. Later on My own sister said, “What have You done? What a match!” So I looked at that girl, and then I started seeing these points that she’s not good looking, she’s not this, but what he said – she’s tranquility. She is just tranquility. He went to her village all the way, and he met all his family and everybody was surprised, such a handsome looking Englishman of all the things. And she said [Shri Mataji corrects] he said, “Mother, she has neutralized all my nonsensical points. She’s so beautiful.” And he’s really in love with her. So that is a sign of a very deep Sahaja yogi that they don’t go after superficial things. She cooks South Indian food, he loves it. Whatever she does he loves. He cares for her very much. And she is neither left-sided, nor right-sided, she is in the center. So both of them match each other because spiritually they are on the same level, very deep, and that is what we have to be. If we are not spiritually matched, then the problem comes in. We have to have proper matching of vibrations. Of course, we see to it when we marry, I mean can you imagine, ninety-nine percent marriages have been successful. And some of the marriages were mischievously done I know, there were some mischiefs. But still they have worked out. Still they are happy people. But some people are bent upon making their marriage a problem. Some of them, extremely egoistical, think no end of themselves, and start making everybody miserable. What makes them so much full of ego, I don’t know. And they just spoil their marriages. They become unhappy themselves, and they make others also unhappy. Now My husband has never been a Sahaja yogi, never. Even now, I wouldn’t say he is a Sahaja yogi. Even now. I don’t know. But I knew how to handle him and how to work it out. And I’ve managed very well, and he also knows. Always he says, “You are very moral person; You are a very noble person.” All those things he says to Me. And all, you see, his saying is like this that “You are, but You cannot make others.” I said, “I can, why not?” First he could not believe that I could transform people. And now he knows I have transformed. He said, “They have become angels.” And so that you are now angels. I am not very happy with the crèche you have here, not at all. It’s a mess. And I don’t know but it’s a – the children coming out of this school are racist. Very racial ideas they have, that’s the report Yogi gave Me. Not about Rome. It is so. So I would say we should teach, change the teachers, is the best way. And the children are very aggressive when they come, very harsh. I would say, put some Indian teachers there instead of some Western teachers. Maybe they are racist or maybe something wrong there. This is the report I have got about your children, Australian children create more problems, and it’s very difficult, and they are racist. But there are hardly any Indian children there, you see. But if there’s one even, they aggress. There are, I think, only three children who I think are Indians only, or one may be a Negro, I don’t know. But all these children just jump on them when they go from here. Takes time to change their ideas. If you are racist you cannot be in Sahaja Yoga, you understand that. We don’t believe in race and religion and all these things which are separating human beings from one to another. That is our ideal, that we cannot have this kind of a nonsense in our society. And be careful. Watch your children, how they react to black people. Specially for Australian children it is being pointed out. So I think there’s something wrong with some people here. They should just try to find out if we are by any chance trying to teach them that white skin is better than the black. As I told you in the lecture, I hope you have listened to what I said about the genes. That it is now found out that two protective genes that Asians have the white skin don’t have at all. One of them is the right side, another the left side. So a white skin will take to a violence much more easily than an Asian. Asian actually means now Indians and Chinese. Culturally they are the same. Now that means, after coming to Sahaja Yoga, your genes have been transformed, and you have protective genes within you. And one of them is, as I told you, is the right-sided, hate people and kill people, be violent, this racialism, which is now coming back again because they will take to it easily because there’s no protection against it. Now you can see in My own family, we had eleven children. Some were fair, very fair; some were dark. We never knew what is racialism is because the skin is so, I mean, is skin deep as they say. So, you see, the …you are now confronted, you must understand that, with these two horrible genes, by which, one that will take you to violence, take you to temper, will take you to this kind of racialism and hatred and fundamentalism and the another one is indulgences, laziness or serious things like sex and this and that, and all these habits you develop of drugs. So you have to be very careful now. By just announcing that, Germans announced that “We are a white race,” you see, “we are higher than anyone.” How are they higher? Just imagine. They killed little, little children, small little children into a gas chamber and saw them being burnt. Can you imagine anybody who is a evolved soul, or who is a higher race, will do such a nasty thing like that? But this is … they have sort of self-proportioned values and virtues, which they don’t have. They were so horrible that they took the fat from the dead bodies in Poland, Warsaw, and they had bath with it. Like a soap, they used. So grotesque. Whole thing is so horrifying. And they think they are very, very great races. Even Max Muller wrote like that, you see. He said it’s the Germans who came to India and wrote Vedas. Their forefathers cannot write Vedas. So now try to understand that what we are facing basically. What I feel, in the arrogance of this white skin, these people crossed over their limitations, their maryadas – the forefathers. Like the way the Spanish went to America. You can’t find one aboriginal person there, not one. I wanted to see in Chile, in Argentina, in Brazil, not even one. Where are they lost? They all went to the hills and some of them are preserved in Bolivia and all that. And the revenge has started. From Bolivia all these horrible drugs are coming. And the whole of America is just crushed with that. There’s no wisdom, just to think you have fair skin. All right, go ahead. Where are you going? You see these. What about the Americans? Where are they going? Now they are concerned, little bit. But sixty-five percent people may get schizophrenia in that country. Now how can you be satisfied with yourself when you see all these things happening, because you have just a white skin? So first thing you must try to understand that even if there’s a trace of racialism in you, better throw it away. On the contrary, I think this country has really, real justice for racists. Justice-wise you must say Australians know to be really a multicultural society, and they understand the value of it: what you have gained through multicultural societies. There’s so many things to be learned, that they are very clean, outside, not in personal life. They’ll keep the house very clean, the carpets very clean, everything very clean, but as far as themselves are concerned, they are not so clean. Of course, now with Sahaja Yoga you are changed, I am not saying. But I know of English people, they would not take bath for months, months, they used to smell like hell. And when My husband was there we used to shake hands, and the hands would smell for days together. We used to put scent, attar, this, that, but still. Using paper, paper, it’s all right because it is very cold, but it’s not that cold. We have lived in England for so many years. We always use water and running water. In the same tub, three, four people take bath, to save pounds. The only mantra they know is “save pounds”. Same here, people are extremely money-oriented when they have so much money compared to others. So, for Sahaja yogis, is important that you should be frugal and you should not be miserly. You need not. But you should be clean inside. That’s very important, not outside so much because see all these diseases are coming, these things are coming, one has to be very careful. Secondly, you are so protective of yourself, I mean you are always thinking about yourself. Extremely protective. So you do not develop any immunity to anything. If you have to travel like Me, you would get sick within one month’s time. Firstly you can’t eat anything, you get hepatitis. If you smell something you get hay fever. You do that, I mean all these things are coming because of over-protectiveness. You must make your children to play in sand; you must make them go about. No – so protective of your children! So when they grow they cannot stand anything which is absolutely not completely, we can say, covered. But Indians don’t get it. We are full of parasites, full of mosquitoes, full of this. Australian children, when they got bitten by mosquitoes, they got malaria. But the whole city was there, nobody got malaria. Not one person. Now they were surprised, how is it these boys and girls have got malaria? So in childhood, we should not make our children sort of all the time extremely delicate. You look all right. I mean, might have good muscles to look at. But you are very, very vulnerable to any disease. You can see from your children. I’m not saying about Australians. All the people from the West, whether they are Americans or they are Europeans or they are this. But I’ve seen Russia, people are very, very good. They don’t catch much. They don’t suffer from all this. So this over-protectiveness, and also there are books and books. Today they’ll write a book about children, “You must give them feed at the right time.” Then they will write next time, “No, no you should not do that way. You should allow them to eat whatever they like.” Then thirdly they’ll say that “You should not give this to your children, that you should not give, that should not happen.” With all this knowledge, people are not aware that they are making their children like the dolls in the hands of these writers. Whatever they say, whatever they do, there’s no sense in it. We know what is needed for the children in Sahaja Yoga. Actually these are people just selling their books, you know, whatever knowledge they have, they have a flair to write, they write it and you accept it and you get into problems. And this is a very, very common thing. They protect the children too much which they need not. But whenever it is necessary one should. My main thing is that before the children how we should behave. There are differences in husband and wife, not that there are none. But they should not be exposed. Children should not be exposed to your differences, to your fights, to your angers and fits. They get it; they are so, I am again saying, they are so protected. So much protection is given to them. These protected children take these things very quickly. If mother says to the father something, father says to the mother, they’ll repeat it later on. You will be surprised, same thing. When the father does something, they’ll say same thing. So you are spoiling their whole attitude towards life. Must understand, children are much faster than you are in picking up things because they have to learn, they are growing up. So your relationship between you and your wife should be of respect, should be of love and understanding and caring. But there should not be something of … some sort of a scene that is not good for them. I mean, that doesn’t mean that you behave in a funny manner before the children. That is for the bedroom, all right? Thank God, you have bedrooms separate. We don’t even have that. In India, very few people have bedrooms closed. In the day time, if they close bedrooms, people think, “Are they mad or sick?” So this is the attitude that one has to take that before others, before other people, before the children and everything, we have to behave. Now if you want to find faults with each other, you can find it in the bedroom. That’s not a very good game I think, why should you find? It’s always better to close the chapter at the end of the day and sleep well. All this I am telling you that you should not miss the point of joy and happiness. This is how you will really enjoy your children, your husband, your wife, everything. In this, as I have always said that the wife has to be very wise. She’s the one who has to be very wise. But not to such an extent that she allows her husband to do what he likes. She has to keep a control, in a way, that he doesn’t disturb the society of Sahaja Yoga. About other things, like we have about, they said, I didn’t know that you are paying some money for the school and all those people who are not even having children in the school are paying. I didn’t know this. School has money, no doubt. There’s no problem on that because they are not spending much. But now you change the pattern. I’ll talk to your leader, and see. And also you can have a proper house on rent, separately and get all the children there to study, and nobody should act arbitrarily. And it should be done properly. I’ll talk to your leader and tell him. And the children should be seen, even by the leaders, to see that they don’t become racist or they do not become violent. And I think Indian teachers would be a better idea, because you see they, they are mild people and it would be better. And I have also discovered you have two girls who can work, Indian girls. It’s better that they should look after the children. And lastly I have to say, I really enjoyed My stay in Sydney. Really. I don’t know why this was called as Sydney, what was the reason – and also in the West they don’t have meaning for every name. But it’s a very beautiful place where so many Sahaja yogis are there. And I really feel very happy in your company. I love you and you all love Me. Whatever I want is your happiness and joy. And please remember that we are here to enjoy, all of us. So don’t do anything that makes you unhappy, like having big, big plans, this, that. Not necessary. There’s no need, and if you want to have you please let Me know. I’ll tell you exactly whether you should do it or not. Because I don’t want you to land up as bankrupts, or this and that, like madcap people everywhere. So this is, you have to be careful, you just inform Me. You let Me know. You can write to Me that you have such plans and all that, I’ll tell you. Now this idea of this artist business is, now that doesn’t go into My head, I must say. They have told Me that they want to get all the artists together of the world and this and that. It’s a very one-sided attitude to form, you see. Just a few artists are there, then they invite them, and they invite here and a conference start. That sort of a thing should not be. If there are artists, all right, there are artists abroad, everywhere they are. And wherever you can meet them, you can meet them. But you cannot separate a body like that, artists are separately, musicians separately, then you’ll have politicians, then economists, you see. So that’s not Sahaj standard. That’s not Sahaj Yoga, that’s the way people live, you see, they have separately some sort of a thing, or if not, they can have a organization of, say broomstick women, something like that. So we are Sahaja yogis, and we are Sahaja yogis and Sahaja yogis. If you are artists, is by the way. If you are musicians, is by the way. We are Sahaja yogis and Sahaja yogis. This is one has to remember. Like this the groups will start. And this clubbing system has been there in the human nature, has been there through out. We have been clubbing with anything. You know, if there’s somebody like the French, they put their spoon the other way round, you see, spoon and fork like that. So I said, “Why?” “Because we’re French.” I couldn’t understand this explanation, “these are French”. And then the English put it this way. Now if you just put it the other way round, I mean, you are a gone case, then you are no good. So we have to know that this kind of clubbing was in the human nature because it comes from the animal instinct. You see animals also club together. You are from Brisbane? All right, we sit together. You are from here, we sit together. It’s a animal instinct. Because of some sort of a fear maybe, that they club together. This clubbing, clubbing has come to human race also. For everything you have a club, you know that. For you it is not necessary because you have come out of that state of animal instinct to higher instincts. Yes, you are an artist. All right, you are an artist. So another is an artist, all right. But don’t club together as artists, as musicians, as this, as that. As long as you have to say sing together, you can practice, again finished. It’s very important point. Try to understand. Clubbing is not at all a human quality. Clubbing is a quality of animals. So when we are all Sahaja yogis, why should we club together? What is the need to club? And this clubbing has brought so much problem to us. This politicians, then this religions, and all this nothing but clubbing – that separates. So anytime you find there’s a clubbing system working anywhere, just run away from there. You belong to a very big community. Now say in My hand, these fingers start clubbing, what will I do with them? I’ll have to make a club out of it. But still going on. I mean when they come to Ganapatipule there had clubs going on there also. I’ve been informed about them. Australian club, and north Australian then south Australians, then east, west and southeast, southwest, so all that has to be given up. One has to understand that we are all Sahaja yogis, all over the world, wherever we may live, whatever we may eat, whatever we may wear. We are inside all Sahaja yogis, and all connected to all-pervading power. If you become great artistes because you have got Sahaja Yoga, all right, enjoy that. If you became great musicians, all right, enjoy that. If you become an orator, enjoy that. But you don’t club yourself with another person on those grounds. That is something not at all Sahaj. In Sahaj you are one with every one, and with all of them. See now, My life if it is anything, you should understand that I am extremely a sahaj person, extremely sahaj. So wherever I go, I can’t understand. I go to Russia, all these Russians, they had never known about Me, they have never heard about Me, they came to listen to Me. Anywhere I go. I mean later on the follow up may not be that good, but wherever I go there are in thousands of people. After all what is so great about Me? See this is it. What you have to learn – I am so sahaj and also when I tell you about, you don’t feel bad. Because you know, you know I am telling you out of compassion and love, and that is important. You understand that because first thing is compassion and love. And when there is compassion and love, you cannot think of clubbing at all, never. You can never club with anyone. You will love each and every person, and be kind and enjoy your compassion, the virtue of your compassion, virtue of your love. And that is, that shows on your faces, you shine compared to those born again, who were never born again. They were looking so hazard and horrible, very harsh faces, with such a young girl, she had all the wrinkles you could count on her face, going round and round and round. So I told her, “You are not born again, I am sorry.” She said, “Are You?” I said, “I am. Look at your face in the mirror. You will know, you are not born again.” So the greatest advantage of Sahaja Yoga is that you can enjoy everything. That is the greatest advantage, whether it is art, architecture, music, or a lecture, or studies, education, family life, everything you should be able to enjoy fully. Then you are a real Sahaja yogi and that you have achieved that state. Sometimes there are problems, here and there, something happens, doesn’t matter. Have faith, and you will be surprised at the miracles that you get. One after another, so many miracles, but listen to Me and also try to follow what I say. First of all, no temper. Temper if you have, you must know that it’s a serious thing in the West because there’s no controlling power over temper, and schizophrenia is the only ultimate result of temper. So temper should not be justified. All ego, temper should be brought down. One should not try in any way to get angry with others because of jealousy, because of complexes, because of anything. If it is so, please introspect, “Why do I get into tempers?” Shri Krishna has placed temper as the worst disease of all, He said from there it rises everything. But I don’t agree with Him because, you see, it must be, He was, for Him it’s a leela, the whole world is a leela, but not for everyone. Temper can come from Mooladhara, can come from Swadishtana, can come from anywhere. So one cannot say that the source of temper is going to be the source of all the problems, can be from anything. One can really get destroyed by anything, but temper is one thing that is the worst of all. So, if you find anybody who is hot tempered, if you find yourself to be hot tempered, then please see to it that you overcome it. I used to tell before, I don’t know now, there must be My tapes that if you are very angry, then stand before the mirror and say all kinds of things. Or else you take a pillow and hit it hard when you are in temper. Close the door, hit the pillow and then go out. You may have to spend for another pillow, doesn’t matter. So you develop a very, I should say, a pleasing personality. That’s very important. You must have a very pleasing personality. But that is not acceptable in certain countries because it’s said that you should not show your, any pleasing personality, because others will think you are weak. The strength is your joy. Strength is your virtue, strength is your pleasing personality. That is your strength. And this artificially, some people say that if you become very pleasing and this and that, then others will think you are weak. If they think, let them think like that. That is their stupidity. So you should be happy, joyous, pleasing. I must say in Sahaja Yoga some people have come up so well that I really feel very proud of them, very proud. And also, I never expected this to work out so well in My lifetime, I never expected because I started it very late, deliberately. So it is very heartening to see so many Sahaja yogis coming up, and listening to Me so nicely without taking any objection to what I say, and then imbibing it in their lives so that they can enjoy themselves very well. This time I had to meet people separately and in one room and all, but next time I think I’ll discuss certain problems openly. If you people are doing something stupid which, let us, all of us know. So that there’ll be some fear of people who are doing wrong things. For example, I don’t know is he here, Peter Patten, is he here? He’s not here? Peter Patten from Adelaide. He has been very funny, and he has to get out of Sahaja Yoga I think, for some time. Then there’s one Mark, is he here? Where is he? Just call him. So you see, he doesn’t realize what’s wrong with him. And he is trying to force himself on to others. Is not a very good idea. You all take a bandhan, I think you see, it’s all right. Where is he? So we will have a open talk about it, so you will realize what’s wrong with the person. Extremely right-sided is, the whole thing is burning. Where is he? What’s the matter with you? Why do you want to meet Me? [Mark: I was just going to get some directions from You, Shri Mataji.] What direction? [Mark: Just about what I should be doing, as far as more involvement in ….] I mean, just think of it, if I have to talk to each person like that, what will be My situation? [Mark: Yes Shri Mataji.] So why should you force your way like that? You could have written a letter to Me, I would have known whatever you wanted. You see, now try to understand what’s your problem is. Your problem is right side. All right? Sit down and remove it. That’s your problem. You can find it out very easily, what your problem is, and which you can solve. You can also talk to the leaders but you have to be humble about it. You should not be aggressive. “I must meet Mataji, I must meet Mataji.” You see, supposing you all want to meet Me individually, what will happen? And you will be amazed only in Sydney I meet people like this. Only I have been meeting and meeting and meeting. For that, now I would say that you should tell your leaders first. Let them scan you out, let them write what are their problems are. Then if I want to see, I’ll see. I should have that much freedom. You can’t force things on Me, can you? I have not taken a contract with you or anything. So all of you who want to see Me, should not talk to Vinay, because he’s now fed up. He’s so tired, he doesn’t know. Everybody is pressurizing him. So now please tell your leader. Leader has to give Me your problems. Then I’ll see, if I want to see or if I don’t want to see. We have to stop this. There’s nothing special, nothing great that you cannot tell the leader. The leader can solve your problem. Because I have to go from countries to counties, you know that. Even in Australia, I travel from cities to city, which I do not do in anywhere. Even in India, only two places I go to or only the capital. But I feel concerned about you. You have gone through bumpy areas. But try to understand that there’s no contract with Me. If you have come to Sahaja Yoga, doesn’t mean that you have right to do what you like. No. I must cure, I must touch person, I must see. This is too much. What have you done for Sahaja Yoga. Ask this question, “What have I done for Sahaja Yoga? How many people I have given realization?” I’ve been just fighting with others, having family problems, this, that or “Have I done anything which is constructive to help Mother?” As you know, My age is now seventy-one, I don’t know how far My husband will allow Me to travel now, also. Whatever it is. You have to take over. You have to take the responsibility. You have all the powers, you have all the knowledge. You are quite all right now for Sahaja Yoga spreading. So go ahead. You are wise enough to understand that now we should spare our Mother. So nobody should be aggressive like that. All right? If I have to see somebody, I will see. But first of all you must tell your leaders and give them the full reason why you want to see Me, and if I think it proper, I’ll see. This much freedom you should give Me that if I want, I’ll see you. There is some sort of a protocol is there for people that they should understand that you cannot just ask to see Me just like that. As you love Me, you can feel for Me also and understand that what is important is you should go deep down into yourself and I am there. I am there, absolutely. I am everywhere. You need not see My face or see Me. I am there. Just know this fact that I am there with you all the time whether you write to Me, whether you inform Me or not. There are people who have developed such, such tremendous faith that Mother is everywhere, that just by praying they have saved the lives of people. Just from praying. There are many like that. And really, it is worth seeing these people, how simple they are. I won’t even see them normally, anywhere. But they are there. And they told Me how they have achieved so many things so easily. It is very remarkable. There was one fellow whose mother was sick in Rohtak and he was in, I think, Bombay and he received a message that she is sick and she will die very soon. So he rushed to the place and they told him that within three days she will be finished. His mother is not a realized soul nor she’s a Sahaja yogini, she has never even seen Me. He said, “Mother I couldn’t help it. I just went on my knees and I just prayed, ‘oh Mother, please can You save my mother?’” Within three days the lady got all right. They said it’s a galloping cancer. He flew her to Bombay and took her to the Tata hospital to find out if there is any cancer. They said, “There’s no trace of cancer.” He said, “This is the last time I have asked You for anything.” I just, I just – it has happened with many. So it is your faith. Faith is not blind in Sahaja Yoga, you know for definite what is Sahaja Yoga is. You have seen miraculous photographs. You have seen all the miracles happening. So now your faith should be completely, entirely in it. And it will work out. I promise you if your faith is deep enough to reach Me, you don’t have to see My face, even not to have My photograph, nothing. Wherever you are, you’ll find Me. That’s why I always say, “Develop your faith, develop your faith.” May God bless you!May God bless you! So thank you again and again for all these flowers and for all the nice time I had here. Specially the food was marvelous. I must say I can’t do justice to all this but I enjoyed it.
Farewell Talk. Burwood Ashram, Sydney (Australia). 7 April 1994. So, thank you very much for the greetings on this day. It was a Easter Monday when I got married that day, and also My baptism took place on Easter Monday. But you know our Easter Monday always changes according to the Monday it comes. So it was quite a big venture for Me to marry. Actually, I did not need it at all. But as you know in India, they won’t spare any girl from marriage, and they have been after My life since I was about eighteen years of age. So somehow I managed. But I was in the medical college Lahore, and suddenly the disturbances broke out there, of a very serious nature. And I came back, and there was no possibility of My going back. Then the whole thing – planned, I think Divine planned it for My marriage, because I had to accept them. And as My husband was there, there were many proposals also, which they chose this one, and I was married. In a way arranged, because I had never talked to him about it, he had not talked to Me, but he had seen Me once before. So, for Me it was all right because everybody’s so much worried in My family about My marriage all the time. But all throughout I feel that I looked after My husband’s relations, family, though he had none. He had only one sister whose grandson is Vinay. And all the rest of the family, all those relations of his, I really looked after them. And he was counting, he said, “You have looked after thirty-five nephews,” only nephews and how many nieces and how many … Because it was nature, you see, of compassion, which all they were this time, worried about all these people. My mother’s family was always well off. They didn’t need any help anywhere. These people were big landlords, once upon a time, all My husband’s relationship, and suddenly this was removed, all landlordship was removed from them, suddenly. And they became absolutely lost, their children became lost, you see, because they were used to such luxuries, this, that, and they had silver, gold, everything. And as soon as they lost their lands, they lost, only fifty acres were allowed for every family. So they had to sell out all their silvers and everything, and they had to be really adjusted now to a much poorer strata. The whole situation came as a very big shock to all of us, and it was My husband only who was well placed in life because he had never bothered about his lands and things. So he was well placed, he was in the government. So I took the responsibility of all these people and tried to help them in their education, in their finding jobs and things like that. It’s all worked, and they are all very well off now. So very happy to see them. They all came for the wedding of My granddaughter, and also of My daughters, and showed their gratitude. Out of them very few have come to Sahaja Yoga. Actually, the relations are always like that. They are so close that I tell them there’s a black point, you know, where everything dissolves into zero. So they are so close that they cannot see what is Sahaja Yoga. They have tremendous regard for Me. They have tremendous respect for Me. They’ll do anything, specially My husband has spent lot of money in the beginning of Sahaja Yoga, quite a lot. And doesn’t ask for it; or never mentioned it also. And we have spent so much of his money because we had a joint account; he never questioned Me, nothing of the kind. Very sweet of him. [Suddenly it comes up, I don’t know why. I’ve been talking too much.] So the situation is better now. They have faith in Sahaja Yoga. They try to meditate also. But they are not seekers, in a way, because they are so close to Me. As you people have an advantage, great advantage you have – that firstly you are seekers from ages, and you understand how important it is to get your Self-realization, because you feel lost without it. You think that if you don’t get your Self-realization, you should commit suicide, and there are many letters I have got saying that “We were mad. We were seeking, going to this person, going to that person.” Such big, big letters I got from them how they were cheated, how they were tortured, and how they were … spent money and how they were completely lynched by these gurus. Some of them had to sell their houses, and children were removed from schools, and everybody became extremely poor. So this was in London much worse. Later on I found that every country has this problem, they became drug addicts and all that. Despite all that now we have so many people who are Sahaja yogis all over the world, not only in Australia. But Australia has quite a lot of Sahaja yogis, I must say. And quantity is very, very large and good, and people are nice, but we have had, as I told you, a very bumpy start. Because of that, certain conditionings are built up in people. But now we have to see that our quality has to improve. Quality has to improve, and the test of quality, I think, is that they are very anxious to do whatever is possible for Sahaja Yoga. Whenever it’s possible, whatever is possible, they are anxious to do it. And also, they run a very good family, children, household. This is the sign that you have really developed in Sahaja Yoga. But if that is not so, then you will never enjoy the progress Sahaja Yoga is making. I have seen people, one person can give realization to one thousand. But there’s one person who has been in Sahaja Yoga, say, about twenty years, has not given realization to even one person. So we have two types, two extremes, I should – two extremes, from one to another. Now some people believe that they are very old Sahaja yogis. This is another mistake we commit. They believe, “We are the senior.” There’s nothing like seniority, juniority in Sahaja Yoga. I find sometimes very new people are such great Sahaja yogis. Very new. They just go down, absolutely, into the essence of themselves and of Sahaja Yoga. Maybe their previous lives must have been so great, possibly, or maybe this life they have achieved something great maybe from the parents or from somebody. But some of them are really very, very deep. One of the things I have seen in, mostly in Sahaja Yoga, that they are more concerned about themselves, about their families, about their children, at the most. But look at Me, I’m not ... I never bother about My health. If anybody asks Me, “How are You?” I said, “I am first class.” I never bother about Myself for anything, for My comfort, or for anything, food, anything. I have no sense at all to divert My attention inward. But if somebody else, say, is in trouble or has something, I just, just feel I must help that person. I must do something about him, I’m very concerned. Sometimes also, My family people said that “Even if You have one thousand concerns that You have for others, You’ll be better off.” But that’s why nothing, nothing can harm Me because I am always worried about your progress, about your problems, about your quarrels and fights, and this and that. It’s such a tremendous concern it is, such a full-throated, you can say – absolutely all My attention just goes focused on these problems. As soon as I see person, I know what the problem the person has, why is he not progressing, what is the problem he has with others. Everything I know in no time. But even if I know, I need not bother; but I really get very much bothered about them, as if – they are, as it is you know, part and parcel of My body – but the amount I worry about them, sometimes. People have always remarked about Me sometimes that “Mother, You need not worry so much about them. Why are You worried? Let them go to hell. Let them.” If you have once called Me “Mother,” then I really forgive. I’ve forgiven all the people who have troubled Me and have insulted Me, and given trouble in Sahaja Yoga. I’ve forgiven all of them. I have no time to worry about not forgiving. I should be an example for you, for you to understand that the more attention we pay to others, not finding their faults or criticizing them, but doing things for others; small, small nice things if you start doing for others, immediately, you will be surprised, your attention will sharpen. It will have a very great effect. Sahaja Yoga will spread through you and you will, yourself, will be very different person. You won’t criticize other Sahaja yogis, you won’t criticize this, that. I mean fundamental things, if there’s something wrong, you have to tell Me. That’s different. But that seldom people tell Me. So first we must extend our attention outside, towards others, not towards ourselves. Then the same about our children, our house, our this, that. Just extend your attention outside. Now see, I am a housewife. The last twenty-four years I have been traveling. And in a way you can say I am neglecting My family. But if you ask My family people, they’ll say – today they telephoned to Me to thank Me that I have completely built up this family. I don’t know when did I give time to them, but they feel that way, very much. And everybody thanked Me, every one of them said, “This family has been built up only by You, without You nothing could have been possible.” Because of My attention outside is so easy to work out anything that is needed to be done. Whatever needed to be done is done. I’ll give an example. You may call it a miracle. My grandson wanted to go to a university, good university in America. But they said, “You have to appear for SAT, and after that only we’ll admit,” and he would lose one year for that. I didn’t want him to go to America before doing SAT, because I thought that, see for six, seven days he goes there, he won’t be able to do much. And we left it at that. All right, he was preparing for SAT. I had told one Sahaja yogi there, Paul, that “You see if you can help us.” But nobody would talk to him in the university, when he went there, they wouldn’t even say if they have received the form of My grandson. The other day they rang up to say that he’s got admission already. How? God knows. The information has come that he’s got admission. Nobody in America can be admitted without SAT exams. Without any condition he got admission, and they told Me. I said, “Maybe Paul must have done something.” So I telephoned to Paul. He said, “Mother I did not go to that university. I didn’t ask anybody, they wouldn’t talk to me. They said you better not ring here, get lost.” And somehow, they don’t know how, they admitted him. And he was a last minute person who sent the form to this. But only thing, one thing had happened, he told Me that “If I don’t get admission in a good university, I will not go to America. It’s too much waste of money.” Very wise boy. I said, “All right.” That’s the only time I gave bandhan. And see now, he’s got his admission. His elder sister also got admission in John Hopkins Institute without any condition. Though when she went there, she found the atmosphere was no good for her, she ran away. But on the whole, that unconditional, they are saying, Gregoire told Me, “Mother, not possible. How can she get it?” I said, “There’s a letter.” Without putting any pressure, without doing anything, it happens. It’s a miracle. I must say it’s a miracle. But something works, and that is this all-pervading power. With one idea if you go about, it will not help you. If you want … Someone said, “Mother, we wanted to get this house, we couldn’t get it.” Because you had only one idea, to get the house. But if you had the whole idea that if we get the house, then we’ll do these things, we can work it out better, this, that, then you get it. So, you should project yourself towards other things which are more important than yourself. Then suddenly you will start growing. It’s like some trees grow higher, some do not. Why? Because they aspire the sun’s light and they want to be more nearer to sun. But that’s not possible, you cannot be nearer the sun by just growing few feet. But they aspire. So they are taller than others. In the same group, you’ll find, some trees grow taller, some don’t. So, one aspect is that you have to meditate, no doubt. So, one thing is to develop quality you have to meditate. That I said. But you must know what is your problem. You are right-sided or left-sided. It’s very important to know whether you are right-sided or left-sided. Now some people have problems which are left-sided. All right, they start doing water treatment. There was doctor in Delhi, Dr. Nigam, you must be knowing him. He had, I had cured his paralysis. I was surprised that his left hand was still not working out properly. So I asked him, “What sort of a meditation you do?” He said, “With the light and with the water.” I said, “What? You are doing both?” “Yes.” I said, “What, what’s wrong with you is right side [Shri Mataji corrects] – left side. So you should just do candle treatment. Just drop it.” I said it to him. Just when I said it to him, his hand started opening out. I said it only; becomes like a mantra I think. Started opening, he has opened his hand. So about treatment also you must understand what treatment you must take. Now some people are left-sided. They should take left side treatment only. There should be no confusion. So I said, “Who told you this?” He said, “Everybody said the same thing.” I said, “What did they say?” “That you can take this.” In Sahaja Yoga there are certain rules and regulations of the Divine. So now if you are suffering from the left, you just take treatment for left. No water treatment, at all. Now you are suffering from the right, then don’t take the candle treatment at all, at all. These are two sides which are to be corrected, then you are in the center. When you feel you are in center, you can use both the things. But that is normally very few, I’ve seen. Normally you find very few people who have this central point. If they have, they should do this treatment. But there is no need to do treatment once you are in the center. But you have to meditate. So you can sit before the photograph. But to take out all your conditionings and things, or may be the day’s problem, you can sit before the photograph with a candle as well as water. But the ones who are not, should not. And one should not feel also bad if the leaders tell them, “You are left-sided or right-sided.” The problem is that in Sahaja Yoga there are leaders. It’s a myth. It’s a myth. It’s not something so seriously to be taken. But these leaders are there because I cannot communicate with all of you. So, they are there. When it came to talk about the leaders, nobody told Me anything. Very surprising. Never they told Me the leaders are doing like this. I had to discover it every time I came here. You should have written to Me earlier that our leader is like this or it’s happening here. There’s no harm in writing that. But they did not, none of them. Till I came here, I discovered the kind of people they were. Actually, they dis … I discovered them only in Europe. I did not know that they were doing all these things. Then they were developing also some funds and raising some sort of a money, nobody told Me. Even when they came to India they collected money. But nobody told Me that they were collecting money for this or that. I mean, at least you should have told Me. Somebody should have told Me. That’s how they became sort of absolutely fascists. They thought, “We are the lords, we can do whatever we like.” But for other nonsensical things they’ll write such letters, but never about something which is very, very good, essential and needed. And anybody who writes Me like that, I’m very much thankful to that person. Not just to criticize but to give exact trouble, or exact problem that is facing. I’ll be very happy if you people write to Me truthfully, not what is troubling you, but what is troubling everyone. So I can solve the problem much better, isn’t it? Now the another thing we had to tell about, that what should be the relationships of husband and wife. Now I’ve already had many occasions to talk to them. Now you are married by Me. It was not such an arranged ma … arranged marriage, you were given time to find out till the end. And even if you did not like the person, you could have told Me and we would have finished the marriage. But even when it is registered, you’ve stayed with the lady for so many years, or with the man for so many years, you have had children and after that suddenly you come up that “Mother we cannot cope.” But this is going too far with yourself and with the whole society of Sahaja Yoga. If you don’t like somebody, if there’s a problem you should find out in the beginning. I’ll be the last person to force you to marry anyone. Even if you are married, and just after say three, four months you let Me know, the marriage can be broken. And I have told Yogi now not to register them for about three months and see for yourself. Now you must understand that marriage is not an institution well-practiced in the West. Till they are married, they are happy. As soon as they are married there’s something goes wrong in their heads. Maybe the reason is there’s a legal bondage in the marriage. If you are married to somebody, you see, your money will be shared or anything, that kind of a fear is there. For the same reason I have asked so many times that you don’t get married to somebody till you are normal. But many people who are sick, have diseases, have problems, have some sort of funny ideas, just they marry, as the Americans say, for the heck of it. And then it’s such a troublesome thing for Me. Firstly I get concerned, secondly it’s a very bad example for other Sahaja yogis, and brings a bad name for all of us. It’s not difficult to enjoy your marriage because mostly we really examine and find out properly what’s the matter with what, and who is capable of carrying on with whom. We, we try our level best, but there are sometimes four hundred, five hundred applications of various types. Sometimes you do miss, do miss certain points. But you people can understand that, sometimes, and you should try to help Me by understanding that what is it after all? What is so important? There was a Sahaja yogi, very good Sahaja yogi from England. He had a wife who was really beautiful wife, very well educated, this, that, very smart. He came to Me, he said, “Mother I want absolutely to divorce this woman.” I said, “Why? She is so good looking.” He said, “No I don’t want. I want to divorce.” He was after Me. Then I talked to her. She said, “I also want to divorce.” “All right, divorce. Divorce is allowed in Sahaja Yoga.” So they divorced each other. Then, we were showing him different photographs and things that “Now tell Me, which one would you like to marry?” So he chose a girl who is not well educated, who is not by any means good looking. She is very dark with very thick lips and all that. But I love her very much. I like her very much. She is very lovable person, extremely sweet. So, he chose her. I was surprised. I said, “What?” “Yes Mother. See her vibrations.” Still I said, “You see her first.” So when we went to Ganapatipule, “Yes,” he said. “This is the one I want to marry.” I was surprised, you see, with all that how could he say that “I want to marry this girl”? I said, “Be sure.” “Yes, yes, I’m very sure, I want to marry.” What he told Me that “She’s tranquility personified. I feel so tranquil.” She is full of vibrations, like bag of vibrations. I know that. But I didn’t know how this fellow has felt it. He has just fallen in love with her, I tell you. And he says, “She is the most beautiful person I have met.” He doesn’t see anything else that is outside. Later on My own sister said, “What have You done? What a match!” So I looked at that girl, and then I started seeing these points that she’s not good looking, she’s not this, but what he said – she’s tranquility. She is just tranquility. He went to her village all the way, and he met all his family and everybody was surprised, such a handsome looking Englishman of all the things. And she said [Shri Mataji corrects] he said, “Mother, she has neutralized all my nonsensical points. She’s so beautiful.” And he’s really in love with her. So that is a sign of a very deep Sahaja yogi that they don’t go after superficial things. She cooks South Indian food, he loves it. Whatever she does he loves. He cares for her very much. And she is neither left-sided, nor right-sided, she is in the center. So both of them match each other because spiritually they are on the same level, very deep, and that is what we have to be. If we are not spiritually matched, then the problem comes in. We have to have proper matching of vibrations. Of course, we see to it when we marry, I mean can you imagine, ninety-nine percent marriages have been successful. And some of the marriages were mischievously done I know, there were some mischiefs. But still they have worked out. Still they are happy people. But some people are bent upon making their marriage a problem. Some of them, extremely egoistical, think no end of themselves, and start making everybody miserable. What makes them so much full of ego, I don’t know. And they just spoil their marriages. They become unhappy themselves, and they make others also unhappy. Now My husband has never been a Sahaja yogi, never. Even now, I wouldn’t say he is a Sahaja yogi. Even now. I don’t know. But I knew how to handle him and how to work it out. And I’ve managed very well, and he also knows. Always he says, “You are very moral person; You are a very noble person.” All those things he says to Me. And all, you see, his saying is like this that “You are, but You cannot make others.” I said, “I can, why not?” First he could not believe that I could transform people. And now he knows I have transformed. He said, “They have become angels.” And so that you are now angels. I am not very happy with the crèche you have here, not at all. It’s a mess. And I don’t know but it’s a – the children coming out of this school are racist. Very racial ideas they have, that’s the report Yogi gave Me. Not about Rome. It is so. So I would say we should teach, change the teachers, is the best way. And the children are very aggressive when they come, very harsh. I would say, put some Indian teachers there instead of some Western teachers. Maybe they are racist or maybe something wrong there. This is the report I have got about your children, Australian children create more problems, and it’s very difficult, and they are racist. But there are hardly any Indian children there, you see. But if there’s one even, they aggress. There are, I think, only three children who I think are Indians only, or one may be a Negro, I don’t know. But all these children just jump on them when they go from here. Takes time to change their ideas. If you are racist you cannot be in Sahaja Yoga, you understand that. We don’t believe in race and religion and all these things which are separating human beings from one to another. That is our ideal, that we cannot have this kind of a nonsense in our society. And be careful. Watch your children, how they react to black people. Specially for Australian children it is being pointed out. So I think there’s something wrong with some people here. They should just try to find out if we are by any chance trying to teach them that white skin is better than the black. As I told you in the lecture, I hope you have listened to what I said about the genes. That it is now found out that two protective genes that Asians have the white skin don’t have at all. One of them is the right side, another the left side. So a white skin will take to a violence much more easily than an Asian. Asian actually means now Indians and Chinese. Culturally they are the same. Now that means, after coming to Sahaja Yoga, your genes have been transformed, and you have protective genes within you. And one of them is, as I told you, is the right-sided, hate people and kill people, be violent, this racialism, which is now coming back again because they will take to it easily because there’s no protection against it. Now you can see in My own family, we had eleven children. Some were fair, very fair; some were dark. We never knew what is racialism is because the skin is so, I mean, is skin deep as they say. So, you see, the …you are now confronted, you must understand that, with these two horrible genes, by which, one that will take you to violence, take you to temper, will take you to this kind of racialism and hatred and fundamentalism and the another one is indulgences, laziness or serious things like sex and this and that, and all these habits you develop of drugs. So you have to be very careful now. By just announcing that, Germans announced that “We are a white race,” you see, “we are higher than anyone.” How are they higher? Just imagine. They killed little, little children, small little children into a gas chamber and saw them being burnt. Can you imagine anybody who is a evolved soul, or who is a higher race, will do such a nasty thing like that? But this is … they have sort of self-proportioned values and virtues, which they don’t have. They were so horrible that they took the fat from the dead bodies in Poland, Warsaw, and they had bath with it. Like a soap, they used. So grotesque. Whole thing is so horrifying. And they think they are very, very great races. Even Max Muller wrote like that, you see. He said it’s the Germans who came to India and wrote Vedas. Their forefathers cannot write Vedas. So now try to understand that what we are facing basically. What I feel, in the arrogance of this white skin, these people crossed over their limitations, their maryadas – the forefathers. Like the way the Spanish went to America. You can’t find one aboriginal person there, not one. I wanted to see in Chile, in Argentina, in Brazil, not even one. Where are they lost? They all went to the hills and some of them are preserved in Bolivia and all that. And the revenge has started. From Bolivia all these horrible drugs are coming. And the whole of America is just crushed with that. There’s no wisdom, just to think you have fair skin. All right, go ahead. Where are you going? You see these. What about the Americans? Where are they going? Now they are concerned, little bit. But sixty-five percent people may get schizophrenia in that country. Now how can you be satisfied with yourself when you see all these things happening, because you have just a white skin? So first thing you must try to understand that even if there’s a trace of racialism in you, better throw it away. On the contrary, I think this country has really, real justice for racists. Justice-wise you must say Australians know to be really a multicultural society, and they understand the value of it: what you have gained through multicultural societies. There’s so many things to be learned, that they are very clean, outside, not in personal life. They’ll keep the house very clean, the carpets very clean, everything very clean, but as far as themselves are concerned, they are not so clean. Of course, now with Sahaja Yoga you are changed, I am not saying. But I know of English people, they would not take bath for months, months, they used to smell like hell. And when My husband was there we used to shake hands, and the hands would smell for days together. We used to put scent, attar, this, that, but still. Using paper, paper, it’s all right because it is very cold, but it’s not that cold. We have lived in England for so many years. We always use water and running water. In the same tub, three, four people take bath, to save pounds. The only mantra they know is “save pounds”. Same here, people are extremely money-oriented when they have so much money compared to others. So, for Sahaja yogis, is important that you should be frugal and you should not be miserly. You need not. But you should be clean inside. That’s very important, not outside so much because see all these diseases are coming, these things are coming, one has to be very careful. Secondly, you are so protective of yourself, I mean you are always thinking about yourself. Extremely protective. So you do not develop any immunity to anything. If you have to travel like Me, you would get sick within one month’s time. Firstly you can’t eat anything, you get hepatitis. If you smell something you get hay fever. You do that, I mean all these things are coming because of over-protectiveness. You must make your children to play in sand; you must make them go about. No – so protective of your children! So when they grow they cannot stand anything which is absolutely not completely, we can say, covered. But Indians don’t get it. We are full of parasites, full of mosquitoes, full of this. Australian children, when they got bitten by mosquitoes, they got malaria. But the whole city was there, nobody got malaria. Not one person. Now they were surprised, how is it these boys and girls have got malaria? So in childhood, we should not make our children sort of all the time extremely delicate. You look all right. I mean, might have good muscles to look at. But you are very, very vulnerable to any disease. You can see from your children. I’m not saying about Australians. All the people from the West, whether they are Americans or they are Europeans or they are this. But I’ve seen Russia, people are very, very good. They don’t catch much. They don’t suffer from all this. So this over-protectiveness, and also there are books and books. Today they’ll write a book about children, “You must give them feed at the right time.” Then they will write next time, “No, no you should not do that way. You should allow them to eat whatever they like.” Then thirdly they’ll say that “You should not give this to your children, that you should not give, that should not happen.” With all this knowledge, people are not aware that they are making their children like the dolls in the hands of these writers. Whatever they say, whatever they do, there’s no sense in it. We know what is needed for the children in Sahaja Yoga. Actually these are people just selling their books, you know, whatever knowledge they have, they have a flair to write, they write it and you accept it and you get into problems. And this is a very, very common thing. They protect the children too much which they need not. But whenever it is necessary one should. My main thing is that before the children how we should behave. There are differences in husband and wife, not that there are none. But they should not be exposed. Children should not be exposed to your differences, to your fights, to your angers and fits. They get it; they are so, I am again saying, they are so protected. So much protection is given to them. These protected children take these things very quickly. If mother says to the father something, father says to the mother, they’ll repeat it later on. You will be surprised, same thing. When the father does something, they’ll say same thing. So you are spoiling their whole attitude towards life. Must understand, children are much faster than you are in picking up things because they have to learn, they are growing up. So your relationship between you and your wife should be of respect, should be of love and understanding and caring. But there should not be something of … some sort of a scene that is not good for them. I mean, that doesn’t mean that you behave in a funny manner before the children. That is for the bedroom, all right? Thank God, you have bedrooms separate. We don’t even have that. In India, very few people have bedrooms closed. In the day time, if they close bedrooms, people think, “Are they mad or sick?” So this is the attitude that one has to take that before others, before other people, before the children and everything, we have to behave. Now if you want to find faults with each other, you can find it in the bedroom. That’s not a very good game I think, why should you find? It’s always better to close the chapter at the end of the day and sleep well. All this I am telling you that you should not miss the point of joy and happiness. This is how you will really enjoy your children, your husband, your wife, everything. In this, as I have always said that the wife has to be very wise. She’s the one who has to be very wise. But not to such an extent that she allows her husband to do what he likes. She has to keep a control, in a way, that he doesn’t disturb the society of Sahaja Yoga. About other things, like we have about, they said, I didn’t know that you are paying some money for the school and all those people who are not even having children in the school are paying. I didn’t know this. School has money, no doubt. There’s no problem on that because they are not spending much. But now you change the pattern. I’ll talk to your leader, and see. And also you can have a proper house on rent, separately and get all the children there to study, and nobody should act arbitrarily. And it should be done properly. I’ll talk to your leader and tell him. And the children should be seen, even by the leaders, to see that they don’t become racist or they do not become violent. And I think Indian teachers would be a better idea, because you see they, they are mild people and it would be better. And I have also discovered you have two girls who can work, Indian girls. It’s better that they should look after the children. And lastly I have to say, I really enjoyed My stay in Sydney. Really. I don’t know why this was called as Sydney, what was the reason – and also in the West they don’t have meaning for every name. But it’s a very beautiful place where so many Sahaja yogis are there. And I really feel very happy in your company. I love you and you all love Me. Whatever I want is your happiness and joy. And please remember that we are here to enjoy, all of us. So don’t do anything that makes you unhappy, like having big, big plans, this, that. Not necessary. There’s no need, and if you want to have you please let Me know. I’ll tell you exactly whether you should do it or not. Because I don’t want you to land up as bankrupts, or this and that, like madcap people everywhere. So this is, you have to be careful, you just inform Me. You let Me know. You can write to Me that you have such plans and all that, I’ll tell you. Now this idea of this artist business is, now that doesn’t go into My head, I must say. They have told Me that they want to get all the artists together of the world and this and that. It’s a very one-sided attitude to form, you see. Just a few artists are there, then they invite them, and they invite here and a conference start. That sort of a thing should not be. If there are artists, all right, there are artists abroad, everywhere they are. And wherever you can meet them, you can meet them. But you cannot separate a body like that, artists are separately, musicians separately, then you’ll have politicians, then economists, you see. So that’s not Sahaj standard. That’s not Sahaj Yoga, that’s the way people live, you see, they have separately some sort of a thing, or if not, they can have a organization of, say broomstick women, something like that. So we are Sahaja yogis, and we are Sahaja yogis and Sahaja yogis. If you are artists, is by the way. If you are musicians, is by the way. We are Sahaja yogis and Sahaja yogis. This is one has to remember. Like this the groups will start. And this clubbing system has been there in the human nature, has been there through out. We have been clubbing with anything. You know, if there’s somebody like the French, they put their spoon the other way round, you see, spoon and fork like that. So I said, “Why?” “Because we’re French.” I couldn’t understand this explanation, “these are French”. And then the English put it this way. Now if you just put it the other way round, I mean, you are a gone case, then you are no good. So we have to know that this kind of clubbing was in the human nature because it comes from the animal instinct. You see animals also club together. You are from Brisbane? All right, we sit together. You are from here, we sit together. It’s a animal instinct. Because of some sort of a fear maybe, that they club together. This clubbing, clubbing has come to human race also. For everything you have a club, you know that. For you it is not necessary because you have come out of that state of animal instinct to higher instincts. Yes, you are an artist. All right, you are an artist. So another is an artist, all right. But don’t club together as artists, as musicians, as this, as that. As long as you have to say sing together, you can practice, again finished. It’s very important point. Try to understand. Clubbing is not at all a human quality. Clubbing is a quality of animals. So when we are all Sahaja yogis, why should we club together? What is the need to club? And this clubbing has brought so much problem to us. This politicians, then this religions, and all this nothing but clubbing – that separates. So anytime you find there’s a clubbing system working anywhere, just run away from there. You belong to a very big community. Now say in My hand, these fingers start clubbing, what will I do with them? I’ll have to make a club out of it. But still going on. I mean when they come to Ganapatipule there had clubs going on there also. I’ve been informed about them. Australian club, and north Australian then south Australians, then east, west and southeast, southwest, so all that has to be given up. One has to understand that we are all Sahaja yogis, all over the world, wherever we may live, whatever we may eat, whatever we may wear. We are inside all Sahaja yogis, and all connected to all-pervading power. If you become great artistes because you have got Sahaja Yoga, all right, enjoy that. If you became great musicians, all right, enjoy that. If you become an orator, enjoy that. But you don’t club yourself with another person on those grounds. That is something not at all Sahaj. In Sahaj you are one with every one, and with all of them. See now, My life if it is anything, you should understand that I am extremely a sahaj person, extremely sahaj. So wherever I go, I can’t understand. I go to Russia, all these Russians, they had never known about Me, they have never heard about Me, they came to listen to Me. Anywhere I go. I mean later on the follow up may not be that good, but wherever I go there are in thousands of people. After all what is so great about Me? See this is it. What you have to learn – I am so sahaj and also when I tell you about, you don’t feel bad. Because you know, you know I am telling you out of compassion and love, and that is important. You understand that because first thing is compassion and love. And when there is compassion and love, you cannot think of clubbing at all, never. You can never club with anyone. You will love each and every person, and be kind and enjoy your compassion, the virtue of your compassion, virtue of your love. And that is, that shows on your faces, you shine compared to those born again, who were never born again. They were looking so hazard and horrible, very harsh faces, with such a young girl, she had all the wrinkles you could count on her face, going round and round and round. So I told her, “You are not born again, I am sorry.” She said, “Are You?” I said, “I am. Look at your face in the mirror. You will know, you are not born again.” So the greatest advantage of Sahaja Yoga is that you can enjoy everything. That is the greatest advantage, whether it is art, architecture, music, or a lecture, or studies, education, family life, everything you should be able to enjoy fully. Then you are a real Sahaja yogi and that you have achieved that state. Sometimes there are problems, here and there, something happens, doesn’t matter. Have faith, and you will be surprised at the miracles that you get. One after another, so many miracles, but listen to Me and also try to follow what I say. First of all, no temper. Temper if you have, you must know that it’s a serious thing in the West because there’s no controlling power over temper, and schizophrenia is the only ultimate result of temper. So temper should not be justified. All ego, temper should be brought down. One should not try in any way to get angry with others because of jealousy, because of complexes, because of anything. If it is so, please introspect, “Why do I get into tempers?” Shri Krishna has placed temper as the worst disease of all, He said from there it rises everything. But I don’t agree with Him because, you see, it must be, He was, for Him it’s a leela, the whole world is a leela, but not for everyone. Temper can come from Mooladhara, can come from Swadishtana, can come from anywhere. So one cannot say that the source of temper is going to be the source of all the problems, can be from anything. One can really get destroyed by anything, but temper is one thing that is the worst of all. So, if you find anybody who is hot tempered, if you find yourself to be hot tempered, then please see to it that you overcome it. I used to tell before, I don’t know now, there must be My tapes that if you are very angry, then stand before the mirror and say all kinds of things. Or else you take a pillow and hit it hard when you are in temper. Close the door, hit the pillow and then go out. You may have to spend for another pillow, doesn’t matter. So you develop a very, I should say, a pleasing personality. That’s very important. You must have a very pleasing personality. But that is not acceptable in certain countries because it’s said that you should not show your, any pleasing personality, because others will think you are weak. The strength is your joy. Strength is your virtue, strength is your pleasing personality. That is your strength. And this artificially, some people say that if you become very pleasing and this and that, then others will think you are weak. If they think, let them think like that. That is their stupidity. So you should be happy, joyous, pleasing. I must say in Sahaja Yoga some people have come up so well that I really feel very proud of them, very proud. And also, I never expected this to work out so well in My lifetime, I never expected because I started it very late, deliberately. So it is very heartening to see so many Sahaja yogis coming up, and listening to Me so nicely without taking any objection to what I say, and then imbibing it in their lives so that they can enjoy themselves very well. This time I had to meet people separately and in one room and all, but next time I think I’ll discuss certain problems openly. If you people are doing something stupid which, let us, all of us know. So that there’ll be some fear of people who are doing wrong things. For example, I don’t know is he here, Peter Patten, is he here? He’s not here? Peter Patten from Adelaide. He has been very funny, and he has to get out of Sahaja Yoga I think, for some time. Then there’s one Mark, is he here? Where is he? Just call him. So you see, he doesn’t realize what’s wrong with him. And he is trying to force himself on to others. Is not a very good idea. You all take a bandhan, I think you see, it’s all right. Where is he? So we will have a open talk about it, so you will realize what’s wrong with the person. Extremely right-sided is, the whole thing is burning. Where is he? What’s the matter with you? Why do you want to meet Me? [Mark: I was just going to get some directions from You, Shri Mataji.] What direction? [Mark: Just about what I should be doing, as far as more involvement in ….] I mean, just think of it, if I have to talk to each person like that, what will be My situation? [Mark: Yes Shri Mataji.] So why should you force your way like that? You could have written a letter to Me, I would have known whatever you wanted. You see, now try to understand what’s your problem is. Your problem is right side. All right? Sit down and remove it. That’s your problem. You can find it out very easily, what your problem is, and which you can solve. You can also talk to the leaders but you have to be humble about it. You should not be aggressive. “I must meet Mataji, I must meet Mataji.” You see, supposing you all want to meet Me individually, what will happen? And you will be amazed only in Sydney I meet people like this. Only I have been meeting and meeting and meeting. For that, now I would say that you should tell your leaders first. Let them scan you out, let them write what are their problems are. Then if I want to see, I’ll see. I should have that much freedom. You can’t force things on Me, can you? I have not taken a contract with you or anything. So all of you who want to see Me, should not talk to Vinay, because he’s now fed up. He’s so tired, he doesn’t know. Everybody is pressurizing him. So now please tell your leader. Leader has to give Me your problems. Then I’ll see, if I want to see or if I don’t want to see. We have to stop this. There’s nothing special, nothing great that you cannot tell the leader. The leader can solve your problem. Because I have to go from countries to counties, you know that. Even in Australia, I travel from cities to city, which I do not do in anywhere. Even in India, only two places I go to or only the capital. But I feel concerned about you. You have gone through bumpy areas. But try to understand that there’s no contract with Me. If you have come to Sahaja Yoga, doesn’t mean that you have right to do what you like. No. I must cure, I must touch person, I must see. This is too much. What have you done for Sahaja Yoga. Ask this question, “What have I done for Sahaja Yoga? How many people I have given realization?” I’ve been just fighting with others, having family problems, this, that or “Have I done anything which is constructive to help Mother?” As you know, My age is now seventy-one, I don’t know how far My husband will allow Me to travel now, also. Whatever it is. You have to take over. You have to take the responsibility. You have all the powers, you have all the knowledge. You are quite all right now for Sahaja Yoga spreading. So go ahead. You are wise enough to understand that now we should spare our Mother. So nobody should be aggressive like that. All right? If I have to see somebody, I will see. But first of all you must tell your leaders and give them the full reason why you want to see Me, and if I think it proper, I’ll see. This much freedom you should give Me that if I want, I’ll see you. There is some sort of a protocol is there for people that they should understand that you cannot just ask to see Me just like that. As you love Me, you can feel for Me also and understand that what is important is you should go deep down into yourself and I am there. I am there, absolutely. I am everywhere. You need not see My face or see Me. I am there. Just know this fact that I am there with you all the time whether you write to Me, whether you inform Me or not. There are people who have developed such, such tremendous faith that Mother is everywhere, that just by praying they have saved the lives of people. Just from praying. There are many like that. And really, it is worth seeing these people, how simple they are. I won’t even see them normally, anywhere. But they are there. And they told Me how they have achieved so many things so easily. It is very remarkable. There was one fellow whose mother was sick in Rohtak and he was in, I think, Bombay and he received a message that she is sick and she will die very soon. So he rushed to the place and they told him that within three days she will be finished. His mother is not a realized soul nor she’s a Sahaja yogini, she has never even seen Me. He said, “Mother I couldn’t help it. I just went on my knees and I just prayed, ‘oh Mother, please can You save my mother?’” Within three days the lady got all right. They said it’s a galloping cancer. He flew her to Bombay and took her to the Tata hospital to find out if there is any cancer. They said, “There’s no trace of cancer.” He said, “This is the last time I have asked You for anything.” I just, I just – it has happened with many. So it is your faith. Faith is not blind in Sahaja Yoga, you know for definite what is Sahaja Yoga is. You have seen miraculous photographs. You have seen all the miracles happening. So now your faith should be completely, entirely in it. And it will work out. I promise you if your faith is deep enough to reach Me, you don’t have to see My face, even not to have My photograph, nothing. Wherever you are, you’ll find Me. That’s why I always say, “Develop your faith, develop your faith.” May God bless you!May God bless you! So thank you again and again for all these flowers and for all the nice time I had here. Specially the food was marvelous. I must say I can’t do justice to all this but I enjoyed it.
Innately are we righteous?
Public Program
Public Program. Canberra (Australia), 8 April 1994. I think you can go down, there lots of seats still vacant. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset I have to tell you that truth is what it is. You cannot transform it, change it and unfortunately at this human awareness you cannot know it. Now whatever I am going to tell you today, you need not believe blind folded, you have already suffered a lot because of blind faith. But if it is proved, then as honest people you have to accept it. Because it is for the benevolence of your being, for the benevolence of your society, your city, your country and the world at large. So one has to understand that we have not known so far the absolute truth. If we had known the absolute truth, there would not have been any problems whatsoever. Because everybody would seethe same truth. There cannot be so many types, dogmas, so many discussions, arguments whys and whats. If everybody sees the same point then who will fight? For example I am sitting before you, you all see it clearly and you know it. You are not going to fight that I am here or not. For that we need the last breakthrough of our evolution. As human beings, still, we have freedom to think whatever we like but we haven’t got capacity to know the absolute truth. If that is so and if there is a way out, why not we try for it? They have been already told about this, this instrument that is within you. I never see such a big one today [unclear]. In Australia everything is big I tell you. Very nice. I mean it can cover a very big hall as we had yesterday a day before we had three thousand three hundred people and this would have been better there. All right, as it is this is the subtle instrument that is within us, is created through our evolutionary process. As we learn, say, science and other things from western countries from Australia, from all Japanese countries and all that. We can see the civilization has grown so big and we do not know our roots. That’s why, what is happening is, people are waiting for a shock.Already they are very much upset. What has gone wrong with us that we should know our roots. Now if these roots are coming from East or from India why should we abhor it, why should we condemn it? Because it's very important that we have to seek our roots and this is the knowledge of the roots. The human problems actually cover all the global problems, most of it. And to solve them we have to see to this inner subtle instrument within us. When these centers are in jeopardy,then we get physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, political, all problems. Because, problems are caused by human beings and human beings are in trouble because of these centers. So if by chance, you know how to correct your centers and then to correct others centers also, you solve the problem. Now this power that is being told as Kundalini, is called Kundalini because ‘Kundal’ means coils, it is coiled three and a half times. It has some mathematical calculations. Now this Kundalini when She is awakened She passes through these centers and She enlightens them. She nourishes them and She integrates. Ultimately She pierces through your fontanel bone area. In Sanskrit we call it Brahmarandra, pierces through and becomes one with this all pervading power. So you achieve two results. So the truth about you is that you are not this body, mind, your ego, your conditionings. Because you say this is my ego, it is my conditioning, this is my house, this is my wife, my husband. So this ’my’, who is the ‘my’ there? So you become the ‘I’, the‘self’, that is the Spirit which you are! And the second truth is that there is all pervading power which does all the living work. Look at these beautiful flowers; it's a miracle, if you see. There are different flowers from different seeds of certain heights, certain shapes, certain colour. And you take it for granted. You don’t even think about them how they have come out like that. Who runs our heart? The doctors will say autonomous nervous system. But who is the ‘auto’? So we never question anything about living process, because we can’t answer. This living process is done by a very subtle energy, which you can call by any name, is the divine power of love. You can call it as ‘Ruah’ as in Quran, you can call it as ‘Brahma Chaitanya’ as in Sanskrit and as ‘Ritambhara PrAgnya’ by Patanjali. You can give it any name to it, is different but, it is a power which we have never felt before which is a subtle power which does all living work. So, as if, if you have not reached that source of energy, the whole development outside is collapsing. Also, supposing this instrument is not connected to the mains,then, it has no identity, it has no meaning. Why was it created? And everywhere these days I find the seekers are trying to find out their identity. So what is your identity, is that you are the Spirit, you are the Spirit and this Spirit is the ultimate that you have to become. Once you become the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit you see the Truth. First of all on your fingertips you start feeling this cool breeze,‘Cool breeze of the Holy Ghost’, you can call it or this ‘all pervading power of divine love’. And when you start feeling that power, is... your body acts like a computer. You ask any question. There are many people who don’t believe, there is no God. I think it is very unscientific to say there is no God, because you have not found out. Without finding out how can you say there is no God? They have all kinds of funny stories even about Christ. They say He was not the son of God. How do you say? You are not at that point where you can decide, what is true, what is not. Just mental projections, they go on condemning all the great incarnations, and all the great prophets, and seers and sages because they are all blind. Kabira says that,”O God, how am I to explain to all these people who are blind in this world”. ”Kaise samajhaavu, sab jagah andha.” So, Sahaja means, ‘Saha” means born, ‘saha’ means ‘with’, ‘ja’ ’born’. Born with you is the right to become a yogi, to have this union, yoga, with the divine. And it is very simple now. In the modern times it's very simple. In the olden days there were people who were trying to give realization, self-realization. But they would have one or two disciples only. And will... they would not reveal the secrets about the Kundalini, so clearly. In the twelfth century [ie. 1200s] one great poet called Gyaneshwara, he asked permission from his master, his own brother was his master, that ”allow me to talk about it and I will not do anything but I'll just talk about it in my book, Gyaneshwari”. In the sixth chapter He wrote very clearly about it. In Sanskrit we had, fourteen thousand years back a great Markandeya who had written about it. Sixth century [ie. 600s] also Adi Shankaracharya wrote about it. But it was all in Sanskrit, was not available to common people. After this, after the twelfth century [1200s] many [when he] wrote it, the people who were in charge of religion said that this is a ‘nisiddha’, means is something not to be read by anyone. It's not,because they didn’t know what to do about it. They had no idea, they had no knowledge. They had no knowledge about the divine and they were in charge religion, maybe making money. So the second... Lot of people, saints came up in India. In the sixteenth century who have talked about it, all over the country, about this Kundalini. In the Bible also it is written that I will appear before you like ‘tongues of flames’, and these look like tongues of flames,very silent, beautiful. In these colours I've shown here, they look like. And some people have described them, those who have been moving around the circle.But, to enter into it ... to be... Supposing I see the light, I am not the light. This is the point many people have missed, that you have to be not tos ee something. And once you become then you have so many powers within you that you start manifesting them. The other day there were some these ‘born again’people were just... like mad, were there shouting, shouting. I said you ”are not born again, what are you doing?” They just call themselves ‘born again’,is not the way. As we call ourselves Hindus, Muslims, Christians, this, we are not! We are really not because anybody can commit any mistake can commit any sin. You may belong to any religion. So there's something missing within you and your religion. It is not innately manifesting within you. And that's the point we have to be honest about it. That our religion and ourselves’ are not one with ourselves. As we can see some things, are we righteous? Innately are we righteous? We are not. And there are temptations and temptations, so what’s wrong? They do all kinds of things and as far as the religion is concerned, still what you find that the religion is not one with us. And so many bad things are happening, you see these Muslims being killed here, these Israelis are being killed and this, I mean it is really I can’t understand how can you do it in the name of God. Now this Bosnia problem is there and people are dying and eating each other’s body, that sort of thing, I mean, can you imagine in modern times such things are happening all over the world and it disturbs you completely. That's why is it they don't want to see the point? There's something missing. With all that we have to understand that if we have to solve the problem of religion, one thing we must know that all these religions were born on the same tree of spirituality. Only we have plucked the flowers. and now we are fighting with the dead flowers.Then where is the religion? Religion is this part that is shown as the green colour. You see the ten petals, the Ten commandments, ten petals and this is tobe awakened. That's only possible if this Kundalini rises. She is your own power. She's your own individual mother. She has recorded everything within Herself, what you have been doing,what was your past and what are your problems and what are your conditionings. All your ventures She knows. It's like a tape recorder. But She's your mother and She is anxious to give you your second birth, very anxious, because these are some special times. I call them blossom time. In the Bible they say it is a ‘last judgment’ and in the Koran it is called ‘Khayyama’, is the resurrection time.Whatever you may call it. This is a special time when you are born and you are all seekers, you are born to seek the truth. Be honest about it that we have not yet achieved what we wanted. Out of whatever religion we follow, whatever way we worship God. Some people have some sort of satisfaction that, no, no Mother, we are very happy we have got this know ... No that's not so. With this happening, the first thing happens to you that you develop a new dimension in your, your awareness. Just now you are not even conscious of your centers. Then you know your centers on your fingertips, you can feel them also inside. Like somebody will come and tell me ”Mother, my Agnya is caught, please clear it out.” Meaning what? I am very egoistic. My ego is troubling me. Nobody would say that normally. Nobody will even think he has ego. But with this, you get separated from yourself and you see yourself and your problems. So the first thing happens to you, that you have self-knowledge. And the second thing that happens to you, that you have the knowledge of others. That is the collective consciousness in which sitting down here you can find out whose chakras are catching where. What's happening where? What's wrong with somebody? But you don’t talk the language as we talk about, oh this one is a corrupt man or he is just like that or he has this problem. No, we talk on chakras. This is what the Disciples of Christ were talking, the language of chakras. You say that this person has this problem,this person has this problem. And you start not criticizing, telling him anything. But if you know how to correct your chakras, you can correct yours and you can correct others. This is the power you get which I call it is a collective consciousness. Because who is the other? Is what we say, the microcosm becomes the macrocosm. The one drop becomes the ocean. The consciousness of the ocean comes within. This is what is just getting at your threshold. You can get it. It's very easy because it’s your own power and it manifests. So that you discover how glorious you are. How powerful you are. When this power starts flowing through you it corrects your chakras no doubt. But also in the light of your spirit your attention becomes very innocent. Christ had said ”thou shall not have adulteress eyes”. I would like to see any Christian nation where they don’t have people of this kind. So your attention becomes innocent and wherever you put your attention on, then what happens, it acts, it works. It works very well. So you become a global personality, universal personality. You can spread your attention. But you become so compassionate, so compassionate that you never think of harming anyone. But anything that is harming;you just put your attention and correct it in your own life and the lives of others. It is unbelievable for people to think that they can be that dynamic and they can show those results, but they can. Is all these powers are within you. Please understand that I have nothing to do with it. It's a living process. Like in the Mother Earth if you put one seed it sprouts by itself.Because the seed has the capacity to sprout and the Mother also has the capacity to sprout. It's a built-in capacity. And when the built-in capacity is there, it just acts as a living process. So far, at a human level we have all limited memories, limited energies, limited, we can call, intelligence and projection of mind. And they are mostly artificial. So you jump into reality and you understand what is realities. Yet you have not known the reality. So confused. What is reality? And the reality is that you are the Spirit. And that this all pervading power is flowing through you as realized souls. As you know the absolute truth, you can find out about anyone who comes and says, all right this is religion, this is God, or say this is correct in every area, in every part of your activities. Who is the correct man? How will you know? Who is the one who is telling you the lies and who the one who is just deceiving you? As it is, I am ashamed to say, say that from my country so many have come to loot you, take advantage of your ignorance. But even there was one realized soul he would have pointed out that these are all thieves, don’t go near them. So this all pervading power is the ocean of knowledge. I've seen people who were very ordinary artists have become great artists, even Australia;musicians have become great musicians, talented. But those who were government servants, as most of you might be, who had nothing to do with art, maybe,suddenly become artists, poets. I was myself surprised because I have always... as you know my husband has been a hard-boiled bureaucrat and I've seen it,people transforming themselves into such beautiful personalities and doing good work now, working out everything so well. So what happens, that supposing you are standing in the water in the sea and you are getting drowned because of the waves, but somehow you come on a boat, then you can see the waves and enjoy them. But in case you know how to swim, if you know how to swim you can save others. This is exactly what happens to you. It is also true that most of the diseases get cured, or if you are getting into any diseases, immediately know that you are getting into this trouble. Immediately, is not difficult, because on the centers you can feel it. What center is going out of gear and immediately you know, if you know how to correct it you are cured. You don't have to pay any medicine .. for medicine or anything. Specially for diagnosis, I mean, normally a patient is killed before he is diagnosed, isn’t it? But in this the diagnosis is so easy, on your finger tips you can say what's wrong with you, what's wrong with others. And you become a very dynamic personality. You must be knowing, I am 71 years of age. A practically I am travelling every day. Tomorrow I am going to New Zealand early in the morning,having a program in the evening. This morning I came, I have a program. It is working out all right; I mean nothing wrong with Me. But I never think I am travelling, I think I am there as I'm sitting here on a chair, I am sitting inside aeroplane. So the first thing that happens to you really is a new state of your mind which we call as thoughtless awareness. That happens, say, if you are thinking, you are thinking about the future or the past. If I tell you stand in your present, you cannot. Present,you cannot, you cannot. You are either thinking of the future or of the past.And the thought comes like that, rises, falls, again comes up, falls, like that. Now we are jumping on the cusps of these thoughts. But with the Kundalini awakening, these thoughts elongate and in between them is what we call is the pause, the vilamba where there is no thought. And you are absolutely aware, no thought, you are absolutely aware. You are without any thought, in your peace.That is how you achieve your peace. It's no use having peace foundations which I've seen. Many people who have peace foundations, peace awards, they are so hot-tempered that if you have to talk to them better have a barge pole in between. They get awards for peace and peace and peace. Such a lot of money they have collected for peace, but where is the peace, there is no peace within. So first you achieve your peace and you watch. As I said when you get onto a boat you watch. And when you see the problem you solve it better and if you are in it, you cannot. So also one must know that this all pervading power is the source of all the blessings. So many blessings are showered on you. People are writing to Me every day, at least hundred letters saying „this has happened Mother”. „You know ... this is My blessings”.”This was a miracle, that was a miracle”. Now miracle has lost, it's power in Sahaja Yoga. „This happened to me, this happened to my health, this happened to my writings, this happened to my....” I was going in the plane and what, how I was saved and how in the accident I was saved”, so many of them. They can’t explain. So that we talk of God who blesses us. We never felt that way so directly as we feel it now. So much so that... I was ....I told somebody that ”you better compile them”. Within month’s time he said "Mother they haven’t come up to my head, now you tell me what to compile”. I said ”forget it”. Because, the ocean of blessings, believe Me, is ocean of blessings. It's the ocean of compassion and love. It forgives. Above all it is the ocean of forgiveness, and it forgives. So, such a great power which is itself so powerful. They say that it starts flowing through. And it is everything is tangible. Now if I say that diseases are cured. We have four doctors now in Delhi University who have got their MD [Doctor of Medicine] in Sahaja Yoga. It does cure also cancer. It cures so many diseases that I cannot in this short lecture tell you. But one should come as a seeker of truth. Not just to get yourself cured. Because you will be cured today, again you will have another disease. Best is to get yourself-realization fully and establish yourself. Sometimes these connections are loose so you have to establish. And most evident is that you cannot pay. You cannot pay for living work. How much do you pay to Mother Earth? So you cannot pay. Everybody thinks that God has a bank or something and He, He earns money out of us. That's your headache, money is your headache not His. So you don’t have to pay anything. It's not like an introductory lecture here and then you go back and start paying somewhere else, not that. You cannot pay for self-realization. Ah! You can pay for this hall, maybe. But you can't pay for this self-realization. And once you realize that what is your worth and value, you really give up nonsensical things. Like you belong to this group,you belong to that group and you follow this type of methodology or that. But what have you got? Now face it up. What power have you got? Tomorrow you can get cancer, you can get anything. One can become mad. I mean they are saying in America within ten years 65 per cent will be schizophrenic. Can you imagine?Already I think they are very immature people. And if they become schizophrenic, what will happen to this one,[world] and they are so important.So there's something going wrong, we have to understand and we have to correct it. The greatest thing that happen to you that you enter into the kingdom of God. No more in the kingdom of any country, but in the kingdom of God where you are drowned in joy, you are swimming in joy. What is joy? Joy is not like happiness or unhappiness. If your ego is pampered you feel happy and if your ego is punctured you feel unhappy.But joy is singular. You just enjoy, anything, anything nice, beautiful without desiring to have it. Now this power that is within you is the primordial Mother who is being reflected in you as Kundalini. Surprisingly in many religions they have not talked of the primordial Mother, like they have the father, the son and the Holy Ghost. They have never said a word about the Mother, the feminine part of it, I don’t know. Especially with Bible, I think Mr Paul must have done it. Cause I don’t know why he is in the Bible. He never saw even Christ. All such things have happened. Woman is the shakti, she's the power and if you treat her like that then she becomes something else. She is no more a woman. Is a saying in Sanskrit, ”Yatranaryastu pujynte, tatra ramante devanta”. „Where the women are respectable or respected, respectable- they have lost the sense of respectability, of chastity- there resides Gods.” So all these things also, these ideas of condemning men or women or this and that and making divisions and divisions against divisions, it is never there. It's the synthesis, internal synthesis of the whole human beings, is the whole world is going to take place. As you know Sahaja Yoga is now working in sixty nations. Of course India, it is all right,because we in India we have this tradition. They know what is self-realization.But in Russia where they never knew who is God. You won’t believe that I can’t hold a program on such a small scale there, minimum of minimum, sixteen to eighteen thousand people, a very learned, very learned people. See, there are scientists, there are doctors. And the scientist I started on science, they said ”Mother, we know science everything, now we don’t want to know anymore science. You tell us why are we on this earth and you tell us about divine laws. We don’t want to hear any more about science, had enough of it”. Can you imagine they have bestowed a very great honour on Me. St. Petersburg University, I don’t know if he has told you or not. But surprisingly, it's one of the oldest universities and there are having only ten members so far been and Einstein is one of them,you see. I said how, I felt very, [unclear] I felt very shy with the whole thing. They said why Einstein? Einstein only worked on matter, you are working on human beings. I said I am not working; it is their own desire is working,their own power is... So they are so sensitive, I can't understand. Seventy percent of Russians are extremely sensitive to spirituality, all eastern bloc. We have been busy with our materialism, with our choices this .... where are we landed? And when they had the coup I was there, and I asked them aren’t you worried. Aren’t you worried about this coup? They said, ‘Why? Why should we worry? We are in the kingdom of God, why should we worry?’ Simple answer. Such lovely people they are! They had never known Me, they... They were seeing me, I mean, and no other guru could stay there. You will be surprised,throughout,[they threw out] all of them. So this sensitivity comes I don't know from where. How they have understood that reality is the thing you have to achieve now. That we have to become the Spirit, the Soul, and not anything else. I was amazed the way these people have reacted! I don’t want to put a sort of a competition for you or a challenge for you. But definitely there's something. Despite their very bad government and everything, how they have maintained themselves, so introspective. I wish people all over the world understand that there are problems. Your children have problems. Other day I was reading that you cannot avoid small children, teenage children who are not taking drugs. Why do they take drugs? They are seeking something. They can't find it out, out of frustration. But with Sahaja Yoga people have given up drugs overnight. I assure you, there are some sitting here like that.Overnight they gave up drugs and whatever damage it had caused them on their brains, they have been recovered. All these indulgences that have suffered, because of the genes, I think genes, must rid off... The other day I read about the genes that there are two protective genes within us.Surprisingly they said that Asians have them all the time. So they take time to take to something like that. One gene protects you from being violent, angry,hot tempered, cruel, corrupt, all kinds of things. We can call it the father,the sin against the father. And the another gene protects you from indulging into destructive things, sex, too much of it, I mean this all kinds of rapes... and so many..., horrible things that we have never heard of such things that are going on in these countries, where are... they are supposed to be developed. And also indulging into drugs and alcohol and all that. This protective gene is being absolutely awakened again I have seen after realization. Whether you are an Asian or not, makes no difference. But also look these Germans. They say that they are the highest race, you know they feel.They are the ones who killed small little children in the gas chamber and they saw them suffering, how could they do it? And they are supposed to be a very,what you call them, higher races. Max Muller says that they came to India and wrote vedas. How can they write vedas, these people? They are not afraid of God, the way they have behaved... But now Sahaja Yogis, Sahaja Yogis Germans,you should say, the gentlest people [unclear], gentlest. They won’t hurt you, I mean, they are so beautiful. So this Kundalini is the one,She cleanses all that, makes you peaceful, joyous and collective. Now I hope you all get your realization tonight. Have faith in yourself, that's the main thing,you must have faith that you will all get realization. I know there are people who have some questions also. These questions now I can answer, for the last twenty four years I have been doing this kind of work all over the world. So I can answer, because it's just a mental acrobat, I have become quite an expert.But this is of no use. By that thing you are not going to get to your realization. What you have to ask really is your self-realization. This powers the power of pure desire. All other desires, as you know, in economics, that in general that they are not satiable. You may be aware, may not be aware, but this desire is within you, is to become the Spirit, to become one with all this pervading power and that acts, works and helps you. Everything is tangible. You will be amazed how it works! How it helps you! Second thing I have to tell you that it is not an individual thing. It is not that, you can say oh! First day you may feel very happy and very relaxed, on the top of the world. That'snot important. You have to come to the collective. You must understand the whole knowledge about your internal being and you have to be with the collective to grow. Like if I take out one, say nail out of my fingers, it will never grow. So it's the whole being, is a living organism. Only thing, you have to pay sometime time, as time ... for it. They will tell you how to be in meditation, not to do meditation, how to be in meditation. So first you get the state of thoughtless awareness, we call it as Nirvichar Samadhi. And then the state, you get is called as Nirvikalp Samadhi where you get all the powers of raising others Kundalini, giving them realization, curing ... everything. Those who have never come to the stage become orators. See these musicians singing Indian songs. Can you imagine these, I mean, English speaking people, so hard for an Indian music, I tell you, especially for Indian words. But when they sing, ask Indians they will tell you they sing like Indians... It was so difficult to teach even one word to the Englishman in India, one word, and nou-nouț see this. What has happened to them? How suddenly they have picked up all the rhythm, all the things. Which is very difficult. So... all these powers which are within you, you have to manifest and enjoy your virtues, enjoy your virtues. You don’t become proud, but you enjoy them. You enjoy your generosity,enjoy your compassion, never feel that you are taking too much trouble, you are doing this and that, nothing. You think of others all the time and you live in peace and create peace all around. We have these people from sixty nations;they come to India once a year. I've never seen them quarreling, fighting,doing anything against each other, never. How do they live from all different countries, from Chinese to Africans, from Africans to English and from English to Americans and Australians, so many of them? In Sydney we have twenty two centers. I must say Australia is one of our very great country which has really very enthusiastically has taken to Sahaja Yoga. And I am sure also you all will. We have a great story in our Puranas about Australia which sometimes I'll tell you. So May God Bless you! And you be confident that you will have your realization just now. You don’t have to do much, just it will take ten minutes more. But, of course I respect your freedom. If you don’t want to have your realization, you should leave the hall. I cannot force on you. It is something that cannot be forced. I respect your freedom out and out. So, if you want togo, you can go. All of you want realization,it's very good. Now one thing that should not upset you, because I've seen people getting upset if I tell them that you have to take out your shoes. I hope you won’t be upset with that. You need not takeout your socks but your shoes. I does, sometimes. Don’t have to say any mantras nothing. And you don't have to concentrate also. Please don’t try to concentrate. Just keep yourself open. Don’t force yourself into anything. As I have said, telling you that Thassos become so easy now, you don’t have to go to Himalayas and stand on your head or anything. You have to be very comfortable and also you should be very much pleasantly placed toward yourself. Because as I said, you are human beings, you are at the epitome of evolution. And you are ... have a right to have this, because you are born at this time with a special purpose. So in no way you should condemn yourself. This is the first condition. Have full confidence. The another thing is you shouldn't feel guilty at this time; please don’t feel guilty for anything. It has become a fashion now to feel guilty for anything. I mean, even, if supposing you spill some coffee you go on feeling guilty all your life. And what's this going on? You must value yourself. This life is not meant for feeling bad for small, small things. It is very great, it’s very precious. So please don’t have any guilt. But if you have, you catch on this center here. And this is such a dangerous thing because it gives you what we call as Angina. It may give you spondylitis. It may give you very lethargic organs. So very dangerous is to feel guilt, so why feel guilty unnecessarily. I tell you if you were guilty,you would have been in jail. Now you are sitting here, so don’t feel guilty about anything whatsoever. I assure you, you are not guilty. So, you have to really forgive yourself. Now, the most simple condition is this that you have to forgive everyone. People might say it's very difficult to forgive. But, whether you forgive or not, I've telling the logic. Now think about it, whether you forgive or not what do you do? I don’t do anything. But when don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you, tortured you, are not feeling bad. But you are the one who is torturing yourself. But at this time,the problem is that this centre of Agnya which is like this, absolutely constructed like this, like a cross. It is on the optic chiasma. And if you don’t forgive,it won’t open at all. But if you forgive it will definitely open and the Kundalini will pass. So, at this juncture you have as it is troubled yourself so much. At this juncture please, please forgive everyone in general. Don’t even think about them because it is a headache. It's a real headache even to think of these people. So you just forgive in general. Of course we'll tell you how to do it. It's very simple. Now to begin with you keep your eyes open. I'll show you how you have to yourself enrich your own centers, very simple. So please put your left hand towards Me like this comfortably. You have to be comfortable. That’s very important. Please both the feet apart from each other because these are two powers, left and right. Put your left hand towards me on your lap. Just like this. And now we have to use our left side with our right hand. Now please put your right hand on your heart. This is the center where the Spirit resides. If you become the Spirit, you become your own master in the light of the Spirit.So please take your right hand the upper portion of your abdomen on the liver.All of you should do it, please do. This is the center of your mastery which is created by great prophets and seers and sages. Surprisingly the center of pure knowledge is lower here on the left hand side in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Whatever you have done, forget it, forget it.Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, yeah, now on your heart, now in the corner of your neck and shoulders, as I have read-only you when this center catches what is the problem. Turn your head to your right, please. It’s very catching today. Please don’t feel guilty for anything. You must ... There. Please take your right hand onto of your forehead across and bend your head slowly. We have to be humble about it, you see. So here you have to forgive everyone in general. Now take back your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here, without counting your mistakes, without feeling guilty,just for your satisfaction, you will have to ask forgiveness from this all pervading power. Now please stretch your hand or palm fully. Now we go to the last center, so please put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood.Now please put down your head. Now push back your fingers nicely so that there's a good pressure on your scalp. Now put down your head and you have to move the scalp seven times clockwise very slowly. That’s all we have to do actually. But remember you have to push back your fingers. Now you can take out your spectacles because you have to close your eyes. It might help also your eyesight.Please, before closing I must tell you again that please put both the legs apart from each other and the left hand towards Me on your lap comfortably in any way that you like. And then now place your right hand on your heart. Here I've told you resides the Spirit. You have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself in your heart. So please, ask in your heart, three times. You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji whatever you like. “Mother, am I the Spirit?” Ask this question three times in your ... heart, ”Mother, am I the Spirit?” Now I've told you if you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So now take down your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here, you have task another fundamental question. “Mother, am I my master?” Ask this question three times. I have already told you that I respect your freedom. And I cannot force divine pure knowledge on you. So now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here, you have to ask six times because this center has got six petals. “Mother, please give me pure knowledge”, or you can say “Mother, please give me divine pure knowledge”. Whatever is divine is pure. Six times. As soon as you start asking for pure divine knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising like a primule. Now we have to open our higher centers by our self-confidence for the Kundalini to pass through. Now, take your right hand, you are working only on the left hand side, in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Press it hard. Now, here with full confidence, please say ten times “Mother, I am my own master”. The Kundalini wants you to show your self-confidence. Please say it ten times. At the very outset, I've told you that the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego these feelings, these emotions, these conditionings, but you are the Pure Spirit. So,now raise your right hand on top of your heart. And here you have to say again with full self-confidence, “Mother, I am the Pure Spirit”. Please say it.Please say twelve times. “Mother, I am the Pure Spirit”. I have already told you that this all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of compassion, ocean of blessings, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you might have committed, are easily dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. So forgive yourself. And put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here, with full confidence again,you have to say sixteen times, “Mother, I am not guilty at all”, “Mother, I am not guilty at all”, please say this, is very important because this center is catching very much tonight here. Now I have told you whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. Especially at this moment, you should forgive all of them without thinking about them, in general, so that your center opens out. Otherwise at this important moment, you may miss your self-realization. It's very important to forgive all of them from your heart. Not how many times, is not the point, how you are. So now please put your right hand on you forehead across and bend your head as much as you can.And here, you have to say, not how many times, but from your heart, “Mother, I forgive everyone in general”, from your heart, please say from your heart. And now please put your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to say, not how many times, but from your heart. “O Divine Power, if I have done any mistake, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me”. Just say it from your heart. “O Divine Power, if I have done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me”. Now please stretch your palms.Put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area which is a soft bone in your childhood. Here again, I cannot force self-realization on you. You have to ask for it. So now push back your fingers, that's important. And please put down your head. Now move your scalp with this pressure seven times saying,seven times, “Mother, please give me my self-realization”, because I cannot force it on you. Please push back your fingers. Bend your heads; please push back your fingers. Keep your eyes shut till I tell you. Please keep them shut. Please take down your hands and try to open your eyes slowly. Push both the hands towards me. Now, put the left hand towards me like this, bend your head and then see with the right hand if there is a cool or a warm breeze-like energy is coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now don’t doubt, because air conditioning is not in your head. So just see for yourself. Some people think it is air conditioning. Some people get it hot. Some people get it far. Some closer but don’t put your hand on top of your head, away from it. See for yourself, and if it is hot, that means you have not yet forgiven. So please forgive also. Now please put your right hand,now bend your head nicely and see for yourself with the left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze-like energy is coming out of your fontanel bone area. You have to move your hand up and down, sideways also, all right. Now do it with the left hand again, little further. Some people get it further. Bend your heads that is important, bend your heads. Now, please put both your hands towards the sky. Push back your head and ask anyone of these three questions, three times, any one of them. You can say, ”Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost”, or ”Mother, is this the all pervading power of divine love”, or ”Mother, is this the Ruh or Paramchaitanya”. Ask any one of these questions, three times. Now, just ... come down. Now please put your hands like this and watch Me without thinking. Just watch Me without thinking. All those who have felt hot or cold breeze on their fingertips, on their palms or out of their fontanel bone area,please raise both your hands. My God! Look at that. I mean most of you. May God bless you! It's tremendous. Some didn’t get it, very few.But most of you have got it. In any case all of you should get it. And those who haven’t got should please later on come to the stage and they will do it.But in the meanwhile we'll try something else for realization and may be that might help a little bit. [hindhi/marathi]. See this might help. This will be only five minutes experiment. Let's see. Konsa gaana gaye? Which song will be sung? [hindhi/marathi]. [hindhi/marathi]. This is a song they are going to sing, was written... Namadeva, by Namadeva in the sixteenth century who went then to Punjab and Guru Nanak Sab, you see, knew who he was and He asked him to write poems in Punjabi language. And he has done such big compilation, I know that. This guru was ... He was just a tailor. And he went to see .. meet another realized soul who was a potter. And when he went and saw the potter kneading the clay with his feet, he just stood there, watching. The potter’s name was Gora Kumar. Looked at him and what does he say, in Marathi says that but meaning that I came to see here the formless, but it is in the form. I see it in the form. I mean only a saint can say it to another saint. That’s what happened that he went up to Punjab where Guru Nanak Sahab called him, looked after him and asked him and they made beautiful, I mean such beautiful songs there are and they are in Granth Sahab They are all in Granth Sahab. [unclear]. This is the folk song which was written which says, “O mother, give me my realization. ‘Jogwa’ means Yoga,means give me that. All that they sang, all the time they have been singing, even now, they don’t know what it is. And they are saying ’O Ambe’ means the Kundalini please rise, rise. And with you can also clap. It will help a lot, I am sure.This will definitely consolidate your self-realization. It is a village song.It’s a... rustic. Now you feel, just try to feel now, let’s see, you might feel more, just see. All right. Now again, let us see how many of you have really felt on your finger tips or from your fontanel bone area or on your palms. Raise your both the hands. Oh! So, who didn’t feel before, I've felt it, so many of you. Thank you very much. May God look after and also have wisdom to respect to your freedom. Respect your new status. The real freedom is now. So you respect your self-realization and become a fully self-realized personality. That will help everywhere. May God bless you all! Thank you very much, it was wonderful. You all have paper to know where the centers are and I hope... What's it? … and where you are going to have a follow-on program. [unclear]. Please, please come. [unclear]. What's it? They haven’t got paper already? Sahaja Yogi - [Unclear], Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji - You all have. Where are you having follow on? Yes, yes, but when are having the follow and where. You don't know. Sahaja Yogi -As you go on out there are leaflets there which will tell you... all you need to know about follow-up programs I [unclear] got here finally. There's a series of seven programs beginning on Monday 11th of April then for six consecutive Thursdays commencing Thursday 14th of April at seven thirty to nine thirty [unclear]place room, German House [unclear] Center on [unclear] Avenue, Brighton. And is a little bracket here, and we will provide light refreshment to follow. Again remaind you that all Sahaja Yoga programs are completely free. There, if you have any questions you want to ask about that there's a... two phone numbers here that will tell you where to ring it really tells you everything you want to know, and you can pick up one of these up as you go up the door. Now thev'e got a big supply there. One other thing, if is anybody here who soon as Shri Mataji's left because anybody here who has not felt anything tonight I would like to try that's probably very good reasons, as we explained to you earlier. You have these centers, you can also have blocked centers and maybe, quite easily to... maybe quite easy to clear and then [unclear] Before you leave here tonight if are any of you didn't feel anything we'll do our best to make sure you do. Shri Mataji-Thank you. Sahaja Yogi- I'm... we having first series of seven follow up programs at Gorman House.
Public Program. Canberra (Australia), 8 April 1994. I think you can go down, there lots of seats still vacant. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset I have to tell you that truth is what it is. You cannot transform it, change it and unfortunately at this human awareness you cannot know it. Now whatever I am going to tell you today, you need not believe blind folded, you have already suffered a lot because of blind faith. But if it is proved, then as honest people you have to accept it. Because it is for the benevolence of your being, for the benevolence of your society, your city, your country and the world at large. So one has to understand that we have not known so far the absolute truth. If we had known the absolute truth, there would not have been any problems whatsoever. Because everybody would seethe same truth. There cannot be so many types, dogmas, so many discussions, arguments whys and whats. If everybody sees the same point then who will fight? For example I am sitting before you, you all see it clearly and you know it. You are not going to fight that I am here or not. For that we need the last breakthrough of our evolution. As human beings, still, we have freedom to think whatever we like but we haven’t got capacity to know the absolute truth. If that is so and if there is a way out, why not we try for it? They have been already told about this, this instrument that is within you. I never see such a big one today [unclear]. In Australia everything is big I tell you. Very nice. I mean it can cover a very big hall as we had yesterday a day before we had three thousand three hundred people and this would have been better there. All right, as it is this is the subtle instrument that is within us, is created through our evolutionary process. As we learn, say, science and other things from western countries from Australia, from all Japanese countries and all that. We can see the civilization has grown so big and we do not know our roots. That’s why, what is happening is, people are waiting for a shock.Already they are very much upset. What has gone wrong with us that we should know our roots. Now if these roots are coming from East or from India why should we abhor it, why should we condemn it? Because it's very important that we have to seek our roots and this is the knowledge of the roots. The human problems actually cover all the global problems, most of it. And to solve them we have to see to this inner subtle instrument within us. When these centers are in jeopardy,then we get physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, political, all problems. Because, problems are caused by human beings and human beings are in trouble because of these centers. So if by chance, you know how to correct your centers and then to correct others centers also, you solve the problem. Now this power that is being told as Kundalini, is called Kundalini because ‘Kundal’ means coils, it is coiled three and a half times. It has some mathematical calculations. Now this Kundalini when She is awakened She passes through these centers and She enlightens them. She nourishes them and She integrates. Ultimately She pierces through your fontanel bone area. In Sanskrit we call it Brahmarandra, pierces through and becomes one with this all pervading power. So you achieve two results. So the truth about you is that you are not this body, mind, your ego, your conditionings. Because you say this is my ego, it is my conditioning, this is my house, this is my wife, my husband. So this ’my’, who is the ‘my’ there? So you become the ‘I’, the‘self’, that is the Spirit which you are! And the second truth is that there is all pervading power which does all the living work. Look at these beautiful flowers; it's a miracle, if you see. There are different flowers from different seeds of certain heights, certain shapes, certain colour. And you take it for granted. You don’t even think about them how they have come out like that. Who runs our heart? The doctors will say autonomous nervous system. But who is the ‘auto’? So we never question anything about living process, because we can’t answer. This living process is done by a very subtle energy, which you can call by any name, is the divine power of love. You can call it as ‘Ruah’ as in Quran, you can call it as ‘Brahma Chaitanya’ as in Sanskrit and as ‘Ritambhara PrAgnya’ by Patanjali. You can give it any name to it, is different but, it is a power which we have never felt before which is a subtle power which does all living work. So, as if, if you have not reached that source of energy, the whole development outside is collapsing. Also, supposing this instrument is not connected to the mains,then, it has no identity, it has no meaning. Why was it created? And everywhere these days I find the seekers are trying to find out their identity. So what is your identity, is that you are the Spirit, you are the Spirit and this Spirit is the ultimate that you have to become. Once you become the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit you see the Truth. First of all on your fingertips you start feeling this cool breeze,‘Cool breeze of the Holy Ghost’, you can call it or this ‘all pervading power of divine love’. And when you start feeling that power, is... your body acts like a computer. You ask any question. There are many people who don’t believe, there is no God. I think it is very unscientific to say there is no God, because you have not found out. Without finding out how can you say there is no God? They have all kinds of funny stories even about Christ. They say He was not the son of God. How do you say? You are not at that point where you can decide, what is true, what is not. Just mental projections, they go on condemning all the great incarnations, and all the great prophets, and seers and sages because they are all blind. Kabira says that,”O God, how am I to explain to all these people who are blind in this world”. ”Kaise samajhaavu, sab jagah andha.” So, Sahaja means, ‘Saha” means born, ‘saha’ means ‘with’, ‘ja’ ’born’. Born with you is the right to become a yogi, to have this union, yoga, with the divine. And it is very simple now. In the modern times it's very simple. In the olden days there were people who were trying to give realization, self-realization. But they would have one or two disciples only. And will... they would not reveal the secrets about the Kundalini, so clearly. In the twelfth century [ie. 1200s] one great poet called Gyaneshwara, he asked permission from his master, his own brother was his master, that ”allow me to talk about it and I will not do anything but I'll just talk about it in my book, Gyaneshwari”. In the sixth chapter He wrote very clearly about it. In Sanskrit we had, fourteen thousand years back a great Markandeya who had written about it. Sixth century [ie. 600s] also Adi Shankaracharya wrote about it. But it was all in Sanskrit, was not available to common people. After this, after the twelfth century [1200s] many [when he] wrote it, the people who were in charge of religion said that this is a ‘nisiddha’, means is something not to be read by anyone. It's not,because they didn’t know what to do about it. They had no idea, they had no knowledge. They had no knowledge about the divine and they were in charge religion, maybe making money. So the second... Lot of people, saints came up in India. In the sixteenth century who have talked about it, all over the country, about this Kundalini. In the Bible also it is written that I will appear before you like ‘tongues of flames’, and these look like tongues of flames,very silent, beautiful. In these colours I've shown here, they look like. And some people have described them, those who have been moving around the circle.But, to enter into it ... to be... Supposing I see the light, I am not the light. This is the point many people have missed, that you have to be not tos ee something. And once you become then you have so many powers within you that you start manifesting them. The other day there were some these ‘born again’people were just... like mad, were there shouting, shouting. I said you ”are not born again, what are you doing?” They just call themselves ‘born again’,is not the way. As we call ourselves Hindus, Muslims, Christians, this, we are not! We are really not because anybody can commit any mistake can commit any sin. You may belong to any religion. So there's something missing within you and your religion. It is not innately manifesting within you. And that's the point we have to be honest about it. That our religion and ourselves’ are not one with ourselves. As we can see some things, are we righteous? Innately are we righteous? We are not. And there are temptations and temptations, so what’s wrong? They do all kinds of things and as far as the religion is concerned, still what you find that the religion is not one with us. And so many bad things are happening, you see these Muslims being killed here, these Israelis are being killed and this, I mean it is really I can’t understand how can you do it in the name of God. Now this Bosnia problem is there and people are dying and eating each other’s body, that sort of thing, I mean, can you imagine in modern times such things are happening all over the world and it disturbs you completely. That's why is it they don't want to see the point? There's something missing. With all that we have to understand that if we have to solve the problem of religion, one thing we must know that all these religions were born on the same tree of spirituality. Only we have plucked the flowers. and now we are fighting with the dead flowers.Then where is the religion? Religion is this part that is shown as the green colour. You see the ten petals, the Ten commandments, ten petals and this is tobe awakened. That's only possible if this Kundalini rises. She is your own power. She's your own individual mother. She has recorded everything within Herself, what you have been doing,what was your past and what are your problems and what are your conditionings. All your ventures She knows. It's like a tape recorder. But She's your mother and She is anxious to give you your second birth, very anxious, because these are some special times. I call them blossom time. In the Bible they say it is a ‘last judgment’ and in the Koran it is called ‘Khayyama’, is the resurrection time.Whatever you may call it. This is a special time when you are born and you are all seekers, you are born to seek the truth. Be honest about it that we have not yet achieved what we wanted. Out of whatever religion we follow, whatever way we worship God. Some people have some sort of satisfaction that, no, no Mother, we are very happy we have got this know ... No that's not so. With this happening, the first thing happens to you that you develop a new dimension in your, your awareness. Just now you are not even conscious of your centers. Then you know your centers on your fingertips, you can feel them also inside. Like somebody will come and tell me ”Mother, my Agnya is caught, please clear it out.” Meaning what? I am very egoistic. My ego is troubling me. Nobody would say that normally. Nobody will even think he has ego. But with this, you get separated from yourself and you see yourself and your problems. So the first thing happens to you, that you have self-knowledge. And the second thing that happens to you, that you have the knowledge of others. That is the collective consciousness in which sitting down here you can find out whose chakras are catching where. What's happening where? What's wrong with somebody? But you don’t talk the language as we talk about, oh this one is a corrupt man or he is just like that or he has this problem. No, we talk on chakras. This is what the Disciples of Christ were talking, the language of chakras. You say that this person has this problem,this person has this problem. And you start not criticizing, telling him anything. But if you know how to correct your chakras, you can correct yours and you can correct others. This is the power you get which I call it is a collective consciousness. Because who is the other? Is what we say, the microcosm becomes the macrocosm. The one drop becomes the ocean. The consciousness of the ocean comes within. This is what is just getting at your threshold. You can get it. It's very easy because it’s your own power and it manifests. So that you discover how glorious you are. How powerful you are. When this power starts flowing through you it corrects your chakras no doubt. But also in the light of your spirit your attention becomes very innocent. Christ had said ”thou shall not have adulteress eyes”. I would like to see any Christian nation where they don’t have people of this kind. So your attention becomes innocent and wherever you put your attention on, then what happens, it acts, it works. It works very well. So you become a global personality, universal personality. You can spread your attention. But you become so compassionate, so compassionate that you never think of harming anyone. But anything that is harming;you just put your attention and correct it in your own life and the lives of others. It is unbelievable for people to think that they can be that dynamic and they can show those results, but they can. Is all these powers are within you. Please understand that I have nothing to do with it. It's a living process. Like in the Mother Earth if you put one seed it sprouts by itself.Because the seed has the capacity to sprout and the Mother also has the capacity to sprout. It's a built-in capacity. And when the built-in capacity is there, it just acts as a living process. So far, at a human level we have all limited memories, limited energies, limited, we can call, intelligence and projection of mind. And they are mostly artificial. So you jump into reality and you understand what is realities. Yet you have not known the reality. So confused. What is reality? And the reality is that you are the Spirit. And that this all pervading power is flowing through you as realized souls. As you know the absolute truth, you can find out about anyone who comes and says, all right this is religion, this is God, or say this is correct in every area, in every part of your activities. Who is the correct man? How will you know? Who is the one who is telling you the lies and who the one who is just deceiving you? As it is, I am ashamed to say, say that from my country so many have come to loot you, take advantage of your ignorance. But even there was one realized soul he would have pointed out that these are all thieves, don’t go near them. So this all pervading power is the ocean of knowledge. I've seen people who were very ordinary artists have become great artists, even Australia;musicians have become great musicians, talented. But those who were government servants, as most of you might be, who had nothing to do with art, maybe,suddenly become artists, poets. I was myself surprised because I have always... as you know my husband has been a hard-boiled bureaucrat and I've seen it,people transforming themselves into such beautiful personalities and doing good work now, working out everything so well. So what happens, that supposing you are standing in the water in the sea and you are getting drowned because of the waves, but somehow you come on a boat, then you can see the waves and enjoy them. But in case you know how to swim, if you know how to swim you can save others. This is exactly what happens to you. It is also true that most of the diseases get cured, or if you are getting into any diseases, immediately know that you are getting into this trouble. Immediately, is not difficult, because on the centers you can feel it. What center is going out of gear and immediately you know, if you know how to correct it you are cured. You don't have to pay any medicine .. for medicine or anything. Specially for diagnosis, I mean, normally a patient is killed before he is diagnosed, isn’t it? But in this the diagnosis is so easy, on your finger tips you can say what's wrong with you, what's wrong with others. And you become a very dynamic personality. You must be knowing, I am 71 years of age. A practically I am travelling every day. Tomorrow I am going to New Zealand early in the morning,having a program in the evening. This morning I came, I have a program. It is working out all right; I mean nothing wrong with Me. But I never think I am travelling, I think I am there as I'm sitting here on a chair, I am sitting inside aeroplane. So the first thing that happens to you really is a new state of your mind which we call as thoughtless awareness. That happens, say, if you are thinking, you are thinking about the future or the past. If I tell you stand in your present, you cannot. Present,you cannot, you cannot. You are either thinking of the future or of the past.And the thought comes like that, rises, falls, again comes up, falls, like that. Now we are jumping on the cusps of these thoughts. But with the Kundalini awakening, these thoughts elongate and in between them is what we call is the pause, the vilamba where there is no thought. And you are absolutely aware, no thought, you are absolutely aware. You are without any thought, in your peace.That is how you achieve your peace. It's no use having peace foundations which I've seen. Many people who have peace foundations, peace awards, they are so hot-tempered that if you have to talk to them better have a barge pole in between. They get awards for peace and peace and peace. Such a lot of money they have collected for peace, but where is the peace, there is no peace within. So first you achieve your peace and you watch. As I said when you get onto a boat you watch. And when you see the problem you solve it better and if you are in it, you cannot. So also one must know that this all pervading power is the source of all the blessings. So many blessings are showered on you. People are writing to Me every day, at least hundred letters saying „this has happened Mother”. „You know ... this is My blessings”.”This was a miracle, that was a miracle”. Now miracle has lost, it's power in Sahaja Yoga. „This happened to me, this happened to my health, this happened to my writings, this happened to my....” I was going in the plane and what, how I was saved and how in the accident I was saved”, so many of them. They can’t explain. So that we talk of God who blesses us. We never felt that way so directly as we feel it now. So much so that... I was ....I told somebody that ”you better compile them”. Within month’s time he said "Mother they haven’t come up to my head, now you tell me what to compile”. I said ”forget it”. Because, the ocean of blessings, believe Me, is ocean of blessings. It's the ocean of compassion and love. It forgives. Above all it is the ocean of forgiveness, and it forgives. So, such a great power which is itself so powerful. They say that it starts flowing through. And it is everything is tangible. Now if I say that diseases are cured. We have four doctors now in Delhi University who have got their MD [Doctor of Medicine] in Sahaja Yoga. It does cure also cancer. It cures so many diseases that I cannot in this short lecture tell you. But one should come as a seeker of truth. Not just to get yourself cured. Because you will be cured today, again you will have another disease. Best is to get yourself-realization fully and establish yourself. Sometimes these connections are loose so you have to establish. And most evident is that you cannot pay. You cannot pay for living work. How much do you pay to Mother Earth? So you cannot pay. Everybody thinks that God has a bank or something and He, He earns money out of us. That's your headache, money is your headache not His. So you don’t have to pay anything. It's not like an introductory lecture here and then you go back and start paying somewhere else, not that. You cannot pay for self-realization. Ah! You can pay for this hall, maybe. But you can't pay for this self-realization. And once you realize that what is your worth and value, you really give up nonsensical things. Like you belong to this group,you belong to that group and you follow this type of methodology or that. But what have you got? Now face it up. What power have you got? Tomorrow you can get cancer, you can get anything. One can become mad. I mean they are saying in America within ten years 65 per cent will be schizophrenic. Can you imagine?Already I think they are very immature people. And if they become schizophrenic, what will happen to this one,[world] and they are so important.So there's something going wrong, we have to understand and we have to correct it. The greatest thing that happen to you that you enter into the kingdom of God. No more in the kingdom of any country, but in the kingdom of God where you are drowned in joy, you are swimming in joy. What is joy? Joy is not like happiness or unhappiness. If your ego is pampered you feel happy and if your ego is punctured you feel unhappy.But joy is singular. You just enjoy, anything, anything nice, beautiful without desiring to have it. Now this power that is within you is the primordial Mother who is being reflected in you as Kundalini. Surprisingly in many religions they have not talked of the primordial Mother, like they have the father, the son and the Holy Ghost. They have never said a word about the Mother, the feminine part of it, I don’t know. Especially with Bible, I think Mr Paul must have done it. Cause I don’t know why he is in the Bible. He never saw even Christ. All such things have happened. Woman is the shakti, she's the power and if you treat her like that then she becomes something else. She is no more a woman. Is a saying in Sanskrit, ”Yatranaryastu pujynte, tatra ramante devanta”. „Where the women are respectable or respected, respectable- they have lost the sense of respectability, of chastity- there resides Gods.” So all these things also, these ideas of condemning men or women or this and that and making divisions and divisions against divisions, it is never there. It's the synthesis, internal synthesis of the whole human beings, is the whole world is going to take place. As you know Sahaja Yoga is now working in sixty nations. Of course India, it is all right,because we in India we have this tradition. They know what is self-realization.But in Russia where they never knew who is God. You won’t believe that I can’t hold a program on such a small scale there, minimum of minimum, sixteen to eighteen thousand people, a very learned, very learned people. See, there are scientists, there are doctors. And the scientist I started on science, they said ”Mother, we know science everything, now we don’t want to know anymore science. You tell us why are we on this earth and you tell us about divine laws. We don’t want to hear any more about science, had enough of it”. Can you imagine they have bestowed a very great honour on Me. St. Petersburg University, I don’t know if he has told you or not. But surprisingly, it's one of the oldest universities and there are having only ten members so far been and Einstein is one of them,you see. I said how, I felt very, [unclear] I felt very shy with the whole thing. They said why Einstein? Einstein only worked on matter, you are working on human beings. I said I am not working; it is their own desire is working,their own power is... So they are so sensitive, I can't understand. Seventy percent of Russians are extremely sensitive to spirituality, all eastern bloc. We have been busy with our materialism, with our choices this .... where are we landed? And when they had the coup I was there, and I asked them aren’t you worried. Aren’t you worried about this coup? They said, ‘Why? Why should we worry? We are in the kingdom of God, why should we worry?’ Simple answer. Such lovely people they are! They had never known Me, they... They were seeing me, I mean, and no other guru could stay there. You will be surprised,throughout,[they threw out] all of them. So this sensitivity comes I don't know from where. How they have understood that reality is the thing you have to achieve now. That we have to become the Spirit, the Soul, and not anything else. I was amazed the way these people have reacted! I don’t want to put a sort of a competition for you or a challenge for you. But definitely there's something. Despite their very bad government and everything, how they have maintained themselves, so introspective. I wish people all over the world understand that there are problems. Your children have problems. Other day I was reading that you cannot avoid small children, teenage children who are not taking drugs. Why do they take drugs? They are seeking something. They can't find it out, out of frustration. But with Sahaja Yoga people have given up drugs overnight. I assure you, there are some sitting here like that.Overnight they gave up drugs and whatever damage it had caused them on their brains, they have been recovered. All these indulgences that have suffered, because of the genes, I think genes, must rid off... The other day I read about the genes that there are two protective genes within us.Surprisingly they said that Asians have them all the time. So they take time to take to something like that. One gene protects you from being violent, angry,hot tempered, cruel, corrupt, all kinds of things. We can call it the father,the sin against the father. And the another gene protects you from indulging into destructive things, sex, too much of it, I mean this all kinds of rapes... and so many..., horrible things that we have never heard of such things that are going on in these countries, where are... they are supposed to be developed. And also indulging into drugs and alcohol and all that. This protective gene is being absolutely awakened again I have seen after realization. Whether you are an Asian or not, makes no difference. But also look these Germans. They say that they are the highest race, you know they feel.They are the ones who killed small little children in the gas chamber and they saw them suffering, how could they do it? And they are supposed to be a very,what you call them, higher races. Max Muller says that they came to India and wrote vedas. How can they write vedas, these people? They are not afraid of God, the way they have behaved... But now Sahaja Yogis, Sahaja Yogis Germans,you should say, the gentlest people [unclear], gentlest. They won’t hurt you, I mean, they are so beautiful. So this Kundalini is the one,She cleanses all that, makes you peaceful, joyous and collective. Now I hope you all get your realization tonight. Have faith in yourself, that's the main thing,you must have faith that you will all get realization. I know there are people who have some questions also. These questions now I can answer, for the last twenty four years I have been doing this kind of work all over the world. So I can answer, because it's just a mental acrobat, I have become quite an expert.But this is of no use. By that thing you are not going to get to your realization. What you have to ask really is your self-realization. This powers the power of pure desire. All other desires, as you know, in economics, that in general that they are not satiable. You may be aware, may not be aware, but this desire is within you, is to become the Spirit, to become one with all this pervading power and that acts, works and helps you. Everything is tangible. You will be amazed how it works! How it helps you! Second thing I have to tell you that it is not an individual thing. It is not that, you can say oh! First day you may feel very happy and very relaxed, on the top of the world. That'snot important. You have to come to the collective. You must understand the whole knowledge about your internal being and you have to be with the collective to grow. Like if I take out one, say nail out of my fingers, it will never grow. So it's the whole being, is a living organism. Only thing, you have to pay sometime time, as time ... for it. They will tell you how to be in meditation, not to do meditation, how to be in meditation. So first you get the state of thoughtless awareness, we call it as Nirvichar Samadhi. And then the state, you get is called as Nirvikalp Samadhi where you get all the powers of raising others Kundalini, giving them realization, curing ... everything. Those who have never come to the stage become orators. See these musicians singing Indian songs. Can you imagine these, I mean, English speaking people, so hard for an Indian music, I tell you, especially for Indian words. But when they sing, ask Indians they will tell you they sing like Indians... It was so difficult to teach even one word to the Englishman in India, one word, and nou-nouț see this. What has happened to them? How suddenly they have picked up all the rhythm, all the things. Which is very difficult. So... all these powers which are within you, you have to manifest and enjoy your virtues, enjoy your virtues. You don’t become proud, but you enjoy them. You enjoy your generosity,enjoy your compassion, never feel that you are taking too much trouble, you are doing this and that, nothing. You think of others all the time and you live in peace and create peace all around. We have these people from sixty nations;they come to India once a year. I've never seen them quarreling, fighting,doing anything against each other, never. How do they live from all different countries, from Chinese to Africans, from Africans to English and from English to Americans and Australians, so many of them? In Sydney we have twenty two centers. I must say Australia is one of our very great country which has really very enthusiastically has taken to Sahaja Yoga. And I am sure also you all will. We have a great story in our Puranas about Australia which sometimes I'll tell you. So May God Bless you! And you be confident that you will have your realization just now. You don’t have to do much, just it will take ten minutes more. But, of course I respect your freedom. If you don’t want to have your realization, you should leave the hall. I cannot force on you. It is something that cannot be forced. I respect your freedom out and out. So, if you want togo, you can go. All of you want realization,it's very good. Now one thing that should not upset you, because I've seen people getting upset if I tell them that you have to take out your shoes. I hope you won’t be upset with that. You need not takeout your socks but your shoes. I does, sometimes. Don’t have to say any mantras nothing. And you don't have to concentrate also. Please don’t try to concentrate. Just keep yourself open. Don’t force yourself into anything. As I have said, telling you that Thassos become so easy now, you don’t have to go to Himalayas and stand on your head or anything. You have to be very comfortable and also you should be very much pleasantly placed toward yourself. Because as I said, you are human beings, you are at the epitome of evolution. And you are ... have a right to have this, because you are born at this time with a special purpose. So in no way you should condemn yourself. This is the first condition. Have full confidence. The another thing is you shouldn't feel guilty at this time; please don’t feel guilty for anything. It has become a fashion now to feel guilty for anything. I mean, even, if supposing you spill some coffee you go on feeling guilty all your life. And what's this going on? You must value yourself. This life is not meant for feeling bad for small, small things. It is very great, it’s very precious. So please don’t have any guilt. But if you have, you catch on this center here. And this is such a dangerous thing because it gives you what we call as Angina. It may give you spondylitis. It may give you very lethargic organs. So very dangerous is to feel guilt, so why feel guilty unnecessarily. I tell you if you were guilty,you would have been in jail. Now you are sitting here, so don’t feel guilty about anything whatsoever. I assure you, you are not guilty. So, you have to really forgive yourself. Now, the most simple condition is this that you have to forgive everyone. People might say it's very difficult to forgive. But, whether you forgive or not, I've telling the logic. Now think about it, whether you forgive or not what do you do? I don’t do anything. But when don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you, tortured you, are not feeling bad. But you are the one who is torturing yourself. But at this time,the problem is that this centre of Agnya which is like this, absolutely constructed like this, like a cross. It is on the optic chiasma. And if you don’t forgive,it won’t open at all. But if you forgive it will definitely open and the Kundalini will pass. So, at this juncture you have as it is troubled yourself so much. At this juncture please, please forgive everyone in general. Don’t even think about them because it is a headache. It's a real headache even to think of these people. So you just forgive in general. Of course we'll tell you how to do it. It's very simple. Now to begin with you keep your eyes open. I'll show you how you have to yourself enrich your own centers, very simple. So please put your left hand towards Me like this comfortably. You have to be comfortable. That’s very important. Please both the feet apart from each other because these are two powers, left and right. Put your left hand towards me on your lap. Just like this. And now we have to use our left side with our right hand. Now please put your right hand on your heart. This is the center where the Spirit resides. If you become the Spirit, you become your own master in the light of the Spirit.So please take your right hand the upper portion of your abdomen on the liver.All of you should do it, please do. This is the center of your mastery which is created by great prophets and seers and sages. Surprisingly the center of pure knowledge is lower here on the left hand side in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Whatever you have done, forget it, forget it.Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, yeah, now on your heart, now in the corner of your neck and shoulders, as I have read-only you when this center catches what is the problem. Turn your head to your right, please. It’s very catching today. Please don’t feel guilty for anything. You must ... There. Please take your right hand onto of your forehead across and bend your head slowly. We have to be humble about it, you see. So here you have to forgive everyone in general. Now take back your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here, without counting your mistakes, without feeling guilty,just for your satisfaction, you will have to ask forgiveness from this all pervading power. Now please stretch your hand or palm fully. Now we go to the last center, so please put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood.Now please put down your head. Now push back your fingers nicely so that there's a good pressure on your scalp. Now put down your head and you have to move the scalp seven times clockwise very slowly. That’s all we have to do actually. But remember you have to push back your fingers. Now you can take out your spectacles because you have to close your eyes. It might help also your eyesight.Please, before closing I must tell you again that please put both the legs apart from each other and the left hand towards Me on your lap comfortably in any way that you like. And then now place your right hand on your heart. Here I've told you resides the Spirit. You have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself in your heart. So please, ask in your heart, three times. You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji whatever you like. “Mother, am I the Spirit?” Ask this question three times in your ... heart, ”Mother, am I the Spirit?” Now I've told you if you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So now take down your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here, you have task another fundamental question. “Mother, am I my master?” Ask this question three times. I have already told you that I respect your freedom. And I cannot force divine pure knowledge on you. So now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here, you have to ask six times because this center has got six petals. “Mother, please give me pure knowledge”, or you can say “Mother, please give me divine pure knowledge”. Whatever is divine is pure. Six times. As soon as you start asking for pure divine knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising like a primule. Now we have to open our higher centers by our self-confidence for the Kundalini to pass through. Now, take your right hand, you are working only on the left hand side, in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Press it hard. Now, here with full confidence, please say ten times “Mother, I am my own master”. The Kundalini wants you to show your self-confidence. Please say it ten times. At the very outset, I've told you that the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego these feelings, these emotions, these conditionings, but you are the Pure Spirit. So,now raise your right hand on top of your heart. And here you have to say again with full self-confidence, “Mother, I am the Pure Spirit”. Please say it.Please say twelve times. “Mother, I am the Pure Spirit”. I have already told you that this all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of compassion, ocean of blessings, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you might have committed, are easily dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. So forgive yourself. And put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here, with full confidence again,you have to say sixteen times, “Mother, I am not guilty at all”, “Mother, I am not guilty at all”, please say this, is very important because this center is catching very much tonight here. Now I have told you whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. Especially at this moment, you should forgive all of them without thinking about them, in general, so that your center opens out. Otherwise at this important moment, you may miss your self-realization. It's very important to forgive all of them from your heart. Not how many times, is not the point, how you are. So now please put your right hand on you forehead across and bend your head as much as you can.And here, you have to say, not how many times, but from your heart, “Mother, I forgive everyone in general”, from your heart, please say from your heart. And now please put your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to say, not how many times, but from your heart. “O Divine Power, if I have done any mistake, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me”. Just say it from your heart. “O Divine Power, if I have done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me”. Now please stretch your palms.Put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area which is a soft bone in your childhood. Here again, I cannot force self-realization on you. You have to ask for it. So now push back your fingers, that's important. And please put down your head. Now move your scalp with this pressure seven times saying,seven times, “Mother, please give me my self-realization”, because I cannot force it on you. Please push back your fingers. Bend your heads; please push back your fingers. Keep your eyes shut till I tell you. Please keep them shut. Please take down your hands and try to open your eyes slowly. Push both the hands towards me. Now, put the left hand towards me like this, bend your head and then see with the right hand if there is a cool or a warm breeze-like energy is coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now don’t doubt, because air conditioning is not in your head. So just see for yourself. Some people think it is air conditioning. Some people get it hot. Some people get it far. Some closer but don’t put your hand on top of your head, away from it. See for yourself, and if it is hot, that means you have not yet forgiven. So please forgive also. Now please put your right hand,now bend your head nicely and see for yourself with the left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze-like energy is coming out of your fontanel bone area. You have to move your hand up and down, sideways also, all right. Now do it with the left hand again, little further. Some people get it further. Bend your heads that is important, bend your heads. Now, please put both your hands towards the sky. Push back your head and ask anyone of these three questions, three times, any one of them. You can say, ”Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost”, or ”Mother, is this the all pervading power of divine love”, or ”Mother, is this the Ruh or Paramchaitanya”. Ask any one of these questions, three times. Now, just ... come down. Now please put your hands like this and watch Me without thinking. Just watch Me without thinking. All those who have felt hot or cold breeze on their fingertips, on their palms or out of their fontanel bone area,please raise both your hands. My God! Look at that. I mean most of you. May God bless you! It's tremendous. Some didn’t get it, very few.But most of you have got it. In any case all of you should get it. And those who haven’t got should please later on come to the stage and they will do it.But in the meanwhile we'll try something else for realization and may be that might help a little bit. [hindhi/marathi]. See this might help. This will be only five minutes experiment. Let's see. Konsa gaana gaye? Which song will be sung? [hindhi/marathi]. [hindhi/marathi]. This is a song they are going to sing, was written... Namadeva, by Namadeva in the sixteenth century who went then to Punjab and Guru Nanak Sab, you see, knew who he was and He asked him to write poems in Punjabi language. And he has done such big compilation, I know that. This guru was ... He was just a tailor. And he went to see .. meet another realized soul who was a potter. And when he went and saw the potter kneading the clay with his feet, he just stood there, watching. The potter’s name was Gora Kumar. Looked at him and what does he say, in Marathi says that but meaning that I came to see here the formless, but it is in the form. I see it in the form. I mean only a saint can say it to another saint. That’s what happened that he went up to Punjab where Guru Nanak Sahab called him, looked after him and asked him and they made beautiful, I mean such beautiful songs there are and they are in Granth Sahab They are all in Granth Sahab. [unclear]. This is the folk song which was written which says, “O mother, give me my realization. ‘Jogwa’ means Yoga,means give me that. All that they sang, all the time they have been singing, even now, they don’t know what it is. And they are saying ’O Ambe’ means the Kundalini please rise, rise. And with you can also clap. It will help a lot, I am sure.This will definitely consolidate your self-realization. It is a village song.It’s a... rustic. Now you feel, just try to feel now, let’s see, you might feel more, just see. All right. Now again, let us see how many of you have really felt on your finger tips or from your fontanel bone area or on your palms. Raise your both the hands. Oh! So, who didn’t feel before, I've felt it, so many of you. Thank you very much. May God look after and also have wisdom to respect to your freedom. Respect your new status. The real freedom is now. So you respect your self-realization and become a fully self-realized personality. That will help everywhere. May God bless you all! Thank you very much, it was wonderful. You all have paper to know where the centers are and I hope... What's it? … and where you are going to have a follow-on program. [unclear]. Please, please come. [unclear]. What's it? They haven’t got paper already? Sahaja Yogi - [Unclear], Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji - You all have. Where are you having follow on? Yes, yes, but when are having the follow and where. You don't know. Sahaja Yogi -As you go on out there are leaflets there which will tell you... all you need to know about follow-up programs I [unclear] got here finally. There's a series of seven programs beginning on Monday 11th of April then for six consecutive Thursdays commencing Thursday 14th of April at seven thirty to nine thirty [unclear]place room, German House [unclear] Center on [unclear] Avenue, Brighton. And is a little bracket here, and we will provide light refreshment to follow. Again remaind you that all Sahaja Yoga programs are completely free. There, if you have any questions you want to ask about that there's a... two phone numbers here that will tell you where to ring it really tells you everything you want to know, and you can pick up one of these up as you go up the door. Now thev'e got a big supply there. One other thing, if is anybody here who soon as Shri Mataji's left because anybody here who has not felt anything tonight I would like to try that's probably very good reasons, as we explained to you earlier. You have these centers, you can also have blocked centers and maybe, quite easily to... maybe quite easy to clear and then [unclear] Before you leave here tonight if are any of you didn't feel anything we'll do our best to make sure you do. Shri Mataji-Thank you. Sahaja Yogi- I'm... we having first series of seven follow up programs at Gorman House.
Shri Mahamaya Puja: We Are All In Her Body
New Zealand
Shri Mahamaya Puja, Auckland (New Zealand), 10 April 1994. Today is the first day, New Year’s Day, according to the Shalivahana Calendar, who were My forefathers. And in the whole of Maharashtra, it is regarded as the New Year Day and the best day to start anything. So today I’ve decided to have Mahamaya Puja.I have never talked about Mahamaya, as it is not to be talked or told – it’s a secret, as they say. It’s the basic of Sahaja Yoga, I should say, because it’s described, when the Goddess comes in the Sahasrara, the Shakti, She is Mahamaya – “Sahasrare Mahamaya,” already described. She has to be the Mahamaya, means She should camouflage Herself fully. Nobody should be able to know Her as the Goddess, to begin with; and even if they get Realization, they should not reach to the end of it. There are many reasons for that. The first thing [is] the job. The job of Mahamaya was to give Realization. Now, if I had come on a tiger with a sword in My hand, nobody would have stood near Me. You all would have run away from Me. In any other form, if the Goddess had come, She could not have done what She was supposed to do. Moreover, only if She had come as the Mother of Christ, or Shri Sitaji, or you can say Fatimabi – they all ended their lives. They had to go away from this world so early, I mean. They couldn’t do any work whatsoever. Now this work, difficult work of giving Realization to others, is very intricate. It has to work out in such a manner that nobody feels that it is done by some great personality or with a great awe or fear. So the Mahamaya Incarnation has to come, that people can come closer.Also, it has one advantage, very great advantage is that when a simple person, who’s just a housewife, starts giving Realization, people are flabbergasted. Also they think, “If She can do it, why not we do it? After all, She’s just an ordinary housewife. So, it’s all right. If She can do something, we can also do it.” So they have self-confidence, you see. And, being a Mother, She does Her loving part, Her compassion, but the greatest is the patience. You see, none of them had so much patience, all these Incarnations who came. You see how they disappeared from this Mother Earth quickly, I’d say, by some excuse or other. But I had to stay, I don’t know how long, but it has to be done up to a point, this work of giving Realization.The third thing was that you have to be identified into My Body, into My cells of My Body, but this is a more difficult task because supposing one of you becomes stupid, becomes foolish, quarrelsome. Anything you do, any small thing, it hurts Me. It has to, but I don’t think about Myself. I always think about you. So it’s an indication to Me that something has gone wrong somewhere: somebody is doing something wrong to somebody, some Sahaja Yogis are being tortured, some are sick. Anything like that, I work it out very intensely and intimately. Recently, today only, they told Me somebody has got meningitis in Australia. Immediately, I gave bandhan. I’m sure such a person should be cured if she has any faith in Me and she’s in My being. Or somebody is ill somewhere, they tell Me and such a person is saved. They call it a miracle. It is not a miracle. It’s not a miracle. It’s again the Mahamaya’s blessings are like this. You can’t see how you are inside Me. You can’t see your reflection within Me. You can’t see. This is Mahamaya. This is the secret part of it, that you don’t know; and then when I feel the pain and if I try, look at it, because I have power to cures, so you get cured. You don’t know how it happens.[Shri Mataji asks for water]Collectively, whatever you feel, I get it in My Body. For example, collectively, if you have a left Vishuddhi, I get it. If you have, say, right Vishuddhi, I get it. Any Chakra that you catch collectively, I get that problem and I have to solve it because it troubles Me, so I solve it. It’s a compulsion that I have to solve it. Now in doing so, you see, you might think, “Mother, we are troubling you.” You are not, it’s My doing. I have taken you into Myself. You haven’t. So you don’t have to worry as to, as if you are troubling Me. It’s My own doing, it’s My own work, it’s My own responsibility. And if I‘ve done it, it’s done it because I am supposed to do it. That’s the job I have to do. So there’s nothing to feel bad about.But now, what is the purpose? As I told you, is that I could come close to you and I need not, sort of, fill you with fear or awe, or even a feeling that I am not a human being. I behave exactly like human being, I react exactly like human beings and all these powers are hidden within Myself. Unless and until you are a Realized soul, you won’t understand. Whatever you may do, you won’t understand. Or maybe in the previous life you had your Realization, or maybe also you have done such tremendous punyas that you can recognize. There are people like that who have done it. But to make it more, sort of, congenial to you is to become absolutely a human being. So I married, I have children, I have grandchildren and I do shopping, as you see. People are surprised how I take Coca-Cola. I’m not supposed to take Coca-Cola! Or I eat popcorn. They’re surprised. [Laughter] But I have to be just like you. But inside I am not. Outside I am.You see, My attention is such that it penetrates into everything, and I remember each and every thing very well. My memory’s very good, even at this age. So, you see, this attention itself is very penetrating, and when it penetrates it carries with it all the powers that are required, and acts. It’s a tremendous machinery, I should say, which is very subtle and works wonders. So you start telling Me that there is a miracle that has happened, miracle that has happened. Nothing is a miracle because if you’re all in My Body and if My Body is divine, then what is a miracle? It’s all the communication, as this hand can communicate with this hand, I communicate with you. But one thing is definite, that you should not get lost with this rupa of Mahamaya. It’s a very dangerous thing because once you get lost, “Oh, Mother! After all” – you see, like that – then it doesn’t act, it doesn’t work out. It’s not a casual thing, but I want to live very casually Myself to show that I’m casual, but I am not. While you should not pay your attention casually, that won’t work out because you are in My Body. Say, every cell in My Body is aware, and every cell has a reflector. I don’t know about [if] you know about it, but there is a reflector in us, which works on remote control. So it works on remote control on your attention also. If your attention is not all right, it corrects. It puts you ... that’s the best way we could evolve human beings. There was no other way out, you see. Because the attention of the people is, on the whole, in the whole world, is not yet on the Spirit. But suddenly, they get a glimpse that there must be something beyond. So many religions have come, so many have talked about it. So, they may say about it, they may talk about it, but still the consciousness that we have to be the Spirit is among very few people and they are the ones called as the seekers of truth, while the rest of the people are not. They are busy with this or that. “Oh, I’m very happy. I’m very happy with myself and you enjoy your holiday. I’ll enjoy my holiday.” Like that they talk.So under these circumstances, one had to come in a camouflage, enter into like – you see, they are like enemies, I would say, enemies of God’s Love. So you have to enter into them like a spy, you see, camouflaging yourself, you see, and make them dance here, here and there. Let them get lost a little bit here and there. Let them see for themselves because with Mahamaya, you see, She allows you. Now, there are some Sahaja Yogis who left Sahaja Yoga, went off. I said, “All right, if they have gone, very good. Good riddance of bad rubbish, doesn’t matter.” And then they again come back. “Mother, this happened to us, that happened to us, somebody got this, somebody got that, we met with an accident, then somebody got the sickness, somebody is very unhappy, we broke our marriage.” All kinds of things. And when they say like this, I mean, they do like this, I just smile. So it’s a bad coin. All right, doesn’t matter. Again they come back to Sahaja Yoga, but they are left behind than others.They come up, but slowly, because they have suffered, so they have come. In a way, there’s a good example for others that we don’t want to suffer any more. The sufferings do not come from Mahamaya, by any chance. On the contrary, once you have called Me the Mother, you see, there is a protective attention on you. When you misbehave, you cross all the limits and things, then it acts on you. This action has taken place in many cases. Some of them have come back, some are still hanging around and are doing wrong things, because they have done terribly wrong things and they know they’ll be found out. Now the worst thing that happens in Sahaja Yoga that people try to make money out of Me because they know I don’t understand money, I don’t understand banking and I’m very bad at it; but I’m not. I know everything. I know everything about everyone. They tell me lies, I know that they’re telling Me lies, but it is allowed. Do what you like in Sahaja Yoga. You yourself will have to pay for it. It’s something so great with this Mahamaya rupa, that, directly, I don’t have to say anything. You don’t even know that it’s done. When it happens, they come rushing to Me, “Mother, it has happened.” Now, I have not done anything directly, neither indirectly, but once you go out of the protection of your Mother, there are all negative forces all around you, which also you don’t see because you are partly blind. You couldn’t see your Mother and you couldn’t see these negative forces also. Then you fall a prey to their talk, things, whatever it is, or maybe into some paradoxical culture, as you have here. You may fall a prey to that. There’s somebody I know in Sahaja Yoga who has gone now and he’s now drinking a lot and he’s doing all kinds of things. So such a person gets lost because of his doings. I am not doing anything to him. If you are with Me, if you are in Sahaja Yoga, you are protected, you are looked after. But you have to stick on, you have to have faith and even if there’s any problem, it gets solved. But those who have gone out of it, who go beyond My reach, then they suffer. So, even indirectly, I would say, I’m not in any way harming them because I’ve decided not to harm anyone. That I have decided on. Especially those who call Me “Mother”, I don’t want to harm them. But they get harmed, no doubt, they get harmed very badly. So, if it has happened, just take it up, “All right, doesn’t matter. Mother forgives everyone. It has happened, has happened. This is a lesson for me. It was something because of it happened and now I’m back.” And then you become sometimes a better Sahaja Yogi than many of them.This kind of happening is very common in every country. But you see, this whole culture, I feel, is so paradoxical, [the] whole culture is so paradoxical, and what is paid for is something that is ugly, what is paid for is something that is sinful, whatever that is filthy, dirty is paid for and accepted. It’s very paradoxical because it goes against growth of Spirituality. One side, you are spiritual, you want to be spiritual. Another side you have this paradoxical culture, which takes you down to hell. It’s like a story once Babamama told Me, very interesting story it is. He said that some people did lots of punyas, so they were taken to heaven, but they saw everybody was meditating, nicely enjoying. He said, “What is this? We did this also with Sahaja Yoga. What’s the use of doing it here again? We should have something else, so let’s have a look at the hell.” So they went down to see the hell and outside they were having all these paradoxical culture of nude women and nude men dancing, shouting, screaming. Dirty, filthy things going on there. So they said, “This seems to be different, you know.” So the people who were doing all these acts, they asked, “Why are you here?” They said, “We’ve come here only for seeing the hell.” “Oh, all right. There are peepholes. You see through them.” So they had big, big holes, out of which they started seeing. So in one hole they saw people being put into some sort of a filth, a pus and this and that. Another into feces, this, that. Another into a sort of a mire out of which they could not come out, shouting. Then there’s another one where they were boiled in the boiling oil and some were beaten up. There were snakes and scorpions and this and that. They said, “What is this all?” “That is hell you wanted to see. That is hell. You want to go, you can go there.” So they said, “What are you doing here?” “This is publicity department. For hell.” [Laughter]They ran back to heaven and asked forgiveness that “We don’t want, we don’t want this hell, we had enough of it.” So, like that, you see, the whole world is a camouflage. If you see, this is an anti-Mahamaya.So they say that this maya is created by God. No. Maya that God has created is this world, this whole universe and all that. But this illusive life is created by human beings. Absolutely, through their projections of their brains and mental capacities, they have projected because money is everything. If money is everything, by hook or crook, if you have to get the money, then do what you like. Every day you read in the newspaper, I mean horrible stories about how people want to make money, how they want to sell their daughters, how they want to sell their wives. Anything is all right as long as you have money. If you can make money, nothing matters. So this is one of the illusions that human beings have created is what you call is “money maya” and in that comes also the wealth, possessions, materialism. Everything is created by human beings, and this creation of materialism then boils you down to a personality which is involved in all sinful acts. Everything is all right because if money is all right, materialism is all right. For example, the way people went down to America – Spanish – and killed so many aboriginals there. Then also, English went and all kinds of people went there in America. The way they have tortured is something, is you cannot think how human beings can behave like this towards ordinary people, who are just simple people living in the jungles. How can you do such a thing to them, such horrible, you can call it a genocide? It’s really a terrible thing they did it. We know more about these Germans, the way they behaved recently, but even in those days they used to do all kinds of things. And the nature, which is a Maya of God, which how it takes respite.There were people in America, Central America, near River Mississippi in Missouri. They’re called as rednecks long time. He must be remembering this. And because they were called rednecks by the blacks, they used to kill so many blacks, they used to hang their children on the tree, they used to throw their bodies in the river, sometimes get them drowned; did all kinds of things to the black people under the name that they were white people and they’re superior and something like that, behaving worse than animals. Now you know, there floods came in, terrible floods came in and those floods drowned these rednecks beyond their necks and so many were dead. One would say that “How could it happen?” It is.Another example I’ll give you is the, you see, the way Americans were treating all these Bolivians and the Colombians, that they would buy everything from them very cheaply, and like wheat and everything, very cheap. Just the minimum profits they had, and they would sell it at a double price and make money. All this was really criminal to do from any point of view, but they were doing it. I went to – I don’t know what year it was, 1978 or so – into Colombia and there was one man came in the party. I was with My husband. He said, “I’ve heard You are a great, saintly person from India. Can You give us some blessings that we really hit these Americans nicely and see them off?Because the way they are exposing us to our poverty and things, they’re horrible.” I said, “Why do you want to hit them?” “No, they require it, otherwise they’ll not be all right.” I was just in the party, I didn’t want to discuss it. “All right.” And, you know, this cocaine came up there. And if you go and see now that place – I’ve been to Bogota, with My husband – it was like a shanty town, absolutely like a shanty town, made of tin and this and that. Now, big, big buildings are there, and you have escalators and everything. They used to bring petroleum with the donkey’s cart. Can you imagine? In such a short time it has become such a big country and not only that, but now the whole America is afraid of them, even Australia.The drugs are taken by Americans themselves. In Washington there is such a lot of storage of drugs that they don’t know what to do. And even the senators are taking to drugs. Can you imagine? I wouldn’t be surprised one day Mr. Clinton lands up with some drugs. The way it is such a fashion, it is such a fantastic thing for them. You go to any party of elite people, which I have to some time, they only talk about drugs, you see. “You want? Which drug do you like?” I said, “I don’t like any drug.” “No. If you want, you can get it cheaply in this, you know, if you go there and get it there.” They discuss it in the elite parties. Also about gurus, you see, “Which guru you want? There is a sale on of a such-and-such guru. On a bargain you can go.” Like that. You know, it’s all so stupid, I tell you. I said, “These people are so immature, worse than children.” They are not grown up, only in age. They have done good maybe in mechanism and all those things, but that has nothing to do with your personality growth, and that’s why I find them just like dwarves the way they have attitude towards things. And everyone practically must have taken drugs, everybody except for Asians [who] may not have, because now I have learnt that there are two genes which protect the Asians, but the white skin has not those genes which are to protect.The other day in the lecture I told them that there are two genes which are protective, found only among Asians, means Chinese and Indians. All the rest of the people don’t have those genes, which should protect them. So they are so vulnerable to all these nonsensical things that are going on, and they take to it so easily. I used to wonder how these educated, good people, I mean people of My husband’s ranking also were stupid like that. Every time they would bring a new wife. One day they brought, one of them, brought a wife who was hardly about twenty years of age. This fellow is at least seventy. I didn’t know. My husband pinched Me. He said, “That’s his wife. All right? Don’t call her a grand-daughter.” I used to drop bricks after bricks there. Such absurd people coming, and a seventy-year-old man coming with a lady who’s twenty years. I mean, you can never think that she could be his wife. At the most a sister-in-law, at the most, but I thought she was the grand-daughter so he pinched Me and told Me that “Don’t.”This is it, you see. It’s such a paradoxical world that if you come from Sahaj to this, you see “What’s going on? What are they doing? What’s the matter with them?” Now, taking out clothes - is it something great to take out clothes, you see? In Switzerland, which is such a cold country - I was wearing My sweater, My coat, covering My head, wearing warm socks, everything because they said, “Let’s go out for, just for a drive.” So, we got down. There’s one lake called Lausanne, Lausanne, there’s a very big lake. So, as usual, Gregoire ran up to see how is the situation there. He came back with a double speed. He said, “No, no, Mother, You can’t go there.” I said, “Why?” “No. You can’t. I am sorry. You can’t. Let’s go.” They were all topless women sitting there.You know, this – in Australia they had, and even New Zealand, they had cricket match. They’re supposed to be very good cricketers. And when we opened the TV, the women were sitting topless. We closed it. We couldn’t see that, but I was told now they’re losing in cricket. They will, definitely, compared to Indian spinners, who are young innocent boys, you see – very young, twenty, twenty-one. They have to be because there’s no innocence, there’s no chastity, there’s no respect. The women are sitting topless. How can they win? They’re insulting the Goddess there only. How can they win? They cannot win, and a game like cricket is something sensible. Even, I don’t know, in any game if they can win, because if this – distract the attention completely. But why do they go like that? Are all women trying to become prostitutes? What is the sense in it? I can’t understand. And this is something they don’t understand. If you tell them that, “You see, I was told that Mrs. Thatcher openly said that in this culture women must expose their body.” Still such a paradox, I can’t understand. They show here Mother Mary as the sublime personality, and they show here women as the – women who are nude. They want to become Mother Mary or what do they want to become? And people like this, horrible people like this Michael Jackson – he is that – are so prominent making money. I mean, just see the paradox. Can you say that this is an advanced country when the ideas are so, so low? How can it be?After coming to Sahaja Yoga, you can see for yourself, but it makes your, these protective genes established in you. This is the thing in Sahaj Yoga. And suddenly, you people have given up all that nonsense, you don’t want all that now. Actually, if you see it properly from any logical point of view, you see, without the Maya of this nonsense – if you see it, you can logically understand that it is wrong. You see, why do you feel jealous of another man or woman? You feel jealous. That means you want just life, isn’t it? People have murdered, women have murdered men or women because they were jealous. If it was natural and normal and joy giving, you should not have felt bad about it.All these things should logically be understood that, why we don’t like this happening. Or this happens to your own daughter, you may not like. Nowadays there are people who like it, also, to the daughters. But – now going to that limit of things, like there’s one person, say, he has something to do with the daughter and the whole society’s against it, today. But maybe tomorrow, with this Maya, this horrible devil-maya, which is anti-maya, will work out and maybe that nobody will mind it. It may be. If you people do not hold it right into your hands, the culture side of Sahaj, I don’t know what’s going to happen. If you read newspaper every day, you feel really dizzy, you don’t understand in what Maya these people are lost. So it’s an anti-maya. Because Mahamaya has come, so anti-maya has come.Fifty years back or sixty years back, it was not that bad, I can tell you. Once in a while people used to do something nonsensical, but now it is rampant. But it now has become a fashion. It’s worse than that, is that accepted as a fashion, and if you’re not in it, you’re out. You have to be in the madhouse.You should see this clearly because now you have come into the Maya of God. “Maya” also means love, the God’s love, and, in that, your eyes should open out and see what horrible things this they are doing. What is this disco?You know, in India they brought the disco and, of course, some boys, who were Muslims actually, were rich and they carried young girls, because in disco the law was that you must bring your partner – young girls who were adults, maybe not be adults also, and started giving them alcohol, drinking and they got lost. The parents wouldn’t accept them. They had to go to brothels or they were sold out or I don’t know what happened to them. But that is the reaction in that country. It may be one day they’ll be accepted. One day we’ll have the same thing, because it has such a overpowering effect, and that’s why the Maya of God is such. This, all these beautiful things are there, so you can get lost with it, you can see it, you can picture it, you can paint it. But no, they are not – they’re not interested. They’ll make this also ugly. They’ll make every picture ugly. They’ll make every face ugly. So this is the anti-maya that is there and, for that, you need a Mahamaya to correct it and to solve the problem.The complete working of the Divine depends on you people, wherever you are. How many you are is not the point – wherever you are, how intense you are, how you want to work it out, how you want to put your attention to. It’s very important how you are going to do it, because you people should understand the responsibility. This world is getting drowned, and I feel that at least eighty percent [of] people will be finished. Ten would be hanging in between in limbo I think. Really, and ten percent will be Sahaja Yogis, the way it is moving in the West. Maybe in India may not be, I can’t say. India is very fast-moving Sahaja Yoga. Also Russia and all these Eastern Bloc people are just jumping into it. I don’t know how they have discovered Me so easily. They say My Face is evident. I don’t know what makes them think.The another Maya is of power. And the power of money if they can avoid, then they try to have power over territory, of the land, this, that. That also made them mad quite a lot in the past, but now they’re all fighting for some nonsensical land, which will never belong to them. It stays here permanently, eternally, but the fights are going on. Then, in the name of religion, they’re fighting for this area, that area or they’re fighting for, say, just for changing their religion or getting more people in that religion. I don’t know what their idea of religion is. Is religion meant for that? Just think of it. Nobody thinks like that. What is it meant for? So here, again, the Mahamaya has to work and the Mahamaya works this way, that She integrates all the religions. She shows that all religions are the same, have the same spirituality. It’s on the same tree of spirituality, they have grown.Instead of making people spiritual, they have made them money-oriented or they have made them power-oriented. I mean it’s the other way round. It’s like the tree growing underneath or something absurd that you cannot explain and that is the thing is that illusive. That illusiveness is called maya. And this illusiveness appeals to many people, appeals – that’s the point I’m worried about. Something is illusive, then they go on running after that like a mirage and ultimately they are destroyed. So what you see, a picture just now, is that at least so many, ten percent [of] people will be saved, at the most. But this is a very sad affair because it has taken so much effort to make human beings, to make them all right, to make them sensible and now what you find is that they are going to be all finished! It’s too much to bear, too much to believe in, but it is going to happen, if you people do not take it up seriously and work it out.For you, also, there should not be any illusions, because many of you are more busy with other things. To you other things are more important than Sahaja Yoga. But whatever you are doing, you can bring in Sahaja Yoga into that. Into anything you can bring in Sahaja Yoga. I said, in politics, in agriculture, in social life, in your jobs, everywhere you can bring Sahaja Yoga. By your own behavior, by your own intelligence, you can bring in Sahaja Yoga into every field, which you have to think about,“Where can we take Sahaj Yoga? Where can we work it out?” And this is what is to get into the Maya of God, that you get rid of all the illusions which are false, which do not allow you to see the right thing, and then seriously to get into the productive side of Sahaja Yoga. Can you imagine how productive is Sahaja Yoga, how the miracles work out, how there is this divine Power is anxious to help you, despite all this Mahamaya and all that.I’ll give you the example of My grandson now because this time we had a big maya on him. He was...I told him that, “You should not go to Cambridge, you know.” I said, “They don’t give admissions normally and, moreover, it’s more sort of theoretical things, it’s not actually good for you. You will be bored too, there. So don’t go.” He wouldn’t listen to Me. Then he agreed, “All right, if I get admission in these, these big universities in America I’ll go.” But he didn’t try. Nothing of the kind. Last minute we sent him a application and he sent that application. Last minute. They said, “You cannot come. This is that. You have to prepare for this exam, SAT exam, that exam”, and then he got a fright. You see, which he learnt. “My God, I thought so easy to go to America. It is not.” Even if you certify money it is not easy. Then he started thinking that “What was I thinking about Cambridge, Cambridge so much? This is the same, equally the same difficult thing. ” Until then he wanted to go for SAT, there to sit for an exam, but actually the appearing of the examination was only after six days and I thought, “How can he go? Six days he cannot prepare even.” So they said, “You cannot come for SAT here.” Now he was settled down in India. He didn’t know what to do. Still he was saying, “I’ll try for this Cambridge again and this.” I said, “Now, forget it.” He wouldn’t listen to Me. Then he was very disappointed. He telephoned to Me to say that “I think that if I have to go to America, I’ll go in a good university, otherwise, no use going to a cheap university - I can get better education in India.” So I said, “All right.” Then I gave a bandhan because he wanted to go abroad and learn something. It’s all right. Can you imagine, it has worked like a real miracle. The university wrote to him that he is admitted unconditionally. Nobody did anything. Nobody wrote anything, nothing. They have said it. None of them can understand what has happened, how did they get unconditional admission? So, you see, it’s a miracle. But before that this Maya was to be played, otherwise he would never have seen the importance of it.So, in your lives also, such a maya plays. When you do not want to do the right thing. All right, do it. You do this. All right, do that, do that. Ultimately, you learn a lesson. I don’t say no, if you say, “Mother, I want to do it.” “All right, go ahead.” “I want to do that.” “Oh, go ahead, whatever you want to do.” If I find you congenial, I may tell you that “Better not do, it’s not going to help you.” But then they, when they get a complete disillusionment, then they take to the right decision, come to the right things. Because, you see, let them try with their own freedom, but then they realize that, “What Mother said was right. I should have done that. All right.” So this is it. The Maya is like this, that it allows you to do what you like. You use your freedom, you go places to places, do what you want to do, whatever you think it proper, you do it. All right, this is a part of the maya. But Mahamaya is that which brings you back, brings you back to normal, brings you back to reality, to understand. It is at that point when you understand Mahamaya.Like I would say Russians did. How they understood that I’m doing greater work than Einstein? “See, what is Einstein? He is just working with the matter. You are working with human beings, do You realize, Mother ?” To them I am higher than all of them, greater than all of them, which is a fact also, I must say. It’s fact in a way that the way work is done, but doesn’t mean that it’s something to be ego about it, because if I am made like that, I am doing it. What is so special? I’ve been like this, so I’m like that. What is so special? One gets the pride and the ego only when you think you are doing something more beyond you. You see, it’s all there. I’ve already got it. Now, see this tent is meant to give shade. Now if it is giving shade, should it have ego? Sun is meant to give you light. If it is giving light, it’s giving light because God has given him the light to be given, so he’s giving light to you. Should he have ego? But you will, you see, assume that you have got something special about you, then you have to do that, whatever special you have. Now, the flowers are so beautiful, they’re so special, so charming. I mean, I couldn’t take out My attention from them, they’re so beautiful. All right, but if they are so, they are so. What is there? They’re not going to have ego about it, that “We are so good, we are so beautiful.” No, none of them. So this ego comes when there is again the Mahamaya part of it, that you are in the maya of your own understanding.Now you are Sahaja Yogis. You should be very proud. You should be- I don’t know. Look at these horrible people who are not at all connected with God, they have nothing to do[with God]. Yesterday that lady, she gives Me a lecture that “Why don’t you praise the Lord?” you see. She’s giving Me a lecture. [Shri Mataji laughs] So it is just a sort of a assumption that “I am something great” that makes you ego, but that is also a maya, because you have to learn. Ultimately, your ego breaks and you understand that what a Humpty-Dumpty it was.Once you discover that, “I don’t want to have an ego any more.” I mean there are some Sahaja Yogis who refuse to do any work of Sahaja Yoga. I said, “Why?” “Mother, we are too intelligent and our intelligence cheats us and we’ll develop ego.” I said, “Now this is an escape. It won’t, Sahaja Yoga can never give you ego, but will give you joy. If it is giving you ego, it’s not Sahaj. It should just give you joy.” Giving somebody to Realization or somebody you’re curing, somebody being kind, anything, it just gives you satisfaction and you enjoy. It’s a fact. I mean, you have come all the way here, you are playing such good music, all this. Now you learnt Indian style, I don’t know how. Anybody should be very full of ego. But no, in the Maya of your Mother, you just enjoy. Maya should give you enjoyment. That’s the best thing that this Maya can give, and you can enjoy it so much.I think it is a very beautiful atmosphere created by this Mahamaya. So you can enjoy each other, you can enjoy My company, you can enjoy nature. Such a rapport, such a beautiful understanding between everything else is there. Nobody is bothered as to who is higher, who is lower, what is the position, how much money he has got or what he has got, nothing, just you’re all enjoying. If somebody has a talent, he enjoys because he has a talent and the others also enjoy because he has talent. No jealousies, no rivalries, nothing. Somebody sings better, all right, they’ll tell Me, “Mother, You know, he sings very well.” There’s one fellow in Paris and he is, I think he’s a black, from the black side, because he has very curly hair, a very nice boy. So, suddenly, somebody came from Italy. “Mother, do You know he dances very well?” “How do you know?” “I’ve seen him dancing.” “So when did you see me dancing?” I asked. “You know, You came to that program. I saw that.” In a group he saw him. He just got hold of him, “You’d better dance before Mother.” It was so much, you see, so joy-giving, this kind of thing. He saw him in some sort of a program where they were at least two thousand people dancing, he picked him out. Now, he’s from Paris, and he’s from Italy, and how his eyes picked him up and he brought him. “Mother. You’d better dance before Mother, must! You are very good.” And he was. But you see I might have missed it or whatever it is. And even if I’d seen it I may not have asked him. But this fellow went down there, and he’s got hold of him and he out put him here.I mean, these things are so joy-giving, you see. It is otherwise, in the normal course, what one would do, come before Me and start dancing, whether know or not and try to show off. Normally. But the one who knows never brought like that, “Now, come along” and in such an impersonal way he saw him and brought him. It makes no difference whether they’re from Russia, or from America, or from India.So all these differences which are skin deep are finished. And I find everybody appreciates everybody’s talent, everybody, how he speaks and suddenly, you’ll find someone say, “Oh, he’s such a gem.” “When did you meet him?” “No, I’ve heard about him.” You see, all this appreciation and all this beautiful feeling for others, you see, is only possible through Sahaj. No jealousies, no rivalries, nothing. These come because of ignorance, which creates the maya about yourself, also: “I am this. I am that.” And then the “I” comes down like that. So all conditionings also can create a maya. Many conditionings are there that “I am from such a family, I am from such a thing.” That all has to be stopped.So today’s special day is this of New Year’s where they said, “Now, today’s the most auspicious day to start something new,” and this Mahamaya’s dissolving has to be started. Gradually, you should try to understand. Many people ask Me, “Mother, how did You do it?” Forget it. It’s Mahamaya, forget it. How did I do it? Just forget it. That part you need not go into, just enjoy. Just enjoy that you are in that Maya and you are enjoying it. It’s the best way to enjoy this Mahamaya.And today for the first time we have this Puja of Mahamaya. Because of Gudi Padwa, I thought something unique must be done which encompasses everything of Sahaja Yoga, everything of Sahaja Yoga. It’s not one incarnation, it’s not one nadi, it’s not one Goddess, but all of it is there. It’s sometimes I say like a film is audio, visual, everything is there – drama, music, also acting. Everything is there in a film now. I mean that far, everything integrated.In the same way, I think Mahamaya has everything, every part that you tell Me, everything that you enjoy, everything that you discover, everything is in that vision of Mahamaya, which has been created for you.May God bless you.
Shri Mahamaya Puja, Auckland (New Zealand), 10 April 1994. Today is the first day, New Year’s Day, according to the Shalivahana Calendar, who were My forefathers. And in the whole of Maharashtra, it is regarded as the New Year Day and the best day to start anything. So today I’ve decided to have Mahamaya Puja.I have never talked about Mahamaya, as it is not to be talked or told – it’s a secret, as they say. It’s the basic of Sahaja Yoga, I should say, because it’s described, when the Goddess comes in the Sahasrara, the Shakti, She is Mahamaya – “Sahasrare Mahamaya,” already described. She has to be the Mahamaya, means She should camouflage Herself fully. Nobody should be able to know Her as the Goddess, to begin with; and even if they get Realization, they should not reach to the end of it. There are many reasons for that. The first thing [is] the job. The job of Mahamaya was to give Realization. Now, if I had come on a tiger with a sword in My hand, nobody would have stood near Me. You all would have run away from Me. In any other form, if the Goddess had come, She could not have done what She was supposed to do. Moreover, only if She had come as the Mother of Christ, or Shri Sitaji, or you can say Fatimabi – they all ended their lives. They had to go away from this world so early, I mean. They couldn’t do any work whatsoever. Now this work, difficult work of giving Realization to others, is very intricate. It has to work out in such a manner that nobody feels that it is done by some great personality or with a great awe or fear. So the Mahamaya Incarnation has to come, that people can come closer.Also, it has one advantage, very great advantage is that when a simple person, who’s just a housewife, starts giving Realization, people are flabbergasted. Also they think, “If She can do it, why not we do it? After all, She’s just an ordinary housewife. So, it’s all right. If She can do something, we can also do it.” So they have self-confidence, you see. And, being a Mother, She does Her loving part, Her compassion, but the greatest is the patience. You see, none of them had so much patience, all these Incarnations who came. You see how they disappeared from this Mother Earth quickly, I’d say, by some excuse or other. But I had to stay, I don’t know how long, but it has to be done up to a point, this work of giving Realization.The third thing was that you have to be identified into My Body, into My cells of My Body, but this is a more difficult task because supposing one of you becomes stupid, becomes foolish, quarrelsome. Anything you do, any small thing, it hurts Me. It has to, but I don’t think about Myself. I always think about you. So it’s an indication to Me that something has gone wrong somewhere: somebody is doing something wrong to somebody, some Sahaja Yogis are being tortured, some are sick. Anything like that, I work it out very intensely and intimately. Recently, today only, they told Me somebody has got meningitis in Australia. Immediately, I gave bandhan. I’m sure such a person should be cured if she has any faith in Me and she’s in My being. Or somebody is ill somewhere, they tell Me and such a person is saved. They call it a miracle. It is not a miracle. It’s not a miracle. It’s again the Mahamaya’s blessings are like this. You can’t see how you are inside Me. You can’t see your reflection within Me. You can’t see. This is Mahamaya. This is the secret part of it, that you don’t know; and then when I feel the pain and if I try, look at it, because I have power to cures, so you get cured. You don’t know how it happens.[Shri Mataji asks for water]Collectively, whatever you feel, I get it in My Body. For example, collectively, if you have a left Vishuddhi, I get it. If you have, say, right Vishuddhi, I get it. Any Chakra that you catch collectively, I get that problem and I have to solve it because it troubles Me, so I solve it. It’s a compulsion that I have to solve it. Now in doing so, you see, you might think, “Mother, we are troubling you.” You are not, it’s My doing. I have taken you into Myself. You haven’t. So you don’t have to worry as to, as if you are troubling Me. It’s My own doing, it’s My own work, it’s My own responsibility. And if I‘ve done it, it’s done it because I am supposed to do it. That’s the job I have to do. So there’s nothing to feel bad about.But now, what is the purpose? As I told you, is that I could come close to you and I need not, sort of, fill you with fear or awe, or even a feeling that I am not a human being. I behave exactly like human being, I react exactly like human beings and all these powers are hidden within Myself. Unless and until you are a Realized soul, you won’t understand. Whatever you may do, you won’t understand. Or maybe in the previous life you had your Realization, or maybe also you have done such tremendous punyas that you can recognize. There are people like that who have done it. But to make it more, sort of, congenial to you is to become absolutely a human being. So I married, I have children, I have grandchildren and I do shopping, as you see. People are surprised how I take Coca-Cola. I’m not supposed to take Coca-Cola! Or I eat popcorn. They’re surprised. [Laughter] But I have to be just like you. But inside I am not. Outside I am.You see, My attention is such that it penetrates into everything, and I remember each and every thing very well. My memory’s very good, even at this age. So, you see, this attention itself is very penetrating, and when it penetrates it carries with it all the powers that are required, and acts. It’s a tremendous machinery, I should say, which is very subtle and works wonders. So you start telling Me that there is a miracle that has happened, miracle that has happened. Nothing is a miracle because if you’re all in My Body and if My Body is divine, then what is a miracle? It’s all the communication, as this hand can communicate with this hand, I communicate with you. But one thing is definite, that you should not get lost with this rupa of Mahamaya. It’s a very dangerous thing because once you get lost, “Oh, Mother! After all” – you see, like that – then it doesn’t act, it doesn’t work out. It’s not a casual thing, but I want to live very casually Myself to show that I’m casual, but I am not. While you should not pay your attention casually, that won’t work out because you are in My Body. Say, every cell in My Body is aware, and every cell has a reflector. I don’t know about [if] you know about it, but there is a reflector in us, which works on remote control. So it works on remote control on your attention also. If your attention is not all right, it corrects. It puts you ... that’s the best way we could evolve human beings. There was no other way out, you see. Because the attention of the people is, on the whole, in the whole world, is not yet on the Spirit. But suddenly, they get a glimpse that there must be something beyond. So many religions have come, so many have talked about it. So, they may say about it, they may talk about it, but still the consciousness that we have to be the Spirit is among very few people and they are the ones called as the seekers of truth, while the rest of the people are not. They are busy with this or that. “Oh, I’m very happy. I’m very happy with myself and you enjoy your holiday. I’ll enjoy my holiday.” Like that they talk.So under these circumstances, one had to come in a camouflage, enter into like – you see, they are like enemies, I would say, enemies of God’s Love. So you have to enter into them like a spy, you see, camouflaging yourself, you see, and make them dance here, here and there. Let them get lost a little bit here and there. Let them see for themselves because with Mahamaya, you see, She allows you. Now, there are some Sahaja Yogis who left Sahaja Yoga, went off. I said, “All right, if they have gone, very good. Good riddance of bad rubbish, doesn’t matter.” And then they again come back. “Mother, this happened to us, that happened to us, somebody got this, somebody got that, we met with an accident, then somebody got the sickness, somebody is very unhappy, we broke our marriage.” All kinds of things. And when they say like this, I mean, they do like this, I just smile. So it’s a bad coin. All right, doesn’t matter. Again they come back to Sahaja Yoga, but they are left behind than others.They come up, but slowly, because they have suffered, so they have come. In a way, there’s a good example for others that we don’t want to suffer any more. The sufferings do not come from Mahamaya, by any chance. On the contrary, once you have called Me the Mother, you see, there is a protective attention on you. When you misbehave, you cross all the limits and things, then it acts on you. This action has taken place in many cases. Some of them have come back, some are still hanging around and are doing wrong things, because they have done terribly wrong things and they know they’ll be found out. Now the worst thing that happens in Sahaja Yoga that people try to make money out of Me because they know I don’t understand money, I don’t understand banking and I’m very bad at it; but I’m not. I know everything. I know everything about everyone. They tell me lies, I know that they’re telling Me lies, but it is allowed. Do what you like in Sahaja Yoga. You yourself will have to pay for it. It’s something so great with this Mahamaya rupa, that, directly, I don’t have to say anything. You don’t even know that it’s done. When it happens, they come rushing to Me, “Mother, it has happened.” Now, I have not done anything directly, neither indirectly, but once you go out of the protection of your Mother, there are all negative forces all around you, which also you don’t see because you are partly blind. You couldn’t see your Mother and you couldn’t see these negative forces also. Then you fall a prey to their talk, things, whatever it is, or maybe into some paradoxical culture, as you have here. You may fall a prey to that. There’s somebody I know in Sahaja Yoga who has gone now and he’s now drinking a lot and he’s doing all kinds of things. So such a person gets lost because of his doings. I am not doing anything to him. If you are with Me, if you are in Sahaja Yoga, you are protected, you are looked after. But you have to stick on, you have to have faith and even if there’s any problem, it gets solved. But those who have gone out of it, who go beyond My reach, then they suffer. So, even indirectly, I would say, I’m not in any way harming them because I’ve decided not to harm anyone. That I have decided on. Especially those who call Me “Mother”, I don’t want to harm them. But they get harmed, no doubt, they get harmed very badly. So, if it has happened, just take it up, “All right, doesn’t matter. Mother forgives everyone. It has happened, has happened. This is a lesson for me. It was something because of it happened and now I’m back.” And then you become sometimes a better Sahaja Yogi than many of them.This kind of happening is very common in every country. But you see, this whole culture, I feel, is so paradoxical, [the] whole culture is so paradoxical, and what is paid for is something that is ugly, what is paid for is something that is sinful, whatever that is filthy, dirty is paid for and accepted. It’s very paradoxical because it goes against growth of Spirituality. One side, you are spiritual, you want to be spiritual. Another side you have this paradoxical culture, which takes you down to hell. It’s like a story once Babamama told Me, very interesting story it is. He said that some people did lots of punyas, so they were taken to heaven, but they saw everybody was meditating, nicely enjoying. He said, “What is this? We did this also with Sahaja Yoga. What’s the use of doing it here again? We should have something else, so let’s have a look at the hell.” So they went down to see the hell and outside they were having all these paradoxical culture of nude women and nude men dancing, shouting, screaming. Dirty, filthy things going on there. So they said, “This seems to be different, you know.” So the people who were doing all these acts, they asked, “Why are you here?” They said, “We’ve come here only for seeing the hell.” “Oh, all right. There are peepholes. You see through them.” So they had big, big holes, out of which they started seeing. So in one hole they saw people being put into some sort of a filth, a pus and this and that. Another into feces, this, that. Another into a sort of a mire out of which they could not come out, shouting. Then there’s another one where they were boiled in the boiling oil and some were beaten up. There were snakes and scorpions and this and that. They said, “What is this all?” “That is hell you wanted to see. That is hell. You want to go, you can go there.” So they said, “What are you doing here?” “This is publicity department. For hell.” [Laughter]They ran back to heaven and asked forgiveness that “We don’t want, we don’t want this hell, we had enough of it.” So, like that, you see, the whole world is a camouflage. If you see, this is an anti-Mahamaya.So they say that this maya is created by God. No. Maya that God has created is this world, this whole universe and all that. But this illusive life is created by human beings. Absolutely, through their projections of their brains and mental capacities, they have projected because money is everything. If money is everything, by hook or crook, if you have to get the money, then do what you like. Every day you read in the newspaper, I mean horrible stories about how people want to make money, how they want to sell their daughters, how they want to sell their wives. Anything is all right as long as you have money. If you can make money, nothing matters. So this is one of the illusions that human beings have created is what you call is “money maya” and in that comes also the wealth, possessions, materialism. Everything is created by human beings, and this creation of materialism then boils you down to a personality which is involved in all sinful acts. Everything is all right because if money is all right, materialism is all right. For example, the way people went down to America – Spanish – and killed so many aboriginals there. Then also, English went and all kinds of people went there in America. The way they have tortured is something, is you cannot think how human beings can behave like this towards ordinary people, who are just simple people living in the jungles. How can you do such a thing to them, such horrible, you can call it a genocide? It’s really a terrible thing they did it. We know more about these Germans, the way they behaved recently, but even in those days they used to do all kinds of things. And the nature, which is a Maya of God, which how it takes respite.There were people in America, Central America, near River Mississippi in Missouri. They’re called as rednecks long time. He must be remembering this. And because they were called rednecks by the blacks, they used to kill so many blacks, they used to hang their children on the tree, they used to throw their bodies in the river, sometimes get them drowned; did all kinds of things to the black people under the name that they were white people and they’re superior and something like that, behaving worse than animals. Now you know, there floods came in, terrible floods came in and those floods drowned these rednecks beyond their necks and so many were dead. One would say that “How could it happen?” It is.Another example I’ll give you is the, you see, the way Americans were treating all these Bolivians and the Colombians, that they would buy everything from them very cheaply, and like wheat and everything, very cheap. Just the minimum profits they had, and they would sell it at a double price and make money. All this was really criminal to do from any point of view, but they were doing it. I went to – I don’t know what year it was, 1978 or so – into Colombia and there was one man came in the party. I was with My husband. He said, “I’ve heard You are a great, saintly person from India. Can You give us some blessings that we really hit these Americans nicely and see them off?Because the way they are exposing us to our poverty and things, they’re horrible.” I said, “Why do you want to hit them?” “No, they require it, otherwise they’ll not be all right.” I was just in the party, I didn’t want to discuss it. “All right.” And, you know, this cocaine came up there. And if you go and see now that place – I’ve been to Bogota, with My husband – it was like a shanty town, absolutely like a shanty town, made of tin and this and that. Now, big, big buildings are there, and you have escalators and everything. They used to bring petroleum with the donkey’s cart. Can you imagine? In such a short time it has become such a big country and not only that, but now the whole America is afraid of them, even Australia.The drugs are taken by Americans themselves. In Washington there is such a lot of storage of drugs that they don’t know what to do. And even the senators are taking to drugs. Can you imagine? I wouldn’t be surprised one day Mr. Clinton lands up with some drugs. The way it is such a fashion, it is such a fantastic thing for them. You go to any party of elite people, which I have to some time, they only talk about drugs, you see. “You want? Which drug do you like?” I said, “I don’t like any drug.” “No. If you want, you can get it cheaply in this, you know, if you go there and get it there.” They discuss it in the elite parties. Also about gurus, you see, “Which guru you want? There is a sale on of a such-and-such guru. On a bargain you can go.” Like that. You know, it’s all so stupid, I tell you. I said, “These people are so immature, worse than children.” They are not grown up, only in age. They have done good maybe in mechanism and all those things, but that has nothing to do with your personality growth, and that’s why I find them just like dwarves the way they have attitude towards things. And everyone practically must have taken drugs, everybody except for Asians [who] may not have, because now I have learnt that there are two genes which protect the Asians, but the white skin has not those genes which are to protect.The other day in the lecture I told them that there are two genes which are protective, found only among Asians, means Chinese and Indians. All the rest of the people don’t have those genes, which should protect them. So they are so vulnerable to all these nonsensical things that are going on, and they take to it so easily. I used to wonder how these educated, good people, I mean people of My husband’s ranking also were stupid like that. Every time they would bring a new wife. One day they brought, one of them, brought a wife who was hardly about twenty years of age. This fellow is at least seventy. I didn’t know. My husband pinched Me. He said, “That’s his wife. All right? Don’t call her a grand-daughter.” I used to drop bricks after bricks there. Such absurd people coming, and a seventy-year-old man coming with a lady who’s twenty years. I mean, you can never think that she could be his wife. At the most a sister-in-law, at the most, but I thought she was the grand-daughter so he pinched Me and told Me that “Don’t.”This is it, you see. It’s such a paradoxical world that if you come from Sahaj to this, you see “What’s going on? What are they doing? What’s the matter with them?” Now, taking out clothes - is it something great to take out clothes, you see? In Switzerland, which is such a cold country - I was wearing My sweater, My coat, covering My head, wearing warm socks, everything because they said, “Let’s go out for, just for a drive.” So, we got down. There’s one lake called Lausanne, Lausanne, there’s a very big lake. So, as usual, Gregoire ran up to see how is the situation there. He came back with a double speed. He said, “No, no, Mother, You can’t go there.” I said, “Why?” “No. You can’t. I am sorry. You can’t. Let’s go.” They were all topless women sitting there.You know, this – in Australia they had, and even New Zealand, they had cricket match. They’re supposed to be very good cricketers. And when we opened the TV, the women were sitting topless. We closed it. We couldn’t see that, but I was told now they’re losing in cricket. They will, definitely, compared to Indian spinners, who are young innocent boys, you see – very young, twenty, twenty-one. They have to be because there’s no innocence, there’s no chastity, there’s no respect. The women are sitting topless. How can they win? They’re insulting the Goddess there only. How can they win? They cannot win, and a game like cricket is something sensible. Even, I don’t know, in any game if they can win, because if this – distract the attention completely. But why do they go like that? Are all women trying to become prostitutes? What is the sense in it? I can’t understand. And this is something they don’t understand. If you tell them that, “You see, I was told that Mrs. Thatcher openly said that in this culture women must expose their body.” Still such a paradox, I can’t understand. They show here Mother Mary as the sublime personality, and they show here women as the – women who are nude. They want to become Mother Mary or what do they want to become? And people like this, horrible people like this Michael Jackson – he is that – are so prominent making money. I mean, just see the paradox. Can you say that this is an advanced country when the ideas are so, so low? How can it be?After coming to Sahaja Yoga, you can see for yourself, but it makes your, these protective genes established in you. This is the thing in Sahaj Yoga. And suddenly, you people have given up all that nonsense, you don’t want all that now. Actually, if you see it properly from any logical point of view, you see, without the Maya of this nonsense – if you see it, you can logically understand that it is wrong. You see, why do you feel jealous of another man or woman? You feel jealous. That means you want just life, isn’t it? People have murdered, women have murdered men or women because they were jealous. If it was natural and normal and joy giving, you should not have felt bad about it.All these things should logically be understood that, why we don’t like this happening. Or this happens to your own daughter, you may not like. Nowadays there are people who like it, also, to the daughters. But – now going to that limit of things, like there’s one person, say, he has something to do with the daughter and the whole society’s against it, today. But maybe tomorrow, with this Maya, this horrible devil-maya, which is anti-maya, will work out and maybe that nobody will mind it. It may be. If you people do not hold it right into your hands, the culture side of Sahaj, I don’t know what’s going to happen. If you read newspaper every day, you feel really dizzy, you don’t understand in what Maya these people are lost. So it’s an anti-maya. Because Mahamaya has come, so anti-maya has come.Fifty years back or sixty years back, it was not that bad, I can tell you. Once in a while people used to do something nonsensical, but now it is rampant. But it now has become a fashion. It’s worse than that, is that accepted as a fashion, and if you’re not in it, you’re out. You have to be in the madhouse.You should see this clearly because now you have come into the Maya of God. “Maya” also means love, the God’s love, and, in that, your eyes should open out and see what horrible things this they are doing. What is this disco?You know, in India they brought the disco and, of course, some boys, who were Muslims actually, were rich and they carried young girls, because in disco the law was that you must bring your partner – young girls who were adults, maybe not be adults also, and started giving them alcohol, drinking and they got lost. The parents wouldn’t accept them. They had to go to brothels or they were sold out or I don’t know what happened to them. But that is the reaction in that country. It may be one day they’ll be accepted. One day we’ll have the same thing, because it has such a overpowering effect, and that’s why the Maya of God is such. This, all these beautiful things are there, so you can get lost with it, you can see it, you can picture it, you can paint it. But no, they are not – they’re not interested. They’ll make this also ugly. They’ll make every picture ugly. They’ll make every face ugly. So this is the anti-maya that is there and, for that, you need a Mahamaya to correct it and to solve the problem.The complete working of the Divine depends on you people, wherever you are. How many you are is not the point – wherever you are, how intense you are, how you want to work it out, how you want to put your attention to. It’s very important how you are going to do it, because you people should understand the responsibility. This world is getting drowned, and I feel that at least eighty percent [of] people will be finished. Ten would be hanging in between in limbo I think. Really, and ten percent will be Sahaja Yogis, the way it is moving in the West. Maybe in India may not be, I can’t say. India is very fast-moving Sahaja Yoga. Also Russia and all these Eastern Bloc people are just jumping into it. I don’t know how they have discovered Me so easily. They say My Face is evident. I don’t know what makes them think.The another Maya is of power. And the power of money if they can avoid, then they try to have power over territory, of the land, this, that. That also made them mad quite a lot in the past, but now they’re all fighting for some nonsensical land, which will never belong to them. It stays here permanently, eternally, but the fights are going on. Then, in the name of religion, they’re fighting for this area, that area or they’re fighting for, say, just for changing their religion or getting more people in that religion. I don’t know what their idea of religion is. Is religion meant for that? Just think of it. Nobody thinks like that. What is it meant for? So here, again, the Mahamaya has to work and the Mahamaya works this way, that She integrates all the religions. She shows that all religions are the same, have the same spirituality. It’s on the same tree of spirituality, they have grown.Instead of making people spiritual, they have made them money-oriented or they have made them power-oriented. I mean it’s the other way round. It’s like the tree growing underneath or something absurd that you cannot explain and that is the thing is that illusive. That illusiveness is called maya. And this illusiveness appeals to many people, appeals – that’s the point I’m worried about. Something is illusive, then they go on running after that like a mirage and ultimately they are destroyed. So what you see, a picture just now, is that at least so many, ten percent [of] people will be saved, at the most. But this is a very sad affair because it has taken so much effort to make human beings, to make them all right, to make them sensible and now what you find is that they are going to be all finished! It’s too much to bear, too much to believe in, but it is going to happen, if you people do not take it up seriously and work it out.For you, also, there should not be any illusions, because many of you are more busy with other things. To you other things are more important than Sahaja Yoga. But whatever you are doing, you can bring in Sahaja Yoga into that. Into anything you can bring in Sahaja Yoga. I said, in politics, in agriculture, in social life, in your jobs, everywhere you can bring Sahaja Yoga. By your own behavior, by your own intelligence, you can bring in Sahaja Yoga into every field, which you have to think about,“Where can we take Sahaj Yoga? Where can we work it out?” And this is what is to get into the Maya of God, that you get rid of all the illusions which are false, which do not allow you to see the right thing, and then seriously to get into the productive side of Sahaja Yoga. Can you imagine how productive is Sahaja Yoga, how the miracles work out, how there is this divine Power is anxious to help you, despite all this Mahamaya and all that.I’ll give you the example of My grandson now because this time we had a big maya on him. He was...I told him that, “You should not go to Cambridge, you know.” I said, “They don’t give admissions normally and, moreover, it’s more sort of theoretical things, it’s not actually good for you. You will be bored too, there. So don’t go.” He wouldn’t listen to Me. Then he agreed, “All right, if I get admission in these, these big universities in America I’ll go.” But he didn’t try. Nothing of the kind. Last minute we sent him a application and he sent that application. Last minute. They said, “You cannot come. This is that. You have to prepare for this exam, SAT exam, that exam”, and then he got a fright. You see, which he learnt. “My God, I thought so easy to go to America. It is not.” Even if you certify money it is not easy. Then he started thinking that “What was I thinking about Cambridge, Cambridge so much? This is the same, equally the same difficult thing. ” Until then he wanted to go for SAT, there to sit for an exam, but actually the appearing of the examination was only after six days and I thought, “How can he go? Six days he cannot prepare even.” So they said, “You cannot come for SAT here.” Now he was settled down in India. He didn’t know what to do. Still he was saying, “I’ll try for this Cambridge again and this.” I said, “Now, forget it.” He wouldn’t listen to Me. Then he was very disappointed. He telephoned to Me to say that “I think that if I have to go to America, I’ll go in a good university, otherwise, no use going to a cheap university - I can get better education in India.” So I said, “All right.” Then I gave a bandhan because he wanted to go abroad and learn something. It’s all right. Can you imagine, it has worked like a real miracle. The university wrote to him that he is admitted unconditionally. Nobody did anything. Nobody wrote anything, nothing. They have said it. None of them can understand what has happened, how did they get unconditional admission? So, you see, it’s a miracle. But before that this Maya was to be played, otherwise he would never have seen the importance of it.So, in your lives also, such a maya plays. When you do not want to do the right thing. All right, do it. You do this. All right, do that, do that. Ultimately, you learn a lesson. I don’t say no, if you say, “Mother, I want to do it.” “All right, go ahead.” “I want to do that.” “Oh, go ahead, whatever you want to do.” If I find you congenial, I may tell you that “Better not do, it’s not going to help you.” But then they, when they get a complete disillusionment, then they take to the right decision, come to the right things. Because, you see, let them try with their own freedom, but then they realize that, “What Mother said was right. I should have done that. All right.” So this is it. The Maya is like this, that it allows you to do what you like. You use your freedom, you go places to places, do what you want to do, whatever you think it proper, you do it. All right, this is a part of the maya. But Mahamaya is that which brings you back, brings you back to normal, brings you back to reality, to understand. It is at that point when you understand Mahamaya.Like I would say Russians did. How they understood that I’m doing greater work than Einstein? “See, what is Einstein? He is just working with the matter. You are working with human beings, do You realize, Mother ?” To them I am higher than all of them, greater than all of them, which is a fact also, I must say. It’s fact in a way that the way work is done, but doesn’t mean that it’s something to be ego about it, because if I am made like that, I am doing it. What is so special? I’ve been like this, so I’m like that. What is so special? One gets the pride and the ego only when you think you are doing something more beyond you. You see, it’s all there. I’ve already got it. Now, see this tent is meant to give shade. Now if it is giving shade, should it have ego? Sun is meant to give you light. If it is giving light, it’s giving light because God has given him the light to be given, so he’s giving light to you. Should he have ego? But you will, you see, assume that you have got something special about you, then you have to do that, whatever special you have. Now, the flowers are so beautiful, they’re so special, so charming. I mean, I couldn’t take out My attention from them, they’re so beautiful. All right, but if they are so, they are so. What is there? They’re not going to have ego about it, that “We are so good, we are so beautiful.” No, none of them. So this ego comes when there is again the Mahamaya part of it, that you are in the maya of your own understanding.Now you are Sahaja Yogis. You should be very proud. You should be- I don’t know. Look at these horrible people who are not at all connected with God, they have nothing to do[with God]. Yesterday that lady, she gives Me a lecture that “Why don’t you praise the Lord?” you see. She’s giving Me a lecture. [Shri Mataji laughs] So it is just a sort of a assumption that “I am something great” that makes you ego, but that is also a maya, because you have to learn. Ultimately, your ego breaks and you understand that what a Humpty-Dumpty it was.Once you discover that, “I don’t want to have an ego any more.” I mean there are some Sahaja Yogis who refuse to do any work of Sahaja Yoga. I said, “Why?” “Mother, we are too intelligent and our intelligence cheats us and we’ll develop ego.” I said, “Now this is an escape. It won’t, Sahaja Yoga can never give you ego, but will give you joy. If it is giving you ego, it’s not Sahaj. It should just give you joy.” Giving somebody to Realization or somebody you’re curing, somebody being kind, anything, it just gives you satisfaction and you enjoy. It’s a fact. I mean, you have come all the way here, you are playing such good music, all this. Now you learnt Indian style, I don’t know how. Anybody should be very full of ego. But no, in the Maya of your Mother, you just enjoy. Maya should give you enjoyment. That’s the best thing that this Maya can give, and you can enjoy it so much.I think it is a very beautiful atmosphere created by this Mahamaya. So you can enjoy each other, you can enjoy My company, you can enjoy nature. Such a rapport, such a beautiful understanding between everything else is there. Nobody is bothered as to who is higher, who is lower, what is the position, how much money he has got or what he has got, nothing, just you’re all enjoying. If somebody has a talent, he enjoys because he has a talent and the others also enjoy because he has talent. No jealousies, no rivalries, nothing. Somebody sings better, all right, they’ll tell Me, “Mother, You know, he sings very well.” There’s one fellow in Paris and he is, I think he’s a black, from the black side, because he has very curly hair, a very nice boy. So, suddenly, somebody came from Italy. “Mother, do You know he dances very well?” “How do you know?” “I’ve seen him dancing.” “So when did you see me dancing?” I asked. “You know, You came to that program. I saw that.” In a group he saw him. He just got hold of him, “You’d better dance before Mother.” It was so much, you see, so joy-giving, this kind of thing. He saw him in some sort of a program where they were at least two thousand people dancing, he picked him out. Now, he’s from Paris, and he’s from Italy, and how his eyes picked him up and he brought him. “Mother. You’d better dance before Mother, must! You are very good.” And he was. But you see I might have missed it or whatever it is. And even if I’d seen it I may not have asked him. But this fellow went down there, and he’s got hold of him and he out put him here.I mean, these things are so joy-giving, you see. It is otherwise, in the normal course, what one would do, come before Me and start dancing, whether know or not and try to show off. Normally. But the one who knows never brought like that, “Now, come along” and in such an impersonal way he saw him and brought him. It makes no difference whether they’re from Russia, or from America, or from India.So all these differences which are skin deep are finished. And I find everybody appreciates everybody’s talent, everybody, how he speaks and suddenly, you’ll find someone say, “Oh, he’s such a gem.” “When did you meet him?” “No, I’ve heard about him.” You see, all this appreciation and all this beautiful feeling for others, you see, is only possible through Sahaj. No jealousies, no rivalries, nothing. These come because of ignorance, which creates the maya about yourself, also: “I am this. I am that.” And then the “I” comes down like that. So all conditionings also can create a maya. Many conditionings are there that “I am from such a family, I am from such a thing.” That all has to be stopped.So today’s special day is this of New Year’s where they said, “Now, today’s the most auspicious day to start something new,” and this Mahamaya’s dissolving has to be started. Gradually, you should try to understand. Many people ask Me, “Mother, how did You do it?” Forget it. It’s Mahamaya, forget it. How did I do it? Just forget it. That part you need not go into, just enjoy. Just enjoy that you are in that Maya and you are enjoying it. It’s the best way to enjoy this Mahamaya.And today for the first time we have this Puja of Mahamaya. Because of Gudi Padwa, I thought something unique must be done which encompasses everything of Sahaja Yoga, everything of Sahaja Yoga. It’s not one incarnation, it’s not one nadi, it’s not one Goddess, but all of it is there. It’s sometimes I say like a film is audio, visual, everything is there – drama, music, also acting. Everything is there in a film now. I mean that far, everything integrated.In the same way, I think Mahamaya has everything, every part that you tell Me, everything that you enjoy, everything that you discover, everything is in that vision of Mahamaya, which has been created for you.May God bless you.
Find out the essence of every religion
New Zealand
Public Program
Public Program. Auckland Town Hall (New Zealand). 11 April 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth.At the very outset, I have to tell you that truth is what it is. You cannot describe it, you cannot conceptualise it, you cannot purchase it. It has been, it is and it will be. Now whatever I am going to tell you today please do not believe me blindfolded. We have had lots of problems with blind faith. But accept it as scientists with an open mind and heart like a hypothesis and if it is proved then you must accept if you are honest because it is for the benevolence of your being, for the benevolence of your society, of your cities, of your countries and of the whole world. So the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, these egos but you are the pure spirit. Another truth is that there is a subtle, very powerful, very dynamic all-pervading power of divine love that does all the living work. Your country is full of beautiful flowers. We see them but we take them for granted. They are definitely a miracle. How does it work? We never even think. Who runs our heart? We don't even ask the question, we are not bothered about anything that is [a] living process. If you ask the doctors [they say] it is the autonomous nervous system. But who is this "auto"? We never question why are we on this Earth. This question cannot be answered by science, it has its own limitations. So we are here to find out the answer to these questions tonight. As it is you have been told about the subtle system that is within us. That also please don't take it for granted. You have to see for yourself, find out for yourself, and then only accept it, because the time has come to prove all the eternal truths. This is a special time, I call it ‘the blossom time' but in the scriptures it is described as the last judgement, in Quran as Kiama, in Sanscrit [it] is described as the evolutionary... as they call it the evolutionary end or epitomy, ending into evolutionary process that you become a spirit. In Sanskrit, they call it nirvana. That's what it is. What has to become of you now is that you have to become the spirit. Every scripture has described it, but we don't see that we do not follow the scriptures. We brand ourselves as something like Hindu, Christians, Muslim, this, that... It's just branding. This religion is not within, is not innately. Anybody who may belong to any religion can commit any sin, can be violent, can be extremely unreasonable and could be absolutely anti-religion. So, we see a paradox in our life, the whole culture seems to be paradoxical. And it is really shocking that we don't see what is happening around us. Terrible things are happening, the human being is becoming worse than an animal. What is happening to him we don't understand but there is an attack of the negative forces on the human mind. And the way they behave nowadays if you read a newspaper you can't sleep for the whole night because you can't understand these human beings, how they are behaving towards each other, towards their own children, towards their wives, husbands, even? Very - very close relationships. What's the problem with them, why don't they feel the love? Why don't they have that capacity to feel another person within themselves? All this was supposed to happen perhaps so that people start seeking the truth beyond the mundane things, to seek the reality, what is the reality. But when we try other things and we fail, we try to come to a religion and sometimes we go to false gurus also. Now, the religions, instead of becoming spirit-oriented, they have become power-oriented or money-oriented. God doesn't understand money, how can He understand money – it is your headache, he doesn't understand money, he doesn't understand banks, he doesn't understand anything. So how can you pay for anything that is divine love? But people think that by paying you can even purchase God. And that's how people have been misled by many organisations, they call themselves in charge of religion or some guru [....] or something. This power which is in the triangular bone is within you and the Greeks called this bone as the sacrum. Sacrum in their language means sacred. So they knew about it that this bone is sacred and there is something sacred about this bone that works out something sacred. Of course, this knowledge was known to India, Indian people long time back. But it was kept a secret for so many days and one master used to give realisation [to] only one person.At the time of Shri Rama, his father-in-law was a well-known person for giving realisation but he gave realisation so far known to one person [.......]. It was kept a secret and that's how this tradition went on from one to another in different different places. In the twelfth century [ie. 1200s] only a great poet called Gyaneshwara, he asked his teacher that he should be allowed in his book Gyaneshwari mention of Kundalini and description about her. He did it in the twelfth century these things, but in the sixth century [ ie 600s] also we had people who had described about it in Sanskrit language. He wanted to do it in Marathi language, this is a local language and he did it. But the people who were in charge of religion said this is a wrong thing, you should not read, it is not good, all kinds of things, so they just banned that knowledge. This was the sacred knowledge, most precious knowledge which was banned to people. But in the twelfth century, this happened and it had a very good effect because sixteenth century in India we had lots of poets, great prophets like Guru Nanaka and all that, they talked about it, they said there is this Kundalini which has to rise. But they wrote it in books which were poetry. In the poetic language, people just look all we can say not the correct meaning of it and they interpreted it according to their own understanding. Moreover, they just started reading the book. By reading the book you cannot go anywhere. All the books, even scriptures in English or in Indian languages or in any language are just like prescriptions, prescriptions to what to get. If there is a prescription that you take such a medicine, you go and read "take such a medicine, take such a medicine" your headache will not be cured. For that, you have to take the medicine. In the same way, it happened everywhere, people started reading books, books and this bookish knowledge left them nowhere because they got lost in the web of words. And that's how all the problems started. Now if you ask a Muslim gentleman, he will tell you one story, if you ask a Christian, he will tell you another story, if you ask the Jews they will tell you another story, they all think they are the chosen ones. But are they? They have to ask themselves. So we should not blame the religions for that, but we lost the essence of the religion and the essence of every religion is surprisingly is the same – that you are to be born again. Now, somebody can call them born-again. By calling yourselves "born-again" you cannot. The other day in Sydney there were some people standing shouting screaming like see hawkes. They said: "We are born-again, born-again". I said:"You are not, I am sorry. See your faces, you look so haggard and so violent. How can you born again talking of Christ, talking of Christ. Is this the way? You can see you have no connection with Christ, you can see clearly. At least don't (maline?) his name. By your faces, you can see how horrible you look". So they started thinking. I said:"Go and see the mirror". You'll be amazed they had so many wrinkles here and wrinkles here and wrinkles here. I said:" I am a 71year old woman while you are at least like my grandchildren and the way you look – I can't believe it you have anything to do with Christ. Why do you want to (maline?) His name? How do you think God is with you because you've branded yourselves as born again?" There are many like that, there is no end to it. But they don't want to understand that just by prophesying something or claiming something you don't become, you have to be. Suppose I say: "I am the governor of this place". Do I become? I don't. I have to be. So that is what we have to understand we have to be born again means a Self-realised personality. We don't know anything I tell you the deeper sense of what is written in those scriptures, we don't know that in every line there is another meaning which is very deep because it is poetry. So the essence of every religion is that you have to be Self-realised, means you have to have self-knowledge and you have to be the spirit. It is written clearly. It is written clearly everywhere. It's not that I am telling you this. You read Quran, it is written like that, you read Jews' books, Old Testament-it's there, Bible, Gita, Ramayana – everything that you want to read in the essence comes to one point. But this is the trouble is. We think that by reading these books we'll achieve something. Nothing. You will just achieve an ego like you know everything, you'll start telling big big stories, giving big sermons, but in the character, if you see, in your own being you will find there's no divinity. Divinity should show in your face, in your body in your behaviour, in everything because it's a power. Divinity is a power. It is not claiming something: "I am this and that" but it's a power. And that power is within you. This is your own power which has to manifest. It is within you in every way whether you are Chinese, Japanese, Indian or New Zealander, anybody, it is power is within you as shown there. And if this power could be awakened, if it passes through these six centres and you become one with this all-pervading power, then only you can understand that your spirit now has been enlightened and it is acting in your attention. So far our attention is divided. Firstly, we don't know the absolute truth. Somebody says: "This is good", somebody says: "That is good",somebody says: "That is good", they are fighting all the time. Fighting for what? Fighting for falsehood. And where do they end up? I mean also I must say that books might have been corrupted by some people. People don't like to say that but I think so, like Mr Paul who is in the Bible. I was surprised, I asked my father: "Who is this Mr Paul?". So he told me he is a squatter. And I could see clearly, he is a bureaucrat who wanted to have the platform, nicely came up giving big ideas, "I met Christ, and this happened and that happened" and whatever he writes is nonsense. Khalil Gibran has written a big chapter on him that this man how is he in Bible. And in that, you see this gentleman has spoil the whole faith of Christianity who otherwise would have been somewhere, something much better. Firstly, he hated women, so he never wanted to talk about the Primordial Mother, never. There is a father, there's a son and a holy ghost, finished. He hated women and he created such a problem for the whole Christian nations. Now, what I find that it's impossible to make men and women join together really in love, just certain romantic ideas that work up and then finished. Not only that. He has harmed in a much worse way. For example, he said that if you are buried in the ground, then at the time of Resurrection your body will come out and it will get a resurrection. Now tell me how absurd is this thing? How can you accept such an absurd thing? Christ never said so. There are so many things that we have taken to the other end of stupidity because we also want to use it for our own purpose. But Christ could never have said such a nonsensical thing that your body can be brought out from your graves and will be given the resurrection. On the contrary, in Indian scriptures, there is a sensible thing written that your souls will take birth at this time, your souls. And there will be population growth. For this Judgement, your souls will be brought out. So today you are here because your souls have taken birth for the Last Judgement which sounds much more logical, sensible and has worked. And it is so much carried so far that I met one Muslin from Bosnia who came in a very bad shape. I asked him:"Why are you fighting for this land? See, you should fight for your spiritual ascent instead of this nonsensical land that you are fighting, killing each other?" The answer came that "No, in Quran it is written." I don't think, I have read the Quran I have not seen it, but maybe, I don't know, I must have missed the point. Because again it is the poetry. That when you die your body will come out of graves and at the time of Resurrection you will get your Realization or Qiyamah they call it, the Resurrection. Then you will die, then you should put your body in the graves, so it is intact. Is it intact? If you die in the name of God. That's why we are dying in the name of God and we'll get resurrection". I said:"Very nice. Use your brains. Those people who are dying there are eaten by their friends. Their friends are cooking them and eating them. How are they going to get their resurrection? I mean it cannot be so illogical. So this kind of idea is working in many things and we blame the (unclear). The Christians will say that Muslims are bad, Muslims will say that Hindus are bad and Hindus will say that Jews are bad, everybody's bad. But if we introspect, we should know what did we get. Did we get our Self-realisation? Did we get our second birth by going to these places, reading these books? Nothing. It was just an indication of how you should behave till you get your resurrection. Now, resurrection is not something that is coming from the outside but within you it is there, your right to get it. Sahaj, "saha" means "with", "ja" means born. With you is born the right or the birthright to get this union, the yoga with this divine power. Now, with the word "yoga" also people get frightened because it is coming from India. Why should you be frightened? After all, from where did Christ come? Did He come from New Zealand? One lady was talking about Christ as if He were a New Zealander. I said, "He was not, He was a Jew".So, from wherever knowledge comes, we should accept. From wherever our help comes we should accept. We should not condemn somebody because we have some ideas about them. For example, science is coming from say America, or you people, from anywhere. One has to accept. If this is for your good why not accept it and see for yourself if it works out if it helps you.I don't know how far ....... told you about this, but when the Kundalini rises, She enlightens these centres, these energy centres and pierces through your fontanel bone area and then ultimately you feel the cool breeze of the holy ghost on your hands, the all-pervading power on your fingertips. It is described in the Quran clearly that your hands will feel the cool breeze and that your hands, your fingers will give witness against you, clearly. I must say that Mohammad has done a great job. I mean whatever he has done, was undone by his followers. In every religion, I would not say only him but thanks to the ignorance of people that such a great thing and he has written one big chapter on the Resurrection. Despite all this, despite all these indications we still adhere to something because we were born into this, we were given this from childhood, conditioning in our heads. What we have to say are there saints nowadays in India, are there saints in other places, you find anybody saintly, really, in this real sense of the word. We don't. And if the time has come for you to get your resurrection, to get your realisation, why not take it? Because by that, you'll be surprised, these centres, which are your energy centres, which are responsible for your physical, mental, emotional being within yourself, which are responsible for all kinds of collective activities like political, economic, everything. Because most of the problems come from human beings. And these problems which come from human being come from your centres when they are in jeopardy. So these centres have to be corrected. And if they could be corrected, if you could understand what's wrong with your centres and if you know how to correct it you become your own master. Not only that you become your own master but also you become so knowledgeable that you can help others. As a result of that, what happens that you start feeling the centres. These are all sympathetic centres, thanks God, Medical science has reached that point. All these centres you start feeling and these centres when you start feeling you know what is wrong with your centres on your fingertips. You know what is wrong with others because first, you get self-knowledge and then you become collectively conscious. This is a new dimension into which you are coming. But the great thing that happens to you, to begin with, is that your attention can stay in the present. For example, I say:" you pay attention in the present now". You cannot, either you are thinking of the future or of the past, the mind is jumping on the cusp of either the future or the past.You are jumping on. In between those thoughts there is a present. When the kundalini rises like that, when She passes through that, what happens is that these thoughts elongate and the space between them, the pause between them which is called as vilamba is established and you become thoughtlessly aware, you are thoughtless but aware. That is the present in which you really spiritually grow.You establish that new state which we call as nirvichar samadhi and you become absolutely silent, peaceful. That's how peace within is established. Now with my husband, I met many people who have peace awards and peace organisations, but they are so hot-tempered! What a paradox! So, first of all, we must establish our peace within. When that happens then we start watching ourselves. As if you are standing in the water which is turbulent and you are frightened of getting drowned. But if somebody puts you in a boat you can watch. And then from the boat, if you know how to swim you can go down and save others also. It is just like that what happens to a person when he gets his self-realisation, first he starts watching all the problems. When he starts watching all the problems he knows how to solve them also because his attention is enlightened. Wherever he pays attention, the problem is solved. It is very miraculous for us, human beings. Absolutely, the divine power is so miraculously acting once you are connected with it, it is unbelievable how it acts. This all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, an ocean of knowledge.And the ocean of blessings. Blessings are so many that whenever this Sahaja Yogi meet some problems, they write to me: "Mother, how it was all solved in no time, how I met the right man, how it worked out, how my health improved". You see, there was one girl who had they said meningitis. I said: "Just pray, she'll be alright" and the next day the news came she is alright. It is working out I must say, it is working out.But these blessings come to you only if you are one with the divine power of God's love, otherwise, it will not. Sometimes you feel that God is blissful, He gave me this, He gave me that. But these blessings come to you from something very unknown and you feel so amazed at how these things worked out. So it is an ocean of blessings, believe me, it is. Then the third thing is that it is the ocean of compassion. Such a person becomes extremely compassionate, extremely compassionate. And it is the ocean of dynamism. Such a person also becomes absolutely dynamic. I have known of so many artists who came to Sahaja Yoga, especially from India. Today they are world famous. All over the world, they are known to be great artists and they always say about me that it is Mataji's blessings. I said: "Don't say that." This is your own power because if the power passes through these centres it gives you creativity because all your powers of creativity have been so little so far which are just enhanced to manifest. Not only that, so many other things happen, it is surprising. I have seen people who were supposed to be very dry, never knew a language very well, have suddenly become poets. But this is just I would say the temptation of the mother for you. The main thing that happens to you is much more. And the main thing that happens to you is just that apart from your health being cured, of course, that I should have mentioned because we have four doctors now in Delhi who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga. They have cured asthma, epilepsy, don't know, other things. But blood cancer has been cured, so many diseases have been cured with this happening without going to the doctor, without spending all the money for the hospital, nothing. Just your own power, I mean, it's nothing to do with me, just within you, it all works out. Only thing is it's like a seed being planted into Mother Earth and it sprouts by itself, spontaneously, sahaj. In the same way, it happens. You also get this power, your own power to rise and that makes you something special. It is all your own and you don't have to pay for it. I mean how much do you pay to the Mother Earth or to the seed? Both of them don't understand money, so what's the use of paying them? Something like that. It is all your power, within yourself and you get it in no time. But somehow or other I think, maybe, I don't know what to say ... In the West, they are more impressed by people who are really false because so many gurus went around and minted money. They had thousands and thousands and thousands of disciples. I was amazed at how they take to falsehood so easily. Immediately... telling: "this man lynched us, we have no money, Mother, our house is sold, our children are.." But why did you do it? "Because he said, you see, that will happen, what will happen". You should go and see the disciples how they are. Find out from them have they got something or not. I mean you should just go like a bulldozer going to your man and getting yourself killed, it is something stupid. But this stupidity has been done everywhere but more in America, Why Russians I must say are tremendous people, you'd be surprised. They have a very bad government, this, that, you can condemn it. But they are wonderful people, at least 70 per cent of them are really very introspective, very good people. Wherever I go I get at least sixteen thousand people, minimum sixteen thousand. And they have thrown away all the falsehood, nobody can stay there, even their government. And the recognition they have for... I was surprised how do they have recognition of something that it really the truth. We should not play about with falsehood, it's stupidity, nonsense. And if you are have done that, not only have you given them money but also you spoilt your Kundalini. It's very common. All kinds of people, even in the West now, so many gurus have come up, all money making propositions. First, they'll have an introductory lecture and then nice you go there and then you better pay "(unclear, something like "out of "). If you have to pay for it know it is not so. Of course, people had to pay for the hall I must say, hall they have to pay, they must have got some money collected among themselves and they must have paid for the hall but for your self-realisation how can you pay? This is what is to be understood that you can't pay for the truth. Once you understand this you will cancel out all nonsensical things that are going on. It is too precious, it is too precious you cannot pay for it. Now we come to the fact that all these centres are cures, integrated and nourished, enlightened, our attention becomes enlightened and wherever we pay attention, the attention acts. You know the absolute truth also on your fingertips. Now if somebody some cheat or somebody who is released from the jail, I tell you, all of them have a place in the Indian society. So they were these dresses and come down to New Zealand or to Australia or to America. Also to France. Especially in Germany.And now they are going to Japan. I mean they take a ticket to go there. Because they have no place in India, so they come here, sit on your crossroad and get all the money from you. So now one has to understand that with knowledge with this absolute, absoluteness, this absolute, paransatya they say, absolute, means everybody sees the same, there is no quarrel, argument, fighting, nothing, You just feel the same thing. If you all feel the same thing from one person, then you will know what is wrong with this person, you can make out what sort of person he is, what sort of problems he has, what he is doing. It's very easy.Apart from this, you can make out what are his physical, mental, emotional problems. Because you become collectively conscious, this is the second dimension you develop – you become collectively conscious. Become, not somebody tell you, become. Even children can tell you on their fingertips. Such powers you have! In the second stage, I mean most people reach the second stage very fast, but sometimes they don't, that is what we call nirvikalpa samadhi where there is no doubt. You can do it. Like one enlightened light can enlighten another light. So once you start getting Sahaja Yoga as a complete modelling of your life, what happens – a beautiful society is created all over the world. Now Sahaja Yoga is working in 62 nations. Sixty-two nations. And these people come to India, live there, I've never seen them fighting, quarrelling, abusing, never, never, never. Now, this has been going on for the last 25 years. But such love, such tender feelings, such pure love that exists. We don't have like somebody's wife runs away with somebody's husband, runs away, nothing of the kind. it's very pure love. This is a paradoxical culture we have.This was not there about 50 years back. This is today's culture is what? The children are killing today only I read in the paper that I Philadelphia or somewhere two children killed the father. Why? Because they were kind, they gave them presents so they went and killed them.the rate, the horrible child what do you call it, abuse... I really do not understand what they do. All these horrible things are happening in this culture, is this any culture? And this is what they call as freedom. This is nothing but licentiousness.This is no freedom, this is so destructive. We are having all kinds of diseases, troubles, this, that. So somebody has to stand back from this rat race and see for themselves where are we going? A big shock for us really if you see the future of these countries. I can't understand what will happen. It is spreading everywhere, it is coming even to India, you will be surprised. This culture is coming to India also. All over the world. So one has to understand that it has to be stopped, we have gone too far with it. For that, we have to have a culture which is divine and divine culture is such when you do not do any such things, no question. For such a beautiful divine life one should really run, but this doesn't happen. I don't know what's the matter with the people. In the West especially, here or on Australia, Australia is getting better now but still, I would say compared to Russia and other Eastern bloc countries, you are nowhere, really. It's very surprising. You are nowhere compared to them. And they are of course maybe not so rich or (unclear) but what are these riches? What have they brought us? What is going to bring us the divine power, the divine laws, the divine wealth? All the Sahaja Yogis have become rich also, you'd be surprised. Everything in business and everywhere they've made no doubt because it helps agriculture, it helps your mind, everything it helps. People have, say in England, every person in Sahaja Yoga is employed, nobody is without a job. Even in Australia the same thing. And it happens to everyone because you have become a very normal, sensible, intelligent, dignified person and whose brain is enlightened. Naturally, you can do very well, better than others. You drop out of your habits, for after Realisation, overnight.drugs and all that. I have seen people giving up drugs overnight. How it happens is very simple. That supposing you have a snake in your hand and there is darkness, you can't see anything. Then suddenly some light comes here. You tell this fellow before: "You stop, this is a snake". He won't, so adamant till it bites him. But as soon he sees some light he drops it. In the same way, you drop out all these destructive things. And you get such a power to do it, you see so many people decide to do it. The other day I read about this fellow, this Nirwana(?) fellow committed suicide. If he had taken to Sahaja Yoga, he would have been so much useful. But they don't. Somehow or other it doesn't go into their head we have to be very-very sensible and understand what will do us good instead of doing something that it absolutely destructive. And the best part of it is that you jump into the ocean of joy because this power is the ocean of joy. We think that there is joy in this, pleasure in this, pleasure... All these pleasures are very temporary. But joy is something which is not happiness or unhappiness. Joy is something which is singular. And you start enjoying that joy and this joy give you a kind of a personality which is always joyous, gives joy to others, doesn't trouble anybody, doesn't hate anybody, doesn't ask or sees a thing with greed. There is no lust, there's no greed and such a person becomes so pure, so beautiful. We have to have that kind of a society everywhere. I hope so that you people would like to have such a society even in New Zealand. You don't have to give up any religion (?), you don't have to give up your families, your children, go to the Himalayas, stand on your heads, nothing of the kind. Here, very comfortably you can get your self-realisation. But I have to tell you that this is a collective happening and you cannot just say: "I am alright, alright" but later on you will come and tell me:"Mother, something went wrong with me." So you have to come to the collective. And in the collective, you have to learn each and everything free of cost. You become your masters. Once you are masters, no problem. And this then power can help you to go and help others. Everybody becomes enlightened and goes because he cannot keep the light within himself, he has to give it. Not in an aggressive way, not in a very way they go on preaching, nothing. You can just raise the Kundalini of the people and make them enlightened and change their lives. All the stress and strain and all these things just disappear. It is really wonderful to understand how much there is within us, how glorious we are and then we understand that we have an identity, that we are working for divine love, that we are using divine love and we are empowered with it. Then we understand what are we, that's how we understand also that all religions are flowers on the same tree of spirituality. They have plucked it and they are fighting with the dead flowers. We see the integration of everything that is beautiful with nature and everything is so surprising that we have everything within us and we don't know. And when we become aware, you are amazed. But amazingly, you don't become ego, egotistical, no. You become extremely humble and beautiful. I hope it will work out in New Zealand also. I've come all the way not only from India but from Italy and all these places and I think it will work out for good for all of you and it will definitely happen to you. Now the only thing I have to tell you is that those who don't want to have realisation, I cannot force on you because I respect your freedom. If you want, you will have, if you don't want I cannot force it, I am sorry. This freedom is given to you by God Almighty which is to be respected. If you want your self-realisation, it takes hardly 10-15 minutes. But if you don't want it you please leave the hall. That is the best to be fair to other people, those who do not want it. I'll give about one minute for that. It is not meant for people who are extremely aggressive, critical type. Though if you just want it from the humble heart, you'll get it. Because it is your right you see, you just have to be a humble person that you want to have it, that's all. You don't have to surrender anything, you don't have to give anything, nothing of the kind. As you are, whatever your personality is you can get this realisation and you can feel it. So what happens first is that feel first, some people feel it on top of their head a cool breeze is coming out of their fontanelle bone area. Then they start wondering if there is airconditioning maybe, but that is air conditioning in your head. So some people feel it hot, some people feel it cool. Trust yourself, you must have faith in yourself, it's very important. Then also they feel it on their fingertips, some feel it on their hands. How to use this power that you have to learn. But also you will feel extremely peaceful and you may achieve thoughtless awareness state tonight. So let us try it and if it works out it would be a great thing for you and for me also. Also, I know that you have questions as usual, but you see for the last twenty-four years I've been facing all kinds of people and I know how to answer questions, I know, I am quite an expert. But it's a mental acrobat, we have to go beyond the mind, so that's the use of now discussing something. Still, if you have some questions you can send them over and we will try to answer them.
Public Program. Auckland Town Hall (New Zealand). 11 April 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth.At the very outset, I have to tell you that truth is what it is. You cannot describe it, you cannot conceptualise it, you cannot purchase it. It has been, it is and it will be. Now whatever I am going to tell you today please do not believe me blindfolded. We have had lots of problems with blind faith. But accept it as scientists with an open mind and heart like a hypothesis and if it is proved then you must accept if you are honest because it is for the benevolence of your being, for the benevolence of your society, of your cities, of your countries and of the whole world. So the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, these egos but you are the pure spirit. Another truth is that there is a subtle, very powerful, very dynamic all-pervading power of divine love that does all the living work. Your country is full of beautiful flowers. We see them but we take them for granted. They are definitely a miracle. How does it work? We never even think. Who runs our heart? We don't even ask the question, we are not bothered about anything that is [a] living process. If you ask the doctors [they say] it is the autonomous nervous system. But who is this "auto"? We never question why are we on this Earth. This question cannot be answered by science, it has its own limitations. So we are here to find out the answer to these questions tonight. As it is you have been told about the subtle system that is within us. That also please don't take it for granted. You have to see for yourself, find out for yourself, and then only accept it, because the time has come to prove all the eternal truths. This is a special time, I call it ‘the blossom time' but in the scriptures it is described as the last judgement, in Quran as Kiama, in Sanscrit [it] is described as the evolutionary... as they call it the evolutionary end or epitomy, ending into evolutionary process that you become a spirit. In Sanskrit, they call it nirvana. That's what it is. What has to become of you now is that you have to become the spirit. Every scripture has described it, but we don't see that we do not follow the scriptures. We brand ourselves as something like Hindu, Christians, Muslim, this, that... It's just branding. This religion is not within, is not innately. Anybody who may belong to any religion can commit any sin, can be violent, can be extremely unreasonable and could be absolutely anti-religion. So, we see a paradox in our life, the whole culture seems to be paradoxical. And it is really shocking that we don't see what is happening around us. Terrible things are happening, the human being is becoming worse than an animal. What is happening to him we don't understand but there is an attack of the negative forces on the human mind. And the way they behave nowadays if you read a newspaper you can't sleep for the whole night because you can't understand these human beings, how they are behaving towards each other, towards their own children, towards their wives, husbands, even? Very - very close relationships. What's the problem with them, why don't they feel the love? Why don't they have that capacity to feel another person within themselves? All this was supposed to happen perhaps so that people start seeking the truth beyond the mundane things, to seek the reality, what is the reality. But when we try other things and we fail, we try to come to a religion and sometimes we go to false gurus also. Now, the religions, instead of becoming spirit-oriented, they have become power-oriented or money-oriented. God doesn't understand money, how can He understand money – it is your headache, he doesn't understand money, he doesn't understand banks, he doesn't understand anything. So how can you pay for anything that is divine love? But people think that by paying you can even purchase God. And that's how people have been misled by many organisations, they call themselves in charge of religion or some guru [....] or something. This power which is in the triangular bone is within you and the Greeks called this bone as the sacrum. Sacrum in their language means sacred. So they knew about it that this bone is sacred and there is something sacred about this bone that works out something sacred. Of course, this knowledge was known to India, Indian people long time back. But it was kept a secret for so many days and one master used to give realisation [to] only one person.At the time of Shri Rama, his father-in-law was a well-known person for giving realisation but he gave realisation so far known to one person [.......]. It was kept a secret and that's how this tradition went on from one to another in different different places. In the twelfth century [ie. 1200s] only a great poet called Gyaneshwara, he asked his teacher that he should be allowed in his book Gyaneshwari mention of Kundalini and description about her. He did it in the twelfth century these things, but in the sixth century [ ie 600s] also we had people who had described about it in Sanskrit language. He wanted to do it in Marathi language, this is a local language and he did it. But the people who were in charge of religion said this is a wrong thing, you should not read, it is not good, all kinds of things, so they just banned that knowledge. This was the sacred knowledge, most precious knowledge which was banned to people. But in the twelfth century, this happened and it had a very good effect because sixteenth century in India we had lots of poets, great prophets like Guru Nanaka and all that, they talked about it, they said there is this Kundalini which has to rise. But they wrote it in books which were poetry. In the poetic language, people just look all we can say not the correct meaning of it and they interpreted it according to their own understanding. Moreover, they just started reading the book. By reading the book you cannot go anywhere. All the books, even scriptures in English or in Indian languages or in any language are just like prescriptions, prescriptions to what to get. If there is a prescription that you take such a medicine, you go and read "take such a medicine, take such a medicine" your headache will not be cured. For that, you have to take the medicine. In the same way, it happened everywhere, people started reading books, books and this bookish knowledge left them nowhere because they got lost in the web of words. And that's how all the problems started. Now if you ask a Muslim gentleman, he will tell you one story, if you ask a Christian, he will tell you another story, if you ask the Jews they will tell you another story, they all think they are the chosen ones. But are they? They have to ask themselves. So we should not blame the religions for that, but we lost the essence of the religion and the essence of every religion is surprisingly is the same – that you are to be born again. Now, somebody can call them born-again. By calling yourselves "born-again" you cannot. The other day in Sydney there were some people standing shouting screaming like see hawkes. They said: "We are born-again, born-again". I said:"You are not, I am sorry. See your faces, you look so haggard and so violent. How can you born again talking of Christ, talking of Christ. Is this the way? You can see you have no connection with Christ, you can see clearly. At least don't (maline?) his name. By your faces, you can see how horrible you look". So they started thinking. I said:"Go and see the mirror". You'll be amazed they had so many wrinkles here and wrinkles here and wrinkles here. I said:" I am a 71year old woman while you are at least like my grandchildren and the way you look – I can't believe it you have anything to do with Christ. Why do you want to (maline?) His name? How do you think God is with you because you've branded yourselves as born again?" There are many like that, there is no end to it. But they don't want to understand that just by prophesying something or claiming something you don't become, you have to be. Suppose I say: "I am the governor of this place". Do I become? I don't. I have to be. So that is what we have to understand we have to be born again means a Self-realised personality. We don't know anything I tell you the deeper sense of what is written in those scriptures, we don't know that in every line there is another meaning which is very deep because it is poetry. So the essence of every religion is that you have to be Self-realised, means you have to have self-knowledge and you have to be the spirit. It is written clearly. It is written clearly everywhere. It's not that I am telling you this. You read Quran, it is written like that, you read Jews' books, Old Testament-it's there, Bible, Gita, Ramayana – everything that you want to read in the essence comes to one point. But this is the trouble is. We think that by reading these books we'll achieve something. Nothing. You will just achieve an ego like you know everything, you'll start telling big big stories, giving big sermons, but in the character, if you see, in your own being you will find there's no divinity. Divinity should show in your face, in your body in your behaviour, in everything because it's a power. Divinity is a power. It is not claiming something: "I am this and that" but it's a power. And that power is within you. This is your own power which has to manifest. It is within you in every way whether you are Chinese, Japanese, Indian or New Zealander, anybody, it is power is within you as shown there. And if this power could be awakened, if it passes through these six centres and you become one with this all-pervading power, then only you can understand that your spirit now has been enlightened and it is acting in your attention. So far our attention is divided. Firstly, we don't know the absolute truth. Somebody says: "This is good", somebody says: "That is good",somebody says: "That is good", they are fighting all the time. Fighting for what? Fighting for falsehood. And where do they end up? I mean also I must say that books might have been corrupted by some people. People don't like to say that but I think so, like Mr Paul who is in the Bible. I was surprised, I asked my father: "Who is this Mr Paul?". So he told me he is a squatter. And I could see clearly, he is a bureaucrat who wanted to have the platform, nicely came up giving big ideas, "I met Christ, and this happened and that happened" and whatever he writes is nonsense. Khalil Gibran has written a big chapter on him that this man how is he in Bible. And in that, you see this gentleman has spoil the whole faith of Christianity who otherwise would have been somewhere, something much better. Firstly, he hated women, so he never wanted to talk about the Primordial Mother, never. There is a father, there's a son and a holy ghost, finished. He hated women and he created such a problem for the whole Christian nations. Now, what I find that it's impossible to make men and women join together really in love, just certain romantic ideas that work up and then finished. Not only that. He has harmed in a much worse way. For example, he said that if you are buried in the ground, then at the time of Resurrection your body will come out and it will get a resurrection. Now tell me how absurd is this thing? How can you accept such an absurd thing? Christ never said so. There are so many things that we have taken to the other end of stupidity because we also want to use it for our own purpose. But Christ could never have said such a nonsensical thing that your body can be brought out from your graves and will be given the resurrection. On the contrary, in Indian scriptures, there is a sensible thing written that your souls will take birth at this time, your souls. And there will be population growth. For this Judgement, your souls will be brought out. So today you are here because your souls have taken birth for the Last Judgement which sounds much more logical, sensible and has worked. And it is so much carried so far that I met one Muslin from Bosnia who came in a very bad shape. I asked him:"Why are you fighting for this land? See, you should fight for your spiritual ascent instead of this nonsensical land that you are fighting, killing each other?" The answer came that "No, in Quran it is written." I don't think, I have read the Quran I have not seen it, but maybe, I don't know, I must have missed the point. Because again it is the poetry. That when you die your body will come out of graves and at the time of Resurrection you will get your Realization or Qiyamah they call it, the Resurrection. Then you will die, then you should put your body in the graves, so it is intact. Is it intact? If you die in the name of God. That's why we are dying in the name of God and we'll get resurrection". I said:"Very nice. Use your brains. Those people who are dying there are eaten by their friends. Their friends are cooking them and eating them. How are they going to get their resurrection? I mean it cannot be so illogical. So this kind of idea is working in many things and we blame the (unclear). The Christians will say that Muslims are bad, Muslims will say that Hindus are bad and Hindus will say that Jews are bad, everybody's bad. But if we introspect, we should know what did we get. Did we get our Self-realisation? Did we get our second birth by going to these places, reading these books? Nothing. It was just an indication of how you should behave till you get your resurrection. Now, resurrection is not something that is coming from the outside but within you it is there, your right to get it. Sahaj, "saha" means "with", "ja" means born. With you is born the right or the birthright to get this union, the yoga with this divine power. Now, with the word "yoga" also people get frightened because it is coming from India. Why should you be frightened? After all, from where did Christ come? Did He come from New Zealand? One lady was talking about Christ as if He were a New Zealander. I said, "He was not, He was a Jew".So, from wherever knowledge comes, we should accept. From wherever our help comes we should accept. We should not condemn somebody because we have some ideas about them. For example, science is coming from say America, or you people, from anywhere. One has to accept. If this is for your good why not accept it and see for yourself if it works out if it helps you.I don't know how far ....... told you about this, but when the Kundalini rises, She enlightens these centres, these energy centres and pierces through your fontanel bone area and then ultimately you feel the cool breeze of the holy ghost on your hands, the all-pervading power on your fingertips. It is described in the Quran clearly that your hands will feel the cool breeze and that your hands, your fingers will give witness against you, clearly. I must say that Mohammad has done a great job. I mean whatever he has done, was undone by his followers. In every religion, I would not say only him but thanks to the ignorance of people that such a great thing and he has written one big chapter on the Resurrection. Despite all this, despite all these indications we still adhere to something because we were born into this, we were given this from childhood, conditioning in our heads. What we have to say are there saints nowadays in India, are there saints in other places, you find anybody saintly, really, in this real sense of the word. We don't. And if the time has come for you to get your resurrection, to get your realisation, why not take it? Because by that, you'll be surprised, these centres, which are your energy centres, which are responsible for your physical, mental, emotional being within yourself, which are responsible for all kinds of collective activities like political, economic, everything. Because most of the problems come from human beings. And these problems which come from human being come from your centres when they are in jeopardy. So these centres have to be corrected. And if they could be corrected, if you could understand what's wrong with your centres and if you know how to correct it you become your own master. Not only that you become your own master but also you become so knowledgeable that you can help others. As a result of that, what happens that you start feeling the centres. These are all sympathetic centres, thanks God, Medical science has reached that point. All these centres you start feeling and these centres when you start feeling you know what is wrong with your centres on your fingertips. You know what is wrong with others because first, you get self-knowledge and then you become collectively conscious. This is a new dimension into which you are coming. But the great thing that happens to you, to begin with, is that your attention can stay in the present. For example, I say:" you pay attention in the present now". You cannot, either you are thinking of the future or of the past, the mind is jumping on the cusp of either the future or the past.You are jumping on. In between those thoughts there is a present. When the kundalini rises like that, when She passes through that, what happens is that these thoughts elongate and the space between them, the pause between them which is called as vilamba is established and you become thoughtlessly aware, you are thoughtless but aware. That is the present in which you really spiritually grow.You establish that new state which we call as nirvichar samadhi and you become absolutely silent, peaceful. That's how peace within is established. Now with my husband, I met many people who have peace awards and peace organisations, but they are so hot-tempered! What a paradox! So, first of all, we must establish our peace within. When that happens then we start watching ourselves. As if you are standing in the water which is turbulent and you are frightened of getting drowned. But if somebody puts you in a boat you can watch. And then from the boat, if you know how to swim you can go down and save others also. It is just like that what happens to a person when he gets his self-realisation, first he starts watching all the problems. When he starts watching all the problems he knows how to solve them also because his attention is enlightened. Wherever he pays attention, the problem is solved. It is very miraculous for us, human beings. Absolutely, the divine power is so miraculously acting once you are connected with it, it is unbelievable how it acts. This all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, an ocean of knowledge.And the ocean of blessings. Blessings are so many that whenever this Sahaja Yogi meet some problems, they write to me: "Mother, how it was all solved in no time, how I met the right man, how it worked out, how my health improved". You see, there was one girl who had they said meningitis. I said: "Just pray, she'll be alright" and the next day the news came she is alright. It is working out I must say, it is working out.But these blessings come to you only if you are one with the divine power of God's love, otherwise, it will not. Sometimes you feel that God is blissful, He gave me this, He gave me that. But these blessings come to you from something very unknown and you feel so amazed at how these things worked out. So it is an ocean of blessings, believe me, it is. Then the third thing is that it is the ocean of compassion. Such a person becomes extremely compassionate, extremely compassionate. And it is the ocean of dynamism. Such a person also becomes absolutely dynamic. I have known of so many artists who came to Sahaja Yoga, especially from India. Today they are world famous. All over the world, they are known to be great artists and they always say about me that it is Mataji's blessings. I said: "Don't say that." This is your own power because if the power passes through these centres it gives you creativity because all your powers of creativity have been so little so far which are just enhanced to manifest. Not only that, so many other things happen, it is surprising. I have seen people who were supposed to be very dry, never knew a language very well, have suddenly become poets. But this is just I would say the temptation of the mother for you. The main thing that happens to you is much more. And the main thing that happens to you is just that apart from your health being cured, of course, that I should have mentioned because we have four doctors now in Delhi who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga. They have cured asthma, epilepsy, don't know, other things. But blood cancer has been cured, so many diseases have been cured with this happening without going to the doctor, without spending all the money for the hospital, nothing. Just your own power, I mean, it's nothing to do with me, just within you, it all works out. Only thing is it's like a seed being planted into Mother Earth and it sprouts by itself, spontaneously, sahaj. In the same way, it happens. You also get this power, your own power to rise and that makes you something special. It is all your own and you don't have to pay for it. I mean how much do you pay to the Mother Earth or to the seed? Both of them don't understand money, so what's the use of paying them? Something like that. It is all your power, within yourself and you get it in no time. But somehow or other I think, maybe, I don't know what to say ... In the West, they are more impressed by people who are really false because so many gurus went around and minted money. They had thousands and thousands and thousands of disciples. I was amazed at how they take to falsehood so easily. Immediately... telling: "this man lynched us, we have no money, Mother, our house is sold, our children are.." But why did you do it? "Because he said, you see, that will happen, what will happen". You should go and see the disciples how they are. Find out from them have they got something or not. I mean you should just go like a bulldozer going to your man and getting yourself killed, it is something stupid. But this stupidity has been done everywhere but more in America, Why Russians I must say are tremendous people, you'd be surprised. They have a very bad government, this, that, you can condemn it. But they are wonderful people, at least 70 per cent of them are really very introspective, very good people. Wherever I go I get at least sixteen thousand people, minimum sixteen thousand. And they have thrown away all the falsehood, nobody can stay there, even their government. And the recognition they have for... I was surprised how do they have recognition of something that it really the truth. We should not play about with falsehood, it's stupidity, nonsense. And if you are have done that, not only have you given them money but also you spoilt your Kundalini. It's very common. All kinds of people, even in the West now, so many gurus have come up, all money making propositions. First, they'll have an introductory lecture and then nice you go there and then you better pay "(unclear, something like "out of "). If you have to pay for it know it is not so. Of course, people had to pay for the hall I must say, hall they have to pay, they must have got some money collected among themselves and they must have paid for the hall but for your self-realisation how can you pay? This is what is to be understood that you can't pay for the truth. Once you understand this you will cancel out all nonsensical things that are going on. It is too precious, it is too precious you cannot pay for it. Now we come to the fact that all these centres are cures, integrated and nourished, enlightened, our attention becomes enlightened and wherever we pay attention, the attention acts. You know the absolute truth also on your fingertips. Now if somebody some cheat or somebody who is released from the jail, I tell you, all of them have a place in the Indian society. So they were these dresses and come down to New Zealand or to Australia or to America. Also to France. Especially in Germany.And now they are going to Japan. I mean they take a ticket to go there. Because they have no place in India, so they come here, sit on your crossroad and get all the money from you. So now one has to understand that with knowledge with this absolute, absoluteness, this absolute, paransatya they say, absolute, means everybody sees the same, there is no quarrel, argument, fighting, nothing, You just feel the same thing. If you all feel the same thing from one person, then you will know what is wrong with this person, you can make out what sort of person he is, what sort of problems he has, what he is doing. It's very easy.Apart from this, you can make out what are his physical, mental, emotional problems. Because you become collectively conscious, this is the second dimension you develop – you become collectively conscious. Become, not somebody tell you, become. Even children can tell you on their fingertips. Such powers you have! In the second stage, I mean most people reach the second stage very fast, but sometimes they don't, that is what we call nirvikalpa samadhi where there is no doubt. You can do it. Like one enlightened light can enlighten another light. So once you start getting Sahaja Yoga as a complete modelling of your life, what happens – a beautiful society is created all over the world. Now Sahaja Yoga is working in 62 nations. Sixty-two nations. And these people come to India, live there, I've never seen them fighting, quarrelling, abusing, never, never, never. Now, this has been going on for the last 25 years. But such love, such tender feelings, such pure love that exists. We don't have like somebody's wife runs away with somebody's husband, runs away, nothing of the kind. it's very pure love. This is a paradoxical culture we have.This was not there about 50 years back. This is today's culture is what? The children are killing today only I read in the paper that I Philadelphia or somewhere two children killed the father. Why? Because they were kind, they gave them presents so they went and killed them.the rate, the horrible child what do you call it, abuse... I really do not understand what they do. All these horrible things are happening in this culture, is this any culture? And this is what they call as freedom. This is nothing but licentiousness.This is no freedom, this is so destructive. We are having all kinds of diseases, troubles, this, that. So somebody has to stand back from this rat race and see for themselves where are we going? A big shock for us really if you see the future of these countries. I can't understand what will happen. It is spreading everywhere, it is coming even to India, you will be surprised. This culture is coming to India also. All over the world. So one has to understand that it has to be stopped, we have gone too far with it. For that, we have to have a culture which is divine and divine culture is such when you do not do any such things, no question. For such a beautiful divine life one should really run, but this doesn't happen. I don't know what's the matter with the people. In the West especially, here or on Australia, Australia is getting better now but still, I would say compared to Russia and other Eastern bloc countries, you are nowhere, really. It's very surprising. You are nowhere compared to them. And they are of course maybe not so rich or (unclear) but what are these riches? What have they brought us? What is going to bring us the divine power, the divine laws, the divine wealth? All the Sahaja Yogis have become rich also, you'd be surprised. Everything in business and everywhere they've made no doubt because it helps agriculture, it helps your mind, everything it helps. People have, say in England, every person in Sahaja Yoga is employed, nobody is without a job. Even in Australia the same thing. And it happens to everyone because you have become a very normal, sensible, intelligent, dignified person and whose brain is enlightened. Naturally, you can do very well, better than others. You drop out of your habits, for after Realisation, overnight.drugs and all that. I have seen people giving up drugs overnight. How it happens is very simple. That supposing you have a snake in your hand and there is darkness, you can't see anything. Then suddenly some light comes here. You tell this fellow before: "You stop, this is a snake". He won't, so adamant till it bites him. But as soon he sees some light he drops it. In the same way, you drop out all these destructive things. And you get such a power to do it, you see so many people decide to do it. The other day I read about this fellow, this Nirwana(?) fellow committed suicide. If he had taken to Sahaja Yoga, he would have been so much useful. But they don't. Somehow or other it doesn't go into their head we have to be very-very sensible and understand what will do us good instead of doing something that it absolutely destructive. And the best part of it is that you jump into the ocean of joy because this power is the ocean of joy. We think that there is joy in this, pleasure in this, pleasure... All these pleasures are very temporary. But joy is something which is not happiness or unhappiness. Joy is something which is singular. And you start enjoying that joy and this joy give you a kind of a personality which is always joyous, gives joy to others, doesn't trouble anybody, doesn't hate anybody, doesn't ask or sees a thing with greed. There is no lust, there's no greed and such a person becomes so pure, so beautiful. We have to have that kind of a society everywhere. I hope so that you people would like to have such a society even in New Zealand. You don't have to give up any religion (?), you don't have to give up your families, your children, go to the Himalayas, stand on your heads, nothing of the kind. Here, very comfortably you can get your self-realisation. But I have to tell you that this is a collective happening and you cannot just say: "I am alright, alright" but later on you will come and tell me:"Mother, something went wrong with me." So you have to come to the collective. And in the collective, you have to learn each and everything free of cost. You become your masters. Once you are masters, no problem. And this then power can help you to go and help others. Everybody becomes enlightened and goes because he cannot keep the light within himself, he has to give it. Not in an aggressive way, not in a very way they go on preaching, nothing. You can just raise the Kundalini of the people and make them enlightened and change their lives. All the stress and strain and all these things just disappear. It is really wonderful to understand how much there is within us, how glorious we are and then we understand that we have an identity, that we are working for divine love, that we are using divine love and we are empowered with it. Then we understand what are we, that's how we understand also that all religions are flowers on the same tree of spirituality. They have plucked it and they are fighting with the dead flowers. We see the integration of everything that is beautiful with nature and everything is so surprising that we have everything within us and we don't know. And when we become aware, you are amazed. But amazingly, you don't become ego, egotistical, no. You become extremely humble and beautiful. I hope it will work out in New Zealand also. I've come all the way not only from India but from Italy and all these places and I think it will work out for good for all of you and it will definitely happen to you. Now the only thing I have to tell you is that those who don't want to have realisation, I cannot force on you because I respect your freedom. If you want, you will have, if you don't want I cannot force it, I am sorry. This freedom is given to you by God Almighty which is to be respected. If you want your self-realisation, it takes hardly 10-15 minutes. But if you don't want it you please leave the hall. That is the best to be fair to other people, those who do not want it. I'll give about one minute for that. It is not meant for people who are extremely aggressive, critical type. Though if you just want it from the humble heart, you'll get it. Because it is your right you see, you just have to be a humble person that you want to have it, that's all. You don't have to surrender anything, you don't have to give anything, nothing of the kind. As you are, whatever your personality is you can get this realisation and you can feel it. So what happens first is that feel first, some people feel it on top of their head a cool breeze is coming out of their fontanelle bone area. Then they start wondering if there is airconditioning maybe, but that is air conditioning in your head. So some people feel it hot, some people feel it cool. Trust yourself, you must have faith in yourself, it's very important. Then also they feel it on their fingertips, some feel it on their hands. How to use this power that you have to learn. But also you will feel extremely peaceful and you may achieve thoughtless awareness state tonight. So let us try it and if it works out it would be a great thing for you and for me also. Also, I know that you have questions as usual, but you see for the last twenty-four years I've been facing all kinds of people and I know how to answer questions, I know, I am quite an expert. But it's a mental acrobat, we have to go beyond the mind, so that's the use of now discussing something. Still, if you have some questions you can send them over and we will try to answer them.
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk at Wamuran Ashram, Queensland (Australia). 13 April 1994. [Full talk: from video...] Shri Mataji; Sit here, in front... so that everybody... Please be seated. It’s already become... The sun has gone behind, just come this way a little bit. Also there could be... no no, you are alright... see all of them could be... You could remove the table if you like. Yah, you could come this way. So, we have a very nice place for us to come to and to be in the nature, uh... as they say, ‘Far from the madding crowd’. It’s very good for meditation and for enjoying your being within. As I have already told you in New Zealand, that the whole thing is ruined because of money-orientation. Money has become so important. It has gone to the other end – so much so that it has created a very paradoxical culture. Certain things I’ve been reading and I have been really shocked. The other day I read that two children killed their parents – machine gunned them, in Pennsylvania – because the parents were very kind to them and they developed a feeling that, ‘They are nice to us because they want to kill us.’ And so they went and killed. I mean, imagine the psychology: how this psychology is built with children, why they become so perverted? When we have hopes from children now, not from the old people so much who are already not coming to Sahaja Yoga [Part 1 of audio track starts from here] …and who do not see the point. But the children, if they develop this kind of a funny psychology, it’s such a paradoxical thing to live in. All sorts of things you hear about rape, this, that, you are shocked, I mean the way the whole society is moving. And it’s accepted by everyone. They have to accept there’s no way out, as if that’s the pattern of life. They said that they did some resistance, they put some resistance, but it didn’t work out and the laws were such that these children were left out saying that they were innocent or something. And also the three ladies who were with their husbands also were left out because they gave explanation as to how their husbands were treating them just like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde style. And all that, you see, shows that there is too much violence apart from money. Then money begets violence, I think, because if you want money, you don’t get it, you’ll feel frustrated. The whole thing is logically boiled down to the point that, ‘Why shouldn’t I have it?’ and they go into violence. They think it is some sort of a injustice to them. Everywhere you find this kind of thing. Another is the power-orientation like now in South Africa. Of course, these white people have already tried their level best to begin with to teach them how to divide. That’s very common. And also the people - native people are stupid, like in our country also, that they started fighting. Muslims, you know, it’s very easy to excite them. So now they have two lands separated, or you can call it as Pakistan and another now as Bangladesh. Also we have a land called Ceylon, Burma - they were all connected with one country. All these countries have become very poor and there’s no democracy: very corrupt. I mean, compared to India, they are nowhere. What was the advantage of separating them? Nothing. But it was the British idea that they should divide. Somehow they divided people to rule and when they divided, the division went very deep into it and when they left also this division existed. It’s very difficult now to understand the – even India is very precariously – [Mother speaks aside in Hindi, then ‘Where has he gone? Ask him for a handkerchief.’] is so precariously placed that now we have people from Bangladesh who have come to our country. They’re settled down nicely. They have become voters and also they are like a fifth [UNCLEAR colony/ column]. As yesterday or day before I read that there was another explosion in India. So is going on like that. I mean, it’s a violence is there and one has to pay for it. The worst is South Africa, where My attention is now, is bad, very badly affected, very badly affected. All the people are killing each other and the, also the whites are in danger and they’re running away. I mean, they overdid it. They should have gone from there long time back, but first they divide and then they depart at a time when both or three or four communities are at dagger’s end. That’s the time they leave. We had such a bad – Pakistan was created when I was in Pakistan and I saw in My presence a person being stabbed. It’s very, very mad, mad ideas people have that they can kill now the, anybody whom they call as enemy and how the enemy comes in is the problem, how they become enemies, on what grounds they become enemies one can’t understand. So is not only religion, but also race. Races – this race is better, that race is better. All these funny ideas they had. Sahaja Yogis have to understand that whatever races you were, now you have come up higher. Now you are in the Kingdom of God and here you are Sahaja Yogis. You are no more any special race. We are Sahaja Yogis. We have really ascended higher and higher and I’ve seen when... [Shri Mataji speaks aside ‘That’s too good, that one - simple one.’] Alright, so when they go to that height, that level of achievement, they have to know, the Sahaja Yogis have to know, that we are here to cure this world. We have come here at a time when it’s really in a mess. Now if you are with your ego and this, you cannot see this. You will not be concerned, you know. You’ll have some special ideas about everything. You’ll not have a natural concern for what is happening in the world. Where are we going? Human beings, as a whole, you cannot think. If you have ego, then you think, ‘Oh, this is nothing’ and you can get over it. Nothing can touch you. Whatever is happening, whatever is so dangerous and also, whatever is your responsibility. You will never, never have the feeling, the concern, because you’re covered with ego and you have certain ideas. So, what I felt was that the Sahaja Yogis have to get rid of their egos, very important, otherwise they cannot grow. See, the sensitivity has to move towards everything, not only towards nature, towards beautiful things that are in the world, but also the ugly things that are happening, one has to be sensitive to. See now, what’s happening? What’s going to happen to our children? Are they going to take to drugs? Are they going to take to alcohol? Are they going to take to bad ways of life? Also are they going to be rude, unkind and ego, again? Are they having ego in them? Because this progeny is the one which is going to say, so attention should be that our nonsensical ideas should go away. Now this racialism has brought so much sin on this world, can see it when you go to Argentina or you go to Chile or to these places. You can’t find one aboriginal there, not one. Only if you go to Colombia and you go to Bolivia. They are there and they’re such nice people, such innocent, simple people. To think that millions were killed by these stupid white people. I mean, I can’t understand and these sins are now working on them, especially Americans, the way they are consuming their drugs, from where? Bolivia. All this ego that we’ve advanced so much, you know, what is the advancement? Taking to drugs? This is your advancement? Taking to diseases which are absolutely incurable: very low level. This is so many funny diseases that are in America that I really don’t know how to combat it and it’s coming through their ego. ‘What’s wrong? What’s wrong?’ They’ll go on saying like that. ‘What’s wrong?’ This ego business has to be somehow or other tackled. If you cannot tackle your ego, you cannot grow in Sahaja Yoga. It’s very important that you have to grow in Sahaja Yoga, but for that, this Mr. Ego must be controlled. Well, let’s see how the ego comes in. Is the reaction. It’s from your conditionings only you react. Now you are told from childhood supposing, ‘You are great and you are white and you are this.’ You see, that goes into your head. It doesn’t come to you that what these whites have done. Then can be that like in India, you see, we have caste system, which is absurd. We cannot have caste because said that in everybody resides the spirit. It has been shown by so many that Shri Rama took fruits from a lady who was an aboriginal, who was..., who had tasted all of them with her teeth. And He enjoyed them. Shri Krishna’s life was written by - I mean Vyasa was an illegitimate child of a fisherwoman. So how could they believe in caste system? It’s disappearing in a way, but it has entered into now politics. Other things are, you see, which are more shocking to Me is this: that women in the West or men in the West think they should be attractive to hundred men or hundred women. What’s the need? I mean, just think of it; you’re walking on the street, maybe people are attracted towards you for something, may be some bhoots, you see, mutual attraction maybe, most of it. But even if you are attractive, what does it matter? What’s the use? Wasting so much time, so much money, so much everything and people feeling that we are very attractive. But what’s the use? I still don’t understand. You go on the street, you are very attractive. Alright, so there are ten people looking at you, so what? So what? You’re like a show. You are like a showroom that’s going about, but, at least, showroom is better because there are things to sell. What have you got? Nothing. This concept itself shows such stupid thing... mind that they think they are advanced. I think that they are absolutely retarded. So much money is wasted, spent in the shops, this, that and what do you get? Women have no time for children and their husbands have no time for their wives, all the time wasting their energy in stupid pursuit. I still don’t understand- if you look at the nature you feel so satisfied. The best thing is to look at the flowers or the children. They’re so sweet. Why should you raise your eyes higher than three feet, I don’t understand. What you enjoy is the beauty and the beauty with innocence are the children. If you see the children, you see the beauty. You see in them the innocence shining. Instead of that, you are looking at everyone. How many are looking at you? I mean, there’s no ticket even for that. You don’t get any money out of it. What is the use? This is beyond Me. Really, I can’t understand. But, the other day I was reading in the newspaper that it’s difficult to define the best man. He should be attractive to all the women. He should be this and that. I said, ‘Is that the quality of a best man?’ And what will they make in life, you see? Are they like Mahatma Gandhi? Are they like Christ? Or are they like Buddha? Nothing. What are they going to contribute to the society? What are they going to contribute to anything whatsoever except for stupidly moving like a very handsome or a very beautiful woman. So what? And something is going to happen to all of them. I tell you, this Michael Jackson now is fallen into trap and, you know, our Dr. Wells has treated him. I don’t know what Dr. Wells must have told him about. Then this Elizabeth...this, this - all of them. They are worth nothing. They have done no contribution to the society. They have done no contribution to their family, to their children, to no one. What have they done? Given bad ideas to others, given wrong ideas to others. They have misguided the people. The media is like that. The newspapers, worst. But worse than that is television. And worse than that are these so-called celebrities, you see, stupid things as they are. They’re so stupid, these cinema actors and actresses. There’s nothing to know about their life. It’s alright like a radio; they are good at acting, that’s all. What have they got? But they bring the fashion. They bring everything and we start following them. They are your ideas. What are they going to be? In America, say for example you can say George Washington - we have so many people like that. But what have they done? This is what we have to find out the criteria and what are we going to contribute ourselves. The best way now is to see that you reduce all these false ideas about race, religion, beauty, this, that and bring it to reality. Whosoever meets you or you talk to them and who is related to you in any way, wherever you are, you have to show them that there’s nothing in this kind of an ugliness that is within us. Is real ugliness. See, Abraham Lincoln was such a great man, who created this theory of freedom and of democracy, but he was a lanky-panky man and not so good looking, his wife hated him because he was not a good looking man or something. But what he has done for the whole world. Even Gandhiji we would call him a very ugly looking man. All kinds of people would call him only ugly. There’s no beauty inside them. Then they call themselves beautiful and those who have beauty inside are called as ugly. It’s the inner beauty. This inner beauty gives you the shine, the everything, on your face also, and also your work; what you have achieved, what you have done. So we come to Sahaja Yoga to see what we have done for Sahaja Yoga, how much we have been able to help Sahaja Yoga. Only, just we think about ourselves and some of them married life is not all right, this thing, that thing. I mean this is something one has to understand. You are a person who Divine has chosen to do something extremely noble, extremely important. While what are we doing? We are again getting into this mad world which is so paradoxical, which is so stupid. So, you should see where are we. I’m not saying you all should become Sadhubabas and go and sit in the Himalayas, not that. But you should be sensible, logical and see for yourself what you’ve got. You’ve got so many powers as Sahaja Yogis. And you should never yield to all these horrible things that have existed and are still existing and they’re worse. So you can pull the whole society. You can really save this society. It’s a big responsibility. You are intelligent people. You understand things, but sometimes I feel you do not assume your powers because of your ego. Don’t assume. First thing is to be humble. If you’ll humble down then you will start seeing yourself clearly, what’s wrong with you. Once you start seeing yourself then you will know, this is not Sahaj, this is not Sahaj. Everything will change once you get to it. So, first thing is to humble down. But people will say, ‘How to humble down?’ I mean, it’s even easier than brushing your teeth, I tell you, but I don’t know how to tell them how to humble down. First of all, there should be no anger or temper. I never get angry, never. I have to make up Myself before and tell them I have to be angry, of which I have to be angry. I have to say this, say this. I try Myself and tell Myself so many words that I have to say, this, that. Forget all of them, most of them. Just can’t do it, I mean I don’t know how to shout and scream and call names and abuse. I’ve never abused anyone in My lifetime. So this is what one has to understand. Like somebody said, ‘But, call the spade. Spade is to be called a spade.’ But why are you calling? That person who is should know. Why are you calling him spade? Are you alright? So it comes by our attention outside, not inside. We don’t see ourselves. If we start seeing ourselves, we’ll humble down and humility is a very beautiful quality, is a very beautiful expression of one’s will. Of course, in modern times people might think, oh, they are weak, this, that. Let them say what they like. You enjoy your virtues. You enjoy being that. It’s not humility means you start crying, weeping - nothing like that, but it’s the greatest way of enjoying life is through humility. In this you can achieve just by introspection, that, ‘What am I proud of? What have I got? Why should I be proud? Why should I be rude? What is the need?’ Just go on asking questions to yourself and it will be very easy for you to find out the answer. So I’ve come to this beautiful place here now and I just watch how the nature has grown so beautifully. Place is given to every leaf, every tree has got its own spaced out area where it stays and it receives the blessings of the whole nature, the rain and everything. It’s so beautiful and there’s such a big rapport with the nature and the Divine. Plus we can also have it, only thing, you have to know that we are the instrument of God. When we are the instrument, we should not have our angularities. We should not have these wrong ideas. Might be your parents might have got. Might be somebody must have given the society, but no use saying, the society has given me the thing. No. You belong to the new society of Sahaja Yoga, which is worldwide. It’s so beautiful, so loving, so kind, and you should feel relaxed, absolutely relaxed because you belong to this great community which is all over the world. Only thing one has to think, how much I can do for Sahaja Yoga? What can I do? What have I done so far? Have I worked it out or not? In the same way as people think about making money, making this, making that, you have to think about making punyas - good deeds. That’s very good because that is the one that is really blissful and it works out. I must say the Paramchaitanya is really working very well. It is really making everything so smooth and nice and helping. I mean, I’m really surprised at the way it communicates. Like the other day some girl was sick in the hospital and they said she had meningitis. Today she’s out. It all works out. It works out because Paramchaitanya is now active. It is Krita Yuga or, I should say, the Satya Yuga is coming. But you are the people who have to nourish it, to give assurances that, ‘Yes, we are working out.’ Otherwise, if even there’s a big potential for everything and there’s no channelizing, it will not work. So you must meditate. Meditation is very important. Every one of you should meditate – five minutes in the morning, ten minutes, fifteen minutes a day. And then what you can do, after doing all that meditation and everything, try to keep your attention in the centre. When you see something like this, you should be able to go in thoughtless awareness. There should be no thoughts. What should we think without thinking. So joy-giving it is to be in thoughtless awareness. So try to establish that thoughtless awareness within yourself and I’m sure you’ll become very dynamic, very compassionate and you can all achieve such a great manifestation of Sahaja Yoga. I’m expecting in this way that Sahaja Yoga will spread. They were saying there should be a house. Alright. This should be done. That should be done. It’s not important. What is important is you are the house of Sahaja Yoga. You are the ones who can do it. You don’t have to have a house, as such, but what you have to have is the establishment within yourself of the idea that you are responsible. You are responsible for Sahaja Yoga. It’s not only to be... have a membership or we could have a big group of people. It’s not that. And I’m sure with this, we all can work it out. I wish I could stay for longer and little bit, we can - if you have any questions, you should ask Me, it’s better. No questions? Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, could you say something about the Right Heart? Right – Sahaja Yogi: Heart. Right Heart. Right Heart is the outcome of the liver, mostly, but also it can come from your wife, the way you treat your wife, the way you behave towards her or if your wife is very dominating woman and she’s caught up with some things, you can catch also. So Right Heart could be coming from that and, as you know, Shri Rama resides there. How much He loved His wife – went all the way to Sri Lanka to bring Her back and how He treated Her, then how He had to give Her up because of the collectivity - means the country for the public - and He gave her up. All the time She went away, He used to sleep on the ground and He lived like an ascetic. When She came back also She gave Him up. So the drama is beautiful, to show how husband and wife, though they love each other, still they only care for the collective and that’s the sacrifice for the collective, but in that both are in coordination with each other. That’s the sign of Shri Rama’s love for His wife, as a husband, as a benevolent king, as a son, as a father. She has shown a path of a ideal man, how he should behave in life. So in the same way, husband has to think about his wife. But also I have seen the, in the West it is more the women who are extremely dominating and they have funny ideas about things, I don’t know how they get it. To them, if I tell them that let the men eat first and then women can eat, that’s the greatest insult. See what is there if the men eat first? On the contrary, if you tell Indian women you eat first – ‘Ah, what?’ They love to make their husbands eat first. They love to cook for him. They love to do things. They don’t think it is being dominated by a husband, but it’s, it’s such a privilege to them, such a privilege. For example now, say, I went once to Rahuri and one lady came and said, ‘Mother, on Your way, You are coming through our village and we would like You to have breakfast.’ I said, ‘What? We are so many people. How will you give us breakfast?’ She said, ‘No, no, no, no, we are very, very much for it and we’ll get you the breakfast. Don’t worry.’ I told her in many ways that don’t try all this, but she wouldn’t listen, so to My amazement, when I reached there, they had taken out from every house all the chairs they had, all the benches they had. Every one of them joined together and they got up at two o’clock in the morning, cooking for us. See, and they had cooked so many things. They [were] so happy - not a trace of tiredness or anything, very happily serving to us. They had got those banana leaves and everything and really all flattering Me. So full – Myself, I couldn’t eat their breakfast. It was so much done with love. So that’s kind of a woman’s real personality, where she wants to show her love, she wants to express it and her style is such that it works out and with that, the deities are happy. Deities are never happy with a woman who tries to insult the husband for nothing at all or nags him or gets after him. Husband is also another sort of, she’s in charge of the husband and she’s in charge of the children. Such women also make good families, otherwise they cannot and then the society. So the Western idea of equal rights - what is equal? I’ve told you many a time, like a chariot has two wheels, right and left. The right, if it is become small, then it goes round and round. If the left becomes small, then again it goes round and round. But if they’re similar, they are not equal. They’re different. If the left side brought to the right and right side brought to the left, it won’t work out. So the women should not feel bad. On the contrary, I think to be a woman is much better because you have to please only one boss, but men have to please so many. I mean, such comfort it is to be in your own house, you see, and not to worry about so many things that men have to worry and actually they get upset when they go out. Naturally. They have to face all kinds of funny people. So the job of the wife is to soothe them down because she’s sitting at home, but she’s also very ambitious. Now, I was told that in Spain the ladies are learning to be matadors. They’ll be facing the bulls you see. With such foolish ideas, we lose our own personality because we are meant for something. It’s like the tree, it’s supposed to give shade, but it says, ‘No, I’ll have equal rights as the roots and I’ll go down and I will not come up.’ Roots has its own job and the tree has its own job. Woman has her own personality. Man has his own personality. Enjoy it. There’s no domination, nothing. Of course, men also dominate very much and think no end of themselves. That is also there, no doubt, but that should not be done. As a result of that, then women come up, you see, just like vampires and they put them right. The three ladies killed their husbands and they said that our husband was dominating us so much and they killed it, and the justice was in their favour. So this is a sign of imbalance. So if a wife is dominating and stupid, then a man can get Right Heart very much. Right Heart he gets and this Right Heart, I don’t know, I have really shouted at such women, done everything, very much. I made up a big stories, everything, to frighten them, but nothing works out. Some of them are really, really dominating. I don’t know what to say about that. That’s how you catch on your Right Heart. They have to take the name of Shri Rama, put right hand towards the photograph. What else also you can put? Ice on your liver. Also ice here will help. [check video to see where Shri Mataji is pointing to] [Shri Mataji speaks to a Sahaja Yogini] Shri Mataji: How are you Kerry? Are you alright? How are you feeling? Much better. Well put your hands towards Me, what’s the matter with your hands? That’s it. You think too much. I told men not to allow him to think. You stop thinking now. Are you alright? I am asking her. Are you better now? Sahaja Yogini: Yes, I am. Shri Mataji: If you start thinking, ‘I am sick, I am sick’, you will get sick. What is there? If you start thinking, ‘I am alright, I am alright,’ you will be alright. Now better now see. That shaking is gone from your hand. Put the hands like that. Well it’s a, it’s big problem to convince you that you are alright. Actually, also I’ve seen in the West they talk too much about health all the time. That’s not a very good thing to talk all the time. They’re all frightened. This water, this thing, that thing, that thing and over-protective. Then they come to India they get something: hepatitis, this, that. We don’t get. Why? We are not so protected, we are immune to everything. You must develop some immunity. When you come to India, you get sick. Why should you get sick there? But here, it is for Sahaja Yogis to know that you are already immune. You have got your vibrations. How can anything trouble you or torture you? Put right hand like this. See, again you start thinking. Stop thinking. Do your right side meditation. Now no more left side. Left is alright. Better now? They go on thinking and wrong [with this?]. There’s a nice story Jerome has written that one fellow went to the doctor and he said, ‘I’ve got every disease but the Housewives’ knee.’ So he said, ‘How is it you don’t have Housewives’ knee?’ He said, ‘I’m not a housewife.’ So doctor said that ‘All right. I’ll examine you’ then he gave him a, he gave him a medicine. He said, ‘Now, in this is the medicine, but you go away from here at least ten miles, go in a jungle and then you take this medicine there.’ So this fellow drove down and he opened it and opened it and opened it, paper after paper and the last paper came out and it was written that ‘You are a stupid fool. Now don’t read ‘Materia Medica.’ So this is the situation. And this is how you read about, ‘Oh, I must be having this disease, I must be having that disease,’ so you have it. If you start thinking like that, then it works. [Shri Mataji laughs] So just, again, it is the attention towards yourself, ‘I have this disease. I have that pain. I have that. I’m going to die,’ this thing. As it is, the Australians, if you ask them, they’ll say, ‘I’m going to die.’ I said, ‘Why are you going to die.’ ‘I’m going to die’ means ‘I’m going today.’ [Laughter] Nobody’s going to die, nothing is going to happen. If you understand that, then you won’t suffer so much as you do. Put your left hand like this, left hand. Ya. Don’t see any doctors. No use. Absolutely absurd for Sahaja Yogis to go to doctors and hospitals and doctors and hospitals. That means you have no faith in yourself and poor faith in Sahaja Yoga. Yogini: Shri Mataji, Shri Mataji. May I ask a question? Shri Mataji: Come here. Yogini: I was wondering if you could please tell us a bit about meditation, about how to improve our meditation and, if meditation is connected to our heart if... if I feel that my heart is closed... Shri Mataji: Of course. Yogini: … that is a problem for my meditation? Shri Mataji: Of course. See, firstly, you are a liver patient. You are very right-sided. Take treatment [from] your liver and just open your heart. Open, I mean I don’t know. Just see now, this is how you can open your heart and you put Me in your heart, one thing is good. If you can, look at the photograph, say, ‘Come in my heart Mother.’ I’m such a big person that you’ll have to open your heart – otherwise you can’t get Me in. All right, so first, open your heart, ‘Mother, please come in my heart.’ All right, you say like that. It’s better. It’s very simple way and I’m at your disposal. You see, it happens because of the past, because people have been unkind to you, maybe that you have not forgiven them. It can happen with anything and that makes you feel so closed, isn’t it? Because of the experiences you have had of other people and you cannot forgive them. If you can’t forgive them, then you become like that; your heart is closed, you can never be happy, you are very critical of others. All these things come with a closed heart. You cannot feel happy yourself. You don’t make others happy. Now how do you open your heart is just to feel for everyone, think about others. See now, when I travel I always buy presents for people here and there and everywhere. I went to Poland and there was one shop I used to always buy things from there for all the Sahaja Yogis and... So third time I went, the lady said, ‘You are a very, very noble person, I must say.’ So I said, ‘Why?’ ‘You don’t buy anything for yourself. You buy only for others all the time, never for yourself.’ I never think about Myself, but you people think for Me, I don’t think for Myself. Wherever it is, whatever it is, is all right. To Me it doesn’t matter - where I live, how I live, what I eat, what I - I don’t care. There’s no time to think well, while thinking of others, you have no time to think about yourself, isn’t it? That’s how it works out. So think about others, immediately. Now, a very small thing like that is you see, I’ll tell you, once I’d gone to a shop to buy some things for ladies and I was buying some saris. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi.] Alright. There I was buying saris and I bought these saris and put the saris on the... I bought these saris and I was quite happy about it – nice saris are there and I have to distribute, to whom should I do this and do that. I was just thinking. And I just forgot that I have to buy a sari for Myself because there’s a Puja. Just forgot about it completely – wow. And later on it came into My head, ‘My God, now there’s no sari for the Puja, now what to do?’ I was quite worried about it and because I always... it never comes to Me that, ‘I have, I need this’ or ’I need that. I need food.’ Unless until you say, ‘Will you have food?’ I will not say bring food. That doesn’t come into My head. And you’ll be amazed that when I reached the place, you see – it was a Diwali celebrated in Switzerland – I opened the thing and there was a sari which I had bought before sometimes, and absolutely new with everything; so surprised. I said, ‘How did I have this? How do I have it?’ Just couldn’t imagine, I mean I would not have put that sari there - it was kept somewhere - I was quite amazed; how did I have the sari? They were so upset, ‘No sari Mother, what to do?’ Here it is. So when you think about others, you see, this Divine Power thinks about you. But when you are thinking about yourself, you are extremely miserable, horrible person. Nobody likes you. Nobody wants to talk to you and have anything to do with you because you are so much concerned about yourself, and but when you think about others – small, small things, very small things. Another thing happened that once I went with My daughter to a shop and I had liked some sa...I’d liked one sari very much, I thought it’s good for the evening, we have Puja program, but I’m rather miserly about Myself, so I said, ‘No, better not, it’s rather expensive, why to buy it,’ so I came home and it was all right. Then after some time, you see, I think it was some occasion, so My daughter brought the same sari and she gave it to Me. And I was very much touched. You see, because I didn’t buy it because I was feeling – I’m a miserly person that way, so she bought it for Me and she gave it to Me and she said, ‘You see what is this sari?’ So, ‘Oh, my God,’ I said. How – I mean, it’s very subtle understanding of expression of love. I can afford the sari, she can also afford, but the way she went at the same day; when I came home, she went and bought the sari, kept it because she thought that it will be sold out. Because she’s liked the sari, so she got. That’s how you can suggest. Like once we had a big dinner in our house and my another daughter had given Me a sari as a present. They give sometimes. So that day I wore that sari and she was in tears. She said, ‘You have so many beautiful saris, of all the things, you wore this sari.’ ‘Because,’ I said, ‘you are coming for dinner, so I thought it’s better to wear this one.’ ‘But how do you remember, Mummy, that I gave you this sari?’ See, just a subtle – now see, this is just matter. Sari is a matter. You see, it’s just a matter, but through that matter how you can express love. I always give the simile of a glass being applied with mercury - it becomes a mirror. In the same way, if you can apply your feelings to any matter it becomes like a mirror. Anything. Especially in My case, as you know, everything I wear has vibrations, everything I do has vibrations. The other day, Brian Bell tells Me - I was walking down the escalator in the airport - that, ‘Mother, all these railings are going to be vibrated now’. I said, ‘It’s true. It’s true.’ So with that feeling of love for another person – it’s pure love, that is what we should have: pure love. Without any lust or greed, without anything [Part 2 of audio track starts from here] … just because you want to do it, then it takes up vibrations. I think it touches your heart. Small, small things like that touch your heart. There’s a way of understanding. Now, you’re not doing it just to take anything out of that person or to chart that person... But you are just doing it for love, to express your love, pure love. In the same way, in our married life, if you have pure love, then you can enjoy husband and wife’s relationship, but if it is impure, then your eyes are moving here, there looking this, that. What’s the use? You must have purity, specially love when it is pure, it’s so joy-giving. So now, you can open your heart. May God bless you. Everywhere, you see, I’ve seen people like – now, see there’s a tree is there already or some sort of a plant is there which is not being watered. Now, some people will immediately go and water it, but more than that is the nourishment of others. It’s your love which is important which, if you don’t do, then you are a miserable creature, absolutely good for nothing. You have not used your own capacity to love others, nor have others loved you. It’s like this and you are a miserable creature all over, so what’s the use of being like that? As Sahaja Yogis, you have to be extremely lovable and filled with pure love, filled. May God bless you. [Shri Mataji speaks in conversation with a Sahaja Yogi] Shri Mataji: Mark, I wanted to talk to you. How are you? Alright? Sahaja Yogi: Yeah! Very well, thank you Mother. Shri Mataji: Quite happy? Sahaja Yogi: Fine. Shri Mataji: They want you to come and work here for some time. I told him he is very dynamic, so... you finished Daglio I think, quite a lot? [unclear answer] Yeah done, but we’re going to buy more land now – they have to put up a big hangar for our meditation. Something is there planning. Let’s see, what works out. It’s a wonderful place. This is another wonderful place. Isn’t it? Beautiful place it is. Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, I’d like to ask on behalf of the collective in general. After we have a public program in Sahaja Yoga and new people come, is there anything more we can do to help them establish in Sahaja Yoga, to look after them? Shri Mataji: Yeah, yeah you see, first of all, you should not quarrel among yourselves. You should not try to correct each other. Now, supposing somebody’s telling also wrong, what’s the use, in Sahaja Yoga. Don’t say ‘Don’t. No.’ Nothing. Slowly you can wink at the most, at the person and say that this is a mistake and then you can correct, but not in their presence. Then you have to show our innate unity that we have, innate understanding. You should not try to show that, ‘This is wrong. You should not have said that, you should not have said...’ Then among ourselves, we should show respect to each other, real respect. See, some are well off in Sahaja Yoga and some are not, but those who are really well off understand this. But those who are not, they do this. Like this they try to, ‘No, no, no, no. What you doing? Sit there. Do that.’ The language itself should be very sweet and convincing. And among yourself they should see the pure love that’s flowing. Your character will influence them, nothing else. With me you see, wherever I go, thousands will come: they do. I don’t know how, but when they come to these programs, they run away. If there is any person dominating or anything, you better tell your leader and throw them out. They should not be there. There are some crazy also, a lot of crazy people. In New Zealand I think there are four, five people who are schizophrenic. Poor Hugh is having a bad time. He was saying, ‘Mother, what to do with them? What should...’ I said to him, ‘What can you do to them?’ You see, I have to really work it out and they will be definitely there, to say they are Sahaja Yogis. So you can tell another people, ‘No, they are not Sahaja Yogis, they are just people who are there’, so that they understand that these are not Sahaja Yogis. Because they are so mad and crackpots. You should say the door of Sahaja Yoga is open to everyone and everyone comes in, so there are some schizophrenic also, some madpot...caps, also some crack-headed, all kinds of people coming. They call themselves Sahaja Yogis, but they are not. From their faces, you see, they can make out, ‘Oh, this is a Sahaja Yogi.’ Then some very rustic type of people can come and who use very funny language, talk in a funny way and all. First of all, when you are having a follow-up meeting, then only people who are sensible or good Sahaja Yogis should look after them. So, the leaders should see that all these nonsensical people are not there. Everybody should not be allowed to be there. That’s much better because if you allow everyone to be there, then you’ll have bad time. So is best is not to have all kinds of people there, but people who are definitely solidly Sahaja Yogis, who are certified to be good. So, this is very important; how you behave, how you are, what sort of an organization you are. If you are a living organization, they will be very much impressed. Then, everybody should not talk. Let someone who knows how to talk, can talk. The rest of them can help them with the vibrations and all that. Mostly I’ve seen people who are very forward type. They just over-smart, you see. They’ll go and talk to this person, that person, do this, do that. It’s not proper. One should wait and see whom leader says you have to see and all that. It’s better that you show your patience, your dignity, your poise, then while talking to them also. Now, with the same kind of people, those who have no balance, will say, ‘Oh, you are a bhoot.’ I mean, a person who’s coming there, you just tell him [UNCLEAR], he’ll just go away. So, how you deal with them is also, to be really practise [at home?] and see that you talk to them properly. They should feel, after seeing you, that this person is a humble, good-natured, compassionate person. Otherwise, as soon as they’ll see your face, they will, ‘Oh, he is like any other Australian.’ So how you treat them is important. I said also offer them some tea or something. There’s no harm in offering something which is non-controversial. If you start giving them Indian food, they’ll say, ‘Oh, what they give us Indian food.’ Don’t give them any particular style. You see they come with their conditionings, some of them come with curiosity and some of them come just to harm us. So you have to be very careful - if they have a guru, if they have gone to another person- you just not tell them at that moment. But later on you can say that ‘I’ve been to the same guru. I know what it is.’ Better not. You see, gradually, but that is very important to understand, how to gradually bring them to Sahaja Yoga. I must say that in India it’s working very fast, very fast. I don’t know how to cope with it. And also in Russia, but Russian individually are very good. Even Indians are very good, but also, I think, the organizers are very good, very good organizers we have. If you’re pure, I mean Yogis, they’ll make you out in no time. They’re quite intelligent, they’ll make you out. No problem on that. And the way you show them all the things, it’s joined together, you see. That’s one thing one has to learn – how to join together, which is rather difficult in the West because they’re very individualistic. Everybody wants to say something of their own to show off. That’s not good. So, I’m sure it will work out. Why not? After all, they all come to see Me, so why not they should come to see you all. Because it’s a miracle, that so many are transformed and Realized souls. So can I take your leave now? Beautiful wind. I feel like running amok into things! So beautiful. May God bless you. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi to 1 yogi and then to yogini from earlier] Shri Mataji: Are you better now, Kerry? Much better? Now will you please forget that you have any disease. Alright? You are torturing yourself for nothing at all. You are such a healthy person. When such a horrible disease is cured, this is nothing. This is just your own. Do some Ganesha’s thing, alright? Sit on the grass and sing Ganesha’s mantra. Also have My photograph, you can sing Ganesha’s mantra
Talk at Wamuran Ashram, Queensland (Australia). 13 April 1994. [Full talk: from video...] Shri Mataji; Sit here, in front... so that everybody... Please be seated. It’s already become... The sun has gone behind, just come this way a little bit. Also there could be... no no, you are alright... see all of them could be... You could remove the table if you like. Yah, you could come this way. So, we have a very nice place for us to come to and to be in the nature, uh... as they say, ‘Far from the madding crowd’. It’s very good for meditation and for enjoying your being within. As I have already told you in New Zealand, that the whole thing is ruined because of money-orientation. Money has become so important. It has gone to the other end – so much so that it has created a very paradoxical culture. Certain things I’ve been reading and I have been really shocked. The other day I read that two children killed their parents – machine gunned them, in Pennsylvania – because the parents were very kind to them and they developed a feeling that, ‘They are nice to us because they want to kill us.’ And so they went and killed. I mean, imagine the psychology: how this psychology is built with children, why they become so perverted? When we have hopes from children now, not from the old people so much who are already not coming to Sahaja Yoga [Part 1 of audio track starts from here] …and who do not see the point. But the children, if they develop this kind of a funny psychology, it’s such a paradoxical thing to live in. All sorts of things you hear about rape, this, that, you are shocked, I mean the way the whole society is moving. And it’s accepted by everyone. They have to accept there’s no way out, as if that’s the pattern of life. They said that they did some resistance, they put some resistance, but it didn’t work out and the laws were such that these children were left out saying that they were innocent or something. And also the three ladies who were with their husbands also were left out because they gave explanation as to how their husbands were treating them just like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde style. And all that, you see, shows that there is too much violence apart from money. Then money begets violence, I think, because if you want money, you don’t get it, you’ll feel frustrated. The whole thing is logically boiled down to the point that, ‘Why shouldn’t I have it?’ and they go into violence. They think it is some sort of a injustice to them. Everywhere you find this kind of thing. Another is the power-orientation like now in South Africa. Of course, these white people have already tried their level best to begin with to teach them how to divide. That’s very common. And also the people - native people are stupid, like in our country also, that they started fighting. Muslims, you know, it’s very easy to excite them. So now they have two lands separated, or you can call it as Pakistan and another now as Bangladesh. Also we have a land called Ceylon, Burma - they were all connected with one country. All these countries have become very poor and there’s no democracy: very corrupt. I mean, compared to India, they are nowhere. What was the advantage of separating them? Nothing. But it was the British idea that they should divide. Somehow they divided people to rule and when they divided, the division went very deep into it and when they left also this division existed. It’s very difficult now to understand the – even India is very precariously – [Mother speaks aside in Hindi, then ‘Where has he gone? Ask him for a handkerchief.’] is so precariously placed that now we have people from Bangladesh who have come to our country. They’re settled down nicely. They have become voters and also they are like a fifth [UNCLEAR colony/ column]. As yesterday or day before I read that there was another explosion in India. So is going on like that. I mean, it’s a violence is there and one has to pay for it. The worst is South Africa, where My attention is now, is bad, very badly affected, very badly affected. All the people are killing each other and the, also the whites are in danger and they’re running away. I mean, they overdid it. They should have gone from there long time back, but first they divide and then they depart at a time when both or three or four communities are at dagger’s end. That’s the time they leave. We had such a bad – Pakistan was created when I was in Pakistan and I saw in My presence a person being stabbed. It’s very, very mad, mad ideas people have that they can kill now the, anybody whom they call as enemy and how the enemy comes in is the problem, how they become enemies, on what grounds they become enemies one can’t understand. So is not only religion, but also race. Races – this race is better, that race is better. All these funny ideas they had. Sahaja Yogis have to understand that whatever races you were, now you have come up higher. Now you are in the Kingdom of God and here you are Sahaja Yogis. You are no more any special race. We are Sahaja Yogis. We have really ascended higher and higher and I’ve seen when... [Shri Mataji speaks aside ‘That’s too good, that one - simple one.’] Alright, so when they go to that height, that level of achievement, they have to know, the Sahaja Yogis have to know, that we are here to cure this world. We have come here at a time when it’s really in a mess. Now if you are with your ego and this, you cannot see this. You will not be concerned, you know. You’ll have some special ideas about everything. You’ll not have a natural concern for what is happening in the world. Where are we going? Human beings, as a whole, you cannot think. If you have ego, then you think, ‘Oh, this is nothing’ and you can get over it. Nothing can touch you. Whatever is happening, whatever is so dangerous and also, whatever is your responsibility. You will never, never have the feeling, the concern, because you’re covered with ego and you have certain ideas. So, what I felt was that the Sahaja Yogis have to get rid of their egos, very important, otherwise they cannot grow. See, the sensitivity has to move towards everything, not only towards nature, towards beautiful things that are in the world, but also the ugly things that are happening, one has to be sensitive to. See now, what’s happening? What’s going to happen to our children? Are they going to take to drugs? Are they going to take to alcohol? Are they going to take to bad ways of life? Also are they going to be rude, unkind and ego, again? Are they having ego in them? Because this progeny is the one which is going to say, so attention should be that our nonsensical ideas should go away. Now this racialism has brought so much sin on this world, can see it when you go to Argentina or you go to Chile or to these places. You can’t find one aboriginal there, not one. Only if you go to Colombia and you go to Bolivia. They are there and they’re such nice people, such innocent, simple people. To think that millions were killed by these stupid white people. I mean, I can’t understand and these sins are now working on them, especially Americans, the way they are consuming their drugs, from where? Bolivia. All this ego that we’ve advanced so much, you know, what is the advancement? Taking to drugs? This is your advancement? Taking to diseases which are absolutely incurable: very low level. This is so many funny diseases that are in America that I really don’t know how to combat it and it’s coming through their ego. ‘What’s wrong? What’s wrong?’ They’ll go on saying like that. ‘What’s wrong?’ This ego business has to be somehow or other tackled. If you cannot tackle your ego, you cannot grow in Sahaja Yoga. It’s very important that you have to grow in Sahaja Yoga, but for that, this Mr. Ego must be controlled. Well, let’s see how the ego comes in. Is the reaction. It’s from your conditionings only you react. Now you are told from childhood supposing, ‘You are great and you are white and you are this.’ You see, that goes into your head. It doesn’t come to you that what these whites have done. Then can be that like in India, you see, we have caste system, which is absurd. We cannot have caste because said that in everybody resides the spirit. It has been shown by so many that Shri Rama took fruits from a lady who was an aboriginal, who was..., who had tasted all of them with her teeth. And He enjoyed them. Shri Krishna’s life was written by - I mean Vyasa was an illegitimate child of a fisherwoman. So how could they believe in caste system? It’s disappearing in a way, but it has entered into now politics. Other things are, you see, which are more shocking to Me is this: that women in the West or men in the West think they should be attractive to hundred men or hundred women. What’s the need? I mean, just think of it; you’re walking on the street, maybe people are attracted towards you for something, may be some bhoots, you see, mutual attraction maybe, most of it. But even if you are attractive, what does it matter? What’s the use? Wasting so much time, so much money, so much everything and people feeling that we are very attractive. But what’s the use? I still don’t understand. You go on the street, you are very attractive. Alright, so there are ten people looking at you, so what? So what? You’re like a show. You are like a showroom that’s going about, but, at least, showroom is better because there are things to sell. What have you got? Nothing. This concept itself shows such stupid thing... mind that they think they are advanced. I think that they are absolutely retarded. So much money is wasted, spent in the shops, this, that and what do you get? Women have no time for children and their husbands have no time for their wives, all the time wasting their energy in stupid pursuit. I still don’t understand- if you look at the nature you feel so satisfied. The best thing is to look at the flowers or the children. They’re so sweet. Why should you raise your eyes higher than three feet, I don’t understand. What you enjoy is the beauty and the beauty with innocence are the children. If you see the children, you see the beauty. You see in them the innocence shining. Instead of that, you are looking at everyone. How many are looking at you? I mean, there’s no ticket even for that. You don’t get any money out of it. What is the use? This is beyond Me. Really, I can’t understand. But, the other day I was reading in the newspaper that it’s difficult to define the best man. He should be attractive to all the women. He should be this and that. I said, ‘Is that the quality of a best man?’ And what will they make in life, you see? Are they like Mahatma Gandhi? Are they like Christ? Or are they like Buddha? Nothing. What are they going to contribute to the society? What are they going to contribute to anything whatsoever except for stupidly moving like a very handsome or a very beautiful woman. So what? And something is going to happen to all of them. I tell you, this Michael Jackson now is fallen into trap and, you know, our Dr. Wells has treated him. I don’t know what Dr. Wells must have told him about. Then this Elizabeth...this, this - all of them. They are worth nothing. They have done no contribution to the society. They have done no contribution to their family, to their children, to no one. What have they done? Given bad ideas to others, given wrong ideas to others. They have misguided the people. The media is like that. The newspapers, worst. But worse than that is television. And worse than that are these so-called celebrities, you see, stupid things as they are. They’re so stupid, these cinema actors and actresses. There’s nothing to know about their life. It’s alright like a radio; they are good at acting, that’s all. What have they got? But they bring the fashion. They bring everything and we start following them. They are your ideas. What are they going to be? In America, say for example you can say George Washington - we have so many people like that. But what have they done? This is what we have to find out the criteria and what are we going to contribute ourselves. The best way now is to see that you reduce all these false ideas about race, religion, beauty, this, that and bring it to reality. Whosoever meets you or you talk to them and who is related to you in any way, wherever you are, you have to show them that there’s nothing in this kind of an ugliness that is within us. Is real ugliness. See, Abraham Lincoln was such a great man, who created this theory of freedom and of democracy, but he was a lanky-panky man and not so good looking, his wife hated him because he was not a good looking man or something. But what he has done for the whole world. Even Gandhiji we would call him a very ugly looking man. All kinds of people would call him only ugly. There’s no beauty inside them. Then they call themselves beautiful and those who have beauty inside are called as ugly. It’s the inner beauty. This inner beauty gives you the shine, the everything, on your face also, and also your work; what you have achieved, what you have done. So we come to Sahaja Yoga to see what we have done for Sahaja Yoga, how much we have been able to help Sahaja Yoga. Only, just we think about ourselves and some of them married life is not all right, this thing, that thing. I mean this is something one has to understand. You are a person who Divine has chosen to do something extremely noble, extremely important. While what are we doing? We are again getting into this mad world which is so paradoxical, which is so stupid. So, you should see where are we. I’m not saying you all should become Sadhubabas and go and sit in the Himalayas, not that. But you should be sensible, logical and see for yourself what you’ve got. You’ve got so many powers as Sahaja Yogis. And you should never yield to all these horrible things that have existed and are still existing and they’re worse. So you can pull the whole society. You can really save this society. It’s a big responsibility. You are intelligent people. You understand things, but sometimes I feel you do not assume your powers because of your ego. Don’t assume. First thing is to be humble. If you’ll humble down then you will start seeing yourself clearly, what’s wrong with you. Once you start seeing yourself then you will know, this is not Sahaj, this is not Sahaj. Everything will change once you get to it. So, first thing is to humble down. But people will say, ‘How to humble down?’ I mean, it’s even easier than brushing your teeth, I tell you, but I don’t know how to tell them how to humble down. First of all, there should be no anger or temper. I never get angry, never. I have to make up Myself before and tell them I have to be angry, of which I have to be angry. I have to say this, say this. I try Myself and tell Myself so many words that I have to say, this, that. Forget all of them, most of them. Just can’t do it, I mean I don’t know how to shout and scream and call names and abuse. I’ve never abused anyone in My lifetime. So this is what one has to understand. Like somebody said, ‘But, call the spade. Spade is to be called a spade.’ But why are you calling? That person who is should know. Why are you calling him spade? Are you alright? So it comes by our attention outside, not inside. We don’t see ourselves. If we start seeing ourselves, we’ll humble down and humility is a very beautiful quality, is a very beautiful expression of one’s will. Of course, in modern times people might think, oh, they are weak, this, that. Let them say what they like. You enjoy your virtues. You enjoy being that. It’s not humility means you start crying, weeping - nothing like that, but it’s the greatest way of enjoying life is through humility. In this you can achieve just by introspection, that, ‘What am I proud of? What have I got? Why should I be proud? Why should I be rude? What is the need?’ Just go on asking questions to yourself and it will be very easy for you to find out the answer. So I’ve come to this beautiful place here now and I just watch how the nature has grown so beautifully. Place is given to every leaf, every tree has got its own spaced out area where it stays and it receives the blessings of the whole nature, the rain and everything. It’s so beautiful and there’s such a big rapport with the nature and the Divine. Plus we can also have it, only thing, you have to know that we are the instrument of God. When we are the instrument, we should not have our angularities. We should not have these wrong ideas. Might be your parents might have got. Might be somebody must have given the society, but no use saying, the society has given me the thing. No. You belong to the new society of Sahaja Yoga, which is worldwide. It’s so beautiful, so loving, so kind, and you should feel relaxed, absolutely relaxed because you belong to this great community which is all over the world. Only thing one has to think, how much I can do for Sahaja Yoga? What can I do? What have I done so far? Have I worked it out or not? In the same way as people think about making money, making this, making that, you have to think about making punyas - good deeds. That’s very good because that is the one that is really blissful and it works out. I must say the Paramchaitanya is really working very well. It is really making everything so smooth and nice and helping. I mean, I’m really surprised at the way it communicates. Like the other day some girl was sick in the hospital and they said she had meningitis. Today she’s out. It all works out. It works out because Paramchaitanya is now active. It is Krita Yuga or, I should say, the Satya Yuga is coming. But you are the people who have to nourish it, to give assurances that, ‘Yes, we are working out.’ Otherwise, if even there’s a big potential for everything and there’s no channelizing, it will not work. So you must meditate. Meditation is very important. Every one of you should meditate – five minutes in the morning, ten minutes, fifteen minutes a day. And then what you can do, after doing all that meditation and everything, try to keep your attention in the centre. When you see something like this, you should be able to go in thoughtless awareness. There should be no thoughts. What should we think without thinking. So joy-giving it is to be in thoughtless awareness. So try to establish that thoughtless awareness within yourself and I’m sure you’ll become very dynamic, very compassionate and you can all achieve such a great manifestation of Sahaja Yoga. I’m expecting in this way that Sahaja Yoga will spread. They were saying there should be a house. Alright. This should be done. That should be done. It’s not important. What is important is you are the house of Sahaja Yoga. You are the ones who can do it. You don’t have to have a house, as such, but what you have to have is the establishment within yourself of the idea that you are responsible. You are responsible for Sahaja Yoga. It’s not only to be... have a membership or we could have a big group of people. It’s not that. And I’m sure with this, we all can work it out. I wish I could stay for longer and little bit, we can - if you have any questions, you should ask Me, it’s better. No questions? Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, could you say something about the Right Heart? Right – Sahaja Yogi: Heart. Right Heart. Right Heart is the outcome of the liver, mostly, but also it can come from your wife, the way you treat your wife, the way you behave towards her or if your wife is very dominating woman and she’s caught up with some things, you can catch also. So Right Heart could be coming from that and, as you know, Shri Rama resides there. How much He loved His wife – went all the way to Sri Lanka to bring Her back and how He treated Her, then how He had to give Her up because of the collectivity - means the country for the public - and He gave her up. All the time She went away, He used to sleep on the ground and He lived like an ascetic. When She came back also She gave Him up. So the drama is beautiful, to show how husband and wife, though they love each other, still they only care for the collective and that’s the sacrifice for the collective, but in that both are in coordination with each other. That’s the sign of Shri Rama’s love for His wife, as a husband, as a benevolent king, as a son, as a father. She has shown a path of a ideal man, how he should behave in life. So in the same way, husband has to think about his wife. But also I have seen the, in the West it is more the women who are extremely dominating and they have funny ideas about things, I don’t know how they get it. To them, if I tell them that let the men eat first and then women can eat, that’s the greatest insult. See what is there if the men eat first? On the contrary, if you tell Indian women you eat first – ‘Ah, what?’ They love to make their husbands eat first. They love to cook for him. They love to do things. They don’t think it is being dominated by a husband, but it’s, it’s such a privilege to them, such a privilege. For example now, say, I went once to Rahuri and one lady came and said, ‘Mother, on Your way, You are coming through our village and we would like You to have breakfast.’ I said, ‘What? We are so many people. How will you give us breakfast?’ She said, ‘No, no, no, no, we are very, very much for it and we’ll get you the breakfast. Don’t worry.’ I told her in many ways that don’t try all this, but she wouldn’t listen, so to My amazement, when I reached there, they had taken out from every house all the chairs they had, all the benches they had. Every one of them joined together and they got up at two o’clock in the morning, cooking for us. See, and they had cooked so many things. They [were] so happy - not a trace of tiredness or anything, very happily serving to us. They had got those banana leaves and everything and really all flattering Me. So full – Myself, I couldn’t eat their breakfast. It was so much done with love. So that’s kind of a woman’s real personality, where she wants to show her love, she wants to express it and her style is such that it works out and with that, the deities are happy. Deities are never happy with a woman who tries to insult the husband for nothing at all or nags him or gets after him. Husband is also another sort of, she’s in charge of the husband and she’s in charge of the children. Such women also make good families, otherwise they cannot and then the society. So the Western idea of equal rights - what is equal? I’ve told you many a time, like a chariot has two wheels, right and left. The right, if it is become small, then it goes round and round. If the left becomes small, then again it goes round and round. But if they’re similar, they are not equal. They’re different. If the left side brought to the right and right side brought to the left, it won’t work out. So the women should not feel bad. On the contrary, I think to be a woman is much better because you have to please only one boss, but men have to please so many. I mean, such comfort it is to be in your own house, you see, and not to worry about so many things that men have to worry and actually they get upset when they go out. Naturally. They have to face all kinds of funny people. So the job of the wife is to soothe them down because she’s sitting at home, but she’s also very ambitious. Now, I was told that in Spain the ladies are learning to be matadors. They’ll be facing the bulls you see. With such foolish ideas, we lose our own personality because we are meant for something. It’s like the tree, it’s supposed to give shade, but it says, ‘No, I’ll have equal rights as the roots and I’ll go down and I will not come up.’ Roots has its own job and the tree has its own job. Woman has her own personality. Man has his own personality. Enjoy it. There’s no domination, nothing. Of course, men also dominate very much and think no end of themselves. That is also there, no doubt, but that should not be done. As a result of that, then women come up, you see, just like vampires and they put them right. The three ladies killed their husbands and they said that our husband was dominating us so much and they killed it, and the justice was in their favour. So this is a sign of imbalance. So if a wife is dominating and stupid, then a man can get Right Heart very much. Right Heart he gets and this Right Heart, I don’t know, I have really shouted at such women, done everything, very much. I made up a big stories, everything, to frighten them, but nothing works out. Some of them are really, really dominating. I don’t know what to say about that. That’s how you catch on your Right Heart. They have to take the name of Shri Rama, put right hand towards the photograph. What else also you can put? Ice on your liver. Also ice here will help. [check video to see where Shri Mataji is pointing to] [Shri Mataji speaks to a Sahaja Yogini] Shri Mataji: How are you Kerry? Are you alright? How are you feeling? Much better. Well put your hands towards Me, what’s the matter with your hands? That’s it. You think too much. I told men not to allow him to think. You stop thinking now. Are you alright? I am asking her. Are you better now? Sahaja Yogini: Yes, I am. Shri Mataji: If you start thinking, ‘I am sick, I am sick’, you will get sick. What is there? If you start thinking, ‘I am alright, I am alright,’ you will be alright. Now better now see. That shaking is gone from your hand. Put the hands like that. Well it’s a, it’s big problem to convince you that you are alright. Actually, also I’ve seen in the West they talk too much about health all the time. That’s not a very good thing to talk all the time. They’re all frightened. This water, this thing, that thing, that thing and over-protective. Then they come to India they get something: hepatitis, this, that. We don’t get. Why? We are not so protected, we are immune to everything. You must develop some immunity. When you come to India, you get sick. Why should you get sick there? But here, it is for Sahaja Yogis to know that you are already immune. You have got your vibrations. How can anything trouble you or torture you? Put right hand like this. See, again you start thinking. Stop thinking. Do your right side meditation. Now no more left side. Left is alright. Better now? They go on thinking and wrong [with this?]. There’s a nice story Jerome has written that one fellow went to the doctor and he said, ‘I’ve got every disease but the Housewives’ knee.’ So he said, ‘How is it you don’t have Housewives’ knee?’ He said, ‘I’m not a housewife.’ So doctor said that ‘All right. I’ll examine you’ then he gave him a, he gave him a medicine. He said, ‘Now, in this is the medicine, but you go away from here at least ten miles, go in a jungle and then you take this medicine there.’ So this fellow drove down and he opened it and opened it and opened it, paper after paper and the last paper came out and it was written that ‘You are a stupid fool. Now don’t read ‘Materia Medica.’ So this is the situation. And this is how you read about, ‘Oh, I must be having this disease, I must be having that disease,’ so you have it. If you start thinking like that, then it works. [Shri Mataji laughs] So just, again, it is the attention towards yourself, ‘I have this disease. I have that pain. I have that. I’m going to die,’ this thing. As it is, the Australians, if you ask them, they’ll say, ‘I’m going to die.’ I said, ‘Why are you going to die.’ ‘I’m going to die’ means ‘I’m going today.’ [Laughter] Nobody’s going to die, nothing is going to happen. If you understand that, then you won’t suffer so much as you do. Put your left hand like this, left hand. Ya. Don’t see any doctors. No use. Absolutely absurd for Sahaja Yogis to go to doctors and hospitals and doctors and hospitals. That means you have no faith in yourself and poor faith in Sahaja Yoga. Yogini: Shri Mataji, Shri Mataji. May I ask a question? Shri Mataji: Come here. Yogini: I was wondering if you could please tell us a bit about meditation, about how to improve our meditation and, if meditation is connected to our heart if... if I feel that my heart is closed... Shri Mataji: Of course. Yogini: … that is a problem for my meditation? Shri Mataji: Of course. See, firstly, you are a liver patient. You are very right-sided. Take treatment [from] your liver and just open your heart. Open, I mean I don’t know. Just see now, this is how you can open your heart and you put Me in your heart, one thing is good. If you can, look at the photograph, say, ‘Come in my heart Mother.’ I’m such a big person that you’ll have to open your heart – otherwise you can’t get Me in. All right, so first, open your heart, ‘Mother, please come in my heart.’ All right, you say like that. It’s better. It’s very simple way and I’m at your disposal. You see, it happens because of the past, because people have been unkind to you, maybe that you have not forgiven them. It can happen with anything and that makes you feel so closed, isn’t it? Because of the experiences you have had of other people and you cannot forgive them. If you can’t forgive them, then you become like that; your heart is closed, you can never be happy, you are very critical of others. All these things come with a closed heart. You cannot feel happy yourself. You don’t make others happy. Now how do you open your heart is just to feel for everyone, think about others. See now, when I travel I always buy presents for people here and there and everywhere. I went to Poland and there was one shop I used to always buy things from there for all the Sahaja Yogis and... So third time I went, the lady said, ‘You are a very, very noble person, I must say.’ So I said, ‘Why?’ ‘You don’t buy anything for yourself. You buy only for others all the time, never for yourself.’ I never think about Myself, but you people think for Me, I don’t think for Myself. Wherever it is, whatever it is, is all right. To Me it doesn’t matter - where I live, how I live, what I eat, what I - I don’t care. There’s no time to think well, while thinking of others, you have no time to think about yourself, isn’t it? That’s how it works out. So think about others, immediately. Now, a very small thing like that is you see, I’ll tell you, once I’d gone to a shop to buy some things for ladies and I was buying some saris. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi.] Alright. There I was buying saris and I bought these saris and put the saris on the... I bought these saris and I was quite happy about it – nice saris are there and I have to distribute, to whom should I do this and do that. I was just thinking. And I just forgot that I have to buy a sari for Myself because there’s a Puja. Just forgot about it completely – wow. And later on it came into My head, ‘My God, now there’s no sari for the Puja, now what to do?’ I was quite worried about it and because I always... it never comes to Me that, ‘I have, I need this’ or ’I need that. I need food.’ Unless until you say, ‘Will you have food?’ I will not say bring food. That doesn’t come into My head. And you’ll be amazed that when I reached the place, you see – it was a Diwali celebrated in Switzerland – I opened the thing and there was a sari which I had bought before sometimes, and absolutely new with everything; so surprised. I said, ‘How did I have this? How do I have it?’ Just couldn’t imagine, I mean I would not have put that sari there - it was kept somewhere - I was quite amazed; how did I have the sari? They were so upset, ‘No sari Mother, what to do?’ Here it is. So when you think about others, you see, this Divine Power thinks about you. But when you are thinking about yourself, you are extremely miserable, horrible person. Nobody likes you. Nobody wants to talk to you and have anything to do with you because you are so much concerned about yourself, and but when you think about others – small, small things, very small things. Another thing happened that once I went with My daughter to a shop and I had liked some sa...I’d liked one sari very much, I thought it’s good for the evening, we have Puja program, but I’m rather miserly about Myself, so I said, ‘No, better not, it’s rather expensive, why to buy it,’ so I came home and it was all right. Then after some time, you see, I think it was some occasion, so My daughter brought the same sari and she gave it to Me. And I was very much touched. You see, because I didn’t buy it because I was feeling – I’m a miserly person that way, so she bought it for Me and she gave it to Me and she said, ‘You see what is this sari?’ So, ‘Oh, my God,’ I said. How – I mean, it’s very subtle understanding of expression of love. I can afford the sari, she can also afford, but the way she went at the same day; when I came home, she went and bought the sari, kept it because she thought that it will be sold out. Because she’s liked the sari, so she got. That’s how you can suggest. Like once we had a big dinner in our house and my another daughter had given Me a sari as a present. They give sometimes. So that day I wore that sari and she was in tears. She said, ‘You have so many beautiful saris, of all the things, you wore this sari.’ ‘Because,’ I said, ‘you are coming for dinner, so I thought it’s better to wear this one.’ ‘But how do you remember, Mummy, that I gave you this sari?’ See, just a subtle – now see, this is just matter. Sari is a matter. You see, it’s just a matter, but through that matter how you can express love. I always give the simile of a glass being applied with mercury - it becomes a mirror. In the same way, if you can apply your feelings to any matter it becomes like a mirror. Anything. Especially in My case, as you know, everything I wear has vibrations, everything I do has vibrations. The other day, Brian Bell tells Me - I was walking down the escalator in the airport - that, ‘Mother, all these railings are going to be vibrated now’. I said, ‘It’s true. It’s true.’ So with that feeling of love for another person – it’s pure love, that is what we should have: pure love. Without any lust or greed, without anything [Part 2 of audio track starts from here] … just because you want to do it, then it takes up vibrations. I think it touches your heart. Small, small things like that touch your heart. There’s a way of understanding. Now, you’re not doing it just to take anything out of that person or to chart that person... But you are just doing it for love, to express your love, pure love. In the same way, in our married life, if you have pure love, then you can enjoy husband and wife’s relationship, but if it is impure, then your eyes are moving here, there looking this, that. What’s the use? You must have purity, specially love when it is pure, it’s so joy-giving. So now, you can open your heart. May God bless you. Everywhere, you see, I’ve seen people like – now, see there’s a tree is there already or some sort of a plant is there which is not being watered. Now, some people will immediately go and water it, but more than that is the nourishment of others. It’s your love which is important which, if you don’t do, then you are a miserable creature, absolutely good for nothing. You have not used your own capacity to love others, nor have others loved you. It’s like this and you are a miserable creature all over, so what’s the use of being like that? As Sahaja Yogis, you have to be extremely lovable and filled with pure love, filled. May God bless you. [Shri Mataji speaks in conversation with a Sahaja Yogi] Shri Mataji: Mark, I wanted to talk to you. How are you? Alright? Sahaja Yogi: Yeah! Very well, thank you Mother. Shri Mataji: Quite happy? Sahaja Yogi: Fine. Shri Mataji: They want you to come and work here for some time. I told him he is very dynamic, so... you finished Daglio I think, quite a lot? [unclear answer] Yeah done, but we’re going to buy more land now – they have to put up a big hangar for our meditation. Something is there planning. Let’s see, what works out. It’s a wonderful place. This is another wonderful place. Isn’t it? Beautiful place it is. Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, I’d like to ask on behalf of the collective in general. After we have a public program in Sahaja Yoga and new people come, is there anything more we can do to help them establish in Sahaja Yoga, to look after them? Shri Mataji: Yeah, yeah you see, first of all, you should not quarrel among yourselves. You should not try to correct each other. Now, supposing somebody’s telling also wrong, what’s the use, in Sahaja Yoga. Don’t say ‘Don’t. No.’ Nothing. Slowly you can wink at the most, at the person and say that this is a mistake and then you can correct, but not in their presence. Then you have to show our innate unity that we have, innate understanding. You should not try to show that, ‘This is wrong. You should not have said that, you should not have said...’ Then among ourselves, we should show respect to each other, real respect. See, some are well off in Sahaja Yoga and some are not, but those who are really well off understand this. But those who are not, they do this. Like this they try to, ‘No, no, no, no. What you doing? Sit there. Do that.’ The language itself should be very sweet and convincing. And among yourself they should see the pure love that’s flowing. Your character will influence them, nothing else. With me you see, wherever I go, thousands will come: they do. I don’t know how, but when they come to these programs, they run away. If there is any person dominating or anything, you better tell your leader and throw them out. They should not be there. There are some crazy also, a lot of crazy people. In New Zealand I think there are four, five people who are schizophrenic. Poor Hugh is having a bad time. He was saying, ‘Mother, what to do with them? What should...’ I said to him, ‘What can you do to them?’ You see, I have to really work it out and they will be definitely there, to say they are Sahaja Yogis. So you can tell another people, ‘No, they are not Sahaja Yogis, they are just people who are there’, so that they understand that these are not Sahaja Yogis. Because they are so mad and crackpots. You should say the door of Sahaja Yoga is open to everyone and everyone comes in, so there are some schizophrenic also, some madpot...caps, also some crack-headed, all kinds of people coming. They call themselves Sahaja Yogis, but they are not. From their faces, you see, they can make out, ‘Oh, this is a Sahaja Yogi.’ Then some very rustic type of people can come and who use very funny language, talk in a funny way and all. First of all, when you are having a follow-up meeting, then only people who are sensible or good Sahaja Yogis should look after them. So, the leaders should see that all these nonsensical people are not there. Everybody should not be allowed to be there. That’s much better because if you allow everyone to be there, then you’ll have bad time. So is best is not to have all kinds of people there, but people who are definitely solidly Sahaja Yogis, who are certified to be good. So, this is very important; how you behave, how you are, what sort of an organization you are. If you are a living organization, they will be very much impressed. Then, everybody should not talk. Let someone who knows how to talk, can talk. The rest of them can help them with the vibrations and all that. Mostly I’ve seen people who are very forward type. They just over-smart, you see. They’ll go and talk to this person, that person, do this, do that. It’s not proper. One should wait and see whom leader says you have to see and all that. It’s better that you show your patience, your dignity, your poise, then while talking to them also. Now, with the same kind of people, those who have no balance, will say, ‘Oh, you are a bhoot.’ I mean, a person who’s coming there, you just tell him [UNCLEAR], he’ll just go away. So, how you deal with them is also, to be really practise [at home?] and see that you talk to them properly. They should feel, after seeing you, that this person is a humble, good-natured, compassionate person. Otherwise, as soon as they’ll see your face, they will, ‘Oh, he is like any other Australian.’ So how you treat them is important. I said also offer them some tea or something. There’s no harm in offering something which is non-controversial. If you start giving them Indian food, they’ll say, ‘Oh, what they give us Indian food.’ Don’t give them any particular style. You see they come with their conditionings, some of them come with curiosity and some of them come just to harm us. So you have to be very careful - if they have a guru, if they have gone to another person- you just not tell them at that moment. But later on you can say that ‘I’ve been to the same guru. I know what it is.’ Better not. You see, gradually, but that is very important to understand, how to gradually bring them to Sahaja Yoga. I must say that in India it’s working very fast, very fast. I don’t know how to cope with it. And also in Russia, but Russian individually are very good. Even Indians are very good, but also, I think, the organizers are very good, very good organizers we have. If you’re pure, I mean Yogis, they’ll make you out in no time. They’re quite intelligent, they’ll make you out. No problem on that. And the way you show them all the things, it’s joined together, you see. That’s one thing one has to learn – how to join together, which is rather difficult in the West because they’re very individualistic. Everybody wants to say something of their own to show off. That’s not good. So, I’m sure it will work out. Why not? After all, they all come to see Me, so why not they should come to see you all. Because it’s a miracle, that so many are transformed and Realized souls. So can I take your leave now? Beautiful wind. I feel like running amok into things! So beautiful. May God bless you. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi to 1 yogi and then to yogini from earlier] Shri Mataji: Are you better now, Kerry? Much better? Now will you please forget that you have any disease. Alright? You are torturing yourself for nothing at all. You are such a healthy person. When such a horrible disease is cured, this is nothing. This is just your own. Do some Ganesha’s thing, alright? Sit on the grass and sing Ganesha’s mantra. Also have My photograph, you can sing Ganesha’s mantra
We have to know the Absolute Truth
Public Program
Public Program. Brisbane (Australia), 17 April 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth.At the very outset, I have to tell you that truth is what it is: you cannot change it, you cannot conceptualize it, you cannot know it unfortunately at this human awareness. A little bit more of our evolutionary process has to take place.You have been alreayd told about the centres thatwe have within ourselves and how we get our self realisation. Regarding this I have to say that you should not believe me, whatever I have to say, blindfolded. We have had enough of problems with blindfolded faiths. But you must keep your mind open like a scientist, because whatever I say is proved, then you have to accept as honest people, because it is for the benevolence of your being, benevolence of your family, benevolence of your city, of your country and the whole world.Today the problems you are facing, all kind of problems are due to the jeopardy of these centres. When these centres go into trouble, we have problems at human level. And the problems of the world are mostly because of human beings.If, by some means, we know about this, we become aware of it. Knowing is not, just in a lecture, but to be aware of it. And if you know how to correct it, then you are all right physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually you are all right.So the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, intellect or your ego, your conditionings, but you are the pure spirit. This is the first truth about you.Secondly we see here beautiful flowers all over and we take them for granted, we never even think that it is a miracle, the way these flowers are produced of different varieties by the Mother Earth; is very surprising, we never think about it..Another thing is that we never ask the question who runs our heart and, if you ask doctors, they will say is the autonomous nervous system that does it. But who is this auto, we never ask this question. It is very surprising that we never ask questions about living processes, how it works out, how the living process works out.And that is the essence of human life, life at large anywhere.This happening has been described to you of this power within you; is very easy, sahaja. Saha means "born2, ja means "with"; I mean saha means "with", ja means "born", sahaj means "born with you" the right to be one with this all pervading power which does all teh living work.So there is a subtle power whoch is extremely dynamic, which is described in every scripture, is described as the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. It is described also the all pervading power of divine love, it is described as Rhu, it is described as Paramchaitanya. Patanlaji had described it as Ritambhara PrAgnya.All the scripture have described this power which is subtle, which we have never felt before.So the second important truth is that there is a all pervading power of divine love, which we have no felt to far, to which we have to be united and this is what is Sahaja Yoga: is born with you is the right to be one with this "yoga", the union with this divine power. Which does all widely work. It is the ocean of knowledge. Actually we know very little, as you know that our brain is limited. Is the ocean of compassion, ocean of blessings. But above all is the ocean of forgiveness.So we torture ourselves sometimes feeling guilty, also sometimes by feeling the anger and not forgiving people. Wetorture ourselves. But as this is the ocean of forgiveness, we have to know whatever we might do can be forgiven, by this ocean can be dissolved.I have to tell you that this is your own power, this is your own, innate, within you. It is there your own power and it is in this triangular bone which is called as sacrum. And surprisingly Greeks knew it was a sacred bone, they called it sacrum.So this sacred bone contains in every human being this wonderful power, which is a reflection of a primordial power, that we call as the Primordial Mother.As we turn to our science, what we find it cannot answer many questions. For example, science cannot say why we are here on this Earth, what is the purpose of our life and we are seeking our identity. The other day they told me that people tried to commit suicide to have in newspaper. All kinds of things are done for identity. They were all kinds of dresses, they were all kinds of funny [..], going about for identity. What is our identity is that we are the spirit and that is within us, every human being has that power. And once we achieve that state of spirit you understand things which you could never understand otherwise.The first and foremost you understand that you become part and parcel of the divine power, that you have blessed by it, that starts running through you, you can feel it and you are empowered to do things which you could never do.For example when it starts flowing in your fingertips, you can feel the different centres within you for self-knowledge and also the centres of others. So you develop a new dimension that we call as collective consciousness. That your awareness is very mundane and superficial, suddenly becomes collective and you start feeling on your fingertips the centres of others, thus you know what wrong these others is. Then you do not talk about the dress or the face, but you say that this kundalini, this gentleman has these centres which are out of gear and they are to be put right. And once you understand that, how to correct them then you can also correct others' centres.It is such a blessing for us that a human being who does not think much of himself, that is why he tries to find identity.I always give an example, supposing you take a television set in a very remote corner of India where they have never see something like that; and tell them that this box can show you some films from abroad, they will say "This box?"in the same way, we also think about ourselves, ourselves we think we are just ordinary boxes. We are not. We are very glorious, very powerful and we are the ones who can change all that is dangerous, destructive.But for that, you have to develop correct vision and a proper understanding of what you are.So when you become the spirit, the first thing that happens to you as I told you, that you become collectively consious.The second thing that happens to you that your thoughts, which are all the time coming from the past and the future. if I tell you go to your present, you cannot. You cannot enter into your present. So these thoughts which are coming from the past and the future are all the time disturbing you and you are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts. But when this Kundalini rises, she elongates those thoughts. in between is the area which we call as the pause, vilamba, where your attention goes and you become silent. No thoughts, but you are fully aware.So achieve a state that we call as thoughtless awareness, about which Jung has talked. Thoughtless awareness, where you are without any thought, in the present, that is reality. Present is the reality, not the future, not the past.So you stand in that area, which is peace for us. So in that area which is peace within ourselves, when you arrive, you become absolutely peaceful. All this stress, strain of life finishes all and you become absolutely peaceful and this peace comes to you so beautifully, you drop so many years of your age. You become dynamic, you become compassionate, you work very hard, you travel, but it does not show, it does not work on you, it is just outside that you witness, see it as a witness. Like a drama, as you see, the witnessing of a drama of this world, nature, all kinds of things that you see is a drama.Thus you become extremely peaceful. I know of people who have got rewards of peace, foundation of peace, all kinds of things, but they are horribly hot tempered, horribly. If you talk to them, you have to approach them with a [..] pole. Otherwise is very dangerous, extremely hot tempered people, you cannot talk to them. I do not know how they have become people who are supposed to have become symbol of peace, but those who do not have any peace within, cannot emit peace outside.So this area, which I call as a area of peace, exists within you. Once it is estabilished, you will be amazed how many things can happen to you. Firstly what happens to you, you can sleep very well, you are always fresh and also your memory improves. That is the greatest thing that happens that your memory improves. Then your relationship with others also improves, your relationship woth others also improves because you are so peaceful. Another person who comes to you sees your peace and enjoys it.Now it is very important to understand that we have that peace within ourselves and this state of nirvichar samadhi as they call that was very difficult once upon a time to achieve, people had to go to Hymalayas, stand on their heads, take up a guru and one person could get realisation. A guru will give only to one, I mean a real guru, because we hava lots of false people all arond these days martketing everything.It cannot be marketed, one must understand. It is spiritual awakening which is spontaneous, it is a living process and you cannot pay for it. How much you pay the Mother Earth to create these flowers? So we cannot pay for it. Of course you can pay for the hall, that is different, but you cannot pay for your self realisation and for achievement in your spirituality. People have forgotten that they are spirit., they do not believe that they are spirit, they just think that they are this body and that this body has to vanish one day. That is not true. This body is guarded, is looked after, is nourished, witnessed by your spirit.So once you get this realisation, you get your attention enlightened. Now Christ has said "Thou shall not have adulterous eyes", i mean is a very subtle thing to say. In the Christian nations, how many people you can find who have such eyes? Very seldom. And really with this happening people develop those subtle innocent eyes which are very powerful: even aglance of such an eye can bring such peace [..]. Also it can cure people, it can help them. So what Christ has said, can be today brought in that our eyes can become innoncent. Such a troublesome thing eyes which are rolling all the time here and there, it really kills your attention, kills your attention.By the time you are 50 years you are a gaga-person and if not at 60 you will be; because attention is going all the time from here to there to there to there, of no a way, it is just a mad race.Now all our paradoxical culture that we see around, which is really tremendous, because I do not know how we can tolerate all this - everyday you read on the newpaper the husband kills the wife, wife kills the husband, children kill the parents, the parents kill the children... I mean, what is going on? It does not even happen among animals. Why should we become so violent? Why should we be so unnatural, devilish? Some of the things are really devilish. And persons who are good, who are righteous are shocked, by the things that are happening around; they cannot understand how these things are taking place and all the time they suffer from a sense of insicurity. All these things happen because of these chakras being out of gear. We will be amazed that they have gone so far, that - I do not know if you allow these things go on, there will be a complete, complete distruction.It is said that, it is said that in 10 years 65% Americans will become schizofrenic, can you imagine?This all comes from where? They said it comes from modern life, modern times, but who has brought the modern times? We have brought the modern times. It is our creation. We can say the media has done it... we can blame anyone we like, but the effect is that and a very dangerous effect of violence, of hatred, all kinds of horrible things are happening in this world.Now what we have to see in this paradoxical culture is what is missing, is we do not have the idea of truth, they do not know - we have to know the absolute truth. If we all know the same truth, there will be no quarrel, no fighting, no arguement, no violence, nothing. But we do not know the absolute truth. Somebody says this is right, another says this is right, another says what is wrong? What is wrong if I kil my mother? What is wrong? How can he say what is wrong?All sorts of absurd things really are justified by this brain, human brain at any level. So one has to think about it, why it happens.Now when we look at anything, I am sitting before you if you can see I am sitting before you, there is no question, there is no arguement, there is no discussion about it. In the same way, if you can know the absolute truth, all of you the same thing there will not any problem either.Now how will you know is on your fingertips, you see English language is very good for that, to say on your fingertips. There are five, six and seven sympathetic centres, five, six and seven sympathetic system. Right hand is for our physical and for our mental; I mean mental is a very [distant] word in English language. I should say for our intellect and whatever work we do through thinking and brain. And the left side is for emotions.So we have wo sympathetic nervous systems in our body, which are shown here clearly and they are related to our right side and to our left side. This action through this sympathetic nervous system takes place only during emergency and we live with emergency, all the time in modern time we live with emergency, thus we develop all kind of diseases.If we could some or other pacify our nerves and if we really could be in the centre, where we are neither in the future or in the past, we can really enjoy every moment of our life.So the second thing that happens to you is that you know the absolute truth on your fingertips, means you know what centres you are catching. Somebody comes and tells me "Mother, my Agnya is catching", is this one on the optic chiasma. now if you want to know what that means, that means "Mother I am suffering from ego" But nobody would say that. Unless and until you can see your ego, you will never say "I am suffering from ego", a man who has ego... I mean, Hitler would say that? "I am suffering from ego" He would not.So you have to see yourself very clearly and once you start seeing yourself very clearly you understand what is wrong with you and that state comes to you very easily and has an absolute truth. You make one person sit before ten children who are realised souls and tie their eyes and ask what is wrong with this person, they all will raise the same fingers, same fingers, that means they are all telling the same thing, the same truth, the absolute truth.Sitting down here you can find out anyone you want to know, you want to find about anybody who is dead, you can know on your fingertips what is wrong with him. You know about yourself and you know about them. And if you know how to correct it, you have corrected youself and you have corrected them. It looks fantastic, it appears something out of the blue and for people is something they cannot understand, but you are that, you are that. As I told you that we always think we are just a box, it is not so. You have all these qualities within you, but too much of ego, too much of conditioning and also too much of mundane superficial life that really makes it very much low and you just see the superficial things. That is not so.God almighty has created us to be very happy, very joyous people, to enter into His kingdom, not to make us miserable, not to make us unhappy, and to divide us into different levels of mental projection, no. It is actually in reality, we are all part and parcel of one divine love.But that is only possible when you become the spirit, otherwise it is just a sermon or a lecture, by that you are not even connected to the all pervading power and you cannot find out what is wrong with you, what is wrong with others and what is wrong with the whole world. For that knowledge to be innate within you, whatever knowledge we have is only bookish knowledge and we really get involved into the web of words, words words words words. They go on reading books after books and you do not know what to do with them, they cannot see between the lines what is written; and they do not want to know, because they are quite satisfied with what they are reading, according to them is the best [..]. But are you peaceful? Are you all right? Are you above illnesses? Are you full of compassion? Are you relaxed? No. There is somthing missing, why should not we have that? And that is because we have to seek and we seek the truth.But once we seek the truth, we find it, it is necessary first to find the truth and then to talk about it. Before that it is just a mental projection and has no meaning, just a mental feed going on. I have seen people sitting down, round the table, thousands of them had such kinds of experiences and discussing this and that and finding nothing. So something has to happen within us and the happening is the awakening of this Kundalini, this force. She has to ascend to these six centers and pierce through fontanel bone area and to be connected to this subtle force; as this instrument [the microphone] has to be connected to the mains otherwise it has no meaning, in the same way we have no meaning unless and until we are connected to that force.And this is what we have to do, it is something so simple. It has to be, because it is so vital. Supposing for our breathing we had to go to libraries to read about breathing, what would have happened to us? Today is so vital that we should have this happening within us and that we should know ourselves, by which we should know the whole world.By knowledge I do not mean the knowledge through books, but I am meaning the knowledge on our central nervous system. For that, in Sanskrit there are two words. One is Buddha, boddh, from where the buddha has come; bodh is to know everything on your central nervous system. And the second word is vydh from which Veda has come, and the first words of Veda is that “by reading this book, if you do not get your self realization, it is useless to read Vedas”. All essence of Vedas is put there.So what we have to do is now, just to know that we have this power, it is within us and is all going to work out. A part from that, what happens you enter into a mere miraculous world of blessings, such blessings that you cannot explain. People write to me, “Mother this happened, that happened such a miracle how I got rid of this problem or that problem”. So I told somebody, “Why don’t you try to record them?”In within one month, he said they have come up to my head now, I do not know which one, do you want to please, Mother, read it and tell me what to do. I said, “Baba, I have no time, travelling travelling, I have no time, will you please give up the idea of writing those miracles?”So that is what happen and you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is not happiness and unhappiness. You see when we have ego, it is pampered, we feel very happy; when it feels punched we feel unhappy. But this is joy, that you are eternally in a state of enjoyment and everybody can find out. Then you realize what is wrong and what is right, you develop a divine discretion and you just drop out whatever is destructive.You will be amazed we are fighting drugs at this level, that level. Nothing to be done, you just get you realization. In England will be surprised, so many of them, just after realization, over the night they forgot about drugs, forgot completely, give it up. Alcoholism, this that, all these things they dropped without even thinking about that. I did not tell them, I never tell “don’t, don’t”, I never tell them Ten Commandments, because if you tell in these modern times nobody will seat here.But once they see for themselves what is wrong, they just stop it. In the seeing is the being, you become. I give an example of the snake in the hand, when is darkness, you cannot see it; the person [..] will say “Oh, it is not a snake , is just a rope I am holding on to”. Till the snake bites, it will go on like that.But if there is a little light, then you see the snake and you just drop it out by yourself, nobody has to tell you. You become your own guide, your own master and drop it. You do not need anybody to tell you, you just drop it yourself.thus your life is on the proper lines and you move on the proper lines. We have to be sensitive about it, this is the main point I find, because of this paradoxical culture again I say people are very insensitive. We think people are very advanced, but they do not know. All this advancement, all this pomp and show of cultures has no roots , is a [rotting]. We have the knowledge of science, this that, but we have not got the knowledge of the roots and this is the knowledge of the roots that we have to have if we have to save ourselves.As you know very well that Sahaja Yoga is working in 62 nations, especially in Russia and Eastern blocs. Of course in India it is because they know about it, but Russia and Eastern bloc people I was surprised, because they are no so materialistic. They are not so much worried about material things, they are, 70% of them are very spiritual, it is very surprising. They are very introspective and they threw away all the false gurus who prospered everywhere in the west; they gave them away, they threw them out. No one of them could be successful. I was surprised how they were sensitive to Sahaja Yoga, which I know is the real thing.And all this falsehood has taken people away. Like this time I went to America, they were complaining about one Mr. Pradip, something [..] that he had taken so much money from them, the children had gone out of the houses, we now do not know what to do. First, when I went there, they were telling me about TM, this and that, all these gurus, Rajanish this that; but I said, “why did you go to him?” I cannot understand. “Because, you see, he was claiming this…”I said “Whatever one may claim, first of all you must see the disciples, how they are, how they are behaving, what sort of a life they live. Are they righteous people? Or they are the gangsters, and you think the guru is great because they have become gangsters?”So many people have lost their houses, have lost their children, I mean horrible things have happened with false gurus and I am sorry to say this has come from my country, India.Not all, but so many of them are still going on everywhere. And the other day I met some of the “born again”, horrible looking people, shouting, screaming, I do not know, and all wrinkled. So I said (young people) “So are you born again?”, they said yes, I said I do not think, you are not. See your faces look like hoax, how can you be born again? Your faces show that you are not born again, is just a label you have got as you have got a label that I am a Christian, I am a Hindu, I am a Muslim. This is the worst, because you have taken a certificate saying as you are born again, but if you are born again then you have powers. You behave like hooligans here, how can you call yourself born again with such hoax like faces that you have? There not peace, there is nothing, nothing of Christ in you, you are not connected to Christ, you are not connected to God, you have to be connected to Him, otherwise you will not know what you are doing.Everybody thinks if they go to church – I was also born in a Christian family and I was surprised how they believe that they are Christians. You have to be connected and He has said it, he has said it many a times that you are to be born again. So you get this kind of “born again” all around the places doing nothing and just making lots of money – I do not know what they are doing. It has to be genuine. If it is genuine, it should show results, it should show results in the disciples , how they are, how they behave. Are they humble people? Are the righteous people? Are they people with character? Do they respect their chastity, which Christ has very clearly said? But that is not so. We have seen all smugglers in India are disciples of all these gurus, How can you be smugglers if you belong to some spiritual movement. Spirit makes you clean, washes all your sins, it washes off all your – I should say – the evil ideas that you have and you become a beautiful person, because you are beautiful. It is like the sun covered with the clouds: once the clouds are removed then you are shining like a sun. And this should happen tonight and I hope it will happen to all of you. Today is my last day in Australia, I am going away. Every year I come here. We have very good, strong sahaja yogis, even in Brisbane we have, very good people. They are not showing, they are not wearing funny dresses, nothing of the kind, they are just like normal people. And they are intelligent, they can talk to you about Sahaja Yoga, they tell you about it, without any ego, without any aggression. If you want you can have it, so your freedom is respected. If you want to go to hell, all right; if you want to go to heaven, all right.It is your want, it is your desire, because this power is the power of pure desire. If you have the oure desire to ascend, then only it will work; all other desires are not pure. You want to have, say for example you want to have a house, you will have a house; you want to have a car, then an airplane, I do not know what else. But nothing satisfies, because all these desires are not pure. Whether you are aware or not, you are having the desire to be one with this all-pervading power which is the pure desire and I am sure it will work out tonight with the people, as I see you here so anxious to get your self-realization. I know you all are very anxious as well as there are some who have questions and they would like to ask questions.Now, what I would like to tell you that I have been doing this for the last 25 years. You know my age is now 71, might be 26 years, I should say. And what I find that I know all kind of answers to all kind of stupid questions. I have mastered it now. But what just a mental things, why wasting energy on that, you see? You should better get realization first, and after ask me questions, I do not mind. First thing is to get to the light, to know yourself, this is the thing for which you are here. You are not here for some sort of a party or something, but to get to know yourself, which is so important from every angle.I would like to tell you, there are four doctors in Delhi who have got their MD with Sahaja Yoga. Different diseases they took one each and they have shown that Sahaja Yoga cures people. It does, it has cured so many people, it has helped many people who have been going astray, who have been doing wrong things in their life, it has brought them to right path. And if you want to save your life, you have to think about it seriously what have you been doing so far, see if has not helped you, has not answered anything.So, those who want Sahaja Yoga, those who want to become self-realized are requested to stay in the hall, but those who do not want I cannot force. So if you do not want, it will not work and it is just a waste of time and energy. So I would request you to leave the hall so that others do not get disturbed by you. If you want to have your self-realization then you are welcome, very much welcome to stay here.It will hardly take ten minutes and you are all capable of getting it. But of course you cannot give realization to a mad man or to an idiot, you know? There are many mad people nowadays going around. But of course for anybody who is a normal person, you can get it.There are three conditions. The first condition is that you do not to have feel guilty about anything, at this moment. It is a fashion to feel guilty, is really a fashion. What so feeling guilty, people feel guilty because they spill their coffee or something like that. Just torturing yourself for nothing at all. So you have to respect. I would say, you have to be pleasantly placed towards yourself. As in Sanskrit we call prasanna chit.Know that you are a human being, you are at epitome of evolution and why should we all the time, because we have freedom to do whatever we like to ourselves, go and feeling guilty for this and feeling guilty for that? It is a myth.Second myth we carry is, if I say that you have to forgive everyone they say it is very difficult. Now logically, just think about it, whether you forgive or do not forgive, you do not do anything. What do you do? Nothing! But if you do not forgive, then mentally you play into wrong hands, you torture yourself.In the first case, when you feel guilty this center goes out of order, this one here on the left and you develop diseases like angina, spondylitis, lethargic [..]. With the second one, when you do not forgive, this center on the optic chiasm, in the brain is like this [Shri Mataji crosses her fingers], absolutely like this, absolutely constricted, but when you forgive it opens out. Because it is another myth with which you are torturing yourself; as it is you are tortured yourself, for others who have troubled you are very happy people, but you are troubling yourself by not forgiving. And by not forgiving you will not allow this center to open and Kundalini will not pass through, so you will miss such a great chance of becoming the Self.So just do not think it is difficult, it is the easiest thing at the moment to say that I forgive everyone, now do not think about them, because even to think about them it is headache. So best, in general, to say I forgive everyone, you will feel much lighter, I tell you.Now the third one is even easier, because I assure you I verily say that you all should have self-confidence, full self confidence that you will get your realization tonight, today now. Please have that self-confidence, it is very important. Now do not think that I have committed that sin, that thing, all these ideas have come to you from human beings, not from divine, why believe them?I have committed this sin, that sin and those and I am such a great sinner and go and confess the sins. All nonsense. You are a human being, respected by the divine and you have to enter the Kingdom of God; so please understand, do not try to condemn yourself, but be full confident. These three conditions are there which are very (I think), are simple, logical and very much needed for your realization and if you value yourself then please do that. You have no business to de-value yourself. Let the divine decide, let the Kundalini decide, why are you bothered? If this is the last judgment, let the Kundalini decide.I think this is the blossom time, where I have seen thousands and thousands blossoming and then becoming the fruit, I have seen. So that is how what I have to assure you to all get your self-realization, only have your self-confidence.Last of all we have to know that it is not an individual thing. Now you will feel very much better after realization, I know, you will feel very happy, on top of the world, but this connection has to be fixed, for that I would request you that you should come to our collective. Now it is not like lecture, introductive lecture, free and then you charge money… it is not like that: you will not be charged any money. For all this knowledge you will not be charged. Please come to the collective and then grow into it and then master the whole art within one month time, maximum. You can become your own master, you can master the art of Sahaja Yoga by which you can give realization to others and achieve that last state which we call as Nirvikalpa Samadhi, where there is no doubts about your Self; and you know all these powers and you know how to raise them and you know how to give realizations to others, like when one enlightened light (when enlightened) can enlighten other lights. In the same way you can go on giving realization to others and enjoy this great gift you have got. It is all there, just to get it, but you have to come to the collective in a humble way, because we do not have big palaces for meditation, no we have simple places; and then you will be surprised how to be in meditation, not to do meditation. But we have to be in meditation, where you are silent, you are in the present.In this small lecture, whatever possible I have tried to tell you, but is full of knowledge, I think there must be four thousand tapes of my lectures in English language, a part from other languages. So you all can make avail of it and enjoy it. It is all available to you. Look at these children, you know to an Englishman to teach one word of Hindi was headache, they could not tell them, they could not pronounce them properly. But look at them, they are singing Sanskrit songs, Marathi songs, Hindi songs, with all the tunes and everything and everything, rhythm, you will not believe that if the Indians hear they would be surprised, in India happened and they were so shocked.So many artists said, “Mother we must touch their feet”, I said why? “In such a short time they have learned”. It is the power of Spirit. You become so dynamic, so creative, so wonderful, there are so many things that happen.I would say it is a temptation of the mother, like in England no sahaja yogi is unemployed, [there are millions that are unemployed], not one. Everybody has gained because your attention becomes all right, you become so dynamic. You see with this attention which is so enlightened you can decide, you know everything and you can manage things. So every way you are helped, every way.So now, again, I was saying that sometimes it is, people do not like when I tell them that they have to take out their shoes, it is not too much to take out the shoes please, because this Mother Earth helps us a lot, if you do not mind.I have to make a request that for about ten minutes, until we have this procedure. I am going to tell you how to make your chakras activated [..]. During that time, please, nobody should leave the hall disturbing others. If you want to leave, you should leave now.Before that it is just a mental projection and has no meaning, just a mental feed going on. I have seen people sitting down, round the table, thousands of them had such kinds of experiences and discussing this and that and finding nothing. So something has to happen within us and the happening is the awakening of this Kundalini, this force. She has to ascend to these six centers and pierce through fontanel bone area and to be connected to this subtle force; as this instrument [the microphone] has to be connected to the mains otherwise it has no meaning, in the same way we have no meaning unless and until we are connected to that force.And this is what we have to do, it is something so simple. It has to be, because it is so vital. Supposing for our breathing we had to go to libraries to read about breathing, what would have happened to us? Today is so vital that we should have this happening within us and that we should know ourselves, by which we should know the whole world. By knowledge I do not mean the knowledge through books, but I am meaning the knowledge on our central nervous system. For that, in Sanskrit there are two words. One is Buddha, boddh, from where the buddha has come; boddh is to know everything on your central nervous system. And the second word is vydh from which Veda has come, and the first words of Veda is that “by reading this book, if you do not get your self realization, it is useless to read Vedas”. All essence of Vedas is put there.So what we have to do is now, just to know that we have this power, it is within us and is all going to work out. A part from that, what happens you enter into a mere miraculous world of blessings, such blessings that you cannot explain. People write to me, “Mother this happened, that happened such a miracle how I got rid of this problem or that problem”. So I told somebody, “Why don’t you try to record them?”In within one month, he said they have come up to my head now, I do not know which one, do you want to please, Mother, read it and tell me what to do. I said, “Baba, I have no time, travelling travelling, I have no time, will you please give up the idea of writing those miracles?”So that is what happen and you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is not happiness and unhappiness. You see when we have ego, it is pampered, we feel very happy; when it feels punched we feel unhappy. But this is joy, that you are eternally in a state of enjoyment and everybody can find out. Then you realize what is wrong and what is right, you develop a divine discretion and you just drop out whatever is destructive.You will be amazed we are fighting drugs at this level, that level. Nothing to be done, you just get you realization. In England will be surprised, so many of them, just after realization, over the night they forgot about drugs, forgot completely, give it up. Alcoholism, this that, all these things they dropped without even thinking about that. I did not tell them, I never tell “don’t, don’t”, I never tell them Ten Commandments, because if you tell in these modern times nobody will seat here.But once they see for themselves what is wrong, they just stop it. In the seeing is the being, you become. I give an example of the snake in the hand, when is darkness, you cannot see it; the person [..] will say “Oh, it is not a snake , is just a rope I am holding on to”. Till the snake bites, it will go on like that.But if there is a little light, then you see the snake and you just drop it out by yourself, nobody has to tell you. You become your own guide, your own master and drop it. You do not need anybody to tell you, you just drop it yourself.thus your life is on the proper lines and you move on the proper lines. We have to be sensitive about it, this is the main point I find, because of this paradoxical culture again I say people are very insensitive. We think people are very advanced, but they do not know. All this advancement, all this pomp and show of cultures has no roots , is a [rotting]. We have the knowledge of science, this that, but we have not got the knowledge of the roots and this is the knowledge of the roots that we have to have if we have to save ourselves.As you know very well that Sahaja Yoga is working in 62 nations, especially in Russia and Eastern blocs. Of course in India it is because they know about it, but Russia and Eastern bloc people I was surprised, because they are no so materialistic. They are not so much worried about material things, they are, 70% of them are very spiritual, it is very surprising. They are very introspective and they threw away all the false gurus who prospered everywhere in the west; they gave them away, they threw them out. No one of them could be successful. I was surprised how they were sensitive to Sahaja Yoga, which I know is the real thing.And all this falsehood has taken people away. Like this time I went to America, they were complaining about one Mr. Pradip, something [..] that he had taken so much money from them, the children had gone out of the houses, we now do not know what to do. First, when I went there, they were telling me about TM, this and that, all these gurus, Rajanish this that; but I said, “why did you go to him?” I cannot understand. “Because, you see, he was claiming this…”I said “Whatever one may claim, first of all you must see the disciples, how they are, how they are behaving, what sort of a life they live. Are they righteous people? Or they are the gangsters, and you think the guru is great because they have become gangsters?”So many people have lost their houses, have lost their children, I mean horrible things have happened with false gurus and I am sorry to say this has come from my country, India.Not all, but so many of them are still going on everywhere. And the other day I met some of the “born again”, horrible looking people, shouting, screaming, I do not know, and all wrinkled. So I said (young people) “So are you born again?”, they said yes, I said I do not think, you are not. See your faces look like hoax, how can you be born again? Your faces show that you are not born again, is just a label you have got as you have got a label that I am a Christian, I am a Hindu, I am a Muslim. This is the worst, because you have taken a certificate saying as you are born again, but if you are born again then you have powers. You behave like hooligans here, how can you call yourself born again with such hoax like faces that you have? There not peace, there is nothing, nothing of Christ in you, you are not connected to Christ, you are not connected to God, you have to be connected to Him, otherwise you will not know what you are doing.Everybody thinks if they go to church – I was also born in a Christian family and I was surprised how they believe that they are Christians. You have to be connected and He has said it, he has said it many a times that you are to be born again. So you get this kind of “born again” all around the places doing nothing and just making lots of money – I do not know what they are doing. It has to be genuine. If it is genuine, it should show results, it should show results in the disciples , how they are, how they behave. Are they humble people? Are the righteous people? Are they people with character? Do they respect their chastity, which Christ has very clearly said? But that is not so. We have seen all smugglers in India are disciples of all these gurus, How can you be smugglers if you belong to some spiritual movement. Spirit makes you clean, washes all your sins, it washes off all your – I should say – the evil ideas that you have and you become a beautiful person, because you are beautiful. It is like the sun covered with the clouds: once the clouds are removed then you are shining like a sun. And this should happen tonight and I hope it will happen to all of you. Today is my last day in Australia, I am going away. Every year I come here. We have very good, strong sahaja yogis, even in Brisbane we have, very good people. They are not showing, they are not wearing funny dresses, nothing of the kind, they are just like normal people. And they are intelligent, they can talk to you about Sahaja Yoga, they tell you about it, without any ego, without any aggression. If you want you can have it, so your freedom is respected. If you want to go to hell, all right; if you want to go to heaven, all right.It is your want, it is your desire, because this power is the power of pure desire. If you have the oure desire to ascend, then only it will work; all other desires are not pure. You want to have, say for example you want to have a house, you will have a house; you want to have a car, then an airplane, I do not know what else. But nothing satisfies, because all these desires are not pure. Whether you are aware or not, you are having the desire to be one with this all-pervading power which is the pure desire and I am sure it will work out tonight with the people, as I see you here so anxious to get your self-realization. I know you all are very anxious as well as there are some who have questions and they would like to ask questions.Now, what I would like to tell you that I have been doing this for the last 25 years. You know my age is now 71, might be 26 years, I should say. And what I find that I know all kind of answers to all kind of stupid questions. I have mastered it now. But what just a mental things, why wasting energy on that, you see? You should better get realization first, and after ask me questions, I do not mind. First thing is to get to the light, to know yourself, this is the thing for which you are here. You are not here for some sort of a party or something, but to get to know yourself, which is so important from every angle.I would like to tell you, there are four doctors in Delhi who have got their MD with Sahaja Yoga. Different diseases they took one each and they have shown that Sahaja Yoga cures people. It does, it has cured so many people, it has helped many people who have been going astray, who have been doing wrong things in their life, it has brought them to right path. And if you want to save your life, you have to think about it seriously what have you been doing so far, see if has not helped you, has not answered anything.So, those who want Sahaja Yoga, those who want to become self-realized are requested to stay in the hall, but those who do not want I cannot force. So if you do not want, it will not work and it is just a waste of time and energy. So I would request you to leave the hall so that others do not get disturbed by you. If you want to have your self-realization then you are welcome, very much welcome to stay here.It will hardly take ten minutes and you are all capable of getting it. But of course you cannot give realization to a mad man or to an idiot, you know? There are many mad people nowadays going around. But of course for anybody who is a normal person, you can get it.There are three conditions. The first condition is that you do not to have feel guilty about anything, at this moment. It is a fashion to feel guilty, is really a fashion. What so feeling guilty, people feel guilty because they spill their coffee or something like that. Just torturing yourself for nothing at all. So you have to respect. I would say, you have to be pleasantly placed towards yourself. As in Sanskrit we call prasanna chit.Know that you are a human being, you are at epitome of evolution and why should we all the time, because we have freedom to do whatever we like to ourselves, go and feeling guilty for this and feeling guilty for that? It is a myth.Second myth we carry is, if I say that you have to forgive everyone they say it is very difficult. Now logically, just think about it, whether you forgive or do not forgive, you do not do anything. What do you do? Nothing! But if you do not forgive, then mentally you play into wrong hands, you torture yourself.In the first case, when you feel guilty this center goes out of order, this one here on the left and you develop diseases like angina, spondylitis, lethargic [..]. With the second one, when you do not forgive, this center on the optic chiasm, in the brain is like this [Shri Mataji crosses her fingers], absolutely like this, absolutely constricted, but when you forgive it opens out. Because it is another myth with which you are torturing yourself; as it is you are tortured yourself, for others who have troubled you are very happy people, but you are troubling yourself by not forgiving. And by not forgiving you will not allow this center to open and Kundalini will not pass through, so you will miss such a great chance of becoming the Self.So just do not think it is difficult, it is the easiest thing at the moment to say that I forgive everyone, now do not think about them, because even to think about them it is headache. So best, in general, to say I forgive everyone, you will feel much lighter, I tell you.Now the third one is even easier, because I assure you I verily say that you all should have self-confidence, full self confidence that you will get your realization tonight, today now. Please have that self-confidence, it is very important. Now do not think that I have committed that sin, that thing, all these ideas have come to you from human beings, not from divine, why believe them?I have committed this sin, that sin and those and I am such a great sinner and go and confess the sins. All nonsense. You are a human being, respected by the divine and you have to enter the Kingdom of God; so please understand, do not try to condemn yourself, but be full confident. These three conditions are there which are very (I think), are simple, logical and very much needed for your realization and if you value yourself then please do that. You have no business to de-value yourself. Let the divine decide, let the Kundalini decide, why are you bothered? If this is the last judgment, let the Kundalini decide.I think this is the blossom time, where I have seen thousands and thousands blossoming and then becoming the fruit, I have seen. So that is how what I have to assure you to all get your self-realization, only have your self-confidence.Last of all we have to know that it is not an individual thing. Now you will feel very much better after realization, I know, you will feel very happy, on top of the world, but this connection has to be fixed, for that I would request you that you should come to our collective. Now it is not like lecture, introductive lecture, free and then you charge money… it is not like that: you will not be charged any money. For all this knowledge you will not be charged. Please come to the collective and then grow into it and then master the whole art within one month time, maximum. You can become your own master, you can master the art of Sahaja Yoga by which you can give realization to others and achieve that last state which we call as Nirvikalpa Samadhi, where there is no doubts about your Self; and you know all these powers and you know how to raise them and you know how to give realizations to others, like when one enlightened light (when enlightened) can enlighten other lights. In the same way you can go on giving realization to others and enjoy this great gift you have got. It is all there, just to get it, but you have to come to the collective in a humble way, because we do not have big palaces for meditation, no we have simple places; and then you will be surprised how to be in meditation, not to do meditation. But we have to be in meditation, where you are silent, you are in the present.In this small lecture, whatever possible I have tried to tell you, but is full of knowledge, I think there must be four thousand tapes of my lectures in English language, a part from other languages. So you all can make avail of it and enjoy it. It is all available to you. Look at these children, you know to an Englishman to teach one word of Hindi was headache, they could not tell them, they could not pronounce them properly. But look at them, they are singing Sanskrit songs, Marathi songs, Hindi songs, with all the tunes and everything and everything, rhythm, you will not believe that if the Indians hear they would be surprised, in India happened and they were so shocked.So many artists said, “Mother we must touch their feet”, I said why? “In such a short time they have learned”. It is the power of Spirit. You become so dynamic, so creative, so wonderful, there are so many things that happen.I would say it is a temptation of the mother, like in England no sahaja yogi is unemployed, [there are millions that are unemployed], not one. Everybody has gained because your attention becomes all right, you become so dynamic. You see with this attention which is so enlightened you can decide, you know everything and you can manage things. So every way you are helped, every way.So now, again, I was saying that sometimes it is, people do not like when I tell them that they have to take out their shoes, it is not too much to take out the shoes please, because this Mother Earth helps us a lot, if you do not mind.I have to make a request that for about ten minutes, until we have this procedure. I am going to tell you how to make your chakras activated [..]. During that time, please, nobody should leave the hall disturbing others. If you want to leave, you should leave now.
Public Program. Brisbane (Australia), 17 April 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth.At the very outset, I have to tell you that truth is what it is: you cannot change it, you cannot conceptualize it, you cannot know it unfortunately at this human awareness. A little bit more of our evolutionary process has to take place.You have been alreayd told about the centres thatwe have within ourselves and how we get our self realisation. Regarding this I have to say that you should not believe me, whatever I have to say, blindfolded. We have had enough of problems with blindfolded faiths. But you must keep your mind open like a scientist, because whatever I say is proved, then you have to accept as honest people, because it is for the benevolence of your being, benevolence of your family, benevolence of your city, of your country and the whole world.Today the problems you are facing, all kind of problems are due to the jeopardy of these centres. When these centres go into trouble, we have problems at human level. And the problems of the world are mostly because of human beings.If, by some means, we know about this, we become aware of it. Knowing is not, just in a lecture, but to be aware of it. And if you know how to correct it, then you are all right physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually you are all right.So the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, intellect or your ego, your conditionings, but you are the pure spirit. This is the first truth about you.Secondly we see here beautiful flowers all over and we take them for granted, we never even think that it is a miracle, the way these flowers are produced of different varieties by the Mother Earth; is very surprising, we never think about it..Another thing is that we never ask the question who runs our heart and, if you ask doctors, they will say is the autonomous nervous system that does it. But who is this auto, we never ask this question. It is very surprising that we never ask questions about living processes, how it works out, how the living process works out.And that is the essence of human life, life at large anywhere.This happening has been described to you of this power within you; is very easy, sahaja. Saha means "born2, ja means "with"; I mean saha means "with", ja means "born", sahaj means "born with you" the right to be one with this all pervading power which does all teh living work.So there is a subtle power whoch is extremely dynamic, which is described in every scripture, is described as the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. It is described also the all pervading power of divine love, it is described as Rhu, it is described as Paramchaitanya. Patanlaji had described it as Ritambhara PrAgnya.All the scripture have described this power which is subtle, which we have never felt before.So the second important truth is that there is a all pervading power of divine love, which we have no felt to far, to which we have to be united and this is what is Sahaja Yoga: is born with you is the right to be one with this "yoga", the union with this divine power. Which does all widely work. It is the ocean of knowledge. Actually we know very little, as you know that our brain is limited. Is the ocean of compassion, ocean of blessings. But above all is the ocean of forgiveness.So we torture ourselves sometimes feeling guilty, also sometimes by feeling the anger and not forgiving people. Wetorture ourselves. But as this is the ocean of forgiveness, we have to know whatever we might do can be forgiven, by this ocean can be dissolved.I have to tell you that this is your own power, this is your own, innate, within you. It is there your own power and it is in this triangular bone which is called as sacrum. And surprisingly Greeks knew it was a sacred bone, they called it sacrum.So this sacred bone contains in every human being this wonderful power, which is a reflection of a primordial power, that we call as the Primordial Mother.As we turn to our science, what we find it cannot answer many questions. For example, science cannot say why we are here on this Earth, what is the purpose of our life and we are seeking our identity. The other day they told me that people tried to commit suicide to have in newspaper. All kinds of things are done for identity. They were all kinds of dresses, they were all kinds of funny [..], going about for identity. What is our identity is that we are the spirit and that is within us, every human being has that power. And once we achieve that state of spirit you understand things which you could never understand otherwise.The first and foremost you understand that you become part and parcel of the divine power, that you have blessed by it, that starts running through you, you can feel it and you are empowered to do things which you could never do.For example when it starts flowing in your fingertips, you can feel the different centres within you for self-knowledge and also the centres of others. So you develop a new dimension that we call as collective consciousness. That your awareness is very mundane and superficial, suddenly becomes collective and you start feeling on your fingertips the centres of others, thus you know what wrong these others is. Then you do not talk about the dress or the face, but you say that this kundalini, this gentleman has these centres which are out of gear and they are to be put right. And once you understand that, how to correct them then you can also correct others' centres.It is such a blessing for us that a human being who does not think much of himself, that is why he tries to find identity.I always give an example, supposing you take a television set in a very remote corner of India where they have never see something like that; and tell them that this box can show you some films from abroad, they will say "This box?"in the same way, we also think about ourselves, ourselves we think we are just ordinary boxes. We are not. We are very glorious, very powerful and we are the ones who can change all that is dangerous, destructive.But for that, you have to develop correct vision and a proper understanding of what you are.So when you become the spirit, the first thing that happens to you as I told you, that you become collectively consious.The second thing that happens to you that your thoughts, which are all the time coming from the past and the future. if I tell you go to your present, you cannot. You cannot enter into your present. So these thoughts which are coming from the past and the future are all the time disturbing you and you are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts. But when this Kundalini rises, she elongates those thoughts. in between is the area which we call as the pause, vilamba, where your attention goes and you become silent. No thoughts, but you are fully aware.So achieve a state that we call as thoughtless awareness, about which Jung has talked. Thoughtless awareness, where you are without any thought, in the present, that is reality. Present is the reality, not the future, not the past.So you stand in that area, which is peace for us. So in that area which is peace within ourselves, when you arrive, you become absolutely peaceful. All this stress, strain of life finishes all and you become absolutely peaceful and this peace comes to you so beautifully, you drop so many years of your age. You become dynamic, you become compassionate, you work very hard, you travel, but it does not show, it does not work on you, it is just outside that you witness, see it as a witness. Like a drama, as you see, the witnessing of a drama of this world, nature, all kinds of things that you see is a drama.Thus you become extremely peaceful. I know of people who have got rewards of peace, foundation of peace, all kinds of things, but they are horribly hot tempered, horribly. If you talk to them, you have to approach them with a [..] pole. Otherwise is very dangerous, extremely hot tempered people, you cannot talk to them. I do not know how they have become people who are supposed to have become symbol of peace, but those who do not have any peace within, cannot emit peace outside.So this area, which I call as a area of peace, exists within you. Once it is estabilished, you will be amazed how many things can happen to you. Firstly what happens to you, you can sleep very well, you are always fresh and also your memory improves. That is the greatest thing that happens that your memory improves. Then your relationship with others also improves, your relationship woth others also improves because you are so peaceful. Another person who comes to you sees your peace and enjoys it.Now it is very important to understand that we have that peace within ourselves and this state of nirvichar samadhi as they call that was very difficult once upon a time to achieve, people had to go to Hymalayas, stand on their heads, take up a guru and one person could get realisation. A guru will give only to one, I mean a real guru, because we hava lots of false people all arond these days martketing everything.It cannot be marketed, one must understand. It is spiritual awakening which is spontaneous, it is a living process and you cannot pay for it. How much you pay the Mother Earth to create these flowers? So we cannot pay for it. Of course you can pay for the hall, that is different, but you cannot pay for your self realisation and for achievement in your spirituality. People have forgotten that they are spirit., they do not believe that they are spirit, they just think that they are this body and that this body has to vanish one day. That is not true. This body is guarded, is looked after, is nourished, witnessed by your spirit.So once you get this realisation, you get your attention enlightened. Now Christ has said "Thou shall not have adulterous eyes", i mean is a very subtle thing to say. In the Christian nations, how many people you can find who have such eyes? Very seldom. And really with this happening people develop those subtle innocent eyes which are very powerful: even aglance of such an eye can bring such peace [..]. Also it can cure people, it can help them. So what Christ has said, can be today brought in that our eyes can become innoncent. Such a troublesome thing eyes which are rolling all the time here and there, it really kills your attention, kills your attention.By the time you are 50 years you are a gaga-person and if not at 60 you will be; because attention is going all the time from here to there to there to there, of no a way, it is just a mad race.Now all our paradoxical culture that we see around, which is really tremendous, because I do not know how we can tolerate all this - everyday you read on the newpaper the husband kills the wife, wife kills the husband, children kill the parents, the parents kill the children... I mean, what is going on? It does not even happen among animals. Why should we become so violent? Why should we be so unnatural, devilish? Some of the things are really devilish. And persons who are good, who are righteous are shocked, by the things that are happening around; they cannot understand how these things are taking place and all the time they suffer from a sense of insicurity. All these things happen because of these chakras being out of gear. We will be amazed that they have gone so far, that - I do not know if you allow these things go on, there will be a complete, complete distruction.It is said that, it is said that in 10 years 65% Americans will become schizofrenic, can you imagine?This all comes from where? They said it comes from modern life, modern times, but who has brought the modern times? We have brought the modern times. It is our creation. We can say the media has done it... we can blame anyone we like, but the effect is that and a very dangerous effect of violence, of hatred, all kinds of horrible things are happening in this world.Now what we have to see in this paradoxical culture is what is missing, is we do not have the idea of truth, they do not know - we have to know the absolute truth. If we all know the same truth, there will be no quarrel, no fighting, no arguement, no violence, nothing. But we do not know the absolute truth. Somebody says this is right, another says this is right, another says what is wrong? What is wrong if I kil my mother? What is wrong? How can he say what is wrong?All sorts of absurd things really are justified by this brain, human brain at any level. So one has to think about it, why it happens.Now when we look at anything, I am sitting before you if you can see I am sitting before you, there is no question, there is no arguement, there is no discussion about it. In the same way, if you can know the absolute truth, all of you the same thing there will not any problem either.Now how will you know is on your fingertips, you see English language is very good for that, to say on your fingertips. There are five, six and seven sympathetic centres, five, six and seven sympathetic system. Right hand is for our physical and for our mental; I mean mental is a very [distant] word in English language. I should say for our intellect and whatever work we do through thinking and brain. And the left side is for emotions.So we have wo sympathetic nervous systems in our body, which are shown here clearly and they are related to our right side and to our left side. This action through this sympathetic nervous system takes place only during emergency and we live with emergency, all the time in modern time we live with emergency, thus we develop all kind of diseases.If we could some or other pacify our nerves and if we really could be in the centre, where we are neither in the future or in the past, we can really enjoy every moment of our life.So the second thing that happens to you is that you know the absolute truth on your fingertips, means you know what centres you are catching. Somebody comes and tells me "Mother, my Agnya is catching", is this one on the optic chiasma. now if you want to know what that means, that means "Mother I am suffering from ego" But nobody would say that. Unless and until you can see your ego, you will never say "I am suffering from ego", a man who has ego... I mean, Hitler would say that? "I am suffering from ego" He would not.So you have to see yourself very clearly and once you start seeing yourself very clearly you understand what is wrong with you and that state comes to you very easily and has an absolute truth. You make one person sit before ten children who are realised souls and tie their eyes and ask what is wrong with this person, they all will raise the same fingers, same fingers, that means they are all telling the same thing, the same truth, the absolute truth.Sitting down here you can find out anyone you want to know, you want to find about anybody who is dead, you can know on your fingertips what is wrong with him. You know about yourself and you know about them. And if you know how to correct it, you have corrected youself and you have corrected them. It looks fantastic, it appears something out of the blue and for people is something they cannot understand, but you are that, you are that. As I told you that we always think we are just a box, it is not so. You have all these qualities within you, but too much of ego, too much of conditioning and also too much of mundane superficial life that really makes it very much low and you just see the superficial things. That is not so.God almighty has created us to be very happy, very joyous people, to enter into His kingdom, not to make us miserable, not to make us unhappy, and to divide us into different levels of mental projection, no. It is actually in reality, we are all part and parcel of one divine love.But that is only possible when you become the spirit, otherwise it is just a sermon or a lecture, by that you are not even connected to the all pervading power and you cannot find out what is wrong with you, what is wrong with others and what is wrong with the whole world. For that knowledge to be innate within you, whatever knowledge we have is only bookish knowledge and we really get involved into the web of words, words words words words. They go on reading books after books and you do not know what to do with them, they cannot see between the lines what is written; and they do not want to know, because they are quite satisfied with what they are reading, according to them is the best [..]. But are you peaceful? Are you all right? Are you above illnesses? Are you full of compassion? Are you relaxed? No. There is somthing missing, why should not we have that? And that is because we have to seek and we seek the truth.But once we seek the truth, we find it, it is necessary first to find the truth and then to talk about it. Before that it is just a mental projection and has no meaning, just a mental feed going on. I have seen people sitting down, round the table, thousands of them had such kinds of experiences and discussing this and that and finding nothing. So something has to happen within us and the happening is the awakening of this Kundalini, this force. She has to ascend to these six centers and pierce through fontanel bone area and to be connected to this subtle force; as this instrument [the microphone] has to be connected to the mains otherwise it has no meaning, in the same way we have no meaning unless and until we are connected to that force.And this is what we have to do, it is something so simple. It has to be, because it is so vital. Supposing for our breathing we had to go to libraries to read about breathing, what would have happened to us? Today is so vital that we should have this happening within us and that we should know ourselves, by which we should know the whole world.By knowledge I do not mean the knowledge through books, but I am meaning the knowledge on our central nervous system. For that, in Sanskrit there are two words. One is Buddha, boddh, from where the buddha has come; bodh is to know everything on your central nervous system. And the second word is vydh from which Veda has come, and the first words of Veda is that “by reading this book, if you do not get your self realization, it is useless to read Vedas”. All essence of Vedas is put there.So what we have to do is now, just to know that we have this power, it is within us and is all going to work out. A part from that, what happens you enter into a mere miraculous world of blessings, such blessings that you cannot explain. People write to me, “Mother this happened, that happened such a miracle how I got rid of this problem or that problem”. So I told somebody, “Why don’t you try to record them?”In within one month, he said they have come up to my head now, I do not know which one, do you want to please, Mother, read it and tell me what to do. I said, “Baba, I have no time, travelling travelling, I have no time, will you please give up the idea of writing those miracles?”So that is what happen and you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is not happiness and unhappiness. You see when we have ego, it is pampered, we feel very happy; when it feels punched we feel unhappy. But this is joy, that you are eternally in a state of enjoyment and everybody can find out. Then you realize what is wrong and what is right, you develop a divine discretion and you just drop out whatever is destructive.You will be amazed we are fighting drugs at this level, that level. Nothing to be done, you just get you realization. In England will be surprised, so many of them, just after realization, over the night they forgot about drugs, forgot completely, give it up. Alcoholism, this that, all these things they dropped without even thinking about that. I did not tell them, I never tell “don’t, don’t”, I never tell them Ten Commandments, because if you tell in these modern times nobody will seat here.But once they see for themselves what is wrong, they just stop it. In the seeing is the being, you become. I give an example of the snake in the hand, when is darkness, you cannot see it; the person [..] will say “Oh, it is not a snake , is just a rope I am holding on to”. Till the snake bites, it will go on like that.But if there is a little light, then you see the snake and you just drop it out by yourself, nobody has to tell you. You become your own guide, your own master and drop it. You do not need anybody to tell you, you just drop it yourself.thus your life is on the proper lines and you move on the proper lines. We have to be sensitive about it, this is the main point I find, because of this paradoxical culture again I say people are very insensitive. We think people are very advanced, but they do not know. All this advancement, all this pomp and show of cultures has no roots , is a [rotting]. We have the knowledge of science, this that, but we have not got the knowledge of the roots and this is the knowledge of the roots that we have to have if we have to save ourselves.As you know very well that Sahaja Yoga is working in 62 nations, especially in Russia and Eastern blocs. Of course in India it is because they know about it, but Russia and Eastern bloc people I was surprised, because they are no so materialistic. They are not so much worried about material things, they are, 70% of them are very spiritual, it is very surprising. They are very introspective and they threw away all the false gurus who prospered everywhere in the west; they gave them away, they threw them out. No one of them could be successful. I was surprised how they were sensitive to Sahaja Yoga, which I know is the real thing.And all this falsehood has taken people away. Like this time I went to America, they were complaining about one Mr. Pradip, something [..] that he had taken so much money from them, the children had gone out of the houses, we now do not know what to do. First, when I went there, they were telling me about TM, this and that, all these gurus, Rajanish this that; but I said, “why did you go to him?” I cannot understand. “Because, you see, he was claiming this…”I said “Whatever one may claim, first of all you must see the disciples, how they are, how they are behaving, what sort of a life they live. Are they righteous people? Or they are the gangsters, and you think the guru is great because they have become gangsters?”So many people have lost their houses, have lost their children, I mean horrible things have happened with false gurus and I am sorry to say this has come from my country, India.Not all, but so many of them are still going on everywhere. And the other day I met some of the “born again”, horrible looking people, shouting, screaming, I do not know, and all wrinkled. So I said (young people) “So are you born again?”, they said yes, I said I do not think, you are not. See your faces look like hoax, how can you be born again? Your faces show that you are not born again, is just a label you have got as you have got a label that I am a Christian, I am a Hindu, I am a Muslim. This is the worst, because you have taken a certificate saying as you are born again, but if you are born again then you have powers. You behave like hooligans here, how can you call yourself born again with such hoax like faces that you have? There not peace, there is nothing, nothing of Christ in you, you are not connected to Christ, you are not connected to God, you have to be connected to Him, otherwise you will not know what you are doing.Everybody thinks if they go to church – I was also born in a Christian family and I was surprised how they believe that they are Christians. You have to be connected and He has said it, he has said it many a times that you are to be born again. So you get this kind of “born again” all around the places doing nothing and just making lots of money – I do not know what they are doing. It has to be genuine. If it is genuine, it should show results, it should show results in the disciples , how they are, how they behave. Are they humble people? Are the righteous people? Are they people with character? Do they respect their chastity, which Christ has very clearly said? But that is not so. We have seen all smugglers in India are disciples of all these gurus, How can you be smugglers if you belong to some spiritual movement. Spirit makes you clean, washes all your sins, it washes off all your – I should say – the evil ideas that you have and you become a beautiful person, because you are beautiful. It is like the sun covered with the clouds: once the clouds are removed then you are shining like a sun. And this should happen tonight and I hope it will happen to all of you. Today is my last day in Australia, I am going away. Every year I come here. We have very good, strong sahaja yogis, even in Brisbane we have, very good people. They are not showing, they are not wearing funny dresses, nothing of the kind, they are just like normal people. And they are intelligent, they can talk to you about Sahaja Yoga, they tell you about it, without any ego, without any aggression. If you want you can have it, so your freedom is respected. If you want to go to hell, all right; if you want to go to heaven, all right.It is your want, it is your desire, because this power is the power of pure desire. If you have the oure desire to ascend, then only it will work; all other desires are not pure. You want to have, say for example you want to have a house, you will have a house; you want to have a car, then an airplane, I do not know what else. But nothing satisfies, because all these desires are not pure. Whether you are aware or not, you are having the desire to be one with this all-pervading power which is the pure desire and I am sure it will work out tonight with the people, as I see you here so anxious to get your self-realization. I know you all are very anxious as well as there are some who have questions and they would like to ask questions.Now, what I would like to tell you that I have been doing this for the last 25 years. You know my age is now 71, might be 26 years, I should say. And what I find that I know all kind of answers to all kind of stupid questions. I have mastered it now. But what just a mental things, why wasting energy on that, you see? You should better get realization first, and after ask me questions, I do not mind. First thing is to get to the light, to know yourself, this is the thing for which you are here. You are not here for some sort of a party or something, but to get to know yourself, which is so important from every angle.I would like to tell you, there are four doctors in Delhi who have got their MD with Sahaja Yoga. Different diseases they took one each and they have shown that Sahaja Yoga cures people. It does, it has cured so many people, it has helped many people who have been going astray, who have been doing wrong things in their life, it has brought them to right path. And if you want to save your life, you have to think about it seriously what have you been doing so far, see if has not helped you, has not answered anything.So, those who want Sahaja Yoga, those who want to become self-realized are requested to stay in the hall, but those who do not want I cannot force. So if you do not want, it will not work and it is just a waste of time and energy. So I would request you to leave the hall so that others do not get disturbed by you. If you want to have your self-realization then you are welcome, very much welcome to stay here.It will hardly take ten minutes and you are all capable of getting it. But of course you cannot give realization to a mad man or to an idiot, you know? There are many mad people nowadays going around. But of course for anybody who is a normal person, you can get it.There are three conditions. The first condition is that you do not to have feel guilty about anything, at this moment. It is a fashion to feel guilty, is really a fashion. What so feeling guilty, people feel guilty because they spill their coffee or something like that. Just torturing yourself for nothing at all. So you have to respect. I would say, you have to be pleasantly placed towards yourself. As in Sanskrit we call prasanna chit.Know that you are a human being, you are at epitome of evolution and why should we all the time, because we have freedom to do whatever we like to ourselves, go and feeling guilty for this and feeling guilty for that? It is a myth.Second myth we carry is, if I say that you have to forgive everyone they say it is very difficult. Now logically, just think about it, whether you forgive or do not forgive, you do not do anything. What do you do? Nothing! But if you do not forgive, then mentally you play into wrong hands, you torture yourself.In the first case, when you feel guilty this center goes out of order, this one here on the left and you develop diseases like angina, spondylitis, lethargic [..]. With the second one, when you do not forgive, this center on the optic chiasm, in the brain is like this [Shri Mataji crosses her fingers], absolutely like this, absolutely constricted, but when you forgive it opens out. Because it is another myth with which you are torturing yourself; as it is you are tortured yourself, for others who have troubled you are very happy people, but you are troubling yourself by not forgiving. And by not forgiving you will not allow this center to open and Kundalini will not pass through, so you will miss such a great chance of becoming the Self.So just do not think it is difficult, it is the easiest thing at the moment to say that I forgive everyone, now do not think about them, because even to think about them it is headache. So best, in general, to say I forgive everyone, you will feel much lighter, I tell you.Now the third one is even easier, because I assure you I verily say that you all should have self-confidence, full self confidence that you will get your realization tonight, today now. Please have that self-confidence, it is very important. Now do not think that I have committed that sin, that thing, all these ideas have come to you from human beings, not from divine, why believe them?I have committed this sin, that sin and those and I am such a great sinner and go and confess the sins. All nonsense. You are a human being, respected by the divine and you have to enter the Kingdom of God; so please understand, do not try to condemn yourself, but be full confident. These three conditions are there which are very (I think), are simple, logical and very much needed for your realization and if you value yourself then please do that. You have no business to de-value yourself. Let the divine decide, let the Kundalini decide, why are you bothered? If this is the last judgment, let the Kundalini decide.I think this is the blossom time, where I have seen thousands and thousands blossoming and then becoming the fruit, I have seen. So that is how what I have to assure you to all get your self-realization, only have your self-confidence.Last of all we have to know that it is not an individual thing. Now you will feel very much better after realization, I know, you will feel very happy, on top of the world, but this connection has to be fixed, for that I would request you that you should come to our collective. Now it is not like lecture, introductive lecture, free and then you charge money… it is not like that: you will not be charged any money. For all this knowledge you will not be charged. Please come to the collective and then grow into it and then master the whole art within one month time, maximum. You can become your own master, you can master the art of Sahaja Yoga by which you can give realization to others and achieve that last state which we call as Nirvikalpa Samadhi, where there is no doubts about your Self; and you know all these powers and you know how to raise them and you know how to give realizations to others, like when one enlightened light (when enlightened) can enlighten other lights. In the same way you can go on giving realization to others and enjoy this great gift you have got. It is all there, just to get it, but you have to come to the collective in a humble way, because we do not have big palaces for meditation, no we have simple places; and then you will be surprised how to be in meditation, not to do meditation. But we have to be in meditation, where you are silent, you are in the present.In this small lecture, whatever possible I have tried to tell you, but is full of knowledge, I think there must be four thousand tapes of my lectures in English language, a part from other languages. So you all can make avail of it and enjoy it. It is all available to you. Look at these children, you know to an Englishman to teach one word of Hindi was headache, they could not tell them, they could not pronounce them properly. But look at them, they are singing Sanskrit songs, Marathi songs, Hindi songs, with all the tunes and everything and everything, rhythm, you will not believe that if the Indians hear they would be surprised, in India happened and they were so shocked.So many artists said, “Mother we must touch their feet”, I said why? “In such a short time they have learned”. It is the power of Spirit. You become so dynamic, so creative, so wonderful, there are so many things that happen.I would say it is a temptation of the mother, like in England no sahaja yogi is unemployed, [there are millions that are unemployed], not one. Everybody has gained because your attention becomes all right, you become so dynamic. You see with this attention which is so enlightened you can decide, you know everything and you can manage things. So every way you are helped, every way.So now, again, I was saying that sometimes it is, people do not like when I tell them that they have to take out their shoes, it is not too much to take out the shoes please, because this Mother Earth helps us a lot, if you do not mind.I have to make a request that for about ten minutes, until we have this procedure. I am going to tell you how to make your chakras activated [..]. During that time, please, nobody should leave the hall disturbing others. If you want to leave, you should leave now.Before that it is just a mental projection and has no meaning, just a mental feed going on. I have seen people sitting down, round the table, thousands of them had such kinds of experiences and discussing this and that and finding nothing. So something has to happen within us and the happening is the awakening of this Kundalini, this force. She has to ascend to these six centers and pierce through fontanel bone area and to be connected to this subtle force; as this instrument [the microphone] has to be connected to the mains otherwise it has no meaning, in the same way we have no meaning unless and until we are connected to that force.And this is what we have to do, it is something so simple. It has to be, because it is so vital. Supposing for our breathing we had to go to libraries to read about breathing, what would have happened to us? Today is so vital that we should have this happening within us and that we should know ourselves, by which we should know the whole world. By knowledge I do not mean the knowledge through books, but I am meaning the knowledge on our central nervous system. For that, in Sanskrit there are two words. One is Buddha, boddh, from where the buddha has come; boddh is to know everything on your central nervous system. And the second word is vydh from which Veda has come, and the first words of Veda is that “by reading this book, if you do not get your self realization, it is useless to read Vedas”. All essence of Vedas is put there.So what we have to do is now, just to know that we have this power, it is within us and is all going to work out. A part from that, what happens you enter into a mere miraculous world of blessings, such blessings that you cannot explain. People write to me, “Mother this happened, that happened such a miracle how I got rid of this problem or that problem”. So I told somebody, “Why don’t you try to record them?”In within one month, he said they have come up to my head now, I do not know which one, do you want to please, Mother, read it and tell me what to do. I said, “Baba, I have no time, travelling travelling, I have no time, will you please give up the idea of writing those miracles?”So that is what happen and you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is not happiness and unhappiness. You see when we have ego, it is pampered, we feel very happy; when it feels punched we feel unhappy. But this is joy, that you are eternally in a state of enjoyment and everybody can find out. Then you realize what is wrong and what is right, you develop a divine discretion and you just drop out whatever is destructive.You will be amazed we are fighting drugs at this level, that level. Nothing to be done, you just get you realization. In England will be surprised, so many of them, just after realization, over the night they forgot about drugs, forgot completely, give it up. Alcoholism, this that, all these things they dropped without even thinking about that. I did not tell them, I never tell “don’t, don’t”, I never tell them Ten Commandments, because if you tell in these modern times nobody will seat here.But once they see for themselves what is wrong, they just stop it. In the seeing is the being, you become. I give an example of the snake in the hand, when is darkness, you cannot see it; the person [..] will say “Oh, it is not a snake , is just a rope I am holding on to”. Till the snake bites, it will go on like that.But if there is a little light, then you see the snake and you just drop it out by yourself, nobody has to tell you. You become your own guide, your own master and drop it. You do not need anybody to tell you, you just drop it yourself.thus your life is on the proper lines and you move on the proper lines. We have to be sensitive about it, this is the main point I find, because of this paradoxical culture again I say people are very insensitive. We think people are very advanced, but they do not know. All this advancement, all this pomp and show of cultures has no roots , is a [rotting]. We have the knowledge of science, this that, but we have not got the knowledge of the roots and this is the knowledge of the roots that we have to have if we have to save ourselves.As you know very well that Sahaja Yoga is working in 62 nations, especially in Russia and Eastern blocs. Of course in India it is because they know about it, but Russia and Eastern bloc people I was surprised, because they are no so materialistic. They are not so much worried about material things, they are, 70% of them are very spiritual, it is very surprising. They are very introspective and they threw away all the false gurus who prospered everywhere in the west; they gave them away, they threw them out. No one of them could be successful. I was surprised how they were sensitive to Sahaja Yoga, which I know is the real thing.And all this falsehood has taken people away. Like this time I went to America, they were complaining about one Mr. Pradip, something [..] that he had taken so much money from them, the children had gone out of the houses, we now do not know what to do. First, when I went there, they were telling me about TM, this and that, all these gurus, Rajanish this that; but I said, “why did you go to him?” I cannot understand. “Because, you see, he was claiming this…”I said “Whatever one may claim, first of all you must see the disciples, how they are, how they are behaving, what sort of a life they live. Are they righteous people? Or they are the gangsters, and you think the guru is great because they have become gangsters?”So many people have lost their houses, have lost their children, I mean horrible things have happened with false gurus and I am sorry to say this has come from my country, India.Not all, but so many of them are still going on everywhere. And the other day I met some of the “born again”, horrible looking people, shouting, screaming, I do not know, and all wrinkled. So I said (young people) “So are you born again?”, they said yes, I said I do not think, you are not. See your faces look like hoax, how can you be born again? Your faces show that you are not born again, is just a label you have got as you have got a label that I am a Christian, I am a Hindu, I am a Muslim. This is the worst, because you have taken a certificate saying as you are born again, but if you are born again then you have powers. You behave like hooligans here, how can you call yourself born again with such hoax like faces that you have? There not peace, there is nothing, nothing of Christ in you, you are not connected to Christ, you are not connected to God, you have to be connected to Him, otherwise you will not know what you are doing.Everybody thinks if they go to church – I was also born in a Christian family and I was surprised how they believe that they are Christians. You have to be connected and He has said it, he has said it many a times that you are to be born again. So you get this kind of “born again” all around the places doing nothing and just making lots of money – I do not know what they are doing. It has to be genuine. If it is genuine, it should show results, it should show results in the disciples , how they are, how they behave. Are they humble people? Are the righteous people? Are they people with character? Do they respect their chastity, which Christ has very clearly said? But that is not so. We have seen all smugglers in India are disciples of all these gurus, How can you be smugglers if you belong to some spiritual movement. Spirit makes you clean, washes all your sins, it washes off all your – I should say – the evil ideas that you have and you become a beautiful person, because you are beautiful. It is like the sun covered with the clouds: once the clouds are removed then you are shining like a sun. And this should happen tonight and I hope it will happen to all of you. Today is my last day in Australia, I am going away. Every year I come here. We have very good, strong sahaja yogis, even in Brisbane we have, very good people. They are not showing, they are not wearing funny dresses, nothing of the kind, they are just like normal people. And they are intelligent, they can talk to you about Sahaja Yoga, they tell you about it, without any ego, without any aggression. If you want you can have it, so your freedom is respected. If you want to go to hell, all right; if you want to go to heaven, all right.It is your want, it is your desire, because this power is the power of pure desire. If you have the oure desire to ascend, then only it will work; all other desires are not pure. You want to have, say for example you want to have a house, you will have a house; you want to have a car, then an airplane, I do not know what else. But nothing satisfies, because all these desires are not pure. Whether you are aware or not, you are having the desire to be one with this all-pervading power which is the pure desire and I am sure it will work out tonight with the people, as I see you here so anxious to get your self-realization. I know you all are very anxious as well as there are some who have questions and they would like to ask questions.Now, what I would like to tell you that I have been doing this for the last 25 years. You know my age is now 71, might be 26 years, I should say. And what I find that I know all kind of answers to all kind of stupid questions. I have mastered it now. But what just a mental things, why wasting energy on that, you see? You should better get realization first, and after ask me questions, I do not mind. First thing is to get to the light, to know yourself, this is the thing for which you are here. You are not here for some sort of a party or something, but to get to know yourself, which is so important from every angle.I would like to tell you, there are four doctors in Delhi who have got their MD with Sahaja Yoga. Different diseases they took one each and they have shown that Sahaja Yoga cures people. It does, it has cured so many people, it has helped many people who have been going astray, who have been doing wrong things in their life, it has brought them to right path. And if you want to save your life, you have to think about it seriously what have you been doing so far, see if has not helped you, has not answered anything.So, those who want Sahaja Yoga, those who want to become self-realized are requested to stay in the hall, but those who do not want I cannot force. So if you do not want, it will not work and it is just a waste of time and energy. So I would request you to leave the hall so that others do not get disturbed by you. If you want to have your self-realization then you are welcome, very much welcome to stay here.It will hardly take ten minutes and you are all capable of getting it. But of course you cannot give realization to a mad man or to an idiot, you know? There are many mad people nowadays going around. But of course for anybody who is a normal person, you can get it.There are three conditions. The first condition is that you do not to have feel guilty about anything, at this moment. It is a fashion to feel guilty, is really a fashion. What so feeling guilty, people feel guilty because they spill their coffee or something like that. Just torturing yourself for nothing at all. So you have to respect. I would say, you have to be pleasantly placed towards yourself. As in Sanskrit we call prasanna chit.Know that you are a human being, you are at epitome of evolution and why should we all the time, because we have freedom to do whatever we like to ourselves, go and feeling guilty for this and feeling guilty for that? It is a myth.Second myth we carry is, if I say that you have to forgive everyone they say it is very difficult. Now logically, just think about it, whether you forgive or do not forgive, you do not do anything. What do you do? Nothing! But if you do not forgive, then mentally you play into wrong hands, you torture yourself.In the first case, when you feel guilty this center goes out of order, this one here on the left and you develop diseases like angina, spondylitis, lethargic [..]. With the second one, when you do not forgive, this center on the optic chiasm, in the brain is like this [Shri Mataji crosses her fingers], absolutely like this, absolutely constricted, but when you forgive it opens out. Because it is another myth with which you are torturing yourself; as it is you are tortured yourself, for others who have troubled you are very happy people, but you are troubling yourself by not forgiving. And by not forgiving you will not allow this center to open and Kundalini will not pass through, so you will miss such a great chance of becoming the Self.So just do not think it is difficult, it is the easiest thing at the moment to say that I forgive everyone, now do not think about them, because even to think about them it is headache. So best, in general, to say I forgive everyone, you will feel much lighter, I tell you.Now the third one is even easier, because I assure you I verily say that you all should have self-confidence, full self confidence that you will get your realization tonight, today now. Please have that self-confidence, it is very important. Now do not think that I have committed that sin, that thing, all these ideas have come to you from human beings, not from divine, why believe them?I have committed this sin, that sin and those and I am such a great sinner and go and confess the sins. All nonsense. You are a human being, respected by the divine and you have to enter the Kingdom of God; so please understand, do not try to condemn yourself, but be full confident. These three conditions are there which are very (I think), are simple, logical and very much needed for your realization and if you value yourself then please do that. You have no business to de-value yourself. Let the divine decide, let the Kundalini decide, why are you bothered? If this is the last judgment, let the Kundalini decide.I think this is the blossom time, where I have seen thousands and thousands blossoming and then becoming the fruit, I have seen. So that is how what I have to assure you to all get your self-realization, only have your self-confidence.Last of all we have to know that it is not an individual thing. Now you will feel very much better after realization, I know, you will feel very happy, on top of the world, but this connection has to be fixed, for that I would request you that you should come to our collective. Now it is not like lecture, introductive lecture, free and then you charge money… it is not like that: you will not be charged any money. For all this knowledge you will not be charged. Please come to the collective and then grow into it and then master the whole art within one month time, maximum. You can become your own master, you can master the art of Sahaja Yoga by which you can give realization to others and achieve that last state which we call as Nirvikalpa Samadhi, where there is no doubts about your Self; and you know all these powers and you know how to raise them and you know how to give realizations to others, like when one enlightened light (when enlightened) can enlighten other lights. In the same way you can go on giving realization to others and enjoy this great gift you have got. It is all there, just to get it, but you have to come to the collective in a humble way, because we do not have big palaces for meditation, no we have simple places; and then you will be surprised how to be in meditation, not to do meditation. But we have to be in meditation, where you are silent, you are in the present.In this small lecture, whatever possible I have tried to tell you, but is full of knowledge, I think there must be four thousand tapes of my lectures in English language, a part from other languages. So you all can make avail of it and enjoy it. It is all available to you. Look at these children, you know to an Englishman to teach one word of Hindi was headache, they could not tell them, they could not pronounce them properly. But look at them, they are singing Sanskrit songs, Marathi songs, Hindi songs, with all the tunes and everything and everything, rhythm, you will not believe that if the Indians hear they would be surprised, in India happened and they were so shocked.So many artists said, “Mother we must touch their feet”, I said why? “In such a short time they have learned”. It is the power of Spirit. You become so dynamic, so creative, so wonderful, there are so many things that happen.I would say it is a temptation of the mother, like in England no sahaja yogi is unemployed, [there are millions that are unemployed], not one. Everybody has gained because your attention becomes all right, you become so dynamic. You see with this attention which is so enlightened you can decide, you know everything and you can manage things. So every way you are helped, every way.So now, again, I was saying that sometimes it is, people do not like when I tell them that they have to take out their shoes, it is not too much to take out the shoes please, because this Mother Earth helps us a lot, if you do not mind.I have to make a request that for about ten minutes, until we have this procedure. I am going to tell you how to make your chakras activated [..]. During that time, please, nobody should leave the hall disturbing others. If you want to leave, you should leave now.
(Yogi: they came to help. ?) Shri Mataji: So very happy, that you are all here, extremly happy. Thank you. Shri Mataji recieves flowers: Thank you. I brought flowers for you, from Australia They offered it to me, but now they are alright The thought we are smuggling something. Yogini: Thank you Shri Mtataji: (inaudible) So far away It is a good thing I fly. Yogi: Yeah, It will take one and a half hour to drive there (inaudible) Shri Mataji: All right. Yogi: Cause it is like. (inaudible) I think it is like… So let´s meet in… here ends the video
(Yogi: they came to help. ?) Shri Mataji: So very happy, that you are all here, extremly happy. Thank you. Shri Mataji recieves flowers: Thank you. I brought flowers for you, from Australia They offered it to me, but now they are alright The thought we are smuggling something. Yogini: Thank you Shri Mtataji: (inaudible) So far away It is a good thing I fly. Yogi: Yeah, It will take one and a half hour to drive there (inaudible) Shri Mataji: All right. Yogi: Cause it is like. (inaudible) I think it is like… So let´s meet in… here ends the video
If you are a seeker of truth, then you must find out the truth
Public Program
1994-0418 Public Program, Tokyo Japan Shri Mataji: What? Yogi: I was telling Sahaja Yoga, how simple and how you have to be your own master. Shri Mataji: You told them about Chakras? Yogi: Yes, I stopped in Nabhi. Shri Mataji: That’s alright. [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: Take it in front. Would be better. [UNCLEAR]. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to tell you, that truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot conceptualize it. It is, it has been and it will be. On these lines, I should say, lot of work was done by Viditama who, who started a movement called Zen. And He has tried in His own way, to establish the essence of all the religions. But He was too subtle, and people couldn’t understand Him. I’ve been here before 3 times also with my husband. And I find that the people here, are very spiritual but, they have no idea as to what is spirituality. As, Bruno has explained to you, we have this system, subtle system, within ourselves. But whatever I’m going to tell you today, you need not believe it blindfolded. Little loudly I think. But, you should accept it as a hypothesize, and you should keep your mind open as scientist. And if it works out, then you have to believe as honest people. Because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolenec of your country, your family and the whole world. Whatever problems we have in this world, most of them come from human beings. They come because, there are problems in the centers, of human beings. But is all built-in, within you. It’s all there. This power, which is in the Sacrum bone, is in every human being. It is called as a Sacrum, means, saceret bone. That means the Greeks knew it’s a saceret bone. Now this, awakening, that has to take place is spontaneuous, beause it’s a living process of evolution. As you can, put a seed in the Mother Earth, it sprouts. Becuase it is built-in in Mother Earth, as well as in the seed, to sprout. So the power is your own. And you have the built-in mechanism to work it out. Of course, you cannot pay for it. How much do we pay to Mother Earth, for giving us all these beautiful flowers? She doesn’t understand money. So one has to understand, that, everyone one of you are, is capable of becoming the Spirit. English language is funny. It calls, Spirit to what we say Atma. It also calls a dead body, a spirit. It also call the alcohol, a spirit. So it’s 3 meanings one word has now. I am meaning, the Spirit which is in the heart. Is the reflection, of God almighty. I don’t know what you call the Spirit, Atma, in your language. Yogi: We call it [UNCLEAR Sere]. Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR Sere]? Yogi: But it does have other meanings too. Shri Mataji: Ah good. Yogi: It’s not a one to one, it’s not a one to one, meaning. Shri Mataji: Alright. Now, this, is this truth about you, is that, you are not this body this mind. These emotions, and this intellect, ego, or, your conditionings. It’s too much. But you are the pure Spirit. This is the first truth. The second truth is, that there is a all-pervading power, of Divine Love, which does all the living work. We see all these beautiful flowers here, beautifully done. And we take them for granted. We don’t think, that this is a miracle. Different flowers, different colors, different heights. Who runs our heart? If you ask a doctor, he’ll say, it’s the autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? So, we have to become the Spirit, is only possible, when you are in connection with this all-pervading power. So when this power, Kundalini, passes through these 6 centers within us, She, Nourishes them, and integrates them. Lao Tze called it as Tao. Lao Tze from… Yogi: Shri Mataji? Sorry. Shri Mataji: They all talked of the same thing. So one has to know at human level, we do not know the absolute truth. Somebody this is nice; another says that is nice. And that’s why, there are arguments, quarrels and wars. As you see me sitting here, you don’t say I’m not sitting here. there is no argument about it. So, the spirit is the source of truth. Absolute truth. When the Kundalini, connects you to this all-pervading power, then you can feel it on your fingertips, your centers. Also, you can feel the centers of others. Because a new dimension comes in your awareness, which we call as: “collective consciousness”. So you have the self-knowledge, and also the knowledge about others. Then who is the other? Now if you know how to correct these centers within yourself and within others, you can get rid of all kinds of problems. In Delhi, there are 4 doctors who have got MD in Sahaja Yoga. One of them has gone to Philadelphia and our doctor has met him. And actually got his realization from him. So this is your own power. And Sahaja means: born with you, is this power. And yoga means the union. This is your right, as a human being, as your birth right. Unfortunately, we have many seekers everywhere, but they have been misguided by people who had their shopping going on. And horrible things happen about it and especially in Japan, I don’t know why, there were impressed by another horrible fellow called rajnish. And he was, one of the incarnations from hell I think, the way he had horrible things he did. He published something against me, then I answered him back on the newspaper. [UNCLEAR]. And I, I answered it. It was all published in the newspaper that he is a hoax. And within 8 days, he died, with aids. Can you imagine? How can a person, who has anything to do with Divine, can do all these things? You must understand. In which religion they have preached like this, that you have to just become a sex point? Most of his disciples are Christians. Lady: He didn’t die of aids. Shri Mataji: Yes, he did. Lady: No. Shri Mataji: I was there in Pune. You see, this is the trouble. What has she got? Ask her a question: How much money you paid him? Just to get inside you have to pay 500$. Lady: [UNCLEAR Exactly]. Shri Mataji: And what did she get? Nothing. Look at her face. How she looks like. You see, this is the problem is. You are, if you are a seeker of truth, then you must find out the truth. I’m just telling you. Because still some Japanese are befouled there. It is, what he’s trying to do, encourage your weaknesses. To have mass sex, to have mass sex. And we have a film about him. Yogi: Excuse me. Shri Mataji: We have a film, to show that. But that way I would say Russians are the cleverest. Very sensitive. They didn’t allow him to establish even 1 person in Russia. We have to think. It should be logical. What did we get. Paying such a lot of money to these false gurus. They were against me, because I said you can’t make money out of it. But, people are stupid I must say, that they think they can pay for it. Did Buddha take any money? Did Viditama take any money? Did Christ take any money? How can you not understand, that higher things cannot be bought? Because, you are intelligent people, use logic. I must tell you that, my experience in Russia, showed that, when there is materialism, people don’t see the depth, of spirituality. You know in Japan what is saintliness is. You know it. I know that. A saint cannot teach you dirty things, can he? It is, to understand, that, it’s purity, is auspiciousness. What this Kundalini does, who is your own Mother, individual Mother, that She cleanses you, Shri brings, purity. She, manifest, all your potential energies and powers. You are no aware of them, how many you have. That’s only possible when there is light. Or, there is enlightenment in the real sense. You have to have the experience and, you have to be, is the becoming. It’s not just like a sermon or something to delude you, or misguide you, to make some money. So, you have to have pure desire, and it will work out. Because, this Kundalini, is the power of pure desire. All other desires are not pure because, you never feel satisfied. So now you must know what you have to get. Firstly, all your creative powers are manifest. There are so many great musicians who came to Sahaja Yoga and have become great. And there are, so many painters and artist in Australia, everywhere. They have achieved so much. You become so subtle, that the art, the esthetics, everything improves. You don’t have to go Himalayas and stand on his, your heads. You’ll get it here. you don’t have to sacrifice anything, you don’t have to give up your family, nothing. It all works. Because it is within. It’s all your own glory which manifest. Then you get the power, to give realization to others. It is extremely simple. Your attention becomes very powerful. You give up all your habits. In England, we had people, who were drug addicts and overnight they gave up drugs. I’m not telling you lies. Because you become so powerful, so dynamic, and in the light of the Spirit, you see what is destructive. So, when you see it clearly, what’s wrong, you don’t want to have it. I’ll give you a very simple example: supposing it’s dark and I’m holding on to a snake and I’m very adamant person. If you tell me it’s a snake, I’ll say no it’s a rope. And I will go on holding it, till it bites me. But supposing there is little light, immediately you throw it away. You don’t have to tell them anything about it. It just works. And the attention is so strong, so innocent, that wherever you pay attention, it works. The first state, where you arrive, is thoughtless awareness. Say now, we are thinking about the future or the past all the time. And one thought rises and falls, another thought rises and falls. And we are jumping, on the cusp of these thoughts. But I, if I say you stand in the present, you cannot. We cannot stand, in the present. But when the Kundalini rises, the thoughts get elongated. And you become thoughtless. And you are in the present. Present is the reality. The past is finished, and future doesn’t exist. So you stand, in the present, and you establish your own peace. All your stress strain goes away, you are absolutely realxed. And you are thoughtless awareness. What Zen did, was to establish this thoughtless awareness within you, by tea ceremony, by those gardens. I know many people who have got awards, who have foundation of peace. They have no peace within. They are so hot tempered, that you can’t talk to them. So how can, how can they give peace to anyone? That’s how you become relaxed and peaceful. The second state, is, doubtless awareness. Then you have no doubts about yourself. You can give realizations to others. You can cure others. And, then you realize that you are part and parcel of the whole. As it is, Sahaja Yoga is working, in 60 nations. And they are all your brothers, and sisters, all over the world. So you become, collectively conscious. But above all, you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is, not like happiness and unhappiness. If you are, your ego is pampered you feel happy, if it is punctured you feel unhappy. But you rise above your ego. You start speaking in a, third person, like a saint. This is a special time. I call it the blossom time. Also in Quran is called Kiama. In the Bible: last judgement. In Sanskrit, we call it resurrection time. So this is time, we are going to evolve. It’s a very small little journey, but you achieve yourself. We have follow up of this program. This is, this not just like others that have introductory program and then they start making money out of you. Nobody is going to ask any money from you. But you have to respect your realization. And, you have to give little time for that. and in 1 month’s time, maximum, you’ll master. You had great Saints in this country I must say. And you will realize then, what work they have done. Until and until, until and unless, you have got self-realization, you can’t understand. And the religions have deviated, because, nobody was Spirit oriented. They were either money oriented, or, they were power oriented. So the religion is within ourselves. You may be a Hindu, Christian, Shinto, Buddhist, Taoist, anything you may be, you can commit any sin. But, once you are a Yogi, connected with this Divine power, you are above sin. You become a saint. And angle. All these qualities are within you. They have to just manifest. I have to tell you one thing, that I respect your freedom. If you don’t want to have it, I cannot force it. It hardly takes 10 minutes. But. It doesn’t harm anyone. Only thing if I have done any work, is that it can work out, on mass scale. And if it works out, anywerhe else, why not in Japan? In Tokyo. So I would request you, that, if you don’t want, if you, don’t feel you want your self-realization, please leave the hall. Thank you very much. None of them! [UNCLEAR]. Look at me on the [UNCLEAR]. Now, there are 3, conditions before, I start it. They are very simple. First of all, you should not feel guilty at all about anything. You see, if you have done mistakes, face it. Why feel guilty? By feeling guilty, this center, on the left-hand side, gets very badly caught up. Now supposing you smoke, you spoil this, as well as you feel guilty. So doubly spoilt! But now, don’t feel guilty, your smoking will go away. Don’t you worry! Alright. That means you must be pleasantly placed towards yourself because, you are a human being. The second condition, is even simpler. That you have to forgive, everyone. Even without thinking about them. See logically, whether, you forgive or you don’t forgive, what do you do? Nothing? But, when you don’t forgive, then, you play into wrong hands. And you torture yourself for nothing at all. Apart from that, when you don’t forgive, this center on the optic chiasm, is like this. Absolutely constricted. And if you don’t forgive, it won’t open. But if you forgive it opens. So the Kundalini can pass through. All your life you have tortured yourself, by not forgiving. It is a myth. What are you doing? And at this moment, we are, going to get our self-realization. You must, allow, this Agnya chakra to open out. So the third condition is, that, you have to be absolutely, sure about yourself with self confidence, that you are going to get your self-realization tonight. Don’t condemn yourself. I mean, some people might have told you, you are a sinner or this and that. Don’t listen to them. Because this all-pervading power, is the ocean of forgiveness. That whatever, little mistakes you must have committed, can be completely dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness. So please understand, that, you are born at a time, when you have to have, your self-realization. Have complete faith in yourself and it will work out. It’s very simple. Now these are the 3 conditions. Moreover as I told you, the whole thing takes not more than 10 minutes, but, while doing that, you should not, disturb others by getting up or going out. So what you first feel, is the cold breeze or hot breeze on your hand or finger tips. First time, you feel this energy, this subtle energy. And then you feel, from your fontanel bone area, which was a small, bone, cartilage was there it’s a, you can say a soft bone, you get a cool breeze or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Just after that. after that happening. So it is very simple, and that is the all-pervading power. For the first time you will feel it. And after that you must have faith in yourself. When you get it, you shouldn’t doubt that this might be air-condition or something. There is no air-conditioner in your head, is it? Alright. So is very simple and first will show you, how you will nourish your own centers. Now, if I ask you take out your shoes, will you be happy with me or, annoyed?! I think Japanese know a lot about all this! Because this Mother Earth help us. She sucks in our problems. Alright. There are two powers. Left and right. The left is for your desires, emotions. And the right is for your thinking and physical actions. These are the two sympathetic nervous systems which are manifested out of these two channels. Now, please put your feet apart from each other because these are two powers. You have to comfortable, first thing. You should not very straighten or slouching just normal sitting. Now put your left hand towards me on your lap. Just on your lap. Now, this is, at this time. Not, on your lap I’m saying. Lap. This is symbolic, we need them very much. This is symbolic, that, you want, you desire to have your self-realization. Right hand is for the action. So, we are going. It’s alright let it be, let it be. Come here, Viditama, come here. sit down. Come. Sit down. Be a nice boy. Come along. Be seated. Nice boy. Alright. Put your, now use your right hand for, nourishment of your centers. So, first we put our right hand on our heart. Here resides, the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit you become your own guid, your own master. Now, please take your right hand, in the upper portion of your abdomin, which is the center, of your mastery, in the left hand, on the left hand side. We are working only on the left side, with the right hand. So we take our right hand in the lower portion of our abdomin on the left hand side. This is the center, of pure knowledge. It’s surprising it’s so low, the pure, Divine Knowledge. Now, raise your hand again, in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now, raise hand again, on your heart. Now I have already told you, you have to put your hand here, on the left side, in the corner of neck and your shoulder and push your head to your right. I have told you that, when this center is out of gear, you get Angina, you get spondylitis and also, lethargic organs. Now, please raise right your, your hand, right hand, on top of your, forehead across and please put down your head as far as possible. Now, here, you have to forgive everyone without thinking about them, in general. Now, the last center, before that, there is a center behind. On the back side of your head. Please put your right hand, on the back side of your head. Now push back your head as far as possible. And here, you have to ask forgiveness, from the Divine power, for your own satisfaction, without, counting your mistakes, without feeling guilty. Alright, now please, stretch your palm fully. Put the center of your palm, on the fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please, press back your fingers. Because, you have to have a good pressure on your scalp. Now, please put down your head as far as possible. Now, please move, please, move your sculpt slowly clockwise. 7 times. Please put down your heads. Not move the hand, but the sculp. I think push back your fingers, then only you’ll achieve it better. Put down your heads. Put down your heads. That’s all we’ll have to do. Now we’ll have to close your eyes. [UNCLEAR Please], now. Open your eyes and see that, you have put back your, both the legs away from each other, left hand, very comfortably placed towards me, and we have to repeat once, the same exercise. Now, close your eyes. Don’t open them till I tell you. You can take out spectacles. It’s better for your eyesight. Now, please put your right hand on your heart. Little loudly doctor I think that. Here, you have to, ask a fundamental question about yourself. You can call me Mother, or you can call me Shri Mataji. Now, please ask, in your heart: 3 times. “Mother, Am I the Spirit?” 3 times please ask: “Mother, am I the Spirit?” Now, as I told you, if you are the Spirit, you become your own master. So please, take down your right hand, in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side. Press it, and ask another fundamental question about yourself, 3 times: “Mother, am I my own master?” Ask this question 3 times. 3 times ask: “Mother am I my own master?” I have already told you, that I respect your freedom. I cannot force, Divine, pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now please take your hand, the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Here you have to ask 6 times, because this center, has got 6 petals. Here you ask: “Mother please give me, pure, Divine knowledge”. Ask 6 times. Please ask 6 times: “Mother, give me, pure, Divine knowledge”. As soon as you ask for Divine knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. Like the premule in the seed. So now, raise your right hand, in the upper portion of your abdomen, and, you have to open all these upper centers by your self-confidence. So here you have to say with full, self-confidence, 10 times: “Mother, I am my own master.” You have to say 10 times: “Mother, I am my own master.” Now, raise your hand, on your heart. I have already told you, that, you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this ego, intellect or your conditionings. But you are the pure Spirit. So here you have to say with full, self-confidence again: “Mother, I am the pure Spirit.” Say it 12 times. Please say it 12 times: “Mother, I am the pure Spirit.” I have told you, that there is all pervading power, of Divine love. It is the ocean of knowledge and bliss. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. So, it can dissolve, any mistakes that you have committed and forgive you. So at this moment you forgive yourself fully. And take your right hand, in the corner of your neck and shoulder, on the left-hand side and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say, again with self-confidence 16 times: “Mother, I am not guilty at all.” Say it 16 times. Now, I have already, requested you to forgive everyone, without thinking about them. Logically I have told you. Whether you forgive, or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. If you, just say, by putting your right hand on your forehead across, and putting down your head. You just say from your heart, not how many times: “Mother, I forgive everyone in general.” Please forgive, because I think that’s the center very weak. Please forgive. Now please take your hand back, on the back side of your head. Push back your head. Again you have to say it from your heat, not how many times. Push back your head properly, and say it with full confidence, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction: “Oh Divine power, if I have done any mistake, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me.” You have to say from your heart: “Oh Divine power, if I have done any mistakes, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me.” Alright. now the last center. Please stretch your palm fully. And put the center of your palm, on top of your head. Loudly doctor. Now, please put down your head as far as possible. And push back your fingers. So there is a good pressure on your scalp. Here again, I cannot force self-realization on you, as I respect your freedom. So, please move your hand, 7 times clockwise, saying 7 times: “Mother, please give me self-realization.” Move your hand slowly, 7 times. Please move it slowly. Push back your fingers. Push back. Now move it. Now take down your hands. Please open your eyes. Now please put both the hands toward me like that. Now, please put the left hand towards me, and right hand, properly, and bend your head as far as possible. And see for yourself, if there is a cool, or a hot breeze like sensation coming from your fontanel bone are. Don’t doubt. Some people get it far away, some people get it closer, but please don’t put your hand, on top of your head. Now please put left hand towards me like this. And now bend your head, as far as possible. And now see with right hand if there is a cool, or a hot breeze like sensation is coming from your head? If it is hot, then you have not forgiven. Please forgive everyone. It will cool down. It will cool you down. Again, do it with the right hand. Bend your head well. And with the left hand, you see if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Now. Please raise both your hands like this. Now as a question, [UNCLEAR few] times. Anyone of these question: “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” Secondly, you can ask 3 times. Otherwise you can ask: “Mother is this the all-pervading power of Divine love?” Then you can ask, otherwise: “Mother is this the Prama Chaitanya?” May God bless you. You bring down your hands please. All those, who have felt, who have felt, the cool or the hot breeze on their fingertips or on their palms or out of their, fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. Imagine! May God bless you! Whole of Tokyo is! So many. May God bless you. Take it down. This is Bodha. So you become Buddhas. Means, Bodh is to know on your central nervous system. This is your second birth. And now, please, look after your self-realization. And, come to the collective. Supposing a nail is cut, it doesn’t grow. So you have to come, and whole knowledge you can know, maximum in one month’s time. We don’t have, take money so we have a very simple place, for you to come. Forget your position, forget everything, and just come as a humble seeker. I will come again next year, I’m sure, and by that time you will grow like big trees. May God bless you all. If you have any questions, you can write them and they will send it over to me. Now enjoy this peace, don’t discuss, don’t argue. May God bless you. Ha? Alright. Yogi: [UNCLEAR] can you come about the follow ups? We will have the follow ups every Wednesday. It’s a small place. I wish, everybody comes and we can meditate and learn more about Sahaja Yoga. About, you have a paper with the map and the. And if you have any questions you can phone me or [UNCLEAR] it’s in the pamphlet, the telephone number. And we don’t charge anything. Is as Shri Mataji said. Jai Shri Mataji. And also you can write down your questions and I will send it to Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR] Japanese. I know few Japanese word. And I thank you. [Shri Mataji speaks in Japanese]
1994-0418 Public Program, Tokyo Japan Shri Mataji: What? Yogi: I was telling Sahaja Yoga, how simple and how you have to be your own master. Shri Mataji: You told them about Chakras? Yogi: Yes, I stopped in Nabhi. Shri Mataji: That’s alright. [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: Take it in front. Would be better. [UNCLEAR]. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to tell you, that truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot conceptualize it. It is, it has been and it will be. On these lines, I should say, lot of work was done by Viditama who, who started a movement called Zen. And He has tried in His own way, to establish the essence of all the religions. But He was too subtle, and people couldn’t understand Him. I’ve been here before 3 times also with my husband. And I find that the people here, are very spiritual but, they have no idea as to what is spirituality. As, Bruno has explained to you, we have this system, subtle system, within ourselves. But whatever I’m going to tell you today, you need not believe it blindfolded. Little loudly I think. But, you should accept it as a hypothesize, and you should keep your mind open as scientist. And if it works out, then you have to believe as honest people. Because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolenec of your country, your family and the whole world. Whatever problems we have in this world, most of them come from human beings. They come because, there are problems in the centers, of human beings. But is all built-in, within you. It’s all there. This power, which is in the Sacrum bone, is in every human being. It is called as a Sacrum, means, saceret bone. That means the Greeks knew it’s a saceret bone. Now this, awakening, that has to take place is spontaneuous, beause it’s a living process of evolution. As you can, put a seed in the Mother Earth, it sprouts. Becuase it is built-in in Mother Earth, as well as in the seed, to sprout. So the power is your own. And you have the built-in mechanism to work it out. Of course, you cannot pay for it. How much do we pay to Mother Earth, for giving us all these beautiful flowers? She doesn’t understand money. So one has to understand, that, everyone one of you are, is capable of becoming the Spirit. English language is funny. It calls, Spirit to what we say Atma. It also calls a dead body, a spirit. It also call the alcohol, a spirit. So it’s 3 meanings one word has now. I am meaning, the Spirit which is in the heart. Is the reflection, of God almighty. I don’t know what you call the Spirit, Atma, in your language. Yogi: We call it [UNCLEAR Sere]. Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR Sere]? Yogi: But it does have other meanings too. Shri Mataji: Ah good. Yogi: It’s not a one to one, it’s not a one to one, meaning. Shri Mataji: Alright. Now, this, is this truth about you, is that, you are not this body this mind. These emotions, and this intellect, ego, or, your conditionings. It’s too much. But you are the pure Spirit. This is the first truth. The second truth is, that there is a all-pervading power, of Divine Love, which does all the living work. We see all these beautiful flowers here, beautifully done. And we take them for granted. We don’t think, that this is a miracle. Different flowers, different colors, different heights. Who runs our heart? If you ask a doctor, he’ll say, it’s the autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? So, we have to become the Spirit, is only possible, when you are in connection with this all-pervading power. So when this power, Kundalini, passes through these 6 centers within us, She, Nourishes them, and integrates them. Lao Tze called it as Tao. Lao Tze from… Yogi: Shri Mataji? Sorry. Shri Mataji: They all talked of the same thing. So one has to know at human level, we do not know the absolute truth. Somebody this is nice; another says that is nice. And that’s why, there are arguments, quarrels and wars. As you see me sitting here, you don’t say I’m not sitting here. there is no argument about it. So, the spirit is the source of truth. Absolute truth. When the Kundalini, connects you to this all-pervading power, then you can feel it on your fingertips, your centers. Also, you can feel the centers of others. Because a new dimension comes in your awareness, which we call as: “collective consciousness”. So you have the self-knowledge, and also the knowledge about others. Then who is the other? Now if you know how to correct these centers within yourself and within others, you can get rid of all kinds of problems. In Delhi, there are 4 doctors who have got MD in Sahaja Yoga. One of them has gone to Philadelphia and our doctor has met him. And actually got his realization from him. So this is your own power. And Sahaja means: born with you, is this power. And yoga means the union. This is your right, as a human being, as your birth right. Unfortunately, we have many seekers everywhere, but they have been misguided by people who had their shopping going on. And horrible things happen about it and especially in Japan, I don’t know why, there were impressed by another horrible fellow called rajnish. And he was, one of the incarnations from hell I think, the way he had horrible things he did. He published something against me, then I answered him back on the newspaper. [UNCLEAR]. And I, I answered it. It was all published in the newspaper that he is a hoax. And within 8 days, he died, with aids. Can you imagine? How can a person, who has anything to do with Divine, can do all these things? You must understand. In which religion they have preached like this, that you have to just become a sex point? Most of his disciples are Christians. Lady: He didn’t die of aids. Shri Mataji: Yes, he did. Lady: No. Shri Mataji: I was there in Pune. You see, this is the trouble. What has she got? Ask her a question: How much money you paid him? Just to get inside you have to pay 500$. Lady: [UNCLEAR Exactly]. Shri Mataji: And what did she get? Nothing. Look at her face. How she looks like. You see, this is the problem is. You are, if you are a seeker of truth, then you must find out the truth. I’m just telling you. Because still some Japanese are befouled there. It is, what he’s trying to do, encourage your weaknesses. To have mass sex, to have mass sex. And we have a film about him. Yogi: Excuse me. Shri Mataji: We have a film, to show that. But that way I would say Russians are the cleverest. Very sensitive. They didn’t allow him to establish even 1 person in Russia. We have to think. It should be logical. What did we get. Paying such a lot of money to these false gurus. They were against me, because I said you can’t make money out of it. But, people are stupid I must say, that they think they can pay for it. Did Buddha take any money? Did Viditama take any money? Did Christ take any money? How can you not understand, that higher things cannot be bought? Because, you are intelligent people, use logic. I must tell you that, my experience in Russia, showed that, when there is materialism, people don’t see the depth, of spirituality. You know in Japan what is saintliness is. You know it. I know that. A saint cannot teach you dirty things, can he? It is, to understand, that, it’s purity, is auspiciousness. What this Kundalini does, who is your own Mother, individual Mother, that She cleanses you, Shri brings, purity. She, manifest, all your potential energies and powers. You are no aware of them, how many you have. That’s only possible when there is light. Or, there is enlightenment in the real sense. You have to have the experience and, you have to be, is the becoming. It’s not just like a sermon or something to delude you, or misguide you, to make some money. So, you have to have pure desire, and it will work out. Because, this Kundalini, is the power of pure desire. All other desires are not pure because, you never feel satisfied. So now you must know what you have to get. Firstly, all your creative powers are manifest. There are so many great musicians who came to Sahaja Yoga and have become great. And there are, so many painters and artist in Australia, everywhere. They have achieved so much. You become so subtle, that the art, the esthetics, everything improves. You don’t have to go Himalayas and stand on his, your heads. You’ll get it here. you don’t have to sacrifice anything, you don’t have to give up your family, nothing. It all works. Because it is within. It’s all your own glory which manifest. Then you get the power, to give realization to others. It is extremely simple. Your attention becomes very powerful. You give up all your habits. In England, we had people, who were drug addicts and overnight they gave up drugs. I’m not telling you lies. Because you become so powerful, so dynamic, and in the light of the Spirit, you see what is destructive. So, when you see it clearly, what’s wrong, you don’t want to have it. I’ll give you a very simple example: supposing it’s dark and I’m holding on to a snake and I’m very adamant person. If you tell me it’s a snake, I’ll say no it’s a rope. And I will go on holding it, till it bites me. But supposing there is little light, immediately you throw it away. You don’t have to tell them anything about it. It just works. And the attention is so strong, so innocent, that wherever you pay attention, it works. The first state, where you arrive, is thoughtless awareness. Say now, we are thinking about the future or the past all the time. And one thought rises and falls, another thought rises and falls. And we are jumping, on the cusp of these thoughts. But I, if I say you stand in the present, you cannot. We cannot stand, in the present. But when the Kundalini rises, the thoughts get elongated. And you become thoughtless. And you are in the present. Present is the reality. The past is finished, and future doesn’t exist. So you stand, in the present, and you establish your own peace. All your stress strain goes away, you are absolutely realxed. And you are thoughtless awareness. What Zen did, was to establish this thoughtless awareness within you, by tea ceremony, by those gardens. I know many people who have got awards, who have foundation of peace. They have no peace within. They are so hot tempered, that you can’t talk to them. So how can, how can they give peace to anyone? That’s how you become relaxed and peaceful. The second state, is, doubtless awareness. Then you have no doubts about yourself. You can give realizations to others. You can cure others. And, then you realize that you are part and parcel of the whole. As it is, Sahaja Yoga is working, in 60 nations. And they are all your brothers, and sisters, all over the world. So you become, collectively conscious. But above all, you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is, not like happiness and unhappiness. If you are, your ego is pampered you feel happy, if it is punctured you feel unhappy. But you rise above your ego. You start speaking in a, third person, like a saint. This is a special time. I call it the blossom time. Also in Quran is called Kiama. In the Bible: last judgement. In Sanskrit, we call it resurrection time. So this is time, we are going to evolve. It’s a very small little journey, but you achieve yourself. We have follow up of this program. This is, this not just like others that have introductory program and then they start making money out of you. Nobody is going to ask any money from you. But you have to respect your realization. And, you have to give little time for that. and in 1 month’s time, maximum, you’ll master. You had great Saints in this country I must say. And you will realize then, what work they have done. Until and until, until and unless, you have got self-realization, you can’t understand. And the religions have deviated, because, nobody was Spirit oriented. They were either money oriented, or, they were power oriented. So the religion is within ourselves. You may be a Hindu, Christian, Shinto, Buddhist, Taoist, anything you may be, you can commit any sin. But, once you are a Yogi, connected with this Divine power, you are above sin. You become a saint. And angle. All these qualities are within you. They have to just manifest. I have to tell you one thing, that I respect your freedom. If you don’t want to have it, I cannot force it. It hardly takes 10 minutes. But. It doesn’t harm anyone. Only thing if I have done any work, is that it can work out, on mass scale. And if it works out, anywerhe else, why not in Japan? In Tokyo. So I would request you, that, if you don’t want, if you, don’t feel you want your self-realization, please leave the hall. Thank you very much. None of them! [UNCLEAR]. Look at me on the [UNCLEAR]. Now, there are 3, conditions before, I start it. They are very simple. First of all, you should not feel guilty at all about anything. You see, if you have done mistakes, face it. Why feel guilty? By feeling guilty, this center, on the left-hand side, gets very badly caught up. Now supposing you smoke, you spoil this, as well as you feel guilty. So doubly spoilt! But now, don’t feel guilty, your smoking will go away. Don’t you worry! Alright. That means you must be pleasantly placed towards yourself because, you are a human being. The second condition, is even simpler. That you have to forgive, everyone. Even without thinking about them. See logically, whether, you forgive or you don’t forgive, what do you do? Nothing? But, when you don’t forgive, then, you play into wrong hands. And you torture yourself for nothing at all. Apart from that, when you don’t forgive, this center on the optic chiasm, is like this. Absolutely constricted. And if you don’t forgive, it won’t open. But if you forgive it opens. So the Kundalini can pass through. All your life you have tortured yourself, by not forgiving. It is a myth. What are you doing? And at this moment, we are, going to get our self-realization. You must, allow, this Agnya chakra to open out. So the third condition is, that, you have to be absolutely, sure about yourself with self confidence, that you are going to get your self-realization tonight. Don’t condemn yourself. I mean, some people might have told you, you are a sinner or this and that. Don’t listen to them. Because this all-pervading power, is the ocean of forgiveness. That whatever, little mistakes you must have committed, can be completely dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness. So please understand, that, you are born at a time, when you have to have, your self-realization. Have complete faith in yourself and it will work out. It’s very simple. Now these are the 3 conditions. Moreover as I told you, the whole thing takes not more than 10 minutes, but, while doing that, you should not, disturb others by getting up or going out. So what you first feel, is the cold breeze or hot breeze on your hand or finger tips. First time, you feel this energy, this subtle energy. And then you feel, from your fontanel bone area, which was a small, bone, cartilage was there it’s a, you can say a soft bone, you get a cool breeze or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Just after that. after that happening. So it is very simple, and that is the all-pervading power. For the first time you will feel it. And after that you must have faith in yourself. When you get it, you shouldn’t doubt that this might be air-condition or something. There is no air-conditioner in your head, is it? Alright. So is very simple and first will show you, how you will nourish your own centers. Now, if I ask you take out your shoes, will you be happy with me or, annoyed?! I think Japanese know a lot about all this! Because this Mother Earth help us. She sucks in our problems. Alright. There are two powers. Left and right. The left is for your desires, emotions. And the right is for your thinking and physical actions. These are the two sympathetic nervous systems which are manifested out of these two channels. Now, please put your feet apart from each other because these are two powers. You have to comfortable, first thing. You should not very straighten or slouching just normal sitting. Now put your left hand towards me on your lap. Just on your lap. Now, this is, at this time. Not, on your lap I’m saying. Lap. This is symbolic, we need them very much. This is symbolic, that, you want, you desire to have your self-realization. Right hand is for the action. So, we are going. It’s alright let it be, let it be. Come here, Viditama, come here. sit down. Come. Sit down. Be a nice boy. Come along. Be seated. Nice boy. Alright. Put your, now use your right hand for, nourishment of your centers. So, first we put our right hand on our heart. Here resides, the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit you become your own guid, your own master. Now, please take your right hand, in the upper portion of your abdomin, which is the center, of your mastery, in the left hand, on the left hand side. We are working only on the left side, with the right hand. So we take our right hand in the lower portion of our abdomin on the left hand side. This is the center, of pure knowledge. It’s surprising it’s so low, the pure, Divine Knowledge. Now, raise your hand again, in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now, raise hand again, on your heart. Now I have already told you, you have to put your hand here, on the left side, in the corner of neck and your shoulder and push your head to your right. I have told you that, when this center is out of gear, you get Angina, you get spondylitis and also, lethargic organs. Now, please raise right your, your hand, right hand, on top of your, forehead across and please put down your head as far as possible. Now, here, you have to forgive everyone without thinking about them, in general. Now, the last center, before that, there is a center behind. On the back side of your head. Please put your right hand, on the back side of your head. Now push back your head as far as possible. And here, you have to ask forgiveness, from the Divine power, for your own satisfaction, without, counting your mistakes, without feeling guilty. Alright, now please, stretch your palm fully. Put the center of your palm, on the fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please, press back your fingers. Because, you have to have a good pressure on your scalp. Now, please put down your head as far as possible. Now, please move, please, move your sculpt slowly clockwise. 7 times. Please put down your heads. Not move the hand, but the sculp. I think push back your fingers, then only you’ll achieve it better. Put down your heads. Put down your heads. That’s all we’ll have to do. Now we’ll have to close your eyes. [UNCLEAR Please], now. Open your eyes and see that, you have put back your, both the legs away from each other, left hand, very comfortably placed towards me, and we have to repeat once, the same exercise. Now, close your eyes. Don’t open them till I tell you. You can take out spectacles. It’s better for your eyesight. Now, please put your right hand on your heart. Little loudly doctor I think that. Here, you have to, ask a fundamental question about yourself. You can call me Mother, or you can call me Shri Mataji. Now, please ask, in your heart: 3 times. “Mother, Am I the Spirit?” 3 times please ask: “Mother, am I the Spirit?” Now, as I told you, if you are the Spirit, you become your own master. So please, take down your right hand, in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side. Press it, and ask another fundamental question about yourself, 3 times: “Mother, am I my own master?” Ask this question 3 times. 3 times ask: “Mother am I my own master?” I have already told you, that I respect your freedom. I cannot force, Divine, pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now please take your hand, the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Here you have to ask 6 times, because this center, has got 6 petals. Here you ask: “Mother please give me, pure, Divine knowledge”. Ask 6 times. Please ask 6 times: “Mother, give me, pure, Divine knowledge”. As soon as you ask for Divine knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. Like the premule in the seed. So now, raise your right hand, in the upper portion of your abdomen, and, you have to open all these upper centers by your self-confidence. So here you have to say with full, self-confidence, 10 times: “Mother, I am my own master.” You have to say 10 times: “Mother, I am my own master.” Now, raise your hand, on your heart. I have already told you, that, you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this ego, intellect or your conditionings. But you are the pure Spirit. So here you have to say with full, self-confidence again: “Mother, I am the pure Spirit.” Say it 12 times. Please say it 12 times: “Mother, I am the pure Spirit.” I have told you, that there is all pervading power, of Divine love. It is the ocean of knowledge and bliss. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. So, it can dissolve, any mistakes that you have committed and forgive you. So at this moment you forgive yourself fully. And take your right hand, in the corner of your neck and shoulder, on the left-hand side and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say, again with self-confidence 16 times: “Mother, I am not guilty at all.” Say it 16 times. Now, I have already, requested you to forgive everyone, without thinking about them. Logically I have told you. Whether you forgive, or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. If you, just say, by putting your right hand on your forehead across, and putting down your head. You just say from your heart, not how many times: “Mother, I forgive everyone in general.” Please forgive, because I think that’s the center very weak. Please forgive. Now please take your hand back, on the back side of your head. Push back your head. Again you have to say it from your heat, not how many times. Push back your head properly, and say it with full confidence, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction: “Oh Divine power, if I have done any mistake, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me.” You have to say from your heart: “Oh Divine power, if I have done any mistakes, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me.” Alright. now the last center. Please stretch your palm fully. And put the center of your palm, on top of your head. Loudly doctor. Now, please put down your head as far as possible. And push back your fingers. So there is a good pressure on your scalp. Here again, I cannot force self-realization on you, as I respect your freedom. So, please move your hand, 7 times clockwise, saying 7 times: “Mother, please give me self-realization.” Move your hand slowly, 7 times. Please move it slowly. Push back your fingers. Push back. Now move it. Now take down your hands. Please open your eyes. Now please put both the hands toward me like that. Now, please put the left hand towards me, and right hand, properly, and bend your head as far as possible. And see for yourself, if there is a cool, or a hot breeze like sensation coming from your fontanel bone are. Don’t doubt. Some people get it far away, some people get it closer, but please don’t put your hand, on top of your head. Now please put left hand towards me like this. And now bend your head, as far as possible. And now see with right hand if there is a cool, or a hot breeze like sensation is coming from your head? If it is hot, then you have not forgiven. Please forgive everyone. It will cool down. It will cool you down. Again, do it with the right hand. Bend your head well. And with the left hand, you see if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Now. Please raise both your hands like this. Now as a question, [UNCLEAR few] times. Anyone of these question: “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” Secondly, you can ask 3 times. Otherwise you can ask: “Mother is this the all-pervading power of Divine love?” Then you can ask, otherwise: “Mother is this the Prama Chaitanya?” May God bless you. You bring down your hands please. All those, who have felt, who have felt, the cool or the hot breeze on their fingertips or on their palms or out of their, fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. Imagine! May God bless you! Whole of Tokyo is! So many. May God bless you. Take it down. This is Bodha. So you become Buddhas. Means, Bodh is to know on your central nervous system. This is your second birth. And now, please, look after your self-realization. And, come to the collective. Supposing a nail is cut, it doesn’t grow. So you have to come, and whole knowledge you can know, maximum in one month’s time. We don’t have, take money so we have a very simple place, for you to come. Forget your position, forget everything, and just come as a humble seeker. I will come again next year, I’m sure, and by that time you will grow like big trees. May God bless you all. If you have any questions, you can write them and they will send it over to me. Now enjoy this peace, don’t discuss, don’t argue. May God bless you. Ha? Alright. Yogi: [UNCLEAR] can you come about the follow ups? We will have the follow ups every Wednesday. It’s a small place. I wish, everybody comes and we can meditate and learn more about Sahaja Yoga. About, you have a paper with the map and the. And if you have any questions you can phone me or [UNCLEAR] it’s in the pamphlet, the telephone number. And we don’t charge anything. Is as Shri Mataji said. Jai Shri Mataji. And also you can write down your questions and I will send it to Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR] Japanese. I know few Japanese word. And I thank you. [Shri Mataji speaks in Japanese]
Sahaja Yoga: Actualization of Reality
Public Program
1994-0420 Public Program, Taipei Taiwan [Full speech - 45:00 – 2:09:11] Tell them, when I am lecturing don't take photographs, will be better, see when I am lecturing they should not take photograph, otherwise I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, you have to know that truth is what it is; you cannot change it; you cannot conceptualize it; and unfortunately at human level with human awareness you cannot know it. Now, whatever I am going to tell you today here you should not follow it blind folded. We have had lots of problems with blind faith but if it is proved so treat it like a hypothesis and if it is proved then you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is for your benevolence, benevolence of your family, benevolence of your country and benevolence of the whole world. Most of the problem if you face come from human beings in this world. We create the problems and these problems unfortunately come from the subtle centre from these chakras. If these centres are in jeopardy then you have physical problems, emotion problems, spiritual problems and collectively then you have political, economic and other problems. So we have to know what is the truth, the truth is that you are not this body, mind, your emotions, your intelligence but you are the pure spirit. You see these beautiful flowers and you don't know this is a miracle. We take all living work for granted. In the same way, if we ask a doctor who runs our heart? He will say it’s the autonomous nervous system but who is this auto? So there are many things which cannot be answered through science because science has its own limitations; it cannot answer the question why are we on this earth? It cannot answer the question what is the purpose of our evolution? Why have we become human beings? For this, one has to know that our human awareness is also limited. So some thing more has to happen to us in our evolutionary process. Moreover, we do not know what is the absolute truth. Somebody says this is good, some body say that is good and there are so many discussions, arguments and wars. If we are all human beings the same, our brain are the same why should we have different ideas? And why should we fight? Why should we kill each other? This is not understood because we do not know the absolute truth, it’s all relative. We live in a relative world. So when this subtle system works out and this power rises up and becomes one with this all pervading power which this is the power which does all the living work. When we get connected with this all pervading subtle power around us, then we know the absolute truth on our central nervous system. This is known in Sanskrit as a 'Bodh' from where the Buddha got as a Bodh to know on your central nervous system. It is not just our mental idea; it is actualization of reality. As you all can see me sitting here, there is no doubt in your mind that I am sitting here. In the same way, you know the truth on your central nervous system. Whatever we have achieved in our evolutionary process, we have felt it on our central nervous system. For an example, if a dog or horse has to go through a very dirty lake it can go easily but human beings cannot because they have a subtler awareness. So the second truth is that there is a all pervading power of divine love; in every religion it is described; in Koran even it is described and is called as 'Rooh'. In Koran it is written that at this time which is called the kiyama means resurrection time; your hands will speak. Even in the Bible we have Last Judgement; of course in the Indian scriptures it is described as 'Uthan ' means resurrection time. This is the resurrection time, when people will have spiritual awareness. Now the spirit resides in your heart and the ruling; we called the God Almighty can call it, resides here on your fontanel bone area. So when this Kundalini goes through this sixth centre; it nourishes it and also it integrates. Then you start feeling a cool breeze like sensation of this all-pervading power. It’s described in Indian scriptures as 'cool cool, salilam salilam'. It is described in the Bible as cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. The time now has come for you to know all the realities. So first you know about your centres means you get the self knowledge. When you feel on your finger tips the different centres, you know what’s wrong within you and what is to be corrected. You will be happy to know that in India we have three doctors who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga. So it is tangible. If you have 10 children and cover their eyes and ask them what’s wrong with this gentleman, they are realized soul then they will tell you only one or two fingers like burning, they will show you. Supposing they show you this finger (Right Heart) that means the person is suffering from lung trouble. You don't have to go through the cruelties of diagnoses. You don't have to take medicines which react, which give you other troubles. Now they are even condemning antibiotics completely; (antibiotics they are). So what we reach the point that whatever treatment is there available now is still related but this is absolute. If the diagnosis is done is absolute and treatment that is given is also absolute; may be it may not act on about 10% people because of various reasons but it acts at least on 90% people. So we have to understand that it is done without any money; you can't pay for it. It’s a living process. How much did we pay for our evolution? How much do we pay to the Mother Earth for these beautiful flowers? This is your own power and in the bones sacrum that means the Greeks knew it is a sacred bone. (Sometimes you translate so short and sometimes so big, alright) So now to understand that what are we, we have no way out. The another great thing happens with Sahaja yoga that you achieve your present (present). We are all the time thinking about the future or the past and a thought rises and falls another thought rises and falls and we are jumping on the cuss of the thought. We cannot be in the present. The past is finished and future doesn't exist so we are not one with reality (so we are not one with reality) because that is the present; present is the reality. So when the kundalini rises, she elongates these thoughts and in between the thought there is space, the pause which is the present. Now that is the time you have no thoughts you are in the area of your own peace. That is how you are in meditation you cannot do meditation but you are in meditation. This we call as thoughtless awareness. (You..) 1:08:20 has described about it (you..). So when you become thoughtlessly aware; you become the witness of the whole play. You see the whole thing, whole world as a play. Now supposing you have problems it is like you are in the water and afraid of the waves. (You have problems and you have afraid of the waves) waves is the water as if in the water you are standing, you are afraid of the waves. But somehow if you can come in the boat; you can see the waves and if you can swim, you can jump and save others also. (If you can swim you can do it). In the same way, you see your problems, you witness your problems, you are not in it and you can solve it and also you can solve the problems of others. Its sound fantastic (it sound fantastic) but you are fantastic, you have so many powers only thing you are not aware of them. Like a candle which have not yet enlightened but when its enlightened it gives light. I give an example of a television if you take it to a remote village in India where they have never seen and if you tell them that in this box you can see films they will say it is just a box. In the same way, we too think that we are just the box but once you have put to the mains, you are fantastic, it’s all built in within you. If this instrument is not connected with the mains, it has no meaning. That’s why people have no identity, they don't know what to do with themselves because they think they have no identity. In England and America they cut their hairs, they do this they do that, just because they think they have no identity. Your identity is that you are the pure spirit and then this witness state grows within you and you become a personality with an attention which is absolutely pure. Christ has said thou shall not have adulterous eyes. I have been to all the Christians nations, I haven't see anybody with that pure attention but this pure attention when it is glanced at somebody that person also becomes peaceful and can be cured. You develop another great dimension of your attention; where you can the feel centers of others on your fingertips. so you become collectively conscious, collectively conscious, that means you can feel others on your fingertips. Now if you know how to correct your chakras and to correct the chakras of the others you solve the problem. So all these stress, strain and all that which you suffer goes away. You become an extremely dynamic personality at the same time you become extremely compassionate. Thus, a new race is created of people who are very wise, who are peaceful and who are very efficient (very wise, efficient and compassionate) and you know everything; all the subtle knowledge which was not known to you. Then you can understand Tao of Lao Tse, you can understand Buddha, Zen, Vidhitama, Christ and all other incarnations. You get connected to them and that is how you achieve this power. Above all you jump into the ocean of joy, you enjoy yourself, you never bored, you enjoy others without any lust or greed, you give up all that is destructive (all that is destructive you give up). It is like this if say I have a snake in my hand and there is darkness and I am very egoist and adamant person, (if you) if you tell me there is a snake in your hand and I say know this is not a snake, this is the rope till the snake bites me I will not give up but as soon as there is little light I will throw it away. In the same way you will be amazed that people in London gave up drugs overnight, drug addicts gave up overnight because you also become very powerful, nothing can destroy you and you cannot destroy yourself. It happens also as I told you, you jump in the ocean of joy. Joy is not like as happiness or unhappiness. It is absolute. When your ego is pampered you feel (joy) happiness, when it is punctured you feel unhappy. But in selfhood, you are all the time in joy. Now you know I am a very old woman of 71 years, first when I came to Taiwan it was like a shanty dark absolutely but today what you see is such a prosperous country but what you need is spiritual prosperity otherwise you cannot enjoy anything. I am sure tonight all of you will get your self-realization. I know also you have got questions, you must know I being travelling like this for the last 24 years and I have answered all kinds of questions, I am quite an expert; very clever but is just the mental acrobat; you have to go beyond your mind into thoughtless awareness and into the second state you call doubtless awareness where you get all the powers by which you can give realizations to people, you can do marvelous things after that and you are amazed how fantastic you are. Only thing is that you have to be very confident, all of you, that you will get your realization tonight. Its very easy - Sahaja, saha means 'with', ja means' born' so born with you is the right to get this yoga, union with the divine; Yoga is not standing on your heads and all that, that is just a we bit. It is not mental, we don't have to give up anything, don't have to go to Himalayas and stand on your heads, it’s within you, is your own, this kundalini is your own mother, individual mother. She knows everything about you and she is your mother who is anxious to give you, your second birth – the self-realization. Now you might find people saying I am twice born, it’s not, it’s just a label like Christian, Hindu, Muslim - it just a label. Because you may be Hindu, Christian, Muslim anything you can commit any, any sin and these organizations that they have formed in the name of religion are just money oriented, can't you see that, they are like a (social) social institutions, social clubs or they are power oriented, (they are power oriented) none of them are spirit oriented so you shouldn't blame the religions but the people who have done this. In Sahaja yoga, you will know that all these religions were born, all the tree of spirituality, one tree. But the people took out the flowers, they took out the living flowers and now they are fighting with the dead flowers. I am sure today you all will get your self-realization but there is one thing I respect your freedom. If you don't want to have it, I cannot force on you. I would request you that in that case you should leave the hall. It will create no problem, it will not harm you and you will get your realization. It’s like the sprouting of the seed but then you have to attend our collective in the sense our programs which are follow on. You don't have to pay for that also for the whole knowledge, nothing is.. Moreover, it cannot be forced on you. Off course it is not meant for idiots and for arrogant people (also for arrogant people) you have to be humble about it, you don't have to give anything but you have to receive something. There is no obligation of anyone, it is your own power which will manifest itself. So I would request again those who want to go can go because it will take about 10 minutes, but when we are doing the process I don't want anybody to be getting up and walking off. There are 3 conditions which are very simple. First one is that you should not feel guilty at all, if you have done some mistakes just face it but why to feel guilty, it is a myth. Now if you are feeling guilty you don't know what you are doing to yourself. If you feel guilty then this centre on this side goes into problem then you get a diseases called Angina, Spondylitis (Spondylitis); lethargic organs (lethargic organs) and cervical cancer. So why to feel guilty and get these diseases here; if you have done any mistakes, you should know one thing that this all-pervading power is the ocean of forgiveness. Truth it is truth but truth is a love; it is love; it is divine love and it wants you to become spiritual as they say to enter into the kingdom of God. So please don't feel guilty at all at this moment. Then another condition is that you have to forgive everyone; now some of you may say it is difficult but whether you forgive or don't forgive what do you do? You do nothing. It is a myth but if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. Now if you feel guilty this centre (Left Vishuddhi) won't open and if you don't forgive then the centre on the optic chiasma is like this absolutely constricted, if you forgive it opens. So all your life you have tortured yourself, (so) so what’s the use of remembering people who have hurt you? You better forgive all of them even without thinking about them. You just have to say I forgive because if you don't forgive you will miss the chance again of your self-realization as you have already tortured yourself. Now the third condition is that you all have to know that you all can get your self-realization tonight, whatever may be your conditioning but this condition is such that if you doubt yourself you will not get your realization. So I think these conditions are acceptable to you. Now there is something small I have to tell you that we have to take out our shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. You don't have to close your eyes just now. We will show you how you are going to nourish your centres, yourself. There are two powers in the left and the right, you tell them about it. Left is the power of our desire, while the kundalini is the power of pure desire, all other desires are impure because whatever we desire we are never satisfied with it. So this pure desire that is within us, of which we may not be aware; is the pure desire to be one with this all-pervading divine power. (So you have sit it) sit comfortably, not bending too much or slouching but comfortably in your seats and you people need not write just now because this is only to be done tonight. Alright, now please put your left hand towards me like this, most important thing is to get self-realization; so please put the left hand towards me like this and the right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the spirit so now you should know when if you become the spirit you become your own guide, the light of the spirit, so you become your own master. So now take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it. Please take it down all of you. This the centre of your master created by great prophets and masters. We are working only on left hand side. Surprising you put your right hand in lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and it is the centre of pure divine knowledge. So now raise your right hand again on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, then on your heart, then in the corner of your neck and shoulder the centre about which I have told you, turn your head towards right. Now please take your right hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head. This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone in general without thinking about them. Now please take your right hand on your backside of your head and push back your head, now this is the centre where you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes. Now the last centre you stretch your palm like this and please put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers nicely so there is nice pressure on your scalp. Now please take down your head, put down your head, put down, very important. Now move the scalp seven times slowly, seven times slowly, clockwise. Please put down your head, put down, put down otherwise you could not.. Now press it hard, push back your fingers and move it very, very slowly clockwise. Now, put down put down, put down. Now that’s all we have to do. Now please your feet apart from each other because these are two powers and left hand towards me and (be) I would say pleasantly placed yourself, pleasantly placed not angrily but pleasantly placed yourself. Alright, now put the left hand like this and the right hand on the heart, you can take out your glasses it will help you a lot take out your glasses and you have to close your eyes now and please don't open the eyes till I tell you, don't say any mantras anything, no prayer nothing just leave your attention free, do not concentrate it anywhere, the kundalini will look after it. In the heart resides the spirit, so you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself three times in your heart, please ask three times if you want you can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji. Now the question is Mother, Am I the spirit? Please ask this question three times in your heart, Mother, Am I the spirit? I have told you if you are the spirit you become your master so please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. Now here ask a question, fundamental question about yourself three times again, ask a question Mother, Am I my own master?' Alright, I already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure divine knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. So now please put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and here ask six times Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge, six times, because this centre has got six petals; as soon as you ask for pure knowledge the kundalini rises. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, we have to open all these centres with our full self-faith or you can call it the confidence. Here you have to say ten times with your full confidence, full confidence. Mother, I am my own master. Please say it with full confidence. I have already told you at the very outset that the truth is you are the pure spirit so please raise your right hand on top of your heart and again say it will full confidence 12 times Mother, I am the pure spirit. This divine power is the ocean of knowledge and bliss but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness and it can resolve all your mistakes. So forgive yourself and raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and here you have to say, please turn your head to your right, here you have to say with self-confidence 16 times Mother, I am not guilty at all. Alright, I have already told you whether you forgive or you don't forgive you don't do anything but if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. At this moment, please forgive all them without thinking about in general. So now please put your hand on your forehead across and please put down your head, please put down your head, please raise your hand to your forehead and please put down your head. Here we don't have to say it how many times but from your heart, Mother, I forgive everyone in general, say it from your heart. You have to ask forgiveness from the divine power without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your own satisfaction. Now please take your right hand on backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible, here you have to say, Oh divine power if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me. Say it from your heart not how many times. Alright, now please stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers please so that there is a good pressure on your scalp, now please (please) bend your head, again I have to tell you that I cannot force self-realization on you so you have to ask seven times, ' Mother please give me self-realization' when you are moving your hand seven times clockwise slowly. Please put down your head please. Please take down your hands open your eyes, now put your hands towards me, higher. Now put the right hand towards me and put down the head and see with left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze like sensation is coming out of your fontanel bone area. Bend your heads, bend your heads otherwise. Now please put your left hand towards me and now bend your head and see for yourself there is a cool or hot breeze like sensation is coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now once again, please try with the right hand now put down your head, please put down your head, some people get it far away, some people get it close; tell them; and if you are getting hot means you have not forgiven, so please forgive. Alright, now please put both the hands towards the sky like this and push back your head, here ask one of the three questions 3 times in your heart, Mother, Is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?, Mother, Is this the formless divine love? or Mother, Is this the Paramchaitanya? Ask any one of these questions 3 times. Now please put down your hands, put your hands towards me like this and watch me without thinking. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their hands, on their fingertips or out of their fontanel bone area please raise both your hands. (Again you tell them they didn't hear you). May God bless you. You all have felt it most of you, some have not felt doesn’t matter. (Again again ask them to raise their hands all those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their hands, on fingertips or on the fontanel bone again, both the hands) most of them. Some of you have not felt doesn't matter. Now only thing is that you all have to come to the collective. Now it has just sprouted, any nail which is cut cannot grow (nail which is cut cannot grow, cut from the body. nail nail, tell him any nail that is cut cannot grow from the body if it is cut, isn't it?) So as you have become now part and parcel of the whole, you should grow collectively. You can also feel the cool breeze in (the) your neighbour’s head also if they have got it. Here not here, here. So you all have to come to the collective meeting and grow and those who haven't got also will grow. May be you have not forgiven, otherwise you won't grow, I will be here every year, I hope to see you grow like great trees of spirituality. May God bless you. And the mantra is enjoy yourself. You have to announce now, we are going to announce where they will have the follow ups so please be seated for one minute more. Thank you very much. Thank You.
1994-0420 Public Program, Taipei Taiwan [Full speech - 45:00 – 2:09:11] Tell them, when I am lecturing don't take photographs, will be better, see when I am lecturing they should not take photograph, otherwise I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, you have to know that truth is what it is; you cannot change it; you cannot conceptualize it; and unfortunately at human level with human awareness you cannot know it. Now, whatever I am going to tell you today here you should not follow it blind folded. We have had lots of problems with blind faith but if it is proved so treat it like a hypothesis and if it is proved then you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is for your benevolence, benevolence of your family, benevolence of your country and benevolence of the whole world. Most of the problem if you face come from human beings in this world. We create the problems and these problems unfortunately come from the subtle centre from these chakras. If these centres are in jeopardy then you have physical problems, emotion problems, spiritual problems and collectively then you have political, economic and other problems. So we have to know what is the truth, the truth is that you are not this body, mind, your emotions, your intelligence but you are the pure spirit. You see these beautiful flowers and you don't know this is a miracle. We take all living work for granted. In the same way, if we ask a doctor who runs our heart? He will say it’s the autonomous nervous system but who is this auto? So there are many things which cannot be answered through science because science has its own limitations; it cannot answer the question why are we on this earth? It cannot answer the question what is the purpose of our evolution? Why have we become human beings? For this, one has to know that our human awareness is also limited. So some thing more has to happen to us in our evolutionary process. Moreover, we do not know what is the absolute truth. Somebody says this is good, some body say that is good and there are so many discussions, arguments and wars. If we are all human beings the same, our brain are the same why should we have different ideas? And why should we fight? Why should we kill each other? This is not understood because we do not know the absolute truth, it’s all relative. We live in a relative world. So when this subtle system works out and this power rises up and becomes one with this all pervading power which this is the power which does all the living work. When we get connected with this all pervading subtle power around us, then we know the absolute truth on our central nervous system. This is known in Sanskrit as a 'Bodh' from where the Buddha got as a Bodh to know on your central nervous system. It is not just our mental idea; it is actualization of reality. As you all can see me sitting here, there is no doubt in your mind that I am sitting here. In the same way, you know the truth on your central nervous system. Whatever we have achieved in our evolutionary process, we have felt it on our central nervous system. For an example, if a dog or horse has to go through a very dirty lake it can go easily but human beings cannot because they have a subtler awareness. So the second truth is that there is a all pervading power of divine love; in every religion it is described; in Koran even it is described and is called as 'Rooh'. In Koran it is written that at this time which is called the kiyama means resurrection time; your hands will speak. Even in the Bible we have Last Judgement; of course in the Indian scriptures it is described as 'Uthan ' means resurrection time. This is the resurrection time, when people will have spiritual awareness. Now the spirit resides in your heart and the ruling; we called the God Almighty can call it, resides here on your fontanel bone area. So when this Kundalini goes through this sixth centre; it nourishes it and also it integrates. Then you start feeling a cool breeze like sensation of this all-pervading power. It’s described in Indian scriptures as 'cool cool, salilam salilam'. It is described in the Bible as cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. The time now has come for you to know all the realities. So first you know about your centres means you get the self knowledge. When you feel on your finger tips the different centres, you know what’s wrong within you and what is to be corrected. You will be happy to know that in India we have three doctors who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga. So it is tangible. If you have 10 children and cover their eyes and ask them what’s wrong with this gentleman, they are realized soul then they will tell you only one or two fingers like burning, they will show you. Supposing they show you this finger (Right Heart) that means the person is suffering from lung trouble. You don't have to go through the cruelties of diagnoses. You don't have to take medicines which react, which give you other troubles. Now they are even condemning antibiotics completely; (antibiotics they are). So what we reach the point that whatever treatment is there available now is still related but this is absolute. If the diagnosis is done is absolute and treatment that is given is also absolute; may be it may not act on about 10% people because of various reasons but it acts at least on 90% people. So we have to understand that it is done without any money; you can't pay for it. It’s a living process. How much did we pay for our evolution? How much do we pay to the Mother Earth for these beautiful flowers? This is your own power and in the bones sacrum that means the Greeks knew it is a sacred bone. (Sometimes you translate so short and sometimes so big, alright) So now to understand that what are we, we have no way out. The another great thing happens with Sahaja yoga that you achieve your present (present). We are all the time thinking about the future or the past and a thought rises and falls another thought rises and falls and we are jumping on the cuss of the thought. We cannot be in the present. The past is finished and future doesn't exist so we are not one with reality (so we are not one with reality) because that is the present; present is the reality. So when the kundalini rises, she elongates these thoughts and in between the thought there is space, the pause which is the present. Now that is the time you have no thoughts you are in the area of your own peace. That is how you are in meditation you cannot do meditation but you are in meditation. This we call as thoughtless awareness. (You..) 1:08:20 has described about it (you..). So when you become thoughtlessly aware; you become the witness of the whole play. You see the whole thing, whole world as a play. Now supposing you have problems it is like you are in the water and afraid of the waves. (You have problems and you have afraid of the waves) waves is the water as if in the water you are standing, you are afraid of the waves. But somehow if you can come in the boat; you can see the waves and if you can swim, you can jump and save others also. (If you can swim you can do it). In the same way, you see your problems, you witness your problems, you are not in it and you can solve it and also you can solve the problems of others. Its sound fantastic (it sound fantastic) but you are fantastic, you have so many powers only thing you are not aware of them. Like a candle which have not yet enlightened but when its enlightened it gives light. I give an example of a television if you take it to a remote village in India where they have never seen and if you tell them that in this box you can see films they will say it is just a box. In the same way, we too think that we are just the box but once you have put to the mains, you are fantastic, it’s all built in within you. If this instrument is not connected with the mains, it has no meaning. That’s why people have no identity, they don't know what to do with themselves because they think they have no identity. In England and America they cut their hairs, they do this they do that, just because they think they have no identity. Your identity is that you are the pure spirit and then this witness state grows within you and you become a personality with an attention which is absolutely pure. Christ has said thou shall not have adulterous eyes. I have been to all the Christians nations, I haven't see anybody with that pure attention but this pure attention when it is glanced at somebody that person also becomes peaceful and can be cured. You develop another great dimension of your attention; where you can the feel centers of others on your fingertips. so you become collectively conscious, collectively conscious, that means you can feel others on your fingertips. Now if you know how to correct your chakras and to correct the chakras of the others you solve the problem. So all these stress, strain and all that which you suffer goes away. You become an extremely dynamic personality at the same time you become extremely compassionate. Thus, a new race is created of people who are very wise, who are peaceful and who are very efficient (very wise, efficient and compassionate) and you know everything; all the subtle knowledge which was not known to you. Then you can understand Tao of Lao Tse, you can understand Buddha, Zen, Vidhitama, Christ and all other incarnations. You get connected to them and that is how you achieve this power. Above all you jump into the ocean of joy, you enjoy yourself, you never bored, you enjoy others without any lust or greed, you give up all that is destructive (all that is destructive you give up). It is like this if say I have a snake in my hand and there is darkness and I am very egoist and adamant person, (if you) if you tell me there is a snake in your hand and I say know this is not a snake, this is the rope till the snake bites me I will not give up but as soon as there is little light I will throw it away. In the same way you will be amazed that people in London gave up drugs overnight, drug addicts gave up overnight because you also become very powerful, nothing can destroy you and you cannot destroy yourself. It happens also as I told you, you jump in the ocean of joy. Joy is not like as happiness or unhappiness. It is absolute. When your ego is pampered you feel (joy) happiness, when it is punctured you feel unhappy. But in selfhood, you are all the time in joy. Now you know I am a very old woman of 71 years, first when I came to Taiwan it was like a shanty dark absolutely but today what you see is such a prosperous country but what you need is spiritual prosperity otherwise you cannot enjoy anything. I am sure tonight all of you will get your self-realization. I know also you have got questions, you must know I being travelling like this for the last 24 years and I have answered all kinds of questions, I am quite an expert; very clever but is just the mental acrobat; you have to go beyond your mind into thoughtless awareness and into the second state you call doubtless awareness where you get all the powers by which you can give realizations to people, you can do marvelous things after that and you are amazed how fantastic you are. Only thing is that you have to be very confident, all of you, that you will get your realization tonight. Its very easy - Sahaja, saha means 'with', ja means' born' so born with you is the right to get this yoga, union with the divine; Yoga is not standing on your heads and all that, that is just a we bit. It is not mental, we don't have to give up anything, don't have to go to Himalayas and stand on your heads, it’s within you, is your own, this kundalini is your own mother, individual mother. She knows everything about you and she is your mother who is anxious to give you, your second birth – the self-realization. Now you might find people saying I am twice born, it’s not, it’s just a label like Christian, Hindu, Muslim - it just a label. Because you may be Hindu, Christian, Muslim anything you can commit any, any sin and these organizations that they have formed in the name of religion are just money oriented, can't you see that, they are like a (social) social institutions, social clubs or they are power oriented, (they are power oriented) none of them are spirit oriented so you shouldn't blame the religions but the people who have done this. In Sahaja yoga, you will know that all these religions were born, all the tree of spirituality, one tree. But the people took out the flowers, they took out the living flowers and now they are fighting with the dead flowers. I am sure today you all will get your self-realization but there is one thing I respect your freedom. If you don't want to have it, I cannot force on you. I would request you that in that case you should leave the hall. It will create no problem, it will not harm you and you will get your realization. It’s like the sprouting of the seed but then you have to attend our collective in the sense our programs which are follow on. You don't have to pay for that also for the whole knowledge, nothing is.. Moreover, it cannot be forced on you. Off course it is not meant for idiots and for arrogant people (also for arrogant people) you have to be humble about it, you don't have to give anything but you have to receive something. There is no obligation of anyone, it is your own power which will manifest itself. So I would request again those who want to go can go because it will take about 10 minutes, but when we are doing the process I don't want anybody to be getting up and walking off. There are 3 conditions which are very simple. First one is that you should not feel guilty at all, if you have done some mistakes just face it but why to feel guilty, it is a myth. Now if you are feeling guilty you don't know what you are doing to yourself. If you feel guilty then this centre on this side goes into problem then you get a diseases called Angina, Spondylitis (Spondylitis); lethargic organs (lethargic organs) and cervical cancer. So why to feel guilty and get these diseases here; if you have done any mistakes, you should know one thing that this all-pervading power is the ocean of forgiveness. Truth it is truth but truth is a love; it is love; it is divine love and it wants you to become spiritual as they say to enter into the kingdom of God. So please don't feel guilty at all at this moment. Then another condition is that you have to forgive everyone; now some of you may say it is difficult but whether you forgive or don't forgive what do you do? You do nothing. It is a myth but if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. Now if you feel guilty this centre (Left Vishuddhi) won't open and if you don't forgive then the centre on the optic chiasma is like this absolutely constricted, if you forgive it opens. So all your life you have tortured yourself, (so) so what’s the use of remembering people who have hurt you? You better forgive all of them even without thinking about them. You just have to say I forgive because if you don't forgive you will miss the chance again of your self-realization as you have already tortured yourself. Now the third condition is that you all have to know that you all can get your self-realization tonight, whatever may be your conditioning but this condition is such that if you doubt yourself you will not get your realization. So I think these conditions are acceptable to you. Now there is something small I have to tell you that we have to take out our shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. You don't have to close your eyes just now. We will show you how you are going to nourish your centres, yourself. There are two powers in the left and the right, you tell them about it. Left is the power of our desire, while the kundalini is the power of pure desire, all other desires are impure because whatever we desire we are never satisfied with it. So this pure desire that is within us, of which we may not be aware; is the pure desire to be one with this all-pervading divine power. (So you have sit it) sit comfortably, not bending too much or slouching but comfortably in your seats and you people need not write just now because this is only to be done tonight. Alright, now please put your left hand towards me like this, most important thing is to get self-realization; so please put the left hand towards me like this and the right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the spirit so now you should know when if you become the spirit you become your own guide, the light of the spirit, so you become your own master. So now take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it. Please take it down all of you. This the centre of your master created by great prophets and masters. We are working only on left hand side. Surprising you put your right hand in lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and it is the centre of pure divine knowledge. So now raise your right hand again on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, then on your heart, then in the corner of your neck and shoulder the centre about which I have told you, turn your head towards right. Now please take your right hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head. This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone in general without thinking about them. Now please take your right hand on your backside of your head and push back your head, now this is the centre where you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes. Now the last centre you stretch your palm like this and please put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers nicely so there is nice pressure on your scalp. Now please take down your head, put down your head, put down, very important. Now move the scalp seven times slowly, seven times slowly, clockwise. Please put down your head, put down, put down otherwise you could not.. Now press it hard, push back your fingers and move it very, very slowly clockwise. Now, put down put down, put down. Now that’s all we have to do. Now please your feet apart from each other because these are two powers and left hand towards me and (be) I would say pleasantly placed yourself, pleasantly placed not angrily but pleasantly placed yourself. Alright, now put the left hand like this and the right hand on the heart, you can take out your glasses it will help you a lot take out your glasses and you have to close your eyes now and please don't open the eyes till I tell you, don't say any mantras anything, no prayer nothing just leave your attention free, do not concentrate it anywhere, the kundalini will look after it. In the heart resides the spirit, so you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself three times in your heart, please ask three times if you want you can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji. Now the question is Mother, Am I the spirit? Please ask this question three times in your heart, Mother, Am I the spirit? I have told you if you are the spirit you become your master so please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. Now here ask a question, fundamental question about yourself three times again, ask a question Mother, Am I my own master?' Alright, I already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure divine knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. So now please put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and here ask six times Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge, six times, because this centre has got six petals; as soon as you ask for pure knowledge the kundalini rises. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, we have to open all these centres with our full self-faith or you can call it the confidence. Here you have to say ten times with your full confidence, full confidence. Mother, I am my own master. Please say it with full confidence. I have already told you at the very outset that the truth is you are the pure spirit so please raise your right hand on top of your heart and again say it will full confidence 12 times Mother, I am the pure spirit. This divine power is the ocean of knowledge and bliss but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness and it can resolve all your mistakes. So forgive yourself and raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and here you have to say, please turn your head to your right, here you have to say with self-confidence 16 times Mother, I am not guilty at all. Alright, I have already told you whether you forgive or you don't forgive you don't do anything but if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. At this moment, please forgive all them without thinking about in general. So now please put your hand on your forehead across and please put down your head, please put down your head, please raise your hand to your forehead and please put down your head. Here we don't have to say it how many times but from your heart, Mother, I forgive everyone in general, say it from your heart. You have to ask forgiveness from the divine power without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your own satisfaction. Now please take your right hand on backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible, here you have to say, Oh divine power if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me. Say it from your heart not how many times. Alright, now please stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers please so that there is a good pressure on your scalp, now please (please) bend your head, again I have to tell you that I cannot force self-realization on you so you have to ask seven times, ' Mother please give me self-realization' when you are moving your hand seven times clockwise slowly. Please put down your head please. Please take down your hands open your eyes, now put your hands towards me, higher. Now put the right hand towards me and put down the head and see with left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze like sensation is coming out of your fontanel bone area. Bend your heads, bend your heads otherwise. Now please put your left hand towards me and now bend your head and see for yourself there is a cool or hot breeze like sensation is coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now once again, please try with the right hand now put down your head, please put down your head, some people get it far away, some people get it close; tell them; and if you are getting hot means you have not forgiven, so please forgive. Alright, now please put both the hands towards the sky like this and push back your head, here ask one of the three questions 3 times in your heart, Mother, Is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?, Mother, Is this the formless divine love? or Mother, Is this the Paramchaitanya? Ask any one of these questions 3 times. Now please put down your hands, put your hands towards me like this and watch me without thinking. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their hands, on their fingertips or out of their fontanel bone area please raise both your hands. (Again you tell them they didn't hear you). May God bless you. You all have felt it most of you, some have not felt doesn’t matter. (Again again ask them to raise their hands all those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their hands, on fingertips or on the fontanel bone again, both the hands) most of them. Some of you have not felt doesn't matter. Now only thing is that you all have to come to the collective. Now it has just sprouted, any nail which is cut cannot grow (nail which is cut cannot grow, cut from the body. nail nail, tell him any nail that is cut cannot grow from the body if it is cut, isn't it?) So as you have become now part and parcel of the whole, you should grow collectively. You can also feel the cool breeze in (the) your neighbour’s head also if they have got it. Here not here, here. So you all have to come to the collective meeting and grow and those who haven't got also will grow. May be you have not forgiven, otherwise you won't grow, I will be here every year, I hope to see you grow like great trees of spirituality. May God bless you. And the mantra is enjoy yourself. You have to announce now, we are going to announce where they will have the follow ups so please be seated for one minute more. Thank you very much. Thank You.
Talk to Sahaja Yogis and Departure for Hong Kong
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk to Sahaja Yogis in Taipei (Taiwan) 21 April 1994. [... various voices - inaudible ...] Shri Mataji: My God, it is very nice in this country, very nice. You can open the door, yes. But that door should be closed because otherwise it is ... Yogi: Yeah. Yogi: Yeah, this side. [ A Chinese voice - some whispering - inaudible ] Shri Mataji: Now the two ladies, the saris for the ladies. This you should give to the artist because she really learned it better. And this for another lady. This sari ... Yogi: Both are not here, all gone. How did she did? Shri Mataji: Now she's here. Yogi: The baby also. Shri Mataji (gives presents): May God bless you! May God bless you! She is so emotionally touched, eh? I hope you like it with more artistic work, all that. The hands and [inaudible]. This is the, this is the end of it. Very good, when she .... Because it is such a hot country I bought something, like this, is also very cool, very cool. Ah, see that. Shri Mataji: So, yesterday was a very, I must say, a very heartening program for Me, more than successful. Shri Mataji to the translator: "Can you translate?" Shri Mataji: Because the people who were there were quite serious type, I felt they were listening to Me with great concentration. And it was first very hot, very, very hot - because the heat was coming out, I think. But later on it subsided - and it became very cool when they got their Realization. I could feel their coolness even sitting down there. That shows, you see, that these people have problems because of their fast life they have here, the speedy life they have. And they have a kind of a - what you can say - a stress and strain. And they have taken to this modern life, modern culture, which is not suitable for Chinese or Indians. It's not suitable for anyone whatsoever. So, in the Sahaj culture, you see, we take it in a very balanced way. I find, on the whole, Chinese are the same culture as Indians have about. So, you see, it is easier for Chinese to take to Sahaj culture. And the attitude - Sahaj attitude - of witnessing everything, keeping in the center. I feel yesterday, that people have very bad livers or diabetes here. Because they think too much, very money-orientated. So, first of all, when they come you should try to give them Realization, move their left up and right down, like that - from the backside. That will really help them, but also the liver treatment of ice. Also you can put ice on the left-hand side of the head, and on the backside for the eyes. For your eyes also if you put the ice on the back. This glasses you may not need at all, may not need at all. Because you eat fish too much, in India also Bengalis are the same, they eat too much fish. So, they were very short and they were wearing glasses - that's they are. Same style: great artists, very good at delicate work, music very delicate, everything - the same way as the Chinese. And so many of you look like Bengalis: high cheek bones, small eyes, exactly the same. If the Bengalis come here you won't be able to recognize them. (Shri Mataji laughing) Now, you see, they have improved also - the Sahaja Yogis. Their eye-sight has improved. So, what you have to do is to take out the heat from the body. You can take out from the liver, you can take out from the pancreas, from the brain and from the back-side [optic chiasma ?]. So, you can take out from everywhere - putting the right hand towards the photograph. If you can get an ice; do you get here ice? - Ice - hot water bottle - they have an ice-bottle also. Yogi: They can also buy ready-made ice in plastic. Shri Mataji: That's good. So that, you see, once your health improves, your eyes improve, everything, then others will also see it. You see, it's a proof of Sahaja Yoga. Also there is pollution problem. - Pollution. So, with pollution it is affecting lungs. But with this treatment of cooling down your system, even the lungs will improve because there is a right-heart will be affected. As I told you, we have three medicines in Ayurveda which cools you down. So, when you are coming there we'll get you those, how many people need it she will tell us. These three medicines should be taken for a month, of August. I mean, it should be a very - you can call it a liver-diet month, liver-treatment month - August. I don't know if he'll send them to you from India, if you have any problems with customs or anything. Yogi: No, no, Shri Mataji. No. Shri Mataji: Medicines - so, we can send it in your place, somehow ... We'll ask somebody to send it because I won't be there, but we can. So, in the month of August you plan up - all of you - treat your liver, that's the best. Even, I mean, I must say, despite the heat and all those things your livers are better than the Western people. (Shri Mataji laughing) Western people have really horrible livers, no doubt. (Shri Mataji laughing) So, once you feel better with your livers, you can do much better with others also, because they all had yesterday liver very hot. So hot it was, I was perspiring all over. But for liver-people they should never use the candle. No sunlight. They can sit in the moon-light, but not sun-light; and should look after their Agnya by forgiving. [Hindi aside] Now our whole thing is, how you people are - they will see. For them I am something beyond. So, that's always so. So, one should not also frighten them, like he was telling Me he just said that, in Sahaja Yoga nobody is a sinner - they are half run-away. (Shri Mataji laughing) They wanted to be sinners, you see. (Shri Mataji laughing + laughter) But best is to make them sit before, you can take the tape and play it, translate it - slowly, slowly. So that they settle down with a tape. Then ask them to meditate. And then ask them if they are getting Cool Breeze or not. Just ask them. And then raise their Kundalini. Don't touch them. Raise their Kundalini. But don't tell them that you have to do this or that. Just it will clear out. Now, supposing that their Left Vishuddhi is catching, than you just ask him, "Do you feel guilty all the time?" You should not. But for Christians, if you tell them, "You are not sinners," then they are finished. Because now the Church always says so. Now, they say a lot of things. (Shri Mataji laughing) Aside: Now you'll be able to translate it. Shri Mataji: And it's a very important work now. You see, only by this you can transform people. I felt yesterday they were all sitting there with big stress and strain on their heads. I felt that. So, don't say anything, that would disturb them, but sooth them - it's the best, soothing down. Now, they see us like this, they are being convinced that they are sinners now. So, they just can't get it into their heads that, "We are not sinners." You see, "how can that be, how Mother is saying we are not sinners?" You will notice I seldom use this word 'sin'. Because it has happened like that, that they think they are sinners, there is no redemption - so, what's the use of becoming good? "In any way, we are a sinners." (Shri Mataji laughing) And also you should not laugh at their stupidity; sometimes they can be very stupid. So, the way they asked him questions was, "How to do meditation?" I said, "You don't have to do it; you have to be in it." So, the Mantra is for that is, "Mother, You are thoughtless awareness." That will remove their thoughts and they will be peaceful. And they will meditate better. Because so far, you know, with these religions all over ... and their conflicting effects. They are so conditioned and also confused. They were telling Me about Shinto-religion, where they worshipped their, their - what? - ancestors. Yesterday, a boy came and he told Me very interesting thing, that he is possessed by bhoots, by spirits. And there are two other boys, or other people - one girl and one boy - who are possessed. And they, the bhoots, they moved things from here to there, there to there. And they are talking to them in their ears. These are the devils which Christ took out, you see, sort of thing. But this fellow's thing was very interesting because he said, "We wanted to commit suicide. And we could not," he said, "I could not get cool because I did not forgive those bhoots, those devils. And they talk to us, and they tell us, 'We are Gods.'" I'm sure these are the ancestors, which are following them. Otherwise, why should they go once, once [ inaudible ] And why should these children be caught up? So, that shows that these ancestors are catching. They are interested in these children. They were very young, twenty years of age, imagine. And they were just shaking before Me like this. Then we took out the bhoots - and I asked him [ to put to My hand that side, ] right hand, left hand towards Me. With a candle - they run away. He said, "They are gone now, they are no more there." So, I asked him to cover himself up with something else; and then go, so they won't recognize him. They are stupid fools, you know, these spirits also. I mean, these spirits (Shri Mataji laughing) - such stupid fools. I've done this with many and I have seen that it works. And the Kumkum on the head. That also the bhoots run away. So I have told him, that you take the Kumkum vibrated and put it on the gates of this cemeteries. The bhoots won't come out. (Shri Mataji laughing) That would be a nice idea. And I don't know the Bhuddists because Buddha always had a light. He always had Kumkum. And Sahaja Yogis went to this - caves we have near Bombay, [called ] Elephanta. And there is a very big statue of Shiva. And when they entered in they said, "We were surprised, that there was light here." As you know we have had lots of miraculous photographs. Of course, one was there when in Ganapatipule this Madonna was standing before Me like a light. Also there is, My face is not there, there's only the sun. That is the sign was given to Jews and Kalaki - described like that. Kalaki has no face. And Jews also, they knew the one who is going to redeem them. But you see, those people who are dull, who have no purpose in life, who do not seek, such stupid people - even can doubt everything. (Shri Mataji laughing) They cannot believe that some miracle can take place. But now I want to show you one photograph that was recently taken in Brisbane, where appeared a rainbow. And I was there, and somebody took the photograph, and very surprisingly, there is the photo - there is the painting upwards to Me. [Hindi] Kalki. [Hindi] Is amazingly in some painting - I don't know, may be of Michelangelo, or anything - of the mother and the child is in the sky. Very clearly. Now, this Paramchaitanya is doing all kinds of things - I don't know what to say. (Shri Mataji laughing) Unbelievable this one. Leave it to them. But the non-believer cannot grasp it. You see, it's a kind of a growth and entirety of a person, which can achieve it. Who is a seeker. It has to be that growth, otherwise it cannot ... Shri Mataji aside: Show them also! Show around. Show everyone. Shri Mataji: You also see? It is sometimes conditioning, it's sometimes ego - but it is going too far because there are so many, so many miraculous photographs. There is one in which Ganesha is standing behind Me, with His big, big eyes. One is on My body - it is absolutely Ganesha. Only you can see the Sari down. So, these are living Deities, they are not just imaginary. And also the Shinto-Religion they have those Gods, they are all the same. But I don't know what they have made of them ... [I don't know, something.] Now, for the Buddhist you should ask them to ask one question - it was future Buddha, is described as 'Matreya'. So 'Matreya' is three Mothers together: Ma-Treya. So you just ask the question, "Mother, are You Matreya?" That's all. It answers, it's - your body starts acting like a computer. Just answers all the questions, even if you are not a Realized soul. The sensitivity, I don't know, is much more among Russians because they are not so materialistic, perhaps. They are so sensitive! Doctors, lawyers, professionals - above all, the scientists. 250 scientists are there in Moscow, and 300 doctors, what do you say to that? And they don't want to here anything about medical science, "Tell us about parasympathetic all the time. Tell us about the Divine." Aside: You can do it [ inaudible ]. Shri Mataji: When - once Gregoire was in Austria, I think, there the doctors told him, he had pain in the thing, that they have to remove the whole thing from here to here. (Shri Mataji laughing) That's it. He said, "Mother, what should I do?" I was in America, luckily. He said, "Now they are going to take out my whole gums and everything from here. Then I am going to loose the whole of it." About what sort of doctor it was given. He showed it to many, but all of them said the same. So he said, "What to do, I have no leave also." So he said, "Gregoire, now you have to tell some lies. Of course, it is not a lie also, that you should say that my friend has telephoned to me, that there is an expert doctor in America, and I want to have leave to go to America, let me try that." They had to say yes. So he took leave and came to America to the expert doctor. And God cured in fifteen, twenty minutes. Otherwise they were going to remove him his gums. Imagine, Gregoire without gums. Recently, I was in Brisbane again and somebody told Me that one Sahaja Yogini has been admitted in the hospital and the doctor was saying that she'll die within one hours time because she has meningitis. I know [ Aradhna ?]. I said, "All right, she's not going to die at all." After one hour she was perfectly all right. She went out of it. But you must have a quality of faith. Seeing everything, even if you do not have the quality of faith it doesn't work in you. That's only, I think as William Blake has said that, "These are a special category of people. A special category of people, men of God. They will become Divine and they'll make others Divine." Hundred years back He said it, hundred years back. Because it's a special category of people. With all these things also you must know that people are very conditioned. So gradually, once they'll grow in Sahaja Yoga this quality of faith will become all right, because everything is tangible. So telling all these things can be just a fairy-tale - and they may not accept you; but if you raise their Kundalini, if you give them Realization and if they become one with this All-pervading power then, you see, the quality of faith improves. And that quality of people only can be saved. Others - Divine does not have any interest. So we should also not worry about such people. (note: a telephone is ringing.) Shri Mataji: It's a phone calling on the line here. Yogi: Hello? Yes hello? Yes. ... Yes, I am on the phone ... I know ...mhh ...excuse me. ... mhh ... Kuanin? Kuanin? ... ha? ... You come back? You come back? ... [late ?] ... yes. ... Ah, Shri Mataji? Yes, yes. Shri Mataji: Now you have any questions? Because Sahaja Yoga is complete freedom, you have to ask Me questions if there's anything in your mind. I'm surprised that Canada has taken so much interest. Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: One - one has sent this Ganesha. Yogi: Yes! They just asked the people at Easter Puja, if they want to give something, and than they put it together - they are very quick type. Translator: Shri Mataji, Mister Yang has a question. Shri Mataji: Yeah? Translator: Mr. Yang has a question. Shri Mataji: Yes, yes, please! Mr. Yang: [Says something in Chinese language - all laugh.] Translator: He said he has been searching for a long time but he couldn't feel the Cool Breeze. Yogi: He cannot feel the vibrations. He cannot feel ... Shri Mataji: He is not feeling? Yogi: Only a little. Shri Mataji: [You can be in India.] Yogi: But also he didn't ... Do you meditate at home? Do you meditate? Do you meditate at home? Shri Mataji: Yes, meditation is it - otherwise you [do not improve.] Yogi: Do it at home in the morning, everyday two times. (To Shri Mataji:) He said, at home he does meditate. Shri Mataji: Eh? Yogi: At home he meditates, he says, but he doesn't come to the meetings. Shri Mataji: Oh, that happened! As I told you, if a nail is cut out of the body it doesn't grow. You must come to the collectivity, it's very important. Did you go to some Guru or somebody? Yogi: He was in TM. Shri Mataji: That's it. You can see. For TM is more necessary, because to get out of TM is not easy. Horrible, TM is the worst, I think. That's why I said why he is catching in the left. Left Swadishthana is - Translator: He asked, what shall he do? (Laughter) What should he do? What to do? Shri Mataji: With a TM? Yogi: He wants, what he can do now? Treatment or meditation, what does he do. Shri Mataji: He has a left Swadishthana, so he has to use the candle, no doubt. And the TM is to be really sort of beaten up with shoes, I think something. It's horrible. Yogi: And he is keeping still in contact. Last year he was going to America to meditate with TMs still. Shri Mataji: They are very ... they grip you like that. You see the people who have been to TM have lost their houses. Their children are removed from schools, they are just on the streets. And they were jumping, you see - on the mattresses and they broke their bottoms. And they demanded, you see, they demanded money for that and these people got the money. Their bottoms were broken. There was one fellow who was running their flying academy, Peter [Pears. ] Shri Mataji to the audience: Sit down all, sit down. Shri Mataji: Why do they want to go around at about three feet-level? (Shri Mataji laughing) All right, that failed. So now, new marketing has started: Ayurveda. [Poor catches] talking about that. And also there is one [Prabir Chopra ?] who is going down mesmerising people. Horrible. Very troublesome. Yogi: Shri Mataji, there's also this [GuruMaya] with Sitar-courses. Shri Mataji: She came here? Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji. All of the TM people who came to Sahaja Yoga went then to this Guru-Maya afterwards. Shri Mataji: Aach! And now they will be caught, very badly, they will suffer a lot. Because, you see, she is the devil absolutely - she sells vibrated shawls. Her father - she is an illegitimate child of [Muktanand], she and her brother. And her father had diamonds one-six-hundred crores. Crore is hundred thousand, hundred hundred thousand - of pounds. Aside: It is going very hot soon. Shri Mataji: You can feel the Cool Breeze? You just come closer. Like a fan. There is a failure ...more on the right, less on the left ... left is catching, really, left is a problem. Put your left like this, and right on the Mother Earth ... [sounds like: Put it close [inaudible] Very sole.] Yogi: Shri Mataji, they also have a thing, they go to sauna everyday. Shri Mataji: He? Yogi: They are going to the sauna every day. Sauna - hot, hot, hot steam. Another Yogi: Sometimes, not every day. Shri Mataji: Sauna, Sauna is [ inaudible ] (Laughter) Sauna bath is all right. For him heat is good. Sunlight is good. But now TM has to go away. Are you feeling the cool? Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Are you feeling fan-like thing? All right. Yogi: [inaudible] Shri Mataji: Worst! They are going round from one to another, to another, to another - I mean marketing is sometime. We have a Rajiv Kumar in the government, he is a very high official, and he said that the secretary of one of the departments put all these into TM, and they are all suffering. Translator: He asked, from now on, what he should do? Yogi: He asked from now on, what he should do. Shri Mataji: I am just telling him that he should take the left-side treatment and beat TM with shoes. Yogi: Shoe-beating, shoe-beating. And don't go to the [inaudible]. Shri Mataji: And if he has any books or anything - you should throw them away. Ah, better now. Better? Is this the sari you have to give Me? Yogi: This is the Puja sari for Thee because of ... Shri Mataji: Puja. That you have to give Me in Guru Puja. Yogi: Guru Puja. [several Yogis are talking, and also Shri Mataji: inaudible] Yogi: We wanted to ask this. Shri Mataji: [inaudible] It's all right, get it laid, get it. She can, all right. Give it to Me at Guru-Puja. It's a very nice sari, they could all see it.[note: gap] Yogini: Mother, I feel the Cool Breeze, but I always feel a tension inside and. Shri Mataji: She feels the Cool Breeze? Yogi: Mother, she feels tension, she feels the tension inside. Shri Mataji: Tension. See, Ekadasha, you have a problem. Yogini: Inside of the Nabhi. Shri Mataji: You see, it is your liver again. Yogini: Liver? Shri Mataji: Very bad. It is on Ekadasha, is showing here, it's serious. So, left to the right you have to put it like that, to take out the tension. You don't feel Cool Breeze in the head, do you? See? But still it's the liver. Yogini: Mother, may I have a name? Shri Mataji: What is your name? Yogini: My name is Elisabeth. Shri Mataji: Elisabeth. One name of the Goddess is Priyamvadha. Priyamvadha, but you can call her Priya. Priya. Priya is the [girl ?], but Priyamvadha means the Goddess. Her Quality is to speak something that pleases you, which is learnable. Priyamvadha. And the short form is Priya. Yogini: Shri Mataji, I also would like to get a name. Shri Mataji: Yes, say it! Yogi: Gerlinde, she also said - it is Gerlinde Ringhofer, she also liked to have a name. Shri Mataji: She is ...? Yogi: Her name is Gerlinde Ringhofer, and she wants also a name. Shri Mataji: Gerlinde? Yogi: Gerlinde. Shri Mataji: Gerlinde? Yogi: Gerlinde - "ger" means a spear ... Shri Mataji: Ahh! (Shri Mataji laughing) Lakshmi, Lakshmi is all right. Is easier. All right. So, now we have to go also. It's time. Young Yogini: Mother, may I have a name? Shri Mataji: Yes, you say. Yogi: He wants a name. Young Yogini: May I have a name? Yogi: He wants a name. Shri Mataji: Name? Yogi: Both of them want a name, I think ... (Laughter) Both of them want a name, Shri Mataji. The girl wants a name, and she wants also a name. Shri Mataji: See, I - these days I don't give names, but I will now - this time - but it ... Now, a better name. The name of 'Kamala', means the Lakshmi again, Kamala. Yogi: For the girl? Shri Mataji: Minakshi. (Laughter) Yours is Minakshi then. Yogini: But [my friend] is also called like this, Kamala Minakshi [inaudible]. (Laughter) Yogini: Minakshi! Translator: Mother, she felt a Cool Breeze on top of her head, but she has a problem in the Nabhi. Shri Mataji: You went to some Guru, or somebody? Yogini: Before I met You. Rajneesh. Yogis: Ah, Rajneesh. Rajneesh. Yogini: Ah! But I gave up, [inaudible]. Shri Mataji: Put your right hand on here, and put your left hand towards Me, and you have to say: "Mother, You are my master". Or: "I am my own master." It's better. "I am my own Master", again. Yogini: I am my own master. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogini: I am my own master. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogini: I am my own master. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogini: I am my own master. Shri Mataji: Again. Don't cry. Yogini (weeping): I am my own master. Shri Mataji: A master cannot cry. All right, say: "I am my own master." Yogini: I am my own master. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogini: I am my own master. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogini: I am my own master. Shri Mataji: Correct - again. Yogini: I am my own master. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogini: I am my own master. Shri Mataji: Better now? Yogini: Yeah! Shri Mataji: You know, there is nothing to feel bad - because you are a seeker. As a seeker you always get lost, but if you come back it's all right. Once you have come back you are there - all right? Better now? You get it - Cool Breeze, in the left hand? All right, this is your mantra. Translator: Your mantra: 'I am my own master.' Shri Mataji: He was here, Rajneesh? No? Yogi: I don't think so, Shri Mataji, no. Shri Mataji: But still there must be some organization. Yogi: There is an organisation, they are selling books.[various voices inaudible] Shri Mataji: That organizations get this? Yogi: I don't know, Shri Mataji if it is existing. But maybe a specialist is selling too. Rajneesh still in Taiwan? Is there an organization? Rajneesh has still an organization in Taiwan? Yogis: Yes! Yes! Shri Mataji: Still there? Yogi: Yeah! Shri Mataji: Because lots of Japanese are now working. [inaudible]. Translator: His book is published in Taiwan. Yogini: They were publishing. Shri Mataji: They were published here? Translator: Right, with translation. Yogini: And a tape; and they give you the tape - music tape. Shri Mataji: What did she say? Yogini: Music tape. They also show music. Music. Translator: Rajneesh-Tape, Music, and books. They are publishing in Taipei. Yogi: In Chinese? Yogis: In Chinese, in Chinese. Shri Mataji: Why shouldn't we publish our books here also? Is it cheaper to publish here? Yogi: Ah, it is cheaper. It is not expensive. Shri Mataji: Ah? Not cheaper? Yogi: No, it is cheaper! Yogis: Cheap! No, very cheap! Shri Mataji: Then we should publish our books here. You have publishers who do that? Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: In time. In what language? Translator: It's in Chinese language. Shri Mataji: Somebody must have done it. [Who did translate?] Some of the smaller books. Horrible! In the program in Japan I felt his vibrations were there. So I started talking on him, that he died of AIDS. So, one bhoot got up. She was looking like a bhoot to Me, dressed up like a bhoot, "No, he did not!" - I said, "He did." She went out. Translator: Mr. [ Ku ? ] has a question also. Shri Mataji: Ah? Translator: He has a question. Shri Mataji: What? Translator: Why he has a heart catch? Shri Mataji: Yeah? Very right-sided. Yogis: You are right-sided. Shri Mataji: Yes, you see the heart catches from the right side. Put your right hand on your heart, then come forward. May God bless you! You just have to say, "Mother, come in my heart." Twelve times, "Please come in my heart." Yogi (six times): Mother, please come into my heart. Shri Mataji: Again. Again please say it. Yogi: Mother, please come into my heart. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogi: Mother, please come into my heart. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogi: Mother, please come into my heart. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogi: Mother, please come into my heart. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogi: Mother, please come into my heart. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogi: Mother, please come into my heart. Shri Mataji: That's it. You are all right now? [Yogi sneezes. Shri Mataji laughing.]Whenever you say, I am available. You say, "come into my head!", I will be there. You say, "Come in my stomach!" I will be there. Anywhere you say - I am there. Translator: Now he says, when he is meditating, the vibration is easy and Cool Breeze is easy - but during the day... Shri Mataji: Yeah, yeah. Translator: ... it is very difficult. Shri Mataji: Then you should just close your eyes and think of Me. That's the only thing I can say. Translator: He says, "It is very easy to catch." Shri Mataji: Eh? Translator: Very easy to catch, sometimes. Shri Mataji: Then before going out you should take a Bandhan. And also meditate, and before sleeping also take a Bandhan. Put your attention to Sahasrara before sleeping, it's better. Gradually, you see, it purifies you completely. You have to have patience, that's all. Yogi: He tries to cure people. Shri Mataji: Ah? Yogi: He is trying to cure people. He is trying to cure other people. Shri Mataji: Aya ... he should take Bandhan and he can do it, but don't touch them. Best is to give them photographs. That's all. Them also a Bandhan. Yourself, and to them also. Yes, and - you can give photographs, it's the best. And tell them to meditate. Don't touch them, because they are quite complicated to begin with. (Shri Mataji gets a present.) Shri Mataji: What's it? Oh, you have done it! (Laughter and applause) O My God, it's done so beautifully. Yogi: Looks nice. (Laughter) Shri Mataji: I am not so beautiful like this. (Laughter) Very sweet. Thank you very much! You should write your name here. They are artists, I must say. Such a little girl. Better now! Are you better? Is he better now! Are you better now? Yogi: Much better. Shri Mataji: Are you better now? Better. Now sit with a - never sit with a locked gate, with an Asanas. With a Sahaja Asana, like him. Sahaja Asana. Sahaja Asana, like this: Sahaja Asana. [Many are talking, also Shri Mataji: inaudible ] Shri Mataji: Not to lock up. Now it's better, now. Translator: Mr Yang says his left hand is cool. Shri Mataji: Right hand on the Mother Earth. Translator: Right hand put on the Mother Earth. Shri Mataji: If it is a right-hand-problem, then put the right hand towards the photograph and left hand upwards. It's very simple - Sahaja Yoga.No, no, no, no. Left hand towards the photograph, in your case. Photograph. Towards Me, now. And the right hand on the Mother Earth. Because left side goes in the Mother Earth; and right side goes into the ether. Yogini [silently]: Mother, Mother, Mother - You mentioned this birthmark can be cured by Sahaja Yoga treatment. (Laughter) Yogi: She is a very little, very little kind of a nevus, very little for the colour change of the skin, and she is worried about the daughter about that. Shri Mataji: What is less? Yogi: Come, come on. Yogis: Birthmark. Oh God! Birthmark. Yogis: ... [ inaudible ] She is worried about the birthmark ... [ inaudible ]. Shri Mataji: Let's see that go away. You tried something for that? Nevus. Yogi: Because I told her, she shouldn't worry about it, because she is a beautiful girl. She shouldn't worry about that. Shri Mataji: Ha ha! She does. But Haldi is very good for her. You get in India something like Turmeric. Yogi: We have here Haldi, Shri Mataji. We have ... Shri Mataji: That cools Me also. [They doubt], they get in England, [they doubt]. These are all [itching] things, but let's try. Yogi: Like in the marriage ceremony you put it, you make it wet and put it in? Shri Mataji: It's - get a tube. Some are going to send Me these medicines, on the Diwali. I asked somebody to send it from Puna. Yogi: Shri Mataji, can you repeat the names please first? Shri Mataji: All right, write it down! The first one is Chandanas. This you have to take one spoon after breakfast. One table-spoon, or maybe small spoon. To begin with, let's start with one, yes? Then one table-spoon. Then you have to take another one which is called as Oudumber, Oudumber. O-u-d-u-m-b-e-r, Oudumber-water. That you should take after lunch and after dinner.The best start, it is the easiest to send a Sabchasi, s-a-b-ch-ai, Sabchasi. They are very cheap. Now, you soak sabchasis in the water - before sleeping. And early in the morning, just after brushing your teeth. This is also one tea-spoon full, you have to soak. Brushing the teeth you take that water. So much of water we do. Drink the water and also eat the sabchasis. Which get swollen up. This is for liver. Also some people have vomiting sensation and all that, in that case. Or migraines. This, you can take it in winter: is ginger, which is mixed with lemon and salt. You could eat ginger, raw ginger. Yogi: As a powder, or fresh ginger? Shri Mataji: No, no, no, not powder. Ginger. Raw ginger. Yogi: Raw. Shri Mataji: With food or something. Yogi: Yes, they cook a lot with ginger, the Chinese. Shri Mataji: Yeah. But also powder of ginger - you can take early in the morning before anyone else, with sugar. For example you press a spoon. I will show you: a little bit should be taken first of all the powder. And should be covered with vibrated sugar. Yogi: Shri Mataji, can we offer some Kumkum to vibrate it? Shri Mataji: Ah? Yogi: We want to offer some Kumkum that You can vibrate it with [SOUNDS LIKE: Your feet ?]. Some Kumkum, please. Shri Mataji: Yeah! Not only Kumkum, otherwise I also have to vibrate water. You have that water; you have your Kumkum, all right. Now we should have salt, sugar. Yogi: Salt and sugar please. Shri Mataji: Actually, your wife is very right-sided, she has a liver then [ very terrible ]. Better tell her that at least, bring your liver all right. What is this? Yogini: This is Kumkum, Shri Mataji. Yogi: It's Kumkum. Shri Mataji: So much? (Shri Mataji laughing) All right. Austria will have the Sahasrara-Puja, do you know that? (Shri Mataji laughing) [Hamid, you know, Hamid wants.] Hamid's idea. He wants to have My birthday, imagine, 21st March! What will be the temperature? (Shri Mataji laughing) Aside: How many things like that? Yogini: To drink? Shri Mataji: It's all right. It is all vibrated. Yogini: Mother, Mother can I ask some vibration-water for the [inaudible]. Yogis: Yes. Okay, we have it. .... Yogi: She wants to have vibrated water. Shri Mataji: Eh? Yogi: She wants to have vibrated water. We have that. Shri Mataji: Yeah. Yogini: To clean the house. Yogi: Yes. Shri Mataji: That's very good also for liver. What you can do: put the vibrated water; add up more of your own, shake it nicely. If you don't touch these things with your hand it's the best. Use spoons always. And I have to change My sari and I think, I hope to see you again, very soon. Yogis: Jai Shri Mataji! Shri Mataji: Try to come to India, if possible it's good. Was there any concession given to you last time? Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji, there was a concession. Shri Mataji: What concession? Yogi: We were coming for the whole tour, and about, I think, four people got it for the half price. Shri Mataji: For the whole tour? (note: telephone rings ) Yogi: For the whole tour; and this tour already ten people came to Ganapatipule, and we took the half price - to people who need help. [???] Shri Mataji: Half price ... And for the whole tour also? Just for the Eastern people they are doing like that.[inaudible] Shri Mataji: I am going to make free for the leaders now. (Laughter) Translator: Shri Mataji, the jewellery store, they bring some samples to show, Mother. Shri Mataji: Ah, he is here? Translator: Yeah. Shri Mataji: All right, so I'll see him, better - it is so anxious. Translator: Yes. Shri Mataji: All right, very good idea. Thank you very much; thank you very much! Ask him to keep it in My purse. Give it to Me, give Me that. You get there, [keep it closed.] May God bless you! Hello. Good bye.
Talk to Sahaja Yogis in Taipei (Taiwan) 21 April 1994. [... various voices - inaudible ...] Shri Mataji: My God, it is very nice in this country, very nice. You can open the door, yes. But that door should be closed because otherwise it is ... Yogi: Yeah. Yogi: Yeah, this side. [ A Chinese voice - some whispering - inaudible ] Shri Mataji: Now the two ladies, the saris for the ladies. This you should give to the artist because she really learned it better. And this for another lady. This sari ... Yogi: Both are not here, all gone. How did she did? Shri Mataji: Now she's here. Yogi: The baby also. Shri Mataji (gives presents): May God bless you! May God bless you! She is so emotionally touched, eh? I hope you like it with more artistic work, all that. The hands and [inaudible]. This is the, this is the end of it. Very good, when she .... Because it is such a hot country I bought something, like this, is also very cool, very cool. Ah, see that. Shri Mataji: So, yesterday was a very, I must say, a very heartening program for Me, more than successful. Shri Mataji to the translator: "Can you translate?" Shri Mataji: Because the people who were there were quite serious type, I felt they were listening to Me with great concentration. And it was first very hot, very, very hot - because the heat was coming out, I think. But later on it subsided - and it became very cool when they got their Realization. I could feel their coolness even sitting down there. That shows, you see, that these people have problems because of their fast life they have here, the speedy life they have. And they have a kind of a - what you can say - a stress and strain. And they have taken to this modern life, modern culture, which is not suitable for Chinese or Indians. It's not suitable for anyone whatsoever. So, in the Sahaj culture, you see, we take it in a very balanced way. I find, on the whole, Chinese are the same culture as Indians have about. So, you see, it is easier for Chinese to take to Sahaj culture. And the attitude - Sahaj attitude - of witnessing everything, keeping in the center. I feel yesterday, that people have very bad livers or diabetes here. Because they think too much, very money-orientated. So, first of all, when they come you should try to give them Realization, move their left up and right down, like that - from the backside. That will really help them, but also the liver treatment of ice. Also you can put ice on the left-hand side of the head, and on the backside for the eyes. For your eyes also if you put the ice on the back. This glasses you may not need at all, may not need at all. Because you eat fish too much, in India also Bengalis are the same, they eat too much fish. So, they were very short and they were wearing glasses - that's they are. Same style: great artists, very good at delicate work, music very delicate, everything - the same way as the Chinese. And so many of you look like Bengalis: high cheek bones, small eyes, exactly the same. If the Bengalis come here you won't be able to recognize them. (Shri Mataji laughing) Now, you see, they have improved also - the Sahaja Yogis. Their eye-sight has improved. So, what you have to do is to take out the heat from the body. You can take out from the liver, you can take out from the pancreas, from the brain and from the back-side [optic chiasma ?]. So, you can take out from everywhere - putting the right hand towards the photograph. If you can get an ice; do you get here ice? - Ice - hot water bottle - they have an ice-bottle also. Yogi: They can also buy ready-made ice in plastic. Shri Mataji: That's good. So that, you see, once your health improves, your eyes improve, everything, then others will also see it. You see, it's a proof of Sahaja Yoga. Also there is pollution problem. - Pollution. So, with pollution it is affecting lungs. But with this treatment of cooling down your system, even the lungs will improve because there is a right-heart will be affected. As I told you, we have three medicines in Ayurveda which cools you down. So, when you are coming there we'll get you those, how many people need it she will tell us. These three medicines should be taken for a month, of August. I mean, it should be a very - you can call it a liver-diet month, liver-treatment month - August. I don't know if he'll send them to you from India, if you have any problems with customs or anything. Yogi: No, no, Shri Mataji. No. Shri Mataji: Medicines - so, we can send it in your place, somehow ... We'll ask somebody to send it because I won't be there, but we can. So, in the month of August you plan up - all of you - treat your liver, that's the best. Even, I mean, I must say, despite the heat and all those things your livers are better than the Western people. (Shri Mataji laughing) Western people have really horrible livers, no doubt. (Shri Mataji laughing) So, once you feel better with your livers, you can do much better with others also, because they all had yesterday liver very hot. So hot it was, I was perspiring all over. But for liver-people they should never use the candle. No sunlight. They can sit in the moon-light, but not sun-light; and should look after their Agnya by forgiving. [Hindi aside] Now our whole thing is, how you people are - they will see. For them I am something beyond. So, that's always so. So, one should not also frighten them, like he was telling Me he just said that, in Sahaja Yoga nobody is a sinner - they are half run-away. (Shri Mataji laughing) They wanted to be sinners, you see. (Shri Mataji laughing + laughter) But best is to make them sit before, you can take the tape and play it, translate it - slowly, slowly. So that they settle down with a tape. Then ask them to meditate. And then ask them if they are getting Cool Breeze or not. Just ask them. And then raise their Kundalini. Don't touch them. Raise their Kundalini. But don't tell them that you have to do this or that. Just it will clear out. Now, supposing that their Left Vishuddhi is catching, than you just ask him, "Do you feel guilty all the time?" You should not. But for Christians, if you tell them, "You are not sinners," then they are finished. Because now the Church always says so. Now, they say a lot of things. (Shri Mataji laughing) Aside: Now you'll be able to translate it. Shri Mataji: And it's a very important work now. You see, only by this you can transform people. I felt yesterday they were all sitting there with big stress and strain on their heads. I felt that. So, don't say anything, that would disturb them, but sooth them - it's the best, soothing down. Now, they see us like this, they are being convinced that they are sinners now. So, they just can't get it into their heads that, "We are not sinners." You see, "how can that be, how Mother is saying we are not sinners?" You will notice I seldom use this word 'sin'. Because it has happened like that, that they think they are sinners, there is no redemption - so, what's the use of becoming good? "In any way, we are a sinners." (Shri Mataji laughing) And also you should not laugh at their stupidity; sometimes they can be very stupid. So, the way they asked him questions was, "How to do meditation?" I said, "You don't have to do it; you have to be in it." So, the Mantra is for that is, "Mother, You are thoughtless awareness." That will remove their thoughts and they will be peaceful. And they will meditate better. Because so far, you know, with these religions all over ... and their conflicting effects. They are so conditioned and also confused. They were telling Me about Shinto-religion, where they worshipped their, their - what? - ancestors. Yesterday, a boy came and he told Me very interesting thing, that he is possessed by bhoots, by spirits. And there are two other boys, or other people - one girl and one boy - who are possessed. And they, the bhoots, they moved things from here to there, there to there. And they are talking to them in their ears. These are the devils which Christ took out, you see, sort of thing. But this fellow's thing was very interesting because he said, "We wanted to commit suicide. And we could not," he said, "I could not get cool because I did not forgive those bhoots, those devils. And they talk to us, and they tell us, 'We are Gods.'" I'm sure these are the ancestors, which are following them. Otherwise, why should they go once, once [ inaudible ] And why should these children be caught up? So, that shows that these ancestors are catching. They are interested in these children. They were very young, twenty years of age, imagine. And they were just shaking before Me like this. Then we took out the bhoots - and I asked him [ to put to My hand that side, ] right hand, left hand towards Me. With a candle - they run away. He said, "They are gone now, they are no more there." So, I asked him to cover himself up with something else; and then go, so they won't recognize him. They are stupid fools, you know, these spirits also. I mean, these spirits (Shri Mataji laughing) - such stupid fools. I've done this with many and I have seen that it works. And the Kumkum on the head. That also the bhoots run away. So I have told him, that you take the Kumkum vibrated and put it on the gates of this cemeteries. The bhoots won't come out. (Shri Mataji laughing) That would be a nice idea. And I don't know the Bhuddists because Buddha always had a light. He always had Kumkum. And Sahaja Yogis went to this - caves we have near Bombay, [called ] Elephanta. And there is a very big statue of Shiva. And when they entered in they said, "We were surprised, that there was light here." As you know we have had lots of miraculous photographs. Of course, one was there when in Ganapatipule this Madonna was standing before Me like a light. Also there is, My face is not there, there's only the sun. That is the sign was given to Jews and Kalaki - described like that. Kalaki has no face. And Jews also, they knew the one who is going to redeem them. But you see, those people who are dull, who have no purpose in life, who do not seek, such stupid people - even can doubt everything. (Shri Mataji laughing) They cannot believe that some miracle can take place. But now I want to show you one photograph that was recently taken in Brisbane, where appeared a rainbow. And I was there, and somebody took the photograph, and very surprisingly, there is the photo - there is the painting upwards to Me. [Hindi] Kalki. [Hindi] Is amazingly in some painting - I don't know, may be of Michelangelo, or anything - of the mother and the child is in the sky. Very clearly. Now, this Paramchaitanya is doing all kinds of things - I don't know what to say. (Shri Mataji laughing) Unbelievable this one. Leave it to them. But the non-believer cannot grasp it. You see, it's a kind of a growth and entirety of a person, which can achieve it. Who is a seeker. It has to be that growth, otherwise it cannot ... Shri Mataji aside: Show them also! Show around. Show everyone. Shri Mataji: You also see? It is sometimes conditioning, it's sometimes ego - but it is going too far because there are so many, so many miraculous photographs. There is one in which Ganesha is standing behind Me, with His big, big eyes. One is on My body - it is absolutely Ganesha. Only you can see the Sari down. So, these are living Deities, they are not just imaginary. And also the Shinto-Religion they have those Gods, they are all the same. But I don't know what they have made of them ... [I don't know, something.] Now, for the Buddhist you should ask them to ask one question - it was future Buddha, is described as 'Matreya'. So 'Matreya' is three Mothers together: Ma-Treya. So you just ask the question, "Mother, are You Matreya?" That's all. It answers, it's - your body starts acting like a computer. Just answers all the questions, even if you are not a Realized soul. The sensitivity, I don't know, is much more among Russians because they are not so materialistic, perhaps. They are so sensitive! Doctors, lawyers, professionals - above all, the scientists. 250 scientists are there in Moscow, and 300 doctors, what do you say to that? And they don't want to here anything about medical science, "Tell us about parasympathetic all the time. Tell us about the Divine." Aside: You can do it [ inaudible ]. Shri Mataji: When - once Gregoire was in Austria, I think, there the doctors told him, he had pain in the thing, that they have to remove the whole thing from here to here. (Shri Mataji laughing) That's it. He said, "Mother, what should I do?" I was in America, luckily. He said, "Now they are going to take out my whole gums and everything from here. Then I am going to loose the whole of it." About what sort of doctor it was given. He showed it to many, but all of them said the same. So he said, "What to do, I have no leave also." So he said, "Gregoire, now you have to tell some lies. Of course, it is not a lie also, that you should say that my friend has telephoned to me, that there is an expert doctor in America, and I want to have leave to go to America, let me try that." They had to say yes. So he took leave and came to America to the expert doctor. And God cured in fifteen, twenty minutes. Otherwise they were going to remove him his gums. Imagine, Gregoire without gums. Recently, I was in Brisbane again and somebody told Me that one Sahaja Yogini has been admitted in the hospital and the doctor was saying that she'll die within one hours time because she has meningitis. I know [ Aradhna ?]. I said, "All right, she's not going to die at all." After one hour she was perfectly all right. She went out of it. But you must have a quality of faith. Seeing everything, even if you do not have the quality of faith it doesn't work in you. That's only, I think as William Blake has said that, "These are a special category of people. A special category of people, men of God. They will become Divine and they'll make others Divine." Hundred years back He said it, hundred years back. Because it's a special category of people. With all these things also you must know that people are very conditioned. So gradually, once they'll grow in Sahaja Yoga this quality of faith will become all right, because everything is tangible. So telling all these things can be just a fairy-tale - and they may not accept you; but if you raise their Kundalini, if you give them Realization and if they become one with this All-pervading power then, you see, the quality of faith improves. And that quality of people only can be saved. Others - Divine does not have any interest. So we should also not worry about such people. (note: a telephone is ringing.) Shri Mataji: It's a phone calling on the line here. Yogi: Hello? Yes hello? Yes. ... Yes, I am on the phone ... I know ...mhh ...excuse me. ... mhh ... Kuanin? Kuanin? ... ha? ... You come back? You come back? ... [late ?] ... yes. ... Ah, Shri Mataji? Yes, yes. Shri Mataji: Now you have any questions? Because Sahaja Yoga is complete freedom, you have to ask Me questions if there's anything in your mind. I'm surprised that Canada has taken so much interest. Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: One - one has sent this Ganesha. Yogi: Yes! They just asked the people at Easter Puja, if they want to give something, and than they put it together - they are very quick type. Translator: Shri Mataji, Mister Yang has a question. Shri Mataji: Yeah? Translator: Mr. Yang has a question. Shri Mataji: Yes, yes, please! Mr. Yang: [Says something in Chinese language - all laugh.] Translator: He said he has been searching for a long time but he couldn't feel the Cool Breeze. Yogi: He cannot feel the vibrations. He cannot feel ... Shri Mataji: He is not feeling? Yogi: Only a little. Shri Mataji: [You can be in India.] Yogi: But also he didn't ... Do you meditate at home? Do you meditate? Do you meditate at home? Shri Mataji: Yes, meditation is it - otherwise you [do not improve.] Yogi: Do it at home in the morning, everyday two times. (To Shri Mataji:) He said, at home he does meditate. Shri Mataji: Eh? Yogi: At home he meditates, he says, but he doesn't come to the meetings. Shri Mataji: Oh, that happened! As I told you, if a nail is cut out of the body it doesn't grow. You must come to the collectivity, it's very important. Did you go to some Guru or somebody? Yogi: He was in TM. Shri Mataji: That's it. You can see. For TM is more necessary, because to get out of TM is not easy. Horrible, TM is the worst, I think. That's why I said why he is catching in the left. Left Swadishthana is - Translator: He asked, what shall he do? (Laughter) What should he do? What to do? Shri Mataji: With a TM? Yogi: He wants, what he can do now? Treatment or meditation, what does he do. Shri Mataji: He has a left Swadishthana, so he has to use the candle, no doubt. And the TM is to be really sort of beaten up with shoes, I think something. It's horrible. Yogi: And he is keeping still in contact. Last year he was going to America to meditate with TMs still. Shri Mataji: They are very ... they grip you like that. You see the people who have been to TM have lost their houses. Their children are removed from schools, they are just on the streets. And they were jumping, you see - on the mattresses and they broke their bottoms. And they demanded, you see, they demanded money for that and these people got the money. Their bottoms were broken. There was one fellow who was running their flying academy, Peter [Pears. ] Shri Mataji to the audience: Sit down all, sit down. Shri Mataji: Why do they want to go around at about three feet-level? (Shri Mataji laughing) All right, that failed. So now, new marketing has started: Ayurveda. [Poor catches] talking about that. And also there is one [Prabir Chopra ?] who is going down mesmerising people. Horrible. Very troublesome. Yogi: Shri Mataji, there's also this [GuruMaya] with Sitar-courses. Shri Mataji: She came here? Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji. All of the TM people who came to Sahaja Yoga went then to this Guru-Maya afterwards. Shri Mataji: Aach! And now they will be caught, very badly, they will suffer a lot. Because, you see, she is the devil absolutely - she sells vibrated shawls. Her father - she is an illegitimate child of [Muktanand], she and her brother. And her father had diamonds one-six-hundred crores. Crore is hundred thousand, hundred hundred thousand - of pounds. Aside: It is going very hot soon. Shri Mataji: You can feel the Cool Breeze? You just come closer. Like a fan. There is a failure ...more on the right, less on the left ... left is catching, really, left is a problem. Put your left like this, and right on the Mother Earth ... [sounds like: Put it close [inaudible] Very sole.] Yogi: Shri Mataji, they also have a thing, they go to sauna everyday. Shri Mataji: He? Yogi: They are going to the sauna every day. Sauna - hot, hot, hot steam. Another Yogi: Sometimes, not every day. Shri Mataji: Sauna, Sauna is [ inaudible ] (Laughter) Sauna bath is all right. For him heat is good. Sunlight is good. But now TM has to go away. Are you feeling the cool? Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Are you feeling fan-like thing? All right. Yogi: [inaudible] Shri Mataji: Worst! They are going round from one to another, to another, to another - I mean marketing is sometime. We have a Rajiv Kumar in the government, he is a very high official, and he said that the secretary of one of the departments put all these into TM, and they are all suffering. Translator: He asked, from now on, what he should do? Yogi: He asked from now on, what he should do. Shri Mataji: I am just telling him that he should take the left-side treatment and beat TM with shoes. Yogi: Shoe-beating, shoe-beating. And don't go to the [inaudible]. Shri Mataji: And if he has any books or anything - you should throw them away. Ah, better now. Better? Is this the sari you have to give Me? Yogi: This is the Puja sari for Thee because of ... Shri Mataji: Puja. That you have to give Me in Guru Puja. Yogi: Guru Puja. [several Yogis are talking, and also Shri Mataji: inaudible] Yogi: We wanted to ask this. Shri Mataji: [inaudible] It's all right, get it laid, get it. She can, all right. Give it to Me at Guru-Puja. It's a very nice sari, they could all see it.[note: gap] Yogini: Mother, I feel the Cool Breeze, but I always feel a tension inside and. Shri Mataji: She feels the Cool Breeze? Yogi: Mother, she feels tension, she feels the tension inside. Shri Mataji: Tension. See, Ekadasha, you have a problem. Yogini: Inside of the Nabhi. Shri Mataji: You see, it is your liver again. Yogini: Liver? Shri Mataji: Very bad. It is on Ekadasha, is showing here, it's serious. So, left to the right you have to put it like that, to take out the tension. You don't feel Cool Breeze in the head, do you? See? But still it's the liver. Yogini: Mother, may I have a name? Shri Mataji: What is your name? Yogini: My name is Elisabeth. Shri Mataji: Elisabeth. One name of the Goddess is Priyamvadha. Priyamvadha, but you can call her Priya. Priya. Priya is the [girl ?], but Priyamvadha means the Goddess. Her Quality is to speak something that pleases you, which is learnable. Priyamvadha. And the short form is Priya. Yogini: Shri Mataji, I also would like to get a name. Shri Mataji: Yes, say it! Yogi: Gerlinde, she also said - it is Gerlinde Ringhofer, she also liked to have a name. Shri Mataji: She is ...? Yogi: Her name is Gerlinde Ringhofer, and she wants also a name. Shri Mataji: Gerlinde? Yogi: Gerlinde. Shri Mataji: Gerlinde? Yogi: Gerlinde - "ger" means a spear ... Shri Mataji: Ahh! (Shri Mataji laughing) Lakshmi, Lakshmi is all right. Is easier. All right. So, now we have to go also. It's time. Young Yogini: Mother, may I have a name? Shri Mataji: Yes, you say. Yogi: He wants a name. Young Yogini: May I have a name? Yogi: He wants a name. Shri Mataji: Name? Yogi: Both of them want a name, I think ... (Laughter) Both of them want a name, Shri Mataji. The girl wants a name, and she wants also a name. Shri Mataji: See, I - these days I don't give names, but I will now - this time - but it ... Now, a better name. The name of 'Kamala', means the Lakshmi again, Kamala. Yogi: For the girl? Shri Mataji: Minakshi. (Laughter) Yours is Minakshi then. Yogini: But [my friend] is also called like this, Kamala Minakshi [inaudible]. (Laughter) Yogini: Minakshi! Translator: Mother, she felt a Cool Breeze on top of her head, but she has a problem in the Nabhi. Shri Mataji: You went to some Guru, or somebody? Yogini: Before I met You. Rajneesh. Yogis: Ah, Rajneesh. Rajneesh. Yogini: Ah! But I gave up, [inaudible]. Shri Mataji: Put your right hand on here, and put your left hand towards Me, and you have to say: "Mother, You are my master". Or: "I am my own master." It's better. "I am my own Master", again. Yogini: I am my own master. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogini: I am my own master. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogini: I am my own master. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogini: I am my own master. Shri Mataji: Again. Don't cry. Yogini (weeping): I am my own master. Shri Mataji: A master cannot cry. All right, say: "I am my own master." Yogini: I am my own master. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogini: I am my own master. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogini: I am my own master. Shri Mataji: Correct - again. Yogini: I am my own master. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogini: I am my own master. Shri Mataji: Better now? Yogini: Yeah! Shri Mataji: You know, there is nothing to feel bad - because you are a seeker. As a seeker you always get lost, but if you come back it's all right. Once you have come back you are there - all right? Better now? You get it - Cool Breeze, in the left hand? All right, this is your mantra. Translator: Your mantra: 'I am my own master.' Shri Mataji: He was here, Rajneesh? No? Yogi: I don't think so, Shri Mataji, no. Shri Mataji: But still there must be some organization. Yogi: There is an organisation, they are selling books.[various voices inaudible] Shri Mataji: That organizations get this? Yogi: I don't know, Shri Mataji if it is existing. But maybe a specialist is selling too. Rajneesh still in Taiwan? Is there an organization? Rajneesh has still an organization in Taiwan? Yogis: Yes! Yes! Shri Mataji: Still there? Yogi: Yeah! Shri Mataji: Because lots of Japanese are now working. [inaudible]. Translator: His book is published in Taiwan. Yogini: They were publishing. Shri Mataji: They were published here? Translator: Right, with translation. Yogini: And a tape; and they give you the tape - music tape. Shri Mataji: What did she say? Yogini: Music tape. They also show music. Music. Translator: Rajneesh-Tape, Music, and books. They are publishing in Taipei. Yogi: In Chinese? Yogis: In Chinese, in Chinese. Shri Mataji: Why shouldn't we publish our books here also? Is it cheaper to publish here? Yogi: Ah, it is cheaper. It is not expensive. Shri Mataji: Ah? Not cheaper? Yogi: No, it is cheaper! Yogis: Cheap! No, very cheap! Shri Mataji: Then we should publish our books here. You have publishers who do that? Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: In time. In what language? Translator: It's in Chinese language. Shri Mataji: Somebody must have done it. [Who did translate?] Some of the smaller books. Horrible! In the program in Japan I felt his vibrations were there. So I started talking on him, that he died of AIDS. So, one bhoot got up. She was looking like a bhoot to Me, dressed up like a bhoot, "No, he did not!" - I said, "He did." She went out. Translator: Mr. [ Ku ? ] has a question also. Shri Mataji: Ah? Translator: He has a question. Shri Mataji: What? Translator: Why he has a heart catch? Shri Mataji: Yeah? Very right-sided. Yogis: You are right-sided. Shri Mataji: Yes, you see the heart catches from the right side. Put your right hand on your heart, then come forward. May God bless you! You just have to say, "Mother, come in my heart." Twelve times, "Please come in my heart." Yogi (six times): Mother, please come into my heart. Shri Mataji: Again. Again please say it. Yogi: Mother, please come into my heart. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogi: Mother, please come into my heart. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogi: Mother, please come into my heart. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogi: Mother, please come into my heart. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogi: Mother, please come into my heart. Shri Mataji: Again. Yogi: Mother, please come into my heart. Shri Mataji: That's it. You are all right now? [Yogi sneezes. Shri Mataji laughing.]Whenever you say, I am available. You say, "come into my head!", I will be there. You say, "Come in my stomach!" I will be there. Anywhere you say - I am there. Translator: Now he says, when he is meditating, the vibration is easy and Cool Breeze is easy - but during the day... Shri Mataji: Yeah, yeah. Translator: ... it is very difficult. Shri Mataji: Then you should just close your eyes and think of Me. That's the only thing I can say. Translator: He says, "It is very easy to catch." Shri Mataji: Eh? Translator: Very easy to catch, sometimes. Shri Mataji: Then before going out you should take a Bandhan. And also meditate, and before sleeping also take a Bandhan. Put your attention to Sahasrara before sleeping, it's better. Gradually, you see, it purifies you completely. You have to have patience, that's all. Yogi: He tries to cure people. Shri Mataji: Ah? Yogi: He is trying to cure people. He is trying to cure other people. Shri Mataji: Aya ... he should take Bandhan and he can do it, but don't touch them. Best is to give them photographs. That's all. Them also a Bandhan. Yourself, and to them also. Yes, and - you can give photographs, it's the best. And tell them to meditate. Don't touch them, because they are quite complicated to begin with. (Shri Mataji gets a present.) Shri Mataji: What's it? Oh, you have done it! (Laughter and applause) O My God, it's done so beautifully. Yogi: Looks nice. (Laughter) Shri Mataji: I am not so beautiful like this. (Laughter) Very sweet. Thank you very much! You should write your name here. They are artists, I must say. Such a little girl. Better now! Are you better? Is he better now! Are you better now? Yogi: Much better. Shri Mataji: Are you better now? Better. Now sit with a - never sit with a locked gate, with an Asanas. With a Sahaja Asana, like him. Sahaja Asana. Sahaja Asana, like this: Sahaja Asana. [Many are talking, also Shri Mataji: inaudible ] Shri Mataji: Not to lock up. Now it's better, now. Translator: Mr Yang says his left hand is cool. Shri Mataji: Right hand on the Mother Earth. Translator: Right hand put on the Mother Earth. Shri Mataji: If it is a right-hand-problem, then put the right hand towards the photograph and left hand upwards. It's very simple - Sahaja Yoga.No, no, no, no. Left hand towards the photograph, in your case. Photograph. Towards Me, now. And the right hand on the Mother Earth. Because left side goes in the Mother Earth; and right side goes into the ether. Yogini [silently]: Mother, Mother, Mother - You mentioned this birthmark can be cured by Sahaja Yoga treatment. (Laughter) Yogi: She is a very little, very little kind of a nevus, very little for the colour change of the skin, and she is worried about the daughter about that. Shri Mataji: What is less? Yogi: Come, come on. Yogis: Birthmark. Oh God! Birthmark. Yogis: ... [ inaudible ] She is worried about the birthmark ... [ inaudible ]. Shri Mataji: Let's see that go away. You tried something for that? Nevus. Yogi: Because I told her, she shouldn't worry about it, because she is a beautiful girl. She shouldn't worry about that. Shri Mataji: Ha ha! She does. But Haldi is very good for her. You get in India something like Turmeric. Yogi: We have here Haldi, Shri Mataji. We have ... Shri Mataji: That cools Me also. [They doubt], they get in England, [they doubt]. These are all [itching] things, but let's try. Yogi: Like in the marriage ceremony you put it, you make it wet and put it in? Shri Mataji: It's - get a tube. Some are going to send Me these medicines, on the Diwali. I asked somebody to send it from Puna. Yogi: Shri Mataji, can you repeat the names please first? Shri Mataji: All right, write it down! The first one is Chandanas. This you have to take one spoon after breakfast. One table-spoon, or maybe small spoon. To begin with, let's start with one, yes? Then one table-spoon. Then you have to take another one which is called as Oudumber, Oudumber. O-u-d-u-m-b-e-r, Oudumber-water. That you should take after lunch and after dinner.The best start, it is the easiest to send a Sabchasi, s-a-b-ch-ai, Sabchasi. They are very cheap. Now, you soak sabchasis in the water - before sleeping. And early in the morning, just after brushing your teeth. This is also one tea-spoon full, you have to soak. Brushing the teeth you take that water. So much of water we do. Drink the water and also eat the sabchasis. Which get swollen up. This is for liver. Also some people have vomiting sensation and all that, in that case. Or migraines. This, you can take it in winter: is ginger, which is mixed with lemon and salt. You could eat ginger, raw ginger. Yogi: As a powder, or fresh ginger? Shri Mataji: No, no, no, not powder. Ginger. Raw ginger. Yogi: Raw. Shri Mataji: With food or something. Yogi: Yes, they cook a lot with ginger, the Chinese. Shri Mataji: Yeah. But also powder of ginger - you can take early in the morning before anyone else, with sugar. For example you press a spoon. I will show you: a little bit should be taken first of all the powder. And should be covered with vibrated sugar. Yogi: Shri Mataji, can we offer some Kumkum to vibrate it? Shri Mataji: Ah? Yogi: We want to offer some Kumkum that You can vibrate it with [SOUNDS LIKE: Your feet ?]. Some Kumkum, please. Shri Mataji: Yeah! Not only Kumkum, otherwise I also have to vibrate water. You have that water; you have your Kumkum, all right. Now we should have salt, sugar. Yogi: Salt and sugar please. Shri Mataji: Actually, your wife is very right-sided, she has a liver then [ very terrible ]. Better tell her that at least, bring your liver all right. What is this? Yogini: This is Kumkum, Shri Mataji. Yogi: It's Kumkum. Shri Mataji: So much? (Shri Mataji laughing) All right. Austria will have the Sahasrara-Puja, do you know that? (Shri Mataji laughing) [Hamid, you know, Hamid wants.] Hamid's idea. He wants to have My birthday, imagine, 21st March! What will be the temperature? (Shri Mataji laughing) Aside: How many things like that? Yogini: To drink? Shri Mataji: It's all right. It is all vibrated. Yogini: Mother, Mother can I ask some vibration-water for the [inaudible]. Yogis: Yes. Okay, we have it. .... Yogi: She wants to have vibrated water. Shri Mataji: Eh? Yogi: She wants to have vibrated water. We have that. Shri Mataji: Yeah. Yogini: To clean the house. Yogi: Yes. Shri Mataji: That's very good also for liver. What you can do: put the vibrated water; add up more of your own, shake it nicely. If you don't touch these things with your hand it's the best. Use spoons always. And I have to change My sari and I think, I hope to see you again, very soon. Yogis: Jai Shri Mataji! Shri Mataji: Try to come to India, if possible it's good. Was there any concession given to you last time? Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji, there was a concession. Shri Mataji: What concession? Yogi: We were coming for the whole tour, and about, I think, four people got it for the half price. Shri Mataji: For the whole tour? (note: telephone rings ) Yogi: For the whole tour; and this tour already ten people came to Ganapatipule, and we took the half price - to people who need help. [???] Shri Mataji: Half price ... And for the whole tour also? Just for the Eastern people they are doing like that.[inaudible] Shri Mataji: I am going to make free for the leaders now. (Laughter) Translator: Shri Mataji, the jewellery store, they bring some samples to show, Mother. Shri Mataji: Ah, he is here? Translator: Yeah. Shri Mataji: All right, so I'll see him, better - it is so anxious. Translator: Yes. Shri Mataji: All right, very good idea. Thank you very much; thank you very much! Ask him to keep it in My purse. Give it to Me, give Me that. You get there, [keep it closed.] May God bless you! Hello. Good bye.
Collective mistakes originate here within yourself
Hong Kong
Public Program
Public Program. Hong Kong (China), 22 April 1994. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very outset, we have to know that Truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot conceptualize it. Unfortunately, we cannot also know it with this human awareness. Now whatever, I’m going to tell you, you need not believe in blindfolded. We have already suffered a lot by believing things blindfolded. We must keep, our mind open like scientist, and whatever I am telling you should be treated like a hypothesis. But if it is accepted, blindfolded it is of no use. But if it is proved, then, you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is for the benevolence of your being. It is for the benevolence of your family, your country, and above all, it is, for the benevolence of the whole world. Most of the problems, of this world come from human beings. And, human beings have their problems when these centers are out of gear. All your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, political, economic…every sort of problem comes from the same. Some come from collective mistakes, but they all originate here within yourself. Now, this subtle center exist, within every human being, whether you’re Chinese, Japanese, Indian, anything. And this power of Kundalini, resides, in the, triangular bone which we call as ‘Sacrum.’ That means that, the Greeks knew that this was a sacred bone since long. The real Truth is that, you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, intelligence, ego or conditionings. But you are the pure Spirit. We see these beautiful flowers, it’s a miracle! We never even think how, they come up in different colors, hides, fragrance. We never bother to know about the living process. Who runs our heart? We ask the doctor he will say: ‘It is autonomous nervous system.’ But who is this ‘auto’? So we don’t, want to know anything about, the miracle of living process. It is done, by, a very subtle, powerful, dynamic, energy. It’s a power of Divine Love. In different religions it is called by different names. But unfortunately, religions, were never Spirit oriented. In the beginning may have been, but later on they drifted and became money oriented or power oriented. It was absolutely wrong to become money oriented in the Name of God. God doesn’t understand money. How much do we pay, to this Mother Earth, to get these flowers? She doesn’t understand money, She doesn’t understand banking. So the first and foremost thing we have to know: for the living process you cannot pay. We have not payed anything for our evolutionary process. So, for the evolution you are not, to pay anything, it is absurd! But so many ignorant ideas, came up, through blind faith. As a result of this happening, when the Kundalini rises, She passes through six centers and pierces, through the last one here: fontanel bone area. Thus She connects you to this All-Pervading Power and your Spirit starts, enlightening your attention. This happening takes place, and for the first time you can feel this All-Pervading Power on your fingertips as cool breeze. Once you are connected, you become, so powerful, with your enlightenment, that, you are surprised at yourself. Now if this [microphone] instrument is not connected to the mains it has no meaning. In the same way if you are not connected to the mains, then you have no identity. People paint their heads and wear funny dresses, they think they are expressing their identity. Identity is within yourself. With this happening, first thing that happens to you, that you become very peaceful. The modern disease of stress and strain goes away. Especially in this Hong Kong I find has problems: working so hard and, sometimes it ends up into big problems. So what happens that we are all the time thinking about the future or the past. We cannot be in the present which is the reality. So one thought rises, falls off, another thought rises, falls off, and we are jumping on the cusps of these thoughts. But when the Kundalini rises then these thoughts elongate, and your attention stops, at the present which is the pause between the two thoughts. That is what you are: the source of peace. That’s how you become peaceful. You cannot do meditation, but this is how you are in meditation, absolutely at peace with yourself. Then the whole world, will look, as if it is a drama, and you are the witness of that drama. I’ve seen many people, who have got awards for peace, they have foundations for peace, big organizations for peace. But they have no peace within. They are extremely hot-tempered people, and if you have to go near them, you have to take a [UNCLEAR]. Such people, how can they create peace? Thus, this peace within yourself makes you, thoughtlessly aware. You are thoughtless, but you are aware, and you are in the present. And as I said: in the present is the reality. When you have problems, you are, as in, in the waves of very high waters. But somehow, if you can get onto a boat, you can see those waves and enjoy them. So you can see the problems yourself and then you can easily solve them. Your attention itself, becomes enlightened. Gradually, you see things, clearly. But this attention is enlightened, so your attention becomes pure. There is no lust and greed in your attention, as Christ has said: “Thou shall not have adulterous eyes.” It happens, that your eyes become extremely innocent and there is a tingling of light in your eyes. And such a person, if he glances, at anyone or even pays attention to anyone, he can help him in many ways. Your memory improves, and you become extremely dynamic. At the same time, you become extremely compassionate. It is surprising, we develop so many of our qualities and talents which we were never aware of. I’ve known of so many people in Sahaja Yoga they came, and after coming to Sahaja Yoga they have become now world-famous musicians and artist. They have achieved great heights but, they have no ego. They are extremely, extremely humble, and suddenly they have become very righteous people. You may be a Hindu, Muslim, Christian…any community, any religion, but you can commit any sin. And this sin you can commit, despite the fact you may say ‘I am this fanatic, that fanatic,’ that means religion has done nothing good to you! But after Self-Realization, you really become a righteous person. A Christian becomes a real Christian, a Buddhist a real Buddhist, Hindu a real Hindu. All these powers are within you, of which you are not aware. Only, the trouble is that you have, to have a pure desire to get your Self-Realization. All other desires are not pure, because, one desire is fulfilled you ask for another. It is not satiable, in general as said by economics. So this is the pure desire you have, of which you may be aware, or may not be aware. And unless and until this is fulfilled, you are not going to be satisfied with yourself. Another thing that happens to you which is very remarkable, that you know the absolute truth on your fingertips. I’ve seen people get befooled by somebody who says ‘I am such and such, I am such and such.’ There are many false people who have befooled you and have made money out of you, also they have mesmerized you, also they have spoiled your Kundalini, so how will you know, that the person is false or true? You can feel it on your fingertips. You can know it on your fingertips, what sort of a person that one is. Many people who don’t believe in God. I think it is very unscientific. First one should find out, and then decide. But through Sahaja Yoga you can find out. Everything is tangible it’s not just a lecture or a sermon it is tangible. For example, in Delhi there are three doctors who got their MD in Sahaja Yoga for curing many diseases. And it is your own power which does the job. It’s only you who gains it, so there is no, obligation of anyone. Above all, you jump into the Ocean of Joy. That means, it’s not like happiness and unhappiness. If your ego is pampered, you feel happy. If it is punctured, you feel unhappy. But I’m talking about joy, which is absolute, and you jump into the Ocean of Joy. In this short lecture, I’m sorry, I won’t be able to tell you everything about Sahaja Yoga. And one has to be, little patient with one’s self, because this is the ultimate that you have to achieve, otherwise your personality has no meaning, it has no purpose. The highest thing that happens is that you achieve a new dimension which we call as Collective Consciousness. That is: on your fingertips, you can feel another person. You can find out what’s wrong with another person. Not only that you know about yourself, the self-knowledge, what’s wrong with you, but you know about others. If you know how to correct your centers and that of others, you solve the problem. But Sahaja Yoga is not meant for frivolous people or for idiots. I’m sorry, one has to understand that this is so important for the world to change, and if you want to have your Self-Realization, you must know how important you are to be born at this time when, I call it, a Blossom Time. This is The Last Judgement; your Kundalini will judge. This is The Resurrection Time, Khyaama, which Mohammad Saheb has described in the Qur’an, that: ‘At the time of Khyaama, your hands will speak.’ I know you have some questions, but I have to tell you one thing, that, I have now been doing this work for the last twenty-five years. And I know all kind of questions that people ask. And I’m too clever I can answer all of them, but it’s a mental [UNCLEAR]. What you should get: your Self-Realization and Self-Knowledge, but still if you have questions after that, you may write to me. It will hardly take about ten to fifteen minutes, to get your Self-Realization, it’s all built in within you. But, there are three conditions that you have to follow. The first condition is that you are not to feel guilty, because, if you feel guilty, it’s a myth. If you make mistakes alright face it, but don’t feel guilty because you spoil this side [Left Vishuddhi] of the, chakra on the left hand side, by which you get angina, also, you might get cervical cancer, spondylitis, and lethargic problems. The second condition is, even simpler: that you have to forgive everyone. Many people say ‘it is difficult to forgive,’ but logically, weather you forgive or don’t forgive, what do you do? You don’t do anything! But if you, forgive then you don’t play into wrong hands. Moreover, the center here which we call as Agnya Chakra, the optic chasma, is a very constricted chakra like this [left and right-side crossing]. If you don’t forgive it won’t open, and the Kundalini won’t pass through. So, as it is you have tortured yourself by not forgiving, and at this great moment, again, you’ll miss the point of Self-Realization. You don’t have to think about whom you have to forgive, but in general you have to say, in your heart, ‘I forgive everyone.’ Third condition is that you have to be absolutely confident that you can get your Self-Realization tonight. You must have faith in yourself. Some people think that they are not good and they have done wrong and now…forget it just now. Please do not condemn yourself, but be pleasantly placed towards yourself. But if you are frivolous, it won’t work out, I have told you already. So, I respect your freedom, and those who do not want to have Self-Realization should leave the hall to be civil to others. Would be a better idea that those people who do not want to have their Self-Realization should leave the hall. Lastly, this is not an individual happening, but it is a collective happening. The microcosms become the macrocosm. You become part and parcel of the whole. So, this is a collective happening. After getting your Realization, you must take it seriously, and you have to grow so that you reach that state which we call as Doubtless Awareness. You don’t have any doubts after that, and you get your powers to give Realization to others. You can cure others, you can help others, and you can work as an instrument of the Divine. This is what is the purpose of your life. So, I would request again: the people who don’t want to have Self-Realization to leave the hall. You have to come to our follow-up programs where they will tell you each and everything about the Subtle System, the Knowledge about the Divine. And you don’t have to pay for it, but you have to give some time to yourself, that’s all.
Public Program. Hong Kong (China), 22 April 1994. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very outset, we have to know that Truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot conceptualize it. Unfortunately, we cannot also know it with this human awareness. Now whatever, I’m going to tell you, you need not believe in blindfolded. We have already suffered a lot by believing things blindfolded. We must keep, our mind open like scientist, and whatever I am telling you should be treated like a hypothesis. But if it is accepted, blindfolded it is of no use. But if it is proved, then, you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is for the benevolence of your being. It is for the benevolence of your family, your country, and above all, it is, for the benevolence of the whole world. Most of the problems, of this world come from human beings. And, human beings have their problems when these centers are out of gear. All your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, political, economic…every sort of problem comes from the same. Some come from collective mistakes, but they all originate here within yourself. Now, this subtle center exist, within every human being, whether you’re Chinese, Japanese, Indian, anything. And this power of Kundalini, resides, in the, triangular bone which we call as ‘Sacrum.’ That means that, the Greeks knew that this was a sacred bone since long. The real Truth is that, you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, intelligence, ego or conditionings. But you are the pure Spirit. We see these beautiful flowers, it’s a miracle! We never even think how, they come up in different colors, hides, fragrance. We never bother to know about the living process. Who runs our heart? We ask the doctor he will say: ‘It is autonomous nervous system.’ But who is this ‘auto’? So we don’t, want to know anything about, the miracle of living process. It is done, by, a very subtle, powerful, dynamic, energy. It’s a power of Divine Love. In different religions it is called by different names. But unfortunately, religions, were never Spirit oriented. In the beginning may have been, but later on they drifted and became money oriented or power oriented. It was absolutely wrong to become money oriented in the Name of God. God doesn’t understand money. How much do we pay, to this Mother Earth, to get these flowers? She doesn’t understand money, She doesn’t understand banking. So the first and foremost thing we have to know: for the living process you cannot pay. We have not payed anything for our evolutionary process. So, for the evolution you are not, to pay anything, it is absurd! But so many ignorant ideas, came up, through blind faith. As a result of this happening, when the Kundalini rises, She passes through six centers and pierces, through the last one here: fontanel bone area. Thus She connects you to this All-Pervading Power and your Spirit starts, enlightening your attention. This happening takes place, and for the first time you can feel this All-Pervading Power on your fingertips as cool breeze. Once you are connected, you become, so powerful, with your enlightenment, that, you are surprised at yourself. Now if this [microphone] instrument is not connected to the mains it has no meaning. In the same way if you are not connected to the mains, then you have no identity. People paint their heads and wear funny dresses, they think they are expressing their identity. Identity is within yourself. With this happening, first thing that happens to you, that you become very peaceful. The modern disease of stress and strain goes away. Especially in this Hong Kong I find has problems: working so hard and, sometimes it ends up into big problems. So what happens that we are all the time thinking about the future or the past. We cannot be in the present which is the reality. So one thought rises, falls off, another thought rises, falls off, and we are jumping on the cusps of these thoughts. But when the Kundalini rises then these thoughts elongate, and your attention stops, at the present which is the pause between the two thoughts. That is what you are: the source of peace. That’s how you become peaceful. You cannot do meditation, but this is how you are in meditation, absolutely at peace with yourself. Then the whole world, will look, as if it is a drama, and you are the witness of that drama. I’ve seen many people, who have got awards for peace, they have foundations for peace, big organizations for peace. But they have no peace within. They are extremely hot-tempered people, and if you have to go near them, you have to take a [UNCLEAR]. Such people, how can they create peace? Thus, this peace within yourself makes you, thoughtlessly aware. You are thoughtless, but you are aware, and you are in the present. And as I said: in the present is the reality. When you have problems, you are, as in, in the waves of very high waters. But somehow, if you can get onto a boat, you can see those waves and enjoy them. So you can see the problems yourself and then you can easily solve them. Your attention itself, becomes enlightened. Gradually, you see things, clearly. But this attention is enlightened, so your attention becomes pure. There is no lust and greed in your attention, as Christ has said: “Thou shall not have adulterous eyes.” It happens, that your eyes become extremely innocent and there is a tingling of light in your eyes. And such a person, if he glances, at anyone or even pays attention to anyone, he can help him in many ways. Your memory improves, and you become extremely dynamic. At the same time, you become extremely compassionate. It is surprising, we develop so many of our qualities and talents which we were never aware of. I’ve known of so many people in Sahaja Yoga they came, and after coming to Sahaja Yoga they have become now world-famous musicians and artist. They have achieved great heights but, they have no ego. They are extremely, extremely humble, and suddenly they have become very righteous people. You may be a Hindu, Muslim, Christian…any community, any religion, but you can commit any sin. And this sin you can commit, despite the fact you may say ‘I am this fanatic, that fanatic,’ that means religion has done nothing good to you! But after Self-Realization, you really become a righteous person. A Christian becomes a real Christian, a Buddhist a real Buddhist, Hindu a real Hindu. All these powers are within you, of which you are not aware. Only, the trouble is that you have, to have a pure desire to get your Self-Realization. All other desires are not pure, because, one desire is fulfilled you ask for another. It is not satiable, in general as said by economics. So this is the pure desire you have, of which you may be aware, or may not be aware. And unless and until this is fulfilled, you are not going to be satisfied with yourself. Another thing that happens to you which is very remarkable, that you know the absolute truth on your fingertips. I’ve seen people get befooled by somebody who says ‘I am such and such, I am such and such.’ There are many false people who have befooled you and have made money out of you, also they have mesmerized you, also they have spoiled your Kundalini, so how will you know, that the person is false or true? You can feel it on your fingertips. You can know it on your fingertips, what sort of a person that one is. Many people who don’t believe in God. I think it is very unscientific. First one should find out, and then decide. But through Sahaja Yoga you can find out. Everything is tangible it’s not just a lecture or a sermon it is tangible. For example, in Delhi there are three doctors who got their MD in Sahaja Yoga for curing many diseases. And it is your own power which does the job. It’s only you who gains it, so there is no, obligation of anyone. Above all, you jump into the Ocean of Joy. That means, it’s not like happiness and unhappiness. If your ego is pampered, you feel happy. If it is punctured, you feel unhappy. But I’m talking about joy, which is absolute, and you jump into the Ocean of Joy. In this short lecture, I’m sorry, I won’t be able to tell you everything about Sahaja Yoga. And one has to be, little patient with one’s self, because this is the ultimate that you have to achieve, otherwise your personality has no meaning, it has no purpose. The highest thing that happens is that you achieve a new dimension which we call as Collective Consciousness. That is: on your fingertips, you can feel another person. You can find out what’s wrong with another person. Not only that you know about yourself, the self-knowledge, what’s wrong with you, but you know about others. If you know how to correct your centers and that of others, you solve the problem. But Sahaja Yoga is not meant for frivolous people or for idiots. I’m sorry, one has to understand that this is so important for the world to change, and if you want to have your Self-Realization, you must know how important you are to be born at this time when, I call it, a Blossom Time. This is The Last Judgement; your Kundalini will judge. This is The Resurrection Time, Khyaama, which Mohammad Saheb has described in the Qur’an, that: ‘At the time of Khyaama, your hands will speak.’ I know you have some questions, but I have to tell you one thing, that, I have now been doing this work for the last twenty-five years. And I know all kind of questions that people ask. And I’m too clever I can answer all of them, but it’s a mental [UNCLEAR]. What you should get: your Self-Realization and Self-Knowledge, but still if you have questions after that, you may write to me. It will hardly take about ten to fifteen minutes, to get your Self-Realization, it’s all built in within you. But, there are three conditions that you have to follow. The first condition is that you are not to feel guilty, because, if you feel guilty, it’s a myth. If you make mistakes alright face it, but don’t feel guilty because you spoil this side [Left Vishuddhi] of the, chakra on the left hand side, by which you get angina, also, you might get cervical cancer, spondylitis, and lethargic problems. The second condition is, even simpler: that you have to forgive everyone. Many people say ‘it is difficult to forgive,’ but logically, weather you forgive or don’t forgive, what do you do? You don’t do anything! But if you, forgive then you don’t play into wrong hands. Moreover, the center here which we call as Agnya Chakra, the optic chasma, is a very constricted chakra like this [left and right-side crossing]. If you don’t forgive it won’t open, and the Kundalini won’t pass through. So, as it is you have tortured yourself by not forgiving, and at this great moment, again, you’ll miss the point of Self-Realization. You don’t have to think about whom you have to forgive, but in general you have to say, in your heart, ‘I forgive everyone.’ Third condition is that you have to be absolutely confident that you can get your Self-Realization tonight. You must have faith in yourself. Some people think that they are not good and they have done wrong and now…forget it just now. Please do not condemn yourself, but be pleasantly placed towards yourself. But if you are frivolous, it won’t work out, I have told you already. So, I respect your freedom, and those who do not want to have Self-Realization should leave the hall to be civil to others. Would be a better idea that those people who do not want to have their Self-Realization should leave the hall. Lastly, this is not an individual happening, but it is a collective happening. The microcosms become the macrocosm. You become part and parcel of the whole. So, this is a collective happening. After getting your Realization, you must take it seriously, and you have to grow so that you reach that state which we call as Doubtless Awareness. You don’t have any doubts after that, and you get your powers to give Realization to others. You can cure others, you can help others, and you can work as an instrument of the Divine. This is what is the purpose of your life. So, I would request again: the people who don’t want to have Self-Realization to leave the hall. You have to come to our follow-up programs where they will tell you each and everything about the Subtle System, the Knowledge about the Divine. And you don’t have to pay for it, but you have to give some time to yourself, that’s all.
Talk to Sahaja Yogis: We should support each other
Hong Kong
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk to yogis. Peninsular Hotel in Hong Kong (China), 24 April 1994. All right. Put your hands towards Me. First of all, I must say I am very happy to see so many Sahaja Yogis in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a very materialistic place, as you know, and people are too busy, but the problems come out of that busyness. All this busy life creates lots of problems. So I am sure there will be more coming from the last program, definitely, lots of them, and your hands will be full. So I just wanted to tell you what should we really do to achieve the maximum results. First of all, we have to establish that we are Sahaja Yogis, we are very sober people and we have among ourselves tremendous respect and love. So one should never support an outsider who is not yet a Sahaja Yogi or who will be a Sahaja Yogi but support each other, all the time. Do not argue among yourselves. Maybe one person may be wrong, I am not saying. But [it] is important that we should support each other, and above all, we must support the leader. Whatever the leader says, we must listen to him. It’s very important, in Sahaja Yoga we are a collective organisation, that too a living organisation. If somebody is not collective, he is thrown out of Sahaja Yoga. We are not very happy with such people. So you must try to put all effort to see that you are all collectively one and say the same thing. This is very important to know. Also there are people who may not be so good among you who can judge the vibrations, possibly. If so, you should ask your leader. But among yourselves you should never argue, because we know that Sahaja Yoga gives you absolute truth. So others should not doubt by your behaviour that these people don’t know anything. All right? Then second thing of Sahaja Yoga is that it is the power of love, it’s of compassion, of divine love. Must understand what is divine love is. That is the love that is the, like the sap, as I always say, that runs in the tree. It gives nourishment to the roots, then to all parts of the tree, and then it evaporates or it goes down. Supposing it gets stuck into one flower, what will happen that the tree will die, and ultimately the flower will also die. So our love is not limited love. Like, we love our children, all right, [we] love other children also. Everybody is absolutely in full pure love with each other. Now, one must understand the pure love, that it is not attached to anyone, but at the same time, it is pure love. If you don’t have pure love in your heart because the culture is different, people start moving their attention and spoiling their attention. So, so many people asked Me: “Mother, what to do?” I said: “Keep your eyes only up to three feet, so you will see beautiful things, like you will see flowers, you will see children, and nothing horrible”. So, whatever makes your attention disturbed, try to avoid. Best is to concentrate on your meditation. For meditation in the morning you can just put your right hand towards the photograph and the left hand up there. Then put your left hand towards the photograph… - like this. Then left hand towards the photograph and right hand on the Mother Earth. [It] is better to sit on the ground, in the morning. Then, if thoughtless awareness is established by looking at the photograph, close your eyes. Now, some people say: “Mother, my heart is not open”. All right. So you can say, looking at the Mother: “Mother, please, come in my heart.” Somebody’s Sahasrara is not open. Then you have to say: “Mother, please come in my head”. With both the hands. Whatever portion you think in the body is not doing well, I am always available, so you can ask. Your meditation should be good, first and foremost. If you are good Sahaja Yogis, then only others will believe you. But if you are not good Sahaja Yogis, nobody will believe you. For so many people I have seen I am something beyond them. But Sahaja Yogis are the ones which really make them feel that “these are extraordinary people”. Then, after that, dealing with them as I said, has to be absolutely with pure attention. To begin with, the men should deal only with men and the women should deal only with women and no complications should come out. Because that is the biggest blemish Sahaja Yoga can have, that they are just like ordinary people. So, you have to be careful about yourself. Before sleeping, if you have time, you must do footsoaking. If one day you do not do it, don’t torture yourself for that, but it’s better that you do footsoaking. And in footsoaking first of all you must know what sort of a personality you have. Mostly you are right-sided, mostly. So put [your] right hand towards the photograph, both the feet in the water with little salt and left hand like that. But some are left-sided, some are definitely very much. They should not touch water. Two types of treatments are there. Especially left-sided people should not soak, should not use ice. This is all right-sided treatment. After doing your right-sided or left-sided treatment, I would say you put both your hands towards the photograph and see for yourself how it is working out, without water, without candle. But I would again say that right-sided people should not use candle as far as possible. This electricity is all right, you can use it. They should not sit in the sun, they should put ice on their liver; also they can put ice here [left temple] when it is very hot, it’s very good to put ice here. Also for diabetes you can put the ice here [Shri Mataji puts her hand on Nabhi]. In Sahaja Yoga the treatment is very simple: for right-sided people very simple, and for left-sided. Right-sided people get problems like liver, diabetes, blood cancer, kidney coagulation, that means they can’t pass urine, constipation, also asthma, heart attack – massive, and also paralysis, on the right side; so many. Now, the left-sided people get pain all over left side; also can get all kinds of psychosomatic diseases which are not curable, like cancer, myelitis, Parkinson’s, all kinds. But if you do your meditation every day, once in a while you may miss it, it doesn’t matter, you will immediately feel that you are completely cured and you keep good health. That’s the only way you can grow. And try to bring the point where you are thoughtlessly aware. The best way to be thoughtless is to say the mantra of Nirvichara. That’s very important. And secondly, to go on for forgiving: “I forgive everyone, I forgive everyone” so the thoughts will stop. That is the time when you are in the present. That is the time really you will grow in spirituality. We have people in India and abroad who have become such powerful Sahaja Yogis that just by prayer they can achieve lot of things. We are not here to destroy anyone or to torture anyone: we are here to help everyone, to make them joyous. So one should not talk loudly, sharply, never. And show your compassion. Now supposing somebody has some problem: we should not suddenly say: “You are a bhut”, no. “What’s your problem? Oh, you are left-sided”. “What’s your problem? You are right-sided”. “All right, it can be cured. I was like this”. If you say, they won’t feel hurt. “I was like you. You will be cured. Don’t worry”. So we have to understand that we have to be extremely careful as to what kind of words we are using, and what kind of things we are doing in their presence. Some people are extremely fast, they will walk fast and they will be handling things with such a funny gestures that people will be frightened. You should not be such. What you have to do is to see that whatever actions you take, you talk to them or do, do it in a gentle way; that’s very important to be gentle and kind to them. Also you’ll get people who will have bhuts, who will have gurus on their heads, like the other day that lady was arguing with Me. Try to convince [them] and tell if the - you know now who are real and who are unreal. If you don’t know, ask your leader. You better tell them that, “This is not going to help you, it has not helped you, so you have to give up.” And I’m sure they’ll agree. I’m very sure they’ll agree. Because the way other day that Sindhi lady, she was arguing with me. And she said that, “We get Vibhutis [ndt. Sacred ash] in all centers.” I said: “This is all bhuta vidya, preta vidya and smashana vidya. What do you get out of the vibhuti that comes in, what is so great?” All these things are just to mislead you. So tell them firmly, but with full attention, that you are trying to help them. If you want to help them then you cannot afford to be rude to them, in no way. It is sometimes difficult to handle some people who start arguing, so best is not to argue. Tell them: “By argument we cannot convince you. It is not in the mind, it is beyond the mind.” Up to a point it’s all right, after that you should give up: “All right, I’m sorry.” Then your relationships in your family should be good. You can’t have Sahaja Yoga if there is no understanding between you, your wife, your children. We have to show that family is very important in Sahaja Yoga, extremely important, and children are even more important. You see how much we have done for the children now, we have got schools, this, that, is a very big responsibility. So we must understand what is the responsibility. We should not spoil the children. We should appreciate whatever good they are doing, whatever nice things they are doing. But if they do anything wrong, you must tell them, “You are Sahaja Yogis and you can’t do like this.” That you have to tell them, whatever it is, you have to tell them. If the children are very thin, then understand they have got liver. So liver should be treated. And next time when you come to India we are going to get you all the medicines of liver. If they are very fat, then they are left-sided. Try to bring them to the centre with the three candle treatment. But first of all, test it what is the situation. Sometimes they develop a puffy fat, [that] is all right, but they become all right. So that is how you should look after their health. Then also look after their behaviour. Tell them how to behave. As I have seen in the West the children are not properly brought up because the parents neglect them, I won’t blame the children. Parents neglect them. You should be loving, kind - at the same time you must tell them what is discipline is. It is very important. Then keep a-watch on them: How they are, what they are doing. Of course, we have a school, but it has limited seats there. Whatever it is, they are going to adjust as many as possible. Even then supposing you have any problem, don’t go arbitrarily into it. You may ask your leader or you may write to Me and inform Me. Among you somebody might become very ego-oriented, may start his own organisation, “I will do this.” Let him say: “You get out” and he will suffer. You do not have to worry. “All right, you get out.” Anybody who is arbitrary will not work out. Supposing one finger starts acting more than the rest – that means there is cancer, this is malignancy. So we can’t have malignancy. All of you should work together with understanding, before others as well as among yourselves. It is very important to understand. Now, Sahaja Yoga has worked out in so many countries. In such a big way in some, in such a small way in some. But wherever it is, Sahaja Yogis have to be something special. Even the children have to be something special. You have any other problem which you do not want to discuss, with, say, with your leader, then you can write to Me directly, no harm. Either, if I answer well and good, if I do not answer also well and good, it will work out. But attention should not be all the time about yourself: me, my family, my children, my house, my job, no. As soon as your attention is on other people, it works out faster, it helps you very much. But on yourself: “I am sick. I have this problem, that problem”, nothing. You are now at a stage when you can absolutely solve all the problems, but first and foremost thing: if your attention is on yourself, it won’t work out. Attention should be on others. And if it has to be on yourself, attention, then just find out: “What’s wrong with me?” But some people in that also go too far. “Mother, my Agnya is catching. Mother, my this is catching…” [it] is nothing, [it] is nonsense. Maybe you are catching from other people, possible. There are some nice books, now already in Sahaja Yoga translated in Chinese, luckily, and also My tapes could be translated also. But you have to keep My voice, as I told you, because that is mantra, isn’t it? And you can have subtitles, would be better if you could do it. But it’s a very good idea that you can have subtitles, really. Specially for Russians if they could do in Russia. Now, [if] you have any questions, now you can ask Me. So it should be always like, if you are Chinese, then you should not only deal with Chinese. They should all come to the collective. Supposing you are Indians, you should not only deal with the Indians, but they should come to the collective. Because unless and until they come to the collective [they] will not know what the problem is. It’s not that you can organise separately a group, another group separately. It has to be one group. Of course, you could have two ashrams or three ashrams, makes no difference. Any other question? Sahaja Yogi: Is the camphor treatment good for left side? Shri Mataji: What? Sahaja Yogi: Camphor … Sahaja Yogi 2: Camphor treatment. Sahaja Yogi 2: The camphor treatment. He is asking if the camphor treatment is good for left side. Shri Mataji: What? Sahaja Yogi 2: The camphor. Shri Mataji: No no no no. No need. Camphor, only once in a while. Don’t do camphor. But you have done all mixed up things, you see, just do left-sided treatment, then you will be all right. Just mixed up. And you cannot earn money in the name of God or Divine work, that’s one thing. You cannot organise like that. No, never. Because once you start getting it, left-sided bhuts will come into you. Sahaja Yogi: I’ve never done that. Shri Mataji: That is the part of Sahaja Yoga. We cannot. Also if you have any guru’s photographs and all that, it’s better to put them in the sea. Because this keeping any photograph, any book about them creates problems. So religiously search it out and put them in the sea. [Video interrupts brieftly] No no no no no no. No no no no. Don’t do all that. They will work on the photograph. If you want to help somebody, you see, some other people who have come, whom you want to raise, don’t touch them. Take a bandhan yourself and give them a bandhan. Put them before the photograph and you just raise the Kundalini. But be careful. Because you are still, you see, not that sort of thing that you cannot catch, you might catch. So among yourselves also you should not do that. Don’t touch. If somebody says, “I have this problem”, all right, put him on the photograph, take a bandhan yourself, ask him to take a bandhan, you also give a bandhan and then raise the Kundalini. Be careful. Even if there is somebody who has come now who is a sick man. So you can give them a photograph, [it] is all right, if they are willing to do it. But somebody in his family is willing to take Sahaja Yoga, who is a healthy person, he should bring. Otherwise don’t get after sick. You will have many sick, in thousands, to begin with. Don’t worry about sick. Or if they are sick tell them to take the photograph and work it out, if they are left-sided or right-sided. Then the faith grows, they improve. But you don’t touch the sick. No, no, not at all. We are not here to cure the sick, but we are here to give realisation. May God bless you. Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, for technique, if you have a problem on one side, you have imbalance and if the left side is weak or caught up, do you raise the Kundalini on this side and give a bandhan to the other side? Correct? Shri Mataji: Yes. Supposing you are right-sided, then you have to put down the right side, remember that way, it’s much better. So then you raise your left side and put the right side down, if you have right-side problem. Now, if you have a left-side problem, so you have to put down the left side. It’s easier to remember this way. So there is no confusion. But tying up of Kundalini should be done after you have moved out left to right or right to left, whichever way. Then raise your Kundalini and tie up and take a bandhan, it’s the best way. I would request you, all of you, to take a photograph of yours and make an album, write it down below that: what is your name, date of birth and of Self-realisation. Send it over to Me. Because I go on seeing them sometimes, you see. So I’ll know you better and also I’ll have My attention on you. Of the children as well as of bigger people. So I’ll talk to you and talk to him because you have little individual problems, both of you. What about you? Are you reconciled? I’m going to get, you see, this one, Werner, to task. He came here to do Sahaja Yoga and not to disturb a family. He’s been very wrong. I’m going to be very angry with him. He is an old Sahaja Yogi, he should have behaved himself. It’s not - never to disturb a family. You have such sweet beautiful children. I will never support you in nonsense, I must tell you. And your husband is a very good man. If you behave all right he’ll come round to Sahaja Yoga, I’m sure. You cannot be a Sahaja Yogi if you have no dharma, “shield” as Buddha has called it. It’s what we call as your character. Your morality is the most important in Sahaja Yoga. If you are not moral, it has no meaning at all. What we need is morality today. This is happening everywhere, nonsense. We have to imbibe it in ourselves and we have to generate it for others also. Whole world is full of immoral people. A very, very few who are standing for morality. That is the greatest ornament we have. All right? Don’t go astray. This will never help you. It was very wrong of you and also for your children. Now go back and behave yourself properly, otherwise you cannot be in Sahaja Yoga. Ha, if there was something wrong, then it’s all right. We have divorce in Sahaja Yoga. We allow people to divorce. But there should be substantial reason for that. “Or to sub thik hai” [Is everything all right?] What are we to do? That will do? All right. Sahaja Yogi: Thank You, Mother. Shri Mataji: May God Bless you all. I am sorry you had to come so late in the night [Shri Mataji laughs]. Sahaja Yogi: Mother, we have a small gift for You. Shri Mataji: Why, you’ve done so much! Oh. Where is the children’s this thing, presents? My God, a small present, is it? Sahaja Yogi: It’s very small. [Shri Mataji laughs, yogis laugh] Shri Mataji: All right, what is this? This is supposed to be small, is it? From what angle? Sahaja Yogi: It’s just a big box! Shri Mataji: Oh, I see. [Laughing] Ah. So now. What is that? Let’s see. My goodness. [A small red statue] This is the one for what? Sahaja Yogis: Confucius. Sahaja Yogis: Confucius. Guru. Shri Mataji: Confucius! He too has… you see? [Sahaja Yogis laugh] Sahaja Yogi: A stick. Shri Mataji: Fine, such an expensive one. Great. It’s very well done. Is it written here Confucius? Sahaja Yogi: Yes. Shri Mataji: All right. Thank you very much. But you’ll have to bring it to India when you come. [Sahaja Yogi: “Yes, Shri Mataji”.] But such an expensive thing, you should not have bought it. Sahaja Yogi: Very good price, Mother. Shri Mataji: Really? [Laughter] What is this? Sahaja Yogi: [Offering a statue] This is Lao-Zi. Sahaja Yogi: Lao-Zi. Sahaja Yogini: Lao-Tse. Sahaja Yogi: Lao-Tse. Shri Mataji: This is Lao-Tse? Nice! [She watches the statue attentively] All right. He’s great I must say, Lao-Tse. Beautiful. He’s sitting on the clouds. Beautiful. [Sahaja Yogini: “Wow”.] Good. This is His vahana. This is the one, is… Sahaja Yogi: Vehicle. Shri Mataji: Vahana, you know, this vahana is … Sahaja Yogi: Vehicle, isn’t it? Vehicle? Shri Mataji: Conveyance. Sahaja Yogi: Conveyance, yes. Sahaja Yogini: Conveyance, yes. Shri Mataji: Beautifully done. Thank you very much, thank you. Is written here? Sahaja Yogi: This is Lao-Tse. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. This shows the little boy is controlling. (Unclear) This is what? [Inaudible comments – Sahaja Yogis and Yoginis show an embroidered cloth. Sahaja Yogini: “This is a cloth, and yes, a...”. Sahaja Yogi: “A Goddess”. Sahaja Yogini: “A Goddess…”.] Shri Mataji: Who is that? Sahaja Yogi: Is a Goddess. Sahaja Yogi: Goddess. Goddess. She is from China. Shri Mataji: Goddess. Sahaja Yogis and Yoginis: From China. Yes. A Goddess. Shri Mataji: Saraswati. [Indistinct comments] Shri Mataji: Ah, it looks like Saraswati. Very Indian silk. [Laughter] Sahaja Yogi: Yes, we had this picture when Buddhism first came… Sahaja Yogi: We had this kind of picture when Buddhism first came to China. Shri Mataji: Oh, I see. Buddhism didn’t talk of women. Beautiful, very beautiful. Thank you very much, thank you. Beautiful. Very well done. These two books he gave Me, where are they? All right. You can keep them – please keep it somewhere. Now what is that? Sahaja Yogini: From Vietnam. Sahaja Yogini: Yes, it’s from Vietnam. Sahaja Yogi: From Vietnam. Shri Mataji: From Vietnam? Sahaja Yogi: Vietnam. Sahaja Yogini: Yes, from Malaysia collective. Shri Mataji: You are from Vietnam? Sahaja Yogini: Yes. Shri Mataji: Really? Sahaja Yogini: Yes. Shri Mataji: One place I’ve not been to is Vietnam. But [to] Korea I’ve been - South Korea I’ve been. [Sahaja Yogini (not clearly audible): “Lacquer and sewing”] Oh, they make these in Vietnam? Sahaja Yogini: Yes. Sahaja Yogi: It’s a beautiful thing through sewing. (Unclear) Shri Mataji: It’s beautiful. Is a painting? Sahaja Yogis: It’s a lacquer. Lacquer work. Shri Mataji: Lacquer work. Thank you very much. So beautiful. Such a big lacquer work I’ve never seen. Must be very expensive. Sahaja Yogini: We got it quite at a good price. Shri Mataji: Very beautiful. Thank you very much. You want to take? Too close. [Sahaja Yogini wants to take a picture of the work. Sahaja Yogi: “That’s we can take later.”] I’ll hold it. [Shri Mataji takes the frame and holds it for the Yogis to take the picture]. Very beautiful. Oh, thank you. All this has to come when you come to Ganapatipule. Sahaja Yogi: Actually, I would have loved one Chinese to come this time. I’ll have to get lot more to carry all these things [laughing]. Shri Mataji: See, what I was saying, for all the people from the East, there’s a concession they offer and it’s much cheaper. I think what you can carry is quite a lot but I don't know, they told Me... I don't know how much – quite a bit [not clearly audible]. So I think they can come, Chinese. At least Ganapatipule. I've no idea, I'll ask them. Last time who went on the tour from here? Complete tour - was a complete. Sahaja Yogi: Well, I was on the 11th of December. [Indistinct conversation follows] Shri Mataji: This is for children. [Shri Mataji takes a bag and starts taking out books Herself and hands them to children] Now. So we’ll have boys first, come along. May God bless you. Now you have to write poems in this, all right? You move forward. Is there any other boy? Come along. You must write poems. Thank you. Come along. You are a boy also! [Laughter] Kuber, come along. [Shri Mataji points at a small boy. The small boy goes to Shri Mataji and takes the book and hands an envelope to Her. Laughter] He has done a painting for Me. [Laughter] Now for the girls. [Shri Mataji opens the envelope given by the small boy] He’s done a beautiful painting today, you see? Did you do this one? Child: Yes. Shri Mataji: Thank you. Good. Thank you. [Conversation aside with a yogi] Where is that tea set we had bought? Did you get it? [Sahaja Yogi: “Yes. Tea seats were at the back, yes, two. There were two tea sets, Mother. I took the small one. The small one”.] Let it be now, you took only one so will be a problem. All right. Who will get? I was thinking of dolls. All right, for the girls. [Shri Mataji gives a small to book to a girl] Now. You write poems. [Laughter] All right. Come along. You want - which one you want? All right? Who else? All the girls. [A girl hands an envelope to Shri Mataji] Ah. Yes, good. Very wise. Thank you. Just… [To another girl] Which one? All right. [Aside to a girl] Did you get one? Girl: No, it’s ok. Shri Mataji: Is it all right? Girl: It’s all right. Shri Mataji: Very sweet. Girl: They need it… Boy: They need it more than you. Shri Mataji: Ah? [Aside to the Sahaja Yogi] We could give her that tea set, and all that, so we have. Can you find that? Girl: Thank you, Mataji. Shri Mataji: May God bless you. [Somebody takes a box to Shri Mataji and She hands it to the girl] All right, come along, you are lucky. Quite heavy. May God bless you. Girl: Thank you very much. Shri Mataji: Thank you, thank you. Girl: Thank you. Shri Mataji: You got it, Rishi? Sahaja Yogi: Such cool vibrations. [Unclear] [Indistinct conversation] Shri Mataji: All right, Soma is better now? Sahaja Yogi: Yes, it has improved… Shri Mataji: Better, yes. Sahaja Yogi: … since she came to Sahaja Yoga. Girl: Thank you very much, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Next time I would like to see your poems. All right? Kuber, you too. [Laughter] And also nice drawings. Where is the drawing gone of Kuber? This I want to take with Me. It’s refreshing. All right. May God bless you. May God bless you. Look after yourself. And know that you are Sahaja Yogis, is a very big position, you are saints. Special people. You are the foundation. Anyway I may go to mainland China and talk to the… Let’s see if Prime Minister listens to Me. May be. May God bless you. Sahaja Yogis: Thank you, Mother. Shri Mataji: It’s all right. Sahaja Yogi: Thank You Mother, for coming to Hong Kong… Shri Mataji: Wah-wah. Sahaja Yogi: …and blessing us all. Shri Mataji: You just wait and - you just wait. [Sahaja Yogi: “OK”.] Then I will go and talk to him. May God bless you. And I think people are very simple, very simple people in North Korea. You are South-Korean? Sahaja Yogini: Yes. Shri Mataji: Ah, I went to South Korea, I’m sorry, not North, South Korea. But you see, still they have no idea of a spiritual life. No idea. So, you go there quite often? Sahaja Yogini: Yes, tomorrow I’ll go there. Shri Mataji: She goes to… She goes… Sahaja Yogini 2: She is my sister who came here today. Shri Mataji: So start talking about Sahaja Yoga. All right? Sahaja Yogini: Yes. It’s the first time… Shri Mataji: No, no, you can do it. So have programme, or something. And get more people here from South Korea. And send them over. You can do very well. Too much American influence. [Sahaja Yogini: “Right”.] That’s the problem. And also then I saw one programme they had invited us to, supposed to be a very special one. And we were sitting on the top from the galleries, you see, for VIPs and downstairs, and I’ve never seen such a show. Very dirty show they showed. Very dirty. I’ve never seen. And CP was wearing his glasses and he just closed his eyes, and I had to, said it, “Close your eyes, you can’t bear it”. And both of us vomited. Leave show. I’ve never seen such a dirt anywhere. You know, I mean, can’t imagine how they have taken these things from these stupid Americans. You can work it out, all right? May God bless you. Sahaja Yoginis: Thank You, Mother. Shri Mataji: We have to think of our countries, we have to save them. Don’t you think so? It’s very important, to save your own country. Just I give you all the powers. May God bless you. First grow in Sahaja Yoga, first grow in Sahaja Yoga, these people can also come sometimes. We can send some other people. We could have programmes. All right? May God bless you. Sahaja Yogini: Are You going to come to Korea again? Sahaja Yogini: Are You going to come to Korea again, another time? Sahaja Yogi: She is asking if You are you going to come to Korea. Shri Mataji: [Laughing] Anyone at this time - I’m so busy now, I don’t know. Keeping Me too busy. That’s all right, I think it will work out. These people can go and work it out. All right? Sahaja Yogini: Thank you. Shri Mataji: May God bless you. Sahaja Yogini: Thank you. Shri Mataji: So, are you feeling better now, with him? You have Ekadasha, you know? Sahaja Yogini: Yes, I know. Shri Mataji: Ekadasha means beginning of cancer, do you know? Don’t struggle anymore. You know, no mother can live without children. See, all this is a temporary sort of infatuation, finished, is this. Mother is a mother. How she stands, you know, for her children. All right? That’s more important. [End of tape]
Talk to yogis. Peninsular Hotel in Hong Kong (China), 24 April 1994. All right. Put your hands towards Me. First of all, I must say I am very happy to see so many Sahaja Yogis in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a very materialistic place, as you know, and people are too busy, but the problems come out of that busyness. All this busy life creates lots of problems. So I am sure there will be more coming from the last program, definitely, lots of them, and your hands will be full. So I just wanted to tell you what should we really do to achieve the maximum results. First of all, we have to establish that we are Sahaja Yogis, we are very sober people and we have among ourselves tremendous respect and love. So one should never support an outsider who is not yet a Sahaja Yogi or who will be a Sahaja Yogi but support each other, all the time. Do not argue among yourselves. Maybe one person may be wrong, I am not saying. But [it] is important that we should support each other, and above all, we must support the leader. Whatever the leader says, we must listen to him. It’s very important, in Sahaja Yoga we are a collective organisation, that too a living organisation. If somebody is not collective, he is thrown out of Sahaja Yoga. We are not very happy with such people. So you must try to put all effort to see that you are all collectively one and say the same thing. This is very important to know. Also there are people who may not be so good among you who can judge the vibrations, possibly. If so, you should ask your leader. But among yourselves you should never argue, because we know that Sahaja Yoga gives you absolute truth. So others should not doubt by your behaviour that these people don’t know anything. All right? Then second thing of Sahaja Yoga is that it is the power of love, it’s of compassion, of divine love. Must understand what is divine love is. That is the love that is the, like the sap, as I always say, that runs in the tree. It gives nourishment to the roots, then to all parts of the tree, and then it evaporates or it goes down. Supposing it gets stuck into one flower, what will happen that the tree will die, and ultimately the flower will also die. So our love is not limited love. Like, we love our children, all right, [we] love other children also. Everybody is absolutely in full pure love with each other. Now, one must understand the pure love, that it is not attached to anyone, but at the same time, it is pure love. If you don’t have pure love in your heart because the culture is different, people start moving their attention and spoiling their attention. So, so many people asked Me: “Mother, what to do?” I said: “Keep your eyes only up to three feet, so you will see beautiful things, like you will see flowers, you will see children, and nothing horrible”. So, whatever makes your attention disturbed, try to avoid. Best is to concentrate on your meditation. For meditation in the morning you can just put your right hand towards the photograph and the left hand up there. Then put your left hand towards the photograph… - like this. Then left hand towards the photograph and right hand on the Mother Earth. [It] is better to sit on the ground, in the morning. Then, if thoughtless awareness is established by looking at the photograph, close your eyes. Now, some people say: “Mother, my heart is not open”. All right. So you can say, looking at the Mother: “Mother, please, come in my heart.” Somebody’s Sahasrara is not open. Then you have to say: “Mother, please come in my head”. With both the hands. Whatever portion you think in the body is not doing well, I am always available, so you can ask. Your meditation should be good, first and foremost. If you are good Sahaja Yogis, then only others will believe you. But if you are not good Sahaja Yogis, nobody will believe you. For so many people I have seen I am something beyond them. But Sahaja Yogis are the ones which really make them feel that “these are extraordinary people”. Then, after that, dealing with them as I said, has to be absolutely with pure attention. To begin with, the men should deal only with men and the women should deal only with women and no complications should come out. Because that is the biggest blemish Sahaja Yoga can have, that they are just like ordinary people. So, you have to be careful about yourself. Before sleeping, if you have time, you must do footsoaking. If one day you do not do it, don’t torture yourself for that, but it’s better that you do footsoaking. And in footsoaking first of all you must know what sort of a personality you have. Mostly you are right-sided, mostly. So put [your] right hand towards the photograph, both the feet in the water with little salt and left hand like that. But some are left-sided, some are definitely very much. They should not touch water. Two types of treatments are there. Especially left-sided people should not soak, should not use ice. This is all right-sided treatment. After doing your right-sided or left-sided treatment, I would say you put both your hands towards the photograph and see for yourself how it is working out, without water, without candle. But I would again say that right-sided people should not use candle as far as possible. This electricity is all right, you can use it. They should not sit in the sun, they should put ice on their liver; also they can put ice here [left temple] when it is very hot, it’s very good to put ice here. Also for diabetes you can put the ice here [Shri Mataji puts her hand on Nabhi]. In Sahaja Yoga the treatment is very simple: for right-sided people very simple, and for left-sided. Right-sided people get problems like liver, diabetes, blood cancer, kidney coagulation, that means they can’t pass urine, constipation, also asthma, heart attack – massive, and also paralysis, on the right side; so many. Now, the left-sided people get pain all over left side; also can get all kinds of psychosomatic diseases which are not curable, like cancer, myelitis, Parkinson’s, all kinds. But if you do your meditation every day, once in a while you may miss it, it doesn’t matter, you will immediately feel that you are completely cured and you keep good health. That’s the only way you can grow. And try to bring the point where you are thoughtlessly aware. The best way to be thoughtless is to say the mantra of Nirvichara. That’s very important. And secondly, to go on for forgiving: “I forgive everyone, I forgive everyone” so the thoughts will stop. That is the time when you are in the present. That is the time really you will grow in spirituality. We have people in India and abroad who have become such powerful Sahaja Yogis that just by prayer they can achieve lot of things. We are not here to destroy anyone or to torture anyone: we are here to help everyone, to make them joyous. So one should not talk loudly, sharply, never. And show your compassion. Now supposing somebody has some problem: we should not suddenly say: “You are a bhut”, no. “What’s your problem? Oh, you are left-sided”. “What’s your problem? You are right-sided”. “All right, it can be cured. I was like this”. If you say, they won’t feel hurt. “I was like you. You will be cured. Don’t worry”. So we have to understand that we have to be extremely careful as to what kind of words we are using, and what kind of things we are doing in their presence. Some people are extremely fast, they will walk fast and they will be handling things with such a funny gestures that people will be frightened. You should not be such. What you have to do is to see that whatever actions you take, you talk to them or do, do it in a gentle way; that’s very important to be gentle and kind to them. Also you’ll get people who will have bhuts, who will have gurus on their heads, like the other day that lady was arguing with Me. Try to convince [them] and tell if the - you know now who are real and who are unreal. If you don’t know, ask your leader. You better tell them that, “This is not going to help you, it has not helped you, so you have to give up.” And I’m sure they’ll agree. I’m very sure they’ll agree. Because the way other day that Sindhi lady, she was arguing with me. And she said that, “We get Vibhutis [ndt. Sacred ash] in all centers.” I said: “This is all bhuta vidya, preta vidya and smashana vidya. What do you get out of the vibhuti that comes in, what is so great?” All these things are just to mislead you. So tell them firmly, but with full attention, that you are trying to help them. If you want to help them then you cannot afford to be rude to them, in no way. It is sometimes difficult to handle some people who start arguing, so best is not to argue. Tell them: “By argument we cannot convince you. It is not in the mind, it is beyond the mind.” Up to a point it’s all right, after that you should give up: “All right, I’m sorry.” Then your relationships in your family should be good. You can’t have Sahaja Yoga if there is no understanding between you, your wife, your children. We have to show that family is very important in Sahaja Yoga, extremely important, and children are even more important. You see how much we have done for the children now, we have got schools, this, that, is a very big responsibility. So we must understand what is the responsibility. We should not spoil the children. We should appreciate whatever good they are doing, whatever nice things they are doing. But if they do anything wrong, you must tell them, “You are Sahaja Yogis and you can’t do like this.” That you have to tell them, whatever it is, you have to tell them. If the children are very thin, then understand they have got liver. So liver should be treated. And next time when you come to India we are going to get you all the medicines of liver. If they are very fat, then they are left-sided. Try to bring them to the centre with the three candle treatment. But first of all, test it what is the situation. Sometimes they develop a puffy fat, [that] is all right, but they become all right. So that is how you should look after their health. Then also look after their behaviour. Tell them how to behave. As I have seen in the West the children are not properly brought up because the parents neglect them, I won’t blame the children. Parents neglect them. You should be loving, kind - at the same time you must tell them what is discipline is. It is very important. Then keep a-watch on them: How they are, what they are doing. Of course, we have a school, but it has limited seats there. Whatever it is, they are going to adjust as many as possible. Even then supposing you have any problem, don’t go arbitrarily into it. You may ask your leader or you may write to Me and inform Me. Among you somebody might become very ego-oriented, may start his own organisation, “I will do this.” Let him say: “You get out” and he will suffer. You do not have to worry. “All right, you get out.” Anybody who is arbitrary will not work out. Supposing one finger starts acting more than the rest – that means there is cancer, this is malignancy. So we can’t have malignancy. All of you should work together with understanding, before others as well as among yourselves. It is very important to understand. Now, Sahaja Yoga has worked out in so many countries. In such a big way in some, in such a small way in some. But wherever it is, Sahaja Yogis have to be something special. Even the children have to be something special. You have any other problem which you do not want to discuss, with, say, with your leader, then you can write to Me directly, no harm. Either, if I answer well and good, if I do not answer also well and good, it will work out. But attention should not be all the time about yourself: me, my family, my children, my house, my job, no. As soon as your attention is on other people, it works out faster, it helps you very much. But on yourself: “I am sick. I have this problem, that problem”, nothing. You are now at a stage when you can absolutely solve all the problems, but first and foremost thing: if your attention is on yourself, it won’t work out. Attention should be on others. And if it has to be on yourself, attention, then just find out: “What’s wrong with me?” But some people in that also go too far. “Mother, my Agnya is catching. Mother, my this is catching…” [it] is nothing, [it] is nonsense. Maybe you are catching from other people, possible. There are some nice books, now already in Sahaja Yoga translated in Chinese, luckily, and also My tapes could be translated also. But you have to keep My voice, as I told you, because that is mantra, isn’t it? And you can have subtitles, would be better if you could do it. But it’s a very good idea that you can have subtitles, really. Specially for Russians if they could do in Russia. Now, [if] you have any questions, now you can ask Me. So it should be always like, if you are Chinese, then you should not only deal with Chinese. They should all come to the collective. Supposing you are Indians, you should not only deal with the Indians, but they should come to the collective. Because unless and until they come to the collective [they] will not know what the problem is. It’s not that you can organise separately a group, another group separately. It has to be one group. Of course, you could have two ashrams or three ashrams, makes no difference. Any other question? Sahaja Yogi: Is the camphor treatment good for left side? Shri Mataji: What? Sahaja Yogi: Camphor … Sahaja Yogi 2: Camphor treatment. Sahaja Yogi 2: The camphor treatment. He is asking if the camphor treatment is good for left side. Shri Mataji: What? Sahaja Yogi 2: The camphor. Shri Mataji: No no no no. No need. Camphor, only once in a while. Don’t do camphor. But you have done all mixed up things, you see, just do left-sided treatment, then you will be all right. Just mixed up. And you cannot earn money in the name of God or Divine work, that’s one thing. You cannot organise like that. No, never. Because once you start getting it, left-sided bhuts will come into you. Sahaja Yogi: I’ve never done that. Shri Mataji: That is the part of Sahaja Yoga. We cannot. Also if you have any guru’s photographs and all that, it’s better to put them in the sea. Because this keeping any photograph, any book about them creates problems. So religiously search it out and put them in the sea. [Video interrupts brieftly] No no no no no no. No no no no. Don’t do all that. They will work on the photograph. If you want to help somebody, you see, some other people who have come, whom you want to raise, don’t touch them. Take a bandhan yourself and give them a bandhan. Put them before the photograph and you just raise the Kundalini. But be careful. Because you are still, you see, not that sort of thing that you cannot catch, you might catch. So among yourselves also you should not do that. Don’t touch. If somebody says, “I have this problem”, all right, put him on the photograph, take a bandhan yourself, ask him to take a bandhan, you also give a bandhan and then raise the Kundalini. Be careful. Even if there is somebody who has come now who is a sick man. So you can give them a photograph, [it] is all right, if they are willing to do it. But somebody in his family is willing to take Sahaja Yoga, who is a healthy person, he should bring. Otherwise don’t get after sick. You will have many sick, in thousands, to begin with. Don’t worry about sick. Or if they are sick tell them to take the photograph and work it out, if they are left-sided or right-sided. Then the faith grows, they improve. But you don’t touch the sick. No, no, not at all. We are not here to cure the sick, but we are here to give realisation. May God bless you. Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, for technique, if you have a problem on one side, you have imbalance and if the left side is weak or caught up, do you raise the Kundalini on this side and give a bandhan to the other side? Correct? Shri Mataji: Yes. Supposing you are right-sided, then you have to put down the right side, remember that way, it’s much better. So then you raise your left side and put the right side down, if you have right-side problem. Now, if you have a left-side problem, so you have to put down the left side. It’s easier to remember this way. So there is no confusion. But tying up of Kundalini should be done after you have moved out left to right or right to left, whichever way. Then raise your Kundalini and tie up and take a bandhan, it’s the best way. I would request you, all of you, to take a photograph of yours and make an album, write it down below that: what is your name, date of birth and of Self-realisation. Send it over to Me. Because I go on seeing them sometimes, you see. So I’ll know you better and also I’ll have My attention on you. Of the children as well as of bigger people. So I’ll talk to you and talk to him because you have little individual problems, both of you. What about you? Are you reconciled? I’m going to get, you see, this one, Werner, to task. He came here to do Sahaja Yoga and not to disturb a family. He’s been very wrong. I’m going to be very angry with him. He is an old Sahaja Yogi, he should have behaved himself. It’s not - never to disturb a family. You have such sweet beautiful children. I will never support you in nonsense, I must tell you. And your husband is a very good man. If you behave all right he’ll come round to Sahaja Yoga, I’m sure. You cannot be a Sahaja Yogi if you have no dharma, “shield” as Buddha has called it. It’s what we call as your character. Your morality is the most important in Sahaja Yoga. If you are not moral, it has no meaning at all. What we need is morality today. This is happening everywhere, nonsense. We have to imbibe it in ourselves and we have to generate it for others also. Whole world is full of immoral people. A very, very few who are standing for morality. That is the greatest ornament we have. All right? Don’t go astray. This will never help you. It was very wrong of you and also for your children. Now go back and behave yourself properly, otherwise you cannot be in Sahaja Yoga. Ha, if there was something wrong, then it’s all right. We have divorce in Sahaja Yoga. We allow people to divorce. But there should be substantial reason for that. “Or to sub thik hai” [Is everything all right?] What are we to do? That will do? All right. Sahaja Yogi: Thank You, Mother. Shri Mataji: May God Bless you all. I am sorry you had to come so late in the night [Shri Mataji laughs]. Sahaja Yogi: Mother, we have a small gift for You. Shri Mataji: Why, you’ve done so much! Oh. Where is the children’s this thing, presents? My God, a small present, is it? Sahaja Yogi: It’s very small. [Shri Mataji laughs, yogis laugh] Shri Mataji: All right, what is this? This is supposed to be small, is it? From what angle? Sahaja Yogi: It’s just a big box! Shri Mataji: Oh, I see. [Laughing] Ah. So now. What is that? Let’s see. My goodness. [A small red statue] This is the one for what? Sahaja Yogis: Confucius. Sahaja Yogis: Confucius. Guru. Shri Mataji: Confucius! He too has… you see? [Sahaja Yogis laugh] Sahaja Yogi: A stick. Shri Mataji: Fine, such an expensive one. Great. It’s very well done. Is it written here Confucius? Sahaja Yogi: Yes. Shri Mataji: All right. Thank you very much. But you’ll have to bring it to India when you come. [Sahaja Yogi: “Yes, Shri Mataji”.] But such an expensive thing, you should not have bought it. Sahaja Yogi: Very good price, Mother. Shri Mataji: Really? [Laughter] What is this? Sahaja Yogi: [Offering a statue] This is Lao-Zi. Sahaja Yogi: Lao-Zi. Sahaja Yogini: Lao-Tse. Sahaja Yogi: Lao-Tse. Shri Mataji: This is Lao-Tse? Nice! [She watches the statue attentively] All right. He’s great I must say, Lao-Tse. Beautiful. He’s sitting on the clouds. Beautiful. [Sahaja Yogini: “Wow”.] Good. This is His vahana. This is the one, is… Sahaja Yogi: Vehicle. Shri Mataji: Vahana, you know, this vahana is … Sahaja Yogi: Vehicle, isn’t it? Vehicle? Shri Mataji: Conveyance. Sahaja Yogi: Conveyance, yes. Sahaja Yogini: Conveyance, yes. Shri Mataji: Beautifully done. Thank you very much, thank you. Is written here? Sahaja Yogi: This is Lao-Tse. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. This shows the little boy is controlling. (Unclear) This is what? [Inaudible comments – Sahaja Yogis and Yoginis show an embroidered cloth. Sahaja Yogini: “This is a cloth, and yes, a...”. Sahaja Yogi: “A Goddess”. Sahaja Yogini: “A Goddess…”.] Shri Mataji: Who is that? Sahaja Yogi: Is a Goddess. Sahaja Yogi: Goddess. Goddess. She is from China. Shri Mataji: Goddess. Sahaja Yogis and Yoginis: From China. Yes. A Goddess. Shri Mataji: Saraswati. [Indistinct comments] Shri Mataji: Ah, it looks like Saraswati. Very Indian silk. [Laughter] Sahaja Yogi: Yes, we had this picture when Buddhism first came… Sahaja Yogi: We had this kind of picture when Buddhism first came to China. Shri Mataji: Oh, I see. Buddhism didn’t talk of women. Beautiful, very beautiful. Thank you very much, thank you. Beautiful. Very well done. These two books he gave Me, where are they? All right. You can keep them – please keep it somewhere. Now what is that? Sahaja Yogini: From Vietnam. Sahaja Yogini: Yes, it’s from Vietnam. Sahaja Yogi: From Vietnam. Shri Mataji: From Vietnam? Sahaja Yogi: Vietnam. Sahaja Yogini: Yes, from Malaysia collective. Shri Mataji: You are from Vietnam? Sahaja Yogini: Yes. Shri Mataji: Really? Sahaja Yogini: Yes. Shri Mataji: One place I’ve not been to is Vietnam. But [to] Korea I’ve been - South Korea I’ve been. [Sahaja Yogini (not clearly audible): “Lacquer and sewing”] Oh, they make these in Vietnam? Sahaja Yogini: Yes. Sahaja Yogi: It’s a beautiful thing through sewing. (Unclear) Shri Mataji: It’s beautiful. Is a painting? Sahaja Yogis: It’s a lacquer. Lacquer work. Shri Mataji: Lacquer work. Thank you very much. So beautiful. Such a big lacquer work I’ve never seen. Must be very expensive. Sahaja Yogini: We got it quite at a good price. Shri Mataji: Very beautiful. Thank you very much. You want to take? Too close. [Sahaja Yogini wants to take a picture of the work. Sahaja Yogi: “That’s we can take later.”] I’ll hold it. [Shri Mataji takes the frame and holds it for the Yogis to take the picture]. Very beautiful. Oh, thank you. All this has to come when you come to Ganapatipule. Sahaja Yogi: Actually, I would have loved one Chinese to come this time. I’ll have to get lot more to carry all these things [laughing]. Shri Mataji: See, what I was saying, for all the people from the East, there’s a concession they offer and it’s much cheaper. I think what you can carry is quite a lot but I don't know, they told Me... I don't know how much – quite a bit [not clearly audible]. So I think they can come, Chinese. At least Ganapatipule. I've no idea, I'll ask them. Last time who went on the tour from here? Complete tour - was a complete. Sahaja Yogi: Well, I was on the 11th of December. [Indistinct conversation follows] Shri Mataji: This is for children. [Shri Mataji takes a bag and starts taking out books Herself and hands them to children] Now. So we’ll have boys first, come along. May God bless you. Now you have to write poems in this, all right? You move forward. Is there any other boy? Come along. You must write poems. Thank you. Come along. You are a boy also! [Laughter] Kuber, come along. [Shri Mataji points at a small boy. The small boy goes to Shri Mataji and takes the book and hands an envelope to Her. Laughter] He has done a painting for Me. [Laughter] Now for the girls. [Shri Mataji opens the envelope given by the small boy] He’s done a beautiful painting today, you see? Did you do this one? Child: Yes. Shri Mataji: Thank you. Good. Thank you. [Conversation aside with a yogi] Where is that tea set we had bought? Did you get it? [Sahaja Yogi: “Yes. Tea seats were at the back, yes, two. There were two tea sets, Mother. I took the small one. The small one”.] Let it be now, you took only one so will be a problem. All right. Who will get? I was thinking of dolls. All right, for the girls. [Shri Mataji gives a small to book to a girl] Now. You write poems. [Laughter] All right. Come along. You want - which one you want? All right? Who else? All the girls. [A girl hands an envelope to Shri Mataji] Ah. Yes, good. Very wise. Thank you. Just… [To another girl] Which one? All right. [Aside to a girl] Did you get one? Girl: No, it’s ok. Shri Mataji: Is it all right? Girl: It’s all right. Shri Mataji: Very sweet. Girl: They need it… Boy: They need it more than you. Shri Mataji: Ah? [Aside to the Sahaja Yogi] We could give her that tea set, and all that, so we have. Can you find that? Girl: Thank you, Mataji. Shri Mataji: May God bless you. [Somebody takes a box to Shri Mataji and She hands it to the girl] All right, come along, you are lucky. Quite heavy. May God bless you. Girl: Thank you very much. Shri Mataji: Thank you, thank you. Girl: Thank you. Shri Mataji: You got it, Rishi? Sahaja Yogi: Such cool vibrations. [Unclear] [Indistinct conversation] Shri Mataji: All right, Soma is better now? Sahaja Yogi: Yes, it has improved… Shri Mataji: Better, yes. Sahaja Yogi: … since she came to Sahaja Yoga. Girl: Thank you very much, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Next time I would like to see your poems. All right? Kuber, you too. [Laughter] And also nice drawings. Where is the drawing gone of Kuber? This I want to take with Me. It’s refreshing. All right. May God bless you. May God bless you. Look after yourself. And know that you are Sahaja Yogis, is a very big position, you are saints. Special people. You are the foundation. Anyway I may go to mainland China and talk to the… Let’s see if Prime Minister listens to Me. May be. May God bless you. Sahaja Yogis: Thank you, Mother. Shri Mataji: It’s all right. Sahaja Yogi: Thank You Mother, for coming to Hong Kong… Shri Mataji: Wah-wah. Sahaja Yogi: …and blessing us all. Shri Mataji: You just wait and - you just wait. [Sahaja Yogi: “OK”.] Then I will go and talk to him. May God bless you. And I think people are very simple, very simple people in North Korea. You are South-Korean? Sahaja Yogini: Yes. Shri Mataji: Ah, I went to South Korea, I’m sorry, not North, South Korea. But you see, still they have no idea of a spiritual life. No idea. So, you go there quite often? Sahaja Yogini: Yes, tomorrow I’ll go there. Shri Mataji: She goes to… She goes… Sahaja Yogini 2: She is my sister who came here today. Shri Mataji: So start talking about Sahaja Yoga. All right? Sahaja Yogini: Yes. It’s the first time… Shri Mataji: No, no, you can do it. So have programme, or something. And get more people here from South Korea. And send them over. You can do very well. Too much American influence. [Sahaja Yogini: “Right”.] That’s the problem. And also then I saw one programme they had invited us to, supposed to be a very special one. And we were sitting on the top from the galleries, you see, for VIPs and downstairs, and I’ve never seen such a show. Very dirty show they showed. Very dirty. I’ve never seen. And CP was wearing his glasses and he just closed his eyes, and I had to, said it, “Close your eyes, you can’t bear it”. And both of us vomited. Leave show. I’ve never seen such a dirt anywhere. You know, I mean, can’t imagine how they have taken these things from these stupid Americans. You can work it out, all right? May God bless you. Sahaja Yoginis: Thank You, Mother. Shri Mataji: We have to think of our countries, we have to save them. Don’t you think so? It’s very important, to save your own country. Just I give you all the powers. May God bless you. First grow in Sahaja Yoga, first grow in Sahaja Yoga, these people can also come sometimes. We can send some other people. We could have programmes. All right? May God bless you. Sahaja Yogini: Are You going to come to Korea again? Sahaja Yogini: Are You going to come to Korea again, another time? Sahaja Yogi: She is asking if You are you going to come to Korea. Shri Mataji: [Laughing] Anyone at this time - I’m so busy now, I don’t know. Keeping Me too busy. That’s all right, I think it will work out. These people can go and work it out. All right? Sahaja Yogini: Thank you. Shri Mataji: May God bless you. Sahaja Yogini: Thank you. Shri Mataji: So, are you feeling better now, with him? You have Ekadasha, you know? Sahaja Yogini: Yes, I know. Shri Mataji: Ekadasha means beginning of cancer, do you know? Don’t struggle anymore. You know, no mother can live without children. See, all this is a temporary sort of infatuation, finished, is this. Mother is a mother. How she stands, you know, for her children. All right? That’s more important. [End of tape]
Self Realization – Knowing the Spirit
Petaling Jaya
Public Program
Public Program, Malaysya, 26 April 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot conceptualize it, we cannot describe it, and unfortunately, at this human awareness, we cannot know it. Something more has to happen to us and at that stage, what we call as self-realization, knowing the Spirit, that we can really know the truth. Whatever I'm going to tell you today you have to know it that your blind faith is not going to help you. We've had enough of problems because of blind faith. So you have to just keep your mind open like scientists and see for yourself. Treat this as a hypothesis, and if you find that it is true, what I'm saying has been proved, then as honest people you must accept it. Because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your family, of your country and the world at large. Most of the human problems that come to us are because of these centers. When these centers are in trouble we get the human problems and all the world problems mostly come from human beings. So what do we find that if a human being is all right within we can make the whole world all right. At the outset I have to tell you what is the truth. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, but you are the Pure Spirit. You're not this ego, intelligence but you are the pure Spirit. This is the first truth about you. And the second one is that you see all these flowers so beautifully placed before you, they are a miracle in a way, because we can't explain how they are different, grow at a different temperature, how they're different in their heights and colors and fragrance. How these are happening, we never think. All these living things, for example, who runs your heart? So doctors will say that autonomous nervous system, but who is this 'auto', they can't answer. So the science cannot answer this question. Science is limited, it cannot answer, it cannot say why are we on this earth, why have we come on this earth? So the second truth is there is a subtle living power which is the Divine Love which does all the living work. All the religions have talked about it, all the religions have said that you must get your self-realization, your second birth, in different, different ways. And all the religions have said that there is this subtle power of Divine Love which is formless. But as it is, religions were not so much Spirit-oriented; they were either money-oriented or power-oriented and fighting among themselves. In the name of God they're fighting because if they are the Spirit they won't fight. Because then they will realize they're part and parcel of the whole, they're all one, all these religions were born on the same Tree of Spirituality, but we have plucked the flowers and we're fighting with the dead flowers. All the people who created these great religions never treated them separately. We have done a mistake by not understanding the unity we're having. We'll be happy to see all the people sitting here are coming from different races, from different religions, from different countries. Sahaja Yoga now is working in sixty countries. Mostly what's wrong with human beings is that, that he does not know where to find satisfaction. Sometimes he thinks that in money he'll find satisfaction, sometimes he thinks in power, sometimes in some sort of a love or sometimes in the family or some sort of very limited, superficial things. But it's not, because you know that according to economic laws wants are not satiable in general; means, today you want a house, so you'll buy a house. Then you won't be satisfied. If that was a pure desire you should have been satisfied. Then you want to buy a car, still you're not satisfied. Then you want to buy furniture, then the carpet, then the aeroplane, I don't know what, but whatever you may buy you're not satisfied with what you buy. That means this is not the pure desire. Now what is the pure desire within us, if you're wanting to know, I will tell you. Whether you're aware of it or not, there's only one pure desire we have, is to be one with this all-pervading Divine Power. Like this instrument if it is not connected to the mains it has no meaning. In the same way, we have no identity, we have no personality, we don't know why are we on this earth because we're not connected to the mains. Sahaja, Saha means with, with and Ja is born. Is born with you the right to be united, yoga, with this Divine Power. This is Sahaja Yoga. You don't have to leave your family, you don't have to go to Himalayas standing on your heads, you don't have to fast and do all kinds of monkey tricks. It is within you, it is within you. Like Guru Nanaka said, . But who does that? What he said, we just go on reading, reading, reading but do we do that? We have to know ourselves, we have to have self-knowledge. In the ancient times, fourteen thousand years back in India, Markandeya wrote about it, that we have a Kundalini within us and she's to be awakened. But that was in Sanskrit language, so many people did not know. Then in the sixth century [ie 600s] Adi Shankaracharya very clearly wrote about it but that was also in Sanskrit language. In the twelfth century [ie 1200s] only Gyaneshwara himself wrote it very clearly in Marathi language in his book Gyaneshwari but the people in charge of religion said, "Don't read this sixth chapter," where he described the Kundalini. But in the twelfth and sixteenth century, we had great, great saints in our country who wrote about. Like Kabira said, he says here on the fontanelle bone the sound of anahatha you can hear, ida, pingala, means three nadis he described. But nobody understands him, nobody understands, nobody understood Adi Shankaracharya, nobody understood Kabira. He says, All these things were said so clearly, in all the languages whether you take Tamil, you take Sanskrit or you take Marathi or Punjabi or any other language, Bangla. All languages it was described in our country, what we are doing is our heritage, is the heritage of the Indians. Also, Buddha has talked about it, also this Mother Mercy that they worship, Chinese, they too have, to describe about it, like Tao. Like Tao has talked, Tao means Kundalini, can you imagine, Tao means Kundalini. Zen system has talked about Kundalini. So there's no place where I find, even two hundred years back we had William Blake in England, he has talked about it. But we don't want to know, we just avoid it, but what a thing to avoid. This all our property, it is all within us. All these powers are within us and we're missing it out. By the raising of the Kundalini, what happens? First of all she nourishes all these centers and these centers look after your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. So first thing that happens to you is all your powers of creativity, powers of religion. We talk of religion, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and all that religion, but anybody can commit any mistake, any sin. They may say we're this, they may be fanatics but everybody is capable of committing sins of killing each other or doing something wrong, nobody is awakened, because the religion is not awakened within them. Once the religion is awakened within the personality you become a saint and a saint can never do wrong. That is the chance you have now, the time has come, this is a special time, we call it the blossom time. And the Christian religion describe as the Last Judgment. In every religion, Islam has talked about Qiyamah. So clearly Mohamad Sahib has said that 'your hands will speak.' This is exactly what happens. In Sahaja Yoga that on your hands you can feel this all-pervading power, you can feel the cool breeze coming out from your Brahmarandhra, from your Taloo, what you call the fontanelle bone area. You can feel it yourself, and this is your own power, again I must tell you that there's no obligation. It's like one enlightened light can enlighten another light. When you're enlightened, you can enlighten other people. Also one must understand that you cannot pay for living work. Nobody can pay to Mother Earth anything for giving us these beautiful flowers, she doesn't understand money. So you cannot pay for it, you can pay for the hall but not for your self-realization. It has to be absolutely away from this money nonsense. God doesn't understand money, it's human headache. So those people who go on asking for money, there're many we had, false people who came from my country and from other countries, making money, minting money, teaching dirty things, there's nothing to be taught. You have to have the experience, experience of your spirit and experience of this Divine Power. Once you have this experience then you'll be surprised to know that how all your problems get solved. First you become in a state which we call as the peaceful state because the thoughts on which we jump are coming from the future or the past but nothing from the present. When the Kundalini rises, She elongates these thoughts and we are placed in the state of present which is reality and no thought. It's called as Nirvichara Samadhi in Sanskrit language. The second state where we reach is called as doubtless awareness. This is the first one is the thoughtless awareness, the second one is doubtless awareness. This comes to you in no time but you have to be honest and you have to have faith in yourself. It works so fast, you'll be amazed how many blessings people have got out of Sahaja Yoga. Everyday they're telling Me, "Mother we've got this, this happened, that happened," endless. Because this all-pervading power is the ocean of bliss, is ocean of bliss. We talk of bliss, now the time has come for us to experience the bliss. We just believe in God but we are not sure. Here you can experience the Divine, you can feel the Divine and you will know that it is that. Gradually you'll be amazed at yourself that your attention will become absolutely pure. Christ has said, "Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes." How many people are like that in the West where the Christian religion is followed. You won't find many. This happens to you, just happens to you. Get rid of all your bad habits. I will never say, "Don't do this," and "Don't do that," because half of you will go away. But it will just happen. You'll be amazed that I've seen so many people give up their drug addiction overnight. Of course, physically you'll improve. There have been many cases of blood cancer and all that have been improved and there are three doctors, I'm sorry, four doctors in Delhi who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga. They were MBBS doctors, they got their MD. So now scientifically it's been proved. As I said it is your own power. You have to just know how to keep it up and how to use it for your own purpose, for the purpose of the whole world. That's all if you know it works out. Above all you jump into the ocean of joy, . All this is said, I mean, I'm not saying anything new. Only thing is now it is the experience, the proof, that's all I have. You drop into the ocean of joy. Joy is not double-faced like happiness and unhappiness. When your ego is pampered you feel happy, when it is punctured you feel unhappy. It's not like that. Joy is the state in which you become a witness, sakshi, you start seeing everything as a sakshi. You see the whole thing as a drama and you enjoy it. Such dynamism comes to you, at the same time great compassion. You see, My age, they must have told you I am seventy-one years of age, I'll be seventy-two now. And I'm traveling practically every third day. How do I manage? Because I never think I travel, I never think I travel. I'm just enjoying every part of it and that's what you become. You become great artistes. You must have heard of Amjad Ali, you must have heard of other great, many people who came to Sahaja Yoga became great artistes. Musicians, not only musicians, artists, painters, all kinds of things, architects, people have achieved so many things in Sahaja Yoga. But they're humble people, they don't talk, they don't boast. This is what it is. It's a very simple thing that should happen to you, it takes no time, no money, no problems. I'm sure it is going to happen here, only thing I've to tell you that you have to have full faith in yourself, just faith in yourself, that's all, nothing more is needed and it will work out in no time, I can tell you this. This will give you such peace that you'll never have stress and strain and all these modern diseases that people are suffering from. Every disease and all that can be easily controlled through Sahaja Yoga. We have patients who had very horrible diseases who are absolutely cured without going to any doctor or anything. The best part of it that you all can feel the same thing on your finger tips. Supposing if you have ten children who're realized souls and they, put before them, close their eyes, put before them somebody, and they will tell, "Oh, he has the same problem." If they say, "This finger is burning," means he has a heart problem. You ask him, "Have you got a heart problem?" "Yes, how do you know?" The children know. Everybody starts seeing the same thing, this is the point, knowing the same thing. Because you know the absolute truth. If you know the absolute truth there is no relativity left, what is there to quarrel about then. Here you have this theory, that theory, that another ism and this ism and this ism, no, you all know the same absolute truth. Like that in sixty nations we have now, specially in Russia, Sahaja Yoga has brought the best. They have thrown away all false gurus and everything but America which is a very materialistic country is a poor show, now they're coming, after hit by Rajneesh and this and that, they're coming to Sahaja Yoga. Doesn't matter, whatever it is, we have to say that we want the truth, and those who don't want the truth I've nothing to do. I'm not here to give you these diamonds, so-called, and this vibhuti and all that. That's all nonsense and now thank God one fellow has been exposed completely. And it has been in the newspaper that this man was giving vibhuti from the smeshana. All these tricks are pretavidya, smeshanavidya, you know very well, all of them you know this and this should not be done at any cost. I was told that Malaysia is full of it. It's very surprising. You're all intelligent people, how could you accept this nonsense of bhootavidya and pretavidya. What you have to ask , the one who talks about God and God-realization and self-realization is the only one who is the real guru. Otherwise those who are making money and showing you tricks are not. Try to understand. It's something artificial you're running after and then you suffer so much. I'm here to tell you that you have to be honest about yourself, that's all. And it will all work out. I know you all have questions, doesn't matter, whatever questions you have you can write to Me and we'll answer you. Only thing about Sahaja Yoga is that it is not an individual growth. You cannot grow in your house, you have to come to the collective , you have to be in the collective. Like if my one nail is cut out, it won't grow. Whatever is the place, whatever is the area where you have to go, you have to go there, all of you and you have to grow. It would be something like sprouting the seed but the seed has to grow and it should not be that a sprouted seed is wasted. You must have respect of yourself, of self-realization, of yourself, and you must grow into it. Then you will understand whatever religion you're following, then you will understand the greatness of all these prophets, gurus, satgurus and the incarnations. Without that you cannot understand the unity that exists within them. Like, to understand histology you have to use microscope. In the same way to understand all these great people who have created beautiful religions for us we have to use Sahaja Yoga. I'm very happy that so many of you have come here but I hope you will not just come listen to Me like, you see, guru-shopping, listening to Mother, then next time there, and then there. This kind of people cannot achieve anything. But I know people have achieved a lot in Sahaja Yoga. I'm very happy to see people from all over, from Madras, also from Kerala, also from Punjab. I've been all over there and I was amazed everywhere such a response, such an understanding was there. Of course it's growing much more in Delhi and in UP, also Haryana has taken over very much. I don't know, I never expected that it would grow like that because I was busy outside, working out but I started only three years back really in the real sense of the word and the north has taken over. The south is still little ritualistic, I would say, it is not compared to the north, they have taken it. They'll sing the songs of God, Goddess, Devi, they're Devi bhaktas or they're this and that. But to take to Sahaja Yoga you have to understand that no ritual is needed, no ritual, just you get it within yourself, it's within you. And that's what you have to get it. I hope this will work out tonight. If somebody doesn't want it, I respect your freedom, you should go away. It cannot be forced on you, I cannot force on you. So those who do not want should go away. It will take hardly ten minutes for you, but those who do not want to have realization, it cannot be forced, I'm sorry to say. So it is important that those who do not want should go away, go away from the hall. Will be very civil of them to do so. It will not harm you, it will not trouble you by any chance, these are all wrong ideas which have been spread by people who don't know how to awaken the Kundalini and who don't want people to have their self-realization. So don't believe them. There are three conditions which are very simple. First of all you should not feel in any way guilty. You should not feel, "I've done this wrong, I've done that wrong." At this moment you should not feel you're guilty. When you go on feeling guilty what happens that this center on the left goes out of order. And when it goes out of order you get a disease called angina or you may get spondylitis, you might get cervical cancer, you might also get very lethargic organs. So why to have guilt? It is a myth. If you have done any mistake just face it, but why do you carry on with a myth like this to ruin your health and at this juncture when the Kundalini is rising if this chakra is caught up it won't be able to pierce through. So please don't torture yourself with the idea that you are guilty. You're not guilty in the eyes of God, you're human beings. Only human beings can make mistakes, you're not gods, so please be pleasantly placed towards yourself firstly. Second condition is this that you have to forgive everyone. Some people say it is very difficult to forgive. But just see logically whether you forgive or don't forgive, what do you do? Nothing. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself while the person who has made you unhappy is a happy person, and you're torturing yourself. So what's the use of feeling guilty, or what's the use of not forgiving? Best is to forgive all of them, don't even think about them, it's a headache. Just in general you have to forgive. I'll tell you how to do that. Now this center here on the optic chiasma in the brain is like this, very constricted. It's called as Agnya chakra and if you do not forgive then it won't open, but if you forgive, it opens. That means at this important time you should really forgive so that it opens and you get your realization. Third condition is request from Me and believe Me that you must have faith in yourself, complete faith that you'll get your realization tonight. You shouldn't say, "How can I get," you will get it. You have to get it, just have faith in yourself that you'll get your self-realization. It's very important. This faith is extremely important and it will work out, I'm sure it will work out. There's something very simple is, I hope you people don't mind if I request you to take out your shoes because you know this Mother Earth helps us a lot. If you tell to English people they'll walk out. They don't want to take out their shoes. Now as I told you, you're going to get your self-realization here on your seat but you have to sit comfortably, should not be uncomfortable, not very much bending behind or in front but comfortably and have faith in yourself. Now please put both the feet away from each other. Those who have to go should really go now and when we're doing this they should not move about, please. Now, there is a left and a right side, Ida and Pingala, two nadis are there. These are two powers within us, one is a power of desire and another is the power of action. That's why we keep both the legs apart from each other like this. You have to put your left hand towards Me like this. That is to suggest symbolically that you desire to have your self-realization, on your lap. Just keep it on your left lap. Now with this you desire to have self-realization and with the right hand you act, in the sense you nourish your own centers. You need not remember it, it's only today, tonight we're doing it. So please put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So you put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. You're working only on the left hand side. Everyone has to do it. This is the center of mastery which is created by great prophets and great masters which we have to awaken. Now, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side again. Put your left hand and right hand in the lower portion. This is the center surprisingly, is the center of Divine knowledge, so low as that. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. As I told you this is the center of mastery. Raise your right hand now on top of your heart. This is the center of where resides the Spirit. Now please raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder. And turn your head to your right. This is the center, as I told you already, goes into jeopardy when you feel guilty. Now please take your hand, right hand on top of your forehead across and please bend your head back. This is the center where you've to forgive everyone in general. Now, please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as fas as possible. This is the center where, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading Divine Power. Now, the last center is very important. Stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, and bend it, bend your head. Now , bend your head. This is the place where the Kundalini has to pierce through. Now you've to move your scalp slowly, scalp, not hand so much, scalp, seven times, slowly. That's all you have to do. One thing, you didn't bend your heads, some of you, you should bend your heads. Now this is what we have to do. You can take out your glasses because you have to close your eyes. But before that you can put both the feet away from each other, both the feet away from each other and put your left hand on your lap, that's all. Now, please close your eyes and don't open them till I tell you, please close your eyes. Put you right hand now please on your heart. Here you've to ask a very fundamental question about yourself three times. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. "Mother, am I the Spirit?" In your heart, ask this question three times. "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Now, please know that if you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So now please take down your right hand, upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side, and here you ask another fundamental question, press it hard. "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question three times again. Please don't feel guilty, don't feel guilty. As I told you I respect your freedom, I cannot force pure divine knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. So take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, press it, and here you ask six times, because this center has got six petals. "Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge." Ask six times "Mother, please give me pure pure divine knowledge." As long as you ask for divine knowledge the Kundalini starts rising. So now we have to nourish our higher centers with our full self-knowledge. Please, now take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. And here you have to say ten times with full self-confidence, "Mother, I am my own master." At the very outset I've told you that you are not this mind, this ego, this body, emotions, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and ask twelve times, "Mother, am I the pure Spirit?" This all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of compassion and bliss but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness and it forgives whatever mistakes you might have committed. So please forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and put your head to your right. Here you have to say sixteen times with full confidence, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." Sixteen times you have to say with full confidence, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." I have already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything, but if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands, specially at this time it is very important to forgive, so that this Agnya chakra will open. So now please take your right hand on top of your forehead and bend your head. Here you have to say, not how many times but from your heart, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." Don't think about them, say it from your heart. Please bend your head. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head. Without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction, you have to say again from your heart, not how many times, "O Divine Power, if I have done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me." Say it from your heart, "O divine Power, if I have done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me." Push back your head as far as possible. Now, please take down your hand and now stretch your palm. Put the center of your palm on the soft bone, taloo, which was in your childhood the fontanelle bone area. Put the center of your palm. Now important is to push back your fingers so that you get a good pressure on your scalp. Here again, bend your head again, bend your head properly, that's very important. Here again, I cannot cross over your freedom. You have to ask for self-realization. So move your scalp slowly clockwise seven times, saying seven times, "Mother, please give me self-realization." Saying seven times, "Mother, please give me self-realization." Now please take down your hands, open your eyes. Now put this left hand towards Me and right hand like this. Now with the right hand towards Me please put down your head and see with the left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head, right hand towards Me, please try to understand, right hand towards Me, right, right hand. And bend your head, now see, bend your head and see if there's a cool or a hot breeze-like sensation coming from your head. Now don't doubt, there's no conditioner in your head, so just see. The hand should not be on top of the head, it should be away from it. Some people get very further, some nearer the head. Try to move your hand and see for yourself if you're getting any cold or a hot breeze-like sensation. Now, put the left hand towards Me like this, left hand. Now put the head again down and see for yourself. If there is hot, means you have not forgiven. So you please forgive, you'll get it cool. Bend your head properly and see for yourself if there's a cool or a hot breeze-like sensation coming from your head. Now, again once again, please put your right hand towards Me. Bend your head and see for yourself if there's a cool or a hot breeze-like sensation coming from your fontanelle bone area. Put both the hands like this towards Me. Keep your eyes open just like this, above, little higher, and now, don't think, you can do it, watch Me without thinking. Watch Me without thinking. Raise both your hands, all of them. May God bless you. You all have reached saintliness. This is what it is but you have to keep it up. Some people did not feel, doesn't matter. You have to come to the collective and you all can feel it, it is your right. You were doubting yourself, I think, most probably that's why it has not worked out. But there's nothing to doubt, nothing to doubt. You are born at a time which I call as blossom time. It's a special time of resurrection when these things were to happen and it's happening to you. I hope you'll continue with it, work it out collectively and try to make a very collective, beautiful organism of human beings. This is the new race that has come up and it has to be, we all have to be united, we all have to be one and I'm sure they will all see the point. You'll be surprised there are so many Muslim leaders now who are coming to Sahaja Yoga. There's one called Ayatollah Rohani from Iran. His brother now elected as the premier there, he's coming to Sahaja Yoga. Our commander in chief has come, India, has come to Sahaja Yoga. So they have to come because there is no peace, then how are they to exist without peace, without joy. What everybody has said, even Mohamad Sahib has said that you have to be a wali, you have to be a realized soul. All of you have to be that. That's the last break-through of our evolution, it should happen to all of us. Thank you very much. May God bless you all.
Public Program, Malaysya, 26 April 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot conceptualize it, we cannot describe it, and unfortunately, at this human awareness, we cannot know it. Something more has to happen to us and at that stage, what we call as self-realization, knowing the Spirit, that we can really know the truth. Whatever I'm going to tell you today you have to know it that your blind faith is not going to help you. We've had enough of problems because of blind faith. So you have to just keep your mind open like scientists and see for yourself. Treat this as a hypothesis, and if you find that it is true, what I'm saying has been proved, then as honest people you must accept it. Because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your family, of your country and the world at large. Most of the human problems that come to us are because of these centers. When these centers are in trouble we get the human problems and all the world problems mostly come from human beings. So what do we find that if a human being is all right within we can make the whole world all right. At the outset I have to tell you what is the truth. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, but you are the Pure Spirit. You're not this ego, intelligence but you are the pure Spirit. This is the first truth about you. And the second one is that you see all these flowers so beautifully placed before you, they are a miracle in a way, because we can't explain how they are different, grow at a different temperature, how they're different in their heights and colors and fragrance. How these are happening, we never think. All these living things, for example, who runs your heart? So doctors will say that autonomous nervous system, but who is this 'auto', they can't answer. So the science cannot answer this question. Science is limited, it cannot answer, it cannot say why are we on this earth, why have we come on this earth? So the second truth is there is a subtle living power which is the Divine Love which does all the living work. All the religions have talked about it, all the religions have said that you must get your self-realization, your second birth, in different, different ways. And all the religions have said that there is this subtle power of Divine Love which is formless. But as it is, religions were not so much Spirit-oriented; they were either money-oriented or power-oriented and fighting among themselves. In the name of God they're fighting because if they are the Spirit they won't fight. Because then they will realize they're part and parcel of the whole, they're all one, all these religions were born on the same Tree of Spirituality, but we have plucked the flowers and we're fighting with the dead flowers. All the people who created these great religions never treated them separately. We have done a mistake by not understanding the unity we're having. We'll be happy to see all the people sitting here are coming from different races, from different religions, from different countries. Sahaja Yoga now is working in sixty countries. Mostly what's wrong with human beings is that, that he does not know where to find satisfaction. Sometimes he thinks that in money he'll find satisfaction, sometimes he thinks in power, sometimes in some sort of a love or sometimes in the family or some sort of very limited, superficial things. But it's not, because you know that according to economic laws wants are not satiable in general; means, today you want a house, so you'll buy a house. Then you won't be satisfied. If that was a pure desire you should have been satisfied. Then you want to buy a car, still you're not satisfied. Then you want to buy furniture, then the carpet, then the aeroplane, I don't know what, but whatever you may buy you're not satisfied with what you buy. That means this is not the pure desire. Now what is the pure desire within us, if you're wanting to know, I will tell you. Whether you're aware of it or not, there's only one pure desire we have, is to be one with this all-pervading Divine Power. Like this instrument if it is not connected to the mains it has no meaning. In the same way, we have no identity, we have no personality, we don't know why are we on this earth because we're not connected to the mains. Sahaja, Saha means with, with and Ja is born. Is born with you the right to be united, yoga, with this Divine Power. This is Sahaja Yoga. You don't have to leave your family, you don't have to go to Himalayas standing on your heads, you don't have to fast and do all kinds of monkey tricks. It is within you, it is within you. Like Guru Nanaka said, . But who does that? What he said, we just go on reading, reading, reading but do we do that? We have to know ourselves, we have to have self-knowledge. In the ancient times, fourteen thousand years back in India, Markandeya wrote about it, that we have a Kundalini within us and she's to be awakened. But that was in Sanskrit language, so many people did not know. Then in the sixth century [ie 600s] Adi Shankaracharya very clearly wrote about it but that was also in Sanskrit language. In the twelfth century [ie 1200s] only Gyaneshwara himself wrote it very clearly in Marathi language in his book Gyaneshwari but the people in charge of religion said, "Don't read this sixth chapter," where he described the Kundalini. But in the twelfth and sixteenth century, we had great, great saints in our country who wrote about. Like Kabira said, he says here on the fontanelle bone the sound of anahatha you can hear, ida, pingala, means three nadis he described. But nobody understands him, nobody understands, nobody understood Adi Shankaracharya, nobody understood Kabira. He says, All these things were said so clearly, in all the languages whether you take Tamil, you take Sanskrit or you take Marathi or Punjabi or any other language, Bangla. All languages it was described in our country, what we are doing is our heritage, is the heritage of the Indians. Also, Buddha has talked about it, also this Mother Mercy that they worship, Chinese, they too have, to describe about it, like Tao. Like Tao has talked, Tao means Kundalini, can you imagine, Tao means Kundalini. Zen system has talked about Kundalini. So there's no place where I find, even two hundred years back we had William Blake in England, he has talked about it. But we don't want to know, we just avoid it, but what a thing to avoid. This all our property, it is all within us. All these powers are within us and we're missing it out. By the raising of the Kundalini, what happens? First of all she nourishes all these centers and these centers look after your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. So first thing that happens to you is all your powers of creativity, powers of religion. We talk of religion, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and all that religion, but anybody can commit any mistake, any sin. They may say we're this, they may be fanatics but everybody is capable of committing sins of killing each other or doing something wrong, nobody is awakened, because the religion is not awakened within them. Once the religion is awakened within the personality you become a saint and a saint can never do wrong. That is the chance you have now, the time has come, this is a special time, we call it the blossom time. And the Christian religion describe as the Last Judgment. In every religion, Islam has talked about Qiyamah. So clearly Mohamad Sahib has said that 'your hands will speak.' This is exactly what happens. In Sahaja Yoga that on your hands you can feel this all-pervading power, you can feel the cool breeze coming out from your Brahmarandhra, from your Taloo, what you call the fontanelle bone area. You can feel it yourself, and this is your own power, again I must tell you that there's no obligation. It's like one enlightened light can enlighten another light. When you're enlightened, you can enlighten other people. Also one must understand that you cannot pay for living work. Nobody can pay to Mother Earth anything for giving us these beautiful flowers, she doesn't understand money. So you cannot pay for it, you can pay for the hall but not for your self-realization. It has to be absolutely away from this money nonsense. God doesn't understand money, it's human headache. So those people who go on asking for money, there're many we had, false people who came from my country and from other countries, making money, minting money, teaching dirty things, there's nothing to be taught. You have to have the experience, experience of your spirit and experience of this Divine Power. Once you have this experience then you'll be surprised to know that how all your problems get solved. First you become in a state which we call as the peaceful state because the thoughts on which we jump are coming from the future or the past but nothing from the present. When the Kundalini rises, She elongates these thoughts and we are placed in the state of present which is reality and no thought. It's called as Nirvichara Samadhi in Sanskrit language. The second state where we reach is called as doubtless awareness. This is the first one is the thoughtless awareness, the second one is doubtless awareness. This comes to you in no time but you have to be honest and you have to have faith in yourself. It works so fast, you'll be amazed how many blessings people have got out of Sahaja Yoga. Everyday they're telling Me, "Mother we've got this, this happened, that happened," endless. Because this all-pervading power is the ocean of bliss, is ocean of bliss. We talk of bliss, now the time has come for us to experience the bliss. We just believe in God but we are not sure. Here you can experience the Divine, you can feel the Divine and you will know that it is that. Gradually you'll be amazed at yourself that your attention will become absolutely pure. Christ has said, "Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes." How many people are like that in the West where the Christian religion is followed. You won't find many. This happens to you, just happens to you. Get rid of all your bad habits. I will never say, "Don't do this," and "Don't do that," because half of you will go away. But it will just happen. You'll be amazed that I've seen so many people give up their drug addiction overnight. Of course, physically you'll improve. There have been many cases of blood cancer and all that have been improved and there are three doctors, I'm sorry, four doctors in Delhi who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga. They were MBBS doctors, they got their MD. So now scientifically it's been proved. As I said it is your own power. You have to just know how to keep it up and how to use it for your own purpose, for the purpose of the whole world. That's all if you know it works out. Above all you jump into the ocean of joy, . All this is said, I mean, I'm not saying anything new. Only thing is now it is the experience, the proof, that's all I have. You drop into the ocean of joy. Joy is not double-faced like happiness and unhappiness. When your ego is pampered you feel happy, when it is punctured you feel unhappy. It's not like that. Joy is the state in which you become a witness, sakshi, you start seeing everything as a sakshi. You see the whole thing as a drama and you enjoy it. Such dynamism comes to you, at the same time great compassion. You see, My age, they must have told you I am seventy-one years of age, I'll be seventy-two now. And I'm traveling practically every third day. How do I manage? Because I never think I travel, I never think I travel. I'm just enjoying every part of it and that's what you become. You become great artistes. You must have heard of Amjad Ali, you must have heard of other great, many people who came to Sahaja Yoga became great artistes. Musicians, not only musicians, artists, painters, all kinds of things, architects, people have achieved so many things in Sahaja Yoga. But they're humble people, they don't talk, they don't boast. This is what it is. It's a very simple thing that should happen to you, it takes no time, no money, no problems. I'm sure it is going to happen here, only thing I've to tell you that you have to have full faith in yourself, just faith in yourself, that's all, nothing more is needed and it will work out in no time, I can tell you this. This will give you such peace that you'll never have stress and strain and all these modern diseases that people are suffering from. Every disease and all that can be easily controlled through Sahaja Yoga. We have patients who had very horrible diseases who are absolutely cured without going to any doctor or anything. The best part of it that you all can feel the same thing on your finger tips. Supposing if you have ten children who're realized souls and they, put before them, close their eyes, put before them somebody, and they will tell, "Oh, he has the same problem." If they say, "This finger is burning," means he has a heart problem. You ask him, "Have you got a heart problem?" "Yes, how do you know?" The children know. Everybody starts seeing the same thing, this is the point, knowing the same thing. Because you know the absolute truth. If you know the absolute truth there is no relativity left, what is there to quarrel about then. Here you have this theory, that theory, that another ism and this ism and this ism, no, you all know the same absolute truth. Like that in sixty nations we have now, specially in Russia, Sahaja Yoga has brought the best. They have thrown away all false gurus and everything but America which is a very materialistic country is a poor show, now they're coming, after hit by Rajneesh and this and that, they're coming to Sahaja Yoga. Doesn't matter, whatever it is, we have to say that we want the truth, and those who don't want the truth I've nothing to do. I'm not here to give you these diamonds, so-called, and this vibhuti and all that. That's all nonsense and now thank God one fellow has been exposed completely. And it has been in the newspaper that this man was giving vibhuti from the smeshana. All these tricks are pretavidya, smeshanavidya, you know very well, all of them you know this and this should not be done at any cost. I was told that Malaysia is full of it. It's very surprising. You're all intelligent people, how could you accept this nonsense of bhootavidya and pretavidya. What you have to ask , the one who talks about God and God-realization and self-realization is the only one who is the real guru. Otherwise those who are making money and showing you tricks are not. Try to understand. It's something artificial you're running after and then you suffer so much. I'm here to tell you that you have to be honest about yourself, that's all. And it will all work out. I know you all have questions, doesn't matter, whatever questions you have you can write to Me and we'll answer you. Only thing about Sahaja Yoga is that it is not an individual growth. You cannot grow in your house, you have to come to the collective , you have to be in the collective. Like if my one nail is cut out, it won't grow. Whatever is the place, whatever is the area where you have to go, you have to go there, all of you and you have to grow. It would be something like sprouting the seed but the seed has to grow and it should not be that a sprouted seed is wasted. You must have respect of yourself, of self-realization, of yourself, and you must grow into it. Then you will understand whatever religion you're following, then you will understand the greatness of all these prophets, gurus, satgurus and the incarnations. Without that you cannot understand the unity that exists within them. Like, to understand histology you have to use microscope. In the same way to understand all these great people who have created beautiful religions for us we have to use Sahaja Yoga. I'm very happy that so many of you have come here but I hope you will not just come listen to Me like, you see, guru-shopping, listening to Mother, then next time there, and then there. This kind of people cannot achieve anything. But I know people have achieved a lot in Sahaja Yoga. I'm very happy to see people from all over, from Madras, also from Kerala, also from Punjab. I've been all over there and I was amazed everywhere such a response, such an understanding was there. Of course it's growing much more in Delhi and in UP, also Haryana has taken over very much. I don't know, I never expected that it would grow like that because I was busy outside, working out but I started only three years back really in the real sense of the word and the north has taken over. The south is still little ritualistic, I would say, it is not compared to the north, they have taken it. They'll sing the songs of God, Goddess, Devi, they're Devi bhaktas or they're this and that. But to take to Sahaja Yoga you have to understand that no ritual is needed, no ritual, just you get it within yourself, it's within you. And that's what you have to get it. I hope this will work out tonight. If somebody doesn't want it, I respect your freedom, you should go away. It cannot be forced on you, I cannot force on you. So those who do not want should go away. It will take hardly ten minutes for you, but those who do not want to have realization, it cannot be forced, I'm sorry to say. So it is important that those who do not want should go away, go away from the hall. Will be very civil of them to do so. It will not harm you, it will not trouble you by any chance, these are all wrong ideas which have been spread by people who don't know how to awaken the Kundalini and who don't want people to have their self-realization. So don't believe them. There are three conditions which are very simple. First of all you should not feel in any way guilty. You should not feel, "I've done this wrong, I've done that wrong." At this moment you should not feel you're guilty. When you go on feeling guilty what happens that this center on the left goes out of order. And when it goes out of order you get a disease called angina or you may get spondylitis, you might get cervical cancer, you might also get very lethargic organs. So why to have guilt? It is a myth. If you have done any mistake just face it, but why do you carry on with a myth like this to ruin your health and at this juncture when the Kundalini is rising if this chakra is caught up it won't be able to pierce through. So please don't torture yourself with the idea that you are guilty. You're not guilty in the eyes of God, you're human beings. Only human beings can make mistakes, you're not gods, so please be pleasantly placed towards yourself firstly. Second condition is this that you have to forgive everyone. Some people say it is very difficult to forgive. But just see logically whether you forgive or don't forgive, what do you do? Nothing. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself while the person who has made you unhappy is a happy person, and you're torturing yourself. So what's the use of feeling guilty, or what's the use of not forgiving? Best is to forgive all of them, don't even think about them, it's a headache. Just in general you have to forgive. I'll tell you how to do that. Now this center here on the optic chiasma in the brain is like this, very constricted. It's called as Agnya chakra and if you do not forgive then it won't open, but if you forgive, it opens. That means at this important time you should really forgive so that it opens and you get your realization. Third condition is request from Me and believe Me that you must have faith in yourself, complete faith that you'll get your realization tonight. You shouldn't say, "How can I get," you will get it. You have to get it, just have faith in yourself that you'll get your self-realization. It's very important. This faith is extremely important and it will work out, I'm sure it will work out. There's something very simple is, I hope you people don't mind if I request you to take out your shoes because you know this Mother Earth helps us a lot. If you tell to English people they'll walk out. They don't want to take out their shoes. Now as I told you, you're going to get your self-realization here on your seat but you have to sit comfortably, should not be uncomfortable, not very much bending behind or in front but comfortably and have faith in yourself. Now please put both the feet away from each other. Those who have to go should really go now and when we're doing this they should not move about, please. Now, there is a left and a right side, Ida and Pingala, two nadis are there. These are two powers within us, one is a power of desire and another is the power of action. That's why we keep both the legs apart from each other like this. You have to put your left hand towards Me like this. That is to suggest symbolically that you desire to have your self-realization, on your lap. Just keep it on your left lap. Now with this you desire to have self-realization and with the right hand you act, in the sense you nourish your own centers. You need not remember it, it's only today, tonight we're doing it. So please put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So you put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. You're working only on the left hand side. Everyone has to do it. This is the center of mastery which is created by great prophets and great masters which we have to awaken. Now, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side again. Put your left hand and right hand in the lower portion. This is the center surprisingly, is the center of Divine knowledge, so low as that. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. As I told you this is the center of mastery. Raise your right hand now on top of your heart. This is the center of where resides the Spirit. Now please raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder. And turn your head to your right. This is the center, as I told you already, goes into jeopardy when you feel guilty. Now please take your hand, right hand on top of your forehead across and please bend your head back. This is the center where you've to forgive everyone in general. Now, please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as fas as possible. This is the center where, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading Divine Power. Now, the last center is very important. Stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, and bend it, bend your head. Now , bend your head. This is the place where the Kundalini has to pierce through. Now you've to move your scalp slowly, scalp, not hand so much, scalp, seven times, slowly. That's all you have to do. One thing, you didn't bend your heads, some of you, you should bend your heads. Now this is what we have to do. You can take out your glasses because you have to close your eyes. But before that you can put both the feet away from each other, both the feet away from each other and put your left hand on your lap, that's all. Now, please close your eyes and don't open them till I tell you, please close your eyes. Put you right hand now please on your heart. Here you've to ask a very fundamental question about yourself three times. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. "Mother, am I the Spirit?" In your heart, ask this question three times. "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Now, please know that if you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So now please take down your right hand, upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side, and here you ask another fundamental question, press it hard. "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question three times again. Please don't feel guilty, don't feel guilty. As I told you I respect your freedom, I cannot force pure divine knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. So take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, press it, and here you ask six times, because this center has got six petals. "Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge." Ask six times "Mother, please give me pure pure divine knowledge." As long as you ask for divine knowledge the Kundalini starts rising. So now we have to nourish our higher centers with our full self-knowledge. Please, now take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. And here you have to say ten times with full self-confidence, "Mother, I am my own master." At the very outset I've told you that you are not this mind, this ego, this body, emotions, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and ask twelve times, "Mother, am I the pure Spirit?" This all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of compassion and bliss but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness and it forgives whatever mistakes you might have committed. So please forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and put your head to your right. Here you have to say sixteen times with full confidence, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." Sixteen times you have to say with full confidence, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." I have already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything, but if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands, specially at this time it is very important to forgive, so that this Agnya chakra will open. So now please take your right hand on top of your forehead and bend your head. Here you have to say, not how many times but from your heart, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." Don't think about them, say it from your heart. Please bend your head. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head. Without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction, you have to say again from your heart, not how many times, "O Divine Power, if I have done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me." Say it from your heart, "O divine Power, if I have done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me." Push back your head as far as possible. Now, please take down your hand and now stretch your palm. Put the center of your palm on the soft bone, taloo, which was in your childhood the fontanelle bone area. Put the center of your palm. Now important is to push back your fingers so that you get a good pressure on your scalp. Here again, bend your head again, bend your head properly, that's very important. Here again, I cannot cross over your freedom. You have to ask for self-realization. So move your scalp slowly clockwise seven times, saying seven times, "Mother, please give me self-realization." Saying seven times, "Mother, please give me self-realization." Now please take down your hands, open your eyes. Now put this left hand towards Me and right hand like this. Now with the right hand towards Me please put down your head and see with the left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head, right hand towards Me, please try to understand, right hand towards Me, right, right hand. And bend your head, now see, bend your head and see if there's a cool or a hot breeze-like sensation coming from your head. Now don't doubt, there's no conditioner in your head, so just see. The hand should not be on top of the head, it should be away from it. Some people get very further, some nearer the head. Try to move your hand and see for yourself if you're getting any cold or a hot breeze-like sensation. Now, put the left hand towards Me like this, left hand. Now put the head again down and see for yourself. If there is hot, means you have not forgiven. So you please forgive, you'll get it cool. Bend your head properly and see for yourself if there's a cool or a hot breeze-like sensation coming from your head. Now, again once again, please put your right hand towards Me. Bend your head and see for yourself if there's a cool or a hot breeze-like sensation coming from your fontanelle bone area. Put both the hands like this towards Me. Keep your eyes open just like this, above, little higher, and now, don't think, you can do it, watch Me without thinking. Watch Me without thinking. Raise both your hands, all of them. May God bless you. You all have reached saintliness. This is what it is but you have to keep it up. Some people did not feel, doesn't matter. You have to come to the collective and you all can feel it, it is your right. You were doubting yourself, I think, most probably that's why it has not worked out. But there's nothing to doubt, nothing to doubt. You are born at a time which I call as blossom time. It's a special time of resurrection when these things were to happen and it's happening to you. I hope you'll continue with it, work it out collectively and try to make a very collective, beautiful organism of human beings. This is the new race that has come up and it has to be, we all have to be united, we all have to be one and I'm sure they will all see the point. You'll be surprised there are so many Muslim leaders now who are coming to Sahaja Yoga. There's one called Ayatollah Rohani from Iran. His brother now elected as the premier there, he's coming to Sahaja Yoga. Our commander in chief has come, India, has come to Sahaja Yoga. So they have to come because there is no peace, then how are they to exist without peace, without joy. What everybody has said, even Mohamad Sahib has said that you have to be a wali, you have to be a realized soul. All of you have to be that. That's the last break-through of our evolution, it should happen to all of us. Thank you very much. May God bless you all.
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Kuala Lumpur
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 26th, 1994 So today we had so many people there and I’m sure there’ll be many who would be coming, maybe many, many more. That’s a very good beginning, I think but as I told you before that you have to be yourself so dedicated that they understand it. The first question somebody asked Me, what about going to temple. It’s all right going to masjid or temple, it’s all right. But problem is, you see these are all money-oriented or power-oriented places. In the temple what these pandits are sitting there and taking money and doing all these things, what do you get there? And the statues are also, those are there are not swayambhu, means they’ve not come out of the Mother Earth. So made by somebody just to make some money. So best is to make your heart a temple and when it works out then you’ll be amazed you’ll rise. But going to these temples is just, I don’t understand, it’s very ritualistic. It has no atmosphere for meditation, nothing. So the first thing to do is to meditate; if you do not meditate, you are not with Me. If you’re meditating you’re with Me. Meditation means morning for at least for five to ten minutes; you stand before the photograph, you put both the hands towards the photograph and then see what chakras are catching. There you can say, “Mother come in my heart, come in my head,” whatever is the problem. And also then you have to take a bandhan. Before going out you must take a bandhan. In the night try to find out what sort of a personality you are. Are you right-sided or left-sided, or you are in the middle. If you’re right-sided, say, for example, then you have to take the right side treatment which you know very well all of you, how to take it. Especially here it’s so hot it is very easy to take because you have to put ice on your liver, right hand towards the photograph and ice here. That will cool you down. And then you have to go for a liver diet and take sugar which is vibrated. Also I hope we’ll be able to send you some medicines after Ganapatipule, from India. Thus you try to cure your liver, that’s very important. And when you have to put down something, say you have a right side, then you have to put down the right. If you remember like that then you’ll remember that you raise the left and put down the right, seven times. Now supposing you have to put down the left then you raise the right and put down the left. Then before sleeping if you do meditation according to whatever is needed then you must also understand that give a bandhan to yourself; put your attention to your Sahasrara and sleep. That’s the best way you will be doing for the… So when you start going you’ll be surprised there are so many letters have come, “I have this problem, I have that problem.” All these can be corrected very easily. If you take to Sahaja Yoga and meditation gradually they all improve and benefit. But if you’re not sincere, if you’re not coming to collective and if you’re not doing meditation you will carry on with your problems, then how can I help you? So you have to be in the collective and you have to be meditating; that’s the only way we can have connections with the Divine. And gradually you’ll be surprised so many problems of the people have been solved completely. I didn’t even meet them, I didn’t even talk to them but they write to Me that, “This problem was solved, Mother you did this for me, you did this for me, thank you very much.” If you ask them, “What did you do?” They just have been meditating morning and evening, that’s all. Takes ten minutes in the night before sleeping, about five minutes in the morning time. And always whenever you are in trouble try to become thoughtless. That time the mantra is Nirvichara, “Mother you are Nirvichara.” You’ll become absolutely Nirvichara, your Agnya will be solved. So that is important to be in Nirvichara, means thoughtless awareness as many times as you can. Whenever you see something nice, witness something or there is some sort of a problem, then you just get into Nirvichara. Gradually you’ll find yourself so beautifully equipped with vibrations, knowing everything how to do it, how to correct it, how to work it out. And it is so simple, so very simple. I was very happy because so many people came today. Again and again I’ve to tell you that you have to tell them in such a way, “We were also like you.” They will say, “I have this problem,” first they’ll have money problem, mainly. Money problem is eternal everywhere, to begin with, because money is so important. Whether you are rich or poor they all have money problems. I would say that if you don’t pay attention to your money problem it will be solved. But if you have some serious problem you should let Me know and if you don’t tell Me also you can tell the photograph. So whatever such problems you have which are useless. You see money is something whatever is necessary you’ll always get it, never a problem with that, it is always solved. But if you’re all the time thinking, “I have no money,” problem, even if have, say hundred dollars you’ll have money problem, you’ll have five thousand dollars, still money problem and even ten thousand dollars still money problem. So that problem you should completely neglect and don’t think of it at all. So the second problem is of health. You know that with Sahaja Yoga health can be improved. So you should find out what is your problem as far as the health is concerned and then it will work out; it’s a modern world, problem we never used to use for this kind of thing, health problem. Problem was only used in geometry when we were young, you see but now when we have gone old everybody has a problem. “This is the problem, that is the problem.” So all this can work out, please meditate. I’m only responsible when you meditate, otherwise I’m not and you have to be collective. If you’re not collective I’m not responsible because you’re not in connection. So don’t go to wrong things. There are some people who have gurus, have gurus, this thing, somebody who has, say Satya Sai Baba, they can’t give up, not easy. Please know that he is a gangster, he’s a horrible fellow. I wouldn’t say this for Shirdi Sainath or anybody else but the one who is a gangster has been found out now, people have noticed, I’ve a tape that how he used to mesmerize people but there were four cameras, they could mesmerize, so the cameras have got everything. So you don’t run after all such things; what you have to know is to be in Sahaja Yoga. Also don’t allow anybody to touch your forehead because your Agnya will be ruined. Like in a temple they put something on your forehead, don’t take it. Don’t allow anybody to touch your forehead at any cost, specially Indians, be very careful. And you are now people who have become Brahma. This is all Paramachaitanya, you have become one with that, you’re saints. So you must know how to talk, how to behave. The whole thing should change. It will transform you, no doubt, but take it easy, have confidence, don’t get angry with yourself and you’ll be amazed how things will work out. Questions, any you have? You have any questions? (Question inaudible.) I didn’t follow, just a minute. Of course, meditation is the greatest; medication can be stopped. If it is some mild sort of thing, it’s all right, but not severe type. What is it? For heart you don’t take any meditation please, medication, no no no no. What work you do? Advertisements. It was a massive heart attack? Or angina? That means you have a liver problem, means you’re right-sided. So you treat your right side, heart will be all right. The right side will feel very much better once you’ve done right side all right, see the whole heat will go away. You had it after Sahaja Yoga or before? Any other question? (Question inaudible.) Better not. They’re so stupid, one stupid idea. One fellow who came from this Bosnia Muslim… , he came, he met Me. So I asked him, “Why are you doing all this nonsense, why are you killing yourself for this land, people are eating your body, why are you doing like this? So what he old Me is true for Christians and Jews, they all follow the same. Is that he says according to him in Koran, but it’s not in Koran, I know that, that if you die then you must bury your body because when this resurrection time will come, this is today that is there, that time your body will come out and you’ll get resurrected. But you must die in the name of God, “So that’s why it is going to help us, because we are dying in the name of God in jihad, so our body will come out.” Imagine after five hundred years which body is going to come out. So they believe in it still. So I said, “What will come out after five hundred years, supposing.” He said, “Whatever comes out will get resurrection.” But that way, you see, Indian philosophy is much more sensible because it is coming from sages. It says that the souls will be born, souls will be born and there will be a population growth and with a population growth there will be this last judgment which is very sensible, that souls cannot get destroyed. It’s the body that gets destroyed. But I don’t know from where did they get this idea of burying the body, dying in the name of God, burying the body and the body coming out after five hundred years. Luckily we have now somebody, a very important man as I told you. He says he will go and talk to them, let him manage. I don’t know why they’re so fanatic, they can’t see the point. Of course we have many Muslims now in Paris, we have many in Iran also, in America, also we have Austria we have Muslims. But they are not telling anybody that, “We’re Sahaja Yogis.” They said, “Our throats will be cut if we say that we’re Sahaja Yogis.” So with such fanatic people why should we meet and why should talk to them about it? Some of them will come to Sahaja Yoga but they’ll be quite in danger all the time, poor things, you know. They’ll have to leave this country just like that, it’s very bad, situation is very bad. Gradually after seeing you they might… I think there were one or two Muslims today in the group, is there anyone here? No, very difficult. (Question inaudible.) All nonsense. Radha Swami we call them “badha swami” because they give heart attacks to everyone. Anybody who is going to Radha Swami must get a heart attack, very severe type. You know they have big, big , this fellow doesn’t talk. He has big, big boxes, sewa, you see, you have to go on putting money there and he sits on a, with a seven steps up there, he doesn’t talk, only people go and put money, that’s all. Radha Swami is a place they’ve created for liaison, you see, like if you have to have a bribe then you go to Radha Swami. There another fellow will also go on give you the bribe, liaison office, Radha Swami. And these Bahais, they talk that Bahai was an incarnation and all that. They’re only money-oriented, extremely money-oriented, always worried about money, making money, this, that. All of them. I have yet to come across anybody who is really doing good work like Sahaja Yoga. There some who I think will come round maybe Sufis might come round. But they too have funny ideas. You see, if they are realized souls then only it will work out. There’re so very few realized souls even for Sufis to guide them. So those Sufis who are without a guru sort of, they have a guru who is not a realized soul, so they atre going astray. Nobody knows much but in Sahaja Yoga the amount of knowledge which you have about yourself is tremendous, is complete and intangible. Only people who are sensitive can feel it. Russia, you see, in St. Petersburg is the oldest university, they gave Me a very big award that I’m one of the ten members of that university, royal member of that university. One of them is Einstein. I asked them, “Why are you giving Me this, I’m not Einstein.” They said, “What is Einstein? He just worked with matter, you are working with human beings, who is he?” To them, you see, this is sensitivity to understand the importance of worth and that award was given to Me and the application for that was so beautiful that they said that there has never been such a philosopher, such a great scientist, such as this thing, praising to the highest. Because Sahaja Yoga is tangible, whatever we say can be proved. I must learn to smile also, not to be serious all the time, all right. Nothing to be serious, it’s all a play, maya. (Question inaudible.) Horrible. Ours is akriya. You don’t have to do anything. Now, you see, supposing your car has to be started. As soon as you start the car all the machinery starts working, built-in like that. Theirs is the other way round, you first move the wheels, then you move the steering wheel, don’t start the car. They cut the tongues of people. Earlier there was a self-realization organization and so many doctors from Bombay had their tongues cut, wagging like dogs, they couldn’t talk even. Because they said, “We have to move this center, for that we have to do an exercise which push back this tongue here.” This is supposed to be Kriya Yoga. You should know from the disciples what have they got. Have they got any powers? Can they raise the Kundalini? Do they know about Sahaja Yoga? Anything, even not Sahaja Yoga, Kundalini. They talk of Kundalini Yoga is nothing, another money making. They don’t know a word about Kundalini. Some of them did record My lectures and all that, they talk but they can’t raise the Kundalini, that’s the point. They may say the same thing what we’re saying that we are looking after the chakras, we’re doing this, but they can’t raise the Kundalini. The proof is this that you can raise the Kundalini. (Question inaudible.) This is a very multi-racial society, you must understand, very multi-racial. People even from India, from different, different places, everybody from different… Now there are Buddhists, they would like to know what Buddha has to say. They’re Christians, they would like to know what Christ has to say. Like that it goes on. So to bring them round, you see, you must know how to deal with each type of a person. Supposing there’s a Buddhist. So they have to ask a question on the photograph, “Mother, are you Maitreya?? Is the future Buddha. “Ma,” “Treya,” three mothers together. Then it works out. Because problem is that they are born in that, conditioned like that and, you see, racialism is there, all these things are there. And the whole thing looks so contrasting and some people believe in many gods, some people believe in one god. And Buddhists don’t believe in God, so how to make these three things combine is this. Firstly Buddha did not believe in God because he said, “First of all let us have self-realization.” If you start talking about God people will become all of them, “I’m God.” I also didn’t talk about God for four years, that’s one thing. Second thing is that some say there’s one God. Of course there’s one God but He has many aspects. He’s not like Rock of Gibraltar, only standing there, but He has many aspects and these aspects are described, so that’s how we have many gods. So we should try to explain to them. They haven’t seen one God, two gods, nothing they’ve seen. But somebody’s told them from childhood there’s one God, so finished, there’s one God. And so many misunderstandings about Muslims also. They said that Mohamad Sahib said that, “I’m the seal.” Seal means the stamp, seal doesn’t mean that he’s sealed, now nobody can come after that. So this is how they also try to avoid but who is the loser? They’re the losers because they cannot get their self-realization. So many Muslims have died, they will also die. What will happen, what will they gain? They’re not going to gain anything with that kind of fanaticism. And then if He was the seal why did He say that, “I’ll send send the twelfth Mahdi and there will be resurrection,” why did He say so? If He was the last why did He talk of the future? Same about Christ. If He was the last why did He say, “I’ll send you the Holy Ghost.” Thus you can ask them questions but these fanatics, very difficult people, don’t argue with anyone, it’s not mental, you have to have the experience. If you go on arguing they’ll make you mad. It’s no use because they’re not seekers of truth, if they’re seekers of truth then one question if you ask, “Have you found out the truth?” “No,” then all right, “I have found it. Would you like to listen to me?” If they want to listen to you, well and good, otherwise forget it. You cannot, you see, argue with it because you’ll say something, they’ll say something. In Gita this is said, somebody will say, “I’m Brahma, I’m this,” what can you say? They start talking like that, what can you say to such stupid people? They’re stupid, that’s all. You see, that’s the unfortunate thing about this judgment is that, that yourself you will choose right or wrong. But we are quite a lot, I think here and there will be quite a lot and if you can ever come to Ganapatipule you can see there’s quite a lot. You’ll enjoy the collectivities, they’re from all countries and later on also Russia. We went to Russia, we, it was such a lot of crowd there, I should say. Only one village has got twenty-one thousand Sahaja Yogis so we had our puja, very dedicated, very dedicated. We had our puja in jungle, we couldn’t find any hall for all of us. So we have so many of us, we don’t have to worry about stupid people. I have everyday experience of that, I don’t know what to do, I can’t even control My laughter, so difficult. So now, best of luck, I hope to come next year again, yes? (Question inaudible.) I didn’t follow. All bhoot energy, it’s bhoot energy. First of all you should know. See, supposing you’re a doctor, it’s all right because you know the thing and you can operate but you are not a doctor, don’t know anything about it and if you’re doing like that, that means you’re doing just at random. But Sahaja Yoga is not like that. Sahaja Yoga, you know exactly where is the problem is, you know what is to be done, how to correct it. It’s not just holding somebody’s hands. You see, if you do like that, what happens, these are the bhoots, they make you cure on one side and they make you something else. They try to show that we are there because they want to possess you, not a very good thing to do and it’s very troublesome later on in life also. (Question inaudible.) What I’m saying, you cured your finger, which finger you cured? Which one was cured, the finger, but what does that denote? What was the problem? What is it due to? You don’t know? It’s a left nabhi, all right? It’s a left nabhi problem. By holding it you have absorbed left nabhi, she’s cured. There’s a bhoot in her left nabhi, you got it into you because you don’t know what you are doing, you don’t know how to protect yourself, you don’t know what is to be done, whether you should touch her or not or how you should cure her. You don’t know anything. You have to know it, you have to be an expert, you should know everything whatever you are doing, it’s not like blind person holding somebody’s hand and gets cured. Maybe you’re getting the trouble into yourself, all right? So whenever you try to do something you must know what you’re doing, you must protect yourself, you must know what you’re doing, what you’re supposed to do. You just don’t do like a blind person. Maybe you might develop this arthritis tomorrow, how can you say. You might have absorbed it. It’s a bhoot, left hand. So what I’m saying, unless and until you know everything why should you try to cure anyone? You’re not a doctor. Even doctors can’t cure as we can cure because we know what exactly we’re doing, we know what’s the problem is, exactly; what is to be done exactly and how to protect yourself. It’s not just at random or somebody says, “Say this mantra,” you go on saying, you don’t know what mantra it is, is meant for you or not; it’s all a big science, just don’t do it, like that, don’t listen to people. You’re Sahaja Yogis, you’ve to protect yourselves. You’ve not come here to cure people but to give realization, to be very frank, all right? Because curing is what? I’ve met so many , what you call them, wrestlers, they come and tell Me that, “Mother give us realization.” So what’s the use of getting the whole world, health, anything, wealth. Still you want realization. So one should not do anything haphazardly. Like somebody was telling Me that this Satya Sai Baba’s photograph, there is some vibhuti is falling. I said this is bhootavidya. How? Because the other day I was in Taiwan, Taipeh. One boy came after the program, very much shaken up and he said, “Mother I’m shaking,” this thing. “What happened.” So he said, “Three of us have caught up with the bhoots, spirits and they tell us that we are actually gods.” “Where did you catch them?” They said, “We had gone for a ceremony to the cemetery, there we caught it. And since then we are so upset because they’re telling all kinds of things and three of us try to commit suicide.” I said, “What else do they do?” “They said, ‘Now you sit down here, we’ll show you,’ they’ll take the glass from here to here and put it like that, we don’t see them and they try to impress us. But we can’t sleep, we have such bad headaches, this, that, and we don’t know what to do.” But those are Shinto people, so they worship their ancestors. So their ancestors must have caught them because that boy was hardly twenty years of age, twenty years and the two others are even younger to him studying in the college. Poor things and they were caught up with these bhoots. So one should know each and everything, what is it, what is left side is, what is right side is, how the left side works. Left side is very dangerous, it gives you all psychosomatic troubles. So please first of all learn everything with humility because you don’t know yet what is it. You have to be humble. Learn everything properly, understand it and then you will know that it’s absolutely correct and tangible; then you won’t doubt it. So all these tricks one should not fall to because you’re special people, you’re seekers of truth, you don’t want to be guided by something nonsensical. (Question inaudible.) No, no, you take a bandhan, that’s all, they’ll run away from you, they always run away. We had three great Sahaja Yogis, they used to on in the night after program on their motorbikes in a village. There were some bhoots who were sitting on the trees there, so they entered into some lady and started telling that, “Tell these three persons not to go from there, why are they disturbing us, we are not disturbing you,” all kinds of these things. So they started going from there. So they said, “All right now they should not come to this side, we’re going to go to another side, they should not go from this side.” So it’s a marvellous thing that happens with these bhoots also. (Question inaudible.) You see, they have no connection with the ancestors, this is just a story but if you go in the cemetery be careful, take yourself into bandhans. Ancestors you must respect, no doubt but the way they worship, it is I don’t know from where this idea has come into their heads, is to worship their ancestors because the ancestors might have become bhoots. Like this boy, you know he told Me the story. They want to keep them satisfied so that they do not become bhoots, that’s the point is, is the reason they do it. Because supposing they’re not satisfied they might become bhoots and come on this earth. So that’s why they go on doing pleasing them. In India also we have a custom that after the death of a person we always have a music playing while going to the cemetery also because no bhoot should come, they don’t like good music, so… And after tenth day we give a big dinner to everyone; so the fellow feels satisfied there that we have been generous. You see, Indians are very proud that they are generous, so we try to show that, “All right, we’ll do this.” Even when you burn the body and all that, three four days, I think, later, they will go to the cemetery and put some rice there and they think that the crows are the messengers of Yama, is the god of death. So they will ask him, “Now please what are you worried about, please tell us,” to the crow. “You want your diughter to be married, all right we’ll marry her.” Or something, and at certain point that crow will come and eat it, so that is the point they think they have said, “Yes.” So they have to take it, you see, thing that keep them pleased otherwise they might come to us as bhoots, that’s the point is. What they do is, there is some sense but to go to such an extent if you are afraid of them then they’ll catch hold of you. (Question inaudible.) They have to come to Sahaj, there’s no way out. You see, everybody has this problem. I think Christians also will go to the cemetery, women will go to the cemetery, Christians also, Jews also, Chinese. But only the Indians I think know more about bhoots, their women don’t go, children don’t go. They come back they have to have a bath and they will not even cook food in the house, somebody else will cook and send it. So the bhoots will not get into the food also. Like a lady came to London and she went to a church, very beautiful it is, so she said, “You also come with me.” I said, “All right,” I went with them. So she was walking like this, I said, “What are you doing?” She said, “What, there are graves everywhere, how can you walk over the graves?” So Indians are that way very sensible. They’ll never have cemeteries, first of all, only for the saints, only saints are buried and non-saints are all burnt. And they’re burnt in a very far off place, it is never near. People even if they see some cemetery they close their eyes. Indians, I think must have known this because they’re ancient people who must have been possessed many atimes, I think. So they know how to be cautious with these horrible people. (Question inaudible.) This putting the bindi, all married women have to put it, now the modern women don’t put it but we are all supposed to put. No, no, that you should not allow. You wash it off and put a proper kum-kum, all right? It also looks after your Agnya, it’s good. If you have vibrated good kum-kum then those people who don’t sleep I tell them that put it on and they can sleep, in the night. Good for the protection of the Agnya. Formerly everybody used to put in India but now they have become very modern so they don’t put anything. (Question inaudible.) In Sahaja Yoga we do, we don’t accept widowhood in Sahaja Yoga, nobody’s a widow in Sahaja Yoga, neither men nor women. This is all just to suppress women, they started widowhood. Shri Rama married the wife of Ravana to Vibishana; she was a widow. So this was not a custom, this was started later on just to suppressed women. (Question inaudible.) Raja Yoga, that’s right-sided, that’s why you’re so thin. So now do bhakti yoga; just sing songs of Mother and finished, you don’t need anymore. (Question inaudible.) Of course, why not? Ashram is a very good way. In Sydney city we have twenty-two ashrams, in one city, twenty-two ashrams. Even house they’ll take, about ten prople will live there, call it an ashram. So that there is some regularity of meditation, some discipline. In Sahaja Yoga you have to have discipline of meditation, very important. It’s good and…, but I think Indians are not good for ashram, they… We made a big ashram in Delhi, nobody was willing to stay there. So we paid somebody, “Baba, you stay,” they ran away! Because they want to have their own house, dominate the wife, special cooking... They can’t get out of it, even in Sahaja Yoga. But ashram is the greatest blessing, they can live in ashram. (Question inaudible.) Why don’t you bring them to Sahaj? It’s very surprising, mostly I’ve seen Chinese, the men will be more in Sahaja Yoga but in India we find ladies are more in Sahaj. They’re much more sensible than Indian men, I think so. Here also see, more Indian ladies are there. But Chinese ladies are not so good for Sahaj; they always stop their husbands. Chinese, English; English are big problems. Now it’s working out slowly. (Question inaudible.) But not so much like the north, I was surprised. These people, all the time, “Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Hari, Hari,” and when comes Shiva there they don’t recognize, you see. That’s surprising about south Indians really but in north, they don’t have all this but really they have taken to Sahaja Yoga just like fire, so fast you won’t believe, in thousands and thousands and thousands. In no program less than sixteen, seventeen thousand, in no program. It’s surprising, because here they’re conditioned, south Indians so conditioned, morning till evening they’re going on like this, isn’t it? It’s too much, it’s too much of conditioning. Then they’ll cut the hair of women, drop water on them, they’ll go round the temple and you can’t even see that, all stupid things. You just go and stand outside the temple, see what things are happening. You see people are so faithful, they’re doing faithfully everything very seriously and the pujaris are horrible people there, horrible. They used to have , this, that, in the south. Also that was a ritual. Even a prostitute had to go to a temple, can you imagine such a place. You don’t know, a prostitute had to first initiate herself in the temple. Then a procession was taken, then she becomes a prostitute. Even now system is still on, how can it be, how can you combine something which is unchaste with God. And the worst is your this new thing that and I heard about it that they wear black dresses and go up that, in Kerala, what’s the god? How can that be? Absurd, how can that be? How can Shiva and they put together, produce a child. Are they mad? Homosexuals they are, isn’t it? Such an insult of God and they all go mad, I tell you we had two persons from there, they were all mad and they’re cured now, thank God. Thank God they’re cured. He was a bank owner, he lost all his money, everything, now he’s come to normal. There’s another fellow like that. They were holding big posts, they lost all the posts, they were going to that place. (Question inaudible.) That’s why you got the heart. After the heart? How can you do such a thing? How can you say such a thing? About God; He’s God Almighty you must understand. It will come as curse on people and that is one of the curses, I think. In Malayalam, Malayalee people they have this curse all right. (Question inaudible.) I didn’t hear. More Madrasis than Malayalees but Malayalees bury their dead in the house so the bhoots are just there inside. I went down to Travancore and I was in that place where near the sea they have a sea resort. So this tourist department invited Me. For the foreigners. And I said I must also go to the villages. I said, “What is this? So many bhoots here, what sort of a village is this?” Then they said that they bury their bhoots there in the house only. Can you imagine? You’re from where? You don’t know that? No, no, every house, every house. I don’t know about that part, I’ve never been to Bali but could be, anything possible with Indians. You can’t say what they will do. Like in Maharashtra we have that Pandharpur, you see where Shri Krishna is there and they all eat tambaku, you know tambaku is tobacco and go to Krishna’s temple singing, “Vithala, Vithala,” and all the time eating that tambaku which is against, absolutely anti-Shri Krishna. And they wear these torn clothes, crying like that, this Hare Rama style. So what can you do? And another group is, who go to where Gyaneshwara was born. They take a big pot of tulsi with all the clay, everything, on the head and walk for one month, it’s madness. Why will Gyaneshwara ask you to do such a nonsense? Such a sensible man like that. (Question inaudible.) Please put your hand up and I can hear. You know these are all bhootish things, they’ll hang themselves by the tree and also they will walk on the wall of fire. All these tricks, you see because there’s not one book for Hindus. They can do what they like, they can worship a bhoot, they can anything. And those who have one book are fanatics, which one to choose? Those who have one book like Bible, Christians are the worst, worst fanatics. They are intellectually fanatical. Then another is Muslims, one need not say anything about them. Anybody who has one book, Sikhs, another is Jews, they all are fanatics. If you’ve one book, finished. If you have many books everybody is a Brahma. Too much freedom but ritualism is too much in the south, too much. And the women are the ones who are observing all that ritualism, too much. I’ve seen very well-educated, even men, they just become stupid, absolutely stupid when it comes to ritualism, absolutely stupid. You ask them, “What do you do?” “Why? Why are you asking me such a question? We’re doing but why?” They don’t know why they’re doing it. You should be logical. So now you have come out of all that ignorance and now you have come to light it takes to absorb truth. Truth is underlined in every religion, absolutely. No religion has taught anything nonsensical but human beings have made all this on top of that so you just don’t worry, just keep to yourself and to collectivity. Very nice meeting you all. May God bless you. I’ve to make one request now that all of you should take out small photographs, write it down your date of birth, your name, date of realization and please send it over in an album to Me. For Ganapatipule you can bring it if you like because I would like to go through that, I always do it in the morning time, sit down and I’ll have attention on you people.
Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 26th, 1994 So today we had so many people there and I’m sure there’ll be many who would be coming, maybe many, many more. That’s a very good beginning, I think but as I told you before that you have to be yourself so dedicated that they understand it. The first question somebody asked Me, what about going to temple. It’s all right going to masjid or temple, it’s all right. But problem is, you see these are all money-oriented or power-oriented places. In the temple what these pandits are sitting there and taking money and doing all these things, what do you get there? And the statues are also, those are there are not swayambhu, means they’ve not come out of the Mother Earth. So made by somebody just to make some money. So best is to make your heart a temple and when it works out then you’ll be amazed you’ll rise. But going to these temples is just, I don’t understand, it’s very ritualistic. It has no atmosphere for meditation, nothing. So the first thing to do is to meditate; if you do not meditate, you are not with Me. If you’re meditating you’re with Me. Meditation means morning for at least for five to ten minutes; you stand before the photograph, you put both the hands towards the photograph and then see what chakras are catching. There you can say, “Mother come in my heart, come in my head,” whatever is the problem. And also then you have to take a bandhan. Before going out you must take a bandhan. In the night try to find out what sort of a personality you are. Are you right-sided or left-sided, or you are in the middle. If you’re right-sided, say, for example, then you have to take the right side treatment which you know very well all of you, how to take it. Especially here it’s so hot it is very easy to take because you have to put ice on your liver, right hand towards the photograph and ice here. That will cool you down. And then you have to go for a liver diet and take sugar which is vibrated. Also I hope we’ll be able to send you some medicines after Ganapatipule, from India. Thus you try to cure your liver, that’s very important. And when you have to put down something, say you have a right side, then you have to put down the right. If you remember like that then you’ll remember that you raise the left and put down the right, seven times. Now supposing you have to put down the left then you raise the right and put down the left. Then before sleeping if you do meditation according to whatever is needed then you must also understand that give a bandhan to yourself; put your attention to your Sahasrara and sleep. That’s the best way you will be doing for the… So when you start going you’ll be surprised there are so many letters have come, “I have this problem, I have that problem.” All these can be corrected very easily. If you take to Sahaja Yoga and meditation gradually they all improve and benefit. But if you’re not sincere, if you’re not coming to collective and if you’re not doing meditation you will carry on with your problems, then how can I help you? So you have to be in the collective and you have to be meditating; that’s the only way we can have connections with the Divine. And gradually you’ll be surprised so many problems of the people have been solved completely. I didn’t even meet them, I didn’t even talk to them but they write to Me that, “This problem was solved, Mother you did this for me, you did this for me, thank you very much.” If you ask them, “What did you do?” They just have been meditating morning and evening, that’s all. Takes ten minutes in the night before sleeping, about five minutes in the morning time. And always whenever you are in trouble try to become thoughtless. That time the mantra is Nirvichara, “Mother you are Nirvichara.” You’ll become absolutely Nirvichara, your Agnya will be solved. So that is important to be in Nirvichara, means thoughtless awareness as many times as you can. Whenever you see something nice, witness something or there is some sort of a problem, then you just get into Nirvichara. Gradually you’ll find yourself so beautifully equipped with vibrations, knowing everything how to do it, how to correct it, how to work it out. And it is so simple, so very simple. I was very happy because so many people came today. Again and again I’ve to tell you that you have to tell them in such a way, “We were also like you.” They will say, “I have this problem,” first they’ll have money problem, mainly. Money problem is eternal everywhere, to begin with, because money is so important. Whether you are rich or poor they all have money problems. I would say that if you don’t pay attention to your money problem it will be solved. But if you have some serious problem you should let Me know and if you don’t tell Me also you can tell the photograph. So whatever such problems you have which are useless. You see money is something whatever is necessary you’ll always get it, never a problem with that, it is always solved. But if you’re all the time thinking, “I have no money,” problem, even if have, say hundred dollars you’ll have money problem, you’ll have five thousand dollars, still money problem and even ten thousand dollars still money problem. So that problem you should completely neglect and don’t think of it at all. So the second problem is of health. You know that with Sahaja Yoga health can be improved. So you should find out what is your problem as far as the health is concerned and then it will work out; it’s a modern world, problem we never used to use for this kind of thing, health problem. Problem was only used in geometry when we were young, you see but now when we have gone old everybody has a problem. “This is the problem, that is the problem.” So all this can work out, please meditate. I’m only responsible when you meditate, otherwise I’m not and you have to be collective. If you’re not collective I’m not responsible because you’re not in connection. So don’t go to wrong things. There are some people who have gurus, have gurus, this thing, somebody who has, say Satya Sai Baba, they can’t give up, not easy. Please know that he is a gangster, he’s a horrible fellow. I wouldn’t say this for Shirdi Sainath or anybody else but the one who is a gangster has been found out now, people have noticed, I’ve a tape that how he used to mesmerize people but there were four cameras, they could mesmerize, so the cameras have got everything. So you don’t run after all such things; what you have to know is to be in Sahaja Yoga. Also don’t allow anybody to touch your forehead because your Agnya will be ruined. Like in a temple they put something on your forehead, don’t take it. Don’t allow anybody to touch your forehead at any cost, specially Indians, be very careful. And you are now people who have become Brahma. This is all Paramachaitanya, you have become one with that, you’re saints. So you must know how to talk, how to behave. The whole thing should change. It will transform you, no doubt, but take it easy, have confidence, don’t get angry with yourself and you’ll be amazed how things will work out. Questions, any you have? You have any questions? (Question inaudible.) I didn’t follow, just a minute. Of course, meditation is the greatest; medication can be stopped. If it is some mild sort of thing, it’s all right, but not severe type. What is it? For heart you don’t take any meditation please, medication, no no no no. What work you do? Advertisements. It was a massive heart attack? Or angina? That means you have a liver problem, means you’re right-sided. So you treat your right side, heart will be all right. The right side will feel very much better once you’ve done right side all right, see the whole heat will go away. You had it after Sahaja Yoga or before? Any other question? (Question inaudible.) Better not. They’re so stupid, one stupid idea. One fellow who came from this Bosnia Muslim… , he came, he met Me. So I asked him, “Why are you doing all this nonsense, why are you killing yourself for this land, people are eating your body, why are you doing like this? So what he old Me is true for Christians and Jews, they all follow the same. Is that he says according to him in Koran, but it’s not in Koran, I know that, that if you die then you must bury your body because when this resurrection time will come, this is today that is there, that time your body will come out and you’ll get resurrected. But you must die in the name of God, “So that’s why it is going to help us, because we are dying in the name of God in jihad, so our body will come out.” Imagine after five hundred years which body is going to come out. So they believe in it still. So I said, “What will come out after five hundred years, supposing.” He said, “Whatever comes out will get resurrection.” But that way, you see, Indian philosophy is much more sensible because it is coming from sages. It says that the souls will be born, souls will be born and there will be a population growth and with a population growth there will be this last judgment which is very sensible, that souls cannot get destroyed. It’s the body that gets destroyed. But I don’t know from where did they get this idea of burying the body, dying in the name of God, burying the body and the body coming out after five hundred years. Luckily we have now somebody, a very important man as I told you. He says he will go and talk to them, let him manage. I don’t know why they’re so fanatic, they can’t see the point. Of course we have many Muslims now in Paris, we have many in Iran also, in America, also we have Austria we have Muslims. But they are not telling anybody that, “We’re Sahaja Yogis.” They said, “Our throats will be cut if we say that we’re Sahaja Yogis.” So with such fanatic people why should we meet and why should talk to them about it? Some of them will come to Sahaja Yoga but they’ll be quite in danger all the time, poor things, you know. They’ll have to leave this country just like that, it’s very bad, situation is very bad. Gradually after seeing you they might… I think there were one or two Muslims today in the group, is there anyone here? No, very difficult. (Question inaudible.) All nonsense. Radha Swami we call them “badha swami” because they give heart attacks to everyone. Anybody who is going to Radha Swami must get a heart attack, very severe type. You know they have big, big , this fellow doesn’t talk. He has big, big boxes, sewa, you see, you have to go on putting money there and he sits on a, with a seven steps up there, he doesn’t talk, only people go and put money, that’s all. Radha Swami is a place they’ve created for liaison, you see, like if you have to have a bribe then you go to Radha Swami. There another fellow will also go on give you the bribe, liaison office, Radha Swami. And these Bahais, they talk that Bahai was an incarnation and all that. They’re only money-oriented, extremely money-oriented, always worried about money, making money, this, that. All of them. I have yet to come across anybody who is really doing good work like Sahaja Yoga. There some who I think will come round maybe Sufis might come round. But they too have funny ideas. You see, if they are realized souls then only it will work out. There’re so very few realized souls even for Sufis to guide them. So those Sufis who are without a guru sort of, they have a guru who is not a realized soul, so they atre going astray. Nobody knows much but in Sahaja Yoga the amount of knowledge which you have about yourself is tremendous, is complete and intangible. Only people who are sensitive can feel it. Russia, you see, in St. Petersburg is the oldest university, they gave Me a very big award that I’m one of the ten members of that university, royal member of that university. One of them is Einstein. I asked them, “Why are you giving Me this, I’m not Einstein.” They said, “What is Einstein? He just worked with matter, you are working with human beings, who is he?” To them, you see, this is sensitivity to understand the importance of worth and that award was given to Me and the application for that was so beautiful that they said that there has never been such a philosopher, such a great scientist, such as this thing, praising to the highest. Because Sahaja Yoga is tangible, whatever we say can be proved. I must learn to smile also, not to be serious all the time, all right. Nothing to be serious, it’s all a play, maya. (Question inaudible.) Horrible. Ours is akriya. You don’t have to do anything. Now, you see, supposing your car has to be started. As soon as you start the car all the machinery starts working, built-in like that. Theirs is the other way round, you first move the wheels, then you move the steering wheel, don’t start the car. They cut the tongues of people. Earlier there was a self-realization organization and so many doctors from Bombay had their tongues cut, wagging like dogs, they couldn’t talk even. Because they said, “We have to move this center, for that we have to do an exercise which push back this tongue here.” This is supposed to be Kriya Yoga. You should know from the disciples what have they got. Have they got any powers? Can they raise the Kundalini? Do they know about Sahaja Yoga? Anything, even not Sahaja Yoga, Kundalini. They talk of Kundalini Yoga is nothing, another money making. They don’t know a word about Kundalini. Some of them did record My lectures and all that, they talk but they can’t raise the Kundalini, that’s the point. They may say the same thing what we’re saying that we are looking after the chakras, we’re doing this, but they can’t raise the Kundalini. The proof is this that you can raise the Kundalini. (Question inaudible.) This is a very multi-racial society, you must understand, very multi-racial. People even from India, from different, different places, everybody from different… Now there are Buddhists, they would like to know what Buddha has to say. They’re Christians, they would like to know what Christ has to say. Like that it goes on. So to bring them round, you see, you must know how to deal with each type of a person. Supposing there’s a Buddhist. So they have to ask a question on the photograph, “Mother, are you Maitreya?? Is the future Buddha. “Ma,” “Treya,” three mothers together. Then it works out. Because problem is that they are born in that, conditioned like that and, you see, racialism is there, all these things are there. And the whole thing looks so contrasting and some people believe in many gods, some people believe in one god. And Buddhists don’t believe in God, so how to make these three things combine is this. Firstly Buddha did not believe in God because he said, “First of all let us have self-realization.” If you start talking about God people will become all of them, “I’m God.” I also didn’t talk about God for four years, that’s one thing. Second thing is that some say there’s one God. Of course there’s one God but He has many aspects. He’s not like Rock of Gibraltar, only standing there, but He has many aspects and these aspects are described, so that’s how we have many gods. So we should try to explain to them. They haven’t seen one God, two gods, nothing they’ve seen. But somebody’s told them from childhood there’s one God, so finished, there’s one God. And so many misunderstandings about Muslims also. They said that Mohamad Sahib said that, “I’m the seal.” Seal means the stamp, seal doesn’t mean that he’s sealed, now nobody can come after that. So this is how they also try to avoid but who is the loser? They’re the losers because they cannot get their self-realization. So many Muslims have died, they will also die. What will happen, what will they gain? They’re not going to gain anything with that kind of fanaticism. And then if He was the seal why did He say that, “I’ll send send the twelfth Mahdi and there will be resurrection,” why did He say so? If He was the last why did He talk of the future? Same about Christ. If He was the last why did He say, “I’ll send you the Holy Ghost.” Thus you can ask them questions but these fanatics, very difficult people, don’t argue with anyone, it’s not mental, you have to have the experience. If you go on arguing they’ll make you mad. It’s no use because they’re not seekers of truth, if they’re seekers of truth then one question if you ask, “Have you found out the truth?” “No,” then all right, “I have found it. Would you like to listen to me?” If they want to listen to you, well and good, otherwise forget it. You cannot, you see, argue with it because you’ll say something, they’ll say something. In Gita this is said, somebody will say, “I’m Brahma, I’m this,” what can you say? They start talking like that, what can you say to such stupid people? They’re stupid, that’s all. You see, that’s the unfortunate thing about this judgment is that, that yourself you will choose right or wrong. But we are quite a lot, I think here and there will be quite a lot and if you can ever come to Ganapatipule you can see there’s quite a lot. You’ll enjoy the collectivities, they’re from all countries and later on also Russia. We went to Russia, we, it was such a lot of crowd there, I should say. Only one village has got twenty-one thousand Sahaja Yogis so we had our puja, very dedicated, very dedicated. We had our puja in jungle, we couldn’t find any hall for all of us. So we have so many of us, we don’t have to worry about stupid people. I have everyday experience of that, I don’t know what to do, I can’t even control My laughter, so difficult. So now, best of luck, I hope to come next year again, yes? (Question inaudible.) I didn’t follow. All bhoot energy, it’s bhoot energy. First of all you should know. See, supposing you’re a doctor, it’s all right because you know the thing and you can operate but you are not a doctor, don’t know anything about it and if you’re doing like that, that means you’re doing just at random. But Sahaja Yoga is not like that. Sahaja Yoga, you know exactly where is the problem is, you know what is to be done, how to correct it. It’s not just holding somebody’s hands. You see, if you do like that, what happens, these are the bhoots, they make you cure on one side and they make you something else. They try to show that we are there because they want to possess you, not a very good thing to do and it’s very troublesome later on in life also. (Question inaudible.) What I’m saying, you cured your finger, which finger you cured? Which one was cured, the finger, but what does that denote? What was the problem? What is it due to? You don’t know? It’s a left nabhi, all right? It’s a left nabhi problem. By holding it you have absorbed left nabhi, she’s cured. There’s a bhoot in her left nabhi, you got it into you because you don’t know what you are doing, you don’t know how to protect yourself, you don’t know what is to be done, whether you should touch her or not or how you should cure her. You don’t know anything. You have to know it, you have to be an expert, you should know everything whatever you are doing, it’s not like blind person holding somebody’s hand and gets cured. Maybe you’re getting the trouble into yourself, all right? So whenever you try to do something you must know what you’re doing, you must protect yourself, you must know what you’re doing, what you’re supposed to do. You just don’t do like a blind person. Maybe you might develop this arthritis tomorrow, how can you say. You might have absorbed it. It’s a bhoot, left hand. So what I’m saying, unless and until you know everything why should you try to cure anyone? You’re not a doctor. Even doctors can’t cure as we can cure because we know what exactly we’re doing, we know what’s the problem is, exactly; what is to be done exactly and how to protect yourself. It’s not just at random or somebody says, “Say this mantra,” you go on saying, you don’t know what mantra it is, is meant for you or not; it’s all a big science, just don’t do it, like that, don’t listen to people. You’re Sahaja Yogis, you’ve to protect yourselves. You’ve not come here to cure people but to give realization, to be very frank, all right? Because curing is what? I’ve met so many , what you call them, wrestlers, they come and tell Me that, “Mother give us realization.” So what’s the use of getting the whole world, health, anything, wealth. Still you want realization. So one should not do anything haphazardly. Like somebody was telling Me that this Satya Sai Baba’s photograph, there is some vibhuti is falling. I said this is bhootavidya. How? Because the other day I was in Taiwan, Taipeh. One boy came after the program, very much shaken up and he said, “Mother I’m shaking,” this thing. “What happened.” So he said, “Three of us have caught up with the bhoots, spirits and they tell us that we are actually gods.” “Where did you catch them?” They said, “We had gone for a ceremony to the cemetery, there we caught it. And since then we are so upset because they’re telling all kinds of things and three of us try to commit suicide.” I said, “What else do they do?” “They said, ‘Now you sit down here, we’ll show you,’ they’ll take the glass from here to here and put it like that, we don’t see them and they try to impress us. But we can’t sleep, we have such bad headaches, this, that, and we don’t know what to do.” But those are Shinto people, so they worship their ancestors. So their ancestors must have caught them because that boy was hardly twenty years of age, twenty years and the two others are even younger to him studying in the college. Poor things and they were caught up with these bhoots. So one should know each and everything, what is it, what is left side is, what is right side is, how the left side works. Left side is very dangerous, it gives you all psychosomatic troubles. So please first of all learn everything with humility because you don’t know yet what is it. You have to be humble. Learn everything properly, understand it and then you will know that it’s absolutely correct and tangible; then you won’t doubt it. So all these tricks one should not fall to because you’re special people, you’re seekers of truth, you don’t want to be guided by something nonsensical. (Question inaudible.) No, no, you take a bandhan, that’s all, they’ll run away from you, they always run away. We had three great Sahaja Yogis, they used to on in the night after program on their motorbikes in a village. There were some bhoots who were sitting on the trees there, so they entered into some lady and started telling that, “Tell these three persons not to go from there, why are they disturbing us, we are not disturbing you,” all kinds of these things. So they started going from there. So they said, “All right now they should not come to this side, we’re going to go to another side, they should not go from this side.” So it’s a marvellous thing that happens with these bhoots also. (Question inaudible.) You see, they have no connection with the ancestors, this is just a story but if you go in the cemetery be careful, take yourself into bandhans. Ancestors you must respect, no doubt but the way they worship, it is I don’t know from where this idea has come into their heads, is to worship their ancestors because the ancestors might have become bhoots. Like this boy, you know he told Me the story. They want to keep them satisfied so that they do not become bhoots, that’s the point is, is the reason they do it. Because supposing they’re not satisfied they might become bhoots and come on this earth. So that’s why they go on doing pleasing them. In India also we have a custom that after the death of a person we always have a music playing while going to the cemetery also because no bhoot should come, they don’t like good music, so… And after tenth day we give a big dinner to everyone; so the fellow feels satisfied there that we have been generous. You see, Indians are very proud that they are generous, so we try to show that, “All right, we’ll do this.” Even when you burn the body and all that, three four days, I think, later, they will go to the cemetery and put some rice there and they think that the crows are the messengers of Yama, is the god of death. So they will ask him, “Now please what are you worried about, please tell us,” to the crow. “You want your diughter to be married, all right we’ll marry her.” Or something, and at certain point that crow will come and eat it, so that is the point they think they have said, “Yes.” So they have to take it, you see, thing that keep them pleased otherwise they might come to us as bhoots, that’s the point is. What they do is, there is some sense but to go to such an extent if you are afraid of them then they’ll catch hold of you. (Question inaudible.) They have to come to Sahaj, there’s no way out. You see, everybody has this problem. I think Christians also will go to the cemetery, women will go to the cemetery, Christians also, Jews also, Chinese. But only the Indians I think know more about bhoots, their women don’t go, children don’t go. They come back they have to have a bath and they will not even cook food in the house, somebody else will cook and send it. So the bhoots will not get into the food also. Like a lady came to London and she went to a church, very beautiful it is, so she said, “You also come with me.” I said, “All right,” I went with them. So she was walking like this, I said, “What are you doing?” She said, “What, there are graves everywhere, how can you walk over the graves?” So Indians are that way very sensible. They’ll never have cemeteries, first of all, only for the saints, only saints are buried and non-saints are all burnt. And they’re burnt in a very far off place, it is never near. People even if they see some cemetery they close their eyes. Indians, I think must have known this because they’re ancient people who must have been possessed many atimes, I think. So they know how to be cautious with these horrible people. (Question inaudible.) This putting the bindi, all married women have to put it, now the modern women don’t put it but we are all supposed to put. No, no, that you should not allow. You wash it off and put a proper kum-kum, all right? It also looks after your Agnya, it’s good. If you have vibrated good kum-kum then those people who don’t sleep I tell them that put it on and they can sleep, in the night. Good for the protection of the Agnya. Formerly everybody used to put in India but now they have become very modern so they don’t put anything. (Question inaudible.) In Sahaja Yoga we do, we don’t accept widowhood in Sahaja Yoga, nobody’s a widow in Sahaja Yoga, neither men nor women. This is all just to suppress women, they started widowhood. Shri Rama married the wife of Ravana to Vibishana; she was a widow. So this was not a custom, this was started later on just to suppressed women. (Question inaudible.) Raja Yoga, that’s right-sided, that’s why you’re so thin. So now do bhakti yoga; just sing songs of Mother and finished, you don’t need anymore. (Question inaudible.) Of course, why not? Ashram is a very good way. In Sydney city we have twenty-two ashrams, in one city, twenty-two ashrams. Even house they’ll take, about ten prople will live there, call it an ashram. So that there is some regularity of meditation, some discipline. In Sahaja Yoga you have to have discipline of meditation, very important. It’s good and…, but I think Indians are not good for ashram, they… We made a big ashram in Delhi, nobody was willing to stay there. So we paid somebody, “Baba, you stay,” they ran away! Because they want to have their own house, dominate the wife, special cooking... They can’t get out of it, even in Sahaja Yoga. But ashram is the greatest blessing, they can live in ashram. (Question inaudible.) Why don’t you bring them to Sahaj? It’s very surprising, mostly I’ve seen Chinese, the men will be more in Sahaja Yoga but in India we find ladies are more in Sahaj. They’re much more sensible than Indian men, I think so. Here also see, more Indian ladies are there. But Chinese ladies are not so good for Sahaj; they always stop their husbands. Chinese, English; English are big problems. Now it’s working out slowly. (Question inaudible.) But not so much like the north, I was surprised. These people, all the time, “Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Hari, Hari,” and when comes Shiva there they don’t recognize, you see. That’s surprising about south Indians really but in north, they don’t have all this but really they have taken to Sahaja Yoga just like fire, so fast you won’t believe, in thousands and thousands and thousands. In no program less than sixteen, seventeen thousand, in no program. It’s surprising, because here they’re conditioned, south Indians so conditioned, morning till evening they’re going on like this, isn’t it? It’s too much, it’s too much of conditioning. Then they’ll cut the hair of women, drop water on them, they’ll go round the temple and you can’t even see that, all stupid things. You just go and stand outside the temple, see what things are happening. You see people are so faithful, they’re doing faithfully everything very seriously and the pujaris are horrible people there, horrible. They used to have , this, that, in the south. Also that was a ritual. Even a prostitute had to go to a temple, can you imagine such a place. You don’t know, a prostitute had to first initiate herself in the temple. Then a procession was taken, then she becomes a prostitute. Even now system is still on, how can it be, how can you combine something which is unchaste with God. And the worst is your this new thing that and I heard about it that they wear black dresses and go up that, in Kerala, what’s the god? How can that be? Absurd, how can that be? How can Shiva and they put together, produce a child. Are they mad? Homosexuals they are, isn’t it? Such an insult of God and they all go mad, I tell you we had two persons from there, they were all mad and they’re cured now, thank God. Thank God they’re cured. He was a bank owner, he lost all his money, everything, now he’s come to normal. There’s another fellow like that. They were holding big posts, they lost all the posts, they were going to that place. (Question inaudible.) That’s why you got the heart. After the heart? How can you do such a thing? How can you say such a thing? About God; He’s God Almighty you must understand. It will come as curse on people and that is one of the curses, I think. In Malayalam, Malayalee people they have this curse all right. (Question inaudible.) I didn’t hear. More Madrasis than Malayalees but Malayalees bury their dead in the house so the bhoots are just there inside. I went down to Travancore and I was in that place where near the sea they have a sea resort. So this tourist department invited Me. For the foreigners. And I said I must also go to the villages. I said, “What is this? So many bhoots here, what sort of a village is this?” Then they said that they bury their bhoots there in the house only. Can you imagine? You’re from where? You don’t know that? No, no, every house, every house. I don’t know about that part, I’ve never been to Bali but could be, anything possible with Indians. You can’t say what they will do. Like in Maharashtra we have that Pandharpur, you see where Shri Krishna is there and they all eat tambaku, you know tambaku is tobacco and go to Krishna’s temple singing, “Vithala, Vithala,” and all the time eating that tambaku which is against, absolutely anti-Shri Krishna. And they wear these torn clothes, crying like that, this Hare Rama style. So what can you do? And another group is, who go to where Gyaneshwara was born. They take a big pot of tulsi with all the clay, everything, on the head and walk for one month, it’s madness. Why will Gyaneshwara ask you to do such a nonsense? Such a sensible man like that. (Question inaudible.) Please put your hand up and I can hear. You know these are all bhootish things, they’ll hang themselves by the tree and also they will walk on the wall of fire. All these tricks, you see because there’s not one book for Hindus. They can do what they like, they can worship a bhoot, they can anything. And those who have one book are fanatics, which one to choose? Those who have one book like Bible, Christians are the worst, worst fanatics. They are intellectually fanatical. Then another is Muslims, one need not say anything about them. Anybody who has one book, Sikhs, another is Jews, they all are fanatics. If you’ve one book, finished. If you have many books everybody is a Brahma. Too much freedom but ritualism is too much in the south, too much. And the women are the ones who are observing all that ritualism, too much. I’ve seen very well-educated, even men, they just become stupid, absolutely stupid when it comes to ritualism, absolutely stupid. You ask them, “What do you do?” “Why? Why are you asking me such a question? We’re doing but why?” They don’t know why they’re doing it. You should be logical. So now you have come out of all that ignorance and now you have come to light it takes to absorb truth. Truth is underlined in every religion, absolutely. No religion has taught anything nonsensical but human beings have made all this on top of that so you just don’t worry, just keep to yourself and to collectivity. Very nice meeting you all. May God bless you. I’ve to make one request now that all of you should take out small photographs, write it down your date of birth, your name, date of realization and please send it over in an album to Me. For Ganapatipule you can bring it if you like because I would like to go through that, I always do it in the morning time, sit down and I’ll have attention on you people.
Evening Program
Evening Program
1994-04-27 Evening Program, Bangkok [the commencement of Shri Mataji ]Shri Mataji: AlrightAfter the performance:Shri Mataji: Wao !Very Nice! May God Bless you !Very rejuvenating! You have the same style called Manipur Dancing in India. I don't think that these ladies have ever been here but they should invent a beautiful dance …Very beautiful …I will ask them …It's very nice …the same thing but they have a different dress …They show Krishna, playing with the ball and everything. The theme is there.[unclear09:17] If we can arrange a program they can come…Sahaja yogi: Yes motherSahajyogini: [unclear ]Shri Mataji: Oh I see…, No but see, there is a similar type of dancing with different dresses… with the complete stories and the theme and all that …We were there in Bombay….It's beautiful …I have been recently abroad on that side …I don't think they have ever come here …Its called here Manipur Dance is of[unclear 09:53].Mother talking to some Sahaja Yogi -[voice unclear 10:25 ][10:07 unclear ]very happy very nice … It is very very serious dancing because …Sahaj yogi: It is very difficult Shri Mataji!Shri Mataji: They talk to me …10:38 There names …Naina Diwedi is the name of the lady …And Rajesh can arrange this…Sahaj yogi: You can contact RajeshShri Mataji:haan…Rajesh …you can contact …They are brothers?[unclear11:03 ]Sahaj yogi: I would like to sing something …Other Sahaj Yogi: Saraswati Shri Saraswati …[Performances starts…]
1994-04-27 Evening Program, Bangkok [the commencement of Shri Mataji ]Shri Mataji: AlrightAfter the performance:Shri Mataji: Wao !Very Nice! May God Bless you !Very rejuvenating! You have the same style called Manipur Dancing in India. I don't think that these ladies have ever been here but they should invent a beautiful dance …Very beautiful …I will ask them …It's very nice …the same thing but they have a different dress …They show Krishna, playing with the ball and everything. The theme is there.[unclear09:17] If we can arrange a program they can come…Sahaja yogi: Yes motherSahajyogini: [unclear ]Shri Mataji: Oh I see…, No but see, there is a similar type of dancing with different dresses… with the complete stories and the theme and all that …We were there in Bombay….It's beautiful …I have been recently abroad on that side …I don't think they have ever come here …Its called here Manipur Dance is of[unclear 09:53].Mother talking to some Sahaja Yogi -[voice unclear 10:25 ][10:07 unclear ]very happy very nice … It is very very serious dancing because …Sahaj yogi: It is very difficult Shri Mataji!Shri Mataji: They talk to me …10:38 There names …Naina Diwedi is the name of the lady …And Rajesh can arrange this…Sahaj yogi: You can contact RajeshShri Mataji:haan…Rajesh …you can contact …They are brothers?[unclear11:03 ]Sahaj yogi: I would like to sing something …Other Sahaj Yogi: Saraswati Shri Saraswati …[Performances starts…]
Talk after program
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
1994-04-27 Talk after program Bangkok Shri Mataji: Come forward I think [Shri Mataji tells yogis to sit closer]. She did a good translation. After all, you know, last time it was much worse. Gradually she will get used to it now. She did well. I mean so many got realization is the point. So many, everybody raised their hands, practically [everyone]. I did not see anybody not raising [their hand]. Maybe one or two might not have. Did you see some people who did not get realization? Yogi: No Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: No? It was… Hello [to a yogi] So, so many were there today. Great. Really. It’s very surprising how it has worked out. I never expected so many, really. But there must be at least seven [to] eight hundred people. Everywhere it is like this now. So next year there will be even double than that, isn’t it? I didn’t know you [to a yogi] are here now. I thought you are in Switzerland. I mean you know how to handle them. You know how to behave with the new ones who will be coming here. You have to be very careful, in no way to hurt them. Tell them in a way that they understand, you see. Because in the beginning if you just say something harsh, it may be too much, and they might think that you are trying to show off or something. So never call anybody a bhoot or anything like that. Gradually… It is working out well everywhere. I am sure it will work out well here also. Only thing, meditation they should do at home. It’s very important. Because that’s how they go deep. If they don’t meditate, just coming to the collective doesn’t work out. And also, the other way round. Even if you are just meditating at home and not coming to the collective, that also [doesn’t work out]. So, they have to be deeper people. Once they become deeper and deeper, things will work out better. I am sure that through your example they will work it out. Gradually when they seeing what happens to them and all that… And it’s such a powerful thing. I was amazed with some people – how they have achieved such faith and such depth. One of them was… His aunt came to see Me. She is not a Sahaja Yogi, and she didn’t say anything to Me. She just prayed and she said, “Mother please, my husband is sick so please if you can help him.” And I never knew that he was such a serious patient of cancer. So, she went home, and he was walking about. She was surprised. And he didn’t do Sahaja Yoga. Again, he got a very bad attack, and he was about to die. So, in India the custom is that before the person is dying, they put him on the ground. So, before that they called somebody, a Sahaja Yogi, and said, “Now pray to Mother that his soul will be relieved.” So, he just sat down, the Sahaja Yogi. And he said, “I don’t know why Mother I didn’t say that. I just prayed that ‘please save my uncle’.” And within three days he was absolutely normal and going about. [to a Yogi] Did you take that… [in Hindi] That miracle photo of Mine, did you get it? Yogi: No, I did not get it. Shri Mataji: The one that you were showing to them? You got it? Yogi: [inaudible] Shri Mataji: We left it there? [in Hindi] I had given it for showing to them. Yogi: [in Hindi] It was not returned to me. Shri Mataji: [in Hindi] Didn’t return it? Yogi: [in Hindi] No Shri Mataji: [in Hindi] Ok. Yogi: [in Hindi] I will telephone and ask them. Shri Mataji: [in Hindi] Just see if it is in the purse. So, this was such a miracle I mean. And that fellow is perfectly all right now. He is doing well. So, some people reach such a depth of their bhakti, such a knowledge, that even praying it works out. Of course, there is some maya sometimes it doesn’t work. But whenever I have seen, if people fail, if they ask for anything, it works out. So, it is for you to really develop that kind of a… [After checking the purse] Not here. It’s been lost. I gave it to them to see and I’ve left [it] there with them. [to yogi] Tell them to send another one. With these Sardarjis [sikhs], they get their realization very fast, no problem. I told them today [that they] don’t have to do all this… Because somehow or the other they are very dharmic people, I think. [We] went down to Chandigarh for the first time and normally my husband wouldn’t allow Me to go there because it was in a chaos – Chandigarh. This is the first time he allowed Me and at least 60 % were Sardarjis and all of them got realization. Without doing anything, just putting hands like this [towards Shri Mataji]. They said we are already feeling it. Something about them… But some of the Indians are also stupid. There were some Indians who were getting up and walking out. [not clear, in Hindi] So we have extremes of everything in India, I think. So, they just walked out, some of the Indians. I was surprised that they had come to the program, sit for a while, and just walked out. Specially in England, they are the worst. There is no sense at all. They have all become, I think, sahibs. This gentleman went away because… this one who was sitting in front. He is a monk or what? Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji. He is a monk. Shri Mataji: When it comes to Vishuddhi, he started shaking like this. So [he] got a fright. That’s the trouble with all these monks and priests. You see, once they come to Me then they start shaking. We had one in Milan, also some priest. He came to Me and as soon as he came forward, the whole body started shaking like this. ‘Baap re,’ I said. Just like our candle shakes, you see. Whole body. Must be possessed people, I think. Must be possessed or something wrong with them. To Me a priest is a horrible thing, I think. They are doing unnatural things and living unnaturally. Such a… I mean, you don’t know what to do with them when they start shaking like this. Yogi: Specially in Thailand the monks feel they are very high people. Shri Mataji: They think? Yogi: Yes. And actually, everybody bow down to them, even the king. They think we do like this and… They were just sitting in front [not clear]. Shri Mataji: Sonu, My granddaughter was a little girl of five years I think. They went to Ladakh. There was one lama fellow, was sitting on a [sounds like ‘mound’]. Everybody was bowing to him like this. So Sadhana and Rommel also went because they were in the crowd there too. She got so angry, she just went and stood before him [and said] “By wearing this kind of a dress, choga, do you think you are a very great man? Why are you making everybody bow to you? Useless fellow, you are not even a realized soul.” And these two got a fright. And Aradhana too once, you see. We had a program. I had gone there for this Ramana Maharishi’s birthday. So, they invited Me as a chief guest, and I went there. There were others also. One of them was the… what you call was... One of them was from the Ramakrishna ashram. He was wearing a big, long thing and sitting there. So Aradhana was sitting in front, and she got upset. She said “Nani,” (to me, grandma,) “this man with the Maxi, throw him out. I am getting such heat from him, this man with the Maxi.” Yogi: How old was she, Shri Mataji, when she said this? Shri Mataji: Aradhana was about, I think, four years or so. Yogi: So clever at that age. Shri Mataji: A very strong… So, any questions you have? [in Hindi] Only bliss! Kabir says bliss has manifested. Kabir says “Jab masth hue phir kya bolein?” When I have got intoxicated with my Spirit, what am I to talk? Just in joy all the time. Somebody told Me, “Mother, when you are there, we are so much in joy that our this thing [indicating the cheeks] starts paining…” [Yogis laugh.] Yogi: Shri Mataji, tomorrow is the fourth day of the full moon, and all your children here would like with your permission to worship Your Lotus Feet… Shri Mataji: Worship? Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: A puja?, no, no… Yogi: With your permission only. Shri Mataji: You know the… You can wash My feet and all that. But for puja we must have more people. You know these deities start pouring so much vibrations and then I just can’t get out of My bed. So best is tomorrow you can wash my feet, all right. But not any… But you can sing -it’s all right for the music. Here will they allow us? Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji. And Shri Mataji, Mr. Ishwaran is here. He is the project manager of this hotel, and he has done so many things for us that we could have this… Shri Mataji: For this hotel? Are you? Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Really good. Yogi: He gave us such an incredible price for this hall and… Shri Mataji: What is his name? Yogi/Yogini: Mr. Ishwaran Shri Mataji: Ishwaran? What a name! [Shri Mataji greets Mr. Ishwaran] All right. So it’s very nice. Very nice hotel I must say. It was already built, or you people built it? Ishwaran: I was the project manager. Shri Mataji: You bought the whole thing? Ishwaran: The owner is an Indian. Shri Mataji: Built it? Whole designing and everything he did? Ishwaran: Designing was a Hong Kong based person. Shri Mataji: It’s beautiful. Very well done. Who was the architect? Ishwaran: Architect was a local person. Interior designer was a Hong Kong based person. Shri Mataji: He is from Hong Kong? Ishwaran: Yes Yogi: And the architect was someone from Bangkok. Shri Mataji: I must say [it’s] very creditable. Even the Bangkok hotel where I stayed… What was the name of the hotel? Yogi: Sukhothai. Shri Mataji: First we stayed in? Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: That one was also… Yogi: Yes, it was great Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Very well done. Yogi: With all these things from the past of Thailand. They did very nicely the statues and so on. Shri Mataji: It’s very good. That one also was very, very good. It’s all coming up now. Lots of creativity you can see in so many things. Even in Hongkong… What is that hotel we stayed? Yogi: Peninsula. Shri Mataji: Peninsula! That’s an old one but very nice. It’s really a very nice hotel. But these modern ones are no good. They are horrible. Sheraton. Sheraton the room is like this [indicating the layout]. If one person is inside, he has to get out for another person. And you pay exorbitantly. Hyatt, Sheraton, what else is there? Yogi: Ramada. [Shri Mataji nods agreement about its ‘modernity’] Shri Mataji: Also, that Continental, horrible. Yogi: New style. Shri Mataji: Too modern. No sense of relaxation at all. Specially Sheraton is the worst, I think. The one in Hong Kong city, which is that hotel? Modern one, in the city, in the main part? Yogi: Shangrila. Shri Mataji: Shangrila is good. The one which is… On the other side, not in the… Yogi: Is it the Grand Hyatt? Grand Hyatt Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Hyatt? That I know but… Sheraton I know. One more where we stayed, horrible. Yogi: The Regent Hotel Shri Mataji? No, no. I mean not on the [sounds like ‘Point’] side. On the other side. Yogi: Conrad? Shri Mataji: No, no. Something else. Horrible it was. Some friend was staying there, and we went to see him. He said, “I feel like jumping from there. Paying such a lot of money but, for nothing.” We were in Sheraton, another problem. But you see, for prestige or something they take these things. What is prestige? I mean you have to live there, isn’t it? Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: They have built up through advertising and all that such an artificial image of the whole thing. That it is prestige. I mean, I just can’t understand. And this advertising has so much gone into the brains of the modern people that you can do whatever you like with the advertising, anything. Till they are found out. But this… We stayed in Peninsula last time and Harsh told Me, because he was with the tourism, that it got the first prize as the best hotel in the whole world – Peninsula. You know that [probably asking Mr. Ishwaran]? Harsh told Me this. [Shri Mataji looks around the room] This one also is very good I must say. Very comfortable. You see they always think that if you pay more money anywhere, then it is something good. Like, once My husband brought Me a scarf from Egypt worth about 20 Pounds [sterling] or something. I told him, “CP, this is made in India. You spent so much money.” So, he said “How do you know?” I said, “It’s written there. Just see.” Then I said, “All right. Next time I will get it from India.” We got it for two Pounds [sterling], same thing. So, there was a concept that whatever is expensive is the best. And even in ‘guru shopping’ they had this concept. Whichever guru is the most expensive is the best, you see. They would discuss in parties, “Oh, did you go to this guru?” I said, “No. I don’t go to gurus.” They said, “No, no, this one is good. Now ‘for sale’. You know, you can get a bargain price.” All sorts of artificial things even in the name of God. All kinds. And people take to it. Like this Gurumayi came to Australia and she brought some shawls, vibrated shawls. And she sold them at a very high price. And everybody’s Kundalini was ruined. [With] all those who went to her, we had to pay so much time, we had to work so hard to get them all right. This Gurumayi – now she is, I think, out of market. These gurus also come in the market, earn a lot, and get out of market. Finished with it. They have no responsibility. Here you were telling Me there is a guru [and] he has 100,000 people. What’s the name? Yogi: It’s a Japanese lady. You know… Shri Mataji: Lady! Yogi: Yeah… [Yogis discussing is inaudible] Yogi: It’s a man, Shri Mataji, from Japan. His name would be Yori. Shri Mataji: She is yogi? Yogi: Yori is the name. Shri Mataji: Her name is? Yogi: His name. Yori. Yori, Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: Yogesh? Yogi: Yori, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: How do you spell? Yogi: Y-O-R-I Shri Mataji: Yori? Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: A man or a woman? Yogi: A man. Shri Mataji: Yori. Now, what does he do? [Shri Mataji gives bandhan with the right hand on the left palm.] Yogini: He use gold coin mantra and then they say they pass the energy from God to cure disease. Yogi: They use gold, gold coins. And they pass energy through it and they cure people. I mean… Shri Mataji: Conch? Yogi: Coins, Shri Mataji. Another Yogi: Like medals, isn’t it? Golden medals. Yogi: And they say that the energy of God passes through these medals, that it can cure people. Shri Mataji: My God! Yogini: And they sell this to people, these golden coins. And they say after learning how to pass this energy, people can cure other people’s diseases. Yogi: They sell it after Shri Mataji. They just teach how to cure with these things and then they sell these things. Shri Mataji: What is written on that? Yogi [asking yogini]: You know what is written on this thing? Yogini: I’ve never had a chance to… [yogis discussing - inaudible] Another yogi: The people are not allowed to take it off Mother. And if they take it off, they are only allowed to put it on [sounds like ‘a certain spot’] overnight or so. You are not allowed to… Shri Mataji: Give a bandhan. Horrible. All left side catching. Horrible. So, you have to pay for that medal? Yogi: You have to pay a lot, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: That’s all? Yogi: And you can cure with it, so called. Shri Mataji: [Shri Mataji laughs while giving bandhan] I tell you… There’s no end to stupidity also. There are so many stupid people in this world, so they also need some stupid gurus. Yogi: She just went to see the newspaper, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: In the newspaper the name is there? Yogi: Yes. There is an article Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: [After giving bandhan for some time] Better now. Catching Mooladhara? Yogi: And back Agnya also Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: All. Mooladhara is very bad. Like the pope. Pope also catches on Mooladhara. His prostrate is wrong. I mean, can you imagine? More proof what do you need? Yogi: He gets this disease like AIDS. He gets the disease… It was shown in the newspaper that he gets AIDS. Shri Mataji: Really? Yogi: Not exactly AIDS but they said the same diseases, but they don’t want to give the name. Same kind. Shri Mataji: But you get from the same type. Yogi: [offering the newspaper] If You want more information about this Yori, Shri Mataji, or…? Shri Mataji: This man? Let Me see. Yogi: She can translate [for] You little bit what is... Shri Mataji: [after looking at the article] Horrible. Yogi: It was just near, Shri Mataji, our Sahaja Yoga is there [in the newspaper] and this Yori is on the other page. Shri Mataji: These are Sahaja Yogis? Yogi: No, no. [Yogis laugh.] This article is Sahaja Yoga, and the other page is… Shri Mataji: [Looking at the article on Yori] Horrible fellow. [Shri Mataji gives bandhan anticlockwise] Look at his face. As if somebody has slapped him 100 times. Look at his face. What is his age? Must be very old. Yogi: He has another name Shri Mataji. Yori is the name the Thai give to this technique of curing. Shri Mataji: He is not a realized soul. Horrible. You see… [indicating the photograph in the newspaper] Just see his eye. So small. All the bhoots are coming from here and acting on… If you are a right-sided person, then your right eye goes small. If you are a left-sided person, then your left... Right eye goes like that, you see. A real bhoot. [Shri Mataji gives away the newspaper and rubs and blows on Her hands] It’s just a curing with some sort of a ‘bhoot vidya’ [knowledge of misusing dead spirits]. Moreover, these people have the powers. They don’t give power to anyone. That’s it. Nobody knows anything what they are doing. Hold somebody’s hand, do something. It is such an uncertain quantity. No one knows what they are doing. See, one should know what it is, how you are curing, what are the centres catching. Nothing. Just you hold each other’s hand, one bhoot passes from one to another. Yogi: They don’t want to say that Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: What? Yogi: They are afraid to say how it works out. Shri Mataji: Because they don’t know. They don’t know even… They don’t know this is bhoot. So how they will tell? Suddenly some bhoot comes into them and tells them, “All right. Try this trick. It works.” Rajneesh has described in his early days that he had an astral travel and he saw himself from a tree. So that means he was a bhoot. And the bhoot gives him all these ideas. Best thing is to burn [it]. Don’t see - has very bad vibrations. Let it be. Better burn it off. Take out that page and burn it off. Horrible. Such an old man, he should think of God. And he should think of his future life. Where will he go? He will go to hell. Yogi: Maybe he is coming from hell already Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Might be coming out of hell. Wants to go back home again. [everyone laughs] But what hurts Me [is that] there are people, who are there, are so faithful you know. So simple, good people. You have got some books translated in this language here? Yogi: About Sahaja Yoga Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: Yes. Yogini: Yes Shri Mataji. We have just the presentation we give for beginners. Yogi: A little book called guide for beginners. That we had in Switzerland once. Yogini: No, Australian one. Shri Mataji: Then do on a computer as they have done it in… We saw three, four books translated like that in Taipei. And they said the publishing is very cheap there also in Taipei. Yogi: Here also it is very cheap Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Here also? So, somebody should do it. Yogi: In Hong Kong Shri Mataji, Alex told me about this. He made little books like this. Very well done, very well done. Shri Mataji: Very nice books they have in Hong Kong. That is in Chinese. But also, in Taipei they have done it. Yogi: We’ll get [in] contact to make the same. Shri Mataji: Yes, but that is in Chinese. So, I mean somebody who knows this language should translate. Slowly… Or Chinese, if they know this language, they can translate from Chinese. Could be done that way. There are Chinese here? Lots of Chinese? Yogini: [inaudible] Shri Mataji: She is Chinese? So how do you know their language? Yogi: [not clear; sounds like ‘my mother is Chinese, but they only taught me Thai’] Shri Mataji: So, someone like that, you see. Because it is already translated in Chinese. So, you can have a nice reference. Slowly if you can translate some books, it would be a good idea. Of course, we have done a lot in French. French, we have translated. Gregoire’s book is also translated. Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: But it doesn’t sell in the public. Yogi: Gregoire’s book? Shri Mataji: Yes. Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji. It sells… Shri Mataji: It’s selling now? Yogi: Yes, yes. Shri Mataji: Really? Yogi: You can find it in the public. No problem. Sahaja Yogis buy it… Shri Mataji: I thought only Sahaja Yogis are buying it. Yogi: No Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: That’s very good. Yogi: Some people are coming out of this book. Shri Mataji: Really? Yogi: Yes, yes. Shri Mataji: Michelle. Michelle worked on it. But this Djamel’s book they are not willing to publish just now? Yogi: I think they found someone to publish, no? Another Yogi: No, they don’t want to. Yogi: Do you have to pay so much, or something? Another yogi: Yeah, there is a problem for the publishing. But we would like to publish it. Yeah. It’s ready now. Shri Mataji: I don’t know what is so objectionable in that book. Yogi: Maybe it is speaking about Islam, and it is a very delicate point in France now because there was this [name of person not clear] who spoke about Islam by the way. And now they are very careful about publishing… Shri Mataji: No, no. Islam you should not… You should speak against the way they are following Islam, in a wrong way. It was in French so I couldn’t do anything about it. But if she can come and see Me, Guillemette. I will have to talk to her about it. You see, nothing wrong with Islam. What’s wrong with is the people who follow. Yogi: They ask a lot of money because they want to be sure that we’ll already pay so much to buy the books actually. They are ready to publish it but only if we ourselves agree to buy, I don’t know, something like 10,000 books. I mean quite a lot actually. This means a lot of money. Another yogi: They don’t want to have risk. They don’t want to… Shri Mataji: If it was in English, we could have done it in India. They should do it in English language first. Then in India it is not difficult to publish it. And also, you see, we will correct certain things because I couldn’t read French. If it could be translated in English, then I can correct it also. So many stupid things there are. I don’t think there is in the Koran anywhere written that you must bury your body and that Christians also believe in. Because this one fellow – Bosnia Muslim – came to see Me. He somehow or the other managed to escape. So, I said, “Are you all mad people? Why are you killing yourselves and killing each other, and for this land after all? And you believe in a formless God so why should you fight for this land and kill each other and live in such a way? You see, what is this stupidity?” So, he said, “No, in Koran it is written…” Which I am sure it is not written because I have read it. But he says it is written in Koran that if you die then you should bury yourself so when the Qayamat will come, when resurrection time will come, then these bodies will come out and they will get their resurrection. Even Christians stupid believe that way. They believe. And also, the Jews. All the three people believe like this. Imagine after 500 years what is going to come out? Out of the… Yogi: Bones… Shri Mataji: Bones? Maybe some. But you see, the Indian philosophy is correct because what they say is that your souls will be born and there will be a big, what you call, growth in population. That is something sensible. A soul can take birth and population growth is there already. So that is something sensible, I think. But how can the body come out after 500 years? At least I can’t give [realization] to the bones. All such absurd ideas there are which might have been put by Paul, I think. They might have followed it up. Paul is the one who must have put this idea. In Spain they put it in the mountains. They make drawers, you will be surprised. Like drawers. And in the drawers the dead bodies are put in, and they pull out the drawer and then put another one, then push it back. Then pull it out. In the drawers there are compartments. Yogi: It’s horrible Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Horrible, isn’t it? Funny stories they have. I was thinking what is happening to a mountain like this with drawers and drawers. So, they told Me that all the dead bodies are inside. Yogi: Should be possessed mountain. Shri Mataji: I don’t know from where they get these ideas. So, this is another nonsense they are doing. I don’t know how many other nonsensical things they are doing. But this is what he told Me, this Bosnia fellow. That if you die in the name of Allah, or if you die in the jihad, according to this jihad, your body will come back and will get resurrected. And now what happens there also he told Me clearly that people have no food to eat. So, when somebody dies, they cut the body and eat it. So, what will come out of that grave? Yogi: The lamas are doing the same Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Lamas? Yogi: They are cutting the body of the dead and… Shri Mataji: They don’t burn [it]? Yogi: They don’t burn. I saw just in a paper like this – they are cutting. Near Tibet. Shri Mataji: But lamas are really horrible and... All these people, you know, are just doing such a perverted thing. Lama is a beggar. Because Buddha said that you should take bhiksha [alms] and eat that food. He didn’t say [to] go round the whole world begging for money and collecting gold. They are just begging all over and amassing money like this. He has so many wrinkles on his face [that] you can count them, I think. Like [sounds like ‘Lester Piggott’] the jockey. I don’t know what impresses people. Because if you ask for money, they are very happy. In America they said if you ask for money, we’ll be happier. Why? One fellow came, nice fellow, a Sahaja Yogi. His name is Rangachari. He is a good fellow. He said, “Mother there are people who want to give their charities,” this, that. But for what? I mean if there is a project, or for some purpose, or is needed for an ashram or anything, it is all right. But just to go around just to get money from people is not proper. You must have your self-respect. For what do you need money you tell Me. So that is Buddhist style. They are regular beggars, regular. Yogi: Actually, in Thailand people give lot of money. People in Thailand are giving lot of money for the temples and so on. So, they just go on building temples like this, on and on, with golden leaves and things. It’s absolutely useless. Shri Mataji: They have to make temples of the heart. Just can’t understand. That’s why they need money. Also, must be using themselves out of it, I am sure. In the name of God to do all these things, to beg… Yogi: And the rich people are… When they want to do something good, according to them, for their karma, they are just giving things to the temple. Like a car or boat or... So sometimes we know that the temple has a Mercedes car or…It is very surprising to see some monks going in a Mercedes car … Shri Mataji: Only thing is, God is missing from the temple. [Shri Mataji laughs]. That’s the only thing. Yogi: Yes. Shri Mataji: All right. So, very nice meeting you all. May God bless you. Any problem you have, please let Me know. Please let Me know. And grow in Sahaja Yoga. That is very important – is to grow in Sahaja Yoga. You must grow otherwise it doesn’t work out. You must grow in Sahaja Yoga. Very important. May God bless you.
1994-04-27 Talk after program Bangkok Shri Mataji: Come forward I think [Shri Mataji tells yogis to sit closer]. She did a good translation. After all, you know, last time it was much worse. Gradually she will get used to it now. She did well. I mean so many got realization is the point. So many, everybody raised their hands, practically [everyone]. I did not see anybody not raising [their hand]. Maybe one or two might not have. Did you see some people who did not get realization? Yogi: No Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: No? It was… Hello [to a yogi] So, so many were there today. Great. Really. It’s very surprising how it has worked out. I never expected so many, really. But there must be at least seven [to] eight hundred people. Everywhere it is like this now. So next year there will be even double than that, isn’t it? I didn’t know you [to a yogi] are here now. I thought you are in Switzerland. I mean you know how to handle them. You know how to behave with the new ones who will be coming here. You have to be very careful, in no way to hurt them. Tell them in a way that they understand, you see. Because in the beginning if you just say something harsh, it may be too much, and they might think that you are trying to show off or something. So never call anybody a bhoot or anything like that. Gradually… It is working out well everywhere. I am sure it will work out well here also. Only thing, meditation they should do at home. It’s very important. Because that’s how they go deep. If they don’t meditate, just coming to the collective doesn’t work out. And also, the other way round. Even if you are just meditating at home and not coming to the collective, that also [doesn’t work out]. So, they have to be deeper people. Once they become deeper and deeper, things will work out better. I am sure that through your example they will work it out. Gradually when they seeing what happens to them and all that… And it’s such a powerful thing. I was amazed with some people – how they have achieved such faith and such depth. One of them was… His aunt came to see Me. She is not a Sahaja Yogi, and she didn’t say anything to Me. She just prayed and she said, “Mother please, my husband is sick so please if you can help him.” And I never knew that he was such a serious patient of cancer. So, she went home, and he was walking about. She was surprised. And he didn’t do Sahaja Yoga. Again, he got a very bad attack, and he was about to die. So, in India the custom is that before the person is dying, they put him on the ground. So, before that they called somebody, a Sahaja Yogi, and said, “Now pray to Mother that his soul will be relieved.” So, he just sat down, the Sahaja Yogi. And he said, “I don’t know why Mother I didn’t say that. I just prayed that ‘please save my uncle’.” And within three days he was absolutely normal and going about. [to a Yogi] Did you take that… [in Hindi] That miracle photo of Mine, did you get it? Yogi: No, I did not get it. Shri Mataji: The one that you were showing to them? You got it? Yogi: [inaudible] Shri Mataji: We left it there? [in Hindi] I had given it for showing to them. Yogi: [in Hindi] It was not returned to me. Shri Mataji: [in Hindi] Didn’t return it? Yogi: [in Hindi] No Shri Mataji: [in Hindi] Ok. Yogi: [in Hindi] I will telephone and ask them. Shri Mataji: [in Hindi] Just see if it is in the purse. So, this was such a miracle I mean. And that fellow is perfectly all right now. He is doing well. So, some people reach such a depth of their bhakti, such a knowledge, that even praying it works out. Of course, there is some maya sometimes it doesn’t work. But whenever I have seen, if people fail, if they ask for anything, it works out. So, it is for you to really develop that kind of a… [After checking the purse] Not here. It’s been lost. I gave it to them to see and I’ve left [it] there with them. [to yogi] Tell them to send another one. With these Sardarjis [sikhs], they get their realization very fast, no problem. I told them today [that they] don’t have to do all this… Because somehow or the other they are very dharmic people, I think. [We] went down to Chandigarh for the first time and normally my husband wouldn’t allow Me to go there because it was in a chaos – Chandigarh. This is the first time he allowed Me and at least 60 % were Sardarjis and all of them got realization. Without doing anything, just putting hands like this [towards Shri Mataji]. They said we are already feeling it. Something about them… But some of the Indians are also stupid. There were some Indians who were getting up and walking out. [not clear, in Hindi] So we have extremes of everything in India, I think. So, they just walked out, some of the Indians. I was surprised that they had come to the program, sit for a while, and just walked out. Specially in England, they are the worst. There is no sense at all. They have all become, I think, sahibs. This gentleman went away because… this one who was sitting in front. He is a monk or what? Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji. He is a monk. Shri Mataji: When it comes to Vishuddhi, he started shaking like this. So [he] got a fright. That’s the trouble with all these monks and priests. You see, once they come to Me then they start shaking. We had one in Milan, also some priest. He came to Me and as soon as he came forward, the whole body started shaking like this. ‘Baap re,’ I said. Just like our candle shakes, you see. Whole body. Must be possessed people, I think. Must be possessed or something wrong with them. To Me a priest is a horrible thing, I think. They are doing unnatural things and living unnaturally. Such a… I mean, you don’t know what to do with them when they start shaking like this. Yogi: Specially in Thailand the monks feel they are very high people. Shri Mataji: They think? Yogi: Yes. And actually, everybody bow down to them, even the king. They think we do like this and… They were just sitting in front [not clear]. Shri Mataji: Sonu, My granddaughter was a little girl of five years I think. They went to Ladakh. There was one lama fellow, was sitting on a [sounds like ‘mound’]. Everybody was bowing to him like this. So Sadhana and Rommel also went because they were in the crowd there too. She got so angry, she just went and stood before him [and said] “By wearing this kind of a dress, choga, do you think you are a very great man? Why are you making everybody bow to you? Useless fellow, you are not even a realized soul.” And these two got a fright. And Aradhana too once, you see. We had a program. I had gone there for this Ramana Maharishi’s birthday. So, they invited Me as a chief guest, and I went there. There were others also. One of them was the… what you call was... One of them was from the Ramakrishna ashram. He was wearing a big, long thing and sitting there. So Aradhana was sitting in front, and she got upset. She said “Nani,” (to me, grandma,) “this man with the Maxi, throw him out. I am getting such heat from him, this man with the Maxi.” Yogi: How old was she, Shri Mataji, when she said this? Shri Mataji: Aradhana was about, I think, four years or so. Yogi: So clever at that age. Shri Mataji: A very strong… So, any questions you have? [in Hindi] Only bliss! Kabir says bliss has manifested. Kabir says “Jab masth hue phir kya bolein?” When I have got intoxicated with my Spirit, what am I to talk? Just in joy all the time. Somebody told Me, “Mother, when you are there, we are so much in joy that our this thing [indicating the cheeks] starts paining…” [Yogis laugh.] Yogi: Shri Mataji, tomorrow is the fourth day of the full moon, and all your children here would like with your permission to worship Your Lotus Feet… Shri Mataji: Worship? Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: A puja?, no, no… Yogi: With your permission only. Shri Mataji: You know the… You can wash My feet and all that. But for puja we must have more people. You know these deities start pouring so much vibrations and then I just can’t get out of My bed. So best is tomorrow you can wash my feet, all right. But not any… But you can sing -it’s all right for the music. Here will they allow us? Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji. And Shri Mataji, Mr. Ishwaran is here. He is the project manager of this hotel, and he has done so many things for us that we could have this… Shri Mataji: For this hotel? Are you? Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Really good. Yogi: He gave us such an incredible price for this hall and… Shri Mataji: What is his name? Yogi/Yogini: Mr. Ishwaran Shri Mataji: Ishwaran? What a name! [Shri Mataji greets Mr. Ishwaran] All right. So it’s very nice. Very nice hotel I must say. It was already built, or you people built it? Ishwaran: I was the project manager. Shri Mataji: You bought the whole thing? Ishwaran: The owner is an Indian. Shri Mataji: Built it? Whole designing and everything he did? Ishwaran: Designing was a Hong Kong based person. Shri Mataji: It’s beautiful. Very well done. Who was the architect? Ishwaran: Architect was a local person. Interior designer was a Hong Kong based person. Shri Mataji: He is from Hong Kong? Ishwaran: Yes Yogi: And the architect was someone from Bangkok. Shri Mataji: I must say [it’s] very creditable. Even the Bangkok hotel where I stayed… What was the name of the hotel? Yogi: Sukhothai. Shri Mataji: First we stayed in? Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: That one was also… Yogi: Yes, it was great Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Very well done. Yogi: With all these things from the past of Thailand. They did very nicely the statues and so on. Shri Mataji: It’s very good. That one also was very, very good. It’s all coming up now. Lots of creativity you can see in so many things. Even in Hongkong… What is that hotel we stayed? Yogi: Peninsula. Shri Mataji: Peninsula! That’s an old one but very nice. It’s really a very nice hotel. But these modern ones are no good. They are horrible. Sheraton. Sheraton the room is like this [indicating the layout]. If one person is inside, he has to get out for another person. And you pay exorbitantly. Hyatt, Sheraton, what else is there? Yogi: Ramada. [Shri Mataji nods agreement about its ‘modernity’] Shri Mataji: Also, that Continental, horrible. Yogi: New style. Shri Mataji: Too modern. No sense of relaxation at all. Specially Sheraton is the worst, I think. The one in Hong Kong city, which is that hotel? Modern one, in the city, in the main part? Yogi: Shangrila. Shri Mataji: Shangrila is good. The one which is… On the other side, not in the… Yogi: Is it the Grand Hyatt? Grand Hyatt Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Hyatt? That I know but… Sheraton I know. One more where we stayed, horrible. Yogi: The Regent Hotel Shri Mataji? No, no. I mean not on the [sounds like ‘Point’] side. On the other side. Yogi: Conrad? Shri Mataji: No, no. Something else. Horrible it was. Some friend was staying there, and we went to see him. He said, “I feel like jumping from there. Paying such a lot of money but, for nothing.” We were in Sheraton, another problem. But you see, for prestige or something they take these things. What is prestige? I mean you have to live there, isn’t it? Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: They have built up through advertising and all that such an artificial image of the whole thing. That it is prestige. I mean, I just can’t understand. And this advertising has so much gone into the brains of the modern people that you can do whatever you like with the advertising, anything. Till they are found out. But this… We stayed in Peninsula last time and Harsh told Me, because he was with the tourism, that it got the first prize as the best hotel in the whole world – Peninsula. You know that [probably asking Mr. Ishwaran]? Harsh told Me this. [Shri Mataji looks around the room] This one also is very good I must say. Very comfortable. You see they always think that if you pay more money anywhere, then it is something good. Like, once My husband brought Me a scarf from Egypt worth about 20 Pounds [sterling] or something. I told him, “CP, this is made in India. You spent so much money.” So, he said “How do you know?” I said, “It’s written there. Just see.” Then I said, “All right. Next time I will get it from India.” We got it for two Pounds [sterling], same thing. So, there was a concept that whatever is expensive is the best. And even in ‘guru shopping’ they had this concept. Whichever guru is the most expensive is the best, you see. They would discuss in parties, “Oh, did you go to this guru?” I said, “No. I don’t go to gurus.” They said, “No, no, this one is good. Now ‘for sale’. You know, you can get a bargain price.” All sorts of artificial things even in the name of God. All kinds. And people take to it. Like this Gurumayi came to Australia and she brought some shawls, vibrated shawls. And she sold them at a very high price. And everybody’s Kundalini was ruined. [With] all those who went to her, we had to pay so much time, we had to work so hard to get them all right. This Gurumayi – now she is, I think, out of market. These gurus also come in the market, earn a lot, and get out of market. Finished with it. They have no responsibility. Here you were telling Me there is a guru [and] he has 100,000 people. What’s the name? Yogi: It’s a Japanese lady. You know… Shri Mataji: Lady! Yogi: Yeah… [Yogis discussing is inaudible] Yogi: It’s a man, Shri Mataji, from Japan. His name would be Yori. Shri Mataji: She is yogi? Yogi: Yori is the name. Shri Mataji: Her name is? Yogi: His name. Yori. Yori, Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: Yogesh? Yogi: Yori, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: How do you spell? Yogi: Y-O-R-I Shri Mataji: Yori? Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: A man or a woman? Yogi: A man. Shri Mataji: Yori. Now, what does he do? [Shri Mataji gives bandhan with the right hand on the left palm.] Yogini: He use gold coin mantra and then they say they pass the energy from God to cure disease. Yogi: They use gold, gold coins. And they pass energy through it and they cure people. I mean… Shri Mataji: Conch? Yogi: Coins, Shri Mataji. Another Yogi: Like medals, isn’t it? Golden medals. Yogi: And they say that the energy of God passes through these medals, that it can cure people. Shri Mataji: My God! Yogini: And they sell this to people, these golden coins. And they say after learning how to pass this energy, people can cure other people’s diseases. Yogi: They sell it after Shri Mataji. They just teach how to cure with these things and then they sell these things. Shri Mataji: What is written on that? Yogi [asking yogini]: You know what is written on this thing? Yogini: I’ve never had a chance to… [yogis discussing - inaudible] Another yogi: The people are not allowed to take it off Mother. And if they take it off, they are only allowed to put it on [sounds like ‘a certain spot’] overnight or so. You are not allowed to… Shri Mataji: Give a bandhan. Horrible. All left side catching. Horrible. So, you have to pay for that medal? Yogi: You have to pay a lot, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: That’s all? Yogi: And you can cure with it, so called. Shri Mataji: [Shri Mataji laughs while giving bandhan] I tell you… There’s no end to stupidity also. There are so many stupid people in this world, so they also need some stupid gurus. Yogi: She just went to see the newspaper, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: In the newspaper the name is there? Yogi: Yes. There is an article Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: [After giving bandhan for some time] Better now. Catching Mooladhara? Yogi: And back Agnya also Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: All. Mooladhara is very bad. Like the pope. Pope also catches on Mooladhara. His prostrate is wrong. I mean, can you imagine? More proof what do you need? Yogi: He gets this disease like AIDS. He gets the disease… It was shown in the newspaper that he gets AIDS. Shri Mataji: Really? Yogi: Not exactly AIDS but they said the same diseases, but they don’t want to give the name. Same kind. Shri Mataji: But you get from the same type. Yogi: [offering the newspaper] If You want more information about this Yori, Shri Mataji, or…? Shri Mataji: This man? Let Me see. Yogi: She can translate [for] You little bit what is... Shri Mataji: [after looking at the article] Horrible. Yogi: It was just near, Shri Mataji, our Sahaja Yoga is there [in the newspaper] and this Yori is on the other page. Shri Mataji: These are Sahaja Yogis? Yogi: No, no. [Yogis laugh.] This article is Sahaja Yoga, and the other page is… Shri Mataji: [Looking at the article on Yori] Horrible fellow. [Shri Mataji gives bandhan anticlockwise] Look at his face. As if somebody has slapped him 100 times. Look at his face. What is his age? Must be very old. Yogi: He has another name Shri Mataji. Yori is the name the Thai give to this technique of curing. Shri Mataji: He is not a realized soul. Horrible. You see… [indicating the photograph in the newspaper] Just see his eye. So small. All the bhoots are coming from here and acting on… If you are a right-sided person, then your right eye goes small. If you are a left-sided person, then your left... Right eye goes like that, you see. A real bhoot. [Shri Mataji gives away the newspaper and rubs and blows on Her hands] It’s just a curing with some sort of a ‘bhoot vidya’ [knowledge of misusing dead spirits]. Moreover, these people have the powers. They don’t give power to anyone. That’s it. Nobody knows anything what they are doing. Hold somebody’s hand, do something. It is such an uncertain quantity. No one knows what they are doing. See, one should know what it is, how you are curing, what are the centres catching. Nothing. Just you hold each other’s hand, one bhoot passes from one to another. Yogi: They don’t want to say that Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: What? Yogi: They are afraid to say how it works out. Shri Mataji: Because they don’t know. They don’t know even… They don’t know this is bhoot. So how they will tell? Suddenly some bhoot comes into them and tells them, “All right. Try this trick. It works.” Rajneesh has described in his early days that he had an astral travel and he saw himself from a tree. So that means he was a bhoot. And the bhoot gives him all these ideas. Best thing is to burn [it]. Don’t see - has very bad vibrations. Let it be. Better burn it off. Take out that page and burn it off. Horrible. Such an old man, he should think of God. And he should think of his future life. Where will he go? He will go to hell. Yogi: Maybe he is coming from hell already Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Might be coming out of hell. Wants to go back home again. [everyone laughs] But what hurts Me [is that] there are people, who are there, are so faithful you know. So simple, good people. You have got some books translated in this language here? Yogi: About Sahaja Yoga Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: Yes. Yogini: Yes Shri Mataji. We have just the presentation we give for beginners. Yogi: A little book called guide for beginners. That we had in Switzerland once. Yogini: No, Australian one. Shri Mataji: Then do on a computer as they have done it in… We saw three, four books translated like that in Taipei. And they said the publishing is very cheap there also in Taipei. Yogi: Here also it is very cheap Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Here also? So, somebody should do it. Yogi: In Hong Kong Shri Mataji, Alex told me about this. He made little books like this. Very well done, very well done. Shri Mataji: Very nice books they have in Hong Kong. That is in Chinese. But also, in Taipei they have done it. Yogi: We’ll get [in] contact to make the same. Shri Mataji: Yes, but that is in Chinese. So, I mean somebody who knows this language should translate. Slowly… Or Chinese, if they know this language, they can translate from Chinese. Could be done that way. There are Chinese here? Lots of Chinese? Yogini: [inaudible] Shri Mataji: She is Chinese? So how do you know their language? Yogi: [not clear; sounds like ‘my mother is Chinese, but they only taught me Thai’] Shri Mataji: So, someone like that, you see. Because it is already translated in Chinese. So, you can have a nice reference. Slowly if you can translate some books, it would be a good idea. Of course, we have done a lot in French. French, we have translated. Gregoire’s book is also translated. Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: But it doesn’t sell in the public. Yogi: Gregoire’s book? Shri Mataji: Yes. Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji. It sells… Shri Mataji: It’s selling now? Yogi: Yes, yes. Shri Mataji: Really? Yogi: You can find it in the public. No problem. Sahaja Yogis buy it… Shri Mataji: I thought only Sahaja Yogis are buying it. Yogi: No Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: That’s very good. Yogi: Some people are coming out of this book. Shri Mataji: Really? Yogi: Yes, yes. Shri Mataji: Michelle. Michelle worked on it. But this Djamel’s book they are not willing to publish just now? Yogi: I think they found someone to publish, no? Another Yogi: No, they don’t want to. Yogi: Do you have to pay so much, or something? Another yogi: Yeah, there is a problem for the publishing. But we would like to publish it. Yeah. It’s ready now. Shri Mataji: I don’t know what is so objectionable in that book. Yogi: Maybe it is speaking about Islam, and it is a very delicate point in France now because there was this [name of person not clear] who spoke about Islam by the way. And now they are very careful about publishing… Shri Mataji: No, no. Islam you should not… You should speak against the way they are following Islam, in a wrong way. It was in French so I couldn’t do anything about it. But if she can come and see Me, Guillemette. I will have to talk to her about it. You see, nothing wrong with Islam. What’s wrong with is the people who follow. Yogi: They ask a lot of money because they want to be sure that we’ll already pay so much to buy the books actually. They are ready to publish it but only if we ourselves agree to buy, I don’t know, something like 10,000 books. I mean quite a lot actually. This means a lot of money. Another yogi: They don’t want to have risk. They don’t want to… Shri Mataji: If it was in English, we could have done it in India. They should do it in English language first. Then in India it is not difficult to publish it. And also, you see, we will correct certain things because I couldn’t read French. If it could be translated in English, then I can correct it also. So many stupid things there are. I don’t think there is in the Koran anywhere written that you must bury your body and that Christians also believe in. Because this one fellow – Bosnia Muslim – came to see Me. He somehow or the other managed to escape. So, I said, “Are you all mad people? Why are you killing yourselves and killing each other, and for this land after all? And you believe in a formless God so why should you fight for this land and kill each other and live in such a way? You see, what is this stupidity?” So, he said, “No, in Koran it is written…” Which I am sure it is not written because I have read it. But he says it is written in Koran that if you die then you should bury yourself so when the Qayamat will come, when resurrection time will come, then these bodies will come out and they will get their resurrection. Even Christians stupid believe that way. They believe. And also, the Jews. All the three people believe like this. Imagine after 500 years what is going to come out? Out of the… Yogi: Bones… Shri Mataji: Bones? Maybe some. But you see, the Indian philosophy is correct because what they say is that your souls will be born and there will be a big, what you call, growth in population. That is something sensible. A soul can take birth and population growth is there already. So that is something sensible, I think. But how can the body come out after 500 years? At least I can’t give [realization] to the bones. All such absurd ideas there are which might have been put by Paul, I think. They might have followed it up. Paul is the one who must have put this idea. In Spain they put it in the mountains. They make drawers, you will be surprised. Like drawers. And in the drawers the dead bodies are put in, and they pull out the drawer and then put another one, then push it back. Then pull it out. In the drawers there are compartments. Yogi: It’s horrible Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Horrible, isn’t it? Funny stories they have. I was thinking what is happening to a mountain like this with drawers and drawers. So, they told Me that all the dead bodies are inside. Yogi: Should be possessed mountain. Shri Mataji: I don’t know from where they get these ideas. So, this is another nonsense they are doing. I don’t know how many other nonsensical things they are doing. But this is what he told Me, this Bosnia fellow. That if you die in the name of Allah, or if you die in the jihad, according to this jihad, your body will come back and will get resurrected. And now what happens there also he told Me clearly that people have no food to eat. So, when somebody dies, they cut the body and eat it. So, what will come out of that grave? Yogi: The lamas are doing the same Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Lamas? Yogi: They are cutting the body of the dead and… Shri Mataji: They don’t burn [it]? Yogi: They don’t burn. I saw just in a paper like this – they are cutting. Near Tibet. Shri Mataji: But lamas are really horrible and... All these people, you know, are just doing such a perverted thing. Lama is a beggar. Because Buddha said that you should take bhiksha [alms] and eat that food. He didn’t say [to] go round the whole world begging for money and collecting gold. They are just begging all over and amassing money like this. He has so many wrinkles on his face [that] you can count them, I think. Like [sounds like ‘Lester Piggott’] the jockey. I don’t know what impresses people. Because if you ask for money, they are very happy. In America they said if you ask for money, we’ll be happier. Why? One fellow came, nice fellow, a Sahaja Yogi. His name is Rangachari. He is a good fellow. He said, “Mother there are people who want to give their charities,” this, that. But for what? I mean if there is a project, or for some purpose, or is needed for an ashram or anything, it is all right. But just to go around just to get money from people is not proper. You must have your self-respect. For what do you need money you tell Me. So that is Buddhist style. They are regular beggars, regular. Yogi: Actually, in Thailand people give lot of money. People in Thailand are giving lot of money for the temples and so on. So, they just go on building temples like this, on and on, with golden leaves and things. It’s absolutely useless. Shri Mataji: They have to make temples of the heart. Just can’t understand. That’s why they need money. Also, must be using themselves out of it, I am sure. In the name of God to do all these things, to beg… Yogi: And the rich people are… When they want to do something good, according to them, for their karma, they are just giving things to the temple. Like a car or boat or... So sometimes we know that the temple has a Mercedes car or…It is very surprising to see some monks going in a Mercedes car … Shri Mataji: Only thing is, God is missing from the temple. [Shri Mataji laughs]. That’s the only thing. Yogi: Yes. Shri Mataji: All right. So, very nice meeting you all. May God bless you. Any problem you have, please let Me know. Please let Me know. And grow in Sahaja Yoga. That is very important – is to grow in Sahaja Yoga. You must grow otherwise it doesn’t work out. You must grow in Sahaja Yoga. Very important. May God bless you.
Feel the formless energy on your central nervous system
Public Program
Public Program, Bangkok 1994-04-27 Time: 53:00:00 till 2:16:00 I bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very outset I have to say that truth is what it is. (You have to say, I have to say, the truth is what it is. Bring her closer, it will be better). You cannot change it, you cannot conceptualize it. Also unfortunately at this human awareness you cannot know it. Otherwise if we had known the truth, there would have been no problems. All the worlds’ problem come to us through human beings and all human problems come to us from these centers going into problems. So whatever I am going to tell you today you are not to believe it blindfolded. We have had enough trouble with blind faiths but keep your minds open like a scientist. Read my talk as a hypothesis but if it is proved then as honest people you have to accept it because it is for your own benevolence. It is for the benevolence of your society, your country and for the benevolence of the whole world at large. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intellect. You are not this ego, you are not this, these conditionings. But you are the pure spirit. You see here beautiful flowers and we take them for granted. This is a miracle but we don’t think about them. Who runs our heart, the doctors will say it is autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? (Who is this auto, auto, like automobile. We never think about it. We cannot explain the living process. So we have to now understand that we have no knowledge about ourselves. That is the reason why Buddha and Mahavira both didn’t want to talk about God. They just wanted to talk about the self, the spirit and about this all-pervading power of this Divine love, which does all the living work. Thus we have to know there is a all-pervading power. It’s not only Buddha, many others like Guru Nanaka, many others who talked of a formless energy. It is like this that if you talk about the flowers, about the deities, people start worshipping the flowers but if you have to get to the essence of the flowers which is the nectar, which is the honey they thought it’s better to talk about the honey. (It is to, they thought it is better to talk about the honey which is the essence of the flowers). But even talking about honey became a talk. Somehow talking about the form or the formless just became a talk. So to get to the honey you have to be a bee. Then they did all talk about self-realization. (They did talk about self-realization). All of them talked about your second birth, (All of them talked about their second birth) and that is what we are here for. This is not just going to be a talk or a sermon, by a spontaneous happening within you, you will become the Spirit. This is what is very important. As you have known that there is a power within us, which can give you your self-realization. It has to happen. It’s not going to be just a talk. As soon as you become the spirit, you start getting your self-knowledge. On your fingertips you can feel your own centers, this is what it is to be Buddha. (This is what it is to be Buddha) to know on your central nervous system. Not just mental but it is actualization of this happening. So this is your own power and when it is awakened so many of your powers start manifesting. When this kundalini passes through six centers, she nourishes all of them and also enlightens them. So that you get your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems completely solved. We have in Delhi 4 doctors who have got their M.D in Sahaja yoga. There are many people who suffered from mental problems, have been cured. Apart from that you become the source of peace. We become the peace within and peace without and you become the witness of the whole play. You may be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist but you can commit any sin, there is nothing to protect you. There is nothing wrong with religions but they have been diverted into money orientation and power orientation. They should have been spirit oriented but they are not. Moreover as a result of Self Realization you know the absolute truth that is everybody knows the same thing. I am sitting before you, you all can see, I am sitting before you there is no quarrel about it but unless and until you are Spirit you have different ideas of your own. They are not absolute ideas, there are that’s why so many complications. So many discussions, arguments and wars but if you know the absolute truth then there is no difference of opinion. Say if you have ten children and close their eyes and ask them what’s wrong with this gentleman. They will always one finger say this one and if you ask the gentlemen have you got a heart trouble he will say how do you know? (he will say how do you know) you tell that this children told us. So, on your fingertips you know the absolute truth. About everyone also you know on your fingertips. So you have a new dimension to your personality which we call as collective consciousness so you have self knowledge and you have the knowledge about everybody else. Another thing is that your attention becomes absolutely pure. There is no lust and greed in your eyes. Christ has said thou shall not have adulterous eyes (Christ has said thou shall not have adulterous eyes. Christ, Jesus Christ has said that thou shall not have adulterous eyes, with the lust and greed in your eyes. Christ has said that thou shall not have adulterous eyes, adulterous means full of greed and lust) and you become like that (you become like that). It is the becoming which is important. Not just talking about it. With this attention you become extremely powerful, very dynamic. At the same time you are extremely compassionate. This happens because you have all these powers within yourself. Also other potential powers that are within you of creativity also start manifesting. There are many artists today who are world famous are Sahaja yogis. And you become absolutely righteous and moral. You automatically give up all destructive habits (You automatically give up all destructive habits). I know many of drug addicts who have become perfectly alright, overnight. By saying this don’t do these people don’t like it. But you become really a righteous person. It happens like this that if you have a snake in your hand and there is darkness and you tell the gentlemen that you got a snake in your hand and he is adamant (adamant and he is oxalate) He will not give up the snake (he will not give up the snake) till the snake bites him but if there is little light it will throw away, he will throw away. In the same way when you are enlightened you will just throw away everything that is destructive for you. In this small lecture I cannot tell you everything about it but to happen your self-realization you don’t need have any lecture about it. It is a living process and you can’t pay for it. There is no obligation like this Mother Earth how much do we pay her for these flowers. She does not understand money also the divine power does not understand money. You have seed and the divine power as the germinating power (you have the seed) so you can’t pay for it . There are many false people who are talking big and taking money from you. You can’t pay for self-realization also for divine knowledge you can pay for the hall alright. Thus you will realize that it is your birthright to have your self-realization. Specially these modern times are marked for a-mass realization. I call them as blossom time all kinds of turmoil all kinds of problems so human beings start seeking the truth and seeking the peace is described even in Koran as kiyama (described in Koran as kiyama) and clearly said that your hands will speak and will give witness against you. Some call it as a resurrection time, in the Buddhism they describe it as a matrayas advent, in the bible it is described as the last judgement. So you are special people born in those days to get your self-realization and then you will realize that all religions were born on the same tree of spirituality. All the incarnations and all the prophets and all the realized souls said the same thing. Of course it changed with the times little bit. Thus we will be absolutely united like microcosm becomes the macrocosm (microcosm) or you can say like a drop becomes the ocean we all become one in united in one body of the divine. Sahaja yoga is working in 60 nations and I haven’t seen anybody fighting, quarrelling or doing any violence to each other because you all jump in the ocean of joy. Joy is not like happiness and unhappiness. When your ego is pampered you feel happiness but when your ego is punctured you feel unhappiness. One minute you are laughing and other minute you are crying. But joy is singular (joy is singular) and that is to be experienced. I have to just say that those who want to have self-realization can only have it, you cannot force it on anyone. It has to work spontaneously so if you are wanting with pure desire to have your self-realization it will work out. All other desires are impure because you never feel satisfied with them. The economic law is that in general wants are not satiable (economic law is that in general, wants are not satiable). You want to have today, a house then a car then a furniture goes on like that. Whether you are aware or not aware the pure desire to become one with this divine power and it has to manifest otherwise you will not have satisfaction. So many things can be said about self-realization but is not meant for frivolous people (for frivolous people) or idiots you can say or stupid people, is meant for people who are seekers of truth and for those who are honest to themselves. I am sure you are having lots of questions in your mind and you can ask me through your letters whatever may be the questions. Now I have been doing this work from last 25 years and (I have) I know answers to all questions. I can answer all your questions but it’s still a mental acrobat (still a mental acrobat, mental exercise). You have to go beyond the mind. So again I would say those who do not want to have self-realization should leave the hall. It will hardly take ten minutes. You don’t have to pay for it now or never. All the knowledge of inner being you will have without paying anything but you have to give sometime to it and come to the collective because it is a collective happening. Supposing one nail is cut it doesn’t grow so you have to be (connection) in connection with the living organism (of the living organism) so that you can grow in spirituality. So the first thing is thoughtless awareness. The Second is doubtless awareness. With that you can give realizations to others. You can cure others and you never get into tensions. There are so many blessings in Sahaja yoga that it is impossible to describe in this short lecture. The gentlemen who was playing harmonium here feel what I asked him to record these blessings because they were writing to me every day. He is a computer expert and he told me within one-months’ time all the blessings later have come to this much. So please tell me which one to record I said I have no time. So we gave up the prospects (we gave up). When I came here they told me there is an old man who got paralysis and he could only move one finger like that and he was not a Sahaja yogi. Still out of compassion the Sahaj yogis treated him and I was amazed to see him at the airport he was walking down. There are three conditions which I will tell you before we start the process of self-realization. The first one is that you should not feel guilty for anything now at this moment. Whatever mistakes you have committed you should face them at that moment and you should not torture yourself. And so please don’t feel guilty. After all you are human beings, you are not Gods so if you have done mistakes it’s all right. So it is important to forgive yourself completely. Because this all-pervading power is the ocean of forgiveness. The second thing is that you should forgive everyone yourself. Some people say it is difficult to forget but logically whether you forgive or don’t forgive what do you do? You don’t do anything. On the contrary when you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. If you feel guilty then you catch on the center on the left-hand side here. Physically you suffer (physically you suffer) you get a disease called angina, spondylitis (spondylitis is the bone which moves like this, spondylitis). You follow spondylitis, all of you? and also lethargic organs, (lethargic organs, lazy organs. Can you say that) lethargic organs and cervical cancer (cervical cancer, you read in English). And at this moment if you feel guilty the Kundalini won’t rise. And you will miss such a great opportunity to be self-realized. And if you don’t forgive then the center in the optic chiasma is like this absolutely constricted. And it won’t open and the kundalini cannot go through it. So please forgive, forgive everyone in general. Don’t even think about them because it’s a headache. So the third condition is that you have to be absolutely fully confident that you will get your self-realization tonight. You should have faith in yourself. Absolutely because you are a seekers of truth. These are the only three conditions. And maybe request you if you don’t mind that you have to take out your shoes. It helps a lot. One, left one is for your desire. And the right one is for your action. So now we show you how you will be nourishing your own centers. First of all please put your both feet away from each other because these are two powers. You all should be seated. You can come here front if you want to come in the front, there is space here sit down. Those who are sitting on the ground are all right. Alright. Everybody will get it whether you are far or close. Now we have to put the left hand on your lap, on your lap, very comfortable please be seated, comfortably straight. Now please put the left hand on your left lap, comfortably. This is suggestive symbolically that you want to have your self-realization. Please don’t take photographs during meditation, alright, thank you. Use now your right hand for nourishing your centers on the left-hand side. So now please put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the spirit. (Loudly, in the heart resides the spirit. Say it loudly). Now if you are the spirit in the light of the spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the center for your mastery which is built by great prophets and great masters. (Great prophets and great masters) Now take down your hand in the low portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the center surprisingly is for the pure divine knowledge. Now raise your right hand again in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left side. Now on your heart. Now in the corner of your neck and shoulder and please turn your head to your right, to your right, turn it to your right. This is the center I have told you when you feel guilty goes into trouble. Alright. Now raise your right hand on top of your forehead across, this is the center where you have to forgive. Everyone in general. Now please put down your head as far as possible. Now please take your right hand on the backside of your head. And push back your head as far as possible. This is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes. Just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power. Now the last center stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on the top of the fontanel bone area (alright go ahead) which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now bend your head as far as possible now important is to push back your fingers as far as possible so that there is a good pressure on your scalp. Now please move your scalp seven times clockwise slowly. Please bend your head. That’s all we have to do. (In Hindi: Sardarji aap logo ko kuch karne ki zaroorat nahi hai..aise hi aap log paar ho jayenge Aap pe Ashirwad hai aur Hindustaniyo par bhi vishesh kar logo par bhi hai..par pardes mein pareshani hoti hai … Sardarji, you people don’t have to do anything. Like that you people will get your self-realization. You have the blessings and with India specially. These people also have but in foreign it is difficult Now please put both your feet apart from each other and left hand towards me. Please take down your spectacles, glasses (take down the glasses). Now you have to close your eyes, till I tell you please don’t open your eyes. Please put right hand on the heart and close your eyes, here you have to ask me a very fundamental question about yourself. You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji. You can ask a question three times in your heart. Please ask Mother, Am I the spirit. Ask this question 3 times. I have told you that if you become the spirit, you become your own master. Now take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and now here you ask another fundamental question about yourself. Mother, Am I my own master. Ask this question three times. I have already told you that I respect your freedom. And I cannot force the pure divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now please take your right hand in the low portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here you ask six times because this center has got 6 petals. Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge. As soon as you ask for pure divine knowledge, the kundalini starts rising. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here you have to say 10 times with full self-confidence. Mother, I am my own master. I have already told you at the very outset that you are not this body, this mind. You are not these emotions and intellect, ego and conditionings but you are the pure spirit. So raise your right hand on top of your heart and with full confidence please say 12 times Mother, I am the pure spirit. All pervading power of love divine love is the ocean of knowledge. It is the ocean of compassion and love. Above all it is the ocean of forgiveness so whatever mistakes you have committed will be easily dissolved by this great power of forgiveness. Say 16 times with full confidence in yourself. Please say Mother, I am not guilty at all, 16 times. I have already told you whether you forgive you don’t forgive you don’t do anything but if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands and at this moment specially please forgive so that this center opens for the kundalini to pass. Otherwise you have tortured yourself all your life and now you are going to miss the great opportunity of self-realization. So now raise your right hand on the top of your forehead and put down your head properly. Here you have to say again with full confidence, not how many times, but from your heart. Mother, I forgive everyone in general. Don’t think about them. Now without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power. So please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head. Here you have to say again from your heart, not how many times. Oh divine power, please forgive me if I have done any mistake knowingly or unknowingly. Now the last sentence which is very important. Please put, press your, I should say stretch your palm, please stretch your palm. And put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Please stretch back your fingers and put down your head. Here again I cannot force self-realization on you, you have to ask for it. So please push back your fingers nicely and have a good pressure on your scalp. Now move your scalp with the pressure seven times slowly, clockwise. Saying seven times, Mother please give me my self-realization. Now please take down your hands. Put both the hands towards me, like this. Please open your eyes. Now put the right hand towards me like this and bend your head and see with the left hand, if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Don’t put your hand on top of your head, away from it. Some people get it close and some further on. Now please put the left hand towards me and with the right hand please bend your head, bend your head. If there is a cool or a hot breeze like sensation coming out of your fontanel bone area. Lastly now the right hand and put down your head and see for yourself again properly. Alright. Don’t doubt. Alright. Now please put both your hands towards the sky, push back your head and ask any one of these three questions. You can ask Mother, Is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. 3 times or Mother, Is this the all-pervading power of the divine love or is it the Rooh, Paramchaitanya. Ask three times. Now please bring down your hands. Now see for yourself. Watch me without thinking. Watch me without thinking. Put your hands like this. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze like sensation on the fingertips or in the palm or out of the fontanel bone area. Please raise both your hands. Those who have felt it good. The whole of Bangkok has got realization, I think. May God bless you. You all have now become saints. I bow to you. Please look after your self-realization (please look after your self-realization). You have to give little time. Please come to the collective. And I am sure you can all grow very fast in spirituality. There you learn how to be in meditation. You cannot do meditation you have to be in the meditation, where you are thoughtlessly aware. You are thoughtless but aware. That is in the present, you are in present which is the reality, so you grow in reality. Maximum in one month’s time you will become masters. Thank you very much. May God bless you all.
Public Program, Bangkok 1994-04-27 Time: 53:00:00 till 2:16:00 I bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very outset I have to say that truth is what it is. (You have to say, I have to say, the truth is what it is. Bring her closer, it will be better). You cannot change it, you cannot conceptualize it. Also unfortunately at this human awareness you cannot know it. Otherwise if we had known the truth, there would have been no problems. All the worlds’ problem come to us through human beings and all human problems come to us from these centers going into problems. So whatever I am going to tell you today you are not to believe it blindfolded. We have had enough trouble with blind faiths but keep your minds open like a scientist. Read my talk as a hypothesis but if it is proved then as honest people you have to accept it because it is for your own benevolence. It is for the benevolence of your society, your country and for the benevolence of the whole world at large. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intellect. You are not this ego, you are not this, these conditionings. But you are the pure spirit. You see here beautiful flowers and we take them for granted. This is a miracle but we don’t think about them. Who runs our heart, the doctors will say it is autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? (Who is this auto, auto, like automobile. We never think about it. We cannot explain the living process. So we have to now understand that we have no knowledge about ourselves. That is the reason why Buddha and Mahavira both didn’t want to talk about God. They just wanted to talk about the self, the spirit and about this all-pervading power of this Divine love, which does all the living work. Thus we have to know there is a all-pervading power. It’s not only Buddha, many others like Guru Nanaka, many others who talked of a formless energy. It is like this that if you talk about the flowers, about the deities, people start worshipping the flowers but if you have to get to the essence of the flowers which is the nectar, which is the honey they thought it’s better to talk about the honey. (It is to, they thought it is better to talk about the honey which is the essence of the flowers). But even talking about honey became a talk. Somehow talking about the form or the formless just became a talk. So to get to the honey you have to be a bee. Then they did all talk about self-realization. (They did talk about self-realization). All of them talked about your second birth, (All of them talked about their second birth) and that is what we are here for. This is not just going to be a talk or a sermon, by a spontaneous happening within you, you will become the Spirit. This is what is very important. As you have known that there is a power within us, which can give you your self-realization. It has to happen. It’s not going to be just a talk. As soon as you become the spirit, you start getting your self-knowledge. On your fingertips you can feel your own centers, this is what it is to be Buddha. (This is what it is to be Buddha) to know on your central nervous system. Not just mental but it is actualization of this happening. So this is your own power and when it is awakened so many of your powers start manifesting. When this kundalini passes through six centers, she nourishes all of them and also enlightens them. So that you get your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems completely solved. We have in Delhi 4 doctors who have got their M.D in Sahaja yoga. There are many people who suffered from mental problems, have been cured. Apart from that you become the source of peace. We become the peace within and peace without and you become the witness of the whole play. You may be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist but you can commit any sin, there is nothing to protect you. There is nothing wrong with religions but they have been diverted into money orientation and power orientation. They should have been spirit oriented but they are not. Moreover as a result of Self Realization you know the absolute truth that is everybody knows the same thing. I am sitting before you, you all can see, I am sitting before you there is no quarrel about it but unless and until you are Spirit you have different ideas of your own. They are not absolute ideas, there are that’s why so many complications. So many discussions, arguments and wars but if you know the absolute truth then there is no difference of opinion. Say if you have ten children and close their eyes and ask them what’s wrong with this gentleman. They will always one finger say this one and if you ask the gentlemen have you got a heart trouble he will say how do you know? (he will say how do you know) you tell that this children told us. So, on your fingertips you know the absolute truth. About everyone also you know on your fingertips. So you have a new dimension to your personality which we call as collective consciousness so you have self knowledge and you have the knowledge about everybody else. Another thing is that your attention becomes absolutely pure. There is no lust and greed in your eyes. Christ has said thou shall not have adulterous eyes (Christ has said thou shall not have adulterous eyes. Christ, Jesus Christ has said that thou shall not have adulterous eyes, with the lust and greed in your eyes. Christ has said that thou shall not have adulterous eyes, adulterous means full of greed and lust) and you become like that (you become like that). It is the becoming which is important. Not just talking about it. With this attention you become extremely powerful, very dynamic. At the same time you are extremely compassionate. This happens because you have all these powers within yourself. Also other potential powers that are within you of creativity also start manifesting. There are many artists today who are world famous are Sahaja yogis. And you become absolutely righteous and moral. You automatically give up all destructive habits (You automatically give up all destructive habits). I know many of drug addicts who have become perfectly alright, overnight. By saying this don’t do these people don’t like it. But you become really a righteous person. It happens like this that if you have a snake in your hand and there is darkness and you tell the gentlemen that you got a snake in your hand and he is adamant (adamant and he is oxalate) He will not give up the snake (he will not give up the snake) till the snake bites him but if there is little light it will throw away, he will throw away. In the same way when you are enlightened you will just throw away everything that is destructive for you. In this small lecture I cannot tell you everything about it but to happen your self-realization you don’t need have any lecture about it. It is a living process and you can’t pay for it. There is no obligation like this Mother Earth how much do we pay her for these flowers. She does not understand money also the divine power does not understand money. You have seed and the divine power as the germinating power (you have the seed) so you can’t pay for it . There are many false people who are talking big and taking money from you. You can’t pay for self-realization also for divine knowledge you can pay for the hall alright. Thus you will realize that it is your birthright to have your self-realization. Specially these modern times are marked for a-mass realization. I call them as blossom time all kinds of turmoil all kinds of problems so human beings start seeking the truth and seeking the peace is described even in Koran as kiyama (described in Koran as kiyama) and clearly said that your hands will speak and will give witness against you. Some call it as a resurrection time, in the Buddhism they describe it as a matrayas advent, in the bible it is described as the last judgement. So you are special people born in those days to get your self-realization and then you will realize that all religions were born on the same tree of spirituality. All the incarnations and all the prophets and all the realized souls said the same thing. Of course it changed with the times little bit. Thus we will be absolutely united like microcosm becomes the macrocosm (microcosm) or you can say like a drop becomes the ocean we all become one in united in one body of the divine. Sahaja yoga is working in 60 nations and I haven’t seen anybody fighting, quarrelling or doing any violence to each other because you all jump in the ocean of joy. Joy is not like happiness and unhappiness. When your ego is pampered you feel happiness but when your ego is punctured you feel unhappiness. One minute you are laughing and other minute you are crying. But joy is singular (joy is singular) and that is to be experienced. I have to just say that those who want to have self-realization can only have it, you cannot force it on anyone. It has to work spontaneously so if you are wanting with pure desire to have your self-realization it will work out. All other desires are impure because you never feel satisfied with them. The economic law is that in general wants are not satiable (economic law is that in general, wants are not satiable). You want to have today, a house then a car then a furniture goes on like that. Whether you are aware or not aware the pure desire to become one with this divine power and it has to manifest otherwise you will not have satisfaction. So many things can be said about self-realization but is not meant for frivolous people (for frivolous people) or idiots you can say or stupid people, is meant for people who are seekers of truth and for those who are honest to themselves. I am sure you are having lots of questions in your mind and you can ask me through your letters whatever may be the questions. Now I have been doing this work from last 25 years and (I have) I know answers to all questions. I can answer all your questions but it’s still a mental acrobat (still a mental acrobat, mental exercise). You have to go beyond the mind. So again I would say those who do not want to have self-realization should leave the hall. It will hardly take ten minutes. You don’t have to pay for it now or never. All the knowledge of inner being you will have without paying anything but you have to give sometime to it and come to the collective because it is a collective happening. Supposing one nail is cut it doesn’t grow so you have to be (connection) in connection with the living organism (of the living organism) so that you can grow in spirituality. So the first thing is thoughtless awareness. The Second is doubtless awareness. With that you can give realizations to others. You can cure others and you never get into tensions. There are so many blessings in Sahaja yoga that it is impossible to describe in this short lecture. The gentlemen who was playing harmonium here feel what I asked him to record these blessings because they were writing to me every day. He is a computer expert and he told me within one-months’ time all the blessings later have come to this much. So please tell me which one to record I said I have no time. So we gave up the prospects (we gave up). When I came here they told me there is an old man who got paralysis and he could only move one finger like that and he was not a Sahaja yogi. Still out of compassion the Sahaj yogis treated him and I was amazed to see him at the airport he was walking down. There are three conditions which I will tell you before we start the process of self-realization. The first one is that you should not feel guilty for anything now at this moment. Whatever mistakes you have committed you should face them at that moment and you should not torture yourself. And so please don’t feel guilty. After all you are human beings, you are not Gods so if you have done mistakes it’s all right. So it is important to forgive yourself completely. Because this all-pervading power is the ocean of forgiveness. The second thing is that you should forgive everyone yourself. Some people say it is difficult to forget but logically whether you forgive or don’t forgive what do you do? You don’t do anything. On the contrary when you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. If you feel guilty then you catch on the center on the left-hand side here. Physically you suffer (physically you suffer) you get a disease called angina, spondylitis (spondylitis is the bone which moves like this, spondylitis). You follow spondylitis, all of you? and also lethargic organs, (lethargic organs, lazy organs. Can you say that) lethargic organs and cervical cancer (cervical cancer, you read in English). And at this moment if you feel guilty the Kundalini won’t rise. And you will miss such a great opportunity to be self-realized. And if you don’t forgive then the center in the optic chiasma is like this absolutely constricted. And it won’t open and the kundalini cannot go through it. So please forgive, forgive everyone in general. Don’t even think about them because it’s a headache. So the third condition is that you have to be absolutely fully confident that you will get your self-realization tonight. You should have faith in yourself. Absolutely because you are a seekers of truth. These are the only three conditions. And maybe request you if you don’t mind that you have to take out your shoes. It helps a lot. One, left one is for your desire. And the right one is for your action. So now we show you how you will be nourishing your own centers. First of all please put your both feet away from each other because these are two powers. You all should be seated. You can come here front if you want to come in the front, there is space here sit down. Those who are sitting on the ground are all right. Alright. Everybody will get it whether you are far or close. Now we have to put the left hand on your lap, on your lap, very comfortable please be seated, comfortably straight. Now please put the left hand on your left lap, comfortably. This is suggestive symbolically that you want to have your self-realization. Please don’t take photographs during meditation, alright, thank you. Use now your right hand for nourishing your centers on the left-hand side. So now please put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the spirit. (Loudly, in the heart resides the spirit. Say it loudly). Now if you are the spirit in the light of the spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the center for your mastery which is built by great prophets and great masters. (Great prophets and great masters) Now take down your hand in the low portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the center surprisingly is for the pure divine knowledge. Now raise your right hand again in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left side. Now on your heart. Now in the corner of your neck and shoulder and please turn your head to your right, to your right, turn it to your right. This is the center I have told you when you feel guilty goes into trouble. Alright. Now raise your right hand on top of your forehead across, this is the center where you have to forgive. Everyone in general. Now please put down your head as far as possible. Now please take your right hand on the backside of your head. And push back your head as far as possible. This is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes. Just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power. Now the last center stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on the top of the fontanel bone area (alright go ahead) which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now bend your head as far as possible now important is to push back your fingers as far as possible so that there is a good pressure on your scalp. Now please move your scalp seven times clockwise slowly. Please bend your head. That’s all we have to do. (In Hindi: Sardarji aap logo ko kuch karne ki zaroorat nahi hai..aise hi aap log paar ho jayenge Aap pe Ashirwad hai aur Hindustaniyo par bhi vishesh kar logo par bhi hai..par pardes mein pareshani hoti hai … Sardarji, you people don’t have to do anything. Like that you people will get your self-realization. You have the blessings and with India specially. These people also have but in foreign it is difficult Now please put both your feet apart from each other and left hand towards me. Please take down your spectacles, glasses (take down the glasses). Now you have to close your eyes, till I tell you please don’t open your eyes. Please put right hand on the heart and close your eyes, here you have to ask me a very fundamental question about yourself. You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji. You can ask a question three times in your heart. Please ask Mother, Am I the spirit. Ask this question 3 times. I have told you that if you become the spirit, you become your own master. Now take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and now here you ask another fundamental question about yourself. Mother, Am I my own master. Ask this question three times. I have already told you that I respect your freedom. And I cannot force the pure divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now please take your right hand in the low portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here you ask six times because this center has got 6 petals. Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge. As soon as you ask for pure divine knowledge, the kundalini starts rising. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here you have to say 10 times with full self-confidence. Mother, I am my own master. I have already told you at the very outset that you are not this body, this mind. You are not these emotions and intellect, ego and conditionings but you are the pure spirit. So raise your right hand on top of your heart and with full confidence please say 12 times Mother, I am the pure spirit. All pervading power of love divine love is the ocean of knowledge. It is the ocean of compassion and love. Above all it is the ocean of forgiveness so whatever mistakes you have committed will be easily dissolved by this great power of forgiveness. Say 16 times with full confidence in yourself. Please say Mother, I am not guilty at all, 16 times. I have already told you whether you forgive you don’t forgive you don’t do anything but if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands and at this moment specially please forgive so that this center opens for the kundalini to pass. Otherwise you have tortured yourself all your life and now you are going to miss the great opportunity of self-realization. So now raise your right hand on the top of your forehead and put down your head properly. Here you have to say again with full confidence, not how many times, but from your heart. Mother, I forgive everyone in general. Don’t think about them. Now without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power. So please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head. Here you have to say again from your heart, not how many times. Oh divine power, please forgive me if I have done any mistake knowingly or unknowingly. Now the last sentence which is very important. Please put, press your, I should say stretch your palm, please stretch your palm. And put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Please stretch back your fingers and put down your head. Here again I cannot force self-realization on you, you have to ask for it. So please push back your fingers nicely and have a good pressure on your scalp. Now move your scalp with the pressure seven times slowly, clockwise. Saying seven times, Mother please give me my self-realization. Now please take down your hands. Put both the hands towards me, like this. Please open your eyes. Now put the right hand towards me like this and bend your head and see with the left hand, if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Don’t put your hand on top of your head, away from it. Some people get it close and some further on. Now please put the left hand towards me and with the right hand please bend your head, bend your head. If there is a cool or a hot breeze like sensation coming out of your fontanel bone area. Lastly now the right hand and put down your head and see for yourself again properly. Alright. Don’t doubt. Alright. Now please put both your hands towards the sky, push back your head and ask any one of these three questions. You can ask Mother, Is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. 3 times or Mother, Is this the all-pervading power of the divine love or is it the Rooh, Paramchaitanya. Ask three times. Now please bring down your hands. Now see for yourself. Watch me without thinking. Watch me without thinking. Put your hands like this. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze like sensation on the fingertips or in the palm or out of the fontanel bone area. Please raise both your hands. Those who have felt it good. The whole of Bangkok has got realization, I think. May God bless you. You all have now become saints. I bow to you. Please look after your self-realization (please look after your self-realization). You have to give little time. Please come to the collective. And I am sure you can all grow very fast in spirituality. There you learn how to be in meditation. You cannot do meditation you have to be in the meditation, where you are thoughtlessly aware. You are thoughtless but aware. That is in the present, you are in present which is the reality, so you grow in reality. Maximum in one month’s time you will become masters. Thank you very much. May God bless you all.
Evening Program eve of Sahasrara Puja
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Sahasrara Puja: Mahamaya Swarupa
Cabella Ligure
“Mahamaya Swarupa,” Sahasrara Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), May 8 1994. Today is a unique combination of Mothers’ Day in many countries and Sahasrar Day for Sahaj Yogis. I think this is the most important day in the history of human evolution because all other events, incarnations and ventures in the spiritual atmosphere have been of no avail. On the contrary, they have gone into a kind of a cocoon which has no door; banging themselves against the walls, creating problems out of something very auspicious and extremely, beautifully spiritual. It’s not possible to find faults with the incarnations in whose names all the religions came in. But this cocoon is the Mahamaya, I think; cocoon is the one which is ignorance. We can say that Mahamaya does not create it. This cocoon is created by the basic ignorance of human beings and their misidentifications. So, the human nature is such that it identifies itself easily with untruth. Anything that is truthful, human beings find it very difficult to compromise. And the trouble with the truth is that it cannot compromise. So, all kinds of ignorance, all kinds of falsehood, all kinds of destructive forces gather together, somehow or other, to attract the human mind. It is perhaps the ego of man that makes him feel so attracted to those things, because they all pamper his ego. As it is, the most difficult centre that we have to cross is the centre of Agnya. This centre is the one which takes us either to the left or to the right if we try to push it too much. Thus, we’ll land up into the hold of ignorance, which is being looked after by Mahamaya. They say that at Sahasrar, when the Goddess will appear, She will be a Mahamaya. Is it possible to be anything else, as the world is today, to come on this Earth? Any other type of incarnation would have been in great trouble because human beings, in their ego, are the highest in Kali Yuga, highest. So, they are quite stupid and they are capable of doing any harm, any kind of harm, any kind of violence, to a Divine personality. It is not at all possible to exist in this world as anything else but Mahamaya. But it also acts upon the people who are seeking. It has many facets. By one facet, it covers your Sahasrara. The seekers are tested. If you are more enamoured by people who are something odd, who wear odd dresses, who show odd things, as so many false gurus have done; or absurd or something very cheapish, that attracts the attention of human beings because of Mahamaya, or we can say that it is the Mahamaya which judges a person. Mahamaya is like a mirror: whatever you are, you see yourself in the mirror. [The] mirror has no responsibility. If you look like a monkey, you look like a monkey. If you look like a queen, you look like a queen. It has no power, or no intention, of giving you wrong ideas or giving you something that is false. It is there: whatever is the truth. So, in a way, to say that, “Mahamaya is the one which deludes us,” is wrong. On the contrary, when you look at the mirror, you see yourself as what you are. Now, supposing you are a person who is a very cruel person: your face in the mirror will look like a cruel person. But the problem comes in [because], when the Mahamaya acts, you don’t see your image, you turn your face away from it, you don’t want to see it, don’t want to know. You look at the mirror and you see something horrible; you just turn [your] face and you deny the truth: “How can I be like that? I am not like that. I am very good, nothing wrong with me. I’ve done nothing wrong. I am perfectly all right.” Then the third aspect of Mahamaya is that you are again attracted towards it, in a sense that you again see your mirror. You go on seeing that mirror again and again and you see the whole world also in that mirror. As a result, you start getting a feeling, “What am I doing? Who am I? What is this world? Where am I born?” And this is the beginning of your search. You don’t feel satisfied with it. So, it is a very great help of the Mahamaya. I have seen people who come to me for the first time: if they see me taking water like this they say, “Ah, how can She be something? She just needs water!” Or if I am taking, say, Coca Cola, as you all take, they’ll say, “Wah! How can She take Coca Cola? She should never take anything like that, She should only take nectar!” So, another aspect of Mahamaya is, say people come to see me, some of them start shaking like this, so they think, “Oh, we are great energy, that’s why it’s happening to us.” It has happened with many people. So, they get wrong impressions because of their own reactions to it. Their reaction is: “Wah! We went there, got all the energy. We were shaking, shaking, shaking, so we are something great.” This kind of a happening makes them more egoistical, but, on the contrary, if they see somebody else shaking – it has happened – and ask them who you are, so they will say, “We are certified mad from such hospital!” Then they will start relatively thinking, “Oh, God, we are also mad or what? Why are we shaking? We should not shake. If they are certified mad and they are shaking and we are shaking…” then they start relatively seeing things. On one side there’s a mad, certified mad, shaking; [on] another side you are shaking, so there’s something wrong, definitely, with you also. So, the relative understanding helps to overcome that kind of a curtain that you have that you do not want to face the truth. So, once it starts happening to you, relatively you see, compared to other people: yesterday, as you saw in the drama, compared to other people, we are really a sane, wise, sensible, matured people. Once you see that relative ascent, then you start settling in Sahaj Yoga. Mahamaya is very important: without that you cannot face me, you cannot sit here, you cannot talk to me, you cannot get into the same car which is driving me and also you cannot drive me. Everything would be impossible. I would be hanging in the air somewhere, you will be all here, and it would be a big mess! (Laughter) I don’t need to travel by train. I don’t need to travel by car. I can just fly out. I need not [be] before you, I can be just here in nirakaar, in formless form. But how to communicate? How to have a rapport? For that, one has to come in the form of Mahamaya, so that there’s no fear, there’s no distance and one can come close and understand. Because if this knowledge has to be given, if Realisation has to be given, people have to at least sit before the Mahamaya. Otherwise if they all run away, what’s the use? So, to create that human, extremely human personality in the Sahasrara, She comes as Mahamaya. Sahasrara is the most powerful chakra because it is the seven chakras combination and many others. With the Sahasrara you can do anything. You can manage the sun, you can manage the moon, you can manage the Earth, you can manage the temperatures, everything. But, through Mahamaya, things work out very normally, very normally; and they should work out normally. For example, somebody can say, “Mother, there is atmosphere full of all these horrible ecological problems, why don’t you clear them?” If it is cleared, people will go on producing. It is the problem of the human beings and if it is corrected by me, they’ll take it for granted. They have to face those problems; they have to change their habits; they have to understand that they are the ones who are destroying themselves. Otherwise, if somebody’s there just to cleanse it out, they will never change. Also, miraculously, one can do lots of things. One can say, “Mother, as you solve the problems of Sahaj Yogis, why don’t you solve the problem of others?” No. To solve their problem is not the end of my work, nor is the purpose, but to make them equipped so that they can solve their own problem: that’s what I have to do. As I have said that you have to be your own doctor, you have to be your own guru. Without Mahamaya, you cannot do it because She knows how far to go in correcting, how far to go in controlling. Because human beings, at large, have their own freedom. Sahaj Yogis have not that kind of a stupid freedom, but they have the freedom of the Spirit, so to solve their problems is perfectly all right because they must have more freedom and more freedom. But what’s the use of giving freedom to other people who are going on and on and on without realising what wrong they are doing to the whole world? So, for them, it is necessary to come to Sahaj Yoga and that’s why it’s a Mahamaya Swarup. Maybe if I had come as Mother Mary or Radha or somebody like that, they would have been all here nicely singing songs and all that. That’s not the point. Now, you have to mature, you have to be something, you have to grow. For that, it is important that you have to come to Sahaj Yoga first of all, then you have to grow in Sahaj Yoga. Otherwise, this Mahamaya will go on acting and playing tricks with you. (Shri Mataji takes a drink of water.) Again, taking water! (Laughter) So, they also once said so, that “Why does She need water sometimes? She should be living on the air or something.” It’s a big play. Sahasrara, as you know, is Virata’s area Virata and Viratangana. Virata is Vishnu, who became Rama, then became Krishna and then Viraat. So, His is a Leela. He’s Leeladhara. It’s a play. And to make the play all right one has to be in the form of Mahamaya. But there are so many loopholes also sometimes. People can discover things very easily. One of them is this Paramchaitanya: this Paramchaitanya acts, shows my photographs, exposes me in all kinds of unbelievable manners which has never happened. I am myself amazed the way it thinks of exposing me all the time. This time when we were in Brisbane, they took a photograph of a rainbow outside, outside the ashram, and what appears there in the sky is very remarkable – it’s going to come that photograph, too – is a painting which I have always liked of Mother and child, Madonna and the child, in the sky! That painting! Now, can you beat that? How does it know that I love that painting and all that? And it was in the sky. So, this Paramchaitanya is trying to expose this Mahamaya Swarupa just to make you understand what is Mahamaya. It is trying to express itself. I have not in any way told or asked this Paramchaitanya to do any such things, but it is doing it because it thinks that, even now, the people who are following Mother are not of that level as they should be. Some of them do falter horribly, surprisingly: how far they can go, I cannot believe! After coming to Sahaj Yoga, after seeing all my photographs, after everything else, they still can go to any limit of stupidity. That’s a fact. So, this is going on. I don’t know how far this Paramchaitanya will be spontaneously acting like this, but it shows one thing for definite: that it wants you to be perfectly settled down in your faith, which is not a blind faith. But most of these photographs can be challenged. Anybody who’s an intellectual can find out some ways and methods that can challenge, that, “You must have done this!” But, as Sahaj Yogis, you know that we have done nothing of the kind and it has come out. So, what is the purpose? We don’t show them to outsiders. We only show this to the Sahaj Yogis. So, what is the purpose? That Sahaj Yogis should now try to understand that they have to grow. Now this growth has to be two-sided. One [side] is yourself: “How much time do I spend thinking about Sahaj Yoga and how much about my personal life, my education, my business, my duties, my jobs, my family?” Because it is important, as the brain has to think and Viraata is there. So, in Sahasrara, how much energy do we use to think about Sahaj Yog? How can we spread Sahaj Yoga? What should we do? What should we work out? “How much I should support? In which way?” “How it can be my every moment living?” “How [when] I look at everything, I see Sahaj working in it?” “What is the Sahaj culture? Am I in the Sahaj culture?” “How much I am impressed by other cultures and fashions and things?” “And what have I to gain to grow in my mental capacity to be a Sahaj?” For example, a person who is a Sahaj personality, in everything he sees Sahaj, in everything, whether it is flowers, it’s carpets, lights, statues, pandal, anything, it sees the Sahaj. How see, now: these pillars (tent poles) are standing at an angle. Just imagine, to support it you had to bend on one side. What do we do in Sahaj? We have to bend towards Divinity. Like that, all ideas go moving towards Sahaj. The whole thinking is Sahaj. Such a married life also, between husband and wife, I have seen. If both are Sahaj, they all the time talk of Sahaj. No frivolous talk, not useless talk, but only about Sahaj, “How it is Sahaj to be husband and wife, what is the relationship that’s the most interesting in Sahaj.” Like that, everything that you do you think on Sahaj way. So now then you can judge yourself in this Mahamaya: how far do you care really to think about Sahaj? But all other worries would be like this, “How much I will get money out of it? How much business I’ll get? How much pleasure I can get? How much physical problems can be solved?” All these gains are nothing compared to your maturity in Sahaj Yoga. But the mind takes over; it starts thinking and thinking and it goes on wandering on various things: maybe your wife, your children, your house, this, that. But if you think in a Sahaj way you will think, “I should do something that my children should be Sahaj. I should make a house which is useful to the Sahaj. I should behave in such a manner that I am Sahaj.” The maturity in you should grow in such a way that you can feel it. Firstly, is the peace: when a person is not peaceful, his mind is like a wobbly instrument. He cannot think properly, he cannot see properly, he cannot understand properly. You tell him something, he understands something else. Now the whole world today is wobbly, whole world. Here this new party has dismantled the other old party in politics. It is this one is to be dismantled now. Everything is going upside down. That, too, is through Mahamaya. One has to admit that the way the world is in turmoil. It’s not war, it’s not cold war, but it’s a kind of a funny type of a warfare which cannot be described in words. Now, what will you say to what is happening in Italy today? What will you see to what is happening in Bosnia, or any other place where you find stupid problems coming up and people killing each other, no peace, no sense of security? You find in the world, you open the newspaper: we had an English newspaper, today I couldn’t read, so many women were raped, so many men were killed, this thing happened; individually also! President doing nonsensical things, like that. I mean, all sorts of things you see today: is absurd. When we were of your younger age, we never heard of such things. People were dignified, sensible people. So now what has happened is they are just shattered. There’s no peace in their mind to see what they are doing, where are they, what is their responsibility. (25:58) Horrible things are being expressed. Media is taking to all horrible things. It was never so before. We have read beautiful articles of beautiful things in the media itself. But today it was very different. Then it is a very materialistic world, extremely materialistic: marketing this, marketing that, marketing human beings. Then they are taking away children, taking away women, they are selling the children, they are selling the women: all kinds of things going on. Marketing God. Marketing spirituality. Marketing – I don’t know what to say, but – their own children. This kind of a perverse world is today. For that is needed Mahamaya, by which She shows that you have to pay through your noses for what you are doing, in this lifetime. Say, a man who is very wayward, destructive, who drinks, smokes, goes about with women and all that, within two years he’s bankrupt. So, the reward is already there. Whatever he was doing is there to see. Another man, “What’s wrong? What’s wrong? What’s wrong?” Goes on with nonsensical things. He gets AIDS or he gets other diseases of a very incurable nature. We call it Rokula Devi: means cash payment, cash payment! The Goddess who gives cash payment. “You do this? Alright, have it. You have done this? Alright enjoy this.” Like that. It is really this Mahamaya, specially, who is now very much sort of active. Sometimes I get a fright from Her, because the way She is punishing people is a bit too much. But it is so. If you do rash driving. “Oh, I’ll enjoy rash driving.” “Alright. Finished.” You end up with a limping leg or a broken hand. So, the laws, the Divine laws, are at work through Mahamaya. It was not that fast before, as it is today. Supposing there is a president of America, such a big position. I mean imagine! He is being challenged by any third-rater from the street. How is it possible? Nobody could do that before. Because Mahamaya is using all its freewill to check the freewill of human beings. The so-called freedom that we are trying to enjoy is brought to an end and people start thinking, “What is it?” Big people, you know. There was some boxer, very well known, people use to run after him, now he’s in jail. Another fellow who was doing this Grand Prix, which I was against, always, died suddenly. Now [for] people he’s a hero, this, that, but nobody will now do that, “All right. One hero is sufficient! Not me sir! I’m not going to take to this Grand Prix business, had enough of it!” So, though one hero is created, but the fear of doing this kind of a nonsense [is now there]. Then they go for skiing: now in the skiing also somebody died and somebody got a lame leg. I think in the royal family something happened. So now from England, very few people are going for skiing. Now only the Swiss have to learn a lesson, I think. It’s something…you just keep your eyes open. Today you read somebody boasting very much about himself, tomorrow you find him in the jail. It was very surprising, there was some minister in Italy who wanted me to meet and I said, “Baba! I don’t want to meet him.” He’s a very bad past. He’s in jail already, so I can’t meet him now! (Laughter) They are falling into their own traps. This trap is Mahamaya. She creates from your own…It’s through your own because you don’t want to face yourself, you don’t want to know the truth, you want to evade the truth. So, this is the aspect of Mahamaya that immediately you have to face yourself. How many things have happened? Think of it. These big, big tycoons are in jail. Very famous people from, say, drug [barons], great, rich people. They are in jail. All such things are happening. Why? Because this Mahamaya is the one who wants to teach a lesson. By teaching a lesson to one person, it shatters at least thousands because that person sees the point; as death comes to it or whatever comes to it. Maybe he may not learn the lesson because he’s already dead to learn anything anymore; but others are. How it spreads. So, in a way, the media also, that always gives bad news, in a way does not know how much good it is doing through Mahamaya. Now, for your information, many things we are saying about, say, smoking is already going out. Drinking will also go out. What did the Sahaj do? Nothing. But a Mahamaya. They get cancers. Doctors have got the idea now, they have got cancer, and they have asked people that, “Now don’t smoke otherwise you will get cancer.” So, the Mahamaya creates that kind of an incident. A single incident is sufficient for people to be extremely cautious. Moreover, it is such a panicked world, so insecure today. Suddenly you find the cows are giving poison in their milk, there’s something else happening, the water is getting polluted. Then suddenly you find there are needles which are infected. So, everybody is so nervous and thinking about saving their lives, so they start thinking about it. But in Sahaj, if you come, none of these things can trouble you because this is the aspect of Mahamaya, that She protects you. She protects. Nobody can destroy a Sahaj Yogi, unless and until they want to be destroyed. It’s their desire. Nobody can touch them. Now when they talk about miracles. Like the other day, one boy from Australia, a new Sahaj Yogi, was going on a motorbike and suddenly he was at a great speed and from both the sides two trucks came and they hit him. But instead of getting hit, he was just pushed out like a shuttlecock and he fell on the other side and he was not at all hurt and he got up and they were surprised. His bike was shattered, everything and this fellow was perfectly all right. They couldn’t understand how this boy has saved himself. There are so many, so many stories like that. That shows how this Mahamaya is protecting Sahaj Yogis — protection, very caring. Also, in dreams, She protects. It’s very surprising how people get dreams and how they get their medicines, how they get their treatment, how they understand about the dangers that are there; how, in dreams, they are told about how other people are, how they behave. You don’t have to know it in conscious mind; but into the very, very deep Sushupti state in dreams, you know what is good for you, what is bad for you. Somehow, they know. And it is that knowledge, which is intuitive, we can call it [which] comes through Mahamaya. She’s the one who gives you this intuitive knowledge, what to be done, what is to be done, how to get out of problems. And you do. Whether you manage it or not, you get out of it. There are so many examples of this: thousand and one. One of them I’ll tell you. It comes to my mind now. In Australia there was a very, very nice Sahaj Yogi, very great Sahaj Yogi, very learned one, but a simple man. And another horrible one told him that he should buy this particular land and particular thing called Lilydale and “We can start Sahaj Yoga there. We can do this and we can do that.” So whatever earnings he had, he put it there to begin with and the bank said, “We’ll give you money.” But in that report, he had written that, “We have Sahaj Yoga properties, my properties, anything, that this is there, available in case we fail.” When I saw this, I thought, “Now, it’s too much.” So, I asked the lawyer and he said, “It is better that you leave it in the newspaper, otherwise nobody can take your land or anything or your property, but one thing is for sure that you will have to go to courts for years together. So best is to give in the newspaper that you have nothing to do with this Lilydale, not Sahaj Yoga has anything to do with it.” Now this gentleman got very upset because the bank would not give the money and then the people who were selling it put a suit against him. He was already a bankrupt. He didn’t know what to do and he was very much in trouble. I said, “Don’t worry. You are under protection.” And you’ll be amazed that, despite all kinds of fears people had that he might be arrested or – God knows – whatever house he has will be sold out, everything. On the contrary, that Lillydale, somebody offered money to purchase it at a much higher price. So, he got a higher price. And so, he sold it. But you have to have patience and you have to have faith and courage. He said, “Mother, I know nobody can destroy me.” And this is how the protection of the Mahamaya. The first part of Mahamaya was to make this man expose this bad Sahaj Yogi to all the people. There was a big following for him and because he was a good speaker, this and that. Then all they dropped out. So, it works also on the collective side. There’s someone who tries to trouble the Sahaj Yogis: all right, the Mahamaya allows him to trouble up to a point and then suddenly She acts. So, the people are amazed, Sahaj Yogis are amazed, “How this man has become like this?” This Mahamaya is always like my sari, as you say, is protecting you. She’s beautiful. She’s very kind, caring, compassionate, affectionate. Delicately She handles you. And She’s very, very angry and kills the people who try to spoil the work of God, like rakshasas and devils, and keeps you clean, out of all these bad hands. Another very good aspect of Mahamaya is that She transforms you. Everything is in the brain for human beings. If you are a crook, you’re a crook in the brain. If you are a person who hates others, it’s all in the brain. If you are addicted to something, it’s all in the brain. It’s a very complicated conditioning in the head. So, the Sahasrara is very important, no doubt, but the power of Viraata and Viratangana can only be effective if there is Mahamaya rupa. And She, in Her own sweet ways, opens and dislodges all these conditionings which make you ugly, which make you horrible, which makes you hot tempered, non-Sahaj Yogis. She is the one who really, like the Mother Earth, gives all that She has to make you really very joyous, happy; so that you enjoy Nirananda, nothing but ananda, nothing but joy. And this is what is the Sahasrara. But it’s only possible when your Brahmarandhra is to be opened out, otherwise, you cannot enter into the subtleties of Divine Love, compassion, of that ever-flowing Mahamaya. From the outside I have told you what She is, but from inside, when you enter, penetrate into Her, through the Brahmarandhra, then this Mahamaya which is an incarnation, as you know, of this All-pervading Power, becomes very different. On one side She tries to teach you lessons, She tries to destroy [all] that is evil, all that is harmful, all that is destructive; and on the other side She loves you, protects you, very delicately guides you. Her love is without any expectations. She loves because She cannot help but to love. So, in that love you are drenched, you enjoy it. Everybody knows that they are close to Her, absolutely close to Her. Whenever they want, they can always ask Her help; wherever they are, they are supported by Her. So, the Sahasrara is very important because through this, only, we react. Through this we accumulate all kinds of nonsense. In the world of this nonsense that we are living, we have to be something like the lotuses, who cannot be tarnished, who cannot be affected by all the ills that are going on. This is what is the test, is the pariksha (परीक्षा): that at this time, at this difficult time, we can blossom and create fragrance and get so many others to this beautiful atmosphere. It is a kind of a beautiful, playful war, I can say, against what is supposed to be negative. What is the power of this negative is? What is the power of these conditionings? What is the power of this stupidity that anybody can see? So, you develop the sight, the vision so clearly – you understand so clearly – that you are the ones who are responsible, you are the cells of this Sahasrara, of this brain and you all have to act. I was yesterday enamoured when you said that these lights have to enlighten many lights. This was really a great promise to me. So, coming to Sahaj Yoga is not just for your personal, limited personalities and their problems, but, as I said, it’s you [that], on one side, has to grow; and, on the other side, everyone has to grow through you. So, this is the second side which you should look after. Today, of course, I am very happy that, in my lifetime, I could see the manifestation of Mahamaya in such a beautiful way: that this door that is opened is now just able to enter into the Kingdom of God and to enjoy the heavenly bliss and the protection. But have faith in it. Have faith in it. Do not get disturbed by small things and I am sure it will work out in a very great way; if you get that complete faith and a complete surrendering, I am sure it will work out very well. May God bless you! So, we will have a little Ganesh Puja and then a Sahasrara puja.
“Mahamaya Swarupa,” Sahasrara Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), May 8 1994. Today is a unique combination of Mothers’ Day in many countries and Sahasrar Day for Sahaj Yogis. I think this is the most important day in the history of human evolution because all other events, incarnations and ventures in the spiritual atmosphere have been of no avail. On the contrary, they have gone into a kind of a cocoon which has no door; banging themselves against the walls, creating problems out of something very auspicious and extremely, beautifully spiritual. It’s not possible to find faults with the incarnations in whose names all the religions came in. But this cocoon is the Mahamaya, I think; cocoon is the one which is ignorance. We can say that Mahamaya does not create it. This cocoon is created by the basic ignorance of human beings and their misidentifications. So, the human nature is such that it identifies itself easily with untruth. Anything that is truthful, human beings find it very difficult to compromise. And the trouble with the truth is that it cannot compromise. So, all kinds of ignorance, all kinds of falsehood, all kinds of destructive forces gather together, somehow or other, to attract the human mind. It is perhaps the ego of man that makes him feel so attracted to those things, because they all pamper his ego. As it is, the most difficult centre that we have to cross is the centre of Agnya. This centre is the one which takes us either to the left or to the right if we try to push it too much. Thus, we’ll land up into the hold of ignorance, which is being looked after by Mahamaya. They say that at Sahasrar, when the Goddess will appear, She will be a Mahamaya. Is it possible to be anything else, as the world is today, to come on this Earth? Any other type of incarnation would have been in great trouble because human beings, in their ego, are the highest in Kali Yuga, highest. So, they are quite stupid and they are capable of doing any harm, any kind of harm, any kind of violence, to a Divine personality. It is not at all possible to exist in this world as anything else but Mahamaya. But it also acts upon the people who are seeking. It has many facets. By one facet, it covers your Sahasrara. The seekers are tested. If you are more enamoured by people who are something odd, who wear odd dresses, who show odd things, as so many false gurus have done; or absurd or something very cheapish, that attracts the attention of human beings because of Mahamaya, or we can say that it is the Mahamaya which judges a person. Mahamaya is like a mirror: whatever you are, you see yourself in the mirror. [The] mirror has no responsibility. If you look like a monkey, you look like a monkey. If you look like a queen, you look like a queen. It has no power, or no intention, of giving you wrong ideas or giving you something that is false. It is there: whatever is the truth. So, in a way, to say that, “Mahamaya is the one which deludes us,” is wrong. On the contrary, when you look at the mirror, you see yourself as what you are. Now, supposing you are a person who is a very cruel person: your face in the mirror will look like a cruel person. But the problem comes in [because], when the Mahamaya acts, you don’t see your image, you turn your face away from it, you don’t want to see it, don’t want to know. You look at the mirror and you see something horrible; you just turn [your] face and you deny the truth: “How can I be like that? I am not like that. I am very good, nothing wrong with me. I’ve done nothing wrong. I am perfectly all right.” Then the third aspect of Mahamaya is that you are again attracted towards it, in a sense that you again see your mirror. You go on seeing that mirror again and again and you see the whole world also in that mirror. As a result, you start getting a feeling, “What am I doing? Who am I? What is this world? Where am I born?” And this is the beginning of your search. You don’t feel satisfied with it. So, it is a very great help of the Mahamaya. I have seen people who come to me for the first time: if they see me taking water like this they say, “Ah, how can She be something? She just needs water!” Or if I am taking, say, Coca Cola, as you all take, they’ll say, “Wah! How can She take Coca Cola? She should never take anything like that, She should only take nectar!” So, another aspect of Mahamaya is, say people come to see me, some of them start shaking like this, so they think, “Oh, we are great energy, that’s why it’s happening to us.” It has happened with many people. So, they get wrong impressions because of their own reactions to it. Their reaction is: “Wah! We went there, got all the energy. We were shaking, shaking, shaking, so we are something great.” This kind of a happening makes them more egoistical, but, on the contrary, if they see somebody else shaking – it has happened – and ask them who you are, so they will say, “We are certified mad from such hospital!” Then they will start relatively thinking, “Oh, God, we are also mad or what? Why are we shaking? We should not shake. If they are certified mad and they are shaking and we are shaking…” then they start relatively seeing things. On one side there’s a mad, certified mad, shaking; [on] another side you are shaking, so there’s something wrong, definitely, with you also. So, the relative understanding helps to overcome that kind of a curtain that you have that you do not want to face the truth. So, once it starts happening to you, relatively you see, compared to other people: yesterday, as you saw in the drama, compared to other people, we are really a sane, wise, sensible, matured people. Once you see that relative ascent, then you start settling in Sahaj Yoga. Mahamaya is very important: without that you cannot face me, you cannot sit here, you cannot talk to me, you cannot get into the same car which is driving me and also you cannot drive me. Everything would be impossible. I would be hanging in the air somewhere, you will be all here, and it would be a big mess! (Laughter) I don’t need to travel by train. I don’t need to travel by car. I can just fly out. I need not [be] before you, I can be just here in nirakaar, in formless form. But how to communicate? How to have a rapport? For that, one has to come in the form of Mahamaya, so that there’s no fear, there’s no distance and one can come close and understand. Because if this knowledge has to be given, if Realisation has to be given, people have to at least sit before the Mahamaya. Otherwise if they all run away, what’s the use? So, to create that human, extremely human personality in the Sahasrara, She comes as Mahamaya. Sahasrara is the most powerful chakra because it is the seven chakras combination and many others. With the Sahasrara you can do anything. You can manage the sun, you can manage the moon, you can manage the Earth, you can manage the temperatures, everything. But, through Mahamaya, things work out very normally, very normally; and they should work out normally. For example, somebody can say, “Mother, there is atmosphere full of all these horrible ecological problems, why don’t you clear them?” If it is cleared, people will go on producing. It is the problem of the human beings and if it is corrected by me, they’ll take it for granted. They have to face those problems; they have to change their habits; they have to understand that they are the ones who are destroying themselves. Otherwise, if somebody’s there just to cleanse it out, they will never change. Also, miraculously, one can do lots of things. One can say, “Mother, as you solve the problems of Sahaj Yogis, why don’t you solve the problem of others?” No. To solve their problem is not the end of my work, nor is the purpose, but to make them equipped so that they can solve their own problem: that’s what I have to do. As I have said that you have to be your own doctor, you have to be your own guru. Without Mahamaya, you cannot do it because She knows how far to go in correcting, how far to go in controlling. Because human beings, at large, have their own freedom. Sahaj Yogis have not that kind of a stupid freedom, but they have the freedom of the Spirit, so to solve their problems is perfectly all right because they must have more freedom and more freedom. But what’s the use of giving freedom to other people who are going on and on and on without realising what wrong they are doing to the whole world? So, for them, it is necessary to come to Sahaj Yoga and that’s why it’s a Mahamaya Swarup. Maybe if I had come as Mother Mary or Radha or somebody like that, they would have been all here nicely singing songs and all that. That’s not the point. Now, you have to mature, you have to be something, you have to grow. For that, it is important that you have to come to Sahaj Yoga first of all, then you have to grow in Sahaj Yoga. Otherwise, this Mahamaya will go on acting and playing tricks with you. (Shri Mataji takes a drink of water.) Again, taking water! (Laughter) So, they also once said so, that “Why does She need water sometimes? She should be living on the air or something.” It’s a big play. Sahasrara, as you know, is Virata’s area Virata and Viratangana. Virata is Vishnu, who became Rama, then became Krishna and then Viraat. So, His is a Leela. He’s Leeladhara. It’s a play. And to make the play all right one has to be in the form of Mahamaya. But there are so many loopholes also sometimes. People can discover things very easily. One of them is this Paramchaitanya: this Paramchaitanya acts, shows my photographs, exposes me in all kinds of unbelievable manners which has never happened. I am myself amazed the way it thinks of exposing me all the time. This time when we were in Brisbane, they took a photograph of a rainbow outside, outside the ashram, and what appears there in the sky is very remarkable – it’s going to come that photograph, too – is a painting which I have always liked of Mother and child, Madonna and the child, in the sky! That painting! Now, can you beat that? How does it know that I love that painting and all that? And it was in the sky. So, this Paramchaitanya is trying to expose this Mahamaya Swarupa just to make you understand what is Mahamaya. It is trying to express itself. I have not in any way told or asked this Paramchaitanya to do any such things, but it is doing it because it thinks that, even now, the people who are following Mother are not of that level as they should be. Some of them do falter horribly, surprisingly: how far they can go, I cannot believe! After coming to Sahaj Yoga, after seeing all my photographs, after everything else, they still can go to any limit of stupidity. That’s a fact. So, this is going on. I don’t know how far this Paramchaitanya will be spontaneously acting like this, but it shows one thing for definite: that it wants you to be perfectly settled down in your faith, which is not a blind faith. But most of these photographs can be challenged. Anybody who’s an intellectual can find out some ways and methods that can challenge, that, “You must have done this!” But, as Sahaj Yogis, you know that we have done nothing of the kind and it has come out. So, what is the purpose? We don’t show them to outsiders. We only show this to the Sahaj Yogis. So, what is the purpose? That Sahaj Yogis should now try to understand that they have to grow. Now this growth has to be two-sided. One [side] is yourself: “How much time do I spend thinking about Sahaj Yoga and how much about my personal life, my education, my business, my duties, my jobs, my family?” Because it is important, as the brain has to think and Viraata is there. So, in Sahasrara, how much energy do we use to think about Sahaj Yog? How can we spread Sahaj Yoga? What should we do? What should we work out? “How much I should support? In which way?” “How it can be my every moment living?” “How [when] I look at everything, I see Sahaj working in it?” “What is the Sahaj culture? Am I in the Sahaj culture?” “How much I am impressed by other cultures and fashions and things?” “And what have I to gain to grow in my mental capacity to be a Sahaj?” For example, a person who is a Sahaj personality, in everything he sees Sahaj, in everything, whether it is flowers, it’s carpets, lights, statues, pandal, anything, it sees the Sahaj. How see, now: these pillars (tent poles) are standing at an angle. Just imagine, to support it you had to bend on one side. What do we do in Sahaj? We have to bend towards Divinity. Like that, all ideas go moving towards Sahaj. The whole thinking is Sahaj. Such a married life also, between husband and wife, I have seen. If both are Sahaj, they all the time talk of Sahaj. No frivolous talk, not useless talk, but only about Sahaj, “How it is Sahaj to be husband and wife, what is the relationship that’s the most interesting in Sahaj.” Like that, everything that you do you think on Sahaj way. So now then you can judge yourself in this Mahamaya: how far do you care really to think about Sahaj? But all other worries would be like this, “How much I will get money out of it? How much business I’ll get? How much pleasure I can get? How much physical problems can be solved?” All these gains are nothing compared to your maturity in Sahaj Yoga. But the mind takes over; it starts thinking and thinking and it goes on wandering on various things: maybe your wife, your children, your house, this, that. But if you think in a Sahaj way you will think, “I should do something that my children should be Sahaj. I should make a house which is useful to the Sahaj. I should behave in such a manner that I am Sahaj.” The maturity in you should grow in such a way that you can feel it. Firstly, is the peace: when a person is not peaceful, his mind is like a wobbly instrument. He cannot think properly, he cannot see properly, he cannot understand properly. You tell him something, he understands something else. Now the whole world today is wobbly, whole world. Here this new party has dismantled the other old party in politics. It is this one is to be dismantled now. Everything is going upside down. That, too, is through Mahamaya. One has to admit that the way the world is in turmoil. It’s not war, it’s not cold war, but it’s a kind of a funny type of a warfare which cannot be described in words. Now, what will you say to what is happening in Italy today? What will you see to what is happening in Bosnia, or any other place where you find stupid problems coming up and people killing each other, no peace, no sense of security? You find in the world, you open the newspaper: we had an English newspaper, today I couldn’t read, so many women were raped, so many men were killed, this thing happened; individually also! President doing nonsensical things, like that. I mean, all sorts of things you see today: is absurd. When we were of your younger age, we never heard of such things. People were dignified, sensible people. So now what has happened is they are just shattered. There’s no peace in their mind to see what they are doing, where are they, what is their responsibility. (25:58) Horrible things are being expressed. Media is taking to all horrible things. It was never so before. We have read beautiful articles of beautiful things in the media itself. But today it was very different. Then it is a very materialistic world, extremely materialistic: marketing this, marketing that, marketing human beings. Then they are taking away children, taking away women, they are selling the children, they are selling the women: all kinds of things going on. Marketing God. Marketing spirituality. Marketing – I don’t know what to say, but – their own children. This kind of a perverse world is today. For that is needed Mahamaya, by which She shows that you have to pay through your noses for what you are doing, in this lifetime. Say, a man who is very wayward, destructive, who drinks, smokes, goes about with women and all that, within two years he’s bankrupt. So, the reward is already there. Whatever he was doing is there to see. Another man, “What’s wrong? What’s wrong? What’s wrong?” Goes on with nonsensical things. He gets AIDS or he gets other diseases of a very incurable nature. We call it Rokula Devi: means cash payment, cash payment! The Goddess who gives cash payment. “You do this? Alright, have it. You have done this? Alright enjoy this.” Like that. It is really this Mahamaya, specially, who is now very much sort of active. Sometimes I get a fright from Her, because the way She is punishing people is a bit too much. But it is so. If you do rash driving. “Oh, I’ll enjoy rash driving.” “Alright. Finished.” You end up with a limping leg or a broken hand. So, the laws, the Divine laws, are at work through Mahamaya. It was not that fast before, as it is today. Supposing there is a president of America, such a big position. I mean imagine! He is being challenged by any third-rater from the street. How is it possible? Nobody could do that before. Because Mahamaya is using all its freewill to check the freewill of human beings. The so-called freedom that we are trying to enjoy is brought to an end and people start thinking, “What is it?” Big people, you know. There was some boxer, very well known, people use to run after him, now he’s in jail. Another fellow who was doing this Grand Prix, which I was against, always, died suddenly. Now [for] people he’s a hero, this, that, but nobody will now do that, “All right. One hero is sufficient! Not me sir! I’m not going to take to this Grand Prix business, had enough of it!” So, though one hero is created, but the fear of doing this kind of a nonsense [is now there]. Then they go for skiing: now in the skiing also somebody died and somebody got a lame leg. I think in the royal family something happened. So now from England, very few people are going for skiing. Now only the Swiss have to learn a lesson, I think. It’s something…you just keep your eyes open. Today you read somebody boasting very much about himself, tomorrow you find him in the jail. It was very surprising, there was some minister in Italy who wanted me to meet and I said, “Baba! I don’t want to meet him.” He’s a very bad past. He’s in jail already, so I can’t meet him now! (Laughter) They are falling into their own traps. This trap is Mahamaya. She creates from your own…It’s through your own because you don’t want to face yourself, you don’t want to know the truth, you want to evade the truth. So, this is the aspect of Mahamaya that immediately you have to face yourself. How many things have happened? Think of it. These big, big tycoons are in jail. Very famous people from, say, drug [barons], great, rich people. They are in jail. All such things are happening. Why? Because this Mahamaya is the one who wants to teach a lesson. By teaching a lesson to one person, it shatters at least thousands because that person sees the point; as death comes to it or whatever comes to it. Maybe he may not learn the lesson because he’s already dead to learn anything anymore; but others are. How it spreads. So, in a way, the media also, that always gives bad news, in a way does not know how much good it is doing through Mahamaya. Now, for your information, many things we are saying about, say, smoking is already going out. Drinking will also go out. What did the Sahaj do? Nothing. But a Mahamaya. They get cancers. Doctors have got the idea now, they have got cancer, and they have asked people that, “Now don’t smoke otherwise you will get cancer.” So, the Mahamaya creates that kind of an incident. A single incident is sufficient for people to be extremely cautious. Moreover, it is such a panicked world, so insecure today. Suddenly you find the cows are giving poison in their milk, there’s something else happening, the water is getting polluted. Then suddenly you find there are needles which are infected. So, everybody is so nervous and thinking about saving their lives, so they start thinking about it. But in Sahaj, if you come, none of these things can trouble you because this is the aspect of Mahamaya, that She protects you. She protects. Nobody can destroy a Sahaj Yogi, unless and until they want to be destroyed. It’s their desire. Nobody can touch them. Now when they talk about miracles. Like the other day, one boy from Australia, a new Sahaj Yogi, was going on a motorbike and suddenly he was at a great speed and from both the sides two trucks came and they hit him. But instead of getting hit, he was just pushed out like a shuttlecock and he fell on the other side and he was not at all hurt and he got up and they were surprised. His bike was shattered, everything and this fellow was perfectly all right. They couldn’t understand how this boy has saved himself. There are so many, so many stories like that. That shows how this Mahamaya is protecting Sahaj Yogis — protection, very caring. Also, in dreams, She protects. It’s very surprising how people get dreams and how they get their medicines, how they get their treatment, how they understand about the dangers that are there; how, in dreams, they are told about how other people are, how they behave. You don’t have to know it in conscious mind; but into the very, very deep Sushupti state in dreams, you know what is good for you, what is bad for you. Somehow, they know. And it is that knowledge, which is intuitive, we can call it [which] comes through Mahamaya. She’s the one who gives you this intuitive knowledge, what to be done, what is to be done, how to get out of problems. And you do. Whether you manage it or not, you get out of it. There are so many examples of this: thousand and one. One of them I’ll tell you. It comes to my mind now. In Australia there was a very, very nice Sahaj Yogi, very great Sahaj Yogi, very learned one, but a simple man. And another horrible one told him that he should buy this particular land and particular thing called Lilydale and “We can start Sahaj Yoga there. We can do this and we can do that.” So whatever earnings he had, he put it there to begin with and the bank said, “We’ll give you money.” But in that report, he had written that, “We have Sahaj Yoga properties, my properties, anything, that this is there, available in case we fail.” When I saw this, I thought, “Now, it’s too much.” So, I asked the lawyer and he said, “It is better that you leave it in the newspaper, otherwise nobody can take your land or anything or your property, but one thing is for sure that you will have to go to courts for years together. So best is to give in the newspaper that you have nothing to do with this Lilydale, not Sahaj Yoga has anything to do with it.” Now this gentleman got very upset because the bank would not give the money and then the people who were selling it put a suit against him. He was already a bankrupt. He didn’t know what to do and he was very much in trouble. I said, “Don’t worry. You are under protection.” And you’ll be amazed that, despite all kinds of fears people had that he might be arrested or – God knows – whatever house he has will be sold out, everything. On the contrary, that Lillydale, somebody offered money to purchase it at a much higher price. So, he got a higher price. And so, he sold it. But you have to have patience and you have to have faith and courage. He said, “Mother, I know nobody can destroy me.” And this is how the protection of the Mahamaya. The first part of Mahamaya was to make this man expose this bad Sahaj Yogi to all the people. There was a big following for him and because he was a good speaker, this and that. Then all they dropped out. So, it works also on the collective side. There’s someone who tries to trouble the Sahaj Yogis: all right, the Mahamaya allows him to trouble up to a point and then suddenly She acts. So, the people are amazed, Sahaj Yogis are amazed, “How this man has become like this?” This Mahamaya is always like my sari, as you say, is protecting you. She’s beautiful. She’s very kind, caring, compassionate, affectionate. Delicately She handles you. And She’s very, very angry and kills the people who try to spoil the work of God, like rakshasas and devils, and keeps you clean, out of all these bad hands. Another very good aspect of Mahamaya is that She transforms you. Everything is in the brain for human beings. If you are a crook, you’re a crook in the brain. If you are a person who hates others, it’s all in the brain. If you are addicted to something, it’s all in the brain. It’s a very complicated conditioning in the head. So, the Sahasrara is very important, no doubt, but the power of Viraata and Viratangana can only be effective if there is Mahamaya rupa. And She, in Her own sweet ways, opens and dislodges all these conditionings which make you ugly, which make you horrible, which makes you hot tempered, non-Sahaj Yogis. She is the one who really, like the Mother Earth, gives all that She has to make you really very joyous, happy; so that you enjoy Nirananda, nothing but ananda, nothing but joy. And this is what is the Sahasrara. But it’s only possible when your Brahmarandhra is to be opened out, otherwise, you cannot enter into the subtleties of Divine Love, compassion, of that ever-flowing Mahamaya. From the outside I have told you what She is, but from inside, when you enter, penetrate into Her, through the Brahmarandhra, then this Mahamaya which is an incarnation, as you know, of this All-pervading Power, becomes very different. On one side She tries to teach you lessons, She tries to destroy [all] that is evil, all that is harmful, all that is destructive; and on the other side She loves you, protects you, very delicately guides you. Her love is without any expectations. She loves because She cannot help but to love. So, in that love you are drenched, you enjoy it. Everybody knows that they are close to Her, absolutely close to Her. Whenever they want, they can always ask Her help; wherever they are, they are supported by Her. So, the Sahasrara is very important because through this, only, we react. Through this we accumulate all kinds of nonsense. In the world of this nonsense that we are living, we have to be something like the lotuses, who cannot be tarnished, who cannot be affected by all the ills that are going on. This is what is the test, is the pariksha (परीक्षा): that at this time, at this difficult time, we can blossom and create fragrance and get so many others to this beautiful atmosphere. It is a kind of a beautiful, playful war, I can say, against what is supposed to be negative. What is the power of this negative is? What is the power of these conditionings? What is the power of this stupidity that anybody can see? So, you develop the sight, the vision so clearly – you understand so clearly – that you are the ones who are responsible, you are the cells of this Sahasrara, of this brain and you all have to act. I was yesterday enamoured when you said that these lights have to enlighten many lights. This was really a great promise to me. So, coming to Sahaj Yoga is not just for your personal, limited personalities and their problems, but, as I said, it’s you [that], on one side, has to grow; and, on the other side, everyone has to grow through you. So, this is the second side which you should look after. Today, of course, I am very happy that, in my lifetime, I could see the manifestation of Mahamaya in such a beautiful way: that this door that is opened is now just able to enter into the Kingdom of God and to enjoy the heavenly bliss and the protection. But have faith in it. Have faith in it. Do not get disturbed by small things and I am sure it will work out in a very great way; if you get that complete faith and a complete surrendering, I am sure it will work out very well. May God bless you! So, we will have a little Ganesh Puja and then a Sahasrara puja.
Kundalini: The Feminine Divine Power is within you
Public Program
1994-0605 Public Program Royal Albert Hall, London UK – H.H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Hello! [Taps mic] Alright? “I bow to all the seekers of truth” At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot describe it and you cannot say you know the truth. Unless and until you now it, it is not truth. It is a very big problem that people believe they know the truth, they know the truth which they have understood through their mental capacity, but if [Shri Mataji clears throat] the truth was known to everyone there would be no problems, no quarrels, no discussions no arguments and no wars! We have to know the absolute truth, when we know the absolute truth there is no question of getting into discussion or taking another point of view. I am sitting her before you, you all know I am sitting before you, nobody can say I am not sitting before you because you can see it, but the absolute truth is to be felt on your central nervous system. [Shri Mataji clears throat] This knowledge has been known in our country, in your country and every country - but by very few people. The knowledge, which is earned through your evolutionary process, is the knowledge. When you evolve to a human state you have not yet completed your evolution is visible the way you are fighting, quarreling and behaving in the worst manner that I don’t know how to describe it. So what is the truth? The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intelligence, these conditionings, your ego, but you are the pure spirit. It’s a fact! Every religion has talk, talked and talked about transformation. That you should follow a religion so that you get your transformation – There’s no religion: which has said that you follow the religion for religion sake, but we have deviated from that path taking to transformation! Unless and until you transform yourself, unless and until [Shri Mataji clears throat] - this breakthrough in your awareness through evolutionary process takes place, you will not know the truth on your central nervous system. For example I feel this place I know it is cold, I can feel something I can feel it is hot – it, it cannot be challenged, it cannot be disputed - for that we have to know our creator has done such a lot for us. Within us lies all these centres as you see them – There is another truth we have to understand, you see these beautiful flowers around? And we take them for granted, we never even think how these different flowers have come out of little little seeds, what the mother earth has done, whatever is living work we take it for granted - who runs our our heart if you ask the doctors they will say this is autonomous nervous system, but who is the auto? Who runs the whole? They can’t answer! - Science cannot answer that question, science cannot answer many questions one of them is ‘Why are you on this earth?’ ‘Why am I on this earth?’ We have no identity we have no purpose. This can be answered very easily if you know that another truth is that there is an all pervading power of Divine love which does all these living works, this we all never felt before it can be called as ‘Param Chaitanya’ – it can be called as ‘Ru’ – it can be called as Ritambhara PrAgnya, it is called as various names, others they called it Nirakar All kinds of words can be used to describe this all pervading (…) all the living work 5:58 – 6:07 ------ All pervading --- and we do not know about it. So we have to really feel it and this can be easily------ awakening -----. Own ---- the mother earth in the same way ……. .6:47 This power is your own kundalini is your own and like a seed is having a little primule, this also has that primule type of existence and as it rises out of the mother earth in the same way primule the kundalini rises within you and passes through six centres, pierces through your fontanelle bone area and connects you to this all pervading power, it’s as simple as that. It is spontaneous. When we sow a seed in the mother earth what do we do? Nothing we sow it because the mother earth has a built in power to germinate and the seed has the built in power to get germinated. So this is your own power within you in the sacrum bone surprisingly Greeks knew that it was a sacred bone so they called it sacrum, and it rises very smoothly without troubling you all these books that describe that kundalini awakening is a horrible experience I have never seen that before - It is not so - She is your mother that is the what you call the feminine Divine power, she is your individual mother and she knows everything about you, she is like a tape that has taped everything you have been doing whatever you are aspiring. This is a gift we have that we have to be connected to this all pervading power. Like this instrument if it is not connected to the mains it cannot be used, in the same way we have to be connected to that great power so that we know ourselves and also know others as well as we know what Divine love is. So what happens [Shri Mataji clears throat] when we are connected? Firstly you get your self knowledge, all these centres get enlightened and you start feeling what’s wrong with you, then you start feeling what’s wrong with others, you become collective, you become collective in the sense that you can feel others and who is the other then? You can feel the centres of others. Now supposing you know how to improve your centres and improve the centres of others? you can solve the problem because most of the problems of this world come from human beings and most of the human problems come from these centres: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, all these problems even political, economical, social all of them come from the centres which are energy abiding, if somehow you manage to cure these centres you get that transformation stage which we call as self realisation or call it as a evolved soul. In every religion we have had evolved souls but they were all discarded and were never respected. The other day I was reading a book about Gnostics and their bible. It’s very surprising that throughout they have talked about nothing but Sahaja Yoga – Sahaj means ‘with’ ja means ‘born’ – born with you is this power this right to become a evolved personality. This is a very very simple spontaneous method because it’s a living process and all living processes are spontaneous. It’s very amazing that it works so spontaneously in those days which are supposed to be the worst Kali Yuga the modern times the twentieth century regarded as the worst for human beings, because they’ll be in illusions (Branthi) but this was necessary so that people seek. William Blake has described them as Men of God who’ll be seeking godliness will get their realisation, will become godly and Divine and will make others Divine. That’s what it is happening today and has to happen everywhere in the whole world. If you have to save the world from all the calamities and solve the problem of uh world affairs one should try to become the self, we talk like this, this is my house, this is my husband, this is my wife, these are my children, we say ‘my’ all the time but who is this ‘my’ which has all those things? That is the self and the self is reflected within you in your heart that’s that spirit which is the refection of God Almighty. Now in these modern times of science it’s very difficult to talk of God or Divine love nobody believes because they have lost all these faiths but Sahaja Yoga is absolutely tangible. You can feel on your fingertips your own centres and centres of others, nobody has to convince you nobody has to tell you that that’s wrong with you anybody even children small children say about 10 children are there you tie up their eyes and ask them what’s wrong with this gentleman? Now they can’t see the gentleman, they put up 1 finger you ask him ‘Have you got heart trouble?’ ‘Yes yes! but how do you know?’ We know it on fingertips it’s a very nice phrase used in English language, to know on your fingertips you do know on your fingertips and when you know on your fingertips you have to just know how to correct it, how to correct your centres and how to correct the centres of others. I am talking of love and compasssion. Truth is love and love is truth, if it is not so then it is not truth. This compassion is so beautifully felt when you get your self realisation, the first thing that happens that you become extremely dynamic and extremely compassionate, automatically! because these all qualities are within you. They are supressed, they are challenged, they are denied, but they are there, and if you just get your self realisation you are amazed at yourself that how it is suddenly you are become so dynamic?. Now these are mostly English who are singing, my father used to tell that never try to teach Hindu language to any English man, always, is very difficult, they can never pronounce Indian words properly, but see here spontaneously they can sing sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi which is a very difficult language, all kinds of languages they can sing, I am amazed at them, this is nothing, but what happens that you get the power to give the realisation to others like one enlightened candle can enlighten many others in the same way. I can’t go to every corner of every country but everywhere even in Siberia we have got so many sahaja yogis. It is spreading like a wind spreads the seeds and everywhere I am surprised that how people are taking to Sahaja Yoga because it solves your physical problem which has been proved, there are three doctors in India who have got M.D in Sahaja Yoga and the fourth one is coming in epilepsy. Cancer has been definitely cured by Sahaja Yoga, definitely! so many diseases have been cured, don’t come here for curing, come here for your self realisation, you must have pure desire to become your self. The second thing happens is that your attention becomes enlightened, when your attention is enlightened wherever you put the attention it works, surprisingly it works. You can know through your attention about anybody whether he is dead, living or whether he is far away. You can, it’s like a communication established, actually you are a beautiful computer which just starts working and answers all the questions you want to know. We have no idea about ourselves what we are. Now when I say like this people don’t believe because that's one thing they starve “No no no, not possible, how can that be? Now how to convince such people who don’t want to believe into anything which is so good so benevolent? But those who are real seekers, those who really are honest and who are not just for criticism do get this benevolence, they understand and they get this realisation, once they get it I tell you such beautiful people, such beautiful people they have become unbelievable, they have come from that drug addiction, alcoholism from lunatic asylums from everywhere and they have changed, I am telling you the truth that’s what is happening, no credit to me, there’s no credit to me! But the credit goes to the creator [Shri Mataji clears throat] who has put this power there! [Shri Mataji clears throat] This work has been done in our country in India since long, but it was a secret, kept a secret for years together because that was the tradition that one person should get realisation. It was so difficult in those days for people to get realisation, but in modern times I think it’s a blossom time, because it is working en-masse. If I have done any work is this, that I have found out the method how to give realisation en-masse. Now another point is very important that you cannot put in any effort for it, it just works spontaneously, and the second thing is you can’t pay for it, [Shri Mataji clears throat] one must understand that God does not understand money or he does’nt understand bank, you see it is your headache, you cannot pay for it! If you have to pay for things then that is not Divine, anything that is Divine you cannot pay for it, you can pay for this hall of course sahaja yogis have paid for this this time for this hall is alright, but you cannot pay for your self realisation, that is something spontaneous living, as we don’t pay anything to this mother earth, who gives us such beautiful flowers in the same way you cannot pay for it and you cannot purchase. Of course you must have known of many gurus who have come and have spoiled the name of Divine and Divinity, their interest is in money, how can there be an interest in money if they are Divine? - because you cannot think of money when you are Divine, we’re not bothered, This is one thing I have to tell you that your attention moves from materialism to spiritualism or we should call not ‘ism’ but spirituality. You become a spiritual person and automatically things work out, you don’t have to worry because if the whole Divine power is with you. If you are in the realm of God’s kingdom it just works, everything works out from small to big, you are amazed how things work, it is really surprising the way Sahaja Yoga has worked out, I have no secretary, I have nothing I am very bad at banking or money, we’re extremely hopeless but somehow everything has worked out, it’s just because the Divine power of love is working it with love and affection. We have forgotten that our hearts are closed, we have had very bad experiences I know, we have not known love, we have not known compassion, and we have not been able to develop that in our heart, but it is the compassion and love which is bubbling in you which is about to express itself and that it is not only words or action but, it is something that works so your attention becomes full of compassion. Then, the second thing that happens to you that you become ‘thoughtlessly aware’, for example if I say you pay attention to yourself, you cannot, or if I say that you stand in the present you cannot, either you live in the past or the future you are all the time jumping on the cusps of these thoughts which rise fall, rise fall, but we cannot be in the present when you are in the present there is no thought and there when you grow that gives you the peace that people are talking about, not by forming great organisations of peace that you cannot achieve peace, but peace within ourselves, if you achieve that state of peace there is no need to have any organisation anything, just the peace establishes itself. It’s the fountain of peace that you are, but you have to achieve that state of peaceful existence within yourself which comes through thoughtless awareness. In Sanskrit we call it ‘Nirvichar Samadhi’ - Then the second stage when it comes you become ‘Doubtlessly aware’, when you becomes doubtlessly aware so there is no doubt like Dr Spiro, he has no doubt about it, he is a doctor, we have seven doctors or eight doctors here who are recording all the cures of Sahaja Yoga, nobody has doubts about it you go beyond doubts and that is the time your powers start working and you can give realisation to people you can do so much that you are amazed at your own powers, but they are all there in a dormant state. The last but not the least is that, we jump into the ocean of joy, nothing but joy. Joy is a state where you don’t have unhappiness and happiness, if your ego is pampered you feel happy, if it is punctured you feel unhappy, but joy is a state where you become a witness start seeing the whole thing like a drama and this witness state gives you such tremendous joy. You have never experienced joy so far which cannot be destroyed by anything and this joy when you give it to others when you give them realisation. You work it out in such a manner that you are not yourself aware, you talk like a third person, you say “Mother it is working, Mother it is not working, Mother it is not going here, Mother it is not working!’ Can you imagine somebody who does’nt feel he is doing anything, because your work becomes non work as you call ‘akarma’, where you do not do any work, you are doing it but you are not doing any work. You don’t feel it, as you know I am very old, quite an old woman maybe I am the oldest here! But I travel, I do all kinds of things, and people say ‘How do you know so much mother?’ but I don’t do anything that’s why, if I am travelling I am not travelling, I am just sitting down there as I am sitting at home. If you do not feel that you are doing anything then you cannot feel tired and that’s how you become extremely dynamic. We have so many examples I don’t know what doctor has told you of so many people becoming great artist, great musicians and they have now, they are world famous, so many of them will tell you that they have come to Sahaja Yoga and they have gained so much, but it is not like the television people use, put the mic on everybody’s face and ask them ‘now what do you think?, what do you think?, what do you think? It’s not like that, it’s an actualisation of the experience, you actualise the experience, you don’t have to ask anybody, you can feel this all pervading power as cool breeze like feeling. Adi Shankaracharya calls it as ‘Saleelam Saleelam, is cool and cool and cool, you can feel it on your fingertips, you can feel it out of your fontanelle bone area, you can feel it. This is the first time you are feeling this all pervading power of God’s love. This world was not created for wars, nor for hatred nor for killing and violence, it was not created for vulgarity that we taking to. It was created for a beautiful moral life, for a beautiful peaceful enjoyment and that’s what we have to be. Its your birthright to be that , you must use that birthright and get to it. I must tell you that in those days it used to be an individual working it out, but in these modern times it is the collective that works out. We don’t take any money as I said we really don’t take any money from who is not a sahaj yogi cannot even contribute for this hall but, you have to come in a humble way to the collective. I see when I come there are thousands and when I go away they don’t go to the collective, and then they say ‘mother I have developed cancer, I have developed this because it’s a humble place where you have to go, we don’t have huge big places and, if you humble down in your heart and if you come to these places where they will teach you everything all the knowledge about yourself everything you can ask, and you will be amazed as to what powers you have got and what are the powers of the Divine, how far it can go to help you. Now the time has come for a special blossom time as I call it, but this is the time of judgement if you want to go to hell is very easy, but if you want go to heaven also is very easy now. So why not we try then? I know in England there are so many seekers or truth has been misled also does’nt matter, what ever might have happened has happened, but just now you should decide you will have your realisation. It cannot be forced on you, I am sorry to say it cannot be forced because you have to judge, do you want to have it or not? So it is your pure desire that will work, because this kundalini is the power of pure desire is the desire of God Almighty is the feminine the mother we can call the Primordial Mother who is reflected in your kundalini. Of course people don’t believe in it, because in the bible it is not mentioned maybe Paul just tried to eradicate it. In many scriptures they have not described about the feminine power of God, it has to be, when we talk of trinity we talk of God Almighty then we talk of the son and then we talk of the holy ghost which is absurd. So there has to be the Primordial Mother, I was surprised to read this book about the Gnostics who really talked about Her all the time and talked how She was placed within us, everything that I have been saying is there, is surprising they were Gnostics. ‘Gn’ ‘Gn’ in sanskrit means there ‘to know’ ‘to know’– and they were the people who acknowledged but they were pestered and troubled by the people who were in charge of religion. So no use running after something that your forefathers did and then they did or you join some club or you are with some cult or something. You have to be individual to be collective, that means you have to be the self to be collective because self is reflection of one God Almighty in everyone he is this reflected, he has created us so beautifully and we have no business to ruin ourselves, this comes through our ignorance, complete ignorance in the darkness. Now supposing there’s complete darkness you will trample on others, there might be a stampede you can do anything! But when there is little light you see what’s wrong with it. I give always an example of a snake in the hand. Supposing it is all dark, you can’t see there is a snake in your hand, and you are obstinate or I am very obstinate, I’ll say ‘Alright it is not a snake it is a rope!’ Til that snake bites me I’ll go on holding on to it, but if there is little light you just leave it, on your own nobody has to tell you, in the same way after realisation I don’t have to tell ‘don’t do this!’ I never say don’t because if you say don’t half of you will go. It just happens to you that in your own light you become your own masters and you see for yourself what’s wrong with you, what is destructive, how destructive things we are doing, then you do not want to do that, you want to construct yourself fully and to construct others, then you will respect humanity, then you respect yourself as a human being and a glorious personality comes in. That personality is within you which is at hand, and can be easily be achieved without any difficulty. Of course there are people who are talking nonsense about Sahaja Yoga. The other day somebody told me that ‘uh you remove children uh from their parents!’ I mean nonsense it is, you see here are many people who are Sahaja Yogis thought that the atmosphere in the West is not good for children because they take to drugs and all that. They forced us to start a school in India in a very beautiful place in the Himalayas and for that people started saying that ‘They are snatching children from the parents’ – parents themselves go and leave them there, and they are very happy the way children are growing up, but if from India a child comes to England it’s alright, but if a child from England goes to India it becomes a criminal thing! This I can’t understand this. I think that science has come to us from West, alright? one has to accept, but beyond science, meta-science, if it comes from say India is it something wrong in it? So we have to understand that whatever is good for us we must take, we must accept whatever is benevolent for us and for others. We have to become global people, our religion has to be a global religion which is awakened within us, it’s not just a faith but awakened within us. For example if there is a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anybody can commit any crime, but a Sahaja Yogi cannot because his religion is awakened within him, he just cannot. This is what we have to achieve, the greatest thing is that you know the absolute truth on your fingertips. Many people who didn’t believe in God, I said alright ask a question ‘Is there God or not?’ Immediately they started feeling the cool breeze in their hands. So you get answers on your fingertips, whatever is your belief or faith is still mental, you believe into this another believes into that! But have you met the reality? You have to know the reality, which is very easy to achieve it. But, again I would say humbly you must have the pure desire to know it, it’s all your own, I am not doing anything, you are not obliged to me in no way, it’s your own and that’s what you have to have, and once you have it can grow into then you can give it to it to others also. “May God Bless You!” We are going to have the experience. Dr Spiro has told me that “Mother you give them experience of Sahaja Yoga” - It’s very simple I tell you, it will hardly take 10 to 15 minutes. But it cannot happen to people who are arrogant, to people who are here just to criticise, or to idiots of course it cannot happen. So.. [Shri Mataji clears throat] before I start it I have to tell you that there are 3 conditions which are to be fulfilled: The first condition is, that you have to have full faith in yourself that you will get your self realisation. You shouldn’t doubt yourself, after all you are human-being you are at the epitomy of evolution you don’t understand that. So the second condition follows, that you are not to feel guilty at all. What’s the use of feeling guilty? I don’t understand, it’s a myth! If you have done some mistakes alright correct it and finish it off, but what’s the use of carrying this myth with you? I have to tell you [Shri Mataji clears throat] that if you feel guilty this left side of this centre catches very badly and you can get spondylitis, you can get angina, also lethargic organs with it, or else if you are following a wrong person and saying wrong mantras or something also you might catch. So whatever has happened is happened, but at this moment I tell you, I assure you, you have done nothing wrong to feel guilty, please believe me. If you were really guilty you would have been in jail, you would not have been here! Alright. The second condition is, that you as you have to forgive yourself you have to forgive others. Now many people tell me ‘It is very difficult to forgive!’ It’s a myth again! Whether you forgive or you don’t forgive you don’t do anything, what do you do? If you don’t forgive you don’t do anything, but if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands, those who have harmed you, those who have troubled you or deceived you, whatever it is are quite happy, while you are playing into their hands and torturing yourself. So, you have to forgive, you just have to say “I forgive everyone”, you need not even think about them because if you think about them, then again headache, please don’t think about then, in general you have to just feel “I forgive all of them” at this moment please, you have to forgive. It’s very easy to say that isn’t it? Just to say that ‘I forgive all of them in general” It’s very simple it’s a child’s play. If you just decide to forgive. So these are the three conditions we have. Is very simple conditions which I hope you will fulfil before we proceed with self realisation process which is very simple. First of all if I request you to take out your shoes I hope you don’t mind? In the beginning people used to walk out when I requested them to take out their shoes. So I would say if you feel bad then you need not.. [[Shri Mataji speaks Marathi ] Aah! – and you have to be in a very Aah!... as they say “Prasand a chit” means you have to be in a very pleasant mood, in English coming closer to that. Just be happy with yourself that you are hear, that’s sufficient.. No way you should put you down yourself, if I have said something that is causing some sort of a ring in your brain, please forget it! Is nothing important, what important is the happening and that takes place when you are at peace with yourself. So now as I have told you the three conditions. Please put both your feet also away from each other, I don’t know how far Dr has told you about these two sympathetic systems on the left and right, but these are two powers left and right. Left is for emotions for your past, and the right is for your physical and mental intellectual. Mental English word is different but mental it means intelligence or whatever you do with your brain. So these two powers are on the left and the right, and the central path is for your ascent. Now, so please keep these two feet, means the two powers apart from each other. The first power on the left hand side is the power of desire, as you have desire to have self realisation you have to just put your left hand towards me like this, that is suggestive, symbolic that you all want to have your self realisation. I have already told you I cannot force on you, I cannot. So please put the left hand towards me just symbolising that you want to have your self realisation. This is very important. Now we have to use our right hand to give encouragement to our centres on the left hand side. [Long pause] Before closing your eyes, I would like to show you how you have to touch your centres yourself. [Shri Mataji asks “Can somebody come and talk? who is coming? Alright! ‘Please come along”] We are so many doctors here, I am so proud of them. Alright! Now first put your right hand on your heart where resides, where resides the Spirit! Now put your hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. If you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, you become your own guru, your own master. This is the centre of your mastery, mastery of the laws of the Divine! Now you move your hand, the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre for the Divine laws, is surprising it is so low as that and the knowledge of it is the pure knowledge, is the pure knowledge, all other knowledge are impure. The pure knowledge is the knowledge about the Divine laws. Then you move this right hand again upward on to the…. upper part of your abdomen, press it hard, then on your heart again, then in the angle of your shoulder and your neck and put your head to your right, today I feel that is the worst, worst centre you have so this comes when you feel guilty and all the problem starts with that I described to you. So what’s the use of feeling guilty? Then you take your right hand on to your forehead across and please put down your head, this is the centre for forgiving others. Now take back your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. This is the centre for your own sake, just to satisfy yourself, to ask forgiveness from the Divine power. Now the last centre you have to stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, and now put down your head, put down your head and you have to move your scalp slowly, make a pressure, clockwise, seven times, slowly. Please put down your head, stretch back your fingers so you can put a good pressure, stretch back, that’s all you have to do, that’s all. Now we have to close our eyes, don’t close them tightly or lightly but in a normal way. [Clears throat] Now remember to put left hand towards me, and put both the feet apart from each other, and now put the right hand on the heart. In the heart resides the Spirit, now you have to ask questions, very fundamental questions about yourself. You can call me ‘Mother or Shri Mataji’ whatever you like. Mother! You can ask the questions three times in your heart, not loudly. “Mother! Am I the Spirit?” ask this question three times. “Mother! Am I the Spirit?” I have told you that if you become the spirit, you become your own guide. I have told you that if you become the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and, ask another fundamental question about yourself, little bit press it with your fingers. “Mother! Am I my own master?” ask this question three times, “Mother! Am I my own master?” Please ask this question three times. [Shri Mataji clears throat] Now please take down your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and press it hard. I cannot force pure knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. This centre has got six petals, so you have to ask six times “Mother please give me pure knowledge!”, unless until you ask I cannot force on you, six times, please ask. Now as soon as you ask this question the Kundalini starts rising and when she starts rising we have to support our centres with our self confidence. So now raise your right hand on the upper portion of the abdomen on the left hand side, and here you have to say with full self confidence “Mother I am my own master!” This centre is created by great masters for us to be enlightened. Now, I have already told you at the very outset that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, these emotions, this intelligence, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and again say with full confidence "Mother I am the pure spirit!" Please say it twelve times. "Mother I am the pure spirit!" Now raise your right hand into the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say with full confidence "Mother I am not guilty at all!" Say it sixteen times, because this all - pervading power of Divine love is the ocean of knowledge, bliss and compassion, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you commit are dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. [Mother rubs Her hands] So now raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your heads it’s important. Here you have to say with full confidence, not how many times. "Mother I forgive everyone in general." I have already told you, whether you forgive or don’t forgive. You don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive you play into your wrong, into wrong hands. Apart from this, at this moment, if you don't forgive then this centre won't open it’s a very constricted centre. You have always tortured yourself by not forgiving and at this important mo, time if you don't forgive the Kundalini cannot pierce through. So please forgive please forgive everyone, don't think about them, but please forgive. Is very important. Now please take your right hand the backside of your head and push back your head. Push back fully, here for your satisfaction, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness by saying "O Divine Power, if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me!"… "O Divine Power! if I have done any mistake knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me! "This you have to say 3 times or times are not important, say it from your heart, please say it from your heart. Even said once is alright from your heart, say anything from your heart will work out faster than anything else. Now the last centre is on top of your head where it was soft bone in your childhood. Is called as a fontanelle bone area. Please touch your head fully and put your centre of your palm on top of this ‘Talu’, or the fontanelle bone area. Now push back your fingers. This is very important to have a pressure. Push back your fingers and put down your head. At this juncture again I have to say I cannot force self realisation on you, you have to ask for it. So please move your scalp slowly, very slowly, seven times saying "Mother please give me self realization!." It cannot be forced, I am sorry to say. So please put down your head and say it. [Shri Mataji blows into the mic] Now please open your eyes very slowly, put on your glasses. Put both the hands towards me like this. Now watch me without thinking. You can do it. Please watch me without thinking. Now put the right hand towards me like this, put down your head and see for yourself only, you have to verify yourself. See for yourself if there is a cool breeze like or hot breeze also can come. Is coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Bend your head is easier to see. Now don’t put your hand on top of the head but away from it, not very much away. Just see for yourself, because some people get it far away, some people get it close by, depends on so please adjust and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Now please put your left hand towards me. Now again bend your head and see for yourself. This is your kundalini is awakened. See now for yourself if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Now if you have not forgiven it will be hot. So please forgive now! Doesn’t matter. It will cool down after sometime don't get upset with it. Now put right hand towards me and see with the left hand if there is a cool breeze coming out, or a hot breeze like thing. Now put both the hands up like this. Push back your head and ask a question. Any one of these questions you can ask three times. "Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" three times in your heart or "Mother is this the Ru?" or "Mother is this the Parama Chaitanya?" Ask any one of these questions three times. Now please put down your hands. Put your hands like this. You will feel on your fingertips. All those who felt cool or hot breeze coming out of their fingertips, towards fingertips or on top of their palms or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. See! I bow to you all. May God Bless You! I bow to you. Now your saintly life has started. Please believe me. But you have to grow into it. Your have to grow. For that you have to come to collective. - Nobody will charge you any money or anything but you have to pay attention to your self realisation and with little understanding within one month’s time you can become a master of this Sahaja Yoga, no doubt maximum. But you have to come to our collective, they I don’t know where they have it just now Dr will tell you and after this I think there will be some music for which I would like you to clap little bit that will open out your hands more. I am very happy practically everybody got it. And those who have not got it should not worry. They should come to our centres. They will, can get all the information about yourself, everything about Sahaja Yoga, Absolutely. And, for the first time you will be surprised at yourself that all those dreams you have built which was troubling you so much are finished and you are in reality. This is what has to happen to this world so that we finish all the turmoil, all the problems, by emancipation of human beings. May God bless you! [Audience clapping] They will sing a Marathi song, which was written I think in the 16th century by Namadeva. Namadeva was a great poet who was a tailor, and once he went to meet one potter who was another saint. When he saw the potter kneading the clay he just stood up and he wrote a beautiful couplet about it. He says that ‘I came here to meet the vibrations of a saint, but here you are in person.” It’s in Marathi like this "Nirgunachya bheti alo sagunashee." Only a saint can say this kind of a thing for another saint. Such a beautiful appreciation only a saint can do. Apart from that this Namadeva went down to Punjab where Guru Nanaka very much understood him, and he has written such a big book in punjabi language you will be surprised, and is included in Granth-Sahab, Granth-Sahab was written by Guru Nanaka for great thing that they were all saints and the sayings of the saints just put there. So we have Namadeva in Granth Sahab and this is a song, which is sung in every village in Maharashtra, but they don’t know what it is. Here it is saying that "Oh Mother, give me my yoga, give me my realization." That's the song of a village, and see these English singing it is from Kolhapur they went and learnt it from villagers in their own style. This is really the raising of the Kundalini!! [Sahaja Yogis sings "Jog.Wa"- ] – Marathi song [Mother stands up and Bows and leaves] [Announcement by Dr David Spiro about where follow-up meetings are held and centres where they are held in London and around the country] [Sahaja Yogis sings "Ap.Ne Dil Me"] – Hindi song
1994-0605 Public Program Royal Albert Hall, London UK – H.H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Hello! [Taps mic] Alright? “I bow to all the seekers of truth” At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot describe it and you cannot say you know the truth. Unless and until you now it, it is not truth. It is a very big problem that people believe they know the truth, they know the truth which they have understood through their mental capacity, but if [Shri Mataji clears throat] the truth was known to everyone there would be no problems, no quarrels, no discussions no arguments and no wars! We have to know the absolute truth, when we know the absolute truth there is no question of getting into discussion or taking another point of view. I am sitting her before you, you all know I am sitting before you, nobody can say I am not sitting before you because you can see it, but the absolute truth is to be felt on your central nervous system. [Shri Mataji clears throat] This knowledge has been known in our country, in your country and every country - but by very few people. The knowledge, which is earned through your evolutionary process, is the knowledge. When you evolve to a human state you have not yet completed your evolution is visible the way you are fighting, quarreling and behaving in the worst manner that I don’t know how to describe it. So what is the truth? The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intelligence, these conditionings, your ego, but you are the pure spirit. It’s a fact! Every religion has talk, talked and talked about transformation. That you should follow a religion so that you get your transformation – There’s no religion: which has said that you follow the religion for religion sake, but we have deviated from that path taking to transformation! Unless and until you transform yourself, unless and until [Shri Mataji clears throat] - this breakthrough in your awareness through evolutionary process takes place, you will not know the truth on your central nervous system. For example I feel this place I know it is cold, I can feel something I can feel it is hot – it, it cannot be challenged, it cannot be disputed - for that we have to know our creator has done such a lot for us. Within us lies all these centres as you see them – There is another truth we have to understand, you see these beautiful flowers around? And we take them for granted, we never even think how these different flowers have come out of little little seeds, what the mother earth has done, whatever is living work we take it for granted - who runs our our heart if you ask the doctors they will say this is autonomous nervous system, but who is the auto? Who runs the whole? They can’t answer! - Science cannot answer that question, science cannot answer many questions one of them is ‘Why are you on this earth?’ ‘Why am I on this earth?’ We have no identity we have no purpose. This can be answered very easily if you know that another truth is that there is an all pervading power of Divine love which does all these living works, this we all never felt before it can be called as ‘Param Chaitanya’ – it can be called as ‘Ru’ – it can be called as Ritambhara PrAgnya, it is called as various names, others they called it Nirakar All kinds of words can be used to describe this all pervading (…) all the living work 5:58 – 6:07 ------ All pervading --- and we do not know about it. So we have to really feel it and this can be easily------ awakening -----. Own ---- the mother earth in the same way ……. .6:47 This power is your own kundalini is your own and like a seed is having a little primule, this also has that primule type of existence and as it rises out of the mother earth in the same way primule the kundalini rises within you and passes through six centres, pierces through your fontanelle bone area and connects you to this all pervading power, it’s as simple as that. It is spontaneous. When we sow a seed in the mother earth what do we do? Nothing we sow it because the mother earth has a built in power to germinate and the seed has the built in power to get germinated. So this is your own power within you in the sacrum bone surprisingly Greeks knew that it was a sacred bone so they called it sacrum, and it rises very smoothly without troubling you all these books that describe that kundalini awakening is a horrible experience I have never seen that before - It is not so - She is your mother that is the what you call the feminine Divine power, she is your individual mother and she knows everything about you, she is like a tape that has taped everything you have been doing whatever you are aspiring. This is a gift we have that we have to be connected to this all pervading power. Like this instrument if it is not connected to the mains it cannot be used, in the same way we have to be connected to that great power so that we know ourselves and also know others as well as we know what Divine love is. So what happens [Shri Mataji clears throat] when we are connected? Firstly you get your self knowledge, all these centres get enlightened and you start feeling what’s wrong with you, then you start feeling what’s wrong with others, you become collective, you become collective in the sense that you can feel others and who is the other then? You can feel the centres of others. Now supposing you know how to improve your centres and improve the centres of others? you can solve the problem because most of the problems of this world come from human beings and most of the human problems come from these centres: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, all these problems even political, economical, social all of them come from the centres which are energy abiding, if somehow you manage to cure these centres you get that transformation stage which we call as self realisation or call it as a evolved soul. In every religion we have had evolved souls but they were all discarded and were never respected. The other day I was reading a book about Gnostics and their bible. It’s very surprising that throughout they have talked about nothing but Sahaja Yoga – Sahaj means ‘with’ ja means ‘born’ – born with you is this power this right to become a evolved personality. This is a very very simple spontaneous method because it’s a living process and all living processes are spontaneous. It’s very amazing that it works so spontaneously in those days which are supposed to be the worst Kali Yuga the modern times the twentieth century regarded as the worst for human beings, because they’ll be in illusions (Branthi) but this was necessary so that people seek. William Blake has described them as Men of God who’ll be seeking godliness will get their realisation, will become godly and Divine and will make others Divine. That’s what it is happening today and has to happen everywhere in the whole world. If you have to save the world from all the calamities and solve the problem of uh world affairs one should try to become the self, we talk like this, this is my house, this is my husband, this is my wife, these are my children, we say ‘my’ all the time but who is this ‘my’ which has all those things? That is the self and the self is reflected within you in your heart that’s that spirit which is the refection of God Almighty. Now in these modern times of science it’s very difficult to talk of God or Divine love nobody believes because they have lost all these faiths but Sahaja Yoga is absolutely tangible. You can feel on your fingertips your own centres and centres of others, nobody has to convince you nobody has to tell you that that’s wrong with you anybody even children small children say about 10 children are there you tie up their eyes and ask them what’s wrong with this gentleman? Now they can’t see the gentleman, they put up 1 finger you ask him ‘Have you got heart trouble?’ ‘Yes yes! but how do you know?’ We know it on fingertips it’s a very nice phrase used in English language, to know on your fingertips you do know on your fingertips and when you know on your fingertips you have to just know how to correct it, how to correct your centres and how to correct the centres of others. I am talking of love and compasssion. Truth is love and love is truth, if it is not so then it is not truth. This compassion is so beautifully felt when you get your self realisation, the first thing that happens that you become extremely dynamic and extremely compassionate, automatically! because these all qualities are within you. They are supressed, they are challenged, they are denied, but they are there, and if you just get your self realisation you are amazed at yourself that how it is suddenly you are become so dynamic?. Now these are mostly English who are singing, my father used to tell that never try to teach Hindu language to any English man, always, is very difficult, they can never pronounce Indian words properly, but see here spontaneously they can sing sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi which is a very difficult language, all kinds of languages they can sing, I am amazed at them, this is nothing, but what happens that you get the power to give the realisation to others like one enlightened candle can enlighten many others in the same way. I can’t go to every corner of every country but everywhere even in Siberia we have got so many sahaja yogis. It is spreading like a wind spreads the seeds and everywhere I am surprised that how people are taking to Sahaja Yoga because it solves your physical problem which has been proved, there are three doctors in India who have got M.D in Sahaja Yoga and the fourth one is coming in epilepsy. Cancer has been definitely cured by Sahaja Yoga, definitely! so many diseases have been cured, don’t come here for curing, come here for your self realisation, you must have pure desire to become your self. The second thing happens is that your attention becomes enlightened, when your attention is enlightened wherever you put the attention it works, surprisingly it works. You can know through your attention about anybody whether he is dead, living or whether he is far away. You can, it’s like a communication established, actually you are a beautiful computer which just starts working and answers all the questions you want to know. We have no idea about ourselves what we are. Now when I say like this people don’t believe because that's one thing they starve “No no no, not possible, how can that be? Now how to convince such people who don’t want to believe into anything which is so good so benevolent? But those who are real seekers, those who really are honest and who are not just for criticism do get this benevolence, they understand and they get this realisation, once they get it I tell you such beautiful people, such beautiful people they have become unbelievable, they have come from that drug addiction, alcoholism from lunatic asylums from everywhere and they have changed, I am telling you the truth that’s what is happening, no credit to me, there’s no credit to me! But the credit goes to the creator [Shri Mataji clears throat] who has put this power there! [Shri Mataji clears throat] This work has been done in our country in India since long, but it was a secret, kept a secret for years together because that was the tradition that one person should get realisation. It was so difficult in those days for people to get realisation, but in modern times I think it’s a blossom time, because it is working en-masse. If I have done any work is this, that I have found out the method how to give realisation en-masse. Now another point is very important that you cannot put in any effort for it, it just works spontaneously, and the second thing is you can’t pay for it, [Shri Mataji clears throat] one must understand that God does not understand money or he does’nt understand bank, you see it is your headache, you cannot pay for it! If you have to pay for things then that is not Divine, anything that is Divine you cannot pay for it, you can pay for this hall of course sahaja yogis have paid for this this time for this hall is alright, but you cannot pay for your self realisation, that is something spontaneous living, as we don’t pay anything to this mother earth, who gives us such beautiful flowers in the same way you cannot pay for it and you cannot purchase. Of course you must have known of many gurus who have come and have spoiled the name of Divine and Divinity, their interest is in money, how can there be an interest in money if they are Divine? - because you cannot think of money when you are Divine, we’re not bothered, This is one thing I have to tell you that your attention moves from materialism to spiritualism or we should call not ‘ism’ but spirituality. You become a spiritual person and automatically things work out, you don’t have to worry because if the whole Divine power is with you. If you are in the realm of God’s kingdom it just works, everything works out from small to big, you are amazed how things work, it is really surprising the way Sahaja Yoga has worked out, I have no secretary, I have nothing I am very bad at banking or money, we’re extremely hopeless but somehow everything has worked out, it’s just because the Divine power of love is working it with love and affection. We have forgotten that our hearts are closed, we have had very bad experiences I know, we have not known love, we have not known compassion, and we have not been able to develop that in our heart, but it is the compassion and love which is bubbling in you which is about to express itself and that it is not only words or action but, it is something that works so your attention becomes full of compassion. Then, the second thing that happens to you that you become ‘thoughtlessly aware’, for example if I say you pay attention to yourself, you cannot, or if I say that you stand in the present you cannot, either you live in the past or the future you are all the time jumping on the cusps of these thoughts which rise fall, rise fall, but we cannot be in the present when you are in the present there is no thought and there when you grow that gives you the peace that people are talking about, not by forming great organisations of peace that you cannot achieve peace, but peace within ourselves, if you achieve that state of peace there is no need to have any organisation anything, just the peace establishes itself. It’s the fountain of peace that you are, but you have to achieve that state of peaceful existence within yourself which comes through thoughtless awareness. In Sanskrit we call it ‘Nirvichar Samadhi’ - Then the second stage when it comes you become ‘Doubtlessly aware’, when you becomes doubtlessly aware so there is no doubt like Dr Spiro, he has no doubt about it, he is a doctor, we have seven doctors or eight doctors here who are recording all the cures of Sahaja Yoga, nobody has doubts about it you go beyond doubts and that is the time your powers start working and you can give realisation to people you can do so much that you are amazed at your own powers, but they are all there in a dormant state. The last but not the least is that, we jump into the ocean of joy, nothing but joy. Joy is a state where you don’t have unhappiness and happiness, if your ego is pampered you feel happy, if it is punctured you feel unhappy, but joy is a state where you become a witness start seeing the whole thing like a drama and this witness state gives you such tremendous joy. You have never experienced joy so far which cannot be destroyed by anything and this joy when you give it to others when you give them realisation. You work it out in such a manner that you are not yourself aware, you talk like a third person, you say “Mother it is working, Mother it is not working, Mother it is not going here, Mother it is not working!’ Can you imagine somebody who does’nt feel he is doing anything, because your work becomes non work as you call ‘akarma’, where you do not do any work, you are doing it but you are not doing any work. You don’t feel it, as you know I am very old, quite an old woman maybe I am the oldest here! But I travel, I do all kinds of things, and people say ‘How do you know so much mother?’ but I don’t do anything that’s why, if I am travelling I am not travelling, I am just sitting down there as I am sitting at home. If you do not feel that you are doing anything then you cannot feel tired and that’s how you become extremely dynamic. We have so many examples I don’t know what doctor has told you of so many people becoming great artist, great musicians and they have now, they are world famous, so many of them will tell you that they have come to Sahaja Yoga and they have gained so much, but it is not like the television people use, put the mic on everybody’s face and ask them ‘now what do you think?, what do you think?, what do you think? It’s not like that, it’s an actualisation of the experience, you actualise the experience, you don’t have to ask anybody, you can feel this all pervading power as cool breeze like feeling. Adi Shankaracharya calls it as ‘Saleelam Saleelam, is cool and cool and cool, you can feel it on your fingertips, you can feel it out of your fontanelle bone area, you can feel it. This is the first time you are feeling this all pervading power of God’s love. This world was not created for wars, nor for hatred nor for killing and violence, it was not created for vulgarity that we taking to. It was created for a beautiful moral life, for a beautiful peaceful enjoyment and that’s what we have to be. Its your birthright to be that , you must use that birthright and get to it. I must tell you that in those days it used to be an individual working it out, but in these modern times it is the collective that works out. We don’t take any money as I said we really don’t take any money from who is not a sahaj yogi cannot even contribute for this hall but, you have to come in a humble way to the collective. I see when I come there are thousands and when I go away they don’t go to the collective, and then they say ‘mother I have developed cancer, I have developed this because it’s a humble place where you have to go, we don’t have huge big places and, if you humble down in your heart and if you come to these places where they will teach you everything all the knowledge about yourself everything you can ask, and you will be amazed as to what powers you have got and what are the powers of the Divine, how far it can go to help you. Now the time has come for a special blossom time as I call it, but this is the time of judgement if you want to go to hell is very easy, but if you want go to heaven also is very easy now. So why not we try then? I know in England there are so many seekers or truth has been misled also does’nt matter, what ever might have happened has happened, but just now you should decide you will have your realisation. It cannot be forced on you, I am sorry to say it cannot be forced because you have to judge, do you want to have it or not? So it is your pure desire that will work, because this kundalini is the power of pure desire is the desire of God Almighty is the feminine the mother we can call the Primordial Mother who is reflected in your kundalini. Of course people don’t believe in it, because in the bible it is not mentioned maybe Paul just tried to eradicate it. In many scriptures they have not described about the feminine power of God, it has to be, when we talk of trinity we talk of God Almighty then we talk of the son and then we talk of the holy ghost which is absurd. So there has to be the Primordial Mother, I was surprised to read this book about the Gnostics who really talked about Her all the time and talked how She was placed within us, everything that I have been saying is there, is surprising they were Gnostics. ‘Gn’ ‘Gn’ in sanskrit means there ‘to know’ ‘to know’– and they were the people who acknowledged but they were pestered and troubled by the people who were in charge of religion. So no use running after something that your forefathers did and then they did or you join some club or you are with some cult or something. You have to be individual to be collective, that means you have to be the self to be collective because self is reflection of one God Almighty in everyone he is this reflected, he has created us so beautifully and we have no business to ruin ourselves, this comes through our ignorance, complete ignorance in the darkness. Now supposing there’s complete darkness you will trample on others, there might be a stampede you can do anything! But when there is little light you see what’s wrong with it. I give always an example of a snake in the hand. Supposing it is all dark, you can’t see there is a snake in your hand, and you are obstinate or I am very obstinate, I’ll say ‘Alright it is not a snake it is a rope!’ Til that snake bites me I’ll go on holding on to it, but if there is little light you just leave it, on your own nobody has to tell you, in the same way after realisation I don’t have to tell ‘don’t do this!’ I never say don’t because if you say don’t half of you will go. It just happens to you that in your own light you become your own masters and you see for yourself what’s wrong with you, what is destructive, how destructive things we are doing, then you do not want to do that, you want to construct yourself fully and to construct others, then you will respect humanity, then you respect yourself as a human being and a glorious personality comes in. That personality is within you which is at hand, and can be easily be achieved without any difficulty. Of course there are people who are talking nonsense about Sahaja Yoga. The other day somebody told me that ‘uh you remove children uh from their parents!’ I mean nonsense it is, you see here are many people who are Sahaja Yogis thought that the atmosphere in the West is not good for children because they take to drugs and all that. They forced us to start a school in India in a very beautiful place in the Himalayas and for that people started saying that ‘They are snatching children from the parents’ – parents themselves go and leave them there, and they are very happy the way children are growing up, but if from India a child comes to England it’s alright, but if a child from England goes to India it becomes a criminal thing! This I can’t understand this. I think that science has come to us from West, alright? one has to accept, but beyond science, meta-science, if it comes from say India is it something wrong in it? So we have to understand that whatever is good for us we must take, we must accept whatever is benevolent for us and for others. We have to become global people, our religion has to be a global religion which is awakened within us, it’s not just a faith but awakened within us. For example if there is a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anybody can commit any crime, but a Sahaja Yogi cannot because his religion is awakened within him, he just cannot. This is what we have to achieve, the greatest thing is that you know the absolute truth on your fingertips. Many people who didn’t believe in God, I said alright ask a question ‘Is there God or not?’ Immediately they started feeling the cool breeze in their hands. So you get answers on your fingertips, whatever is your belief or faith is still mental, you believe into this another believes into that! But have you met the reality? You have to know the reality, which is very easy to achieve it. But, again I would say humbly you must have the pure desire to know it, it’s all your own, I am not doing anything, you are not obliged to me in no way, it’s your own and that’s what you have to have, and once you have it can grow into then you can give it to it to others also. “May God Bless You!” We are going to have the experience. Dr Spiro has told me that “Mother you give them experience of Sahaja Yoga” - It’s very simple I tell you, it will hardly take 10 to 15 minutes. But it cannot happen to people who are arrogant, to people who are here just to criticise, or to idiots of course it cannot happen. So.. [Shri Mataji clears throat] before I start it I have to tell you that there are 3 conditions which are to be fulfilled: The first condition is, that you have to have full faith in yourself that you will get your self realisation. You shouldn’t doubt yourself, after all you are human-being you are at the epitomy of evolution you don’t understand that. So the second condition follows, that you are not to feel guilty at all. What’s the use of feeling guilty? I don’t understand, it’s a myth! If you have done some mistakes alright correct it and finish it off, but what’s the use of carrying this myth with you? I have to tell you [Shri Mataji clears throat] that if you feel guilty this left side of this centre catches very badly and you can get spondylitis, you can get angina, also lethargic organs with it, or else if you are following a wrong person and saying wrong mantras or something also you might catch. So whatever has happened is happened, but at this moment I tell you, I assure you, you have done nothing wrong to feel guilty, please believe me. If you were really guilty you would have been in jail, you would not have been here! Alright. The second condition is, that you as you have to forgive yourself you have to forgive others. Now many people tell me ‘It is very difficult to forgive!’ It’s a myth again! Whether you forgive or you don’t forgive you don’t do anything, what do you do? If you don’t forgive you don’t do anything, but if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands, those who have harmed you, those who have troubled you or deceived you, whatever it is are quite happy, while you are playing into their hands and torturing yourself. So, you have to forgive, you just have to say “I forgive everyone”, you need not even think about them because if you think about them, then again headache, please don’t think about then, in general you have to just feel “I forgive all of them” at this moment please, you have to forgive. It’s very easy to say that isn’t it? Just to say that ‘I forgive all of them in general” It’s very simple it’s a child’s play. If you just decide to forgive. So these are the three conditions we have. Is very simple conditions which I hope you will fulfil before we proceed with self realisation process which is very simple. First of all if I request you to take out your shoes I hope you don’t mind? In the beginning people used to walk out when I requested them to take out their shoes. So I would say if you feel bad then you need not.. [[Shri Mataji speaks Marathi ] Aah! – and you have to be in a very Aah!... as they say “Prasand a chit” means you have to be in a very pleasant mood, in English coming closer to that. Just be happy with yourself that you are hear, that’s sufficient.. No way you should put you down yourself, if I have said something that is causing some sort of a ring in your brain, please forget it! Is nothing important, what important is the happening and that takes place when you are at peace with yourself. So now as I have told you the three conditions. Please put both your feet also away from each other, I don’t know how far Dr has told you about these two sympathetic systems on the left and right, but these are two powers left and right. Left is for emotions for your past, and the right is for your physical and mental intellectual. Mental English word is different but mental it means intelligence or whatever you do with your brain. So these two powers are on the left and the right, and the central path is for your ascent. Now, so please keep these two feet, means the two powers apart from each other. The first power on the left hand side is the power of desire, as you have desire to have self realisation you have to just put your left hand towards me like this, that is suggestive, symbolic that you all want to have your self realisation. I have already told you I cannot force on you, I cannot. So please put the left hand towards me just symbolising that you want to have your self realisation. This is very important. Now we have to use our right hand to give encouragement to our centres on the left hand side. [Long pause] Before closing your eyes, I would like to show you how you have to touch your centres yourself. [Shri Mataji asks “Can somebody come and talk? who is coming? Alright! ‘Please come along”] We are so many doctors here, I am so proud of them. Alright! Now first put your right hand on your heart where resides, where resides the Spirit! Now put your hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. If you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, you become your own guru, your own master. This is the centre of your mastery, mastery of the laws of the Divine! Now you move your hand, the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre for the Divine laws, is surprising it is so low as that and the knowledge of it is the pure knowledge, is the pure knowledge, all other knowledge are impure. The pure knowledge is the knowledge about the Divine laws. Then you move this right hand again upward on to the…. upper part of your abdomen, press it hard, then on your heart again, then in the angle of your shoulder and your neck and put your head to your right, today I feel that is the worst, worst centre you have so this comes when you feel guilty and all the problem starts with that I described to you. So what’s the use of feeling guilty? Then you take your right hand on to your forehead across and please put down your head, this is the centre for forgiving others. Now take back your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. This is the centre for your own sake, just to satisfy yourself, to ask forgiveness from the Divine power. Now the last centre you have to stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, and now put down your head, put down your head and you have to move your scalp slowly, make a pressure, clockwise, seven times, slowly. Please put down your head, stretch back your fingers so you can put a good pressure, stretch back, that’s all you have to do, that’s all. Now we have to close our eyes, don’t close them tightly or lightly but in a normal way. [Clears throat] Now remember to put left hand towards me, and put both the feet apart from each other, and now put the right hand on the heart. In the heart resides the Spirit, now you have to ask questions, very fundamental questions about yourself. You can call me ‘Mother or Shri Mataji’ whatever you like. Mother! You can ask the questions three times in your heart, not loudly. “Mother! Am I the Spirit?” ask this question three times. “Mother! Am I the Spirit?” I have told you that if you become the spirit, you become your own guide. I have told you that if you become the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and, ask another fundamental question about yourself, little bit press it with your fingers. “Mother! Am I my own master?” ask this question three times, “Mother! Am I my own master?” Please ask this question three times. [Shri Mataji clears throat] Now please take down your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and press it hard. I cannot force pure knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. This centre has got six petals, so you have to ask six times “Mother please give me pure knowledge!”, unless until you ask I cannot force on you, six times, please ask. Now as soon as you ask this question the Kundalini starts rising and when she starts rising we have to support our centres with our self confidence. So now raise your right hand on the upper portion of the abdomen on the left hand side, and here you have to say with full self confidence “Mother I am my own master!” This centre is created by great masters for us to be enlightened. Now, I have already told you at the very outset that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, these emotions, this intelligence, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and again say with full confidence "Mother I am the pure spirit!" Please say it twelve times. "Mother I am the pure spirit!" Now raise your right hand into the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say with full confidence "Mother I am not guilty at all!" Say it sixteen times, because this all - pervading power of Divine love is the ocean of knowledge, bliss and compassion, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you commit are dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. [Mother rubs Her hands] So now raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your heads it’s important. Here you have to say with full confidence, not how many times. "Mother I forgive everyone in general." I have already told you, whether you forgive or don’t forgive. You don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive you play into your wrong, into wrong hands. Apart from this, at this moment, if you don't forgive then this centre won't open it’s a very constricted centre. You have always tortured yourself by not forgiving and at this important mo, time if you don't forgive the Kundalini cannot pierce through. So please forgive please forgive everyone, don't think about them, but please forgive. Is very important. Now please take your right hand the backside of your head and push back your head. Push back fully, here for your satisfaction, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness by saying "O Divine Power, if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me!"… "O Divine Power! if I have done any mistake knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me! "This you have to say 3 times or times are not important, say it from your heart, please say it from your heart. Even said once is alright from your heart, say anything from your heart will work out faster than anything else. Now the last centre is on top of your head where it was soft bone in your childhood. Is called as a fontanelle bone area. Please touch your head fully and put your centre of your palm on top of this ‘Talu’, or the fontanelle bone area. Now push back your fingers. This is very important to have a pressure. Push back your fingers and put down your head. At this juncture again I have to say I cannot force self realisation on you, you have to ask for it. So please move your scalp slowly, very slowly, seven times saying "Mother please give me self realization!." It cannot be forced, I am sorry to say. So please put down your head and say it. [Shri Mataji blows into the mic] Now please open your eyes very slowly, put on your glasses. Put both the hands towards me like this. Now watch me without thinking. You can do it. Please watch me without thinking. Now put the right hand towards me like this, put down your head and see for yourself only, you have to verify yourself. See for yourself if there is a cool breeze like or hot breeze also can come. Is coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Bend your head is easier to see. Now don’t put your hand on top of the head but away from it, not very much away. Just see for yourself, because some people get it far away, some people get it close by, depends on so please adjust and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Now please put your left hand towards me. Now again bend your head and see for yourself. This is your kundalini is awakened. See now for yourself if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Now if you have not forgiven it will be hot. So please forgive now! Doesn’t matter. It will cool down after sometime don't get upset with it. Now put right hand towards me and see with the left hand if there is a cool breeze coming out, or a hot breeze like thing. Now put both the hands up like this. Push back your head and ask a question. Any one of these questions you can ask three times. "Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" three times in your heart or "Mother is this the Ru?" or "Mother is this the Parama Chaitanya?" Ask any one of these questions three times. Now please put down your hands. Put your hands like this. You will feel on your fingertips. All those who felt cool or hot breeze coming out of their fingertips, towards fingertips or on top of their palms or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. See! I bow to you all. May God Bless You! I bow to you. Now your saintly life has started. Please believe me. But you have to grow into it. Your have to grow. For that you have to come to collective. - Nobody will charge you any money or anything but you have to pay attention to your self realisation and with little understanding within one month’s time you can become a master of this Sahaja Yoga, no doubt maximum. But you have to come to our collective, they I don’t know where they have it just now Dr will tell you and after this I think there will be some music for which I would like you to clap little bit that will open out your hands more. I am very happy practically everybody got it. And those who have not got it should not worry. They should come to our centres. They will, can get all the information about yourself, everything about Sahaja Yoga, Absolutely. And, for the first time you will be surprised at yourself that all those dreams you have built which was troubling you so much are finished and you are in reality. This is what has to happen to this world so that we finish all the turmoil, all the problems, by emancipation of human beings. May God bless you! [Audience clapping] They will sing a Marathi song, which was written I think in the 16th century by Namadeva. Namadeva was a great poet who was a tailor, and once he went to meet one potter who was another saint. When he saw the potter kneading the clay he just stood up and he wrote a beautiful couplet about it. He says that ‘I came here to meet the vibrations of a saint, but here you are in person.” It’s in Marathi like this "Nirgunachya bheti alo sagunashee." Only a saint can say this kind of a thing for another saint. Such a beautiful appreciation only a saint can do. Apart from that this Namadeva went down to Punjab where Guru Nanaka very much understood him, and he has written such a big book in punjabi language you will be surprised, and is included in Granth-Sahab, Granth-Sahab was written by Guru Nanaka for great thing that they were all saints and the sayings of the saints just put there. So we have Namadeva in Granth Sahab and this is a song, which is sung in every village in Maharashtra, but they don’t know what it is. Here it is saying that "Oh Mother, give me my yoga, give me my realization." That's the song of a village, and see these English singing it is from Kolhapur they went and learnt it from villagers in their own style. This is really the raising of the Kundalini!! [Sahaja Yogis sings "Jog.Wa"- ] – Marathi song [Mother stands up and Bows and leaves] [Announcement by Dr David Spiro about where follow-up meetings are held and centres where they are held in London and around the country] [Sahaja Yogis sings "Ap.Ne Dil Me"] – Hindi song
Evening Program eve of Adi Shakti Puja
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Adi Shakti Puja: She is the Mother
Cabella Ligure
Adi Shakti
Adi Shakti Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 26 June 1994. Today you all have decided to have the puja of Adi Shakti. There’s a difference between doing the puja of Kundalini Shakti or Adi Kundalini and Adi Shakti. The difference is like this: on one side the Kundalini is reflected in you by Adi Kundalini; the second side is the power of Adi Shakti which is Paramchaitanya. So in totality, if you see, it has two sides. One is Her power as Paramchaitanya and also reflection in human beings as Kundalini.The third work that Adi Shakti had to do was to create this whole universe. To begin with, as you have seen yesterday also how the cosmos was created and then how this special planet of Mother Earth was created. Now what I have told you about Adam and Eve, we have found out, said by also John in his Gnostics book. It’s very surprising. They always told you that Christ must have told you many things, but they are not in the Bible. So if you understand that this Adi Shakti came as a serpent — the Adi Kundalini part of Her — and told the Adam and Eve, especially Eve, that she should ask for the fruit of knowledge to be eaten. The reason I gave you is exactly written there, that the Mother power, the feminine power, didn't want Her children to live like animals without understanding what is the knowledge of the higher realms, not giving them chance to rise higher through their freedom and then to higher and higher awareness. It was the concern of the Mother. So there were two types of worlds were created, one was a divine, another one started evolving. To look at it, looks like very tremendous task, thousands and thousands, billions and billions of years have passed for this kind of a work to be done, but, if you see, in modern age we are going to the moon with such a small effort and also with such a little time you reach there. Nobody could think that we'll ever be there. All this is happened through the human brain. Now what is the human brain after all? Human brain is not at all anywhere near the brain of the Virata, nor is this used fully. It’s not used fully. It’s very little bit is used by human beings by which they have achieved this kind of flight to moon. Of course, there is no purpose in it. I don't know why they are doing it, but they did it. So the whole nature was created by Her. Whatever you see today around yourself is all created by Her, is all Her work. That is there. You’ll be amazed, just now I said I was going to wear a very heavy sari and I said, “It's very hot so I had better change to a simpler sari.” So I changed and when I came out, I found it had become cooler. So the nature knows everything and who informs the nature is this Paramchaitanya. Paramchaitanya was never that active. It started since My birth, I should say, when Krita Yuga started. At this time, you had to have your Realisation. That was decided by the Divine Collectivity, you can call it. All the Gods, Goddesses, all of them decided to put this work on somebody whom they thought to be very capable. So they said, “We all will be with you, entirely with you. All our powers will be with you, but you take up this job now in this Kali Yuga to transform human beings." In a way, human beings are more difficult than animals because they have their own freedom and they have been given this freedom to achieve their final freedom. In their freedom, the way they behave is something very surprising, how they go completely out of control and try to do things which are so destructive. Of course, in Kali Yuga it was predicted in India but I think they could not predict what would happen in America or what would happen in the western countries where people have freedom just to destroy themselves and they’re finding new methods of destroying themselves. This tendency cannot be curbed, cannot be stopped by Adi Shakti or by God Almighty because you have been given the freedom to ruin yourselves, spoil yourself and to go to hell. That cannot be controlled by any divine power. Divine power also respects your freedom. So the Divine Collectivity thought, “Are we going to completely ruin the creation of Adi Shakti? Are we going to completely destroy whatever She has created and then recreate something better?” This was the discussion going on and most of them were so fed up with the human beings, especially with the western freedom, that they said, “These people want hell and why should we give them the heavens? It's not proper." So first thing Adi Shakti did was to create a seeking in them. She created this desire to seek and so these people belonging to this culture, which was so destructive, started seeking and when the seeking started also, as usual, in the market there were many others who came forward to give answers to their seeking. They had to go to various cults and things and false people and all that because they had no way to know, but if they had read some books of enlightened people like Kabir, like Nanak, even Gnostics, their scriptures, anything like that, they would have understood what is the truth and where to find it and how to find it. It is a big step, I find, between the people who are seekers and those who are not at all seekers. They don't want to know and they can never be seekers. I can assure you that some of them will never think of seeking. They'll get possessed, they'll have diseases, they'll have earthquakes, they’ll have anything — they will never seek. Even if they get diseases, they’ll say, “Oh, we are martyrs. We are doing great work.” Such stupidity has come into their heads that they think by doing these wrong things we are going to be saved and this stupidity comes through the perverted brains and this perverted brain acts when people are free to use. I just don’t know. Why don't they see around and see for themselves what is happening? So, to expect that the whole world will go to heaven is absolutely not possible. It’s not possible. It cannot. They have tried all kinds of things. I have seen people — drugs and alcohol, this, that. There is one fellow who got his PhD on writing how he got his spirituality through drinking and they gave him PhD for that. So even at the helm of affairs, in the universities. I don’t know how such stupid people came up, from where, out of which creation? It’s impossible to understand. How could they think that this kind of destruction will lead them to their salvation? They see it every day. They watch it every day. They know it is happening, but still they cannot recede. But those who are seekers are so ardently seeking that they will all have to be given their Self-realisation. Now this is, of course, My job, I agree. I have come on this Earth for that job. I am supposed to do it. I am trying My level best and no incarnation has lived like I have lived for so many years. And such compassion of Mine which really makes Me live, that I feel we have to have many more Sahaja Yogis, we have to have big salvation. With that compassion and with that love, one can take to any measures, anything. I do not think those who are not seekers will achieve it. Now why is it some are seekers and some are not? One may say that. Adi Shakti, if She has created all the human beings, all of them should have seeking. Because in freedom they have lost their way. They are seeking something else and they think they’re right. They have a right to think that they’re right. Even a stupid fellow, even a mad person thinks he’s right. If you tell him that “You are mad,” he will say, “You are mad.” And this seeking, though put into them, they are not yet capable. So many of them are achieving it in the proper way. Because for that one has to surrender, not one's freedom, not one's intelligence, but the ego that is developed in human beings. With this ego, even I’ve seen people who are possessed, they want to keep the ego intact and, through the ego, they want to use the possessions. Can you imagine? There are possessions of negative forces. Such people want to keep that intact so that they can use that for their own purpose. They don't hate it. They don’t want to get rid of it, but they want to keep it just because they can use these possessions for their use. So the category of seeking is much less there. But there are many who are nowhere near seeking, who are really, what we call them, the evil people and they never want, never never would want, this world to change. Our media is dominated by these evil people. They don't want world to change. They don’t want to show anything that is good. They don’t want to see the point what is going to help, what is benevolent for human beings. So on one side you see such collective negativity. Another side we find seekers who are real seekers. There are some who we can call as half-baked and some are pseudo-seekers. If, in the name of seeking, if they have done, we can say, some sort of a sacrifice, for them they are very great. Also, they get involved with people who are claiming. Because I have never claimed anything, they’re not impressed by Me. I have not changed My dress. I live like a housewife, so they’re not impressed by Me. I have not developed two horns to show something great about Myself, so they won't be impressed. But on the other side, if you see, this is Maya, this is Mahamaya where Adi Shakti, you see, does everything like human beings do — everything. You won't be able to find out that She’s divine. My family people could not find out till I started this work, none of them except for My father and mother. Nobody could find out that I had any powers even. Such insensitivity to Divine can be created by Mahamaya Power of Adi Shakti which is very important. Otherwise, you cannot judge, you cannot understand. Despite that, I have many times misjudged people because they know how to camouflage for a little while, but then I discover. If the seeking is ardent and they are seeking really the Truth, they will find it, they will find it, no doubt because the whole creation is for them. The whole universe is for them. All deities are for them. All angels are for them. They are all looking out for them. This is important that we have so many Sahaja Yogis. Nobody had so many Sahaja Yogis in their lifetime because we have to have channels. I have to have channels and these channels have to be very clean, have to be beautiful, innocent and benevolent. If only they surrender to this fact, that we are here as the instrument of God Almighty and that we have to give benevolence to others. I tell you at least seventy percent of work is done. But, even if they have got realisation, like a [bird] comes out of the shell, some of the birds still carry the part of the egg and some of them are not even grown-up to be birds. Now, we have to judge ourselves. We have to understand ourselves. Another thing you know that I’m a very mild person, very mild. People think I’m very forgiving. I know everyone, not that I don't know, but I allow, “All right, go ahead as far as you can go.” Experience is the only way a human being can understand, no doubt. If you tell him something he will never understand. Experience of self-realisation has made you understand, but again I would say that we cannot give realisation to the whole world. We cannot. They are like stones, absolutely horrible people. Whatever is happening is that those who are false are getting exposed and everybody is noticing that, that they are getting exposed. This exposure, of course, will save them from these horrible people, but I don't know if they would come to Sahaja Yoga or if they would take their Realisation. This I am telling you because, now, I too have experience of human beings and all these years I have been working, I have seen that there are people and people and people. Out of them the seekers are extremely proud of their seeking. So some of them don't want to give up their seeking. It's kind of a job, can call it a hobby. They are seekers. Now, they have a certificate of being a seeker. They will wear funny clothes, have funny houses, funny hair, everything. Recluses, they could be, aggressive, anything. “We are seekers.” They take a certificate upon themselves, “We are seekers.” This is another quality of seekers also. For them, it’s a kind of their lifestyle — “We are seekers.” — and wherever they have to go, they will go for seeking. They’ll go to ten places or twenty places. Every time they have argued with Me that, “Mother, there must be some more ways of—” “Yes, maybe. I don't know of any. You can go.” Now, the main job of Adi Shakti today is to give Realisation to people. That’s my main job. All the rest is looked after, is already managed, I should say, is like a computer. I don’t have to worry. It’s a reflex action. Whatever is happening is in a reflex action. I don’t have to worry about these things. Like people might say that, “Mother, I prayed to You and how is it You help me so much?” It’s all reflex action. At that time maybe that thought may come to Me — thought — but it’s a reflex action. I really don’t do anything. Actually, I am Nishkriya, not doing anything whatsoever, the laziest person you could think of, Me. [laughts] Really, because if there’s a complete organisation working for Me, why should I work? Nothing necessary, but one thing is there — I’m witnessing and when I’m witnessing, that acts on the reflex. That works out the Paramchaitanya because if that is the power of the Adi Shakti, then whatever I witness gets reported to that power. Is the other way round, like see, we have electricity power somewhere. So, something goes wrong here, it is not reflected to that power. It is not. Something goes wrong, it finishes off here and here. But the other way round, that if I witness something wrong, I don’t have to do anything, I’m just witness, I’m just watching. The whole thing acts through this tremendous power of Paramchaitanya. Now this power you do not know. You know Kundalini. You know all about chakras,this, that, but this power of Paramchaitanya is in every particle, into every atom and it acts in such a manner that it directs, it pushes you, it takes you to the path of benevolence. Sometimes people say, “Mother, I wanted to buy this shop. I couldn’t get it, and all that". It is for your benevolence you didn’t get. Thank God. After ten days they’ll come and say , “Thank God, I didn’t get that.” So gradually through experience, you start understanding that we don’t have to worry. If you are lost on the way, normally people get very upset, but Sahaja Yogis don’t. “Oh, very nice. Must be something here that God has brought us here.”This action slightly then changes. I would say the person who is overactive starts thinking, “Now surrender. Islam. Surrender. Give this problem to this Paramchaitanya.” And it works. Such tremendous things have happened in this world just by bandhans that it is unbelievable how these things are happening.Even, supposing you find, there are so many murders, this thing has happened, that thing has happened. This is also just to express presence of Paramchaitanya. It’s "Kruta" [accomplissed, done]. It’s a working out, the way it works. “Kruta” means the one which is done. Then you start realising that this power you can achieve through your Kundalini. So when your Kundalini rises, that is also a reflection of Adi Shakti., like we can say, we see one part of moon, then another part we don’t see. In the same way, this power, when rises within you and touches this Paramchaitanya, then you become empowered by that. That’s how you are Sahaja Yogis, but you are not God. The incarnations can say, “I am God.” You are not incarnations, but none of the incarnations have ever said that they are Adi Shakti, cannot.This power of Adi Shakti, which we call Paramchaitanya is the power that loves you, has complete control of the nature. It understands. It thinks. It knows everything. Everything about you, it knows. It works in every angle, in every walk of your life. It is with you entirely as if, supposing you fall into a river which is flowing fast and you cannot swim any more, you cannot use your hands any more. You start flowing with it and then you realise that flowing with it is a better thing than to try to get out of it. But just flowing with it. Just enjoy it — all the nature around you. You don’t get drowned. On the contrary, you feel you are elevated and you’re flowing with it and then you understand, “What am I to do about something when it’s done by Paramchaitanya for me?” But, then it should be given to your Kundalini which has worked it out, has put you onto that shore, has put you onto that beautiful, heavenly Kingdom of God.Thus, you understand there are two things that have happened, that first, your Mother, your Kundalini which is in you, which is your own Mother, which has been with you throughout, has given you this birth. And then it has taken to that power, which power you can use yourself. You’re empowered by that. You’ll be amazed how this power helps. I mean, you see, I’m — I shouldn’t say that you can have all the powers. I shouldn’t say that, but today, you see, they were complaining about somebody. Immediately, I told them the name of the person. Now, you’ll say how I knew. But I just know. That’s all I can say. I just knew. Supposing you are dealing with carpets. All right. So you know what pattern is this, what pattern is that, from where it has come, everything. You know. Isn’t it? If you are there you know everything. If this power is everywhere, one has to know everything. The connection is such. If you want to know, you can know anything. So, they have called also Buddha as Sarvaloketishwara(*), that He sees all the Lokas. How does He see? Sarvaloketishwara because His ego, what we call is the Parama-ego you can call it Mahatahamkara, knows everything, while your ego doesn't know anything. Because it doesn't know anything, you are enveloped by it. If he had known, if the ego had known what is the truth, you be free birds, absolutely free, but you don't want to surrender your ego. You don't want to allow yourself to flow into the river as Tao ..., He said. No, you don’t want to enjoy. You want to have your own speciality. Individuality is very different from having a kind of an ego within yourself that I am this, I am that. So this differentiation must start. After realisation, in the light of realisation, you should start seeing things. Now, the first and foremost thing is to tell your ego to sit down. “Keep quiet. You don't mind.” And also in the modern times it’s a fashion, you ask somebody. “I don’t know.” You ask somebody, “What’s your name?” “I don’t know.” He doesn’t even know his name. And to be stupid is a fashion. To show that you are very stupid, they think they are showing they are very innocent. It’s not. It’s stupidity. This stupidity I don’t know which animal has. Still I don’t know what is the source of it. Still, I’ll have to find out who is the animal which has generated this stupidity in the— But I know one thing. It is our ego. Ego makes a person absolutely stupid. In Marathi, you see, thank God language is so rich that anybody who starts showing off his ego, they say he’s climbing on a bush. There’s a little bush and he’s climbing on that. All this ego comes through your own so-called ideas, achievements. But what are these achievements? You don't know anything and this is what today I have to tell you that if anything is working out today is your surrender of your ego. If you know how to surrender your ego, you’ll work it out. Another thing which surprises Me sometimes, in the West specially, that I think the women are the power, the Shakti, but in the West I find women are not using Adi Shakti. No. Firstly, they are still very much possessed by their emotions and by their ideas and things like that. One side is man, who is with the ego, but even women are very egoistical. Very much. It’s very difficult. For example, you marry some girl, western girl to somebody. She’ll be very happy jumping, taking all the presents, congratulations, wearing all dress, everything. After ten days she’ll come and say, “Mother, I’m confused.” Confused? How?” “I’m now confused.” “You’re confused now? Or before?” “I’m now confused.” “All right. You’ll return all your ornaments. Everything.” “No, no, then let me think.” This is not the level of a Sahaja Yogini. Sahaja Yogini is the Shakti and she has to take up challenges. “I'll show you. I'll do it better.” On the contrary, I find them extremely dominating. I was amazed. Why should Shakti dominate? If she’s Shakti, she’ll not dominate. Those who are not will dominate. Like, you see, you go in India to any collector’s house, the collector would be humble, but the constable would be dominating. In the same way, I find this domination business is very common and also a kind of a temperament like a nun. They’ll dress up like a nun and behave like a nun. They won’t smile. What is it? Are you Sahaj Yoginis or what are you? Are you nuns? Then better join nunnery. Why I’m telling you, we’re talking about Adi Shakti so I’m talking about Shakti. How the Shakti has to come up? I was surprised that women were not spreading Sahaja Yoga. Somebody told me that leaders don't want women to spread Sahaja Yoga. I said, “Wrong. If the leaders says that, it's not proper.” But first of all, the Sahaja Yoginis have to be real Sahaja Yoginis because so far I have seen anybody— you try to give any lady, try to give her the position of a leader, she just finishes off with it. Not all, but some. Now, the duty of a Sahaja Yogini is to develop herself through meditation, through understanding oneself and through self-esteem that, "I am a Sahaja Yogini. I am the one who is Shakti. I’m the potential of that. I’m the potential myself". What do I do? Nothing. I didn’t direct this. I didn’t put this on, nothing of the kind. I’m nicely here talking. But potential I am. "Am I the potential?" This is what the Sahaja Yoginis have to decide. Otherwise, they are possessed, they are daydreaming, thinking no end of themselves. It’s very difficult. I want some nice Sahaja Yoginis to be the leaders — I really want — but as soon as they become leader, they are on a horse, running so fast. So humble down yourself. Unless and until there is a big space in the pitcher, what water can flow into it? Have a very large heart. Anybody comes to your house, you don't like it, don't want to do anything for other Sahaja Yogis, looking after them. It is, really, I say again and again, in the West that women have to take up Shakti into themselves and Shakti doesn't mean dominate your husband and make a fool out of him. No, it means give him powers. You are the supply of power of the whole family and this is our family. All this is my family. I am so concerned about everyone, even the little thing I am bothered about. I am never satisfied that, “I have done my job now and now tonight I’ll go off to sleep and I'll not think of anyone.” Never. Concern about this and concern about that — all the time it's flowing, this power, and My concern is power that works because My concern is genuine. I’m not concerned about Myself, never. You’ll be amazed when I see all these women doing all kinds of things to preserve themselves, I am surprised. What is needed is the concern and once you develop that concern a genuine, loving, compassionate concern about others. Even about children, I’ve seen that they never look after each other's children. They never help others. Somebody had to go for taking out the tooth. She had to caring the child with her. I mean this is too— If you don't have concern, then you will not have collective mind, you’ll not have the collective power and is important that you all should try to be very collective, look after each other. Now, I shouldn’t say this. I was going to tell to Cabella ladies, that this Cabella is an ashram and those people who come from other ashrams, even from Australia are surprised that they are all living here just like a hotel. They’re paying for it. We all pay, but we have gardens. We look after the gardens, We look after outside. Here nobody is bothered. They’re using everything — not bothered. Surprisingly, why, when I am living here they are like this. You go to any place in Australia, you go to America, anywhere, wherever there is an ashram, they all work on Sundays. Here I have no seen. They all disappear. This is your ashram. You are staying here and is now— today I had to tell this because I feel that Sahaja Yoga is missing out itself on their Shaktis. Some of them do not know how to smile any more and some of them are extremely dominating. I have to tell you this because you are so important, but for Me, no man would have done this job. No man incarnation would have done this job. Nice, they get crucified at a young age. Very nice, get crucified at such a young age, then another one takes to poison, another one is killed by somebody. It’s like that. They all died very young. Nobody wanted to do this work. Nobody was— I mean, they got fed up. They got fed up. We had Gyaneshwara who went into Samadhi at the age of twenty-three years. Can you imagine? He must have been fed up with the people. Now, it is for you people, the ladies, have to develop that patience of your Mother, that affection, that love and then you will see how your Shakti will work out. I, again and again, always have talked about this and, at Adi Shakti point, I have to say you are in your family like a Shakti and you have to be wise, you have to be sensible, you have to understand your husband, you have to understand your children, you have to have patience. On the contrary, they spoil their children. That is to be understood, that you must know first what is good for their benevolence. Today, for example, if I say the children, if they go to a school, they should not be removed. It is for their benevolence. What are the people going to gain out of it? So somebody says, “No.” All right, get out. What can you do? Such attachment to your own children shows you are a powerless person. You must love all the children. You must look after all the children. You must enjoy all the children, take interest. But what I find, that they’re only interested in their own children. We are a joint family relations.. We all live together. We have to share everything. It is.... This kind of insensitivity to your collective behaviour is going to also spoil your children. So, what you’re going to transmit to the whole world is this Sahaj living and the women make the society. If Indian society is good, the credit goes to the Indian women and to their wisdom. Our men are stupid in India. They have spoiled politics, economics, everything, but society is still maintained and they are very, very still, say, on the right path. This only comes because of the wisdom of the women. If the women are busy dressing up for hours together, thinking about their clothes, what they are going to wear — finished. This is a day of worshipping the Kundalini, who is the Mother. She is the Mother and you are the Mother. You must know each and everything about your child. Somebody comes and tells me, “My child is now a drug addict.” How can it be possible? In India children don't become drug addicts because all the time the mother is on their head like a hawk. She knows where he goes, what he does. She loves, but she knows where he goes. I mean even when we were in college, even when I’m married, if I went home my mother would ask, “Where did you go?” We dare not say anything. “Come back by six,” even when we are married. And we are supposed to tell her. That was the mother’s work — the child, where does he go — and then to say the child doesn’t listen to you. Because why? The children do not listen because you do not discipline them. Here the atmosphere is very bad, agreed, and the children are very bad, agreed. Everything is there, agreed. But if you are a strong mother in your love, your children will not go. See, even now, as you know that all the time they are, all these leaders are hovering around Me and what is it, I have no honey with Me or anything. They are just sitting there, just sitting next to Me, all the leaders. But this is after realisation, but even all my nephews, you see, they would all come and sit next to Me, all my daughter-in-laws they would all sit next to Me. They would not leave Me and people used to ask them, “What’s wrong with you? You’re all the time sticking onto your aunt. What is it?” The concern. And they understand it is for their benevolence that you are telling them, but yourself should be all right. As a mother, one has to be tolerant, one has to understand, but when you have to tell them, you have to tell them. If you think you can tell them sharply or maybe in a proper way but the child should know that you love the child and that you love all the children. It is very subtle. Like I’ve seen, once I took a child of one Sahaja Yogi with Me to the market and he was asking, “I’ll buy this. I’ll buy that. I’ll buy that.” Everything he wanted to buy. I was wondering what is wrong with this boy. But, say, if I take my own grandchildren, they wouldn’t buy. Nothing. Even if you want to buy two pairs of shoes. “No, no, no, one is sufficient.” ... They’ll never ask for any. It is a kind of self-esteem. They don’t want anything. Same with the wives. Wives never ask for anything from them. No., nothing. Nothing. The husband will go on asking, “Please ask for something. Ask for something..” “No. We don’t want any.” That is going to be a Sahaja Yogini mother and a wife and a Shakti. She has no demands. Nothing she’s asking for. The one who is a giver, what is she going to ask? The one who is a supplier, what is she going to ask? So, I feel sometimes that the left side, or the women's side, in Sahaja Yoga is a little bit going down and they have to come up. First meditation, respect of Mother, teaching the children how to work out Sahaja Yoga, talking to them about Sahaja Yoga and not only about food, of cleanliness, of being nice to others, how to share things and telling children about good stories that you have heard about, telling them what is dharma is, talking to them, having a rapport. This is what you have to understand to make Sahaja Yoga very strong. You are the Shakti of Sahaja Yoga, take it from Me, and you have to work it out that way instead of worrying about small, small things. Sometimes I receive letters from the ladies is something— really it pains Me. Can’t understand how they are Sahaj Yogis. Our whole system of Sahaj has to be a model system, that others should see and understand that what we have achieved in our day-to-day life. Adi Shakti works in day-to-day life, the smallest things to the highest. And all the time you have to learn. All the time you have to learn whether you are a leader or not a leader. All the time you must know what you have to know. “I have not known this. I have not known that.” Unless and until you develop that kind of an attitude that “I have to learn,” that humble attitude, that humility —“I have to learn, I have to learn, still I have to learn” — this ego will never come up. Because of this ego you are satisfied with yourself. That’s the sign of a ego. You don’t know how much you are torturing others, what you are destroying, nothing, but you feel extremely happy with yourself. Such a happy-go-lucky personality sometimes is living on air. “What have I done today for somebody else? How have I talked to somebody else? What have I given to somebody else? I need not give you presents. There’s nothing. Why should I give you presents?” But I give you presents because of my own satisfaction. And if I take presents from you, it is for your own satisfaction. So, what we have to do in what we find satisfaction. What do you find satisfaction in? Just think about it. What do we find satisfaction in? “My house should be all right. My husband should be all right. My children should be all right.” My, my, my. Unless and until this `my' shifts to another person, you are still in the realm of Maya. You have to learn this, is to think every day or to write — all of you should write diaries, “What have I done for others? What have I said to others? What will make or please another person?” Small, small things can make the life so beautiful and also very big things there are for you. If you do not think you are very big, all these big things are also for you. It’s like this — this whole sky can be covered by one leaf. If you see the leaf against the sky, the leaf shows its existence. In the same way, this whole vision of Sahaja Yoga can be completely covered by one person who stands with this great expanse, one person here and one person there. It’s so remarkable. With such a lot of Sahaj Yoga, there are people who are here, there and there. So remarkable that if you take their names also, I just feel I am drenched into the Ocean of Joy. Only one person, then what about you? Why can't we do that? When Adi Shakti is with you, reflected, when all Her Powers are with you, how much we can do? In this expanse of My Vision, I want to have more and more people who will be of some visions themselves, but not small people who just think of their children, think of food. No, no, they are not wanted. Useless, they will all drop out. I hope you have understood where you are, what you have. What is created within you is this Kundalini which has given you all the knowledge, everything, but there are so many, I know, they don't even know what is this chakra — they don’t know — I mean going to that limit of ignorance. You have to know all these things. You have to understand what is it because this is for you, all for you, all this knowledge, and the greatest of all is the faith, not a faith which is blind but enlightened faith that you are now one with that Divine Power. This should really settle you completely. This, I think, is one of the most important pujas because, so far, Guru Pujas have been there — so many people were worshipped as gurus — or maybe My Birthday, as you think it to be. It’s all right. But, I think to understand your own powers of Kundalini and your powers that are available to you, through the working of Paramchaitanya, is very important. That will give you confidence, that’ll give you compassion, that will give you a vision and that will make you a very great personality, very great personality.What was George Washington? They said he was great. What was Abraham Lincoln? He was great. But you are all having your Self-realisation. You have to think of the whole universe, the whole expanse. Unless and until that brain develops in you, I’m sure, very sure that the progress of Sahaja Yoga, within and without, will be less. So understand these powers are with you. You have to utilise them with humility. May God bless you. *(Sarvalok means - all the created universe or universes Ishwar means - God, Almighty, Supreme. So, Sarvaloketishwara means the most supreme God of all the created universes. Param ego, Param means the highest, the supreme. So Param ego means the supreme ego)
Adi Shakti Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 26 June 1994. Today you all have decided to have the puja of Adi Shakti. There’s a difference between doing the puja of Kundalini Shakti or Adi Kundalini and Adi Shakti. The difference is like this: on one side the Kundalini is reflected in you by Adi Kundalini; the second side is the power of Adi Shakti which is Paramchaitanya. So in totality, if you see, it has two sides. One is Her power as Paramchaitanya and also reflection in human beings as Kundalini.The third work that Adi Shakti had to do was to create this whole universe. To begin with, as you have seen yesterday also how the cosmos was created and then how this special planet of Mother Earth was created. Now what I have told you about Adam and Eve, we have found out, said by also John in his Gnostics book. It’s very surprising. They always told you that Christ must have told you many things, but they are not in the Bible. So if you understand that this Adi Shakti came as a serpent — the Adi Kundalini part of Her — and told the Adam and Eve, especially Eve, that she should ask for the fruit of knowledge to be eaten. The reason I gave you is exactly written there, that the Mother power, the feminine power, didn't want Her children to live like animals without understanding what is the knowledge of the higher realms, not giving them chance to rise higher through their freedom and then to higher and higher awareness. It was the concern of the Mother. So there were two types of worlds were created, one was a divine, another one started evolving. To look at it, looks like very tremendous task, thousands and thousands, billions and billions of years have passed for this kind of a work to be done, but, if you see, in modern age we are going to the moon with such a small effort and also with such a little time you reach there. Nobody could think that we'll ever be there. All this is happened through the human brain. Now what is the human brain after all? Human brain is not at all anywhere near the brain of the Virata, nor is this used fully. It’s not used fully. It’s very little bit is used by human beings by which they have achieved this kind of flight to moon. Of course, there is no purpose in it. I don't know why they are doing it, but they did it. So the whole nature was created by Her. Whatever you see today around yourself is all created by Her, is all Her work. That is there. You’ll be amazed, just now I said I was going to wear a very heavy sari and I said, “It's very hot so I had better change to a simpler sari.” So I changed and when I came out, I found it had become cooler. So the nature knows everything and who informs the nature is this Paramchaitanya. Paramchaitanya was never that active. It started since My birth, I should say, when Krita Yuga started. At this time, you had to have your Realisation. That was decided by the Divine Collectivity, you can call it. All the Gods, Goddesses, all of them decided to put this work on somebody whom they thought to be very capable. So they said, “We all will be with you, entirely with you. All our powers will be with you, but you take up this job now in this Kali Yuga to transform human beings." In a way, human beings are more difficult than animals because they have their own freedom and they have been given this freedom to achieve their final freedom. In their freedom, the way they behave is something very surprising, how they go completely out of control and try to do things which are so destructive. Of course, in Kali Yuga it was predicted in India but I think they could not predict what would happen in America or what would happen in the western countries where people have freedom just to destroy themselves and they’re finding new methods of destroying themselves. This tendency cannot be curbed, cannot be stopped by Adi Shakti or by God Almighty because you have been given the freedom to ruin yourselves, spoil yourself and to go to hell. That cannot be controlled by any divine power. Divine power also respects your freedom. So the Divine Collectivity thought, “Are we going to completely ruin the creation of Adi Shakti? Are we going to completely destroy whatever She has created and then recreate something better?” This was the discussion going on and most of them were so fed up with the human beings, especially with the western freedom, that they said, “These people want hell and why should we give them the heavens? It's not proper." So first thing Adi Shakti did was to create a seeking in them. She created this desire to seek and so these people belonging to this culture, which was so destructive, started seeking and when the seeking started also, as usual, in the market there were many others who came forward to give answers to their seeking. They had to go to various cults and things and false people and all that because they had no way to know, but if they had read some books of enlightened people like Kabir, like Nanak, even Gnostics, their scriptures, anything like that, they would have understood what is the truth and where to find it and how to find it. It is a big step, I find, between the people who are seekers and those who are not at all seekers. They don't want to know and they can never be seekers. I can assure you that some of them will never think of seeking. They'll get possessed, they'll have diseases, they'll have earthquakes, they’ll have anything — they will never seek. Even if they get diseases, they’ll say, “Oh, we are martyrs. We are doing great work.” Such stupidity has come into their heads that they think by doing these wrong things we are going to be saved and this stupidity comes through the perverted brains and this perverted brain acts when people are free to use. I just don’t know. Why don't they see around and see for themselves what is happening? So, to expect that the whole world will go to heaven is absolutely not possible. It’s not possible. It cannot. They have tried all kinds of things. I have seen people — drugs and alcohol, this, that. There is one fellow who got his PhD on writing how he got his spirituality through drinking and they gave him PhD for that. So even at the helm of affairs, in the universities. I don’t know how such stupid people came up, from where, out of which creation? It’s impossible to understand. How could they think that this kind of destruction will lead them to their salvation? They see it every day. They watch it every day. They know it is happening, but still they cannot recede. But those who are seekers are so ardently seeking that they will all have to be given their Self-realisation. Now this is, of course, My job, I agree. I have come on this Earth for that job. I am supposed to do it. I am trying My level best and no incarnation has lived like I have lived for so many years. And such compassion of Mine which really makes Me live, that I feel we have to have many more Sahaja Yogis, we have to have big salvation. With that compassion and with that love, one can take to any measures, anything. I do not think those who are not seekers will achieve it. Now why is it some are seekers and some are not? One may say that. Adi Shakti, if She has created all the human beings, all of them should have seeking. Because in freedom they have lost their way. They are seeking something else and they think they’re right. They have a right to think that they’re right. Even a stupid fellow, even a mad person thinks he’s right. If you tell him that “You are mad,” he will say, “You are mad.” And this seeking, though put into them, they are not yet capable. So many of them are achieving it in the proper way. Because for that one has to surrender, not one's freedom, not one's intelligence, but the ego that is developed in human beings. With this ego, even I’ve seen people who are possessed, they want to keep the ego intact and, through the ego, they want to use the possessions. Can you imagine? There are possessions of negative forces. Such people want to keep that intact so that they can use that for their own purpose. They don't hate it. They don’t want to get rid of it, but they want to keep it just because they can use these possessions for their use. So the category of seeking is much less there. But there are many who are nowhere near seeking, who are really, what we call them, the evil people and they never want, never never would want, this world to change. Our media is dominated by these evil people. They don't want world to change. They don’t want to show anything that is good. They don’t want to see the point what is going to help, what is benevolent for human beings. So on one side you see such collective negativity. Another side we find seekers who are real seekers. There are some who we can call as half-baked and some are pseudo-seekers. If, in the name of seeking, if they have done, we can say, some sort of a sacrifice, for them they are very great. Also, they get involved with people who are claiming. Because I have never claimed anything, they’re not impressed by Me. I have not changed My dress. I live like a housewife, so they’re not impressed by Me. I have not developed two horns to show something great about Myself, so they won't be impressed. But on the other side, if you see, this is Maya, this is Mahamaya where Adi Shakti, you see, does everything like human beings do — everything. You won't be able to find out that She’s divine. My family people could not find out till I started this work, none of them except for My father and mother. Nobody could find out that I had any powers even. Such insensitivity to Divine can be created by Mahamaya Power of Adi Shakti which is very important. Otherwise, you cannot judge, you cannot understand. Despite that, I have many times misjudged people because they know how to camouflage for a little while, but then I discover. If the seeking is ardent and they are seeking really the Truth, they will find it, they will find it, no doubt because the whole creation is for them. The whole universe is for them. All deities are for them. All angels are for them. They are all looking out for them. This is important that we have so many Sahaja Yogis. Nobody had so many Sahaja Yogis in their lifetime because we have to have channels. I have to have channels and these channels have to be very clean, have to be beautiful, innocent and benevolent. If only they surrender to this fact, that we are here as the instrument of God Almighty and that we have to give benevolence to others. I tell you at least seventy percent of work is done. But, even if they have got realisation, like a [bird] comes out of the shell, some of the birds still carry the part of the egg and some of them are not even grown-up to be birds. Now, we have to judge ourselves. We have to understand ourselves. Another thing you know that I’m a very mild person, very mild. People think I’m very forgiving. I know everyone, not that I don't know, but I allow, “All right, go ahead as far as you can go.” Experience is the only way a human being can understand, no doubt. If you tell him something he will never understand. Experience of self-realisation has made you understand, but again I would say that we cannot give realisation to the whole world. We cannot. They are like stones, absolutely horrible people. Whatever is happening is that those who are false are getting exposed and everybody is noticing that, that they are getting exposed. This exposure, of course, will save them from these horrible people, but I don't know if they would come to Sahaja Yoga or if they would take their Realisation. This I am telling you because, now, I too have experience of human beings and all these years I have been working, I have seen that there are people and people and people. Out of them the seekers are extremely proud of their seeking. So some of them don't want to give up their seeking. It's kind of a job, can call it a hobby. They are seekers. Now, they have a certificate of being a seeker. They will wear funny clothes, have funny houses, funny hair, everything. Recluses, they could be, aggressive, anything. “We are seekers.” They take a certificate upon themselves, “We are seekers.” This is another quality of seekers also. For them, it’s a kind of their lifestyle — “We are seekers.” — and wherever they have to go, they will go for seeking. They’ll go to ten places or twenty places. Every time they have argued with Me that, “Mother, there must be some more ways of—” “Yes, maybe. I don't know of any. You can go.” Now, the main job of Adi Shakti today is to give Realisation to people. That’s my main job. All the rest is looked after, is already managed, I should say, is like a computer. I don’t have to worry. It’s a reflex action. Whatever is happening is in a reflex action. I don’t have to worry about these things. Like people might say that, “Mother, I prayed to You and how is it You help me so much?” It’s all reflex action. At that time maybe that thought may come to Me — thought — but it’s a reflex action. I really don’t do anything. Actually, I am Nishkriya, not doing anything whatsoever, the laziest person you could think of, Me. [laughts] Really, because if there’s a complete organisation working for Me, why should I work? Nothing necessary, but one thing is there — I’m witnessing and when I’m witnessing, that acts on the reflex. That works out the Paramchaitanya because if that is the power of the Adi Shakti, then whatever I witness gets reported to that power. Is the other way round, like see, we have electricity power somewhere. So, something goes wrong here, it is not reflected to that power. It is not. Something goes wrong, it finishes off here and here. But the other way round, that if I witness something wrong, I don’t have to do anything, I’m just witness, I’m just watching. The whole thing acts through this tremendous power of Paramchaitanya. Now this power you do not know. You know Kundalini. You know all about chakras,this, that, but this power of Paramchaitanya is in every particle, into every atom and it acts in such a manner that it directs, it pushes you, it takes you to the path of benevolence. Sometimes people say, “Mother, I wanted to buy this shop. I couldn’t get it, and all that". It is for your benevolence you didn’t get. Thank God. After ten days they’ll come and say , “Thank God, I didn’t get that.” So gradually through experience, you start understanding that we don’t have to worry. If you are lost on the way, normally people get very upset, but Sahaja Yogis don’t. “Oh, very nice. Must be something here that God has brought us here.”This action slightly then changes. I would say the person who is overactive starts thinking, “Now surrender. Islam. Surrender. Give this problem to this Paramchaitanya.” And it works. Such tremendous things have happened in this world just by bandhans that it is unbelievable how these things are happening.Even, supposing you find, there are so many murders, this thing has happened, that thing has happened. This is also just to express presence of Paramchaitanya. It’s "Kruta" [accomplissed, done]. It’s a working out, the way it works. “Kruta” means the one which is done. Then you start realising that this power you can achieve through your Kundalini. So when your Kundalini rises, that is also a reflection of Adi Shakti., like we can say, we see one part of moon, then another part we don’t see. In the same way, this power, when rises within you and touches this Paramchaitanya, then you become empowered by that. That’s how you are Sahaja Yogis, but you are not God. The incarnations can say, “I am God.” You are not incarnations, but none of the incarnations have ever said that they are Adi Shakti, cannot.This power of Adi Shakti, which we call Paramchaitanya is the power that loves you, has complete control of the nature. It understands. It thinks. It knows everything. Everything about you, it knows. It works in every angle, in every walk of your life. It is with you entirely as if, supposing you fall into a river which is flowing fast and you cannot swim any more, you cannot use your hands any more. You start flowing with it and then you realise that flowing with it is a better thing than to try to get out of it. But just flowing with it. Just enjoy it — all the nature around you. You don’t get drowned. On the contrary, you feel you are elevated and you’re flowing with it and then you understand, “What am I to do about something when it’s done by Paramchaitanya for me?” But, then it should be given to your Kundalini which has worked it out, has put you onto that shore, has put you onto that beautiful, heavenly Kingdom of God.Thus, you understand there are two things that have happened, that first, your Mother, your Kundalini which is in you, which is your own Mother, which has been with you throughout, has given you this birth. And then it has taken to that power, which power you can use yourself. You’re empowered by that. You’ll be amazed how this power helps. I mean, you see, I’m — I shouldn’t say that you can have all the powers. I shouldn’t say that, but today, you see, they were complaining about somebody. Immediately, I told them the name of the person. Now, you’ll say how I knew. But I just know. That’s all I can say. I just knew. Supposing you are dealing with carpets. All right. So you know what pattern is this, what pattern is that, from where it has come, everything. You know. Isn’t it? If you are there you know everything. If this power is everywhere, one has to know everything. The connection is such. If you want to know, you can know anything. So, they have called also Buddha as Sarvaloketishwara(*), that He sees all the Lokas. How does He see? Sarvaloketishwara because His ego, what we call is the Parama-ego you can call it Mahatahamkara, knows everything, while your ego doesn't know anything. Because it doesn't know anything, you are enveloped by it. If he had known, if the ego had known what is the truth, you be free birds, absolutely free, but you don't want to surrender your ego. You don't want to allow yourself to flow into the river as Tao ..., He said. No, you don’t want to enjoy. You want to have your own speciality. Individuality is very different from having a kind of an ego within yourself that I am this, I am that. So this differentiation must start. After realisation, in the light of realisation, you should start seeing things. Now, the first and foremost thing is to tell your ego to sit down. “Keep quiet. You don't mind.” And also in the modern times it’s a fashion, you ask somebody. “I don’t know.” You ask somebody, “What’s your name?” “I don’t know.” He doesn’t even know his name. And to be stupid is a fashion. To show that you are very stupid, they think they are showing they are very innocent. It’s not. It’s stupidity. This stupidity I don’t know which animal has. Still I don’t know what is the source of it. Still, I’ll have to find out who is the animal which has generated this stupidity in the— But I know one thing. It is our ego. Ego makes a person absolutely stupid. In Marathi, you see, thank God language is so rich that anybody who starts showing off his ego, they say he’s climbing on a bush. There’s a little bush and he’s climbing on that. All this ego comes through your own so-called ideas, achievements. But what are these achievements? You don't know anything and this is what today I have to tell you that if anything is working out today is your surrender of your ego. If you know how to surrender your ego, you’ll work it out. Another thing which surprises Me sometimes, in the West specially, that I think the women are the power, the Shakti, but in the West I find women are not using Adi Shakti. No. Firstly, they are still very much possessed by their emotions and by their ideas and things like that. One side is man, who is with the ego, but even women are very egoistical. Very much. It’s very difficult. For example, you marry some girl, western girl to somebody. She’ll be very happy jumping, taking all the presents, congratulations, wearing all dress, everything. After ten days she’ll come and say, “Mother, I’m confused.” Confused? How?” “I’m now confused.” “You’re confused now? Or before?” “I’m now confused.” “All right. You’ll return all your ornaments. Everything.” “No, no, then let me think.” This is not the level of a Sahaja Yogini. Sahaja Yogini is the Shakti and she has to take up challenges. “I'll show you. I'll do it better.” On the contrary, I find them extremely dominating. I was amazed. Why should Shakti dominate? If she’s Shakti, she’ll not dominate. Those who are not will dominate. Like, you see, you go in India to any collector’s house, the collector would be humble, but the constable would be dominating. In the same way, I find this domination business is very common and also a kind of a temperament like a nun. They’ll dress up like a nun and behave like a nun. They won’t smile. What is it? Are you Sahaj Yoginis or what are you? Are you nuns? Then better join nunnery. Why I’m telling you, we’re talking about Adi Shakti so I’m talking about Shakti. How the Shakti has to come up? I was surprised that women were not spreading Sahaja Yoga. Somebody told me that leaders don't want women to spread Sahaja Yoga. I said, “Wrong. If the leaders says that, it's not proper.” But first of all, the Sahaja Yoginis have to be real Sahaja Yoginis because so far I have seen anybody— you try to give any lady, try to give her the position of a leader, she just finishes off with it. Not all, but some. Now, the duty of a Sahaja Yogini is to develop herself through meditation, through understanding oneself and through self-esteem that, "I am a Sahaja Yogini. I am the one who is Shakti. I’m the potential of that. I’m the potential myself". What do I do? Nothing. I didn’t direct this. I didn’t put this on, nothing of the kind. I’m nicely here talking. But potential I am. "Am I the potential?" This is what the Sahaja Yoginis have to decide. Otherwise, they are possessed, they are daydreaming, thinking no end of themselves. It’s very difficult. I want some nice Sahaja Yoginis to be the leaders — I really want — but as soon as they become leader, they are on a horse, running so fast. So humble down yourself. Unless and until there is a big space in the pitcher, what water can flow into it? Have a very large heart. Anybody comes to your house, you don't like it, don't want to do anything for other Sahaja Yogis, looking after them. It is, really, I say again and again, in the West that women have to take up Shakti into themselves and Shakti doesn't mean dominate your husband and make a fool out of him. No, it means give him powers. You are the supply of power of the whole family and this is our family. All this is my family. I am so concerned about everyone, even the little thing I am bothered about. I am never satisfied that, “I have done my job now and now tonight I’ll go off to sleep and I'll not think of anyone.” Never. Concern about this and concern about that — all the time it's flowing, this power, and My concern is power that works because My concern is genuine. I’m not concerned about Myself, never. You’ll be amazed when I see all these women doing all kinds of things to preserve themselves, I am surprised. What is needed is the concern and once you develop that concern a genuine, loving, compassionate concern about others. Even about children, I’ve seen that they never look after each other's children. They never help others. Somebody had to go for taking out the tooth. She had to caring the child with her. I mean this is too— If you don't have concern, then you will not have collective mind, you’ll not have the collective power and is important that you all should try to be very collective, look after each other. Now, I shouldn’t say this. I was going to tell to Cabella ladies, that this Cabella is an ashram and those people who come from other ashrams, even from Australia are surprised that they are all living here just like a hotel. They’re paying for it. We all pay, but we have gardens. We look after the gardens, We look after outside. Here nobody is bothered. They’re using everything — not bothered. Surprisingly, why, when I am living here they are like this. You go to any place in Australia, you go to America, anywhere, wherever there is an ashram, they all work on Sundays. Here I have no seen. They all disappear. This is your ashram. You are staying here and is now— today I had to tell this because I feel that Sahaja Yoga is missing out itself on their Shaktis. Some of them do not know how to smile any more and some of them are extremely dominating. I have to tell you this because you are so important, but for Me, no man would have done this job. No man incarnation would have done this job. Nice, they get crucified at a young age. Very nice, get crucified at such a young age, then another one takes to poison, another one is killed by somebody. It’s like that. They all died very young. Nobody wanted to do this work. Nobody was— I mean, they got fed up. They got fed up. We had Gyaneshwara who went into Samadhi at the age of twenty-three years. Can you imagine? He must have been fed up with the people. Now, it is for you people, the ladies, have to develop that patience of your Mother, that affection, that love and then you will see how your Shakti will work out. I, again and again, always have talked about this and, at Adi Shakti point, I have to say you are in your family like a Shakti and you have to be wise, you have to be sensible, you have to understand your husband, you have to understand your children, you have to have patience. On the contrary, they spoil their children. That is to be understood, that you must know first what is good for their benevolence. Today, for example, if I say the children, if they go to a school, they should not be removed. It is for their benevolence. What are the people going to gain out of it? So somebody says, “No.” All right, get out. What can you do? Such attachment to your own children shows you are a powerless person. You must love all the children. You must look after all the children. You must enjoy all the children, take interest. But what I find, that they’re only interested in their own children. We are a joint family relations.. We all live together. We have to share everything. It is.... This kind of insensitivity to your collective behaviour is going to also spoil your children. So, what you’re going to transmit to the whole world is this Sahaj living and the women make the society. If Indian society is good, the credit goes to the Indian women and to their wisdom. Our men are stupid in India. They have spoiled politics, economics, everything, but society is still maintained and they are very, very still, say, on the right path. This only comes because of the wisdom of the women. If the women are busy dressing up for hours together, thinking about their clothes, what they are going to wear — finished. This is a day of worshipping the Kundalini, who is the Mother. She is the Mother and you are the Mother. You must know each and everything about your child. Somebody comes and tells me, “My child is now a drug addict.” How can it be possible? In India children don't become drug addicts because all the time the mother is on their head like a hawk. She knows where he goes, what he does. She loves, but she knows where he goes. I mean even when we were in college, even when I’m married, if I went home my mother would ask, “Where did you go?” We dare not say anything. “Come back by six,” even when we are married. And we are supposed to tell her. That was the mother’s work — the child, where does he go — and then to say the child doesn’t listen to you. Because why? The children do not listen because you do not discipline them. Here the atmosphere is very bad, agreed, and the children are very bad, agreed. Everything is there, agreed. But if you are a strong mother in your love, your children will not go. See, even now, as you know that all the time they are, all these leaders are hovering around Me and what is it, I have no honey with Me or anything. They are just sitting there, just sitting next to Me, all the leaders. But this is after realisation, but even all my nephews, you see, they would all come and sit next to Me, all my daughter-in-laws they would all sit next to Me. They would not leave Me and people used to ask them, “What’s wrong with you? You’re all the time sticking onto your aunt. What is it?” The concern. And they understand it is for their benevolence that you are telling them, but yourself should be all right. As a mother, one has to be tolerant, one has to understand, but when you have to tell them, you have to tell them. If you think you can tell them sharply or maybe in a proper way but the child should know that you love the child and that you love all the children. It is very subtle. Like I’ve seen, once I took a child of one Sahaja Yogi with Me to the market and he was asking, “I’ll buy this. I’ll buy that. I’ll buy that.” Everything he wanted to buy. I was wondering what is wrong with this boy. But, say, if I take my own grandchildren, they wouldn’t buy. Nothing. Even if you want to buy two pairs of shoes. “No, no, no, one is sufficient.” ... They’ll never ask for any. It is a kind of self-esteem. They don’t want anything. Same with the wives. Wives never ask for anything from them. No., nothing. Nothing. The husband will go on asking, “Please ask for something. Ask for something..” “No. We don’t want any.” That is going to be a Sahaja Yogini mother and a wife and a Shakti. She has no demands. Nothing she’s asking for. The one who is a giver, what is she going to ask? The one who is a supplier, what is she going to ask? So, I feel sometimes that the left side, or the women's side, in Sahaja Yoga is a little bit going down and they have to come up. First meditation, respect of Mother, teaching the children how to work out Sahaja Yoga, talking to them about Sahaja Yoga and not only about food, of cleanliness, of being nice to others, how to share things and telling children about good stories that you have heard about, telling them what is dharma is, talking to them, having a rapport. This is what you have to understand to make Sahaja Yoga very strong. You are the Shakti of Sahaja Yoga, take it from Me, and you have to work it out that way instead of worrying about small, small things. Sometimes I receive letters from the ladies is something— really it pains Me. Can’t understand how they are Sahaj Yogis. Our whole system of Sahaj has to be a model system, that others should see and understand that what we have achieved in our day-to-day life. Adi Shakti works in day-to-day life, the smallest things to the highest. And all the time you have to learn. All the time you have to learn whether you are a leader or not a leader. All the time you must know what you have to know. “I have not known this. I have not known that.” Unless and until you develop that kind of an attitude that “I have to learn,” that humble attitude, that humility —“I have to learn, I have to learn, still I have to learn” — this ego will never come up. Because of this ego you are satisfied with yourself. That’s the sign of a ego. You don’t know how much you are torturing others, what you are destroying, nothing, but you feel extremely happy with yourself. Such a happy-go-lucky personality sometimes is living on air. “What have I done today for somebody else? How have I talked to somebody else? What have I given to somebody else? I need not give you presents. There’s nothing. Why should I give you presents?” But I give you presents because of my own satisfaction. And if I take presents from you, it is for your own satisfaction. So, what we have to do in what we find satisfaction. What do you find satisfaction in? Just think about it. What do we find satisfaction in? “My house should be all right. My husband should be all right. My children should be all right.” My, my, my. Unless and until this `my' shifts to another person, you are still in the realm of Maya. You have to learn this, is to think every day or to write — all of you should write diaries, “What have I done for others? What have I said to others? What will make or please another person?” Small, small things can make the life so beautiful and also very big things there are for you. If you do not think you are very big, all these big things are also for you. It’s like this — this whole sky can be covered by one leaf. If you see the leaf against the sky, the leaf shows its existence. In the same way, this whole vision of Sahaja Yoga can be completely covered by one person who stands with this great expanse, one person here and one person there. It’s so remarkable. With such a lot of Sahaj Yoga, there are people who are here, there and there. So remarkable that if you take their names also, I just feel I am drenched into the Ocean of Joy. Only one person, then what about you? Why can't we do that? When Adi Shakti is with you, reflected, when all Her Powers are with you, how much we can do? In this expanse of My Vision, I want to have more and more people who will be of some visions themselves, but not small people who just think of their children, think of food. No, no, they are not wanted. Useless, they will all drop out. I hope you have understood where you are, what you have. What is created within you is this Kundalini which has given you all the knowledge, everything, but there are so many, I know, they don't even know what is this chakra — they don’t know — I mean going to that limit of ignorance. You have to know all these things. You have to understand what is it because this is for you, all for you, all this knowledge, and the greatest of all is the faith, not a faith which is blind but enlightened faith that you are now one with that Divine Power. This should really settle you completely. This, I think, is one of the most important pujas because, so far, Guru Pujas have been there — so many people were worshipped as gurus — or maybe My Birthday, as you think it to be. It’s all right. But, I think to understand your own powers of Kundalini and your powers that are available to you, through the working of Paramchaitanya, is very important. That will give you confidence, that’ll give you compassion, that will give you a vision and that will make you a very great personality, very great personality.What was George Washington? They said he was great. What was Abraham Lincoln? He was great. But you are all having your Self-realisation. You have to think of the whole universe, the whole expanse. Unless and until that brain develops in you, I’m sure, very sure that the progress of Sahaja Yoga, within and without, will be less. So understand these powers are with you. You have to utilise them with humility. May God bless you. *(Sarvalok means - all the created universe or universes Ishwar means - God, Almighty, Supreme. So, Sarvaloketishwara means the most supreme God of all the created universes. Param ego, Param means the highest, the supreme. So Param ego means the supreme ego)
All Genuine Religions Are Spirit Oriented
Public Program
Public Program, Istanbul, Turkey, 1994-07-01 I bow to all the seekers of truth, at the very [UNCLEAR] we have to know the truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot describe it. It is, it has been and it will be. Only thing is that we can feel it on our central nervous system, when you become the spirit. It has been said in all the scriptures that you are to be born again, that you have to become a wali and [UNCLEAR] in the Quran. Kundalini is God’s ascent. My father has translated Quran in Hindi and sometimes [UNCLEAR] there are many misinterpretation in every religion. Because any religion if it becomes money oriented or power oriented, it loses its power. But all religions are spirit oriented. You had a great leader Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal Pasha who was a realized soul. And I read his life [UNCLEAR] twelve years, I gated mad. But people don’t understand him sometimes. For all saints and Sufis who were real Sufis, it is very difficult to explain what they are enjoying. We had a saint in India Kabir, he was Muslim. And He said how am I to explain everybody is blind. And this blindness is there because there is general ignorance. This ignorance can be removed through this Kundalini awakening. Now the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this [UNCLEAR, intellect], ego, conditioning. But you are pure spirit. And the second truth is that there is a all-pervading power of divine love. This is calling ruh. So you have to reconnected with that. Unless and until you have this connection you cannot understand yourself. These centres about you, they have told you where created during evolutionary process within us. God Almighty is the greatest creator. And the way he had created us delicately, we have to understand that only thing we have to go to the last stage. Surprisingly in Turkey there has been so many Sufis. Sufi word comes from saf. Saf means clean. That is my name also. So how do we become saf. We have [UNCLEAR, physical] problems, emotional problems, we have social problems, political problem, all kind of problems. Now these problems come to you, because there are problems in your centres. But when the kundalini rises she passes through these centres. This kundalini is your own mother, your own individual mother. She has been with you in ages. But people did not know about it. Greece maybe [UNCLEAR, know], of course I will say. And this work was done in India also for very few people. So in these modern times it is already predicted. That there will be a mass realization on [UNCLEAR, you]. For this you can’t pay. This is your own power. It is potential. We use our brain very fractional also our heart. But after this happening you know about these centres. All the problems of the world mostly come from human being. And the problems of human beings come from these centres. Somehow you can put these centres into proper shape, life could be different. Now these problems which we think are great and global are nothing. People ask me about peace. Now we have about 65 nations who are practising Sahaja Yoga. Especially Russia, they have never heard about even God. But there are some [UNCLEAR] something like that. They are very intelligent and like a clean seat. I am surprise that in democratic countries, it has been [UNCLEAR] demonocracy. For example when I go to America my husband says you [UNCLEAR] everything, no ornaments, nothing. Can you imagine, the greatest democracy full of violence? And it is western culture I have seen it through and through. Same in England, the parents kill their own children. 75% children who are still, who died because the parents. Can you believe this? I don’t know, how they can call themselves higher races. Higher races do not take the killings. To me that very stupid also. Now take out this Elizabeth Lady, she married eight times, very inauspicious. And then she married a boy who is 20 years younger than her. And 4.000 people go to watch her going for honeymoon. And there are helicopters, ten helicopters covering round to take her photograph and some of them [UNCLEAR] down to take the photograph. They fall on people and on trees. Indians maybe poorer but much wiser, you won’t buy one Indian [UNCLEAR] this nonsense. If you see the extreme is stupid thing have reached, you will be amaze even their music now they are saying it is up to brain cells. In my own other life which I met many people many [UNCLEAR] sophisticate. And what they talk among themselves is nonsense. They talk about drugs, ladies, try this drug, it is very cheap now in bargain. And I have to warn you, don’t take to their stupid culture. Now at least you are, I think 10, 20 years behind. Because now the women are looking nude and men are also looking nude in the advance countries. And their all market are [UNCLEAR] and down like that. They have lost their jobs, they have lost their [UNCLEAR]. They have big mess. They have no shame, nothing. And they have no idea of in moral life. Without morality a society is finished. They followed this stupid Freud. When I told them against him they never agree with me very much. Now they are known. That Freud, [UNCLEAR] Freud, one book I have read. And another one was Down Fall of Freudian Emperor. The base of Freudian principle is that you have bad relation with your own mother. Thank God it is [UNCLEAR] to India. Otherwise they would [UNCLEAR]. We can’t stand this nonsense. There is no wisdom in saint, such horrible thing and then do you believe to this. As you say pak, they are not pak, pure, absolutely. And if they combine together, if I they are collective, they take to something horrible. They take to alcohol, drugs, [UNCLEAR] Michael Jackson business, I mean. So what I feel that Turkish must stand back and see what is happening in this mad world. I was surprised that you also import food for your country, I mean Indians won’t do that. What I knew about Turkish people, they are very patriot that what I knew. You come back your [UNCLEAR, wrong] first of all by through Sahaja Yoga you will. You will have self-knowledge by which you will be self-confident. You will have peace in your heart so you will be peaceful people and enjoying the blessing of your spirit. With the light of the Spirit you can feel your own centres on your fingertips. You can feel the centres of others on your fingertips. Whatever race you are, whatever country you are, you become a universal being. Sitting down here you can feel anybody vibrations, because your computer is connected with this all-pervading power. Which thinks, understands, cooperates, coordinates. It is very efficient. Above all it loves. It is compassion. It forgives you, looks after every moment. Thus you enter into the kingdom of God. Whatever is written about cennet it is a fact. And that is what you feel you enjoy. If you are that, if you are so much empowered within yourself why not get to it. They say that this what about this guru, what about that one why [UNCLEAR]. You become your own guru, your own master. Because we don’t take money they are very much against us [UNCLEAR]. It is your right to have this. And once you get it, you will be amazed at yourself. Supposing you are an artist, you become a much greater artist. You must have heard the name of “Hamzat Ali” from India and also we have many people who play tabla “[UNCLEAR]” and all these people. They are all Sahaja Yogis. And after Sahaja Yoga only they became so famous. Many diseases are cured by Sahaja Yoga, many diseases, without penny. Diagnosis you don’t have to go through the [UNCLEAR] of diagnosis and doctors. Your own power cures you. Now in India there are 3, I think now 4 doctors who have got their MD after [UNCLEAR] in Sahaja Yoga. Definitely cancer has been cured in Sahaja Yoga, so many diseases, because these chakras are the fundamentals of our being. If you know how to correct them you get cured. And you can cure. You can help others. Now our attention which is all the time wobbly like this. It becomes innocent. And whenever such a person puts the attention it cures. It gives peace, it gives joy. You don’t have to give up anything. Not to become a sanyasi or something [UNCLEAR]. Whatever will not suit you do yourself give up. I give an example like I am holding a snake in my hand and I am very obstinate. So if somebody says and I am in darkness. Somebody says there is a snake in your hand; I say no, it is a rope. Till that snake bites me, I will say it is a rope, but as soon as I see some light, I though away, because than you realize what is destructive for you and what is constructive for you. It every way it helps. We have some hippies to begin with, now they are very rich people. So the financial problems also can solve. Many people say we worship God, we do this, we used to do so much namaz still we are pure. Or some of them say that we are doing all kind of immoral things and we go to the mosque what is the use. We cannot control ourselves. But after realization you really become rightest. Nobody has to tell you, automatically become like this. But you must have desire, pure desire to be a Sahaja Yogi [UNCLEAR]. Sahaj means born with you. Yogi means the one who has connection with the Divine. Than you can amaze how many powers you have. You can raise the kundalini of others. You can give them realization. You can, I mean so many things happen to them. I am surprised how many talents they have. They always say Mother you have done it, no, no, no it is your own mother, your own Kundalini. Now there are so many things that happen to you. That people started writing to me what miracles they have seen. So I sent them to very intelligent Sahaja Yogi that you better write them down. Within one month he telephone to me, the miracles have come up this much. I don’t know [UNCLEAR] which one to write. Than you realize there is God. Otherwise whether you believe in God, not believe in God is blindness. People will say how to say there is God, you cannot prove but we can do. Above all you start swimming in the ocean of joy. You develop your balance, your satisfactions and you just enjoy yourself. You are full of energy see I am 70 years of age, I don’t think anybody [UNCLEAR]can go like myself. It is so relax, no strain, no stress, nothing. Joy is singular. It is not happiness and unhappiness. And your ego is pampered when you feel happy. When it is puncture you feel unhappy. But joy you enjoy everything. You enjoy also stupid people, mad people and [UNCLEAR] Divine, and then self-respect, self-confidence which is compassion, extremely compassion, at the same time dynamic. That is what you are and why not become. In one small lecture I don’t know how much I can do it. Only in English language I must have done 4 - 5.000 lectures only. But also this is all mental acrobat like you have a sign this is this hotel. But you have to enter inside. No use just reading, those who just one reading morning till evening have reached nowhere. It is to follow what it is and you have to enter in, which is very simple. Especially with Muslims are I have seen it works very [UNCLEAR] well. In the Bazar we gave realization to someone. Only thing you have to have pure desire. Arzu we also say, so many words are like Indian language here. So now we say, we have to come to the sahil. We have had a lots of problems, but there is solution, believe me, so [UNCLEAR] we could have the session. Now there is one thing I have to tell you that I cannot force on you spirituality. You have to ask from your heart. You can take out your shoes, if you don’t mind, it helps a lot. It is very simple. I must say there are three conditions. The first one is that you should not feel guilty for anything. Because I find people, [UNCLEAR] God how will I get it, because I have done this sin, that sin. There is no sin for you. So please forgive yourself fully, because in modern life it is a fashion. I mean if we have done anything wrong, that is the past. You should face it. But don’t carry it with you. So the past is past, finished. The future doesn’t exist. What is reality is present. When we are thinking, we are thinking about the past or about the future. What about present. If present you don’t have any thoughts and that is the time when spirituality moves. So the second condition is that you have to forgive everyone. Don’t have to think about it, that is a headache. Whether you forgive or don’t forgive, what do you do? But when you don’t forgive then you play in wrong hand and you torture yourself for nothing at all. So it is a myth. And the one who has troubled you nicely [UNCLEAR, happy] and on his behalf you are torturing yourself. So please give up that myth. And I say even don’t think about it. These two conditions are very important. If you feel guilty then you catch here, on this centre, left side. This catch gives you spondylitis, angina. And thirdly it is very important that it should open, because the kundalini has to pass through it. So please don’t condemn yourself for anything, please don’t feel guilty. If you had done anything wrong, you could have been in jail or how could it be? So now don’t feel guilty. I think it is [UNCLEAR, rather] please don’t feel guilty. I can feel it you all [UNCLEAR] Because of that you feeling sick also for nothing at all. Now the third condition is that you should be all absolutely confident that you will get your self-realization. Just be fully confident. Now what we are going to do is to nourish our centres, our own centres which we will show you how we do it. First you see [UNCLEAR]. So first we put the left hands towards me, like this. It is just like namaz, I am telling you, put left hand toward me. Now this is the symbolic that you want your realization, because this is the power of desire. Now so that’s why because this the left side is the power of desire and the right side is the power of action. We keep both the feet apart. You can keep comfortably on your lap [UNCLEAR]. It is working everywhere. Now we use the right hand to nourish our centres. Unfortunately this is an air condition now. And when you start feeling the cool breeze of this all-pervading power, people doubt also. I think better to [UNCLEAR,close]. Now first we put our hand on our heart. So in the heart is the reflection of God Allah as [UNCLEAR, spirit]. Now when you became the spirit, in the light of spirit, you know your will. So you know that you are your master. So you on the left side, upper portion of your abdomen, this is the centre of your mastery, mastery as a saint. Then we go down into the lower portion of our abdomen, in the left hand side. Now this is the centre. No this side, all we are working on left side. This is the centre of pure knowledge, knowledge about the laws of the Divine. Then again we take our hand on the upper portion of our abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre as I told you of your mastery. This has created by great [UNCLEAR] also every kind of religion, masters. Then you take it on your heart where resides the Spirit. Then you take it in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head your right. I have already told you about this centre. You catch it when you feel guilty even now it is there. Alright, now you take your right hand across on forehead like this. Here you have to forgive everyone in general without thinking of [UNCLEAR, it]. Please put down your head. Now you have to take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Now, at this centre push back. Without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this Divine power. Now stretch your hand fully, the palm, this is the last centre. So you put the centre of your palm on top of your head. Now push back your fingers, very important and please put down your head. Now move your skull seven times, slowly clockwise, push back your fingers. Look push it not to just move hand but push your skull. That’s all you have to do. Now, please again put your feet apart. Put your hand like this as we do for namaz. And put your right hand on your heart. And now close your eyes. You should take out your spectacles because it will help your eyes [UNCLEAR]. I have to ask you to ask me a question about yourself. It is a very fundamental question. You can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji whatever you like. So in your heart ask question three times, “Mother, am I the Spirit?” Ask this question three times. I have already told you that when you become the spirit, you become your guide, your master. So now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Here you ask very fundamental question, “Mother, am I my own master?” three times. I have to tell you that I cannot force Divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, press it. And here you ask six times because this centre has got six petals, “Mother, please give me pure knowledge”. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, this kundalini your mother starts rising like a [UNCLEAR, premium] in the seed. So now you have to nourish your upper centres with your self-confidence. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side and press it. Here you have to say with full confidence 10 times, “Mother, I am my own master”, 10 times. I have already told you at the very outside that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, this conditionings but you are the pure Spirit. So now please raise your right hand on your heart, and say with full confidence 12 times, “Mother, I am the pure Spirit”. I have already told you that you are not to feel guilty. This all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge; it is the ocean of love and peace but above all is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes, you might have committed, are easily resolved with the power of compassion. So you surrender it that is Islam to surrender to this power of love. So now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say 16 times, “Mother I am not guilty at all”. Also I have told you that whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hand and you make yourself miserable. This centre is a very constructive centre. And if you do not forgive all of them, this centre will not open. As it is you have tortured yourself by not forgiving. And at this moment if you do not forgive the centre won’t open. Also you will miss the chance, the great chance of realization. Please raise your hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head. Here you have to say not how many times but from your heart, “Mother I forgive everyone in general”. Say it from your heart. Now please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to say again from your heart, “O Divine power, please forgive me if I have done any mistake knowingly or unknowingly”. Now the last centre, please stretch your palm and put it on the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood, the centre of the palm. Here again I cannot force self-realization on you. Please bend your head. Please bend your head. Now move your skull 7 times slowly, say “Mother please give me self-realization”. Now please take down your hands, please put both the hands towards me and watch me without thinking. You may not think, there is no thought, you are in present. Now please put your left hand towards me and right hand also and see if you are feeling thoughtlessly aware. Now please put you’re your right hand towards me and bend your head and see for yourself, if there is a cool or a hot breeze, like vibrations coming out of your fontanel bone area, to the centre of your head. Don’t put, please don’t put it on top, away from your head. And some people get it close and some people get it far. Now please put the left hand and again bend your head, and see for yourself, if there is a cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Please move your hand. If it is hot that means you are not forgiven, so even now you should forgive. After the heat it will become cool. Once again with the right hand, put down your head and see for yourself with the left hand if there is cool breeze coming out of your head or hot breeze. Now raise your hands up in the sky, open your hands and ask in your heart 3 times “Mother is this the cool breeze of the ruh?” or ask a question “Mother is this the all-pervading power of Divine love?” in our language, we say “is this the Paramchaitanya?” Now put down your hands please, put your hands like this. They have put off the air conditioning. All those who are feeling cool breeze or hot breeze on their hands, on fingertips, palms or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands, cool or hot breeze [UNCLEAR]. All of you got it, May God bless you. So, all of you have it. Maybe one or two, they can also get it. You will feel extremely peaceful. And the joy will start bubbling. Now know that for the first time you have felt the ruh. But you have to work it out, the raising of kundalini, at least for few days when they are having a follow on to fix the connection. So you have to respect the self-realization. You don’t have to pay anything. But of course you have to give some time for yourself. And once you are established, you will be the masters. Thank you very much.
Public Program, Istanbul, Turkey, 1994-07-01 I bow to all the seekers of truth, at the very [UNCLEAR] we have to know the truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot describe it. It is, it has been and it will be. Only thing is that we can feel it on our central nervous system, when you become the spirit. It has been said in all the scriptures that you are to be born again, that you have to become a wali and [UNCLEAR] in the Quran. Kundalini is God’s ascent. My father has translated Quran in Hindi and sometimes [UNCLEAR] there are many misinterpretation in every religion. Because any religion if it becomes money oriented or power oriented, it loses its power. But all religions are spirit oriented. You had a great leader Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal Pasha who was a realized soul. And I read his life [UNCLEAR] twelve years, I gated mad. But people don’t understand him sometimes. For all saints and Sufis who were real Sufis, it is very difficult to explain what they are enjoying. We had a saint in India Kabir, he was Muslim. And He said how am I to explain everybody is blind. And this blindness is there because there is general ignorance. This ignorance can be removed through this Kundalini awakening. Now the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this [UNCLEAR, intellect], ego, conditioning. But you are pure spirit. And the second truth is that there is a all-pervading power of divine love. This is calling ruh. So you have to reconnected with that. Unless and until you have this connection you cannot understand yourself. These centres about you, they have told you where created during evolutionary process within us. God Almighty is the greatest creator. And the way he had created us delicately, we have to understand that only thing we have to go to the last stage. Surprisingly in Turkey there has been so many Sufis. Sufi word comes from saf. Saf means clean. That is my name also. So how do we become saf. We have [UNCLEAR, physical] problems, emotional problems, we have social problems, political problem, all kind of problems. Now these problems come to you, because there are problems in your centres. But when the kundalini rises she passes through these centres. This kundalini is your own mother, your own individual mother. She has been with you in ages. But people did not know about it. Greece maybe [UNCLEAR, know], of course I will say. And this work was done in India also for very few people. So in these modern times it is already predicted. That there will be a mass realization on [UNCLEAR, you]. For this you can’t pay. This is your own power. It is potential. We use our brain very fractional also our heart. But after this happening you know about these centres. All the problems of the world mostly come from human being. And the problems of human beings come from these centres. Somehow you can put these centres into proper shape, life could be different. Now these problems which we think are great and global are nothing. People ask me about peace. Now we have about 65 nations who are practising Sahaja Yoga. Especially Russia, they have never heard about even God. But there are some [UNCLEAR] something like that. They are very intelligent and like a clean seat. I am surprise that in democratic countries, it has been [UNCLEAR] demonocracy. For example when I go to America my husband says you [UNCLEAR] everything, no ornaments, nothing. Can you imagine, the greatest democracy full of violence? And it is western culture I have seen it through and through. Same in England, the parents kill their own children. 75% children who are still, who died because the parents. Can you believe this? I don’t know, how they can call themselves higher races. Higher races do not take the killings. To me that very stupid also. Now take out this Elizabeth Lady, she married eight times, very inauspicious. And then she married a boy who is 20 years younger than her. And 4.000 people go to watch her going for honeymoon. And there are helicopters, ten helicopters covering round to take her photograph and some of them [UNCLEAR] down to take the photograph. They fall on people and on trees. Indians maybe poorer but much wiser, you won’t buy one Indian [UNCLEAR] this nonsense. If you see the extreme is stupid thing have reached, you will be amaze even their music now they are saying it is up to brain cells. In my own other life which I met many people many [UNCLEAR] sophisticate. And what they talk among themselves is nonsense. They talk about drugs, ladies, try this drug, it is very cheap now in bargain. And I have to warn you, don’t take to their stupid culture. Now at least you are, I think 10, 20 years behind. Because now the women are looking nude and men are also looking nude in the advance countries. And their all market are [UNCLEAR] and down like that. They have lost their jobs, they have lost their [UNCLEAR]. They have big mess. They have no shame, nothing. And they have no idea of in moral life. Without morality a society is finished. They followed this stupid Freud. When I told them against him they never agree with me very much. Now they are known. That Freud, [UNCLEAR] Freud, one book I have read. And another one was Down Fall of Freudian Emperor. The base of Freudian principle is that you have bad relation with your own mother. Thank God it is [UNCLEAR] to India. Otherwise they would [UNCLEAR]. We can’t stand this nonsense. There is no wisdom in saint, such horrible thing and then do you believe to this. As you say pak, they are not pak, pure, absolutely. And if they combine together, if I they are collective, they take to something horrible. They take to alcohol, drugs, [UNCLEAR] Michael Jackson business, I mean. So what I feel that Turkish must stand back and see what is happening in this mad world. I was surprised that you also import food for your country, I mean Indians won’t do that. What I knew about Turkish people, they are very patriot that what I knew. You come back your [UNCLEAR, wrong] first of all by through Sahaja Yoga you will. You will have self-knowledge by which you will be self-confident. You will have peace in your heart so you will be peaceful people and enjoying the blessing of your spirit. With the light of the Spirit you can feel your own centres on your fingertips. You can feel the centres of others on your fingertips. Whatever race you are, whatever country you are, you become a universal being. Sitting down here you can feel anybody vibrations, because your computer is connected with this all-pervading power. Which thinks, understands, cooperates, coordinates. It is very efficient. Above all it loves. It is compassion. It forgives you, looks after every moment. Thus you enter into the kingdom of God. Whatever is written about cennet it is a fact. And that is what you feel you enjoy. If you are that, if you are so much empowered within yourself why not get to it. They say that this what about this guru, what about that one why [UNCLEAR]. You become your own guru, your own master. Because we don’t take money they are very much against us [UNCLEAR]. It is your right to have this. And once you get it, you will be amazed at yourself. Supposing you are an artist, you become a much greater artist. You must have heard the name of “Hamzat Ali” from India and also we have many people who play tabla “[UNCLEAR]” and all these people. They are all Sahaja Yogis. And after Sahaja Yoga only they became so famous. Many diseases are cured by Sahaja Yoga, many diseases, without penny. Diagnosis you don’t have to go through the [UNCLEAR] of diagnosis and doctors. Your own power cures you. Now in India there are 3, I think now 4 doctors who have got their MD after [UNCLEAR] in Sahaja Yoga. Definitely cancer has been cured in Sahaja Yoga, so many diseases, because these chakras are the fundamentals of our being. If you know how to correct them you get cured. And you can cure. You can help others. Now our attention which is all the time wobbly like this. It becomes innocent. And whenever such a person puts the attention it cures. It gives peace, it gives joy. You don’t have to give up anything. Not to become a sanyasi or something [UNCLEAR]. Whatever will not suit you do yourself give up. I give an example like I am holding a snake in my hand and I am very obstinate. So if somebody says and I am in darkness. Somebody says there is a snake in your hand; I say no, it is a rope. Till that snake bites me, I will say it is a rope, but as soon as I see some light, I though away, because than you realize what is destructive for you and what is constructive for you. It every way it helps. We have some hippies to begin with, now they are very rich people. So the financial problems also can solve. Many people say we worship God, we do this, we used to do so much namaz still we are pure. Or some of them say that we are doing all kind of immoral things and we go to the mosque what is the use. We cannot control ourselves. But after realization you really become rightest. Nobody has to tell you, automatically become like this. But you must have desire, pure desire to be a Sahaja Yogi [UNCLEAR]. Sahaj means born with you. Yogi means the one who has connection with the Divine. Than you can amaze how many powers you have. You can raise the kundalini of others. You can give them realization. You can, I mean so many things happen to them. I am surprised how many talents they have. They always say Mother you have done it, no, no, no it is your own mother, your own Kundalini. Now there are so many things that happen to you. That people started writing to me what miracles they have seen. So I sent them to very intelligent Sahaja Yogi that you better write them down. Within one month he telephone to me, the miracles have come up this much. I don’t know [UNCLEAR] which one to write. Than you realize there is God. Otherwise whether you believe in God, not believe in God is blindness. People will say how to say there is God, you cannot prove but we can do. Above all you start swimming in the ocean of joy. You develop your balance, your satisfactions and you just enjoy yourself. You are full of energy see I am 70 years of age, I don’t think anybody [UNCLEAR]can go like myself. It is so relax, no strain, no stress, nothing. Joy is singular. It is not happiness and unhappiness. And your ego is pampered when you feel happy. When it is puncture you feel unhappy. But joy you enjoy everything. You enjoy also stupid people, mad people and [UNCLEAR] Divine, and then self-respect, self-confidence which is compassion, extremely compassion, at the same time dynamic. That is what you are and why not become. In one small lecture I don’t know how much I can do it. Only in English language I must have done 4 - 5.000 lectures only. But also this is all mental acrobat like you have a sign this is this hotel. But you have to enter inside. No use just reading, those who just one reading morning till evening have reached nowhere. It is to follow what it is and you have to enter in, which is very simple. Especially with Muslims are I have seen it works very [UNCLEAR] well. In the Bazar we gave realization to someone. Only thing you have to have pure desire. Arzu we also say, so many words are like Indian language here. So now we say, we have to come to the sahil. We have had a lots of problems, but there is solution, believe me, so [UNCLEAR] we could have the session. Now there is one thing I have to tell you that I cannot force on you spirituality. You have to ask from your heart. You can take out your shoes, if you don’t mind, it helps a lot. It is very simple. I must say there are three conditions. The first one is that you should not feel guilty for anything. Because I find people, [UNCLEAR] God how will I get it, because I have done this sin, that sin. There is no sin for you. So please forgive yourself fully, because in modern life it is a fashion. I mean if we have done anything wrong, that is the past. You should face it. But don’t carry it with you. So the past is past, finished. The future doesn’t exist. What is reality is present. When we are thinking, we are thinking about the past or about the future. What about present. If present you don’t have any thoughts and that is the time when spirituality moves. So the second condition is that you have to forgive everyone. Don’t have to think about it, that is a headache. Whether you forgive or don’t forgive, what do you do? But when you don’t forgive then you play in wrong hand and you torture yourself for nothing at all. So it is a myth. And the one who has troubled you nicely [UNCLEAR, happy] and on his behalf you are torturing yourself. So please give up that myth. And I say even don’t think about it. These two conditions are very important. If you feel guilty then you catch here, on this centre, left side. This catch gives you spondylitis, angina. And thirdly it is very important that it should open, because the kundalini has to pass through it. So please don’t condemn yourself for anything, please don’t feel guilty. If you had done anything wrong, you could have been in jail or how could it be? So now don’t feel guilty. I think it is [UNCLEAR, rather] please don’t feel guilty. I can feel it you all [UNCLEAR] Because of that you feeling sick also for nothing at all. Now the third condition is that you should be all absolutely confident that you will get your self-realization. Just be fully confident. Now what we are going to do is to nourish our centres, our own centres which we will show you how we do it. First you see [UNCLEAR]. So first we put the left hands towards me, like this. It is just like namaz, I am telling you, put left hand toward me. Now this is the symbolic that you want your realization, because this is the power of desire. Now so that’s why because this the left side is the power of desire and the right side is the power of action. We keep both the feet apart. You can keep comfortably on your lap [UNCLEAR]. It is working everywhere. Now we use the right hand to nourish our centres. Unfortunately this is an air condition now. And when you start feeling the cool breeze of this all-pervading power, people doubt also. I think better to [UNCLEAR,close]. Now first we put our hand on our heart. So in the heart is the reflection of God Allah as [UNCLEAR, spirit]. Now when you became the spirit, in the light of spirit, you know your will. So you know that you are your master. So you on the left side, upper portion of your abdomen, this is the centre of your mastery, mastery as a saint. Then we go down into the lower portion of our abdomen, in the left hand side. Now this is the centre. No this side, all we are working on left side. This is the centre of pure knowledge, knowledge about the laws of the Divine. Then again we take our hand on the upper portion of our abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre as I told you of your mastery. This has created by great [UNCLEAR] also every kind of religion, masters. Then you take it on your heart where resides the Spirit. Then you take it in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head your right. I have already told you about this centre. You catch it when you feel guilty even now it is there. Alright, now you take your right hand across on forehead like this. Here you have to forgive everyone in general without thinking of [UNCLEAR, it]. Please put down your head. Now you have to take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Now, at this centre push back. Without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this Divine power. Now stretch your hand fully, the palm, this is the last centre. So you put the centre of your palm on top of your head. Now push back your fingers, very important and please put down your head. Now move your skull seven times, slowly clockwise, push back your fingers. Look push it not to just move hand but push your skull. That’s all you have to do. Now, please again put your feet apart. Put your hand like this as we do for namaz. And put your right hand on your heart. And now close your eyes. You should take out your spectacles because it will help your eyes [UNCLEAR]. I have to ask you to ask me a question about yourself. It is a very fundamental question. You can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji whatever you like. So in your heart ask question three times, “Mother, am I the Spirit?” Ask this question three times. I have already told you that when you become the spirit, you become your guide, your master. So now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Here you ask very fundamental question, “Mother, am I my own master?” three times. I have to tell you that I cannot force Divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, press it. And here you ask six times because this centre has got six petals, “Mother, please give me pure knowledge”. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, this kundalini your mother starts rising like a [UNCLEAR, premium] in the seed. So now you have to nourish your upper centres with your self-confidence. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side and press it. Here you have to say with full confidence 10 times, “Mother, I am my own master”, 10 times. I have already told you at the very outside that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, this conditionings but you are the pure Spirit. So now please raise your right hand on your heart, and say with full confidence 12 times, “Mother, I am the pure Spirit”. I have already told you that you are not to feel guilty. This all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge; it is the ocean of love and peace but above all is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes, you might have committed, are easily resolved with the power of compassion. So you surrender it that is Islam to surrender to this power of love. So now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say 16 times, “Mother I am not guilty at all”. Also I have told you that whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hand and you make yourself miserable. This centre is a very constructive centre. And if you do not forgive all of them, this centre will not open. As it is you have tortured yourself by not forgiving. And at this moment if you do not forgive the centre won’t open. Also you will miss the chance, the great chance of realization. Please raise your hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head. Here you have to say not how many times but from your heart, “Mother I forgive everyone in general”. Say it from your heart. Now please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to say again from your heart, “O Divine power, please forgive me if I have done any mistake knowingly or unknowingly”. Now the last centre, please stretch your palm and put it on the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood, the centre of the palm. Here again I cannot force self-realization on you. Please bend your head. Please bend your head. Now move your skull 7 times slowly, say “Mother please give me self-realization”. Now please take down your hands, please put both the hands towards me and watch me without thinking. You may not think, there is no thought, you are in present. Now please put your left hand towards me and right hand also and see if you are feeling thoughtlessly aware. Now please put you’re your right hand towards me and bend your head and see for yourself, if there is a cool or a hot breeze, like vibrations coming out of your fontanel bone area, to the centre of your head. Don’t put, please don’t put it on top, away from your head. And some people get it close and some people get it far. Now please put the left hand and again bend your head, and see for yourself, if there is a cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Please move your hand. If it is hot that means you are not forgiven, so even now you should forgive. After the heat it will become cool. Once again with the right hand, put down your head and see for yourself with the left hand if there is cool breeze coming out of your head or hot breeze. Now raise your hands up in the sky, open your hands and ask in your heart 3 times “Mother is this the cool breeze of the ruh?” or ask a question “Mother is this the all-pervading power of Divine love?” in our language, we say “is this the Paramchaitanya?” Now put down your hands please, put your hands like this. They have put off the air conditioning. All those who are feeling cool breeze or hot breeze on their hands, on fingertips, palms or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands, cool or hot breeze [UNCLEAR]. All of you got it, May God bless you. So, all of you have it. Maybe one or two, they can also get it. You will feel extremely peaceful. And the joy will start bubbling. Now know that for the first time you have felt the ruh. But you have to work it out, the raising of kundalini, at least for few days when they are having a follow on to fix the connection. So you have to respect the self-realization. You don’t have to pay anything. But of course you have to give some time for yourself. And once you are established, you will be the masters. Thank you very much.
Public Program
Public Program
Public Program. Victoria Hall, Geneva (Switzerland), 8 July 1994. At the very outset I have to tell you that truth is what it is. You cannot mold it, you cannot change it. It is always the same. It has been the same, it is the same, it will be the same. But to say that we know the truth and that we have the truth is really a self-deception. If you had known the absolute truth there would have been no problems and everybody would have said the same thing. There would be no discussions, no arguments, no fights and wars. But when we don't know the absolute truth then we can find out our own mental conceptions as the truth. But this mind is so limited. How far can you go with it? Even science cannot answer many questions. It cannot say why are we on this Earth. It cannot explain why we evolved to human beings. So far this answer has [returned?] to religion, and to reason [NOT CLEAR] that truth is mental. It's such a frustration when you see in the name of religion, in the name of God, what people are doing is something we never expected. The religion has to be Spirit-oriented, but it is only power-oriented or money-oriented. In the original scriptures, or we can say in the origin of this religion was the truth. And all these religions bloom on the same play of spirituality like beautiful flowers at different times, but people have plucked it and now they are fighting with the dead flowers. And then they say, "There is no God." They believe there is no God, some say, "We believe there is God," some say, "We believe in one God," some in many gods. They call each other heathens. But by this we don't solve the problem. They have been always told has to be internal mechanism which is within us. Sahaja Yoga, saha means with, ja born - with you is born the right to have this yoga. So what is the truth? Of course whatever I'm telling you, you need not believe it. We have had lots of problems with blind faith. But if it works out, then as honest people you have to accept it. The truth is that you are not this body, mind, these emotions, intellect, ego, superego, but you are the pure Spirit. You see these beautiful flowers all over. We don't even think it's a miracle. We take them for granted. Who runs our heart? If you ask a doctor he'll say it is autonomous nervous system, but who is this auto? There is no answer for it. All these living works, who does? There is an all-pervading power of divine love that does all this divine work, which is living work. Our evolution also was performed by that power. Now what we have to understand: that this all-pervading power of divine love we have never met. In the Bible it is described as cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. And to that, in all the scriptures: Koran it is described as Ruh, in the Indian scriptures it is described as Param Chaitanya. Patanjali has called it by another name, which is very interesting, Ritambhara PrAgnya. So all these beautiful names mean one thing, is this all-pervading power of divine love. Now when you are connected to this divine love, to this power, then yoga takes place, union takes place. This is not a new theory I'm telling you. In ancient times specially in India people had become seekers of truth, and in many other countries also, and there were many seers, great saints who knew that this union is the only way, is the last breakthrough of our evolution. This power, Kundalini, is your own mother. She is your individual mother and She knows everything about you and She is very anxious to give you your second birth. With this happening, so many things you achieve that you are amazed at yourself. Firstly the Kundalini rises and She solves your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems. In Delhi University there are three doctors who have got their M.D. in Sahaja Yoga, and there is a fourth one who is doing something on cancer. It's a fact that Kundalini awakening has cured many incurable diseases like cancer. Because all human problems, physical, mental, emotional, comes from the centers that are within us, and these problems expand as they become collective. So we have then economic problems, political problems, social problems, because basically the human being is not in proper shape. So that if you are thinking of improving the world problems today is better that first you know yourself. I've known many people who have got peace awards, peace organization, no peace within their heart. Also I've seen people who say they are very religious, they are this, they are that, but when you see their life, you don't believe there is anything to do with religion. So first of all we have to be honest that we have to be our [selves?]. All the world problems, most of them, come from human beings and all these problems come to us from our centers, our chakras. Now if you can somehow try to correct these problems, then automatically everything is corrected. First of all your attention gets enlightened and this attention, when it is enlightened, becomes very powerful. It becomes very innocent and such an attention, even a glance of such a person can definitely improve the conditions around him. Now in this enlightened attention you know the absolute truth. How do you know? On your fingers. These five, six and seven centers on both hands are the endings of the sympathetic nervous system. And your hands start telling you, speaking, what's wrong with your centers. In the Koran it is written clearly that at the time of resurrection, Kiyama, your hands will speak and they give witness against you. Meaning they will tell what's wrong with you. Now that time has come, what we call as a Last Judgment. This time is a special time; I call it the blossom time. Because there are so many seekers of truth, genuine, honest, and it's so very [important?] to give them this yoga, this realization. I have actually done nothing, I would say, because this is the tradition of My country, except that I have been able to find out a method by which en-masse realization can be given. Now Sahaja Yoga is working in sixty-five nations, but [place in the shelf?] I should say, of course India I shouldn't say, because India knows all about it. Seventy per cent people are very intelligent and they are not bound, not bound by any dogma. They are like a clean slate. French, you see, is a language where there are many words missing, I think. I was told there is no word for awareness. There is no word for fun. Can you imagine there's no "fun". They are all [INAUDIBLE] miserables. So now one has to understand that something more has to happen to us. To know what we are. To be the Spirit and to have this self-knowledge, knowledge about our centers and knowledge about our [INAUDIBLE]. Once you are a realized soul, then you grow into it and you develop tremendous powers. First of all you become extremely dynamic, your creativity knows no bounds. [And not the English state slowly?], but a fact. But at the same time you are extremely compassionate, extremely compassionate, and you compassion acts. You can cure people; you can help people in many ways which are miraculous. All these powers are within you, they are your own powers. There's no obligation at all. When you put the seed in the Mother Earth it sprouts by itself. In the same way when your Kundalini rises and passes through these various centers automatically, spontaneously, it nourishes all the centers, it integrates all the centers. Even I've seen children who were very bad at school have become brilliant, but at the same time they are humble. Now by knowing absolute truth you understand each other much more. That means a collective consciousness, a new dimension in your awareness. You can feel others on your finger tips and if you know how to correct your centers you can help them. Then who is the other? The microcosm becomes the macrocosm. It has to happen. It is for our benevolence. God, who has created us, has made every arrangement that we should enter into His kingdom. I can see the future of this world which looks full of turmoil, full of problems, is driving into a new era of truth, where there will be pure love. I've seen Sahaja yogis have from all over the world gathered together, we have never heard of somebody running away with somebody's wife or such nonsensical thing. There are never fights or arguments, but of course they'll pull each other's legs and have lot of fun. So life is very beautiful, but of course it's like a drunkard wants everybody to join him, we also want all of you to come to this beautiful era of enjoyment. Then you'll know your beauty, then you'll know your glory. You understand what you are. Of course you can't pay for it. It's your own, it's a living process. It's your own that works it out. Then you get over all these stupid barriers that we have created. You don't get into some [destitutions?] or some sort of a reciting of the mantras and all that, but you are the most normal person. You don't have to give up anything and go to jungles, there's no need to do that; you have to live in this world. There is no need to escape. Your old habits that are destructive just drop out. You'll be amazed how many people who have taken to drugs have come to Sahaja Yoga have given up overnight, overnight. So many alcoholics have been cured. There's no end to the story. [INAUDIBLE] You jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is a singular experience. Is not like happiness and unhappiness. When your ego is [oppressed?] you feel unhappy and when it is pampered you feel happy. But joy in itself is an experience of tremendous joy that goes through your being and makes others also joyous. These hands start emitting cool vibrations because the vibrations ... but actually is called as phun, by Adi Shankaracharya, phun, means throbbing. With these vibrations we can improve our agricultural [INAUDIBLE]. I've seen such a big sunflower, so many of them of this size [treated by vibrations?]. So many things are there for you to see which are miraculous from the normal point of view. But we don't know our selves, we don't know our powers, we don't know our glory which we have to see. And sahaja means also easy, spontaneous. It has to work out in the special times for you to achieve it. I'm sure tonight you all will get your Self-realization, but it's a collective happening. Now you get your realization, then you'll feel on top of the world, you will get lost. Then again you come after one year say, "Mother, I've got this struggle that's how [or is it 'why']." But you have to come to the collective where you get all the knowledge that is necessary. Within one month you become your own master and you become real guru. Not a false one, but a real one. It is such a pleasure to see so many of you in this beautiful hall and I'm sure as this hall was created, all [INAUDIBLE] will be also one day show its results. It will take hardly about ten minutes for you to get your realization, but before that I have to tell you that there are three conditions which you have to fulfill. No money involved any time. But the first one is that you must have respect for yourself that you must have full confidence that you will get this Self-realization. That means one thing particularly: that you are not guilty. It is a fashion to feel guilty. If you have committed any mistakes, that's past. You should have faced it at that time. But if you feel guilty then this center on the left side catches very badly. Then you develop a very serious disease called angina, you'll also develop spondylitis, also your whole system becomes lethargic. Every day I'm giving lectures. Now the second condition is very simple: that you have to forgive everyone. Now many would say, "How can you forgive? It's very difficult." But whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. It is a myth. But because of this myth you play into wrong hands. Those who have harmed you are happy while you are unnecessarily [killing?] yourself. There's no love in it. Moreover at this time if the Kundalini is about to rise, this center goes out of gear, it won't rise, it won't be able to bear the fruit. And then if this center, which is for forgiveness... if you don't forgive, that is such s constrictive one, that it won't pass through either. So what is the use of not forgiving? Just you have to say, "I forgive everyone in general." You don't even think them [INAUDIBLE]. The third condition as I told you that you have to be extremely confident, absolutely confident about yourself, forgiving yourself, that you will get your Self-realization. In no way try to condemn yourself. As I respect you, you also respect yourself. At this moment specially we have to be in the present. You cannot, you cannot be in the present because we are jumping on the cusp of the future or the past, our mind is always there. One thought rises, falls down, another thought rises, falls down[INAUDIBLE] and you are [simply?] either in the future or the past. In between these is a little space, which is the present. In the present you are completely aware, but there is no thought. So first thing that you will feel will be thoughtless awareness. When this happening takes place you'll be surprised, you become absolutely silent and peaceful within yourself and you will start seeing everything like a witness, and you witness a drama. You are witnessing it outside, and nothing will disturb you. So the first state what we call is thoughtless awareness. In Sanskrit is called Nirvichar Samadhi, and then we have another state, which some people achieve at the same time called as doubtless awareness. Thus you have a samadhi which is called as Nirvikalpa Samadhi. In fact, feeling the cool breeze in your hands for the first time you feel this All Pervading Power. Also you feel the cool breeze out of your own being, out of the fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Then just if you use it you will know what the value of it is. It is very, very simple. Please do not put concentration or pressure, or anything. Just leave it. Attention itself will be pulled in by the rise of Kundalini, and when She pierces this last, fontanel bone area, which we call as thaloo. Then you get your actualization, again I say actualization of baptism. So we have to actualize the experience firstly and secondly we have to become. I don't know how many lectures I've given you, English language, at least four thousand so far and in these short lectures I don't know how much I can tell you about it. When you see all these lights, no use telling you about electricity, how to make electricity and the whole thing - you just put on the light first. In the same way you should take your realization and look after it and grow into it. Life will be full of blessings. I told [INAUDIBLE] about their miracles, why don't you come [fight?] me? Within one month he said, "They have come up to my head, above my head. So you better choose now." I said, "I have no time." This [life?] is there for you [NOT CLEAR]. But one unfortunate thing is that I cannot force it on you. I'm sorry. I respect your freedom. If you don't want it, you better leave the hall. Nothing will happen to you, on the contrary you feel much better, brightened, relax, but if you don't want it, it's impossible. [INAUDIBLE] I'm seventy-one years of age and [INAUDIBLE] every day what's going to happen to us Now we have to take out our shoes if you don't mind. In England in the beginning I tell, "You have to take out your shoes," half of them walked out. It was too much for them. All right. I don't know if she has told you that we have two sympathetic systems, left and right. The left one is for your desire and right one is for your action. But Kundalini is pure desire, the power of pure desire. So you have to put on your lap, very comfortably sitting, your left hand like this. This shows that you are desiring of having your Self-realization. All right. Now with the right hand we will have to enrich our own chakras. We'll be working on the left-hand side. The Spirit resides in the heart, so put your right hand on your heart. If you are the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master, your own guru. Now you take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the center which is created by great masters, prophets for us, as the center of our mastery. Then you please take your right hand in the lower portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the center, you'll be surprised to know, is of pure divine knowledge. Now then we take back our hand in the upper portion of our abdomen on the left-hand side. Then we take our right hand on your heart. Then in the corner of your neck and shoulder, and turn your head to your right. I've already told you that when you feel guilty then this center catches very badly. Now today I think quite a lot here. So please don't feel guilty. I don't know why should we feel guilty at all. Now place your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head. This is the center where you have to forgive everyone in general. Now please take back this right hand on the backside of your head and turn your head up. This is the center, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. This is only for your own satisfaction. Now stretch your palm fully, push back you fingers and put the center of your palm on top of your head. Push back your fingers. It's very important, it gives a good pressure. Put down your head and now move your scalp seven times slowly. That's all we have to do. Now as there are two powers we have to put our left and right foot away from each other. Put the left hand towards Me. You need not become very over-strict like that or slouch like that, just sit comfortably. Now you have to close your eyes but you can take out your spectacles as you don't have to open them till I tell you. Please put your right hand on your heart. Now close your eyes. Not heavily, but just close your eyes. Here you have to ask a very important fundamental question about yourself today. Please ask in your heart, you can call Me Mother, or you can call Me Shri Mataji. Ask a question in your heart three times, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" I told you that when you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of you abdomen on the left-hand side and press it. And here you ask another fundamental question about yourself three times to Me. Please ask, "Mother, am I my own master?" I've already confessed to you that I cannot force Self-realization or pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now please take your right hand on the lower portion of you abdomen and press it hard. Here you have to say six times, because this center has got six petals. Please say in your heart, "Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge." As soon as you ask for divine knowledge Kundalini has started moving upward. So now we have to enrich our higher centers, to open them. So take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is a center of your mastery. Here you have to say, again with full self-confidence, ten times, "Mother, I am my own master." At the very outset I told you that you are not this body, mind, ego, superego or conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and here you have to say with full confidence twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." You'll have to know that this all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge. It is an ocean of love and bliss, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness, and whatever mistakes you have committed can be easily dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So now please raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here again with full self-confidence you have to say sixteen times, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." Please say it. I've already explained to you; whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything, but if you don't forgive then you torture yourself and play into wrong hands. At this time if you do not forgive, then this constricted center won't allow Kundalini to pass through. Thus you will miss the greatest event of your life. So please forgive everyone. Place your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head and here you have to say again with full confidence, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." You must forgive at this moment. Just forgive at this moment. Just say that you forgive. Now please take your right hand now on the backside of your head and push back your head. Here you have to say without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction. Ask for forgiveness from the Divine Power. Please say, "Oh Divine Power, if I have done anything wrong, please forgive me." It's from your heart now. You need not count how many times. Even forgiveness that is your forgiving, you need not count. Just say it from your heart. Now the last center is very important. For that you have to stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please push back your fingers so there is a better pressure on your scalp. Now please put down your head. Here again I cannot force Self-realization on you, you have to ask for it. So move your scalp clockwise seven times slowly saying in your heart, "Mother, please give me Self-realization." Now take back your hand and open your eyes slowly. Please put both the hands towards Me like this [INAUDIBLE]. Now put left hand towards Me like this and right hand like this and now bend your head and see for yourself on the left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now take your left hand like this and with the right hand [INAUDIBLE]. See for yourself, you have to [INAUDIBLE] yourself. Some people might get it hot. It means you've not forgiven. Please forgive. Sometimes some people get it far away, sometimes very close. Now please put your right hand towards Me and put out the left hand on your fontanel bone area again, not on top, but away from it. [Bend your head, bend it, bend it?]. Now please put both your hands towards the sky like this and ask a question, any one of these questions. Three questions, you ask one of them three times. First is, "Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" Or second question is, "Mother, is it Ruh?" The third question is, "Mother is it Param Chaitanya, all-pervading power of divine love." Ask anyone of these questions three times. Now please bring down your hands. Put your hands towards Me and watch Me without thinking, thoughtless awareness. You'll feel very peaceful. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their finger tips or on their palms or out of their fontanel bone area, raise both your hands. I bow to you now. You are [saint enlightentment?] [NOT CLEAR]. Practically the fourth of Geneva. May God bless you all. Look after your Self-realization. I know some people didn't get it because they have some questions in their heads. All of you should come to the collective in a very humble way, Because we don't take any money, we have very humble centers. So please humble down in your hearts and come. I know all of you will grow and come after a year here again. I want to see you grown like big trees. I assure you, you don't have to pay for anything. You cannot pay for the Divine Love, it is invaluable. May God bless you all!
Public Program. Victoria Hall, Geneva (Switzerland), 8 July 1994. At the very outset I have to tell you that truth is what it is. You cannot mold it, you cannot change it. It is always the same. It has been the same, it is the same, it will be the same. But to say that we know the truth and that we have the truth is really a self-deception. If you had known the absolute truth there would have been no problems and everybody would have said the same thing. There would be no discussions, no arguments, no fights and wars. But when we don't know the absolute truth then we can find out our own mental conceptions as the truth. But this mind is so limited. How far can you go with it? Even science cannot answer many questions. It cannot say why are we on this Earth. It cannot explain why we evolved to human beings. So far this answer has [returned?] to religion, and to reason [NOT CLEAR] that truth is mental. It's such a frustration when you see in the name of religion, in the name of God, what people are doing is something we never expected. The religion has to be Spirit-oriented, but it is only power-oriented or money-oriented. In the original scriptures, or we can say in the origin of this religion was the truth. And all these religions bloom on the same play of spirituality like beautiful flowers at different times, but people have plucked it and now they are fighting with the dead flowers. And then they say, "There is no God." They believe there is no God, some say, "We believe there is God," some say, "We believe in one God," some in many gods. They call each other heathens. But by this we don't solve the problem. They have been always told has to be internal mechanism which is within us. Sahaja Yoga, saha means with, ja born - with you is born the right to have this yoga. So what is the truth? Of course whatever I'm telling you, you need not believe it. We have had lots of problems with blind faith. But if it works out, then as honest people you have to accept it. The truth is that you are not this body, mind, these emotions, intellect, ego, superego, but you are the pure Spirit. You see these beautiful flowers all over. We don't even think it's a miracle. We take them for granted. Who runs our heart? If you ask a doctor he'll say it is autonomous nervous system, but who is this auto? There is no answer for it. All these living works, who does? There is an all-pervading power of divine love that does all this divine work, which is living work. Our evolution also was performed by that power. Now what we have to understand: that this all-pervading power of divine love we have never met. In the Bible it is described as cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. And to that, in all the scriptures: Koran it is described as Ruh, in the Indian scriptures it is described as Param Chaitanya. Patanjali has called it by another name, which is very interesting, Ritambhara PrAgnya. So all these beautiful names mean one thing, is this all-pervading power of divine love. Now when you are connected to this divine love, to this power, then yoga takes place, union takes place. This is not a new theory I'm telling you. In ancient times specially in India people had become seekers of truth, and in many other countries also, and there were many seers, great saints who knew that this union is the only way, is the last breakthrough of our evolution. This power, Kundalini, is your own mother. She is your individual mother and She knows everything about you and She is very anxious to give you your second birth. With this happening, so many things you achieve that you are amazed at yourself. Firstly the Kundalini rises and She solves your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems. In Delhi University there are three doctors who have got their M.D. in Sahaja Yoga, and there is a fourth one who is doing something on cancer. It's a fact that Kundalini awakening has cured many incurable diseases like cancer. Because all human problems, physical, mental, emotional, comes from the centers that are within us, and these problems expand as they become collective. So we have then economic problems, political problems, social problems, because basically the human being is not in proper shape. So that if you are thinking of improving the world problems today is better that first you know yourself. I've known many people who have got peace awards, peace organization, no peace within their heart. Also I've seen people who say they are very religious, they are this, they are that, but when you see their life, you don't believe there is anything to do with religion. So first of all we have to be honest that we have to be our [selves?]. All the world problems, most of them, come from human beings and all these problems come to us from our centers, our chakras. Now if you can somehow try to correct these problems, then automatically everything is corrected. First of all your attention gets enlightened and this attention, when it is enlightened, becomes very powerful. It becomes very innocent and such an attention, even a glance of such a person can definitely improve the conditions around him. Now in this enlightened attention you know the absolute truth. How do you know? On your fingers. These five, six and seven centers on both hands are the endings of the sympathetic nervous system. And your hands start telling you, speaking, what's wrong with your centers. In the Koran it is written clearly that at the time of resurrection, Kiyama, your hands will speak and they give witness against you. Meaning they will tell what's wrong with you. Now that time has come, what we call as a Last Judgment. This time is a special time; I call it the blossom time. Because there are so many seekers of truth, genuine, honest, and it's so very [important?] to give them this yoga, this realization. I have actually done nothing, I would say, because this is the tradition of My country, except that I have been able to find out a method by which en-masse realization can be given. Now Sahaja Yoga is working in sixty-five nations, but [place in the shelf?] I should say, of course India I shouldn't say, because India knows all about it. Seventy per cent people are very intelligent and they are not bound, not bound by any dogma. They are like a clean slate. French, you see, is a language where there are many words missing, I think. I was told there is no word for awareness. There is no word for fun. Can you imagine there's no "fun". They are all [INAUDIBLE] miserables. So now one has to understand that something more has to happen to us. To know what we are. To be the Spirit and to have this self-knowledge, knowledge about our centers and knowledge about our [INAUDIBLE]. Once you are a realized soul, then you grow into it and you develop tremendous powers. First of all you become extremely dynamic, your creativity knows no bounds. [And not the English state slowly?], but a fact. But at the same time you are extremely compassionate, extremely compassionate, and you compassion acts. You can cure people; you can help people in many ways which are miraculous. All these powers are within you, they are your own powers. There's no obligation at all. When you put the seed in the Mother Earth it sprouts by itself. In the same way when your Kundalini rises and passes through these various centers automatically, spontaneously, it nourishes all the centers, it integrates all the centers. Even I've seen children who were very bad at school have become brilliant, but at the same time they are humble. Now by knowing absolute truth you understand each other much more. That means a collective consciousness, a new dimension in your awareness. You can feel others on your finger tips and if you know how to correct your centers you can help them. Then who is the other? The microcosm becomes the macrocosm. It has to happen. It is for our benevolence. God, who has created us, has made every arrangement that we should enter into His kingdom. I can see the future of this world which looks full of turmoil, full of problems, is driving into a new era of truth, where there will be pure love. I've seen Sahaja yogis have from all over the world gathered together, we have never heard of somebody running away with somebody's wife or such nonsensical thing. There are never fights or arguments, but of course they'll pull each other's legs and have lot of fun. So life is very beautiful, but of course it's like a drunkard wants everybody to join him, we also want all of you to come to this beautiful era of enjoyment. Then you'll know your beauty, then you'll know your glory. You understand what you are. Of course you can't pay for it. It's your own, it's a living process. It's your own that works it out. Then you get over all these stupid barriers that we have created. You don't get into some [destitutions?] or some sort of a reciting of the mantras and all that, but you are the most normal person. You don't have to give up anything and go to jungles, there's no need to do that; you have to live in this world. There is no need to escape. Your old habits that are destructive just drop out. You'll be amazed how many people who have taken to drugs have come to Sahaja Yoga have given up overnight, overnight. So many alcoholics have been cured. There's no end to the story. [INAUDIBLE] You jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is a singular experience. Is not like happiness and unhappiness. When your ego is [oppressed?] you feel unhappy and when it is pampered you feel happy. But joy in itself is an experience of tremendous joy that goes through your being and makes others also joyous. These hands start emitting cool vibrations because the vibrations ... but actually is called as phun, by Adi Shankaracharya, phun, means throbbing. With these vibrations we can improve our agricultural [INAUDIBLE]. I've seen such a big sunflower, so many of them of this size [treated by vibrations?]. So many things are there for you to see which are miraculous from the normal point of view. But we don't know our selves, we don't know our powers, we don't know our glory which we have to see. And sahaja means also easy, spontaneous. It has to work out in the special times for you to achieve it. I'm sure tonight you all will get your Self-realization, but it's a collective happening. Now you get your realization, then you'll feel on top of the world, you will get lost. Then again you come after one year say, "Mother, I've got this struggle that's how [or is it 'why']." But you have to come to the collective where you get all the knowledge that is necessary. Within one month you become your own master and you become real guru. Not a false one, but a real one. It is such a pleasure to see so many of you in this beautiful hall and I'm sure as this hall was created, all [INAUDIBLE] will be also one day show its results. It will take hardly about ten minutes for you to get your realization, but before that I have to tell you that there are three conditions which you have to fulfill. No money involved any time. But the first one is that you must have respect for yourself that you must have full confidence that you will get this Self-realization. That means one thing particularly: that you are not guilty. It is a fashion to feel guilty. If you have committed any mistakes, that's past. You should have faced it at that time. But if you feel guilty then this center on the left side catches very badly. Then you develop a very serious disease called angina, you'll also develop spondylitis, also your whole system becomes lethargic. Every day I'm giving lectures. Now the second condition is very simple: that you have to forgive everyone. Now many would say, "How can you forgive? It's very difficult." But whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. It is a myth. But because of this myth you play into wrong hands. Those who have harmed you are happy while you are unnecessarily [killing?] yourself. There's no love in it. Moreover at this time if the Kundalini is about to rise, this center goes out of gear, it won't rise, it won't be able to bear the fruit. And then if this center, which is for forgiveness... if you don't forgive, that is such s constrictive one, that it won't pass through either. So what is the use of not forgiving? Just you have to say, "I forgive everyone in general." You don't even think them [INAUDIBLE]. The third condition as I told you that you have to be extremely confident, absolutely confident about yourself, forgiving yourself, that you will get your Self-realization. In no way try to condemn yourself. As I respect you, you also respect yourself. At this moment specially we have to be in the present. You cannot, you cannot be in the present because we are jumping on the cusp of the future or the past, our mind is always there. One thought rises, falls down, another thought rises, falls down[INAUDIBLE] and you are [simply?] either in the future or the past. In between these is a little space, which is the present. In the present you are completely aware, but there is no thought. So first thing that you will feel will be thoughtless awareness. When this happening takes place you'll be surprised, you become absolutely silent and peaceful within yourself and you will start seeing everything like a witness, and you witness a drama. You are witnessing it outside, and nothing will disturb you. So the first state what we call is thoughtless awareness. In Sanskrit is called Nirvichar Samadhi, and then we have another state, which some people achieve at the same time called as doubtless awareness. Thus you have a samadhi which is called as Nirvikalpa Samadhi. In fact, feeling the cool breeze in your hands for the first time you feel this All Pervading Power. Also you feel the cool breeze out of your own being, out of the fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Then just if you use it you will know what the value of it is. It is very, very simple. Please do not put concentration or pressure, or anything. Just leave it. Attention itself will be pulled in by the rise of Kundalini, and when She pierces this last, fontanel bone area, which we call as thaloo. Then you get your actualization, again I say actualization of baptism. So we have to actualize the experience firstly and secondly we have to become. I don't know how many lectures I've given you, English language, at least four thousand so far and in these short lectures I don't know how much I can tell you about it. When you see all these lights, no use telling you about electricity, how to make electricity and the whole thing - you just put on the light first. In the same way you should take your realization and look after it and grow into it. Life will be full of blessings. I told [INAUDIBLE] about their miracles, why don't you come [fight?] me? Within one month he said, "They have come up to my head, above my head. So you better choose now." I said, "I have no time." This [life?] is there for you [NOT CLEAR]. But one unfortunate thing is that I cannot force it on you. I'm sorry. I respect your freedom. If you don't want it, you better leave the hall. Nothing will happen to you, on the contrary you feel much better, brightened, relax, but if you don't want it, it's impossible. [INAUDIBLE] I'm seventy-one years of age and [INAUDIBLE] every day what's going to happen to us Now we have to take out our shoes if you don't mind. In England in the beginning I tell, "You have to take out your shoes," half of them walked out. It was too much for them. All right. I don't know if she has told you that we have two sympathetic systems, left and right. The left one is for your desire and right one is for your action. But Kundalini is pure desire, the power of pure desire. So you have to put on your lap, very comfortably sitting, your left hand like this. This shows that you are desiring of having your Self-realization. All right. Now with the right hand we will have to enrich our own chakras. We'll be working on the left-hand side. The Spirit resides in the heart, so put your right hand on your heart. If you are the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master, your own guru. Now you take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the center which is created by great masters, prophets for us, as the center of our mastery. Then you please take your right hand in the lower portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the center, you'll be surprised to know, is of pure divine knowledge. Now then we take back our hand in the upper portion of our abdomen on the left-hand side. Then we take our right hand on your heart. Then in the corner of your neck and shoulder, and turn your head to your right. I've already told you that when you feel guilty then this center catches very badly. Now today I think quite a lot here. So please don't feel guilty. I don't know why should we feel guilty at all. Now place your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head. This is the center where you have to forgive everyone in general. Now please take back this right hand on the backside of your head and turn your head up. This is the center, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. This is only for your own satisfaction. Now stretch your palm fully, push back you fingers and put the center of your palm on top of your head. Push back your fingers. It's very important, it gives a good pressure. Put down your head and now move your scalp seven times slowly. That's all we have to do. Now as there are two powers we have to put our left and right foot away from each other. Put the left hand towards Me. You need not become very over-strict like that or slouch like that, just sit comfortably. Now you have to close your eyes but you can take out your spectacles as you don't have to open them till I tell you. Please put your right hand on your heart. Now close your eyes. Not heavily, but just close your eyes. Here you have to ask a very important fundamental question about yourself today. Please ask in your heart, you can call Me Mother, or you can call Me Shri Mataji. Ask a question in your heart three times, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" I told you that when you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of you abdomen on the left-hand side and press it. And here you ask another fundamental question about yourself three times to Me. Please ask, "Mother, am I my own master?" I've already confessed to you that I cannot force Self-realization or pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now please take your right hand on the lower portion of you abdomen and press it hard. Here you have to say six times, because this center has got six petals. Please say in your heart, "Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge." As soon as you ask for divine knowledge Kundalini has started moving upward. So now we have to enrich our higher centers, to open them. So take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is a center of your mastery. Here you have to say, again with full self-confidence, ten times, "Mother, I am my own master." At the very outset I told you that you are not this body, mind, ego, superego or conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and here you have to say with full confidence twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." You'll have to know that this all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge. It is an ocean of love and bliss, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness, and whatever mistakes you have committed can be easily dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So now please raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here again with full self-confidence you have to say sixteen times, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." Please say it. I've already explained to you; whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything, but if you don't forgive then you torture yourself and play into wrong hands. At this time if you do not forgive, then this constricted center won't allow Kundalini to pass through. Thus you will miss the greatest event of your life. So please forgive everyone. Place your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head and here you have to say again with full confidence, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." You must forgive at this moment. Just forgive at this moment. Just say that you forgive. Now please take your right hand now on the backside of your head and push back your head. Here you have to say without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction. Ask for forgiveness from the Divine Power. Please say, "Oh Divine Power, if I have done anything wrong, please forgive me." It's from your heart now. You need not count how many times. Even forgiveness that is your forgiving, you need not count. Just say it from your heart. Now the last center is very important. For that you have to stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please push back your fingers so there is a better pressure on your scalp. Now please put down your head. Here again I cannot force Self-realization on you, you have to ask for it. So move your scalp clockwise seven times slowly saying in your heart, "Mother, please give me Self-realization." Now take back your hand and open your eyes slowly. Please put both the hands towards Me like this [INAUDIBLE]. Now put left hand towards Me like this and right hand like this and now bend your head and see for yourself on the left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now take your left hand like this and with the right hand [INAUDIBLE]. See for yourself, you have to [INAUDIBLE] yourself. Some people might get it hot. It means you've not forgiven. Please forgive. Sometimes some people get it far away, sometimes very close. Now please put your right hand towards Me and put out the left hand on your fontanel bone area again, not on top, but away from it. [Bend your head, bend it, bend it?]. Now please put both your hands towards the sky like this and ask a question, any one of these questions. Three questions, you ask one of them three times. First is, "Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" Or second question is, "Mother, is it Ruh?" The third question is, "Mother is it Param Chaitanya, all-pervading power of divine love." Ask anyone of these questions three times. Now please bring down your hands. Put your hands towards Me and watch Me without thinking, thoughtless awareness. You'll feel very peaceful. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their finger tips or on their palms or out of their fontanel bone area, raise both your hands. I bow to you now. You are [saint enlightentment?] [NOT CLEAR]. Practically the fourth of Geneva. May God bless you all. Look after your Self-realization. I know some people didn't get it because they have some questions in their heads. All of you should come to the collective in a very humble way, Because we don't take any money, we have very humble centers. So please humble down in your hearts and come. I know all of you will grow and come after a year here again. I want to see you grown like big trees. I assure you, you don't have to pay for anything. You cannot pay for the Divine Love, it is invaluable. May God bless you all!
Public Program
Public Program
Public Program, Basel (Switzerland), 9 July 1994. [..] We cannot change it. We cannot transform it. We cannot [CAPITALIZE OR CONCEPTUALIZE?] it. We have to know it on our central nervous system. This is what is described in Sanskrit language as Budh or they call it [BODH] from which the word "Buddha", means enlightened personality. Also, its called as [Veeda?] from where the word Vedas come from. Also, the word "Gna" as "GN" used in Sanskrit language means the knowledge - means the absolute knowledge. The same word again was used in the talk of Gnostics. These were the people who knew the absolute knowledge long time back. John's Revelation is a very beautiful book which is much more than what it is in the Bible. And he has talked about the Gnostics who lived in those days and were tortured by the people who were supposed to be in charge of religion. So this is the knowledge we are talking about [our ascent? In the Zen? Sahaj?] [UNCLEAR PHRASE] and our inner being. We have to realize that our Creator was the greatest organizer and the centers that you see here, the seven centers were created within us during our evolutionary process. These centers are formed by the left and right side of the sympathetic nervous system like this, forming the central part which is described as [UNCLEAR WORD]. We have in our triangular bone, the sacrum, the power which we call as Kundalini, which is coiled three and a half coils. And this Kundalini is the power of pure desire within us. All other desires are not pure. According to economics desires in general are not [satiable - satisfied?]. You take to one desire, you want to have say a house, when you get it, you are not satisfied, you want to have a car. But when you get even your car you are not satisfied. Like this we go on jumping from one desire to another desire. That means, we are not satisfied with any desire which is fulfilled. But we have within us, dormantly placed, the pure desire which is the power lies in the sacrum bone. That means that Greeks knew that it is sacred bone, because they called it sacrum. Now when we are sometimes fed up in life or are born with this pure desire of seeking the truth, then this power can be awakened. It passes through six centers and the seventh center is below the sacrum bone. This seventh center looks after our excretions, that is also sex. So for the awakening of the Kundalini, this center stops its activities and supports the awakening of the Kundalini, that shows, that means that sex has nothing to do with the awakening of the Kundalini. When the Kundalini is rising, you become like a child, and when you become like a child, you become very innocent. That's why Christ has said, "You have to be like children to enter into the Kingdom of God." Now to tell you about the seven chakras will take too much time and when you come to our centers, you will know all about it. Thomas told me that he just talked about Me and nothing about chakras. Doesn't matter. I want to just tell you that when this Kundalini rises and passes through these centers, it nourishes them, she nourishes and also she pierces through the seventh center here, or we can call the first center in the fontanel bone area and becomes one with the all pervading power of divine love. So the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, this emotions, intellect, but you are pure spririt. And the second truth is that when we see these flowers, we take them for granted. But how they have come out like this, it's a miracle. We never even think who does this miraculous things. If you ask a doctor, "Who runs our heart?", he will say "It is the autonomous nervous system." But who is this auto? This is done by this all pervading divine power. All the living processes are done by this divine power. Also, our evolutionary process are done by this great power of divine love. So, now, we are at a point where we have to move little further to achieve our Self-Realization. Science does not know why we are on this earth, it cannot answer many questions. But when the Kundalini rises and connects you with this pervading power, you start feeling this power within yourself. You start feeling the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost is nothing but this all pervading power. And this power is the power of the Primordial Mother. It is very surprising that, in the Bible, they have a Father and a Son but not the Mother. It may be because of Paul. Because he never met Christ and also he was never given any initiation by Christ. And he hated women. So he called it a Holy Ghost How can there be a ghost?. This is how we have such a big problem today that they cannot think a woman can become the priest. But according to Indian scriptures which is very ancient, a woman is the power, is the Shakti. And this Kundalini is your individual Mother power, because She is your own and She knows each and everything about you. She is full of intelligence, understanding and the greatest thing is that She loves you. And She is very anxious to give you the Self-hood, that is Self-Realization. Christ has said, "You have to be born again." And She is the Mother who gives you your second birth. So [this is all destined?]. And it is now working in 65 nations in a big way. This knowledge was not only known to Indians, but also to [UNCLEAR WORD] and also to [John?]. It was restricted knowledge and only one master would have only one disciple. But this is a special time. I call it a blossom time when there are so many flowers who are seeking and they are about to become fruits. But, definitely there is going to be a judgment, final judgment, this is the time of that judgment. You have to decide whether you want to choose the truth or falsehood. By just believing that I know that truth, you don't know the truth. So when this Kundalini rises, the first thing that happens to you is that you start feeling the cool breeze of this power on your finger tips. Now there are five, six and seven centers on the left side and same way seven centers on the right side. Now each centers, you can feel them on your finger tips. In the Quran, it is said, "At the time resurrection, that is Kiyama, your hands will speak." And there will be witness against [UNCLEAR WORD]. This is the time of Kiyama, of resurrection. I don't know from where this idea of resurrection came among Jews and Muslims and Christians, that if you bury yourself, your dead bodies will come out after five, six hundred years and then you get resurrection. For five, six hundred years, if a body lies in the grave, what will come out? It should be logical. That's not reality. But according to the Indian scriptures, it is much more sensible where it says that your souls [will take birth] and you will have population [control which is a fact]. At that time, the people who were seeking God in the [UNCLEAR WORD] and mountains will be born and [UNCLEAR WORD] and they will find their realization. It sounds sensible to Me. So the souls which were [sick?] are born again. William Blake has said, "Men of God will be born in those days." Hundred years back, he said so, hundred years back and they will find divinity in themselves. When they have this divinity, then they will be able to give it to others. This is exactly what happens in Sahaja Yoga. You feel from your fontanel area, a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. That is the actualization of baptism. It is not that somebody puts water on your head and you are baptized, it is artificial. In Russia, they make the naked women to get into water for their realization. Everything should be logical isn't it? Can't understand this kind of a nonsense by making them naked, I don't know what they achieve. In Sahaja yoga, you don't have to give up anything. You don't have to go Himalayas and stand on your heads. It is something that is internal which works out. It has nothing to do with these outward things. Like Kabira has said, because some people shave their heads. He said, "By shaving your heads if you are going to go to heaven, then what about the sheep, they are shaven everyday." All kinds of absurd things they did. Last time, when I was here in Basel where five, six boys from one group somebody and they are just chanting like mad. They wouldn't listen to anything, they didn't want anything, it was like mad, you know what, they were hypnotized or what I don't know, they were chanting. All kinds of stupid ideas have come out in these modern times of Kali Yuga which I can't believe how people digest it. For example, the same people getting you jump in a range three feet high, what is the necessity? And so many people broke their bottoms and they became bankrupt. Every time they are starting a new marketing. In India, they cannot work out because they are too wise to take to such nonsensical thing. As such we have traffic jam, what is the need to be on three feet height floating about, I can't understand. All kinds of nonsensical [UNCLEAR WORD] in the name of God. They are not afraid of God, [UNCLEAR WORD]. Money making is the main proposition. Even the religions are money oriented or power oriented. They have lost their brains I tell you. We have to understand, what do we get by doing any kind of yoga or transcendental or any nonsense, what do we get. We start [UNCLEAR WORD]. America is the stupidest, I must say. There is one fellow who has come from TM marketing and he says "All right, I can teach you now how to control other people's mind." So he called somebody from the audience [UNCLEAR WORD] with pendulum in his hand. He hypnotizes, I think and he said now move the pendulum and he goes on moving the pendulum. Why I am telling you, because, so many of them started telling Me, "What sort of Indians there are, they told us to move the pendulum, we lost all our money, houses, children are taken [out of?] the school." [UNCLEAR WORD] stupid people. Have you come on this earth to move a pendulum? What is your worth? What is your value? Another one is Dalai Lama. He went to Canada and half of those people now have only one cloth left with them. He is the greatest beggar ever known. He just accumulating gold there, what is the need to give him so much money? And so many are there like this in this world, specially in your country I am surprised they are all here [] Switzerland. You have to see the disciples and find the truth. You cannot wait for divine to come. It is invaluable. Try to think, that how much did you pay to the Mother earth for these flowers? You cannot sell God in the market. Once you realize this, then you are safe in Sahaja Yoga. Those, who are real seekers will find the ultimate truth. But you have to be honest and you have to be intelligent. Sahaja Yoga is not meant for idiots. Frankly try to understand, why are you on this earth? Sahaja - "Saha" means with, with you is born the light, to have this union with the all pervading power. This is your right and you can't pay. When you realize what you are, what is your glory, what is your beauty, on your finger tips you will know the absolute truth. On your finger tips, you will know about your own centers. On your finger tips, you will know the centers of others. So who is the other? When a drop becomes a ocean, who is the other drop? When a microcosm becomes macrocosm, where is your identity but the whole universe? I can tell you that you have so many powers within you which are not yet discussed. With this happening, your brain opens, your heart opens and you start becoming a great creative personality. Our health problems also comes to us of this centers. So many people have been cured by Sahaja Yoga. By your own power. For diagnosis if you have to go toAmerica be careful, half of your time will be finished and half of your energy will be finished. But in Sahaja Yoga you don't even take even two minutes to say what's wrong with you. You can feel it on your finger tips, only thing you should know how to correct those centers. That's all, you can cure yourself. And you are so much full of dynamic energy that you don't feel tired. Can you imagine I am seventy-one year old woman and I traveled [UNCLEAR WORD]. When somebody says "You are traveling", I say, "I don't think I am traveling, I am just sitting in the aeroplane, what is there?" Because you enter into the realm which we call as thoughtless awareness. They are all the time thinking of the future or the past, we cannot be in the present. We are jumping on the thoughts of future and the past, but in between lies the present. So when Kundalini rises she separates the thoughts and your attention now is in thoughtless awareness in the present. All your stress disappears, all your worries disappear and you see all your problems, you see clearly. Like you are in the water, you are afraid of the waves, but if you get on top of the boat, then you can see all the waves. But if you know how to swim you can save others. This is the state where you are absolutely at peace with yourself, at peace with everyone. This state exists within us. I have known many people who have got peace awards, but they are so hot tempered, that you better reach them with [UNCLEAR WORD]. I don't know why they create this peace award and how. Peace within us, and unless and until we achieve that state of peace, how are we going to stretch peace within all? When you get your self realization, you become the Spirit. And your attention is enlightened by that spirit. You become a witness of the whole world like a drama. This enlightened attention is a very powerful means of spreading divine vibrations. You see eyes of such person becomes innocent, absolutely innocent. We have to know that there is one thing that is our innocence which never destroy. It is covered with clouds [maybe with our will?], but never destroyed. And you regain that back your innocent state within yourself. At the same time you are so dynamic but you become extremely compassionate. You don't have fears, You don't have any grudges, you are absolutely floating in the beautiful atmosphere of truth. If you have read the Bible, [ Mathews - Delete] the first chapter of Mathews this is what they have described [Christ has described?], where He says that "Thou shall not have adulterous eyes." You become so [UNCLEAR WORD] and at the same time, extremely innocent. You don't have to [accept?], your own personality becomes [UNCLEAR WORD]. Then the greatest thing that happens to you is that you jump into the ocean of joy. Now joy [UNCLEAR WORD], it is not like happiness or unhappiness. When your ego is pampered, you are happy, when it is punctured, you are unhappy. But the joy [UNCLEAR WORD]. It is a state which is to be experienced. And you start using your vibrations and raising the Kundalini of others, because this power you get. From the first stage of thoughtless awareness, you jump into another state called state called as doubtless awareness. And a tremendous transformation takes place, you will be amazed, there are at least thirty percent of Sahaja yogis have been drug addicts, thirty percent. And they gave up drugs overnight. I never said, don't do, I never said. [Ten commandments I don't say]. Because half of them will go away. But automatically, in the light of the spirit they just give up because you become your own guide. I have told you that Sahaja Yoga is working in sixty five nations and so many of them come together in India. They have become angels, they never quarrel, they never fight, no arguments. Of course, they pull each other legs and have fun. Their whole life becomes fun. It is a fun actually and you just understand why. Everything is happening that, because now we are entering into the age of truth. Do you think our creator will allow us to destroy his own creation? Is He not powerful enough to tell us and to give us that unique state which is required to us? So then, please understand that you all can get your realization tonight, but you must have pure desire. If Germans take to Sahaja yoga, the whole world can be transformed much more. Because, they are the Germs, is the essence if they take to destruction they can destroy, if they take to construction they can construct. Its now the time for us to construct this world into a beautiful palace and show that it will appeal to you and you take your realization and you will go deep into it. You are best in mechanism producing Mercedes and beautiful other things. Now you have to learn the mechanisms within ourselves and the power of divine love. I am sure, one day Germany will come forward very much. Though today I must say Russia is doing very well. Surprising, seventy percent of Russian population, I never expected, the way they have reacted to Sahaja Yoga. They were just like a clean slateand in one [ village only Kaliali?] we had twenty one thousand Sahaja yogis. I asked them why did you [UNCLEAR WORD] all the gurus and accepted Me. In a joke they said Mother we didn't have dollars. That's fine. In this short lecture whatever was possible I tried to cover but I have given you four thousand five thousand lectures in English language only. I would request you that you shouldn't worry about lectures so much. Because this is beyond your mental state. It will take hardly ten minutes to give self realization. If you have pure desire in that. But there are three conditions which I must tell you. First condition is that you must have full confidence in you that you will get your self realization. And that you should not feel guilty or condemn yourself for that at all. This guilt business is of the past. You have to be in the present. Why worry about the past? But this left hand center gets into trouble if you feel guilty. So we don't feel guilty. People don't like when I told them. Because they think it is religious to feel guilty. So you are not going to condemn yourself for anything. As I respect you , you should respect yourself, The second condition is even easy that you have to forgive everyone which is difficult for some. But again I will say logically. Whether you forgive or don't forgive what do you do? Nothing, its myth. It's a myth. But when you don't forgive you play into wrong hands. The one who has tortured you and troubled you is enjoying himself and you are [] yourself. But the worst part is that when you don't forgive you catch in a very constricted center inside your brain on the optic chasma. So if you have this center caught up with guilt then you get Angina or spondylitis. And at this moment if you still feel guilty how the Kundalini will pass through. Also in this center at this moment you should forgive because you have tortured yourself all you life and [UNCLEAR WORD] you are closing this center by not forgiving. So these are the two main conditions and the third one is even simpler that you have to take out your shoes. [UNCLEAR WORD] How we are going to nourish both the centers. I have told you there are two powers, left and right. Left for your desire and right for action. So first you see we will show you. Put your left hand towards Me like this on your lap. This is symbolic that you desire to have your self realization. [You can remove the fan because people can't see properly - Delete] Now the right hand we are going to do for nourishing our centers which you don't have to do it again, only here. So please put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the spirit. If you become the spirit you become your own master. So please put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. We are working only on the left hand side. You will be amazed to know that the pure knowledge of the Divine, the center is here in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. So we go upwards again on the upper portion of abdomen on the left hand side. Then we go on our heart. Then in the corner of our neck near shoulder and turn around towards right. I think there are people who are really feeling guilty [because this is catching very well]. Please don't feel guilty. If you have done anything wrong you would been in jail, So please respect yourself. All right, now take your right hand on top of your forehead across like this and put down your head. Now this is the center where we have to forgive everyone in general. Don't have to think also of them because [UNCLEAR WORD]. Now please take your right hand now to the back side of your head and push back your head slightly. This is the center without feeling guilty without counting your mistakes just for your satisfaction you have to ask first from the all pervading divine power. So now the last center, please stretch your palm. Now put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now stretch back your fingers. So very important, stretch back your fingers. Put pressure on your skull. Now please bend your head. Here you have to move your scalp with the pressure seven time clockwise [UNCLEAR WORD] Now that's all we have to do. But now we have to close our eyes. So you can take out your spectacles. Put both your feet apart from each other because these are two powers. Please put your left hands towards Me. And put your right hand on your heart. You can take out your spectacles and close your eyes and please don't open them until I say. Now please keep your eyes closed. Here on the center of heart you have to ask a fundamental question about yourself to Me in your heart. Here you have to ask, you can call me "Mother" or "Shri Mataji". Please ask three times "Mother, am I the spirit?". I have already told you that when you become the spirit you become your own master. The center of mastery is on the left side of your abdomen [UNCLEAR WORD] please put your right hand on the upper portion of the abdomen on the left hand side. Put your right hand. Here you have to ask another fundamental question to Me about yourself three times. Here you have to ask "Mother, am I my own master?" three times. I respect your freedom. I cannot force self realization on you. Also I cannot force the pure Divine knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. So please take your right hand to the lower portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here you have to ask six times, because this center has got six petals. So please ask "Mother, please give pure divine knowledge". As soon as you ask the pure Divine knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. But we have to nourish our center with our full self confidence the upper centers. For that, you raise your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen on your left hand side and press it hard. Here you have to say with full self confidence ten times, "Mother I am my own master" I have already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, this emotions, this ego and your conditioning but you are the pure spirit. So please raise your hand on your heart and say with full confidence twelve times "Mother I am the pure spirit". This all pervading power of Divine love is the ocean of knowledge. It is the ocean of compassion and bliss. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever you take too much you must know it can be easily dissolved by this portion of forgiveness. So forgive yourself and put your right hand at the corner of your neck and shoulder and put your right hand, press and your head towards the right. Here you have to say again with full self confidence sixteen times "Mother, I am not guilty at all". I have already told you that whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands and [UNCLEAR WORD]. At this moment forgive everyone because this center is very constricted. So raise your right hand on top of you forehead above and put down your head. Please put down your head and it say from your heart, "Mother I forgive everyone" without thinking about them in general. With from your heart not from [your tongue?]. Now without feeling guilty without counting your mistakes just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the all pervading Divine power. So now please take the right hand left side and push back your head. Here again you have to say from your heart [not from your tongue?] "Oh divine power if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me". Straight from your heart. Now the last center is very important. Please stretch your palm and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area. Here again I cannot force self realization on you, you have to ask for it. So here you bend your head stretch your fingers and put pressure on your scalp and move it seven times clockwise saying Mother please give me my self realization. Push back a little. It is important to push back and put gentle pressure. Please take down your hands. Put both your hand towards Me like this. Not like that, like this. Put it like this first. Without thinking, put your hands without thinking. Put both your hands like this. Now you see with your left hand bend your head see if there is a cool or hot breeze like vibrations are coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now please put your left towards Me bend your head and see with your right hand. If there is hot breeze is coming then please forgive. Don't put your hand on top of the head but away from it. Some people get it very far away. So move your hand and see for your self. You have to certify. Now raise the right hand. Now raise both your hands towards Me and push back your head. Here you have to ask anyone of this question three times. You may ask "Mother is this the cool breeze of the holy ghost?" or you can ask "Mother is this the all pervading power of Divine love?" or "Mother is this the Paramachaitanya?" Anyone of this question you can ask three times. Now please take down your hands [UNCLEAR WORD]. Tremendous, now all those who have felt, please open your eyes. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze or vibrations on their fingers or on their palms or out of the fontanel bone area please raise both your hands. I bow to you your saintliness. I don't know what to say. I am so much enamored. That's your power of truth. Now only thing you have to come to the collective and master this out. Some people get it very fast, at the most in one month you will be masters. All the knowledge will be [UNCLEAR WORD] all the knowledge. You don't have to say anything against [UNCLEAR WORD] Only you have to respect your self realization. On little time, All of you can go to [UNCLEAR WORD] and know that [UNCLEAR WORD] one from that you will grow in your self realization. You have to change the world. It is our responsibility now. With all My love all I will [ask] you is please look after your growth. Next time when I come I want to see like great trees. May god bless you! Tremendous vibrations. Basel seems to me something unique. Hello, have you felt it? Not much. Alright put your left hand on your liver. Left hand on your liver. And put your right hand on lap. If you put some ice there. Put some ice. It is because of liver.[Music starts]
Public Program, Basel (Switzerland), 9 July 1994. [..] We cannot change it. We cannot transform it. We cannot [CAPITALIZE OR CONCEPTUALIZE?] it. We have to know it on our central nervous system. This is what is described in Sanskrit language as Budh or they call it [BODH] from which the word "Buddha", means enlightened personality. Also, its called as [Veeda?] from where the word Vedas come from. Also, the word "Gna" as "GN" used in Sanskrit language means the knowledge - means the absolute knowledge. The same word again was used in the talk of Gnostics. These were the people who knew the absolute knowledge long time back. John's Revelation is a very beautiful book which is much more than what it is in the Bible. And he has talked about the Gnostics who lived in those days and were tortured by the people who were supposed to be in charge of religion. So this is the knowledge we are talking about [our ascent? In the Zen? Sahaj?] [UNCLEAR PHRASE] and our inner being. We have to realize that our Creator was the greatest organizer and the centers that you see here, the seven centers were created within us during our evolutionary process. These centers are formed by the left and right side of the sympathetic nervous system like this, forming the central part which is described as [UNCLEAR WORD]. We have in our triangular bone, the sacrum, the power which we call as Kundalini, which is coiled three and a half coils. And this Kundalini is the power of pure desire within us. All other desires are not pure. According to economics desires in general are not [satiable - satisfied?]. You take to one desire, you want to have say a house, when you get it, you are not satisfied, you want to have a car. But when you get even your car you are not satisfied. Like this we go on jumping from one desire to another desire. That means, we are not satisfied with any desire which is fulfilled. But we have within us, dormantly placed, the pure desire which is the power lies in the sacrum bone. That means that Greeks knew that it is sacred bone, because they called it sacrum. Now when we are sometimes fed up in life or are born with this pure desire of seeking the truth, then this power can be awakened. It passes through six centers and the seventh center is below the sacrum bone. This seventh center looks after our excretions, that is also sex. So for the awakening of the Kundalini, this center stops its activities and supports the awakening of the Kundalini, that shows, that means that sex has nothing to do with the awakening of the Kundalini. When the Kundalini is rising, you become like a child, and when you become like a child, you become very innocent. That's why Christ has said, "You have to be like children to enter into the Kingdom of God." Now to tell you about the seven chakras will take too much time and when you come to our centers, you will know all about it. Thomas told me that he just talked about Me and nothing about chakras. Doesn't matter. I want to just tell you that when this Kundalini rises and passes through these centers, it nourishes them, she nourishes and also she pierces through the seventh center here, or we can call the first center in the fontanel bone area and becomes one with the all pervading power of divine love. So the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, this emotions, intellect, but you are pure spririt. And the second truth is that when we see these flowers, we take them for granted. But how they have come out like this, it's a miracle. We never even think who does this miraculous things. If you ask a doctor, "Who runs our heart?", he will say "It is the autonomous nervous system." But who is this auto? This is done by this all pervading divine power. All the living processes are done by this divine power. Also, our evolutionary process are done by this great power of divine love. So, now, we are at a point where we have to move little further to achieve our Self-Realization. Science does not know why we are on this earth, it cannot answer many questions. But when the Kundalini rises and connects you with this pervading power, you start feeling this power within yourself. You start feeling the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost is nothing but this all pervading power. And this power is the power of the Primordial Mother. It is very surprising that, in the Bible, they have a Father and a Son but not the Mother. It may be because of Paul. Because he never met Christ and also he was never given any initiation by Christ. And he hated women. So he called it a Holy Ghost How can there be a ghost?. This is how we have such a big problem today that they cannot think a woman can become the priest. But according to Indian scriptures which is very ancient, a woman is the power, is the Shakti. And this Kundalini is your individual Mother power, because She is your own and She knows each and everything about you. She is full of intelligence, understanding and the greatest thing is that She loves you. And She is very anxious to give you the Self-hood, that is Self-Realization. Christ has said, "You have to be born again." And She is the Mother who gives you your second birth. So [this is all destined?]. And it is now working in 65 nations in a big way. This knowledge was not only known to Indians, but also to [UNCLEAR WORD] and also to [John?]. It was restricted knowledge and only one master would have only one disciple. But this is a special time. I call it a blossom time when there are so many flowers who are seeking and they are about to become fruits. But, definitely there is going to be a judgment, final judgment, this is the time of that judgment. You have to decide whether you want to choose the truth or falsehood. By just believing that I know that truth, you don't know the truth. So when this Kundalini rises, the first thing that happens to you is that you start feeling the cool breeze of this power on your finger tips. Now there are five, six and seven centers on the left side and same way seven centers on the right side. Now each centers, you can feel them on your finger tips. In the Quran, it is said, "At the time resurrection, that is Kiyama, your hands will speak." And there will be witness against [UNCLEAR WORD]. This is the time of Kiyama, of resurrection. I don't know from where this idea of resurrection came among Jews and Muslims and Christians, that if you bury yourself, your dead bodies will come out after five, six hundred years and then you get resurrection. For five, six hundred years, if a body lies in the grave, what will come out? It should be logical. That's not reality. But according to the Indian scriptures, it is much more sensible where it says that your souls [will take birth] and you will have population [control which is a fact]. At that time, the people who were seeking God in the [UNCLEAR WORD] and mountains will be born and [UNCLEAR WORD] and they will find their realization. It sounds sensible to Me. So the souls which were [sick?] are born again. William Blake has said, "Men of God will be born in those days." Hundred years back, he said so, hundred years back and they will find divinity in themselves. When they have this divinity, then they will be able to give it to others. This is exactly what happens in Sahaja Yoga. You feel from your fontanel area, a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. That is the actualization of baptism. It is not that somebody puts water on your head and you are baptized, it is artificial. In Russia, they make the naked women to get into water for their realization. Everything should be logical isn't it? Can't understand this kind of a nonsense by making them naked, I don't know what they achieve. In Sahaja yoga, you don't have to give up anything. You don't have to go Himalayas and stand on your heads. It is something that is internal which works out. It has nothing to do with these outward things. Like Kabira has said, because some people shave their heads. He said, "By shaving your heads if you are going to go to heaven, then what about the sheep, they are shaven everyday." All kinds of absurd things they did. Last time, when I was here in Basel where five, six boys from one group somebody and they are just chanting like mad. They wouldn't listen to anything, they didn't want anything, it was like mad, you know what, they were hypnotized or what I don't know, they were chanting. All kinds of stupid ideas have come out in these modern times of Kali Yuga which I can't believe how people digest it. For example, the same people getting you jump in a range three feet high, what is the necessity? And so many people broke their bottoms and they became bankrupt. Every time they are starting a new marketing. In India, they cannot work out because they are too wise to take to such nonsensical thing. As such we have traffic jam, what is the need to be on three feet height floating about, I can't understand. All kinds of nonsensical [UNCLEAR WORD] in the name of God. They are not afraid of God, [UNCLEAR WORD]. Money making is the main proposition. Even the religions are money oriented or power oriented. They have lost their brains I tell you. We have to understand, what do we get by doing any kind of yoga or transcendental or any nonsense, what do we get. We start [UNCLEAR WORD]. America is the stupidest, I must say. There is one fellow who has come from TM marketing and he says "All right, I can teach you now how to control other people's mind." So he called somebody from the audience [UNCLEAR WORD] with pendulum in his hand. He hypnotizes, I think and he said now move the pendulum and he goes on moving the pendulum. Why I am telling you, because, so many of them started telling Me, "What sort of Indians there are, they told us to move the pendulum, we lost all our money, houses, children are taken [out of?] the school." [UNCLEAR WORD] stupid people. Have you come on this earth to move a pendulum? What is your worth? What is your value? Another one is Dalai Lama. He went to Canada and half of those people now have only one cloth left with them. He is the greatest beggar ever known. He just accumulating gold there, what is the need to give him so much money? And so many are there like this in this world, specially in your country I am surprised they are all here [] Switzerland. You have to see the disciples and find the truth. You cannot wait for divine to come. It is invaluable. Try to think, that how much did you pay to the Mother earth for these flowers? You cannot sell God in the market. Once you realize this, then you are safe in Sahaja Yoga. Those, who are real seekers will find the ultimate truth. But you have to be honest and you have to be intelligent. Sahaja Yoga is not meant for idiots. Frankly try to understand, why are you on this earth? Sahaja - "Saha" means with, with you is born the light, to have this union with the all pervading power. This is your right and you can't pay. When you realize what you are, what is your glory, what is your beauty, on your finger tips you will know the absolute truth. On your finger tips, you will know about your own centers. On your finger tips, you will know the centers of others. So who is the other? When a drop becomes a ocean, who is the other drop? When a microcosm becomes macrocosm, where is your identity but the whole universe? I can tell you that you have so many powers within you which are not yet discussed. With this happening, your brain opens, your heart opens and you start becoming a great creative personality. Our health problems also comes to us of this centers. So many people have been cured by Sahaja Yoga. By your own power. For diagnosis if you have to go toAmerica be careful, half of your time will be finished and half of your energy will be finished. But in Sahaja Yoga you don't even take even two minutes to say what's wrong with you. You can feel it on your finger tips, only thing you should know how to correct those centers. That's all, you can cure yourself. And you are so much full of dynamic energy that you don't feel tired. Can you imagine I am seventy-one year old woman and I traveled [UNCLEAR WORD]. When somebody says "You are traveling", I say, "I don't think I am traveling, I am just sitting in the aeroplane, what is there?" Because you enter into the realm which we call as thoughtless awareness. They are all the time thinking of the future or the past, we cannot be in the present. We are jumping on the thoughts of future and the past, but in between lies the present. So when Kundalini rises she separates the thoughts and your attention now is in thoughtless awareness in the present. All your stress disappears, all your worries disappear and you see all your problems, you see clearly. Like you are in the water, you are afraid of the waves, but if you get on top of the boat, then you can see all the waves. But if you know how to swim you can save others. This is the state where you are absolutely at peace with yourself, at peace with everyone. This state exists within us. I have known many people who have got peace awards, but they are so hot tempered, that you better reach them with [UNCLEAR WORD]. I don't know why they create this peace award and how. Peace within us, and unless and until we achieve that state of peace, how are we going to stretch peace within all? When you get your self realization, you become the Spirit. And your attention is enlightened by that spirit. You become a witness of the whole world like a drama. This enlightened attention is a very powerful means of spreading divine vibrations. You see eyes of such person becomes innocent, absolutely innocent. We have to know that there is one thing that is our innocence which never destroy. It is covered with clouds [maybe with our will?], but never destroyed. And you regain that back your innocent state within yourself. At the same time you are so dynamic but you become extremely compassionate. You don't have fears, You don't have any grudges, you are absolutely floating in the beautiful atmosphere of truth. If you have read the Bible, [ Mathews - Delete] the first chapter of Mathews this is what they have described [Christ has described?], where He says that "Thou shall not have adulterous eyes." You become so [UNCLEAR WORD] and at the same time, extremely innocent. You don't have to [accept?], your own personality becomes [UNCLEAR WORD]. Then the greatest thing that happens to you is that you jump into the ocean of joy. Now joy [UNCLEAR WORD], it is not like happiness or unhappiness. When your ego is pampered, you are happy, when it is punctured, you are unhappy. But the joy [UNCLEAR WORD]. It is a state which is to be experienced. And you start using your vibrations and raising the Kundalini of others, because this power you get. From the first stage of thoughtless awareness, you jump into another state called state called as doubtless awareness. And a tremendous transformation takes place, you will be amazed, there are at least thirty percent of Sahaja yogis have been drug addicts, thirty percent. And they gave up drugs overnight. I never said, don't do, I never said. [Ten commandments I don't say]. Because half of them will go away. But automatically, in the light of the spirit they just give up because you become your own guide. I have told you that Sahaja Yoga is working in sixty five nations and so many of them come together in India. They have become angels, they never quarrel, they never fight, no arguments. Of course, they pull each other legs and have fun. Their whole life becomes fun. It is a fun actually and you just understand why. Everything is happening that, because now we are entering into the age of truth. Do you think our creator will allow us to destroy his own creation? Is He not powerful enough to tell us and to give us that unique state which is required to us? So then, please understand that you all can get your realization tonight, but you must have pure desire. If Germans take to Sahaja yoga, the whole world can be transformed much more. Because, they are the Germs, is the essence if they take to destruction they can destroy, if they take to construction they can construct. Its now the time for us to construct this world into a beautiful palace and show that it will appeal to you and you take your realization and you will go deep into it. You are best in mechanism producing Mercedes and beautiful other things. Now you have to learn the mechanisms within ourselves and the power of divine love. I am sure, one day Germany will come forward very much. Though today I must say Russia is doing very well. Surprising, seventy percent of Russian population, I never expected, the way they have reacted to Sahaja Yoga. They were just like a clean slateand in one [ village only Kaliali?] we had twenty one thousand Sahaja yogis. I asked them why did you [UNCLEAR WORD] all the gurus and accepted Me. In a joke they said Mother we didn't have dollars. That's fine. In this short lecture whatever was possible I tried to cover but I have given you four thousand five thousand lectures in English language only. I would request you that you shouldn't worry about lectures so much. Because this is beyond your mental state. It will take hardly ten minutes to give self realization. If you have pure desire in that. But there are three conditions which I must tell you. First condition is that you must have full confidence in you that you will get your self realization. And that you should not feel guilty or condemn yourself for that at all. This guilt business is of the past. You have to be in the present. Why worry about the past? But this left hand center gets into trouble if you feel guilty. So we don't feel guilty. People don't like when I told them. Because they think it is religious to feel guilty. So you are not going to condemn yourself for anything. As I respect you , you should respect yourself, The second condition is even easy that you have to forgive everyone which is difficult for some. But again I will say logically. Whether you forgive or don't forgive what do you do? Nothing, its myth. It's a myth. But when you don't forgive you play into wrong hands. The one who has tortured you and troubled you is enjoying himself and you are [] yourself. But the worst part is that when you don't forgive you catch in a very constricted center inside your brain on the optic chasma. So if you have this center caught up with guilt then you get Angina or spondylitis. And at this moment if you still feel guilty how the Kundalini will pass through. Also in this center at this moment you should forgive because you have tortured yourself all you life and [UNCLEAR WORD] you are closing this center by not forgiving. So these are the two main conditions and the third one is even simpler that you have to take out your shoes. [UNCLEAR WORD] How we are going to nourish both the centers. I have told you there are two powers, left and right. Left for your desire and right for action. So first you see we will show you. Put your left hand towards Me like this on your lap. This is symbolic that you desire to have your self realization. [You can remove the fan because people can't see properly - Delete] Now the right hand we are going to do for nourishing our centers which you don't have to do it again, only here. So please put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the spirit. If you become the spirit you become your own master. So please put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. We are working only on the left hand side. You will be amazed to know that the pure knowledge of the Divine, the center is here in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. So we go upwards again on the upper portion of abdomen on the left hand side. Then we go on our heart. Then in the corner of our neck near shoulder and turn around towards right. I think there are people who are really feeling guilty [because this is catching very well]. Please don't feel guilty. If you have done anything wrong you would been in jail, So please respect yourself. All right, now take your right hand on top of your forehead across like this and put down your head. Now this is the center where we have to forgive everyone in general. Don't have to think also of them because [UNCLEAR WORD]. Now please take your right hand now to the back side of your head and push back your head slightly. This is the center without feeling guilty without counting your mistakes just for your satisfaction you have to ask first from the all pervading divine power. So now the last center, please stretch your palm. Now put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now stretch back your fingers. So very important, stretch back your fingers. Put pressure on your skull. Now please bend your head. Here you have to move your scalp with the pressure seven time clockwise [UNCLEAR WORD] Now that's all we have to do. But now we have to close our eyes. So you can take out your spectacles. Put both your feet apart from each other because these are two powers. Please put your left hands towards Me. And put your right hand on your heart. You can take out your spectacles and close your eyes and please don't open them until I say. Now please keep your eyes closed. Here on the center of heart you have to ask a fundamental question about yourself to Me in your heart. Here you have to ask, you can call me "Mother" or "Shri Mataji". Please ask three times "Mother, am I the spirit?". I have already told you that when you become the spirit you become your own master. The center of mastery is on the left side of your abdomen [UNCLEAR WORD] please put your right hand on the upper portion of the abdomen on the left hand side. Put your right hand. Here you have to ask another fundamental question to Me about yourself three times. Here you have to ask "Mother, am I my own master?" three times. I respect your freedom. I cannot force self realization on you. Also I cannot force the pure Divine knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. So please take your right hand to the lower portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here you have to ask six times, because this center has got six petals. So please ask "Mother, please give pure divine knowledge". As soon as you ask the pure Divine knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. But we have to nourish our center with our full self confidence the upper centers. For that, you raise your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen on your left hand side and press it hard. Here you have to say with full self confidence ten times, "Mother I am my own master" I have already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, this emotions, this ego and your conditioning but you are the pure spirit. So please raise your hand on your heart and say with full confidence twelve times "Mother I am the pure spirit". This all pervading power of Divine love is the ocean of knowledge. It is the ocean of compassion and bliss. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever you take too much you must know it can be easily dissolved by this portion of forgiveness. So forgive yourself and put your right hand at the corner of your neck and shoulder and put your right hand, press and your head towards the right. Here you have to say again with full self confidence sixteen times "Mother, I am not guilty at all". I have already told you that whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands and [UNCLEAR WORD]. At this moment forgive everyone because this center is very constricted. So raise your right hand on top of you forehead above and put down your head. Please put down your head and it say from your heart, "Mother I forgive everyone" without thinking about them in general. With from your heart not from [your tongue?]. Now without feeling guilty without counting your mistakes just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the all pervading Divine power. So now please take the right hand left side and push back your head. Here again you have to say from your heart [not from your tongue?] "Oh divine power if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me". Straight from your heart. Now the last center is very important. Please stretch your palm and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area. Here again I cannot force self realization on you, you have to ask for it. So here you bend your head stretch your fingers and put pressure on your scalp and move it seven times clockwise saying Mother please give me my self realization. Push back a little. It is important to push back and put gentle pressure. Please take down your hands. Put both your hand towards Me like this. Not like that, like this. Put it like this first. Without thinking, put your hands without thinking. Put both your hands like this. Now you see with your left hand bend your head see if there is a cool or hot breeze like vibrations are coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now please put your left towards Me bend your head and see with your right hand. If there is hot breeze is coming then please forgive. Don't put your hand on top of the head but away from it. Some people get it very far away. So move your hand and see for your self. You have to certify. Now raise the right hand. Now raise both your hands towards Me and push back your head. Here you have to ask anyone of this question three times. You may ask "Mother is this the cool breeze of the holy ghost?" or you can ask "Mother is this the all pervading power of Divine love?" or "Mother is this the Paramachaitanya?" Anyone of this question you can ask three times. Now please take down your hands [UNCLEAR WORD]. Tremendous, now all those who have felt, please open your eyes. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze or vibrations on their fingers or on their palms or out of the fontanel bone area please raise both your hands. I bow to you your saintliness. I don't know what to say. I am so much enamored. That's your power of truth. Now only thing you have to come to the collective and master this out. Some people get it very fast, at the most in one month you will be masters. All the knowledge will be [UNCLEAR WORD] all the knowledge. You don't have to say anything against [UNCLEAR WORD] Only you have to respect your self realization. On little time, All of you can go to [UNCLEAR WORD] and know that [UNCLEAR WORD] one from that you will grow in your self realization. You have to change the world. It is our responsibility now. With all My love all I will [ask] you is please look after your growth. Next time when I come I want to see like great trees. May god bless you! Tremendous vibrations. Basel seems to me something unique. Hello, have you felt it? Not much. Alright put your left hand on your liver. Left hand on your liver. And put your right hand on lap. If you put some ice there. Put some ice. It is because of liver.[Music starts]
Departure for France
Conversation on Islam
Conversation on Islam, Montfermeil ashram, Montfermeil (Paris), France, July 11th, 1994 Indians are ancient people; they travelled all over the world. They went to, even to England. [Inaudible] But the best part is the timing: six hours difference. And this six hours difference comes in with the exact timing in India and here. And another I will tell you, the way they give degrees to the studies, Bachelor of Arts. “Apne a brahmachary tatva”, masters of arts, Brahmins. These are the things of ancient times, guru [?] Dr Rustom Banjorjee: Like laureates. Shri Mataji: You are surprising Me. Even in, near Peru or somewhere, there were mountains called Shiva, Vishnu. Sahaja Yogi: I don’t know Shri Mataji. Arnaud de Kalbermaten: Even in Bolivia. Shri Mataji: Bolivia, what do you have? Arnaud: In Bolivia, there are some ruins, Shri Mataji, which is unexplained and they think that the people came from a very far away country to build this ruin. And it was a city in the Altiplano. Shri Mataji: What did they build? Arnaud: It was all the city. It’s not the Maya it’s a city which is quite close to La Paz. Tiwanaku. Shri Mataji: Best part of it, I’ll tell you, is that we went down to Bogota. And what is that port called? You have got a port in Bogota? Sahaja Yogi: Cartafel? Shri Mataji: Hum, Cartafel. So we went there and they were having a party, reception party. So I asked them: “Why do you have a condor, Garuda, as your emblem for name, why do you have a condor?” So one fellow- still they have some aboriginal people there, quite a lot. He told Me that: “Our forefathers told us that Shri Vishnu came from your country on a condor.” Now C.P. might say: “Go to a stand”, you know, I don’t know [unsure]. Really they told. And amazing he was; and then I made a little mistake, in a way. They said: “Mother these Americans are just torturing us and troubling us so much and they are taking our wheat at a very low price and we don’t make any profit. We don’t know how to exist in Bogota. So can you bless us with something that we can also exploit them? And they got the cocaine. My Goodness! Rustom Banjorjee: But maybe that was not your blessing Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: No, no, no, I’d rather say. [Laughter] It’s a destructive force of that thing. Rustom Banjorjee: But actually, Shri Mataji, in the old days, in the 19 century, Coca-Cola used to contain cocaine. Shri Mataji: I know, I know. Rustom Banjorjee: And the women used to drink it and it didn’t harm them. Shri Mataji: I don’t know but I could never take Coca-Cola once upon a time. Never could touch it. Then somebody said that now: “You‘ll like it.” I said: “Why?” He said: “There was cocaine in it before.” So I said:” All right, I taste. Now I can drink it. [Inaudible] doesn’t harm because this – because we have got this "avidya" now. In winter, it doesn’t harm these people because it is very cold and they eat it and they feel alright. Rustom Banjorjee: This is right. Shri Mataji: It’s adjustable. Rustom Banjorjee: But they eat the leaves. Shri Mataji: Then they can adjust themselves to this climate. Not meant for Americans. [Laughter] Whatever goes in one country like if you go to the Himalayas, there’s one Yak, it’s a big animal, it’s very big what you call, hair. Now if you make a coat of that and give it to a South Indian, what will happen to him? [Laughter] So, so this “Kaaba”, Kaaba [Black stone in Mecca]. Now we should try to understand this Kaaba. Now, if it is Makeshwar Shiva, if it is Shiva, then sooner or later, we’ll reach it by the end of their wanting road as he enlightens the road, those who do not even believe in the uniqueness of God. Uniqueness of God. Rustom Banjorjee: What he is trying to say Shri Mataji- Shri Mataji: It’s time to say that those who believe Rustom Banjorjee: In one God. Shri Mataji: In one God, Rustom Banjorjee: Monotheist, yes. Shri Mataji: They will reach first, is not possible. Rustom Banjorjee: It’s not that they will reach first, but that they will all reach. Shri Mataji: No, no, ultimately, they will all reach. But those who claim themselves as monotheist are indeed like government that are equipping their own ways and through different paths. This is a wrong idea. Rustom Banjorjee: The idea that it is inevitable. Shri Mataji: For two things, you see, most important thing for a religious life is “zila” character, “zila” [or śīla], means morality, which is preached by Buddha, is that at first, you must have a pure character. Those people who follow widely one God, openly, are these three [religions]. What they lack is morality. Though they will be the last to reach, to be very frank, unless and until they get transformation. Because, say, I’m saying it today, you can find out also, there are two genes which are protective in us, which have got protection against the sin against the Mother and sin against the Father, so they protect us. And, say, India, Indians have these still intact not to most of Indians but I am just saying "dharmanga" [whose body is the law]. But otherwise, these genes have gone into mutations everywhere. So they are immoral, I mean Indian’s ego take, I think, ten thousand years to take to something nonsensical, like this, their child abuse. Rustom Banjorjee: This is unbelievable. Shri Mataji: I mean you can’t think [inaudible] C.P. asks Me: “What do they do?” I say: “Do I know what do they do?” [Laughter] I don’t know what they do, and what is- as soon as you see the child, you develop a feeling of what’s Hell. Rustom Banjorjee: I feel see what has happened now Shri Mataji, it has reached such a degree that even people who are innocent in their hearts are afraid to hold children because someone would say they are abusing them. You told us this story once about this woman in America who came to you and said she is afraid to kiss her own son. Shri Mataji: Ha. Rustom Banjorjee: Small boy. Shri Mataji: She would not even hug him and kiss him. Rustom Banjorjee: Because people would say- Shri Mataji: But I can understand because you see there they follow Freud. But what about Muslims? And what about Jews? Jews follow Freud because he was Freud. But Muslims? They rape women they do all kind of violence why do they do it? But poor women how Muslim are maintaining. I don’t know how they live with men there. But at least they are dharmic. Rustom Banjorjee: How did they, Shri Mataji, if they form very close relationships among themselves, the women. Yes and they protect each other. Once, I was in the hospital in Arabia Shri Mataji, in the women’s ward, and all the women were sitting, talking to each other and they were all laughing about their husband: “Oh he’s like this, this one is like this, he thinks he is like this” and they all have a party and they laugh at their husband and that’s how they protect themselves, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: But they are doing this with their husband and their [inaudible]? Rustom Banjorjee: No, they just bare it, like. Shri Mataji: I don’t know if I told you my experience. I was once going to this place, what’s that, it’s a, that place was actually Daulatabad [Maharastra] where our car stopped. Daulatabad, Daulat, but little further on. I don’t know the way where we were going, Mashwari or something. On the way, it stopped where there was a little pipe of water. And I saw only Muslim ladies and children so poor, so poor. I mean in India, I’ve not seen such poor people as they were. And they were wearing all torned saris and children were all naked. Ameshwari is the name. And such a dirty, filthy appearance of everyone there. The hair was not washed or anything. So I got down and I had such feeling for them, and I got down and asked: “What the matter with you? Why are you living here? Why have you come all the way?” They said: “What we are living? We are just living like a beg gipsies here, all the women.” “And who are these children?” They said: “A lady had eight children from one husband. Another lady who remarried had seven children. Another one has six children. All the children of this man are there. They say: “Talaq, talaq, talaq [repudiation]” And I said: “You didn’t get your "meher" [dower]? Meher was something, hundred rupees. What is it? And so many of them were there, I can’t understand such human tragedy. Rustom Banjorjee: It’s very common there. Shri Mataji: They treat their women so badly. Rustom Banjorjee: And their children. And one of my patients was the son of one of their kings. And I asked him. And how did you get on with your father? He told me: “I never saw my father in my whole life.” Shri Mataji: Why? Rustom Banjorjee: He just ignored his son, the father has no interest. He had produced the child, divorced the mother, marry someone else, produced a child, divorced- he would divorce before they gave birth to their children, he would never see his own children. Shri Mataji: This, I’ve seen Myself. So as he says that it’s not written in Koran that you ill-treat your wife. And talaq, in between one talaq and another talaq, there should be some time. I was thinking why Muhammad Sahib would do that for a talaq on women. Rustom Banjorjee: Also it is written Shri Mataji all the things that is allowed. Shri Mataji: He? Rustom Banjorjee: It is written of all the things that is allowed to human beings. The one that God hates the most is divorce. Shri Mataji: Acha. Rustom Banjorjee: Yes it is written in the Koran. Said Ait Chalal: It’s an injustice. Rustom Banjorjee: Yes. This divorce is only being used when it is impossible for a man and woman to stay together. Said Ait Chalal: Or if there is a serious reason. But Mother, the women are responsible in a way for their status, because they are accepting anything and so the men are taking advantage of the thing. Rustom Banjorjee: Actually Shri Mataji, the women are more conservative. In Omar, when I was teaching- Shri Mataji: Hum, they are. Rustom Banjorjee: The people who were against me were the women. Not all of them but some of them. Shri Mataji: Now in Bangladesh, these new women have started and all the women have come up with the protest. But there are also some women who came out to say that: “You kill this writer who is spreading all these things.” But there, they had suspicion on a woman that she was having relation with another one, they buried her in the thing halfway and hit her with stones and then, [inaudible] three cases like that. Rustom Banjorjee: They kill them, they hit them with stones until they die. Shri Mataji: Now, what I am saying, these people talk of everything. They say that there is aggression of the- say, Hindus or the Christians or whatever. About that they protest. But when in your own community such cruelty is going on, why don’t you talk against it? Said Ait Chalal: People are afraid to talk about that. Shri Mataji: What I am saying, they should talk that they are your mothers, they are your sisters, they are your daughters. Rustom Banjorjee: But Shri Mataji, words don’t have the same meaning in those countries. A mother or a sister or a daughter is like a servant. She’s not important. She is there to be used, especially your sister or your daughter. She’s there to marry the man you want. She’s there to do what you tell her. There’s no relationship. Shri Mataji: But not in Koran. Said Ait Chalal: No, it’s not. They are justifying that by Koran but in Koran, it’s not said. Shri Mataji: Where is the thing written down? Rustom Banjorjee: It’s not written. Said Ait Chalal: It’s not written but they say they pretend that Koran says that woman is inferior and they should submit to the man. Shri Mataji: Acha? Rustom Banjorjee: But in the Koran, it is written that a woman‘s brain is not as good as a man’s brain. Shri Mataji: But heart is better. But Muhammad Sahib used to listen to his wife, to his daughter. If it was so, why did he not kill his wife or his daughter any time? Rustom Banjorjee: Muhammad Sahib was very attached to womanship [womanhood]. The thing about him, Shri Mataji, is he was only active for about fifteen years. Shri Mataji: There is one thing I’ll tell you. Now, what difference I find, that, you see, in the South India, I mean, below the river Narmada, they respect their wives, they love their children, they love their daughters, women have a position. Because in Sanskrit is written: “Yatra naryastu pujyante tatra ramante devatah” “where the woman is respectable and respected, there remain the Gods.” But in the North, where there are Islamic rules, Punjab, U. P. [Uttar Pradesh], Bihar, Bengal, Odissa [unsure], all these places you find is just like Muslim- not like Muslim it is impossible! But still, position of women, is bad. But there are women who are, either will be dominating or absolutely suppressed. Indira Gandhi comes from the same religion. So you can imagine. And also, normally I’ve seen now in my own family, in my husband’s family, women have no position as such. But the Hindu fought it so much that now they have equal rights in the property. When the daughter is married she is given the equal part of the thing. Every reform has been made in Hindu marriages. But nothing in the Islam because we are using the Shariat in India. Why should they? Said Ait Chalal: Because they are giving a religious significance to these rules. And so they say: “You cannot change them.” You know, women will have half part of the heritage if there is a boy. Boy gets two parts and the woman one part. It’s always half of a man. Because they say it’s religious, you cannot change anything that is religious, which is completely stupid. Shri Mataji: Is it in Koran to give half? Said Ait Chalal: Oh yes, yes. Men are not, have the double of a sister for example. Shri Mataji: Now what I am trying to tell you that in India, stupid ladies, Nehru dynasty, accepted the Muslim laws for India, for the Muslims. You see, it’s nowhere, in India, if you are there, you have to follow English, whether you are Muslim, Hindu, Christian. Rustom Banjorjee: Yes, here Shri Mataji, even in Pakistan, by law, you cannot marry more than one wife. Shri Mataji: By law? Rustom Banjorjee: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Really? Rustom Banjorjee: That’s what they told me. I asked one Pakistanis, I said why- Shri Mataji: They marry. Rustom Banjorjee: They marry, yes. Shri Mataji: Now one thing is their part, you see, we should go to the practice of the religion. In the practice of the religion, what happens? That- I’ll give you the one example very important; I was once coming from Ryad to London in a Ryad Air aeroplane. And I went off to sleep, you see. When I got up, I saw very smart men with the Burda and this and that, smocking, and the women dressed up in half-skirts. I said: “Where did we stop?” [Laughter] I tell you, I asked the lady: “Where did we stop in between airport?” She said: “Nowhere” “We didn’t stop anywhere? Then how these people have come?” “You see, they are the same.” [Laughter] So that means all this force doesn’t create any change but hypocrisy. Rustom Banjorjee: I used to see it Shri Mataji when I used to fly. Just after the plane would take off or just before it came to land, there would be a big rush to the toilette to change the clothes. Shri Mataji: Apart from that, if you happen to see the way they drink, ??. Drink like Hell in England. Rustom Banjorjee: Oh, yes, like a fish, Shri Mataji. Not only in England, in their own country. Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustom Banjorjee: Even in Oman, alcoholism is very common. Said Ait Chalal: In a private. Rustom Banjorjee: In a private circle. When people used to visit me, the first thing they’d say: “Do you have any alcohol?” Shri Mataji: So, what this gentleman can do is to divert the attention of the fundamentalists to their own force by putting Koran at the top and Muhammad Sahib right on top and showing what are we doing? Just by spreading Islam, you’re not going to get the real people. If he could have that much courage I’ll give him marks. Rustom Banjorjee: But even that, Shri Mataji, they can kill him for. Sahaja Yogi: Yes. Rustom Banjorjee: You don’t know these people. Look at Salman Rushdie, he just wrote some silly book and they want to kill him. Shri Mataji: I think he too is- I gave him Realization Rustom Banjorjee: Salman Rushdie, he came to see You. Shri Mataji: Salman Rushdie! God bless one. I don’t like him because he said against Muhammad Sahib. That I can’t bear. Who is he to talk of Muhammad Sahib? What does he know about spirituality? On that point, I will not give him any marks. Whatever is happening is good for him. But I don’t think that somebody should kill somebody for that. But in India, they write so much against Rama, Krishna, this, that, about everybody about Christ also they write. Say, if you see in Europe, especially in England, they say that Christ was homosexual. Now, what do you say to that? Rustom Banjorjee: What was the evidence Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustom Banjorjee: What evidence? Shri Mataji: Because he never married. Said Ait Chalal: Lots of people don’t marry. Shri Mataji: They can’t think of a person who can live without marriage. All right. So that is one thing which is definite that if you are talking about understanding, you see, what could they do better than granting themselves with mutual understanding, without which any peaceful coexistence is hopeless? He’s aiming at something that doesn’t exist. Said Ait Chalal: Just compromise, Mother. Shri Mataji: Hum? Said Ait Chalal: He is looking for a compromise. Shri Mataji: For compromise- Said Ait Chalal: “Don’t attack me, I won’t attack you.” This not religion. Antonio: It’s lack of courage. You do whatever you want, I do whatever I want, I don’t disturb you and you don’t disturb me. Sahaja Yogi: They all do the same. Shri Mataji: Now, all right. I am also willing to do looking for compromise. Firstly, they will never even compromise, maybe on some points. But whatever defects they have in the name of God, who is going to cure that? This I tell you, this is a typical human character. It’s absolutely typical. You see, now, supposing, there are Sahaja Yogis, two types: some are identified with Me and some are identified with others. They want more Sahaja Yogis to come, more Sahaja Yogis to come, whatever may be compromised, it’s all right, they are here someway or other, inside the [full?], it’s all right, we’ll manage. They are like that. I’ve seen it. They’ll be identified with, all right, how many Italians are coming? The Italians will be happy. How many French are coming? They’ll be happy. How many these things are coming? They’ll be happy. How much are they identified with Mother? They don’t say. Said Ait Chalal: Quality. Shri Mataji: Hum? Said Ait Chalal: Quality. Shri Mataji: Why? Because you see, they get a position. They get a position. [Hindi] They get a position that they are leaders, you see, “you’re something, you know”, something like that. So they are more identified with that. And they never tell what’s wrong with the other people, never, because they are afraid to lose their popularity. It is typical that type, don’t you think so? Antonio: Exactly Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: You see, it’s more of these monotheists; the prophets of Islam spend all this energy in this way. In the presentation of the saints Commandments, He always insisted in presenting monotheist religions as the truth beyond doubts, without any taint or defect. Why? Why Muhammad Sahib did it? Because before Him there were people who were worshipping all some sort of barren gods and things like that. It was just wit. So He had to put juxtaposition of that. But I would not say Sahaja Yoga will prohibit even people who are atheists, no. Atheists are better than theists like Russians. They don’t even believe in God. You see, on the contrary, those who believe in one God or believe in this and believe in that, are really conditioning because it’s not a pure knowledge, it’s just a – because you are born as a Muslim, you are Muslim. It’s not a reality for them. Said Ait Chalal: Mother, it’s worse in Islam. When you are born in an Islamic family, you cannot leave Islam. If you leave it, you are killed. You become an apostate. Sahaja Yogi: This is so frightening. Said Ait Chalal: Yes, it is. [Speaking in French]. Tu ne peux pas changer de religion tu es là. Shri Mataji: It’s true I tell you- Sahaja Yogi (Michel Cernay): As a result of that, the Catholics, for instance, cannot make missions in Islamic countries. Shri Mataji: Catholic also do the same? Michel Cernay: No. They cannot convert people in Islamic countries. For instance, they cannot build churches in Egypt where there are Copts people. Shri Mataji: But how do you call, churches? Michel Cernay: In Egypt, they cannot build new churches, because that means that they are going to be more in numbers and that means that some Muslims have left their religion to become Christians. And this is prohibited. Shri Mataji: So you don’t want to have Muslims. Michel Cernay: So they don’t, they are, they don’t have a religious right to express themselves and try to convert people. Another Sahaja Yogi: Because for them the only true religion is Islam and other religions cannot come and explain. Shri Mataji: Why is he saying about Catholic is the same? Michel Cernay: No Shri Mataji. They forbid to the Catholics to try to convert people to Catholicism. Antonio: But in the Koran, the Prophet- Michel Cernay: It’s a law Antonio: was recognizing the Christ. It’s written down. [Sahaja Yogis talking at the same time] Shri Mataji: If you are born as a Catholic. Michel Cernay: If you are born as a Catholic [Sahaja Yogis talking at the same time] Shri Mataji: [Inaudible] they converted in India? How did they- [Sahaja Yogis talking at the same time] Shri Mataji: They converted all the people all over the world these Catholics, what are they talking about? Said Ait Chalal: Yes but the reverse is forbidden. Shri Mataji: Acha. [Hindi] I did not know this. Reverse is not allowed. Rustum Burjolee: Even Shri Mataji, in South Arabia, you can’t even have a Christmas tree in your window, if they see it they get upset. Said Ait Chalal: Yes because it is a symbol of religion. Sahaja Yogi (Prakash): My Goodness it’s terrible. Arnaud: This is for me- I’m stunned Shri Mataji. I’m stunned Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Catholics are, if you are a Catholic you cannot get out of it. Michel Cernay: No, Shri Mataji, I’m sorry, it’s the opposite. If you are a Muslim you cannot leave Islam. So that means that in the Muslim countries, it is prohibited to any Christians, Protestants, or any Christian- Shri Mataji: All right. Michel Cernay: To try to convert Muslims into Christians. Shri Mataji: Acha. [Hindi] Now, what about the Christians Catholics? Rustum Burjolee: They can be converted. Shri Mataji: You can leave them. Rustum Burjolee: Yes. Shri Mataji: How many- Michel Cernay: Those who are born in a Jewish family or in a Catholic family can keep up with their religions. Shri Mataji: But supposing Muslims- Michel Cernay: or they can Shri Mataji: Muslims leave, then what do they do? Rustum Burjolee: They kill them. Michel Cernay: They kill them, it’s prohibited. Said Ait Chalal: He cannot leave Islam. Shri Mataji: That’s why I understand this man. Rustum Burjolee: That’s why they have this Fatwa against Salman Rushdie. If I wrote that, they cannot kill me because I’m not a Muslim. But because he is a Muslim and he wrote it, it means he is giving up the religion, that’s why they have a right to kill him. That’s the legal basis of a Fatwa Shri Mataji. Arnaud: Every thing is based on hatred. [Sahaja Yogis talking at the same time] Shri Mataji: [Inaudible, Sahaja Yogi speaking at the time. Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi to Rustum] Shri Mataji: Bakhgiar? Rustum Burjolee: Bakhtiar. Shri Mataji: Bakhtiar! Rustum Burjolee: In Paris, in France. Antonio: He was killed here. Said Ait Chalal: The Prime minister of Iran. The former Prime minister. Shri Mataji: He was killed here. Rustum Burjolee: Yes in Paris. Another Shri Mataji: He wrote all these books? Sahaja Yogi: No, no, no, no. He was Prime minister of Iran. He was the first Prime minister of Iran after Khomeini. Antonio: During Bani Sadr. When Bani Sadr was President he was the First minister. Shri Mataji: No, no. But, the one who was the writer- Antonio: Salman Rushdie? Shri Mataji: I’ve read a book. Antonio: Salman Rushdie? Rustum Burjolee: No, no, not him. Shri Mataji: Who has written only, who is a Shia has written a book on Islam. Very, very nice book he has written, he’s a Shia. Rustum Burjolee: I don’t know this one Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: No? Something like, name like this only. Said Ait Chalal: There is a woman also in Bangladesh Shri Mataji: Ah. Said Ait Chalal: Doctor Nusrin. Shri Mataji: She is with the American embassy now. Sahaja Yogi: Ah, she lives! Ah, finally. So she is safe now. Cause I saw a film, a report on her. She is so courageous this woman. Really, that’s a woman! Shri Mataji: They are saying that the Americans gave her a bribe. Rustum Burjolee: Shri Mataji if they want to give bride they can take any number of people and bride them, they would be very happy to take it. Said Ait Chalal: Especially in Bangladesh. [Laughter] Shri Mataji: The Prophet of Islam spent all his energy in this way. In the presentation of the saints Commandments, he always insisted in presenting monotheist religion as the truth beyond doubts, without any faint, tint or defect. Therefore, in his presentation of Moses’ piety, Abraham’s faith and [?] and Jesus Christ piety, holiness and charity, Allah’s Spirit- that He is the Spirit- so that He is different difference. Rustum Burjolee: It takes different forms. Shri Mataji: God, you see, is expressed in Moses’ piety, Abraham’s faith, Jesus’ piety, holiness and charity, Allah’s Spirit. As well as other prophets sent by God, He showed more ardour than their own followers, this is the point. This he should also do. If one believes in the principles of historical evolution, and if one considers prophets as genuine messengers of God, one has to conceive the prophet’s mission as one of the real criteria of spiritual evolution and one has to try to guide the monotheists’ world towards this great, monotheists must come towards this great goal. How can we reach it? Try! Rustum Burjolee: Shri Mataji, what does he think you are? I mean this chap Ruhani. Shri Mataji: Might be thinking at the most, prophet starter or something. [Laughter] Antonio: Now he is recognizing that Shri Mataji is bringing a message that is of the same calibre of the Prophet’s one, but he is still far from recognizing Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: What does he- Rustum Burjolee: Same calibre and same level? Antonio: Same level, yes. He recognizes your message that is what he says at the beginning: “Your message is the same as the Prophet was.” So he recognizes You for that and he would like to be with You. Shri Mataji: Ah. Antonio: But he doesn’t recognize You as the incarnation of God Almighty. Shri Mataji: You know, they told him that we believe that She is the Grand Imam who is going to give Realization. Because he was telling them the twelve Imam has- what qualities you tell Me? Antonio: The first is that about making some miracles. Shri Mataji: Hum? Antonio: Making miracles? Shri Mataji: Making miracles. Antonio: Yes and curing and also then he told me that he was not learned, he has no- he couldn’t write, he couldn’t read and although he couldn’t write and read, his own message was spread all over the world in a very short time. And so the point for him is that if a message is true then it spreads all over the world in a very quick manner [way]. Shri Mataji: Not necessarily. What does he think of Hitler? Antonio: I didn’t ask him Shri Mataji. I didn’t ask him t all. Shri Mataji: Hatred spreads faster than anything else. That’s what human beings are. Antonio: And for him the prophet himself was not divine. Shri Mataji: Hum? Antonio: According to Koran, prophet Mohamed was not divine. He was just a man who could capture some divine message. Shri Mataji: Like a loud speaker. Antonio: Yes, somewhere [something] like that. Shri Mataji: Just imagine! Now to say such a thing, I mean to accept it. He was telling lies because I have to also tell lies because you want to protect yourself. If you say you are divine, the way they are hunting out good people, they would have finished him long time; as it is, they did. He was divine that’s all I’ll challenge. Shri Mataji: How is he going to do? I don’t know. "If he admits that borns [unsure] different forms of fanaticism so and so and political reflections prevent us from achieving this full and acute union, should we not at least- all the time he comes to the "at least"- out of this link try to create a rare forming and bringing together a unique and powerful - for which one if this?- of installing an universal peace- Arnaud: Bla, bla, bla- Shri Mataji: [Inaudible] in this troubled world [inaudible] Arnaud: This is bla, bla, bla Shri Mataji: Hum? Arnaud: The great bla, bla, bla Shri Mataji: [Inaudible] Bla, blan, bla I can’t- [inaudible] Michel Cernay: It’s kind of a Red Cross Praksh: He doesn’t connect to Sahaja Yoga Shri Mataji. I don’t think at all. He doesn’t see that it’s the power of Sahaja Yoga which is acting in this way. Antonio: He didn’t see Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji: No, I think- Antonio: He just saw You and he likes You very much but he didn’t see the all the power. Shri Mataji: Hum? Antonio: He just sees You Shri Mataji. He didn’t see Sahaja Yoga. He didn’t see the power that is behind You. This, he didn’t see. Just see You and your message. He likes it. Rustum Burjolee: That’s enough. Shri Mataji: He has to go deep down. Said Ait Chalal: But still, Mother, he is talking about prophet. These prophets have an implication over the population. Shri Mataji: Hum? Said Ait Chalal: He is limiting these two prophets, only two people who have a message. That means that they are talking about the whole world without having an effect on the world. Shri Mataji: No, no. You see what he is saying, we should try, this is the Prophet, you see. Now Prophet is here, here are the people who don’t understand Prophet. So by accepting Prophet and his true type, by understanding him, he wants to create mutual understanding between different religious, which is not so bad. Said Ait Chalal: Yes but how to make the people understand the Prophet? Shri Mataji: How to? Said Ait Chalal: Yes but how to make the people understand the Prophet? Which is the technique to understand, you know? Is it because somebody comes: this is a Prophet you have to follow him. People are going- Shri Mataji: How will they found? Said Ait Chalal: This is the question I’m asking. Antonio: But you see, Said, the point is that in Koran, it is written somewhere that if somebody is not against it, then he’s safe. There’s something written like that. Said Ait Chalal: Is not against? Antonio: If people is not against Koran then he’s safe. So I think that the idea of this Ruhani is to bring people to Islam in such a way that they don’t practice Islam but they are not against it. So in his mind, he is bringing people to Islam. Shri Mataji: [Inaudible] he comes now, after see what they are doing. Antonio: But that’s the way Said Ait Chalal: [Inaudible] They stick minimum to Islam Michel Cernay: They stick minimum because he is not making an effort. Because Jesus, Moses, all of them are in the Koran. [Sahaja Yogis talking at the same time] He has the official authorization because they are in the Koran. Shri Mataji: Yes. Now what is he trying to do, that I don’t understand. It would be impossible to follow Islam by other people. You see, other people who are truthful, you see? Because they see what defects it has given. See the truthful people will not now believe blindly in Islam. Said Ait Chalal: Even Islamic people are not feeling with blind [?] that’s the trouble. Shri Mataji: Ah! Blindly, all right. And if the Christians are saying – I can’t imagine Christians saying that also – they will never believe in Islam. Somehow, you know, these mediocre [unsure] get quite powerful because you know they are [?] I like [?] that’s true, I like. But still, I mean, how far it’s gone. So many were killed and this and that, there was no need. This was also done by English, you see, because they made all these plans. Said Ait Chalal: The Jews. Shri Mataji: Why didn’t they get them in England? Now England is a barren country. What is the problem of Palestinians [?] in England? Rustum Burjolee: Fifty millions. Shri Mataji: Only? Rustum Burjolee: Less than France Shri Mataji: Why not get them in France? Rustum Burjolee: They have Jews. Shri Mataji: Hum? Antonio: Sews? Sorry? Jews, quite a lot. Shri Mataji: No, no, no, not the Jews, Musulmans. Arnaud: No, Palestinians. Antonio: Muslims. Rustum Burjolee: Oh, Palestinians! Arnaud: Palestinians You mean Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: What I say, you must take a country which has less population and put Palestinians there. Like, ours is such an overpopulated country and they have put this Lama on our head. Why not? Send him to Japan. [Laughter] This I can’t understand why put some people on a country which is already overpopulated, which is poor. So why not put Palestinians in France? I think France, we came all the way, hardly one or two stations, such a long distance you see. They can be fitted anywhere. If you think that the world is one, then only! If you think world is one, then wherever there is- Germany is the minus in population. Not now, it used to be. England is minus in population, as far as the English are concerned, and Americans are dying fast. So put them somewhere like that, would be better I think. Prakash: It’s the contrary they are doing Sri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Hum? Prakash: They are doing the contrary actually, closing everything. Shri Mataji: Of course. That’s the trouble. Why don’t they adjust Palestinians in France? Antonio: Pasqua will collapse Mother. [Laughter] Antonio: Pasqua will collapse, this would be a very good idea. [Laughter] Rustum Burjolee: Actually, the Palestinians are very good people. Shri Mataji: Palestinians. Rustum Burjolee: Yes, the ones I’ve known have been very good Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: You know, when they gave Me this peace award in the university, these boys offer to dance before Me. And they danced very well. Rustum Burjolee: They are very good people, very strong heart Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: And Indians are poor things, you know, looking after quite a lot of them, and they are giving them education fees, this free, everything, and how can we afford it in our country? Rustum Burjolee: In Pune, they are a lot, in Calcutta they are a lot. Shri Mataji: Lots. But in Dehli, Dehli is full of them. Most of the students are in India. Rustum Burjolee: In fact, one of the few countries that has a flight to Calcutta- [Cut in the audio] Shri Mataji: …Whether if you know bhakti. Said Ait Chalal: Yes. It’s a [inaudible] Shri Mataji: And I think they are the best as far as the character is concerned. Rustum Burjolee: So they are very good people Shri Mataji. Excellent. Shri Mataji: With Muslims, Indians are afraid of, you see, keep a driver, he’ll run away with your daughter or something like that. But that is one thing with Palestinian, they are found to be very good character, it’s surprising. Said Ait Chalal: They are very open too. Shri Mataji: Hum? They are very open Said Ait Chalal: Very open. And when they get education, they are very good- Shri Mataji: I would like to meet Arafat, that’s all. But he will be the same. Rustum Burjolee: Yes, they are all the same. If we can give him Realization, we’ll have an effect Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji [Shri Mataji seems to read the letter]: “Whereas almost all monotheist religions ignore this identity or any similarity in their precept. Why?” Rustum Burjolee: I don’t understand what he is saying Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: He is saying that these religions, all monotheists, again he is taking them out, religions ignore this identity, this identity that we are one. Rustum Burjolee: Cause they’re all fighting with each other Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji [reading]: In our humble opinion, all the revealed religions have common Commandments and precepts, this knowledge can only the God of bringing together. They’ll have conferences, meetings, discussions, arguments- Said Ait Chalal: Yes, that’s it. Rustum Burjolee: Good way to spend money Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: But he has no money, he says. Antonio: No, he has no money. He’s short of money. I mean he has enough to live every day but not for extra expenses. Rustum Burjolee: But what it is Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji [Shri Mataji is reading the letter]: I’ll, “this should be think that common, we have common Commandments and precepts”, all right. “Whereas almost all monotheist religions – he’s stuck on monotheist religions- ignore this identity or any similarity in their precept, therefore not only do they miss this common thought, but in many historical occasions, they fight each other like real enemies.” But what about Muslims? They fight among themselves. Rustum Burjolee: Fatwa business. Once a Muslim thinks you are not a good Muslim, he can write a fatwa and say: “kill him.” Said Ait Chalal: True. Shri Mataji: Any individual can do that? Said Ait Chalal: Individuals no, imams. The ones who are supposed to be versed in a - Shri Mataji: [Inaudible] Rustum Burjolee: In theory, Shri Mataji, any individual can do it. Listen to me [to a Sahaja Yogi]: There is nothing in the Koran that talks of Imam or anything. Shri Mataji: Fatwa is written in Koran? Rustum Burjolee: Ne, ne. Not at all. But any –this is all after Mohamed. Shri Mataji: [Hindi] Fatwa. Rustum Burjolee: Fatwa came, I think, after Mohaya Nodi when they started having schools of Islamic religion. Shri Mataji: Nowadays, it has to come through some- what you call- someone in charge. Said Ait Chalal: Yes. Shri Mataji: Now. Rustum Burjolee: It’s no true Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Then we can say, something, you want to do. Then you send it to the Imam and he passes it on. Rustum Burjolee: But if you say: “I’m an Imam”, then finished! There is official- Antonio: Anyone can be an Imam. Michel Cernay: There is no official priest. Rustum Burjolee: There is no official Imam, anyone can be an Imam. Just say, if all these people decide I am the Imam, I am Imam. Said Ait Chalal: Now, they call that Olama, the people who have knowledge. Rustum Burjolee: Yes but how do you define knowledge. Said Ait Chalal: And these people could take these Fatwas which are decisions to be implemented. Shri Mataji: In fact, I’ll tell you what. What about these “mutawwa”? Said Ait Chalal: Mutawwas? Rustum Burjolee: He doesn’t know about them Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Like police. Said Ait Chalal: This religious police? They are spies, you know, they are spying on people. Shri Mataji: They are, most are educated. Said Ait Chalal: Yes. Shri Mataji: [Inaudible] Said Ait Chalal: Yes. In Saudi Arabia they are very powerful. Shri Mataji: They come in, you see, you are supposed to do five times “salah”[prayer] and five times they close. And if you are in the market, you are supposed to sit down in one place, cover your head, if you are not a Muslim. Said Ait Chalal: In 77 Mother, I have been offered a high position in the Islamic bank in Jeda. So I said I accept, but I have to come for 15 days and see and they give you the answer. At the time of prayer, at one o’clock, everybody goes to the Mosque. While I was there, I had a work to do, I didn’t want to go to the Mullah and someone came [he knock on the table] “Prayer time”. First time I didn’t say anything. Shri Mataji: It’s like a criminal – Said Ait Chalal: Second time, I just let him knock. The third time, I opened the door and said: “What do you want?” He said: “Prayer time.” I said: “Well, prayer is between me and God.” Shri Mataji: That’s what they say. Said Ait Chalal: and you want I make now- Shri Mataji: That you go to the house- Said Ait Chalal: That you will recognize somebody who is ? to God. So if next time, you knock at my door, I knock your head out. Shri Mataji: Then? Said Ait Chalal: And since, for 14 days, he didn’t come. Until I left, I didn’t like the job. Shri Mataji: Horrible! Horrible place. But whatever it is, that Jeda as you were staying, Jeda, what I feel is that’s a rule of dictators. Complete dictation. There is no freedom of thought nothing, you have to accept, you have to accept like that. Said Ait Chalal: Submit. Shri Mataji: Yes. And that is given by these mutawwas. I’m so surprised. I would even keep them as servants in my house, so filthy, so dirty and brainless. Rustum Burjolee: This is the point, Shri Mataji. Anyone can claim to be Olama or Imam or what you are. There is no certificate, anybody can say, “ok I am this”. And then anybody can write a fatwa. And I saw this in South Arabia. Shri Mataji: Ne, ne, but what I’m saying, this fatwa, have they got a central government or something? Rustum Burjolee: Ne, ne. This is the point, Shri Mataji. Anybody can do it. Shri Mataji: No, no. But they don’t have any central person? Rustum Burjolee: No, no. Said Ait Chalal: No, there is no central but you have some people who are- [in French, “c’est des savants”] Sahaja Yogis: Learned. Said Ait Chalal: Learned people. Shri Mataji: Supposing they pass a fatwa, what I’m saying, [Inaudible] Supposing you pass a fatwa, Imam or anyone, then, who goes and kills? Sahaja Yogis: Anybody. Rustum Burjolee: Anybody can go. Said Ait Chalal: Anybody is allowed to. Rustum Burjolee: You see what you do, you issue a fatwa- Shri Mataji: Fatwa means general allowance. Rustum Burjolee: Yes, like supposing I think that Antonio is not a good Muslim by my opinion. I will write a fatwa. Anybody who believes me accepts my fatwa, he will try and kill Antonio, anybody can do it. Said Ait Chalal: No, I don’t agree with you. No, no. It’s not anybody, that would be very- Shri Mataji: [Inaudible]. Rustum Burjolee: Yes but look at Salman Rushdie, Shri Mataji. Said Ait Chalal: It’s Khomeini. Rustum Burjolee: Yes, in this case it was Khomeini. But anybody, supposing, it has happened like this, Shri Mataji, in small towns, in small villages. Someone will say “ok I’m Imam, I’m Olama” because in Islam there is no definition of what is Imam - Shri Mataji: Now what I’m trying to tell you is that it is varying from places to places. Rustum Burjolee: Of course, completely. Shri Mataji: But [?] this kind of things, “atme basi” they call it. Prakash: It was from the village that it comes. Shri Mataji: Hum? Prakash: It was in the village. Said Ait Chalal: Before fatwas were just ignored. Nobody was talking about fatwas. It’s very seldom that you hear about a fatwa to kill somebody or to arrest him. Shri Mataji: But nowadays. Said Ait Chalal: Since fundamentalism has taken over, then anybody could- Shri Mataji: Now Said Ait Chalal: denounce a person and these so-called learned people will decide you know, either, I think, to kill him and if the decision is taken any Muslim- Shri Mataji: Non, no, what I’m trying to say that in your country or any country, is there a central body? Said Ait Chalal: No, no, there isn’t. Shri Mataji: Then how do say, those who are learned people, how are they followed [unsure]? Rustum Burjolee: Self-appointed. Said Ait Chalal: These learned people have written about Koran, about religion, they have a learning, they are known all over the country and so the government call them: they have what you call a “Conseil religieux” [religious council]. Shri Mataji: Now, for example, in your country, it’s a socialist government. Said Ait Chalal: It used to be, it no longer is. Shri Mataji: Now, but that time. Said Ait Chalal: Yes Shri Mataji: You had anybody? Said Ait Chalal: Well, these people who were under the control of the government, they never have taken such a Fatwa. But since two years, this party which is called FIS [The Islamic Salvation Front in French] has, by its own authority, you know, made a Fatwa to kill any men [unsure]. So these young people who have no, no religion, they say: If I kill, I go to paradise. So they go and kill, which is completely stupid. Shri Mataji: Gangsterism. Rustum Burjolee: Yes. Shri Mataji: I mean there is no central body, there is no controlling body as such. Said Ait Chalal: No. Shri Mataji: No elected body. Said Ait Chalal: Not at all. Mother, lately about six months ago, there was a very famous learned man in the religion, Uslimani he’s called Uslimani. They arrested him, these terrorists, they arrested him, they took him away to the mountains and they told him to write a Fatwa making the killing of anybody authorised. Shri Mataji: Any? Said Ait Chalal: Anybody. They can kill anybody and it’s authorized. Shri Mataji: “Acha”. Said Ait Chalal: So he is a good religious man, he said: “I cannot send that.” They just throwed him away [unsure]. Shri Mataji: So that means – what I am trying to tell, that instead of combining all these minimum people why doesn’t he say something about fundamentalism compared to Islam? Rustum Burjolee: Right. That is the basic thing. Said Ait Chalal: Absolutely. Shri Mataji: He’s up with opinions; I think that if he gets Pop, Dalai Lama, all these nonsensical people together, then he can create unity. Said Ait Chalal: At minimum unity. Shri Mataji: hum? Said Ait Chalal: At minimum unity. Antonio: At least. Shri Mataji: Minimum. Now, apart from him, Pop is a hopeless case and then Dalai Lama is another- Dalai Lama doesn’t even believe in God. Said Ait Chalal: Ayatollah is the same. Shri Mataji: And then Archbishop of Canterbury, the one who has come from Dharam [?] is now the Gana. [Hindi] Rustum Burjolee: Ne, Ne, ne, Dharambala is retired. Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustum Burjolee: He is retired. Shri Mataji: He is retired? From where is he? Antonio: Who Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: This new- Rustum Burjolee: Archbishop of Canterbury Shri Mataji: Archbishop of Canterbury I said that Dharam fellow used to say that Christ is a homosexual. Rustum Burjolee: And that there is no God. Shri Mataji: There is no God? Rustum Burjolee: Yes. Shri Mataji: And he also was for the marriage of homosexuals. And now they have appointed homosexuals as a priest. Which such people, what are they going to do with lunatics? [Unsure] [Laughter] Shri Mataji: Now, this Pop also has a keep, do you know that? [Conversation in Hindi] According to us it’s Mooladhara. Rustum Burjolee: He used to have a keep. Now he might be too old. Shri Mataji: No, no, he has a keep in Poland. And she has to now Italy and she staying there. Rustum Burjolee: He must be very old now. Shri Mataji: He’s seventy-two only. One year older than Me. Rustum Burjolee: Still playing around like that. Shri Mataji: And the – you should see this picture. You got in France, that picture is “The Godfather 3”? Antonio: Yes Mother, we watched it. Shri Mataji: Better show him. They have shown there how the first Pop was murdered by this Pop. Rustum Burjolee: Yes Shri Mataji. Antonio: It was very clear. Rustum Burjolee: I read a book about it. Antonio: Very clear. Shri Mataji: No, “In the name of God”. Ne, ne, this is different. This is Paul Marcinkus and all that they show. And what is the bank, bank of what? Sahaja Yogis: Ambrosia [Ambrosiano] Marcinkus. Antonio: It’s very clear, in this movie, it is very clear. Rustum Burjolee: In English or in French? Antonio: In French. Shri Mataji: It begins, it begins by restoring- Antonio: But in one year. Said Ait Chalal: C’est un film [In French: Is it a movie?] Antonio: Oui le Parrain, numéro trois. [In French: Yes, The Godfather 3] Shri Mataji: By restoring, you see and avoid on The Godfather1 who donated money. Rustum Burjolee: To the Pop. Antonio: Seven hundred millions dollars, something like that. Shri Mataji: Well. And what about Jews? Rustum Burjolee: What about them Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: Jews the way they are behaving. They hate Muslims. Rustum Burjolee: In Israel. Said Ait Chalal: They hate every body. Shri Mataji: Are we able to unite Jews? Said Ait Chalal: They hate every body, not Muslims only. [Laughter] Shri Mataji: Is it possible to plan to unite Jews and Muslims? Said Ait Chalal: Not possible, not possible at all. Shri Mataji: Is there any basis? Antonio: Destroying Israel. Michel Cernay: Only to get rid of all of them. Said Ait Chalal: Yes. Michel Cernay: They will destroy each others. Said Ait Chalal: Because they are even against, the Jews are against anybody coming to the Jew’s faith. They are [inaudible] Shri Mataji: All right. Said Ait Chalal: Ils n’ont pas de prosélitisme. [They do not have proselytism.] Michel Cernay: No, you become a Jew by birth. Said Ait Chalal: Yes, the mother has to be a Jew. Shri Mataji: What? Prakash: If the father is Jew it is not enough. Michel Cernay: The mother has to be a Jew, so the son is Said Ait Chalal: In order to be a Jew; Michel Cernay: But you cannot become a Jew. Rustum Burjolee: You can, you can. Said Ait Chalal: Yes, you can by conversion. Rustum Burjolee: Yes. Said Ait Chalal: But still you are not a Jew. Shri Mataji: And Indian Jews are not Jews. Said Ait Chalal: Yes because to be a Jew you have to have a mother Jewish. Shri Mataji: No but the main thing, you see, the troubles with, the problems with Jews and Christians is this, that Christians believe that Jews crucified Christ, which is nonsense, there never did. Have you ever heard that a multitude can crucify someone? It’s the Romans who did it. But to save themselves, this fellow stupid, Paul, he said so. Christians- Antonio: No, the Italians took the decision. The Romans, same. Said Ait Chalal: Yes, Vatican 2. Shri Mataji: How can they crucify Christ? You tell Me, They cannot because in law, it’s the person who is the judge who does that. So how they say that the Jews crucified him? This has all been managed by Mister Paul, because he wanted to avoid the blame on the Romans, because he was a Roman. All right. So they hated it on [unsure]. Now, their children’s children also hate. Now, the great grand children also hate because they say that these people killed Christ. Rustum Burjolee: It’s normal to hate this one. Shri Mataji: No, no, but this is too much. Now Jews hate so much Christ, unbelievable. Even when they come to Sahaja Yoga, they don’t like because we worship Christ. Antonio: Acha? Shri Mataji: Hum. In the beginning; later on they accept. I said: “All right, say Lord’s prayer.” “We don’t know.” They wouldn’t say Lord’s prayer for Agnya. Rustum Burjolee: So their Agnya is caring on catching. Shri Mataji: Then later on they improve. But n the beginning, Jews are very difficult. How any Jews we have also in Sahaja Yoga? Rustum Burjolee: Very, very few. Shri Mataji: Here, do you have any? Sahaja Yogi: We have Alexander. Prakash: We have Mamata. Antonio: We have few of them, 2, 3 of them. Shri Mataji: Who? Antonio: Mamata that is now married to an Italian. Prakash: In Genoa. Antonio: Who has a Jew culture. Etienne in Cabella, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Etienne’s wife. Antonio: Etienne. He was Jew. Shri Mataji: Ah. Look at how he is behaving. I didn’t know he was a Jew. Prakash: Sharon. Antonio: Sharon is Jew. Shri Mataji: That’s the whole family. The father was a Rabbi and he was, he has written something about Sahaja Yoga. Ray is going to give Me. His father is dead now. They were all. Rustum Burjolee: They were OK. Shri Mataji: They have fear, just like Parsis they are. You cannot become a Parsi, but Parsis can take to other – Rustum Burjolee: Religion. Shri Mataji: Like they worship Sainath, many people. They worship Me also. So it’s [inaudible] Parsis. Rustum Burjolee: Parsis, you can never loose the religion Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustum Burjolee: You can never lose the religion. Shri Mataji: You can never loose Parsi [gana?] Rustum Burjolee: Who ever you worship, you are still a Parsi. Shri Mataji: Ah. That’s one thing. But whatever it is you are a Parsi. Rustum Burjolee: Yes. Shri Mataji: So if you should marry a non Parsi they don’t like. And the children become Parsi or not? Rustum Burjolee: If the father is Parsi, yes. Shri Mataji: Acha. Said Ait Chalal: The contrary of the Jews. Rustum Burjolee: But if the mother is Parsi, no. So Rajiv Gandhi was a Parsi, you see, officially. Shri Mataji: Thus the children became Parsi. Rustum Burjolee: Officially, they are Parsi, yes. Although, they have nothing to do with it. Shri Mataji: They call themselves Hindus. Rustum Burjolee: Acha. Rajiv Gandhi used to go to all these parties and ceremonies in Delhi, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: His father was a Parsi. Rustum Burjolee: His father was a Parsi. Feroze Gandhi. Shri Mataji: So now, this: [Shri Mataji is back to the reading of the letter] “we have come to similarities” and what he is talking about is a question mark. No similarity. You see, if you just accept something which is not true and build up the whole theory, what is the use? Said Ait Chalal: I suppose, Mother, he is talking about the origin of these religions. They call them the sons of Abraham. Shri Mataji: Originally? Said Ait Chalal: Yes originally they go and departed and I suppose, that’s what he calls “similarities” coming from the same source. Shri Mataji: Now: “It’s up to the real followers to prescribe the right actions ad to ban the wrong ones.” Who are these? From where will you get? Another question. “According to Islam, the way to follow is given by the competent religious authorities.” Baap re! [Hindi, from “Arre baap re”, Oh my God!] Said Ait Chalal: Mullahs. Shri Mataji: They are the worst. Said Ait Chalal: Yes. Ayatollahs like Khomeini. It’s ridiculous. Rustum Burjolee: You said, Shri Mataji, Khomeini is coming from Ulna [Unsure; place in India] Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustum Burjolee: From C.P.’s place. Shri Mataji: Who? Rustum Burjolee: Khomeini. Shri Mataji: Ah! That’s what they said. He comes from Unna [?]. Rustum Burjolee: He’s an Indian. Did you know that? Said Ait Chalal: No, I didn’t. Rustum Burjolee: Yes, Khomeini is an Indian. Antonio: Khomeini? Shri Mataji: He is a disciple of Khomeini and he came from India. Antonio: I didn’t know that. Rustum Burjolee: He’s probably from Kashmir, yes. Shri Mataji: And he’s from C.P.’s place. Rustum Burjolee: Yes, from C.P.’s place, you didn’t know it. Shri Mataji: Ah, maybe a joke, I don’t know. Rustum Burjolee: Ne, ne, Shri Mataji. Definitely, his father came from Kashmir. Shri Mataji: Ah? Rustum Burjolee: Yes Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: We don’t have these names Khomeini. Rustum Burjolee: He might have taken it Shri Mataji. Said Ait Chalal: Maybe. [Inaudible] Shri Mataji: Khomeini [inaudible] wisdom, because he used to respect India very much. Rustum Burjolee: And you know Shri Mataji, under his rule, any Parsi could enter Iran without a visa. Shri Mataji: Acha. Rustum Burjolee: Yes. Shri Mataji: Because they were originally- Rustum Burjolee: Original. Yes. Shri Mataji: Iranians. Shri Mataji: There’s somebody who told Me that he comes from Unna [?] which is my husband’s place. “We are convinced that if Christ and Moses followers, who are also experts in the coming of the Promised and who do expect their wealth of universal peace and a better understanding of Muslims, then this sacred vow might be we achieved now.” I’m there! [Laughter] Prakash: He did not connect it to Sahaja Yoga. Rustum Burjolee: You have to give him a chance Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustum Burjolee: You have to give him a chance, see where he is coming from and what his head is like. Shri Mataji: No, no, but what I ‘m saying, how will you know? How will you know about the person who is promised? How will they know? Antonio: This we have to ask him again. Shri Mataji: The miraculous photographs you should take. Antonio: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: How will they know? Nobody has given a-mass Realization. That he accepts. Then I must be somebody different. For Jews, it’s easier because what happened, it’s written that the person who will be coming now will not have a head but a Sun. There’s a photograph, have you got that? Antonio: Yes, Mother, right here. Shri Mataji: And Christians believe that a Lady in white will come. She has the Moon at Her feet and the Sun on Her head. That also I’ve got. And what more you have? What do the Muslims believe? Rustum Burjolee: They believe Jesus Christ will come. Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustum Burjolee: Jesus Christ will come. Said Ait Chalal: Yes, they do believe. Yes, yes. Shri Mataji: Christ will come. Said Ait Chalal: Oh, yes, that’s the last one. It is told in Islam that when Christ will come, then the door of compassion will be closed. No body can be saved with that. Michel Cernay: After. But it’s a man, Shri Mataji. They are expecting a man. Said Ait Chalal: Yes. Shri Mataji: A man, that’s it! [Laughter] [Inaudible] Antonio: I asked to Runi why- Shri Mataji: Christ if he comes, see, he will live for thirty three years and get himself hanged, you see. He has no patience for stupid people. He used to take a hunter and hit people like that. It’s only, you need a Mother. You see, this is what it is. One should understand that this work cannot be done by a man. You see, either men are like this, what you call “ubies”, sort of very submissive, this, that, diplomatic type or - Rustum Burjolee: Hamta. Shri Mataji: But I’ve never known a person who is- for Krishna will come with his suddharshana, Rama will come with his mace [unsure] and Durga will come with her sword. So which one you’ll choose? [Laughter] Antonio: You, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Forgiveness is a quality, even not in Ganesha. I’m so frightened of him sometimes. He hits you so hard. But I’ve told him, “leave my children [??] at least”, you can hit others.” But everybody tries to be funny even in Sahaja Yoga he hits. It’s the Christ who hits the worst, because he said: “I have tolerated all kinds of insults against me, but I will not tolerate anything against the Holy Ghost.” Now, who is this Holy Ghost? That means he is not. Rustum Burjolee: Definitely he is not. Shri Mataji: He is not now. Secondly this Muhammad sahib also has said that somebody will come do qyama, this, that. All right. That means he as not the last. To believe, because he was the last, these people are behaving like this. Somebody has to say: “No, it is not. He is not the last.” Not challenging his power but what he said that: “Another Mahadhi”- atcha in your language what is Mahadhi? Rustum Burjolee: Arabic? Shri Mataji: No, no. Persian. Rustum Burjolee: I don’t know. Shri Mataji: It’s your language. You lost? You are Persian to begin with. In Persian language, Mahadhi means the Adi Mother. Rustum Burjolee: I don’t know Shri Mataji about that. But there’s an Iranian here somewhere isn’t it? Antonio: Majid is not here right now. Shri Mataji: Then Iranians also changed. I asked him, [?] as well, and he says that this is from the ancient Persian. Rustum Burjolee: Western Persian. That we should know Shri Mataji, it’s in our prayers. Shri Mataji: What are those [?] Rustum Burjolee: That’s the one we use, but I don’t understand it, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: You should find out “Mahadhi”. Rustum Burjolee: But it’s very similar to Sanskrit. Shri Mataji: [in Sanskrit about Maha adhi] Rustum Burjolee: Yes, Maha adhi. Yes, it is very close to Sanskrit, Western Persian. Shri Mataji: I think so because Gandhiji [Hindi?] So now, you are quite prepared for Mehedi Ruhani. C.P. said that Mehedi will also do. Rustum Burjolee: Mehedi or Mahadi, is the same sthing Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Acha? Mehe Said Ait Chalal: Mehedi. Shri Mataji: What do you say to mother? “Mère”? Antonio: Mère. Shri Mataji: Mère. Antonio: Mère. Shri Mataji: Mehedi, he said Mahadi? Said Ait Chalal: Mehedi. Shri Mataji: Mehedi, for the coming to your house. Said Ait Chalal: The meaning is the, somebody who is offered. Antonio: The gift of God. Michel Cernay: Prasad. Shri Mataji: A poster. Antonio: No, no, a gift. Said Ait Chalal: A gift, somebody who is offered to another person. Rustum Burjolee: A gift, something that is offered to God. Said Ait Chalal: Yes. Shri Mataji: Offered to God or to human beings? Said Ait Chalal: Well, here it is to human beings, because it’s given to a woman who is the mother. Shri Mataji: That’s what I – Said Ait Chalal: Who is the mother. Shri Mataji: Given to human beings to kill or to do what they like. [Laughter] Shri Mataji: All right, let’s see, we’ll work on this. It will- you see, you have to have a particular courage, shakti sheoda [unsure] Rustum Burjolee: Ji. Shri Mataji: Look at Me, I’m a woman, in Basel [Switzerland], last year, I blasted over a bank and all these Swiss [??] and thousands came. Shri Mataji: I said you carry the white cross over the red blood of all the developing countries. Antonio: White cross of hypocrisy. Arnaud [laughing]: Yes Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Gregoire was sitting like this. [Laughter] And he was saying: "Mother the book that you are writing, I don’t know what’s going to happen." "What? They can’t arrest Me. I write it up. Whatever of what is written, if you can prove it’s wrong, you can arrest Me." I write the truth. Rustum Burjolee: Many people have written much worse things, you know. Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustum Burjolee: I said many people have written things completely wrong no one’s done anything to them. Shri Mataji: No, no, they have written. But you see, I’ll also write it about Islam. Rustum Burjolee: Acha. Shri Mataji: Not Islam but Muslims, how they are bringing name of Islam to dust. They cannot say anything. I can criticize Muslims? Rustum Burjolee: Yes, of course. Many Muslims criticize it themselves. Shri Mataji: So this is what my idea is. Rustum Burjolee: But if you talk about the Koran, they’ll get very upset. Shri Mataji: Koran, I won’t talk much. Said Ait Chalal: yes. Rustum Burjolee: Yes Shri Mataji. Said Ait Chalal: It can be interpreted. To give an interpretation, a sensible one, not attacking it, then there is a reaction. Shri Mataji: No but in the translation also. If they write anything wrong, all the Muslims will kill that person who translated. Rustum Burjolee: No, no, that’s allowed, you can make a mistake. Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustum Burjolee: You’re allowed to make a mistake... [inaudible] didn’t know any Arabic so he wrote it like this. Said Ait Chalal: In good faith. [Means, without knowing] Shri Mataji: Only thing, the big difference between the Islam and other religion is this, now, today, that they have like a complete administrative powers, exhibition powers, you see- Rustum Burjolee: Which is not centrally controlled. Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustum Burjolee: Which is not centrally controlled and which anybody can take as his own right. They do this, Shri Mataji- Said doesn’t believe me- but in small Egyptian villages and places, someone will get up and say: "I’m Imam. This man is not a Muslim. Go and kill him." Shri Mataji: So what? Ignorant people, they might be. You know they can, we call it ‘piparyas’ [unsure] in Sanskrit, it’s the diversion. They can divert because, supposing I’ve not read Koran- I’ve read it- so what? I can divert it. Now, how will they know? They don’t know even how to read and write. Said Ait Chalal: That’s what they are doing. They are using Koran for their own interest, not for the interest of- Rustum Burjolee: Shri Mataji, when I used to stay with the Bedouins, in south Arabia, they are not educated, they can’t read or write. They have never heard the Koran. So they do what they like in college religion. They would have to pray, don’t pray in the middle of the night, and all sorts of things Shri Mataji. Said Ait Chalal: Traditions. Rustum Burjolee: You have no ideas what they. Shri Mataji: What? Rustum Burjolee: Yes. But they are OK. They were better actually, because you could talk to them. Shri Mataji: Of course, they’re innocent. Rustum Burjolee: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Sometimes I feel, all these incarnations have created a chaos for Me. If they had not done all this nonsense with these ignorant people, it would have been a much better world, you know. Rustum Burjolee: So why did they come Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustum Burjolee: Why did they come? Shri Mataji: They came to bring you to make a [?] as this, what you call a, is the step by which you have to rise. But every body seems to be completely disobeyed. If you want to know about Christ, I was telling them, I think fifth chapter of Matthews. There is describe human- Sahaja Yogis- how far they can go in their humility and all that. Absolutely. Where will you find- Rustum Burjolee: … The beatitude. Shri Mataji: [Inaudible; Yogis speaking at the same time] But we know that, after that. Of course that’s a description because he is blessing you all, that "those who will trouble you", this thing. But after it’s written that, it’s written that you should not have a relation with another woman or something like that. But he said: "I say that you won’t have this in your mind and in your eyes." I mean he reached the subtler points. So how many Christians are doing that? Where are they gone? I hope they brought the good news to you about my not going to Bogotá now. You see it appeared in the newspaper, even in England, Italy, everywhere. Michel Cernay: Shri Mataji, we were some of us, giving bandhans about this football sucker festival. Because if Colombia had wan, it would have- football became a real religion. There was not, in the TV, something else than football, all the advertisements were about football. Children had to take vitamins to become a great player. You had to buy a TV to see the matches. It was absolutely incredible. So thanks God, they were eliminated. But it’s really a craze in this country. It’s a religion. Shri Mataji: Colombia lost. Michel Cernay: Yes. Completely eliminated. Rustum Burjolee: But you heard about what they did to- Michel Cernay: Yes. That’s the point. Shri Mataji: What is- Michel Cernay: So they killed the player. Rustum Burjolee: One chap shot his own goal. So they shot him, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: That I know. Michel Cernay: Yes, that Shri Mataji knows. But I don’t think it will go further now. Shri Mataji: No, no. Another thing is "Grand Prix", this hero died. Michel Cernay: Yes, Ayrton Senna [Brazilian racing driver died in May 1994]. Shri Mataji: Now. So others will join to die. You see, they want fame. Even with the death if they can get, they ‘re going to Hell. You see, they are catering up. I mean they were first asking for money, then for power, now for fame. Rustum Burjolee: And preferably all three, Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: In my own thoughts I should write it down because they never come back. Shri Mataji: This new attitude of Pop that he is saying that: "I know that we all make mistakes and I’ve made mistakes" is just to get a fame that he is very religious. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi] Hindi, they say: the cat eats seventy rats and then wants to go to Hajj." Rustum Burjolee: It’s true. If you ask Muslims who are real- Shri Mataji: Eat rats? Rustum Burjolee: Ne, ne, ne. Shri Mataji [laughing]: The way you said it I thought they eat rats. Rustum Burjolee: I asked many of my Muslims friends: "You know, why you are doing all these bad things, you see? You know it’s forbidden in the Koran. Won’t you go to Hell?" They say: "No, no, before we die we’ll do Hajj and everything will be OK." Shri Mataji: Is it written in the Koran? Said Ait Chalal: No. But I think that’s the way of teaching Shri Mataji: Koran. Said Ait Chalal: The principles of Koran which is completely wrong. Shri Mataji: It is something like we had in our country also. We had people who knew Sanskrit, Brahmins, and non-Brahmins did not know Sanskrit. So whatever the Brahmins said, they used to listen. But gradually, among Brahmins only, they were very nice the foremost who came in. And they tried to put down all this nonsense. There was no marriage for window in India. They used to marry small girls and if they became widows, there was no marriage like that. So there were, at least in Maharashtra, there were three reformists who married widows themselves, [inaudible] some prostitutes and reformed so many things there. Also about education of women, they started universities free for them. And because of Muslim influence, our country had become sort of either at tune with them or frightened by them. Those who were frightened were starting taking burqa, urda, ugart, [?] in My husband’s family they all take ugart [?]. I also have to take. It has an advantage, even if you are ugly, you don’t bother. [Laughter] Rustum Burjolee: Shri Mataji, once I did a research in Oman, I tried to see how many of the religious people were beautiful. Shri Mataji: About? Rustum Burjolee: How many of the religious people were beautiful. And I found that religiousness and ugliness go together in Oman. [Shri Mataji is laughing]: Not in Sahaja Yoga. Rustum Burjolee: No, in Oman I said. [Laughter.] Rustum Burjolee: No, seriously, I did it, Shri Mataji. Arnaud: In Sahaja Yoga, it’s just the contrary Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Yes. You become beautiful. Arnaud: The Realization gives you the beauty. Shri Mataji: That’s the truth, you know. Ah! I must tell you the last, that I was listening to this Hajj thing, there was one lecture going on like a [?] "Oh, oh, oh, oh" and Alga was sitting next to Me. So I said: "Alga, do you know Arabic?" She said: "Yes, yes, you can skip this man." He was just pouring poison saying "We are the truth and we know the truth and those who don’t know the truth are evils and must be killed and all kinds of things." He spoke like this for two hours or say. And I was just sitting there. So Alga said: "Mother, what is going to happen with these people who are listening to this kind of a lecture in your presence?" And there were thirteen thousand people who were stamped. Rustum Burjolee: Killed. Shri Mataji: That’s the official. Arnaud: Where? Shri Mataji: Thirteen thousands people. Arnaud: When? Shri Mataji: Stamped. Rustum Burjolee: In Hajj. Shri Mataji: Crushed with the, this is stamped, in the crowd. What you say Prakash: When was it Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: Thirteen thousands. It’s the official news. Because after that only I had this Lady from TV Asia. And she told Me that: "We are sorry but we shorten the program because the stamping was so great. Thirteen thousands." They tried to hide. Said Ait Chalal: Yes, of course. [Sahaja Yogis talking at the same time] Rustum Burjolee: It was in May. Arnaud: We didn’t hear that Shri Mataji. Rustum Burjolee: Oh yes, it was in English newspapers. Said Ait Chalal: In the papers. Shri Mataji: Little bit. Antonio: No, in France, we didn’t get it. Said Ait Chalal: Yes, in France. Michel Cernay: I got it in Colombia. [Conversation in French between Antonio and Said about the news on French TV] Rustum Burjolee: Now Hajj has become like a circus Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: It is. You know they have water pipes on their heads which are pouring water, they are standing with an umbrella. [Cut in the audio]
Conversation on Islam, Montfermeil ashram, Montfermeil (Paris), France, July 11th, 1994 Indians are ancient people; they travelled all over the world. They went to, even to England. [Inaudible] But the best part is the timing: six hours difference. And this six hours difference comes in with the exact timing in India and here. And another I will tell you, the way they give degrees to the studies, Bachelor of Arts. “Apne a brahmachary tatva”, masters of arts, Brahmins. These are the things of ancient times, guru [?] Dr Rustom Banjorjee: Like laureates. Shri Mataji: You are surprising Me. Even in, near Peru or somewhere, there were mountains called Shiva, Vishnu. Sahaja Yogi: I don’t know Shri Mataji. Arnaud de Kalbermaten: Even in Bolivia. Shri Mataji: Bolivia, what do you have? Arnaud: In Bolivia, there are some ruins, Shri Mataji, which is unexplained and they think that the people came from a very far away country to build this ruin. And it was a city in the Altiplano. Shri Mataji: What did they build? Arnaud: It was all the city. It’s not the Maya it’s a city which is quite close to La Paz. Tiwanaku. Shri Mataji: Best part of it, I’ll tell you, is that we went down to Bogota. And what is that port called? You have got a port in Bogota? Sahaja Yogi: Cartafel? Shri Mataji: Hum, Cartafel. So we went there and they were having a party, reception party. So I asked them: “Why do you have a condor, Garuda, as your emblem for name, why do you have a condor?” So one fellow- still they have some aboriginal people there, quite a lot. He told Me that: “Our forefathers told us that Shri Vishnu came from your country on a condor.” Now C.P. might say: “Go to a stand”, you know, I don’t know [unsure]. Really they told. And amazing he was; and then I made a little mistake, in a way. They said: “Mother these Americans are just torturing us and troubling us so much and they are taking our wheat at a very low price and we don’t make any profit. We don’t know how to exist in Bogota. So can you bless us with something that we can also exploit them? And they got the cocaine. My Goodness! Rustom Banjorjee: But maybe that was not your blessing Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: No, no, no, I’d rather say. [Laughter] It’s a destructive force of that thing. Rustom Banjorjee: But actually, Shri Mataji, in the old days, in the 19 century, Coca-Cola used to contain cocaine. Shri Mataji: I know, I know. Rustom Banjorjee: And the women used to drink it and it didn’t harm them. Shri Mataji: I don’t know but I could never take Coca-Cola once upon a time. Never could touch it. Then somebody said that now: “You‘ll like it.” I said: “Why?” He said: “There was cocaine in it before.” So I said:” All right, I taste. Now I can drink it. [Inaudible] doesn’t harm because this – because we have got this "avidya" now. In winter, it doesn’t harm these people because it is very cold and they eat it and they feel alright. Rustom Banjorjee: This is right. Shri Mataji: It’s adjustable. Rustom Banjorjee: But they eat the leaves. Shri Mataji: Then they can adjust themselves to this climate. Not meant for Americans. [Laughter] Whatever goes in one country like if you go to the Himalayas, there’s one Yak, it’s a big animal, it’s very big what you call, hair. Now if you make a coat of that and give it to a South Indian, what will happen to him? [Laughter] So, so this “Kaaba”, Kaaba [Black stone in Mecca]. Now we should try to understand this Kaaba. Now, if it is Makeshwar Shiva, if it is Shiva, then sooner or later, we’ll reach it by the end of their wanting road as he enlightens the road, those who do not even believe in the uniqueness of God. Uniqueness of God. Rustom Banjorjee: What he is trying to say Shri Mataji- Shri Mataji: It’s time to say that those who believe Rustom Banjorjee: In one God. Shri Mataji: In one God, Rustom Banjorjee: Monotheist, yes. Shri Mataji: They will reach first, is not possible. Rustom Banjorjee: It’s not that they will reach first, but that they will all reach. Shri Mataji: No, no, ultimately, they will all reach. But those who claim themselves as monotheist are indeed like government that are equipping their own ways and through different paths. This is a wrong idea. Rustom Banjorjee: The idea that it is inevitable. Shri Mataji: For two things, you see, most important thing for a religious life is “zila” character, “zila” [or śīla], means morality, which is preached by Buddha, is that at first, you must have a pure character. Those people who follow widely one God, openly, are these three [religions]. What they lack is morality. Though they will be the last to reach, to be very frank, unless and until they get transformation. Because, say, I’m saying it today, you can find out also, there are two genes which are protective in us, which have got protection against the sin against the Mother and sin against the Father, so they protect us. And, say, India, Indians have these still intact not to most of Indians but I am just saying "dharmanga" [whose body is the law]. But otherwise, these genes have gone into mutations everywhere. So they are immoral, I mean Indian’s ego take, I think, ten thousand years to take to something nonsensical, like this, their child abuse. Rustom Banjorjee: This is unbelievable. Shri Mataji: I mean you can’t think [inaudible] C.P. asks Me: “What do they do?” I say: “Do I know what do they do?” [Laughter] I don’t know what they do, and what is- as soon as you see the child, you develop a feeling of what’s Hell. Rustom Banjorjee: I feel see what has happened now Shri Mataji, it has reached such a degree that even people who are innocent in their hearts are afraid to hold children because someone would say they are abusing them. You told us this story once about this woman in America who came to you and said she is afraid to kiss her own son. Shri Mataji: Ha. Rustom Banjorjee: Small boy. Shri Mataji: She would not even hug him and kiss him. Rustom Banjorjee: Because people would say- Shri Mataji: But I can understand because you see there they follow Freud. But what about Muslims? And what about Jews? Jews follow Freud because he was Freud. But Muslims? They rape women they do all kind of violence why do they do it? But poor women how Muslim are maintaining. I don’t know how they live with men there. But at least they are dharmic. Rustom Banjorjee: How did they, Shri Mataji, if they form very close relationships among themselves, the women. Yes and they protect each other. Once, I was in the hospital in Arabia Shri Mataji, in the women’s ward, and all the women were sitting, talking to each other and they were all laughing about their husband: “Oh he’s like this, this one is like this, he thinks he is like this” and they all have a party and they laugh at their husband and that’s how they protect themselves, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: But they are doing this with their husband and their [inaudible]? Rustom Banjorjee: No, they just bare it, like. Shri Mataji: I don’t know if I told you my experience. I was once going to this place, what’s that, it’s a, that place was actually Daulatabad [Maharastra] where our car stopped. Daulatabad, Daulat, but little further on. I don’t know the way where we were going, Mashwari or something. On the way, it stopped where there was a little pipe of water. And I saw only Muslim ladies and children so poor, so poor. I mean in India, I’ve not seen such poor people as they were. And they were wearing all torned saris and children were all naked. Ameshwari is the name. And such a dirty, filthy appearance of everyone there. The hair was not washed or anything. So I got down and I had such feeling for them, and I got down and asked: “What the matter with you? Why are you living here? Why have you come all the way?” They said: “What we are living? We are just living like a beg gipsies here, all the women.” “And who are these children?” They said: “A lady had eight children from one husband. Another lady who remarried had seven children. Another one has six children. All the children of this man are there. They say: “Talaq, talaq, talaq [repudiation]” And I said: “You didn’t get your "meher" [dower]? Meher was something, hundred rupees. What is it? And so many of them were there, I can’t understand such human tragedy. Rustom Banjorjee: It’s very common there. Shri Mataji: They treat their women so badly. Rustom Banjorjee: And their children. And one of my patients was the son of one of their kings. And I asked him. And how did you get on with your father? He told me: “I never saw my father in my whole life.” Shri Mataji: Why? Rustom Banjorjee: He just ignored his son, the father has no interest. He had produced the child, divorced the mother, marry someone else, produced a child, divorced- he would divorce before they gave birth to their children, he would never see his own children. Shri Mataji: This, I’ve seen Myself. So as he says that it’s not written in Koran that you ill-treat your wife. And talaq, in between one talaq and another talaq, there should be some time. I was thinking why Muhammad Sahib would do that for a talaq on women. Rustom Banjorjee: Also it is written Shri Mataji all the things that is allowed. Shri Mataji: He? Rustom Banjorjee: It is written of all the things that is allowed to human beings. The one that God hates the most is divorce. Shri Mataji: Acha. Rustom Banjorjee: Yes it is written in the Koran. Said Ait Chalal: It’s an injustice. Rustom Banjorjee: Yes. This divorce is only being used when it is impossible for a man and woman to stay together. Said Ait Chalal: Or if there is a serious reason. But Mother, the women are responsible in a way for their status, because they are accepting anything and so the men are taking advantage of the thing. Rustom Banjorjee: Actually Shri Mataji, the women are more conservative. In Omar, when I was teaching- Shri Mataji: Hum, they are. Rustom Banjorjee: The people who were against me were the women. Not all of them but some of them. Shri Mataji: Now in Bangladesh, these new women have started and all the women have come up with the protest. But there are also some women who came out to say that: “You kill this writer who is spreading all these things.” But there, they had suspicion on a woman that she was having relation with another one, they buried her in the thing halfway and hit her with stones and then, [inaudible] three cases like that. Rustom Banjorjee: They kill them, they hit them with stones until they die. Shri Mataji: Now, what I am saying, these people talk of everything. They say that there is aggression of the- say, Hindus or the Christians or whatever. About that they protest. But when in your own community such cruelty is going on, why don’t you talk against it? Said Ait Chalal: People are afraid to talk about that. Shri Mataji: What I am saying, they should talk that they are your mothers, they are your sisters, they are your daughters. Rustom Banjorjee: But Shri Mataji, words don’t have the same meaning in those countries. A mother or a sister or a daughter is like a servant. She’s not important. She is there to be used, especially your sister or your daughter. She’s there to marry the man you want. She’s there to do what you tell her. There’s no relationship. Shri Mataji: But not in Koran. Said Ait Chalal: No, it’s not. They are justifying that by Koran but in Koran, it’s not said. Shri Mataji: Where is the thing written down? Rustom Banjorjee: It’s not written. Said Ait Chalal: It’s not written but they say they pretend that Koran says that woman is inferior and they should submit to the man. Shri Mataji: Acha? Rustom Banjorjee: But in the Koran, it is written that a woman‘s brain is not as good as a man’s brain. Shri Mataji: But heart is better. But Muhammad Sahib used to listen to his wife, to his daughter. If it was so, why did he not kill his wife or his daughter any time? Rustom Banjorjee: Muhammad Sahib was very attached to womanship [womanhood]. The thing about him, Shri Mataji, is he was only active for about fifteen years. Shri Mataji: There is one thing I’ll tell you. Now, what difference I find, that, you see, in the South India, I mean, below the river Narmada, they respect their wives, they love their children, they love their daughters, women have a position. Because in Sanskrit is written: “Yatra naryastu pujyante tatra ramante devatah” “where the woman is respectable and respected, there remain the Gods.” But in the North, where there are Islamic rules, Punjab, U. P. [Uttar Pradesh], Bihar, Bengal, Odissa [unsure], all these places you find is just like Muslim- not like Muslim it is impossible! But still, position of women, is bad. But there are women who are, either will be dominating or absolutely suppressed. Indira Gandhi comes from the same religion. So you can imagine. And also, normally I’ve seen now in my own family, in my husband’s family, women have no position as such. But the Hindu fought it so much that now they have equal rights in the property. When the daughter is married she is given the equal part of the thing. Every reform has been made in Hindu marriages. But nothing in the Islam because we are using the Shariat in India. Why should they? Said Ait Chalal: Because they are giving a religious significance to these rules. And so they say: “You cannot change them.” You know, women will have half part of the heritage if there is a boy. Boy gets two parts and the woman one part. It’s always half of a man. Because they say it’s religious, you cannot change anything that is religious, which is completely stupid. Shri Mataji: Is it in Koran to give half? Said Ait Chalal: Oh yes, yes. Men are not, have the double of a sister for example. Shri Mataji: Now what I am trying to tell you that in India, stupid ladies, Nehru dynasty, accepted the Muslim laws for India, for the Muslims. You see, it’s nowhere, in India, if you are there, you have to follow English, whether you are Muslim, Hindu, Christian. Rustom Banjorjee: Yes, here Shri Mataji, even in Pakistan, by law, you cannot marry more than one wife. Shri Mataji: By law? Rustom Banjorjee: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Really? Rustom Banjorjee: That’s what they told me. I asked one Pakistanis, I said why- Shri Mataji: They marry. Rustom Banjorjee: They marry, yes. Shri Mataji: Now one thing is their part, you see, we should go to the practice of the religion. In the practice of the religion, what happens? That- I’ll give you the one example very important; I was once coming from Ryad to London in a Ryad Air aeroplane. And I went off to sleep, you see. When I got up, I saw very smart men with the Burda and this and that, smocking, and the women dressed up in half-skirts. I said: “Where did we stop?” [Laughter] I tell you, I asked the lady: “Where did we stop in between airport?” She said: “Nowhere” “We didn’t stop anywhere? Then how these people have come?” “You see, they are the same.” [Laughter] So that means all this force doesn’t create any change but hypocrisy. Rustom Banjorjee: I used to see it Shri Mataji when I used to fly. Just after the plane would take off or just before it came to land, there would be a big rush to the toilette to change the clothes. Shri Mataji: Apart from that, if you happen to see the way they drink, ??. Drink like Hell in England. Rustom Banjorjee: Oh, yes, like a fish, Shri Mataji. Not only in England, in their own country. Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustom Banjorjee: Even in Oman, alcoholism is very common. Said Ait Chalal: In a private. Rustom Banjorjee: In a private circle. When people used to visit me, the first thing they’d say: “Do you have any alcohol?” Shri Mataji: So, what this gentleman can do is to divert the attention of the fundamentalists to their own force by putting Koran at the top and Muhammad Sahib right on top and showing what are we doing? Just by spreading Islam, you’re not going to get the real people. If he could have that much courage I’ll give him marks. Rustom Banjorjee: But even that, Shri Mataji, they can kill him for. Sahaja Yogi: Yes. Rustom Banjorjee: You don’t know these people. Look at Salman Rushdie, he just wrote some silly book and they want to kill him. Shri Mataji: I think he too is- I gave him Realization Rustom Banjorjee: Salman Rushdie, he came to see You. Shri Mataji: Salman Rushdie! God bless one. I don’t like him because he said against Muhammad Sahib. That I can’t bear. Who is he to talk of Muhammad Sahib? What does he know about spirituality? On that point, I will not give him any marks. Whatever is happening is good for him. But I don’t think that somebody should kill somebody for that. But in India, they write so much against Rama, Krishna, this, that, about everybody about Christ also they write. Say, if you see in Europe, especially in England, they say that Christ was homosexual. Now, what do you say to that? Rustom Banjorjee: What was the evidence Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustom Banjorjee: What evidence? Shri Mataji: Because he never married. Said Ait Chalal: Lots of people don’t marry. Shri Mataji: They can’t think of a person who can live without marriage. All right. So that is one thing which is definite that if you are talking about understanding, you see, what could they do better than granting themselves with mutual understanding, without which any peaceful coexistence is hopeless? He’s aiming at something that doesn’t exist. Said Ait Chalal: Just compromise, Mother. Shri Mataji: Hum? Said Ait Chalal: He is looking for a compromise. Shri Mataji: For compromise- Said Ait Chalal: “Don’t attack me, I won’t attack you.” This not religion. Antonio: It’s lack of courage. You do whatever you want, I do whatever I want, I don’t disturb you and you don’t disturb me. Sahaja Yogi: They all do the same. Shri Mataji: Now, all right. I am also willing to do looking for compromise. Firstly, they will never even compromise, maybe on some points. But whatever defects they have in the name of God, who is going to cure that? This I tell you, this is a typical human character. It’s absolutely typical. You see, now, supposing, there are Sahaja Yogis, two types: some are identified with Me and some are identified with others. They want more Sahaja Yogis to come, more Sahaja Yogis to come, whatever may be compromised, it’s all right, they are here someway or other, inside the [full?], it’s all right, we’ll manage. They are like that. I’ve seen it. They’ll be identified with, all right, how many Italians are coming? The Italians will be happy. How many French are coming? They’ll be happy. How many these things are coming? They’ll be happy. How much are they identified with Mother? They don’t say. Said Ait Chalal: Quality. Shri Mataji: Hum? Said Ait Chalal: Quality. Shri Mataji: Why? Because you see, they get a position. They get a position. [Hindi] They get a position that they are leaders, you see, “you’re something, you know”, something like that. So they are more identified with that. And they never tell what’s wrong with the other people, never, because they are afraid to lose their popularity. It is typical that type, don’t you think so? Antonio: Exactly Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: You see, it’s more of these monotheists; the prophets of Islam spend all this energy in this way. In the presentation of the saints Commandments, He always insisted in presenting monotheist religions as the truth beyond doubts, without any taint or defect. Why? Why Muhammad Sahib did it? Because before Him there were people who were worshipping all some sort of barren gods and things like that. It was just wit. So He had to put juxtaposition of that. But I would not say Sahaja Yoga will prohibit even people who are atheists, no. Atheists are better than theists like Russians. They don’t even believe in God. You see, on the contrary, those who believe in one God or believe in this and believe in that, are really conditioning because it’s not a pure knowledge, it’s just a – because you are born as a Muslim, you are Muslim. It’s not a reality for them. Said Ait Chalal: Mother, it’s worse in Islam. When you are born in an Islamic family, you cannot leave Islam. If you leave it, you are killed. You become an apostate. Sahaja Yogi: This is so frightening. Said Ait Chalal: Yes, it is. [Speaking in French]. Tu ne peux pas changer de religion tu es là. Shri Mataji: It’s true I tell you- Sahaja Yogi (Michel Cernay): As a result of that, the Catholics, for instance, cannot make missions in Islamic countries. Shri Mataji: Catholic also do the same? Michel Cernay: No. They cannot convert people in Islamic countries. For instance, they cannot build churches in Egypt where there are Copts people. Shri Mataji: But how do you call, churches? Michel Cernay: In Egypt, they cannot build new churches, because that means that they are going to be more in numbers and that means that some Muslims have left their religion to become Christians. And this is prohibited. Shri Mataji: So you don’t want to have Muslims. Michel Cernay: So they don’t, they are, they don’t have a religious right to express themselves and try to convert people. Another Sahaja Yogi: Because for them the only true religion is Islam and other religions cannot come and explain. Shri Mataji: Why is he saying about Catholic is the same? Michel Cernay: No Shri Mataji. They forbid to the Catholics to try to convert people to Catholicism. Antonio: But in the Koran, the Prophet- Michel Cernay: It’s a law Antonio: was recognizing the Christ. It’s written down. [Sahaja Yogis talking at the same time] Shri Mataji: If you are born as a Catholic. Michel Cernay: If you are born as a Catholic [Sahaja Yogis talking at the same time] Shri Mataji: [Inaudible] they converted in India? How did they- [Sahaja Yogis talking at the same time] Shri Mataji: They converted all the people all over the world these Catholics, what are they talking about? Said Ait Chalal: Yes but the reverse is forbidden. Shri Mataji: Acha. [Hindi] I did not know this. Reverse is not allowed. Rustum Burjolee: Even Shri Mataji, in South Arabia, you can’t even have a Christmas tree in your window, if they see it they get upset. Said Ait Chalal: Yes because it is a symbol of religion. Sahaja Yogi (Prakash): My Goodness it’s terrible. Arnaud: This is for me- I’m stunned Shri Mataji. I’m stunned Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Catholics are, if you are a Catholic you cannot get out of it. Michel Cernay: No, Shri Mataji, I’m sorry, it’s the opposite. If you are a Muslim you cannot leave Islam. So that means that in the Muslim countries, it is prohibited to any Christians, Protestants, or any Christian- Shri Mataji: All right. Michel Cernay: To try to convert Muslims into Christians. Shri Mataji: Acha. [Hindi] Now, what about the Christians Catholics? Rustum Burjolee: They can be converted. Shri Mataji: You can leave them. Rustum Burjolee: Yes. Shri Mataji: How many- Michel Cernay: Those who are born in a Jewish family or in a Catholic family can keep up with their religions. Shri Mataji: But supposing Muslims- Michel Cernay: or they can Shri Mataji: Muslims leave, then what do they do? Rustum Burjolee: They kill them. Michel Cernay: They kill them, it’s prohibited. Said Ait Chalal: He cannot leave Islam. Shri Mataji: That’s why I understand this man. Rustum Burjolee: That’s why they have this Fatwa against Salman Rushdie. If I wrote that, they cannot kill me because I’m not a Muslim. But because he is a Muslim and he wrote it, it means he is giving up the religion, that’s why they have a right to kill him. That’s the legal basis of a Fatwa Shri Mataji. Arnaud: Every thing is based on hatred. [Sahaja Yogis talking at the same time] Shri Mataji: [Inaudible, Sahaja Yogi speaking at the time. Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi to Rustum] Shri Mataji: Bakhgiar? Rustum Burjolee: Bakhtiar. Shri Mataji: Bakhtiar! Rustum Burjolee: In Paris, in France. Antonio: He was killed here. Said Ait Chalal: The Prime minister of Iran. The former Prime minister. Shri Mataji: He was killed here. Rustum Burjolee: Yes in Paris. Another Shri Mataji: He wrote all these books? Sahaja Yogi: No, no, no, no. He was Prime minister of Iran. He was the first Prime minister of Iran after Khomeini. Antonio: During Bani Sadr. When Bani Sadr was President he was the First minister. Shri Mataji: No, no. But, the one who was the writer- Antonio: Salman Rushdie? Shri Mataji: I’ve read a book. Antonio: Salman Rushdie? Rustum Burjolee: No, no, not him. Shri Mataji: Who has written only, who is a Shia has written a book on Islam. Very, very nice book he has written, he’s a Shia. Rustum Burjolee: I don’t know this one Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: No? Something like, name like this only. Said Ait Chalal: There is a woman also in Bangladesh Shri Mataji: Ah. Said Ait Chalal: Doctor Nusrin. Shri Mataji: She is with the American embassy now. Sahaja Yogi: Ah, she lives! Ah, finally. So she is safe now. Cause I saw a film, a report on her. She is so courageous this woman. Really, that’s a woman! Shri Mataji: They are saying that the Americans gave her a bribe. Rustum Burjolee: Shri Mataji if they want to give bride they can take any number of people and bride them, they would be very happy to take it. Said Ait Chalal: Especially in Bangladesh. [Laughter] Shri Mataji: The Prophet of Islam spent all his energy in this way. In the presentation of the saints Commandments, he always insisted in presenting monotheist religion as the truth beyond doubts, without any faint, tint or defect. Therefore, in his presentation of Moses’ piety, Abraham’s faith and [?] and Jesus Christ piety, holiness and charity, Allah’s Spirit- that He is the Spirit- so that He is different difference. Rustum Burjolee: It takes different forms. Shri Mataji: God, you see, is expressed in Moses’ piety, Abraham’s faith, Jesus’ piety, holiness and charity, Allah’s Spirit. As well as other prophets sent by God, He showed more ardour than their own followers, this is the point. This he should also do. If one believes in the principles of historical evolution, and if one considers prophets as genuine messengers of God, one has to conceive the prophet’s mission as one of the real criteria of spiritual evolution and one has to try to guide the monotheists’ world towards this great, monotheists must come towards this great goal. How can we reach it? Try! Rustum Burjolee: Shri Mataji, what does he think you are? I mean this chap Ruhani. Shri Mataji: Might be thinking at the most, prophet starter or something. [Laughter] Antonio: Now he is recognizing that Shri Mataji is bringing a message that is of the same calibre of the Prophet’s one, but he is still far from recognizing Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: What does he- Rustum Burjolee: Same calibre and same level? Antonio: Same level, yes. He recognizes your message that is what he says at the beginning: “Your message is the same as the Prophet was.” So he recognizes You for that and he would like to be with You. Shri Mataji: Ah. Antonio: But he doesn’t recognize You as the incarnation of God Almighty. Shri Mataji: You know, they told him that we believe that She is the Grand Imam who is going to give Realization. Because he was telling them the twelve Imam has- what qualities you tell Me? Antonio: The first is that about making some miracles. Shri Mataji: Hum? Antonio: Making miracles? Shri Mataji: Making miracles. Antonio: Yes and curing and also then he told me that he was not learned, he has no- he couldn’t write, he couldn’t read and although he couldn’t write and read, his own message was spread all over the world in a very short time. And so the point for him is that if a message is true then it spreads all over the world in a very quick manner [way]. Shri Mataji: Not necessarily. What does he think of Hitler? Antonio: I didn’t ask him Shri Mataji. I didn’t ask him t all. Shri Mataji: Hatred spreads faster than anything else. That’s what human beings are. Antonio: And for him the prophet himself was not divine. Shri Mataji: Hum? Antonio: According to Koran, prophet Mohamed was not divine. He was just a man who could capture some divine message. Shri Mataji: Like a loud speaker. Antonio: Yes, somewhere [something] like that. Shri Mataji: Just imagine! Now to say such a thing, I mean to accept it. He was telling lies because I have to also tell lies because you want to protect yourself. If you say you are divine, the way they are hunting out good people, they would have finished him long time; as it is, they did. He was divine that’s all I’ll challenge. Shri Mataji: How is he going to do? I don’t know. "If he admits that borns [unsure] different forms of fanaticism so and so and political reflections prevent us from achieving this full and acute union, should we not at least- all the time he comes to the "at least"- out of this link try to create a rare forming and bringing together a unique and powerful - for which one if this?- of installing an universal peace- Arnaud: Bla, bla, bla- Shri Mataji: [Inaudible] in this troubled world [inaudible] Arnaud: This is bla, bla, bla Shri Mataji: Hum? Arnaud: The great bla, bla, bla Shri Mataji: [Inaudible] Bla, blan, bla I can’t- [inaudible] Michel Cernay: It’s kind of a Red Cross Praksh: He doesn’t connect to Sahaja Yoga Shri Mataji. I don’t think at all. He doesn’t see that it’s the power of Sahaja Yoga which is acting in this way. Antonio: He didn’t see Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji: No, I think- Antonio: He just saw You and he likes You very much but he didn’t see the all the power. Shri Mataji: Hum? Antonio: He just sees You Shri Mataji. He didn’t see Sahaja Yoga. He didn’t see the power that is behind You. This, he didn’t see. Just see You and your message. He likes it. Rustum Burjolee: That’s enough. Shri Mataji: He has to go deep down. Said Ait Chalal: But still, Mother, he is talking about prophet. These prophets have an implication over the population. Shri Mataji: Hum? Said Ait Chalal: He is limiting these two prophets, only two people who have a message. That means that they are talking about the whole world without having an effect on the world. Shri Mataji: No, no. You see what he is saying, we should try, this is the Prophet, you see. Now Prophet is here, here are the people who don’t understand Prophet. So by accepting Prophet and his true type, by understanding him, he wants to create mutual understanding between different religious, which is not so bad. Said Ait Chalal: Yes but how to make the people understand the Prophet? Shri Mataji: How to? Said Ait Chalal: Yes but how to make the people understand the Prophet? Which is the technique to understand, you know? Is it because somebody comes: this is a Prophet you have to follow him. People are going- Shri Mataji: How will they found? Said Ait Chalal: This is the question I’m asking. Antonio: But you see, Said, the point is that in Koran, it is written somewhere that if somebody is not against it, then he’s safe. There’s something written like that. Said Ait Chalal: Is not against? Antonio: If people is not against Koran then he’s safe. So I think that the idea of this Ruhani is to bring people to Islam in such a way that they don’t practice Islam but they are not against it. So in his mind, he is bringing people to Islam. Shri Mataji: [Inaudible] he comes now, after see what they are doing. Antonio: But that’s the way Said Ait Chalal: [Inaudible] They stick minimum to Islam Michel Cernay: They stick minimum because he is not making an effort. Because Jesus, Moses, all of them are in the Koran. [Sahaja Yogis talking at the same time] He has the official authorization because they are in the Koran. Shri Mataji: Yes. Now what is he trying to do, that I don’t understand. It would be impossible to follow Islam by other people. You see, other people who are truthful, you see? Because they see what defects it has given. See the truthful people will not now believe blindly in Islam. Said Ait Chalal: Even Islamic people are not feeling with blind [?] that’s the trouble. Shri Mataji: Ah! Blindly, all right. And if the Christians are saying – I can’t imagine Christians saying that also – they will never believe in Islam. Somehow, you know, these mediocre [unsure] get quite powerful because you know they are [?] I like [?] that’s true, I like. But still, I mean, how far it’s gone. So many were killed and this and that, there was no need. This was also done by English, you see, because they made all these plans. Said Ait Chalal: The Jews. Shri Mataji: Why didn’t they get them in England? Now England is a barren country. What is the problem of Palestinians [?] in England? Rustum Burjolee: Fifty millions. Shri Mataji: Only? Rustum Burjolee: Less than France Shri Mataji: Why not get them in France? Rustum Burjolee: They have Jews. Shri Mataji: Hum? Antonio: Sews? Sorry? Jews, quite a lot. Shri Mataji: No, no, no, not the Jews, Musulmans. Arnaud: No, Palestinians. Antonio: Muslims. Rustum Burjolee: Oh, Palestinians! Arnaud: Palestinians You mean Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: What I say, you must take a country which has less population and put Palestinians there. Like, ours is such an overpopulated country and they have put this Lama on our head. Why not? Send him to Japan. [Laughter] This I can’t understand why put some people on a country which is already overpopulated, which is poor. So why not put Palestinians in France? I think France, we came all the way, hardly one or two stations, such a long distance you see. They can be fitted anywhere. If you think that the world is one, then only! If you think world is one, then wherever there is- Germany is the minus in population. Not now, it used to be. England is minus in population, as far as the English are concerned, and Americans are dying fast. So put them somewhere like that, would be better I think. Prakash: It’s the contrary they are doing Sri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Hum? Prakash: They are doing the contrary actually, closing everything. Shri Mataji: Of course. That’s the trouble. Why don’t they adjust Palestinians in France? Antonio: Pasqua will collapse Mother. [Laughter] Antonio: Pasqua will collapse, this would be a very good idea. [Laughter] Rustum Burjolee: Actually, the Palestinians are very good people. Shri Mataji: Palestinians. Rustum Burjolee: Yes, the ones I’ve known have been very good Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: You know, when they gave Me this peace award in the university, these boys offer to dance before Me. And they danced very well. Rustum Burjolee: They are very good people, very strong heart Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: And Indians are poor things, you know, looking after quite a lot of them, and they are giving them education fees, this free, everything, and how can we afford it in our country? Rustum Burjolee: In Pune, they are a lot, in Calcutta they are a lot. Shri Mataji: Lots. But in Dehli, Dehli is full of them. Most of the students are in India. Rustum Burjolee: In fact, one of the few countries that has a flight to Calcutta- [Cut in the audio] Shri Mataji: …Whether if you know bhakti. Said Ait Chalal: Yes. It’s a [inaudible] Shri Mataji: And I think they are the best as far as the character is concerned. Rustum Burjolee: So they are very good people Shri Mataji. Excellent. Shri Mataji: With Muslims, Indians are afraid of, you see, keep a driver, he’ll run away with your daughter or something like that. But that is one thing with Palestinian, they are found to be very good character, it’s surprising. Said Ait Chalal: They are very open too. Shri Mataji: Hum? They are very open Said Ait Chalal: Very open. And when they get education, they are very good- Shri Mataji: I would like to meet Arafat, that’s all. But he will be the same. Rustum Burjolee: Yes, they are all the same. If we can give him Realization, we’ll have an effect Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji [Shri Mataji seems to read the letter]: “Whereas almost all monotheist religions ignore this identity or any similarity in their precept. Why?” Rustum Burjolee: I don’t understand what he is saying Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: He is saying that these religions, all monotheists, again he is taking them out, religions ignore this identity, this identity that we are one. Rustum Burjolee: Cause they’re all fighting with each other Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji [reading]: In our humble opinion, all the revealed religions have common Commandments and precepts, this knowledge can only the God of bringing together. They’ll have conferences, meetings, discussions, arguments- Said Ait Chalal: Yes, that’s it. Rustum Burjolee: Good way to spend money Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: But he has no money, he says. Antonio: No, he has no money. He’s short of money. I mean he has enough to live every day but not for extra expenses. Rustum Burjolee: But what it is Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji [Shri Mataji is reading the letter]: I’ll, “this should be think that common, we have common Commandments and precepts”, all right. “Whereas almost all monotheist religions – he’s stuck on monotheist religions- ignore this identity or any similarity in their precept, therefore not only do they miss this common thought, but in many historical occasions, they fight each other like real enemies.” But what about Muslims? They fight among themselves. Rustum Burjolee: Fatwa business. Once a Muslim thinks you are not a good Muslim, he can write a fatwa and say: “kill him.” Said Ait Chalal: True. Shri Mataji: Any individual can do that? Said Ait Chalal: Individuals no, imams. The ones who are supposed to be versed in a - Shri Mataji: [Inaudible] Rustum Burjolee: In theory, Shri Mataji, any individual can do it. Listen to me [to a Sahaja Yogi]: There is nothing in the Koran that talks of Imam or anything. Shri Mataji: Fatwa is written in Koran? Rustum Burjolee: Ne, ne. Not at all. But any –this is all after Mohamed. Shri Mataji: [Hindi] Fatwa. Rustum Burjolee: Fatwa came, I think, after Mohaya Nodi when they started having schools of Islamic religion. Shri Mataji: Nowadays, it has to come through some- what you call- someone in charge. Said Ait Chalal: Yes. Shri Mataji: Now. Rustum Burjolee: It’s no true Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Then we can say, something, you want to do. Then you send it to the Imam and he passes it on. Rustum Burjolee: But if you say: “I’m an Imam”, then finished! There is official- Antonio: Anyone can be an Imam. Michel Cernay: There is no official priest. Rustum Burjolee: There is no official Imam, anyone can be an Imam. Just say, if all these people decide I am the Imam, I am Imam. Said Ait Chalal: Now, they call that Olama, the people who have knowledge. Rustum Burjolee: Yes but how do you define knowledge. Said Ait Chalal: And these people could take these Fatwas which are decisions to be implemented. Shri Mataji: In fact, I’ll tell you what. What about these “mutawwa”? Said Ait Chalal: Mutawwas? Rustum Burjolee: He doesn’t know about them Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Like police. Said Ait Chalal: This religious police? They are spies, you know, they are spying on people. Shri Mataji: They are, most are educated. Said Ait Chalal: Yes. Shri Mataji: [Inaudible] Said Ait Chalal: Yes. In Saudi Arabia they are very powerful. Shri Mataji: They come in, you see, you are supposed to do five times “salah”[prayer] and five times they close. And if you are in the market, you are supposed to sit down in one place, cover your head, if you are not a Muslim. Said Ait Chalal: In 77 Mother, I have been offered a high position in the Islamic bank in Jeda. So I said I accept, but I have to come for 15 days and see and they give you the answer. At the time of prayer, at one o’clock, everybody goes to the Mosque. While I was there, I had a work to do, I didn’t want to go to the Mullah and someone came [he knock on the table] “Prayer time”. First time I didn’t say anything. Shri Mataji: It’s like a criminal – Said Ait Chalal: Second time, I just let him knock. The third time, I opened the door and said: “What do you want?” He said: “Prayer time.” I said: “Well, prayer is between me and God.” Shri Mataji: That’s what they say. Said Ait Chalal: and you want I make now- Shri Mataji: That you go to the house- Said Ait Chalal: That you will recognize somebody who is ? to God. So if next time, you knock at my door, I knock your head out. Shri Mataji: Then? Said Ait Chalal: And since, for 14 days, he didn’t come. Until I left, I didn’t like the job. Shri Mataji: Horrible! Horrible place. But whatever it is, that Jeda as you were staying, Jeda, what I feel is that’s a rule of dictators. Complete dictation. There is no freedom of thought nothing, you have to accept, you have to accept like that. Said Ait Chalal: Submit. Shri Mataji: Yes. And that is given by these mutawwas. I’m so surprised. I would even keep them as servants in my house, so filthy, so dirty and brainless. Rustum Burjolee: This is the point, Shri Mataji. Anyone can claim to be Olama or Imam or what you are. There is no certificate, anybody can say, “ok I am this”. And then anybody can write a fatwa. And I saw this in South Arabia. Shri Mataji: Ne, ne, but what I’m saying, this fatwa, have they got a central government or something? Rustum Burjolee: Ne, ne. This is the point, Shri Mataji. Anybody can do it. Shri Mataji: No, no. But they don’t have any central person? Rustum Burjolee: No, no. Said Ait Chalal: No, there is no central but you have some people who are- [in French, “c’est des savants”] Sahaja Yogis: Learned. Said Ait Chalal: Learned people. Shri Mataji: Supposing they pass a fatwa, what I’m saying, [Inaudible] Supposing you pass a fatwa, Imam or anyone, then, who goes and kills? Sahaja Yogis: Anybody. Rustum Burjolee: Anybody can go. Said Ait Chalal: Anybody is allowed to. Rustum Burjolee: You see what you do, you issue a fatwa- Shri Mataji: Fatwa means general allowance. Rustum Burjolee: Yes, like supposing I think that Antonio is not a good Muslim by my opinion. I will write a fatwa. Anybody who believes me accepts my fatwa, he will try and kill Antonio, anybody can do it. Said Ait Chalal: No, I don’t agree with you. No, no. It’s not anybody, that would be very- Shri Mataji: [Inaudible]. Rustum Burjolee: Yes but look at Salman Rushdie, Shri Mataji. Said Ait Chalal: It’s Khomeini. Rustum Burjolee: Yes, in this case it was Khomeini. But anybody, supposing, it has happened like this, Shri Mataji, in small towns, in small villages. Someone will say “ok I’m Imam, I’m Olama” because in Islam there is no definition of what is Imam - Shri Mataji: Now what I’m trying to tell you is that it is varying from places to places. Rustum Burjolee: Of course, completely. Shri Mataji: But [?] this kind of things, “atme basi” they call it. Prakash: It was from the village that it comes. Shri Mataji: Hum? Prakash: It was in the village. Said Ait Chalal: Before fatwas were just ignored. Nobody was talking about fatwas. It’s very seldom that you hear about a fatwa to kill somebody or to arrest him. Shri Mataji: But nowadays. Said Ait Chalal: Since fundamentalism has taken over, then anybody could- Shri Mataji: Now Said Ait Chalal: denounce a person and these so-called learned people will decide you know, either, I think, to kill him and if the decision is taken any Muslim- Shri Mataji: Non, no, what I’m trying to say that in your country or any country, is there a central body? Said Ait Chalal: No, no, there isn’t. Shri Mataji: Then how do say, those who are learned people, how are they followed [unsure]? Rustum Burjolee: Self-appointed. Said Ait Chalal: These learned people have written about Koran, about religion, they have a learning, they are known all over the country and so the government call them: they have what you call a “Conseil religieux” [religious council]. Shri Mataji: Now, for example, in your country, it’s a socialist government. Said Ait Chalal: It used to be, it no longer is. Shri Mataji: Now, but that time. Said Ait Chalal: Yes Shri Mataji: You had anybody? Said Ait Chalal: Well, these people who were under the control of the government, they never have taken such a Fatwa. But since two years, this party which is called FIS [The Islamic Salvation Front in French] has, by its own authority, you know, made a Fatwa to kill any men [unsure]. So these young people who have no, no religion, they say: If I kill, I go to paradise. So they go and kill, which is completely stupid. Shri Mataji: Gangsterism. Rustum Burjolee: Yes. Shri Mataji: I mean there is no central body, there is no controlling body as such. Said Ait Chalal: No. Shri Mataji: No elected body. Said Ait Chalal: Not at all. Mother, lately about six months ago, there was a very famous learned man in the religion, Uslimani he’s called Uslimani. They arrested him, these terrorists, they arrested him, they took him away to the mountains and they told him to write a Fatwa making the killing of anybody authorised. Shri Mataji: Any? Said Ait Chalal: Anybody. They can kill anybody and it’s authorized. Shri Mataji: “Acha”. Said Ait Chalal: So he is a good religious man, he said: “I cannot send that.” They just throwed him away [unsure]. Shri Mataji: So that means – what I am trying to tell, that instead of combining all these minimum people why doesn’t he say something about fundamentalism compared to Islam? Rustum Burjolee: Right. That is the basic thing. Said Ait Chalal: Absolutely. Shri Mataji: He’s up with opinions; I think that if he gets Pop, Dalai Lama, all these nonsensical people together, then he can create unity. Said Ait Chalal: At minimum unity. Shri Mataji: hum? Said Ait Chalal: At minimum unity. Antonio: At least. Shri Mataji: Minimum. Now, apart from him, Pop is a hopeless case and then Dalai Lama is another- Dalai Lama doesn’t even believe in God. Said Ait Chalal: Ayatollah is the same. Shri Mataji: And then Archbishop of Canterbury, the one who has come from Dharam [?] is now the Gana. [Hindi] Rustum Burjolee: Ne, Ne, ne, Dharambala is retired. Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustum Burjolee: He is retired. Shri Mataji: He is retired? From where is he? Antonio: Who Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: This new- Rustum Burjolee: Archbishop of Canterbury Shri Mataji: Archbishop of Canterbury I said that Dharam fellow used to say that Christ is a homosexual. Rustum Burjolee: And that there is no God. Shri Mataji: There is no God? Rustum Burjolee: Yes. Shri Mataji: And he also was for the marriage of homosexuals. And now they have appointed homosexuals as a priest. Which such people, what are they going to do with lunatics? [Unsure] [Laughter] Shri Mataji: Now, this Pop also has a keep, do you know that? [Conversation in Hindi] According to us it’s Mooladhara. Rustum Burjolee: He used to have a keep. Now he might be too old. Shri Mataji: No, no, he has a keep in Poland. And she has to now Italy and she staying there. Rustum Burjolee: He must be very old now. Shri Mataji: He’s seventy-two only. One year older than Me. Rustum Burjolee: Still playing around like that. Shri Mataji: And the – you should see this picture. You got in France, that picture is “The Godfather 3”? Antonio: Yes Mother, we watched it. Shri Mataji: Better show him. They have shown there how the first Pop was murdered by this Pop. Rustum Burjolee: Yes Shri Mataji. Antonio: It was very clear. Rustum Burjolee: I read a book about it. Antonio: Very clear. Shri Mataji: No, “In the name of God”. Ne, ne, this is different. This is Paul Marcinkus and all that they show. And what is the bank, bank of what? Sahaja Yogis: Ambrosia [Ambrosiano] Marcinkus. Antonio: It’s very clear, in this movie, it is very clear. Rustum Burjolee: In English or in French? Antonio: In French. Shri Mataji: It begins, it begins by restoring- Antonio: But in one year. Said Ait Chalal: C’est un film [In French: Is it a movie?] Antonio: Oui le Parrain, numéro trois. [In French: Yes, The Godfather 3] Shri Mataji: By restoring, you see and avoid on The Godfather1 who donated money. Rustum Burjolee: To the Pop. Antonio: Seven hundred millions dollars, something like that. Shri Mataji: Well. And what about Jews? Rustum Burjolee: What about them Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: Jews the way they are behaving. They hate Muslims. Rustum Burjolee: In Israel. Said Ait Chalal: They hate every body. Shri Mataji: Are we able to unite Jews? Said Ait Chalal: They hate every body, not Muslims only. [Laughter] Shri Mataji: Is it possible to plan to unite Jews and Muslims? Said Ait Chalal: Not possible, not possible at all. Shri Mataji: Is there any basis? Antonio: Destroying Israel. Michel Cernay: Only to get rid of all of them. Said Ait Chalal: Yes. Michel Cernay: They will destroy each others. Said Ait Chalal: Because they are even against, the Jews are against anybody coming to the Jew’s faith. They are [inaudible] Shri Mataji: All right. Said Ait Chalal: Ils n’ont pas de prosélitisme. [They do not have proselytism.] Michel Cernay: No, you become a Jew by birth. Said Ait Chalal: Yes, the mother has to be a Jew. Shri Mataji: What? Prakash: If the father is Jew it is not enough. Michel Cernay: The mother has to be a Jew, so the son is Said Ait Chalal: In order to be a Jew; Michel Cernay: But you cannot become a Jew. Rustum Burjolee: You can, you can. Said Ait Chalal: Yes, you can by conversion. Rustum Burjolee: Yes. Said Ait Chalal: But still you are not a Jew. Shri Mataji: And Indian Jews are not Jews. Said Ait Chalal: Yes because to be a Jew you have to have a mother Jewish. Shri Mataji: No but the main thing, you see, the troubles with, the problems with Jews and Christians is this, that Christians believe that Jews crucified Christ, which is nonsense, there never did. Have you ever heard that a multitude can crucify someone? It’s the Romans who did it. But to save themselves, this fellow stupid, Paul, he said so. Christians- Antonio: No, the Italians took the decision. The Romans, same. Said Ait Chalal: Yes, Vatican 2. Shri Mataji: How can they crucify Christ? You tell Me, They cannot because in law, it’s the person who is the judge who does that. So how they say that the Jews crucified him? This has all been managed by Mister Paul, because he wanted to avoid the blame on the Romans, because he was a Roman. All right. So they hated it on [unsure]. Now, their children’s children also hate. Now, the great grand children also hate because they say that these people killed Christ. Rustum Burjolee: It’s normal to hate this one. Shri Mataji: No, no, but this is too much. Now Jews hate so much Christ, unbelievable. Even when they come to Sahaja Yoga, they don’t like because we worship Christ. Antonio: Acha? Shri Mataji: Hum. In the beginning; later on they accept. I said: “All right, say Lord’s prayer.” “We don’t know.” They wouldn’t say Lord’s prayer for Agnya. Rustum Burjolee: So their Agnya is caring on catching. Shri Mataji: Then later on they improve. But n the beginning, Jews are very difficult. How any Jews we have also in Sahaja Yoga? Rustum Burjolee: Very, very few. Shri Mataji: Here, do you have any? Sahaja Yogi: We have Alexander. Prakash: We have Mamata. Antonio: We have few of them, 2, 3 of them. Shri Mataji: Who? Antonio: Mamata that is now married to an Italian. Prakash: In Genoa. Antonio: Who has a Jew culture. Etienne in Cabella, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Etienne’s wife. Antonio: Etienne. He was Jew. Shri Mataji: Ah. Look at how he is behaving. I didn’t know he was a Jew. Prakash: Sharon. Antonio: Sharon is Jew. Shri Mataji: That’s the whole family. The father was a Rabbi and he was, he has written something about Sahaja Yoga. Ray is going to give Me. His father is dead now. They were all. Rustum Burjolee: They were OK. Shri Mataji: They have fear, just like Parsis they are. You cannot become a Parsi, but Parsis can take to other – Rustum Burjolee: Religion. Shri Mataji: Like they worship Sainath, many people. They worship Me also. So it’s [inaudible] Parsis. Rustum Burjolee: Parsis, you can never loose the religion Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustum Burjolee: You can never lose the religion. Shri Mataji: You can never loose Parsi [gana?] Rustum Burjolee: Who ever you worship, you are still a Parsi. Shri Mataji: Ah. That’s one thing. But whatever it is you are a Parsi. Rustum Burjolee: Yes. Shri Mataji: So if you should marry a non Parsi they don’t like. And the children become Parsi or not? Rustum Burjolee: If the father is Parsi, yes. Shri Mataji: Acha. Said Ait Chalal: The contrary of the Jews. Rustum Burjolee: But if the mother is Parsi, no. So Rajiv Gandhi was a Parsi, you see, officially. Shri Mataji: Thus the children became Parsi. Rustum Burjolee: Officially, they are Parsi, yes. Although, they have nothing to do with it. Shri Mataji: They call themselves Hindus. Rustum Burjolee: Acha. Rajiv Gandhi used to go to all these parties and ceremonies in Delhi, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: His father was a Parsi. Rustum Burjolee: His father was a Parsi. Feroze Gandhi. Shri Mataji: So now, this: [Shri Mataji is back to the reading of the letter] “we have come to similarities” and what he is talking about is a question mark. No similarity. You see, if you just accept something which is not true and build up the whole theory, what is the use? Said Ait Chalal: I suppose, Mother, he is talking about the origin of these religions. They call them the sons of Abraham. Shri Mataji: Originally? Said Ait Chalal: Yes originally they go and departed and I suppose, that’s what he calls “similarities” coming from the same source. Shri Mataji: Now: “It’s up to the real followers to prescribe the right actions ad to ban the wrong ones.” Who are these? From where will you get? Another question. “According to Islam, the way to follow is given by the competent religious authorities.” Baap re! [Hindi, from “Arre baap re”, Oh my God!] Said Ait Chalal: Mullahs. Shri Mataji: They are the worst. Said Ait Chalal: Yes. Ayatollahs like Khomeini. It’s ridiculous. Rustum Burjolee: You said, Shri Mataji, Khomeini is coming from Ulna [Unsure; place in India] Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustum Burjolee: From C.P.’s place. Shri Mataji: Who? Rustum Burjolee: Khomeini. Shri Mataji: Ah! That’s what they said. He comes from Unna [?]. Rustum Burjolee: He’s an Indian. Did you know that? Said Ait Chalal: No, I didn’t. Rustum Burjolee: Yes, Khomeini is an Indian. Antonio: Khomeini? Shri Mataji: He is a disciple of Khomeini and he came from India. Antonio: I didn’t know that. Rustum Burjolee: He’s probably from Kashmir, yes. Shri Mataji: And he’s from C.P.’s place. Rustum Burjolee: Yes, from C.P.’s place, you didn’t know it. Shri Mataji: Ah, maybe a joke, I don’t know. Rustum Burjolee: Ne, ne, Shri Mataji. Definitely, his father came from Kashmir. Shri Mataji: Ah? Rustum Burjolee: Yes Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: We don’t have these names Khomeini. Rustum Burjolee: He might have taken it Shri Mataji. Said Ait Chalal: Maybe. [Inaudible] Shri Mataji: Khomeini [inaudible] wisdom, because he used to respect India very much. Rustum Burjolee: And you know Shri Mataji, under his rule, any Parsi could enter Iran without a visa. Shri Mataji: Acha. Rustum Burjolee: Yes. Shri Mataji: Because they were originally- Rustum Burjolee: Original. Yes. Shri Mataji: Iranians. Shri Mataji: There’s somebody who told Me that he comes from Unna [?] which is my husband’s place. “We are convinced that if Christ and Moses followers, who are also experts in the coming of the Promised and who do expect their wealth of universal peace and a better understanding of Muslims, then this sacred vow might be we achieved now.” I’m there! [Laughter] Prakash: He did not connect it to Sahaja Yoga. Rustum Burjolee: You have to give him a chance Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustum Burjolee: You have to give him a chance, see where he is coming from and what his head is like. Shri Mataji: No, no, but what I ‘m saying, how will you know? How will you know about the person who is promised? How will they know? Antonio: This we have to ask him again. Shri Mataji: The miraculous photographs you should take. Antonio: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: How will they know? Nobody has given a-mass Realization. That he accepts. Then I must be somebody different. For Jews, it’s easier because what happened, it’s written that the person who will be coming now will not have a head but a Sun. There’s a photograph, have you got that? Antonio: Yes, Mother, right here. Shri Mataji: And Christians believe that a Lady in white will come. She has the Moon at Her feet and the Sun on Her head. That also I’ve got. And what more you have? What do the Muslims believe? Rustum Burjolee: They believe Jesus Christ will come. Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustum Burjolee: Jesus Christ will come. Said Ait Chalal: Yes, they do believe. Yes, yes. Shri Mataji: Christ will come. Said Ait Chalal: Oh, yes, that’s the last one. It is told in Islam that when Christ will come, then the door of compassion will be closed. No body can be saved with that. Michel Cernay: After. But it’s a man, Shri Mataji. They are expecting a man. Said Ait Chalal: Yes. Shri Mataji: A man, that’s it! [Laughter] [Inaudible] Antonio: I asked to Runi why- Shri Mataji: Christ if he comes, see, he will live for thirty three years and get himself hanged, you see. He has no patience for stupid people. He used to take a hunter and hit people like that. It’s only, you need a Mother. You see, this is what it is. One should understand that this work cannot be done by a man. You see, either men are like this, what you call “ubies”, sort of very submissive, this, that, diplomatic type or - Rustum Burjolee: Hamta. Shri Mataji: But I’ve never known a person who is- for Krishna will come with his suddharshana, Rama will come with his mace [unsure] and Durga will come with her sword. So which one you’ll choose? [Laughter] Antonio: You, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Forgiveness is a quality, even not in Ganesha. I’m so frightened of him sometimes. He hits you so hard. But I’ve told him, “leave my children [??] at least”, you can hit others.” But everybody tries to be funny even in Sahaja Yoga he hits. It’s the Christ who hits the worst, because he said: “I have tolerated all kinds of insults against me, but I will not tolerate anything against the Holy Ghost.” Now, who is this Holy Ghost? That means he is not. Rustum Burjolee: Definitely he is not. Shri Mataji: He is not now. Secondly this Muhammad sahib also has said that somebody will come do qyama, this, that. All right. That means he as not the last. To believe, because he was the last, these people are behaving like this. Somebody has to say: “No, it is not. He is not the last.” Not challenging his power but what he said that: “Another Mahadhi”- atcha in your language what is Mahadhi? Rustum Burjolee: Arabic? Shri Mataji: No, no. Persian. Rustum Burjolee: I don’t know. Shri Mataji: It’s your language. You lost? You are Persian to begin with. In Persian language, Mahadhi means the Adi Mother. Rustum Burjolee: I don’t know Shri Mataji about that. But there’s an Iranian here somewhere isn’t it? Antonio: Majid is not here right now. Shri Mataji: Then Iranians also changed. I asked him, [?] as well, and he says that this is from the ancient Persian. Rustum Burjolee: Western Persian. That we should know Shri Mataji, it’s in our prayers. Shri Mataji: What are those [?] Rustum Burjolee: That’s the one we use, but I don’t understand it, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: You should find out “Mahadhi”. Rustum Burjolee: But it’s very similar to Sanskrit. Shri Mataji: [in Sanskrit about Maha adhi] Rustum Burjolee: Yes, Maha adhi. Yes, it is very close to Sanskrit, Western Persian. Shri Mataji: I think so because Gandhiji [Hindi?] So now, you are quite prepared for Mehedi Ruhani. C.P. said that Mehedi will also do. Rustum Burjolee: Mehedi or Mahadi, is the same sthing Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Acha? Mehe Said Ait Chalal: Mehedi. Shri Mataji: What do you say to mother? “Mère”? Antonio: Mère. Shri Mataji: Mère. Antonio: Mère. Shri Mataji: Mehedi, he said Mahadi? Said Ait Chalal: Mehedi. Shri Mataji: Mehedi, for the coming to your house. Said Ait Chalal: The meaning is the, somebody who is offered. Antonio: The gift of God. Michel Cernay: Prasad. Shri Mataji: A poster. Antonio: No, no, a gift. Said Ait Chalal: A gift, somebody who is offered to another person. Rustum Burjolee: A gift, something that is offered to God. Said Ait Chalal: Yes. Shri Mataji: Offered to God or to human beings? Said Ait Chalal: Well, here it is to human beings, because it’s given to a woman who is the mother. Shri Mataji: That’s what I – Said Ait Chalal: Who is the mother. Shri Mataji: Given to human beings to kill or to do what they like. [Laughter] Shri Mataji: All right, let’s see, we’ll work on this. It will- you see, you have to have a particular courage, shakti sheoda [unsure] Rustum Burjolee: Ji. Shri Mataji: Look at Me, I’m a woman, in Basel [Switzerland], last year, I blasted over a bank and all these Swiss [??] and thousands came. Shri Mataji: I said you carry the white cross over the red blood of all the developing countries. Antonio: White cross of hypocrisy. Arnaud [laughing]: Yes Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Gregoire was sitting like this. [Laughter] And he was saying: "Mother the book that you are writing, I don’t know what’s going to happen." "What? They can’t arrest Me. I write it up. Whatever of what is written, if you can prove it’s wrong, you can arrest Me." I write the truth. Rustum Burjolee: Many people have written much worse things, you know. Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustum Burjolee: I said many people have written things completely wrong no one’s done anything to them. Shri Mataji: No, no, they have written. But you see, I’ll also write it about Islam. Rustum Burjolee: Acha. Shri Mataji: Not Islam but Muslims, how they are bringing name of Islam to dust. They cannot say anything. I can criticize Muslims? Rustum Burjolee: Yes, of course. Many Muslims criticize it themselves. Shri Mataji: So this is what my idea is. Rustum Burjolee: But if you talk about the Koran, they’ll get very upset. Shri Mataji: Koran, I won’t talk much. Said Ait Chalal: yes. Rustum Burjolee: Yes Shri Mataji. Said Ait Chalal: It can be interpreted. To give an interpretation, a sensible one, not attacking it, then there is a reaction. Shri Mataji: No but in the translation also. If they write anything wrong, all the Muslims will kill that person who translated. Rustum Burjolee: No, no, that’s allowed, you can make a mistake. Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustum Burjolee: You’re allowed to make a mistake... [inaudible] didn’t know any Arabic so he wrote it like this. Said Ait Chalal: In good faith. [Means, without knowing] Shri Mataji: Only thing, the big difference between the Islam and other religion is this, now, today, that they have like a complete administrative powers, exhibition powers, you see- Rustum Burjolee: Which is not centrally controlled. Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustum Burjolee: Which is not centrally controlled and which anybody can take as his own right. They do this, Shri Mataji- Said doesn’t believe me- but in small Egyptian villages and places, someone will get up and say: "I’m Imam. This man is not a Muslim. Go and kill him." Shri Mataji: So what? Ignorant people, they might be. You know they can, we call it ‘piparyas’ [unsure] in Sanskrit, it’s the diversion. They can divert because, supposing I’ve not read Koran- I’ve read it- so what? I can divert it. Now, how will they know? They don’t know even how to read and write. Said Ait Chalal: That’s what they are doing. They are using Koran for their own interest, not for the interest of- Rustum Burjolee: Shri Mataji, when I used to stay with the Bedouins, in south Arabia, they are not educated, they can’t read or write. They have never heard the Koran. So they do what they like in college religion. They would have to pray, don’t pray in the middle of the night, and all sorts of things Shri Mataji. Said Ait Chalal: Traditions. Rustum Burjolee: You have no ideas what they. Shri Mataji: What? Rustum Burjolee: Yes. But they are OK. They were better actually, because you could talk to them. Shri Mataji: Of course, they’re innocent. Rustum Burjolee: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Sometimes I feel, all these incarnations have created a chaos for Me. If they had not done all this nonsense with these ignorant people, it would have been a much better world, you know. Rustum Burjolee: So why did they come Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: Hum? Rustum Burjolee: Why did they come? Shri Mataji: They came to bring you to make a [?] as this, what you call a, is the step by which you have to rise. But every body seems to be completely disobeyed. If you want to know about Christ, I was telling them, I think fifth chapter of Matthews. There is describe human- Sahaja Yogis- how far they can go in their humility and all that. Absolutely. Where will you find- Rustum Burjolee: … The beatitude. Shri Mataji: [Inaudible; Yogis speaking at the same time] But we know that, after that. Of course that’s a description because he is blessing you all, that "those who will trouble you", this thing. But after it’s written that, it’s written that you should not have a relation with another woman or something like that. But he said: "I say that you won’t have this in your mind and in your eyes." I mean he reached the subtler points. So how many Christians are doing that? Where are they gone? I hope they brought the good news to you about my not going to Bogotá now. You see it appeared in the newspaper, even in England, Italy, everywhere. Michel Cernay: Shri Mataji, we were some of us, giving bandhans about this football sucker festival. Because if Colombia had wan, it would have- football became a real religion. There was not, in the TV, something else than football, all the advertisements were about football. Children had to take vitamins to become a great player. You had to buy a TV to see the matches. It was absolutely incredible. So thanks God, they were eliminated. But it’s really a craze in this country. It’s a religion. Shri Mataji: Colombia lost. Michel Cernay: Yes. Completely eliminated. Rustum Burjolee: But you heard about what they did to- Michel Cernay: Yes. That’s the point. Shri Mataji: What is- Michel Cernay: So they killed the player. Rustum Burjolee: One chap shot his own goal. So they shot him, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: That I know. Michel Cernay: Yes, that Shri Mataji knows. But I don’t think it will go further now. Shri Mataji: No, no. Another thing is "Grand Prix", this hero died. Michel Cernay: Yes, Ayrton Senna [Brazilian racing driver died in May 1994]. Shri Mataji: Now. So others will join to die. You see, they want fame. Even with the death if they can get, they ‘re going to Hell. You see, they are catering up. I mean they were first asking for money, then for power, now for fame. Rustum Burjolee: And preferably all three, Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: In my own thoughts I should write it down because they never come back. Shri Mataji: This new attitude of Pop that he is saying that: "I know that we all make mistakes and I’ve made mistakes" is just to get a fame that he is very religious. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi] Hindi, they say: the cat eats seventy rats and then wants to go to Hajj." Rustum Burjolee: It’s true. If you ask Muslims who are real- Shri Mataji: Eat rats? Rustum Burjolee: Ne, ne, ne. Shri Mataji [laughing]: The way you said it I thought they eat rats. Rustum Burjolee: I asked many of my Muslims friends: "You know, why you are doing all these bad things, you see? You know it’s forbidden in the Koran. Won’t you go to Hell?" They say: "No, no, before we die we’ll do Hajj and everything will be OK." Shri Mataji: Is it written in the Koran? Said Ait Chalal: No. But I think that’s the way of teaching Shri Mataji: Koran. Said Ait Chalal: The principles of Koran which is completely wrong. Shri Mataji: It is something like we had in our country also. We had people who knew Sanskrit, Brahmins, and non-Brahmins did not know Sanskrit. So whatever the Brahmins said, they used to listen. But gradually, among Brahmins only, they were very nice the foremost who came in. And they tried to put down all this nonsense. There was no marriage for window in India. They used to marry small girls and if they became widows, there was no marriage like that. So there were, at least in Maharashtra, there were three reformists who married widows themselves, [inaudible] some prostitutes and reformed so many things there. Also about education of women, they started universities free for them. And because of Muslim influence, our country had become sort of either at tune with them or frightened by them. Those who were frightened were starting taking burqa, urda, ugart, [?] in My husband’s family they all take ugart [?]. I also have to take. It has an advantage, even if you are ugly, you don’t bother. [Laughter] Rustum Burjolee: Shri Mataji, once I did a research in Oman, I tried to see how many of the religious people were beautiful. Shri Mataji: About? Rustum Burjolee: How many of the religious people were beautiful. And I found that religiousness and ugliness go together in Oman. [Shri Mataji is laughing]: Not in Sahaja Yoga. Rustum Burjolee: No, in Oman I said. [Laughter.] Rustum Burjolee: No, seriously, I did it, Shri Mataji. Arnaud: In Sahaja Yoga, it’s just the contrary Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Yes. You become beautiful. Arnaud: The Realization gives you the beauty. Shri Mataji: That’s the truth, you know. Ah! I must tell you the last, that I was listening to this Hajj thing, there was one lecture going on like a [?] "Oh, oh, oh, oh" and Alga was sitting next to Me. So I said: "Alga, do you know Arabic?" She said: "Yes, yes, you can skip this man." He was just pouring poison saying "We are the truth and we know the truth and those who don’t know the truth are evils and must be killed and all kinds of things." He spoke like this for two hours or say. And I was just sitting there. So Alga said: "Mother, what is going to happen with these people who are listening to this kind of a lecture in your presence?" And there were thirteen thousand people who were stamped. Rustum Burjolee: Killed. Shri Mataji: That’s the official. Arnaud: Where? Shri Mataji: Thirteen thousands people. Arnaud: When? Shri Mataji: Stamped. Rustum Burjolee: In Hajj. Shri Mataji: Crushed with the, this is stamped, in the crowd. What you say Prakash: When was it Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: Thirteen thousands. It’s the official news. Because after that only I had this Lady from TV Asia. And she told Me that: "We are sorry but we shorten the program because the stamping was so great. Thirteen thousands." They tried to hide. Said Ait Chalal: Yes, of course. [Sahaja Yogis talking at the same time] Rustum Burjolee: It was in May. Arnaud: We didn’t hear that Shri Mataji. Rustum Burjolee: Oh yes, it was in English newspapers. Said Ait Chalal: In the papers. Shri Mataji: Little bit. Antonio: No, in France, we didn’t get it. Said Ait Chalal: Yes, in France. Michel Cernay: I got it in Colombia. [Conversation in French between Antonio and Said about the news on French TV] Rustum Burjolee: Now Hajj has become like a circus Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: It is. You know they have water pipes on their heads which are pouring water, they are standing with an umbrella. [Cut in the audio]
The Inner Religion
Public Program
Public Program, "The Inner Religion". Palais des Congrès, Paris (France), July, the 12th 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to say that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it. We cannot compromise with it. It is what it is, it has been what it has been, and it will be what it has been. So it doesn't change. What is needed is that we have to change. So, what is the truth? Truth is that you are not this body, this mind; you are not these emotions, intellect or conditionings. Nor you are ego. So what are you? You are the pure Spirit. All the scriptures have said this. If you are the Spirit, that is the truth. We say, "My body, my intellect, my emotions." Who is this my? So we have to become that truth. The another truth is when we see these beautiful flowers, we don't even think what a miraculous thing it is to have them. So beautifully planned. When you see the nature, you are amazed how every leaf gets the sun. Who looks after nature? Who does these living works? If you ask the doctor who runs your heart, he'll tell you it's an autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? Who does this? They cannot answer. Science cannot answer many, many questions. Specially it cannot answer: Why are we on this earth? What is the purpose of our life? These answers only you can get when you have the self knowledge. You need not believe Me blindly, because blind faith has been very troublesome to us so far. So if this happens to you, and that you can feel this all pervading Power of Divine love which is doing all the living work, as honest people you have to believe in it. And if you become the Spirit, and if you have the powers of the Spirit from within yourself, then you'll have to believe in it. Now, this is the special time for us to get our self knowledge, Self Realization. I call it a blossom time. But different scriptures have described them as the last judgment, or resurrection time, or all kinds of things. You have been already told about the centers that we have within ourselves. All the global problems, most of them, come from human beings. And all human problems come from the jeopardy of these chakras, centers. Whether it is physical, mental, emotional, any kind of problem comes because these chakras or these centers are not in a healthy mood. But if you care for your own benevolence, and benevolence of your country, benevolence of the whole world, if you really care, then this is the only way you can achieve it. So, let us see what happens when this Kundalini rises within you. In the Bible there's a mention of God Almighty and His Son, and no Mother. Mother is the Holy Ghost, the Primordial Mother. It was avoided completely, that there is any feminine power in the primordial form. This is how lots of problems are being created for women. Now, here you have this in the triangular bone you can see the power that connects you to the Divine Power. Just like this cord which has to be connected to the mains, otherwise it is of no use. You have no identity unless and until you are connected to this power which has created you. This power is coiled up into three and a half times and is your individual Mother. This individual Mother knows each and everything about you. Also knows what mistakes you have committed so far, and what are your aspirations. She is your individual Mother who is anxious to give you the second birth. She rises through these six centers, and pierces through the sixth center here which we call as Brahmarandhara in Sanskrit. This is a happening. This is an actualization of your baptism. It's not just a talk or a sermon. And when it is connected to the all-pervading Power, the Spirit in your heart gets enlightened. First thing that happens to you, is that you feel a cool breeze on your fingertips. It is described in the Bible as cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. In all the scriptures, even in Indian scriptures is described as a cool breeze. In the Koran it is described as Ruh. Now this all-pervading Divine Power is there, existing, we have to just get connected to it. You also start getting the cool breeze out of your fontanel bone area on top of your head. Now you have to certify yourself, nobody is going to certify you. You have to certify yourself. Are you feeling this cool breeze or not? Are you getting this cool breeze out of your fontanel bone area or not? It's a physical happening. Then you start feeling all the centers on your fingertips. You can feel your own centers, and then you can also feel the centers of others. Then who is the other? You become one with the ocean. Then all this world you feel is your own. There are many who do not believe in one God, who not believe in, say, God. There are many who don't believe in God. But when they believe in something, they have not seen it. How can you say there is no God? It's not scientific. You should first find out if there is God or not. By just saying that there is no God, there is one God, there are ten Gods - how do you know? So first you have to get to a point from where you can know the absolute truth. Then once you have this connection, you can ask: is there God? And the vibrations start flowing much more. Because that's the absolute truth: there is God. Many people have become atheist, given up religion, to them it's all a myth. To them it's all nonsense. Also when they see in the name of God so many horrible things are doing, they get, ah, they get absolutely disgusted. So you have to first make them the instrument which can feel the truth. In Sanskrit we call it bodha. Meaning that you should feel it on your central nervous system. From where the word Buddha has come, the one who can, who is enlightened. Another word they've used is vida. Vida means to know on your central nervous system. From where the word veda has come. Now if this knowledge was so ancient, ten thousand years back people knew it in India, there are certain reasons for that. In India, the climate was such that people don't have to worry about going out or about looking after the nature. They - nature is very kind to them. You could live in the jungles, you can live wherever you wanted. There is no restriction, because the nature is so kind. As the result of that, people become introspective. They started meditating. And they found out that there is this Kundalini Power which, if it is raised, you can get your Self Realization. If any knowledge is coming from the West, we accept in India, isn't it? But if any knowledge is coming from India, why should anybody avoid it? Because it is for the benevolence of people. It has nothing to do with outside religions. It is something inner, knowledge that was there. Also we had lots of people like Lao Tse, like Zen system, we had people also in England, like William Blake. So many of them had talked about this inner knowledge. And they were all saints. I was surprised that in Colombia, they had the knowledge of Kundalini. And they used to make ornaments like Kundalini. So if you open your eyes and open your heart you will find everywhere there was this knowledge about the ascent of man. It was in the tradition of awakening that time that only one master will give it to one disciple. Gradually, it started appearing in poems and scriptures. But nobody really talked about it in an open way. We had also lots of Sufis all over the world who knew about it. Now we have to understand the time has come for thousands to get Self Realization. For example in Russia, we have in one village twenty one thousand Sahaja yogis. Twenty one thousand! Because they are not conditioned. They are a clean slate. I don't say democracy is not desirable, very much desirable. But one must have knowledge how to use freedom. The second thing that happens to you, that your inner religion is enlightened, inner religion. These chakras are created by great prophets. They have talked of religion in the real sense of the word. But they do not follow religion. You may be Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anything, you can commit any kind of sin. But once you become a saint, you do not. Nothing can tempt you. For that you don't have to leave your houses, families, nothing. It's inside yourself. We talk of peace. And we ... I have met many people who have been awarded peace awards. But they have no peace within. How can they spread peace? With these awards, can you spread peace? All the religions are the signboards to enter into the Kingdom of God. But if you are just standing at the signboard, and reading the signboard, will you enter in? You have to leave the signboard, and come up to this center where resides all peace, joy and happiness. We find very difficult sometimes to follow any religion whatsoever. I've known people where it is prohibited to drink, they drink like fish. And all such things. The reason is they are not hypocrites, they are human beings. They are ordinary human beings. So if they are drinking, there's nothing wrong in that. Just by branding yourself as something, you don't become that. But once you become, then nobody has to tell you "don't drink," you just drop it. I always give an example of a person carrying a snake in the hand, in the darkness. And the person is very obstinate and conditioned. And he won't accept that there is a snake in his hand. It's darkness. He'll say, "This is a rope," till the snake bites him. So the light has to come. Once in the light, he sees the snake, he just drops - himself, nobody has to tell him. That means we all need enlightenment: one step forward from this human awareness to a higher awareness. Once you are enlightened, you don't do wrong things. You don't take to wrong things. Then you start understanding all these prophets, all these great incarnations, you start understanding what they were. Then you understand that all these religions have come out of one Tree of Life, which is spirituality. And we have plucked these flowers and we are fighting with the dead flowers. There's no life in it. How many things have been said in the scriptures, are followed by the people who are supposed to be Christian, Muslim, Hindus? By just talking to them, it is just a lip service, you cannot convince them. Now this actualization gives you that power, that you become a personality which is confident, because you start using these powers. By that you can cure people. You can bring peace wherever you go. You feel absolutely protected. So many miracles. Endless. I had so many letters coming to Me of the miracles they had, how they were saved, this, that. I didn't know how to answer them. So I asked one gentleman, "You better compile them." In one month he wrote, "I've got up to my head so high, all these things now, which one am I to compile?" He asked Me I should see those and I told him, Forget it." All the miracles that they have seen is a wee bit. You don't know how miraculous is this God Almighty. Then you become extremely dynamic. You don't get tired. As you know, I am seventy-one years of age and I'm traveling every day, practically every day. But I never think I am traveling. You become extremely compassionate. Just can't help it. You can't bear any kind of sadness or any kind of malady of another person. And you have to just attend to that person, show your attention, and that person you can help. Then you know the meaning of your life. That you are the instrument of God. And when you surrender to that Divine Power, then you are amazed, how things are done by you. Everyone will say, "You have done this, you have done that." You'll be amazed, "When did I do?" We are all going to enter into that Kingdom. Then another thing is that once this Kundalini rises, She does something very miraculous also. For example I say, "You pay attention to yourself inside," you cannot. And we are thinking all the time about the future and the past. One thought rises, falls off, another thought rises, falls off. So we are jumping on the cusp of future and past. But in between those thoughts there's a little space that is the present. The past is finished and the future doesn't exist. So what exists really? Reality is present. So when you stand in the present, you become thoughtlessly aware. And this state is the first state you achieve, and this is the state where you become absolutely peaceful within yourself. The peace is so great that you enjoy your peaceful existence. Not only that, but you become the source of peace. Wherever you go, you emit peace. We talk of peace. It is not possible without self knowledge to establish peace, I can tell you this [much]. Now as you must have heard that Sahaja Yoga is working in sixty-five nations. Of different creeds, of different nations, of different races, of different religions. But I have not seen anybody quarreling or fighting, or arguing even. They pull each others leg for fun, that's all right. Because they all know the same truth, it's absolute. Whether you are a Mussulman or you are a Hindu, or a Christian, or anything, if you know the same truth within yourself, then what is the fight? When you see the greatness of Jesus, greatness of Hazrat Mohammed, you see the greatness of Shri Rama, you understand that They are all together, we are different. Christ has said clearly, "Those who are not against us are with us." So who are those who are with us? So in the realm of the Divine, you will find out that all these great incarnations, prophets came on this earth to establish human beings on the right path. So that they can enter into the Kingdom of God. This Sahaja Yoga that we are talking about is the last breakthrough of our evolution. Firstly you know the absolute truth - you know. All of you know the same truth. Not mentally, but in the heart. It is beyond mental. And that is what ... as you know I'm sitting here, is a fact. In the same way, you know the absolute truth. So what is it after all, all these United Nations, this, that you have, I know all of them very well. There is no truth about it. It's all a sort of a job seeking place, I think. What you have to do is to get people who have the absolute truth at the helm of affairs. I haven't seen anyone in Sahaja Yoga who cheats, who is dishonest, who tells lies. I don't have to tell them, "Don't do." No commandments. If you talk about commandments, half of them will leave the hall. And our sympathies without Self Realization go to wrong people. Actually we are confused. So the aim of our life is to get self knowledge, Self Realization. Now what happens that our attention becomes enlightened. Attention. The eyes become innocent. There is no greed, there is no lust. And these innocent eyes are very powerful. If you glance with these innocent eyes, you can do so much good, so much benevolence to other people. And sitting down here you can know about anyone you want to know. You don't have to go anywhere, telephone to anyone, just sitting down, you will know what is the situation of the chakras of this and this person. Because this Power which is all pervading, is the most efficient communication powers than anybody can think of. It is so alert, so attentive, so precise that surprisingly it works in split of a second. So many examples can be given. And then you become so confident because you are protected. You know you are protected. In this small lecture, I cannot tell you much more about it, but one thing I want to tell you, that above all you jump into the Ocean of Joy. Joy is singular. It is not like happiness and unhappiness. When your ego is pampered you are happy. When your ego is punctured you are unhappy. Now you become like a witness of the drama that's going on. When you are out of that drama, you know how to solve the problem. If you are watching something, a play, you sometimes get involved with it, and think that you are the one who is inside there. But when the play is over, you know you are here and the play is there. In the same way you see the whole world. Now the time has come. You must know one thing.: the God Almighty Who has created us is the greatest organizer. He's not going to allow us to destroy His creation. And I must tell you that this Divine power is so anxious now to give Self Realization. Like I was surprised that in Russia I have to always organize it in a big stadium, the program. They get their Self Realization, and then they settle with it. But in the West it is, they get Realization, then they feel very happy, then it goes round, they don't get to it. The conditionings are much more in the countries where there is democracy. Because somebody is following this religion, somebody is following that religion or somebody has these ideas. It's so mental, everything's so mental. Now, say the Ocean of Love, Ocean of Bliss, Ocean of Joy is just there within you. So why should we not accept it? You have to little bit work it out; little bit you have to work it out. Sometimes the connection is loose as they say. So sometimes you have to see that the connection is permanent, of eternal nature. So first you have to be the Self, otherwise we are still half-baked. Tonight I hope all of you will get your Self Realization. They told Me that in this month, all the Paris people are out of Paris. I said those who are seekers, I'll meet them definitely. It is so hot here, what is the use of going to Spain to burn your skin? There is no wisdom, but they do it, because they are so conditioned. In the West, people are very conditioned. Some fashion starts in Paris, everybody does that. I mean they are like sheep. There are piles and piles of clothes in every house. Indians are not like that. With tradition we have learned that this is the dress will suit us. Specially the ladies. We had one mini sari coming to Bombay. Came up to Bombay and disappeared in eight days. They said, "Get lost, this is not for us." Because traditionally we have understood that this kind of a dress is all right. Now why change every day, just for these manufacturers? And this free media that you have, media, has also ruined you. Because every time they are showing you something and even the children want that which is shown on the television. It is such an enslavement, I tell you, that sometimes it's shocking that in America the dogs have got birthdays. They have teddy bears which have got birthdays. This speciality expertise in marketing has really conditioned us completely. And media doesn't think they are doing anything sinful. As long as they are money-oriented, finished. Money. If money had brought every kind of happiness, you'd have found the world very much better. It's only the spiritual wealth that gives you that joy, for others and for yourself. So let us now decide to have our self knowledge, because this power of Kundalini is of pure desire. All desires that you have are not pure. Today you want to buy a car. Once you have the car, you don't enjoy it, you want to have a house. Then you want to have helicopter, then an aeroplane. If your desires were pure, you would have been satisfied, but you are never satisfied, because matter cannot give you satisfaction. So this is the pure desire we have within us: the desire to be one with this Divine Power, whether you know it or not. So it's very important that all of you who are here, I hope you are all seekers of truth. If you have come here to criticize Me, nothing would work out, I must tell you. Of course it is not meant for idiots and mad people. You have to have a capacity and desire. I must tell you there are thousands and thousands these days who have that. Last of all, you cannot pay for it. It is a living process. How much did we pay to the Mother Earth for these beautiful flowers? It's invaluable. Money is the headache of human beings, not of God. It's your own right to have your Realization, it's your own right. So there's no obligation of any kind. Before giving you this Self Realization, I have to make a humble request. That's: who don't want to have it, I cannot force on you, because I respect your freedom. If you want to remain as you are, all right, I have nothing to say. But please leave the hall. Really I tell you it's not possible to give Self Realization to people who don't want to have it. All right. Now there are three conditions which are very simple. The first one is, you should have full confidence in yourself, that you all will get your Realization. That means, you should not feel in any way guilty. People tell you, "You are a sinner, you are doing this." I tell you, you are not a sinner, you are a seeker. And that's why you have every right to have your self knowledge. That means you should not feel guilty at all. Very important. You feel guilty and you catch on this center here. And I catch from you. There's so much here now, feeling guilty, it's a fashion, I think. Please, be pleasantly placed towards yourself. As I respect you, you must respect Me...You should respect yourself. The second condition is even simpler and very logical: that you must forgive everyone. Now many would say that "We cannot forgive, it's very difficult." But it's a myth whether you forgive or don't forgive. What do you do? You don't do anything. But when you don't forgive, then you are playing into wrong hands. That means you are torturing yourself, while those who have troubled you are quite happy. So this center which is in the center of optic chiasma is constricted like that (Shri Mataji shows how the center constricts with fingers). And if you don't forgive, it won't open. But if you forgive, it opens like that. You must not even think of those people, because it's a headache. In general you should say here today that "I forgive everyone." Then I have to tell you about this center. That this center when you catch by feeling guilty. you get disease like angina, spondylitis and lethargic organs. And at this moment, if you don't forgive ... if you don't feel guilty, it will open out, this center and you will get your Realization. But this center (points to Agnya) is even much more constricted. And if you don't forgive now, then it will never open and you will miss the great chance of having your self knowledge. So all your life you have tortured yourself, and at this important moment you will also miss the most important moment of your life. So now, in general, forgive everyone. Third condition is very simple: you'll have to take out your shoes. Need not to take out socks, but shoes I think. As I don't know if he has told or not that we have two powers left and right within us which are expressing our sympathetic nervous system left and right. So the left side is the power of desire, and the right side is the power of action. So you put your left hand towards Me like this - on your lap, just like this - expressing your desire to have Self Realization. And also you should know that left and right side are expressed also in your feet, so keep them apart from each other. The right side we use, the right side we use for action, so we use our right hand for nourishing our centers. So please put your right hand on your heart. Because in the heart resides the Spirit. Now if you become the Spirit, in the light of Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So you put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen which is the center of your mastery. This center is created by great prophets and masters. Now please take your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now this is the center of pure Divine knowledge. Now please take your right hand upward in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now please put your right hand now on your heart. Then in the corner, in the corner of your neck and shoulder. Now put your head on the right side. Now you have to take your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head. Here you have to forgive everyone. Now please take your hand on the backside of your head. Head, head. Backside of your head, not neck. This is the center - please put back your head - here you don't have to feel guilty, you are not to count your mistakes, but just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from this Divine Power. Now last center which is very important. Stretch your palm fully. Put the center of your palm on top of your head. And push back your fingers as far as possible. Push back. And now move your scalp slowly. Seven times. Clockwise. That's all we have to do. Now, we start it now in a way that you close your eyes. You close your eyes and don't open them till I tell you. You can also remove your spectacles, and ... because you don't have to open your eyes till I tell you. Now, please put your right hand on your heart. Here now, you have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself. Please ask Me three times in your heart. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. Ask the question: "Mother, am I the spirit?" Ask this question three times. Now, I've told you that when you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So please, put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Press it with your fingers. Here ask another fundamental question to Me: "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question in your heart. I cannot force on you Self Realization, as well as the pure Divine knowledge. So, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say six times, because this center has got six petals: "Mother, please give me pure knowledge." Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, the Kundalini has started rising. So now here you have to say with self confidence, to open these chakras: "Mother, I am my own master." Ten times, because this center has got ten petals. I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, emotions, ego and conditionings. But you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart. Here, you have to say twelve times, with full confidence: "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." This Divine Power is the Ocean of Knowledge. It is the Ocean of Compassion and Bliss. But above all, It is the Ocean of Forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you have committed in the past can be easily dissolved with the power of this compassion. So now, forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder. And turn your head to your right. Here you have to say with full confidence, sixteen times: "Mother, I am not guilty at all." I've already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. So at this moment you have to forgive everyone in general without thinking about them. Now please, put your right hand on top of your forehead across, and put down your head. Here, you have to say with full confidence, from your heart, not how many times: "Mother, I forgive everyone." Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head. Here again, not how many times, but from heart, please push back your head properly. You have to say: "Oh Divine Power, if I have done any mistakes, please forgive me." Say it from your heart. Now the last center. Stretch your palm, and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel born area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now press it hard. Push back your fingers, and move your scalp slowly, seven times. Put down your head, put down your head. Now, I cannot force Self Realization on you, as I told you. So by moving your scalp seven times clockwise slowly, please say: "Mother, give me my Self Realization." Bend your head, bend your head. Now please take down your hands. Please open your eyes. Now please raise your hands like this. Please watch Me without thinking. Open your eyes and please watch Me without thinking. Put the right hand towards Me like this. And bend your head, and see for yourself, if there is a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now, please put left hand towards Me. Put down your head and see for yourself again with the right hand, if there's a cool or hot breeze like thing is coming. Now don't doubt it, please don't doubt it. If you have not forgiven, it will be hot still, but please forgive. Now, with the right hand now, we have to see again, with our left hand, right hand towards Me and left hand on top of fontanel bone area, where you can see. Sometimes it comes close, or sometimes away. So move your hand and see for yourself. Now please put both your hands like this. Now put both the hands toward the sky like this, and push back your heads. Now ask anyone of these three questions three times, anyone. First one is: "Is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" Or, "Is this the Ruh?" Or, "Is this the Paramchaitanya?" Ask any one of these questions three times in your heart. Now, take down your hands. Now put your hands towards Me like that. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips, or on their palm, or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. No you didn't feel it? (Shri Mataji says this to one individual in the audience.) You should. My Goodness. This is Paris, I can't believe it. May God bless you! Now your new life has started. You have entered into the Kingdom of God. Be sure that you continue with it, and grow well. In this Paris when I came first, they told Me: "Mother, You look very happy, don't show your happiness." So I started My lecture with the Les Misérables. Today I see so many of you. Really, it's so gratifying. But you must grow. It is not an individual process. But it's a collective happening. So you have to come to the collective. As we don't take any money, nothing, so we don't have very elaborate places, very humble. So you have to come to the collective, because it definitely helps you to grow very fast. But if you are individual, then slowly, slowly, I find people go down. All those who haven't got also Realization, should come to the collective, you are all welcome. You'll get all the knowledge, all the books, whatever you need. But I really don't like people reading books much. Because it is not a bookish knowledge. It is the knowledge of experience. So when you are in the collective, you must know that you will suddenly widen your knowledge. Luckily we have very good Sahaja Yogis here, who know a lot about Sahaja Yoga. They are very humble and sweet and I'm sure they will help you very much. Of course you don't have to pay for anything. If you have any problems, you can write to Me. You can write to Me even in French, I don't mind. Thank you very much. Now the message is: enjoy yourself. May God bless you!
Public Program, "The Inner Religion". Palais des Congrès, Paris (France), July, the 12th 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to say that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it. We cannot compromise with it. It is what it is, it has been what it has been, and it will be what it has been. So it doesn't change. What is needed is that we have to change. So, what is the truth? Truth is that you are not this body, this mind; you are not these emotions, intellect or conditionings. Nor you are ego. So what are you? You are the pure Spirit. All the scriptures have said this. If you are the Spirit, that is the truth. We say, "My body, my intellect, my emotions." Who is this my? So we have to become that truth. The another truth is when we see these beautiful flowers, we don't even think what a miraculous thing it is to have them. So beautifully planned. When you see the nature, you are amazed how every leaf gets the sun. Who looks after nature? Who does these living works? If you ask the doctor who runs your heart, he'll tell you it's an autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? Who does this? They cannot answer. Science cannot answer many, many questions. Specially it cannot answer: Why are we on this earth? What is the purpose of our life? These answers only you can get when you have the self knowledge. You need not believe Me blindly, because blind faith has been very troublesome to us so far. So if this happens to you, and that you can feel this all pervading Power of Divine love which is doing all the living work, as honest people you have to believe in it. And if you become the Spirit, and if you have the powers of the Spirit from within yourself, then you'll have to believe in it. Now, this is the special time for us to get our self knowledge, Self Realization. I call it a blossom time. But different scriptures have described them as the last judgment, or resurrection time, or all kinds of things. You have been already told about the centers that we have within ourselves. All the global problems, most of them, come from human beings. And all human problems come from the jeopardy of these chakras, centers. Whether it is physical, mental, emotional, any kind of problem comes because these chakras or these centers are not in a healthy mood. But if you care for your own benevolence, and benevolence of your country, benevolence of the whole world, if you really care, then this is the only way you can achieve it. So, let us see what happens when this Kundalini rises within you. In the Bible there's a mention of God Almighty and His Son, and no Mother. Mother is the Holy Ghost, the Primordial Mother. It was avoided completely, that there is any feminine power in the primordial form. This is how lots of problems are being created for women. Now, here you have this in the triangular bone you can see the power that connects you to the Divine Power. Just like this cord which has to be connected to the mains, otherwise it is of no use. You have no identity unless and until you are connected to this power which has created you. This power is coiled up into three and a half times and is your individual Mother. This individual Mother knows each and everything about you. Also knows what mistakes you have committed so far, and what are your aspirations. She is your individual Mother who is anxious to give you the second birth. She rises through these six centers, and pierces through the sixth center here which we call as Brahmarandhara in Sanskrit. This is a happening. This is an actualization of your baptism. It's not just a talk or a sermon. And when it is connected to the all-pervading Power, the Spirit in your heart gets enlightened. First thing that happens to you, is that you feel a cool breeze on your fingertips. It is described in the Bible as cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. In all the scriptures, even in Indian scriptures is described as a cool breeze. In the Koran it is described as Ruh. Now this all-pervading Divine Power is there, existing, we have to just get connected to it. You also start getting the cool breeze out of your fontanel bone area on top of your head. Now you have to certify yourself, nobody is going to certify you. You have to certify yourself. Are you feeling this cool breeze or not? Are you getting this cool breeze out of your fontanel bone area or not? It's a physical happening. Then you start feeling all the centers on your fingertips. You can feel your own centers, and then you can also feel the centers of others. Then who is the other? You become one with the ocean. Then all this world you feel is your own. There are many who do not believe in one God, who not believe in, say, God. There are many who don't believe in God. But when they believe in something, they have not seen it. How can you say there is no God? It's not scientific. You should first find out if there is God or not. By just saying that there is no God, there is one God, there are ten Gods - how do you know? So first you have to get to a point from where you can know the absolute truth. Then once you have this connection, you can ask: is there God? And the vibrations start flowing much more. Because that's the absolute truth: there is God. Many people have become atheist, given up religion, to them it's all a myth. To them it's all nonsense. Also when they see in the name of God so many horrible things are doing, they get, ah, they get absolutely disgusted. So you have to first make them the instrument which can feel the truth. In Sanskrit we call it bodha. Meaning that you should feel it on your central nervous system. From where the word Buddha has come, the one who can, who is enlightened. Another word they've used is vida. Vida means to know on your central nervous system. From where the word veda has come. Now if this knowledge was so ancient, ten thousand years back people knew it in India, there are certain reasons for that. In India, the climate was such that people don't have to worry about going out or about looking after the nature. They - nature is very kind to them. You could live in the jungles, you can live wherever you wanted. There is no restriction, because the nature is so kind. As the result of that, people become introspective. They started meditating. And they found out that there is this Kundalini Power which, if it is raised, you can get your Self Realization. If any knowledge is coming from the West, we accept in India, isn't it? But if any knowledge is coming from India, why should anybody avoid it? Because it is for the benevolence of people. It has nothing to do with outside religions. It is something inner, knowledge that was there. Also we had lots of people like Lao Tse, like Zen system, we had people also in England, like William Blake. So many of them had talked about this inner knowledge. And they were all saints. I was surprised that in Colombia, they had the knowledge of Kundalini. And they used to make ornaments like Kundalini. So if you open your eyes and open your heart you will find everywhere there was this knowledge about the ascent of man. It was in the tradition of awakening that time that only one master will give it to one disciple. Gradually, it started appearing in poems and scriptures. But nobody really talked about it in an open way. We had also lots of Sufis all over the world who knew about it. Now we have to understand the time has come for thousands to get Self Realization. For example in Russia, we have in one village twenty one thousand Sahaja yogis. Twenty one thousand! Because they are not conditioned. They are a clean slate. I don't say democracy is not desirable, very much desirable. But one must have knowledge how to use freedom. The second thing that happens to you, that your inner religion is enlightened, inner religion. These chakras are created by great prophets. They have talked of religion in the real sense of the word. But they do not follow religion. You may be Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anything, you can commit any kind of sin. But once you become a saint, you do not. Nothing can tempt you. For that you don't have to leave your houses, families, nothing. It's inside yourself. We talk of peace. And we ... I have met many people who have been awarded peace awards. But they have no peace within. How can they spread peace? With these awards, can you spread peace? All the religions are the signboards to enter into the Kingdom of God. But if you are just standing at the signboard, and reading the signboard, will you enter in? You have to leave the signboard, and come up to this center where resides all peace, joy and happiness. We find very difficult sometimes to follow any religion whatsoever. I've known people where it is prohibited to drink, they drink like fish. And all such things. The reason is they are not hypocrites, they are human beings. They are ordinary human beings. So if they are drinking, there's nothing wrong in that. Just by branding yourself as something, you don't become that. But once you become, then nobody has to tell you "don't drink," you just drop it. I always give an example of a person carrying a snake in the hand, in the darkness. And the person is very obstinate and conditioned. And he won't accept that there is a snake in his hand. It's darkness. He'll say, "This is a rope," till the snake bites him. So the light has to come. Once in the light, he sees the snake, he just drops - himself, nobody has to tell him. That means we all need enlightenment: one step forward from this human awareness to a higher awareness. Once you are enlightened, you don't do wrong things. You don't take to wrong things. Then you start understanding all these prophets, all these great incarnations, you start understanding what they were. Then you understand that all these religions have come out of one Tree of Life, which is spirituality. And we have plucked these flowers and we are fighting with the dead flowers. There's no life in it. How many things have been said in the scriptures, are followed by the people who are supposed to be Christian, Muslim, Hindus? By just talking to them, it is just a lip service, you cannot convince them. Now this actualization gives you that power, that you become a personality which is confident, because you start using these powers. By that you can cure people. You can bring peace wherever you go. You feel absolutely protected. So many miracles. Endless. I had so many letters coming to Me of the miracles they had, how they were saved, this, that. I didn't know how to answer them. So I asked one gentleman, "You better compile them." In one month he wrote, "I've got up to my head so high, all these things now, which one am I to compile?" He asked Me I should see those and I told him, Forget it." All the miracles that they have seen is a wee bit. You don't know how miraculous is this God Almighty. Then you become extremely dynamic. You don't get tired. As you know, I am seventy-one years of age and I'm traveling every day, practically every day. But I never think I am traveling. You become extremely compassionate. Just can't help it. You can't bear any kind of sadness or any kind of malady of another person. And you have to just attend to that person, show your attention, and that person you can help. Then you know the meaning of your life. That you are the instrument of God. And when you surrender to that Divine Power, then you are amazed, how things are done by you. Everyone will say, "You have done this, you have done that." You'll be amazed, "When did I do?" We are all going to enter into that Kingdom. Then another thing is that once this Kundalini rises, She does something very miraculous also. For example I say, "You pay attention to yourself inside," you cannot. And we are thinking all the time about the future and the past. One thought rises, falls off, another thought rises, falls off. So we are jumping on the cusp of future and past. But in between those thoughts there's a little space that is the present. The past is finished and the future doesn't exist. So what exists really? Reality is present. So when you stand in the present, you become thoughtlessly aware. And this state is the first state you achieve, and this is the state where you become absolutely peaceful within yourself. The peace is so great that you enjoy your peaceful existence. Not only that, but you become the source of peace. Wherever you go, you emit peace. We talk of peace. It is not possible without self knowledge to establish peace, I can tell you this [much]. Now as you must have heard that Sahaja Yoga is working in sixty-five nations. Of different creeds, of different nations, of different races, of different religions. But I have not seen anybody quarreling or fighting, or arguing even. They pull each others leg for fun, that's all right. Because they all know the same truth, it's absolute. Whether you are a Mussulman or you are a Hindu, or a Christian, or anything, if you know the same truth within yourself, then what is the fight? When you see the greatness of Jesus, greatness of Hazrat Mohammed, you see the greatness of Shri Rama, you understand that They are all together, we are different. Christ has said clearly, "Those who are not against us are with us." So who are those who are with us? So in the realm of the Divine, you will find out that all these great incarnations, prophets came on this earth to establish human beings on the right path. So that they can enter into the Kingdom of God. This Sahaja Yoga that we are talking about is the last breakthrough of our evolution. Firstly you know the absolute truth - you know. All of you know the same truth. Not mentally, but in the heart. It is beyond mental. And that is what ... as you know I'm sitting here, is a fact. In the same way, you know the absolute truth. So what is it after all, all these United Nations, this, that you have, I know all of them very well. There is no truth about it. It's all a sort of a job seeking place, I think. What you have to do is to get people who have the absolute truth at the helm of affairs. I haven't seen anyone in Sahaja Yoga who cheats, who is dishonest, who tells lies. I don't have to tell them, "Don't do." No commandments. If you talk about commandments, half of them will leave the hall. And our sympathies without Self Realization go to wrong people. Actually we are confused. So the aim of our life is to get self knowledge, Self Realization. Now what happens that our attention becomes enlightened. Attention. The eyes become innocent. There is no greed, there is no lust. And these innocent eyes are very powerful. If you glance with these innocent eyes, you can do so much good, so much benevolence to other people. And sitting down here you can know about anyone you want to know. You don't have to go anywhere, telephone to anyone, just sitting down, you will know what is the situation of the chakras of this and this person. Because this Power which is all pervading, is the most efficient communication powers than anybody can think of. It is so alert, so attentive, so precise that surprisingly it works in split of a second. So many examples can be given. And then you become so confident because you are protected. You know you are protected. In this small lecture, I cannot tell you much more about it, but one thing I want to tell you, that above all you jump into the Ocean of Joy. Joy is singular. It is not like happiness and unhappiness. When your ego is pampered you are happy. When your ego is punctured you are unhappy. Now you become like a witness of the drama that's going on. When you are out of that drama, you know how to solve the problem. If you are watching something, a play, you sometimes get involved with it, and think that you are the one who is inside there. But when the play is over, you know you are here and the play is there. In the same way you see the whole world. Now the time has come. You must know one thing.: the God Almighty Who has created us is the greatest organizer. He's not going to allow us to destroy His creation. And I must tell you that this Divine power is so anxious now to give Self Realization. Like I was surprised that in Russia I have to always organize it in a big stadium, the program. They get their Self Realization, and then they settle with it. But in the West it is, they get Realization, then they feel very happy, then it goes round, they don't get to it. The conditionings are much more in the countries where there is democracy. Because somebody is following this religion, somebody is following that religion or somebody has these ideas. It's so mental, everything's so mental. Now, say the Ocean of Love, Ocean of Bliss, Ocean of Joy is just there within you. So why should we not accept it? You have to little bit work it out; little bit you have to work it out. Sometimes the connection is loose as they say. So sometimes you have to see that the connection is permanent, of eternal nature. So first you have to be the Self, otherwise we are still half-baked. Tonight I hope all of you will get your Self Realization. They told Me that in this month, all the Paris people are out of Paris. I said those who are seekers, I'll meet them definitely. It is so hot here, what is the use of going to Spain to burn your skin? There is no wisdom, but they do it, because they are so conditioned. In the West, people are very conditioned. Some fashion starts in Paris, everybody does that. I mean they are like sheep. There are piles and piles of clothes in every house. Indians are not like that. With tradition we have learned that this is the dress will suit us. Specially the ladies. We had one mini sari coming to Bombay. Came up to Bombay and disappeared in eight days. They said, "Get lost, this is not for us." Because traditionally we have understood that this kind of a dress is all right. Now why change every day, just for these manufacturers? And this free media that you have, media, has also ruined you. Because every time they are showing you something and even the children want that which is shown on the television. It is such an enslavement, I tell you, that sometimes it's shocking that in America the dogs have got birthdays. They have teddy bears which have got birthdays. This speciality expertise in marketing has really conditioned us completely. And media doesn't think they are doing anything sinful. As long as they are money-oriented, finished. Money. If money had brought every kind of happiness, you'd have found the world very much better. It's only the spiritual wealth that gives you that joy, for others and for yourself. So let us now decide to have our self knowledge, because this power of Kundalini is of pure desire. All desires that you have are not pure. Today you want to buy a car. Once you have the car, you don't enjoy it, you want to have a house. Then you want to have helicopter, then an aeroplane. If your desires were pure, you would have been satisfied, but you are never satisfied, because matter cannot give you satisfaction. So this is the pure desire we have within us: the desire to be one with this Divine Power, whether you know it or not. So it's very important that all of you who are here, I hope you are all seekers of truth. If you have come here to criticize Me, nothing would work out, I must tell you. Of course it is not meant for idiots and mad people. You have to have a capacity and desire. I must tell you there are thousands and thousands these days who have that. Last of all, you cannot pay for it. It is a living process. How much did we pay to the Mother Earth for these beautiful flowers? It's invaluable. Money is the headache of human beings, not of God. It's your own right to have your Realization, it's your own right. So there's no obligation of any kind. Before giving you this Self Realization, I have to make a humble request. That's: who don't want to have it, I cannot force on you, because I respect your freedom. If you want to remain as you are, all right, I have nothing to say. But please leave the hall. Really I tell you it's not possible to give Self Realization to people who don't want to have it. All right. Now there are three conditions which are very simple. The first one is, you should have full confidence in yourself, that you all will get your Realization. That means, you should not feel in any way guilty. People tell you, "You are a sinner, you are doing this." I tell you, you are not a sinner, you are a seeker. And that's why you have every right to have your self knowledge. That means you should not feel guilty at all. Very important. You feel guilty and you catch on this center here. And I catch from you. There's so much here now, feeling guilty, it's a fashion, I think. Please, be pleasantly placed towards yourself. As I respect you, you must respect Me...You should respect yourself. The second condition is even simpler and very logical: that you must forgive everyone. Now many would say that "We cannot forgive, it's very difficult." But it's a myth whether you forgive or don't forgive. What do you do? You don't do anything. But when you don't forgive, then you are playing into wrong hands. That means you are torturing yourself, while those who have troubled you are quite happy. So this center which is in the center of optic chiasma is constricted like that (Shri Mataji shows how the center constricts with fingers). And if you don't forgive, it won't open. But if you forgive, it opens like that. You must not even think of those people, because it's a headache. In general you should say here today that "I forgive everyone." Then I have to tell you about this center. That this center when you catch by feeling guilty. you get disease like angina, spondylitis and lethargic organs. And at this moment, if you don't forgive ... if you don't feel guilty, it will open out, this center and you will get your Realization. But this center (points to Agnya) is even much more constricted. And if you don't forgive now, then it will never open and you will miss the great chance of having your self knowledge. So all your life you have tortured yourself, and at this important moment you will also miss the most important moment of your life. So now, in general, forgive everyone. Third condition is very simple: you'll have to take out your shoes. Need not to take out socks, but shoes I think. As I don't know if he has told or not that we have two powers left and right within us which are expressing our sympathetic nervous system left and right. So the left side is the power of desire, and the right side is the power of action. So you put your left hand towards Me like this - on your lap, just like this - expressing your desire to have Self Realization. And also you should know that left and right side are expressed also in your feet, so keep them apart from each other. The right side we use, the right side we use for action, so we use our right hand for nourishing our centers. So please put your right hand on your heart. Because in the heart resides the Spirit. Now if you become the Spirit, in the light of Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So you put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen which is the center of your mastery. This center is created by great prophets and masters. Now please take your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now this is the center of pure Divine knowledge. Now please take your right hand upward in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now please put your right hand now on your heart. Then in the corner, in the corner of your neck and shoulder. Now put your head on the right side. Now you have to take your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head. Here you have to forgive everyone. Now please take your hand on the backside of your head. Head, head. Backside of your head, not neck. This is the center - please put back your head - here you don't have to feel guilty, you are not to count your mistakes, but just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from this Divine Power. Now last center which is very important. Stretch your palm fully. Put the center of your palm on top of your head. And push back your fingers as far as possible. Push back. And now move your scalp slowly. Seven times. Clockwise. That's all we have to do. Now, we start it now in a way that you close your eyes. You close your eyes and don't open them till I tell you. You can also remove your spectacles, and ... because you don't have to open your eyes till I tell you. Now, please put your right hand on your heart. Here now, you have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself. Please ask Me three times in your heart. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. Ask the question: "Mother, am I the spirit?" Ask this question three times. Now, I've told you that when you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So please, put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Press it with your fingers. Here ask another fundamental question to Me: "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question in your heart. I cannot force on you Self Realization, as well as the pure Divine knowledge. So, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say six times, because this center has got six petals: "Mother, please give me pure knowledge." Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, the Kundalini has started rising. So now here you have to say with self confidence, to open these chakras: "Mother, I am my own master." Ten times, because this center has got ten petals. I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, emotions, ego and conditionings. But you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart. Here, you have to say twelve times, with full confidence: "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." This Divine Power is the Ocean of Knowledge. It is the Ocean of Compassion and Bliss. But above all, It is the Ocean of Forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you have committed in the past can be easily dissolved with the power of this compassion. So now, forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder. And turn your head to your right. Here you have to say with full confidence, sixteen times: "Mother, I am not guilty at all." I've already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. So at this moment you have to forgive everyone in general without thinking about them. Now please, put your right hand on top of your forehead across, and put down your head. Here, you have to say with full confidence, from your heart, not how many times: "Mother, I forgive everyone." Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head. Here again, not how many times, but from heart, please push back your head properly. You have to say: "Oh Divine Power, if I have done any mistakes, please forgive me." Say it from your heart. Now the last center. Stretch your palm, and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel born area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now press it hard. Push back your fingers, and move your scalp slowly, seven times. Put down your head, put down your head. Now, I cannot force Self Realization on you, as I told you. So by moving your scalp seven times clockwise slowly, please say: "Mother, give me my Self Realization." Bend your head, bend your head. Now please take down your hands. Please open your eyes. Now please raise your hands like this. Please watch Me without thinking. Open your eyes and please watch Me without thinking. Put the right hand towards Me like this. And bend your head, and see for yourself, if there is a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now, please put left hand towards Me. Put down your head and see for yourself again with the right hand, if there's a cool or hot breeze like thing is coming. Now don't doubt it, please don't doubt it. If you have not forgiven, it will be hot still, but please forgive. Now, with the right hand now, we have to see again, with our left hand, right hand towards Me and left hand on top of fontanel bone area, where you can see. Sometimes it comes close, or sometimes away. So move your hand and see for yourself. Now please put both your hands like this. Now put both the hands toward the sky like this, and push back your heads. Now ask anyone of these three questions three times, anyone. First one is: "Is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" Or, "Is this the Ruh?" Or, "Is this the Paramchaitanya?" Ask any one of these questions three times in your heart. Now, take down your hands. Now put your hands towards Me like that. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips, or on their palm, or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. No you didn't feel it? (Shri Mataji says this to one individual in the audience.) You should. My Goodness. This is Paris, I can't believe it. May God bless you! Now your new life has started. You have entered into the Kingdom of God. Be sure that you continue with it, and grow well. In this Paris when I came first, they told Me: "Mother, You look very happy, don't show your happiness." So I started My lecture with the Les Misérables. Today I see so many of you. Really, it's so gratifying. But you must grow. It is not an individual process. But it's a collective happening. So you have to come to the collective. As we don't take any money, nothing, so we don't have very elaborate places, very humble. So you have to come to the collective, because it definitely helps you to grow very fast. But if you are individual, then slowly, slowly, I find people go down. All those who haven't got also Realization, should come to the collective, you are all welcome. You'll get all the knowledge, all the books, whatever you need. But I really don't like people reading books much. Because it is not a bookish knowledge. It is the knowledge of experience. So when you are in the collective, you must know that you will suddenly widen your knowledge. Luckily we have very good Sahaja Yogis here, who know a lot about Sahaja Yoga. They are very humble and sweet and I'm sure they will help you very much. Of course you don't have to pay for anything. If you have any problems, you can write to Me. You can write to Me even in French, I don't mind. Thank you very much. Now the message is: enjoy yourself. May God bless you!
Shri Vishnu Puja: The Basis of Dharma
Shri Vishnu puja. Paris (France), 13 July 1994. It is such a great day today that the French got their liberation on this day. But what is this liberation for? I don't know. In no country where they had freedom and liberation, I have seen, it has not worked something very much that was expected. Say in France... So the liberation through anger, when it comes, hatred is the basis of these revolutions and these so called achieved liberations. If the liberation takes place within yourself, so that you are no more slave of anyone of these horrible destructive forces and negative forces, then it's a real liberation. The second thing that has happened in France, first time in Europe, it has been recognized as dharma. It's a very big thing, and give a hand to it. [Lots of applause.] It is recognized that Sahaja Yoga is dharma. It is. But today it was recognized. This is a very big thing. I must say credit goes to your leader and to all the Sahaja Yogis of France who have worked so hard to get this sanction, this kind of a position. It's a very great thing. So, today I was thinking that we'll have the puja of Shri Vishnu, who was the basis of dharma. So far we have never worshipped anyone who were the basics, except for Shiva. We only worshipped the incarnations because they became as incarnation; Ganesha came as incarnation, the Goddess came as incarnations, Rama, Shri Krishna, Gurus, Christ, Buddha, all of them came as incarnations on this earth. And we worshipped the incarnations who came on earth specially. But today, as Sahaja Yoga is established as dharma, we have to know about Shri Vishnu who is the basis of dharma. Later on He came on this earth as Shri Ram, then as Shri Krishna, and ultimately as Kalki. It is a beautiful evolution of Shri Vishnu. So, one has to understand what is the basis of dharma. If you know, in the matter they are eight valencies. They are negative, positive and neutral. But in human beings there are ten valencies, and these ten valencies are created by Shri Vishnu, within us . They are protected, looked after, and nourished by Shri Vishnu. And whenever He finds human beings falling down in their dharma, He takes His birth on this earth. Ultimate stage is the Virat. At that stage, this Vishnu principle divides into two: one goes to Virat, another to Viratangana. But the third principle is what you call as the Mahavishnu, which incarnated as Lord Jesus Christ. So all these three principles act, at this time, in Sahasrara mainly. So, the Virat is the principle in which you can see that the message of inner dharma is spreading all over the world. Not only that it is said in modern times that you don't do this, don't do that, don't, don't do No ten commandments. These Ten Commandments have to become your own nature. You are to be completely identified with this nature. So, in the evolutionary process if you see... well, it was the job of the guru to establish these dharmas into you, and by these establishments you were made a person who was dharmic. But if you see in the world, whatever is told, written down, explained verbally, becomes a lip service. That's why we see all the religions, who preached about the same things, and they all have gone in different lines. Some are money oriented, some are power oriented, some are violent, and some are absolutely false. So when you see this, you are amazed how this principle of dharma has been ruined by human beings. Why could they not accept dharma? I have to say that there are two genes within us, which are meant to protect us from committing sins against the Mother, and committing sins against the Father. Those two genes get into mutation and then people start doing whatever they like, there is no control over them. And this is what happened during our evolution. I would say in India, traditionally, people are dharmic, very dharmic. The reason is for ancient times we have talked of dharma, we had saints, and then there was a kind of a tradition built in - for thousands of years. At that time we had also Egypt with us. But in Egypt, and also in Greece, something went wrong with them that... We'll take the case of Greece, where they make all the Gods look like human beings. They brought down the level of Gods from dharma to adharma. And in Egypt, because of the kings of those countries, who were very much interested in the death, in their... what you call... graves, in building pyramids, all such things, not building up inside the dharma. This is a reason why in Egypt also the dharma went down very much and ultimately, now, Islam established there. Islam came because people were adharmic. Also, in Greece they accepted Orthodox Church because people had become adharmic. But these religions themselves were adharmic. They could not instill dharma within themselves, so how could they instill dharma into these people? And this happened very much in these countries, and Vishnu's avataran, as they say, as a Narasimha came very near, very near Greece and very near Egypt - that is in Peshawar. In Peshawar these things happened, so it was very close also to Egypt and to Greece. But they became very much against Vishnu, because they thought their king was killed by them and all that. So all these rakshashas entered into the area in Afghanistan and then they came to Egypt and to Greece, and tried to bring all the Gods and Goddesses to the ground. Long time back, must be at least ten thousand years back, when Prahalada brought in the incarnation of Shri Vishnu. These rakshasas went into their... called as asuras, asyrians they call, but asuras they were. And if you go to Egypt you'll find the Sphinx there. Just the opposite of what Narasimha was. The man is in upper part and the lion is in the lower part. But Narasimha is just the opposite. Narasimha is the lion in the upper part and the man in the lower part. So they created this kind of a image which was just the opposite of Vishnu. Because, just to show that we have another kind of a big incarnation, which is just the opposite and can fight Vishnu very well. With these rakshasas entering into these people, they developed a very aggressive nature. Fighting nature, aggressive nature, they developed their muscles in Greece very much, and the whole of history of Greece if you read, it's really maddening. One fighting another, another fighting another, they were killing each other, they were...I mean, there's no end to it. Till Alexander came to India and he saw a culture which was dharmic, and he was quite surprised. How these people lived with symbols and all that. He said: "All right I had enough of it." He went back. But in Egypt also they could not understand dharma at all. Because, they believed in the dead, all kinds of black magic and all that. So when the Islam came, they accepted Islam. So here came Christianity, and there came Islam. They say in Russia, Tsar wanted to have some religion. So these...out of these, he asked the Christians; first he asked the Catholics to come and make them, all of them, religious. Because he wanted to have some religion. The essence is Vishnu. But these perverted Vishnu swarupas were there. Now they went into Russia, one by one. So first came the Catholics, and Catholics said, "You can't have so many wives. You can only have one wife." So they said, "This won't fit us." Vishnu had only one wife. Ekapatnivrat - one wife. Even in Rama's life, same thing. Then, they called for Muslims. So Muslims said that, "Alright, you can have many wives, but no drinking, no vodka." So they said, "How are we to live without vodka?" In all these religions there's a little, you see, part of dharma. In the first one, only one wife; in the second one, Islam, no drinking. They said, "No, no, no, we can't live with that kind of." Then they sent for Orthodox Christians. Orthodox. Orthodox is the word. And the Orthodox said, "You can have as many wives you like, and you can drink as much as you like." They said, "This fits our dharma." And they accepted. So any kind of restrictions you put on human beings, any kind, without realization, they will do exactly what is destructive. I have seen the Muslims now, for example. Once I was coming from Riyadh, going to London, I went off to sleep. When I got up I saw all very fashionable women with all exposed bodies and very fashionable men with bow ties and all that. I said, "What has happened?" So I asked the airhostess, "Where did we stop?" She said, "Nowhere." I said, "From where these people have come?" She said, "They are the same." In Riyadh, they would cover their faces; they'll cover themselves with this. My son-in-law told me that, "I can't say I'm traveling, I am going with you who is my Mother-in-law. I'll be arrested." Even a mother-in-law, you cannot go. Only she should be your mother. Thank God our surnames were the same. So nobody arrested us. Such stupid things you know. Keeping women away, men away, then telling the women, "You can't do this, you can't do that." And men doing all kinds of things. All this results into a very bad hypocrisy. Same with Christians. If you read Christ, what He has said is so tremendous that for everything He said... For example, He said... They say there should not be any adultery, but He says: "Even you should not have adulterous eyes and it should not even come into your mind." Can you imagine what He said? Now, tell me about Christian nations where women are becoming nude, naked, this men are looking at them, and there's a nonsense going on everywhere. Can you believe that these are Christians, and then on Sunday, wear your hat and go to church? How can you call them Christians? There is no dharma at all. Going to church is another hypocrisy. And the amount of licentiousness that has come in the western countries is the limit that one can reach. They do it in such a way that even animals won't do. The whole lifestyle is such: how to find our destruction. They want to destroy themselves. Why it doesn't happen in India so much? - Because they know it is sin, they know it is sin. But then you have such things here, that a priest is abusing children. How can you? You are a priest. Have some shame. Even in India there are priests like that. But not to this extent. That in the colleges and schools you find the higher authorities of the Catholic Church are doing. Look at this Catholic Church. What sort of a Catholic Church it is? Catholic means sanatan, is from the ancient, coming from the ancient. Sanatan - it's coming the first. Where is it? How can you... call themselves Catholics? They are the most modern gutters, that's what they are. What good thing are they doing? When I read about this Catholic Church, I think these people should really disappear into Arabian Sea. Because they are killing people, all right: then they are making money, then they are one with the mafia, they are bestowing awards on the mafia leader. Is this the Catholic Church? Is this what Christ wanted? So juxtaposition. Christ is here and this is in juxtaposition, absolutely a different thing. Whatever was dharma is not there at all. So where do we go? If you think that becoming a Buddha, Buddhist, you are all right, absolutely you don't know how Buddhists are. They are the greatest beggars, and the greediest people. Very money oriented. I know how many people have lost all their property because of this Dalai Lama. So now, where is the dharma? Dharma is within, and that is why this Vishnu principle is to be awakened within yourself. And this principle then expands into many ways. Because Vishnu is the one who is, the one who cures. We call Him a Dhanvantari - means a doctor. He is the one who cures because He is our preserver; He is the preserver of human beings. So if He preserves your dharma, then you don't get sick. And if you get sick, it is Vishnu who will preserve, who will cure you. So He is the one who is, we can call, Dhanvantari - is a doctor. Also, He is Yama. Yama means the one who is responsible for our death. Of course, the Shiva, the... we can call, the principle of existence...spirit has to go first, and then Yama comes to take charge of the body. It is He who decides: Where should you go? Should you hang in the limbo? Or should we send to the hell? Or if you can go to heaven? All decision is taken by Him, with the help of Mahavishnu - that is Christ. So His job is to come when there is a dead body lying, to take away the spirit, and judge the spirit and put it in its proper place. Now a person who is an adharmi, supposing... Such a person He takes him out and puts him into hell. But before it is done, sometimes, these black magic people arrive, take away the skull of such a dead body - because when you are burned, the skull is still left - or the bones and try to control the spirit. Before Yama enters onto the scene. Thus, they utilize that person, his spirit, and manipulate it, and use it to harm others, or to entice other; they control them. So, this is the greatest adharma. This is the worst thing that one can do - is to take away the spirit and use it for mesmerism or enticing. But at the death of such a person, such a tantrika, Yama gives him most horrible death in the sense that the spirit doesn't go out easily. And such a person suffers, suffers and wants the release, but he cannot get a release, and it's a very big ordeal for that person to die. It's a punishment of being such a horrible tantrika that you have tortured so many lives. So the idea of sin came through dharma and adharma. We have idea of sin which is very superficial sometimes. For example, when Arjuna was fighting in the war, He said, "How can I kill these people? They are my brothers, they are my sis..., my relations, uncles, how can I kill them?" Shri Krishna said, "They are already dead. You are not going to kill." are they dead? - Because they are on the side of adharma. So they are already killed. But you are on the side of dharma, and if you fight for dharma, then even if you die, you will be saved. Now this is stretched too far in many scriptures also. Which is very absurd. Like saying that if you die, and bury yourself - it is no soul they talk of - bury your body, then from the body after five hundred years, your body will come out, and you will be saved. After five hundred years, what will remain of the body? Such absurd ideas there are in these three religions: Christian, Jews and Muslims. That's why they bury people. Now burying people means you are occupying the land, and also keeping the bhoots there. Like in... I was surprised, when I first came to Paris, that in the center of Paris they have got such a big cemetery. Naturally, people drink here - because most of the drunkards are sitting there inside the graves and they are inciting them to drink. It's very surprising that in the West they have such absurd ideas that when you'll be buried, then you'll be resurrected like Christ. Just imagine... Christ was resurrected between three days. He died on Friday, resurrected on Sunday morning. Not even three days. But if you keep some body for five hundred years, who is not even Christ, - if Christ's body, is different - what will come out of it? And so they are burying people. Only realized souls should be buried, not every common person. Because they still have their desires, their... they still want some things, their souls might be hanging around see...that body. So, why should you keep the body in a place for years together? Then, after sometime, they'll dig it up and make houses there. And all the bhoots must... coming in the house. So to understand dharma, we should also understand how we are going to deal with the death of general people and the death of Sahaja Yogis. Only if you are dharmic, it is not sufficient. There are many people who don't do anything wrong, they're very austere type, something, but they are not in balance, normally. They're very hot tempered. If they are not hot tempered, they're absolutely recluses, sit in the Himalayas, like that... But those people who are dharmic, - in the real sense of the word - once they ascend to the state of Virat, then only they are the people who should be preserved, their body should be preserved. Because the dharma from the nabhi goes to your brain, and brain supplies to all the nerves the energy of the spirit. So the whole body of a realized soul is full of vibratory awareness. If such a body is buried, you can even get fragrance. And from a distance you will know that there is some saint being buried here. If you remember, there are seven photographs of Mine, where the light is falling on Me. That was a village called Mian ki takli. They told me then, "Mianh, one Sufi saint, died in this place. So He is buried here." Immediately, I felt the vibrations. And when I was sitting on the dais, I saw Him in the form of light, and He started throwing light on Me. And I was very happy; but when I stopped, He stopped it. He didn't become a bhoot. No, He did not. He became the light. And wherever it was necessary, He showed His presence. So, we are following some dharmas. In Sahaja Yoga you are supposed to follow Vishnu principle. You have to follow Vishnu principle. You cannot say that, "Mother, we cannot do it." For example, Vishnu doesn't like smoking, tobacco, He doesn't like. He doesn't like alcohol. He doesn't like these drugs. He hates drugs. He doesn't like many medicines that human beings are producing. For example these antibiotics, if a Sahaja Yogi takes, he'll vomit - if he's a real Sahaja Yogi. Whatever maybe the quantity, whatever maybe the quality, so many medicines he cannot take. So, automatically you become like a Brahmin who avoids, "No, no, not this." Then you won't go and have food in a place where there are people who are against Sahaja Yoga, or who are not dharmic at all. You won't like it. I don't have to tell you that don't look at the women - you won't. You won't look at, automatically. Your eyes, out of dharma, will become steady. Nor will I have to tell women that they shouldn't run after men. Very few are like that who are struggling still. But most of you just drop all these bad habits, and come to a state where you just automatically become dharmic. Because when the Kundalini rises and occupies your brain, then you understand what is right, what is wrong; through your vibrations you will not take something that is not good. Food, you will see vibrations is not good, you will not eat. Anything that is not suitable, you will just say, "No." I don't have to tell you, "Don't do this, don't do that." You will never kill anyone; you will never commit any sin, automatically. I don't have to tell you, "Don't do this, don't commit this sin, don't commit that sin." Of course, if you are not yet a matured Sahaja Yogi, then maybe. But with maturity, I don't think you will take to wrong things. And you'll enjoy your virtues. The things that are called are virtues, are Vishnu principles. You say, "This man is virtuous," is very limited. In the mundane language 'he is virtuous' maybe 'he is good at drawings or something', nothing more than that. But, if you say, "Virtuous", it means he's a Sahaja Yogi. Now, Christ has gone so far, that if somebody slaps you on your left cheek, you turn the right to that person. Now think of it: how subtle He's gone - in patience and tolerance. Now think of the Christian Nations, which went all around the world and plundered. Spanish went to America, killed all these people there; English came to India, killed so many people there. Then some French also went to various African countries and finished them off. These are supposed to be Christians? By what means are they Christians? Not only that you have to ...not to aggress, that's not the only point. If somebody aggresses you, then you turn your another cheek to that person. This was said by Christ. Every ten.... every commandment He has tried to bring down to the level of Sahaja Yogis. How the beauty of Sahaja Yoga will shine through you and how you will express your spirit, it is in the Matthews, I think second chapter where, "The blessed are" - written down after that, it's clearly written down what you should be - "how tolerant, how patient, how compassionate, how loving." It is remarkable how such a great incarnation of Lord Jesus Christ was brought to such a low level by Christians. They have no business to call them Christians. They are the greatest heathens I could think of. The way they have ruined their culture, everything. What about Islam? Islam... as in the Bible, Paul has done all the mischief - I don't know, he must be another rakshasa. Islam, also Koran was written by a very horrible fellow. Mohammed Sahib never knew how to read and write. And there was one fellow called as Mohayya. He was such a horrible fellow; he authorized Bible [could Shri Mataji mean Koran?], just like Paul. In that he put this Shariat. Now Shariat was meant for... for irmaia - what you say in English? - Jeremiah. In Jeremiah... Jeremiah has written that when Moses came - Adi Guru - He came with the message of ten commandments from the hill of Tur - He found these Jews going into complete decadent society, which we see today around ourselves. And He was so angry, that He said that, "For you, these are the punishments." But this was Moses gave to Jews, at that time. Not for today. But the Muslims are using that left and right among themselves. And they have become so quarrelsome that they are fighting among themselves, and I think they'll kill each other and finish off. There is no dharma of love; there is no dharma of compassion. The one who is not a Muslim is to be killed somehow, and the one who is a Muslim is also killed, because any Muslim cannot change his religion, he cannot. If he is a Muslim, he's a Muslim. He has to die as a Muslim. If he tries to do anything else, he'll be killed. If he runs away from the Islam, he'll be killed. It's a prison. It's a prison, and in that prison, one has to live. You are not to question anything; you are not to ask for anything. The other day I was watching the Hajj, and there was one fellow from Sudan. He was really like Hitler, talking like Hitler, and I asked someone to translate it - the Arabic. And he was just pouring poison. He was calling everyone as heathens: "They have no truth with them, we have the truth." What sort of a truth you have? What are you... what good are you doing anywhere? What truth you have got? And he said all these nonsensical things that, "We should kill all those who don't have the Truth", this, that. And I was looking at it. And a question came to Me - he is saying all these things in My presence, I don't know what's going to happen to all these people. And second day, there was a stampede of thirty thousand people, who had gone for Hajj. So these stupid people in charge of religion will kill all the Muslims this how, finish them off, and think that we have achieved a lot. Then, about the Jews - Jews have been waiting for a savior and all that. And they didn't like Christ. But they didn't kill Christ, I must say. They didn't kill; this was the idea of Paul, to put it. But the Jews never realized what the dharma is - Because Moses just gave them such a horrible Shariat. They never realized. So they shut the Shariat, "All right. Nothing doing. We will not have." And they became extremely money oriented. Miserly, money oriented. They lend money to somebody; that fellow goes on paying the interest, interest, interest. Then he cannot pay, so they'll confiscate his house, sell it out. They became very, very, very, very cruel people, and also licentious, very cruel. So, one rakshasa called Freud was born in their society. Freud was a Jew. And people... you see, he understood what is the weaknesses of human beings are, and he was accepted in that stupid America, very much. So much so, that they lost all sense of dharma. When he said all these nonsensical things about the mother, how could there be any dharma? Now they are writing, 'Downfall of Freudian empire, fraudulent Freud,' and now there are so many books coming. As a result of this, what has happened is, because you were not so traditionally bound, and this kind of stupid religions came in the West, through these destructive people, you lost faith. Lost complete faith. "It's alright, go to Church, come back home." What is there? Is talking like that... The priests, the mullahs, and all these leading such a horrible life. Completely, people lost faith. And when they lost the faith, they lost their personality. They lost the personality, and I am surprised how people follow fashions, as I told the other day. They followed fashions. Anybody says, "You should have skinhead", they'll cut off their hair. Tomorrow somebody says, "You cut your nose", they'll all cut their noses. "You dress up like this", they will dress up like that. Said, "Torn clothes ", all right, torn clothes... One person starts it, that is the entrepreneur, and everybody follows. Traditionally, if you had found out that this dress suits you, should have kept to it. But these entrepreneurs, whatever they tell you, you take it up. As if you have no brains. As if you have no capacity to understand. But for a dharmic person, he'll say, "Get lost", he won't, he won't change, "Why should I waste my money? Accumulate all these nonsensical things?" So, when I started Sahaja Yoga, I was reluctant, but I told everyone that you better put some oil in your head. You can wash it next day, but in the night put some oil. Otherwise, after sometime I'll see all men baldheaded and women wearing wigs. I am a Mother, so I am going to tell you the truth. With great difficulties, Sahaja Yogis agreed. I said, "You can wash it next day." It is necessary for you to have, is a simple thing like that, because the hair grow on oil. Is a very simple thing - I told them that you do like this. And they would not agree. They would not change it. But thank God, now, some sense has come. And they are doing few things, very few things have to be done, for Sahaja Yogis, to get alright in their health, and also in their wealth. They don't have to do much because they are standing in dharma. And they are in the Kingdom of God. They are under the protection of Virat. But still, there are certain things you have to do, certain things. I didn't say that, "Don't smoke." You just gave up yourself. The alcohol, all these things you gave up yourself - because you have the light. And despite the fact that you come from a culture where there is no personality, people are like sheep, now you are not. Now you are individualistic. To be individual is impossible in the West. Because you must dress up the way everybody dresses up. If they are punks, you'll all move like punks; if the one woman has this kind of hair, you make the same style. Specially on the hair, I don't know why. Maybe it is the power of Virat. It acts mostly on hair. Then the clothes and everything... you have realized that chastity is a part of dharma. Is not only women, it's not the chastity of women, but the chastity of men and women is their power, is Ganesha's power. This is the dharma, which you have accepted. I never told you anything, but you have accepted. And you have imbibed, and you are enjoying it. Now if they accept us as dharma, what is so special? We are the only dharma. The rest are all adharmis. They call themselves dharmic; they have no dharma in them. Unless and until you have dharm by which you get a balance, wisdom, you cannot ascend. But if you ascend even without dharma, Sahaja Yoga is so great, I've seen, people who were quite adharmic and all that just got realization. If you ascend, then dharma trickles down; they become dharmic. So many try to write to me about their past, I just tear it off, finished. Now you have become lotuses, why are you telling me about something I am not interested in? So, once you get your realization, this is the best way, and I just thought of this. Specially when I saw the situation in the world that was coming in this Kali Yuga, I thought in this chaos, "Unless and until you raise their Kundalini, dharma cannot be established." This... If I have done anything, I have done this. Is to find out the method "en masse", giving realization and the problem will be solved. You don't have to tell them anything, "Don't do, don't do", nothing. Just they'll do it. It was successful, I must say, very successful. Among you, I find my vision being established. Whatever concern I had, whatever worry I had about this Paris is over now, finished. I used to come three times in a year. And everybody would say, "Mother what is this? Why do you oblige them so much?" So I said that, "This is the gate of hell, let me go." And now this has become the gate of heaven. [Applause...] So, for us not difficult to establish Vishnu principle within us. But to recognize that we have those, you see, suddenly I find Sahaja Yogis become extremely humble. And they don't want to know what they have. You can cure people; you are a Dhanvantari. You can give realization to people. All Vishnu principles are now awakened within you, and you must utilize it. I wish we had Vishnu... [Shri Mataji asks someone there (in Marathi) if they had Vishnu Sahastranama - the 1000 names of Shri Vishnu] Now there are thousand names, which I would not like you to say, but at least some names of Vishnu if you can say, you will understand how this Vishnu principle is awakened in you, to such an extent that somebody said, "Mother, no, I don't want to work in the public." I said, "Why?" "I don't want to have that ego back in me." They are so sweet. They're afraid of their ego being coming. No, no, no, no... It won't come back now, because here sits the Vishnu as Virat. He'll look after you, and you have that Vishnupad in yourself. So much could be said about it. But I think you should read the one thousand names of Vishnu and you will know how many qualities you can have. May God bless you.
Shri Vishnu puja. Paris (France), 13 July 1994. It is such a great day today that the French got their liberation on this day. But what is this liberation for? I don't know. In no country where they had freedom and liberation, I have seen, it has not worked something very much that was expected. Say in France... So the liberation through anger, when it comes, hatred is the basis of these revolutions and these so called achieved liberations. If the liberation takes place within yourself, so that you are no more slave of anyone of these horrible destructive forces and negative forces, then it's a real liberation. The second thing that has happened in France, first time in Europe, it has been recognized as dharma. It's a very big thing, and give a hand to it. [Lots of applause.] It is recognized that Sahaja Yoga is dharma. It is. But today it was recognized. This is a very big thing. I must say credit goes to your leader and to all the Sahaja Yogis of France who have worked so hard to get this sanction, this kind of a position. It's a very great thing. So, today I was thinking that we'll have the puja of Shri Vishnu, who was the basis of dharma. So far we have never worshipped anyone who were the basics, except for Shiva. We only worshipped the incarnations because they became as incarnation; Ganesha came as incarnation, the Goddess came as incarnations, Rama, Shri Krishna, Gurus, Christ, Buddha, all of them came as incarnations on this earth. And we worshipped the incarnations who came on earth specially. But today, as Sahaja Yoga is established as dharma, we have to know about Shri Vishnu who is the basis of dharma. Later on He came on this earth as Shri Ram, then as Shri Krishna, and ultimately as Kalki. It is a beautiful evolution of Shri Vishnu. So, one has to understand what is the basis of dharma. If you know, in the matter they are eight valencies. They are negative, positive and neutral. But in human beings there are ten valencies, and these ten valencies are created by Shri Vishnu, within us . They are protected, looked after, and nourished by Shri Vishnu. And whenever He finds human beings falling down in their dharma, He takes His birth on this earth. Ultimate stage is the Virat. At that stage, this Vishnu principle divides into two: one goes to Virat, another to Viratangana. But the third principle is what you call as the Mahavishnu, which incarnated as Lord Jesus Christ. So all these three principles act, at this time, in Sahasrara mainly. So, the Virat is the principle in which you can see that the message of inner dharma is spreading all over the world. Not only that it is said in modern times that you don't do this, don't do that, don't, don't do No ten commandments. These Ten Commandments have to become your own nature. You are to be completely identified with this nature. So, in the evolutionary process if you see... well, it was the job of the guru to establish these dharmas into you, and by these establishments you were made a person who was dharmic. But if you see in the world, whatever is told, written down, explained verbally, becomes a lip service. That's why we see all the religions, who preached about the same things, and they all have gone in different lines. Some are money oriented, some are power oriented, some are violent, and some are absolutely false. So when you see this, you are amazed how this principle of dharma has been ruined by human beings. Why could they not accept dharma? I have to say that there are two genes within us, which are meant to protect us from committing sins against the Mother, and committing sins against the Father. Those two genes get into mutation and then people start doing whatever they like, there is no control over them. And this is what happened during our evolution. I would say in India, traditionally, people are dharmic, very dharmic. The reason is for ancient times we have talked of dharma, we had saints, and then there was a kind of a tradition built in - for thousands of years. At that time we had also Egypt with us. But in Egypt, and also in Greece, something went wrong with them that... We'll take the case of Greece, where they make all the Gods look like human beings. They brought down the level of Gods from dharma to adharma. And in Egypt, because of the kings of those countries, who were very much interested in the death, in their... what you call... graves, in building pyramids, all such things, not building up inside the dharma. This is a reason why in Egypt also the dharma went down very much and ultimately, now, Islam established there. Islam came because people were adharmic. Also, in Greece they accepted Orthodox Church because people had become adharmic. But these religions themselves were adharmic. They could not instill dharma within themselves, so how could they instill dharma into these people? And this happened very much in these countries, and Vishnu's avataran, as they say, as a Narasimha came very near, very near Greece and very near Egypt - that is in Peshawar. In Peshawar these things happened, so it was very close also to Egypt and to Greece. But they became very much against Vishnu, because they thought their king was killed by them and all that. So all these rakshashas entered into the area in Afghanistan and then they came to Egypt and to Greece, and tried to bring all the Gods and Goddesses to the ground. Long time back, must be at least ten thousand years back, when Prahalada brought in the incarnation of Shri Vishnu. These rakshasas went into their... called as asuras, asyrians they call, but asuras they were. And if you go to Egypt you'll find the Sphinx there. Just the opposite of what Narasimha was. The man is in upper part and the lion is in the lower part. But Narasimha is just the opposite. Narasimha is the lion in the upper part and the man in the lower part. So they created this kind of a image which was just the opposite of Vishnu. Because, just to show that we have another kind of a big incarnation, which is just the opposite and can fight Vishnu very well. With these rakshasas entering into these people, they developed a very aggressive nature. Fighting nature, aggressive nature, they developed their muscles in Greece very much, and the whole of history of Greece if you read, it's really maddening. One fighting another, another fighting another, they were killing each other, they were...I mean, there's no end to it. Till Alexander came to India and he saw a culture which was dharmic, and he was quite surprised. How these people lived with symbols and all that. He said: "All right I had enough of it." He went back. But in Egypt also they could not understand dharma at all. Because, they believed in the dead, all kinds of black magic and all that. So when the Islam came, they accepted Islam. So here came Christianity, and there came Islam. They say in Russia, Tsar wanted to have some religion. So these...out of these, he asked the Christians; first he asked the Catholics to come and make them, all of them, religious. Because he wanted to have some religion. The essence is Vishnu. But these perverted Vishnu swarupas were there. Now they went into Russia, one by one. So first came the Catholics, and Catholics said, "You can't have so many wives. You can only have one wife." So they said, "This won't fit us." Vishnu had only one wife. Ekapatnivrat - one wife. Even in Rama's life, same thing. Then, they called for Muslims. So Muslims said that, "Alright, you can have many wives, but no drinking, no vodka." So they said, "How are we to live without vodka?" In all these religions there's a little, you see, part of dharma. In the first one, only one wife; in the second one, Islam, no drinking. They said, "No, no, no, we can't live with that kind of." Then they sent for Orthodox Christians. Orthodox. Orthodox is the word. And the Orthodox said, "You can have as many wives you like, and you can drink as much as you like." They said, "This fits our dharma." And they accepted. So any kind of restrictions you put on human beings, any kind, without realization, they will do exactly what is destructive. I have seen the Muslims now, for example. Once I was coming from Riyadh, going to London, I went off to sleep. When I got up I saw all very fashionable women with all exposed bodies and very fashionable men with bow ties and all that. I said, "What has happened?" So I asked the airhostess, "Where did we stop?" She said, "Nowhere." I said, "From where these people have come?" She said, "They are the same." In Riyadh, they would cover their faces; they'll cover themselves with this. My son-in-law told me that, "I can't say I'm traveling, I am going with you who is my Mother-in-law. I'll be arrested." Even a mother-in-law, you cannot go. Only she should be your mother. Thank God our surnames were the same. So nobody arrested us. Such stupid things you know. Keeping women away, men away, then telling the women, "You can't do this, you can't do that." And men doing all kinds of things. All this results into a very bad hypocrisy. Same with Christians. If you read Christ, what He has said is so tremendous that for everything He said... For example, He said... They say there should not be any adultery, but He says: "Even you should not have adulterous eyes and it should not even come into your mind." Can you imagine what He said? Now, tell me about Christian nations where women are becoming nude, naked, this men are looking at them, and there's a nonsense going on everywhere. Can you believe that these are Christians, and then on Sunday, wear your hat and go to church? How can you call them Christians? There is no dharma at all. Going to church is another hypocrisy. And the amount of licentiousness that has come in the western countries is the limit that one can reach. They do it in such a way that even animals won't do. The whole lifestyle is such: how to find our destruction. They want to destroy themselves. Why it doesn't happen in India so much? - Because they know it is sin, they know it is sin. But then you have such things here, that a priest is abusing children. How can you? You are a priest. Have some shame. Even in India there are priests like that. But not to this extent. That in the colleges and schools you find the higher authorities of the Catholic Church are doing. Look at this Catholic Church. What sort of a Catholic Church it is? Catholic means sanatan, is from the ancient, coming from the ancient. Sanatan - it's coming the first. Where is it? How can you... call themselves Catholics? They are the most modern gutters, that's what they are. What good thing are they doing? When I read about this Catholic Church, I think these people should really disappear into Arabian Sea. Because they are killing people, all right: then they are making money, then they are one with the mafia, they are bestowing awards on the mafia leader. Is this the Catholic Church? Is this what Christ wanted? So juxtaposition. Christ is here and this is in juxtaposition, absolutely a different thing. Whatever was dharma is not there at all. So where do we go? If you think that becoming a Buddha, Buddhist, you are all right, absolutely you don't know how Buddhists are. They are the greatest beggars, and the greediest people. Very money oriented. I know how many people have lost all their property because of this Dalai Lama. So now, where is the dharma? Dharma is within, and that is why this Vishnu principle is to be awakened within yourself. And this principle then expands into many ways. Because Vishnu is the one who is, the one who cures. We call Him a Dhanvantari - means a doctor. He is the one who cures because He is our preserver; He is the preserver of human beings. So if He preserves your dharma, then you don't get sick. And if you get sick, it is Vishnu who will preserve, who will cure you. So He is the one who is, we can call, Dhanvantari - is a doctor. Also, He is Yama. Yama means the one who is responsible for our death. Of course, the Shiva, the... we can call, the principle of existence...spirit has to go first, and then Yama comes to take charge of the body. It is He who decides: Where should you go? Should you hang in the limbo? Or should we send to the hell? Or if you can go to heaven? All decision is taken by Him, with the help of Mahavishnu - that is Christ. So His job is to come when there is a dead body lying, to take away the spirit, and judge the spirit and put it in its proper place. Now a person who is an adharmi, supposing... Such a person He takes him out and puts him into hell. But before it is done, sometimes, these black magic people arrive, take away the skull of such a dead body - because when you are burned, the skull is still left - or the bones and try to control the spirit. Before Yama enters onto the scene. Thus, they utilize that person, his spirit, and manipulate it, and use it to harm others, or to entice other; they control them. So, this is the greatest adharma. This is the worst thing that one can do - is to take away the spirit and use it for mesmerism or enticing. But at the death of such a person, such a tantrika, Yama gives him most horrible death in the sense that the spirit doesn't go out easily. And such a person suffers, suffers and wants the release, but he cannot get a release, and it's a very big ordeal for that person to die. It's a punishment of being such a horrible tantrika that you have tortured so many lives. So the idea of sin came through dharma and adharma. We have idea of sin which is very superficial sometimes. For example, when Arjuna was fighting in the war, He said, "How can I kill these people? They are my brothers, they are my sis..., my relations, uncles, how can I kill them?" Shri Krishna said, "They are already dead. You are not going to kill." are they dead? - Because they are on the side of adharma. So they are already killed. But you are on the side of dharma, and if you fight for dharma, then even if you die, you will be saved. Now this is stretched too far in many scriptures also. Which is very absurd. Like saying that if you die, and bury yourself - it is no soul they talk of - bury your body, then from the body after five hundred years, your body will come out, and you will be saved. After five hundred years, what will remain of the body? Such absurd ideas there are in these three religions: Christian, Jews and Muslims. That's why they bury people. Now burying people means you are occupying the land, and also keeping the bhoots there. Like in... I was surprised, when I first came to Paris, that in the center of Paris they have got such a big cemetery. Naturally, people drink here - because most of the drunkards are sitting there inside the graves and they are inciting them to drink. It's very surprising that in the West they have such absurd ideas that when you'll be buried, then you'll be resurrected like Christ. Just imagine... Christ was resurrected between three days. He died on Friday, resurrected on Sunday morning. Not even three days. But if you keep some body for five hundred years, who is not even Christ, - if Christ's body, is different - what will come out of it? And so they are burying people. Only realized souls should be buried, not every common person. Because they still have their desires, their... they still want some things, their souls might be hanging around see...that body. So, why should you keep the body in a place for years together? Then, after sometime, they'll dig it up and make houses there. And all the bhoots must... coming in the house. So to understand dharma, we should also understand how we are going to deal with the death of general people and the death of Sahaja Yogis. Only if you are dharmic, it is not sufficient. There are many people who don't do anything wrong, they're very austere type, something, but they are not in balance, normally. They're very hot tempered. If they are not hot tempered, they're absolutely recluses, sit in the Himalayas, like that... But those people who are dharmic, - in the real sense of the word - once they ascend to the state of Virat, then only they are the people who should be preserved, their body should be preserved. Because the dharma from the nabhi goes to your brain, and brain supplies to all the nerves the energy of the spirit. So the whole body of a realized soul is full of vibratory awareness. If such a body is buried, you can even get fragrance. And from a distance you will know that there is some saint being buried here. If you remember, there are seven photographs of Mine, where the light is falling on Me. That was a village called Mian ki takli. They told me then, "Mianh, one Sufi saint, died in this place. So He is buried here." Immediately, I felt the vibrations. And when I was sitting on the dais, I saw Him in the form of light, and He started throwing light on Me. And I was very happy; but when I stopped, He stopped it. He didn't become a bhoot. No, He did not. He became the light. And wherever it was necessary, He showed His presence. So, we are following some dharmas. In Sahaja Yoga you are supposed to follow Vishnu principle. You have to follow Vishnu principle. You cannot say that, "Mother, we cannot do it." For example, Vishnu doesn't like smoking, tobacco, He doesn't like. He doesn't like alcohol. He doesn't like these drugs. He hates drugs. He doesn't like many medicines that human beings are producing. For example these antibiotics, if a Sahaja Yogi takes, he'll vomit - if he's a real Sahaja Yogi. Whatever maybe the quantity, whatever maybe the quality, so many medicines he cannot take. So, automatically you become like a Brahmin who avoids, "No, no, not this." Then you won't go and have food in a place where there are people who are against Sahaja Yoga, or who are not dharmic at all. You won't like it. I don't have to tell you that don't look at the women - you won't. You won't look at, automatically. Your eyes, out of dharma, will become steady. Nor will I have to tell women that they shouldn't run after men. Very few are like that who are struggling still. But most of you just drop all these bad habits, and come to a state where you just automatically become dharmic. Because when the Kundalini rises and occupies your brain, then you understand what is right, what is wrong; through your vibrations you will not take something that is not good. Food, you will see vibrations is not good, you will not eat. Anything that is not suitable, you will just say, "No." I don't have to tell you, "Don't do this, don't do that." You will never kill anyone; you will never commit any sin, automatically. I don't have to tell you, "Don't do this, don't commit this sin, don't commit that sin." Of course, if you are not yet a matured Sahaja Yogi, then maybe. But with maturity, I don't think you will take to wrong things. And you'll enjoy your virtues. The things that are called are virtues, are Vishnu principles. You say, "This man is virtuous," is very limited. In the mundane language 'he is virtuous' maybe 'he is good at drawings or something', nothing more than that. But, if you say, "Virtuous", it means he's a Sahaja Yogi. Now, Christ has gone so far, that if somebody slaps you on your left cheek, you turn the right to that person. Now think of it: how subtle He's gone - in patience and tolerance. Now think of the Christian Nations, which went all around the world and plundered. Spanish went to America, killed all these people there; English came to India, killed so many people there. Then some French also went to various African countries and finished them off. These are supposed to be Christians? By what means are they Christians? Not only that you have to ...not to aggress, that's not the only point. If somebody aggresses you, then you turn your another cheek to that person. This was said by Christ. Every ten.... every commandment He has tried to bring down to the level of Sahaja Yogis. How the beauty of Sahaja Yoga will shine through you and how you will express your spirit, it is in the Matthews, I think second chapter where, "The blessed are" - written down after that, it's clearly written down what you should be - "how tolerant, how patient, how compassionate, how loving." It is remarkable how such a great incarnation of Lord Jesus Christ was brought to such a low level by Christians. They have no business to call them Christians. They are the greatest heathens I could think of. The way they have ruined their culture, everything. What about Islam? Islam... as in the Bible, Paul has done all the mischief - I don't know, he must be another rakshasa. Islam, also Koran was written by a very horrible fellow. Mohammed Sahib never knew how to read and write. And there was one fellow called as Mohayya. He was such a horrible fellow; he authorized Bible [could Shri Mataji mean Koran?], just like Paul. In that he put this Shariat. Now Shariat was meant for... for irmaia - what you say in English? - Jeremiah. In Jeremiah... Jeremiah has written that when Moses came - Adi Guru - He came with the message of ten commandments from the hill of Tur - He found these Jews going into complete decadent society, which we see today around ourselves. And He was so angry, that He said that, "For you, these are the punishments." But this was Moses gave to Jews, at that time. Not for today. But the Muslims are using that left and right among themselves. And they have become so quarrelsome that they are fighting among themselves, and I think they'll kill each other and finish off. There is no dharma of love; there is no dharma of compassion. The one who is not a Muslim is to be killed somehow, and the one who is a Muslim is also killed, because any Muslim cannot change his religion, he cannot. If he is a Muslim, he's a Muslim. He has to die as a Muslim. If he tries to do anything else, he'll be killed. If he runs away from the Islam, he'll be killed. It's a prison. It's a prison, and in that prison, one has to live. You are not to question anything; you are not to ask for anything. The other day I was watching the Hajj, and there was one fellow from Sudan. He was really like Hitler, talking like Hitler, and I asked someone to translate it - the Arabic. And he was just pouring poison. He was calling everyone as heathens: "They have no truth with them, we have the truth." What sort of a truth you have? What are you... what good are you doing anywhere? What truth you have got? And he said all these nonsensical things that, "We should kill all those who don't have the Truth", this, that. And I was looking at it. And a question came to Me - he is saying all these things in My presence, I don't know what's going to happen to all these people. And second day, there was a stampede of thirty thousand people, who had gone for Hajj. So these stupid people in charge of religion will kill all the Muslims this how, finish them off, and think that we have achieved a lot. Then, about the Jews - Jews have been waiting for a savior and all that. And they didn't like Christ. But they didn't kill Christ, I must say. They didn't kill; this was the idea of Paul, to put it. But the Jews never realized what the dharma is - Because Moses just gave them such a horrible Shariat. They never realized. So they shut the Shariat, "All right. Nothing doing. We will not have." And they became extremely money oriented. Miserly, money oriented. They lend money to somebody; that fellow goes on paying the interest, interest, interest. Then he cannot pay, so they'll confiscate his house, sell it out. They became very, very, very, very cruel people, and also licentious, very cruel. So, one rakshasa called Freud was born in their society. Freud was a Jew. And people... you see, he understood what is the weaknesses of human beings are, and he was accepted in that stupid America, very much. So much so, that they lost all sense of dharma. When he said all these nonsensical things about the mother, how could there be any dharma? Now they are writing, 'Downfall of Freudian empire, fraudulent Freud,' and now there are so many books coming. As a result of this, what has happened is, because you were not so traditionally bound, and this kind of stupid religions came in the West, through these destructive people, you lost faith. Lost complete faith. "It's alright, go to Church, come back home." What is there? Is talking like that... The priests, the mullahs, and all these leading such a horrible life. Completely, people lost faith. And when they lost the faith, they lost their personality. They lost the personality, and I am surprised how people follow fashions, as I told the other day. They followed fashions. Anybody says, "You should have skinhead", they'll cut off their hair. Tomorrow somebody says, "You cut your nose", they'll all cut their noses. "You dress up like this", they will dress up like that. Said, "Torn clothes ", all right, torn clothes... One person starts it, that is the entrepreneur, and everybody follows. Traditionally, if you had found out that this dress suits you, should have kept to it. But these entrepreneurs, whatever they tell you, you take it up. As if you have no brains. As if you have no capacity to understand. But for a dharmic person, he'll say, "Get lost", he won't, he won't change, "Why should I waste my money? Accumulate all these nonsensical things?" So, when I started Sahaja Yoga, I was reluctant, but I told everyone that you better put some oil in your head. You can wash it next day, but in the night put some oil. Otherwise, after sometime I'll see all men baldheaded and women wearing wigs. I am a Mother, so I am going to tell you the truth. With great difficulties, Sahaja Yogis agreed. I said, "You can wash it next day." It is necessary for you to have, is a simple thing like that, because the hair grow on oil. Is a very simple thing - I told them that you do like this. And they would not agree. They would not change it. But thank God, now, some sense has come. And they are doing few things, very few things have to be done, for Sahaja Yogis, to get alright in their health, and also in their wealth. They don't have to do much because they are standing in dharma. And they are in the Kingdom of God. They are under the protection of Virat. But still, there are certain things you have to do, certain things. I didn't say that, "Don't smoke." You just gave up yourself. The alcohol, all these things you gave up yourself - because you have the light. And despite the fact that you come from a culture where there is no personality, people are like sheep, now you are not. Now you are individualistic. To be individual is impossible in the West. Because you must dress up the way everybody dresses up. If they are punks, you'll all move like punks; if the one woman has this kind of hair, you make the same style. Specially on the hair, I don't know why. Maybe it is the power of Virat. It acts mostly on hair. Then the clothes and everything... you have realized that chastity is a part of dharma. Is not only women, it's not the chastity of women, but the chastity of men and women is their power, is Ganesha's power. This is the dharma, which you have accepted. I never told you anything, but you have accepted. And you have imbibed, and you are enjoying it. Now if they accept us as dharma, what is so special? We are the only dharma. The rest are all adharmis. They call themselves dharmic; they have no dharma in them. Unless and until you have dharm by which you get a balance, wisdom, you cannot ascend. But if you ascend even without dharma, Sahaja Yoga is so great, I've seen, people who were quite adharmic and all that just got realization. If you ascend, then dharma trickles down; they become dharmic. So many try to write to me about their past, I just tear it off, finished. Now you have become lotuses, why are you telling me about something I am not interested in? So, once you get your realization, this is the best way, and I just thought of this. Specially when I saw the situation in the world that was coming in this Kali Yuga, I thought in this chaos, "Unless and until you raise their Kundalini, dharma cannot be established." This... If I have done anything, I have done this. Is to find out the method "en masse", giving realization and the problem will be solved. You don't have to tell them anything, "Don't do, don't do", nothing. Just they'll do it. It was successful, I must say, very successful. Among you, I find my vision being established. Whatever concern I had, whatever worry I had about this Paris is over now, finished. I used to come three times in a year. And everybody would say, "Mother what is this? Why do you oblige them so much?" So I said that, "This is the gate of hell, let me go." And now this has become the gate of heaven. [Applause...] So, for us not difficult to establish Vishnu principle within us. But to recognize that we have those, you see, suddenly I find Sahaja Yogis become extremely humble. And they don't want to know what they have. You can cure people; you are a Dhanvantari. You can give realization to people. All Vishnu principles are now awakened within you, and you must utilize it. I wish we had Vishnu... [Shri Mataji asks someone there (in Marathi) if they had Vishnu Sahastranama - the 1000 names of Shri Vishnu] Now there are thousand names, which I would not like you to say, but at least some names of Vishnu if you can say, you will understand how this Vishnu principle is awakened in you, to such an extent that somebody said, "Mother, no, I don't want to work in the public." I said, "Why?" "I don't want to have that ego back in me." They are so sweet. They're afraid of their ego being coming. No, no, no, no... It won't come back now, because here sits the Vishnu as Virat. He'll look after you, and you have that Vishnupad in yourself. So much could be said about it. But I think you should read the one thousand names of Vishnu and you will know how many qualities you can have. May God bless you.
Public Program
Public Program
Public Program
Public Program
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Speech at the airport Schwechat. Vienna (Austria) 18 July 1994. I'm very happy to see you all here. It's really nice to meet you all like this, because in Cabella I never get a chance to talk to anyone. I'm sorry I've had some very bad reports which I must tell you. It's very important. I always used to praise Austrians very much that they are so many and so good, very good Sahaja Yogis. But the reports I have are horrible. Other people from other countries have told Me that, "Mother, You are praising them, but You better warn them. Because they are not taking Sahaja Yoga so seriously as they should have done. Moreover some people who come to Cabella go on talking against some other group. And they told Me there are groups formed among these Sahaja Yogis who are influenced by these groups and their grudges and their complaints. They've become very mental, they want to solve their problem mentally. This was a very big shock for Me. And they went to such a limit to say that, "Mother, this time You shouldn't allow them to have any Puja." I said, "All of them are not like that." They said, "But still. Quite a lot of them indulge in such cheapish things that we are surprised." I must tell you one lady came all the way to Taiwan to complain against Hamid. And she told Harald, who is a very sensible Sahaja Yogi that she has some physical problems, so she wants to see Me. So Harald said, "All right, you can go and tell Her." But all that she did was to tell Me what was wrong with this one or that one and how Hamid was and what did happen. I was really surprised, I said, "You come all the way to Taiwan to tell Me this?" Then Harald got angry with her, he said, "You told me a lie, you told me that you have some physical problems and here what are you telling Mother?" This is the best way to destroy Sahaja Yoga and yourself. Sahaja Yogis never talk ill of each other behind their backs. I don't know, this - maybe, I think, this [E.] started this group, or maybe, I don't know how this group business has started. She was the first, who told Me that there are many, who are against the leaders. It's only here I find all this - why should it be? You are people of great heritage. I could have understood this from Germans, but no, they are absolutely, absolutely perfect Yogis, those who are there. I cannot understand how Sahaja Yoga gives you time to do all these things. If you are busy with Sahaja Yoga you will have no time even to talk ill of anyone. But the pressure was so much on Me that I thought I better talk to you people about it and tell you very frank. You cannot be mental. If you become mental you'll be destroyed, completely. As soon as you come on your Agnya you lose your vibrations. You start judging things, you start analyzing things. In Sahaja Yoga you are there just to experience the joy. To be happy, to be one with yourself and everybody else. It's such a bad tendency to talk ill about other Sahaja Yogis or form a group. You cannot have a group, you are completely integrated with the whole world. How can you have separate groups in a small place like Austria? When you are one with everyone. Even in America the news has gone that [they've created ?]. For one [E.], for one woman if you are going to ruin yourself I have nothing to say. She is a very selfcentered, stupid woman. She never asked Me what she was doing. She went on her own, her everything. And she has no business to do this. But she has created this thing in you. Most surprising thing is when you had a horrible leader like [M.], who turned out to be a devil later on, you were quite all right, you were very normal. That means you need a Hitler or what? It's very surprising. All this topic started when Hamid and Wolfgang took over. And that's how Hamid got sick, actually. You know how much he was identified with you? I think I was - you brought Me from there - Budapest - I was in Budapest absolutely tired at the end of My program. And he pleaded with Me, "Mother, please come at least for one day." I said, "For what?" "Please come, they are all waiting for You, better come." I was very tired. He drove Me down, I came here. And he brought at least 20 sick people to Me, I was so tired, really. I was surprised why he was so much identified with these Sahaja Yogis. Just to cure them he brought all kinds of sick people. I told him, "I'm tired, very tired, I want to go back." But he was so much trying to please you people. I was amazed. And he is the one who is criticized. I just don't understand. Now, money-wise also. Of course I gave money to have the Ashram and the money was lost. It just was lost because of the - whatever was the cause - maybe the pound went down, or whatever it is. Of course they should have written it clearly what had happened, and all that, but nobody told Me. It was not so kind, because they had to explain to My husband, he didn't understand what had happened. Whatever it is. I don't mind that, it's all right. We always go on losing money like this, doesn't matter. But for that people criticized. If I have to say something I can say that it [pity ?] Me and the leaders. But because nobody listens to them they don't know what to do. Now for example, this Mr. [M.], without asking Me he said, he collected a lot of money. But this still I can't understand. And then Guido told Me that he collected money from us. So I said, "Why did you collect the money without asking Me? For what did you give us the money, for what?" He bought a machine to reprint - or machine to record, or whatever it is, to reproduce, make copies, whatever it is. And we wanted to give You a surprise. And the surprise he gave Me he said to Me that, "Mother, now I am sorry, I cannot give You royalty." I never asked for royalty, for at least 16 years I had no royalty. But it was all [arranged] and everybody said, "You must have royalty. And what is there and Mother must have some royalty." While Paul W. was making all the money I was not bothered. So let it be. And then he started this thing saying that, "I'm sorry, they are making so much of research and this is that and this position. I am sorry we can't give You any royalty whatsoever." I kept quiet. But all other leaders jumped on him and said, "What do you mean? You collected the money from us, saying that you will be giving royalties to Mother, and now you are saying like this." Then the machine he brought was another absolutely useless thing. All these trickeries if you play with Me or with Sahaja Yoga you will destroy yourself. What can happen to Me? I'm like rock of Gibraltar. And what can happen to Sahaja Yoga? But he did it, he did it that way. And he told Me plainly, but everybody got after him and they said to him, "If you can't give royalty better shift everything away." Now all this happened, still I didn't say anything to you. I said, "All right, let's see." Then this whole thing came up. His wife, the great French lady, she went to France, brought us into trouble. I was telling Yogi not to have the school but everybody forced on him and he started school. In the beginning you had problems, but you should be happy to know that in the same France, because of their unity, because of their respect of their leaders they have now got Sahaja Yoga as a religion. The first country in the whole of Europe. (Applause) And still I don't understand why you people in this country are against each other. Why? Why do you always see false of others and not their qualities? You don't know how Wolfgang is a very powerful Sahaja Yogi, very powerful. I've told you the story about him, how his tears were powerful. And you go against a person who is so good. You are committing a sin, because you are saints. A saint never talks against a saint. I don't know if you don't understand Sahaja Yoga. You are over-intelligent, I think and think no end of yourselves, because you are all professionals, educated - and this and that. In Sahaja Yoga it's not your education, your degrees, all your profession matters, no. On the contrary it is decadent, sometimes, because you get very mental. It's very troublesome and you are impressed by people who were mental also. In Sahaja Yoga what counts is your clean heart - clean. If you have a crooked heart it won't work out. Now think of it what you are doing. Sahaja Yoga is for the whole world, not for you alone. Even in America, whatever Sahaja Yogis we have, very few, are excellent people, they never quarrel, never fight, never talk ill about each other. There was one fellow who was funny, has gone out. But only one, they have no groups. It's like a cancer. I would like to know what do you have against each other that you form groups. I can't understand it - of the integration of everything I am talking. Integration of your mind, your heart, your liver - everything. Somebody asked Me what is - really mental nonsense - what is consciousness, what is awareness, what is this, what is that? I said, "All is one." These ideas come through your mental bhoots. You are all one in the sense that you have now become like a drop in the ocean. Everything has become one and you have to just experience the joy of Sahaja Yoga. If you enjoy this kind of nonsensical talks like the cheap women do, or cheap men do it - you can't be Sahaja Yogis. You should know how to enjoy yourself and others. The other day I met the Prime minister of Iran, who ran away from Iran, though he was the first Prime minister at the time of Khomeini, because of Khomeini. And he said that Koran also teaches about love, Divine Love. "It doesn't teach it," I said, "it doesn't do." Muslims are known to cut their sisters' heads, and their fathers' heads, and everything. What's the use of talking about love when you are killing your own people? They form groups and things and hit each other. And very proudly I told him that we have Sahaja Yoga in 65 nations. And I haven't seen anybody talking ill about anybody else, no jealousies, no hatred, no arguments, no questioning, no wars anymore. He was amazed. I said, "It's true." But this Austrian thing I can't understand. How it is crawling into you, this kind of a mental attitude. If you try all these things you'll be denied in the Kingdom of Heaven, take it from Me. Your education, your degrees, you leave them here, and so called knowledge. What upsets Me that Sahaja Yoga has been so kind to you. So kind. And what you are making a mess? Do you know what's happening in the world? Children are killed, there's no families, they've destroyed so many things. In this country also you have so many drug addicts and all that. You are all saved from this and brought to this beautiful land of Sahaja Yoga. Now everybody must think, "Mother is saying to me. And am I doing such a thing?" Not for others. Think for yourself. Please try to understand - Sahaja Yoga doesn't need you, you need Sahaja Yoga. I don't need Sahaja Yoga, you need Sahaja Yoga. Try to understand what are you up to? Again big problem about royalties came up, I don't know why. This tradition of handing money in a wrong way is still going on. We couldn't understand, if you had not said that you'll give Me royalties, I am not bothered. I don't care about these royalties. But you people decided you give the royalty and now it's going on in such a bad way. So now I have decided to cancel it completely, everything from Austria, for the time being. In the sense that we have the camera kept in Cabella. And we'll be doing master them. And I've asked Philip to get the copies done in Germany. For the old audiotapes - it's very surprising - old audiotapes they asked Me that they have to buy another machine for 25'000 and 50'000, can you imagine ? Have I got a tree that I shake it and take out the money for something like that? But I went to England and I said, "We want to look after these old audiotapes - they've gone wrong, something gone wrong with them - you have to preserve them. They said, "Mother, very easy." Ray came forward, he said, "Mother, I'll do the whole job. And there is Pascal, who has got a digital [tape recorder]." "How much will it cost, altogether?" "Only 2000 at the most." Can you imagine? I was so shocked! 25 to 50'000 they were asking for this job, which is going to cost Me only 2000. You can't do business in Sahaja Yoga. Do you know how careful I am? All the money you pay Me, even for [tooth ?] I've made good out of that, for whatever is saved. I need not, even if I take all your money, all your properties, all right, it's all Mine already. But - why am I so particular? Every pai is counted and kept in the bank in a proper way, even the Puja-money. I'm sorry that [X. ?] became mental. He started talking big. You know, people first teased him and then he started talking big. He said, "Now you should forget about this. You should concentrate on the higher chakras. You are God, I am Adi Shakti," he said. What do you say to such stupidity of ego? I discovered - nobody told Me, they were frightened. I discovered that this stupid fellow is talking like this - through his vibrations. Another one like this now is in lunatic asylum. So, don't make it mental, you cannot understand through your human awareness, I've told you hundred times, through your limited mental capacity - Sahaja Yoga. Open your hearts. Surprisingly these people - Germans, who are supposed to be closed minded are much better, they are straight forward. They don't do like this, asking 50'000 pounds from everyone. And money-wise also, I'm told, you people are extremely miserly. Very surprising. With so many people last time I had to stay in a house where I was not very comfortable, I should say, because there were others staying, same bathroom [we were sharing]. Because you people would not even pay for My stay in a hotel. In every country they are collecting such a lot of money for programs - for everything, everything. I don't want your money, all right. But what about the programs? What about other things you have to do? It's [pedant] attitude that you don't trust anybody, because you don't trust yourself. You have no faith in yourself, how ca you have faith in anybody else? I'm very sad, very, very sad, that the people whom I love the most in Europe have letting Me down like this. You have to grow in Sahaja Yoga. Not your mental projections, but you have to grow in Sahaja Yoga. But people told Me that, "Mother, their vibrations are not so good. So many of them indulging into cheap talks. Because you think you are well-educated, you have got jobs and you have this and that. It's better to have people who are uneducated, without any jobs. They will enter into the Kingdom of God. Christ has said, "Rich cannot enter into the Kingdom of God." But I would say now, "The intellectuals won't enter." In My experience the intellectuals won't enter. Because they are going with their brains against reality. Try to understand. As soon as you come out your Agnya be careful - you either go to the left or to the right. Unless and until you understand that you have to grow beyond your mind. With our mind if we could have understood or if you could have got our ascent - it would have been the easiest thing to do. But no - everybody has a brain of limited projections. So somebody goes this way, somebody goes that way, somebody goes that way. And that's how we have the problem of wars. We have the problem that everybody has a different attitude. Now see, they started having a - say, Europe. I must congratulate people in Austria that they have done European Community. But they are all fighting. There are so many points on which they are quarrelling. With all difficulties now they got this. And think, they are suspicious, they are not trusting each other, because they are on a mental level. This is something is a curse, I think. Human mind cannot be superior to the Divine Mind. And you'll stop at Agnya. You don't know what will happen. Because I have seen people entering in lunatic asylum, that's all. They talk big, they fight, they find false. What is the false of this lady who told Me - because Hamid was angry with one Sahaja Yogi. So, what's the harm? That means he is finished, what is a leader for ? He's there just to do your Aarti? He's there to correct you. If he says something to someone that means it's a very big crime - he cannot say anything to them. But I tell you, [X.], when I told him he told his [sarena ?], "Thank God, Mother has saved me. I was going mad." That humility you must have, at least, to understand. It's like a political movement going on, this group, this group, this group - imagine. We've had enough of politics. In Sahaja Yoga there is no question. No question of having any group together. On what levels you are forming groups I can't understand. Have you seen in the sea there is a group of water here and a group of water there and a group of water there? You have jumped into the ocean now, try to understand. I'm really very, very unhappy to hear nobody wants to be your leader, this is one illusion. So the next thing you can do is to play a football match - I can't understand. What else you can do? You cannot hate anyone, how can you. I don't know - with a saint's heart this compassion flows. Such beauty and how you praise each other. And how you love each other. Is the biggest thing. To love someone is the greatest joy. Without any greed or lust. Freed from all this nonsense you love each other. Not because you have a group that loves each other. You cannot achieve anything in Sahaja Yoga. If you have these tendencies better leave Sahaja Yoga. I didn't say this to anyone - so far. They all came and complained and complained and told Me that their levels are [going down]. They are becoming very different people. [inaudible] I was very unhappy, I really wept. And they have not understood My compassion, My Love. You are My children, children who are Divine, who are so special. Here we are to save the whole world. And what are we doing? Is that a stupid case. I know the leaders. I know them better. I made them. ["Let us," they've said without case, ] "our leaders are like this, they are doing like this." We had to change him because his health was gone, and he was fed up the way people attacked him. I hope now you will understand what I feel and what I feel about the leaders. One day can happen that a letter had come and, "The negative forces are spread very much. That this leader is very bad," and all that, and at least they were [denouncing ?] leaders. I said, "You all leave Sahaja Yoga!" I don't mind if there is one person who is there. You all leave. I don't want you. There's no quality in you. One leader is sufficient for Me. In the case of [M.] nobody opposed him, nobody told Me anything against him, nobody saw the game he was playing. Gregoire is so simple hearted - he thought that he will do better organization than him, he told also, "Mother, You didn't like him, but he organized everything." He was a crook! And he could organize you. I can't understand. And if there is a simple man who is a Sahaja Yogi - Sahaja Yogi has to be a simple person. And who cannot understand a person, who is simple, who is good, his powers - this crookedness of the heart you do not imbibe from this man, [M.] We have to change the whole attitude. You have to pay wherever it is necessary. I'm in charge, I know everything. What you are paying, how much you are paying, I know everything. And now we have to buy some land there, who is going to pay for that? Russians have very little money, but they'll give their life for Me, anything. I was surprised once I was told they have sold all their antiques in their house, just to come for one of the Pujas. I said, "No money will be taken, no, nothing." There were people like this before, very dedicated. Even in India you have seen Ajanta built by ordinary people, dedicated their lives for eleven centuries. They had never seen Buddha, they never got Realization from Buddha. You see beautiful - your churches being built. By ordinary people. With such care, with such art, such difficult task. Just for devotion. Just for devotion. They didn't get Realization. They didn't get anything. Just for devotion for Christ they did it. It's very surprising what people are doing just out of devotion. One in Sahaja Yoga we don't need anything as such, but if you cannot grow in Sahaja Yoga what is the use of becoming Sahaja Yogis? You all must meditate, clear out your Agnyas and don't listen to anybody who talks against your leader. Don't take any of these groups. If they are talking just put your hands like this (Ed: Shri Mataji is closing Her ears with Her hands) - I don't want to see, I don't join any groups, nothing. If anybody talks of groups - you just say, ["There are no groups." ?] Understand that negativity has become collective - then what will happen to us? Be alert! Be aware! Thank God that everybody notices your centers and they told Me and I also felt the same. I hope in this visit of Mine all of you should clear out your Agnyas - absolutely. You should use the mantra of Nirvichara, of forgiveness. I'm sure it will work out. Sahaja Yoga is not a thought, it's an experience. It's not a thought. Enter Nirvichara Samadhi - only you can grow, otherwise you cannot grow. It's true that there may be very few who are doing all these kind of tricks but you should find them out [and name them. ?] Avoid such people! Naturally they'll go out of Sahaja Yoga. I do not want to take names, but you should know I know everything, I know everyone. So, please understand that the whole of this country depends on you. If you want to destroy it you can destroy, if you want to raise it, to awaken it and bless them - it is in your hands. If I could do it I would not have asked your help. I need all of you very much. But not the way you are. It has to be the way a Sahaja Yogi should be. A proud Sahaja Yogi, who is proud of this Sahaja Yoga. And is self-sufficient - doesn't require any help from these so called group leaders. That's one of the reasons so far you have not been able to have a proper, big Ashram. You all [can donate] money and can have an ashram of your own. You are so many. If Swiss could do that, if French could do that, if Spanish could do that, Americans could do that, even Italians have done so much, why not you? It's a challenge. I'm not saying that, "This time you are saving," [what I don't know, anything. ?] So, those who really ardently believe that we have to do something, we must have an Ashram of our own. That is how Ganesha will be established, you have to have. I must say, Italians didn't have much money, but the way they have started the school is very remarkable. Spanish had no money, very few Spanish. But they have two Ashrams of their own. In England now they will have Ashram of their own. So instead of wasting time in all these nonsensical things, if you just become humble people and worship your Nabhis you will get money. You have to be generous - that is the minimum for Sahaja Yogis. Look at Me. I suffer from My generosity sometimes, but I enjoy it. You started very well, but I don't know what has twisted this - what has gone into your heads? How it has happened that some of you have started forming groups? So now put up your hands, who don't want to have groups at all, I would like to see. Put up your hands, both the hands. No more groups! And anybody who creates groups you will stand against that person. Thank you! Thank you very much! I feel much better now. I had such a burning, you don't know. In the plane also I had a terrible burning. But thank God I now feel better. [And you are relieved and... ?] As you are giving your flowers also give your hearts to Me. As I will give My heart to you. May God bless you! It really hurts to say things I had to tell you. But you can't reach such a level - that I had to talk. So, I hope you forget all this and be what you were before. Let them now give the flowers. You could keep it here. Germans also have sent you flowers. (Shri Mataji laughing)
Speech at the airport Schwechat. Vienna (Austria) 18 July 1994. I'm very happy to see you all here. It's really nice to meet you all like this, because in Cabella I never get a chance to talk to anyone. I'm sorry I've had some very bad reports which I must tell you. It's very important. I always used to praise Austrians very much that they are so many and so good, very good Sahaja Yogis. But the reports I have are horrible. Other people from other countries have told Me that, "Mother, You are praising them, but You better warn them. Because they are not taking Sahaja Yoga so seriously as they should have done. Moreover some people who come to Cabella go on talking against some other group. And they told Me there are groups formed among these Sahaja Yogis who are influenced by these groups and their grudges and their complaints. They've become very mental, they want to solve their problem mentally. This was a very big shock for Me. And they went to such a limit to say that, "Mother, this time You shouldn't allow them to have any Puja." I said, "All of them are not like that." They said, "But still. Quite a lot of them indulge in such cheapish things that we are surprised." I must tell you one lady came all the way to Taiwan to complain against Hamid. And she told Harald, who is a very sensible Sahaja Yogi that she has some physical problems, so she wants to see Me. So Harald said, "All right, you can go and tell Her." But all that she did was to tell Me what was wrong with this one or that one and how Hamid was and what did happen. I was really surprised, I said, "You come all the way to Taiwan to tell Me this?" Then Harald got angry with her, he said, "You told me a lie, you told me that you have some physical problems and here what are you telling Mother?" This is the best way to destroy Sahaja Yoga and yourself. Sahaja Yogis never talk ill of each other behind their backs. I don't know, this - maybe, I think, this [E.] started this group, or maybe, I don't know how this group business has started. She was the first, who told Me that there are many, who are against the leaders. It's only here I find all this - why should it be? You are people of great heritage. I could have understood this from Germans, but no, they are absolutely, absolutely perfect Yogis, those who are there. I cannot understand how Sahaja Yoga gives you time to do all these things. If you are busy with Sahaja Yoga you will have no time even to talk ill of anyone. But the pressure was so much on Me that I thought I better talk to you people about it and tell you very frank. You cannot be mental. If you become mental you'll be destroyed, completely. As soon as you come on your Agnya you lose your vibrations. You start judging things, you start analyzing things. In Sahaja Yoga you are there just to experience the joy. To be happy, to be one with yourself and everybody else. It's such a bad tendency to talk ill about other Sahaja Yogis or form a group. You cannot have a group, you are completely integrated with the whole world. How can you have separate groups in a small place like Austria? When you are one with everyone. Even in America the news has gone that [they've created ?]. For one [E.], for one woman if you are going to ruin yourself I have nothing to say. She is a very selfcentered, stupid woman. She never asked Me what she was doing. She went on her own, her everything. And she has no business to do this. But she has created this thing in you. Most surprising thing is when you had a horrible leader like [M.], who turned out to be a devil later on, you were quite all right, you were very normal. That means you need a Hitler or what? It's very surprising. All this topic started when Hamid and Wolfgang took over. And that's how Hamid got sick, actually. You know how much he was identified with you? I think I was - you brought Me from there - Budapest - I was in Budapest absolutely tired at the end of My program. And he pleaded with Me, "Mother, please come at least for one day." I said, "For what?" "Please come, they are all waiting for You, better come." I was very tired. He drove Me down, I came here. And he brought at least 20 sick people to Me, I was so tired, really. I was surprised why he was so much identified with these Sahaja Yogis. Just to cure them he brought all kinds of sick people. I told him, "I'm tired, very tired, I want to go back." But he was so much trying to please you people. I was amazed. And he is the one who is criticized. I just don't understand. Now, money-wise also. Of course I gave money to have the Ashram and the money was lost. It just was lost because of the - whatever was the cause - maybe the pound went down, or whatever it is. Of course they should have written it clearly what had happened, and all that, but nobody told Me. It was not so kind, because they had to explain to My husband, he didn't understand what had happened. Whatever it is. I don't mind that, it's all right. We always go on losing money like this, doesn't matter. But for that people criticized. If I have to say something I can say that it [pity ?] Me and the leaders. But because nobody listens to them they don't know what to do. Now for example, this Mr. [M.], without asking Me he said, he collected a lot of money. But this still I can't understand. And then Guido told Me that he collected money from us. So I said, "Why did you collect the money without asking Me? For what did you give us the money, for what?" He bought a machine to reprint - or machine to record, or whatever it is, to reproduce, make copies, whatever it is. And we wanted to give You a surprise. And the surprise he gave Me he said to Me that, "Mother, now I am sorry, I cannot give You royalty." I never asked for royalty, for at least 16 years I had no royalty. But it was all [arranged] and everybody said, "You must have royalty. And what is there and Mother must have some royalty." While Paul W. was making all the money I was not bothered. So let it be. And then he started this thing saying that, "I'm sorry, they are making so much of research and this is that and this position. I am sorry we can't give You any royalty whatsoever." I kept quiet. But all other leaders jumped on him and said, "What do you mean? You collected the money from us, saying that you will be giving royalties to Mother, and now you are saying like this." Then the machine he brought was another absolutely useless thing. All these trickeries if you play with Me or with Sahaja Yoga you will destroy yourself. What can happen to Me? I'm like rock of Gibraltar. And what can happen to Sahaja Yoga? But he did it, he did it that way. And he told Me plainly, but everybody got after him and they said to him, "If you can't give royalty better shift everything away." Now all this happened, still I didn't say anything to you. I said, "All right, let's see." Then this whole thing came up. His wife, the great French lady, she went to France, brought us into trouble. I was telling Yogi not to have the school but everybody forced on him and he started school. In the beginning you had problems, but you should be happy to know that in the same France, because of their unity, because of their respect of their leaders they have now got Sahaja Yoga as a religion. The first country in the whole of Europe. (Applause) And still I don't understand why you people in this country are against each other. Why? Why do you always see false of others and not their qualities? You don't know how Wolfgang is a very powerful Sahaja Yogi, very powerful. I've told you the story about him, how his tears were powerful. And you go against a person who is so good. You are committing a sin, because you are saints. A saint never talks against a saint. I don't know if you don't understand Sahaja Yoga. You are over-intelligent, I think and think no end of yourselves, because you are all professionals, educated - and this and that. In Sahaja Yoga it's not your education, your degrees, all your profession matters, no. On the contrary it is decadent, sometimes, because you get very mental. It's very troublesome and you are impressed by people who were mental also. In Sahaja Yoga what counts is your clean heart - clean. If you have a crooked heart it won't work out. Now think of it what you are doing. Sahaja Yoga is for the whole world, not for you alone. Even in America, whatever Sahaja Yogis we have, very few, are excellent people, they never quarrel, never fight, never talk ill about each other. There was one fellow who was funny, has gone out. But only one, they have no groups. It's like a cancer. I would like to know what do you have against each other that you form groups. I can't understand it - of the integration of everything I am talking. Integration of your mind, your heart, your liver - everything. Somebody asked Me what is - really mental nonsense - what is consciousness, what is awareness, what is this, what is that? I said, "All is one." These ideas come through your mental bhoots. You are all one in the sense that you have now become like a drop in the ocean. Everything has become one and you have to just experience the joy of Sahaja Yoga. If you enjoy this kind of nonsensical talks like the cheap women do, or cheap men do it - you can't be Sahaja Yogis. You should know how to enjoy yourself and others. The other day I met the Prime minister of Iran, who ran away from Iran, though he was the first Prime minister at the time of Khomeini, because of Khomeini. And he said that Koran also teaches about love, Divine Love. "It doesn't teach it," I said, "it doesn't do." Muslims are known to cut their sisters' heads, and their fathers' heads, and everything. What's the use of talking about love when you are killing your own people? They form groups and things and hit each other. And very proudly I told him that we have Sahaja Yoga in 65 nations. And I haven't seen anybody talking ill about anybody else, no jealousies, no hatred, no arguments, no questioning, no wars anymore. He was amazed. I said, "It's true." But this Austrian thing I can't understand. How it is crawling into you, this kind of a mental attitude. If you try all these things you'll be denied in the Kingdom of Heaven, take it from Me. Your education, your degrees, you leave them here, and so called knowledge. What upsets Me that Sahaja Yoga has been so kind to you. So kind. And what you are making a mess? Do you know what's happening in the world? Children are killed, there's no families, they've destroyed so many things. In this country also you have so many drug addicts and all that. You are all saved from this and brought to this beautiful land of Sahaja Yoga. Now everybody must think, "Mother is saying to me. And am I doing such a thing?" Not for others. Think for yourself. Please try to understand - Sahaja Yoga doesn't need you, you need Sahaja Yoga. I don't need Sahaja Yoga, you need Sahaja Yoga. Try to understand what are you up to? Again big problem about royalties came up, I don't know why. This tradition of handing money in a wrong way is still going on. We couldn't understand, if you had not said that you'll give Me royalties, I am not bothered. I don't care about these royalties. But you people decided you give the royalty and now it's going on in such a bad way. So now I have decided to cancel it completely, everything from Austria, for the time being. In the sense that we have the camera kept in Cabella. And we'll be doing master them. And I've asked Philip to get the copies done in Germany. For the old audiotapes - it's very surprising - old audiotapes they asked Me that they have to buy another machine for 25'000 and 50'000, can you imagine ? Have I got a tree that I shake it and take out the money for something like that? But I went to England and I said, "We want to look after these old audiotapes - they've gone wrong, something gone wrong with them - you have to preserve them. They said, "Mother, very easy." Ray came forward, he said, "Mother, I'll do the whole job. And there is Pascal, who has got a digital [tape recorder]." "How much will it cost, altogether?" "Only 2000 at the most." Can you imagine? I was so shocked! 25 to 50'000 they were asking for this job, which is going to cost Me only 2000. You can't do business in Sahaja Yoga. Do you know how careful I am? All the money you pay Me, even for [tooth ?] I've made good out of that, for whatever is saved. I need not, even if I take all your money, all your properties, all right, it's all Mine already. But - why am I so particular? Every pai is counted and kept in the bank in a proper way, even the Puja-money. I'm sorry that [X. ?] became mental. He started talking big. You know, people first teased him and then he started talking big. He said, "Now you should forget about this. You should concentrate on the higher chakras. You are God, I am Adi Shakti," he said. What do you say to such stupidity of ego? I discovered - nobody told Me, they were frightened. I discovered that this stupid fellow is talking like this - through his vibrations. Another one like this now is in lunatic asylum. So, don't make it mental, you cannot understand through your human awareness, I've told you hundred times, through your limited mental capacity - Sahaja Yoga. Open your hearts. Surprisingly these people - Germans, who are supposed to be closed minded are much better, they are straight forward. They don't do like this, asking 50'000 pounds from everyone. And money-wise also, I'm told, you people are extremely miserly. Very surprising. With so many people last time I had to stay in a house where I was not very comfortable, I should say, because there were others staying, same bathroom [we were sharing]. Because you people would not even pay for My stay in a hotel. In every country they are collecting such a lot of money for programs - for everything, everything. I don't want your money, all right. But what about the programs? What about other things you have to do? It's [pedant] attitude that you don't trust anybody, because you don't trust yourself. You have no faith in yourself, how ca you have faith in anybody else? I'm very sad, very, very sad, that the people whom I love the most in Europe have letting Me down like this. You have to grow in Sahaja Yoga. Not your mental projections, but you have to grow in Sahaja Yoga. But people told Me that, "Mother, their vibrations are not so good. So many of them indulging into cheap talks. Because you think you are well-educated, you have got jobs and you have this and that. It's better to have people who are uneducated, without any jobs. They will enter into the Kingdom of God. Christ has said, "Rich cannot enter into the Kingdom of God." But I would say now, "The intellectuals won't enter." In My experience the intellectuals won't enter. Because they are going with their brains against reality. Try to understand. As soon as you come out your Agnya be careful - you either go to the left or to the right. Unless and until you understand that you have to grow beyond your mind. With our mind if we could have understood or if you could have got our ascent - it would have been the easiest thing to do. But no - everybody has a brain of limited projections. So somebody goes this way, somebody goes that way, somebody goes that way. And that's how we have the problem of wars. We have the problem that everybody has a different attitude. Now see, they started having a - say, Europe. I must congratulate people in Austria that they have done European Community. But they are all fighting. There are so many points on which they are quarrelling. With all difficulties now they got this. And think, they are suspicious, they are not trusting each other, because they are on a mental level. This is something is a curse, I think. Human mind cannot be superior to the Divine Mind. And you'll stop at Agnya. You don't know what will happen. Because I have seen people entering in lunatic asylum, that's all. They talk big, they fight, they find false. What is the false of this lady who told Me - because Hamid was angry with one Sahaja Yogi. So, what's the harm? That means he is finished, what is a leader for ? He's there just to do your Aarti? He's there to correct you. If he says something to someone that means it's a very big crime - he cannot say anything to them. But I tell you, [X.], when I told him he told his [sarena ?], "Thank God, Mother has saved me. I was going mad." That humility you must have, at least, to understand. It's like a political movement going on, this group, this group, this group - imagine. We've had enough of politics. In Sahaja Yoga there is no question. No question of having any group together. On what levels you are forming groups I can't understand. Have you seen in the sea there is a group of water here and a group of water there and a group of water there? You have jumped into the ocean now, try to understand. I'm really very, very unhappy to hear nobody wants to be your leader, this is one illusion. So the next thing you can do is to play a football match - I can't understand. What else you can do? You cannot hate anyone, how can you. I don't know - with a saint's heart this compassion flows. Such beauty and how you praise each other. And how you love each other. Is the biggest thing. To love someone is the greatest joy. Without any greed or lust. Freed from all this nonsense you love each other. Not because you have a group that loves each other. You cannot achieve anything in Sahaja Yoga. If you have these tendencies better leave Sahaja Yoga. I didn't say this to anyone - so far. They all came and complained and complained and told Me that their levels are [going down]. They are becoming very different people. [inaudible] I was very unhappy, I really wept. And they have not understood My compassion, My Love. You are My children, children who are Divine, who are so special. Here we are to save the whole world. And what are we doing? Is that a stupid case. I know the leaders. I know them better. I made them. ["Let us," they've said without case, ] "our leaders are like this, they are doing like this." We had to change him because his health was gone, and he was fed up the way people attacked him. I hope now you will understand what I feel and what I feel about the leaders. One day can happen that a letter had come and, "The negative forces are spread very much. That this leader is very bad," and all that, and at least they were [denouncing ?] leaders. I said, "You all leave Sahaja Yoga!" I don't mind if there is one person who is there. You all leave. I don't want you. There's no quality in you. One leader is sufficient for Me. In the case of [M.] nobody opposed him, nobody told Me anything against him, nobody saw the game he was playing. Gregoire is so simple hearted - he thought that he will do better organization than him, he told also, "Mother, You didn't like him, but he organized everything." He was a crook! And he could organize you. I can't understand. And if there is a simple man who is a Sahaja Yogi - Sahaja Yogi has to be a simple person. And who cannot understand a person, who is simple, who is good, his powers - this crookedness of the heart you do not imbibe from this man, [M.] We have to change the whole attitude. You have to pay wherever it is necessary. I'm in charge, I know everything. What you are paying, how much you are paying, I know everything. And now we have to buy some land there, who is going to pay for that? Russians have very little money, but they'll give their life for Me, anything. I was surprised once I was told they have sold all their antiques in their house, just to come for one of the Pujas. I said, "No money will be taken, no, nothing." There were people like this before, very dedicated. Even in India you have seen Ajanta built by ordinary people, dedicated their lives for eleven centuries. They had never seen Buddha, they never got Realization from Buddha. You see beautiful - your churches being built. By ordinary people. With such care, with such art, such difficult task. Just for devotion. Just for devotion. They didn't get Realization. They didn't get anything. Just for devotion for Christ they did it. It's very surprising what people are doing just out of devotion. One in Sahaja Yoga we don't need anything as such, but if you cannot grow in Sahaja Yoga what is the use of becoming Sahaja Yogis? You all must meditate, clear out your Agnyas and don't listen to anybody who talks against your leader. Don't take any of these groups. If they are talking just put your hands like this (Ed: Shri Mataji is closing Her ears with Her hands) - I don't want to see, I don't join any groups, nothing. If anybody talks of groups - you just say, ["There are no groups." ?] Understand that negativity has become collective - then what will happen to us? Be alert! Be aware! Thank God that everybody notices your centers and they told Me and I also felt the same. I hope in this visit of Mine all of you should clear out your Agnyas - absolutely. You should use the mantra of Nirvichara, of forgiveness. I'm sure it will work out. Sahaja Yoga is not a thought, it's an experience. It's not a thought. Enter Nirvichara Samadhi - only you can grow, otherwise you cannot grow. It's true that there may be very few who are doing all these kind of tricks but you should find them out [and name them. ?] Avoid such people! Naturally they'll go out of Sahaja Yoga. I do not want to take names, but you should know I know everything, I know everyone. So, please understand that the whole of this country depends on you. If you want to destroy it you can destroy, if you want to raise it, to awaken it and bless them - it is in your hands. If I could do it I would not have asked your help. I need all of you very much. But not the way you are. It has to be the way a Sahaja Yogi should be. A proud Sahaja Yogi, who is proud of this Sahaja Yoga. And is self-sufficient - doesn't require any help from these so called group leaders. That's one of the reasons so far you have not been able to have a proper, big Ashram. You all [can donate] money and can have an ashram of your own. You are so many. If Swiss could do that, if French could do that, if Spanish could do that, Americans could do that, even Italians have done so much, why not you? It's a challenge. I'm not saying that, "This time you are saving," [what I don't know, anything. ?] So, those who really ardently believe that we have to do something, we must have an Ashram of our own. That is how Ganesha will be established, you have to have. I must say, Italians didn't have much money, but the way they have started the school is very remarkable. Spanish had no money, very few Spanish. But they have two Ashrams of their own. In England now they will have Ashram of their own. So instead of wasting time in all these nonsensical things, if you just become humble people and worship your Nabhis you will get money. You have to be generous - that is the minimum for Sahaja Yogis. Look at Me. I suffer from My generosity sometimes, but I enjoy it. You started very well, but I don't know what has twisted this - what has gone into your heads? How it has happened that some of you have started forming groups? So now put up your hands, who don't want to have groups at all, I would like to see. Put up your hands, both the hands. No more groups! And anybody who creates groups you will stand against that person. Thank you! Thank you very much! I feel much better now. I had such a burning, you don't know. In the plane also I had a terrible burning. But thank God I now feel better. [And you are relieved and... ?] As you are giving your flowers also give your hearts to Me. As I will give My heart to you. May God bless you! It really hurts to say things I had to tell you. But you can't reach such a level - that I had to talk. So, I hope you forget all this and be what you were before. Let them now give the flowers. You could keep it here. Germans also have sent you flowers. (Shri Mataji laughing)
Be aware of your pure desire
Public Program
Public Program. Vienna (Austria), 19 July 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth.At the very outset, I have to say that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot transform it, and it cannot compromise with you. It is, it has been, it will be the same. Whatever I have to tell you tonight you need not accept it blindfolded. We have had already very big problems with these blind faiths. You should have an open mind like a scientist and treat this talk as a hypothesis. But if it is proved then you have to accept as honest people. Because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your country, it is for the benevolence of the whole world. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, intelligence, ego or your conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. We see beautiful flowers around us, it's actually a miracle. But we take it for granted. If we ask a doctor, "Who runs our heart?" he will say, "The autonomous nervous system." But who is this 'auto'? This they cannot answer. And who does all this living work? Who brought forth our evolution? There is no answer. The second truth is that there is a All-Pervading Power of Divine Love. It is a subtle energy which does all this living work. Now, unless and until we evolve more than what we are today, it's not possible with this human awareness to feel the existence of this All-Pervading Power. And if you have to have this ascent, then you have to just have pure desire for it. The pure desire is a desire from our mundane desire is very different. According to economics, wants are not satiable in general. Today we want to have a house, then a car, then a helicopter, goes on like that. But the pure desire of which you are not aware is this that you want to evolve and to feel this union with this All-Pervading Power. To feel this All-Pervading Power, to be in union with it is the yoga, spiritual yoga. Sahaja means 'born with you'. Is this right to get this union, this yoga. So, the time has come for all of us to use this right. So when this Kundalini, this power, from the sacrum bone rises like a primule of a seed, it passes through six centers. Most of the global problems come from human beings, and most of the human problems come from their centers. By any chance, by any method if we could improve or nourish these centers, all our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual problems will be solved. It's a fact that through Sahaja Yoga many diseases have been cured. Cancer, also many incurable diseases have been cured. It's your own power. It is waiting for this moment, is your Mother, anxious to give you your Second Birth. So when you say you are born again you have to have powers with it. For example, in Sanskrit language we call a bird as Dwijaha and a Realized soul also Dwijaha, meaning twice born. That means you are completely transformed - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. When this Kundalini rises, and She pierces through the sixth center, becomes one with this All-Pervading Subtle Power, you also become subtler. On your fingertips you start feeling your centers. And if you know how to correct your centers you are all right, problems are solved. But also you can feel the centers of others. It's like microcosm becoming macrocosm, it's like a drop becoming an ocean. It sounds fantastic, but you don't know how glorious you are, how fantastic you are. You don't know yourself at all. You have no knowledge of your inner being. So you feel sometimes frustrated as if you have no identity. But once you start feeling this All-Pervading Power then you understand that you have many powers. You can cure yourself, you can cure others. You can raise others' Kundalini, give them Realization. When the Kundalini comes in this part (ed: green area of Void), She enlightens within you your religion which is innate. That means you become righteous. Like people who are, they may be Christians, Hindu, Muslims, anything - it's just a brand, they can commit any sin they want. But after this happening you become really a righteous person. Christ has described it in the second chapter Mathews. He says, "Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes." Means innocent eyes without any greed, without any lust in the eye. Actually your eyes become like that. Innocence cannot be lost. It is covered with clouds because of our wrong doings, but it cannot be lost. It cannot be destroyed. And you become so powerful that even a glance of such a person can create beautiful peaceful atmosphere. Then, when your Spirit comes into your attention, you know the absolute truth - about everything. Supposing you have ten children who are Realized souls and tie up their eyes and ask them, "What's wrong with this gentleman?" And all the children will say - take out one finger, say this finger supposing. You ask that gentleman, "Have you got heart trouble?" He'll say, "Yes of course, but how do you know?" You get the diagnosis on your fingertips. You can say what's wrong with you, what's wrong with others, and you speak the language of centers, chakras. Absolute truth means everybody sees the same truth. Now, we are human beings, we have freedom to think the way we want to think. So one thinks like that, another thinks like that, another thinks like that, and that's why the problem. Some think they are correct, another think they are correct, some think this is the best, and they fight. If you know the absolute truth, there's no question of fight, quarrel, of course no war. Now, we have this Sahaja Yoga working in 65 Nations, and I've not seen - even if they are 5'000 together from different countries - ever fighting, quarrelling, even using a bad word. They just enjoy each other. The families in Sahaja Yoga are really excellent families, and so many Realized souls are born to them. It's a new race of angels I feel. For all this you don't have to pay a single pai. It's a living process. When we put one seed in the Mother Earth, how much do we pay to the Mother Earth? She sprouts the seed because the seed has the built-in mechanism to sprout, and the Mother Earth has the power to germinate. So the first thing we have to know that, you cannot pay for your spirituality. I know there have been many who tried to exploit all over the world, but they are mostly now exposed. I would say it was your mistake because how much did you pay to Christ? Now, one has to understand that I'm talking about Divine love. They all talk of love, all right, but it's the actualization of that Divine love. It is the becoming which is important, not just talking about it. There has been lot of talk, we are this, we are that. So you become extremely dynamic with this power, at the same time extremely compassionate. You don't have to suggest, you don't have to think, you just - you become compassionate. The compassion just works. Then another thing is that we think about future and past. The thought rises, falls, another thought rises and falls, and we are jumping on the cusp of future and past. We cannot be in the present, which is the reality. Present is the reality. The past is finished, and the future doesn't exist. When the Kundalini rises She elongates those thoughts and establishes in the center where there is complete thoughtless awareness. And spiritually you grow in that thoughtless awareness which in Sanskrit we call as Nirvichaar Samadhi. The second state we call as Nirvikalpa Samadhi means doubtless awareness, when you become your own master. Because in the light of the Spirit you know what is the truth is. What is destructive for you and what is constructive for you. And you just disregard all that is destructive. I don't have to tell you, "Don't do this, don't - no." If I say that, half of you will go away. It's like this, supposing I have a snake in My hand, and I am very adamant and it's darkness and somebody says that, "There's a snake in your hand." I will say, "No, it is a rope." Until the snake bites Me I will say, "It's a rope." But if there is little light immediately I will throw away the snake. Nobody has to tell you. This is how your attention becomes enlightened, and you become a very wise and sane personality. And then you understand your value, your identity. Then you know you have become the instrument of this Divine love. It's a pure love. Like a sap rises in a tree, it gives whatever is needed for every part of the tree - ultimately it evaporates. But supposing it likes one flower, gets attached. Then the tree will die and the flower will die also. So this detachment comes from within. It's not to wear these dresses of renouncing or to shave your head, that's not needed. It's an inner happening. You don't have to give up your families, you don't have to give up your jobs, you have to be absolutely normal. But when you become thoughtlessly aware, the peace is established within. I have known many people who have got peace awards, this award, that award - they have no peace within, I don't know how they got it. Actually most of them are very hot tempered. If you have to reach them you have to take a barge pole, somehow. You establish your peace within and then the whole world becomes like a drama. You get out of your problems and see them clearly. Like if you are standing in the water you are afraid of the waves, but if you get into the boat you can see the waves. But if you know how to swim you can jump in and save many others. This is how Sahaja Yoga works. Your attention can go to any limit, you can find out about anyone dead or alive in any country. When we see television, we know about the ether. But I am talking about the subtle of the ether, which is so efficient, which is so fast, which is so active, and which is so loving. You find your life so blissful. People write to Me about the miracles they have had. I asked somebody to compile them, and in one month he told Me, "They have come up to my head like that, now what am I to do?" They said, "You better sort it out, Mother." I said, "I have no time, all right, forget it." Then you realize how glorified you are, what great thing you are. Now, you are at the epitome of evolution. Little more advancement and you are there in the Kingdom of God, absolutely protected and loved. The time has come, this is a special time. I call it the Blossom Time. In Indian prophecies, they have described this time very clearly that, "So many souls will take birth and there will be increase in the population and they will find themselves, they will know the self-knowledge." It's not that the body will come out of the grave, after 500 years what is left of the body in the grave? Muslims believe, Christians believe, Jews believe - I think there is something wrong. It's the soul which is going to take birth. Above all you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is singular. When our ego is happy we become happy, when it is punctured we feel unhappy. So we move from happiness to unhappiness and happiness to unhappiness. But joy is an experience - which has no alternative. You can enjoy everything, and you can find solutions to everything. Today as it is you know, world has come to a point of great shock. They are talking about breaking families, they are killing children, I mean, unbelievable things are happening. But at this time it is predicted that, "You will be seeking the truth and you'll find it." Only thing I have to tell you that if you don't have desire I cannot force on you, I respect your freedom. The experience is not mental, it is beyond mental. So if you don't want to have it's better you leave the hall. But it's your right to have it if you desire. In this short lecture I cannot tell you everything about it. Also lecturing is also a mental acrobat. So it will take hardly ten minutes to get your Self-Realization. So those who don't want to have should leave the hall first. All right. There are three conditions. First one is that you have to be absolutely self-confident that you are going to get your Self-Realization. That means you should not condemn yourself for anything. You should not feel guilty. Guilty at all about anything that has happened in the past. At this moment the past is finished. Unfortunately if you feel guilty, then this center catches very badly and you get disease called angina, also spondylitis, and also lethargic organs. It's a fashion to feel guilty. I mean, some people feel guilty for their forefathers, some feel guilty, say for Rwanda people, you can't help these things. It's a myth. And at this moment it's important that please don't feel guilty, because the Kundalini will stop at this center. All your life you have tortured yourself and now at this important moment you should not feel guilty, so the Kundalini doesn't rise and you miss your Self-Realization. In short you should be presently pleasantly placed towards yourself. As I respect you, you must respect yourself. As I love you, you must love yourself. That's all I want. The second condition is that you have to forgive everyone in general, that means you don't even have to think about whom you have to forgive, because that's a headache. Logically, whether you forgive or you don't forgive you don't do anything. It's a myth. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands, and the center on the optic chiasma is like this - constricted. At this moment, if you don't forgive it won't open like this and you will miss your chance, such an important thing of Self-Realization. So please forgive - in general I say. Now, the third condition is you have to take out your shoes. Because this Mother Earth helps us. Many people don't like the third condition sometimes. (Laughter) In England, first time when I asked them to take out their shoes, half of them walked off (Laughter) - very seriously. Now, somebody will show you. First you should see what we are going to do. He must have told you that we have two channels, left and right which are opposite to each other but are complimentary. They look after the sympathetic nervous systems, left and right. So the left one is for the power of desire, by which we desire, mundane desire, and in the right we have the power of action. So you have to put your both feet apart from each other. And put your left hand on your left lap like this very comfortably. This is suggestive and symbolic of your desire to have Self-Realization. So we use our right hand for the action. Please be seated, we have room here for you. All of you have to sit down, please, be comfortable. You don't have to go to Himalaya, stand on your head, shave off your hair, nothing of the kind. (Laughter) Be comfortable. So, now we put our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. Now if you become the Spirit, you become your own guide and your own master. Now take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. We are working only on the left hand side. Here is the center for your mastery. Mastery over yourself and mastery over the knowledge, the pure Divine knowledge. It's created by great prophets and seers, which is to be enlightened. Now take down your hand into the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Surprisingly this is the center for pure Divine knowledge. Now raise your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen. Then on your heart. Then in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Oh. It is there, that means you are feeling guilty. Please don't feel guilty. Now, you have to ask for forgiveness or forgive everyone. In general without thinking about them. Now take back your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes for your own satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the All-Pervading Power of Divine love. Now, the last center is very important, stretch your palm fully. Now put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers, it's very important, so that there's a good pressure on your scalp. Now put down your head and move your scalp slowly - 7 times, 7 times, clockwise. Now, that's all we have to do. But please remember to push back your fingers. All right. Now again, see that your both legs are apart from each other, and the left hand is on your left lap. You can close your eyes and take out your spectacles, please don't open your eyes till I tell you. So now, put your right hand on your heart and close your eyes. Here you have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself - you can call Me Shri Mataji or Mother. Please say three times, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Say in your heart. As I told you, when you are the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So now please bring your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and here you ask another fundamental question about yourself, three times in your heart, "Mother, am I my own master?" I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force Self-Realization or pure Divine knowledge on you - so you have to ask for it. So now, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and ask six times, because this center has got six petals, "Mother, please give me pure Divine knowledge." As soon as you ask for the pure divine knowledge the Kundalini starts rising within you. So we have to nourish our upper centers with our full self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say with full confidence ten times, "Mother, I am my own master." At the very outset, I told you that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intelligence, these conditionings, and the ego, but you are the pure Spirit. So raise your right hand on your heart and say with full confidence again, twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." This All-Pervading Divine Power of Love is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of bliss and compassion, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness at this moment. So please forgive yourself and raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say 16 times, "Mother I am not guilty at all." Say it with full confidence. I have already told you that logically, whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. It is a myth, but you are playing into wrong hands and torturing yourself. At this moment, if you do not forgive, the center of Agnya won't open and the Kundalini won't rise. So please, please forgive, forgive everyone in general. By raising your hand on top of your forehead, put down your head. And here you say, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." Now without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the All-Pervading Divine Power. So please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here you have to say, "Oh Divine power, please forgive me, if I have done any mistakes, knowingly or unknowingly." Please say it in your heart, not how many times. Now the last center you have to stretch your palm fully, put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area and put down your head. Here again, I cannot force Self-Realization on you, you have to ask for it. Now, push back your fingers, put a pressure on your scalp and move it seven times saying, "Mother, please give me my Self-Realization", clockwise you have to move. (Shri Mataji is blowing into the microphone) Push back your fingers and move the scalp clockwise. Please bend your heads, bend your heads. Now, take down your hands and please open your eyes slowly. Put both the hands towards Me and watch Me without thinking. Now put the right hand towards Me and put the left hand on top of the fontanel bone area and see for yourself if there's a cool, or a hot, breeze-like vibrations are coming out of your own fontanel bone area. Bend your heads, bend your heads. Sometimes it comes very close and sometimes far away. Now please put your left hand towards Me. And now see with the right hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze-like vibrations coming from your own fontanel bone area. If it is hot means you have not forgiven. Please forgive now, at this moment. Now, again with the right hand once again. Please bend your head. Now raise both your hands towards the sky, push back your head. Here you have to ask one of these three questions three times. First one is, "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" Second is, "Mother is this the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love, is this the Ruh?" The third is, "Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?" Ask anyone of these questions three times. Now, take down your hands. Please put your hands to Me. All those who have felt the cool breeze on the fingertips or on the palm or through their fontanel bone area, cool breeze or hot breeze, raise both your hands. My God! May God bless you all, you all have become saints now, I bow to you. Now respect your Self-Realization. Still you have to grow. We have to understand that this is a collective process. You cannot do it alone anyway. So you have to come to collective. Of course, you don't have to pay at all for anything. But you have to give some time, some importance to your Self-Realization. So please, make it a point to come to the collective. Very surprising, you don't know Me, I am not an Austrian, but when I come always the halls are full, but when I go away they don't follow up, I don't know why. Only in Russia, I have seen people have gone very deep, they are so deep people, very deep people. Once they get Realization they just get to it. It's very surprising. So I have to make a request to you that though you have got it everything so easily you have to grow into it. You have to have the whole knowledge. I must have spoken only in English language at least - there must be 4'000, 5'000 lectures. But they are only indications to know what you are and to experience it. Sahaja Yoga is an experience. In Sanskrit, we have a word called Budha or Vida that means to know the knowledge on your central nervous system. From Budha the word Buddha has come. From Vida the word Vedas has come. So this knowledge is your own. It was the ancient treasure, but now is available to all of us. So please try to understand the importance of your being. I always come after one year and I hope to come back to see you all. May God bless you! (Applause) Thank you very much! May God bless you all!
Public Program. Vienna (Austria), 19 July 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth.At the very outset, I have to say that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot transform it, and it cannot compromise with you. It is, it has been, it will be the same. Whatever I have to tell you tonight you need not accept it blindfolded. We have had already very big problems with these blind faiths. You should have an open mind like a scientist and treat this talk as a hypothesis. But if it is proved then you have to accept as honest people. Because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your country, it is for the benevolence of the whole world. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, intelligence, ego or your conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. We see beautiful flowers around us, it's actually a miracle. But we take it for granted. If we ask a doctor, "Who runs our heart?" he will say, "The autonomous nervous system." But who is this 'auto'? This they cannot answer. And who does all this living work? Who brought forth our evolution? There is no answer. The second truth is that there is a All-Pervading Power of Divine Love. It is a subtle energy which does all this living work. Now, unless and until we evolve more than what we are today, it's not possible with this human awareness to feel the existence of this All-Pervading Power. And if you have to have this ascent, then you have to just have pure desire for it. The pure desire is a desire from our mundane desire is very different. According to economics, wants are not satiable in general. Today we want to have a house, then a car, then a helicopter, goes on like that. But the pure desire of which you are not aware is this that you want to evolve and to feel this union with this All-Pervading Power. To feel this All-Pervading Power, to be in union with it is the yoga, spiritual yoga. Sahaja means 'born with you'. Is this right to get this union, this yoga. So, the time has come for all of us to use this right. So when this Kundalini, this power, from the sacrum bone rises like a primule of a seed, it passes through six centers. Most of the global problems come from human beings, and most of the human problems come from their centers. By any chance, by any method if we could improve or nourish these centers, all our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual problems will be solved. It's a fact that through Sahaja Yoga many diseases have been cured. Cancer, also many incurable diseases have been cured. It's your own power. It is waiting for this moment, is your Mother, anxious to give you your Second Birth. So when you say you are born again you have to have powers with it. For example, in Sanskrit language we call a bird as Dwijaha and a Realized soul also Dwijaha, meaning twice born. That means you are completely transformed - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. When this Kundalini rises, and She pierces through the sixth center, becomes one with this All-Pervading Subtle Power, you also become subtler. On your fingertips you start feeling your centers. And if you know how to correct your centers you are all right, problems are solved. But also you can feel the centers of others. It's like microcosm becoming macrocosm, it's like a drop becoming an ocean. It sounds fantastic, but you don't know how glorious you are, how fantastic you are. You don't know yourself at all. You have no knowledge of your inner being. So you feel sometimes frustrated as if you have no identity. But once you start feeling this All-Pervading Power then you understand that you have many powers. You can cure yourself, you can cure others. You can raise others' Kundalini, give them Realization. When the Kundalini comes in this part (ed: green area of Void), She enlightens within you your religion which is innate. That means you become righteous. Like people who are, they may be Christians, Hindu, Muslims, anything - it's just a brand, they can commit any sin they want. But after this happening you become really a righteous person. Christ has described it in the second chapter Mathews. He says, "Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes." Means innocent eyes without any greed, without any lust in the eye. Actually your eyes become like that. Innocence cannot be lost. It is covered with clouds because of our wrong doings, but it cannot be lost. It cannot be destroyed. And you become so powerful that even a glance of such a person can create beautiful peaceful atmosphere. Then, when your Spirit comes into your attention, you know the absolute truth - about everything. Supposing you have ten children who are Realized souls and tie up their eyes and ask them, "What's wrong with this gentleman?" And all the children will say - take out one finger, say this finger supposing. You ask that gentleman, "Have you got heart trouble?" He'll say, "Yes of course, but how do you know?" You get the diagnosis on your fingertips. You can say what's wrong with you, what's wrong with others, and you speak the language of centers, chakras. Absolute truth means everybody sees the same truth. Now, we are human beings, we have freedom to think the way we want to think. So one thinks like that, another thinks like that, another thinks like that, and that's why the problem. Some think they are correct, another think they are correct, some think this is the best, and they fight. If you know the absolute truth, there's no question of fight, quarrel, of course no war. Now, we have this Sahaja Yoga working in 65 Nations, and I've not seen - even if they are 5'000 together from different countries - ever fighting, quarrelling, even using a bad word. They just enjoy each other. The families in Sahaja Yoga are really excellent families, and so many Realized souls are born to them. It's a new race of angels I feel. For all this you don't have to pay a single pai. It's a living process. When we put one seed in the Mother Earth, how much do we pay to the Mother Earth? She sprouts the seed because the seed has the built-in mechanism to sprout, and the Mother Earth has the power to germinate. So the first thing we have to know that, you cannot pay for your spirituality. I know there have been many who tried to exploit all over the world, but they are mostly now exposed. I would say it was your mistake because how much did you pay to Christ? Now, one has to understand that I'm talking about Divine love. They all talk of love, all right, but it's the actualization of that Divine love. It is the becoming which is important, not just talking about it. There has been lot of talk, we are this, we are that. So you become extremely dynamic with this power, at the same time extremely compassionate. You don't have to suggest, you don't have to think, you just - you become compassionate. The compassion just works. Then another thing is that we think about future and past. The thought rises, falls, another thought rises and falls, and we are jumping on the cusp of future and past. We cannot be in the present, which is the reality. Present is the reality. The past is finished, and the future doesn't exist. When the Kundalini rises She elongates those thoughts and establishes in the center where there is complete thoughtless awareness. And spiritually you grow in that thoughtless awareness which in Sanskrit we call as Nirvichaar Samadhi. The second state we call as Nirvikalpa Samadhi means doubtless awareness, when you become your own master. Because in the light of the Spirit you know what is the truth is. What is destructive for you and what is constructive for you. And you just disregard all that is destructive. I don't have to tell you, "Don't do this, don't - no." If I say that, half of you will go away. It's like this, supposing I have a snake in My hand, and I am very adamant and it's darkness and somebody says that, "There's a snake in your hand." I will say, "No, it is a rope." Until the snake bites Me I will say, "It's a rope." But if there is little light immediately I will throw away the snake. Nobody has to tell you. This is how your attention becomes enlightened, and you become a very wise and sane personality. And then you understand your value, your identity. Then you know you have become the instrument of this Divine love. It's a pure love. Like a sap rises in a tree, it gives whatever is needed for every part of the tree - ultimately it evaporates. But supposing it likes one flower, gets attached. Then the tree will die and the flower will die also. So this detachment comes from within. It's not to wear these dresses of renouncing or to shave your head, that's not needed. It's an inner happening. You don't have to give up your families, you don't have to give up your jobs, you have to be absolutely normal. But when you become thoughtlessly aware, the peace is established within. I have known many people who have got peace awards, this award, that award - they have no peace within, I don't know how they got it. Actually most of them are very hot tempered. If you have to reach them you have to take a barge pole, somehow. You establish your peace within and then the whole world becomes like a drama. You get out of your problems and see them clearly. Like if you are standing in the water you are afraid of the waves, but if you get into the boat you can see the waves. But if you know how to swim you can jump in and save many others. This is how Sahaja Yoga works. Your attention can go to any limit, you can find out about anyone dead or alive in any country. When we see television, we know about the ether. But I am talking about the subtle of the ether, which is so efficient, which is so fast, which is so active, and which is so loving. You find your life so blissful. People write to Me about the miracles they have had. I asked somebody to compile them, and in one month he told Me, "They have come up to my head like that, now what am I to do?" They said, "You better sort it out, Mother." I said, "I have no time, all right, forget it." Then you realize how glorified you are, what great thing you are. Now, you are at the epitome of evolution. Little more advancement and you are there in the Kingdom of God, absolutely protected and loved. The time has come, this is a special time. I call it the Blossom Time. In Indian prophecies, they have described this time very clearly that, "So many souls will take birth and there will be increase in the population and they will find themselves, they will know the self-knowledge." It's not that the body will come out of the grave, after 500 years what is left of the body in the grave? Muslims believe, Christians believe, Jews believe - I think there is something wrong. It's the soul which is going to take birth. Above all you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is singular. When our ego is happy we become happy, when it is punctured we feel unhappy. So we move from happiness to unhappiness and happiness to unhappiness. But joy is an experience - which has no alternative. You can enjoy everything, and you can find solutions to everything. Today as it is you know, world has come to a point of great shock. They are talking about breaking families, they are killing children, I mean, unbelievable things are happening. But at this time it is predicted that, "You will be seeking the truth and you'll find it." Only thing I have to tell you that if you don't have desire I cannot force on you, I respect your freedom. The experience is not mental, it is beyond mental. So if you don't want to have it's better you leave the hall. But it's your right to have it if you desire. In this short lecture I cannot tell you everything about it. Also lecturing is also a mental acrobat. So it will take hardly ten minutes to get your Self-Realization. So those who don't want to have should leave the hall first. All right. There are three conditions. First one is that you have to be absolutely self-confident that you are going to get your Self-Realization. That means you should not condemn yourself for anything. You should not feel guilty. Guilty at all about anything that has happened in the past. At this moment the past is finished. Unfortunately if you feel guilty, then this center catches very badly and you get disease called angina, also spondylitis, and also lethargic organs. It's a fashion to feel guilty. I mean, some people feel guilty for their forefathers, some feel guilty, say for Rwanda people, you can't help these things. It's a myth. And at this moment it's important that please don't feel guilty, because the Kundalini will stop at this center. All your life you have tortured yourself and now at this important moment you should not feel guilty, so the Kundalini doesn't rise and you miss your Self-Realization. In short you should be presently pleasantly placed towards yourself. As I respect you, you must respect yourself. As I love you, you must love yourself. That's all I want. The second condition is that you have to forgive everyone in general, that means you don't even have to think about whom you have to forgive, because that's a headache. Logically, whether you forgive or you don't forgive you don't do anything. It's a myth. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands, and the center on the optic chiasma is like this - constricted. At this moment, if you don't forgive it won't open like this and you will miss your chance, such an important thing of Self-Realization. So please forgive - in general I say. Now, the third condition is you have to take out your shoes. Because this Mother Earth helps us. Many people don't like the third condition sometimes. (Laughter) In England, first time when I asked them to take out their shoes, half of them walked off (Laughter) - very seriously. Now, somebody will show you. First you should see what we are going to do. He must have told you that we have two channels, left and right which are opposite to each other but are complimentary. They look after the sympathetic nervous systems, left and right. So the left one is for the power of desire, by which we desire, mundane desire, and in the right we have the power of action. So you have to put your both feet apart from each other. And put your left hand on your left lap like this very comfortably. This is suggestive and symbolic of your desire to have Self-Realization. So we use our right hand for the action. Please be seated, we have room here for you. All of you have to sit down, please, be comfortable. You don't have to go to Himalaya, stand on your head, shave off your hair, nothing of the kind. (Laughter) Be comfortable. So, now we put our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. Now if you become the Spirit, you become your own guide and your own master. Now take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. We are working only on the left hand side. Here is the center for your mastery. Mastery over yourself and mastery over the knowledge, the pure Divine knowledge. It's created by great prophets and seers, which is to be enlightened. Now take down your hand into the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Surprisingly this is the center for pure Divine knowledge. Now raise your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen. Then on your heart. Then in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Oh. It is there, that means you are feeling guilty. Please don't feel guilty. Now, you have to ask for forgiveness or forgive everyone. In general without thinking about them. Now take back your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes for your own satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the All-Pervading Power of Divine love. Now, the last center is very important, stretch your palm fully. Now put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers, it's very important, so that there's a good pressure on your scalp. Now put down your head and move your scalp slowly - 7 times, 7 times, clockwise. Now, that's all we have to do. But please remember to push back your fingers. All right. Now again, see that your both legs are apart from each other, and the left hand is on your left lap. You can close your eyes and take out your spectacles, please don't open your eyes till I tell you. So now, put your right hand on your heart and close your eyes. Here you have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself - you can call Me Shri Mataji or Mother. Please say three times, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Say in your heart. As I told you, when you are the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So now please bring your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and here you ask another fundamental question about yourself, three times in your heart, "Mother, am I my own master?" I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force Self-Realization or pure Divine knowledge on you - so you have to ask for it. So now, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and ask six times, because this center has got six petals, "Mother, please give me pure Divine knowledge." As soon as you ask for the pure divine knowledge the Kundalini starts rising within you. So we have to nourish our upper centers with our full self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say with full confidence ten times, "Mother, I am my own master." At the very outset, I told you that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intelligence, these conditionings, and the ego, but you are the pure Spirit. So raise your right hand on your heart and say with full confidence again, twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." This All-Pervading Divine Power of Love is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of bliss and compassion, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness at this moment. So please forgive yourself and raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say 16 times, "Mother I am not guilty at all." Say it with full confidence. I have already told you that logically, whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. It is a myth, but you are playing into wrong hands and torturing yourself. At this moment, if you do not forgive, the center of Agnya won't open and the Kundalini won't rise. So please, please forgive, forgive everyone in general. By raising your hand on top of your forehead, put down your head. And here you say, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." Now without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the All-Pervading Divine Power. So please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here you have to say, "Oh Divine power, please forgive me, if I have done any mistakes, knowingly or unknowingly." Please say it in your heart, not how many times. Now the last center you have to stretch your palm fully, put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area and put down your head. Here again, I cannot force Self-Realization on you, you have to ask for it. Now, push back your fingers, put a pressure on your scalp and move it seven times saying, "Mother, please give me my Self-Realization", clockwise you have to move. (Shri Mataji is blowing into the microphone) Push back your fingers and move the scalp clockwise. Please bend your heads, bend your heads. Now, take down your hands and please open your eyes slowly. Put both the hands towards Me and watch Me without thinking. Now put the right hand towards Me and put the left hand on top of the fontanel bone area and see for yourself if there's a cool, or a hot, breeze-like vibrations are coming out of your own fontanel bone area. Bend your heads, bend your heads. Sometimes it comes very close and sometimes far away. Now please put your left hand towards Me. And now see with the right hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze-like vibrations coming from your own fontanel bone area. If it is hot means you have not forgiven. Please forgive now, at this moment. Now, again with the right hand once again. Please bend your head. Now raise both your hands towards the sky, push back your head. Here you have to ask one of these three questions three times. First one is, "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" Second is, "Mother is this the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love, is this the Ruh?" The third is, "Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?" Ask anyone of these questions three times. Now, take down your hands. Please put your hands to Me. All those who have felt the cool breeze on the fingertips or on the palm or through their fontanel bone area, cool breeze or hot breeze, raise both your hands. My God! May God bless you all, you all have become saints now, I bow to you. Now respect your Self-Realization. Still you have to grow. We have to understand that this is a collective process. You cannot do it alone anyway. So you have to come to collective. Of course, you don't have to pay at all for anything. But you have to give some time, some importance to your Self-Realization. So please, make it a point to come to the collective. Very surprising, you don't know Me, I am not an Austrian, but when I come always the halls are full, but when I go away they don't follow up, I don't know why. Only in Russia, I have seen people have gone very deep, they are so deep people, very deep people. Once they get Realization they just get to it. It's very surprising. So I have to make a request to you that though you have got it everything so easily you have to grow into it. You have to have the whole knowledge. I must have spoken only in English language at least - there must be 4'000, 5'000 lectures. But they are only indications to know what you are and to experience it. Sahaja Yoga is an experience. In Sanskrit, we have a word called Budha or Vida that means to know the knowledge on your central nervous system. From Budha the word Buddha has come. From Vida the word Vedas has come. So this knowledge is your own. It was the ancient treasure, but now is available to all of us. So please try to understand the importance of your being. I always come after one year and I hope to come back to see you all. May God bless you! (Applause) Thank you very much! May God bless you all!
Guru Puja: Mature and Achieve the State of A Guru
Cabella Ligure
Guru Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 24 July 1994. Just sit down. Ask them to sit down on the ground. Please. You, two ladies, sit down because they cannot see from the back. Today you all have gathered here to worship Me as your Guru. I must say that I lack many qualities that a guru should have, in the sense I cannot be strict with you, I cannot be stern with you, and I really don’t know how to punish you for doing wrong things. This may be because, normally I think the gurus have problems with their disciples, who are mostly not realized souls. As they are not realized souls, the gurus find it difficult to communicate or talk to them about the subtle problems that they have. I know of many gurus even in modern times who’ve been really very, very strict. And also they told Me that they have achieved their realization by working very hard and by suffering under the strictness of the gurus. Sometimes I was really filled with great compassion for such disciples who haven't yet received their realization. They had gurus who were really realized souls and they never had their realization, and the guru was extremely strict with them. There was one gentleman I met in Kolhapur, and he got realization in one minute. So he told Me that his guru had "told me to go for fast every month at least for eight days." All right. "Then he asked me to build a temple of Dattatreya in his village." And every day he must go and worship Dattatreya in the morning time and in the evening time. He spent so much money, and still he didn't get realization. "And while You hardly took two minutes to give me realization, Mother. What is this? How You have been so gracious to me?" So, I didn't know what to answer him I didn't want to talk against his guru because I know he is a realized soul. Actually, most of these gurus and incarnations were very helpless with human beings. Perhaps they didn't have such beautiful disciples as I have. Perhaps at this time all the good people who were seeking Divinity are born, and they are here as Sahaja yogis. I never had to work very hard on them. Of course once in a while you do get a person who tries to trouble us, or who tries to create problems. But modern times are so special, I think, that it's very easy to give realization to people. At the time of Moses, He had made laws because of the decadent society of the Jews at that time. And that one was very hard, very, very hard, which we know today as shariat – was taken over by the Muslims. And even now the punishments according to so-called Koran are so hard that you can't believe it. And most of the pressure of all their dharmic laws are on the women. Whatever it is, even in the Bible if you read Christ, He has said that all those Ten Commandments are nothing, you have to go beyond them. And He says if your one eye is mischievous, is committing sin, take it out. What's the use of the whole body getting contaminated by that? Or if your one arm is doing something that is wrong, you better remove it. Because of one arm, the whole body will suffer. He said that, it is said that you should not be adulterous. But I would say that you should not have eyes in which for any woman you have desire- you have committed the great sin; and you'll all go to hell, all those people who will do it. So you should not have adulterous eyes. Another thing He has said, that if somebody slaps you on one face, you should turn another cheek towards that person. When I knew about these laws I said, How can you have such people in this world? It's a very subtle thing. And the last of all which was very, very good was that you should be righteous, righteous more than all the scribes and all the Pharisees – means the priest and all this with the – you have to be much more righteous than them. I mean, in early age when I read it I thought, where can you find such people who can be called anywhere near Christ's description? It was inconceivable at that time. India is one place as I told you, people are dharmic by their own, we can say, their own genes you can call them, or you can say they are extremely dharmic because of traditions - brought up like that. In My time, in the South India and Maharashtra, I think we were very dharmic family, and it was very dharmic atmosphere. Still, these things that Christ has described was not there. For example, anger was regarded as a great asset. People used to boast, “I am very angry with that person!” they used to say. Very common. Of course I don't think in India anybody can say “I hate you” because is regarded something sinful and stupid, because to hate somebody is being adharmic. But of course they did say so many things that were not at all permissible by the laws of Christ. And then came Mohammed Sahib, who just found that nothing works out. So I think they adopted shariat - but not Mohammed Sahib - but they had adopted already the shariat. He accepted. He said, “All right, this shariat can be worked out." But it is so inhuman and has no balance, because only the women have to suffer; no, nothing to men. If a woman did adultery then she was punished, but not the man. Even, I don't know what is the law here, but in India if a woman who is married does adultery, such a man has to be punished, but if the married man does adultery there is no punishment. All these things, I know, cannot be forced on anyone. Whatever Christ must have said, He must have said in His own meditative mood. He was surrounded by people who tried to kill Him, and they killed Him ultimately. And the kind of people they were, specially at that time the Romans – extremely cruel. So how can He say that if you, somebody slaps you on one cheek, you turn another cheek to that person? Very angry, hot-tempered people were there. Krishna, of course, said it very clearly that “krodhat bhijayati sammoha” – is krodh is the worst thing, anger is the worst sin according to Him, from - only from anger everything comes out. But He didn't say how the anger comes in. He didn't talk about it that the source of anger was your liver, and also your upbringing. These two things give you horrible anger. Unless and until you witness yourself, your realization has no meaning. You should separate yourself from yourself, and see for yourself what is really wrong with you. Now supposing somebody is a very hot-tempered person, instead of taking pride in it or using that temper to control others, he should try to control himself. How? First is the krodha. Anybody who wants to be a saint should know that anger, this krodha, should have no place. And how do you do it? You first of all witness yourself how you behave. For example, I would say artificially you become angry, artificially, and stand before the mirror. See your face, how you look like. You'll be surprised, looks like a face of a monkey or a tiger, or I don't know what animal you must have been in last life. And then you are amazed that you are still carrying the traces of that previous life that was whatever was the animal. Then the second thing would be, take out the anger upon yourself. As we have in Sahaja Yoga, we write down our own names and beat it. But it is, should be that if you get angry with yourself, then you will see that you have won over your anger. Because angry people only torture others, they don't torture themselves. Of course sometimes they feel bad, later on they feel “I should not have done this,” they develop a left Vishuddhi. But, mainly if you start getting angry with yourself – “Why should I have done this? Why did I do this?" "Why should I get tempted to this?” – you'll be surprised, your temper will go down. And also physically you should see you have a liver problem. With that you just face yourself and tell that “I’m going to get rid of this liver problem. How dare it become my enemy and stop my ascent in spirituality.” So the first, the witness state has to be developed. For a Sahaja yogi is very important to develop a witness state. But normally what happens that Sahaja yogis develop a witness state for others. Now you know in Sahaja Yoga the door is open to everyone; and some mad people also walk in, some funny people also walk in, some very bad-charactered people also walk in, all kinds of things happen. So now you should see, what are you worried about? Are you worried about people who have problems, who are no good, for whom you cannot say that they'll be Sahaja yogis; or you are enjoying the people who have got Sahaja Yoga? This temper sometimes has made people really mad, I tell you, can go into your head and can make you mad; and we have some mad people in Sahaja Yoga, we have still. But they have become so mad that now they are no more angry, they are no more troublesome, they are just mad, that's all. For such people you shouldn't worry. There's no need to witness others – witness yourself. And I sometimes feel that anger comes through too much austerity, too much of extreme nature also. Some Sahaja yogis are extremely austere, austere about everything. It's maddening. In Sahaja Yoga there is, everything is Sahaj, it’s spontaneous. You are not to be austere. You should not be particular. Now, I said now it's not better, not to wear a black sari or something, if I say so – then it doesn't become a sentence from Brahma! Supposing then somebody is wearing a black sari and coming, you will all run away from that person – or black clothes. It's not that. You are gurus yourself; why should you be afraid of any kind of person who comes to you, whether it is black, white, or any type? Why should you have any fear? The another side of temper is fear. A man who is hot-tempered always have fear because he sees himself in others. He sees that "another person also must be having the same kind of temper, and he'll attack me," so he's always on the protective. In a Sahaj manner what we do is to live without fear. It's said that wages of sin is fear, but I would say wages of anger. Those people who were very aggressive, say for example, develop frights, all kinds of frights. Those countries who have invaded other countries and rule other countries, and have got the experience of their ego, of their anger, become extremely frightened people. Specially the soldiers who go on the war, kill so many people and come back, and they are frightened. I asked one of them in America, I said, “What are you frightened of?” He said, “I feel that I have killed so many people, now so many will kill me.” But I said, “Why do you think like that?" "Why should anybody kill you?” He says, “Because, why did I kill others?" "Why did I kill others? Because I killed others, so anybody can kill me, isn’t it, without rhyme and reason.” Logically I agreed. But his fear was so much that when he came in My presence he was just shaking, the whole body was shaking with fear. So, whatever aggression we do boomerangs on us, and we become very frightened about everything. In Sahaj you witness yourself as a separate identity. All your past is finished, gone, you are not bothered, and you remain in a state which is fearless. This state has to be achieved through Sahaja Yoga. Very easy, once you know that you are protected you'll have no fear, and as you'll have no fear you will not have also temper. It works vice versa sometimes. It's a very common thing I have seen, a very aggressive person will be described by a psychologist as a man of insecurity. It's nice to say that, but it's not true. He makes everybody insecured, then how can he be insecure? If another person feels insecure with that person, that means this man is not insecured, but he is over-secured. If you tell him that, then only he will improve. But if you say, “You have insecurity,” then he thinks, “Yes, my condition is pitiable." "Even if I kill somebody is all right, because my condition is pitiable.” Such arguments work out in such a manner, that you become convinced about yourself. But if you see as a witness you see, “What have I done so far?" "Have I been able to conquer myself?” Sahaja Yoga is not to conquer others or to control others, but to conquer yourself. If you have not done that, you can be self-certified - “Oh, I have been a Sahaja yogi, I have been so great, I have been this, I am -” that makes no difference. Have you completely transformed yourself, changed yourself, and now in your presence do people feel secured? If they feel insecure, then something wrong with you. Or if you feel insecure, also there’s something wrong with you. Now this excuse to give, that “Mother, I am insecure” – then you are not a Sahaja yogi, as simple as that. Giving explanation like that shows you are not even a Sahaja yogi. So now to become the guru, first of all, you should have a great sense of forgiveness. So much so like Buddha's. Once Buddha was giving a lecture in a village and suddenly somebody came in and started abusing Him, saying all kinds of things and all that. Then somebody told him, “What are you doing? He is Buddha, the one who's Enlightened One. He’s trying to help us to become good, and you came and shouted at Him?” So he was repentant. He went to see Buddha, but Buddha had gone to another village. So he went to another village, second day, and he went and fell at the feet of Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha said, “What's the matter?" "Why are you falling at My feet?” He said, “Sir, I must say that I was, really I didn't know You were the Enlightened One. I just shouted at You, said things, I don't know what happened to me. So please forgive me.” He said, “When did you say this to Me?” “Yesterday.” “Where?” “In such place.” He said, “Yesterday is finished now." "What is there to forgive?” Now, he came begging of His forgiveness, repenting. Immediately He said, “Yesterday is over.” That is one of the greatest qualities Sahaja yogis should have. To call yourself a guru you must also have maturity. And the maturity part is sometimes very - Like yesterday in the drama. I was surprised when the - it took some time, some people came in, went. They were giggling just like children. It shows no maturity, no respect. Hah, anything laughable is there of course one can laugh, or any enjoyment is there - but shows such childishness. They are doing some drama, making fun of them. Very common with Sahaja yogis I have seen, specially ladies. They laugh at things where they should never laugh. I am sitting there and you are watching something, what is there to laugh? Shows complete immaturity! Another thing I have seen is in small, small things, specially in money matters, it’s very funny. I have to tell you this: Turkish people, our Sahaja yogis have no money, everything was stolen away from them. So I said, “All right, you send some shirts here and we'll sell those shirts, and extra money you can take it,” because they would not take money from Me. So when they sent the shirt here, it was - they said that “Mother, I don't know marketing," they said, “Mother, it should be twenty-one dollars, twenty-two dollars.” Many of them said it is expensive. Then I said, “All right, collect money from everyone, twenty-two dollars each without giving any shirt, finished – for Turkey.” But a false guru takes money from you, you don't mind. Sahaja Yoga is free of course, no doubt. Sahaja Yoga is free. But you have to contribute. How are we to run this Sahaja Yoga? There's no sense of donation in you, at all. For a guru, one must know how to donate. I am surprised sometimes, there is no sense of donation. We got something, say, terracotta from India, to help those people; and I was surprised that these Belgian women are so funny that they were telling everybody it is expensive. If they don't want to buy, they need not buy. Others were willing to buy but they, these women were telling that these things are expensive. Where do you contribute for Sahaja Yoga? Now we had to have this pendal. We had to have all kinds of things. What do you contribute? This attachment to money can never be good for a guru. I have no attachment at all. If you ask anyone they'll tell you, even My husband will tell that, that from inside I am absolutely detached. I don't know also, I don't know banking, I don't know how to keep accounts, somebody keep accounts, somebody does that. But this attachment to money in Sahaja Yoga – I won't say like Christ that you'll all go to hell, but you won't rise much higher. You have come for your spiritual ascent. I don't say you go to Himalayas, stand in the cold, stand on your heads, nothing of the kind. But the another defect they call in Me is that I never tell them that “you must contribute.” It is to be done with pleasure, with happiness, that you can contribute something to Sahaja Yoga. In any case, whether you give it or not, I'll have to contribute for Turkey, no doubt. I'll do that. Now this kind of a thing as a market is there – “It's very expensive. This is cheap, this, that” – this is just an excuse because I know you can never contribute even twenty dollars for anything. So I bring their clothes, all right. They have stitched the shirts, sent it here, and now – I'm surprised. But if the free presents are given, it's very much acceptable, and nobody sees how expensive it is. So now I would say that on money matters a guru has to be absolutely detached and giving, and generous. You'll enjoy your generosity but the problem is, you are not generous at all. You think Sahaja Yoga is another market-place where you have come. So the generosity part is so much missing, and it is very surprising. They asked Me that “Mother, please, we need some chiffon skirts and blouses for this summer.” You stitch them for them, bring all the way; nobody wants to buy, it's all lying there. There's no shopping here. So I'm going to tell you that as long as all these things are exhausted, I am not going to ask any country to send anything here for sale. To believe that you are Sahaja yogis, you are sadly mistaken. Your attention so much - you'll go to hairdressers, you'll do all kinds of things, but for Sahaja Yoga you have no money. Today, as everybody has said, “Mother, you should be little stern, You must tell,” I'm telling you this. Your progress will be very slow. Secondly, you have to introspect to find out, what have you done for Sahaja Yoga? How many people you have given realization? You have powers. These gurus never had powers, though they were realized souls; you have powers to give realization, how many of you have done it? And once you start doing that, you get about ten people, twenty people from somewhere, you become great masters and you start talking about your great mastery and that you know everything, that you are the guru, you are the Adi Shakti. This is at the Agnya level. As soon as you reach the Agnya level you get this into your heads. So many, of course, have done so much for Sahaja Yoga, otherwise it would not have been possible to see this today. For all those who have not done anything, I must tell you that you are just standing at the same steps. Your kundalini has risen but you have done nothing, nothing to give it to others. Unless and until you give it, you cannot grow. There are many I know who don't want to give because they think “we'll catch.” Don't want to look after others because they think they'll get egos. This is not the way to be in Sahaja Yoga. You have to do something which is very important, to spread Sahaja Yoga. We are talking of global peace, of global transformation, and what are we doing for it? First improve your quality. And that improvement can only come through sincere, honest introspection, and also witnessing yourself every moment, how you behave. I must tell you about Myself, that from My very childhood I was like a grandmother. I would not tolerate anything nonsense, any stupid jokes, anything, like a grandmother. And now I am a grandmother also. And this maturity has to come in you. To talk cheaply is all right, some people have that habit – they are no Sahaja yogis. But the ones who follow them and talk like that, shows that they have no maturity. If they were matured they would change all these people. Whenever there are matured people, they definitely transform others. And their own behaviour, people are surprised how they are. This may be exceptional, may be very few like that. But only thing why I am pointing it out to you, that when you find somebody like that, then please try not to listen to such a person, not to follow such a person. But such a person is extremely forward type and everybody becomes sort of a follower of such a useless Sahaja yogi, so-called. So we have to mature. Now how do we mature? Many ask Me this question. We mature by meditation, by nirvicharita. You have to be in thoughtless awareness to grow, otherwise you cannot grow. Now, you should practice this thoughtless awareness otherwise also. Say you are walking on the road, suddenly you see a beautiful tree, you should become thoughtless. Creation of Divine – how beautiful it is! You should become thoughtless. In thoughtless Sahaj works, otherwise it does not work. You plan everything, you do everything, it won't work out. If you leave it to Sahaj, it will work out. But that never means that you should be lazy about it, or also unsystematic – no. You have to be alert, extremely alert, because if you are not alert you will not see how the Sahaj is helping you. I'll give an example. Supposing you want to meet somebody. Now that person has said, “I'll meet you at eleven o'clock,” say for example. You have to be alert. He said he'll meet you at eleven. By some chance you are late, supposing. So you should be alert that you are late for the gentleman. At that time, you should give a bandhan or raise your kundalini, do something, so that you meet that person in any case, whether you are late or not. But normally you should not be late. If you just give a bandhan and say, “I must be there at eleven o'clock,” you'll be there. Sahaj will help you. But you even forget to give bandhans, you even forget to raise your kundalini, you even forget to give vibrations. So to mature, first of all you should know you are now Sahaja yogis, and that you can control the whole situation if you are one with this all-pervading Power. It's very simple. It was very hot, everybody was saying it's very hot. All right. I got up, I said, “I'll make it,” within fifteen minutes I made it cool. I say, “I made it” – “I,” but it's not “I.” My connection with this all-pervading Power has done the job. But the connection has to be sincere, strong, honest, and all the time in your mind you should know that you are connected. This situation is very simple to achieve, this state where you all the time feel “I am one with the Divine”. Because you are not alert, you don't want to see the miracles of this great Power which you are in connection. You are busy with other things, your attention is somewhere else, you're looking at other things. And then suddenly you say, “Mother, how is it I am such a Sahaja yogi, I could not do this and that?” What's going on there? Even when I am speaking I see people are busy with something else. So what you call, is to mature through your meditation in nirvicharita – in thoughtless awareness. Unless and until you enlarge the state of thoughtless awareness you cannot mature, because only in the present you can mature, and present is thoughtless awareness. And I have seen what is happening, that people are only expecting all kinds of miracles from Sahaja Yoga, all kinds of help from Sahaja Yoga, but they never think “what help are we doing?" "What are we achieving?" "Where are we? ” So at the Agnya again, you people have to be extremely, extremely careful. Now this is for men. If you have not crossed your Agnya and you start spreading Sahaja Yoga, then you can become really a funny person, not a Sahaja yogi. This leadership business is a myth, and this myth must be seen as a myth. Whether you are leader or not leader makes no difference. But the maturity has to come. Now I am telling all this because I have decided not to punish anybody in this lifetime. So that you see for yourself, yourself you understand, yourself you realize. I know you very well, all of you, somehow. But I want you to realize yourself, “What are we doing wrong?" "Where are we doing right?” and don't judge Sahaja Yoga on what merits you get out of it. If you are not getting merits, there's something wrong with you. If you can really understand this, then you will become subtler and subtler and all your gross attachments will become absolutely negligible. You may have concern, but you won't have attachment. From inside, this complete detachment has to come in. And that can come, as I told you, getting rid of your anger, first. Secondly, getting rid of attachments to material things, by generosity. It's nice to give something to somebody, you enjoy your generosity, you really enjoy. Generosity is to be enjoyed. And once you start enjoying your generosity, then you realize that you, your love, your compassion, it has now started flowing to others. Little, little things are there. I have seen you all love Me and you do want always to give Me presents, presents, presents, presents, all right. But this love must spread to everybody else. You must know about others also, what they need and what you have to do. If somebody needs something, can you get it for that person? Can you love that person? Can you give it to the children of other people, something that you have? If this generosity could be just, maybe, I don't know, because I don't have to force Myself to be generous. Everybody says, “Mother, You are too generous” – in My family everybody thinks I am very generous and a gone case – but I don't have to generate. But perhaps you people through introspection will definitely become generous, and this generosity will start flowing. I've known people who have lots of money, lots of things, but not one single pai they'll give to Sahaja Yoga, not one single pai. This sense of generosity comes when you understand what is your purpose of life, why you are here. Just to fulfil yourself with Sahaja Yoga, or to be able to do something about it without feeling that you have done something? In this Christ has said very nicely – I mean that He has said it, but where do you find this? – that your left hand should not know what your right hand has given, should never trumpet, “I, I, I, I, I.” What Christ has said, to achieve that you had to have realization, no doubt. But I would say fifth chapter of Matthews you read. Such things, so subtle He did that you'll be surprised that how this religion in the name of Christ has gone on the other side of it. Now people want to be gurus because they think you have powers; that you can overpower others, you can say whatever you like to others, you can torture anyone you feel like. That has been before, I know. Gurus have been very, very … very, very cruel to their disciples also, I know that. Once I went to Ambarnath, and one gentleman came to see Me, his name was Swami Jagannath, and he said that “My guru has told me that Adi Shakti is going to come to Ambarnath, and I will try to come at that time.” I said, “Who is your guru?” So he told Me some name. He was a realized soul, no doubt. So he came down. He said, “Mother, should he come to You, or You will go to him?” I said, “See, I am a Mother. I am not a guru.” The gurus don't leave their places, can you imagine? They call it takiya. The guru should not leave his place, should sit there and everybody must come to him. I said, “I am the Mother, I will go and meet him.” So I met him and the fellow who had come, this Jagannath fellow - I said, “What's the matter with you? Why don't you open his Agnya? He's in so much pain.” He said, “Who opened my Agnya? Why should I open his Agnya?” I said, “You are the guru, you are the master.” “So what? My guru never opened my Agnya. I had to fight my ego all the time and that's how I have got everything all right.” So I said, “It's so easy to open the Agnya. Why can't you open?” So I turned his Agnya and opened it, he was very happy. He said, “You are a mother, You do what You like. We are not going to do this. If you don't make them work hard for their realization, if you don't make them work hard for their development, they will never be all right. These human beings are like this.” I said, “Not for Me.” He said, “All right, You are a mother, You forgive them, You do what You like, You try to transform them, help them. But not me.” I said, “All right.” But you know, he came at My feet and all that, and he said that “You must praise. She is Adi Shakti. You must praise Her now.” He was there for a short time. Then we were coming home, then this Baba Jagannath tells Me, “Mother, thank God You have opened my Agnya.” So I said, “What happened?” “My guru when I came, he gave me two slaps on the face. I was running his ashram, supposed to be the guru. Two slaps, and put me upside down on the well. And all the time my feet were tied up to the rope which he used to lower down, again bring me up. So he put me again and again into the water seven times, then he pulled me out.” I said, “Baba, why did he do that?” He said, “I must tell You that I have been smoking sometimes.” For that. But I said, “He never gave you realization? You would be smoking in any case, that’s it.” “He wants me to give up all these bad habits with my Agnya on. Now You have opened my Agnya, I'm all right.” So I felt that the behaviour of that guru was very surprising. He says, “He beats us. He always beats us for anything and we have to work very hard.” I also know of the, some gurus of the music also do that, and I met so many of such people who have been to very great gurus and the way I got the report was so shocking to Me, that why don't they tell them directly that “See, this is wrong with you, and this is how you should be”? But the gurus say that if you tell them like that, they'll never listen. “They only know the beating.” I said, “Ba! What do you say? They only know beatings?” “Yes.” So the whole attitude towards the disciple is not of compassion, in fact. There are of course other gurus also who take a terrible test of their disciples. Like as you see, Shri Ramdas. This was nothing compared to what Raja Janaka did. They will test the person and then only give realization, and out of thousands, to one only. That is how we've got so many false gurus also, because they were all discarded by these realized souls, so. At this point we have people who have got realization, when the real gurus are like this. I met another one, he asked Me, “Why are You giving realization to all these useless people?” I said, “Why?” And there were some Sahaja yogis, he said, “How many can give life for Shri Mataji?” I said, “Why do you want to ask for their life? I don't want their life.” He said, “This is the first question," he said, "those - I have many who will give life for me.” And he has not given them realization. So now at this juncture, when we have people who are seeking, who are going to these gurus – of course false gurus you forget, but even real gurus – they do not get their realization. Now, you are capable of giving them realization – just imagine. They have big, big ashrams and things like that, they cannot give realization. While you can, all of you can give. Now, it's like this, that if you put little light in a lamp and it is just giving light to itself, nothing else, supposing. Now you have to give light to others. You have powers, you can do it. You can really change people, you can cure them – but, you will not. You will bring all these sick people to Me, “Mother, You cure.” Even for realization I've seen they bring people to Me. What is the need? You all know how to give realization, how to cure a person. All of you know. Now why is it that you people cannot do it? Firstly, you may not be matured enough. But even if you are mature, you are not assuming your own powers, you don't believe in it. Humility is all right, but you must know what power it is. Supposing somebody is a king, say, and you put him on the throne. Now if people are coming and instead of they touching his feet, he goes and touches each and everybody's feet – this is no humility. This is nonsense. Whatever position you have, you should try to do with humility, means through compassion. The maturity is this, that you should know that you have these powers, you should know how to preserve these powers, you should know how to grow in peace, and then when you meet people you should assume, inside. I may be a housewife cooking for My grandchildren, doing this, doing that. But once I am sitting on the chair, I know what I am. You may be anything - you may be a clerk, you may be dishwasher, you may be anything, that makes no difference. But once you are a Sahaja yogi, you are a Sahaja yogi. Then you must show your dignity and not thrive on your weaknesses. You are much better than all these realized souls who have achieved their realization in thousands of years, because you have so many powers. But their self-confidence and assumption is not with you. Some people say, “We are afraid of ego.” How can you have ego? It's finished. Even if you do some mistakes, doesn't matter. “Mother, I touched my left foot, I touched my right” – makes no difference. Because of no self-confidence you become austere in Sahaja Yoga. If you are self-confident, then why should you be austere? It all goes together. First you must mature, with that you must have self-confidence, and without fear you should spread Sahaja Yoga. Some have fear about themselves and some have fear about others. Also it comes from your conditionings, from your upbringing. So today's Guru Puja is in a way very important, because everybody said, “Mother, You should be stern, You must tell them and You must - ” I said, “All right, I'll tell them.” But in no way to put you down, no way; but to tell you what you can achieve. To tell you how far you can go. You, so many are more than sufficient to transform at least ten globes, ten worlds, more than sufficient. But you are still involved in yourself, worried about yourself, only your children, your husband, this, that – doesn't work out. As much as you want to grow, this power can give you that power. But problem that lies with us is that we don't know ourselves, and we don't want to know ourselves. Today's Guru Puja should give you the state of guru. If you want, it can work out. The all-pervading divine Power of Love is absolutely working it out. More than you, the Divine wants this world to change, wants to transform the whole universe. Now you are the instruments, and if you try to cheat yourself, who can stop it? Just to enjoy music, or to enjoy the company, or belonging to some club, or to feel that it's a nice festival; or at the most you seek the security of your children and family and all that - it is not satisfying. It will never satisfy you. It will only satisfy you when you will become the lights to give it to others, to work for others. And you have these powers, what I'm trying to tell again and again, you have these powers by which you can introspect yourself, you can witness yourself, and you can surrender. Because mentally now you are convinced about Sahaja Yoga. Emotionally you are convinced that Sahaja Yoga has given you such sense of love and compassion. Physically you are convinced that Sahaja Yoga has given you good health and confidence about your health. Now spiritually you should be convinced, spiritually, that you are really spiritual people selected by the Divine; that your last lives have been of great seeking, that's why you are born now, and you are getting all these blessings. So assume. assumption of your personality is important. You must meditate, you should go into thoughtless awareness, and all the time keep your attention alert. That is very important. When, what is the need, when something will come, how we have to react – all these things come to you when you are alert and aware of this all-pervading Power all the time, every moment. I don't worry at all, never . Everybody is surprised at Me. I don't worry. Why? My worry is taken over. People say, “You travel, travel.” I never travel. I'm sitting here or I'm sitting there, what is it? Where am I travelling? So you don't think on those lines. So thoughtless awareness is the first beautiful state you have to achieve. That will give you peace and a witness state to enjoy the drama of life, to enjoy the different varieties of people, while you will be growing within yourself. For a Sahaja yogi is important not to see the faults of others but your own faults, and correct them. I get so many letters regarding some lady or some leader or somebody like that. That “Mother, this leader is troubling me, that leader is troubling me, this, that.” I'm surprised. I will change the leader as soon as I’ll find something wrong, I've always done – who is not suitable, who is in problem, is always done. But the way you put your attention to the leader is perhaps the jealousy part. If the leader says something wrong with you, you should thank him. Who is there to tell you? I'm very proud of you, I'm very happy, that never such disciples existed for any guru. If I'm a guru, I should say, I should say now done, finished, - overjoyed. But when I see that you people don't realize what you have achieved, and you don't want to work it out, then I think of the parable of Christ that some seeds fell on the rock. All your affection, all your love, I know it is impossible to express what I feel about it. But you don't know why you got realization, why you are here, what is your speciality, what you have to get. You don't know that. And that is what you have to know. I don't say like Christ that take out one eye or take out one, cut out your hand – nothing of the kind. You’ll be intact, your body should be intact, nothing is to be taken out. We need this body. But, in a subtle way what He was saying, that whatever part of your body is doing wrong, you should try to negate it – in a subtle way. In the same way in Sahaja Yoga also, if there is jealousy try to find out why you are a jealous, why are you against the leader? The leader says a word to somebody, they immediately write to Me. Why is he leader, if he has not to tell anything? Today I think for the first time I have been able to tell something to you which I was hesitating always, that “Let it be, just now they are still little babies, it's all right.” But now, after this you have to grow, grow in every way. I just can't understand. Those who got realization without the power of raising the kundalini are doing such a lot of work. And while you all have this power to raise the kundalini, to cure people, and also to talk about Sahaja Yoga, you are so sensible. Still where is your attention, I don't understand. Today's lecture should not really in any way hurt you, because I don't want to hurt you at all. Whatever is the situation, I accept. But if you don't want to accept that situation, what you should do I have told you. This will definitely suddenly raise your spiritual height – definitely. No doubt about it. It's very important to see for yourself what's wrong. After all, you are all seekers of truth for ages, and now you've come, you have found the truth. So try to identify yourself with truth, that's all. And with reality. If you identify yourself with truth and with reality, your Sahasrara is absolutely open. No problem. Truth is in your Sahasrara. And when the truth comes in, you are surprised that truth is love and love is truth – pure love. It's very, very joy-giving, and all the niranandas you want to have, you can have, if you understand this simple equation that absolute truth is absolute love. I have no expectations. I must tell you I am oversatisfied. As far as I am concerned, I think I have done My job. But now this has to be taken over, you have to be responsible. You have to work it out. I was so happy, this time every place I went to, all the leaders said that “Mother, You need not travel, now we take the responsibility. We'll work it out.” But all of you must support your leaders and do something about it. Sometimes leaders are really, they can't understand why people are having their own ideas about everything. You must go all out. For example, in our country when we wanted to remove the slavery, everyone joined together to achieve it. While there are people who are trying to cut down the leaders, put them down, make fun of them, form groups. Is this the way we are going to work it out? You all should support the leader. You should all go all out to do what the leader is telling you. If something is wrong with the leader I'll talk to him, then I'll put him right, I promise you. But you don't try to find faults. As it is all the leaders ask Me before doing something. So you just try to follow the leaders, whatever the leader is saying, absolutely put all your effort. Because the complaints are that you people don't listen to them – I'm really surprised. Yesterday you saw he was playing sitar. You should have asked him, what about his guru? His own father was his guru and he used to beat him, and then his grandfather also. But with such desire to learn something, to be something that they didn't mind anything, “Beat me, do what you like, put me in jail, but make me a good artist.” In the same way is Sahaja Yoga. Because there is, if you may call it a defect, Sahaja Yoga is not a military thing, it's just plain, simple, Mother's love. And of course every mother wants her child to be great, to have all her powers – she wants that, no doubt. How she does it, how she works it out is her own problem. But how you take it and how you use it is your own problem. I always bow to you people who have got realization, because I think so many saints were never there on this earth. But the saintliness has to be complete. Without that you cannot help even your family, leave alone your country, and no question of the whole world. So what is needed now is to raise your awakening, to raise your spirituality, to go into a realm of complete support and surrender to the movement of this spontaneous movement of Sahaja Yoga. May God bless you all. In short, you must worship yourself – in short. All right. Hymns to Shri Guru Dakshinamurti by Shri Adi Shankaracharya - please don't take pictures now and meditate -Salutations to Sakshat Shri Guru Dakshinamurti, Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who gives the Self Realization and Enlightenment, that is the Spirit, which is everywhere and the universe within, like the reflection of a town would be in a mirror, but which appears outside like a dream seen in a sleep.Salutation to Sakshat Shri Guru Dakshinamurti, Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who like a mandarin or a maha yogi creates through her maya at her own free will this universe which was within her like a tree is in the seed.Salutation to Sakshat Shri Guru Dakshinamurti, Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, whose presence is felt as the pulsation everywhere in this illusöry universe, who gives enlightenment of "Thou Are That" to those who surrender and whose realization would obviate repeated birth in the ocean of illusion.Salutation to Sakshat Shri Guru Dakshinamurti, Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, whose knowledge pulsates from our own being like the light of a lamp being placed into a pitcher having numerous holes and thereby reveals the true nature of all that is there in the universe.Salutation to Sakshat Shri Guru Dakshinamurti, Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who by Her Grace removes the ocean of illusion that has come into existence due to the imagination and play of Maya and because of which people go into the state of "branthi" and forget their spirit.Salutation to Sakshat Shri Guru Dakshinamurti, Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, by whose Grace one receives the realization of ones spirit which is until then overcast by Maya like the moon is overshadowed by the planet rahu.Salutation to Sakshat Shri Guru Dakshinamurti, Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, whose manifestations are the five elements, the sun, the moon and the spirit and whose presence is felt everywhere in the universe by enlightened souls.Salutation to Sakshat Shri Guru Dakshinamurti, Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the Guru and Lord of the three locas, who is alert to remove the ??grids of birth and death, who is seated on the ground at the basis of the banyan tree, that is the tree of life and is enlightening all the saints and sages. The guru is silent - is silent, but disciples of the guru become doubtless. The guru looks young and the disciples old.Salutation again and again to Sakshat Shri Guru Dakshinamurti, Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who manifests herself before her devotees in ??bhandra mudra - the posture conferring benevolence and enlightens them with realization of their spirit, pulsating through their being, in all the three states of childhood, young age and old age - wakefulness, dreams and deep sleep. Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namaha. The international present for this Puja. Steven Taylor from Australia is asking Shri Mataji to bless posters that he will distribute for each countries here present. This picture has been taken at Easter Puja in Australia. Now this is also the weekend in which the greatest fragment of the comet was hitting Jupiter, and Jupiter has absorbed this aggression in itself, symbolizing the wholesomeness of Dharma. So on behalf of Africa, I'd like to ask our sister Al Ga' to present to Shri Mataji a present which symbolizes the wholesomeness of Jupiter and the wholesomeness of Dharma. This is a collection of miracle pictures which is a gift of the Italian Sahaja yogis to everybody who participated in this Puja and it will be distributed afterwards. And now this is a present to commemorate this very auspicious day that the Italian sahaja yogis are presenting to Sir C.P. Shrivastava. And all the countries who have a sari for Shri Mataji should gather these at this end of the stage and they will present the sari to Shri Mataji - all the small countries, who did not have an opportunity to offer sari to Shri Mataji before. Also Taiwan, please, take back your sari and present it again now. Taiwan. Mai sunt țări care au sariuri de oferit? And this from Vigevano an Italian city. The next present is from Cameroon. The next is Russia and Ukraine together. Dr. Voronov is presenting the present from Russia. Professor Voronov is the head of the academy of arts and sciences in Saint Petersburg. Greatest Woman of our planet, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, you have a good sputnik, satellite in Sir Shrivastava. Prominent government figura, one of the best sons of India. I am from my family and my friends, with open heart and good wish - one order Russia for you, "Great Patriotic War". It is order second mundial war. With pure, deep gratitude and sense from Russia I give you, Sir Shrivastava this order of the second mundial war, which was given my uncle in war. I hope that this kind of orders we'll prevent again be given for war - never! Can you escort him? Can you escort him? So professor Voronov presented Sir C.P.Shrivastava with a decoration that was in his family, which was a distinction given in war with the wish that never there should be war again. Please sit down. This is a present from Rome and it represents a castle in crystal. You will have a copy of this picture, where you can see Shri Mataji in the middle of the vibrations. In short, you must worship yourself.
Guru Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 24 July 1994. Just sit down. Ask them to sit down on the ground. Please. You, two ladies, sit down because they cannot see from the back. Today you all have gathered here to worship Me as your Guru. I must say that I lack many qualities that a guru should have, in the sense I cannot be strict with you, I cannot be stern with you, and I really don’t know how to punish you for doing wrong things. This may be because, normally I think the gurus have problems with their disciples, who are mostly not realized souls. As they are not realized souls, the gurus find it difficult to communicate or talk to them about the subtle problems that they have. I know of many gurus even in modern times who’ve been really very, very strict. And also they told Me that they have achieved their realization by working very hard and by suffering under the strictness of the gurus. Sometimes I was really filled with great compassion for such disciples who haven't yet received their realization. They had gurus who were really realized souls and they never had their realization, and the guru was extremely strict with them. There was one gentleman I met in Kolhapur, and he got realization in one minute. So he told Me that his guru had "told me to go for fast every month at least for eight days." All right. "Then he asked me to build a temple of Dattatreya in his village." And every day he must go and worship Dattatreya in the morning time and in the evening time. He spent so much money, and still he didn't get realization. "And while You hardly took two minutes to give me realization, Mother. What is this? How You have been so gracious to me?" So, I didn't know what to answer him I didn't want to talk against his guru because I know he is a realized soul. Actually, most of these gurus and incarnations were very helpless with human beings. Perhaps they didn't have such beautiful disciples as I have. Perhaps at this time all the good people who were seeking Divinity are born, and they are here as Sahaja yogis. I never had to work very hard on them. Of course once in a while you do get a person who tries to trouble us, or who tries to create problems. But modern times are so special, I think, that it's very easy to give realization to people. At the time of Moses, He had made laws because of the decadent society of the Jews at that time. And that one was very hard, very, very hard, which we know today as shariat – was taken over by the Muslims. And even now the punishments according to so-called Koran are so hard that you can't believe it. And most of the pressure of all their dharmic laws are on the women. Whatever it is, even in the Bible if you read Christ, He has said that all those Ten Commandments are nothing, you have to go beyond them. And He says if your one eye is mischievous, is committing sin, take it out. What's the use of the whole body getting contaminated by that? Or if your one arm is doing something that is wrong, you better remove it. Because of one arm, the whole body will suffer. He said that, it is said that you should not be adulterous. But I would say that you should not have eyes in which for any woman you have desire- you have committed the great sin; and you'll all go to hell, all those people who will do it. So you should not have adulterous eyes. Another thing He has said, that if somebody slaps you on one face, you should turn another cheek towards that person. When I knew about these laws I said, How can you have such people in this world? It's a very subtle thing. And the last of all which was very, very good was that you should be righteous, righteous more than all the scribes and all the Pharisees – means the priest and all this with the – you have to be much more righteous than them. I mean, in early age when I read it I thought, where can you find such people who can be called anywhere near Christ's description? It was inconceivable at that time. India is one place as I told you, people are dharmic by their own, we can say, their own genes you can call them, or you can say they are extremely dharmic because of traditions - brought up like that. In My time, in the South India and Maharashtra, I think we were very dharmic family, and it was very dharmic atmosphere. Still, these things that Christ has described was not there. For example, anger was regarded as a great asset. People used to boast, “I am very angry with that person!” they used to say. Very common. Of course I don't think in India anybody can say “I hate you” because is regarded something sinful and stupid, because to hate somebody is being adharmic. But of course they did say so many things that were not at all permissible by the laws of Christ. And then came Mohammed Sahib, who just found that nothing works out. So I think they adopted shariat - but not Mohammed Sahib - but they had adopted already the shariat. He accepted. He said, “All right, this shariat can be worked out." But it is so inhuman and has no balance, because only the women have to suffer; no, nothing to men. If a woman did adultery then she was punished, but not the man. Even, I don't know what is the law here, but in India if a woman who is married does adultery, such a man has to be punished, but if the married man does adultery there is no punishment. All these things, I know, cannot be forced on anyone. Whatever Christ must have said, He must have said in His own meditative mood. He was surrounded by people who tried to kill Him, and they killed Him ultimately. And the kind of people they were, specially at that time the Romans – extremely cruel. So how can He say that if you, somebody slaps you on one cheek, you turn another cheek to that person? Very angry, hot-tempered people were there. Krishna, of course, said it very clearly that “krodhat bhijayati sammoha” – is krodh is the worst thing, anger is the worst sin according to Him, from - only from anger everything comes out. But He didn't say how the anger comes in. He didn't talk about it that the source of anger was your liver, and also your upbringing. These two things give you horrible anger. Unless and until you witness yourself, your realization has no meaning. You should separate yourself from yourself, and see for yourself what is really wrong with you. Now supposing somebody is a very hot-tempered person, instead of taking pride in it or using that temper to control others, he should try to control himself. How? First is the krodha. Anybody who wants to be a saint should know that anger, this krodha, should have no place. And how do you do it? You first of all witness yourself how you behave. For example, I would say artificially you become angry, artificially, and stand before the mirror. See your face, how you look like. You'll be surprised, looks like a face of a monkey or a tiger, or I don't know what animal you must have been in last life. And then you are amazed that you are still carrying the traces of that previous life that was whatever was the animal. Then the second thing would be, take out the anger upon yourself. As we have in Sahaja Yoga, we write down our own names and beat it. But it is, should be that if you get angry with yourself, then you will see that you have won over your anger. Because angry people only torture others, they don't torture themselves. Of course sometimes they feel bad, later on they feel “I should not have done this,” they develop a left Vishuddhi. But, mainly if you start getting angry with yourself – “Why should I have done this? Why did I do this?" "Why should I get tempted to this?” – you'll be surprised, your temper will go down. And also physically you should see you have a liver problem. With that you just face yourself and tell that “I’m going to get rid of this liver problem. How dare it become my enemy and stop my ascent in spirituality.” So the first, the witness state has to be developed. For a Sahaja yogi is very important to develop a witness state. But normally what happens that Sahaja yogis develop a witness state for others. Now you know in Sahaja Yoga the door is open to everyone; and some mad people also walk in, some funny people also walk in, some very bad-charactered people also walk in, all kinds of things happen. So now you should see, what are you worried about? Are you worried about people who have problems, who are no good, for whom you cannot say that they'll be Sahaja yogis; or you are enjoying the people who have got Sahaja Yoga? This temper sometimes has made people really mad, I tell you, can go into your head and can make you mad; and we have some mad people in Sahaja Yoga, we have still. But they have become so mad that now they are no more angry, they are no more troublesome, they are just mad, that's all. For such people you shouldn't worry. There's no need to witness others – witness yourself. And I sometimes feel that anger comes through too much austerity, too much of extreme nature also. Some Sahaja yogis are extremely austere, austere about everything. It's maddening. In Sahaja Yoga there is, everything is Sahaj, it’s spontaneous. You are not to be austere. You should not be particular. Now, I said now it's not better, not to wear a black sari or something, if I say so – then it doesn't become a sentence from Brahma! Supposing then somebody is wearing a black sari and coming, you will all run away from that person – or black clothes. It's not that. You are gurus yourself; why should you be afraid of any kind of person who comes to you, whether it is black, white, or any type? Why should you have any fear? The another side of temper is fear. A man who is hot-tempered always have fear because he sees himself in others. He sees that "another person also must be having the same kind of temper, and he'll attack me," so he's always on the protective. In a Sahaj manner what we do is to live without fear. It's said that wages of sin is fear, but I would say wages of anger. Those people who were very aggressive, say for example, develop frights, all kinds of frights. Those countries who have invaded other countries and rule other countries, and have got the experience of their ego, of their anger, become extremely frightened people. Specially the soldiers who go on the war, kill so many people and come back, and they are frightened. I asked one of them in America, I said, “What are you frightened of?” He said, “I feel that I have killed so many people, now so many will kill me.” But I said, “Why do you think like that?" "Why should anybody kill you?” He says, “Because, why did I kill others?" "Why did I kill others? Because I killed others, so anybody can kill me, isn’t it, without rhyme and reason.” Logically I agreed. But his fear was so much that when he came in My presence he was just shaking, the whole body was shaking with fear. So, whatever aggression we do boomerangs on us, and we become very frightened about everything. In Sahaj you witness yourself as a separate identity. All your past is finished, gone, you are not bothered, and you remain in a state which is fearless. This state has to be achieved through Sahaja Yoga. Very easy, once you know that you are protected you'll have no fear, and as you'll have no fear you will not have also temper. It works vice versa sometimes. It's a very common thing I have seen, a very aggressive person will be described by a psychologist as a man of insecurity. It's nice to say that, but it's not true. He makes everybody insecured, then how can he be insecure? If another person feels insecure with that person, that means this man is not insecured, but he is over-secured. If you tell him that, then only he will improve. But if you say, “You have insecurity,” then he thinks, “Yes, my condition is pitiable." "Even if I kill somebody is all right, because my condition is pitiable.” Such arguments work out in such a manner, that you become convinced about yourself. But if you see as a witness you see, “What have I done so far?" "Have I been able to conquer myself?” Sahaja Yoga is not to conquer others or to control others, but to conquer yourself. If you have not done that, you can be self-certified - “Oh, I have been a Sahaja yogi, I have been so great, I have been this, I am -” that makes no difference. Have you completely transformed yourself, changed yourself, and now in your presence do people feel secured? If they feel insecure, then something wrong with you. Or if you feel insecure, also there’s something wrong with you. Now this excuse to give, that “Mother, I am insecure” – then you are not a Sahaja yogi, as simple as that. Giving explanation like that shows you are not even a Sahaja yogi. So now to become the guru, first of all, you should have a great sense of forgiveness. So much so like Buddha's. Once Buddha was giving a lecture in a village and suddenly somebody came in and started abusing Him, saying all kinds of things and all that. Then somebody told him, “What are you doing? He is Buddha, the one who's Enlightened One. He’s trying to help us to become good, and you came and shouted at Him?” So he was repentant. He went to see Buddha, but Buddha had gone to another village. So he went to another village, second day, and he went and fell at the feet of Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha said, “What's the matter?" "Why are you falling at My feet?” He said, “Sir, I must say that I was, really I didn't know You were the Enlightened One. I just shouted at You, said things, I don't know what happened to me. So please forgive me.” He said, “When did you say this to Me?” “Yesterday.” “Where?” “In such place.” He said, “Yesterday is finished now." "What is there to forgive?” Now, he came begging of His forgiveness, repenting. Immediately He said, “Yesterday is over.” That is one of the greatest qualities Sahaja yogis should have. To call yourself a guru you must also have maturity. And the maturity part is sometimes very - Like yesterday in the drama. I was surprised when the - it took some time, some people came in, went. They were giggling just like children. It shows no maturity, no respect. Hah, anything laughable is there of course one can laugh, or any enjoyment is there - but shows such childishness. They are doing some drama, making fun of them. Very common with Sahaja yogis I have seen, specially ladies. They laugh at things where they should never laugh. I am sitting there and you are watching something, what is there to laugh? Shows complete immaturity! Another thing I have seen is in small, small things, specially in money matters, it’s very funny. I have to tell you this: Turkish people, our Sahaja yogis have no money, everything was stolen away from them. So I said, “All right, you send some shirts here and we'll sell those shirts, and extra money you can take it,” because they would not take money from Me. So when they sent the shirt here, it was - they said that “Mother, I don't know marketing," they said, “Mother, it should be twenty-one dollars, twenty-two dollars.” Many of them said it is expensive. Then I said, “All right, collect money from everyone, twenty-two dollars each without giving any shirt, finished – for Turkey.” But a false guru takes money from you, you don't mind. Sahaja Yoga is free of course, no doubt. Sahaja Yoga is free. But you have to contribute. How are we to run this Sahaja Yoga? There's no sense of donation in you, at all. For a guru, one must know how to donate. I am surprised sometimes, there is no sense of donation. We got something, say, terracotta from India, to help those people; and I was surprised that these Belgian women are so funny that they were telling everybody it is expensive. If they don't want to buy, they need not buy. Others were willing to buy but they, these women were telling that these things are expensive. Where do you contribute for Sahaja Yoga? Now we had to have this pendal. We had to have all kinds of things. What do you contribute? This attachment to money can never be good for a guru. I have no attachment at all. If you ask anyone they'll tell you, even My husband will tell that, that from inside I am absolutely detached. I don't know also, I don't know banking, I don't know how to keep accounts, somebody keep accounts, somebody does that. But this attachment to money in Sahaja Yoga – I won't say like Christ that you'll all go to hell, but you won't rise much higher. You have come for your spiritual ascent. I don't say you go to Himalayas, stand in the cold, stand on your heads, nothing of the kind. But the another defect they call in Me is that I never tell them that “you must contribute.” It is to be done with pleasure, with happiness, that you can contribute something to Sahaja Yoga. In any case, whether you give it or not, I'll have to contribute for Turkey, no doubt. I'll do that. Now this kind of a thing as a market is there – “It's very expensive. This is cheap, this, that” – this is just an excuse because I know you can never contribute even twenty dollars for anything. So I bring their clothes, all right. They have stitched the shirts, sent it here, and now – I'm surprised. But if the free presents are given, it's very much acceptable, and nobody sees how expensive it is. So now I would say that on money matters a guru has to be absolutely detached and giving, and generous. You'll enjoy your generosity but the problem is, you are not generous at all. You think Sahaja Yoga is another market-place where you have come. So the generosity part is so much missing, and it is very surprising. They asked Me that “Mother, please, we need some chiffon skirts and blouses for this summer.” You stitch them for them, bring all the way; nobody wants to buy, it's all lying there. There's no shopping here. So I'm going to tell you that as long as all these things are exhausted, I am not going to ask any country to send anything here for sale. To believe that you are Sahaja yogis, you are sadly mistaken. Your attention so much - you'll go to hairdressers, you'll do all kinds of things, but for Sahaja Yoga you have no money. Today, as everybody has said, “Mother, you should be little stern, You must tell,” I'm telling you this. Your progress will be very slow. Secondly, you have to introspect to find out, what have you done for Sahaja Yoga? How many people you have given realization? You have powers. These gurus never had powers, though they were realized souls; you have powers to give realization, how many of you have done it? And once you start doing that, you get about ten people, twenty people from somewhere, you become great masters and you start talking about your great mastery and that you know everything, that you are the guru, you are the Adi Shakti. This is at the Agnya level. As soon as you reach the Agnya level you get this into your heads. So many, of course, have done so much for Sahaja Yoga, otherwise it would not have been possible to see this today. For all those who have not done anything, I must tell you that you are just standing at the same steps. Your kundalini has risen but you have done nothing, nothing to give it to others. Unless and until you give it, you cannot grow. There are many I know who don't want to give because they think “we'll catch.” Don't want to look after others because they think they'll get egos. This is not the way to be in Sahaja Yoga. You have to do something which is very important, to spread Sahaja Yoga. We are talking of global peace, of global transformation, and what are we doing for it? First improve your quality. And that improvement can only come through sincere, honest introspection, and also witnessing yourself every moment, how you behave. I must tell you about Myself, that from My very childhood I was like a grandmother. I would not tolerate anything nonsense, any stupid jokes, anything, like a grandmother. And now I am a grandmother also. And this maturity has to come in you. To talk cheaply is all right, some people have that habit – they are no Sahaja yogis. But the ones who follow them and talk like that, shows that they have no maturity. If they were matured they would change all these people. Whenever there are matured people, they definitely transform others. And their own behaviour, people are surprised how they are. This may be exceptional, may be very few like that. But only thing why I am pointing it out to you, that when you find somebody like that, then please try not to listen to such a person, not to follow such a person. But such a person is extremely forward type and everybody becomes sort of a follower of such a useless Sahaja yogi, so-called. So we have to mature. Now how do we mature? Many ask Me this question. We mature by meditation, by nirvicharita. You have to be in thoughtless awareness to grow, otherwise you cannot grow. Now, you should practice this thoughtless awareness otherwise also. Say you are walking on the road, suddenly you see a beautiful tree, you should become thoughtless. Creation of Divine – how beautiful it is! You should become thoughtless. In thoughtless Sahaj works, otherwise it does not work. You plan everything, you do everything, it won't work out. If you leave it to Sahaj, it will work out. But that never means that you should be lazy about it, or also unsystematic – no. You have to be alert, extremely alert, because if you are not alert you will not see how the Sahaj is helping you. I'll give an example. Supposing you want to meet somebody. Now that person has said, “I'll meet you at eleven o'clock,” say for example. You have to be alert. He said he'll meet you at eleven. By some chance you are late, supposing. So you should be alert that you are late for the gentleman. At that time, you should give a bandhan or raise your kundalini, do something, so that you meet that person in any case, whether you are late or not. But normally you should not be late. If you just give a bandhan and say, “I must be there at eleven o'clock,” you'll be there. Sahaj will help you. But you even forget to give bandhans, you even forget to raise your kundalini, you even forget to give vibrations. So to mature, first of all you should know you are now Sahaja yogis, and that you can control the whole situation if you are one with this all-pervading Power. It's very simple. It was very hot, everybody was saying it's very hot. All right. I got up, I said, “I'll make it,” within fifteen minutes I made it cool. I say, “I made it” – “I,” but it's not “I.” My connection with this all-pervading Power has done the job. But the connection has to be sincere, strong, honest, and all the time in your mind you should know that you are connected. This situation is very simple to achieve, this state where you all the time feel “I am one with the Divine”. Because you are not alert, you don't want to see the miracles of this great Power which you are in connection. You are busy with other things, your attention is somewhere else, you're looking at other things. And then suddenly you say, “Mother, how is it I am such a Sahaja yogi, I could not do this and that?” What's going on there? Even when I am speaking I see people are busy with something else. So what you call, is to mature through your meditation in nirvicharita – in thoughtless awareness. Unless and until you enlarge the state of thoughtless awareness you cannot mature, because only in the present you can mature, and present is thoughtless awareness. And I have seen what is happening, that people are only expecting all kinds of miracles from Sahaja Yoga, all kinds of help from Sahaja Yoga, but they never think “what help are we doing?" "What are we achieving?" "Where are we? ” So at the Agnya again, you people have to be extremely, extremely careful. Now this is for men. If you have not crossed your Agnya and you start spreading Sahaja Yoga, then you can become really a funny person, not a Sahaja yogi. This leadership business is a myth, and this myth must be seen as a myth. Whether you are leader or not leader makes no difference. But the maturity has to come. Now I am telling all this because I have decided not to punish anybody in this lifetime. So that you see for yourself, yourself you understand, yourself you realize. I know you very well, all of you, somehow. But I want you to realize yourself, “What are we doing wrong?" "Where are we doing right?” and don't judge Sahaja Yoga on what merits you get out of it. If you are not getting merits, there's something wrong with you. If you can really understand this, then you will become subtler and subtler and all your gross attachments will become absolutely negligible. You may have concern, but you won't have attachment. From inside, this complete detachment has to come in. And that can come, as I told you, getting rid of your anger, first. Secondly, getting rid of attachments to material things, by generosity. It's nice to give something to somebody, you enjoy your generosity, you really enjoy. Generosity is to be enjoyed. And once you start enjoying your generosity, then you realize that you, your love, your compassion, it has now started flowing to others. Little, little things are there. I have seen you all love Me and you do want always to give Me presents, presents, presents, presents, all right. But this love must spread to everybody else. You must know about others also, what they need and what you have to do. If somebody needs something, can you get it for that person? Can you love that person? Can you give it to the children of other people, something that you have? If this generosity could be just, maybe, I don't know, because I don't have to force Myself to be generous. Everybody says, “Mother, You are too generous” – in My family everybody thinks I am very generous and a gone case – but I don't have to generate. But perhaps you people through introspection will definitely become generous, and this generosity will start flowing. I've known people who have lots of money, lots of things, but not one single pai they'll give to Sahaja Yoga, not one single pai. This sense of generosity comes when you understand what is your purpose of life, why you are here. Just to fulfil yourself with Sahaja Yoga, or to be able to do something about it without feeling that you have done something? In this Christ has said very nicely – I mean that He has said it, but where do you find this? – that your left hand should not know what your right hand has given, should never trumpet, “I, I, I, I, I.” What Christ has said, to achieve that you had to have realization, no doubt. But I would say fifth chapter of Matthews you read. Such things, so subtle He did that you'll be surprised that how this religion in the name of Christ has gone on the other side of it. Now people want to be gurus because they think you have powers; that you can overpower others, you can say whatever you like to others, you can torture anyone you feel like. That has been before, I know. Gurus have been very, very … very, very cruel to their disciples also, I know that. Once I went to Ambarnath, and one gentleman came to see Me, his name was Swami Jagannath, and he said that “My guru has told me that Adi Shakti is going to come to Ambarnath, and I will try to come at that time.” I said, “Who is your guru?” So he told Me some name. He was a realized soul, no doubt. So he came down. He said, “Mother, should he come to You, or You will go to him?” I said, “See, I am a Mother. I am not a guru.” The gurus don't leave their places, can you imagine? They call it takiya. The guru should not leave his place, should sit there and everybody must come to him. I said, “I am the Mother, I will go and meet him.” So I met him and the fellow who had come, this Jagannath fellow - I said, “What's the matter with you? Why don't you open his Agnya? He's in so much pain.” He said, “Who opened my Agnya? Why should I open his Agnya?” I said, “You are the guru, you are the master.” “So what? My guru never opened my Agnya. I had to fight my ego all the time and that's how I have got everything all right.” So I said, “It's so easy to open the Agnya. Why can't you open?” So I turned his Agnya and opened it, he was very happy. He said, “You are a mother, You do what You like. We are not going to do this. If you don't make them work hard for their realization, if you don't make them work hard for their development, they will never be all right. These human beings are like this.” I said, “Not for Me.” He said, “All right, You are a mother, You forgive them, You do what You like, You try to transform them, help them. But not me.” I said, “All right.” But you know, he came at My feet and all that, and he said that “You must praise. She is Adi Shakti. You must praise Her now.” He was there for a short time. Then we were coming home, then this Baba Jagannath tells Me, “Mother, thank God You have opened my Agnya.” So I said, “What happened?” “My guru when I came, he gave me two slaps on the face. I was running his ashram, supposed to be the guru. Two slaps, and put me upside down on the well. And all the time my feet were tied up to the rope which he used to lower down, again bring me up. So he put me again and again into the water seven times, then he pulled me out.” I said, “Baba, why did he do that?” He said, “I must tell You that I have been smoking sometimes.” For that. But I said, “He never gave you realization? You would be smoking in any case, that’s it.” “He wants me to give up all these bad habits with my Agnya on. Now You have opened my Agnya, I'm all right.” So I felt that the behaviour of that guru was very surprising. He says, “He beats us. He always beats us for anything and we have to work very hard.” I also know of the, some gurus of the music also do that, and I met so many of such people who have been to very great gurus and the way I got the report was so shocking to Me, that why don't they tell them directly that “See, this is wrong with you, and this is how you should be”? But the gurus say that if you tell them like that, they'll never listen. “They only know the beating.” I said, “Ba! What do you say? They only know beatings?” “Yes.” So the whole attitude towards the disciple is not of compassion, in fact. There are of course other gurus also who take a terrible test of their disciples. Like as you see, Shri Ramdas. This was nothing compared to what Raja Janaka did. They will test the person and then only give realization, and out of thousands, to one only. That is how we've got so many false gurus also, because they were all discarded by these realized souls, so. At this point we have people who have got realization, when the real gurus are like this. I met another one, he asked Me, “Why are You giving realization to all these useless people?” I said, “Why?” And there were some Sahaja yogis, he said, “How many can give life for Shri Mataji?” I said, “Why do you want to ask for their life? I don't want their life.” He said, “This is the first question," he said, "those - I have many who will give life for me.” And he has not given them realization. So now at this juncture, when we have people who are seeking, who are going to these gurus – of course false gurus you forget, but even real gurus – they do not get their realization. Now, you are capable of giving them realization – just imagine. They have big, big ashrams and things like that, they cannot give realization. While you can, all of you can give. Now, it's like this, that if you put little light in a lamp and it is just giving light to itself, nothing else, supposing. Now you have to give light to others. You have powers, you can do it. You can really change people, you can cure them – but, you will not. You will bring all these sick people to Me, “Mother, You cure.” Even for realization I've seen they bring people to Me. What is the need? You all know how to give realization, how to cure a person. All of you know. Now why is it that you people cannot do it? Firstly, you may not be matured enough. But even if you are mature, you are not assuming your own powers, you don't believe in it. Humility is all right, but you must know what power it is. Supposing somebody is a king, say, and you put him on the throne. Now if people are coming and instead of they touching his feet, he goes and touches each and everybody's feet – this is no humility. This is nonsense. Whatever position you have, you should try to do with humility, means through compassion. The maturity is this, that you should know that you have these powers, you should know how to preserve these powers, you should know how to grow in peace, and then when you meet people you should assume, inside. I may be a housewife cooking for My grandchildren, doing this, doing that. But once I am sitting on the chair, I know what I am. You may be anything - you may be a clerk, you may be dishwasher, you may be anything, that makes no difference. But once you are a Sahaja yogi, you are a Sahaja yogi. Then you must show your dignity and not thrive on your weaknesses. You are much better than all these realized souls who have achieved their realization in thousands of years, because you have so many powers. But their self-confidence and assumption is not with you. Some people say, “We are afraid of ego.” How can you have ego? It's finished. Even if you do some mistakes, doesn't matter. “Mother, I touched my left foot, I touched my right” – makes no difference. Because of no self-confidence you become austere in Sahaja Yoga. If you are self-confident, then why should you be austere? It all goes together. First you must mature, with that you must have self-confidence, and without fear you should spread Sahaja Yoga. Some have fear about themselves and some have fear about others. Also it comes from your conditionings, from your upbringing. So today's Guru Puja is in a way very important, because everybody said, “Mother, You should be stern, You must tell them and You must - ” I said, “All right, I'll tell them.” But in no way to put you down, no way; but to tell you what you can achieve. To tell you how far you can go. You, so many are more than sufficient to transform at least ten globes, ten worlds, more than sufficient. But you are still involved in yourself, worried about yourself, only your children, your husband, this, that – doesn't work out. As much as you want to grow, this power can give you that power. But problem that lies with us is that we don't know ourselves, and we don't want to know ourselves. Today's Guru Puja should give you the state of guru. If you want, it can work out. The all-pervading divine Power of Love is absolutely working it out. More than you, the Divine wants this world to change, wants to transform the whole universe. Now you are the instruments, and if you try to cheat yourself, who can stop it? Just to enjoy music, or to enjoy the company, or belonging to some club, or to feel that it's a nice festival; or at the most you seek the security of your children and family and all that - it is not satisfying. It will never satisfy you. It will only satisfy you when you will become the lights to give it to others, to work for others. And you have these powers, what I'm trying to tell again and again, you have these powers by which you can introspect yourself, you can witness yourself, and you can surrender. Because mentally now you are convinced about Sahaja Yoga. Emotionally you are convinced that Sahaja Yoga has given you such sense of love and compassion. Physically you are convinced that Sahaja Yoga has given you good health and confidence about your health. Now spiritually you should be convinced, spiritually, that you are really spiritual people selected by the Divine; that your last lives have been of great seeking, that's why you are born now, and you are getting all these blessings. So assume. assumption of your personality is important. You must meditate, you should go into thoughtless awareness, and all the time keep your attention alert. That is very important. When, what is the need, when something will come, how we have to react – all these things come to you when you are alert and aware of this all-pervading Power all the time, every moment. I don't worry at all, never . Everybody is surprised at Me. I don't worry. Why? My worry is taken over. People say, “You travel, travel.” I never travel. I'm sitting here or I'm sitting there, what is it? Where am I travelling? So you don't think on those lines. So thoughtless awareness is the first beautiful state you have to achieve. That will give you peace and a witness state to enjoy the drama of life, to enjoy the different varieties of people, while you will be growing within yourself. For a Sahaja yogi is important not to see the faults of others but your own faults, and correct them. I get so many letters regarding some lady or some leader or somebody like that. That “Mother, this leader is troubling me, that leader is troubling me, this, that.” I'm surprised. I will change the leader as soon as I’ll find something wrong, I've always done – who is not suitable, who is in problem, is always done. But the way you put your attention to the leader is perhaps the jealousy part. If the leader says something wrong with you, you should thank him. Who is there to tell you? I'm very proud of you, I'm very happy, that never such disciples existed for any guru. If I'm a guru, I should say, I should say now done, finished, - overjoyed. But when I see that you people don't realize what you have achieved, and you don't want to work it out, then I think of the parable of Christ that some seeds fell on the rock. All your affection, all your love, I know it is impossible to express what I feel about it. But you don't know why you got realization, why you are here, what is your speciality, what you have to get. You don't know that. And that is what you have to know. I don't say like Christ that take out one eye or take out one, cut out your hand – nothing of the kind. You’ll be intact, your body should be intact, nothing is to be taken out. We need this body. But, in a subtle way what He was saying, that whatever part of your body is doing wrong, you should try to negate it – in a subtle way. In the same way in Sahaja Yoga also, if there is jealousy try to find out why you are a jealous, why are you against the leader? The leader says a word to somebody, they immediately write to Me. Why is he leader, if he has not to tell anything? Today I think for the first time I have been able to tell something to you which I was hesitating always, that “Let it be, just now they are still little babies, it's all right.” But now, after this you have to grow, grow in every way. I just can't understand. Those who got realization without the power of raising the kundalini are doing such a lot of work. And while you all have this power to raise the kundalini, to cure people, and also to talk about Sahaja Yoga, you are so sensible. Still where is your attention, I don't understand. Today's lecture should not really in any way hurt you, because I don't want to hurt you at all. Whatever is the situation, I accept. But if you don't want to accept that situation, what you should do I have told you. This will definitely suddenly raise your spiritual height – definitely. No doubt about it. It's very important to see for yourself what's wrong. After all, you are all seekers of truth for ages, and now you've come, you have found the truth. So try to identify yourself with truth, that's all. And with reality. If you identify yourself with truth and with reality, your Sahasrara is absolutely open. No problem. Truth is in your Sahasrara. And when the truth comes in, you are surprised that truth is love and love is truth – pure love. It's very, very joy-giving, and all the niranandas you want to have, you can have, if you understand this simple equation that absolute truth is absolute love. I have no expectations. I must tell you I am oversatisfied. As far as I am concerned, I think I have done My job. But now this has to be taken over, you have to be responsible. You have to work it out. I was so happy, this time every place I went to, all the leaders said that “Mother, You need not travel, now we take the responsibility. We'll work it out.” But all of you must support your leaders and do something about it. Sometimes leaders are really, they can't understand why people are having their own ideas about everything. You must go all out. For example, in our country when we wanted to remove the slavery, everyone joined together to achieve it. While there are people who are trying to cut down the leaders, put them down, make fun of them, form groups. Is this the way we are going to work it out? You all should support the leader. You should all go all out to do what the leader is telling you. If something is wrong with the leader I'll talk to him, then I'll put him right, I promise you. But you don't try to find faults. As it is all the leaders ask Me before doing something. So you just try to follow the leaders, whatever the leader is saying, absolutely put all your effort. Because the complaints are that you people don't listen to them – I'm really surprised. Yesterday you saw he was playing sitar. You should have asked him, what about his guru? His own father was his guru and he used to beat him, and then his grandfather also. But with such desire to learn something, to be something that they didn't mind anything, “Beat me, do what you like, put me in jail, but make me a good artist.” In the same way is Sahaja Yoga. Because there is, if you may call it a defect, Sahaja Yoga is not a military thing, it's just plain, simple, Mother's love. And of course every mother wants her child to be great, to have all her powers – she wants that, no doubt. How she does it, how she works it out is her own problem. But how you take it and how you use it is your own problem. I always bow to you people who have got realization, because I think so many saints were never there on this earth. But the saintliness has to be complete. Without that you cannot help even your family, leave alone your country, and no question of the whole world. So what is needed now is to raise your awakening, to raise your spirituality, to go into a realm of complete support and surrender to the movement of this spontaneous movement of Sahaja Yoga. May God bless you all. In short, you must worship yourself – in short. All right. Hymns to Shri Guru Dakshinamurti by Shri Adi Shankaracharya - please don't take pictures now and meditate -Salutations to Sakshat Shri Guru Dakshinamurti, Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who gives the Self Realization and Enlightenment, that is the Spirit, which is everywhere and the universe within, like the reflection of a town would be in a mirror, but which appears outside like a dream seen in a sleep.Salutation to Sakshat Shri Guru Dakshinamurti, Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who like a mandarin or a maha yogi creates through her maya at her own free will this universe which was within her like a tree is in the seed.Salutation to Sakshat Shri Guru Dakshinamurti, Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, whose presence is felt as the pulsation everywhere in this illusöry universe, who gives enlightenment of "Thou Are That" to those who surrender and whose realization would obviate repeated birth in the ocean of illusion.Salutation to Sakshat Shri Guru Dakshinamurti, Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, whose knowledge pulsates from our own being like the light of a lamp being placed into a pitcher having numerous holes and thereby reveals the true nature of all that is there in the universe.Salutation to Sakshat Shri Guru Dakshinamurti, Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who by Her Grace removes the ocean of illusion that has come into existence due to the imagination and play of Maya and because of which people go into the state of "branthi" and forget their spirit.Salutation to Sakshat Shri Guru Dakshinamurti, Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, by whose Grace one receives the realization of ones spirit which is until then overcast by Maya like the moon is overshadowed by the planet rahu.Salutation to Sakshat Shri Guru Dakshinamurti, Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, whose manifestations are the five elements, the sun, the moon and the spirit and whose presence is felt everywhere in the universe by enlightened souls.Salutation to Sakshat Shri Guru Dakshinamurti, Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the Guru and Lord of the three locas, who is alert to remove the ??grids of birth and death, who is seated on the ground at the basis of the banyan tree, that is the tree of life and is enlightening all the saints and sages. The guru is silent - is silent, but disciples of the guru become doubtless. The guru looks young and the disciples old.Salutation again and again to Sakshat Shri Guru Dakshinamurti, Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who manifests herself before her devotees in ??bhandra mudra - the posture conferring benevolence and enlightens them with realization of their spirit, pulsating through their being, in all the three states of childhood, young age and old age - wakefulness, dreams and deep sleep. Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namaha. The international present for this Puja. Steven Taylor from Australia is asking Shri Mataji to bless posters that he will distribute for each countries here present. This picture has been taken at Easter Puja in Australia. Now this is also the weekend in which the greatest fragment of the comet was hitting Jupiter, and Jupiter has absorbed this aggression in itself, symbolizing the wholesomeness of Dharma. So on behalf of Africa, I'd like to ask our sister Al Ga' to present to Shri Mataji a present which symbolizes the wholesomeness of Jupiter and the wholesomeness of Dharma. This is a collection of miracle pictures which is a gift of the Italian Sahaja yogis to everybody who participated in this Puja and it will be distributed afterwards. And now this is a present to commemorate this very auspicious day that the Italian sahaja yogis are presenting to Sir C.P. Shrivastava. And all the countries who have a sari for Shri Mataji should gather these at this end of the stage and they will present the sari to Shri Mataji - all the small countries, who did not have an opportunity to offer sari to Shri Mataji before. Also Taiwan, please, take back your sari and present it again now. Taiwan. Mai sunt țări care au sariuri de oferit? And this from Vigevano an Italian city. The next present is from Cameroon. The next is Russia and Ukraine together. Dr. Voronov is presenting the present from Russia. Professor Voronov is the head of the academy of arts and sciences in Saint Petersburg. Greatest Woman of our planet, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, you have a good sputnik, satellite in Sir Shrivastava. Prominent government figura, one of the best sons of India. I am from my family and my friends, with open heart and good wish - one order Russia for you, "Great Patriotic War". It is order second mundial war. With pure, deep gratitude and sense from Russia I give you, Sir Shrivastava this order of the second mundial war, which was given my uncle in war. I hope that this kind of orders we'll prevent again be given for war - never! Can you escort him? Can you escort him? So professor Voronov presented Sir C.P.Shrivastava with a decoration that was in his family, which was a distinction given in war with the wish that never there should be war again. Please sit down. This is a present from Rome and it represents a castle in crystal. You will have a copy of this picture, where you can see Shri Mataji in the middle of the vibrations. In short, you must worship yourself.
Through Kundalini you get a complete integrated vision of yourself
Public Program
Public program at Hotel Krasnapolski, 1994 Amsterdam I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, you have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot describe it. Unfortunately, at this human awareness you cannot know it. Moreover, truth is not going to compromise with anything. [Aside: Speaking everyday makes your throat…] Now the… whatever I am going to tell you, you have not to take it for granted, because we have had lots of problems with blindfolded faiths. But keep your mind open as a scientist. And treat it as… [Aside: Come along, sit here.]And treat it like a hypothesis. And if it proves, then you have to accept it as honest people, because it is for your benevolence, for it is the benevolence of your country, your countrymen and humanity at large. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, your conditionings and your ego: but you are the pure Spirit. We say: my emotions, my feelings, my intelligence, my ego. Who is this ‘my’ which owns…? The second truth is that there is an all pervading power of divine love which does all the living work. We see these beautiful flowers - it’s a miracle. In Holland you get so beautiful flowers. We never even think how they are coming out of the Mother Earth of different shapes so beautifully. So the second truth is that there is a subtle power of divine love which does all this living work. If you ask a doctor who runs your heart, he’ll say it’s the autonomous system. But who is this ‘auto’? They’ll say it’s parasympathetic nervous system. But doctors know nothing about parasympathetic. There are so many things that science cannot answer. It can only tell you about whatever things are there, but not about things which do not come in the range of our senses. They cannot tell you why are you on this earth. And so many people nowadays feel identity problem. They are not satisfied with what they have and they think that they can have something more than this. These are special people called as seekers of truth. Like William Blake has said, “Men of God will be born in those days and they will discover their divinity, will also give the/that divinity to others.” But these seekers of truth are lost in many ways. Some think by reading books they will achieve the truth. I met one girl just now who was selling Gita and saying “Hare Rama, Hare Rama.” I told her, “What is written in this book is that you should have your Self knowledge. That you have to have self-realisation.” It is like any signboard that says, “You do this, or you will get that.” Like somebody has (a) headache, you say “Take aspirin.” and you’ll go on reading the prescription, “Take aspirin. Take aspirin.” You’ll have more headache. Kabir has said, “Pari pari pandita mouraka bhaye” meaning “By reading books, even the learned have become stupid!” I could not understand. How can that be? But now I have met many like that. Also like Christ has said you are to be born again. So some people take the brand, ‘Born Again’. How do you become born again suddenly? Actually in Sanskrit language a bird is called as ‘dvija’, meaning twice born and a realized soul also is called as ‘dvija’. So the person who has his second birth is a transformed personality. Supposing you brand an egg as ‘bird’, will it become bird? But clubbing is a common nature with human beings I think: anything absurd they want to club with. When we are fed up with all the chaos of modern times, people take to religion and to seeking. But all these religions also, are either power-oriented or money-oriented. They kill people in the name of God. And they make money in the name of God. How can God understand money? Does He understand banking, which is our headache? Does he know economics? If He had known, it would have been better I think. So any intelligent person has to understand that if these religions were created, it was for our balance, for our moral lives. And why moral life, because for your ascent. It is a very difficult thing. If you read (the) Bible, fifth chapter of Matthew’s, Christ has described what He expects a Christian to be. It is impossible for human beings to do that. He says, “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes.” Even in your mind there should not be adultery. In all the Christian nations, you cannot find one person like that. And they say they are Christians. I was also born in a Christian religion. But He says that if somebody slaps you on your right cheek, you turn your left to them. But in India, missionaries came with a gun in one hand and Bible in another hand. Christ never understood what sort of human beings He is talking to. It is impossible that He is asking: very difficult. Up to the point, He said, if your one eye is bad, doing bad things, take it out and throw it away. And if one arm is doing something wrong, cut it off. This is like Sharia inflicted upon yourself. (Translator doesn’t understand) Like Sharia of the Muslims, inflicted upon yourself, not on others. Christ could crucify Himself, he was such a great incarnation. He never understood human beings; I think they all never understood. All these religions were born on the same tree of spirituality at different times. We plucked these flowers and now we are fighting with the dead flowers. None of them now are Spirit-oriented. When I started seeing this, I felt something else has to be done about them. They are completely in darkness, and very badly conditioned. If some light comes in them, they will see for themselves, they’ll become so powerful themselves, that they can really transform their lives. Sahaja yoga; ‘saha’ means with is born, with you is born this yoga, the union with this divine power. It is your fundamental right to have this yoga. Nobody can deny it. But only thing, you have to ask for it. You have to desire it. Now this power, in the triangular bone that you see, it’s a little minute for you, (Indicating chart of chakras) but there is a power they have shown in the sacrum bone, meaning the Greeks knew that this is a sacred bone. But they told Me that, after this Orthodox Church came in, they said this is all nonsense. They had Athena. ‘Atha’ in Sanskrit means primordial – primordial Mother. And they worshipped her as the primordial Mother. In India we call her Adi Shakti. It is described that she incarnated in Greece - “Manipur he diwipe.” But unfortunately in the Bible, Mr Paul, who hated women, never had any primordial mother. He had the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, that too a pigeon: white pigeon. How can you have the father and the son and no mother? That’s how the women I find in the West are really not treated well. And all the time they have to please men. They have to expose their body, otherwise men cannot be satisfied with them. If you ask an Indian lady to expose her body, she’ll slap you. To her, her chastity is her power. So everything went upside down with this kind of thing. Like Mr Paul coming in, and for Koran there is a fellow called Mu'awiya who authorized the Koran. He killed three kalifahs, he killed Hazrat Ali, he killed his two sons - Hazrat Ali’s two sons - and his mother ate the liver of one of the kalifahs. At least, even Hitler never ate somebody’s liver. Such a horrible man like him has authorized the Koran. And the Sharia that they have has come actually from the Old Testament, from Jeremiah. He has written about it, what Moses gave to these Jews. It was meant for Jews but taken over nicely by Muslims. It is very sad the way they have made the mess of the whole thing. So let us… because I think I am talking about it because there is some theologist sitting here. Now we have to read another book of knowledge which is within ourselves – he’s there, see! – which is within our being, which is created in our different evolutionary process. All these incarnations came at a different stage of our growth into spirituality. Our creator is the greatest organizer. So He made this beautiful central path for your ascent. This Kundalini is your own mother, your own individual mother. She knows everything about you. She knows your mistakes and your aspirations. Above all she loves you. And she has been waiting for a moment when she could be awakened. This knowledge was known not only in India but in various places. But in India they had mastered this knowledge. But only thing was that in tradition, one guru used to give realisation to one disciple in his lifetime. This lasted until about the twelfth century [1200s] when one of them published in his book - Gyaneshwara - he published in his book, in the sixth chapter, about Kundalini. It’s a… we can say, an exposition of Gita. But this Gita which was written - not by Shri Krishna, Vyasa - he wrote what you have to become. Just like what Christ said. Just like what Koran says. So when everybody said the same thing, it was never told how to achieve it. That is how this knowledge was not given. Till the sixteenth century in India we had lots of great saints, like Guru Nanaka, Kabira, Namadeva, so many of them; in Maharashtra like Ramadasa, Tukaram. They also said that it’s the Kundalini which gives you realisation, clearly. But people didn’t give any attention to it. Like Kabira has said that, “How am I to make them understand when the whole world is blind?” Now the situation is different. These are special times of Last Judgment. These are special times according to Koran, ‘Qiyamah’. It means resurrection time. At this resurrection time, Mohammed Sahib has said, “your hands will speak. And they will tell you about you, they will give witness against you.” I mean they will tell you what’s wrong with you. They all have described it in small pieces, I must say. But the time has come. Of course in the books, they have written something funny. That those who will die and will be buried, their bodies will come out and get resurrection - in the books like the Bible, in the Koran, also Old Testament. It is absurd, after 500 years, what part of the body is going to come out of the graves, occupying all the lands with the dead bodies. In Italy they make even houses for the dead bodies. But according to Indian philosophy, many souls who are seeking will be born and there will be enlargement of population. This one can understand, which is a fact also. (To translator: You said it?) I don’t know how many languages I have to learn! Alright, so. The good news is, now the time has come. You can have en-masse realisation. And it has worked out. So, what happens when the Kundalini rises? If you see today’s world problems, they are mostly because of human beings. And most of the human problems are because of their centres. Physical, mental, emotional, even spiritual problems are because of these centres going out of order. You’ll be amazed to know that Sahaja Yoga can cure cancer and many psychosomatic incurable diseases. We have three doctors now who have got (an) M.D. (Doctor of Medicine) in Sahaja Yoga and there are many others who are now trying to make a chart, so called research. But in Russia they have invited Me to a program for 15th of September where three thousand scientists and doctors are going to come. The Russians are something special because they haven’t got our conditionings. At least 70% are not materialistic at all. Their government said you can have your flats, own it. They said we don’t want to own anything, it’s a headache. Now they are the ones… I mean I was amazed that St Petersburg’s oldest university gave Me an award which they have given to only ten scientists. Einstein is one of them. And I am the tenth one, just imagine. I said, “How can you give Me like this, like Einstein?” They said “What? He has just worked on matter, but You have worked on human beings.” And their religious patriarch - there are only two patriarchs, one in Moscow and St Petersburg - he himself has invited Me. Can you imagine? Will ever our Pope think of meeting Me? I could cure him. (Laughter and applause) So we come to the point where we understand that this Kundalini nourishes all the centres, integrates them and you get a complete integration of yourself. So your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems are solved completely. Now the light of your Spirit comes into your attention. Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty in your heart. But it just watches, it doesn’t interfere nor does it come into your attention before realisation. But after this happening, the attention gets enlightened by the spirit. And the throbbing you feel in the heart starts expressing itself on your fingertips as cool breeze. That is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. So this Kundalini is the reflection of the primordial mother, the Holy Ghost. That means that you feel this cool breeze which is actually the… we can call as ‘paramchaitanya’ in Sanskrit. Paramchaitanya has been described by Adi Shankaracharya the same as, ‘Salilam, Salilam’ means cool and cool and cool: soothing. Firstly, we are as either Christians or Hindus, we have to be born in some religion. And we carry the brand on our head. But whatever may be our religion we can commit any, any sin. So it has no meaning. But after realisation you become spontaneously righteous. Overnight I have seen people giving up drugs. Overnight. They give up all that is destructive for them. I never say, “Don’t, don’t” like Ten Commandments. No, no. Otherwise half of them will leave the hall. It’s best is they should see it in their own light. And they should understand what is destructive for them and what is constructive for them. Your attention becomes absolutely innocent, which Christ has described. You should know your innocence can never be lost. It is an eternal thing with you. You might have spoiled it, there might be some clouds. But everything gets cleared out, and you just become like a lotus coming out of a dirty pond. It is because you are that. You are very glorified. And your attention also becomes very powerful. A glance of such a person can bring such a solace, such a peace, such a blessing to the atmosphere. You can feel anybody’s vibrations sitting down here, dead or alive. Of course you can feel your own vibrations, your own centres, sitting down here. Now if you know how to correct your centres, you can correct yours and correct of others also. That’s how Christ cured so many people. But in America I cannot cure because the doctors have made a law. Anything done by non-doctor, he’ll be arrested. Even if Christ goes there He’ll be arrested. Americans also, less said the better. They have had only two hundred years history, two hundred years. Three hundred years, English were in India. Only thing they did is to divide us into six, seven parts. So proud of themselves, they never learnt anything from us. So these Americans are now… they have no family system, they have no tradition of family system and now they are coming out with new ideas; you should not marry; you should not have families; throw the children on the street. You will be surprised their Coca Cola culture has spread up to China even. Now we have to understand that within us lies all these powers, which can be easily awakened, and we can become our own masters. Above all what happens is that you jump into the ocean of joy. And joy is singular. When our ego is pampered, we feel happy. When it is punctured, we feel unhappy. Now, in this case it is just a witness state where you watch everything like a drama. Actually with our mental projections we either live in the past or in the future. With our mental projection we can produce something from this side, another produces from that side, and then they start quarrelling, thinking they know everything. All problems are because of mental projections also. So we either think of the past or of the future and we are jumping on the cusp of the past and the future. But if I say, ‘You be in your present’ you cannot. But after this Kundalini passes through, she elongates these thoughts and the centre part which is the present, you can feel it as ‘thoughtless awareness’, where you are aware, but no thoughts. You are in the present which is the reality, because the past is finished and the future doesn’t exist. So you stand in the situation, in reality where your spirituality grows. Your hands start speaking as Mohammad Sahib has said. You can raise the Kundalini of others. You can give self realisations to others. You can feel the centres of others, even the children can feel, and you can diagnose the disease. The second state we call it as ‘doubtless awareness’. Then you can start curing people. It’s a state which is achieved very easily. You don’t have to go to the Himalayas, stand on your heads in that cold. No, sitting in your chair. Because you all deserve it. They had to go to Himalayas because they never deserved it, I think. I don’t understand what is the need of becoming a sanyasi and giving up family, this and that. It is too much. It is all inside, nothing outside. Whether you shave your head or you wear some scanty dresses or some colour dresses, what will they make a difference? With this you become absolutely normal. All your angularities drop out. All your frustrations drop out. I met one gentleman who had tied all his hair here. I said, “Why are you doing it? He said, “I am so frustrated that I am going to tie up my hair to something so that I get my realisation.” Another very learned man, I met him he said, “I every day stand on my head.” I said, “For what?” He said, “Because of gravitational force the Kundalini will come to my head.” In a seed the plant comes up. Also the fire also goes against the gravity. How can Kundalini be awakened if you put your head down? Because his guru told him, I think. These gurus are all making money. Why can’t you see? Very simple thing, how much money you gave to Christ? If you just cancel out the money part you’ll find out the guru very well. I feel ashamed as an Indian but also now there are many Americans who have come up. But now we are going to have our self-realisation. I must confess in this short lecture I cannot tell you everything about it. In English language itself I have given thousands of lectures which you can get later on. Also you will get books later on. In this hall there are beautiful lights, and you have to just switch on one switch because it is all built-in. In the same way it is built-in in you. What’s the use of telling about the history of electricity, how it came here and how it was brought here? You’ll be bored stiff. Actually there is no need to give this lecture also. First is to give you realisation, which is your right, which is very simple and you all are going to get it. But you must have full self-confidence in you that you are going to get it. Firstly you don’t have to doubt yourself. Now those who don’t want it, I cannot force on them, because I respect their freedom. If you don’t want to have, it is very civil for you to leave the hall. But if you want it, you are welcome. This Kundalini is the power of pure desire, while our desires are not pure. You know the laws of economics that wants are not satiable in general. Today we want a house, then we want a car, then we want a helicopter, then an airplane. I don’t know, it goes on like that. Whatever we want never satisfies. Whether you are aware or not aware, this power is within you which is of pure desire. That is, to become one with this all-pervading divine power. But there are three conditions. The first one is, as you have to be very self-confident, you should not feel guilty at all. [Break in recording, unable to verify this little section: If you have done any mistakes in the past, it is finished. You should have faced it at that time. So please, know that] if you were guilty, you would have been in jail, not here. If human beings can find faults with you, God cannot, because He is ocean of forgiveness. He knows you are human beings, you are not gods. And if you have committed mistakes, it’s all right. So you have to forgive yourself. Second condition is even easier. You have to forgive everyone. They say it is difficult, they can’t forgive. But logically whether you forgive or don’t forgive, what do you do? You don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. So what’s the use of going after this myth of not forgiving? The easiest thing is not to think about them and to say with full heart: “I forgive every one of them.” Now if you feel guilty, then this centre catches here on the left, which gives you angina, which gives you spondylitis; it gives you also lethargic organs. So why to feel guilty? If I say don’t feel guilty, they run out of the halls. But if I say give Me your confessions, I’ll have letters up to My head, condemning themselves. You have to respect yourself as I respect you, and you have to love yourself as I love you. Moreover, if this centre is caught up at this moment how will the Kundalini rise? And especially this centre on the optic chiasm is like this, absolutely constricted like this. And if you don’t forgive, it won’t open. If you don’t forgive, it won’t open. As is it you have tortured yourself by not forgiving all your life and now you are going to miss the point; the most important thing of self realisation. This is the last breakthrough of your evolution. That is what you are going to miss. Third one is very simple that you have to take out your shoes. I request you because in England, the first time I told them you have to take out your shoes, half of them walked out. [Silence] The last thing I have to request and to tell you, that Sahaja Yoga is a collective happening. You cannot do it at home. You have to come to our centres. But it’s not like other gurus where they give one introductory letter and then they start asking money. No money. We have very, very simple centres but very good Sahaja Yogis who can tell you all about this inner knowledge. But if you don’t come, after next year when I come, you will tell Me, “Mother, I have cancer, I have this, I have that.” You have to grow, that is important. It will take hardly ten minutes. And I assure you, you will all feel this all-pervading power. And the heat will go down. Can I request all of you to come forward here and sit in front, please. Those who are standing there also please. Please come forward. Come forward please. Yes, please. Please be seated. The children won’t trouble you. They are more sensible than anybody else. Most of them can feel the vibrations. (To translator) Did you tell them about left and right side? (Translator: Not so much) Not so much. But you did. Alright, so we have this left side and right side as you have seen. The left side is for generating the power of desire. Right side is for your physical and for your mental activities. Or we can say for action. Alright. [Shri Mataji says something in Hindi – maybe ‘Sit down’] Now, so you have to put your left hand towards Me like this. And please know that this is symbolic of your expression of desire, mundane desire to have your self-realisation. So now please put... use your right hand for the action to give nourishment to your centres on the left-hand side. [Explanation of realisation] So we put our right hand on our heart – in the heart resides... (Aside to one particular person: Please do it sir, you also do it. This gentleman… if you don’t want to do it you can go out, alright? Yes, put your left hand towards Me and right hand on your heart. Alright. And left hand like this: very important for you especially. Put your left hand towards Me. You think too much.) Alright, so now, in the heart resides your Spirit. If you become the Spirit, then you become your own master, your own guru. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen which is the centre for your mastery. This is the centre created by great prophets and great sages within us. Now you have to take your hand in the lower portion of the abdomen on the left hand side. Now this is the centre for your… (Aside: Again he is standing there - please sit down!) This is the centre for your pure divine knowledge. It can be explained to you later on. Left hand towards Me, madam, left hand towards Me. Yes please, yes. Then again you have to raise your hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Now on your heart. Then in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. This is the centre I have told you about. It is out of gear when you feel guilty. It’s quite a lot in this hall today. So please don’t feel guilty. Now, take your hand on top of your forehead across and please bend your head. This is the centre, is for forgiving everyone. Now, please, take your right hand on the back side of your head. And push your head as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine force. Now the last centre is very important – stretch your palm. And put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, through which the Kundalini breaks through – comes out. To press it nicely you have to push back your fingers. And please put down your head. You have to move your scalp, clockwise, slowly 7 times. Bend your heads please – bend your heads. Press it hard and move it 7 times. [Self- realisation] Now it’s over – that all you have to do. Now we have to close our eyes. You may take out your spectacles and please don’t open eyes till I tell you. Before that those who are sitting on the chairs have to put their both their feet apart from each other because these are two powers. And you have to place your left hand on the left lap comfortably. Now, put the right hand on your heart and close your eyes. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji, whatever you like. Now, in your heart you have to ask a question 3 times. This is a fundamental question about yourself. You have to say: Mother, am I the Spirit? Please ask. Now, if you become the Spirit you become your own master. So please put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to ask another fundamental question to Me. You ask Me: Mother, am I my own master? I have told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure Divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and you have to ask 6 times, because this centre has 6 petals. Please ask 6 times: Mother, please give me pure Divine knowledge. As soon as you ask for Divine knowledge the Kundalini starts rising the primule of the seed. Like the seed, the primule starts rising. Now you have to... (Laughing: It’s starting so fast) enrich your centres with full self confidence. So now, raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here, you have to say with full self confidence 10 times: Mother, I am my own master. I have already told you at the very outset that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intelligence, these conditionings or this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. So raise your right hand on your heart. Here you have to say again with full self confidence 12 times: Mother, I am the Pure Spirit. You have to know that this all pervading power is the ocean of love and compassion. It is the ocean of knowledge and bliss. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you might commit can be easily dissolved into the power of this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself at this important moment and raise your hand into the corner of neck and shoulder. Turn your head to your right and here you have to say with self confidence, 16 times: Mother I am not guilty at all. Now, I have already told you that it is a myth if you forgive or don’t forgive. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands and at this juncture, such an important moment, if you don’t forgive, this centre won’t open. So please raise your right hand on your forehead across, put down your head and say it again - from your heart now, not how many times - from your heart: Mother I forgive everyone in general. Now, you have to take your right hand on the back side of your head and turn your head upward. Here you have to say: O Divine power, if I have done any mistake knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me. Now the last centre is very important. Please, stretch your palm fully and put your centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. Please stretch your fingers backwards so there’s a good pressure and please put down your head. Here again I cannot cross over your freedom ,so move your scalp with the pressure7 times clockwise slowly, saying; Mother please give me my self-realisation, 7 times. Bend your heads. Please bend your heads. Please bend your heads. [Shri Mataji blows 9 times into the microphone.] Now please take down your hands, open your eyes. Now, just put your hands towards Me like this, higher. Please put them. And watch Me without thinking. Now please put your right hand towards Me like this, put down your head and with the left hand, you can see if there’s a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations are coming out of your fontanel bone area. Some people get it high and some people get it low. Now with the left hand towards Me you see with your right hand if there’s...bend your head and see if there is a cool or a hot breeze, like vibrations are coming out of your own fontanel bone area. If you have not forgiven you’ll get hot breeze, also you should not doubt yourself. Now, again with the right hand you can see. Again feel it, if there’s a cool…… Now, raise your...both the hands towards the sky and ask a question. Ask a question – any one of these questions 3 times. First one: Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Second one is: Mother, is this the all-pervading power of Divine Love – Rūḥ? (an Arabic word meaning ‘soul') Or the last one is: Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya? Now please put it down, your hands. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or on their palms, or out of their fontanel bone areas, please raise both your hands. All of you! Except for one or two exceptions. You might be intellectuals, I think. You should feel it. I’m surprised. Alright? You can come to our centres and they’ll work it out – must be something... too much of thinking, too much of reading. But all of you have felt otherwise. I bow to you for starting your saintly life. Now please, respect your self-realisation and grow into it. You will enjoy this transformation and you must know that this world has to be changed. May God bless you all. Such wonderful people - all of them got it. [Applause] (Shri Mataji to one man in audience: You felt it, sir? Good!) See, he has felt it. (To translator) What did he say? (Translator replies) He said he felt it. Good. Alright, doesn’t matter, it will work out. God bless you. [More applause as Shri Mataji gets up to leave] (End of tape)
Public program at Hotel Krasnapolski, 1994 Amsterdam I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, you have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot describe it. Unfortunately, at this human awareness you cannot know it. Moreover, truth is not going to compromise with anything. [Aside: Speaking everyday makes your throat…] Now the… whatever I am going to tell you, you have not to take it for granted, because we have had lots of problems with blindfolded faiths. But keep your mind open as a scientist. And treat it as… [Aside: Come along, sit here.]And treat it like a hypothesis. And if it proves, then you have to accept it as honest people, because it is for your benevolence, for it is the benevolence of your country, your countrymen and humanity at large. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, your conditionings and your ego: but you are the pure Spirit. We say: my emotions, my feelings, my intelligence, my ego. Who is this ‘my’ which owns…? The second truth is that there is an all pervading power of divine love which does all the living work. We see these beautiful flowers - it’s a miracle. In Holland you get so beautiful flowers. We never even think how they are coming out of the Mother Earth of different shapes so beautifully. So the second truth is that there is a subtle power of divine love which does all this living work. If you ask a doctor who runs your heart, he’ll say it’s the autonomous system. But who is this ‘auto’? They’ll say it’s parasympathetic nervous system. But doctors know nothing about parasympathetic. There are so many things that science cannot answer. It can only tell you about whatever things are there, but not about things which do not come in the range of our senses. They cannot tell you why are you on this earth. And so many people nowadays feel identity problem. They are not satisfied with what they have and they think that they can have something more than this. These are special people called as seekers of truth. Like William Blake has said, “Men of God will be born in those days and they will discover their divinity, will also give the/that divinity to others.” But these seekers of truth are lost in many ways. Some think by reading books they will achieve the truth. I met one girl just now who was selling Gita and saying “Hare Rama, Hare Rama.” I told her, “What is written in this book is that you should have your Self knowledge. That you have to have self-realisation.” It is like any signboard that says, “You do this, or you will get that.” Like somebody has (a) headache, you say “Take aspirin.” and you’ll go on reading the prescription, “Take aspirin. Take aspirin.” You’ll have more headache. Kabir has said, “Pari pari pandita mouraka bhaye” meaning “By reading books, even the learned have become stupid!” I could not understand. How can that be? But now I have met many like that. Also like Christ has said you are to be born again. So some people take the brand, ‘Born Again’. How do you become born again suddenly? Actually in Sanskrit language a bird is called as ‘dvija’, meaning twice born and a realized soul also is called as ‘dvija’. So the person who has his second birth is a transformed personality. Supposing you brand an egg as ‘bird’, will it become bird? But clubbing is a common nature with human beings I think: anything absurd they want to club with. When we are fed up with all the chaos of modern times, people take to religion and to seeking. But all these religions also, are either power-oriented or money-oriented. They kill people in the name of God. And they make money in the name of God. How can God understand money? Does He understand banking, which is our headache? Does he know economics? If He had known, it would have been better I think. So any intelligent person has to understand that if these religions were created, it was for our balance, for our moral lives. And why moral life, because for your ascent. It is a very difficult thing. If you read (the) Bible, fifth chapter of Matthew’s, Christ has described what He expects a Christian to be. It is impossible for human beings to do that. He says, “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes.” Even in your mind there should not be adultery. In all the Christian nations, you cannot find one person like that. And they say they are Christians. I was also born in a Christian religion. But He says that if somebody slaps you on your right cheek, you turn your left to them. But in India, missionaries came with a gun in one hand and Bible in another hand. Christ never understood what sort of human beings He is talking to. It is impossible that He is asking: very difficult. Up to the point, He said, if your one eye is bad, doing bad things, take it out and throw it away. And if one arm is doing something wrong, cut it off. This is like Sharia inflicted upon yourself. (Translator doesn’t understand) Like Sharia of the Muslims, inflicted upon yourself, not on others. Christ could crucify Himself, he was such a great incarnation. He never understood human beings; I think they all never understood. All these religions were born on the same tree of spirituality at different times. We plucked these flowers and now we are fighting with the dead flowers. None of them now are Spirit-oriented. When I started seeing this, I felt something else has to be done about them. They are completely in darkness, and very badly conditioned. If some light comes in them, they will see for themselves, they’ll become so powerful themselves, that they can really transform their lives. Sahaja yoga; ‘saha’ means with is born, with you is born this yoga, the union with this divine power. It is your fundamental right to have this yoga. Nobody can deny it. But only thing, you have to ask for it. You have to desire it. Now this power, in the triangular bone that you see, it’s a little minute for you, (Indicating chart of chakras) but there is a power they have shown in the sacrum bone, meaning the Greeks knew that this is a sacred bone. But they told Me that, after this Orthodox Church came in, they said this is all nonsense. They had Athena. ‘Atha’ in Sanskrit means primordial – primordial Mother. And they worshipped her as the primordial Mother. In India we call her Adi Shakti. It is described that she incarnated in Greece - “Manipur he diwipe.” But unfortunately in the Bible, Mr Paul, who hated women, never had any primordial mother. He had the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, that too a pigeon: white pigeon. How can you have the father and the son and no mother? That’s how the women I find in the West are really not treated well. And all the time they have to please men. They have to expose their body, otherwise men cannot be satisfied with them. If you ask an Indian lady to expose her body, she’ll slap you. To her, her chastity is her power. So everything went upside down with this kind of thing. Like Mr Paul coming in, and for Koran there is a fellow called Mu'awiya who authorized the Koran. He killed three kalifahs, he killed Hazrat Ali, he killed his two sons - Hazrat Ali’s two sons - and his mother ate the liver of one of the kalifahs. At least, even Hitler never ate somebody’s liver. Such a horrible man like him has authorized the Koran. And the Sharia that they have has come actually from the Old Testament, from Jeremiah. He has written about it, what Moses gave to these Jews. It was meant for Jews but taken over nicely by Muslims. It is very sad the way they have made the mess of the whole thing. So let us… because I think I am talking about it because there is some theologist sitting here. Now we have to read another book of knowledge which is within ourselves – he’s there, see! – which is within our being, which is created in our different evolutionary process. All these incarnations came at a different stage of our growth into spirituality. Our creator is the greatest organizer. So He made this beautiful central path for your ascent. This Kundalini is your own mother, your own individual mother. She knows everything about you. She knows your mistakes and your aspirations. Above all she loves you. And she has been waiting for a moment when she could be awakened. This knowledge was known not only in India but in various places. But in India they had mastered this knowledge. But only thing was that in tradition, one guru used to give realisation to one disciple in his lifetime. This lasted until about the twelfth century [1200s] when one of them published in his book - Gyaneshwara - he published in his book, in the sixth chapter, about Kundalini. It’s a… we can say, an exposition of Gita. But this Gita which was written - not by Shri Krishna, Vyasa - he wrote what you have to become. Just like what Christ said. Just like what Koran says. So when everybody said the same thing, it was never told how to achieve it. That is how this knowledge was not given. Till the sixteenth century in India we had lots of great saints, like Guru Nanaka, Kabira, Namadeva, so many of them; in Maharashtra like Ramadasa, Tukaram. They also said that it’s the Kundalini which gives you realisation, clearly. But people didn’t give any attention to it. Like Kabira has said that, “How am I to make them understand when the whole world is blind?” Now the situation is different. These are special times of Last Judgment. These are special times according to Koran, ‘Qiyamah’. It means resurrection time. At this resurrection time, Mohammed Sahib has said, “your hands will speak. And they will tell you about you, they will give witness against you.” I mean they will tell you what’s wrong with you. They all have described it in small pieces, I must say. But the time has come. Of course in the books, they have written something funny. That those who will die and will be buried, their bodies will come out and get resurrection - in the books like the Bible, in the Koran, also Old Testament. It is absurd, after 500 years, what part of the body is going to come out of the graves, occupying all the lands with the dead bodies. In Italy they make even houses for the dead bodies. But according to Indian philosophy, many souls who are seeking will be born and there will be enlargement of population. This one can understand, which is a fact also. (To translator: You said it?) I don’t know how many languages I have to learn! Alright, so. The good news is, now the time has come. You can have en-masse realisation. And it has worked out. So, what happens when the Kundalini rises? If you see today’s world problems, they are mostly because of human beings. And most of the human problems are because of their centres. Physical, mental, emotional, even spiritual problems are because of these centres going out of order. You’ll be amazed to know that Sahaja Yoga can cure cancer and many psychosomatic incurable diseases. We have three doctors now who have got (an) M.D. (Doctor of Medicine) in Sahaja Yoga and there are many others who are now trying to make a chart, so called research. But in Russia they have invited Me to a program for 15th of September where three thousand scientists and doctors are going to come. The Russians are something special because they haven’t got our conditionings. At least 70% are not materialistic at all. Their government said you can have your flats, own it. They said we don’t want to own anything, it’s a headache. Now they are the ones… I mean I was amazed that St Petersburg’s oldest university gave Me an award which they have given to only ten scientists. Einstein is one of them. And I am the tenth one, just imagine. I said, “How can you give Me like this, like Einstein?” They said “What? He has just worked on matter, but You have worked on human beings.” And their religious patriarch - there are only two patriarchs, one in Moscow and St Petersburg - he himself has invited Me. Can you imagine? Will ever our Pope think of meeting Me? I could cure him. (Laughter and applause) So we come to the point where we understand that this Kundalini nourishes all the centres, integrates them and you get a complete integration of yourself. So your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems are solved completely. Now the light of your Spirit comes into your attention. Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty in your heart. But it just watches, it doesn’t interfere nor does it come into your attention before realisation. But after this happening, the attention gets enlightened by the spirit. And the throbbing you feel in the heart starts expressing itself on your fingertips as cool breeze. That is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. So this Kundalini is the reflection of the primordial mother, the Holy Ghost. That means that you feel this cool breeze which is actually the… we can call as ‘paramchaitanya’ in Sanskrit. Paramchaitanya has been described by Adi Shankaracharya the same as, ‘Salilam, Salilam’ means cool and cool and cool: soothing. Firstly, we are as either Christians or Hindus, we have to be born in some religion. And we carry the brand on our head. But whatever may be our religion we can commit any, any sin. So it has no meaning. But after realisation you become spontaneously righteous. Overnight I have seen people giving up drugs. Overnight. They give up all that is destructive for them. I never say, “Don’t, don’t” like Ten Commandments. No, no. Otherwise half of them will leave the hall. It’s best is they should see it in their own light. And they should understand what is destructive for them and what is constructive for them. Your attention becomes absolutely innocent, which Christ has described. You should know your innocence can never be lost. It is an eternal thing with you. You might have spoiled it, there might be some clouds. But everything gets cleared out, and you just become like a lotus coming out of a dirty pond. It is because you are that. You are very glorified. And your attention also becomes very powerful. A glance of such a person can bring such a solace, such a peace, such a blessing to the atmosphere. You can feel anybody’s vibrations sitting down here, dead or alive. Of course you can feel your own vibrations, your own centres, sitting down here. Now if you know how to correct your centres, you can correct yours and correct of others also. That’s how Christ cured so many people. But in America I cannot cure because the doctors have made a law. Anything done by non-doctor, he’ll be arrested. Even if Christ goes there He’ll be arrested. Americans also, less said the better. They have had only two hundred years history, two hundred years. Three hundred years, English were in India. Only thing they did is to divide us into six, seven parts. So proud of themselves, they never learnt anything from us. So these Americans are now… they have no family system, they have no tradition of family system and now they are coming out with new ideas; you should not marry; you should not have families; throw the children on the street. You will be surprised their Coca Cola culture has spread up to China even. Now we have to understand that within us lies all these powers, which can be easily awakened, and we can become our own masters. Above all what happens is that you jump into the ocean of joy. And joy is singular. When our ego is pampered, we feel happy. When it is punctured, we feel unhappy. Now, in this case it is just a witness state where you watch everything like a drama. Actually with our mental projections we either live in the past or in the future. With our mental projection we can produce something from this side, another produces from that side, and then they start quarrelling, thinking they know everything. All problems are because of mental projections also. So we either think of the past or of the future and we are jumping on the cusp of the past and the future. But if I say, ‘You be in your present’ you cannot. But after this Kundalini passes through, she elongates these thoughts and the centre part which is the present, you can feel it as ‘thoughtless awareness’, where you are aware, but no thoughts. You are in the present which is the reality, because the past is finished and the future doesn’t exist. So you stand in the situation, in reality where your spirituality grows. Your hands start speaking as Mohammad Sahib has said. You can raise the Kundalini of others. You can give self realisations to others. You can feel the centres of others, even the children can feel, and you can diagnose the disease. The second state we call it as ‘doubtless awareness’. Then you can start curing people. It’s a state which is achieved very easily. You don’t have to go to the Himalayas, stand on your heads in that cold. No, sitting in your chair. Because you all deserve it. They had to go to Himalayas because they never deserved it, I think. I don’t understand what is the need of becoming a sanyasi and giving up family, this and that. It is too much. It is all inside, nothing outside. Whether you shave your head or you wear some scanty dresses or some colour dresses, what will they make a difference? With this you become absolutely normal. All your angularities drop out. All your frustrations drop out. I met one gentleman who had tied all his hair here. I said, “Why are you doing it? He said, “I am so frustrated that I am going to tie up my hair to something so that I get my realisation.” Another very learned man, I met him he said, “I every day stand on my head.” I said, “For what?” He said, “Because of gravitational force the Kundalini will come to my head.” In a seed the plant comes up. Also the fire also goes against the gravity. How can Kundalini be awakened if you put your head down? Because his guru told him, I think. These gurus are all making money. Why can’t you see? Very simple thing, how much money you gave to Christ? If you just cancel out the money part you’ll find out the guru very well. I feel ashamed as an Indian but also now there are many Americans who have come up. But now we are going to have our self-realisation. I must confess in this short lecture I cannot tell you everything about it. In English language itself I have given thousands of lectures which you can get later on. Also you will get books later on. In this hall there are beautiful lights, and you have to just switch on one switch because it is all built-in. In the same way it is built-in in you. What’s the use of telling about the history of electricity, how it came here and how it was brought here? You’ll be bored stiff. Actually there is no need to give this lecture also. First is to give you realisation, which is your right, which is very simple and you all are going to get it. But you must have full self-confidence in you that you are going to get it. Firstly you don’t have to doubt yourself. Now those who don’t want it, I cannot force on them, because I respect their freedom. If you don’t want to have, it is very civil for you to leave the hall. But if you want it, you are welcome. This Kundalini is the power of pure desire, while our desires are not pure. You know the laws of economics that wants are not satiable in general. Today we want a house, then we want a car, then we want a helicopter, then an airplane. I don’t know, it goes on like that. Whatever we want never satisfies. Whether you are aware or not aware, this power is within you which is of pure desire. That is, to become one with this all-pervading divine power. But there are three conditions. The first one is, as you have to be very self-confident, you should not feel guilty at all. [Break in recording, unable to verify this little section: If you have done any mistakes in the past, it is finished. You should have faced it at that time. So please, know that] if you were guilty, you would have been in jail, not here. If human beings can find faults with you, God cannot, because He is ocean of forgiveness. He knows you are human beings, you are not gods. And if you have committed mistakes, it’s all right. So you have to forgive yourself. Second condition is even easier. You have to forgive everyone. They say it is difficult, they can’t forgive. But logically whether you forgive or don’t forgive, what do you do? You don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. So what’s the use of going after this myth of not forgiving? The easiest thing is not to think about them and to say with full heart: “I forgive every one of them.” Now if you feel guilty, then this centre catches here on the left, which gives you angina, which gives you spondylitis; it gives you also lethargic organs. So why to feel guilty? If I say don’t feel guilty, they run out of the halls. But if I say give Me your confessions, I’ll have letters up to My head, condemning themselves. You have to respect yourself as I respect you, and you have to love yourself as I love you. Moreover, if this centre is caught up at this moment how will the Kundalini rise? And especially this centre on the optic chiasm is like this, absolutely constricted like this. And if you don’t forgive, it won’t open. If you don’t forgive, it won’t open. As is it you have tortured yourself by not forgiving all your life and now you are going to miss the point; the most important thing of self realisation. This is the last breakthrough of your evolution. That is what you are going to miss. Third one is very simple that you have to take out your shoes. I request you because in England, the first time I told them you have to take out your shoes, half of them walked out. [Silence] The last thing I have to request and to tell you, that Sahaja Yoga is a collective happening. You cannot do it at home. You have to come to our centres. But it’s not like other gurus where they give one introductory letter and then they start asking money. No money. We have very, very simple centres but very good Sahaja Yogis who can tell you all about this inner knowledge. But if you don’t come, after next year when I come, you will tell Me, “Mother, I have cancer, I have this, I have that.” You have to grow, that is important. It will take hardly ten minutes. And I assure you, you will all feel this all-pervading power. And the heat will go down. Can I request all of you to come forward here and sit in front, please. Those who are standing there also please. Please come forward. Come forward please. Yes, please. Please be seated. The children won’t trouble you. They are more sensible than anybody else. Most of them can feel the vibrations. (To translator) Did you tell them about left and right side? (Translator: Not so much) Not so much. But you did. Alright, so we have this left side and right side as you have seen. The left side is for generating the power of desire. Right side is for your physical and for your mental activities. Or we can say for action. Alright. [Shri Mataji says something in Hindi – maybe ‘Sit down’] Now, so you have to put your left hand towards Me like this. And please know that this is symbolic of your expression of desire, mundane desire to have your self-realisation. So now please put... use your right hand for the action to give nourishment to your centres on the left-hand side. [Explanation of realisation] So we put our right hand on our heart – in the heart resides... (Aside to one particular person: Please do it sir, you also do it. This gentleman… if you don’t want to do it you can go out, alright? Yes, put your left hand towards Me and right hand on your heart. Alright. And left hand like this: very important for you especially. Put your left hand towards Me. You think too much.) Alright, so now, in the heart resides your Spirit. If you become the Spirit, then you become your own master, your own guru. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen which is the centre for your mastery. This is the centre created by great prophets and great sages within us. Now you have to take your hand in the lower portion of the abdomen on the left hand side. Now this is the centre for your… (Aside: Again he is standing there - please sit down!) This is the centre for your pure divine knowledge. It can be explained to you later on. Left hand towards Me, madam, left hand towards Me. Yes please, yes. Then again you have to raise your hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Now on your heart. Then in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. This is the centre I have told you about. It is out of gear when you feel guilty. It’s quite a lot in this hall today. So please don’t feel guilty. Now, take your hand on top of your forehead across and please bend your head. This is the centre, is for forgiving everyone. Now, please, take your right hand on the back side of your head. And push your head as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine force. Now the last centre is very important – stretch your palm. And put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, through which the Kundalini breaks through – comes out. To press it nicely you have to push back your fingers. And please put down your head. You have to move your scalp, clockwise, slowly 7 times. Bend your heads please – bend your heads. Press it hard and move it 7 times. [Self- realisation] Now it’s over – that all you have to do. Now we have to close our eyes. You may take out your spectacles and please don’t open eyes till I tell you. Before that those who are sitting on the chairs have to put their both their feet apart from each other because these are two powers. And you have to place your left hand on the left lap comfortably. Now, put the right hand on your heart and close your eyes. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji, whatever you like. Now, in your heart you have to ask a question 3 times. This is a fundamental question about yourself. You have to say: Mother, am I the Spirit? Please ask. Now, if you become the Spirit you become your own master. So please put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to ask another fundamental question to Me. You ask Me: Mother, am I my own master? I have told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure Divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and you have to ask 6 times, because this centre has 6 petals. Please ask 6 times: Mother, please give me pure Divine knowledge. As soon as you ask for Divine knowledge the Kundalini starts rising the primule of the seed. Like the seed, the primule starts rising. Now you have to... (Laughing: It’s starting so fast) enrich your centres with full self confidence. So now, raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here, you have to say with full self confidence 10 times: Mother, I am my own master. I have already told you at the very outset that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intelligence, these conditionings or this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. So raise your right hand on your heart. Here you have to say again with full self confidence 12 times: Mother, I am the Pure Spirit. You have to know that this all pervading power is the ocean of love and compassion. It is the ocean of knowledge and bliss. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you might commit can be easily dissolved into the power of this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself at this important moment and raise your hand into the corner of neck and shoulder. Turn your head to your right and here you have to say with self confidence, 16 times: Mother I am not guilty at all. Now, I have already told you that it is a myth if you forgive or don’t forgive. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands and at this juncture, such an important moment, if you don’t forgive, this centre won’t open. So please raise your right hand on your forehead across, put down your head and say it again - from your heart now, not how many times - from your heart: Mother I forgive everyone in general. Now, you have to take your right hand on the back side of your head and turn your head upward. Here you have to say: O Divine power, if I have done any mistake knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me. Now the last centre is very important. Please, stretch your palm fully and put your centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. Please stretch your fingers backwards so there’s a good pressure and please put down your head. Here again I cannot cross over your freedom ,so move your scalp with the pressure7 times clockwise slowly, saying; Mother please give me my self-realisation, 7 times. Bend your heads. Please bend your heads. Please bend your heads. [Shri Mataji blows 9 times into the microphone.] Now please take down your hands, open your eyes. Now, just put your hands towards Me like this, higher. Please put them. And watch Me without thinking. Now please put your right hand towards Me like this, put down your head and with the left hand, you can see if there’s a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations are coming out of your fontanel bone area. Some people get it high and some people get it low. Now with the left hand towards Me you see with your right hand if there’s...bend your head and see if there is a cool or a hot breeze, like vibrations are coming out of your own fontanel bone area. If you have not forgiven you’ll get hot breeze, also you should not doubt yourself. Now, again with the right hand you can see. Again feel it, if there’s a cool…… Now, raise your...both the hands towards the sky and ask a question. Ask a question – any one of these questions 3 times. First one: Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Second one is: Mother, is this the all-pervading power of Divine Love – Rūḥ? (an Arabic word meaning ‘soul') Or the last one is: Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya? Now please put it down, your hands. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or on their palms, or out of their fontanel bone areas, please raise both your hands. All of you! Except for one or two exceptions. You might be intellectuals, I think. You should feel it. I’m surprised. Alright? You can come to our centres and they’ll work it out – must be something... too much of thinking, too much of reading. But all of you have felt otherwise. I bow to you for starting your saintly life. Now please, respect your self-realisation and grow into it. You will enjoy this transformation and you must know that this world has to be changed. May God bless you all. Such wonderful people - all of them got it. [Applause] (Shri Mataji to one man in audience: You felt it, sir? Good!) See, he has felt it. (To translator) What did he say? (Translator replies) He said he felt it. Good. Alright, doesn’t matter, it will work out. God bless you. [More applause as Shri Mataji gets up to leave] (End of tape)
Public Program and Impressions, Evening
Public Program
Public Program in Hindi, Artis, Amsterdam, 31st July 1994, Translation I bow to all the seekers of truth. First of all you should know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot describe it. And the biggest thing to understand is that it cannot have any kind of reconciliation, or compromise with untruth. Truth is absolute. It cannot be different. People talk of different things, there is definitely something wrong there. So one should know first what this truth is. Truth is that you are not this mind, body, not all your thoughts or your emotions. You are the true spirit. Unless you become one with the spirit you cannot get any satisfaction. Your search may never be over. So let us desire to become the spirit. People explain numerous things to you. Do this or that. Do penances, do fasts. You have done it all in your previous birth. This birth is to achieve the truth. And to get the truth, the right time has also come. It is very beautifully described in the “Nal Damayanti Vyakhyaan” how this time had to come. Once Nal caught hold of Kali and wanted to kill him, because Kali made him part with his wife. Nal said it is good for Kali to die. It should be his end. Kali said, “Let me die, but first hear my Mahatmya (significance).” “What is your Mahatmya? You only put confusion into the minds of people.” asked Nal. He replied, “When I rule, the people of Kaliyuga will go into bhraanti (confusion), and many people will put other people also into confusion. Their search for truth will be very strong at that time. And those who have been looking for God, who have been doing penances for ages in forests and mountains, they will all come into the world as common folk and they will get their salvation.” Similarly, many people in our country have talked about and discussed about this particular time. Now all of you have left India and come here. But you people have retained many of your traditions. I am surprised how you all still understand Hindi so well. It's pretty(really surprising?) amazing that even in this culture you have saved your culture and you have also read some old books. But what should be the purpose of all this hard work that we do in the name of religion? It is only for salvation. And this salvation has become very easy nowadays. I have also contributed in making this happen. In earlier days, one master had only one pupil. This system lasted for thousands of years. Then these Nathpanthis came and they gave boons to a few people. You all would (must) have read about Raja Janaka who had only one disciple Nachiketa, who was also given realisation after many tests. Now there are some great gurus in India who are mostly hidden. They tell me that today’s human beings have nothing to do with realisation. They are lying in the middle of worldly affairs. They chase money and women. They run after false gurus. Now we must understand the Divine has nothing to do with money. Those who ask for money from people, who come as masters, we must see what good they are doing. Are they filling their pockets? This understanding is much needed. And your children will see that the people, who are teaching religion, are not religious themselves. And then they can also take to the wrong path. Especially in this country of yours, people have created many problems. They do wrong things that your children will do tomorrow. As your culture cannot control them, they will ask, “Tell us, why you do all this. What have you gained?” So Sahaja Yoga is very important. Especially you all have come from British Guyana and from other places also. So you have to understand the purpose of your culture. Till now I never kept contact with Indians abroad, mostly. Sometimes, even if someone tried, I did not notice. That's because few people who were coming to our programme, would sit in front and would leave half way through the programme. Finally these people said, “Mother, we will not let the Indians come. They come and leave halfway through the programme. It does not look good. We will not let them insult you. They have no respect for anyone.” So I thought okay, so be it. But then someone said that it is not right. Wherever Indians are they have to know you and respect you, and they should also have the innate advantage of Sahaja Yoga. After all, why should they be left out? I said, “Yoga cannot be forced. Those who really want it can achieve it”. It is surprising that all the work is so spontaneous in Sahaja Yoga. This energy called Kundalini resides within you. Maybe you have heard about it. It is the ancient knowledge of our scriptures. According to them, by awakening this power settled within you, you become saintly. You become a saint, an ‘Auliya’, a realised soul. Krishna has described it as the path of liberation. You become established in this state, called as ‘Stith Pragnya’. All these things happen on their own, because all the powers are within you, in a dormant state. As they are awakened you can see how much you have changed. Where you have reached! To achieve this, people used to face so many hardships. With this happening, first and foremost, you get physical benefits. As soon as this power rises it gets connected to the all pervading power of divine consciousness lying all around us. We all know that. It's not something I need to tell you, that there is a divine energy in this world that does all the work of the creation. All the living work is done by this energy. It's like flowers, it is no surprise to see them, but it is such a miracle! Similarly, your heart, if you ask the doctor, who runs it, then they will say it is self operated. Who is this Self? It is autonomous. Auto who? But they do not have answer to these questions. Science cannot give answers to everything. If you ask them why we came into this world, there is no answer. So this search, this seeking for inner knowledge is very much in India. And a few other places too. It would be unfair to say it is not there in any other place. But like it happened in all religions it also happened here. Vivekananda used to say that our own religion is only “Braahamanachar” (Principles of conduct for men) and “Striyachar” (principles of conduct for women). But only the one who knows Brahma should be called as Brahman. We call him “Dwija” in Sanskrit language. Dwija means born again. A bird is also called as Dwija. The bird is born twice. First it comes as an egg, and then it becomes a bird. There is a total change, a big transformation between the two states. So Dwija is the one, who is reborn. No one becomes a Brahman by wearing a sacred thread. And without knowing Brahma a true Brahman cannot be satisfied either. So whether you are Brahman or not, you may be of any race, but unless you get to know yourself, unless you have recognised that pure spirit, unless it is in your consciousness, and shows up in what we call the “Majja Sanstha” or the central nervous system, until then you have not found anything. Buddha also comes from the word “Bodha”. Bodha means to know something on your central nervous system. Similarly Vedas, “Veda” has come from the word “Vid”. Vid also means the same thing as Bodha. The first verse of the Vedas says that, even if you have read the whole Veda but still have not realised your Spirit, then it is useless for you. So you may try to explain it in many words, but unless and until you experience it, there is no point. When this experience happens you will see that your Kundalini rises up the spine, through the six chakras and then flows from your Sahasrara, which we call as the fontanel bone. In Sanskrit it is called “Talu”. When she's out of this Talu, the integration with the cosmic energy takes place. Now this Divine energy is known by many names – Muslims call it “Ruh”, and Christians call it “The cool breeze of the Holy Ghost”, we call it “Param Chaitanya”. It must be called vibrations, divine vibrations, which we feel; it is the power of the Goddess. It’s also called as “Spanda”. People have written a lot about it, worked a lot on it, but they have forgotten the real and got lost in the hypocrisy game. And all these hypocrites, they only make money and give you all kinds of fake explanations. People accept everything in the name of religion. Many of you are from UP and Bihar, and in UP, Bihar there is so blatant hypocrisy, you know. Now, Kabira has called Kundalini as “Surti”. And there tobacco is called Surti. What can I say? Kundalini is your Mother; she gives you your second birth. People started to call it tobacco! “Give me some Surti” they say. Surti, Zarda etc, so they have named it. What stupidity! It’s like calling the Divine a monster. Thus many wrong things happened in our country and people don’t even know. I talked to them in Bihar about Kundalini. They thought I was talking about “Kundali” that is horoscope. I had to tell them, no it is the Kundalini energy, which is within you. So now we've forgotten everything that was our real knowledge and are running after everything else which is illusion. There are so many fake people - someone does magic, someone gives diamonds, and someone gives ash. Where have you seen God doing works like this? Is this God's work? We have to ask for the real from God. But our attention is always on the fake things. That is the reason so many such fake people have mushroomed. They will tell you that I will tell your future, or I'll do ill of another man, or I will make him better. All these things don’t exist in God's Kingdom. God is purity. And you should also get this purity. Unless and until you are pure, you cannot enjoy it. This can happen only in Sahaja Yoga. Now you'll be surprised that in Delhi University three doctors have received their MD in Sahaja Yoga. And I can tell you for real that with Sahaja Yoga we have cured many diseases like cancer. And those who got cured were told they had only a month to live. It’s been more than nine years now - they are still alive and are doing very well. They are great artists, great architects, and no ordinary people. They are happy, nice human beings, just that they had such terrible diseases especially blood cancer. And they were cured without any medication by their own inner power. Thus you can yourselves treat many diseases, spontaneously. You can. You know on your fingers which centres are caught up. You know your centres and also of others. The collective consciousness is now awakened in you. So you are now collectively conscious. You get this new dimension, that you can see what is the trouble of others and also your own. If you can see it and also know how to fix it, you can do it for yourself and also for others. Because who are you and who is the other then? All are in the same ocean. When a drop becomes the ocean it understands everything about the ocean. In the same way you know about everyone, and there is no “other” left. Now you know about everyone, so if they desire, you can surely improve their heath at least. Secondly, many people now have mental problems also. People even go mad. Many people go mad. And these mad people can be cured by Sahaja Yoga. Now here I have seen this madness in the Hare Rama Hare Krishna people. In our country, everybody greats each other by saying, “Rama Rama” or “Hare Krishna”. Will that lead you to God? And will you get your salvation? And then they keep begging from everyone in the name of Krishna. When Krishna is Kubera! Should you beg from him? They go begging especially on the main streets of London. And the Indians there feel great pity for them. Let’s give some money to them. Every Saturday they go to South Hall begging around, and everyone gives them money, rice, etc. Did Krishna ask these beggars to leave their households and go begging like this? Krishna never said any such thing that you keep begging on the streets. And then they sell books. What’s the use of selling books? Even what's the use of reading books? In our country Kabira has said, "Padhi padhi pundit murkh bhaye”. (Too much reading makes you a fool). FIRST CHECK TO HERE – FOOTNOTES AND SANSKRIT need doing So I used to wonder how come priests become fools by too much reading. Now I have met many. They only see what they read and write. Who will practice what you have read and written? Who will do it? Like I said, if you are told to take medication for headaches, you are given a prescription. But if you keep on reading that prescription, and go on saying, take the prescription, take the prescription; will your headache go away? If you want to heal the headache then take the medication. Like it is written in the Gita and also in The Ramayana it has been written that you have to get your salvation. Become one with your spirit. It remained so, just written there. What have we done about it? Only we've increased other meaningless things unnecessarily. So much so that there are these Devadasis, now it’s getting over because some rules have been formed lately. Then these Kutches had this thing that their “Mahants”. They used to have relationship with every new bride. They used to call it God's relation. This has also been caught now. In Hinduism at least this is good that the malpractices they have, government fixes it. They have done things for the women. Like earlier only the boy used to get all the money, now it’s equal between boys and girls. So in Hinduism, at least corrections can be made. Not in Muslim religion. You cannot change even a little bit. Even if you talk about a little change, people are ready to kill you. There is no freedom. But this freedom also, people take to any limits. Once we saw, the place of Gyaneshwara, its called Alandi, there women go with a pot of basil full with soil and walk for miles. Now they are dizzy, have trouble getting and going. They faint in between but still continue no problem! What's in it now? What is the need of Basil to Gyaneshwara? And what's the need to get this heavy pitcher filled with soil and water? Such odd things. Pandharpur in Maharashtra has even more strange things. People go on pilgrimage to Pandharpur. They are called "Warkari". They have to go there by foot and should walk for a month. A complete month and that also with torn clothes, they call it "Lattar" in Marathi. And when they reach, there are these people who are called “Badwe” who are the Brahmanas. And they break their skulls like coconuts. And then these people go crazy, and these Brahamanas say they have reached the "Unmanee dasha”, a very high state of being. So many odd things exist here. Now this Vishwanath temple in Varanasi. I went and I saw there, that these Panda people are robbing all the money. So I told them I will not come to your temple unless you stop all this money business. There was a hidden door and the women wearing jewellery, etc. were pulled from there. They would rob them of their jewellery and make them prostitutes. Varanasi has many prostitutes. This type of life, how can it be religious? Those who speak of religion, how can they have interest in money? How can that be? How can they have interest in women? Or how can they fight for this land and that land? Now Shri Ram Chandra Ji was born in that place its right. And it’s also true that the mosque was created at the birthplace. For this land they created such a brawl, because no one knows the truth. Someone asked me, Mother was Shri Ramchandraji born here? I said yes. He asked me, how do you know Mother? I told him I know because of this Divine consciousness. It is Shri Rama's place. Then he said that the mosque was made to fall in 5 hours. And it is a fact that even seven bulldozers working for five days is also not enough to do that. So how did this happen? Now if you ask me I would say it was Shri Hanumana. You may not agree but there is no doubt that Shri Hanumana did it. But if you tell this to anyone in India, then it finished. Either the Muslims or the Congress people will come and kill you. No one understands one small little thing. Sri Ram is called as Yugpurush even in our constitution. And so, if it is his birth place then why should this not be done. I am not in favour of any religion. Hindu religion is a secular religion. It accepts all religions, all saints. Now we believe in Shirdi Sainath, he was a Muslim, Kabir was a Muslim. We do not think of their race or religion. Kabir was a saint, we believe in him, and then Jhulelal was a great Muslim scholar also. Similarly Nizamuddin Ji, people in Delhi always respected him. His disciple, Amir Khusro, he wrote many beautiful poems in Hindi, they are songs, we sing them in weddings, and we believe in them. Moinuddin Chisti Sahib was similar, we believe in him. Wherever there is a saint we believe in him. Think about Haji Malang, he was a Muslim. And I am surprised in Bombay, there is this Mr. Thackeray, he recognizes Haji Malang. He goes and prays at his tomb. The greatness of this religion is that if there is any saint in any religion then he is respected. It’s only us who are well aware of this. But now it’s different. Like people follow a lot this Sathya Sai Baba. You can well make out from his face what a man he is. I wonder why we do not find out about someone. However, now the cameras have exposed him. They have found out it’s all a fraud. But earlier many people used to believe in him. Especially Indians abroad followed him a lot. Are you looking for diamonds or Spirit? Only people who are looking for diamonds will go to such places, such wrong places. Especially I've seen this man’s disciples, either they have heart attack or they become blind. All big Johnnies got robbed. Going to a wrong man you are bound to get hurt. But whatever is done is done. People used to believe so much in Rajneesh at one time. Such dirty things he used to teach and people believed him. At least in our country we should not believe in these things. But the Gujaratis used to follow Rajneesh a lot. Then came this Muktanand another man, people also used to follow him a lot. He was a scoundrel. He had diamonds worth 600 crores with him. Those who believe in such people, those who walk on such wrong paths, they should at least see if they have got anything from such a man. Except that he looted money, looted everyone, what did he give you? And how can you charge for real giving? It is priceless. And the one, who gives it, does it in love and deliverance, not to take something from you. We have to save the world today. Surprisingly this is in countries where so much is talked about God. And there are countries like Russia which are amazing. They don’t have any such religious background. You will not believe, they don’t allow anyone except me in that country. They drove out all these so called Gurus. No one can enter there. And I was invited and also given a huge award. It’s surprising that their university has given this award to only10 people till now. One of them was Einstein and one of them is me. I said what have I done? They said Einstein only worked on matter, you transform human beings. They honoured me so much. This time 3000 scientist and doctors are all coming and going to do a big conference. And there's the Patriarch of the church, he called me. But here you cannot do that. It cannot happen in India because there are so many fake people. They are all false and consider me also the same, and keep my name in the same league. I am telling them since 1970 about all false people, and that they are all monsters, but still the press never takes the side of truth. Now some change is definitely coming. Many things are now written by Indian Express, but with restraint. I can openly talk against them, dare anyone say anything to me. Because they are all thieves you know. And if you call a thief as a thief what can he say? But you should have the courage to say it. In our country there are so many of these thieves, I can’t tell you. But you should not cheat in the name of religion. You cannot steal in the name of God. Do what you want in any other field. Be it politics, economics, but not in religion. Thankfully our country still has the speciality of its culture, because of which our society is still very good. Women are still respected, men also, and family is very good. It’s a special thing, and nowhere else it is like this. I would say it is the Indian woman who is responsible for this. Our woman is highly intelligent and very tolerant. She has made her country and her children by suffering and tolerance. But this is a wrong thing, and men should understand, they need to change slowly. But the woman here has her own internal strength and has suffered a lot. But she has maintained her society, and I'm so glad to see that you people also have tried to do the same here. Woman is the base of society. For us woman represents the strength, the energy. Energy which is not manifested. We have so many electrical connections everywhere but you cannot see the electrical energy. It does not manifest. It is hidden. Woman also keeps her power hidden in India. The biggest thing is respect. This is because our society and culture is very deep. Even the Muslim women, Sikh and Christian women have such depth and gravity. They are themselves very stable. And because of them society is fine, even today. You must have heard of Lal Bahadur Shastri, our prime minister. My husband was his official secretary. So we got to know them. His mother was not at all educated. But I was surprised to see how much depth she had inside her, so much understanding in her. You could listen to her for hours. She was completely one with the essence of religion, even though she was not educated. Shastriji was also a very religious man. Not only that, one should say he was a Realised Soul. Now in our country there are very few men like these, Shastriji was one I should say, and Gandhiji. I was with Gandhiji since childhood, and I used to tell him to start Sahaja Yoga. He used to say let us get our freedom first, and then we will begin Sahaja Yoga. And I helped him in writing his Bhajnavali. I was 7 years old then and he had great affection for me, everything was there, but sadly he was killed after freedom. So our country suffered a lot and many negative people also came. They caused a lot of harm to the nation. Hopefully things will improve gradually. Our CNC Sahib is now in Sahaja Yoga and I have also given realisation to our Prime Minister. Still they run after false gurus. These days so many such gurus come in London. Murari Babu is one of them. I accidentally went in his program once. That day I was going by taxi, and the taxi driver took me there. So he was performing the ritual of Sri Rama’s marriage. So Shri Ramchandraji and Sitaji were getting married. A little boy was made Shri Rama, and a little girl was Shri Sita. And then he was asking for dowry for Sitaji from his disciples, and all these ladies were taking off their bangles and giving for Sitaji. So this Murari Babu, then this Dongreji, and then Athavleji. All are the same. In Maharashtra where so much has been talked about religion, where so much has been said about who is real and who is fake, where such great saints like Ramdas have come, there such false people are mushrooming. In Bombay, especially with the Gujaratis there is lot of following. I can’t understand why they run after all wrong people. But surprisingly Sahaja Yoga has settled in Delhi very nicely. Also in UP, Lucknow, Ghaziabad, Meerut, Moradabad, Dehradun, Haridwar. It has spread everywhere. It has also started well in Patna. Generally I see people have very less interest in religion. But surprisingly in these places people have gone deep in Sahaja Yoga. It’s easy for them because their traditions are deeply rooted in them. For the people here, I have to work very hard. But once they get it they settle deep in it. They know so much about Shri Ganesha, Shri Vishnu, even you people may not know. They will tell you every little detail about them. They told me that people think we know a lot Mother. I said they are all book worms; books cannot give you real knowledge. Come to the Kingdom of God first and then you will know. An educated man can be the most stupid. So you should explain to them that we actually have got to know the reality and now you can also know. What good are books to you? What are you going to get from reading books? If you want to know something, know the real. So they said that we will try to explain to the Indians here. They are very knowledgeable people and also very humble. We in India feel we have read everything. One gentleman came to visit me and asked me, who is a Hindu, Mother? So I asked him what happened. He said there is no Hindu here. Not a single Hindu in Bengal, I asked him. He said Mother, if you ask them, someone says, I am a Brahmasamaji, or a Hare Rama Hare Krishna, or someone says I am Brahma, but nobody says that I am a Hindu. I said, really. Mother, they talk of all other things! Because you have complete freedom to do what you want. Who will teach them Hindutva when they don’t even want to call themselves Hindu? In Bengal if this is the situation then you can well imagine other places. I said, if you want to find out Hindus then find out who all have their bath everyday in the morning. The one who takes his bath everyday consider him to be a Hindu. Now this Hindu word has come because of Alexander. We were first “Bhartiya”. We were known by the name of Bharat, the son of Dushyant. Later when Alexander came to India he had to cross the Indus River. People told them that the name of this river is “Sindhu”. They could not speak the letter “s” so they said “Hindu” Since then we became Hindus. So there was nothing like Hindu before, it was only “Bhartiya” (Indian). And “Bhartiya” is a very great and independent thing. But there was one thing good because of this independence, that we had no fanaticism. There are few fanatics in Hinduism too, but not many. Not as much as in Muslims, and Christians. They believe in a book. And you cannot go beyond the book. And even if there are some faults in the book you still believe in it as that is your only evidence. This book is not written by Isa and not written by Prophet and neither written by Moses. It is written by someone else. Still it is the evidence. On the basis of this evidence they kill people. If you ask them about the dead bodies in the graves, they say that this body will rise and come out, and shall be resurrected when resurrection time will come, of which I am talking, which the Muslims call as “Qiyama” and the Christians call as “The Last Judgement”. Now tell me what is going to come out of the graves after 500 years. They listen to all stupid things. They bury people everywhere in acres and acres of land. Nowhere in the world they understand about death as much as we do in India. Like if someone dies in our country, we play “Shahnai” so that no bhoot should be there. Also we do the memorial service for the person, very properly, call people for dinner so that no repressed desire of the person remains unfulfilled. So we try, somehow that all is worked out and there are no dead souls remaining. Here it is upside down. In England if someone died they open a bottle of champagne. I said if someone dies do you open the champagne? We were both so surprised. So, we went to the funeral there, and then he said lets go home, we have great lunch. We both were so aghast; he thought we were sick or something. He was a very dear friend of my husband, we were obviously feeling very sad, and these people were into champagne and everything. We were completely shocked, we did not know that English are such funny people that they blow away champagne when someone dies. There is no culture at all. If someone dies in our country not a grain is cooked. You all must know all this. So we know a lot of good things. Now we have come abroad so that does not mean that we should forget the main purpose of our culture. The purpose of our culture is only to know our true self. And realise this divine consciousness. It is our purpose and we must not forget it. You must have seen many funny things here. And they are all crazy people. Lifelong they earn, and then they run everywhere for holidays. They do not have a penny left. They go out and come back with skin cancer. It’s stupid to go to such hot places. Then they say now tell us any place in India where it’s very hot. It’s best to put them in the oven I say. Why you want to go to such hot places? It hurts us so much in the heat and these people I don’t know what drives them so crazy! Quite insane. If one person would have hair like this then everyone wants it like that. Anything new comes out everyone gets after it and starts imitating. Women also wear similar clothes, will have hair in the same way, they have no personality of their own. They will do whatever everyone is doing. They pretend to be the same. Everyone should have some personality of his own. They told me that here women are told to expose as much as they can. In our country if you say this then you shall be slapped. If a woman is asked to expose, the person shall be exposed with a slap! These people are crazy you will be surprised to see them. But you also have to be special, otherwise why will they listen to you. They will say that you are another type of crazy people, ringing bells in temples, have strange marks on their forehead and keep roaming here and there, and nothing else. It’s not like that. You are great people. The greatest thing is that you have come from India. They say you have to do many penances and good deeds to be born in India. And you are Indians so you are special. So you should receive this special blessing within you. You have so many miracles in life are so blessed by God. Till now very few Indians have remained here and I hope that you people will get it and stay. Get it and then grow in it. Don’t leave it midway. Like today, you hear my lecture then you go to another guru then to third. These people drive you crazy, its better you leave this craziness. Go deep within yourselves. If you have to quench your thirst then you go deep at one place or do you go on digging at ten places? So deeply understand this thing and get it. If this happens in you, then these people are really eager to help you. See how they are singing to welcome you. They sing in Sanskrit for you. Even we cannot sing in Sanskrit as these people sing it so clearly. They have made the tune themselves and go and sing in all countries. We should understand that our culture is spreading all over the world and where are we? What did we achieve? We are still busy with age old customs and rituals. And we are continuing with the same stuff. Now we have to achieve this thing, that which is our own heritage since time immemorial. And if we don’t achieve it then it shall be proved that these people have more understanding of religion and are more righteous. And we are still not achieving it, and are still stuck in age old rituals. It’s something we should really understand, though I often say that it’s not required to work very hard with the Indians, they get it very easily. So all of you please take off your shoes. You know that while praying we take off our shoes. We do so in any prayer and temples. For these people I have to explain differently, but I don’t need to make you understand. When I said this for the first time in England, half of the people actually left the hall and went away, as though I asked them to commit a sin! I am sorry I had to speak in Hindi Language, and I must say Hindi is better than English for such kind of a subject, I am sorry to say. For spirit you see, in English language you have, spirit is the alcohol, spirit is the dead body and spirit is also the “Atman”. It’s a very confusing thing you see. On spiritual subjects, the best is to speak in Sanskrit Marathi or Hindi language. But I have never studied English before; somehow I never studied it because I was a medical student. But I think it is the easiest language to follow and there must have been thousands of my lectures in English language, also in Hindi, Marathi. But the problem is, you see the whole basis of our traditions and our we can say the culture, is moral, culture is for morality. If there is no morality in culture...that culture is foreign to us. Because we are ancient people, and also the climate in India is so good, that you need not sort of worry about going out or anything. People live in forests just to find out why we are on this earth. Just to get an answer for this question. And they discovered it, long time back they discovered it, long time back they discovered, 14000 years back, Markandaya has written about Kundalini, can you imagine! So like that it has been there this knowledge, but it was not exposed to general public, so far because they thought they are not yet ready to take it, if they get a little bit, they may try to misuse or something. And out of this great knowledge, you see this, now in these modern times, somehow I have been able to achieve something little more, that you can get your amass realisation. That means it’s not necessary for you to go to Himalayas, stand on your heads, do anything fasting or anything. You just get it within yourself, because it is your own power, it is within you, it’s your own Mother, and she is anxious to give you your second birth, and you just get it. There’s nothing to be done about it. It is Sahaja, means born with you. In India you will be surprised I don’t have to tell them, do this or do that. But in the west it is not possible, you have to tell them. Perhaps Indians are blessed as far as religion is concerned. They have a proper understanding. One boy who was in Cambridge told me, that I was surprised that these people do things they don’t think it is wrong. Like they take drugs, they think this is their challenge. Anything is a challenge to them. But for Indians you see, they think this is wrong, we should not do it. So why is it that the people from India think like that? Because, for ages together we know what is right what is wrong. Quite a lot and it’s so traditional. Now after coming in the west I have discovered, some Indian girls were in France, where they said Mother these people are mad. I said why? What are they doing? They eat banana and then drink water. Then they come from outside from heat and just drink water. And they will drink coffee and drink water. I mean, we Indians all know. I don’t know the Indians here, but Indians in India know that this is all absurd because this will create problem, to have something cold after hot, we all know. Whether you are a Muslim, Hindu, Christian, or anybody. So this is what is to be seen that the whole culture was for health, also for your morality. Morality is the main thing. And that’s what has kept this country afloat. Despite we don’t have good politicians we don’t have good economics. 300 years these British lived in our country. You can imagine, without visas or anything. And looted us completely, no doubt. But even after that we are surviving. And we are aspiring to come up. Nowhere in the world, had they ruled for 300 years. They ruled for 300 years and so many are still there. Doesn’t matter, India has accepted not only people, but also languages. There are so many words from other languages in our country. And it’s so open; they are so open and innocent, that we lost our country to English. We believed them. We couldn’t be that cunning to understand their cunningness. That’s how we were under 300 years imagine, domination of English. And English never learnt anything from us. Very surprising. On the contrary we used to say that always a mad dog and an English goes into the “sang”. The way to regard something as madness. The way they were living. So they were actually treated just like some foreigners, some different people of a different race, of different ideas. It was really very surprising how we lived with them. But when they went away, I found they went without any idea of the great treasure we have. The other day, I met a Chinese cultural Hitachi, and he said now I know what treasure you have in your country. Because always people used to say, don’t become enemies of India. Because they have some hidden treasure of spirituality with them. When I told him about it he was amazed. He said, really! And I had also met their Prime Minister. So he said, I’ll talk to him and I am sure you will be called there with great honour as it is in Russia. But I was surprised that these are our neighbours, and they knew all about us that we have some treasure with us, as far as spirituality was concerned, which was hidden. But English never discovered it. They never, they thought we are very low type of people or something. So you see, you need a very subtler personality to understand the depth of spirituality. To understand what Indians are. Now I am very happy the Indians here have kept up their traditions, and also the culture of our country. And they also know the language. It’s very surprising. I mean our Indians who are even educated abroad, they forget their language. How these people have maintained it, it’s extremely remarkable I must say. And I really congratulate them for this. So may God bless you all. And now we will have a little session for our realisation. Later on you must come to our centres. That is very important. You must come to our centres and become masters of this art. This is very simple and you can do it. But you have to be humble. Forget all your so called knowledge. As Surdas has said after writing SurSagar, “Surdas ki sabhi avidya dur karo nandlal”. (Take away all the Avidya of Surdas, O Krishna). This is all Avidya, please take it away, he prayed to Nandlal, who is Sri Krishna. Similarly we also have to pray that all this, that we have read should be finished and we have to know the reality. It is very easy for Indians. Are you getting cool breeze in your hand? Otherwise other people are all Sahaja Yogis, or some people who are new, who have come for the first time. No, No, I am saying other than Indians. Yes, is it coming? Shanti Prakashji please tell if you are feeling in the hands or not? It is coming! Good! This is the specialty of Indians. Now put the right hand towards me. Like this. And keep your hand on your fontanel bone and see if you can feel the coolness or not. A little above, like this. Is it coming? And if it is not coming, on your head, say, “Mother, Please come through my head”, 3 times. It is coming! Happens by asking! Whatever you say! Now put the left hand towards me. Now check with your right hand. Check if you can feel the cool breeze from the head. Don’t touch your fontanel bone. Try to feel that which is coming out of the head. Is it there? Those who are not feeling should say, “Mother please come in my head”. Check a little above. For these people it is hard. You have to tell them to forgive everyone, forgive yourself. You people don’t need to be told anything. You feel it, right? It comes higher, much higher. Now check again with your right hand. Bend your head and see for yourself whether there is cool or hot breeze coming out. See with the Indians. All have got it. Yes! Now please put both your hands towards the sky and push back your heads. Please ask a question, “Mother, is this the all pervading power of the divine love?” Ask 3 times. Now put down your hands please. Now put both the hands towards me, like this and don’t think. So the first state of thoughtless awareness, Nirvichara Samadhi, is established. Please look towards me and try not to think. You will feel thoughtlessness. Is it happening? Keep your hands like this towards me. Yes! Now all those who are feeling cool or hot breeze on their fingertips, centre of their palm, or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. It can be cool or hot breeze; if you have not forgiven then it will be hot breeze. You did not feel? Raise your hands. Good! I bow to you all of you. Your saintly life has started. The primule is coming out of the seed, as you can say. But it has to grow into a tree and so you have to know that this is a collective happening. So now you have to come to our centres. You have to respect your realization. You have to know your real self. After this you don’t have to pay anything. Neither here nor there, nowhere. Please come and grow yourself. If you have done well, the next year when I come, I would be able to see lots of Indians who have reached good states. Your illnesses would be finished, your questions shall be gone and you will be astonished to see what you have got. You can’t pay for this; there is no need of money. Divine does not know money. This is a headache of humans. So I bless you all and I hope you all will take to yourself realization, completely. You have lot of powers which shall be awakened. You will be astonished. And also goddess Lakshmi, who resides in all of you, shall be awakened. And lots of questions of people, which are still not answered, shall be finished completely. So you have all my blessings. So when I come here next year, I hope everyone would have worked hard on themselves and would have grown. I was very happy to see your desire to get your self-knowledge. Please tell about it to others and make yourselves such that you can help others in their salvation. You can awaken the Kundalini of others, you can cure others of their illnesses and you can do a lot. But first, you have to grow and establish yourself in Sahaja Yoga. For that you should come to the centre, it does not take a lot of time. Not at all. You should stay with these people where they take a hall. They will respect you a lot and will take care of you. They invite you with love. You will always feel respected. But come with humility and try to learn. You have all my blessings. If they want they can sing one song – Vishwavandita. There is still time. I should tell you who has written this song. He is a blind singer and poet. His name is Ravindra Jain, who worked for Ramayana also. He only met me three times. I call him the blind Surdas. I don’t know how he wrote these things about me. I was astonished. He really recognizes and appreciates Sahaja Yoga. He has written this song that you will listen. What was the name of that song? “Jab se hum Sahaja Yogi bane...” Yes!
Public Program in Hindi, Artis, Amsterdam, 31st July 1994, Translation I bow to all the seekers of truth. First of all you should know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot describe it. And the biggest thing to understand is that it cannot have any kind of reconciliation, or compromise with untruth. Truth is absolute. It cannot be different. People talk of different things, there is definitely something wrong there. So one should know first what this truth is. Truth is that you are not this mind, body, not all your thoughts or your emotions. You are the true spirit. Unless you become one with the spirit you cannot get any satisfaction. Your search may never be over. So let us desire to become the spirit. People explain numerous things to you. Do this or that. Do penances, do fasts. You have done it all in your previous birth. This birth is to achieve the truth. And to get the truth, the right time has also come. It is very beautifully described in the “Nal Damayanti Vyakhyaan” how this time had to come. Once Nal caught hold of Kali and wanted to kill him, because Kali made him part with his wife. Nal said it is good for Kali to die. It should be his end. Kali said, “Let me die, but first hear my Mahatmya (significance).” “What is your Mahatmya? You only put confusion into the minds of people.” asked Nal. He replied, “When I rule, the people of Kaliyuga will go into bhraanti (confusion), and many people will put other people also into confusion. Their search for truth will be very strong at that time. And those who have been looking for God, who have been doing penances for ages in forests and mountains, they will all come into the world as common folk and they will get their salvation.” Similarly, many people in our country have talked about and discussed about this particular time. Now all of you have left India and come here. But you people have retained many of your traditions. I am surprised how you all still understand Hindi so well. It's pretty(really surprising?) amazing that even in this culture you have saved your culture and you have also read some old books. But what should be the purpose of all this hard work that we do in the name of religion? It is only for salvation. And this salvation has become very easy nowadays. I have also contributed in making this happen. In earlier days, one master had only one pupil. This system lasted for thousands of years. Then these Nathpanthis came and they gave boons to a few people. You all would (must) have read about Raja Janaka who had only one disciple Nachiketa, who was also given realisation after many tests. Now there are some great gurus in India who are mostly hidden. They tell me that today’s human beings have nothing to do with realisation. They are lying in the middle of worldly affairs. They chase money and women. They run after false gurus. Now we must understand the Divine has nothing to do with money. Those who ask for money from people, who come as masters, we must see what good they are doing. Are they filling their pockets? This understanding is much needed. And your children will see that the people, who are teaching religion, are not religious themselves. And then they can also take to the wrong path. Especially in this country of yours, people have created many problems. They do wrong things that your children will do tomorrow. As your culture cannot control them, they will ask, “Tell us, why you do all this. What have you gained?” So Sahaja Yoga is very important. Especially you all have come from British Guyana and from other places also. So you have to understand the purpose of your culture. Till now I never kept contact with Indians abroad, mostly. Sometimes, even if someone tried, I did not notice. That's because few people who were coming to our programme, would sit in front and would leave half way through the programme. Finally these people said, “Mother, we will not let the Indians come. They come and leave halfway through the programme. It does not look good. We will not let them insult you. They have no respect for anyone.” So I thought okay, so be it. But then someone said that it is not right. Wherever Indians are they have to know you and respect you, and they should also have the innate advantage of Sahaja Yoga. After all, why should they be left out? I said, “Yoga cannot be forced. Those who really want it can achieve it”. It is surprising that all the work is so spontaneous in Sahaja Yoga. This energy called Kundalini resides within you. Maybe you have heard about it. It is the ancient knowledge of our scriptures. According to them, by awakening this power settled within you, you become saintly. You become a saint, an ‘Auliya’, a realised soul. Krishna has described it as the path of liberation. You become established in this state, called as ‘Stith Pragnya’. All these things happen on their own, because all the powers are within you, in a dormant state. As they are awakened you can see how much you have changed. Where you have reached! To achieve this, people used to face so many hardships. With this happening, first and foremost, you get physical benefits. As soon as this power rises it gets connected to the all pervading power of divine consciousness lying all around us. We all know that. It's not something I need to tell you, that there is a divine energy in this world that does all the work of the creation. All the living work is done by this energy. It's like flowers, it is no surprise to see them, but it is such a miracle! Similarly, your heart, if you ask the doctor, who runs it, then they will say it is self operated. Who is this Self? It is autonomous. Auto who? But they do not have answer to these questions. Science cannot give answers to everything. If you ask them why we came into this world, there is no answer. So this search, this seeking for inner knowledge is very much in India. And a few other places too. It would be unfair to say it is not there in any other place. But like it happened in all religions it also happened here. Vivekananda used to say that our own religion is only “Braahamanachar” (Principles of conduct for men) and “Striyachar” (principles of conduct for women). But only the one who knows Brahma should be called as Brahman. We call him “Dwija” in Sanskrit language. Dwija means born again. A bird is also called as Dwija. The bird is born twice. First it comes as an egg, and then it becomes a bird. There is a total change, a big transformation between the two states. So Dwija is the one, who is reborn. No one becomes a Brahman by wearing a sacred thread. And without knowing Brahma a true Brahman cannot be satisfied either. So whether you are Brahman or not, you may be of any race, but unless you get to know yourself, unless you have recognised that pure spirit, unless it is in your consciousness, and shows up in what we call the “Majja Sanstha” or the central nervous system, until then you have not found anything. Buddha also comes from the word “Bodha”. Bodha means to know something on your central nervous system. Similarly Vedas, “Veda” has come from the word “Vid”. Vid also means the same thing as Bodha. The first verse of the Vedas says that, even if you have read the whole Veda but still have not realised your Spirit, then it is useless for you. So you may try to explain it in many words, but unless and until you experience it, there is no point. When this experience happens you will see that your Kundalini rises up the spine, through the six chakras and then flows from your Sahasrara, which we call as the fontanel bone. In Sanskrit it is called “Talu”. When she's out of this Talu, the integration with the cosmic energy takes place. Now this Divine energy is known by many names – Muslims call it “Ruh”, and Christians call it “The cool breeze of the Holy Ghost”, we call it “Param Chaitanya”. It must be called vibrations, divine vibrations, which we feel; it is the power of the Goddess. It’s also called as “Spanda”. People have written a lot about it, worked a lot on it, but they have forgotten the real and got lost in the hypocrisy game. And all these hypocrites, they only make money and give you all kinds of fake explanations. People accept everything in the name of religion. Many of you are from UP and Bihar, and in UP, Bihar there is so blatant hypocrisy, you know. Now, Kabira has called Kundalini as “Surti”. And there tobacco is called Surti. What can I say? Kundalini is your Mother; she gives you your second birth. People started to call it tobacco! “Give me some Surti” they say. Surti, Zarda etc, so they have named it. What stupidity! It’s like calling the Divine a monster. Thus many wrong things happened in our country and people don’t even know. I talked to them in Bihar about Kundalini. They thought I was talking about “Kundali” that is horoscope. I had to tell them, no it is the Kundalini energy, which is within you. So now we've forgotten everything that was our real knowledge and are running after everything else which is illusion. There are so many fake people - someone does magic, someone gives diamonds, and someone gives ash. Where have you seen God doing works like this? Is this God's work? We have to ask for the real from God. But our attention is always on the fake things. That is the reason so many such fake people have mushroomed. They will tell you that I will tell your future, or I'll do ill of another man, or I will make him better. All these things don’t exist in God's Kingdom. God is purity. And you should also get this purity. Unless and until you are pure, you cannot enjoy it. This can happen only in Sahaja Yoga. Now you'll be surprised that in Delhi University three doctors have received their MD in Sahaja Yoga. And I can tell you for real that with Sahaja Yoga we have cured many diseases like cancer. And those who got cured were told they had only a month to live. It’s been more than nine years now - they are still alive and are doing very well. They are great artists, great architects, and no ordinary people. They are happy, nice human beings, just that they had such terrible diseases especially blood cancer. And they were cured without any medication by their own inner power. Thus you can yourselves treat many diseases, spontaneously. You can. You know on your fingers which centres are caught up. You know your centres and also of others. The collective consciousness is now awakened in you. So you are now collectively conscious. You get this new dimension, that you can see what is the trouble of others and also your own. If you can see it and also know how to fix it, you can do it for yourself and also for others. Because who are you and who is the other then? All are in the same ocean. When a drop becomes the ocean it understands everything about the ocean. In the same way you know about everyone, and there is no “other” left. Now you know about everyone, so if they desire, you can surely improve their heath at least. Secondly, many people now have mental problems also. People even go mad. Many people go mad. And these mad people can be cured by Sahaja Yoga. Now here I have seen this madness in the Hare Rama Hare Krishna people. In our country, everybody greats each other by saying, “Rama Rama” or “Hare Krishna”. Will that lead you to God? And will you get your salvation? And then they keep begging from everyone in the name of Krishna. When Krishna is Kubera! Should you beg from him? They go begging especially on the main streets of London. And the Indians there feel great pity for them. Let’s give some money to them. Every Saturday they go to South Hall begging around, and everyone gives them money, rice, etc. Did Krishna ask these beggars to leave their households and go begging like this? Krishna never said any such thing that you keep begging on the streets. And then they sell books. What’s the use of selling books? Even what's the use of reading books? In our country Kabira has said, "Padhi padhi pundit murkh bhaye”. (Too much reading makes you a fool). FIRST CHECK TO HERE – FOOTNOTES AND SANSKRIT need doing So I used to wonder how come priests become fools by too much reading. Now I have met many. They only see what they read and write. Who will practice what you have read and written? Who will do it? Like I said, if you are told to take medication for headaches, you are given a prescription. But if you keep on reading that prescription, and go on saying, take the prescription, take the prescription; will your headache go away? If you want to heal the headache then take the medication. Like it is written in the Gita and also in The Ramayana it has been written that you have to get your salvation. Become one with your spirit. It remained so, just written there. What have we done about it? Only we've increased other meaningless things unnecessarily. So much so that there are these Devadasis, now it’s getting over because some rules have been formed lately. Then these Kutches had this thing that their “Mahants”. They used to have relationship with every new bride. They used to call it God's relation. This has also been caught now. In Hinduism at least this is good that the malpractices they have, government fixes it. They have done things for the women. Like earlier only the boy used to get all the money, now it’s equal between boys and girls. So in Hinduism, at least corrections can be made. Not in Muslim religion. You cannot change even a little bit. Even if you talk about a little change, people are ready to kill you. There is no freedom. But this freedom also, people take to any limits. Once we saw, the place of Gyaneshwara, its called Alandi, there women go with a pot of basil full with soil and walk for miles. Now they are dizzy, have trouble getting and going. They faint in between but still continue no problem! What's in it now? What is the need of Basil to Gyaneshwara? And what's the need to get this heavy pitcher filled with soil and water? Such odd things. Pandharpur in Maharashtra has even more strange things. People go on pilgrimage to Pandharpur. They are called "Warkari". They have to go there by foot and should walk for a month. A complete month and that also with torn clothes, they call it "Lattar" in Marathi. And when they reach, there are these people who are called “Badwe” who are the Brahmanas. And they break their skulls like coconuts. And then these people go crazy, and these Brahamanas say they have reached the "Unmanee dasha”, a very high state of being. So many odd things exist here. Now this Vishwanath temple in Varanasi. I went and I saw there, that these Panda people are robbing all the money. So I told them I will not come to your temple unless you stop all this money business. There was a hidden door and the women wearing jewellery, etc. were pulled from there. They would rob them of their jewellery and make them prostitutes. Varanasi has many prostitutes. This type of life, how can it be religious? Those who speak of religion, how can they have interest in money? How can that be? How can they have interest in women? Or how can they fight for this land and that land? Now Shri Ram Chandra Ji was born in that place its right. And it’s also true that the mosque was created at the birthplace. For this land they created such a brawl, because no one knows the truth. Someone asked me, Mother was Shri Ramchandraji born here? I said yes. He asked me, how do you know Mother? I told him I know because of this Divine consciousness. It is Shri Rama's place. Then he said that the mosque was made to fall in 5 hours. And it is a fact that even seven bulldozers working for five days is also not enough to do that. So how did this happen? Now if you ask me I would say it was Shri Hanumana. You may not agree but there is no doubt that Shri Hanumana did it. But if you tell this to anyone in India, then it finished. Either the Muslims or the Congress people will come and kill you. No one understands one small little thing. Sri Ram is called as Yugpurush even in our constitution. And so, if it is his birth place then why should this not be done. I am not in favour of any religion. Hindu religion is a secular religion. It accepts all religions, all saints. Now we believe in Shirdi Sainath, he was a Muslim, Kabir was a Muslim. We do not think of their race or religion. Kabir was a saint, we believe in him, and then Jhulelal was a great Muslim scholar also. Similarly Nizamuddin Ji, people in Delhi always respected him. His disciple, Amir Khusro, he wrote many beautiful poems in Hindi, they are songs, we sing them in weddings, and we believe in them. Moinuddin Chisti Sahib was similar, we believe in him. Wherever there is a saint we believe in him. Think about Haji Malang, he was a Muslim. And I am surprised in Bombay, there is this Mr. Thackeray, he recognizes Haji Malang. He goes and prays at his tomb. The greatness of this religion is that if there is any saint in any religion then he is respected. It’s only us who are well aware of this. But now it’s different. Like people follow a lot this Sathya Sai Baba. You can well make out from his face what a man he is. I wonder why we do not find out about someone. However, now the cameras have exposed him. They have found out it’s all a fraud. But earlier many people used to believe in him. Especially Indians abroad followed him a lot. Are you looking for diamonds or Spirit? Only people who are looking for diamonds will go to such places, such wrong places. Especially I've seen this man’s disciples, either they have heart attack or they become blind. All big Johnnies got robbed. Going to a wrong man you are bound to get hurt. But whatever is done is done. People used to believe so much in Rajneesh at one time. Such dirty things he used to teach and people believed him. At least in our country we should not believe in these things. But the Gujaratis used to follow Rajneesh a lot. Then came this Muktanand another man, people also used to follow him a lot. He was a scoundrel. He had diamonds worth 600 crores with him. Those who believe in such people, those who walk on such wrong paths, they should at least see if they have got anything from such a man. Except that he looted money, looted everyone, what did he give you? And how can you charge for real giving? It is priceless. And the one, who gives it, does it in love and deliverance, not to take something from you. We have to save the world today. Surprisingly this is in countries where so much is talked about God. And there are countries like Russia which are amazing. They don’t have any such religious background. You will not believe, they don’t allow anyone except me in that country. They drove out all these so called Gurus. No one can enter there. And I was invited and also given a huge award. It’s surprising that their university has given this award to only10 people till now. One of them was Einstein and one of them is me. I said what have I done? They said Einstein only worked on matter, you transform human beings. They honoured me so much. This time 3000 scientist and doctors are all coming and going to do a big conference. And there's the Patriarch of the church, he called me. But here you cannot do that. It cannot happen in India because there are so many fake people. They are all false and consider me also the same, and keep my name in the same league. I am telling them since 1970 about all false people, and that they are all monsters, but still the press never takes the side of truth. Now some change is definitely coming. Many things are now written by Indian Express, but with restraint. I can openly talk against them, dare anyone say anything to me. Because they are all thieves you know. And if you call a thief as a thief what can he say? But you should have the courage to say it. In our country there are so many of these thieves, I can’t tell you. But you should not cheat in the name of religion. You cannot steal in the name of God. Do what you want in any other field. Be it politics, economics, but not in religion. Thankfully our country still has the speciality of its culture, because of which our society is still very good. Women are still respected, men also, and family is very good. It’s a special thing, and nowhere else it is like this. I would say it is the Indian woman who is responsible for this. Our woman is highly intelligent and very tolerant. She has made her country and her children by suffering and tolerance. But this is a wrong thing, and men should understand, they need to change slowly. But the woman here has her own internal strength and has suffered a lot. But she has maintained her society, and I'm so glad to see that you people also have tried to do the same here. Woman is the base of society. For us woman represents the strength, the energy. Energy which is not manifested. We have so many electrical connections everywhere but you cannot see the electrical energy. It does not manifest. It is hidden. Woman also keeps her power hidden in India. The biggest thing is respect. This is because our society and culture is very deep. Even the Muslim women, Sikh and Christian women have such depth and gravity. They are themselves very stable. And because of them society is fine, even today. You must have heard of Lal Bahadur Shastri, our prime minister. My husband was his official secretary. So we got to know them. His mother was not at all educated. But I was surprised to see how much depth she had inside her, so much understanding in her. You could listen to her for hours. She was completely one with the essence of religion, even though she was not educated. Shastriji was also a very religious man. Not only that, one should say he was a Realised Soul. Now in our country there are very few men like these, Shastriji was one I should say, and Gandhiji. I was with Gandhiji since childhood, and I used to tell him to start Sahaja Yoga. He used to say let us get our freedom first, and then we will begin Sahaja Yoga. And I helped him in writing his Bhajnavali. I was 7 years old then and he had great affection for me, everything was there, but sadly he was killed after freedom. So our country suffered a lot and many negative people also came. They caused a lot of harm to the nation. Hopefully things will improve gradually. Our CNC Sahib is now in Sahaja Yoga and I have also given realisation to our Prime Minister. Still they run after false gurus. These days so many such gurus come in London. Murari Babu is one of them. I accidentally went in his program once. That day I was going by taxi, and the taxi driver took me there. So he was performing the ritual of Sri Rama’s marriage. So Shri Ramchandraji and Sitaji were getting married. A little boy was made Shri Rama, and a little girl was Shri Sita. And then he was asking for dowry for Sitaji from his disciples, and all these ladies were taking off their bangles and giving for Sitaji. So this Murari Babu, then this Dongreji, and then Athavleji. All are the same. In Maharashtra where so much has been talked about religion, where so much has been said about who is real and who is fake, where such great saints like Ramdas have come, there such false people are mushrooming. In Bombay, especially with the Gujaratis there is lot of following. I can’t understand why they run after all wrong people. But surprisingly Sahaja Yoga has settled in Delhi very nicely. Also in UP, Lucknow, Ghaziabad, Meerut, Moradabad, Dehradun, Haridwar. It has spread everywhere. It has also started well in Patna. Generally I see people have very less interest in religion. But surprisingly in these places people have gone deep in Sahaja Yoga. It’s easy for them because their traditions are deeply rooted in them. For the people here, I have to work very hard. But once they get it they settle deep in it. They know so much about Shri Ganesha, Shri Vishnu, even you people may not know. They will tell you every little detail about them. They told me that people think we know a lot Mother. I said they are all book worms; books cannot give you real knowledge. Come to the Kingdom of God first and then you will know. An educated man can be the most stupid. So you should explain to them that we actually have got to know the reality and now you can also know. What good are books to you? What are you going to get from reading books? If you want to know something, know the real. So they said that we will try to explain to the Indians here. They are very knowledgeable people and also very humble. We in India feel we have read everything. One gentleman came to visit me and asked me, who is a Hindu, Mother? So I asked him what happened. He said there is no Hindu here. Not a single Hindu in Bengal, I asked him. He said Mother, if you ask them, someone says, I am a Brahmasamaji, or a Hare Rama Hare Krishna, or someone says I am Brahma, but nobody says that I am a Hindu. I said, really. Mother, they talk of all other things! Because you have complete freedom to do what you want. Who will teach them Hindutva when they don’t even want to call themselves Hindu? In Bengal if this is the situation then you can well imagine other places. I said, if you want to find out Hindus then find out who all have their bath everyday in the morning. The one who takes his bath everyday consider him to be a Hindu. Now this Hindu word has come because of Alexander. We were first “Bhartiya”. We were known by the name of Bharat, the son of Dushyant. Later when Alexander came to India he had to cross the Indus River. People told them that the name of this river is “Sindhu”. They could not speak the letter “s” so they said “Hindu” Since then we became Hindus. So there was nothing like Hindu before, it was only “Bhartiya” (Indian). And “Bhartiya” is a very great and independent thing. But there was one thing good because of this independence, that we had no fanaticism. There are few fanatics in Hinduism too, but not many. Not as much as in Muslims, and Christians. They believe in a book. And you cannot go beyond the book. And even if there are some faults in the book you still believe in it as that is your only evidence. This book is not written by Isa and not written by Prophet and neither written by Moses. It is written by someone else. Still it is the evidence. On the basis of this evidence they kill people. If you ask them about the dead bodies in the graves, they say that this body will rise and come out, and shall be resurrected when resurrection time will come, of which I am talking, which the Muslims call as “Qiyama” and the Christians call as “The Last Judgement”. Now tell me what is going to come out of the graves after 500 years. They listen to all stupid things. They bury people everywhere in acres and acres of land. Nowhere in the world they understand about death as much as we do in India. Like if someone dies in our country, we play “Shahnai” so that no bhoot should be there. Also we do the memorial service for the person, very properly, call people for dinner so that no repressed desire of the person remains unfulfilled. So we try, somehow that all is worked out and there are no dead souls remaining. Here it is upside down. In England if someone died they open a bottle of champagne. I said if someone dies do you open the champagne? We were both so surprised. So, we went to the funeral there, and then he said lets go home, we have great lunch. We both were so aghast; he thought we were sick or something. He was a very dear friend of my husband, we were obviously feeling very sad, and these people were into champagne and everything. We were completely shocked, we did not know that English are such funny people that they blow away champagne when someone dies. There is no culture at all. If someone dies in our country not a grain is cooked. You all must know all this. So we know a lot of good things. Now we have come abroad so that does not mean that we should forget the main purpose of our culture. The purpose of our culture is only to know our true self. And realise this divine consciousness. It is our purpose and we must not forget it. You must have seen many funny things here. And they are all crazy people. Lifelong they earn, and then they run everywhere for holidays. They do not have a penny left. They go out and come back with skin cancer. It’s stupid to go to such hot places. Then they say now tell us any place in India where it’s very hot. It’s best to put them in the oven I say. Why you want to go to such hot places? It hurts us so much in the heat and these people I don’t know what drives them so crazy! Quite insane. If one person would have hair like this then everyone wants it like that. Anything new comes out everyone gets after it and starts imitating. Women also wear similar clothes, will have hair in the same way, they have no personality of their own. They will do whatever everyone is doing. They pretend to be the same. Everyone should have some personality of his own. They told me that here women are told to expose as much as they can. In our country if you say this then you shall be slapped. If a woman is asked to expose, the person shall be exposed with a slap! These people are crazy you will be surprised to see them. But you also have to be special, otherwise why will they listen to you. They will say that you are another type of crazy people, ringing bells in temples, have strange marks on their forehead and keep roaming here and there, and nothing else. It’s not like that. You are great people. The greatest thing is that you have come from India. They say you have to do many penances and good deeds to be born in India. And you are Indians so you are special. So you should receive this special blessing within you. You have so many miracles in life are so blessed by God. Till now very few Indians have remained here and I hope that you people will get it and stay. Get it and then grow in it. Don’t leave it midway. Like today, you hear my lecture then you go to another guru then to third. These people drive you crazy, its better you leave this craziness. Go deep within yourselves. If you have to quench your thirst then you go deep at one place or do you go on digging at ten places? So deeply understand this thing and get it. If this happens in you, then these people are really eager to help you. See how they are singing to welcome you. They sing in Sanskrit for you. Even we cannot sing in Sanskrit as these people sing it so clearly. They have made the tune themselves and go and sing in all countries. We should understand that our culture is spreading all over the world and where are we? What did we achieve? We are still busy with age old customs and rituals. And we are continuing with the same stuff. Now we have to achieve this thing, that which is our own heritage since time immemorial. And if we don’t achieve it then it shall be proved that these people have more understanding of religion and are more righteous. And we are still not achieving it, and are still stuck in age old rituals. It’s something we should really understand, though I often say that it’s not required to work very hard with the Indians, they get it very easily. So all of you please take off your shoes. You know that while praying we take off our shoes. We do so in any prayer and temples. For these people I have to explain differently, but I don’t need to make you understand. When I said this for the first time in England, half of the people actually left the hall and went away, as though I asked them to commit a sin! I am sorry I had to speak in Hindi Language, and I must say Hindi is better than English for such kind of a subject, I am sorry to say. For spirit you see, in English language you have, spirit is the alcohol, spirit is the dead body and spirit is also the “Atman”. It’s a very confusing thing you see. On spiritual subjects, the best is to speak in Sanskrit Marathi or Hindi language. But I have never studied English before; somehow I never studied it because I was a medical student. But I think it is the easiest language to follow and there must have been thousands of my lectures in English language, also in Hindi, Marathi. But the problem is, you see the whole basis of our traditions and our we can say the culture, is moral, culture is for morality. If there is no morality in culture...that culture is foreign to us. Because we are ancient people, and also the climate in India is so good, that you need not sort of worry about going out or anything. People live in forests just to find out why we are on this earth. Just to get an answer for this question. And they discovered it, long time back they discovered it, long time back they discovered, 14000 years back, Markandaya has written about Kundalini, can you imagine! So like that it has been there this knowledge, but it was not exposed to general public, so far because they thought they are not yet ready to take it, if they get a little bit, they may try to misuse or something. And out of this great knowledge, you see this, now in these modern times, somehow I have been able to achieve something little more, that you can get your amass realisation. That means it’s not necessary for you to go to Himalayas, stand on your heads, do anything fasting or anything. You just get it within yourself, because it is your own power, it is within you, it’s your own Mother, and she is anxious to give you your second birth, and you just get it. There’s nothing to be done about it. It is Sahaja, means born with you. In India you will be surprised I don’t have to tell them, do this or do that. But in the west it is not possible, you have to tell them. Perhaps Indians are blessed as far as religion is concerned. They have a proper understanding. One boy who was in Cambridge told me, that I was surprised that these people do things they don’t think it is wrong. Like they take drugs, they think this is their challenge. Anything is a challenge to them. But for Indians you see, they think this is wrong, we should not do it. So why is it that the people from India think like that? Because, for ages together we know what is right what is wrong. Quite a lot and it’s so traditional. Now after coming in the west I have discovered, some Indian girls were in France, where they said Mother these people are mad. I said why? What are they doing? They eat banana and then drink water. Then they come from outside from heat and just drink water. And they will drink coffee and drink water. I mean, we Indians all know. I don’t know the Indians here, but Indians in India know that this is all absurd because this will create problem, to have something cold after hot, we all know. Whether you are a Muslim, Hindu, Christian, or anybody. So this is what is to be seen that the whole culture was for health, also for your morality. Morality is the main thing. And that’s what has kept this country afloat. Despite we don’t have good politicians we don’t have good economics. 300 years these British lived in our country. You can imagine, without visas or anything. And looted us completely, no doubt. But even after that we are surviving. And we are aspiring to come up. Nowhere in the world, had they ruled for 300 years. They ruled for 300 years and so many are still there. Doesn’t matter, India has accepted not only people, but also languages. There are so many words from other languages in our country. And it’s so open; they are so open and innocent, that we lost our country to English. We believed them. We couldn’t be that cunning to understand their cunningness. That’s how we were under 300 years imagine, domination of English. And English never learnt anything from us. Very surprising. On the contrary we used to say that always a mad dog and an English goes into the “sang”. The way to regard something as madness. The way they were living. So they were actually treated just like some foreigners, some different people of a different race, of different ideas. It was really very surprising how we lived with them. But when they went away, I found they went without any idea of the great treasure we have. The other day, I met a Chinese cultural Hitachi, and he said now I know what treasure you have in your country. Because always people used to say, don’t become enemies of India. Because they have some hidden treasure of spirituality with them. When I told him about it he was amazed. He said, really! And I had also met their Prime Minister. So he said, I’ll talk to him and I am sure you will be called there with great honour as it is in Russia. But I was surprised that these are our neighbours, and they knew all about us that we have some treasure with us, as far as spirituality was concerned, which was hidden. But English never discovered it. They never, they thought we are very low type of people or something. So you see, you need a very subtler personality to understand the depth of spirituality. To understand what Indians are. Now I am very happy the Indians here have kept up their traditions, and also the culture of our country. And they also know the language. It’s very surprising. I mean our Indians who are even educated abroad, they forget their language. How these people have maintained it, it’s extremely remarkable I must say. And I really congratulate them for this. So may God bless you all. And now we will have a little session for our realisation. Later on you must come to our centres. That is very important. You must come to our centres and become masters of this art. This is very simple and you can do it. But you have to be humble. Forget all your so called knowledge. As Surdas has said after writing SurSagar, “Surdas ki sabhi avidya dur karo nandlal”. (Take away all the Avidya of Surdas, O Krishna). This is all Avidya, please take it away, he prayed to Nandlal, who is Sri Krishna. Similarly we also have to pray that all this, that we have read should be finished and we have to know the reality. It is very easy for Indians. Are you getting cool breeze in your hand? Otherwise other people are all Sahaja Yogis, or some people who are new, who have come for the first time. No, No, I am saying other than Indians. Yes, is it coming? Shanti Prakashji please tell if you are feeling in the hands or not? It is coming! Good! This is the specialty of Indians. Now put the right hand towards me. Like this. And keep your hand on your fontanel bone and see if you can feel the coolness or not. A little above, like this. Is it coming? And if it is not coming, on your head, say, “Mother, Please come through my head”, 3 times. It is coming! Happens by asking! Whatever you say! Now put the left hand towards me. Now check with your right hand. Check if you can feel the cool breeze from the head. Don’t touch your fontanel bone. Try to feel that which is coming out of the head. Is it there? Those who are not feeling should say, “Mother please come in my head”. Check a little above. For these people it is hard. You have to tell them to forgive everyone, forgive yourself. You people don’t need to be told anything. You feel it, right? It comes higher, much higher. Now check again with your right hand. Bend your head and see for yourself whether there is cool or hot breeze coming out. See with the Indians. All have got it. Yes! Now please put both your hands towards the sky and push back your heads. Please ask a question, “Mother, is this the all pervading power of the divine love?” Ask 3 times. Now put down your hands please. Now put both the hands towards me, like this and don’t think. So the first state of thoughtless awareness, Nirvichara Samadhi, is established. Please look towards me and try not to think. You will feel thoughtlessness. Is it happening? Keep your hands like this towards me. Yes! Now all those who are feeling cool or hot breeze on their fingertips, centre of their palm, or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. It can be cool or hot breeze; if you have not forgiven then it will be hot breeze. You did not feel? Raise your hands. Good! I bow to you all of you. Your saintly life has started. The primule is coming out of the seed, as you can say. But it has to grow into a tree and so you have to know that this is a collective happening. So now you have to come to our centres. You have to respect your realization. You have to know your real self. After this you don’t have to pay anything. Neither here nor there, nowhere. Please come and grow yourself. If you have done well, the next year when I come, I would be able to see lots of Indians who have reached good states. Your illnesses would be finished, your questions shall be gone and you will be astonished to see what you have got. You can’t pay for this; there is no need of money. Divine does not know money. This is a headache of humans. So I bless you all and I hope you all will take to yourself realization, completely. You have lot of powers which shall be awakened. You will be astonished. And also goddess Lakshmi, who resides in all of you, shall be awakened. And lots of questions of people, which are still not answered, shall be finished completely. So you have all my blessings. So when I come here next year, I hope everyone would have worked hard on themselves and would have grown. I was very happy to see your desire to get your self-knowledge. Please tell about it to others and make yourselves such that you can help others in their salvation. You can awaken the Kundalini of others, you can cure others of their illnesses and you can do a lot. But first, you have to grow and establish yourself in Sahaja Yoga. For that you should come to the centre, it does not take a lot of time. Not at all. You should stay with these people where they take a hall. They will respect you a lot and will take care of you. They invite you with love. You will always feel respected. But come with humility and try to learn. You have all my blessings. If they want they can sing one song – Vishwavandita. There is still time. I should tell you who has written this song. He is a blind singer and poet. His name is Ravindra Jain, who worked for Ramayana also. He only met me three times. I call him the blind Surdas. I don’t know how he wrote these things about me. I was astonished. He really recognizes and appreciates Sahaja Yoga. He has written this song that you will listen. What was the name of that song? “Jab se hum Sahaja Yogi bane...” Yes!
Afternoon, Interview with Hindustan TV station
English, Hindi
Interview with Hindustan TV station, Varikstraat Ashram, Amsterdam, 31st July 1994, English Transcript (missing) Translation from Hindi Q: Shri Mataji, can you give your introduction in short? Shri Mataji: Introduction is such that, I belong to the family Shalivahanas. Both my father and mother were great disciples of Gandhiji. And my father was a member of the Constituent Assembly and also the parliament. My mother was honours in mathematics. I have a brother who is a cabinet minister. But spiritually it was my parents who recognised me, that I had something special in me. Then I got married. At that time I was studying in a medical college in Lahore. Then there was trouble in Lahore in those times, so I had to leave my studies, and I got married. My husband is Dr. C. P. Srivastava and he is a well known person. Later he was chosen as the Secretary General of a U.N. Organisation called IMO, International Maritime Organisation. He was chosen unanimously by 134 nations. Now he has taken retirement. I have two daughters. One of them is married in Bihar. They are related to (Rajendra Babu) Q: Mostly we see that there are yogis coming from India, but they are mostly men. You are the only woman. Do you see something special in that? Shri Mataji: Yes, because only a woman can do this work, not possible for others. Sri Rama came, and had to go to exile. Sri Krishna came and he had to leave soon. And when he used to get angry he would use his Sudarshana Chakra. Jesus Christ came, and he was crucified. Prophet Mohammed came and he was poisoned. So the way of handling children is something that only a mother knows. And that is what we call patience, that you have to bear patiently with children, is something only a mother knows. Q: How do you work these days? Shri Mataji: So I go to every country, and tell people about Sahaja Yoga. And in these are special times that in every country people are seeking in thousands. Whether they seek God or they seek the Truth, it is the same. But there is no one to show them the way. Everyone knows that there is a market now, so everyone is into making money. Fact is, that to get the truth, you cannot give any money. You cannot buy truth! It is the light inside you that gets awakened! Q: We know about Karma Yoga, Gyana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Tantra Yoga. You have talked about Sahaja Yoga. What is its importance? Shri Mataji: The importance is that it is the gist of all yogas. In Karma Yoga Krishna said that “Do your karma.” But Krishna was a diplomatic personality. He didn’t say it clearly. He thought if people are not so clear themselves yet, so let’s tell them in this unclear manner. So there was special in what he said, that "Karmanya Vadhikaraste Ma Faleshu Kadachit". That “Do your Karma but don’t desire for results.” And the second thing he said was, “Whatever Karma you do, surrender it to me.” This we cannot do! Because we have ego; whatever we do we never think that, let’s surrender it to God. Tomorrow someone will do a murder and will surrender that also to God. There is a way of it, that is, that you first get connected to God. And then you will see. You will do karma in a way that it will be akarma. Whatever you will do, you will never feel that you are doing it. All you feel is that it is happening. When this state comes in you, is when this is possible. This is what he spoke about. And on bhakti He said, "Flowers, fruits, leaves, whatever you give me I will accept". But what can we give? On such things are his words. He said that... ( interruption in tape) Q: We know about Karma Yoga, Gyana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Tantra Yoga. You have talked about Sahaja Yoga. What is its importance? (same Q again) Shri Mataji: The importance is that it incorporates all yogas. That is to say that till you don’t get connected to God through Sahaja Yoga, all yogas have no meaning for you. Krishna made Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga. In both these yogas he indicated that you should have a connection to me. First he said that whatever deeds you do, surrender them to me. That we cannot do. That can only be done after Sahaja Yoga. Then he talked about bhakti. “Ananya Bhakti", which means bhakti when there is no other. This also happens only after Sahaja Yoga. Because till the time you are not really connected to God, whatever deed you do, you will hold yourself responsible for it. Then there is Tantra Yoga. So in this we use the tantra. Tantra means the mechanism inside us. That is the mechanism we use in Sahaja Yoga. And the so called tantricas, they don’t know anything about it. They do all wrong things. So it’s not so called Tantrism we are talking about, but the knowledge of Tantra, our inner mechanism. The seven chakras and the three nadis, that is what we are talking about. Now no one has written on this, but they have all said, "Sahaja samadhi lago"(Get Sahaja Meditation). Both Guru Nanak and Kabir have mentioned about it. Kabira has said a lot about it. "Ida Pingala sukhmana nadi re". (Ida, Pingala and Sushumna are the three nadis). "Shunya shikhar par anahad baaje"(The continuous pulsation beats at the epitome).Everything! Now "Anhada", Adi Shankaracharya has called them "Spanda"(Pulsation). So all this that has been told, the complete explanation and experience you have after Sahaja Yoga. Till you have no connection, it’s like you have a telephone without connection, who are you calling? Q: Are there things like asanas, and pranayamas, in Sahaja Yoga? Shri Mataji: No. In Sahaja Yoga the Kundalini inside you gets awakened and rises through six chakras, and comes out of your fontanel bone area, and gets you connected to the all pervading power of the divine. But if you have a physical problem, say your spine has some problem, then we can tell some asana to him. But (the idea) that asana (physical yoga posture) has to be done by everyone is like saying that everyone should take every medicine from a medicine box!Everything has a system, and discipline. Till now I haven’t told any asana to anyone! Q: You are talking about Kundalini. So what does a seeker do, if he does not do asanas, does not do pranayamas? Shri Mataji: It’s Sahaja, spontaneous. You don’t have to do anything. Just settle in it. Just as you sow a seed and Mother Earth sprouts it spontaneously and a tree is formed. Similarly in your seed, the Kundalini is the sprout. And after getting awakened, it finds its own way. And when you start doing something, you come into imbalance. You don’t have to do anything, but try to get into thoughtless awareness. The first state is of thoughtlessness, which you can achieve. First edit done to here – 15.03.2012If you think, you either think of what has happened or what will happen. So we live either in the past or in the present. And both the things do not exist. The past is finished and the future is not there. So to get into the present this kundalini works out. No thoughts, you are in thoughtless awareness state, and you grow. So many powers inside you get enlightened. Q: I have read and heard in other Yogic practices, that one should be careful of Kundalini Shakti, it can be dangerous also. It can hurt the seeker or even make him mad. Shri Mataji: This is a very wrong notion. It can never happen, because Kundalini is your individual Mother.She knows everything about you.When you were born all the pains were born by your Mother. You did not take any pain, did you? This is a very wrong statement. Those people who do not know about Kundalini talk like this. Or those who do not want that people should go towards truth. Q: How can Sahaja Yoga transform the life of a person? Shri Mataji: I all ways. One his physical state becomes completely allright. Now I have told you I am 71 years old, but I travel so much everyday.There is no problem I am just fine.So your life also becomes very empowered, and many things which cause you trouble, those illnesses, they get allright. We have even cured cancer. Many types of illnesses have been cured.This is about physical health, but you also get mental health. Many people have depression, epilepsy, lunacy, all this can be cured with Sahaja Yoga. And then your innermost desire as a seeker, that he should atain God, and atain His Shakti, You atain that. So you transform physically ,emotionally, and also mentally. I have seen children who were very week in studies, they started coming first in class.because when Kundalini enters your intelligence, it enlightens it. So your intelligence becomes sharp. Your sttention becomes steady and integrated. And also very innocent. Q: A Sahaja Yogi is always practicing alone, or can thi sbe done in groups also? Shri Mataji:He has to practice individually also, but it is in collectivity that he grows the most.Because the give and take between each other happens automatically. So colectivity is very important. Its just like when the drop becomes the part of the ocean , it becomes the ocean itself. Then you flow with the ocean. The drop cannot move independent of the ocean. But you also have to meditate athome on your own. Say for 10 mins. Just like a bath. So he also takes a bath with which the internal cleansing takes place. All this is the work of the pure energy, that is Love, that makes a man absolutely pure.What we call as "Khalis" Q: In modern society we see, there are all kind of problems.Like peope are dying of hunger in the world. Or there are wars. There is so much discrimination. What awnser can Shaja Yoga give to the world? Shri Mataji: Sahaja Yoga has a huge effect. First of all man forgets discrimination of cste and creed because universal brotherhood comes in him. He starts to think, who is theother? There is only one. Now we have marriages in Sahaja Yoga. Every year some 80 to 90 marriages take place. They are all international, and they all live in peace. They have very nice family lives. They have beautiful children, and very pure inside. They have left drinking, smoking, I never said anything to them. Spontaneously everything drops out. Like in the darkness you can sit in your hand with a snake. And if a light comes in, you just drop it. Just like that these people have become pure! And all these problems you have are because of man. All these political problems in the world are because of man. So when man is allright all these problems will also be solved. Q: But these problems are so many. And if I see it, I just heard yesterday about Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji: No, No. I don't know why you were unaware. Its avery old word. And also it is a very old thing. It used to be kept as a secret before. May be thats why you did not hear about it. Sahjaja means spontaneous. And if you know hindi, it also means born with you. It is your right. You have to get it. Q: In our language i thin "Sahaj" means easy. Shri Mataji: yes, that is true. Its the same thing. Q: And there arae many problems in the society. Like people go mad. Or they run too much after materialism in western countries. There are a lot of family problems. There is divorce between husband and wife.... Shri Mataji: But now a new race is getting ready. A new kind of people who are away from all these problems.They don't have family problems, or society problems. Because man is the cause of all these problems. If every individual human being is corrected, and that individual if he becomes collective, and one, then where is any problem? Now look at us. All this is happening in 65 countries. And these people when they meet together, they four to five thousand people together at a time. I have never seen them fighting, or having any arguments.The may tease each other, but for fun. They all are in joy! Q:You being a women, can you give some message to our sisters here, who are moving forward every moment.Shri Mataji: My message for women is that our society has put always a lot of burden on them. They have taken care of our religion, of their households, their children, and their husbands. Thats why we can still say , that the kind of society we have in India, you will not find it anywhere in the world. They may belong to any religion, Hindu muslim, sikhs or christians. They all have peace in their lives. This has been maintained by the women. This is the work of women. A woman is like Mother earth. She tolerates so much and still nurtures everything. And man is like the sun. So to tolerate the heat of the sun, and then to nurture and produce nature, is the task of the earth. Similarly women are very powerful. And Indian women specially are respected all over the world. Its also said, " Yatra narya pujyante, ramante tatra devta".(The deities onle reside where women are worshipped) Q: We Indians in the west , we are forgetting our own culture. What would you say on that? Shri Mataji: That is happening everywhere.In India also. Its called Coco Cola Culture. But it will change. Because when they will see its negative effects, then people will change. I recently met the cultural (......?) of China.He was also saying that this coco cola culture was a lot in china also. But its changing now. But we have something stay inside us in our culture in the roots, that there we cannot change. Its very steady. Q: What is the importance of our Indian culture? Shri Mataji: The biggest thing is that it is based on Dharma. Dharma means, morality. That man has a lot of moral bindings. Morality is a very important thing. And this morality is left out here in the west. So what is their culture? And in our culture morality is the most important thing. There are a lot odf such examples based on morality in our culture. Q: ShriMataJi what is the importance of Indian culture?( Question repeated) Shri Mataji: Importance is that our Indian culture is based on morality. Morality os very important. Immorality is not accepted in our society. But here morality and cuture are two different things. There is no talk of morality in culture. Like , I was talking to this lady, she was very educated. And i was surprised when she told me that itsin our culture that we expose our bodies. And I thought what kind of a culture is this? So like this they don't have any morality in their culture.The first thingi sthat if something does'nt have morality in it...then what kind of a thing shall it be?So Indians need to know that they hold on strongly to their morality and their culture. Because in the end everyone is going to take to that. So why should we give in. Now these Sahaja Yogis you see, they are living completely like in our culture. And in their own freedom. Because the culture has a part of the pure spirit in itself. It is based on the light of the spirit. The origins of our culture is to do with great seers, great saints, the real ones. And where has their culture originated from?Whatever Christ told them, they don't follow even a bit of it. All that he has talked is the explanationof Sahaja Yogis. You should'nt have adulterous eyes. Thisis what He said. And these people in the west, specially the Christians, what do they know? Q: But we see in western countries, these people are moving towards Indian spirituality.What is your opinion on that?Shri Mataji: Thats so because, we Indians we think, we know everything. But these people they see that they are drowning, and this spirituality is the only thing that can support them. And they are ready to do anything for spirituality. Many got lost in it also. Because many crooks also came from our country, and befooled them , and made a lot of money here. But I see that with what depth these people understand Sahaja Yoga, we Indians do not. And also Indians outside India, they also don't hold on to Sahaja Yoga. I don't know what is the reason. Q: One last question. I have read that people believe you are an incarnation. How do you see yourself? Shri Mataji: I shall not say. I don't want to say. There must be something. Otherwise how is all this working out? The thing is if you say something that I am this or I am that, people run after you to kill you. I am not here to die. Christ said i am the son of God, and they crucified Him for that. They poisened Mohommad Sahab. In oue culture they have tortured saints endlessly. In your Bihar, Kabira was born, Budhdha was born. What a land it is! Mahavira, the founder of Jainism was born. And there have been so many saints. Now Kabira called Kundalini, by the name of Surati, and these people in Bihar, they name Tobacco as Surati! Now what should I say? The way they have done the juxtaposition of whatever these great saints said and did, I think I better not say anything. I would rather say, first you get your self realisation, and then know me from your subtle vision. And what is the need for me to say anything? I am a woman, I am a Mother. All this is me. Q: Thank you. Q: We have people from Surinam here in Holland. So they also get entangled in the problems of west, like divorce, growing stress, and people are running after materialism. What is your opinion on that? Shri Mataji: The solution to all this is Sahaja Yoga. Because when Sahaja Yoga happens, you realise that you are not alone. With you everyone is enjoying this nector. Everything in this creation is for joy. I you get that joy, why will you run after material things? You have nothing to do with materialism. But the quality of materialism, is this. Like if people come to you, and you want to show your love to them, so you offer them things to eat and drink. Or give them some presents. This is real materialism. This is the beauty of matter. The other thing is art. Whatever is matter how can you make it beautiful, and decorate it. That is asthetics. You can create beauty out of matter. But when matter becomes money, then everything becomes ugly. But the realisation of this happens after Sahaja Yoga.Like these things made out of Ganges(......?) are very good for Sahaja yogis. Because the vibrations flow from them. Something that has vibrations is what we consider beautiful. Like the picture of MonaLisa, it has vibrations. Its in many places, like this 16 chappel, here , it has vibrations. Where there are vibrations flowing, there is beauty. And then what is the need to possess it. Just enjoy it ! For example, if this is my carpet then its my headache that I have to get it insured, and this and that. But if its yours, then its good for me, I am enjoying it! So attachment goes away. You shall be surprised to know people in Russia have no attachments. The government asked them to take their own flats, and to take care of them. And the people said we don't want anything, we don't want to ow anything, you keep it. And what are we goingto own. Its all going to be left here. But this can only happen after Sahaja Yoga. Q: Thank you. Shri Mataji: All problems, now you have these poor people....I can tell you......Now see, our country is a agriculture based country, what we call as farmers, they are more in our country. With the help of Sahaja Yoga, sometimes the agriculture produce is 10 times or 20 times. Such big Sunflowers, with the help of these vibrations. And lot more can be done. So a sahaja Yogi is no more poor.Because he has the best seeds, the best agriculture produce, an dhe is better off the other people. So the countries which is agriculture based economy, for them Sahaja Yoga is a great thing. And cows. Norma cows give around 4 to o5 (ser) milk, now she gives around 12(ser).And we don't need to buy hybrid seeds. Just vibrating the normal seeds solves the problem! So you don't need to be a slave of any company.So the problems of our country, specially our country, can be solved. There are many such things. In Sahaja Yoga you can understand. Which are the special things we have, that can be sent abroad. You get a subtle understanding. And you all will also prosper inall ways, once you get this subtle understanding. Man when he is one with the whole, all his hidden qualities, start manifesting, start getting enlightened. There are great musicians in Sahaja Yoga, great artists in Sahaja Yoga. Our Commander in Chief, he is also in Sahaja Yoga. So this is such a thing, that as soon as a human being gets it, he achieves his "Parampada"( Highest state). He goes in that state. We always pray for "Parampada". This is "Parampada". Q: Thank you. Shri Mataji: Hope I have answered all your questions.
Interview with Hindustan TV station, Varikstraat Ashram, Amsterdam, 31st July 1994, English Transcript (missing) Translation from Hindi Q: Shri Mataji, can you give your introduction in short? Shri Mataji: Introduction is such that, I belong to the family Shalivahanas. Both my father and mother were great disciples of Gandhiji. And my father was a member of the Constituent Assembly and also the parliament. My mother was honours in mathematics. I have a brother who is a cabinet minister. But spiritually it was my parents who recognised me, that I had something special in me. Then I got married. At that time I was studying in a medical college in Lahore. Then there was trouble in Lahore in those times, so I had to leave my studies, and I got married. My husband is Dr. C. P. Srivastava and he is a well known person. Later he was chosen as the Secretary General of a U.N. Organisation called IMO, International Maritime Organisation. He was chosen unanimously by 134 nations. Now he has taken retirement. I have two daughters. One of them is married in Bihar. They are related to (Rajendra Babu) Q: Mostly we see that there are yogis coming from India, but they are mostly men. You are the only woman. Do you see something special in that? Shri Mataji: Yes, because only a woman can do this work, not possible for others. Sri Rama came, and had to go to exile. Sri Krishna came and he had to leave soon. And when he used to get angry he would use his Sudarshana Chakra. Jesus Christ came, and he was crucified. Prophet Mohammed came and he was poisoned. So the way of handling children is something that only a mother knows. And that is what we call patience, that you have to bear patiently with children, is something only a mother knows. Q: How do you work these days? Shri Mataji: So I go to every country, and tell people about Sahaja Yoga. And in these are special times that in every country people are seeking in thousands. Whether they seek God or they seek the Truth, it is the same. But there is no one to show them the way. Everyone knows that there is a market now, so everyone is into making money. Fact is, that to get the truth, you cannot give any money. You cannot buy truth! It is the light inside you that gets awakened! Q: We know about Karma Yoga, Gyana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Tantra Yoga. You have talked about Sahaja Yoga. What is its importance? Shri Mataji: The importance is that it is the gist of all yogas. In Karma Yoga Krishna said that “Do your karma.” But Krishna was a diplomatic personality. He didn’t say it clearly. He thought if people are not so clear themselves yet, so let’s tell them in this unclear manner. So there was special in what he said, that "Karmanya Vadhikaraste Ma Faleshu Kadachit". That “Do your Karma but don’t desire for results.” And the second thing he said was, “Whatever Karma you do, surrender it to me.” This we cannot do! Because we have ego; whatever we do we never think that, let’s surrender it to God. Tomorrow someone will do a murder and will surrender that also to God. There is a way of it, that is, that you first get connected to God. And then you will see. You will do karma in a way that it will be akarma. Whatever you will do, you will never feel that you are doing it. All you feel is that it is happening. When this state comes in you, is when this is possible. This is what he spoke about. And on bhakti He said, "Flowers, fruits, leaves, whatever you give me I will accept". But what can we give? On such things are his words. He said that... ( interruption in tape) Q: We know about Karma Yoga, Gyana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Tantra Yoga. You have talked about Sahaja Yoga. What is its importance? (same Q again) Shri Mataji: The importance is that it incorporates all yogas. That is to say that till you don’t get connected to God through Sahaja Yoga, all yogas have no meaning for you. Krishna made Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga. In both these yogas he indicated that you should have a connection to me. First he said that whatever deeds you do, surrender them to me. That we cannot do. That can only be done after Sahaja Yoga. Then he talked about bhakti. “Ananya Bhakti", which means bhakti when there is no other. This also happens only after Sahaja Yoga. Because till the time you are not really connected to God, whatever deed you do, you will hold yourself responsible for it. Then there is Tantra Yoga. So in this we use the tantra. Tantra means the mechanism inside us. That is the mechanism we use in Sahaja Yoga. And the so called tantricas, they don’t know anything about it. They do all wrong things. So it’s not so called Tantrism we are talking about, but the knowledge of Tantra, our inner mechanism. The seven chakras and the three nadis, that is what we are talking about. Now no one has written on this, but they have all said, "Sahaja samadhi lago"(Get Sahaja Meditation). Both Guru Nanak and Kabir have mentioned about it. Kabira has said a lot about it. "Ida Pingala sukhmana nadi re". (Ida, Pingala and Sushumna are the three nadis). "Shunya shikhar par anahad baaje"(The continuous pulsation beats at the epitome).Everything! Now "Anhada", Adi Shankaracharya has called them "Spanda"(Pulsation). So all this that has been told, the complete explanation and experience you have after Sahaja Yoga. Till you have no connection, it’s like you have a telephone without connection, who are you calling? Q: Are there things like asanas, and pranayamas, in Sahaja Yoga? Shri Mataji: No. In Sahaja Yoga the Kundalini inside you gets awakened and rises through six chakras, and comes out of your fontanel bone area, and gets you connected to the all pervading power of the divine. But if you have a physical problem, say your spine has some problem, then we can tell some asana to him. But (the idea) that asana (physical yoga posture) has to be done by everyone is like saying that everyone should take every medicine from a medicine box!Everything has a system, and discipline. Till now I haven’t told any asana to anyone! Q: You are talking about Kundalini. So what does a seeker do, if he does not do asanas, does not do pranayamas? Shri Mataji: It’s Sahaja, spontaneous. You don’t have to do anything. Just settle in it. Just as you sow a seed and Mother Earth sprouts it spontaneously and a tree is formed. Similarly in your seed, the Kundalini is the sprout. And after getting awakened, it finds its own way. And when you start doing something, you come into imbalance. You don’t have to do anything, but try to get into thoughtless awareness. The first state is of thoughtlessness, which you can achieve. First edit done to here – 15.03.2012If you think, you either think of what has happened or what will happen. So we live either in the past or in the present. And both the things do not exist. The past is finished and the future is not there. So to get into the present this kundalini works out. No thoughts, you are in thoughtless awareness state, and you grow. So many powers inside you get enlightened. Q: I have read and heard in other Yogic practices, that one should be careful of Kundalini Shakti, it can be dangerous also. It can hurt the seeker or even make him mad. Shri Mataji: This is a very wrong notion. It can never happen, because Kundalini is your individual Mother.She knows everything about you.When you were born all the pains were born by your Mother. You did not take any pain, did you? This is a very wrong statement. Those people who do not know about Kundalini talk like this. Or those who do not want that people should go towards truth. Q: How can Sahaja Yoga transform the life of a person? Shri Mataji: I all ways. One his physical state becomes completely allright. Now I have told you I am 71 years old, but I travel so much everyday.There is no problem I am just fine.So your life also becomes very empowered, and many things which cause you trouble, those illnesses, they get allright. We have even cured cancer. Many types of illnesses have been cured.This is about physical health, but you also get mental health. Many people have depression, epilepsy, lunacy, all this can be cured with Sahaja Yoga. And then your innermost desire as a seeker, that he should atain God, and atain His Shakti, You atain that. So you transform physically ,emotionally, and also mentally. I have seen children who were very week in studies, they started coming first in class.because when Kundalini enters your intelligence, it enlightens it. So your intelligence becomes sharp. Your sttention becomes steady and integrated. And also very innocent. Q: A Sahaja Yogi is always practicing alone, or can thi sbe done in groups also? Shri Mataji:He has to practice individually also, but it is in collectivity that he grows the most.Because the give and take between each other happens automatically. So colectivity is very important. Its just like when the drop becomes the part of the ocean , it becomes the ocean itself. Then you flow with the ocean. The drop cannot move independent of the ocean. But you also have to meditate athome on your own. Say for 10 mins. Just like a bath. So he also takes a bath with which the internal cleansing takes place. All this is the work of the pure energy, that is Love, that makes a man absolutely pure.What we call as "Khalis" Q: In modern society we see, there are all kind of problems.Like peope are dying of hunger in the world. Or there are wars. There is so much discrimination. What awnser can Shaja Yoga give to the world? Shri Mataji: Sahaja Yoga has a huge effect. First of all man forgets discrimination of cste and creed because universal brotherhood comes in him. He starts to think, who is theother? There is only one. Now we have marriages in Sahaja Yoga. Every year some 80 to 90 marriages take place. They are all international, and they all live in peace. They have very nice family lives. They have beautiful children, and very pure inside. They have left drinking, smoking, I never said anything to them. Spontaneously everything drops out. Like in the darkness you can sit in your hand with a snake. And if a light comes in, you just drop it. Just like that these people have become pure! And all these problems you have are because of man. All these political problems in the world are because of man. So when man is allright all these problems will also be solved. Q: But these problems are so many. And if I see it, I just heard yesterday about Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji: No, No. I don't know why you were unaware. Its avery old word. And also it is a very old thing. It used to be kept as a secret before. May be thats why you did not hear about it. Sahjaja means spontaneous. And if you know hindi, it also means born with you. It is your right. You have to get it. Q: In our language i thin "Sahaj" means easy. Shri Mataji: yes, that is true. Its the same thing. Q: And there arae many problems in the society. Like people go mad. Or they run too much after materialism in western countries. There are a lot of family problems. There is divorce between husband and wife.... Shri Mataji: But now a new race is getting ready. A new kind of people who are away from all these problems.They don't have family problems, or society problems. Because man is the cause of all these problems. If every individual human being is corrected, and that individual if he becomes collective, and one, then where is any problem? Now look at us. All this is happening in 65 countries. And these people when they meet together, they four to five thousand people together at a time. I have never seen them fighting, or having any arguments.The may tease each other, but for fun. They all are in joy! Q:You being a women, can you give some message to our sisters here, who are moving forward every moment.Shri Mataji: My message for women is that our society has put always a lot of burden on them. They have taken care of our religion, of their households, their children, and their husbands. Thats why we can still say , that the kind of society we have in India, you will not find it anywhere in the world. They may belong to any religion, Hindu muslim, sikhs or christians. They all have peace in their lives. This has been maintained by the women. This is the work of women. A woman is like Mother earth. She tolerates so much and still nurtures everything. And man is like the sun. So to tolerate the heat of the sun, and then to nurture and produce nature, is the task of the earth. Similarly women are very powerful. And Indian women specially are respected all over the world. Its also said, " Yatra narya pujyante, ramante tatra devta".(The deities onle reside where women are worshipped) Q: We Indians in the west , we are forgetting our own culture. What would you say on that? Shri Mataji: That is happening everywhere.In India also. Its called Coco Cola Culture. But it will change. Because when they will see its negative effects, then people will change. I recently met the cultural (......?) of China.He was also saying that this coco cola culture was a lot in china also. But its changing now. But we have something stay inside us in our culture in the roots, that there we cannot change. Its very steady. Q: What is the importance of our Indian culture? Shri Mataji: The biggest thing is that it is based on Dharma. Dharma means, morality. That man has a lot of moral bindings. Morality is a very important thing. And this morality is left out here in the west. So what is their culture? And in our culture morality is the most important thing. There are a lot odf such examples based on morality in our culture. Q: ShriMataJi what is the importance of Indian culture?( Question repeated) Shri Mataji: Importance is that our Indian culture is based on morality. Morality os very important. Immorality is not accepted in our society. But here morality and cuture are two different things. There is no talk of morality in culture. Like , I was talking to this lady, she was very educated. And i was surprised when she told me that itsin our culture that we expose our bodies. And I thought what kind of a culture is this? So like this they don't have any morality in their culture.The first thingi sthat if something does'nt have morality in it...then what kind of a thing shall it be?So Indians need to know that they hold on strongly to their morality and their culture. Because in the end everyone is going to take to that. So why should we give in. Now these Sahaja Yogis you see, they are living completely like in our culture. And in their own freedom. Because the culture has a part of the pure spirit in itself. It is based on the light of the spirit. The origins of our culture is to do with great seers, great saints, the real ones. And where has their culture originated from?Whatever Christ told them, they don't follow even a bit of it. All that he has talked is the explanationof Sahaja Yogis. You should'nt have adulterous eyes. Thisis what He said. And these people in the west, specially the Christians, what do they know? Q: But we see in western countries, these people are moving towards Indian spirituality.What is your opinion on that?Shri Mataji: Thats so because, we Indians we think, we know everything. But these people they see that they are drowning, and this spirituality is the only thing that can support them. And they are ready to do anything for spirituality. Many got lost in it also. Because many crooks also came from our country, and befooled them , and made a lot of money here. But I see that with what depth these people understand Sahaja Yoga, we Indians do not. And also Indians outside India, they also don't hold on to Sahaja Yoga. I don't know what is the reason. Q: One last question. I have read that people believe you are an incarnation. How do you see yourself? Shri Mataji: I shall not say. I don't want to say. There must be something. Otherwise how is all this working out? The thing is if you say something that I am this or I am that, people run after you to kill you. I am not here to die. Christ said i am the son of God, and they crucified Him for that. They poisened Mohommad Sahab. In oue culture they have tortured saints endlessly. In your Bihar, Kabira was born, Budhdha was born. What a land it is! Mahavira, the founder of Jainism was born. And there have been so many saints. Now Kabira called Kundalini, by the name of Surati, and these people in Bihar, they name Tobacco as Surati! Now what should I say? The way they have done the juxtaposition of whatever these great saints said and did, I think I better not say anything. I would rather say, first you get your self realisation, and then know me from your subtle vision. And what is the need for me to say anything? I am a woman, I am a Mother. All this is me. Q: Thank you. Q: We have people from Surinam here in Holland. So they also get entangled in the problems of west, like divorce, growing stress, and people are running after materialism. What is your opinion on that? Shri Mataji: The solution to all this is Sahaja Yoga. Because when Sahaja Yoga happens, you realise that you are not alone. With you everyone is enjoying this nector. Everything in this creation is for joy. I you get that joy, why will you run after material things? You have nothing to do with materialism. But the quality of materialism, is this. Like if people come to you, and you want to show your love to them, so you offer them things to eat and drink. Or give them some presents. This is real materialism. This is the beauty of matter. The other thing is art. Whatever is matter how can you make it beautiful, and decorate it. That is asthetics. You can create beauty out of matter. But when matter becomes money, then everything becomes ugly. But the realisation of this happens after Sahaja Yoga.Like these things made out of Ganges(......?) are very good for Sahaja yogis. Because the vibrations flow from them. Something that has vibrations is what we consider beautiful. Like the picture of MonaLisa, it has vibrations. Its in many places, like this 16 chappel, here , it has vibrations. Where there are vibrations flowing, there is beauty. And then what is the need to possess it. Just enjoy it ! For example, if this is my carpet then its my headache that I have to get it insured, and this and that. But if its yours, then its good for me, I am enjoying it! So attachment goes away. You shall be surprised to know people in Russia have no attachments. The government asked them to take their own flats, and to take care of them. And the people said we don't want anything, we don't want to ow anything, you keep it. And what are we goingto own. Its all going to be left here. But this can only happen after Sahaja Yoga. Q: Thank you. Shri Mataji: All problems, now you have these poor people....I can tell you......Now see, our country is a agriculture based country, what we call as farmers, they are more in our country. With the help of Sahaja Yoga, sometimes the agriculture produce is 10 times or 20 times. Such big Sunflowers, with the help of these vibrations. And lot more can be done. So a sahaja Yogi is no more poor.Because he has the best seeds, the best agriculture produce, an dhe is better off the other people. So the countries which is agriculture based economy, for them Sahaja Yoga is a great thing. And cows. Norma cows give around 4 to o5 (ser) milk, now she gives around 12(ser).And we don't need to buy hybrid seeds. Just vibrating the normal seeds solves the problem! So you don't need to be a slave of any company.So the problems of our country, specially our country, can be solved. There are many such things. In Sahaja Yoga you can understand. Which are the special things we have, that can be sent abroad. You get a subtle understanding. And you all will also prosper inall ways, once you get this subtle understanding. Man when he is one with the whole, all his hidden qualities, start manifesting, start getting enlightened. There are great musicians in Sahaja Yoga, great artists in Sahaja Yoga. Our Commander in Chief, he is also in Sahaja Yoga. So this is such a thing, that as soon as a human being gets it, he achieves his "Parampada"( Highest state). He goes in that state. We always pray for "Parampada". This is "Parampada". Q: Thank you. Shri Mataji: Hope I have answered all your questions.
TV Asia Interview
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Evening Program, Concert of Anand Murdeshwar, Eve of Shri Krishna Puja
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Evening before Shri Krishna Puja, flute concert, Cabella (Italy), 27 August 1994. [1:50:00, Shri Mataji is talking to the Indian musicians in Hindi.] [1:51:18]So, I have to thank these two great musicians who are here. You, of course, know them very well, and they have been coming here before also. This time it was just the last minute, working out, we were not very sure if they’ll be here or not, and it all worked out in a Sahaj way.And we have to really thank them very much, because today we are celebrating Shri Krishna’s puja and he used to play this bansuri what you can call the flute [in Sanskrit]. This was, his style was such that, what we saw about the Colombian’s thought and the philosophy, is to balance, to balance everything. The way He stands, you see, He puts the bansuri on this side, [on the right] but his right foot is on this side [on the left] so just to balance the music. And with this music, He used to balance the whole cosmic forces.Of course, description about his flute was that when He played [Hindi, “chita bata se …”] means they became just like, we can say, pictures ; even the cows, they would not move, even the birds, they would not sing- every thing. And the people also just enthralled completely by his magic. And they would be just like pictures sitting stand. And that’s what I found today also. I must say the music was so beautiful. And may Shri Krishna bless you both, so that the rhythm of Shri Krishna and his ‘murli’ [flute in Hindi].It’s a great occasion for us, because according to Sahaja Yoga, America is the Vishuddhi chakra where resides Shri Krishna, whom we call Akbar in Urdu language. Now his style is so special that He communicates with everyone. In the same way, you see, music, our Indian music can communicate with everyone. It has that capacity, because it is a spiritual music, and that can really enthrall people the way it was happening tonight. I was so very overjoyed. Because we started the whole program rather late, because we had some problems with the customs, this, that, it always happens like that – something- but despite that, the whole night, we had very, very nice time. So, I have to also thank the Americans, North and South, Canadians, for bringing such a nice entertaining show of a peak quality: the music was wonderful, also the drama was very beautiful. But above all I thought I felt, the film was really done professionally and very beautifully done. So, now I can think that we can also make a film for Sahaja Yoga. I must try to script.[Applause] The blessings of the Divine are such, that it not only creates artists, but it gives a special type of a dimension to an artist and his very great power to express the creativity that is bubbling in him. And we saw this little boy, who’s such a small little thing I tell you, and he played so well, I mean he is another banding artist you know, tomorrow [To the musicians] he might become your disciple, I think! [Laughter]But he has a magical power as I told you that his grand-father and his father, both were – are, his father is still there and he is, they are all very well-known artists. And now he is becoming a genius I think now, it’s all becoming so nice. And about the other gentleman, I must say, every time I hear him, it seems that sort of divine percussions are coming into his head. The way he played today was also so remarkable, I can’t believe it. The same person I met before has become so engrossed in the practicing of this, you see, what we call “rias”. He must have done lots of things before also, must have leant. But in Sahaj, it started expressing itself, whatever they must have leant from their gurus just started coming out. Normally they are afraid to play, but I have seen in Sahaj, the hands open out, you see. And every time I meet, even a new artist, I’m surprised that they start playing such wonderful things. The other day we had an experience in Germany. We had a musician and also everybody was rather apologetic about him. I said : “let’s see”. And when he started playing I tell you, he was supposed to be Ravi Shankar’s disciple, at a time. But, I mean, I forgot Ravi Shankar, every one, the way he started playing, just, what music coming out! He’s a young fellow, wonderful! And then he just, after finishing, he said ; “it is an experience to play for Shri Mataji” I said : “It’s an experience for us also! “ It was so sweet and so beautifully, delicately rendered, the all thing was so beautifully done, as we saw today also. So I hope some artists will come out Sahaja Yogis who are here and will work out lots of things of art. We have seen also the art in other ways, paintings and we saw the drama and the film and everything, shows a lot of art is developing now in Sahaja Yoga; But I must tell you also I’ve seen some very beautiful poems being written. Apart from that there are people who are writing very well about Sahaja Yoga. There’s one gentleman in Romania, who has written such a tremendously deep book. He has consulted, I think, all the religious books because there’s Koran, there’s Bible, every thing, he brought it to Sahaja Yoga. So, it’s all coming up now. We have to just understand that we have to pay attention to ourselves, and meditate, and I’m sure all the creativity will definitely manifest, and will go on, showing better and better results. It is absolutely evident now. But it is for Sahaja Yogis now to take it up, in a serious way. Whatever is your talent, may be music, may be art, may be film making, or may be writing also. Whatever comes up, you should really now devote some time to that talent that you have. And it is going to work out, I’m sure, very well. I was happy today we all could be here and could enjoy all this music. Actually, it was becoming very difficult till some time, because we were worried about this customs nonsense. But it is over now, and people are here. It s a very also surprising that the newspaper has published a report from Cabella, praising you all, that, even if there are 15 hundred people, we have never seen them quarrelling, fighting, they don’t smoke, they don’t drink, they don’t take drugs, and they are wonderful people, you see, all this praises coming, so this is a description that I think, once upon a time, people must have given of - great race of heavenly people. And that’s how they have described the all thing. It was very amazing how things are working out in Sahaja Yoga, because of you people, because you are so dedicated and you are so much understanding what you have got within yourself. So now, you see, with this music, I have to say that the music within also is very great. If you enjoy this music, then you know that you enjoy also the music of your Spirit.May God bless you all.Sorry for today’s delay of course, but I bless you all from my heart. And my God give you greater and greater creativity so that you express and manifest, through your life, Sahaj.May God bless you”
Evening before Shri Krishna Puja, flute concert, Cabella (Italy), 27 August 1994. [1:50:00, Shri Mataji is talking to the Indian musicians in Hindi.] [1:51:18]So, I have to thank these two great musicians who are here. You, of course, know them very well, and they have been coming here before also. This time it was just the last minute, working out, we were not very sure if they’ll be here or not, and it all worked out in a Sahaj way.And we have to really thank them very much, because today we are celebrating Shri Krishna’s puja and he used to play this bansuri what you can call the flute [in Sanskrit]. This was, his style was such that, what we saw about the Colombian’s thought and the philosophy, is to balance, to balance everything. The way He stands, you see, He puts the bansuri on this side, [on the right] but his right foot is on this side [on the left] so just to balance the music. And with this music, He used to balance the whole cosmic forces.Of course, description about his flute was that when He played [Hindi, “chita bata se …”] means they became just like, we can say, pictures ; even the cows, they would not move, even the birds, they would not sing- every thing. And the people also just enthralled completely by his magic. And they would be just like pictures sitting stand. And that’s what I found today also. I must say the music was so beautiful. And may Shri Krishna bless you both, so that the rhythm of Shri Krishna and his ‘murli’ [flute in Hindi].It’s a great occasion for us, because according to Sahaja Yoga, America is the Vishuddhi chakra where resides Shri Krishna, whom we call Akbar in Urdu language. Now his style is so special that He communicates with everyone. In the same way, you see, music, our Indian music can communicate with everyone. It has that capacity, because it is a spiritual music, and that can really enthrall people the way it was happening tonight. I was so very overjoyed. Because we started the whole program rather late, because we had some problems with the customs, this, that, it always happens like that – something- but despite that, the whole night, we had very, very nice time. So, I have to also thank the Americans, North and South, Canadians, for bringing such a nice entertaining show of a peak quality: the music was wonderful, also the drama was very beautiful. But above all I thought I felt, the film was really done professionally and very beautifully done. So, now I can think that we can also make a film for Sahaja Yoga. I must try to script.[Applause] The blessings of the Divine are such, that it not only creates artists, but it gives a special type of a dimension to an artist and his very great power to express the creativity that is bubbling in him. And we saw this little boy, who’s such a small little thing I tell you, and he played so well, I mean he is another banding artist you know, tomorrow [To the musicians] he might become your disciple, I think! [Laughter]But he has a magical power as I told you that his grand-father and his father, both were – are, his father is still there and he is, they are all very well-known artists. And now he is becoming a genius I think now, it’s all becoming so nice. And about the other gentleman, I must say, every time I hear him, it seems that sort of divine percussions are coming into his head. The way he played today was also so remarkable, I can’t believe it. The same person I met before has become so engrossed in the practicing of this, you see, what we call “rias”. He must have done lots of things before also, must have leant. But in Sahaj, it started expressing itself, whatever they must have leant from their gurus just started coming out. Normally they are afraid to play, but I have seen in Sahaj, the hands open out, you see. And every time I meet, even a new artist, I’m surprised that they start playing such wonderful things. The other day we had an experience in Germany. We had a musician and also everybody was rather apologetic about him. I said : “let’s see”. And when he started playing I tell you, he was supposed to be Ravi Shankar’s disciple, at a time. But, I mean, I forgot Ravi Shankar, every one, the way he started playing, just, what music coming out! He’s a young fellow, wonderful! And then he just, after finishing, he said ; “it is an experience to play for Shri Mataji” I said : “It’s an experience for us also! “ It was so sweet and so beautifully, delicately rendered, the all thing was so beautifully done, as we saw today also. So I hope some artists will come out Sahaja Yogis who are here and will work out lots of things of art. We have seen also the art in other ways, paintings and we saw the drama and the film and everything, shows a lot of art is developing now in Sahaja Yoga; But I must tell you also I’ve seen some very beautiful poems being written. Apart from that there are people who are writing very well about Sahaja Yoga. There’s one gentleman in Romania, who has written such a tremendously deep book. He has consulted, I think, all the religious books because there’s Koran, there’s Bible, every thing, he brought it to Sahaja Yoga. So, it’s all coming up now. We have to just understand that we have to pay attention to ourselves, and meditate, and I’m sure all the creativity will definitely manifest, and will go on, showing better and better results. It is absolutely evident now. But it is for Sahaja Yogis now to take it up, in a serious way. Whatever is your talent, may be music, may be art, may be film making, or may be writing also. Whatever comes up, you should really now devote some time to that talent that you have. And it is going to work out, I’m sure, very well. I was happy today we all could be here and could enjoy all this music. Actually, it was becoming very difficult till some time, because we were worried about this customs nonsense. But it is over now, and people are here. It s a very also surprising that the newspaper has published a report from Cabella, praising you all, that, even if there are 15 hundred people, we have never seen them quarrelling, fighting, they don’t smoke, they don’t drink, they don’t take drugs, and they are wonderful people, you see, all this praises coming, so this is a description that I think, once upon a time, people must have given of - great race of heavenly people. And that’s how they have described the all thing. It was very amazing how things are working out in Sahaja Yoga, because of you people, because you are so dedicated and you are so much understanding what you have got within yourself. So now, you see, with this music, I have to say that the music within also is very great. If you enjoy this music, then you know that you enjoy also the music of your Spirit.May God bless you all.Sorry for today’s delay of course, but I bless you all from my heart. And my God give you greater and greater creativity so that you express and manifest, through your life, Sahaj.May God bless you”
Shri Krishna Puja: Shri Krishna and the Paradoxes of Modern Times & short talk in Marathi
Cabella Ligure
Shri Krishna Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 28 August 1994. Today we are here to worship Shri Krishna. As you know Shri Krishna is the incarnation of Vishnu. And Vishnu is the one who is the preserver of this universe. When this whole world was created it was necessary to create a preserver also because this world would have been destroyed and completely if it is left alone without a preserver, then the way human beings are, they could have done anything to this world. But so, Vishnu is the preserver. He’s the preserver and He’s the only one really incarnates. Of course, sometimes Brahmadeva also incarnated, but He only takes forms. In our evolutionary process He has taken different forms. He came on this earth in different ways. But still He had, as you say, twelve – up to twelve was Shri Rama and up through ten He was there. So He created also an atmosphere of the many great prophets around Himself so that they could preserve the dharma of this universe. So the basis of preservation was dharma, which has got, as you know, the most important basic foundation for spiritual life. In this dharma whatever was to be established was to be established balance. Was a habit with people to go to extremes in anything. So He created a balance within us. The first principle of dharma was to create balance. If a person doesn’t have a balance then he cannot achieve his ascent. As simple as that. If you don’t have a balance in your airplane it cannot ascend. If you don’t have a balance, say on a ship, it won’t move. In the same way, first the human beings had to achieve the balance. But they are born with different capacities, with different capabilities. As said that, “Ya Devi sarva bhuteshu Jhati rupena samstita,” means the aptitudes are different. They are born with different aptitudes, with different faces, with different colors, because variety was to be created. If everybody looked the same, you see they would be looking like some robots or something. So everybody was created in a different way, according to the country, according to the parents. All this was organized by the principle of Shri Vishnu, that He created this world in different varieties. He gave variety, and Shri Krishna is the master of it. At the time when Shri Krishna came, people were extremely serious type and had become very ritualistic. The reason was that Rama came and He talked of maryadas, and these maryadas made people extremely, extremely austere type. In that austerity people lost the sense of joy, sense of beauty, sense of variety. So the Shri Krishna’s incarnation came as we call it the Sampurna, it’s complete because He has sixteen petals. As the moon has sixteen kalas He too had sixteen petals so He’s Sampurna and He is what we call is the Purnima, is the full moon. With this completeness of His incarnation, of Vishnu’s incarnation from Vishnu to many other incarnations He came as the complete incarnation; the total of Shri Vishnu was manifested. So whatever was lacking in Rama’s incarnation, He brought it forth. As you know that on the center – on the right heart you have twelve petals. With this He showed so many things which people miss completely, because, unfortunately, Gita was written down. When Gita was written down, people started following the book word by word, not understanding. And in the Gita His message was never for peace. He didn’t say you should be peaceful. It was something like Jihad. That He said that to Arjuna, “You have to fight. At this time you have to fight for dharma, for the truth and you have to fight.” Then He said, “I can’t kill my uncles and I can’t kill my grandfather and I can’t kill my relations.” He said, “Who, who are you killing, they’re already dead.” Because they have no dharma. If you have no dharma then you are already dead. So what is there to kill or not to kill and that is what today we see in modern times, especially America which is the country of Vishuddhi. They have no dharma so they’re already dead under dope or whatever you may call it, under fear of all kinds of diseases. They are already dead and whom are you going to kill? And this message was in Kurukshetra He gave to Arjuna. But then he said, “You have asked me to kill these people because I have Dharma in me. I am killing them, alright, but what beyond this?” What is beyond that? So He describes Sahaja Yoga. Beyond this was Sahaja Yoga. Was, first He describes in the second chapter who is the Stitha Pragnya, is the man who is balanced. Then he says that such a man is never angry. He doesn’t get angry. Inside he is absolutely at peace. So what He described later on is really the modern times, or we can say our Sahaja Yoga in which He said how a person should become. He didn’t write, or He didn’t say how to become that, but the description is just like Christ I think where He says that if you somebody slaps you on one face you put the other side of the face. All this is actually description of Sahaja Yogis of the future. Not at that time when Khauravas were fighting the Pandavas. It was not at that time. During that fight He told him that if you become a Stitha Pragnya then you can transcend all these problems, all these understandings that you have, and you become absolutely peaceful with yourself. So on one side He said you have to fight. Now in modern times we do not have to fight Kauravas, there are no Kauravas. The five Pandavas have to fight the Kauravas. So now what are these five Pandavas? They are our senses or we can call they are the cosmos, divided into various elements. One side. They have to fight, they have to fight the Kauravas which are within us. Now there are hundred Khauravas, not one. It is, if you extend it then we can say the nature has to fight something that is against the nature. Now people will say anger is natural, getting annoyed is natural, to be aggressive is natural. It is not. Anger and all these things may have been natural, but now we must know that we have the natural capacity to ascend. Is natural to go higher. It is natural to be Stitha Pragnya. It is natural to be Sahaja Yogi. This is also built in us, in us. For example a seed is a seed. When it is seed we call it seed. Alright, naturally is to be seed, but then it sprouts and becomes the tree. So it is also natural in a seed that all that future, all the thousands of trees it is going to be is also in that seed. And now as you know they’re experimenting that in one seed you can get thousand minimum of thousands of little, little sprouts in one seed and which can be made all of them into trees or plants. This is a new thing that has come up. So when He said that you have to become a Stitha Pragnya what He was trying to say that you should achieve your balance. Now this He told, there was a war on. When they were warring, alright, you have to do it. If you have to war with people, if you have to kill them it’s all right. But afterwards, once that is over then what you have to do is to build up your spiritual sense. Now the building up of the spiritual sense is our work and that’s what we have to do. Not only dharma. Many Sahaja Yogis think that they are going in dharma so they are alright. They are working in dharma, they are living in a dharmic life. They are. I’m very surprised and happy that they are doing it. But that’s not the end of it. That’s the balance part where you are balancing yourself. Now, what you have to do is to go ahead and build up your spiritual self and spread it. This is the work of Shri Krishna also because He’s the one who communicates all over. As you know America is communicating everywhere – in a wrong way – but it is. It has got computers, it has got this, all communication things it has done because it is innately built in them to communicate. But because they don’t believe in Shri Krishna, neither in dharma, so the basis itself is wrong, and with this wrong basis they have started spreading. With this very, very wrong basis they have started spreading all kinds of filth and dirt and I don’t know what to call it, which is against human beings, which is against our ascent, which is against God. And they are doing all this. Why? Why are they doing which they are not supposed to do? I think is the intellect. Their intellect which is also, I should say is the brain, which is the seat of Virat. Can you imagine? Is the seat of Virat. And with their intellect, what do they do? They say it is natural. It is natural to be adharmic. It is natural to be aggressive. It is natural to be money oriented. Everything that they have is all natural because according to them with their intellect they have somehow or other managed to convince through your rationality that this is the correct thing to do. Without this you cannot exist. I mean this is supposed to be their culture now. Now if that is the culture all over, it’s not only in America all over, this sort of a nonsensical culture is accepted because of the intellect. They are much more intelligent. You see a person who always thinks of money, this, that, naturally becomes very intelligent in the sense he becomes sharp. He becomes smart. He becomes smart in a way, something as if he knows everything. He starts thinking he knows everything, whatever he’s doing, he is right, whatever the way he is behaving he is right. So, these Pandavas which he has got within himself, these elements that he has got, he uses them for a purpose which is destructive, absolutely destructive - anti God. And he is not aware because his intelligence always justifies. Whatever he’s doing is justified. And he has given also so much of brains to these intellectuals that they also try to go against what is dharma. For example, even Shri Krishna’s life they try to depict by saying that Shri Krishna Himself had five wives and He had sixteen wives later on. Actually these were His power. But without understanding what Shri Krishna was - because intellect is such a gross nonsense that it doesn’t take you to the right thinking; always to the wrong thinking - It moves you because you want to justify everything and this justification makes you live with yourself. Otherwise, normally, you can’t live with yourself. It is very difficult to live with a life which is adharmic, which is aggressive, which is, what you can call - a war - mongering type. But they live. So, all that is expected of a human being, just the opposite of that, juxtaposition of that, is being done in all these western cultures. You can see it clearly how they justify. Immorality they can justify. One Mr. Freud came in. He replaced even Christ. Of course, I mean, he had to because Christ was even more strict than Mohammed sahib who said anybody does anything with one eye, with the eyes, he should take out one eye, and anybody who’s hand is spoiling him, he should cut his hand. I mean most of the Europeans and Americans would have been without one hand I think, according to Christ. Thank God they didn’t follow Him to that point. And, also Mohammed sahib thought that Christ has done so much for the men, why not we do something for the women also, so He made something for women. Both of them are too much for human beings. They didn’t realize it. Who’s going to take out one eye for that? They have intellect. Now, if they are looking at many women, there’s a justification - is natural. Have you seen any animal behaving like that if the animals are natural beings? We are worse than animals. And what a mess we have created with this kind of understanding through these intellectuals who are trying to tell us something, and we accept. So this is one of the problems is if there’s an intelligent man, he dominates. Now, for example, some fashion starts. We all take it. It’s a fashion. But why are you taking it? It’s a fashion. So, the intellect of an entrepreneur can really befool you completely. But not with people who are wise. They will say, “Get lost, we have had all this.” This is about morality part. That is the worst practiced in the West, and worse than animals I should say. And that’s how they are suffering today. They are suffering with so many diseases, so many troubles, this, that. Second thing which we always justify is violence. Now there is no war going on in Kurukshetra. But you see violence everywhere. In America it’s terrible. When my daughter went she took out all her ornaments, put it with Me. She said, “Mummy, I can’t carry this.” Nothing was given to the girl. All artificial things were given because you can be killed for it. I’m not saying it’s only in America, it’s everywhere. Because everybody’s guru is America. It starts from America, the gurudom and people just follow blindly. So the violence is now entering into our films, Indian films also, but now they have taken some objection. Maybe it is too much for us. But this kind of thing that you can kill anybody, so if you go on like this, you see if that is the criteria of greatness then Rwanda people should be placed highest in the evolutionary process. Killing somebody is not allowed. Thou shalt not kill. Muslims are killing. Everybody’s killing everyone. The other day they killed a very nice man in India for nothing at all. This idea of aggressiveness ultimately takes you to the killing part. You can’t even create one ant. How can you kill human beings like that? Of course, this killing business is taken to the highest limit, like Hitler believed that he was top of the world. This is same, that you just forget what you are and you start assuming through your ego that you are something very great. Also, in Sahaja Yoga I find recently there are some people who are saying they’re gods, they’re deities, everything. So this ego business is actually taking energy of your intelligence, and the greatest enemy of a human being is, is his intelligence, I think, because it’s so limited, it is so conditioned, and it is so arrogant, and it is so blind. Wisdom is a different thing. Wisdom you don’t get in colleges, schools, universities, nowhere. Where do you get it, the wisdom? You get it through your Spirit, which gives you a complete idea as to what is right and what is wrong. Whatever is wrong will be accepted by intellect, always. Intellect is not wisdom one must understand. They’re two things - wisdom and intellect. Now Krishna was known to be the diplomat. He had Divine diplomacy. That means what? He was very intelligent, no doubt. Without that you can’t do. I’ve met some people who are very highly placed who don’t have much intelligence even, but I have now seen that this intellect is a dangerous thing. So Shri Krishna, He used His intellect. He is all powerful. Nothing can dominate Him. Even his intellect cannot dominate Him. He used His intellect. Difference between the two you should see. You should be able to use your intellect and not to be dominated by your intellect. So He used His intellect by which He solved many problems. His whole diplomacy was to use His intellect and use it for the purpose of Divine. All the time the Divine in Him was helping Him to use His intellect. So the difference is that we are slaves of our intellect and He is the master of His intellect; not only, everything. His conditioning He is master, His emotions He is master, His body He’s the master. He’s master of everything. And when you master it you see your intellect very clearly, oh, this is what it is suggesting. This is not. This intellect can give you very so-called positive ideas that you are the lord of the whole world. It’s supposed to be positive. Or the same intellect can give you ideas that you are nothing. This intellect plays on top of you. Now you are not to be guided by your intellect, but by your wisdom, as you are Sahaja Yogis. So, you have a very good instrument of feeling it - through your vibrations you can make out what is good and what is bad. And you can see sometimes as being human beings, there are some intellectual effects also coming in. But with Sahaja Yoga you can judge, what is this intellect telling you. Because the intellect that you have has come out of what - is the main thing; should go to the subtle point how this intellect has come to us. This intellect has come to us because our brain became active very soon. I’ve seen some children extremely intelligent, but they have no wisdom. If your - only the brain develops too much, could be a mother is a very intelligent woman and, father must be very intelligent, inheritance would be great, so they get it. Or maybe the circumstances, like if you are born in a particular country you suddenly become very intelligent. I’ve seen Americans, they read all the time. All the time you see them reading. Even English they read. But what is the outcome of all that reading I don’t know. Every book they will read. If you ask them what is a computer, they know the computers, this thing, that thing, that thing, all these ... I don’t know how to even put off my television. If you ask them about television they will know they’ll... anything you want to know about mechanical things they will know. Anything about politics they will know, who’s father was that and they will tell you that, “No, no, no, no this is like this, this like that.” All this is avidya; is not knowledge. It is non-knowledge. So they think they’re very intelligent because they know everything, about everything. Now, with this intellect, as this consciousness comes in they start creating very intellectual ideas. Especially in America I have seen they have got for children all kinds of funny things just to extract money. For example, there is a golliwog or something which has a birthday. Can you imagine? A birthday is there and sometimes, you see even the, people have big parties for that. Then they started, “Let us have birthday of the dogs” so they are having birthdays of the dogs. Anybody who puts ideas into them. Then there are organizations where they say, “All right, when you are going to die, you tell us what suit you want to wear, what tie you want to wear, what shoes, what clothes, then what, in what kind of a coffin you want to go – plastic, or wood, or this and that.” I mean... So it is to be prescribed to such an extent that some people say, “Put us in the ice, you see, so we’ll be there.” The worst thing, I think, especially in Europe, is that they have nicely advertised and marketed the thing of going for a holiday. So, in Italy supposing a person doesn’t go to holiday, he’ll say, “There’s a crisis in my life.” “What?” “I couldn’t go to holiday.” Then they said you must go there, tan your faces, stay there in hotels so, so many hotels have come up. Everybody has to go out. Especially I was surprised the whole of Milan is closed for one month. Nobody you can find there. See, I think if they all go and live in jungles would be a better idea. They will learn much more than to waste their time on the seashore. They’re spoiling all the seashores. They have no respect for the sea which is their Father. They have no respect for each other. The women try to slim down and to look very nice so that they could become nude there. The whole industry is so bad. I mean if, somebody says would you like to come to the seashore, I would not go. I would hate to go to a place to see so many stupid ladies in the sun busy trying to tan themselves. Now this stupid idea how could you accept if you are intelligent? There are so many ideas prevalent today, mostly coming from America, I must say, that you people follow. As I said that America is the guru of all the Eastern, of all our European and English and all these people. Now, then another thing happens. You see the atmosphere in which you live. Especially in England I have noticed. They may be nothing, you know. There was a garbage cleaner who came to our house and we had that time with us a president of the Hague high court, imagine, the world high court. So, I told him, “You have to clear out all these things.” “It’s too much!” As usual, you see they are very, I don’t know what to say, but, stupidly proud about themselves. “You don’t understand.” I said, “How much do you want?” I gave him ten pounds. In those days ten pounds was a big thing. He said, “You don’t understand the laws, you see you are all Indians, niggers, this that.” Then this gentleman who was in our house he came out and he asked him, “Why are you shouting here?” “You nigger, you don’t understand any laws.” He is the chairman of the world high court and this stupid Englishman talking like that. The English are really, in a way, they are really dumb people because their intelligence never told, tells them that you are nothing. What are you proud of? Such dumb people they are. I don’t know it might have come frozen with the cold or anything, but they think they are very intelligent. Their scholarship was all right, but I was amazed that in the beginning of the scholarship that they had, they said that the black people are like beasts. There are so many books written about it, and they accepted that black people are like beasts while these people were living, like I don’t know what, at the time when Black were much more advanced. So, this kind of an idea when they have I see here also. I can see this that English have, they think no end of themselves. But they don’t understand they don’t know anything. They have no wisdom. They lived in India for 300 years. They never learned anything from India. Can you imagine their wisdom part? Their scholarship, some of them, but still ambiguous. Say Bernard Shaw I think was very ambiguous. I place him as a very great writer, but ambiguous. And then comes the French, God save. Now how have they denied Shri Krishna you can see very clearly in French people. French wanted to become the highest in diplomacy. They lack diplomacy completely. Useless people. They made our telephone in India the way they have spoiled it. So, they started a cult of drinking. Now can you imagine Shri Krishna drinking all these things? They have a dictionary on drinking, on everything. There’s books after books written. I mean you imagine how could any evolved people accept this kind of a nonsensical culture that you must know what to drink, what to buy, what to put in, what sort of a tumblers to be put? They are all tumblers, nothing but tumblers I think. How could they accept such a thing which is so stupid, is a social acceptance? Prostitution is another social acceptance. Morality-wise they have really denied completely the principle of Shri Krishna. The way they have been ruining their people and to beat up everything is racialism. Can you think that for the skin you separate people? On the contrary I would say the Black, especially in India, they’re much more evolved than all the white skins put together, because they have wisdom. They are wiser people. But these white skins, they are going to - I mean, how did they get America also? They dominated so much, they conquered it, they settled down there. You saw yesterday, from Sierra Nevada you saw how people believed in wisdom and how they lived. They took away all their lands. Everybody, you see, is now nicely the owner of America. How? You are squatters. You came from another country, killed thousands and thousands of people without feeling guilty about it. That means they are not even human beings. And nicely settled as Americans. I don’t know how this word ‘America’ has come, but if it means “amar” they are not. It means “a mericas” they are not. Both ways I don’t know how this word has come and some sort of a, meaning they attach to it, but their intellect grew much more. Why? Again, because of money orientation. I don’t understand economics and the way they have made this economics from their yarns which came out of their heads has landed all the countries into recession, all kinds of fraud and also mafia. That is the outcome of this so-called economics they have. Sahaj economics is very different. We are not bound by all these nonsensical ideas that are prevalent as economics. Is nothing but exploitation. Is marketing. Is how to impress people, how to sell things, how to do this, how to do that. All this is nothing but, I would say, financial aggressiveness. What about Shri Krishna? He was the king and He lived like a king. But also, He lived in a very humble abode in Gokul. He was not attached. So the first thing is that the way they’re attached to money, any justification for getting money is all right. Once we went to a hotel in India. So we had some American friends and as usual, I mean, you can’t eat like Americans can, you know is, Indians can’t compete. Can eat a lot. So they were eating, eating, eating and, but we couldn’t cope with them, really, to be very frank, I mean, we’re no good. After some time they said, “Have you finished?” I said, “Yes.” “All right ...” they called the waiter, “Pack this out.” I said, “What? Want to pack this for what?” “We paid for it.” “So you paid for it, but I mean...In India nobody will eat a food which somebody else has eaten.” “No, you pack it.” And they had no shame about it; so shameless. I said. “We don’t do this in India.” Said, “Why not?” I said, “These are bad manners.” “But we’ve paid for it. Once you’ve paid for it then there is no bad manners.” I said, “Ah, we don’t want this to pack.” “We’ll have it. We’ll have it in the night. We’ll have it in the evening.” I was surprised that such miserly people are saying that they are very rich and they think no end of themselves; extremely miserly. Americans are superficially nice, must tell you. On my experience is they are not like English that they look down upon everyone. No you don’t feel that way with them. But they are very superficial. You give them ten presents; they won’t even give you one. They have no sense at all; no shame about it. Why? Because the whole thing is, “we paid for it”. I mean you go to any place, any restaurant there or anything, you’ll be amazed. They pack things for you if something is left over in America. They do. To that extent they can go in their miserliness without any shame about it. And miserliness is out of Sahaja Yoga. You cannot be miserly. You have to be generous. You have to be giving. You have to feel for others. Is this the only way we can express ourselves. All this generosity is not to create a big sort of a hero out of you. But the worst and the worst and the worst is the Hollywood, is the film industry. Under the name of industry, you can do anything. Now this Hollywood is creating such horrible films, but the worst is that they get awards for these worst films. There’s one film they showed, I’ve not seen, I can’t see it. They told Me that a man is a cannibal and he is eating the flesh of human beings and they have shown and they enjoy. Very, very famous. Apart from that, not only famous, but they got awards for the best film, the best actor, the best this, that. You must get a director from there and make him eat the flesh of human beings. It’s the only way, I think this horrible thing – Then, they are producing other pictures. I’ve seen another one for a short time where they show all dead bodies hanging you see. Horrible! Why these people like to see such horrible things? What is their character? Where have they gone? Why do they enjoy things which no human being who is a human being will enjoy? And then it goes further. Their halloween business – I saw a film, I said, “My God.” This is a hell in which they thought it was like the Raas [Holy dance with Gopis] of Shri Krishna. So it was Krishna consciousness I think that was working there. There are thousand and one things which can shock you in America, and also in England, also in Europe. I thought Austria was something better, but in Austria when you walk on the road, in the night after the program, you must take darshan [the sight] of many horrible women there on the way. I mean this is no where- you know they’re – we’re forced into it. And they can’t do anything about it as if it’s a matter of right, you see, what you call that a human right to see such women, and a human right for these women to be on the street. All horrible things are happening around, so Sahaja Yogis have to equip themselves much more with the Shri Krishna principle. The first principle is communication. First principle is how you communicate with others. Start it at home with your children, with your wife, with your husband, how you communicate. Are you gentle? Are you kind? Are you dominating, aggressive? Just try to find out. It can go to any limit this aggressiveness, either of the women or of the men. Here more women I must say, I’m sorry to say. But in my experience I’ve seen the women are very dominating. In India men are extremely dominating, but here I find the women are. Now the basics : as human beings should have good manners. I don’t find good manners, except that they wear good dresses, maybe the - they might be wearing those special type of dresses and all that. All manners are in dresses, but when there are people together they talk nothing but scandals. I mean, unbearably horrible scandals they discuss. This is something one has to understand that Shri Krishna never talked of scandals. How can this, the country of Shri Krishna and all other these European countries, are just very equipped with all the scandals of the world? I just can’t understand what is the interest people have in the scandals. So to top it all is your media which is absolutely anti Shri Krishna because they have to make money. It’s such a hand in glove business that the people like to hear all this nonsense, so they have scandals in the newspaper. At least about thirty years back you could never hear such a thing and all such books were completely banned. And now, suddenly, the whole thing has flowered so well that any magazine, anything you take, and you can’t understand what are they preaching. They are preaching the cult of destruction completely. And people take it, and like it, and work it out. They are using the women for their own purpose and stupidly women accept it. Of course they dominate, on one side feel very happy that they are dominating. There was a lady who was boasting in one magazine that she has had four hundred men in her life. Can you imagine? Now there is no place for hell for such a woman even. Where will you put such a woman there? Now I don’t know; that’s another problem. So this movement, which is absolutely against the principle of dharma and of communication. Now how you must communicate - decently, with very tender and very beautiful mannerism you have to talk to another person, talk to other Sahaja Yogis, talk to anyone, is in a very sweet manner you should talk. I do not mean the French style, you see, bending your body and all artificial stuff. Not that. I’m saying that if you are naturally talking to somebody, you should talk with decent language, with decency, with humility and need not go on jabbering all the time and talking too much. There’s no need. But, on the contrary, this was the style was Shri Krishna. In short, His power was madhurya; is the sweetness, like the honey. When you are worshiping Shri Krishna you have to know that you must talk in a manner that will please another person. (Hindi aside. Then: “I got a present for him. If he’s sleeping is better give him…” Hindi.) So, while talking to anyone you can talk very sweetly, very nicely and in a way which will please that person, not to provoke, not to say things which are hard. But some people have a habit of saying all the time something which is very provoking, which is not at all good. But some people are, when it comes to their business are very sweet, but when it comes to something else they are very harsh. We have a Jain community in India. I’ve seen many Jains. When they are for their business they’re the sweetest you could know, but when it comes to something else like donating some money or something, they’re extremely hard. They will only donate for stupid things, but not for something sensible. They’ll work for something extremely stupid, but never for anything sensible. We have another community called as Sindhis. I think they are under the influence of the West. Same with the Western people. If you show that you have some business with them, suddenly you know, they change. Suddenly they change. You can’t understand what has happened to this man. Or, if they find out you are something in life, they change. Shri Krishna was just the other way round. In His lifetime, He was always a guest of Vidhura who was the son of a Dhasi, is the servant. Maidservant’s son was Vidhura, but he was a realized soul. So He used to go to his house, stay in his house, a very humble abode, Vidhura’s, and eat food there, very simple food. But He would not go to the palace of Duryodhana. The other way round. I mean, somebody thinks that you have a palace, they’ll be extremely kind to you, very nice, you know. But they say he lives in a hut, then he’s nothing. It’s such a money orientation in subtle way. Shri Krishna never, never cared for money and never bothered about it. You can see His case in which He has shown complete detachment about His throne, or His kingdom, or money part of it. Once you are attached you have all the pangs of money. Naturally, if you are catching hold of a snake you’ll always be having the pangs of the snake, don’t you? But supposing you are detached. Then the same money you can use. Once you become slave of that money, that money sits on your head. Now, you know very well that to have money also is dangerous these days. The whole reaction is building up and this is where the whole – all the elements are reacting against you. You have seen the wisdom of these people from Sierra Nevada, and what they said is true that when we try to acquire more money, go on acquiring, go on acquiring and getting a idea in our head, then there are looters who come round. I think the worst are those who have got names as entrepreneurs. For example, they’ll say, “Now, if you have a designer’s watch,” then everybody ran for designer’s watches. The other day I went to Italy, no, to Istanbul and I found out that the T-shirts are made there and sold in France as if they are French. They are not. They are A to Z - they are made in there, which is Istanbul and the name is on that Lacoste, this that and all that. And people pay any amount, but not in Turkey. Whatever surplus is left we can get it for seven pounds. Now the stupidity is that they can befool you. Pierre Cardin, then there’s another one, I don’t know, Armani – that’s in Italy only, but in America there are many. Even, I mean, they come to you, to your house. England is much worse. They’re so unmannerly, they’ll come to your house for dinner and they’ll turn the plate to see where it is made. Really. Openly. And they’ll discuss from where the cutlery has come. So, though they think they’re very rich, stupidly they are being exploited by this kind of a nonsense that you have this watch, you have this thing. Now, in England we have something called Saville Row, so that they put it outside, you know, outside the coat – Saville Row. Can you imagine? Branded. See, everything is made into a big ado. So on one side they are very intelligent to understand this is the business, this is the fashion all that. The other side they don’t know they are fools, being befooled all the time by saying this is the special thing, that is the special thing and that it has a name and it has, what you call, the – a great organization behind it. Sahaja Yogis should understand this is all befooling and stupid thing. And they wear, all of them will wear like that just to show off. What is it? Why should this impress anyone? Think of it. Now, intelligently think why should it impress you, these befooling things that are going on? Nothing special. They are just the same. They told Me in Istanbul that they make ordinary ones and then they put on top of this mark and the ordinary ones are for, say, six dollars, so with this thing is for seven dollars. There’s nothing special, but this special trickery, I think, is coming from England and America especially – maybe also from France, but France are, you know, queer people. Now they have something - I showed them today - So stupidly made thing, which cost five hundred pounds, but people accept because they have no wisdom. Now see the difference between the intelligence and wisdom. Why to show off, first of all and to show off something which has no meaning? It cost only one dollar in Turkey to put that thing on and stupidly people are showing it. Is it that we have intelligence, but which has no divine power? Anybody can befool you to do what you like. Now six inches of skirt started. All right, everywhere six inches. You couldn’t get one with the seven inches even. That’s not in the fashion. That’s not in – means ‘in’ in madhouse? Now just look at Shri Krishna’s style – so wise, witnessing everything, how He plays around and how He wins over. Now, supposing He was attached. He could not have done it. So to get over this, first of all, you detach yourself from this anti-Shri Krishna culture. It’s very important. This is the fashion. That is the fashion. And all these fashions are extremely, extremely destructive. Now, not to put oil in the hair and end up with bald heads. All right. Then there are specialists, you see, again designers who make wigs, designer’s wig. So you carry a wig on your head and write it down, ‘designer’s.’ My idea is to see how stupid human beings can become with their intellect. Today I don’t want to describe the qualities of Shri Krishna because you know them. But how you people have gone away, in the West, from Shri Krishna’s styles, His methods. Whatever He did was to destroy the evil, to destroy the negativity and to bring forth the joy, which is Ras, He started. “Ras” – Ra is energy with that. The Ras is the energy, which you have and that’s how you play the Ras, with that energy and enjoy. He brought it Holy. Of course now “Holy” can be anything, but very sensible Holy he brought just to express your joy in mirthful, playful ways, because that was lacking in Shri Rama’s life. So He said just allow yourself to enjoy, but this was only for Sahaja Yogis. Not for others. Others, you know that they go to the pubs and what happens. We have a certificate here that we are very peaceful, very good people, this and that. This is what Shri Krishna said and has done, that we have to enjoy everything, but in a dharmic way. We should not be adharmic. The Dharma should give you Joy. Otherwise, if you are dharmic, you know what happens, that you become absolutely austere person, joyless person and sometimes cynical because you think others are adharmic and this and that. But Shri Krishna’s ways were that you should be mirthful, you should be joyful and this joy will communicate with others. Without this joyous nature you cannot be communicator. But, as you know, when I went to French, they told Me, “Mother, you look so joyous, you should tell you are miserable.” I said, “But I am not.” “If you don’t tell, then they won’t believe you.” I said, “Why?” “Because they are all miserable and they think they are very unhappy people.” So I started my lecture with “Les Miserables” and I told them that at every fourth lamppost you find a prostitute and every tenth one a pub. And I see so many people sitting on the pavement, so I asked them, “Why are they sitting here?” Said, “They are waiting the whole world to be destroyed.” I said, “Really?” After drinking, these ideas come in, that let the whole world be destroyed because maybe they don’t have any more money to go to pubs. I don’t know why. Now, think their level, just think of their level. Where are they compared to you all? So He’s the one, as Virata, puts light into your brain. In that light you see what is stupid; what is unwise. This is the blessing of Shri Krishna. And He gives you the nirananda because if you don’t have the light you cannot enjoy the joy of your mind or the joy of your brain. You cannot. And it is through His light that we see ourselves as something full of joy and we don’t know what to do with it and how to do it; how to express our joy; how to express our feelings. Because it’s too much. This another fashion to say, “It’s too much.” Anything you tell them, “Mother, it is too much.” Because the brain is full of nonsense, so you tell them anything, nothing can go in their heads. “It’s too much.” So the wise person, as Shri Krishna is, wisest of wise, He’s the source of wisdom, has to be Stitha Pragnya. Means - he has to be in balance, he has to be in dharma and, above that, he has to be in joy. Now, you are not only in joy, but you know the truth. You know the absolute truth. And this absolute truth is the one that makes you understand what is right, what is wrong and you develop your wisdom, not your intellect so much. You then see your intellect misbehaving sometimes, telling you negative ideas, sometimes too much of aggressive ideas. You can become a witness, sakshi, and that’s why Shri Krishna has said, “I am the sakshi of the whole world, the witness of the whole world.” See, you can go on talking about Him, but what we have to see, where are we going wrong and how can Shri Krishna save us? Not by singing, “Hare Rama, Hare Krishna,” like that. By becoming, day by day, wiser person. Wisdom gives you definite ideas as to how you have to be. If there is still this thing going on. See, in the Western way they show like this. Ask them, “How are you?” “I’m like this.” Means what? “Like this.” If that is still there, then Shri Krishna is not awakened, but if it is that you know what it is, you’ll have the same smile as Shri Krishna had. I know. I know that. Now we have to understand that our Vishuddhi has to be all right. I get Vishuddhi because I know what it is. This is America, should be all right, otherwise My Vishuddhi will never be all right. I think so. But for Vishuddhi, there are so many things we have in Sahaja Yoga which very few people do. At least if you Sahaja Yogis keep your Vishuddhi all right, I’ll be much better off - But you never try to keep your Vishuddhi all right. Continue with it. Continue with it. Even the president of America has the worst Vishuddhi I’ve ever seen, so you can imagine what good is he going to do. What wisdom will he have? Now you are a new race, blessed by the Divine, and you have Shri Krishna within yourself awakened. In His own glory, in His own light, you should know what is to be done. One must communicate. That you have to do, but what I’ve seen that people don’t even meditate. Even if they meditate, they don’t want to communicate. And sometimes when they communicate, they think they have become Gods. It’s very difficult. Human beings is very difficult commodity to handle. You have to communicate with complete humility the way Shri Krishna did. In His 'rasa', He spread the energy of Radha into all these people by holding hands. So His childhood where He killed so many people and did all that is over. Then even His adulthood, where He had to kill His own uncle, is also over. So He becomes the king. When He becomes the king then what does He do? Is to communicate. Most of his expressions of his qualities are seen after He became the king. Before that He was busy killing, one after another, all these horrible people. After that He built, built up people. He built Dwarika and He tried to communicate with people. Now your duty is to build up yourself and to communicate with others with all the sweetness, ‘madhuria’ of Shri Krishna, all the beauty of Shri Krishna, with full understanding as to what stupid things are going round and around. Once you understand that, you’ll not take it because you will become wise enough not to take to all these nonsensical things that are going on. And it is so much, I mean, I, in this lecture, I cannot tell you, but now if you become the witness of the whole thing you’ll see what is happening. Now we have to stop them from going to Hell. And we have to really develop a very, very good personality of a Sahaja Yogi. All of you. Now, there are many marriages that take place, then suddenly they decide to divorce. Divorce is allowed in Sahaja Yoga, but this American style of nonsense I don’t want to have. Women are can be very dominating. One fellow ran away to Russia. They have no idea of a marriage. They don’t know how to work it out. All the sweetness of the marriage is finished. If the husband is dominating, the wife is dominating, this happens, then you divorce. What is the achievement? So we have to work out everything within us because we are conditioned, we are in an atmosphere. I would request all of you to try to understand these subtleties of Shri Krishna’s personality. Try to become like that – extremely peaceful, extremely kind, tender, helpful. And in humility, He had no consciousness of money. Nothing. And also, as you know, He was a dark person for some reason, but the way He led his life should be an example for us. I’m sure, now, when you go back to your countries you’ll see all this nonsense. Please note it down. Write it down what these nonsensical people are doing and send it over to Me. That’s what it is. So today is the puja of Shri Krishna. I need not tell you how many qualities He has, as I told you, but the greatest quality He has that He is the doctor of doctors. Now, in His name you will know how many qualities He has and you will understand. Try to understand that we have to have these qualities within us also. Whatever qualities are described or said, try to see how many we have. That’s the way the introspection will start. Once you start introspecting yourself and understanding yourself, the wisdom will grow – not by seeing faults in others, putting blames on others, but on yourself. That is how the things will work out. Though Krishna didn’t have to do that because He was Sampurna, He was complete. But we have to do all this to see that we also become complete. Thank you very much. May God bless you all. May God bless you. There’s another point I wanted to mention about Sahaja Yogis, that we introduce classical Indian music for you people, because I think it helps for vibrations. But as the nature is of western people, anything they take up they must go to the ultimate end till they are completely lost. So what I find now all of them are buying tapes. Some tapes …(speaks Hindi to a child who has come on the stage before Her). Now some of them are buying tapes, I was surprised, of very unknown people, just mad. Once I was traveling with a lady in America, was a disciple of Muktanand. She said, “I have a very nice tape,” and she played the, the lecture of Muktanand. Rajneesh’s people will play the lecture of Rajneesh. But here now they’ve all gone to one side, so this one, that one, all kinds of music they have got. Tomorrow, we start telling you that you must understand Indian dancing, so all my videos will be replaced by Indian dancing from A to Z. You are Sahaja Yogis. It’s all right, I am also fond of music, but it’s not the way. What is the main thing of your life? And I was surprised how people are lost in the music. I mean there should be some occasion. They’re all already in the another world with the music. Don’t do these things. You go to the extremes of everything. That’s not proper, even pujas, anything, you go to extremes. To go to extremes, you won’t be in the center. You will not be in the place of Shri Krishna, where you have to be. On the contrary, you will be just in another imaginary world. So, as a matter of habit we create a world like that; somebody has music world; somebody has dancing world; another one has, world, I’ve seen with Sahaja Yogis who think no end of themselves. “We have a special relationship with Shri Mataji.” Is a very common thing. But I cannot have any special relationship. Sorry, nobody has any special relationship with Me. This I would like to tell you very clearly, and you should not claim that, and then become, some people say, “we are deities.” I mean this is something to be – horrible. I’ll speak for two minutes in Marathi if you don’t mind.... (Marathi) Now I want to talk to the Maharastrian girls. You have been married to the western men and got rich husbands. But as soon as you came here you’ve started sending money to your parents. Does this happen in India? Can you send money to your parents from your in laws’ house. Secondly is ornaments. You’ve started making a lot of ornaments. I asked a Sahaja yogi husband why don’t you buy a shirt for yourself. He said I can’t afford to since my wife is spending all the money on ornaments. This greed for ornaments does not behove a Sahaja Yogi. This is a very serious matter. Recently I learnt that all the Indian ladies have made ornaments after marriage. Thus there is no money left with the husband. Those husbands who used to support Sahaja yoga before the marriage are unable to do so after the marriage. They say that there is no money left with them. What has happened to you. Remember that you’ve come here from the land of saints. Shivaji Maharaj had a great respect for Shri Saint Tukaram and he took some ornaments for his wife. His wife must be somebody like you since she immediately accepted the ornaments. Why should one be so much fond of ornaments? Even being a Goddess I am not fond of ornaments, then why should you be so much fond of them? Since they compulsorily offer me the ornaments that’s why I accept them. So even when she accepted the ornaments Saint Tukaram said what is the need to have the ornaments for saints like us? So he returned back all the ornaments. Know that you’ve come here from land of saints and this attitude of yours is a sign of misery. You’ve been sending money to your parents and I cannot explain to you how far this has gone. You’ve not come here to misbehave like this. You’ve come here to help Sahaja Yoga and not for making ornaments. If you do them once in a while it’s all right but if you put all the attention on ornaments you might lose your husband and he might leave Sahaja Yoga. This will be the good Karma that you’ll be doing. Henceforth nobody should make any ornaments without My permission. We’ll have the Pooja now
Shri Krishna Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 28 August 1994. Today we are here to worship Shri Krishna. As you know Shri Krishna is the incarnation of Vishnu. And Vishnu is the one who is the preserver of this universe. When this whole world was created it was necessary to create a preserver also because this world would have been destroyed and completely if it is left alone without a preserver, then the way human beings are, they could have done anything to this world. But so, Vishnu is the preserver. He’s the preserver and He’s the only one really incarnates. Of course, sometimes Brahmadeva also incarnated, but He only takes forms. In our evolutionary process He has taken different forms. He came on this earth in different ways. But still He had, as you say, twelve – up to twelve was Shri Rama and up through ten He was there. So He created also an atmosphere of the many great prophets around Himself so that they could preserve the dharma of this universe. So the basis of preservation was dharma, which has got, as you know, the most important basic foundation for spiritual life. In this dharma whatever was to be established was to be established balance. Was a habit with people to go to extremes in anything. So He created a balance within us. The first principle of dharma was to create balance. If a person doesn’t have a balance then he cannot achieve his ascent. As simple as that. If you don’t have a balance in your airplane it cannot ascend. If you don’t have a balance, say on a ship, it won’t move. In the same way, first the human beings had to achieve the balance. But they are born with different capacities, with different capabilities. As said that, “Ya Devi sarva bhuteshu Jhati rupena samstita,” means the aptitudes are different. They are born with different aptitudes, with different faces, with different colors, because variety was to be created. If everybody looked the same, you see they would be looking like some robots or something. So everybody was created in a different way, according to the country, according to the parents. All this was organized by the principle of Shri Vishnu, that He created this world in different varieties. He gave variety, and Shri Krishna is the master of it. At the time when Shri Krishna came, people were extremely serious type and had become very ritualistic. The reason was that Rama came and He talked of maryadas, and these maryadas made people extremely, extremely austere type. In that austerity people lost the sense of joy, sense of beauty, sense of variety. So the Shri Krishna’s incarnation came as we call it the Sampurna, it’s complete because He has sixteen petals. As the moon has sixteen kalas He too had sixteen petals so He’s Sampurna and He is what we call is the Purnima, is the full moon. With this completeness of His incarnation, of Vishnu’s incarnation from Vishnu to many other incarnations He came as the complete incarnation; the total of Shri Vishnu was manifested. So whatever was lacking in Rama’s incarnation, He brought it forth. As you know that on the center – on the right heart you have twelve petals. With this He showed so many things which people miss completely, because, unfortunately, Gita was written down. When Gita was written down, people started following the book word by word, not understanding. And in the Gita His message was never for peace. He didn’t say you should be peaceful. It was something like Jihad. That He said that to Arjuna, “You have to fight. At this time you have to fight for dharma, for the truth and you have to fight.” Then He said, “I can’t kill my uncles and I can’t kill my grandfather and I can’t kill my relations.” He said, “Who, who are you killing, they’re already dead.” Because they have no dharma. If you have no dharma then you are already dead. So what is there to kill or not to kill and that is what today we see in modern times, especially America which is the country of Vishuddhi. They have no dharma so they’re already dead under dope or whatever you may call it, under fear of all kinds of diseases. They are already dead and whom are you going to kill? And this message was in Kurukshetra He gave to Arjuna. But then he said, “You have asked me to kill these people because I have Dharma in me. I am killing them, alright, but what beyond this?” What is beyond that? So He describes Sahaja Yoga. Beyond this was Sahaja Yoga. Was, first He describes in the second chapter who is the Stitha Pragnya, is the man who is balanced. Then he says that such a man is never angry. He doesn’t get angry. Inside he is absolutely at peace. So what He described later on is really the modern times, or we can say our Sahaja Yoga in which He said how a person should become. He didn’t write, or He didn’t say how to become that, but the description is just like Christ I think where He says that if you somebody slaps you on one face you put the other side of the face. All this is actually description of Sahaja Yogis of the future. Not at that time when Khauravas were fighting the Pandavas. It was not at that time. During that fight He told him that if you become a Stitha Pragnya then you can transcend all these problems, all these understandings that you have, and you become absolutely peaceful with yourself. So on one side He said you have to fight. Now in modern times we do not have to fight Kauravas, there are no Kauravas. The five Pandavas have to fight the Kauravas. So now what are these five Pandavas? They are our senses or we can call they are the cosmos, divided into various elements. One side. They have to fight, they have to fight the Kauravas which are within us. Now there are hundred Khauravas, not one. It is, if you extend it then we can say the nature has to fight something that is against the nature. Now people will say anger is natural, getting annoyed is natural, to be aggressive is natural. It is not. Anger and all these things may have been natural, but now we must know that we have the natural capacity to ascend. Is natural to go higher. It is natural to be Stitha Pragnya. It is natural to be Sahaja Yogi. This is also built in us, in us. For example a seed is a seed. When it is seed we call it seed. Alright, naturally is to be seed, but then it sprouts and becomes the tree. So it is also natural in a seed that all that future, all the thousands of trees it is going to be is also in that seed. And now as you know they’re experimenting that in one seed you can get thousand minimum of thousands of little, little sprouts in one seed and which can be made all of them into trees or plants. This is a new thing that has come up. So when He said that you have to become a Stitha Pragnya what He was trying to say that you should achieve your balance. Now this He told, there was a war on. When they were warring, alright, you have to do it. If you have to war with people, if you have to kill them it’s all right. But afterwards, once that is over then what you have to do is to build up your spiritual sense. Now the building up of the spiritual sense is our work and that’s what we have to do. Not only dharma. Many Sahaja Yogis think that they are going in dharma so they are alright. They are working in dharma, they are living in a dharmic life. They are. I’m very surprised and happy that they are doing it. But that’s not the end of it. That’s the balance part where you are balancing yourself. Now, what you have to do is to go ahead and build up your spiritual self and spread it. This is the work of Shri Krishna also because He’s the one who communicates all over. As you know America is communicating everywhere – in a wrong way – but it is. It has got computers, it has got this, all communication things it has done because it is innately built in them to communicate. But because they don’t believe in Shri Krishna, neither in dharma, so the basis itself is wrong, and with this wrong basis they have started spreading. With this very, very wrong basis they have started spreading all kinds of filth and dirt and I don’t know what to call it, which is against human beings, which is against our ascent, which is against God. And they are doing all this. Why? Why are they doing which they are not supposed to do? I think is the intellect. Their intellect which is also, I should say is the brain, which is the seat of Virat. Can you imagine? Is the seat of Virat. And with their intellect, what do they do? They say it is natural. It is natural to be adharmic. It is natural to be aggressive. It is natural to be money oriented. Everything that they have is all natural because according to them with their intellect they have somehow or other managed to convince through your rationality that this is the correct thing to do. Without this you cannot exist. I mean this is supposed to be their culture now. Now if that is the culture all over, it’s not only in America all over, this sort of a nonsensical culture is accepted because of the intellect. They are much more intelligent. You see a person who always thinks of money, this, that, naturally becomes very intelligent in the sense he becomes sharp. He becomes smart. He becomes smart in a way, something as if he knows everything. He starts thinking he knows everything, whatever he’s doing, he is right, whatever the way he is behaving he is right. So, these Pandavas which he has got within himself, these elements that he has got, he uses them for a purpose which is destructive, absolutely destructive - anti God. And he is not aware because his intelligence always justifies. Whatever he’s doing is justified. And he has given also so much of brains to these intellectuals that they also try to go against what is dharma. For example, even Shri Krishna’s life they try to depict by saying that Shri Krishna Himself had five wives and He had sixteen wives later on. Actually these were His power. But without understanding what Shri Krishna was - because intellect is such a gross nonsense that it doesn’t take you to the right thinking; always to the wrong thinking - It moves you because you want to justify everything and this justification makes you live with yourself. Otherwise, normally, you can’t live with yourself. It is very difficult to live with a life which is adharmic, which is aggressive, which is, what you can call - a war - mongering type. But they live. So, all that is expected of a human being, just the opposite of that, juxtaposition of that, is being done in all these western cultures. You can see it clearly how they justify. Immorality they can justify. One Mr. Freud came in. He replaced even Christ. Of course, I mean, he had to because Christ was even more strict than Mohammed sahib who said anybody does anything with one eye, with the eyes, he should take out one eye, and anybody who’s hand is spoiling him, he should cut his hand. I mean most of the Europeans and Americans would have been without one hand I think, according to Christ. Thank God they didn’t follow Him to that point. And, also Mohammed sahib thought that Christ has done so much for the men, why not we do something for the women also, so He made something for women. Both of them are too much for human beings. They didn’t realize it. Who’s going to take out one eye for that? They have intellect. Now, if they are looking at many women, there’s a justification - is natural. Have you seen any animal behaving like that if the animals are natural beings? We are worse than animals. And what a mess we have created with this kind of understanding through these intellectuals who are trying to tell us something, and we accept. So this is one of the problems is if there’s an intelligent man, he dominates. Now, for example, some fashion starts. We all take it. It’s a fashion. But why are you taking it? It’s a fashion. So, the intellect of an entrepreneur can really befool you completely. But not with people who are wise. They will say, “Get lost, we have had all this.” This is about morality part. That is the worst practiced in the West, and worse than animals I should say. And that’s how they are suffering today. They are suffering with so many diseases, so many troubles, this, that. Second thing which we always justify is violence. Now there is no war going on in Kurukshetra. But you see violence everywhere. In America it’s terrible. When my daughter went she took out all her ornaments, put it with Me. She said, “Mummy, I can’t carry this.” Nothing was given to the girl. All artificial things were given because you can be killed for it. I’m not saying it’s only in America, it’s everywhere. Because everybody’s guru is America. It starts from America, the gurudom and people just follow blindly. So the violence is now entering into our films, Indian films also, but now they have taken some objection. Maybe it is too much for us. But this kind of thing that you can kill anybody, so if you go on like this, you see if that is the criteria of greatness then Rwanda people should be placed highest in the evolutionary process. Killing somebody is not allowed. Thou shalt not kill. Muslims are killing. Everybody’s killing everyone. The other day they killed a very nice man in India for nothing at all. This idea of aggressiveness ultimately takes you to the killing part. You can’t even create one ant. How can you kill human beings like that? Of course, this killing business is taken to the highest limit, like Hitler believed that he was top of the world. This is same, that you just forget what you are and you start assuming through your ego that you are something very great. Also, in Sahaja Yoga I find recently there are some people who are saying they’re gods, they’re deities, everything. So this ego business is actually taking energy of your intelligence, and the greatest enemy of a human being is, is his intelligence, I think, because it’s so limited, it is so conditioned, and it is so arrogant, and it is so blind. Wisdom is a different thing. Wisdom you don’t get in colleges, schools, universities, nowhere. Where do you get it, the wisdom? You get it through your Spirit, which gives you a complete idea as to what is right and what is wrong. Whatever is wrong will be accepted by intellect, always. Intellect is not wisdom one must understand. They’re two things - wisdom and intellect. Now Krishna was known to be the diplomat. He had Divine diplomacy. That means what? He was very intelligent, no doubt. Without that you can’t do. I’ve met some people who are very highly placed who don’t have much intelligence even, but I have now seen that this intellect is a dangerous thing. So Shri Krishna, He used His intellect. He is all powerful. Nothing can dominate Him. Even his intellect cannot dominate Him. He used His intellect. Difference between the two you should see. You should be able to use your intellect and not to be dominated by your intellect. So He used His intellect by which He solved many problems. His whole diplomacy was to use His intellect and use it for the purpose of Divine. All the time the Divine in Him was helping Him to use His intellect. So the difference is that we are slaves of our intellect and He is the master of His intellect; not only, everything. His conditioning He is master, His emotions He is master, His body He’s the master. He’s master of everything. And when you master it you see your intellect very clearly, oh, this is what it is suggesting. This is not. This intellect can give you very so-called positive ideas that you are the lord of the whole world. It’s supposed to be positive. Or the same intellect can give you ideas that you are nothing. This intellect plays on top of you. Now you are not to be guided by your intellect, but by your wisdom, as you are Sahaja Yogis. So, you have a very good instrument of feeling it - through your vibrations you can make out what is good and what is bad. And you can see sometimes as being human beings, there are some intellectual effects also coming in. But with Sahaja Yoga you can judge, what is this intellect telling you. Because the intellect that you have has come out of what - is the main thing; should go to the subtle point how this intellect has come to us. This intellect has come to us because our brain became active very soon. I’ve seen some children extremely intelligent, but they have no wisdom. If your - only the brain develops too much, could be a mother is a very intelligent woman and, father must be very intelligent, inheritance would be great, so they get it. Or maybe the circumstances, like if you are born in a particular country you suddenly become very intelligent. I’ve seen Americans, they read all the time. All the time you see them reading. Even English they read. But what is the outcome of all that reading I don’t know. Every book they will read. If you ask them what is a computer, they know the computers, this thing, that thing, that thing, all these ... I don’t know how to even put off my television. If you ask them about television they will know they’ll... anything you want to know about mechanical things they will know. Anything about politics they will know, who’s father was that and they will tell you that, “No, no, no, no this is like this, this like that.” All this is avidya; is not knowledge. It is non-knowledge. So they think they’re very intelligent because they know everything, about everything. Now, with this intellect, as this consciousness comes in they start creating very intellectual ideas. Especially in America I have seen they have got for children all kinds of funny things just to extract money. For example, there is a golliwog or something which has a birthday. Can you imagine? A birthday is there and sometimes, you see even the, people have big parties for that. Then they started, “Let us have birthday of the dogs” so they are having birthdays of the dogs. Anybody who puts ideas into them. Then there are organizations where they say, “All right, when you are going to die, you tell us what suit you want to wear, what tie you want to wear, what shoes, what clothes, then what, in what kind of a coffin you want to go – plastic, or wood, or this and that.” I mean... So it is to be prescribed to such an extent that some people say, “Put us in the ice, you see, so we’ll be there.” The worst thing, I think, especially in Europe, is that they have nicely advertised and marketed the thing of going for a holiday. So, in Italy supposing a person doesn’t go to holiday, he’ll say, “There’s a crisis in my life.” “What?” “I couldn’t go to holiday.” Then they said you must go there, tan your faces, stay there in hotels so, so many hotels have come up. Everybody has to go out. Especially I was surprised the whole of Milan is closed for one month. Nobody you can find there. See, I think if they all go and live in jungles would be a better idea. They will learn much more than to waste their time on the seashore. They’re spoiling all the seashores. They have no respect for the sea which is their Father. They have no respect for each other. The women try to slim down and to look very nice so that they could become nude there. The whole industry is so bad. I mean if, somebody says would you like to come to the seashore, I would not go. I would hate to go to a place to see so many stupid ladies in the sun busy trying to tan themselves. Now this stupid idea how could you accept if you are intelligent? There are so many ideas prevalent today, mostly coming from America, I must say, that you people follow. As I said that America is the guru of all the Eastern, of all our European and English and all these people. Now, then another thing happens. You see the atmosphere in which you live. Especially in England I have noticed. They may be nothing, you know. There was a garbage cleaner who came to our house and we had that time with us a president of the Hague high court, imagine, the world high court. So, I told him, “You have to clear out all these things.” “It’s too much!” As usual, you see they are very, I don’t know what to say, but, stupidly proud about themselves. “You don’t understand.” I said, “How much do you want?” I gave him ten pounds. In those days ten pounds was a big thing. He said, “You don’t understand the laws, you see you are all Indians, niggers, this that.” Then this gentleman who was in our house he came out and he asked him, “Why are you shouting here?” “You nigger, you don’t understand any laws.” He is the chairman of the world high court and this stupid Englishman talking like that. The English are really, in a way, they are really dumb people because their intelligence never told, tells them that you are nothing. What are you proud of? Such dumb people they are. I don’t know it might have come frozen with the cold or anything, but they think they are very intelligent. Their scholarship was all right, but I was amazed that in the beginning of the scholarship that they had, they said that the black people are like beasts. There are so many books written about it, and they accepted that black people are like beasts while these people were living, like I don’t know what, at the time when Black were much more advanced. So, this kind of an idea when they have I see here also. I can see this that English have, they think no end of themselves. But they don’t understand they don’t know anything. They have no wisdom. They lived in India for 300 years. They never learned anything from India. Can you imagine their wisdom part? Their scholarship, some of them, but still ambiguous. Say Bernard Shaw I think was very ambiguous. I place him as a very great writer, but ambiguous. And then comes the French, God save. Now how have they denied Shri Krishna you can see very clearly in French people. French wanted to become the highest in diplomacy. They lack diplomacy completely. Useless people. They made our telephone in India the way they have spoiled it. So, they started a cult of drinking. Now can you imagine Shri Krishna drinking all these things? They have a dictionary on drinking, on everything. There’s books after books written. I mean you imagine how could any evolved people accept this kind of a nonsensical culture that you must know what to drink, what to buy, what to put in, what sort of a tumblers to be put? They are all tumblers, nothing but tumblers I think. How could they accept such a thing which is so stupid, is a social acceptance? Prostitution is another social acceptance. Morality-wise they have really denied completely the principle of Shri Krishna. The way they have been ruining their people and to beat up everything is racialism. Can you think that for the skin you separate people? On the contrary I would say the Black, especially in India, they’re much more evolved than all the white skins put together, because they have wisdom. They are wiser people. But these white skins, they are going to - I mean, how did they get America also? They dominated so much, they conquered it, they settled down there. You saw yesterday, from Sierra Nevada you saw how people believed in wisdom and how they lived. They took away all their lands. Everybody, you see, is now nicely the owner of America. How? You are squatters. You came from another country, killed thousands and thousands of people without feeling guilty about it. That means they are not even human beings. And nicely settled as Americans. I don’t know how this word ‘America’ has come, but if it means “amar” they are not. It means “a mericas” they are not. Both ways I don’t know how this word has come and some sort of a, meaning they attach to it, but their intellect grew much more. Why? Again, because of money orientation. I don’t understand economics and the way they have made this economics from their yarns which came out of their heads has landed all the countries into recession, all kinds of fraud and also mafia. That is the outcome of this so-called economics they have. Sahaj economics is very different. We are not bound by all these nonsensical ideas that are prevalent as economics. Is nothing but exploitation. Is marketing. Is how to impress people, how to sell things, how to do this, how to do that. All this is nothing but, I would say, financial aggressiveness. What about Shri Krishna? He was the king and He lived like a king. But also, He lived in a very humble abode in Gokul. He was not attached. So the first thing is that the way they’re attached to money, any justification for getting money is all right. Once we went to a hotel in India. So we had some American friends and as usual, I mean, you can’t eat like Americans can, you know is, Indians can’t compete. Can eat a lot. So they were eating, eating, eating and, but we couldn’t cope with them, really, to be very frank, I mean, we’re no good. After some time they said, “Have you finished?” I said, “Yes.” “All right ...” they called the waiter, “Pack this out.” I said, “What? Want to pack this for what?” “We paid for it.” “So you paid for it, but I mean...In India nobody will eat a food which somebody else has eaten.” “No, you pack it.” And they had no shame about it; so shameless. I said. “We don’t do this in India.” Said, “Why not?” I said, “These are bad manners.” “But we’ve paid for it. Once you’ve paid for it then there is no bad manners.” I said, “Ah, we don’t want this to pack.” “We’ll have it. We’ll have it in the night. We’ll have it in the evening.” I was surprised that such miserly people are saying that they are very rich and they think no end of themselves; extremely miserly. Americans are superficially nice, must tell you. On my experience is they are not like English that they look down upon everyone. No you don’t feel that way with them. But they are very superficial. You give them ten presents; they won’t even give you one. They have no sense at all; no shame about it. Why? Because the whole thing is, “we paid for it”. I mean you go to any place, any restaurant there or anything, you’ll be amazed. They pack things for you if something is left over in America. They do. To that extent they can go in their miserliness without any shame about it. And miserliness is out of Sahaja Yoga. You cannot be miserly. You have to be generous. You have to be giving. You have to feel for others. Is this the only way we can express ourselves. All this generosity is not to create a big sort of a hero out of you. But the worst and the worst and the worst is the Hollywood, is the film industry. Under the name of industry, you can do anything. Now this Hollywood is creating such horrible films, but the worst is that they get awards for these worst films. There’s one film they showed, I’ve not seen, I can’t see it. They told Me that a man is a cannibal and he is eating the flesh of human beings and they have shown and they enjoy. Very, very famous. Apart from that, not only famous, but they got awards for the best film, the best actor, the best this, that. You must get a director from there and make him eat the flesh of human beings. It’s the only way, I think this horrible thing – Then, they are producing other pictures. I’ve seen another one for a short time where they show all dead bodies hanging you see. Horrible! Why these people like to see such horrible things? What is their character? Where have they gone? Why do they enjoy things which no human being who is a human being will enjoy? And then it goes further. Their halloween business – I saw a film, I said, “My God.” This is a hell in which they thought it was like the Raas [Holy dance with Gopis] of Shri Krishna. So it was Krishna consciousness I think that was working there. There are thousand and one things which can shock you in America, and also in England, also in Europe. I thought Austria was something better, but in Austria when you walk on the road, in the night after the program, you must take darshan [the sight] of many horrible women there on the way. I mean this is no where- you know they’re – we’re forced into it. And they can’t do anything about it as if it’s a matter of right, you see, what you call that a human right to see such women, and a human right for these women to be on the street. All horrible things are happening around, so Sahaja Yogis have to equip themselves much more with the Shri Krishna principle. The first principle is communication. First principle is how you communicate with others. Start it at home with your children, with your wife, with your husband, how you communicate. Are you gentle? Are you kind? Are you dominating, aggressive? Just try to find out. It can go to any limit this aggressiveness, either of the women or of the men. Here more women I must say, I’m sorry to say. But in my experience I’ve seen the women are very dominating. In India men are extremely dominating, but here I find the women are. Now the basics : as human beings should have good manners. I don’t find good manners, except that they wear good dresses, maybe the - they might be wearing those special type of dresses and all that. All manners are in dresses, but when there are people together they talk nothing but scandals. I mean, unbearably horrible scandals they discuss. This is something one has to understand that Shri Krishna never talked of scandals. How can this, the country of Shri Krishna and all other these European countries, are just very equipped with all the scandals of the world? I just can’t understand what is the interest people have in the scandals. So to top it all is your media which is absolutely anti Shri Krishna because they have to make money. It’s such a hand in glove business that the people like to hear all this nonsense, so they have scandals in the newspaper. At least about thirty years back you could never hear such a thing and all such books were completely banned. And now, suddenly, the whole thing has flowered so well that any magazine, anything you take, and you can’t understand what are they preaching. They are preaching the cult of destruction completely. And people take it, and like it, and work it out. They are using the women for their own purpose and stupidly women accept it. Of course they dominate, on one side feel very happy that they are dominating. There was a lady who was boasting in one magazine that she has had four hundred men in her life. Can you imagine? Now there is no place for hell for such a woman even. Where will you put such a woman there? Now I don’t know; that’s another problem. So this movement, which is absolutely against the principle of dharma and of communication. Now how you must communicate - decently, with very tender and very beautiful mannerism you have to talk to another person, talk to other Sahaja Yogis, talk to anyone, is in a very sweet manner you should talk. I do not mean the French style, you see, bending your body and all artificial stuff. Not that. I’m saying that if you are naturally talking to somebody, you should talk with decent language, with decency, with humility and need not go on jabbering all the time and talking too much. There’s no need. But, on the contrary, this was the style was Shri Krishna. In short, His power was madhurya; is the sweetness, like the honey. When you are worshiping Shri Krishna you have to know that you must talk in a manner that will please another person. (Hindi aside. Then: “I got a present for him. If he’s sleeping is better give him…” Hindi.) So, while talking to anyone you can talk very sweetly, very nicely and in a way which will please that person, not to provoke, not to say things which are hard. But some people have a habit of saying all the time something which is very provoking, which is not at all good. But some people are, when it comes to their business are very sweet, but when it comes to something else they are very harsh. We have a Jain community in India. I’ve seen many Jains. When they are for their business they’re the sweetest you could know, but when it comes to something else like donating some money or something, they’re extremely hard. They will only donate for stupid things, but not for something sensible. They’ll work for something extremely stupid, but never for anything sensible. We have another community called as Sindhis. I think they are under the influence of the West. Same with the Western people. If you show that you have some business with them, suddenly you know, they change. Suddenly they change. You can’t understand what has happened to this man. Or, if they find out you are something in life, they change. Shri Krishna was just the other way round. In His lifetime, He was always a guest of Vidhura who was the son of a Dhasi, is the servant. Maidservant’s son was Vidhura, but he was a realized soul. So He used to go to his house, stay in his house, a very humble abode, Vidhura’s, and eat food there, very simple food. But He would not go to the palace of Duryodhana. The other way round. I mean, somebody thinks that you have a palace, they’ll be extremely kind to you, very nice, you know. But they say he lives in a hut, then he’s nothing. It’s such a money orientation in subtle way. Shri Krishna never, never cared for money and never bothered about it. You can see His case in which He has shown complete detachment about His throne, or His kingdom, or money part of it. Once you are attached you have all the pangs of money. Naturally, if you are catching hold of a snake you’ll always be having the pangs of the snake, don’t you? But supposing you are detached. Then the same money you can use. Once you become slave of that money, that money sits on your head. Now, you know very well that to have money also is dangerous these days. The whole reaction is building up and this is where the whole – all the elements are reacting against you. You have seen the wisdom of these people from Sierra Nevada, and what they said is true that when we try to acquire more money, go on acquiring, go on acquiring and getting a idea in our head, then there are looters who come round. I think the worst are those who have got names as entrepreneurs. For example, they’ll say, “Now, if you have a designer’s watch,” then everybody ran for designer’s watches. The other day I went to Italy, no, to Istanbul and I found out that the T-shirts are made there and sold in France as if they are French. They are not. They are A to Z - they are made in there, which is Istanbul and the name is on that Lacoste, this that and all that. And people pay any amount, but not in Turkey. Whatever surplus is left we can get it for seven pounds. Now the stupidity is that they can befool you. Pierre Cardin, then there’s another one, I don’t know, Armani – that’s in Italy only, but in America there are many. Even, I mean, they come to you, to your house. England is much worse. They’re so unmannerly, they’ll come to your house for dinner and they’ll turn the plate to see where it is made. Really. Openly. And they’ll discuss from where the cutlery has come. So, though they think they’re very rich, stupidly they are being exploited by this kind of a nonsense that you have this watch, you have this thing. Now, in England we have something called Saville Row, so that they put it outside, you know, outside the coat – Saville Row. Can you imagine? Branded. See, everything is made into a big ado. So on one side they are very intelligent to understand this is the business, this is the fashion all that. The other side they don’t know they are fools, being befooled all the time by saying this is the special thing, that is the special thing and that it has a name and it has, what you call, the – a great organization behind it. Sahaja Yogis should understand this is all befooling and stupid thing. And they wear, all of them will wear like that just to show off. What is it? Why should this impress anyone? Think of it. Now, intelligently think why should it impress you, these befooling things that are going on? Nothing special. They are just the same. They told Me in Istanbul that they make ordinary ones and then they put on top of this mark and the ordinary ones are for, say, six dollars, so with this thing is for seven dollars. There’s nothing special, but this special trickery, I think, is coming from England and America especially – maybe also from France, but France are, you know, queer people. Now they have something - I showed them today - So stupidly made thing, which cost five hundred pounds, but people accept because they have no wisdom. Now see the difference between the intelligence and wisdom. Why to show off, first of all and to show off something which has no meaning? It cost only one dollar in Turkey to put that thing on and stupidly people are showing it. Is it that we have intelligence, but which has no divine power? Anybody can befool you to do what you like. Now six inches of skirt started. All right, everywhere six inches. You couldn’t get one with the seven inches even. That’s not in the fashion. That’s not in – means ‘in’ in madhouse? Now just look at Shri Krishna’s style – so wise, witnessing everything, how He plays around and how He wins over. Now, supposing He was attached. He could not have done it. So to get over this, first of all, you detach yourself from this anti-Shri Krishna culture. It’s very important. This is the fashion. That is the fashion. And all these fashions are extremely, extremely destructive. Now, not to put oil in the hair and end up with bald heads. All right. Then there are specialists, you see, again designers who make wigs, designer’s wig. So you carry a wig on your head and write it down, ‘designer’s.’ My idea is to see how stupid human beings can become with their intellect. Today I don’t want to describe the qualities of Shri Krishna because you know them. But how you people have gone away, in the West, from Shri Krishna’s styles, His methods. Whatever He did was to destroy the evil, to destroy the negativity and to bring forth the joy, which is Ras, He started. “Ras” – Ra is energy with that. The Ras is the energy, which you have and that’s how you play the Ras, with that energy and enjoy. He brought it Holy. Of course now “Holy” can be anything, but very sensible Holy he brought just to express your joy in mirthful, playful ways, because that was lacking in Shri Rama’s life. So He said just allow yourself to enjoy, but this was only for Sahaja Yogis. Not for others. Others, you know that they go to the pubs and what happens. We have a certificate here that we are very peaceful, very good people, this and that. This is what Shri Krishna said and has done, that we have to enjoy everything, but in a dharmic way. We should not be adharmic. The Dharma should give you Joy. Otherwise, if you are dharmic, you know what happens, that you become absolutely austere person, joyless person and sometimes cynical because you think others are adharmic and this and that. But Shri Krishna’s ways were that you should be mirthful, you should be joyful and this joy will communicate with others. Without this joyous nature you cannot be communicator. But, as you know, when I went to French, they told Me, “Mother, you look so joyous, you should tell you are miserable.” I said, “But I am not.” “If you don’t tell, then they won’t believe you.” I said, “Why?” “Because they are all miserable and they think they are very unhappy people.” So I started my lecture with “Les Miserables” and I told them that at every fourth lamppost you find a prostitute and every tenth one a pub. And I see so many people sitting on the pavement, so I asked them, “Why are they sitting here?” Said, “They are waiting the whole world to be destroyed.” I said, “Really?” After drinking, these ideas come in, that let the whole world be destroyed because maybe they don’t have any more money to go to pubs. I don’t know why. Now, think their level, just think of their level. Where are they compared to you all? So He’s the one, as Virata, puts light into your brain. In that light you see what is stupid; what is unwise. This is the blessing of Shri Krishna. And He gives you the nirananda because if you don’t have the light you cannot enjoy the joy of your mind or the joy of your brain. You cannot. And it is through His light that we see ourselves as something full of joy and we don’t know what to do with it and how to do it; how to express our joy; how to express our feelings. Because it’s too much. This another fashion to say, “It’s too much.” Anything you tell them, “Mother, it is too much.” Because the brain is full of nonsense, so you tell them anything, nothing can go in their heads. “It’s too much.” So the wise person, as Shri Krishna is, wisest of wise, He’s the source of wisdom, has to be Stitha Pragnya. Means - he has to be in balance, he has to be in dharma and, above that, he has to be in joy. Now, you are not only in joy, but you know the truth. You know the absolute truth. And this absolute truth is the one that makes you understand what is right, what is wrong and you develop your wisdom, not your intellect so much. You then see your intellect misbehaving sometimes, telling you negative ideas, sometimes too much of aggressive ideas. You can become a witness, sakshi, and that’s why Shri Krishna has said, “I am the sakshi of the whole world, the witness of the whole world.” See, you can go on talking about Him, but what we have to see, where are we going wrong and how can Shri Krishna save us? Not by singing, “Hare Rama, Hare Krishna,” like that. By becoming, day by day, wiser person. Wisdom gives you definite ideas as to how you have to be. If there is still this thing going on. See, in the Western way they show like this. Ask them, “How are you?” “I’m like this.” Means what? “Like this.” If that is still there, then Shri Krishna is not awakened, but if it is that you know what it is, you’ll have the same smile as Shri Krishna had. I know. I know that. Now we have to understand that our Vishuddhi has to be all right. I get Vishuddhi because I know what it is. This is America, should be all right, otherwise My Vishuddhi will never be all right. I think so. But for Vishuddhi, there are so many things we have in Sahaja Yoga which very few people do. At least if you Sahaja Yogis keep your Vishuddhi all right, I’ll be much better off - But you never try to keep your Vishuddhi all right. Continue with it. Continue with it. Even the president of America has the worst Vishuddhi I’ve ever seen, so you can imagine what good is he going to do. What wisdom will he have? Now you are a new race, blessed by the Divine, and you have Shri Krishna within yourself awakened. In His own glory, in His own light, you should know what is to be done. One must communicate. That you have to do, but what I’ve seen that people don’t even meditate. Even if they meditate, they don’t want to communicate. And sometimes when they communicate, they think they have become Gods. It’s very difficult. Human beings is very difficult commodity to handle. You have to communicate with complete humility the way Shri Krishna did. In His 'rasa', He spread the energy of Radha into all these people by holding hands. So His childhood where He killed so many people and did all that is over. Then even His adulthood, where He had to kill His own uncle, is also over. So He becomes the king. When He becomes the king then what does He do? Is to communicate. Most of his expressions of his qualities are seen after He became the king. Before that He was busy killing, one after another, all these horrible people. After that He built, built up people. He built Dwarika and He tried to communicate with people. Now your duty is to build up yourself and to communicate with others with all the sweetness, ‘madhuria’ of Shri Krishna, all the beauty of Shri Krishna, with full understanding as to what stupid things are going round and around. Once you understand that, you’ll not take it because you will become wise enough not to take to all these nonsensical things that are going on. And it is so much, I mean, I, in this lecture, I cannot tell you, but now if you become the witness of the whole thing you’ll see what is happening. Now we have to stop them from going to Hell. And we have to really develop a very, very good personality of a Sahaja Yogi. All of you. Now, there are many marriages that take place, then suddenly they decide to divorce. Divorce is allowed in Sahaja Yoga, but this American style of nonsense I don’t want to have. Women are can be very dominating. One fellow ran away to Russia. They have no idea of a marriage. They don’t know how to work it out. All the sweetness of the marriage is finished. If the husband is dominating, the wife is dominating, this happens, then you divorce. What is the achievement? So we have to work out everything within us because we are conditioned, we are in an atmosphere. I would request all of you to try to understand these subtleties of Shri Krishna’s personality. Try to become like that – extremely peaceful, extremely kind, tender, helpful. And in humility, He had no consciousness of money. Nothing. And also, as you know, He was a dark person for some reason, but the way He led his life should be an example for us. I’m sure, now, when you go back to your countries you’ll see all this nonsense. Please note it down. Write it down what these nonsensical people are doing and send it over to Me. That’s what it is. So today is the puja of Shri Krishna. I need not tell you how many qualities He has, as I told you, but the greatest quality He has that He is the doctor of doctors. Now, in His name you will know how many qualities He has and you will understand. Try to understand that we have to have these qualities within us also. Whatever qualities are described or said, try to see how many we have. That’s the way the introspection will start. Once you start introspecting yourself and understanding yourself, the wisdom will grow – not by seeing faults in others, putting blames on others, but on yourself. That is how the things will work out. Though Krishna didn’t have to do that because He was Sampurna, He was complete. But we have to do all this to see that we also become complete. Thank you very much. May God bless you all. May God bless you. There’s another point I wanted to mention about Sahaja Yogis, that we introduce classical Indian music for you people, because I think it helps for vibrations. But as the nature is of western people, anything they take up they must go to the ultimate end till they are completely lost. So what I find now all of them are buying tapes. Some tapes …(speaks Hindi to a child who has come on the stage before Her). Now some of them are buying tapes, I was surprised, of very unknown people, just mad. Once I was traveling with a lady in America, was a disciple of Muktanand. She said, “I have a very nice tape,” and she played the, the lecture of Muktanand. Rajneesh’s people will play the lecture of Rajneesh. But here now they’ve all gone to one side, so this one, that one, all kinds of music they have got. Tomorrow, we start telling you that you must understand Indian dancing, so all my videos will be replaced by Indian dancing from A to Z. You are Sahaja Yogis. It’s all right, I am also fond of music, but it’s not the way. What is the main thing of your life? And I was surprised how people are lost in the music. I mean there should be some occasion. They’re all already in the another world with the music. Don’t do these things. You go to the extremes of everything. That’s not proper, even pujas, anything, you go to extremes. To go to extremes, you won’t be in the center. You will not be in the place of Shri Krishna, where you have to be. On the contrary, you will be just in another imaginary world. So, as a matter of habit we create a world like that; somebody has music world; somebody has dancing world; another one has, world, I’ve seen with Sahaja Yogis who think no end of themselves. “We have a special relationship with Shri Mataji.” Is a very common thing. But I cannot have any special relationship. Sorry, nobody has any special relationship with Me. This I would like to tell you very clearly, and you should not claim that, and then become, some people say, “we are deities.” I mean this is something to be – horrible. I’ll speak for two minutes in Marathi if you don’t mind.... (Marathi) Now I want to talk to the Maharastrian girls. You have been married to the western men and got rich husbands. But as soon as you came here you’ve started sending money to your parents. Does this happen in India? Can you send money to your parents from your in laws’ house. Secondly is ornaments. You’ve started making a lot of ornaments. I asked a Sahaja yogi husband why don’t you buy a shirt for yourself. He said I can’t afford to since my wife is spending all the money on ornaments. This greed for ornaments does not behove a Sahaja Yogi. This is a very serious matter. Recently I learnt that all the Indian ladies have made ornaments after marriage. Thus there is no money left with the husband. Those husbands who used to support Sahaja yoga before the marriage are unable to do so after the marriage. They say that there is no money left with them. What has happened to you. Remember that you’ve come here from the land of saints. Shivaji Maharaj had a great respect for Shri Saint Tukaram and he took some ornaments for his wife. His wife must be somebody like you since she immediately accepted the ornaments. Why should one be so much fond of ornaments? Even being a Goddess I am not fond of ornaments, then why should you be so much fond of them? Since they compulsorily offer me the ornaments that’s why I accept them. So even when she accepted the ornaments Saint Tukaram said what is the need to have the ornaments for saints like us? So he returned back all the ornaments. Know that you’ve come here from land of saints and this attitude of yours is a sign of misery. You’ve been sending money to your parents and I cannot explain to you how far this has gone. You’ve not come here to misbehave like this. You’ve come here to help Sahaja Yoga and not for making ornaments. If you do them once in a while it’s all right but if you put all the attention on ornaments you might lose your husband and he might leave Sahaja Yoga. This will be the good Karma that you’ll be doing. Henceforth nobody should make any ornaments without My permission. We’ll have the Pooja now
Interview. Moscow (Russia), September 1994. The Interviewer: Что бы Вы хотели посоветовать россиянам, пожелать им в эту трудную минуту, поскольку сейчас мы все переживаем достаточно тяжелые времена? Translator: What do you want to wish Shri Mataji to russian people in these hard times? Because we are now in hard times. What do you wish? Shri Mataji: You see what they have to do is to get their self-realisation. Translator: Понимаете, то, что вы должны сделать – это получить вашу самореализацию. Shri Mataji: By that all the creativity will start manifesting. Translator: Благодаря этому, вся ваша творческая способность начнет развиваться. Shri Mataji: All their capacities in the brain will start manifesting. Translator: Все ваши качества мозга начнут проявляться. Shri Mataji: And they will have balance and peace. Translator: Вы будете иметь равновесие. Shri Mataji:You see it depends on how the personality is. Translator: Вы понимаете, это свидетельство того, что вы являетесь личностью. [correct translation: это будет зависеть от вашей личности] Shri Mataji: So in this hard time also they can be very joyous people. Translator: Поэтому, и в это трудное время вы можете быть очень радостными людьми. Shri Mataji: And they could be the witness of the whole thing Translator: И вы можете быть свидетелем всей этой вещи, всей этой драмы. Shri Mataji: Moreover it is a very constructive mind that develops. Translator: Более того, очень развивается созидательный склад ума. Shri Mataji: So a new race is formed Translator: Поэтому, формируется новая раса. Shri Mataji: Where they have no fights Translator: которая не имеет никаких ссор, Shri Mataji: No arguments Translator: никаких споров. Shri Mataji: Love Translator: А есть любовь, Shri Mataji: And pure love Translator: и чистая любовь. Shri Mataji: That sort of a society once it’s formed every sort of progress takes place. Translator: И если формируется такого типа общество, то рассвет наступает во всех сферах. Shri Mataji: First if your attention becomes sharp, deep and settled Translator: Прежде всего, если ваше внимание становится острым Shri Mataji: You just become like a master of Yourself. Translator: и вы становитесь тогда просто хозяином, мастером самому себе. Shri Mataji: And the amount of inspirations you get from the Divine, it is blissful. Translator: И тот громадный опыт [все те вдохновения], который вы получаете от Божественности, он дает вам благословение. Shri Mataji: So now the time has come for russians to get their blessings. Translator: Поэтому сейчас пришло время для россиян получить их благословение. Shri Mataji: In the whole of Europe, America, Eastern block russians are the highest people in spirituality. Translator: Во всей Европе, в Америке, в восточном блоке, русские – высшие люди в смысле их духовности. Shri Mataji: I mean Russians and Ukrainians. Translator: Я имею в виду русских и украинцев. Shri Mataji: You will find in the very short time they will become leaders of the world Translator: Вы обнаружите в очень короткое время, что они станут лидерами всего мира. Shri Mataji: Because what you need is wisdom. Translator: Потому что, что вам нужно - это мудрость. Shri Mataji: Even if you have affluence like americans have they are stupid people. Translator: Даже если у вас есть идеи, как у американцев, все равно они остаются глупыми людьми. Shri Mataji: If you have wisdom you develop a very balanced society, balanced politics, and balanced economics Translator: Но если вы имеете сбалансированное общество, то у вас будет и сбалансированная экономика и сбалансированный склад ума. Shri Mataji: For example your drug problem can be easily solved with Sahaja Yoga. Translator: Например, проблемы наркомании, могут быть очень легко решены с помощью Сахаджа Йоги. Shri Mataji: Overnight people have given up drugs Translator: Внезапно, люди очень быстро бросают наркотики. Shri Mataji: So if Sahaja Yoga is experimented by young people you will save all of them. Translator: Поэтому, если Сахаджа Йогу ощутят молодые люди, то вы увидите все это. [поэтому если Сахаджа Йогу примут молодые люди, они все спасутся] Shri Mataji: So it’s a great country and I adore it. Translator: Поэтому, это великая страна и я ее обожаю. Shri Mataji: Sorry I was late nobody told me he was here. (about the reporter) Translator: Извините, говорит Шри Матаджи, что я опоздала. Мне никто не сказал, что вы здесь. The Interviewer: I understand that you are very tired because you have programs in other cities of Russia and in Moscow so I really understand you. Thank You very much for this short interview and the best wishes from the bottom of my heart. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. You see the first time I was afraid of the media always because God knows what they will say. Translator: Да, в начале опасалась средств массовой информации, потому что Бог знает что они могут сказать. Shri Mataji: You just take it that it is for the benevolence of every individual, of your country, of the whole world, then they should support it. Translator: Понимаете, если бы они прежде всего думали о благе каждой личности, каждой страны, всего мира, то это было бы на благо. Shri Mataji: Because we do not take any money there is not such involvement at all (inaudible) Translator: Потому что, вы понимаете, мы не берем никаких денег, вовсе нет, никакого вовлечения в этом плане. Shri Mataji: I am very glad that you are here, very happy. May God bless you. Translator: Да благословит вас Бог.
Interview. Moscow (Russia), September 1994. The Interviewer: Что бы Вы хотели посоветовать россиянам, пожелать им в эту трудную минуту, поскольку сейчас мы все переживаем достаточно тяжелые времена? Translator: What do you want to wish Shri Mataji to russian people in these hard times? Because we are now in hard times. What do you wish? Shri Mataji: You see what they have to do is to get their self-realisation. Translator: Понимаете, то, что вы должны сделать – это получить вашу самореализацию. Shri Mataji: By that all the creativity will start manifesting. Translator: Благодаря этому, вся ваша творческая способность начнет развиваться. Shri Mataji: All their capacities in the brain will start manifesting. Translator: Все ваши качества мозга начнут проявляться. Shri Mataji: And they will have balance and peace. Translator: Вы будете иметь равновесие. Shri Mataji:You see it depends on how the personality is. Translator: Вы понимаете, это свидетельство того, что вы являетесь личностью. [correct translation: это будет зависеть от вашей личности] Shri Mataji: So in this hard time also they can be very joyous people. Translator: Поэтому, и в это трудное время вы можете быть очень радостными людьми. Shri Mataji: And they could be the witness of the whole thing Translator: И вы можете быть свидетелем всей этой вещи, всей этой драмы. Shri Mataji: Moreover it is a very constructive mind that develops. Translator: Более того, очень развивается созидательный склад ума. Shri Mataji: So a new race is formed Translator: Поэтому, формируется новая раса. Shri Mataji: Where they have no fights Translator: которая не имеет никаких ссор, Shri Mataji: No arguments Translator: никаких споров. Shri Mataji: Love Translator: А есть любовь, Shri Mataji: And pure love Translator: и чистая любовь. Shri Mataji: That sort of a society once it’s formed every sort of progress takes place. Translator: И если формируется такого типа общество, то рассвет наступает во всех сферах. Shri Mataji: First if your attention becomes sharp, deep and settled Translator: Прежде всего, если ваше внимание становится острым Shri Mataji: You just become like a master of Yourself. Translator: и вы становитесь тогда просто хозяином, мастером самому себе. Shri Mataji: And the amount of inspirations you get from the Divine, it is blissful. Translator: И тот громадный опыт [все те вдохновения], который вы получаете от Божественности, он дает вам благословение. Shri Mataji: So now the time has come for russians to get their blessings. Translator: Поэтому сейчас пришло время для россиян получить их благословение. Shri Mataji: In the whole of Europe, America, Eastern block russians are the highest people in spirituality. Translator: Во всей Европе, в Америке, в восточном блоке, русские – высшие люди в смысле их духовности. Shri Mataji: I mean Russians and Ukrainians. Translator: Я имею в виду русских и украинцев. Shri Mataji: You will find in the very short time they will become leaders of the world Translator: Вы обнаружите в очень короткое время, что они станут лидерами всего мира. Shri Mataji: Because what you need is wisdom. Translator: Потому что, что вам нужно - это мудрость. Shri Mataji: Even if you have affluence like americans have they are stupid people. Translator: Даже если у вас есть идеи, как у американцев, все равно они остаются глупыми людьми. Shri Mataji: If you have wisdom you develop a very balanced society, balanced politics, and balanced economics Translator: Но если вы имеете сбалансированное общество, то у вас будет и сбалансированная экономика и сбалансированный склад ума. Shri Mataji: For example your drug problem can be easily solved with Sahaja Yoga. Translator: Например, проблемы наркомании, могут быть очень легко решены с помощью Сахаджа Йоги. Shri Mataji: Overnight people have given up drugs Translator: Внезапно, люди очень быстро бросают наркотики. Shri Mataji: So if Sahaja Yoga is experimented by young people you will save all of them. Translator: Поэтому, если Сахаджа Йогу ощутят молодые люди, то вы увидите все это. [поэтому если Сахаджа Йогу примут молодые люди, они все спасутся] Shri Mataji: So it’s a great country and I adore it. Translator: Поэтому, это великая страна и я ее обожаю. Shri Mataji: Sorry I was late nobody told me he was here. (about the reporter) Translator: Извините, говорит Шри Матаджи, что я опоздала. Мне никто не сказал, что вы здесь. The Interviewer: I understand that you are very tired because you have programs in other cities of Russia and in Moscow so I really understand you. Thank You very much for this short interview and the best wishes from the bottom of my heart. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. You see the first time I was afraid of the media always because God knows what they will say. Translator: Да, в начале опасалась средств массовой информации, потому что Бог знает что они могут сказать. Shri Mataji: You just take it that it is for the benevolence of every individual, of your country, of the whole world, then they should support it. Translator: Понимаете, если бы они прежде всего думали о благе каждой личности, каждой страны, всего мира, то это было бы на благо. Shri Mataji: Because we do not take any money there is not such involvement at all (inaudible) Translator: Потому что, вы понимаете, мы не берем никаких денег, вовсе нет, никакого вовлечения в этом плане. Shri Mataji: I am very glad that you are here, very happy. May God bless you. Translator: Да благословит вас Бог.
Kundalini creates the space between the thoughts
Public Program
Public Program, Bucharest (Romania), 2 September 1994. Please be seated. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that Truth is what it is. You cannot describe it, you cannot transform it and you cannot give a sermon about it. You have to know it on your central nervous system. In Sanskrit the word used is "bodha", meaning "to be enlightened". [AGAIN], another word is known as "vidya" from where the word "Vedas" have come. So, you have to know the Truth not mentally, not emotionally, because this will condition you. So, to know on the central nervous system is to become the Spirit. Because you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, these egos, these emotions. Because you say "my body", "my emotions", "my intelligence", it's all "my" - who is this "me"? So, the first truth you have to know on your central nervous system [IS] that you are the Spirit.Then we see such beautiful flowers here - it's a miracle, it's a miracle. But we take it for granted. If we ask who has created these flowers from a seed, we can't answer. You'll say "the Mother Earth", but it's a living process. Also, we cannot say who runs our heart. The doctors may say that it's autonomous nervous system. But who is this "auto"? Who is this Self? That is the Spirit. You have to become the Spirit. This is an actualization of the experience of baptism. It is not anybody can come and put his hand on your head with little water and you become baptized. If it was that simple, it would have been very good. But those who are at the helm of affairs of religion are not authorized by God. They can be anyone of us. They are not enlightened people. So, one has to realize that to be a good Christian, to be a good Hindu, to be a good Muslim, you have to have Enlightenment. Because all those who are carrying these brands on their heads can do anything, commit any murder, commit anything. So, there is no truth in it carrying this brand. I think they have told you about the inner subtle system that resides within us. Now, you must not believe Me also blindfolded. This blind faith has created all fundamentalists and all kinds of conditioned people. They think God is in their pocket. And they misuse their organizations for anything. For making money, for deceiving people, for doing laundering money, they can use it for that, for murdering... in short, they can become even mafias, secret mafias. And poor simple people go on believing them. So it is necessary for us to open our eyes and feel our Spirit. Whatever you have done in the past, in the search of the Truth, forget it. The past is over. You have to be in the present. Because future doesn't exist. But if I say you stay in your present, you cannot. You can jump from past to future, future to past. Between these thoughts is the place of present, very little. This present you can only achieve when this power which we call Kundalini rises within us and creates that space between the thoughts, which is the present. The second truth is that all this living work is done by the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. In the Bible it is described as the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. Also in Koran as Ruh. And in Indian scriptures as Paramachaitanya. Also, Hatha Yoga, Patanjali has described as Ruthambara Pragnya. They have all become experts, you see the way they say, I can't believe it! Specially Romanians are really remarkable. The Indian musicians, very great musicians, were really ashamed of themselves to see these people learning so fast. While Indian musicians took so many years to learn and sing like this. It's really great, I'm really enamored. I think Romania is a place where people are genuinely seeking the Truth. They are not so materialistic, they are not hypocritical. With hypocrisy how can you achieve Truth? So now, what happens to you when this Kundalini, the power in the sacrum bone rises? The sacrum bone is called by the Greeks, means they knew it's a sacred bone. Also, they had a proper concept of Athena - Atha - "Atha" means "primordial". So they believed in the Primordial Mother. But in other religions I don't know why they avoided talking about the Feminine Power of God. It is very sad. Because of that women have no respect, as they should have, as the feminine power, the Shakti. I am sorry to see how the women in the West, also in your countries, have to work so hard to attract the men's attention. All the time to be slaves to men's wishes... Now, in America is the other way round, I think. Every action has a reaction. But woman is the potential power of man. But in the case of Divinity, She is the kinetic power of God Almighty. God Almighty is just a spectator. He's just a witness. He's watching the work of the Primordial Mother. But if anyone tries to trouble the Holy Ghost or to Shakti then He takes care of that. So when this power, this power which is the reflection of the Primordial Mother within you, rises, then it passes through all the centers and enlightens them. By that these centers which are the basis of human body, just get transformed. All the problems of this world practically come from human beings. And all the problems of human beings come from their centers. When this Kundalini Power rises She enlightens, She corrects and She integrates all the centers. And ultimately connects you to the All Pervading Power. That connection gives you many blessings. The first blessing is that you become absolutely peaceful within yourself. It is like the axis of a wheel which is moving, your attention jumps to the axis, from there it watches the wheel. Or, if you are standing in the water, you are afraid of the waves, but if you get into the boat you can enjoy the waves. And if you know how to swim you can jump into the water and get others who are drowning in the water. This is what exactly happens to you, that you become at that stage, in the present, thoughtlessly aware. There is no thought, but you are completely aware. The whole mechanism is absorbing everything of the present. And you develop a photo memory. So many people talk of peace, they have organizations of peace, they've got awards of peace. But they're very hot tempered, I met many of them. They never smile, they never laugh. And if you want to approach them, you have to approach them with a bargepole. Now, if such horrible people are given awards, I don't understand, how do they get peace awards, for what? They have no peace within.The second thing that happens to you it is very miraculous, that your attention becomes enlightened. I say becomes, is not mental. That means you can pay attention to anyone and know about his chakras. And you can know about your own centers, that is the self-knowledge. So, you know about yourself and you know about others. You don't know how they dress up, how they look, but how their centers are. So, if you know how to correct those centers, you can correct yourself and you can correct others. I tell you, so many people have got cured from Sahaja Yoga, of very, very incurable diseases. There is going to be a conference in Russia, of the doctors. And the Patriarch himself has invited Me. I wish they do it here also in your country. So now, the time has come for us to get our transformation. By this transformation you pick up the power within yourself, you are no more a weak person, nor you are aggressive, you become very dynamic, at the same time extremely compassionate. You don't feel your age. You don't feel tired. And whatever work you do is for your benevolence and for benevolence of the whole world. It is such a blissful state you reach, that whatever work you do is also blessed by the Divine. Spirit is the source of absolute Truth. We live in the relative world. Some say communism is good, some say democracy is good, some say this religion is good, some say this religion is good... this we do with our rationality or with our conditioning. But the Truth is one. And when you know the absolute Truth, everybody who's enlightened knows it. If everybody knows the same Truth, then where is there to have any quarrel, discussion, argument and war? So these mental projections which are fighting each other just dropped off. You know about others, what's wrong with others, all of you know the same. It is very surprising that in India we have seminars where there are at least three, four thousands people from sixty five nations. There is no fight, there is no quarrel, just fun. They enjoy each other, whatever country they may be, whatever race they may be. Because you are not limited, you transcend your limitations. That has to achieve and can be achieved Sahaj, means spontaneously. Now, the greatest thing that happens to you, that you jump into the Sea of ..., or Ocean of Joy. Now, the Joy is singular, it is not like happiness and unhappiness. It is not that one time you feel happy and then you feel unhappy, because if your ego is pampered you do that. If the ego is pampered you feel happy, if it is punctured you feel unhappy. But joy is something so innate. And that is a state one has to achieve. In that state you become doubtlessly aware. The first state, thoughtlessly aware, is called as Nirvichara Samadhi. And the second one is called, which is doubtless, is doubtless awareness, is called as Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Now, if this deep knowledge is coming from India, why should you resist? After all, the science has come from West, which we have accepted. But science it is amoral and it has its limitations. But with this happening you become moral. You're not to be told "don't do this, don't do", nothing of the kind. It just becomes. It's a thing I always tell, that there is a snake in my hand and I am obstinate and I am standing in darkness. And somebody tells me it's a snake. I say "No, it's a rope". Till it bites me I'll hold it. But if there is light, I'll immediately leave it. In the same way, when you become enlightened, you give up everything that is very, very destructive. It's so simple, that I've seen in England, people gave up drugs overnight, overnight. Because the light of the Spirit, when it penetrates into your attention, you just become an enlightened personality. Can you think of Lord Buddha killing somebody? Can you think of Lord Jesus Christ killing somebody? And if these, these incarnations, if they had to kill, they will only kill the people who were devils. So you can see, there is such a glory within you, such a great personality within you, so compassionate and dynamic! Whatever talents you have, can be very well manifesting. This is your own power. You are not obliged to Me. It's your own power which rises and gives you your Self Realization. Like the Mother Earth, if you put a seed in the Mother Earth, it sprouts by itself spontaneously. Because Mother Earth has got the built in quality to sprout and the seed has built in quality to get sprouted. In the same way - in the same way - you have the potential to achieve this state. I know there are some thoughts going on your mind and that you want to ask some questions also. It's a very deep, subtle subject. Only in English language I must have given at least four thousands, minimum four thousands lectures. And maybe many more in other languages. You can all listen to it, but after you have achieved a proper state. Because by reading we get conditioned. Kabir, a great poet, has said "by reading too much even the learned became stupid". Because books are just an indication where to go, what to do. By remembering these books by heart will not take you to the Kingdom of God. You have to become. Becoming is very important. As the bird in Sanskrit language is called as dwijaha, born twice, also a person who's enlightened is called as dwijaha. But by putting "born again" on your head you don't become. You have to be really born again. And then you have powers. The first is you can give Realizations, not to one, but to thousands. You can cure people, you can cure yourself, you can make everyone peaceful. Also, all your desires are fulfilled. But now, the desires also change, they are also very different from what they were before. You are so surprised how things work out so well. So many people I've seen tried to remove our posters but they could not. I mean why should they be afraid of My poster, I don't know? Because they belong to some organization, to something and they are afraid that that organization might be exposed. But I'm not here to spoil anything, but to fulfill the promises. Now, imagine, I know Mohammed Sahab has been very cruel with women, they say. But look at Christ also, who can be a Christian? He's told in Matthew's 5th Chapter that those who have a bad eye, they should remove their eyes; those who have hands which do bad things they, remove their hand. Most of the Europeans and Americans would be with one hand and with one eye, I can tell you. It's not easy to follow Christ, I tell you, very difficult... These people didn't know what human beings were. They were too great. And I think Mohammed Sahab must have thought that "Christ said all these for men, now let me say for women also". At their level they were all right, but not at human level. Imagine, everybody having one eye, one hand... And then (He) said if somebody slaps you on this, you put the other cheek, imagine, Christians, ha, impossible. Oh My God, they went to America, killed all the aboriginals, all of them. Thank God, Columbus went to America, if he was coming to India, we would not have been here. Thank God! Because, you see, this idea of these people was right. But they said it was right. And Shariat was given by Moses to Jews. So can you imagine, these three religions, how can you follow? These three religions they can't follow. Because you'll have to either cut your eye, cut your hand, you see. Or Shariat is even worse. Better is to become enlightened souls. Then we need not cut our hand and cut our eyes. Because you really become righteous people, really become. And you are surprised how you have transformed yourselves. In this short lecture I don't think I can tell you everything and you have to know a lot, no doubt. After Realization it's just the beginning like a sprouting of the seed. So when the Kundalini awakens and you feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost on your hands, on your fingertips, don't just get blown off with the experience. In the modern times it is not an individual happening. But it is a collective happening. So I'm very happy that the collective of Romania is so great. They have transformed their lives, they are very beautiful. I've gone to Russia when there was putsch and I asked the Russian, Russian Sahaja yogis: "Aren't you afraid of these problems?" They said: "Mother, why? We are in the Kingdom of God, why should we be afraid of these petty politics here?" That's what it is. We have to feel secure with our Spirit being awakened. And we feel absolutely protected. So, we will have the session now for Realization. [UNCLEAR] As we don't take any money, we don't have very big palaces for you to meditate, but very ordinary places where you have to go with all humility. We have to be humble, otherwise it won't work out. So, I have to request that you all, when you get Realization, should attend our collective programs. We have collective programs and then also seminars. Then you can write to Me also, if you want, and also you can ask questions and you'll understand yourself much better. We have some very good Sahaja yogis in Romania. I really enjoy being in the collective. The another request I have, that I respect your freedom. If you want to have Self Realization, then only I can give you. You have to ask for it. I cannot force it on you. Actually the power of Kundalini is the Power of Pure Desire within you. All other desires come and go. In general they are never satisfied. But this is the only pure desire, whether you know it or not, within you, that you have to become the Spirit whether if you know it or not. If you understand this, that I cannot force it on you, I would request the people who don't want to have their Realization to go out of this hall. It will hardly take 10 minutes. But those who don't want, I cannot force on them...They are all there... This is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your family, for the benevolence of your country, and for the benevolence of the whole world. Just now you don't have to think about anything, but one desire that you should all get your Self Realization. From...think are all sited, all nicely. I hope you'll all be seated down, not to stand, please be seated. There is...right side as well.. Some movement is there. Nobody should get up when we are going to start the Kundalini awakening, you can go now, don't disturb later on. Now, there are three conditions which are very simple, I must tell you. Firstly, as I told you, you cannot pay for it. But the first condition is that you have to forgive everyone. Now, people think that it's very difficult to forgive. But if you see logically, whether you forgive, you don't forgive, what do you do? But when you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. And those who have tortured you are very happy. Then, another simple thing is that at this moment you should just say that "I forgive everyone", don't think about them. The another thing is that you have to forgive yourself, that is not to feel guilty for anything. That's another myth. Whatever has happened has happened. What's the use of torturing yourself now? But do you know? By doing that you spoil this center here, on the left side. In Sahaja Yoga you don't have to confess anything. Your Kundalini, who is your own individual mother, knows everything about you. She will judge. She will judge you. You don't have to judge yourself. And this center, if it is spoiled, then you get spondylitis, you get angina, you get lethargic organs. Horrible things can happen if this center is caught. Feeling guilty is worse than smoking. And if you don't forgive then this center which is on the optic chiasm, which is like this constricted, will not open at all. So you have to forgive, so it opens out. It's a very constricted chakra, center. The third condition is not difficult; you have to take out your shoes. Those who are sitting on the ground are perfectly alright, they can take out their shoes and those who are sitting on the chairs should take out their shoes and put both their feet away from each other. Because these are two powers, left and right. And they should be kept away. Now, you all have to do few things which I tell you. And if you don't want to do it, you better go. To be civil to others, to be civil to others. So, we put both the hands like this and this suggests that the left hand is for your desire power. So, symbolically you are desiring to have your Self Realization. So keep this left hand all the time on your lap, on the left hand side, like this. Now, the right side is the power of action. So, you have to use this for nourishing our own centers with our self-confidence. So we put our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit then you become your own master, your own guru. So please put your right hand in the upper portion of you abdomen which is the center of our mastery. This is the center which is created by great prophets. We have to just enlighten it. So, now we put our right hand in the lower portion of our abdomen, on the left hand side. This is the center of pure knowledge. Now we have to raise our hand again to the upper portion of abdomen, on the left hand side. We are only working on the left hand side. Then we raise our right hand on our heart. Then we raise our right hand in the corner of our neck and shoulder. And we turn our head to our right. Then we take our right hand on top of our forehead across and bend our head. This is the center where we have to forgive everyone in general. Now we take back our right hand on the back side of our head and push back our head as far as possible. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now, the last center is, stretch your palm as far as possible and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now, push back your fingers as far as possible and put down your head. Please press your scalp well and move the scalp, not the hand, 7 times clockwise. Bend your heads, bend your heads. Move it. Now move back your fingers, move back your fingers. Press it hard. Now, that's all we have to do. Now, you have to close your eyes. Before that see that both your feet are apart from each other. Now, please put your right hand on your heart. Please don't open your eyes till I tell you. You can even take out your glasses, your spectacles. Here resides the Spirit. You can ask Me a question three times, you can call Me "Mother" or "Shri Mataji". So, ask a the question here, three times, a very fundamental question about yourself. "Mother am I the Spirit?" Please ask the question three times: "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask three times. Voice doesn't go with this, yes is better. So, now, if you become the Spirit you become your own master. So take down your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen and ask another question: "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question three times. I've already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot give you the pure knowledge by forcing on you. I mean to say it cannot be done, it cannot be forced. So now take down your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and push it. This center has six petals, so ask six times: "Mother, please give me pure Divine knowledge." Now, raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Press it hard. As soon as you ask for the pure Divine knowledge the Kundalini has started moving. But we have to open our higher centers with our full confidence. So now, here on this center you have to say ten times: "Mother, I am my own master." Say it with full confidence. At the very outset I told you that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and say it with full confidence in yourself, 12 times: "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." This All Pervading Power of Divine Love is the Ocean of Truth, is the Ocean of Knowledge. It is the Ocean of Compassion, the Ocean of Blessings. But above all it is the Ocean of Forgiveness. So, whatever mistakes you have committed, will be easily dissolved in this great Ocean of Forgiveness. So forgive yourself and put your hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say again with full self confidence, sixteen times: "Mother, I am not guilty at all." I have already told you that whether you forgive or you don't forgive you don't do anything, it's a myth. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands and you torture yourself. At this time, if you don't forgive, this center which is very constricted will not open and Kundalini cannot pass through. And you'll miss the opportunity of your Self Realization which is the most important thing. So now raise your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head. Here you have to say from your heart, not how many times: "Mother..." (please put down your heads): "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." You don't have to even think about them. Now, for your self-satisfaction, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. So please take your right hand to the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here again you have to say from your heart, not how many times: "Mother, oh, Divine Power, please forgive me if I've done any mistakes, knowingly or unknowingly." You have to do this without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes. Just for your own satisfaction. Now, the last center is very important. So you have to stretch your palm fully and put it on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. The important thing is that you stretch back your fingers, so that there's a good pressure on your scalp. You have to now bend your head. Here again I respect your freedom. I cannot force Self Realization on you. You have to ask for it. So now bend your head and seven times move your scalp, seven times, clockwise, saying seven times: "Mother, give me my Self Realization." Move your scalp, move your scalp, they are not moving. Now please take down your hands. Please open your eyes. Put both the hands like this towards Me, lifted little. Watch Me without thinking. Now please put your right hand towards Me like this and bend your head. See with the left hand away from the head, little away, see that there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your own head. Bend your heads, bend your heads. Now, please take your left hand and bend your head and see for yourself with the right hand. Left hand towards Me, with the right hand you try to see if there's a cool or a hot breeze light thing coming out of your head. With the right hand [UNCLEAR]. Now with the left [UNCLEAR]. Now put the right hand like this and bend your head and again see with the left hand. Good. It could be hot or it could be cold. Now raise your both the hands towards the sky like this and turn your head up. Here you have to ask any one of these 3 questions to Me. You can ask: "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" three times ...Holy Ghost, breeze of the Holy Ghost. Then now second question is: "Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of Divine Love?" The third one is: "Mother, is it Paramachaitanya?" Ask any one of these questions three times. Now please bring down your hands. Now put both the hands like this. All those who have felt cool breeze on fingertips or on the palm or out of the fontanel bone area, maybe hot also, doesn't matter, raise both your hands. Ha, ha! Romania, after all. May God bless you! Again, here I want to see. May God bless you! This side? Oh ...Can I see on the front side? May God bless you! You are all now saints and I bow to you. You don't have to give up families, you don't have to give up properties, you don't have to do anything nonsensical. You don't have to fast, you don't have to do anything to torture your body or mind. Just come to the collective and enjoy. Enjoy each other and enjoy your life. Enjoy the blessings.May God bless you all!
Public Program, Bucharest (Romania), 2 September 1994. Please be seated. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that Truth is what it is. You cannot describe it, you cannot transform it and you cannot give a sermon about it. You have to know it on your central nervous system. In Sanskrit the word used is "bodha", meaning "to be enlightened". [AGAIN], another word is known as "vidya" from where the word "Vedas" have come. So, you have to know the Truth not mentally, not emotionally, because this will condition you. So, to know on the central nervous system is to become the Spirit. Because you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, these egos, these emotions. Because you say "my body", "my emotions", "my intelligence", it's all "my" - who is this "me"? So, the first truth you have to know on your central nervous system [IS] that you are the Spirit.Then we see such beautiful flowers here - it's a miracle, it's a miracle. But we take it for granted. If we ask who has created these flowers from a seed, we can't answer. You'll say "the Mother Earth", but it's a living process. Also, we cannot say who runs our heart. The doctors may say that it's autonomous nervous system. But who is this "auto"? Who is this Self? That is the Spirit. You have to become the Spirit. This is an actualization of the experience of baptism. It is not anybody can come and put his hand on your head with little water and you become baptized. If it was that simple, it would have been very good. But those who are at the helm of affairs of religion are not authorized by God. They can be anyone of us. They are not enlightened people. So, one has to realize that to be a good Christian, to be a good Hindu, to be a good Muslim, you have to have Enlightenment. Because all those who are carrying these brands on their heads can do anything, commit any murder, commit anything. So, there is no truth in it carrying this brand. I think they have told you about the inner subtle system that resides within us. Now, you must not believe Me also blindfolded. This blind faith has created all fundamentalists and all kinds of conditioned people. They think God is in their pocket. And they misuse their organizations for anything. For making money, for deceiving people, for doing laundering money, they can use it for that, for murdering... in short, they can become even mafias, secret mafias. And poor simple people go on believing them. So it is necessary for us to open our eyes and feel our Spirit. Whatever you have done in the past, in the search of the Truth, forget it. The past is over. You have to be in the present. Because future doesn't exist. But if I say you stay in your present, you cannot. You can jump from past to future, future to past. Between these thoughts is the place of present, very little. This present you can only achieve when this power which we call Kundalini rises within us and creates that space between the thoughts, which is the present. The second truth is that all this living work is done by the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. In the Bible it is described as the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. Also in Koran as Ruh. And in Indian scriptures as Paramachaitanya. Also, Hatha Yoga, Patanjali has described as Ruthambara Pragnya. They have all become experts, you see the way they say, I can't believe it! Specially Romanians are really remarkable. The Indian musicians, very great musicians, were really ashamed of themselves to see these people learning so fast. While Indian musicians took so many years to learn and sing like this. It's really great, I'm really enamored. I think Romania is a place where people are genuinely seeking the Truth. They are not so materialistic, they are not hypocritical. With hypocrisy how can you achieve Truth? So now, what happens to you when this Kundalini, the power in the sacrum bone rises? The sacrum bone is called by the Greeks, means they knew it's a sacred bone. Also, they had a proper concept of Athena - Atha - "Atha" means "primordial". So they believed in the Primordial Mother. But in other religions I don't know why they avoided talking about the Feminine Power of God. It is very sad. Because of that women have no respect, as they should have, as the feminine power, the Shakti. I am sorry to see how the women in the West, also in your countries, have to work so hard to attract the men's attention. All the time to be slaves to men's wishes... Now, in America is the other way round, I think. Every action has a reaction. But woman is the potential power of man. But in the case of Divinity, She is the kinetic power of God Almighty. God Almighty is just a spectator. He's just a witness. He's watching the work of the Primordial Mother. But if anyone tries to trouble the Holy Ghost or to Shakti then He takes care of that. So when this power, this power which is the reflection of the Primordial Mother within you, rises, then it passes through all the centers and enlightens them. By that these centers which are the basis of human body, just get transformed. All the problems of this world practically come from human beings. And all the problems of human beings come from their centers. When this Kundalini Power rises She enlightens, She corrects and She integrates all the centers. And ultimately connects you to the All Pervading Power. That connection gives you many blessings. The first blessing is that you become absolutely peaceful within yourself. It is like the axis of a wheel which is moving, your attention jumps to the axis, from there it watches the wheel. Or, if you are standing in the water, you are afraid of the waves, but if you get into the boat you can enjoy the waves. And if you know how to swim you can jump into the water and get others who are drowning in the water. This is what exactly happens to you, that you become at that stage, in the present, thoughtlessly aware. There is no thought, but you are completely aware. The whole mechanism is absorbing everything of the present. And you develop a photo memory. So many people talk of peace, they have organizations of peace, they've got awards of peace. But they're very hot tempered, I met many of them. They never smile, they never laugh. And if you want to approach them, you have to approach them with a bargepole. Now, if such horrible people are given awards, I don't understand, how do they get peace awards, for what? They have no peace within.The second thing that happens to you it is very miraculous, that your attention becomes enlightened. I say becomes, is not mental. That means you can pay attention to anyone and know about his chakras. And you can know about your own centers, that is the self-knowledge. So, you know about yourself and you know about others. You don't know how they dress up, how they look, but how their centers are. So, if you know how to correct those centers, you can correct yourself and you can correct others. I tell you, so many people have got cured from Sahaja Yoga, of very, very incurable diseases. There is going to be a conference in Russia, of the doctors. And the Patriarch himself has invited Me. I wish they do it here also in your country. So now, the time has come for us to get our transformation. By this transformation you pick up the power within yourself, you are no more a weak person, nor you are aggressive, you become very dynamic, at the same time extremely compassionate. You don't feel your age. You don't feel tired. And whatever work you do is for your benevolence and for benevolence of the whole world. It is such a blissful state you reach, that whatever work you do is also blessed by the Divine. Spirit is the source of absolute Truth. We live in the relative world. Some say communism is good, some say democracy is good, some say this religion is good, some say this religion is good... this we do with our rationality or with our conditioning. But the Truth is one. And when you know the absolute Truth, everybody who's enlightened knows it. If everybody knows the same Truth, then where is there to have any quarrel, discussion, argument and war? So these mental projections which are fighting each other just dropped off. You know about others, what's wrong with others, all of you know the same. It is very surprising that in India we have seminars where there are at least three, four thousands people from sixty five nations. There is no fight, there is no quarrel, just fun. They enjoy each other, whatever country they may be, whatever race they may be. Because you are not limited, you transcend your limitations. That has to achieve and can be achieved Sahaj, means spontaneously. Now, the greatest thing that happens to you, that you jump into the Sea of ..., or Ocean of Joy. Now, the Joy is singular, it is not like happiness and unhappiness. It is not that one time you feel happy and then you feel unhappy, because if your ego is pampered you do that. If the ego is pampered you feel happy, if it is punctured you feel unhappy. But joy is something so innate. And that is a state one has to achieve. In that state you become doubtlessly aware. The first state, thoughtlessly aware, is called as Nirvichara Samadhi. And the second one is called, which is doubtless, is doubtless awareness, is called as Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Now, if this deep knowledge is coming from India, why should you resist? After all, the science has come from West, which we have accepted. But science it is amoral and it has its limitations. But with this happening you become moral. You're not to be told "don't do this, don't do", nothing of the kind. It just becomes. It's a thing I always tell, that there is a snake in my hand and I am obstinate and I am standing in darkness. And somebody tells me it's a snake. I say "No, it's a rope". Till it bites me I'll hold it. But if there is light, I'll immediately leave it. In the same way, when you become enlightened, you give up everything that is very, very destructive. It's so simple, that I've seen in England, people gave up drugs overnight, overnight. Because the light of the Spirit, when it penetrates into your attention, you just become an enlightened personality. Can you think of Lord Buddha killing somebody? Can you think of Lord Jesus Christ killing somebody? And if these, these incarnations, if they had to kill, they will only kill the people who were devils. So you can see, there is such a glory within you, such a great personality within you, so compassionate and dynamic! Whatever talents you have, can be very well manifesting. This is your own power. You are not obliged to Me. It's your own power which rises and gives you your Self Realization. Like the Mother Earth, if you put a seed in the Mother Earth, it sprouts by itself spontaneously. Because Mother Earth has got the built in quality to sprout and the seed has built in quality to get sprouted. In the same way - in the same way - you have the potential to achieve this state. I know there are some thoughts going on your mind and that you want to ask some questions also. It's a very deep, subtle subject. Only in English language I must have given at least four thousands, minimum four thousands lectures. And maybe many more in other languages. You can all listen to it, but after you have achieved a proper state. Because by reading we get conditioned. Kabir, a great poet, has said "by reading too much even the learned became stupid". Because books are just an indication where to go, what to do. By remembering these books by heart will not take you to the Kingdom of God. You have to become. Becoming is very important. As the bird in Sanskrit language is called as dwijaha, born twice, also a person who's enlightened is called as dwijaha. But by putting "born again" on your head you don't become. You have to be really born again. And then you have powers. The first is you can give Realizations, not to one, but to thousands. You can cure people, you can cure yourself, you can make everyone peaceful. Also, all your desires are fulfilled. But now, the desires also change, they are also very different from what they were before. You are so surprised how things work out so well. So many people I've seen tried to remove our posters but they could not. I mean why should they be afraid of My poster, I don't know? Because they belong to some organization, to something and they are afraid that that organization might be exposed. But I'm not here to spoil anything, but to fulfill the promises. Now, imagine, I know Mohammed Sahab has been very cruel with women, they say. But look at Christ also, who can be a Christian? He's told in Matthew's 5th Chapter that those who have a bad eye, they should remove their eyes; those who have hands which do bad things they, remove their hand. Most of the Europeans and Americans would be with one hand and with one eye, I can tell you. It's not easy to follow Christ, I tell you, very difficult... These people didn't know what human beings were. They were too great. And I think Mohammed Sahab must have thought that "Christ said all these for men, now let me say for women also". At their level they were all right, but not at human level. Imagine, everybody having one eye, one hand... And then (He) said if somebody slaps you on this, you put the other cheek, imagine, Christians, ha, impossible. Oh My God, they went to America, killed all the aboriginals, all of them. Thank God, Columbus went to America, if he was coming to India, we would not have been here. Thank God! Because, you see, this idea of these people was right. But they said it was right. And Shariat was given by Moses to Jews. So can you imagine, these three religions, how can you follow? These three religions they can't follow. Because you'll have to either cut your eye, cut your hand, you see. Or Shariat is even worse. Better is to become enlightened souls. Then we need not cut our hand and cut our eyes. Because you really become righteous people, really become. And you are surprised how you have transformed yourselves. In this short lecture I don't think I can tell you everything and you have to know a lot, no doubt. After Realization it's just the beginning like a sprouting of the seed. So when the Kundalini awakens and you feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost on your hands, on your fingertips, don't just get blown off with the experience. In the modern times it is not an individual happening. But it is a collective happening. So I'm very happy that the collective of Romania is so great. They have transformed their lives, they are very beautiful. I've gone to Russia when there was putsch and I asked the Russian, Russian Sahaja yogis: "Aren't you afraid of these problems?" They said: "Mother, why? We are in the Kingdom of God, why should we be afraid of these petty politics here?" That's what it is. We have to feel secure with our Spirit being awakened. And we feel absolutely protected. So, we will have the session now for Realization. [UNCLEAR] As we don't take any money, we don't have very big palaces for you to meditate, but very ordinary places where you have to go with all humility. We have to be humble, otherwise it won't work out. So, I have to request that you all, when you get Realization, should attend our collective programs. We have collective programs and then also seminars. Then you can write to Me also, if you want, and also you can ask questions and you'll understand yourself much better. We have some very good Sahaja yogis in Romania. I really enjoy being in the collective. The another request I have, that I respect your freedom. If you want to have Self Realization, then only I can give you. You have to ask for it. I cannot force it on you. Actually the power of Kundalini is the Power of Pure Desire within you. All other desires come and go. In general they are never satisfied. But this is the only pure desire, whether you know it or not, within you, that you have to become the Spirit whether if you know it or not. If you understand this, that I cannot force it on you, I would request the people who don't want to have their Realization to go out of this hall. It will hardly take 10 minutes. But those who don't want, I cannot force on them...They are all there... This is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your family, for the benevolence of your country, and for the benevolence of the whole world. Just now you don't have to think about anything, but one desire that you should all get your Self Realization. From...think are all sited, all nicely. I hope you'll all be seated down, not to stand, please be seated. There is...right side as well.. Some movement is there. Nobody should get up when we are going to start the Kundalini awakening, you can go now, don't disturb later on. Now, there are three conditions which are very simple, I must tell you. Firstly, as I told you, you cannot pay for it. But the first condition is that you have to forgive everyone. Now, people think that it's very difficult to forgive. But if you see logically, whether you forgive, you don't forgive, what do you do? But when you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. And those who have tortured you are very happy. Then, another simple thing is that at this moment you should just say that "I forgive everyone", don't think about them. The another thing is that you have to forgive yourself, that is not to feel guilty for anything. That's another myth. Whatever has happened has happened. What's the use of torturing yourself now? But do you know? By doing that you spoil this center here, on the left side. In Sahaja Yoga you don't have to confess anything. Your Kundalini, who is your own individual mother, knows everything about you. She will judge. She will judge you. You don't have to judge yourself. And this center, if it is spoiled, then you get spondylitis, you get angina, you get lethargic organs. Horrible things can happen if this center is caught. Feeling guilty is worse than smoking. And if you don't forgive then this center which is on the optic chiasm, which is like this constricted, will not open at all. So you have to forgive, so it opens out. It's a very constricted chakra, center. The third condition is not difficult; you have to take out your shoes. Those who are sitting on the ground are perfectly alright, they can take out their shoes and those who are sitting on the chairs should take out their shoes and put both their feet away from each other. Because these are two powers, left and right. And they should be kept away. Now, you all have to do few things which I tell you. And if you don't want to do it, you better go. To be civil to others, to be civil to others. So, we put both the hands like this and this suggests that the left hand is for your desire power. So, symbolically you are desiring to have your Self Realization. So keep this left hand all the time on your lap, on the left hand side, like this. Now, the right side is the power of action. So, you have to use this for nourishing our own centers with our self-confidence. So we put our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit then you become your own master, your own guru. So please put your right hand in the upper portion of you abdomen which is the center of our mastery. This is the center which is created by great prophets. We have to just enlighten it. So, now we put our right hand in the lower portion of our abdomen, on the left hand side. This is the center of pure knowledge. Now we have to raise our hand again to the upper portion of abdomen, on the left hand side. We are only working on the left hand side. Then we raise our right hand on our heart. Then we raise our right hand in the corner of our neck and shoulder. And we turn our head to our right. Then we take our right hand on top of our forehead across and bend our head. This is the center where we have to forgive everyone in general. Now we take back our right hand on the back side of our head and push back our head as far as possible. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now, the last center is, stretch your palm as far as possible and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now, push back your fingers as far as possible and put down your head. Please press your scalp well and move the scalp, not the hand, 7 times clockwise. Bend your heads, bend your heads. Move it. Now move back your fingers, move back your fingers. Press it hard. Now, that's all we have to do. Now, you have to close your eyes. Before that see that both your feet are apart from each other. Now, please put your right hand on your heart. Please don't open your eyes till I tell you. You can even take out your glasses, your spectacles. Here resides the Spirit. You can ask Me a question three times, you can call Me "Mother" or "Shri Mataji". So, ask a the question here, three times, a very fundamental question about yourself. "Mother am I the Spirit?" Please ask the question three times: "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask three times. Voice doesn't go with this, yes is better. So, now, if you become the Spirit you become your own master. So take down your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen and ask another question: "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question three times. I've already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot give you the pure knowledge by forcing on you. I mean to say it cannot be done, it cannot be forced. So now take down your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and push it. This center has six petals, so ask six times: "Mother, please give me pure Divine knowledge." Now, raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Press it hard. As soon as you ask for the pure Divine knowledge the Kundalini has started moving. But we have to open our higher centers with our full confidence. So now, here on this center you have to say ten times: "Mother, I am my own master." Say it with full confidence. At the very outset I told you that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and say it with full confidence in yourself, 12 times: "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." This All Pervading Power of Divine Love is the Ocean of Truth, is the Ocean of Knowledge. It is the Ocean of Compassion, the Ocean of Blessings. But above all it is the Ocean of Forgiveness. So, whatever mistakes you have committed, will be easily dissolved in this great Ocean of Forgiveness. So forgive yourself and put your hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say again with full self confidence, sixteen times: "Mother, I am not guilty at all." I have already told you that whether you forgive or you don't forgive you don't do anything, it's a myth. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands and you torture yourself. At this time, if you don't forgive, this center which is very constricted will not open and Kundalini cannot pass through. And you'll miss the opportunity of your Self Realization which is the most important thing. So now raise your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head. Here you have to say from your heart, not how many times: "Mother..." (please put down your heads): "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." You don't have to even think about them. Now, for your self-satisfaction, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. So please take your right hand to the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here again you have to say from your heart, not how many times: "Mother, oh, Divine Power, please forgive me if I've done any mistakes, knowingly or unknowingly." You have to do this without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes. Just for your own satisfaction. Now, the last center is very important. So you have to stretch your palm fully and put it on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. The important thing is that you stretch back your fingers, so that there's a good pressure on your scalp. You have to now bend your head. Here again I respect your freedom. I cannot force Self Realization on you. You have to ask for it. So now bend your head and seven times move your scalp, seven times, clockwise, saying seven times: "Mother, give me my Self Realization." Move your scalp, move your scalp, they are not moving. Now please take down your hands. Please open your eyes. Put both the hands like this towards Me, lifted little. Watch Me without thinking. Now please put your right hand towards Me like this and bend your head. See with the left hand away from the head, little away, see that there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your own head. Bend your heads, bend your heads. Now, please take your left hand and bend your head and see for yourself with the right hand. Left hand towards Me, with the right hand you try to see if there's a cool or a hot breeze light thing coming out of your head. With the right hand [UNCLEAR]. Now with the left [UNCLEAR]. Now put the right hand like this and bend your head and again see with the left hand. Good. It could be hot or it could be cold. Now raise your both the hands towards the sky like this and turn your head up. Here you have to ask any one of these 3 questions to Me. You can ask: "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" three times ...Holy Ghost, breeze of the Holy Ghost. Then now second question is: "Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of Divine Love?" The third one is: "Mother, is it Paramachaitanya?" Ask any one of these questions three times. Now please bring down your hands. Now put both the hands like this. All those who have felt cool breeze on fingertips or on the palm or out of the fontanel bone area, maybe hot also, doesn't matter, raise both your hands. Ha, ha! Romania, after all. May God bless you! Again, here I want to see. May God bless you! This side? Oh ...Can I see on the front side? May God bless you! You are all now saints and I bow to you. You don't have to give up families, you don't have to give up properties, you don't have to do anything nonsensical. You don't have to fast, you don't have to do anything to torture your body or mind. Just come to the collective and enjoy. Enjoy each other and enjoy your life. Enjoy the blessings.May God bless you all!
In Sahaja Yoga you do not have confess everything
Public Program
1994-09-03 Public Program, Warsaw, Poland I bow all the seekers of truth. At the very [UNCLEAR] we have to understand that truth is what it is, we cannot change it, we cannot transform it. And also we cannot purchase it. Now whatever I am going to tell you today, you did not accept by [UNCLEAR]. If it is truth then you have to accept it as scientist [UNCLEAR] your minds to open and I am going to [UNCLEAR]. The first thing we have to know that you are not this body, this mind, this emotions and intelligence, [UNCLEAR] ego and conditioning. But we are the pure spirit. We see there [UNCLEAR] beautiful flowers, very beautiful flowers and you take them for granted. We don’t think it is a miracle. If you ask doctor, who runs the heart, he’ll tell you that it is an autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto. There are many many questions it cannot be answer by the science. Because it cannot cross this all limits. It cannot answer the question why are we on this earth. But as you have been told about this internal instrument we have within us, built in our evolutionary process. Now we have become human beings. But there are two [UNCLEAR] into the new dimension [UNCLEAR] which Christ has described as [UNCLEAR] that means we are to born again. So just by taking a [UNCLEAR] you do not become but you are born again then you are an enlightened person. And you have tremendous powers of compassion and dynamism. But people now do some sort of an organization everywhere in the world. May be because you are born it or you are conditioned into it. All organizations have to part [UNCLEAR] because don’t have great us [UNCLEAR]. They are not spirit oriented. They are either money oriented or power oriented. More over now if you take the question of Christianity, in the New Testament [UNCLEAR] in fifth of chapter of [UNCLEAR], you will find how strict Christ was about people who wanted to be Christian. You can find how Christ was so strict about the Christian what they should be like, because we must pure ourselves so innocence [UNCLEAR] also divine. So he said that one eye is doing a wrong thing, you take out your eye. If your one hand is doing a wrong thing, cut out your hand. How there any Christian to be put their hands if you see modern times. How can [UNCLEAR, people their eyes into for nasty thing]. And also I believe that Mohammed Sahib tried soft. Then Christ was very strict on man so to make some rules for woman. It is true but it cannot be [UNCLEAR]. It just happens. So they can see happens. It is only you. It is your own power. This kundalini is your own individual mother. She knows everything about you. So when Kundalini rises, the first thing that happens to you that you start feeling cool breeze of the Holy Ghost on your finger tips and out of your fontanel bone area. So your fingers are enlightened and you can feel your own centres and the centres of others. All world problems mostly come from human beings. And all human problems come from the energy centres. If these centres are cured, are established, all your problems will be solved. Because it [UNCLEAR] your physical, mental, emotional and [UNCLEAR]. When the kundalini rises, she enlightens these centres. She nourishes them and also she integrates them. It is a spontaneous living process. All these you see living process is done by power of it is all pervading power of divine love. That is for one has to fell on the fingers. This power want you are connected with. You know the answer of truth on your fingertips. What we gave, we gave on [UNCLEAR, relatively]. But once you know the absolute truth, everybody knows the same. How can there will be problem, but you know that absolute, you will not have any discussion, no arguments. And [UNCLEAR, no war]. Now as you know in [UNCLEAR] they have [UNCLEAR] but [UNCLEAR]. If they are being enlightened there would have been no problem at all. Because [UNCLEAR] a new dimension in your attention which we call as collective consciousness where you can fell others. So who is the other? With this happening you become a universal being. Also you release not you think, but you release that all things, different religions, they are like flowers of the same tree of spiritually. People [UNCLEAR] them and now [UNCLEAR] with the dead flowers. Then second thing happens that your attention becomes enlighten. And wherever you put your attention, it acts, it works. Also you become extremely peaceful personality. I know people who are supposed to be very peaceful, because they have awards peace, big organization of peace. But they are really not peaceful. They are so hot tempered that you cannot believe how they got these awards. The peace has to be within yourself. But when its centres enlighten, you got [UNCLEAR] cure, your health improves, you get cured completely of many diseases. Sahaja Yoga has cured many incurable diseases. And now in Russia, St Petersburg the [UNCLEAR, patriot] has invited me to at [UNCLEAR] speaking of 300 scientists with lots of doctors. Now what it is I am tell you that it will happen to you that you feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost on your fingertips tonight. But you have to know that it is just the beginning and it has to grow. For that it is important that you must know that this work is collective it is not individual. So you have to come to the collective. You don’t have to pay anything for it nothing. It is absolutely free. What do we pay to mother earth for giving her these flowers? So there is no no involvement at all or any obligation. But you have to respect your own realization then you can grow very well. So many thing happen but in this short lecture I wouldn’t be able to tell you [UNCLEAR]. At least I [UNCLEAR] more than 4.000 lectures in English language and [UNCLEAR]. First you get your self-realization. So there are three conditions which are [UNCLEAR]. The first one is that you have to forgive everyone. Now, some people say that very difficult to forgive. But logically you forgive or don’t forgive what do you do? You don’t do anything. On the contrary if you don’t forgive then you suffer and play in wrong hands. At this centre on optic chiasma is like this, absolutely [UNCLEAR, destricted]. If you don’t forgive, it won’t open. As it is you have suffer so much. And at this important moment you should really forgive get to your [UNCLEAR, nerves]. Otherwise you will miss that a great opportunity. So the second condition is that you have to forgive yourself. You are not to feel guilty at all. After all you are human beings. If you have done it anything wrong it is alright. You are not [UNCLEAR, ghost]. You don’t have to take out your eye and cut your hands. Only thing is that you must know that if you feel guilty that this centre on left hand side catches very badly. And you get diseases like angina, [UNCLEAR] and also lethargic organs. In Sahaja Yoga you do not have confess everything. You have to get [UNCLEAR] your mother, she knows everything. So you should not judge yourself, let him judge. She is so anxious to give you your self [UNCLEAR] so do not feel guilty at all. Again if this centre is close the Kundalini won’t rise. Third condition is very simple that you have to take out your shoes. Now [UNCLEAR, you know] in India when I say you [UNCLEAR] half of them walked out. You see this mother earth helps us a lot to suck in our problems. So please take out your shoes. You can take out your [UNCLEAR, socks]. There was a little girl, little boy. [UNCLEAR, (someone is talking)]. Just a minute, [UNCLEAR] I can’t understand this English. [UNCLEAR] one minute I will tell you people, will you please sit down, please sit, no, no, no. You see one lady [UNCLEAR, like this], why don’t you [UNCLEAR] get [UNCLEAR], get out [UNCLEAR]. There was a little boy who came to me [UNCLEAR] who could not walk. [UNCLEAR] You see [UNCLEAR] these are nonsense paid by different organisation [UNCLEAR]. But they don’t know [UNCLEAR] benevolence. [UNCLEAR] What is she going to take? They can pay for her. You see if she doesn’t want have realization she can go out. But she should [UNCLEAR] protecting you to disturb. Doesn’t matter, take it easy. [UNCLEAR] Compared what Christ had suffered or Mohammed Sahib has suffered. I have not suffered so much. So many saints have suffered. Not after self-realization, nobody dare touch this [UNCLEAR] now. I didn’t understand again [UNCLEAR], it was some sort of a common [UNCLEAR]. I couldn’t understand. I am sorry. Alright so, you see, there is just you have to feel that you want your self-realization and this should be your desire because kundalini is the power of pure desire. According to economics wants in general are not [UNCLEAR, sociable]. For example today you want to have a house then you want to have a car then you want to have a helicopter then helicopter goes on and on and on. So when we get this pure desire within us, and these powers start flowing through us. You know your identity. You do know the your purpose of your life. You have so much empower that you want to do something that is extremely needed to be done today for the betterment of humanity, such love and compassion. We have seminars with three to four thousand people from 65 countries but there is such friendship, such love, pure love without any [UNCLEAR]. This new race is already there. All their problems even financial are solved. Only I must say, I am sorry to say but Poland is not it that sensitive, like [UNCLEAR] thousands and thousands of Sahaja Yogis. [UNCLEAR] I asked them aren’t you worry about this what is happening in your country, politically. So they said, Mother, why should we worry, we are in kingdom of God, so tranquil and peaceful. Alright so now we come to our session of kundalini awakening. We have two powers left and right. Left is for our [UNCLEAR] side and right is for the action. So we put our left hand on our lap on the left hand side and put both feet apart from each other. You don’t have go to Himalayas, stand on your heads. You don’t have to give up anything. It’s the inner side transformation. Now please put your left hand towards me, symbolically it means you want your self-realization. And we use our right hand to give nourishment to our centres. So we have to put our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides the spirit, right hand on the heart, left hand like this. Now in the heart resides the spirit. If you become the Spirit, you become your own master, your own guide. We work on the left hand side; we work on the left hand. So we take our right hand in upper portion on our abdomen on the left hand. Here is the centre of your mastery created by great prophets. Then we take our right hand in lower portion on our abdomen on the left hand side. This is a centre where we have the pure divine knowledge. Then again we take our right hand in upper portion of our abdomen, then on our heart. Then in the corner of the neck, between shoulder and your neck and turn our head toward right. I have already told you about this centre. Then we take our right hand on top of our foreheads across and bow down [UNCLEAR]. This is the centre to forgive others. Now without doing anything, without counting your mistakes just for your satisfaction, you put your hand [UNCLEAR] back and push back your [UNCLEAR, head]. Here you have to ask for forgiveness from the all-pervading divine power of love. Now the last centre you have to stretch your palm and put the centre of our palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now you have to put down your head and move your hand clockwise. If you push back your fingers and you can move your skull, clockwise, seven times, bend your head, push back your fingers, move it seven times. That’s all we have to do. Now we have to close our eyes, close our eyes and not to open them till I tell you. Now both of knees have to be apart, the left hand on your lap and right hand on your heart. Here you have to ask me a question, very fundamental about yourself. You can call me mother or [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji. Please ask three times in your heart, Mother, am I the spirit? I have told you that [UNCLEAR] you become the spirit; you become your own guide, your own master. So please take the right hand the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. And here you have to ask another fundamental question about yourself. Please ask three times, Mother, am I my own master? I have told you that I respect your freedom and the pure divine knowledge cannot be forced on you. So you have to ask for it. So take your right hand the lower portion of your abdomen. And ask the question or ask Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge. Please ask this question six times, because this centre has got six petals. As soon as you ask (The video is cut off and continues with the music) They won’t understand. (Continues with the music) Thank you very much. [UNCLEAR] you have to see that we have Polish children singing [UNCLEAR] Sanskrit sound is very [UNCLEAR] I have seen only Poland this happening, it shows that people are sensitive and are going to work it out. Remember that God have [UNCLEAR] you and in arts that you enter into his kingdom and settle down. May God bless you all. I will come after one year again.
1994-09-03 Public Program, Warsaw, Poland I bow all the seekers of truth. At the very [UNCLEAR] we have to understand that truth is what it is, we cannot change it, we cannot transform it. And also we cannot purchase it. Now whatever I am going to tell you today, you did not accept by [UNCLEAR]. If it is truth then you have to accept it as scientist [UNCLEAR] your minds to open and I am going to [UNCLEAR]. The first thing we have to know that you are not this body, this mind, this emotions and intelligence, [UNCLEAR] ego and conditioning. But we are the pure spirit. We see there [UNCLEAR] beautiful flowers, very beautiful flowers and you take them for granted. We don’t think it is a miracle. If you ask doctor, who runs the heart, he’ll tell you that it is an autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto. There are many many questions it cannot be answer by the science. Because it cannot cross this all limits. It cannot answer the question why are we on this earth. But as you have been told about this internal instrument we have within us, built in our evolutionary process. Now we have become human beings. But there are two [UNCLEAR] into the new dimension [UNCLEAR] which Christ has described as [UNCLEAR] that means we are to born again. So just by taking a [UNCLEAR] you do not become but you are born again then you are an enlightened person. And you have tremendous powers of compassion and dynamism. But people now do some sort of an organization everywhere in the world. May be because you are born it or you are conditioned into it. All organizations have to part [UNCLEAR] because don’t have great us [UNCLEAR]. They are not spirit oriented. They are either money oriented or power oriented. More over now if you take the question of Christianity, in the New Testament [UNCLEAR] in fifth of chapter of [UNCLEAR], you will find how strict Christ was about people who wanted to be Christian. You can find how Christ was so strict about the Christian what they should be like, because we must pure ourselves so innocence [UNCLEAR] also divine. So he said that one eye is doing a wrong thing, you take out your eye. If your one hand is doing a wrong thing, cut out your hand. How there any Christian to be put their hands if you see modern times. How can [UNCLEAR, people their eyes into for nasty thing]. And also I believe that Mohammed Sahib tried soft. Then Christ was very strict on man so to make some rules for woman. It is true but it cannot be [UNCLEAR]. It just happens. So they can see happens. It is only you. It is your own power. This kundalini is your own individual mother. She knows everything about you. So when Kundalini rises, the first thing that happens to you that you start feeling cool breeze of the Holy Ghost on your finger tips and out of your fontanel bone area. So your fingers are enlightened and you can feel your own centres and the centres of others. All world problems mostly come from human beings. And all human problems come from the energy centres. If these centres are cured, are established, all your problems will be solved. Because it [UNCLEAR] your physical, mental, emotional and [UNCLEAR]. When the kundalini rises, she enlightens these centres. She nourishes them and also she integrates them. It is a spontaneous living process. All these you see living process is done by power of it is all pervading power of divine love. That is for one has to fell on the fingers. This power want you are connected with. You know the answer of truth on your fingertips. What we gave, we gave on [UNCLEAR, relatively]. But once you know the absolute truth, everybody knows the same. How can there will be problem, but you know that absolute, you will not have any discussion, no arguments. And [UNCLEAR, no war]. Now as you know in [UNCLEAR] they have [UNCLEAR] but [UNCLEAR]. If they are being enlightened there would have been no problem at all. Because [UNCLEAR] a new dimension in your attention which we call as collective consciousness where you can fell others. So who is the other? With this happening you become a universal being. Also you release not you think, but you release that all things, different religions, they are like flowers of the same tree of spiritually. People [UNCLEAR] them and now [UNCLEAR] with the dead flowers. Then second thing happens that your attention becomes enlighten. And wherever you put your attention, it acts, it works. Also you become extremely peaceful personality. I know people who are supposed to be very peaceful, because they have awards peace, big organization of peace. But they are really not peaceful. They are so hot tempered that you cannot believe how they got these awards. The peace has to be within yourself. But when its centres enlighten, you got [UNCLEAR] cure, your health improves, you get cured completely of many diseases. Sahaja Yoga has cured many incurable diseases. And now in Russia, St Petersburg the [UNCLEAR, patriot] has invited me to at [UNCLEAR] speaking of 300 scientists with lots of doctors. Now what it is I am tell you that it will happen to you that you feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost on your fingertips tonight. But you have to know that it is just the beginning and it has to grow. For that it is important that you must know that this work is collective it is not individual. So you have to come to the collective. You don’t have to pay anything for it nothing. It is absolutely free. What do we pay to mother earth for giving her these flowers? So there is no no involvement at all or any obligation. But you have to respect your own realization then you can grow very well. So many thing happen but in this short lecture I wouldn’t be able to tell you [UNCLEAR]. At least I [UNCLEAR] more than 4.000 lectures in English language and [UNCLEAR]. First you get your self-realization. So there are three conditions which are [UNCLEAR]. The first one is that you have to forgive everyone. Now, some people say that very difficult to forgive. But logically you forgive or don’t forgive what do you do? You don’t do anything. On the contrary if you don’t forgive then you suffer and play in wrong hands. At this centre on optic chiasma is like this, absolutely [UNCLEAR, destricted]. If you don’t forgive, it won’t open. As it is you have suffer so much. And at this important moment you should really forgive get to your [UNCLEAR, nerves]. Otherwise you will miss that a great opportunity. So the second condition is that you have to forgive yourself. You are not to feel guilty at all. After all you are human beings. If you have done it anything wrong it is alright. You are not [UNCLEAR, ghost]. You don’t have to take out your eye and cut your hands. Only thing is that you must know that if you feel guilty that this centre on left hand side catches very badly. And you get diseases like angina, [UNCLEAR] and also lethargic organs. In Sahaja Yoga you do not have confess everything. You have to get [UNCLEAR] your mother, she knows everything. So you should not judge yourself, let him judge. She is so anxious to give you your self [UNCLEAR] so do not feel guilty at all. Again if this centre is close the Kundalini won’t rise. Third condition is very simple that you have to take out your shoes. Now [UNCLEAR, you know] in India when I say you [UNCLEAR] half of them walked out. You see this mother earth helps us a lot to suck in our problems. So please take out your shoes. You can take out your [UNCLEAR, socks]. There was a little girl, little boy. [UNCLEAR, (someone is talking)]. Just a minute, [UNCLEAR] I can’t understand this English. [UNCLEAR] one minute I will tell you people, will you please sit down, please sit, no, no, no. You see one lady [UNCLEAR, like this], why don’t you [UNCLEAR] get [UNCLEAR], get out [UNCLEAR]. There was a little boy who came to me [UNCLEAR] who could not walk. [UNCLEAR] You see [UNCLEAR] these are nonsense paid by different organisation [UNCLEAR]. But they don’t know [UNCLEAR] benevolence. [UNCLEAR] What is she going to take? They can pay for her. You see if she doesn’t want have realization she can go out. But she should [UNCLEAR] protecting you to disturb. Doesn’t matter, take it easy. [UNCLEAR] Compared what Christ had suffered or Mohammed Sahib has suffered. I have not suffered so much. So many saints have suffered. Not after self-realization, nobody dare touch this [UNCLEAR] now. I didn’t understand again [UNCLEAR], it was some sort of a common [UNCLEAR]. I couldn’t understand. I am sorry. Alright so, you see, there is just you have to feel that you want your self-realization and this should be your desire because kundalini is the power of pure desire. According to economics wants in general are not [UNCLEAR, sociable]. For example today you want to have a house then you want to have a car then you want to have a helicopter then helicopter goes on and on and on. So when we get this pure desire within us, and these powers start flowing through us. You know your identity. You do know the your purpose of your life. You have so much empower that you want to do something that is extremely needed to be done today for the betterment of humanity, such love and compassion. We have seminars with three to four thousand people from 65 countries but there is such friendship, such love, pure love without any [UNCLEAR]. This new race is already there. All their problems even financial are solved. Only I must say, I am sorry to say but Poland is not it that sensitive, like [UNCLEAR] thousands and thousands of Sahaja Yogis. [UNCLEAR] I asked them aren’t you worry about this what is happening in your country, politically. So they said, Mother, why should we worry, we are in kingdom of God, so tranquil and peaceful. Alright so now we come to our session of kundalini awakening. We have two powers left and right. Left is for our [UNCLEAR] side and right is for the action. So we put our left hand on our lap on the left hand side and put both feet apart from each other. You don’t have go to Himalayas, stand on your heads. You don’t have to give up anything. It’s the inner side transformation. Now please put your left hand towards me, symbolically it means you want your self-realization. And we use our right hand to give nourishment to our centres. So we have to put our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides the spirit, right hand on the heart, left hand like this. Now in the heart resides the spirit. If you become the Spirit, you become your own master, your own guide. We work on the left hand side; we work on the left hand. So we take our right hand in upper portion on our abdomen on the left hand. Here is the centre of your mastery created by great prophets. Then we take our right hand in lower portion on our abdomen on the left hand side. This is a centre where we have the pure divine knowledge. Then again we take our right hand in upper portion of our abdomen, then on our heart. Then in the corner of the neck, between shoulder and your neck and turn our head toward right. I have already told you about this centre. Then we take our right hand on top of our foreheads across and bow down [UNCLEAR]. This is the centre to forgive others. Now without doing anything, without counting your mistakes just for your satisfaction, you put your hand [UNCLEAR] back and push back your [UNCLEAR, head]. Here you have to ask for forgiveness from the all-pervading divine power of love. Now the last centre you have to stretch your palm and put the centre of our palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now you have to put down your head and move your hand clockwise. If you push back your fingers and you can move your skull, clockwise, seven times, bend your head, push back your fingers, move it seven times. That’s all we have to do. Now we have to close our eyes, close our eyes and not to open them till I tell you. Now both of knees have to be apart, the left hand on your lap and right hand on your heart. Here you have to ask me a question, very fundamental about yourself. You can call me mother or [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji. Please ask three times in your heart, Mother, am I the spirit? I have told you that [UNCLEAR] you become the spirit; you become your own guide, your own master. So please take the right hand the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. And here you have to ask another fundamental question about yourself. Please ask three times, Mother, am I my own master? I have told you that I respect your freedom and the pure divine knowledge cannot be forced on you. So you have to ask for it. So take your right hand the lower portion of your abdomen. And ask the question or ask Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge. Please ask this question six times, because this centre has got six petals. As soon as you ask (The video is cut off and continues with the music) They won’t understand. (Continues with the music) Thank you very much. [UNCLEAR] you have to see that we have Polish children singing [UNCLEAR] Sanskrit sound is very [UNCLEAR] I have seen only Poland this happening, it shows that people are sensitive and are going to work it out. Remember that God have [UNCLEAR] you and in arts that you enter into his kingdom and settle down. May God bless you all. I will come after one year again.
You have to have the experience of feeling the kundalini coming out of your fontanel bone
Czech Republic
Public Program
1994-0904 Public Program, Prague, Czech Republic I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know, that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot describe it. It is what it has been, it will be what it is, so we must understand that, if we want to know the truth we have to go a little higher than the human awareness. At human awareness, you cannot know the truth, it’s very unfortunate. People have talked about truth, they have written books about truth, but they have not been yet able to give the truth to people. Perhaps that time human beings were not ready to achieve. In Sanskrit we have two words, one is boodha. Boodha is know the truth on your fingertips. On your central nervous system. Another word is used as “vidya” which means it should be known on your central nervous system. That means it’s not mental. As it is you know that human mind at human level is limited. So, you have to have enlightenment, your second birth. To feel the truth. For that already there is an arrangement within us as shown here. But even if somebody talks about the centers or chakras or about shakti or anything this is just talk, talk, talk. The most important thing is to get the experience of self-realization. Moreover, whatever I am going to tell you today, you need not believe in me blindfolded. If you believe blindfolded then you will become another fanatic. You have to have the experience of feeling the kundalini coming out of your fontanel bone. Which is the actualization of this experience, of baptism. Otherwise you should not believe me. You must keep your mind open, though, like the scientist as I offer you this hypothesis. If it is truth then you have to believe as honest people. Because it is for your benevolence. It is for the benevolence of your country. It is for the benevolence of the whole world. Now those you want their benevolence should try to get their self-realization, it is logical. As it is, in the name of God there are lots of evil forces at work. And they talk, and talk, and talk. There are misleading people, many all over the world, especially from India. And they have made lots of money by deceiving people. So, one thing you have to know that you cannot pay money for self-realization. Because it is the breakthrough, last breakthrough of your evolution. How what did we pay for our evolution? So, one must know that God does not understand money. One has to be clear cut about what is the truth. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind. It is not that you are the body, the mind, the emotions, the intellect, ego or condition. But you are the pure spirit. Because you say this is my body, this is my mind, these are my emotions, mine, mine, mine! But who is this mine? Who is this me? That is what you have to become. The second truth is, that there is all pervading divine power of love which does all the living work. As you see beautiful flowers here, we take it for granted. We do not think that they are a miracle. If you ask a doctor, who runs your heart, he will say it’s the autonomous nervous system. But who is this “auto”? Science can’t answer this question. Science cannot answer many questions. Science cannot say why are you on this Earth. What is the purpose of your life. So now, there are many who are born to seek the truth in these modern times. But you should not be misled by people who just talk, talk, talk. We have had enough of talk before also. All the problems of the world mostly come from human beings, and surprisingly all the human problems come from the centers that they have within themselves. All your physical, mental, emotional problems come from these centers, these subtle centers of energies within you. If these centers are somehow rather understood on your central nervous system, you can correct them. So, you have to have the self-knowledge. So, when this power, called “Kundalini” which is in the triangular bone of sacrum, rises, then she enlightens your centers. She integrates them and nourishes them. The bone is called “Sacrum” by Greeks, that means that knew is a sacred bone. When we talk of holiness, of sacredness, of auspiciousness it’s just words. And we get lost into nets of these words. So by reading too much also, we can get lost. When this Kundalini rises, through these centers, first thing she does is to solve our problems. She solves our problems which are physical, mental, emotional and also spiritual. And I must tell you that Sahaja Yoga has cured many people of very incurable diseases, no doubt about it. The Russians were so much impressed that the patriarch of, that like a pope it is, the patriarch of Sankt Petersburg has invited me. He invited me to address a conference, about 300 scientists, half of them are doctors. Because you don’t have to pay for it. You can do the diagnosis on fingertips, you don’t have to go through all the rigmarole of diagnosis and all kinds of things, you just know instantaneously. Then the cure is also very simple, because if you are dealing with the fundamentals, you don’t require so many tests and things. It works out in such a miraculous way that these doctors are surprised. The second thing that happens is that people who have suffered mentally become absolutely peaceful. Also, there are many people who suffer from anger, hatred, lust and greed. All these things just drop out. Christ has said, in the fifth chapter of Matthew that if your eye is doing sinful thing you take it out. If your right hand is doing something wrong you cut it out! It is very difficult, I think, how many Christians will be left with their hands and their eyes if they followed Christ. Christ was too great, too pure and he didn’t know what human beings have feelings and weaknesses. I think later on Mohamad Sahib must have felt that Christ has been strict only with men and we should do something about woman also. Both of them, I think, did not know what sort of human beings they are facing. So now, we have to understand that we have to become capable by our self-realization, to be pure followers of this great incarnations. As human beings, we cannot follow these great ideals of religion. You may be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anything you can commit any mistake. But once you are enlightened you cannot do anything that is wrong, that is not righteous. You just become a very good Christian, I mean the real Christian, the real Hindu, the real Muslim. You are so much changed that you cannot recognize your past. You develop a power, what we call as collective consciousness, by which you can feel the center of others, on your fingertips. You will not discuss the dress or the face or the race of a person, but you will only talk about the chakras, the centers. There are so many beautiful children born in these modern times who are already enlightened. And there are evil forces which are trying to destroy them. If the parents are enlightened they’ll understand their children much better. Your attention also becomes enlightened. Wherever you get attention, automatically you know what is wrong with that person, or that place. Now if you know how to correct these centers and how to correct the problems sitting down here, you can change the world. Your attention becomes absolutely honest and innocent. Honest because you know the absolute truth. While we live in a relative world, some people belong to some organizations or to some sort of an ideology, they think that they are right, and they fight and quarrel. And also they have wars. But if you have the absolute right idea about the absolute truth, then there is no question. Because everybody knows the same truth. Then what is there to fight, what is there to quarrel? Your kundalini rises you into a personality which becomes absolutely peaceful, because you become a witness, you are no more involved in the hallucinations, but you become the witness and you see everything. Supposing you are standing in the water and you are afraid of the waves. But if you can get onto a boat, then you can see the waves and enjoy them. And if you by the way learn how to swim, you can jump and get all the people on the boat and save them. This is exactly what happens when you have your enlightenment. In two stages. First you become thoughtlessly aware, means you are aware but you are in the present, not in the future nor in the past, but in the present because in the present the reality is there. And reality is so beautiful. By these happening all your powers, which are potential, start manifesting. I’ve known people who have been busy with economics and have suddenly become great poets. Some musicians have become suddenly, world famous. Now look at these people from your country, they can sing such beautiful Indian songs, which is very difficult. Even in India, people have to work for so many years to be able to sing this. They even sing Sanskrit songs which are very difficult. Apart from this you become a universal being. You transcend all these mental ideas about race, about religion, about ideologies and you jump into the ocean of truth. It all happens because you are destined, you are chosen. It’s your own power that works it. Of course, it is not for the idiots, or for stupid people. Or for people who are very frivolous. But I am surprised in modern times there are so many seekers all over the world that is unbelievable. There are so many things that happen to you that in this short lecture I won’t be able to tell you. But you become very dynamic at the same time extremely compassioned, and your compassion works. You can raise the Kundalini of the people, you can cure them. That’s all your powers, is not the point, there are many more powers you have, which starts manifesting. You get very balanced and also extremely intelligent. The second stage where you reach, we call it as “doubtless awareness”. Where you become absolutely mature and wise. And you develop such powers that whatever you desire works out. No evil force can catch you, and you become the source of peace for many people. Firstly, you don’t have to leave your home, your house, your family, nothing! You don’t have to stand on your heads or you don’t have to go to Himalayas. Sitting down here you get your realization. This is a special time which has been described in our scriptures thousands of years back. Even a great poet, William Blake, who was there about hundred years back in England, has said that people of God, that Godly people I should say it, will be born in these days and they will become divine. And they will have power to make others divine. Only thing is you have to desire, you want to have your self-realization. I respect your freedom and I cannot force you to have it. This Kundalini is the power of pure desire. All our desires are not pure, because we ask for one thing then you want to ask for another, go on like that! Whether you are aware or not, this is the pure desire, is to be one this all-pervading power. This is the knowledge of the roots and after enlightenment you become very knowledgeable. Above all, you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is singular, it is not like happiness and unhappiness. If your ego is pampered you feel happy, if this ego is punctured you feel unhappy. But joy is an experience beyond mind. I hope you all will get your realization tonight, here. It’s like a seed when you put it in the Mother Earth it sprouts by itself. Because it is the built-in quality of the Mother Earth to sprout and also the built-in quality to the seed to get sprouted. There is no obligation. How much do we pay to Mother Earth for this? So, there is no obligation. It is your right to have this yoga, this union with the divine. I have to tell you one thing, those who do not want to have self-realization should leave the hall. It will hardly take ten to fifteen minutes, but you should not disturb people walking about when they are going through the process of Kundalini awakening. I think if you all move little closer would be better, little this side you are little far away. You have to know that your innocence is in no way harmed, it’s just intact. It is covered with some clouds, of course, but it can never be destroyed. That is your essential eternal nature. It has to just manifest. Now there are three conditions which are very simple. The first condition is that you have to forgive everyone, at this moment. You don’t have to also think about those you have to forgive. Some people say it is very difficult, but logically whether you forgive or you don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play in the wrong hands and torture yourself. But worst thing that happens at this moment that your center inside of the optic chiasma is like this, absolutely constricted. If you don’t forgive it will not open at all, but if you forgive it will open and allow the Kundalini to pass. As it is you torture yourself, or your life, at this time you should forgive so you get your realization which is the most important thing. The second thing is the center here, which is on the left side, is mostly in jeopardy in the west because they feel guilty. That means you must not feel guilty at all, you should forgive yourself. After all you are human beings and if you have done mistakes there is nothing great about it, because you are not God. So, you have to forgive yourself, whatever has happened has happened you should have faced at that moment, but no use now again killing yourself with this guilt. You don’t have to confess, you don’t have to confess, because this Kundalini which is your individual mother she knows everything about you. She knows how to correct and she’s the one who will judge you. She’ll correct you, she’ll take all the trouble upon herself. When you were born, your mother had all the pains, you were not troubled by your mother. In the same way, it works out. But if you have this problem here then you get physical problem of spondylitis, of angina and also of lethargic organs. So why carry on with this myth? This is the second condition and the third one is that please remove your shoes. Because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. As you know there are two powers left and right. So please keep your both feet apart from each other. You be comfortable but straight. If you are sitting on the ground it’s alright, you don’t have to spread your legs. If you are sitting on the ground it’s perfectly alright. If those people will come a little bit they can see us or you move this side a little, now. We have to use these two powers in two different ways. One is, the left one, is for the desire, the mundane desire. The desire is that you want to have your self-realization. So symbolically you put your left hand like this. And, right hand, or right side is the power of action. So, we use the right hand for nourishing our centers. First of all, symbolically we put left hand like this and right hand on our heart. Now, in the heart resides the spirit. If you become the spirit, you become your own guide. So, you put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the center of your mastery which is created by great prophets. Now you take your hand on the left-hand side, on the low portion of your abdomen and press it hard. This is the center of the pure divine knowledge. You will know all about it later on. Then again you rise you right hand on the left-hand side of upper abdomen. Then on your heart again. Then in the corner of your neck and shoulder and put your head to your right. Then you have to take you right hand on the forehead across and please put it down, your head as far as possible. Now, please take, understand that this is the center for forgiving everyone without thinking about that. Now, take back your right hand at the backside of your head and push back your head. This is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power. Now the last center, stretch your palm fully. And put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please put down your head and stretch back your fingers so there is a good pressure on your scalp. Now move your scalp seven times clockwise slowly. Scalp, move scalp, not your hands over. Now, that’s all we have to do. And now put your right hand on your heart. Here resides the spirit. So, you have to ask me a fundamental question about yourself three times. You can call me “Mother” or Shri Mataji. So, please ask three times: Mother am I the spirit? I’ve told you if you become the spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Here you have to ask another question. Please ask three times: Mother, am I my own master? I have told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force the pure divine knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. So, please put your right hand in the low portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here you have to ask six times because this center has got six petals. Please ask six times: Mother please give me pure divine knowledge. When you ask for pure divine knowledge, then your Kundalini starts sprouting upward. So, we have to enrich higher centers with our self-confidence. Raise your right hand now, please, onto the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side. Here you have to say with full self-confidence, ten times, Mother I am my own master. I have already told you at the very outset, that you are not this body, this mind, this emotions, intellect, ego and conditioning, but you are the pure spirit. Now raise your right hand on your heart. Here you have to say, twelve times, with self-confidence: Mother, I am the pure spirit. The all-pervading divine power is the ocean of knowledge. It is the ocean of bliss, it is the ocean of joy, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you have committed, are completely dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. But you have to forgive yourself. So, now take your right hand in the corner of neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say sixteen times with full confidence: Mother, I am not guilty at all. I’ve already told that whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. At this point, at this moment, if you don’t forgive then this constricted center of Agnya won’t open, and the Kundalini won’t pass through. As it is you are tortured yourself all your life, now please at this moment forgive so that you get this great blessing of self-realization. Without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power. Forgive everyone from your heart, not how many times. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here you have to say again from your heart: Oh, divine power, if I have done any mistake, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me. Now the last center, please stretch your palm fully. And put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Here again, I cannot force self-realization on you. So, you have to ask for it. Now please press your scalp by pushing back your fingers and please put down your head. Now you have to move your scalp, seven times, clockwise, slowly, asking: Mother please give me self-realization, seven times. Now please take down your hands, please open your eyes slowly. Please put both the hands towards me like this. Now put the right hand towards me like this, and now put your head down and see with your left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze, like vibrations, coming out of your own fontanel bone area. Don’t doubt, please don’t doubt. Now please put the left hand towards me, again, bend your head and see for yourself, with the right hand, if there is a cool or hot breeze like vibrations are coming out. If they are hot that means that you have not yet forgiven. So, please forgive now, everyone. Now, put your right hand towards me. Again, and put your head down and see with your left hand. Sometimes it is far away, sometimes closer to your head. Now, bend your heads, bend your heads. Raise your both the hands and push your head, and ask a question, anyone of these three questions. First one: Mother, is this the cool breeze of the holy ghost? Second one: Mother, is this the all-pervading power of divine love? Third one: Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya? Ask anyone of these questions, three times. Now please take down your hands. Now please put your hand towards me like this, little higher. All those, watch me without thinking. All those who have felt cool breeze in the fingertips or on the palm, or out of the fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. I bow to you, please take down. Now, your saintly life has started. First time you have felt this subtle power of divine love. Only thing we have to understand that in modern times, yoga is not individual, is collective. We have to become collective. So, to progress further and to grow into a great tree of Sahaja Yoga, you have to come to the collective. You may feel very much better now, very much relieved, relaxed. But you have to know your responsibility, because you have to give this to others, to spread this to others. So first you come to collective and become masters. It hardly takes a month, I have seen. Some people become masters instantaneously. But you have to be perfect in knowledge, as to the centers, as to the Kundalini, as to the whole divine laws. I have given more than four thousand lectures in English language. They are very subtle. So, you have to be in a state where you can understand and absorb them. So, please all of you come to collective. I’ve seen when I come there are many people, but hey get lost till I come next time. So, they remain at the same state. Then how can you help yourself, and help your country and help the whole world? I must say one thing, Russians are very quick. I never knew they were so deep. Of course, must be thirty, forty percent Russians who are not good at all. But, those who are good, are very good. I know that Czech people are very artistic and have suffered a lot, but still, you have to now develop the new art of divinity. Because you are seekers and if you do not progress you won’t be protected and you may fall into some trap of negativity. You don’t have to pay for anything, even if you come to collective you don’t have to pay. So, please try and get this knowledge, perfect it. We are not taking any money, so we don’t have very elaborate places for you. Whatever is a humble place, please come there with humility. This will help you, not me, it’s for you, not for me. So, please respect your self-realization. Thank you very much. May God, bless you!
1994-0904 Public Program, Prague, Czech Republic I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know, that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot describe it. It is what it has been, it will be what it is, so we must understand that, if we want to know the truth we have to go a little higher than the human awareness. At human awareness, you cannot know the truth, it’s very unfortunate. People have talked about truth, they have written books about truth, but they have not been yet able to give the truth to people. Perhaps that time human beings were not ready to achieve. In Sanskrit we have two words, one is boodha. Boodha is know the truth on your fingertips. On your central nervous system. Another word is used as “vidya” which means it should be known on your central nervous system. That means it’s not mental. As it is you know that human mind at human level is limited. So, you have to have enlightenment, your second birth. To feel the truth. For that already there is an arrangement within us as shown here. But even if somebody talks about the centers or chakras or about shakti or anything this is just talk, talk, talk. The most important thing is to get the experience of self-realization. Moreover, whatever I am going to tell you today, you need not believe in me blindfolded. If you believe blindfolded then you will become another fanatic. You have to have the experience of feeling the kundalini coming out of your fontanel bone. Which is the actualization of this experience, of baptism. Otherwise you should not believe me. You must keep your mind open, though, like the scientist as I offer you this hypothesis. If it is truth then you have to believe as honest people. Because it is for your benevolence. It is for the benevolence of your country. It is for the benevolence of the whole world. Now those you want their benevolence should try to get their self-realization, it is logical. As it is, in the name of God there are lots of evil forces at work. And they talk, and talk, and talk. There are misleading people, many all over the world, especially from India. And they have made lots of money by deceiving people. So, one thing you have to know that you cannot pay money for self-realization. Because it is the breakthrough, last breakthrough of your evolution. How what did we pay for our evolution? So, one must know that God does not understand money. One has to be clear cut about what is the truth. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind. It is not that you are the body, the mind, the emotions, the intellect, ego or condition. But you are the pure spirit. Because you say this is my body, this is my mind, these are my emotions, mine, mine, mine! But who is this mine? Who is this me? That is what you have to become. The second truth is, that there is all pervading divine power of love which does all the living work. As you see beautiful flowers here, we take it for granted. We do not think that they are a miracle. If you ask a doctor, who runs your heart, he will say it’s the autonomous nervous system. But who is this “auto”? Science can’t answer this question. Science cannot answer many questions. Science cannot say why are you on this Earth. What is the purpose of your life. So now, there are many who are born to seek the truth in these modern times. But you should not be misled by people who just talk, talk, talk. We have had enough of talk before also. All the problems of the world mostly come from human beings, and surprisingly all the human problems come from the centers that they have within themselves. All your physical, mental, emotional problems come from these centers, these subtle centers of energies within you. If these centers are somehow rather understood on your central nervous system, you can correct them. So, you have to have the self-knowledge. So, when this power, called “Kundalini” which is in the triangular bone of sacrum, rises, then she enlightens your centers. She integrates them and nourishes them. The bone is called “Sacrum” by Greeks, that means that knew is a sacred bone. When we talk of holiness, of sacredness, of auspiciousness it’s just words. And we get lost into nets of these words. So by reading too much also, we can get lost. When this Kundalini rises, through these centers, first thing she does is to solve our problems. She solves our problems which are physical, mental, emotional and also spiritual. And I must tell you that Sahaja Yoga has cured many people of very incurable diseases, no doubt about it. The Russians were so much impressed that the patriarch of, that like a pope it is, the patriarch of Sankt Petersburg has invited me. He invited me to address a conference, about 300 scientists, half of them are doctors. Because you don’t have to pay for it. You can do the diagnosis on fingertips, you don’t have to go through all the rigmarole of diagnosis and all kinds of things, you just know instantaneously. Then the cure is also very simple, because if you are dealing with the fundamentals, you don’t require so many tests and things. It works out in such a miraculous way that these doctors are surprised. The second thing that happens is that people who have suffered mentally become absolutely peaceful. Also, there are many people who suffer from anger, hatred, lust and greed. All these things just drop out. Christ has said, in the fifth chapter of Matthew that if your eye is doing sinful thing you take it out. If your right hand is doing something wrong you cut it out! It is very difficult, I think, how many Christians will be left with their hands and their eyes if they followed Christ. Christ was too great, too pure and he didn’t know what human beings have feelings and weaknesses. I think later on Mohamad Sahib must have felt that Christ has been strict only with men and we should do something about woman also. Both of them, I think, did not know what sort of human beings they are facing. So now, we have to understand that we have to become capable by our self-realization, to be pure followers of this great incarnations. As human beings, we cannot follow these great ideals of religion. You may be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anything you can commit any mistake. But once you are enlightened you cannot do anything that is wrong, that is not righteous. You just become a very good Christian, I mean the real Christian, the real Hindu, the real Muslim. You are so much changed that you cannot recognize your past. You develop a power, what we call as collective consciousness, by which you can feel the center of others, on your fingertips. You will not discuss the dress or the face or the race of a person, but you will only talk about the chakras, the centers. There are so many beautiful children born in these modern times who are already enlightened. And there are evil forces which are trying to destroy them. If the parents are enlightened they’ll understand their children much better. Your attention also becomes enlightened. Wherever you get attention, automatically you know what is wrong with that person, or that place. Now if you know how to correct these centers and how to correct the problems sitting down here, you can change the world. Your attention becomes absolutely honest and innocent. Honest because you know the absolute truth. While we live in a relative world, some people belong to some organizations or to some sort of an ideology, they think that they are right, and they fight and quarrel. And also they have wars. But if you have the absolute right idea about the absolute truth, then there is no question. Because everybody knows the same truth. Then what is there to fight, what is there to quarrel? Your kundalini rises you into a personality which becomes absolutely peaceful, because you become a witness, you are no more involved in the hallucinations, but you become the witness and you see everything. Supposing you are standing in the water and you are afraid of the waves. But if you can get onto a boat, then you can see the waves and enjoy them. And if you by the way learn how to swim, you can jump and get all the people on the boat and save them. This is exactly what happens when you have your enlightenment. In two stages. First you become thoughtlessly aware, means you are aware but you are in the present, not in the future nor in the past, but in the present because in the present the reality is there. And reality is so beautiful. By these happening all your powers, which are potential, start manifesting. I’ve known people who have been busy with economics and have suddenly become great poets. Some musicians have become suddenly, world famous. Now look at these people from your country, they can sing such beautiful Indian songs, which is very difficult. Even in India, people have to work for so many years to be able to sing this. They even sing Sanskrit songs which are very difficult. Apart from this you become a universal being. You transcend all these mental ideas about race, about religion, about ideologies and you jump into the ocean of truth. It all happens because you are destined, you are chosen. It’s your own power that works it. Of course, it is not for the idiots, or for stupid people. Or for people who are very frivolous. But I am surprised in modern times there are so many seekers all over the world that is unbelievable. There are so many things that happen to you that in this short lecture I won’t be able to tell you. But you become very dynamic at the same time extremely compassioned, and your compassion works. You can raise the Kundalini of the people, you can cure them. That’s all your powers, is not the point, there are many more powers you have, which starts manifesting. You get very balanced and also extremely intelligent. The second stage where you reach, we call it as “doubtless awareness”. Where you become absolutely mature and wise. And you develop such powers that whatever you desire works out. No evil force can catch you, and you become the source of peace for many people. Firstly, you don’t have to leave your home, your house, your family, nothing! You don’t have to stand on your heads or you don’t have to go to Himalayas. Sitting down here you get your realization. This is a special time which has been described in our scriptures thousands of years back. Even a great poet, William Blake, who was there about hundred years back in England, has said that people of God, that Godly people I should say it, will be born in these days and they will become divine. And they will have power to make others divine. Only thing is you have to desire, you want to have your self-realization. I respect your freedom and I cannot force you to have it. This Kundalini is the power of pure desire. All our desires are not pure, because we ask for one thing then you want to ask for another, go on like that! Whether you are aware or not, this is the pure desire, is to be one this all-pervading power. This is the knowledge of the roots and after enlightenment you become very knowledgeable. Above all, you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is singular, it is not like happiness and unhappiness. If your ego is pampered you feel happy, if this ego is punctured you feel unhappy. But joy is an experience beyond mind. I hope you all will get your realization tonight, here. It’s like a seed when you put it in the Mother Earth it sprouts by itself. Because it is the built-in quality of the Mother Earth to sprout and also the built-in quality to the seed to get sprouted. There is no obligation. How much do we pay to Mother Earth for this? So, there is no obligation. It is your right to have this yoga, this union with the divine. I have to tell you one thing, those who do not want to have self-realization should leave the hall. It will hardly take ten to fifteen minutes, but you should not disturb people walking about when they are going through the process of Kundalini awakening. I think if you all move little closer would be better, little this side you are little far away. You have to know that your innocence is in no way harmed, it’s just intact. It is covered with some clouds, of course, but it can never be destroyed. That is your essential eternal nature. It has to just manifest. Now there are three conditions which are very simple. The first condition is that you have to forgive everyone, at this moment. You don’t have to also think about those you have to forgive. Some people say it is very difficult, but logically whether you forgive or you don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play in the wrong hands and torture yourself. But worst thing that happens at this moment that your center inside of the optic chiasma is like this, absolutely constricted. If you don’t forgive it will not open at all, but if you forgive it will open and allow the Kundalini to pass. As it is you torture yourself, or your life, at this time you should forgive so you get your realization which is the most important thing. The second thing is the center here, which is on the left side, is mostly in jeopardy in the west because they feel guilty. That means you must not feel guilty at all, you should forgive yourself. After all you are human beings and if you have done mistakes there is nothing great about it, because you are not God. So, you have to forgive yourself, whatever has happened has happened you should have faced at that moment, but no use now again killing yourself with this guilt. You don’t have to confess, you don’t have to confess, because this Kundalini which is your individual mother she knows everything about you. She knows how to correct and she’s the one who will judge you. She’ll correct you, she’ll take all the trouble upon herself. When you were born, your mother had all the pains, you were not troubled by your mother. In the same way, it works out. But if you have this problem here then you get physical problem of spondylitis, of angina and also of lethargic organs. So why carry on with this myth? This is the second condition and the third one is that please remove your shoes. Because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. As you know there are two powers left and right. So please keep your both feet apart from each other. You be comfortable but straight. If you are sitting on the ground it’s alright, you don’t have to spread your legs. If you are sitting on the ground it’s perfectly alright. If those people will come a little bit they can see us or you move this side a little, now. We have to use these two powers in two different ways. One is, the left one, is for the desire, the mundane desire. The desire is that you want to have your self-realization. So symbolically you put your left hand like this. And, right hand, or right side is the power of action. So, we use the right hand for nourishing our centers. First of all, symbolically we put left hand like this and right hand on our heart. Now, in the heart resides the spirit. If you become the spirit, you become your own guide. So, you put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the center of your mastery which is created by great prophets. Now you take your hand on the left-hand side, on the low portion of your abdomen and press it hard. This is the center of the pure divine knowledge. You will know all about it later on. Then again you rise you right hand on the left-hand side of upper abdomen. Then on your heart again. Then in the corner of your neck and shoulder and put your head to your right. Then you have to take you right hand on the forehead across and please put it down, your head as far as possible. Now, please take, understand that this is the center for forgiving everyone without thinking about that. Now, take back your right hand at the backside of your head and push back your head. This is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power. Now the last center, stretch your palm fully. And put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please put down your head and stretch back your fingers so there is a good pressure on your scalp. Now move your scalp seven times clockwise slowly. Scalp, move scalp, not your hands over. Now, that’s all we have to do. And now put your right hand on your heart. Here resides the spirit. So, you have to ask me a fundamental question about yourself three times. You can call me “Mother” or Shri Mataji. So, please ask three times: Mother am I the spirit? I’ve told you if you become the spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Here you have to ask another question. Please ask three times: Mother, am I my own master? I have told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force the pure divine knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. So, please put your right hand in the low portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here you have to ask six times because this center has got six petals. Please ask six times: Mother please give me pure divine knowledge. When you ask for pure divine knowledge, then your Kundalini starts sprouting upward. So, we have to enrich higher centers with our self-confidence. Raise your right hand now, please, onto the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side. Here you have to say with full self-confidence, ten times, Mother I am my own master. I have already told you at the very outset, that you are not this body, this mind, this emotions, intellect, ego and conditioning, but you are the pure spirit. Now raise your right hand on your heart. Here you have to say, twelve times, with self-confidence: Mother, I am the pure spirit. The all-pervading divine power is the ocean of knowledge. It is the ocean of bliss, it is the ocean of joy, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you have committed, are completely dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. But you have to forgive yourself. So, now take your right hand in the corner of neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say sixteen times with full confidence: Mother, I am not guilty at all. I’ve already told that whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. At this point, at this moment, if you don’t forgive then this constricted center of Agnya won’t open, and the Kundalini won’t pass through. As it is you are tortured yourself all your life, now please at this moment forgive so that you get this great blessing of self-realization. Without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power. Forgive everyone from your heart, not how many times. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here you have to say again from your heart: Oh, divine power, if I have done any mistake, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me. Now the last center, please stretch your palm fully. And put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Here again, I cannot force self-realization on you. So, you have to ask for it. Now please press your scalp by pushing back your fingers and please put down your head. Now you have to move your scalp, seven times, clockwise, slowly, asking: Mother please give me self-realization, seven times. Now please take down your hands, please open your eyes slowly. Please put both the hands towards me like this. Now put the right hand towards me like this, and now put your head down and see with your left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze, like vibrations, coming out of your own fontanel bone area. Don’t doubt, please don’t doubt. Now please put the left hand towards me, again, bend your head and see for yourself, with the right hand, if there is a cool or hot breeze like vibrations are coming out. If they are hot that means that you have not yet forgiven. So, please forgive now, everyone. Now, put your right hand towards me. Again, and put your head down and see with your left hand. Sometimes it is far away, sometimes closer to your head. Now, bend your heads, bend your heads. Raise your both the hands and push your head, and ask a question, anyone of these three questions. First one: Mother, is this the cool breeze of the holy ghost? Second one: Mother, is this the all-pervading power of divine love? Third one: Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya? Ask anyone of these questions, three times. Now please take down your hands. Now please put your hand towards me like this, little higher. All those, watch me without thinking. All those who have felt cool breeze in the fingertips or on the palm, or out of the fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. I bow to you, please take down. Now, your saintly life has started. First time you have felt this subtle power of divine love. Only thing we have to understand that in modern times, yoga is not individual, is collective. We have to become collective. So, to progress further and to grow into a great tree of Sahaja Yoga, you have to come to the collective. You may feel very much better now, very much relieved, relaxed. But you have to know your responsibility, because you have to give this to others, to spread this to others. So first you come to collective and become masters. It hardly takes a month, I have seen. Some people become masters instantaneously. But you have to be perfect in knowledge, as to the centers, as to the Kundalini, as to the whole divine laws. I have given more than four thousand lectures in English language. They are very subtle. So, you have to be in a state where you can understand and absorb them. So, please all of you come to collective. I’ve seen when I come there are many people, but hey get lost till I come next time. So, they remain at the same state. Then how can you help yourself, and help your country and help the whole world? I must say one thing, Russians are very quick. I never knew they were so deep. Of course, must be thirty, forty percent Russians who are not good at all. But, those who are good, are very good. I know that Czech people are very artistic and have suffered a lot, but still, you have to now develop the new art of divinity. Because you are seekers and if you do not progress you won’t be protected and you may fall into some trap of negativity. You don’t have to pay for anything, even if you come to collective you don’t have to pay. So, please try and get this knowledge, perfect it. We are not taking any money, so we don’t have very elaborate places for you. Whatever is a humble place, please come there with humility. This will help you, not me, it’s for you, not for me. So, please respect your self-realization. Thank you very much. May God, bless you!
Sahaja Yoga: A breakthrough in our evolutionary process
Public Program
Sahaja Yoga : A Breakthrough In Our Evolutionary Process, Budapest [ Hungary] 1994 – 09 – 06 Public Program, Budapest,65’ At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot describe it and we cannot change it. Unfortunately, at this human awareness, you cannot know the truth. There is still a breakthrough, that has to take place in our evolutionary process. Whatever I am going to tell you…you don’t have to believe me. Blind faith has created all the problems. But please keep your mind open as scientist and if it is true then you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your country and the benevolence of the whole world. So the first thing we have to know that, we are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intellect, ego or the conditionings. But we are the pure spirit, and we have to be reborn to be that. We have in ourselves the whole mechanism already placed and through this mechanism passes this power of kundalini. This power is placed in the Sacrum bone, that means the Greeks knew it’s a scared bone. Most of the world problems come from human beings, and all the human problems come from their centres. When these centres are in problem, we get all kinds of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems. But when this power rises, she enlightens all the centres, nourishes them and integrates them. It is a living process of evolution. You cannot achieve it by reading books, you cannot achieve it by chanting some mantras. You cannot achieve it by thinking about it. On the contrary if you read too much about it, about spirituality you get conditioned. Your mind can only move to the left or right. Thus some people become absolutely mad thinking that they know the truth. They become fundamentalists and they think they have a right to say that they are the people who are chosen ones. And those who get mesmerised go to the left. This happens to the seekers which is a very sorry thing. In these modern times there are many seekers who are born to seek the truth. But they are misled by many wrong people type of people who want to make money, actually it is a living process for which you cannot pay. But we don’t understand that how can we achieve our evolution without paying for it. I say it is a living process. How much did you pay to this Mother earth for creating these beautiful flowers. If you ask a doctor who runs our heart, he will say it is autonomous nervous system, but who is this auto? Science also has its limitations, one of the greatest limitation is that it cannot answer why are you here? What is the purpose of life? There are many questions which can be answered once you get your enlightenment. Enlightenment is that, there is an all pervading power of Divine love, and that does all the living work. We have never felt the existence of that power. But enlightenment means that this kundalini has to be connected with that all pervading power. The kundal means the coil,because it is coiled up it is called kundalini. It is the reflection of the primordial mother. We have the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. If you have a Father and Son there has to be a Mother. But unfortunately Paul,who entered into Christian area tried not to bring in any feminine power. Perhaps he hated women. So in the west, I find the women have to all the time go on acting in a way that they should always feel attractive and they should keep the men very much pleased. But women are the power. They are potential power and men are the kinetic power. So there is a mutual living together that works out in families. If the families are not all right, the society won’t be all right. And if the society is not all right, the children won’t be all right. So it is very important to understand that there was God al mighty and also there was Primordial Mother, the Divine feminine power. Another thing we have to understand that people like Christ, who were of very highly evolved nature did not understand human beings. Christ has said that if one eye is doing the sign, you take it out. If one hand committing a sign, you cut it out. So half of the people, I think or most of the people would have been with one eye or with one hand. Christ thought that human beings, the Christians are all enlightened people. I think then Mohammad sahab must have thought that Christ has said so much about men then why not say about women also. So he put all kinds of restrictions on women. They never understood human beings at their own level. Both were divine, they could not understand what sort of human beings they are dealing with. So we have to understand that to be that, to be that pure, to be that righteous, something has to happen to us. You may be Christians,Hindu,Muslims anything, any brand, you can commit any signs. But once we are enlightened you become automatically righteous. Once you are enlightened you become innocent. You don’t have to take out an eye or cut the hand. You become what Christ has expected, people have to be. The trouble is all the religions became power oriented or money oriented, never sprit oriented. So we find that religion has failed human beings, actually the human beings have failed the religions. All the religions were born on the same tree of spirituality. Like flowers on the same tree, but they plucked the flowers and now fighting with the dead flowers. This has been realized by many people, we had Mahatama Gandhi and he realized the same,that once we get Independence in India, we should really propagate this. Actually what happens that once we become one with the Divine power everbody knows the absolute truth. You know the absolute truth on your fingertips. Because this vibrations start coming from your hands and you can feel this all-pervading power. If you want to know, Is there God? You just put ypur hands and ask a question and Immediately you will start getting a cool breeze of the Holy Ghost! That means there is God! Talking about God has been quite a lot. But now the time has come to prove the existence of God. Now with the enlightenment, when you get to the state where you know the absolute truth, how are you going to fight with each other. There can be no discussion, no argument, such brotherhood of understanding. You transcend all these limitations of race, of religion, of countries and you all become universal being. That’s your nature, because sprit is the universal being. You can feel your own centres because you get self-knowledge, and you can feel the centres of others. Mohhamad Sahab has said, at the time of Kyama, i.e. resurrection, your hand will speak. Also that your hand will give witness against you, means they will tell you what is wrong with you. So, this enlightenment is not just mental but it is felt on the central nervous system. Also you can know about the centres of others. So who is the other? You can feel everybody’s centres so you become collectively conscious. Now if you know how to correct your centres and also the centres of others, you can help yourself and help others also. Your life gets transformed completely. You become a peaceful, joyous person. You become like a witness and watch everything without getting disturbed. You get out of your problems and you can watch them by that you can solve them also. You will be happy to know that in India there are 3 doctors who have got MD in Sahaja yoga for curing incurable diseases. But if you become Sahaj yogis, you never get into any trouble, whether physical, mental or emotional trouble. And also spiritual problems which are caused by going to false gurus and to false lines also get corrected. Actually your attention becomes very innocent and enlightened. Wherever you put your attention, it acts, works. It gives you all the information. Also you become extremely powerful within yourself and extremely compassionate. All destructive habits you give up in no time. People have given up drugs overnight. You can see yourself what’s wrong for you. Supposing I hold a snake in my hand and there is darkness and I am obstinate and anybody tells me, there is a snake, I’ll say no, it’s a rope because I am obstinate. But as soon as there is some light, immediately I throw away the snake. That’s what happens, you become your own guide, you become your own guru. And you get all the knowledge which is absolute. The greatest thing that happens to you is that you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is a singular experience. It is not like happiness and unhappiness. When your ego is pampered, you feel happy and when it is punctured, you feel unhappy. But joy is such a experience that you just watch everything without being attached to it. You don’t have to give up anything. We respect families very much. And you become very good family people. There are many enlightened souls who want to be born, and once you are enlightened, their children, who are born realized. And marriages also are very successful, most of them, may be one percent sometime they fail. On the whole you become extremely wise. We don’t have to tell you, about how to behave, how to have children or not to have children, you understand everything. That’s a new race already been created all over the world. There are 65 nations, who are following sahaja yoga. On the eastern side, surprisingly Russia has thousands and thousands of sahaja yogis. I find Russians are not materialistic like Americans. Of course 30 percent are not up to a level, very superficial. But the rest of them are very beautiful and are very introspective. They have thrown away all the false Gurus from Russia. They told them we have no money for you so better get out. This is the treasure of spirituality which you have. You are Divine within yourself. You are glorious and you are beautiful. You are glorious and you are beautiful. You don’t know yourselves, that’s the problem. You are lost in the wilderness of ignorance, I should say. But if you find yourself then you will be amazed, how great you are! You enter into the kingdom of God. And the life become a bliss. Every time, people get realization, they write to me very beautiful letters as to how they have got blessings and miracles. I told one gentleman, you compile them, within one month he said, they have gone up to my head, what am I to do? So, he said, Mother, you better see to it. I said, I have no time. Actually I travel every day, today I came, tomorrow I am going, so where is the time? I am 71 years of age and still I am working like this. So, this happens to you also. So, this is the power of Divine love. People have never known this. They only know hatred. People talk of peace; they have no peace. There are organizations of peace and people have got awards for peace, but they are so hot tempered. If you have to talk to them then you must keep a barge poll in between. Barge poll is to push the force, you know. I don’t know how they get awards for peace. All this can happen to you all. Now I have to tell you that it’s very easy to get this realization. Sahaj, saha means with you, ja is born with you, is the right to get this union with the Divine power. It is absolutely spontaneous. It will take hardly ten minutes, to work out the process of Kundalini awakening. But you have to know one thing that Kundalini is the power of a pure desire. Whether, you are aware of it, or not but you have only one pure desire is to become one with the Divine power. Other desires are not satiable in general. For today you want to have a house, then a car, a helicopter, I don’t know goes on like that. Whatever you desire, never satisfies with it. If you have pure desire to get your realization, it will work out in no time. Of course, you have to be humble, it’s not meant for arrogant people. Of course, not meant also for idiots and stupid people. So, now about ten minutes, I said you will take. Now those who don’t want to have, should leave the hall, I cannot force on you. Because, I respect your freedom. If you want to have, you will have. You have to be comfortably sitting, not to bend too much, not to go back too much, straight. You don’t have to strain yourself in any way. Don’t have to go to Himalayas, to stand on your head. There are three conditions, which are very simple. First condition is that, you have to forgive everyone, without thinking about them. Many people say that it’s very difficult to forgive. But logically, whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. So, when you don’t forgive, you play into wrong hands. It’s a myth, but you torture yourself. The worst thing is that the centre at the Optic chiasma is like this, constricted. And if you don’t forgive, then this centre, won’t open like this. And at this important moment, you will miss your self-realization. So it is very important that we have to forgive everyone and not to think about them, because that is also a headache. The second condition is that; you have to forgive yourself. That means you should not feel guilty at all. That is another weight. If do some mistakes, you must commit them at that time, what’s the use of carrying on this weight of guilt. As a result of that your centre on the left hand side catches very badly. You get diseases like Spondylitis, like angina, like lethargic [unclear] So, why to get these diseases, for feeling guilty. In short you should be pleasantly face towards your selves. There is no confession in sahaja yoga, no not at all. Your Kundalini knows everything about you. I think they can’t understand [ unclear text] She is your mother, your individual mother your own mother. And she is anxious to give you the second birth. Why will she give you any trouble. When you were born your mother took all the trouble herself. So in short you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. After all you are human beings and you can commit mistakes, you are not Gods. So I hope you will forgive yourself at this moment. The third condition is that you have to take out your shoes. Because this Mother earth helps quiet a lot. In England when I said you have to take out your shoes, half of them walked out. You have to know that we have two powers left and right. And the left power is for the action of desire. And the right one is for the action itself. Those who are sitting on the ground are all right. But otherwise you should put your both the feet apart from each other. You have to put your left hand towards me like this. Because the left hand is symbolically suggesting that you desire to have your realization. Now, we have to use our right hand for nourishing our centres on the left hand side. First we’ll show you how to do it. Put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the spirit. If you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So now, take your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side which is the centre of your mastery. This centre has been created by the great prophets in the past. Now please take your right hand on the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre of pure Divine Knowledge. Now raise your left hand upper portion of your abdomen. Then raise it on your heart. Now raise this centre on the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here, where you don’t have to feel guilty. Now please take your right hand on top of your forehead across. Here it is bend your head and this centre is about forgiving others without thinking about them. Please take back your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. At this centre, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to ask for forgiveness from the Divine power. Now stretch your palm fully please put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Push back your fingers and please put down your head. Now here put pressure on your head and move it seven times clock wise, slowly. That’s how you have to be, now you have to close your eyes, before that you will have to keep both your feet apart from each other. Put the left hand towards me and put the right hand on your heart. Here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself. You may call me ‘Mother’ or ‘ Shri Mataji’. Please ask in your heart three times, Mother, “ am I the Spirit”. I have already told you,that if you become the spirit, you become your own master. So now take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it. Here you ask me another fundamental question about yourself three times in your heart. Here you ask, “ Mother am I my own master ?” I have told you, that I respect your freedom and cannot force pure Divine Knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please put your right hand the lower portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here you have to ask six times because this centre has got six petals. So please ask,“ Mother give me pure Divine Knowledge, please”; as soon as you ask for pure Divine knowledge, your kundalini starts getting awakened. So we have to nourish our upper centres with our self confidence, to make the Kundalini pass through. Now please put your right hand the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you ask ten times, “Mother, am I my own Master? “ask with self-confidence. Please don’t open your eyes till I tell you. Now raise your right hand on your upper portion of your abdomen and ask really ten times [unclear] “ Mother, am I, “ Mother I am my own Guru” I have already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, this ego, these conditionings but you are the pure spirit. Now please raise your right on your heart, and here say with full self-confidence, say twelve times, “Mother, I am the pure spirit.” This all-pervading Divine power is the ocean of knowledge. It is the ocean of bliss and joy. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes you have committed, are absolutely dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself and raise your right on the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your neck on the right-hand side. Here you have to say again, with full self-confidence, sixteen times “Mother, I am not guilty at all”. Now, I have told you, that if you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands and make yourself miserable. Especially at this moment it is important, very important to forgive without thinking about them. Because this centre of agnya is very constricted, will never open and will never allow Kundalini to rise. So now raise your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to say from your heart, not how many times with full self-confidence, “Mother I forgive everyone” in general. Now without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask for forgiveness from all this pervading Divine power. So now please take your right on the back of your head and push back your head. Here you have to say from your heart, not how many times, “ O, Divine power, if I have done any mistake knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me” Last centre is very important because the Kundalini pierces through it and joins this subtle power of Divine love. So now you stretch your palm fully and put your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area. Now stretch back your fingers as far as possible and move your scalp seven times slowly, here again I cannot force self-realization on you, so when you are moving your scalp seven times please say, “ Mother, give my self-realization” Now please take down your hands. Please open your eyes, now put both the hands, please open your eyes, put both the hands towards me, little higher and watch me without thinking. Now put the right hand towards me like this, put down your head and see from your left hand that if there is cool or hot breeze like vibrations coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Please don’t doubt yourself. Now please put the left hand towards me like this and see with the right hand if there is cool or hot breeze is coming out of your fontanelle bone area. If it is hot then know that you have not forgiven, so please forgive. Again with the right hand. Put your right hands towards me and put your left hand on top of your fontanelle bone area and see if there is cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area.
Sahaja Yoga : A Breakthrough In Our Evolutionary Process, Budapest [ Hungary] 1994 – 09 – 06 Public Program, Budapest,65’ At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot describe it and we cannot change it. Unfortunately, at this human awareness, you cannot know the truth. There is still a breakthrough, that has to take place in our evolutionary process. Whatever I am going to tell you…you don’t have to believe me. Blind faith has created all the problems. But please keep your mind open as scientist and if it is true then you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your country and the benevolence of the whole world. So the first thing we have to know that, we are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intellect, ego or the conditionings. But we are the pure spirit, and we have to be reborn to be that. We have in ourselves the whole mechanism already placed and through this mechanism passes this power of kundalini. This power is placed in the Sacrum bone, that means the Greeks knew it’s a scared bone. Most of the world problems come from human beings, and all the human problems come from their centres. When these centres are in problem, we get all kinds of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems. But when this power rises, she enlightens all the centres, nourishes them and integrates them. It is a living process of evolution. You cannot achieve it by reading books, you cannot achieve it by chanting some mantras. You cannot achieve it by thinking about it. On the contrary if you read too much about it, about spirituality you get conditioned. Your mind can only move to the left or right. Thus some people become absolutely mad thinking that they know the truth. They become fundamentalists and they think they have a right to say that they are the people who are chosen ones. And those who get mesmerised go to the left. This happens to the seekers which is a very sorry thing. In these modern times there are many seekers who are born to seek the truth. But they are misled by many wrong people type of people who want to make money, actually it is a living process for which you cannot pay. But we don’t understand that how can we achieve our evolution without paying for it. I say it is a living process. How much did you pay to this Mother earth for creating these beautiful flowers. If you ask a doctor who runs our heart, he will say it is autonomous nervous system, but who is this auto? Science also has its limitations, one of the greatest limitation is that it cannot answer why are you here? What is the purpose of life? There are many questions which can be answered once you get your enlightenment. Enlightenment is that, there is an all pervading power of Divine love, and that does all the living work. We have never felt the existence of that power. But enlightenment means that this kundalini has to be connected with that all pervading power. The kundal means the coil,because it is coiled up it is called kundalini. It is the reflection of the primordial mother. We have the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. If you have a Father and Son there has to be a Mother. But unfortunately Paul,who entered into Christian area tried not to bring in any feminine power. Perhaps he hated women. So in the west, I find the women have to all the time go on acting in a way that they should always feel attractive and they should keep the men very much pleased. But women are the power. They are potential power and men are the kinetic power. So there is a mutual living together that works out in families. If the families are not all right, the society won’t be all right. And if the society is not all right, the children won’t be all right. So it is very important to understand that there was God al mighty and also there was Primordial Mother, the Divine feminine power. Another thing we have to understand that people like Christ, who were of very highly evolved nature did not understand human beings. Christ has said that if one eye is doing the sign, you take it out. If one hand committing a sign, you cut it out. So half of the people, I think or most of the people would have been with one eye or with one hand. Christ thought that human beings, the Christians are all enlightened people. I think then Mohammad sahab must have thought that Christ has said so much about men then why not say about women also. So he put all kinds of restrictions on women. They never understood human beings at their own level. Both were divine, they could not understand what sort of human beings they are dealing with. So we have to understand that to be that, to be that pure, to be that righteous, something has to happen to us. You may be Christians,Hindu,Muslims anything, any brand, you can commit any signs. But once we are enlightened you become automatically righteous. Once you are enlightened you become innocent. You don’t have to take out an eye or cut the hand. You become what Christ has expected, people have to be. The trouble is all the religions became power oriented or money oriented, never sprit oriented. So we find that religion has failed human beings, actually the human beings have failed the religions. All the religions were born on the same tree of spirituality. Like flowers on the same tree, but they plucked the flowers and now fighting with the dead flowers. This has been realized by many people, we had Mahatama Gandhi and he realized the same,that once we get Independence in India, we should really propagate this. Actually what happens that once we become one with the Divine power everbody knows the absolute truth. You know the absolute truth on your fingertips. Because this vibrations start coming from your hands and you can feel this all-pervading power. If you want to know, Is there God? You just put ypur hands and ask a question and Immediately you will start getting a cool breeze of the Holy Ghost! That means there is God! Talking about God has been quite a lot. But now the time has come to prove the existence of God. Now with the enlightenment, when you get to the state where you know the absolute truth, how are you going to fight with each other. There can be no discussion, no argument, such brotherhood of understanding. You transcend all these limitations of race, of religion, of countries and you all become universal being. That’s your nature, because sprit is the universal being. You can feel your own centres because you get self-knowledge, and you can feel the centres of others. Mohhamad Sahab has said, at the time of Kyama, i.e. resurrection, your hand will speak. Also that your hand will give witness against you, means they will tell you what is wrong with you. So, this enlightenment is not just mental but it is felt on the central nervous system. Also you can know about the centres of others. So who is the other? You can feel everybody’s centres so you become collectively conscious. Now if you know how to correct your centres and also the centres of others, you can help yourself and help others also. Your life gets transformed completely. You become a peaceful, joyous person. You become like a witness and watch everything without getting disturbed. You get out of your problems and you can watch them by that you can solve them also. You will be happy to know that in India there are 3 doctors who have got MD in Sahaja yoga for curing incurable diseases. But if you become Sahaj yogis, you never get into any trouble, whether physical, mental or emotional trouble. And also spiritual problems which are caused by going to false gurus and to false lines also get corrected. Actually your attention becomes very innocent and enlightened. Wherever you put your attention, it acts, works. It gives you all the information. Also you become extremely powerful within yourself and extremely compassionate. All destructive habits you give up in no time. People have given up drugs overnight. You can see yourself what’s wrong for you. Supposing I hold a snake in my hand and there is darkness and I am obstinate and anybody tells me, there is a snake, I’ll say no, it’s a rope because I am obstinate. But as soon as there is some light, immediately I throw away the snake. That’s what happens, you become your own guide, you become your own guru. And you get all the knowledge which is absolute. The greatest thing that happens to you is that you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is a singular experience. It is not like happiness and unhappiness. When your ego is pampered, you feel happy and when it is punctured, you feel unhappy. But joy is such a experience that you just watch everything without being attached to it. You don’t have to give up anything. We respect families very much. And you become very good family people. There are many enlightened souls who want to be born, and once you are enlightened, their children, who are born realized. And marriages also are very successful, most of them, may be one percent sometime they fail. On the whole you become extremely wise. We don’t have to tell you, about how to behave, how to have children or not to have children, you understand everything. That’s a new race already been created all over the world. There are 65 nations, who are following sahaja yoga. On the eastern side, surprisingly Russia has thousands and thousands of sahaja yogis. I find Russians are not materialistic like Americans. Of course 30 percent are not up to a level, very superficial. But the rest of them are very beautiful and are very introspective. They have thrown away all the false Gurus from Russia. They told them we have no money for you so better get out. This is the treasure of spirituality which you have. You are Divine within yourself. You are glorious and you are beautiful. You are glorious and you are beautiful. You don’t know yourselves, that’s the problem. You are lost in the wilderness of ignorance, I should say. But if you find yourself then you will be amazed, how great you are! You enter into the kingdom of God. And the life become a bliss. Every time, people get realization, they write to me very beautiful letters as to how they have got blessings and miracles. I told one gentleman, you compile them, within one month he said, they have gone up to my head, what am I to do? So, he said, Mother, you better see to it. I said, I have no time. Actually I travel every day, today I came, tomorrow I am going, so where is the time? I am 71 years of age and still I am working like this. So, this happens to you also. So, this is the power of Divine love. People have never known this. They only know hatred. People talk of peace; they have no peace. There are organizations of peace and people have got awards for peace, but they are so hot tempered. If you have to talk to them then you must keep a barge poll in between. Barge poll is to push the force, you know. I don’t know how they get awards for peace. All this can happen to you all. Now I have to tell you that it’s very easy to get this realization. Sahaj, saha means with you, ja is born with you, is the right to get this union with the Divine power. It is absolutely spontaneous. It will take hardly ten minutes, to work out the process of Kundalini awakening. But you have to know one thing that Kundalini is the power of a pure desire. Whether, you are aware of it, or not but you have only one pure desire is to become one with the Divine power. Other desires are not satiable in general. For today you want to have a house, then a car, a helicopter, I don’t know goes on like that. Whatever you desire, never satisfies with it. If you have pure desire to get your realization, it will work out in no time. Of course, you have to be humble, it’s not meant for arrogant people. Of course, not meant also for idiots and stupid people. So, now about ten minutes, I said you will take. Now those who don’t want to have, should leave the hall, I cannot force on you. Because, I respect your freedom. If you want to have, you will have. You have to be comfortably sitting, not to bend too much, not to go back too much, straight. You don’t have to strain yourself in any way. Don’t have to go to Himalayas, to stand on your head. There are three conditions, which are very simple. First condition is that, you have to forgive everyone, without thinking about them. Many people say that it’s very difficult to forgive. But logically, whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. So, when you don’t forgive, you play into wrong hands. It’s a myth, but you torture yourself. The worst thing is that the centre at the Optic chiasma is like this, constricted. And if you don’t forgive, then this centre, won’t open like this. And at this important moment, you will miss your self-realization. So it is very important that we have to forgive everyone and not to think about them, because that is also a headache. The second condition is that; you have to forgive yourself. That means you should not feel guilty at all. That is another weight. If do some mistakes, you must commit them at that time, what’s the use of carrying on this weight of guilt. As a result of that your centre on the left hand side catches very badly. You get diseases like Spondylitis, like angina, like lethargic [unclear] So, why to get these diseases, for feeling guilty. In short you should be pleasantly face towards your selves. There is no confession in sahaja yoga, no not at all. Your Kundalini knows everything about you. I think they can’t understand [ unclear text] She is your mother, your individual mother your own mother. And she is anxious to give you the second birth. Why will she give you any trouble. When you were born your mother took all the trouble herself. So in short you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. After all you are human beings and you can commit mistakes, you are not Gods. So I hope you will forgive yourself at this moment. The third condition is that you have to take out your shoes. Because this Mother earth helps quiet a lot. In England when I said you have to take out your shoes, half of them walked out. You have to know that we have two powers left and right. And the left power is for the action of desire. And the right one is for the action itself. Those who are sitting on the ground are all right. But otherwise you should put your both the feet apart from each other. You have to put your left hand towards me like this. Because the left hand is symbolically suggesting that you desire to have your realization. Now, we have to use our right hand for nourishing our centres on the left hand side. First we’ll show you how to do it. Put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the spirit. If you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So now, take your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side which is the centre of your mastery. This centre has been created by the great prophets in the past. Now please take your right hand on the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre of pure Divine Knowledge. Now raise your left hand upper portion of your abdomen. Then raise it on your heart. Now raise this centre on the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here, where you don’t have to feel guilty. Now please take your right hand on top of your forehead across. Here it is bend your head and this centre is about forgiving others without thinking about them. Please take back your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. At this centre, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to ask for forgiveness from the Divine power. Now stretch your palm fully please put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Push back your fingers and please put down your head. Now here put pressure on your head and move it seven times clock wise, slowly. That’s how you have to be, now you have to close your eyes, before that you will have to keep both your feet apart from each other. Put the left hand towards me and put the right hand on your heart. Here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself. You may call me ‘Mother’ or ‘ Shri Mataji’. Please ask in your heart three times, Mother, “ am I the Spirit”. I have already told you,that if you become the spirit, you become your own master. So now take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it. Here you ask me another fundamental question about yourself three times in your heart. Here you ask, “ Mother am I my own master ?” I have told you, that I respect your freedom and cannot force pure Divine Knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please put your right hand the lower portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here you have to ask six times because this centre has got six petals. So please ask,“ Mother give me pure Divine Knowledge, please”; as soon as you ask for pure Divine knowledge, your kundalini starts getting awakened. So we have to nourish our upper centres with our self confidence, to make the Kundalini pass through. Now please put your right hand the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you ask ten times, “Mother, am I my own Master? “ask with self-confidence. Please don’t open your eyes till I tell you. Now raise your right hand on your upper portion of your abdomen and ask really ten times [unclear] “ Mother, am I, “ Mother I am my own Guru” I have already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, this ego, these conditionings but you are the pure spirit. Now please raise your right on your heart, and here say with full self-confidence, say twelve times, “Mother, I am the pure spirit.” This all-pervading Divine power is the ocean of knowledge. It is the ocean of bliss and joy. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes you have committed, are absolutely dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself and raise your right on the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your neck on the right-hand side. Here you have to say again, with full self-confidence, sixteen times “Mother, I am not guilty at all”. Now, I have told you, that if you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands and make yourself miserable. Especially at this moment it is important, very important to forgive without thinking about them. Because this centre of agnya is very constricted, will never open and will never allow Kundalini to rise. So now raise your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to say from your heart, not how many times with full self-confidence, “Mother I forgive everyone” in general. Now without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask for forgiveness from all this pervading Divine power. So now please take your right on the back of your head and push back your head. Here you have to say from your heart, not how many times, “ O, Divine power, if I have done any mistake knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me” Last centre is very important because the Kundalini pierces through it and joins this subtle power of Divine love. So now you stretch your palm fully and put your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area. Now stretch back your fingers as far as possible and move your scalp seven times slowly, here again I cannot force self-realization on you, so when you are moving your scalp seven times please say, “ Mother, give my self-realization” Now please take down your hands. Please open your eyes, now put both the hands, please open your eyes, put both the hands towards me, little higher and watch me without thinking. Now put the right hand towards me like this, put down your head and see from your left hand that if there is cool or hot breeze like vibrations coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Please don’t doubt yourself. Now please put the left hand towards me like this and see with the right hand if there is cool or hot breeze is coming out of your fontanelle bone area. If it is hot then know that you have not forgiven, so please forgive. Again with the right hand. Put your right hands towards me and put your left hand on top of your fontanelle bone area and see if there is cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area.
The Play, Evening Program, Eve of Shri Ganesha Puja
Evening Program
Shri Ganesha Puja: Innocence is the source of Love
Shri Ganesha Puja, Moscow (Russia), 11 September 1994. Today we are going to worship Shri Ganesha.Shri Ganesha resides in Mooladhara, on the chakra, Mooladhara chakra. And not on mooladhar.In the mooladhar is placed the Kundalini. She is the mother of Shri Ganesh, we call her Gauri. Yesterday you saw the picture, the drama, how Shri Ganesha got his head of an elephant. All these things have happened in another world. There are many worlds of which we know of this world, is a question of our awareness. Now we are at a human awareness, and we have risen to a higher awareness which is called as the fourth dimension. Without Shri Ganesha it is not possible. As you know he is the symbol of innocence within us. This innocence never gets destroyed because it is eternal. But it may happen that it will get covered with some clouds by our mistakes that we commit. But once you get your realization, your innocence is re-established, it manifests. And you become innocent, your attention becomes innocent. It is impossible to follow your religion, either Christ or Mohammed-Sahib or Jews, if you do not have enlightenment.This is one thing they did not realize, because they were of a very high level people. They did not know what is the condition of human beings. As in the Bible is written that if your right eye commits sins - means goes against Shri Ganesha- you take it away. Or if your right hand does anything wrong against Shri Ganesha , then cut it out. Just imagine, if Christians were really practising Christianity, they all would have been without hands, without eyes. Because it is said that if you make any mistakes you better cut out, yourself. Christ said that you should do it, and also for men he was very strict, not for women so much. So Mohammed-Saheb thought , that why not say about women also? Why not restrict them, why only men? So he made strict rules for women also. In this case he said that you should hurt the woman or hit the woman or should try to restrict the woman, that is on the husband. But to do so, the husband himself has to be an innocent person. If he himself committed such mistakes, then what right he has got to become strict with his wife or with his sister? And the worst thing was, were the Jews, when Moses brought the Ten Commandments, he found that the Jews were having a decadent society as they have now. Nowadays we have this decadent society in America, in.. everywhere. There are no morals, and nobody talks of morality. I feel that Sahaj is the only way where human beings can become innocent. Because Jews were given what you call the Sheriat (sp?). Where it was , if you are a thief , cut your hands, cut your nose, cut this portion, cut that portion… it’s very serious. I saw that it is impossible to follow them because they are too pure, too important. If you are Christians, you can’t have two eyes, you can’t have your hands. And if you are Muslims, your wives and your daughters and your sisters are always in danger. And if you are a Jew then all kinds of punishments are written for them. On the contrary , only the saints have been punished. All the good people are punished. Because there are so many people who are extremely aggressive and sinful. And they also do not know that there is wrong with them , something very much against the dharma, against the religion. With Sahaj only , you get the light of the spirit. Shri Ganesha is the spirit within us. And he incarnated on this earth as our lord Jesus Christ. But all kinds of things have been done against such great people. And they made separate religions. None of these books have separated themselves from each other. For example, Mohammed-Saheb has described about Moses, Abraham, Christ, Mother of Christ. So he never established another religion, he was talking about all the religions woven together in one. But we have now people who do not believe that all the religions are born out of one tree of spirituality. They are not only fighting with others, but among themselves. In the name of God they are killing so many people. Innocence is the source of love. Like small children , when you see them sweetly dancing,you feel such tremendous love for them. When you see a little baby, very sweet baby smiling at you, you feel tremendous love for that child. If you do not respect your innocence, you can never be a loving person. And without love you cannot know truth. Only thing is that we feel rather sometimes awkward, sometimes frightened, to love the innocent people. The innocent are most harmless people. I do not like parents to beat their children at all. They are in innocence do something, so you must be really kind to them, and understand them. Nowadays, in Russia also, there are many children who are born realized. Because you all are now enlightened, and there are so many great saints who want to be born. But you have to be innocent yourself. The countries where the children are not respected, children don’t want to be born there. There is a minus growth in those countries. But in a country like India, where there is so much love for children, they want to take birth in India though there is poverty. Children don’t understand money and material things. They understand love. If you don’t have love in your heart, Shri Ganesha cannot shine within you. Now the difference between a mother and a mother who is very angry with her children is this: the mother who loves her child, enjoys everything she has to do for her child, while the mother who doesn’t love the child feels that she is doing too much, she can’t do it, it’s too much. If you ask her what’s the matter , she will say I have to wash this, I have to clean this, I have to look after this child, all kinds of stories. But a mother who is enlightened will love doing all that, and enjoy it. She will have respect for her children, and she will make them respectable. There is no need to be harsh with your children. Children are very sensitive and intelligent. Maybe among thousands you might find one child who is not so good. But later on , they pick up things from elders, especially from parents, and from the atmosphere, and they start becoming troublesome. That doesn’t mean that you should not control and restrict your children, and train them. Best way is to be yourself innocent and dharmic. Ganesha is the basis of morality. Moral behavior, when it is lost in a society, that society becomes destroyed. Whatever maybe the economic advantages they have, or they have financial advantages, or political advantages, but, they get destroyed from within. For example, take the case of America, which is supposed to be an affluent country. Which is doubtful to me that they are affluent, because they are indebted. But what is happening there? Small children of twelve years are killing and selling drugs. In some other countries in the west, so many children are killed by the parents. Every country which is affluent has some sort of a specialty of immorality. They are absolutely violent people, arrogant and egoistical. Innocence, first of all, absolutely dissolves the ego. And when you talk to children they make such sweet comments, such intelligent comments, that you are amazed how they are saying all these things. They are extremely affectionate, and extremely kind. I’ll tell you a story of some friends went to see the grave of president of America, Kennedy. So the child was looking at it, you see, and everybody was very solemn. Then the child turned to his father and mother and said "Mommy, why should you put this president under the earth, all the worms will eat him up.. Why this punishment?" There are so many things which you can see from these children when they talk, how they describe about other people. One day we had gone to the airport, and one child was doing like that, like that. So I said, "What are you doing?" He said , "I am trying to tie up these people, they are all off their heads." Like yesterday’s Swadishthana chakra, they were. So children see also the game, and the whole drama is absurd. They are very innocent and so its the easiest thing to give them good manners. In the case of Shri Ganesha, you have heard about the story that they had given – the parents, the father specially- said that the one who will go around the mother earth, I’ll give him some present. And Shri Ganesha thought that look at this Kartikkeya, he can go faster because he’s going on this peacock, which is a bird, which can fly, what about me? I’m just going on a little rat. But as he is the source of all wisdom , in his wise wisdom he thought, "My mother is greater than this mother earth . " So he went three times around his mother, and he got the present. A person who is innocent is extremely humble. He doesn’t try to show off . He doesn’t know how to show off. For example, Shri Ganesha has a little rat as his conveyance. But if you see people who are show offs, they try to buy cars beyond their means, with big loans, just to show off that they are rich. This is a disease of people who are not innocent. And people take advantage of this very much in the world. Like in the west, you see, they have designers. And they put their stamp as designers. And one has to pay a lot for that. So if it is on the coat written the designer’s name, they always try to show like that, while going on the road. But nowadays, they are putting the sign here, of the designer. Is a very much in the west, not so much in Russia, but it will come. And the enrepreneurs take full advantage of it. That way I must say Indians are very very wise. Not all, but most of them. And because they believe in Shri Ganesha, they would not waste their money for showing off. So thus the entrepreneurs take full advantage of the people who try to show off.Innocent person is not bothered about his own body. About any fashions or about any additions to his body, like people wear things just to show off. I’m just telling you because all this nonsense is coming to your country. I hope you people will understand that the greatest quality of beauty of personality is innocence. When the innocence is lost, people play into the hands of these designers who make funny clothes. They make clothes for women which expose their bodies. And the more it exposes, the more it is expensive. And despite all the cold, they try to wear clothes which are very scanty. And you can’t even look at them. But they think no end of themselves. And all our films in the west are so horrible now that you just don’t want to see. If they make some films out of children which are innocent, I tell you they can earn a lot of money.The foundation of dharma is Shri Ganesh. If you see children, they don’t know how to tell lies, very difficult. And they say things sometimes which might be embarassing. Like one mother was saying in the presence of the child to her husband that the man who is coming in the evening, he eats like a hog. So this boy heard it and when that gentleman came and started eating , he was looking at him. And then he says, "Mother, he doesn’t eat like a hog, why did you say that he eats like a hog? You should not tell lies." And the mother was so embarassed. So they minimize also, innocent person by his innocence minimizes the judgement of others and criticism of others. Because they don’t see things which normally a person who is immoral can see. Or who is not innocent can see. I remember my own granddaughter once she saw a lady in a swimming dress. It was a picture. So she said "Hey, you go and dress up properly, otherwise my grandma will be angry with you. So when you see all these small little children talking, the way they behave, the way they are innocent, you really enjoy because innocence is the source of love. And it is the source of joy. Because if you do not have love , you cannot enjoy anything. And you start criticising and judging and wasting your energy on nonsensical things. Like the other day I was listening to some good music, and the gentleman was singing with his hands, a little bit more of action. But he had closed his eyes and music was wonderful. I really got lost into it. But there were some ladies who said what clothes he was wearing, how he was putting his hands, all these superficial things they were saying, not the essence. But innocence takes to the essence. And the essence is love. Thus we have to understand that the quality of Ganesha we must all imbibe within ourselves. His quality of innocence which is already there within us has to be manifested. Like I was with one sahaja yogi in his house, and we had a meeting there of about 25 people. And the meeting was over, I thought that he had said that I’ll have my dinner there. So I just waited for all of them to go away. This gentleman was in the kitchen when they all went away. He came back and he said, "Mother what have you done?Why have they gone? I have cooked for all of them." And tears came into his eyes. I was so much overwhelmed by his generosity, by his kindness. And when the generosity is done innocently, you are not even aware of what you are doing. You just enjoy your generosity, and you don’t bother as to see what is the reaction of another person. We have in our shastras description of such people. Like Shri Rama, he went into the forest and there was a very old lady of, what you call, a tribal area. Very old, only she had two teeth left. Her name was Shabari. And she came before Shri Ram and offered him some plums, you can say, pears. And she very innocently told him, "See, all these I have tested with my teeth and those who are sour I have thrown away because you don’t like sour ones. But they are all sweet." Normally in India people don’t eat anything which has been touched by another mouth. So Shri Ram says "Oh , I see, you have done this work, so please may I have all these?" But his brother Lakshmana was angry, what is this lady she has no manners? So when she started putting this pear into the mouth of Shri Rama , he was getting even worse. So she said "See how carefully I have done this testing and you are enjoying , otherwise you would not have enjoyed them."And here Lakshmana was getting angry, very angry. So Shri Rama says, "Oh, what wonderful fruits, I have never eaten such fruits in my lifetime." So his wife Sita she said "Why don’t you give me some?" He said "No, no these are for me, I can’t give you." So Sitaji said that "After all, I am your wife, and you have to share everything with me." So he said, "All right, as a matter of right, I am giving you." So he gave those pears, those fruits to her.So Sita said, "What ? This is just like ambrosia, such beautiful fruits I have never eaten!" So she tells her brother in law, "See, what fruits, these are heavenly fruits!" So he got tempted. So Lakshmana said, "Give me some to taste also." So Sitaji said "No no no, I am not going to share, after all, I have got it with great difficulty from your brother, I am not going to share." So Shri Rama said, "all right, give him some." So this innocent old lady says, "No, I have some more, I can give him. You can have your share, I have some more, I can give him." And she gave it to Lakshmana. He started eating and he really enjoyed, so much he enjoyed, he said "My god, I have never eaten such beautiful fruits." Even Shri Krishna, whenever he used to go to the capital of Hastinapur, he would not live with the kings there, with Duryodana, but with Vidura, who was the son of a maidservant. Because Vidura was an enlightened man, and he used to respect Vidura much more than anybody else. But sometimes a mistake we commit that we get too much attached to innocent children. Give them too much importance. Innocence is like a river flowing, but if you try to stagnate it then the children get spoiled. They must be respected, but one should not try to make them look like something very exceptional. They are all just the same, they have certain various facets, but I have seen, children are just the same. Firstly, they never get bored. If you are innocent you will never be bored, you see beauty all the time, and even if you are alone you enjoy yourself. It is only the grownups get bored. Now supposing you are in the airport and its late, and the plane is late. All the others, all the older people will be very upset. But children will start playing with something that is in the airport – anything, a railing is there, or a steps are there, they will go up and down, enjoy themselves. They don’t want to make a sort of a life miserable by just bringing everything to some meticulous definition. I have seen in the airport many a times people just feeling very bored and terrible and while the children are running up and down and playing and enjoying and making friends with other children whom they have never met. Only by innocence you can transcend your limited ideas. I have seen parents who are extremely racist. Their children take to other people in no time. An innocent person is like that. He just can carry on with any type of person without even thinking what sort of a color he has, what sort of face he has, or what sort of hair he has done. These things do not matter. These are superficial. But children do not bother about superficial things. They just want to see the heart of the person. If the person is loving, whatever may be the race, religion, anything, children will jump. I’ve already told you that innocence dissolves the ego. Innocent person cannot be aggressive. And if the aggression is there that is also very loving aggression. Like a child would come and say that " Why don’t you give my clothes to this boy?" And if you say, "Oh God, I paid so much money and you want to give it to this boy?" So he’ll say "Alright, next time again you buy for me, but let me give this to this boy" innocently. Innocent children do not have sense of possession. Also they do not hesitate to share their things if they are innocent. But if they are brought up in a way that they show that "This is yours and this should be kept as yours" all the time put into his head that this is yours, then they start becoming possessive of their things. The best thing to enjoy is to live with children. And to be like them. And to enjoy them. This is how our innocence gets nourishment. In Sahaja Yoga I have seen, people become really very innocent. Shri Ganesha who is on the backside of your head also, who is MahaGanesha here, starts acting on the eyes. The lust and greed from the eyes just drop out, because you become innocent in your attention. So you don’t have to take out your eyes as Christ has said. Nor you have to cut your hands. Because you really become moral. I don’t know how many of you know that all of you have become saints. As Ganesha was created, you are also created as innocent saints. Try to respect your innocence. That will make you feel young and happy.Is a , in India, in Maharastra, we have eight swayambu Ganeshas. And I have seen the people of Maharastra are quite innocent. Somehow, its a very ancient country, and in that area specially Shri Ganesha is worshipped, so people have become very innocent.They have a Ganesha being established during certain time, now is the time, for ten days. Made out of clay and later on is put in the water, sea or river. But as this Coca cola culture has also come to India, in the presence of Shri Ganesha they were singing horrible vulgar song and drinking in his presence. These were all public Ganeshas, you see. So I warned them in two lectures, that don’t do this, because if Shri Ganesha gets angry, y u will get earthquakes. They would not believe me.So third year these people in a village, quite a big place, went to the Ganesha resurgion, means where they put it Ganesha in the water, and they came back. And they were all drunk and they were dancing in the night. And suddenly this great earthquake came in, and all of them were buried. Except for Sahaja Yogis, and the Sahaja Yoga Center which was there was not at all hit by the earthquake. And there was a big gap round the Center, so the people ran toward the Center that they can be saved. But they all fell in that big gap and died. So on the other side, the innocence is very powerful. Anybody who tries to molest or to try to destroy somebody’s innocence is ultimately very badly punished by Shri Ganesha. Those people who do not worship Ganesha in their heart can become right- sided or can become left-sided. If they become right-sided they get all kinds of diseases, which are more physical. And if they become left sided then they get diseases which are psycho-somatic. Which are incurable. We have had some horrible people in our country who preached that through mooladhara chakra , through sex, you can raise the kundalini. And they became tantrikas. People who were tantrikas did all kinds of horrible things in the temples they put erotics, insult to Shri Ganesha. They are all now being destroyed. So one should never try to challenge a person who is innocent, who has the blessings of Shri Ganesha. Only through enlightenment one can awaken Shri Ganesha within yourself. May God Bless You All.
Shri Ganesha Puja, Moscow (Russia), 11 September 1994. Today we are going to worship Shri Ganesha.Shri Ganesha resides in Mooladhara, on the chakra, Mooladhara chakra. And not on mooladhar.In the mooladhar is placed the Kundalini. She is the mother of Shri Ganesh, we call her Gauri. Yesterday you saw the picture, the drama, how Shri Ganesha got his head of an elephant. All these things have happened in another world. There are many worlds of which we know of this world, is a question of our awareness. Now we are at a human awareness, and we have risen to a higher awareness which is called as the fourth dimension. Without Shri Ganesha it is not possible. As you know he is the symbol of innocence within us. This innocence never gets destroyed because it is eternal. But it may happen that it will get covered with some clouds by our mistakes that we commit. But once you get your realization, your innocence is re-established, it manifests. And you become innocent, your attention becomes innocent. It is impossible to follow your religion, either Christ or Mohammed-Sahib or Jews, if you do not have enlightenment.This is one thing they did not realize, because they were of a very high level people. They did not know what is the condition of human beings. As in the Bible is written that if your right eye commits sins - means goes against Shri Ganesha- you take it away. Or if your right hand does anything wrong against Shri Ganesha , then cut it out. Just imagine, if Christians were really practising Christianity, they all would have been without hands, without eyes. Because it is said that if you make any mistakes you better cut out, yourself. Christ said that you should do it, and also for men he was very strict, not for women so much. So Mohammed-Saheb thought , that why not say about women also? Why not restrict them, why only men? So he made strict rules for women also. In this case he said that you should hurt the woman or hit the woman or should try to restrict the woman, that is on the husband. But to do so, the husband himself has to be an innocent person. If he himself committed such mistakes, then what right he has got to become strict with his wife or with his sister? And the worst thing was, were the Jews, when Moses brought the Ten Commandments, he found that the Jews were having a decadent society as they have now. Nowadays we have this decadent society in America, in.. everywhere. There are no morals, and nobody talks of morality. I feel that Sahaj is the only way where human beings can become innocent. Because Jews were given what you call the Sheriat (sp?). Where it was , if you are a thief , cut your hands, cut your nose, cut this portion, cut that portion… it’s very serious. I saw that it is impossible to follow them because they are too pure, too important. If you are Christians, you can’t have two eyes, you can’t have your hands. And if you are Muslims, your wives and your daughters and your sisters are always in danger. And if you are a Jew then all kinds of punishments are written for them. On the contrary , only the saints have been punished. All the good people are punished. Because there are so many people who are extremely aggressive and sinful. And they also do not know that there is wrong with them , something very much against the dharma, against the religion. With Sahaj only , you get the light of the spirit. Shri Ganesha is the spirit within us. And he incarnated on this earth as our lord Jesus Christ. But all kinds of things have been done against such great people. And they made separate religions. None of these books have separated themselves from each other. For example, Mohammed-Saheb has described about Moses, Abraham, Christ, Mother of Christ. So he never established another religion, he was talking about all the religions woven together in one. But we have now people who do not believe that all the religions are born out of one tree of spirituality. They are not only fighting with others, but among themselves. In the name of God they are killing so many people. Innocence is the source of love. Like small children , when you see them sweetly dancing,you feel such tremendous love for them. When you see a little baby, very sweet baby smiling at you, you feel tremendous love for that child. If you do not respect your innocence, you can never be a loving person. And without love you cannot know truth. Only thing is that we feel rather sometimes awkward, sometimes frightened, to love the innocent people. The innocent are most harmless people. I do not like parents to beat their children at all. They are in innocence do something, so you must be really kind to them, and understand them. Nowadays, in Russia also, there are many children who are born realized. Because you all are now enlightened, and there are so many great saints who want to be born. But you have to be innocent yourself. The countries where the children are not respected, children don’t want to be born there. There is a minus growth in those countries. But in a country like India, where there is so much love for children, they want to take birth in India though there is poverty. Children don’t understand money and material things. They understand love. If you don’t have love in your heart, Shri Ganesha cannot shine within you. Now the difference between a mother and a mother who is very angry with her children is this: the mother who loves her child, enjoys everything she has to do for her child, while the mother who doesn’t love the child feels that she is doing too much, she can’t do it, it’s too much. If you ask her what’s the matter , she will say I have to wash this, I have to clean this, I have to look after this child, all kinds of stories. But a mother who is enlightened will love doing all that, and enjoy it. She will have respect for her children, and she will make them respectable. There is no need to be harsh with your children. Children are very sensitive and intelligent. Maybe among thousands you might find one child who is not so good. But later on , they pick up things from elders, especially from parents, and from the atmosphere, and they start becoming troublesome. That doesn’t mean that you should not control and restrict your children, and train them. Best way is to be yourself innocent and dharmic. Ganesha is the basis of morality. Moral behavior, when it is lost in a society, that society becomes destroyed. Whatever maybe the economic advantages they have, or they have financial advantages, or political advantages, but, they get destroyed from within. For example, take the case of America, which is supposed to be an affluent country. Which is doubtful to me that they are affluent, because they are indebted. But what is happening there? Small children of twelve years are killing and selling drugs. In some other countries in the west, so many children are killed by the parents. Every country which is affluent has some sort of a specialty of immorality. They are absolutely violent people, arrogant and egoistical. Innocence, first of all, absolutely dissolves the ego. And when you talk to children they make such sweet comments, such intelligent comments, that you are amazed how they are saying all these things. They are extremely affectionate, and extremely kind. I’ll tell you a story of some friends went to see the grave of president of America, Kennedy. So the child was looking at it, you see, and everybody was very solemn. Then the child turned to his father and mother and said "Mommy, why should you put this president under the earth, all the worms will eat him up.. Why this punishment?" There are so many things which you can see from these children when they talk, how they describe about other people. One day we had gone to the airport, and one child was doing like that, like that. So I said, "What are you doing?" He said , "I am trying to tie up these people, they are all off their heads." Like yesterday’s Swadishthana chakra, they were. So children see also the game, and the whole drama is absurd. They are very innocent and so its the easiest thing to give them good manners. In the case of Shri Ganesha, you have heard about the story that they had given – the parents, the father specially- said that the one who will go around the mother earth, I’ll give him some present. And Shri Ganesha thought that look at this Kartikkeya, he can go faster because he’s going on this peacock, which is a bird, which can fly, what about me? I’m just going on a little rat. But as he is the source of all wisdom , in his wise wisdom he thought, "My mother is greater than this mother earth . " So he went three times around his mother, and he got the present. A person who is innocent is extremely humble. He doesn’t try to show off . He doesn’t know how to show off. For example, Shri Ganesha has a little rat as his conveyance. But if you see people who are show offs, they try to buy cars beyond their means, with big loans, just to show off that they are rich. This is a disease of people who are not innocent. And people take advantage of this very much in the world. Like in the west, you see, they have designers. And they put their stamp as designers. And one has to pay a lot for that. So if it is on the coat written the designer’s name, they always try to show like that, while going on the road. But nowadays, they are putting the sign here, of the designer. Is a very much in the west, not so much in Russia, but it will come. And the enrepreneurs take full advantage of it. That way I must say Indians are very very wise. Not all, but most of them. And because they believe in Shri Ganesha, they would not waste their money for showing off. So thus the entrepreneurs take full advantage of the people who try to show off.Innocent person is not bothered about his own body. About any fashions or about any additions to his body, like people wear things just to show off. I’m just telling you because all this nonsense is coming to your country. I hope you people will understand that the greatest quality of beauty of personality is innocence. When the innocence is lost, people play into the hands of these designers who make funny clothes. They make clothes for women which expose their bodies. And the more it exposes, the more it is expensive. And despite all the cold, they try to wear clothes which are very scanty. And you can’t even look at them. But they think no end of themselves. And all our films in the west are so horrible now that you just don’t want to see. If they make some films out of children which are innocent, I tell you they can earn a lot of money.The foundation of dharma is Shri Ganesh. If you see children, they don’t know how to tell lies, very difficult. And they say things sometimes which might be embarassing. Like one mother was saying in the presence of the child to her husband that the man who is coming in the evening, he eats like a hog. So this boy heard it and when that gentleman came and started eating , he was looking at him. And then he says, "Mother, he doesn’t eat like a hog, why did you say that he eats like a hog? You should not tell lies." And the mother was so embarassed. So they minimize also, innocent person by his innocence minimizes the judgement of others and criticism of others. Because they don’t see things which normally a person who is immoral can see. Or who is not innocent can see. I remember my own granddaughter once she saw a lady in a swimming dress. It was a picture. So she said "Hey, you go and dress up properly, otherwise my grandma will be angry with you. So when you see all these small little children talking, the way they behave, the way they are innocent, you really enjoy because innocence is the source of love. And it is the source of joy. Because if you do not have love , you cannot enjoy anything. And you start criticising and judging and wasting your energy on nonsensical things. Like the other day I was listening to some good music, and the gentleman was singing with his hands, a little bit more of action. But he had closed his eyes and music was wonderful. I really got lost into it. But there were some ladies who said what clothes he was wearing, how he was putting his hands, all these superficial things they were saying, not the essence. But innocence takes to the essence. And the essence is love. Thus we have to understand that the quality of Ganesha we must all imbibe within ourselves. His quality of innocence which is already there within us has to be manifested. Like I was with one sahaja yogi in his house, and we had a meeting there of about 25 people. And the meeting was over, I thought that he had said that I’ll have my dinner there. So I just waited for all of them to go away. This gentleman was in the kitchen when they all went away. He came back and he said, "Mother what have you done?Why have they gone? I have cooked for all of them." And tears came into his eyes. I was so much overwhelmed by his generosity, by his kindness. And when the generosity is done innocently, you are not even aware of what you are doing. You just enjoy your generosity, and you don’t bother as to see what is the reaction of another person. We have in our shastras description of such people. Like Shri Rama, he went into the forest and there was a very old lady of, what you call, a tribal area. Very old, only she had two teeth left. Her name was Shabari. And she came before Shri Ram and offered him some plums, you can say, pears. And she very innocently told him, "See, all these I have tested with my teeth and those who are sour I have thrown away because you don’t like sour ones. But they are all sweet." Normally in India people don’t eat anything which has been touched by another mouth. So Shri Ram says "Oh , I see, you have done this work, so please may I have all these?" But his brother Lakshmana was angry, what is this lady she has no manners? So when she started putting this pear into the mouth of Shri Rama , he was getting even worse. So she said "See how carefully I have done this testing and you are enjoying , otherwise you would not have enjoyed them."And here Lakshmana was getting angry, very angry. So Shri Rama says, "Oh, what wonderful fruits, I have never eaten such fruits in my lifetime." So his wife Sita she said "Why don’t you give me some?" He said "No, no these are for me, I can’t give you." So Sitaji said that "After all, I am your wife, and you have to share everything with me." So he said, "All right, as a matter of right, I am giving you." So he gave those pears, those fruits to her.So Sita said, "What ? This is just like ambrosia, such beautiful fruits I have never eaten!" So she tells her brother in law, "See, what fruits, these are heavenly fruits!" So he got tempted. So Lakshmana said, "Give me some to taste also." So Sitaji said "No no no, I am not going to share, after all, I have got it with great difficulty from your brother, I am not going to share." So Shri Rama said, "all right, give him some." So this innocent old lady says, "No, I have some more, I can give him. You can have your share, I have some more, I can give him." And she gave it to Lakshmana. He started eating and he really enjoyed, so much he enjoyed, he said "My god, I have never eaten such beautiful fruits." Even Shri Krishna, whenever he used to go to the capital of Hastinapur, he would not live with the kings there, with Duryodana, but with Vidura, who was the son of a maidservant. Because Vidura was an enlightened man, and he used to respect Vidura much more than anybody else. But sometimes a mistake we commit that we get too much attached to innocent children. Give them too much importance. Innocence is like a river flowing, but if you try to stagnate it then the children get spoiled. They must be respected, but one should not try to make them look like something very exceptional. They are all just the same, they have certain various facets, but I have seen, children are just the same. Firstly, they never get bored. If you are innocent you will never be bored, you see beauty all the time, and even if you are alone you enjoy yourself. It is only the grownups get bored. Now supposing you are in the airport and its late, and the plane is late. All the others, all the older people will be very upset. But children will start playing with something that is in the airport – anything, a railing is there, or a steps are there, they will go up and down, enjoy themselves. They don’t want to make a sort of a life miserable by just bringing everything to some meticulous definition. I have seen in the airport many a times people just feeling very bored and terrible and while the children are running up and down and playing and enjoying and making friends with other children whom they have never met. Only by innocence you can transcend your limited ideas. I have seen parents who are extremely racist. Their children take to other people in no time. An innocent person is like that. He just can carry on with any type of person without even thinking what sort of a color he has, what sort of face he has, or what sort of hair he has done. These things do not matter. These are superficial. But children do not bother about superficial things. They just want to see the heart of the person. If the person is loving, whatever may be the race, religion, anything, children will jump. I’ve already told you that innocence dissolves the ego. Innocent person cannot be aggressive. And if the aggression is there that is also very loving aggression. Like a child would come and say that " Why don’t you give my clothes to this boy?" And if you say, "Oh God, I paid so much money and you want to give it to this boy?" So he’ll say "Alright, next time again you buy for me, but let me give this to this boy" innocently. Innocent children do not have sense of possession. Also they do not hesitate to share their things if they are innocent. But if they are brought up in a way that they show that "This is yours and this should be kept as yours" all the time put into his head that this is yours, then they start becoming possessive of their things. The best thing to enjoy is to live with children. And to be like them. And to enjoy them. This is how our innocence gets nourishment. In Sahaja Yoga I have seen, people become really very innocent. Shri Ganesha who is on the backside of your head also, who is MahaGanesha here, starts acting on the eyes. The lust and greed from the eyes just drop out, because you become innocent in your attention. So you don’t have to take out your eyes as Christ has said. Nor you have to cut your hands. Because you really become moral. I don’t know how many of you know that all of you have become saints. As Ganesha was created, you are also created as innocent saints. Try to respect your innocence. That will make you feel young and happy.Is a , in India, in Maharastra, we have eight swayambu Ganeshas. And I have seen the people of Maharastra are quite innocent. Somehow, its a very ancient country, and in that area specially Shri Ganesha is worshipped, so people have become very innocent.They have a Ganesha being established during certain time, now is the time, for ten days. Made out of clay and later on is put in the water, sea or river. But as this Coca cola culture has also come to India, in the presence of Shri Ganesha they were singing horrible vulgar song and drinking in his presence. These were all public Ganeshas, you see. So I warned them in two lectures, that don’t do this, because if Shri Ganesha gets angry, y u will get earthquakes. They would not believe me.So third year these people in a village, quite a big place, went to the Ganesha resurgion, means where they put it Ganesha in the water, and they came back. And they were all drunk and they were dancing in the night. And suddenly this great earthquake came in, and all of them were buried. Except for Sahaja Yogis, and the Sahaja Yoga Center which was there was not at all hit by the earthquake. And there was a big gap round the Center, so the people ran toward the Center that they can be saved. But they all fell in that big gap and died. So on the other side, the innocence is very powerful. Anybody who tries to molest or to try to destroy somebody’s innocence is ultimately very badly punished by Shri Ganesha. Those people who do not worship Ganesha in their heart can become right- sided or can become left-sided. If they become right-sided they get all kinds of diseases, which are more physical. And if they become left sided then they get diseases which are psycho-somatic. Which are incurable. We have had some horrible people in our country who preached that through mooladhara chakra , through sex, you can raise the kundalini. And they became tantrikas. People who were tantrikas did all kinds of horrible things in the temples they put erotics, insult to Shri Ganesha. They are all now being destroyed. So one should never try to challenge a person who is innocent, who has the blessings of Shri Ganesha. Only through enlightenment one can awaken Shri Ganesha within yourself. May God Bless You All.
We must have the wisdom to understand that we have to ascend
Public Program
Public Program I bow to all the seekers of truth. I have been speaking every night that’s why my throat is so bad I hope you will excuse me. At the very outset, you have to know that truth is what it is …We cannot change it. It cannot be forced on you …You have to ask for it …If you do not want it …It cannot be forced. But these are the times what we call as the last judgement…If you want to go to hell you can go, and if you want to go to heaven you can go …It is all your desire. Is a pure desire. As you see here in the triangular bone of Sacrum you have the power to ascend…All of you have this. It's all your own. But this is the power of pure desire…I see many people who think they are doing very well, they are very satisfied, they are very happy people and they are not worried about others. So we have to take to understanding…We must have the wisdom to understand that we have to ascend. All the religion were there to create balance in you but they became money-oriented and also power-oriented. This is the problem that when we go to religion we are disappointed…They had to be spirit oriented. They have to seek their enlightenment. But they did not. So people take to something what we call that they have no faith. But this is unscientific. You must keep your mind open to see for yourself. If there is God or not …Only through enlightenment, you will know there is. There is this all-pervading divine which you have to feel on your central nervous system… The time has come for you to become enlightened… It is through your own power you will become the enlightened soul. As Christ has said that you have to be born again. But people did not pay attention to that. Thus we find that though they were following the religion they were fighting among each other. They do not respect each other. They have no understanding that this is an anti-god activity, to indulge in power and money …So those who are seeking the truth, have to understand that by paying money you cannot achieve it. God does not understand money. He doesn't care for money. And to ascend is your right. To feel this all-pervading power is your right. And the time has come for you to get that. By doing that you will achieve the state of your being which will be very powerful…It would be dynamic, at the same time very compassionate. If you are truly seeking the truth then you will get it. But supposing you are a hypocrite or arrogant and it is also not meant for idiots.Now we are on the crossroads. There are so many problems in every country. Even in your own country. To overcome these problems you have to transform human beings. Unless and until they transform they cannot change the problem they are having. This transformation has to take place. This will definitely change the whole world…It will solve on an individual basis all physical, mental, emotional problems. And it will be benevolent for you. Benevolent to your country. And benevolent for the whole world. The time has come one has to realize …And if it works, you yourself will feel this all-pervading power of divine love in your fingertip…For the first time, you will feel it and then you have to believe that there is this power.If you are honest you have to believe. What happens to you is more interesting.First of all, you become peaceful. You see everything as the drama that you are witnessing. You get out of your problems… And you can see your problems. And then only you can solve it. Most of the world problems are because of these chakras are in trouble. Because these problems come from a human being. If somehow you know how to solve the problem of these centres you can solve these problems. And solve the problems of the others …When you get your enlightenment your attention becomes enlightened & you become the person without the lust and greed in your mind. You really become righteous. Automatically! Nobody has to tell you! In the light of your spirit, you know what is wrong. And then you just give up whatever is destructive …You can help others …Because you have the power to raise the kundalini. You can know about yourself and you can know about the others. But the highest thing that you can jump into the ocean of joy. That means you are in a state of [unclear]. Joy is not like happiness and unhappiness …When your ego is pampered you think that you are very happy …But when it is punctured then we fell we are unhappy. These are two sides of one coin. But Joy is singular. Of all the things you know the absolute truth on the fingertips. If you know this truth, all of you ….the same …how can there be any arguments, any discussions … then there is no quarrels no wars nothing. So the time has come to enter into the kingdom of god and god looks after you. You have to have a connection. This connection is the yoga which is very spontaneous. It's all built-in you, all the mechanism. You have to just open your heart and you can get it. This takes hardly 10 minutes …But one thing I cannot force it on you because I respect your freedom. You have to ask for it. It's very simple, especially in Russia. Those who don't want should please leave the hall.How many of you have come for the first time?Please raise your hand.Alright! There are 3 conditions:The first one is that you have to forgive every one …You may say that it is difficult … But logically when you forgive or don’t forgive what do you do?But if you don't forgive you play into wrong hands. So you have to forgive also because at this moment the centre … of this Agnya is being constricted …And it won't open unless and until you forgive everyone. You don't have to think about that. That is also a headache. The second condition is this that you have to forgive yourself…You are not to feel guilty at all…It’s too much of conditioning that I am a sinner, I have done this thing I have done that wrong …Its all conditioning. It is a myth …Because it happened in the past, is all finished now. When you commit mistake then only you should face them at that time…But if you feel guilty than you catch on this left Vishuddhi which gives you spondylitis, which gives you enzyme also lethargic organ …So why to judge yourself. Your Kundalini knows everything about you. She is your individual mother and let her judge. She wants to give you, your second birth. So please don't feel guilty at all. The third condition is this that please take out your shoes.This mother earth helps us a lot …Now Please put your both feet’s apart of each other if you are sitting on the chair.Those who are sitting on the ground are all right. Now please put both the hands like this towards me…First, we will show you how to nourish your centres yourself.The left is representative of your desire so keep your left hand in your lap like this and we should use our right hand to nourish our centres. So please put your right hand to your heart. In the heart resides the spirit which is the reflection of god almighty…If you become the spirit, on the light of the spirit you can become your own master. So please put your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left side. We are working on the left side only. This is the centre of your mastery which is created by the great prophets. Now please take your right hand in the lower portion of the abdomen. This is the centre of pure divine knowledge. Now raise your right hand on the upper part of your abdomen, then on your heart and then in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn it to the right …This is the centre that I have told you already about. Now take your right hand at the top of your forehead. And bend your neck. This is the centre of forgiving others. Without feeling guilty, without founding the mistakes for your satisfaction you have to ask for forgiveness from the all-pervading divine. So take this right hand to the backside of your head and push back your head …Now stretch your arm for the last centre. Put the centre of your palm in the fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now please move your scalp…slowly …Put down your head and move your scalp…Slowly …You have to stretch back your fingers and please move the scalp seven times…Slowly.Now, that’s all we have to do …Please close your eyes and don’t open them till I tell …Now have your both the feet apart from each other.Left hand on your left lap and now put your right hand on the heart ….Please don't open the eyes till I tell you. Here you have to ask me a very fundamental question.You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji…Please ask 3 times -Mother Am I the spirit?I have already told you that when you become the spirit then you become your guide your own master.So now please take your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen. And here you have to ask another fundamental question: - Mother Am I my own master?Ask this question 3 times …I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force divine knowledge on you. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of the abdomen …Here you have to ask six times …Please ask 6 times - Mother please give me divine knowledge …As soon as you ask for the pure divine knowledge, the kundalini starts rising. So you have to nourish your higher centres with confidence.So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left …And Here you ask …You have to ask 10 times that I am my own master ….Now I have already told you that you have to become the spirit…You are not this body, this mind, thee emotions, this intellect, these conditionings, this ego. But you are the pure spirit…So now raise your right hand on the heart and now say 12 times – mother, I am my own spirit …This all-pervading divine power is the ocean of knowledge …It is the ocean f bliss and above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes you have been committed can be totally dissolved into this ocean of forgiveness… So please forgive yourself.Raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head at the right. Here you have to say 16 times with full confidence Mother I am not guilty at all.I have already told you that even if you don’t forgive you do not do anything …But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands…And torture yourself …Especially at this time it is very important to forgive so that this centre of Agnya opens otherwise the kundalini will not pass through. As if you have tortured yourself by not forgiving and at this great moment you will miss the point. So please forgive …Raise your right hand to the top of the forehead across and put down your head. Here you have to say again with full confidence, not how many times but from your heart …Mother, I forgive everyone. Now without feeling guilty, without founding any mistakes just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the all-pervading power …So now please Put your right hand on the top of your head at the backside and push back your head …Here you have to say oh divine power! If I have done any mistakes please forgive me …Say it from your heart! Not how many times. Now the last centre which is very important …Stretch your palm fully …Put the centre of your palm on the fontanel bone area and push back your fingers …Here again, I cannot force self-realization on you. You have to ask for it … So please put down your head and stretch your fingers …And move your scalp slowly 7 times saying Mother Please give me self-realization …Now take down your hands …Please open your eyes …Raise both your hands like this And watch me without thinking… Like this ….Now please put the right hand towards me and bed your head …See with your left hand if a cool breeze or hot breeze is coming out of your head …Please bend your head…See yourselfIt may be hot …It may be cold …Now please take left hand towards me …Bend your head …See for yourself with your right hand …If there is a hot or cold coming out of the fontanel bone area…If it is hot that means you have not forgiven So please forgive … Forgive everyone!Now put your right hand towards me and see it with your left hand …if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area…Some people get it far away some people get it near. Now please put both the hands towards the sky like this…And push back your head. Ask 3 of the questionsFirst one –Is this the cool breeze of Holy Ghost …Ask 3 timesOrMother is this the all-pervading power of divine love.OrMother is this the PARAM Chaitanya.Ask any one of these questions 3 times …Now take down your hands. Please put both the hands towards me and don't think …If there is a cool or hot breeze coming from your fingertips or in the palm or the fontanel bone area please raise your hand …I bow to you all. All the new people have also got their realization ….Your saintly life is started but it is not an individual process …It is a collective process …And you have to come to our centres to grow. To know everything about this. Within one month you will be masters. You have to respect your self-realization.May God bless you!
Public Program I bow to all the seekers of truth. I have been speaking every night that’s why my throat is so bad I hope you will excuse me. At the very outset, you have to know that truth is what it is …We cannot change it. It cannot be forced on you …You have to ask for it …If you do not want it …It cannot be forced. But these are the times what we call as the last judgement…If you want to go to hell you can go, and if you want to go to heaven you can go …It is all your desire. Is a pure desire. As you see here in the triangular bone of Sacrum you have the power to ascend…All of you have this. It's all your own. But this is the power of pure desire…I see many people who think they are doing very well, they are very satisfied, they are very happy people and they are not worried about others. So we have to take to understanding…We must have the wisdom to understand that we have to ascend. All the religion were there to create balance in you but they became money-oriented and also power-oriented. This is the problem that when we go to religion we are disappointed…They had to be spirit oriented. They have to seek their enlightenment. But they did not. So people take to something what we call that they have no faith. But this is unscientific. You must keep your mind open to see for yourself. If there is God or not …Only through enlightenment, you will know there is. There is this all-pervading divine which you have to feel on your central nervous system… The time has come for you to become enlightened… It is through your own power you will become the enlightened soul. As Christ has said that you have to be born again. But people did not pay attention to that. Thus we find that though they were following the religion they were fighting among each other. They do not respect each other. They have no understanding that this is an anti-god activity, to indulge in power and money …So those who are seeking the truth, have to understand that by paying money you cannot achieve it. God does not understand money. He doesn't care for money. And to ascend is your right. To feel this all-pervading power is your right. And the time has come for you to get that. By doing that you will achieve the state of your being which will be very powerful…It would be dynamic, at the same time very compassionate. If you are truly seeking the truth then you will get it. But supposing you are a hypocrite or arrogant and it is also not meant for idiots.Now we are on the crossroads. There are so many problems in every country. Even in your own country. To overcome these problems you have to transform human beings. Unless and until they transform they cannot change the problem they are having. This transformation has to take place. This will definitely change the whole world…It will solve on an individual basis all physical, mental, emotional problems. And it will be benevolent for you. Benevolent to your country. And benevolent for the whole world. The time has come one has to realize …And if it works, you yourself will feel this all-pervading power of divine love in your fingertip…For the first time, you will feel it and then you have to believe that there is this power.If you are honest you have to believe. What happens to you is more interesting.First of all, you become peaceful. You see everything as the drama that you are witnessing. You get out of your problems… And you can see your problems. And then only you can solve it. Most of the world problems are because of these chakras are in trouble. Because these problems come from a human being. If somehow you know how to solve the problem of these centres you can solve these problems. And solve the problems of the others …When you get your enlightenment your attention becomes enlightened & you become the person without the lust and greed in your mind. You really become righteous. Automatically! Nobody has to tell you! In the light of your spirit, you know what is wrong. And then you just give up whatever is destructive …You can help others …Because you have the power to raise the kundalini. You can know about yourself and you can know about the others. But the highest thing that you can jump into the ocean of joy. That means you are in a state of [unclear]. Joy is not like happiness and unhappiness …When your ego is pampered you think that you are very happy …But when it is punctured then we fell we are unhappy. These are two sides of one coin. But Joy is singular. Of all the things you know the absolute truth on the fingertips. If you know this truth, all of you ….the same …how can there be any arguments, any discussions … then there is no quarrels no wars nothing. So the time has come to enter into the kingdom of god and god looks after you. You have to have a connection. This connection is the yoga which is very spontaneous. It's all built-in you, all the mechanism. You have to just open your heart and you can get it. This takes hardly 10 minutes …But one thing I cannot force it on you because I respect your freedom. You have to ask for it. It's very simple, especially in Russia. Those who don't want should please leave the hall.How many of you have come for the first time?Please raise your hand.Alright! There are 3 conditions:The first one is that you have to forgive every one …You may say that it is difficult … But logically when you forgive or don’t forgive what do you do?But if you don't forgive you play into wrong hands. So you have to forgive also because at this moment the centre … of this Agnya is being constricted …And it won't open unless and until you forgive everyone. You don't have to think about that. That is also a headache. The second condition is this that you have to forgive yourself…You are not to feel guilty at all…It’s too much of conditioning that I am a sinner, I have done this thing I have done that wrong …Its all conditioning. It is a myth …Because it happened in the past, is all finished now. When you commit mistake then only you should face them at that time…But if you feel guilty than you catch on this left Vishuddhi which gives you spondylitis, which gives you enzyme also lethargic organ …So why to judge yourself. Your Kundalini knows everything about you. She is your individual mother and let her judge. She wants to give you, your second birth. So please don't feel guilty at all. The third condition is this that please take out your shoes.This mother earth helps us a lot …Now Please put your both feet’s apart of each other if you are sitting on the chair.Those who are sitting on the ground are all right. Now please put both the hands like this towards me…First, we will show you how to nourish your centres yourself.The left is representative of your desire so keep your left hand in your lap like this and we should use our right hand to nourish our centres. So please put your right hand to your heart. In the heart resides the spirit which is the reflection of god almighty…If you become the spirit, on the light of the spirit you can become your own master. So please put your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left side. We are working on the left side only. This is the centre of your mastery which is created by the great prophets. Now please take your right hand in the lower portion of the abdomen. This is the centre of pure divine knowledge. Now raise your right hand on the upper part of your abdomen, then on your heart and then in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn it to the right …This is the centre that I have told you already about. Now take your right hand at the top of your forehead. And bend your neck. This is the centre of forgiving others. Without feeling guilty, without founding the mistakes for your satisfaction you have to ask for forgiveness from the all-pervading divine. So take this right hand to the backside of your head and push back your head …Now stretch your arm for the last centre. Put the centre of your palm in the fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now please move your scalp…slowly …Put down your head and move your scalp…Slowly …You have to stretch back your fingers and please move the scalp seven times…Slowly.Now, that’s all we have to do …Please close your eyes and don’t open them till I tell …Now have your both the feet apart from each other.Left hand on your left lap and now put your right hand on the heart ….Please don't open the eyes till I tell you. Here you have to ask me a very fundamental question.You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji…Please ask 3 times -Mother Am I the spirit?I have already told you that when you become the spirit then you become your guide your own master.So now please take your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen. And here you have to ask another fundamental question: - Mother Am I my own master?Ask this question 3 times …I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force divine knowledge on you. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of the abdomen …Here you have to ask six times …Please ask 6 times - Mother please give me divine knowledge …As soon as you ask for the pure divine knowledge, the kundalini starts rising. So you have to nourish your higher centres with confidence.So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left …And Here you ask …You have to ask 10 times that I am my own master ….Now I have already told you that you have to become the spirit…You are not this body, this mind, thee emotions, this intellect, these conditionings, this ego. But you are the pure spirit…So now raise your right hand on the heart and now say 12 times – mother, I am my own spirit …This all-pervading divine power is the ocean of knowledge …It is the ocean f bliss and above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes you have been committed can be totally dissolved into this ocean of forgiveness… So please forgive yourself.Raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head at the right. Here you have to say 16 times with full confidence Mother I am not guilty at all.I have already told you that even if you don’t forgive you do not do anything …But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands…And torture yourself …Especially at this time it is very important to forgive so that this centre of Agnya opens otherwise the kundalini will not pass through. As if you have tortured yourself by not forgiving and at this great moment you will miss the point. So please forgive …Raise your right hand to the top of the forehead across and put down your head. Here you have to say again with full confidence, not how many times but from your heart …Mother, I forgive everyone. Now without feeling guilty, without founding any mistakes just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the all-pervading power …So now please Put your right hand on the top of your head at the backside and push back your head …Here you have to say oh divine power! If I have done any mistakes please forgive me …Say it from your heart! Not how many times. Now the last centre which is very important …Stretch your palm fully …Put the centre of your palm on the fontanel bone area and push back your fingers …Here again, I cannot force self-realization on you. You have to ask for it … So please put down your head and stretch your fingers …And move your scalp slowly 7 times saying Mother Please give me self-realization …Now take down your hands …Please open your eyes …Raise both your hands like this And watch me without thinking… Like this ….Now please put the right hand towards me and bed your head …See with your left hand if a cool breeze or hot breeze is coming out of your head …Please bend your head…See yourselfIt may be hot …It may be cold …Now please take left hand towards me …Bend your head …See for yourself with your right hand …If there is a hot or cold coming out of the fontanel bone area…If it is hot that means you have not forgiven So please forgive … Forgive everyone!Now put your right hand towards me and see it with your left hand …if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area…Some people get it far away some people get it near. Now please put both the hands towards the sky like this…And push back your head. Ask 3 of the questionsFirst one –Is this the cool breeze of Holy Ghost …Ask 3 timesOrMother is this the all-pervading power of divine love.OrMother is this the PARAM Chaitanya.Ask any one of these questions 3 times …Now take down your hands. Please put both the hands towards me and don't think …If there is a cool or hot breeze coming from your fingertips or in the palm or the fontanel bone area please raise your hand …I bow to you all. All the new people have also got their realization ….Your saintly life is started but it is not an individual process …It is a collective process …And you have to come to our centres to grow. To know everything about this. Within one month you will be masters. You have to respect your self-realization.May God bless you!
Medical Conference
St. Petersburg
Medical Conference, St Petersberg (Russia), 14 September 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth. I am so enamored by this august gathering here, and all this is because of Dr. Voronov who has done so much. I don't know how Dr. Voronov; I don't know how he found Me. He came to see Me and I was amazed that he's a scientist and such a great seeker of truth. Also, I am so much surprised that scientists are talking of morality, it's something unusual. It's only in Russia people can do that. Because science is amoral and has nothing to do with spirituality. It is now this new step I find, you people who are so advanced that you want to know about spirituality. Spirituality is metascience. The morality sense has come now to science and scientific research that they are realizing that there are genes in the human beings which get into mutation. I have told long time back that there are two genes especially, which look after our morality. With one gene mutation we do sin against the Mother. Sin against the Mother is that you indulge into things which are immoral, everything that is self destructive. This self destruction is what we call immorality. The second gene in the human being is, goes into mutation when you do the sin against the Father. Against the Father the mutation takes place when we are aggressive, violent, we are thieves or do things which are improper in the legal way. These genes get into mutation and then person start doing all kinds of things. Either he starts destroying himself or he starts destroying others. Thank God they have now reached the state of genes in the medical science, and I am sure they'll find out these two mutation bound genes in human beings. Only through traditions of moral life that these can be preserved. In the democratic countries freedom was given, so they went absolutely haywire and these two genes have gone into such mutation that people do not even know that they are doing something wrong. In a way, science has shown that going beyond limits of science one can get reactions. When there is no limits of production of anything which is scientifically found out, people go on producing things like atom bomb, hydrogen bomb, all kinds of things. Then it recoils. Now there is a big movement to stop the production of these bombs. This aggressiveness which started with scientific advancement went too far. It dominated so many countries and destroyed so many people. And the second part which is the sin against the Mother, where people have now taken to drugs, alcohol, womanizing - all kinds of wrong things. In America you cannot talk against homosexuality because homosexual gave votes for Clinton to be elected, and the AIDS are the reaction now to stop it. Now with this reaction what is happening is that they have now become like martyrs, they think it's a very big thing they have done. Because their ego now is hurt and they do not want to admit that they have done mistake, that they have got this AIDS, this horrible disease. But who creates the genes, and who puts them into mutation? In the science yet there is no answer. Here you see within yourself, this is the mechanism. They can see? All right. This is a built-in system within us, very subtle built-in system within us. You are all scientist here so you should have an open mind. Whatever I am telling you today is before you some sort of a hypothesis. If it is true, then you have to accept it as honest people, because it is for the benevolence of you as individuals, for the benevolence of your country and the benevolence of the whole world. Here you see a triangular bone which is called as sacrum, which Greeks knew was a sacred bone. In this bone lies a power of pure desire. All other desires are not pure. Today you want to buy a house and a car, then a helicopter. You go on buying, you are never satisfied. According to economics, wants are not satisfied, in general. So this is the pure desire within us. You may be aware of it or may not be. Now what is the pure desire? The pure desire is to be the Spirit. You are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this intellect, you are not these emotions, you are not these conditionings, nor you are your ego - but you are pure Spirit. In the evolutionary state you have reached a state which we call as human beings, but is not the end of the journey. Even in science you find out something then somebody else comes in says, "No that's not so," and somebody else comes in says, "No that's not so." So we do not know the absolute truth. If we had known the absolute truth there would have been no quarrels, no fights, no wars. I said this is metascience but was known in My country thousands of years back. If I have done anything it's this: that I have brought this knowledge to the masses. It's nothing great. All right, so all human problems create world problems, and all human problems comes from these centers which are our foundations. These centers act on the left and on the right. Like this, the centers are. The left side sympathetic and the right side sympathetic are not doing the same work. They do two types, absolutely different. The channels which look after these two are shown here and in the center is the parasympathetic nervous system. Again I say it is metascience. In the center is the parasympathetic nervous system. I need not tell doctors, they know that when you want to run you can increase the beat of the heart. In emergency sympathetic acts, but the heart is brought to normal by parasympathetic. Now in the brain, as you see on top of the brain these channels go and create from the left side you see this they cross over, in the optic chiasma about that time they cross and create a balloon-like thing. These balloons are created by the left side, this one, left side activity, and you get your conditionings. This can be called as psyche but psyche is ambiguous I think. Say a mother is nursing a child and the child is very happy, but she turns him round so he doesn't like it, so the second line of ego starts, then she scolds him, "Don't do like this." Then the first line of conditioning start. Thus we live either on ego or on conditioning. We see these beautiful flowers, but they are miracles, aren't they? Who creates these flowers? If you ask a doctor who runs your heart, he'll say it is autonomous nervous system, but who is this "auto"? This they cannot answer. Now this Kundalini which is in the triangular bone is your Mother, is your individual Mother. She knows everything about you. She's a doctor also, and also a psychologist, and a scientist. She thinks, She understands, above all She loves. Everyone of you have this power. This power when awakened passes through six centers above. These six centers are responsible for your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. We can deal with one center today, it's a very short time. This center is the second center of Swadishthana, which is on the physical side manifest as aortic plexus, aortic plexus. You see I don't know what you call that. All right, only we'll deal with one today and you'll be amazed how many diseases can be cured if this one center can be enlightened. The function of this center, because it moves like this, you see as you have got this thing, it moves and can also then contract. It's like a lotus. So the function is to look after liver, and so pancreas and spleen, kidneys and intestines - one center. Also it has another very important work is to convert the fat for the use of the grey cells, energy. Now the scientists have not reached that point. So a person who thinks too much - he is futuristic, he plans - such a person uses the energy of his grey cells, isn't it? So this center becomes concerned about the supply of the energy. So all these organs start suffering from starvation. First attack is on liver. The function of liver is to deliver the poison from the body into the blood. I am talking in general. All right, now what happens that the heat accumulates in the liver. Such a person starts becoming thin because there is poison in the liver. He becomes hot tempered, he develops skin troubles. Then this heat can start moving to other organs, because the organs are also suffering. So when it goes to the pancreas, people start suffering from a disease called diabetes. Diabetes can only happen to people who are futuristic, who sit on the seat, plan things, only they get it. In My country the farmers take at least six spoons of sugar in one cup of water, cup of tea. They don't get diabetes because whatever they are, they spend and sleep off. This disease is more in the West. In the West people have insurances, all kinds of problems if they even have a small little thing. It's a mad race of insurance. Now the other, spleen, is the most important. I don't know about Russia, but in the other western countries the people sleep very late. They have to attend drinking parties, dancing parties, maddening parties. There is they get up very late. Somehow or other they dress up hectically and start reading newspapers. Now our spleen is a speedometer. It creates red blood cells, as you know very well, when there is emergency. But the life is so hectic, and then to read newspaper in the morning you get such a shock that this poor spleen starts working. Then they get into the car and there is a traffic as we had. I am sorry I am late but we started long time but there was such a traffic on the way. So they get upset and go to the office and the boss starts shouting at them. They are just slaves of the time. Even if somebody's one minute late, you'll shout for fifteen minutes. So this poor spleen doesn't know how to cope with this hectic personality that also become hectic and vulnerable to blood cancer. I must tell you that truthfully, that blood cancer has been cured by Sahaja Yoga, without changing blood, without doing anything. Now third thing is the kidney. With this heat the kidney also coagulates, so you cannot even pass your urine. So you go for dialysis and die bankrupt. This is a fact. Now this can also be very much cured by this Kundalini awakening. There is no need at all to go in for dialysis. Then comes the intestines. The intestines also lose their movement and people get constipated. Some develop terrible constipation at the end of the intestine, large intestine. Now apart from that, when this heat rises above it reaches the heart. If there is a young boy who is drinking too much, who is playing tennis or something very hard game and who thinks too much, such a young boy can get a heart attack which is always fatal. Also heart attack people get it in old age because this heat goes and contracts the heart, so you get a massive heart attack, not angina, not angina, but massive heart attack. Then this heat rises even above and goes to the brain and constricts some arteries and you get concussion of the brain on the left hand side, left hand because it crosses over and one gets paralysis, on the right hand side. It's a reaction. There are diseases on the left hand side also. I don't know why I am so thirsty here. Now when it is on the left hand side, your diseases are of a more serious nature. I don't know how far you will believe Me. Left side gives you psychosomatic diseases. All incurable diseases. Right from muscular diseases, cancer, heart - angina, madness, lunacy, out of which psychosomatic are these diseases and lunacy is just somatic - I'm sorry, psychic or lunacy and all that. All others are psychosomatic. They come from viruses. Now on the left side is all our past, since our creation. So there are many dead vegetables which have gone out of the circulation of evolution, dead animals, dead human beings. Now these, like tomorrow, will become out of the circulation. So when the attention starts moving towards the left, towards the past, or you get a shock or you start feeling sorry for something, then it goes to the left. Russia has more left side I feel because of whatever was the political situation before. So one has to be in the center because if you go to the left, then these viruses catch you or some dead animals will catch you, some micro animals might catch you or some human beings who are dead. So the possessions take place. Now with the awakening of the Kundalini your attention is drawn in the center, all the religions were created to create a balance, not to go to extremes. But why the balance? Because with the balance only you can ascend. As I said these flowers are created, all living work is done by All-Pervading Divine Power. In the Bible is described as the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost, in the Koran as Ruh. And also you say Ruh? Really? Good. And in Indian philosophy is described as Paramachaitanya. Adi Shankaracharya said, "Salilam Salilam." Means, " cool, cool." So you have to become one with that. That is the yoga. Once you are united with that All-Pervading Power, then you become empowered. Our thoughts rise and fall, again rise and fall and we are jumping on the cusp of the thoughts. We cannot be in the present, and the reality is in the present. So when this Kundalini rises on this center on the optic chiasma, She creates present in you, becomes silent, thoughtlessly aware. You are aware but thoughtless, so you jump out of your problems also. If you are standing in the water you are afraid of the high waves, but if you jump out of it into a boat you can see that, you can enjoy them, but if you learn how to swim you can jump in and save many, so you become into next state, doubtlessly aware. You have so many powers potential in you, they are awakened. In India many artists have become world famous. Many painters have become world famous in Australia. It is a bliss. Actually you enter into the Kingdom of God. And all the time you feel you are being looked after, guided, protected. That is your right, we call it Sahaja Yoga. "Saha" means with "ja" is born. Means it is born with you, this right to be in this yoga to union. So you become divine. Automatically you become absolutely moral, you become righteous, you enjoy all your virtues, you become your own guide in the light of the Spirit. Overnight, I have seen, people have given up their drugs. This is the last breakthrough of our evolution. I am so very thankful to our professor for organizing this beautiful, augustus meeting for Me. Can you imagine Christ addressing you people like this? Can you imagine Christ addressing them? These are modern times that I have this chance to talk to you, these are modern times and enlightened people. They crucified Him. Christ was a great divine personality, very great. He didn't understand human beings, because He was so pure. What He has said that if your eye commits a sin take it out, if your right hand commits a sin, cut it. In the West everybody would have been without hands and eyes if they followed Him. Then I think Mohamed Sahib thought that Christ had so much, He had said about the men to be that strict, you see, but women He didn't say anything. So he said about women horrible things. It is too much. I just thought that first let them have little light. Now supposing I am obstinate, I have a snake in My hand and I am standing in the darkness, but you are adamant and I don't want to listen to you. I am adamant, don't want to listen to you. You go on telling Me there is a snake. I will not leave it till it bites Me. But if there is little light, immediately I'll leave it Myself. That is what I thought that human beings if they get little light they will immediately change, and has worked. I never dreamt that I will be able to address such people in Russia, never dreamt. It is really thanks to you, Professor, really. Such a great honor for Me, I don't know what to say. It's really destined I think that such divine people should be sitting before Me. In this short lecture I am sorry I can't tell you everything about Sahaja Yoga. In English language only I must have given at least five thousand lectures. But lecture is just a mental acrobat. You have to go beyond it and achieve a state of enlightenment. Enlightenment doesn't mean any brand like born again or anything. It is a actualization and the becoming. It's not just talk, talk, talk. It is also not blind faith. This is an actual happening. This happening has to take place, for which you don't have to pay. It is a living process. When you put a seed in the Mother Earth, it sprouts. How much does the Mother Earth take from us money? Because it is built in the Mother Earth to sprout and built into the seed to be sprouted. It's a living process of spontaneity. Nobody can explain why are we on this earth. Nobody can say why, when the fetus starts growing why don't we throw it away, as all the foreign things have to be thrown away out of the body? But it is preserved, looked after. Till it has to be thrown, it is kept in the womb. Who does that? The other day somebody asked Me, "Why am I on this earth?" I said, "To become divine and to enter into the Kingdom of God." So he said, "What? Will that help me?" I told him, "First you enter. It will not only help you physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, but it will help others." On your fingertips you can feel your centers. On your fingertips you can feel the centers of others. Otherwise half of the people die only during diagnosis. Only on fingertips you can find out the trouble. They talk the language of centers. You can feel the vibrations of anyone, if they are dead, alive or far away. Now if you know how to correct, you can correct your centers and correct the centers of others. Because, who is the other? You have become collective now, that means the microcosm has become the macrocosm, or the drop has become the sea. This is your capacity. This is your glory. This is what you have to have your own. No obligation. It's all love and compassion. The power is of love, of divine love, of pure love without any lust or greed. We have never used, never used the power of love. Now the time has come, and one day I'm sure this Russia will be the leader of the whole world. This knowledge is coming, say, from an Indian person, or India, but science has come from the West, so doesn't matter. If it is coming from the East, why should people think it's something low? All the wise people will realize that they are divine. Of course it is not meant for idiots and childish people. I find Russians are very wise and very introspective. First when I came with My husband, I told My husband that Russia will be the first in spirituality. May God bless you all!
Medical Conference, St Petersberg (Russia), 14 September 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth. I am so enamored by this august gathering here, and all this is because of Dr. Voronov who has done so much. I don't know how Dr. Voronov; I don't know how he found Me. He came to see Me and I was amazed that he's a scientist and such a great seeker of truth. Also, I am so much surprised that scientists are talking of morality, it's something unusual. It's only in Russia people can do that. Because science is amoral and has nothing to do with spirituality. It is now this new step I find, you people who are so advanced that you want to know about spirituality. Spirituality is metascience. The morality sense has come now to science and scientific research that they are realizing that there are genes in the human beings which get into mutation. I have told long time back that there are two genes especially, which look after our morality. With one gene mutation we do sin against the Mother. Sin against the Mother is that you indulge into things which are immoral, everything that is self destructive. This self destruction is what we call immorality. The second gene in the human being is, goes into mutation when you do the sin against the Father. Against the Father the mutation takes place when we are aggressive, violent, we are thieves or do things which are improper in the legal way. These genes get into mutation and then person start doing all kinds of things. Either he starts destroying himself or he starts destroying others. Thank God they have now reached the state of genes in the medical science, and I am sure they'll find out these two mutation bound genes in human beings. Only through traditions of moral life that these can be preserved. In the democratic countries freedom was given, so they went absolutely haywire and these two genes have gone into such mutation that people do not even know that they are doing something wrong. In a way, science has shown that going beyond limits of science one can get reactions. When there is no limits of production of anything which is scientifically found out, people go on producing things like atom bomb, hydrogen bomb, all kinds of things. Then it recoils. Now there is a big movement to stop the production of these bombs. This aggressiveness which started with scientific advancement went too far. It dominated so many countries and destroyed so many people. And the second part which is the sin against the Mother, where people have now taken to drugs, alcohol, womanizing - all kinds of wrong things. In America you cannot talk against homosexuality because homosexual gave votes for Clinton to be elected, and the AIDS are the reaction now to stop it. Now with this reaction what is happening is that they have now become like martyrs, they think it's a very big thing they have done. Because their ego now is hurt and they do not want to admit that they have done mistake, that they have got this AIDS, this horrible disease. But who creates the genes, and who puts them into mutation? In the science yet there is no answer. Here you see within yourself, this is the mechanism. They can see? All right. This is a built-in system within us, very subtle built-in system within us. You are all scientist here so you should have an open mind. Whatever I am telling you today is before you some sort of a hypothesis. If it is true, then you have to accept it as honest people, because it is for the benevolence of you as individuals, for the benevolence of your country and the benevolence of the whole world. Here you see a triangular bone which is called as sacrum, which Greeks knew was a sacred bone. In this bone lies a power of pure desire. All other desires are not pure. Today you want to buy a house and a car, then a helicopter. You go on buying, you are never satisfied. According to economics, wants are not satisfied, in general. So this is the pure desire within us. You may be aware of it or may not be. Now what is the pure desire? The pure desire is to be the Spirit. You are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this intellect, you are not these emotions, you are not these conditionings, nor you are your ego - but you are pure Spirit. In the evolutionary state you have reached a state which we call as human beings, but is not the end of the journey. Even in science you find out something then somebody else comes in says, "No that's not so," and somebody else comes in says, "No that's not so." So we do not know the absolute truth. If we had known the absolute truth there would have been no quarrels, no fights, no wars. I said this is metascience but was known in My country thousands of years back. If I have done anything it's this: that I have brought this knowledge to the masses. It's nothing great. All right, so all human problems create world problems, and all human problems comes from these centers which are our foundations. These centers act on the left and on the right. Like this, the centers are. The left side sympathetic and the right side sympathetic are not doing the same work. They do two types, absolutely different. The channels which look after these two are shown here and in the center is the parasympathetic nervous system. Again I say it is metascience. In the center is the parasympathetic nervous system. I need not tell doctors, they know that when you want to run you can increase the beat of the heart. In emergency sympathetic acts, but the heart is brought to normal by parasympathetic. Now in the brain, as you see on top of the brain these channels go and create from the left side you see this they cross over, in the optic chiasma about that time they cross and create a balloon-like thing. These balloons are created by the left side, this one, left side activity, and you get your conditionings. This can be called as psyche but psyche is ambiguous I think. Say a mother is nursing a child and the child is very happy, but she turns him round so he doesn't like it, so the second line of ego starts, then she scolds him, "Don't do like this." Then the first line of conditioning start. Thus we live either on ego or on conditioning. We see these beautiful flowers, but they are miracles, aren't they? Who creates these flowers? If you ask a doctor who runs your heart, he'll say it is autonomous nervous system, but who is this "auto"? This they cannot answer. Now this Kundalini which is in the triangular bone is your Mother, is your individual Mother. She knows everything about you. She's a doctor also, and also a psychologist, and a scientist. She thinks, She understands, above all She loves. Everyone of you have this power. This power when awakened passes through six centers above. These six centers are responsible for your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. We can deal with one center today, it's a very short time. This center is the second center of Swadishthana, which is on the physical side manifest as aortic plexus, aortic plexus. You see I don't know what you call that. All right, only we'll deal with one today and you'll be amazed how many diseases can be cured if this one center can be enlightened. The function of this center, because it moves like this, you see as you have got this thing, it moves and can also then contract. It's like a lotus. So the function is to look after liver, and so pancreas and spleen, kidneys and intestines - one center. Also it has another very important work is to convert the fat for the use of the grey cells, energy. Now the scientists have not reached that point. So a person who thinks too much - he is futuristic, he plans - such a person uses the energy of his grey cells, isn't it? So this center becomes concerned about the supply of the energy. So all these organs start suffering from starvation. First attack is on liver. The function of liver is to deliver the poison from the body into the blood. I am talking in general. All right, now what happens that the heat accumulates in the liver. Such a person starts becoming thin because there is poison in the liver. He becomes hot tempered, he develops skin troubles. Then this heat can start moving to other organs, because the organs are also suffering. So when it goes to the pancreas, people start suffering from a disease called diabetes. Diabetes can only happen to people who are futuristic, who sit on the seat, plan things, only they get it. In My country the farmers take at least six spoons of sugar in one cup of water, cup of tea. They don't get diabetes because whatever they are, they spend and sleep off. This disease is more in the West. In the West people have insurances, all kinds of problems if they even have a small little thing. It's a mad race of insurance. Now the other, spleen, is the most important. I don't know about Russia, but in the other western countries the people sleep very late. They have to attend drinking parties, dancing parties, maddening parties. There is they get up very late. Somehow or other they dress up hectically and start reading newspapers. Now our spleen is a speedometer. It creates red blood cells, as you know very well, when there is emergency. But the life is so hectic, and then to read newspaper in the morning you get such a shock that this poor spleen starts working. Then they get into the car and there is a traffic as we had. I am sorry I am late but we started long time but there was such a traffic on the way. So they get upset and go to the office and the boss starts shouting at them. They are just slaves of the time. Even if somebody's one minute late, you'll shout for fifteen minutes. So this poor spleen doesn't know how to cope with this hectic personality that also become hectic and vulnerable to blood cancer. I must tell you that truthfully, that blood cancer has been cured by Sahaja Yoga, without changing blood, without doing anything. Now third thing is the kidney. With this heat the kidney also coagulates, so you cannot even pass your urine. So you go for dialysis and die bankrupt. This is a fact. Now this can also be very much cured by this Kundalini awakening. There is no need at all to go in for dialysis. Then comes the intestines. The intestines also lose their movement and people get constipated. Some develop terrible constipation at the end of the intestine, large intestine. Now apart from that, when this heat rises above it reaches the heart. If there is a young boy who is drinking too much, who is playing tennis or something very hard game and who thinks too much, such a young boy can get a heart attack which is always fatal. Also heart attack people get it in old age because this heat goes and contracts the heart, so you get a massive heart attack, not angina, not angina, but massive heart attack. Then this heat rises even above and goes to the brain and constricts some arteries and you get concussion of the brain on the left hand side, left hand because it crosses over and one gets paralysis, on the right hand side. It's a reaction. There are diseases on the left hand side also. I don't know why I am so thirsty here. Now when it is on the left hand side, your diseases are of a more serious nature. I don't know how far you will believe Me. Left side gives you psychosomatic diseases. All incurable diseases. Right from muscular diseases, cancer, heart - angina, madness, lunacy, out of which psychosomatic are these diseases and lunacy is just somatic - I'm sorry, psychic or lunacy and all that. All others are psychosomatic. They come from viruses. Now on the left side is all our past, since our creation. So there are many dead vegetables which have gone out of the circulation of evolution, dead animals, dead human beings. Now these, like tomorrow, will become out of the circulation. So when the attention starts moving towards the left, towards the past, or you get a shock or you start feeling sorry for something, then it goes to the left. Russia has more left side I feel because of whatever was the political situation before. So one has to be in the center because if you go to the left, then these viruses catch you or some dead animals will catch you, some micro animals might catch you or some human beings who are dead. So the possessions take place. Now with the awakening of the Kundalini your attention is drawn in the center, all the religions were created to create a balance, not to go to extremes. But why the balance? Because with the balance only you can ascend. As I said these flowers are created, all living work is done by All-Pervading Divine Power. In the Bible is described as the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost, in the Koran as Ruh. And also you say Ruh? Really? Good. And in Indian philosophy is described as Paramachaitanya. Adi Shankaracharya said, "Salilam Salilam." Means, " cool, cool." So you have to become one with that. That is the yoga. Once you are united with that All-Pervading Power, then you become empowered. Our thoughts rise and fall, again rise and fall and we are jumping on the cusp of the thoughts. We cannot be in the present, and the reality is in the present. So when this Kundalini rises on this center on the optic chiasma, She creates present in you, becomes silent, thoughtlessly aware. You are aware but thoughtless, so you jump out of your problems also. If you are standing in the water you are afraid of the high waves, but if you jump out of it into a boat you can see that, you can enjoy them, but if you learn how to swim you can jump in and save many, so you become into next state, doubtlessly aware. You have so many powers potential in you, they are awakened. In India many artists have become world famous. Many painters have become world famous in Australia. It is a bliss. Actually you enter into the Kingdom of God. And all the time you feel you are being looked after, guided, protected. That is your right, we call it Sahaja Yoga. "Saha" means with "ja" is born. Means it is born with you, this right to be in this yoga to union. So you become divine. Automatically you become absolutely moral, you become righteous, you enjoy all your virtues, you become your own guide in the light of the Spirit. Overnight, I have seen, people have given up their drugs. This is the last breakthrough of our evolution. I am so very thankful to our professor for organizing this beautiful, augustus meeting for Me. Can you imagine Christ addressing you people like this? Can you imagine Christ addressing them? These are modern times that I have this chance to talk to you, these are modern times and enlightened people. They crucified Him. Christ was a great divine personality, very great. He didn't understand human beings, because He was so pure. What He has said that if your eye commits a sin take it out, if your right hand commits a sin, cut it. In the West everybody would have been without hands and eyes if they followed Him. Then I think Mohamed Sahib thought that Christ had so much, He had said about the men to be that strict, you see, but women He didn't say anything. So he said about women horrible things. It is too much. I just thought that first let them have little light. Now supposing I am obstinate, I have a snake in My hand and I am standing in the darkness, but you are adamant and I don't want to listen to you. I am adamant, don't want to listen to you. You go on telling Me there is a snake. I will not leave it till it bites Me. But if there is little light, immediately I'll leave it Myself. That is what I thought that human beings if they get little light they will immediately change, and has worked. I never dreamt that I will be able to address such people in Russia, never dreamt. It is really thanks to you, Professor, really. Such a great honor for Me, I don't know what to say. It's really destined I think that such divine people should be sitting before Me. In this short lecture I am sorry I can't tell you everything about Sahaja Yoga. In English language only I must have given at least five thousand lectures. But lecture is just a mental acrobat. You have to go beyond it and achieve a state of enlightenment. Enlightenment doesn't mean any brand like born again or anything. It is a actualization and the becoming. It's not just talk, talk, talk. It is also not blind faith. This is an actual happening. This happening has to take place, for which you don't have to pay. It is a living process. When you put a seed in the Mother Earth, it sprouts. How much does the Mother Earth take from us money? Because it is built in the Mother Earth to sprout and built into the seed to be sprouted. It's a living process of spontaneity. Nobody can explain why are we on this earth. Nobody can say why, when the fetus starts growing why don't we throw it away, as all the foreign things have to be thrown away out of the body? But it is preserved, looked after. Till it has to be thrown, it is kept in the womb. Who does that? The other day somebody asked Me, "Why am I on this earth?" I said, "To become divine and to enter into the Kingdom of God." So he said, "What? Will that help me?" I told him, "First you enter. It will not only help you physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, but it will help others." On your fingertips you can feel your centers. On your fingertips you can feel the centers of others. Otherwise half of the people die only during diagnosis. Only on fingertips you can find out the trouble. They talk the language of centers. You can feel the vibrations of anyone, if they are dead, alive or far away. Now if you know how to correct, you can correct your centers and correct the centers of others. Because, who is the other? You have become collective now, that means the microcosm has become the macrocosm, or the drop has become the sea. This is your capacity. This is your glory. This is what you have to have your own. No obligation. It's all love and compassion. The power is of love, of divine love, of pure love without any lust or greed. We have never used, never used the power of love. Now the time has come, and one day I'm sure this Russia will be the leader of the whole world. This knowledge is coming, say, from an Indian person, or India, but science has come from the West, so doesn't matter. If it is coming from the East, why should people think it's something low? All the wise people will realize that they are divine. Of course it is not meant for idiots and childish people. I find Russians are very wise and very introspective. First when I came with My husband, I told My husband that Russia will be the first in spirituality. May God bless you all!
Public Program
St. Petersburg
Public Program
1994-09-15 Public program;Sankt-Petersburg Russia I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we all have to know one thing that this truth is what it is. You cannot change it, it has been, it is and will be, because it is eternal. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, intellect, ego or your conditionings but you are the pure spirit. Another truth is that there is a all-pervading power of Divine love which does all the living work. When we are seeking truth one has to know that whatever so far we have known is not the absolute truth. For example, people are seeking joy, they are getting money, buying things out of money having possessions. Then they try to get their joy in power. They want to have higher positions so that they can control people. There are all kinds of pursuits people have in their lives. But it doesn’t give them joy, doesn’t give them satisfaction. What is the satisfaction is their ascent. That is what Christ has said that you are to be born again. And in the Bible also, in Indian Scriptures it is written that you are to be born again. In Sanskrit language a bird is called ‘Dwijaha’ and also a Brahmin, or the one who is known this brahama, who is enlightened is called Dwijaha’. Because once the bird is like an egg, when it matures, the mother breaks the head of the egg and the bird comes out. But the bird is very different from the egg. And then it starts flying. In the same way a realized soul is first a human being, then he matures by the Kundalini awakening, he becomes an enlightened soul. Without enlightenment you cannot follow any religion, you cannot understand it. For example, when ‘Moses’ came from the mountain, {unclear} he brought with him the ten commandments. But he informed the people, [unclear] quite decadent condition. Very immoral, money-oriented and very frivolous. They were killing each other and were doing all kinds of wrong things. He got so fed up that for them he brought ‘Shariyat’, for the Jews. Its described in the Bible, in the oldest, { unclear}. So it was very strict and very cruel also. It said that if anybody steals anything, his both hands should be cut. And if somebody has immoral [unclear] means a man or a women then they should be buried upto the neck or upto the waist into the land and should be beaten with stones. This was { unclear} .But Jews found very very difficult to follow. So they thought we better go and respect near the wall, there is one wall, they have where they go and respect. This a device they found [unclear] but [unclear] but it’s very difficult. So they are doing everything and hiding it. Once I was travelling from Vienna to London and I went off to sleep. When I opened my eyes I was surprised, they were different people, very smartly dressed, ladies wearing very small skirts, smoking. So I asked the air hostess, “ Is this some other airport?” She said, no this is a direct flight, so I said, “who are these?” She said, they are the same. But as soon as they left their country, now they have become westernised. So I was surprised that these people, why do they try to be Muslim, they better give up Islam, if they cannot follow then it will be hypocritical. These people in charge of Islam did not find any other method to avoid, like [unclear] . They are supposed to make prayers quite nicely but some of them do that but not all. So it is very difficult to follow Islam, to be very frank. Not even one percent people are [unclear] . Then came, also Christianity came before that. And as Christ was such a pure soul, he thought all of the human beings are also like this. So, he said if you commit any sin with your one eye, take it out. If you commit any sin with your hand cut it out. If somebody slaps you on this face put another face to him. Imagine what would happen to all the Christians, they would be without both the eyes, both the hands. So Christianity also became very difficult. Because just by talking you cannot prove Christianity. Just by wearing the cross, you cannot prove Christianity. So it became like a confession sort of a thing. [unclear] was that You go and confess, finish. So people developed guilt and left Vishuddhi. All this was meant for enlightenment. So, Sahaja yoga is the real thing. What happens that you become enlightened. And you yourself start seeing yourself. And you start looking at yourself as a witness. Also you know the absolute truth. And you can find out what’s wrong with you and what’s wrong with others. By this you are not concerned as to how the person is dressed or how he looks but you are bothered about the centres he has. And you are worried about your own centres. When somebody comes and tells me, “ Mother, my agnya is very bad please cure it. Meaning I am very egoistical. But now a day nobody says I am egoistical. Or somebody says my mooladhar is very bad, means he is immoral. But nobody says that I am immoral. So they talk the language of the Chakras, centres. And so everybody’s chakra is. After realization you become like lotuses out of the power. And fragrance of these lotuses start taking the whole atmosphere. You are so satisfied. You are not bothered about anything. And waves of joy start flowing in your life. What work you do is to do sahaja yoga, spread Sahaja yoga, talk sahaja yoga. They become very peaceful. Now we have so many people here and so many came to Ganpatiphule and other places, I was stunned, have never seen them quarrelling. You may come from Romania, you may come from Russia, Bulgaria, you may come from England, you may come from America, India, any place, you all feel you are one. You transcend all racialism, automatically. Fundamentalism. Everything drops out, and you become a global personality, Universal personality. And on your faces you can see the glow. And you yourself become so active and so dynamic. At the same time, you are very compassionate. Or do nothing but work for Sahaja yoga, which is the highest. You are not [unclear]. We don’t have hierarchies. We have no awards. But everybody, whether they are at the top or at the bottom of society, they all become one. There is no force on anyone. There is no compulsion. There is no[unclear], and you become such happy joyous people. Because you enter into the kingdom of God. Then you don’t worry about anything. Every moment there are blessings for that. And the blessings that you have, you are amazed, they are like miracles. You are so satisfied with yourself that you don’t have to worry about the nonsensical things as others do. If you have lost the way, you think it’s all right, after all I have to go that way. You communicate with each other with your vibrations. The Divine love flows through you. Like the sap in the tree. It moves to different parts of your society, if it’s the father, you respect the father, as he should be. If it’s the mother you look after the mother, if your brother, sisters everybody you give whatever is desired. And to sahajyogis and to Sahaja yoga you give your complete dedication and it starts and doesn’t stay at one place. The fragrance then spreads all over. There is a, I mean when people start describing to me the miracles. All kinds of miracles, which are really unbelievable. So I told somebody that why don’t you compile these miracles. Within one month he said they have gone up to my head. I said, I cannot sort them out, you yourself sort these he said I can’t, it’s such a lot, I don’t know what to do. Ordinary people become great poets, orators and people who had taken to bad habits, give up overnight. If I say, don’t drink, don’t smoke, half of the people will go. But best thing is to put the light of spirit in you. Once you have that light within you, you are your own master, your own guide. [unclear] There is one thing I would like to warn the Russians. I have seen this in Turkey, I have seen this in Turkey. In Turkey people don’t have so much money but they have a German Television. And through German television, they are very much impressed by German. They start using the German clothes, German cutlery, crockery and also the food. And now they have become extremely [unclear] . I find the same here. In the shops I have been, I have seen all kinds of German things, American, European, nonsensical all, what you can call junk, which they cannot sell there. Because they have no discretion. They cannot sell. So they are like junk, just useless and they are exporting all junk here. And I am surprised people wear those dresses at such a high price. They all very patriotic. In India we cannot import anything from outside, you cannot have one shop, which is imported, even one shop. So there is no need to run after these junky things and make yourself poor. They all sell in dollars, and one dollar is, “how much in rupees…two thousand, just imagine, that’s the point, tell them.” You should not buy anything of that kind. Because that will really ruin your country completely. Whatever you can buy in your rubbles, you should buy that. Or just don’t buy. This is the way you can build up your country. I have nothing against Germans now, because German Sahaja yogis are very fond of Russians. And they also told me, “why are they buying this junk?” So, you can imagine. So, at least those who are in Sahaja yoga should not buy anything which comes from outside, even from India. Because you are at the beginning stage. Off course, money is not important, but if you become beggars, who will listen to you. This is very important, because your country is building up now. Sahaja yoga is definitely nothing much spiritual. But it penetrates into every area of your life. Because you have to have wisdom and understanding. It is not that you are a sahaja yogi and you can be cut out from your society, cut out from your country. You are a part and parcel of this country and a very dynamic one. There are so many things that can be done for helping your country also. I think, since last year, things have improved a lot here. And people are[unclear]. But still if you do not understand the tricks of the western entrepreneurs, you will [unclear] . While you have such a big artist in your country. Tremendous artists, beautiful work. You should only buy from the artist and encourage their art. There are very few countries, who have hand made things. One is Russia, one is India and one is China. And the Chinese art is moving everywhere. Because they respect, respect their art. It’s better to have one artistic piece then to have ten plastic things. Artistic things are made by an artist and he puts all his joy in it. They are so beautiful, that when you watch them you become thoughtlessly aware, a stage you have to achieve in Sahaja yoga. The second stage as you know is the doubtless awareness. For that you have to just love yourself and love others. Just you have to change. I must say, the qualities of Sahaja yogis, in Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, also Poland, also Czechoslovakia is much better than anywhere else. It’s very surprising. And the dedication they have, and the understanding they have, shows [ unclear] they are all very wise people. What I know is that they know [ unclear] . They do not rationally try to avoid mistakes, by saying no-no this is this, that is that, they always accept their mistakes. So there cannot be any guilt and there cannot be any ego. So if one commits any mistakes , it’s all right, we are all human beings. Accept the mistake and say I will not do this again, finished. Sahaja yoga is such a cleansing process; such a cleansing. It cleanses you. Makes you absolutely pure and it also reflects through you, your beauty and your radiance. The more you are dedicated, the more you achieve your joy. When there was a coup year, I could not come at that time. And I asked the sahaja yogis, are you still worried about the coup, and all that is happening in your country. And they said, Mother, why should we worry, we are in the kingdom of God. What an answer, I was really surprised at their confidence and satisfaction. A sahaja yogi has no complains of any kind. Everything is [unclear]. The blessings of Divine are great and one day this country will lead the whole world in spirituality, now I know. Today I was amazed at your scientists, they are so mature and wise, that they are trying to connect morality with [unclear] . In the whole world you cannot find scientist, who will even think of this. They can never read a sense of what people are suffering, its coming from immorality. I was so much surprised, that a gentleman, who is a surgeon, ninety year old, was talking against alcoholism. In the whole world I cannot think of any surgeon talking about this, he’ll lose all his practice. You can’t talk of morality. They think it is…out of making sense. I was so much surprised at the wisdom of this scientist. With such people as your leaders, I am sure, one day you can show the world one day, what is spirituality, what is morality. With Sahaja yoga, morality starts acting through you. You become moral. You become righteous. You cannot be immoral. You become a different person. And the whole personality changes in such a way that people respect you for your wisdom. I am so very happy to come here as you call it St Peter’s burg, I was here first time and I was amazed, the way people were sensitive about sahaja yoga. Such beautiful city and so artistic. Such a beautiful city and one of the most beautiful. Such a beautiful city, one of the most beautiful. You must respect your building and with that [ unclear] . And so the artist who came here must have been a realized soul. Only an enlightened person can make such beautiful houses. So in some cases we are appreciate only what is old, that is gold. We should not try to be modern. They are all [unclear] absolutely stupid. You can’t understand [unclear] these Americans. One Russian sahaja yogi is in Chicago. They say in Chicago we have programme only for Russian and Indians, not for others. I said why? So, he said, “Because, Americans are like children, they will not bother. So you are already so matured. And such great qualities you have of introspection. And I am sure, one day the spirituality of Russia will cover the whole world. Christ never had this chance. He never came to Russia, otherwise it would have been very difficult. In any case, understand that now you are sahajyogis of a country which can give so much to the whole world. You have a very big responsibility. Two things you must remember. At home you must meditate every day. And you must go to the collective programmes. This is very important. If you meditate at home, you will know, what’s wrong with you. And when you will go to the collective, you will be corrected and others will be corrected. I am very happy today to see you all here and I am sure I will come back again after one year, and by that time you will have many many more sahajayogis. You want to sing one song, you can BHAJAN……… Off course, to this, I will go now, but today I am before you, not Christ. When…. Christ has said that I will send you the Holy Ghost, what about that? Also he has said that whatever you say against me is all right, but nothing against the Holy Ghost I will tolerate. When Moses came people said we only believe in Abraham. Because there was no Abraham [ unclear] to say that. You can put Abraham into pocket and [ unclear] to Christ. Nobody is [unclear] then came….after Moses came Christ, so they said we believe in Moses and not in Christ. Christ had only ten disciples. And ultimately they crucified him. Now I have come here [unclear]. Christ has said in the 5th chapter, Mathews, second verse, you will [ unclear] Christ, Christ I will not recognize you. [unclear] Who do not know that they were told that you will be born again. And that Holy Ghost will do the job. So one has to understand that all such people who talk of something past are just trying to avoid, face the reality. I am very much thankful to [unclear] about the scientist. We have many scientists in India, all over the world who are Sahaja yogis and who are doing the work of Sahaja yoga all over. But not such a force not such a conference. They can say with such understanding. Its said that, work which he has done will be really remembered in the history of spirituality. People like him will definitely take you out of this. All kinds of problems are there of very stupid people also but you should be wise to understand what’s real problem. and [unclear] that’s all. So now I say goodbye and best of luck. Thank you very much. You have already got it, “ Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost,[unclear]. Now let us see how many are feeling the cool breeze in their hands. Cool or Hot breeze over their heads. Please put on your hands, both the hands. All of you. I know, you all have got realization. Bhajan…….Mataji, Mataji you face shines like…..
1994-09-15 Public program;Sankt-Petersburg Russia I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we all have to know one thing that this truth is what it is. You cannot change it, it has been, it is and will be, because it is eternal. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, intellect, ego or your conditionings but you are the pure spirit. Another truth is that there is a all-pervading power of Divine love which does all the living work. When we are seeking truth one has to know that whatever so far we have known is not the absolute truth. For example, people are seeking joy, they are getting money, buying things out of money having possessions. Then they try to get their joy in power. They want to have higher positions so that they can control people. There are all kinds of pursuits people have in their lives. But it doesn’t give them joy, doesn’t give them satisfaction. What is the satisfaction is their ascent. That is what Christ has said that you are to be born again. And in the Bible also, in Indian Scriptures it is written that you are to be born again. In Sanskrit language a bird is called ‘Dwijaha’ and also a Brahmin, or the one who is known this brahama, who is enlightened is called Dwijaha’. Because once the bird is like an egg, when it matures, the mother breaks the head of the egg and the bird comes out. But the bird is very different from the egg. And then it starts flying. In the same way a realized soul is first a human being, then he matures by the Kundalini awakening, he becomes an enlightened soul. Without enlightenment you cannot follow any religion, you cannot understand it. For example, when ‘Moses’ came from the mountain, {unclear} he brought with him the ten commandments. But he informed the people, [unclear] quite decadent condition. Very immoral, money-oriented and very frivolous. They were killing each other and were doing all kinds of wrong things. He got so fed up that for them he brought ‘Shariyat’, for the Jews. Its described in the Bible, in the oldest, { unclear}. So it was very strict and very cruel also. It said that if anybody steals anything, his both hands should be cut. And if somebody has immoral [unclear] means a man or a women then they should be buried upto the neck or upto the waist into the land and should be beaten with stones. This was { unclear} .But Jews found very very difficult to follow. So they thought we better go and respect near the wall, there is one wall, they have where they go and respect. This a device they found [unclear] but [unclear] but it’s very difficult. So they are doing everything and hiding it. Once I was travelling from Vienna to London and I went off to sleep. When I opened my eyes I was surprised, they were different people, very smartly dressed, ladies wearing very small skirts, smoking. So I asked the air hostess, “ Is this some other airport?” She said, no this is a direct flight, so I said, “who are these?” She said, they are the same. But as soon as they left their country, now they have become westernised. So I was surprised that these people, why do they try to be Muslim, they better give up Islam, if they cannot follow then it will be hypocritical. These people in charge of Islam did not find any other method to avoid, like [unclear] . They are supposed to make prayers quite nicely but some of them do that but not all. So it is very difficult to follow Islam, to be very frank. Not even one percent people are [unclear] . Then came, also Christianity came before that. And as Christ was such a pure soul, he thought all of the human beings are also like this. So, he said if you commit any sin with your one eye, take it out. If you commit any sin with your hand cut it out. If somebody slaps you on this face put another face to him. Imagine what would happen to all the Christians, they would be without both the eyes, both the hands. So Christianity also became very difficult. Because just by talking you cannot prove Christianity. Just by wearing the cross, you cannot prove Christianity. So it became like a confession sort of a thing. [unclear] was that You go and confess, finish. So people developed guilt and left Vishuddhi. All this was meant for enlightenment. So, Sahaja yoga is the real thing. What happens that you become enlightened. And you yourself start seeing yourself. And you start looking at yourself as a witness. Also you know the absolute truth. And you can find out what’s wrong with you and what’s wrong with others. By this you are not concerned as to how the person is dressed or how he looks but you are bothered about the centres he has. And you are worried about your own centres. When somebody comes and tells me, “ Mother, my agnya is very bad please cure it. Meaning I am very egoistical. But now a day nobody says I am egoistical. Or somebody says my mooladhar is very bad, means he is immoral. But nobody says that I am immoral. So they talk the language of the Chakras, centres. And so everybody’s chakra is. After realization you become like lotuses out of the power. And fragrance of these lotuses start taking the whole atmosphere. You are so satisfied. You are not bothered about anything. And waves of joy start flowing in your life. What work you do is to do sahaja yoga, spread Sahaja yoga, talk sahaja yoga. They become very peaceful. Now we have so many people here and so many came to Ganpatiphule and other places, I was stunned, have never seen them quarrelling. You may come from Romania, you may come from Russia, Bulgaria, you may come from England, you may come from America, India, any place, you all feel you are one. You transcend all racialism, automatically. Fundamentalism. Everything drops out, and you become a global personality, Universal personality. And on your faces you can see the glow. And you yourself become so active and so dynamic. At the same time, you are very compassionate. Or do nothing but work for Sahaja yoga, which is the highest. You are not [unclear]. We don’t have hierarchies. We have no awards. But everybody, whether they are at the top or at the bottom of society, they all become one. There is no force on anyone. There is no compulsion. There is no[unclear], and you become such happy joyous people. Because you enter into the kingdom of God. Then you don’t worry about anything. Every moment there are blessings for that. And the blessings that you have, you are amazed, they are like miracles. You are so satisfied with yourself that you don’t have to worry about the nonsensical things as others do. If you have lost the way, you think it’s all right, after all I have to go that way. You communicate with each other with your vibrations. The Divine love flows through you. Like the sap in the tree. It moves to different parts of your society, if it’s the father, you respect the father, as he should be. If it’s the mother you look after the mother, if your brother, sisters everybody you give whatever is desired. And to sahajyogis and to Sahaja yoga you give your complete dedication and it starts and doesn’t stay at one place. The fragrance then spreads all over. There is a, I mean when people start describing to me the miracles. All kinds of miracles, which are really unbelievable. So I told somebody that why don’t you compile these miracles. Within one month he said they have gone up to my head. I said, I cannot sort them out, you yourself sort these he said I can’t, it’s such a lot, I don’t know what to do. Ordinary people become great poets, orators and people who had taken to bad habits, give up overnight. If I say, don’t drink, don’t smoke, half of the people will go. But best thing is to put the light of spirit in you. Once you have that light within you, you are your own master, your own guide. [unclear] There is one thing I would like to warn the Russians. I have seen this in Turkey, I have seen this in Turkey. In Turkey people don’t have so much money but they have a German Television. And through German television, they are very much impressed by German. They start using the German clothes, German cutlery, crockery and also the food. And now they have become extremely [unclear] . I find the same here. In the shops I have been, I have seen all kinds of German things, American, European, nonsensical all, what you can call junk, which they cannot sell there. Because they have no discretion. They cannot sell. So they are like junk, just useless and they are exporting all junk here. And I am surprised people wear those dresses at such a high price. They all very patriotic. In India we cannot import anything from outside, you cannot have one shop, which is imported, even one shop. So there is no need to run after these junky things and make yourself poor. They all sell in dollars, and one dollar is, “how much in rupees…two thousand, just imagine, that’s the point, tell them.” You should not buy anything of that kind. Because that will really ruin your country completely. Whatever you can buy in your rubbles, you should buy that. Or just don’t buy. This is the way you can build up your country. I have nothing against Germans now, because German Sahaja yogis are very fond of Russians. And they also told me, “why are they buying this junk?” So, you can imagine. So, at least those who are in Sahaja yoga should not buy anything which comes from outside, even from India. Because you are at the beginning stage. Off course, money is not important, but if you become beggars, who will listen to you. This is very important, because your country is building up now. Sahaja yoga is definitely nothing much spiritual. But it penetrates into every area of your life. Because you have to have wisdom and understanding. It is not that you are a sahaja yogi and you can be cut out from your society, cut out from your country. You are a part and parcel of this country and a very dynamic one. There are so many things that can be done for helping your country also. I think, since last year, things have improved a lot here. And people are[unclear]. But still if you do not understand the tricks of the western entrepreneurs, you will [unclear] . While you have such a big artist in your country. Tremendous artists, beautiful work. You should only buy from the artist and encourage their art. There are very few countries, who have hand made things. One is Russia, one is India and one is China. And the Chinese art is moving everywhere. Because they respect, respect their art. It’s better to have one artistic piece then to have ten plastic things. Artistic things are made by an artist and he puts all his joy in it. They are so beautiful, that when you watch them you become thoughtlessly aware, a stage you have to achieve in Sahaja yoga. The second stage as you know is the doubtless awareness. For that you have to just love yourself and love others. Just you have to change. I must say, the qualities of Sahaja yogis, in Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, also Poland, also Czechoslovakia is much better than anywhere else. It’s very surprising. And the dedication they have, and the understanding they have, shows [ unclear] they are all very wise people. What I know is that they know [ unclear] . They do not rationally try to avoid mistakes, by saying no-no this is this, that is that, they always accept their mistakes. So there cannot be any guilt and there cannot be any ego. So if one commits any mistakes , it’s all right, we are all human beings. Accept the mistake and say I will not do this again, finished. Sahaja yoga is such a cleansing process; such a cleansing. It cleanses you. Makes you absolutely pure and it also reflects through you, your beauty and your radiance. The more you are dedicated, the more you achieve your joy. When there was a coup year, I could not come at that time. And I asked the sahaja yogis, are you still worried about the coup, and all that is happening in your country. And they said, Mother, why should we worry, we are in the kingdom of God. What an answer, I was really surprised at their confidence and satisfaction. A sahaja yogi has no complains of any kind. Everything is [unclear]. The blessings of Divine are great and one day this country will lead the whole world in spirituality, now I know. Today I was amazed at your scientists, they are so mature and wise, that they are trying to connect morality with [unclear] . In the whole world you cannot find scientist, who will even think of this. They can never read a sense of what people are suffering, its coming from immorality. I was so much surprised, that a gentleman, who is a surgeon, ninety year old, was talking against alcoholism. In the whole world I cannot think of any surgeon talking about this, he’ll lose all his practice. You can’t talk of morality. They think it is…out of making sense. I was so much surprised at the wisdom of this scientist. With such people as your leaders, I am sure, one day you can show the world one day, what is spirituality, what is morality. With Sahaja yoga, morality starts acting through you. You become moral. You become righteous. You cannot be immoral. You become a different person. And the whole personality changes in such a way that people respect you for your wisdom. I am so very happy to come here as you call it St Peter’s burg, I was here first time and I was amazed, the way people were sensitive about sahaja yoga. Such beautiful city and so artistic. Such a beautiful city and one of the most beautiful. Such a beautiful city, one of the most beautiful. You must respect your building and with that [ unclear] . And so the artist who came here must have been a realized soul. Only an enlightened person can make such beautiful houses. So in some cases we are appreciate only what is old, that is gold. We should not try to be modern. They are all [unclear] absolutely stupid. You can’t understand [unclear] these Americans. One Russian sahaja yogi is in Chicago. They say in Chicago we have programme only for Russian and Indians, not for others. I said why? So, he said, “Because, Americans are like children, they will not bother. So you are already so matured. And such great qualities you have of introspection. And I am sure, one day the spirituality of Russia will cover the whole world. Christ never had this chance. He never came to Russia, otherwise it would have been very difficult. In any case, understand that now you are sahajyogis of a country which can give so much to the whole world. You have a very big responsibility. Two things you must remember. At home you must meditate every day. And you must go to the collective programmes. This is very important. If you meditate at home, you will know, what’s wrong with you. And when you will go to the collective, you will be corrected and others will be corrected. I am very happy today to see you all here and I am sure I will come back again after one year, and by that time you will have many many more sahajayogis. You want to sing one song, you can BHAJAN……… Off course, to this, I will go now, but today I am before you, not Christ. When…. Christ has said that I will send you the Holy Ghost, what about that? Also he has said that whatever you say against me is all right, but nothing against the Holy Ghost I will tolerate. When Moses came people said we only believe in Abraham. Because there was no Abraham [ unclear] to say that. You can put Abraham into pocket and [ unclear] to Christ. Nobody is [unclear] then came….after Moses came Christ, so they said we believe in Moses and not in Christ. Christ had only ten disciples. And ultimately they crucified him. Now I have come here [unclear]. Christ has said in the 5th chapter, Mathews, second verse, you will [ unclear] Christ, Christ I will not recognize you. [unclear] Who do not know that they were told that you will be born again. And that Holy Ghost will do the job. So one has to understand that all such people who talk of something past are just trying to avoid, face the reality. I am very much thankful to [unclear] about the scientist. We have many scientists in India, all over the world who are Sahaja yogis and who are doing the work of Sahaja yoga all over. But not such a force not such a conference. They can say with such understanding. Its said that, work which he has done will be really remembered in the history of spirituality. People like him will definitely take you out of this. All kinds of problems are there of very stupid people also but you should be wise to understand what’s real problem. and [unclear] that’s all. So now I say goodbye and best of luck. Thank you very much. You have already got it, “ Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost,[unclear]. Now let us see how many are feeling the cool breeze in their hands. Cool or Hot breeze over their heads. Please put on your hands, both the hands. All of you. I know, you all have got realization. Bhajan…….Mataji, Mataji you face shines like…..
Evening Program
Evening Program
Evening Program, Tolyatti, Rusia 16-09-1994 Shri Mataji: I was overjoyed at singing the song of joy. It is very nice that all over the world people should feel the joy of God's Love through your music you have shown how much you have achieved in Sahaja yoga. The complete balance and unity I have seen in you is really amazing. This is how you are going to achieve the unity of the whole world and [unclear 1:23:41 you can transform the people ]. You can transform people so that they enjoy themselves and enjoy each other. Then We there will be no fighting, no wars but just enjoyment… of the divine love.[unclear 1:24:35 ]. May God bless you!
Evening Program, Tolyatti, Rusia 16-09-1994 Shri Mataji: I was overjoyed at singing the song of joy. It is very nice that all over the world people should feel the joy of God's Love through your music you have shown how much you have achieved in Sahaja yoga. The complete balance and unity I have seen in you is really amazing. This is how you are going to achieve the unity of the whole world and [unclear 1:23:41 you can transform the people ]. You can transform people so that they enjoy themselves and enjoy each other. Then We there will be no fighting, no wars but just enjoyment… of the divine love.[unclear 1:24:35 ]. May God bless you!
Visit to Sahaja School
H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi arrives in Togliatti (Russia), and visits the Sahaja school. 16&17 September 1994. Прилет и Посещение Сахаджа-Школы. Тольятти (Россия) 17/09/1994 Togliatti TV: Jai Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: Thank you Togliatti TV: Шри Матаджи, Тольяттинское телевидение приветствует вас на земле Шри Ганеши! Bogdan: Togliatti TV welcomes You here in the land of Shri Ganesha Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: May God bless you. Togliatti TV: We love you very much. Shri Mataji: I love you very much. I know this place has something special that we have so many sahaja yogis here. Bogdan: Я думаю, что очень отличается город. У нас много отличных сахаджа-йогов здесь. [Я очень вас люблю. Я знаю это место очень особенное, поэтому здесь так много сахаджа йогов] Togliatti TV: Шри Матаджи! Все тольяттинцы очень Вас любят! Мы знаем, как Вы много делаете для того, чтобы соединить все народы мира, разных национальностей, разных религий. Bogdan: Shri Mataji we love You so much we know how much You work to unify all the nations and all the religions of the world. Togliatti TV: Так хочется, чтобы все люди стали счастливыми, прекратились войны.И в этом будет большая Ваша заслуга, Шри Матаджи! Когда это случится, чтобы люди стали, наконец, счастливыми? Bogdan: Shri Mataji we so much wish that all the people of the world will become happy and this is due to Your greatness and your work that it is possible. Shri Mataji: What a great wish you have that is what My wish is also. With all your help I am sure we will achieve it. Bogdan: Такое большое желание у вас есть, великое желание! Оно совершится благодаря вашей помощи Mне. Togliatti TV: Jai Shri Mataji ! Thank you very much! Shri Mataji: In this very little time I must say this is a very great achievement to have 60 children in our school Yuri Vasiliev: В это небольшое время, отведенное мне, я должна сказать, что это очень большое достижение - иметь шестьдесят учащихся в этой школе. [Я должна сказать, что в такой короткий срок - это очень большое достижение - иметь шестьдесят учащихся в этой школе.] Shri Mataji: Togliatti people I must say are very fast in Sahaja Yoga. Yuri Vasiliev: Люди Тольятти, я должна сказать, очень скоры, очень быстры в Сахаджа-Йоге. Shri Mataji: And to do this for children is the most important. Yuri Vasiliev: И делать эту работу для детей - это наиболее важно. Shri Mataji: So many bad influences are crawling in Russia. Yuri Vasiliev: Так много вредных влияний сейчас наползает в Россию. Shri Mataji: And we have to save our children and protect them. Yuri Vasiliev: И мы должны спасти и защитить наших детей. Shri Mataji: With sahaja Yoga principle and behaviour I am sure they will be great sahaja yogis tomorrow. Yuri Vasiliev:С принципами Сахаджа-Йоги и с Сахаджа-Йога-поведением, я уверена, они станут завтра великими Сахаджа-Йогами. Shri Mataji: Very soon they will know how to give realisation to people. Yuri Vasiliev:Очень скоро они научатся давать реализацию людям. Shri Mataji: You already must be knowing. Yuri Vasiliev: Вы все должны будете знать. [вы уже, должно быть, умеете] Shri Mataji: These are the flowers of your country. Yuri Vasiliev: Это цветы вашей страны. Shri Mataji: You have to look after them and create beautiful fruits out of it. Yuri Vasiliev: Вы должны заботиться о них и превратить их в замечательные, прекрасные плоды. Shri Mataji: Their innocence must be preserved. Yuri Vasiliev: Невинность нужно сохранять.[Их невинность необходимо сохранить] Shri Mataji: Must be respected. Yuri Vasiliev: Нужно уважать детей.[невинность нужно уважать] Shri Mataji: You should not beat there is no need to beat them. Yuri Vasiliev: Вам не нужно никогда бить детей! Нет никакой необходимости бить детей. Shri Mataji: Or even to scold them. Yuri Vasiliev: Или даже ругать их. Shri Mataji: On the contrary a rapport must be established. Yuri Vasiliev: Напротив, должно быть установлено взаимопонимание. Shri Mataji: You must talk to them about stories of good people. Yuri Vasiliev: Вы должны рассказывать им истории о хороших людях. Shri Mataji: This will definitely expose the to righteousness and to morality. Yuri Vasiliev: Это на самом деле [обязательно] приведет их к праведности и к морали. Shri Mataji: Thus you can preserve the tradition of your country. Yuri Vasiliev: Таким образом, вы сможете сохранить традиции своей страны. Shri Mataji: I am sure they will be great sahaja yogis and they will do great work for Sahaja Yoga. Yuri Vasiliev: Я уверена, что однажды они станут Великими Сахаджа-Йогами, и будут делать великую работу для Сахаджа-Йоги. Shri Mataji: Will you be? Yuri Vasiliev: Будете ли вы такими? Children: Да! Video cuts off... Yuri Vasiliev: Я была также счастлива узнать, что учительницы этих двух классов также являются сахаджа-йогинями Shri Mataji: It is a very great blessing because they can understand children who are realised souls. Yuri Vasiliev:Это великое благословение, потому что они понимают детей, которые являются реализованными душами. Shri Mataji: I was told that the population growth in Russia is very bad. Yuri Vasiliev:Я уже сказала, что рост населения в России очень маленький, очень слабый. Shri Mataji: But once you start Sahaja Yoga like this you will have beautiful children. Yuri Vasiliev: Но если вы развернете Сахаджа-Йогу таким образом, у вас будут замечательные дети. Shri Mataji: All the great people are to be born here where there is Sahaja Yoga. Yuri Vasiliev: Все великие души хотят быть рожденными здесь, где есть такая Сахаджа-Йога. Shri Mataji: Are these paintings done by children? Yuri Vasiliev: Эти рисунки сделаны детьми? Children: Да! Yes! Shri Mataji: This is something very good. Yuri Vasiliev: Это что-то весьма хорошее! Shri Mataji: Normally in the West they tell children that take the paint and go on paint however you like, they go on have {hazard} and you know funny things. Yuri Vasiliev: Обычно на Западе они говорят в школе: “Берите краску, берите бумагу и рисуйте, что вам заблагорассудиться!”. И в результате получается какая-то бессмыслица. Shri Mataji: But here I find they have shapes and they are done in a way that it suggests something. It is not just to have movement of the brush. Yuri Vasiliev: Но здесь, я вижу, они рисуют соответствующим образом, соответствующие формы. И это вовсе не выглядит, как просто хаотичное движение кисти. Shri Mataji: First they must learn to make forms. Yuri Vasiliev: Прежде всего, вам нужно научиться создавать форму. Shri Mataji: And not suddenly go to something absurd. Yuri Vasiliev: И не прибегать неожиданно к чему-то абсурдному. Shri Mataji: Gradually they can produce beautiful things. Yuri Vasiliev: Постепенно они научатся производить замечательные вещи. Shri Mataji: Really surprised to see these paintings, they can get prizes all over international prizes for that. Yuri Vasiliev: Я на самом деле удивлена видеть такие замечательные рисунки. Они должны были получить международные призы! Shri Mataji: People of Russia are very artistic especially in Togliatti. Yuri Vasiliev: Люди в России очень артистичны, очень художественны. Особенно здесь, в Тольятти. Shri Mataji: And you can see clearly now I have seen such small children are doing such beautiful paintings. Yuri Vasiliev: И вы это ясно можете видеть. Я никогда не думала, что такие маленькие дети могут производить такие замечательные вещи. Shri Mataji: So I bless you all for doing better work in your studies, in your art and in your Sahaja Yoga. Yuri Vasiliev: Поэтому я благословляю вас всех, на то, чтобы вы лучше занимались, лучше делали свое искусство и делали лучшую работу в Сахаджа-Йоге. Shri Mataji: Thank you. Yuri Vasiliev: Спасибо! Concert Концерт After the concert Shri Mataji gives money for the school. После концерта Шри Матаджи дает деньги. Shri Mataji: This is for sweets for children. Yuri Vasiliev: Это от Шри Матаджи лично полтысячи долларов. Yuri Vasiliev: Это Сергей дал. Shri Mataji: Next time I must bring some presents for them from India. Yuri Vasiliev: В следующий раз я привезу вам подарки из Индии. Yuri Vasiliev: Англичане дарят для детей сладости. [Englishmen are giving sweets to the children] Yuri Vasiliev: I did not know your people Shri Mataji but when I knew all sahaja yogis I decided two classes will be free in this school for Sahaja Yoga studies. School Principal: У них ничего не было ни мебели ничего не было. Yuri Vasiliev: They have not got anything Shri Mataji no furniture no anything. [The classes DID NOT have anything not even furniture] Shri Mataji: Now if they want to buy furniture... Yuri Vasiliev: Я надеюсь, теперь вы сможете купить какую-то мебель... School Principal: Все учителя получают деньги с моей школы, все до единого. [all teachers are getting paid by my school] Shri Mataji: You see one should have satisfaction and gradually your country will grow. Yuri Vasiliev: Вы должны быть удовлетворенными людьми, и постепенно эта страна поднимется. School Principal: Мы верой и живем. Yuri Vasiliev: We live on faith, Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: And if you children they will pass through this life they will be better made for the next life, for the higher life. Yuri Vasiliev: Если эти дети пройдут через эти школы, они будут более подготовленными для более высоких классов. [Если эти дети пройдут через такую жизнь, они будут более подготовленными для следующей жизни, для более высокой жизни] Shri Mataji: That’s what we believe in India. Yuri Vasiliev: Вот что мы думаем в Индии: Shri Mataji: Most of the children in India sit on the ground. Yuri Vasiliev: Большинство детей в Индии сидят на полу. Shri Mataji: To study one must have tapasia. Yuri Vasiliev: Для того, чтобы учиться, вам нужна тапасия, какие-то подвиги, можно сказать, терпение и подвиги.. Shri Mataji: If they become very comfortable then they will become like american children. Yuri Vasiliev: Если им будет слишком удобно, они станут как американские дети. Video cuts off Yuri Vasiliev: Но они реализованные души, поэтому они наслаждаются всем! Директор школы: Я считаю, что мы, конечно, душу будем иметь хорошую. Но, чтобы душа пела, надо, чтобы хорошо не только нам будет, но и всем остальным. Yuri Vasiliev: I believe we will have a very good soul Shri Mataji. Our souls will be singing but we need to be sure Shri Mataji that everything everyone will be alright. Shri Mataji: Everyone will be alright. Yuri Vasiliev: Все будут в порядке! Shri Mataji speaks to Vasiliev. Yuri Vasiliev: Ваши условия улучшатся, улучшатся намного. Директор школы: Если бы мы не верили, мы бы не создавали все это для детей и для будущего. Но мы верим. Yuri Vasiliev: We have faith Shri Mataji, if we did not have faith we could not have taken all of these problems. We have great faith. Shri Mataji: Yes we can organize. Директор школы: Дети понравились? Yuri Vasiliev: Did you like the children Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: Wonderful. Yuri Vasiliev: Прекрасные!! Прекрасные! Директор школы: Это от великого добра, которое мы хотим сделать им, веруя прежде всего в Нее. Yuri Vasiliev: Our good our kindness what we have to give to our children. Shri Mataji: Love is very important. Yuri Vasiliev: Любовь - очень важна! Yuri Vasiliev: Almost all our teachers are realised souls by now and how should we take our job how can we work it out Shri Mataji properly? Shri Mataji: It’s alright. Be inspiration. Yuri Vasiliev: Мы должны быть вдохновением говорит Шри Матаджи. Shri Mataji is shown some handicrafts made by children. Teacher: Эти работы делали дети, они не знали не умели ничего. Yuri Vasiliev: Nobody taught them only by meditation Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Very good. Yuri Vasiliev: Очень созидательные, творческие дети Teacher: Это место, где утром дети медитируют и вечером перед отходом домой тоже медитируют. Yuri Vasiliev: Every morning and every evening Shri Mataji children meditate in this place. Yuri Vasiliev: This is art teacher Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Great. Шри Матаджи показывают рисунки. Shri Mataji: Very good. Good. Yuri Vasiliev: Очень хорошие, замечательные. Это - знамя Сахаджа-Йоги. [it’s a banner of sahaja yogis] Yuri Vasiliev: Кто сделал эту работу? Очень хорошая. Замечательно! Shri Mataji: Congratulations.
H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi arrives in Togliatti (Russia), and visits the Sahaja school. 16&17 September 1994. Прилет и Посещение Сахаджа-Школы. Тольятти (Россия) 17/09/1994 Togliatti TV: Jai Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: Thank you Togliatti TV: Шри Матаджи, Тольяттинское телевидение приветствует вас на земле Шри Ганеши! Bogdan: Togliatti TV welcomes You here in the land of Shri Ganesha Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: May God bless you. Togliatti TV: We love you very much. Shri Mataji: I love you very much. I know this place has something special that we have so many sahaja yogis here. Bogdan: Я думаю, что очень отличается город. У нас много отличных сахаджа-йогов здесь. [Я очень вас люблю. Я знаю это место очень особенное, поэтому здесь так много сахаджа йогов] Togliatti TV: Шри Матаджи! Все тольяттинцы очень Вас любят! Мы знаем, как Вы много делаете для того, чтобы соединить все народы мира, разных национальностей, разных религий. Bogdan: Shri Mataji we love You so much we know how much You work to unify all the nations and all the religions of the world. Togliatti TV: Так хочется, чтобы все люди стали счастливыми, прекратились войны.И в этом будет большая Ваша заслуга, Шри Матаджи! Когда это случится, чтобы люди стали, наконец, счастливыми? Bogdan: Shri Mataji we so much wish that all the people of the world will become happy and this is due to Your greatness and your work that it is possible. Shri Mataji: What a great wish you have that is what My wish is also. With all your help I am sure we will achieve it. Bogdan: Такое большое желание у вас есть, великое желание! Оно совершится благодаря вашей помощи Mне. Togliatti TV: Jai Shri Mataji ! Thank you very much! Shri Mataji: In this very little time I must say this is a very great achievement to have 60 children in our school Yuri Vasiliev: В это небольшое время, отведенное мне, я должна сказать, что это очень большое достижение - иметь шестьдесят учащихся в этой школе. [Я должна сказать, что в такой короткий срок - это очень большое достижение - иметь шестьдесят учащихся в этой школе.] Shri Mataji: Togliatti people I must say are very fast in Sahaja Yoga. Yuri Vasiliev: Люди Тольятти, я должна сказать, очень скоры, очень быстры в Сахаджа-Йоге. Shri Mataji: And to do this for children is the most important. Yuri Vasiliev: И делать эту работу для детей - это наиболее важно. Shri Mataji: So many bad influences are crawling in Russia. Yuri Vasiliev: Так много вредных влияний сейчас наползает в Россию. Shri Mataji: And we have to save our children and protect them. Yuri Vasiliev: И мы должны спасти и защитить наших детей. Shri Mataji: With sahaja Yoga principle and behaviour I am sure they will be great sahaja yogis tomorrow. Yuri Vasiliev:С принципами Сахаджа-Йоги и с Сахаджа-Йога-поведением, я уверена, они станут завтра великими Сахаджа-Йогами. Shri Mataji: Very soon they will know how to give realisation to people. Yuri Vasiliev:Очень скоро они научатся давать реализацию людям. Shri Mataji: You already must be knowing. Yuri Vasiliev: Вы все должны будете знать. [вы уже, должно быть, умеете] Shri Mataji: These are the flowers of your country. Yuri Vasiliev: Это цветы вашей страны. Shri Mataji: You have to look after them and create beautiful fruits out of it. Yuri Vasiliev: Вы должны заботиться о них и превратить их в замечательные, прекрасные плоды. Shri Mataji: Their innocence must be preserved. Yuri Vasiliev: Невинность нужно сохранять.[Их невинность необходимо сохранить] Shri Mataji: Must be respected. Yuri Vasiliev: Нужно уважать детей.[невинность нужно уважать] Shri Mataji: You should not beat there is no need to beat them. Yuri Vasiliev: Вам не нужно никогда бить детей! Нет никакой необходимости бить детей. Shri Mataji: Or even to scold them. Yuri Vasiliev: Или даже ругать их. Shri Mataji: On the contrary a rapport must be established. Yuri Vasiliev: Напротив, должно быть установлено взаимопонимание. Shri Mataji: You must talk to them about stories of good people. Yuri Vasiliev: Вы должны рассказывать им истории о хороших людях. Shri Mataji: This will definitely expose the to righteousness and to morality. Yuri Vasiliev: Это на самом деле [обязательно] приведет их к праведности и к морали. Shri Mataji: Thus you can preserve the tradition of your country. Yuri Vasiliev: Таким образом, вы сможете сохранить традиции своей страны. Shri Mataji: I am sure they will be great sahaja yogis and they will do great work for Sahaja Yoga. Yuri Vasiliev: Я уверена, что однажды они станут Великими Сахаджа-Йогами, и будут делать великую работу для Сахаджа-Йоги. Shri Mataji: Will you be? Yuri Vasiliev: Будете ли вы такими? Children: Да! Video cuts off... Yuri Vasiliev: Я была также счастлива узнать, что учительницы этих двух классов также являются сахаджа-йогинями Shri Mataji: It is a very great blessing because they can understand children who are realised souls. Yuri Vasiliev:Это великое благословение, потому что они понимают детей, которые являются реализованными душами. Shri Mataji: I was told that the population growth in Russia is very bad. Yuri Vasiliev:Я уже сказала, что рост населения в России очень маленький, очень слабый. Shri Mataji: But once you start Sahaja Yoga like this you will have beautiful children. Yuri Vasiliev: Но если вы развернете Сахаджа-Йогу таким образом, у вас будут замечательные дети. Shri Mataji: All the great people are to be born here where there is Sahaja Yoga. Yuri Vasiliev: Все великие души хотят быть рожденными здесь, где есть такая Сахаджа-Йога. Shri Mataji: Are these paintings done by children? Yuri Vasiliev: Эти рисунки сделаны детьми? Children: Да! Yes! Shri Mataji: This is something very good. Yuri Vasiliev: Это что-то весьма хорошее! Shri Mataji: Normally in the West they tell children that take the paint and go on paint however you like, they go on have {hazard} and you know funny things. Yuri Vasiliev: Обычно на Западе они говорят в школе: “Берите краску, берите бумагу и рисуйте, что вам заблагорассудиться!”. И в результате получается какая-то бессмыслица. Shri Mataji: But here I find they have shapes and they are done in a way that it suggests something. It is not just to have movement of the brush. Yuri Vasiliev: Но здесь, я вижу, они рисуют соответствующим образом, соответствующие формы. И это вовсе не выглядит, как просто хаотичное движение кисти. Shri Mataji: First they must learn to make forms. Yuri Vasiliev: Прежде всего, вам нужно научиться создавать форму. Shri Mataji: And not suddenly go to something absurd. Yuri Vasiliev: И не прибегать неожиданно к чему-то абсурдному. Shri Mataji: Gradually they can produce beautiful things. Yuri Vasiliev: Постепенно они научатся производить замечательные вещи. Shri Mataji: Really surprised to see these paintings, they can get prizes all over international prizes for that. Yuri Vasiliev: Я на самом деле удивлена видеть такие замечательные рисунки. Они должны были получить международные призы! Shri Mataji: People of Russia are very artistic especially in Togliatti. Yuri Vasiliev: Люди в России очень артистичны, очень художественны. Особенно здесь, в Тольятти. Shri Mataji: And you can see clearly now I have seen such small children are doing such beautiful paintings. Yuri Vasiliev: И вы это ясно можете видеть. Я никогда не думала, что такие маленькие дети могут производить такие замечательные вещи. Shri Mataji: So I bless you all for doing better work in your studies, in your art and in your Sahaja Yoga. Yuri Vasiliev: Поэтому я благословляю вас всех, на то, чтобы вы лучше занимались, лучше делали свое искусство и делали лучшую работу в Сахаджа-Йоге. Shri Mataji: Thank you. Yuri Vasiliev: Спасибо! Concert Концерт After the concert Shri Mataji gives money for the school. После концерта Шри Матаджи дает деньги. Shri Mataji: This is for sweets for children. Yuri Vasiliev: Это от Шри Матаджи лично полтысячи долларов. Yuri Vasiliev: Это Сергей дал. Shri Mataji: Next time I must bring some presents for them from India. Yuri Vasiliev: В следующий раз я привезу вам подарки из Индии. Yuri Vasiliev: Англичане дарят для детей сладости. [Englishmen are giving sweets to the children] Yuri Vasiliev: I did not know your people Shri Mataji but when I knew all sahaja yogis I decided two classes will be free in this school for Sahaja Yoga studies. School Principal: У них ничего не было ни мебели ничего не было. Yuri Vasiliev: They have not got anything Shri Mataji no furniture no anything. [The classes DID NOT have anything not even furniture] Shri Mataji: Now if they want to buy furniture... Yuri Vasiliev: Я надеюсь, теперь вы сможете купить какую-то мебель... School Principal: Все учителя получают деньги с моей школы, все до единого. [all teachers are getting paid by my school] Shri Mataji: You see one should have satisfaction and gradually your country will grow. Yuri Vasiliev: Вы должны быть удовлетворенными людьми, и постепенно эта страна поднимется. School Principal: Мы верой и живем. Yuri Vasiliev: We live on faith, Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: And if you children they will pass through this life they will be better made for the next life, for the higher life. Yuri Vasiliev: Если эти дети пройдут через эти школы, они будут более подготовленными для более высоких классов. [Если эти дети пройдут через такую жизнь, они будут более подготовленными для следующей жизни, для более высокой жизни] Shri Mataji: That’s what we believe in India. Yuri Vasiliev: Вот что мы думаем в Индии: Shri Mataji: Most of the children in India sit on the ground. Yuri Vasiliev: Большинство детей в Индии сидят на полу. Shri Mataji: To study one must have tapasia. Yuri Vasiliev: Для того, чтобы учиться, вам нужна тапасия, какие-то подвиги, можно сказать, терпение и подвиги.. Shri Mataji: If they become very comfortable then they will become like american children. Yuri Vasiliev: Если им будет слишком удобно, они станут как американские дети. Video cuts off Yuri Vasiliev: Но они реализованные души, поэтому они наслаждаются всем! Директор школы: Я считаю, что мы, конечно, душу будем иметь хорошую. Но, чтобы душа пела, надо, чтобы хорошо не только нам будет, но и всем остальным. Yuri Vasiliev: I believe we will have a very good soul Shri Mataji. Our souls will be singing but we need to be sure Shri Mataji that everything everyone will be alright. Shri Mataji: Everyone will be alright. Yuri Vasiliev: Все будут в порядке! Shri Mataji speaks to Vasiliev. Yuri Vasiliev: Ваши условия улучшатся, улучшатся намного. Директор школы: Если бы мы не верили, мы бы не создавали все это для детей и для будущего. Но мы верим. Yuri Vasiliev: We have faith Shri Mataji, if we did not have faith we could not have taken all of these problems. We have great faith. Shri Mataji: Yes we can organize. Директор школы: Дети понравились? Yuri Vasiliev: Did you like the children Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: Wonderful. Yuri Vasiliev: Прекрасные!! Прекрасные! Директор школы: Это от великого добра, которое мы хотим сделать им, веруя прежде всего в Нее. Yuri Vasiliev: Our good our kindness what we have to give to our children. Shri Mataji: Love is very important. Yuri Vasiliev: Любовь - очень важна! Yuri Vasiliev: Almost all our teachers are realised souls by now and how should we take our job how can we work it out Shri Mataji properly? Shri Mataji: It’s alright. Be inspiration. Yuri Vasiliev: Мы должны быть вдохновением говорит Шри Матаджи. Shri Mataji is shown some handicrafts made by children. Teacher: Эти работы делали дети, они не знали не умели ничего. Yuri Vasiliev: Nobody taught them only by meditation Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Very good. Yuri Vasiliev: Очень созидательные, творческие дети Teacher: Это место, где утром дети медитируют и вечером перед отходом домой тоже медитируют. Yuri Vasiliev: Every morning and every evening Shri Mataji children meditate in this place. Yuri Vasiliev: This is art teacher Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Great. Шри Матаджи показывают рисунки. Shri Mataji: Very good. Good. Yuri Vasiliev: Очень хорошие, замечательные. Это - знамя Сахаджа-Йоги. [it’s a banner of sahaja yogis] Yuri Vasiliev: Кто сделал эту работу? Очень хорошая. Замечательно! Shri Mataji: Congratulations.
Arrival Talk
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Speech at arrival in Boryspil airport, Kiev (Ukraine). 17. September 1994. I don’t know how to thank you all for such a welcome you have organized for Me.Actually on Moscow’s airport they were little non-cooperative, and I was worried because they said, “You can’t go to Kiev”. All of your prayers have worked and I am here with you. There are so many who have come with Me, and everybody is so anxious to meet you here. They have had a big conference of the scientists. There were 2,000 scientists and about 10,000 people, and they were convinced that morality is very important for medicine. Without morality people cannot keep good health. They contaminate diseases. And I was surprised, this is only possible in your country – either Russia or Kiev – where people have such enlightened mind. No one can think of such a thing in other countries. You people are very advanced in your wisdom.Also you are very deep in understanding spirituality – how important it is. I don’t know when will I learn Russian, it’s quite a difficult language. If I had come in My young age I would have learnt it, but I didn’t come that time. And I find that even if I don’t understand the language – I understand your heart. Some Indians had come and they said, “These people have a very, very large heart. We cannot be compared with them.” Even the English, the Germans, Austrians – all of them feel that about you. So, now we have a Diwali Puja in Istanbul, and it is specially I have arranged there so that it’s easy for you to come there. We are going to have marriages there. So, I would like to have the forms filled by you. So, I hope to see you in Istanbul, which is not so difficult to go from here. So, may GOD bless you all, may GOD bless You.
Speech at arrival in Boryspil airport, Kiev (Ukraine). 17. September 1994. I don’t know how to thank you all for such a welcome you have organized for Me.Actually on Moscow’s airport they were little non-cooperative, and I was worried because they said, “You can’t go to Kiev”. All of your prayers have worked and I am here with you. There are so many who have come with Me, and everybody is so anxious to meet you here. They have had a big conference of the scientists. There were 2,000 scientists and about 10,000 people, and they were convinced that morality is very important for medicine. Without morality people cannot keep good health. They contaminate diseases. And I was surprised, this is only possible in your country – either Russia or Kiev – where people have such enlightened mind. No one can think of such a thing in other countries. You people are very advanced in your wisdom.Also you are very deep in understanding spirituality – how important it is. I don’t know when will I learn Russian, it’s quite a difficult language. If I had come in My young age I would have learnt it, but I didn’t come that time. And I find that even if I don’t understand the language – I understand your heart. Some Indians had come and they said, “These people have a very, very large heart. We cannot be compared with them.” Even the English, the Germans, Austrians – all of them feel that about you. So, now we have a Diwali Puja in Istanbul, and it is specially I have arranged there so that it’s easy for you to come there. We are going to have marriages there. So, I would like to have the forms filled by you. So, I hope to see you in Istanbul, which is not so difficult to go from here. So, may GOD bless you all, may GOD bless You.
It is your right to be united with the Divine Power of Love
Public Program
Public Program. Togliatti (Russia), 17 September 1994. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. It seems Tolyatti is a special place in Russia. where we have so many seekers and very genuine people, so many singers, musicians, dancers such a beautiful volgari yuvavour. its such a pleasure to me to be with you again. At the very out said, we all should know that Truth is what it is. We can not change it, we can not describe it and even if you read about it, you don't get to it. There is a happening which has to take place within us. As you know what's stuff you know that there is a power called 'Kundalini' within us. In the triangular bone which is called as Sacrum that means the Greeks knew its a Sacred bone. Sahaja means saha is 'with' ja means 'born with you'. Born with you is the right to have this yoga.{not mine doesn't.. take it little away (inAudible) little away(SriMataji laughs)} which means it is born with you the right to be united you have the yoga. To be united to this All-pervading power of Divine Love. You see these beautiful flowers here, who makes them?. How one type of flower is grown in one type of tree or a on bush. We do not understand, its a Miracle and our heart who runs our heart? if you ask the Doctors, they will say it is Autonomous nervous system. Who is this Auto? no one can answer. Science can not answer many questions. Unless and until you become one with this Divine power, you will not understand why you are on this Earth. But, if you think that doing some rituals or practising some austerities or going to Himalayas will achieve that ascent is not possible. Actually we must know that Christ or Mohammad saheb and all these people were very pure personalities Of such a high quality that they did not understand human beings. It's written in the Bible in the fifth chapter of Matthews that " if you commit any sin with your eye, take it your eye. Or if you commit any sin with your hand, cut out your hand. Also, if somebody slaps you on your one cheek, you put another cheek to it". This is very difficult. Imagine in the west all people will have taken out their eyes and cut out their hands, because that's so immoral. They have no sense of family, no sense of morality. So this religion which Christ has said is meant for people who are of very high caliber. He must be thinking that human beings are all Realised souls, very evolved. So, he has said " I will send you the Holy Ghost ". If he was the last, if he was the final then why did he say that he will send the Holy Ghost here? The Holy Ghost has to have three qualities. One is a Comforter by which Holy Ghost has to cure people, give them the comfort. Like the way you are comfortably sitting and you can get your Realisation. The second job was a Counsiler. That Holy Ghost will give you counsil which will be for your good and which will help you to guide your life and the third quality described is a Redemption, redeemer. That means the Holy Ghost will forgive all your sins and will redeem you means, he will evolve you and take you to a higher life and then he said the kingdom will be yours, kingdom of GOD will be yours. This is what exactly Sahajayoga is, and that is how you are now so many of you are realised souls here and so very dedicated. It is a miracle that so many people have got their Realisations here. Many people have been cured. Even in a big meeting like this it was very surprising. In Moscow, one lady came to me on her wheelchair and I just told her now you get up and walk. She got up and she started running, She forgot even her chair there and when we were going in the car later on we found her running for the bus. So people who have faith, not blind faith once they have got their Realisation, they can feel this All-Pervading power of Divine Love and they once they have faith, they immediately react so fast that they are cured completely. Today I went to a school where I saw children were all Realised sould born in Togliatti and this is the sign that there are many Sahaja yogis in Togliatti. Children don't want to be born in places where there is no Sahaja yoga. They take birth in places where they will be given spiritual life. These are special people who are getting birth. Very spiritual and you are blessed with these children. You will realise and you will understand them better. Otherwise maybe if they are born to people who have no spirituality, they may be torchured. So, this Kundalini awakening is very spontaneous and works out very fast, for thousands of people it works out and it doesn't give any trouble to you. When the Kundalini rises, She nourishes your subtle centres. All the world problems are mostly because of human beings and most or I should say, all the human problems come from their subtle centres. If these centres are put right through Kundalini awakening, and if they are nourished by It, then our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems are solved automatically. This requires a deep understanding that the time has come for us to evolve now. After evolution you feel the cool breeze on your fingertips. Even the children can feel it. Now with this you can feel your own centres. So you get your self knowledge. You also feel the centre of others. Sitting down here, you can feel the centres of anyone anywhere. Even if somebody is dead you can feel the centres of that person. If you know how to correct these centers then you can correct your centres and correct the centres of others. Thus we can get rid off all these problems for which we have to pay so much we have to suffer so much. As you feel the centres of others, that means you become collectively conscious. That means who is the other? Microcosm becomes the Macrocosm. Like a drop becomes the Ocean. You become a personality which is Universal. A Global personality. There is no difference anymore. Another thing happens that you know the absolute Truth on your fingertips. Normally we know relative truths. Somebody says this is good, somebody says that is good. But, we have to know the truth which is absolute, otherwise there will be quarrels, fights and wars. Many people don't believe in GOD. You have to just put your hands like this and ask: " Mother is there GOD? " and immediately you start getting a kind of a cool breeze sensation. They said that Christ was the Son of GOD. That is the Truth. So you have to feel, also ask a question: " Mother, was Christ the Son of GOD? " See., so whatever you learn in Sahaja yoga, you can verify. Everything can be verified in Sahaja yoga. Because, it is an absolute truth. if there is a false guru, you can find out easily. But they gradually disappear one by one. They are so frightened of reality. In my lifetime so many of them are finished. Nobody can be mislead you now. Now your attention becomes enlightened and in the enlightened attention, you give up everything that is destructive for you. You give up all immorality, you give up smoking, drinking, everything and you lead a very spiritual life and great brotherhood among yourself, great love. in India, we get sometimes, three, four thousand people together from sixty-five nations and surprisingly there is never a quarrel, fight never. Great fun and enjoyment. Above all you jump into the ocean of Joy. Waves of Joy start coming in you. Joy is singular. Happiness and unhappiness are two sides of one coin. If your ego is pampered then you feel happy. But if your ego is punctured, then you feel unhappy. But Joy is a state where you become a witness everything and see everything as a drama. Sahaja yoga is so simple and is meant for simple people not for complicated, not for over-ambitious people, not for idiots, not for people of arrogance. If you are humble, you get your self-realisation in no time. We had a very good experience in St.Petersburg the other day, when we had a conference of two thousand scientists and afterwards we had also another big programme where people got realisation without doing anything to them and I am sure is will happen tonight here also. So just put your hands towards ME like this. All of you. I think the breeze has stopped now. If you feel a cool breeze like thing or a hot breeze in your hand and also through your fontenelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Try to feel it. He is a posessed boy. Ask him to go out. Go out.(Mixed unknown sound) Please put your hand up like this. No no this one is alright, this one Red and Black. yeah put your hand, stupid fellow. Posessed. I can see now. Please put your hand on top of your head. All of you please put. Now put your right hand towards me and feel it with left hand. Now with the left hand again and with the right hand. From your own head you should feel. All those who have felt cool breeze on their hands or on their fingertips or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. (Sree Mataji laughs) That is Tolyatti. Its a thing I can not describe my Joy. To see so many saints sitting before me. I never never expected in my life time and that I should come to Tolyatti where there are so many saints already. I love you all with my heart. You must all of you should meditate and pray because whatever your desires will be fulfilled. You will be protected all the time. The director in charge of that area what is it called where we are staying, where we are staying that place that Volga, near the Volga, Where that place, you see, the director of that came and told me, some mafia came to trouble him very much. He looked at my photo and said Mother please protect me and they all run away forever(Sree Mataji laughs). I have heard also about another one who was renovating the house and the mafia came there, and when he was renovating mafia came and said that you must pay us for protection, so he said we are already protected. So they said alright will come and fight tomorrow with the guns with those people who are protecting you. So he said you can not fight them with guns. So he said how, because he said they are divine, that's divine force and he told them about Sahaja yoga and they ran away and never came back. All these things will be happening very beautiful things, like now I am in Italy so all mafias run away and also half of the politicians are in jail(Sree Mataji laughs). So, So all bad people who are against the development of the country will have to be very careful now and you don't have to worry about anyone. Gradually financial position improves, everything improves. But one thing I would like to warn you that I have seen lots of imported things selling in your shops. At a very exorbitant prirces. If you are patriotic don't buy anything out of these imported things. This is all the junk in the west, they can not sell because of recession. So why should you waste your money on this junk. In Turkey they did so and they have become absolutely poor. You need not try to be Germans or French. You should be Russians. Because Russians are much higher in spirituality and one day they will have to learn from you. So understand that though they are little dearth of money, it doesn't matter. With Sahaja yoga you get satisfaction and with that satisfaction you can live with whatever is available. In the west there is so much greed. Before that now you got realisation. So please try to be satisfied people. Because you have got the pure desire of Kundalini. Other desires are not pure. Today people want a House then a Car then a Helicopter then an Aeroplane there is no end to it. There is no end to it. So that kind of a desire is of no use. Whatever you desire and you get it, when you are not happy what's the use of such a desire. So I would request you again and again, please don't buy anything that is imported. In India you won't find even one shop where you have imported things. Mahatma Gandhi told us " Don't buy anything imported " and the British had to leave us, they couldn't manage and we didn't have so many things, we had to spend our own yarn and where Khadi which was very coarse, coarse, coarse, coarse is rough. To buy things of your country, they are very artistic they are very beautiful and your prosperity will improve. Next year again I will come. Also we are going to have a Diwali puja this time in Turkey. All who want to come are very welcome. Moreover we are going to have weddings. Those who want to get married in Turkey should give their forms to their leaders. Thank you very much. Want to sing one song..Alright sing a song (Sree Mataji laughs), Where is that dancer Reema? On my way out we should call her later on. Later on, later on I will see Reema. Later on. Moon has come. See the dancer the one green colour (inaudible) who is dancing (inaudible)
Public Program. Togliatti (Russia), 17 September 1994. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. It seems Tolyatti is a special place in Russia. where we have so many seekers and very genuine people, so many singers, musicians, dancers such a beautiful volgari yuvavour. its such a pleasure to me to be with you again. At the very out said, we all should know that Truth is what it is. We can not change it, we can not describe it and even if you read about it, you don't get to it. There is a happening which has to take place within us. As you know what's stuff you know that there is a power called 'Kundalini' within us. In the triangular bone which is called as Sacrum that means the Greeks knew its a Sacred bone. Sahaja means saha is 'with' ja means 'born with you'. Born with you is the right to have this yoga.{not mine doesn't.. take it little away (inAudible) little away(SriMataji laughs)} which means it is born with you the right to be united you have the yoga. To be united to this All-pervading power of Divine Love. You see these beautiful flowers here, who makes them?. How one type of flower is grown in one type of tree or a on bush. We do not understand, its a Miracle and our heart who runs our heart? if you ask the Doctors, they will say it is Autonomous nervous system. Who is this Auto? no one can answer. Science can not answer many questions. Unless and until you become one with this Divine power, you will not understand why you are on this Earth. But, if you think that doing some rituals or practising some austerities or going to Himalayas will achieve that ascent is not possible. Actually we must know that Christ or Mohammad saheb and all these people were very pure personalities Of such a high quality that they did not understand human beings. It's written in the Bible in the fifth chapter of Matthews that " if you commit any sin with your eye, take it your eye. Or if you commit any sin with your hand, cut out your hand. Also, if somebody slaps you on your one cheek, you put another cheek to it". This is very difficult. Imagine in the west all people will have taken out their eyes and cut out their hands, because that's so immoral. They have no sense of family, no sense of morality. So this religion which Christ has said is meant for people who are of very high caliber. He must be thinking that human beings are all Realised souls, very evolved. So, he has said " I will send you the Holy Ghost ". If he was the last, if he was the final then why did he say that he will send the Holy Ghost here? The Holy Ghost has to have three qualities. One is a Comforter by which Holy Ghost has to cure people, give them the comfort. Like the way you are comfortably sitting and you can get your Realisation. The second job was a Counsiler. That Holy Ghost will give you counsil which will be for your good and which will help you to guide your life and the third quality described is a Redemption, redeemer. That means the Holy Ghost will forgive all your sins and will redeem you means, he will evolve you and take you to a higher life and then he said the kingdom will be yours, kingdom of GOD will be yours. This is what exactly Sahajayoga is, and that is how you are now so many of you are realised souls here and so very dedicated. It is a miracle that so many people have got their Realisations here. Many people have been cured. Even in a big meeting like this it was very surprising. In Moscow, one lady came to me on her wheelchair and I just told her now you get up and walk. She got up and she started running, She forgot even her chair there and when we were going in the car later on we found her running for the bus. So people who have faith, not blind faith once they have got their Realisation, they can feel this All-Pervading power of Divine Love and they once they have faith, they immediately react so fast that they are cured completely. Today I went to a school where I saw children were all Realised sould born in Togliatti and this is the sign that there are many Sahaja yogis in Togliatti. Children don't want to be born in places where there is no Sahaja yoga. They take birth in places where they will be given spiritual life. These are special people who are getting birth. Very spiritual and you are blessed with these children. You will realise and you will understand them better. Otherwise maybe if they are born to people who have no spirituality, they may be torchured. So, this Kundalini awakening is very spontaneous and works out very fast, for thousands of people it works out and it doesn't give any trouble to you. When the Kundalini rises, She nourishes your subtle centres. All the world problems are mostly because of human beings and most or I should say, all the human problems come from their subtle centres. If these centres are put right through Kundalini awakening, and if they are nourished by It, then our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems are solved automatically. This requires a deep understanding that the time has come for us to evolve now. After evolution you feel the cool breeze on your fingertips. Even the children can feel it. Now with this you can feel your own centres. So you get your self knowledge. You also feel the centre of others. Sitting down here, you can feel the centres of anyone anywhere. Even if somebody is dead you can feel the centres of that person. If you know how to correct these centers then you can correct your centres and correct the centres of others. Thus we can get rid off all these problems for which we have to pay so much we have to suffer so much. As you feel the centres of others, that means you become collectively conscious. That means who is the other? Microcosm becomes the Macrocosm. Like a drop becomes the Ocean. You become a personality which is Universal. A Global personality. There is no difference anymore. Another thing happens that you know the absolute Truth on your fingertips. Normally we know relative truths. Somebody says this is good, somebody says that is good. But, we have to know the truth which is absolute, otherwise there will be quarrels, fights and wars. Many people don't believe in GOD. You have to just put your hands like this and ask: " Mother is there GOD? " and immediately you start getting a kind of a cool breeze sensation. They said that Christ was the Son of GOD. That is the Truth. So you have to feel, also ask a question: " Mother, was Christ the Son of GOD? " See., so whatever you learn in Sahaja yoga, you can verify. Everything can be verified in Sahaja yoga. Because, it is an absolute truth. if there is a false guru, you can find out easily. But they gradually disappear one by one. They are so frightened of reality. In my lifetime so many of them are finished. Nobody can be mislead you now. Now your attention becomes enlightened and in the enlightened attention, you give up everything that is destructive for you. You give up all immorality, you give up smoking, drinking, everything and you lead a very spiritual life and great brotherhood among yourself, great love. in India, we get sometimes, three, four thousand people together from sixty-five nations and surprisingly there is never a quarrel, fight never. Great fun and enjoyment. Above all you jump into the ocean of Joy. Waves of Joy start coming in you. Joy is singular. Happiness and unhappiness are two sides of one coin. If your ego is pampered then you feel happy. But if your ego is punctured, then you feel unhappy. But Joy is a state where you become a witness everything and see everything as a drama. Sahaja yoga is so simple and is meant for simple people not for complicated, not for over-ambitious people, not for idiots, not for people of arrogance. If you are humble, you get your self-realisation in no time. We had a very good experience in St.Petersburg the other day, when we had a conference of two thousand scientists and afterwards we had also another big programme where people got realisation without doing anything to them and I am sure is will happen tonight here also. So just put your hands towards ME like this. All of you. I think the breeze has stopped now. If you feel a cool breeze like thing or a hot breeze in your hand and also through your fontenelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Try to feel it. He is a posessed boy. Ask him to go out. Go out.(Mixed unknown sound) Please put your hand up like this. No no this one is alright, this one Red and Black. yeah put your hand, stupid fellow. Posessed. I can see now. Please put your hand on top of your head. All of you please put. Now put your right hand towards me and feel it with left hand. Now with the left hand again and with the right hand. From your own head you should feel. All those who have felt cool breeze on their hands or on their fingertips or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. (Sree Mataji laughs) That is Tolyatti. Its a thing I can not describe my Joy. To see so many saints sitting before me. I never never expected in my life time and that I should come to Tolyatti where there are so many saints already. I love you all with my heart. You must all of you should meditate and pray because whatever your desires will be fulfilled. You will be protected all the time. The director in charge of that area what is it called where we are staying, where we are staying that place that Volga, near the Volga, Where that place, you see, the director of that came and told me, some mafia came to trouble him very much. He looked at my photo and said Mother please protect me and they all run away forever(Sree Mataji laughs). I have heard also about another one who was renovating the house and the mafia came there, and when he was renovating mafia came and said that you must pay us for protection, so he said we are already protected. So they said alright will come and fight tomorrow with the guns with those people who are protecting you. So he said you can not fight them with guns. So he said how, because he said they are divine, that's divine force and he told them about Sahaja yoga and they ran away and never came back. All these things will be happening very beautiful things, like now I am in Italy so all mafias run away and also half of the politicians are in jail(Sree Mataji laughs). So, So all bad people who are against the development of the country will have to be very careful now and you don't have to worry about anyone. Gradually financial position improves, everything improves. But one thing I would like to warn you that I have seen lots of imported things selling in your shops. At a very exorbitant prirces. If you are patriotic don't buy anything out of these imported things. This is all the junk in the west, they can not sell because of recession. So why should you waste your money on this junk. In Turkey they did so and they have become absolutely poor. You need not try to be Germans or French. You should be Russians. Because Russians are much higher in spirituality and one day they will have to learn from you. So understand that though they are little dearth of money, it doesn't matter. With Sahaja yoga you get satisfaction and with that satisfaction you can live with whatever is available. In the west there is so much greed. Before that now you got realisation. So please try to be satisfied people. Because you have got the pure desire of Kundalini. Other desires are not pure. Today people want a House then a Car then a Helicopter then an Aeroplane there is no end to it. There is no end to it. So that kind of a desire is of no use. Whatever you desire and you get it, when you are not happy what's the use of such a desire. So I would request you again and again, please don't buy anything that is imported. In India you won't find even one shop where you have imported things. Mahatma Gandhi told us " Don't buy anything imported " and the British had to leave us, they couldn't manage and we didn't have so many things, we had to spend our own yarn and where Khadi which was very coarse, coarse, coarse, coarse is rough. To buy things of your country, they are very artistic they are very beautiful and your prosperity will improve. Next year again I will come. Also we are going to have a Diwali puja this time in Turkey. All who want to come are very welcome. Moreover we are going to have weddings. Those who want to get married in Turkey should give their forms to their leaders. Thank you very much. Want to sing one song..Alright sing a song (Sree Mataji laughs), Where is that dancer Reema? On my way out we should call her later on. Later on, later on I will see Reema. Later on. Moon has come. See the dancer the one green colour (inaudible) who is dancing (inaudible)
Kundalini is the reflection of that Primordial Mother within you
Public Program
Public Program, Ukrayina Palace, Kyiv, Ukraine, 09/18/1994 I bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very outset we have to know that Truth is what it is. We can not change it, we can not describe it, and unfortunately at this humane awareness we can not know it. Whatever I’m trying to tell you here you should not take it to blindfolded. The blind faith has created lots of problems for us. But you must keep your mind open like a scientist. And if it is proved, than you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is for your good, for the benevolence of your country, and for the benevolence of the whole world. In the evolutionary process we have reached up to the point where we can called as humane beings. But we have not reached our highestly goal because we do not know the Absolute Truth.. The truth about you is that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions. Also you are not these conditionings and this ego. You say, “My intellect, my emotions, my body”. It’s all “my”. Who is this “Me”? So this is what is going to happen now that you have to become the Spirit. Because you are the Spirit. The second great Truth is that you see these flowers; they are all miracles of beautiful garden. We take them for granted; we don’t even wonder how they have been created by this Mother Earth. Who does this work? Who runs our heart? If you ask a doctors, they’ll say, “It is autonomous nervous system”. But who is this “Auto”? So we have to understand that there is some Power, which does this. This Power is the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. In Koran they call it “Ruh”. And in the Bible they call it as the “cool breeze of the Holy Ghost”. Indian Scriptures it is called as “Param Chaitanya”. Patanjali has called as “Rutam Bhara Pragnya”. Whatever name you may call It, but It exists all the time into every part and parcel of Creation. And does all the living work. We can not explain the living work. As you know science is very limited. It can not say why are you on this Earth. What is the purpose of your life. What is your identity. Also it is immoral. Out of science people have created atom bombs and all kinds of things without any discrimination. You too have here this disaster – Chernobyl. All this is because of unlimited movement of science. So then what should we do? Within us lies a power, which we call as Kundalini. As it is shown there it is in the triangular bone called as sacrum. That means the Greeks knew it is a sacred bone. This Kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. Very surprisingly there is no mention of the Primordial Mother. We have got Father – the God, Son – the God, but no Mother. They call Her Holy Ghost. This Kundalini is the reflection of that Primordial Mother within you. She seated there to give you your second birth. She’s your own Mother. And she is anxious to give you your second birth. In Sanskrit language an enlightened soul is called as dvijaha. Means “born twice”, “twice born”. Also the birds are called as dvijaha. Because they are first born as eggs and then they become the birds. In the same way a humane being is born as a humane being and then he becomes an enlightened soul. This bird is very different from the egg. In the same way an enlightened soul is very different from this humane state. So it is very important for us to become the enlightened ones. Christ was a pure logos what you call “the first sound”. We call it omkara. He was too pure to understand humane beings. And what He has said in the fifth chapter Mathew that, “If you eye does anything wrong, then take it out”. “If your hand does anything wrong, cut it out”. “If somebody slaps you on this side, you give the another side”. This is very difficult for humane beings. I think most of the people, in the West specially, would be without eyes, without hands. Because they have no value for morality. But He has said that you have to be born again. So some people brand themselves as “born again”. You may be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anything, you can commit any sin. Also this “born again” the same style, it’s just a brand. There is no transformation. Mohammed Sahib came afterwards and he thought, “Christ has been very strict with men”. So He got the Shariat which was given by Moses to Jews, for the Muslims. Now, imagine this Shariat is so horrible that if you steal anything, you cut your hands. If you abuse anybody, you cut your tong. I think most of the Americans will be without tongs. Because at every sentence they abuse. But Mohammed Sahib gave this Shariat to the Muslims. And thought that the Shariat is very strong on men, so He also have brought some strictness for women. Both Mohammed Sahib and Christ were different people, absolutely above our grasp. It’s very difficult to follow Them. So you have to be enlightened soul if you want to follow Them. This is what Sahaja Yoga is. That your Kundalini awakens and starts passing through six centers and comes out of your fontanel bone area and connects you to the this All Pervading Power of Divine Love. We have so far used only the power of hatred, never of pure love. Love, which is devoid of greed or any kind of expectation. Pure love without any lust. And this is the power, which is doing all the beautiful things for us. So first thing that happens to you that you start feeling the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your fontanel bone area. This is the actualization of baptism. It is not just some priest put some water and says, “Now you are a Christian” or a Muslim says, “Now you have become a Muslim”, is not like that. It is an actualization, it’s a happening within you. So when this Kundalini rises she passes through these six centers. All the problems of the world are mostly because of humane beings. And most of the humane problems are because of these centers because they are for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. So when the Kundalini passes through these six centers she enlightens them, she integrates them, and also she nourishes them. Thus many diseases are cured. Mentally, mental diseases are cured also. Even financial problems improved. Emotional problems. And the person becomes extremely dynamic as well as extremely compassionate. We have many musicians in India who were not so good when they came to Sahaja Yoga and today they are world famous. This is nothing, there are so many things happen that people who have never been orators become orators, poets, writers. All kinds of potential capacities start manifesting. We are all the time thinking and the thoughts rise and fall, rise and fall. They either come from the past or from the future. So we are jumping in the past or in the future all the time. But if I say, “Be in your present”, you can not. But when the Kundalini rises she elongates those thoughts and sets the little space in between, which is the present, which expands. And you become thoughtlessly aware. You aware, but absolutely thoughtless. Then inspirations start coming. And you don’t know from where they come. We have six centers and they go into jeopardy because of our maybe wrong decisions. But the lowest center is for our innocence. Our innocence can never be destroyed because it is eternal. Only it can be covered with some clouds. But with the awakening of the Kundalini the innocence comes back to us. Our attention becomes absolutely innocent and there is no lust and greed in our attention. It is very subtle that we can feel the center, our own centers on our fingertips. And whenever we put our attention on anyone we can feel his centers also. Because who is the other? The microcosm has become the macrocosm. A drop has become the ocean. You become a global personality and then you talk the language of centers. You transit all the limitations of racialism, nationalism, all kinds of -isms. Your attention becomes innocent and it acts, whenever you put your attention it works. Above all you know the absolute truth. On your fingertips you can know the absolute truth. Many people don’t believe in God. They can ask a question, “Is there a God?” And immediately they get start feeling the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost on their hands because that’s the truth. Christ was the Son of God, no doubt. So you can ask the question, “Was He the Son of God?” and immediately you start getting cool breeze on your fingertips. Now if you know how to correct your centers, you can correct your centers because you get the Self-knowledge. And also you get the knowledge about others. You can cure others also. When you become thoughtlessly aware, you become absolutely peaceful. You become very dynamic, but you feel very young. I’m about seventy-two years of age now running [UNRECOGNIZED WORD]. And every day I’m traveling, every day practically. I don’t think I am traveling. I’m sitting everywhere and that’s what I feel. In the same way you all drop your age and become much younger and happier. You become so peaceful and wherever you go you manifest peace and joy. Above all you jump in the sea of joy. Joy is the singular thing. But happiness and unhappiness are the two sides of a coin. If your ego is pampered you feel happy, if it is punchered you’ll feel unhappy. But joy is singular. You become the witness and see everything as a drama and really you swim in the ocean of joy. Thus you enter into the Kingdom of God. This is the Last Judgment, it is for you to decide whether you want to enter into the Kingdom of God or you want to destroy yourself. And then you are surprised how blissful everything becomes. You are protected all the time. No mafia can trouble you. All mafia people will be destroyed when we’ll have lots of Sahaja Yogis here. It has happened in Italy, the mafia of Italy is completely destroyed. And sixty percent dishonest people, politicians and others are in jail. This happens when the Divine Power works. I’m happy to see you all in such good health. First time when I had come there were so many patients of Chernobyl. And last year there was a negative force of this “White Order”. All such forces are now destroyed practically, everything. But one thing I would like to warn you: the Western culture is coming, is the most dangerous thing you can think of. First of all you have to become absolutely stupid people. Like there is an actress who married eight times in America. And thousands of people went to see her going for her honeymoon with her twenty-five younger husband. And there were ten helicopters hovering around her house and they were parachuting down with their cameras. So many of them fell on the tree, some fell on the people. Such stupid things they are teaching. They have only two hundred year old people. There is one fellow – Simpson, who murdered his wife, so now they are saying you should not have marriages, because people murder wives. They followed this stupid Freud for years together where he said that there is a bad relationship between a son and the mother. There’s no wisdom, they have no wisdom, they are not mature at all. They are good at making money and also because they have a country, which has lots of things. But they are now in recession, all over, everywhere in Europe they are in recession. And they are exporting all their junk to your country. And they get so much of your money. They make you absolutely poor. Like in Turkey people were so much under the influence of German television and they started taking all German things, buying all German things, even the food. They felt an inferiority complex. But they are great artists; I don’t know how these people impressed such matured, wise people. As a result that country has become very poor. They are also selling here lot of junk. And even in Russia they are having shops and shops of this junk. In India you can’t find one shop with imported things, not even one shop. Only those who go abroad can bring some things, very little. So you should not, really, buy anything from these shops. Because these things are throwing away. They have over-production and they don’t know what to do with it, it can not fetch any money. Also this modern music is very bad for the brain. The doctors have said, everybody said but nobody listens. Now they have got intoxicated. But you people are wise, take to wisdom. Not that stupid fashions. Specially women have to be very careful. They started a fashion of exposing all the legs with the six inches of skirt. And all of them, all those women got varicose veins, pains, arthritis, all kinds of diseases. Then the fashion came where they had long skirts but open. In such cold countries why do the stupid things like this? But you people have lots of wisdom, now don’t lose it. Specially the women. You have to preserve this country. And not to make yourself cheap. Women who are cheap are never respected. I am really worried about this point that if you start taking to Western culture you’ll be completely lost nation. We have experience of this in India. And Mahatma Gandhi started a movement that nothing from abroad we’ll buy. And the British who have ruled us for three hundred years had to go back. So please I would request you all not to take to this junk and used. I’m so thankful to you for your love and for your kindness. People of not only Kyiv, but the whole of Ukraine are extremely lovable. I don’t know how to express Myself, because I have Myself become like an ocean of love. I hope all of you get your Realization tonight. It is your freedom I respect. If you don’t want to have your Realization, you may go. I can not force on you. As I told you this is the Last Judgment. Mohammed Sahib has said, “When [SOUNDS LIKE – Kyama] will come, – means when the Resurrection time will come, –then your hands will speak and they will give evidence against you”, means they’ll tell you what centers are wrong in you. So this process is only for ten minutes that you will feel this cool breeze, but those who do not want, should leave the hall. It is spontaneous, it is Sahaj. “Saha” means “with”, “ja” is “born”. It is born with you, this right to have this Yoga, means the union with the Divine Power. You can not pay for it. This is one should understand that you can not pay for your spiritual life. You can pay for this hall, maybe for the carpets, but you can’t pay for Divine Love. We have no organization. There are sixty-five nations where we have Sahaja Yoga. Specially in Russia in a place called place Togliatti we have more than twenty one thousands Sahaja Yogis. I have no secretary, nothing; it is all working so well because coming from your heart. So I would request all of you to put your hands like this towards Me. Just higher. All right. Now you have to bend your head and put your right hand on top of the fontanel bone area and see if there’s a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. You have to forgive everyone. Also you have to forgive yourself, you are not to feel guilty at all. At this moment you are not to say anything about others or about yourself. No confessions. All right? If it is hot, that means you have not yet forgiven. Now put the right hand towards Me and now bend your head again and see for yourself if there’s a cool or a hot breeze coming out. Now again with the left hand you try, bend your head and see for yourself if there’s a hot or a cool breeze like vibrations are coming out of your head. Now please put both the hands towards the sky like this and ask one of these questions. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. Now please ask a question, “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” Ask in your heart three times. Or else ask three times, “Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of Divine Love?” Or else you can ask three times, “Mother, is this the Parama Chaitanya?” Now please take down your hands. Please put your hands like this towards Me, look at Me and don’t think. Now, please those who have got cool breeze in the palm or on the fingertips or out of the fontanel bone area, cool or hot, please raise both your hands. (Shri Mataji laughs). That is Kyiv, I tell you. All of you. May God bless you. Your hands are shining. May God bless you. May God bless you. I bow to you, I bow to you, now you have started your saintly life. Now you have to grow. For that you have to come to our centers. You don’t have to pay anything. But you will know everything about yourself within yourself. Within one month you’ll become masters. You can give Realization to others. You can raise their Kundalini and also you can cure people. In the center they will tell you how to meditate for ten minutes every evening. All your problems will be solved. Is the Divine Force that will work it out. I bless you from My heart. I’ll again come next year and I’ll hope to see you all grown up much bigger than this. Thank you very much. They have to clap. (The Kyiv bhajan group is going to sing Vishwa Vandita and Shri Mataji said it to the interpreter to convey to the public.) And now enjoy your Self.
Public Program, Ukrayina Palace, Kyiv, Ukraine, 09/18/1994 I bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very outset we have to know that Truth is what it is. We can not change it, we can not describe it, and unfortunately at this humane awareness we can not know it. Whatever I’m trying to tell you here you should not take it to blindfolded. The blind faith has created lots of problems for us. But you must keep your mind open like a scientist. And if it is proved, than you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is for your good, for the benevolence of your country, and for the benevolence of the whole world. In the evolutionary process we have reached up to the point where we can called as humane beings. But we have not reached our highestly goal because we do not know the Absolute Truth.. The truth about you is that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions. Also you are not these conditionings and this ego. You say, “My intellect, my emotions, my body”. It’s all “my”. Who is this “Me”? So this is what is going to happen now that you have to become the Spirit. Because you are the Spirit. The second great Truth is that you see these flowers; they are all miracles of beautiful garden. We take them for granted; we don’t even wonder how they have been created by this Mother Earth. Who does this work? Who runs our heart? If you ask a doctors, they’ll say, “It is autonomous nervous system”. But who is this “Auto”? So we have to understand that there is some Power, which does this. This Power is the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. In Koran they call it “Ruh”. And in the Bible they call it as the “cool breeze of the Holy Ghost”. Indian Scriptures it is called as “Param Chaitanya”. Patanjali has called as “Rutam Bhara Pragnya”. Whatever name you may call It, but It exists all the time into every part and parcel of Creation. And does all the living work. We can not explain the living work. As you know science is very limited. It can not say why are you on this Earth. What is the purpose of your life. What is your identity. Also it is immoral. Out of science people have created atom bombs and all kinds of things without any discrimination. You too have here this disaster – Chernobyl. All this is because of unlimited movement of science. So then what should we do? Within us lies a power, which we call as Kundalini. As it is shown there it is in the triangular bone called as sacrum. That means the Greeks knew it is a sacred bone. This Kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. Very surprisingly there is no mention of the Primordial Mother. We have got Father – the God, Son – the God, but no Mother. They call Her Holy Ghost. This Kundalini is the reflection of that Primordial Mother within you. She seated there to give you your second birth. She’s your own Mother. And she is anxious to give you your second birth. In Sanskrit language an enlightened soul is called as dvijaha. Means “born twice”, “twice born”. Also the birds are called as dvijaha. Because they are first born as eggs and then they become the birds. In the same way a humane being is born as a humane being and then he becomes an enlightened soul. This bird is very different from the egg. In the same way an enlightened soul is very different from this humane state. So it is very important for us to become the enlightened ones. Christ was a pure logos what you call “the first sound”. We call it omkara. He was too pure to understand humane beings. And what He has said in the fifth chapter Mathew that, “If you eye does anything wrong, then take it out”. “If your hand does anything wrong, cut it out”. “If somebody slaps you on this side, you give the another side”. This is very difficult for humane beings. I think most of the people, in the West specially, would be without eyes, without hands. Because they have no value for morality. But He has said that you have to be born again. So some people brand themselves as “born again”. You may be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anything, you can commit any sin. Also this “born again” the same style, it’s just a brand. There is no transformation. Mohammed Sahib came afterwards and he thought, “Christ has been very strict with men”. So He got the Shariat which was given by Moses to Jews, for the Muslims. Now, imagine this Shariat is so horrible that if you steal anything, you cut your hands. If you abuse anybody, you cut your tong. I think most of the Americans will be without tongs. Because at every sentence they abuse. But Mohammed Sahib gave this Shariat to the Muslims. And thought that the Shariat is very strong on men, so He also have brought some strictness for women. Both Mohammed Sahib and Christ were different people, absolutely above our grasp. It’s very difficult to follow Them. So you have to be enlightened soul if you want to follow Them. This is what Sahaja Yoga is. That your Kundalini awakens and starts passing through six centers and comes out of your fontanel bone area and connects you to the this All Pervading Power of Divine Love. We have so far used only the power of hatred, never of pure love. Love, which is devoid of greed or any kind of expectation. Pure love without any lust. And this is the power, which is doing all the beautiful things for us. So first thing that happens to you that you start feeling the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your fontanel bone area. This is the actualization of baptism. It is not just some priest put some water and says, “Now you are a Christian” or a Muslim says, “Now you have become a Muslim”, is not like that. It is an actualization, it’s a happening within you. So when this Kundalini rises she passes through these six centers. All the problems of the world are mostly because of humane beings. And most of the humane problems are because of these centers because they are for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. So when the Kundalini passes through these six centers she enlightens them, she integrates them, and also she nourishes them. Thus many diseases are cured. Mentally, mental diseases are cured also. Even financial problems improved. Emotional problems. And the person becomes extremely dynamic as well as extremely compassionate. We have many musicians in India who were not so good when they came to Sahaja Yoga and today they are world famous. This is nothing, there are so many things happen that people who have never been orators become orators, poets, writers. All kinds of potential capacities start manifesting. We are all the time thinking and the thoughts rise and fall, rise and fall. They either come from the past or from the future. So we are jumping in the past or in the future all the time. But if I say, “Be in your present”, you can not. But when the Kundalini rises she elongates those thoughts and sets the little space in between, which is the present, which expands. And you become thoughtlessly aware. You aware, but absolutely thoughtless. Then inspirations start coming. And you don’t know from where they come. We have six centers and they go into jeopardy because of our maybe wrong decisions. But the lowest center is for our innocence. Our innocence can never be destroyed because it is eternal. Only it can be covered with some clouds. But with the awakening of the Kundalini the innocence comes back to us. Our attention becomes absolutely innocent and there is no lust and greed in our attention. It is very subtle that we can feel the center, our own centers on our fingertips. And whenever we put our attention on anyone we can feel his centers also. Because who is the other? The microcosm has become the macrocosm. A drop has become the ocean. You become a global personality and then you talk the language of centers. You transit all the limitations of racialism, nationalism, all kinds of -isms. Your attention becomes innocent and it acts, whenever you put your attention it works. Above all you know the absolute truth. On your fingertips you can know the absolute truth. Many people don’t believe in God. They can ask a question, “Is there a God?” And immediately they get start feeling the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost on their hands because that’s the truth. Christ was the Son of God, no doubt. So you can ask the question, “Was He the Son of God?” and immediately you start getting cool breeze on your fingertips. Now if you know how to correct your centers, you can correct your centers because you get the Self-knowledge. And also you get the knowledge about others. You can cure others also. When you become thoughtlessly aware, you become absolutely peaceful. You become very dynamic, but you feel very young. I’m about seventy-two years of age now running [UNRECOGNIZED WORD]. And every day I’m traveling, every day practically. I don’t think I am traveling. I’m sitting everywhere and that’s what I feel. In the same way you all drop your age and become much younger and happier. You become so peaceful and wherever you go you manifest peace and joy. Above all you jump in the sea of joy. Joy is the singular thing. But happiness and unhappiness are the two sides of a coin. If your ego is pampered you feel happy, if it is punchered you’ll feel unhappy. But joy is singular. You become the witness and see everything as a drama and really you swim in the ocean of joy. Thus you enter into the Kingdom of God. This is the Last Judgment, it is for you to decide whether you want to enter into the Kingdom of God or you want to destroy yourself. And then you are surprised how blissful everything becomes. You are protected all the time. No mafia can trouble you. All mafia people will be destroyed when we’ll have lots of Sahaja Yogis here. It has happened in Italy, the mafia of Italy is completely destroyed. And sixty percent dishonest people, politicians and others are in jail. This happens when the Divine Power works. I’m happy to see you all in such good health. First time when I had come there were so many patients of Chernobyl. And last year there was a negative force of this “White Order”. All such forces are now destroyed practically, everything. But one thing I would like to warn you: the Western culture is coming, is the most dangerous thing you can think of. First of all you have to become absolutely stupid people. Like there is an actress who married eight times in America. And thousands of people went to see her going for her honeymoon with her twenty-five younger husband. And there were ten helicopters hovering around her house and they were parachuting down with their cameras. So many of them fell on the tree, some fell on the people. Such stupid things they are teaching. They have only two hundred year old people. There is one fellow – Simpson, who murdered his wife, so now they are saying you should not have marriages, because people murder wives. They followed this stupid Freud for years together where he said that there is a bad relationship between a son and the mother. There’s no wisdom, they have no wisdom, they are not mature at all. They are good at making money and also because they have a country, which has lots of things. But they are now in recession, all over, everywhere in Europe they are in recession. And they are exporting all their junk to your country. And they get so much of your money. They make you absolutely poor. Like in Turkey people were so much under the influence of German television and they started taking all German things, buying all German things, even the food. They felt an inferiority complex. But they are great artists; I don’t know how these people impressed such matured, wise people. As a result that country has become very poor. They are also selling here lot of junk. And even in Russia they are having shops and shops of this junk. In India you can’t find one shop with imported things, not even one shop. Only those who go abroad can bring some things, very little. So you should not, really, buy anything from these shops. Because these things are throwing away. They have over-production and they don’t know what to do with it, it can not fetch any money. Also this modern music is very bad for the brain. The doctors have said, everybody said but nobody listens. Now they have got intoxicated. But you people are wise, take to wisdom. Not that stupid fashions. Specially women have to be very careful. They started a fashion of exposing all the legs with the six inches of skirt. And all of them, all those women got varicose veins, pains, arthritis, all kinds of diseases. Then the fashion came where they had long skirts but open. In such cold countries why do the stupid things like this? But you people have lots of wisdom, now don’t lose it. Specially the women. You have to preserve this country. And not to make yourself cheap. Women who are cheap are never respected. I am really worried about this point that if you start taking to Western culture you’ll be completely lost nation. We have experience of this in India. And Mahatma Gandhi started a movement that nothing from abroad we’ll buy. And the British who have ruled us for three hundred years had to go back. So please I would request you all not to take to this junk and used. I’m so thankful to you for your love and for your kindness. People of not only Kyiv, but the whole of Ukraine are extremely lovable. I don’t know how to express Myself, because I have Myself become like an ocean of love. I hope all of you get your Realization tonight. It is your freedom I respect. If you don’t want to have your Realization, you may go. I can not force on you. As I told you this is the Last Judgment. Mohammed Sahib has said, “When [SOUNDS LIKE – Kyama] will come, – means when the Resurrection time will come, –then your hands will speak and they will give evidence against you”, means they’ll tell you what centers are wrong in you. So this process is only for ten minutes that you will feel this cool breeze, but those who do not want, should leave the hall. It is spontaneous, it is Sahaj. “Saha” means “with”, “ja” is “born”. It is born with you, this right to have this Yoga, means the union with the Divine Power. You can not pay for it. This is one should understand that you can not pay for your spiritual life. You can pay for this hall, maybe for the carpets, but you can’t pay for Divine Love. We have no organization. There are sixty-five nations where we have Sahaja Yoga. Specially in Russia in a place called place Togliatti we have more than twenty one thousands Sahaja Yogis. I have no secretary, nothing; it is all working so well because coming from your heart. So I would request all of you to put your hands like this towards Me. Just higher. All right. Now you have to bend your head and put your right hand on top of the fontanel bone area and see if there’s a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. You have to forgive everyone. Also you have to forgive yourself, you are not to feel guilty at all. At this moment you are not to say anything about others or about yourself. No confessions. All right? If it is hot, that means you have not yet forgiven. Now put the right hand towards Me and now bend your head again and see for yourself if there’s a cool or a hot breeze coming out. Now again with the left hand you try, bend your head and see for yourself if there’s a hot or a cool breeze like vibrations are coming out of your head. Now please put both the hands towards the sky like this and ask one of these questions. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. Now please ask a question, “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” Ask in your heart three times. Or else ask three times, “Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of Divine Love?” Or else you can ask three times, “Mother, is this the Parama Chaitanya?” Now please take down your hands. Please put your hands like this towards Me, look at Me and don’t think. Now, please those who have got cool breeze in the palm or on the fingertips or out of the fontanel bone area, cool or hot, please raise both your hands. (Shri Mataji laughs). That is Kyiv, I tell you. All of you. May God bless you. Your hands are shining. May God bless you. May God bless you. I bow to you, I bow to you, now you have started your saintly life. Now you have to grow. For that you have to come to our centers. You don’t have to pay anything. But you will know everything about yourself within yourself. Within one month you’ll become masters. You can give Realization to others. You can raise their Kundalini and also you can cure people. In the center they will tell you how to meditate for ten minutes every evening. All your problems will be solved. Is the Divine Force that will work it out. I bless you from My heart. I’ll again come next year and I’ll hope to see you all grown up much bigger than this. Thank you very much. They have to clap. (The Kyiv bhajan group is going to sing Vishwa Vandita and Shri Mataji said it to the interpreter to convey to the public.) And now enjoy your Self.
Achieve the state of self knowledge
Public Program
1994-09-26 Public Program in Vancouver I bow to all the seekers of truth at the very outset We have to know that Truth is what it is You cannot change it You cannot describe it Unfortunately at this human awareness, you cannot know it Whatever. I am going to tell you today Please do not accept it Blindfolded We have had lots of problems With this blindfolded failed so far so best is to keep your mind open like scientist and Treat my talk as a hypothesis and if you find it That what I am saying saying can be proved then you must accept it Because it is for your benevolence It is for the benevolence of your family It is for the benevolence of your city many Valence of Your country the Benevolence of the whole world So what is the truth the truth is? That you are not this body this mind This intellect these emotions This ego or your conditionings, but you are the pure spirit The second truth is that we see such beautiful flowers here And we take them for granted If you think about it It is a miracle and If you ask the doctor who runs your heart? He will say It's an autonomous nervous system, but if you ask the doctor who is this auto? He won't be able to tell you science itself has its own limitation For example it is a-moral secondly science cannot answer many fundamental questions For example, we don't know why are we on this Earth We don't know why did we evolve to the human state and science cannot tell you why are we here This question can be only answered if Your awareness is raised to a higher state In the evolutionary process You have become human beings But you don't know the absolute truth That's why we have so many theories so many quarrels so many fights amounting to war like atmosphere But somehow if you know the absolute truth then all of you will know the same, there cannot be any argument fights or The question of war doesn't arise with such people What is most important for us to know [is] that most of the world problems come from human beings and all of the human problems come from the problems of these centers, subtle centers of energy, which are within us. These subtle centers of energy which are within us are responsible for our physical, emotional also financial, above all, the spiritual problem The sort of spiritual problem is very obvious nowadays This is [a] special time when it is said that People will be seeking the truth In the ancient books in India Bhrigu muni has described exactly when Sahaja Yoga will start and How the people would be? seeking the truth and How their Kundalini will be awakened and how they will achieve the state of self-knowledge We have William Blake, a great poet from England about 100 Years back He said that at this time Men of God will be born and they will get their divinity and They'll make others also divine We have Rabindranath Tagore in India who has also described CS Lewis also has described, so many people have described about Sahaj Yoga That this is the special time I call it the blossom time Because there are so many beautiful flowers about to become the fruits But it is also called in the Koran as Qiyamah Mohammed Sahib has said that at this time your hands will speak and they'll give witness against you -- means in your hands you will feel your centers, and they will tell you what's wrong with you Apart from that, Guru Nanaka has described beautifully about this time how what will happen and how this miracle of transformation of human beings will take place In the Bible, we have the last judgment whatever we read, we think by reading we'll achieve higher life is a misconception there's a poet called Kabira in India who said [Sanskrit] -- by reading too much even the learned have become stupid I couldn't understand how can the people who have read too much can become stupid but now I meet so many of them Nothing goes into their head Because they have learned certain things that are going on. the other day I met the lead gentlemen the head of the New York Hare Rama Hare Krishna He came to me I said why are you wearing this dhoti in this country, it's such a cold country What is the need to wear a dhoti here? He said my guru has told me that this is the initiation [you] where the dhoti I said by wearing Dhoti Are you going to go? To something higher yes my guru taught In our country everybody wears a nothing And all the time they talk of Hare Ram, or higher education are they all going to go to heavens? He said see you are talking against my guru who I can't bear it, so I'm not talking against your guru But I am a mother I have to tell you the truth This way you are bound now to this kind of a stupid austerity in a place like New York where the temperature is below zero you are wearing a dhoti I as a mother I don't want you to wear it. It's nonsense That's all I am telling what is the need to wear the dhoti? The dhoti is of no use Because I have seen people dancing in Oxford street, and the whole dhoti Everything falls down because they don't know how to wear it This is not the way You feel spiritual It's not outside -- it is inside within yourself It has to happen within yourself it cannot happen outside by changing dresses I said you are like hippies Because you think by changing the dress you are going to achieve something he says but we don't drink we don't smoke I said Sahaja Yogis also. Don't drink and don't smoke, but it's not compulsory for them Automatically they have given up So how it has happened it has happened like this that Supposing I am very obstinate like a Hare Rama Hare Krishna, supposing. They're holding on to a snake and You tell me that see there's a snake in your hand and darkness. [I] can't see so I will say no. There's no snake this is a rope The snake bites me. I'll go on holding on to that snake but supposing there is little light Immediately, I'll see the snake moving. I'll throw it away It's like this unless and until you have enlightenment You cannot achieve Self realization that is both are just the same enlightenment means Self-Realization Now they said about the bhakti means devotion, we pray to God you are praying to God there are many people who pray to God also like that. I have seen I was born myself in a Christian family, and I was surprised they Would just wear very materialistic people praying to God or God give me a son Give me money. Give me this give me that as if the God is in their pocket It goes on like this You are not yet connected to the divine unless until you are connected to God. What are you asking? It is very? Down-To-Earth understanding that if you do not have Connection in your telephone, who are you telephoning? On the contrary your telephone May get out of order if not that if not that You will go mad absolutely Because like mad you are singing there like mad. They are moving about This is sheer madness Wasting a beautiful life For which you have come to achieve your ascent Of course let me go to religion Nothing wrong with the religion as such but wrong with our own understanding I Feel Christ and Mohammed Sahib and all these great people never understood human beings They were too great, too pure they had no human realization Because Christ says in the fifth chapter Matthews that if your one eye does something wrong, take it out If another one does something wrong take it out If your hand does something wrong, cut the hand Another hand cut I haven't met one Christian who has taken out even one eye If they had followed Christ there would have been people without eyes without hides all over then he says that if they slap you on your one cheek, you turn another cheek I haven't seen anyone like that Can imagine the Christians going round the whole world occupying all the places with the Bible in one hand and a revolver in that other Where is the principle of Christ? Who follows that? Vatican does not follow Churches do not follow. How can the people follow that? Christ didn't know nobody wants to take out their eyes whatever it is He got himself crucified, alright He was too great for us Then Mohammed Sahib must have thought that Christ has been so strict, too strict With the men so let us do something for women also Now horrible things he has written for women who go into immoral life now imagine What would happen to American ladies, I don't know horrifying Because they thought that if people become immoral, then they're lost -- they're finished, they are good for nothing Then also Sharia he brought Sharia as they call it, which was given to Jews by Moses when he saw the decadent society of Jews when he came all the way with the ten commandments he was surprised how decadent they were and he knew they cannot follow these commandments so he wrote down all this Sharia which is in the Jeremiah if you read, in the Bible itself in the Old Testament now so one should understand that these great people gave the religion, but that one was very very difficult to follow In that way we have to understand that These people expected us to be of a level which we are not The level is of a saint of an enlightened person who innately Is righteous, is religious, you don't have to tell anything and He doesn't do anything wrong if by mistake he does something he repents for it so this state we have to achieve first and that state I call as the state of self knowledge so when this Kundalini rises She passes through six centers now this also Very important to understand that she passes through six centers and the seventh Center is the red one below this seventh center looks after pelvic plexus which is responsible for our excretion inclusive of sex So sex has nothing to do with our ascent actually when your Kundalini ascending you just Stop your activity of the pelvic plexus, completely entirely you become like a child You become like a child because here innocence is never lost whatever you may do To destroy it it is there because it is of an eternal nature, it is eternal Some clouds are there but as soon as the Kundalini rises This innocence start manifesting and you are amazed What happens to you firstly all these centers get enlightened They get integrated and your health improves automatically if I say You need not believe, but I can tell you for doctors in India in Delhi University have got their MD from [unclear] to MD in curing in curable diseases because when she (Kundalini) rises She enlightens all the centers Fundamentally [we] are nothing but these centers When these centers go into trouble, then only we get all kinds of diseases Sometimes they are somatic sometimes they are psychosomatic
1994-09-26 Public Program in Vancouver I bow to all the seekers of truth at the very outset We have to know that Truth is what it is You cannot change it You cannot describe it Unfortunately at this human awareness, you cannot know it Whatever. I am going to tell you today Please do not accept it Blindfolded We have had lots of problems With this blindfolded failed so far so best is to keep your mind open like scientist and Treat my talk as a hypothesis and if you find it That what I am saying saying can be proved then you must accept it Because it is for your benevolence It is for the benevolence of your family It is for the benevolence of your city many Valence of Your country the Benevolence of the whole world So what is the truth the truth is? That you are not this body this mind This intellect these emotions This ego or your conditionings, but you are the pure spirit The second truth is that we see such beautiful flowers here And we take them for granted If you think about it It is a miracle and If you ask the doctor who runs your heart? He will say It's an autonomous nervous system, but if you ask the doctor who is this auto? He won't be able to tell you science itself has its own limitation For example it is a-moral secondly science cannot answer many fundamental questions For example, we don't know why are we on this Earth We don't know why did we evolve to the human state and science cannot tell you why are we here This question can be only answered if Your awareness is raised to a higher state In the evolutionary process You have become human beings But you don't know the absolute truth That's why we have so many theories so many quarrels so many fights amounting to war like atmosphere But somehow if you know the absolute truth then all of you will know the same, there cannot be any argument fights or The question of war doesn't arise with such people What is most important for us to know [is] that most of the world problems come from human beings and all of the human problems come from the problems of these centers, subtle centers of energy, which are within us. These subtle centers of energy which are within us are responsible for our physical, emotional also financial, above all, the spiritual problem The sort of spiritual problem is very obvious nowadays This is [a] special time when it is said that People will be seeking the truth In the ancient books in India Bhrigu muni has described exactly when Sahaja Yoga will start and How the people would be? seeking the truth and How their Kundalini will be awakened and how they will achieve the state of self-knowledge We have William Blake, a great poet from England about 100 Years back He said that at this time Men of God will be born and they will get their divinity and They'll make others also divine We have Rabindranath Tagore in India who has also described CS Lewis also has described, so many people have described about Sahaj Yoga That this is the special time I call it the blossom time Because there are so many beautiful flowers about to become the fruits But it is also called in the Koran as Qiyamah Mohammed Sahib has said that at this time your hands will speak and they'll give witness against you -- means in your hands you will feel your centers, and they will tell you what's wrong with you Apart from that, Guru Nanaka has described beautifully about this time how what will happen and how this miracle of transformation of human beings will take place In the Bible, we have the last judgment whatever we read, we think by reading we'll achieve higher life is a misconception there's a poet called Kabira in India who said [Sanskrit] -- by reading too much even the learned have become stupid I couldn't understand how can the people who have read too much can become stupid but now I meet so many of them Nothing goes into their head Because they have learned certain things that are going on. the other day I met the lead gentlemen the head of the New York Hare Rama Hare Krishna He came to me I said why are you wearing this dhoti in this country, it's such a cold country What is the need to wear a dhoti here? He said my guru has told me that this is the initiation [you] where the dhoti I said by wearing Dhoti Are you going to go? To something higher yes my guru taught In our country everybody wears a nothing And all the time they talk of Hare Ram, or higher education are they all going to go to heavens? He said see you are talking against my guru who I can't bear it, so I'm not talking against your guru But I am a mother I have to tell you the truth This way you are bound now to this kind of a stupid austerity in a place like New York where the temperature is below zero you are wearing a dhoti I as a mother I don't want you to wear it. It's nonsense That's all I am telling what is the need to wear the dhoti? The dhoti is of no use Because I have seen people dancing in Oxford street, and the whole dhoti Everything falls down because they don't know how to wear it This is not the way You feel spiritual It's not outside -- it is inside within yourself It has to happen within yourself it cannot happen outside by changing dresses I said you are like hippies Because you think by changing the dress you are going to achieve something he says but we don't drink we don't smoke I said Sahaja Yogis also. Don't drink and don't smoke, but it's not compulsory for them Automatically they have given up So how it has happened it has happened like this that Supposing I am very obstinate like a Hare Rama Hare Krishna, supposing. They're holding on to a snake and You tell me that see there's a snake in your hand and darkness. [I] can't see so I will say no. There's no snake this is a rope The snake bites me. I'll go on holding on to that snake but supposing there is little light Immediately, I'll see the snake moving. I'll throw it away It's like this unless and until you have enlightenment You cannot achieve Self realization that is both are just the same enlightenment means Self-Realization Now they said about the bhakti means devotion, we pray to God you are praying to God there are many people who pray to God also like that. I have seen I was born myself in a Christian family, and I was surprised they Would just wear very materialistic people praying to God or God give me a son Give me money. Give me this give me that as if the God is in their pocket It goes on like this You are not yet connected to the divine unless until you are connected to God. What are you asking? It is very? Down-To-Earth understanding that if you do not have Connection in your telephone, who are you telephoning? On the contrary your telephone May get out of order if not that if not that You will go mad absolutely Because like mad you are singing there like mad. They are moving about This is sheer madness Wasting a beautiful life For which you have come to achieve your ascent Of course let me go to religion Nothing wrong with the religion as such but wrong with our own understanding I Feel Christ and Mohammed Sahib and all these great people never understood human beings They were too great, too pure they had no human realization Because Christ says in the fifth chapter Matthews that if your one eye does something wrong, take it out If another one does something wrong take it out If your hand does something wrong, cut the hand Another hand cut I haven't met one Christian who has taken out even one eye If they had followed Christ there would have been people without eyes without hides all over then he says that if they slap you on your one cheek, you turn another cheek I haven't seen anyone like that Can imagine the Christians going round the whole world occupying all the places with the Bible in one hand and a revolver in that other Where is the principle of Christ? Who follows that? Vatican does not follow Churches do not follow. How can the people follow that? Christ didn't know nobody wants to take out their eyes whatever it is He got himself crucified, alright He was too great for us Then Mohammed Sahib must have thought that Christ has been so strict, too strict With the men so let us do something for women also Now horrible things he has written for women who go into immoral life now imagine What would happen to American ladies, I don't know horrifying Because they thought that if people become immoral, then they're lost -- they're finished, they are good for nothing Then also Sharia he brought Sharia as they call it, which was given to Jews by Moses when he saw the decadent society of Jews when he came all the way with the ten commandments he was surprised how decadent they were and he knew they cannot follow these commandments so he wrote down all this Sharia which is in the Jeremiah if you read, in the Bible itself in the Old Testament now so one should understand that these great people gave the religion, but that one was very very difficult to follow In that way we have to understand that These people expected us to be of a level which we are not The level is of a saint of an enlightened person who innately Is righteous, is religious, you don't have to tell anything and He doesn't do anything wrong if by mistake he does something he repents for it so this state we have to achieve first and that state I call as the state of self knowledge so when this Kundalini rises She passes through six centers now this also Very important to understand that she passes through six centers and the seventh Center is the red one below this seventh center looks after pelvic plexus which is responsible for our excretion inclusive of sex So sex has nothing to do with our ascent actually when your Kundalini ascending you just Stop your activity of the pelvic plexus, completely entirely you become like a child You become like a child because here innocence is never lost whatever you may do To destroy it it is there because it is of an eternal nature, it is eternal Some clouds are there but as soon as the Kundalini rises This innocence start manifesting and you are amazed What happens to you firstly all these centers get enlightened They get integrated and your health improves automatically if I say You need not believe, but I can tell you for doctors in India in Delhi University have got their MD from [unclear] to MD in curing in curable diseases because when she (Kundalini) rises She enlightens all the centers Fundamentally [we] are nothing but these centers When these centers go into trouble, then only we get all kinds of diseases Sometimes they are somatic sometimes they are psychosomatic
Penetrate into the depth of reality
United States
Los Angeles
Public Program
Persian Public Program, Wednesday, September 28th, 1994 I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to understand that truth it what it is. We cannot change it we cannot transform it, above all at this human awareness we cannot know it. This is the main reason that we have different ideas, ideologies because we don't know what is the absolute truth. To seek the absolute truth one has to know that something more has to happen to our awareness. Through our evolutionary process we have to achieve a different higher awareness. This consciousness or this seeking has been there since long everywhere. But now in this modern times it has become very serious. But unfortunately people don't know what to seek and they are mislead. First of all whatever I am going to tell you, you don’t have to take it for granted. Because we have had big problems with this blindfolded faiths. So whatever I am going to tell you, you have to take it like a scientist with an open mind. I am putting forward you a hypothesis. And if this hypothesis is proved then it is better we accept it because it is for the benevolence of your being, for the benevolence of your country, for the benevolence of the whole world. It has been promised in all the scriptures that such and such time will come when people will achieve their self-knowledge, their self-realisation. But unfortunately, human being are so conditioned that they don't realise what they have to seek. First thing we have to know that we are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, this ego or conditionings; but we are the pure spirit. Because we say my body, my emotions, who is the owner of this my? That’s what we have to be. So we have to be pure spirit. This is the first thing we are seeking. And the second thing is very important to know that when we take this flowers for granted we don’t understand or we don’t want to know how they are there. Its a miracle, if you see its a miracle how it works. If you ask a doctor who runs you heart, he will say its an autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? That they can’t answer. Science itself is amoral and has its own limitations. It cannot answer all the questions, specially why are we on this earth, why this evolution and where are we to go now. You have been already told because they have told me that they have talked about the subtle system that is within us. This is the system that we can say is autonomous nervous system in a way which is grossly expressing itself. But within yourself there are two powers left and right which are supporting or manifesting left and right sympathetic nervous system. And the central one is the parasympathetic nervous system. Luckily doctors are very honest and they don’t know much about parasympathetic, that’s a fact. Now in this triangular bone as you have been told there is a power called as kundalini. This power which is the kundalini is in the sacrum bone and the Greeks knew very well that sacrum bone is sacred so they called it sacrum. I have been to Greece and I asked them and they said ‘of course we knew this’ that there is some treasure we have. And also he told me very surprising that this treasure, the knowledge of this treasure is only with Indians. They have this ?? . Even in China I heard about the same thing. But when you start talking about the kundalini they start thinking its like a tantrik work. Now I have to explain to you that this power is the one which rises, like a premule of the seed passes through 6 centres and breaks through your fontanelle bone area and connects you to this all-pervading power which does all this miraculous work. This is actually, what you can call as the actualisation of the baptism or you can cal the brahma randra bhed as they call it in Sanskrit. This happening takes place spontaneously as a living process. You don't have to pay for it. One thing we don't understand that God doesn’t understand any money, he doesn’t know any banking. So when we start paying for realisation, for odd or for all kinds of realisations we are really being mislead. All kinds of misleading things have been done. Its very surprising that intelligent educated people never ask questions about what they are doing about their ascent, about their spirituality, about their divinity. They just accepts which has been going for ages together by their forefathers and their forefather. But this is a special time where so many real seekers are born. Of course, I must say America is nowhere compared to them. Because in Russia I get never any program done in a hall or a stadium. 16 to 18 thousand people are there and they all get their realisation. What I found out that they have no conditionings. They don’t know anything about God, they don’t know anything about Rama, they don’t know anything about Christ, nothing. Clean slates ! But once they get to Sahaja Yoga they understand everything so well and penetrate into the depth of reality. This kind of conditionings that we have had instead of helping us you are stuck in this. Its like this, you go to, supposing you have to go to some hall you have to climb some steps, but to enter inside the hall you have to give up those steps. While we are stuck with it. We can’t get out of it. This is the biggest problem I think. I don’t know what to say. But when you see in America way people have no sense of real seeking, I am shocked ! And I can’t understand why are they like that. They are educated, they are well off people, there is no problem with them; but that thing is lacking in them to understand what is reality and that unless and until you get to that reality you cannot be happy, you cannot be satisfied. This has to work out. This is the last breakthrough of your evolution and you have to do it, you have to get it. This is what is brought to you absolutely free. But still they will be busy doing all those rituals, and I don't know what all they do. The best is, there’s somebody who is coming here and celebrating the marriage of Ram and Sita, I told them I am also going to celebrate now. That’s what suits the people I think. I can’t understand Ram and Sita were married long time back, what is the need to marry them again and again. But I don’t know what happens to the intelligence of even Indians. This is the heritage of Indians, but they to take to such things or they take to tantrikas who are just abusing people. They are all making money. That’s what it is. If you put one criteria that you will not pay them, immediately you will know they are not there. How can you pay, just think of it. We have become human beings. How much did we pay? How did we pay for getting this flowers to mother earth? This is a natural spontaneous living process for which you cannot pay. And people are; I don’t know why they want so much money, I don’t understand what they do with it. But such a misleading thing it has started that so many of beautiful seekers are lost. As there are many Indian I find here I would like to tell you that by reading books you cannot read selfrealisation.12.45Kabira has said “Padith padith pandit murakh bhaye” means by reading too much learned have become stupid. So I said what is this, what is this Kabira saying? But I have met many like that. They are, they will show you book, they will read this book, read this page, thousands will attend that kind of nonsense. Today only we were watching some program. There a gentleman saying how to read bible. Now I must tell you that people don’t read bible otherwise they would give up. Because Christ and Mohammed Sahib were very very great people and not only that they were very pure people. They didn’t know what sort of things human beings are. So the 5th chapter of Mathews, Christ has said “If your one eye is doing something sinful, take it out. If another eye is doing something sinful, take it out. If your one hand is doing something wrong, cut it out. If another hand does something wrong, cut it out. If somebody slaps you on one face, you turn another face too.” I have yet to meet any Christian who has lost his both eyes and both arms. They are so self sufficient “Oh! @We are Christian”. Now I think Mohammed Sahib must have thought that this is too much for men, all restrictions; so let us do something for women also. So he must have put this restrictions. But he doesn’t know if this restrictions are put on women, I don’t know how many will be living in this America. To look at any man with a bad eye, you have to be buried in the mother earth half way and to be beaten up with shoes or with stones. Now what do you say. If you start doing that in America, how many Hollywood actresses would be living? So this morality as was preached by them was of very high quality and very [difficult/erent ]??. Then also this Sharia, Sharia as they call it by the Muslims, actually it is given if you read the old testament on the Jeremiah that it was given to the Jews by Moses because he found them extremely decadent when he brought this 10 commandments. So, he said that your hands should be cut if you do any stealing. I mean this was going too far, I must say with human beings. And that now they have taken in Islamic laws. I don’t know even one single Muslim who should have his both hand intact. Because, I mean they are human beings, they are not Gods. But these people thought they are all realised souls, very great souls, so they gave all these laws and regulations. Imagine what would have happened to all the Jews if they would have followed? So they gave it up to the Muslims, and now Muslims are supposed to be following it. Supposed to be. So now same with our Hinduism as we call it. Its said that in every body resides the spirit. How can we have caste system. We just ask a question if A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H has a spirit in the heart, every body has a spirit, so how can we have caste system? There was no caste system before. It was according to our work we were doing not according to our birth. It started later on.Now Shri Rama’s life was written down by Valmiki who was a decoit, to begin with. He was not even a brahmin. He was just what we call as a fisherman, low cast. Then the second thing is what about Shri Krishna? His Gita was written by Vyas. Vyasa was the son of, the illegitimate son of a fisherwoman. Shri Krishna would always go to eat, live with Vidura who was a realised soul. But he would not take food at Duryodhan’s place. Vidura was a dasi putra, means a son of a maidservant. All of them have shown them in their life Shri Rama eating the berries which were was touched by a very very old aboriginal Bhilini lady, enjoying it very much. The description is beautiful that he was enjoying it and Lakshmana didn’t like it. What is this? She has eaten it and now she is giving to (Rama). She says I have tasted all of them because I know you don’t like sour things. So they are not sour, you can have it. Lakshmana was angry. So Sitaji says so let me also have some of it. No, no, no these are the best, I wouldn’t give you. Let me have I am your wife you see, must give me. He gave her some. She said I have never eaten such nice berries. See. So Lakshamana says give me also. Sister-in-law give me also. No, no now I am not going to give you because you are so much angry because she has tasted it. I wouldn’t give you. He said please give me. She gives him. And he really says that these are fruits from the heavens. The whole things show this love, that divine is love. The whole thing is of expression of divine love. We have never used the power of love. We have used the power of hatred, or money or other powers; but never have we used the power of love which is so dynamic, which is so compassionate, which is so delicate, which is so sharp. We have no idea as to this power that is the divine power is. When we touch it what can happen to you. We just get transformed. And this transformation makes you, into a person who never gets sick, whose temper goes away, who develops wisdom. This is of course outward manifestation. But inside what happens is that all these centres, 6 centres get enlightened. Most of the world problems are from human beings. I think all the human problems come from these centres. When they are in jeopardy you have all these problems; physical, mental, emotional and also spiritual. But somehow if you put this centres right these problems are solved. Now one must understand that the last centre which is in the red colour you see is the one that works out on the physical level what you call them pelvic plexus, doing all the, all the, what you call excretion, inclusive of sex 21.00That shows that kundalini awakening has nothing to do with sex. Nobody has said that.----26.14 – One day you wouldn’t believe but India will lead the whole world in spirituality, not in money. And in any way, Indian’s are much more moral than anywhere else. Now the reason is there are two genes within us which look after our morality. It's again meta-science. Now, these two genes are on two chromosomes on both the ends. And one gets spoilt or get into mutation when you commit sins against the mother. Sins against the mother is indulgences, all kinds of indulgences sins ??. And another one gets into mutation when you do sin against the father which is aggression, temper, violence, all that. And this mutation then passes from one gene to another to another, and after some time it becomes that they are not aware that they are doing wrong. Like drugs and all that I have seen affect also the brain but also the genes. It affects the brain so much that they don’t realise that they are doing wrong. They don’t know it is wrong. They go on doing wrong things but they are not aware of it. Now this, thank God to traditions, whatever it is; we may be not so rich, may not be so smart, but, there is one thing ‘morality’ is very important. I was surprised for a conference of 2000 scientists and about 10000 other people, they gave me a subject ‘medicine and self-knowledge’ ? What a subject to handle ‘Medicine and self-knowledge’ means how self-knowledge gives you morality, how your help improves through that. So the work is the only parasympathetic nervous system. Kundalini passes through the centre, enlightening those energy centres which give out all you plexuses and it acts, it thinks, it knows, above all it loves. Because this Kundalini is your own mother. Everybody has an individual mother and she knows all about you. She knows your aspirations, she knows your drawbacks, she knows about everything. So you don't have to judge, don’t have to judge yourselves. She knows. You just have to leave it to her and she is so anxious to give you self-realisation, the second birth. So it is very important that we should try to achieve it. As a result, your attention becomes enlightened. In your attention there is no greed, no lust; you become innocent. As Christ has said thou shall not have adulterous eyes. Imagine for Christians to say that, can you imagine? That happens automatically. You really become innocent. And you will be surprised to know that innocence is an eternal thing within us. Never gets destroyed. There are some clouds which are removed and really become very innocent. But such an innocent person becomes very powerful. Wherever it puts its attention it acts, it works out. When we think one thought rises, another thought falls out, another thought rises, another thought falls. We are jumping on the cusps of these thoughts. We live in the future or in the past. But if I say you come in your present, you cannot. But when kundalini rises, she elongates these thoughts and the centre which we call as ‘vilamba’ a pause, where our attention goes and we become thoughtlessly aware. We are aware but thoughtless. This state is called as nirvichar samadhi. At this stage, we achieve our peace. We become peaceful. We watch the whole thing like a drama. We become the witness. Now we become the peace. I have known people who got peace awards and peace organisations and this and that, they also gave me peace award I must say; but these people are so hot-tempered. You have to approach them with a barch??. How can you give them peace awards, I don’t know?! They have no peace within. So this peace is established within yourself. I must say I was with Mahatma Gandhi and also with Lal Bahadur Shastri, very very close. Both were realised, souls. And Gandhiji always told me that ‘unless and until we are free we cannot talk of Sahaja yoga’. But when we became free you know how many problems came to our country, and he was no more. Then came another disciple of him, Lal Bahadur Shastri, born on the same date, same style. But Gandhiji was an austere man, very austere. I mean his character. I lived with him. I have so many beautiful moments with him. He used to call me Nepali, you see. And because I was very young, I was a child, he would listen to me. Otherwise, he would be angry with people for doing something wrong, and very strict. Get up 4 o’clock, have your bath, go for a walk, all these things. But he was such a great person. Without his disciplining, we could never have won our freedom. And discipline in his own life. I met him just one day before his death. I really can’t understand why people should kill anybody like that, was such a great soul. Same with Lal Bahadur Shastri. I was very close to him. He was another realised soul and he also said that let me settle down then we will start Sahaja yoga very ??. So discuss with me about these things. But one thing common been both of them was this, very common, was that the principle of every religion is the same that you must get your self-realisation. The essence of every religion is the same. There is nothing to fight. There is nothing to fight. And their Bhajanavali (hymn book) if you read, they're also under my consultation he did it according to the chakras. It was really so great. These two people, I mean I was so close to them; normally if you go close to any one of these big people you want to run away because they are not big at all. But Gandhiji and Lal Bahadur Shastri were two great person I must say. Being very close to them and they wanted that this somehow I should find out a way, a method by which amass realisation could be given. And I found it in the year 1970, I found it. But by that time both were not there. Still, it worked out. And now I must say in India people are very aware of Sahaja yoga. In Delhi, we have at least 16000 Sahaja yogis. Delhi city itself we have 16000. And moreover every place we have done very well except for few provinces, which I don’t know why it doesn't work out. Alright, whatever it is, we have to understand that if we watch especially America I feel it is getting destroyed from within. Not only by drugs but also by thinking. Like I read an article recently about Mr Simpson who killed his wife. So the deduction they had that because that after marriage people husbands kill wives, and wives kill husband; only here may be or may be other places; so we should not marry. You should not have any marriages. I mean imagine. If you start doing all these things, all immoral things are encouraged today, then you cannot save this country. Its the responsibility of the people who are thinking, who are seeking truth to tell them what is the reality to save them. For that, you will feel committed yourself. Once you will have realisation you will think why should I only enjoy, why not others. Now with all these people who are here most of them, they have come all the way from India and they are all young people. 36.00Some are architects, doctors, learned people. But they have realised their responsibilities, not for themselves only, for others. Tomorrow somebody gets cancer then they come to Sahaja yoga. , not the way. You can cure cancer. You can do everything. But you have to be equipped. Above all what happens to you that you can feel the truth absolutely on your fingertips. In Koran/Quran it is written that when Kiyama (resurrection time) will come, when resurrection time will come, your hands will speak and they will give a witness, Shahadat (witness against you) against you. They will tell what’s wrong within, it happens. Because you can feel your centres on your fingertips and you can feel the centres of others on your fingertips. Because who is the other, you become collectively conscious. A drop becomes the ocean, a microcosm becomes a macrocosm. So, there is nobody the other. They all feel what's wrong with you. 37.05They talk the language of centres and chakras. Not what clothes you wear, what caste you are, what race you are; but what are the centres like and on that they cure. After that, I must say some doctors had an objection that mother if you start getting people cured without any money, what will happen to us? So I told them, baba, how many come to Sahaja yoga first of all? Secondly, there are many people who have no money to come to you also. So all the rich people will leave it to you because very rich people are difficult. Christ has said that you cannot pass a camel through the eye of a needle but not the rich man. And he is true also, I tell you. Because they are lost, rich, rich, rich... So much of a greed. No satisfaction of anything. The reason is wants, in general, are not sachetiable, is a economic science. Today you want a house, alright, get a house. Then you want carpets, get carpets. Then you want to have a car, get the car. Then you want a helicopter. Goes on like this. Whatever you get you are not satisfied with it. So you are moving from one to another without feeling satisfied. So, what gives you satisfaction is this that you pure desire which is the kundalini. She is the power of pure desire. And once she is awakened then you are absolutely satisfied with yourself. You know how to enjoy everything. You will enjoy this carpet, you will enjoy everything, every bit of it you will enjoy. Life becomes a joy full existence. You jump into the ocean of joy. Really it happens. It is there at ?? and the bliss of this all-pervading power, I need not tell you. Recently there is a gentleman here from Delhi. His son had a very bad accident with his motorbike quite far away and he came walking home. And they didn’t know how he came. They asked I don't know how he came. But there was a very bad accident and he was not at all hurt. A little bit of scratch somewhere. There is another one this story, I mean I don’t know how to believe it or if you can believe it so just... there was a girl whose father is a Sahaja yogi. She got frustrated in some love affair may be something, and her father had a revolver because he is a customs officer. So she shot herself from here (pointing somewhere in the left lower abdomen) and the bullet came out from here (pointing right shoulder). She was little bit bleeding. They took her to the hospital. They said her heart is sound, her lungs are sound, nothing! As if the bullet was having a nice time inside and nicely came out, is unbelievable, its a fact. So many such stories they tell me and so many things that has blessed them. And when they tell me about this I am quite amazed. So I told somebody you better compile them. Within one month she said, “Mother it has gone all up to my head, now I don’t know which one to compile”. I said “forget it. Let it be because we have no time”. So you must know you entered into the Kingdom of God. It is not a kingdom of Mr Bill Clinton. No, this is the Kingdom of God where you are looked after, you are loved, you are lead into the right path. You meet nice people and life becomes so easy; Sahaja. Just you see that some nice people are meeting you; suddenly. Something nice happening. For all this, you have to have only pure desire to ascend. That’s all. That’s all is wanted that you want to ascend. And if that is done with humility you will be amazed what glories you have, what great talents you have. You must have heard about Amjad Ali, Sefat Hussain, all these people have been in Sahaja yoga. Also Debu Chaudhary. So many people. Debu Chaudhary had a problem of sitarist have that, he had cramps on his fingers and also on the thumb. So he came to me. Got cured. Not only he but his son is a great artist. We have so many poets, so many orators all over the world. And really amazing how these talents come up. And they don’t talk trash. They don’t believe in nonsense, they are dignified. But always laughing and enjoying themselves. And its such a life, a new race of, a new age is this. All other stories of a new age of cutting your hair like this or putting something in the nose is not. Or even Hare Ramas wearing dhotis in that cold of Chicago; I told them why are you wearing dhotis here. He said our guru has initiated. In this cold, your guru has initiated dhotis for what. In India everybody wears dhotis, are they all going to go to heaven. Such things people are doing. And thousands are there like that. They said no, our guru has initiated, we are going to wear dhotis only. Imagine. Is a simple thing to understand that by wearing dhoti or a pant or a jean or anything you are not going to go to heaven. It is something inside that has to happen. Now he was not... he was very angry. He said my guru told me this that. ?? said the fun thing you have given me Gita. Krishna has said to begin with is the ‘krodha’ is the anger is to root of ??. very angry person, what is he doing. Austerity brings this anger. Austere if you become, deny this deny that, nothing to be denied. You just become detached within yourself. Will not eat this, will not eat that, just for yourself. Like their guru his name Prabhupad, he came to see me because my husband was Chairman of Shipping Corporation of India. So they said you are very spiritual we have heard now can you take some murtis from here to East Africa for a temple. I said now how many temples you want to have? Then he started talking about this and that. But I said alright I will tell my husband. Said that but I heard that you are a spiritual lady, living in comfort and you have diamonds on you, how can it be? How can you be spiritual? I smiled at him. I said what have you done to be spiritual. I gave up my family, I every day stand on my head, alright and I do what you call I gave up every one. And this and that n that n that. So, I told him alright “One condition, in this house or on my body whatever you think is equal to the dust particle of Shri Krishna, you take it. Anything. But should be equal. He started looking here and there. I said then what have you given up. You have just given up what you call as stones or dust or something like that. I am not holding on to anything so what will I give up. If you are holding on to something then only you can give up. I was surprised. I was really surprised under what misunderstanding these people are that you cannot have a normal family life, you cannot have any normal thing. I mean Guru Nanak was married. Rama was married. Krishna was married. Everybody was marrying. Who has told you to give up your families, go to the Himalayas and stand there? In Sahaja yoga not necessary. We have to create a new society of very normal good people. Who love each other, who care for each other, such a brotherhood. It is amazing to see. I have never seen these people come for seminars, thousands of them; never fighting, never quarreling. Ofcourse they pull each other's leg sometimes just to have some fun, that's all right. But what a life. You ask them. They said no fun without Sahaja yoga. So I am thankful to you. You have waited for me. Because they told me “there are hardly 20 people, mother would you like to come?” Then they said it is 40 people. I said alright I will come whether there are even two people,???. Of course you must be having some questions. I would like you to write your questions and give it to Dr Worlikar. He himself is quite capable of answering all the questions for you. And he himself had a big miracle of his heart, as he knows that and he is a very wise man. He is very wise for Cerritos (in LA), I think he is very wise. Not I am saying Cerritos people are not wise, I am not saying that. But he is very wise I think the way he understands the people, the way he understands life and problems and why people don’t take to Sahaja, thinking, is very remarkable. And he is such a help to me, to make me understand all of you. So any questions you have, I would love to have the questions sometimes and I will answer them. But just now it will take about 10-15 minutes for you to get your realisation. And I think you should all get your realisation. Of course I cannot force on you. If you don’t want to have it, it cannot be forced. I respect your freedom absolutely. But there is one thing, the way they have told me that here people mother get realisation and they get lost. So I remember the parable of Christ that he said some seeds fell on the rock and some fell on a proper ground. They were sprouted but didn’t become trees. But some has sprouted and they became great trees of wisdom. The same thing. You can do a lot because there is so much within you. You can become your own master. You can do a lot for others. But you don't realise what is your potential, what you could be, what is the purpose of your life. And if you really realise that then you will definitely come to our centres and grow into it. You don’t have to pay. In any way, you don’t have to pay. We don’t want any money from you in any way. There was one gentleman who told me “mother, there are some Nigerians who want to give us money.” I said “why do you need money for? What is the need?” It is a headache to have money you know. And they found it was a scam. Thank God. Otherwise, they would have said, “I am not practical”. So far we had no problem of money, and money is not everything. Whenever you want you can get money. What is money after all? Equal to the dust particle of God Almighty. So, you don’t have to pay money. Nothing of the kind. You have to just pay attention to your self and respect your self-realisation. For that you have to come to our collectivity, you have to come and learn. But many people come when I am here and they get lost. And that is what Worlikar told me that this is what is the situation. I said I don’t how to make them understand it is important. You are missing the point. You are here only for this. You are missing the point. You must value your life. Must value yourself. So, again and again, I would request please now after getting your realisation please come to our centres and know about Sahaja yoga, master it. 50.35If you are a doctor it is better. But even if you are not you can be a doctor without becoming a real doctor, you can become a doctor’s doctor.It would take 10 – 15 minutes. But I would say that you should not leave in between. If you want to leave, you can leave now. Just very simple. Please be seated all of you.Alright. So there are three conditions we have. Very simple, three conditions. The first one is that you should not feel guilty at all. People might have told you that you are sinner this that, all nonsense, don’t believe it. When you are here, you are no more a sinner; you are a seeker. And please don’t feel guilty for anything. When you feel guilty, physically also this centre catches. And when this centre catches then you develop physical problems, this spondylitis, also angina comes from that. And lethargic organs also if you develop this centre very badly. So what’s the use having this myth. If you would have done any mistakes, alright, you should have faced it at that time. But why do you want to carry it all life? So please don’t feel guilty. That is first. That means you must forgive yourself fully. I mean there is nothing wrong. After all, as I said you are human beings, you are not Gods. So you will commit mistakes, what’s the harm. So now don’t try to condemn yourself by any chance.53.0Now the second condition is forgiven yourself and you have to forgive everyone. Whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. You torture yourself for nothing at all and play into wrong hands. So you just forgive everyone. There now who will say its very difficult. What do you do? It is a myth. Even don’t think about people whom you want to think or forgive. Just forget, forget them. Say “in general I forgive everyone”. Everyone. Because it is of no help.Now the Third condition is very simple, you have to take out your shoes; that's all. I mean to say you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. [speaking to sy]. Alright. Translation from Hindi: I will just speak in Hindi. These foreigners are doing Sahaja so well. And this is your inheritance or responsibility. And what has happened to the Indian people here. They are going and performing the marriage of Sita and Rama. They do all sorts of strange things. You are educated people and you should understand that why are we doing senseless things. You should understand that this is all foolishness. There is a Maharani (Queen) of Dhangendar. I will tell you a story about her. She got hold of a maid servant and made her into a Devi (goddess) and started worshipping her. She herself told Me that in Los Angeles she has lots of followers. This name Los (lost angels) Angeles must have come from this kind of people. Just imagine. They are making money out of this. They are organising a marriage between Shri Rama and Shri Sita. Is this a sensible thing. She said in Kalyug there has to be bhakti. I said “Yes. There should be bhakti. But you have no connection. How are you doing bhakti and to whom?” If your telephone has no connection, then whom are you calling. First get your connection, and then do bhakti (worship). You will be surprised that curing these people’s throats, My own throat gets into trouble. Those who keep chanting Hare Rama Hare Krishna like mad. Who taught them this madness. Shri Krishna did not teach this. I just don’t understand. Only making money. Only making money. Standing on Oxford Street wearing dhotis and sarees, and dancing. Hair pieces keep falling off, and they keep dancing. I said “Shri Krishna is Kuber (God of wealth). How can you beg in the name of Kuber. He gave Sudama so much Aishwarya (wealth) just like that. If you are a devotee of Shri Krishna, you should be giving and giving. Instead you are begging”. Any place they get, they are begging. They have spoiled the name of Shri Krishna so much. I have never said this before, but after meeting these people I feel this movement is one of very fooling people. So bad. And people actually give them alms. They leave their jobs, leave their houses, children. Leave everything, and start begging. In which dharma (religion) is it written like this. We Indians must grasp the real truth, and place reality before the people. Even in China people say that India is the place of spirituality. That is what people expect from you. Are these Hindusthanis (people of India). When I asked “Why do all of you go to these false Gurus”, the foreigners said, “Mother, these are Indians How can Indians tell lies”. I said, “actually they are experts in telling lies. No one is greater than us in telling lies. What makes you think that they are not telling lies”. So they said “We thought that since they are Indians they cannot tell lies.” People consider us very pious and holy. Yes, we are peace loving, and we are afraid of fighting, and violence. We do not fight. But considering what people think of us, that we are not. The example of this is that wherever I go, because I am an Indian, thousands will come. But when we tell them that they should come to our Centers, or we talk about Sahaja Yoga, they will not come. I said “I am an Indian, why do you trust and respect Me so much”. They say, “Shri Mataji, from Your appearance and Your Personality we feel that”. But I see that any Indian who comes, like one man who was just released from the jail came, even he collected thousands of disciples. This is the importance and advantage of being an Indian. Do you know from where all these rogues come; and what business they are doing. Inspite of this, people accept them just because they are Indians. Basically it is so. We should try to understand what are the expectations that these people have from us. They feel we are very dharmic (religious), very genuine and serious, and they have great expectations. Wherever you go. Wherever. Any place. If an Indian appears in a saffron robe, everyone will flock to them. Germans. Even Germans, who normally do not bow to anyone, they prostrate before these Indians. This is a special trait about us. A sort of God given boon or benefaction. No one can accomplish God’s work the way an Indian can. Indians should come to us. I hope that all the Indians here will come into Sahaja Yoga, and will mould themselves into God’s instruments, and will fulfil people’s belief in them. So many Iranians came. You will see tomorrow. They have come here also. The Jews have also come. But Indians don’t come. They recognise and follow the Dhanangara Devi (the false devi). Absolutely absurd. Now you don’t have to do much. 1.00.25 English speech: Just put both the hands towards me like this. Now both the feet have to be separate because of the two powers we have. And the left hand is symbolically suggesting that you want to have your self-realisation. This (left) hand represents your left side which is the power of desire. So your desire is expressed when you put this hand like this. Now the right hand represents the power of action. So we will try to nourish our centres and we are working only on the left-hand side. This is only for tonight. Only for tonight. Don’t have to do it again. Only you have to desire just now that you should have your self-realisation, that's all. Now please put your left hand towards me and first we put our right hand on our heart. In the heart is the reflection of God Almighty which we call as spirit, Atma. [Translation from hindi: Bend your neck and head]. Now, if you become the spirit you become your guide in the light of the spirit. You become your own master. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard. This is the centre of your mastery which is created by many prophets and many great seers, which is to be awakened. Now please take your right hand now in the lower portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side again. This is the centre of pure divine knowledge. Surprisingly the centre is here. Sometime I may explain to you how this works out. Now, raise your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side and now on the heart again. Now, please put your right hand in the corner of our neck and your shoulder and put your head to your right. I have already told you about this centre that when you feel guilty it goes into trouble. Now, we have to know there is a centre on the optic chasma which is absolutely constricted and we have to forgive otherwise it wouldn’t open. So now please put your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to forgive everyone in general without thinking about them. If you don’t forgive then the centre wouldn’t open and the kundalini wouldn’t pass through. As it is you have tortured yourself by not forgiving. And now at this great moment if you do not forgive the kundalini wouldn’t pass through. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the centre where without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading divine power, Chaitanya. Now stretch your palm fully. Put the centre of the palm on the fontanelle bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now stretch your palm fully. Please put the centre of the palm on top of your fontanelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Centre of your palm. It is very important. Now push back your fingers so that there is a proper pressure on your scalp. This will reduce your stress and all that very easily. Now please put down your head nicely and move your scalp seven times, clockwise, slowly. Scalp I am saying not the hand so much. That's all you have to do. Push back your fingers, put down your head, push back your fingers, put down your head. Please put down your head. So there is a good pressure on your scalp. Now move your scalp slowly seven times. Stretch back your fingers, stretch back. [Translation from hindi: Don’t hold your head. Just spread your fingers at the back.]. This is all we have to do. Now we have to close our eyes until I tell you please don’t open your eyes. Now please put both the feet apart from each other. Now please put your left hand towards me. Need not to slouch or need not put any strain. Just sit comfortably in your seat. Now please put right hand on your heart and now close your eyes and please don’t open them till I tell you. Here you have to ask me a very fundamental question about yourself in your heart 3 times. You can call me mother or Shri Mataji. So please ask a question in your heart “Mother Am I the Spirit?”Ask three times. “Mother, Am I the Spirit ?” [Translation from hindi: Mother, am I the Spirit (twice)] Now please take you right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. I have already told you that if you become the spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So ask another question about your self, three times “Mother am I my own master?” “Mother am I my own master?” I have already told you that I respect your freedom,I cannot force on you pure divine knowledge. So now please put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and here you have to say 6 times because this centre has got 6 petals; please say 6 times “Mother please give me pure divine knowledge” “Mother please give me pure divine knowledge”. Now, when you ask for divine knowledge, kundalini starts moving.You wouldn’t feel anything. Now we have to nourish our upper centres to open for the ascent of the kundalini. So now, raise your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen in the left-hand side. Here press it hard. Here you have to say with your full self-confidence 10 times “Mother I am my own master”. Please say it 10 times “Mother I am my own master”. At the very outset, I have told you that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intellect, this conditioning, this ego; but you are the pure spirit. So now raise your right hand on top of your heart, and here you have to say again with full confidence 12 times “Mother I am the pure spirit”. Please say it “Mother I am the pure spirit”. This all-pervading divine power which we have never felt before is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of bliss, is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might commit, they are easily dissolved by this power of ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself. Now put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say 16 times with full self-confidence “Mother I am not guilty at all”. Please say it 16 times, it is very important to say that. I feel this centre is catching. Now as I have told you, whether you forgive, you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don't’ forgive at this time centre of Agnya wouldn’t open and kundalini wouldn’t pass through. So please forgive. So please forgive everyone in general. It is a myth. Now raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to say, not how many times, but from your heart, “Mother I forgive everyone in general”; from your heart. Now without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading divine power of paramachaitanya. So now please take your right hand back side of your head and push back your head, here you have to say again from your heart, not how many times, “Oh Divine power, if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me” please say it from your heart. Now the last centre is very important and please do it attentively that stretch your palm fully. Put the centre of the palm on the top of your fontanelle bone area and put down your head as far as possible. Now stretch back your fingers is very important, stretch back your fingers. At this centre, I must say that I cannot force self-realisation on you. You have to ask for it. So please move your scalp slowly seven times clockwise saying 7 times “Mother please give me my self-realisation” Please take down your hands. Please open your eyes. You may put both the hands towards me. Now put the right hand towards me like this, put down your head and see if there is a cool or hot breeze like a vibration coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Please see with the left hand. Please don’t put it on top of your head, little away. Some people get it further on. So just move your hand and see for yourself there’s a cool or hot breeze like thing coming out of your head. Now please try with the left hand. Now please put the left hand like this towards me, put the right hand on top of your head, bend your head, and again see, bend your head; see for your self if there is a cool or hot breeze like vibrations are coming out of your own fontanelle bone area. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven yourself or you have not forgive others. So please forgive. Forgiving is a very big power. Now again once more with the right hand towards me, and with the left hand on top of your fontanelle bone area please see. Move your hand and don’t doubt. Just see it is coming out of your own head. If it is not coming just say “Mother please come into my head, come out of my head Mother” that's your mother, kundalini is your mother just ask her. Bend your heads. Bend your heads. Now please put both the hands like this towards me and don’t think. Now you have to put both the hands towards the sky like this and ask a question three times; any one of these three questions you ask one of them three times. Please put up your hands up and your head back. Now ask a question, first question is “Mother is this the cool breeze of the holy ghost” ask this question three times, or the second question you can ask three times “Mother is this the all-pervading power of Divine love” Or the third question you can ask “Mother is this the Parama Chaitanya, is this the rooh ”? Ask any one of these questions three times. Put back your head. Push back your head. Now please bring it down. Put both the hands towards me like this. All those who are feeling the cool or hot breeze on the fingertips or on the palm, centre of palm or out of the fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. All those who have felt the cool breeze on the hand. You didn't feel? [Translation from Hindi: You didn’t feel? Then put your hand up].Everybody has got it practically. May God bless you. Now as I said you have to respect your self-realisation. And you have to go and see these people. And I am sure next year I’ll meet very great saints of Los Angeles. I bow to all the saints. Your life of saint has started now. May God bless you. At the most within one month, you can master this art, everyone, no doubt. [Translation from Hindi: Come, let us go.]
Persian Public Program, Wednesday, September 28th, 1994 I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to understand that truth it what it is. We cannot change it we cannot transform it, above all at this human awareness we cannot know it. This is the main reason that we have different ideas, ideologies because we don't know what is the absolute truth. To seek the absolute truth one has to know that something more has to happen to our awareness. Through our evolutionary process we have to achieve a different higher awareness. This consciousness or this seeking has been there since long everywhere. But now in this modern times it has become very serious. But unfortunately people don't know what to seek and they are mislead. First of all whatever I am going to tell you, you don’t have to take it for granted. Because we have had big problems with this blindfolded faiths. So whatever I am going to tell you, you have to take it like a scientist with an open mind. I am putting forward you a hypothesis. And if this hypothesis is proved then it is better we accept it because it is for the benevolence of your being, for the benevolence of your country, for the benevolence of the whole world. It has been promised in all the scriptures that such and such time will come when people will achieve their self-knowledge, their self-realisation. But unfortunately, human being are so conditioned that they don't realise what they have to seek. First thing we have to know that we are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, this ego or conditionings; but we are the pure spirit. Because we say my body, my emotions, who is the owner of this my? That’s what we have to be. So we have to be pure spirit. This is the first thing we are seeking. And the second thing is very important to know that when we take this flowers for granted we don’t understand or we don’t want to know how they are there. Its a miracle, if you see its a miracle how it works. If you ask a doctor who runs you heart, he will say its an autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? That they can’t answer. Science itself is amoral and has its own limitations. It cannot answer all the questions, specially why are we on this earth, why this evolution and where are we to go now. You have been already told because they have told me that they have talked about the subtle system that is within us. This is the system that we can say is autonomous nervous system in a way which is grossly expressing itself. But within yourself there are two powers left and right which are supporting or manifesting left and right sympathetic nervous system. And the central one is the parasympathetic nervous system. Luckily doctors are very honest and they don’t know much about parasympathetic, that’s a fact. Now in this triangular bone as you have been told there is a power called as kundalini. This power which is the kundalini is in the sacrum bone and the Greeks knew very well that sacrum bone is sacred so they called it sacrum. I have been to Greece and I asked them and they said ‘of course we knew this’ that there is some treasure we have. And also he told me very surprising that this treasure, the knowledge of this treasure is only with Indians. They have this ?? . Even in China I heard about the same thing. But when you start talking about the kundalini they start thinking its like a tantrik work. Now I have to explain to you that this power is the one which rises, like a premule of the seed passes through 6 centres and breaks through your fontanelle bone area and connects you to this all-pervading power which does all this miraculous work. This is actually, what you can call as the actualisation of the baptism or you can cal the brahma randra bhed as they call it in Sanskrit. This happening takes place spontaneously as a living process. You don't have to pay for it. One thing we don't understand that God doesn’t understand any money, he doesn’t know any banking. So when we start paying for realisation, for odd or for all kinds of realisations we are really being mislead. All kinds of misleading things have been done. Its very surprising that intelligent educated people never ask questions about what they are doing about their ascent, about their spirituality, about their divinity. They just accepts which has been going for ages together by their forefathers and their forefather. But this is a special time where so many real seekers are born. Of course, I must say America is nowhere compared to them. Because in Russia I get never any program done in a hall or a stadium. 16 to 18 thousand people are there and they all get their realisation. What I found out that they have no conditionings. They don’t know anything about God, they don’t know anything about Rama, they don’t know anything about Christ, nothing. Clean slates ! But once they get to Sahaja Yoga they understand everything so well and penetrate into the depth of reality. This kind of conditionings that we have had instead of helping us you are stuck in this. Its like this, you go to, supposing you have to go to some hall you have to climb some steps, but to enter inside the hall you have to give up those steps. While we are stuck with it. We can’t get out of it. This is the biggest problem I think. I don’t know what to say. But when you see in America way people have no sense of real seeking, I am shocked ! And I can’t understand why are they like that. They are educated, they are well off people, there is no problem with them; but that thing is lacking in them to understand what is reality and that unless and until you get to that reality you cannot be happy, you cannot be satisfied. This has to work out. This is the last breakthrough of your evolution and you have to do it, you have to get it. This is what is brought to you absolutely free. But still they will be busy doing all those rituals, and I don't know what all they do. The best is, there’s somebody who is coming here and celebrating the marriage of Ram and Sita, I told them I am also going to celebrate now. That’s what suits the people I think. I can’t understand Ram and Sita were married long time back, what is the need to marry them again and again. But I don’t know what happens to the intelligence of even Indians. This is the heritage of Indians, but they to take to such things or they take to tantrikas who are just abusing people. They are all making money. That’s what it is. If you put one criteria that you will not pay them, immediately you will know they are not there. How can you pay, just think of it. We have become human beings. How much did we pay? How did we pay for getting this flowers to mother earth? This is a natural spontaneous living process for which you cannot pay. And people are; I don’t know why they want so much money, I don’t understand what they do with it. But such a misleading thing it has started that so many of beautiful seekers are lost. As there are many Indian I find here I would like to tell you that by reading books you cannot read selfrealisation.12.45Kabira has said “Padith padith pandit murakh bhaye” means by reading too much learned have become stupid. So I said what is this, what is this Kabira saying? But I have met many like that. They are, they will show you book, they will read this book, read this page, thousands will attend that kind of nonsense. Today only we were watching some program. There a gentleman saying how to read bible. Now I must tell you that people don’t read bible otherwise they would give up. Because Christ and Mohammed Sahib were very very great people and not only that they were very pure people. They didn’t know what sort of things human beings are. So the 5th chapter of Mathews, Christ has said “If your one eye is doing something sinful, take it out. If another eye is doing something sinful, take it out. If your one hand is doing something wrong, cut it out. If another hand does something wrong, cut it out. If somebody slaps you on one face, you turn another face too.” I have yet to meet any Christian who has lost his both eyes and both arms. They are so self sufficient “Oh! @We are Christian”. Now I think Mohammed Sahib must have thought that this is too much for men, all restrictions; so let us do something for women also. So he must have put this restrictions. But he doesn’t know if this restrictions are put on women, I don’t know how many will be living in this America. To look at any man with a bad eye, you have to be buried in the mother earth half way and to be beaten up with shoes or with stones. Now what do you say. If you start doing that in America, how many Hollywood actresses would be living? So this morality as was preached by them was of very high quality and very [difficult/erent ]??. Then also this Sharia, Sharia as they call it by the Muslims, actually it is given if you read the old testament on the Jeremiah that it was given to the Jews by Moses because he found them extremely decadent when he brought this 10 commandments. So, he said that your hands should be cut if you do any stealing. I mean this was going too far, I must say with human beings. And that now they have taken in Islamic laws. I don’t know even one single Muslim who should have his both hand intact. Because, I mean they are human beings, they are not Gods. But these people thought they are all realised souls, very great souls, so they gave all these laws and regulations. Imagine what would have happened to all the Jews if they would have followed? So they gave it up to the Muslims, and now Muslims are supposed to be following it. Supposed to be. So now same with our Hinduism as we call it. Its said that in every body resides the spirit. How can we have caste system. We just ask a question if A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H has a spirit in the heart, every body has a spirit, so how can we have caste system? There was no caste system before. It was according to our work we were doing not according to our birth. It started later on.Now Shri Rama’s life was written down by Valmiki who was a decoit, to begin with. He was not even a brahmin. He was just what we call as a fisherman, low cast. Then the second thing is what about Shri Krishna? His Gita was written by Vyas. Vyasa was the son of, the illegitimate son of a fisherwoman. Shri Krishna would always go to eat, live with Vidura who was a realised soul. But he would not take food at Duryodhan’s place. Vidura was a dasi putra, means a son of a maidservant. All of them have shown them in their life Shri Rama eating the berries which were was touched by a very very old aboriginal Bhilini lady, enjoying it very much. The description is beautiful that he was enjoying it and Lakshmana didn’t like it. What is this? She has eaten it and now she is giving to (Rama). She says I have tasted all of them because I know you don’t like sour things. So they are not sour, you can have it. Lakshmana was angry. So Sitaji says so let me also have some of it. No, no, no these are the best, I wouldn’t give you. Let me have I am your wife you see, must give me. He gave her some. She said I have never eaten such nice berries. See. So Lakshamana says give me also. Sister-in-law give me also. No, no now I am not going to give you because you are so much angry because she has tasted it. I wouldn’t give you. He said please give me. She gives him. And he really says that these are fruits from the heavens. The whole things show this love, that divine is love. The whole thing is of expression of divine love. We have never used the power of love. We have used the power of hatred, or money or other powers; but never have we used the power of love which is so dynamic, which is so compassionate, which is so delicate, which is so sharp. We have no idea as to this power that is the divine power is. When we touch it what can happen to you. We just get transformed. And this transformation makes you, into a person who never gets sick, whose temper goes away, who develops wisdom. This is of course outward manifestation. But inside what happens is that all these centres, 6 centres get enlightened. Most of the world problems are from human beings. I think all the human problems come from these centres. When they are in jeopardy you have all these problems; physical, mental, emotional and also spiritual. But somehow if you put this centres right these problems are solved. Now one must understand that the last centre which is in the red colour you see is the one that works out on the physical level what you call them pelvic plexus, doing all the, all the, what you call excretion, inclusive of sex 21.00That shows that kundalini awakening has nothing to do with sex. Nobody has said that.----26.14 – One day you wouldn’t believe but India will lead the whole world in spirituality, not in money. And in any way, Indian’s are much more moral than anywhere else. Now the reason is there are two genes within us which look after our morality. It's again meta-science. Now, these two genes are on two chromosomes on both the ends. And one gets spoilt or get into mutation when you commit sins against the mother. Sins against the mother is indulgences, all kinds of indulgences sins ??. And another one gets into mutation when you do sin against the father which is aggression, temper, violence, all that. And this mutation then passes from one gene to another to another, and after some time it becomes that they are not aware that they are doing wrong. Like drugs and all that I have seen affect also the brain but also the genes. It affects the brain so much that they don’t realise that they are doing wrong. They don’t know it is wrong. They go on doing wrong things but they are not aware of it. Now this, thank God to traditions, whatever it is; we may be not so rich, may not be so smart, but, there is one thing ‘morality’ is very important. I was surprised for a conference of 2000 scientists and about 10000 other people, they gave me a subject ‘medicine and self-knowledge’ ? What a subject to handle ‘Medicine and self-knowledge’ means how self-knowledge gives you morality, how your help improves through that. So the work is the only parasympathetic nervous system. Kundalini passes through the centre, enlightening those energy centres which give out all you plexuses and it acts, it thinks, it knows, above all it loves. Because this Kundalini is your own mother. Everybody has an individual mother and she knows all about you. She knows your aspirations, she knows your drawbacks, she knows about everything. So you don't have to judge, don’t have to judge yourselves. She knows. You just have to leave it to her and she is so anxious to give you self-realisation, the second birth. So it is very important that we should try to achieve it. As a result, your attention becomes enlightened. In your attention there is no greed, no lust; you become innocent. As Christ has said thou shall not have adulterous eyes. Imagine for Christians to say that, can you imagine? That happens automatically. You really become innocent. And you will be surprised to know that innocence is an eternal thing within us. Never gets destroyed. There are some clouds which are removed and really become very innocent. But such an innocent person becomes very powerful. Wherever it puts its attention it acts, it works out. When we think one thought rises, another thought falls out, another thought rises, another thought falls. We are jumping on the cusps of these thoughts. We live in the future or in the past. But if I say you come in your present, you cannot. But when kundalini rises, she elongates these thoughts and the centre which we call as ‘vilamba’ a pause, where our attention goes and we become thoughtlessly aware. We are aware but thoughtless. This state is called as nirvichar samadhi. At this stage, we achieve our peace. We become peaceful. We watch the whole thing like a drama. We become the witness. Now we become the peace. I have known people who got peace awards and peace organisations and this and that, they also gave me peace award I must say; but these people are so hot-tempered. You have to approach them with a barch??. How can you give them peace awards, I don’t know?! They have no peace within. So this peace is established within yourself. I must say I was with Mahatma Gandhi and also with Lal Bahadur Shastri, very very close. Both were realised, souls. And Gandhiji always told me that ‘unless and until we are free we cannot talk of Sahaja yoga’. But when we became free you know how many problems came to our country, and he was no more. Then came another disciple of him, Lal Bahadur Shastri, born on the same date, same style. But Gandhiji was an austere man, very austere. I mean his character. I lived with him. I have so many beautiful moments with him. He used to call me Nepali, you see. And because I was very young, I was a child, he would listen to me. Otherwise, he would be angry with people for doing something wrong, and very strict. Get up 4 o’clock, have your bath, go for a walk, all these things. But he was such a great person. Without his disciplining, we could never have won our freedom. And discipline in his own life. I met him just one day before his death. I really can’t understand why people should kill anybody like that, was such a great soul. Same with Lal Bahadur Shastri. I was very close to him. He was another realised soul and he also said that let me settle down then we will start Sahaja yoga very ??. So discuss with me about these things. But one thing common been both of them was this, very common, was that the principle of every religion is the same that you must get your self-realisation. The essence of every religion is the same. There is nothing to fight. There is nothing to fight. And their Bhajanavali (hymn book) if you read, they're also under my consultation he did it according to the chakras. It was really so great. These two people, I mean I was so close to them; normally if you go close to any one of these big people you want to run away because they are not big at all. But Gandhiji and Lal Bahadur Shastri were two great person I must say. Being very close to them and they wanted that this somehow I should find out a way, a method by which amass realisation could be given. And I found it in the year 1970, I found it. But by that time both were not there. Still, it worked out. And now I must say in India people are very aware of Sahaja yoga. In Delhi, we have at least 16000 Sahaja yogis. Delhi city itself we have 16000. And moreover every place we have done very well except for few provinces, which I don’t know why it doesn't work out. Alright, whatever it is, we have to understand that if we watch especially America I feel it is getting destroyed from within. Not only by drugs but also by thinking. Like I read an article recently about Mr Simpson who killed his wife. So the deduction they had that because that after marriage people husbands kill wives, and wives kill husband; only here may be or may be other places; so we should not marry. You should not have any marriages. I mean imagine. If you start doing all these things, all immoral things are encouraged today, then you cannot save this country. Its the responsibility of the people who are thinking, who are seeking truth to tell them what is the reality to save them. For that, you will feel committed yourself. Once you will have realisation you will think why should I only enjoy, why not others. Now with all these people who are here most of them, they have come all the way from India and they are all young people. 36.00Some are architects, doctors, learned people. But they have realised their responsibilities, not for themselves only, for others. Tomorrow somebody gets cancer then they come to Sahaja yoga. , not the way. You can cure cancer. You can do everything. But you have to be equipped. Above all what happens to you that you can feel the truth absolutely on your fingertips. In Koran/Quran it is written that when Kiyama (resurrection time) will come, when resurrection time will come, your hands will speak and they will give a witness, Shahadat (witness against you) against you. They will tell what’s wrong within, it happens. Because you can feel your centres on your fingertips and you can feel the centres of others on your fingertips. Because who is the other, you become collectively conscious. A drop becomes the ocean, a microcosm becomes a macrocosm. So, there is nobody the other. They all feel what's wrong with you. 37.05They talk the language of centres and chakras. Not what clothes you wear, what caste you are, what race you are; but what are the centres like and on that they cure. After that, I must say some doctors had an objection that mother if you start getting people cured without any money, what will happen to us? So I told them, baba, how many come to Sahaja yoga first of all? Secondly, there are many people who have no money to come to you also. So all the rich people will leave it to you because very rich people are difficult. Christ has said that you cannot pass a camel through the eye of a needle but not the rich man. And he is true also, I tell you. Because they are lost, rich, rich, rich... So much of a greed. No satisfaction of anything. The reason is wants, in general, are not sachetiable, is a economic science. Today you want a house, alright, get a house. Then you want carpets, get carpets. Then you want to have a car, get the car. Then you want a helicopter. Goes on like this. Whatever you get you are not satisfied with it. So you are moving from one to another without feeling satisfied. So, what gives you satisfaction is this that you pure desire which is the kundalini. She is the power of pure desire. And once she is awakened then you are absolutely satisfied with yourself. You know how to enjoy everything. You will enjoy this carpet, you will enjoy everything, every bit of it you will enjoy. Life becomes a joy full existence. You jump into the ocean of joy. Really it happens. It is there at ?? and the bliss of this all-pervading power, I need not tell you. Recently there is a gentleman here from Delhi. His son had a very bad accident with his motorbike quite far away and he came walking home. And they didn’t know how he came. They asked I don't know how he came. But there was a very bad accident and he was not at all hurt. A little bit of scratch somewhere. There is another one this story, I mean I don’t know how to believe it or if you can believe it so just... there was a girl whose father is a Sahaja yogi. She got frustrated in some love affair may be something, and her father had a revolver because he is a customs officer. So she shot herself from here (pointing somewhere in the left lower abdomen) and the bullet came out from here (pointing right shoulder). She was little bit bleeding. They took her to the hospital. They said her heart is sound, her lungs are sound, nothing! As if the bullet was having a nice time inside and nicely came out, is unbelievable, its a fact. So many such stories they tell me and so many things that has blessed them. And when they tell me about this I am quite amazed. So I told somebody you better compile them. Within one month she said, “Mother it has gone all up to my head, now I don’t know which one to compile”. I said “forget it. Let it be because we have no time”. So you must know you entered into the Kingdom of God. It is not a kingdom of Mr Bill Clinton. No, this is the Kingdom of God where you are looked after, you are loved, you are lead into the right path. You meet nice people and life becomes so easy; Sahaja. Just you see that some nice people are meeting you; suddenly. Something nice happening. For all this, you have to have only pure desire to ascend. That’s all. That’s all is wanted that you want to ascend. And if that is done with humility you will be amazed what glories you have, what great talents you have. You must have heard about Amjad Ali, Sefat Hussain, all these people have been in Sahaja yoga. Also Debu Chaudhary. So many people. Debu Chaudhary had a problem of sitarist have that, he had cramps on his fingers and also on the thumb. So he came to me. Got cured. Not only he but his son is a great artist. We have so many poets, so many orators all over the world. And really amazing how these talents come up. And they don’t talk trash. They don’t believe in nonsense, they are dignified. But always laughing and enjoying themselves. And its such a life, a new race of, a new age is this. All other stories of a new age of cutting your hair like this or putting something in the nose is not. Or even Hare Ramas wearing dhotis in that cold of Chicago; I told them why are you wearing dhotis here. He said our guru has initiated. In this cold, your guru has initiated dhotis for what. In India everybody wears dhotis, are they all going to go to heaven. Such things people are doing. And thousands are there like that. They said no, our guru has initiated, we are going to wear dhotis only. Imagine. Is a simple thing to understand that by wearing dhoti or a pant or a jean or anything you are not going to go to heaven. It is something inside that has to happen. Now he was not... he was very angry. He said my guru told me this that. ?? said the fun thing you have given me Gita. Krishna has said to begin with is the ‘krodha’ is the anger is to root of ??. very angry person, what is he doing. Austerity brings this anger. Austere if you become, deny this deny that, nothing to be denied. You just become detached within yourself. Will not eat this, will not eat that, just for yourself. Like their guru his name Prabhupad, he came to see me because my husband was Chairman of Shipping Corporation of India. So they said you are very spiritual we have heard now can you take some murtis from here to East Africa for a temple. I said now how many temples you want to have? Then he started talking about this and that. But I said alright I will tell my husband. Said that but I heard that you are a spiritual lady, living in comfort and you have diamonds on you, how can it be? How can you be spiritual? I smiled at him. I said what have you done to be spiritual. I gave up my family, I every day stand on my head, alright and I do what you call I gave up every one. And this and that n that n that. So, I told him alright “One condition, in this house or on my body whatever you think is equal to the dust particle of Shri Krishna, you take it. Anything. But should be equal. He started looking here and there. I said then what have you given up. You have just given up what you call as stones or dust or something like that. I am not holding on to anything so what will I give up. If you are holding on to something then only you can give up. I was surprised. I was really surprised under what misunderstanding these people are that you cannot have a normal family life, you cannot have any normal thing. I mean Guru Nanak was married. Rama was married. Krishna was married. Everybody was marrying. Who has told you to give up your families, go to the Himalayas and stand there? In Sahaja yoga not necessary. We have to create a new society of very normal good people. Who love each other, who care for each other, such a brotherhood. It is amazing to see. I have never seen these people come for seminars, thousands of them; never fighting, never quarreling. Ofcourse they pull each other's leg sometimes just to have some fun, that's all right. But what a life. You ask them. They said no fun without Sahaja yoga. So I am thankful to you. You have waited for me. Because they told me “there are hardly 20 people, mother would you like to come?” Then they said it is 40 people. I said alright I will come whether there are even two people,???. Of course you must be having some questions. I would like you to write your questions and give it to Dr Worlikar. He himself is quite capable of answering all the questions for you. And he himself had a big miracle of his heart, as he knows that and he is a very wise man. He is very wise for Cerritos (in LA), I think he is very wise. Not I am saying Cerritos people are not wise, I am not saying that. But he is very wise I think the way he understands the people, the way he understands life and problems and why people don’t take to Sahaja, thinking, is very remarkable. And he is such a help to me, to make me understand all of you. So any questions you have, I would love to have the questions sometimes and I will answer them. But just now it will take about 10-15 minutes for you to get your realisation. And I think you should all get your realisation. Of course I cannot force on you. If you don’t want to have it, it cannot be forced. I respect your freedom absolutely. But there is one thing, the way they have told me that here people mother get realisation and they get lost. So I remember the parable of Christ that he said some seeds fell on the rock and some fell on a proper ground. They were sprouted but didn’t become trees. But some has sprouted and they became great trees of wisdom. The same thing. You can do a lot because there is so much within you. You can become your own master. You can do a lot for others. But you don't realise what is your potential, what you could be, what is the purpose of your life. And if you really realise that then you will definitely come to our centres and grow into it. You don’t have to pay. In any way, you don’t have to pay. We don’t want any money from you in any way. There was one gentleman who told me “mother, there are some Nigerians who want to give us money.” I said “why do you need money for? What is the need?” It is a headache to have money you know. And they found it was a scam. Thank God. Otherwise, they would have said, “I am not practical”. So far we had no problem of money, and money is not everything. Whenever you want you can get money. What is money after all? Equal to the dust particle of God Almighty. So, you don’t have to pay money. Nothing of the kind. You have to just pay attention to your self and respect your self-realisation. For that you have to come to our collectivity, you have to come and learn. But many people come when I am here and they get lost. And that is what Worlikar told me that this is what is the situation. I said I don’t how to make them understand it is important. You are missing the point. You are here only for this. You are missing the point. You must value your life. Must value yourself. So, again and again, I would request please now after getting your realisation please come to our centres and know about Sahaja yoga, master it. 50.35If you are a doctor it is better. But even if you are not you can be a doctor without becoming a real doctor, you can become a doctor’s doctor.It would take 10 – 15 minutes. But I would say that you should not leave in between. If you want to leave, you can leave now. Just very simple. Please be seated all of you.Alright. So there are three conditions we have. Very simple, three conditions. The first one is that you should not feel guilty at all. People might have told you that you are sinner this that, all nonsense, don’t believe it. When you are here, you are no more a sinner; you are a seeker. And please don’t feel guilty for anything. When you feel guilty, physically also this centre catches. And when this centre catches then you develop physical problems, this spondylitis, also angina comes from that. And lethargic organs also if you develop this centre very badly. So what’s the use having this myth. If you would have done any mistakes, alright, you should have faced it at that time. But why do you want to carry it all life? So please don’t feel guilty. That is first. That means you must forgive yourself fully. I mean there is nothing wrong. After all, as I said you are human beings, you are not Gods. So you will commit mistakes, what’s the harm. So now don’t try to condemn yourself by any chance.53.0Now the second condition is forgiven yourself and you have to forgive everyone. Whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. You torture yourself for nothing at all and play into wrong hands. So you just forgive everyone. There now who will say its very difficult. What do you do? It is a myth. Even don’t think about people whom you want to think or forgive. Just forget, forget them. Say “in general I forgive everyone”. Everyone. Because it is of no help.Now the Third condition is very simple, you have to take out your shoes; that's all. I mean to say you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. [speaking to sy]. Alright. Translation from Hindi: I will just speak in Hindi. These foreigners are doing Sahaja so well. And this is your inheritance or responsibility. And what has happened to the Indian people here. They are going and performing the marriage of Sita and Rama. They do all sorts of strange things. You are educated people and you should understand that why are we doing senseless things. You should understand that this is all foolishness. There is a Maharani (Queen) of Dhangendar. I will tell you a story about her. She got hold of a maid servant and made her into a Devi (goddess) and started worshipping her. She herself told Me that in Los Angeles she has lots of followers. This name Los (lost angels) Angeles must have come from this kind of people. Just imagine. They are making money out of this. They are organising a marriage between Shri Rama and Shri Sita. Is this a sensible thing. She said in Kalyug there has to be bhakti. I said “Yes. There should be bhakti. But you have no connection. How are you doing bhakti and to whom?” If your telephone has no connection, then whom are you calling. First get your connection, and then do bhakti (worship). You will be surprised that curing these people’s throats, My own throat gets into trouble. Those who keep chanting Hare Rama Hare Krishna like mad. Who taught them this madness. Shri Krishna did not teach this. I just don’t understand. Only making money. Only making money. Standing on Oxford Street wearing dhotis and sarees, and dancing. Hair pieces keep falling off, and they keep dancing. I said “Shri Krishna is Kuber (God of wealth). How can you beg in the name of Kuber. He gave Sudama so much Aishwarya (wealth) just like that. If you are a devotee of Shri Krishna, you should be giving and giving. Instead you are begging”. Any place they get, they are begging. They have spoiled the name of Shri Krishna so much. I have never said this before, but after meeting these people I feel this movement is one of very fooling people. So bad. And people actually give them alms. They leave their jobs, leave their houses, children. Leave everything, and start begging. In which dharma (religion) is it written like this. We Indians must grasp the real truth, and place reality before the people. Even in China people say that India is the place of spirituality. That is what people expect from you. Are these Hindusthanis (people of India). When I asked “Why do all of you go to these false Gurus”, the foreigners said, “Mother, these are Indians How can Indians tell lies”. I said, “actually they are experts in telling lies. No one is greater than us in telling lies. What makes you think that they are not telling lies”. So they said “We thought that since they are Indians they cannot tell lies.” People consider us very pious and holy. Yes, we are peace loving, and we are afraid of fighting, and violence. We do not fight. But considering what people think of us, that we are not. The example of this is that wherever I go, because I am an Indian, thousands will come. But when we tell them that they should come to our Centers, or we talk about Sahaja Yoga, they will not come. I said “I am an Indian, why do you trust and respect Me so much”. They say, “Shri Mataji, from Your appearance and Your Personality we feel that”. But I see that any Indian who comes, like one man who was just released from the jail came, even he collected thousands of disciples. This is the importance and advantage of being an Indian. Do you know from where all these rogues come; and what business they are doing. Inspite of this, people accept them just because they are Indians. Basically it is so. We should try to understand what are the expectations that these people have from us. They feel we are very dharmic (religious), very genuine and serious, and they have great expectations. Wherever you go. Wherever. Any place. If an Indian appears in a saffron robe, everyone will flock to them. Germans. Even Germans, who normally do not bow to anyone, they prostrate before these Indians. This is a special trait about us. A sort of God given boon or benefaction. No one can accomplish God’s work the way an Indian can. Indians should come to us. I hope that all the Indians here will come into Sahaja Yoga, and will mould themselves into God’s instruments, and will fulfil people’s belief in them. So many Iranians came. You will see tomorrow. They have come here also. The Jews have also come. But Indians don’t come. They recognise and follow the Dhanangara Devi (the false devi). Absolutely absurd. Now you don’t have to do much. 1.00.25 English speech: Just put both the hands towards me like this. Now both the feet have to be separate because of the two powers we have. And the left hand is symbolically suggesting that you want to have your self-realisation. This (left) hand represents your left side which is the power of desire. So your desire is expressed when you put this hand like this. Now the right hand represents the power of action. So we will try to nourish our centres and we are working only on the left-hand side. This is only for tonight. Only for tonight. Don’t have to do it again. Only you have to desire just now that you should have your self-realisation, that's all. Now please put your left hand towards me and first we put our right hand on our heart. In the heart is the reflection of God Almighty which we call as spirit, Atma. [Translation from hindi: Bend your neck and head]. Now, if you become the spirit you become your guide in the light of the spirit. You become your own master. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard. This is the centre of your mastery which is created by many prophets and many great seers, which is to be awakened. Now please take your right hand now in the lower portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side again. This is the centre of pure divine knowledge. Surprisingly the centre is here. Sometime I may explain to you how this works out. Now, raise your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side and now on the heart again. Now, please put your right hand in the corner of our neck and your shoulder and put your head to your right. I have already told you about this centre that when you feel guilty it goes into trouble. Now, we have to know there is a centre on the optic chasma which is absolutely constricted and we have to forgive otherwise it wouldn’t open. So now please put your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to forgive everyone in general without thinking about them. If you don’t forgive then the centre wouldn’t open and the kundalini wouldn’t pass through. As it is you have tortured yourself by not forgiving. And now at this great moment if you do not forgive the kundalini wouldn’t pass through. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the centre where without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading divine power, Chaitanya. Now stretch your palm fully. Put the centre of the palm on the fontanelle bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now stretch your palm fully. Please put the centre of the palm on top of your fontanelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Centre of your palm. It is very important. Now push back your fingers so that there is a proper pressure on your scalp. This will reduce your stress and all that very easily. Now please put down your head nicely and move your scalp seven times, clockwise, slowly. Scalp I am saying not the hand so much. That's all you have to do. Push back your fingers, put down your head, push back your fingers, put down your head. Please put down your head. So there is a good pressure on your scalp. Now move your scalp slowly seven times. Stretch back your fingers, stretch back. [Translation from hindi: Don’t hold your head. Just spread your fingers at the back.]. This is all we have to do. Now we have to close our eyes until I tell you please don’t open your eyes. Now please put both the feet apart from each other. Now please put your left hand towards me. Need not to slouch or need not put any strain. Just sit comfortably in your seat. Now please put right hand on your heart and now close your eyes and please don’t open them till I tell you. Here you have to ask me a very fundamental question about yourself in your heart 3 times. You can call me mother or Shri Mataji. So please ask a question in your heart “Mother Am I the Spirit?”Ask three times. “Mother, Am I the Spirit ?” [Translation from hindi: Mother, am I the Spirit (twice)] Now please take you right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. I have already told you that if you become the spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So ask another question about your self, three times “Mother am I my own master?” “Mother am I my own master?” I have already told you that I respect your freedom,I cannot force on you pure divine knowledge. So now please put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and here you have to say 6 times because this centre has got 6 petals; please say 6 times “Mother please give me pure divine knowledge” “Mother please give me pure divine knowledge”. Now, when you ask for divine knowledge, kundalini starts moving.You wouldn’t feel anything. Now we have to nourish our upper centres to open for the ascent of the kundalini. So now, raise your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen in the left-hand side. Here press it hard. Here you have to say with your full self-confidence 10 times “Mother I am my own master”. Please say it 10 times “Mother I am my own master”. At the very outset, I have told you that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intellect, this conditioning, this ego; but you are the pure spirit. So now raise your right hand on top of your heart, and here you have to say again with full confidence 12 times “Mother I am the pure spirit”. Please say it “Mother I am the pure spirit”. This all-pervading divine power which we have never felt before is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of bliss, is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might commit, they are easily dissolved by this power of ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself. Now put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say 16 times with full self-confidence “Mother I am not guilty at all”. Please say it 16 times, it is very important to say that. I feel this centre is catching. Now as I have told you, whether you forgive, you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don't’ forgive at this time centre of Agnya wouldn’t open and kundalini wouldn’t pass through. So please forgive. So please forgive everyone in general. It is a myth. Now raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to say, not how many times, but from your heart, “Mother I forgive everyone in general”; from your heart. Now without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading divine power of paramachaitanya. So now please take your right hand back side of your head and push back your head, here you have to say again from your heart, not how many times, “Oh Divine power, if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me” please say it from your heart. Now the last centre is very important and please do it attentively that stretch your palm fully. Put the centre of the palm on the top of your fontanelle bone area and put down your head as far as possible. Now stretch back your fingers is very important, stretch back your fingers. At this centre, I must say that I cannot force self-realisation on you. You have to ask for it. So please move your scalp slowly seven times clockwise saying 7 times “Mother please give me my self-realisation” Please take down your hands. Please open your eyes. You may put both the hands towards me. Now put the right hand towards me like this, put down your head and see if there is a cool or hot breeze like a vibration coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Please see with the left hand. Please don’t put it on top of your head, little away. Some people get it further on. So just move your hand and see for yourself there’s a cool or hot breeze like thing coming out of your head. Now please try with the left hand. Now please put the left hand like this towards me, put the right hand on top of your head, bend your head, and again see, bend your head; see for your self if there is a cool or hot breeze like vibrations are coming out of your own fontanelle bone area. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven yourself or you have not forgive others. So please forgive. Forgiving is a very big power. Now again once more with the right hand towards me, and with the left hand on top of your fontanelle bone area please see. Move your hand and don’t doubt. Just see it is coming out of your own head. If it is not coming just say “Mother please come into my head, come out of my head Mother” that's your mother, kundalini is your mother just ask her. Bend your heads. Bend your heads. Now please put both the hands like this towards me and don’t think. Now you have to put both the hands towards the sky like this and ask a question three times; any one of these three questions you ask one of them three times. Please put up your hands up and your head back. Now ask a question, first question is “Mother is this the cool breeze of the holy ghost” ask this question three times, or the second question you can ask three times “Mother is this the all-pervading power of Divine love” Or the third question you can ask “Mother is this the Parama Chaitanya, is this the rooh ”? Ask any one of these questions three times. Put back your head. Push back your head. Now please bring it down. Put both the hands towards me like this. All those who are feeling the cool or hot breeze on the fingertips or on the palm, centre of palm or out of the fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. All those who have felt the cool breeze on the hand. You didn't feel? [Translation from Hindi: You didn’t feel? Then put your hand up].Everybody has got it practically. May God bless you. Now as I said you have to respect your self-realisation. And you have to go and see these people. And I am sure next year I’ll meet very great saints of Los Angeles. I bow to all the saints. Your life of saint has started now. May God bless you. At the most within one month, you can master this art, everyone, no doubt. [Translation from Hindi: Come, let us go.]
TV Interview, Reel Women, Part 3
United States
Los Angeles
1994-09-29 Shri Mataji, 'Reel Women' Interview, P3, Los Angeles, USA The most revolutionary breakthrough of this age is the collective inner transformation of the human being. This is the next stage in our evolution. The forth to mention that will awaken us to become highly evolved human beings with the ability, to have no more personality, that can save ourselves and save our world …I am [unclear/Audrey Hope] and it is an honour to present Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, world spiritual leader and founder of Sahaja Yoga. Please join us a reel women for the forth to mention of evolution.It is time now in our evolution to introspect deeply into the problems of modern human being and to find an answer and a solution for inner and global peace…If we are to avoid our own self-destruction, in a cleric world then we must limit the Science, rationality, religion, power and money has left us wanting all of us …Rich, Poor, Black and White …And we have looked for truth in all the wrong places But these are special times …The Blossom Times! That has been prophesied in all the ancient texts. It is the last judgement, the age of Aquarius & is the profound opportunity to enter the fourth dimension Where we can become highly evolved spiritual beings and to know on our central nervous system And we can prove God like a science. I am Audrey Hope and this is reel woman and it is a deep honour to present Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi who is the world spiritual leader, Who has travelled all over the world to give en-mass self-realisation to thousands. She is here to talk about the new and long-awaited book …Meta Modern Era …Welcome, Shri Mataji! It is so wonderful to have you!It is hard to pronounce Meta Modern era. What does it mean? Shri Mataji: Meta Modern Era …The modern era is the present times. And meta is beyond that. What is beyond that Audrey Hope(Interviewer): To go beyond the mind! Shri Mataji: No, No not mind. Beyond this time What is beyond this time We expect…Audrey Hope(Interviewer): What is the goal of writing the book? What is you want to achieve? And What did you want to say? Shri Mataji: I wanted to tell them, about the power you all have …All of you …Whether you belong to one religion or to another.Whether you are White, Yellow, Red anything you may be …It's not skin deep. It is very deep within us in the triangular bone called as Sacrum. That shows that even the Greeks knew that it is a sacrum bone …There is a power you all of you have …All of you have the power Which if it is awakened, you achieve the fourth dimension of your personality But the problem that exists today in this world is because Our heritage comes from the Animal Kingdom. And We have many things which belong to the animals The worst then that is that we have also thinking power and rationality so we justify even whatever we do wrong. So even it is the worse than animal stage sometimes… Interviewer: Yes, you call the Rationality the curse of modern man. Shri Mataji: Of course, Rationality can explain everything. You may do any wrong and it explains that it is all right …I mean that's how it is. It is very dangerous. Interviewer: The people like Floyd, they made rational everything. Shri Mataji: Like then it is emotional, the human being is going to be a spiritual being and that is- happens when this power within you rises …through six centres, pierces through your fontanel bone area and connects to your all-pervading power of divine love. Now that is called as 'Ruh' by some people …In the Bible, it is written as 'Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost ' and in other scriptures also it is described very clearly especially in Indian Scriptures as 'Param Chaitanya'.But the trouble with human beings is that they are capable of spoiling anything.If they go to a forest, it will be all clean, nicely, you see… preserved sort of a thing But once a human being enters there you start spelling it … Interviewer: You say that even in America We have 200 years of history and in such a short time we have made such a massive hit. You call it a Coca -Cola culture. Why, Why did you call that Mother? Shri Mataji: You see the culture is more on, money-oriented …You see …Its money …Somehow you should get money …I mean it goes to such an extent that people think killing is alright for money, doing anything is alright for money …Money has its own purpose But it is not for the destruction …It is for the construction of human being and it's not so important also…See it is the thing that we don't have the satisfaction…Today we want to buy a car alright, for that we will work hard, save money, buy one car But after buying it there is no satisfaction then you want to build a house! Then you go from one to another never ever enjoyed What you have achieved … Interviewer: Isn't that Slavery Mother?Slavery to advertising … Shri Mataji: No, No due to greed…Greed in human being. And this Greed comes to us from ancient things like Inheritance …:)But they are satisfied …Animals are satisfied at a point but we are not. We are very Greedy, and we start running after this greed that has no end. This also makes us a little bit competitive and all kinds of things come in …And all kinds of cruelties coming And Rich people think they are the superior people than to others But its not so. Because It has not given them satisfaction …Whatever they have they are not satisfied That's the first thing that shows that they are not very much higher in their awareness…With this happening, it passes through the six centres. Now, these six centres are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being all of them …So when she rises this power which is the Kundalini Which is your individual Mother, She knows everything about you, She knows your past, She knows you hunkering, She knows your aspirations everything …She has tape-recorded it & when She invents itself and rises above the six centres …What happens that the centres get enlightened …Then they get integrated …And when it pierces through the fontanel bone area it becomes one with this all-pervading power …Now we all these beautiful flowers here but we just take them for granted We just don't understand that how different flowers are grown differently in a different manner from the same soil …How does our mother earth does all this miracle or We see our heart running and we say ask a doctor …Who is running our heart…He will say it an autonomous nervous system …But if you ask who is this auto …they can't answer … Interviewer: There is a scientific culture …We need proof of everything. Shri Mataji: That's all right! you can prove it Interviewer: We can prove it? Shri Mataji: Yes, We can prove. We can prove everything Whatever I am saying… Can be proved. But you see you must turn your eyes to the truth also …To find out what is the truth really …In a sincere manner you can find out …for eg - The scientist himself said that there is a Torsion area beyond our mind means beyond rationality. There is a torsion area. And if you can reach that torsion area you can get the truth before you And that can be verified by science. He himself was so tired finding out the theory of relativity And in the laboratory, he was searching and was so tired so went into the garden and was playing with the soap bubbles …And there he says suddenly from somewhere unknown this theory drowned upon me …It happens to all the scientists but they don't know the area He has precisely called it as the Torsion area.09:29 Interviewer: Didn't it happen with you 09:27 Mother too…Didn't it happen to you by a tree in your meditation like you discovered en-mass of realization? Shri Mataji: I was born like this …I should say. So nothing happened that way But I was more anxious about one thing. That I said the state must be reached …This stage of self-knowledge and self- realization by everyone in this world …That was my research or I should say that was my greatest desire so I tried to steady human being in a subtle human way…..What's the problem with them? Because formerly only one person could get the self-realisation among 1000's of them and that was the tradition to give to one person only …So then I thought Why not everyone because unless and until everyone gets it It's not going to work out well for the one who gets because you have seen all saints have been tortured, troubled, crucified because others did not know what it was, So they thought he is talking something rubish Whatever it is …So it has to happen to the collective. Thus I tried to find out about human beings, luckily my father was a very social person, my husband also. As a result, I found out in 1970…The method by which you can give a mass -realization. And for that mass realization then I started working with one lady, to begin with…Gradually start doing. Now they tell me 72 nations are following… Interviewer: Are you surprised at how many numbers of people are practising Sahaja yoga? Is it? Did you expect this? Shri Mataji: Only I thought that if it works it will work! But I expect more to come now. Interviewer: What are the very special time period? Is it called Krita Yuga? What is that mean? The cycle of Krita Yuga? Shri Mataji: Yes, very special time period That is why I called it Krita yuga.See the first it was this ' Kalyuga ' Which was the worst of all among all of them …They are described in the Shastras also. They described it…But they didn't go that far. They didn't visit…I think … America to see [unclear]. At the most, they said they [unclear/are laid in steel ]and all such things, Which is not a great crime I think but that the children will answer back there parents and all that was written …but if you come to America you will realize it, its completely a very [unclear/critics] and very very dangerous picture of the 'Kalyuga' …After 'Kalyuga', comes 'Krita Yuga' Where this all-pervading power starts working out…through human beings …That's started in the beginning and then after that will come 'Satyuga' I think the Satyuga has also started …Where everything will be exposed… Interviewer: Falsehood everything … Shri Mataji: Yes Interviewer: Shri Mataji I don't know if you know this but -People in America are crazy for this Y2K …They think this is the end of the world. They think that once 2000 will come all the computers start [unclear/erasing ] :) We are going to have the end …And People in [unclear / some country] and [unclear] are preparing in building walls and arming themselves with war …This is going on …What do you say about that? Shri Mataji: No, No …You see our creator who has created us, is not going to allow this destruction. Of course, this is the last judgement so those who do not rise above their human awareness might be lost but not people who are achieving their greater awareness…They won't be lost. And from that our creator himself has placed this great power within us to have our ascent into this fourth dimension. Interviewer: So world peace is possible Mother? Shri Mataji: Of course, I mean, when this happens to you, you become extremely peaceful…Now look at our thoughts ! they come from say future sometimes from the past and we dance in the cusp of those thoughts. All the time we are dancing We can not stop thinking but when this power rises She elongates them and there is the space in between that is the space of present where you are silent …You watch everything you react to nothing you just absorb, absorb it…For example -I see a beautiful carpet here, so I look at it how beautiful it is! I am having all the enjoyment of the artist who created it …But I don't go on thinking -How much you have paid ? Where can I get it …Or if it is mine then should we ensure it All these nonsensical ideas don't come …The beauty you just start watching, & watching the beauty as peace of great joy to you. Anything …So if you see a human being who is so much reactionary to everything goes mad…So you have to be silent …and when you are silent you are peaceful…Unless & Until there is a peace within your self you can't create peace by bombs …Can you? Interviewer: So you want to transform people and political power? That's the hope? Shri Mataji: That is our destiny! Every human being has the right to get it…Sahaja - 'Saha' means 'with', 'ja' is 'born' . Interviewer: Shri Mataji When I met with yogis, I was very impressed they look in your eyes…I wanted to be like them …I wanted to love like them, and that is the true meaning of Sahaja yoga …What [unclear/pure cells? What pure spirit ?] Shri Mataji: Yes there eyes are glittering and they don't fight, they love each other, and it is not an artificial thing …They are just natural & even if they are from different countries I have seen them so nicely blended together, enjoying each other, loving each other …I mean they find they have found their brothers all over … sisters all over… Interviewer: Sahaja yoga has had many American Breakthroughs. Can you tell us about them, Mother? especially In America, they love that …They love to know that it can cure cancer … Shri Mataji: I have already had a hospital in India And another one we are going to have …This is near Bombay …Another one We are going to have is In Delhi …this hospital…Where we treat them freely because it's there own power So we can't charge them but for there stay and food, of course, we charge them…It's a very remarkable thing which we have found out. That most of the diseases can be cured by the awakening of the Kundalini because diseases come to you because of the imbalance of your centres …With the exhaustion of the centres but this KundaliniWhen she rises she nourishes them not only that, but she integrates them. Cancer has been cured of many people … Interviewer: Has it been documented by Scientific Research? Shri Mataji: Of course, Of course, We have doctors, they have documented … Interviewer: Wao! Even Genes can be changed…How many souls can be changed? Shri Mataji: yes In my book I have written out about this. And I have also written about Phosphorous …When there is too much phosphorous in the body, in the genes because of dry temperament, you see …So a person gets very much hot-tempered. Can also get what you can call a person is very easily irritated, very overactive sort of a person …But in case, You get your realization you get so balanced … Interviewer: Will you speak about women, Mother? In a book you talk about [unclear], that if it's so natural and so normal then Why do we so violent, Why do we so violently go against & also study say Why one person[unclear], We flirt with another, and we have all this [unclear ] …our value system is not so good … Shri Mataji: See I don't know how they don't understand?That these things create horrible diseases…They are creating horrible diseases scientifically proved but still, they indulge in it because they think they have the freedom to ruin our lives. What can we do about it? This kind of attitude they take. And they are going on and I just don't know how to tell them that this is all wrong. While, you try to be moral, which is one of the sentences Which is below this Kundalini & is the centre for morality that has to be alright. And That's the one which makes you stabilize yourself …Now I have seen that some x people we didn't allow them to be there …Because the problem was that I have some great sympathy for them…And I wanted to start even a hospital for that …But they are so arrogant, They know they are going to die now, so they think that they can do whatever they want …Arrogant…They shout, scream……And they form a group to attack us …Is impossible to make them understand that you are sick, you can be saved if you try to follow Sahaja yoga But they are very difficult …Rather most difficult patients I have seen…Otherwise, other patients are all right and so many diseases which we call cancer and other muscular diseases …So many other kinds of diseases have been already been cured by Sahaja yoga. So first they use to come and tell Sahaja yogis, so I thought better have hospitals! So now we have a hospital in Bombay, near Bombay, there are 175 patients already…And another one we are starting here in Delhi Interviewer: Wonderful! Also Mother, How can we stop the inhumanity to a woman? How can we stop this? Shri Mataji: Men are inhuman to a woman and sometimes the woman is inhuman to men. It's quite a lot here, right?:) Interviewer: You really take a stand against the needy oh mother…You say media is the absolute reason for it …For value system going down … Shri Mataji: I am not interested in this media because they don't understand …how irresponsible they are !… All that goes wrong, could be blamed on them …They don't understand that it is a very important thing for media to be responsible and to understand that what are they up to? Because money-making is that is the aim …if that is the only thing to be achieved…What can you talk to them? But they should understand that they are very responsible, the hell responsible for all the destruction that has taken place … Interviewer: Another word like the Law of Polarity you talked about in the book, The law of Polarity meaning? Shri Mataji: Yes It reacts, It reacts …If you go to one extreme it reacts in the other extreme …So one should not go to the extremes, in any anything, you should be in the centre … Interviewer: And In many countries, right now, are suffering from the law of polarity? Shri Mataji: Yes, Yes, Any country …you see…When it goes too much to the extremes …Now I would say - say In America, You are alright prosperous everything but I find everybody [indebted 21:04 ]…I am amazed that in India also many people have come, well educated mostly they are [indebted21:15 ]They have debts on them. So I said Why, Why should you be indebted? This is the lifestyle is such, So they have to carry on the lifestyle and the fad that see this is the best …So today they will buy furniture, and then will throw away …Is a style, Lifestyle they say … Interviewer: Choices you say? Choices…So many choices! Shri Mataji: And these choices I have discussed in the …That they have choices which have no meaning …They go on changing for what? I mean …It is just to show off that you have money and you can mean indebted …So the reaction as the polarity acts you see… this is …Then another is too much running after the money we neglect our children, We neglect the family and all these problems start coming up and if the children are neglected they can go to any extreme …as you have seen they get to violence …get to all kinds of things …But children are very important because they are future citizens…And their preservation is extremely important so I have also started an NGO in India Where we are looking after the children of the destitute woman. Also, we are having a school for them …Already We have a school for foreign children because they want to send their children to India, to be educated. But they have turned out, to be such beautiful children, such good children, very smart very intelligent …Always from India, the Boys and Girls from our schools top the list… Interviewer: Wonderful, I think it's very important …I mean …Really Hitler had started with the [unclear ] to get control of Germany because they were so impressionable, So its important o teach them the right values! Shri Mataji: Right Values are taught also by parents …You see… If the parents are all the time fighting and there is no peace then children start their own ways, and they go to another side but I cant understand that Why can't we have beautiful families? and Why can't We have people who respect each other and have their children who can respect them also…Respect begets respect …In the family, if the husband is saying all kinds of things to his wife …and wife is saying all kinds of things ……Children become …..It is very subtle …You see We don't realize how harmful it could be …But if you realize it …You will try to avoid this …No need to have this kind of atmosphere… Then another problem is this so-called affluence is that People go crazy sometimes they really go crazy …They are really crazy because with affluence they take to horrible things like drugs, the alcoholism all kinds of things and then they go mad … I have also started an N.G.O for drug addicts in a place called Kanhajohri in North America …I am thinking of starting a big place for the people who are drug addict …And you can give the drug addiction overnight …Its a fact This happens …and you don't have to pay for it because it is your own power …So there is a place I am trying to get where we can accommodate people. And I talked to the people there they said Our government will be happy but the people will be against …I said for What? Because You see…All kinds of permissions you [unclear /have to have ] But I said why? so they said they will go 'amak' and they will try to destroy the houses and all that ..I said this Kanhajouhri such a cut off place. Even to walk off there is difficult you can't even have a horse ride So who is going to come out of it to trouble the public …It's a very far fetched place…So nothing like that will happen But unnecessary, you are used to create a problem that everything that goes good than what can be done,…..Your children would be saved entirely. Absolutely, We have so many of them, first in England, Drug Addicts …When they came they saw just lights, this that …Today they are very good Sahaja yogis They are doing very good work, they are well educated …I mean Its a very different area in which you entered. You take drugs to avoid problems, here the problems disappear. Interviewer: Shri Mataji! Sahaja Yoga is the hope for the world … Shri Mataji: of course, It is, No doubt …But unfortunately in America, it's not so popular … Interviewer: I had a lot of people who come and ask how much it costs in the count Shri Mataji: Because you don't take money, That's why they are not interested…I mean I can't take money Whether you are interested or not … Interviewer: But isn't it true that even 1% of the population change if you have such a ripple effect on the world? Shri Mataji: yes, But difficult it is that they have certain concepts about things and all people who are very much clever and cunning better than me …they come and exploit them and they like it …They like exploitation… Interviewer: We have a lot of time! I thank you so much I know you get up very early to come here …And it's so wonderful … Shri Mataji: No I get up early only ! Interviewer: Thank you! Shri Mataji: Nice to come here! Thank you! Interviewer: That's my pleasure! Thank you! Shri Mataji: May God bless you! This is Audrey Hope, In reel woman, dedicated to life and perspectives they can transform our world. Thank you so much for joining us!
1994-09-29 Shri Mataji, 'Reel Women' Interview, P3, Los Angeles, USA The most revolutionary breakthrough of this age is the collective inner transformation of the human being. This is the next stage in our evolution. The forth to mention that will awaken us to become highly evolved human beings with the ability, to have no more personality, that can save ourselves and save our world …I am [unclear/Audrey Hope] and it is an honour to present Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, world spiritual leader and founder of Sahaja Yoga. Please join us a reel women for the forth to mention of evolution.It is time now in our evolution to introspect deeply into the problems of modern human being and to find an answer and a solution for inner and global peace…If we are to avoid our own self-destruction, in a cleric world then we must limit the Science, rationality, religion, power and money has left us wanting all of us …Rich, Poor, Black and White …And we have looked for truth in all the wrong places But these are special times …The Blossom Times! That has been prophesied in all the ancient texts. It is the last judgement, the age of Aquarius & is the profound opportunity to enter the fourth dimension Where we can become highly evolved spiritual beings and to know on our central nervous system And we can prove God like a science. I am Audrey Hope and this is reel woman and it is a deep honour to present Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi who is the world spiritual leader, Who has travelled all over the world to give en-mass self-realisation to thousands. She is here to talk about the new and long-awaited book …Meta Modern Era …Welcome, Shri Mataji! It is so wonderful to have you!It is hard to pronounce Meta Modern era. What does it mean? Shri Mataji: Meta Modern Era …The modern era is the present times. And meta is beyond that. What is beyond that Audrey Hope(Interviewer): To go beyond the mind! Shri Mataji: No, No not mind. Beyond this time What is beyond this time We expect…Audrey Hope(Interviewer): What is the goal of writing the book? What is you want to achieve? And What did you want to say? Shri Mataji: I wanted to tell them, about the power you all have …All of you …Whether you belong to one religion or to another.Whether you are White, Yellow, Red anything you may be …It's not skin deep. It is very deep within us in the triangular bone called as Sacrum. That shows that even the Greeks knew that it is a sacrum bone …There is a power you all of you have …All of you have the power Which if it is awakened, you achieve the fourth dimension of your personality But the problem that exists today in this world is because Our heritage comes from the Animal Kingdom. And We have many things which belong to the animals The worst then that is that we have also thinking power and rationality so we justify even whatever we do wrong. So even it is the worse than animal stage sometimes… Interviewer: Yes, you call the Rationality the curse of modern man. Shri Mataji: Of course, Rationality can explain everything. You may do any wrong and it explains that it is all right …I mean that's how it is. It is very dangerous. Interviewer: The people like Floyd, they made rational everything. Shri Mataji: Like then it is emotional, the human being is going to be a spiritual being and that is- happens when this power within you rises …through six centres, pierces through your fontanel bone area and connects to your all-pervading power of divine love. Now that is called as 'Ruh' by some people …In the Bible, it is written as 'Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost ' and in other scriptures also it is described very clearly especially in Indian Scriptures as 'Param Chaitanya'.But the trouble with human beings is that they are capable of spoiling anything.If they go to a forest, it will be all clean, nicely, you see… preserved sort of a thing But once a human being enters there you start spelling it … Interviewer: You say that even in America We have 200 years of history and in such a short time we have made such a massive hit. You call it a Coca -Cola culture. Why, Why did you call that Mother? Shri Mataji: You see the culture is more on, money-oriented …You see …Its money …Somehow you should get money …I mean it goes to such an extent that people think killing is alright for money, doing anything is alright for money …Money has its own purpose But it is not for the destruction …It is for the construction of human being and it's not so important also…See it is the thing that we don't have the satisfaction…Today we want to buy a car alright, for that we will work hard, save money, buy one car But after buying it there is no satisfaction then you want to build a house! Then you go from one to another never ever enjoyed What you have achieved … Interviewer: Isn't that Slavery Mother?Slavery to advertising … Shri Mataji: No, No due to greed…Greed in human being. And this Greed comes to us from ancient things like Inheritance …:)But they are satisfied …Animals are satisfied at a point but we are not. We are very Greedy, and we start running after this greed that has no end. This also makes us a little bit competitive and all kinds of things come in …And all kinds of cruelties coming And Rich people think they are the superior people than to others But its not so. Because It has not given them satisfaction …Whatever they have they are not satisfied That's the first thing that shows that they are not very much higher in their awareness…With this happening, it passes through the six centres. Now, these six centres are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being all of them …So when she rises this power which is the Kundalini Which is your individual Mother, She knows everything about you, She knows your past, She knows you hunkering, She knows your aspirations everything …She has tape-recorded it & when She invents itself and rises above the six centres …What happens that the centres get enlightened …Then they get integrated …And when it pierces through the fontanel bone area it becomes one with this all-pervading power …Now we all these beautiful flowers here but we just take them for granted We just don't understand that how different flowers are grown differently in a different manner from the same soil …How does our mother earth does all this miracle or We see our heart running and we say ask a doctor …Who is running our heart…He will say it an autonomous nervous system …But if you ask who is this auto …they can't answer … Interviewer: There is a scientific culture …We need proof of everything. Shri Mataji: That's all right! you can prove it Interviewer: We can prove it? Shri Mataji: Yes, We can prove. We can prove everything Whatever I am saying… Can be proved. But you see you must turn your eyes to the truth also …To find out what is the truth really …In a sincere manner you can find out …for eg - The scientist himself said that there is a Torsion area beyond our mind means beyond rationality. There is a torsion area. And if you can reach that torsion area you can get the truth before you And that can be verified by science. He himself was so tired finding out the theory of relativity And in the laboratory, he was searching and was so tired so went into the garden and was playing with the soap bubbles …And there he says suddenly from somewhere unknown this theory drowned upon me …It happens to all the scientists but they don't know the area He has precisely called it as the Torsion area.09:29 Interviewer: Didn't it happen with you 09:27 Mother too…Didn't it happen to you by a tree in your meditation like you discovered en-mass of realization? Shri Mataji: I was born like this …I should say. So nothing happened that way But I was more anxious about one thing. That I said the state must be reached …This stage of self-knowledge and self- realization by everyone in this world …That was my research or I should say that was my greatest desire so I tried to steady human being in a subtle human way…..What's the problem with them? Because formerly only one person could get the self-realisation among 1000's of them and that was the tradition to give to one person only …So then I thought Why not everyone because unless and until everyone gets it It's not going to work out well for the one who gets because you have seen all saints have been tortured, troubled, crucified because others did not know what it was, So they thought he is talking something rubish Whatever it is …So it has to happen to the collective. Thus I tried to find out about human beings, luckily my father was a very social person, my husband also. As a result, I found out in 1970…The method by which you can give a mass -realization. And for that mass realization then I started working with one lady, to begin with…Gradually start doing. Now they tell me 72 nations are following… Interviewer: Are you surprised at how many numbers of people are practising Sahaja yoga? Is it? Did you expect this? Shri Mataji: Only I thought that if it works it will work! But I expect more to come now. Interviewer: What are the very special time period? Is it called Krita Yuga? What is that mean? The cycle of Krita Yuga? Shri Mataji: Yes, very special time period That is why I called it Krita yuga.See the first it was this ' Kalyuga ' Which was the worst of all among all of them …They are described in the Shastras also. They described it…But they didn't go that far. They didn't visit…I think … America to see [unclear]. At the most, they said they [unclear/are laid in steel ]and all such things, Which is not a great crime I think but that the children will answer back there parents and all that was written …but if you come to America you will realize it, its completely a very [unclear/critics] and very very dangerous picture of the 'Kalyuga' …After 'Kalyuga', comes 'Krita Yuga' Where this all-pervading power starts working out…through human beings …That's started in the beginning and then after that will come 'Satyuga' I think the Satyuga has also started …Where everything will be exposed… Interviewer: Falsehood everything … Shri Mataji: Yes Interviewer: Shri Mataji I don't know if you know this but -People in America are crazy for this Y2K …They think this is the end of the world. They think that once 2000 will come all the computers start [unclear/erasing ] :) We are going to have the end …And People in [unclear / some country] and [unclear] are preparing in building walls and arming themselves with war …This is going on …What do you say about that? Shri Mataji: No, No …You see our creator who has created us, is not going to allow this destruction. Of course, this is the last judgement so those who do not rise above their human awareness might be lost but not people who are achieving their greater awareness…They won't be lost. And from that our creator himself has placed this great power within us to have our ascent into this fourth dimension. Interviewer: So world peace is possible Mother? Shri Mataji: Of course, I mean, when this happens to you, you become extremely peaceful…Now look at our thoughts ! they come from say future sometimes from the past and we dance in the cusp of those thoughts. All the time we are dancing We can not stop thinking but when this power rises She elongates them and there is the space in between that is the space of present where you are silent …You watch everything you react to nothing you just absorb, absorb it…For example -I see a beautiful carpet here, so I look at it how beautiful it is! I am having all the enjoyment of the artist who created it …But I don't go on thinking -How much you have paid ? Where can I get it …Or if it is mine then should we ensure it All these nonsensical ideas don't come …The beauty you just start watching, & watching the beauty as peace of great joy to you. Anything …So if you see a human being who is so much reactionary to everything goes mad…So you have to be silent …and when you are silent you are peaceful…Unless & Until there is a peace within your self you can't create peace by bombs …Can you? Interviewer: So you want to transform people and political power? That's the hope? Shri Mataji: That is our destiny! Every human being has the right to get it…Sahaja - 'Saha' means 'with', 'ja' is 'born' . Interviewer: Shri Mataji When I met with yogis, I was very impressed they look in your eyes…I wanted to be like them …I wanted to love like them, and that is the true meaning of Sahaja yoga …What [unclear/pure cells? What pure spirit ?] Shri Mataji: Yes there eyes are glittering and they don't fight, they love each other, and it is not an artificial thing …They are just natural & even if they are from different countries I have seen them so nicely blended together, enjoying each other, loving each other …I mean they find they have found their brothers all over … sisters all over… Interviewer: Sahaja yoga has had many American Breakthroughs. Can you tell us about them, Mother? especially In America, they love that …They love to know that it can cure cancer … Shri Mataji: I have already had a hospital in India And another one we are going to have …This is near Bombay …Another one We are going to have is In Delhi …this hospital…Where we treat them freely because it's there own power So we can't charge them but for there stay and food, of course, we charge them…It's a very remarkable thing which we have found out. That most of the diseases can be cured by the awakening of the Kundalini because diseases come to you because of the imbalance of your centres …With the exhaustion of the centres but this KundaliniWhen she rises she nourishes them not only that, but she integrates them. Cancer has been cured of many people … Interviewer: Has it been documented by Scientific Research? Shri Mataji: Of course, Of course, We have doctors, they have documented … Interviewer: Wao! Even Genes can be changed…How many souls can be changed? Shri Mataji: yes In my book I have written out about this. And I have also written about Phosphorous …When there is too much phosphorous in the body, in the genes because of dry temperament, you see …So a person gets very much hot-tempered. Can also get what you can call a person is very easily irritated, very overactive sort of a person …But in case, You get your realization you get so balanced … Interviewer: Will you speak about women, Mother? In a book you talk about [unclear], that if it's so natural and so normal then Why do we so violent, Why do we so violently go against & also study say Why one person[unclear], We flirt with another, and we have all this [unclear ] …our value system is not so good … Shri Mataji: See I don't know how they don't understand?That these things create horrible diseases…They are creating horrible diseases scientifically proved but still, they indulge in it because they think they have the freedom to ruin our lives. What can we do about it? This kind of attitude they take. And they are going on and I just don't know how to tell them that this is all wrong. While, you try to be moral, which is one of the sentences Which is below this Kundalini & is the centre for morality that has to be alright. And That's the one which makes you stabilize yourself …Now I have seen that some x people we didn't allow them to be there …Because the problem was that I have some great sympathy for them…And I wanted to start even a hospital for that …But they are so arrogant, They know they are going to die now, so they think that they can do whatever they want …Arrogant…They shout, scream……And they form a group to attack us …Is impossible to make them understand that you are sick, you can be saved if you try to follow Sahaja yoga But they are very difficult …Rather most difficult patients I have seen…Otherwise, other patients are all right and so many diseases which we call cancer and other muscular diseases …So many other kinds of diseases have been already been cured by Sahaja yoga. So first they use to come and tell Sahaja yogis, so I thought better have hospitals! So now we have a hospital in Bombay, near Bombay, there are 175 patients already…And another one we are starting here in Delhi Interviewer: Wonderful! Also Mother, How can we stop the inhumanity to a woman? How can we stop this? Shri Mataji: Men are inhuman to a woman and sometimes the woman is inhuman to men. It's quite a lot here, right?:) Interviewer: You really take a stand against the needy oh mother…You say media is the absolute reason for it …For value system going down … Shri Mataji: I am not interested in this media because they don't understand …how irresponsible they are !… All that goes wrong, could be blamed on them …They don't understand that it is a very important thing for media to be responsible and to understand that what are they up to? Because money-making is that is the aim …if that is the only thing to be achieved…What can you talk to them? But they should understand that they are very responsible, the hell responsible for all the destruction that has taken place … Interviewer: Another word like the Law of Polarity you talked about in the book, The law of Polarity meaning? Shri Mataji: Yes It reacts, It reacts …If you go to one extreme it reacts in the other extreme …So one should not go to the extremes, in any anything, you should be in the centre … Interviewer: And In many countries, right now, are suffering from the law of polarity? Shri Mataji: Yes, Yes, Any country …you see…When it goes too much to the extremes …Now I would say - say In America, You are alright prosperous everything but I find everybody [indebted 21:04 ]…I am amazed that in India also many people have come, well educated mostly they are [indebted21:15 ]They have debts on them. So I said Why, Why should you be indebted? This is the lifestyle is such, So they have to carry on the lifestyle and the fad that see this is the best …So today they will buy furniture, and then will throw away …Is a style, Lifestyle they say … Interviewer: Choices you say? Choices…So many choices! Shri Mataji: And these choices I have discussed in the …That they have choices which have no meaning …They go on changing for what? I mean …It is just to show off that you have money and you can mean indebted …So the reaction as the polarity acts you see… this is …Then another is too much running after the money we neglect our children, We neglect the family and all these problems start coming up and if the children are neglected they can go to any extreme …as you have seen they get to violence …get to all kinds of things …But children are very important because they are future citizens…And their preservation is extremely important so I have also started an NGO in India Where we are looking after the children of the destitute woman. Also, we are having a school for them …Already We have a school for foreign children because they want to send their children to India, to be educated. But they have turned out, to be such beautiful children, such good children, very smart very intelligent …Always from India, the Boys and Girls from our schools top the list… Interviewer: Wonderful, I think it's very important …I mean …Really Hitler had started with the [unclear ] to get control of Germany because they were so impressionable, So its important o teach them the right values! Shri Mataji: Right Values are taught also by parents …You see… If the parents are all the time fighting and there is no peace then children start their own ways, and they go to another side but I cant understand that Why can't we have beautiful families? and Why can't We have people who respect each other and have their children who can respect them also…Respect begets respect …In the family, if the husband is saying all kinds of things to his wife …and wife is saying all kinds of things ……Children become …..It is very subtle …You see We don't realize how harmful it could be …But if you realize it …You will try to avoid this …No need to have this kind of atmosphere… Then another problem is this so-called affluence is that People go crazy sometimes they really go crazy …They are really crazy because with affluence they take to horrible things like drugs, the alcoholism all kinds of things and then they go mad … I have also started an N.G.O for drug addicts in a place called Kanhajohri in North America …I am thinking of starting a big place for the people who are drug addict …And you can give the drug addiction overnight …Its a fact This happens …and you don't have to pay for it because it is your own power …So there is a place I am trying to get where we can accommodate people. And I talked to the people there they said Our government will be happy but the people will be against …I said for What? Because You see…All kinds of permissions you [unclear /have to have ] But I said why? so they said they will go 'amak' and they will try to destroy the houses and all that ..I said this Kanhajouhri such a cut off place. Even to walk off there is difficult you can't even have a horse ride So who is going to come out of it to trouble the public …It's a very far fetched place…So nothing like that will happen But unnecessary, you are used to create a problem that everything that goes good than what can be done,…..Your children would be saved entirely. Absolutely, We have so many of them, first in England, Drug Addicts …When they came they saw just lights, this that …Today they are very good Sahaja yogis They are doing very good work, they are well educated …I mean Its a very different area in which you entered. You take drugs to avoid problems, here the problems disappear. Interviewer: Shri Mataji! Sahaja Yoga is the hope for the world … Shri Mataji: of course, It is, No doubt …But unfortunately in America, it's not so popular … Interviewer: I had a lot of people who come and ask how much it costs in the count Shri Mataji: Because you don't take money, That's why they are not interested…I mean I can't take money Whether you are interested or not … Interviewer: But isn't it true that even 1% of the population change if you have such a ripple effect on the world? Shri Mataji: yes, But difficult it is that they have certain concepts about things and all people who are very much clever and cunning better than me …they come and exploit them and they like it …They like exploitation… Interviewer: We have a lot of time! I thank you so much I know you get up very early to come here …And it's so wonderful … Shri Mataji: No I get up early only ! Interviewer: Thank you! Shri Mataji: Nice to come here! Thank you! Interviewer: That's my pleasure! Thank you! Shri Mataji: May God bless you! This is Audrey Hope, In reel woman, dedicated to life and perspectives they can transform our world. Thank you so much for joining us!
Think about your benevolence
United States
Los Angeles
Public Program
Public Program, Los Angeles (USA), 29 September 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth.At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it, we cannot describe it, we cannot purchase it. It is, it has been and it will be. I'm so very happy to see so many seekers of truth in Los Angeles. So whatever I'm going to tell you today, you are not to take Me for granted, nor you have to believe Me blind-folded. We have had lots of problems because of this kind of blind-folded faith. But whatever I'm telling you, you have to know that this is just a hypothesis I'm putting forth. If it is proved, then you have to believe in it as honest people because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your family, it is for the benevolence of this city, it is for the benevolence of your country and it is for the benevolence of the whole world. It is important that now we have to think about our benevolence. We have had lots of fun, pleasures, all kinds of enterprises in our life. But what do we seek in those enterprises is joy, anand. Whatever you want to have, you want to have it because you think by that you will feel satisfied and you'll have joy. But it is not so. Today we want to have, say, for example, a house, all right? Then we want to have a car. All right, then we want to have a helicopter, I think. Then it goes on like that one to another. We are never satisfied. If these desires were pure desires, we should have been satisfied when we got them. Also economics says that in general wants are not satiable. Now whatever you have been told about this power which is residing in our triangular bone called as sacrum, that means the Greeks knew it was a sacred bone. They called it sacrum. And this bone has this power within us which is the pure desire and what is the pure desire? That is the truth about ourselves that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, this emotions, this intellect. You are not that because you say my emotions, my ego, but who is this "my"? So you are not that. The truth is you are the pure Spirit. The second truth is that there is a all-pervading Divine power of love. This power of love does all the living work. For example, now you see beautiful flowers all over. We take them for granted. We don't even think that it's a miracle. Who runs our heart? If you ask the doctors, they will say it is autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? So all these living things are done by the Divine power of love. I say to you this, you need not believe it M. But tonight you are going to feel it, you are going to feel it on your finger tips this all-pervading power of Divine love which is called as paramchaitanya in Sanskrit language. In Koran it is called as ruh, in the Bible it is called as the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost and Patanjali has called it as Ritambhara PrAgnya, which is rather a tongue twister. So this power exists. You see the result, you see the result that living things are happening. Now if you go to the science, it has its own limitations. First of all, science is amoral. You can destroy Hiroshima, is all right with science after all. You can do whatever you want to do because you think you have mastered the matter, but that is not our job is to destroy people all over the world. This idea of destruction comes because we forget that we do not know the absolute truth. First we have to know the absolute truth, then we'll know where are we. What are we doing? What we are supposed to do. You are quite aware as to what is happening in the world, especially in America about which I am very much concerned. As you know, there are sixty-five per cent people are expected to be sick within ten years' time. It's not only a sickness of the body but of the mind and this destruction will one day create such a vacuum that we'll be all shocked why we are born as human beings and why we should be destroyed? After all, the Creator has created us with such understanding, with such love, He has evolved us to this position and now why should we be destroyed? The reason is: we must find out why are we on this earth. We are on this earth to become the Spirit, to be a channel of God's love and above all, to enter into the Kingdom of God. When I say to you it sounds rather impractical and people can't believe it. It's a fact. It's the truth, I'm telling you that the time has come for all of you to become the Spirit. It's a special time. I call it a Blossom Time. They call it the Last Judgment. Some people call it as Qiyama. Even in Sanskrit there are words, many words to describe it. So now we have to be the Spirit, otherwise we should see with our own eyes the destruction of our fellow men and of ourselves. There's nothing in between. Either you become Spirit or all kinds of destructions will start. You've been already told about the centers that exist within you. On the medical side, we can say that they express themselves and manifest themselves as plexuses, but also they act on the left-hand side as shown there on our mind. So we'll take one center and I'll tell you what can happen to you. Of course, Sahaja Yoga is a meta science. Whatever I'm saying you can find out and you'll discover that whatever I'm saying is the truth. This one chakra we'll deal today because I could feel what's the problem of Los Angeles. This center that we call as Swadishthana , the yellow-colored one. It comes out of the third center what we call the Nabhi chakra, the solar plexus. But this one which manifests aortic plexus moves all over your abdominal viscera and gives energy to your liver, to your pancreas, to your spleen, to your kidneys, to your intestines one side. Another thing important thing it does, about which I think doctors don't know, perhaps, is that it transforms energy for the use of the gray cells. The gray cells in the brain we use when we are futuristic, we think too much, read too much, when we are very mental. This energy is used and for that this poor center has to work very hard. Today's life as it is, you see, where it is so futuristic. Not only that but we have become really very mental people. We go on thinking, thinking, thinking and this thinking is done by the gray cells which require the energy. So this poor center has to work for this only work when you are a thinker. Now it has to do other things also. So it neglects all other viscera. (Mother talks aside.) So all others are neglected. Now when the liver is neglected, it is a very, very important, extremely important organ in our body. It takes out all the poison from our body as heat and pass it into blood. It cleanses through this process. But when this liver is neglected, it cannot do that work which it has to do; then the heat starts accumulating in the liver. Such a person is quite a hot-tempered person, very hot-tempered can be. When he tries to control the temper, he gets even worse. That's not the only thing that happens. This heat consumes all the fats and such a person starts becoming extremely thin. He doesn't like food, he doesn't like people. I mean his attention becomes extremely disturbed and he thinks no end of himself. He thinks that all others are stupid fools; I'm the only wisest person. If anybody thinks like that then they should know they have a liver problem. Now thus a thing called ego starts growing. This is the white color into the brain crosses over and you get a big balloon of ego. That's on one side, doesn't matter. But what happens to your body? This heat of the liver then starts rising and when it goes to the pancreas, you develop diabetes. Is a very common disease of modern man is diabetes. Now can you imagine in India we have villagers, simple people. They don't think so much, you see. They earn, today, eat their food, sleep off. Next morning they are again up. They don't have to insure anything, they don't have to worry about it. But they take so much of sugar, sometimes four, five spoons, big spoons. The spoon must stand straight at right angle otherwise they think this is not tea at all and they take it three, four cups of tea. They never get diabetes. It's a wonderful thing, you know, that you can have as much sweet as you like, you never get diabetes. Now these villagers don't think but those who are sitting on their chair planning, thinking of the future all the time, they definitely get diabetes. Then what happens? Then the another movement of the same heat goes to spleen and now this is even worse. Spleen is a speedometer. It keeps our speed. Supposing we have eaten our food and then we want to run, get a pain here, because it supplies red blood corpuscles for emergencies. If the spleen goes out of order with the heat as well as the kind of life we have, a very hectic life. First of all, what I see in America is really terrible because they get up late, in the night sleep late first of all and get up late. Then early in the morning they have to go to work, so they are in a hurry. They'll pull back their jeans and then I don't know. They don't eat at all, they don't even brush, get into the car, start brushing and then they have their food in the car, or call it the breakfast, so-called breakfast. Here it is all the cars are honking and you're getting late and there's a jam, this that. This poor spleen doesn't know what to do, because it's such a hectic life. It doesn't know how to cope with such a hectic person who sometimes needs this, sometimes needs that, so it becomes hectic. But then it is vulnerable to a very serious disease which we call as blood cancer, leukemia. On the contrary, if our life is a peaceful quiet life, we nicely get up in the morning, have our bath, don't go for jogging, that's also another thing. Jogging is right-sided. Jogging is all right for people who are lethargic, you see. Indians would be better. But not for Americans. Because this is the physical as well as the mental side, right side. And suddenly you get a shock or something happens. Specially the newspapers. They believe in just giving you shocks. So in the morning you read something. "Oh, what has happened?" And you get a shock. Now you won't believe the way they are describing now the calamities in India are not so bad. I've telephoned, I found out, it's not so bad. But why the newspaper are doing because they love to give you shocks and you also love them because they give you shocks, I think. So in this shocking conditions this poor spleen of yours cannot cope and that's how you get this horrible disease called blood cancer. Now I must tell you with Sahaja Yoga we have completely cured blood cancer, completely cured of many people. It's a fact. Without going to doctors, without going for diagnosis because in the diagnosis only half people die, but we know their trouble. They and we know what they are suffering from and it can be worked out. Just this Kundalini is to be raised. She goes to this center and just pacifies, enlightens it, nourishes it and the whole thing changes. I'm not telling you a cock and bull story. I really tell you. You should know that it is all happening, it's all happening today, everywhere. Then the third thing that happens is that your kidneys get coagulated and you get kidney trouble. Then you have to go for dialysis and you end up as bankrupts. I mean they do not cure you with dialysis. No, there's no cure with dialysis. But the only thing that happens that you can become a bankrupt and then die. Then it goes to intestines, creates problem. You never feel hungry and whatever you may eat, you get into constipation of terrible dimensions and that leads to then hernia and all kinds of diseases. So with one center how many things you are suffering. But that's not the end of it. Then this heat rises upward. There's a center we call it as right heart. Here you can see. When this center is affected, you develop asthma. Asthma is one hundred per cent curable in Sahaja Yoga. We have a doctor who got his MD. Now he's in America for curing cancer, curing asthma through Sahaja Yoga. Absolutely curable. So with the intestines, with the kidney, there are problems which seem, looks like, people say, is incurable, but not. These are the fundamentals we have, and if you have to deal with the fundamentals, then the rest of it falls into proper picture. Like supposing now there's a tree which is sick. Now if you start treating the leaves, you can't cure. If you try to correct it through its branches, you can't cure. You have to go deep down into the roots and the sap that rises will cure it. In the same way, these are the roots. This is the knowledge of the roots I'm telling you. I see Los Angeles every year is growing and growing and growing. America is growing very fast, no doubt. But when a tree of this civilization is growing so fast we must find out about our roots. And if you do not find out about your roots how are you going to look after this huge big civilization you have created which is dry, which has no nourishment? So we have to go to our roots. Another problem is that if this knowledge is coming from India, people have an objection. It should come from America or from England. Many people believe that Christ was born in England. Is impossible to say that all right, you have science, which we have learned; now we have something. Why shouldn't you learn, if it is for your good? It's only not I am saying that. We had poets in London like William Blake. He has said for these days that the men of God will be born in those days and they will become Divine and they will have powers to make others Divine, said by an Englishman. I don't know if you read C.S. Lewis or not. Another one, so many. There was also one poet. He was Englishman who came in here and lived here. I read them and I'm surprised that this has already been predicted. So some people start thinking about it and they think, "Let's go to religion." Nothing wrong with religion as such and nothing wrong with the people who have created it, but I must say people like Jesus Christ or Mohammed Sahab were really very, very great people, were very, very great people and they were so much evolved. They were so much evolved that they never understood human beings, what sort of things they are dealing with. I'll give you an example. Fifth chapter Mathews, Christ has said that: "If your one eye does anything wrong, take it out. Otherwise, take out the other one. If your one hand does something wrong, then you cut it or cut both the hands. If somebody slaps you on this side, you turn the other side." I have yet to see one Christian who has cut his hands or taken out his eyes. Is impossible. He thought you were such, we were all such great... I was born myself in a Christian religion so I was shocked, how could these people follow these rules and regulations which are beyond human beings because they'll have to take out their eyes or they'll have to cut their hands? Then Mohammed Sahab thought that such strictness was there for men, why not we have something for women. So for women also, he said, "All right. If a woman is not moral, she should be put in the Mother Earth and should be beaten with shoes or with stones." Now imagine: What about American ladies here? It's a dangerous situation. So then came the another one called Sharia, you see, it was actually given to the Jews by Moses when he saw they were very decadent. So he gave them this, this is in the Jeremiah, who has written clearly that he said that if you steal something, your hand should be cut. All this Sharia was given to Jews, but Jews were wise. They said, "Baba, we can't do this. No, no." So the Muslims have taken over and they are putting on their [...?] I have yet to come across one Muslim who can be called as a real Muslim, or one Christian who can be called as a real Christian. It's none of their mistakes, after all, they are human beings and these laws and regulations are for saints. If the saints do anything wrong, then they should be punished. Not for ordinary human beings, it's too much. But to us religion now has become a matter of fighting. And then you see people, they go on distributing. Now like the other day a fellow came with a Gita to Me. He walked up to Me. "You must buy this Gita." I said, "I have many already in the house. But," I said, "Why are you wearing this dhoti here? It's Chicago, is a very cold place. You know, you should not wear this dhoti." He said, "My Guru has initiated that I must wear a dhoti." I said, "Do you think by wearing a dhoti, you will go to heaven? In India everybody wears a dhoti, will theyl all go to heaven? Try to understand now." Now shaven his head completely . I said, "Why do you shave your head?" He said, "That's what my Guru has told me that if I have to be spiritual, I must shave my head." Kabira has said that if, by shaving your head, if you can go to Heaven, then the sheep is shaven every year, there won't be any place for you there! All the saints who were real saints were full of fun about all these things and they could see that this is all stupidity. The way people are trying to create this kind of fanaticism is all stupidity. It is, then we feel disappointed. Same about Hindus. Hindus, it is said that in every human being there is a Spirit. Everybody has the Spirit in the heart. Then how can you have caste system? How can you have a higher race and a lower race? There are so many examples to show. For example, Shri Rama ate the fruits from an old lady who had eaten them before to see that they are not sour. In India if somebody eats something you'll never eat that. But look at Shri Rama and then He tells His wife, "Oh what fruits! I've never eaten like that." But the brother was angry. The brother said, "Why should she give you such fruits, it's not proper." So the wife says, "Please give me some. After all, I'm your wife." Then she eats something and says, "Wow! What fruits!" Now the brother Lakshmana says, "Sister-in-law, give me also little bit." "No, you were so angry, I will not give you." The whole story shows the love, the compassion, the oneness, because of love. Krishna also had food with a person called Vidura who was a son of a maidservant. He wouldn't go with the king and eat food but He would eat with this. Now why? Because he was a realized soul, Vidura was. Every story of Christ or anything you see is nothing but love. But if you are bent upon taking something like Christ went to a wedding and He made wine out of water. That's the simple thing. Now I can also do that, not difficult. But that's not the wine. That is the taste of grape juice. For wine it has to rot. Instantaneously who can make wine? How can you make wine just by touching water. You cannot. It has to rot. The more rotten it is, the better it is, they say. I've never tasted so I don't know, but smells horrible, I can tell you this much. Now, so we don't know what to do because go to religion, there we find fanaticism. We find people fighting in the name of God, making big money out of, I don't know but I read a book about where it said the Vatican printed one million, no, nine million dollars, nine million dollars as counterfeits and distributed through their own bank. How could any religious man think of doing these things, I can't understand. First of all, they have to be holy people. They have to be righteous people. If they have interest in your purses, then how can they be holy men? God doesn't understand money. It's your headache. Banking is your headache. How can you purchase God with money? So I appeal to your intelligence, to your wisdom, to know that this your American country has fed so many false gurus so far without even thinking what they are doing, without even finding that they are just making money. They are marketing some nonsense. That's another problem. When I came here first nobody would listen to Me. I said, "Why?" "Because you don't take money, so what is the credibility?" They can't understand anything without money. All right, doesn't matter. Now the situation seems to be better. But the last thing that happens to you is, very serious thing with this Swadishthan chakra, is that you get a heart attack, a massive heart attack, especially if you are young, and you are playing, say, tennis and you are drinking too much, you get a heart attack which is very massive and which is always fatal. Angina is different. But this massive heart attack comes from this right-side problem. Then this heat rises into the head and what happens, you get paralysis of the right side, minimum. There are so many diseases out of one center you can get. Then you go to some guru. He puts something into your head, I don't know what they do. Then you get cancers, you get incurable diseases, you get insomnia, all kinds of things you get and ultimately you realize, you have gone mad. I mean I don't know, a mad man doesn't understand he's mad, but others know. But wisdom should be there. When you choose a guru, you must know anybody who wants money for spiritual work cannot be a holy person, cannot. So at this juncture you have to know that when this Kundalini rises, first thing that happens to us that our innocence starts manifesting. Innocence is eternal, it is not temporary, it is eternal. Whatever you may try to destroy it, it is there and it starts manifesting and then your eyes become innocent, absolutely innocent, and very powerful and there's a glint of the spirituality in your eyes. Such eyes are so powerful that even a glance of such a person can settle down thousands. With this innocent eyes you understand that your attention has lost lust and greed completely and you have become a very moral person, very righteous. Nobody has to tell you, don't do this, don't do that, no. Just it happens. Now how? It's like this, if I have a snake in my hand, and I'm a very obstinate person and you tell me, "There's a snake in your hand, please leave it." I'll say, "No, there's no snake, it's a rope." Till it bites me and I'll go on saying, "It's a rope". But if there's a little light, I'll throw it away. I'll know this is wrong. As a result of this happening, whatever is destroying within you, you may think it should be given up. You may not be knowing also that it is destructive but you just drop it out. Overnight. I must tell you I have known people who have dropped drug addiction. Here such a problem exists of drug addiction and can be completely cured with Sahaja Yoga, I can assure you. If this Kundalini rises, then not only drug addiction but any kind of addiction drops off. Then you know all about your centers on your fingertips. You know what's wrong with you on your fingertips. With this light you know where lies your problem. This is self knowledge. On your fingertips, means on your central nervous system, in Sanskrit the word is bodh, from where the word Buddha has come, or also is Vida from where the word Veda has come. You have to know the truth, not mentally, but on your central nervous system, on your fingertips. So you know the absolute truth. Now there are many who came to me who never believed in God. Atheists, they call themselves, especially in Russia, say Russians. But they took no time to get their realization. They are such a clean slate, I tell you. They have no conditionings, nothing. And you won't believe that we always have our program in stadiums. We cannot have in halls. We've got sixteen to eighteen thousand people in one place. What is happened with them? Why is it they are so sensitive? They have thrown away all false gurus, one by one. They're not bothered. After all at least, I must say, sixty per cent people in Russia are so sensitive to spirituality, very sensitive. Most amazing thing is that they jump into it without any difficulty. I don't know how they trust Me so much but they do trust themselves first and then do trust that they have got self-realization. I don't know if you have told them or not that recently they had a conference of two thousand scientists. Their scientists are very highly qualified people where they invited Me to speak to them. In the conference I was the chief speaker and I was amazed. There were also ten thousand other people. The subject matter they gave Me, "Medicine and Self-knowledge." They all talked about morality, how important it is to preserve the society, to preserve the families, to preserve the whole society. And they were such great surgeons, there was one surgeon ninety-year old who had operated on our prime minister Indira Gandhi, who is still operating. He's ninety years, and the way he speaks you wouldn't make out that he's of that age, and he has written a book against alcoholism and immorality. I can't think such a subject can ever be talked about here where your Hollywood is so important. What harm they have done to you, you don't know. First of all, Mr. Freud, who just was worshipped like Christ and he has ruined the people and brought them to the sex point only. He is from Austria and when I told this in Austria, they were very happy. They clapped, they said he's brought such shame to us. But here he was worshipped and now the whole country has been so much degraded by him. Now I read the book, "Freudian, Fraudulent Freud". There's another book: "Downfall of the Freudian Empire". But with that, how many have suffered? What has happened? Families broken. What nonsense he talked about. The mother, that your relationship with mother is of a sexual nature. God knows he must be having something like that. I told this to an Indian, he said, "Thank God he didn't come to India, otherwise we would have cut him into pieces and thrown him into Arabic Sea." How could you accept such an unwise, nonsensical thing? Well, you did and so many people who thought it was big experimentation, this that. It is absolutely a myth, I tell you. If you come to Sahaja Yoga, you will know what is a psyche, how it gets affected, where it is, how it works out the real knowledge about psychology, you will know. This is psychology or is it child science? I don't understand. It has nothing to do with reality, everything imaginary. Jung, Jung was the one who got realization and he did say that Freud was wrong. He was the one who said it and who talked of morality. But I must tell you one story about Myself. They invited Me to a conference of the Jungians. It was International Jungians Conference. Me, poor thing, was supposed to talk about Jung and I told them where did Jung went wrong because he said the consciousness is vertical. No, he said it is horizontal which is not so and that was the biggest mistake. But whatever it is he talked of morality. But next day the president, now he's no more, so I can tell you the story, came to see Me. Eighty-five year old, shaking, you know? He came to Me, said, "I have some private work." I said, "What is it?" "I have a keep and my wife is dead. Can you please help me to cajole this keep of mine, to tell her that she should now marry me?" "What's the age of your fiancé or whatever you call it?" "Only about thirty-eight years." I said, "Do you think I am supposed to do all such work?" Now this is a Jungian who is talking like this. If it was a Freudian, I could have understood. I was shocked and to come to Me for this kind of a nonsense. I said I don't know what's wrong with these people. They can't even understand that spirituality is holiness, auspiciousness, is purity. Can't understand how he came to ask Me this question. I was so disappointed that nine years I didn't visit your country. I said, "How can I talk to them?"["I have a keep" means to have a mistress, Ed. ] Today I have to tell you one thing. The time has come for all of you to get your self-realization, by which your attention becomes enlightened, your health gets completely all right, your mental processes are sensible, but above all you stand in your present. We live in the past or the future and all the time we are thinking of past and future. We are jumping on the cusp of past and future. With this happening you become thoughtlessly aware because these thoughts elongate. Thoughtlessly, but aware. And this thoughtless awareness is the time which is reality in which you grow spiritually. Then you get your inspirations. All your potential qualities starts manifesting. You'll be amazed in India we have had many great writers, very great, we should say, poets, very great musicians who are now world famous. All of them came to Sahaja Yoga. They were nothing. Even Miss India that was this time Miss Universe. She is a Sahaja Yogini, and she came to Me, she said, "Mother, is it all right if I go for this beauty contest?" I said, "What's wrong? You go." "I don't want to wear funny dresses." I said, "But you wear, after all, swimming dress, it's all right." She, she was not such a beautiful girl. She asked Me, "Mother, I'm going just now for Miss India." I said, "You'll be also Miss Universe. Take it from Me." She became. Because what is the speciality? It's not only the face, it's not only the features or anything, but it is the inner beauty, it's the balance, it's the poise, it's the wisdom, all these things put together make a personality. Not only just your face, how you look. That's not important. See, look at Mahatma Gandhi, how he looked like. I don't know I have seen him, I have lived with him in my childhood. Such a bony structure, but even Samson would have been afraid of him, he was like that. Such a power of truth and honesty in his heart. It's not that his face was very impressive, but the inner power which was within him. I know of another prime minister very well Lal Bahadur Shastri. I'm talking about him because both were born on the same date of 2nd of October. Another person, tremendously powerful, very short man. So powerful he was and his realization of such a high degree. He could easily make out who [BREAK IN RECORDING] Of course, he respected Me very much. I used to be very shy,because he would not even sit before Me on the chair. Is what we call self-realization. In Sanskrit an egg is called as Dwijaha, the bird is called Dwijaha and a human being, when he is realized, also called as Dwijaha, means born twice. So first it's an egg, then it becomes a bird. There are two different things. In the same way, first we are a human beings then we are realized souls. This is the new age, this is the new race which has come up. Is nothing, just put a brand here, one, like any other twice-born, like any other person you are behaving. Why? What is twice, twice-born? Or I am a Christian, and a Hindu, and a Muslim or anything. It's just a brand because anybody can commit any murder, any sin, anything. So this transformation is your responsibility. You have to take to this transformation, and you have to change people. If you have to save your country, now learn this: that you can do it. You can easily do it. Is very simple because is all built in within you. Now what do we do? Just put a seed in the Mother Earth and it sprouts by itself. How? Because the seed has a built-in quality to sprout and the Mother has a built-in quality to make it sprout. In the same way, you all have this power, this glory is within you, just it has to happen. It sprouts and then you have to grow. I don't know how people trust Me so much. I am an Indian after all. I could be an immigrant, or whatever. I could be anything. But they trust Me somehow. But later on, they do not trust themselves and they do not grow. It's a very sad thing, not in Russia, I must tell you, not in Russia. There's a joke. We had a seminar of thousands of people in Russia and there was one American Sahaja Yogi and a Russian Sahaja Yogi asked him: "How many do you have Sahaja Yogis in America?" So he said, "To be precise, it is fifty-six." So this Sahaja Yogi from Taliatti says, "Oh my God, you are fifty-six thousand? We have only twenty-one thousand here in Taliatti." They can't understand. They think Americans are very bright, very smart people. There must be at least 56,000. Americans are known to be very intelligent, very smart. So they're taking to Coca Cola culture now. Russians, forty per cent, because they think Americans, after all, you know, they take Coca Cola, they go to McDonald. They're very smart people. They're ruling all over the world and all your junk which doesn't sell here goes there and they are really trying to look like Americans, you know. Whatever it is. Why I'm trying to say this, is the whole world is looking at you. They follow you. This Hollywood doesn't understand its own responsibility. The whole world is following you and the way they speak also English is very surprising is just like American English. I take about two days to understand that. But now in Russia they are speaking the same English as you speak and it's a difficult situation. So, you have to understand the second responsibility that, as citizens of this great country, you have to lead the whole world into righteousness, into morality, into constructive beautiful life. You have to enter in the Kingdom of God and settle there, whatever may be your race, whatever may be your religion, or all these nonsensical differences. But it's very important and you'll be surprised, the first country I visited was America. I would say, first I went to Iran because my brother was there but after that I came to America and I was surprised. How do they take to falsehood so easily? Even Indians who come here become stupid. I don't know. Really. You won't believe, this there's a gentleman who is organizing the marriage of Rama and Sita. I mean they were married long time back. But he's organizing it in every place. Los Angeles one marriage, one in New York, one in Philadelphia. All like that he is organizing. And here there were ten thousand people who attended that wedding. The boy, means Rama, was ten-year old and the girl was eight-year old. So this kind of nonsense, even Indians, they would not do this in India. No, everybody will laugh at them. The another example if I give, you'll be shocked. There's a lady, Maharani of Dhrangadhra . She's another mad woman and she has lost her husband. So she has got one man, she dressed him up as a lady, and she calls him as "the goddess" she worships. I was shocked at the whole thing that they are doing. So I said, "But you don't have anybody who follows you." "No, no, we have many in Los Angeles." Can you imagine? This there is another one now who makes the pendulum move. The people who are lynched by him, I met them in Washington. They told me, "Mother, we have sold out our houses. Now we don't know what to do. We have taken out our children from good schools. We have no money." I said, " So why?" "There was this gentleman from the TM, you see. Pradeep Chopra is the name." Pradeep, to have such a nice name, I don't know who gave him this name. What his mother must have thought. So he said that, "Now, I can control the minds of others, I'll teach you how." So he calls somebody. "Stand here" and he gives you a pendulum in his hand. Now he says, "See, now he'll move the pendulum." He moves the pendulum and people have given up their houses, this, that, to this man. So I said, "How can you come and tell Me this now? Have you come on this earth to move the pendulums?" I mean, this kind of stupidity, can't understand. Then they said you can levitate three or four feet like this. Already you have jams on the road. Why do you want to have such people moving their three feet? Such stupid things they accept, such stupid things. But the fellow of TM, the one who was their very big master, he got epilepsy, so he came to me. By that time, he had become bankrupt. He told Me: "I went to America and my guru told me, your money is so much involved, so you have to tell then, I came without any visa, without any passport." His name is Peter Pierce. "And you have to tell them I can walk into the wall, through the wall." "Then?" I said. "I told them and they all believed me." "They all believed you?" "Yes." "Professors, mathematicians, everybody believed you?" "Yes." How can they believe such nonsensical things? There is a saying by Guru Nanaka, "Satguru wahi, jo sahib mili hai." "The one who is the real master is the one who makes you meet God, who makes you Divine." And this is what you should expect. It looks difficult, is the easiest thing to be Divine. You don't have to jump, you don't have to waste money. Nothing of the kind. It's all built in within you. Just have your awakening and enjoy. You don't have to do anything like running away from your homes, going to Himalayas, standing on your heads. Nothing needed. No austerities. You are already ready for it. You have done all this in your last lives. Now please don't do all these things. You just get your Self-realization. So you become collectively conscious. You can feel on your fingertips vibrations of another person, whether dead, living, or historical whatever it is. You can know. You know the absolute truth on your fingertips. But above all, because you become collectively conscious, that is, a microcosm becomes the macrocosm, because a drop becomes the ocean. Who is the other? You become the part and parcel of one. So when it happens to you, it is very amazing how you realize what powers you have. You can give realization to people, you can cure them, you can enjoy yourself. You never get bored. So many powers you have which starts expressing and when they start expressing, you're amazed at yourself. This is what you must expect and not moving of a pendulum. I'm sure today I'm not talking to stupid people. Sahaja Yoga is not meant for idiotic people, I must tell you. The kind of idiocity that has come I can't understand, because I used to worship Abraham Lincoln, used to worship and he gave us such a great thing like democracy and how can this democracy be a demonocracy? There are seekers, but misled. Above all that happens to you, the highest is that you jump into the ocean of just become joy. Joy is singular. Happiness and unhappiness are the two sides of one coin. But joy is singular that you become the witness the whole thing like a drama. It's fun and you get out of your problems and that's how you know how to solve them. And above all, the bliss is there to help you. You'll be amazed how things work out. Meticulously in every way, even money-wise. There was a girl, lady from Toronto. She wanted to travel with me, come here. She's very good, but she thought she hasn't got sufficient money and next day she got a check of $4,000 because she had paid some money somewhere a long time back. This is just a very, very minimum. But the greatest thing is that you become your own master. You know what chakras are there, you know what you are doing. You know everything. It is not just like standing and moving a pendulum nonsense but it is you know what's wrong with anyone. Then you don't talk about his face, about his dress, how he walks but you talk about his centers, what centers are there and you can cure. All this is your own. Last of all I have to tell you this Kundalini is the power of pure desire and she is your individual mother. She knows everything about you. It's all tape-recorded. So you don't have to start judging yourself. She knows you and She is anxious to give you self-realization. She takes up all the trouble on Herself and gives you this beautiful thing which you call as self-realization and then you realize that you are endowed with the power of Divine love. You become extremely dynamic; at the same time you are extremely compassionate. You enjoy your virtues, you enjoy your love, you enjoy others, you enjoy everything. Such a state is not difficult. Only thing you must understand that you are here to become the Spirit. In this time try to say whatever is possible. I'm going tonight to New York. They always put me like a shuttlecock from one place to another. So I have to go. But I'm very happy I saw so many of you here. I hope you'll be all responsible and will look after your realization. Now I would request you that it cannot be forced on you, it cannot be, because I respect your freedom. You have freedom. This is the Last Judgment: If you want to go to Heaven, you are welcome, if you want to go to hell, you are welcome. I cannot force on you. So those who do not want to come for this or do not want to have it, I cannot force, so I would request you, those who do not want to have, can leave the hall. Would be better for others and those who want to have it are welcome and I'm sure you all will have it. No doubt about it. No doubt. It will take hardly ten minutes for you to get your realization, ten minutes. But you have to be little patient and you have to also know that it is your pure desire that is going to give you. Just your pure desire. I've already told you that Kundalini knows everything about you and you don't have to judge yourself. So there are three conditions, very simple, very, very simple. The first one is that you are not to feel guilty at all. Your Kundalini knows everything. Why should you feel guilty? Leave it to Her. You don't judge yourself and please don't feel guilty. You don't know if you feel guilty, this center here, catches, and if this center goes out of order, you develop angina which is a horrible disease of the heart. You develop spondylitis and also lethargic organs. Only by one this center of yours, and it is always there when you feel guilty. If you have done anything wrong in the past, you should have dealt with it that time. What's the use of carrying it here all the time? Also is conditioning. For small, small things people start feeling guilty, specially with this Catholic Church, Christian churches. You have to know that we are sinners, we are not. We are human beings and human beings can commit mistakes. You are not gods and at this juncture, if you have guilt, how will the Kundalini rise? If you are really guilty, you would have been in jail, isn't it? I don't know with this law here, if people can go to jail even if they have done something wrong, I have no idea. I, somehow or other, I'm very apprehensive about the LA laws you see. They say it's very funny. All right, whatever it is. Now God's laws are extremely pure and He loves you. He doesn't want you, to put you into any trouble. He loves you and loves you very much and He wants you to enter into His kingdom to enjoy. Now you're just ready to get it. So the first condition is that you are not to feel guilty at all. I assure you, you have done nothing wrong. Is it possible to forgive yourself? Thank you. The second condition is even easier. If you understand, logically. If, I mean, the second condition is that you have to forgive everyone, even without thinking about them. Just to say, "I forgive every one of them," finished. Is very difficult but logically, I'll tell you, whether you forgive or don't forgive, what do you do? Do nothing. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself while the person who has tortured you, is very happy. You go on torturing yourself because you can't forgive. So just you have to say, "I forgive everyone." Don't think about them also because that will give you a headache. Best is to forgive everyone. Once you forgive, then the Divine takes over and works it out. So now please forgive everyone. Is there any problem? All right. The third condition is very simple is that you have to take out your shoes. That's all. You won't believe, in London first time I said, "Take out your shoes," half of them walked out. It's difficult. All right. So first of all we'll show you what we have to do to nourish our centers. Only for tonight, only for tonight. You don't have to do it. Later on, as I told you that our centers are here and all this is happening in a collective way. It's not single person doing something at home. So you have to go there. They'll give you every instruction, everything, every book, whatever you want. Free, absolutely free. But you must desire to grow and it will work out. Some people get it immediately in such a big way and then they think they're on top of the world, but no. You have to grow and you have to know everything about yourself. You have to know about Sahaja Yoga completely in a full way. You have to be a master and I tell you hardly it takes one month to be. You people are very intelligent and everything. Just put your attention, it will work out. All right. So now we have to put our left hand on our lap just. (Mother speaks aside to someone in Hindi.) Just now. Left hand on your left lap, comfortably. We are not to go to Himalayas, do anything of the kind. We have to be comfortable, that's one thing. Here sitting down, you'll get your realization. Left hand towards the photograph, we put here, because they have objection for that, but now you put towards Me, left hand towards Me which is symbolically saying that you want your self-realization because the left side is the power of desire, mundane desire. So you're desirous, so you are putting the hand towards Me, left hand, that's all. Now with the right hand, we have to nourish our centers on the left-hand side. Now they will show you how to do. First we put our right hand on the heart. In the heart resides the Spirit which is the reflection of God Almighty. If you become the Spirit then you become your own master. So you take your hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and this is the center of your mastery which is created by all the prophets. You will know about it, everything. Everything will be told to you. You have to put both your feet apart from each other because these are also two powers on left and right. Now please take your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the center for pure, Divine knowledge. Don't get disturbed with this, it's very simple, is the center for the pure, Divine knowledge to work out. Now you take your hand back to the upper portion of your abdomen, press it which is the center of mastery. Now please take your right hand on top of your heart which is the center of the pure Spirit. Now please take your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Now this is the center I told you about that when you feel guilty, this goes out of order and at this juncture you must keep this center open by not feeling guilty at all. Now you raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head. This is the center where you have to forgive everyone. This center is extremely constricted and if you don't forgive, it won't open. All your life you've tortured yourself and if you don't forgive now, you'll have to miss this great opportunity of getting your self-realization. Now take back your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the all-pervading Divine power of love. That we'll do later after closing eyes, but I'm just telling you how to do it. Now stretch your palm. This is the last center, very important. Stretch your palm and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area. Now please put down your head. They forget this. Please put down your head and push back your fingers as far as possible. Just push back, so there's a good pressure on the scalp. Now please move your hand in such a way that the scalp moves, clockwise, seven times. Do it very slowly. Put down your head, put down your heads. Please put down your heads. You must put down your head otherwise it doesn't work out better. Put down your head. Now push back your fingers. Pushing back your fingers is important. Push back your fingers outward, so that there's a pressure on the scalp. Now move it slowly seven times, clockwise. Don't hold your head, push back your fingers. Please push back your fingers. That's it. That's all we have to do. Now, again, we put our feet apart from each other. Put the left hand on your left lap and put the right hand on the heart. Now please close your eyes and please don't open them till I tell you. You can take out your spectacles, if you like. Now when you put your hand on your heart, you have to ask Me a question, very fundamental question about yourself: You can call Me Mother, or Shri Mataji. Here, you please ask Me a question, in your heart, three times. "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask this question three times in your heart. I've told you that if you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard and here you have to ask another fundamental question about yourself. Three times, please ask in your heart: "Mother, am I my own master? Mother, am I my own master?" I have told you that I respect your freedom so I cannot force pure, Divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and here you have to say six times because this center has got six petals. You have to ask, please ask six times: "Mother, please give Me pure, Divine knowledge." As soon as you ask for pure, Divine knowledge, Kundalini starts rising upward. So we have to nourish our upper centers with our full self-confidence. So now please raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and here you have to say ten times: "Mother, I am my own master." Please say it ten times: "Mother, I am my own master." At the very outset I told you that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intellect, these conditionings, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on top of your heart and here please say twelve times with full self-confidence: "Mother, I am the pure Spirit. Mother, I am the pure Spirit." This all-pervading power of Divine love is the ocean of knowledge. It is the ocean of blessings, it is the ocean of compassion, but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you might commit will be completely dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say sixteen times: "Mother, I am not guilty at all." Please say with full self-confidence, sixteen times: "Mother, I am not guilty at all." I have already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. Specially at this time if you do not forgive, this center of agnya won't open and the Kundalini won't be able to break through. So I request you again and again, just forgive everyone. So now raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head. Here you have to say, from your heart, not how many times: "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." Please say it from your heart. Now without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the all-pervading Divine power. So please take your right hand back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here now you have to say again from the heart, not how many times: "Oh, Divine power, if I've done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me. Oh, Divine power, if I have done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me." Now the last center. Please stretch your palm fully. Now carefully put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please bend your head as much as you can. Now remember to stretch back your fingers so there is a good pressure on your scalp. Here again, I respect your freedom. I cannot force self-realization on you. So you have to say seven times, moving the scalp seven times, you have to say: "Mother, please give me my self-realization. Mother, please give me my self-realization." Now move the scalp seven times clockwise slowly. (Mother blows into the microphone.) Now please take down your hand. Open your eyes, slowly. Now please put both the hands towards Me like this and try not to think. Now bend your head and see with your left hand, right hand towards Me, the left hand, you feel if there is a hot or a cold breeze, like vibrations, coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Please put down your head. Now please don't put the hand on top but little away. Some people get it further away. So please move your hand and see for yourself if there's a cool or hot breeze, like vibrations, coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Now if they're not coming, you should say: "Mother, please come through my head. Mother, please come through my head." Please say thrice. Umm. Now please put the left hand like this, and with the right hand try to see if there's a cool breeze or a hot breeze like vibration coming from your fontanelle bone area. Now if you have not forgiven you, or if are not yourself, or if you are not forgiving others, it will be hot. But now try to forgive. Forgive yourself and forgive others. It will cool down, I'm sure it will cool down. Now once more only, please put your right hand towards me and again put down the head and with the left hand, please try to see if there's a cool or hot breeze like vibrations coming out of your fontanelle bone area. This is the actualization of baptism. This is what is the Brahmarandhra Bheda that they call it. Now it's done. Don't doubt. Now please raise both the hands towards the sky and push back your head and ask any one of these questions, three questions, three times. First one is: "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the holy Ghost?" Or, you can ask: "Mother, is this the all-pervading power of Divine love?" Or you can ask: "Mother, is this the paramchaitanya or ruh?" Ask any one of these questions three times. Take down your hands. Such cool is coming from you to Me now. Now don't doubt that it's air-conditioning or nothing is not: air-conditioning is not in your head, is coming out of your head. So don't doubt yourself. All those who have felt cool breeze or hot breeze on your fingertips, on your palms or through your fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. Aah! All Americans have got it! Aah! I bow to you, all saints. I bow to you. (To one person) You didn't feel, sir? What's the matter with you? You didn't feel it, the cool breeze? No? You're the only person. Why? Just put your hands; it will work out. Just put both the feet apart. Now? Are you a doctor? [Mother asks a yogi to work on him.] Anybody can see that. [I.e., see the vibrations, Ed.] It's all right. Now all those who have not felt, are there any? One, two, three, four.
Public Program, Los Angeles (USA), 29 September 1994. I bow to all the seekers of truth.At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it, we cannot describe it, we cannot purchase it. It is, it has been and it will be. I'm so very happy to see so many seekers of truth in Los Angeles. So whatever I'm going to tell you today, you are not to take Me for granted, nor you have to believe Me blind-folded. We have had lots of problems because of this kind of blind-folded faith. But whatever I'm telling you, you have to know that this is just a hypothesis I'm putting forth. If it is proved, then you have to believe in it as honest people because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your family, it is for the benevolence of this city, it is for the benevolence of your country and it is for the benevolence of the whole world. It is important that now we have to think about our benevolence. We have had lots of fun, pleasures, all kinds of enterprises in our life. But what do we seek in those enterprises is joy, anand. Whatever you want to have, you want to have it because you think by that you will feel satisfied and you'll have joy. But it is not so. Today we want to have, say, for example, a house, all right? Then we want to have a car. All right, then we want to have a helicopter, I think. Then it goes on like that one to another. We are never satisfied. If these desires were pure desires, we should have been satisfied when we got them. Also economics says that in general wants are not satiable. Now whatever you have been told about this power which is residing in our triangular bone called as sacrum, that means the Greeks knew it was a sacred bone. They called it sacrum. And this bone has this power within us which is the pure desire and what is the pure desire? That is the truth about ourselves that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, this emotions, this intellect. You are not that because you say my emotions, my ego, but who is this "my"? So you are not that. The truth is you are the pure Spirit. The second truth is that there is a all-pervading Divine power of love. This power of love does all the living work. For example, now you see beautiful flowers all over. We take them for granted. We don't even think that it's a miracle. Who runs our heart? If you ask the doctors, they will say it is autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? So all these living things are done by the Divine power of love. I say to you this, you need not believe it M. But tonight you are going to feel it, you are going to feel it on your finger tips this all-pervading power of Divine love which is called as paramchaitanya in Sanskrit language. In Koran it is called as ruh, in the Bible it is called as the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost and Patanjali has called it as Ritambhara PrAgnya, which is rather a tongue twister. So this power exists. You see the result, you see the result that living things are happening. Now if you go to the science, it has its own limitations. First of all, science is amoral. You can destroy Hiroshima, is all right with science after all. You can do whatever you want to do because you think you have mastered the matter, but that is not our job is to destroy people all over the world. This idea of destruction comes because we forget that we do not know the absolute truth. First we have to know the absolute truth, then we'll know where are we. What are we doing? What we are supposed to do. You are quite aware as to what is happening in the world, especially in America about which I am very much concerned. As you know, there are sixty-five per cent people are expected to be sick within ten years' time. It's not only a sickness of the body but of the mind and this destruction will one day create such a vacuum that we'll be all shocked why we are born as human beings and why we should be destroyed? After all, the Creator has created us with such understanding, with such love, He has evolved us to this position and now why should we be destroyed? The reason is: we must find out why are we on this earth. We are on this earth to become the Spirit, to be a channel of God's love and above all, to enter into the Kingdom of God. When I say to you it sounds rather impractical and people can't believe it. It's a fact. It's the truth, I'm telling you that the time has come for all of you to become the Spirit. It's a special time. I call it a Blossom Time. They call it the Last Judgment. Some people call it as Qiyama. Even in Sanskrit there are words, many words to describe it. So now we have to be the Spirit, otherwise we should see with our own eyes the destruction of our fellow men and of ourselves. There's nothing in between. Either you become Spirit or all kinds of destructions will start. You've been already told about the centers that exist within you. On the medical side, we can say that they express themselves and manifest themselves as plexuses, but also they act on the left-hand side as shown there on our mind. So we'll take one center and I'll tell you what can happen to you. Of course, Sahaja Yoga is a meta science. Whatever I'm saying you can find out and you'll discover that whatever I'm saying is the truth. This one chakra we'll deal today because I could feel what's the problem of Los Angeles. This center that we call as Swadishthana , the yellow-colored one. It comes out of the third center what we call the Nabhi chakra, the solar plexus. But this one which manifests aortic plexus moves all over your abdominal viscera and gives energy to your liver, to your pancreas, to your spleen, to your kidneys, to your intestines one side. Another thing important thing it does, about which I think doctors don't know, perhaps, is that it transforms energy for the use of the gray cells. The gray cells in the brain we use when we are futuristic, we think too much, read too much, when we are very mental. This energy is used and for that this poor center has to work very hard. Today's life as it is, you see, where it is so futuristic. Not only that but we have become really very mental people. We go on thinking, thinking, thinking and this thinking is done by the gray cells which require the energy. So this poor center has to work for this only work when you are a thinker. Now it has to do other things also. So it neglects all other viscera. (Mother talks aside.) So all others are neglected. Now when the liver is neglected, it is a very, very important, extremely important organ in our body. It takes out all the poison from our body as heat and pass it into blood. It cleanses through this process. But when this liver is neglected, it cannot do that work which it has to do; then the heat starts accumulating in the liver. Such a person is quite a hot-tempered person, very hot-tempered can be. When he tries to control the temper, he gets even worse. That's not the only thing that happens. This heat consumes all the fats and such a person starts becoming extremely thin. He doesn't like food, he doesn't like people. I mean his attention becomes extremely disturbed and he thinks no end of himself. He thinks that all others are stupid fools; I'm the only wisest person. If anybody thinks like that then they should know they have a liver problem. Now thus a thing called ego starts growing. This is the white color into the brain crosses over and you get a big balloon of ego. That's on one side, doesn't matter. But what happens to your body? This heat of the liver then starts rising and when it goes to the pancreas, you develop diabetes. Is a very common disease of modern man is diabetes. Now can you imagine in India we have villagers, simple people. They don't think so much, you see. They earn, today, eat their food, sleep off. Next morning they are again up. They don't have to insure anything, they don't have to worry about it. But they take so much of sugar, sometimes four, five spoons, big spoons. The spoon must stand straight at right angle otherwise they think this is not tea at all and they take it three, four cups of tea. They never get diabetes. It's a wonderful thing, you know, that you can have as much sweet as you like, you never get diabetes. Now these villagers don't think but those who are sitting on their chair planning, thinking of the future all the time, they definitely get diabetes. Then what happens? Then the another movement of the same heat goes to spleen and now this is even worse. Spleen is a speedometer. It keeps our speed. Supposing we have eaten our food and then we want to run, get a pain here, because it supplies red blood corpuscles for emergencies. If the spleen goes out of order with the heat as well as the kind of life we have, a very hectic life. First of all, what I see in America is really terrible because they get up late, in the night sleep late first of all and get up late. Then early in the morning they have to go to work, so they are in a hurry. They'll pull back their jeans and then I don't know. They don't eat at all, they don't even brush, get into the car, start brushing and then they have their food in the car, or call it the breakfast, so-called breakfast. Here it is all the cars are honking and you're getting late and there's a jam, this that. This poor spleen doesn't know what to do, because it's such a hectic life. It doesn't know how to cope with such a hectic person who sometimes needs this, sometimes needs that, so it becomes hectic. But then it is vulnerable to a very serious disease which we call as blood cancer, leukemia. On the contrary, if our life is a peaceful quiet life, we nicely get up in the morning, have our bath, don't go for jogging, that's also another thing. Jogging is right-sided. Jogging is all right for people who are lethargic, you see. Indians would be better. But not for Americans. Because this is the physical as well as the mental side, right side. And suddenly you get a shock or something happens. Specially the newspapers. They believe in just giving you shocks. So in the morning you read something. "Oh, what has happened?" And you get a shock. Now you won't believe the way they are describing now the calamities in India are not so bad. I've telephoned, I found out, it's not so bad. But why the newspaper are doing because they love to give you shocks and you also love them because they give you shocks, I think. So in this shocking conditions this poor spleen of yours cannot cope and that's how you get this horrible disease called blood cancer. Now I must tell you with Sahaja Yoga we have completely cured blood cancer, completely cured of many people. It's a fact. Without going to doctors, without going for diagnosis because in the diagnosis only half people die, but we know their trouble. They and we know what they are suffering from and it can be worked out. Just this Kundalini is to be raised. She goes to this center and just pacifies, enlightens it, nourishes it and the whole thing changes. I'm not telling you a cock and bull story. I really tell you. You should know that it is all happening, it's all happening today, everywhere. Then the third thing that happens is that your kidneys get coagulated and you get kidney trouble. Then you have to go for dialysis and you end up as bankrupts. I mean they do not cure you with dialysis. No, there's no cure with dialysis. But the only thing that happens that you can become a bankrupt and then die. Then it goes to intestines, creates problem. You never feel hungry and whatever you may eat, you get into constipation of terrible dimensions and that leads to then hernia and all kinds of diseases. So with one center how many things you are suffering. But that's not the end of it. Then this heat rises upward. There's a center we call it as right heart. Here you can see. When this center is affected, you develop asthma. Asthma is one hundred per cent curable in Sahaja Yoga. We have a doctor who got his MD. Now he's in America for curing cancer, curing asthma through Sahaja Yoga. Absolutely curable. So with the intestines, with the kidney, there are problems which seem, looks like, people say, is incurable, but not. These are the fundamentals we have, and if you have to deal with the fundamentals, then the rest of it falls into proper picture. Like supposing now there's a tree which is sick. Now if you start treating the leaves, you can't cure. If you try to correct it through its branches, you can't cure. You have to go deep down into the roots and the sap that rises will cure it. In the same way, these are the roots. This is the knowledge of the roots I'm telling you. I see Los Angeles every year is growing and growing and growing. America is growing very fast, no doubt. But when a tree of this civilization is growing so fast we must find out about our roots. And if you do not find out about your roots how are you going to look after this huge big civilization you have created which is dry, which has no nourishment? So we have to go to our roots. Another problem is that if this knowledge is coming from India, people have an objection. It should come from America or from England. Many people believe that Christ was born in England. Is impossible to say that all right, you have science, which we have learned; now we have something. Why shouldn't you learn, if it is for your good? It's only not I am saying that. We had poets in London like William Blake. He has said for these days that the men of God will be born in those days and they will become Divine and they will have powers to make others Divine, said by an Englishman. I don't know if you read C.S. Lewis or not. Another one, so many. There was also one poet. He was Englishman who came in here and lived here. I read them and I'm surprised that this has already been predicted. So some people start thinking about it and they think, "Let's go to religion." Nothing wrong with religion as such and nothing wrong with the people who have created it, but I must say people like Jesus Christ or Mohammed Sahab were really very, very great people, were very, very great people and they were so much evolved. They were so much evolved that they never understood human beings, what sort of things they are dealing with. I'll give you an example. Fifth chapter Mathews, Christ has said that: "If your one eye does anything wrong, take it out. Otherwise, take out the other one. If your one hand does something wrong, then you cut it or cut both the hands. If somebody slaps you on this side, you turn the other side." I have yet to see one Christian who has cut his hands or taken out his eyes. Is impossible. He thought you were such, we were all such great... I was born myself in a Christian religion so I was shocked, how could these people follow these rules and regulations which are beyond human beings because they'll have to take out their eyes or they'll have to cut their hands? Then Mohammed Sahab thought that such strictness was there for men, why not we have something for women. So for women also, he said, "All right. If a woman is not moral, she should be put in the Mother Earth and should be beaten with shoes or with stones." Now imagine: What about American ladies here? It's a dangerous situation. So then came the another one called Sharia, you see, it was actually given to the Jews by Moses when he saw they were very decadent. So he gave them this, this is in the Jeremiah, who has written clearly that he said that if you steal something, your hand should be cut. All this Sharia was given to Jews, but Jews were wise. They said, "Baba, we can't do this. No, no." So the Muslims have taken over and they are putting on their [...?] I have yet to come across one Muslim who can be called as a real Muslim, or one Christian who can be called as a real Christian. It's none of their mistakes, after all, they are human beings and these laws and regulations are for saints. If the saints do anything wrong, then they should be punished. Not for ordinary human beings, it's too much. But to us religion now has become a matter of fighting. And then you see people, they go on distributing. Now like the other day a fellow came with a Gita to Me. He walked up to Me. "You must buy this Gita." I said, "I have many already in the house. But," I said, "Why are you wearing this dhoti here? It's Chicago, is a very cold place. You know, you should not wear this dhoti." He said, "My Guru has initiated that I must wear a dhoti." I said, "Do you think by wearing a dhoti, you will go to heaven? In India everybody wears a dhoti, will theyl all go to heaven? Try to understand now." Now shaven his head completely . I said, "Why do you shave your head?" He said, "That's what my Guru has told me that if I have to be spiritual, I must shave my head." Kabira has said that if, by shaving your head, if you can go to Heaven, then the sheep is shaven every year, there won't be any place for you there! All the saints who were real saints were full of fun about all these things and they could see that this is all stupidity. The way people are trying to create this kind of fanaticism is all stupidity. It is, then we feel disappointed. Same about Hindus. Hindus, it is said that in every human being there is a Spirit. Everybody has the Spirit in the heart. Then how can you have caste system? How can you have a higher race and a lower race? There are so many examples to show. For example, Shri Rama ate the fruits from an old lady who had eaten them before to see that they are not sour. In India if somebody eats something you'll never eat that. But look at Shri Rama and then He tells His wife, "Oh what fruits! I've never eaten like that." But the brother was angry. The brother said, "Why should she give you such fruits, it's not proper." So the wife says, "Please give me some. After all, I'm your wife." Then she eats something and says, "Wow! What fruits!" Now the brother Lakshmana says, "Sister-in-law, give me also little bit." "No, you were so angry, I will not give you." The whole story shows the love, the compassion, the oneness, because of love. Krishna also had food with a person called Vidura who was a son of a maidservant. He wouldn't go with the king and eat food but He would eat with this. Now why? Because he was a realized soul, Vidura was. Every story of Christ or anything you see is nothing but love. But if you are bent upon taking something like Christ went to a wedding and He made wine out of water. That's the simple thing. Now I can also do that, not difficult. But that's not the wine. That is the taste of grape juice. For wine it has to rot. Instantaneously who can make wine? How can you make wine just by touching water. You cannot. It has to rot. The more rotten it is, the better it is, they say. I've never tasted so I don't know, but smells horrible, I can tell you this much. Now, so we don't know what to do because go to religion, there we find fanaticism. We find people fighting in the name of God, making big money out of, I don't know but I read a book about where it said the Vatican printed one million, no, nine million dollars, nine million dollars as counterfeits and distributed through their own bank. How could any religious man think of doing these things, I can't understand. First of all, they have to be holy people. They have to be righteous people. If they have interest in your purses, then how can they be holy men? God doesn't understand money. It's your headache. Banking is your headache. How can you purchase God with money? So I appeal to your intelligence, to your wisdom, to know that this your American country has fed so many false gurus so far without even thinking what they are doing, without even finding that they are just making money. They are marketing some nonsense. That's another problem. When I came here first nobody would listen to Me. I said, "Why?" "Because you don't take money, so what is the credibility?" They can't understand anything without money. All right, doesn't matter. Now the situation seems to be better. But the last thing that happens to you is, very serious thing with this Swadishthan chakra, is that you get a heart attack, a massive heart attack, especially if you are young, and you are playing, say, tennis and you are drinking too much, you get a heart attack which is very massive and which is always fatal. Angina is different. But this massive heart attack comes from this right-side problem. Then this heat rises into the head and what happens, you get paralysis of the right side, minimum. There are so many diseases out of one center you can get. Then you go to some guru. He puts something into your head, I don't know what they do. Then you get cancers, you get incurable diseases, you get insomnia, all kinds of things you get and ultimately you realize, you have gone mad. I mean I don't know, a mad man doesn't understand he's mad, but others know. But wisdom should be there. When you choose a guru, you must know anybody who wants money for spiritual work cannot be a holy person, cannot. So at this juncture you have to know that when this Kundalini rises, first thing that happens to us that our innocence starts manifesting. Innocence is eternal, it is not temporary, it is eternal. Whatever you may try to destroy it, it is there and it starts manifesting and then your eyes become innocent, absolutely innocent, and very powerful and there's a glint of the spirituality in your eyes. Such eyes are so powerful that even a glance of such a person can settle down thousands. With this innocent eyes you understand that your attention has lost lust and greed completely and you have become a very moral person, very righteous. Nobody has to tell you, don't do this, don't do that, no. Just it happens. Now how? It's like this, if I have a snake in my hand, and I'm a very obstinate person and you tell me, "There's a snake in your hand, please leave it." I'll say, "No, there's no snake, it's a rope." Till it bites me and I'll go on saying, "It's a rope". But if there's a little light, I'll throw it away. I'll know this is wrong. As a result of this happening, whatever is destroying within you, you may think it should be given up. You may not be knowing also that it is destructive but you just drop it out. Overnight. I must tell you I have known people who have dropped drug addiction. Here such a problem exists of drug addiction and can be completely cured with Sahaja Yoga, I can assure you. If this Kundalini rises, then not only drug addiction but any kind of addiction drops off. Then you know all about your centers on your fingertips. You know what's wrong with you on your fingertips. With this light you know where lies your problem. This is self knowledge. On your fingertips, means on your central nervous system, in Sanskrit the word is bodh, from where the word Buddha has come, or also is Vida from where the word Veda has come. You have to know the truth, not mentally, but on your central nervous system, on your fingertips. So you know the absolute truth. Now there are many who came to me who never believed in God. Atheists, they call themselves, especially in Russia, say Russians. But they took no time to get their realization. They are such a clean slate, I tell you. They have no conditionings, nothing. And you won't believe that we always have our program in stadiums. We cannot have in halls. We've got sixteen to eighteen thousand people in one place. What is happened with them? Why is it they are so sensitive? They have thrown away all false gurus, one by one. They're not bothered. After all at least, I must say, sixty per cent people in Russia are so sensitive to spirituality, very sensitive. Most amazing thing is that they jump into it without any difficulty. I don't know how they trust Me so much but they do trust themselves first and then do trust that they have got self-realization. I don't know if you have told them or not that recently they had a conference of two thousand scientists. Their scientists are very highly qualified people where they invited Me to speak to them. In the conference I was the chief speaker and I was amazed. There were also ten thousand other people. The subject matter they gave Me, "Medicine and Self-knowledge." They all talked about morality, how important it is to preserve the society, to preserve the families, to preserve the whole society. And they were such great surgeons, there was one surgeon ninety-year old who had operated on our prime minister Indira Gandhi, who is still operating. He's ninety years, and the way he speaks you wouldn't make out that he's of that age, and he has written a book against alcoholism and immorality. I can't think such a subject can ever be talked about here where your Hollywood is so important. What harm they have done to you, you don't know. First of all, Mr. Freud, who just was worshipped like Christ and he has ruined the people and brought them to the sex point only. He is from Austria and when I told this in Austria, they were very happy. They clapped, they said he's brought such shame to us. But here he was worshipped and now the whole country has been so much degraded by him. Now I read the book, "Freudian, Fraudulent Freud". There's another book: "Downfall of the Freudian Empire". But with that, how many have suffered? What has happened? Families broken. What nonsense he talked about. The mother, that your relationship with mother is of a sexual nature. God knows he must be having something like that. I told this to an Indian, he said, "Thank God he didn't come to India, otherwise we would have cut him into pieces and thrown him into Arabic Sea." How could you accept such an unwise, nonsensical thing? Well, you did and so many people who thought it was big experimentation, this that. It is absolutely a myth, I tell you. If you come to Sahaja Yoga, you will know what is a psyche, how it gets affected, where it is, how it works out the real knowledge about psychology, you will know. This is psychology or is it child science? I don't understand. It has nothing to do with reality, everything imaginary. Jung, Jung was the one who got realization and he did say that Freud was wrong. He was the one who said it and who talked of morality. But I must tell you one story about Myself. They invited Me to a conference of the Jungians. It was International Jungians Conference. Me, poor thing, was supposed to talk about Jung and I told them where did Jung went wrong because he said the consciousness is vertical. No, he said it is horizontal which is not so and that was the biggest mistake. But whatever it is he talked of morality. But next day the president, now he's no more, so I can tell you the story, came to see Me. Eighty-five year old, shaking, you know? He came to Me, said, "I have some private work." I said, "What is it?" "I have a keep and my wife is dead. Can you please help me to cajole this keep of mine, to tell her that she should now marry me?" "What's the age of your fiancé or whatever you call it?" "Only about thirty-eight years." I said, "Do you think I am supposed to do all such work?" Now this is a Jungian who is talking like this. If it was a Freudian, I could have understood. I was shocked and to come to Me for this kind of a nonsense. I said I don't know what's wrong with these people. They can't even understand that spirituality is holiness, auspiciousness, is purity. Can't understand how he came to ask Me this question. I was so disappointed that nine years I didn't visit your country. I said, "How can I talk to them?"["I have a keep" means to have a mistress, Ed. ] Today I have to tell you one thing. The time has come for all of you to get your self-realization, by which your attention becomes enlightened, your health gets completely all right, your mental processes are sensible, but above all you stand in your present. We live in the past or the future and all the time we are thinking of past and future. We are jumping on the cusp of past and future. With this happening you become thoughtlessly aware because these thoughts elongate. Thoughtlessly, but aware. And this thoughtless awareness is the time which is reality in which you grow spiritually. Then you get your inspirations. All your potential qualities starts manifesting. You'll be amazed in India we have had many great writers, very great, we should say, poets, very great musicians who are now world famous. All of them came to Sahaja Yoga. They were nothing. Even Miss India that was this time Miss Universe. She is a Sahaja Yogini, and she came to Me, she said, "Mother, is it all right if I go for this beauty contest?" I said, "What's wrong? You go." "I don't want to wear funny dresses." I said, "But you wear, after all, swimming dress, it's all right." She, she was not such a beautiful girl. She asked Me, "Mother, I'm going just now for Miss India." I said, "You'll be also Miss Universe. Take it from Me." She became. Because what is the speciality? It's not only the face, it's not only the features or anything, but it is the inner beauty, it's the balance, it's the poise, it's the wisdom, all these things put together make a personality. Not only just your face, how you look. That's not important. See, look at Mahatma Gandhi, how he looked like. I don't know I have seen him, I have lived with him in my childhood. Such a bony structure, but even Samson would have been afraid of him, he was like that. Such a power of truth and honesty in his heart. It's not that his face was very impressive, but the inner power which was within him. I know of another prime minister very well Lal Bahadur Shastri. I'm talking about him because both were born on the same date of 2nd of October. Another person, tremendously powerful, very short man. So powerful he was and his realization of such a high degree. He could easily make out who [BREAK IN RECORDING] Of course, he respected Me very much. I used to be very shy,because he would not even sit before Me on the chair. Is what we call self-realization. In Sanskrit an egg is called as Dwijaha, the bird is called Dwijaha and a human being, when he is realized, also called as Dwijaha, means born twice. So first it's an egg, then it becomes a bird. There are two different things. In the same way, first we are a human beings then we are realized souls. This is the new age, this is the new race which has come up. Is nothing, just put a brand here, one, like any other twice-born, like any other person you are behaving. Why? What is twice, twice-born? Or I am a Christian, and a Hindu, and a Muslim or anything. It's just a brand because anybody can commit any murder, any sin, anything. So this transformation is your responsibility. You have to take to this transformation, and you have to change people. If you have to save your country, now learn this: that you can do it. You can easily do it. Is very simple because is all built in within you. Now what do we do? Just put a seed in the Mother Earth and it sprouts by itself. How? Because the seed has a built-in quality to sprout and the Mother has a built-in quality to make it sprout. In the same way, you all have this power, this glory is within you, just it has to happen. It sprouts and then you have to grow. I don't know how people trust Me so much. I am an Indian after all. I could be an immigrant, or whatever. I could be anything. But they trust Me somehow. But later on, they do not trust themselves and they do not grow. It's a very sad thing, not in Russia, I must tell you, not in Russia. There's a joke. We had a seminar of thousands of people in Russia and there was one American Sahaja Yogi and a Russian Sahaja Yogi asked him: "How many do you have Sahaja Yogis in America?" So he said, "To be precise, it is fifty-six." So this Sahaja Yogi from Taliatti says, "Oh my God, you are fifty-six thousand? We have only twenty-one thousand here in Taliatti." They can't understand. They think Americans are very bright, very smart people. There must be at least 56,000. Americans are known to be very intelligent, very smart. So they're taking to Coca Cola culture now. Russians, forty per cent, because they think Americans, after all, you know, they take Coca Cola, they go to McDonald. They're very smart people. They're ruling all over the world and all your junk which doesn't sell here goes there and they are really trying to look like Americans, you know. Whatever it is. Why I'm trying to say this, is the whole world is looking at you. They follow you. This Hollywood doesn't understand its own responsibility. The whole world is following you and the way they speak also English is very surprising is just like American English. I take about two days to understand that. But now in Russia they are speaking the same English as you speak and it's a difficult situation. So, you have to understand the second responsibility that, as citizens of this great country, you have to lead the whole world into righteousness, into morality, into constructive beautiful life. You have to enter in the Kingdom of God and settle there, whatever may be your race, whatever may be your religion, or all these nonsensical differences. But it's very important and you'll be surprised, the first country I visited was America. I would say, first I went to Iran because my brother was there but after that I came to America and I was surprised. How do they take to falsehood so easily? Even Indians who come here become stupid. I don't know. Really. You won't believe, this there's a gentleman who is organizing the marriage of Rama and Sita. I mean they were married long time back. But he's organizing it in every place. Los Angeles one marriage, one in New York, one in Philadelphia. All like that he is organizing. And here there were ten thousand people who attended that wedding. The boy, means Rama, was ten-year old and the girl was eight-year old. So this kind of nonsense, even Indians, they would not do this in India. No, everybody will laugh at them. The another example if I give, you'll be shocked. There's a lady, Maharani of Dhrangadhra . She's another mad woman and she has lost her husband. So she has got one man, she dressed him up as a lady, and she calls him as "the goddess" she worships. I was shocked at the whole thing that they are doing. So I said, "But you don't have anybody who follows you." "No, no, we have many in Los Angeles." Can you imagine? This there is another one now who makes the pendulum move. The people who are lynched by him, I met them in Washington. They told me, "Mother, we have sold out our houses. Now we don't know what to do. We have taken out our children from good schools. We have no money." I said, " So why?" "There was this gentleman from the TM, you see. Pradeep Chopra is the name." Pradeep, to have such a nice name, I don't know who gave him this name. What his mother must have thought. So he said that, "Now, I can control the minds of others, I'll teach you how." So he calls somebody. "Stand here" and he gives you a pendulum in his hand. Now he says, "See, now he'll move the pendulum." He moves the pendulum and people have given up their houses, this, that, to this man. So I said, "How can you come and tell Me this now? Have you come on this earth to move the pendulums?" I mean, this kind of stupidity, can't understand. Then they said you can levitate three or four feet like this. Already you have jams on the road. Why do you want to have such people moving their three feet? Such stupid things they accept, such stupid things. But the fellow of TM, the one who was their very big master, he got epilepsy, so he came to me. By that time, he had become bankrupt. He told Me: "I went to America and my guru told me, your money is so much involved, so you have to tell then, I came without any visa, without any passport." His name is Peter Pierce. "And you have to tell them I can walk into the wall, through the wall." "Then?" I said. "I told them and they all believed me." "They all believed you?" "Yes." "Professors, mathematicians, everybody believed you?" "Yes." How can they believe such nonsensical things? There is a saying by Guru Nanaka, "Satguru wahi, jo sahib mili hai." "The one who is the real master is the one who makes you meet God, who makes you Divine." And this is what you should expect. It looks difficult, is the easiest thing to be Divine. You don't have to jump, you don't have to waste money. Nothing of the kind. It's all built in within you. Just have your awakening and enjoy. You don't have to do anything like running away from your homes, going to Himalayas, standing on your heads. Nothing needed. No austerities. You are already ready for it. You have done all this in your last lives. Now please don't do all these things. You just get your Self-realization. So you become collectively conscious. You can feel on your fingertips vibrations of another person, whether dead, living, or historical whatever it is. You can know. You know the absolute truth on your fingertips. But above all, because you become collectively conscious, that is, a microcosm becomes the macrocosm, because a drop becomes the ocean. Who is the other? You become the part and parcel of one. So when it happens to you, it is very amazing how you realize what powers you have. You can give realization to people, you can cure them, you can enjoy yourself. You never get bored. So many powers you have which starts expressing and when they start expressing, you're amazed at yourself. This is what you must expect and not moving of a pendulum. I'm sure today I'm not talking to stupid people. Sahaja Yoga is not meant for idiotic people, I must tell you. The kind of idiocity that has come I can't understand, because I used to worship Abraham Lincoln, used to worship and he gave us such a great thing like democracy and how can this democracy be a demonocracy? There are seekers, but misled. Above all that happens to you, the highest is that you jump into the ocean of just become joy. Joy is singular. Happiness and unhappiness are the two sides of one coin. But joy is singular that you become the witness the whole thing like a drama. It's fun and you get out of your problems and that's how you know how to solve them. And above all, the bliss is there to help you. You'll be amazed how things work out. Meticulously in every way, even money-wise. There was a girl, lady from Toronto. She wanted to travel with me, come here. She's very good, but she thought she hasn't got sufficient money and next day she got a check of $4,000 because she had paid some money somewhere a long time back. This is just a very, very minimum. But the greatest thing is that you become your own master. You know what chakras are there, you know what you are doing. You know everything. It is not just like standing and moving a pendulum nonsense but it is you know what's wrong with anyone. Then you don't talk about his face, about his dress, how he walks but you talk about his centers, what centers are there and you can cure. All this is your own. Last of all I have to tell you this Kundalini is the power of pure desire and she is your individual mother. She knows everything about you. It's all tape-recorded. So you don't have to start judging yourself. She knows you and She is anxious to give you self-realization. She takes up all the trouble on Herself and gives you this beautiful thing which you call as self-realization and then you realize that you are endowed with the power of Divine love. You become extremely dynamic; at the same time you are extremely compassionate. You enjoy your virtues, you enjoy your love, you enjoy others, you enjoy everything. Such a state is not difficult. Only thing you must understand that you are here to become the Spirit. In this time try to say whatever is possible. I'm going tonight to New York. They always put me like a shuttlecock from one place to another. So I have to go. But I'm very happy I saw so many of you here. I hope you'll be all responsible and will look after your realization. Now I would request you that it cannot be forced on you, it cannot be, because I respect your freedom. You have freedom. This is the Last Judgment: If you want to go to Heaven, you are welcome, if you want to go to hell, you are welcome. I cannot force on you. So those who do not want to come for this or do not want to have it, I cannot force, so I would request you, those who do not want to have, can leave the hall. Would be better for others and those who want to have it are welcome and I'm sure you all will have it. No doubt about it. No doubt. It will take hardly ten minutes for you to get your realization, ten minutes. But you have to be little patient and you have to also know that it is your pure desire that is going to give you. Just your pure desire. I've already told you that Kundalini knows everything about you and you don't have to judge yourself. So there are three conditions, very simple, very, very simple. The first one is that you are not to feel guilty at all. Your Kundalini knows everything. Why should you feel guilty? Leave it to Her. You don't judge yourself and please don't feel guilty. You don't know if you feel guilty, this center here, catches, and if this center goes out of order, you develop angina which is a horrible disease of the heart. You develop spondylitis and also lethargic organs. Only by one this center of yours, and it is always there when you feel guilty. If you have done anything wrong in the past, you should have dealt with it that time. What's the use of carrying it here all the time? Also is conditioning. For small, small things people start feeling guilty, specially with this Catholic Church, Christian churches. You have to know that we are sinners, we are not. We are human beings and human beings can commit mistakes. You are not gods and at this juncture, if you have guilt, how will the Kundalini rise? If you are really guilty, you would have been in jail, isn't it? I don't know with this law here, if people can go to jail even if they have done something wrong, I have no idea. I, somehow or other, I'm very apprehensive about the LA laws you see. They say it's very funny. All right, whatever it is. Now God's laws are extremely pure and He loves you. He doesn't want you, to put you into any trouble. He loves you and loves you very much and He wants you to enter into His kingdom to enjoy. Now you're just ready to get it. So the first condition is that you are not to feel guilty at all. I assure you, you have done nothing wrong. Is it possible to forgive yourself? Thank you. The second condition is even easier. If you understand, logically. If, I mean, the second condition is that you have to forgive everyone, even without thinking about them. Just to say, "I forgive every one of them," finished. Is very difficult but logically, I'll tell you, whether you forgive or don't forgive, what do you do? Do nothing. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself while the person who has tortured you, is very happy. You go on torturing yourself because you can't forgive. So just you have to say, "I forgive everyone." Don't think about them also because that will give you a headache. Best is to forgive everyone. Once you forgive, then the Divine takes over and works it out. So now please forgive everyone. Is there any problem? All right. The third condition is very simple is that you have to take out your shoes. That's all. You won't believe, in London first time I said, "Take out your shoes," half of them walked out. It's difficult. All right. So first of all we'll show you what we have to do to nourish our centers. Only for tonight, only for tonight. You don't have to do it. Later on, as I told you that our centers are here and all this is happening in a collective way. It's not single person doing something at home. So you have to go there. They'll give you every instruction, everything, every book, whatever you want. Free, absolutely free. But you must desire to grow and it will work out. Some people get it immediately in such a big way and then they think they're on top of the world, but no. You have to grow and you have to know everything about yourself. You have to know about Sahaja Yoga completely in a full way. You have to be a master and I tell you hardly it takes one month to be. You people are very intelligent and everything. Just put your attention, it will work out. All right. So now we have to put our left hand on our lap just. (Mother speaks aside to someone in Hindi.) Just now. Left hand on your left lap, comfortably. We are not to go to Himalayas, do anything of the kind. We have to be comfortable, that's one thing. Here sitting down, you'll get your realization. Left hand towards the photograph, we put here, because they have objection for that, but now you put towards Me, left hand towards Me which is symbolically saying that you want your self-realization because the left side is the power of desire, mundane desire. So you're desirous, so you are putting the hand towards Me, left hand, that's all. Now with the right hand, we have to nourish our centers on the left-hand side. Now they will show you how to do. First we put our right hand on the heart. In the heart resides the Spirit which is the reflection of God Almighty. If you become the Spirit then you become your own master. So you take your hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and this is the center of your mastery which is created by all the prophets. You will know about it, everything. Everything will be told to you. You have to put both your feet apart from each other because these are also two powers on left and right. Now please take your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the center for pure, Divine knowledge. Don't get disturbed with this, it's very simple, is the center for the pure, Divine knowledge to work out. Now you take your hand back to the upper portion of your abdomen, press it which is the center of mastery. Now please take your right hand on top of your heart which is the center of the pure Spirit. Now please take your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Now this is the center I told you about that when you feel guilty, this goes out of order and at this juncture you must keep this center open by not feeling guilty at all. Now you raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head. This is the center where you have to forgive everyone. This center is extremely constricted and if you don't forgive, it won't open. All your life you've tortured yourself and if you don't forgive now, you'll have to miss this great opportunity of getting your self-realization. Now take back your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the all-pervading Divine power of love. That we'll do later after closing eyes, but I'm just telling you how to do it. Now stretch your palm. This is the last center, very important. Stretch your palm and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area. Now please put down your head. They forget this. Please put down your head and push back your fingers as far as possible. Just push back, so there's a good pressure on the scalp. Now please move your hand in such a way that the scalp moves, clockwise, seven times. Do it very slowly. Put down your head, put down your heads. Please put down your heads. You must put down your head otherwise it doesn't work out better. Put down your head. Now push back your fingers. Pushing back your fingers is important. Push back your fingers outward, so that there's a pressure on the scalp. Now move it slowly seven times, clockwise. Don't hold your head, push back your fingers. Please push back your fingers. That's it. That's all we have to do. Now, again, we put our feet apart from each other. Put the left hand on your left lap and put the right hand on the heart. Now please close your eyes and please don't open them till I tell you. You can take out your spectacles, if you like. Now when you put your hand on your heart, you have to ask Me a question, very fundamental question about yourself: You can call Me Mother, or Shri Mataji. Here, you please ask Me a question, in your heart, three times. "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask this question three times in your heart. I've told you that if you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard and here you have to ask another fundamental question about yourself. Three times, please ask in your heart: "Mother, am I my own master? Mother, am I my own master?" I have told you that I respect your freedom so I cannot force pure, Divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and here you have to say six times because this center has got six petals. You have to ask, please ask six times: "Mother, please give Me pure, Divine knowledge." As soon as you ask for pure, Divine knowledge, Kundalini starts rising upward. So we have to nourish our upper centers with our full self-confidence. So now please raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and here you have to say ten times: "Mother, I am my own master." Please say it ten times: "Mother, I am my own master." At the very outset I told you that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intellect, these conditionings, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on top of your heart and here please say twelve times with full self-confidence: "Mother, I am the pure Spirit. Mother, I am the pure Spirit." This all-pervading power of Divine love is the ocean of knowledge. It is the ocean of blessings, it is the ocean of compassion, but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you might commit will be completely dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say sixteen times: "Mother, I am not guilty at all." Please say with full self-confidence, sixteen times: "Mother, I am not guilty at all." I have already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. Specially at this time if you do not forgive, this center of agnya won't open and the Kundalini won't be able to break through. So I request you again and again, just forgive everyone. So now raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head. Here you have to say, from your heart, not how many times: "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." Please say it from your heart. Now without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the all-pervading Divine power. So please take your right hand back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here now you have to say again from the heart, not how many times: "Oh, Divine power, if I've done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me. Oh, Divine power, if I have done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me." Now the last center. Please stretch your palm fully. Now carefully put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please bend your head as much as you can. Now remember to stretch back your fingers so there is a good pressure on your scalp. Here again, I respect your freedom. I cannot force self-realization on you. So you have to say seven times, moving the scalp seven times, you have to say: "Mother, please give me my self-realization. Mother, please give me my self-realization." Now move the scalp seven times clockwise slowly. (Mother blows into the microphone.) Now please take down your hand. Open your eyes, slowly. Now please put both the hands towards Me like this and try not to think. Now bend your head and see with your left hand, right hand towards Me, the left hand, you feel if there is a hot or a cold breeze, like vibrations, coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Please put down your head. Now please don't put the hand on top but little away. Some people get it further away. So please move your hand and see for yourself if there's a cool or hot breeze, like vibrations, coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Now if they're not coming, you should say: "Mother, please come through my head. Mother, please come through my head." Please say thrice. Umm. Now please put the left hand like this, and with the right hand try to see if there's a cool breeze or a hot breeze like vibration coming from your fontanelle bone area. Now if you have not forgiven you, or if are not yourself, or if you are not forgiving others, it will be hot. But now try to forgive. Forgive yourself and forgive others. It will cool down, I'm sure it will cool down. Now once more only, please put your right hand towards me and again put down the head and with the left hand, please try to see if there's a cool or hot breeze like vibrations coming out of your fontanelle bone area. This is the actualization of baptism. This is what is the Brahmarandhra Bheda that they call it. Now it's done. Don't doubt. Now please raise both the hands towards the sky and push back your head and ask any one of these questions, three questions, three times. First one is: "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the holy Ghost?" Or, you can ask: "Mother, is this the all-pervading power of Divine love?" Or you can ask: "Mother, is this the paramchaitanya or ruh?" Ask any one of these questions three times. Take down your hands. Such cool is coming from you to Me now. Now don't doubt that it's air-conditioning or nothing is not: air-conditioning is not in your head, is coming out of your head. So don't doubt yourself. All those who have felt cool breeze or hot breeze on your fingertips, on your palms or through your fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. Aah! All Americans have got it! Aah! I bow to you, all saints. I bow to you. (To one person) You didn't feel, sir? What's the matter with you? You didn't feel it, the cool breeze? No? You're the only person. Why? Just put your hands; it will work out. Just put both the feet apart. Now? Are you a doctor? [Mother asks a yogi to work on him.] Anybody can see that. [I.e., see the vibrations, Ed.] It's all right. Now all those who have not felt, are there any? One, two, three, four.
All religions are within yourself
United States
New York City
Public Program
Public Program in New York 01-10-1994 I bow to all seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot describe it and unfortunately at this human awareness you cannot know it. Truth has been, is and will be. Whatever I am going to tell you today, please know that it is absolutely tangible, and have no blind faith about it.This blind faith has created so many problems in this world you know very well. So if you find whatever I am saying is the truth and you experience it, then as earnest people you are to believe it, because it is for your benevolence. For the benevolence of your family. For the benevolence of your city, for the benevolence of your country, for the benevolence of the whole world. So now the time has come to think of our benevolence. As you know in America, it is quite shocking the way things are moving in the name of freedom. People are destroying themselves. Destroying their societies. Destroying their family life and all kinds of problems, of such a deep varieties that we have to now look into it and find out what's wrong. What's wrong, where are we going? What are we supposed to do? Now the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intellect, your conditionings or your ego. For all this, you say 'my.' This is my ego, this is my emotions but who is the owner of this 'my', you should find out. This is the first truth that in your evolutionary process you have not achieved that state where you can know absolute truth. If everybody knows the absolute truth there cannot be discussions, arguments, fightings and wars, because everybody sees the same point. The second truth is as we see around us such beautiful flowers here, we take them for granted.And if you ask a doctor who runs your heart he will say it is the autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? That they can't answer. So the second truth is that there is all-pervading power of divine love which does all these living things, spontaneously, and we do not want to know about it and we don't know how it works. So these are the two things one has to find out. It's very easy to feel this all-pervading power of divine love.We all will feel it tonight. I am sure you all will feel it tonight and it is your right to know it because you have reached the state now of a human awareness which is in quite a turmoil. And is already said that in this modern times at the end of it people will be so disturbed that they will seek the truth.But when the seeking started people really were misled very much. I am surprised how people accepted all these things which obviously are absolutely nonsense. And absolutely false. First of all, how can you pay for your spiritual life? God doesn't understand money. Banking is your headache.He doesn't understand. How can you pay for it?But people have paid so much of money for nonsense. I am surprised what happens to their understanding about reality. First of all, we have to know that it is not a mumbo- jumbo. Is not something where human beings can just work it out by changing the dress or by chanting something.It is not possible. Something has to happen within yourself. And for that, you are already built. Already have all the centres within you. Only thing is this Kundalini has to be awakened which is in the sacrum bone that means the Greeks knew it is sacred.It is all there, just like you take a seed and put into mothers womb it sprouts. Because it is built-in. In the seed that it can be sprouted and also in the mother earth that it can sprout it.It is so spontaneous.Sahaja.Sa means with, ja means born. Born with you, is the right to have this yoga. Means is union with the all-pervading power of divine love. IT is called by various names for example in the Bible is called the cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost.It is called in the Quran as Ruh. In the Sanskrit language, it is called Parama Chaitanya. Patanjali has called as Uthammaha Pragnya and there are various names, whatever name you may call it. But it is true that it exists and we have to feel it.Thus we have to achieve our enlightenment. I am sorry for being late, but I must tell you this, America is so full of problems where ever you have to go we should take the house near it and live there near it otherwise we cannot reach but I am sorry and I am very thankful that you waited. Shows that you are really desirous of having your self-knowledge your Self -realisation. So I would not tell you about these stupid people mostly came from India and from here to make money out of you. You all have experienced it. Recently somebody told me from Washington that he lost all his money, everything.His children have been taken away from the school.He has to sell off the house.I said, for what?There is this one gentleman from Kyiv who is very clever. I went to his meeting and he called another fellow on the stage and he said see I can control his mind and I will tell you how you can control others mind. Why do you want to do that? And then he said, now see, he will move the pendulum. And he started moving the pendulum. And I was so enamoured that I said whatever you do you teach me this. That's how he became bankrupt.But I said, have you no brains to understand? Have you come on this earth to move a pendulum? Another thing they started that you can levitate and can move about at 3 feet height. Imagine. There are no one this people despite that we are having such champs. What's the use of having this 3 feet people going round and round but they did it and I was surprised that their head of their flying Academy came to me. His name is Peter Pears. He told me fantastic things about the stupidity to which people take to.He said I put in all my money.He was a diamond merchant.So my guru told me that you have to go to America and tell them stories.So first story he told them that I have come here without a visa, without aeroplane just in my meditation.They believed. And then he said that I can pass through the wall and they believed. I said they should have at least asked him to pass through the wall.All such stupid things people have been believing, having been misled, spoiling their chakras.One thing I would like to tell you that your innocence is never, never destroyed because it is eternal.Only there are some clowns.By doing all these nonsensical things also there will be some clowns but it can be easily manifested without any effort and this is a special time for that. Very special time. I call it the Blossom time but they call it as the last judgement. Islam calls it as Qayamat. Resurrection time, all kinds of words are given to this and a great poet William Blake has said that people of God, he called them 'Gods man', will be born again on this earth at this time and they will achieve their divinity and they will have powers to give divinity to others. This is exactly what is happening in Sahajayoga. Mohammed Saheb in his Quran clearly said that 'at the time of qayamat your hands will speak and they will give( UNCLEAR) meaning witness against you.I will tell you what's wrong with you.' This is exactly what happens in Sahaja yoga. But you know how these things are. It's absurd but how people have taken to something so fundamentally wrong against God.To be fundamentalists itself is against God.God Almighty has created all this world.How can He have different, different religions and how can He have different, different ideas about God. Some say there is one God, some say there is hundred Gods. Some say this. There has to be one singular thing if it is an absolute truth. And that's why in Sahaja yoga when you take to religion you realise that all these religions are like flowers of the same tree of spirituality born at different times. And according to the times these Prophets, and this incarnations all of them have tried to give information about this happening that is going to take place. Now people who have not got enlightenment cannot accept it. They do their own thinking, their own ideas and they make up something which is just a brand. If you are a Hindu or a Christian or a Muslim or anything you can commit any mistakes. You can commit any kind of sin.This is just a brand.These religions are within yourself and unless and until they are enlightened you cannot be a righteous person. Moreover, I must say that Christ, Mohammed Sahab all such great people who came on this earth were absolutely pure, very high people.They didn't know what sort of human beings they were talking to.They didn't know. Fifth chapter Matthews, if you read, for Christians. Christ has said that if your one eye does something wrong take it out. If your another eye does something wrong take it out. If your one hand right-hand does something wrong cut it. If your left-hand does something wrong cut it out. If somebody slaps you on this side you turn another face to them. I have yet to see one Christian who has taken out even one eye. It's very difficult. Very difficult you see to face yourself, see for yourself that your eyes are looking. Even I mean Muhammad Sahab just thought that Christ was very hard on only men so he passed also some more things for women. Also, he used sharia which is a very very difficult thing also because this sharia was passed or you can say passed to Moses by God Almighty. That is what he said. Because he saw such a ticketed society of the Jews that he said if you steal something let your hands be cut. All kinds of things. Very difficult. But I think that the Jews were clever enough so they said we can't do this, so leave it alone and they did not follow. But the Muslims took it over. I tell you I have yet to come across one Muslim who has cut his hand, who has done anything like that. It is an impossible situation. Actually, these people thought you are all enlightened great saints. These are things meant for only saints. If the saints do anything wrong that is how they should be dealt with. Not for normal human beings and thus we developed something called guilt within us.And this guilt is also intensified by confessions by saying you are a sinner.You are a sinner and if you have to achieve something you should get rid of your sins, so you pay money to them and they think you can get rid of your sins. All such absurd things also we have been following. Our forefathers have been following. Then some people believed that if you read a book you can go to Heaven. The other day I met some Hare Rama people. I must tell you about this. He came to see me.He is the head of Chicago something and he was wearing a dhoti.It was quite cold that day, so I said, why do you wear this dhoti? What is the need?It is very cold. No, my Guru has initiated that I should wear this dhoti. I said but it is very very cold, why do want to wear? As a mother, I feel terrible. Why are you wearing this dhoti? By wearing dhoti if you can go to heaven that in India 90% of people wear dhoties only.They are saying Hare Rama Hare Krishna.I mean in India, everybody morning time they will get up they say Hare Ram to another. This is very common. Are they all going to go there? But they shave their heads completely. For that Kabira has said, if by saving hair if you can go to heaven all the sheep who are every year shaved will go first there. So the religion also is a mockery of religion and I don't know how to convince them. When I told them they would not listen.They said no our guru has done it and guru is. Their Guru had so many wrinkles like I don't know if you know about a jockey (not clear). Exactly like him,he had all the wrinkles on his face, and why this hostility, for whom, for god almighty who is your father. He loves you. Why should you do all these hostilities? Don't read this and I don't do that.Fast. Go to the Himalayas.Stand on your heads for hours together and face the cold. How can a father who loves you so much would like all this? How can any father would like his son to starve himself and kill himself to reach him? They have no idea of a fatherhood, I think. The way they are prescribing things to people to be so austere and these austere people are horribly hot-tempered. If you have to reach them you have to take a bargepole. This man himself got so angry with me because I said all these things.So I told him that if you read Geeta, Krishna has said everything comes from anger and how are you having anger, just selling the Geetas everywhere. And reading, reading what happens that whatever is written inside nobody knows that these are just like we were coming they said now this is Long island this, that like it's just a kind of a direction which you have to follow. But if you stand there and go on reading Manhattan, Manhattan, Manhattan, will you come here? So again Kabira has said very beautiful things. He said that by reading too much, padi padi pandit murkha huai, by reading too much people have become, even the learned have become stupid. I used to think how can that be? But I have met so many now, I believe it. So now we have to be sensible. Whatever has happened has happened. Whatever we have done is done but now what we have to have is our Self Realisation. When the Kundalini rises she enlightens, enriches your centres. All the world problems are mostly from human beings but all the human problems are from their centres. When these centres are in trouble you have physical mental and emotional as well as individual problems.All your stress and all this modern thing that you see, yuppies disease and all that is because Kundalini has not risen and not nourished your centres and has not connected you to this all-pervading power. For example, this instrument now here has three connections but if you don't even have one connection how will I work it out. Without the connection people say we have been praying, we have been doing this but no you are not connected. Your prayers don't reach there.There should be some connection. In the same way, this Kundalini just is your mother. She is your own mother. Individual mother. She knows everything about you.She knows about your past. Knows about your aspirations.She knows about everything. And now you don't have to judge yourself at all. She knows everything then why should you judge yourself? To feel guilty, to condemn yourself, if somebody says you are a sinner, you just believe it. Never believe such people. What right have they got to say such a thing? After all, you are human beings. You are not god's.I mean if you don't commit mistakes people will say you are not a human being. You are supposed to commit mistakes. So all this kind of a conditioning we have had that we are sinners, we must do this, has to go away and you are not to feel guilty at all for anything.I mean there are people who can feel guilty for something happening in Vietnam.There is no need. Your job is just to understand yourself that you are born as a human being and you are to be born again as a spiritual and enlightened personality, Buddha.That is what you have to be. Actually, the word bodh means the same and ved also means the same from where the (UNCLEAR)means, 'to know' on your central nervous system this all-pervading power which is the totality, which is the reality.Now your attention becomes absolutely, absolutely pure.There is no lust and greed in your attention anymore. For our country here it is very important that we should really get rid of these two problems that we suffer from. You become absolutely innocent and your eyes have a light of innocence.Such a person even he looks at somebody, even a glance can do such a lot and can establish such feelings of joy in other people, that it is just to be experienced and to be seen.Now our modern life is such that we are all the time thinking, thinking, thinking too much. For nothing.Anything just like a machine our brain is working, as a result,a thought rises, falls, thought rises, falls, and we jump on the cusp of the future or past which doesn't exist. But if I say now you come to your present you cannot.In the present is the reality. So what happens when this Kundalini rises, she elongates those thoughts and so you get established in the present where there is peace. That is the source of peace. Unless and until you have this peace no use talking about peace in establishing all big, organisations. I have met many people who have got big,big awards of peace, they are so horribly hot-tempered that you have to approach them with a bargepole. Always agitated, angry you know. Cant believe how did they get peace award. On the contrary, it is the other way round. They do get because people can camouflage something I think. The peace is within yourself and once you establish that peace then you become a witness.You start seeing the whole thing as a drama. They do not get agitated.Now see people are so agitated till now you see I was in the car today I was very late, I was just watching. I said all those who want their self-realisation will stay on. Makes no difference. Let us go whenever we have to go that's the time we fix, now will go at that time. Not to be agitated. Now you can imagine my age now is 72 years of age and I am travelling every day. Travelling every day. Travelling having a program. Travelling again program. Nothing happens to me. Because I don't think I travel. I am in thoughtless awareness. I am without any thoughts. I am just in that complete presence. Whether I am in the aeroplane or outside I am in thoughtless awareness. You are fully aware but you are thoughtless.No bombardment of thoughts for me. Just you are watching the whole thing as a big drama and it works. Whenever your attention goes it acts. Just you have to put attention and to it and it works. You will be surprised how things work out through your attention. Now you enter into the kingdom of God in the real sense of the word is not just a lecture or a sermon but you do it. As a result, you get all the blessings, amazingly. The blessings you get is something no one can explain. There is something I must tell you. There was one Indian Sahaja yogi. He came from his work, he got into the car and one fellow came with a dagger and he pierced the dagger through him. He started bleeding but he said I never felt frightened or anything. I just got hold of him,got his dagger from him and he ran away but then he saw his friend coming out of the same shop where he was working and he called him and both of them were searching for this fellow for two hours with all the bleeding going on and nothing happened to him. He was absolutely normal. Now another case which is also so remarkable that it is difficult to believe. There's a girl she got very frustrated in life but she's a Sahajayogini in a way. Her father was a Sahaja yogi but this girl,I don't know, in her frustration took her father's revolver and hit herself. Can you imagine the bullet came out it is a fact, and she was bleeding. She was taken to the hospital. Doctor 's were surprised. Her lungs are alright. Everything is alright as if this bullet was going through some channel outside, or they could not explain.Its a miracle. Such miracles take place, not for your protection of your life but so many other things. You are amazed how you get cured of incurable diseases. Now here I was told that they have lost a complete war against cancer but we cannot work here for cancer because we will be arrested and will put us in jail. We are not supposed to use any other method but the method of allopathy. But with allopathy, we cannot cure. With Sahaja yoga, we can. There are four doctors who have got their MD in Delhi University. I say we have much more freedom than what you have because these four doctors who got their MD and now one of them is here. In different subjects, where they try to show how you can cure incurable diseases. It is fundamental we are dealing with. Sahaja yoga is a meta-science.We are dealing with the fundamentals of our centres. If you know how to correct the centres of your own and the correct the centres of others you have done your job. Now, what happens that on your fingertips you can feel your own centres but not only that but you can feel the centres of others because you jump into a new dimension of your awareness which is called as collective consciousness, called samuhik chetna. First, you establish your thoughtless awareness which is nirvichara samadhi and later on by using this power you become doubtlessly aware. That is called as nirvikalpa samadhi. You then can do it.Everyone of you. You see nobody is so much lost that you cannot do it but have faith in yourself. The main point is to have faith in yourself. In this short time, I cannot tell you more than this but what I have to tell you that above all you jump into the ocean of joy. Happiness and unhappiness are the two sides of one coin. When your ego is pampered you feel happy. When it is punctured you feel unhappy. But joy is something so singular that you see the whole thing and it gives you joy. See I see a beautiful carpet so immediately I go into thoughtless awareness.So all the joy the artist has put in this this carpet starts giving me beautiful joy and vibrations.I enjoy that and like waves of joy and peace coming in. This is what is your potential. This is what you have to get. You don't know how glorified you are as human beings but you have to take to it. I must say that in America it has been very difficult to say these things because most of the seekers were lost with the false gurus. But I am very happy to see so many people taking interest in Sahaja yoga today. It was never the case like this before and we tried everything.They would listen to me, they would like it and the only thing that they told me all the time was that if you are not taking money then there is no credibility. You must take money.It must be marketed. In Boston, they asked me how many Rolls Royces I have? I said none. My husband has one Mercedes that's all.They said that means you are not in the business? I said, no-no. No business. You cannot do business about this. They said we are not interested.They won't take me even on television or anything, nor even they would publish advertisements.The situation is very difficult. But you will be happy to know in Russia it is very different. Russians are so sensitive to spirituality. So very sensitive, that I first time went to Leningrad, they did not know me.They had never seen me. Nothing of the kind. There were 2000 people all the way all inside and 2000 were standing outside. I was quite amazed.I said how is it you trust me so much. It's obvious, it's obvious.They said Mother, what about us we can't get into the hall.I said alright let me finish with these.I went and talked to them and gave a realization in no time. When I came out they were all sitting there so I said now if you want to have your realisation you come tomorrow morning we will have it in the open air. Not only that. This 4000 came also they got two thousand more and they were all there and they all got their realization.They are so sensitive I am surprised. All these false Gurus have been thrown away by them.Just thrown away. They reported to the government as to what they have done, and how they have suffered and what these people are up to and thrown away.Now except for me nobody is accepted even by the government.You will be surprised that they gave me an award this time.There were 2000 scientist and 10,000 people in a conference, the highest academician in Science and philosophy. Imagine. I felt so shy.I said, what are you doing, it is too much.So they said Mother, why what's the harm.There were only 10 people who had got it so far, Saint Petersburg University. So they said Mother why do you feel that it is too much.It is nothing.I said Einstein is one of them.You mean to say, you put me higher than Einstein? They said what Einstein has done? He just managed or whatever it is,he did all the invention about matter, but you are doing about human beings. Just see the understanding and the people are so wise there, so introspect. At least I am sure 65 to 70% Sahajayogies will be there in that country. Even Romania.Same thing. I am amazed that when we got our democracy we lost ourselves completely in the so called freedom. Choosing this, choosing that.This should be different, that should be different. Perhaps all our attention is lost in those things, and those who pampered our ego. We like them or whatever it is, I can't understand, that normal things people did not understand. I think the worst curse came from Mr Freud. And he reduced people to a sex point. We are sex points or human beings? And there is something more than that has to happen. All these ideas of Freud, when I told them they were very angry with me but now you read books. Fraudulent Freud. Downfall of Freudian Empire. All kinds of books coming from America but they discover it so late. I think it was 25 years back, Freud Freud Freud Freud. And these people who did that used to shake before me just like this. They have weakened the people, weakened the families, weakened the society, weakened the whole Nation from within. While you are great seekers of divine since long, is already said by Bruvamunni that those people are today who are seeking God in the hills and Dales will be born as householders and then they will get their realisation.It is a fact.It is happening. It sounds fantastic but it is a fact, is the truth I am telling.I am very happy there are so many people in New York where I never expected that this would happen. You all have waited for me. Thank you very much for that. This lecture you know is just one of them, I must have given at least in the English language 4000-5000 lectures.So you can get hold of them later on but better not listen to my lectures. First, you get your realisation.That is important because lecture also creates say waves of thoughts in the mind and then why she said so?Why she said so?Now let us see if we can get our realisation.I can see the beautiful lights. You have to just switch on one switch and all of them light up because all of it is built-in. Without the light no use talking about something which is so important. Enlightenment is very easy for you. Extremely easy. Take it from me. Not difficult. Because it is all built-in with in you. It is already there. And it takes hardly any time for you to jump into that new awareness about which I am talking. They talk about New Age. I mean in this country, they talk of a new age and New Race. Where are they? They are taking to drugs, alcoholism and this that. After Sahaja Yoga, you will be surprised I have seen people give up drugs overnight. Overnight. How? Supposing I am a very obstinate person and I have in my hand a snake. You tell me that you have a snake in your hand. I will say, no it's a rope because it is darkness I can't see. Till the snake bites me I go on saying no, it is not a snake it a rope. But supposing there is little light. Immediately I will throw away that. In the same way this light enlightens you and you get such wisdom about yourself and all that is destructive you just throw it away.No more, to have it anymore. I don't have to tell you don't do, don't do, nothing. You better take realisation and in that light, you yourself will manage yourself, I don't have to tell you anything. That's not me. So it will take about 10 to 15 minutes at the most as you have waited.I would request you those who want only I can give them realisation. Because I respect your freedom absolutely. If you do not want to have it I cannot force it on you.You cannot.It is a living process. So first you have to desire for it and also this Kundalini is the power of pure desire. All other desires are impure. Today we want to have a house then we want to have furniture in it, then we want to have a car then you are to have a helicopter, and you go on like that.Never satiated. The reason is not pure desire. If it was it would have given satisfaction but it does not. So now we are here. Within 10-15 minutes we are going to jump into a new awareness when you are going to feel this all-pervading power on your fingertips. I know you all have questions.You all are very intelligent people but this is beyond mind. Whatever I have said is not to be taken so seriously. Just remember that all of you are capable of getting your enlightenment and in that light, you can see for yourself, what you are. What is your weakness, what is your potential? I mean I have seen people going so much above their own expectations like this Miss India, Miss Universe, she is a Sahaja yogini. She came to me she asked me, mother, I am going for this kind of a thing, beauty contest. I said go ahead. I don't want to wear funny dresses.I said no-no as you sometimes wear swimming dress after all once in a while you have to wear the swimming dress, doesn't matter. So I said you are going for what? She said now for Miss India and then for Miss Universe. Alright I said, you will become Miss universe. S he has become.She is not such a beauty I would say, but the way she answered the way she had poise, the way she showed her maturity she got it. I have known many musicians like Amzad Ali Khan,(UNCLEAR)Khan,Debu Chaudary, so many Indians they came to Sahaja Yoga and after that, they prospered.Specially Debu had a problem.His thumb had the problem of a artist thumb.He got cured and today he is a very well known musician. Artists, painters all kinds of qualities which is within you. So much potential. A person who is a chartered accountant who has never known anything about poetry has become a great poet. So all these things are within you always. And you just manifest them but you don't develop an ego. You enjoy your own virtues. Become extremely dynamic at the same time extremely compassionate and extremely humble. Look at these gurus. They have nothing. No enlightenment. All these Sahajayogies who are sitting here are all enlightened people. They haven't developed any horns or anything. They are not going about in funny dresses but they are all enlightened, each one of them is capable of giving realisation. And can you imagine? Same thing with you. Today you are facing me, tomorrow you will be sitting this side. This is what it is.It is promised in the scriptures this is what we have to have. No use talking about all these things like I am a twice-born somebody comes to you just like anybody else. What is twice-born? Twice Born is a person who is enlightened.Sanskrit they call it Dvijaha means born twice. Dvijaha. To egg. Also to a bird. Because it is an egg and then it becomes a bird. Also to an enlightened person, they call it Dvijaha, means the one who is first a human being then becomes enlightened,but it is like another brand born again,if there is no difference. Then you become so righteous, so beautiful. You are amazed to see how. So we have to now just think that we have to have this which is our right and not feel any way obliged to me.No way. It is your own.And it will all work out. I am sure it will work out tonight, the way you had to wait and the way you enjoyed the music.Look at these. These are not Indians, but singing Indian, Sanskrit, Marathi, songs and even to say one sentence of Hindi by an English man was the greatest headache. You cannot teach an English man a Hindi song leave alone one sentence but they are singing Sanskrit songs. Also, Indian music is very difficult.It is very systematic. I myself am surprised sometimes when they say the Indian musicians say that we are ashamed. How could they do it because we had to practice for years together and how have they done it?How could they do it?It is remarkable.So now I again give one minute for people who want to leave. But don't disturb others.If you don't want to do it, don't do it but it is not proper ,it is not civil to disturb other people by walking out and going out while doing it, watching them.Whatever I am telling you today is not to be done afterwards.It is just for tonight.You have to do. It's a very simple thing very very simple. But there are three conditions which are also very simple. The first one I have already told you. You are not to feel guilty at all. When you feel guilty then it develops a problem on this side of this centre-left side of Vishuddhi chakra, and as a result what you develop, maybe spondylitis may be angina may be all your organs will be completely lethargic. With this one centre.Now with this comes with guilt so-called. If you have done anything wrong at that moment is better to face it up and finish it. What is the use of storing it here, to get all these diseases.It is a fashion to feel guilty.To feel guilty is a fashion So please not to feel guilty about anything.Moreover, the Kundalini is rising supposing this obstruction how will she pierce through? Now the second condition is that you have to forgive everyone in general in the sense that you don't have to think about, just you have to forgive. Now you will say that it is very difficult to forgive. I mean whether you forgive or don't forgive, what do you do? Nothing. You are carrying on with the myth but because of that, you suffer.You suffer. You play into wrong hands. All your life you suffer, and there is no sense in saying that I cannot forgive because you don't do anything. So you have to forgive but more at this moment. This centre is constructed like this absolutely like this. IT won't open. Unless and until you forgive it won't open like this and only then the Kundalini can pass through. So just imagine how important it is. So just forgive everyone.Forgive every one.In general you don't even have to think about it because thinking itself is a headache. So just forgive them. That means you should be very pleasantly placed towards your self.Very pleasantly placed. Nothing wrong with you. Very simple for you to get your Realisation, and you don't care what others have done to you. Past is past.It is finished. The third one is another very simple one. That you have to take out your shoes. There's nothing serious inside. Because this Mother Earth is very kind. She suckes in all your problems in herself at this moment, so just take out your shoes. I hope you don't mind.In England, when the first time I told them you have to take out your shoe half of the them walked out.I was really surprised by how they were identified with their shoes.Alright as I said you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. You should not feel guilty at all and just forgive.Forgive every one.It's very good.Now you have to sit comfortably. Don't have to slouch or put any strain on you. Just comfortably. I said you don't have to go to the Himalayas. Nothing. On your chairs sitting down here you will get your Realisation. But have faith in yourself. Know that you are going to get it. Just know that you are going to get it.It's just your faith in yourself that is going to work it out. Now somebody has to show.Alright. She will show you how you will have to nourish your centres, which is for today only. You don't have to do it again. Just for today. Now please put both the hands towards me like this. Just like this.Comfortably.Now put one of them on your lap comfortably again, on your left lap.Now the right is like this.Now the left one is symbolic because on the left side we have the power of Desire of mundane life. So is here by suggesting that you want your Self Realisation.So left hand towards me.You are working on your left hand. The right hand is symbolic about the power of action, so we use our right hand for giving nourishment to our centres. Please put the right hand now on your heart. In the heart resides the spirit which is the reflection of God Almighty.Now if you become the spirit then you become your own guide, your own master. So now please put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the centre of your mastery which is being created by great prophets. Now you please take your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the centre for pure divine knowledge.It looks funny but it is so. You will know how it is. Now take your hand again in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now please take your hand now on your heart again and now put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. I've already told you about the centre when it is in jeopardy you get all kinds of diseases because you feel guilty. Please take your right hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head. This is a centre where we have to forgive everyone in general and now I am showing you how to do it but later on, we will close our eyes and do it. Now please take the right-hand backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the centre where you have to ask forgiveness from this divine power without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your own satisfaction. Now please the last centre is very important. Stretch your palm. Put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now most important is to push back your fingers so there is a good pressure on your scalp. Now please put down your head. Please put down your head and now move the scalp with the pressure seven times clockwise. Please push back your fingers. That's all we have to do.Thats all.Now we will have to close our eyes and you don't have to open them till I tell you. Your feet should be set apart from each other because left and right side. Those who are sitting on the ground are alright. They don't have to worry, but those who are sitting on the chair should put both the feet away from each other. Also, put the left hand on your left lap comfortably. Now use your right hand for giving vibrations to your heart. And now close your eyes. Close your eyes.Please don't open them till I tell you. Here, you have to ask me a very fundamental question about yourself. You can call me the Mother or Shri Mataji.Mother am I the spirit, ask this question three times. Mother am I the spirit, please ask this question three times. No, no, in your heart.Ask this question in your heart, not loudly.Now, please take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Here you have to ask another fundamental question about yourself. So in your heart, please say it three times Mother, am I, my own master. Please ask in your heart three times, Mother am I, my own master. I have told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it.So please put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and here you have to ask six times because this centre has got six petals. So please ask six times, Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge. As soon as you ask for pure divine knowledge the Kundalini starts rising so you have to nourish your higher centres with your full self-confidence. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side, and here you have to say with full self-confidence ten times, Mother, I am my own master. Please say it. Mother, I am my own master. Say ten times. At the very outset I have told you that you are not this body this mind, this emotions this intellect, this ego or these conditionings but you are the pure spirit. So now raise your right hand on top of your heart and say it again with full self-confidence twelve times, Mother I am the pure spirit. Please say twelve times, Mother I am the pure spirit.This all-pervading divine power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion, is the ocean of blessings but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you have committed can be easily dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness so at this moment you please forgive yourself fully and not to feel guilty. Raise your right hand the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to right. Here you have to say sixteen times with full self-confidence, Mother I am not guilty at all. Please say. Very important. I've already told you whether you forgive or you don't forgive you don't do anything but if you don't forgive then you play to wrong hands especially at this juncture where we are just about to enter into the kingdom of God we have to forgive so that this centre of Agnya will open and the Kundalini can easily pierce through so, please. Now take your right hand on top of your forehead across put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to say from your heart not how many times, Mother I forgive everyone in general. Don't think about anyone. Mother, I forgive everyone in general.Say it from your heart not how many times. Now without feeling guilty, without counting, your mistakes just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the all-pervading divine power. So now please put your right hand in the backside of your head and here you have to say again not how many times but from your heart, you have to say O Divine Power, if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me. Again say it from your heart O Divine Power if I have done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me. Now the last centre is very important and by which the Kundalini will pierce through into the subtle energy of Brahma Chaitanya. So now stretch your right hand fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontenelle bone area. Now please put down your head and stretch back your fingers. Here again, I cannot give you self realisation you have to ask for it. So please move your scalp seven times slowly clockwise saying seven times, Mother please give me my self-Realization or mother please give me my enlightenment, whatever you want to say. Now please take down your hands. Please open your eyes and put both the hands like this, little higher. Now watch me without thinking. Now you have to put the right hand towards me and put down your head and see with your left hand if there is a cool or hot breeze like vibrations coming out of your head. Please. Please don't put your hand on top. Little away from it.Some people get it further, more. Please see. Now please try again with the left hand towards Me and right hand, bend your head, with the right hand on top of the Fontenelle bone area. If it is still hot that means you have to forgive yourself or forgive others. If you do that it will cool down, I am sure. Now last. Again the right hand please put down your head. I think you have not forgiven others. That is very important to forgive others. Now see with your left hand on top of the fontenelle bone area, move your hand and see there is a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations coming out of your own head. Now don't doubt it. Don't doubt it. Now raise both your hands towards the sky like this and push back your head and ask this question, three times, any one of these three questions you can ask three times. First, is, Mother is this the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost? Three times. Mother, is this the All-pervading power of Divine love? Three times. Anyone of them. Mother is this the Paramachaitanya? Is this the Ruh?Ask. Anyone of these questions three times in your heart. Push back your head. Please put them down. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze like vibrations on their fingertips or on their palms or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. I bow to you,all the New York people.You all have got realisation, is very remarkable. May God bless you all.You now have become saints. You will be surprised what a change will come within you but you don't get lost with it. I have to tell you that you have to grow for that you have to come to our centres. Of course, you don't have to pay but you have to pay respect to your self-realisation. In one months time, you all can become Masters. Maximum. could be two days also. So please come to our centre. Luckily we have very strong nice Sahajayogies here, very humble people, and they will tell you how you are to achieve this thing permanently within you and it is so enjoyable afterwards that you will start doing it yourself. Thank you very much. Clapping…..I will come next year to New York. May God bless you.
Public Program in New York 01-10-1994 I bow to all seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot describe it and unfortunately at this human awareness you cannot know it. Truth has been, is and will be. Whatever I am going to tell you today, please know that it is absolutely tangible, and have no blind faith about it.This blind faith has created so many problems in this world you know very well. So if you find whatever I am saying is the truth and you experience it, then as earnest people you are to believe it, because it is for your benevolence. For the benevolence of your family. For the benevolence of your city, for the benevolence of your country, for the benevolence of the whole world. So now the time has come to think of our benevolence. As you know in America, it is quite shocking the way things are moving in the name of freedom. People are destroying themselves. Destroying their societies. Destroying their family life and all kinds of problems, of such a deep varieties that we have to now look into it and find out what's wrong. What's wrong, where are we going? What are we supposed to do? Now the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intellect, your conditionings or your ego. For all this, you say 'my.' This is my ego, this is my emotions but who is the owner of this 'my', you should find out. This is the first truth that in your evolutionary process you have not achieved that state where you can know absolute truth. If everybody knows the absolute truth there cannot be discussions, arguments, fightings and wars, because everybody sees the same point. The second truth is as we see around us such beautiful flowers here, we take them for granted.And if you ask a doctor who runs your heart he will say it is the autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? That they can't answer. So the second truth is that there is all-pervading power of divine love which does all these living things, spontaneously, and we do not want to know about it and we don't know how it works. So these are the two things one has to find out. It's very easy to feel this all-pervading power of divine love.We all will feel it tonight. I am sure you all will feel it tonight and it is your right to know it because you have reached the state now of a human awareness which is in quite a turmoil. And is already said that in this modern times at the end of it people will be so disturbed that they will seek the truth.But when the seeking started people really were misled very much. I am surprised how people accepted all these things which obviously are absolutely nonsense. And absolutely false. First of all, how can you pay for your spiritual life? God doesn't understand money. Banking is your headache.He doesn't understand. How can you pay for it?But people have paid so much of money for nonsense. I am surprised what happens to their understanding about reality. First of all, we have to know that it is not a mumbo- jumbo. Is not something where human beings can just work it out by changing the dress or by chanting something.It is not possible. Something has to happen within yourself. And for that, you are already built. Already have all the centres within you. Only thing is this Kundalini has to be awakened which is in the sacrum bone that means the Greeks knew it is sacred.It is all there, just like you take a seed and put into mothers womb it sprouts. Because it is built-in. In the seed that it can be sprouted and also in the mother earth that it can sprout it.It is so spontaneous.Sahaja.Sa means with, ja means born. Born with you, is the right to have this yoga. Means is union with the all-pervading power of divine love. IT is called by various names for example in the Bible is called the cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost.It is called in the Quran as Ruh. In the Sanskrit language, it is called Parama Chaitanya. Patanjali has called as Uthammaha Pragnya and there are various names, whatever name you may call it. But it is true that it exists and we have to feel it.Thus we have to achieve our enlightenment. I am sorry for being late, but I must tell you this, America is so full of problems where ever you have to go we should take the house near it and live there near it otherwise we cannot reach but I am sorry and I am very thankful that you waited. Shows that you are really desirous of having your self-knowledge your Self -realisation. So I would not tell you about these stupid people mostly came from India and from here to make money out of you. You all have experienced it. Recently somebody told me from Washington that he lost all his money, everything.His children have been taken away from the school.He has to sell off the house.I said, for what?There is this one gentleman from Kyiv who is very clever. I went to his meeting and he called another fellow on the stage and he said see I can control his mind and I will tell you how you can control others mind. Why do you want to do that? And then he said, now see, he will move the pendulum. And he started moving the pendulum. And I was so enamoured that I said whatever you do you teach me this. That's how he became bankrupt.But I said, have you no brains to understand? Have you come on this earth to move a pendulum? Another thing they started that you can levitate and can move about at 3 feet height. Imagine. There are no one this people despite that we are having such champs. What's the use of having this 3 feet people going round and round but they did it and I was surprised that their head of their flying Academy came to me. His name is Peter Pears. He told me fantastic things about the stupidity to which people take to.He said I put in all my money.He was a diamond merchant.So my guru told me that you have to go to America and tell them stories.So first story he told them that I have come here without a visa, without aeroplane just in my meditation.They believed. And then he said that I can pass through the wall and they believed. I said they should have at least asked him to pass through the wall.All such stupid things people have been believing, having been misled, spoiling their chakras.One thing I would like to tell you that your innocence is never, never destroyed because it is eternal.Only there are some clowns.By doing all these nonsensical things also there will be some clowns but it can be easily manifested without any effort and this is a special time for that. Very special time. I call it the Blossom time but they call it as the last judgement. Islam calls it as Qayamat. Resurrection time, all kinds of words are given to this and a great poet William Blake has said that people of God, he called them 'Gods man', will be born again on this earth at this time and they will achieve their divinity and they will have powers to give divinity to others. This is exactly what is happening in Sahajayoga. Mohammed Saheb in his Quran clearly said that 'at the time of qayamat your hands will speak and they will give( UNCLEAR) meaning witness against you.I will tell you what's wrong with you.' This is exactly what happens in Sahaja yoga. But you know how these things are. It's absurd but how people have taken to something so fundamentally wrong against God.To be fundamentalists itself is against God.God Almighty has created all this world.How can He have different, different religions and how can He have different, different ideas about God. Some say there is one God, some say there is hundred Gods. Some say this. There has to be one singular thing if it is an absolute truth. And that's why in Sahaja yoga when you take to religion you realise that all these religions are like flowers of the same tree of spirituality born at different times. And according to the times these Prophets, and this incarnations all of them have tried to give information about this happening that is going to take place. Now people who have not got enlightenment cannot accept it. They do their own thinking, their own ideas and they make up something which is just a brand. If you are a Hindu or a Christian or a Muslim or anything you can commit any mistakes. You can commit any kind of sin.This is just a brand.These religions are within yourself and unless and until they are enlightened you cannot be a righteous person. Moreover, I must say that Christ, Mohammed Sahab all such great people who came on this earth were absolutely pure, very high people.They didn't know what sort of human beings they were talking to.They didn't know. Fifth chapter Matthews, if you read, for Christians. Christ has said that if your one eye does something wrong take it out. If your another eye does something wrong take it out. If your one hand right-hand does something wrong cut it. If your left-hand does something wrong cut it out. If somebody slaps you on this side you turn another face to them. I have yet to see one Christian who has taken out even one eye. It's very difficult. Very difficult you see to face yourself, see for yourself that your eyes are looking. Even I mean Muhammad Sahab just thought that Christ was very hard on only men so he passed also some more things for women. Also, he used sharia which is a very very difficult thing also because this sharia was passed or you can say passed to Moses by God Almighty. That is what he said. Because he saw such a ticketed society of the Jews that he said if you steal something let your hands be cut. All kinds of things. Very difficult. But I think that the Jews were clever enough so they said we can't do this, so leave it alone and they did not follow. But the Muslims took it over. I tell you I have yet to come across one Muslim who has cut his hand, who has done anything like that. It is an impossible situation. Actually, these people thought you are all enlightened great saints. These are things meant for only saints. If the saints do anything wrong that is how they should be dealt with. Not for normal human beings and thus we developed something called guilt within us.And this guilt is also intensified by confessions by saying you are a sinner.You are a sinner and if you have to achieve something you should get rid of your sins, so you pay money to them and they think you can get rid of your sins. All such absurd things also we have been following. Our forefathers have been following. Then some people believed that if you read a book you can go to Heaven. The other day I met some Hare Rama people. I must tell you about this. He came to see me.He is the head of Chicago something and he was wearing a dhoti.It was quite cold that day, so I said, why do you wear this dhoti? What is the need?It is very cold. No, my Guru has initiated that I should wear this dhoti. I said but it is very very cold, why do want to wear? As a mother, I feel terrible. Why are you wearing this dhoti? By wearing dhoti if you can go to heaven that in India 90% of people wear dhoties only.They are saying Hare Rama Hare Krishna.I mean in India, everybody morning time they will get up they say Hare Ram to another. This is very common. Are they all going to go there? But they shave their heads completely. For that Kabira has said, if by saving hair if you can go to heaven all the sheep who are every year shaved will go first there. So the religion also is a mockery of religion and I don't know how to convince them. When I told them they would not listen.They said no our guru has done it and guru is. Their Guru had so many wrinkles like I don't know if you know about a jockey (not clear). Exactly like him,he had all the wrinkles on his face, and why this hostility, for whom, for god almighty who is your father. He loves you. Why should you do all these hostilities? Don't read this and I don't do that.Fast. Go to the Himalayas.Stand on your heads for hours together and face the cold. How can a father who loves you so much would like all this? How can any father would like his son to starve himself and kill himself to reach him? They have no idea of a fatherhood, I think. The way they are prescribing things to people to be so austere and these austere people are horribly hot-tempered. If you have to reach them you have to take a bargepole. This man himself got so angry with me because I said all these things.So I told him that if you read Geeta, Krishna has said everything comes from anger and how are you having anger, just selling the Geetas everywhere. And reading, reading what happens that whatever is written inside nobody knows that these are just like we were coming they said now this is Long island this, that like it's just a kind of a direction which you have to follow. But if you stand there and go on reading Manhattan, Manhattan, Manhattan, will you come here? So again Kabira has said very beautiful things. He said that by reading too much, padi padi pandit murkha huai, by reading too much people have become, even the learned have become stupid. I used to think how can that be? But I have met so many now, I believe it. So now we have to be sensible. Whatever has happened has happened. Whatever we have done is done but now what we have to have is our Self Realisation. When the Kundalini rises she enlightens, enriches your centres. All the world problems are mostly from human beings but all the human problems are from their centres. When these centres are in trouble you have physical mental and emotional as well as individual problems.All your stress and all this modern thing that you see, yuppies disease and all that is because Kundalini has not risen and not nourished your centres and has not connected you to this all-pervading power. For example, this instrument now here has three connections but if you don't even have one connection how will I work it out. Without the connection people say we have been praying, we have been doing this but no you are not connected. Your prayers don't reach there.There should be some connection. In the same way, this Kundalini just is your mother. She is your own mother. Individual mother. She knows everything about you.She knows about your past. Knows about your aspirations.She knows about everything. And now you don't have to judge yourself at all. She knows everything then why should you judge yourself? To feel guilty, to condemn yourself, if somebody says you are a sinner, you just believe it. Never believe such people. What right have they got to say such a thing? After all, you are human beings. You are not god's.I mean if you don't commit mistakes people will say you are not a human being. You are supposed to commit mistakes. So all this kind of a conditioning we have had that we are sinners, we must do this, has to go away and you are not to feel guilty at all for anything.I mean there are people who can feel guilty for something happening in Vietnam.There is no need. Your job is just to understand yourself that you are born as a human being and you are to be born again as a spiritual and enlightened personality, Buddha.That is what you have to be. Actually, the word bodh means the same and ved also means the same from where the (UNCLEAR)means, 'to know' on your central nervous system this all-pervading power which is the totality, which is the reality.Now your attention becomes absolutely, absolutely pure.There is no lust and greed in your attention anymore. For our country here it is very important that we should really get rid of these two problems that we suffer from. You become absolutely innocent and your eyes have a light of innocence.Such a person even he looks at somebody, even a glance can do such a lot and can establish such feelings of joy in other people, that it is just to be experienced and to be seen.Now our modern life is such that we are all the time thinking, thinking, thinking too much. For nothing.Anything just like a machine our brain is working, as a result,a thought rises, falls, thought rises, falls, and we jump on the cusp of the future or past which doesn't exist. But if I say now you come to your present you cannot.In the present is the reality. So what happens when this Kundalini rises, she elongates those thoughts and so you get established in the present where there is peace. That is the source of peace. Unless and until you have this peace no use talking about peace in establishing all big, organisations. I have met many people who have got big,big awards of peace, they are so horribly hot-tempered that you have to approach them with a bargepole. Always agitated, angry you know. Cant believe how did they get peace award. On the contrary, it is the other way round. They do get because people can camouflage something I think. The peace is within yourself and once you establish that peace then you become a witness.You start seeing the whole thing as a drama. They do not get agitated.Now see people are so agitated till now you see I was in the car today I was very late, I was just watching. I said all those who want their self-realisation will stay on. Makes no difference. Let us go whenever we have to go that's the time we fix, now will go at that time. Not to be agitated. Now you can imagine my age now is 72 years of age and I am travelling every day. Travelling every day. Travelling having a program. Travelling again program. Nothing happens to me. Because I don't think I travel. I am in thoughtless awareness. I am without any thoughts. I am just in that complete presence. Whether I am in the aeroplane or outside I am in thoughtless awareness. You are fully aware but you are thoughtless.No bombardment of thoughts for me. Just you are watching the whole thing as a big drama and it works. Whenever your attention goes it acts. Just you have to put attention and to it and it works. You will be surprised how things work out through your attention. Now you enter into the kingdom of God in the real sense of the word is not just a lecture or a sermon but you do it. As a result, you get all the blessings, amazingly. The blessings you get is something no one can explain. There is something I must tell you. There was one Indian Sahaja yogi. He came from his work, he got into the car and one fellow came with a dagger and he pierced the dagger through him. He started bleeding but he said I never felt frightened or anything. I just got hold of him,got his dagger from him and he ran away but then he saw his friend coming out of the same shop where he was working and he called him and both of them were searching for this fellow for two hours with all the bleeding going on and nothing happened to him. He was absolutely normal. Now another case which is also so remarkable that it is difficult to believe. There's a girl she got very frustrated in life but she's a Sahajayogini in a way. Her father was a Sahaja yogi but this girl,I don't know, in her frustration took her father's revolver and hit herself. Can you imagine the bullet came out it is a fact, and she was bleeding. She was taken to the hospital. Doctor 's were surprised. Her lungs are alright. Everything is alright as if this bullet was going through some channel outside, or they could not explain.Its a miracle. Such miracles take place, not for your protection of your life but so many other things. You are amazed how you get cured of incurable diseases. Now here I was told that they have lost a complete war against cancer but we cannot work here for cancer because we will be arrested and will put us in jail. We are not supposed to use any other method but the method of allopathy. But with allopathy, we cannot cure. With Sahaja yoga, we can. There are four doctors who have got their MD in Delhi University. I say we have much more freedom than what you have because these four doctors who got their MD and now one of them is here. In different subjects, where they try to show how you can cure incurable diseases. It is fundamental we are dealing with. Sahaja yoga is a meta-science.We are dealing with the fundamentals of our centres. If you know how to correct the centres of your own and the correct the centres of others you have done your job. Now, what happens that on your fingertips you can feel your own centres but not only that but you can feel the centres of others because you jump into a new dimension of your awareness which is called as collective consciousness, called samuhik chetna. First, you establish your thoughtless awareness which is nirvichara samadhi and later on by using this power you become doubtlessly aware. That is called as nirvikalpa samadhi. You then can do it.Everyone of you. You see nobody is so much lost that you cannot do it but have faith in yourself. The main point is to have faith in yourself. In this short time, I cannot tell you more than this but what I have to tell you that above all you jump into the ocean of joy. Happiness and unhappiness are the two sides of one coin. When your ego is pampered you feel happy. When it is punctured you feel unhappy. But joy is something so singular that you see the whole thing and it gives you joy. See I see a beautiful carpet so immediately I go into thoughtless awareness.So all the joy the artist has put in this this carpet starts giving me beautiful joy and vibrations.I enjoy that and like waves of joy and peace coming in. This is what is your potential. This is what you have to get. You don't know how glorified you are as human beings but you have to take to it. I must say that in America it has been very difficult to say these things because most of the seekers were lost with the false gurus. But I am very happy to see so many people taking interest in Sahaja yoga today. It was never the case like this before and we tried everything.They would listen to me, they would like it and the only thing that they told me all the time was that if you are not taking money then there is no credibility. You must take money.It must be marketed. In Boston, they asked me how many Rolls Royces I have? I said none. My husband has one Mercedes that's all.They said that means you are not in the business? I said, no-no. No business. You cannot do business about this. They said we are not interested.They won't take me even on television or anything, nor even they would publish advertisements.The situation is very difficult. But you will be happy to know in Russia it is very different. Russians are so sensitive to spirituality. So very sensitive, that I first time went to Leningrad, they did not know me.They had never seen me. Nothing of the kind. There were 2000 people all the way all inside and 2000 were standing outside. I was quite amazed.I said how is it you trust me so much. It's obvious, it's obvious.They said Mother, what about us we can't get into the hall.I said alright let me finish with these.I went and talked to them and gave a realization in no time. When I came out they were all sitting there so I said now if you want to have your realisation you come tomorrow morning we will have it in the open air. Not only that. This 4000 came also they got two thousand more and they were all there and they all got their realization.They are so sensitive I am surprised. All these false Gurus have been thrown away by them.Just thrown away. They reported to the government as to what they have done, and how they have suffered and what these people are up to and thrown away.Now except for me nobody is accepted even by the government.You will be surprised that they gave me an award this time.There were 2000 scientist and 10,000 people in a conference, the highest academician in Science and philosophy. Imagine. I felt so shy.I said, what are you doing, it is too much.So they said Mother, why what's the harm.There were only 10 people who had got it so far, Saint Petersburg University. So they said Mother why do you feel that it is too much.It is nothing.I said Einstein is one of them.You mean to say, you put me higher than Einstein? They said what Einstein has done? He just managed or whatever it is,he did all the invention about matter, but you are doing about human beings. Just see the understanding and the people are so wise there, so introspect. At least I am sure 65 to 70% Sahajayogies will be there in that country. Even Romania.Same thing. I am amazed that when we got our democracy we lost ourselves completely in the so called freedom. Choosing this, choosing that.This should be different, that should be different. Perhaps all our attention is lost in those things, and those who pampered our ego. We like them or whatever it is, I can't understand, that normal things people did not understand. I think the worst curse came from Mr Freud. And he reduced people to a sex point. We are sex points or human beings? And there is something more than that has to happen. All these ideas of Freud, when I told them they were very angry with me but now you read books. Fraudulent Freud. Downfall of Freudian Empire. All kinds of books coming from America but they discover it so late. I think it was 25 years back, Freud Freud Freud Freud. And these people who did that used to shake before me just like this. They have weakened the people, weakened the families, weakened the society, weakened the whole Nation from within. While you are great seekers of divine since long, is already said by Bruvamunni that those people are today who are seeking God in the hills and Dales will be born as householders and then they will get their realisation.It is a fact.It is happening. It sounds fantastic but it is a fact, is the truth I am telling.I am very happy there are so many people in New York where I never expected that this would happen. You all have waited for me. Thank you very much for that. This lecture you know is just one of them, I must have given at least in the English language 4000-5000 lectures.So you can get hold of them later on but better not listen to my lectures. First, you get your realisation.That is important because lecture also creates say waves of thoughts in the mind and then why she said so?Why she said so?Now let us see if we can get our realisation.I can see the beautiful lights. You have to just switch on one switch and all of them light up because all of it is built-in. Without the light no use talking about something which is so important. Enlightenment is very easy for you. Extremely easy. Take it from me. Not difficult. Because it is all built-in with in you. It is already there. And it takes hardly any time for you to jump into that new awareness about which I am talking. They talk about New Age. I mean in this country, they talk of a new age and New Race. Where are they? They are taking to drugs, alcoholism and this that. After Sahaja Yoga, you will be surprised I have seen people give up drugs overnight. Overnight. How? Supposing I am a very obstinate person and I have in my hand a snake. You tell me that you have a snake in your hand. I will say, no it's a rope because it is darkness I can't see. Till the snake bites me I go on saying no, it is not a snake it a rope. But supposing there is little light. Immediately I will throw away that. In the same way this light enlightens you and you get such wisdom about yourself and all that is destructive you just throw it away.No more, to have it anymore. I don't have to tell you don't do, don't do, nothing. You better take realisation and in that light, you yourself will manage yourself, I don't have to tell you anything. That's not me. So it will take about 10 to 15 minutes at the most as you have waited.I would request you those who want only I can give them realisation. Because I respect your freedom absolutely. If you do not want to have it I cannot force it on you.You cannot.It is a living process. So first you have to desire for it and also this Kundalini is the power of pure desire. All other desires are impure. Today we want to have a house then we want to have furniture in it, then we want to have a car then you are to have a helicopter, and you go on like that.Never satiated. The reason is not pure desire. If it was it would have given satisfaction but it does not. So now we are here. Within 10-15 minutes we are going to jump into a new awareness when you are going to feel this all-pervading power on your fingertips. I know you all have questions.You all are very intelligent people but this is beyond mind. Whatever I have said is not to be taken so seriously. Just remember that all of you are capable of getting your enlightenment and in that light, you can see for yourself, what you are. What is your weakness, what is your potential? I mean I have seen people going so much above their own expectations like this Miss India, Miss Universe, she is a Sahaja yogini. She came to me she asked me, mother, I am going for this kind of a thing, beauty contest. I said go ahead. I don't want to wear funny dresses.I said no-no as you sometimes wear swimming dress after all once in a while you have to wear the swimming dress, doesn't matter. So I said you are going for what? She said now for Miss India and then for Miss Universe. Alright I said, you will become Miss universe. S he has become.She is not such a beauty I would say, but the way she answered the way she had poise, the way she showed her maturity she got it. I have known many musicians like Amzad Ali Khan,(UNCLEAR)Khan,Debu Chaudary, so many Indians they came to Sahaja Yoga and after that, they prospered.Specially Debu had a problem.His thumb had the problem of a artist thumb.He got cured and today he is a very well known musician. Artists, painters all kinds of qualities which is within you. So much potential. A person who is a chartered accountant who has never known anything about poetry has become a great poet. So all these things are within you always. And you just manifest them but you don't develop an ego. You enjoy your own virtues. Become extremely dynamic at the same time extremely compassionate and extremely humble. Look at these gurus. They have nothing. No enlightenment. All these Sahajayogies who are sitting here are all enlightened people. They haven't developed any horns or anything. They are not going about in funny dresses but they are all enlightened, each one of them is capable of giving realisation. And can you imagine? Same thing with you. Today you are facing me, tomorrow you will be sitting this side. This is what it is.It is promised in the scriptures this is what we have to have. No use talking about all these things like I am a twice-born somebody comes to you just like anybody else. What is twice-born? Twice Born is a person who is enlightened.Sanskrit they call it Dvijaha means born twice. Dvijaha. To egg. Also to a bird. Because it is an egg and then it becomes a bird. Also to an enlightened person, they call it Dvijaha, means the one who is first a human being then becomes enlightened,but it is like another brand born again,if there is no difference. Then you become so righteous, so beautiful. You are amazed to see how. So we have to now just think that we have to have this which is our right and not feel any way obliged to me.No way. It is your own.And it will all work out. I am sure it will work out tonight, the way you had to wait and the way you enjoyed the music.Look at these. These are not Indians, but singing Indian, Sanskrit, Marathi, songs and even to say one sentence of Hindi by an English man was the greatest headache. You cannot teach an English man a Hindi song leave alone one sentence but they are singing Sanskrit songs. Also, Indian music is very difficult.It is very systematic. I myself am surprised sometimes when they say the Indian musicians say that we are ashamed. How could they do it because we had to practice for years together and how have they done it?How could they do it?It is remarkable.So now I again give one minute for people who want to leave. But don't disturb others.If you don't want to do it, don't do it but it is not proper ,it is not civil to disturb other people by walking out and going out while doing it, watching them.Whatever I am telling you today is not to be done afterwards.It is just for tonight.You have to do. It's a very simple thing very very simple. But there are three conditions which are also very simple. The first one I have already told you. You are not to feel guilty at all. When you feel guilty then it develops a problem on this side of this centre-left side of Vishuddhi chakra, and as a result what you develop, maybe spondylitis may be angina may be all your organs will be completely lethargic. With this one centre.Now with this comes with guilt so-called. If you have done anything wrong at that moment is better to face it up and finish it. What is the use of storing it here, to get all these diseases.It is a fashion to feel guilty.To feel guilty is a fashion So please not to feel guilty about anything.Moreover, the Kundalini is rising supposing this obstruction how will she pierce through? Now the second condition is that you have to forgive everyone in general in the sense that you don't have to think about, just you have to forgive. Now you will say that it is very difficult to forgive. I mean whether you forgive or don't forgive, what do you do? Nothing. You are carrying on with the myth but because of that, you suffer.You suffer. You play into wrong hands. All your life you suffer, and there is no sense in saying that I cannot forgive because you don't do anything. So you have to forgive but more at this moment. This centre is constructed like this absolutely like this. IT won't open. Unless and until you forgive it won't open like this and only then the Kundalini can pass through. So just imagine how important it is. So just forgive everyone.Forgive every one.In general you don't even have to think about it because thinking itself is a headache. So just forgive them. That means you should be very pleasantly placed towards your self.Very pleasantly placed. Nothing wrong with you. Very simple for you to get your Realisation, and you don't care what others have done to you. Past is past.It is finished. The third one is another very simple one. That you have to take out your shoes. There's nothing serious inside. Because this Mother Earth is very kind. She suckes in all your problems in herself at this moment, so just take out your shoes. I hope you don't mind.In England, when the first time I told them you have to take out your shoe half of the them walked out.I was really surprised by how they were identified with their shoes.Alright as I said you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. You should not feel guilty at all and just forgive.Forgive every one.It's very good.Now you have to sit comfortably. Don't have to slouch or put any strain on you. Just comfortably. I said you don't have to go to the Himalayas. Nothing. On your chairs sitting down here you will get your Realisation. But have faith in yourself. Know that you are going to get it. Just know that you are going to get it.It's just your faith in yourself that is going to work it out. Now somebody has to show.Alright. She will show you how you will have to nourish your centres, which is for today only. You don't have to do it again. Just for today. Now please put both the hands towards me like this. Just like this.Comfortably.Now put one of them on your lap comfortably again, on your left lap.Now the right is like this.Now the left one is symbolic because on the left side we have the power of Desire of mundane life. So is here by suggesting that you want your Self Realisation.So left hand towards me.You are working on your left hand. The right hand is symbolic about the power of action, so we use our right hand for giving nourishment to our centres. Please put the right hand now on your heart. In the heart resides the spirit which is the reflection of God Almighty.Now if you become the spirit then you become your own guide, your own master. So now please put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the centre of your mastery which is being created by great prophets. Now you please take your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the centre for pure divine knowledge.It looks funny but it is so. You will know how it is. Now take your hand again in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now please take your hand now on your heart again and now put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. I've already told you about the centre when it is in jeopardy you get all kinds of diseases because you feel guilty. Please take your right hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head. This is a centre where we have to forgive everyone in general and now I am showing you how to do it but later on, we will close our eyes and do it. Now please take the right-hand backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the centre where you have to ask forgiveness from this divine power without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your own satisfaction. Now please the last centre is very important. Stretch your palm. Put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now most important is to push back your fingers so there is a good pressure on your scalp. Now please put down your head. Please put down your head and now move the scalp with the pressure seven times clockwise. Please push back your fingers. That's all we have to do.Thats all.Now we will have to close our eyes and you don't have to open them till I tell you. Your feet should be set apart from each other because left and right side. Those who are sitting on the ground are alright. They don't have to worry, but those who are sitting on the chair should put both the feet away from each other. Also, put the left hand on your left lap comfortably. Now use your right hand for giving vibrations to your heart. And now close your eyes. Close your eyes.Please don't open them till I tell you. Here, you have to ask me a very fundamental question about yourself. You can call me the Mother or Shri Mataji.Mother am I the spirit, ask this question three times. Mother am I the spirit, please ask this question three times. No, no, in your heart.Ask this question in your heart, not loudly.Now, please take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Here you have to ask another fundamental question about yourself. So in your heart, please say it three times Mother, am I, my own master. Please ask in your heart three times, Mother am I, my own master. I have told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it.So please put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and here you have to ask six times because this centre has got six petals. So please ask six times, Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge. As soon as you ask for pure divine knowledge the Kundalini starts rising so you have to nourish your higher centres with your full self-confidence. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side, and here you have to say with full self-confidence ten times, Mother, I am my own master. Please say it. Mother, I am my own master. Say ten times. At the very outset I have told you that you are not this body this mind, this emotions this intellect, this ego or these conditionings but you are the pure spirit. So now raise your right hand on top of your heart and say it again with full self-confidence twelve times, Mother I am the pure spirit. Please say twelve times, Mother I am the pure spirit.This all-pervading divine power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion, is the ocean of blessings but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you have committed can be easily dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness so at this moment you please forgive yourself fully and not to feel guilty. Raise your right hand the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to right. Here you have to say sixteen times with full self-confidence, Mother I am not guilty at all. Please say. Very important. I've already told you whether you forgive or you don't forgive you don't do anything but if you don't forgive then you play to wrong hands especially at this juncture where we are just about to enter into the kingdom of God we have to forgive so that this centre of Agnya will open and the Kundalini can easily pierce through so, please. Now take your right hand on top of your forehead across put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to say from your heart not how many times, Mother I forgive everyone in general. Don't think about anyone. Mother, I forgive everyone in general.Say it from your heart not how many times. Now without feeling guilty, without counting, your mistakes just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the all-pervading divine power. So now please put your right hand in the backside of your head and here you have to say again not how many times but from your heart, you have to say O Divine Power, if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me. Again say it from your heart O Divine Power if I have done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me. Now the last centre is very important and by which the Kundalini will pierce through into the subtle energy of Brahma Chaitanya. So now stretch your right hand fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontenelle bone area. Now please put down your head and stretch back your fingers. Here again, I cannot give you self realisation you have to ask for it. So please move your scalp seven times slowly clockwise saying seven times, Mother please give me my self-Realization or mother please give me my enlightenment, whatever you want to say. Now please take down your hands. Please open your eyes and put both the hands like this, little higher. Now watch me without thinking. Now you have to put the right hand towards me and put down your head and see with your left hand if there is a cool or hot breeze like vibrations coming out of your head. Please. Please don't put your hand on top. Little away from it.Some people get it further, more. Please see. Now please try again with the left hand towards Me and right hand, bend your head, with the right hand on top of the Fontenelle bone area. If it is still hot that means you have to forgive yourself or forgive others. If you do that it will cool down, I am sure. Now last. Again the right hand please put down your head. I think you have not forgiven others. That is very important to forgive others. Now see with your left hand on top of the fontenelle bone area, move your hand and see there is a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations coming out of your own head. Now don't doubt it. Don't doubt it. Now raise both your hands towards the sky like this and push back your head and ask this question, three times, any one of these three questions you can ask three times. First, is, Mother is this the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost? Three times. Mother, is this the All-pervading power of Divine love? Three times. Anyone of them. Mother is this the Paramachaitanya? Is this the Ruh?Ask. Anyone of these questions three times in your heart. Push back your head. Please put them down. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze like vibrations on their fingertips or on their palms or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. I bow to you,all the New York people.You all have got realisation, is very remarkable. May God bless you all.You now have become saints. You will be surprised what a change will come within you but you don't get lost with it. I have to tell you that you have to grow for that you have to come to our centres. Of course, you don't have to pay but you have to pay respect to your self-realisation. In one months time, you all can become Masters. Maximum. could be two days also. So please come to our centre. Luckily we have very strong nice Sahajayogies here, very humble people, and they will tell you how you are to achieve this thing permanently within you and it is so enjoyable afterwards that you will start doing it yourself. Thank you very much. Clapping…..I will come next year to New York. May God bless you.